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Teacher kyla wants to find out what knowledge or skills the students have mastered to set up
her starting point for Grade 11 English, She needs to a________________.
a. Diagnostic evaluation
b. Summative evaluation
c. Placement evaluation
d. Program evaluation

2. Max Scheler introduced a hierarchy of values that the teacher needs to develop among learners.
Identify these values along the following situation.
Teacher Didi recognized the fact that learning has a strong sensual feeling and so she explores
the learners_______________.
a. Pleasure values
b. Vital values
c. Spiritual values
d. Values of the holy

3. What example will you propose as work assignment the engages learners in active learning in a
student-centered classroom?
a. Drills
b. Lecture
c. Demonstration
d. Project-making

4. What is the core of the classroom setting in every school?

a. Instruction
b. Research
c. Curriculum
d. Syllabus

5. After receiving a complaint from students, how will you as supervisor in a department judge
teacher who explained that high cost of materials caused him to collect money for test papers,
but he forgot to monograph them?
a. Reasoning
b. Rationalizing
c. Clarifying
d. Justifying

6. Who first formally stated that “truth and knowledge arise out of observation and experience?
a. Jean Jacques Rosseau
b. John Dewey
c. William James
d. John Locke
7. Among thinking analysis means ________________.
a. Selecting relevant and important information
b. Breaking down complex information
c. Placing information categories
d. Comparing information for proper choices

8. What is the best way for teachers to present facts on subject content?
a. Direct instruction
b. Indirect instruction
c. Collaborative learning
d. Self-directed learning

9. The school wants to find out the causes of students problems that gave them in the district
exam. The school has to do a ________________.
a. Summative evaluation
b. Program evaluation
c. Diagnostic evaluation
d. Placement evaluation

10. Which test is subjective and less reliable for scoring and grading?
a. Multiple choice
b. Completion
c. Essay
d. Matching

11. For the production of learning outcomes, the Expert Learning checks errors and redirect efforts
to maintain _____________.
a. Required output
b. Large output quantity
c. Diversified output
d. Quality output

12. Which of the following is simulation to abstract the real word in learning?
a. Scrabble
b. Role playing
c. Monopoly
d. Chess
13. Teacher Elena stopped giving group work after she observed group members lead work to group
leaders. What specific principle of learning should urge Teacher Elena revive and guide students
on group activities?
a. Learning is an active process
b. Learning is a collaborative process
c. Learning is a discovery of ideas
d. Learning starts with clear expectations and outcomes

14. Which of the following principles best applies to school and community?
a. The community is obliged to participate in school programs
b. The school is independent of the school program
c. Community relations is part of the school program
d. Both school and community fall under local government control

15. Among factors to professionalism, which do you think is LEAST among characteristics that
determine the quality of professional service by teachers?
a. Commitment to ethical standards
b. Salary range in service
c. Long and arduous work preparation
d. Continuing professional education

16. In grade distribution of class, what is the basic numerical data that you will obtain as the average
of grades?
a. Measure
b. Mode
c. Median
d. Mean

17. Which kind of test measures students’ progress and appraise their ability relative to specific
a. Norm-reference
b. Item-reference
c. Subject-reference
d. Criterion-reference

18. Which standardized test is commonly used for special testing (e.g. school admission, placement
of students?
a. Intelligence test
b. Psychological test
c. Medical test
d. Achievement test
19. Along Piaget’s principles, which can be effective by way of props and visual aids to help children
understand ideas?
a. Instructional media
b. Drawings and illustrations
c. Chalkboard writing
d. Bulletin board displays

20. Standardized tests that cover the subject or course in a school, district or region need to have _.
a. Criterion validity
b. Content validity
c. Predictive validity
d. Curricular validity

21. Ausubels’ advance organizers help for students to get ____________of the topic to be learned.
a. Pieces of puzzle
b. Detailed pattern
c. Fish bowl view
d. Bird’s eye view

22. The teacher as facilitator adds vigor, light and life in the classroom by his/her __________.
a. Uniform
b. Composure
c. Reticence
d. Presence

23. What would you expect to prevail among students when purely essentialist learning is applied in
a. Number of drop-outs increase
b. They become passive learners
c. There is less discipline among students
d. Learning achievements is low

24. As supported by research, these form identified variables for student achievement through
teaching and instruction, but NOT to include___________.
a. Class participation
b. Instructional reinforcement
c. Improved reading and study skills
d. School id’s and uniform
25. These are signs that students are active learners-centered classroom but NOT to include___.
a. Students reflecting on presented ideas
b. Students adding on new information
c. Students reacting to stimuli
d. Students writing journals

26. In the 4 A’s approach to facilitating learning, the students learn best to relate ideas to real-life
a. Analysis
b. Activity
c. Application
d. Abstraction

27. What example can you give to exemplify Skinners Negative Reinforcertheory?
a. Failure for those who miss the final exam
b. Exams are postponed indefinitely
c. No final exam for those who have a 1.25 grade
d. No permit, no final exam

28. This arises from social institutions without being considered as one of transcendent values that
are universal and unchanging.
a. Authority
b. Love
c. Justice
d. Freedom

29. According to Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory, learners who have the natural ability and
inclination for sounds, meanings, structures and sounds of language are___________.
a. Naturalist intelligence learners
b. Musical intelligence learners
c. Spatial intelligence learners
d. Verbal-linguistic intelligence learners

30. Reliability of tests can be improved by various factors and one is_________ in which scores are
spread over a range of abilities.
a. Increased number of score items
b. Heterogeneous of the student group
c. Moderate item difficult
d. Objective scoring
31. What skills do Principal Zeny need to develop in order to focus well on problems, pick up real
messages and be sensitive to her teachers and students?
a. Communication skills
b. Confidence building
c. Diagnostic skills
d. Critical thinking skills

32. Technological competencies which are given emphasis in 21 st century education means
integration of ______________devices in teaching and learning.
a. Analogue
b. Audio-visual
c. Digital
d. Mechanical

33. What will you find and the UN declaration of Human rights as the most human approach to the
protection of children in the world?
a. Multi-diverse learning
b. A modern family environment
c. Norm-referenced
d. School education

34. What project will you propose to the principal when more senses are to be involved in the
learning process?
a. Demonstration
b. Field trip
c. Exhibit
d. Lecture

35. At what age is Filipino child a beneficiary of the early childhood and Care national system under
R.A 8980?
a. From infancy to teenage years
b. From preschool to kindergarten age
c. During preschool to basic education
d. Application of a concept

36. Which kind of multiple question is “Henry Kissinger is well known (a) corporate lawyer
(b) avante-garde playwright (c) surrealist artist (d) international statements.
a. Simple knowledge
b. Assessment of an issue
c. Application of formula
d. Application of concept
37. Which is avoided in brainstorming as a form of group dynamics in instruction?
a. Reviving old ideas
b. Making assumptions
c. Opening subject guesses
d. Object to ideas

38. Based on DepEd’s mission statement “quality basic education means the students learn in child
friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment”. This implies that DepEd believes
that environment affects learning. Which philosophy of education is this?
a. Utilitarianism
b. Empiricism
c. Behaviorism
d. Essentialism

39. Which is referred to as assessment of learning?

a. Authentic assessment
b. Traditional assessment
c. Summative assessment
d. Formative assessment

40. Which thought activity or cognitive ability is tested in the easy question: “Describe the strengths
and weaknesses of Values Education in basic education today?
a. Creating
b. Synthesizing
c. Evaluating
d. Applying

41. How would you describe teacher candy’s initiative in relating to everyone in the class without
play favorites?
a. Competitive
b. Inclusive
c. Constructive
d. Exclusive

42. For Vygotsky, what is the key concept in the team Scaffolding that is provide by teacher to
learners so that they can complete their learning tasks?
a. Right information
b. Appropriate assistance
c. Correct attitude
d. Proper procedures
43. What is generally advanced by education who suggests back-to-basic learning in education?
a. Home schooling
b. 3 R’s
c. Apprenticeship
d. 4 pillars

44. Which of the following expressions is a direct motivator made by a teacher before an
a. Pay close attention to time
b. Don’t work too slow or you’ll be left behind
c. It’s all right to guess
d. I will be happy if you try your best

45. Teacher like wants to hold a discussion with a small panel of students as resource persons. He
can effectively use __________informal seating pattern for said aim.
a. Traditional formal pattern
b. Horseshoe pattern
c. Rectangular pattern
d. Circular pattern

46. What is teacher Shienna encouraging by her hands on and play approach to teaching early
childhood learners?
a. Mind skills
b. Self-expression
c. Leisure
d. Occupational crafts

47. Thinking skills that are metacognitive relate to __________________

a. Analytical thinking of parts information
b. Direct thinking of the “what” about facts and figures
c. Reflective thinking on the “how” of one’s learning
d. Propound thinking of “what”, “who” and “where’.

48. Setting of learning objectives adopts certain characteristics under the acronym of SMART. Which
does A stands for?
a. Achieve
b. Active
c. Attainable
d. Admissible
49. According to Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, spatial intelligence learners are
inclined/disposed to _____________.
a. Colors, shapes, symmetry and images
b. One’s own strength, goals and desires
c. Body language, moods. Voice, feelings
d. Touch, movement, physical self

50. In order to clarify values that have emotional overtones due to controversies and differences of
opinion, one good recommendation is for the teacher__________.
a. To say what is moral for you may not be moral for others
b. To remain neutral
c. To speak up for morality
d. To take the most radical position.

51. The idea of revisiting and elaborating to the level of full understanding is achieved through
a. Advanced organizers
b. Concept mapping
c. Spiral curriculum
d. Enrichment curriculum

52. Based on Bloom’s taxonomy, which of the following can be most effective for making a synthesis
of learning?
a. A comparison of standards
b. A definition
c. A text reading
d. A plan

53. What is frustration control in the scaffold instruction reading strategies for student’s
independent reading?
a. No frustration, no gain
b. Exploit frustration of not being able to read
c. Remove teacher frustration in teaching reading
d. Help reduce stress

54. For Bandura’s theory, what is the teacher as he is the object of observation in school?
a. Substitute model
b. Live model
c. Virtual model
d. Symbolic model
55. What is applied by Skinner’s in overt behavior like events can result in learning?
a. Reinforcement schedules
b. Operant conditioning
c. Behavioral chaining
d. Shaping of behavior

56. Every teacher should facilitate mastery of the content of lessons and this connotes the following
characteristics of learning EXCEPT____________.
a. Adroit
b. Excellent
c. Admissible
d. Proficient

57. Along Piaget’s principles this is most appropriate for learning Story Literature in middle
a. As a status
b. As a benchmark
c. As a law
d. As ethical code

58. Along Piaget’s principles what, is most appropriate for middle Childhood
Arithmetic/Mathematics learners?
a. Make students compete in speed in number solutions
b. Use story problems in mathematics
c. Drill students in computing with numbers
d. Discuss mathematical ideas

59. Which thought activity or cognitive ability is tested in the essay question. Using Christian Ethics.
How can population control be managed?
a. Justifying
b. Summarizing
c. Relating cause and effect
d. Application

60. What two central factors were given by Vygotsky for the teacher to provide appropriate
assistance to learners for tasks completion?
a. Interaction and language
b. Strategies and initiatives
c. Planning and strategizing
d. Concepts and application
61. From Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive processing at what level is teacher Didi is asking her
students to formulate their personal philosophy of education?
a. Evaluating
b. Assessing
c. Creating
d. Analyzing

62. The history of curriculum development in the Philippines shows reduction of units in the
humanities but an increase in the natural and physical sciences. On which though is this action
a. Utilitarianism
b. Empiricism
c. Essentialism
d. Behaviorism

63. According to Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory, who work effectively with numbers,
patterns and quantitative reasoning are____________.
a. Logical-mathematical intelligence learners
b. Naturalist intelligence learners
c. Verbal-intelligence learners
d. Spatial intelligence learners

64. Among important characteristics for successful teaching, which will you choose to connote
physical vigor, energy, industry, endurance, zealousness and quickness?
a. Drive
b. Emotional stability
c. Refinement
d. Reliability

65. Which of the following is most exemplary for question-and-answer episodes in teaching
I. Question and answer exchange are relevant
II. Answers have some depth
III. Question spur critical thinking
IV. Focus is on meta-cognition

a. I, II and III
b. IV
c. I, III and IV
d. I, II, and IV

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