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The following Dictionary forms a part of Mr. Weale's Educational

Series, and is intended to meet the wants of those whose necessities

or wishes lead them to cultivate a knowledge of the Latin tongue,

and who, for that purpose, take up such authors as Virgil, Horace,

Ovid, Terence, Juvenal, Sallust, Livy, Cicero, &c. &c. &c. The
object of the publisher is to render it extensively useful. When
bound in one volume with the English-Latin Dictionary, it will form

a suitable accompaniment to the Series of Educational Volumes.



A, or a, before consonants instead Abfutiirus, a, um, part, to be Abligurio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to
of ab, prep, from, by, by reason absent spend riotously, to consume
Abs, of or from [of Abgrggo, as, avi, a. to sever, to Abloco, to let for hire
as, a.
Abactor, oris, m. a driver away, a take out of the flock Abludo, ere, si, sum, n. to be un-
stealer Abhlnc, adv. since, hence, in like, to differ
Abactus, a, um, part, driven away time to come Abluendus, a, um, part, to be
by force, or stealth Abhorrens, tis, part, abhorring, washed clean
Abactus, us, m. a driving away disliking, differing Abluens, tis, part, washing clean
Abaculiis, i, m. dim. from Abacus Abhorrens, adj. unfit, foolish, not Abluo, fire, ui, utum, a. to wash
Abacus, i, m. a desk, a cupboard, consistent with clean, to wash away, to atone
a bench, a table, the Pythago- Abhorreo, ere, ui, n. to abhor, to Ablatio, onis,/. a washing off
rean multiplication table dislike [ing Ablutus, a, um, part, washed
Abalienatio, onis,/. an alienating; Abhortatus, a, um, part, dissuad- clean
Abalienatus, a, um, part, alie"- Abjecte, adv. meanly, poorly, Abn&to, as, a. to swim away
nated, removed badly Abneco, ui and avi, a. to kill
Abalieno, as, act. to alienate, to Abjectio, Onis, /. a taking away, Abnggatus, a, um, part, denied,
estrange, to throw, or cast off, dejection, despondency, despair refused
to dispose of Abjectus, a, um, part, cast off, Abnego, as, a. to deny, to refuse
Abavus, i, m. a great grandfa- thrown away, exposed Abngpos, otis, m. a great grand-
ther's father Abiens, abeuntis, part, going away son _ [daughter
Abbas, a tis, m. an abbot Abies, gtis, /. a fir-tree, a plank Abneptis, is, /. a great grand-
Abbatia, ae,/. an abbacy Abietarius, i, m. a shipwright, a Abnodatus, a, um, part, cleared
Abbatissa, se, /. an abbess carpenter of knots
Abbrevio, are, avi, atum, a. to Abiga, se,/. ground ivy Abnodo, as, n to cut off knots
shorten Ablgendus, a, um, part, to be Abnormis, e, adj. irregular, sin-
Abdendus, a, um, part, to be hid- w driven off, or away
gular [jected
den, or concealed Abigens, tis, part. Abnuendus, a, um, part, to be re-
Abdicandus, um, part, to be
a, Abigo, 6re, egi, actum, a. to drive, Abnuens, tis, part, denying, re-
abrogated, to be laid down, or or send away, to hinder from fusing
aside Abjlciendus, a, um, part, to be Abnuiturus, a, um, part, about to
Abdlcatio, onis, /. an abdication, thrown, or cast away refuse, that would refuse
a renouncing Abjtciens, tis, part, casting off Abnuo, fire, ui, utum, act. to deny,
Abdlcatiuus, a, um, part, about Abjicio, ere, jeci, jcctum, a. to to refuse
to quit throw, or cast away Ab5lendas, a, um, part, to be
Abdlcatus, a, um, part, abdicated, Abinde, adv. from thence, ever abolished
renounced, resigned since Aboleo, ere, ui and evi, itum, act.
Abdico, as, are, a. to abdicate Abitio, onis,/. a departing to abolish, to abrogate
Abdico, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to refuse, Ablto, are, n. to go away Abftleseo, 6re, evi, Itum, n. to
to forebode Ablturus, a, um, part, about to wither or decay, to die
Abdlte, adv. secretly, privately depart Ab51ttio, onis, / an abolition, a
Abditlvus, a, um, adj. concealed, Abitus, us, m. a going away, an end cancelling [abolish
hidden [cover Abjudicatus, a, um, part, given Abolltuvus, a. um, part, about to
Abditum, i, n. a secret place, a by judgment Abolltus, a, um, part, abolished,
Abditus, a, um, part, hidden, con- Abjudlco, as, a. to give lands, ruinous
cealed, hoarded up sentence, or verdict, to deny Abolla, s, /. a senator's robe, a
Abdo, 6re, didi, ditum, a. to hide, Abjunctus, a, um, part. soldier's coat, a philosopher's
to conceal [belly Abjungo, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to un- cloak
Abdomen, Inis, n. the paunch, the yoke, to remove Abominandus, a, um, part, to be
Abduco, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to lead Abjuratus, a, um, part, denied detested
away, to carry off, to take by upon oath Abommans, tis, pari, abominat-
force [away Abjuro, to deny upon oath
as, a. _ i n .?
Abducturas, a, um, part, to take Ablaqueo, as, a. to lay bare the Abommatus, a, um, part, abhor-
Abductus, a, urn, part, carried off, roots ring, hated
or away, stolen Ablativus, a, um, adj. ablative Abommor, dep. to abominate,
Abedo, ere, edi, esum, a. to eat up Ablaturus, a, um, part, about to to detest [ants
Abeo, Ire, Ivi, and ii, Itum, n. to take, or carry away Aborigines, um, e.g. first inhabit-
depart, to go off, or away Ablatus, a, um, part, taken away Abortio, 6nis,/. a miscarriage
AbequTto, as, n. to ride away Ablegandus, a, um, part, to be Aborto, as, n. to miscarry
Aberrans, tis, part, wandering sent away Abortlvum, i, n. an abortion
from . Ablegatio, onis,/. a sending out of Abortlvus, a, um, adj. abortive
Aberratio, 5nis,/. a wandering Ablegatus, a, um, part, sent away, Abortus, us, m. a miscarriage
Abcrro, as, n. to wander, to lose removed Abrado, ere, si, sum, a. to scrape,
the way [wanting Ablego, as, a. to send away shave, cut - [away
Abl'cre, ii\fi*. of absum, to be Ablepsia, se, / a want of sight Abrasus, a, um, part, ahavra, cut
Abreptus, a, urn, part, torn away, Abslinenter, adv. discreetly, mo- Acceptio, Onis,/. a taking, a grant-
carried off derately [tegrity ing, or allowing
Abripio, ere, ui, eptum, a. to carry Aostlnentia, se, /. abstinence, in- Accepto, as, to accept, or receive
or drag away by force Abstmeo, ere, ui, stentum, a. to Acceptor, oris, m. a receiver
Abrodo, ere, si, sum, a. to gnaw abstain, refrain Acceptrix, icis,/. a female receiver
or cut off [versing Absto, stare, stiti, stitum, n. to Acceptum, i, n. a thing received
AbrOgatio, onis,/. a repeal, a re- stand at a distance, to stand off Accepturus, a, um, part, about tc |

Abrogatus, a, urn, part, repealed Abstracturus, a, um, part, about receive

Abrogo, as, a. to repeal to draw off Acceptus, a, um, part, received,
AbrotOnum, i, n. southernwood Abstract us, a, um, part, drawn taken, treated
Abrumpendus, a, uni, part, to be away Accersendus, a, um, part, to be
broken, torn off Abstrahens, tis, part, drawing called, sent for
Abrumpo, ere, rupi, upturn, a. to away Accersens, tis, part, sending for
break, tear, or throw off Abstraho, £re, xi, ctum, a. to Accersio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to fetch,
Abrupt e, adv. abruptly, rashly draw, drag, or tear away or send for
Abruptio, onis, /. a breaking, a Abstrictus, a, um, part, united Accersitor, oris, m. a sender for
divorce Abstriido, ere, si, sum, a. to con- Accersitus, a, um, part, sent for,
Abruptum, i, n. a precipice ceal, to hide far fetched
Abrupturus, a, um, part, about to Abstriisus, a, um, part, hidden, Accersitus, us, m. a sending for
break concealed, abstruse Accerso, ere, ivi, Itum, a. to send
Abruptus, a, um, part, broken or Absum, esse, fui, futurus, n. to be for, to accuse, to procure, to hire
cut off, steep absent, or away, distant Accessio, onis, /. an accession, an
Abs, prep. from. Absiimedo, mis, /. a wasting increase, interest of money
Abscedens, tis, part, departing Absumendus, a, um, part, to be Accessurus, a, um, part, about
Abscedo, ere, cessi, cessum, n. to consumed to approach
depart, to go or be taken away Absumo, 6re, psi, ptum, a. to con- Accessus, a, wm, part, approached
Abscessurus, a, um, part, about sume, to destroy Accessus, us, m. an access
to depart Absumpturus, a, um, part, about Accidens, tis, part, happening
Abscessus, us, m. a recess, a de- to consume Accidentia, ae, /. that which hap-
parture, abscess Absumptus, a, urn, part, consumed pens achance
Abscldo, ere, di, sum, a. to cut off Absurde, adv. absurdly Aceido, ere, i, n. to fall down, to
Abscindendus, a, um, part, to be Absurdus, a, um, adj. absurd, fall, to come to, to befal, to
cut off foolish [copious happen
Abscindo, £re, scidi, scissum, a: Abundans, tis, part, abounding, Aceido, ere, di, sum, a. to weaken,
to cut or rend off Abundanter, adv. abundantly to cut- short
Abscissio, onis,/. a cutting short Abundantia, ae,/. abundance Accieo, ere, Ivi, Itum, a. to fetch
Abscissior, us, adj. shorter, severer Abundatio, onis,/. abundance Accinctus, a, um, part, girded,
Abscissus, a, um, part, cut off, or Abundaturus, a, um, part, about furnished, prepared for
short _ to abound Accingo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to gird
Abscondite, adv. secretly, closely Abunde, adv. enough, sufficiently to, to prepare for
Abscondltus, a, um, part, and adj. Abundo, as, n. to abound, to be Accio, Ire, Ivi, itum, a. to send for,
hidden _rich or call, or procure
Abscondo, £re, di and didi, ditum Abusio, onis,/. an abuse Accipiendus, a, um, part, to be
and sum, a. to hide, cover, or Abusque, prep, from as far as taken, received [ceiving
keep close Abusus, (is, m. an abuse AccTpiens, tis, part, taking, re-
Absens, tis, part, absent, distant Abutendus, a, um, part, to be Accipio, Cre, epi, eptum, a. to take,
Absentia, ae,/. absence abused to receive, to undertake, to learn,
Absilio, ire, ui, n. to leap from, to Abutens, tis, part, abusing to accept [tortioner
fly off Abator, i, usus, dep. to abuse, to Accipiter, tris, m. a hawk, an ex-
Absimilis, e, adj. very unlike misapply Accisus, a, um, part, cut off, clipt
Absinthium, i, n. wormwood Abyssus, i,/. a bottomless pit short, shortened
Absistens, tis, part, ceasing, de- Ac, conj. and, and indeed Acciturus, a, um, part, about to
parting Acacia, a?,/, a thorn send for
Absisto, ere, abstiti, n. to depart Academia, »,/. an academy Accitus, a, um, part, sent for
from, to cease Academicus, i, m. an academician Accltus, us, m. a sending for
Absolvens, tis, part, acquitting Academicus, a, um, adj. of the Acclamans, tis, part, calling,
Absolvo, ere, vi, latum, a. to ac- university shouting
quit, to discharge, to dispatch Acanthinus, a, um, adj. of, or like Acclamatio, onis,/ a calling aloud,
Absolute, adv. perfectly bear's foot a shout
Absolutio, onis, /. absolution, an Acanthis, idis,/. a goldfinch Acclamo, as, a. and n. to shout
acquitting, a discharging Acanthus, i, m. bear's foot for joy
Abs6lutorius, a, um, adj. pertain- Acatium, i, n. a pinnace, a barge Accllnaturus, a, um, part, about
ing to acquitting, or pardoning Accedens, tis, part, coming, added to lean
Absolutus, a, um, part, acquitted, Accedo, 6re, ssi, ssum, a. to ap- Accllnatus, a, um, part, leaning,
pardoned, finished proach, to draw near bent
Abs5nus, a, um, adj. harsh in Acceleratio, onis,/. a hastening Acclinis, e, adj. leaning on, in-
sound, discordant, irregular Acceleratus, a, um, part, hastened clining, prone
Absorbeo, ere, ui and psi, ptum, Accelero, as, a. to hasten, to make Acclino, as, n. to lean, or bend
a. to sup up, to suck in haste forward
Absque, prep, without, but for, Accendendus, a, um, part, to be Accllvis, e, adj. steep, ascending
except stirred up Accllvus, a, um, adj. steep, rising
Abstemius, a, um, adj. sober, not Accendens, tis, part, exciting Accllvitas, atis, /. steepness, as-
fond of Accendo, 6re, di, sum, a. to in- cent
Abstergens, tis, part, wiping away flame, to set on fire, to light AccOla, ae, c. g. a near inhabitant
Abstergeo, ere, si, sum, a. to wipe Accenseo, ere, ui, sum, a. 10 add Accolens, tis, part, bordering on
clean, or off to, to reckon among Accolo, ere, ui, a. to dwell near
Abstergo, ere, same as Abstergeo Accensus, a, um, part, set on fire, Accomm5dandus, a, um, part, to
Absterreo, ere, ui, itum, a. to kindled, inflamed be accommodated
frighten away Accensus, i, m. a new enlisted Accommodans, tis, part, fitting,
Absterritus, a, um, part affrighted . soldier, a supernumerary officer adapting
Abttersus, a, um, part, wiped off Accentus, us, ?n. an accent, a tone Accommodate, adv. aptly, suitably
Abstlnendus, a, um, part, to be Aceeptans, tis, part, accepting, AccommOdatio, onis, /. an accom-
kept from taking modation, an applying
Abstlnens, tis, adj. abstinent, Acceptator, oris, m. one who ac- Accommodatus, a, um, part, and
temperate cepts er approves of a thing adj. suited, designed for
JBcommodo, as, a. to accommo- Acervus, i, m. a heap, or hoard Actutum, adv. presently, forth-
Jdate, to suit, to fit Acescens, tis, part, turning sour with
•commodus, a,urn, adj. suitable Acesco, ere, incep. to grow sour Acuendus, a, urc, part, to be
ifecredens, part, believing
tis, Acgsis, is, /. water sage sharpened [whetting
Accredo, e>e, didi, Hum, a. to be- Acetabulum, i, n. a saucer, a cup, Acuens, tis, part, sharpening,
lieve, to give credit to a box Aculeatus, a, um, adj. having a
Accrementum, i, n. an increase Acetaria, Crura, pi. n. a salad, prickle, or sharp point
Accrescens, tis, part, increasing Aculeus, i, m. a sting, a prickle
Accresco, ere, evi, etum, n. to in- Acumen, Inis, n. the point, or edge
crease, to swell Achates, ae, m. agate, a ring of a thing, a dart, cunning
Accretio, Onis,/. an increase Acheron, tis, m. a river in hell, Acuminatus, a, um, part, pointed
Accubans, tis, part, lying, or sit- hell, the grave [ron Acuo, ere, i, a. to sharpen, to whet,
ting down, adjoining to Achgronticus, a, um, adj. of Ache- to excite, to provoke
Accubatio, onis,/. a lying down A chelae, arum, pl.f. grasshoppers Acus, ens, n. chaff
Accubitus, us, m. a sitting down Achilleum, i, n. a sort of spunge Acus, L m. a long prickly sea fish
Accfibo, are, ui, Hum, n. to sit at Achnas, adis, /. a wild pear-tree Acus, us, /. a needle, a bodkin
table, to lie down Achor, oris, m. the scald, a kind Acute, ius, issime, adv. acutely,
Accudo, ere, di, sura, a. to coin of scab on children's heads sharply, wittily
Accumbens, tis, part, lying down Actdulus, a, um, adj. dim. some- Acutulus, a, um, adj. dim. some-
Ai'ctunbo, ere, iibui, Hum, n. to ^ what sour what sharp, or keen
lie, or sit down at meat Acidus, a, um, adj. acid, sour Acutus, a, um, adj. ior, issimus,
Accumiilans, tis, part, heaping up Acies, ei, /. an edge or point, the sharp,pointed,ingenious,scorch.
Accumulatio, onis, /. a heaping up sight of the eve, an army, a ing-
Acciimulatissime, adv. superl. battle, the field of battle Ad, prep, to, before, at, on, in
most abundantly, most liberally Aclnaces, is, m. a scimitar, a sabre comparison of, until, near to,
Accumulator, oris, m. a heaper up Aclnosus, a, um, adj. full of ker- towards, in, against
Accumulatus, a, um, part, heaped nels Adactio, onis,/. force, constraint
up Acinus, i, m. Acinum, i, n. Acfna, Adactus, a, um, part, forced,
Acciimulo, as, a. to accumulate ae,/. a grape-stone, an ivy-berry driven [even
Accurate, adv. accurately, care- AcTpenser, eris, m. a fish, a stur- Adaequandus, a, um, part, made
fully, cautiously geon Adaequatio, onis,/. a levelling
Acc&ratus, a, um, adj. accurate, Aelis, idis, /. a short dart Adaequatus, a, um, part, levelled
done with care Acme, es, f. the prime, the flower Adaeque, adv. equally
Accuratio, onis,/. carefulness of age Adsequo, as, a. to make equal
Accuro, as, a. to take care of, to Aconltum, n. wolfsbane, poison
i, Adaeratio, onis, /. an estimating
provide for Acor, oris, m. sourness, tartness in money
Accurrcns, tis, part, running to Acquiesco, ere, evi, etum, n. to Adaestuo, as, n. to overflow
Accurro, ere, ri, sum, n. to run to, rest, to he down, to die, to ac- Adaggero, as, a. to heap up, to
to flock together quiesce [rest Adagium, i, n. a proverb [heap
Accursus, us, m. a concourse Acquieturus, a, um, part, about to Adalligatus, a, um, part, tied to
Accusabilis, e, adj. blamable, bad Acqulrendus, a, um, part, to be Adalligo, as, a. to tie close to
Aceusandus, a, um, part, blam acquired, or obtained Adamantams, a, um, adj. adaman-
able Acqulrens, tis, part, gettiag tine
Accusans, tis, part, accusing, Acqulro, ere, slvi, sltum, a. to ac- Adamantinus, a, um, adj. hard
blaming quire, to get as adamant, of adamant
Accusatio, onis, /. an accusation Acqulsltio, onis, /. an acquisition, Adamas, antis, m. a stone, a dia-
Accusativus, a, um, adj. accusative a getting mond
Accusator, oris, m. an accuser, a Acquisiturus, a, um, part, about Adamatus, a, um, part, beloved
plaintiff to get Adambulo, walk up to
as, a. to
Accusatorie, adv. with the design Acquisltus, a, um, part, gotten Adamo, as, a. to love much, to
of an accuser Acredula, ae,/. a woodlark love
Acciisatorius, a, um, adj. accusa- Acrimonia, ae, /. acrimony, sharp- Adaperio, Ire, ui, turn, a. to open,
tory [cuser _ ness to uncover, to disclose
Accusatrix, icis, /. a female ac- Acrior, us, adj. comp. sharper Adapertus, a, um, part, laid open
Accusaturus, a, um, part, about Acrlter, acritis, acerriml, adv. Adaptatus, a, um, part, fitted to
to accuse sharply, boldly, valiantly, stout- Adaquo, as, a. to water
Accusatus, a, um, part, accused ly, earnestly, warmly Adauctus, a, um, part, increased
Accuso, as, a. to accuse, to blame, Acritudo, mis,/, sharpness Adauctus, us, m. an increase
or reprimand Acroama, atis, n. an opera, play, Adaugeo, ere, xi, etum, a. to in-
Acedia, ae, /. sloth, negligence _ or farce crease, to improve [creased
Aceldama, indecl. a field of blood Acvoasis, is,/, an audience Adaugesco, ere, incep. to be in-
Acer, eris, n. a maple-tree Acrostichis, is, /. an acrostic Adblbo, ere, i, ltum, a. to drink,
Acer, acris, e, adj. sharp, sour, Acta, ae, /. a seashore, a strand to suck in, to admit
swift, active, mettlesome, bold Acta, orum, pi. n. acts, exploits, Adblandior, iri, dep. to speak fair,
Aceratus, a, um, adj. mixed with chronicles to flatter [added
chaff Actio, onis, /. action, an acting, Addendus, a, um, part, to be
Acerbans, tis, part, aggravating an action, or suit Addens, tis, part, adding, joining
Acerbe, adv. bitterly [verity Acttto, as, freq. to act, to plead Addenseo, ere, ui, a. to thicken
Acerbitas, atis, /. sharpness, se- Active, adv. actively, in an active Addenso, as, a. to thicken
Acerbius, adv. comp. very bitterly, sense Addlcens, tis, part, approving
very severely Activus, a, um, adj. active Addlco, fire, xi, etum, a. to doom,
Acerbo, are, avi, Stum, a. to ag- Actor, oris, m. an actor, a mana- to condemn, to sentence, to de-
gravate, to heighten, to enrage vote, to sell
Acerbus, a, um, adj. bitter, sour, Addictio, 5nis, /. a valuing
unripe, harsh notary
tary, a [ble Addictus, a, um, part, addicted,
Acemus, a, um, adj. of maple Actuarius, a, um, adj. light, nim- given up, devoted, doomed, con-
Acerosus, % um, adj. full of chaff Actum, i, n. an act, an action demned
Acerra, ae, /. a censer box Actuose, adv. actively, earnestly Addisco, fire, didici, a. to learn
AcerrTme, adv. superl. very bitterly Actuosus, a, um, adj. active, busy Additamentum, i, n. an addition

Acersecomes, se, m. a catamite Actiirus, a, um, part, about to Additio, onis,/. an addition [add
Acervalis, e, adj. heaped together act, or do Additurus, a, um, part, about to
Acervatim, adj. by, or in heaps Actus, a, um, part, done, per- Additus, a, um, part, added, joined
Aeervatio, onis,/. a heaping up formed, carried on Addlvlno, as, a. to conjecture
Aoprvatus, a, um, part, heaped up Actus, its, m. an act, or deed, <\n Adclo, ere, idi, itura, a. to add, to
Acervo, ss, a. to heap, or pile up act of a play give, to put
S B 2
Addormisco, 6re, n. to sleep Adigo, Sre, egi, actum, o. to drive, Admlrator, Oris, m. an admirer
Addubitatio, Onis,/. doubt to force Admlror, ari, dep. to admire, to
Addiibitatus, a, urn, part, doubted Adjiciendus, a, um, part, to be wonder at [mixed
Addiiblto, as, a. and n. to doubt added Admiscendus, a, um, part, to be
Adducens, tis, part, bringing to Adjiciens, tis, part, adding to Admiscens, tis, part, mixing,
Addiico, ere, xi, ctum, a. to bring, Adjlcio, 6re, eci, ectum, a. to add, joining
to carry, to induce, to persuade to cast to, or on Admisceo, ere, ui, mistum, and
Adducte,"n<7»'. closely, nearly Adlmendus, a, um, part, to be mixtum, a. to mix, to meddle
Adductor, oris, m. be that leads taken away, hindered witt [cess
Adducturus, a, um, part, about Adimo, <5re, emi, emptum, a. to Admksio, onis, /. admission, ac-
to bring take away, to keep from Admissum, i, n. a crime, an offence
Adductus, a, um, part, brought, Adlpatum, i, n. fat meat Admissura, se, /. coition, the act
induced, prevailed on Adlpiscendus, a, um, part, to get of engendering [admit
Adedo, ere, or esse, edi, esum, or Adlpiscor, i, adeptus, com. to get, Admissurus, a, um, part, about to
estum, a. to eat up, to consume to obtain, to arrive at [often Admissus, a, um, part, admitted,
Ademptio, Onis,/. a taking away, Adito, avi, atum, to approach committed [mixing
a disfranchising Aditurus, a, um, part, about to Admistio, or Admixtio, onis, /. a
Adempturus, a, um, part, about go, or undergo Admistus, or Admixtus, a, um,
to take away Aditus, a, um, part, gone to part, mixed, mingled
Ademptus, a, um, part taken away
. Aditus, lis, m. a way, means, access Admittendus, a, um, part, to be
Aded, adv. so, therefore, much Adjudicatus, a, um, part, adjudged admitted
more, very much, indeed, inso Adjudlco, as, a. to adjudge, to Admittens, tis, part, admitting
much, that impute Admitto, ere, mlsi, missum, a. to
Adeo, Ire, Ivi, and ii, Itum, n. to Adjugo, as, a. to join together admit, to put, to spur on, to
go, or come to, to set out, to Adjumentum, i, n. help, aid apply [rule
address, to undergo, to ap- Adjunctio, onis,/. a conjunction Admodeor, ari, dep. to govern, to
proach, to reach Adjunctor, Oris, m. he who joins Admodestus, a, um, adj. very
Adeps, Ipis, m. andf. fat, tallow Adjunctum, i, n. an adjunct, a modest
Adeptio, onis,/. a getting quality Adm5dulor, ari, dep. to sing, or
Adepturus, a, um, part, about to Adjunctus, a, um, part, adjoined, play to
joined, yoked, annexed Admodum, adv. very, very much,
Adeptu3, a, um, part, having got- Adjungendus, a, um, part, to be yes, truly
ten joined to Admolior, Iri, dep. to heap \ip
Adequito, as, a. to ride up to Adjungo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to join, Adm5nefacio, ere, a. to admonish
Adesurio, Ire, n. to be hungry to annex, to add, to increase Admonendus, a, um, part, to be
Adesus, a, um, part, eaten, con- Adjurans, tis, part, swearing to admonished
sumed, undermined, spent Adjuro, as, a. and n. to adjure, to Adm6nens, tis, part, admonishing^
Adeundus, a, um, part, to be compel to swear [ing Admoneo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to ad-'
gone to [able Adjutabilis, e, adj. assisting, help- monish, to advise, to warn, to
Adexpetendus, a, um, part, desir- Adjutans, tis, part, assisting, help- inforrn [advice
Adhserens, tis, part, adhering ing Admimitio, onis, /. admonition,
Adhsereo, ere, si, rem, n. to ad- Adjuto, as, a. to help, to succour AdmonTtor, Oris, m. a monitor
here, to stick, to keep close to Adjutor, oris, m. a helper, an AdmOnitum, i, n. and Admonltus,
Adhjeresco, ere, as Adheereo assistant us, m. admonition, advice
Adhsesio, onis,/. adhesion, a join- Adjutorium, i, n. help, succour AdmOniturus, a, um, part, about
ing Adjutrix, Icis, /. she who helps to admonish
Adhaesus, us, rn. a sticking to Adjuturus, a, um, part, about to AdmOnitus, a, um, part, admo-
Adhalo, as, a. to breathe upon help [helped nished
Adhamo, as, a. to fish with a hook Adjutus, a, um, part, assisted, Admordeo, ere, di," sum, a. to
Adhibendus, a, um, part, to be Adjilvandus, a, um, part, to be bite hard
used helped Admorsus, a, um, part, bitten
Adhlbeo, ere, ui, '"turn, a. to apply, Adjuvans, tis, part, helping Admotio, onis,/. a moving
to set, to use, to admit, to call, Adjuvo, as, avi, utum, a. to help, Admoturus, a, um, part, about to
or send for to assist move
Adlnbiturus, a, um, part, about Admensus, a, um, part, measured Admotus, a, um, part, and adj.
to use Admetior, Iri, mensus, dep. to applied, put, brought near
Adhibitus, a, um, part, used, ap- measure out, to retail [tant Admotus, us, m. an applying
plied Adminiculator, oris, m. f»n assis- AdmOvendus, a, um, part, to be
Adhinnio, Ire, r i, Itum, n. to neigh AdmTniculatus, a, um, pa.-t. prop- brought, or moved to
after ped AdmOvens, tis, part, bringing to
Adhorresco, ere, n. to be greatly Admmiculo, as, a. and AdmmT- AdmOveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to
afraid culor, ari, dep. to prop, to assist bring, or put to, to bring near,
Adhortans, tis, part, exhorting Admmiculum, i, n. a prop, aid to apply
Adhortatio, onis, /. an exhortation Administrandus, a, um, part, to Admurmuratio, same as Murmu-
Adhortator, oris, m. an encourager be managed, to be governed ratio
Adhortatus, a, um, part., having Administratio, onis, /. adminis- Admurmuro, same as Murmuro
exhorted, exhorting tration, management Admutilo, same as Mutilo
Adhortor, ari, dep. to encourage, Administrator, oris, m. an ad- Adnans, tis,'part. swimming
to exhort [sides ministrator Adnascor, same as Agnascor
Adhuc, adv. hitherto, as yet, be- Administraturus, a, um, part. Adnato, as, a. to swim to
Adjacens, tis, part, lying conti- about to manage [aged Adnavlgo, same ae Navigo
guous Administrates, a, um, part, man- Adnepos, Otis, m. a great grand-
Adjaceo, ere, «. to lie near, to Admlnistro, as, a. to administer, child's grandson
border upon to manage, to govern Adnisus, or Adnixus, a, um, part.
Adjectamentum, i, n. anything ad- Adnunistror, ari, pass, to be ad- pushing, leaping on, attempting
ded, an appendage minittered Adnltens, tis, part, striving, con-
Adjectio, onis,/. an addition Admirabilis, e, adj. admirable, tending
Adjectivus, a, um, adj. adjective, wonderful, astonishing Adnitor, i, xus, dep. same as An-
added to [add AdmlrabTlitas, atis,/. wonder nitor
Adjecturus, a, um, part, about to AdmlrabilTter, adv. wonderfully Adno, as, a. to swlsa to
Adjectus, a, um, part, added, Admlrandus, a, um, part, to be Adnubllo, as, a. to darkeu
joined admired, wonderful Adduto, as, a. to nod to
Adjectus, us, m. an addition Admlrans, tis, part, admiring Adnutrio, Ire, a. to nourish near
Adiens, euntis, part, going to Admlratio, 6nis, /. admiration AdOlendus, a, um, part, to be
Adlgens, tis, part, driving, forcing wonder consumed
tBoleo, ere, ui, and evi, ultum, a. Adverbium, i, n. an adverb Adytum, i, n. a secret cell, a re-
Mind n. to burn, to consume, to Adverbero, as, a. to beat much cess, the most sacred place of
perfume, to grow up, to increase Adversans, tis, part, thwarting a temple
jB&lescens, tis, c. g. a young man, Adversarius, a, um, adj. opposite jEdgpol, same as Edepol
War woman Adversarius^ i," m. an adversary, .ZEdes, or JEdis, is, /. a house, a
Adolescentia, ce, /. youth [girl an enemy temple, a chapel
AdSlescentula, a?, /. dim. a mere Adversaria, drum, pi. n. a book ^Edicttla, a;,/, a little house, a cell
Adolescentulus, i, m. dim. a of notes iEdificandus, a, vim, part, to be
stripling [boy Adversatrix, Icis, /. a female op- built
Ad6lescentilrio, ire, n. to play the ponent [trariety M&Xi leans, tis, part, building
lAd&lesco, 6re, ui, and evi, n. to Adversitas, atis,/. adversity, con- iEdli'icatio, onis, /. a building
grow up, to increase, to burn Adversor, ari, dep. to oppose, to Mo\\l icator, oris, m. a builder

Adoperio, Ire, ui, turn, a. to cover withstand -lEdiflcaturus, a, um, part, about
all over Adversum, i, n. adversity, misery to build
AdOperte, adv. secretly, in a Adversum, prep, against, opposite iEdlficatus, a, um, part, built
covert manner [closed to, towards jEdificium, i, n. a building, a
Ad6pertus, a, um, part, covered, Adversus, a, um, part, and adj. house
Adoptans, tis, part, adopting opposite, over against, adverse, iEdif ico, as, a. to build, to erert
Adoptatitius, i, m. one adopted unfortunate [Adversum jEdllis, is, m. an edile, a surveyor
Adoptator, oris, m. an adopter Adversus, prep, and adv., same as iEdllitas, atis,/. the officeof edile
Adoptaturus, a, um, part, about Advertens, tis, part, observing iEdilitius, a, um, adj. of an edile
to adopt Adverto, ere, ti, sum, a. to turn to, ^Editimus, and iEdituus, i, m. an
Adoptatus, a, um, part, adopted to direct, to apply overseer, a churchwarden
Adoptio, onis,/. adoption, a graft- Advespero, as, n. to grow late Aedon, 5nis, /. a nightingale
ing AdvTgilo, as, same as Vigilo Mger, gra, grum, adj. sick, weak,
Adopto, as, a. to adopt, to assume, Adulandus, a, um, part, to be iaint, lame, difficult
to take, to name, to ingraft flattered [soothing JSgis, idis, or idos,/ a shield
Ador, oris, and oris, n. fine wheat Adulans, tis, part, flattering, iEgisonus, a, um, adj. sounding
Adorandus, a, um, to be worship- Adulatio, Onis, /. adulation, flat- with the »gis, or shield
tis, part, adoring [ped tery iEgve, ids, errirne, adv. hardly,
Adoratio, onis, /. adoration, wor- Adulator, oris, m. a flatterer with much difficulty
ship [adore Adulatorius, a, um, adj. fawning jEgrescens, tis, part, being sick
Adoratilrus, a,um, part, about to Adulor, aris, dep. to fawn, to iEgresco, ere, incep. to be sick,
Adoratus, a, um, part, worshipped flatter or bad
Adorea, a;,/, a gift of corn Adulter, m. an adulterer
tSri, iEgrlmonia, se, /. grief, sorrow
I Adoreum, i, n. fine wheat Adulter, um, adj. adulterous,
a, .ZEgritudo, inis, /. sickness, sorrow
Adoveus, a, um; adj. of fine wheat debauched jEgrotatio, onis,/. sickness
Adorior, Iris, or 6ris, Iri, ortus Adultera, a?, /. an adulteress iEgroto, as, n. to be sick
sum, dep. to attack, to assault, Adulteratus, a, um, part, de- JSgrotus, a, um, adj. sick, ill, bad
to accost, to attempt ^ bauched jEmtila, aj, /. a female rival
! Adornate, adv. in a finished or Adulteiinus, a, um, part, counter- jEmulandus, a, um, part, fit to
elegant manner feit, false be imitated
Adornatus, a, um, part, adorned Adulterium, i, n. adultery iEmtilans, tis, part, emulating
I Adorno, as, a. to adorn, to rig, to Adultero, as, a. to adulterate, to iEmulatio, onis, /. emulation, imi-
equip mix, to corrupt tation, hatred
i Adoro, as, a. to worship, to honour, Adultus, a, um, part, adult, ^Emulator, oris, m. a rival
to salute grown up jEmulor, ari, dep. to rival, to en-
I Adorsus, a, um, part, begun Adumbratim, adv. obscurely deavour to excel, to imitate
Adortus, a, um, part, attacking Adumbratio, onis, /. a sketch, or iEmulus, i, m. a rival, a com-
Adrado, ere, asi, asum, a. to shave w
shadowing of a thing petitor [rivalling
Adrasus, a, um, part, shaven Adumbratus, a, um, part, sha- iEmulus, a, um, adj. emulous,
Adrepo, ere, psi, ptum,\t. to creep dowed, feigned iEneator, oris, m. a trumpeter
to, orinto Adumbro, as, a. to shadow out, to iEneus, a, um, adj. brazen
Adscisco, same as Ascisco shade from heat jEnigma, atis, n. a riddle
Adsitus, a, um, part, planted near, Adunatio, onis, /. a making into iEquabilis, e, adj. equal, alike
or by one, an uniting [united jEquabilitas, atis,/. equality
Adsum, es, fui, esse, futuras, n. Adiinatus, a, um, part, joined, iEquablliter, adv. equally, evenly
to be present, or at hand, to be, Aduncitas, atis, /. hookedness, .ZEqusevus, a, um, adj. of the same
to come, to defend crookedness age [age
Advectio, onis, /. a carrying to Aduncus, a, um, adj. crooked .ZEqualis, e, adj. equal, of the same
Advectxtius, a, um, adj. foreign Aduno, avi, atum, a. to unite jEqualltas, atis, equality/
Advecto, as, a. to carry often to AdvOciitio, onis,/. the office of an iEqualiter, adv. equally, evenly
Advecturus, a, um, part, about advocate, a plea, a defence jEquandus, a, um, part, to be
to carry [brought Adv5catus, i, m. an advocate equalled
Advectus, a, um, part, carried to, Adv5co, as, a. to call or send for, iEquanimltas, atis, /. evenness of
Adveho, ere, xi, ctum, a. to carry, to call, to summon temper, patience
to bring, to convey Advolans, tis, part, flying to • iEquanimiter, adv. patiently
Advelo, as, a. to veil, to cover Advolaturus, a, um, part, about iEquans, tis, part, equalling
Advena, a?, e. g. a stranger, a to fly iEquatio, onis, /. an equation, a
foreigner Advolatus, us, m. a flying to making, or laying esrs
Adveneror, ari, dep. to worship, Adv6lo, as, n. to fly to, to fly, to Equator, oris, m. the equator, or
to adore spring out equinoctial line [equal
Adveniens, tis, part, coming to Advolvens, tis, part, rolling to iEquatiirus, a, um, part, about to
Advenio, Ire, veni, ventum, n. to Advolvo, ere, vi, utum, a. to roll ./Equatus, a, um, part, made equal
come to, to arrive, to happen to, to raise [prostrate iEque, adv. equally, as well, so
Adventans, tis, part, approaching Advolutus, a, um, part, rolled, jEquidistans, tis, adj. equidistant,
Adventitius, a, um, adj. adventi- Adurens, tis, part, burning, very parallel
tious, extraordinary, foreign hot iEquillbris, e, adj. of equal weight
Advento, as, n. to approach, to Adurgens, tis, part, pursuing jEquilibritas, atis, /. equality of
come Aduro, fire, ssi, ttum, a. to burn, weight
Adventor, oris, m. a guest to scorch, to pinch ^Equilibrium, i, n. an even poise
Adventurus, a, uin, part, about to Adusque, prep, even to iEquInoctialis, e, adj. equinoctial
come Adustio, onis,/. a burning, &c. iEquinoctium, i, n. the equinox
Adventus, us, m. a coming, an ap- Adustus, a, um, part, burnt, in- .(Equip&rabilis, e, adj. to be equal-
proach, an arrival; Advent flamed, consumed, parched led
;ete AFF AGG
53qulparans, tis, part, equalling Sternum, adv. for ever, always Afflictus, a, um, part, afflicted,
iEqutparo, are, a. to equal, to vie jEternus, a, um, adj. eternal, "con- distressed, thrown down
with, to match [weight tinual, perpetual Afflictus, us, to. trouble
jEquipondium, i, n. the same iEther, eiis, m. in aec. sethe'ra AffllKO, ere, xi, ctum, a. to afflict,
iEquitas, atis,/. equity, justice and aethgrem, the pure air, the to grieve, to dash down
iEquivocus, a, um, adj. equivocal, sky, or firmament, heaven Afflo, as, a. to blow, or breathe
doubtful, of doubtful meaning jEthereus, a, um, adj. etherial, upon
JEquo, as, a. to equal, to level, to aerial, celestial, heavenly Affluens, tis, part, flowing, abound-
divide equally ./Ethiops, 6pis, to. a black ing, rich, plentiful
jEquor, Oris, n. the sea, any level, ^Ethra, ae, /. the clear sky, the air Affluentia, ae,/. abundance
or plain -lEviternus, a, um, adj. eternal Affluentius, adv. comp. more abun-
jEquoreus, a, um, adj. of the sea, iEvum, i, n. age, old age, lifetime, dantly
bordering on the sea eternity Affluo, ere, xi, xum, n. to flow
jEquum, i, n. equity, justice Afer, fra, frum, adj. of Africa upon, or in, to flock together,
jEquus, a, um, adj. equal, like, Affabilis, e, adj. affable, courteous or in, to abound
level, even, just Affabilltas, atis, /. affability, easi- Affodio, ere, odi, ossum, a. to dig
Aer, is, to. in ace. aera, the air, or ness up, or into
atmosphere AffabiUter, adv. courteously Affor. Consult Affaris
iEra, ae,a period of time
/. Affabre, adv. curiously, ingeni- Affore, to be present, to come
iEramentum, i, n. brass, or copper ously [fable Afformido, as, n. to be afraid
ware [forge Affabulatio, onis,/. the moral of a Affrango, ere, egi, actum, a. to
jEraria, ee, /. a copper-mine, a Affaris, or affare, affatus, affari, break [roar
iErarium, i, n. a treasury from affor, to speak to, to ad- Affremo, ?re, n. to murmur, 'to
iErarius, a, um, adj. belonging to dress Affrico, as, ui, a. to rub against
brass, or copper; or to a trea- Affatim, adv. abundantly, enough Affrictus, us, m. a rubbing upon
sury Affatus, a, um, part, speaking to, Affrio, as, a. to crumble, to grate
-35ratus, a, um, adj. made of brass addressing Affulgeo, ere, si, sum, n. to shine,
.Sreus, a, um, adj. made of brass Affatus, us,to. talk, discourse to smile upon, to favour
Aeiius, a, um, adj. airy, lofty, Affectandus, a, um, part, to be af- Affundo, gre, udi, sum, a. to pour
high fected [studying upon
.ffirifer, a, um, adj. bearing brass Affectans, tis, part, affecting, Affiiturus, a, um, part, about to
./Erifodina, a?,/,a brass-mine Affectate, adv. with affectation come, or be present
iEripes, pedis, c. g. swift, brazen- Affectatio, onis,/. affectation, love Aforis, adv. from without
footed Affectator, oris, m. an aspirer to, Africanus, adj. brought out of
.lErlsonus, a, um, adj. sounding an affected person [desired Africa
like brass Affectatus, a, um, part, affected, Africus, i, m. the south-west wind

JEro, onis, m. a mat to lie on, a Affectio, onis, /

affection, love, a Africus, a, um, adj. African
twig-basket natural disposition Agaso, onis, m. a groom
iErosus, a, um, adj. full of brass Affecto, as, a. to affect, to desire, Age, pi. agite, imp. come on, used
iEriiginosus, a, um, adj. rusty to aim at, to attempt as an interjection
jErugo, Inis, /. rust, mildew, a Affector, atus sum, ari, dep. to Agedum, adv. come on, well
blight, poison, slander strive earnestly after a thing Agellus, i, m. a little field
flSrumna, ae, /. sorrow, affliction Affectus, a, \im,part. affected, dis- Agema, atis, n. a battalion, a
yErumnabllis, e, adj. wretched posed, endued squadron
iErumnosus, a, um, adj. wretched, Affectus, us, m. an affection, a Agendus, a, um, part, to be done,
calamitous, miserable disposition, sickness [brought or driven, that must be done
.33s, aeris, n. brass, copper, iron, Afferendus, a, um, part, to be Agens, tis, part, doing, driving,
gold Affgrens, tis, part, bringing talking
^Sstas, atis, /. summer, a year, the Affero, afferre, attuli, allatum, a. Agens, tis, to. an agent, a doer
air to bring, to bring word, to al- Ager, gri, to. a field, land, ground
^Estifer, a, um, adj. sultry, hot lege, to reply Agesis, adv. go to, come on [at
jEstimabilis, e, adj. estimable Aff iciendus, a, um, part, to be af- Aggemo, fire, n. to groan, to sigh
iEstimandus, a, um, part, to be fected, or punished Agger, eris, m. a heap, a pile, a
esteemed Afficio, ere, eci, ectum, a. to af- mound
.ZEstimans, tis, part, esteeming, fect, to move, to influence Aggeratus, a, \im,part. heaped up
supposing Affictus, a, um, part, feigned, Aggerendus, a, um, part, to be
iEstimatio, onis,/. a value, a price, formed banked up
a reward D udge Affigo, 6re, xi, xum, a. to fasten, Aggero, as, a. to heap, to lay on
Estimator, oris, m. a valuer, a to fix, to imprint heaps, to aggravate, to increase
iEstimaturus, a, um, part, about Affingens, tis, part, forming Aggero, 6re, essi, estum, a. to lay
to esteem Affingo, ere, xi, ietum, a. to form, on a heap, to bring, or carry
.aSstimatus, a, um, part, esteemed, or fashion, to feign Aggestio, onis, /. a heaping up
valued, rated Affinis, e, adj. adjacent, near, re- Aggestus, a, um, part, heaped up
jEstimo, as, a. to esteem, to re- lated by marriage [tion Aggestus, us, m. a heap, a mount,
gard, to value, to settle Affinis, is, c. g. a cousin, a rela- a pile of earth
ffistiva, orum, pi. n. summer quar- Affnritas, atis,/. affinity Aggl6mero, as, a. to wind up, to
ters, a country house Affirmate, adv. solemnly, assuredly gather into a body
jEstlve, adv. as in summer Affirmatio, onis,/. an affirmation Agglutinandus, a, um, part, to be
jEstlvo, as, n. to live, or spend the Affirmatus, a, um, part, affirmed associated, or joined
summer [summer Affirmo, as, a. to affirm, to confirm Aggliitlno, as, a. to glue, to solder,
TEstivus, a, um, adj. pertaining to Affixus, a, um, parr, fixed, fastened to associate
iEstuans, tis, part, boiling, scorch- to, placed Aggravans, tis, part, aggravating,
ing, sultry Affians, tis, part, breathing, or heightening
^Estuarium, i, n. a frith, a marsh blowing upon Aggravatus, a, um, part, aggra-
iEstuo, as, n. to boil, to boil over, um, part, blown upon,
Afflatus, a, vated
or out, to be very hot blown, blasted Aggravescens, tis, part, growing
/Estuose, adv. hotly Afflatus, us, m. a blast, a gale, a worse, or more troublesome
/Estuosus, a, um, adj. very hot, vapor, a steam Aggravesco, gre, incep. to grow
swelling Affleo, ere, evi, etum, n. to weep worse [increase
iEstus, us, m. heat, a hot steam, Afflictatio, onis, /. a throwing AggrSvo, as, a. to aggravate, to
a raging sea, a tide, a storm, down, affliction, sorrow Aggrediendus, part, to be at-
^Etas, atis,/. age, an age [fury Afflictio, onis,/. affliction, distress tempted [attacking
jEtatula, ae, /. youth, childhood Afflicto, as, a. to afflict, vex, toss Aggrgdiens, tis, part, going to,
/Eternitas, atis,/. eternity Afflictor, oris, m. a tormentor, a Aggrgdior, i, essus, dep. to go
^Eterno, as, o. to perpetuate disturber unto, to accost, to attempt
; :

I grego, as,
'¥ get together

Aggressfo, onis,/. an attack

to assemble, Ai, imperat. from
Ain,/or aisne? say you so?

Aio, ais, ait, aiunt, v. def. in im-

say thou

Alias, adv. at another time, in

another manner, after another
Aggressor, oris, m. an aggressor perf. aiebam, as, at, amus, atis, Alibi, adv. elsewhere, in another
Aggressurus, a, um, part, about ant ; in perf. only, aisti, aistis place, with another person
to attack in imperat. mood, ai; in optat. Alica, ae, /. wheat, flummery.
Aggressus, a, um, part, attack- aias, aiat, aiamus, aiant; part. hasty-pudding [con.
ing, venturing aiens, to say, to affirm, to tes- Alicastrum, i, re. a kind of bread-
Agilis, e, adj. active, swift tify Allcubi, adv. somewhere, any-
Agilitas, atis,/. agility, swiftness Ala, ae, /. a wing, a feather, a wing where, in some place, in any
Agffiter, adv. nimbly, quickly of an army place
Agitabilis, e, adj. moveable Alabaster, i, m. alabaster, an Alicula, ae,/. a child's coat
Agitandus, a, um, part, to be ointment box Alicunde, adv. from some place,
agitated, to be moved Alacer, m. cris,/. ere, and alacris, from somebody [alienated
Agitans, tis, part, moving, re- e, adj. merry, cheerful, spirited, Alienandus, a, um, part, to be
volving courageous, fierce Alienatio, onis,/. an alienation, a
Agitatio, onis,/. motion, exercise Alacrior, us, adj. comp. more ready making over to another, an
Agitator, oris, m. a driver Alacritas, atis, /. alacrity, eager- aversion [ate
Agltatus, a, um, part, agitated, ness, readiness, cheerfulness Alienaturus, part, about to alien-
tossed, shaken, moved, harass- Alacrlter, adv. readily, cheerfully Alienatus, a, um, part, alienated,
ed, employed, debated Alapa, ae,/. a slap on the face, a parted, bereaved of, revolted
Aglte, same as Age cuff Alienlgena, ae, c. g. a foreigner, a
Agito, as, a. to agitate, to debate, Alaris, e, adj. belonging to a wing m stranger
to revolve, to consider Alatus, a, um, adj. winged, swift Alienlgenus, a, um, adj. foreign
Agmen, Inis, n. an army, a troop, Alauda, ae, /. a lark Alieno, as, a. to alienate, to sell,
a company, a crowd, a herd, a Albarium, i, re. a whitewashing to part with, to estrange
flock, a swarm Albarius, a, um, adj. of white Alienus, a, um, adj. another man's,
Agna, se, /. an ewe-lamb mortar of another country, foreign,
Agnascor natus, dep. to grow
i, Albatus, a, um, part, made white, contrary, different, absurd
upon, or to be born after a
to, clothed in white Alifer, gra, erum, adj. winged
father's will is made, to be re- Albedo, Inis,/. whiteness Aliger, 6ra, erum, adj. winged
lated by the father's side Albens, tis, part, whitening, Aliment arius, a, um, adj. nutritive
Agnatio, 6nis, /. kindred by the whitish Alimentum, i, n. nourishment,
fathers side, a growing to Albeo, es, ui, n. to be white, to food [nance
Agnati, 6rum, pi. m. relations by grow white Allmonia, ae, /. alimony, mainte-
the father's side Albescens, tis, part, growing white Alio, adv. to another place, or
Agnatus, a, um, part, growing Albesco, €re, incep. to grow white, thing
upon, or to, grown up or bright Alioqui, Alioquin, conj. otherwise
Agnellus, i, m. dim. a lambkin Alblco, as, re. same as Albesco Aliorsum, adj. elsewhere, to an-
Agnlnus, a, um, adj. of a lamb Albidus, a, um, adj. whitish other purpose [nimble
Agnltio, onis, /. an acknowledg- Albor, oris, m. whiteness, fairness Allpes, edis, adj. swift of foot,
ment Albucum, a white diafFodil
i, re. Aliptes, ae, ret. the person who had
Agnitor, oris, m. one who knows, Albugo, inis, /. a white spot in the charge of the wrestlers and
understands [ledged eye, the white of an egg anointed them before exercise
Agnitus, a, um, par:, acknow- Albulus, a, um, adj. somewhat Allqua, adv. by some place, or
Agnomen, Inis, re. a surname, a white means
title Album, i, n. a white table, a Allquandiu, adv. a good while,
Agnomentum, i, re. a nickname muster-roll, a list of names, a some time, a little while
Agnomlno, as, a. to nickname register Allquandd, adv. sometimes, at
Agnoscendus, a, um, part, to be Alburnum, i, n. a sap of trees length, once, formerly
owned [ledging Alb us, a, um, adj. white, hoary, Allquantillum, adv. a very little
Agnoscens, tis, part, acknow- pale, wan, fortunate Aliquantisper, adv. a little while
Agnosco, ere, 6vi, Itum, a. to own, Alcalcus, a, um, adj. alcaic Allquant6, adv. somewhat, a little
to acknowledge Alcedo, inis, /. a kingfisher Atiquantulum, adj. some part
Agnus, i, m. a lamb Alcedonia, orum, pi. re. happy (adv.) ever so little
Ago, ere, egi, actum, a. to act, to times, a calm season Aliquantum, adv. a little, in some
do, to perform, to transact Alchymista, ae, m. an alchymist measure [some
Agon, onis, m. a contest, a match, Alea, ae, /. a die, dice, hazard, Allquantus, a, um, adj. a little,
a place for contest, a prize * _ chance, fortune, gaming Aliquatfinus, adv. somewhat
Agonista, ae, m. a wrestler Alearius, a, um, adj. pertaining to Allquid, s. something, somewhat,
Agoranomus, i, m. a clerk of the the game of chance a great matter of some note
market Aleator, oris, m. a dice-plnyer, a Allquis, allqua, aliquod or allquid,
Agrarius, a, um, adj. agrarian, gamester pron. some, somebody, some
pertaining to fields Aleatorius, a, um, adj. of dice certain person, something, of
Agrestis, e, adj. belonging to fields, Alec, same as Halec [still some note
or the country [trymen Alembicum, i, re. an alembic, a Allquispiam, aliquapiam, aliquod-
Agrestes, ium.pj. m. rustics, coun- Alendus, part, to be nourished, or piam, or allquidpiam, and
Agrlcfila, a?, m. and /. a husband- .fed Allquisquam, aliquaquam, allquid-
man Aleo, onis, m. same as Aleator quam, pron. any, somebody
AgricGlaris, e, adj. of husbandry Ales, Itis, adj. winged, swift, light Allquo, adv. some whither, to
Agrlcultor, Oris, m. a husbandman Ales, itis, c. g. any large fowl, or some place, any whither
Agriculture, a?, /. husbandry, til- bird Aliquot, pi. indec. adj. some, a few
lage Alex, ecis,/. a pickle made offish AllquSties, adv. sometimes, divert
Agrfpgta, ae, m. a claimer in the Alexipharmacon, i, re. an antidote times, several times [other
division of lands Alga, ae,/. sea-weed [vere Allquovers'um, adv. one way, <rr
Agrium, i, re. a sort of nitre Algens, tis, part, cold, chill, sc- Allter, adv. otherwise, sifter
An interj. ah oh alas
! ! I ! Algensis, e, adj. of sea-weed another manner, else [kept
Aha, interj. away, fie no, oh ! I Algeo, ere, si, re. to be cold, to Alltus, a, um, part, nourished,
Ah, ah, interj. oh shake, to catch cold Aliubi, aS.v. in other places
Aheneus, a, um, adj. brazen Algldus, a, um, adj. chill with Aliunde, adv. from another place,
Ahenlpes, Cdis, adj. brazen-footed cold, cold of, or from, some other person
A enum, i, re. a brass pot, a cal-
Algor, oris, m. cold, chillness Alius,a, iud, gen. alius, dat. alii,
dron, a kettle AlgSsus, a, um, adj. full of sea- adj. another, other, different,
Aflenus, a, um, ad,, brazen, made weed contrary, changed
of copper Alia, adv. some other way Aliusmodi, adv. of another kind
AUabens, tis, part, sliding, slip- Aliuo, 6re, ui, a. to wash, to flow Alve5lus, i, m. a wooden scoop,
ping near a tray, a tub
Allabor, ens, psus, dep. to slide, Allusio, onis,/. an allusion Alveum, i, n. and Alveus,
m. * i,
or sail by, to reach, to fall down Alhivies, ei, /. a dirty stream, a channel, a pipe, a hollow large
Allaboro, as, a. to labour bard, land-flood vessel, a belly, bees, a chess-
to add [ing Alluvio, onis, /. an inundation board
Allapsus, a, um, part, sliding, fail- Alnms, a, um, adj. kind, cherish- Alumen, Inis, n. alum
Allapsus, us, m. a eliding, a ing, nourishing, holy, pure, fair Aliimmatus, a, um, adj. impreg-
falling upon Alneus, a, um, adj. made of alder nated with alum [alum
AUatrans, tis, part, barking at Alnus, i, /. an alder-tree, a boat Aluminosus, a, um, adj. full of
Allatro, as, a. to bark at, to roar, Alo, ere, ui, altum and alitum, a Alumna, «, /. a nurse-child, a
to rail at [bring' .
to feed, to nourish, to bring nurse
Allaturus, a, um, part, tbat will up, to maintain, to support, to Alumno, are, atum, to nourish, to
Allatus, a, um, part, brought, cherish bring up, educate
told, reported Aloe, es,/. aloes, a bitter drug Alumnus, i, m, a foster-child, a
Allaudo, as, a. to commend highly Alogus, a, um, adj. without reason foster-father, a pupil, a scholar
Allectatio, onis, /. an enticing Alopecurus, i, m. tailed wheat, Aluta, ae, /. tanned leather, a
Allecto, as, a. to allure, to decoy fox tail leather shoe
Allector, oris, m. a wheedler Alpha, indecl. the first letter of the Alvus, i, /. sometimes m. the belly,
Alleeturus, a, um, part, about to Greek alphabet, the first, or the paunch, the womb
choose [chosen chief of any thing AmabUis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
Allectus, a, um, part, allured, Alphabetum, i, n. the alphabet superl. amiable, lovely
Allegandus, a, um, part, to be Alpinus, a, um, adj. of the Alps Amabilitas, atis,/. amiableness
alleged Alsiosus, a, um, adj. cold by na- Amabiliter, adv. amiably, lovingly
Allegans, tis, part, alleging ture, subject to cold, chill Amandatio, onis, /. a removal
Allegatio, onis, /. an allegation, a Altanus, i, m. an eastern, or high Amandatus, a, um, part, sent
plea, an excuse Altare, is, n. an altar [wind _ away [oft
Allegatus, us, m. same as Alle- Alte, adv. on high, aloft, deeply, Amando, as, a. to send away, or
gatio far Amandus, a, um, part, to be loved
Allegatus, a, um, part, sent Alter, era, Srum, gen. alterius, dat. Amans, tis, part, and adj. ior,
AUego, as, a. to allege, to plead, altgri, adj. another, any other, comp. issimus, superl. loving,
to depute, to send the other, other, the one, or fond [heart
AUego, ere, egi, ectum, a. to former, the other, or later Amans, tis, c. g. a lover, a sweet-
choose, to take Altercans, tis, part, contending Amanter, adv. tihs, comp. tissime,
Allegoria, ae,/. an allegory Altercatio, onis, /. contention, friendly
AUegoricus, a, um, adj. allegorical debate Amanuensis, is, m. a secretary,
Allegorizo, are, avi, atum, to Altercator, Oris, m. a wrangler '
a clerk
speak in allegories Alterco, as, n. to contend, to de- Amaracinum, i, ointment
Allevamentum, i, n. ease, relief bate [scold Amaracinus, a, um, adj. of, or be-
AllSvandus, a, um, part, to be Altercor, ari, dep. to debate, to longing sweet marjoram
eased [easing Alternandus, a, um, part, to be Amaracum, i, n. sweet marjoram
AUevans, tis, part, raising up, altered or changed by turns Amaranthus, i, m. everlasting
AUevatio, onis,/. an easing Alternans, tis, part, doing by flower
Allevatus, a, um, part, raised up, turns, changing, varying Amare, adv. bitterly, spitefully
eased, comforted Alternatus, a, um, part, changed, Amarior, ius, adj. comp. more
AUevo, as, a. to lift, or raise up, alternate bitter, or sour ; issimus.
to ease, to lighten, to lessen, to Alterne, adv. by turns Ainarities, ei,/. bitterness, grief
relieve [garlic Alternis, by turns Amaritudo, inis, /. bitterness,
Alliatus, a, um, adj. tasting of Alterno, as, a. to do by turns, or sharpness
Allicefactus, a, ma, part, wheedled course, to alter, to change AmarMentus, a, um, adj. very
AUiciendus, a, um, part, to be Alternus, a, um, adj. alternate, bitter, spiteful, malicious
allured by turns, in course, one after Amarus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp.
AlHcio, 6re, lexi, and llcui, lecturh, another issimus, superl. bitter, saltish,
a. to allure, attract [against Alteruter, tra, trum, adj. one of spiteful, malicious
Allido, ere, si, sum, a. to dash the two, the one, or the other Amasius, i, m. a courter of wo-
Alligatio, onis, /. alligation, a Altemterque, traque, trumque, men, a sweetheart
joining, a binding adj. one or the other, either Amatio, onis, /. alliance
Alligator, oris, m. a tier Altemtrinque, adv. on both sides 4-mator, oris, m. a lover, a gallant
AUigatura, ae, /. a bandage, a knot Altheea, ae,/. marshmallows Amatorciilus, i, m. a pitiful lover
Alligatus, a, um, part, bound, tied Altllis, e, adj. fed, fatted, cram- Amatorie, adv. amorously, fondly
Alligo, Adligo, as, a. to bind, to med Amatorium, i, ». a love-potion
bind up, to tie, to fasten Altisonus, a, um, adj. sounding Amatorius, a, um, adj. amorous,
Alllno, 6re, Ivi, and evi, ltum, a. to from above, loud procuring love
anoint, to rub, to taint Altissime, adv. superl. very high Amatrix, icis, /. a she-lover
Allisus, a, um, part, dashed Altit6nans, tis, part, thundering Amatus, a, um, part, loved
against, crushed Altitudo, Inis, /. height, depth, Ambage,/. abl. sing, ambages, pi.
Allium, i, n. garlic loftiness [soaring and ambaglbus, and in no other
Ailoc&tio, onis, /. a speaking to, Altiv51ans, tis, part, flying high, winding, a
cases, a turning, or
an address Altius, adv. comp. higher, deeper a prevarication, a tedious
AUScuturus, a, um, part, about Altiusc olus, adj. somewhat higher dark mysterious saying
story, a
to speak to [addressed Altor, oris, m. a nourisher, a Ambedo, ere, a. to eat, or gnaw
AllCrquendus, a, um, part, to be feeder about, to eat up, to consume
All&quens, tis, part, speaking to Altrinsecus, adv. on either side Ambesus, a, um, part, eaten
AU5quiam, i, n. discourse, talk i ltrix, Icis,/. a female nourisher, about
Alloquor, i, cutus sum, dep. to or maintainer Ambiens, tis, part, courting, so-
speak address, to salute
to, to Altrix, Icis, adj. nourishing liciting, going about
Allubesco, 6re, ui, itum, a. to Altum, i, n. the main sea, the Ambifarius, a, um, doubtful, that
pie ise deep, heaven has two sides, of double mean-
AUuc ;o, ere, xi, a. to shine upon Altus, a, um, part, and adj. fed, ing
(Uludens, I is part, alluding, sport- maintained, high, lofty, branch- Ambigens, tis, part, doubting, en-
ing ing, exalted compassing
Alludo, Adludo, e>e, si, sum, n. Alveare, is, Alvear, aris, and Alvea- Ambigo, ere, without prceterp. ar.d
to allude, to play with, or upon, rium, j, n. a beehive supine, a. to doubt, to dispute
to banter, to scoff (Uveatus, a, inn, adj. fluted, chan- Ambigue, adv. doubtfully, ob-
Alluens, tis, part, washing neled scurely
Amblguitas, ambiguity,
atis, /. Amicttlus, i. m. a dear friend, a Amplif icator,oris, m. an enlarge?
doubtfulness, uncertainty crony Amplificaturus, a, um, part, to
aBubig-uum, i, n. doubt, uncer- Amicus, a, um,
adj. cior, comp. enlarge [tied
tainty cissimus, superl. friendly, kind, Amplificatus, a, um, part, ampli-
Amblguus, a, urn, adj. ambi- loving Amplifico, as, a. to amplify, to
guous, doubtful, taken several Amicus, i, m. a friend, a favourer, enlarge [rich
- ways, uncertain ) _ a lover, a companion Amplificus, a, um, adj. noble,
Ambio, Ire, ivi and ii, itum, a. to Amissio, onis, J. a losing, a loss Amplio, as, a. to amplify, to en-
court, to caress, to compliment, Amissttrus, a, um, part, about to large, to increase
to solicit lose [stroyed Amplior, us, adj. comp. greater,
Ambitio, onis, /. ambition, a de- Amissus, a, um, part, lost, de- larger, increased
sire of honour Amissus, us, m. a loss Amplissime, adv. superl. very
Ambitiose, adv. ius, comp. issime, Amita, ae, f. a father's sister amply, abundantly
sup. diligently, accurately, af- Amittendus, a, um, part, to be Amplissimus, a, um, adj. superl.
fected, fondly lost very great, very rich, very
Ambitiosus, a, um, adj. ambitious, Amitto, ere, Isi, issum, a. to lose, honorable
vain, glorious, fond to let go, to part with, to send Ampliter, adv. same as Ample
Ambitus, a, um, part, courted, away [pent Amplitudo, inis, /. greatness,
entreated, addressed Ammftdytes, ae, m. a kind of ser- largeness, extent, compass, dig-
Ambitus, m. a compass, a
us, Ammoniacum, i, m. a gum so nity, honour
circuit, ambition called Amplius, adv. comp. more, up-
Ambo, se, o, both Ammoniacus, a, um, adj. belong- wards of, longer, a longer time
Ambo, onis,/. a pulpit [gods ing to ammonia Amplus, a, um, adj ior, comp.
Ambrosia, se, /. the food of the Amnestia, ae, f. act of oblivion issimus, superl. ample, large,
Ambr6siacus, a, um, adj. delicious Amnic5la, ae, c. g. dwelling by, or spacious, noble [pitcher
Ambrosius, a, um, adj. ambro- growing near, a river Ampulla, x, f. a cruet, a jug, a
sian, divine Amniculus, i, m. dim. a rivulet Ampullarius, a, um, adj. of bottles
Ambubaiae, arum, pi. f. common AmnigSnus, a, um, adj. bred in a Ampullarius, i, m. a bottle-maker
harlots river Ampullor, ari, dep. to swell, to
Ambulacrum, a walk, a gal-
i, n. Amnis, is, m. and f. a river, a use great swelling words
lery [going stream, flood, the sea Ampiitandus, a, um, part, to be
Ambulans, tis, part walking, Amo, as, a. to love, to be in love, cut off
Ambulatio, onis./. a walking to delight in Amputans, tis, part, cutting off
Ambulatiuncula, a?, /. a place to Amcene, adv. nius, comp. nissime, Ampiitatio, onis, /. a cutting off
walk in ^ superl. pleasantly, delightfully Amputaturus, a, um, part, about
Ambulator, Oris, m. a walker Amoenitas, atis, /. pleasantness to cut off
abroad, a vagabond Amcenus, a, um, adj. nior, comp. Ampiitatus, a, um, part, cut off,
Ambulatorius, a, um, adj. mov- _ nissimus, superl. pleasant, sweet cut away
ing up and down Amolior, iri, itus, dep. to remove, Amptito, as, a. to cut, or chop off,
Ambulatrix, icis, /. a gossip, a to put away, to confute, to be _ to prune, lop [charm
night-walker removed Amuletum, i, n. an amulet, a
Ambulo, as, a. to walk, to amble Amolltio, onis, /. a putting away Amurca, ae, /. leis of oil, scum
Amburbium, i, n. a solemn pro- Amomum, i, m. cinnamon, a sweet Amurcarius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
cession round the city shrub longing to, the dregs of oil
Amburo, 6re, ssi, a. to burn all Amor, oris, m. love, affection, lust Amusium, i, n. a weathercock, a
about, to scorch Amotio, onis, /. a putting away compass
Ambustio, onis, /. a burning, a Amotus, a, um, part, removed Amussim, adv. exactly
burn Am6vendus, a, um, part, to be re- Amussis, is, /. a carpenter's rule
Ambustus, a, um, part, lsurnt, _ moved Amussitatus, a, um, adj. nice,
blasted Amoveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to re- exact
Amellus, i, m. an herb, starwort move, to convey away, to steal Amusus, i, m. one who hath no

Aniens, tis, adj. tior, comp. tissi- Amphib516gia, ae, /. an ambiguity ear for music
mus, superl. foolish, simple, mad
_ Amphibrachys, or us, m. a foot, Amygdala, se, /. an almond-tree,
Amentans, tis, part, hurling, containing a long between two ail almond [monda
_ driving short syllables Amygdalinus, a, um, adj. of al-
Amentatus, a, um, part, fastened Amphimacer, and crus, cri, m. a Amygdalum, i. n. an almond
_ with straps containing a short between
foot, Amylum, i, n. frumenty, starch
Amenter, adv. madly two long syllables Amystis, idis, /. a cup, a bowl
Amentia, ae, f. madness, folly Amphimallus, adj. shagged on An, adv. whether? or, or else,
Amento, as, a. to tie with a string, both sides either, if, or no
&c. to sling Amphitheatralis, adj. of, or be- Anabathrum, i, «. a pulpit, a desk
Amentum, i, n. a thong, a strap longing to, an amphitheatre Anacgphalseosis, is,/, a repetition
to hold a sling Amphitheatrum, i, n. an amphi- An&dema, a woman's head-
atis, n.
Ames, itis, m. a stake theatre dress, a topknot
Amethystinatus, a, um, adj. clad Amph6ra, ae, /. a firkin, a pot Anadiplosis, is, /. a figure in rhe-
in purple [thyst AmphOralis, e, adj. holding an toric, where the first word of
Amethystinus, a, um, adj. of ame- amphora the following sentence or verse
Amgthystus, i, m. an amethyst, a Ample, adv. amply, largely is a repetition of the last word
precious stone Amplectendus, a, um, part, to be of the preceding verse or sen-
Arnica, ae, f. a sweetheart embraced tence
Amlcabiiis, e, adj. amicable Amplectens, tis, part, embracing Anagl?pha, pi. n. vessels chased
Amiie, adv. in superl. cissime, Amplector, i, xus, dep. to embrace, Anagiypta, the same
friendly to surround, to lay hold of Anag'IJphicus, a, um, adj. chased,
Amicio, ire, ui, Ivi and ixi, ctum, Amplexans, tis, part, embracing embossed
a. to clothe, dress, cover Amplexator, oris, m. an embracer Anagnosta, or Anagnostes, ae, m,
Amicitia, a?,/, friendship, alliance, Amplexatus, a, um, part, em- a reader
sympathy [kind braced [plector An&graphe, es, /. a commentary
Amlco, as, a. to make propitious, Amplexor, ari, dep. same as Am- Antilecta, orum, pi. n. scraps of
Amictorium, i, n. a linen veil Amplexus, a, xxm,part. embracing meat
Amictus, a, um, part, clothed Amplexus, (is, m. an embrace, a Analectes, same as An&lecta, ae,
Amictus, us, m. a garment, cloth- hug _
[judgment m. a waiter at table to pick up
ing, dress Ampliatio, onis, /. an arrest of what is left
Amicfila, ae, /. dim. a courtesan Ampliatus, a, um, part, enlarged Aneiectides, um, /. bolsters for
Amiculum, i, n. a short cloak, a Amplificatio, onis, /. an amplify- stays [tion
coat, a mantle ing, or enlarging Analogia, ee, /. analogy, propor-
9 B 3
AnalOgus, a, um, adj. proportion- Angiilaris, angular
e, adj. Antmosus, a, um, adj. courageous
able, alike, regular Angillatlm, adv. by corners bold, brave, daring, hardy
Analysis, is, /. an unfolding into Angulatus, a, um, adj. having Animula, ae, /. the life,a poor
proper parts corners [corners little soul [sweetheart
Analytlcus, a, urn, adj. analytic Angulosus, a, um, adj. full of Anlmtdus, i, m. a little soul, a
Analytica, orum, pi. n. Aristotle's Angulus. i, m. an angle, a corner Animus, i, m. the mind, the soul,
book for resolving of arguments Angustandus, a, um, part, to be the heart, conscience, anger,
Anapaestus, i, m. a foot of two straitened courage, spirit, disposition,
short and one long syllable Angustans, tis, part, straitening humour
Anapeestum, i, n. an anapest Angustatus, a, um, part, made Anisum, i, n. anise-seed, an herb
Anarchia, ae, /. anarchy, confusion narrow Annalis, e. adj. of a year
Anas, atis, /. a duck, or drake Anguste, adv. ius, comp. issime, Annalis, is, m. a year-book. An
Anatarius, a, um, adj. of ducks superl. narrowly, closely, straitly nales, pi. annals, histories of
Anathema, atis, n. an anathema, Angustia, ae,/. straitness, narrow- things done from year to year
a curse ness, perplexity [passes Annavigo, as, a. to sail to, or by
Anathema, atis, n. an offering to Angustiae, arum, /. straits, narrow Anne ? conj. inter, whether or no ?
the gods Angustlclavius, i, m. one of the Annectans, tis, part, joining to
Anatlcula, ae,/. a duckling equestrian order Annecto, ei-e, xi, xum, a. to annex,
Anatlnus, a, um, adj. of a duck Angustior, us, adj. comp. more to join, knit
Anatome, es, and Anatomia, a?,/, narrow, or difficult Annellus, i, m. dim. a little ring
anatomy [tomy Angustissime, adv. superl. very Annexus, a, um, part, annext,
Anat5mice, es, /. the art of ana- straitly [narrow joined to [union
AnatOmicus, i, m. an anatomist Angustissimus, a, um, adj. very Annexus, us, m. a joining to,
Ancala, ae,/. the bend of the knee Angustius, adv. more narrowly, Annlculus, a, um, adj. of one
Anceps, cipltis, adj. doubtful, un- at a less distance, in less room year's age, or growth
certain, obscure, double Angusto, as, a. to straiten, or Annifer, a, um, adj. bearing all
Anchdra, ae, /. an anchor, a ship restrain the year [endeavour
AnchSralia, um, pi. n. a cable Augustus, a, um, narrow, adj. Annlsurus, a, um, part, that will
Anchoralis, e, adj. pertaining to strait, close, scanty, needy Annitens, tis, part, earnestly, en-
an anchor Anhelans, tis, part, panting, puff- deavouring
Anclle, is, a kind of shield
n. ing and blowing Annitor, i, xus, and sus, dep. to
Ancilis, e, made like bucklers
adj. Anhelatio, onis, /. a shortness of lead unto, earnestly to endea-
Ancilium, i, n. same as Ancile breath vour
Ancilla, ae, /. a maid-servant, a Anhelatus, a, um, part, blown Anniversarius, a, um, adj. anni-
handmaid forth, breathed forth versary, yearly
Ancillans, tis, part, waiting upon Anhelatus, us, m. the breath, a Annixus, a, um, part, leaning to,
Ancillaris, e, adj. belonging to a vapour endeavouring earnestly
maid-servant [humour Anhelitus, us, m. a puffing, diffi- Annona, ae, /. a year's increase
Ancillor, ari, dep. to wait, to culty in breathing from land, corn, a provision of
Ancillula, ae, /. dim. a waiting- Anhelo, as, a. to pant, to breathe corn, an allowance of victuals
maid short, or out Annosus, a, um, adj. aged
Ancon, onis, m. the part of a rule Anhelus, a, um, adj. short-winded Annotatio, onis, /. an annotation
where the perpendicular and Anlcetum, i, n. anise-seed Annotatiunciila, ae,/. a short note
basis meet, a corner, a cross Anicula, ae, /. a mean old woman Ann6tator, oris, m. one who writes
beam, a foreland, cape, or pro- Anilis, e, adj. like old wives, annotations, an observer
montory [winked ^ doting, simple Ann5tatus, a, um, part, noted,
Andabata, ae, m. a fighter hood- Amlitas, /. old age, dotage observed
Androdamas, ntis, m. a precious Aniliter, adv. dotingly, like an old AnnStatus, us, m. a remark
stone woman Annotinus, same as Anniculus
AndrSgynos, same as Andr&gynus, Anima, se, /. the soul, life, the Ann6to, as, a. to note, to set
i, m. an hermaphrodite breath, air, wind down, to remark, to observe
Anemone, es,/. a flower Anlmabllis, e, adj. giving life, &c. Annua, orum, n. a yearly salarr,
Anethum, i. n. anise, dill Anlmadversio, onis, /. animad- &C [senting
Anfractus, a, um, adj. rugged, version, reproof, correction Annuens, tis, part, nodding, as-
broken Animadversor, m. an animad-
oris, Annularis, e, adj.having a ring
Anfractus, us, m. and Anfractum, u verter, a reprover, an observer Anniilarius, a, um, adj. like a ring
i, n. a turning, or winding of 1 Animadversurus, a, um, part. Annularius, i, m. a ring-maker
way about to animadvert Anntilus, i, m. a ring, any thing
Angelica, ae, /. an herb so called Anfmadversus, a, um, part, con- like a ring, a seal
Anggllcus, a, um, adj. angelical sidered, taken notice Of Annumgrandus, a, um, part, to be
Angglus, i, m. an angel, a mes- Animadvertendus, a, um, part, to numbered [ed
senger be observed, to be punished Annumgratus, a,um, part, reckon-
Angina, ae, /. the quinsy Animadvert ens, tis, part, observ- Anniimero, as, a. to number
Angiportum, i, n. and us, m. a Annunciatio, onis, /. the annun-
narrow way, or street, a lane Anlmadverto, e"re, i, sum, a. to ciation, the delivery of a mes-
Ango, ere, xi, ctum, a. to strangle, observe, to perceive, to regard, sage
to choke, to throttle, to vex to consider, to punish Annuncio, as, a. to deliver a mes-
Angor, m. anguish, sorrow
oris, Animal, alis, n. an animal, a living sage, to tell
AnguIcSmus, a, um, adj. having creature, a man Annuo, ere, a. and n. to nod, to
snaky locks _ [snake Animalis, e, adj. animal, living, intimate by a nod, to hint, to
Anguicvilus, i, m. dim. a little relating to life affirm, to promise, tn assent
Anguifer, gri, m. a constellation Animans, tis, part, animating, Annus, i, m. a year, time
like a serpent putting life into Annuus, a, um, adj. yearly, done
Anguiggna, ae, c. g. gendered by Animans, tis,/. or n., sometimes m., every year
a snake any thing that hath life An6dyna, orum, pi. n. anodynes
Anguilla, se,/. an eel Animatio, onis,/. animation Anomalia, ae, /. irregularity, a de-
Anguimanus, i, m. an elephant Animator, oris, m. an encourager parture from law
Anguineus, a, um, adj. of a snake Animatus, a, um, part, animated, Anomalus, a, um. adj. anomalous,
Angulnum, i, n. a bed, or knot of living, encouraged irregular
snakes Animatus, a, um, adj. affected to, Anonymus, a, um, adj. anonymous
Anguinus, a, um, adj. of a snake minded [life Anormis, e, adj. without rule
Angulpgdes, pi. c. g. snake-footed Ammo, as, a. to animate, to give Anqulrendus, a, um, part, to be
Anguipes, edis, adj. snake-footed Ammose, adv. ius, comp. issime, enquired into [into
Unguis, is, m and /. a snake, superl. courageously, boldly, Anqulrens, tis, part, enquiring
serpent bravely Anqu\ro, ere, sivi, situm, a. to


i enquire, to make diligent search,
to acquire
Anqulsitus, a, um, part, tried, &c.
Antesto, as, n. to stand before,
to excel
Antestor, ari, dep. to be witness
Anxius, a, um, adj. anxious, un-
easy, concerned, disturbed
Aoristus, i, m. a Greek tense, used
Ansa, ae, /. a handle, a buckle, a Antevgnio, Ire, i, turn, n. to come to signify past indefinite time
latchet, occasion before, to come, to prevent Apagfe, Apagetfe, adv. away, be-
Ansatus, a, um, <utj. having a Antevertendus, a, um, part, to be gone, avaunt
handle outgone, to be surpassed Apalaestri, pi. adj. rude, ill-bred
Anser, eris, m. a goose, or gander Anteverto, ere, i, sum, a. to out- Apeliotes, ae, m. the south-east
Anserculus, i, m. dim a gosling strip, to prevent wind [Jew
Ansennus, a, um, adj. of a goose Antev6lans, tis, part, flying before Apella, ae, c. g. one circumcised, a
Antae, arum, /. pillars of an edifice AntevOlo, as, a. to fly before Aper, pri, m. a wild boar, a boar
on each side of the door Anthemis, ldis,/. camomile Aperiendus, a, um, part, to be
Antagonist^ ae, m. an antagonist Anthinus, a, um, adj. made of opened
Ante, prep, (governing an accusa- flowers Aperiens, tis, part, opening
tive case) before AnthOlOglca, orum, pi. n. books Apgrio, Ire, ui, turn, a. to open, to
Ante, adv. before, afore, since that treat of flowers set, or lay open, to split, to dis-
Antea, adv. before, aforetime, Anthracinus, a, um, adj. black close, to discover
formerly, heretofore AnthropOphagus, i, m. a cannibal Aperte, adv. ius, Issime, openly,
Anteactus, a, um, part, done be- Antibacchius, i, m. a foot of two plainly, clearly, manifestly
fore, driven before, former long, and a third short syllable Aperto, as, a. to make naked
Anteambulo, onis, m. a footman Antiboreus, a, um, adj. turned Apertum, i, n. a public place
of state [star toward the North Apertura, ae, /. a little opening, or
Antecanis, is, m. the lesser dog- Antichristus, i, m. antichrist, an hole
Antecapio, ere, epi, a. to take be- impostor Apertus, a, um, adj. ior, tisstmus,
forehand, to anticipate Anticlpatio, Onis,/. anticipation open, public, exposed
Antecedens.tis, part, goingbefore, Anticipatus, a, um, part, antici- Apex, icis, m. a top, a point, a
former, surpassing pated tuft, a plume, a crest, a comb, a
Antecedo, ere, ssi, sum, a. to go Anticipo, as, a. to anticipate caP
before, to excel Antlcum, i, n. a porch, a fore door Apexabo, 6nis,/. a black pudding
Antgcedens, tis, part, excelling Antlcus, a, um, adj. south, for- Aphractum, i, n. and Aphractus,
Antecello, ere, ui, a. to excel ward m. an open ship, a brigantine
Anteceptus, a, um, part, pre- AntidOtum, i, n. and Antidotus, i, Aphronltrum, i, n. saltpetre
possessed /. an antidote Aphya, ae, /. a small cheap fish
Antecessio, onis,/. a going before Antlpathia, antipathy
ae,/. Apiarium, i, n. a bee stand
Antecessor, oris, m. one who goes Antiphona, ae, /. an antiphon, a Apiarius, i, m. a keeper of bees
before singing by response Apiastrum, i, n. balm, mint

Antgcessus, us, m. an earnest Antiphrasis, is, /. a figure of Apiatus, a, um, adj. like a bee
Antficursor, oris, m. a scout, a van speech whereby the opposite of Aplca, ovis,/. a small sheep
Ante-eo, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to go the true meaning is expressed Apicatus, a, um, part, tufted
before, to exceed Antipodes, um, pi. m. people with Aplcula, ae,/. a little bee
Antgferendus, a, um. part, to be their feet against ours Apinae, arum, pl.f. trifles, toys
preferred, to be esteemed be- Antiquandus, a, um, part, to be Apis, is,/, a bee
fore repealed Apiscor, i, dep. to get, to recover
Antefero, fers, tuli, latum, a. to Antiquaria, ae, /. a female wit, a Apium, i, n. parsley, smallage
carry, or direct before [in female critic Apluda, ae,/. bran, refuse
Antegredior, i, ssus, dep. to usher Antiquarius, i, m. an antiquary Aplustre, is, n. Aplustrum, i, n
Antegressus, a, um, part, going Antlquarius, a, um, adj. studious, the flag, or colours of a ship
before or fond of antiquity [old Ap6calypsis, is,/, the apocalypse,
Antehabeo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to Antlquatus, a, um, part repealed,. or revelation
prefer, to value, or esteem more Antique, adv. of old, in ancient Ap6c5pe, es, /. a figure, which
Antehac, adv. formerly, till now time [dearer takes away the last letter of a
Antglaturus, a, um, part, about to Antlquior, us, adj. comp. older, word [phal
prefer Antlquiss'mus, a, um, adj. superl. Apocryphus, a, um, adj. apocry-
Antelatus, a, um, part, preferred oldest Apodicticus, a, um, adj. demon-
AntelOgium, i, n. a preamble, a Antiquitas, atis, /. antiquity, men strative
preface of ancient times ApOdyterium, i, n. a room near a
Antelucanus, a, um, adj. before Antlquitus, adv. of old time, hath for undressing, &c.
daylight formerly Ap5gaeum, i, n. a point where a
Antemgridianus, a, um, adj. in Antlquo, as, a. to repeal, to forget planet is farthest from the earth
the morning, before mid-day Antlquus, a, um, adj. ancient, old, Apolactizo, as, a. to kick a per-
Antgmissus, a, um, part, sent of long standing, old fashioned, son, to slight
before out of date Ap6l8getlcus, a, um, adj. apolo-
Antenna, ae,/. a sailyard [tion Antistans, tis, part, excelling getic, defending
Anteoceupatio, onis, /. anticipa- Antistes, itis, c. g. a chief priest, Apologia, ae,/. a defence, apology
Anteoccupo, as, a to anticipate or priestess, a prelate ApOlOgus, i, m. a fable
Antgpllani, drum, pi. m. the Antistlta, ae,/. a priestess Apophthegma, atis, n. an apoph-
middle rank of the Roman army Antisto, as, a. to excel, to surpass thegm, or short pithy saying
Antgponendus, a, um, part, to be Antithalamus, i, m. an anticham- Aposphragisma, atis, n. one's seaL
set, or placed before, to be pre- ber or coat of arms
ferred Antithesis, is, /. an opposition Ap&plexis, eos,/. an apoplexy
Anteponens, tis, part, setting Antitheton, i, n. a contrariety Apostema, atis, an imposthume
before Antilia, ae, /. a pump Apost61atus, us, to. an apostleship
Antepono, gre, pOsui, Itum, a. to Antlo, as, n. to draw water Apostolus, i, m. an apostle, one
set before, to prefer [fore Antrum, i, n. a cave, den sent to preach the gospel, a
AntepOsitus, a, um, part, set be- Anularis, e, adj. pertaining to messenger
AntepOtens, tis, part, more power- . a ring ApOtheca, ae, /. a storehouse, a
ful Anulus, i, m. a ring cellar, an apothecary's shop
Antgquam, adv. before that Anus, i, m. a circle, a year ApOtheosis, eos,/ a canonization
Anterior, us, adj. comp. former, Anus, us, /. an old woman, an Apparandus, a, um, part, to be
in front eunuch adj. old
: prepared
Antes, ium, pi. m. the fore ranks, Anxie, adv. anxious Apparans, tis, part, preparing
a battalion, or brigade of horse Anxietas, ati&,/. anxiety, sorrow, Apparate, ius, issime, adv. with
Antgsignanus, i, m. he who uneasiness, concern preparation, sumptuously
marches first to defend a stan- Anxietudo, inis,/. disquiet of mind Apparatio, onis,/. great prepara
dard, an ensign Anxifer, a, um, adj. bringing care tion, bravery, gallantry


Apparatus, a, urn, part, tior, Appliciturus, a, urn, part, about to Apricatio, onis, /. a basking in th«i
tissimus, prepared, furnished, apply, about to arrive at sun, a being abroad in the open
splendid Applicltus, a, um, part, adjoined air
Apparatus, us, m. a preparation, Applico, as, ui, and avi, itum, and Aprlcitas, atis, /. the warmth of
equipage atum, a. to apply, set, put, or the sun, open, fair weather
Apparens, tis, part, apparent, lay near, to bring Apricor, ari, dep. to bask in the
appearing Apploro, as, n. to lament with one sun
Appareo, ere, ui, itum, n. to ap- Appluo, ere, ui, and uvi, turn, a. Aprlcus, a. um, adj. ior, comp
pear, to be visible, to be forth- to rain near, to rain upon issimus, superl. sunny, warmed
coming Appono, ere, sui, itum, a. to put, with the sun
Appfirltio, onis,/., or set to, to join, to add, to lay Aprllis, is, m. April, a menth
or place of apparitors, &c.
office, upon, or nigh, to serve up Aprilis, e, adj. of April
Apparitor, osis, m. an apparitor, Apporrectus, a, um, part, stretch- Aprugna, se,/ (caro) brawn
summoner, marshal, beadle ed out, lying near Aprugnus, a, um, adj. belonging
Apparitura, x, /.. the attendance Apporrigo, exi, ectum, a. to stretch to a boar
of an apparitor out, to reach near Apsis, or Absis, Idis,/. the ring of
Apparitfuus, a, um, part, about Apportandus, a, um, part, to be a cart-wheel, a circle about the
to appear carried to [causing stars
Apparo, as, a. to prepare, to pro- Apportans, tis, part, bringing, Aptandus, a, um, part, to be fitted
vide, -to get, or make ready, to Apporto, as, a. to carry, to bring, Aptans, tis, part, fitting, suiting
furnish, to design to bring news Aptatus, a, um, part fitted, suited

Appellandus, a, um, part, to be Apposco, ere, a. to ask, or require Apte, adv. ius, comp. issime,
called, to be invoked, to be ap- more, to demand superl. fitly, properly, suitably,
pealed to AppQsite, adv. fitly, properly, suit- pertinently, agreeably
Appellans, tis, part, calling ably, to the purpose Aptitudo, inis./. aptitude, fitness
Appellatio, onis, /. a name, a title, Appositio, onis, /. apposition, an Apto, as, a. to fit, to make fit,
an appeal, pronunciation adding to to adapt, to join, to prepare
Appellativus, a, um, adj. appella- App&situs, a, um, part, and adj. Aptoton, i, n. an aptote
tive, common put to, put, laid, or set near, set Aptus, a, um, part, and adj. fit,
Appellator, oris, an appellant upon, served up, situate by, proper, suitable, good, condu-
Appellatus, a, um, part, called, adjoining, fit, suitable cive, agreeable [chovy
named, entitled, called upon Appositus, us, m. a putting to Apua, a?, /. a small fish, an an-
Appello, as, a. to call, to name, to Appotus, a, um, part, drunk, tip- Apud, prep, with accus. close by,
call to, or upon, to call to wit- pled [to nigh, near, with, at, among
ness, to speak to, to address, to Apprecatus, a, um, part, praying Apus, Odis, /. a martinet
mention, to proclaim, to pro- Appr£cor, ari, or Adpr£cor, dep. Ap^rinus, a, um, and Apyrenus,
nounce, to accuse, to appeal to pray unto, to wish one any adj. having no kernel, or stone,
Appello, 6:e, puli, prulsum, a. to good u having small kernels
drive, to force, to bring, to Apprehendens, tis, part, appre- Apjfrum, i, n. brimstone not burnt
bring to land, to apply hending, laying hold of, seizing Aqua, se, /. water, rain, a wave,
Appendicula, se,/. a little append- Apprehendo, and Apprendo, ere, '
a waterish humour
age, a perquisite i, sum, a. to apprehend, to seize, Aquseductus, us, m. an aqueduct,
Appendix, icis, /. an appendix, an to take, or lay hold of, to snatch, a conduit
appendage, an addition to learn, to understand Aqualiculus, i, m. dim. a hog's
Appendo, ere, i, sum, a. to hang Apprehensus, a, um, part, laid trough, the lower part ot the
to, or up, to join, to weigh out hold of ^ belly, the draught
Appensus, a, um, part, hanged Appressus, a, um, part, pressed, Aqualis, is, m. in accus. aqualim,
up, weighed out put hard together a water-pot, an ewer
AppStendus, a, um, part, to be Appretio, avi, atum, a. to value, or Aquarium, i, n. a watering place
desired, to be sought after estimate at a price for cattle, a sink
App6tens, tis, part, approaching, Apprlme, or Adprimfe, adv. very Aquarius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
-setting upon much, very well, extremely longing to, water
Appetens, tis, adj. tior, comp. Apprimo, 6re, essi, essum, a. to Aquarius, i, m. one of the signs of
issimus, superl. desirous of, press any thing close to, to the zodiac, a water-bailiff
fond, covetous squeeze hard Aquaticus, a, um, adj. aquatic, of,
Appetentia, se,/. a desire, a long- Apprlmus, or Adprimus, a, um, or belonging to, water, living,
ing for, a hankering after adj. chief, principal or growing in, or about water
Appfitltio, onis,/. a strong desire, Approbandus, a, um, part, to be Aquatile, is, n. an aquatic, any
earnest endeavour after, a catch- approved creature that lives in water
ing at, an appetite Approbans, tis, part, approving Aquatilis, e, adj. living in, or near
Appetltus, a, um, part, catched at, Approbatio, onis,/. approbation, water
attempted, set upon allowance, a liking Aquatio, onis, /. a watering, a
Appetltus, us, m. an appetite, a Appr5bator, oris, m. an approver carrying, or fetching of water
desire Approbaturus, a, um, part, about Aquator, oris, m. he that waters,
AppSto, AdpSto, ere, ii, or ivi, to approve, or like [allowed or provides water
Itum, a. to desire earnestly, to Appro b atus,a, um, part, approved, Aquatus, a, um, adj. thin like
covet, to aim, or catch at, to Approbo, or AdprSbo, as, a. to water, watery
aspire to, to attack approve, to like, to allow ' Aqueus, a, um, adj. watery
Appingo, 6re, egi, actum, a. to Appromitto, ere, si, ssum, a. to Aquitonum, i, n. a holly
join, fasten, or bind to, to add engage for another, to promise Aquila, ae, /. an eagle, a con-
Appingo, ei-e, xi, a. to paint, to Appr5peratus, a, um, part. stellation, a Roman ensign, or
write hastened banner
Applaudo, 6re, si, sum, n. to ap- Appr6p6ro, as, n. to make haste Aquilegium, i, n. a catching of
prove, to clap hands, &c. a. tohasten, to set forward rain, a conveyance of water
Applausor, oris, m. an applauder, ApprQpinquans, tis, part, drawing Aquilex, egis, m. a water-bailiff
an approver, a clapper near Aquilifer, eri, m. the standard-
Applausus, a, um, part, clapped ApprOpinquatio, onis, /. an ap- bearer among the Romans, who
upon, stroked gently, cherished proach, a drawing near to had on his ensign the figure of
Applausus, us, m. applause, a ApprQpinquo, as, n. to approach, an eagle
clapping of hands to draw, or be near Aquilinus, a, um, adj. of, or like

Appllcans, tis, part, applying, ap- Appulsus, a, um, part, arrived, an eagle, rapacious
proaching landed Aquilo, onis, m. the north wind
"Applicatio, onis, /. an application Appulsus, us, m. an arrival, a Aquilonalis, e, adj. northern
AppHcatus, a, um, part, applied, coming to [sun Aquilonaris, e, adj. northern
laid to, arrived, bent Aprlcans, tis, pari, basking in the Aquilonius, a, um, adj. northern
Aquilus, a, urn, adj. dark, of the Arcessens, part, sending for
tis, Ardeo, ere, si, sum, n. and a. to
colour of water, sunburnt Arcessltor, or Accessltor, oris, m. burn, to scorch, to be hot, to
Aquor, ari, dep. to water, to give a messenger sent to fetch one rage, to love
water, to provide, or fetch water Arcessiturus, a, um, part, about Ardescens, tis, part, burning
Aquosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. to send for Ardesco, gre, incep. to grow hot,
issimus, superl. watery, wet Arcessltus, a, um, part, called, or or hasty
Aquula, ae, /. a little water, a plash sent for • Ardor, oris, m. great heat, flame,
Ara, ae, /. an altar, a sanctuary Arcesso, ere, Ivi, Itum, a. to send fire, rage, love
Arabilis, e, adj. arable for, to call, to go to call [ed Arduitas, atis,/. steepness
Arandus, a, um, part, to be Arehaicus, a, um, adj. old fashion- Arduus, a, um, adj. high, lofty,
ploughed Archangelus, i, m. an archangel tall, steep, hard, difficult
Aranea, ae, /. a spider, a cobweb Archetypum, i, n. an authentic Area, se, /. a thrashing-floor, a
Arane51a, ae,/. dim. a small spider copy, the original of a writing, granary, a crop, a court yard,
Araneolus, i, m. dim. a little spider &c. any void place
Araneosus, a, um, adj. full of ArchStypus, a, um, any thing
adj. Arefacio, 6re, feci, factum, a. to
spiders' webs, or things like at first hand [deacon dry, to make dry
cobwebs ArchidiacSnus, i, m. an arch- Arefactus, a, um, part, dried,
Araneum, i, n. a spider's web ArchiepiscQpus, i, m. an arch- withered
Araneus, i, m. a spider, a spider's bishop Arena, ae, /. sand, the sea-shore,
web Archigrammateus, i, m. in, ace. barren ground, an amphitheatre,
Aratio, onis,/. a ploughing, tillage archigrammatea, the principal a place of contest
Aratiuncula, ae, /. a little field secretary, a chancellor Arenaceus, a, um, adj. of, or like
ploughed Archimaglrus, i, m. the master sand, mixt with sand, sandy
Arator, oris, m. a plougher, a tiller cook [mimic Arenariae, arum, pl.f. sand-pits
Aratrum, i, n. a plough Archlmlmus, i, m. the principal Arenatus, a, um, adj. sandy
Araturus, a, um, part, about to Archiplrata, ae,/. an arch-pirate Arenatum, i, n. mortar of lime
plough [tilled Archltectio, onis, /. workmanship and sand
Aratus, a, um, part, ploughed, Architectonice. es,/. or Architec- Aremvagus, a, um, adj. wander-
Arbiter, tri,m. an arbitrator, a t6nica, ae, /. the art, or science ing, or going in sand
judge, an umpire, a witness of building Arenosus, a, um, adj. sandy,
Arbttra, ae, /. a she witness Architectomcus, a, um, adj. be- _ gravelly [parched
Arbitrans, tis, part, thinking longing to architecture, chief Arens, tis, part, dry, thirsty,
Arbitrari6, adv. arbitrarily, at Architector, ari, dep. to draw Arenula, ae, /. dim. small sand,
one's pleasure [voluntary plans, to model, to devise grit
Arbitrarius, a, um, adj. arbitrary, Architectura, ae,/. architecture Areo, ere, ui, n. to be parched, or
Arbitratus, a, um, part, thinking Architectus, i, m. an architect, a _ dried up [den
Arbitratus, us, m. judgment, opi- master-builder, a chief mason, Areola, ae,/. a little bed in a gar-
nion, choice carpenter Aresco, 6re, incep. to wax, or grow
Arbitrium, i, n. an arbitrement, Arclritricllnus, i, m. the master of dry, to harden
or award, a judgment, a sen- the feast AretalOgus, i, m. a talkative phi-
tence, a determination Archivum, i, w. the place where losopher, a boaster, a quack
Arbitror, dep. to arbitrate, or
ari, ancient records, or charters, are Argentaria, ae, /. a banker's table,
end by arbitration, to sentence, kept, the chancery or shop, a silver-mine
or award, to suppose, to imagine, Archon, tis, m. a chief magistrate Argentarius, a, um, adj. belonging
to think Arcitenens, tis, adj. an epithet of to silver, or money
Arbor, and Arbos, Oris, /. a tree, Apollo Argentarius, i, m. a banker, a cash
wood, a mast, an oar Arctans, tis, part, straitening, keeper, an usurer, a pawn-
Arborarius, a, um, adj. of, or keeping fast [narrow broker, the chamberlain of a
belonging to a tree Arctatus, a, um, part, straitened, city
ArbOrator, oris, m. a planter, lop- Arete, adv. ius, comp. issime, Argentatus, a, um, adj. covered
per of trees superl. straitly, closely over with silver
ArbOresco, fire, incep. to grow to Arctlcus, a, um, adj. arctic, Argente61us, a, um, adj. silvered
the bigness of a tree northern Argenteus, a, um, adj. of, or made
ArbOretum, i, m. a grove, a nur- Arctim, adv. same as Arete of silver, bright as silver
sery of trees Arcto, as, a. to strain close, to Argentif6dlna, ae,/. a silver-mine
Arboreus, a, um, adj. of, or be- crowd Argentosus, a, um, adj. full of
longing to a tree _ [shrub Arct&phylax, acis, m. a constella- silver
Arbuscula, ae, /. a little tree, a tion near the greater bear Argentum, i, n. silver, bullion,
Arbustlvus, a, um, adj. belonging Arctos, or Arctus, i, /. two con- plate, coin
to shrubs stellations in the form of bears, Argestes, ae, m. a western wind
Arbusto, as, a. to plant with trees the north f Argilla, ae,/. white clay, potter's
Arbustum, i, n. a copse, a grove Arctiius, a, um, adj. belonging to earth
of trees, an orchard, a shrub the north Argillaceus, a, um, adj. made of
Arbuteus, a, um, adj. of, made of, Arcturus, i, m. a large star white clay
or belonging to, an arbute Arctus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Argillosus, a, um, adj. clayey, full
Arbutum, i, n. the fruit of the issimus, superl. close, tight, of white clay, or marl
arbutus crowded, narrow, scanty Arg6nautae, arum, pi. m. idle ma-
Arbutus, i,/. an arbute, a kind of Arcuatim, adv. bent like a bow riners
wild strawberry Arcuatio, onis, /. an arch, an Arguens, tis, part, proving, show-
Area, ae, /. an ark, a chest, a coffer, arching ing, reproving
a desk, a coffin Arcuatus, a, um, part, fashioned ArguitCirus, a, um, part, about
Arcand, adv. secretly, privately like a bow, or arch to argue
Arcanum, i, n. a secret, a mystery Arcula, ae,/. a little box, or coffer Argumentandus, a, um, part, to
Arcanus, a, um, adj. secret, hidden, Arcularius, i, m. a cabinet-maker be argued
close [wise Arculus, i, m. dim. a little bow Argumentatio, onis,/. a reasoning,
Arcatus, a, um, adj. made areh- Arcuo, as, a. to arch over, to bend or producing of arguments
Arcendus, a, um, part, to be driven Arcus, us, and i, rar. m. an arch, Argumentor, ari, dep. to prove by
away, to drive away a bow, a rainbow argument, to argue
Arcens, tis, part, driving away Ardea, ae, /. a heron Argumentosus. a, um, adj. full of
Arceo, ere, ui, a. sup. car. to drive Ardelio, onis, rn. a busybody argument, or matter, argument-
away, to keep off, from, or out, Ardens, tis, pare, tior, comp. tissi- ative
to hinder mus, superl. burning, hot, eager, Argumentum, t, n. an argument,
Arcfira, ae,/. a covered cart earnest a reason, a proof, a presumption,
Arcessendus, a, um, part, to be Ardenter, adv. ids, comp. issime, a sign, or token
sent for superl. ardently, hotly, eagerly Arguo, 6re, 'li, utum, a. to tihow.
** prove, to reprove, to accuse, Armiger, a, um, adj. armed, bear- Artlcularis, e, adj. pertaining to
to object, convince ing arms the joints (jointg
Argutatio, onis, /. a quarrelling, Armiger, i, m. an esquire Artlcularius, a, um, adj. of the
tittletattle [fellow Armilla, ae,/. a bracelet, a jewel Articularius, i, m. a gouty man
Argutator, oris, m. a prating Armillatus, a, um, adj. that hath, Articidate, adv. distinctly, clearlv
Argute, adv. smartly, shrewdly, or weareth, bracelets Articulatim, from joint to joint,
keenly Armillum, ^ n. a wine vessel in from point to point
Argutias, arum, pi. /. smartness, sacrifices Artlculatio, onis, /
repartee, quirks Armilustrium, or Armuustrum, i, the shooting of plants from
Arguto, as, a. to rally smartly n. a muster, or review of military joint to joint
Argutor, ari, dep. to pun, to take forces Articfdatus, a, um, part, jointed,
words otherwise than spoken ArmipStens, tis, adj. powerful in articulate, distinct
Argutulus, a, um, adj. talkative arms, or war, mighty Articfilo, as, a. to utter distinctly,
Argutus, a, um, part, accused, Armlsonus, a, um, adj. rustling to joint
charged adj. ior, comp. issimus,
; with armour Articulosus, a, um, adj. full of
superl. sharp, keen, witty, quick, Armistitium, i, n. a cessation joints, or knots
shrill, loud, resounding from arms Articulus, i, m. an article, a joint,
Aridltas, atis,/. dryness, drought Armo, as, a. to arm, to stir up, to a knot, a swelling, or rising
Aridulus, a, um, adj. somewhat arms, to furnish Artifex, icis, c. g. an artist, a
dry Armus, i, m. an arm, a shoulder, maker, a creator, a contriver,
Aridum, i, n. the shore, dry land a wing an author [ning
Aridus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Aro, as, a. to plough, to till, to Artifex, icis, adj. artificial, cun-
issimus, superl. dry, parched, dig, to dress and order ground, Artificialis, e, adj. artificial, cun-
hard, barren, poor to reap, or gather ningly wrought [ningly
Aries, etis, m. a ram, or tup, a Aromata, all sweet spices, herbs, ArtlflciaRter, adv. artificially, cun-
battering-ram, one of the twelve seeds, or roots ArtTficiose, adv. artificially
signs of the zodiac Aromatlcus, a, um, adj. aromatic, Artiftciosus, a, um, adj. artificial
Arietarius, a, um, adj. pertaining fragrant, of a sweet smell Artificium, i, n. an artifice, a
to, or like a ram Arqu atus, i. e. Arcuatus, a, um, adj. trick, a devise, a trade
Arietatus, a, um, part, butted, or arched Artopta, ae,/. a kneading-trough,
clashed against Arquus, i, m. a rainbow a baking-pan [pan
Arietinus, a, um, adj. of, or like Arra, or Arrha, ae, /. same as Ar- Artoptltius, a,um, adj. baked in a
a ram rhabo Artuatus, a, um, part, torn limb
Arieto, as, a. to push like a ram, Arrectarius, a, um, adj. erected, by limb
to butt, to cast, or strike down, set upright, set up on end Artus, us, m. a joint, a limb, a
to batter Arrectus, a, um, part, ior, comp. mesh, the body
Aritflatio, onis,/. divination erected, lifted up, standing on Arvalis,e, adj. of, or in the field
Arista, ae, /. an ear of corn, the ead, erect, attentive [repo Arvina, ae,/. tallow, fat
beard of corn, corn, harvest, Arrepo, to creep to, same as Ad- Aruncus, i, m. a goat's beard
Bummer Arreptiirus, a, um, part, about to Arundifer, a, um, adj. bearing
Aristifer, a,um, adj. bearing ears snatch [seized reeds [reed
Aristocratia, ae,/. an aristocracy, Arreptus, a, um, part, snatched, Arundinaceus, a, um, adj. hke a
a government of nobles Arrhabo, onis, m. an earnest, a Arundmetum, i, n. a place of reeds
AristolSchia, ae,/. birthwort token, or pledge, a pawn Aran din eus, a, um, adj. of a reed
Arithmgt ica, ae, /. or ArithmStice, Arridens, tis, part, smiling upon, Arundinosus, a, um, adj. full of
es, /. arithmetic Arrideo, ere, si, sum, n. to laugh reeds
ArithmgtTcus, a, um, adj. of, or at, to smile, to look pleasantly, Arundo, inis, /. a reed, a cane, an
_ belonging to arithmetic to please arrow, or shaft
ArltudoT Inis, /. dryness, drought, Arrigo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to lift Aruspex, Icis, e. g. a soothsayer, a
dry weather up, to raise, to raise the spirits, diviner from the entrails of
Anna, orum, pi. n. arms, weapons, to encourage sacrifices
armour, tools, instruments Arripiens, tis, part, laying hold of Aruspicium, i, n. soothsaying
Armamaxa, ae, /. a kind of chariot Ampio, ere, ui, eptum, a. to Arvum, i, n. and Arvus, i, m. a

used in solemnities snatch at, to seize on, to take, field,ploughed land, a plain
Armamenta, orum, pi. n. tackling, or get by force, to catch at Arx, cis, /. a citadel, a fort, a
tools Arrisio, onis, /
a smiling fortified place, a castle, a tower
Armamentarium, i, n. an armory, Arrlsor, oris, m. a smiler, a flat- As, and Assis, gen. assis, m. a
an arsenal, a magazine terer pound weight, consisting of
Armandus, a, um, part, to be Arrodo, e"re, si, sum, a. to gnaw, twelve equal parts, or ounces
armed, accoutred to nibble, to rob Asarotum, i, n. a fine pavement,

Armari6lum, i, n. dim. a little Arr5gans, tis, part, and adj. ior, artificially cut in the fashion of
closet, a cabinet comp. issimus, superl. arrogant, dice [spikenard
Armarium, a storehouse, a
i. n. proud, haughty Asarum, i, n. foalfoot, or wild
closet, a pantry, a chest ArrSganter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Asbestinum, i, n. and Asbeston,
Armatura, ae, /. armour, harness, superl. proudly, presumptuously i, n. flax, of which they made

the training, &e. of soldiers Arrogantia, ae,/. arrogance, haugh- cloth that was cleansed by
Armatus, a, um, part, armed, tiness, pride burning in the fire
harnessed ArrSgo, as, a. to arrogate, to claim, Asbestos, i, m. a kind of stone,
Armatu, abl. m. with armour to challenge, to assume which being set on fire cannot
Armeniacum pomum, an apricot Arrosor, oris, m. he that gnaws, be quenched
Armentalis, e, adj. of a drove, or plunders [bitten AsbSlus, i, m. Coal, a dog's name
herd [herd Arrosus, a, um, part, gnawn, AscSlonia, as, /. or Ascalonium, i,
Armentarius, a, um, adj. kept in a Ars, tis, /. art, skill, knowledge, n. a kind of onion, a scallion
Armentarius, i, m. a herdsman, a cunning, deceit, artifice Ascarides, um.yi./. bots in horses,
grazier Arsenicum, i, n.arsenic belly-worms
Armentlcius, or tius, a, um, adj. Arsurus, a, um, part, about to Ascendendus, a, um, part, to be
belonging to a herd burn ascended
Armentinus, a, um, adj. of great Artemisia, ae, /. mugwort Ascendens, tis, part, ascending,
cattle that go in herds Artemon, or Artgmo, onis, m. the climbing up, going up
Armentosus, a, um, adj. breeding pulley of a crane [pulse Ascendo, ere, i, sum, a. to ascend,
great cattle Arteria, ae, /. an pjtery, a vein, the to go, or come up, to get, or
Armentum, i, n. a herd, a herd of Art.erialis, e, adj. arterial [pipe climb up, to mount
large cattle Arterium, i, ». an artery, the wind- Ascensibilis, e, adj. that may be
Armifer, a, um, adj. bearing ar- Arthriticus, a, um, adj. gouty ascended
mour, warlike, fierce Arthritis, Idis,/. the gout Ancensio, onis. /. an ascent
Accensurus, a, um, part, that will evenness, sharpness, clownish- Assfiquens, part, ov^rtaki-.z
ascend, or mount ishness, austerity Assgquor, firis, dep. to over fake,
Ascensus, us, to. an ascent, a Aspfiritudo, Inis,/. sharpness to reach, to equal, or match
going, or climbing up Aspernandus, a, um, part, to be Asser, firis, m. and Assis, gen. ass'.s,
Asceteria, orum, pi. n. monas- despised a pole, a chump, a joist
teries, cloisters Aspernans, tis, part, despising Asserciilus, i, to. and Asserculum,
Ascetria, ae, /. a nun Aspernatio, onis, /. a scorning, a i, n. a little pole

Ascia, as,/, a great hatchet, an axe slighting, neglect Asserendus, a, um, part, to be
Asciatus, a, um, part, cut, hewerl Aspernatus, a, um, part, slighting asserted [firming
Ascio, as, a. to cut with a hatchet, Aspernor, ari, dep. to slight, to Assfirens, tis, part, asserting, af-
or axe, to cleanse despise, to reject, to flee from Assfiro, ere, evi, Ttum, a. to plant,
Ascio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to enrol Aspfiro, as, a. to make rough, or to sow, to set by
Asciscendus, a, um, part, to be uneven, to freeze, to sharpen, to Assfiro, ere, ui, turn, a. to assert,
taken in, owned, desired point, or head, to enrage to affirm, to claim, to challenge
Ascisco, fire, Ivi, Itum, a. to take, Aspersio, onis, /. a sprinkling Assertio, 6nis,/. an assertion, an
to call for, to call, or bring in, Aspersus, a, um, part, besprinkled affirmation, a claim of liberty
to join Aspersus, us, m. a sprinkling Assertor, oris, to. an assertor, a
Awntltius, a, um, adj. farfetched, Asperugo, inis, /. a* plant with voucher, a vindicator
taken in, artificial prickly leaves Asserturus, a, um, part, about to
Ascltus, a, um,
part, taken, asso- Asph&delus, i, m. the daffodil assert [kept
ciated, adopted, admitted, ac- Aspiciendus, a, um, part, to be Asservandus, a, um, part, to be
quired seen, to be beheld [holding Asservatus, a, um, part, preserved,
A?cius, a, um, adj. -without shadow Aspiciens, tis, part, seeing, be- kept
Asclepias, adis, /. swalwort Aspicio, fire, exi, eetum, a. to Asservio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to serve,
AscSpera, ae,/. a bag, a sack behold, to see, to perceive, to to help, to second
Ascribo, fire, psi, ptnm, a. to as- espy, to look upon, or towards Asservo, as, a. to preserve, to
cribe, to impute, to attribute, Aspirans, tis, part, breathing, &c. keep, to keep safe
to write, to enrol [rolling Asplratio, 5nis, /. a breathing, a Assessio, onis,/. a sitting down
Ascriptio, onis, /. a joining, en- fetching of breath, an influence, by one
Arcriptltius, a, um, adj. chosen, a damp Assessor, oris, to. an assessor, a
naturalized Asplro, as, a. to aspire, to reach, justice, a counsellor
Ascriptivus, a, um, adj. super- to attain, to have access, to Assfiverans, part, affirming, dis-
numerary wish for, to breathe, or blow playing
to. a subscriber, a
Ascriptor, oris, Aspis, idis,/. an asp, a spider Assfiverantfir, adv. ius, comp. con-
promoter, a maintainer, a fa- Asportandus, a, um, part, to he fidently, boldly, eagerly
vorer carried away [away Assfiveratio, onis,/. au assevera-
Ascriptus, or Adscriptus, a, um, Asportatio, onis, /. a carrying tion
part, ascribed, subscribed Asportatus, a, um, part, carried Assfivero, as, a. to affirm, to assert,
Asella, ae,/. a little she ass from one place to another to maintain, to show, to disph.y
Asellus, i, to. a little ass, an ass's Asporto, as, a. to transport Assibilo, as, n. to hiss, to whistle
colt, a kind of fish Aspretum, i,- n. a rough place, Assicco, as, a. to dry, to harden
Asemus, a, um, adj. that has not cragged, or full of bushes Assiciilus, i, m. a lath
the purple stripe, undistin- Assa, ae,/. a dry nurse, a midwife, Assidens, tis, part, sitting by
guished or nurse Assideo, ere, sedi, sessum, n. to
Asllus, i, to. or Asllum, i, n. a Assa, orum, pi. n. a dry bagnio sit by, or at, to sit close at
horse-fly, a gad-bee, a dun-fly Assarius, a, um, adj. roasted Assldo, fire, sedi, sessum, a. to sit
Aslna, ee,/. a she ass Assatura, ae,/. roasted meat down, to sit by
Aslnarius, a, um, adj. belonging Assatus, a, um, part, roasted, Assldue, adv. issime, sup. con-
to an ass boarded, planked stantly, continually, daily
Aslnarius, i, m. an ass-driver Assecla, ae, c. g. a page, an attend- Assldultas, atis,/. assiduity, dili-
AsTnus, i, to. an ass, a blockhead ant, a waiting-man gence, constant care
Asio, onis, to. a horn-owl Assectatio, onis, /. attendance, a Assidu6, adv. constantly, con-
As8tus, a, um, adj. riotous, de- waiting upon tinually, daily
bauched Assectator, oris, m. a waiter, a Assiduus, a, um, adj. assiduous,
As6tus, i, to. a sot, a drunkard follower, an observer industrious [assigned
Aspalathus, i, m. the rose of Jeru- Assector, ari, freg. to attend, to Assignandus, a, um, part, to be
salem wait upon, to follow Assignatio, onis,/. an assignation,
Asparagus, i, to. asparagus, a plant Assficuturus, a, um, part, about an assignment
Aspectabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. to overtake Assignattirus, a, um, part, about
worthy to be looked upon Assficutus, a, um, part, having to assign
Aspectans, tis, part, beholding overtaken Assignatus, a, um, part, assigned,
Aspecto, as, a. to behold, to view, Assensio, onis,/. assent, consent appointed
to look towards, or earnestly Assensor, oris, m. he that assents, Assignatus, i, m. an assignee
AspectOrus, a, um, part, about to or consents Assigno, or Adsigno, as, a. to as-
see Assensurus, a, um, part, ready sign, to allot, to appoint
Aspectus, us, m. an aspect, look, to assent Assiliens, tis, part, leaping, bub-
or appearance, a sight Assensus, a, um, part, assented bling
^spello, fire, a. to expel, to chase to, agreed to Assilio, or Adsilio, Ire, ui, Ivi, and
Vsper, fira, firum, adj. ior, comp. Assensus, us, m. assent, agreement ii,ultum, n. to leap at, upon, or
Imus, superl. rough, rugged, Assentans, tis, part, flattering against, to leap up
unpleasant,disagreeable rough, ; Assentatio, onis, /. flattery, a Asslmilandus, a, um, part, to be
rugged, hideous; rough, harsh, soothing, assent, compliance made like
biting, bitter, stale ; rough, Assentatiuncida, ae,/. a coaxing Asslmllatus, a, um, part, made like
hard, sharp stinking, fetid
; Assentator, oris, m. a flatterer Asslmllis, e, adj. very like
Asperatus, a, um, part, made Assentatorifi, adv. like a flatterer Asslmlliter, adv. in like manner
rough Assentatrix, icis, /. 6he that Assimilo, as, a. to assimilate, to
Aspere, errtme, adv. rough-
ius, flatters make like, to take the likeness,
ly, sharply, harshly, rudely Assentiens, tis, part, assenting, to resemble
Aspergillum, i, n. a watering-pot agreeing Asslmfllans, tis, part, comparing
Aspergo, fire, si, sum, a. to Assentio, ire, si, sum, a. to assent, Assimulatio, onis, /. a counter-
sprinkle, to besprinkle, wet, or to agree, to be of one's mind feiting
moisten, to intermix Assentior, Iri, sus, dep. to assent, Asslmulatus, a, um, part, coun-
Aspergo, inis, /. a besprinkling, to agree, to condescend terfeited, feigned
foam Assentor, ari, dep. to flatter, to AssTmiilo, as, a. to pretend, t«
Aspfiritas, atis,/. roughnese, un- cajole, to comply with feign, to liken, or compare
Assiponuium, i, n. a pound- Astrictio, Onis,/. astriction, sharp- Atriensis, is, m. a porter, a steir.
weight [plank ness of taste like to that of ard [court
Assis, is, m. a Roman coin, a alum [astringent Atriolum, i, n. a porch, a little
Assistens, tis, part, standing by Astrictorius, a, um, adj. stiptic, Atrium, i, re. a court-yard, a hall
Assisto, ere, astlti, n. to stand, to Astrictus, a, um, part, and adj. Atrocitas, atis,/. cruelty, savage-
stand still, to assist ior, comp. tied, bound, fastened, ness, grievousness
Assitus, a, um, part, planted confined, shackled, compelled Atrociter, adv. ius, comp. sslme,
close by Astricus, of stars, starry superl. cruelly, severely, barba-
Asso, as, a. to roast, to board Astrifer, era, firum, adj. bearing rously, heinously
AssOcio, as, a. to associate, to ac- stars Atr5phia, ae, /. an atrophy, a
company Astriger, e"ra, gram, adj. adorned consumption
AssSleo, es, ere, n. to be usual, to with stars Atrophus, a, um, adj. consumptive
be accustomed [echo Astringens, tis, part, binding Atrox, ocis, adj. or, comp. ssimus,
Ass5no, are, ui, re. to resound, to Astringo, fire, xi, ictum, a. to tie, superl. cruel, heinous, dreadful,
Assudo, are, a. to sweat with toil to bind, to fasten, to gird, to wicked, fierce
Assuefacio, ere, feci, a. to accus- straiten, to contract, to oblige Attaceo, ere, ui, re. to keep silence
tom, to inure [tomed Astr6l6gia, ae,/. astrology Attactus, a, uni, part, touched
ABSuefactus, a, um, part, accus- AstrOlOgus, i, to. an astrologer Attactus, us, m. a gentle touch
Assuendus, part, from Assuor AstrOnomia, ae, /. astronomy Attagen, enis, to. a delicious bird
Assuesco, or Adsuesco, ere, evi, AstrOnOmicus, a, um, adj. astro- Attageua, a?, /. a moor-cock, a
etum, re. and a. to accustom, to nomical, pertaining to astro- snipe
use, to habituate [use nomy Attallcus, a, um, adj. made ot
Assuetudo, inis,/. custom, usage, AstrOnOmus, i, to. an astronomer cloth, of gold, brocaded, wealthy
Assuetus, a, um, part, and adj. Astructus, a, um, part, built up Attamen, adv. but, but yet, for
or comp. accustomed, inured, Astrum, i, re. a star, a constella- all that
practised tion Attfgiae, krum, pi. f. cottages, huts
Assugo, ctum, ere, a. to suck Astruo, e"re, to build
xi, ctum, a. Attelabus, i, to. a small locust

Assula, a;, /. a board, a lath, a near, to join, to add, to accu- Attelanus, i, m. a merry actor

shingle, or slate mulate [at Attemperate, adv. seasonably

Assiilatim, adv. piecemeal Astupeo, ere, ui, n. to be amazed Attempero, as, a. to make fit
Assulose, adv. in small chips Astur, uris, m. a hawk, a buzzard Attendendus, a, um, part, to be
Assultans, tis, part, assaulting, Asturco, onis, m. an ambling nag attended to
bounding Astiu, us, to. craft, subtilty, Attendens, tis, part, attending,
Assultlm, adv. by leaps policy mindful
Assulto, as, freq. to run, or leap Astute, adv. ius, comp. is3ime, Attendo, ere, di, turn, a. to attend,
upon one, to assault [onset superl. craftily, cunningly, kna- to listen, to observe, to take
Assultus, us, m. an assault, an vishly heed, to apply
Assumendus, a, um, part, to be Astutia, a;, /. craftiness, craft, Attentatus, a, um, part, attempted
assumed, received cunning, shuffling Attente, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Assumentum, i, n. a patch sewed Astutulus, a, um, adj. a little sly, superl. attentively, diligently
ou or cunning Attentio, onis,/. attention, care
Assumo, 6re, psi, turn, as- Astutus, a, um, adj. or, comp. Attento, Adtento, as, a. to
sume, to take, to take as issimus, superl. crafty, cunning, attempt, to set upon, to attack
granted subtle Attentus, a, um, adj. and part.
Assumptio, onis,/. an assumption, Asylum, i, n. a sanctuary, a temple ior, comp. issimus, superl. at-
an assuming [tive AsymbOlus, a, um, adj. shotfree tentive, heedful, careful, anx-
Assumptlvus, a, um, adj. assump- Asyndeton, i, n. a figure when ious, listening
Assumptus, a, um, part, assumed, many words stand together AttSnuandus, a, um, part, to be
taken, imputed without their usual copula lessened
Assuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to sew, to Asynthetus, a, um, adj. pure, clear Attenuans, tis, part, thinning
sew on, to patch At, conj. but Attenuate, adv. slenderly, closely
Assurgens, tis, part, rising, as- Atabulus, i, m. a burning hot Attenuatio, onis, /. a diminishing
cending wind blowing in Apulia Attenuatus, a, um, part, diminish-
Assurgo, Sre, rexi, re. to rise, to Atat, interj. hey day 1 how now 1 ed, lessened, weakened, made
rise, or stand up, to rise in strange ! fewer, made thinner
height Atavus, i, m. a great grandfa- Attenuo, as, a. to make thin, to
Assus, a, um, adj. roasted, dry, ther's, or grandmother's grand- lessen, to impair, to wear out
without mixture, alone, pure father Atterens, tis, part, rubbing
Ast, conj. but, and yet, however Atellanicus, or Atellanus, a, um, against
Astans, tis, part, being present, adj. merry, humorous Attero, fire, rlvi, tritum, a. to rub
standing by, or up Ater, tra, t'rum, adj. black, coal- against, or upon, to wear out,
Astaphis, Idis,/. a comfit black, dark, brown, gloomy, or away, to waste, to bruise
Asteismos, i, to. a witty jest mournful, fatal, mortal, hideous Attestans, tis, part, witnessing
Aster, i, m. starwort, sharewort Atetiam, conj. why but, I'll war- Attestatio, onis, f. verb, an attes-
Asteriscus, i, m. a mark, a star rant you tation, a deposition of a witness
Astensmus, i, m. an asterism Athara, 33, panada
/. gruel, Attestator, oris, to. a witness
Asterno, 6re, stravi, a. to lay by, Atheos, i, and Atheus, i, m. an Attestatus, a, um, part, proved by
or near to, to spread along atheist [pion witness
Astipulatio, onis,/. assent, agree- Athleta, se, m. a wrestler, a cham- Attestor, ari, dep. to call, or take
ment Athletiee, adv. stoutly, lustily to witness, to witness, fo affirm,
Astlpiilator, oris, ret. *he who Athleticus, a, um, adj. athletic, to prove
agrees, or assents, a witness strong, hearty Attexo, 6re, ui, xtum, a. to knit,
Astipiilatu, a bl. to. by assent Astima, as,/, an elm-tree or weave unto, or with, to add,
Astipulor, ari, dep. to engage for, AtOmus, i, d. g. an atom, a mite to join
to agree Atque, conj. and, as, especially, Atthis, xdis,/. a nightingale
Astituo, fire, ui, utum, a. to set and yet, than, but, even as, Attice, adv. eloquently, elegantly
before, to carry, or bring before after, after that AttiCismus, i, m. an atticism, an
Asto, or Adsto, are, iti, ltum, n. Atqui, conj. but, and yet, however elegance of the Attic dialect
to stand, to stand by, to be Atramentarium, i, n. an inkhorn Atticus, a, um, adj. Athenian, elo-
near, to assist Atramentum, i, n. ink, blacking, quent
Astragalus, i, in. an herb, wreath, a black blood Attina:, arum, /. stones piled up
ninepins Atratus, a, um, adj. made black, for a boundary mark
Astrepo, 6re, ui, ltum, re. to make dyed black Attineo, ere, ui, entum, a. to be-
a noise AtricSlor, Oris, adj. of a black long, to pertain, to stop, to
Astricte, adv. closely, briefly colour hold back, or forth
Attingo, Adtingo, 6re, tlgi, tactum, Aucto, as, n. to increase, to ad- Avellana, a?, /. a filberd
o. to touch, to touch lightly, or vance Avello, 6re, li and vulsi, a. to puil,
upon, to meddle with, to treat Auctor, Oris, c. g. an author, a or drag away, to part, to keep
of, to be related to causer, a contriver, an adviser, asunder
AttolSro, avi, are, to bear support an approver, a reporter, a Avena, a% /. oats, oaten straw, a
Attollens, tis, part, lilting up, writer pipe, a reed, a mean low style
raising Auctoramentum, i, n. a stipula- Avenaceus, a, um, adj. of oats
Attollo, ere, a. in prat, attuli, to ting, or contracting, the hire, Avenarius, a, um, adj. of oats
raise up, to lift up, to take up, or wages of service, a present Avens, tis, part, coveting, desiring
to bring up, to raise Auctoratus, a, um, part, hired, cl- Aveo, ere, caret prat, and sup. to
Attondens, tis, part, shearing, &c. ient out for money, condemned, desire, to covet, to wish
Ationdco, ere, di, sum, a. to clip, or bound to serve, pressed Avernalis, e, adj., and Avernus, a,
to cut, to shear, to shave close, Auctoritas, atis, /. authority, um, adj. of hell
to poll, to round credit, reputation, awfulness, Averro, ere, i, sum, a. to sweep, or
Attomte, adv. wonderfully weight, force, power, jurisdic- _ carry away [appeased
AttOnitus, a, um, part, asto- tion, an order Averruncandus, a, um, part, to be
nished, amazed, thunderstruck, Auctoro, as, a. to bind, hire, or Averrunco, as, a. to cut, scrape,
affrighted, abashed, inspired turn, or take away, to hoe, to
Attono, as, ui, ltum, o. to astonish _ weed, to prune, to avert
Attonsurus, um, part, about to - abundance, autumn Aversabtlis, e, adj. abominable
clip, or shave close Ttucturus, a, um, part, about to Aversandus, a, um, part, to be
Attonsus, a, um, part, clipped, augment, or increase abhorred
shaved, mowed, reaped, dimi- Auctus, a, um, part, or adj. from Aversans, tis, part, disliking
nished part, ior, comp. increased, ad- Aversatio, onis,/. aversion
Attractio, onis, /. attraction, a vanced, improved, magnified, Aversatus, a, um, part, disliking,
drawing together multiplied _ refusing
Attractus, a, um, part, drawn, Auctus, us, m. increase, growth, Aversor, oris, m. a purloiner
dragged, fetched, contracted augmentation Aversor, ari, dep. to hate, to dis-
Attrahens, tis, part, drawing, &c. Auctipans, tis, part, watching for like, to abhor, to reject, to dis-
Attraho, fire, xi, ctum, a. to draw, Aucupatio, onis,/. fowling, gain regard, to slight
or bring to, to draw, to drag, to Auciipatorius, a, um, adj. of, or Aversurus, part, about to turn
attract [ing belonging to fowling away
Attrectatus, us, m. handling, feel- Aucfipaturus, a, um, part, about Aversus, a, um, part, or adj. ior,
Attrectatus, a, um, part, han- to watch for comp. issimus, superl. turned
dled, meddled with Aucupium, i, n. fowling, birds away, averse, estranged, con-
Attrecto, as, a. to touch, to caught, a careful search, an _ trary, shy, purloined, embezzled
handle, to grope, to feel, to earnest desire, or endeavour Avertendus, a, um, part, to be
meddle with Aucupo, as, a. to watch, to listen _ averted, to be turned away
Attrgmo, ere, ui, n. to tremble at Aucupor, ari, dep. to go a fowling, Avertens, tis, part, turning away
Attrepido, as, n. to hobble along or hawking, to hunt after, to Averto, gre, i, sum, a. to avert, to
Attribuendus, a, um, part, to be strive to obtain turn, or drive away, to put to
attributed, to be imputed Audacia, as,/, audacity, boldness, flight, to turn, to remove, to
Attribuens, tis, part, attributing assurance, impudence, rashness pervert
Attribuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to at- Audaciter, adv. boldly, rashly Auferens, tis, part, taking away
tribute, to impute, to assign, to Audacter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Aufero, ers, abstidi, ablatum, a.
allow superl. freely, boldly, courage- to take, or carry away, to carry
Attributio, Onis, /. the same as ously, confidently off, to get, to obtain, to prevent,
Attribution, i, n. an attribute, or Audaculus, a, um, adj. saucy to take up, to cease, to deceive
perfection of the Deity, an affec- Audax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi- Auftigiens, tis,

part, avoiding,
tion mus, superl. bold, daring, con- shunning
Attributus, a, um, part, assigned fident, valiant, audacious, des- Aufugio, ere, gi, Itum, a. to run
Attrltus, a, um, part, or adj. ex perate away, to flee from, to escape,
part, ior, comp. rubbed, worn, Audendus, a, um, part, worthy to to shun, to avoid, to be all gone
worn away, wasted be dared Augendus, a, um, part, to be
Attritus, us, m. a rubbing, a fret- Audens, tis, part, or adj. ior, enlarged
ting, a wearing comp. issimus, superl. bold, Augens, tis, part, increasing
Attuli, prat, from Affero, I have daring Augeo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to in-
brought Audenter, adv. ius, comp. boldly, crease, to enlarge, to advance
Au ! or Hau 1 interj. ah ! away daringly Augescens, tis, part, increasing,
for shame ! Audentia, a?,/, fortitude, courage &c.
Avare, adv. covetously, greedily, Audeo, ere, sus sum, a. to dare, Augesco, ere, 4ncep. to increase,
stingily, cautiously, carefully, to adventure, to be bold to grow
earnestly Audiendus, a, um, part, to be Augmen, Inis, n. augmentation,
Avarior, us, adj. comp. issimus, heard increase, growth of body
superl. more and most covetous Audiens, tis, part, or adj. hear- Augmento, as, a. to increase
Avaritia, se, /. avarice, covetous- ing, obedient [tion Augmentum, i, n. growth, in-
ness, greediness Audientia, 83, /. audience, atten- crease
Avarities, ei, /. covetoustiess Audio, ire, ivi, itum, a. to hear, to Augur, uris, c. g. an augur
Avarus, a, um. adj. covetous, hearken, to listen, to attend to, Augurale, is, n. an instrument of
greedy, desirous to regard, to believe augurs ._ [augurs
Auceps, ciipis, c. g. a fowler, a Auditio, onis, /. a hearing, hear- Auguralis, e, adj. belonging to
bird-catcher, a hawker Augiirandus, a, um, part, to be
Auctarium, i, n. something over Audltor, oris, m. an auditor, a divined
and above, a surplus hearer Augviratio, onis, /. soothsaying
Auctifer, era, 6rum, adj. bringing, Auditorium, i, n. an auditory, or Augiirat6, adv. by soothsaying
increase assembly of hearers, a school Augviratus, a, um, part, confirmed,
Auctif icus, a, um, adj. increasing Auditum, i, n. report, hearsay or limited by soothsaying
Auctio, onis,/- an auction, a sale Auditurus, a, um, part, about to Augtiratus, us, m. the office, &c t
Auctionans, tis, c. g. an auctio- hear [lated of augurs
neer Auditus, a, um, part, heard, re- Augurium, i, n. augury, divination,
Auction arius, a, um, adj. of, or Auditus, us, m. the sense of hear- soothsaying, a prediction, a
belonging to public sale ing, hearing, a relation of a fact conjecture, a surmise, an oracle
AuHionor, ari, dep. to sell by Avectus, a, um, part, carried away Augurius, a, um, adj. belonging
auction Avfi ho, ere, xi, ctum, a. to carry to augury
Aucttto, as, freq. to increase much away Auguro, as, a and Augtiror, ari,
dm. to presage, to forebode, to Aurifer, e"ra, 6rum, adj. that bear- an engine that goes with *
conjecture, to guess [tent eth gold spring, any piece of art that
Augustale, is, n. apalace, general's Aurifex, icis, m. a goldsmith seems to move of itself
Augustalia, um, pi. n. plays, in- AurifOdina, ae,/ a gold-mine Aut6matus, a, um, adj. that which
stituted in honour of Augustus Auriga, ae, c. g. a charioteer, a goes with a spring, or screw
Augustalis, e, adj. imperial, stately carter, a waggoner, a horse- Autor, Aut6rltas, same as Auctor,
Auguste, adv. venerably, majesti- keeper, a groom, an equerry Auctoritas
cally Aurlgans, tis, part, driving a Autumn alis,e, adj. autumnal
Augustus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. coach Autumnitas, atis, /. the time of
issimus, superl. august, splen- Aurigarius, i, m. a coach-driver autumn, the fall of the leaf
did, majestic, imperial, princely Aurlgatio, onis, /. the driving of Autumno, as, n. to be autumn
Augustus, i, m. the month Au- a coach [gold Autumnus, a, um, adj. autumnal
gust . Auriger, e"ra, 8rum, adj. bearing Autumnus, i, m. autumn, the time
Avia, ae, /. a grandmother Aurigo, as, a. to drive a chariot, from the sixth of August to the
Avia, orum, pi. n. unpassable or cart sixth of November
places Aurigor, ari, dep. to st«r, to rule Autiimo, as, a. to think, to sup-
Aviarium, i, n. an aviary, a cage, Auripigmentum, i, n. a kind of pose, to avouch
a decoy [catcher ochre, of the colour of gold, Avulsio, onis,/. a plucking off
Aviarius, i, m. a poulterer, a bird- arsenic, ointment Avulsor, oris, to. he who plucks
Avicula, Be,/, dim. a little bird Auris, is,/, an ear, hearing up
Avide, adv. ius, comp. issime, Auriscalpium, i, n. an ear-pickealk Avulsus, a, um, part, pulled away,
superl. greedily, eagerly Aurltulus, a, um, adj. long-eared or off, torn off
Aviditas, atis,/. greediness, cove- Auritus, a, um, adj. having large, Avunculus, i, to. an uncle, an
tousness or long ears, hearing well uncle by the mother's side
Avid us, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Aurora, ae, /. the morning, the Avus, i, to. a grandfather, a
issimus, superl. greedy, cove- time just before sunrise grandsire [sisting
tous, niggardly, eager after Aurosus, a, um, adj full of gold AuxTlians, tis, part, helping, as-
Avis, is, /. a bird, a fowl, luck Aurugo, inis, /. the jaundice Auxiliaris, e, adj. auxiliary, as-
Avitus, a, um, adj. left by ances- Aurum, i, n. gold, any thing made sistant, subservient
tors, belonging to ancestors of gold Auxiliarius, a, um, adj. sent t&
Avius, a, um, adj. unpassable, Auscultatio, onis,/. a hearkening help [assistant
inaccessible [palace Auscultator, oris, to. a listener Auxiliator, oris, to. a helper, an
Aula, ae, /. a hall, a court, a Ausculto, as, a. to listen, to Auxiliatus, a, um, part, that hath
Aulaeum, i, n. a curtain hearken, to observe, to mind, helped
Auletes, se, m. a piper, a minstrel to obey Auxiliatus, us, m. help, succour
Auleticus, a, um, adj. of, or be- Ausim, sis, ausint, verb
sit, pi. Auxilior, ari, dep. to help, to
longing to pipes, good for pipes defect. I durst be bold, I dare assist, to aid, to be of service,
Aulicus, a, um, adj. belonging to Auspex, Icis, m. a diviner by birds, to relieve, to cure
the court a soothsayer, a chief, or leading Auxilium, i, n. help, assistance,
Aulicus, i, m. a courtier person aid, protection, patronage, re-
Aulcedus, i, m. a minstrel, a piper Auspicans, tis, part, beginning medy, relief, ease, auxiliary
Aulon, i, n. an organ-pipe, a muscle Auspicat6, adv. by consulting the forces
Av6camentum, i, n. an avocation, augurs, auspiciously Axicillus, i, to. a little shingle,
relaxation, recreation Auspicatus, a, um, part, or adj. latch, lath
AvOcans, tis, part, calling away ior, comp. issimus, superl. set Axilla, ae, /. the arm-pit
Av6catio, onis, /. a calling away, apart by soothsayers, auspici- Axillaris, e, adj. of, or near the
or from, a diverting the thoughts ous, fortunate, lucky arm-pit
AvOco, as, a. to call off, to with- Auspicium, i, n. a consulting the Axioma, atis, n. an axiom, a pro-
draw, to turn aside, to dissuade soothsayers, an auspice, a sign, position, a general rule
Avolaturus, a, um, part, about to a token, a beginning, an event, Axis, is, m. an axletree, a cart,
fly away [away fortune, conduct waggon, or chariot, the pole,
Av6lo, as, n. to fly away, to hasten Auspicor, ari, dep. to seek, or heaven, a climate
Aura, a?, /. the air, a cool air, a gather from omens, or tokens, Axungia, ae,/ cart-wheel grease
gale, a gentle gale, a wind, a to begin Azyma, orum, pi. n. the feast of
blast of wind, a breath, favor, Auster, tri, m. the south-wind, the unleavened bread
applause, humour, brightness, south part of the world Azymus, a, um, adj. unleavened,
beauty, gaiety Austere, adv. austerely, shai ply sweet, sincere
Auramentum, i, n. an instrument Austerltas, atis,/.austerity, harsh-
to mine ness, roughness, sharpness,
Aurantium, i, n. an orange sternness, gravity
Auraria, a?,/, a gold-mine Austerus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Aurarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- austere, harsh, rough, sharp,
longing to gold. sour, crabbed, sad, grave
Aurata, se, /. a gilthead Australis, e, adj. southern Babae, interj. O strange ; wonder-
Auratura, ae,/. a gilding Austrinus, a, um, adj. southern, ful!
Auratus, a, um, part, gilt with rainy Babylonicus, a, um, adj. formed
gold, adorned with gold Ausu, abl.m. with daring ot divers colours
AureSlus, a, um, adj. golden, ex- Ausum, n. an attempt, an
si, Babylonius, a, um, adj. calculat-
cellent undertaking ing nativities
AureQlus, i, m. a piece of gold Ausiirus, a, um, part, who will dare Bacca, ae, /. a berry, any small
Auresco, £re, n. to grow bright as Ausus, a, um, part, that hath fruit, a pearl
gold dared, committed Baccalaureatus, us, m. a bache-
Aureus, a, um, adj. golden, made Aut, conj or, or else, either lor's degree [arts
of gold, of a gold colour, yellow, Autera, conj. but, however, not- Baccalaureus, i, to. a bachelor ol
shining bright, rich withstanding, nevertheless, yea, Baccalia, ae,/. a bay-tree, a laurel
Aureus, i, to. any gold coin, a nay, and also, besides Baccatus, a, um, adj. of pearl, set,
guinea Auttientlcus, a, um, adj. authentic or adorned with pearl
AuricOmus, a, um, adj. that hath Authepsa, a?, /. a stew-pan Baccha, ae, /. a priestess of Bac-
hair like gold, or golden locks Author, oris, c. g. same as Auctor chus, a courtesan [ling
Auricula, ae. /. the lap, or flap of Authoritas, atis,/. same as Auc- Bacchabundus, a, um, adj. revei-
the ear toritas [writing Bacchanal, alis, n. the place where
Auricularis, e, adj. auricular, of Autographum, i, n. one's hand- the feasts of Bacchus were
the ear Autographus, a, um, adj. written solemnized, the feast itself
A urlcillarius, a, um, adj. same with one's own hand Bacchans, tis, part, raging, mad
as Auricularis Automaton, or AutOmatum, i, n. Bacchar, or Baccar, aris, n. ?rA
Hacch&ris, is, /. an herb good Barathrum, i, n. a gulf, a deep Batuens, tis, part, fencing


against fascination, lady's glove a deep place, hell Batuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to beat,
Bacchatio, onis,/. a debauch Barba, ae,/. a beard, a claw or batter, to fight, to fence
Bacchatus, a, urn, part, raving, Barbare, adv. barbarously, cruelly, Batus, i, m. a bath, an Hebrew
raging, running about in a rage rudely, clownishly, unintelli- measure of liquid things

Bacchicus, a, um, adj. of Bacchus gibly, unusually, in another Baubor, ari, dep. to bark like a
Bacchius, i, m. a foot in verse of tongue dog
one short and two long syllables Barbaria, ae, /. a barbarous coun- Baxea, ae, /. a shoe with a wooden

Bacchor, ari, dep. to revel, to riot, try, barbarity, cruelty, incivility, sole, a clog, a pattern
to rave, to rage, to swagger unpoliteness Bdellium, i, n. a black-tree in
Bacclfer, a, um, adj. bearing ber- Barbaricus, a, um, adj. pertaining Arabia, the gum of the same
ries to, or coming from, barbarous tree, of a fragrant scent
Baccfila, a5,/. dim. a small berry people, barbarian, foreign Beate, adv. happily, blessedly,

Bacillum, i, n. a little staff, or Barbaries, ei,/. barbarity, cruelty, prosperously, well

stick a barbarous people, a barbarism, Beatificus, a, um, adj. beatific,
Bacfilum, i, n., and Bacillus, i, m. rudeness blessed
a staff, a stick, a batoon Barbarismus, i, m. a barbarism Beatitas, atis,/. happiness
Badisso, as, n., and Badizo, as, to Barbaras, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Beatitudo, inis, /. beatitude, fe-
go, to walk, to pace barbarous, cruel, savage, wild, licity, happiness
Badius, a, um, adj. brown, bay rude, unpolished, clownish, Beatillus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Baeticatus, a, um, adj. wearing foolish, simple happy
brown, or dark-coloured cloth Barbata, ae,/. the osprey-eagle Beatus, a, um, part, or adj. ior,
BaetTcus, a, um, adj. brown, tawny Barbatulus, a, um, adj. having comp. issimus, superl. happy,
Bajiilans, tis, part, carrying, bear- little beard blessed, joyful, rich, fruitful,
ing Barbatus, a, um, adj. bearded, consummate, perfect [ing
Bajiilo, as, a. to carry, to bear simple, silly, oldfashioned Bellans, tis, part, warring, fight-
Bajiilus, i, m. a porter, a labourer Barbiger, a, um, adj. having a Bellaria, orum, pi. n. sweetmeats,
Balaena, a?,/, a whale, a grampus beard dainties, the desert, the choicer
Balanatus, a, um, adj. anointed Barbitos, i, e.g., and Barbitus, i, m. sort of wines [bruiser
with the oil of ben, made of and Barblton, i, n. a lute, a harp, Bellator, oris, m. a warrior, a
whalebone [ben a bass-viol Bellatorius, a, um, adj. pertaining
Balaninus, a, um, adj. made of Barbo, onis, m. a barbel to war
Balans, tis, part, bleating Barbula, ae, /. dim. a little beard Bellatrix, icis, /. a warlike woman
Balanus, i, c. g. an acorn, a date, Bardaicus, and Bardiacus, a, um, Bellatrix, icis, adj. warlike, hot
a chesnut, a kind of shell fish adj. drest like Gauls Bellaturus, a, um, part, about to
Balatro, onis, m. a pitiful fellow Bardltus, us, m. an old bard's song make war
Balatus, us, m. a bleating Bardocucullus, i, m. a cloak with Bellax, acis, adj. warlike, fierce
Balaustium, i, n. the flower of a a hood to it Belle, adv. issime, superl. prettily,
pomegranate Bardus, a, um, adj. heavy, slow, finely, neatly, conveniently,
Balbe, adv. lispingly dull daintily
Balbus, a, um, adj. stammering, Bardus, i, m. a British bard, a Belli, adv. in the war, abroad
lisping poet amongst the old Gauls Bellicose, adv. iiis, comp. issime,
Balbutiens, tis, part, stammering Baris, idos, /. a bier, a barge superl. in a warlike manner
Balbutio, ire, ivi, n. to stutter, to Baro, onis, m. a blockhead, a fool, Bellicosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
stammer, to lisp a sot, a common soldier issimus, superl. warlike, valiant,
Balineum, i, n. a bath, bagnio Baronia, ae,/. the fee of a baron martial, full of war
Bali&lus, a, um, adj. tawny Barrio, ire, n. to cry like an elephant Bellicum, i, n. the sound of a
Balista, a?, /. a warlike engine Barritus, us, m. the braying of trumpet, a signal for battle
used to throw stones, &c, a an elephant, a great shout be- Bellicus, a, um, adj. warlike
sling, a crossbow fore battle Bellifer, a, um, adj. warlike, mak-
Balistarium, i, n. the place where Barrus, i, m. an elephant, also ing war
the balista was mounted his tooth Belllger, a, um, adj. warlike, mar-
B alius,a, um, adj. tawny, black Bascauda, ae, /. a basket tial,belonging to war
Balnea;, arum, pi. /. public baths Basiandus, a, um, part, to be Belliggrans, tis, part, making, or
Balnearium, i, n. a place where a kissed carrying on war
bath is Basiatio, onis,/. a kissing Belligero, as, a. to wage war
Balnearius, a, um, adj. belonging Basiator, oris, m. one that kisses Belllp&tens, tis, adj. mighty in
to baths Basiatus, a, um, part, kissed war, warlike, powerful
Balneator, oris, m. the master of Basilica, ae, /. a town-hall, or Bello, as, n. to war, to wage war
a bath, the keeper of a bagnio, court of justice, a state-house, Bellor, ari, dep. to fight, &c.
a servant attending a bath a piazza, an exchange Bellua, ae,/. a beast, a great beast,
Balneatrix, icis,/. the mistress of Basilice, adv. royally, princely, or fish, a brute
a bath richly, splendidly Belluatus, a, um, adj. wrought
Balneolum, i, n. a little bath Basilicon, i, n. a princely robe, a with the figures of beasts
Balneum, i, n. a bath, a bagnio, a fine walnut, a salve, an oint- Belluinus, a, um, adj. of, or be-
washing-place ment longing to a beast, beastly
Balo, as, n. to bleat Basilicus, a, um, adj. princely, Bellulus, a, um, adj. pretty,
Balsaminus, a, ran, adj. made of royal, noble, stately, dainty spruce, neat
balm [tree Basiliscus, i, m. a basilisk, a cock- Bellum, i, n. war, the state of
Balsamum, i,n.. balsam, balm, the war, the time of war, warfare, a
Balteolus, i, m. a small belt fight, a battle
Balteum, i, n. and Balteus, i, m. Basis, is, /. a base, a bottom, a Belluosus, a, um, adj. full of
a belt foundation, a pedestal monstrous creatures, frightful
Balux, ucis,/. gold ore, gold dust Basium, i, n. a kiss, or buss Bellus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Bambactnus, a, um, adj. of cotton Bassaris, idis, /. a priestess of mus, superl. pretty, fine, charm-
Bambacion, i, n. cotton, bombast Bacchus ing, spruce, neat, finical, nice
Bambalio, onis, m. a stammerer Bat, interj. tush pshaw hush
! ! ! BSlone, es,/. the trumpet-fish
Bancus, i, m. a bank, a bench, a Batillum, i, n. and Batillus, i, m. Belus, i,/. a greenish stone
seat, or table a fire-shovel, an incense-pan, a B6ne, adv. melius, comp. optime,
Baptisma, atis, n. baptism chafing-dish, a paddle-staff, a superl. well, rightly, wonder-
Baptismus, i, m. baptism light wooden shovel fully, happily, luckily
Baptista, ae, m. a baptizer, John BatrachCmy&machia, ae, /. the Benedice, adv. courteously, kindly
the Baptist battle between the frogs and Benedlco, fire, xi, ctum, a. to
Baptisterium, i, n. a font, a bath mice bless, to praise, to commend, to
Baptizo, as, a. to baptize Batrachus, i, m. a frog applaud, to R^eak well of
Bdngdictio, anis,/. a blessing heads, ar tops, divided into two Bipartior, or Bipertior, iri, dep.
Benfidictum, i, n. a good saying, parties to divide into two parts
good language Bicllnium, i, n. a chamber with Bipartlt6, adv. in two parts
Benefacio, ere, eci, actum, a. to two beds, or couches in it Blpartltus, a, um, part, divided
do well, to do t good turn, to BIcolor, oris, adj. of two colours, into two parts
benefit, to be serviceable to particoloured Bipatens, tis, part, open on both
Bgngfactura, i, n. a good deed, a Blcornis, e, adj. that hath two sides, with two doors
benefit horns, or points, horned BipSdalis, e, adj. two feet long
Beneflcentia, ae, /. beneficence, Bicorpor, oris, adj. having two Bipfidaneus, and Bipedanus, a,
the doing i<f a favour bodies um, adj. two feet thick
Bfineficiarius, a, um, adj. bene- Blcilbltalis, e, adj. of two cubits Bipennifer, a, um, adj. carrying a
ficial Bidens, tis, adj. having two teeth halberd, or poleaxe
Beneflcia- /us, i, to. a person Bidens, tis, m. a fork with two Bipennis, e, adj. cutting both
obliged, one promoted, or ex- spikes ways, double-edged
cused irom service in war Bidens, tis,/. a sheep, a sheep of Bipennis, is,/, in abl.i, a halberd,
Benef Icium, i, n. a benefit, a two years old having then two a battleaxe
good turn, a kindness, a favour, teeth longer than the rest Bipes, edis, adj. two-footed
an obligation, immunity Bldental, alis, n. a place, or per- Biremis, is,/, a ship of two banks
Beneflcus, a, um, adj. entior, son struck with lightning of oars, a ship
cornp. entissimus, superl. be- Blduum, i, n. two days Bis, adv. twice, doubly
neficent, liberal, kind Biennis, e, adj. of two years Bison, ontis, m. a buffalo
Bgnevole, adv. friendly, kindly Biennium, i, n. the space of two Bisqulnus, a, um, adj. the tenth
BengvOlens, tis, adj. ior, comp. years [parts Bisseni, a;, adj. pi. twelve
issimus, superl. benevolent, Bifariam, adv. two ways, in two Bissextllis, e, adj. bissextile
friendly BIfer, or Bit erus, a, um, adj. bear- BIsulcus, a, um, adj. cloveufooted,
Benevolentia, se, /. benevolence, ing double, yielding fruit twice forked
goodwill, favour, kindness a year Bitumen, Inis, n.bitumen, a slime
Benev61us, a, um, adj. well-wish- BIfldatus, a, um, adj. cleft into like pitch, used for lime, or
ing, friendly, kind, affectionate two parts mortar, and for oil in lamps
Benigne, adv. kindly, favourably, Bif Idus, a, um, adj. divided into BItumlnatus, a, um, adj. mixed
liberally, freely, readily two parts, cloven, forked with bitumen [men
Eenignitas, atis,, /. benignity, BifSris, e, adj. having a double B'itumineus, a, um, adj. of bitu-
kindness, goodness, bounty door, gate, or leaf Bltumlnosus, a, um, adj. full of
Benignus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. BIformatus, a, um, part, double- bitumen, having bitumen
issimus, superl. kind, favour- shaped, two-bodied Blvertex, Icis, adj. having two
able, courteous, indulgent, fond, Blformis, e, adj. having two shapes tops
bountiful Bifrons, ontis, adj. having two Blvium, i, n. a way having two
Beo, as, a. to bless, to make im- -foreheads, double faced paths, a place where two ways
mortal, to make happy, or glad, Bifurcus, a, um, adj. forked, hav- meet
to do one good ing two branches Blvius, a, um, adj. leading two
Beryllus, i, m. a beryl, a precious Biga, ae, f. or Biga?, arum, pi. a ways, of two fashions
Btone of a faint green colour, a cart, or chariot drawn with two BIksus, a, um, adj. stammering,
ring set therewith horses lisping
Bes, bessis, and Bessis, bessis, m. 'Bigatus, a, um, adj. having the Blande, adv. ius, comp. issime,
eight ounces, i. e. two thirds of image of a chariot drawn with superl. courteously, kindly
the as two horses Blandldlcus, a, um, adj. fawning
Bessalis, adj. of eight ounces, or BIgemmis, e, adj. having two buds Blandiens, tis, part, fawning
inches BIgener, a, um, and Biggneris, e, upon
Bestia, a beast, a wild beast,
a3, /. adj. of two different kinds BlandI16quentia, s,f. fair speech,
a fierce beast Bijiigis, e, and BIjugus, a, um, courteous language
Bestiarius, i, m. one that fought adj. yoked side by side, coupled Blandlloquentulus, a, um, adj.
with beasts at public shows Bilibra, a?, /. a two-pound weight same as Blandlloquus
Bestiarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- Blllbris, e, adj. of two pounds Blandlloquium, i, n. softness of
longing to beasts weight, holding a quart speech
Besti&la, se,/. dim. a little beast BUinguis, e, adj. that can speak BlandilOquus, a, um, adj. fair
Beta, se,/. beet, the second letter two languages, double-tongued, spoken, courteous [ment
of the Greek alphabet deceitful [vicious Blandnnentum, i, n. an allure-
Betizo, as, a. to flag like beets Biliosus, a, um, adj. choleric, Blandior, Iri, Itus, dep. to flatter,
Betonica, a?,/, betony Bllis, is, /. bile, choler, rage, to compliment, to fawn upon,
Betula, and Betulla, ee,/. a birch- wrath, anger to caress, to soothe, to please
tree Bllix,Icis, adj. woven with a Blandltia, se, /. a compliment
Betulus, m. a whitish stone
i, double thread, double-platted Blandltia;,arum, pi. f. compli-
Bia;on, i, n. a kind of wine devised Bilustris, e, adj. of ten years ments, fawning speeches, flat-
for health Bimaris, e, adj. placed between tery [flattery
Bibax, acis, adj. given to drink- two seas [mothers Blandltlm, Blandlter, adv. by
ing BImater, atris, adj. having two Blandltus, um, part, pleasing,
Bibendus, a, um, part, to be drunk Blmatus, us, m. the space of two charming, delighting
Bibens, tis, part, drinking years Blandltus, us, m. a fair speaking,
Biblia, orum, pi. n. the Bible Bimembris, e, adj. double-limbed, an enticing
Bibli6pegus, i, m. a bookbinder of two parts [months Blandus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Bibliopola, ae, m. a bookseller, a Bimensis, is, m. the space of two issimus, superl. kind, gentle,
stationer Bimestris, e, adj. two months.old, tender, courteous, fawning,
Bibliotheca, se, /. a library, a lasting two months flattering, suppliant, alluring
study, a place for books Blmulus, a, um, adj. two years old Blasphemia, a;,/, blasphemy
Bibliothecaiius, i, m. a librarian Bimus, a, um, adj. two years old, Blasphemo, as, a. to blaspheme
Biblus, or Biblos, i, /. an Egyp- of two years' continuance Blasphemus, a, um, adj. blasphe-
tian plant, of the bark of which Bmarius, a, um, adj. of two, two mous
paper was made; papyrus Binoctium, i, n. two nights Blaterans, tis, part, babbling
BIbo, fire, Ibi, Ibitum, a. to drink, Binominis, e, adj. having two Blatero, as, n. to babble, to talk
to imbibe, to suck in names idly, to prate, to tell stories, to
BIbosus, a, um, adj. given to Blnus, a, um, adj. two and two, blab, to falter
drink by couples, every two, two Blatei-o, onis, m. a babbler, s
Blbulus, a, um, adj. drinking in, BIpalium, i, n.a mattock, or pick- prating fellow, an idle, imp^t.
taking in, soaking, thirsty axe with two bits tinent talker
Biceps, i pi tis, adj. having tr/o Bipalmis, e, adj. two spans long Blatio, ire, n. to prate
Blatta, se,/. a moth, a beetle, a Briichiale, is, n. a bracelet Buce'rus, a, um, adj. of, or belong-
•scarlet, or purple worm Brachialis, e, adj. of the arm ing to beasts, horned
Blattaria, or Blatteria, ae, /. an Brachiatus, a, um, adj. having Bucetum, i, n. a pasture

hwb, moth-mullein arms, or branches Buclda, ae, m. a butcher, one

Blartarius, a, urn, adj. having Brachi6lum, i, n. dim. a little arm beaten with ox-hide whip3
moths [scarlet Brachium, i, n. an arm, a claw, a Buc6lica, orum, jpl. n. pastoral
Blatteus, a, ran, adj. purple, horse's forefoot, a bough songs
Blennus, i, m. a dirty nose, a Brachylogia, ae, /. shortness of Bucollcus, a, um, adj. pertaining
snivelling fellow, a fool speech to beasts, or to herdsmen
Bllteus, a, um, adj. like blite, un- Bractea, be,/, a thin leaf, or plate Bucula, ae, / a young cow, a
savoury, vile, sorry, insignificant of gold, &c. tinsel, a spangle heifer [lock
Blltum, i, n. blite, spinage, beet Bracteatus, a, um, adj. covered Buculus, i, m. a young ox, a bul-
Boa, a?, /. a serpent, a pimple- with thin plates, or leaves of Bufo, 5nis, m. a toad
disease any metal, plated [gold Buglossus, i, m. borage, ox-tongue
Boans, tis, part, lowing, echoing BracteOla, ae, /. a small leaf of Bulbaceus, a, um, and Bulbosus,

Boarius, a, um, adj. of oxen Branchiae, arum, pl.f. gills of fish a, um, adj. bulbous, full of
Boatus, us, m. the bellowing of an Brassica, ae,/. a cabbage small heads [onion
ox, a roaring Breve, adv. for a short time Bulbus, i, m. a bulbou .oot, an
Bola, a?, or Boiae, arum, /. a collar, Brevl, adv. shortly, in a short Bule, es,/ a council of state
or yoke, wherewith servants time, soon, briefly, in short Buleuta, ae, m. a common-council-
were punished Brevia, um, pi. n. fords, shallow man, a senator
Boletus, i, m. a mushroom places, flats Bfdeuterion, i, n. a town-hall, a
Bolis, idis,/. a sounding-plummet, Breviarium, i, n. a breviary, a senate-house
a fiery meteor like a dart short draught, an abstract, an Bulga, ae, / a leathern knapsack
Bolus, i, m. a bolus, a bit, a abridgment, a brief Bvdimus, i, m., and Bulimia, ae, /.
mouthful, a mass, or lump BrevilSquens, tis, part. brief, short an insatiable hunger, a greedy
Bolus, i, m. a cast, or throw at Bievlloquentia, ae, /. a short way appetite
dice, a chance, a draught with of speaking, conciseness Bulla, ae, / a bubble of water, a
a net Rrevio, as, a. to abridge, to shorten great head of a nail, a stud, a
Bombarda, ae,/. a gun, a musket Brfivis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, boss, an ornament worn round
Bombax, interj. pish ! superl. short, compendious, the neck, or at the breast of
Bombllo, as, n. to buzz, to hum brief, small, little children, till they were seven-
Bcmbus, i, m. a buzz, a hum, a Brevitas, atis,/. brevity, shortness teen years old
sound, noise [silk Brevlter, adv. itis, comp. isslme, Bullans, tis, part, bubbling
Bombyclnus, a, um, adj. made of superl. briefly, shortly, to be Bullatus, a, um, adj. decked with
Bombyx, Icis, a silkworm, m. the short studs, vain, empty
silk yarn spun by the worm, /. Brisa,ae, /. a lump of trodden, or Bulliens, tis, part, boiling, bub-
the finest, or inmost part of pressed grapes bling
cotton Brltannlea, ae,/. spoonwort Bullio, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. and n. to
Bomtas, goodness, justice,
atis,/. Bi ochitas, atis, /. crookedness boil, to seethe, to bubble
equity, bounty, kindness, happi- Brochon, i, n. a kind of tree Bullo, as, n. to bubble, to seal
ness, quickness, excellence whence bdellium flows Bullula, ae,/ a little bubble, stud,
Bonum, i, n. a good, or blessing, BrOchus, a, um, adj. blubber- or pustule
a benefit, an advantage, good- lipped, crooked and sharp Bumammus, a, um, adj. having
an endowment, an
ness, virtue, BrOmos, i, /. oats, wild oats large breasts, having large
accomplishment, a qualification BronchOcele, es, /. a swelling in clusters (of the vine)
Bonus, a, um, adj. melior, comp. the throat like a rupture Biimastus, i, m. a large grape
opttmus, superl. good, virtuous, Brontia, ae,/. the thunder-stone Bura, ae,/ a ploughtail, or handle
chaste, towardly, promising, Briima, ae, /. the shortest day, Buris, is,/ in ace. burim, same as
happy, kind, friendly, favour- mid-winter, the winter solstice Bura
able, propitious, liberal, boun- Br-ilmalia, um, pi', n. feasts of Bursa, ae,/ an ox-hide, a tower at
tiful Bacchus Carthage, an exchange for mer-
Boo, as, n. to low, to roar, to sing, Brumfilis, adj. winter-like
e, chants, a purse
or echo Briitiani, or Brutiarii, orum, pi. Bustlr&pus, i, m. a robber of
Bootes, ae, and is, m. a star m. servile officers to magistrates tombs, or graves, a snatcher of
Borealis, e, adj. northern Brutus, a, um, adj. brutish, ir- victuals at funeral feasts

Boreas, oe, m. the north wind rational, insensible, senseless, Bustuarius, a, um, adj. about
B6reus, a, um, adj. northern vain, insignificant tombs, or graves
Bos, bOvis, c. g. an ox, a bull, a Bryonia, ae,/. briony, wild vine Bustuarius, i, m. a swordplayer at
cow, a heifer, money stanvped Bubalus, i, m. a wild ox, a buffalo a grave
with an ox upon it, a large fish Bubile, is, ox-stall, a cow- Bustum, i, w. the place Vhere
BStanicus, a, um, adj. botanical, house 9 dead bodies were burnt, a tomb
pertaining to herbs Bubo, onis, m. an owl, a sore Biiteo, onis, m. a buzzard, a hawk
Bctanismus, i, m. a weeding Bubfila, ae,/. beef Buthysia, x, f. a sacrificing of
Botellus, i, m. a small sausage Bubulcitor, ari, dep. to tend cattle Butyrum, i, n. butter [oxen
Botrus, i, m. a bunch of grapes Bubulcus, i, m. a herdsman Buxea, ae, /. a table of box-wood
BOtryo, onis, m. a bunch of pre- Bubido, as, n. to hcot like an owl Buxetum, i, n. a place having, or
served grapes Bubulus, a, um, adj. of an ox, set with box-trees
Botularius, i, m. a sausage-maker bull, or cow Buxeus, a, um, adj. of box, like
BStulus, i, m. a sausage, hog's Bucca, ae,/ the cheek, the hollow box, of a pale yellow colour
pudding [house part of the cheek, a trumpet Buxifer, a, um, adj. bearing box
EOvlle, is, n. an ox-stall, or cow- Buccea, ae,/ a morsel, a mouthful Buxosus, a, um, adj. full of box
Eovinus, a, um, adj. of an ox, or Buccella, ae,/ a small mouthful, Buxum, i, n. box, a pipe of box
cow a morsel Buxus, i,/ a box-tree, box-wood,
Bovlnatio, onis,/. a cavilling Buccina, ae,/ a trumpet, a horn a trumpet, flute, or pipe, with
Brabeuta, or Brabeutes, ae, m. Buccinator, oris, m. a trumpeter, two rows of holes
he who gives the prize at games, a publisher, proclaimer Byrsa, ae,/ same as Bursa
a judge of contests Buccino, as, n. to sound a trumpet Bysslnus, a, um, adj. made of
Erabyla, orum, pi. n. damascenes, Bucclnum, i, -n. a trumpet, a fish lawn
plums [breeches Bucco, onis, m. one wide-mouthed Byssus, i, / a fine flax, or linen
Bracarius, i, m. a maker of Buccfila, ae,/ din., a little cheek, Byturos, i, m. a Campaniau worm
Bracca, or Braca, ae, /. breeches, a beaver [cheeked
slops, brogues, thick cloaks Bucculentus, a, um, adj. full-
Braccatus, a, um, adj. rearing Bucfras, atos, n. the herb fenu-
breeches greek
to draw water with, a horse Caestrum, i, n. an instrument to
turning the wheel bore ivory with, a piercer
Cadus, i, m. a cask, a measure Caestus, us, m. a kind of glove
about eighteen gallons, wine used in boxing, a whirlbat, a
Caecatus, a, um, part, blinded, club, a thong of leather with
Cabala, or rather Cabbala, ee, /. seduced leaden plummets to it
oral tradition compiled into a Caecias, ae, m. a north-east wind, Caesura, ae, /. a cut, a gash, or
body in the Talmud, a science a wind bringing rain incision, an intrailing, or car-
practised by the more modern Caeclgenus, a, um, adj. born blind ving, a figure in poetry, when
Jews, in discovering mysteries Caecilia, ae, /. a sloe-worm, a a short syllable at the end of
and expositions from the num- blind-worm a word, and the beginning of a
bers that letters of words make Caecltas, atis,/. blindness foot, is made long ; also when a
Cabalista, ae, m. a cabalist Caecitulo, inis, /. blindness syllable is left, after a complete
Cabalisticus, a, urn, adj. cabal- Caeco, as, a. to blind, to dazzle foot
istical Caecor, ari, pass, to be blinded, or Caesurus, a, um, part, about to cut
Caballinus, a, um, adj. of a horse made dark Ca:sus, a, um, part, beaten, cut,
Caballus, i, m. a horse, ajade Caucus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. cut off, or down, cut in pieces,
Cabus, i, m. the cabe, a Hebrew bliud, dark, obscure, ambiguous, killed, slain, slaughtered
measure, containing about three secret, hidden, unseen, con- Caeter, and Caetgrus, era, 6rum,
pints and a half [tridge fused, jumbled, uncertain, ig- adj. the rest, the other
Cacabo, as, n. to cry like a par- norant, rash, hasty, precipitate Caetera, adv. furthermore, hence-
Cacabus, i, m. a kettle, pot, or Caedendus, a, um, part, to be forth
pan beaten Caetgr6, adv. howbeit, afterwards
Cacaturio, ire, ivi, Itum, n. to go Caedens, part, beating
tis, Caeteroqui, or Cffitgroquin, adv.
to stool Csedes, is, /. slaughter, murder, otherwise, in other things, or
Cachectes, or a, m. and Cachec- massacre, destruction, havoc, respects
tlcus, i, m. one of an ill consti- death, blood Caetgrum, adv. but, in all other
tution Caedo, €re, cecidi, caesura, a. to respects
Cachexia, ae, /. a bad habit of beat, to knock, to whip, to Calamarius, a, um, adj. pertain-
body [ter chastise, to cut, to cut off, or ing to pens
Cachinnatio, Onis,/. a loud laugh- down, to lop, to kill, to slay, to Calamintha, ae, and Calaminthe,
Cachinno, as, a. to laugh loud sacrifice [lopped es, /. calamint, wild penny-
Cachinno, onis, m. a great laugher Caeduus, a, um, adj. used to be royal
Cachinnor, ari, dep. to laugh loud Caelamen, inis, n. an engraving, or Caiamistratus, a, um, part.
Cachinnus, i, m. a loud laugh, etching in metal, a figure, or crisped, curled
laughter in derision, or scorn story engraven Calamistro, as, a. to curl the hair
Cachla, ee, /. may-weed, bad Caelator, oris, m. an engraver Calamistrum, i, n. a crisping-pin,
camomile Caelatura, ae, /. the skill of en- a cifiding-iron
Caco, as, a. to cack, to go to stool graving, or rather embossing, Calamitas, atis,/. calamity, mis.
CacOchymia, a?,/, ill digestion engraving fortune, especially to corn,
Cacochymus, a, um, adj. causing Caelatus, a, um, part, engraved, trouble, miscarriage, damage,
bad digestion carved, adorned injury, mischief
CacSdaemon, Onis, m. an evil spirit, Caelebs, ibis, adj. single, un- Calamitose, adv. miserably,
a devil married, lonely, solitary wretchedly
Cacoethes, is, n. a bad custom, or Caelebs, ibis, c. g. a single, or un- Calamitosus, a, um, adj. ior,
habit, a boil, an ulcer married person, a bachelor comp. issimus, superl. calami-
Cacozelia, as,/, affected imitation Caelestis, e, adj. heavenly, of tous, miserable, wretched, hurt-
Cacozelus, i, m. an aifecter of new heaven ful, mischievous, injured, cast
words, a scurvy imitator Caelibatus, us, m. celibacy, a down
Cactos, i,/. an artichoke single life, widowhood Calamus, i, m. a reed, a cane, a
Cacula, ae, m. a soldier's boy CaellcOla, a?, c. g. an inhabitant of sweet cane, a straw, or stalk of
Cacumen, Inis, n. a top, a peak, heaven corn, a pipe, a quill, or pen, an
or sharp end Caelo, as, a. to chase, or emboss, arrow, a graft, or scion
Cacummatus, a, um, part, pointed to raise figures Calantiica, Calautica, and Cacau-
Cacumino, as, a. to sharpen, to Caelum, i, n. pi. caeli, orum, m. tica, ae, /. a c«if, a hood, or
make pointed [body heaven, the firmament, or sky, kerchief for a woman down to
Cadaver, eris, n. a carcase, a dead the air, the weather the shoulders
Cadaverosus, a, um, adj. like a Csementltius, a, um, adj. rough, Calathiscus, i, m. a little basket
dead carcase, ghostly rugged, roughcast Calathus, i, m. a basket, a ham-
Cadens, tis, part, falling, running Caementuru, i, n. cement, mortar, per, a pannier, a cup, a
down, setting, dying, deceiving, clay, rubbish [onion vessel
failing [itself Caepe, is, n. and Caepa, ae, /. an Calator, oris, m. an apparitor, a
Cadivus, a, um,
adj. that falls of Caeremonia, or Caerlmonia, ae, /. summoner, a crier, a bailiff
Cado, 6re, cecidi, casum, n. to ceremony, religion, holiness, Calcandus, a, um, part, to be
fall, or run down, to fall out, to pomp trodden
be shed, to end, to die, to set, Caeruleatus, a, um, adj. dyed blue Calcaneum, i, n., and Calcaneus,
to drop, to faulter, to abate, to Caeruleum, i, n. ultramarine, sand i, m. the heel

decrease, to miscarry, to fail in gold and silver ore Calcans, tis, part, treading upon
Cadileeator, oris, m. a herald of Caeriileus, a,um, adj. blue, azurt, Calcar, aris, n. a spur
peace green [blue Calcarius, a, um, adj. pertaiun^
Cadueeum, i,and Caduceus, i,
n., Caerfdus, a, um, adj. skycoloured, to lime
an. a staff, or white wand, which Caesariatus, a, um, adj. bushy, Calcarius, i, m. a lime-burner
heralds, or ambassadors carried, shaggy Calcator, oris, m. one who treads
when they went to treat of Caesaries, ei,/. hair, a head of hair something, especially the vine
peace Caeslm, adv. with the edge, with Calcatura, ae,/. a treading
Caducifer, i, m. Mercury, so called downright blows [ping Calcaturus, a, um, part, about to
from his caduceus Caesio, onis, /. a pruning, a lop- tread upon
Ciducum, i, n. an escheat, a Caesitius, a, um, adj. cut, jagged Calcatus, a, um, part, trodden,
windfall Caesius, a, um, adj. grey, sky- trampled upon
Caducus, a, um, adj. ready to fall, coloured Calcatus, us, m. a treading
tailing, or trickling down, frail, Caeso, onis, m. a child cut, or rip- Calceamen, Inis, n. a shoe, or
fading, uncertain, vain, ruinous, ped out of its mother's belly sock
perishable Caespes, Ttis, m. a turf, a sod Calceamentum, i, n. a shoe
Cadurcura, i, n. a white blanket, CaespUius, a, um. adj. made of Calceandus, a, um, part, to b«
a quilt, a sheet, a bed, a vessel turfs shod
Jalcearium, i, n. « place to keep Caligatus, a, um, ad), wearing Calvus, a, um, adj. bald, bare,
shoes in, an allowance for shoes harness for the legs thin
; ~alceator, oris, m. a shoe maker Callglnius, a, um, adj. dark Calx, cis, /. a chalk-stone, lime,
ualceatus, a, urn, part, shod Caliginosus, a, um, adj. dark, mortar, cement
Calceatus, 4s, to. a being shod, or misty, full of obscurity Calx, cis, m. and f. the heel, a
having shoes on Caligo, as, n. to be dark, or dim, spurn, or kick with tue heel
Calceo, as, or Calcio, as, a. to put to grow dark, or dim Calyculus, i, to. a little bud
on shoes, to shod Caligo, Inis, /. darkness, dim- Calyx, Jcis, m. the cup of a flower,
CalceSlarius, i, m. a shoe-maker ness, obscurity, dizziness, blind- or the little green leaves on the
Calceolus, i, m. dim. a little shoe ness top of the stalk in herbs, the
I: Calceus, i, m. a shoe, a pattern ;
Caligula, ae,/ a small military boot bud of a flower [change

any thing worn on the foot Caliturus, a, um part, to be Cambio, ire, a. to change, to ex-
i Calcitratus, us, m. a kicking warmed Camelinus, a, um, adj. of camels
Calcitro, as, a. to kick, spurn. Calix, Icis, m. a cup, a pot, a Camella, ae, /. a caudle-cup, a
wince, or fling, stubbornly to chalice, any vessel to drink out milk-vessel

refuse of, a platter, or dish for salad Camelopardalis, is, /. a beast like
Calcitro, onis, m. a kicker, a winc- Callaicus, a, um, adj. of a sea- a camel and a panther
ing beast green colour [whiting Camelus, i, to. andf. a camel
Calcitrosus, a, um, adj. kicking Callarias, ae, m. a haddock, a Camena, se, /. a muse, a song,
I backward Callens, tis, part, knowing well, poetry
Calco, as, a. to tread, to tread un- cunning Camera, or Camara, se, /. an
derfoot, to trample upon Calleo, ere, ui, n. to be hard, to arched roof, a roof, a vault, an
Calculator, oris, m. a calculator, be hardened, to know well, to upper gallery, a chamber
a caster up of accounts understand Camgrarius, a, um, adj. of a vault,
Calctilo, as, a. to calculate, to Callesco, ere, incep. to grow hard or gallery
cast accounts Callide, adv. iiis, comp. issime, Camgrarius, i, to. a lord-chamber-
Calcfllosus, a, um, adj. full of superl. craftily, cunningly, lain, the chamberlain of a city
little stones, or gravel, stony, shrewdly, subtilly, smartly, ex- Caminatus, a, um, part, made
rough, subject to the stone pertly like a furnace
Calciilus, i, m. a little stone, a Calliditas, atis,/. craft- craftiness, Caminus, i, m. a chimney, a stove,
pebble, a counter, a chessman, subtilty, artifice, deceit, pru- a fire-hearth [fish
a small weight, a vote, a sen- dence Cammarus, i, to. a kind of crab-
tence, an account [nio CalllLus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Camcena, se, f. a muse, a song,
Caldarium, i, n. a caldron, a bag- issimus, superl. crafty, cunning, poetry
Caldarius, a, um, adj. which sly, circumspect, skilful Campanula, ae,/. dim. a littie bell
makes hot, pertaining to a cal- Calllgraphia, ae,/. fair writing Campester, to. tris, /.tre, n. or
dron Callis. is, to. and/, a path, a foot- tris, m. andf. tre, n. adj. cham-
Caldus {for Calidus), a, um, adj. path [ness paign, plain, open
hot, warm Callositas, atis,/. callosity, hard- Campestre, is, n. a pair of breeches,
O.leTacio, and Calfaeio, ere, fac- Callosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. or apron, to cover the privities
tum, a. to make hot, or warm, callous, brawny, having a thick of wrestlers otherwise naked
to warm, to cherish skin, hard C amphora, as,/, camphire
Calefactio, onis,/. a heating Callus, i, m., and Callum, i, n. Campus, i, m. a plain, a down, a,i
Calefacto, as,freq. to warm often hardness, roughness, a kind of open field, a place for assembly,
Calefactus, or Calfactus, a, um, hard flesh, brawn or exercise, a large subject
part, warmed, heated Calo, as, a. to call Camurus, a, um, adj. crooked
Calefio, eri, factus sum, n. pass. Calo, onis, m. a soldier's boy. Camus, i, m. a bridle, bit, or rein,
to be made hot Calones, wooden shoes, clogs, a snaffle, a cord [gutter
Calendar, arum, pl.f. the calends, patlens CanalicGla, ae, /. a little pipe, a
or first day of every month Calor, oris, m. and n. heat, Canaliculatus, a, um, adj. fashion-
Calendaris, e, adj. of, or pertain- warmth, vital heat, life, anger, ed like a pipe
ing to the calends hot love Canaliculus, i, m. dim. a trough,
Calendarium, i, n. a calendar, an Caltha, ae,/. a marigold a gutter
almanac, a book of accounts, a Calthtila,ae, / a garment of a Canalis, is, m. and f. a channel,
debt-book marigold-colour a kennel, a gutter, a sink, a
Calens, part, hot, warm,
tis, Calva, ae,/. a skull, or scalp pipe, a spout, the neck of the
eager, desirous Calvaria, ae,/. Calvary, a place of bladder
Caleo, ere, ui, n. to be hot, to be skulls, a skull [thin Canalitius, a, um, adj. of, or like
heated, or warmed, to grow Calvatus, a, um, adj. made bare, a conduit-pipe
warm, to be in love Calvfif lo, eri, factus sum, n. pass. Canarius, a, um, adj. of a dog
Calesco, fire, ui, incep. to grow to be made bald, or bare Cancellaria, ae, /. the court of
warm [warmed Calveo, ere, vi, and calvus sum, chancery
Calf aciendus, a, um, part, to be n. to be bald, to grow bald Cancellarius, i, m. a chancellor, a
Caliacio, same as Calefacio Calvesco, 6re, incep. to grow bald scribe, a notary
Calfactus, same as Calefactus Calvities, ei,/. baldness Cancellatim, adv. lattice-wise
Calfactus, us, m. a warming Calvltium, i, n. baldness, barren Cancellatus, a, um, part, made
Calfacto, as,freq. to heat often ness lattice-wise, crossbarred, li-
. Caliculus, i, m. dim. a little cup Calumnia, a;,/, calumny, slander, mited
[ Callde, adv. hotly, warmly, eagerly a false accusation, a cavil Cancelli, 6rum, pi. m. lattices,
C Calidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Calumnians, tis, part, calumnia windows made with cross bars
issimus, superl. hot, scalding, ting, slandering of wood, iron, &c. balusters
warm, passionate, hasty, rash, Calumniator, oris, m. a slanderer Cancello, as, a. to make like a
bold, ready, quick a false accuser, a caviller, a ma- lattice, to cut crosswise, to de-
( Caliendrum, i, n. a woman's false licious interpreter face
hair, a wig Calumniatrix,Icis,/. a slanderous Cancer, eri, and firis, m. crabfish,
I Cftliga, ae, /. a soldier's stocking, woman a canker, a spreading sore, oue
a defence for the leg set full of Calumniatus, a, um, part, slan- of the twelve signs
nails, and used by soldiers dered, finding fault with Candfifacio, 6re, feci, a. to make
Caligans, tis, part, growing dark Calumnior, ari, dep. to slander, to white, to bleach, to make fiery
Caligaris, e, adj. pertaining to scandalize, to pccuse, or charge Candefactus, a, um, part, made
armour for the leg falsely, to find fault with redhot, set on fire
Caltgarius, a, um, adj. belonging Calumniose, adv. by false accusa- Candela, ae, /. a candle
to the Caliga tion Candelabrum, i, n. a candlestick
Caligatio, onis,/. dimness, blind- Calumniosus, a, um, adj. slan- Candens, tis, part., or rather adj.
r.ez derous iOT,comp. isBlmus, superl. whita,
shining, glittering.bright, glow- Cantabundus, a, um, adj. singing Capillaceus, a, um, adj. hairy
ing, hot Cantamen, Inis, n. enchantment, Capillamcntum, i, n. the natui
Candeo, ere, to be white, to
ui, n. witchcraft, a charm hair, a peruke, or false ha
shine, or glitter, to glow, to be Cantans, tis, part, singing strings, or threads
hot, to burn Cantator, oris, m. a singer, a C Spill are, is, n. common oil i
Candesco, ei e, incep. to grow
chanter, a musician the hair
white, or hoary, to wax hot, to Cantatrix, icis, /. a woman-singer, Capillaris, e, adj. of; or like hail
be on fire an enchantress Capillaris, is,/, the herb maide
Candicans, tis, part, whitish Cantatrix.icis, erf)'. singing, sweet, hair
Candico, as, n. to be whitish musical, delightful Capillatus, a, um, adj. ior, con :
Candidatorius, a, um, adj. of, or Cantatus, a, um, part, sung, wearing long hair
pertaining to a candidate praised, celebrated, enchanted, Capillor, ari, dep. to be hairy
Candidatus, a, um, part, clothed charmed [propped Capillus, i,, a bush of ha .

in white Canteriatus, a, um, adj. underset, a beard

Candidatus, i, m. a candidate, a Cantharis, idis,/. a fly, a Spanish Capio, ere, cepi, captum, a.
suitor for a«y place of honour fly used to raise blisters take, to take by force, to sei
Candide, adv. in white, favourably, Cantharus, i, m. a tankard, a cup, on, to apprehend, to catch, .

gently, without malice, or envy a jug, a pot, a black beetle, a carry off, to get, or obtain,
Candldulus, a, um, adj. white, fish, a constellation, a knot, a reach, to hold, or contain,
pretty knocker please, to delight, to charm,
Candidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Cantheriatus, a, um, adj. underset win over, to allure, to ent
issimus, super}, candid, friendly, Cantherlnus, a, um, adj. like a upon, to appoint, to ma
kind, sincere, innocent, white horse, that sleeps as he stands choice of
Candor, oris, m. candour, sin- Cantherius, or Canterius, i, m. a CSpis, idis,/. a cup, a pot
cerity, integrity, honesty, fair- gelding, a labouring beast, a Capisterium, i, n. a cribble,
ness, whiteness rafter, a spar, a rail sieve [harness
Canendus, a, urn, part, to be sung Canthus, i, m. the iron wherewith Capistratus, a, um, part. halter<
Cauens, tis, part, singing, declar^ a cart-wheel is bound, a felloe Capistro, as, a. to halter,
ing [white Canticum, i, n. a song, a ballad, a muzzle
Canens, tis, part, hoary, grey, song set to music Capistrum, i, n. a halter, a hea
Caneo, ere, ui, n. to be white, to Cantilena, f. a song, an old saw
ae, stall, a muzzle, a rope, a cord
be hoary, to have grey hairs, to Cantillo, as, a. to chirp, to sing band, a noose
grow old, to foam Cantio, onis,/. a song, or tune, a Capital, alis, «. a capital offeni
Canephora, as, /. a young lady singing, an enchantment a heinous crime, a veil, a cc
carrying a basket on her head, Cantitatus, a, um, part, sung, caul
on the festival of Minerva chanted [sing Capitalis, e, adj. ior, comp. I
Canesco, fire, incep. to grow white, Cantito, as, freq. to sing often, to longing to the head, or li
or grey, to foam, to wither Cantiunctila, as, /. a catch, a bal- capital, worthy of death, &
Cani, orum, pi. m. grey hairs lad deadly
Canicula, &, f. a little dog, or Canto, as, a. to sing, to chant, to Capitaliter, adv. capitally, dead
bitch, the dog-star, the dog- praise, to repept Capitatio, onis, /. a capitatio
days, a dog-fish, the unluckiest Cantor, ari, pass, to be sung, tax, poll-money, allowance i
cast at dice, the ace praised horsemeat
Gamcularis, e, adj. pertaining to Cantor, oris, m. a singer, a chant- CapTtatus, a, um, adj. having
the dog-days er, a player head, growing with a head
Canina, as,/, a dog's skin Cantrix, icis,/. a female singer Capitellum, i, n. dim. a litt
Canlnus, a, um, adj. cf a dog, Cantus, us, m. a singing, a song, head, the top of plants, a ch
doggish, currish, greedy _
a tune, melody, a sound, a crow- piter [mach
Canis, is, c. g. a dog, or bitch, a ing, a charm Capitium, i, n. a woman's st
hound, the dog-star, a dog-fish, Canus, a, um, adj. hoary, grey, Capito, onis, m. a jolthead, a kii
an accuser, a backbiter, a para- grey-haired, white, aged of cod
site, a name in railing Canusina, ae, /. a garment made Capitolinus, a, um, adj. of, or b
Canistrum, i, n. a basket, or flas- of the finest wool longing to the capitol
ket, made of osiers, a voider, a Caimsinatus, a, um, adj. arrayed Capltolium, i, n. the temple
canister in cloth made of Canusian wool Jupiter in Rome, called tl
Canities, ei, /. hoariness, white- Capacitas, atis,/. capacity, size, capitol, built on the TarpeiE
ness, or greyness of hair, old largeness, a gauge mount; a chief temple
age, gravity Capax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi- Capitosus, a, um, adj. having
Canitudo, inis,/.' hoariness mus, svperl. capacious, large, large head, heady, stubborn
Canna, as,/, a cane, areed, a pipe, wide, holding C&pitulatim, adv. by chapters, c
a flute, a flageolet, a canoe Capedo, inis, /. a great pot, jug, parts, briefly [knobbe
Cannabinus, a, um, adj. hempen or pitcher Capltulatus, a, um, adj. headec
Cannabius, a, um, adj. hempen, Capeduuciila, as, /. dim. a little pot Capitulum, i, n. a littlehead, o
of hemp Capella, a?, /. a kid, a star, a top, a man, or woman, th
Cannabis, is,/ hemp chapel head, or chapiter of a pillar
Cannetum, a plat of canes
i, n. Ciipelif.nus, i, m. a chaplain Capiundus, a, um, part, to b
Canneus, a, um, adj. of a cane, or Cftpellianus, a, um, adj. belonging taken, &c.
reed to a goat Capo, onis, m. a capon, an eunuc!
Cano, gre, cgcini, cantum,
to a. Caper, pri, m. a he-buck, a goat, Capparis, is, m. capers, a shrub
sing, to play upon, to sound, to the smell of the araiholes Capra, as,/, a she-goat, a const el
write of, to praise, to proclaim Caperatus, a, um, part, wrinkled lation, a meteor, the smell of th
aloud, to declare, to prophesy Capero, as, a. to frown, to wrinkle arm-holes
Canon, 6nis, m. a canon, a rule, an the forehead Caprarius, i, n. a goatherd
exact pattern Capessendus, a, um, part, to be Caprea, se, /. a roe, a deer, •

Can6nTcatus, us, m. a cancnry undertaken [hand

gazelle, a branch that pui
CanOnicus, a, um, adj. canonical, C&pessens, tis, part, taking in forth tendrils
according to the canon, or order, Capessiturus, a, um, part, taking Capreolus, i, m. a wild buck,
receivedinto the canon, regular, in hand cheveril, a tendril, a cross pie.
authentic [priest Capesso, ere, ivi, Hum, a. to go of timber
Canomcus, i, m. a canon, a regular about to take, to take in hand, Capricornus, i, m. a constellate
Canor, oris, m. melody, harmony, to begin, to take the charge, or containing twenty stars
music, sound government of, to enter upon Caprificatio, onis,/. a dressing I

Canovosus, a, um, adj. sounding Capiendus, a, um, part, to be wild fig-trees

Caroms, a, um, adj. canorous, taken, or trepanned Capnficralis, e, adj. of, or belor
musical, eweet, loud, shrill Capieus, tis, part, taking ing to a fig-tree
CaprTflcor, ari, dep. tr be ripened, n. fine linen, cambric, lawn, a Carnlf Icfna, ae, /. a place where
as figs are robe, or garment malefactors are executed, the
Caprlficus, i, /. a wild fig-tree, CarbatTnus, a, um, adj. coarse, office of a hangman
vain glory rough [coal Carnif Icius, a, um, adj. mangled
Caprifolium, i, n. honeysuckle Carbo, onis, m. a coal, a burning Camlficor, ari, pass, to be exe-
Caprigfinus, a, um, adj. goatish Carbonarius, a, um, adj. pertain- cuted, and cruelly killed
Caprile, is, n. a stable for goats ing to coals Carnivorus, a, um, adj. devouring
Capi'Iinulgus, i, m. a goatherd, a Carbonarius, i, m. a collier flesh
bird Carbunciilans, tis, part, hot, burn- Carnosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Caprinus, a, um, adj. of a goat ing issimus, superl. fleshy, gross,
CaprTpes, gdis, adj. goat-footed Carbunciilatio, onis, /. a blight thick, plump, pulpy
Capsa, ae, /. a chest, a box, a Carbuncido, as, n. and a. to be CSro, nis, /. flesh, meat, the sub-
coffer, a case burned to a coal, to be baffled stance under the peel, or rind,
Capsarius, i, to. a servant that Carbunculosus, a, um, adj. parch- of herbs and plants
carried books in a satchel ed, burnt up, blighted Caro, fire, a. to card wool
Uapsula, ae, /. a small chest, a CarbuncCdus, i, m. a carbuncle, a Caron, Caros, Cannon, Careum,
caskat blotch, an ulcer, a precious and Carrium, i, «. carraway
'apsus, i, m., or Capsum, i, n. a stone, a blight, or smut of trees Carpens, tis, part, gathering,
stall for cattle, the body of a Career, eris, m. a prison, or hold, cropping
chariot, a coach-box a rogue, a jail-bird, a goal, Carpentarius, a, um, adj. belong-
'aptandus, a, um, part, to be barrier, or starting-place ing to a chariot
caught at Carc6rarius, a, um, adj. of a prison Carpentum, i, n. a chariot, a
Captans, tis, part, catching at, Carchesium, i, n. a tunnel, a hole, coach, a waggon
aiming at a large cup, or bowl, a crane for Carpinus, i,/. a maple
Japtatio, onis, /. a catching, or goods Carpo, fire, ps'i, ptum, a. to gather,
aiming at Carcinoma, atis, n. a cancer to pull, or pluck, to take, to
Japtator, oris, m. he that endea- Carcinus, i, m. a crabfish pick, or choose, to crop, to
vours to get any thing, particu- Cardiacus, a, um, adj. griped at snatch, to rob, to pillage, to
larly, he that flatters a man to the stomach, sick at heart waste, to consume, to enjoy, to
be his heir [sought Cardinalis, e, adj. belonging to a carve, or cut up, to divide, to
Llaptatus, a, um, part, taken, hinge, chief teaze, or card, to carp at, to find
Japtio, onis, /. a taking, a taking- Cardinalis, is, to. a cardinal fault with
advantage of, a catch, quirk Cardmatus, a, um, adj. hung, or Carptim, adv. here and there,
^aptiose, adv. captiously, subtilly pinned fast summarily, in few words, by
^'aptiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Cardo, Inis, to. a hinge, a very parcels, one by one
issimus, superl. captious, full of point, or crisis, a nick of time, Carptor, oris, to. a carver, a
craft and deceit, hurtful a conjuncture, a season carper, a reprover, a carder, or
Captito, avi, atum, n. to strive Carduelis, is,/, a linnet picker of wool
eagerly after a thing Carduus, i, m. a thistle Carptura, ae, /. a gathering
Captlva, se,/. a captive, a prisoner Care, adv. ius, comp. dearly, at a Carptus, a, um, part, plucked,
Captlvitas, atis, /. captivity, great price gathered, cropped [cropping
slavery Carectum, i, ». a place where Carptu, abl. m. a gathering, a
Captiunciila, se,/. a cavil, a quirk sedge grows, sedge Carpus, i, to. the wrist
Captlvus, i, to. a captive, a pri- Carendus, a, um, part, to be Carruca, ae, /. a little cart, a
soner wanted, to be deprived of calash [gon

Captivus, a, um, adj. captive, Carens, tis, part, wanting Carrus, i, m. a car, wain, or wag-
taken captive, taken in war Careo, ere, ui, and cassus sum, Cartilagmeus, a, um, adj. gristly
Capto, as, a. to catch at, to aim Itum and cassum, n. to want, Cartilaginosus, a, um, adj. full of
at, to attempt, to lie in wait for, to lack, to be without, to be free gristles, gristly
to watch for, to seek, to desire, from, to be deprived of Cartilago, inis, /. a cartilage, a
to take, to insnare, to impose Carex, Icis,/. sedge, steer-grass gristle, or tendon, pith
upon, to allure, to win over, to Carica, ae,/. a fig, a lenten fig, a Caruncula, ae, /. dim. a little
fawn upon, to wheedle, to trip ship [wine piece of flesh
up, to clasp, to embrace Caries, ei, /. rottenness, lees of Carus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Captura, ae, /. a catching, a taking, Carina, ae, /. the keel, or bottom mus, superl. dear, costly, pre-
a thing caught of a ship, a ship cious, beloved
Capturus, a, um, part, about to CSrmatus, a, um, part, like the C&ryon, i, n. a walnut-tree, a
take, &c. keel of a ship walnut [flower
Captus, a, um, part, taten, taken Carino, as, a. to make like the keel Caryophyllum, i, n. a clove gilly-
by force, deceived, entangled, of a ship Caryota, ae,/. a gilt date
prevailed upon, delighted Cariosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Carvotis, Idis,/ a date
Captus, us, m. a taking, an attach- carious, rotten Casa, ae,/. a cottage, hut, or cabin
ment, or seizure, capacity, un- Caritas, atis,/. charity, love, affec- Caseale, is, n. a place for making,
derstanding [cup tion, complacency, delight, dear- or setting cheeses in
. Capula, ae, /. a ladle, or spoon, a ness, scarcity, want, dearth Casearius, a, um, adj. pertaining
Captilaris, e, adj. very old Cariturus, a, um, part, about to to cheese [cheese
Capulator, oris, m. he who takes want Caseus, i, m., and Caseum, i, n.
oil out of vessels with a ladle, Carmen, Inis, n. verse, a verse, a Casia, ae, /. a shrub, a spice like
an officer who distributed oil to book of verses, a poem, an ode, cinnamon
the people a song, a ditty, a tune, a note, a Caso, as, freq. to tumble, to reel
Capulum, i, n., and Capulus, i, to. charm, or incantation, a pro- Casse, adv. in vain, to no purpose
a hilt, haft, or handle, a bier phecy, a prayer, a form of oath Casslda, a?, a helmet, a skull
Capus, i, m. a capon, an eunuch Carmmatio, onis, /. a picking, or Cassis, is, to. a hunter's net, a
Caput, Itis, n. the head, a head, carding of wool cobweb [piece
or top, a spring, or source, a Carminatus, a, um, part, carded, Cassis, idis, /. a helmet, a head-
beginning, a mouth, a principal teazed, or picked [wool Cassita, ae,/. a crested lark
point, a principal, an amount, a Carmino, as, a. to card, or comb Casslteron, i, n. tin, white-lead
chapter, an article, or clause Carnalis, e, adj. carnal, fleshly Cassus, a, um, adj. vain, frivolous,
Carabus, i, to. a crab, a crayfish Carnarium, i, n. a larder, a vessel of no value, void, empty, igno-
Carba, ae, m. the south-west wind to keep meat in, a shambles, a rant, rotten, worm-eaten
Caracalla, a?,/, a cassock flesh-market Castanea, ae,/. a chesnut
- Carbaseus, a, um, adj. of fine flax, Carnarius, i, to. a butcher Castanetum, i, n. a grove of ches-
or linen [linen Carneus, a, um, adj. fleshy nuts
I C'arbaslnus, a, um, adj. of fine Camlfex, Icis, m. a hangman, an Castaneus, a, um,
adj. of chesnut
Carbaaus?. i, / and m. pi. a, orum, executioner, a rogue Caste, ius, issijne, adj. chastely,
\ 2b
purely, honestly, uprightly, de- Cataplus, i, m. a fleet of merchant- Cavator, oris, m. he that makeF
voutly men, a voyage hollow
Castellanus, a, um, adj. belong- Catapotium, i, n. a pill Cavatus, a, um, part, hollowed
ing to a castle Catapulta, se,/. a warlike engine Cauda, se, /. a tail, the rump, a
Castellanus, i, m. a garrison sol- to shoot darts man's privy member
dier, the governor, or constable Catapultarius, h, um, adj. shot Caudex, icis, m. or C6dex, a
of a castle out of an engine stock, or trunk, the stem, body,
Castellanus, i, m. a water-bailiff Cataracta, or Catarracta, se, /. or stump of a tree, a table-book
Castellatiin, adv. from castle to and Cotaraetes, ae, m. a cataract, Caudicalis, e, adj. of, or belong-
castle, in small parties a great fall of water, a flood- ing to the stumps of trees
Castellum, i, n. a castle, a fort, a gate, sluice, or lock, a portcul- Cavea, ae,/. a cave, or den, a cage,
town lis, a drawbridge or coop, a scaffold, a cockpit,
Casteria, ae, a house for oars
/. Catarrhus, i, m. a catarrh, rheum the area in the midst, of an am-
and other tackling of ships Catasc6pium, i, n. a pinnace phitheatre, a theatre, any place
Castificus, a, urn, adj. making Catasc6pus, i, m. a spy, a scout railed in
chaste Catasta, ae, /. a cage, or stall, Cavendus, a, um, part, to be taken
Castigabilis, e, adj. fit to be chas- wherein si aves were exposed to heed of, or look unto
tised sale, a rack Caveo, ere, cavi, cautum, a. and
Castlgatio, onis,/. chastisement, Cate, adv. warily, cunningly n. to beware, to take care, or
reproof, correction Catecheticus, a, um, adj. cate- heed, to take care of, or for, to
Castigator, oris, m. a chastiser chetical provide for, or against, to pro-
Castigatus, a, um, part, chastised, Catechismus, i, m. a catechism vide, to prevent, to avoid
corrected, lessened, or assuaged, Catechista, a:, m. a catechist, or Caverna, se, /. a cavern, a cave, a
to be amended expounder of a catechism den, a vault, a hole
Castigo, as, a. to chastise, to beat, Catechumenus, i, m. a catechu- Cavernosus, a, um, adj. full of
to correct, to punish, to reprove, men [cables holes, caves, or dens
to chide, to mend Categ6remata, um, pi. n. predi- Cavernula, ae,/ dim. a little cave
Castlmonia, a;,/, chastity Categoria, ae,/. a predicament in Cavetur, imp. care is taken
Castitas, atis, /. chastity, con- logic Cavilla, se,/. a cavil, a scoff, rail-
tinence, purity Categoricus, a, um, adj. express lery
Castor, oris, m. in ace. castora, a Cateia, ae, /. a barbed dart, or Cavillans, tis, part, cavilling at
beaver, or badger spear, with a string, an engine Cavillatio, onis,/. a cavilling, or
CastSreum, i, n. oil of beaver to throw stones wrangling, an idle exception,
Castdreus, a, um, adj. of a beaver Catena, se, /. a little chain, a pretence, a quirk
Castra, orum, pi- n. a camp, a puppy Cavillator, oris, m. a caviller, a
tent, a pavilion, an army en- Catellus, i, m. a whelp, a puppy, wrangling fellow, a sophister
camped, war a dog Cavillatrix, icis,/. a female cavil-
Castrametator, oris, m. the mar- Catena, se,/. a chain, a band, a pin ler
shal who appoints the camp, Catenarius, a, um, adj. chained Cavillor, ari, atus sum, dep. to \
the quarter- master-general Catenatio, onis, /. a chaining, &c. cavil, to taunt, to banter, to jest
Castrametor, ari, dep. to encamp Catenatus, a, um, part, chained, C&vltas, atis,/. cavity, hollowness
Castratio, onis, /. a gelding, a tied with, or in chains Caula, se, a sheep-cote, a fold,
pruning of trees Caterva, se,/. a band of soldiers, any receptacle
Castratura, a?, /. a gelding, or consisting of 600, a battalion Cauliculus, i, m. dim. a little stalk
taking away, a hulling of corn of foot, a troop, a crowd Caulis, is, m. a stalk, or stem, a
Castratus, a, um, part., gelded, Catervarius, a, um, adj. pertaining quill, the end of a beast's tail
weakened, enfeebled to companies, in a huddle Cayo, as, a. to hollow, to make
Castrensis, e, adj. of, or pertain- Catervatim, adv. in companies, hollow, to scoop out, to bore
ing to a camp, army bands, or flocks, in confusion through
Castro, as, a. to geld, to cut off, Catharticus, a, um, adj. purging Caupo, onis, m. a vintner, a sut-
to prune, to bore holes low in Cathedra, 83,/. a chair, a seat, a tler, an innkeeper
trees, to strip, to diminish, to desk, a pulpit, a sedan Caupona, ae,/. a tavern, a cellar,
weaken, or enfeeble Cathedralltius, a, um, adj. be- or victualling-house
Castrum, i, n. a castle, a fortress longing to a chair Cauponans, tis, part, huckstering
Castus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Cathedrarius, a, um, adj. of, or Cauponaria, ae, /. the taverner's
issimus, superl. chaste, pure, belonging to the chair craft
undefiled, religious, devout, Cathetus, i, /. a perpendicular Cauponius, a, um, adj. pertain-
honest, sincere line, a perpendicular ing to taverns
Casula, se,/. dim. a little cottage Cath6licus, a, um, adj. catholic, Cauponor, ari, dep. to huckster,
Casurus, a, um, part, ready to universal to retail, to sell wine, or victuals
fall Catillatio, onis,/. a licking clean Cauponula, a?,/ a tippling-house,
Casus, us, m. a fall, chance, for- the dishes, a name of disgrace a tap-house, a little tavern
tune, an accident, an event, Catillo, as, m. to lick the dishes Caurlnus, a, um, adj. cold, wes-
ruin, misfortune, a cause, a Catillo, onis, m. a glutton, a pike terly
case Catillus, i, m. dim. a little dish Caurio, ire, n. to cry, to roar"
Catachresis, is, /. a figure when Catlnus, i, m. a large dish, a pot Caurus, i, m. the north-west
one word is abusively put for Catochltes, se, m. a clammy pre- wind
another cious stone, a kind of fig Causa, ae, /. and Caussa, a cause,
Cataelysmus, i, m. a general flood, Catonium, i, n. the lower world an occasion, a reason, a plea, a
a great rain Catularius, a, um, adj. belonging pretence, an excuse, a defence,
Catacrisis, is,/, a condemnation to whelps a motive, a design, or purpose,
Catadromus, i, m. an engine for Catuliens, tis, part, caterwauling a thing, or matter, an affair, or
raising weights, a tight rope Catullnus, a, um, adj. of a little business, a suit, a profit, or
Catagrapha, orum, pi. n. pictures dog advantage, a state, or condi-
representing only one side Catulio, ire, n. to desire the male tion [ing
Catagraphus, a, um, adj. pointed Catulitio, onis,/. a desire of the Causans, tis, part, pleading, blam-
Catal6gus, i, m. a catalogue, a male Causarius, a, um, adj. essoined,
bill Catulus, i, m. a whelp, a puppy, a or excused for any matter, bad
Catamitus, i, m. a catamite, an little dog, a cub, the young of Causatio, onis, /. a pretext, ex-
effeminate person beasts cuse, pleading, apology
Cataphracta, a;,/, a breastplate Catus, a, um, adj. wise, wary, cir- Causatus, a, um, part, pretending
Cataphractus, a, um, adj. armed cumspect, quick, smart, skilled, Causia, ae, /. a broad-brimmed
cap-a-pie, quite secured subtle, sly hat
Cataplasma, atis, n. a plaster, Cavans, tis, part, hollowing CausTdTcus, i. *t. a lawyer, a coun
poultice Cavaticus, a, um, adj. hollow sellor, a pleader
Causor, dep. to pretend, or
ari, superl. swift, expeditious, sud- Centaurbmachia, ae,/. a fighting
plead, to blame, or accuse den, active, nimble, brisk, airy, with centaurs
Caustlcus, a, um, adj. caustic, light, short Centaurus, i, m. a centaur, a
that can burn Ceierandus, a, um, part, to hasten, feigned creature, half man and
Causula, ae, /. a small cause, or or be hastened half horse, the sagittary
plea CCierans, tis, part, hastening Centenarius, a, um, adj. of a
Caute, ius, isstme, adv. warily, Celeranter, adv. swiftly, speedily hundred
circumspectly, advisedly, closely Celeratus, a, um, part, hastened Centenus, a, um, adj. a hundred
Cautela, ee, f. a caution, a pro- Celeres, light horse Centesima, ae, /. interest of one in
vision, an assurance Celgripes, 6dis, adj. swift of foot the hundred every month, or
Cauterium, i, n. an instrument to Celeritas, atis, /. celerity, expedi- twelve per cent.
mark, burn [crag tion, swiftness, quickness Centesimo, as, a. to punish by lot,
Cautes, is, /. a ragged rock, a Ceieritfer, adv. swiftly, expedi- or to take one out of a hundred
Cautlm, adv. cautiously, warily tiously, hastily, with speed, Centestmus, a, um, adj. the hun-
Cautio, onis,/. a caution, care, a suddenly, immediately dredth, a hundred-fold
bond, bill, or obligation Ceifirius, adv. comp.more speedily Centiceps, cipitis, adj. hundred-
Cautor, 6ris, m. a cautious, or Ceiero, as, a. to hasten headed
wary man, a provider, or taker Celerrime, adv. superl. very Centifes, adv. a hundred times,
of care, an assurer quickly indefinitely, over and over
Cautus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Celes, etis, m. a horseman, one Centifidus, a, um, adj. divided into
issimus, superl. cautious, wary, that rides on horseback in a hundred parts
circumspect, careful, provident, public sports Centifolia, ae, f. a kind of rose
prudent, subtle, safe CSleusma, atis, n. the shout, or with many leaves [handed
Cavum, i, n. a hole, a hollow place noise of mariners Centimanus, a, um, adj. hundred-
Cavus, a, um, adj. hollow, full of Cella, ae,/. a cell, a cellar, a store- Centmodia, ae,/. knot-grass
holes house, a buttery, a pantry, a Centipgda, ae, /. a worm with
C.lvus, i, to. a hollow place, a hole chamber for servants, a room many feet, a caterpillar
Cedens, tis, part, giving place, in a bath, or the stews Centipellio, onis, m. the umbles
yielding, departing, falling off Cellaria, ae,/. a female butler of a deer
Cedo, fire, cessum, n. to
cessi, Celiaris, e, adj. pertaining to a Cento, onis, m. patched clothes, a
yield, to submit, to give way, to cellar coverlet, a shroud to keep off
give place, to retreat, to go Cellarium, i, n. a cellar, a pantry stones
back, to depart, to go vff, or Cellarius, i. to. a butler Centralis, e, adj. central, midst
away, to quit, to pass, to pass Cellula, as,/, dim. a little cellar Centrines, um, pi. to. a kind of
away, to be inferior, to desist, Celo, as, a. to conceal, to hide, to gnats
or leave off, to give up, or re- muffle up, to dissemble Centrosus, a, um, adj. full of knots
sign, to succeed, or fall out, to Celox, ocis, /. a brigantine, or Centrum, i, n. a centre, the mid-

be instead of yacht, a fly-boat, pinnace dle point, a knot

Cedo, pi. Cedite, give me, tell me Celsitas, atis,/. loftiness, haughti- Centum, adj. indecl. pi. a hundred
Cedratus, a, um, adj. anointed ness, height [lity Centumcapita, ae, /. a thistle, sea-
with the juice, or oil of cedar Celsitudo, inis,/. highness, nobi- holly
Cedrinus, a, um, adj. of cedar Celsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- Centumggminus, a, um, adj. hun-
Cedrium, i, n. oil of cedar mus, superl. high, tall, lofty, dred-handed
Cedrus, i,/. a cedar-tree stately, noble, exalted, erect, Centumvtralis, e, adj. pertaining
Celandus, a, um, part, to be con- upright to the centumviri
cealed Celtis, is, /. a kind of lotos-tree Centumviri, orum, pi. m. judges, •

C elans, tis, part, concealing, CSnStaphium, i, n. a cenotaph, an or commissioners, chosen to

dissembling empty monument set up in hear certain civil causes among
Celate, or Celatlm, adv. secretly honour of the dead the people, out of every tribe
Cclator, oris, m. a concealer Censendus, a, um, part, to be three [coverlet
Celatus, a, um, part, concealed, thought Centuncfdus, i, m. a patched
kept secret, kept close Censens, tis, part, thinking, de- Ceiitmilex, icis, adj. a hundred-
C£k ber,
m. ris, c. g. re, n. adj. termining fold
iior, comp. errimus, superl. fa- Censeo, ere, ui, um, a. to think, Centuplicat6, adv. a hundred
mous, renowned, ennobled, to suppose, to judge, to be of times, double
crowded, very much frequented opinion, to resolve, or deter- Centupondium, i, n. a hundred-
Cgleberrime, adv. very famously, mine, to vote, or give a suffrage, weight, a great weight
or solemnly, very frequently to tax, levy, or assess, to pay a Centuria, ae, /. a century, a com-
Celebrandus, a, um, part, to be rate, or cess, to enrol pany, or band of a hundred men,
solemnized, or praised Censeor, eri, dep. to enrol in the a subdivision of the Roman
CelSbrans, tis, part, celebrating, censor's table, to reckon people into centuries, or hun-
praising Censio, onis, /. a punishing, or dreds
Celgbratio, 6nis,/. a celebration, censuring, a rate Centuriatim, adv. by hundreds,
or solemnizing, an assembly, or Censitor, oris, m. an assessor, a company by company [place
company surveyor of lands, a steward Centuriatus, us, to. a captain's
Celebrator, 6ris, to. a setter-forth Censor, oris, to. he who executed Centuriatus, a, wm.part. register-
of public plays the census, a censurer, or severe ed or enrolled, in the number
Celebratus, a, um, part, ior, person, a critic of the hundreds
comp. issimus, superl. renown- Censorius, a, um, adj. pertaining Centurio, onis, m. a centurion, a
ed, famous, ^much spoken of, to the censor, or his office, cen- captain over a hundred footmen
mentioned with honour, much sorious Centurio, as, a. to divide into
frequented Censualis, e, adj. rateable companies, to divide fields into
Celebris, same as CCleber Censura, as, /. censure, reproof, two hundred acres [place
Celebritas, atis, /. renown, good judgment, severity, punishment, Centiirionatus, us, m. a captain's
name, repute, credit, greatness the censorship, or office of cen- Centussis, is, m. a Roman money,
in the world, a solemn assem- sor, authority, a pattern containing forty sesterces, ten
bly, a solemnity Census, a, um, part, cessed, taxed, deniers [onion
Ceiebro, as, a. to celebrate, to so- rated, valued Cepa, ae, /., and Cepe, is, n. an
lemnize, to make famous, to Census, us, m. the valuation of Cepetum, i, n. an onion-bed

praise greatly, to record, to every man's estate, the register- Cephalea, ae,/. the headache
publish, to.have in estimation, ing of a man, his years, tribe, Cephalicus, a, um, adj. cephalic,
to exercise, or perform fre- family, profession, wife, chil- of the head
quently dren, and servants; a cessing, Cephalus, i. m. a fish, having a
Cfiler, to.celeris, c. g. cClere, n. valuing, or mustering of the ereat head
ior, comp. rim us, and issimus, people Ceplna, ae,/. a bi\l of oniono
27 C 2
Cepphtcus, a, urn, adj. very light, Cervus, i, to. a holm-tree Cetarius, i, m. a fishmonger
trifling Certamen, Inis, re. a contest, a Cete, n. pi. indecl. whales
Cepphus, i, to. a very light bird controversy, a dispute, a trial Cetra, re,/ a short square buckler
Cera, re, /. wax, a table-book, &c. of skill, a battle, a bustle, or Cetratus, a, um, adj. that uses a
covered with wax, a waxen noise, hazard, or danger, a game, short target
image, or bust, a cerecloth, a or exercise Cetus, i, m. a whale, or large fish
cell in a honey-comb, a page, or Certandus, a, um, part, to be con- Ceu, adv. as it were, even, or like
side of a leaf, a will [dler tended, or contested for Ceva, re,/, a small cow [as
Ceraria, re, /. a female wax-chan- Certans, tis, part, contending, C evens, tis, part, wagging the tail
Cerarium, i, re. wax-money, the vying Ceveo, ere, re. to wag, or move the
fee for a seal in wax Certatim, adv. earnestly, eagerly tali
Cerarius, i, m. a wax-chandler Certatio, onis, /. a striving, or Ceyx, ycis, m. a kingsfisher
Cerasinus, a, um, adj. of a cherry struggling, an emulation Chalceos, i, /. a prickly herb
or red colour Certator, oris, m. one that con- Chalceus, a, um, adj. of brass,
Cerasium, i, re. a cherry tends
Cerasum, i, n., and Cerasus, i, m. Certaturus, a, um, part, about to ChalcOgraphus, i, m. one that en

a cherry strive, or contend graves upon brass, a copper

Cerasus, i,/. a cherry-tree Certatus, us, m a wrestling plate printer [astrologei
Ceratinus, a, um, adj. sophistical, Certatus, a, um, part, striven, Chaldreus, i, m. a Chaldean, an
intricate, dark contended for Chaldaicus, a, um, adj. of Chal-
Ceratium, i, re. a husk, or shell Certe, adv. ids, comp. issim6, dea, belonging to astrology
Ceratum, i, n. a cerecloth, a superl. certainly, surely, sure Chal^beius, a, um, adj. of steel
plaster enough, true, right, yes, as- Chalybs, ybis, m. a kind of the
Ceratura, re,/, a waxing suredly [tain hardest iron, steel, a sword, or
Ceratus, a, um, part, waxed, co- Certior, us, adj. comp. more cer- other instrument
vered with wax, pitched Certd, adv. certainly, surely, as- Chamreleon, ontis, or onis, m. a
Ceraunia, re,/., and Ceraunius, i, suredly chameleon, a beast like a lizard
to. the thunder-stone [horrid Certo, as, a. to strive, to contend, living by the air
Cerbereus, a, um, adj. infernal, or contest, to vie with, to fight, Channe, es,/. a perch, a ruff
Cerc5phithecus, i, to. a monkey to quarrel, to oppose Chaos, n. dat. and abl. chao, a
Cerdo, onis, m. a cobbler, a currier, Certus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. disordered heap of things, the
a tanner issimus, superl. certain, safe, first matter whereof poets sup-
Cfirealis, e, adj. pertaining to sure, secure, secured, distinct, posed all things were made, hell
Ceres, or corn, and food, that determinate, particular, proper, Chara, re,/, a root eaten instead
whereof bread is made lawfukconvenient, steady, stout, of bread
Cerebellum, i, n. the hinder part resolute, resolved, determined, Characatus, a, um, adj. staked, or
of the head, brains constant, faithful propped up
C6r6brosus, a, um, adj. passion- Cerva, re,/, a hind, a deer Character, eris, to. a character, a
ate, hasty, crazy, wild, mad Cervarius, a, um, adj. belonging mark, a seal, a branding-iron,
Cerebrum, i, n. the brain, the to a stag a style, or manner of writing,
head, the spinal marrow Cervical, alis, re. a pillow, or bol- or speaking, a description
CerSmonia, re, /. same as Crere- ster, a nightcap, a cravat Charistia, orurn, pi. n. a feast of
monia Cervlcula, re, dim. a little neck reconciliation, &c. amongst
Cereoius, a, um, adj. of the colour Cervinus, a, um, adj. of, or be- kinsfolks [Caritas
of wax longing to a stag, or hart Charitas, atis,/. charity, same as
Ceres, eris,/. the goddess of corn, Cervisia, re,/, ale, or beer Charta, re,/, paper, any material
corn, bread Cervix, icis, /. the neck, the to write upon, a sheet, a leaf,
Cerevisia, re,/, ale, beer shoulders or side of paper, a writing, a
Cereus, a, um, adj. of wax, waxen, Cerula, re,/, dim. a little wax letter, or epistle, a book, a card,
like wax, soft, easy, pliant, apt Cerussa, re,/, white lead, paint a charter [paper
to take any shape, yellow, Cerussatus, a, um, adj. painted Chartaceus, a, um, adj. made of
greasy with ceruse Chartarius, a, um, adj. of paper
Cereus, i, to. a wax-light Cervus, i, m. a hart, or stag, a Charteus, a, um, adj. made of
Cerifico, as, n. to make, wax forked stake paper [roll
Cerintha, re,/., and Cerinthe, es, Cespes, itis, m. a turf, grass Chartula, re,/, a chartel, or little
/.a honeysuckle Cespicator, oris, m. a stumbling Chartularius, i, m. a bookkeeper
Cerraus, a, um, adj. of wax colour horse Charus, a, um, adj. dear, dearly
Cerion, i, re. an ulcer with yellow Cessans, tis, part, ceasing, linger- beloved
matter [tracted
ing, tiring, sitting, or lying Chasma, atis, n. a great opening
Ceritus, um, adj. mad, dis-
a, loitering
still, of the earth, or firmament,
Cernendus, a, um, part, to be seen Cessatio, onis, / cessation, a sit- a gulf
Cernens, tis, part, seeing, per- ting still, a doing nothing, a Chaus, i, m. a spotted wolf
ceiving loitering, idleness, slackness Chelre, arum, pl.f. crabs' claws,
Cerno, ere, crevi or vidi, cretum Cessator, Oris, m. a loiterer, a bulwarks, or piles
or visum, a. to see, to perceive, truant [cease Chelidonia, re,/, a swallow-wort,
to discern, to distinguish, to Cessaturus, a, um, part, about to a stone
foresee, to presage, to judge, to Cessatus, a, um, part, ceased, CheiidOnias, re, m. the west-wind
know, or understand, to sepa- given out, untilled [back Chelydrus, i, m. a water-tortoise,
rate, or divide, to sift Cessim, adv. in giving, or going a water-snake
Cernuo, as, a. to stoop with the Cessio, onis,/. a giving, or yield- Chelys, yos, /. a lute, or harp
face forward, to tumble and ing up Chers5nesus, or CherrSnesus, i,
show tricks Cesso, as, re. to cease, to leave off, /. a peninsula
Cernuus, a, um, adj. hanging to delay, to loiter, to stay, to lie Chersos, i, /. land unmanured,
down the head still, to have nothing to do main land
Cernuus, i, m. a rope-dancer Cessurus, a, um, part, about to Chia, re,/, a delicious fig
Cero, as, a. to cere, or wax over yield to Chiliarchus, i, and CMliarcha, re,
Ceroma, atis, n. an oil tempered Cessus, us, m. a yielding m. a captain, colonel, or com-
with wax Cestrum, i, n. same as Crestrum mander of a thousand men
Ceromaticus, a, um, adj. anoint- Cestus, i, m. the girdle of Venus, Chilias, adis,/. a thousand
ed with ceroma a marriage-girdle, any kind of Chimrera, re, /. a poetical mon-

Cerreus, a, um, adj. belonging to band ster, like a lion in*the forepart,
a mast-tree [holm-tree Cetaria, drum, pi. n. great ponds a dragon behind, and a goat in
Cerrmus, a, um, adj. made of near the seaside the middle
Cerritus, a, um, adj. mad, frantic, Cetarius, a, um, ad) belonging Chimerinus, a, um, adj. winterly
out of his wits to whales Chlragra, re, f. the hand gout



Chlrfimaxiuin, i, n. a child's go- Chylus, m. chyle, a white juice
i, Cincturus, a, um, part, armed
cart from meat digested in the sto- and ready to fight
Chlrographum, i, n. a hand writ- Ciba, re, / a table [mach Clngfacio, ere, eci, actum, a. to
ing, a bill, or bond under one's Cibalis, e, adj. of, or belonging to bring to ashes
own hand meat, or food Cingfactus, a, um, part, turned
Chiromantes, re, m. one that tells Cibandus, a, um, part, to fatten to ashes [colour
fortunes by the lines in the Cibaria, orum, pi. m. food, meat, Cineraceus, a, um, adj. of an ash-
hand victuals, provisions [flour Cmfiralia, orum, x>l. n. Ash- Wed-
Chir6n5mia, re,/, a kind of ges- Cibarium, i, n. the second sort of nesday
ture with the hands Cibarius, a, um, adj. pertaining Ctnerarius, i, m. a man who
Chir6n6mon, ontis, adj. shewing to victuals, or to common food makes dresses for women
nimble motions with the hands Cibaturus, a, um, part, about to Cingreus, a, um, adj. of, or like
Chir5n6mus, i, m. one that uses feed ashes, of an ash-colour
motions with his hands in Cibatus, us, m. food, sustenance, Cinencms, a, um, adj. baked, or
dancing I provision [fatten roasted under ashes
Chirurgia, re, /. the art of surgery Cibo, as, a. to feed, nourish, or CinSrosus, a, um, adj. full of ashei
Chlrurgice, es,/. surgery Ciborium, i, n. an Egyptian bean, Cingendus, a, um, part, to be en-
Chirurgicus, a, um, adj. pertain- a large drinking-cup compassed, or girded about
ing to surgery Cibus,!, m. meat, food, nourish- Cingens, tis, part, tying round
Cblrurgus, i, m. a surgeon ment, increase Cingillus, i, m. dim. a little girdle
Chlamydatus, a, um, adj cloaked Cicada, re, /. a grasshopper, a Cingo, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to sur-
Chlamjdula, re, /. dim. a little locust, a balm-cricket round, to tie round, or about, to
cloak Cicatrlcosus, a, um, adj. having gird, to environ, to beset
Chlamys, ydis, /. a cloak, a sol- many scars, full of gashes, &c. Cingiila, re,/, a girth, or band
dier's coat, a tunic, or loose CIcatricula, re, /. dim. a little Cingulum, i, a. a girdle, a band,
coat, a woman's gown scar the cestus of Venus, a zone, a
Choaspides, or tes, is,/, a green Cicatrix, Icis,/. a scar, a seam of climate
precious stone a wound, an old sore, a chop, Cimflo, onis, m. a curler of hair,
Cholera, re,/ choler, anger, rage, or rent, a patch a chymist
illness of the stomach, with a Ciccum, i, n. or CIcum, the skin Cinis, CinSris, m. and f. ashes,
flux and vomit in a pomegranate that parts the embers, cinders, relics
Cholgricus, a, um, adj. troubled kernels, a thing of naught Cinnab&ri, n. and Cinnab&ris, is,
with choler Clcer, eris, n. a vetch, chick-peas /. cinnabar, a gum, redlead
Choragium, i, n. the dressing- CIcera, re, /. a pulse good for Cinnamominus, a, um, adj. made
room in playhouses, players' fodder of cinnamon
apparel, furniture of the stage Cicercula, /
dim. little chiches
re, Cinn&momum, i, m. the cinna-
Choragus, i, m. the master, &c. of CichOreum, i, n. succory, endive mon-tree, or cinnamon itself
plays Cicindela, re,/ a glow-worm Cinnamum, i, n. idem
Ch6raules, re, m. a minstrel Ciconia, se, /. a stork, a mock Cinnus, i, m. a hotchpotch, a
ChOraulistria, re,/, a she-minstrel sign medley, a potion, a plaiting of
Chorda, re,/ a string of a harp, CIcur, tiris, of all gen. adj. tame, the hair in locks and curls
&c. a string gentle, mild [ease Cio, ire, ivi, Itum, a. to stir,
Chordus, a, um, adj. same as Ciciiro, as, a. to make tame, to excite
Cordus Cicuta, re,/, hemlock, hellebore, Cippus, i, ik. a palisado, or sharp •

ChOrea, or Chorga, re,/, a ball, a poison [mitre stake, wooden shackles, or

dance Cidaris, is,/ a sash, a turban, a stocks for the feet, a gravestone,
ChorOcitharista, re, m. he that Ciens, tis, part, raising, or stir- or monument
plays on the harp, &c. whilst ring up Circa, prep, cum, ace. about, near,
others dance Cieo, es, Ivi, Itum, iere, a. to stir near to, with, in, concerning
ChorOgraphia, re,/, a description up, to raise, or move, to rouse, Circanea, re, / a kite
of a country, a map to excite, to provoke, to call Circenses, sc. ludi, Juv. games, or
Chor5graphus, i, m. a describer upon, or invoke, to call exercises of wrestling, running,
of countries, a publisher of Ctlicinus, a, um, adj. oi haircloth &c. kept in the circus
maps Cilicium, i, n. haircloth Circensis, e, adj. of, or belonging
Chorus, i, m. a company of Cilium, i, n. the utmost edge of to the circus, or place of exer-
singers, or dancers, a choir, a the eyelid, the hairs of the eye- cise
conceit, a band, any company, lids Circes, itis, m. a hoop, or ring, a
or assembly Cillones, um, pi. m. minstrels sort ol olives
Chria, re,/ a theme, a thesis using filthy and lewd gestures Circinatio, onis, /. a turning
Chrisma, atis, n. chrism, unction Cilo, onis, m. a person beetle- round, a measuring with com-
Christianismus, i, m. Christianity browed passes
Christianus, i, m. a christian Clmex, icis, c. g. a kind of worm Circinatus, a, um, part, com-
Christigenus, a, um, adj. born of in wood, or paper passed, rounded
Christ Cimolia, terra, fullerVearth Circino, as, a. to make a circle, to
Chroma, &ti3, n. sweet music, a Cinredicus, a, um, adj. wanton, compass round, to turn round
colour, a pretence lecherous, bawdy, loose Circinus, i, m. a pair of compasses,
Chromaticus, a, um, adj. soft, Cmredulus, a, um, adj. a little the shingles
sweet wanton Circiter, prep, with ace., and adv.
Chronica, orum, pi. n. chronicles Cinredus, i, m. a gelded youth, a about, nigh unto
ChrOnicus, a, um, adj. chronical catamite, a wanton dancer Circlus, i, m. for Circulus, a hoop
ChrOnicus, i, m. a chronologer Cinredus, a, um, adj. loose, wan- Circueo, or Circumeo, Ire, Ivi,
ChronOlOgia, re, / chronology Cm&ra, re, f. an artichoke [ton itum, a. to go about, to sur-
Chr6n616gus, i, m. a chronologer Cincinnatus, a, um, adj. that round
Chrysalis, dis, /. a worm, of hath curled hair [lock Circuitio, or Circumltio, onis, /. a
which comes the butterfly Cincinnulus, i, m. dim. a little circuit, a going the rounds, the
Chrysanthemum, i, n. crow-foot, Cincinnus, i, m. a curled lock fetching a compass
corn-marigold Cinctrculus, i, m. dim. a short Circuitor, oris, m. a night-watch,
Chtysendeton, i, n a cup tipt coat a pedlar
with gold Cinctorium, i, n. a girdle, a belt Circuitus, us, m. a circuit, a com-
Chrysocolla, re, / borax, a mineral CinctOra, re,/ a girding pass, a circumference
ChrysOlithos, i, m. a chrysolite, Cinctus, a, um, part, girded, en- Circuitus, a, um, part, gone about,
jasper compassed, surrounded compassed round
Chr?s6phrys, JFdis,/. a fish hav- Cinctus, us, m. a man's girdle, a Circulans, tis, part, turning ths
ing a gold-colour over its eyes short coat, girded a little below head round
Chr^sos, i, m. gold, a gilthead the paps Circularis, e, adj. circular round


Circulating adv. in a circle the way, to impose on, to cast, made, or situate about,
Circulator, oris, m. any hawker abolish near, surrounded [round
for gain, a jester, a mounte- Circumductio, 6nis»/. a bringing Circumiens, euntis, part, going
bank round, an amplification, a cir- Circumjicio, ere, eci, ectum, a. to
Circulatorius, a, um, adj. be- cumference, a cheating cast round about, to compass
longing to strollers, mounte- Circumductus, a, um, part, sur- Circumiturus, a, um, part, about
banks, &c. rounded, wrapped [ference to go round, or surround
Circulatrix, Icis, /. a she gipsy, &c. Circumductus, us, m. a circum- Circumitio, onis,/. a going about
Circulo, as, a. and n. to environ, Circumeo, ire, Ivi, a. to go about, Circumltus, us, m. a going the
to compass about or round about, to encircle, to farthest way
Circulor, ari, dtp. to meet in com- encompass, to surround Circumlabens, tis, part, sliding,
panies, to run to and fro, to Circumeqtuto, as, a. to ride about or gliding round about
hawk about, to stroll Ch-cumerro, as, a. to wander Circumlambo, 6re, a. to lick about
Circulus, i, m. a circle, an orb, a about, tomove up and down Circumlatro, are, a. to bark round,
compass, a ring, a hoop, a com- Circiimeundus, a, um, part, to be to rail and bawl at one
pany of persons standing gone about, to be gone round Circumlatus, a, um, part, carried
Circum, prep, with ace. about, Circumfgrens, tis, part, carrying about
round about, with round [ference Circumlavo, as, iavi, lotum, and
Circum, adv. around, about Circumfcrentia, se, /. circum- lavatum, a. to wash, or flow
Circilmactio, onis, /. a turning Circuvnfero, tfili, a. to carry .about, round
round [round or round, to report, to purify by Circumligo, as, a. to tie about
Circumactus, a, um, part, turned lustration Circumlinio, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. to
Circumactus, us, m. a turning Circumfinio, ivi, Itum, a. to bring anoint all over [smeared
round to an end, to enclose round Circumllnltus, a, um, part, be-
Circumagendus, a, um, part, to about Circumllno, ere, llvi, levi, anrflini,
whirl, or be whirled about Circumfirmandus, a, um, part, to litum, a. to anoint, or daub all
Circumagens, tis, part, turning be upheld, or supported round over
round Circmnnrmo, as, a. to fortify and Circumlitio, onis, /. an anointing
Circumaggeratus, a, um, part. make strong on all sides, to about, a polishing, burnishing,
heaped about, covered over support or putting the last hand to a
Circumaggero, as, a. to heap Circumflans, tis, part, blowing on thing
about all sides Circumlltus, a, um, part, anointed,
Circumago, ere, egi, actum, a. to Circumflecto, ere, xi, sum, a. to &c. over, washed, gilt
turn round, or about, to wheel, bend about, to fetch a compass, CircumlScutio, onis, /. a circum-
or drive about, to chase to circumflect a word locution, a compass, tedious-
Circumambulo, as, a. to walk Circumflexio, onis, /. a turning ness
round about [about about Circumloquens, tis, .parr, speaking
Circumaro, as, a. to plough round Circumflexus, a, um, part, cir- by circumlocution
Circumcidaneus, a, um, adj. cut cumflexed, bowed, or bent about Circunil5quor, i, quutus, and
about Circumflo, as, a. to blow on all cutus, dep. to use many words
Circumcldendus, a, um, part, to sides [round Circumlucens, tis, part, shining
be cut off, or circumcised, to be Circumfluens, tis, part, flowing round
forbidden Circumfluo, ere, xi, a. to flow Circuraluo, ere, ui, lutum, a. to
Circumcido, ere, di, sum, a. to cut about, to abound wall about
about, or off, to circumcise, to Circumfluus, a, um, edj. that Circumlustro, as, a. to go rouud
prune, or lop, to shorten, or flows, or runs about, flowed about, to reconnoitre
take off, to retrench about Circumliivio, onis, /. the flowing
Circumcingens, tis, part, com- Circumf6dio, 6re, di, ssum, a. to about of waters
passing round dig about Circummissus, a, um, part, sent
Circumcingo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to Circumforaneus, a, um, adj. that round about
surround, to compass round goes up and down, that is car- Circummitto, ere, si, ssum, o. to
Cireumcirca, adv. on every side ried»about the market send round about
CircumGise, adv. briefly, concisely CircumfSratus, a, um, part, bored Circummcenio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to
Circunicisio, onis, /. circumcision round wall about
Circumcisura, se, /. a cutting, or Circumforo, as, a. to bore round Circummoenitus, a, um, pa~t.
incision Circumfossor, oris, m. a pioneer walled about [licking
Circumcisus, a, um, part, pruned, Cireumfossura, ae, /. a digging Circummulcens, tis, part, gently
lopped, cut off, or away, pared, about Circummulceo, ere, si, a. to stroke
circumcised, contracted Circumfremo, ere, ui, a. to chirp, softly, to touch gently
Circumclaudo, ere, si, sum, a. to chatter, or make a noise about Circummunio, ire, Ivi, a. to in-
enclose round Circumfrlco, as, a. to rub all over trench
Circumcludo, gre, si, sum, a. to Circumfulgeo, ere, si, n. to shine C ire mnm (initio, onis, /. the in-
inclose round, to encompass, to on every side vesting of a place
hem in Circumfundo, 6re, fudi, sum, a. Circummunltus, a, um, part, de-
Circumclusus, a, um, part, shut to pour about, to encompass fended on every side, guarded
in, closed in, surrounded Circ.umfusus, a, um, part, circum- Circumnascens, tis, part, growing
CircumcSlo, ere, ui, culfum, a. to ambient, surrounded, routed, about [about
dwell about or nigh, to till slain Circumnascor, i, dep. to grow
about Circumgglatus, a, um, part, frozen Circumnavlgo, are, a. to sail
Circumculco, as, a. to trample all all over round
over, or down [about Circumgemo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to Circumnecto, 6re, xui and xi,
Circumcursans, tis, part, running groan, or roar round about xum, a. to tie round, or connect,
Cireumcurso, as, n. to run up and Circumgesto, as. a. to carry about to join
down, or hither and thither CircumglObatus a, um, part. Circumobruo, 6re, ui, utum, a. to
Circumdandus, a, um, part, to be gathered into heaps, made cover over with earth, to oveday
surrounded round [about Circum pactus, a, um, pa-t. set
Circumdatus, a, um, part, com- Circumgi-edior, i, dep. to march round about
passed, surrounded, environed, Circumgressus, us, m. a going Circurapadanus, a, rail, adj. lying
armed about about the river Po
Circumdo, as, edi, atum, a. to Circumhumatus, a, um, adj. hav- Circumpango, ere, egi, actum, a.
surround, to compass about, to ing earth cast about, earthed to set, or plant all about
inclose, to clasp fast about, to Circumjacens, tis, part, lying Circumpavio, is, Ire, Itum, a. tn
beset, to prescribe round, about pave, ram, or beat about
Circumdiico, fire, xi, a. to lead Circumjaceo, ere, n. to lie about Circumpavltus, a, um, part, paved,
round, or about, to lead out of Circumjectus, a, um, part, liid. and rammed down all over
Circsimpgdes, ran, pi. m. pages, Circumsltus, a, um, adj. seated, Circurnvectus, a, um, part, carried
lacqueys, waiters or dwelling round about about
Circumpendens, tis, part, hang- Circums5no, as, a. to sound all Circumvfihens, tis r part, carrying,
ing round about, to ring again riding, or sailing round
Circumplector, i, xus, dep. to em- Circumsonus, a, um, adj. sound- Circumvfiho, fire, exi, ectum, a. to
brace, to surround, to encom- ing round about [round carry about [about
pass Circumspectans, tis, part, looking Circumvelo, are, a. to clothe
Cucumplexus, a, um, part, sur- Circumspectator, oris, m. one that Circumvfiniens, tis, part, sur-
rounded, surrounding looks about him on every side rounding
Circumplexus, us, m. an em- Circumspectatrix, Tcis, /. a woman Circumvfinio, ire, veni, entum, a.
bracing, or twisting about who looks about on every side to come about, to surround, to
Circumplicatus, a, am, part, twist- Circumspecte, adv. ius, comp. roll about, or infold, to flow
ed about, entwined circumspectly, warily, advisedly about, to beset, to deceive, to
Circumplico, as, a. to fold, or Circumspectio, onis, /. circum- cheat
wind about, to roll, or wrap spection, great care, a looking Circumventurus, a, um, part.
about round about to circumvent, or sur-
Circumpono, 6re, sui, ltum, a. to, a. to look about, round
lay, or put all about [round to consider a thing diligently Circumvents, a, um, part, sur-
C ircumpositus, a, um, part, placed Circumspectus, a, um, adj. isst- rounded, encompassed, over-
Circumpotatio, onis,/. a drinking mus, superl. circumspect, wary, reached, cheated, trepanned
round [round watchful, wise, prudent Circumversor, ari, dep. to roll up
Circumpurgo, as, a. to cleanse Circumspergo, ere, a. to sprinkle and down, to go from place to
Circumquaque, adv. every where, about [round place [round
on every side Circumspiciens, tis, part, looking Circumvertens, tis, part, turning
Circumrado, ere, si, sum, a. to Circumspicio, ere, exi, ectum, a. Circumverto, fire, ti, sum, a. to
shave round, to scrape about to look about, to survey, to take turn round, to cheat, to defraud
Circumrasio, onis, /. a scraping care, to be cautious [about Circumvestio, ire, Ivi, ltum, a. to
off [round Circumstans, tis, part, standing invest, to cover over
Circumrasus, a, um, part, scraped Circumstantia, ae, /. a circum- Circumvincio, Ire, Ivi, ctum, a. to
Circumretio, Ire, Ivi, a. to ensnare stance bind about, to entwine
Circumretltus, a, um, part, catch- Circumstlpans, tis, part, guarding Circumvlso, fire, si, sum, freq. to
ed in a net, entangled, hamper- Circumstlpatus, a, um, part. see on every side, to look round
ed guarded about, thronged about CircumvSlans, tis, part, flying
Circumriguus, a, um, adj. watered Circumsto, as, steti, a. to stand about [about
round about about [sounding CircumvSlatus, a, um, part, flown
Circumrodo, ere, si, sum, a. to CircumstrSpens, tis, part, re- CircumvOlitans, tis, part, flying
gnaw about, to detract Circumstrgpo, fire, ui, ltum, a. to about
Circumsalto, as, a. to dance round make a noise on all sides CircumvolTto, as,/reg. to fly about,
Circumscalpo, ere, psi, ptum, a. Circumstructus, a, um, part. to frequent [surround
to scratch, or scrape all round built about CircumvSlo, as, a. to fly round, to
Circumscindo, fire, scidi, scissum, Circumstruo, ere, a. to build about Circumvolvens, tis, part, infolding
a. to cut round about Circumsudans, tis, part, sweating Circumvolvo, fire, vi, utum, a. to
Circumscribendus, a, um, part. all over roll, or turn round, to wrap
to be circumscribed, bounded Circumsudo, as, n. to sweat, or be round
Circmnscrlbens, tis, part, circum- moist all over Circumvolutus, a, um, part, in-
scribing, concealing Circumsuo, ere, ui, a. to sew, or wrapped, twisted about one
Circumscrlbo, fire, psi, ptum, a. stitch round about another
to circumscribe, to limit, or Circumsurgens, tis, part, rising Circus, i, m. a circle, a ring
bound, to draw round, to com- round about Clris, is, /. a lark
prise briefly, to cheat Circumtectus, a, um, part, cover- Cirnea, ae,/. a can, or jug
Circumscripta, a<Z«. closely, briefly ed over Cirratus, a, um, adj. curl-pated,
Circumscriptio, onis, /. a bound- Circumtego, ere, exi, ectum, a. to shaggy, jagged, rough
ing, a cheating, or overreaching cover all over, or round about Cirriger, era, firum, adj. curl-pated
Circumscriptor, oris, m. a cheater Circumtexo, ere, ui, xtum, a. to Cirrus, i, m. a curled lock, a curl,
Circumscripta, a, um, part, and weave all over a fringe, a shag, the hair polled
adj. ior, comp. circumscribed, Circumtextura, ae,/. a border Cis, prep, with accus. on this side,
confined, discarded, laid aside, Circumtextus, a, um, part, woven before adv. all about

deceived throughout [about CIsium, i, n. a calash, a chariot

Circumsgco, ctum, a. to
as, ui, Circumtinnio, ire, ivi, n. to sound Cispello, ere, uli, a. to keep out
cut about, to circumcise Circumtondeo, ere, sum, a. to Cisrhenanus, a, um, adj. on this
Circumsectus, a, um, part, cut clip, or poll round, to shave side the Rhine [pannier
round, circumcised round [about Cista, ae, /. a chest, a basket, a
rircumsSdeo, ere, di, ssum, a. to Circumtonsus, a, um, part, shaved Cistella, ae, /. dim. a casket, or
sit round about, to besiege CircumtSno, as, ui, Hum, a. to cabinet, a little box
Circumsepio, Ire, psi, ptum, a. to thunder, or make a great noise Cistellatrix, Icis,/. a waiting-maid
hedge in on every side Cistellula, ae,/. dim. a little box
Circumseptus, a, uva,part. hedged Circumtumulatus, a, um, part. Cisterna, ae,/. a cistern, a vault
in, guarded heaped up all round, surrounded Cisternmus, a, um, adj. of a cis-
Circumsgro, ere, a. to sow about Circumvado, fire, si, sum, a. to tern [casket
Circumsessio, onis, /. a sitting set upon on all parts, to sur- Cistifer, a, um, adj. carrying a
round prise [about CistophOrus, i,m. an ancient coin
\!ircumsessurus, a, um, part. Circumvagor, ari, dep. to wander CistCila, ae,/. dim. a small casket
about to surround Cireumv£gus, a, um, adj. wander- Citattm, adv. hastily, speedily,
Circumsessus, a, um, part, sur- ing, rolling quickly
rounded, encompassed Circumvallatus, a, um, part, en- CItatio, onis,/. a citation, a sum-
Circumsideo, ere, sedi, sessum, a. compassed, beleaguered, be- moning to appear, an arrest
to beset, to besiege, or block up sieged Citatorium, i, n. a summoning
Circumsldo, fire, sessum, a. to sit Circumvallo, as, a. to trench before a tribunal [cita
about, to lay siege to, to invest about, to inclose and fortify Citaturus, a, um, part, about to
Circumsigno, as, a. to mark round with bulwarks, to draw a line Citatus, a, um, part, and adj. ior
Circumsllio, ui, n. to leap about. about, to surround comp. issimus, superl. cited
f'ircumsistens, tis, part, standing Circumvectio, 6nis, /. a carrying, quoted, summoned, stirred up
round or moving about Cltfirior, comp. adj. the hither
Circumsisto, ere, stfti, stltum, a. Circumvecto, as, freq. to carry nigher, nearer
to utand, or gather round about often Clthara, e,/. a harp, vio', lute
Cltharista, and Citharistes, se, a loud voice, a bawling, an en- Claudicatio, Onis, /. a halting,
m. a player on the harp, a harper treaty lameness
Cltharistria, se, /. a female har- Clamose, adv. with great noise, Claudico, as, n. to halt, limp, or
per, or minstrel aloud hobble, to be feeble, imperfect,
Citharizo, as, a. to play upon Clamosus, a, um, adj. clamorous, or maimed [limping
the harp [like loud, shrill, that rings again Claudigo, Inis, /. a lameness,
CHharcedlcus, a, urn, adj. harper- with noise Clauditas, atis, /. lameness, a
Cltharoedus, i, m. he that plays Clanctilarius, a, um, adj. secret, halting
upon the harp, a fiddler close, unknown, nameless Claudo, ere, si, sum, a. to shut, to
Citlmus, a, urn, adj. superl. next, ClanctilO, same as shut up, or in, to stanch, or
nearest Clanctilum, adv. secretly, privily, stop, to close, finish, or con-
Cltd, adv. ius, comp. issime, privately [stealth elude, to keep off, or withstand
superl. quickly, swiftly, fast, Clandesfind, adv. privately, by Claudus, a, um, adj. lame, halt-
soon, shortly, suddenly, easily Clandestinus, a, um, adj. clan- ing, crippled, wavering, uncer-
Cito, as, a. to cite, to summon, to destine, secret tain, feeble, weak, short
quote, to recite, to produce, to Clangens, tis, part, sounding Clavator, oris, m. one who carries
name, or call, to proclaim, to Clango, ere,, xi, a. to sound a clubs, or foils in attendance on
excite, to stir up, to provoke, trumpet, to cry like an eagle another for military exercises, a
or cause Clangor, oris, m. the sound of a cudgel bearer
Citra, or Citra, prep, with ace. trumpet, the cry of an eagle, Clavlcula, se,/. a little key, a ten-
and. adv. on this side, without, the clanking of a goose, the dril, young twig, or shoot of a
before, near upon [wood crunking of a crane, any loud vine
Citreum, i, n. a citron, citron- noise [explained Claviger, 6ra, um, adj. which
Citreus, a, um, of citron-
adj. Clarandus, a, um, part, to be carries a club [keys
wood, or the citron-tree Clare, ius, issime, adv. brightly, Claviger, a, um, adj. that carries
Citrlnus, a, um, adj. of a citron- distinctly, clearly, plainly, aloud Clavis, is,/, a key, a lock, or bolt,
colour Clareo, ere, ui, and clarus sum, n. a clef in music [tree
Citr6, adv. hither, and thither, to to be clear and bright, to shine, Clavola, ae, /. a graff, a slip of a
and fro, on each side, in and out to be illustrious, or noble, to be Claustrum, i, n. a bar, a close
Citrum, i, n. citron-wood, a table, known gate, a thing that incloses, an
or other thing made thereof Claresco, 6re, incep. to grow inclosure, a closet
Citrus, i, /. a citron-tree, a le- bright and clear, to be mani- Clausula, se,/. a clause, an article,
mon, or orange-tree fest, to become famous a short sentence, a close, end,
Cltus, a, um, part, provoked, Claricito, as, a', to call aloud or conclusion
moved, disturbed Clarificus, a, um, adj. sounding Clausum, i, n. a close, a stable, a
Citus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl- aloud stall, a hive [siege
mus, superl. swift, speedy, Clarlgatio, onis, /. a denouncing Clausura, se, /. an inclosure, a
hasty, sudden of wT ar, a reprisal, an arrest, or Clausurus, a, um, part, that will
Civicus, a, um, adj. of a city, or seizure inclose
citizen, civil Clarigo, as, a. to denounce war, Clausus, a, um, part, shut, shut
ClvUis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, to arrest [shrill up, inclosed, surrounded, beset,
superl. of a city, or citizen, civil, Clarlsfinus, a, um, adj. loud, confined, secret, close, finished,
courteous Clarltas, atis,/ clearness, plain- concluded [rable
Clvil'itas, atis, /. civility, cour- ness, brightness, renown, fame, Clavuius, i, m. a little nail, a spa-
tesy, lenity, gentleness, huma- excellency [nown Clavus, i, m. a nail, a spike, a note
nity, policy Claritudo, Inis, /. clearness, re- by which the old Romans rec-
Civlliter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Clariiis, adv. more brightly koned their years, serving in-
superl. after the manner of Claro, as, a. to clear, to declare, stead of a calendar: a button,
citizens, civilly, courteously to make plain, to make famous or stud, a round knob, or stud
Civis, is, c. g. a citizen, a free man, Claror, oris, m. brightness, neat- of purple, dignity, the rudder,
or woman, a countryman ness or helm of a ship, rule, or go-
Civltas, atis,/. a city, a corpora- Clarus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- vernment
tion, a state, or whole country, mus, superl. clear, bright, fair, Clemens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
the rights, &c. of citizens unspotted, plain, evident, loud, mus, superl. kind, merciful,
Clvitatula, ae,/. dim. a little city, famous, noble, honourable, favourable, kindly, quiet, peace-
&c. brave able, easy, undisturbed, un-
Clades, is,/, a slaughter, defeat, Classiarius, a, run, adj. belonging moved, smooth
or overthrow, all kinds of mi- to a navy Clementer, adv. ius, comp. issime,
sery and misfortune, hurt, ruin, Classicen, Inis, m. a trumpeter, a superl. kindly, courteously, mer-
destruction, plague, pestilence common crier cifully, favourably, quietly
Clam, prep, with abl. or ace. by Classicida, se,/. dim- a little fleet dementia, se,/. clemency, mercy,
stealth, privily, secretly, with- Classicum, i, n. the sound of a compassion, pity, gentleness,
out one's knowledge trumpet, a trumpet mildness, calmness, tranquillity^
Clam, adv. secretly, privately, Classicus, a, um, adj. pertaining courtesy
suddenly, by way of surprise to a fleet, or navy Cl6po, ere, psi, ptum, a. to steal,
Clamans, tis, part, crying, cal- Classicus, i, m. one that sounds a or pilfer, to shelter, to protect
ling upon trumpet, the crier of a court, a Clepsydra, se,/. a vessel measur-
Clamatio, onis, /. a crying aloud, seaman, a freeman ing time by water
a crying, or bawling [crier Classis, is, /. a fleet, a navy, a Cleptes, or Clepta, se, m. a thief
Clamator, oris, m. a bawler, a ship, a class, a rank, a form Cleptus, a, um, part, stolen
Clamatorius, a, um, adj. clamo- Clathratus, a, um, adj. latticed, Clericus, i, rn. a clergyman
rous, bawling, noisy grated Cleros, i, m. a worm in beehives
Clamatus, a, um, part, called to Clathro, as, a. to shut with lat- Clerus, i, m. the clergy, a con-
Clamltans, tis, part, calling often, tices, bars, grates, or rails vocation
crying out Clathrus, i, m. or Clathrum, i, n. Cllbanus, i, m. a portable oven, a
Clamitatio, onis, /. same as a bar, a lattice, a grate, a balus- suit of complete armour
Clamatio ter, a harrow Chens, tis, in. and f. a client, a

Clamito, as, cry out against,

a. to Clava, se,/. a club, a batoon retainer, or dependent, a lawyer,
to cry aloud, to cry goods about, Clavatus, a, um, adj. set with a tenant, a vassal
to profess openly *tuds, or nails, studded Clienta, se, /. a woman-retainer
Clamo, as, a. to cry out, to bawL Claudendus, a, um, part, to be Clientela, se, /. the state, or re-
to speak aloud, to call upon, or snut up [closing lation of clients and tenants,
invoke, to entreat, to proclaim Claudens, tis, part, shutting, patronage, guardianship
Clamor, oris, m. a olamour, a Claudicans, tis, part, halting, Clientulus, i, m. dim. a pool
great noise, a shout, an outcrv, limping client
CJima, .Itis, n. a clime, or climate Coactura, fE, /. the gathering of Coaxatus, a, um, part, floored, &c.
Climacter, eris, m. a step, or any thing, a heaping together Coaxo, are, n. to croak like a
round of a ladder Coacturus, a, um, part, about to frog
Climactericus, a, um, adj. cli- compti Cocclnatus, a, um adj. in scarlet
uiacterical, ascending, perilous Coactrs. % um, part, assembled, Coccineus, a, um, adj. of scarlet,
Climax, acis,/. a ladder, a round brou^.j' together, curdled, or crimson
of a ladder, an ascent by steps, forci & compelled, obliged, Coccinum, i, n. a scarlet robe
a figure connecting the subse- strai .Bsrsd Coccinus, a, um, adj. of a scarlet,
quent to the precedent Coadd^ e"re, didi, ditum, a to or crimson colour
Cllnamen, Inis, n. a declination add, v- lay together Coccum, i, n. or Coccus, i, to. the
Cllnatus, a, um, part, inclined, Coadjtcio, jeci, jectum, a. to cast grain wherewith cloth is dyed
bent to, or together in grain, scarlet cloth dyed in
Clinice, es, /. a part of physic, Coadunatus, a, um, part, gather- grain
which prescribes diet ed together in one Coccyx, ?gis, or cis, to. a cuckoo,
Clinicus, i, m. a physician, a bed- Cosedificatus, a, um, part, built a fish
ridden person close together, contiguous, very Cochlea, ae, / the shell of a snail,
Clino, as, a. to incline, to bend near a snail, a cockle, a periwinkle, a
Olln&pale, es, /. an exercise in Coaequalis, e, adj. coequal, like shellfish, any thing in a spiral
the field of Venus Coaequandus, a, um, part, to be form
Clipeo, are, a. to furnish, or arm made equal, or level Cochleare, and Cochlear, aris, n.
with a shield Coaequatus, a, um, part, made a spoon, a spoonful
Cllpeolum, i, n. a little shield equal, or level Cochlearis, e, adj. of a spoon
Clltellae, arum, pi. /. a packsad- Coaequo, are, a. to make equal, to Cochlearium, i, n. a spoonful, a
dle, a pannier, a descent, or level, to make indifferent cocklepit, a stove, or place to
valley, a kind of engine Coaequus, a, um, adj. equal, even, keep shellfish in
Clltellarius, a, um, adj. having a like Cochlldium, i, «. and Cochlis,
packsaddle [difficult Coaetaneus, a, um, adj. that is of idis,/. a winding staircase
Clivius, a, um, adj. steep, hard, the same time and age, or of Cocio, onis, m. a higler, or pedler
Clivosus, a, um, adj. full of cliffs, the same standing,- contempo- Codes, itis, c. g. he that is born
steep rary with one eye only, or that hath
Clivulus, i, m. dim. a little descent Coaeturnufs, a, um, adj. eternal but one eye
Clivus, i, to. and Clivum, i, n. any Coaevus, a, um, adj. coeval, of the Coctibilis, e, adj. easily sodden,
declivity, or sloping, an ascent, same age boiled, or baked, easy of diges-
or descent, the side of a hill, Coagggro, are, a. to heap together tion [roasted
difficulty [sink CoSgitatio, onis,/. a shaking to- Coctilis, e, adj. sodden, baked,
Cloaca, ae, /. a common-sewer, a gether Coctio, onis,/. a seething, a boil-
Cloacalis, e, adj. of a sink Coagito, are, a. to shake together ing, concoction
Cludo, ere, si, sum, a. to shut, to Coagmentandus, a, um, part, to Coctito, axe, freq. to boil often
close, to surround, to tie about, be joined, or fastened together Coctivus, a, um, adj. easily boiled,
to set Coagmentatio, onis, /. a joining, or roasted, easily digested
Cluens, tis, part, excelling, re- or gluing together, a cement- Coctor, oris, m. a boiler, one that
markable, shining ing has wasted all, a spendthrift
Clueo, es, ere, n. to be named, Coagmentatus, a, um, part, joined, Coctura, se,/. a seething, or that
spoken, or talked of, to be es- or patched together which is sodden
teemed, famed, or highly com- Coagmento, as, a. to join, or glue Coctus, a, um, part, ior, comp
mended [cleaver together, to cement sodden, boiled, baked, dressed,
Clunaculum, i, n. a butcher's Coagmentum, i, n. a strait join- ripe, digested, ruminated
Clunis, is, m. andf. a buttock, or ing, a joint, mortar C6culum, i, n. a pot, a kettle
haunch [mous Coagiilatio, onis,/. a curdling Codex, Icis, m. the body, stump,
Cluo, ere, n. to shine, to be fa- Coagulatus, a, um, part, curdled or stock of a tree, a book
Clusilis, e, adj. easy to be shut Coagulo, are, a. to curdle, to join Codicariae naves, barges made of
up Coagulum, i, n. a curd, rennet, a thick planks, hoys, lighters
Clusinus, a, um, adj. whitish calf's maw, cream Codicillus, i, m. a stick, a little
Clusus, a, um, part, shut up, in- Coaleo, ere, ui, ltum, n. to grow, book, a table-book, a letter
closed or cleave together, to improve missive
Cl?peatus, a, um, adj. armed Coalescens, tis, part, uniting to- Ccelator, oris, m. an engraver
with a buckler gether Ccelebs, ibis, c. g. a bachelor, or
Clypeum, i, n. and Coalesco, €re, ui, ltum, a. to maid
Cl^peus, i, m. a shield, buckler, grow together, or close, to Ccelestis, e, adj. heavenly
or target grow into [proved Cceliacus, a, um, adj. griped
Clyster, eris, m. a clyster Coalitus, a, um, part, grown, im Coelibatus, us, to. a single life
Cnaso, onis, m. a bodkin Coalitus, us, m. communion, Ccelitus, adv. from heaven
CnOdax, acis, to. the gudgeon in fellowship Ccelo, as, a. to engrave, or carve
a spindle Coangusto, are, a. to make nar Ccelum, i, n. pi. i, m. and Ccelus,
Coaccedo, 6re, essi, essum, a. to row, or straiter i, ra. heaven, the sky, the air,

approach, to be added to Coarctatio, onis,/. a straitening, firmament, the weather, a cli-

Coa.cerva.tim, adv. by heaps or crowding together mate, an orb of heaven
Coacervatio, onis,/. a heaping, a Coarctatus, a, um, part, straiten Coemendus, a, um, part, to be
laying in heaps, an accumula- ed, pressed together bought
tion [together Coarcte, adv. closely, strictly Ccemeterium, i, n. a church-yard
Coacervatus, a, um, part, heaped Coarcto, are, a. and Coarto, to Co6mo, ere, ptum, a. to buy, to
Co&cervo, are, n. to heap up, to straiten, or press together, to hire
lay on heaps, to amass bring a matter into few words Coemptio, onis, /. a buying up
Co&cesco, 6re, incep. to grow Coarguendus, a, um, part, about Coemptionalis, e, adj. of buying
tart, or stale to convict, reprove, &c. Coemptor, oris, to. a buyer up
Coacte, adv. by compulsion Coarguo, fire, ui, utum, a. to re- Coemptus, a, nm,part. bought up
Coactio, onis,^/. an assembling prove, to tax, or charge down- Ooena, ae, / a supper, a set meal,
together, the business of a col- right, to convince, or convict room to sup
lector, a disease of cattle Coaspernans, tis, part, slighting Ccenaculum, i, n. a parlour, or
Coacto, are, freq. to constrain together other place to sup in
much Coaspernor, ari, dep. to despise, Coenans, tis, part, supping
Coactor, oris, a gatherer, col-
to. or set light by Coenaticus, a, um, adj. pertaining
lector, or receiver, a purveyor, Coassatio, 6nis,/. a planking, or to supper
an enforcer laying a floor Ccenatio, onis,/. asuramer-hoiisJv
Coactu, abl m. by consfrjunt Coasso, are, a. to plank, or floor a parlour
C 3
Ccenatiuncula, ae, /. a little room like, almost of the same nature, together, a confederacy, cr
to sup, &c. in near union, a correspondence
Ccenatoiium, i, n. a night-gown Cognatus, i, m. a kinsman Colturus, a, um, part, about to
Ccenatdrius, a, ran, adj. of supper Cognitio, onis, /. knowledge, meet, or join with
CoenatQiio, ire, Ivi, n. to have an judgment, a trial, cognizance, a Coitus, a, um, part, come to-
appetite for supper [sup rule, definition gether, allied
Ccenaturus, a, um, part, about to Cognitor, oris, m. one that takes Coitus, us, m. a coming together,
Ccenatus, a, um, part, having sup- cognizance, a proctor, a lawyer, or assembling, copulation
ped, treated with a supper one that overlooks the sale of C6laphizo, are, a. to buffet
Coenito, are,/reg. to sup often confiscated goods C61aphus, i, m. a box on the ear,
Coeno, are, avi, n. to sup, to be at Cognitura, ae, /. the practice of an a slap on the chops
supper attorney, proctorship Colatus, a, um, part, strained,
CcenSbium, i, n. a convent Cognlturus, a, um, part, about cleansed [parasite
Ccenosus, a. um, adj. dirty, filthy, to know COlax, acis, m. a flatterer, a
foul Cognitus, a, um, part, and adj. C&lendus, a, um, part, to be wor-
Coenula, ae,/. dim. a little supper ior,comp.issimus, superl. known, shipped, or reverenced
Ccenum, i, n. dirt, mire, obscurity, understood, known by report C&lens, tis, part, worshipping,
poverty, a dirty fellow Cognomen, mis, n. the same as tilling
Coeo, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. to come, Cognomentum, i, n. a surname Coles, is, m. or Colis, a stalk of
meet, assemble, or flock toge- Cognominans, tis, part, surnam- beans, &c.
ther, to agree together, to unite, ing Coleus, i, m. the stones of a man,
to couple, to join, to close Cognominatus, a, um, part, sur- or beast [colic
Ccepi, isti or cceptus sum, v. defect. named Collce, es, or Colica, ae, /. the
I have begun, or taken in Cognomlnis, e, c. g. of the same Coliculus, i, m. dim. a little stalk
hand name CSlicus, a, um, adj. of the colic
Cceptans, tis, part, beginning Cognomino, are, a. to surname Collphium, i, n. a kind of nou-
Coepto, are, a. to begin, to at- Cognoscendus, a, um, part, to be rishing food used by athletes
tempt known, or understood Collabasco, 6re, n. to stagger
Coeptum, i, n. a beginning, an Cognosco, ere, ovi, cognitum, a. Collabefacio, ere, a. to loosen, to
undertaking, an enterprise, an to know, to understand, to break, to destroy
attempt [begin know carnally, to experience, Collabefactatus, a, um, part, to be
CceptOrus, a, um, part, ready to to learn, to inform oneself, to weakened
Cceptus, a, um, part, begun, at- examine CollabSfacto, are, a. to thro«
tempted Cogo, ere egi, actum, down, to enfeeble [borne
Cceptus, us, m. a beginning gather, or collect,
:ollect, to get, bring,
1 Collabefactus, a, um, part, over-
Coequito, are, n. to ride together or assemble together, to heap Collabgfio, eri, n. to be broken,
Coercendus, a, um, part, to be up, to thicken, to curdle, to cast down to the ground, or
restrained force, or compel, to oblige dashed in pieces
Coercens, tis, part, restraining, Cohaerens, tis, part, agreeing, or Collabens, tis, part, falling down
containing, bounding, &c. hanging together Collabesco, ere, n. to fail, to
Coerceo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to re- Cohaerenter, adv. ius, comp. or- totter
strain, to bridle, or curb, to derly, without interruption, Collabor, i, psus, dep. to fall, sink,
stop, or stay, to hinder, to keep fitly, agreeably or give way, to stumble
under, or in awe, to bind Cohaerentia, ae, /. coherence, a Collaceratus, a, um, part, torn
Coercitio, onis,/. restraint, chas- fastening, or sticking together, Collachrymans, tis, part, weeping
tisement, a keeping in good a subsisting Collachryinatio, onis,/. a weeping
order C6haereo, ere, si, sum, n. to stick, with
Coercltor, oris, m. a restrainer, or hang together, to cleave to- Collachrymo, are, a. to bewail, or
an enforcer gether, to be joined in office weep for a thing with one
Coercltus, a, um, part, restrained, Cohasres, edis, c. g. a co-heir Collacteus, a, um, adj. nursed
kept in, stopped, tied up, com- CShaeresco, ere, incep. to stick with the same milk
pelled together [curbed Collapsus, a, um, part, ruined, or
Ccesius, a, um, adj. grey C5hlbendus, a, um, part, to be fallen down, out of heart, faint-
Coetus, us, m. an assembly, a Cohibens, tis, part, restraining ing, falling into a swoon, stop-
meeting, a flock, an engagement COhlbeo, ere, ui, itum, a. to re- ped
Coexercitatus, a, um, adj. exer- strain, to curb, or hold in, to Collare, is, n., and Coliarium, i, n.

cised together keep under, or off, to refrain a collar, a band, or cravat

Cogendus, a, um, part, to be C5hibItio, onis,/. a restraint Collaria, ae, /. a collar, or iron
forced, mixed together Cohibitus, a, um, part, restrained, ring
Cogens, tis, part, compelling, close Collaris, e, adj. of the neck
forcing, obliging, &c. C6h6nesto, are, a. to commend, Collatatus, a, um, part, enlarged,
CogitabTlis, e, adj. that may be to grace copious
thought upon Coborreo, ere, ui, n. to shake, to Collateralis, e, adj. collateral
Cogitabundus, a, um, adj. musing tremble for fear Collatio, onis, /. a collation, a
Cogitans, tis, part, thinking, con- CShorresco, ere, the same comparison, a bringing, or join-
triving Cohors, tis, /. a cohort, a troop, ing together, a tax
C6gitate, adv. advisedly, wittingly or band of men, a regiment of Collatitius, a, um, adj. contri-
Cogltatio, onis, /. thinking, foot, a company, an assembly buted, conferred, lent, borrowed
thought, meditation, consider- CShortalis, e, adj. fed in a coop Collato, are, a. to widen, to en-
ation C6hortandus, a, um, part, to be large
Cogltatum, i, n. a thought, an exhorted Collator, oris, m. a collator, a
intention, a design Cohortans, tis, part, encouraging contributor
Cogitaturus, a, um, part, about CShortatio, onis,/. an exhortation Collatu, abl. m. in comparison
to think Ctihortatus, a, um, part, encou- Collaturus, a, um, part, about to
Cogltatus, a, um, part, thought raged, having encouraged confer, or compare
upon, contrived, devised, de- Coborticula, ae,/. a small retinue Collatus, a, um, part, collated,
signed Cohortis, is,/, a coop, a pen compared, set, or advanced over
Cogito, are, freq. to think, to C5hortor, atus sum, dep. to ex- against, brought together, con-
muse, to cast in mind, or have hort, to encourage tributed, bestowed
thoughts about, to reflect, to Colbilis, e, adj. hanging together Coilaudandus, a, um, part, to be
intend Coiens, euntis, part, meeting, or highly praised, or commended
Cognatio, onis, /. kindred, rela- coming close together Collaudans, tis, part, commed
tionship, likeness, agreement Coinqumo, are, a. to soil, or be- ing, praising
Cognatus, a, um, adj. kindred, daub, to corrupt, or inlect Collaudatio, onis, /. praise
allied, of the same blood, very Coitio, onis, /. an a»8emblisx Collaudatus, a, una, part, prewired
Collaudo, are, a. to praise, to Collisu, abl. m. a thrusting to- COlOcyntkis, ulis, /. a kind oi
commend gether wild gourd, purging phlegm
Collecta, a?,/, a collect, a collec- Collisus, a, um, part, dashed Colon, i, n. the great gut winding
tion, or gathering, a shot, club together, battered from the left side to the right,
Collectanea, orum, pi. n. things Collitus, a,um, part, besmeared a member of a sentence
written, or gathered out of Coll&candus, a, um, part, to be Colona, ae,/. a country-woman
many works set, or placed COlonarium, i, n. a land-tax
Collectaneus, a, um, adj. collected CollOcans, tis, part, placing COlonia, ae, /. a colony, or plan-
here and there, scraped up to- CollOcatio, onis, /. a placing, set- tation, a company of people
gether ting, a bestowing, or settling, a transplanted from one place to
Collectio, 6nis, /. a collection, or another
gathering together, a jaicking Collocatus, a, um, part, placed, Colonicus, a, um, adj. pertaining
up, an imposthume, a swelling, posted, set, bestowed to a colony, or husbandry
a conclusion, or inference CollOco, are, a. to place, or set, to COlonus, a, um, adj. of a colony,
Collectltius, a, um, adj. gathered pitch, to put, or lay, to lay out, that may be tilled, fit to be
up of all sorts employ, or bestow, to let out, to tilled
Collectivus, a, um, adj. collective, lend, to give in marriage COlonus, i, m. a husbandman, a

apt to make inferences, gather- CollQcupletandus, a, um, part, to farmer, a planter, a hind, or
ed together into one be enriched, or improved country fellow at service
Coilectum, i, n. that which is CollOeiipleto, are, a. to enrich COlOphon, onis, m. an end, a con-
gathered together CollOcutio, onis,/. a conference clusion
Collectus, a, um, part, gathered CollOcuturus, a, um, part, about Color, or COlos, Oris, m. a colour,
together, assembled, gotten, to converse, or confer a die, or hue, a complexion,
obtained, picked up CollOcutus, a, um, part, having outward show, or beauty, a
Collega, ae, m. a colleague, a talked with [gether cloak, or pretence, a plea
partner, a sharer, an associate CollOquens, tis, part, talking to- COloiate, adv. by pretence
Collegium, i, n. a college, a cor- CollOquium, i, n. a discourse, a COloratus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
poration, a company, a frater- conversation, a conference, a coloured, painted, set out, or off,
nity, or society [lighten parley garnished, trimmed, vamped,
Collevo, are, a. to give ease, to CollOquor, i, utus sum, dtp. to varnished, disguised
Colllbertus, i, m. one made free speak, or talk together, to speak COlOro, are, a. to colour, to dye,
by the same master to, or with, to speak, to dis- to give a complexion, or set a
Colliciae, arum, pi. f. pipes, course, to converse gloss, to tan, to make tawny
troughs, gutters, drains Collucatio, onis,/. a lopping, &c. COiosseus, a, um, adj. colossean,
Colliciilus, i, m. dim. a hillock Collucens, tis, part, shining to- giant-like, gigantic [size
Collldo, ere, si, sum, a. to beat, gether Colosslcus, a, um, adj. of a huge
strike, or dash together, to Colluceo, ere, xi, n. to shine, or COlossinus color, a bright purple
dash against, to attack give a general light, to glitter COlossus, i, m. a huge pillar, or
Colllgandus, a, um, part, to be Colluco, are, a. to lop trees .statue
bound together Colluctans, tis, part, struggling Colostra, ae,/. and trum, i, n. the
Colligatio, onis, /. a binding to- Colluctatio, onis, /. a wrestling, first milk after birth, biestings
gether, a conjunction, an union &c. COlostratio, onis,/. a disease
Colligatum, i, it. what is bound Colluctator, oris, nt. a wrestler COlostratus, a, um, adj. thick,
together [together Colluctor, ari, dep. to wrestle, to like biestings [pent
Colllgatus, a, um, part, bound contend Coluber, bri, m. a snake, a ser-
Colllgendus, a, um, part, to bo Colludo, ere, si, sum, a. to play, or COlubra, ae,/. a female snake
collected, gathered sport together COlubrifer, a, um, adj. having
Colflgens, tis, part, collecting, Collum, i, n. the neck snaky tresses
gathering Colluo, ere, ui, utum, a. to rinse, COlubrlnus, a, um, adj. of a snake,
Colligo, are, a. to tie, bind, or wash, or scour wily
clap together, to connect, fetter, Collusio, onis,/. collusion, deceit Colum, i, n. a colander, a strainer,

to entangle, or engage Collusor, oris, m. he that doth a wheel, a member of a sen-

Colligo, ere, egi, ectum, a. to any thing by collusion tence, the colic
collect, to get, or bring toge- Collusorie, adv. knavishly COlumba, ae,/. a dove, a pigeon
ther, to gather, to pluck, or Collustrans, tis, part, surveying COlumbar, aris, n. a pillory, a hole
pick, to get, or acquire, to har- Collustratus, a, um, part, en- in the side of a ship, a mortice^
ness, or join together, to tie, or lightened hole
truss up, to take, or pick up, to Collustro, are, a. to make clear, Columbaria, ae,/. a pigeon-house
conclude, or infer, to reckon up to enlighten, to behold, to sur- COlumbaris, e, adj. of a pigeon
Colllmitium, the borders
i, n. vey Columbarium, i, n. a pigeon-
where two counties meet Collutulo, are, a. to defile, dis- house, a dove-cote
Collimo, are, a. to look straight, parage COlumbarius, i, m. a keeper of a
to aim, to hit the mark Collutus, a, um, part, washed, dove-house
Colllneo, are, a. to level, or aim cleansed COluinbatlm, adv. like doves
in a right line [over Colluviarium, i, n. a sink Columbina, ae, /. columbine, ver-
Collinltus, a, um, part, daubed Colluvies, ei,/. a sink, or kennel, vain
CollTno, ere, Ini, ivi, and evi, filth, dirt
COlumbinus, a, um, adj. of pigeons
Hum, a. to besmear, to defile Colliivio, onis,/. filth, wash COlumbor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Collmus, a, um, adj. of a hill Collybus, i, m. gain, or loss by the bill like doves, to kiss
^olliquans, tis, part, melting, changing of money COlumbiilus, i,m. a young dove
wasting Collyra, a?,/, a bun, a sippet Columbus, i, m. a dove, a pigeon
Colliquatio, 6nis,/. a melting Collyricus, a, um, adj. sopped in Columella, ae, /. a little pillar, a
CollTquefacio, ere, eci, actum, a. broth tombstone
to melt down, or dissolve Collyrium, i, n. eye-salve, a clyster COlumellaris, e, adj. of the fashion
Colliqugfactus, a, um, part, melted Colo, are, a. to strain, purge, re- of a little pillar
down fine COlumen, inis, n. a principal beam,
CollTqueo, ere, cui, n. to melt COlo, e>e, ui, cultum, a. to till, to or prop, a buttress, a stay, or
Colllquesco, ere, inc. to begin to cultivate, to deck, trim, or support
melt adorn, to piune, to dwell in, to Colilmis, e, adj. safe, healthy
Colliquia?, arum, pi. f. drains, inhabit, to frequent, to worship, COlumna, ae,/ a column, a pillar,
gutters to honour, to love and esteem, a post, a support
Collis, is, m. a hill, a little hill, a to be attached to, to make love, COlumnarium, i, n. a tribute for
hillock, an easy ascent or court to every pillar [pillRr
Collisio, onis, /. collision, a dash- Colocasia, a?, /., and C616casium, COlumnelia, 88, /. dim. a little
ing, breaking i, n. an Egyptian bean COluri, orum, pi. m. imaginary
circles meeting in the poles of tendants, equipage, a prince's Commendatus, a, um, part. avA
the world court adj. ior, comp. issimus, superl.
COlurnus, a, urn, adj. made of hazel CSmiter, issime, superl. adv. commended, praised, valued,
Colus, i,/. also Colu, a distaff gently, courteously, splendidly esteemed, recommended
COluthea, orum, pi. n. sweetmeats C6mitia, orum, pi. n. an assem- Commendo, are, a. to commend,, um, pi. f. pickled bly, a pai-liament, a common- to praise, to recommend, to
olives council, a convention adorn, to commit
Coma, ae, /. the hair, a bush, or Comitialis, e, adj. pertaining to Commensalis, is, c. g. a boarder,
head of hair, a branch, a leaf an assembly a fellow- commoner
Comans, tis, part, having long COrnitialiter, adv. by reason of Commensus, us, m. the measure
bushy, bearing long grass
hair, the falling-sickness of a thing in proportion to
Comarchus, i, m. an earl, a go- COmitiarius, a, um, adj. after the another
vernor of a city manner of a public assembly Commentans, tis, part, comment-
Comatorius, a,um, adj. of, or per- COmitiatus, us, m. a meeting of ing
taining to the hair the people in town-hall, &c. Comment ariolum, i, n. a journal,
COmatus, a, um, part, having Cdmitio, atum, are, n. to go to, or a day-book
hair, adorned with hair, having assemble in the comitium Commentariolus, i, m. a note, a
branches C&mitium, i, n. an assembly, a book of comments
Ccmbibo, ere, bibi, itum, a. to place of assembly, a parliament- Oommentarium, i, n. a commen-
drink together, to drink up, or house, a state-house tary, a note
in, to suck, or take in CSmito, are, a. the same as Commentarius, i, m. a commen-
Comblbo, onis, m. a pot-com- C6mitor, atus sum, dep. to ac- tary, an exposition, a brief re-
panion company, or go along with, to gister, or account, an historical
Comburendus, a, um, part, to be attend, or wait upon memorial, a book of notes
burnt Comma, atis, n. a part of a mem- Commentatio, onis,/. a meditat-
Comburens, part, burning,
tis, ber in a period ing, musing, or thinking upon
consuming, destroying Commaculatus, a, um, part, de- Commentator, oris, m. a com-
Comburo, 6re, ssi, stum, a. to filed mentator, an inventor, a devi-
burn, to consume with fire, to Commaculo, are, a. to spot, de- ser, a liar
burn up, to scorch, parch file,stain, or soil, to embrue, Commentatus, a, um, part. a.
Combustio, onis,/. a combustion, to disparage and pass, studied, devised, ham-
a burning Commadeo, ere, ui, ». to be moist, mered, thought upon, com- „
Combustus, a, um, part, burnt or wet, to be well soaked mented
CSmgdendus, a, um, part, to be Commanducans, tis, part, chew- Commentior, iri, dep. to agree
eaten up ing together in a he
Comedo, is, or comes, c5mest, Commanducatus, a, um, part. Commentitius, a, um, adj. feign-
gdere, or esse, edi, esum, or chewed ed, devised, newly invented,
estum, a. to eat, to eat up, to Commanducatus, us, m. chewing imaginary
devour, to waste, to consume, Commanduco, are, a. to chew Commentor, atus sum, freq. to
to squander away meat comment, to write, or compose,
Comedo, onis, m. a glutton, a Commanipularis, is, m. a fellow- to devise, or invent, to feign, or
spendthrift soldier, a comrade forge, to discourse, reason
Comens, tis, part, combing Commeans, tis, part, going to Commentor, oris, m. an inventor
Comes, itis, c. g. a companion, an and fro, travelling, wayfaring, Commentum, i, n. an invention,

attendant, a follower, an assist- removing a contrivance, a device, deceit,

ant, a partner, a partaker Commeator, oris, m. a courier, a artifice, a tale
Comessabundus, same as Comis- messenger Commentus, a, um, part, that
sabundus Commeaturus, a, um, part, about imagines, or devises, forged,
Comessans, tis, part, rioting to go feigned, devised
Comessatio, onis, /. same as Commeatus, us, m. provisions, Commeo, are, n. to go to and
Comissatio victuals, a convoy, a passport, fro, to go, or come, to pass
Comessator, same as Comissator or pass, a passage Commercium, i, n. commerce,
C6messe,/o?- Comedere Commedltor, atus sum, dep. to traffic, merchandise, a buying
Comessem,/oi- Comederem meditate, or muse upon, to con and selling, a bartering, an in-
Comessor, same as Comissor Cemmemini, isse, v. defect, to tercourse
Comestura, ae, /.. an eating, a remember, or have in remem- Commercor, atus sum, dep. to
feeding brance traffic, &c.
Comesus, and CQmestus, a, um, CommemOrabilis, e, adj. worth Comme.reo, ere, ui, itum, a. to de-
part, eaten up [eat the mentioning serve well, or ill, to commit
C&mesurus, a, um, part. about to Commemorandus, a, um, part. Commentus, a, um, part, that
CCmeta, and Cometes, 33, m. a worthy to be mentioned hath deserved
comet CommgmOrans, tis, part, men- Commetiendus, a, um, part.
Cornice, adv. like a comedy, comi- tioning measuring
cally, pleasantly CommgrnSratio, onis, /. a com- Commetior, iri, ensus, dep. to
Cdmicus, a, um, a <?;. belonging to memoration, a mentioning, a take measure of, to proportion.
comedy, represented in come- remembrance Commlgratio, onis, /. a motion, a
dies, comical Commem6ratus, a, um, part. removal
Comicus, i, m. awriterof comedies mentioned Commigro, are, a. to remove, to
Cominus, adv. near at hand, Commem6ro, are, a. to comme- go away, to come
hand to hand, forthwith morate, to call to mind, to re- Commiles, itis, m. a fellow-sol-
Comis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, member, to mention, or speak dier
superl. gentle, mild, courteous, of, to relate, to recount Commilitium, i, n. fellowship in
gracious, kind, nice, curious Commendabilis, e, adj. commend- war
CSmissabundus, a, um, adj. revel- able, worthy to be praised Commilito, onis, m. a fellow- sol-
ling Commendandus, a, um, part, to dier, a comrade
Comissatio, Onis,/. revelling be commended [ing Commmandus, a, um, part.
Comissator, oris, m. a reveller Commendans, tis,part. commend- threatened, threatening
Comissor, atus sum, dep. to revel, Commendatio, 6nis,/. a commen- Comminans, tis, part, threatening
to feast dation, or recommendation Commmatio, onis, /. commina-
Comitans, tis, part, accompanying Commendatitius, a, um, adj. tion, a threat, a threatening, a
Comltas, atis, /. affability, com- recommendatory cursing
plaisance, mildness, kindness Commendator, oris, m. he that Commmatus, a, um, part, threa-
Comitatus, a, um, part, ior, comp. commends, or praises tening, threatened
accompanied, attended Commendatrix, Icis, /. she who Commingo, ere, xi, ictum, a. to
C8rn'tams, us, m. a retinue of at- commends make water ob

Commlniscor, entus sum, dep. to Commodus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. mutual participation, an equal
devise, invent, feign, or forge issimus, auperl. convenient, privilege, the community
Comministro, same as Ministro suitable, proper, fit, apt, ad- Communis, e, adj. ior, comp.
Comminor, atus, dep. to threaten vantageous, profitable, bene- common, general, universal,
greatly ficial, lucky, fortunate, season- the same, all alike, equal, on
Commlnuendus, a, um, part, to able a level
be broken to pieces Commcereo, same as Mcereo Communitas, atis,/. community,
Comminuo, ere, ui, ututn, a. to Commolior, Iri, tus, dep. to en- a having all things in commou,
break in pieces, to bruise, or deavour, to attempt, to devise fellowship, society
crumble, to break Commolitus, a, um, part, ground Communiter, adv. in common, in-
Comminiitim, adv. by pieces Comm61o, ere, ui, Itum, a. to differently, together
Commlnutus, a, um, part, broken grind, bruise Communltio, onis,/. a fortifying
in pieces, impaired Commone'f aciendus, a, um, part. Communltus, a, um, part, forti-
Commiscendus, a, um, part, to be to be admonished, to be re- fied, fenced
mingled, or mixed with minded Commurmuratio, Onis, /. a
Commisceo, ere, ui, stum, a. to Commongf acio, 8re, eci, actum, grumbling together
mix, or mingle together, to a. to admonish, to advise, to Commurmuro, are, n. to murmur,
mix, to jumble, to adulterate remind, to rehearse or whisper together, to grumble
Commisgrandus, a, urn, part, to Commonefio, 6ri, factus, n. pass. Commurmuror, atus sum, dep. to
be pitied to be put in mind mutter [mutable
Comimserans, tis, part, pitying Comm5neo, ere, ui, Itum, a to Commutabilis, e, adj. changeable,
Commise'ratio, onis,/. pity, com- warn, advise, or put in mind Commutandus, a, um, part, fit, to
passion of be altered
CommisSror, ari, dep. to bewail, CommOnitio, Onis,/. an admonish- Commutatio, onis, /. a change,
lament ing, a warning, a summing up or alteration
Commissio, 6nis,/. a setting to- Commomtorium, i, n. a letter Commiitaturus, a, um,part. about
gether two, for trial of maste- mandatory to change [changed
ries inany exercise CommSnitus, a, -am, part, warned, Commutatus, a, um, par*, altered,
Commissum, i,an offence, or
n. advertised, put in remembrance Commutatus, us, m. a change
fault, a crime, an undertaking, Commonstro, are, a. to show, or Commuto, are, a. to change, to
or attempt, a secret, or trust point out alter, to exchange, to barter
Commissura, 8e, /. a joint, a clo- Comm6randus, a, um, part, to C6mo, are, a. and n. to adorn, to
sure, a seam, a joining stay attire
Commissurus, a, um, part, about CommOratio, onis, /. a staying, or Como, Sre, psi, ptum, a. to comb,
to commit continuing, a dwelling, a place or deck the hair, to trim
Commissus, a, um, part, com- of abode, a delay Comoedia, se,/. a comedy, an in-
mitted, intrusted, communi- CommOraturus, a, um, part. terlude, or farce, a dramatic
cated, or imparted, done, per- about to stay poem
petrated CommOratus, a, um, part, having Comcedice, adv. comically, merrily
Commistus, a, um, part, mixed, stayed Comcedicus, a,um,a<Z.7. comic
mingled together Commordeo, ere, di, sum, a. to Comcedus, i, m. a comedian
Commltigo, are, a. to bruise, to bite [gether Comcedus, a, um, adj. persona-
make soft Commoriens, tis,part, dying to- ting, pretending to be what
Committendus, a, um, part, to be CommOrior i, tuus sum, dep. to one is not
committed, intrusted, begun, die together Comosus, a, um, adj. isshnus,
joined, permitted Commoror, dep. to abide with,
ari, superl. hairy, rough, full o*
Committens, tis, part, commit- to stay, to dwell, to sojourn, to branches
ting, &c. continue long Compactilis, e, adj. compact,
Committo, Sre, mlsi, missum, a. Commorsus, a, um, part, bitten joined, or set together
to commit, to intrust, to im- close Compactio, onis, /. a joining, or
part, to enjoin, to expose, to Commortalis, adj. very frail
e, setting together
venture, to do amiss, to give Commotio, onis, /. commotion, Corapactum, i, n. a compact, an
cause, to bring, to engage, to trouble, disquiet; disturbance agreement, a covenant
give battle, to begin, to set on Coromotiuncula, ae, /. a small mo- Compactus, a, um, part, or adj
Commixtio, onis, /. a mixing to- tion, or passion joined together, well set
gether Commotus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Compages, is, /. a close joining,
Commixtus, a, um, part, mixed, moved, raised, vexed, incensed, or setting together, a joint
mingled affected, astonished Compago, Inis,/. a joint, or clo-
Commtidandus, a, um, part, to be CommSveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to sure [caress
lent move, or stir, to raise, or excite, Compalpo, are, atum, a. to stroke,
Commodans, tis, part, lending to disturb, to disquiet, to stir Compar, aris, adj. equal, even,
Commodatio, onis, /. a lending, up like, agreeable
or obliging one Commulceo, ere, si, a. to cajole, Compar, aris, c. g. a companion,
CommSdatus, a, um, part, lent, to smooth up or second, a compeer, a partner
fitted, or made fit Commune, is, n. a common- Comparabilis, e, adj. comparable
CommOde, adv, ius, comp. isst- wealth, a state, the public Comparandus, a, um, part, to be
me, superl. well, handsomely, wealth compared, to be gotten
elegantly, conveniently, fitly Communicandus, a, um, part, to Comparate, adv. nTcomparison
Commoditas, atis, /. commodity, be communicated Comparatio, onis,/. comparison,
profit, advantage, convenience, Communicans, tis, part, commu- a getting, provision, prepara-
fitness nicating, sharing, imparting tion, proportion
Comm6do, are, a. to lend, to Communicatio, onis,/. communi- Comparative, adv. comparatively
give, to yield, or afford, to pro- cation, the making of a thing Comparativus, a, um, adj. com-
fit, or do good, to benefit, or common, partnership parative, relative
help Communicaturus, a, um, part. Comparatus, a, um, part, com-
Commodule, adv. somewhat con- about to communicate pared, prepared, ordained, de-
veniently, or partly Communicatus, a, um, part, im- signed, gotten, procured
Commodiilum, adv. pretty well parted Comparco, fire, si, sum, n. to
CommSduleum, i, n. a small ad- Communiceps, rpis, m. a towns- spare, or husband well
vantage man, a fellow-citizen Compareo, ere, ui, Itum, ». to ap-
Commodum, i, n. advantage, be- Communico, are, a. to com- pear, to be extant
nefit, profit, gain, interest, municate, to impart, to share Comparo, are, a. to compare, to
convenience with, to confer, to consult prepare, or provide, to provider
Comm6dnm, adv. in good time, Communio, ivi, ire, a. to fortify for, to procure, to acquire, to
seasonably, luckil? Communio, onis, /. communion, raise, to recruit, to order
C'ompasco, ere, a. to feed to- a rivalship, a canvassing for one ComplSdo, ere, si, sum, a. to clap
gether in pasture thing together
Compedis, /. gen., and Compede, Competitor, oris, m. a competitor Complorans, tis, part, bewailing
abl., plvir. Compedes, a fetter, Competltrix, Icis,/. a she rival Comploratio, onis, /. a lamenta-
or shackle for the feet, stocks Compgto, fire, Ivi, Itum, a. and n. tion
Compedia ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to to agree, to suit, to be proper, Comploratus, a, um, part, be-
shackle or fetter, to bind or convenient, to join, or meet, wailed, lamented
Compeditus, a, um, part, fettered to fall ci*it, or upon, to ask, or Comploratus, us, m. alamentation
Coropellatio, onis, /. an address sue for the same thing, to stand Comploro, are, a. to bewail
by name, a chiding for the same place, to be r. Complosus, a, um, part, clapt
Compellaturus, a, um, part, about rival together
to call upon, or accuse by name Compllatio, 6nis, /. pillage, plun- Compluo, utum, ere, a. to flow
Compellatus, a, um, part, called der, a robbing [extortioner together in raining
upon by name, called Compllator, oris, m. a robber, an Complures, c. g. and h»c com-
Compellendus, a, um, part, to be Compilatus, a, um, part, robbed, plura and compluria, n. many,
compelled, or forced pillaged, plundered several, a great many
Compellens, tis, part, compelling, Compllo, are, a. to rob, to pillage, Compilings, adv. several times
forcing to plunder, to strip, to steal Complusculi, orum, adj. very
Compello, are, a. to call by name, Compingo, ere, egi, actum, a. to many
to speak to, to address, to ac- j oin, or fasten together, to make, Comphiviatus, a, um, adj. fashion-
cost, to salute, to chide, to or form, to frame ed like a gutter
summon Compitalia, um, pi. n. feasts in Compluvium, i, n. a penthouse, a
Compello, Sre, uli, ulsum, a. to honour of the rural gods gutter
compel, to force, or constrain, Compitalis, e, adj. belonging to Compluvius, a, um, adj. that into
to drive, or bring together the cross-ways which rain falls
Compellucidus, a, um, adj. bright, Compitalitia, same as Compitalia Componendus, a, um, part, to
transparent Compitalitius, a, um, adj. belong- compose, or he composed of
Compendiaria, ae,/. a short cut ing to the feasts called Compi- Componens, tis, part, composing,
Compendiari6, adv. compendi- putting together, comparing,
ously Compitum, i, n. a cross way, or settling
Compendiari us, a, um, adj. com- street, a place where several Compono, gre, sui, Itum,
a. to
pendious, hrief, short ways meet compose, to put, or lay together,
Cornpendif&cio, fire, eci, actum, a. Complaceo, ere, uiand Itus sum, to join, to set in order, to ad-
to abridge, to profit itum, n. to please, or be well just, to methodize, to dispose,
Compendiosus, a, um, adj. com- liked [pleasing to confront, to compare, or
pendious, brief, gainful, profit- Complacitus, a, um, part, well liken, to set, or place, to ap-
able Complaco, gain favour,
are, a. to pease, or quiet, to settle, to re-
Compendium, i, n. an abridgment, to make court to, to appease concile
an abstract, a short way, or Complanator, oris, m. he that Comportandus, a, um, part, to
method, a short cut, gain makes plain, level, or smooth carry, or be carried together
Compensandus, a, um, part, to be Complanatus, a, um, part, made Comportatio, Onis, /. a carrying,
recompensed, or made amends even, levelled with the ground or fetching, a carriage
for Complano, are, a. to make plain, Comportatus, a, um, part, carried
Compensatio, onis, /. a compen- level, or even, to smooth, to together [convey
sation, a recompence, a satis- finish Comporto, are, a. to carry, to
faction Complaudo, gre, sum, a. and n.
si, Compos, otis, c. g. that hath ob-
Compensatus, a, um, part, re- to clap hands, to applaud tained his desire, a partaker,
compensed, requited, rewarded Complectendus, a, um, part, to one in his right senses
Compenso, are, a. to recompense, embrace Composite, adv. in order, orderly,
or make amends, to requite, to Complectens.tis, part, embracing handsomely
reward, to equal, to abridge Complector, i, xus sum, dep. to Compositio, onis,/. a composition,
Compfirendinatio, onis,/. an ad- embrace, to hug, to grapple, to or mingling, a composing, a
journment, or putting off a trial take hold of, to comprise, to disposal, an agreement, a match-
Compe'rendinatus, us, m. the same contain, to comprehend, to com- ing
Comperendlnatus, a, um, part. pass CompSsit6, adv. on purpose, oa
prolonged, adjourned, deferred Complementum, i, n. a comple- set purpose, by design
Comperendino, are, a. to delay, to ment, a completion, a filling up, Compositor, oris, m. a composer,
defer from day to day or perfecting he who sets, or puts things to-
Comperio, ire, ri, rtum, a. to find Complendus, a, um, part, to fill, gether, a maker, a compositor
out, to discover, to understand, or be filled up Comp6situra, se, /. a joining, or
to know for certain, to get good Complens, tis, parr, filling up putting together
intelligence Compleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to CompOsitus, a, um, part, and adj.
Comperior, tus sum, dep. to know complete, to finish, to perfect, ior, comp issimus, superl. com-
assuredly, to be sure of to fill, to fill up, to recruit, to posed, set, or placed together,
Compernis, is, c. g. one knock- supply the place of set in order, disposed, adjusted,
kneed Completorium, i, n. midnight de- fitted, matched, confronted,
Compertus, a, um, part, or adj. votions made, formed
known for certain, found out, Completus, a, ma,part completed, . Compotatio, onis, /. a drinking
discovered, taken in the act finished, ended, filled together, a drinking-match
Compes, gdis, same as Compedis Complexio, onis, /. a comprehen- Compoto, are, n. to drink toge-
Jompescendus, a, um, part, to be sion, or comprisal, a compass, ther [nion
quenched a period, or full sentence, a con- Compotor, oris, m. a pot-compa-
Compesco, ere, to restrain,
ui, a. clusion Compotrix, Icis, /. a drinking
to stop, or check, to curb, or Complexus, a, um, part, embrac- gossip
bridle, to hold, or keep in, to ing, containing, embraced, con- Compransor, 6ris, m. he that dines
ease, or assuage, to quench, to tained, comprised, complex with another
suppress, to cease Complexus, us, m. an embrace, Comprgcatio, onis, /. a supplica-
Cornpetens, tis, part, desiring, affection, or love, a comprehen- tion, a solemn prayer
seeking sion, or enumeration, a compass Comprecor, atus sum, dep. u
Cornpetens, tis, adj. competent, Complicandus, a, um, part, to be beseech
sufficient [duly folded up [up Comprghendendus, a, um, par\
Compgtenter, jidv. competently, Co'mpflcatus, a, um, part, folded to apprehend, or be apprehend-
Competentia, a?,/, a competency, Compllco, are, ui and avi, Hum ed, to be wrapped in
a fitness and atum, a. to fold up, to wrap Comprghendo, ere, di, sum, a. to
Competltio, onis,/. a competition, together comprehend, to understand, to
apprehend, or seize, to take, nr count, or reckon, to cast up, to Concertans, tis, part, striving
catch, to take, or lay hold of, to think, or deem, to show, or Concertatio, 6nis,/. a contention,
tind out, or discover, to con- poiut out dispute, jarring, or opposition
tain Computresco, ?re, ui, incep. to Concertativus, a, um, adj. con-
Comprfihense, adv. briefly, shortly putrefy, or grow rotten tentious
Compr6hensibIlis, e, adj. compre- Computus, i, m. an account, a Concertator, oris, m. a rival
hensible, that may be under- reckoning [effort Concertatorius, a, um, adj. be-
stood Conamen, Inis, re. an attempt, an longing to pleading
Coiuprehensio, onis, /. a compre- Con amentum, i, n. that which Conceitatus, a, um, part, debated
hension, an understanding, an helps a lever Concerto, are, re. to strive to-
apprehension, a seizure Conandus, a, um, part to attempt
. gether, to contend, to quarrel,
Comprehensus, a, um, pari, com- Conans, tis, part, endeavouring to debate, to brawl
prehended, understood, disco- Confttus, a, um, part, attempted Concessatio, onis, /. a leaving off,
vered, found out, apprehended, Cdnatus, us, m. an attempt, an a loitering, a stopping by the
seized, laid hold of, taken, effort way
caught Concsedes, ium, pi. f. the lop- Concessio, onis, /. a concession,
Compres?e, adv. comp. briefly,
ius, pings of trees, shreds a grant
concisely, compactly, closely Concalefacio, €re, a. to warm, to Concessu, abl. m. by permission
Compressi'o, onis, /. compression, chafe Concessum, i, n. a giant
a squeezing together, a close Concalefactio, 6nis,/. a warming Concessurus, a, um, part, to re-
embrace, a brief comprehension Concalefactorius, a, um, adj. that move [lawful
Compressiuncula, se, /. a gentle makes warm, heating [ed Concessus, a, um, part, granted,
squeezing Concalefactus, a, um, part, warm- Concha, se, /. a shell-fish, a shell,
Compressor, oris, m. a deflowerer, Concaleflo, eri, factus sum, n. a pearl, a hollow vessel, a wine-
a ravisher pass, to be heated, to grow hot pot, &c, a large box, a trumpet
Compressurus, a, um, part, about Concalesco, Concaleo, ui, re. to be Conchatus, a, um, adj. made like
to crush, stop, suppress, &c. hot, to be made warm the shell of a fish, hollow, wide
Compressus, a, um, part, ior, Conealleo, ere, n. to grow brawny, Conchis, is, / a bean unshelled,
comp. pressed together, or close, or hard, to be well versed or boiled in the cod
kept, or shut close, clinched, Concamerandus, a, um, part. Conchula, a:,/, a little shell
closed, squeezed, crushed, sup- to be arched, or vaulted Conehyliatus, a, um, adj. of violet
pressed, repressed, stopped Concamgratio, onis, /. an arch, a colour
Compressu, abl. m. a pressing an arbour
celling, Conchylium, a shell-fish, a
i, re.

close, an embracing ConcameTatus, a, urn, part, arch- purple or violet colour

Comprimendus, a, um, part, to be ed [ceil Conchyra, », m. an oyster-man
stopped, curbed, or repressed Concame"ro, are, a. to arch, to Concidendus, a, um, part, to be
Cemprlmens, tis, part, stopping, Concandeo, ere, n. to be warm, cut in pieces
binding or hot Concidens, tis, part, falling
Comprimo, ere, essi, essum, a. to Concastlgo, are, a. to chastise Coneido, ere, di, sum, a. to cut in
press together, or close, to close, Concatenatus, a, um, part, linked pieces, or off, to cut, to chop, to
to keep close, to hold in, to together maim, or mangle, to beat, or
suppress, to repress [tion Concavo, are, a. to make hollow, lash
Comprobatio, onis,/. an approba- to bow, to bend Coneido, ere, di, n. to fall down,
ComprSbator, oris, m. an approver Concavus, a, um, adj. concave, to fall, to fall into decay, to go
Comprobatus, a, um, part, ap- hollow [granted to ruin
proved Concedendus, a, um, part, to be Conciens, tis, part, stirring up
Compr6bo, are, a. to approve, to Concedens, tis, part, yielding, Concieo, ere, Ivi, Itum, a. to move,
allow, to commend, to make granting, departing or stir up, to call together
good, to verify Concedo, fre, ssi, ssum, a. to Conclliabulum, i, n. a conventicle,
Compromissum, i, re. a compro- yield, tosubmit, to give place, a junto, an unlawful assembly,
mise, a bond, or engagement or way, to resign, to go over, or a riot
Compromitto, gre, si, ssum, o. to away, to depart, to withdraw Conciliandus, a, lira, part, to be
put to arbitration, to consent Concelebratus, a, um, part, cele- procured, to be gained
to a reference brated Concilians, tis, part, reconciling,
Compte, ius, adv. neatly, elegantly Coocelebro, are, a. to celebrate, procuring
Comptus, or Comtus, a, um, part. to solemnize, to make famous, Conciliatio, onis, /. a reconcilia-
combed, adorned, trimmed, to extol, to resort to tion, an agreement, a procure-
decked, made spruce Concelo, are, a. to conceal, to hide ment
Comptus, us, m. a decking, dress, Concentio, onis, /. a conceit, Conciliator, 5ris, m. a reconciler,
attire [scolding melody [centric a maker-up, a procurer
Compugnans, tis, part, fighting, Concentricus, a, um, adj. con- Conciliatricula, se, /. a little pro-
Compugno, are, a. to fight to- Concenturio, are, a. and n. to curess, a small bawd
gether, to quarrel take votes in the centuries, to Conciliatrix, icis, /. she that pro-
Compulso, are, freq. to strike call over, to assemble cures, in a good sense, a recon-
against Concentus, us, an. a concert of ciler
Compulsus, a, um, part, driven, music, consent, agreement, con- Conciliate abl. m. by composition
forced, compelled, constrained, cord, the chirping of birds Conciliatura, te,f. a reconciling
obliged Conceptaculum, i, n. a receptacle Conciliaturus, a, um, part, about
Compunctio, 6nis, ./. compunc- Conceptio, onis,/. the conception to reconcile
tion, a pricking pain of a female, a breeding, the Conciliatus, a, um, part, and adj.
Compunctus, a, um, part, pricked, wording, writing ior, comp. reconciled, brought
marked Conceptivae feria, moveable feasts over, gained, procured, purchas-
Compungendus, a, um, part, to be Conceptus, a, um, part, conceiv- ed, bought, joined together
pricked, marked ed, begotten, bred, hatched, Conellio, are, a. to reconcile, to
Compungo, fire, xi, ctum, a. to thought of, caused, occasioned, bring, or win over, to unite, to
prick, to sting, to vex, or tor- duly formed, set down in writ- bring about, to engage, to gain,
ment, to offend [purify ing to obtain, to procure, to pur-
Compurgo, are, a. to clear, to Conceptus, us, m. a conception, chase
Computabilis, e, adj. that may be the act of conceiving, a breed- Concilior, atus, dep. to full cloth,
counted, or numbered ing, a thing conceived, a con- or work felts
Compiitans, tis, part, reckoning ceit Concilium, i, n. a council, an as-
Computatio, onis, /. a computa- Concerpo, ere, psi, ptum, ar to sembly, a company, a place of
tion, an account pull in pieces, to rend, to tear meeting, an agreement, a mix-
Cmnputator, oris, m. a computer Concerptus, a, um, part, pulled ture
Compute are, a. to compute, to in pieces Concinnatio, 6nis,/. a f. ttiog, ftc.
Concinnator, Oris, m. a dresser, a Concitus, a, um, part, summoned growing together, a growing
trimmer, one that trims a thing, Conciuncula, ae, /. a short oration, hard, a congealing
or makes it fit for his purpose or speech Concretum, i, n. a concrete, a
Concinnat&rius, a, um, adj. per- Conclamans, part, shouting,
tis, substance, or solid thing, the
taining to dressing, &c. crying out [noise quality considered with its
Concinnatus, a, um, part, trim- Conclamatio, onis, /. a shout, a subject
med, fitted Conclamatus, a, um, part, dead Concretus, a, um, part, and adj.
Concinne, adv. neatly, prettily and buried ior, comp. joined together,
Concinnitas, atis, /. neatness, Conclamito, are,/reg. to cry aloud mixed, compounded, formed,
compactness, quaintness Conclamo, are, a. to cry together, congealed, frozen, clotted
Concinniter, adv. prettily, neatly to cry out, to cry, or call upon Concretus, us, m. a growing to-
Concinnitudo, inis, /. neatness, Conclavatus, a, um, adj. locked gether
elegance, politeness up Concrlminor, atus sum, dep. to
Concinno. are, a. to make neat, Conclave, is, n. an inner chamber, accuse, to tax, to blame
fine, or fit, to make ready, to a private room, a dining-room Concriicio, are, a. to torment
prepare, to mix, to dress, or Conclavium, i, n. a parlour Concrustatus, a, um, adj. crusted
carry, to render, to make, cause, Conclausus, a, um, part, shut up over
or excite together, inclosed Couciiblna, a concubine
Concinnus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Concludens, tis, part, concluding, ConcUblnatus, us, m. concubi-
neat, fine, trim, well-fashioned, containing nage
compact, dexterous, elegant, Concliido, 6re, si, sum, a. to con- Concublnus, i, m. a catamite
polite, comely, becoming, plea- clude, to end, or finish, to shut, Concubiturus, a, um, part, about
sant or lock up, to inclose, to en- to lie with
Concinno, 6re, ui, entum, a. to compass [roundly Concubitus, us, m. a lying with,
sing, or play in concert, to sing, Concluse, adv. concludingly, copulation
to play, or sound, to mourn, to Conclusio, onis, /. a conclusion, Concubium, i, n. the still and
celebrate, to agree, consent, or an end, a shutting up, a siege, dead time of the night, when
accord, to foretel an inference people are in their first sleep
Concio, Ire, Hum, a. to call to- Conclusiuncula, ae, /. a sophism, Concubius, a, um, adj. in bed
gether, to summon, to stir up a wrested silly inference and asleep
Concio, onis, /. an assembly, or Conclusura, as, /. an extremity Conculcandus, a, um, part, to be
congregation, an oration, or Conclusurus, a, um, part, about trodden, or trampled down
public discourse to conclude Conculcatio, Onis,/. a trampling,
Concionabundus, a, um, adj. Conclusus, a, um, part, and adj. or pawing with the foot
preaching ior, comp. concluded, ended, Conculcatus, a, um, part, trodden
Concionalis, e, adj. belonging to finished, shut up, inclosed, con- under foot
haranguing, &c. tained, comprised Conculco, are, a. to tread, or
Concionans, tis, part, making a Concoctio, onis, /. a concoction, trample under foot
speech, or sermon digestion Concumbo, 6re, ubui, Itum, n. to
Concionarius, a, um, adj. that is Concoctus, a, um, part, concoct- lie together, to he with, or by
often in assemblies [&c. ed, boiled Conciipio, ere, Ivi, itum, a. to
Concionator, oris, m. a preacher, Conccenatio, Onis, /. a banquet- long, or lust for, to covet
Concionatorius, a, um, adj. be- ing, or supping together Concupiscendus, a, um, part, to
longing to preaching Concolor, oris, adj. of the same be desired; same as Concu-
Goncionor, atus sum, dep. to colour [companied pitus
make public orations Concomitatus, a, um, adj. ac- Concupiscens, tis, part, desiring,
Concipiens, tis, part, conceiving Concopulo, are, a. to couple, or lusting after
Concipio, Sre, epi, turn, a. to con- join [digested Concupiscentia, ae, /. a coveting,
ceive, to breed, to devise, to plot, Conc6quendus, a, um, part, to be * concupiscence, lust
or contrive, to form, to beget, Concoquens, tis, part, digesting Concupisclbilis, e, adj. that
to comprehend, to entertain, to Concoquo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to boil, which desires earnestly
resolve, or determine, to under- or seethe, to concoct, to digest, ConciVpiseo, ere, Ivi, Itum, a. to
take, to reckon to endure covet, or desire, to lust after,
Concipilo, are, a. to seize upon, Concordantia, ae, /. agreement, a to aim at
to tear concordance Conciipitus, a, um, part, coveted,
Concise, adv. concisely, &c. Concordia, se, /. concord, agree- longed for, lusted alter
Conclsor, oris, m. one who cuts ment, union, harmony Concurator, oris; m. a trustee, a
down, or fells [pieces Concorditer, adv. issime, suptrl. fellow-guardian
^onclsuxa, ae, /. a chopping in harmoniously, unanimously Concuro, are, a. to take care of
£oncisus, a, um, part, cut in Concordo, are, n. to agree, to be Concurrens, tis, part, concurring,
pieces, cut, chopt, battered, in tune flowing together, coming on
bruised, killed, broken, hum- Concorporo, are, a. to mix, to in- in a body
bled corporate Concurro, £re, ri, sum, n. to run
Concitamentum, i, n. an incentive Concors, dis, adj. ior, comp. issi- with, or together, to flow, or
Concitans, tis, part, stirring up mus, superl. of one mind, una- flock together, to run at, or
Concltatio, onis, /. a stirring up, nimous, peaceable against, to fall foul on one
a motion, a passion, mutiny Concrebresco, 6re, ui, n. to resound another, to give a shock, or
Concitator, Oris, m. a stirrer up Concreditus, a, um, part, intrust- charge, to grapple, to engage
Concitatrix, Icis,/. she, or it that ed, delivered to one's charge Concursandus, a, um, part, to go
moves, provokes, or stirs up Concredo, ere, didi, ditum, a. to together
Concitaturus, a, um, part, about intrust, to commit upon trust, Concursans, tis, part, meeting, or
to stir up to trust with, to hazard going together
Concitatus, a, um, part, and adj. Concrematurus, a, um, part. Concursatio, onis,/. a running of
ior, comp. issimus, superl. stirred about to burn people together, an earnest
up, stirred, moved, excited, Concremo, are, a. to burn, to set contention, a medley, or con-
pushed on, encouraged, pro- on fire fusion, a riot
voked Concrepans, tis, part, rattling Concursator, oris, m. a runner to
Concito, are, a. to stir up, to Concr£po, are, ui, Itum, a. and n. and fro, a skirmisher
raise, to excite, to push on, or to make a noise, to rattle, to Concursio, onis,/. a running, or
forward, to chase, or pursue, to ring, to snap meeting together
disturb [causer Concrescentia, as,/, an increase Concurso, are,/reg. to run hit aer
Con cl tor, oris, m. a stirrer up, a Concresco, £re, evi, etum, n. to and thither, to run about
Concitus, um, part, stirred up,
a, grow together, to congeal, to Concursiirus, a, um, part, about
moved, raised, pushed on, has- be frozen, to clot to come together
tened, incited, provoked Concretio, onis,/. a concretion, a Cencursus, us, m. a concourse, *
crowd, a resort, an encounter, state, a disposition, a situation, Conduplicatio, onis, /. a doubling,
an engagement a way, manner, or course, an a duplicate
Concussio, onis, /. a shaking-, a order, rank, or degree, a term, Conduplicatus, a, um, part.
jumbling, a combination against or offer, a bargain doubled
the innocent Condltionalis, e, adj. conditional Condupllco, are, a. to double, to
Concusso, are, a. to shake often Condltltius, i. um, adj. seasoned, pay double, to return double
Concussu, abl. m. by shaking powdered, kept Condiiro, are, a. to harden greatly
Concussus, a, urn, part, shaken, Conditivum, i, n. a grave, a vault Condus, i, m. a butler, a steward
moved, troubled, disquieted, Conditivus, a, um, adj. that is, Condyloma, atis, n. a swelling, a
affected [shaken or may be preserved, and kept scab
Concutiendus, a, um, part, to be for use Condylus, i, m. a knuckle, a joint,
Concutiens, tis, part, shaking Condltor, 6ris, m. a maker, a a ring
Concfitio, ere, ssi, ssum, a. to builder, a founder, the first in- Confabricor, atus sum, dep. to
shake, to move, to brandish, to ventor, or beginner, a compiler forge, or make, to devise
tremble, to jog, to terrify, to Condltorium, i, n. a place to lay Cont abulatio, onis, /. confabu-
trouble, to alarm, to disquiet, up, or hide things in, a sepul- lation, discourse, a talking to-
to disturb chre, a coflSn, an arsenal gether
Condalium, i, n. a thimble, kind Condltrix, Icis,/ a foundress Confabulor, atus sum, dep. to
of ring [tit Conditura, ae, /. sauce, pickle tell tales, to talk together
Condecens, tis, part, convenient, Conditura, ae, ./. a building, a Confarreatio, onis, /. the solem-
Condecenter, adv. becomingly framing nizing of a marriage, by eating
Condgcentia, ae, /. becomingness, Conditus, a, um, part, and adj. a bride cake together
fitness [ed ior, comp. seasoned, corned, Confarreaturus, a, wn, part, about
Condgc&ratus, a, um, part, adorn- pickled> preserved, made to marry with a bride-cake
Condec6r6, adv. very gracefully, savory, well relished, tem- Confarreatus, a, um, part, mar-
finely pered, mixed ried with a bride-cake eaten to-
Condficoro, are, a. to grace, to Conditus, a, um, part, laid up, gether, lawfully coupled to-
deck, to adorn, to embellish concealed, hidden, inclosed, gether
Condellquesco, ere, n. to melt buried, founded, built, made, Confarreo, avi, atum, n. to marry
together [nation composed, stale with a bride-cake eaten together
Condemnatio, onis,/. a condem- Conditus, us, m. a seasoning, a Confatalis, e, adj. of the same
Condemnator, oris, m. a con- preserving, a pickling fate
demner Condo, gre, didi, ltum, a. to lay Confectio, onis,/. a making up, a
Condemn aturus, a, um, part. up, to hoard, to stow, to hide, writing, a dispatching
about to condemn, ready to or conceal, to keep close, to Confector, oris, m. a dispatcher,
condemn put up, to close, to bury, to an ender, or finisher, a con-
Condemnatus, a, um, part, con- found, to build, to compose, or sumer, waster, or destroyer, one
demned, cast write who fought with wild beasts
Condemno, are, a. to condemn, Condocefacio, ere, eci, actum, a. in the amphitheatre
to doom, to devote, to accuse to teach, to acquaint, to in- Confectura, se,/. the making, or
Condens, part, hiding, covering form doing of a thing
Condendus, a, um, part, to be Condocgfactus, a, um, part, in- Confectus, a, um, part, finished,
built, to be laid up structed, &c. [teach ended, dispatched, performed,
Condensatio, onis,/. a thickening Condoceo, ere, ui, ctum, a. to obtained, won, worn out, wast-
Condenseo, ere, a. to condense Condoctus, a, um, part, ior, comp. ed, spoiled, destroyed, killed,
Condenso, are, a. to condense, to taught, or instructed together murdered
thicken, to flock together Cond61eo, ere, n. to condole, or Conferbeo, ere, ui, n. to grow
Condensus, a, um, adj. condense, sympathize with, to grieve very hot, to grow together
thick, close together Cohdolesco, ere, incep. n. to Confercio, ire, si, turn, a. to stuff,
Condenso, fire, ui, ltum, a. to grieve, to smart to drive thick and close
mingle, or knead together Condonandus, a, um, part, to be Ccnferendus, a, um, part, to be
Condico, €re, xi, ctum, a. to ap- forgiven [away compared
point, or order, to agree upon, Condonatio, 6nis, /. a giving Conferens, tis, part, bringing, or
to declare, to promise Condonatus, a, um, part, given, getting together, comparing
Condictitius, a, um, adj. belong- granted, forgiven Conf 6ro, tuli, ferre, tollatum, a.
ing to a demand, or claim Condono, are, a. to give willingly and n. to bring, carry, put, or
Condictum, i, n. an agreement, a and freely, to bestow, to grant, lay together, to confer, to.cou-
bargain to pardon, or forgive, to omit duce, to contribute
Condictus, a, um, part, mutually Condormio, ire, Ivi, ltum, n. to Confertim, adv. in a heap, closely
appointed, promised sleep together Confertus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
Cor.dignc, adv. worthily, suitably Condormisco, ere, incep. to fall issimus, superl. full, filled, cram-
Condignus, a, um, adj. worthy, asleep med, thick and close together
becoming, suitable, like, de- Conducendus, a, um, part, to be Confervefacio, fire, a. to make hot
served hired [gaging Conferveo, ere, n. to be very hot,
Condlmentarius, a, um, adj. be- Conducens, tis, part, hiring, en- to boil up, to knit together, to
longing to sauce, or pickle Condueiblhs, e, adj. ior, comp. join
Condlmentarius, i, m. a Salter conducible, expedient Confervesco, fire, incep. to grow
Condimentum, i, n. sauce, season- Conduco, ere, xi, ctum, a. to con- scalding, or boiling hot, to
ing duct, to lead, or bring along seethe
Condio, ire, Ivi, ltum, a. to season with, to assemble, to hire Confessio, onis,/. a confession
meat, to corn, to pickle, to pre- Conductio, onis, /. a hiring, a Confessus, a, um, part, confess-
serve, to embalm, to sweeten renting, or taking by lease, a ing, owning, confessed, pro-
Condiscens, tis, part, learning taking to do at a price, a col- fessed, plain, manifest, not to
Condiscipula, a?, /. a female lection, an inference, a deduc- be denied
school-fellow tion Confestlm, adv. immediately,
Condiscipulatus, us, m. fellow- Conductitius, a, um, adj. that is, forthwith [pin
ship at school or may be hired Conilbula, m,f. a clasp, a wooden
Condiscipulus, i, m. a school- Conductor, 6ri% m. he that takes, Conficiendus, a, um, part, to be
fellow, a fellow-student or hires, a tenant, an under- made, done, dispatched, pro-
Con disco, 6re, didiei, a. to learn taker cured, killed, &c.
Conditaneus, a, um, adj. that Conductum, i, n. a thing hired Conficiens, tis, part, and adj.
may be seasoned, or kept and Conductus, a, um, part, hired, issimus, svperl. dispatching,
laid up taken to hire, taken up at use, effective, efficient
Conditio, 6nis,/. a seasoning brought together Conflcio, gre, eci, ectum, a. to
Conditio, onis, /. a condition, a Condupllcans, tis, part, doubling finish, or make an end of, to


dispatch, to perform, to effect, Confisus, a, um, part, trusting, Confossor, Oris, m. he that staDs,
or accomplish, to get, or obtain, relying or digs
to procure, to raise, to spend, Confltendus, a, um, part, to be Confossus, a, um, part, ior,
or waste, to consume, to wear confessed comp. digged, stabbed, thrust
out, or away, conquer, to kill, Confitens, tis, part, confessing through, piercpd
or slay Confiteor, eri, essus sum, dep. to ConfOveo, ere, a. to cherish
Confictio, onis, /. a forging confess, to own, or acknow- Confractus, a, um, part, broken,
Confictor, oris, m. he who fabri- ledge, to profess, to declare bruised
cates a thing, a fabricator Confixus, a, um, part, pricked, Confractus, us, m. roughness
Confictus, a, um, part, counter- thrust, or shot through, pierced Confragose, adv. roughly, rug-
feited Conflaccesco, is, n. to be allayed, gedly
Confidens, tis, part, and adj. ior, or weakened, to grow calm Confragosus, a, um, adj. rough,
comp. issimus, superl. trusting, Conflagratus, a, um, part, burnt rugged, craggy, uneven, uneasy
hoping, confident, bold, daring, up and troublesome to go in, hard
rash, presumptuous, foolhardy, Conflagro, axe, a. to burn, or set to understand [rugged
impudent on fire Confragus, a, um, adj. rough,
Confldenter, adv. ius, comp. issi- Conflans, part, blowing
tis, Conftemebundus, a, um, part.
me, superl. confidently, boldly, Confiatilis, e, adj. cast, or molten making a terrible noise
with assurance, audaciously Confiatio, onis, /. the melting of Confremltus, us, m. a. great roar-
Confidcntia, se, /. confidence, metal ing
boldness, courage, assurance, Conflator, oris, m. a founder Confremo, ere, ui, n. to make a /
presumption, foolhardiness • Conflatura, a?, /. a melting, a great noise, to roar, to murmur,
Confldentiloquus, i, m. a bold casting to ring, to resound
speaker Conflatus, a, um, part, blown to- Confricatus, a, um, part, rubbed
Confido, ere, idi and Isus sum, n. gether, melted down, cast, for- Confrico, are, ui, a. to rub, to rub
to confide, rely, or depend upon, ged, contrived, made up, com- hard, or down, to scratch, to
to put confidence in, to be con- posed [bowed exasperate
fident, or well assured, to Cocfiexus, a, um, part, bent, ConfrTgeo, ere, n. to grow cold
trust Confiictatus, a, um, part, strug- Confringo, ere, egi, actum, a. to
Conf Igo, ere, xi, mm, a. to stick gling, grappling with break, or dash in pieces, to
or thrust into, to nail, or fasten Conflictio, onis, /. a crashing, bruise, to split, to break open
together, to pierce, to shoot, to clashing, or dashing of one Confiigiens, tis, part, fleeing
kill [ioned against another, a conflict Confugio, ere, ugi, gitum, n. to
Configuratus, a, um, part, fash- Conrlicto, are, n. to struggle, to flee, to flee or go for shelter,
Conflguro, are, a. to fashion, to strive, to encounter, to trouble, &c, to have recourse, to betake
form [cleave to vex, to afflict oneself
Confindo, 6re, fidi, fissum, a. to Conflictor, atus sum, dep. to Confugium, i, n. a place of suc-
Confingo, 6re, nxi, ictum, a. to struggle, to encounter, to have cour and refuge, a retreat, a
form, or make, to shape, or to do with, to be fretted harbour
fashion, to feign, forge, or in- Conflictus, us, m. the dashing, or Confulgeo, ere, si, n. to shine
vent striking of one thing against Confundens, tis, part, mingling,
Conf Inia, um, the confines
pi. n. another, a justling together &c.
Confinis, e, adj. next to, adjoin- Confllgo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to con- Confundo, £fe, fudi, fusum, a. to
ing, bordering, bounding, lying tend, to strive, to encounter, to confound, to mix, mingle, or
very near, joined to engage, to try bylaw, to debate, jumble together, to blend, to
Confinis, is, m. a borderer to dispute, to clash pour, to disturb, to trouble, to
Confinitas, atis,/. neighbourhood, Conflo, are, a. to blow, or blow discompose [sedly
nearness together, to melt, to forge, to Ccnfuse, adv. ius, comp. confu-
Conflnium, i, n. a confine, the found, or cast, to get, or pro- Confusim, adv. confusedly
marches, frontier, limit, or cure, to raise, to cause, or work, Confusio, onis, /. a mixing, or
bound, nearness of place, like- to make, to contrive jumbling together, confusion,
ness, a neighbour Confiuctuor, ari, dep. to fluctuate, disorder, trouble, shame, shame-
Conflo, 6ri, n. pass, to be brought to be uncertain, to wave to and facedness
to pass, made, or done fro Confusiirus, a, um, part, about to
Confirmandus, a, um, part, to be Confiuens, tis, part, flowing to- confound, or disorder
confirmed gether, flocking in Confiisus, a, um, part, and adj.
Confirmans, tis, part, confirming Confluens, m. a place where
tis, from part, ior, comp. issimus,
Confirmatio, onis, /. a confirma- two rivers run together superl. confused, jumbled to-
tion, assurance, encouragement, Confluentia, ae,/. a confluence gether, mixed, or mingled, hav-
consolation Confluo, ere, xi, xum, n. to flock, ing mixed, confounded, fright-
Confirmator, oris, m. a confirmer, or flow together, to run, to re- ed, terrified, disturbed, disor-
an assurer, an insurer sort, to come dered
Confirmaturus, a, um, part, about ConfOdio, ere, odi, ossum, a. to Confutatio, onis,/. a confutation,
to confirm, about to encourage dig, to dig up, to gore, to stab, a disproving [accused
Confirmatus, a, um, part, and to cut Confutatus, a, tun, part, confuted,
adj. ior, comp. confirmed, made Confoedero, are, a. to confederate Confuto, are, a. to confute, to
strong, fortified, constant, re- Confore, to be, to be brought disprove, to convict, to reprove,
solute about to allay, to repress
Confirmltas, atis, /. sturdiness, Conformandus, a, um, part, to be Congelabilis, e, adj. congeal able
resolution, firmnesB formed Congelatio, onis,/. a congealing
Confirmo, are, a. to confirm, to Conformatio, onis,/. the framing, Congelatus, a, um, part, con-
establish, to strengthen, or for- fashioning, ordering, or dispos- gealed
tify, to encourage, to hearten, ing of a thing, an embellish- Congelldus, a, um, adj. chill, cool
to recover, to get strength, to ment Congelo, are, a. to congeal, to
make good Conformatus, a, um, part, formed freeze, to starve
Confiscatio, 6nis,/. a confiscation Conformis, e, adj. of like form, CongemTnans, tis, part, doubling
Confiscatus, a, um, part, confis- conformable, agreeable, suit- Cong6minatio, onis, /. a redoub-
cated, forfeited to the exche- able, convenient, fashionable ling [doubled
quer, seized on, laid up in the Conforaritas, atis,/. conformity Congeminatus, a, um, part.
treasury Conformo, are, a. to conform, to Congemino, are, a. to redouble,
Confisco, are, a. to confiscate, to adapt, to form, shape, or fashion, or multiply, to double, to make
seize as forfeited to the trea- to make like two of one
sury Conlornlco, are, a. to make like Congemo, ere, ui, n. to groan, m
f'onflsio, 6nis, /. an affianc, or an arch, to arch, to vault sigh round, to groan a to bo- ;

assurance Confossio, onis, /. a stabbing wail, to lament



Congener, gneris, adj. of one Congrggans, tis, part, collecting Conjugata, orum, pi. n. worda
stock, kindred, or sort together that come of one original
Oonggngratus, a, uni, part, be- Congrggatio, 6nis, /. a congrega- Conjugatio, onis,/. a conjugation,
gotten together tion, an assembly, society, or a yoking, or coupling together,
Conggngro, are, a. to join in alli- company, an assembling a derivation of words of one
ance, to unite, or associate Congrggatus, a, um, part, gathered kind
Congenltus, a, uro, adj. born with together, assembled, condensed, Conjugator, oris, m. a joiner, a
Conger, and Congrus, i, m. a fish thickened coupler, a matcher
Conggries, ei,/. a heap, a pile, a Congrggo, are, a. to gather, or Conjugatus, a, um, part, joined,
hoard assemble together joked, or coupled, married
Congerminatus, a, um, part, bud- Congressio, onis, /. a coming to- Conjiigialis, e, adj. belonging to
ded, or growing together gether, a meeting with, an as- marriage, or wedlock
Congero, ere, ssi, stum, a. to sembly, an encounter Conjugium, i, n. marriage, wed-
heap, pile, or lay up, to amass, Congressus, a, urn, part, meeting, lock, a match, carnal copula-
to get together, to hoard assembling, encountering, en- tion, a pair of creatures mak
Congerro, 6nis, m. a merry com- gaging and female, a husband
panion [gether Congressus, us, m. an engage- Conjugo, are, a. to yoke, or couple
Congestio, onis, /. a heaping to- ment, or battle, an encounter, together, to marry
^.ongestitius, a, um, adj. cast up a meeting, or coining together, Conjugulus, a, um, adj. paired,
in heaps, heaped up, raised, an interview, a conference mated, matched
loose Congrex, ggis, c. g. of the same Conjugus, a, um, adj. the same
Congesturus, a, um, part, about flock Conjunctg, adv. issimg, sv.perl.
to heap up Congruens, tis, part, and adj. jointly, intimately
Congestus, a, um, part, heaped, issimus, superl. agreeing, an- Conjunctim, adv. together, joint-
piled, or laid up, amassed, heap- swering, suitable, meet, tit ly, unitedly, intimately
ed, or brought together Congruentgr, adv. aptly, fitly, Conjunctio, onis,/. a conjunction,
Congestus, us, m. aheap, a carry- suitable a joining, or mixing together,
ing, or bringing of things to- Congruentia, ae, /. agreeableness, union, alliance, affinity, near-
gether suitableness, fitness ness, agreement, concord, mu-
Congialis, e, adj. holding a gallon Congruo, ere, ui, n. to agree, to tual love, familiarity
Congiarium, i, n. a vessel holding accord, to suit, to answer, to Conjuncturus, a, um, part, about
a gallon, a largess, a dole, a gift fall out to join
in corn, or money Congruus, a, um, adj. agreeable, Conjunctus, a, um, part, and adj.
Congiarius, a, um, adj. holding a suitable, proper, fit, apt, con- ior, comp. issimus, superl. con-
gallon [more venient joined, joined together, joined,
Congius, i, m. a gallon, or a little Conjectans, tis, part, guessing at united, married, allied, akin,
Conglaciatus, a, um, part, frozen Conjectatio, onis, /. a conjecturing belonging to, adjoining to
Conglacio, are, n. to freeze, or Conjectatorig, adv. by conjecture Conjungendus, a, um, part, to be
turn to ice [others Conjectio, onis, /. a casting, joined together
Conglisco, fire, n. to shine with throwing, or hurling, a divina- Conjungo, gre, xi, ctum, a. to
Conglobatlm, adv. in a round tion, or interpreting of dreams, conjoin, to join together, to
lump a conjecture, or guess join, to couple, to unite, to as-
Corgl6batio, onis, /. a gathering Conjecto, are, a. to throw, or cast, sociate, to ally
round, or like a ball to conjecture, divine Conjurans, tis, part, conspiring \

ConglSbatus, a, um, part, gather- Conjector, oris, m. an interpreter Conjuratio, onis, /. a conspiracy,
ed round together, accumulated of dreams, a diviner, a guesser a confederacy, a general com-
Conglobo, are, a. to gather into a Conjectrix, Icis, /. she who in- pact
ball, or lump terprets dreams Conjuratus, a, um, part, con-
Conglomgriitus, a, um, part, heap- Conjectura, a, /. a conjecture, or spired, combined, united, con-
ed, or wound together guess, an imagination, or con- spiring
Conglomgro, are, a. to wind upon ceit, an interpretation Conjuratus, i, m. a conspirator
a bottom, to heap up Conjectiiralis, e, adj. conjectural Conjuro, are, a. to conjure, to
Conglutinans, tis, part, glueing Conjecturus, a, um, part, about conspire together, to plot, to
together, closing to cast swear, to swear together to do
Conglutinatio, onis, /. a glueing, Conjectus, a, um, part, cast, all one thing
a joining together hurled, flung, thrown, conjec- Conjux, ugis, c. g. a husband, or
Conglutlnatus, a, um, part, glued tured, guessed, divined wife, a married man, or woman,
together, cemented, made up, Conjectus, us, m. a casting, hurl- one who was expected to be so
formed ing, or throwing, a discharge, a Conlabgfio, figri, n. to go to
Conglutino, are, a. to glue, or cast decay
cement, to join, to close up Conifer, or Comfgrus, a, um, adj. Conlatro, are, a. to bark with, to
Conglutinosus, a, um, adj. gluti- tapering, spiring rail at, to decry
nous Coniger, gra, um, adj. the same Conlaxo, are, a. to slacken
Congraico, are,n., and Congrsecor, Conjiciendus, a, um, part, to be Conlueo, are, a. to lop boughs
atus sum, dep. to feast, to make cast Connatalis, e, adj. that hath the
good cheer, to live merrily Conjicio, gre, eci, ectum, a. to same birth-day with others
Congratulans, tis, part, congratu- cast together, to cast, to throw, Connato, are, a. to swim together,
lating to fling, to hurl, to drive, to to rival
Congratiilatio, onis, /. congratu- put, to comprise, to digest, to Connectens, tis, part, connecting
lation, or a wishing of joy, a state, to lay open, to conjecture, Connecto, ere, xi and xui, xum, a.
rejoicing with any one for his to guess to connect, to knit, tie, link,
good fortune Conisco, are, n. to butt as a ram, join, or fasten together, to join,
Congratulator, Oris, m. he that to throw the dust about or add
rejoices at one's prosperity C6nissans, tis, part, butting Connexio, onis, /. a connexion, a
Congratulor, atus sum, dep. to COnisso, are, n. to butt, to frisk joining together, a conclusion
congratulate, or wish one joy about, to raise dust, to prepare Connexivus, a, um, adj. copulative
C'ongredicns, tis, part, going to- for fight Connexum, i, n. a conclusion
gether, meeting, encountering, C6nisterium, i, n. a place for Connexus, a, um, part, connected,
engaging sprinkling wrestlers with dust, joined, or fastened together,
Congrgdior, essus sum, dep. to go after they were anointed with joined, united, tied, or trussed
together, to meet, or assemble, Conjoga, ee,f. a wife [oil up
to encoaater, to engage, to join Conjugalis, e, adj. conjugal, of Connexus, us, w. a knitting, tying,
battle marriage or joining together, a j oint, «
CongrggabtT.s, e, cdj. easily as- Conjiigalitgr, adv. like married knot
sembled a iciable persons, in the maimer of such Connicto, fee, a, to wink often
Connisus, a, ma, part, striving Consanguinltas, atis, /. consan- Consectans, tis, part, following
together guinity, kindred by blood Consectarium, i, n. an inference
Connitor, i, xus or sus sum, dep. Consano, are, n. to heal a deduction, a corollary
to endeavour, to struggle, to try Consarcino, are, a. to patch, to Consectarius, a, um, adj. de.
to the utmost, to travail with piece ducible
child, to yearn, to bring forth Consarriendus, a, um, part, to be Consectatio, 6nis,/. a pursuit, «
Connivens, tis, part, conniving, raked, or weeded running after
winking winking
at, Consarrio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to Consectator, oris, m. he which
Conniveo, and ixi, n. to
ere, ivi rake, or weed follows, pursues, &c.
connive, to wink at, to wink, to Consauciatus, a, um, pari, wound- Consectatrix, icis, /. she that
twinkle ed together, wounded, hurt pursues [ing
Connlvo, fire, same as Conniveo Consaucio, are, a. to wound, or Consectatus, a, um, part, pursu-
Connixus, a, um, part, leaning, hurt Consectio, onis, /. a cutting, a
bending forward, yeaning ConscglSrate, adv. wickedly hewing, a felling
Connodo, are, a. to knit together Consceleratus, a, um, part, and Consector, ari, dep. to follow up
Connflbialis, e, adj. pertaining to adj. issimus, superl. defiled, and down, to follow, to run, or
wedlock, or marriage profaned, wicked, villanous hunt after, to chase, to pursue,
Connubilis, e, adj. marriageable Conscfilfiro, are, a. to profane, or to persecute, to haunt, to
Connubllo, are, a. to make cloudy unballow, to pollute [&c. court
Connubium, i, n. wedlock, mar- Conscendens, tis, part, climbing, Consficutio, onis, /. a sequel,
sequel, a
riage, an embrace Conscendo, fire, di, sum, a. and n. ment
consequence, an attainment

Connudatus, a, um, part, made to climb, to go up, or into, to Consecuturus, a, um, part rt. abou?
bare, naked ascend, to mount to obtain, about to effect
Connudo, are, a. to make naked, Conscensio, onis,/. an ascending, Consficutus, a, um, part, followj
or bare, to uncover mounting, an embarking ing, succeeding, having gotten)
Conopeum, i, n. Conopfium, a Conscensus, a, um, part, as- acquired
canopy, an umbrella, a pavilion cended [guilty Conseminalis, e, sown
Conor, atus sum, dep. to endea- Consciens, tis, part, knowing, Consemineus, a, um, adj. sown
vour, to attempt, to try Conscientia, ee, /. conscience, con- with seeds [old
Conquadratus, a, mn,part .squared sciousness, privity, knowledge, Consfinescens, tis, part, growing
Conquassatio, onis,/. a shaking remembrance, reflection, re- Consfinesco, ere, sfinui, incep. to
Conquassatus, a, um, part, shaken morse grow old, or out of date, to
Conquasso, are, a. to shake in Conscindo, fire, scidi, scissum, a. decay, to fade
pieces, to shake, to harass, to to cut, or tear in pieces, to Consensio, onis,/. consent, agree-
lay waste lash, to censure severely ment, one mind,, or purpose,
Conqufirens, tis, pari, complaining Conscio, ire, ivi, itum, n. to a plot, a conspiracy, a con-
Conqugror, i, questus sum, dep. know, to be privy to, to be federacy [&c.
to complain of, to bewail conscious of Consensus, a, um, part, granted,
Conquestio, onis, /. a complain- ConsciQlus, a, um, adj. guilty, &c. Consensus, us, m. a consent, ac-
ing Consciscendus, a, um, part, to be cord, or agreement, a granting,
Conquestus, us, m. a complaint procured, or resolved upon or owing
Conquiescens, tis, part, resting Conscisco, ere, ivi, itum, a. to Consentaneus, a, um, adj. con-
Conquiesco, fire, evi, etum, n. to vote by common consent, to sentaneous, agreeable, conso-
rest, to repose, to cease, to leave make an order, or act, to com- nant, answerable, convenient,
off, to abate, to acquiesce mit, to get, or procure reasonable
Conquieturus, a, um, part, about Conscissura, se,/. a gash, a cut Consentiens, tis, part, consent-
to rest Conscissus, a, um, part, rent in
Conqulnisco, fire, quexi, n. to nod, pieces, cut to con-
to bow, or bend, to stoop Conscltus, a, um, part, decreed, sent, to agree, to be unanimous,
Conqulrendus, a, um, part, to resolved upon and acted to unite
search for, or be sought, to be Conscius, a, um, adj. conscious, Consepjp, ire, psi, ptum, a. to
probed privy to, knowing, obnoxious, hedge in, to inclose
Conqulrens, tis, part, searching guilty [spit Conseptum, i, n. a close, an inclo-
for Conscreor, ari, dep. to hawk, or sure
Conquiro, fire, si\i, situm, a. to Conscrlbendus, a, um, part, to be Conseptus, a, um, part, hedged,
seek about, to seek, to search written, or copied out together inclosed
for diligently Conscribillo, are, a. to scrawl, or Consequens, tis, n. subst. a con-
Conqulsite, adv. exquisitely, rarely scribble, to write down sequence part, following, next,

Conquisltio, onis,/. a diligent in- Conscribo, fire, psi, ptum, a. to meet

quiry, a pressing of soldiers write, to set down in writing, Consfiquenter, adv. consequently
Conquisitor, oris, m. a searcher to make, or ordain, to list Consequentia, ffi,/. a consequence
for, or after, a pressmaster, a Conscripti, orum, m. senators Consfiquor, qui, qufitus, dep. to
commissioner Conscriptio, onis, /. a writing, an follow with, or close, to follow,
Conquisitus, a, um, part, and enrolling, or registering to reach, or overtake, to get, o»
adj. issimus, superl. searched Conscripturus, a, um, part, about obtain, to purchase
out, chosen, invented, devised, to levy Consfiquuturus, a, um, pari, about
exquisite, fine, dainty, curious Conscriptus, a, um, part, written, to obtain, or compass
Conrldeo, ere, si, n. to laugh, to scribbled, enrolled, registered,
. Consfiquutus, a,um, part, follow
smile mustered [about ing,ensuing
Conruo, ere, a. to subvert Conscrutor, ari, dep. to search Consero, fire, sevi, and sfirui,
Consalutatio, onis,/. a greeting Consfico, are, ui, ctum, a. to cut situm and sertum, a. to sow,
Consalutatus, a, um, part, greeted Consecrandus, a, um, part, to be set, or plant, to close, or join,
Consaluto, are, a. to salute, or consecrated, or hallowed to put, or lay together
greet Consficratio, onis, /. a consecra- Conserratus, a, um, adj. indented,
Consanesco, fire, incep. to become tion, or dedication toothed
whole, to grow sound Consficratus, a, um, part, con- Conserte, adv. fast, close
Consanguinea, se. /. a kinswo- secrated, dedicated, devoted, Consertor, oris, m. a fastener
man canonized, sainted, sworn Consertus, a, um, part, joined, in-
Consanguineus, a, um, adj. of Consficro, are, a. to consecrate, terwoven, tacked, or braced,
the same blood, or family, kin- to devote, to hallow, to canon- together
dred, related ize, or saint, to make a god Conserva, te, /. she that serves
Consanguineus, i, m. a cousin, a Consectandus, a, um, part, to the same mistress
cousin-german, a relation, a pursue, to be pursued Conservandus, a, um, part, tc
kinsman of the same blood by Consectaneus, a, um, adj. follow- preserve, or be preserved
the father's side ing eagerly after, hanging on Conservans, ti», part, preserving
Conservatio, 6nis, /. a preserva- Consiliosus, a, um, adj. full of Consortio, onis, /. partnership,
tion counsel fellowship, society
'Conservator, Oris, m. a preserver, Consilium, i, n. counsel, advice, Consortium, i, n. fellowship,
a keeper, a protector, a defender deliberation, reason, wisdom, partnership, intercourse, cor-
Conservatrix, Icis, /. she that understanding, discretion, a respondence
preserves, &c. design, a purpose, a project, a Conspectus, a, um, part, and ad)
Conservaturus, a, um, part, about contrivance ior, comp. beheld, seen, looked,
to preserve, or observe Consimilis, e, adj. very like or gazed at, visible
Conservatus, a, um, part, pre- Consiroiliter, adv. very like Conspectus, us, m. a sight, or
served, saved [service Consimiilatus, a, um, part, re- view, presence
Conservttium, i, n. fellowship in sembled [wits Conspergo, gre, si, sum, a. to be-
Conservitus, utis,/. the same Consipio, fire, n. to be well in his sprinkle, to strew, to sprinkle,
Conservo, are, a. to preserve, to Consistens, tis, part, staying, to dash
save, to keep, to keep warily, long lasting, durable, that bears Conspersus, a, um, part, sprin-
or entire, to maintain, to de- age well kled, strewed, mixed, set about
fend Consisto, gre, stiti, itum, n. to with, adorned
Conservus, i, m. a fellow- servant consist, to agree, to stand to- Conspicatus, a, um, part, having
Consessio, 6nis, /. a sitting to- gether, to stand fast, or good, spied, beheld
gether to stand, to stop, or halt, to Conspicax, acis, adj. evident, clear
Consessor, oris, m. he that sits abide, or stay, to be at a stay, Conspiciendus, a, um, part, to
with, or by others to be stopped, or stayed, to be be seen, or taken notice of
L'onsessus, us, m. an assembly abated Conspiciens, tis, part, seeing, be-
sitting together, a meeting, a Consistorium, i, it. consistory, a holding
session [pitching council-house, a council Conspicillum, i, n. a peeping-hole,
Consldens, tis, part, sitting, Consitio, onis, /. a planting a pair of spectacles
Consldeo, ere, sedi, sessum, n. Consitor, oris, m. a planter, a Conspicio, onis,/. a prospect
to sit with, or near, to sit setter [plantation Conspicio, gre, exi, ectum, a. to
down, to pitch, or light, to set- Consitura, ae, f. a planting, a see, to behold, to take a view
or be settled
tle, Consitus, a, ura,part. set, planted, of, to look towards, to discover,
Consldgrandus, a, um, part, to be sown or find out, to consider
considered Consobrina, ae,/. a cousin, a mo- Conspicor, atus sum, dep. to see,
Consldgrans, tis, parf. considering ther's sister's daughter or behold, to perceive, to
Consldgrantia, ae,/. consideration Consobrinus, i, m. a cousin, a mo- observe
Considerate, adv. ius, comp. issi- ther's sister's son, a mother's Conspicuus, a, um, adj. conspi-
me, superl. with consideration, brother's son cuous, visible, easy to be seen,
warily Cons6cer, en, m. those whose clear, remarkable, eminent, ex-
Consldgratio, onis, /. considera- sons and daughters have mar- cellent, commendable, distin-
tion, regard, good heed ried together [unite guished
Conslderaturus, a, um, part. Consbciandus, a, um, part, to Consplrans, tis, part, conspiring,
about to consider ConsOciatio, onis, /. fellowship, uniting, agreeing
Consldgratus, a, um, part, ior, society Consplratg, adv. ius, comp. with
comp. issimus, superl. con- Cons6ciatus, a, um, part and adj. great ardour
sidered, viewed, regarded, issimus, superl. associated, Consplratio, onis,/. a conspiracy,
weighed, well thought of joined in fellowship a plot, unanimity, consent
Considgro, are, a. to consider, to ConsScio, are, a. to associate, to Consplratus, a, um, part, having
think of, to revolve, to regard, join together, to make partaker conspired, banding together
to view earnestly of Consplratus, fts, m. a confederacy
Consido, gre, sedi, sessum, n. to Consolabilis, e, adj. that may be Conspiro, are, n. to conspire, to
sit down, to pitch, or light, to appeased, which comforts plot, to unite, to blow together
settle, to sink down, to abate Consolandus, a, um, part, to be Consplro, are, a. to wind round
Conslgillo, are, a. to seal to- comforted Conspissatio, onis,/. a crowding
gether Consolans, tis, part, comforting together, a thickening
Consignandus, a, um, part, fit to Consolatio, onis, /. consolation, Conspissatus, a, um, part.
be noticed comfort thickened [curdle
Consignanter, adv. remarkably Consolator, oris,/, a comforter Conspisso, are, a. to thicken, to
Consignatio, onis, /. a sealing, a Consolatorius, a, um, adj. con- Conspondeo, ere, sum, n. to be
marking, a handwriting solatory [forted surety [security
Consign atus, a, um, part, sealed, Consolatus, a, um, part, com- Consponsor, 5ris, m. a joint
signed, marked, set down, put Cons61idatus, a, um, part, joined Consponsus, a, um, part, mutu-
in writing, recorded in one ally engaged
Consignifico, are, a. to signify, to Cons6lido, are, a. to consolidate Conspumatus, a, um, part.
show by tokens, or words Consolor, atus sum, dep. to com- covered with froth
Consigno, are, a. to seal, to sign, encourage ; pass, to be
fort, to Conspumo, are, n. to foam, to froth
to mark, to register, or record, comforted Conspuo, gre, ui, utum, a. to spit
to confirm, or ratify Consomnio, are, a. to dream upon, to spit in one's face
Consileo, ere, n. to keep silence Consonans, tis, part, and adj. ior, Conspurcatus, a,um, part, defiled
Consilesco, gre, n. to be silent, or comp. sounding together, con- Conspurco, are, a. to defile, to
still sonant, consistent, agreeable foul
Oonsllians, tis, part, giving, or Consbnantia, ae,/. harmony Consputo, are, freq. to bespawl,
asking counsel, advising ConsSnantissime, adv. mostagree- to spit often at
Consiliarius, a, um, adj. giving ably Consputus, a, um, part, spit upon
counsel ConsSne, adv. with one voice Constabilio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to
Consiliarius, i, m. a counsellor ConsOno, are, ui, n. to make a settle, to make sure, to assure
Consiliator, oris, m. a counsellor, great noise, to ring again, to Constabilltus, a, um, part, estab-
an adviser, one of the council resound, to echo, to agree lished, assured
ConsTliatrix, icis,/. she who gives Consonus, a, um, adj. of like Constans, tis, part, costing, con-
advice sound, or tune, convenient, sisting
Consiliaturus, a, um, part, about agreeable [asleep Constans, tis, adj ior, comp. issi-
to take counsel [fetterwort Consopio, ire, Ivi, itum, a to lay mus, superl. constant, certain,
Consiligo, Inis, /. bearsfoot, or Consopltus, a, um, part, laid fixed, steady, even, moderate,
Consilio, ire, ui and Ivi, sultum, asleep bold
n. to leap upon, to fall upon, to Consors, tis, c. g. a consort, a Constantgr, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
assault partner, a sharer, a partaker superl. constantly, always, con-
Consllior, atus sum, dep to give Consors, tis, adj. partaking, shar- sistently, regularly, evenly,
counsel, to advise ing, like calmly, deliberately
Constantia, x,f. constancy, firm- Constupratus, a, um, part, de- plete, ended, finished, accom-
ness, steadfastness, perseve- flowered, debauched, corrupted plished
rance, resolution, subsistence Constupro, are, a. to commit Consummo, are, a. to complete
Constatiirus, a, urn, part, that adultery with, to debauch, to to end, to finish, to perfect, tc
will cost ravish [persuade accomplish
Constellatio, onis,/. a constella- Consuadeo, ere, si, sum, a. to Consumo, fire, psi, ptum, a
tion, a company of stars Consuasor, Oris, m. an adviser consume, to spend, to spend
Consternatio, onis, /. consterna- Consuaviatio, onis,/. a kissing lavishly, to eat up, to devour, to
tion, great fear, astonishment, Consubstantialis, e, adj. consub- destroy, to cut off, to lay waste,
a mutiny stantial, of the same substance to wear out
Consternatus, a, um, part, af- Consudasco, ere, n. to sweat to- Consumptio, onis, /. a consump.
frighted, dismayed, alarmed, gether tion, a spending, a laying out,
astonished Consudo, are, n. to sweat a wasting
Consternens, tis, part, covering Consuefacio, ere, eci, actum, a. to Consumptor, oris, m. a consumer
Consterno, are, a. to affright, to accustom, to inure Consumptiirus, a, um, part, about
terrify, to dismay, to alarm, to Consueo, ere, evi, etum, same at to consume, about to destroy
astonish, to disorder Consuesco, fire, evi and etus sum, Consumptus, a, um, part, con-
Consterno, fire, stravi, atum, a. to etum, n. and a. to be accustom- sumed, spent, wasted, decayed,
strew, or cover all over, to pave, ed, or used, to have to do, or be ruined, destroyed, burnt
or floor, to shake intimate with Consuo, fire, ui, utum, a. to sew up
Constipatus, a, um, part, thick Consuetio, onis,/. an use Consurgens, tis, part, rising with, I
guarded Consuetudo, mis, /. custom, rising
Constlpo, are, a. to cram close usage, use, company, conver- Consurgo, fire, exi, ctum, a. and
Constltuendus, a, um, part, to be sation, intimacy, acquaintance, n. to rise up, to rise against, to
ordered, to be managed, to be fashion, or manner rise, to grow
settled Consuetus, a, um, part, and adj. Consurrectio, onis,/. a respectful
Constituo, ere, ui, utum, to
a. issimus, superl. accustomed, rising up, a rising
constitute, to appoint, to pro- customary Consurrecturus, a, um, part.
mise, to agree, to set, put, or Consul, iilis, m. a consul, a year's about to rise up
place, to fix, or establish, to space, because every year new Consusurro, are, a. to whisper
range, or dispose, to settle, re- consuls were created together [stitching
solve, or determine, to purpose, Consularis, e, adj. consular, of, or Consutura, se, /. a sewing, a
design, or intend belonging to a consul Consutus, a, um, part, sewed, or
Constituta, orum, pi. n. statutes, Consulariter, adv. like a consul stitched together, invented
decrees, ordinances Consulatus, us, m. the consulship, Contabfifacio, fire, a. to waste
Constitutio, onis,/. a constitution, the office, or honour of a Contabescens, tis, part, wasting
order, or decree, an establish- consul Contabesco, ere, tabui, n. to pine
ment, the state of the body, a Consfilendus, a, um, part, to con- away
stating of a cause sult, or be consulted Contabulatio, onis,/. a planking,
Constltut&, adv. to the day ap- Constilens, tis, part, consulting a boarding, &c. a timber-frame
pointed, according to appoint- Consulo, ere, sului, sultum, a. and Contabulatus, a, um, part, board-
ment n. to consult, to consult with, ed over
Constitutor, oris, m. an ordainer, to ask, or give counsel, or ad- Contabulo, are, a. to plank, to
or appointer vice, to advise, to provide for, floor, to frame a building of
Constitutum, i, n. a constitution, to take care of, to favour timber
or decree, a judged case, an ap- Consultandus, a, um, part, to be Contaetus, a, um, part, touched,
pointment consulted dyed, stained, coloured, tainted,
Constitutus, a, um, part, consti- Consultans, tis, part, consulting infected, moved
tuted, appointed; settled, de- Consultatio, onis, /. a consulta- Contaetus, us, m. a touch, an in-
termined, agreed on, founded, tion fection, defilement, pollution
formed, built, set up Consults, adv. ius, comp. issime, C outages, is, /. a contagion, an
Consto, are, stiti, stitum and '
superl. wisely, discreetly, warily infection, a rot, a murrain
atum, n. to stand together, to Consulto, are, a. to consult to- Contagio, onis, /. a contagion, an
stand, to be consistent, to con- gether, to consult, to ask, to infection, a pollution, an effect,
sist, to be built of, to abide, provide for or affection
continue Consultb, adv. advisedly, deliber- Contagium, i, n. a contagion

Constrator, oris, m. a leveller ately, considerately, purposely, Contaminatio, onis,/. a pollution

Constratum, i, n. the deck of a designedly Contamlnator, oris, to. a defiler
ship Consultor, oris, to. one who asks Contaminatus, a, um, part, and
Constratus, a, um, part, covered, counsel, a client, a counsellor, adj. contaminated, polluted, de-
strewed, paved an adviser filed, debauched, distained,
Constrepo, ere, ui, Itum, n. to Consultrix, Icis,/. a she-adviser spoiled by mixture, corrupt
make a great noise Consultum, i, n. an ordinance, or Contamino, are, a. to contaminate,
Constricte, and Constrictlm, adv. decree of council, a statute, or to pollute, to defile, to corrupt,
briefly law, advice, a wise action to spoil by mixing, to disgrace
Constrictus, a, um, part, and adj. Consuiturus, a, um, part, about Contarii, orum, m. a kind of sol-
ior, comp. bound hard, strained to consult diers armed with pikes
Constringendus, a, um, part, to Consultus, a, um, part, consult- Contatio, onis, /. a delaying, a
be tied, or bound, to be re- ed with, debated, considered, delay
strained weighed; skilful, skilled, well- Contatus, a, um, part, dallied,
Constringo, fire, xi, ictum, a. to versed, wise armed with a pike, or lante
bind fast, to tie straight, or up, Consultus, i, to. a counsellor Contechnatus, a, um, part, play-
to strain, to constrain Consultus, us, m. advice, a leaping ing tricks
tonstructio, onis,/. a construc- together Contechnor, ari, dep. to devise, or
tion, a building, framing, mak- Consumendus, a, um, part, to play tricks
ing, or joining, a frame be consumed. Contectus, a, um, part, covered,
Constructor, oris, m. a builder Consumens, tis, part, consuming hidden [covered
Constructus, a, um, part, heaped, Consummabllis, e, adj. that may, Contfigendus, a, um, part, to be
or piled up, built, framed, set or is to be perfected Contfigens, tis, part, covering,
together, or in a rank Consummatio, onis, /. a perfect- hiding
Construo, fire, xi, ctum, a. to ing, an accomplishment, a sum Contfigo, fire, exi, ectum, a. to
heap up, to build, to frame, to total cover, to hide, to conceal, ta
make, to set together Consummfiturus, a, um, part. cloak, to clothe
Constuprator, oris, to. an adul- about to end, about to finish Contemfiro, are, a. to violate, tc
terer, a ravisher Consummatus, a, um, part, com- profane, to pill ate, to injure
Contemnendus, a, um, part, to be to spend, or pass, to wear tinuity, or whole length, depth,
despised, contemptible, despic- out &c.
able Conterraneus, a, um, adj. of the Contlnuo, adv. by and by, pre-
Contemnens, tis, part, contemn- same country sently, forthwith, immediately,
ing Conterreo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to put therefore
Contemno, ere, psi, ptum, a. to in fear, to affright, to astonish Continuo, are, a. to continue, to
contemn, to despise, to under- Conterrito, are, a. to put in fear persevere, to join, to close to-
value, to slight, to disregard Conterritus, a, um, part, put in gether
Contemplans, tis, part, contem- fear, affrighted, scared, alarmed Continuus, a, um, adj. continual,
plating Contestans, tis, part, calling to continued, constant, whole,
Contemplatio, onis, /. contem- witness close together, touching, ad-
plation, consideration, regard, Contestato, adv. before witnesses joining, plain, even
a survey, a beholding Contestatus, a, um, part, wit- Contollo, fire, a. to take, or lift
Contemplatlvus, a, um, adj. con- nessed, proved by witnesses, up together, to mend
templative, speculative well known Contor, ari, dep. to sound, to feel
Contemplator, oris, m. one who Contestor, atus sum, dep. to call the bottom
contemplates, a beholder to witness, to make protesta- Contorquendus, a, um, part, to
Contemplatrix, Icis, /. she that tion be twisted about, to be moved
contemplates, meditates, or be- Contexo, ere, ui, turn, a. to weave, round [round
holds to tie, join, or twist together, to Contorquens, tis, part, whirling
Contemplatu, all. m. by contem- join, to forge Contorqueo, ere, si, sum and tuns,
plation Contexte, adv. closely, compactly, a. to wind, or whirl about, to
Contemplatus, a, um, part, hav- jointly twist [screwing
ing beheld Contextlm, adv. of one piece Contorsio, onis, /. a wresting,
Contemplor, atus sum, dtp. to Contextio, onis,/. a composition Contorte, adv. ius, comp. awry,
contemplate, to consider, to re- Contextura, ae, f. a contexture intricately, obscurely
flect, or meditate on, to behold Contextus, a, um, part, woven, Contortilis, e, adj. writhed, twist-
Contemp6ralis, e, adj. contempo- wrought together, interlaced ed [force
rary [ible Contextus, us, m. a weaving, or Contortio, onis, /. a wTesting,
Contemptibliis, e, adj. contempt- twisting together, a composi- Contortor, oris, m. a twister, &c.
Contemptim, adv. ills, comp. with tion, a text Contortulus, a, um, adj. some-
contempt, scornfully, lightly Conticeo, ere, ui, n. to hold one's what wrested
Contemptio, onis, /. contempt peace, to become speechless Contortfip lie atus,a, um, part.
Contemptor, oris, m. a contemner, Conticesco, ere, incep. to be hush, writhed in many folds
a despiser or still, to be silent, to desist, Contortiiplico, are, a. to fold, or
Contemptrix, icis, /. she that or cease wrap together, to plait
scorns, cares not for Conticinium, i, n. the dead time Coutortus, a, um, part, and adj.
Contempturus, a, um, part, about of the night hurled, or flung with force,
to contemn, disdain, &c. Contignatio, onis,/. the raftering, violently turned about, twisted,
Contemptus, a, um, part, and adj. or boarding of a house, a floor writhed
ior, comp. issimus, superl. con- Contignatus, a, um, part, rafter- Contra, prep, governing accus.
temned, despised, disdained, ed, floored, built into stories against, over against, opposite
slighted, contemptible Contigno, are, a. to floor a house to
Contemptus, us, m. contempt, Contiguus, a, um, adj. contigu- Contra, adv. on the contrary, on
scorn, disdain, derision ous, adjoining, very near the other hand, contrariwise,
Contendens, tis, part, contending, Continctus, a, um, part, dyed, otherwise, opposite, mutually
affirming coloured Contractu), onis, /. a contraction,
Contendo, fere, di, sum and turn, Contmendus, a, um, part, to be an abridgment, a shrinking, or
a. and n. to contend, to fight, to kept in drawing in
engage, to quarrel, to dispute, Contmens, tis, part, and adj. ior, ContractiunciUa, ae,/. a pinch
or debate, to be positive, to comp. issimus, superl. adjoining, Contractorium, i, n. a cord, a
affirm, to stretch, or strain, to continent, chaste, modest, vir- string
strive, or endeavour tuous, temperate, moderate, un- Contractura, se, /. the making of
Contensus, a, um, adj. very swift interrupted, continual pillars small about the top
Contente, adv. ius, comp. closely, Continens, tis, /. the continent, Contractus, a, um, part, and adj.
forcibly, earnestly, vehemently the main land ior, comp. contracted, shortened,
Contentim, adv. earnestly, hastily Continenter, adv. continently, abridged, drawn, or gotten to-
Contentio, onis,/. a contention, a chastely, soberly, sparingly, gether, raised, gathered, mus-
dispute, a debate, a quarrel, a closely, continually, without in- tered, gotten, procured, carried
strife, a lawsuit, a straining, or termission on
stretching Continentia, se, /. continence, Contractus, us, m. a contract, co-
Contentiosus, a, um, adj. conten- chastity, moderation, absti- venant, or bargain, a lessing,
tious, quarrelsome nence, forbearance, a keeping or making smaller
Contentus, a, um, part, contained, Contineo, ere, ui, entum, a. to Contradicens, tis, part, contra-
held, stretched, drawn, bent, contain, to keep, or hold to- dicting, opposing
girded, screwed; adj. content, gether, to keep, or hold in, to Contradico, ere, xi, ctum, a. to
satisfied keep close, or secret, to keep, contradict, gainsay, or oppose
Contfirfibro, are, to bore through or hold, to prevent Contradictio, onis, /. contradic-
Contfirendus, a, um, part, to be Contingens, tis, part, touching, tion, a contradicting, an objec-
bruised together adjoining, relating to, chancing, tion
Conterminatio, onis, /. a border- or happening, contingent Contrado, fire, dtdi, turn, a. to
ing on, an adjoining Contango, fire, tigi, tactum, a. to deliver
Conterminatus, a, um, part, bor- touch, to handle, to lay hold of, Contraeo, Ire, n. to go contrary,
dered on, lying near to to happen, to fall out, to befal, or against, to oppose, to con-
Conterminium, i, n. a border to arrive at, to reach tradict
Contermino, are, n. to border Contingo, fire, xi, nctum, a. to Contrahendus, a, um, part, to be
upon touch contracted, to be transacted, to
Contermmus, a, um, adj. bound- Continuans, tis, part, continuing be bargained for, &c.
ing, bordering, adjoining, nigh Continuatira, adv. continuously Contraho, fire, xi, ctum, a. to
Conterminus, i, m. a borderer Continuatio, onis, /. a continua- contract, to draw, or get to-
Conternatus, a, um, adj. parted tion gether, to gather, or pick up,
into companies by threes Continuatus, a, um, part, con- to g'et, or procure, to muster, or
Contfiio, fire, trivi, tritum, a. to tinued, joined, adjoining raise, to bargain, or agree, to
break, or bruise small, to pound, Continue, adv. continually, daily shorten
to crush, to waste, or consume, Contluuitas. at is, f. the con- Contraliceor, Sri, dep. to cheapen
Contrap6sItus, a, um, adj. oppo- obstinacy, wilfulness, insolence, vulsum, a. to tear, pull, or
Contrarie, adv. contrarily [site haughtiness, sullenness, pee- pluck up, to rend, or tear asuii -

Contrarietas, atis, /. contrariety, vishness, stoutness der, to tear in pieces, to rend,

opposition Contumacitfer, adv. ius, comp. or tear, to unloose, to remove,
Contrario, are, a. to thwart obstinately, stubbornly, fro- to pervert
Contrarius, a, um, adj. contrary wardly, proudly Convelo, are, a. to veil, cover, or
to, opposite, repugnant, hurtful Contumax, acis, adj. ior, comp. mask
Contrascriptum, i, n. a reply issimus, superl. contumacious, Conveniendus, a, um, part, to
Coutravenio, Ire, ni, tum, a. and obstinate, stubborn, head- meet, or come together
n. to come against, to oppose, strong, resolute, resty, hard and Conveniens, tis, part, and adj.
to cross stiff, constant, steady ior, comp. issimus, superl. com-
Contrectabiliter, adv. palpably Contttmelia, ae,/. a bitter taunt, ing, gathering, or assembling
Contrectandus, a, um, part, to be or reproach, a sarcasm, sharp together, agreeing, becoming
handled raillery, or wit, a railing, scur- Convenientfer, adv. ius, comp. con-
Contrectatio, onis,/. a touching rility,foul language veniently, agreeably, to the pur-
Contrectatus, a, um, part, often Contumeliosfe, adv. ius, comp. issl- pose, fitly, suitably
handled me, superl. spitefully, reproach- Convfenientia, se, /. a meeting, or
Contrecto, are, a. to touch often, fully, outrageously, injuriously coming together, suitableness,
to handle, to treat of, to peruse Contumeliosus, a, um, adj. isrfl- agreement, accord
Contremisco, ere, n. to tremble mus, superl. contumelious, re- Convenio, Ire, veni, ventum, n.
for fear a. to be afraid of
; proachful, abusive, insolent, to come, or meet together, to
Contremo, fere, ui, n. to tremble, outrageous, disgraceful resort together, to flock round,
to quake, to shake a. to trem-
; Conttimeo and Contumesco, n. to to assemble, collect, or meet, to
ble at, to fear, to waver swell together [terred come, or go to, f
resolve, or
Contribuendus, a, um, part, to be Contumulatus, a, um, part, in- agree upon, to agree, to be
given Contumulo, are, a. to inter, to agreed upon, to suit
Contribulis, e, adj. of one tribe bury Conventlcius, a, um, or Con-
Contrlbuo, fere, ui, utum, a. to Contundo, fere, tiidi, tusum, a. to ventitius, a, um, pertaining to
contribute, to give, to distri- beat, knock, or thump, to batter, intercourse
bute, to divide, to grant, or or bruise, to crush, to strike Conventiculum, i, n. a conventi-
allow down, to take lower, to hum- cle, a little private assembly, a
Contribiitio, onis,/. a contribution ble, to repress riot
Contrlbutus, a, um, part, contri- Contuor, Itus sum, dep. to be- Conventio, 6nis,/. a convention,
buted, reckoned hold, to spy, or see covenant, meeting, an assem-
Contristatus, a, um, part, grieved Conturbatio, onis,/. a troubling, bly
Contristo, are, a. to make sorry, a confounding, disorder, con- Conventum, i, n. a covenant,
heavy, or sad, to make dark, or fusion league, or compact
lowering [sorrow Conturbator, oris, m. a troubler, Conventurus, a, um, part, about
Contrltio, onis, /. contrition, a disturber, an undoer, a bank- to cometogether, or agree
Contritor, oris, m. a wearer out rupt Conventus, a, um, part, met
Contrltus, a, um, part, broken, Conturbatus, a, um, part., or adj. and talked with, agreed upon
or bruised small, crushed, filed, ior, comp. troubled, disquieted Conventus, us, m. an assembly,
worn, much used Conturbo, are, a. to trouble, dis- or meeting, a pack, or crew, a
Controversia, se, /. a controversy, quiet, or dismay, to disturb, to hundred, or county, a district,
a debate, a dispute, a quarrel, disorder, or put in confusion, to a covenant, bargain, agreement
variance spend Converbferatus, a, um, part.
Controversiosus, a, um, adj. con- Conturgeo, ere, a. to swell beaten
tentious, litigious Conturmalis, e, adj. belonging to Converbfero, are, a. to beat well
Controversor, atus sum, dtp. to the same squadron Converro, fere, ri, and si, sum, a.
controvert, to contest Contus, i, m. a long pole, or staff, to sweep, or cleanse all over, to
Controversus, a, um, part, and a pole, a weapon to fight beasts brush, to make clean
adj. controverted, debated, dis- with Conversans, tis, part, turning
puted, doubtful, quarrelsome Contusio, onis, /. a contusion, a about
Contriicldatus, a, um,par£.wound'- battering, or bruising, a blunt- Conversatio, onis,/. conversation,
ed grievously, mangled, left for ing behaviour, carriage, familiarity
dead [butcher Contusus, a, um, part, pounded, Converse, adv. neatly, cleanly
Contrucldo, are, a. to kill, or stamped, beaten, bruised, worn, Conversio, onis,/. a conversion, a
Contrudo, fere, si, sum, a. to dulled, wasted change, an alteration, a revolu-
crowd in Convadatus, a, um, part, that tion, or course, a turning up-
Contrunco, are, a. to mangle, to goes under surety side down, a confusion
hack, to chop, or cut in pieces, Convador, atus sum, dep. to bind Converso, are, freq. to whirl round
to cut off by the stumps one to appear, to put in surety Conversor, atus sum, dep. to con-
Contrusus, a, um, part, thrust Convalescens, tis, part, recover- verse with, to be often with
together ing Conversus, a, um, part, convert-
Contubernalis, e, adj. belonging Convalesco, fere, ui, Itum, incep. ed, changed, turned, turned
to the same quarters, &c. to grow strong, to get strength, about, or towards, turning
Contubernalis, is, e.g. a comrade, to recover, to grow Conversurus, a, um, part, about
a companion, a bedfellow, a Convallatus, a, um, part, in- to turn
colleague, or partner trenched Convertens, tis, part, convert-
Omtiibernium, i, n. a company of Convallis, is,/, a valley, a dale ing, turning
soldiers that lodge in the same Convario, are, atum, a, to varie- Convertibles, e, adj. convertible,
tent, or are billeted together, a gate changeable
file of soldiers under a serjeaut, Convaso, are, a. to pack up Converto, fere, ti, sum, a. to con-

a hut, or tent, fellowship in Convecto, are,/reg. to carry vert, to turn, to turn about, or
one house, conversation Con vector, oris, m. a fellow pas- towards, to whirl, to change, to
Contuendus, a, um, part, to be senger transform, to translate
looked upon [viewing Convectum, i, n. provision laid up Convestio, Ire, Itum, a. to clothe
Contuens, tis, part, beholding, Convectus, a, um, part, carried, Convestitus, a, um, part, clothed,
Contueor, Itus sum, dep. to look brought [carry clad
wistfully upon, to survey Conveho, fere, exi, ectum, a. to Convexitas, atis,/. convexity
Contuitus, a, um, part, having Convfelatus, a, um, part, covered Convexus, a, um, adj. convex,
stedfastly beheld over [weakened crooked, bending down on
Contuitus, us, m. an earnest, or Convellendus, a, um, part, to be every side like the heavens,
stedfast looking, sight, presence Convellens, tis, part, weakening vaulted, arched, roofed
Contumicia. ae, /. stubbornness, Convello, fere, velli and vulsi, Convibro, are, a. to shake
Convicians, tis, part, reviling, Co5pgrio, ire, ui, turn, a. to cover Corban, n. indecl.a gift of pioua
reproaching all over, to cover, to overwhelm uses [kes
Conviciator, oris, m. a railer CoSpertorium, i, n. a cassock, a Corbicula, ae,/. a very small bas-
CoriTlcior, atus sum, dep. to cover Corbis, is, m. and/, a twig-basket,
taunt, or reproach, to revile Coopertus, a, um, part, covered, a pannier
Convlcium, i, n. a reproach, buried,overwhelmed Corbita, ae, /. a hoy, a slow sailer
abuse, a brawling, or bawling, Cooptandus, a, um, part, to Corbito, are, a. to load a ship, to
a loud noise, an" exclamation, choose, or be chosen with cram the guts
importunity others [choice Corbula, ae, /. a little pannier, a
Convictio, onis, /. a conviction, Cooptatio, onis, /. a choosing, a basket
or evidence Cooptatus, a, um, part, chosen, Corculum, i, n. a little, or poor
Convictor, 6ris, m. a companion adopted heart, a sweetheart, a minion, a
at table, a fellow-boarder, a Coopto, are, a. to choose, or prudent person [dent
guest elect by vote, to choose, to Corctilus, a, um, adj. wise, pru-
Convictus, a, um, part, convicted, adopt, to admit Cordate, adv. wisely, discreetly
convinced, thoroughly proved, Coorior, Iri, ortus, dep. to rise Cordatus, a, um, adj. ior, eomp.
overcome Coortus, a, um, part, risen up, wise, prudent, judicious, con-
Convictus, us, m. a living toge- arisen siderate
ther, fellowship, society, ordi- Copa, a?,/, a hostess, a vlntress Cordax, acis, m. a kind of dance,
nary food, diet C6phmus, i, m. a twig-basket, a used in comedies
Convinco, fire, Ici, ctum,
to a. pannier, a coffer, a coffin Cordicitus, adv. to the heart
convince, to convict, to confute, Copia, ae, /. plenty, abundance, Cord51ium, i, n. grief of heart
to prove clearly, to show wealth, riches, store, number, Cordus and Chordus, a, um, adj.
Convinctio, onis,/. a conjunction, power, ability, possibility, leave, late in the year, rather late, late
a bending liberty, help, assistance, an as- born
Conviso, ere, si sum, a. to visit, sistant C&riaceus, a, um, adj. of leather
to go to see Copiolse, arum, pl.f. dim. small C6riago, inis, /. the sickness
Convitiator, oris, m. a railer force, or store, a little army called hidehound
Convltior, same as Convicior Copior, atus sum,* ari, dep. to C5riandrum, i, n. coriander, an
Convlva, g. a guest
ae, c. furnish oneself abundantly with herb
Convivalis, e, adj. of, or belong- something Cftriarius, i, m. a currier, a tanner
ing to a feast, or banquet, fes- Copiose, adv. ius, eomp. issime, Corias, ae,/. a fish
tive [ner superl. copiously, plentifully, CSrium, i, n. a hide, a skin, lea-
Convivator, oris, m. an entertai- abundantly in plenty, with a ther, a husk of chesnuts, &c.
Convlvialis, e, adj. convivial great train ComeSlus, a, um, adj. almost as
Convlvium, i, n. a feast, a ban- Copiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. hard as horn [horn
quet, an entertainment, a treat, isstmus, superl. copious, plenti- Cornesco, 6re, n. to grow hard as
a prince's table ful, abundant, rich, ample, Cornetum, i, n. a grove of corneil-
Convivo, 6re, xi, ctum, n. to live, well provided trees
or dwell together, to eat and CSpis, idis,/. a hanger Corneus, a, um, adj. horny, of
drink together Copo, onis, m. ant. for Caupo, * or like horn, hard, or white as
Convlvor, atus sum, dep. to feast, huckster, a vintner horn, made of horn
to revel Copria and Coprias, a?, m. a Corneus, a, um, adj. of the cor-
ConvOcandus, a, um, part, to be jester, a buffoon neil-tree
called together, assembled, or Copros, i, m. dung Cornicen, Inis, e. g. one who
raised Copta, ae,/. a cake, a hard biscuit blows a horn, a cornet
Conv6catio, 6nis, /. a convoca- Copula, ae, /. a couple, a dog's Cornicor, atus sum, dep. to chat-
tion, a calling together collar, a fetter, chain, or ter, to prate
Convocaturus, a, um, pari, about shackle [joined Cormcula, a?, /. a jackdaw, a
to call together Copiilandus, a, um, part, to be crow, a chough
Convocatus, a, um, part, calling Copulate, adv. jointly, conjointly Cornicularius, i, m. a cornet, a
together Copulatio, onis, /. copulation, a trooper, a brigadier, an officer
ConvOco, are, a. to call together, coupling, or joining [tive Corniculum, i, n. a little horn, a
to assemble, to summon Coptllativus. a, um, adj. copula- kind of ornament presented to
Convolans, tis, part, flying to- Copulatus, &, um, part, coupled, soldiers, and worn in their hel-
gether joined, compounded mets [nels
ConvSlo, are, n. to fly together, Copiilo, are, a. to couple, to join, Cornifer, um, adj. bearing eor-
to fly, to come together in all to unite Corniger, a, um, adj. horned,
haste [about C&quendas, a, um, part, to be having, or wearing horns
Convolvens, tis, part, rolling digested, or ripened, to be Cornlpes, £dis, adj. horn-footed
Convolvo, ere, vi, utum, a. to dressed Cornipes, 6dis, m. a horse
wrap, or wind about, to roll to- C6qulna, ae,/. a kitchen Comix, Icis, /. a crow, or rook, a
gether, or up, to encompass COquinaris, e, adj. belonging to ring-iron, or knocker at a door
CnnvSlutus, a, um, part, rolled up a cook Cornu, n. indecl. pi. cornua, a
| uvolvtilus, i, m. a vine worm, COquinarius, a, um, adj. of a horn, a cornet, a trumpet,
or fretter, the herb withwind, kitchen power, strength, courage, a
or bindweed C6quIno, are, a. to cook wing of an army, a squadron, a
ConvOmo, ere, ui, a. to vomit up C5quInor, atus sum, dep. to dress chief point, or head, a corner,
Conus, i, m. a cone, the crest of a victuals end, or extremity, the ends, or
helmet, a pineapple, the fruit CSquinus, a, um, adj. pertaining bosses of the stick about which
of a cypress-tree to a kitchen, oicook books were rolled
Convulnerandus, a, um, part, to Coquo, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to cook, Cornucopia, ae, /. the horn ol
be wounded with, to be hurt or dress, to boil, to seethe, to plenty, abundance of all things
Convulngratus, a, um, part, sore, bake, to heat, to scorch, to Cornulum, i, n. a little horn
wounded burn up, to consume, to dry, Cornum, i, n. a corneil, a wild
Convulnero, are, a. to wound to ripen cherry
Convulsio, onis,/. a convulsion, a Coquus, m. a cook, a baker
i, Cornu o, are, n. to bend like a horn
shrinking, &c. up Cor, dis, n. the heart, the mind, Cornus, i and us, /. the corneil-
Convulstirus, a, um, part, about or soul, a man, or person, cou- tree, a javelin made thereof
to tear up, about to destroy rage, wit, wisdom, judgment, Cornuta, ae,/. a fish, the gurnard
Convulsus, a, um, part, plucked, affection Cornutus, a, um, adj. horned,
pulled, or torn up, shrunk up, Coralium, i, n. coral cornuted
taken with the cramp Coram, prep, before, in presence of C6rolla, m,f.dim. a little crown,
Conero, are, a. to burden, to load Coram, adv. face to face, openly a chaplet
Cooperciilum, i, n. a cover, or lid Corax, axis, »». a raves, an engine C&roliavium, i, *. a corollary, p
coronet, an overplus, an acces- Corngia, ae, /. the latchet of a Cortina, se,/. a caldron, or kettle
sion shoe, a thong of leather a dyeing vat, a vessel set to re-
Corona, ae, /. a crown, a diadem, Corrigiarius, i, m. a point, or ceive oil when the olives were
a coronet, a chaplet, a garland, thong-maker pressed, the tripos of Apollo,
a circle, a round thing like a Corrigo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to from whence oracles were given,
coronet, a company of persons correct, to amend, to make the oracle itself, a curtain, or
standing, or sitting in a ring better, to reform, to set to hanging
Coronalis, e, adj. belonging to a rights, to straighten Cortinale, is, n. a place where
crown Corripiendus, a, nru, part, to seize, kettles were set
Coronamentum, i, n. stuff, or or be seized Corvinus, a, um, adj. of a raven,
flowers to make garlands Corripiens, tis, part, rebuking or crow, black as a raven
Coronans, tis, part, crowning Corripio, gre, pui, epium, a. to Corus, i, m. the north-west wind
Coronaria, ae, f. a woman who snatch up, to seize on, to seize, C5ruscans, tis, part, shining, glit-
makes and sells garlands to lay hold of, to reprove, to tering
Coronarius, a, um, adj. that be- rebuke C&ruscatio, flnis,/. a glittering
longs to, or serves to make Corrivales, ium, pi. c. g. those Corusco, are, n. to shine," to
garlands who drink of the same stream, glitter, to flash, or lighten a. ;

C6ronatus, a, um, part, crowned, rivals to brandish, to shake, to wave

adorned Corrivalitas, atis, /. rivalship Coruscus, a, um, adj. glittering,
Coronatus, i, m. a crown-piece Corrivatio, onis,/: the running in shining, bright, moving, waving
Cor6ne61a, ae,/. a musk-rose one stream Corvus, i, m. a raven, a term in
COronis, idis,/. the top, or peak Corrivatus, a, um, part, made up architecture, a kind of grapple,
of a hill, &c. the utmost part, of several streams or iron hook
or end, a cornice, a weather- Corrivo, are, n. to draw water out Corycaeus, i, m. a spy, a scout, a
cock of many streams into one telltale, an informer
Corono, are, a. to crown, to sur- Corrivor, ari, atus sum, dep. to C5rydalus, i, m. a lark [tTees
round, or encompass run, or flow together from Coryletum, i, n. a grove of hazel-
C5ron5podium, i, n. dandelion several streams Corylus, i,/. a hazel-tree
Coron6pus, 6dis, m. the herb Corrob6ratus, a, um, part, cor- Corymbifer, a, um, adj. which
buckshorn roborated, strengthened bears berries like ivy, an epithet
CorpOralis, e, adj. corporal, that Corrob5ro, are, a. to corroborate, of Bacchus
hath a body to strengthen, to confirm COrymbion, or C6rymbium, i, n. a
CorpSraliter, adv. corporally Corrodo, 6re, si, sum, a. to cor- peruke worn by women
Corporatio, onis,/. the size, plight, rode, to gnaw, to consume, to CSrymbus, i, m. a bunch, or clus-
state, and fashion of the body, fret ter of ivy-berries, the fruit, or
a corporation, company, or body Corrogatus, a, um, part, invited, flower of the herb chrysocome,
Corporatura, ae,/. bulk of body bidden, scraped up, got to- the head of an artichoke, a
CorpSratus, a, um, part, having a gether rosebud
body, embodied, incorporated Corr6go, are, a. to bring, or get Coryphaeus, i, m. a ringleader
CorpSreus, a, um, adj. corporeal, together, to seek up and down, Corytos, i, m. a quiver
bodily, that hath, or belongs to to scrape Coryza, ae, /. a running at the nose
a body Corrosus, a, um, part, corroded, Cos, cotis,/. a whetstone, a hone,
Corporo, are, a. to form into a gnawed, wasted, consumed a grindstone
body, to kill Corrotundo, are, a. to make round Cosmeta, ae, m. or f. a valet
Corpulent^, adv. corpulently Corruda, ae, / wild asparagus Cosmianum, i, n. a rich perfume
Corpulentia, ae, f. corpulence, Comigatio, onis, /. a wrinkling made by Cosmus a perfumer
grossness Corrugatus, a, ma, part, wrinkled Cosmianus, a, um, adj. very sweet
Corpiilentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Corrugo, are, a. to wrinkle, to Cosmicus, a, um, adj. cosmieal,
corpulent, well-fleshed, bulky, make in wrinkles according to the course of the
gross Corrumpendus, a, um, part, to be world
Corpus, Oris, n. a body, the flesh, corrupted, or spoiled, to be Cossis, is, m. a worm bred in wood
substance, the whole man, a bribed Cossus, i, m. the same
spirit, a shade, a ghost, a sys- Corrumpens, tis, part, corrupting Costa, ae,/. a rib, a side, a coast
tem, or volume, a company, or Corrumpo, ere, upi, upturn, a. to Costatus, a, um, adj. having large
corporation corrupt, to pollute, to taint, or ribs
Corpusculum, i, n. a little, or infect, to debauch, to deflower, Costus, i, /., and Costum, i, «. a
small body, an atom to spoil herb called zedoary, an oint-
Corradens, tis, part, scraping, Corruo, 6re, ui, n. to fall together, ment
collecting to fall, or tumbledown, to come COthurnatus, a, um, adj. that
Corrado, ere, si, sum, a. to scrape, to ruin, to decay, to be spent, wears buskins, tragical
or rake together to fail Cothurnus, i, m. a buskin, a sort
Correctio, onis, /. a correction, an Corrupte, adv. ius, comp. issime, of shoe worn by the actois ot
amendment superl. corruptly, depravedly tragedies, a high-soled shoe
Corrector, oris, m. a corrector, a Corruptela, ae,/. corruption, a de- Coticula, ae, /. dim. a little whet-
reformer, an amender, a gover- praving, or falsifying, a de- stone, a touchstone
nor, or ruler bauching, a corrupter C6tinus, i,/. a wild olive
Correcturus, a, um, part, about Corruptibilis, e, adj. corruptible, COtoneum, i, n. a quince
to correct, or amend subject to corruption Cotoneus, a, um, adj. belonging
Correctus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Corruptio, onis,/. corruption to a quince [whip
corrected, reformed, redressed Corruptor, oris, m. a corrupter, a Cottabus, i, m. the smack of a
Corrependus, a, um, part, to creep debaucher, a spoiler Cottana, or C6t6na, or CottOna,
Correpo, 6re, psi, ptum, n. to Corruptrix, icis,/. a corrupter or Coctana, Oram, pi. n. a kind
creep, sneak, or slink into a Corrupturus, a, um, part, about of small Syrian fig
place to corrupt, about to bribe C5turnix, icis,/. a quail
Correpte, adv. ius, comp. shortly Corruptus, a, um, part, and adj. C6tyla, ae, /. a measure less than
Correptio, onis, /. a correction in ior, comp. issimus, superl. cor- a pint, a dish .

words, a checking, or- rebuking, rupted, depraved, tainted, in- C6t.yledon, 6nis, /. the hollow of
a reproof, a punishment fected, debauched, deflowered, the huckle-bone, wall-penny-
Correptor, oris, m. a reprover spoiled wort
Correptus, a, um, part, laid hold Cortex, icis, doubtful gen. a rind, C8vinarius, i, m. a charioteer
on, seized, reproved, chidden or bark, a shell, a peel C6vinus, i, m. a chariot armed
Corrideo, ere, si, sum, n. to laugh Corticatus, a, um, part, that hath with hooks, a coach, a calash
or smile a rind Cous, a, mn, adj. Coan
Corrigendus, a, um, adj. to correct Corticosus, a, um, adj. full of bark Coflterinus, i, m. a brother by the
Corrlgens, tis, part, correcting Corticula, se,/. dim. a thin rind mothers side
CAvum, i, n. heaven, a hollow Credlbllis, e, adj. pro-
credible, loam, white paint, the gonl, o?
place about a plough bable [bably mark at the end of a race
Coxa, ae, /. the hip, or haunch, CredlblTlter, adv. credibly, pro- Cretaceus, a, um, adj. of chalk,
the huckle-bone, the joint of Creditor, oris, m. a creditor chalky
the hip [huckle-bone Credltrix, icis,/. she that lends CretaefSdina, ae,/. a chalk -pit
Coxendix, Icis, /. the hip, the Credltum, i, n. credit, a trust, a Cretarium, i, n. a chalk-pit
Crabro, onis, m. a hornet, a wasp debt [believe Cretarius, i, m. a worker in chalk
Crambe, es,/. a kind of colewort Credlturus, a, um, part, about to Cretarius, a, um, adj. chalky
Cranium, i, n. the skull Credltus, a, um, part, believed, Cretatus, a, um, adj. chalked,
Crapula, ae, /. a surfeit, a sur- intrusted whited
charge, a dizziness Credo, ere, didi, ditum, a. to Creteus, a, um, adj. of chalk
Crapulosus, a, um, adj. drunken credit, to believe, to think, to Cretio, onis, /. a solemnity or.
Cras, adv. to-morrow, in time to suppose, or imagine, to trust, to entering on an estate
come put confidence in, to intrust, to Cretosus, a, um, adj. full of chalk
Crasis, is, /. a mixture, a tempera- commit Cretula, ae,/. a chalk ased in the
ture, a contraction Credulitas, atis, /. credulity, rash- sealing of letters
Crassamen, Inis, n. dregs, sedi- ness of belief, foolishness Cretiira, ae,/. pollat 1, coarse meal
ments Credulus, a, um, adj. credulous, Cretus, a, um, part, born, de-
Crassamentum, i, n. thickness, easy, or light of belief, silly, scended, sprung, severed, re-
bigness, sediment, or lees of simple, foolish solved upon
wine CrSmabalum, i, n. a child's rattle Cribellatus, a, um, part, sifted
Crasse, adv. ius, comp. thickly, Cremandus, a, um, part, to be Crtbello, are, a to sift, or garble
homely, bunglingly burnt Ciibellum, i, n. dim. a little sieve
Crassescens, tis, part, thickening Cremans, tis, part, burning Cribrarius, a, um, adj. of a sieve J
Crassesco, ere, incep. to thicken, Crgmatio, 6nis, /. a burning sifted
or grow thick [ness CrSmatus, a, um, part, burnt, Cribro, are, a. to sift, or bolt
Crassities, ei, /. thickness, gross- consumed Crimen, inis, n. a crime, an of.
Crassltudo, Inis, /. the same CrSmium, i, a dry stick, a bavin
n. fence, a fault, an error, or mis-
Crasso, atum, are, a. to thicken Cremo, are, a. to burn, to burn take, a scandal, a reproach, a
Crassus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. up, to set on fire, to bury in suspicion, a charge
isslmus, superl. thick, gross, fire Criminalis, e, adj. criminal, guilty
fat, heavy, dull, coarse, homely, Cremor, 6ris, m. the thick juice of Criminans, tis, part, accusing
simple barley, panada, frumenty Criminaliter, adv. criminally, like
Crastin6. adv. to-morrow Crena, ae, /. a notch, a jagg, a a criminal
Crastlnus, a, um, adj. of to-mor- mark, a dent, a slit, a cleft, a Crlmlnatio, onis, /. the objecting
row, of the time to come nib Digged of a crime, an accusation
Crater, eris, m. in accus. sing. Crenatus, a, um, adj. notched, Crlminator, oris, m. an accuser
cratera, plur. crateras, a great Creo, are, a. to create, to make, Crlminatorius, a, um, adj. crimi-
cup, or bowl, a goblet, a trough, to form, to beget, to breed, or natory
or receiver of water, a platter bring forth Criminatus, a, um, part, accusing
Cratera, ae,/. same as Crater Crgpans, tis, part, rustling Criminor, atus sum, dep. to ac-
Crates, is, /., and Cratis, is, a Cr6i ax, acis, adj. making a noise cuse, to charge with a crime, to
hurdle of rods wattled together, Creperus, a, um, adj. doubtful blame, to find fault with
a grate Creplda, ae, /. a low shoe with a Criminose, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Crateuta, a;, /. a rack for a spit latchet, a slipper, a sandal, a superl. criminally
Craticula, ae,/. a gridiron last" Criminosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Cratio, ire, a. to wattle, to harrow Crgpidarius, a, um, adj. pertain- issimus, superl. accusatory, re-
'Cratitius, a, um, adj. wattled, ing to slippers, or shoemakers proachful, scandalous, criminal
made of sticks Crgpldarius, i, m. a slipper-maker, Crinale, is, n. a bodkin, ahairlace,
Creagra, ae,/. a flesh-hook &c. a fillet
Creandus, a, um, part, to be Crepidatus, a, um, adj. wearing Crinalis, e, adj. pertaining to hair
created, to be produced, or shoes, or slippers Crinlger, a, um, adj. wearing
formed Crepido, Inis, /. a creek, a shore, much hair, hairy
Creatio, onis, /. a creation, a or bank, the top, edge, or brow Crlnis, is, m. hair, a tress, or lock
creating, or making, a begetting of a steep rock, mouth, border, of hair, a band of horses' hair
Creator, Oris, m. a creator, a drink [per Crinitus, a, um, adj. hairy, fulj
maker, a father, a founder, or Crepldiila, ae, /. dim. a little slip- of hair, having much hair
builder Crgpis, Idis,/. a slipper Crin5m6non, i, n. an issue in law
Creatrix, icis,/. a mother, &c. Crepitaculum, i, n. a child'* Crinon, i, n. a reddish lily
Creatura, ae,/. a creature rattle, a timbrel CriObolium, i, n. a sacrifice of
Creaturus, a, um, part, about to Crepitans, tis, part, crackling, rams
create ringing, rattling, chattering, Cripa, a kind of syrup
ae, /.
Creatus, a, um, part, created, making a noise Crisis, is,/, a judgment, the de-
made, framed, formed, born Crgplto, are, freq. to crackle, to cision of a conflict between
Creber, bra, brum, adj. ior, comp. creak, to clatter, or make a nature and a distemper
errimus or isslmus, superl. fre- noise, to growl, to gnash Crispans, tis, part, shaking, bran-
quent, thick, thick grown Crepitus, us, m. a rustling noise, dishing, trembling, wreathed
Crebre, adv. frequently, closely a creaking, a crashing, a ring- Crispatus, a, um, part, curled,
Crebrescens, tis, part, growing ing, or jingling quivered [curling
thick Crepo, are, ui, Itum, n. to make a CrispTcans, tis, part, waving,
Crebresco, and Crebesco, ere, noise, or sound, to resound, to Crispltudo, inis,/. curledness
incep. to grow, or come thick, crack, to crackle, to creak, to Crispo, are, a. to curl, or wreathe,
to increase more and more crash, to clatter, to ring to shake, or brandish
Crebritas, ads, /. frequency, com- Crgpundia, orum, pi. n. children's Crispulus, a, um, adj. dim. having
monness playthings, baubles, bells, rat- curled tresses
Crebriter, adv. frequently, usually puppets
tles, Crispus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Crebrb, adv. ius, comp. errime, Crfipusci,orum, pi. m. children isslmus, superl. crisp, curled,
superl. often, frequently, pell- born about twilight frizzled, crumpled
mell Crgpusculum, i, n. the twilight Crissans, tis,/>arf. wagging the tail
Crebro, to do often
Tire, a. Crescens, tis, part, increasing, Crisso, are, n. to move wantonly,
Credendas, a, um, part, to be rising or obscenely, to shake
believed, or trusted Cresco, £re, crevi, cretum, n to Crista, ae, /. a crest, a tuft, or
Credens, tis, part, believing, grow, to increase, to swell, to plume of feathers, or hair, a
trusting, thinking, venturing, grow up, to be brought up comb [tufted
credulous Creta, as, /. chalk, fuller's clay, Crist atus, a, um, adj. crested*
51 d-2
Cristttla, ee,/. a little crest, plume, Cruentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Cubo, are, Itum, n. to lie, to lie
or comb isslmus, superl. bloody, of blood, down, to be in bed
Crltlcus, a, urn, adj. critical as red as blood, cruel, fierce Cubus, i, m. a cube, a die
'•Crltlcus, i. to. a criti" >ne who Crumena, ee,f. a purse, a pocket, Ciicubo, are, a. to cry like an
judges of the genuineness and a bag owl
goodness of other men's writ- Criimenisgca, as, c. g. a cutpurse Ciiculio, Onis,m. a hood to travel
ings Cruor, oris, m. blood from a with, a frock [cowled
Crocatus, a, um, adj. tinctured wound, blood, gore Ciicullatus, a, um, adj. hooded,
with saffron Crupellarii, orum, pi. m. soldiers Cucullus, i, m. a hood, a cowl, a
CrOceus, a, um, adj. like saffron armed cap-a-pie frock, a paper, or coffer for
Cr&clnus, a, um, adj. of saffron, of Cruralis, e, adj. crural spices
the colour of saffron [raven Crurlfragium, i, re. a breaking of Ciiculo, are, re. to cry like a cuckoo
CrScio, ire, re. to croak like a legs on the cross [leg Cuculus, i, to. a cuckoo, a cuc-
Crocltatio, onis, /. a croaking Crurulis, e, adj. belonging to the kold maker, a name of reproach
CrQcito, are,freq. to croak, or cry Crus, uris, re. the leg from the on many accounts
like a raven, or crow knee 'to the ancle, the leg, the Cuciima, ee, f. a vessel like a
Cr6e6dllia, a?, /. excrement of the hinder leg of a quadruped cucumber
land crocodile, a wash for the Crusculum, i, re. dim. a little leg Ciicumer, ens, to. a ( " -imber
face Crusma, atis, n. a timbrel, a la- Cucumis, is, m. in uc*"us. ciicii-
Crocodillnus, a, um, adj. like a bour, a tinkling noise rain, a cucumber, a shellfish
crocodile, sophistical Crusta, ae, /. a crust of bread, a Cucurblta, ee,/. a gourd, a cup-
CrSeSdllus, i, m. a crocodile piece of ice frozen, a piece of ping-instrument
CrScdta, ae, /. a yellow gown wood, or stone Cucurbltinus, a, um, adj. of, or
Cr5c6tula, se, /. a little yellow Crust arius, i, m. a plasterer, a like gourds
garment [yellow mason Cucurbltula, ae,/. a cupping-glass
CrOcotularius, i, ret. a dyer of Crustatus, a, um, part, crusted, Cucurio, or Cucurrio, Ire, Ivi, re.
Croeum, i, re., and CrOcus, i, m. plastered, roughcast, covered to crow, or cluck like a cock
saffron with a shell, scaled [serve Cfldo, 6re, di, sum, a. to hammer,
Cr6talia, orum, pi. n. a rattling Crusto, are, a. to plaster, to pre- forge, stamp, or coin
ear-pendant Crustosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Cudo, onis, to. a leather, or fur
Cr6taphitae, arum, pi. m. two crusty [scab cap
muscles in the temples Crustoila,ae, /. a little crust, or Cujas, atis, pron. of what coun-
CrSton, onis, /. an Egyptian herb Crustularius, i, m. a pastrycook try, or sect ? belonging to
called Palma Christi Crustiilum, i, re. a wafer, a thin whom ? [of
Crticiabllis, e, adj. vexatious cake Cujus, a, um, pron. whose, where-
Cruciablllter, adv. painfully, Crustum, a crust, a small
i, re. CujusmOdi, of what sort, man-
cruelly piece, a morsel ner, fashion, or quality ?
Cruciamen, inis, re. a torment Crux, ficis,/. a cross, gibbet, or Cujusqufimodi, of what manner
Ciuciamentum, i, n. torture, an- gallows, any thing, or person, soever, such as it is
guish, pain [tormented that troubles, vexes, or tor- Culclta, ae, /. the tick of a bed,
Cruciandus, a, um, part, to be ments us, affliction a bed, cushion, or pillow
Crucians, tis, part, tormenting Crypta, ae, a hollow place, a
/. Culcltrarius, i, m. an upholsterer
Cruciarius, a, um, adj. worthy to vault, a sink, a common sewer, Culcltrula, as, /. dim. a little
be tormented, or hanged a grotto, a cell, a cloister, a pillow [culeus
Cruciarius, i, to. a tormenter, one low gallery [secret Culearis, e, adj. containing the
hanged Cryptleus, a, um, adj. hid, close, Culearium, i, n. a measure of
Criiciator, oris, a tormenter
to. Crystalllnum, i, re. a crystal glass forty urns [sack
Cruciatus, a, um, part, tormented, Crystallinus, a, um, adj. crys- CuleSlus, i, to. a satchel, a knap-
tortured, afflicted, grieved talline, made of crystal, clear Culeus, or Cullcus, i, to. a lea-
Cruciatus, us, m. torment, torture, as crystal thern sack, or bag, a sack
anguish, pain, affliction, grief Crystallum, i, n. crystal Culex, tcis, to. a guar, or little fly
Crucifer, a, um, adj. carrying a Crystallus, i,/. crystal Cullcarius, a, um, adj. driving
cross Cubans, tis, part, lying, or sitting, away gnats
Crucifigo, fire, xi, xum, a. to lying sick, or ill, leaning, stoop- Culigna, ae,/. a bowl, a dish
crucify, toenail to a cross, to ing, descending Cullna, ae, /. a kitchen, a sink,
hang Cubatio, onis,/. a lying down a common sewer
Cmcifixus, a, um, part, crucified Cfibatus, us, m. a lying down, a Ctillnarius, a, um, adj. culinary
Crucio, are, a. to torment, to lying-in, a brooding Culmen, Inis, re. the top, or
torture, to pain, to vex, to grieve, Cublcularis, e, adj. pertaining to height of a thing, the ridge o'
to afflict, to distress a chamber a house, or hill, the crown oi
Criidaria, ae,/. a vein of silver at Cublct.l arius, a, um, adj. the same one's head, honour, advance-
the top of a mine Cublcularius, i, ret. a chamber- ment
CrCidelis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi- lain Culmus, i, m. the stalks, or straw

mus, superl. cruel, barbarous, Ciiblculatus, a, um, adj. formed of corn

fierce, ill-natured, hard-hearted to lie in Culpa, ae, /. a fault, an offence,
Crudelitas, atis, /. cruelty, bar- Cubiculum, i, re. a bedchamber, a guilt, blame, mischief
barity, inhumanity parlour, a pavilion, a tent Culpandus, a, um, part, to be
Crudeliter, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Cublcus, a, um, adj. cubical, blamed
superl. cruelly [fierce square Culpans, tis, part, blaming
Crudescens, tis, part, growing Cublle, is, re. a bed, or couch, a Culpatus, a, um, part, and adj.
Cmdesco, fire, re. to grow raw, den, a kennel, a bird's nest, a ior, comp. blamed, disliked
green, or fresh, to increase more beehive, a mine, a ground- Culplto, are, freq. to blame, to
and more work censure
Crudltas, atis, /. crudity, bad di- Cubital, alis, re. a cushion under Cu'.po, are, a. to blame, to censure
gestion, a crude humour the elbow Cultellatus, a, um, part, and adj.
Crudus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Cubitalis, e, adj. a cubit high sharp like a knife, edged, made
isslmus, superl. crude, raw, un- Ciibltans, tis, part, lying along plain [level
dressed, green, unripe, sour, Cubltissim, adv. with the elbow Cultello, are, a. to cut even, to
unpleasant Ciibito, are, freq. to be used to lie Cultellus, i, m. dim. a little knife,
Cruentatus, a, um, part, made Cilbltor, oris, m. he that lies a pruning-knife
bloody, dyed with blood down Culter, tri, n.. a eoulter, a plough-
Cruente, adv ius, comp. bloodily, Ciibitum, i, re. a cubit, a couch share, a knife, the part of d
cruelly Cubitus, i, m. a cubit, a foot and sickle towards the handle
Cruento, are, a. to fetch blood, to half, the elbow fbed Cultio, 6nis,/. a tilling, a manur
make bloody, to imbrue j
Cubitus, us, m. a lyinj down, a ing, culture, tillage, tilth


Suitor, Oris, m. aa hus-
tiller, Ctmealis, e, adj. like a wedge Cur, adv interr. wherefore ? why I
bandman, a dresser, or pruner Cuneandus, a, um, part, to be for what cause ?
of a vine, a dweller, or inhabi- wedged Ciira, ee,/. care, concern, regard,
tant Cilneatlm, adv. wedgewise, by thought, carefulness, study,
.ultrarius, i, m. a slaughter-man bands diligence, providence, foresight,
Jultratus, a, urn, adj. made sharp Ciineatus, a, um, part, and adj. skilfulness, anxiety, grief,
}ultrix, icis, /. a female polisher, ior, comp. wedged, made like a trouble
or dresser, a worshipper wedge Curalium, i, n. coral
Hultum, i, ». ploughed land Ciineo, are, a. to wedge, to fasten Curandus, a, um, part, to be
^ultura, ae, /. culture, cultiva- with a wedge, to make wedge- taken care of, to be cured
tion, husbandry, tillage, a wise, to peg, or pin, to secure Curans, tis, part, taking care of,
dressing, or pruning, improve- Cune51us, i, m. dim. a little curing
ment wedge, a piece of tent to put Curate, adv. ius, comp. issime,
vultus, a,um, part, and adj. ior, into a fistula superl. carefully, with care,
comp. issimus, superl. culti- Cimeus, i, m. a wedge, a batta- diligently
manured, dressed,
vated, tilled, lion, or company of foot drawn Curatio, onis,/. a cure, or method
adorned, trimmed, garnished, up in form of a wedge, seats in of cure, a curing, healing, or
worshipped, adorned the theatre narrower near the dressing, care, oversight,
^ultus, us, m. culture, a tilling, a stage [miner agency
manuring, husbandry, tilth, a Cunicularius, i, m. a pioneer, a Curator, oris, m. a surveyor, aa
trimming, apparel, dress, tinery, Cunlctdatim, adv. in fashion of a overseer, a bailiff, a commis-
ornaments, worship, service, pipe sioner, an agent, a trustee
honour, respect, observance Cimiculosus, a, um, adj. full of Curatfiria, ee,/. a guardianship, a
Culullus, i, m. a pitcher, a pot conies, full of holes curing
I,Cuius, i, m. the tail Cunlciilus, i, m. a coney, or rabbit, Curatura, s,f. a management
I Cum, prep, with, together with, a coney-burrow, a hole, a mine, Curaturus, a, um, part, to take
I in conjunction with, or assisted a long pipe care of
bv, against, in, so that, provided Cunlla, a?, /. the herb savoury, Curatus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
that marjoram, and penny-royal issimus, superl. done with
Cum, adv. when, at what time, Cunio, Ire, a. to bewray, to defile care, taken care of, regarded,
because, forasmuch as, seeing Cunque, howsoever, whensoever procured, administered, dis-
that, although, albeit, as, as Cupa, or Cuppa, ae, /. a cup, a pensed
I well, not only, indeed, but drinking, or sepulchral vessel, Curcillio, onis, m. the weasand of
especially, since a vessel, a barrel, tun a man's throat, a mite
Cumatilis, e, adj. sky coloured, Cupedia, ae, /. daintiness CurculiuncCdus, i, m. a little
watered Ciipedia, orum, pi. n. and weevil
Cumbo, 6re, cubui, n. to lie Cupedise, arum, pl.f. dainties Curia, ae, /. a court, a palace, a
down [vessel Cupedlnarius, i, m. a dainty cook hall, a senate-house, a state-
Ciimgra, a meal-tub, a covn-
ae,/. Ciipediosus, a, um, adj. lickerish, house, a council-house, the hall
Cumeratus, um, adj. heaped up
a, nice that belonged to each of the
Cumlnum, and Cymlnum, i, n. Cilpedo, inis,/. desire, lust, greedi- thirty-five wards of Rome, a
cummin ness, gluttony ward, the senate, a consecrated
Cumplurimum, adv. at most Ciipelia, ae,/. and place
Cumprimls, adv. very much, Ciipellum, i, n. a cup Curialis, e, adj. of the court, of
mightily Cupide, adv. ius, comp. issime, the same tribe, or ward
Cumulans, tis, part, accumulating superl. desirously, gladly, fond- Curialis, is, m. a common-council-
Cfimulate, adv. ids, comp. issime, ly, eagerly, passionately man, a headborough, a tith-
superl. abundantly, amply Cupidlneus, a, um, adj. wanton ingman
C/imulatlm, adv. by heaps, in Cupiditas, atis, /. strong desire, Curiattm, adv. ward by ward
heaps earnestness, a desire, or appe- Curiatus, a, um, adj. belonging
Cumiilatus, a, um, part, and adj. tite, covetousness, ambition, to tribes, or wards
ior, comp. issimus, superl. unlawful love, lust Curio, onis, m. an alderman,
heaped up, filled, pestered, Ciipldo, inis, /. desire, appetite, deputy, or chief person of a
cumbered love, earnest desire, lust, cove- ward, the crier of a court, any
Ciimulo, are, a. to heap up, to tousness, ambition, luxury public crier, a proclaimer, the
add, to adom Cupldo, mis, m. Cupid, the god curate of a parish
Cumulus, i, m. a heap, a pile, a of love, covetousness Curionatus, us, m. a deputyship
heaping up, an overflowing, an Cupidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. of a ward, a curacy
accession, or addition issimus, superl. desirous, cove- Curionius, a, um, adj. belonging
Cunabula, drum, pi. n. a cradle, tous, greedy, eager, fond to the officer of a court, or
cradle-clothes, infancy, a begin- Ciipiendus, a, um, part, to be ward
ning, rise desired Curiose, adv. ius, comp. issirr.^
Ciinae, arum, pi. f. a cradle, a Ciipiens, tis, part, or adj. ior, superl. curiously, strictly,
bird's nest comp. issimus, superl. desiring, warily
Cunctabundus, a, um, adj. de- coveting, desirous Curiositas, atis, /. curiosity
laying, delayed, slow Ctipienter, adv. earnestly, fondly Curiosus, a, um, adj. ior, com;).
Cunctans, tis, part, and adj. ior. Ciipio, ere, ivi, Itum, desire, curious, nice, critical, studious,
comp. delaying, staying, doubt- to wish, or long for, to covet, to inquisitive, prying, busy
ing _ wish well Curis, is, /. a spear
Cunctanter, adv. ius, comp. slow- Cvipltor, oris, m. a coveter Curo, are, a. to cure, or heal, to
ly,leisurely, dilatorily Cupitus, a, um, part, desired, take care of, to look after, tc
Cunctatio, onis, /. a delaying, a longed for, coveted tend, to mind, regard, or value
lingering, delay Cupressetum, i, n. a cypress- to respect, or attend to, to
Cunctator, oris, m. a delayer grove [cypress order, or provide, to cook, or
Cunctatus, a, um, part, and adj. Cupresseus, a, um, adj. made of prepare, to refresh, to indulge,
ior) comp. delayed, delaying Cupressil'er, a, um, adj. that bears or make much of, to dress
Cunctipotens, tis, same as Omnl- cypress-trees Currax, acis, adj. diligent
potens, adj. all-powerful Cupres sinus, a, um, adj. made of Currens, tis, part, running, flow
functor, ari, atus sum, dep. to cypress [tree ing, turning round swiftly
delay, to stay, to dally, to pro- Ctipressus, i or As, /. a rypress- Curriculo, adv. in post haste
long time, to demur, to stag- Ciipreus, a, um, adj. of copper Curriculum, i, n. a place to r\m
ger, to be at a stand Cuprinus, a, um, adj. made of in, the lists, a race, a course
Cucctus, a, um, adj. all, the copper or motion, a term, or space, nn
whole, full and whole, perfect, Cuprum, i, n. copper exercise, or employment, a
ecthe Cupula, a?,/, dim. a little cup chariot, a cart
Curriufilus,i, m. dim. a chariot guardian, or preserver, a watch- Cyprinus, i, m. a carp
Curro, ere, cucurri, cursum, n. to man, an overseer, a tutor, a Cyprius, a, um, adj. of, or from
run, to run on, or over, to go looker on, a spy Cyprus
fast, to post away, to pass, or Cuticula, se, /. the cuticle, the Cyprus, i, /. a bush like privet,
turn swiftly, to fly, to sail outmost skin camphire
apace over Cuticiilaris, e, adj. belonging to Cypsfilus, i, nt. a marten

Curruca, ae, /. a hedgesparrow, the skin Cytlnus, i, m. the first bud of a

a tomtit, a pinnock, a cuckold, Cutis, is,/, a skin, the bark, rind, pomegranate- tree
or wittal peel, or outmost coat of a thing, CJtisus, doubtful gen. hadder
Currus, us, m. a chariot, a coach, an outward show
a car, the horses, a triumph, a Cyamos, i, m. an Egyptian bean
waggon, or cart, a pinnace, or Cyaneus, a, um, adj. of a bright
fly-boat blue [blue-bottle
Cursans, tis, part, running up and Cyanus, i, m. a lazule-stone, a
down, frisking, hopping Cyathisso, are, n. to pour drink
Cursaturus, a, um, part, about to into, or serve up a cup
run, or happen upon Cyathus, i, to. a cup, a little pot, Dabula, ae, /. a kind of palm
Cursim, adv. hastily, swiftly, or glass to drink out of, a small Dactylicus, a, um, adj. of, or be-
apace, as fast as he can run, in measure longing to a dactyl
full speed, in a hurry Cybea, se, /. a large ship Dactyliotheca, ae, /. a box, &c. for
Cursio, onis,/. a running C?bi5sactes, is, to. a fishmonger rings, a collection of jewels
Curstto, are, freq. to run to and Cybium, i, n. a rand of tunny Dactylus, i, to. a dactyl, a date,
fro, to run Cycladatus, a, um, adj. having a the fruit of a palm-tree, a shell-
Curso, are, n. to run to and fro woman's gown on fish, a muscle
Cursor, oris, m. a runner, a racer, Cycl&mlnus, i, /. the herb sow- Daedalus, a, um, and Daedaleus,
a courier, or stated post bread adj. artificial, neatly made,
Cursorius, a, um, adj. cursory Cyclas, adis, /. a woman's gown handsomely contrived, varie-
Cursiira, a?,/, a running [run of a round form, with a long gated, cunning
Cursurus, a, um, part, about to train, a widow's veil Daemon, onis, m. a demon, or
Cursus, us, m. a course, a race, a Cycllcus, a, um, adj. circular, spirit, an angel good, or bad
running, speed, or haste, a turning round Dsem6niacus, a, um, adj. de-
flight, a journey, or way, a voy- Cyclus, i, m. a cycle, a circle, moniac, possessed with a devil
age, a passage, a progress, a a round Daemonicus, a, um, adj. devilish,
career Cydonltes, m. marmalade
se, vile [genius
Curtatus, a, um, part, shortened Cygneus, a, um, adj. of a swan, Daem6nium, a devil, a good
i, n.
Curto, are, a. to shorten, to cut like a swan, soft and sweet Dama, se, doubtful gen. a fallow
off Cygnus, or Cycnus, i, to. a swan, deer, a deer, a buck, or doe
Curtus, a, um, adj. short, little, a poet, a nickname for a black- Damascenus, a, um, adj. of a
small, imperfect, curtailed, bob- amoor damask-prune, or damascene
tailed, battered, broken Cylindraceus, a, um, adj. in the Damnabilis, e, adj. worthy of
Curvamen, a bending
inis, n. manner or like a cylinder
of, condemnation
Curvans, tis, part, bending CJlindrus, i, to. a cylinder, a roller, Damnandus, a, um, part, to be
Curvatio, onis, /. a bending, or a rolling-pin, a precious stone, condemned
winding oblong an d round, which women Damnans, tis, part, condemning
Curvatura, a;,/, a bending, a bend used to hang at their ears Damnatio, onis, /. a condemna-
Curvatus, a, um, part, bent, Cyma, se, /., and Cyma, atis, n. a tion [demns
bowed, winding sprout Damnator, oris, to. he who con-
Curvesco, ere, n. to grow crooked, Cymattlis, e, adj. blue, green Damn atorius, a, um, adj. that
or bow down Cymatium, i, n. a carved work condemns
Curvitas, atis, /. crookedness resembling waves Damnaturus, a, um, part, about
Curulis, e, adj. belonging to a Cymba, ae, pinnace, a
/. a boat, to condemn, that will condemn
chariot ferry-boat, a fishing-boat Damnatus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
Curulis, is, to. a chief magistrate Cymbalistes, or Cymbalista, se, condemned, cast, blamed, dis-
Curvo, are, a. to bend, to bow, to m. he that plays on the cymbal liked, bound
wind, to turn, to influence Cymbalistra, a;, /. she that plays Damnatus, us, m. a condemnation
Curvor, oris, to. crookedness on the cymbal Damnlficus, a, um, adj. that
Curvum, i, n. a plough-handle Cymbalum, i, n. a cymbal, a pipe brings, harm, damage, loss, or
Curvus, a, um, adj. crooked, bent, Cymbium, i, n. a cup like a boat prejudice
bowed, turning, winding Cyinbula, ae,/. dim. a sculler Damno, are, o. to condemn, to
Cusculium, i, to. the scarlet berry Cymlnatus, a, um, adj. mixed dislike, to disapprove, to doom,
of the holm-oak with cummin to devote, or consign over, to
Cusor, oris, m. a coiner, a forger Cyminum, i, n. cummin cast in a suit, to prove guilty
Cuspidatim, adv. with a point Cyinosus, a, um, adj. full of Damnose, adv. with hurt, or
Cuspidatus, a, um, part, pointed young sprouts loss
Cuspido, are, a. to point, to tag Cynegetica, orum, pi. n. books Damnosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Cuspis, iidis, /. the point of a written of, or about hunting issimus, superl. hurtful, mis-
spear, &c, a spear, a javelin, Cynlce, adv. cynically, churlishly chievous, destructive, preju-
arrow, &c, a sting, a pipe Cynlcus, a, um, adj. cynical, dicial, causing, or suffering
Custodia, ae, /. custody, care, churlish, currish, dogged, like damage
charge, a keeping, or preserving, a dog
[ape Damnum, i, n. loss, misfortune,
a preservation, watch, tuition, Cynocephalus, i, m. a baboon, an harm, hurt, injury, damage,
or education, a keeper, or guard, Cynoglossus, i, m. the herb dog's prejudice, disadvantage, ruin
a prisoner, or number of pri- tongue, a kind of fish Dandus, a, um, part, to be given
soners, a prison, or jail, a watch- Cynorrh6dion, i, n. the wild rose, Dans, tis, part, giving, showing
tower [kept the red lily Danista, se, m. an usurer, a banker
Custodiendus, a, um, part, to be Cynosbatos, i, /. sweetbriar, the Dapalis, e, adj. sumptuous, costly,
Custodiens, tis, part, keeping safe caper-bush presiding over feasts
C«»cst6dio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to keep Cyn6sura, ae, /. the lesser bear Dapes, um, pi. f. good cheer,
safe, to guard, to preserve, or Cynosiiris, idos, /. having a dog's dainties, feasts
defend, to look to, to attend to, tail Daphne, es,/. a bay-tree
to observe, watch Cyn6surus, a, um, adj. addle Daphnon, onis, to. a laurel-grove
Custodite, adv. ius, comp. warily Cyparissus, i,/ a cypress-tree Daphlno, are, a. to provide, to
CustGdltus, a, um, part, kept, Cyperum, i, n. galingal prepare, to dress
preserved, guarded, secured, &c. CJprTnus, a, urn, adj. of the Daps, dapis,/. a banquet or feaol
C'ustos, Sdis, c. g. a keeper, privet-tree food
DapsTle, adv. sumptuously Debellatus, a, um, part, conquered Decemviri, Orum, pi. m. ten men
* Dapsllis, e, adj. noble, free, boun- Debello, are, a. to conquer, t« chosen and appointed for writ-
tiful, liberal, plentiful vanquish, to subdue ing the twelve tables of the
* Dardanarius, i, nt. an engrosser, Debens, tis, part, owing, indebted Roman law
regrater, or forestaller of the Debeo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to owe, to Decennalis, e, adj. decennial, of
market be due, to be indebted, to be ten years, or that lasts ten
Dardanium, i, n. a gold ornament obliged years
for men's arms Debllis, e, adj. ior, comp. weak, Decennia, ium, pi. n. solemn
PStarius, a, urn, adj. freely given faint, feetsle, impotent games to be kept every tenth
Datatlm, adv. from hand tohand Debilltas, atis,/. weakness, feeble- year
Dfitio,onis, f. a giving, an ap- ness, a decay of strength Decennis, e, adj. of, or lasting
pointing Debiiitatio, Onis, /. a weakening, ten years [years
Datlvus, a, um, adj. dative, that an enfeebling Decen'nium, i, n. the space of ten
giveth, giving Debffitatus, a, um, part, weaken- D6cens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Dato, are, a. to give from one to ed, enfeebled, discouraged comp. issimus, superl. decent,
aaother Deblliter, adv. weakly, feebly becoming, seemly, comely
Dator, oris, m. a giver, a causer Debilito, are, a. to' weaken, or Decenter, adv. ius, comp. isslrne,
Datum, i, n. a gift, a present enfeeble, to hurt, to break superl. decently, becomingly,
Daturus, a, um, part, which will Debitio, onis,/. an owing seemly, fitly, gracefully
give Debitor, oris, m. a debtor Decentia, Ee, "/. decency, comeli-
Datus, a, um, part, given, granted, Debitum, i, n. a debt [owe ness [beseem
lent, joined with, appointed, as- Debiturus, a, um, part, about to Deceo, ere, ui, n. to become, or
signed, dated [ing Debitus, a, um, part, due, owing, Deceptio, onis, /. a deception, or
Datus, us, m. a giving, or grant- deserved, designed deceit [beguiier
Daucus, i, m.akind of wild carrot, Deblateratus, a, um, part, fool- Deceptor, oris, m. a deceiver, a
a linkboy ishly blabbed [prate Decepturus, a, um, part, about to
De, prep, with abl. of, concerning, Deblatero, are, a. to babble, to deceive
touching, or about, from, out Debucclnator, oris, m. a trum- Deceptus, a, um, part, deceived,
of, by, according to, after, on, peter of his own praise beguiled, deluded, caught
or upon, for, upon the account Debuccino, are, o. to trumpet Decermina, um, pi. n. leaves, or
of, proceeding from, in, with forth boughs plucked off [decreed
regard to, by reason of, at Decacumlnatio, Onis, /. the lop- Decernendus, a, um, part, to be
Dea, a?,/, a goddess [&c. ping off the tops of trees Decernens, tis, part, decreeing
Dcacinatus, a, um, part, stoned, Decacumlnatus, a, um, part, lop- Decerno, ere, crevi, cretum, a. to
Deaclno, are, a. to stone grapes, ped decree, to determine, to order,
&c. [whitened Decacumfno, are, a. to lop or appoint, to decide, to give
Dealbandus, a, um, part, to be Decalogus, i, m. the ten com- sentence, to pronounce, to
Dealbatio, onis, /. a whitening mandments judge, conclude, or infer, to
over Decantatus, a, um, part, sung, or discern, or distinguish
Pealbator, oris, m. a whitewasher solemnly pronounced, much Decerpens, tis, part, gathering
Dealbatus, a, um, part, whitened spoken of Decerpo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to pull,
Dealbo, are, a. to whiten, to Decanto, are, a. to sing, or chant, or pluck off, to pull away, to
whitewash, to beautify to make an end of singing, to crop, or gather, to get, or gain,
Deamatus, a, um, part, to be celebrate, to extol to diminish, lessen
greatly loved, or valued, dearly Decanus, i, n. the leader of the Decerptus, a, um, part, gathered,
loved file, a dean, the head of a col- plucked up, taken from
Deambiilatio, onis, /. a walking lege Decertandus, a, um, part, to be
abroad, a walk Decaplto, are, a. to behead contended for
DeambulatOrium, i,an alley,
n. Decaptdandus, um, part, to be
a, Decertans, tis, part, contending
gallery, or place to walk in laded out [out Decertatio, Onis, /. a striving for
Deambulo, are, n. to take a walk, Decaptilo, are, to lade, or pour
a. mastery, the management of a
to walk Decas, adis, /. a decade, ten in debate
Deamo, are, a. to love dearly number [pillars DecertatOrius, um, adj. that
Dearmatus, a, um, part, disarmed DScastyius, a, um, adj. having ten strives for mastery
Dearmo, are, a. to disarm Decaulesco, ere, incep. to grow to Decertaturus, a, um, part, about
Deartuatus, a, um, part, dismem- a stalk, to shed leaves to contend, or engage
bered, disjointed Decedens, tis, part, departing, Decertatus, a, um, part, contend-
Deartuo, are, a. to joint, quarter, going off, or away, giving place, ed about, strove, or fought for,
dismember, or cut to pieces, dying, altering performed, or obtained by con-
quite and clean to ruin Decedo, essum, n. to de-
ere, essi, tention
Deasciatus, a, um, part, chipped, part, to go off, or away, to re- Decerto, are, n. to contend, or
hewed, squared tire, retreat, or withdraw, to engage, to strive, or dispute, to
Deascio, are, a. to chip, to hew, give place, or way, to yield, to try it out by words
to cut in pieces cease, to die, to weaken, or Decessio, onis, /. a departure, a
Deaurator, oris, m. a gilder decay lessening, or abatement, an in-
Deauratus, a, um, part, gilded, Decedor, i, dep. to depart, to have termission
gilt the way given, &c. Decessor, oris, m. a predecessor
Deauro, are, a. to gild, to lay over Dgcem, adj. indecl. pi. ten Decessus, us, m. a departure, a
with gold December, bris, m. December ceasing, a decease, death
Debacchatlm, adv. ravingly Decembris, e, adj. of December Decidiurn, i, n. a downfall, a decay
Debacchatio, onis, /. a raging Dgcemjugis, e, adj. having ten Decldo, ere, Idi, n. supine wanting,
Oebacchatus, a, um, part, having yoked, or coupled together to fall, to fall down, or into, to
raged, stormed Decempeda, x., f. a rod ten feet drop, to fail, to be brought low,
Pebacchor, ari, atus sum, dep. to long to die
roar, to storm, to rave Deceinpe'dator, oris, m. a surveyor Decldo, ere, Idi, isum, a. to cut
Debellandus, a, um, part, to be DScemplex, icis, adj. tenfold off, or out, to determine, to con-
subdued by war, to be con- Decemprlmi, Orum, pi. m. the ten clude, to settle, to compound,
quered chief headboroughs, general <ir capitulate, to express
Debellatio, 6nis, /. a vanquishing receivers of tribute Deciduus, a, um, adj. subject to
Debellator, oris, m. a vanquisher Decemscalmus, a, um, adj. having falling, falling, fading [cut
Debellatrix, I"is, /. she that van- ten benches Deciduus, a, um, adj. hewn down,
quishes Decemviralis, e, adj. pertaining to Decies, adv. ten times, often,
Debellaturus, a, um, pnrt. about the ten governors never so often, indefinitely
to conquer in war, about to Dgcemviratus, us, m. the office of Decima, se,/. a tenth, or tithe
subdue the ten governors Dficlruw, arum,p<./. tenths, tithai
dl:c dj:c DED
Dgclmani, firum, m. tithe-
pi. ior, comp. much sodden, or Decuriatus, a, um, part, divided
gatherers, soldiers of the tenth boiled, melted away, luscious, into wards, bands
legion well digested, pure [liquor Dgcuriatus, us, m. the dividing
Dgcimanus, a, um, adj. the tenth, Decoctus, us, m. a boiling of into companies of ten men
fair, of a large size Decollatio, onis,/. a beheading each
Dgclmatio, onis, /. decimation, a Decollo, are, a. to put, or loose a Dgcurio, onis, m. a captain over
tithing [tithe thing off from one's neck, to ten men, the leader of a file, a
Dgcimo, are, a. ta decimate, to behead, to fail serjeant, a corporal, a civil
Declmum, adv. the tenth time Decolor, oris, adj. discoloured, officer like our high constable,
Dgcimus, a, um, adj. the tenth that hath lost the colour, tawny, a tithing-man in a county
Decipiendus, a, um, part, to be depraved, corrupt, shameful Decurio, are, a. to put into small
deceived Dec&loratio, onis, /. a discolour- companies, to range, or rank
Declpio, 6re, epi, eptum, a. to de- ing [coloured Decurionatus, (is, m. a Serjeant's
ceive, to beguile, to cheat, to Decoloratus, a, um, part, dis- place
impose on, to take Decoloro, are, a. to discolour, to Decurrens, tis, part, running
Decipula, ae, /. a snare, a trap tarnish, to stain [boiled Decurro, 6re, ri and cucurri,
Decircino, are, a. to draw a circle Decoquendus, a, um, part, to be rsum, n. to run down, along,
Deciremis, is,/, a galley with ten DecOquens, tis, part, boiling or hastily, to run, or pass over,
ranks of oars, or ten oars in a away to sail along, to set down
seat DecSquo, gre, xi, ctum, a. to boil, Decursio, onis, /. a running, or
Decisio, onis, /. a decision, or or seethe, to boil away, to be course, a sailing along, a de-
determination, a cutting off separated in melting, to con- scent, or inroad, a tilt
Decisus, a, um, part, cut off, de- sume Decursurus, a, um, .parr, about
cided, determined, ended, ex- Decor, oris, m. comeliness, grace, to run
pressed gracefulness, beauty, loveliness Decursus, a, um, part, passed, or
Declamans, tis, part, declaiming Decorameu, mis, n. an ornament run over, run out, finished
Declamatio, onis, /. a declama- Dec6randus, a, um, part, to be Decursus, us, m. a running down,
tion, a declaiming, an oration adorned, set forth, or recom- a descent, a course, a stream,
upon a theme, the subject of a mended a going, or passing through
declamation Dec5rans, tis, part, adorning Decurtatus, a, um, part, shor-
Declamatiuncula, ae, /. a little ex- Dec5ratus, a, um, part, adorned, tened
ercise in speaking, a declama- embellished [fitly Decurto, are, a. to shorten
tion Decore, adv. comely, gracefully, Decus, oris, n. an honour, grace .

Declamator, oris, m. a declaimer Dec5ro, are, a. to adorn, to grace, an ornament

Declamatorius, a, um, adj. de- to embellish, to set forth, tore- Decussatim, adv. crosswise
clamatory commend Dgcussatio, onis, /. a cutting
Declamatiirus, a, um, part, about Decorticatio, 5nis, /. a peeling, across
to declaim [ing or barking of a tree Decussis, is, m. a coin, or piece
Declaimtans, tis, part, declaim- Decorticatus, a, um, part, peeled, of money, of the value of the
Declamito, are, freq. to declaim barked Roman denarius
often Decortico, are, a. to bark a tree Decusso, are, a. to cut, or divide,
Declamo, axe, n. to declaim, to Decorum, i, n. decorum, comeli- after the form of the letter X,
cry out aloud, to cry out ness, seemliness, suitableness, to cut crosswise
against, to inveigh, to rail good grace, good fashion, or Decussus, a, um, part, shaken,
Declarandus, a, um, part, to be carriage beaten down, demolished
shown, or set forth Decorus, a, um, adj. comely, be- Decussus, us, m. a beating down
Declarans, tis, part, declaring, coming, decent, graceful, hand- Deciitiens, tis, part, shaking
showing some, fashionable down
Declaratio, onis,/. a declaration Decrementum, i, n. a decrease Decutio, gre, ssi, sum, a. to
Declarator, oris, m. he that Decrgpitus, a, um, adj. decrepit, shake, or strike off, to shake,
declares • crazy [lessening or beat down
Deelaraturus, a, um, part, about Decrescens, tis, part, decreasing, Dedeceo, ere, n. to misbecome
to declare Decrescentia, ae,/. a decreasing Dedecor, 6ris, adj. unseemly, dis-
Declaratus, a, um, part, declared, Decresco, gre, crevi, etum, n. to graceful
reported, remonstrated, dis- decrease, to lessen, to wane, to Dedgcorans, tis, par*, disgracing
covered wear away Dedecoratus, a, um, part, dis-
Declaro, are, a. to declare, to Decretorius, a,um, adj. decretory, graced
show, to show evidently, to judicial, critical, decisive DedgcOro, are, a. to dishonour,
make clear, to signify, to pro- Decretum, i, n. a decree, a statute, to disgrace
claim an act, a principle DedgcSrosg, adv. shamefully
Declinandus, a, um, part, to de- Decreturus, a, um, part, about Dedgcorosus, a, um, adj. shame-
cline, or be declined to decree, determine ful
Declmans, tis, part, declining, de- Decretus, a, um, part, decreed, Dedecorus, a, um, adj. the same
creasing, drawing toward an ordained, voted, assigned Dedgeus, Oris, n. disgrace, dis-
end Deculco, are, a. to trample upon credit, dishonour, infamy,
Declinatio, onis,/. a declination, Dgctima, ae,/. the tenth part shame, a shameful thing
a declension, a turn, or bend, Dficumae, arum, pi. f. tenths, Dedendus, a, um, part, to be sur-
a turning aside, or away, an tithes, an impost [men rendered up
avoiding, or eschewing, an Dgciimani, orum, pi. m. tithing- Dedens, tis, part, surrendering
aversion Deeumanus, a, um, adj. of the Dedicandus, a, um, part, to be
Decllnaturus, a, um, part, ready tenth, great, fair, of large size dedicated [devoting
to step aside, shun, &c. Decumbens, tis, part, lying down Dedicans, tis, part, dedicating,
Decllnatus, a, um, part, turned, Decumbo, ere, ubui, iitum, n. to Dedicatio, onis, /. a dedication
or turning aside, declining lie down, to sit at table, to Dedicaturus, a, um, part, about
Declino, are, a. and n. to decline, keep his bed when sick to dedicate
to turn aside, or away, to bend, Decunx, cis, m. ten ounces Dedicatus, a, um, part, dedicated,
or turn, to shun, avoid D6cupl6, adv. tenfold consecrated, devoted
Decllvis, e, adj. bending down- Decuplus, a, um, adj. ten times Dedico, are, a. to dedicate, to
ward, descending, steep so much consecrate, to devote
Deck vitas, atis,/. a declivity Dgcuria, x, f. a set of ten men Dedignandus, a, um, part, to ba
Decocta, a?, /. water boiled and appointed to any office, &c. a disdained
then cooled with snow set, or roll of judges, a company Dedignans, part, disdaining
Dccoctor, oris, m. a spendthrift of soldiers Dedignatio, onis,/. a disdaining,,
Decoctum, i, n. a decoction, broth Dgcuriatio, dnis, /. a dividing contempt [disdained
Uecoetus, a, um, part, cud adj. into wards, or companies Dcdignatus, a, um, part, having
Dcdignor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Defecttvus, a, um, adj. defective Defiagratio, onis,/. a burning, a
disdain, to count unworthy Defector, oris, m. a revolter conflagration [sumed
DSdiscendus, a, um, part, to be Defecturus, a, um, part, about Deflagratus, a, um, part, con-
unlearned, to be practised no to revolt, or desert Deflagro, are, n. to be burnt
more Defectus, a, um, part, ior, comp down, or consumed, to be set
Dedisco, e>e, dedidici, sup. want- issimus, superl. wasted, spent, on fire, to grow cool
ing, a. to unlearn, to forget worn out, decayed, having lost, Deflamno, are, a. to deprive of
what one hath learned destitute, forlorn, in a swoon flame, to extinguish
Deditio, onis,/. a yielding up, a Defectus, us, m. a defect, a want, Deflectens, tis, part, bending
surrender a failing, an eclipse Deflecto, ere, xi, xum, a. to bend,
Dedititius, a, um, adj. surrendered Defendendus, a, um, part, to be or bow down, to turn aside, to
DedTturus, a, um, part, about to defended swerve, to digress, to wrest, to
surrender Defendens, tis, part, defending be changed [wailed
Dedltus, a, um, part ior, comp. Defendo, 6re, di, sum, a. to de- Deflendus, a, um, part, to be be-
given up, surrendered, addicted, fend, to guard, to preserve, or Deflens, tis, part, bewailing, la-
devoted, subservient keep, to keep, or ward off, to menting
Dedo, Sre, dedldi, Itum, a. to keep out, or away, to act, or Defleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to be-
submit, or yield, to give up, or support wail, to lament, to deplore, to
surrender, to give over Defensans, tis, part, defending weep for [lamented
Ded6ceo, ere, ui, ctum, a. to Defensio, onis,/. a defence, a de- Defletus, a, um, part, bewailed,
unteach [hewed fending Deflexus, a, um, part, bent, or
Ded61andus, a, um, part, to be Defensito, are, freq. to defend laid as a vine
DedOlatio, onis,/. a hewing very often Deflexus, us, m. a bending, a
Dedftlatus, a, um, part, hewed Defenso, are, a. to defend often crooking
DedSleo, ere, ui, n. to grieve Defensor, oris, m. a defender, a Deflo, are, a. to blow away, to
thoroughly keeper, a preserver, a saver, a blow off, to blow upon
Dedolo, are, a. to cut, or hew, to guardian, a champion Defloccatus, a, um, part, worn out
chip, or square, to fashion, to Defensiirus, a, um, part, that Deflocco, are, a. to fetch the nap
smooth, to plane [brought will defend [kept off
Deducendus, a, um, part, to be Defensus, a, um, part, defended, Defloratus, a, um, part, having
Deducens, tis, part, bringing, de- Deferbeo, ere, ui, n. to grow cool shed its blossoms, or lost its,
riving Deferendus, a, um, part, to be fruit,deflowered, forestalled
Deduco, ere, xi, ctum, a. tobring, carried [carrying Deflorescens, tis, part, casting
or fetch down, to take from, or Deferens, tis, part, bringing, the blossoms
away, to substract, or abate, to DefSro, fers, tuli, latum, a. to Defloresco, ere, orui, incep. to
derive, to make small, or slen- bring, or carry off, to bring, or shed its blossoms, to shed, or
der, to draw or spin out, to carry word, to bring, carry, or cast its flowers, to decay
spread, or unfurl, to prolong, to convey, to tell, or inform, to Defloro, are, a. to deflower, to
remove, or withdraw, to con- offer;, or present, to confer, or spoil
vey, or conduct, to wait upon, bestow Defluens, tis, part, running down
or attend, to engage Deiervefacio, e"re, eci, actum, a. Defluo, fire, xi, xum, n. to flow,
Deductio, onis,/. a deduction, or to make to boil [well or run down, to flow, or run
abatement, a bringing, or lead- Defervefactus, a, um, part, boiled out, to go, or swim down, to
ing forth [often Defervesco, 6re, fervi and ferbui, fall down, or off, to slip out, or
Deducto, are, freq. to conduct incep. to grow cool, to abate, or off
Deductor, oris, m. a companion, be abated Defluvium, i, n. a falling off
an attendant, a follower, a Defervo, fire, i, n. to grow cool Defluus, a, um, adj. flowing down,
client Defessus, a, um, part, weary, falling off, hanging down
Deducturus, a, um, part, about languid, listless Defluxio, onis,/. a defluxion
to lead Defetiscor, i, fessus, dep. to be Def Sdiendus, a, um, part, to be
Deductus, a, um, part, ior, comp. weary buried
deducted, taken from, or away, Defrciens, tis, part, failing, Def 6dio, gre, fodi, fossum, a. to
abated, derived, brought, or fainting dig, or hide in the earth, to bury
handed down, brought, fetched, Deficio, ere, eci, ectum, a. to Defcenerandus, a, um, part, to be
conducted, conveyed, brought fail, to leave, to forsake, to re- ruined by paying interest
over [straying volt, to faint, or be discouraged, Defceneratus, a, um, part, deeply
Deerrans, tis, part, straggling, to sink under, to be in an indebted [usury
Deerraturus, a, um, part, about eclipse, to be defective, or Defoeneror, ari, dep. to borrow on
to wander wanting [fixed Def 5re, t. e. Def uturum esse, to
Deerro, are, n. to wander out of Defigendus, a, um,
part, to be be wanting hereafter
lack, to
the way, to straggle, or go Def lgens, tis, part, fixing Deformatio, onis,/. a deforming,
astray, to digress Deflgo, fire, xi, xum, a. to fix, to or disgracing
Defaecatio, onis,/. a fining fasten, to put down, to thrust Deformatus, a, um, part, deform-
Defaecatus, a, um, part, fined, into, to plant, to set, or place, ed, disfigured, disgraced, fa-
clear from dregs, quiet, easy to pitch, to astonish shioned, formed
Defeeco, are, a. to clear from Defnriendus, a, um, part, to be Deformis, adj. ior, comp. iss?,
dregs, to fine, to strain, to de- determined, or limited mus, superl. deformed, ugly,
cant Def Inio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to de- misshapen, ill-favoured, un-
Defalcatio, onis,/. a pruning fine, to determine, to settle, to sightly, rough, uncultivated
Defalcatus, a, um, part, pruned, end, or conclude, to bound, or Deformitas, atis, /. deformity,
cut [away limit, to choose ugliness, indecency, dishonour
Defalco, are, a. to prune, to cut Definite, adv. precisely, expressly Deformlter, adv. disgracefully,
Defamatus, a, um, part, defamed Def initio, onis, /. a definition, a badly
Defamo, are, o. to defame, to limiting, or bounding Deformo, to deform, to
are, a.
slander Def lnitivus, a, um, adj. definitive disfigure, to disgrace, to dis-
Def atlgatio, onis,/. weariness Definitus, a, um, part, defined, honour, to describe
Def atigatus, a, um, part, wearied, determined, limited, fixed Defossus, a, um, part, dug, dug
tired, spent, worn out of heart Def io, 6ri, n. pass, to lack, or to out, hidden, buried, cut deep
Def atigo, are, a. to weary, to tire be wanting [eye into
Defatiscens, tis, part, languish- DeflOculus, i, m. he that lacks an Defossus, us, m. a digging down
ing, weak Defixurus, a, um, part, about to Defractus, a, um, part, brokea
Defectio, onis,/. a defection, or fix, fasten, set, &c down
revolt, a defect, or want, a Defixus, a, um, part, fixed, fasten- Defrsenatus, a, um, part, utv
failing, or deviating, a feeble- ed, set, intent, at a stand bridled, unruly
ness Deflagrans, tis, part, consuming Defraudans, tis, part, beguiling
57 D3
)»etraudiitor, Oris, m. a deceiver Pegressus, a, um, part, going Delactatrix, icis,/. she that wean*
Pefraudatus, a, urn, part, de- down, descending, alighting Pelactatus, a, um, part, weaned
frauded from horseback Pelacto, are, a. to wean
Defraudo, are, a. to defraud, to Pegustandus, a, um, part, to be Pelaevo, are, a. to plane, or
cheat, to beguile, to cozen, to lightly touched, tasted smooth [o\ et
deceive Pegustatio, onis,/. a tasting Delambo, ere, a. to lick gently all
Pefremo, ere, ui, n. to be appeased Pegustatus, a, um, part, tasted Pelamentor, ari, atus sum, dep.
Pefricarjdus, a, um, part, to be Pegusto, are, a. to taste, to taste to lament, to bewail
rubbed of, to touch slightly on, to try, Pelapido, are, o. to pick out
Pefricatus, a, um, and Pefrictus, prove, or essay stones, to pave with stones
a, um, part, rubbed hard Pehaurio, Ire, si, stum, a. to draw Pelapsus, a, um, part, slidden,
PeMco, are, ui and avi, ictum from out, or off slipt, fallen, descended
and atum, a. to vub hard Pehlnc, adv. from henceforth, Pelassabilis, e, adj weariable
Pefrigesco, ere, xi, incep. to grow henceforward, after this time Pelassatus, a, um, part, tired,
cold Peliiscens, tis, part, gaping, open- wearied [weavy
Defringo, gre, fregi, fractum, a. ing, cleaving asunder Pelasso, are, a. to tire out, to
to break down, or off Pghisco, ere, n. to gape, to open Pelatio, onis, /. an information,
Pefrudo, are, a. to defraud wide, to open, to cleave, to ch?.p, or accusation, an impeachment
Pefrtitarius, a, um, adj. belong- to spread Pelator, oris, m. an informer, a
ing to sod wine Pghonestamentum, i, n. a dis- secret accuser, a telltale
Pefriito, are, a. to boil new wine grace, or disparagement, a Pelatorius, a, um, adj. accusatory
Petrutum, i, n. a mixture made of blemish, or disfigurement Pelatura, ae,/. an accusation
new wine, wine boiled down Pehonestatio, onis, /. disgrace, Pelaturus, a, um, part, about to
Pefugiendus, a, um, part, to be dishonour [figured tell of, or accuse
avoided PehOnestatus, a, um, part, dis- Pelatus, a, um, part, carried,
Pefugio, £re, i, ltum, a. to shun, PehSnesto, are, a. to disgrace, brought, arrived, told, accused,
or avoid, to refuse to accept of disparage, discredit, or discoun- complained of, offered
Defulg-uro, are, a. to brandish tenance [some Pelavo, are, a. to wash away
Defunctorie, adv. slightly, care- PehSnestus, a, um, adj. unhand- Pelebilis, e, adj. that may be
lessly Pghortans, tis, part, dissuading blotted out
Pefunctorius, a, um, adj. slight Pehortor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Pelectabilis, e, adj. ior, comp.
Defuncturus, a, um, part, about dehort, or dissuade, to check delectable, pleasant, delightful
to finish Pejectio, onis, /. dejection, a P elect ab Tilt er, adv. delightfully
Pefunctus, a, um, part, that hath throwing down, a stool, a going Pelectamentum, i, n. a delight, a
discharged, or performed, end- to stool [often sport
ed, finished, dead, rid of Pejecto, are, freq. to cast down Pelectandus, a, um, part, to be
Defunctus, i, m. a dead corpse Pejector, oris, m. he that casts delighted, or pleased
Defundendus, a, um, part, to be down Pelectatio, onis, /. delectation,
poured out Pejectus, a, nm, part, dejected, pleasure, delight
Defundo, ere, fudi, fusum, a. to cast, or thrown down, fallen Pelectatus, a, um, part, delight-
pour out down, shed, slain, killed, re- ed, pleased
Pefungendus, a, um, part, to be moved, dispossessed, debased, Pelecto, are, a. to delight, to
done, or discharged setting please, to allure, or draw
Pefungor, i, ctus sum, dtp. to Pejectus, us, m. a throwing, or Pelectus, a, um, part, chosen,
discharge, or perform, to go casting down, a felling, or cut- select
through with, to finish, or make ting down, a removal, a de- Pelectus, us, m. an election, a
an end of, to escape clivity choice, a picking out a detach-
Pefusus, a, um, part, poured Pejero, are, a. and n. to swear ment, or levy, a difference
down, poured forth downright, to take a solemn Pelegandus, a, um, part, to be
Pefutiirus,a, um, part, about ta oath [down delegated [charging
be wanting PejTciens, tis, part, throwing Pelegans, tis, part, delegating,
Pegendus, a, um, part, to be Pejicio, ere, eci, ectum, a. to Pelegatio, onis, /. a sending
spent, led, or lived throw, or cast down, or out of away, a giving in charge, or
Degener, gris, adj. degenerating, the way, to dispossess, to re- putting in commission, a de-
unlike, unworthy, ignoble, base, move, to go to stool putation
cowardly [ing Pein, adv. afterwards, hereafter, Pelegatus, a, um, part, sent
Peggnerans, tis, part, degenerat- moreover, furthermore away, banished, appointed, as-
Degfnero, are, n. to degenerate, Peinceps, adv. successively, in signed [commissioner
to grow worse, to emasculate order, one after another, be- Pelegatus, i, m. a delegate, a
Pegens, tis, part, living sides, moreover, furthermore, Pelego, are, a. to delegate, to
Pegero, fire, essi, estum, a. to henceforth send on an embassy, or away,
carry away, to ease of Peinde, adv. from thence, from to depute, to commit, or en-
Peglabro, are, a. to make bald, to that place, and then, next after trust, to assign, or allot, to re-
pluck off hairs that, the next place, afterward fer, to attribute, or impute
Peglubo, fire, bi, bitum and de- Pcinsupgr, adv. from above Pelendus, a, um, part, to be
gluptum, a. to peel, to pull off Peintggrd, adv. anew, afresh, blotted out [gentle
the skin, or rind again Peleniflcus, a, um, adj. smooth,
Pegluptus, a, um, part, flayed, Pejugis, e, adj. unyoked Pelenimen, Tnis, n. a lenitive
circumcised, &c. Pejunctus, a, um, part, disjoined Pelenio, or Pellnio, ire, Ivi, itum,
Peglutino, are, a. to unglue Pejungo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to dis- a. to mitigate, to ease, to smoot h
Pegiuttio, and Deglutio, Ire, a. to join, to sever, to part, or put one up, to cajole
swallow down asunder Peleniturus, a, um, part, about
Pego, ere, gi, a. to lead, to pass, Pejurium, i, n. a solemn oath to mitigate
to spend, to live, to dwell Pejuro, are, a. to swear solemnly Pelenltus, a, um, part, charmed,
Pegrassatus, a, um, part, robbing, Pejuvo, are, a. not to help, to delighted, enticed
or killing upon the highway leave to himself Pelens, tis, part, blotting out,
Pegrassor, ari, dep. to rob, or kill, Pelabens, tis, part, gliding destroying
to attack Pelabor, i, psus, dep. to slip, Peleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to blot
Pegravatus, a, um, part, weighed slide, or fall down, to fall to out, to deface, to abolish, to
down [down decay rase, to destroy, to extin-
Pegravans, tis, part, weighing Pelacgro, are, a. to tear, or rend guish
Pegr&vo, are, a. to weigh down, Pelacrfmatio, onis,/. a weeping Peleterius, a, um, adj. deadly
to sink down Pelacrjmo, are, n. to weep, to Peletio, onis,/. a rasing out
Pegrfidior, i, essus, dep. to fro bleed Peletitius, a, um, adj. that may
down, to descend, to alight Pelactatio, dDis,/. a weaning be blotted out
Deletor, Oris, m. a destroyer draw the outlines, to sketch, to Deluo, fire, ui, utum, a. to wasb
Deletrix, Icis,/. a female destroyer make a rude draught clean, to wash off, to blot out
Deletus, a, um, part, blotted out, Delingo, ere, xi, a. to lick off Delusio, finis,/, a delusion
defaced, destroyed, cut off Dellmmentum, i, n. a mitigating, Delustro, are, a. to smear over
Dellbamentum, i, n. a sacrifice or assuaging, a love potion, or person with any thing as a pre
Dellbans, part, tasting lightly
tis, powder, a charm servative against evil, or acci-
of [taste Dellnio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to touch, dent [disappointed
Delibatio, finis, /. an essay, or or rub softly, to assuage, to ap- Delusus, a, um, part, deluded,
Dellbatus, a, um, part, gently pease, to allure Delutamentum, i, n. a daubing
touched, picked, chosen, taken Dellnltio, onis, /. a mitigating Deluto, are, o. to lute, to daub
out [ing Delinitor, oris, m. an appeaser, a Demadeo, ere, ui, n. to be wet
Deliberabundus, a, um, deliberat- soother, a cajoler Demadidus, a, um, adj. wet
Dellberandus, a, um, part, to Delinltus, a, um, part, touched through
be deliberated gently, appeased, allured, won Demagogus, i, m. a demagogue
Dellberans, tis, part, deliberating, over, bewitched Demandatus, a, um, part, intrust
asking advice Delino, ere, ini, evi, and ivi, itum, ed [intrust
Deliberate, adv. deliberately a. to besmear, or anoint, to Demando, are, a. to commit, to
DC-lIberatio, finis,/, a deliberation, blot, to deface Demano, are, n. to stream, or flow
a debate, or consideration Delinquo, ere, Iqui, ictum, n. to Demarchus, i, m. a ruler, or pro-

DeTiberatlvus, a, um, adj. de- omit, to fail in duty, to offend, tector of the people
liberative to do wrong, to act amiss Demendus, a, um, part, to take,
De-liberator, Oris, adviser Deliquamen, inis, n. dripping, or be taken away
Dellbgraturus, a, um, part, about gravy Demens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
to deliberate, or consider Deliquatio, finis,/, a melting mus, superl. mad, outrageous,
Dellbgratus, a, Mm, part, and adj. Deliquatus, a, um, part, molten, ranting, roaring, foolish, simple,
ior, comp. deliberated, debated, melted silly
considered, resolved on, deter- Deliqueo, ere, cui, n. to melt Demensum, i, n. an allowance to
mined Deliquesco, ere, cui, n. to melt servants of meat, drink, or corn
Dellbero, are, a. to deliberate, to down, to be dissolved, to wax Demensus, a, um, part, measured
debate, to consider, to consult, soft, or moist out, parcelled, detailed, pro-
to revolve, to resolve Deliquiae, arum, pl.f. gutters portioned
Delibo, are, a. to taste, touch Dellquium, i, n. lack, defect, want, Dementatio, finis, /. a making, or
lightly, or take a smack of, to loss being mad [simply
have the first essay of Dellquo, are, a. to drain, to de- Dementer, adv. madly, foolishly,
Delibrandus, a, um, part, to be cant, to strain, clear Dementia, ae, /. madness, stu-
pulled off [bark Deliquus, a, um, adj. wanting pidity, folly
Delibratio, finis, /. a pulling off Dellrabundus, a, um, adj. doltish Dementio, Ire, ivi, n. to be mad,
Delibratus, a, um, part, having Dellramentum, i, n. a doting, a or stupid, to dote
the bark taken off, peeled foolish, idle story Demento, are, v. to grow mad
Delibro, are, a. to pull off the Dellrans, part, doting
tis, Demgrendus, a, um, part, to be
bark, to peel, to weigh out Dellratio, finis, /. dotage, folly, obliged
Delibuo, ere, a. to anoint, to stain madness, the making of a baulk Demereo, ere, ui, a. to earn, to
Delibutus, a, um, part, anointed, Delirium, i, n. a delirium, dotage acquire, to deserve, to oblige,
daubed over, besmeared, stain- Deliro, are, n. to dote, to talk, or or endear
ed act idly, to act amiss, to rave, Demereor, eri, ltus, dep. to de-
Delicate, adv. ius, comp. deli- to make a baulk in ploughing serve well at one's hands
cately, deliciously Dellrus, a, um, adj. doting, silly, Demergens, tis, part, drowning
Delicatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. foolish Demergo, ere, si, sum, a. to dive,
issimus, superl. delicate, fine, Delitens, tis, part, lurking to plunge over head and ears,
dainty, nice, wanton, effeminate Deliteo, ere, ui, ». to be hid, to to sink, to drown, to swallow
Dellcia, ae,/. a darling lie hid down, to bring down
Dellcise, arum, a delight,
pi. f. Delitescens, tis, part, lurking Demeritus, a, um, part, deserved
what delights, delights, plea- Delitesco, ere, n. to lie hid, to Demersio, finis, /. a drowning, a
sures, pastimes, toys, jokes, sculk, to lurk, to shelter, to sinking
jests, dalliance, wantonness, conceal Demersus, a, um, part, drowned,
niceness Delltigo, are, n. to brawl, to chide overwhelmed, sunk down
Delicifilse, arum, pi. /. my little Delitus, a, um, part, besmeared, Demersus, us, m. a drowning
delight anointed, blotted, defaced Demessus, a, um, part, reaped,
Deliciolum, i, n. a little darling Delphin, Inis, and Delphlnus, i, plucked, cropped
Delicium, i, «., same as Delicise m. a dolphin, a constellation, a Demetatus, a, um, part, distin-
Delictum, i, n. a fault, an offence, vessel guished, set out in bounds
a crime, a sin, guilt, a failure in Delubrum, i, n. a temple, a shrine, Demgtendus, a,_um, part, to be
duty a church, or chapel, an altar, a reaped, or cut down
Delicus, a, um, adj. weaned place before the chapel where Demetior, Iri, mensus sum, dep.
Deligandus, a, um, part, to be they washed before they per- measure exactly
tied formed sacrifice Demetltus, a, um, part, measured,
Peligatio, finis,/, a binding up Delucto, are, n. to struggle, to set down
Deligatus, a, um, part, tied up wrestle [wrestle Demgto, ere, essui, essum, a. to
Deligendus, a, um, part, to be Deluctor, ari, atus sum, dep. to reap, or mow, to crop, or gather,
chosen DeTudifico, are, o. to mock . to chop
Deligens, tis, part, choosing Deludlficor, ari, atus sum, dep. Demetor, axi, atus sum, dep. to
Deligo, are. a. to tie, or bind and pass, to mock, to impose set out bounds, or limits
Dellgo, fire, egi, ectum, a. to upon, to be mocked Demigrans, tis, part, departing
choose, pick out, or cull, to Deludium, i, n. a giving over play Demigraturus, a, um, part, about
separate, to gather Deludo, fire, si, sum, a. to delude, to remove
Delimatio, finis,/, a filing to deceive, to beguile, to cheat, Demigratio, finis, /. a removal, a
Delimatus, a, um, part, filed, to mock, to disappoint change, an expedition
polished, &c. Delumbatus, a, um, part, hipped, Demigro, are, n. to remove, to
Pellmo, are, a. to file, or polish hip shot, wanting sinews, weak, ? change one's abode, to depart
Delineatio, onis, /. a delineation feeble Deminuo, Sre, ui, utum, a. to
Delineator, Oris, m. he who de- Delumbis, e, adj. weak, feeble, diminish, to lessen
lineates broken-backed, soft, wanton Deminiiturus, a, um, part, about
Delinendus, a, um, part, to be Delumbo, are, a. to break the to lessen
rubbed, or daubed over back, to hipshot, to weaken, to Piffninutus, a, unt, part, diminish-
Uelineo, are, a. to delineate, to mutilate ed, lessened
Demlror, ari, atus sum, dep. to Demulcatus, a, um, part, beaten, Densitas, atis,/. thickness
admire, to wonder at greatly, to or cudgelled soundly Denso, are, a. to thicken, or m> ke
wonder Demuiceo, ere, si, sum, and thick, to set, or hold close to-
Demisse, adv. ius, comp. issime, ctum, a. to stroke softly gether
superl. low, meanly, pitifully, Demulctus, a, um. part, stroked Densus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl-
abjectly, humbly gently, appeased mus, superl. thick, close, full of
Demissio, onis, /. a letting fall, Demum, adv. at length, at last, Dentale, is, n. the wood wherein
dejection too late, never till now, or then, the share, or coulter of a plough
Demissitius, a, um, adj. hanging only, certainly [over is put, a coulter, or share, a
down, long, low Demurmuro, are, a. to mutter plough tail
Demissus, a, um, part, and adj. Demussatus, a, um, part, mut- Dentatus, a, um, adj. toothed,
ior, comp. sent from, or away, tered having teeth, single, or grg
dismissed, let, or hanging down, Demutabllis, e, adj. changeable toothed, born with teeth,
put, or cast down Demutandus, a, um, part, to be smoothed, or polished with a
Demitigo, are, a. to appease, to changed tooth [teeth
calm Demutatio, onis,/. a changing Dentex, Icis, m. a fish with sharp
Demittendus, a, um, part, to be Demutilo, are, a. and Demutulo, Denticulatus, a, um, adj. that
let down to break, or lop off, to abridge hath teeth like those of a saw,
Demitto, 6re, Isi, issum, a. to Demuto, are, a. to change, or jagged
send, let, or hang down, to alter, to revoke, or unsay n. to ; Dentlculus, i, m. a little tooth, a
hew, or cut down, to dismiss, change, or swerve cog of a wheel
or let go, to cast, or thrust, to Denarium, i, n. a penny Dentiens, tis, part, breeding teeth
throw [man Denarius, a, um, adj. containing Dentifrangibulum, i, n. an instru-
Demiurgus, i, m. a public states- the number of ten ment to break teeth with
Demo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to take Denarius, i, m. a Roman denier, Dentifrlcium, i, n. a dentifrice, a
away, or off, to tear off, to of the value of eight pence three powder to rub the teeth with
banish, to abate, or lessen, to farthings DentUoquus, a, um, adj. that
pare [republic Denarratio, onis,/. a relating lisps, or speaks through the
Democratia, ae, f. a democracy, a Denarro, are, a. to tell, to relate teeth [teeth
Democraticus, a, um, adj. demo- Denascor, i, natus, dep. to die, to Dentio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to breed
cratical cease to be Dentiscalpium, i, n. a toothpick
Democraticus, i, m. a republican Denaso, are, a. to cut, bite, or pull Dentltio, onis,/. dentition, a grow-
Demoliens, tis, part, demolishing off one's nose ing, or breeding of teeth
Demolior, Iri, itus, dep. to de- Denato, are, n. to swim down Denubo, £re, psi, ptum, n. to be
molish, to destroy, to throw, Denegandus, a, am, part, to be married
pull, or take down, to abolish denied Denudandus, a, um, part, to be
Demolitio, onis, /. a throwing Denegans, tis, part, denying made bare, or naked
down Denegaturus, a, um, part, about Denudatio, onis,/. a laying bare
Demo'.itor, 6ri3, m. a demolisher to deny Denudatus, a, um, part, stript,
Demolitus, a, um, part, demo- Denegatus, a, um, part, denied made bare
lished Denego, are, a. to deny, to refuse, Denudo, are, a. to make bare, or
Demonstrandus, a, um, part to be . not to permit, to disavow naked, to strip, to despoil, to
demonstrated, to be declared Deni, ae, a, adj. pi. ten [smut depose
Demonstrans, tis, part, demen- Denigro, are, a. to blacken, to Denumgro, are, a. to tell out, or
strating Denique, adv. in fine, in short, at count money
Demonstratio, 5nis, /. a demon- last, finally, at length, in process Denuncians, tis, part, denouncing
stration, a clear proof of time Denunciatio, onis,/. a denuncia-
Demonstrative, adv. demonstra- Denodo, are, a. to loose, to un- tion, a declaration, a threat, or
tively bend, or unstring [nation menace, a token, a prognostic,
Demonstratlvus, a, um, adj. de- Denomlnatio, onis, /. a denomi- a summons
monstrative Denommator, oris, m. he that Denunciatum, i, n. a threat
Demonstrator, oris, m. a shower, names [names Denunciatus, a, um, part, de-
declarer Denominatrix, icis, /. she that nounced, declared
Demonstratus, a, um,
part, de- Denominatus, a, um, part, named Denuncio, are, a. to denounce, to
monstrated, evidently shown, Denomino, are, a. to denominate, declare, to signify, to give
declared to name notice, or warning, to foretcl,
Demonstro, are, to demon-a. Denormatus, a, um, part, set out or foreshow, to threaten, or
strate, to prove evidently, to of order menace
show, to declare, to relate Denormo, are, a. to set out of Denu6, adv. again, anew, afresh
Dern5ratus, a, um, part, having rule, or square Denuptus, a, um, part, married
tarried, or stayed, stopped, Den6tandus, a, um, part, to de- Deoccatio, onis,/. a harrowing
stayed, hindered [off note, or be denoted Deocco, are, a. to harrow
Demordeo, ere, di, sum, a. to bite DenOtans, tis, part, marking Deonero, are, a. to disburden, or
Demorior, i, tuus sum, dep. to Den5tatio, onis,/. a noting unload
die, to die for love Den5tatus, a, um, part, observed, Deoperio, Ire, a. to uncover
Demoror, ari, atus sum, dep. to marked, drawn, or chalked out Deopto, are, a. to wish for
detain, to keep back, stop, or Denoto, are, a. to denote, to Deorsum, adv. down, downward,
hinder, to wait, or look for imply, to point out, to set up and down
Demorsus, a, um, part, bitten off down, to mark Deosculatio, onis,/. a kissing
Dernortuus, a, um, part, dead Dens, tis, m. a tooth, a tusk, or Deosculatus, a, um, part, kissed
Demotus, a, um, part, removed, fang, any thing like a tooth, Deosculor, ari, dep. to kiss and
banished, thrust back the tine of a prong, or fork, the hug
Dem6vendus, a, um, part, to be fluke of an anchor Depaciscor, i, pactus, sum, dep.
removed Densans, tis, part, growing thick to make a coiftract, to bargain,
Dem&veo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to Densatio, onis,/. a thickening to agree upon
remove, to send away, to banish, Densator, oris, m. he that makes Depactus, a, um, part, fastened,
to put out thick planted, or set in the earth,
Dempturus, a, um, part, about to Densatus, a, um, part, made prefixed, foreappointed
take away thick, standing, or held ciose Depalatio, onis,/. abounding with
Demptus, a, um, part, taken off, together palings
or away, plucked, or pulled off, Dense, adv. ius, comp. issime, Depango, e"re, xi and pegi, actum,
cropt, gathered superl. thick, close together a. to plant, fasten, set
Demugitus, a, um, part, ringing Denseo, ere, n. to thicken, or Deparco, Sre, a. to spare
with the lowing of beasts, re- grow thick, to clouter; a. to Deparcus, a, um, adj. niggsrdiy,
sounding make thick wean
Depateendus, a, ran, part, to be vessel into another, to decant, Depraedor, ari, atus sum, dtp. tl
fed to rack rob, or spoil, to plunder
Depascens, tis, part, eatirfg up, Deplexus, a, um, part, winding, Depraelians, tis, part, scuffling,
or off, feeding upon or clasping about fighting
Depasco, fire, pavi, pastum, a. Deplorabundus, a, um, adj. like Depraelior, ari, atus sum, dep. ta
and n. to feed, to graze, to one lamenting [bewailed fight, to scuffle
browse, to feed upon, to eat up, Deplorandus, a, um, part, to be Depravate, adv. corruptly, badly
or off, to waste Deplorans, tis, part, bewailing Depravatio, onis,/. a depravation,
Depascor, i, stus, dep. to eat up, Deplorator, oris, m. a lament er a corruption, a crooking, or
to feed upon [cattle Deploratus, a, um, part, bewailed, writhing, a misinterpretation
Pepastio, onis, f. a feeding of lamented, desperate, past all Deprava'tor, oris, m. a corrupter
Depastus, a, urn, part, eaten up, hope Depravatus, a, um, part, depraved,
browsed on, gnawed, barked, Deploro, are, a. to deplore, to corrupted, marred, spoiled
having fed on bewail, to lament Depravo, are, a. to deprave, to
Depaupero, are, a. to impoverish Deplumis, e, adj. void of feathers, corrupt, to, wrest, to rack, or
Depgciscor, i, dep. to bargain, or callow, unfledged distort
covenant Deplumo, are, a. to pluck off DeprScabilis, e, adj. easy to be
Depecto, ere, xui, xum, a. to feathers entreated, ready to forgive
comb, to trim, or dress, to Depluo, ere, ui, utum, n. to rain, Deprecabundus, a, um, part.
curry to fall down praying
Depeculator, Oris, m. a robber of Depfilio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to Depr<5candus, a, um, part, to be
the state, an extortioner polish, to finish, to stain deprecated, or removed by en-
Depeculatus, a, urn, part, that Dep6litio, onis,/. a polishing treaty
hath robbed Dep6lltus, a, um, part, polished, Deprgcaneus, a, um, adj. scaring
Depeculor, ari, atus sum, dep. finished, perfected but harmless
to plunder, spoil, pillage, or rob Deponendus, a, um, part, to be Deprgcans, tis, part, entreating
Depellendus, a, um, part, to be laid aside, or forgotten Deprecatio, onis, /. a prayer, an
driven away Deponens, tis, part, laying down entreaty, a petitioning, a beg-
Depellens, tis, part, driving away Deponens, tis, n. a deponent ging of pardon
Depelliciilo, are, a. to excoriate, Depono, Sre, sui and slvi, situm, DeprScator, oris, m. he that en-
to flay a. to. put off, or down, to lay treats, an intercessor, a solici-
Depello, ere, puli, pulsum, a. to down, or aside, to resign, or tor, an excuser
drive away, or out, to drive give up, to leave off, to take off, Deprgcaturus, a, um, part, about
along, to expel, to banish, to or from, to leave, or intrust, to to deprecate
keep off, to avert put, place, or fix, to set Deprecor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Dependendus, a, um, part, to be Depontani, pi. m. superannuated deprecate, to pray, or wish
paid down officers against, to beg pardon, to pray
Dependens, tis, part, hanging Depopulandus, a, um, part, to de- earnestly, to beg, or petition
down populate, or be depopulated Deprghendo and Deprendo, fire,

Dependeo, sum, n. to
ere, di, Depopulans, tis, part, depopulat- di, sum, a. to catch, or find,
depend, to hang from, down, or es to take unawares, or in the fact,
upon Dep5pulatio, onis, /. a laying to discover, or find out, to per-
Dependo, gre, di, sum, a. to waste, a spoiling, robbing ceive, or discern, to reach, or
weigh, or poise, to give by Dep5pulator, oris, m. a spoiler, a overtake, to seize
weight, to pay, to bestow, to waster Deprehensio, onis, /. a discovery
examine Dep5piilaturus, a, nm,part. about Deprehensus and Deprensus, a,
Depensus, a, um, part, paid, ex- to depopulate, or lay waste um, part, caught, caught un-
amined, weighed Dep&ptilatus, a, um, part, de- awares, taken in the fact, de-
Deperdens, tis, part, losing populated, laid waste, having tected, discovered
Deperditus, a, um, part, utterly laid waste Depress^, adv. deeply
undone Depoptilo, are, a. and Depressio, onis,/. a pressing down
Deperdo, ire, didi, ditum, a. to Depopiilor, ari, atus sum, dep. Depressurus, a, um, part, about
lose, to have killed, or taken in to lay waste, to rob, ravage, to sink, about to make navi-
battle or plunder gable
Depereo, Ire, ivi and ii, Itum, n. Deportandus, a, um, part, to be Depressus, a, wm, part, and adj.
to perish, to be lost, or gone, carried away, to carry ior, comp. depressed, pressed,
to die [perish Deportatio, onis,/. a carrying, a or weighed down, kept down,
Depgriturus, a, um, par/.»-eady to carrying away, a conveyance, a thrust, or crushed down, trod-
Depesta, orum, pi. n. wine-vessels transportation den under foot
used in sacrifices (scurf Deportaturus, a, um, part, about Deprgtio, are, a. to undervalue
Depfitlgo, Inis, /. a ringworm, to carry away Deprimendus, a, um, part, to be
Depgtlgosus, a, um, adj. and Deportatus, a, um, part, carried, depressed
Depgtlgiosus, that hath the conveyed, banished, exiled Deprimo, fire, essi, essum, a. to
measles, or leprosy Deporto, are, a. to carry away, or depress, to bear, thrust, pre??,
Depexus, a, um, part, combed, off, to bear away, to convey, to weigh, keep, or hold down, lo
trimmed, dressed, curried bring home, to transport bear hard upon, to make to
Depictus, a, um, part, painted Deposcendus, a, um, part, to be stoop
Depilatio, onis, /. a pulling off demanded [asking Depr5ciil, adv. afar off
the hair Deposcens, tis, part, demanding, Depromendus, a, um, part, to be
Depilatus, a, um, part, made bald, Deposco, fire, p6posci, a. to de- drawn out
made thin mand, to require, to call, ask Depromo, 6re, psi, ptum, a. to
Depilis, e, adj. void of hair, bald Depositio, onis, /. a deposition, a take, draw, or fetch out, to
Deptlo, are, a. to pull off the hair deprivation, death bring forth
Depingo, ere, xi, ictum, a. to Depositum, i, n. a trust, a pledge, Deprompturus, a, um, part, about
paint, or draw, to describe, to a stake, a wager to draw, or take out
set forth Depositurus, a, um, part, about Depromptus, a, um, part, drawn,
Deplango, Sre, xi, ctum, a. to to lay down or taken out
beat, to bewail, or lament DepOsitus, a, urn, part, deposited, Deproperandus, a, um, part, to be
greatly intrusted, deposed, degraded, hastened
Deplantatus, a, um, part, planted, laid down, or aside, rejected, or Deproperatio, onis,/. a hastening
or set refused, ruined [demands Depr5pero, are, a. to make haste,
Deplanto, are, a. to root, or take Pepostulator, oris, m. he that or speed, to hasten
up, to break off, to plant, to set Depostiilo, are, a. to demand Depsiticus, or Depsitius, a, urn,
Depleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to Deprwdatio, onis,/. a robbing adj. kneaded, moulded
empty, to shift out of one Deprse dator, oris, m. a robber Depso, 6re, ui. Hum, a. to knead,
vr mould, to tan, taw, or carry Derivalivus, a, um, adj. derivative Desector, m. a cutter down,
leather, to lie with Derivator, oris, m. he that turns a mower, a reaper
ivepstus, a, urn, part, kneaded away Desectus, a, um, part, cut off,
together, worked, or trodden Derivatus, a, um, part, derived, down, or up, mowed, reaped
with the feet, tawed, tanned, deduced, drawn from, or down, Desgrendus, a, um, part, to be
curried turned deserted [leaving
Depubis, e, is, adj. and Depuber, Derivo, are, a. to derive, to de- Desg.rens, tis, part, forsaking,
ens, ad}, unripe of age, young duce, to draw from, or down, to Desgro, gre, sgrui, sertum, a. to
Dcpudesoo, ere, re. with gen. to be convey, to turn aside, to inter- desert, to forsake, to quit, to
ashamed cept leave, to leave off
Depugnator, oris, m. a champion DerOgandus, a, um, part, to be Deserpo, gre, re. to creep along
Depugnaturus, a, um, part, about taken away Desertatus, a, um, pari, forsaken,
to fight, or fight it out DerOgatio, onis,/. a derogation left [forsaking
Depugnatus, a, um, part, fought DerOgator, oris, m. he that dero- Desertio, Onis, /. a desertion, a
out gates Deserto, are, a. to desert, to for-
Depugno, are, n. to fight it out, Der6gat5rius, a, um, adj. de- sake
to fight, to contend, to disagree, rogatory Desertor, Oris, m. a deserter, a
to overcome Der6gaturus, a, um, part, about forsaker, a turncoat, an exile
Depulsio, onis,/. a thrusting, or to derogate, or take away Desertum, i, re. a desert, a wil-
beating away, a removal DerOgito, are, a. to ask instantly, derness
Depulso, axe,freq. to push away to pray Deserturus, a, um, part, that will
Depulsor, oris, m. he that repels Derogo, are, a. to derogate, to desert, or forsake
Depulsurus, a, um, part, about to abate, or lessen, to take away Desertus, a, um, part, and adj.
drive away Derosus, a, um, part, gnawed, ior, comp. isslmus, superl. de-
Depulsus, a, um, part, put, or nibbled serted, forsaken, left, set, plant-
driven away, thrust out by Derumpo, gre, upi, a. to break off ed, fixed, desert
force, weaned Deruncinatio, onis,/. a pruning Deservio, ire, ivi, itum, re. to do
Depuratio, onis,/. a cleansing of Deruncinatus, a, um, part. service, to wait upon
filthy matter in a wound smoothed Deses, tdis, adj. idle, slothful, in-
Depurgandus, a, um, part, to be Deruncino, are, a. to plane, to active, slow
cleansed, or cleared smooth, to cut, to cheat Desiccatio, onis, /. a drying up
Depurgo, are, a. to purge, to Deruo, gre, ui, utum, a. to pull Desicco, are, a. to dry up
cleanse, to clear, to gut down, or take away; ». to fall Desidens, tis, part, sinking
Deputatus, a, um, part, cut off, down under, sinking, falling to decay
lopped, pruned, deputed, as- Deruptum, i, re. a craggy place Desideo, ere, gdi, re. to sit still, to
signed Deruptus, a, um, part, and adj. sit,to be idle, to loiter, to go to
Deputo, are, to judge,a. or ior, comp. broken, craggy, steep stool
esteem, to think, to account, or Desacro, are, a. to consecrate, Desidgrabilis, e, adj. ior, comp.
reckon, to prune, or cut off hallow desirable, to be desired, wanted
Dequestus, a, um, part, having Dessevio, ire, ivi, itum, re. to be Desidgrandus, a, um, part, to be
complained of quiet, or calm, to rage extremely desired
Deradendus, a, um, part, to be Desaltatio, onis, /. a leading or Desidgrans, tis, part, desiring
shaven, or scraped off ending of a dance Desldgratio, onis,/. a desiring
Derado, gre, si, sum, a. to shave, Desaltatus, a, um, part, danced Deslderaturus, a, um, part, about
bark; or scrape off Desalto, are, re. to leap, or dance, to desire
Derasus, a, um, part scraped . off to end a dance Desldgratus, a, um, part, desired,
Derelictio, onis, /. dereliction, a Desarcino, are, a. to unload longed, or wished for, wanted
leaving, or forsaking Descendens, tis, part, descending Desidgrium, i, re desire, love, af-
Derelictus, a, um, part, forsaken, Descendo, gre, di, sum, re. to de- fection, a longing, or craving,
abandoned, left, destitute, soli- scend, to go, or come down, to want, or lack, absence, a re-
tary fall, or run down, to alight, to quest, petition, or supplication
Dcrelinquendus, a, um, part, to take root Desldgro, are, a. to desire, to
be abandoned Descensio, onis, /. a descent, a wish, or long for, to need, to
Derelinquo, gre, lietum, a.
llqui, going down, a landing want, to ask, to require, to de-
to leave, to abandon, to forsake Descensurus, a, um, part, about mand [ness
DerSpente, adv. suddenly, quickly to descend Desidia, se, /. idleness, slothful-
Derepo, ere, psi, a. to creep down Descensus, us, m. a descent Desidiabulum, i, an idje place

Dereptus, a, um, part, snatched Desciscens, tis, part, revolting Desidies, ei,/., same as Desidia
away [derided Descisco, gre, ivi, n. to revolt, to Desidiose, adv. slothfully, idly
Deridendus, a, um, part, to be depart, to alter, to change Desidiosus, a, urn, adj. ior, comp.
Deridens, tis, part, deriding, Descissus, a, um, part, torn asun- issimus, superl. lazy, slothful
laughing at der, rent Desido, gre, sedi, re. to sink, or
Derldeo, ere, si, sum, a. to deride, Desciturus, a, um, part, about fall down, to settle, to light, or
laugh at to revolt sit down, to go to stool
Deridlculum, scorn, a
i, n. a Describo, gre, psi, ptum, a. to Designatio, onis, /. a designation,
laughing-stock, a jest, foolery describe, to draw, copy, or write an appointment
Deridlculus, a, um, adj. fit to be out, to divide, to distribute Designator, oris, m. a marshal
laughed at, silly, ridiculous Descriptio, onis, /. a description, that appoints a procession, &c,
Deripio, fire, ui, eptum, a. to a copying, or writing out, a a master of ceremonies, a herald
take, pi 11, or pluck down, to
copy, or transcript, a plan, or Designatus, a, um, pari, designed,
steal model, a registering appointed, chosen, elected
Derisio, Onis,/. derision, contempt Descriptiuncula, a;, /. a short Designo, are, a. to design, to in-
Derisor, Oris, m.- a laugher at, a description tend, to mean, to appoint, to
scoffer, a jester, a buffoon Descriptus, a, um, part., and adj. choose, to mark, or point out,
Derisurus, a, um, part, about to ior, comp. described, written to doom, to show, or signify, to
deride, or laugh at out, copied, set down, or in denote
Derisus, a, um, part, derided, order, assigned, appointed Deslliens, tis, part, running down
mocked Desecans, tis, part, cutting off Desllio, ire, ivi, and ii, ultum, n.
Derisus, us, m. derision, ridicule, Desgco, are, ui, ctum, a. to cut to leap down, to alight
a jest off, or down, to mow down Desinens, tis, part, ceasing,
TVrivandus, a, um, part, to be Desecratus, a, um, part, profaned ending
turned another way Desecro, are, a. to profane, to Desino. gre, ivi and ii, Itum, n.
Derivatio, onis, /. a derivation, a pollute and p. to cease, to leave off, to
draining of water, or a turning Desectio, 6nis,/. a cutting off, or give over, to desist, to discon-
of it« courw down, a mowing tinue, to renounce, to hold
^ue's peace, to end, or conclude, Desponsus, a, um, part, pro- Desuetudo, Inis,/. disuse
to die mised, betrothed Desuetus, a, um, part, disused,
l>eslpiens, tis, part, doting, fool- Despretus, a, um, part, greatly worn out
ish, silly [ness despised Desultor, oris, m. a vaulter, that
Desipientia, se, /. silliness, mad- Despuendus, a, um, part, to be leaps from one horse to another
Desipio, fire, ui, n. to dote, to contemned, or despised Desultorius, a, um, adj. desultory,
trifle, to play the fool, to be Despumatus, a, um, part, clarified fickle, inconstant, leaping
foolish [ing Despumo, are, a. to scum, to take Desultiira, se,/. a vaulting
Desistens, tis, part, ceasing, end- off, to clarify, to digest Desum, esse, fui, n. to be want-
Desisto, stiti, sistfire, n. to desist, Despuo, fire, utum, a. to spit ing, to fail, to absent himself
to cease, to give over, to leave down, upon, or out, to pour out, Desumo, £re, psi, ptum, a. to pick
off, to discontinue, to stop, to to detest [fish out, or choose
stand off, or apart, to go away Desquamatio, 6nis,/. a scaling of Desuo, 6re, ui, a. to sew behind,
Desiturus, a, um, part, about to Desquamatus, a, um, part, peeled to fasten below
leave off off [bark Desuper, adv. from above, aloft,
Desitus, a, um, part, planted, Desquamo, are, a. to scale, to overhead, upon, on the top
set, ceased Destans, tis, part, standing off, or Desurgo, 6re, rexi, n. to arise
Desolatio, Snis,/. desolation behind, one another from, to go to stool
Desolatorius, a, um, adj. comfort- Desterto, 6re, ui, n. to snore, to Detector, oris, m. a discoverer
less leave off snoring Detectus, a, um, part, detected,
Desolatus, a, um, part, desolate, Destillo, are, n. to distil, drop, discovered, laid open, uncover-
forsaken, deserted, left alone, or run [waste ed, bare
laid waste Destimulo, are, a. to prick, to Detggendus, a, um, part, to be
Desolo, are, a to lay waste Destina, a%/. a supporter, a pillar detected [covering
Despectans, tis, part, looking Destinandus, a, um, part, bound DetSgens, tis, part, detecting, dis-
down upon Destinans, tis, part, designing Detego, 6re, xi, ectum, a. to de-
Despectatio, 6nis, /. a looking Destinatio, onis,/. a destination, tect, to discover, to disclose, to
down, a prospect a purpose, resolution, or deter- lay open, or naked
Despectio, onis, /. a looking mination Detendo, fire, di, sum, a. to un-
down, contempt Destinatd, adv. with full purpose stretch, to take down
Despecto, are, a. to look down Destinatus, a, um, part, destined, Detensus, a, um, part, unstretch-
upon, to despise appointed, determined, fixed, ed, taken down
Despector, oris, m. a looker down resolved on, pitched Detentus, a, um, part, detained,
Despecturus, a, um, part, that Destlno, are, a. to determine, to kept back
will see design, intend, or purpose, to Deter, whence comp. deterior,
Despectus, a, um, part, and adj. aim at, to mark out to order, or and superl. deterrimus, bad,
issimus, superl. despised, slight- appoint, to suspect, or conjec- naughty, ill
ed, looked down upon ture, to value Detfirens, tis, part, rubbing
Despectus, us, m. a despising, Destltuendus, a, um, part, to be against [cleansed
contempt, despite left destitute, to be forsaken Detergendus, a, um, part, to be
Desperandus, a, um, part, to be DestTtuens, tis, part, forsaking Detergens, tis, part, cleaning,
despaired of, desperate Destituo, 6re, ui, uturn, a. to leave wiping off
Desperans, tis, part, despairing, destitute, to leave, to forsake, Detergeo, ere, and Detergo, 6re,
being past hope, desperate to desert, to give up, or over, to si, sum, a. to wipe, brush,
Desperanter, adv. despairingly deceive, or disappoint scour, or cleanse, to wipe, rub,
Desperatio, onis, /. a despairing, Destltutio, onis, /. a forsaking, a break, or cut off, to take off
despair, a want of spirit disappointment Detfirior, oris, adj. worse, weaker
Desperatus, a, um, part, and adj. Destitutus, a, um, part, destitute, Doterius, adv. comp. worse
ior, eomp. issimus, superl. de- forsaken, left, bereft, disap- Determinandus, a, um, part, to
spaired of, desperate, past cure pointed, forlorn be bounded
Desperno, fire, sprevi, etum, a. to Desto, are, n. to stand behind, Determinatio, Onis, /. a deter-
despise, to contemn or off [drawn mination, a conclusion, a boun-
Despero, are, a. to despair, to be Destrictus, a, um, part, tied hard, dary
heartless, or out of hope Destrigmentum, i, n. that which Determlnaturus, a, um, part.
Despicatio, onis,/. contempt is scraped, or rubbed off about to determine, or limit
Despicatus, a, um, part, and adj. Destringendus, a, um, part, to be Determinatus, a, um, part, de-
issimus, superl. despised, slight- pruned, or cut off termined, limited
ed, disesteemed, despising Destringo, fire, xi, ictum, a. to Determlno, are, a. to determine,
Despicatus, us, m. despite, a cut, lop, or scrape off, to di- to appoint, or describe bounds
despising minish, to attack, to find fault and limits, to measure
Despiciendus, a, um, part, to be with, to scrub Detgro, 6re, trivi, Itum, a. to
contemned, slighted, or dis- Destructio, onis,/. a demolishing, bruise, or beat out, to rub one
regarded a subversion, a ruin, a refutation against another, to make worse
Desplciens, tis, part, despising, Destructor, oris, m. a destroyer Deterrendus, a, um, part, to be
slighting Destructus, a, um,part. destroyed, deterred
Despicientia, te, /. a contempt, a ruined [spoiling Deterrens, tis, part, deterring
disregard, a looking down Destruens, tis, part, destroying, Deterreo, ere, ui, ftum,a. to deter,

Despicio, fire, exi, ectum, a. to Destruo, gre, xi, ctum, o: to de- to frighten, or discourage, to
despise, to slight, to disregard, stroy, to pull down, or break scare
to look down up, to overthrow, to spoil, to Deterrimus, a, um, adj. superl.
Despoliandus, a, um, part, to be Desub, prep, under [abate worst, very lewd, &c.
robbed DesuMto, adv. all on a sudden Deterritus, a, um, part, discou-
Desp8liator, 6ris, m. a plunderer Desudans, tis, part, sweating raged, frighted, scared, awed
DespOliatus, a, urn, part, pillaged, much Detersus, a, um, part, scoured,
plundered Desudatorium, i, n. a hot bath wiped off
Desp6lio, are, a. to rob, to plun- Desiido, are, n. to sweat much, to Detestabilis, e, adj. ior, comp.
der, to pillage, to strip, to im- labour earnestly detestable, abominable, un-
poverish Desuefactus, a, um, part, disused, lucky, unhappy
Despondens, tis, part, betrothing weaned [from Detestandus, a, um, part, to be
Despondeo, ere, di and sp&pondi, Desuefio, Sri, u. to be weaned detested, abominable
a. and n. to promise, to promise Desuescendus, a, um, part, that Detestans, tis, part, detesting,
in marriage, to betroth must be disused abhorring, hating, cursing
Desponsator, 6ris, m. a betrother Desuesco, ere, evi, etum, n. to Detestatio, onis, /. a detestation,
Desponsatus, a, um, part, be- disuse oneself, to change the abhoirence, an imprecation, a
trothed fashion, or custom curse
Detestatus, a, um, part, detested, Deturbatus, a, um, part, thrown. Devltator, Oris, m. a shunner
abhorred, having entreated tumbled, or beaten down, much Devitatus, a, um, part, avoided,
Oetestablliter, adv. detestably troubled, or disturbed shunned
Jetestor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Deturbo, are, a. to throw, cast, Devito, are, a. to avoid, to shun
detest, to loathe, to abominate, tumble, or beat down, to de- Devius, a, um, adj. out of the way,
to avert, to shun, to curse lying out of the way, lonely,
Detexendus, a, um, part, to finish retired.remote, deviating, swerv-
in weaving Deturgeo, ere, n. to assuage ing, or wandering from
Detexens, tis, part, weaving Deturpans, tis, part, defiling, Deunx, cis, m. a pound troy lack-
Detexo, ere, ui, turn, a. to weave, spoiling, &c. ing an ounce, eleven ounces,
or plait, to work it off Deturpo, are, a. to defile, to de- eleven parts of any thing divid-
Detexus, a, um, part, woven face [wander ed into twelve
Detlnens, tis, part, detaining, Dev&gor, ari, atus sum, dep. to DevOcaturus, a, um, part, about
keeping Devastandus, a, um, part, to be to call
Detmeo, ere, ui, entum, a. to de- wasted [havoc Devoco, are, a. to call down, or
tain, stop, or hinder, to keep in Devastatio, onis, /. devastation, away, to fetch, or lure down, to
doubt, to engage, to employ Devastator, oris, m. a waster, a invite [fly
Detondeo, ere, "di, sum, a. to spoiler, a robber Devolaturus, a, um, part, ready to
sheer, to clip, to cut, or lop Devastatus, a, um, part, wasted, Dev61o, are, n. to fly down, or
off spoiled, killed away, to hasten away, to leave
Det6no, are, ui, n. to thunder Devasto, are, a. to destroy, to Devolvo, gre, vi, utum, a. to roll,
mightily, to give over thunder- plunder or tumble down, to pour out, to
ing [shred Devectus, a, um, part, carried utter
Detonsus, a, um, part, shorn, cut, down, carried, brought to Devolutus, a, um, part, devolved,
Detorno, are, a. to make by turn- Devehendus, a, um, part, to be rolled, or tumbled down,brought
ing carried away Devorandus, a, um, part, to'be
Detorqueo, ere, si, sum and turn, Deveho, ere, xi, ctum, a. to carry devoured, or consumed
a. to turn, warp, or draw aside, away, to carry, to convey DevOrans, tis, part, devouring,
to turn, to Develatus, a, um, part, uncovered greedy
Detorsus, a, um, part, turned Devello, 6re, li and ulsi, ulsum, a. DevSratio, onis,/. a devouring
away [turned to pull away, to pluck off DevOraturus, a, um, part, about
Detortus, a, um, part, wrested, Develo, are, a. to unveil, discover to devour
Detractio, onis, /. detraction, Devgngrandus, a, um, part, to be Devoratus, a, um, part, devoured
scandal, a drawing, or taking worshipped, to be atoned for, swallowed, consumed, spent
away, a diminution or averted Devftro, are, o. to devour, to eat
Detractor, oris, m. a detracter, a Deveneror, ari, atus sum, dep. to up, to swallow down, to take in,
diminisher, a slanderer worship, adore, or pray unto, to or greedily, to spend, or waste,
Detracturus, a, um, part, about implore to look earnestly
to take from, or pull off Deveniendus, a, um, part, to come Devotio, onis,/. a devoting, giving
Detractus, a, um, part, withdrawn Devgnio, ire, eni, entum, n. to up, or vowing, avowed service,
DetrShendus, a, um, part, to be come, to go down to, to chance, a curse, an imprecation, a
taken off or happen charm, magic spell
Detrahens, tis, part, taking off, Deventurus, a, um, part, about Dev^tissime, adv. very devoutly
or from to come [spoil Devoto, are, a. to devote, or give
Detraho, ere, xi, ctum, a. to draw, Devgnusto, are, a. to deface, to up by vow, to conjure, or lay a
or take off, or away, to pluck, Deverbgro, are, a. to beat much spell upon
tear, or pull off, or away, to re- Devergo, gre, n. to bend down- Devotorius, a, um, adj. pertaining
move, to draw, or force, to wards to a vow, or curse
take from Deverro, ere, ri, sun, a. to sweep Devoturus, a, um, part, about to
Detrectandus, a, um, part, to re- Deverticulum, i, n. a bye-road, an devote, or curse
fuse, or be refused inn; same as Diverticulum Devotus, a, um, part, devoted,
Detrectans, tis, part, refusing Deverto, gre, ti, sum, a. to turn dedicated, destined, doomed,
Detrectatio, onis, /. a refusal, or aside vowed, unhappy, execrable
denial, a drawing back, a revolt Devescor, i, dep. to feed upon Devotus, i, m. a vowed servant
Detractator, oris, m. a refuser, a Devestio, Ire, ivi, a. to divest, to DevOveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to de-
diminisher unclothe vote, to consecrate, to engage,
Detrectaturus, a, um, part, about Devgto, are, a. to forbid to vow, to curse
to refuse Devexatus, a, wm, part, disquieted Deuro, gre, ssi, stum, a. to burn,
Detrecto, are, a. to refuse, to de- Devexitas, atis,/. a bending down to set on fire, to envenom, to
cline, to disown, to shift off, to Devexo, are, a. to vex, to disturb sting
discourage, to dispirit Devexus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Deus, i,m. and f. a god, a god-
Detrectus, a, um, part, refused, bending, hanging, or declining dess, an angel, or saint, a genius,
&c. down, shelving, sloping a patron, or benefactor, an
Detrimentosus, a, um, part, caus- Devictus, a, um, part, vanquished, oracle [blasted
ing damage, hurtful, injurious routed, overcome Deustus, a, um, part, burnt down,
Detrimentum, i, n. detriment, Devincendus, a, um, part, to con- Deutgria, orum, pi. n. a small
loss, damage, hurt, injury quer, or be conquered beverage made of grapes
Detrlt&s, a, um, part, worn, worn Devinciendus, a, um, part, to be Deuter5nomium, i, n. Deutero-
out, or away [away nomy
Detrudens, tis, part, thrusting Devincio, ire, nxi, nctum, to bind Deutor, i, sus, dep. to make ill
Detrudo, ere, si, sum, a. to thrust fast, to bind, to tie up, to ham- use of
from, out, or down, to push, or per, or entangle, to secure, to Devulsus, a, um, part, pulled, or
shove, to drive away, or expel join, or unite torn off
Detruncatio, onis, /. a cutting off Devinco, gre, ici, ictum, a. to Dextans, tis, m. ten ounces, or
Detruncatus, a, um, ijart.lopped overcome, to rout, to vanquish, ten parts of twelve
off to conquer Dextella, ae,/ a little right hand
Detrunco, are, a. to cut, or lop off, Devinctus, a, um, part, and adj. Dexter, tgra, tgrum, or tra, trum,
to maim, or mangle ior, comp. bound, tied, bound adj. ior, comp. dextimus, superl.
Detriisus, a, um, part, thrust out, round, united right-handed, fit, suitable, meet,
or down, cashiered Devirgino, are, B. to deflower a lucky, fortunate
Detiimeo, ere, ui, n, to leave off maiden [shunned Dextgra, se,/., same as Dextra
swelling, to abate Devitabilis, e, adj. easy to be Dexterg, adv. ius, comp. rirac,
Detumesco, ere, the same Devltans, tis, part, avoiding, dexterously, aptly, properly,
Deturbandus, a, um, part, to bp. shunning fitly [quickness
tLrown down, &c Devltatio, onis, f. an avoiding Dextgrftas, stis, f. dexterity,
Dextra, «,/. a right hand, a hand, DIca, a?, /. an action at law, a Dlduccndus, a, um, part, to be
aid, help, allianoe [hand cause, a suit, a process, an in- drawn aside, or parted
Dextrorsum, adv. on the right dictment [drollery Dlduco, fire, uxi, uctum, a. to
Dextrorsus, adv. towards the right Dicacltas, atis, /. talkativeness, lead, or draw aside, to sever, ot
hand Dicaciilus, a, um, adj. full of part, to divide, to set open, to
Dextroversum, adv. the same words, talkative, prating, tat- stretch wide, to digest
Dl for Du, pi. m. the Gods, /rom tling [dedicated Dlducius, um, part, drawn
sivg. Deus ; in dat. and abi. Dicandus, a, um, part, to be aside, separated, divided,
Diis Dicans, tis, part, dedicating, de- opened, cleft, gaping, dispersed
Diabetes, ae, or is, m. a funnel, a voting Diecula, as,/, dim. a little while
waterpipe, a disorder when a Dicatio, onis, /. a dedication, a Dierectus, a, um, adj. hanged
person cannot hold his water taking up a freedom in a city Dies, ei, m. or f. in sing, in phcr.
Diabolus, i, m. the devil Dicatura, ae,/. a dedication m. a day, the transactions of a
Diacodion, i, n. syrup of poppy Dicatus, a, um, part, dedicated, day, the light, life, length of
Diacfinatus, us, m. a deaconship designed, promised, suited to, time
DiacOnus, i, m. a deacon employed in Diespiter, tris, m. Jupiter
Diadema, atis, n. a diadem, a Dicax, comp. talka-
acis, adj. ior, Diffamans, tis, part, defaming,
crown, a white fillet wherewith tive, prating, jesting, bantering, slandering
kings and queens encircled abusive [spoken Diff amatio, onis,/. defamation
their foreheads Dlcendus, a, um, part, to be Diff amatus, a, um, part, defamed,
Diadematus, a, um, adj. wearing Dlcens, tis, part, saying, speak- aspersed, published, made
a crown ing known
Diaeresis, is, /. a distribution, a Dico, are, a. to dedicate, to con- Diffamia, ae,/. defamation
figure where one syllable is secrate, to devote, to set apart, Diffamo, are, a. to defame, to
divided into two or give up, to employ, to ap- traduce, to spread an ill report
Diaeta, ae, /. diet, food, a regular point, or design, to vow, or of
way of life, a parlour, a sum- promise Diffarreatio, Cnis, /. a ceremony
merhouse Dico, ere, xi, ctum, a. to say, to at a divorce, a divorcement
Diabetica, ae,/. the first part of speak, to tell, to relate, to Difffirendus, a, um, part, to be
physic, that concerns regimen write, or describe, to rehearse, put off [differing
in diet or repeat, to harangue, to plead, Differens, tis, part, putting off.
Diseteticus, a, um, adj. pertaining to give an opinion, to declare, Differentia, ae,/. a difference
to diet to pronounce, to show, or prove, Differo, ferre, distuli, dllatum, a.
Di&gonios, i, n. a diagonal to mean, or intend, to object, to Aefer, to put off, to delay, to
Diagramma, atis, n. a diagram, a to call, or name, to bid, or cany up and down, to spread,
figure in geometry to illustrate order [oars or disperse, to scatter abroad,
any proposition Dicrotum, i, n. a galley with two to tear in pieces, to teaze, or
Diagraphice, es, /. the art of Dictamnus, i, m. dittany, ginger provoke [stuffed
painting Dictans, tis, part, dictating Differtus, a, um, part, filled,or
Dialectica, ae, /. and Dialectice, Dictata, orum, pi. n. dictates, Diffibtilo, are, o. to unbutton, to
es, the art of logic, teaching to precepts, or instructions, les- open
reason sons, or notes Difficile, adv. ifts, comp. lime,
Dialectica, 5rum, pi. n. dialectics Dictator, oris, m. a dictator, or superl. difficulty, with difficulty,
Dialectice, adv. by logic chief magistrate among the hardly
DiSlecticus, a, um, adj. logical Romans, an ordinary officer in Difflcilis, e, adj. ior, comp. limus,
Dialecticus, i, m. a logician most Latin towns superl. difficult, hard, crabbed
Dialectos, i,/. a dialect, a manner Dictatorius, a, um, adj. of, or be- rough, boisterous, captious,
of speech longing to a dictator hard to please, hard hearted
Dialis,e, adj. pertaining to Jupi- Dictatrix, icis,/. a governess Difficillter, adv. difficultly, baldly
ter,of one day Dictatiira, ae, /. the dictatorship Difficultas, atis, /. difficulty
Diallage, es, /. a figure, when Dictatus, a, um, part, dictated, trouble, danger, distress, scarci
many arguments are brought suggested ty, dearth, a disease
to the same purpose Dicterium, i, n. or rather Dicte- Difficulter, adv. with difficulty
DialSgus, i, m. a dialogue ria, orum, jests, witticisms Diffldens, tis, part, distrusting,
Diameter, tri, /. a diameter Dictio, onis,/. a diction, a style, despairing
Diapasma, atis, n. a perfume, or a manner of speech, a speaking, Diffidenter, adv. diffidently
sweet powder oratory Diffldentia, ae, /. diffidence, dis-
Diapason, i, n. a concord of music Dictionarium, i, n. and DictiOna- trust
of all the eight notes [notes rius, i, m. a dictionary Diffido, Sre, sus sum, a. and n.
Diapente, es,/. a ctmcord of five Dictiosus, a, um, adj. drolling, to distrust, to despair
Diaphoreticus, a, um, adj. diapho- jesting [ing- Diffindo, fire, fldi, fissum, a. to
retic Dictitans, tis, part, saying, repeat- cleave, to part asunder, to slit,
Diaphragma, atis, n. the midriff Dictito, &xe,freq. to say frequent- to cut
Diapontius, a, um, adj coming ly, to say, tell, or speak often Diffingo, ere, xi, ictum, a. to form
from beyond sea, foreign Dicto, are, freq. to dictate, to anew, to mar, to spoil, to undo,
Diarium, i, n. a diary, or book of suggest, to order, or appoint, to deny, to pretend
remembrance, a journal, or to counsel, or advise, to say Difflnio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. tc
day-book, a day's provision, al- often define, to set bounds
lowance Dictum, i, n. a word, a saying, Diff "mite, adv. definitely
Diarrhoea, ae,/. a looseness, a flux an expression, a proverb, "a •Diff Initio, onis,/. a definition, p
Diastole, es, /. the dilatation of reproach, or ill word, a lam- declaration
the heart and breast when we poon, a jest, or merry saying Diffissus, a, um, part, cleft, split
fetch breath Dicturus, a, um, part, about to Difflsus, a, um, part, distrusting.
Diathyra, 6mm, n. an inclosure say doubting [deny
before the door of a house, a Dictus, a, um, part, said, spoken, Diff Iteor, eri, fessus sum, dep. to
fence uttered, told, declared, thrown Difflo, are, a. to blow, or puff
Diatretum, i, n. a cup chased and out, promised, threatened, away
curiously engraved pleaded, celebrated Diffluens, tis, part, flowing every
Diatretus, a, um, adj. chased, Didltus, a, um, part, given out, way, running down
engraved spread abroad, divided Diffluo, fire, uxum, n. to flow,
Diatrlba, an, /. or Diatribe, es,/. Dido, fire, dldidi, dldltum, a. to or run abroad, to run, or fall
a discourse, or dispute, a school give out, to spread abroad down, to fall asunder
Dvbaphus, a, um, adj. double- Didrachmura, i, n. or Didraehma, Diffringo, fire, fregi, actum, a. to
dyed, dyed in grain, scarlet atis, n. two drachmas, 9V fifteen break
Die, same ns Dice pence Difffigiens, tis, part, fleeing a-vaj.


DifT&gio, fire, fugi, Itum, n. to Digressus, us, m. a digression, a mus, superl. diligent, industri.
flee, or run away, to refuse departure, or going aside ous, active, careful, mindful,
Difiugium, i, n. a refuge, an Digrunnio, ire, re. to grunt like a studious, fond of, thrifty, wary
escape Dii, pi. m. gods [hog part, loving, choosing
Diffulmlno, are, a. to break down Dijicio, fire, eci, a. to cast down Dillgenter, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
Diffundens, tis, part, spreading Dijudicandus, a, um, part, to be superl. diligently, carefully, with
Diffundlbulum, i, «. a sieve, a settled, or determined distinction
tunnel Dijudicatio, onis, /. a judging Dillgentia, ae, /. diligence, care,
Diffundltor, ari, atus, pass, to be between two, a discerning attention, labour, frugality,
squandered abroad, to be la- Dijiidlcaturus, a, um, part, about discretion
vished to judge, or determine Dillgo, fire, exi, ectum, a. to love,
Diffundo, fire, fudi, f usum, a. to Dljudicatus, a, um, part, judged, to favour, or respect, to divide,
diffuse, to pour out, to spread settled, determined or cut up
abroad, to disperse, to publish Dijudlco, are, a. to judgebetween, Dilorico, are, a. to ungird, to tear
Diffuse, adv. diffusedly to judge, to discern, to settle, off, to rip open
Diffusllis, e, adj. that may be to decide [separation Diluceo, ere, uxi, n. to shine, t:
diffused Dljunctio, onis, /. a disjoining, a be clear, evident
Diffusio, onis,/. a spreading Dijungo, fire, xi, ctum, a. to un- Dilucesco, luxi, re. to grow light,
Diffusus, a, um, part, and adj. yoke, or unharness, to part, or to begin to shine
ior,comp. diffused, extended, disjoin DUucIdatio, onis,/. a delucidation
spread abroad, poured, filled Dilabens, tis, part, falling, sliding, DUucIde, adv. evidently, clearly
Digamus, a, um, adj. twice mar- slipping i Dilucldo, are, a. to make plain, or
ried [digested Dilabir
)Idus, um, adj. that
a, falls, clear
Dlgfirendus, a, um, part, to be or wears away quickly Dilucldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Digfiro, fire, essi, estum, a. to Dilabilis, e, adj. easily slipping clear, plain, manifest, bright
digest, to dispose, to place, or Diiabor, i, psus sum, dep. to slip Dllucul6, adv. betimes, in the
set in order, to distribute, to aside, or out, to steal away, to morning [dawn
divide, to explain waste, or come to nothing Diluculum, i, re. daybreak, the
Digesta, orum, pi. n. digests, or DUacfirandus, a, um, part, to be DUudium, i, re. a respite from ex-
books of civil law torn in pieces, to be destroyed, ercise [cleared
Digestio, 6nis, /. digestion, a to destroy Diluendus, a, um, part, to be
separation of meats in the sto- Dliacfiratus, a, um, part, torn in Diluens, tis, part, washing, clear-
mach, an arrangement pieces, destroyed, ruined ing
Digestorius, a, um, adj. digestive Dilacero, are, a. to tear, or rend Diluo, fire, ui, utum, a. to wash,
Digestus, a, um, part, digested, in pieces, to destroy, to con- or rinse, to wash off, or away, to
methodized, put in order sume, to spend, waste purge, or clear, to explain, to
Digestus, us, m. a distribution Dllacrumo, are, n. to weep, to mix [poorly
Dlgltale, is, re. a finger-stall, a drop Dilute, adv. ius, comp. weakly,
thimble, a finger of a glove DUamino, are, a. to split in two Dilutium, i, n. an infusion
Digitalis, e, adj. of a finger Dilaniandus, a, um, part, to be Dilutus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
DIgltatus, a, um, part, having torn comp. issimus, superl. diluted,
fingers, toes, or claws Dilaniatus, a, um, part, torn, washed, wetted, tempered,
Dlgltulus, i, m. dim. a little finger rent, tearing mingled, washy, thin
Digitus, i, m. a finger, a finger's Dilanio, are, a. to tear, to mangle, Diluvies, ei, /. a deluge, a flood
breadth, a toe, a claw to devour Diluvio, are, a. to overflow
Digladiator, oris, m. a fencer Dilapldans, tis, part, stoning Diluvium, i, n. a deluge, or inun- i

Digladior, ari, dep. to fence, to Dllapldatio, onis,/. a dilapidation, dation, a calamity, destruction
dispute a wasteful spending Dlmachse, arum, pi. m. dragoons
Digma, atis, re. a specimen Dilapido, are, a. to clear of stones, Dimadeo, ere, ui, n. to grow wet,
Dignandus, a, um, part, to be to pelt with stones, to consume to melt
thought worthy Dllapsurus, a, um, part, about to Dlmano, are, re. to flow, to abound,
Dignans, tis, part, vouchsafing, slip away to spread abroad
accepting Dilapsus, a, um, part, gliding Dlmensio, onis, /. a dimension, a
Dignatio, onis, /. reputation, along, slipping aside, fallen measuring
credit, respect, esteem, worth, down Dimensor, oris, m. a measurer
majesty, dignity Dilargior, iri, itus sum, dep. to Dimensus, a, um, part, having
Dignatus, a, um, part, vouch- bestow liberally, to give measured, or meted out, mea-
safing, vouchsafed, thought Dilargitus, a, um, part, having sured
worthy bestowed, bestowed Dimergo, fire, si, a. to drown
Dtgne, adv. ius, comp. worthily, Dilatans, tis, part, enlarging, ex- Dimetatus, a, um, part, measured
deservedly, decently, meetly, tending Dimetatio, onis,/. a measuring
fitly Dllatatio, onis,/. an enlarging Dimetiendus, a, um, part, to be
Dignltas, atis, /. dignity, ma- Dilatatus, a, um, part, dilated, measured
jesty, eminence, grandeur, mag- extended, stretched out Dimetiens, tis, part, measuring
nificence, authority, gravity, Dllatio, onis,/. a delaying, delay Dimetiens, tis, /. a diameter
credit, honour, comeliness Dllato, are, a. to dilate, to extend, Dimetior, iri, ensus sum, dep, to
Dignor, ari, atus sum, dep. to to enlarge, to make, or open measure, or mete, to account
vouchsafe, to think worthy, to wide reckon up, or tell over
honour Dilator, oris, m. a delayer Dlmlcans, tis, part, fighting, con-
Dignosco, fire, n6vi, nStum, a. to Dilatorius, a, um, adj. dilatory tending'
discern, to distinguish Dilaturus, a, um, part, about to Dimlcatio, 6nis,/. a skirmish, or
Dignus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. defer battle, a struggle, or contest
issimus, superl. worthy, deserv- Dilatus, a, um, part, delayed, de- Dimlcator, oris, m. a fighter
ing, decent, becoming, meet, ferred, put off, spread abroad Dimlcaturus, a, um, part, about
fit, suitable Dllaudatio, onis, /. praise, com- to fight
Digrfidiens, tis, part, turning mendation Dlmlco, are, ui aredavi.a.tofight,
aside, departing Dilaudo, are, a. to praise highly, to engage, to skirmish, to con-
Digrfidior, i, essus sum, dep. to to extol tend, to struggle
go, or turn aside, to depart, to Dllectio, onis,/. love Dlmidiatim, adv. by halves
digress, or go from the purpose Dilectus, a, um, part, or adj. ior, Dimldiatus, a, um, part, divided
Digressio, onis,/. a digression, a comp. issimus, superl. dearly be- into two parts, halved, half
parting, an excursion loved, beloved, chosen Dimldium, i, n. the half

Digressus, a, um, part, departing, Dilemma, an argument

atis, re. Dimldius, a, um, adj., same at
having departed, or turned that convinces both ways Dimidiatus
aside, eloped Dillgens, tis, adj. ior, comp. iwri- Dimlnuo, fire, ui, utum. a. to di.


ininish, to lessen, to abate, to DIremptio, onis, /. a separation, off,to cease, to vanish, tr» die.
break in pieces, to alienate or breaking off to give place, or yield
i Dlmlnutio, Onis, /. a diminution, Direrapturus, a, um, part, about Discendus, a, um, part, to be
a lessening to part, or take away learned
DiminutTvum, i, n. a diminutive Diremptus, a, um, part, divided, Discens, tis, part, learning
word [ed separated, parted, taken away Discentia, ae,/. a learning
Dlmlnutua, a, um,
part, diminish- Diremptus, us, m. a parting Disceptatio, onis,/. a disputing,
,i Dlmissio, onis, /. a dismission, a Direpo, fire, psi, ptum, a. to creep a dispute
, discharge, a sending forth softly Disceptator, Oris, m. an arbitrator
DlmissOrius, a, um, adj. dimissory Dlreptio, Onis, /. a robbing, pil- Disceptatrix, Icis, /. she that
,; Dlmissurus, a, um, part, about to laging, plundering, or rifling judges between two, a de-
,1 dismiss Dlreptor, oris, m. a robber, a terminer
Dimissus, a, um, part, dismissed, spoiler Disceptaturus, a, um, part, about
i sent away, sent, dropped, or Dlrepturus, a, um, part, about to to dispute, or determine
thrown down, lowered, sub- tear in pieces, about to plunder Disceptatus, a, um, part, disputed
mitted Dlreptus, a, um, part, plucked, or Discepto, are, a. to dispute, de-
Dimittendus, a, um, part, to be torn in pieces, torn from, rob- bate, or reason, to award, to
,! dismissed bed, spoiled, plundered, beaten determine, to settle
Pimittens, tis, part, dismissing Dlreptus, us, m. a taking away Discernens, tis, part, discerning
sDimitto, ere, Isi, ssum, a. to dis- Dlrlbeo, ere, ui, a. to count over, Discerniculum, i, n. a pin, or
miss, disband, or send away, to to distribute bodkin, a difference, a diversity
]' send, to discharge, or acquit, to Dlribitor, oris, m. an officer that Discerno, ere, crevi, cretum, a. to
| let go, to let slip, to let fall makes a scrutiny, a judge, a discern, to distinguish, to judge,

Dlmotus, a, um, part, removed, determiner or determine, to decree

I banished, thrust away, parted Dlrlbitorium, i, where
n. a place Discerpendus, a, um, part, to be
pDlmOveo, ere, Ovi, otum, a. to re- Roman soldiers were mustered torn in pieces
move, to put away, or aside, to and paid [directed Discerpo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to
thrust aside, to move, to banish, Dirigendus, a, um, part, to be pull, or tear in pieces, to divide
to withdraw [mouse Dlrigens, tis, part, directing Discerptus, a, um, part, torn in
i'Dintrio, Ire, n. to squeak like a Dirigeo, ere, ui, n. to grow stiff, pieces
^Dlnumgrandus, a, um, part, to be to stand on end, to grow cold Discessio, Onis, /. a departure, a
numbered with fear parting, or divorce, an absence,
Dlnumerans, tis, part, reckoning Dingo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to di- or want, a voting, or separation
Dinumgratio, onis,/. a numbering rect, to rule, or guide, to lead, Discessurus, a, um, part, about to
iDinumgro, are, a. to number, to or conduct, to range, to set in leave, or quit
» reckon, to count, to pay money order [decided Discessus, us, m. a departure, a
DiObOlaris, e, adj. cheap, vile Diiimendus, a, um, part, to be going away, an opening, or
i Dicecesanus, i, m. a diocesan Dinmens, tis, part, breaking off, going asunder
Dicccesis, is, or eos,/. a diocese, a &c. Disceus, eos, m. a comet
; jurisdiction, a government, ft Dirimo, gre, emi, emptum, o. to Discldium, i, n. a separation, a
province [overseer break off, to interrupt, to divide, divorce, departure, death, dis-
i Dioecetes, a?, m. a steward, an to part, to determine cord
Diota, se, /. a diinking-pot with Dlrlpiendus, a, um, part, to be Discincte, adv. dissolutely, loosely
two ears plundered Discinctus, a, uin, part, ungirt,
Diphthongus, i,/. a diphthong Diripiens, tis, part, plundering disarmed, dissolute, negligent,
Diplinthius, a, um, adj. of two Diripio, 6re, ui, eptum, a. to tear slothful
bricks' thickness asunder, or in pieces, to cast Discindendus, a, um, part, to be
Diploma, atis, n. a diploma, a down, or destroy, to tear, or pull cut in two, to be torn asunder
charteT.aprince's letters patent, down Discindo, ere, scldi, issum, a. to
an edict, a mandamus, a pass- Dlritas, atis, /. fierceness, rug- cut, or hew asunder, to tear, or
i port » gedness, cruelty, inhumanity, rend in pieces
DIpondiarius, a, um, adj. of two ominousness Discingo, gre, xi, ctum, a. to un-
pounds' weight Dlruendus, a, um, part, to be gird, or undo, to strip, to put
Dlpondium, and Dipondius,
i, n., pulled down, or destroyed out of office
i, m., or Dupondium, i, n., and Diruens, tis, part, destroying Disciplina, ae, /. discipline, in-
Dupondins, rht of Dirumpo, gre, upi, upturn, a. to struction, literature, skill, sci-
two pounds, a penny, halfpenny break, to break in pieces, or off ence, a profession, or trade, a
Dipsas, adis,/. a serpent Dirunclno, are, a. to saw, or plane fashion [taught
Diptoton, i, n. a diptote, a noun Dlruo, gre, ui, iltum, a. to pull Discipllnabllis, e, adj. may be
with only two cases down, to overthrow, to destroy Disciplinatus, a, um, adj. disci-
Dlradiatio, onis, /. a spreading, Dlruptio, Onis,/. a bursting plined [auditor
&c. of vines in the form of sun- Diruptor, oris, m. a burster, a Disclpftla, se, /- a she scholar, or
beams waster Discipulus, i, m. a disciple, a
Dlrftdio, are, a to spread, or set Diruptus, a, um, part, and adj. scholar, a learner, an apprentice
like the rays of the sun burst, or broken, quite wasted, Discissus, a, um, part, rent, torn,
' Dlras, arum, pi. f. curses, or im- steep, craggy, rigorous pulled down
precations, the furies Dlrus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- Discludo, gre, si, sum, a. to shut
Directarius, i, m. one who steals mus, superl. dreadful, horrible, up, to separate, to set apart
into a house in order to steal terrible, ugly, cruel, dismal, Disclusus, a, um, part, shut up
Directira, adv. directly mournful Disco, ere, didici, a. to learn, to
Dircctio, onis, /. a direction, a um, part, broken, or
Dirtitus, a, understand, to be informed
direct leading to a thing, an cut down, destroyed, over- DiscObOlus, i, m. in accus. disco-
aim thrown, ruined bolon, a quoit-caster, a piece of
DirectO, and Directe, adv. ius, Dis, ditis, c. g., and dlte, n. ior, Myron's workmanship
comp. directly, straight, simply, comp. isslmus, superl. rich, Discoctus, a, um, part, well boiled
without condition, downright wealthy, great, fertile DiscOlor, oris, adj. discoloured, of
Director, oris, m. a director, a Discalceatus, a, um, part, unshod a different colour.parti-coloured,
guide Discalceo, are, a. to unshoe unlike
Directum, i, n. right, justice, Discaveo, vi, cautum, n. to be DiscOlorius, a, um, adj. of dif-
equity [line very circumspect, to beware of ferent colours, parti-coloured
Direetura, se, /. a laying out by a Discedens, tis, part, departing Disconvgnio, Ire, n. to be unlike,
Dlrectus, a, um, part, and adj. Discedo, fire, essi, essum, n. to to disagree
ior, comp. directed, ordered, set depart, to go off, or away, to DiscOquo, gre, oxi, a. to secths
in array, made, or ruled straight elope, to come off, to separate, well
cut, divided, direct to be parted, or divided, to leave DiscordablliB, e, adj disagrecabl*
Discordaas, tis,part, discordant, Disertim, adv. expressly, particu- Disperdltio, onis, /. a destroying
jarring, disagreeing, differing, larly Disperdttus, a, um, part, lost,
altering DIsertus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. undone
Discordia, ae, /. discord, variance, issimus, super!, eloquent, fluent, Disperdo, Sre, didi, dltum, a. f o
disagreement, debate, strife copious, subtle, witty lose, to spend, to waste
Discordialis, e, adj. causing dis- Dishiasco, ere, incep. to begin to Dispgreo, Ire, ii, n. to be undone,
coid [tious chap [down ruined, or destroyed
Discordiosus, a, um, adj. conten- Disjecto, are, freq. to toss up and Dispergendus, a, um, part, to bs
Discordo, are, n. to be at. variance, Disjectus, a, um, part, dispersed, dispersed
to differ, to disagree, to be con- scattered, routed, destroyed, Dispergo, ere, si, sum, a. to dis-
trary to thrown down perse, to scatter [loosely
Discors, dis, adj. discordant, jar- Disjectus, its, m. a dissipation, Disperse, adv. here and there,
ring, harsh, different, differing, a dispersion Dispersim, adv. severally
contrary Disjicio, ere, eci, ectum, a. to dis- Dispersus, a, um, part, dispersed,
Discrepans, tis, part, differing perse, to scatter, to put to flight, scattered, spread abroad, sepa-
Discrepantia, a;,/, a difference to overthrow, to throw down rated, sprinkled
DiscrSpatio, onis, /. a dispute, a Disglutino, are, a. to disjoin, dis- Dispersus, us, m. a dispersing
controversy unite Dispertiendus, a, um, part, to be
Discrepltans, tis, part, differing Disjuncte, adv. severally divided
Discreplto, are, freq. to disagree, Disjunctio, onis, /. a separation, Dispertio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to di-
to jar a difference vide, to distribute
Discrepo, are, ui and avi, itum, n. Disjunctive, adv. disjunctively Dispertltus, a, um, part, divided
to differ, to disagree, to dissent, Disjunctlvus, a, um, adj. dis- Dispescens, tis, part, separating
to jar, to vary [tinctiy junctive Dispesco, ere, ui, a. to separate,
Discrete, adv. separately, dis- Disjunctus, a, um, part, and adj. to divide
Discreturus, a, um, part, about ior, comp. issimus, superl. dis- Dispessus, a, um, part, stretched
to sever joined, separated, unyoked, di- wide, or asunder
Discretus, a, um, part, and adj. vided Dispicio, 6re, exi, ectum, a. to
parted, separated, severed, dif- Disjungo, Sre, xi, ctum, a. to dis- look about, to discern, to espy
ferent join, to separate, to part, to un- Displicatus, a, um, part, scatter-
Discrimen, inis, n. difference, di- yoke, to withdraw ed, dispersed
versity, distinction, discretion, Dispalatus, a, um, part, strag- Displlcens, tis, part, displeasing
debate, doubt, danger, peril, gling, wandering about, dis- Displicentia, ae,/. a displeasing
battle, a space, or distance persed [known Displicea, ere, ui, itum, n to
Discrlminatim, adv. distinctly Dispalesco, ere, n. to be made displease
Discriminatio, onis,/. a severing Dispalo, are, a. and n. to scatter, Displtciturus, a, um, part, about
Discrlminatus, a, um, part, dis- to disperse, to wander about, to to displease
tinct straggle Displodo, ere, si, sum, a. to g»
Discrimino, are, a. to divide Dispando, ere, passum, a. to
di, off, &c. with noise, to let off 4
Discruciatus, a, um, part, tortur- stretch out, to spread abroad gun
ed, tormented, troubled Dispansus, a, um, part, stretched Disp\6sus, a, um, part, let off
Discrucio, are, to torment, to vex out, extended, spread abroad with a crack, &c. discharged
Discubltus, us, m. a sitting down Dispar, aris, adj. unlike, different, Displuviatus, a, um, adj. made
at meat unequal [parted shelving to carry off the fain
Discubo, are, ui, itum, n. to lie Dispai-andus, a, um, part, to be DispSliabulum, i, n. a place where
down to sleep [down Disparllis, e, adj. different, un- robbery, &c. is committed
Discunibens, tis, part, sitting equal Dispolio, are, a. to despoil, to rob
Discumbo, ere, cubui, n. to lie, or Disp&rilitas, atis, /. unlikeness, Disponendus, a, um, part, to be
sit down diversity, inequality disposed of
Discuneatus, a, um, part, cloven Disparillt'er, adv. diversely, un- Disponens, tis, part disposing

with a wedge equally Dispono, er$ posui, itum, a. to

Disctipio, 6re, Ivi, Itum, n. to de- Disparo,' are, a. to sever, to sepa- dispose, to place, or set in
sire much- rate, to be unequal, or unlike order, to put, or set, to settle,
Discurrens, tis, part, running up Dispartio, Ire, Ivi, a. to divide to divide [orderly
and down, "running, dividing Dispartltus, a, um, part, divided Disposite, adv. methodically,
Piscurro, ere, ri, rsum, n. to run Dispassus, a, um, part, extended, Dispositio, onis,/. a disposition,
hither and thither; a. to run stretched out a disposal, a setting in order
over Dispecturus, a, um, part, about Dispositor, oris, m. a disposer
Discursans, tis, part, running up to consider, regard, or view Disposltura, ae,/. a disposition
and down Dispectus, us, »\ regard, conside- DispOsitus, a, um, part, and adj.
Discursatio, onis, /. a running ration ior, comp. disposed, set in order,
to and fro Dispellens, tis, part, driving away or array, ranged
Discursim, adv. running severally Dispello, ere, puli, pulsum, a. to Dispftsitus, us, m a disposal
Discurso, are,/reg. to run over dispel, or drive away, to banish, Dispulsus, a, um, part, dispelled,
Discursus, us, m. a running about, to remove separated
a flight, a discourse, a treatise Dispendiosus, a, um, adj. hurtful Dispulvero, avi, are, a. to reduce
Discus, i, m. a quoit, a dish, or Dispendium, i, n. expense, cost, to powder, to pulverize
platter [shake charge, loss, damage, a circuit Dispungo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to
Discussio, onis, /. a shaking, a Dispendo, ere, di, sum, a. to divide, to prick, to mark, to
Discussor, oris, m. a diligent spend, to consume, to employ note down, to balance
searcher, inquirer, or examiner Dispenno, are, n. to stretch the Dispfitabilis, e, adj. disputable
Discussorius, a, um, adj. able to wing [managed Disputans, tis, part, disputing
discuss Dispensandus, a, um,
part, to be Disputatio, onis, /. a disputation
Discussurus, a, um, part, about Dispensatio, onis,/. dispensation, Disputatiuncula, se, /. a small
to discuss distribution, management dispute
Discussus, a, um, part, shaken Dispensator, oris, m. a dispenser, Disputator, oris, m. a disputant
off, dispersed, driven back a steward, a manager Dispiitatrix, Icis, /. she that dis-
Disctitiendus, a, um, part, to be Dispensatus, a, um, part, dis- putes
shaken off pensed, distributed, divided, Dispiitatus,a, um, part, disputed
Discutiens, tis, part, shaking, &c. managed Disputo, are, a. to dispute, to
Disciitio, fire, ssi, ssum, a. to dis- Dispenso, are, a to dispense, to argue, to debate, to reason, to
cuss, to shake, cast, beat, or distribute, to lay out, to ma- discourse, to make plain
batter down, to beat nage, to administer Disquiro, ere. sivi, sltum, a. to
Diserte, adv. ids, camp, eloquently, Dispercutio, ere, ssi. a tc dash, inquire diligently, to f.rareb
elegantiv, expressly, by name out c it
Disquisitio, finis,/, a disquisition, Disslmidauter, adv. dissenibUng- Distabesco, 6ie, incep. to consume
a diligent inquiry, or examina- ly, secretly to melt
tion Dissimtilantia, se, /. a dissembling Distans, tis, part, distant, differ-
Disrumpt , ere, rupi, ruptum, a. Dissimulatim, adv. secretly, close- ing
to break off, to burst, to sepa- ly Distantia, se,/. distance, difference
rate [pieces DissTmulatio, Onis, /. dissimula- Distendens, tis, part, stretching
Dissecatio, onis, /. a cutting in tion, insincerity, disguise, con- out
Disseco, are, ui, ctum, a. to dis- tempt, irony [bier Distendo, ere, di, turn and sum,
sect, to cut in pieces, or open, Dissimulator, oris, m. a dissem- a. to stretch out, to extend, to
to cleave Dissimulaturus, a, um, part. swell, to fill
Dissectio, onis,/. a dissection, a about to dissemble, or conceal Distensus, a, um, part, stretched
cutting asunder, or down, a Dissimulatus, a, um, part, dis- out, extended
reaping [pieces sembled, concealed Distentio, onis, /. a distension, a
Dissectus, a, um, part, cut in Dissimulo, are, a. to dissemble, stretching out
Disseminatio, onis, /. a sowing to pretend, to hide, to conceal Distento, are,/reg. to stretch out,
about [sows Dissipabllis, e, adj. that may be to make large, to stuff, to
Disseminator, dris, m. he that dispersed • cram
Dissemlnatus, a, um, part, pub- Dissipatio, onis, /. a dissipation, Distentus, a, um, part, and adj.
lished a wasting ior, comp. issimus, superl.
Dissemlno, are, a. to spread Dissipatus, a, um, part, dissipat- stretched out, extended, swell-
abroad, to publish, to sow ed, dispersed, scattered, spread ed, busied, taken up, let, hin-
Dissensio, onis, /. dissension, abroad, shattered in pieces dered
dissent, disagreement, diffe- Dissipo, are, a. to dissipate, to Distentus, us, m. a stretching out
rence, discord disperse, to scatter, to drive Disterminans, tis, part,bounding
Dissensurus, a, um, part, about away, to confound, or disorder, Distermmatus, a, um, part, se-
to dissent [riance to dissolve, to waste, or squan- parated
Dissensus, us, m. dissension, va- der, to spread abroad Distermino, are, bound, to
a. to
Dissentaneus, a, um, adj. dis- Dissitus, a, um, part, scattered, divide, to part, to separate
agreeing dispersed, distant, remote Distermtnus, a, um, adj. separated
Dissentiens, tis, part, disagreeing DissSciabllis, e, adj. discordant, Distichon, i, n. a distich, an
Dissflhtio, Ire, si, sum, n. to dis- opposite, to be parted epigram
sent, to disagree, to differ with, DissOciatio, onis, /. a disunion, a Distillans, tis, part, distilling,
or from separation, an antipathy, an dropping
Disseplmentum, i, n. a partition aversion Distillatio, onis,/. a distillation,
Dissepio, Ire, psi, ptuin, a. to DissOciatus, a, um, part, divided, a rheum
break down a hedge, or inclo- parted, separated, disunited Distillator, oris, m. a distiller
sure, to part Dissocio, are, a. to divide, to Distillo, are, a. and n. to distil, to
Disseptum, or Dissepium, i, n. part, to separate, to break, or drop
an inclosure, a wall dissolve Distincte, adv. ius, comp. dis-
Disseptus, a, um, part, separated Dissolvendus, a, um, part, to tinctly, plainly, clearly, orderly
Disserendus, a, um, part, to be dissolve, or be dissolved Distinctio, onis, /
a distinction,
discoursed, or treated of, to be Dissolubilis, e, adj. easy to be a diversity, a point, or note, a
transplanted dissolved grace
Dissereno, are, a. to clear up Dissolvens, tis, part, dissolving Distinctus, a, um, part, and adj
Disserens, tis, part, discoursing, Dissolvo, ere, vi, utum, a. to dis- ior, comp. distinct, explicit,
disputing [transplant solve, to melt, to break, to distinguished, marked, pointed
Dissero, ere, evi, a. to sow, to break or dash in pieces, to Distinctus, us, m. a distinction,
Dissgro, 6re, ui, ertum, a. to dis- break down, to destroy, to cause or separation, variety
course, to speak, or treat of, to to die, to loosen, to unbind, to Distinendus, a, um, part, to be em-
reason, debate, or dispute, to disengage [gently ployed, hindered, &c.
declare [arise Dissolute, adv. dissolutely, negli- Distineo, ere, ui, entum, a. to
Disserpo, 6re, n. to spring, or DissQlutio, onis,/. a dissolution, hinder, to keep, or hold, em-
Dissertans, tis, part, debating a dissolving, an abolishing, a ployed, to keep off, to stop, to
Dissertatio, onis,/. a dissertation purgation, or answering, weak- divide, to part, to puzzle
Dissert at.urus, a, um, part, about ness, easiness Distinguens, tis, part, distin-
to debate DissOlutus, a, um, part, and adj. guishing
Disserto, are, freq. to discourse, ior, comp. issimus, superl. dis- Distinguo, 6re, nxi, nctum, a. to
to argue [jarring solved, loosened, dishevelled, distinguish, to diversify, to
DissTdens, tis, part, disagreeing, broken, abolished, shaken off, mark, to adorn, to set, inlay, or
Dissidentia, se, /. discord, diffe- avoided, dissolute enamel
rence Dissdnans, tis, part, disagreeing, Distito, axe, freq. tobe distant
Dissldeo, ere, edi, essum, n. to be harsh Disto, are, stiti, n. to be distant,
at variance, to disagree, to DissOno, are, ui, Itum, «. to be to differ, to be unlike
differ, to be unlike, to be sepa- - discordant, to jar Distorquens, tis, part, turning
rated Diss6nus, a, um, adj. dissonant, away
! Pissidium, i, n. a separation, a different, discordant, jarring, Distorqueo, ere, si, turn, a. to set
disagreement, a breach of confused awry, to turn aside
I friendship Dissors, tis, adj. disagreeable to Distortio, onis, /. distortion,
( Dissignator, oris, m. a master o{ Dissuadendus, a, um, part, to be crooke&aess, a turning, a wrest-
ceremonies dissuaded ing
Dissiliens, tis, part, breaking, &c. Dissuadens, tis, part, dissuading Distortus, a, um, part, and adj.
Dissilio, Ire, ui and Ivi, ultum, n. Dissuadeo, ere, si, sum, a. to ior, comp. issimus, superl. dis-
to leap about, to break, to fly dissuade, to advise to the con- torted, deformed, crooked, bow-
I in pieces, to burst asunder trary ed, irregular
Pissimilis, e, adj. ior, comp. illi- Dissuasio, 6nis, /. a dissuasion Distractio, onis, /. a separation,
mus, superl. unlike, different Dissuasor, oris, m. a a divorce, a desertion, a selling
Dissimiliter, adv. diversely, diffe- Dissuavior, ari, dep. to kiss Distractus, a, um, part, and adj.
rently sweetly [asunder ior, comp. issimus. superl. diS"
i Dissimilitiido, inis,/. unlikeness Dissultans, tis, part, breaking tracted, drawn, or pulled asun-
i Dissimulamentum, i, n. a pretence Dissulto, are, a. to fly about, to der, drawn, parted
i Dissimulandus, a, um, part, to ?.'oar Distrahendus, a, um, part, to be
be dissembled, denied, or con- Dissuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to un- parted, drawn asunder, broken
cealed stitch, to unrip, to undo off, ended, parcelled out
Dissimulans, tis, part, dissem- Dissutus, a, um, part, unsewed, Distrsiho, e>e, axi, actum, a. to
bling, concealing ripped pull, or draw asunder, to parfr

DIV :>iu DOL

to separate, to divide, to break Diversor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Diuturne, ado. a long time
off, to dissolve, to end lodge, or inn, to sojourn, to Diuturnttas, atis, /. long con-
Distrlbuendus, a, urn, part, to be resort tinuance, lastingness, length ol
distributed Diversor, oris, m. a guest, a lodger time
Distrlbuo, ere, ui, utum, to dis-
a. DiversoriOlum, i, n. dim. a little Diuturnus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
tribute, or divide, to deal, to inn lasting, long, of long continu-
bestow, to appoint [tinctly Diversorium, i, n. an inn, a lodg- ance, of long life
Distribute, adv. ius, comp. dis- ing, a harbour, a country-house Divulgandus, a, um, part, to be
Distrlbutio, onis,/. a distribution Diversorius, a, um, adj. belonging published abroad
Distributor, oris, m. a divider to an inn, or lodging Divulgatio, ouis, /. a publishing
Distrlbuturus, a, urn, part, about Diversus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Divulgator, oris, nt. a publisher
to distribute issimus, superl. different, con- Divulgatus, a, um, part, issimus,
Distributus, a, um, part, distri- trary, opposite, unlike, distinct, superl. published, spread abroad,
buted, divided, bestowed separate, apart, distant made known, extolled, given up,
Districte, adv. ius, comp. briefly, Divertens, tis, part, turning aside common
sharply Diverticulum, i, n. a turning, a Divulgo, are, a. to divulge, to
Districtim, adv. shortly, straitly bye-path, a lane, a shift, a hole publish, to spread abroad, to
Districtus, a, um, part, and adj. to get out at make known
ior, comp. bound, perplexed, Diverto, Sre, ti, sum, n. to turn Divulsus, a, um, part, torn asun-
troubled, busied, engaged, out of the way, to turn, or lead der, or in pieces, parted, sepa-
drawn [binding aside, to go, to digress, or rated, broken [holy
Distringens, tis, part, scrubbing, swerve, to differ Divus, a, um, adj. divine, sacred,
Distringo, 6re, xi, ictum, a. to Dives, itis, adj. divitior, comp. Divus, i, m. a god, a saint
bind fast, to strain hard, to ditissimus, superl. rich, wealthy, Do, dare, dgdi, datum, a. to give,
busy, or engage, to strike, opulent, abundant, abounding to bestow, to grant, to allow, to
prick, or touch softly, to graze, Divexo, are, a. to vex, to harass, yield, to surrender, to give up,
or wound slightly, to gall, to to spoil, to waste to apply, to deliver, to commit,
rub, or cleanse, to chip Divi, orum, pi. m. gods, saints or intrust, to appoint, to as-
Distrunco, are, a. to quarter, to Dividendus, a, um, part, to be sign, to attribute, to make, or
cut off a limb, or piece divided ordain, to do [taught
Disturbatio, onis, /. a casting Dividia, se, /. strife, discontent, Docendus, a, um, part, fb be
down grief, trouble, a heart-breaking Docens, tis, part, teaching, telling
Disturbo, are, a. to overthrow, to Divido, ere, isi, isum, a. to divide, D5ceo, ere, ui, ctum, a. to teach,
cast down, to disorder, or con- to distribute, to cut off, to to inform, to tell, to show, to
found, to let and hinder break down prove
Dltandus, a, um, part, to be en- Divldue, adv. by halves D&cllis, e, adj. ior, comp. docile,
riched Dividuus, a, um, adj. that is, or tractable, soon taught
Ditans, tis, part, enriching may be parted and divided, cut D6cllltas, atis, /. docility, gentle-
Dltatus, a, um, part, enriched, into several parts ness
stored Divina, a?,/, a prophetess Docte, adv. ius, comp. isslmft,
Ditesco, Sre, incep. to grow rich, Divinans, tis, part, presaging, superl. learnedly, skilfully
or be enriched, to be well stored guessing Doctiuscule, adv. in a somewhat
Dithyramblcus, a, um, adj. be- Divinatio, onis, /. divination, a too learned manner
longing to a dithyrambic divine foresight, a telling of Doctor, oris, m. a doctor, a
Dithyrambus, i, m. a name of things to come teacher, an instructor, a master
Bacchus, a song in honour of Divinatus, a, um, part, divined Doctrlna, se, /. doctrine, instruc-
Bacchus Divine, adv. divinely, heavenly tion, teaching, learning, erudi-
DItio, onis, /. rule, power, autho- Divinitas, atis, /. divinity, the tion, wisdom, philosophy
rity, empire, lordship, a shire, Godhead Doctus, a, um, part, or adj. ior,
or place of jurisdiction Divinltus, adv. from God comp. issimus, superl. taught,
Ditis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Divino, are, a. to divine, to guess, instructed [warning
superl. rich, fruitful to judge, to foretel, to foresee DScumen, Inis, «. a lesson, a
Ditisslme, adv. most richly Divinus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Documentum, i, n. a lesson, an
Dito, are, a. to enrich, to make issimus, superl. divine, heavenly, example, a proof, a warning, an
rich more than human, blessed, holy, omen, or presage, reputation,
Diu, adv. tius, comp. tisslme, consecrated, wonderful honour
superl. a long time, or while, Divinus, i, m. a diviner, a con- Dodrans, tis, m. nine ounces, or
long, of long continuance jurer inches, nine parts of twelve
Diva, ae,/. a goddess, a she-saint Divise, Divlsim, adv. severally Dodrantalis, e, adj. of nine ounces.
Divarlcatus, a, um, part, severed Divisio, onis, /. a division, a par- or inches [nion
Divarlco, are, a. to stride, to tition, a distribution Dogma, atis, n. a decree, an opi-
straddle, to set asunder Divisor, oris, m. a divider, or dis- Dogmatlcus, a, um, adj. dog-
Divellens, tis, part, pulling asun- tributer matical [axe
der Divisura, se,/. a division, a cleft D6labella, se, /. a hatchet, a little
Divello, ere, li and vulsi, vulsum, Divisurus, a, um, part, about to DOlabra, ae,/. an axe, a chip-axe
a. to tear asunder, or in pieces, divide Ddlabratus, a, um, part, chipped
to tear away, to take away by Divisus, a, um, part, ior, comp. with an axe
force divided, distributed, parted D6latus, a, um, part, rough-hewn
Divenditio, onis, /. a selling Divisus, us, m. a dividing, a di- Dolendus, a, um, part, to be la-
Divenditus, a, um, part, sold in vision mented
parcels Divltiae, arum, pl.f. riches Dolens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Divendo, fire, dldi, Itum, a. to sell Dium, i, n. the daylight, the fir- comp. grieving, or repining at,
in divers parcels, to set to sale mament, the open air affected, vexed
Diverberatus, a, um, part, cleft Divortium, i, n. a divorce, a part- Ddlenter, adv. ius, comp. sorrow-
asunder, &c. ing, or separation, a division fully, mournfully, grievously
Diverbero, are, a. to strike, to Diurnum, i, n. a day-book, a D6lentia, ae,/. grief, sorrow
beat, to bang, to cleave, or cut journal, a day's hire D6leo, ere, ui, Itura, n. to grieve,
Diverbium, i, n. the first part of a Diurnus, a, um, adj., diu-
i. e. to fret, to repine, to be sorry,
comedy turnus, of the day, belonging to or displeased, to pain
Diverse, adv. ius, comp. isslme, the day, daily [excellent Doliaris, e, adj. as big as a tun,
superl. differently, different Dius, a, um, adj. divine, heavenly, tun-bellied
ways, &c. [ference Diutlne, adv. a long time Doliarius, i, m. a cooper
Diversltas, atis, /. diversity, dif- Diutlnus, a, um, adj. continual, Doliolum, i, n. dim. a little barrel
Diversltor, Oris, m. an inkeeper, a lon^, lasting [time D6llturus, a, um, part, about to
host Diutius. adv. a good while, a long grieve, that would grieve
D6lium, i, «. a cask, a tub, a tun, or habitation, a nest, a stable, a Druldae, pi. m., and Druldes, the
pipe temple, a church Druids
Dolo, are, a.or hewto cut, Donabilis, e, adj. to be presented, Dualis, e, adj. dual
smooth, to rough-hew, to chip, worthy, or deserving of Duallter, adv. in the dual numbei
to square, to bang, to beat Donandus, a, um, part, to be pre- Dtibie, adv. doubtfully, obscurely
DOlon, and D6lo, onis, m. a staff sented [ing Dubiosus, a, um, adj. doubtful
with a tuck in it, a tuck, a little Donans, tis, part, giving, reward- Dubltabllis, e, adj. that may be
sword Donarium, i, n. a temple where doubted [doubted
D6lor, oris, m. pain, smart, ache, gifts were offered, a gift Dflbltandus, a, um, part, to be
soreness, a throe, or pang, an- Donatio, onis, /. a donation, a Dubltans, tis, part, doubting, de-
guish, grief, sorrow present, a reward laying, hovering betwixt life and
D6lose, adv. craftily, deceitfully Donatlvum, i, n. a donative, a death
D6i6sltas, atis,/. deceitfulness dole, a benevolence Dubitanter, adv. doubtingly
D6l6sus, a, um, adj. deceitful, Donator, oris, m. he that gives, a Dubltatio, onis, /. a doubt, a
treacherous, false, crafty bestower scruple
Dolus, i m. deceit, guile, treachery,
, Donatus, a, um, part, bestowed, Diibltatus, a, um, part, doubted
falsehood, collusion, subtlety, given, presented, rewarded, Dublto, are, n. to doubt, or be in
policy, a trick, a wile, a strata- granted, forgiven doubt, to hesitate, to waver, to
gem D6nax, acis, m. an angling-rod scruple, to mistrust
D5mabllis, e, adj. easy to be tamed Donee, adv. until, as long as, Dubium, i, n. doubt, danger
D6mandus, a, um, part, to be while that Dubius, a, um, adj. dubious,
tamed, or subdued [duing Donlcum, adv. until, &c. doubtful, uncertain, variable,
D6mans, tis, part, taming, sub- Dono, are, a. to give, to bestow, reserved, sharp on each side,
D&matio, onis,/. a subduing to present, to distribute, to re- dangerous
DSmator, 6ris, m. a tamer, a sub- ward, to forgive Ducalis, e, adj. ducal
duer Donum, i, n. a gift, a present, an Ducatus, us, m. a dukedom, a
D6m6factus, a, um, adj. culti- offering, a reward, a bribe duchy, a generalship, conduct,
vated, tamed [house Dorcas, adis, /. a doe, a lean a play [hundred

DOmestlcatlm, adv. house by woman Ducenarius, a, um, adj. of two

D&mestlcus, a, um, adj. of the Dormiendus, a, um, part, to be Ducendus, a, um, part, to be led,
same house, domestic, staying slept to be carried
at home, private, civil Dormiens, tis, part, sleeping Diiceni, ae, a, adj. pi. two hundred
Dc-mestlcus, i, m. a domestic, an Dormio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to sleep, Ducens, tis, part, leading, con-
attendant to be asleep ducting, bringing, drawing, de-
D6mlcllium, i, n. an abode, a Dormisco, fire, incep. to nod riving
receptacle Dormltandus, a, um, part, to be Ducentesimus, a, um, adj. the
Dftmlcoenium, i, n. a supper at slept [twinkling two hundredth
home [lady Dormltans, tis, part, nodding, Diicenti, ae, a, adj. pi.two hundred
D6mina, ae,/. a mistress, a wife, a Dormltator, oris, m. a sleeper, a Dacenties, adv. two hundred
D6mlnans, tis, part, ior, comp. drone times
bearing rule, or sway, governing Dormlto, are, n. to be sleepy, or Duco, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to lead, to
Domlnatio, onis, /. rule, power, careless, to sleep, to nap, to draw, or drag, to bring, carry,
authority, sovereignty, lordship, nod, to slumber or conduct, to carry off, or
tyranny [vernor Dormitor, oris, m. a long sleeper away, to take, or go along with,
Domlnator, oris, m. a ruler, a go- Dormltorium, i, n. a dormitory to induce, move, or persuade
Domlnatrix, Icis, /. a governess Dormltorius, a, um, adj. that Ductabllitas, atis, /. ductability,
Dominatus, a, um, part, having pertains to [sleep aptness to be duped
ruled, or governed, ruled Dormlturus, a, um, part, about to Ductans, tis, part, drawing
Dominatus, us, m. mastership, Doron, i, n. a gift, or present, a Ductarius, a, um, adj. drawing,
rule, government, lordship handbreadth, palm gilding, running
Dominica, ae,/. the Lord's day Dorsum, i, the back, a pro-
n. Ductllis.e, adj. ductile, easy to be
D6mlnlcalis, e, adj. dominical montory, a shelf, or heap of drawn, conveyed into
DOmlnlcus, a, um, adj. pertaining sand, a ridge, or side of a hill Ductlm, adv. leisurely [veying
to a lord, or master DOrjfphorus, i, m. a life-guards- Ductio, onis, /. a drawing, a con-
Dominium, i, n. dominion, lord- man Ductltius, a, um, adj. malleable
ship, rule, empire, a domain Dos, otis, /. a portion, or dowry, Ductlto, are, a. to lead quickly
Domlnor, atus sum, dep. to
ari, a gift, a property, an use, a away, to lead up and down, to
be lord and master, to rule, to nature, an advantage cheat, to decoy
domineer Dossuarius, a, um, adj. bearing Ducto, are,/reg.tolead, to wheedle
DOmmus, i, m. a master, a son, or on the back Ductor, oris, m. a leader, a con-
young master, a husband, a Dotalis, e, adj. dotal, of, or per- veyor, a guide, a captain
ruler, or governor, a jailer, a taining to a dowry Ducturus, a, um, pert, about to
possessor, or owner Dotatus, a, um, part, isslmus, lead
D6mlnus, a, am, adj. ruling, chief superl. endowed, enriched, dow- Ductus, a, um, part, led, led on,
POmlporta, ae,/. a snail ered, married, joined drawn, moved, induced, pre-
Domito, are, a. to tame, to break, Doto, are, a. to endow vailed on, drawn out, deduced,
to weary Drachma, se, /. a drachm, the derived
D&mitor, oris, m. a tamer, a sub- eighth part of an ounce, a Greek Ductus, <is, m. a leading, guid-
duer, a vanquisher coin ance, conduct, a draught, shape,
Domltrix, icis,/. she that tames Draco, 6nis, m. a dragon, a ser- form, or figure, a conduit-pipe
D6mltura, se, /. a taming, a break- pent, an old hardened vine- Dudum, adv. but late, lately, not
ing [tame branch, a fish long since, a while ago, hereto-
D&mlturus, a, um, part, that will Draconlggna, ae, c. g. bred of a fore, a great while since, long
Domltus, a, um, part, tamed, dragon ago
subdued, vanquished Dracunculus, i, m. a little dragon, Duellarius, a, um, adj. martial
D6mltus, us, m. a taming, a dragon's-wort, a shell-fish Duellator, oris, m. a warrior
breaking Drama, atis, n. the action of a Duelllcus, a, um, adj. martial,
D6mo, are, ui, "turn, a. to tame, play warlike
to break, to subdue, to conquer, Dramattcus, a, um, adj. dramatic Duellum, i, n. a duel, a battle
to vanquish Drapfita, m. a fugitive
ae, between two people, war
Dbmultio, onis, /. a going home DrOmas, adis, m. a dromedary, a Duellus, a, um, adj. pretty, hand-
DOmuncula, ae, /. dim. a little dog, Swift some
house, a cottage Dr6mgdarius, i, m. a dromedary Dulce, adv. isslme, superl. sweetly,
Domus, us or i, /. a house, a Dropax, acis, m. ointment to take pleasantly, comically
lodging, a dwelling, an abode, away hair Dulcedo, Inis, /. sweetness, plea
y>u? E ECQ
santness, delightfulness, fond- Duplio, onis, m. the double Ea, adv. that way
ness, desire, harmony Duplo, adv. twice as much Eamse, for earn ipsam, her very
Duleescens, tis, part, growing Duplum, i, n. the double self [far
pleasant Duplus, a, um, adj. double, twice Eatenus, adv. so far, so long, thus
Du'.cesco, ere, incep. to grow sweet as much Ebgnum, Ebenus,
i, n. or i,/. the
Duieiarius, a, um, adj. relating Dupondiarius, a, um, adj. weigh- ebon-tree, ebony
to what is sweet ing, or holding two pounds Ebibo, ere, bi, blbltum, a. to
Duleiciilus, a, um, adj. sweetish Durabilis, e, adj. durable, lasting drink up, to drink, to suck dry,
Dulciferus, a, um, adj. bearing Durabllitas,' atis, /. long con- by drinking, to forget
sweet tinuance Eblandior, iri, Itus sum, dep. to
Dulciloquus, a, um, adj. sweetly Duracinus, a, um, adj. hard, get, or obtain by flattery, or
sounding, harmonious, musical rough, tough, sticking fair words, to coax, to charm
Dulcio, ire, n. to become sweet Duramen, Inis, n. and Duramen- Eblandltus, a, um, part, having
Dulcis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, turn, i, n. a hardening, a con- obtained by fair words, ob-
superl. sweet, pleasant, agree- gealing, a strengthening, con- tained by wheedling
able, delicious, delightful, stancy Eboriirius, a, um, adj. belonging
charming, lovely Durans, tis, part, hardening, ^ to ivory [ivory
Pulcit&r, adv. sweetly, gently abiding, lasting EbSratus, a, um, part, inlaid with
Dulcitudo, inis, /. sweetness, Duratio, onis, /. duration EbGreus, a, um, adj. made of
pleasantness Duratrix, Icis, /. she who hardens ivory
Dulcor, oris, m. sweetness Duraturus, a, um, part, that will Ebriatus, a, um, part made drunk .

Dum, adv. until, upon condition last Ebrietas, atis, /. drunkenness,

that, provided that, so that, Duratus, a, um, part, hardened, sottishness
while, whilst dried, frozen, confirmed, patient Ebrio, are, a. to make drunk
Dilmetum, i, n. a thicket, a place Dure, adv. hardly, harshly Ebriola, ae,/. a drunken woman
full of bushes, intricacy Diireo, ere, n. to'be hard Ebriolus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Durnmodb, adv. so that, provided Dflrescens, tis, part, growing drunk [tas
that hard Ebriositas, atis,/. same as Ebrie-
Dumosus, a, um, adj. full of Duresco, ere, w. to grow hard, to Ebriosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
bushes, bushy be hardened, or frozen, to con- drunken, sottish, given to
Dumus, i, m. a bush, a grove tinue long drink
Duntaxat, adv. only, at least, to Dureta, ae,/. a vessel, or wooden Ebrius, a, um, adj. drunken, in-
nit chair in a bath _ toxicated, soaked dipt
Duo, ae, o, adj. pi. two, twain, Durltas, atis, /. churlishness, Ebullio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to boil,
both rigour, cruelty or bubble up, to fret, or work,
Duodecies, adv. twelve times Durit6r, adv. ius, comp. hardly, _ to utter, to break out into talk
Duodeeim, adj. indecl. twelve painfully, harshly, roughly, Ebullo, are, n. to bubble, or burst
Puddecimus, a, um, adj. the rudely, ungenteelly out
twelfth Diiritia, ae,/. hardness, firmness, Ebillum, i, n. and Ebulus, i, /.
Puodenarius, a, um, adj. of twelve brawniness, cruelty, harshness, wallwort, dwarf-elder
Puodeni, ae, a, adj. pi. twelve ruggedness, a hard way of life, Ebur and Ebor, oris, n. ivory,
Duodenonaginta, adj. pi. eighty- costiveness any thing made of ivory
eight Duriusculus, a, um, adj. some- Eburatus, a, um, adj. inlaid with
Duodeoctoginta, seventy-eight what rough, hard, unpolished ^ ivory [ivory
Duodequadrageni, ae, a, adj. pi. Diiro, are, a. and n. to harden, to EburneOlus, a, um, adj. made of
thirty-eight become hard, to make hardy, Eburneus, a, um, adj. of ivory,
Du5dequadragesimus, a, um, adj. or strong, to inure to hardships, like ivory, fair, white
the eight-and-thirtieth to abide, continue Eburnus, a, um, adj. made of
Duodequinquaginta, pi. forty- Durus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- ivory
eight mus, superi. hard, stiff, rough, Ecce, adv. demon, lo see, behold !

Duodesexagesimus, a, um, adj. unpleasant, stale, obstinate, in- Eccentricus, a, um, adj. eccen-
the fifty-eighth exorable, untractable, blunt, trical
DuSdetrlcesimus, a, um, adj. the clownish, rustic, unpolished, Ecclesia, ae, /. a church, a con-
eight-and-twentieth sharp, pinching, hardy, rugged gregation, or assembly
DuOdetricies, adv. eight-and- Dtisius, i, m. the devil Ecclesiasterium, i, n. a place for
twenty times Duumvir, iri, m. and Duumviri, public assemblies
DuQdetrlginta, adj. pi. indecl. orum, two officers of Rome Ecclesiastes, ae, m. a preacher
eight-an d-t wenty Duumviralis, e, adj. duumviral Ecclesiasticus, i, m. a book of
PuOdevlceni, ae, a, eighteen Duumviratus, us, m. a duumvi- apocryphal scripture
Pu5devlcesimus, adv. PuSdevI- rate, the office of two in equal Ecdlcus, i, m. a proctor, a solici-
gesimus, a, um, adj. the eigh- authority tor
teenth Dux, diicis, c. ff. a leader, a lead- Ecf ari, infin. to speak out
Duoetvlcesimanus, a, um, adj. of ing person, a head, a conduc- Echgneis, idis, f. a sea-lamprey
the two-and-twentieth legion tor, a ringleader, a king, a com- Echidna, ae, / a viper, the Hydra
Duplex, Icis, adj. double, twofold, mander, a captain, a general Echinatus, a, um, adj. covered
twice as much, big, or many, Dyas, adis, /. a deuce, a couple ^ with prickles, sharp, rough
broad, crafty, subtle Dynasta, or Dynastes, ae, m. a Echinus, i, m. a hedgehog, a
Dupllcandus, a, um, part, to be prince, a potentate, a ruler sea-urchin, the prickly shell of
doubled Dynastia, ae,/. a government, or a chesnut, a vessel
Dupllcans, tis, part, doubling lordship Echo, tis, /. an echo
Dupllcarius, a, um, adj. belonging Dysenteria, ae,/. a dysentery, the Eclecta, ornm, pi. n. choice pieces
to what is double bloody flux Eclipsis, is,/ an eclipse, a figure
Duplicarius, i, m. a soldier who Dysentericus, a, um, adj. troubled in grammar when a word is
receives double pay as a reward with a flux wanting
Dupluatio, onis,/. a doubling Dysuria, as, /. a difficulty of Eclipticus, a, um, adj. belonging
Pupllcat6, adv. two ways, &c. making water, a strangury to an ecbpse
PuplTcaturus, a, um, part, about D^suricus, a, um, adj. ill of a Ecloga, ae, / an eclogue, a pas-

to double strangury toral

Dupllcatus, a, um, part, doubled, Eclogarius, i, m. a collector of
made twire as many, &c, bowed things read, a scholar hearing
Puplicltas, atis,/. duplicity _ lectures
Dupliclter, adv. doubiy Econtra, adv. on the contrary
Duplico, are, a. to double, to make Ecph6ra, ae,/. a jutting, or bear-
twice as much, big, or long, to E, prep, with all. out of, of, from, ing out
increase for, after, in, according to Eequandd, adv. at what time'
whether at any time ? but Edo, ere, or esse, es, est, edi, ing to pass, a thing mtde,
when? esum, or estum, a. to eat, to success
Ecquld, adv. whether or no, whe- graze, to devour, to consume, to Effccundo, avi, are, a. to make
ther any, whether, what waste, to corrode fruitful, to fertilize
Rcquis, ecqua, ecquod, or ecquid, Edo, onis, to. a great eater Effeminate, same as Effcerainate
pron. what, who, whether any EdOcens, tis, part, instructing Efferate, adv. madly, wildly
man, woman, or thing Edocenter, adv. in a teaching way Efferatus, a, um, part, ior, comp
Eoquisnam, aenam, odnam, or EdOceo, ere, ui, doctum, a. to issimus, superl. made wild, or
idnam, iiron. whether any man, teach, to instruct, to certify, to fierce, enraged, savage, cruel
woman, or thing _ inform Efferbeo, ere, ui, n. to be hot, or
Ecqud, adv. whither Edoctus, a, um, part taught, in- angry [stuff
Ecstasis, is, /. au ecstacy, a _ structed, advertised, informed Effercio, Ire, a. to cram full, to
trance, a sudden surprise Edolatus, a, um, part polished . Efferendus, a, um, part, to be
Eciyuum, i, n. a copy Edolo, are, a. to polish, to finish carried out
EctJpus, a, um, adj. copied, imi- Edfimatio, onis,/. a taming EffSrens, tis, part, lifting up, ad-
^ tated Edomitus, a, um, part, tamed, vancing, extolling, boasting
Eculcus, i, m. a little horse, a broken in Effero, are, a. to make wild, to
colt, a wooden horse for punish- Edomo, ui, are, Itum, a. to tame, enrage
ment, a rack to make gentle, to conquer, to Effero, fers, extuli, elatu^, a.
Edacitas, atis,/. edacity _ subdue [soundly and n. to carry off, out, or
Edax, acis, adj. issimus, superl. Edormio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to sleep away, to carry, to bring forth,
eating much, gluttonous, gor- Edormisco, ere, incep. to sleep out or produce, to raise, advance, or
mandizing, wasting Educandus, a, um, part, to be exalt, to praise, commend, or
Edendus, a, um, part, to be eaten, _ educated extol, to utter, or pronounce, to
to be devoured Educatio, onis, /. education, or divulge, or make known, to
Edens, tis, part, eating, publish- learning, a breeding up, or elate, or transport
_ ing, setting forth, uttering _ nourishing [up Effertus, a, um, part, and adj.
Edentatus, a, um, part, having Educator, oris, thatbrings issimus, superl. stuffed, full,
the teeth pulled, or knocked out Ediicatrix, icis, /. a teacher, a plentiful
Edento, are, a. to dash out one's _ nurse Efferveo, ere, vi, n. to be very hot
_ teeth Ediicatus, a, um, part, educated, Effervescens, tis, part, fuming,
Edentulus, a, um, adj. toothless _ brought up very hot
Edep61, adv. by Pollux Educendus, a, um, part, to be Effervescentia, se, /. a sudden
Edlco, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to tell drawn out boiling, anger, fury, rage
plainly, to declare, to advertise, Ediico, are, a. to educate, to Effervesco, ere, n. to be very hot,
to give warning, or notice, to teach, or instruct, to bring up, to boil over, to ferment, to be
_ publish by edict, to order to cherish, to maintain, to chafed, troubled, or moved
Edictatio, onis,/. a declaring _ feed, to feast Effervo, ere, vi, n. to boil over
Edictio, onis, /. a charge, or in- Educo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to lead, Efferus, a, um, adj. wild, savage,
junction or draw out, to lead forth, to cruel, outrageous, fierce, eager
Edicto, are, freq. to declare, or take, or bring away, to bring Efficacia, se,/. efficacy, force
pronounce, to tell, to inform into the world, to bring, or Efftcacitas, atis,/. efficacy, power
Edictum, i, n. an edict, a com- raise up, to nourish Efficaciter, adv. ius, comp. issi-
mand, or ordinance, aproclama- Educturus, a, um, pari, about to me, superl. effectually, with ef-
_ tion [declare _ lead out fect
Edicturus, a, um, part, about to Eductus, a, um, part, drawn out, Eff Icax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Edictus, a, um, part, proclaimed, or forth, drawn, unsheathed, mus, superl. efficacious, effec-
published, declared, pronounced _ brought up, bred tual, effecting, toiling effectu-
Ediscendus, a, um, part, worthy Edulco, are, a. to sweeten ally, laborious, active, forcible,
to be learned by heart Ediilis, e, adj. eatable strong, powerful, having power,
Edisco, ere, dldici, a. to get, or Edulium, i, n. meat, food able
learn by heart, to learn per- Edtiratio, onis,/. a hardening Efficiendus, a, um, part, to be
fectly, to learn, to discern, to Edure, adv. very hardly, very effected
_ distinguish _ unkindly Efflciens, tis, part, and adj. ef-
Edissfirendus, a, um, part, to be Eduro, are, n. and a. to endure, ficient, effecting, bringing to
_ discoursed of _ to harden pass, causing
Edisserens, tis, part, declaring Edurus, a, um, adj. very hard, Efficienter, adv. casually, with
Edissero, ere, ui, turn, a. to de- tough, unkind effect
clare, or rehearse, to dispute, or Effabilis, e, that may be Efficientia, se, /. efficiency, the
_ discourse [tion spoken of, uttered
[clared virtue, or power to effect
Edissertatio, 6nis, /. a disserta- Effandus, a, um, part, to be de- Efficio, 6re, eci, ectum, a. to ef-
Edissertator, oris, m. a declarer Effarcio, Ire, tuns, a. to stuff, to fect, to bring about, or to pass,
tidisserto, are, freq. to tell par- fill to accomplish, to fulfil, to do,
ticularly Effarctus, a, um, part, crammed, or perform, to procure, or get,
Edissertu'rus, a, um, part, about stuffed to make, or render, to take care
to discourse of Effascinans, tis, part, bewitching Effictio, onis,/. an expressing
Editio, onis, /. an edition, a pub- Effascmatio, onis, /. a bewitch- Efflctus, a, um, part, expressed,
lication, an exhibition of plays ing, a charm formed
EdMtius, a, um, adj. named, al- Effascino, are, a. to bewitch Effigia, ae, /. an image
_ lowed Effatum, i, n. a maxim Effigiatus, a um, part, fashioned
Editor, oris, m. an editor, a set- Effatus, a, um, part, speaking, Effigies, ei,/. an image, or statue,
ter forth, a publisher, an ut- having spoken, dedicated a shape, pattern, or represen-
tcrer Effectio, onis, /. an effecting, or tation, a resemblance
Editurus, a, um, part, about to making Effigio, are, a. to portray
_ publish, produce, or exhibit Effective, adv. effectively Effindo, ere, a. to divide, to cut
Editus, a, um, part, and adj. ut- Effector, oris, m. a maker, a Effingens, tis, part, fashioning,
tered, declared, published, made finisher forming
known, spread abroad, set forth, Effectrix, Icis,/. she that makes, Effingo, 6re, xi, ictum, a. to form,
exhibited or procures or fashion, to work, or make
Edo, gre, dldi, turn, a. to speak, Effectum, i, n. an effect [effect Efflo, ieri, factus, n. "to be made,
to utter, to declare, to tell, to Effecturus, a, um, part, about to or done
proclaim, to publish, to make Effectus, a, um, part, ior, comp. EfHagitatio, 6nis, /. an earnest
known, to show, or produce, to effected, brought to pass, or request
put, shoot, or bring forth, to about, made, done Efllagitatus, a, um, part, earnest'
lay Effectus, us, m. an effect, a bring- ly required, importuned
! !


Efflagitatus, us, m. importunity Efiugiendus, a, um, part, to be EgSmet, pron. I myself
Elfiagitans, tis, part, importun- avoided [avoiding Eg6ne, pron. who I ?
ing, desiring Effiigiens, tis, part, escaping, Egrediens, tis, part, going our,
EtHagito, are, a. to desire, or Effugio, ere, ugi, Hum, a. and n. departing
crave, to extort to escape, to fly, to shun, to Egredior, i, essus sum, dep. to
Efflans, tis, part, breathing forth avoid step forth, or out, to go out, to
Etfleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to weep Effugium, i, «. a flight, an escape, depart, to leave, to debark, or
out [utterly an escaping, or shunning, a land
Efflictlm, adv. beyond measure, place to escape, a passage to Egregie, adv. ius, comp. excellent-
Efflictor, ari, pass, to be vexed, or escape ly, extraordinarily, rarely, accu-
tormented Effulcio, ire, a. to prop, or hold up rately, in a singular manner
Efflictus, a, um, part, wretched Effulgens, tis, part, shining Egregius, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Effligo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to Effulgeo, ere, si, sum, n. to shine issimus, superl. egregious, ex-
straiten, to vex sore forth, or out, to appear cellent, noble, eminent, extra-
Efflo, are, a. to breathe out Effulgidus, a, um, adj. shining, ordinary, singular
Effloreo, ere, ui, n. to bloom, to clear Egressio, onis, /. a going forth,
blow Effulgo, 6re, si, n. to shine bright a digression
Effloresco, fire, n. to blow, to Effultus, a, um, part, stayed up < Egressus, a, um, part, gone forth,
spring forth, to flourish greatly Effundendus, a, um, part, to be going out, or beyond, departing,
EfHuenter, adv. abundantly poured out landing
Effluentia, se,/. a flowing out, a Effundens, tis, part, pouring out Egressus, us, m. an egress, a going
flux, or issue Effundo, ere, udi, usum, a. to forth, a debarking
Effluo, ere, xi, xum, n. to flow, or pour, or issue out, to shed, or Egula, se, /. a kind of brimstone
run out, to leak, to run over, or spill, to drop, to empty, or dis- to whiten wool
abound, to slip, pass away, to embogue, to discharge, to put, Egurgito, are, a. to empty, to
be published abroad or bring forth, to spread abroad, disgorge
Effluvium, a flowing over
i, n. to tell Ehe, interj. alas ha! !

Effluus a, ,um, adj. running out Effuse, adv. ius, comp. isstme, Ehem, interj. hall ! ahah 1
Effocandus, a, um, part, to be superl. out of measure, prodi- Eheu, interj. ah, alas
choked [strangle gally, with all speed, vehe- Eho, interj. what pray sayl 1

Effoco, are, a. to choke, or mently Ehodfim, adv. come hither

Effodiens, tis, part, digging up, Effusio, onis, /. an effusion, a Eja, interj. away I O fie
scratching up pouring out prodigally, extra- Ejaculatio, onis,/. an ejaculation,
EffSdio, Sre, odi, ossum, a. to dig vagance, waste, a rout, com- a casting forth in a sling
out, to dig up, to pull out, to pany Ejaculatus, a, um, part, darted
grieve sore Effusurus, a, um, part, about to _ out, shot
Effeeminanclus, a, um, part, to ef- pour out Ej&culo, are, a. to shoot out
feminate, to be softened Effusus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Ejaciilor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Effcemmate, adv. effeminately, comp. issimus, superl. poured, shoot, to dart, to cast afar off,
womanly, tenderly or dashed out, spilt, shed, over- to spout, or squirt out
Effceminatus, or Effeminatus, a, flowing, running over, thrown Ejeetamentum, i, n. what the
um, part, and adj. ior, comp. off, routed, discomfited, turned, water casts up to land
issimus, superl. effeminate, wo- scattered, squandered away, Ejectans, tis, part, casting out
manlike, tender, delicate wasted, extravagant Ejectatio, onis, /. a casting, or
Effcemino, are, a. to effeminate, to Effutio, ire, ivi, itum, a. to prate, throwing out
make nice, or delicate or speak foolishly, to blab out Ejectatus, a, um, part, cast forth,
Effcete, adv. barrenly, weakly, Effutitius, a, um, adj. foolishly or out [spitting
feebly blabbed Ejectio, onis, /. a casting out, a
Effcetus, or Effetus, a, um, adj. Effutltor, oris, m. a babbler Ejectitius, a, um, adj. cast out
past having young, or bearing Effutitus, a, um, part, rashly Ejecto, are, a. to cast, or throw
fruit, barren, worn out, de- spoken [mistresses out often, to throw up
cayed Efftituo, ui, 6re, a. to spend on Ejectus, a, um, part, ejected, cast
Effor, ari, atus sum, dep. to speak, Egelidus, a, um.* adj. lukewarm, out, or up, banished, cast on
to speak out, to utter, to pro- that hath the cold taken off, _ shore, shipwrecked, driven
nounce [through very cold [want Cjero, are, n. to refuse, or except
Eff5ratus, a, um, part, bored Egens, tis, part, needy, poor, in _ against a judge, or court
Efforo, are, a. to "bore through Egentior, us, adj. comp. very poor Ejiciendus, a, um, part, to be
Effossus, a, um, part, dug, or Egenus, a, um, adj. wanting, ,
_ ejected
turned up, dug destitute, distressed, necessi- Ejicio, 6re, eci, ectum, a. to eject,
Effractarius, i, m. a burglar, or tous, poor to cast, drive, or thrust out, to
housebreaker Egeo, ere, ui, n. to need, to stand banish, or remove, to throw up,
Effractor, oris, m., the same in need of, to want, to be in or vomit, to cast
Effractus, a, um, part, broken, . want Ejulans, tis, part, howling, yelling
broken down, or open, dashed Egerrndus, a, um, part, to be Ejulatio, onis, /. a waiting, a cry-
out _ carried out ing out [menting
Effraenate, adv. ius, comp. rashly, Eggrens, tis, part, carrying out Ejulatus, us, m. a wailing, a la-
fiercely, unruly, loosely Egerminatus, a, um, part, budded Ejillo, are, n. to cry, to wail, to
Effrsenatio, onis, /. unbridled forth yell
rashness Egermmo, are, a. to bud forth Ejuncidus, a, um, adj. dwindled
Effraenatus, or Effrenatus, a, um, Egero, Sre, essi, estum, a. to bear, away, dry
part, ior, comp. issimus, superl. or carry out, to cast, or spout Ejuratio, onis,/. a renouncing
unbridled, loose, headstrong, out, to pass over Ejuratus, a, urn, part, having
unruly Egestas, atis, /. extreme poverty, sworn against
Effrenis, e, adj. unbridled indigence, beggary, lack Ejuro, are, a. to swear against,*to
Effreno, are, a. to unbridle Egestio, onis,/. a casting forth, a quit, resign, or surrender on
Effrenus, a, um, adj. unbridled. voiding, a discharge, a laying _ oath, to refuse a judge
ra«h, headstrong, unruly out Ejuscemodi, adj. indecl. of the
Effricandus, a, um, part, to be Egestosus, a, um, adj. and Eges- _ same sort
rubbed off tuosus, very, poor, or needy Ejusdemm6di, adj. indecl. of th»
Effrlcatio, onis,/. a rubbing out Egestum, i, n. ordure, dung same sort
Effrico, are, a. to rub off, or out Egestus, a, ura, part, cast, or EjusmOdi, adj. indecl. such like,
Effringo, 6re, egi, actum, a. to carried out, voided of the same sort
break up, or open, to break Egestus, us, m. a casting forth, Elabor, i, psus sum, dep. to slide,
down, or in pieces, to enfeeble or out or slip away, to escape, to fall
Effrons, tis, c. g. shameless, bold Ego, pron. I, myseli out
Elaborans, tis, part, taking pains some, neat, delicate, polite, Eltquamen, Inis, n. dripping of
Elaborate, adv. accurately, with _ eloquent meat [melted
pains Elfiganter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Eliquatus, a, um, part, cleared,
Elaboratio, onis, /. diligence, per- superl. elegantly, finely, choice- Eliquesco, fire, incep. to melt
severing labour ly, sumptuousiy, luxuriously, Eliquium, i, n. an outlet
Elaborates, a, urn, part, elaborate, _ genteelly, courteously, artfully Eliquo, are, a. to melt, to make
laboured, done with pains, or Elegantia, ae, /. elegance, neat- liquid, to clarify, to strain, to
care, finished, exquisite ness, finery, luxury, genteekiess consume, or spend
Elaboro, are, n. and a. to labour, Elfigeia, ae, /. an elegy Ellsio, onis, /. an elision, a squeez-
to take pains, to endeavour, to Elfigia, ae, f. an elegy, a mournful ing, the cutting off a vowel in
aim at, to work, to cause, or song, a love-sonnet, a low reed _ verse at the end of a word
procure Elfigia,orum, pi. n. elegies Elisurus, a, um, part, about to
Elacate, es,/. a tunny Elfigiacus, a, um, adj. of, or be- strangle, or put to death
Elacto, are, a. to give suck longing to elegy, or alternate Elisus, a, um, part, burst, squeez-
Elamentabilis, e, adj. very la- verse _ ed, forced through, emitted
mentable Elfigidium, i, n. dim. a little elegy Elix,icis, m. a gutter
Elangueo, ere, ui, n. to languish, Elegus, i, m. an elegiac verse, an Elixatim, adv. by way of boiling
_ droop, or pine away „ elegy _
Elixatura, ae,/. a boiling
Elanguescens, tis, part, fainting Elfimentarius, a, um, adj. ele- Elixo, are, o. to seethe, or boil
Elanguesco, fire, incep. to lan- mentary, simple, prime Elixus, a, um,part. boiled, sodden,
guish, to grow faint, cold, or Elfimentum, i, n. an element, a moistened, wet
remiss letter, the first rudiments, or Ellipsis,is, /. a defect, a section
ElanguTde, adv. faintly, weakly grounds of a thing of a cone, a figure
Elangtudus, a, urn, adj. faint, Elenchus, i, m. an argument, or Ellops, 6pis, m. a choice fish, a
feeble confutation, a bob, or drop at sturgeon [is
Elapidatus, a, um, part, cleared women's ears Ellum, for en ilium, see where he
of stones .
[stones Elencticus, a, um, adj. elentic, El5catus, a, um, part, removed,
Elapido, are, a. to rid" a place of ^ reprehensive, sharp, keen carried away, let to farm, let to
Elapsurus, a, um, part, about to Elephantia, se, /. the scurvy, the hire
escape leprosy ElQco, are, a. to remove, or put
Elapsus, a, um, part, slipped Elephantiacus, a, um, adj. leprous out of place, to let to hire, to
away, or aside, escaped, gone Elephantiasis, is,/, a leprosy let to farm, to dispose of in
past Elfiphanttnus, a, um, adj. of an _ marriage, to bargain
Elaqueo, are, a. to ensnare, to elephant, of, or like ivory Elocutio, onis,/. elocution, utter-
unfold Elfiphantiosus, a, um, adj. full ance, delivery, a fit and proper
Elargior, iri, Itus sum, dep. to of scurf, or leprosy _ order of words and sentences
give largely and bountifully, to Elfiphantus, i, m. an elephant, a ElOcutorius, a, um, adj. belonging
bestow monster, a kind of lobster, ivory to elocution
Elassesco, fire, incep. to grow Elfiphas, antis, m. an elephant, ElScutrix, icis, /. she that speaks
weary, to decay, or wear out the leprosy [sened _ readily [spoken
Elate, adv. ius, comp. sublimely, Elevandus, a, um, part, to be les- Elocutus, a, um, part, having
loftily, proudly, haughtily, arro- Elfivatio, onis, /. a debasing, a E15gium, i, n. for EUOgium, a
gantly lessening brief saying, or sentence, a cer-
Elatio, onis,/. a lifting, or taking Elevatus, a, um, part, debased, _ tificate, a testimonial
up, height, loftiness, sublimity, _ lessened Eloquens, tis, part, and adj.
greatness of soul Elfivo, are, a. to lift, or heave up, speaking, declaring, eloquent
Elatratio, onis,/. a barking to extenuate, to diminish, or Eloquenter, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Elatro, are, a. to bark, to speak lessen, to slight _ superl. eloquently, gracefully
Elaturus, a, um, part, about to Elibo, are, a. to taste, or pour out Eloquentes, um, pi. m. orators
carry out Elices, imn, pi. m. gutters, water- Eloquentia, ae,/. eloquence
Elatus, a, um, part, and adj. drains ElOquium, i, n. discourse, speech,
elated, lifted, or puffed up, Eliciendus, a, um, part, to he eloquence, graceful delivery, an
transported, carried out, or to _ fetched, or drawn out _ oracle
burial, buried, published, di- Eliciens* tis, part, enticing, al- ElOquor, i, quutus sum, dep. to
vulged, blabbed _ luring speak out, plainly, or eloquently,
Elaudo, are, a. to name with Elieio, fire, ui, Itum, a. to entice, to speak, to utter, to declare, to
praise to draw out, or from, to screw deliver

Elavo, are, vi, lotum, a. to wash out, to strike out, to call, or Elotus, a, nm, part, washed,
_ clean, to rinse, or scour _ fetch out cleansed
Elautus, a, um, part, well washed ElTcitus, a, um, part, drawn out Elucens, tis, part, shining, bright
Elecfibra, ae, /. an allurement, a Elidendus, a, um, part, to be Eluceo, ere, xi, n. to shine out, or
_ lure, a wheedler, a coaxer broken off, &c. [ing forth, to be bright, clear, or
Electe, adv. ius, comp. choicely, Elldens, tis, part, dashing, squeez- manifest, to appear, to show
distinctly Elldo, ere, si, sum, a. to strike, ^ itself
Electilis, e, adj. choice, nice dash, or force out, to strike, or Eluctabilis, e, adj. that may be
Electio, onis, /. an election, or dash against, to squeeze, to _ surmounted, or passed over
_ choice [wheedle strangle, or throttle, to crush, Eluctandus, a, um, part, to be
filecto, are, freq. to allure, to or kill, to crush _ struggled through
Elector, oris, m. an elector, a Ellgendus, a, um, part, to be Eluctans, tis, part, struggling to
chooser [amber _ chosen, or picked out get out
Electrifer, a, um, adj. bearing Eligens, tis, part, choosing Eluctatus, a, um, part, having
Electrum, i, n. amber Eligo, ere, egi, ectum, a. to elect, _ struggled and escaped through
Electuarium, i, n. an electuary choose, or pick out Eluctor, ari, atus sum, dep. "to
Electiirus, a, um, part, about to Ellgurio, ire, a. to consume struggle, or strive to get out, to
elect Ellmatus, a, um, part, filed off, break through, to escape
Electus, a, nm, part, and adj. filed, made smooth Elucubratus, a, um, part, studied,
ior, comp. issimus, superl. elect- Elimlno, are, a. to turn out of _ &c. by candle-light
_ ed, chosen, choice, singular _ doors, to publish, to babble Eliicubro, are, a. to write by can-
Electus, us, m. an election, a Elirno, are, a. to tile off, to tile, to _ die-light
choice _ polish, to correct Eludendus, a, um, part, to elude,
Eleemos^na, se, /. alms, pity Elinguis, e, adj. dumb, speechless _ or be eluded
Eleemosynor, ari, dep. to receive Elinguo, are, a. to pluck, or cut Eludens, tis, part, deceiving
alms _ the tongue out Eludo, fire, si, sum, a. to elude, to
Elfigans, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- Elino, Cre, levi, a. to blot out, to escape, to avoid, to shift off, -it
mus, superl. elegant, fine, hand- rase parry, to baffle, tn di«appoi»*
E 2

Eluendus, a, urn, part, to be de- marrow, or pith, to rack, ot take Emlnatus, a, um, part, having
stroyed away the strength _ threatened
Eiugeo, ere, xi, ctum, n. to leave Emendabilis, e, adj. amendable Eminens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
off mourning Emendandus, a, um, part, to be comp. issimus, superl. appear-
Elumbis, e, adj. having weak loins _ amended ing aloft, rising up, standing
Eluo, 6re, ui, utum, a. to rinse, to Emendans, tis, part, amending, _ out, eminent, high, conspicuous
make clean, to wash out, or _ correcting Emmentia, a, /. eminence, excel-
away, to wipe off, to clear one- Emendate, adv. ius, comp. cor- lency, a protuberance, a stand-
self of a thing [elude rectly, purely, accurately, with- _ ing out, a relief in a picture
Elusurus, a, um, part, about to _ out fault Emineo, ere, ui, n. and a. to
Elusus, a, um, part, eluded, Emendatio, onis, /. an emenda- stand, or show itself above
_ avoided, deluded, deceived _ tion others, to be higher, to appear
Elutriatus, a, um, part, decanted Emendator, oris, m. a corrector, above, to appear, to overtop, to
Elutrio, are, a. to decant, to draw _ an emender, a reformer _ excel [openly
off Emendatrix, icis, /. she that cor- Eminor, ari, dep. to threaten
Eliitus, a, um, part, and adj. _ rects, or amends Emintilus, a, um, adj. rising, or
washed, rinsed, watered, watery, Emendaturus, a, um, part, that _ sticking out a little
splashy _ will correct, or amend Eminuo, fire, a. to diminish, to
Eluvies, ei, /. a bog, a quagmire, Emendatus, a, um, part, and adj. _ abate
a common sewer, or sink, off- ior, comp. issimus, supeil. Eminus, adv. far
at a distance
scouring, or filth amended, made better, improv- Emiror, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Eluvio, onis, /. a deluge, or in- ed, corrected _ marvel greatly at
_ undation Emendicabilis, e, adj. to be gotten Emisceo, ere, ui, stum, a. to pour
Eluxatus, a, um, part, put out _ by begging _ out, to fill out
_ of joint Emendicatus, a, um, part, begged Emissarium, i, n. a sluice, a
Eluxurior, ari, atus sum, dep. to Emendico, are, a. to beg, to ask _ flood-gate, a water-gate, a sink
grow rank, to be too full of fruit, Emendo, are, a. to amend, to Emissarius, a, um, adj. sent out,
_ &c. correct, to reform, to make put forth, put apart for breed-
Elysium, i, n. paradise, a place of better, to heal, cure . in S
_ rest and joy beyond the grave Emendus, a, um, part, to be Emissarius, i, m. an emissary, a
Eljfsius, a, um, adj. elysian w bought, or bribed missionary, an informer, an
Emaceratus, a, um, part, made Emens, tis, part, buying officer to procure bribes, or
_ lean Emensus, a, um, part, that hath _ to bring tales
Em&ceseo, ui, n. to be lean, thin, measured, or passed, measured, Emissio, onis, /. an emission, a
_ or lank _ passed dver _ discharge, a sending forth
Emaciatus, a, um, part, made lean Ementiendus, a, um, part, to Emissitius, a, um, adj. cast out
Emacio, are, a. to emaciate _ falsify, or be falsified Emissiirus, a, um, part, about to
Emacitas, atis, /. a desire to be Ementiens, tis, part, lying utter
_ always buying Ementior, iri, itus sum, dep. to Emissus, a, um, part, sent forth,
Emacresco, fire, n. to grow lean lie downright, to feign, tocoun- hurled, or flung, discharged,
Emactilo, are, a. to take out spots _ terfeit, forge let out, emptied, uttered, or
Emadeo, ere, ui, a. to wet Ementite, adv. falsely, forgedly _ spoken
Emanans, part, flowing out
tis, Ementitus, a, um, part, that coun- Emittens, tis, part, sending forth,
Emanaturus, a, um, part, to be terfeits, feigns, or belies, coun- _ or out
known abroad, or come to light _ terfeited, feigned [buy Emitto, ere, isi, issum, a. to send,
Emanclpatio, onis, /. emancipa- Emercor, ari, atus sum, dep. to to send forth, out, or away, to
tion, a setting free, or at liberty, Emereo, eri, ui, ltum, a. to merit, discharge, to let go, or escape,
the alienation and surrendry of or deserve, to do harm, to com- to drop, to throw away, to hurl
_ an estate _ mit Emo, fire, emi, emptum, a. to
Emancipatus, a, um, part, eman- Emfireor, eri, Ttus sum, dep. to buy, to purchase, to take, get,
pipated, alienated, made over deserve, to win, or get, to be _ or obtain, to bribe, to hire
Emancipo, are, a. to emancipate, ended, to serve one's whole Em6derandus, a, um, part, to be
to set at liberty, to alienate, to _ time _ moderated, or lessened
sell, or make over Emergens, tis, part, and adj. EmOdulandus, a, um, part, to be
Emaneo, ere, si, sum, n. to exceed _ arising, starting up _ sung, or tuned [warble
_ the time allowed Emergo, fire, si, sum, n. to arise, EmSdulor, ari, dep. to sing, or
Emano, are, n. to flow, or run out, to rise, pop, or come out, to rise Emolior, iri, itus sum, dep. to ac-
to be spread abroad up, to appear, or show itself, to complish, to effect, to stir, or
Emarcesco, ere, incep. to fade be manifest, to escape, or re- _ raise up, to get up
_ away [edge _ cover [served Emollesco, fire, n. to grow soft
Emargino, are, a. to clear the Emfiritum, i, n. a pension de- Emollldus, a, um, adj. soft, tender
Emasculator, oris, elder Emeritus, a, um, part, deserved, Emolliendus, a, um, part, to be
Emasculo, are, a. to geld earned, completed, finished, softened
Ematuresco, ere, incep. to grow ended, discharged, acquitted Emolliens, tis, part, mollifying
too ripe, to be at the highest Emersurus, a, um, part, which Emollimentum, i, n. a softening
Emax, acis, adj. fond of buying, will escape, or come out
Emollio, ire,
ivi, ltum, a. to
_ ready to buy Emersus, a, um, part, risen, or soften, to loosen, to effeminate,
Embamma, atis, n. any sauce __
appearing out, come out _ to civilize
Emblema, atis, n. an emblem, Emersus, us, m. a coming forth, Emollitus, a, um, part, softened,
picture-work of wood, stone, or _or out, a rising up _ effeminated
metal, finely inlaid in divers Emetiens, tis, part, measuring, EmOlo, ere, a to grind thorough-
colours, small images, flowers _passing _ ly, to spend, to consume
EmbOlismus, i, m. the adding of a Emetior, ensus sum, dep. to
iri, EmSlumentum, i, n. profit, bene-
day in leap-year measure out, to bestow, to tra- _ fit, advantage, interest
EmbOlium, i, n. an interlude, the vel, to go, orpass over, to finish Emoneo, ere, ui, ltum, a. to
argument of a play Emfito, fire, essui, essum, a. to warn, to put in mind of, to
Embolus, i, m. a bar of a door, a _ mow down [out _ charge
spoke, a pin, a wedge Emicans, tis, part, shining, flying EmOrlbundus, a, um, part, about
Embryon, i, n. the child before it Ernico, are, ui, n. to shine, gush, _ to die, at the point of death
hath its perfect shape in its or issue forth, to jump, leap, or Emoriens, tis, part, dying
mother's womb sally out, to appear Em6rior, i, tuus, dep. to die, to
Emeatus, us, m. the mouth of a Emigrans, tis, part, removing decay utterly
river Emigro, are, n. to go from one Emorsus, us, m. remorse
Emeaullatus, a, um, part, from _ place to another, to remove Emorluus, a, um, part. dead, sense
Emgdullo, are, a. to take out the Eminatio, onis,/. a threatening less, dull
Emotio, 6nis,/. an emotion Emunltus, a, um, part, fortified, Enlsus, a, um, part, clambering
EmOtus, a, um, part, removed, _ fenced _ endeavouring, endeavoured
cast, or thrown off, sent away, Emusco, are, a. to rub off moss Enltendus, a, um, part, to en-
caused to depart, moved Emutatus, a, um, part, changed deavour
EinOveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to re- Emutio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to mut- Enltens, ti3, part, endeavouring,
move, to put out, to drive _ ter, to mumble, to hum _ striving, yeaning [tering
away, to transplant Emfito, are, a. to change for the Enltens, tis, part, shining, glif-
Emphasis, is,/, an emphasis, or better Eniteo, ere, ui, n. to shine, to ap-
accent, earnestness En, adv. lo see behold
! ! I
_ pear fair, bright, or charming
Emphatlce, adv. emphatically, Enallage, es,/. a change Emtesco, ere, n. to shine, to be-
forcibly [tical Enargla, as,/, evidence, clearness _ come glorious
Emphatleus, a, um, adj. empha- Enarrabilis, e, adj. that may be Enltor, i, Isus and ixus sum, dep.
Empirice, es, /. skill in physic _ declared, described to climb up with pain, to clam-
gotten by mere practice, Enarrandus, a, um, part, to be ber, to tug, or pull, to endea-
quackery _ related _ vour
Emplricus, i, m. an empiric, a Enarratio, onis,/. a plain declara- Enixe, adv. ius, comp. issime,
mountebank, a quack, a physi- _ tion, or interpretation _ superl. earnestly, tooth and nail
cian by practice only Enarrator, oris, m. an interpreter, Enixurus, a, um, part, about to
Emplastratio, 6nis, /. a graft- _ or describer _ strive
ing, or inoculating Enarro, are, a. to tell, to declare, Enixus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
Emplastraturus, a, um, part, about _ to relate, to recite isslmus, superl. having eDdea-
to ingraft Enascens, tis, part, growing _ voured, having brought forth
Emplastro, are, a. to ingraft Enascor, i, natus, dep. to be born Enixus, us, m. a delivering of
Emplastrum, i, n. a plaster, or _ of, to grow, to arise _ young, foaling, yeaning, &c.
salve [tile Enatans, tis, part, swimming out Eno, are, n. to swim out, to es-
Emp6reticus, a, um, adj. mercan- Enato, are, n. to swim out, or to _ cape, to pass through
Emp&rium, i, n. a maiket-town, a _ land, to escape, to disentangle Enodate, adv. ius, comp. clearly,
place where a market, &c. is Enatus, a, um, part, grown out, _ plainly, evidently
kept, a mart _ sprung up Enodatio, onis, /. an explication,
Emporus, i, m. a merchant, a trader Enavatus, a, um, part, carefully _ or explanation
Emptio, onis,/. a buying employed, bestowed Enodatus, a, um, part, cleared of
Emptionalis, e, adj. using to Enavlgandus, a, um, part, to be knots, explained, made mani-
buy proscribed goods, buying sailed over, or through, to be _ fest
Emntitatus, a, um, part, bought _ passed [over Enodis, e, adj. void of knots,
often, Enavigatus, a, um, part, sailed _ smooth, plain .

Emptitius, a, um, adj. that is, or Enavigo, are, n. to sail out, or Enodo, are, a. to unknot, to cut
may be bought, or hired through, to escape, to get out _ away knots, to clear, to declare
Emptito, ate,freq. to use to buy, of [stow Enormis, e, adj. void of rule, enor-
to buy Enavo, are, a. to employ, to be- _ mous, vast, huge, irregular
Emptor, oris, m. a buyer, pur- Encasnia, orum, pi. n. anniversary Enormitas, atis, /. enormity,
chaser, or chapman feasts to commemorate the hugeness
Empturiens, tis, part, going to building of cities, or the dedi- Enormiter, adv. irregularly
buy cation of temples, &c. [led Enotesco, ere, ui, n. to come to
Empturio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to Encaustlcus, a, um, adj. enamel- _ knowledge, to become known
long, desire, or intend to buy Encaustum, i, n. enamel, varnish En5to, are, a. to mark out, to
Empturus, a, um, part, about to Encaustus, a, um, adj. enamelled observe
buy Enchiridium, i, n. a manual, a Enovatus, a, um, part, become, ox-
Emptus, a, um, part, bought, pocket-book, a dagger made new [sword
purchased, procured Encliticus, a, um, adj. enclitic Ensiculus, i, m. dim. a little
Empusa, ae, /. a hobgoblin Encomiastes, as, m. an encomiast, Ensifer, era, £rum, adj. that bears
Empyrasus, a, um, adj. the highest a praiser [comiastic a sword
Emucidus, a, um, adj. very Encomiasticus, a, um, adj. en- Ensiger, the same
_ mouldy Encomium, i, n. an encomium, Ensis, is, m. a sword, a tuck, an
Emiigio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to bel- praise office, or command
_ low out, to cry, or speak aloud Encyclopaedia, as,/, learning that Entheatus, a, um, part, inspired
Emulceo, ere, a. to stroke gently comprehends all the liberal with God
Emulctrale, is, n. a milking-pail sciences [mantle Entheca, as,/, a coffer, a chest
Emulgatio, Onis, /. a publishing EndrOmis, Idis, /. a thick shag- Entheus, a, um, adj. sacred, in-
Emuigendus, a, um, part, to be Enecandus, a, um, part, to be spired
_ milked . killed Enthusiasmus, m. enthusiasm

Emulgeo, ere, si and xi, sum, or Enficans, tis, part, killing Enthusiasta, as, m. an enthusiast
ctum, a. to milk out, to stroke Enecatio, onis,/. a slaying Enthusiasticus, a, um, adj. en-
Emulsus, a, um, part, drained, dry En6catus, um, part,
a, killed, thusiastical
Emunctio, onis, /. a wiping the slain, choked Enthymema, atis, n. an enthyme-
nose Eneco, or Enlco, are, ui and avi, me, an argument drawn froirj
Eraunctor, oris, m. a snuffer ctum and atum, a. to kill, or contraries, a syllogism wanting
Emunctorium, i, n. snuffers slay, to teaze, plague, or trouble the major, or minor proposition
Emunctura, a?, /. the snuff of a Enectus, a, um, part, almost slain, Enubo, 6re, psi, ptum, n. to be
_ candle _ or killed, almost dead _ married out of one's degree, &c.
Emunctus, a, um, part, wiped, Energia, a?, /. energy, efficacy, Enucleandus, a, um, part, to be
_ snuffed, cheated, choused _ force _ explained, or cleared
Emundate, adv. very cleanly Enervatio, onis,/. a weakening Enucleate, adv. clearly, plainly,
Emundatio, onis,/. a cleansing Enervatus, a, um, part, feeble, _ exactly, politely
Emundo, are, a. to cleanse, to _ faint, heartless, soft, effeminate Eniicleatus, a, um, part, having
clean Enexvis, e, adj. feeble, weak, the kernel, or stones picked out,
Emungens, tis, part, wiping the _ faint, void of sinews, lank, slim cleared, declared, made mani-
nose Enervo, are, a. to enervate, to _ fest
Emungo, e"re, xi, ctum, a. to wipe weaken,to effeminate, to make Enucleo, are, a. to take out the
the nose, to snuff a candle _ tender, or nice _ kernel, to explain
Emuniendus, a, um, part, to be Enigro, are, a. to make black Enudate, adv. very plainly
fortified, fenced Enim, conj. for, truly, verily, in- Eniido, are, a. to make bare, to
Emunimentum, i, *. a fortifica- deed, yea, forsooth expound [countr;!
tion Enimvgro, conj. verily, truly, in- Eniimgrabilis, e, adj. that may be
Emiinio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to for- deed, really, on my word, for- Enume'rans, tis, part, enumerat-
tify, to fence, to inclose sooth, immediately ing
Faumeratio, onis,/. an enumera- Epidermis, Idis, /. the outward Equa, ae,/. a mare
tion [rated thin skin of the body Equaria, as,/, a stud of mares
Enumeratus, a, um, part, enume- Epidicticus, a, um, adj. demon- Equarius, i, m. a horsebreaker
Lnumero, are, a. to enumerate, strative [dessert Eques, Itis, c. g. a horseman, a
count, or reckon up, to recite, Epulipnis, Idis, /. a collation, a man of arms amongst the Ro-
_ to pay [uttered Epidromus, i, n. the mizen-sail mans, a knight, or chevalier,
Enunciandus, a, um, part, to be Epigramma, atis, n. an epigram, one of the three orders in Rome
Enunciatio, onis,/. an axiom, or ^ an inscription upon a statue betwixt the senators and com-
_ maxim, a proposition [sive Epigrammatista, ae, m. an epi- monalty, cavalry
Enunciatlvus, a, um, adj. expres- _ grammatist Equester, or Equestris, e, adj.
Enunciatrix, icis,/. she that de- Epigraphe, es,/ an inscription of, or belonging to a horse, ot
_ clares Epigrus, i, m. a shoe, a pin to to cavalry, knightly, belonging
Enunciation, i, n. a proposition fasten wood to the order of knighthood
Enuneiaturus, a, um, part, about Epilepsia, ae,/ the epilepsy Equestria, um, pi. n. fourteen
_ to utter Epilepticus, a, um, adj. epileptic seats in the theatre for the
Enunciatus, a, um, part, spoken Epilogo, are, a< to conclude gentry
Eauncio, are, a. to speak, to utter, Epilog^us, i, m. an epilogue, the Equidem, conj. verily, indeed
to express, to tell, to declare, to closing of a speech EqiufSrus, i, m. a wild horse
pronounce, to show, or discover, Eplnicion, i, n. a song of triumph Eijulle, is, n. a stable for horses
_ to publish Epiphania, ae, /. or Epiphania, Equimentum, i, n. the hire of
Enuptio, onis,/. a woman's mar- ^ orum, pi. n. epiphany a stallion fur covering a mare
rying out of, or below her tribe, Epiphonema, a moral re-
atis, n. Equlnus, a, um, adj. belonging to
_ quality, &c. flection a horse [hoi se
Enutrio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to nou- Epiphbra, re, f. a running of the Equio, Ire Ivi, n. to desire the
rish, feed, cherish, maintain, or eyes, a fall of water Equlria, orum, pi. n. horse-rid-
bring up Eplrhedium, i, n. a waggon, a cart ings, or races, tournaments,
Eo, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to go, to go Epirrhedium, i, n. a cart, or w;ig- . plays
on, to walk, to travel, to march, gon, the harness of a carthorse Equlso, onis, m. a horse's rider, or
to pass, to proceed, or advance, Episcflpalis, adj. episcopal
e, master, an equerry, or groom, a
to come, to come in, or enter Episcopatus, us, m. episcopacy ^jockey
E6, adv. thither, to that place, to Episcupo, are, a. to oversee Equltabllis, e, adj. that may be
that, or such a pass, or condi- Episcopus, m. a bishop, an
i, ridden, easy to ride
tion, to that end, or intent ^ overseer, a superintendent Equitans, tis, part, riding
Eodem, adv. to the same place, to Epistates, st, m. a steward, or Equltatio, finis,/ a riding
the same purpose, to the same bailiff Equitatus, a, um, part, ridden
state, or condition EpistOla, a;, / an epistle, a letter Equitatus, us, to. the act of riding,
Eos, ois,/. the morning Epistolaris, e, adj. epistolary ^ a company of horsemen, horse
Eous, a, um, adj. eastern Epist&lium, i, n. dim. a little Equito, are, a. and n. to ride, to
Eous, i, m. thedaystar, one of the epistle run, scour, or gallop along
horses of the sun Epistfimium, i, n. a cock, a spout, Equiila, as,/, a mare-colt, a filly
Eousque, adv. so far forth, so a tap, a spigot, a bung Equuleus, i, to. a horse-colt, an
w long, to that height Eplstylium, i, n. a chapiter instrument of torture made like
Epactae, arum, pi./, the epact Epitaphium, i, n. an epitaph, a ^ a horse
Epaphaeresis, is,/, a rounding, or funeral song Equulus, i, m. dim. a colt or a nag
_ second clipping of the hair Epithalamium, i, n. a song in Equus, i, m. a horse, a nag, a sea-
Epastus, a, um, part, eaten praise of a married pair _ fish, a star [erased
Epaticus, a, um, adj. of the liver Epitheca, x,f. an addition Eradendus, a, um, part, to be
Ephebatus, a, um, adj. fifteen Epithgton, i, n. an epithet Eradicatus, a, wm, part, eradicated
years of age EpitOgium, i, n. a tabard, a gar- Eradlcltiis, adv. from the very
Ephebia, ae,/ the age of striplings ^ ment worn upon a gown _ root
Epheblcus,a, um, adj. youthful Epitome, es, and Epitoma, a, /. Eradlco, are, a. to eradicate, to
Ephebium, i, n. a place where - an epitome, an abridgment root, or grub up, to destroy
young men exercised them- Epitonium, i, n. a pin, or peg _ utterly
selves [youth Epityrum, i, n. a kind of salad Erado, 6re, si, sum, a. to scrape
Ephebus, i, to. a stripling, a EpScha, as, /. a solemn date of off, or out, to blot out, to
EphemSris, idis, /. an ephemeris, time _ efface
a day-book, a journal Epodes, is, m. a kind offish Eranus, i, m. a taxga^herer, a tax
Ephemerus, a, um, adj. daily Epodus, i, /. an epode, a kind of Erasus, a, um, part, rased, scraped,
Ephe.tae, arum, pi. to. judges at verse or taken out, effaced, blotted
Athens, fifty in number Epos, n. indecl. epic, or heroic Ereiscendus, a, um, part, to be
Ephialtes, ae, to. the nightmare _ poetry, a lofty strain divided
Ephippiarius, i, m. a saddler Epoto, are, a. to drink up, to Ercisco, Sre, n. same as
Ephippiatus, a, um, part, saddled suck in Erciscor, i, dep. to divide lands
Ephippium, i, n. a saddle, a hous- Epotus, a, um, part, drank up, Erebgus, a, um, adj. hellish, of
ing, or horsecloth, harness swallowed up Erebus, i, m. hell [hell
EphOrus, i, to. a chief magistrate Epulae, arum, pi. f. banquets, Erecte, adv. ius, comp. rightly
amongst the Lacedemonians feasts, a feasting, good cheer, Erectio, onis, /. an erection, a
Epibata, or Eplb&tes, ae, to. a victuals, dishes ofmeat raising
soldier serving on shipboard, a Epulandus, um, part, to be
a, Erectus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
marine eaten, devoured, or fed upon comp. made erect, or upright,
Eplbathra, se, /. a ladder Epulans, tis, part, feasting standing upright, raised high,
Epicedium, i, n. a funeral song Epularis, e, adj. belonging to or up, roused, encouraged, cou-
Epichirema, atis, n. a proof of a -
feasts, feasting _ rageous

^ proposition by argument Epularium, i, n. a banqueting- Eremigatus, a, um, part, sailed

Epiccenus, a, um, adj. epicene, house _ over

common, of both sexes Epiilatio, onis, /. a feasting, a Eremigo, are, a. to sail over
Eplcr6cus, a, um, adj. yellow banquet, or feast Eremlta, ae, to. a hermit
Epicureus, a, um, adj. of the sect Epulatiirus, a, um, part, about Eremlticus, a, um, adj. pertain-
of Epicurus, epicurean, volup- ^ to feast [feasted ing to a hermit
tuous Epulatus, a, um, part, having Eremus, i,/. a wilderness, a desert
Epicurus, i, to. an epicure, one Epiilo, onis, m. an officer, a guest Erepo, 6re, psi, ptum, n. to creep
that is devoted wholly to plea- Epulor, atus sum, dep. to
ari, out, to get out, or pass over
sure feast, or banquet, to eat _ with difficulty
Eplcus, a, um, adj. epic, heroic Eptilum, i, n. a feast, a banquet, Ereptio, onis, / a violent taking
Epldemicus, a, um, adj. epidemical an entertainment, a treat awav
Erepto, are, freq. to creep along Erratrix, Icis,/. a she wanderer Erythranum, i, n. a species of ivj
Erratum, i, n. an error, a mistake, with red berries
_ often
Ereptor, Oris, m. a robber a fault, a miscarriage Erythros, i, m. sumach, a shruh
Eiepturus, a, ran, part, about to Erraturus, a, um, part, about to used by curriers
take away err, or wander Esca, se, /. meat, or food, a bait
Ereptus, a, um, part, taken from, Erratus, a, um, part, wandered Escarius, a, um, adj. pertaining
or out, rescued, delivered, saved about, strayed over to meat [up
Eres, is, m. a hedgehog, an urchin Erro, are, n. to rove up and down, Escendo, gre, n. to ascend, or go
Eretria, se,/. a kind of ceruse to roam, to wander, to wander Esciilenta, orum, pi. rc.meat, food
Erga, prep, towards, against, over about, to stray, to straggle, to Esculentus, a, um, adj. pertaining
against saunter, to walk abroad, to run, to eating
Ergastfilarius, i, m. a keeper of a to feed, graze, or pasture, to Esculetum, i, n. a grove of beeches
workhouse, a keeper of a prison, mistake Esculeus, a, um, adj. of, or per-
or house of correction Erro, onis, m. a wanderer, a loi- taining to a beech [beech
Ergastulum, i, n. a workhouse, a terer, a vagabond [stars Esctilinus, a, um, adj. made of
house of correction, a prison, a Errones, um, pi. m. wandering Esctilus, i,/. a beech-tree
prisoner Erroneus, a, um, adj. erroneous, Esitatus, a, um, part, eaten
Ergastfdus, i, m. a rogue, a slave roving Esito, are,/-e9. to eat often, to eat
Ergata, se,/. a capstan, a crane Error, oris, m. an error, a'mistake, Esotericus, a, um, adj. inward
Ergo, conj. therefore, then, for, a false, or wrong opinion, a Esseda, se, /. a chariot, a seat in a
because, for the sake _ deceit, or surprise, a maze waggon [riotcer
Erica, se,/. heath, sweet broom Erubescendus, a, um, part, to be Essfidarius, m. a carter, a cha-

Encetum, i, n. a heath, a broom- ashamed, of, base, mean, sorry, EssSdum, chariot
i, n. a
l close _
[hog _ poor Essentia, se, /. the essence, or
Ericeus, and Ericius, \,m. ahedge- Erubescens, tis, part, blushing being of a thing
Erigendus, a, um, part, to be Erubesco, ere, bui, incep. to be Essentialis, e, adj. essential
raised _ red, to colour, to blush Essentialiter, adv. essentially
Erigens,tis,pa)f. erecting, raising Eruca, se, /. a canker-worm, the Estor, oris, m. he that eats, a
£rigidus,a, um, adj. very cold _ herb rocket glutton
Erigo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to erect, Eructans, tis, part, belching, Estrix, Icis,/. she that eats
or make upright, to build up, _ casting, or vomiting out. Estrix, Icis, adj. ravenous, greedy
to raise, to set, lift, or hold up, Eructatio, onis,/. a belching Esurialis, e, adj. belonging to
to prick up, to draw up, to Eructo, are, n. to belch, to throw _ fasting [hungry
rouse [star . UP Esurlbundus, a, um, adj. very
Erigoneius, a, um, adj. of the dog- ErudSratus, a, um, part, cleansed, Esiiriens, tis, part, being hungry,
Erinaceus, i, m. a hedgehog _ or freed from rubbish _ covetous, greedy
firinnys, yos and yis,/. a fury Erudero, are, n. to carry out Esurienter, adv. hungrily
Enpiendus, a, um, part, to be rubbish [taught Esuries, ei, /. hunger, niggardli-
taken away Eriidiendus, a, um, part, to be _ ness
Eripiens, tis, part, taking away Eriidiens, part, teaching, &c.
tis, Esiirio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to desire
Enpio, ere, ui, to take
eptum, a. Erudio, itum, a. to teach,
ire, ivi, _ to eat, to be hungry, to be poor
away by force, to take away, to to instruct, to bring up Esurio, onis, m. a hungry fellow
pluck, pull, or snatch out Erudite, adv. ius, comp. issime, Estirltio, onis,/. hunger
Erithacus, i, m. a robin-redbreast _ superl. learnedly, skilfully Esurltor, 6ris,m. one often hungry
Eritius, i, m. a warlike engine Erudltio, onis, /. erudition, learn- Estirlturus, a, um, part, that
Erlvatio, onis, /. a drain of water _ ing, scholarship [teacher shall be hungry
Erivo, are, a. to drain by a sluice Eruditrix, icis, /. a mistress, a Esurus, a, um, part, about to eat
Erix, Icis, /. broom Eruditulus, i, m. a smatterer Esus, us, m. an eating
Erneum, i, n. a cake baked in an Erudlttilus, a, um, adj. somewhat Et, conj. and, also, yet even, both,
_ earthen pot __
learned and afterwards
Erodens, tis, part, gnawing Erudifus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Etenim, conj. for, because, that,
trodo, 6re, si, sum, a. to gnaw comp. issimus, superl. taught, ^ and also, but
off, to eat into _ instructed, educated, bred up Etgnimverft, adv. for truly
Er6gandus, a, um, part, to be Eruendus, a, um, part, to be £tesiacus, a, um, adj. of the trade
bestowed, &c. _ searched out winds
ErOgans, tis, part, bestowing, &c. Erugatio, onis, /. a taking away fitesise, arum, pi. m. trade winds
Er&gatio, onis, /. a laying out, a _ of wrinkles [smooth Etesius, a, um, adj. yearly, east-

_ profuse spending, a
distribution Erugatus, a, um, part, made . erly
ErOgator, oris, m. an almoner Erugo, 6re, n. to belch Etesticiilatio, onis,/. a gelding
ErOgaturus, a, um, part, about Erfigo, are, a. to make smooth Ethlca, orum, pi. n. ethics
to lay out Erumpens, tis, part, breaking out Ethice, es, /., or Ethica, se, /.
Sr6gatus,a, um, part, distributed, Erumpo, 6re, upi, upturn, n. and moral philosophy
delivered, or laid out, bestowed, a. to break, burst, or gush out, Ethicus, a, um, adj. ethic, moral
spent to issue, or sally forth, or out, Ethnicus, a, um, adj. ethnic,
Erogito, &ve,freq. to ask, or desire to send forth, vent, or dis- heathen
_ heartily, to get out _ charge Eth616gia, se, /. the art, &c. of
Er6go, are, a. to lay out, to ex- Erunco, are, a. to weed, to pull counterfeiting men's manners
pend, to bestow, to beg, or _ out, or up EthdlOgus, i, m. a mimic, a jester
entreat, to get Eruo, ere, ui, iitum, a. to pluck, Eth&pceia, se, /. a representation
Erosio, onis,/. a consuming tear, root, or dig up, to subvert, of manners, carriage
Erosus, a, um, part, eaten into, overthrow,or destroy, to scratch, Etiam, conj. also, too, yea, farther
or up [big _ or pull out Etiamnum, adv. as yet, still
Errabundus, a, um, adj. wandcr- Eruptio, onis, /. an eruption, a Etiamsi, conj. although
Errandus, a, um, part, to be stray- _ sally, a bursting forth Etsi, conj. with indie, and subj.
ing Erupturus, a, um, part, that will although, albeit
**"-Errans, part, wandering, Etjfm61ogia, se,/. etymology
tis, _ break out [out
straying, creeping here and Eruturus, a, am, part, to pluck Etym516gicus, a, um, adj. etymo-
there, creeping about, mistaken Eriitus, a, um, part, plucked, or logical
Erraritia, se, /. a wandering weeded out, pulled, or torn up, EtjrmolSgus, i, m. an etymologist
Erraticus, a, um, adj. unfixt, subverted, overthrown, destroy- Etymon, i, n. the etymon, of
wandering, straying abroad ed original of a word
Erratio, onis, /. a wandering, a Ervum, i, «. a pulse like tares Eu, interj. O brave !

mistake, mutability Ei-ysipglas, atis, n. Saint Au- Evacuandus, a, um, part, to be

Errator, oris, m. a wanderer, a thony'B fire emptied
fugitive Erythrseus, a, um, adj. red Evacuatio, Onis,/. an emptying


Evaeuatus, a, Mm, part, evacuated, come out, or proceed, to come, Eviratus, a, um, part, ior, comp
made void [ed tocome to pass, to happen, to unmanned, gelded, effeminate
Evacuefactus, a, um, part, empti- _ fall out Eviio, are, a. to emasculate, to
Evacuq are, a. to evacuate, to Eventilator, 6ris, m. a sifter geld .
[bowelled 1

_ empty Eventilatus, a, um, part, win- Eviscgratus, a, um, part.

Evadens, tis, part, getting away, _ nowed [fan Eviscero, are, a. to embowel, to
or off Eventilo, are, a. to winnow, to . gut
Evado, sum, n. and a. to
ere, si, Eventum, i, n. an event Evitabilis, e, adj. avoidable
get or away, to escape, to
off, Eventurus, a, um, part, that will EvUandus, a, um, part, to be!
avoid, to come, go, get, or reach _ come to pass _ avoided

_ to, to climb, mount, or ascend Eventus, us, m. an event, end, or Evltatio, onis,/. an avoiding
Evagandus, a, um, part, to wander issue, an accident, or chance, Evltaturus, a, um, part, about to
Evagans, tis, part, wandering success _ avoid [escaped
Evagatio, onis, /. a roving abroad Everberatus, a, um, part, beaten Evltatus, a, um, part, avoided,
Evagator, oris, m. he that strays Everbero, are, a. to beat, to slap, Evito, are, a. to avoid, to shun, to
Evagatus, a, um, part, wandering _ to ply [forth fly, to escape, to kill
_ about, going out Evergo, ere, a. to cast, or send Eul6gia, a;,/, praise, benediction,
Evaginatus, a, um, part, un- Everrendus, a, um, part, to be a good, or probable reason
_ sheathed [draw swept Eunucho, are, a. to castrate, to
Evaglno, are, a. to unsheath, to Everrlculum, i, n. a drag-net, a geld
Evagor, ari, atus sum, dep. to _ sweep, or draw-net Eunuchus, i, m. an eunuch, a
wander, stray, or run abroad, to Everro, ere, ri, sum, a. to sweep gelded, or continent man, a
rove about, to ramble clean, or away, to brush, to chamberlain, a great officer in
Evaleo, ere, ui, ltum, n. to be of _ scrub, to examine curiously _ a king's court
_ power, to be able Eversio, onis, /. an overthrowing, Ev6candus, a, um, part, to be
Evalesco, ere, ui, incep. to wax or overturning, an overthrow, a _ called forth
very strong, to grow strong, to _ ruin, a destruction Ev5catio, onis, /. a calling forth,
_ add Eversor, oris, m. an overthrower, _ an invocation, or calling upon
Evallo, ere, itum, a. to winnow _ or destroyer [overturn Ev5cator, oris, m. he that calls
Evanescens, tis, part, vanishing Eversurus, a, um, part, about to _ forth
_ away Eversus, a, um, part, overthrown, EvOcatus, a, um, part, called out,
Evanesco, ere, ui, incep. to vanish overturned, cast down, ruined, summoned, invited, implored
away, to vanish, or disappear, destroyed, broken, shattered EvOcatus, i, m. a veteran called
to perish, to be lost Eversus, a, um, part, brushed, again to service after a dis-
Evangellce, adv. gospel-like _ scrubbed, robbed _ mission, and made a captain
Evangelicus, a, um, adj. evangelic, Evertendus, a, um, part, to be Evoco, are, a. to call out, forth,
of the gospel [preacher _ overthrown or away, to call, or bid to come,
Evangelista, a?, m. an evangelist, a Everto, ere, ti, sum, a. to turn out to command to appear, to send
Evangelium, i, n. the gospel, good of, to turn upside down, to for, to summon, to call upon, or
news, a reward [gospel _ overthrow, to overset, to ruin implore, to invite, allure, or
Evangelizo, are, a. to preach the Evestlgatio, onis, /. a searching entice, to provoke, to challenge,
fivangelus, i, m. a bringer of good _ out [out _ or dare
news Evestigator, oris, m. a searcher Evce, a word often repeated by
Evanidus, a, um, adj. fading, apt Evestlgatus, a, um, part, found, _ the priests of Bacchus
_ to decay, frail, vain _ or traced out Evohe, or Euoe, interj. the same
Evanno, are, a. to fan, to winnow Evestigi6, adv. forthwith Evfrians, tis, part, flying out of
Evans, part, shouting in
tis, Evestlgo, are, a. to seek, to hunt Ev5laticus, a, um, adj. that gads
_ praise of Bacchus, bawling after _ abroad [fly
Evfiporatio, onis,/. an evaporation Euge, interj. O brave well done ! ! E»Claturus, a, um, part, about to
Evaporo, are, a. to evaporate Euhoe, interj. ho oho ! Ev&lito, are, freq. to fly out of
Evasio, onis, /. an evasion, an Evibratio, onis,/. a brandishing Ev6lo, are, n. to fly out, or away,
escape [destroyed Evibro, are, a. to brandish, to stir to hasten away, to pass away
Evastandus, a, um, part, to be ^up _ quickly, to rush out
Evastatio, onis, /. a laying waste Evictus, a, um, part, overcome, Evolvenclus, a, um, part, to be
Evastator, oris, m. a waster vanquished, convicted, cast, _ rolled, &c.
Evastatus, a, um, part, wasted _ proved guilty Evolvens, tis, part, rolling down
Evasto, are, a. to waste, spoil, or Evidens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issT- Evolvo, ere, vi, utum, a. to roll, or
destroy mus, superl. evident, clear, plain, tumble down, over, or away, to
Evasurus, a, um, part, about to _ easy pull out, to unfold, to extricate,
_ come off, or end Evidenter, adv. issime, superl. or disengage, to sever, or sepa-
Evax, interj. huzza I evidently, clearly, plainly, ap- rate, to expound, to declare, or
Eucharistia, ee, f. the eucharist, _ parently _ utter, to discover
the sacrament of the Lord's Evldentia, se, /. evidence, perspi- Evolutio, onis, /. a rolling, or
Supper, a thanksgiving cuity, clearness _ tumbling over, a reading over
Eucharisticus, a, um, adj. eucha- Evlgilandus, a, um, part, to be Evolutus, a, um, part, unfolded,
ristical _ passed without sleep _ stripped off, turned out
Evectio, onis,/. a carrying forth, itio, onis, /. a waking

Ev5mens, tis, part, vomiting up,

or out Evigilatus, a, um, part, done by _ or out
Evectus, a, um, part, carried, or watchfulness, care, or good ad- Ev6mo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to vomit
brought out, carried through, _ vice up, or out, to spue, or cast out,
or beyond, carried, mounted, Evigilo, are, n. to watch, to awake, to disembogue, or discharge
raised, advanced, exalted _ to be careful or laborious Euphonia, ep,/. a good sound
Evectus, us, m. carriage, convey- Evilesco, ere, n. to grow cheap, Eurlnus, um, adj. eastern
ance _ to decline [subdued Eurlpus, m. an arm of the sea,

Eveho, ectum, a. to carry

ere, exi, Evincendus, a, um, part, to be an or creek, a frith, a
out, or away, to convey, to Evincio, Ire, viuxi, a. to bind, or canal, a pool, a ditch, trench, or
raise, to lift up, to advance, to _ tie moat
exalt Evinco, Ici, ictum, a. to
gre, Euroaquilo, onis, m. tne north-
Evelleudus, a, um, part, to be evince,or prove, to show, to east wind [wind
plucked up [out vanquish, to overcome, to sub- Euroauster, tri, m. a south-east
Evellens, tis, part, pulling off, or due, to master Eurocljdon, onis, m. same aa
Evello, 6re, clli and ulsi, ulsum, a. Evinctus, a, um, part, bound, tied Euroaquilo
to pluck, or tear up, to pluck, up, fettered, manacled Euronotus, i, m. a south-east wind
or tear out, to pull off, or out Eviratio, onis, /. a gelding, a Eurus, i, m. the east-wind, tnt
EvCnio, Ire, eni, entum, n. to weakening, a discouraging eastern parts
Suschemg, adv. handsomely Exagggratio, onis,/. an exaggera- Exarator, Oris, m. a plougher,
ivulgatio, 6nis, /. a publishing tion, a heaping together, or up writer, or engraver [rased
abroad Exagggratus, a, um, part, heaped Ex&ratus, a, um, part, ploughed,
Lvulgator, oris, m. a publisher up, increased, enlarged, ampli- Exarchus, i, m. an exarch, a
jvulgo, are, a. to publish, to fied viceroy
spread abroad Exagggro, are, a to heap up, to
. Exardeo, ere, si, sum, to burn, to
ivulsio, onis, /. a plucking, pul- increase, to enlarge, to aggra- be on fire, to be very hot, fierce,
_ liDg, or drawing out vate or vehement, to become terri-
Syulsus, a, um, part, pulled, torn, Exagitandus, a, um, part, to be ble, to shine [hot
or rooted up, drawn out, drained driven, hunted, &c. Exardescens, tis, part, glowing
Ex, prep, out of, of, for, from, by, Exagitans, tis, part, harassing, Exardesco, fire, n. to grow hot, to
in,with, above, before, since, persecuting be very desirous
among, or one of, accord-
after, Exagitatio, onis,/. a stirring up Exareflo, gri, factus, n. pass, to
ing to, in respect to, by reason Exagitator, oris, m. a persecutor be dried up [sand
of, for the sake of [ed Exagltatus, a, um, part, agitated, Exareno, are, a. to purge from
Exacgratus, a, um, part, winnow- harassed, persecuted, driven Exareo, ere, ui, n. and Exaresco,
Exacerbatus, a, um, part, pro- out, canvassed, beaten ere, to be, or grow dry, to
voked [angry Exagito, are, a. to harass, to per- wither, to pine, to waste away,
Ex&cerbesco, fire, incep. to grow secute, to drive, or chase away, to decay
Exacerbo, are, a. to provoke to disturb, to alarm, or terrify, Exarmatus, a, um, part, disarmed
Exacero, are, a. to winnow, to fan to move, to rouse Exarmo, are, a. to disarm
Exacervo, are, a. to heap toge- Exagoga, ae, m. an exporter Exaro, are, a to receive, or get by
ther Exagoglcus, a, um, adj. belonging ploughing, to plough, or dig up,
Exacesco, fere, ui, n. to grow sour, to exportation [wan to furrow, to write
or tart Exalbesco, fire, grow pale, or Exarsurus, a, um, part, about to
Exacte, adv. exactly, perfectly Exalbidus, a, um, adj. pale, or burn out [carve
Exactio, onis, /. exaction, a ga- white Exartuo, are, a. to joint meat, to
thering, &c. of public money, a Exalburnatus, a, um, adj. deprived Exasciatus, a, um, part, rough-
demanding, requiring, or dun- of the alburnum hewn [chip
ning, a driving out Exalgeo, ere, n. to be very cold Exascio, are, a. to rough-hew, to
Exactor, oris, m. a gatherer, or Exaltatio, onis, /. exaltation, Exasperaturus, a, um, part, about
receiver of money, a collector of pride to exasperate, orxex
taxes, or tolls Exaltator, oris, m. a boaster Exasperatus, a, um, part, shar-
Exactum, i, n. an exact thing Exalt atus, a, um, part, exalted, pened, enraged, swelled
Exacturus, a, um, part, about to raised Exaspgro, are, a. to exasperate, to
exact, pass over, &c. Exalto, are, a. to exalt, to raise, enrage, to provoke, to vex, to
Exactus, a, um, part, and adj. to lift up, highly to praise make sharp, or rough
ior, comp. issimus, superl. ex- Exalummatus, a, um, part, clear, Exauctoratus, a, um, part, dis-
acted, demanded, taken, driven made fair and bright, orient banded, discharged, dismissed,
out, or away, banished, expel- Examen, inis, n. a swarm, a flock, discarded, cashiered
led, driven, thrust, agitated, a shoal, a company, the tongue, Exauctoro, are, o. to disband, to
plagued, past, spent, nearly beam, or needle of a balance, an discharge, to dismiss, to dis-
spent, done, finished examination, test, or trial card [fectly
Exactus, us, m. a sale of wares Examinandus, a, um, part, to be Exaudiens, tis, part, hearing per-
Exacuendus, a, um, part, to be examined Exaudio, Ire, ivi, itum, a. to hear
sharpened, provoked, &c. Examinate, adv. advisedly, warily perfectly, to hear, to regard
Exacuens, tis, part, sharpening, Exammatio, onis,/. an examina- Exaudltus, a, um, part, heard,
exciting tion [amined granted, regarded
Ex&cuo, gie, ui, utum, a. to whet, Examinatus, a, um, part, ex- Exaugeo, ere, xi, ctum, o. to in- ,

or sharpen, to point, to quicken, Examino, are, a. to examine, to crease much [ing

to excite weigh, to try, to swarm Exaugiiratio, onis,/. an unhallow-
Exacutio, onis,/. the pointing, or Examitum, i, n. an amice, a Exaugurator, oris, m. he that un-
making of a thing sharp popish dress hallows, or profanes
Exacutus, a, um, part, and adj. Examo, are, a. to love greatly Exaugiiratus, a, um, part, made
ior, comp. made sharp, pointed Examurco, are, a. to cleanse common, profaned
Exadversum and Exadversus, adv. Examussim, adv. exactly, by rule Exaugftro, are, a. to profane
over against Exanguis, e, adj. pale, lifeless, Exausptcatio, onis, /. an unlucky
Exaedif icatio, onis, /. a building dead beginning
up, the making a thing perfect Exanimalis, e, adj. killing, cor- Exauspico, are, a. to do a thing
Exaedificatus, a, um, part, built roding, void of soul, dead unfortunately
up Exammans, part, killing
tis, Exbalisto, are, a. and n. to sling
Exaedif ico, are, a. to build up, to Exanimatio, onis, /. a dishearten- stones, to shoot, to cozen
build, to finish, to complete, to ing Exbibo, gre, a. to drink [blind
make an end of Exanimatus, a, um, part, dis- Excaecatio, onis, /. a making
Exaequabilis, e, adj. that may be heartened, dispirited, dejected, Excaecatus, a, um, part, blinded,
equalled, or made smooth disturbed, troubled, amazed, stopped up, concealed
Exaequandus, a, um, part, to be astonished Excaeco, are, a. to make, or render
equalled Exanimis, e, adj. astonished, blind, to blind, to deprive of
Exaequatio, onis, /. a levelling heartless, lifeless, dead reason, to deceive, to hide
Exaequatus, a, um, pari, made Exanimo, are, a. to astonish, to Excalceandus, a, um, part, to
equal, plain, level, or smooth stun, to kill have the shoes pulled off
Exaequo, are, a. to make equal, Exanimus, a, um, same as Ex- Excalceatus, a, um, part, bare-
even, plain, or smooth, to equal, footed [shoes
or equalize Exanthema, atis, n. an eruption Excalceo, are, a. to pull off the
Exaestuans, tis, part, boiling up of the skin Excalgfacio, or Excalfacio, gre,
Exaestuatio, onis,/. a boiling Exantlatus, a, um, part, pumped feci, factum, a. to make very
Exaestuo, are, n. to boil, to boil out, exhausted, spent, endured, hot
up, or over, to cast up surges performed Excalfactio, onis, /. a heating
Exaevio, ivi and ii, Itum, n. to Exantlo, are, a. to draw
out, to Excalfactdrius, a, um, adj. that
grow gentle, or mild empty, to suffer, to sustain, en- heats, or is apt to heat
Exagggrandus, a, um, part, to be dure [ready Excalfio, gri, factus, n. pass, to
heightened, or increased, to Exapto, are, a. to fit, to make be made hot
heighten Exaptus, a, um, adj. very fit Excalpo, gre, psi, ptum, a. to
Exagggrans, tig, part, exaggerat- Exarafio, Onis, /. a ploughing, a scratch, to engrave, to cut in
ing writing, an engraving tfceambium, i, n. an exchanga
SI E 3
Excandefacio, ere, factum,
feci, Excidio, onis,/. destruction Excoctio, 6nis, /. a thoroug],
a. to make very hot, or angry Excldium, i, n. and Exscidium, baking, or boiling
Excandescentia, se, /. excandes- the sacking of a city, ruin, de- Excoctus, a, um, part. well-boile«L
cence struction boiled, baked, perfectly tried
Excandesco, ere, ui, incep. to Excido, ere, di, n. to fall out, or Bxcogltandus, a, um, part, to be
grow very hot, to be in a fume, away, to slip, or escape, to drop, found out, or devised'
to be very angry to fail, to be disappointed Excogltans, tis, part, devising
Excantatus, a, um, part, charmed Excido, ere, di, sum, a. to cut Excogitatio, onis,/. an invention,
Excanto, are, a. to enchant, to out, down, or up, to hew, to a device
bewitch, to charm, to charm root out, to rase, to destroy Excogltator, oris, m. an inventor,
out Exciens, tis, part, raising a deviser
Excarnlficatus, a, um, part, quar- Excieo, ere, vi, a. to raise Excogitatus, a, um, part, and adj.
tered, cut in pieces Excindo, ere, Idi, issum, a. to issimus, superl. devised, invent-
Excarnifico, are, a. to quarter, or cut off, out, or down, to over- ed, found out, thought upon
cut in pieces, to torment throw, root out, or abolish Excogito, are, a. to find out, or
Excavatio, onis, /. a making hol- Excingo, 6re, xi, d. to ungird, to contrive, to devise, to project,
low [hollow despoil to think
Excavatus, a, um, part, made Excio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to call out, Excolendus, a, um, part, to be
Excavo, are, a. to hollow out to send for, to raise up, to taught, instructed, or trained up
Excedens, tis, part, exceeding, waken, to rouse, to summon, to Exc61o, ere, ui, ultum, a. to till,
departing, dying, &c. challenge or cultivate, to improve, to
Excedo, ere, essi, essum, n. to de- Excipiendus, a, um, part, to be adorn, deck, or polish, to trim
part, to go forth, or out, to received, caught, expected, &c. up, to instruct, to perform
quit, to go, come, or arrive at Excipiens, tis, part, receiving, ex- Excommunlcatio, onis, /. an ex-
last cepting, taking in short-hand communication
Excellens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Excipio, ere, epi, eptum, a. to re- Excommunlcatus, a, um, part.
comp. issimus, superl. excelling, ceive, to take, to take up, to excommunicated
surmounting, rising, high, ex- pick up, to catch, to undertake, Excommunico, are, a. to excom-
cellent to sustain, to entertain, to de- municate
Excellenter, adv. excellently light, to ensnare, "to surprise, to Excompact6, adv. on purpose
Excellentia, ae,/. excellence, dig- except, or exclude, to pull out Exconsul, ulis, m. one formerly
nity Exciptuus, i, m. a receiver consul
Excello, 6re, ui, sum, n. to excel, Excisatus, a, um, part, cut off, Excontinenti, adv. immediately,
to surmount, to be high, to wounded out of hand
ascend, to lift up Excisio, onis,/. an excision, a de- Excoquo, ere, oxi, octum, a. to
Excelse, adv. ius, comp. issime, struction boil thoroughly, or away, to dry
superl. highly, on high, loftily, Exclso, are, a. to crop, cut, or up, to refine, to devise
haughtily wound Excorio, are, a. to flay, to whip
Excelsifas, atis, /. height, lofti- Excisorius, a, um, adj. belonging Excors, dis, adj. heartless, spirit-
ness, haughtiness, nobleness to cutting, or carving less, witless, foolish, simple,
Excelsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Excisus, a, um, part, cut off, out, silly
issimus, superl. high, tall, lofty, or down, rased, destroyed Excreabilis, e, adj. that may be
stately Excitandus, a, um, part, to be spit out
Exceptans, tis, part, taking up raised up Excrcans, part, spitting out
Exceptio, onis, /. an exception, or Excitate, adv. briskly, vehemently Excreatio, onis,/. a spitting out
restraining clause, a demur, a Excltator, oris, m. an exciter Excrementum, i, n. an excrement,

reserve Excitatiirus, a, um, part, about to ordure [Exscreo

Exceptitius, a, um, adj. excepted stir up Excreo, are, a. to hawk, same as
Exceptiuncula, ae, /. a small ex- Excltatus, a, um, part, and adj. Excrescens, tis, part, growing out
ception ior, comp. issimus, superl. stir- Excresco, ere, crevi, cretum, n. to
Excepto, are, freq. to take, or red up, roused, awaked, raised, grow out, or up, to increase, to
draw in, to gather exalted, advanced, loud, shrill, rise [excrements
Excepturus, a, um, part, about brisk Excretio, onis, /. the voiding of
to except, or receive Excito, are, a. to exoite, to stir, Excretum, i, n. refuse, or offal
Exceptus, a, um, part, except- raise, rouse, or put up, to waken, Excreturus, a, um, part, about to
ed, received, welcomed, enter- to incite, to instigate, to ani- void by stool
tained, taken prisoner, taken, mate, to encourage, to quicken, Excretus, a, um, part, well-grown,
understood to enliven, to invigorate purged, voided, sifted [ticn
Excerno, ere, crevi, cretum, a. to Excito, are. freq. to excite, to pro- Excrimlnatio, onis, /. an accusa-
sift, or sieree, to purge, or voke Excruciabilis, e, adj. punishable
cleanse, to void by stool, to Exclturus, a, um, part, about to Excriiciandiis, a, um, part, to be
hawk, or spit out stir up tormented
Excerpendus, a, um, part, to be Excltus, a, um, part, called, or Excrilciatus, a, um, part, tor-
picked raised up mented, tortured [afflict
Excerpens, tis, port, picking out Exclamatio, onis, an exclama-
/. Excriicio, are, a. to torment, to
Excerpo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to tion, an outcry, a shout Exctibans, tis,part. keepingwatch
pick, to take out, or choose, to Exclamator, oris, m. one that Excubatio, onis,/. a watching
exempt shouts Excubaturus, a, um, part, about
Excerpta, orum, pi. n. things Exclamo, are, n. and a. to exclaim, to watch
culled out to cry out, to call out, to bawl Excubiae, arum, pl.f. watch, ward,
Excerptio, onis, /. a culling out. Excludens, tis, part, excluding, the sentry, the guard, al aying
Excerptor, Oris, m. a culler hatching Exciibicularius, i, m. an ex-
Excerptus, a, um, part, picked Exclude, ere, si, sum, a. to ex- chamberlain [watch
out, chosen clude, to shut, or put out, to Exciibltor, oris, m. a sentinel, the
Excessurus, a, um, part, about reject, or refuse, to debar, to Excubltus, us, m. a watch
to exceed, or depart prevent Excubo, are, n. to watch, to keep
Excessus, us, m. excess, a going Exclusio, onis, /. an exclusion, a watch, to stand sentry, to stand
out, a departure, death, decease, shutting out upon one's guard, to lie down,
a standing out, a digression Exclusive, adv. exclusively or out, to grow
Excetra, »,/. a viper, or serpent, Exclusurus, a, um, part, that will Excudo, ere, di, sum, a. to beat,
a curse shut out or strike out, to stamp, or coin,
Excidendus, a, um, part, to be de- Exclusus, a, um, part, ior, comp. to forge, to make, to hatch, to
stroyed issimus, superl. shut, cast, or find out with study, tocompose,
Excldens, tis, part, falling away, thrust out, debarred to wrest from, or obtain by en-
failing, cutting off, destroying' Exclusus, us, m, a shutting out treaty
Exculcatus, a, uns, part, kicked Execrandus, a, um, part, exe- cise, to practise,
to exert, tG
out, out of date crable, cursed use, to make use of, to employ,
Exculco, are, a. to tread, or Execrans, tis, part, cursing to find employment, or work,
trample upon, to kick out Execratio, onis, /. an execration, to get
Exculpo, ere, psi, ptura, a. to en- or curse, a curse, hatred Exercitandus, a, um, part, to be
grave, or carve, to pull out, to Execratus, a, um, part, issimus, exercised
erase, to get hardly, or wrest superl. cursed, abhorred, de- Exercitatio, onis, /. exercise, use,
from one tested, devoting custom, recreation
Excultus, a, um, part, cultivated, Execror, ari, atus sura, dep. to Exercitator, oris, m. an exercisel
dressed, adorned, garnished, curse, to abhor, to detest, to Exercitatrix, icis,/. the art, skill,
polished devote [out or practice of exercise
Excuratus, a, um, part, and adj. Exectio, onis, /. a cutting off, or Exercitatus, a, um, part, ior,
handsomely received, dressed, Exectus, a, um, part, cut off, or comp. issimus, superl. exercised,
or handled diligently, choice out, cut, castrated, deprived, practised, experienced, accus-
V\« Excurrens, tis, part, sallyingforth, debarred tomed, hardened
! superfluous, redundant Executio, onis, /. an execution, a Exercitio, onis, /. exercise, a share
It Excurro, £re, curri and cucurri, performance, a government Exercitium, i, n. use, practice
] sum, n. to run out, or hastily, Executor, oris, m. an executor, a Exercito, are, frea. to exercise
to issue, or sally out, or forth, punisher, an avenger often [master
j to rush out Exgcuturus, a, um, part, about to Exercitor, oris, m. a tutor, or
Excursatio, onis,/. an excursion execute [followed Exercitorius, a, um, adj. belong-
Excursator, oris, m. a light horse- Executus, a, um, part, that hath ing to exercise
man Exedendus, a, um, part, to be Exercitus, a, um, part, exercised,
Excursio, Onis, /. an excursion, a eaten up [rosive employed, inured to, hardened
sally, an incursion, inroad, or Exgdens, tis, part, eating, cor- in, tormented, teased, vexed
invasion, a digression, a diver- Exedentulus, a, um, adj. toothless Exercitus, us, m. an army, a host,
sion [down Exgdo, ere, edi, esum, a. to eat, or band of armed soldiers, a
. Excurso, are, a. to run up and to eat up, or out, to consume, great flock, or shoal
Excursor, oris, m. a courier, a to destroy Exero, erere, ui, turn, a. to exert,
straggler, a skirmisher, a corsair Exedra, se, /. a bye-place, a jut- to thrust, or draw out, to put
Excursurus, a, um, part, about ting building with seats, a par- forth [cline
to go abroad lour, a drawing-room Exerro, are, n. to deviate, to de-
Excursus, a, um, part, passed over Exemplar, aris, »., and Exem- Exertans, tis, part, thrusting out,
Excursus, us, m. an excursion, a plare, is, n. a pattern, a plan, or showing
stage, a course beyond due model, a copy Exerte, adv. plainly, openly, nicely
bounds, a digression, a sally Exemplaris, e, adj. that serves as Exerto, are, freq. to hold, put, or
Excusabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. ex- a pattern, or example thrust out, to show
cusable, that may be excused Exemplatus, a, um, part, exem- Exertus, a, um, part, shown,
Excusandus, a, um, part, to be plified drawn out, put forth
excused Exemplo, are, a. to exemplify, to Exesor, oris, m. an eater up, a
Excusans, tis, part, excusing copy, to transcribe waster
Excusate, adv. ius, comp. with Exemplum, i, n. an example, an Exesurus, a, um, part, that will
excuse, tolerably instance, a precedent, a copy, a eat up
Excusatio, onis, /. an excuse, or draught, or plan, a model, a Exesus, um, part, eaten up,
defence sample, a resemblance consumed, gnawn, worn, old
Excusaturus, a, um, part, about Exemptilis, e, adj. easily taken Exf61io, are, n. to take out leaves
to excuse away Exfututus, a, um, part, exhausted
Excusatus, a, um, part, and adj. Exemptio, onis, /. an exemption Exgurgito, are, a. to throw out
ior comp. issimus, superl. ex- Exemptor, oris, m. a taker away Exhaeredans, tis, part, disinherit-
cused, taken for an excuse Exemptus, us, m. a taking away ing [riting
Excuso, are, to excuse, to allege Exemptus, a, um, part, exempted, Exhaeredatio, onis, /. a disinhe-
for, or in excuse, to cloak spared, privileged, taken out, or Exhaeredatus, a, um, part, dis-
Excusor, oris, m. a printer, a away, chosen out inherited
founder, a coiner Exentera, orum, pi. n. the bowels Exhseredo, are, a. to disinherit
Excusse, adv. exactly, strictly Exenteratio, onis, /. a gutting Exhares, edis, c. g. one disin
Excussorius, a, um, adj. that Exent6ratus, a, um, part, gutted, herited
shakes out paunched Exhalans, tis, part, breathing out
Excussus, a, um, part, issimus, Exentero, are, a. to gut, to Exhalatio, onis, /. an exhalation
superl. shaken off, chased, or paunch, to draw, to empty Exhalatus, a, um, part, breathed
driven out, flung, cast Exeo, Ire, Ivi, itum, n. to go out, out
Excusus, a, um, part, forged, or away, to set, get, or comb Exhalo, are, a. to exhale, to
printed, coined out, to set sail, to depart, to re- breathe out, to send forth, to
Exctitiendus, a, um, part, to be tire, or withdraw, to escape, to emit, to steam
shaken off, to be overcome avoid, to be continued, or ex- Exhauriendus, a, um, part, to be
Excutiens, tis, part, shaking off, tended, to proceed emptied, &c.
or out Exgquendus, a, um, part, to exe- Exhaurio, ire, si, stum, a. to ex-
Exciitio, ere, ussi, ussum, a. to cute, or he executed haust, to empty, to draw out,
shake off, or out, to strike, dash, Exgquens, tis, part, executing, to spend, consume, or waste, to
or fetch out, to make to drop, performing pillage, or rob, to dig up
or fall, to shake, to brandish, Exgquise, arum, pi. f. funeral Exhaustum, i, n. the taking of
to throw, or fling, to discharge, solemnities, or rites, a burial, pains
to rouse relics Exhaustus, a, um, part, exhausted,
Exdorso, are, same as Ex^quialis, e, adj. of a funeral emptied, drained, drawn out, or
Exdorsuo, are, a. to flay, split out, Exgquor, i, cutus sum, dep. to dry, beggared, wearied, tired
or part along the ridge-bone execute, to do, or perform, to Exhedra, is, f. same as Exedra, a
Ex6co, are, ui, ctum, a. to cut off, effect, or accomplish, to follow, parlour
or out, to cut, to make a hole to pursue, to prosecute, to go Exhedrium, i, n. the same
in, to castrate, to take off, or on, to persist, to imitate, to Exherbandus, a, um, part, to be
away, to remove, to get, or punish, to revenge weeded
plunder Exgquutus, a, um, part, ihat hath Exherbo, are, a. to weed
Execrabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. followed [exercised Exhibendus, a, um, part, to ex-
execrable, abominable, detest- Exercendus, a, um, part, to be hibit, be exhibited, to show
able, odious, horrible Exercens, tis, part, exercising, Exhibens, tis, part, showing
Execrabilitas, atis,/. cursedness driving Exhibeo, ere, ui, itum, a. to ex-
Exacrabillter, adv. execrably Exerceo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to exer- hibit, to show, to discover, ta
make appear, to make gaod, to Exinsperat6, adv. unexpectedly burden, to lighten, to ease, to
produce, to offer Exintegr6, adv. afresh, anew free from, to discharge
Exhibltio, onis,/. an exhibition, a Exinteratus, a, um, part, em- Exopinat&, adv. unawares
producing for public view bowelled, paunched. Exoptabilis, e, adj. to be wished
'xhlblturus, a, um, part, abot t to Exjocor, ari, dep. to jest, to joke or desired
exhibit, or show Existens, tis, part, existing, being Exoptandus, a, um, part, to be
Exlribitus, a, um, part, exhibited, Existentia, ae,/. existence earnestly wished for, or desired
shown, discovered, given Existimandus, a, um, part, to be Exoptans, tis, part, earnestly
Exhilaratio, onis,/. a comforting thought, esteemed, valued, &c. wishing or desiring
Exhilaratus, a, um, part, made Existimans, tis, part, thinking, Exoptatio, onis, /. an earnest
merry, comforted, refreshed esteeming wishing [wish
Exhilaro, are, a. to exhilarate, to Existimatio, onis, /. an opinion, a Exoptat&, adv. even as one would
make merry, to rejoice, to de- name, reputation, respect, es- Exopto, are, a. to wish, or desire
Exhinc, adv. next [light teem, credit greatly ,.to wish, or long for, to
Exhio, are, n. to gape wide Existimator, oris, m. one that wish [rable
Exhorreo, ere, ui, n. to dread gives his opinion, a guesser Exorabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. exo-
Exhorresco, ere, n. to tremble, to Existimaturus, a, um, part, about Exorabulum, i, n. a persuasive
shudder, to dread, to be sore to judge, esteem, &c. Exorandus, a, um, part, to be en-
afraid of [exhorted Existimatus, a, um, part, thought, treated
Exhortandus, a, um, part, to be deemed, judged, reckpned, es- Exorans, tis, part, begging, re-
Exhortans, tis, part, exhorting teemed questing, prevailing upon
Exhortatio, onis,/. an exhortation, Existimo, are, a. to think, to sup- Exorator, oris, m. he that prevails
an encouraging pose, or imagine, to judge, to by entreaty
Exhortatus, a, um, part, that hath esteem Exoraturus, a, um, part, about to
exhorted or encouraged, en- Existo, ere, extiti, n. to exist, to entreat
couraged be, to become, to come, rise, or Exoratus, a, um, part, obtained
Exhortor, ari, atus sum, dep. to spring, to be seen, to appear by entreaty, persuaded
exhort, encourage, or cherish Exitiabilis, e, adj. hurtful, de- Exorbeo, ere, ui, ptum, a. to sup,
Exlbilo, are, a. to hiss off structive, fatal, pestilent, veno- or drink up, to swallow, to
Exiccatus, a, um, part, dried up mous, cruel shed plentifully
Exiccesco, fire, incep. to grow dry Exitialis, e, adj. mischievous, de- Exorbito, avi, atum, a. to go out
Exicco, are, a. to dry thoroughly, structive, pernicious, mortal, of the track, to deviate
to quaff fatal [out Exorbitans, tis, part, exorbitant,
Exiens, euntis, part, going out Exitio, onis, /. a going forth, or irregular
Exigendus, a, um, part, to de- Exltiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Exorbo, are, a. to bereave, to kill
mand, or be demanded deadly, fatal, mischievous, dan- Exorcismus, i, m. an exorcism
Exigens, tis, part, driving out, de- gerous Exorcista, ae, m. an exorcist, a
manding Exitium, i, n. destruction, ruin, conjuror
Exigo, ere, egi, actum, a. to ex- death, mischief, a distemper, a Exorcizo, are, a. to exorcize, to
act, to drive out, or away, to plague, a departure, destroyer raise, or lay spirits, to adjure
expel, or banish, to divorce, to Exiturus, a, via, part, about to go Exordine, adv. orderly, in order
hiss off, or explode out Exordior, Iri, sus sum, dep. to
Exigue, adv. very little, niggardly, Exitus, us, m. an outlet, an end, begin, to undertake, to use a
sparingly, scarcely, hardly or issue, death, an event, a preamble
Exiguitas, atis, /. littleness, slen- result, an effect, a resource, Exordium, i, n. a beginning, a
derness, scantiness success [oath preface, a preamble
Exlguum, i, n. a little Exjuro, are, a. to vow with an Exoriens, tis, part, rising
Exigjius, a, um, adj. issimus, ExlecSbra, a?,/, a device Exorior, reris, Iri, ortus sum, dep.
superl. little, small, puny, pitiful Exlex, egis, e.g. a lawless person to rise, to spring up, to appear,
Exllio, Ire, ui, and ii, ultum, n. to Exlibratus, a, um, part, weighed to be born, to proceed
go out hastily, or quickly, to ExmSveo, ere, a. to remove [out Exornandus, a, um, part, to be
leap, issue, or gush out, to leap, Exobsgcro, are, a. to entreat earn- adorned
start, or fly up, to leap, or skip estly Exornatio, onis, /. a decking, a
Exilis, e, adj ior, conip. slender, Exocdlatus, a, um, part, blinded garnishing, ornament, elegance
fine, thin, lean, hungry, or bar- Exocido, are, a. to put out the eyes Exornator, oris, m. a setter off
ren, trifling, small, little, low, ExOdiarius, i, m. an interlude- Exornatrix, Icis,/. she that decks
creeping, shrill, treble rhyme Exornaturus, a, um, part, about
Exilitas, atis, /. slenderness, Ex6dium, i, n. the end, a farce to adorn
smallness, barrenness, poor- Exoleo, ere, %. to fade, or wither Exornatus, a, um, part, issimus,
ness, flatness Ex61escens, tis, part, falling to superl. adorned, set off
Exiliter, adv. faintly, poorly, badly decay Exorno, are, a. to adorn, to em-
Exilium, i. n. exile, banishment Ex61esco, ere, ui, and evi, etum, n. bellish, to set off, or forth, to
Exlmendus, a, um, part, to be to grow stale, or out of use, to deck, to dress, to commend, to
taken out be out of mind, to be forgotten honour
Exlmie, adv. choicety, excellently, Ex51etus, a, um, part, grown stale, Exoro, are, a. to entreat, to beg
sumptuously ,particularly,dearly worn out, out of use, or date, earnestly, to get by entreaty, to
Exlmius, a, um, a>l). choice, se- defaced, forgotten force, to extort, to invite
lect, particular, Unparalleled, ExOletus, i, m. an old catamite Exors, tis, adj. deprived, given by
exempted Exolvo, Sre, vi, utum, a. to unbind, choice, extraordinary
Eximo, ere, emi, emptum, a. to to loose, to free, to disentangle, Exorsum, i, n. a beginning, an
exempt, to free, deliver, or dis- or disengage, to raise, to pay, enterprise, a story
charge, to take out, or away, to to return, to perform Exorsus, a, um, part, that hath
Exln', adv. afterwards [dig Ex61utus, a, um, part, loosed, un- begun, begun, put into the
Exinaniendus, a, um, part to be bound, freed, not costive, ex- loom
evacuated plained [pay Exorsus, us, m. a beginning
Exinaniens, evacuating Ex61uturus, um, part, about to
a, Exortlvus, a, um, adj. eastern,
Exinanio, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. to eva- Ex5nerandus, a, um, part, to un- rising
cuate, or discharge, to empty, burden, or be unburdened, to Exortus, a, um, part, risen, begun
to unlade, to waste away, to unload [easing Exortus, us, m. a rising, a source
strip, or plunder Ex6n6rans, tis, part, unloading, Exos, ssis, adj. boneless, void of
Exinanitio, onis,/. an emptying Ex6ngraturus, a, um, part, about bones [billing
Extnanitus, a, um. part, emptied, to unload, empty, &c. Exosculans, tis, part, kissing,
plundered, brought to nought Exoneratus, a, um, part unloaded,
. Exosculatio, onis,/. a kissing, a
Exinde, adv. from that time, from freed billing [kissed
i* place, from a thing Exonero, are, a. to unload, to un- Exosculatus, a, um, part, havicg
Exoseiilor, ari, atus sum, dep. to a voyage, a military preparation, Expiamentum, i, a. an atonement
kiss, to bill a quick dispatch Expiandus, a, um, part, to be ex-
Exorsor, oris, m. one who hates Expedition alis, e, adj. speedy piated
Exossatio, onis, /. a boning Expedlturus, a, um, part, about Expiatio, onis,/. an atonement
Exossatus, a, um, part, that hath to disengage, about to set to Expiatiirus, a, um, part, about to
the bones taken out, boned rights expiate, atone, &c.
Exosso, are, a. to bone, to Expedltus, a, um, part, and adj. Expiatus, a, um, part, expiated,
strengthen with bones ior, comp. issimus, superl. dis- atoned, purged [drawn
Exossus, a, um, adj, void of bones engaged, freed, rid of, nimbly Expictus, a, um, part, painted,
Exosus, a, um, part, hating, thrown, or hurled, provided, pre- Expllatio, onis, /. pillage, extor-
hatred [foreign pared, equipt tion
Exoticus, a, um, adj. exotic, Expellendus, a, um, part, to be Expllator, oris, to. a pillager, a
Expalleo, ere, ui, n. to be, or turn expelled plunderer, a robber, an extor-
pale, to fear, to dread, to shud- Expellens, tis, part, expelling tioner [&c.
der at Expello, ere, piili, pulsum, a. to Expllatus, a, um, part, robbed,
Expalliatus, a, um, part, stripped expel, to banish, to drive, chase, Expllo, are, a. to plunder, to
of a cloak or thrust out, forth, or away, to pillage, to rob, to spoil, to extort
Expalpo, are, a. to grope, to feel, emit Expingo, ere, xi, ictum, a. to
to soothe, to flatter Expendens, tis, part, weighing paint, to draw, to limn, to de-
Expamplno, are, a. to prune vines Expendo, ere, di, sum, a. to scribe
\)xpando, ere, di, passum, a. to weigh, to consider, to examine, Expinso, 6re, a. to grind out
expand, to display, to spread to rate, or value, to spend, to Expio, are, a. to expiate, or atonr
out, or abroad, to open, or lay lay, or put out [cost to purge by sacrifice, to cleans*
open Expensa, ae, /. expense, charge, to hallow, to consecrate, to
Expango, ere, xi, ctum, a. to mar- Expenso, are,/reg. to lay out, or punish
shal, to set. forth, to use, to weigh, to re- Explrans, tis, part, breathing out
Expansio, onis, /.an expansion compense Expiratio, onis,/. a breathing out
Expansum, i, n. the firmament Expensum, i, n. expense Explraturus, a, um, part, about
Expansus, a, um, part, expanded, Expensus, a, uin, part, expended, to die
spread abroad, displayed weighed, considered Explro, are, a. to expire, to give
Expapillatus, a, um, adj. extended Expergefacio, ere, eci, actum, a. up the ghost, to die, to breathe
Expapillo, are, a. to make naked to awaken, to stir up, to hearten out, or forth, to cast, or send
to the paps Expergefactus, a, um, part, roused out, to exhale
Expassus, a, um, part, opened Expergefio, 6ri, n. pass, to be Expiscor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Expatians, tis, part, expatiating, awaked fish, or get out, to search dili-
running over, wandering, large Expergiscens, tis, part, awaking gently [ed
Expatiator, oris, m. a gadder, a Expergiscor, i, rectus sum, dep. to Expissatus, a, um, part, thicken-
wanderer awake, to bestir oneself, to take Expisso, are, a. to thicken
Expatiatus, a, um, part, that heart Explanabilis, e, adj. that may be
flows over Expergltus, a, um, part, wakened explained
Expatior, ari, atus sum, dep. to Expergo, ere, si, sum, a. to sprin- Explanandus, a, um, part, to be
expatiate, to enlarge, to wan- kle all over [awaken explained, or made distinct
der, or rove about Expergo, 6re, exi, ctum, a. to Explanate, adv. ius, comp. plainly,
Expatrltius, i, m. a past senator Exp6riendus, a, um, part, to be clearly, intelligibly
Expavefacio, ere, a. to terrify, to tried Explanatio, onis, /. an explana-
frighten, to make afraid Experiens, part, and adj. issi-
tis, tion, an exposition, a declara-
Expavescens, tis, part, greatly mus, superl. trying, experienced, tion, utterance
fearing acquainted with, inured to Explanator, oris, m. an explainer
Expavesco, ere, vi, incep. to be Exp6rientia, a?, /. experience, Explanaturus, a, um, part, about
greatly afraid, to be frightened practice, trial, skill, knowledge to explain, or declare
at, to dread Exp6rlmentum, i, n. an experi- Explanatus, a, um, part, explain-
Expavldus, a, um, adj. frighted ment, proof, or trial, an essay, ed, made plain, distinctly pro-
ExpectabUis, e, adj. to be ex- practice nounced
pected Experior, Iri, ertus sum, dep. to Explano, are, a. to explain, to ex-
Expectandus, a, um, part, thesame experience, to try, to essay, or pound, to make plain
Expectans, tis, part, expecting prove, to find Explanto, are, a. to pull up
Expectatio, onis, /. expectation, Experrectus, a, um, part, and adj. Explaudo, ere, si, a. to clap off
a hoping, longing, or looking awaked, wakened, risen Explebllis, e, adj. that may be
for, hope, fear, attendance Expers, tis, adj. void, destitute, filled, or satisfied
Expectaturus, a, um, part, about free, free from, that hath no ex- Explementum, i, n. a filling, or
to expect perience, ignorant satisfying
Expectatus, a, um, part, ior, Expersus, a, um, part, sprinkled, Explendeo, ere, n. to shine forth,
comp. issimus, superl. expected, wet all over or out [bright
hoped, or looked for, earnestly Expertor, oris, m. a trier, a causer Explendescens, tis, part, shining,
desired Expertus, a, um, part, and adj. Explendesco, 6re, splendui, n. to
Expecto, are, a. to expect, to issimus, superl. experienced, grow bright, to shine, or glitter,
hope, wish, or look for, to hope, tried, proved, having tried, ex- to be eminent
to stay,to tarry, to wait, to pert [desired Explendus, a, um, part, to fill,
wait for, to await, to watch Expetendus, a, um, part, to be or be filled
ExpectOro, are, a. to expectorate, Expetens, tis, part, ior, comp. de- Expleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to fill
to discharge, to free one's siring, requesting, fond of up, to fulfil, to complete, to
mind Expetesso, ere, a. greatly to perfect, or finish, to make up,
Expgcfiliatus, a, tun, adj. having desire to fill, to glut, to Batiate, to
lost his flock Expetlbllis, adj. desirable
e, satisfy
Exp6diendus, a, um, part, to be Expetisso, ere, a. greatly to long Expletio, onis,/. an accomplishing
got ready for Expletlvus, a, um, adj. expletive
Expgdio, Ire, ivi, itum, a. and n. Expetltiirus, a um, part, about Expleturus, a, um, part, about to
to free, to deliver, to extricate, to seek, or demand fill, or satisfy

to disengage, to unloose, to Expetltus, a, um, part, desired, Expletus, a, um, part, filled up,
undo, to dispatch, to finish, or demanded finished, accomplished, replen-
put an end to, to bring to pass Expeto, ere, ivi, itum, a. to desire, ished, satisfied
Expedite, adv. ius, comp. isslme, to covet, to endeavour to get, 1
Expllcabilis, e, adj. that may be
superl. speedily, easily, quickly, to aim at, to ask, to demand, explained [explained
readily to pray Expllcandus, a, um, part, to ba
Expgdltio, onis,/. an expedition, Expiabiiia, e, adj, expiable Explicate, adv. plainly, clearly
E\pl!catio, onis, /. an unfolding, tended, smooth, without wrin- Expuens, tis, part, spitting out
or untwisting, an exposition kles, brisk, active Expugnabilis, e, adj. that may be
Expllcator, oris, m. an explainer, Exporrigens, tis, part, extending overcome, or taken by storm
an interpreter [plains Exporrigo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to Expugnandus, a, um, part, to bt
Explicatrix, icis, /. she that ex- extend, or stretch out, to pro- conquered
Explicaturus, a, um, part, about long Expugnans, tis, part, ior, comp.
to explain, or unfold Exportandus, a, um, part, to be vanquished, taken by force, or
Explicatus, a, um, part, and adj. carried out storm
ior, comp. unfolded, explained, Exportatio, onis, /. an exporta- Expugnatio, 5nis,/. a conquering
made plain, or easy, displayed, tion, conveying, or carrying out by force, the storming of a
exposed to view, finished, per- Exportator, oris, m. an exporter town, &c.
fected Exportatus, a, um, part, exported Expugnator, oris, m. a conqueror,
Explicatus, us, m. an explication, Exporto, are, a. to export, to a subduer, a ravisher
an exposition, an unfolding carry out [demanded Expugnatarius, a, um, adj. con-
Expliciturus, a, um, part, about Exposcendus, a, um, part, to be quering, overpowering
to unfold, draw up, dispatch, &c. Exposcens, tis, part, demanding Expugnatus, a, um, part, van-
Explicitus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Exposco, 6re, pOposci, a. to de- quished, won by assault, taken
unfolded, declared, drawn up, mand, to ask, or require ear- by storm
dispatched, finished nestly Expugnax, acis, adj. acior, comp.
Explico, are, ui and avi, Itum and ExpOsite, adv. manifestly, plainly powerful in subduing, strong
atum, a. to unfold, to unfurl, to ExpSsitio, onis, /. an exposition, Expugnaturus, a, um, part, about
open, to expand, to display, to or declaration, an exposing, a to take by assault, or storm
set, or expose to view, to set scheme [left Expugno, are, a. to take by storm,
out, to set in array, to draw up, Expbsititius, a, um, adj. exposed, or assault, to take, to sack, to
or out, to unravel,' to disengage, ExpSsitor, oris, m. an expositor conquer, to subdue, to over-
to free, to deliver, to rescue, to ExpOsiturus, a, um, part, about come, to gain, or win over
clear, to explain, to give an ac- to explain Expulpo, are, a. to consume, to
count, to relate ExpSsitus, a, um, part, exposed, waste
Explodo, ere, si, sum, a. to ex- subjected, open to, situated, Expulsatus, a, um, part, rased,
plode, to hiss, or clap off, to set to, related, propounded, in- destroyed
reject, to dislike, or disapprove terpreted, open, obvious Expulslm, adv. by striking
Explorandus, a, um, part, to be Expostulandus, a, um, part, to Expulsio, onis,/. banishment
explored, examined, &c. expostulate, or be expostulated Expulso, are, a. to bang about, to
Explorans, tis, part, searching, Expostulans, tis, part, demanding beat [banisher
examining Expostulatio, onis,/. an expostu- Expulsor, oris, m. an expeller, a
Explorate, adv. ills, comp. for a lation Expulsus, a, um, part, expelled,
certainty, certainly, surely Expostulates, a, um, part, de- banished, driven, thrust, or put
Exploratio, onis,/. a'searchingout manded, required out, driven, or forced away
Explorat6, adv. assuredly Expostulo, are, a. to expostulate, Expultrix, icis,/. an expeller
Explorator, oris, m. a searcher, a to argue, to demand, to require Expumiico, are, a. to polish, to
scout, a spy earnestly smooth
Exploratorius, a, um, adj. per- Expresse, adv. ius, comp. ex- Expunctus, a, um, part, expunged,
taining to searching, or spying pressly, aptly, to the purpose, crossed out, put out of pay
Exploratrix, icis, /. she "that to the life Expungo, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to ex-
watches Expressio, onis, /. an expression, punge, to blot, cross, or pull
Exploratus, a, um, part, ior, comp. a straining out, an extract in out, to efface, to clear
isslmus, super!, explored, ex- physic Expuo, utum, a. to spit
Sre, ui,
amined, searched, tried, well, Expressus, a, um, part, and adj. out, topour out, to cast out, to
or certainly known ior, comp. expressed, squeezed, drive out [purged
Exploro, are, a. to explore, to ex- or beaten out, forced, constrain- Expurgandus, a, um, part, to be
amine, to search, or view dili- ed, wrested, extorted, made, Expurgatio, onis, /. a purging, a
gently, to search, to grope, or formed, framed, done to the clearing, or justifying
feel life, declared Expurgator, oris, m. he that
Explosio, 5nis,/. a casting off, or Exprimendus, a, um, part, to be purges
rejecting, a rejection expressed, to be squeezed, &c. Expurgat5rius, a, um, adj. ex-
Explosus, a, um, part, exploded, Exprimens, tis, part, expressing purgatory, cleansing
rejected, hissed, clapped, or cast Exprimo, ere, essi, essum, a. to Expurgaturus, a, um, part, about
off [polished express, to squeeze, wring, to clear, or justify
Expoliendu?, a, um, par:, to be press, force, beat, or strain out, Expurgo, are, a. to purge, to
Exp61io, are, seme as Exspolio to extort, to constrain, to repre- cleanse, to scour, to clear
Expolio, ire, ivi, itum, a. to polish, sent, to portray, to form, or Exputatio, onis, /. a lopping
to smooth, to adorn, or set off, make, to describe Exputatus, a, um, part, lopped
to improve, to finish, or com- Exprobrabilis, e, adj. blameable off, cut
plete [neatly Exprobrans, tis, part, upbraiding Exputo, are, a. to lop, or prune,
Exp61ite, adv. very finely, or Exprobratio, onis,/. a reproach to understand perfectly, to
ExpSlItio, 6nis,/. a polishing Exprobrator, oris, upbraider imagine, examine
ExpSlitor, oris, m. a polisher, a Exprobratrix, icis, /. a she up- Exputresco, 6re, ui, n. to putrify,
trimmer braider to rot
ExpSlitus, a, um, part, and adj. Exprobratuxus, a, um, part, about Exquirendus, a, um, part, to be
ior, comp. polished, made to upbraid, or reproach examined
smooth, winnowed, neat Exprobratus, a, um, part, up- Exqulrens, tis, part, examining
E\pondfiro, are, a. to weigh, to braided Exqulro, 6re, sivi, situm, a. to
think deliberately Exprobro, are, a. to upbraid, re- search out, into, after, or for, to
Exponendus, a, um, part, to be proach, or cast in the teeth, to search, to examine, to seek, to
exposed, to be expounded, ex- charge with, to reprove, to dis- inquire, to ask
plained, described, or related allow Exquisite, ius, comp. issXmk, superl.
Expono, kre, sui, situm, a. to ex- Expromens, tis, part, drawing out and Exquisltim, adv. exquisitely,
pose, to set forth, out, or to Expromissor, oris, m. a surety curiously, nicely, exactly
view, to set to sale, to lay Expromo, 6re, psi, p*um, a to Exquisititius, a, um, adj. gotten
abroad, to lay, to leave, to sub- draw, or bring out, to produce, by art, not natural
ject, to land, or set on shore, to to show forth, to tell plainly, to Exquislturus, a, um, part, about
expound, to teach lay out, to spend to search into
Kxpopiilatio, onis,/. a ravaging Expromptus, a, um, part, drswn, Exquisitus, a, um, part, and adj.
Exporrectus, a, um, part, and adj. or taken oat, extracted, Ehov* <a, ior, comp. isslmus, superl.
icr, comp stretched out, ex- ready searched for, or into, exquisite,
ehoicr, curious, rare, dainty, Exsplendesco, tame as Explen- Exterc5ro, are, a. to void dung
nice desco Exterebratus, a, um, part, bored
ExsacrifTco, are, a. to sacrifice ExspOliandus, a, um, part, to through
Exsaevio, Ire, itum, n. to cease to strip, or be stripped, to be rob- Exterebro, are, a. to bore out, or
vage [bloodless bed through, to pierce, to screw out
ExsanguTnatus, a, um, part. ExspOliatus, a, um, part, spoiled, to extort [clean
Exsanguis, e, adj. blood! esg, life- plundered, stript Extergeo, ere, si, sum, a. to wipe
less [corruption Exspolio, are, a. to rob, or plun- Exterior, ius, adj. comp. more out.
Exsanio, are, a. to squeeze out der, to strip, to deprive ward, or foreign, in a lower de
, Exsarcio, ire, si, turn, a. to patch Exspuitio, onis,/. a spitting out gree
up Exspumo, are, n. to foam, to froth Exterminandus, a, um, part, tc
Exsatiatus, a, um, part, exsa- Exspuo, same as Expuo be banished, or turned out
tiated, cloyed, glutted Exstimulator, oris, to. an encou- Extermlnatio, onis,/. an expulsior
Exsatio, are, a. to exsatiate, gorge, rager [on Exterminator, oris/m. a destroyei
or glut [glutted Exstimtilatus, a, um, part, spurred Exterminatus, a, um, part, exter-
Exsatfirandus, a, una, part, to be Exstimulo, are, a. tospur on, to minated, banished, ruined, de-
Exsatiiratus, a, um, part, glutted, excite, to incite, to encourage, stroyed
sated to provoke Exterminium, i, n. a banishment
Exsaturo, are, a. to glut, to gorge, Exstinguo, same as Extinguo Extermino, are, a. to exterminate
to fill, to content, or satisfy Exstirpo, same as Extirpo to root out, to ruin, or destroy,
: Exscalpo, ere, psi, ptmn, a. to Exsto, same as Exto to drive, or cast out, to banish,
scratch out, to erase, to drill Exstruo, same as Extruo to send away, to cure
out, to carve [carved Exsuccus, a, um, adj. juiceless, Externatus, a, um, part, affrighted
Ejcscalptus, a, um, part, erased, dry, barren Externo, are, a. to astonish, to
Exscendo, ere, a. to debark, to ExsMo, same as Exudo scare, to frighten, to alarm
land Exsul, same as E'xul Externus, a, um, adj. external,
Exscensio, 6nis, /. a descent Exsupero, same as Exupero outward, strange, foreign, alien,
Exscensus, us, to. a landing, a de- Exsurdo, same as Exuvdo of another country
scent [town Exsurgo, same as Exurgo Extgro, gre, trivi, tritum, a. to
Exscidio, onis, /. the rasing of a Exsuscito, same as Exuscito wear, scrub, rub, rase, tread, or
Exscindo, ere, a. to cut off, or Exta, orum, pi. n. entrails, beat out, to thrash, to rub hard
down bowels Exterraneus, a, um, adj. foreign
Exscreabilis, e, adj. that may be Extabesco, gre, ui, n. to pine, or Exterreo, ere, ui, itum, a. to put
spit out waste away, to consume, to in fear, to frighten, to scare
Exscreatio, Onis, /. a hawking up grow old Exterrltus, a, um, part, affrighted
Exscreo, are, a. to hawk up, to Extalis, is, m. the straight gut, Extersio, onis, /. a wiping out
spit up, to the rectum Extersus, a, um, part, wiped clean,
Exscribendus, a, um, part, to be Extans, tis, part, and adj. stand- or out, cleansed, scoured, plun-
written, or copied out ing out, arising, overtopping dered
Exscrlbo, gre, psi, ptum, a. to Extantia, ae,/. an appearing above Extgrus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
write out, to transcribe, to copy, Extaris, e, adj. of, or belonging to strange, foreign, of another
to resemble the entrails country, outward
Exscriptum, i, n. an extract ExtSsis, is,/, an ecstasy Extexo, gre, ui, turn, a. to unravel,
Exscriptus, a, um, part, written, Extaturus, a, um, part, that will to turn one from his purpose
or copied out appear, or arise [with Extillo, are, a. to drop out, to
Exsculpo, gre, psi, a. to engrave, Extempl&, adv. immediately, forth- run, or trickle down, to distil
to erase Extemp6ralis, e, adj. done, or Extlmeo, ere, ui, n. to be sow
Exsecrabllis, e, adj. execrable spoken extempore, immediate, afraid, to dread
Exsecrans, tis, part, cursing ready [ness Extlmescendus, a, um, part.
Exsecror, ari, dcp. to curse ExtempOralitas, atis, /. prompt- greatly to be feared
Exsectus, a, um, part, cut out Extemporaneus, a, um, adj. same Extimesco, gre, ui, incep. to bz
Exsgquor, same as Exequor as Extemporalis greatly afraid, to dread
Exsero, same as Exero ExtempOre, adv. immediately, out Extimo, antiq.for Existimo
Exsibilo, same as Exibilo of hand, without study Extimiilatio, onis,/. a pricking
Exsiccatus, a, um, part, dried up Extendens, tis, part, extending, Extimiilator, oris, m. an encou-
Exsiccesco, ere, n. to grow dry, raising rager [latus
or hard Extendo, gre, di, sum and turn, a. Extimtilatus, same as Exstimu-.
Exsicco, same as Exicco to extend, to stretch out, to Extimulo, same as Exstimulo
Exsiccus, a, um, adj. dry, dried lengthen, to enlarge, to con- Extimus, a, um, adj. superl. the
up [marked tinue, to raise, to hold up, or uttermost, outmost, last
Exsignatus, a, um, part, sealed, out, to exert [cramp Extinctio, onis,/. an extinction, a
Exsigno, are, a. to seal, to mark, Extensio, onis, /. extension, the putting out, an abolishing
to show by signs Extensivus, a, um, adj. extensive Extinctor, oris, m. a quencher, a
Exsilio, same as Exilio Extensus, a, um, part, isslmus, suppressor, a destroyer
Exsilium, same as Exilium superl. extended, stretched out, Extinctorium, i, n. an extinguisher
Exsisto, same as Existo swelled, long Extincturus, a, um, part, about to
Exsolvendus, a, um, part, to pay, Extento, are,freq. to stretch out extinguish, put out or destroy
or be paid Extentus, a, um, part, and adj. Extinctus, a, um, part, and adj.
Exsolvo, same as Exolvo extended, stretched out, con- extinguished, put out, quenched,
Exsomnis, e, adj. sleepless, wak- tinued, of great extent, long, destroyed, killed, put an end to
ing [sound remote, loud, shrill, high Extinctus, us, to. the putting out
Exs6no, are, ui, itum, n. to re- Extgnuandus, a, um, part, to be of a candle [extinguished
Exsorbeo, ere, ui, ptum, a. to sup, lessened, dispersed Extinguendus, a, um, part, to be
or drink up, to swallow Extgnuans, tis,part. diminishing, Extinguo, gre, nxi, nctum, a. U
Exsordesco, ui, ere, n. to become lessening extinguish, to put out, to
filthy Extgnuatio, 6nis, /. an extenua- quench, to destroy, to kill, to
Exsors, tis, adj. without share tion, a diminisning, or lessening cut, or wipe off, to put an end to
Exspatians, same as Expatians Extgnuatus, a, um, part, isslmus, Extirpandus, a, um, part, to be
Exspatior, same as Expatior superl. extenuated, diminished, rooted
Exspecto, same as Expecto thinned Extirpatio, 6nis, /. a rooting out
Exspergo, same as Expergo Extenuissime, adv. very slenderly Extirpator, Oris, m. he that plucks
Exspersus, a, um, part, dispersed Extgnuo, are, a. to extenuate, to up by the roots, a destroyer
Exspes, ei, adj. hopeless, without diminish, or lessen, to debase, Extirpatus, a, um,part. rooted up,
hope or undervalue, to make small or out
Exspiro, same as Expiro Exter, gra, grum, adj. foreign Extirpo, are, «. to extirpate, tc
root up, or out, to grub up, to Extrorsum, adv. towards the out- Exulceratus, a, um, part, made
destroy side sore, fretted, galled, aggravated
Extispex, Icis, c. g. a soothsayer, Extractio, onis,/. a building up Exulcero, are, exulcerate, to
a diviner Extructor, oris, m. a builder make sore, to gall, fret, or eat
Extispicium, i, n. soothsaying Extructirus, a, um, part, about the skin, to vex
Exto, are, tti, Itum and atum, n. to to build, or erect Exiilo, are, n. to be banished, to
stand out, to stand, or stick up, Extructus, a, um, part, issimus, be sent packing, to live in exile
to appear, to be, to remain, or superl. built, erected, furnished, Exultabundus, a, um, adj. like
be left, to spring out heaped up one rejoicing
Extollens, tis, imrt. extolling, Extrudo, ere, si, sum, a. to thrust, Exultans, tis, part, rejoicing, in-
raising or drive out, to hasten, or send sulting, leaping up, spirting out
Extollo, e"re, ttili, elatum, a. to away with speed Exultantia, x, f. an exulting, a
extol, to praise, to take, lift, Extruendus, a, um, part, to be leaping for joy, a beating
raise, or hold up, to exalt, to erected, built, or furnished Exultantius, adv. comp. more
elate [extorted |
Extruo, 6re, uxi, uctum, a. to jocosely
Extorquendus, a, um, part, to be erect, to set, or pile up, to build, Exultiitio, onis, /. exultation, a
Extorqueo, ere, si, sum, a. to ex- to furnish rejoicing, a leaping for joy, a
tort, to take, or get by force Extuberans, tis, part, swelling out boasting, a vaunting
Extorrefacio, ere, a. to broil, or Extubgratio, onis,/. a swelling Exidtim, adv. with leaps
parch [up Extubgro, are, n. to swell much, Exulto, are, n. to exult, to rejoice,
Extorreo, ere, a. to roast, to burn or out ; a. to make to swell to leap about, to bounce, to
Extorridus, a, um, adj. burnt up Extumeo, ere, ui, n. to swell, to bubble
Extorris, is, c. g. an exile, a ba- rise [out Exululatio, onis,/. a crying out
nished man Extumescens, tis, part, swelling Exululatus, a, um, part, howlhjg
Extorter, oris, m. an extortioner Extiimesco, ere, n. to begin to Exululo, are, n. to howl, to cry
Extortus, a, um, part, extorted, swell out
wrested, or forced from Extumidus, a, um, adj. that swells Exundans, tis, part, overflowing,
Extra, prep, without, out of, not Extunc, adv. from that time abounding, raging
in, beyond, except, saving, be- Extundo, ere, Midi, tusum, a. to Exundatio, onis,/. an overflowing
sides, over and above beat, knock, or hammer out, Exundo, are, n. to overflow, to
Extra, adv. without, on the outside to invent, to extort, to drive break out, to rage, to spread
Extractio, onis,/. an extraction away, to crush far [anoint
Extractorius, a, um, adj. that Exturbandus, a, um, part, to be Exungo, Cre, xi, ctum, a. to
draws out, drawing thrust out [out Exuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to put,
Extracturus, a, um, part, about Exturbans, tis, part thrusting take, or shake off, to strip, to
to draw out Exturbatus, a, um, part, thrust divest, to deprive, to free
Extractus, a, am, part, drawn out, out, driven out, pulled up by Exuperabilis, e, adj. that may be
prolonged, continued, spun out the roots surpassed, or got over
Extraeo, ire, n. to grow out Exturbo, are, a. to thrust, drive, Exupgrans, tis, part, exceeding,
Extrahendus, a, um, part, to be or turn out, to discharge, to excelling, surpassing, pre-emi-
drawn out, &c. banish, to trouble, discompose, nent
Extraho, ere, axi, actum,
a. to ex- or confound Exupcrantia, a3 ,/, excellence
tract, to draw out,
to pull, pluck, Extussiens, tis, part, coughing up Exuperatio, onis,/ an excelling
or drag out, to root out, to ex- Extussio, Ire, ivi, itum, a. to cough Exupgratus, a, um, part, exceed-
tricate, to disengage, to with- up, or out, to void with cough- ed, overcome
draw, to draw, get, or bring ing Exupgro, are, a. to exceed, to
off Exuberans, tis, part, issimus, surpass, to overcome, to get
Extraneo, are, avi, atum, a. to superl. abounding, overflowing over
treat as a stranger Exuberantia, ae,/. an abundance Exurcfdo, are, a. to prune trees
Extraneus, a, um, adj. foreign, Exuberatio, onis,/. an abundance, Exurdeo, ere, n. to grow deaf
strange, outward, borrowed a swell, an overflow, a redun- Exurdo, are, a. to make deaf, to
Extraordinarius, a, um, adj. extra- dance make dull [suming
ordinary, not common, great Exubero, are, n. to abound, to Exurens, tis, part, burning, con-
Extraquam, adv. except that make to abound, to overflow Exurgeo, ere, si, sum, a. to
Extrarius, a, um, adj. outward, Exuctus, a, um, part, ior, comp. squeeze, or crush out
strange, of another kindred sucked out, void of moisture, Exurgens, tis, part, rising up
Extrgmisco, ere, incep. to tremble, dry [out Exurgo, gre, rexi, ectum, n. to
to shake Exiidatus, a, um, part, sweated rise up, or out, to arise
Extremltas, atis,/. an extremity, Exudo, are, n. to sweat; a. to Exuro, ere, ssi, stum, a. to burn
an end, an edge, brink, or brim, sweat out Tstript out, or up, to burn, to parch, to
a border Exvelatus, a, um, part uncovered,
. consume
Extrem6, adv. lastly, in the end Exvello, ere, a. to pluck out Exuscitatio, onis,/. a stirring up,
Extremum, adv. the same Exuendus, a, um, part, to be put a wakening
Extremum, i, n. the extreme, last, off Exuscito, are, a. to awake, to
or remotest part, the beginning, Exuens, tis, part, stripping, put- waken, to rouse, to stir up, to
or end, a hem, hazard ting off raise
Extremus, a, um, adj. superl. the Exverro, ere, a. to sweep out Exustio, onis,/ a setting on fire
extreme, outermost, or utmost, Exugo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to suck Exustor, oris, m. he that burns
the last, the lowest, the most out, to drink up Exustulatio, onis,/ a scorching
afflicted, the basest, or worst Exul, ulis, c. g. a banished man, Exust&lo, are, a. to scorch, to
Extricabilis, e, adj. that may be or woman, an exile burn [burn
got out of, or disengaged Extilans, tis, part, banished, liv- Exusturus, a, um, part, about to
Extricatus, a, um, part, disentan- ing in exile Exustus, a, um, part, burnt,
gled, &c. Exulatio, onis,/. banishment parched, scorched, dried
Extrico, are, a. to extricate, to Exulaturus, a, um, part, about to Exutus, a, um, part, stripped,
disentangle, to disengage, to live in banishment plundered, deprived, divested,
deliver, to get rid of, to get an Exulcerandus, a, um, part, to freed
account of, or understand, to be fretted Exuviae, arum, pi. f. spoils taken
get, to obtain Exulcgrans, tis, part, exulceruting from an enemy in war, boot?,
Extrinsficus, a, um, adj. extrinsic Exulcgratio, onis,/. a soreness, a pillage, clothes, hair
Extrinsecus, adv. ext rinsically, making of a botch, an aggrava- Exiivium, i, a. tke same
outwardly, from without, be- tion
t-ides Exulcgraforius, a, um, adj. that
Extrltus, um, part, rubbed
a, out, causes blisters to rise, apt to
Btruck out, worn out fret
cose, merry, pleasant, witty, Faeculentia, a,/, dregginess
fine Faeciilentus, a, um, adj. feculent,
Faciendus, a, um, part, to be dreggy, foul, belonging to lees
done, or made Fsedus, a, um, adj. filthy, nasty
Faba, ae, /. a bean Fariens, tis, part, doing, making Faex, aecis,/. dregs, or lees of wine,
l'abeceus, a, um, adj. of a bean Facies, ei, /. a face, a counte- dregs, sediment, grounds, dross,
Fabacia, a;,/, a bean-cake nance, an appearance, a show, or the mob, the scum, or refuse of
Fabaginus, a, um, adj. of beans resemblance, a portrait, or pic- the people
Fabago, inis,/. bean-chaff ture, a make, form, stature, Fageus, a, um, adj. of beech
Fabale, is, n. a bean-straw, or beauty Fagineus, a, um, adj. of beech,
stalk Facile, adv. ius, comp. illime, beechen [beech
Fabalis, e, adj. of a bean superl. easily, without much Faginus, a, um, adj. made of
Fabarius, a, um, adj. full of beans ado, certainly Fagus, i,/. a beech-tree, a beech
Fabella, ae, /. a short, or little Facilis, e, adj. ior, comp. illimus, Fagutalis, e, adj. belonging to
fable, or story superl. easy, feasible, gentle, beech
Fabellator, oris, m. a maker, or mild, pliant, tractable, good- Faia, ae, /. a gallery, scaffold, or
teller of stories natured, easy to be pleased, tower to throw darts from
Faber, ra, rum, adj. rimus, superl. courteous, kind, favourable Faiarlca, ae,/. a fiery dart
workmanlike, ingenious Facilltas, atis,/. easiness, good- Falcarius, i, m.& mower, or maker
Faber, ri, m. a workman, a smith, nature of scythes, one armed with a
a forger, a hammerer, a trout Faciliter, adv. easily [wickedly bill
Fftbetum, i, n. a bean -plat Facinoiose, adv. villainously, Falcator, oris, m. a bill-man
Pabre, adv. errime, superl. work- FacinOrosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Falcatus, a, um, part, hooked,
manly, cunningly, artificially issimus, superl. villainous, crooked, bowed, or bent like a
Fabrefacio, ere, ec'i, factum, a. to wicked hook, armed with a hook, or
work, or make artificially Facinus, Oris, n. in a good sense, a scythe
Fabrefactus, a, um, part, cunning- great action, an exploit, an Falclciila, ae,/. dim. a small sickle
ly wrought, or devised adventure Falcifer, a, um, adj. that bears a
Fabrica, ae, /. a shop, or work- Facio, ere, feci, factum, a. to do, hook, or scythe
house, the art of framing, or to perform, to execute, to Falciger, a, um, the same
making, a fabric, frame, make, commit, to make, to form, or Falco, onis, m. a falcon, a hawk
fashion fashion Falco, are, a. to prune, to cut, to
Fabrlcandus, a, um, part, to be Factio, onis, /. a faction, a party,
made, or formed a side, or sect, a band, a com- Falciila, ae,/.a little hook, or bill,
FabrTcans, tis, part, making pany [tiously a crooked knife, a claw, a marten
Fabricatio, onis,/. a framing Factiose, adv. factiously, sedi- Falcunculus, i, m. a little falcon
Fabricator, oris, in. a i'ramer, a Factiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Falere, is, n. a buttress, a pile
maker, a contriver, an inventor issimus, superl. factious, sedi- Falisca, ae,/. a crib, a rack
Fabricates, a, um, part, framed, tious, mutinous Faliscus, a, um, adj. stuffed like
made Factitatus, a, um, part, done a pudding [treachery
Fabrico, are, a. and Fabricor, often, done Fallacia, ae, /. a fallacy, deceit,
atus sum, dep. to frame, to build Factitius, a, um, adj. artificial Fallaciosus, a, um, adj. fallacious
Fabrtcus, a, um, adj. and Factito, are, freq. to do often, to Fallaciter, adv. issime, superl.
Fabrilis, e, adj. belonging to practise, to make, or compose deceitfully, falsely
smiths', masons', or carpenters' Factor, oris, m. a factor, an agent, Fallax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
work a doer, or maker, a multiplier, mus, superl. deceitful, false,
Fabnliter, adv. workmanly a presser treacherous, lying, vain, un-
Fabrio, ivi, ire, a. to make, pre- Factum, i, n. a fact, an action, a certain [deceived
pare deed, a feat, a transaction Fallendus, a, um, part, to be
Fabula, ae, /. a fable, a tale, Factura, ae, /. the making of a Fallens, tis, part, deceiving,
a story, a feigned device, a rib, thing lying, beguiling, slipping, slid-
a lie, a flam, a whim Facturio, ire, n. to desire to do ing
Fabula, a:, /. dim. a little bean Factiirus, a, um, part, about to Fallo, £re, fefelli, falsum, a. to
Fabulans, tis, part, talking, dis- do, or make, about to offer deceive, to cheat, to disappoint,
coursing Factus, a, um, part, done, made, to beguile, to elude, to escape,
Fabularis, e, adj. fabulous formed, built, erected, written, to escape notice, to abscond, to
Fabulator, oris, m. a maker, or tasted conceal oneself
teller of fables, or tales Factus, us, m. a making, or build- Falsarius, i, m. a falsifier, a forger
Fabulis, e, adj. belonging to ing, a thing, &c. made, a press- False, adv. falsely, without cause
beans ing Falsidicus, a, um, adj. lying, false
Fabulor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Facula, ae,/. dim. a little torch Falsif icatio, onis, /. a falsifying
make, or tell stories, to talk Facultas, atis, /. liberty, leave, Falsificator, oris, m. a falsifier
Fabulose, adv. ius, comp. issime, permission, opportunity, con- Falsificatus, a, um, part, falsi-
superl. fabulously, falsely, idly venience, advantage, cause, oc- fied
Fabulc-sltas, atis,/. a lying, false- casion [means Falsifico, are, a. to falsify
hood F&cultafula, a;,/, small, or scanty Falsif icus, a, um, adj. working
Fabulosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Facunde, adv. issime, superl. elo- deceit [falsely
issimus, superl. fabulous, ro- quently Falsijurius, a, um, adj. swearing
mantic [bane Facundia, ae, /. eloquence Falsiloquentia, ae,/. a false speak-
Fabtdum, i, n. bean-chaff, hen- Facundiosus, a, um, adj. full of ing [false
Fabulus, i, m. dim. a little bean eloquence Falslloquus, a, um, adj. lying,
Facessitus, a, um, part, done Facunditas, atis,/. eloquence Falsimonium, i, n. a falsehood,
F&cesso, 6re, si and sivi, sum and Facundo, are, a. to make eloquent deceit
situm, a. to do, to execute, to Facundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Falsltas, atis, /. falsehood
accomplish, to cause, or create issimus, superl. eloquent, well- Fals6, adv. falsely, wrongfully
Facete, adv. ius, comp. issime, spoken Falsum, i, n. a falsehood
superl. facetiously, jocosely, Ffficarius, a, um, adj. of dregs Falsus, a, um, part, deceived, mis-
wittily Fsecatus, a, um, adj. not fined, taken ; adj. false, deceitful,
Facetia, ae, /. Facetiae, arum, pi. unsettled treacherous, lying, pretended,
f. merry, or pretty conceits, Faecinius and Faecinus, a, um, feigned
witty, or pleasant sayings adj. dreggy, foul, turbid Falx, cis, /. a hook, bill, scythe,
Facetosus, a, um, adj. jocose, Faecosus, a, um, adj. dreggy, thick or sickle, a pruning-hook, an
merry Faeciila, a?,/, lees, or grounds of engine of war crooked like a
Fftceius, a, um, adj. ior, comp. wine, tartar, a sauce made of it hook
issimus, superl facetious, jo- Fecculente, adv. with dregs Fama, ae, /. fame, report, rumou/ c
common talk, tidings, news, a Farnus, i. m. a kind of oak pride, haughtiness, a loathing
tradition, or hearsay, renown, Furraceus, a, um, adj. of cWn a dislike, an aversion
praise Farrago, inis, /. a hodgepodge, a Fastigans, tis, part, rising with a
Famatus, a, urn, adj. in bad re- mixture [corn point
pute, notorious Farranus, a, um, adj. fruitful in Fastigatio, onis, f. a sharpening
Famelice, adv. very hungrily Farrarius, a, um, adj. bearing to a poiut
Faraellcus, a, um, adj. hungry, corn Fastigiatus, a, um, part, pointed,
hungered Farratum, i, n. a hasty-pudding sharpened like a pyramid
Fames, is,/, hunger, fasting, fa- Farratus, a, um, adj. done with Fastigio, or Fastigo, are, a. to
mine, dearth, a greedy desire corn point, to raise, or sharpen to a
Famlger, era, £rum, adj. carrying Farreatus, a, um, part, joined in point
tales marriage with a cake Fastigium, i, n. a top, a ridge, i>
Famiggratio, onis,/. a spreading, Farreo, are, a. to join in marriage point, or peak, a height, o«
a report with a cake depth
Famigeratus, a, urn, part, famed Farreum, i, n. a wheat-cake used Fastose, adv. proudly, haughtily
Famigero, are, a. to report, to in marriage, a barn, a vessel Fastosus, a, um, part, proud,
blaze Farreus, a, um, adj. of corn haughty
F&milia, ae, /. and as, /. a family Fartilia, um, pi. n. pellets to cram Fastuose, adv. proudly, haughtily
the servants, the wife and chil- poultry Fastuositas, atis,/. disdain, pride
dren [mily Fartllis, e, adj. crammed Fastuosus, a, um, adj. disdainful
Fftmiliaricus, a, um, adj. of a t'a- Fartlm, adv. by stuffing, or cram- Fastus, (is, »t haughtiness, pride.
Familiaris, e, adj. ior, comp. issi- ming Fastus, a, um, adj. lucky, lawful
mus, superl. of the same family, Fartor, oris, m. a stuffer, a feeder Fatalis, e, adj. fatal, appointed
or household, familiar, usual of fowls, a poulterer by fate, deadly, killing
F&miliaris, is, m. a servant of the Fartum, i, n. a pudding, a sausage Fataliter, adv. fatally
family, an intimate, a friend Fartura, ae, /. a cramming of fowls Fatatus, a, um, adj. fated, doomed
Familiaritas, atis, /. familiarity, Fart us, a, um, part., and Farctus, Fatendus, a, um, part, to be con-
intimacy, friendship stuffed, crammed, loaden fessed [owing
Famlliarlter, adv. ius, comp. issi- Fartus, us, m. a cramming, a Fatens, tis, part, confessing,
me, superl. familiarly, intimate- tilling Fateor, eri, fassus sum, dep. to
ly, homely, plainly, privately Fas, n. indecl. right, justice, confess, to own, to grant, to
Famosa, a?,/, a courtezan, a miss equity, a thing lawful, piety discover
Famosus, a, um, adj. that hath Fascia, ae, /. a swath, band, or Faticanus, a, um, or Faticinus,
an ill name, infamous, noto- roller,a bandage, a fillet, a adj. foretelling, prophetic
rious, noted ribbon, a head-band, a wreath, Fatldicus, a, um, adj. soothsaying
Famula, se, /. a maid, a maid- a diadem, a scarf, a stomacher Fatidlcus, i, m. a soothsayer
servant [attending Fasciatim, adv. in bundles Fatifer, a, um, adj. destructive,
Famulans, part,
tis, serving, Fasciatus, a, um, part, swathed, mortal [tired
Famularis, e, adj. of a servant bound [bundle Fatigandus, a, um, part, to be
Famulatio, onis,/. service, attend- Fascicularis, e, adj. belonging to a Fatigans, tis, part, tiring, weary-
ance, a retinue of servants Fascicularia, pi. n. faggots, &c. ing
Famulator, oris, m. an attendant Fasciculus, i, m. a packet, or little Fatigatio, onis, /
fatigue, raillery
Famulatrix, icis, /. a female waiter bundle, a parcel, a handful, a Fatigator, oris, m. he that wearies
Famulatus, us, m. service, attend- pack of cards Fatigatrix, icis,/. she that wearies
ance Fascinans, tis, part, bewitching F&tigaturus, a, um, part, about
Famulitium, i, n. service, drudg- Fascinatio, onis,/. a bewitching- to weary [wearied
ery, attendance Fascinator, oris, m. he that be- Fatigalus, a, um, part, tired,
F&mulor, ari, at us sum, dep. to witches [witches Fatigo, are, a. to fatigue, to tire,
serve, attend, or wait upon Fascmatrix, icis, /. she that be- to weary, to importuue, to
Famulosus, a, um, adj. fond of Fascino, are, a. to bewitch, to trouble, or disturb, to distress,
servants charm, to praise, or commend or torment, to harass, to perse-
Famulus, a, um, adj. of, or be- highly [amulet cute
longing to a servant Fascinum, i, n. a charm, an Fatilegus, a, um, adj. gathering,
Fftmulus, i, m. a servant, a house- Fascio, are, a. to swathe, to bind or collecting death
hold servant, a waiting-man Fasci61a, as, /. a little band, a Fatilogus, i, m. a soothsayer
Fanatice, adv. madly, franticly garter Fatiloquus, a, um, adj. foretelling
Fanaticus, a, um, adj. fanatical, Fascis, is, m. a bundle of wood, Fatim, adv. abundantly
inspired, possessed, frantic twigs, straw, reeds, &c, a fig- Fatiscens, tis, part, being weary
Fandus, a, um, part, to bespoken, got, or bavin, a bundle, fardel, Fatisco, fire, n. to chink, chap,
to be divulged, lawful packet, or burden open, or gape, to leak, to be
Fans, tis, part, speaking, saying Fassurus, a, um, part, about to weary, or tired, to grow faint,
Fanum, i, n. a temple, a church confess [confessing or weak
Far, farris, n. all manner of corn, Fassus, a, um, part, confessed, Fatue, adv. foolishly, foppishly
flour, meal Fasti, orum, and Fastus,
pi. m., Fatuitas, atis,/. foolishness
Farcimen, inis, ?! a sausage uum, pi. m. calendars, wherein Fatuor, ari, dep. to dote
FarcTmentum, i, n. a stuffing were set down festivals, the Fatum, i, n. fate, God's provi-
Farciminosus, a, um, adj. of, or names of officers, the pleading- dence, or decree, the course of
belonging to a disease called days [disdained nature, destiny, fortune, cala-
Fastidiendus, a, um, part, to be mity, mischief
Farciminum, i, n. a disease in Fastidiens, tis, part, disdaining, Fatus, a, um, part, having spoken
horses and animals generally, loathing Fatuus, a, um, adj. foolish,
costiveness Fastidicnter, adv. in disdain simple, giddy, insipid, having
Farcio, ire, si, turn and ctum, a. Fastidio, ire, ivi, itum, a. to dis- no taste
to stuff, to cram, to fat dain, to scorn, to set light by, Fatuus, i, m. a a simpleton
Farcitus, a, um, part, stuffed, to loathe, to abhor, to dislike Fivens, tis, part, favouring, vic-
crammed [filling Fastidiose, adv. ius, comp. dis- torious
Farcitura, ae, a cramming, a
f. dainfully, scornfully, with diffi- Faveo, ere, vi, fautum, a. and n.
Farfuginm, i, n. a white poplar culty to favour, befriend, or counte-
Farina, ae, /. meal, Hour, powder, 1'astidiosuS; a, um, adj. ior, comp. nance, to be on one's side, to
dust issimus, superl. disdainful, wish one well, to desire, to
Farinarius, a, um, adj. of meal scornful, squeamish, queasy, boast, to attend with silence
Farinarius, i, m. a meahnan curious, nice, coy Favilla, as, /. hot embers, or
FarTntuentus, a, um, adj. mealy, Fastiditus, a, um, part, despised, ashes
like meal slighted Fftvissce, arum, pl.f. cellars where
F&rio, onis, m. a troui Fsstidium, i, n. disdain, scorn, they laid up old statues and
presents, cisterns of water Femina, re, /. a female, a woman Fermentum, i, n. leaven, a lump
round the temples Feminal, alis, n. the natural parts leavened, a light, or puff?
FiH onius, i, m. the west wind of a female [slops thing, fermented liquor, a fret-
Ktvor, oris, m. favour, regard, re- FSminalia, um, pi. n. drawers, ting, anger
spect, partiality Femlninus, a, um, adj. feminine Fgro, fers, tuli, and tgtuli, ferre,
Kavorabills, e, adj. ior, comp. fa- Femorale, is, n. armour for the latum, a. to bear, carry, or
vourable, favoured, beloved thigh [&c. bring, to lead, or conduct, to
Favorablliter, adv. favourably FemSralia, um, pi. n. breeches, carry off, or away, to take off.
Fauste, adv. luckily, prosperously Femur, 5ris, n. the thigh, or its or away, to waste, or destroy,
FaustTtas, atis, /. good luck, a outside to bear with, to condescend, or
goddess Fenei'atd, adv. with use vouchsafe, to endure, to suffer,
Faustus, a, ran, adj. lucky, fortu- Fenero, same as Fcenero to sustain, to prescribe, to pro-
nate, happy, propitious, pros- Fenestella, re, /. dim. a little pose, to be inclined, to permit,
perous window to require, to extol
Fautor, oris, m. a favourer, a Fenestra, re,/, a window, an entry, Ferocia, re, /. fierceness, resolu-
furtherer, a or way into, an inlet, a hole, a tion, cruelty
Fautrix, Icis,/. she that favours gap, an occasion Feiociens, tis, part, blustering
Fautrix, Icis, adj. favourable, kind Fenestralis, e, adj. belonging to Ferocio, Ire, n. to be fierce
Fauturus, a, urn, part, that will a window Ffirocitas, atis,/. firceness, headi-
favour [ulcer Fenestratus, a, um, part, and adj. ness, rashness, surliness, mo-
Favus, i, m. a honey-comb, an having windows, open roseness
Faux, cis, /. the jaws, the chops, Fenestro, are, a. to open, to make Feiociter, adv. ius, comp. issime,
the throat, the wind-pipe, the a window superl. fiercely, boldly, hastily,
straits, or narrow passages be- Fenum, i, n. use of money cruelly
tween hills, the mouth of a Fera, re,/, a wild beast, or fowl Feroculus, a, um, adj. fierce, surly
river Feracisslme, adv. most fruitfully F6rox, ocis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Fax, facis,/. a torch, a flame Feracitas, atis,/. fruitfulness mus, superl. tierce, bold, coura-
Febricitans, tis, part, sick of a Feralia, um, pi. n. sacrifices for geous, daring, warlike, fiery,
fever the dead mettlesome, stout, lusty, strong,
Febrlcitatio, 6nis,/. fevcrishness Feralis, e, adj. mournful, dismal hardy, rough, savage, cruel
Febrlcito, are, n. to be sick of a F6rax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Ferramentum, i, n. an instrument
fever superl. fertile, fruitful, abound- of iron, an edged, or pointed
Febrlcitor, ari, dep. the same ing, full weapon
Febrlcula, se,/. a slight fever Fercillum, i, n. a dish, or mess of Ferraria, re,/, an iron mine
Febriciilarius, a, um, adj., and meat borne to the table Ferrariarius, i, m. one who works
Febrlciilaris, e, feverish, aguish Fere, adv. almost, nearly, nigh, in forges, a smith
Febrlculose, adv. feverishly within a little, about, hardly, Ferrarius, a, um, adj. pertaining
Febriculosus, a, um, a dj. feverish, for the most part, generally, to iron [iron
aguish, hot, lascivious commonly, ordinarily, greatly Ferratilis, e, adj. belonging to
Febriens, tis, part, sick of a fever, F6rendus, a, um, part, to be Ferratus, a, um, adj. iron, hard
or ague borne, carried, or suffered, to be as iron, done, covered, or armed
Febrlfuga, re, /. feverfew borne with, to bebrought forth with iron, laid in irons, fettered,
Febrilis, e, adj. of a fever, or ague Ferens, tis, part, bearing, carry- shackled
Febrio, ire, n. to have a fever ing, enduring, &c. Ferreum, i, n. an andiron
F?bris, is,/, a fever, an ague Ferentarius, i, m. a sort of soldier Ferreus, a, vim, adj. of iron, hard,
Februamentum, i, n. a religious who fought with missiles stout, unkind, hardhearted,
purification, expiation Fgretrum, i, n. a bier, a coffin, a cruel, inhuman
Februarius, i, m. February thing whereon spoils were car- FerrifOdma, re, /. an iron mine
Februatus, a, um, part, purged, ried in triumph Femterus, i, m. a slave in chains

cleansed [clean ?e any day

Feria, re,/, a holyday, Ferritgrium, i, n. a prison

Februo, are, a. to purify, to arum, pi. f. holydays, days

Fei'iae, Ferrltribax, acis, m. a jailbird
Fecialis, is, and Feciales, iuni, exempted from labour, or plead- Ferrugmeus, a, um, adj. like rusty
pi. m. a herald ing iron, or soot, rusty, dark
Fecialis, e, adj. of heralds Ferialis, e, adj. of holydays, holy Fcrruginosus, a, um, adj. rusty
Fecunditas, atis,/. fruitfulness Feiiatio, onis, /. a keeping holy- Fcrrugo, inis,/. rust of iron, rust,
FOcutinus, a, um, adj. dreggy, day the colour of polished iron
foul Feriatus, a,um,part. unemployed, Ferrum, i, n. iron, any weapon, or

Fel, fellis, n. gall, bitterness, grief idle, holy [stricken tool made of iron, a sword, a
of spirit, poison Feriendus, a, um, part, to be ploughshare, fetters of iron
Feles, and Felis, is,/, a cat Feriens, tis, part, striking, beat- Ferrumen, inis, n. and Ferriimen-
Felicltas, atis, /. felicity, happi- ing, wounding tum, i, n. iron, or steel harden-
ness, fortune, good fortune, Ferina, re,/, venison ed, solder, cement, glue, pitch,
opulence, wealthiness, fruitful- Ferine, adv. beastly, wildly &c.
ness [happy Fermus, a, um, adj. of wild beasts Ferruininandus, a, um, part, to be
Follcitatus, a, um, part, made F6rio, Ire, percussi, a. to strike, cemented, glued, closed, &c.
Feliciter, adv. ius, comp. issime, to beat, to smite, hit, or knock, Ferrtiminans, tis, part, cementing
superl. happily, prosperously, to butt, or push, to wound, to Ferruminatio, onis,/. a soldering
successfully, luckily, well offer, or sacrifice Ferruminatus, a, um, part, ce-
Felicito, are, a. to felicitate, to Ferior, ari, atus sum, dep. to mented
make happy keep holyday, to be idle Ferrumino, are, a. to solder, to
Fellneus, and Fellnus, a, um, adj. Feritas, atis, /. wildness, fierce- cement, to glue, to join, or close
of a cat ness, cruelty Fertilis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
Felis, is, /. a cat Ferme, adv. almost, for the most superl. fertile, fruitful, abound-
Felix, Icis, adj. ior, comp. issimus, part, nearly, thereabouts, more ing [fulness
superl. happy, prosperous, for- or less Fertilitas, atis, /. fertility, fruit-
tunate, favourable, kind, fruit- Fermentatio, o^-is,/. a fermenta- Fertlliter, adv. fruitfully
ful tion [leavens Fertum, i, «. a cake of spices
Felleus, a, um, adj. of gall, bitter Fermentator, oris, m. he that Fertus, a, um, adj. fruitful, rich
Fellico, are, a. to suck Fermentatus, a, um, part, lea- Fervgfacio, Sre, eci, factum, a. to
Felllcus, a, um, adj. bitter as gall vened, puffed up, swollen [up make hot, to heat, to boil
Fellitus, a, um, adj. bitter as gall Fermentescens, tis, part, puffing Fervef'actus, a, um, part, mads
Fello, are, a. to suck Fermentesco, ere, incep. to puff hot
Femella, re,/, a female up, to swell, to be light Fervens, tis, part ior, comp. issi-
Femen, Inis, n. the inside of the Fermento, are, a. to ferment, to mus, superl. boiling, burning,
tbigb leaven, to loosen, to make light fervid, hot
Fervent er, adv. ius, comp. issime, Fibulo, are, a. to button, or fasten Fidlctilae, arum, pl.f. little cords
superl. hotly, hastily Flcaria, ae,/. a fig-tree [together to stretch people on the rack
Fcrveo, ere, i, and bui, n. to be Ficarius, a, um, adj. pertaining to Fldo, fire, di, and flsus sum, n.
hot, to boil, or seeth, to fer- figs [figs, liver to trust to, or in, to trust, to
ment, to fret, to rage, to Ficatum, i, n. a meat made with confide
glow Flcedula, ae,/. a fig-pecker Flducia, ae, /. confidence, assur-
Fervesco, £re, to grow hot, to be- Ficetum, i, n. a place where fig- ance, boldness, courage, trust,
gin to rage trees, or the piles grow dependance, hope
Fervlde, adv. hotly, earnestly Flcosus, a, um, adj. issimus, Fiducialiter, adv. confidently
Fervldus, a, um, 'adj. ior, comp. superl. full of sores, scabs, or Fiduciarius, a, um, adj. that takes.
issimus, superl. hot, scorching, the piles or is taken, upon trust
burning, fermenting, working, Ficte, adv. feignedly, falsely Fiduciarius, i, m. a feoffee in trust
raging Fictile, is, ». a' thing made of earth Fiduciatus, a, um, part, put in
Ferula, ae, /. a ferula, a wooden Fictllis, e, adj. earthen, made of trust
shipper, a rod, a stick, a reed, a earth [device Flducio, are, a. to put in trust, to
cane, a walkingstick Fictio, onis,/. a fiction, a lie, a make a condition of trust
Fervo, fire, same as Ferveo Fictitius, a, um, adj. fictitious, Fldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Fervor, oris, m. heat, a boiling, or feigned mus, superl. faithful, trusty,
raging, a scorching, earnest- Fictor, oris, m. a feigner, a coun- true, constant, safe, secuie,
ness, vigour terfeiter, a deviser, a forger lasting
F6rus, a, um, adj. wild, savage, Fictrix, icis,/. a deviser Fldustus, a, um, adj. very faithful
cruel, bloody, tierce, stubborn, Fictura, ae, /. a feigning, a pre- Figens, tis, part, fixing, wounding
uncultivated tence Figllna, as,/, a potter's craft, or
Ffirus, i, m. a wild beast, a boar, Fictus, a, um, part, and adj. feign- workhouse
a stag, a horse ed, pretended, counterfeited, de- F'igllnarius, i, m. a potter
Fescennlnus, a, um, adj. smutty vised, forged, formed, fashioned, Figllnum, i, n. an earthen vessel

Fessitudo, Inis, /. weariness wrought [trees Figlinus, a, um, adj. belonging to

Fessus, a, um,part. wearied, tired, Ficulnetum, i, n. a place of fig- a potter, earthen
worn out Flculneus, and Ficulnus, a, um, Figmentum, i, n. work, workman-
Festlnabundus, a, nm, adj. hasty adj. of a fig-tree, useless, worth- ship, a forgery, a lie, a device
Festlnans, tis, part, issimus, less Flgo, ere, xi, xum, a. to fix, to
superl. hastening, making haste, Ficulus, i,/. dim. a little fig fasten, to stick, to thrust, to
being troubled Ficus, i, and us,/, a fig, a tig-tree, shoot, to pierce, to wound, to
Festinanter, adv. ids, comp. hasti- a disease called the piles set up publicly
ly, in haste, quickly, speedily Fide, adv. issime, superl. faithfully Flgularis, e, adj. of a potter
Festmatio, onis,/. haste, speed Fidefragus, i, m. a trucebreaker Flgulina, same as Figlina
Festlnatd, adv. ius, comp. quickly, Fidelcommissarius, i, m. a feoffee Figulo, are, a. to make, to fashion
speedily, in haste in trust Flgtilus, i, m. a potter
Festlnaturus, a, um, part, about Fidelcommissio, onis, /. a feoff- Flgura, ae, /. a figure, shape, form,
to make haste ment of trust or fashion, an image, a repre-
Fcstlnatus, a, um, part, hastened, Fldelcommissum, i, n. a feoff- sentation, a draught, or like-
done with speed, or before due ment of trust ness
time Fideicommissus, a, um, adj. given Flgurandus, a, um, part, to be
Festlne, adv. speedily, in haste upon trust, intrusted formed, fashioned, or framed
Festlno, are, n. and a. to make Fidelcommitto, ere, a. to infeoff, Flgurate, adv. figuratively
haste, to hasten, to do speedily, to intrust, or put into one's trust Flguratio, onis, /. a fashioning,
to be concerned Fldejussio, onis,/. suxetiship shaping, or resembling
Fesiinus, a, um, adj. quick, hasty Fidejussor, oris, m. a surety FIgurativus, a, um, adj. figurative
FestTv6, adv. issime, superl. joy- Fidejussorius, a, m, adj. relative Flguratus, a, um, part, formed,
ously, pleasantly, jocosely, hand- to suretv, or bail fashioned, coined, figurative,
somely, with a good grace FIdele, adv. same as Fideliter severe
Festivltas, atis,/. festivity, mirth, Fidelia, ae, /. an earthen vessel, a Figiiro, are, a. to make, form, fa-
merriment, pleasantry, drollery, jug, a crock, a pot shion, or frame, to imagine, or
a good grace, a festive time Fidelis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, conceive [threads
Festlviter, adv. merrily, pleasantly superl. faithful, trusty, constant, Fllamenta, orum, pi. n. little
Festlvo, are, a. to keep a holiday loyal, sure, fast, lasting Fllatlm, adv. thread by thread
Festlvus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Fideiltas, atis, /. fidelity, faith- Fllia, ae,/. a daughter
issimus, superl. festival, festive, fulness Fllialis, e, adj. filial, child-like
merry, pleasant, jocose, good- Fideliter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Flllcatus, a, um, adj. indented,
humoured superl. faithfully, trustily, loy- scolloped
Festuca, ae, /. the shoot, or stalk ally Filicetum, i, ferny ground
of a tree, or herb, a rod, or wand, Fidendus, a, um, part, to trust Flllceus, a, um, adj. of fern
laid upon a servant's head to Fidens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Fllictum, i, n. a fern-field

make him free comp. issimus, superl. trusting, Filicula, ae,/. wall- fern
Festucarius, a, um, adj. belonging confident, bold, hardy Fiiiola, ae,/. dim. a little daughter
to a festuca, of the praetor's rod Fidenter, adv. ius, comp. issime, FiliOlus, i, m. a little, or young
Festum, i, n. festival, a holiday superl. boldly, courageously, son
Festus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. fes- confidently Filius, i, m. a son, a child, the
tival, festive, joyful, merry, plea- Fldentia, ae, /. boldness, confi- male young of any creature
sant dence, assurance, trust FIlix, Icis, /. fern, brake, a small
Fetus, us, m. same as Foetus Fides, ei, /. faith, truth, sincerity, fibre, thick hair
Fiber, ri, m. a beaver, a badger honesty, uprightness, integrity, Fllum, i, n a thread, yarn, a line,
Fibra, ae,/. a fibre, a filament, a justice, conscience, faithfulness, or streak, the string of an in-
border, or brim inwards fidelity, loyalty, trust, credit, strument, a lineament
Fibratus, a, um, adj. having fibres word, promise, assurance, war- Fimarium, i, n. a dunghill
Fibrinus, a, um, adj. of a beaver rant, authority Fimbria, ae,/. a border, hem, or
Fibula, ae, /. a clasp, a buckle, a Fides, and Fldis, is,/, a string of welt, list, a fringe, extremity, or
button, a brace, a hook, a little an instrument, a fiddle, lute, end
hook, a hasp, a ring harp, or any stringed instru- Fimbriate, is, n. a fringe
Flbularis, is, m. a lacemaker ment [strel Fimbriatus, a, um, part, fringed,
Fibulatio, onis, /. a bracing to- Fidfcen, Tnis, m. a harper, a min- indented
gether Fidlcina, ae,/. a woman that plays Fimetum, i, n. a dunghill
Fibiilator, 6ris, m. he that buttons on the harp, &c. Fimosus, a, um, adj. full of dung
Fibulatorius, a, um, adj. made FKIcula, ae, /. a little lute, or Fimum, i, n. dung
with clasps, or buttons harp, a guitar, a fiddle Flmus, i, m. dung, ordiiT?
Flnalis, e, adj. final [cleft king's revenue, a treasury, or or call laudly for, to importune,
Findendus, a, um, part, to be exchequer [open to claim
Findens, tis, part, cleaving, divid- Fissiculo, are, a. to open, to lay Flagrans, tis, part, and adj. ior,
ing Fissilis, e, adj. that is, or may be comp. issimus, superl. burning,
Fin do, fire, fidi, fissum, a. to cleft, split, or divided flaming, glowing, shining, glit-
cleave, to split, to divide, to Fissio, onis,/. a cleaving, or chap- tering, blushing, flagrant, eager,
cut, to plough ping hot
Fingendus, a, um, part, to form, Fissum, i, n. a cleft, a chap, a Flagranter, adv. ids, comp. issime,
or fashion, to be formed disease about the fundament, superl. flamingly, eagerly
Fingens, tis, part, forming, pre- the skin which divides the liver Flagrantia, Be,/, a burning, flam-
tending [seeming Fissura, a% f. a fissure, a cleft, a ing, or flashing, an eager desire,
Fiugibilis, e, adj. imaginary, chap, a gap, a slit earnestness, violence [whip
Fingo, fire, xi, ictum, a. to make, Fissus, a, um, part, cleft, cloven, Flagrlfer, a, um, adj. carrying a
form, or fashion, to frame, or split, chapped Flagrio, onis, to. a slave
build, to devise, invent, or con- Fissus, us, m. a cleft, chap, or cut Flagritriba, se, m. a whipping-post
trive, to fancy Fistuca, se, /. an instrument Flagro, are, n. to burn, to be hot,
Finiendus, a, um, part, to be called a commander or inflamed, to shine out, or
finished, or ended Fistucatio, onis, /. a driving of appear
Ftniens, tis, m. the horizon piles, a ramming down of stones Flagrum, i, n. a whip, a scourge
Flniens, tis, part, ending, bound- Fistticatus, a, um, part, driven, Flamen, tnis, n. a blast, a puff, a
ing rammed gale, a sound of an instrument
Finio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to finish, Fistuco, are, a. to drive, to ram Flamen, Inis, to. a priest, a high-
to end, to put an end to, to Fistula, »,/. a water-pipe, a pipe, priest
conclude, to bound, or limit, to a a flageolet, a whistle
flute, Flaminia, a?, /. the house of a
fix a pipe
Fistiilaris, e, adj. of priest, or high-priest
Finis, is, m. orf. an end, a con- Fistulatim, adv. like a pipe, or Flaminlca, x, /. a priest's wife
clusion, a bound, border, or squirt Flamlnium, i, n. the priesthood

limit, a definition, a country, or Fistuliitor, oris, m. a piper Flaminius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
territory [edly um, part, made like
Fistiilatus, a, longing to the high-priest
Finite, adv. determinately, limit - a pipe [spungy Flamma, a,/, a flame, a blaze, a
Flnitimus, a, um, adj. bordering Fistulo, are, n. to be hollow, or flash, brightness, vehemence,
upon, adjoining, neighbouring, Fistulosus, a, um, adj. hollow, ardour, love, danger, hazard
near, nearly related spungy Flammandus, a, um, part, to be
Finitio, onis, /. a definition, a Fisus, a, um, part, confiding, burnt
bounding [limits trusting, relying Flammans, tis, part, flaming,
Finitivus, a, um, adj. which Fixurus, a, um, part, about to burning
Flnltor, oris, m. an ender, a pierce, or wound Flammatus, a, um, part, inflamed,
limiter, a bounder, a surveyor Fixus, a, um, part, and adj. fixed, armed with flames, excited
Finiturus, a, um, part, about to stuck, or hung up, pierced, Flammearius, i, m. a flame-colour
finish wounded, impressed, imprinted dyeT*
Finitus, a, um, part, finished, um, adj. bearing a
Flabellifer, a, Flamme61um, i, m. dim. a scarf of
ended, bounded, confined, de- fan a flame-colour, a flag, or ban-
termined Flabellum, i, a fan, a stirrer up
n. ner [colour
Finitus, us, m. the close, the end Flabllis, e, adj. that may be Flammeolus, a, um, adj. of Same-
Flo, fis, fact us sum, fieri, n. pass. blown, airy, spiritual [fan Flammtfum, i, n. a kind of yellow
to be made, or done, to happen, Flabrum, i, n. a blast of wind, a scarf, a veil, a banner
or come to pass, to grow, or be- FJacceo, ere, ui, n. to wither, -to Flatnmeus, a, um, adj. flaming,
come [ment flag burning, fiery, of a flame-colour
Firmamen, Inis, n. an establish- Flaccesco, fire, incep. to flag, to Flammidus, a, -am, adj. of aflame-
Firmamentum, i, n. the firma- grow lank colour, living in fire
ment, the chief point Flaccidus, a, um, adj. withered, Flammifer, a, um, adj.ih&t brings
Firman dus, a, um, part, to be flagging, hanging, lank flames, or flashes
strengthened Flaccus, a, um, adj. flagging, Flammtger, fira, erum, adj. that
Firmans, tis, part, strengthening hanging down carries fire, or flames
Firmatio, onis,/. a strengthening Flagella, a,/, a little whip Flammigfira, se, to. flame-born
Firmator, oris, m. a conhrmer Flagellarius, i, to. a beadle Flammigfiro, are, a to cast out
Firmaturus, a, um, part, about FlS.gella.tor, oris, m. a beater flames
to strengthen Flagellatus, a, um, part, scourged Flammiv5mus, a, um, adj. vomit-
Firmatus, a, um, part, confirmed, Flagello, are, a. to whip, to ing fire
established scourge, to thrash, to raise Flammo, are, n. to flame, or flash,
Firme, adv. issime, superl. firmly, Flagelluni, i, n. a whip, a scourge, to make bright ; a. to inflame,
assuredly, stedfastly a flail, a twig, a shoot, a claw or incense, to set on fire, to
Firmitas, atis,/. firmness, sound- of a shellfish excite
ness, strength, steadiness Flagitandus, a, um, part, to be Flammula, ffi, /. a blaze, a light
Firmiter, adv. firmly earnestly craved Flandus, a, um, part, to be blown,
Firmitudo, tnis, /. firmness, Flagitans, tis, part, earnestly de- coined, &c.
strength, constancy siring, demanding Flans, tis, part, blowing
Firmo, are, a. to confirm, to esta- Flagitatio, onis,/. a demand, an Flatilis, e, adj. that is blown
blish, to strengthen, to make earnest entreaty Flator, oris, m. one that blows, a
steady, to harden, to bind, or Flagitator, oris, m. a demander, piper, a founder, or melter
make costive one who earnestly requests Flatulentus, a, um, adj. flatulent,
Fiimus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- Flagitatus, a, um, part, demanded windy
mus, superl. firm, steady, con- Flagitiose, adv. issime, superl. Flatuose, adv. flatulently
stant, sure, certain, to be de- wickedly, lewdly, vilely, scan- Flatuosus, a, um, adj. flatuous,
pended on, bold, resolute, lusty, dalously, infamously, villain- full of wind
strong, hard ously Flatura, a?,/, a melting of metal
Fiscalis, e, adj. of, or belonging to Flagitiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Flatus, us, to. a puff, or blast, a
the exchequer issimus, superl. wicked, lewd, gale, a gentle breeze
Fiscella,a;, /. a twig, or wicker vile, base, scandalous, infa- Flavedo, Inis,/. yellowness
basket, a cheese-vat mous Flavens, tis, part, of a yellow
Fiscellum, i, n. a little basket Flagttium, i, n. a crime, a base, or colour, yellow
Fiscina, se, /. a basket, a pannier, scandalous action, wickedness, Flavco, ere, n. to be yellow
a hamper, a bag, a font a scandal, disgrace, or reproach, Flavescens, tis, part, growing
Fiscus, i, m. a basket, a large infamy yellow [low
moneybag, a bag, money, a Flagito, are, a. to demand, to ask, Flavesco, fire, incep. to grow yel
FlavicOmans, tis, adj. having Floridulus, a, um, adj. blooming, ing, loose, hanging down. un.
yellow hair gay m
Flavicomus, a, um, adj. the same Floridus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Fluxus, us, m. a flux, a flowing,
Flavulus, a, um, adj. yellowish flowery, adorned, or drest with a looseness
Flavus, a, um, adj. yellow, bright flowers, florid, fresh, gay, lively F5eale, is, n. a muffler for the
Fiebllis, e, adj. ior, comp. to be la- Florifer, a, um, adj. bearing throat and neck, a garment
mented, mournful, doleful flowers worn by the fireside
Flebillter, adv. lamentedly, sadly, Florfger, 6ra, gram, adj. the same Focaria, <t,f. a kitchen-maid
dismally Florilggus, a, um, adj. that ga- Focarius, a, um, adj. belonging tu
Flectens, tis, part, bending thers flowers, or honey out of the fire
Flectio, onis,/. or Flexio, a bend- flowers F5earius, i, m. a stoker, a cook
ing, a bowing, a turning a , Flos, oris, m. a flower, abloom, or Fociflatus, a, um, part, cherished,
winding blossom, a garland, down, the recovered
Flecto, ere, xi, xum, a. to bend, prime of age, &c. FOcillo, are, a. to warm, or cherish
to bow, to turn, to crook, to in- Flosculus, i, m. a little flower, a Focillor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
cline, to apply, to decline, to blossom cherish
avoid [mented FluctXfer, 6ra, um, adj. bringing F6cilo, are, a. to cherish
Flendus, a, um, part, to be la- waves FScula, orum, pi. n. hot meats
Flens, tis, part, weeping, lament- Fluctifragus, a, um, adj. breaking F6culus, i, m. a little fire-hearth,
ing the waves or fire
Fleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to weep, Fluctiggna, a?, c. g. bred in, or on Focus, i, m. an hearth, an altar, a
to cry, to bewail, to lament the sea house, the tire „ [piercing
Fletifer, a, um, adj. yielding tears, Fluctigenus, a, um, adj. the same F5dicatio, onis, /. a boring, a
or drops [weep Fluctiger, era, 6rum, adj. bearing FOdico, are, a. to bore to pierce,
Fleturus, a, um, part, about to the waves to push, to scratch, to sting, to
Fletus, a, um, part, bewailed, la- Fluctisonus, a, um, adj. roaring vex, to grieve
mented [cry with waves Fodiendus, a, um, part, to dig, or
Fletus, iis, m. weeping, tears, a Fluctlv&gus, a, um, adj. passing be dug
Flexanimus, a, um, adj. that on, or tossed by the waves Ftidiens, tis, part, digging
turns, or inclines the mind Fluctuans, tis, part, fluctuating, Fodlna, ae,/. a mine, a quarry
Flexibilis, e, adj. that may be floating, wavering Fodio, Sre and ire, ossum, a. to
bent, flexible, pliant, tractable, Fluctuating adv. waveringly dig, to dig up, to mine, to prick,
tender [bending Fluctuatio, onis, /. a floating, a to spur
Flexilis, e, adj. easy to be bent, swimming, a wavering, a shak- Fcecunde, adv. fruitfully, rankly
Flexiloquus, a, um, adj. speaking ing, uncertainty, doubt Foecunditas, at is, /. fruitfulness,
doubtfully Fluetuatus, a, um, part, tossed abundance, exuberance, fluency,
Flexio, onis,/. same as Flectio by waves, floating eloquence [ful
Flexipes, 6dis, adj. crook-tooted, Fluctuo, are, n. to fluctuate, to Fcecundlto, are, a. to make fruit-
winding waver, to be in doubt Foecundo, are, a. to make fertile,
Flexuose, adv. crookedly Fluctuosus, a, um, adj. full of or fruitful
Flexuosus, a, um, adj. issimus, waves, like waves, boisterous Fcecundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
superl. bending, turning, wind- Fluctus, us, m. a wave, a surge, a issimus, superl. fruitful, abun-
ing billow, a crowd, a multitude, dant, copious, apt to bear young
Flexiira, ae,/. a bending, a bowing, uncertainty, disquiet Fcedans, tis, part, defiling, stain-
a declining Fluens, tis, part, flowing, running, ing [luter
Flexus, a, um, part, bowed, bent, gushing out, dropping, falling, Foedator, oris, m. a defiler, a pol-
turned, crooked, crisped, curled, succeeding, or going well, Foedaturus, a, um, part, about to
inclining to, reflected spreading defile [polluted
Flexus, us, m. a bending, turning, Fluenter, adv. flowingly Foedatus, a, um, part, defiled,
winding, or changing, a turn, Fluentia, se,f. a fluency of speech Fcede, adv. ius, comp. issime,
or change FluentisOnus, a, um, adj. sound- superl. foully, dirtily, dishonour-
Fiictus, us, m. a dashing against ing with waves ably, basely, shamefully, abomi-
Fligo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to dash Fluentum, i, n. a river, a stream nably
against the ground, to vex Fluldus, a, um, adj. fluid, falling, FoedSratio, onis,/. a confederacy
Flo, are, a. to blow, to found, or or dropping off, watery, soft Fcederator, oris, m. a covenanter,
cast metal, to make money Flultans, tis, part, flowing, float- a conspirator
Floccidus, a, um, adj. flocky Fcederatus, a, um, part, con-
Flocclf acio, ere, eci, actum, a. to federate, allied
set nought by, to esteem, as waver Fcederifragus, same as Foedifragus
light Flumen, Inis, n. a river, a stream, Foedgro, are, a. to make a league,
Flocco, are, n. to snow in flakes a current, a flood, a flood of to covenant [federate
Flocculus, i, m. a little lock of tears, an overflowing Fcedfror, ari, dep. to be con-
wool Flumineus, a, um, adj. of a river Foedifragus, a, um, adj. breaking
Floccus, i, m. a lock of wool, a Fluo, gre, xi, xum and ctum, n to a league or covenant
flock of the shearing of woollen flow, to run, to run, or trickle Fceditas, atis, /. foulness, filtbi-
cloth, the nap of cloth, a flake down, to drop, or fall, to gush ness, nastiness, dimness, rank-
of snow out, to melt, to spread, to come, ness, baseness, vileness, ugli-
Floralis, e, adj. floral proceed, or arise, to slip ness
FloralTtius, a, um, adj. used in Fluor, oris, m. a stream Fcedo, are, a. to daub, to stain, to
Flora's plays Fluores, women's monthly courses defile, to pollute, to disfigure,
Florens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Fluta, se,/. a kind of lamprey to tear, to rend, to lay in the
comp. issimus, superl. flourish- Fluvialis, e, adj. of a river dust, to bear down, to harass,
ing, in the prime, prosperous, Fluviatllis, e, adj. of a river to disgrace
successful, distinguished Fluviatus, a, um, adj. steeped, or Fcedus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Floreo, ere, ui, n. to flourish, to soaked in a river issimus, superl. foul, filthy,
bear flowers, to blossom, to be Flilvius, i, m. the water in a river, nasty, stinking, unpleasant,
in prime, or in repute a river, a flood unsightly, deformed, mean,
Florescens, tis, part, flourishing Fluxe, adv. abundantly, loosely sorry, rude, boisterous, dread-
Floresco, ere, to blossom, to Fluxio, onis, /. a flowing, a run- ful, cruel, base
bloom, to flourish, to thrive ning, a flow, the flux Fcedus, eris, n. a league, a cove-
Floretum, i, n. a flower-garden Fluxura, x,f. weakness, lust nant, a treaty, a stipulation, an
Floreus, a, um, adj. flowery, made Fluxurus, a, um, part, about to agreement, a conspiracy, an
of flowers flow alliance, a mutual relation,
FlorTcomus, a, um, adj. that has Fluxus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. marriage [happy
the hair adorned with flowers flowing readily, flowing, leak- Fcelicior, us, adj. comp. mui«
Foelicissime, adv. most happily Follltlm, adv. by the large bag Formldo, are, a. to fear, to dread
Foelicitas, atis,/. happiness Fomento, are, a. to foment", to Formido, inis,/. fear, dread, ter
Foeliciter, adv. happily [kind warm ror, astonishment
Fcelix, Icis, adj. happy, lucky, Fomentum, i, n. a fomentation, FormidOlose, adv. ius, comp. fear-
FoemTna, a?,/, a female, a woman an application to assuage pain, fully, timorously
Foeminatus, a, um, adj. belonging an allaying, a cherishing FormidOlosus, a, um, adj. ior,
to a woman Fomes, itis, m. fuel, any thing comp. issimus, superl. fearful,
Foemineus, a, um, adj. of a wo- that kindles, or keeps fire in, timorous, to be feared, dreadful
man, soft an incentive Formo, are, a. to form, frame,
Foenarius, a, um, adj. of hay Fons, tis, m. a fountain, a spring, fashion, or mould, to build, to
Foenfibris, e, adj. pertaining to a well, a stream, water, a spring- compose, to instruct, to feign,
usury head [well or imagine
Foenferalia,ium, pi. n. days for Fontalis, e, adj. of a fountain, or Formose, adv. beautifully, neatly
paying interest Fontanus, a, um, adj. of a spring FormOsitas, atis,/. handsomeness
Foeneratio, onis, /. usury Fon ti cuius, i, m. a littlespring, Formosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Foenfirato, adv. with interest, or an issue [fountain issimus, superl. fair, beautiful,
profit Fontiggna, ae, c. g. born of a handsome, charming
Foengrator, oris, m. an usurer For, fari, fatus sum, dep. to speak, Formula, se, /. a form, a
rule, a
Foene'ratOrius, a, um, adj. per- to speak plainly, to describe maxim, a writ, a suit
taining to usury [broker Forabilis, e, adj. that may be Formularius, i, m. he that makes
Foenfiratrix, icis, /. a she pawn- pierced [thread out writs, a practiser
Fosngratus, a, um, part, put out FOrago, inis, /. a slip of yarn, a Fornacalia, Orum, pi. n. sacrifices
to interest, returned with ad- Foramen, inis, /. a hole, an issue offered before the grinding of
vantage Forandus, a, um, part, to be corn [nace
Fjengro, are, a. to lend on usury, bored, or pierced Fornaceus, a, um, adj. like a fur-
to bring in usury, to make ad- FOras, adv. out of doors, forth, out Fornacula, se,/. a furnace, an oven
vantage of, to lend, to afford Forator, oris, m. a borer, a Fornax, acis,/. a furnace, an oven
Fcengror, ari, atus sum, dep. to piercer [pierced Fornicaria, se, /. a prostitute
land, or borrow on usury F6ra.tus, a, um, part, bored, Fornicarius, i, m. one belonging
Foeneus, a, um, adj. made of hay Forceps, Ipis, doubtful gen. a pair to stews
Foenicularius, a, um, ad), belong- of tongs, nippers, pincers, Fornlcatlm, adv. like an arch
ing to hay tweezers, &c. Fornicatio, onis, /. fornication, an
Fceniculum, i, n. fennel Forda, se,/. a cow with calf arching over
Foenlle, is, n. a hayloft, a rack FOrensis, e, adj. belonging to the Fornicator, oris, m. a fornicator
Fcenise'ca, se, c. g. a mower of forum, or courts of pleading Fornicatrix, icis, /. a whore
grass Fores, ium, pl.f. a door, or gate Fornicatus, a, um, part, arched
Foenisgcium, i, n. haymaking-time Forfex, Icis, /. a pair of scissors, over
Fcenisector, oris, m. a mower or shears, an iron hook Fornico, are, a. to arch over
Foenisex, icis, m. a mower F6ri, orum, pi. m. decks of a ship, Fornix, icis, /. an arch, a brothel
Foenisicia, a?, /. hay-harvest scaffolds, or galleries, alleys Foro, are, a. to bore, to pierce
Fcenum, i, n. hay FOrica, se, /. a house of office Fors, tis, /. fortune, luck, chance,
Fcenus, oris, a. interest upon FOricarius, i, m. a cleanser of Forsan, adv. perhaps [hazard
money, usury jakes Forsitan, adv. perhaps, it may be
Fcenusculum, i, n. a little interest Foricula, te, f. dim. a wicket Forslt, adv. the same [ture
Fceta, a female big with
se, /. FOrinsecils, adv. from without Fortasse, adv. perhaps, peradven •

young, an ewe that has newly FOris, is, /. a door Fortassls, adv. perhaps, perchance
had young Foris, adv. from abroad, without, Fortax, acis, /. the compass of a
Foeteo, ere, n. to stink, to have a on the outside, in other peoples' kiln
bad smell, to be nauseous affairs Forte, adv. by chance, as good
Foetidus, a, um, adj. stinking, Forma, se, /. a form, a shape, a luck would have it
rank make, or fashion, a figure, an Forticulus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Fcetifer, a, um, adj. fruitful appearance, a likeness, or re- strong, or patient
Fcetif ico, are, n. to be fruitful, to semblance [due Fortificatio, onis,/. a fortification,
breed young Formalis, e, ad], formal, proper, a fortifying
Foetif icus, a, um, adj. fruitful Formaliter, adv. formally Fortificator, oris, m. he that
Fceto, are, n. to bring forth young, Formamentum, i, n.' a form, a makes strong
to make a stink mould Fortifico, are, a. to fortify
Fcetor, oris, m. a stink, a smell Formans, tis, part, forming Fortis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
Foetulentus, a, um, adj. stinking Formandus, a, um, part, to be superl. courageous, valiant,
Foetura, se, /. the breeding of formed bold, brave, gallant, magnani-
cattle,the time from conception Formatio, onis,/. a forming mous, resolute, constant, stout
to the birth, the growth, or Formator, oris, m. a former, a Fortiter, adv. ius, comp. issime,
springing of grass maker, a creator, an instructor superl. courageously, valiantly,
Foetus, a, um, adj. big, or great Formatura, se, /. a shape, a form- boldly, bravely, absolutely, un.
with young, that hath young, ing dauntedly, stoutly, strongly
abounding Formaturus, um, part, about
a, Fortitudo, inis,/. fortitude, cou-
Foetus, us, m. the young of any to form [framed rage, valour, resolution, intre-
creature, the fruit of trees, a Form atus, um, part, formed,
a, pidity, a brave action, greatness
birth [puddle Formica, an ant, an emmet
se,/. Fortiusculus, a, um, adj. stoutish
Fcetutina, se, /. a dirty place, a Formicabllis, e, adj. resembling FortuitO, adv. by chance, by acci-
FOliaceus, a, um, adj. of, or like the creeping of ants Fortuitu, as abl. the same [dent
leaves Formlcans, tis, part, creeping Fortuitus, a, um, adj. that hap-
Foliatio, onis,/. foliage Formiciitio, Onis, /. a tingling, a pens by chance, casual, acci-
Foliatum, i, n. ointment of spike- rising dental, sudden
Fftliatura, ae,/. foliage [nard Formlcetum, i, n. an ant hill Fortuna, se, /. fortune, hap, ha-
Foliatus, a, um, part, leaved, Formicinus, a, um, adj. like an ant zard, adventure, chance, luck,
thin as a leaf Formlco, are, n. to rise in pimples event, state, condition, an estate
Foliosus, a, um, adj. full of leaves Formlcosus, a, um, adj. full of Fortunse, pi. f. one's fortune, or
Folium, i, n. a leaf ants estate, riches, wealth
Folliciilus, i, m. a little bag of Formidabilis, e, adj. formidable Fortunate, adv. ius, comp. fortu-
leather, a small leathern ball Formidandus, a, um, part, to be nately, luckily, prosperously
blown with wind, a husk, cod, dreaded [dreading Fortunatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp
htill, or peel, the womb Formidans, tis, part, fearing, issimus, superl. fortunate, fa-
Foil is, is, m. a bag, purse, or scrip Formidatio, Onis, /. a fearing vourable, kind, blest, happy,
ol leather, a pair of bellows Formidatus, a, um, part, dreaded i wealthy
Fortunium, i, js. good isck Fragum, i, n. a strawberry done, resorting much, or nx.c\i
Fortuno, are, a. to make happy Framea, as, /. a javelin, or sword, resorted to, abounding with
Foruli, pi. m. hatches, shelves for a hunter's staff Frfiquentandus, a, um, part, to be
books Frangendus, a, um, part, to be frequently interspersed
Forum, i, n. the forum, a market- broken Frgquentans, tis, part, frequent-
place, a market, a court of jus- Frangens, tis, part, breaking, ing [ing
tice,a vessel beating against Frequentatio, onis,/ a frequent-
FOrus, i, m. the deck, or hatch of Frango, ere, fregi, fractum, a. to Frgquentat6, adv. frequently, oiten
a ship, a small furrow break, to bruise, to break in Frequentator, oris, m. a fre-
Fossa, as, /. a ditch, a moat, a pieces, to wreck, to weaken, to quenter [quented
trench lessen, or diminish, to abate, or Frequentatus, a, um, part, fre-
Fossarius, i, m. a ditcher allay, to soften, to daunt, to Frgquenter, adv. ius, comp. issimS,
Fossatum, i, n. a fosse, a camp discourage, to dispirit superl. frequently, oftentimes
Fossilis, e, ad/, fossile, that is, or Frater, tris, m. a brother, a ne- Frequentia, as, / a frequency, a
may be dug out of the earth phew, kinsman, or cousin-ger- great company
Fossio, onis,/. a digging, a dress- man, a confederate, or ally, Frgquento, are, a. to frequent, to
ing books haunt, to resort much to, to
Fossitius, a, um, adj. dug, delved Fraterculo, are, n. to grow up to- people, to bring together, to
Fossor, oris, m. a digger, a pio- gether as brothers [ther amass, or heap
neer Fraterciilus, i, m. dim. a little bro- FiStalis, e, adj. of a narrow sea
Fossiila, se, /. a little ditch, a Fraterne, adv. brotherly, kindly Fretum, i, n. a narrow sea, a
puddle [ing Fraternltas, atis,/ a fraternity frith, the straits
Fossura, as,/, a digging, a ditch- Fraternus, a, um, adj. fraternal, Fret us, a, um, adj. relying upon,
Fossus, a, um, part, dug, wound- brotherly depending on
ed, pierced Fratilli, orum, pi. m. nap, fringe Frgtus, us, m. an arm of the sea
Fotus, a, um, parf. cherished Fratricide, as, c. g. a killer of his Friabilis, e, adj. that may be
Fotus, us, m. a nourisher, a fo- brother crumbled
mentation Fratricldium, i, n. a killing, or Friatus,a, um, part, crumbled
Fovea, a?, /. a pitfall, a den, a murder of one's brother Fricandus, a, um, part, to be
cave, a fox's hole, &c. Fratrimonium, i, n. an estate left rubbed [tering
FOvendus, a, um,
be che-
j;art. to by a brother Fricatio, Onis,/ a rubbing, aplas-
rished [vouring Fratruelis, is, m. a father's bro- Fricator, oris, m. a rubber
FOvens, tis, part, cherishing, fa- ther's son, a cousin Frlcatus, a, um, part, rubbed
F6veo, ere, fovi, fotum, a. -to Fraudandus, a, um, part, to be Fricatus, ds, m. a rubbing
warm, to cherish, or nourish, to defrauded Frico, are, ui and avi, ctum and
feed, or maintain, to make much Fraudatio, onis, /. a deceiving atum, a. to rub, chafe
of, to fondle, to embrace Fraudator, oris, m. a deceiver, a Frictio, onis,/ a rubbing
Fraceo, ere, ui, n. to purify, to rot deceitful person Frictus, a, um, part, fried,
Fiaces, ium, pi. f. lees of oil Fraudatus, a, um, part, cheated, parched
Fracesco, ere, incep. to grow deceived, deprived of Frictus, us, m. a rubbing
mouldy [hoary Fraudo, are, a. to defraud, to Frigedo, Inis,/ chilliness, cold
Fracidus, a, um, adj. rotten-ripe, cheat, to deprive, to keep back Frigefacto, are, n. to make cold
Fractio, onis,/. a fraction Fraudulenter, adv. ius, comp. frau- Frlgefactus, a, um, part, made
Fractior, us, adj. eomp. more dulently, knavishly, by a trick cold
broken Fraudidentia, as,./, knavery, deceit Frlgens, tis, part, cold, fearful,
Fractura, as, /. a fracture Fraudulentus, a, um, adj. ior, fainthearted, dead
Fracturus, a, um, part, about to comp. issimus, superl. fraudu- Frigeo, ere, xi, n. to he, grow, or
break lent, knavish catch cold, to be faint, to be
Fractus, a, um, part, broken, Fraus, dis,/ fraud, deceit, guile, out of favour
humbled, discouraged, out of artifice, trick, knavery, trea- Frlgerans, tis, part, cooling
heart, spent, lost, vanquished chery, a bad intention, or de- Frigescens, tis, part, growing cold
Frasnatio, onis,/ a bridling sign, a fault, or crime, an in- Frigesco, 6re, incep. to grow coid
Frasnator, oris, m. a restrainer convenience Frigida, as, f. cold water
Frasnatus, a, um, part, bridled, Frax, acis,/ the mash, or lees of Frigidarium, i, n. a cold bath
restrained, curbed olive Frigidarius, a, um, adj. cold
Frasnigerus, a, um, adj. that holds Fraxmetum, i, n. a grove of ashes Frigide, adv. isslme, superl. coldly
the bridle FraxTneus, a, um, adj. and Fraxi- Fiiglditas, atis,/ frigidity, cold-
Frasno, are, a. to bridle, to curb, nus, a, um, ashen, of ash, made ness
to restrain, to keep in, to check, of ash Frigidiusculus, a, um, adj. some-
to stop, or stay Fraxinus, i, /. an ash, a spear what cold
Fraenum, i, n. a bridle, the bit of FrSmebundus, a, um,
adj. that Frigidule, adv. somewhat coldly
a bridle, a curb, a check makes a horrible noise, rattling Frigididus, a, um, adj. chill, cold
Fragesco, fire, a. to break, or Fremendus, a, um, part, roaring Frlgidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp
crumble Tremens, tis, part, roaring, rag- issimus, superl. frigid, cold,
Fragilis, e, adj. ior, comp. frail, ing, neighing, braying chill, slight, faint, dull, bald
brittle, mortal, weak, perish- Fremldus, a, um, adj. raging, fu- Filgilla, as,/ a chaffinch, a spink
able, that may be easily rious Frlgo, ere, xi, xum, or ctum, a. to
broken Fremitus, us, m. a roaring, a roar, frj', to parch

Fragllitas, atis, /. frailty, brittle- a neighing, or braying, a great Frig5rif Icus, a, um, adj. causing
ness, weakness noise, a shouting, a shout, cold, cold
Fragmen, Inis, «. a fragment, a or acclamation, a sound, or Frigus, Oris, n. cold, chilliness,
scrap blast cold weather, winter, a cold,
Fragmentum, i, n. the same Fremo, ere, ui, itum, n. to roar, cool shade, refreshment from
Fragor, oris, m. a noise, a crash, to neigh, or bray, to make a heat
a crack great noise, to bluster, to shout, Frio, are, a. to crumble, to break
Fragose, adv. with a great noise to sound, to resound, to buzz Fritillfe, as,/ or Fritilla, orum, pi.
Fragosus, a, um, adj. issimus, Fremor, oris, m. a roaring n. a kind of pulse, or gruel
superl. craggy, rough, uneven, Frendens, tis, part, gnashing Fritillus, i, m. a dice-box
uneasy, hoarse, or jarring the teeth Fritinnio, ire, n. to chatter like a
Fragrans, tis, part, and aitj. fra- Fier.deo, ere, ui, n. and Frendo, swallow
grant, sweet fire, to gnash, or grind the teeth, Frivola, orum, pi. n. trumpery
brag ranter, adv. fragrantly to groan, to grunt, to break Frlvolus, um, adj. frivolous,
F'f.grantia, a?,/, a fragraace Frequens, adj ior, comp. issi- trifling, slight, of no account,
FragTO. are, n. to smell sweetly, mus, superl. frequent, ord|na»" or value, mean, pitiful
etrnie "> sour that often comes, or is often Fiixa, as, f. fried llesh
Frix6rium, i, n. a frying-pan Frunltus, a, um, adj. wise, trusty Fugiens, tis, part, flying, running
Frixura, se,/. a frying Fruor, i, ctus, or Itus sum, dep. to away, shunning, avoiding
Frixus, a, um, part, fried enjoy, to take the profit of Fugio, 6re, ugi, Itum, n. and a. to
Frondarius, a, um, adj. of leaves, Frustatlm, adv. in pieces flee, to fly, or run away, to
or pruning [browsing Frustillatlm, adv. in little pieces scamper, to scud, to sail away,
Frondatio, onis, /. a lopping, a Frusto, are. a. and Frustito, to to vanish, to escape, to shun, or
Frondafor, oris, m. a lopper, a break into pieces avoid
pruner, a woodcutter Frustra, adv. in vain, to no pur- Ftigitans, tis, part, shunning, &c.
Frondens, tis, part, budding, pose Fugitlvus, a, um, adj. fugitive,
green Frustrans, tis, part, frustrating running away, flying, making
Frondeo, ere, ui, n. to bear leaves, Frustratio, onis, /. a frustration, haste
to bud a disappointment Fugitlvus, i, m. a fugitive

Frondesco, fire, n. to grow green, Frustrator, oris, m. a deceiver Fiigito, are, freq. to fly often, to
to bud, to spring Frustratus, a, um, part frustrated,
. run away, to flee from, to es-
Frondeus, a, um, adj. made of disappointed, deceived chew, to avoid
leaves, full of leaves [leaves Frustratus, us, m. a deceiving Fugitor, oris, to. a runner away
Frondifer, a, um, adj. bearing Frustro, are, a. to frustrate, to Fugtturus, a, um, part, about to
Frondosus, a um, adj. ior, comp. disappoint fly
full of leaves, leafy, shady Frustror, ari, atus 6um, dep. to Ffigo, are, a. to drive away, to put
Frons, tis,/. a front, a forepart, frustrate, or disappoint, to de- to flight, to force, to ny, to rout,
an entrance, or beginning, a ceive to overthrow
van, the forehead, the brow, Frustulatlm, adv. by piecemeals Fulcibllis, e, adj. that may be
the face Frustiilentus, a, um, adj. full of propt
Frons, dis,/. a leaf, a branch small pieces Fulciendus, a, um, part, to be
Frontale, is, n. a frontlet Frustumm, i, n. a morsel, or propped
Frontatus, a, um, adj. fronted, crumb, a little piece Fulcimen, inis, n. a prop, a shore
standing out like a forehead Frustum, i, n. a broken piece, a. Fulcimentum, i, n. a prop, a but-
Frontisplcium, i, n. a frontispiece piece tress
Fronto, onis, m. one beetlebrowed Friitetosus, a, um, adj. and Fril- si, turn, a. to prop, to
Fulcio, ire,
Fructifer, a, um, adj. bearing fruit tectosus, full of shrubs, or support, to sustain, or uphold,
Fructifico, are, a. to fructify bushes, rough to bear up
Fructuarium, i, n. a vine-branch Frutetum, i, n. a nursery of young Fulcrum, i, n. a prop, a post, a
Fructuarius, a, um, adj. bearing trees, a shrubbery couch, or bed, the bridge of a
fruit, breeding [fully Friitex, Icis, m. a shrub, or bush, fiddle
Fructuose, adv. iiis, comp. fruit- an herb with a great stalk Fulgens, tis, part, ior, comp. issT-
Fructuosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Frutlcans, tis, part, springing, mus, superl. shining, glittering,
isslmus, superl. fruitful, profit- shooting lightning, bright
able, gainful, beneficial, useful Frutlcatio, Onis, /. the sprouting Fulgeo, ere, si, n. to shine, to
Fructus, a, um, part, enjoying, of sprigs [shrubby glitter, to lighten, to be bright,
using Frutlcesco, fire, incep. to grow or adorned, to shine out, to ap-
Fructus, us, m. and antiq. fructi, Friitlcetum, i, n. a shrubbery pear
fruit, profit, advantage, benefit, Frutico, are, n. to bring forth Fulgetra, se,/. same as [ning
service, use, interest, satisfac- sprigs, shoots, or shrubs Fulgetrum, i, n. a flash of light-

tion, pleasure, delight Frutlcor, ari, atus sum, dep. the Fulgldus, a, um, adj. shining,
Fruendus, a, um, part, to be en- same bright
joyed FruticOsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Fulgo, fire, same as Fulgeo
Frugalis, e, adj. ior, comp. issl- issimus, superl. shrubby, full of Fulgor, oris, m. a shining, or
mus, superl. frugal, thrifty, shoots glittering, brightness, a flash of
careful, sparing, moderate in Frux, ugis, /. fruit, corn lightning
expenses, of, or belonging to Fucae, arum, pi. f. spots on the Fulgur, ftris, n. lightning, a flash,
corn face [ing a thunderbolt, any reflected
Frugalltas, atis,/ frugality, thrift Fucans, tis, part, staining, paint- brightness
Frugaliter, adv. ius, comp. fru- Fucatio, onis, /. a disguising, Fulgfiralis, e, adj. of lightning
gally paint Fulgurans, tis, part, lightniug,
Fruges, um, pi. f. all kinds of Fucatus, a, um, part, dyed, stain- flashing
fruit, corn, grain, mast^pulse, ed, coloured, painted, counter- Fulguratio, dnis,/. lightning
&c. a cake feited [feit Fulgurator, oris, to. he that in-
Frugi, indecl. thrifty, careful, Fuco, are, counter-
a. to paint, to terprets by lightning, a sender
temperate, sober, modest, Fucosus, a, um, coloured,
adj. of it
trusty, honest, useful painted, counterfeited, cheat- Fulguritasso, fire, «. to be blasted
Fruglfer, a, um, adj. bearing fruit, ing, deceitful with lightning
or corn, fertile, plentiful '
Fucus, i, m. a drone, a false dye, Fulgiiritus, a, um, part, blasted
Fnigiffirens, tis, part, bearing or paint, the liquor of the pur- with lightning
fruit ple fish Fulguro, are, n. to lighten, to
Fruglfgro, erre, n. to bear fruit Fuga, ae, /. flight, exile, banish- flash, to shine all over, to
Frugilfigus, a, um, adj. gathering ment, speed, swiftness, a shun- thunder
corn [tree ning Fullca, a,/, a coot, a fen -duck
Fruglperda, a?, c. g. a knave, a Fiigaclter, adv. ius, comp. in a Fullginatus, a, um, adj. sooted
Fruiturus, a, um, part, about to flying manner Fuligineus/a, um, adj. sooty, dark,
enjoy, that shall enjoy Fiigandus, a, um, part, to be put black
Frumen, Inis, n. frumenty, a pulse to flight, driven away, or ba- Fuliginosfi, adv like smoke
Frumentaceus, a, um, adj. of corn nished [flight Fuliglnosus, a, um, adj. sooty
Frnmentarius, a, um, adj. the same Fiigans, tis, part, putting to Fuligo, Inis, /. soot, smut, black-
Frumentarius, i, to. a corn-mer- Fflgatio, 6nis, /. a putting tc ness, darkness, a mist
chant, a badger flight Fulix, Icis,/. a sea-fowl, a coot
Frumentatio, onis, /. harvest, a Fugaturus, a, um, part, ready to Fullo, onis, m. a fuller of cloth
foraging put to flight, about to drive Fullo, are, a. to full cloth
Frumentator, Oris, to. a forager away Fullonia, ae,/. a fulling-mill
Frumentor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Fugatus, a, um, part, put to flight, Fullonica, ae, /. a fuller's work-
provide corn, to forage, to pur- driven away house, a fuller's craft
vey Fftgax, acis, adj. cior, comp. cisst- Fullonicus, a, um, adj. belonging
Fromentum, i, n. corn for bread, mus, superl. swift in flight, run- to a fuller
corn, wheat, a grain [tier ning away for fear, flying Fullonius, a, um, adj. the same
Frumltor, Oris, m. a tanner, a cur- Fiigiendus, a, um, part, to be Fulmen, Inis, n. a thunderbolt,
Frunincor, i, dep. to enjoy avoided lightning, a boar's tusk, terror,
impetuosity, a shock, or violent Fun do, are, a to found, to lay the um, adj. made of bran, fit for r
stroke groundwork, to establish, to horse
Fulmenta, ee,/. the sole of a shoe stay Furfurosus, a, um, adj. full ol
Fulmentum, i, n. a prop Fundo, 6re, ffidi, fusum, a. to bran or scurf
Fulmtnandus, a, um, part, to be pour out, to pour, to shed, or a fury, a
Fflria, ae, /. fiend, a fu-
thunderstruck spill,to diffuse, to spread, or rious man
Fulmlnans, tis, part, thundering extend, to lay along, to throw Fiirise, arum, pl.f. the furies
Fulmlnatio, onis, /. a clap of down Furialis, e, adj. furious, raging,
thunder Fundulus, i, m. a sucker of a infatuated
Fulmlnator, oris, m. a thunderer pump, the end of a gut, a gud- Furialiter, adv. furiously
Fulmmatus, a, um, part, thunder- geon, a groundling Furiatus, a, um, part, enraged,
struck Fundus, i, m. land, or ground, a raging
Fuimlneus, a, um, adj. of, or be- farm, a close, or field, a foun- Fiiribundus, a, um, adj. furious,
longing to thunder, or light- dation, a bottom mad, raging, in a- great rage
ning, glittering Fungbris, e, adj. belonging to Furinus, a, um, adj. of thieves
Fulmino, are, n. and a. to thunder, funerals, funeral, mournful, Furio, are, a. to enrage, to make
to strike with a thunderbolt' deadly, destructive, fatal mad.
Fultura, a;, /. a propping, a sup- FunSrarius, a, um, adj., same as Ftiriose, adv. ius, comp. furiously
port Funebris Fiiriosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp,
Fultus, a, um, part, propped, Funeratio, onis, /. a burial issimus, superl. furious, frantic,
propped up, supported Funeratus, a, um, part, buried, mad, raging
Fulvus, a, um, adj. yellow, tawny killed Furnaceus, a, um, adj. baked
Fumans, tis, part, smoking Funfireus, a, um, adj. funeral, Furnaria, ae, /. the trade of a
Fumarium, i, n. a chimney, a dismal, unlucky baker, a bakehouse, a baker's
place where wines were smoked Fiinero, are, a. to bury, to embalm wife
Fumatio, onis,/. a smoking Funeste, adv. ius, comp defiledlv Furnarius, a, um, adj. of a baker,
Fumatus, a, um, part, smoked Funesto, are, a. to pollute, or de- or furnace
Fumeus, a, um, adj. smoky file with a dead body Furnarius, i, m. a baker
Fumidus, a, um, adj. smoky, Ffmestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Furnus, i, m. an oven, a furnace
smoking [smoke issimus, superl. of, or belonging Furo, ere, re. to rave, to rage, to be
Fumifer, a, um, adj. bringing to dead bodies, mournful, dole- mad, or transported, to bluster,
Fumiflcatus, a, um, part, in- ful, lamentable, destructive to be mixed
censed Funetum, i, re. a winding of twigs, Furor, ari, atus sum, dep. to steal,
Fumif Ico,are, a. to oifer incense or branches of a vine to filch, or pilfer, to take away
Fumifieus, a, um, adj. making Funetus, a, um, adj. bowed, bent, Furor, oris, m. fury, madness,
smoke [incensing crooked [charge rage, an inordinate passion, a
Fumigans, tis, part, smoking, Fungendus, a, um, part, to dis- quarrel, fondness, love
Fumlgatio, onis,/. a perfuming Funglnus, a, um, adj. like a Furtiflcus, a, um, adj. thieving
Fumlgator, oris, m. a perfumer mushroom Furtlm, adv. by stealth, privately,
Fumlgo, are, a. to fumigate, to Fungor, i, ctus sum, dep. to dis- slily
smoke, to perfume, to smother charge, to perform, to execute, Furtive, adv. privily, by stealth
Fumo, are, re. to smoke, or reek, to do, to perpetrate, to suffer, Furtivus, a, um, adj. made by
to fumigate, to foam, or froth to conform to surprise, stolen, private
Fumosus, a, um, adj. smoky, or Fungositas, atis,/. sponginess Furt6, adv. by stealth, secretly,
reeky, that is smoked, or doth Fungosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. insensibly
smoke, black spongy Furtum, i, n. theft, robbery,
Fumus, i, mi. smoke, great offers Fungulus, i, m. a little mushroom stealth, an ambuscade, or stra-
and promises without any per- Fungus, i, to. a mushrom, or toad- tagem, a crafty wile, or device
formance stool, a thief in the candle, the Furunculus, i, m. a little thief, a
Fun ale, is, n. a halter, a cord, a measles in olive-trees bile, a knob in a vine, a weasel
torch, or link, a socket Funiculus, i, an. a little rope, cord, Furvus, a, um, adj. dark, dusty,
Funalis, e, adj. belonging to cords, or line black [clouding
or torches, made of cords Funis, is, m. and sometimes /. a Fuscans, tis, part, darkening,
Funambulus, i, m. a rope-dancer rope, a cord, a cable Fuscatio, onis,/. a darkening
Fiinarius, i, m. a rope-maker Funus, 6ris, n. a funeral, funeral Fuscator, oris, mi. a darkener, or
Funarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- pomp, funeral rites, a funeral clouder
longing to a rope pile, a dead corpse Fuscatus, a, um, part, darkened
Functio, onis, /. a function, an Fur, uris, c. g. a thief, or robber, Fusclna, m, f. an eel-spear, flesh-
office a soldier, a slave, a servant hook
Functus, a, um, part, having Furacltas, atis,/. thievery Fusclnula, ae,/. a little flesh-hook
discharged, or performed, end- Furaclter, adv. thievishly Fuscltas, atis,/. cloudiness, dim-
ed, dead Furans, tis, part, stealing, pilfer- ness
Funda, se, /. a sling, a Castanet, ing [iering Fusco, are, a. to blacken, to
a satchel, or purse like a net. Furatio, onis, /. a stealing, a pil- darken, or obscure, to tan, or
Fundamen.fnis, re. the foundation, Furator, oris, m. a stealer, a thief sunburn
or groundwork, the first begin- Furatus, a, um, part, having Fuscus, a, um, adj. ior, comp
ning stolen brown, tawny, dusky, dim, dark,
Fundamentum, i, n. a foundation, Furax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi- hoarse
or groundwork, a basis, ground mus, superl. thievish, given to Fuse, adv. ius, comp. largely
Fundatio, onis,/. a groundwork stealing amply, plentifully, copiously,
Fundator, oris, m. a founder Furca, ae, f. a fork, auy thing to fully
Fundaturus, a, um, part, about underset, or prop, a gallows Fusllis, e, adj. that may be melted
to found Furcifer, i, m. a slave, a rogue, a or cast
Fundatus, a, um, part, and adj. villain Fusio, onis,/. a diffusing, or pour-
ior, comp. issimus, superl. found- Furcilla, se,/. a pitchfork, a claw ing forth, a spreading, or shoot-
ed, grounded, established Furcillatus, a, um, adj. forked ing out
Fundendus, a, um, part, to be Furcinis, is,/, a dung-fork Fusorium, i, n. a sink, or drain
poured out Furcula, x,f. dim. a little fork Fusterna, ae, / the top of a fir
Fundens, tis, part, pouring out Furens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Fustlbulator, oris, mi. a slinger
Fundibalum, i, n. a sling-staff comp. raving, raging, blustering, Fustlculus, i, mi. dim. a batoon
Fundlbalus, i, m. a slinger mad, outrageous, stormy Fustigatio, onis,/. a cudgelling
Fundlto, are, freq. to pour out, to Furenter, adv. like a madman Fustlgatus, a, um, part, cudgelled
be wasteful Furfur, uris, m, bran, scurf, dand- Fustlgo, are, a. to cudgel
Fundltor, 6ris, mi. a slinger driff Fustim, adv. with clubs, or cud-
Fuudltfis, adv. utterly, entirely Furturaceus, and Furfureus, a, gels
Pustis, is, a club, staff, or
to. Galerita, ae,/. a lark Gausapatus, a, um, adj. wearing
cudgel, a batoon, a blow Galeritus, i, m., the same shag
Fustuarium, i, n. a beating with Galeritus, a, um, adj. wearing a Gausape, is, a frieze, or rough
a stick, a cudgelling cap, or peruke garment which soldiers used, a
Fiisura, ae,/. a melting, founding, Galerus, i, to., and Galerum, i, n, furred coat, a hair mantle, a
or casting a furred cap, a cap, a beaver, or table-carpet, a long rough beard
Fusurus, a, urn, part, about to hat, a peruke Gausapina, and Gausapila, ae, /.
pour out Galla, a?,/, a gall, or oak-apple, a a rough frieze mantle, or gar-
Fusus, a, um, part, and adj. ior. wine, an awl ment
comp. poured out, poured, shed, Gallans, tis, part playing freaks
. Gausapum, i, Gausapa, same
spilt, diffused, expanded Galliambus, i, m. a sort of verse as Gausape
i, to. a spindle
Fiisis, Gallica, ae, /. a kind of maple Gaza, ae, /. a treasure, riches,
Futatim, adv. profusely Gallicae, arum, pi. f. wooden pat- wealth, one's estate
Futile, is, n. a vessel used in tens Gazophylacium, i, n. a treasury
sacrifices to Vesta Galliclnium, i, n. cockcrowing GazOphylax, acis, to. a treasurer
Futilis, e, adj. futile, trifling, Gallicus, a, um, adj. French, be- Gehenna, ae,/. properly the valley
simple, silly, foolish, inconsi- longing to the French of Hinnom, hell
derate, babbling [ness Gallina, ae,/. a hen Gelabilis, e, adj. that may be
Futilitas, atis, /. silliness, weak- Galllnaceus, a, um, adj. of a hen frozen, or congealed
Futlliter, adv. foolishly, idly Galliuaceus, i, to. a young cock Gelasco, ere, incep. to freeze, to
Futuitio, onis, /. the act of gene- Galllnago, inis,/. a woodcock congeal
ration Galllnarium, i, n. a henroost Geiaslnus, i, to. a dimple in the
Futum, i, n. a watering-pot Gallinarius, i, m. a poulterer cheek, a buffoon, or droll
Futurus, a, um, part, future, Gallinarius, a, um, adj. belonging Gelatio, onis,/. a freezing
about to be, that shall, or will to poultry [hen Gelatus, a, um, part, frozen
be Galllnula, ae, /. a pullet, a little Gelicidium, i, n. a frost, water,
Gallo, are, n. to be mad frozen, ice
Gallus, i, to. a cock, a Frenchman Gellda, ae, /. cold water
Ganea, ae, /. a brothel, a bawdy- Gelide, adv. coldly, chilly, fear-
house, a tippling-house fully, faintly
Ganeo, onis, to. a debauchee, a Gelldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Gabalium, i, n. an Arabian spice ruffian issimus, superl. cold as ice, cold
Gabalum, i, n. same as Ganeum, i, n. same as Ganea GSlo, are, a. to freeze, to congeal
Gabalus, i, m. a gallows, or gibbet Gangaba, ae, m. a porter Gelu, n. indecl. frost, cold, ice
Gabarse, arum, pl.f. mummies Ganglion, i, n. a swelling, a sprain Gelum, i, n. the same
Gabata, ae, /. a platter, a por- Gangraena, ae,/. a gangrene Gelus, i, m. the same
ringer Gannio, Ire, Ivi, ltum, n. to bark, Gemebundus, a, um, adj. full of
Gaesum, i, n. a javelin, a dart yelp, or cry like a fox, to .whine, sighing, or groaning, groaning
Gaesus, a, um, adj. stout, valiant to whimper Gemellar, aris, n. an oil-vessel
Gagates, m. an agate
is, Gannltus, us, to. a whining, yelp- Ggmelllpara, ae, /. one bearing
Galaxias, ae, to. the galaxy, a ing, complaining, or whimper- twins [twins
bright circle in the sky, caused ing Gemellus, a, um, adj. double, of
by the reflection of many little Ganza, ae,/. a gander, a goose Gemendus, a, um, part, to be la-
stars, called the milky way Gargarismus, i, to. a gargle mented
Galba, ae,/. a maggot, a mite Gargarizandus, a, um, part, to be Ggmens, tis, part, groaning, be-
Galbanatus, a, um, adj. that wears gargled wailing, lamenting, roaring
a galbanum [galbanum Gargarizatio, Onis,/. a gargling creaking
Galbaneus, a, um, adj. of gum Gargarizatus, a, um,part. gargled Geminans, tis, part- doubting
Galbanum, i, n., or Galbanus, i, Gargarizo, are, a. to gargle coupling
m. a strong-smelling gum, a Garrio, ire, ii and ivi, itum, n. to Ggminatim, adv. doubly
bright, white effeminate gar- prate, to chatter, to talk idly, Ggminatio, onis,/. a doubling
ment to gabble [tering Geminatus, a, um, part, doubled,
Galbanus, a, um, adj. bright, Garritus, us, m. a prating, a chatT- made twice as much, repeated
white, gay, spruce, wanton, ef- Garruiitas, atis, /. a chattering, a G6mini, orum, pi. to. twins, two
feminate prating, talkativeness born at one birth, a constel-
Galbeae, arum, pi. f. bracelets Garrulo, are, n. to prate, to chat- lation called Castor and Pollux
given to soldiers as a reward of ter [talk Gemino, are, a. to double, to re-
courage Garrulosus, a, um, adj. full of double, to increase, to couple
Gulbeum, i, n. a woman's dress, Garrulus, a, um, adj. prating, Geminus, a, um, adj. double, two,
a kind of medicine wrapt up in chattering, babbling, talkative, equal, alike
wool noisy, gabbling, chirping Ggniisco, ere, n. to groan
Galbineus, and Galbinus, a, um, Garum, i, n. sauce made of fish Gemitua, us, m. a groan, or sigh,
adj. greenish, bluish salted, pickle a howling
Galbiila, ae, /. the bird wittal Gftrus, i, m. a kind of lobster Gemma, ae, /. a gem, a jewel, a
Galbulus, i, to. a nut of the cypress Gaudens, tis, part, rejoicing, de- precious stone, a young bud, or
Galbus, a, um, adj. smooth lighting shoot
Galea, ae, /. a helmet, or head- Gaudeo, ere, gavisus, n. to re- Gemmans, tis, part, budding,
piece, the top of a mast joice, to be glad, to take delight glittering, or shining like a pre-
Galearii, orum, pi. to. the servants in, to be pleased with, to de- cious stone, richly adorned with
in an army [helmet light pearls
Galeatus, a, um, part, wearing a Gaudialis, e, adj. jovial, jocund Gemmarius, i, to. a jeweller, a
Galena, ae, f. the ore of silver and Gaudibundus, a, um, adj. full of lapidary
lead, after the silver is extracted joy Gemmasco, Sre, and Gemiueaco,
Galeo, are, a. to cover with a Gaudi61um, i, m. dim. a little joy incep. to begin to bud
helmet Gaudium, i, n. joy, gladness, Gemmatio, onis,/ a budding out
GaleOla, ae,/. a vessel like a helmet mirth, pleasure, delight Gemmator, oris, to. a jeweller
Galeota, or Galleotae, arum, pi. m. Gavisurus, a, uii., part, that will Gemmatus, a, um, part, set, or
expounders of prodigies rejoice, about to rejoice adorned with jewels, shining
Galeotes, ae, to. a lizard, the Gavisus, a, um, part, rejoicing, Gemmeus, a, um, adj. of, like, ot
sword-fish glad set with precious stones
Galeratus, a, um, adj. having a Gaulus, i, a kind of ship al-
to. Gemmlfer, a, um, adj. that brings
hat on most round, a drinking- cup like or bears jewels, or precious
Galeria, ae, /. a hat a boat stones
Galerlcillum, i, n. a bonnet, or Gaunaca, ae, /. Gaunace, es, /. and Gemmo, are, r. to bud, to spriug
cap, false hair, a peruke Gaunacuni, i, ». a thick shag to shoot out, to bloom
99 F 2
GemmOsus, a, um, adj. full of Ggnitrix, icis,/. a mother, a dam Gero, onis, m. a porter, a carrier
jewels, adorned with jewels Genltura, ae, /. generation, a be- Gerrae, arum, pi. f. hurdles, ga^
Gemo, 6re, ui, turn, a. and n. with getting, the seed of generation, bions, trifles, or things of no
accus. to groan, to bewail, to conception value
lament, or mourn, to complain, Geniturus, a, um, part, that will Gerres, is,/, a sprat
to bellow engender, beget, or produce Gerro, 6nis, m. a trifler, a droll
Gem6niee scalae.. a place in Rome Genitus, a, um, part, begotten, Gerula, ae, /
a nursery-maid
from which criminals were cast born, sprung, descended Geruliflgulus, i, m. one who
into the Tiber [sad Genitus, us, m. same as Genitura makes and carries about lies
Gemulus, a, um, adj. mournful, Genius, i, m. a genius, a good, or Gerulus, i, m. a porter, a chairman
Gfimursa, a corn on the toe
Ee, /. evil demon, the tutelar deity Gerundium, a gerund
i, n.
G6na, ae,/. the cheek, the eyelid of a place, pleasantness, good Gerusia, ae, /. the senate-house,
Genealogia, ae,/. a genealogy grace, skill, art, a natural incli- senate, a convention
GenealOgicus, a, um, adj. genea- nation Gesta, drum, pi. n. acts, exploits,
logical [herald Geno, ere, ai, Itum, a. to beget achievements
GenealSgus, i, m. a genealogist, a Gens, tis,/. a nation, a people, a Gestamen, inis, n. a carriage, a
Gener, eri, m. a son-in-law tribe, kindred, or stock, a fa- sceptre, or mace, a buckler, a
Gengrabilis, e, adj. that may be mily, a breed, a swarm, a shoal, shield, any thing carried, or
engendered, or begotten or fry, one of a nation worn [borue
Generalis, e, adj. general, uni Gentiana, ae,/. gentian, felwort Gestandus, a, um, part, to be
versal Gentlcus, a, um, adj. of a nation Gestans, tis, part, bearing, carry-
Generallter, adv. generally Gentilis, e, adj. gentle, heathen, ing
Generandus, a, um, part, to be- of the same nation, house, fa- Gestatio, 6nis, /. a bearing, or
get, or be begotten mily, ancestry, stock [then carrying, riding, a litter
Generans, tis, part, begetting, Gentilis, is, m. a gentile, a hea- Gestator, oris, m. a bearer
composing Gentilitas, atis, /. gentility, the Gestatorius, a,um, adj. belonging
Gengrasco, ere, incep. to breed multitude of a people, or family, to carriage
Generatira, adv. in general, by the relation and alliance of the Gestatrix, Icis,/. she that bears
kinds same stock and kindred Gestatus, a, um, part, borne, car-
Gengratio, 5nis, /. a generation, GentUitius, a, um, adj. that is ried [rying
an engendering, or begetting common to a people, or family, Gestatus, us, m. a bearing, or car-
Generator, oris, m. he that begets, or that is peculiar to them Gestleularia, ae, /. a dancing
a begetter, a breeder, an an- Genu, indecl. ». a knee, the leg wench
cestor Genualia, um, pi. n. garters, hose Gestlculatio, Onis, /. a gesticula-
Gfineratus, a, um, part, gene- Ggnunectio, onis,/. a kneeling tion, a quick motion
rated, engendered, begotten, Genuflecto, ere, n. to kneel Gesticiilator, Oris, m. a mimic, a
bred, descended Genuine, adv. genuinely buffoon, a tumbler, a puppet-
Genero, are, a. to generate, to en- Genuinus, a, um, adj. genuine, player
gender, to beget, to breed, to original, natural Gestlculor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
conceive, to bring forth, to pro- Genus, eris, n. a kind, a sort, a mimic, to make strange ges-
duce, to spring, to make, or kindred, lineage, flock, or fa- tures, to dance
create mily, a descent, extraction, or Gestiens, tis, part, leaping, skip-
G£n6r0sg, adv. ius, comp. gene- birth, a race or breed ping, desiring
rously, nobly, gallantly Geographia, ae, /. geography Gestio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to leap
Gengrositas, atis, /. generosity, Geographus, i, m. a geographer for joy, to leap, to skip, to long,
kindness, excellence, nobility, Geometra, ae, m. a geometrician to desire greatly
majesty, dignity Geometres, ae, m. the same Gestio, onis,/. a management
Ggngrosus, i, m. a gentleman GeOmetria, ae, /. geometry Gestito, are,/reg. to bear, to carry
Gengrosus, a, um, adj. comp. issl- GeOmetrlca, orum, pi. n. the rules often
mus, superl. generous, kind, of geometry [trician Gesto, are, a. to bear, to carry, to
good, great, noble, born of a Geometrice, adv. like a geome- wear often [bearer
noble race, courageous, brave, Geometricus, a, um, adj. geome- Gestor, oris, m. a carrier, a tale-
fruitful trical Gestum, i, n. an action, an exploit
Genesis, is, or eos,/. generation, Georgica, orum, pi. n. georgics GestuOsus, a, um, adj. full of ges-
nativity, the first book of Moses Georgicus, a, um, adj. belonging ture, or action
Genethlia, Oram, pi. n. a nativity, to georgics Gesturus, a, um, part, about to
a birthday, a birthday-feast Geranltes', ae, m. a precious stone, carry on, about to do
Genethliaca, orum, pi. m. casters in colour like a crane's neck Gestus, a, um, part, borne, carried,
of nativities, astrologers Geranium, i, n. the herb storkbill carried on, managed, achieved,
G£nialis, e, adj. genial, festive, Ggraria, ae,/. a child's maid performed, done
merry, cheerful Gerendus, a, um, part, to be borne, Gestus, us, m. a gesture, or mo-
Geniallter, adv. genially, plea- done, achieved tion of, the body, a motion, or
santly (joint Gerens, tis, part, bearing, wear- sign, demeanour, carriage
Genlculatlm, adv. from joint to ing, doing, managing, carrying Gesum, i, n. a dart used by the

Ggniciilatio, Onis,/. a kneeling Germana, ae,/. a sister [on Gauls

Gemculatus, a, um, p art. jointed, Germane, adv. brotherly, kindly Gibba, ae,/. a bunch on the back
knotty Germanltas, atis, /. brotherhood, Gibber, era, erum, adj. hump-
Genlculo, are, a. to joint, or knot sisterhood backed
Genlculum, i, n. a small knee, a Germaniter, adv. brotherly Gibberosus, same as Gibbosus
joint Germanus, a, um, adj. issimus, GibbOsus, a, um, adj. bunched,
Geniculus, i, m. a corner, an angle superl. come of the same flock, bossed, crookbacked, crump-
Genlmen, inis, n. product, fruit, near akin, or allied, very like, shouldered [convex
progeny natural, right Gibbus, a, um, adj. bunched out,
Genista, se,/. broom Germanus, i, m. a brother, a cou- Gibbus, i, m. and Gibber, is, »».
Gfinlta, ae, /. a daughter sin-german and Gibber, i, m. a bunch, or
Ggnltale, is, n. a privy member Germen, inis, n. a bud, a sprout swelling on the back, or any
Genitalis, e, adj. privy, serving to Germinans, tis, part, budding other part of the body
engender, or for breed, or be- Germinatio, onis,/. a budding Giganteus, a, um, adj. of giants,
longing to one's birth Germmatus, us, m. a budding gigantic
Genltalitfer, adv. by generation Germino, are, a. to bud, to sprout Glgantoniachia, ae, /. the battle
Genltlvus, a, um, adj. genitive, Gero, ere, estum, a. to bear,
essi, of the giants
generating, natural, born with or carry, to wear, to have, or Glgas, antis, m. a giant
us show, to manage, conduct, or Gigeria, orum, pi. n. giblets
Genltor, Oris, m. a father, a be- carry on, to do, p.irform, exe- Gignendus, a, um, part, to begtt,
getter, a creator, or maker cute, or achieve or be begotten
Gigno, fire, genui, Itum, a. to be- Glinon, i, n. a kind of maple Gliitln amentum, i, n. gluish
get, to breed, to bring forth, to Glis, Iris, m. a dormouse matter [glued
create, to make, or fashion, to Glis, Idis,/. mouldiness in bread Glutlnandus, a, um, part, to be
invent Gliscens, tis, part, growing, in- Glutlnatio, Onis,/. a gluing
Gilvus, a, um, adj. flesh-coloured creasing, extending, raging, pre- Glutlnator, Oris, m. one that glues
Ginglber, ens, n. ginger vailing Glutino, are, a. to glue, paste, or
Gingiva, ae, /. the gum wherein Glisco, 6re, n. to grow, to in- solder, to close up
the teeth are set crease, to spread, to extend, to GlutlnOsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Gingriator, oris, m. a piper rage [body issimus, superl. glutinous, clam-
Gingrio, Ire, n. to gaggle like a GlObatlm, adv. in a round, or Glutinum, i, n. glue [my
goose Globatio, 6nis, /. a gathering Glutio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to swal-
Gingrltus, us, m. a gaggling round low
Glabellus, a, um, adj. smooth, Globatus, a, um, part, made round Gluto, Onis, m,. a glutton
* bare G16bo, are, a. to make, or form Gluttus, i, m. the gullet
Glaber, bra, brum, adj. ior, comp. round, ta gather together, to Glutus, a, um, adj. thrust hard
smooth, bald, bare, without hair collect together
Glabraria, se, /. she who plucks GlObositas, atis,/. a roundness Glycyrrhiza, le, /. liquorice
off hair Globosus, a, um, adj. round Gnaphalium, i, n. chaffweed
Glabreo, ere, n. to be bare Globulus, i, m. a globule, a little Gnare, adv. skilfully
Glabresco, fire, incep. to begin to globe, ball Gnaritas, atis, /. experience,
be smooth Globus, i, m. a globe, a sphere, a knowledge
Glabretum, i, a bare place
n. ball, a bowl, a troop, a squadron, Gnarlter, adv. skilfully
Glabriones, um, pi. m. bald peo- or party, a knot, or body Gnarus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp.
ple [baldness Glociens, tis, part, clucking skilful, expert, learned
Glabrltas, atis, /. smoothness, GlOcio, Ire, n. to cluck, to cackle Gnata, ae,/. a daughter
Glabro, are, a. to take off hair Glocitatio, onis,/. a clucking Gnatho, Onis, m. a parasite, a
Glacialis, e, adj. frozen, freezing, Gloclto, are, same as Glocio flatterer
icy, cold GlOmeralis, e, adj. that turns GnathOnicus, i, m. a spunger
Glacians, tis, part, freezing about Gnatus, a, um, part, born
Glaciatus, a, um, part, frozen, GlOmgramen, Inis, n. a small ball, Gnatus, i, m. a son
turned to a curd a pellet, a pill [round Gnavlter, adv. stoutly, in earnest
Glacies, ei,/. ice [geal GlOmgrans, tis, part, winding Gnavus, a, um, adj. lusty, stout,
Glacio, are, a. to freeze, to con- GlOmgratim, adv. in heaps quick, active, diligent, indus-
Gladiator, Oris, m. a gladiator, a Glomeratio, onis,/. a winding, a trious
swordplayer, a fencer, a fencing- pacing Gnoina, ae,/. a sentence
master, a bravo, a hector, a Glomerator, oris, m. a winder up GnOmon, onis, m. the pin of a
bully GlOmgratus, a, um, part, brought dial,a carpenter's square
Gladiatorie, adv. cutthroat-like into a round heap, wound up, GnomOnlce, es,/. the art of dial-
Gladiatorium, i, n. a fencing- collected, confused ling
school GlOme'ro, are, a. to wind round, GnomOnlcus, a, um, adj. of a dial
GladiatOrius, a, um, adj. of, or be- or up, to make, or form round, Gobio, onis, m. a gudgeon
longing to gladiators, or fen- to gather in a round heap, to Gobius, i, m. the same
cers, resolute collect Gomphus, i, m. a pile, a stake
Gladiatura, ae,/. a fencing GlOmgrosus, a, um, adj. round like Gonorrhoea, ae,/. the running ot
Gladiolus, i, m. a dagger, sedge a bottom of thread [clew the reins
Gladius, i, m. a sword, a knife, a GlOmus, i, m. a bottom of yarn, a GorgOnia, se, /. coral .

swordfish Glomus, firis, n. the same Gorytus, i, m. a quiver

Glandarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- Gloria, ae, /. glory, renown, Gosslpinus, a, um, adj. of cotton,
longing to mast [acorns honour, praise, respect, reputa- bombast [cotton
Glandifer, era, e>um, adj. bearing tion, a good name [ing Gosslpion, i, n. the cotton-tree,
Glandium, i, n. a kernel in the GlOriabundus, a, um, adj. boast- Grabatulus, i, m. dim. a little
flesh Gloriandus, a, um, part, to be couch
Glandula, se,/. a little acorn, or boasted [ging Grabatus, i, m. a couch, a small

kernel, a spongy part Glorians, tis, part, boasting, brag- portable bed, a bed
Glandulae, arum,2> I. /.the glanders GlOriatio, onis,/. a boasting pride Gracilentus, a, um, adj. slender,
GlandillOsus, a, um, adj. full of Gloriator, oris, m. a boaster lean [slim
kernels Gloriaturus, a, um, part, about to Gracllesco, £re, incep. to grow
Glans, dis,/. an acorn, a chesnut, boast Gracillpes, edis, adj. slender-
a pellet, or plummet of lead, or Gloriflco, are, a. to glorify shanked
other metal GloriOla, ae,/ dim. small glory Gracilis, e, adj. ior, comp. illlmus,
Glarea, ae,/. gravel, grit, sand Glorior, ari, atus sum, dep. to superl. slender, slim, thin, lean,
GlareOla, ae,/. dim. small gravel glory, to boast, to extol with lank, meagre, poor, small,
GlareOsus, a, um, adj. gravelly boasting young, tender
Glastum, i, n. woadfor dying blue Gloriose, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Gracllltas, atis, /. slenderness,
Glauclnus, a, um, adj. of a sea- superl. gloriously, with great slimness, leanness, lankness
green colour honour, nobly, vainly, proudly Gracillo, are, n. to cackle
Glaucis, Idos,/. one greyeyed GlOriOsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Gractilus, i, m. a jackdaw, a jay
Glaucoma, atis, n. and Glaucoma, issimus, superl. glorious, full of Gracus, i, m. a crow
ae,/.a disease in the eye, a wall- glory, honourable, noble Gradalis, e, adj. step by step
eye,a pin, or web Glos, Otis,/, a husband's sister Gradarius, a,um, adj. that goes
Glaucopis, Idis,/. one owl-eyed Glossa, ae,/. a tongue, or dialect, softly [grees
Glaucus, a, um, adj. grey, blue, an interpretation, a hard term Gradatim, adv. gradually, by de-
azure, sky-coloured, sea-green, Glossarium, i, n. a glossary, a Gradatio, onis, /. a gradation, a
red dictionary, or table, to show the regular process [steps
Gleba, ae,/. a clod, clot, or lump signification of words in divers Gradatus, a, um, adj. made with
of earth, a turf, a piece of tongues Gradiens, tis, part, going, pro-
stone, &c. [turf Glossema, atis, n. a gloss, or ex- ceeding
Glebalis, e, adj. made of clods, or position, an obsolete word Gradior, i, gressus sum, dep. to go,
Glebarius, a, um, adj. ploughing Glotfiro, are, n. to cry like a to walk, to march, to proceed,
Glebosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. stork or advance
full of clods, cloddy Glubo, ere, bi, Itum, a. to pull off GradivIcOla, ae, c. g. a worshipper
Glebfila, ae,/. a little clod, a little the bark, or skin, to peel, to of Mars
piece of land strip [chaff Gradlvus, i, m. Mars, war
Glessum, i, n. a kind of amber Gluma, », /. the husk of corn, Gridus, us, m. a step, a pace. «n
Gleuclnum, i, k. fresh oil Gluten, Inis, «. glue, paste, solder advance, a course, a way it
means, a stair, a round of a lad- Grassans, tis, part, passing, Graviditas, atis, /. a being big
der, a degree, a rank, or quality attacking with young, pregnancy
Graecanlcus, a, um, adj. of Greece Grassatio, onis,/. a proceeding, a Gravldo, are, a. to impregnate, to
Greece, adv. in Greek robbing on the highway load, to oppress
Graecismus, i, m. a Grecism Grassator, oris, m. a highway- Gravidus, a, um, adj. impregnat-
Graecor, ari, atus sum, dep.
to man ed, big with young, or child,
play the Greek, to speak Greek, Grassatus, a, um, part, attacking teeming, loaded, full, heavy,
to drink and revel Grassor, ari, atus sum, dep. to go, weighty, plentiful
Graeculus, a, um, adj. Grecian, to march, to proceed, or ad- Gravis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
vain, silly, trifling [cian vance, to spread, to rage, to superl. heavy, weighty, great,
Grteculus, i, m. dim. a poor Gre- attack big with child, loaded, full, fat,
Grsecus, a, um, adj. Greek, Gre- Gratabundus, a, um, adj. with plump, grave, serious, solemn,
cian joy, or thanks awful,terrible, grievous, trouble-
Grajugena, ae, c. g. a Greek born, Graians, tis, part, congratulating some, burdensome, hard, diffi-
a Grecian Gratanter, adv. kindly, willingly cult, unkind
Grajus, a, um, adj. Grecian Grate, adv. gratefully, thankfully Giavistellus, i, m. a fat man
Grallae, arum.p/./. crutches, stilts Grates, pl.f. in nom. and accus. Gravltas, ati3, /. heaviness,
Grallator, oris, m. he that goes on only, thanks, a requital weightiness, gravity, wariness,
crutches, or stilts, a stalker Gratia, ae,/. grace, favour, good- authority, majesty, greatness,
Gramen, Inis, n. grass, all kinds will, kindness, a good turn, a stiffness
of herbs courtesy, an obligation, an ac- Gravlter, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
Gramlneus, a, um, adj. grassy knowledgment, a retaliation superl. heavily, gravely, wisely,
Gramlnosus, a, um, adj. over- Gratiae, arum, pi. /. thanks, the grievously, sorely, severely
grown with grass, grassy graces Giavo, are, a. to load, to burden,
Grammateus, i, m. a notary Gratlflcans, tis, part, gratifying to weigh down, to oppress, to
Grammatica, ae, /. or Grammatice, Gratlflcatio, onis,/. a gratifying trouble, to disturb, to pain
es,/. grammar, the art of gram- Gratif Icor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Gregalis, e, adj. of the same flock,
mar gratify, to do a good turn, to or company, common, vulgar,
Grammatica, orum, pi. n. gram- yield mean
mar rules, or institutions Gratiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Grggarius, a, um, adj. of the
Granimaticaliter, adv. grammati- issimus, superl. gracious, in common set, common, ordinary
cally great esteem, procured by Gregatlm, adv. by flocks, or com-
Grammatlcaster, tri, m. a pedant favour [purpose panies
Grammatice, adv. like a gramma- Gratis, adv. gratis, freely, to no Gregatus, a, um, part, keeping
rian [grammar Gratisslme, adv. very willingly in flocks
Grammaticus, a, um, adj. of Gratlto, are, n. to gaggle, to cackle Grggo, avi, atum, a. to collect
Grammaticus, i, m. a grammarian Gratltudo, Inis, /. gratitude, into a flock, to assemble
Grammatista, ae, m. a pedant thankfulness Gr6mium, i, n. a lap, the bosom,

Granarium, i, n. a granary, or Grato, adv. thankfully the middle, or heart of a coun-

garner Grator, ari, dep. to congratulate, try, the channel of a river
Granatim, adv. grain by grain to wish joy, to bid welcome, to Gressus, a, um, part, that goes,
Granatum, i, n. a pomegranate- thank [ward going [going
tree [grains Gratult6, adv. freely, without re- Gressus, us, m. a step, pace, or
Granatus, a, um, adj. that has Gratultus, a, um, adj. gratuitous, Grex, egis, m. a flock, a herd, a
Grandaevltas, atis,/. great age free drove, a covey, a company, band
Grandsevus, a, um, adj. very old, Gratiilabundus, a, um, adj. con- Gromatlce, es, /. the art of sur-
aged gratulating, rejoicing with, veying land
Grandesco, gre, incep. to grow big wishing joy [ing Grossula, ae,/. a gooseberry
Grandlciilus, a, um, adj. dim. Gratiilans, tis, part, eongratulat- Grossularia, "ae, /. a gooseberry-
somewhat big, or great Gratttlatio, onis, /. a congratula- bush
Grandiloquus, a, um, adj. that tion, a rejoicing, joy, thanks- Grossiilus, m. a green fig

speaks in a lofty style giving Grossus, m. or/., the same


Grandino, are, n. "to hail [hail Gratulator, oris, m. he that re- Gruinus, um, adj. of a crane
Grandinosus, a, um, adj. full of joices at the good of another Gruis, is, m. and/, a crane
Grandio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to make Gratulor, ari, dep. to congratulate, Grumiilus, i, m. a little hillock, a
greater, or larger, to hasten to wish joy, to be glad bed
Grandis, e, adj. ior, eomp. issimus, Gratus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Grumus, i, m. a hillock, clottei '
superl. great, large, big, huge, issimus, superl. grateful, thank- blood
considerable, noble, capital, ful, kind, acceptable, pleasing Gruudio, ire, ivi, Itum, same as
sumptuous, lofty, sublime Gravamen, Inis, n. a grievance Grunnio, Ire, it. to grunt
Grandltas, atis, /. largeness, Gravandus, a, um, part, to be Grunnitus, (is, m. a grunting
loftiness, sublimity, a great age weighed down Gruo, gre, ui, n. to crunkle
Granditis, adv. more sublimely, Gravans, tis, part, weighing Grus, uis, m. and /. a crane, an
more loftily, bigger down instrument to draw or pull up
Grandiusculus, a,um, adj. some- Gravate, adv. grievously, pain-
what big, of a good stature, or fully, grudgingly, with diffi- Gryllus, i, m. a cricket, a trick
age [ling culty Gryphus, i, m., and
Grando, Inis, /. hail, a hard swel- Gravatim, adv. the same Gryps, yphis, m. a griffon
Granlfer, a, um, adj. that bears Gravatus, a, um, part, weighed Gubernaciilum, i, n. the helm, or
corn [kernels down, burdened, loaded, drowsy, rudder of a ship, steerage, go-
Granosus, a, um, adj. full of heavy, hanging down, grudg- vernment
Granum, i, n. a grain, a kernel, a ing Giibernandus, a, um, part, to
barley-corn _
[ink horn Gravedln6sus, a, um, adj. heavy- govern, or be governed
Graphiarium, i, n. a pencase, an headed, full of rheum in the Gtibernans, tis, part, governing
Graphiaria theca, a pen, or pencil- head Gubernatio, onis, /. government,
case Gravedo, Inis, /. heaviness management, guidance, a steer-
Graphice, es,/. the art of painting, Grave61ens, tis, adj. stinking,
or drawing noisome Gubernator, oris, m. a governor,
Graphice, adv. artificially, exactly Grave6lentia, ae,/. a strong smell a ruler, a manager, a guide, a
Graphlcus, a, um, adj. perfect, Gravescens, tis, part, growing master, a pilot, or steersman
done to the life worse Gubernatrix, Icis, /. a governess
Graphis, Idis. f. the art of draw- Gravesco, ere, incep. to be bur- Guberno, are, a. to govern, to
ing, or designing, a pencil dened, to grow heavy, or big conduct, to direct, to guide, to
Graphium, i, n. an iron pen, a Gravldatus, a, um, part, impreg- steer
pencil nated Gala, ae, /. the gullet, the wind
pipe, the neck, the throat, the superl. fit, suitable, proper, apt, Halo, are, a. to breathe, to exhale
palate, gluttony handsome Halo, 6nis, m. a circle about the
GfilSnes, pi. m. guttlers, gluttons Plabllltas, atis,/. fitness, ability sun, moon, or stars
Gnlosus, a, uni, adj. gluttonous, Habiliter, adv. isstmk, superl. fitly Hal6sis, eos, /. in aecus. sing, in
greedy Habltabllis, e, adj. habitable and im, the taking and sacking
Gumia, ae,/. a glutton, gluttony HabTtaculum, i, n. a dwelling, a of a town
Gummatus, a, urn, adj. gummed, den [inhabited Halter, ens, to. a plummet
gummy Habitandus, a, um, part, to be Hama, ae,/. a leathern bucket, a
Gummi, n. indecl., and Gummis, Habitans, tis, part, inhabiting hook
,i is,/, gum Habitatio, onis, / a habitation, a Hamatilis, e, adj. of a hook
Gummosus, a, um, adj. gummy house, an abode, house-rent Hamatus, a, um, adj. hooked,
Gurdus, i, m. a fool, a sot Habitator, oris, m. an inhabitant crooked, entangled, bearded
Gurges, Itis, m. a whirlpool, a Habitatus, a, um, part, inhabited Hamaxa, ae, /. Charles's wain
gulf, the deep, a riotous spender Habito, are, a. and n. to inhabit, Hamaxagoga, ae, m. a carter
Gurgiilio, onis, to. the windpipe to dwell, to live, to abide, to HSmaxor, ari, dep. to draw a cart,
Gurgustium, i, n. a cottage, a have often Hamiota, ae, m. an angler [&c.
cabin [tasted Habitudo, Inis,/. a habit, or con- Hamilla, ae,/. dim. a small bucket,
Gustandus, a, um, part, to be stitution of the body, plump- a bason
Gustatio, onis,/. a tasting ness, fatness Hamulus, i, to. dim. a small hook
Gustatorium, i, n. an eating-room, Habiturus, a, um, part, that shall Hamus, i, to. a hook, a ring, a
a dram-cup, a taste have, or ought to have hitchel
Gustatus, a, um, part, tasted Habitus, a, um, part, and adj. Haphe, es,/. a dust to sprinkle
Gustatus, iis, to. a tasting, the ior, comp. issimus, superl. had, wrestlers with
taste given, accounted, esteemed, af- Hapsus, i, to. a handful, a roller
Gusto, are, a. to taste, to sip, to fected.inclined, treated, handled, Iiara, ae,/. a hogsty, a pen, a coop
try, to listen to, to used Harifila, ae,/. a prophetess
Gustulum, n. a taste, a morsel
i, Habitus, us, m. a habit, a manner, Hariftlatio, onis,/. a divining
Gustus, us, m. a gust, a taste, a state, or fashion, an appearance, Haii61or, ari, at us sum, dep. to
smack, a relish, the sense of feature, carriage, or demeanour foretel
tasting [spot Hac, adv. by this way, or place HariOius, i, m. a soothsayer, a di-
Gutta, ae,/. a drop, a very little, a Hactenus, adv. hitherto, thus far, viner, a frantic fellow
Guttans, tis, part, dropping to this time, or place Harmamaxa, ae,/. a Persian litter
Guttatim, adv. by drops, drop by Hsedicftlus, i, m. a little kid HarmOnia, ae,/. harmony, melody,
drop [speckled Hredlle, is, n. a fold for kids a due proportion, analogy
Guttatus, a, um, part, spotted, Haedillus, i, to. dim. a little goat Harm5nicus, a, um, adj. harmo-
Guttula, a?,/, dim. a little drop Hsedinus, a, um, adj. of a kid nious
Guttur, tiris, n. and m. the throat Haedulus, m. dim. a little goat
i, Harpago, are, a. to hook, to grapple
Guttus, i, to. a cruise, a cruet Haedus, i, to. a kid Harpago, onis, m. a hook, a robber
Gymnas, adis, / a wrestling, a Haemorrhagia, ae, /. a flux of blood Harpastum, i, n. a ball, a cricket-
female wrestler Heemorrhois, Idis,/. the piles ball
GymnS.siarcha, ae, nt. a chief Haarediolum, i, n. dim. a small Haipax, agis, to. amber, a whirl
schoolmaster, a principal, or inheritance Harpe, es,/. a scimitar, a bayonet
head of a college Hjcredlpgta, ae, c. g. one who Harpyiffi, arum, pl.f. harpies
Gymnaisiarchus, i, to., the same seeks an inheritance, by flat- HSruspex, Icis, m. a soothsayer
Gymnasium, i, n. a place where tery, &c. [ditary Haruspica, ae,/. she that divines
wrestlers, &c. performed feats Haereditarius, a, um, adj. here- from the entrails of beasts
of activity, a school, a college Haereditas, atis, /. an heritage, an Haruspicma, ae,/. the art of divi-
Gymnasflcus, a, um, adj. gym- inheritance [estate nation
nastic, belonging to exercise Haeredium, i, n. a small estate, an Haruspicinus, a, um, adj. belong-
Gymnicus, a, um, part, belonging Haerens, tis, part, sticking fast ing to divination [divination
to exercise [raglio Haereo, ere, si, sum, n. to stick, to Haruspicium, i, n. soothsaying,
Gynaeceum, i, n. a nursery, a se- be fixed, or fastened, to con- Hasta, ae./. a spear, lance, or pike,
Gypsatio, onis,/. a plastering tinue, to remain, to sit, to lay an auction, a public sale
Gypsator, oris, m. a plasterer Haeres, edis, c. g. an heir, an Hastarium, i, n. the catalogue of
Gypsatus, a, um, part, plastered, heiress an auction
whited Haeresco, ere, incep. to continue Hastarius, a, um, adj. of or be-
Gypsum, i, n. plaster, mortar Haergsis, is, a heresy, a sect longing to auctions
Gyratilis, e, adj. turning about Haergtice, adv. heretically Hastatus, a, um, adj. carrying, or
Gyratio, onis,/. a turning about HaereYicus, a, um, adj. heretical fighting with spears
Gyratus, a, um, part, turned HsrSticus, i, to. a heretic Hasticus, a, um, adj. belonging
about Haesitabundus, a, um, adj. doubt- to a spear
Gyrgillus, a wheel, a reel
i, to. ful [stammering Hastlle, is, n. a spear, a halberd,
Gyro, are, a. to turn round Hffisitans, tis, part, doubting, a point •

Gyrus, i, to. a circle, a circuit, a Haesltantia, a?,/, a stammering Hastfda, ae,/ a small spear
compass, a revolution, a career Haesitatio, onis, /. hesitation, Hau, interj. alas O strange! !

doubt, a stammering, or stut- Haud, adv. not, in no wise

tering Haudquaquam, adv. by no means
Haesitator, oris, to. a delayer Hauriens, tis, part drawing
Haesitatus, a, um, part, doubted of Haurio, Ire, si, and Ivi, stum, and

Haeslto, are, n. to hesitate, to itum, a. to draw, to draw, oj

doubt, to falter, to stammer fetch up, to receive, to take in,
Ha, interj. ah, away Haesurus, a, um, part, that will to sup, drink, eat, or swallow
Habena, ae,/. the reins of a bridle, stick to, hang upon, or remain up, to drain, to exhaust, waste,
a whip, a lash, a thong Halans, tis, part, breathing, spend.
Habendus, um, part, to be had,
a, smelling Haustor, Oris, to. a drawer
possessed, made, accounted, &c. Halcyon, onis,/. a kingfisher Haustrum, i, n. a bucket, a pump
Habens, tis, part, having Halec, ecis, /. and n. a herring, Haustus, a, um, part, drawn,
Habenula, ae, /. a little bridle, a brine taken up/swallowed up, drunk in
thong Halecula, ae,/. a sprat [vapour Haustus, us, m. a draught, a sup
Habeo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to have, Halitus, us, m. breath, a gasp, a Hausurus, a, um, part, about to
to possess, to enjoy, to embrace, Hallex, icis,/. a great toe suffer
to hold, to contain, to keep, to Hallucinans, tis, part, blundering He, interj. alas well-a-day
! !

get, or acquire, to handle, or Hallucinatio, onis,/. a blunder HeautontlmorumSnos, i, ro. the

use, to act, to manage, to esteem Halluctnator, 6ris, m. a blunderer self-tormenter, one of Terence'g
iiabilig, e, adj. ior, cornp. isslrnus, Halluclnor, ari, dep. to blunder Comedies
Hebdomada, se,/. a week [ebony Herba, se, /. an herb, a weed, Hlberna, 6rum, pi. n. winter quar-
Hebenus, i, /. an ebony-tree, grass, the blade of corn, &c. ters, winter-houses
Hgbeo, ere, ui, n. to be blunt, Herbaceus, a, um, adj. grassy, Hlbernacula, Orum, pi. n winter-
dull, or heavy made of herbs, or grass quarters
Hebes, gtis, adj. ior, comp. issi- Herbarius, a, um, adj. of herbs Hibernaturus, a, um, part, about
mus, superl. blunt, dull, slow, Herbarius, i, m. a botanist to winter
stupid, heavy, inactive, void of Herbasco, or Herbesco, gre, incep. Hlberno, are, n. to winter, to be
spirit to produce grass, to grow in winter-quarters
Hebesco, ere, incep. to grow green Hibernus, a, um, adj. of winter
blunt, dull, dim, languid, or Herbescens, tis, part, growing Hibiscum, i, n. or Hibiscus, i, m.
feeble green [grass a marsh-mallow, a bulrush
Hebetans, tis, part, making dull Herbeus, a, um, adj. green as Hibrlda, and Hybrida, also Ibrida,
Hgbgtatio, onis, /. a making Herbldus, a, um, adj. full of ae, c. g. a mongrel
blunt, or dull grass Hie, haec, hoc, pron. demon, this,
Hgbgtatrix, Icis,/. she that makes Herbifer, a, um, adj. bringing this, so great, such
blunt, or dull forth herbs, or grass, green, Hie, or Heic, adv. here, in this
Hgbgtatus, a, um, part, made verdant [grass place, in this affair, or matter,
blunt, dull, or stupid Herbigradus, adj. going on the upon this, hereupon [verj
H£betesco, ere, the same Herbilis, e, adj. fed with grass Hicce, haecce, hocce, this, this
Heb6to, are, a. to make blunt, or Herbosus, a, um, adj. issimus, Hiccine, haecclne, hoccine ? this
dull, to blunt [ness superl. full of herbs, or grass, man ? this woman ? this thing ?
Hebetudo, inis,/. bluntness, dul- grassy Hiccine, adv. here ?
Hecatombe, es, /. a sacrifice of a Herbiila, se,/. dim. a little herb Higmalis, e, adj. winterly, of
hundred oxen, &c. Hercaeus, a, um, adj. a name of winter
Hecjfra,ae, /. a mother-in-law Jupiter, the defender of inclo- Hiematio, 6nis, /. a wintering, a
Hedera, ae,/ the ivy, the ivy-tree sures support in winter
Hgdgraceus, a, um, adj. of ivy Hercisco, fire, a. to divide, to part Hiematurus, a, um, part, about to
Hgdgrlger, a, um, adj. bearing ivy Hercius, i, m. a portcullis be cold, or stormy [frozen
Hederatus, a, um, part, crowned, Hercle, adv. by Hercules Hifimatus, a, um, part, wintered,
adorned with ivy Herculanus, a, um, adj. great, Hiemo, are, n. to winter, to take
Hgdgrosus, a, um, adj. full of ivy huge up winter-quarters, to be cold
HSdrychum, i, n. a sweet oint- Herciile, adv. by Hercules Hiems, gmis, /. winter, a storm,
ment Herculeus, a, um, adj. of Hercules, tempest, a year
Hgdysm&ta, um, pi. n. sweet- great, huge, stout, powerful Hifira, ae,/. a sacred garland
meats, sauces, perfumed oint- Here, adv. yesterday, yesternight Hierarcha, ae, m. a prelate, a
Hei ! interj. wo ! alas ! [ments Herl, adv. yesterday bishop
Heja ! interj. O brave ! Herifuga, se, c. g. a runagate, a Higraticus, a, um, adj. priestly
Helciarius, i, to. he that hales a runaway Hieroglyphlcus, a, um, adj. hiero-
barge, a bargeman Herllis, e, adj. belonging to a mas- glyphical
Heliacus, a, um, adj. belonging ter, or mistress Higronices, ae, m. a conqueror in
to the sun Herma, ae, m. a statue of Mercury the sacred games
Helice, es,/. the great bear Hermaphrodltus, i, m. an herma- Higrophas, antis, m. the chief
Heliotrdpium, i, n. the herb turn- phrodite priest at Athens [about
sole Hernia, ae,/. a rupture Higto, are, n. to gape, to stare
Helix, icis, to. a creeping ivy Heroicus, a, um, adj. heroic, epic Hilarans, tis, part, cheering
HellebSrosus, a, um, adj. full of Herolna, se,/. a heroine Hilaratus, a, um, part, made
hellebore Herois, idis,/. a lady of quality merry, exhilarated
Hetleborum, i, m. and HellebS- Hgros, ols, m. a hero, a man of Hilare, adv. ius, comp. issime,
rus, i, to. the herb hellebore singular virtue, a ghost superl. merrily, cheerfully, gaily,
Hellgnismus, i, m. a grecism Heroum, i, n. a monument, or joyfully
Hellnatio, or Heluatio, onis, /. tomb Hilaresco, £re, n. to grow merry
gluttony, greediness [ton Herous, a, um, adj. heroic, epic Hilaris, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
Hdluo, or Heluo, onis, m. a glut- Herpes, etis, m. St. Anthony's fire superl. merry, cheerful, jovial,
Helluor, and Heluor, ari, atus Hgrus, i, m. a master of a family, jolly, pleasant
sum, dep. to gormandize, to a master, an eldest son Hilaritas, atis, mirth, merri-/
guttle, to devour, or consume Hespgrius,. a, um, adj. western ment, cheerfulness, pleasantry
Helvinus, a, um, adj. of a flesh- Hesperugo, Inis, /. the evening Hilariter, adv. merrily, pleasantly
colour star Hilaritudo, Inis, /. mirth, cheer-
HelvSlus, and Helveolus, a, um, Hesperus, i, m. the evening star, fulness, gaiety, joy
adj. pale the evening Hilaro, are, a. to make merry, to-
Helvus, a, um, adj. of a pale red Hesternus, a, um, adj. of yester- cheer, to delight
HemgrodriJmus, i, m. a day courier day, or yesternight Hilariilus, a, um, adj. dim. some-
Hemlcyclus, i, m. a semicircle Hfitasria, ae,/ a society, a college what pleasant [ful
Hemlna, se, f. half a sextary, Heteroclitus, a, um, adj. hetero- Hilarus, a, um, adj. merry, cheer-
three quarters of a pint clitical, irregular in declining Hilla, or Hlla, ae,/. the small gut,
Heminarius, a, um, adj. holding Heu ! interj. wo ! alas 1 O ! a chitterling [trifle
a hemina Heuretes, ae, m. an inventor, an Hilum, i, n. a mere nothing, a
Hemisphaerium, i, n. ahemisphere author Hlnc, adv. hence, upon this, from
Hemistlchium, i, n. a half verse Heus adv. ho, soho,
! ho there, this place, cause, matter, or
Hemitonium, i, n. a half tone consider, mind person, henceforth, out of this,
Hemltritaeus, i, to. a semitertian Hex&gonus, a, um, adj. hexagonal part of this
ague Hexameter, a, um, adj. of six feet Hinna, se,/. a hind, a mule
Hendgcasyllabus, i, m. a verse Hexapla, pi. n. a work in six Hinniculus. i, m. a young, or
containing eleven syllables columns little mule
Hepar, atis, n. the liver, a rare Hexeres, is, /. a galley with six Hinnio, Ire, n. to neigh
fish banks of oars Hinnitus, (is, to. a neighing
Hep&tarius, a, um, adj. of the liver Hiandus, a, um, part, to be Hinniileus, and Hinnulus, i, m. a
Hepaticus, a, um, adj. of the liver yawned. young hind, a fawn, a kid
Hepteres, is, /. a seven-banked Hians, tis, part, gaping, yawning, Hinnus, i, m. a mule, a nag
galley disjointed, craving Hio, are, n. to gape, to yawn, to
Hgra, ae, /. a dame, a mistress, a Hiasco, fire, n. to chink, to open open wide, to open, to chap, to
lady, the herb clary Hiatus, us, m. a gaping, or yawn- be loose, or disjoined, to gape
Heracleon, i, n. the herb milfoil, ing, a gasping, a chapping, after
or yarrow [Hercules cleaving, or opening, a disjoint- Hippagus, i, to. a horse-boat
Heracleus, a, um, adj. fit for a ing, a parting, a gap Hippbcampus, i,m. a sea-horse
Hippodamus, i, m. a breaker of , a homily, a sermon
ae,/. Horol6gium, i, n. a clock, a watch,
horses H6mo, inis, c. g. a man, or wo- a dial
HippOdrOmus, i, m. a coursing, a man, a mortal, a person, a HoroscOpium, i, n. a dial
tilt-yard stout, brave, fine, clever, or H6rosc6pus, i, m. a horoscope
HippOmanes, n. indecl. a poison, wise man [parts Horrendum, adv. dreadfully
a raging humour in mares, a H6moe6mena, as, /. a likeness of Horrendus, a, um, part, and adj.
piece of flesh on the forehead HOmoggneus, a, um, adj. homo- horrible, terrible, dreadful, dis-
of a colt newly foaled geneous, similar, like, of the mal, strange, marvellous
HipponSmus, i, to. a horsekeeper same kind [extended Horrens, tis, part, and adj. rough,
Hipp&pera, ae,/. a cloak -bag H6mot6nus, a, um, adj. equally ragged, rugged, standing up on
Hipp6potamus, i, to. a monstrous H8mulus, i, m. dim. a dwarf end, prickly, dark, dismal
creature in the Nile and H8mullus, i, to. a weak man Horreo, ere, ui, n. to be rough, to
Ganges, the river-horse Hftmuncio, onis, to. a scrub, a look terrible, to shake, quake,
Hipp6tox6ta, ae, m. an archer on rascal shiver, or tremble, to shudder
horseback H&muncfilus, i, to. dim. a little at, dread [garner
Hippurus, i, m. golden fish sorry fellow HorreSlum, i, n. dim. a little
Hippus, i, to. a sea fish H5nestamentum, i, n. an orna- Horrescens, tis, part, dreading
Hira, ae,/. the small gut ment, an embellishment Horresco, ere, incep. to grow

Hircinus, and Hirquinus, a, um, Honestandus, a, um, part, to be rough, or rugged, to begin to
adj. of a goat, goatish, ram- honoured, &c. shake, to wave, to shudder at

mish [a goat Honestans, tis, part, adorned Horreum, i, n. a barn, a granary,

Hircosus, a, um, adj. smelling like HSnestas, atis, /. honesty, probity, a storehouse, a repository, a
Hircus, and Hirquus, i, to. a he- honour, nobility, eminence, warehouse, a cellar
goat, lecherous old fellow, the dignity, credit [credited Horribilis, e, adj. ior, comp. hor-
rank smell of the armholes, a H6nestatus, a, um, part, adorned, rible, terrible, dreadful, fright-
cuckold HOneste, adv. ius, comp. issime, ful, rough, awful, reverend
Hirrio, ire, Ivi, n. to grin, or snarl superl. honestly, honourably, HorribUlter, adv. horribly, hor-
Hirsutia, ae, /. roughness of hair becomingly ridly

Hirsutus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. H6nesto, are, a. to grace, to adorn, Horricomis, e, adj. with hair on
rough, hairy, shaggy, prickly, to embellish, to set off an end, bristly, shaggy
rugged H6nestum, i, n. honesty, virtue HorridS, adv. roughly, rudely
Hirtus, a, um, adj. rough, hairy, Honestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Ilorridulus, a, um, adj. somewhat
shaggy, rugged, unpolished issimus, superl. honest, honour- rough, rugged, or rude, large
Hirudo, Inis, /. a horseleech, a able, discreet, chaste, decent, Horridus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
blood-sucker, an exhauster becoming, kind, civil, genteel, horrid, horrible, dreadful, hide-
HIrundlninus, a, um, adj. per- handsome ous, frightful, rough, rugged,
taining to a swallow H6nor and H5nos, m. ho- Oris, clownish, grave, austere, un-
HIrundo, Inis, /. a swallow, a sea- nour, respect, regard, worship, pleasant, cold
bat, the spring an office, post, or dignity, Horrifer, £ra, 6rum, adj. bringing
Hiscens, tis, part, gaping, opening gracefulness cold weather, blustering, dread-
Hisco, fire, incep. to gape, to H&norabllis, e, adj. honourable ful
chap, to open, to open the H6n6rabillter, adv. honourably Horrifice, adv. horribly, terribly,
mouth [hair HOnorandus, a, um, part, to be frightfully, awfully, religiously
Hispldosus, a, um, adj. full of honoured Horrifico, are, o. to frighten
Hispldus, a, um, adj. rough, Honorarium, i, n. an honorary, or Horrlficus, a, um, adj. frightful
bristly, shaggy, prickly, rugged, free gift, a present, a physi- HorrisOnus, a, um, adj. making a
unpleasant [rative cian's, or lawyer's fee dreadful noise
Hist6ria, ae, /. a history, or nar- Honorarius, a, um, adj. honorary, Horror, oris, m. a horror, a dread,
HistOrialis, e, adj. historical pertaining to honour a great fear, a fright, a shiver-
Historice, es, /. the narrative Honoratfe, adv. ius, comp. issime, ing, or shaking, a cold fit
Hist6ricus, a, um, adj. historical mtperl. honourably, worship- Horsum, adv. hitherward, hither
HistOricus, i, m. an historian fully Hortamen, inis, n. an encourage-
HistOriographus, i, m. an histo- Honoratus, a, um, part, and adj. ment
riographer ior, comp. issimus, superl. ho- Hortamentum, i, n. the same

Histricus, a, um, adj. belonging noured, rewarded, honourable Hortandus, a, um, vart. to ex-
to the stage, &c. HOnorifice, adv. centius, comp. hort, or to be exhorted
Histrio, 6nis, to. a stage-player, centissime, superl. honourably, Hortans, tis, part, exhorting,
an actor, a buffoon, a quack with honour advising
Histrionalis, e, adj. theatrical H6n6rlf Icus, a, um, adj. centior, Hortatio, onis,/. an exhortation,
HistriSnia, ae, /. the art of acting comp. centissimus, superl. ho- or encouragement [tive
Histrionlcus, a, um, adj. thea- nourable, creditable, done Hortativus, a, um, adj. exhorta-
trical H6n6ro, are, a. to honour, to re- Hortator, oris, to. an encourager,
Hiulce, adv. gapingly, by gaps verence, to respect, to reward an adviser
Hiulco, are, a. to make, to gape, Honorus, a, um, adj. honourable Hortatrix, icis,/. the same
to cleave H5nos, same as Honor Hortatus, a, um, part, exhorted,
Hiulcus, a, um, adj. gaping, Hopl6machus, i, m. a sword- encouraged, having encouraged,
chapping, not close, greedy, fencer or cheered
Hocce,n. this same [ravenous Hora, ae, /. an hour, a day, a Hortatus, us, m. same as Hortatio
Hoccine? this? month, &c. time, a time, or Hortensis, e, adj. growing in, or
Hodie, adv. to-dav, this day, at season, the time of one's birth, pertaining to a garden
this time, in this age or death Hortensius, a, um, adj. the same
H&diernus, a, um, adj. of this day Horarium, i, «. an instrument to Hortor, ari, dep. to exhort, coun-
Hoediculus, &c. same as Haedicu- know the hour by the help of sel, or advise, to encourage,
lus, &c. water, an hour-glass, clock, embolden, or cheer
Hoi interj. the voice of crying
! watch, dial, &c. Hortiilanus, i, m. a gardener
H6l6caustum, i, n. a holocaust, a Horarius, a, um, adj. hourly Hortulus, i, m.dim. a little garden
whole burnt-offering Hordeaceus, a, um, adj. of barley Hortus, i, to. a garden, or or-
H6l6graphicus, a, um, adj. or Hordearius, a, um, adj. relating chard
H6l6graphus, wholly written to barley, living upon barley Hospes, Itis, c. g. a guest, a host,
by a man's own hand Hordeum, i, n. barley a landlord, a friend, a stranger
HSlosericus, a, um, adj. made all Hordeus, a, um, adj. of barley Hospita, ae, /. a hostess, a stran-
of silk H6ria, ae,/. a fishing smack ger
Hdmlcida, ae, c. g. a man slayer, a Horndtinus, a, um, adj. of this Hospitalis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi-
murderer year mus, superl. hospitable, using
Homlcldiv.m, i, n. homicide Hornus, a, um, adj. of this year hospitality, friendiy,
105 V 3
Hospit&lltas, atis,/. hospitality Hiiml, adv. on the ground II?pi)8ti<ms, a, um, adj. causing
Hospitaliter, adv. hospitably, Humlde, adv. moistly sleep [house
friendly Humiditas, atis, /. humidity, HypOcaustum, i, n. a stove, a hot.

Hospitans, tis, part, dwelling moisture Hypochondria, orum, pi. n. thai

HospitiOlum, i, n. dim. a little inn Humido, are, a. to moisten, to wet part of the body under the short
Hospitium, i, n. an inn, a place Humidulus, a, um, adj. dampish ribs [hypochondriacal
to entertain strangers, or guests, Humidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. HypOchondriacus, a, um, adj.
a lodging, a shelter, a retreat, issimus, superl. moist, wet, Hypocrisis, is,/, hypocrisy
hospitality, entertainment damp [moisture Hypocrita, ae, m. a hypocrite, a
Hospitor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Humifer, fira, grum, adj. briuging prompter
lodge, or quarter, to abide, or Humif ico, are, a. to moisten HypOdidascalus, i, m. an under-
stay, to grow in a strange place Humificus, a, um, part, that teacher, an usher in a school
Hospitus, a, um, adj. hospitable, moistens HypOgastrium, i, n. what reaches
friendly, strange, neighbouring, Humiliatio, Onis,/. humiliation from the navel to the privities
adjoining Humiliatus, a, um, part, humbled HypOgeum, i, n. a cellar, a vault

Hostia, se, /. a sacrifice, the host Htimilio, are, a. to humble, to Hypostasis, eos, /. a substance,
Hosticum, i, n. a foreign country abase or person of the blessed Trinity,
inn, an enemy's country Humilis, e, adj. ior, comp. illi- a sediment
Kosticus, a, um, adj. hostile, per- mus, superl. humble, lowly, sub- HypOtenusa, ae,/an hypothenuse,
taining to an enemy missive, suppliant, low, mean, the line under the arch of the
Hostiier, 6ra, erum, adj. occa- poor, trifling, small, little, circle
sioning enmity feeble HypOtheca, ae,/. a pledge
Hostllis, e, adj. hostile, hitter Humilitas, atis, /. humility, low- Hypothesis, is or eos, /. a suppj*
Hostilitas, atis, /. hostility, en- liness, lowness, meanness, sition, a pretext, or preteBdejTi
mity [ner poorness, weakness, inability, case in law, the argument, 'or
Hostiliter, adv. in a hostile man- baseness, a depreciating contents of a book
Hostio, to return like
ire, ivi, a. Humiliter, adv. ius, comp. illime, HypOthetlcus, a, um, adj. con-
for like, to requite, to stop superl. humbly, submissively, ditional
Hostis, is, c. g. an enemy, a foe, a lowly, meanly, abjectly, basely, Hyssopus, i, m., and HyssOpum,
foreigner, a stranger obscurely i, n. the herb hyssop
Hostus, i, m. oil yielded at one HumipSta, ae, m. a sparrow hawk Hysterica^, arum, pl.f. hysterics
pressing of olives Humo, are, a. to set, or lay in -the Hystrix, Ids,/, a porcupine
Huber, eris, n. an udder ground, to bury, to inter
Hue, adv. hither, to this place, to Humor, oris, m. a humour, mois-
this issue ture, water, any liquid, juice,
Huccine, adv. what hither? sap, &c.
Hucusque, adv. hithertc Humus, i,/, ground, earth, land
Hui, interj. ho whew ! ! Hyacmthinus, a, um, adj. of a
Hujusce, gen. of Hicce, which see violet, or purple colour imp. from eo, is, go
I, ito,
HujuscemOdi, adj. of this sort, Hyacinthus, i, m. a hyacinth, a lambeus, a, um, adj. of Iambic
such jacinth [ambicus, a, um, adj. Iambic
HujusmOdi, the same Hyaena, ae, /. a beast like a wolf, Iambus, i, m. a foot in verse, hav.
Huinandus, a, um, part, to he a sea-fish, a serpent ing the first syllable short and
buried, or interred Hyalus, i, m. glass, a green colour the other long
H Oman 6, adv. ius, comp. issime, Hyberna, same as Hiberna Ianthina, orum, pi. n. garments
superl. humanely, friendly, Hybemo, same as Hiberno of a violet, or purple colour
kindly, civilly, obligingly Hybernus, same as Hibernus lanthinus, a, um, adj. purple
Humanitas, atis, /. humanity, Hybrida, ae, c. g. a mongrel Ianthum, i, n. a violet
human nature, friendliness, Hydra, se,/. a water-serpent Iapix, ygis, m. the west-wind
kindness, civility, goed-nature, Hydrargyrum, i, n. quicksilver Iaspideus, a, um, adj. of jasper
gentleness, courtesy, good man- Hydraulicus, a, um, adj. hydraulic colour
ners Hydria, se,/. a water-pot, abucket Iaspis, idis, f. a stone of a green
Humaniter, adv iiis, comp. issi- Hydrocele, es, /. the cod-rupture „ colour, a jasper
me, superl. courteously, kindly, HydrOmantia, ae, /. divination by lberica, ae,/. a kind of herb
patiently, bravely water Ibex, icis, m. a wild goat
Humanitus, adv. as men are wont Hvdromeli, n. indecl. metheglin Ibi, adv. there, then, therein, in
Humanus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Hydr6ph6bia, ae, /. the fear of „ that thing, in that state
issimus, superl. human, belong- water Ibidem, adv. there, in the same
ing to mankind, or a rational HydrOphObus, i, m. one afraid of place, thing, or case
creature, humane,friendly, kind, water Ibis, idis and is,/, a stork, a snipe
civil, obliging, gentle, courteous HvdrOphylai, &cis, m. a water- Ichneumon, Onis, m. a large rat
Humatio, onis, /. a burying bailiff [cal Ichnographia, ee, /. a plan, a
Humator, oris, m. one that buries Hydropicus, a, um, adj. hydropi- model
Humaturus, a, um, part, about to Hydrops, opis, m. the dropsy Ico, 6re, ci,ctum, a. to strike, to
bury [interred Hydrus, i, m. a water-serpent, any smite, to beat away
Humatus, a, um, part, buried, serpent Icon, Onis,/. an image, picture, or
Humectans, tis, part, moistening Hy6ma.Ua, ium, pi. n. winter- statue, a figure in rhetoric
Humectatus, a, um, part, moisten- quarters IcOnicus, a, um, adj. exact, made,
ed, wetted Hyemalis, &c, same as Hiemalis, &c. to the life
Humecte, adv. moistly [wet Hyems, same as Hiems Icrium, i, n. a cross set upon a
Humecto, are, a. to moisten, or Hylax, acis, m. the same tomb, or in the highway
Humectus, a, um, adj. moist, HJmen, finis, m. the god of mar- IctSricus, a, um, adj. sick of the
dampish [tened riage, marriage, a thin skin jaundice
Humefactus, a, um, part, mois- Hymenaeus, i, m. marriage, a Icterus, i, m. the jaundice, a bird
II omens, tis,part, moist marriage-song Ictiirus, a, um, part, about to
Humeo, ere, ui, n. to be wet, to Hymnifer, fira, 6rum, adj. that strike
be moistened brings hymns, or songs Ictus, a, um, part, stricken,
Hilmgrale, is, n. a graduate's hood Hvmnus, i, m. a hymn, a song wounded, killed, blasted, in-
Humerosus, a, um,
adj. having Hypate, es,/. the bass-string cited, moved
great shoulders, full of risings Hyperbole, es, /. an hyperbole, an Ictus, (is, m. a stroke, a blow, a
Humerus, i, m. a shoulder, a stalk exaggeration rap, a sting, a blast, a pulsation
Humescens, tis, part, growing HyperbOlice, adv. hyperbolically Icuncula, ae, /. a little image, a
moist HyperbOlicus, a, um, adj. hyper- Id, pron. that [puppet
ITumesco, Sre, incep. to grow bolical [north ldcirco, conj. therefore, for that
BiOUt, or wet HyperbOreus, a, um, adj. far cause, on that accoun*
J 06
I «, /. an idea, a model, or
tea, Ignomfniatus, *a, um, part, dis- Illatio, Onis, /. an inference, an
pattern graced interment
Idem, eadem, Idem, pron. the IgnomlniSse, adv. disgracefully, are, n. to bark against
same, the selfsame, self, alike Ignominiosus, a, um, adj. igno- Illaturus, a, um, part, about to
Identldem, adv. now and then, minious, infamous, disgraceful briug in [inferred
sundry times, often, ever and Ignorabilis, e, adj. that is, or may Hiatus, a, um, part, brought in,
anon easily be unknown Illaudabilis, e, adj. unworthy of
Ideo, conj. therefore, for that Ignorandus, a, um, part, to be praise
cause taken no notice of Illaudatus, a, um, part, not
|di6ma, atis, n. an idiom Ignorans, tis, part, not knowing, worthy to be praised, or named
Idiota, a;, to. an idiot, an illiterate, ignorant Hie, ilia, illud, pron. rel. he, she,
or private man [speech Ignoranter, adv. ignorantly that, one, some one, the one,
IdiStismus, i, m. a propriety of Ignorantia, ae,/. ignorance the selfsame
Idololatra, a;, c. g. an idolater Ignoratio, onis,/., the same Illgcgbra, ae, f. an enticement, ot
IdolSlatria, »,/. idolatry Ignoraturus, a, um, part, about allurement, a charm, an entice!
IdOlum, i, n. an idol, an image, to be ignorant of Iliecgbratio, onis,/. an alluring
a spectre, or apparition Ignoratus, a, um, part, unknown I116c£brator, oris, to. an enticer
Jdonea, orum, pi. n. tit places Ignoro, are, a. not to know Illgcgbrose, adv. ius, comp. en-
1 donee, adv. fitly, aptly, conveni- Ignoscendus, a, um, part, to be ticingly, alluringly
I ently pardoned Ille'ce'brosus, a, um, adj. full of
Idoneus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Ignoscens, tis, part, pardoning enticements, allurements
fit, meet, proper, suitable, con- Ignoscentia, ae,/. pardon, forgive- Illecto, are, a. to entice, to allure
venient, sufficient, able, sub- ness Illectus, a, um, part, enticed,
it Ignosco, £re, 6vi, otum, a. to allured
I<hls uum,
. lbus, pi. f. the ides of pardon, to forgive, to excuse, Illectus, us, m. an allurement
: the eighth day after to know [pardon Illegitrme, adv, unlawfully
a month,
the nones Ignoturus, a, um, part, that will Illegitlmus, a, um, adj. illegiti-
Idyllium, i, n. a pastoral Ignotus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. mate, unlawful, base-born
lens, euntis, part, going issimus, superl. unknown, ig- Illemet, pron. he, himself
Igitur, conj. therefore, then, norant Illeplde, adv. unhandsomely,
thereupon, for lie, is, n. the flank [gut grossly, badly
Ignarus, a, um, adj. ignorant, Ileos, or Ileus, ei, m. the small Illgpidus, a, um, adj. unhandsome,
unskilful, unacquainted with Ilex, Icis,/. the scarlet oak ungraceful, disagreeable
Ignave, adv. ius, comp. idly, lazily, ilia, um, pi. n. the flank, the Illex, egis, c. g. an outlaw
slowly, cowardly, meanly small gut Illex, Icis, adj. enticing, alluring
Ignavia, x, f. idleness, laziness, Ilias, the Iliad, a poem
adis, /. icis, /. an entice-
Illex, or Illix,
sluggishness, indolence, inac- of Homer's on the destruction ment, an allurement, a decoy
tivity, cowardliness, fatness of Troy 1111, adv. for Illic, there
Ignavitas, atis,/. same as Ignavia Illcet, adv. you may go when you Illlbabilis, e, adj. undefiled, pure
Ignavlter, adv. idly, lazily list,the business is over, im- DUbate, adv. purely
Ignavus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. mediately, forthwith Illibatus, a, um, adj. untouched,
isslmus, superl. idle, lazy, sloth- Ittcetum, i, n. a grove of oaks undefiled, pure
ful, sluggish, indolent, inactive, Ulceus, a, um, adj. of oak, or holm IllibSralis, e, adj. illiberal, un-
cowardly, base, mean Iligneus, a, um, adj., and Tlignus, genteel, unbecoming, low, mean,
Ignescens, tis, part, growing hot of holm homely
like fire Iliosus, a, um, adj. broken-winded Illibgralitas, atis, /. illiberally,
Ignesco, ere, incep. to be on fire, Illabgfactus, a, um, part, never niggardliness [meanly
to take fire, to inflame weakened, or made feeble IllibSraliter, adv. illiberally,
Igneus, a, um, adj. fiery, hot, Illabens, tis, part, sliding in, Illic, illa:c,illuc,/o>-Ille, ilia, illud
bright, shining [tinder entering llllc,adv. there, in that place
Igniarium, i, n. a tinder-box, Illabor, i, psus sum, dep. to slide, Illiciendus, a, um, part, to be
Igniarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- flow, or glide in, to enter, to fall allured
longing to fire down [ed Illicio, fire, exi, ectum, a. to en-
Ignicolor, or IgnicOlorus, a, um, Illaboratus, a, um,;>ffrf.unlabour- tice, to allure, to inveigle
adj. flame-coloured Illaboro, are, a. to take pains Illicitator, oris, to. one who bids
Igntcomus, a, um, adj. having Iliac, adv. on that side, that way, at an auction to raise the price,
flaming tresses, red-haired with, or for .that party a mock purchaser
Igniculus, i, m. a little fire, an Illac6rabilis, e, adj. that cannot Illicite, adv. unlawfully
instinct [fiery be torn [voked Illicitus, a, um, adj. unlawful
Ignifer, a, um, adj. bearing fire, Iliaces.sltus, a, um, part, unpro- Illicium, i, n. an enticement
Ignlfluus, a, um, adj. flowing Illachrymabilis, e, adj. not "to be Hlic6, adv. in that very place,
with fire moved with tears, unlamented there, immediately, forthwith
Ignigena, se, c. g. one born in fire Illachrfmandus, a, um, part. Illldens, tis, part, dashing against
Igniggp-js, a, um, adj. producing worthy to be lamented Illldo, Inlido, 6re, si, sum, a. to
fire Illachrf mans, tis, part, lamenting dash, or beat against, to thrust
Ignipes, 6dis, adj. having fieryfeet Illachr^mo, are, re., and Illachi J- into
IgnTpOtens, tis, adj. mighty by mor, ari, atus sum, dep. to weep Illigans, tis, part, tying, fastening
fire over, to lament, or bewail, to Illtgatio, onis,/. an entangling
Ignis, is, to. fire, a flame, light- shed tears Illlgaturus, a, um, part, about to
ning, a thunderbolt, wrath Illaeslbllis, e, adj. not to be hurt tie
Ignispicium, i, n. divination by fire Illaesus, a, um, adj. unhurt, un- Hligatus, a, um, part, bound,
Ignitabftlum, i, n. a chaffing-'dish, injured, sound, uncorrupted tied, fastened, entangled, en-
a warming-pan Illsctabtlis, e, adj. sorrowful gaged, obliged
Ignitus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. lllapsus, a, um, part, slidden in, Illigo, are, a. to bind, to tie, to
burning, fiery, hot falling upon entangle, to intermix, to wrap
Ignivfimus, a, um, adj. spitting lllapsus, us, m. a sliding in Illrmis, e, adj. without mud, clear
fire IHaqueatio, onis,/. an ensnaring Illlnc, adv. from thence, from
Ignobflis, e, adj. ior, comp. isst- lllaqueatus, a, um, part, en- that place, thing, person, or
mus, superl. ignoble, base, scan- tangled [bias party. Klnc illinc, on ever?
dalous, disgraceful, mean, mean- Illaqueo, are, a. to entangle, to side [anointed
ly born, or descended, vulgar Illatebro, are, a. to hide in cor Illlnendus, a, um, part, to be
IgnObllitas, atis,/. ignobleness ners Illtnio, ire, ivi, Itum, a. to anoint
Ign5bffiter, adv. ignobly, meanly IllatebrSsus, a, tim, adj. full of Illino, ?re, lini, livi, and levL
Ignomtnia, ae, f. ignominy, dis- corners, or lurking-plapes litum, a. to anoint, or besmcHr
grace, reproach, discredit Illatgnus, adc. so far fort*. to daub, to lay over, or coloiu-
IJUqugfacio, ere, fici, actum, a. to Imaginor, Sri, atus sum, dep. to Immeans, part, going In
melt „ imagine, to conceive Immediate, adv. immediately
Illiquefactus, a, urn, part, melted Imaginosus, a, um, adj. whimsical Immedicabilis, e, adj. incurable
Tlllsus, a, um, part, dashed, or Imago, inis,/. an image, a statue, Immeio, ere, minxi, mictum, a,
beaten against a picture, or portrait, a resem- to make water in, or upon
Illisus, us, m. a dashing against blance, likeness, or represen- Immgmor, Oris, adj. unmindful,
Mitgratus, a, um, adj. issimus, tation, a copy, pattern, or ex- forgetful, ungrateful
superl. illiterate, unlearned ample, an appearance, a vision, ImmgmOrabilis, e, adj. not worth
Mitus, a, um, part, besmeared, a spectre, or ghost remembrance, or notice, unde-
stained, dipt, tinctured, tainted Imaguncula, a?,/, a little image scribable
Mitus, us, m. an anointing Imbecillis, e. adj. ior, comp. issi- ImmgmOratus, a, um, adj. un-
UliusmOdi, adj. indecl. of that mus and illlmus, superl. weak, mentioned, never told before
sort feeble, faint, ineffectual Immense, adv. immensely, vastly
1116, adv. thither, to that place Imbecillitas, atis, /. imbecility, Immensitas, atis, /. immensity
MOcabllis, e, adj. that cannot be weakness, feebleness Immensus, a, um, adj. immense,
hired, let out, or bestowed in Imbecilliter, adv. weakly, faintly vast, huge, very great, immea-
Imbecillus, a, um, adj. feeble, lazy surable, infinite
Imbellis, e, adj. ior, comp. unfit Immeo, are, n. to go, or enter in
IllOtus, a, um, part, unwashed, for war, not suited to war, free Immerens, tis, adj. undeserving,
slovenlv, nasty from war, unwarlike. innocent
Illuc,/or"lllud, that thing Imber, bris, nt. a shower, rain, Immerenter, adv. undeservedly
Mile, adv. thither water, moisture, tears Immergo, ere, si, sum, a. to ira-
Illuceo, ere, xi, n. to shine upon, Imberbis, e, adj. beardless, merge, to sink deep, to plunge,
or out, to be day smooth to empty
Illucesco, gre, incep., the same Imbibo, fire, ibi, itum, a. to im- Immerito, adv. issime, superl. un-
Illuctans, tis, part, struggling bibe, to drink, suck, or receive in deservedly, without cause
Illuctor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Imbrex, icis, m. a gutter-tile, a Immeritum, i, n. a want of desert
wrestle, to struggle roof-tile Immgritus, a, um, adj. unde-
Mudens, Inludens, tis, part. Imbricatlm, adv. like roof-tiles served, undeserving
mocking, deriding Imbricatus, a, um, part, tiled, like Immersabilis, e, adj. that cannot
Illudo, ere, si, sum, a. to mock, to tiles, crooked be plunged, or drowned
deride, to laugh, to scorn Imbrico, are, a. to cover with tiles Immerso, are, a. to plunge in
Illumen, inis, adj. void of light Imbricus, a, um, adj. showery, water
Illuminandus, a, um, part, to clear rainy Immersus, a, um, part, plunged,
up Imbrifer, era, grum, adj. that dipt over head and ears
Illuminate, adv- clearly, plainly brings rain, rainy Immetatus, a, um, adj. unmea-
Muminatio, onis,/. an enlighten- Imbuendus, a, um, part, to be sured, unlimited
ing [ener tinged, anointed, seasoned, fur- Immigratio, onis, /. a shifting, or
Illuminator, 6ris, m. an enlight- nished entering into a place
Muminatus, a, um, part, en- Imbuo, gre, ui, utum,
to imbue,a. Immigro, are, n. to pass, enter, or
lightened to tincture, to tinge, to stain, come into
Illumino, are, a. to illuminate, to to die, to wet, to soak, or sea- Imminens, tis,part. hanging over,
enlighten, to adorn, to set off son, to habituate, or accustom near at hand, near, ready to
Muminus, a, um, adj. without Imbutus, a, um, part, imbued, come upon us, approaching,
light, dark stained, dipped, soaked, sea- awaiting, watching for
Munis, e, adj. moonless, dark soned, accustomed, tainted, in- Imminentia, ae,/. a hanging over
Illunus, a, um, adj., the same „ fecied Immineo, ere, ui, n. to hang over,
Musio, onis, /. an illusion, a Imitabilis, e, adj. imitable to impend, to be near, or at
mocking Imilamen, inis, n. an imitation hand, to await, to threaten, to
m. amocker, a scoffer
Illiisor, oris, Imitamentum, i, n. an imitation watch, or lie in wait for, to
Mustramentum, i, n. an embel- Imitandus, a, um, part, to be irai- have a design upon
lishment „ tated [semblmg Imminuo, gre, ui, utum, a. to di-
Mustrandus, a, um, part, to be Imitans, tis, part, imitating, re- minish, abate, or cut off, to
illustrated Imitatio, onis,/. an imitation impair
Illustrans, tis, part, illustrating Imitator, oris, m. an imitator Imminutio, Onis,/. a diminution
Mustratio, 6nis,/. an illustration Imitatvix, icis,/. she that imitates Imminutus, a, um, part, dimi-
II lustratus, a, um, part .illustrated Imitaturus, a, um, part, about to nished, lessened
Mustris, adj. ior, comp. issi-
e, imitate Immiscens, tis, part, mingling
mus, superl. illustrious, famous, Imitatus, a, um, part, imitating, Immisceo, ere, scui, stum, a. to
noble,renowned,excellent, clear, resembling, imitated, counter- mix, or mingle, to join with, or to
bright, evident, plain „ feited Immlsgrabilis, e, adj. unpitied
Mnstrius, adv. comp. more Imitor, ari, dep. to imitate, to re- Immiserabiliter, adv. without pit y
brightly semble, to counterfeit Immisericordia, ae, /. unmerci-
Illustro, are, a. to illustrate, to Immaculatus, a, um, adj. imma- fulness, hardheartedness, cru-
enlighten, to make famous, culate elty [fully
plain, clear, or evident, to clear Immadeo, ere, ui, n. to be wet, Immlsgricorditgr, adv. nnmerci-
up, to ennoble moist, or soaked [drously InmiIs6ricors, dis, adj. unmerciful
Illusus, a, um, part, mocked, de- Immane, adv. mightily, won- Immissarium, i, n. a cistern, a
luded, deceived, fooled Immanis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi- cooler [grafting
Mutibilis, e, adj. that cannot be mus, superl. cruel, outrageous, Immissio, Onis, /. a setting, or
washed clean [foul savage, wild, huge, prodigious Immissus, a, um, part, sent, or
Mutus, a, um, part, unwashed, Immanitas, cruelty, un-
atis, f. let in, sent, hurled, cast, ram-
Muvies, ei,/. uncleanness, filthi- reasonableness, insensibility med, or thrust in
ness, nastiness, sluttisbness Immaniter, adv. cruelly, mightily Immistus, a, um, or Immixtus.
Illuviosus, a, um, adj. filthy, nasty Immansuetus, a, um, adj. ior, part, mixed, or mingled, un
Imaginarius, a, um, adj. imagi- comp. issimus, superl. untract- mingled
nary, feigned, formal, done for able, unkind, cruel, savage, in- Immitis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi-
form exorable mus, tuperl. merciless, cruel,
Imaginatio, 6nis, /. an imagina- Immature, adv. ius, comp. unsea- sour, crabbed, rough, boister-
tion, a conceit, thought, design sonably, out of season ous, unripe
Imaginativus, a, um, adj. fantas- Irnmaturltas, atis, /. unripeness, Immittendus, a, um, part, to be
„ tical [ed unseasonableness put
Irnaginatus, a, um, part, fashion- Immaturus, a, um, adj. imma- Immitto, 6re, mtsi, issum, a. to
hnagino, are, a. to represent, to ture, unripe, sour, unseason- send, or let in, to admit into,
reject able, abortive, too young, busty to send forth, or out, to send
Iramixtus, a, um, part, mingled Immtlto, are, a. to change, or Impensa, ae, /. expense, costt
together alter charge
Immo, conj. yea Im6, conj. yes, yea, nay, nay ra- lmpensfe, adv. ius, comp. isslmfe,
Immobllis, e, adj. ior, comp. un- ther, yea rather, yea but superl. at great expense, eagerly,
nioveable, stedfast Impacatus, a, um, adj. restless very much [bestow
Immobilltas, atis, /. fixedness Impactio, onis, /. a dashing to- Impensurus, a, um, part, about to
Immobilitfer, adv. unmoveably gether Impensus, a, um, part, expended,
Immoderate, adv. ius, comp. issl- Impactus, a, um, part, dashed, spent, laid out, bestowed, em-
me, superl. immoderately, in- or driven against, driven, thrust ployed, unweighed, unpaid
temperately into [tail Impferandus, a, um, part, to be
ImmSdferatio, onis,/. excess Impages, is, /. a tenon, a dove- commanded
ImmOdferatus, a, um, adj. ior, Impalleo, ere, ui, n. to grow pale Impferaus, tis, part, commanding
comp. issimus, superl. immode- Impallesco, fere, incep. to grow Imperativus, a, um, adj. impera
rate, extravagant, unreason- pale tive
able Impar, aris, adj. odd, not even, Impferator, 6ris, m. a commander,
Immodeste, adv. immodestly unequal, not a match a general, a captain, a head, or
Immodestia, re,/, immodesty, li- Imparatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. chief [mand
centiousness, ill-behaviour, dis- issimus, superl. unprepared, un- Impferatorife, adv. by way of com-
obedience provided, unfurnished Imperatorius, a, um, adj. belong-
ImmOdestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Impariter, adv. unequally, oddly ing to a commander
immodest, unmannerly, saucy, Impasco, fere, pavi, pastum, a. to Impferatrix, Icis,/. an empress, a
large feed within, to feed mistress [order
Immddlcfe, adv. immoderately, ex- Impasslbllis, e, adj. that cannot Impferatum, i, «. a command, an
cessively, impatiently suffer [lity Impferaturus, a, um, part, about
ImmOdlcus, a, um, adj. immode- Impasslbffltas, atis, /. impassibi- to command
rate, intemperate, excessive, Impastus, a, um, part, unfed, Imperatus, a, um, part, com-
violent, unbounded hungry manded, ordered, enjoined
Immftdulate, adv. untunably Impatlbilis, adj. intolerable
e, Iraperceptus, a, um, adj. ior,
Immddcdatus, a, um, part, ill- Impatiens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- comp. that cannot be perceived,
tuned, harsh [sacrificed mus, superl. impatient, not able or understood
Immftlandus, a, um, part, to be to bear, or endure Imperco, fere, a. not to spare, to
Imm61ans, tis, part, sacrificing Impatientfer, adv. ius, comp. issi- deal gently with [daunted
ImmOlatio, onis,/. a sacrificing mfe, superl. impatiently, hardly Imperculsus, a, um, part, un-
Immolator, oris, m. a sacrificer Impatientia, ae, /. impatience, an Impercussus, a, um, part, un-
ImmOlaturus, a, um, part, about inability to bear stricken [stroyed
to offer a sacrifice Impavide, adv. undauntedly Imperditus, a, um, part, unde-
ImmOlatus, a, um, part, sacrificed, Impavidus, a, um, ad?', undaunted, Imperfecte, adv. imperfectly
killed, slain fearless, Imperfectio, onis,/. an imperfec-
Immolior, iri, dep. not to build Impeccabilis, e, adj. impeccable tion
Immolitus, a, um, part, unbuilt Impfedandus, a, um, part, to be Imperfectus, a, um, adj. imper-
Immolo, are, a. to sacrifice, to kill propped fect, unfinished, undigested
Immorior, i, ortuus, dep. to die in, Impfedatio, 6nis,/. a propping up Imperfossus, a, um, part, un-
' upon, or to stick close to
at, Impfedatus, a, um, part, propped gored, not hurt
ImmSror, dep. to dwell, or
ari, up [hindered Impferialis, e, adj. imperial
insist upon, to abide Impfediendus, a, um, part, to be Impferiose, adv. imperiously
Iramorsus, a, um, part, bitten into Impfediens, tis, part, hindering, Impferiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Immorsus, us, m. a biting into stopping, fastening, tying issimus, superl. imperious,
Immortalfe, adv. immortally Impedimenta, drum, pi. n. bag- haughty, lordly, domineering,
Immortalis, e, adj. immortal, gage boisterous, rough, harsh
everlasting Impfedimentum, i, n. an impedi- Imperitans, tis, part, command-
Immortalltas, atis, /. immortality ment, a hindrance, an obstacle ing
Immortaliter, adv. immortally Impfedio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to im- Impferftfe, adv. issime, superl. un-
Immortuus, a, um, part, dead, pede, to hinder, to obstruct, to skilfully, foolishly
extinct curb, to restrain Impferltia, ae, /. ignorance
Immotus, a, um, adj. unmoved, Impfedltio, 6nis,/. a hindering, a Impferlto, are,/reg. to command,
fixed, constant restraint order, or govern
Immugio, Ire, Ivi, or ii, Itum, n. Impfedlto, are, a. to hinder Impferltus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
to bellow, to roar, to ring Impfedltus, a, um, part, and adj. issimus, superl. unskilful, igno-
Immulgens, tis, part, milking in ior, comp. issimus, superl. hin- rant, simple, unskilled
Immulgeo, ere, si, or xi, sum, or dered, entangled, fettered, un- Impferium, i, n. a command,
ctum, a. to milk, or milk in passable power, authority, rule, govern-
Immundltia, ae, /. uncleanness, Impfedo, are, a. to underprop ment, jurisdiction
filthiness Impellendus, a, um, part, to be Imperjuratus, a, um, adj. and
Immundities, Si,/, the same thrust [thrusting part, never falsely sworn by
Immundus, um, adj. ior, comp.
a, Impellens, tis, part, driving, Impermissus, a, um, adj. not per-
issimus, superl. unclean, filthy Impello, fere, puli, pulsum, a. to mitted, unlawful
Iremunificus, a, um, adj. nig- drive, thrust, or push forward Impfero, are, a. to command, to
gardly Impendendus, a, um, part, to be order, to enjoin, to enact, to
Immunis, e,exempt, or free
adj. expended rule over, to reign [petual
from, free, innocent Impendens, tis, part, impending, Imperpfetuus, a, um, adj. not per-
Immunltas, atis, /. immunity, hanging over, near at hand Impersonalis, e, adj. impersonal
freedom [titled Impendeo, ere, di, n. to hang Impersplcax, acis, adj. not fore-
Immunitus, a, um, part, unfor- over, to threaten, to be near at seeing [evident
Immurmuro, are, n. to murmur, hand [much Impersplcuus, a, um, adj. not
mutter Impendi6, adv. beyond measure, Imperterrltus, a, um, part, un-
Immutabtlis, e, adj. immu- Impendiosus, a, um, adj. too daunted [imparted
table, unchangeable, constant, liberal Impertiendus, a, um, part, to be
changed [bility Impendium, i, n. expense, cost, Impertiens, tis, part, imparting
Immutabllitas, atis, /. immuta- charge, use of money, interest Impertlnens, tis, adj. impertinent
Immutabilitfer, adv. immutably Impendo, fere, di, sum, a. to spend, Impertio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to im-
Immutatio, onis,/. a cbange to lay out, to bestow, to employ part, to communicate, to be-
Immutatus, a, um, part, changed, Impfenfetrabflis, e, adj. impenetra- stow, to employ, to tell, to ac-
altered [mute ble, not to be pierced, or over- quaint, to salute
Immutesco, fere, incep. to become come Impertior, iri, itus sum, dep. tkt
Immutio, ire, n. to grumble Impennis, e, adj. unfledged same
[mpertitus, a, urn, part, having Impllcatus, a, um, part, issimus, ImpSsItus, us, m. same as Im-
imparted, &c. superl. infolded, entangled, in- positio
Imperturbatus, a, um, part, un- volved, tied, implied, understood Imposslbllis, e, adj. impossible
disturbed, calm Impllciscor, sci, dep. to become Impossibilitas, atis,/. an impos-
Impervius, a, um, adj. unpassable confused, or disordered sibility
Impgtens, tis, part, attacking Impllclte, adv. implicitly, ob- Impostor, 6ris, m. an impostor
Impgtibllis, e, adj. not to be scurely Impostura, ae, /. an imposture, a
reached, assailable, intolerable Impllclto, are, a. to interweave cheat
Impetigo, Inis, /. a ringworm, a Implicit urus, a, um, part, that Impotens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
tetter [tack will braid, or trim up mus, superl. impotent, weak,
Impgto, ere, a. to invade, to at- Impllcltus, a, um, part, and adj. feeble, unable to govern, or
ImpStrabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. wreathed, entangled, intricate, moderate oneself, wild, unruly,
that may be easily obtained, implicit ungovernable
that can easily obtain Implico, are, avi and ui, atum and ImpOtenter, adv. ius, comp. issi-
Impgtrandus, a, um, part, to be Itum, a. to infold, to entangle, me, superl. impotently, weakly,
obtained, or gotten to fold, or clasp, to surround, to wildly, obstinately, wilfully
Impgtratio, 6nis,/. an obtaining tie, to interweave, to intermix, Imp6tentia, se, /. impotence,
by request to involve weakness -
, want of power, in-
ImpStraturus, a, um, part, about Implorabllis, e, adj. obtained by activity, insolence
to obtain, or get imploring Impraemedltat6, adv. without
Impgtratus, a, um, part, obtained Implorans, tis, part, imploring premeditation
by request [ratify Imploratio, onis, /. an imploring Impraesentiarum, adv. at present,
Impe'trio, ire, a. to obtain, to Imploraturus, a, um, part, about at this time, for the present
Impgtiitus, a, um, part, obtained to implore, or request Impransus, a, um, parr. not dined,
Impgtro, are, a. to obtain, to Imploratus, a, um, part, implor- fasting [tion
get, to finish, or perfect ed, invoked Imprgcatio, onis, /. an impreca-
Impgtuose, adv. violently Imploro, are, a. to implore, to Imprgcor, ari, dep. to wish evil, to
Impgtuosus, a, um, adj. impe- beg, to beseech, to entreat, to curse, to wish well, to pray for
tuous invoke [lead Impresse, adv. forcibly, carefully
Impgtus, us, m. an attack, an Implumbo, are, a. to solder with Impressio, onis, /. an impression,
assault, an onset, a shock, an Implumis, e, adj. unfledged, cal- an assault, attack, or onset, ut-
effort, force, violence, impe- low, without feathers, or hair terance
tuosity, a passion Impluo, 6re, ui, iitum, n. to rain Impressor, oris, m. a printer
Impexus, a, um, part, uncombed, upon, to rain, to light Impressus, a, um, part, engraven,
untrimmed, rough, rugged Impliitus, a, um, part, rained marked, made, unmilked
Impiamentum, i, n. a defilement upon Imprimens, tis, part, imprinting
lmpiatus, a, um, part, unatoned, Impluvia, ee, /. a cloak worn in Imprimis, adv. in the first place,
defiled [over the rain [rain chiefly, especially
Implcatus, a, um, part, pitched Impluviatus, a, um, adj. wet with Imprlrao, Sre, pressi, ssum, a. to
Impico, are, a. to pitch over Impliivium, i, n. a gutter for imprint, to impress, to thrust,
Impie, adv. impiously, profanely, water, a court-vard where rain w stick
wickedly [edness
. falls ImprObabilis, e, adj. improbable
Impietas, atis, /. impiety, wick- Impoenitens, tis, adj. impenitent ImprSbandus, a, um, part, dis-
Impiger, gra, grum, adj. active, ImpSlite, adv. unpolitely, rudely allowed
quick, diligent, courageous ImpSlitia, ze, /. impoliteness, Iniprobans, tis, part, disallowing
Impigre, adv. quickly, diligently rudeness Impr&batio, onis,/. a disallowing
Impigritas, atis,/. quickness, dili- ImpOlitus, a, \xm,part unpolished,
. ImprSbaturus, a, um, part, that
gence [socks unpolite, rude, homely, coarse will disapprove
Impilia, orum, pi. n. woollen Impollutus, a, um, part, undefiled ImprObatus, a, um, part, dis-
Impingo, ere, egi, actum, a. to Imponendus, a, um, part, to be allowed, rejected
dash against, to run aground, imposed on Irnprobe, adv. ius, comp. isstme,
to stumble, to put, clap Imponens, tis, part, imposing superl. dishonestly, wickedly,
Impio, are, a. to profane, to Impono, fire, sui, situm, a. to im- badly, audaciously, eagerly
misbehave pose, to put, set, or lay upon, to Impr&bltas, atis,/. dishonesty, in-
Impius, a, um, adj. impious, un- set over, to assign justice, unjust violence
godly, irreligious, profane, Importandus, a, um, part, to im- Impr6bo, are, a. to disallow, dis-
wicked, undutiful, unnatural, port, or be imported approve, to reject, to condemn
cruel Importatus, a, um,parf. imported Impr5bulus, a, um, adj. waggish
Implacabilis, e, adj. implacable Importo, are, a. to import, to Impr6bus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
ImplacabUitas, atis,/.implacable- bring in issimus, superl. dishonest, un-
ness Importune, adv. ius, comp. issl- just, knavish, wicked, bad, base,
Implacabiliter, adv. implacably me, superl. importunately, un- infamous, audacious
Implacatus, a, um, part, insati- seasonably Improcerus, a, um, adj. low, little
able Importunltas, atis, /. importunity, ImprOfessus, a, um, adj. concealed
Implacidus, a, um, adj. issimus, unseasonableness, outrageous- Impromptus, a, um, adj. not
superl. ungentle, obstinate ness ready, slow
Implendus, a, um, part, to be Importiinus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. ImprSperatus, a, um, adj. slow
filled issimus, superl. importunate, ImprSperium, i, n. a reproach,
Implens, tis, part, filling urgent, clamorous, outrageous, taunt
Impleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to fill, cruel, troublesome, unreason- ImprOpgro, are, a. to make haste,
to fill up, to complete, to fulfil, able to go, to go slowly, to reproach
to perform, to accomplish, to sa- ImportuOsus, a, um, adj. issimus, ImprOpgrus, a, um, adj. slow
tisfy, content, or please, to fat- superl. without port, or haven Improprie, adv. improperly, un-
ten [fill Impos, 6tis, adj. unable to com- fitly
Impleturus, a, um, part, about to mand, weak ImpropriStas, atis,/. impropriety
Impetus, a, um, part, filled up Imp6sItio, 6nis,/. an imposition Improprius, a, um, adj. improper,
Implexus, a, um, part, inter- Imp6sltltius, a, um, adj. imposed, unfit
woven, plaited, twisted, folded radical Improsper, a, um, adj. unprospe-
Implexus, us, m. an intwining Irap6sltlvus, a, um, adj. imposed rous, unfortunate, indifferent
Implicandus, a, um, part, to be ImpOsiturus, a, um, part, about ImprospSre, adv. unsuccessfully
entangled to impose, or put on, about to Improvide, adv. improvidently
Implicans, tis, part, wrapping lay Improvidentia, se,/. improvidenc*
Impllcatio, onis, /. an entangle- ImpSsitus, a, um, part, and Im- Improvidus, a, um, adj. improvi-
ment, a perplexity- p6stus, imposed, put, set, or dent, careless, not foreseeing,
Implicate, adv. intricately laid upon, put, set over unforeseen
TMP :na :nc
ImprOvisO and Improvise, adv. Imputatus, a, um, part, imputed, lnaniter, adv. in vain, vainly
unexpectedly, on a sudden uncut inanitus, a, um, part, emptied
Improvisus, a, urn, adj. ior, comp. Impiito, are, a. to impute, to Inapertus, a, um, part, not open,
unforeseen, unexpected, un- ascribe, to charge, to lay the „ not liable [tilled
looked for fault, to cess, to account, or Inarandus, a, um, part, to be
Imprudens, tis, adj. ior, comp. reckon Inaratus, a, um, part, unfilled
issimus, superl. imprudent, un- Imputresco, 6re, incep. to rot Inardeo, ere, si, n. or Inardesco,

wise, unwary, foolish, unadvised, Imulus, a, um, adj. a little towards „ 6re, to burn, to be on fire
unskilful the bottom Inardescens, tis, part, growing
Imprudenter, adv. comp. im-
ius, tmus, a, um, adj. lowest, lower- „ hot
prudently, unwisely, unwarily, most, deepest, innermost, re- Inargfactus, a, um, part, made
foolishly motest „ dry, dried
Imprudentia, te,f. imprudence, a In, prep, into, in, to, against, for, Tnareo, ere, ui, n. to grow dry
want of care, unskilfulness until, after, according to, to- Inarescens, tis, part, growing dry
Impuber, or Impiibes, 6ris, adj. wards, over, through, upon, Inaresco, 6re, ui, incep. to dry up,
unripe of age, youthful in, within, at, among, with, to dry
Impubis, e, adj. the same „ before Inargentatus, a, um, adj. covered
Impubesco, ere, incep. to grow of Inabruptus, a, um, part, unbroken „ with silver
age inabsOlutus, a, um, part, imper- Inargute, adv. simply
Impudens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- „ feet [fire Inargutus, a, um, adj. simple,
mus, superl. impudent, brazen- Inaccensus, a, um, part, not set on u witless, dull, heavy
faced, bold Inaccessus, a, um, adj. inaccessi- Inaro, are, a. to plough, till, or
Impudenter, adv. ius, comp. issi- . ble manure
me, super!, impudently, boldly, Inaceo, ere, n. and Inacesco, fire, Inartificialis, e, adj. inartificial,
shamelessly to be tart, or sharp, to prick „ artless

Impudentia, ae, /. impudence lnadulabilis, e, adj. not to be Inartif Icialiter, adv. without art
Impudlcatus, a, um, part, de- flattered Inascensus, a, um, part, that can-
bauched Tnadustus, a, um, part, unburnt, not be climbed up, or reached
Impudice, adv. issime, superl. un- unsinged, uninjured „ unto
chastely, immodestly In», arum, pi. /. fibres Inascensus, us, m. an ascent
ImpMlcItia, se, /. unchasteness, Insedlf icatus, a, um, part, built Tnaspectus, a, um,part. unseen
immodesty, lewdness, obscenity „ upon, unbuilt Inaspicuus, a, um, adj. invisible
I Impudicus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Inaedif Ico, are, a. to build, to pull Inassatus, a, um, part, well
issimus, superl. unchaste, im- „ down that which is built u roasted
modest, wanton Inaequabllis, e, adj. unequal, un- Inassuetus, a, um, part, unac-
I Impugnandus, a, um, part, to u even customed, unusual
light, or be fought against Inaequabiliter, adv. unequally Inattente, adv. inconsiderately
Impugnans, tis, part, fighting Inaequalis, e, adj. issimus, superl. tnattenuatus, a, um, part, un-
against [against, unequal, uneven, odd, unlike wasted [ful
Impugnatio, 6nis, /. a fighting lnaequalitas, atis,/. inequality Tnaudax, acis, adj. cowardly, fear-
Impugnatus, a, um, part, fought Inaequaliter, adv. unequally Inaudio, ire, ivi, Itum, a. to hear
against, attacked Inasquatus, a, um, part, made „ by report
: Impugno, are, a. to fight against, u equal [level Inauditus, a, um, part, unheard,
to attack, to oppose, to thwart, Inaequo, are, a. to make even, to unheard of, strange, incredible,
or cross, to drive away Inestimabllis, e, adj. inestimable u untried
Impulsio, onis, /. a forcible mov- Inaestuo, are, n. to boil up, to Inaugiiians, tis, part, guessing at
ing, force, a motion, or passion u chafe Inauguratio, onis, /. an iuaugu-
of the mind, persuasion Inaeternum, adv. for ever u ration
Impulsor, oris, m. a pusher on, Inaffectatus, a, um, part, unaf- Inaugiirat6, adv. luckily
an instigator, a promoter fected Inauguratus, a, um, part, conse-
Impulsus, a, um, part, driven, Inagitabllis, e, adj. unmoveable M crated
forced, thrown, sent, shot, Inagitatus, a, um, part, unmoved Inauguro, are, a. to divine, to
beaten, shaken, incited, en- Inalbesco, gre, incep. to grow guess at, to dedicate, or conse
forced white [cold u crate
Impulsus, us, ret. an impulse, a Inalgesco, fire, incep. to become Inaurator, Oris, m. a gilder
motion, an instigation, or per- Inamabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. un- Inauratus, a, um, part, gilt, or
suasion, an attack, a conflict amiable, unpleasant, dismal u overlaid with gold, ungilt
Irapulvgreus, a, um, adj. without Inamaresco, 6re, incep. to grow Inauris, is,/, an ear-ring
dust, or much trouble „ bitter Inauritus, a, um, adj. without ears
I Impunctus, a, um, part, pounced, Inamatus, a, um, part, unloved Inauro, are, a. to gild with gold
pricked in Inambitiosus, a, um, adj. not InauspicatO, adv. unluckily
I Impune, adv. ius, comp. issime, ambitious, homely Inauspicatus, a, um, adj. issimus,
'superl. with impunity, or safety, Inambulans, tis, part, walking up superl. unfortunate, unlucky
without punishment, hurt, loss u and down Inausus, a, um, part, unattempted
I Impunitas, atis, /. impunity, Inambulatio, Onis, /. a walking Incaeduus, a, um, adj. not lop-
safety up and dowD, a walk [fro ped, or cut
Impunlte, adv. with impunity Inambulo, are, n. to walk to and Incalescens, tis, part, growing hot
! Impunitus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Inamoenus, a, um, adj. unpleasant Incalesco, 6re, ui, n. to grow hot,
unpunished Inane, is, n. a void place, the sky, to be warm, to be warmed, to
Impuratus, a, um, adj. issimus, u emptiness, vanity [empty be earnest
superl. impure, defiled, nasty, Inanesco, fire, incep. to become Incalfacio, ere, feci, a. to heat
shabby, villanous lnaniae, arum, pl.f. emptinesses, Incalllde, adv. simply, artlessly
Impure, adv. issime, superl. im- „ filth Incallidus, a, 'um, adj. ior, comp.
purely, filthily, lewdly, shame- InanilOquus, a, um, adj. babbling simple, plain, artless
fully Inanimalis, e, adj. void of life Incandesco, 6re, ui, incep. to grow
Impuritas, atis,/. impurity Inanimans, tis, part, inanimate very hot, to be inflamed
Impuritiae, arum, pl.f. impurities, Inantmatus, a, um, part, inani- Incanesco, fire, ui, incep. to grow
villanies „ mate, lifeless hoary, or whiteheaded
Impurus, a, um, adj. issimus, Inanimus, a, um, adj. inanimate Incantamentum, i, re. a charm
superl. impure, unclean, filthy, Inanio, ire, a. to empty Iucantator, Oris, m. an enchanter
nasty, dirty,lewd [imputed lnanis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Incantatus, a, um, part, en-
ImpUtandus, a, um, part, to be superl. empty, void, destitute, chanted [charm
Imputans, tis, part, imputing unloaded, vain, frivolous, slight Incanto, are, a. to enchant, to
Imputator, oris, m. one that im- Inanitas, atis,/. emptiness, vanity, Incanus, a, um, adj. hoary, white
putes uselessness Incapax, acis, adj. incapable
Incapistro, 6v% fire, a. to halter, Incessens, tis, part, assaulting, Incltatus, a, um, part, ior, comp-
muzzle, entangle [ment pelting issimus, superl. incited, stirred
Incarcfiramentum, i, n. imprison- Incesso, fire, ssi, or sslvi, ltum, a. up, set forward, hastened
Incarceratio, 6nis,/. an imprison- to attack, assault, ov set upon, Incltatus, us, m. a stirring up
ing to provoke, vex Inclto, are, a. to incite, to stir up,
IncarcSro, are, a. to imprison Incessus, us, m. a gait, a walk, a to excite, to move, to hasten, to
Incarnatio, onis, /. incarnation march, a step, a pace, a pass, or spur on
Incarno, are, a. to incarnate, to defile [chastely Incitus, a, um, part, stirred,
bring flesh Inceste, adv. incestuously, un- moved, hasty, speedy, quick,
Incassum, adv. in vain, amiss Incestificus, a, um, adj. inces- that cannot be moved, gone as
Incaste, adv. unchastely tuous far as may be
Incastlgatus, a, am, part, not Incesto, are, a. to defile by incest, Incitus, us, m. motion
chastised to pollute, to abuse Inclvilis, e, adj. uncivil, arbitrary
*castro, are, a. to imprison, to Incestum, i, n. incest [ous Incivlliter, adv. ius, comp. un-
put in the stocks Incestuosus, a, um, adj. incestu- civilly
lncastus, a, um, adj. unchaste Incestus, a, um, adj. incestuous, Inclamans, tis, part, calling upon
Incasurus, a, um, part, that may adulterous, unchaste, filthy Inclamatus, a, um, part, called
happen [low Incestus, 6s, m. incest upon
IncaVvatus, a, um, part, made hoi Inchoandus, a, um, part, to begin, Inclamo, are, n. to call upon, to
Incavo, are, a. to make hollow or to be begun cry out to, to chide, scold, or
Incaustum, i, n. ink Inchoans, tis, part, beginning rail at
Incaute, adv. ius, comp. unwarily Inchoativus, a, um, adj. inceptive Inclareo, ere, ui, n. and Incla-
Incautus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Inchoaturus, a, um, adj. about to resco, ere, ui, to grow famous,
unwary, heedless, unadvised begin to get reputation [famous
Incedens, tis, part, walking Inchoatus, a, um, part, begun Inclaresco, rui, cere, a. to become
Incedo, ere, essi, essum, n. to go, Inchoo, are, a. to begin, to per- Inclemens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issl-
to walk, to march, to come form mus, superl. unkind, harsh,
Incelebratus, a, um, part, not Incidendu*, a, um. part, to be cut churlish, rigorous
celebrated, not spoken of, un- Incldens, tis, part, cutting, en- Inclementer, adv. ius, comp. un-
frequented graving kindly, harshly, unmercifully
Incelebris, e, adj. not famous, Incidents, tis, part, falling into, Inclementia, ae, /. inclemency,
neglected incident unkindness, sharpness, rigour,
Incendendus, a, um, part, to be Incido, fire, idi, casum, n. to fall cruelty
burnt into, in, upon, or out, to fall, to Inclinabilis, e, adj. inclinable
Incendiarius, m. an incendiary
i, meet with, to befal Inclinandus, a, um, part, to be
Incendium, i, n. a fire, a flame, a Incido, ere, idi, Isum, a. to cut, to inclined
vehemence of any passion cut short, to shorten, to clip, to Incllnans, tis, part, inclining
Incendo, ere, di, sum, a. to burn, pare, to chip, to engrave, to Incllnatio, onis, /. an inclination,
to burn up, to set on fire, to write, to make an end of, to a bias, a disposition, a change,
inflame, to provoke, to vex leave off or alteration [clinc
Incense, adv. earnestly Inciduus, a, um, adj. not lawful Incllnaturus, a, um, part, to iu-
Incensio, onis,/. a burning, a set- to be cut [nant Inclinatus, a, um, part, and adj.
ting on fire Inciens, tis, adj. very big, preg- ior, comp. inclined, disposed,
Incensor, oris, m. a Srer of houses Inclle, is, n. a watercourse, a bowed, bent, turned, declining
Incensum, i, n. frankincense trench [&c. Inclinatus, us, m. a declining
Incensurus, a, um, part, about Incilis, e, adj. of gutters, ditches, Inclinis, e, adj. stooping, unbent
to burn Incilo, are, a. to reprove, to blame Incllno, are, a. to incline, to
Incensus, a, um, part, and adj. Incinctus, a, um, part, girt, envi- bend, or bow down, to change,
ior, comp. burnt, fired, set on roned or turn, to lessen, impair, or
fire, inflamed, incensed, enraged Incingo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to gird, debase, to lay
Incentivum, i, n. an incentive to surround, to environ, to com- Includendus, a, um, part, to be
Incentlvus, a, um, adv. incentive, pass included
provoking, stirring up, begin- Incino, ere, ui, entum, a. to sing, Includo, Sre, usi, iisum, a. to in-
ning [a beginner to play on instruments clude, to inclose, to shut up,
Incentor, 6ris, m. an incendiary, Incipiendus, a, um, part, to be to hinder
Inceptio, onis,/. a beginning begun Inclusio, onis,/. a shutting in, an
Inceptlvus, a, um, adj. inceptive Incipiens, tis, part, beginning inclosing, an imprisonment
Incepto, are, a. to begin, to take Incipio, fire, cepi, ceptum, a. to Inclusus, a, um, part, included,
in hand, to enterprise begin, to undertake, to attempt contained, inclosed, shut up,
Inceptor, oris, m. a beginner, Inclpisso, fire, a. to begin besieged
Inceptum, i, n. a beginning, an Incircumclsus, a, um, part, un- Inclytus, a, um, adj., isstmus,
undertaking, an attempt, a de- circumcised superl. famous, noble, excellent,
sign [begin Incircumscriptus, a, um, part. of great renown
Incepturus, a, um, part, about to unbounded Incoactus, a, um, part, uncon-
Inceptus, a, um, part, begun Incise, adv. concisely, piecemeal strained, voluntary [&c.
Inceptus, us, m. an undertaking Incisim, adv. the same Incoctilis, adj. tinned, leaded,
Inceramentum, i, n. a waxing over Inclsio, onis, /. an incision, a Incoctus, a, um, part, and adj.
Inceratus, a, um, part, cered, notching, a pointing sodden, boiled, baked, sun-
waxed over [sieve Incisum, i, n. a comma burnt, soaked, seasoned, un-
Incerniculum, i, n. a searce, a Incisura, ae./. a cut, a gash, a line sodden
Incerno, fire, crevi, cretum, a. to Incisus, a, um, part, cut, carved, Inccenans, tis, part, supping
sift, to searce, to separate graven, jagged, cut off Inccenatus, a, urn, part, supperless
[ncero, are, a. to cover with wax Incisus, us, m. same as Incisio Inccenis, e, adj. supperless
Incerte, adv. uncertainly, doubt- IncTta, ae, /. an extremity, the Incceno, are, n. to sup, or be at
fully farthest bound supper
Incertftfido, 1ms, f. uncertainty Incltamentum, i, n. an incite- Incogltabilis, e, adj. thoughtless
Incert6, adv. uncertainly, not ment, motive Incogitans, tis, part, inconside-
freely Incltandus, a, um, part, to incite, rate, rash [ness
Incertum, i, n. uncertainty, doubt or be incited Incogttantia, ae, /. inconsiderate.
Incertus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Incltate, adv. ius, comp. hastily IncOgltatus, a, um, part, never
isstmus, superl. uncertain, Incitatio, 6nis, /. a stirring up, contrived before, inconsiderate,
doubtful, inconstant, wavering an emotion, an encouragement, thoughtless [think
Incessans, tis, part, assaulting, speed Incogito, are, n. to contrive, to
pelting Incltaturus, a, um, part, about Incognttus, a, nvn, part, unknown,
Inceesanter, r.Ji\ incessantly to fecit? unheard, untried at law, stranga
IncOla, ae, c. jr. an inhabitant Incongrultas, atis,/. incongruity Increbresco, ere, brui or bui,
IncOlendus, a, um, part, to in- Incongruus, a, um, adj. incon- incep. to increase, to grow, to
habit, or be inhabited gruous [scious grow common, to prevail
IncOlens, tis, part, inhabiting Inconscius, a, um, adj. not con- Increbro, are, a. to have often
IncOlo, ere, ui, cultum, a. to in- Inconsequentia, ae, /. inconse- Incredendus, a, um, part, not to
habit, dwell, continue, or abide quence be believed
Incolorate, adv. without pretence Inconsiderans, tis, part, not con- Incredibilis, e, adj. incredible
Inc6lumis, e, adj. safe, sound, un- sidering, inconsiderate Incredlbilltas, atis,/. incredibility
hurt, whole, entire Inconslderantia, ae, f. indiscretion Incredibilitfer, adv. incredibly,
IncOlumltas, atis, /. safety, pre- Inconsiderate, adv. ids, comp. strangely [lieved
servation, soundness inconsiderately, unadvisedly, Increditus, a, um, part, not be-
Incomis, e, adj. rude, churlish rashly [ency Incrediilltas, atis,/. incredulity
IncOmltatus, a um-, part, unac- InconsidSratio, onis, /. inadvert- Incredulus, a, um, adj. incredu-
companied, unattended, alone Inconslderatus, a, um, part, ior, lous, diffident, not to be believed
Incomlter, adv. rudely comp. issimus, superl. incon- Incredulus, i, m. an unbeliever, a
Incommeabilis, e, adj. unpassable siderate, rash pagan
Incommendatus, a, um, part, un- Inconsitus, a, um, adj. unsown, Incrematus, um, part, burnt
commended, unpraised unfilled [able Incrementum, i, n. increase, ad-
Incommodatio, onis, /. an incom- Inconsolabilis, e, adj. inconsol- dition, improvement, advance,
moding Inconsplcuus, a, um, adj. not ment, promotion, preferment,
Incommode, adv. ius, comp. issl- conspicuous liberality, an offspring
me, superl. incommodiously, in- Inconstans, tis, adj. ior, comp. Increpans, tis, part, blaming,
conveniently, unsuitably, scur- issimus, superl. inconstant, chiding, rating
vily wavering, giddy Incrfipitans, tis, part, chiding,
IncommOdltas, inconve-
atis, /. Inconstanter, adv. isslme, superl. rating, exhorting
nience, unseasonableness, dis- inconstantly, irresolutely, light- Increpito, are, freq. to chide, to
advantage ly rate, to rebuke, to blame, to
Incommodo, are, a. to incom- Inconstantia, ae, /. inconstancy, check
mode, to cross uncertainty, changeableness Increpitus, a, um, part, chidden,
IncommOdum, i, n. an inconve- Inconsuetus, a, um, part, unac- rebuked, blamed
nience, disadvantage, or mis- customed Increpo, are, ui and avi, Itum, a.
fortune, loss, damage, annoy- Inconsulte, adv. ius, comp. unad- to rattle, to make a noise, to
ance, illness visedly, rashly, inconsiderately, chide, to rate, to rebuke, to
IncommOdus, a, um, adj. incon- foolishly blame
venient, unsuitable, improper, InconsultO, adv. unwarily Increscens, tis, part, growing
disadvantageous, hurtful, noi- Inconsultus, a, um, part, not con- upon, growing, increasing
some sulted, not advised, unadvised Incresco, ere, crevi, cretum, n. to
Incommunlcabllis, e, adj. incom- Inconsultu, abl. m. without advice grow upon, or in stature, to
municable Inconsummatus, a, um, part, un- grow, to increase [chalk
Incomparabllis, e, adj. incompar- finished Increto, are, a. to whiten with
able Inconsump , a, um, part, un- Incretus, a, um, part, sifted,
Incompertus, a, -um, part, not consumed, unwasted, endless cleansed
found out Incontamlnatus, a, um, part, un- Incruentatus, a, um, part, not
Incomp&site, adv. disorderly dented stained with blood, not defiled
IncompOsItus, a, um, part, dis- Incontentus, a, um, part, not Incruentus, a, um, adj. not bloody,
composed, disordered, confused, screwed up [ing unbloody
disorderly, unmethodical, un- Incontlguus, a, um, adj. not touch- Incrustatio, 6nis,/. a pargeting
becoming Incontlnens, tis, ad;'. incontinent, Incrustatus, a, um, part, pargeted
Incomprehenslbllis, e, adj. in- unchaste, loose Incrusto, are, a. to parget, to
comprehensible Incontlnenter, adv. incontinently plaster, to roughcast
Incomprehensus, a, um, part, the Incontinentia, ae, /. incontinence, Incubandus, a, um, part, to be
tame looseness sat upon
Incomptus, a, um, part, un- Incontroversus, a, um, part, not Incubans, tis, part, sitting upon
combed, untrimmed, rough, un- controverted, indisputable, cer- Incfibatio, onis,/ incubation
polished tain Incubatus, us, m. a brooding
Inconcessus, a, um, part, unal- Inconvgniens, tis, adj. inconve- Inciibitatus, a,um, part, lain with
lowed, unlawful nient, unfit, unsuitable, unlike Incubito, are, n. to lie upon, to
Inconcllio, are, a. to set at dis- InconvClutus, a, um, part, un- couch
cord, to disturb, to provoke, to folded [boiled Inciibitus, us, m. a brooding
deceive IncOquendus, a, um, part, to be Inciibo, are, ui, Itum, a. and n. to
Inconcinne, adv. unhandsomely IncOquo, fire, oxi, octum, a. to lie, or sit upon, to brood, to
Inconcinnltas, atis, /. unhand- boil, to seethe together, to tin, hover over, to cover
someness &c. [crowned Inciibo, Onis, m., same as
Inconcinnlter, adv. unhandsomely IncOrOnatus, a, um, part, not Inctibus, i, m. the nightmare
Inconcinnus, a, um, adj. unhand- IncorpOralis, e, adj. incorporeal Inculcandus, a, um, part, to be
some IncorpOratio, onis, /. a habit of inculcated, to be driven, or
Inconcltus, a, um, un- part, body [bodied thrust in
moved, slow [shaken IncorpOratus, a, um, part, em- Inculcattts, a, uin, part, inculcat-
Inconcussus, a, um, part, un- IncorpOreus, a, um, adj. incor- ed, driven in, often repeated
Incondite, adv. disorderly, con- poreal Inculco, are, a. to inculcate, to
fusedly Incorporo, are, a. to incorporate drive in, to force down, to re-
Incondltus, a, um, part, dis- Incorrectus, a, um, part, uncor- peat often [blameless
ordered, confused, undigested, rected [purely Inculpabllis, e, adj. inculpable,
unpolished, doggerel, unripe, Incorrupte, adv. incorruptly, Iuculpate, adv. unblamably
un buried Incorruptibilis, e, adj. incorrupt- Inculpatus, a, um, part, issimus,
Inconfectus, a, um, part, un- ible superl. unblamed, blameless
digested [confessed Incorruptio, Onis,/. incorruption Inculte, adv. rudely, carelessly
Inconfessus, a, um, part, not Incorruptus, a, um, part, and adj. Incultus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
Inconfusus, a, um, part, not con- ior, comp. issimus, superl. un- uncultivated, untilled, undress-
founded corrupted, untainted, unbribed ed, unmanured, neglected, un-
Incongrue, adv. incongruously Incoxo, are, n. to sit cross-legged inhabited [rudeness
Incongruens, tis, part, unsuitable Incrasso, are, a. to make thick, Incultus, us, m. want of dress,
Incongruenter, adv. incongru- or fat Incumbens, tis, part, lying, or
ously Increatus, a, um, part, uncreated leaning on
lncongruentia, jr. f. incongruity Inciebrescens, tis, part, increasing Incumbo, ere, cubui, Itum, n. ta
lie, sit, lean, depend, or
rest, Inde, adv. from thence, from that Indlcens, tis, part, not telling,
fall upon, to lie down, to hatch place, from that person," from not showing
Incunabula, orum, pi. n. a cradle, that time, next after, thence- Indicium, i, n. a discovery, an in-
cradle-clothes, infancy, a na- forth, afterwards formation, a communication, a
tivity, a birthplace, the begin- Indeblte, adv. unduly sign, a token, a mark
ning Indebltus, a, um, part, not due, Indlco, are, a. to discover, to
Incunctanter, adv. without delay not owing, unjust [seemly show, to make known, to dis-
Incuratus, a, urn, part, uncured, Indficens, tis, part, indecent, un- close, to relate, to tell
unhealed Indecenter, adv. issime, superl. Indlco, fire, xi, ctum, a. to de-
Incuria, ae, /. negligence, neglect indecently, unseemly nounce, to proclaim, to declare,
Incuriose, adv. ius, comp. issime, Indeceo, ere, n. to misbecome to publish, to appoint, to en-
superl. negligently Indecllnabllis, e, adj. that cannot join
Incuriosus, a, um, adj. negligent, be avoided, invariable, constant Indictio, onis, /. an indiction, the
careless Indecllnatus, a, um, part, firm, space of fifteen years, an impost
Incurrens, tis, part, rushing on, steadfast, constant Indictus, a, um, part, denounced,
or forward, falling upon Indgcor, 6ris, or IndScSris, e, adj. proclaimed, declared, ordered,
Incurro, 6re, ri, sum, n. to run in, unseemly, unbecoming, dis- invited to, unspoken, unsaid
upon, or against, to make an graceful [unseemly Indlcum, i, n. indigo
incursion, to rush on, to assail, Indgcore, adv. unhandsomely, Indldem, adv. from thence, there
or attack, to seize on, to fall Indgcorus, a, um, adj. unbecom- Indies, adv. daily, every da§
Incursans, tis,pw^. justling, push- ing [able Indifferens, tis,' adj. indifferent,
ing, running one at another Indef atlgabilis, e, adj. indefatig- not nice
Incursatus, a, um, part, overrun, Indefensus, a, um, part, unde- Indifferenter, adv. indifferently
invaded fended Indifferentia, ae,/. indifference
Incursio, 6nis./. an incursion, an Indefesse, and Indefessum, adv. Indlgena, ae, c. g. a native
inroad, a justling unweariedly, incessantly Indlgenitalis, e, adj. natural, per-
Incurslto, are, freq. to run, or Indefessus, a, wra,part. unwearied tinent
stumble often Indefinite, adv. indefinitely Indlgens, tis, part, and adj. want-
Incurso, are, freq. to run against, Indefinltus, a, um, part, inde- ing, lacking, indigent, needy,
or upon, to run, to attack, to finite, undetermined poor [vert-
invade Indefletus, a, um, part, unlament- Indlgentia, ae, /. indigence, po
In cursor, ari, dep., the same ed [stiff Indlgeo, ere, ui, n. to want, to
Incursurus, a, um, part, about to Indeflexus, a, um, part, unbent, stand in need
run upon Indejectus, a, um, part, not cast Indlges, etis, c. g. a god made of
Incursus, fts, m. an inroad, an down [wearied a man, a native god
attack, a charge, force Indelassatus, a, um, part, un- Indlgeste, adv. indigestedly, with-
Incurvatio, onis,/. a bending Indelebilis, e, adj. indelible out order
Ineurvatus, a, um, part, bowed Indelectatus, a, um, part, uude- Indigestio, onis,/. indigestion
down, crooked lighted Indlgestus, a, um, part, undi
Incurvesco, fire, incep. to bow Indelibatus, a, um, part, un- gested, confused
down [move touched, undiminished, unde- Indlgitamenta, orum, pi. n. reli
Incurvo, are, a. to bow, or bend, to filed [demned gious books containing the
Incurvus, a, um, adj. crooked, Indemnatus, a, um, part, uncon- names of the gods, and pre-
stooping, bowed down Indemnis, e, adj. unhurt, harmless scribing the mode in which
Incus, udis,/. an anvil Indemnitas, atis,/. indemnity they should be worshipped
Incusans, tis, part, accusing, Indendus, a, um, part, to be put Indlglto, are, a. to signify, to
blaming into point at, or out, to call by name
Incusatio, onis, /. a blaming Indenunciatus, a, um, part, not Indignabundus, a, um, adj. en-
Incusator, oris, m. an accuser denounced before [wailed raged, angry
Incusatus, a, um, part, accused, Indeploratus, a, um, part, unbe- Indignandus, a, um, part, to be
blamed Indepravatus, a, uin, part, not disdained, displeased, enraged,
Incuso, are, a. to accuse, to com- depraved, or corrupted &c.
plain of, to blame, to condemn Indeprghenslbllis, e, adj. that Indignans, tis, part, and adj. issl-
Incussio, onis, /. a dashing to- cannot be found out mus, superl. disdaining, enrag-
gether Indeprfihensus, and Indeprensus, ed, with indignation
Incussus, a, um, part, dashed, a, um, part, untaken, unfound Indignanter, adv. in disdain
bruised, inculcated Indeptus, a, um, part, having Indignatio, onis, /. indignation,
Incussus, us, m. a dashing, a gotten [scribed anger
bruising Indescriptus, a, um, part, unde- Indignatiuncula, ae,/. a chagrin
Incustoditus, a, um, part, not Indesertus, a, um, part, unfor- Indignatus, a, um, part, disdain-
duly guarded, or kept, unguard- saken ing, scorning, not enduring, en-
ed Indesiinenter, adv. continually raged
Incusus, a, um, part, pecked Indespectus, a, um, part, unde- Indigne, adv. ids, comp. issime,
Incutiens, tis, part, striking spised superl. unworthily, undeserved-
against Indestrictus, a, um, part, unhurt ly, basely, grievously, heinously
Incutio, e>e, ussi, ussum, a. to Indeterminate, adv. indetermi- Indignltas, atis, /. indignity, un-
strike, smite, or dash upon, to nately worthiness, meanness, heinous-
knock, to cast into, to excite, Indetonsus, a, um, part, unshaven ness
to raise Indebitatus, a, um, part, unerring Indignor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Indagabllis, e, adj. that may be Index, Icis, c. g. a discoverer, an disdain, to scorn, to be enraged
traced out informer, a prognostic, or symp- Indignus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Indagatio, onis,/. a searching out tom, a mark, or token, a title, isslmus, superl. unworthy, un-
Indagator, oris, m. a diligent or table of a book deserving, unbecoming, unfit,
searcher [searches Indlcandus, a, um, part, to be unmeet
Indagatrix, icis, /. she that shown Indlgus, a, um, adj. standing in
Indagatus, a, um, part, searched Indicans, tis, showing
part, need, wanting
out, searched diligently, ex- Indlcatio, onis, /. an indication, Indlllgens, tis, adj. ior, comp.
plored [encircling the setting a price upon wares negligent, careless
Indagatus, us, m. an exploring, Indlcatlvus, a, um, adj. indicative Indlllgenter, adv. ius, comp. neg-
Indago, are, a. to seek, search, or Indlcattira, ae,/. a setting a price ligently, carelessly
trace out, to seek, or search Indlcaturus, a, um, part, about to Indillgentia, ae, /. negligence,
diligently, to explore show [prized carelessness
Indago, Inis, /. a diligent search, Indlcatus, a, um, part, shown, Indlmensus, a, um, part, unmea
or inquiry, an investigation, a Indlcendus, a, um, part, not to surable
restnint, nets be told Indlpiscor, i, eptus sum, dep. to
obtain, get, or attain, to over- Induciila, se, f. a woman's under- Ineptus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. isst
take, to comprehend garment/a waistcoat mus, superl. unfit, impropei,
Indlrectus, a, urn, adj. indirect Indulcoro, are, a. to make sweet „ silly
Indlreptus, a, um, part, unpillaged Indulgens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Inequltatolis, e, adj. not to b«
Indiscretus, a, um, part, undis- comp. issimus, superl. indulg- „ rid over
tinguished, indistinct, alike ing, indulgent, gracious, kind, Inequito, are, a. to ride in, upon,
Indiscrlmlnatus, a, um, part, in- tender „ or about, to insult
discriminate, undistinguished Indulgenter, adr ius, comp. issi- Inermis, e, adj. unarmed, defence-
Indlserte, adv. without eloquence me, superl. indulgently, kindly less, weak, feeble, rude, un-
Indlsertus, a, um, adj. uneloquent Indulgentia, a?, /, indulgence, „ learned
Indisp6site, adv. confusedly, dis- fondness, lenity, mildness, Inermus, a, um, adj. unarmed
orderly grace, favour, a pardon, a dis- Inerrans, tis, part, fixed
Indisp5situs, a, um, part, disor- pensation Inerro, are, n. to wander, to strag-
dered Indulgeo, ere, si, a. to indulge, to „ gle, to seize on
Indissimulatus, a, um, part, not be indulgent, to make much Iners, tis, adj. inactive, heavy,
dissembled, not concealed of, to give one's self up to dull, sluggish, lazy, slothful,
Indissolubllis, e, adj. indissoluble Indultus, a, um, part, indulged, „ slow, motionless, artless
Indiss81utus, a, um, part, not suffered, pardoned, given Tnertia, as,/, inactivity, heaviness,
loosed Indumen, inis, n. same as idleness, laziness, indolence,
Indistinctus, a, um, part, and adj. Indumentum, i, n. a garment, sloth, softness, luxury, igno-
undistinguished, confused dress, attire, apparel rance [fitly
Indistrictus, a, um, part, unhurt Iuduo, fire, ui, utum, a. to put Inerudlte, adv. unlearnedly, un-
Inditus, a, um, part, put, or set into, on, or upon, to cover or Inerudltus, a, um, part, issimus,
in, or into, put, clapt, set clothe, to cover, besmear, or „ superl. unlearned, unskilled
Indlviduus, a, um, adj. individual, daub over lnescandus, a, um, part, to be
that cannot be divided Indiiperator, same as Imperator taken with a bait
Indlvisibilis,e, adj. indivisible Indurans, tis, part, hardening Inescans, tis, part, catching
Indivisus, a, um, part, undivided Induratus, a, um, part and adj. Inescatus, a, um, part, allured,
Indivulsus, a, um, part, unsepa- ior, comp. hardened, made hard caught
rated Indureo, ere, n. and Induresco, Tnesco, are, a. to lay a bait, to
Indo, 6re, Idi, Itum, a. to put, or fire, incep. to grow hard „ wheedle, to allure, to catch
set in, or into, to put Induro, are, a. to harden, to make Tnevltabilis, e, adj. inevitable
Indocliis, e, adj. untractable, un- hard Ineundus, a, um, part, to be en-
taught, natural [edly Indusiarius, a, um, adj. that „ tered upon
Indocte, adv. ius, comp. unlearn- makes under-garments Inev61utus, a, um, part, unrolled,
Indoctus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Indusiatus, a, um, adj. worn unfolded
issimus, superl. untaught, un- underneath Inexcltabllis, e, adj. that cannot
learned, ignorant, unskilful Indusium, i, n. a shirt, shift, „ be awakei
Ind&lentia, ae, /. the feeling no smock, petticoat, or other un- Inexcltus, a, um, part, not raised
pain der-garment Inexcogitatus, a, um, part, in-
Ind61eo, ere, ui, Itum, n. to grieve, Industria, se, /. industry, dili- „ thought of
to feel pain gence, activity, labour, care, Inexcusabilis, e, adj. inexcusable
IndSlesco, fire, n. the same carefulness Inexercltatus, a, um, part, unex-
Indoles, is, /. a growth, or in- Industrie, adv. ius, comp. indus- ercised [ciplined
crease, a natural towardliness, triously, carefully Inexercitus, a, um, part, undis-
or disposition, a vein, a race, a Industriose, adv. industriously Inexcussus, a,um, part, unshaken
breed Industrius, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Inexhaustus, a, um, part, inex-
Ind6loria, se,/. absence of pain industrious, active [clad hausted [cruel
Indaloris, e, adj. free from pain Indutus, a, "urn, part, put on, Inexorabilis, e, adj. inexorable,
IndOmabllis, e, adj. untameable Indutus, us, m. clothing, apparel Inexpectatus, a, um, part, unex-
IndSmitus, a, um, part, untamed, Indfivise, arum, pl.f. clothes pected [pared
ungovernable, invincible Indiivium, i, n. the bark of a tree Jnexpgdltus, a, um, part, unpre-
Indormiens, tis, part, sleeping Tnebriatio, onis, /. a making- Inexperrectus, a, um, part, not
Indormio, Ire, ivi, Hum, n. to sleep drunk „ awaked
upon, to be sluggish Inebrio, are, a. to make drunk Inexpertus, a„ um, part, untried,
Indotatus, a, um, part, unen- Inedia, ae, /. a want of food, unattempted, unexperienced
dowed, not honoured with fu- u fasting Inexpiabilis, e, adj. inexpiable,
neral obsequies Ineditus, a, um, part, not declared „ irreconcileable [merir.g
Indubltabllis, e, adj. indubitable Tneffabllis, e, adj. ineffable, that Inexplanatus, a, um,part, stam-
Indubltanter, adv. without doubt cannot be uttered [vain Inexplebilis, e, adj. insatiable
Indiihitatus, a, um, part, un- Inefficax, acis, adj. ineffectual, Inexpletus, a, um, part, not com-
doubted Inefflgiatus, a, um, adj. deformed pleted, not finished
Indubito, are, n. to doubt much Inelaboratus, a, um, part, un- Inexpltcabilis, e, adj. inexplica-
Indubius, a, um, adj. certain u laboured u ble, inextricable
Inducendus, a, um, part, to be in- lnelegans, tis, adj. inelegant Inexpllcatus, same as
duced TnelSganter, adv. without ele- Inexplicitus, a, um, part, not ex-
Inducens, part, inducing
tis, „ gance plained, dark, obscure, intri-
Inducise, arum, pi. f. a truce, a Ineluctabilis, e, adj. inevitable „ cate
respite Inemendabllis, e, adj. not to be Inexplorate, and Inexploratd,
Induco, fire, xi, ctum, a. to in- „ amended adv. without search, precipi-
duce, to persuade, to prevail Inemorior, i, dep. to die in „ tately
upon, to draw over, or in, to Inemptus, a, um, part, unbought Inexploratus, a, um, part, un-
cajole, to lead, or bring in, to Inenarrabilis, e, adj. inexpressible searched, untried, undiscovered
introduce, to give Inenarrablliter, adv. inexpressibly Inexpugnabilis, e, adj. impreg-
Inductio, onis,/. an induction, a Inenarratus, a, um, part, not told nable [rable
bringing into, or along, a bring- Inenodabilis, B, adj. intricate Inexputabilis, e, adj. innume-
ing in, an introduction, a per- Ineo, Ire, Ivi, itum, a. to go, or Tnexsiiturabilis,e, adj. insatiable
suasion enter into, to enter upon, to lnextinctus, a, um, part, inextin-
Inductiirus, a, um, part, about to u commence, to undertake, to lie guishable, insatiable [guishable
bring in lneptfc, adv. issime, superl. fool- Inextinguibilis, e, adj. inextin-
Inductus, a, um, part, induced, „ ishly Inextirpabilis, e, adj. not to be
persuaded, prevailed upon, Ineptia, a?, /. foolishness, folly, „ rooted out
moved, brought, brought in, „ absurdity, a story, a tale Inextrlcabilis, e, adj. inextricab'11
introduced Ineptio, Ire, n. o trifle, to t*ik Inexstipgrabilis, e, adj. insupe
Inductus, ds, m. a persuasion foolishly rable, invin:ibl3
Infabrg, adv. bunglingly, rudely Infernas, atis, adj. growing beljiv Infirmatus, a, um, part, weaken-
Infabrlcatus, a, um, part, un- Inferne, adv. below, beneath ed, enfeebled, wounded, hurt,
wrought Infernus, a, um, adj. infernal, hel- confuted
iDfacete, and Inflcgtg, adv. un- lish, lying below Infirme, adv. ius, comp. weakly
pleasantly, unwittily Infgro, ferre, tuli, illatum, a. to Infirmltas, atis,/. infirmity, feeb.e
Infacetise, or Inficeti<e, arum, pi. infer, or conclude, to bring in, ness, weakness, fickleness, in
/. poor jests, little puns into, upon, or up, to bring, or constancy
Infacetus and Inficetus, a, um, carry, to lay to, to apply Infirmo, are, a. to weaken, to in-
adj. ior, comp. unpleasant, not Infertliis, e, adj. unfruitful validate, to oppose, to confute, to
witty, rude, unpolished Infervefacio, gre, a. to make hot, disparage
Infacundia, ae, /. a want of elo- to seethe [hot Infirmus, a, um, adj. ior, comp
quence Infervgfactus, a, um, part, made issimus, superl. infirm, feeble,
Infacundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Infervgflo, fieri, factus, n. to be weak, not durable, unsettled,
uneloquent, rude in speech. made hot, to be made to boil irresolute
Infamandus, a, um, part, to de- Inferveo, or Infervesco, ere, bui, Infixus, a, um, part, fixed, fasten-
fame, or be defamed it. to be hot, to be boiling hot ed, bent upon, resolved
Infamans, tis, part, defaming Inferus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Inflammandus, a, um, part, to be
Infamatus, a, um, part, defamed inflmus, superl. low, below, be- inflamed, to be set on fire
Infamia, a?, /. infamy, disgrace, neath, inferior, lower Inflammatio, onis, /. an inflam-
dishonour, an aspersion Infestans, tis, part infesting
. mation
Infamis, e, adj. infamous, vile, Infestator, oris, m. a robber Inflammator, 6ris, m. an inflamer
disgraceful, dishonourable Infeste, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Inflammatus, a, um, part, in-
filthy,dismal, unlucky superl. hostilely, outrageously flamed, set on fire, excited
Infamo, are, a. to defame, to dis- Infestivlter, adv. unpleasantly Inflammo, are, a. to inflame, to
grace, to disparage, to decry, to Infestlvus, a, um, adj. unpleasant set on fire, to
excite, to stir up,
confute, to spread abroad Infesto, are, a. to infest, to dis- to provoke, to transport, to ex-
Infandum, adv. O abominable turb, to disquiet, to plague, to aggerate [up
Infandus, a, um, adj. issimus, spoil Inflans, tis, part, swelling, puffing
superl. wicked, abominable, hei- Infestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Inflate, adv. ius, comp. haughtily
nous, cruel, raging, bitter, issimus, superl. hostile, enraged, Inflatio, onis,/. a swelling
great spiteful, malicious, savage, Icflatus, a, um, part, and adj.
Intans, tis, adj. ior, comp. issimus, troublesome, vexatious, per- ior, comp. blown upon, or about,
superl. young, little, small, ten- plexed, adverse blown, swelled, puffed up
der, unable to speak, unelo- Infibulo and Infiblo, are, a. to Inflatus, us, m. a blowing upon, a
quent clasp, to buckle, to join to- sound, or blast, an inspiration
Infans, tis, c. a. an infant, a babe, gether Inflectens, tis, part, bending, de-
a young child, the young of any same as Infacetise
Inf'Icetiae, clining
creature Inficetisslme, adv. most rudely Inflectio, 6nis, /. a turning, or
Infantia, ae,/. infancy, childhood Inflcialis, e, adj. pertaining to winding
Infantilis, e, adj. belonging to denying Inflecto, gre, exi, exum, a. to bow,
infancy Inf Iciandus, a, um, part, to be de- or bend, to turn, to turn aside,
Infarciens, tis, part, stuffing in nied, to be disproved or another way, to decline, to
Infatigabilis, e, adj. indefatigable Inf Icians, tis, part, denying warp
Infatuo, are, a. to infatuate, to Inf Iciator, oris, m. a denier, one a, um, part, unbewailed,
besot that pleads non assumpsit to a unlamented, unpitied
Infaustus, a, um, adj. unpros- debt, or not guilty to a crime Inflexlbllis, e, adj. inflexible, ob-
perous, unlucky, inauspicious Inflciatus, a, um, part, denying stinate
Iafectio, onis,/. an infection Inflciens, tis, part, infecting, Inflexio, onis,/. same as Inflectio
Intectivus, a, um, adj. belonging dying Inflexus, a, um, part, bowed, bent,
to dyeing, colouring, or painting Inflcio, gre, feci, fectum, a. to turned, crooked, winding, va
Infector, 6ris, m. a dyer, what infect, to pollute, to corrupt, to ried, altered
dyes dye, to stain, to tinge Inflexus, us, m. a bending
Infectus, a, um, part, infected, Inflcior, ari, atus sum, dep. to Inflictio, onis,/. and Inflictus, us,
polluted, died, stained, poisoned deny, to disowu, to abjure, &c. m. an inflicting, a striking
Infectus, a, um, adj. undone, not Infidelis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi- Inflictus, a, um, part, inflicted
made, unwrought, unfinished, mus, superl. unfaithful, trea- Infligo, gre, ixi, ictum, a. to in-
unperformed cherous, deceitful flict, to lay, or bring upon, to
Infectus, us, m. a dying Infidelltas, atis,/. unfaithfulness fling, or throw, to strike, or
Infelicitas, atis,/. infelicity, un- Infldellter, adv. unfaithfully dash
happiness Infldus, a, um, adj. unfaithful, blow upon, to
Inflo, are, avi, a. to
Infeficlter, adv. unhappily disloyal, treacherous, false, de_- blow, to swell, to pufl up, to
Infeliclto, are, a. to make un- ceitful, mutable increase, to heighten
happy Infigendus, a, um, part, to be Infloreo, gre, ui, n. to flourish
Infelix, Icis, adj. ior, comp. un- fixed Influens, tis, part, flowing in,
happy, miserable, unfortunate, Inf igo, gre, xi, xum, a. to fix, to rushing in, abounding, falling
unsuccessful, useless, barren fasten, to thrust, push, or drive, off
Infensans, tis, part, destroying to imprint Infiuo, gre, uxi, uxuni, n. to flow,
Infense, adv. ius, comp. ho'stilely, Inflmus, a, um, adj. superl. low- or run into, to flock, or rush in,
spitefully est, last, low, mean, contemp- to get admittance, to abound,
Infenso, are, a. to harass, to spoil tible to decrease
Infensus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Infindo, gre, fldi, fissum, a. to Influvium, i, n. an effusion
issimus, svperl. enraged, furi- cut, to cleave, to plough, to en- Influxio, onis,/. influence, power
ous, hostile graft Influxus, (Is, m. an influx
Infercio, Ire, a. to stuff, to cram Inflnltas, atis, /. infinity, gene- Inf5diens, tis, part, digging in
Infgrendus, a, um, part, to be rality Inf6dio, gre, odi, ossum, a. to dig
carried on Infinite, adv. and Inflnlto, infi- into, or in, to dig, to plant
Infgrens, tis, part, carrying on nitely, without measure, vehe- Infoecundg, adv. unfriiitfully
Infgri, orum, pi. m. the gods, or mently Infoecundltas, atis, /. unfruitful-
shades below, manes Inflnitivus, a, um, adj. infinitive ness
lafgrias, arum, pl.f. sacrifices to Inf initio, onis, /. an infinity Infoecundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
the infernal gods for the dead Inf Initus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. unfruitful, barren, poor
inferior, 6ris, adj. inferior, lower infinite, indefinite, endless, Infoelicltas, &c. same as Infelici-
Infgrius, a, um, adj. belonging boundless, excessive tas, &c.
to funerals Infirm atio, 6nis, /. a weakening, Infoetus, a, um,
adj. barren
Internalis, e, adj. infernal a confuting, a disproving Infonuabllis, e, adj. that cannot
be fashioned, that which does Infalatus, a, um, part, wearing Ingestus, a,um, part, thrown in,
not assume a form a mitre heaped, or laid upon, forced
Informatio, 6nis, /. information, Infulcio, ire, Ivi,Itum, a. to thrust upon
a sketch, imagination, opinion in, to cram in, to foist in Ingigno, fire, gfinu\, Itum, a. to
Iuformaturus, a, um, part, about Infulgens, tis, part, shining, glit- engender, or breed in
to form, constitute, or instruct tering Inglomfiro, are, o. to wind, or
Informatus, a, um, part, formed, Inf umatus, a, um, part, dried in heap up
framed, made, drawn out, con- the smoke Ingloriosus, a, um, adj. inglorious
stituted, instructed, imperfect Infumo, smoke dry
are, a. to InglOrius, a, um, adj. inglorious,
Informldatus, a, um, part, not Infundendus, a, um, part, to be of no reputation, mean, obscure
feared poured in, or upon Ingliivies, ei,/. the weasand, the
Inlormis, e, adj. shapeless, mis- lnfundens, tis, part, pouring in, craw, crop, or gorge of a bird,
shapen, rude, filthy, foul pouring gluttony [crease
Informo, are, a. to form, shape, Infundibulum, i, n. a tunnel, or Ingrandesco, fire, incep. to in-
or fashion, to contrive, or design, funnel, the hopper of a mill Ingrate, adv. ungratefully, un-
to teach, to instruct [plead Infundo, fire, f udi, f usum, a. to thankfully, discontentedly, un-
InfOro, are, a. to bore into, to pour in, into, or upon, to dif- kindly [grateful
lufortunatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. fuse, spread, to empty Ingratificus, a, um, adj. un-
issimus, superl. unfortunate, Infurnlbulum, a baker's peel
i, n. Ingratis, adv. by constraint
unhappy Infuscans, tis, part, darkening Ingratltudo, Inis,/. ingratitude
Infbrtunltas, atis,/. misfortune Infuscatus, a, um, part, made Ingratus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Infortunium, i, n. misfortune dark, or blackish, troubled, dis- issimus, superl. ungrateful, un-
Ir.fossio, Onis, /. a covering with turbed, muddy, corrupted thankful, unpleasant, unaccept-
earth Infusco, are, a. to make dark, or able
Infossus, a, um, part, dug, covered muddy, to darken, to tarnish, Ingravans, tis, part, growingheavy
with earth, set in the eart]ji to disturb, to corrupt, to dilute Ingravescens, tis, part, growing
Infra, prep, below, beneath, under, Infuscus, a, um, adj. swarthy, worse and worse, increasing
less than, fewer than dark [pouring Ingr&vesco, fire, incep. to grow
Infractio, Onis,/. a breaking Infusio, Onis, /. an infusion, a heavier, worse, or dearer, to in-
Infractus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Inf usus, a, um, part, poured into, crease
broken, broken to pieces, dis- or upon, pouring in, diffused Ingr&vo, are, a. to make heavy,
abled, weak, submissive, abated, Infusus, us, m. an infusion, a more painful, or worse, to in-
lessened steeping [menting crease, to overload
Infraenatus and Infrenatus, a, Ingfimens, tis, part, groaning, la- Ingrediendus, a, um, part, to be
um, part, bridled, unbridled, lngemlnans, tis, part, redoubling entered upon
rebellious Ingeminatio, onis, /. a doubling Ingrfidiens, tis, part, entering into
Iniraenis, e, and Infrenus, a, um, Ingfimlnatus, a, um, part, re- Ingrfidior, i, essus sum, dep. to go,
;, adj. unbridled, ungovernable, doubled to walk, to enter into, or upon,
loose Ingemlno, are, a. to double, or to attempt
Ini'rreno, are, a. to bridle, to curb, redouble, to repeat Ingressio, onis, /. an entering in
to restrain, to keep in Ingfimiscens, tis, part, lamenting Ingressurus, a, um, part, about
Infragllis, e, adj. not easily bro- Ingfimisco, fire, incep. to groan, to enter into, or upon
ken, invincible, undaunted, bold to sigh, to sob, to mourn, to Ingressus, a, um, part, gone,
Infremo, fire, ui, n. to roar aloud, grieve entering, entering upon
to roar, to rage, to murmur Ingemo, fire, ui, n. to groan, to Ingressus, us, m. a going, a walk-
Infrendens, tis, part, gnashing lament ; a. to bewail, to mourn ing
Infrendeo, same as Frendeo for [gendered Ingruens, tis, part, violently ap-
Inrrfiquens, tis, adj. ior, comp. Ingfinfirasco, fire, n. to be en- proaching
issimus, superl. unfrequent, un- Ingfinfiratus, a, um, part, bred in Ingruo, fire, to invade, to
ui, n.
usual, uncommon, rare, seldom Ingfinfiro, are, a. to beget, to pro- attack, to set, or fall upon, to
seen, or visited, unfrequented duce [given rage, to be near at hand
Infrfiquentia, re,/, fewness, thin- Ingeniatus, a, um, adj. naturally Inguen, Inis, n. the groin, the
ness [crumbled Ingfinlculo, are, a. to kneel, to privy parts, a disease in those
Infriandus, a, um, part, to be how, to curtsey parts
Infriatus, a, um, part, crumbled Ingfiniose, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Ingulnaria, re, /. an herb
Infrlcatus, a, um, part, rubbed, superl. ingeniously, wittily Ingurgltatio, onis,/. immoderate
fretted Ingfiniosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. eating [ed
Infrlco, are, ui and avi, ictum issimus, superl. ingenious, Ingurgltatus, a, um, part, devour-
and atum, a. to rub in, or upon, shrewd, keen, cunning, witty Ingurglto, are, a. to devour, to
to rub Ingenitus, a, um, part, inbred, swallow, to pour down, to cram,
Infrictio, 6nis,/. a rubbing natural to stuff [tasted
Infrictus, a, um, part, rubbed in, Ingenium, i, n. the nature, quali- Ingustabllis, e,. adj. not to be
rubbed ty, or disposition of a thing, or Ingustatus, a, um, part, untasted
Infrlgeo, xi, n. to become cold person, the mind, the heart, lnhabllis, e, adj. unfit, dis-
Infrihgendus, a, um, part, to be genius, capacity, abilities, judg- qualified, unable, unwieldy
lessened [bruising ment, apprehension, ingenuity, Inhabltabllis, e, adj. uninhabit-
Infringens, tis, part, breaking, wit [mighty „ able
Infringo, ere, egi, actum, a. to Ingens, tis, adj. great, large, Inhabltatio, Onis,/. an inhabiting
break, tear, or rend in pieces, Ingenuatus, a, um, adj. well Inhablto, are, a. to inhabit, to
to break, to bruise, to lessen, or born, well bred „ dwell
diminish, to quell, or subdue, Ingfinue, adv. ingenuously, frankly lnhsrens, tis, part, cleaving to
to humble, to discourage Ingfinultas, atis, /. ingenuity, Inhrereo, ere, si, sum, n. to in-
Infrio, are, a. to crumble to pieces candour here, to stick in, or to, cleave
lnfrons, dis, adj. without leaves Ingfinuus, a, um, adj. ingenuous, to, to hang about, to remain, or
Infructuosus, a, um, adj. unfruit- frank, honest, liberal, freeborn, continue, to stay
ful, unprofitable, unavailing handsome Inhreresco, fire, n. to stick fast in
Infruglffirus, a, um, adj. un- Ingfirendus, a, um, part, to be lnhaesurus, a, um. part, about to
fruitful [foolish thrown, or cast into „ stick [upon
Infrunitus, a, um, adj. silly, Ingerens, tis, part, throwing into, Inhalo, are, a. to breathe in, o?
lnf ucatio, 6nis,/. a disguising or upon, heaping Inhaustus, a, um, part, tasted
Inf ucatus, a, um, part, painted, Ingfiro,fire, essi, estum, a. to I nhians, tis, part, gaping, covet-
disguised throw, cast, or pour in, or upon, „ ing
Inf tico are, a. to daub, to disguise to heap up, to thrust Inhiatio, Onis,/. a gaping upon
Info. a es,/. a mitre, a turban, a Ingestabllis, e, adj. that cannot Tnhlbendus, a, um, part, to be
diaaem, a fillet, a veil, a garland be borne restrained
'nhlbens, tis, part, restraining lnique, adv. ius, comp. issime, surround, to clasp, to fasten, to
nhlbeo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to re- superl. unjustly, unfairly, un- devise
strain, to hold in, to keep back, equally, disadvantageously Innexus, a, um, part, tied, bound,
to hinder, or forbid, to retard, Iniqultas, atis, /
iniquity, injus- joined, related
to stop tice, partiality, unevenness, dif- Iunltens, tis, part, leaning upon
Inhlbltio, onis, /. an inhibition, „ ficulty Innltor, i, xus or sus sum, dep. to
a restraint Iniquus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. lean, rest, or depend upon, to
I nlribitor, oris, m. a forbidder issimus, superl. unjust, unfair, assay
Tnhlbltus, a, urn, part, restrained, partial, unequal, uneven, dis- Innixus, a, um, part, leaning upon
stopt u advantageous, unkind, cruel depending upon, supported by
Inhio, are, n. to gape upon, or Iniquus, i, m. an enemy Inno, are, n. to swim in, to float
after, to gape, to covet, to de- Initia, orum, pi. n. sacrifices, the upon
sire much principles of a science Inn6cens, tis, comp. issi-
adj. ior,
Inhonestamentum, i, n. a discredit Inltialis, e, adj. initial, the first mus, superl. innocent, guiltless,
Inh6nestas, atis, /. dishonesty Initiamenta, orum, pi. n. the first harmless
Inh5neste, adv. dishonestly, „ elements, principles Inn5center, adv. ius, comp. issi-
„ lewdly Initiatio, onis,/. initiation me, superl. innocently, harm-
InhSnesto, are, a. to disparage, lnitiatus, a, um, part, initiated, lessly
to discredit, to disgrace entered into orders, licensed, Inndcentia, ae,/ innocence
inh6nestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. or admitted to, instructed in Innocue, adv. harmlessly, simply
issimus, superl. dishonest, dis- „ first principles InnScuus, a, um, adj. harmless,
honourable, mean, shameful Initio, are, a. to initiate, to begin, inoffensive, innocent, safe
Inhonoratus, a, um, part, ior, o to give the first instructions InnoteSco, £re, ui, incep. to be-
comp. issimus, superl. unbo- Initium, i, n. a beginning, an come known, noted, or notori-
noured, without honour, unsa- entrance,' a rite, or ceremony, a ous
luted [honourable cause Inn6jatio, onis, an innovation/
InhSnorif icus, a, um, adj. dis- Inlturus, a, um, part, about to Innovator, oris, m. an innovator
Inh6norus, a, um, adj. not re- enter in Innovo, are, a. to innovate, to re-
spected, unrewarded Initus, a, um, part, entered, be- new
Inhorreo, ere, ui, n. to quake, to „ gun, undertaken Innoxius, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
shake, to shudder Initus, us, m. copulation harmless, innocent, free, safe
Inhorreseens, tis, part, growing Injucundfe, adv. ius, comp. un- Inn ilba, ae,/ a virgin
rough, or terrible pleasantly, disagreeably Innubllo, are, a. to darken
lnhowesco, same as Inhorreo Injucundltas, atis, / unpleasant- Innubllus, a, um, adj. clear, fair
Inhospltalis, e, adj. inbospitable, ness Innubis, e, adj.; the same
desert Injucundus, a, um,
unplea- adj. Innubo, ere, psi, n. to be married
Inhospltalltas, atis,/. rudeness sant, disagreeable, hateful Innumerabllis, e, adj. innunie<
Inhospttus, a, um, adj. inhospit- Injudicatus, a, um, part, un- rable
able, cruel, wild, desert, unin- judged Innumerabffitas, atis, / innu-
habited Injiigis, e, adj. unyoked merableness, infinity
Inhumane, adv. ius, comp. inhu- Injunctio, onis,/ an injunction Innumgrablllter, adv. without
manly, discourteously, unkindly Injunctus, a, um, part, enjoined, number
I nh Amanitas, atis,/. inhumanity, commanded, ordered, laid upon Innumgralis, e, adj. innumerable
cruelty Injungo, ere, xi, ctum, a. to en- Innumfirosus, a, um, adj. number-
Inhumaniter, adv. ius, comp. in- join, command, impose, or ap- less
humanly, mercilessly, cruelly point, to lay, or bring upon, to Innumgrus, a, um, adj. innu-
Inhumanus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. join to merable, numberless
issimus, superl. inhuman, bar- Injuratus, a, um, part, unsworn Innuo, 6re, ui, utum, n. to nod, or
„ barous, cruel, severe, stern Injuria, ae, /
injury, damage, hurt, make signs to one
Inhujnatio, onis,/ a burying wrong, injustice,, trespass, de- Innuptus, a, um, part, unmarried,
Inhumatus, a, um, part, unburied spite, displeasure, crime, of- unlucky [up
Inhumo, are, a. to bury, to inter fence, insult Innutrio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to bring
Inibi, adv. even there, in that Injuria, adv. unjustly, wrongfully Innutrltio, onis,/ a nourishing
place Injuriose, adv. ius, comp. issime, Innutritus, a, um, part, nourish-
Injectio, Onis, /
an injection, a superl. injuriously, wrongfully „ ed, brought up, instructed
casting in, a laying upon Injuriosus, a, um, adj. injurious, InObediens, tis, part, disobedient
Injecto, are,/reg. to cast in often hurtful TnSbedientia, ae,/ disobedience
Injecturus, a, um, part, about to Injurius, a, um, adj. wrongful Inoblltus, a, um, part, mindful
cast, or lay Injussus, a, um, part, unbidden, Inobrtitus, a, um, part, not over
Injectus, a, um, part, cast in, without bidding, spontaneous whelmed, safe
thrown, or laid upon, cast, sent Injuste, adv. issime, superl. un- Inobscuro, are, a. to darken
Injectus, us, m..a casting in, or justly lnobsequens, tis, part, disobedi
upon [early Injustitia, ae,/ injustice, ill usage „ ent [able
lniens, euntis, part, beginning, Injustus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Tnobservabllis, e, adj. unobserv-
Injiciendus, a, um, part, to be unjust, unreasonable Inobservans, tis, part, unobserv-
cast in Inlargio, Ire, a. to bestow, or grant
Injlcio, ere, jeci, jectum, a. to in- Innabllis, e, adj. that cannot be Inobservantia, ae,/ inadvertency
ject, to cast, throw, or lay in, swimmed in Inobservatus, a, um, part, unob-
upon, or about, to cast, or Lnnans, tis, part, swimming in served
throw at, to cast, or throw, to Innascor, i, natus, dep. born Inoccatus, a, um, part, harrowed
clap, or put on [fullv in, or with, to grow Inocclduus, a, um, adj. always
Tnimlce, adv. issime, superl. spite- Innatabllis, e, adj. same as Inna- „ watching, never setting
InlmicTtia, ae,/. enmity, variance, bilis [upon Tnocco, are, a. to harrow in
a tailing out, a quarrel Innatans, tis, part, swimming )n5culatio, onis, /
inoculation, a
Tnlmico, are, a. to set at variance, Innatatio, onis,/ a swimming in „ grafting
to profess to be one's enemy Innato, are. n. to swim in, or InOculator, oris, m. a grafter
Inlniicor, ari, dep. to become an upon Inocalo, are, a. to inoculate, to
enemy, to hate Innatus, a, um, part, inbred, „ graft
Tnlinieus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. growing In5doro, are, a. to make to smell,
issimus, superl. unfriendly, hos- InnavlgabTlis, e, adj. unnavigable „ toperfume
tile, adverse, hurttul, pernicious, Innavlgans, tis, part, sailing down In5dorus, a, um, adj. void of smell,
destructive Innectens, tis, part, clasping, unperfumed
tnlnilcus, i, m. an enemy, a foe, knitting Inoffense, adv. ius, comp. inoffen-
an adversary, an opposer Innecto, 6re, xui and xi, xum, a. „ sively
&licltabih\, e, adj u;., unable to tie, bind, or put about, to Inoffensus, a, um, part, unoffend-
1NQ im INS
I ed, unhurt, safe, inoffensive, Inqulrendus, a, um, part, to in- written upon, titled, engraven,
easy quire, or be inquired into branded, not written
Inoft'Iciose, adv. uncivilly Inqulrens, tis, part, inquiring Inscriptus, i, m. a rogue burnt in
Inofficiosus, a, am, adj. unkind Inquiro, fire, slvi, situm, a. to in- the hand, or shoulder
Inolens, tis, part, yielding no quire, or make inquiry, to Inscrutabllis, e, adj. unsearchable
I savour search, to examine, to take an Insculpo, fire, psi, ptum, a. to en-
Inolesco, ui and evi, Itum
fire, information grave, to carve, to cut
i and etum, incep. to grow up, or Inqulslte, adv. accurately Insculptus, a, um, part, engraven,
I upon Inqulsltio, onis, /. an inquisition, carved, cut, imprinted
Inolitus, a, una, par?, inbred or search, an examination, an Insficabllis, e, adj. that cannot be
Jfnominalis, e, adj. unlucky, ill- inquest cut [pruned
. boding Inquisitor, oris, m. an inquisitor, Insficandus, a, um, part, to be
Enomlnatus, a, ura, part, unhappy an inquirer, a searcher, an ex- Insfico, are, ui, ctum, a. to cut in,
EnSpaco, are, a. to overshadow aminer, an informer, a promoter to cut, to prune, to anatomize
EnOpacus, a, um, adj. open Inqulsltus, a, um, part, inquired Insecta, orum, pi. n. insects
Enoperio, Ire, a. to uncover, to for, searched for, not found out Insectans, tis, part, pursuing,
I open [naked Insalubris, e, adj. errimus, superl. railing at
EnQpertus, a, um, part, uncovered, unwholesome, unhealthy Insectanter, adv. railingly
Hnopia, ae,/. want, need, necessity, Insalutatus, a, um.^ai-f.unsaluted Insectatio, onis, /. a railing, an
I scarcity, dearth, lack of any Insanabllis, e, adj. ior, comp. in- inveighing
I thing [opinion curable, desperate Insect ator, oris, m. a persecutor,
flnSpInabilis, e, adj. contrary to Insane, adv. ius, comp. isslme, a scourger, a railer
SnSpinans, tis, part, not thinking superl. madly, outrageously Insectatus, a, um, part, followed,
of it, not expecting it Insania, ae, /. madness, distrac- pursued, reviled, inveighed
InOpinanter, adv. unawares, sud- tion, fury, infatuation, dotage, Insecto, are, a. and Insector, ari,
denly folly, inconsistency atus sum, dep. to pursue, to
In6plnate, and In6pinat&, adv. Insanibllis, e, adj. insane run after, to rail at, to inveigh
the same Insaniens, tis, part, raging, mad, against, to upbraid with, to sue
ln6plnatus, a, um, part, un- frantic, foolish, rough Insectus, a, um, part, cut, or
thought of, unlooked for, un- Insanio, ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to be notched, uncut
expected mad, to rave, to dote, to play Insectura, ae,/. a notch
InSpInus, a, um, adj., the same the fool Insficutio, onis,/. a pursuit
Inopportune, adv. unseasonably Insanitas, atis, /. insanity, mad- Insecutor, 6ris, m. a persecutor
Inopportunus, a, um, adj. unsea- ness, a want of health Insecuturus, a, um, pari, about to
[ sonable Insanlturus, a, um, part, that will pursue, or follow
Inops, 6pis, adj. poor, needy, be mad Insficutus, a, um, part, following,
destitute, dehcient, void of, Insanum, adv. at a mad rate, ex- pursuing, railing at
wanting, that hath not cessively Insedabilis, e, adj. not to be
Inoptabllis, e, adj. not to be Insanus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. calmed
wished for [for isslmus, superl. insane, mad, Insedablliter, adv. so that it can-
Inoptatus, a, um, part, unwished frantic, raging, distracted, in- not be quieted
Inoratus, a, um, part, unpleaded fatuated, inspired, vast, huge Insedatus, a, um, part, unap-
Inordinate, adv. disorderly, ir- Insatiabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. in- peased, unquiet
regularly satiable, not to be satisfied Insemlnatus, a, um, part, made
lnordlnatim, adv. out of order Insatiabilitas, atis, /. insatiable- fruitful, begotten, ingrafted
Inordlnatus, a, um, part, isslmus, ness Insemino, are, a. to sow in, to in-
superl. inordinate, disordered Insatiabiliter, adv. insatiably graft
Inorior, dep. to arise
Iri, Insatiatus, a, um, part, insatiate, Insfinesco, fire, ui, n. to grow old
Inornate, adv. plainly, inelegantly unsatisfied Insensatus, a, um, adj. senseless,
lnornatus, a, um, part, unadorn- Insaturabllis, e, adj. insatiable foolish
ed, undrest, unpolished, un- Insaturablliter, adv. insatiably Insenslbllis, e, adj. insensible
praised [mouth Inscalpo, 6re, psi, ptum, a. to en- Insensilis, e, adj. senseless
Inorus, a, um, adj. having no grave, to cut out, to form Inseparables, e, adj. inseparable
Inotiosus, a, um, adj. not idle, or Inscendo, fire, di, sum, a. and n. Inseparabffiter, adv. inseparably
L vain [ulting to go up, to mount, to climb Insfipultus, a, um, part, unburied
In&vans, tis, part, rejoicing, ex- up to Insfiquendus, a, um, part, to pur-
Inquam, verb defect. I say Inscensio, onis, /. a mounting sue, or be pursued
Inquantum, adv. as much as, as Inscensus, a, um, part, mounted, Insfiquens, tis, part, following,
far as ascended pursuing, ensuing, next
Inque, imper. say thou Inscie, adv. ignorantly Insfiquenter, adv. not to the pur-
Inquies, etis,/. disquiet Insciens, tis, part, not knowing, pose
Inquies, etis, adj. restless, uneasy unwitting, ignorant [skilfully Insequor, i, ciitus sum, dep. to
Inquietatio, onis,/. a disquieting Inscienter, adv. ignorantly, un- follow, to follow after, to pur-
Inquietatus, a, um, part, dis- Inscientia, se, /. ignorance sue, to persecute, to rail at, to
quieted Inscite, adv. issime, superl. igno- succeed [serted
Inquiete, adv. unquietly rantly [dence Insfirendus, a, um, part, to be in-
Inquieto, are, a. to disquiet, Inscltia, 33, /. ignorance, impru- Insfirens, tis, part, inserting,
trouble, or disturb Inscitus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. thrusting in
Inquietudo, Inis, /. disquiet, isslmus, superl. ignorant, fool- Insfirenus, a, um, adj. cloudy
trouble ish,imprudent, absurd, unbe- Insfiro, fire, evi,Itum, a. to sow
Inquietus, a, um, adj. unquiet, coming, insufficient in, or among, to implant, to
uneasy, restless, busy, trouble- Inscius,a, um, adj. ignorant, un- graft
some [mate skilful, impr ident Insfiro, fire, sfirui, sertum, a. to
Inquilinus, i, m. a tenant, an in- Inscrlbendus, a, um, part, to be insert, to put, or thrust in, to
Inqulnamentum, i, n. defilement inscribed, or charged apply, or put to, to intermix
Inqulnans, tis, part, defiling, pol- Inscrlbens, tis, part, inscribing Inserpo, fire, n. to creep in, or
luting [ruptly Inscribo, fire, psi, turn, a. to in- upon
Inqulnate, adv. impurely, cor- scribe, to write in, or upon, to Inserta, ae, /. a piece put in, an
Inqulnatio, onis,/. a defiling superscribe, to engrave, to im- ornament
Inquinatus, a, um.^arr. ior, comp. print Insertans, tis, part, putting in
iasiiaxis, superl. defiled, polluted, Inscriptio, onis,/. an inscription, Insertlm, adv. byway of insertion
stained, dyed a title, a bill, a mark, an accu- Insertivus, a, um, adj. mingled
Inqulno, are, to defile, to pol-
a. sation Inserto, are,/reg. to put in often,
lute, to stain, to die, to sully, Inscriptum, i, n. an inscription to put
to blemish, to disgrace, to spoil Inscriptus, a, um, part, inscribed, Insertdrium, i, *. a thong at-
Cached to a shield for inserting Insincerus, a, um, adj. insincere, Insomnium, i, n. a dream, a visioo
.he kit hand deceitful, corrupt, putrid InsOno, are, ui, n. to sound, to re-
Insertus, a, urn, part, put in, or Inslnuandus, a, um, part, to be sound, to smack, to play on
upon, mingled amongst insinuated Insons, tis, adj. guiltless, inno-
Inserviens, tis, part, serving com- Inslnuans, tis, part, insinuating cent, harmless [watchful
plying, falling in with Insinuatio, onis,/. an insinuation, InsOpitus, a, um, part, sleepless,
Inservio, ire, ivi, ltum, n. to serve, a crafty address Insortitus, a, um, part, not part-
to do service, to attend upou, Insinuatus, a, um, part, insi- ed by lot
to mind, or take care orj to nuated, crept into favour, folded Inspectans, tis, part, looking on,
comply with Insinuo, are, a. to insinuate, to guarding, protecting
Inservo, are, a. to keep, or pre- wind, creep, put, or thrust in, Inspectatio, onis,/. a beholding
serve, to observe to recommend Inspectio, onis, /. an inspection,
Iusessor, Oris, m. a robber Insipidus, a, um, adj. insipid an oversight, an insight, an ex-
Insessus, a, urn, part, sat, or Insipieus, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- amination, a survey
perched upon, beset, blocked mus, superl. unwise, foolish, Inspecto, are, freq. to inspect, to
up, infested doting [ishly take a survey, or view, to be-
Insibilo, are, n. to whistle, to Inslpienter, adv. unwisely, fool- hold, to look in, or upon, to
make a hissing In sipientia, sd, /. folly, indiscre- keep, or guard
Insiccatus, a, um, part, undried tion Inspector, Oris, m. an inspector,
Insicco, are, a. to dry Insistendus, a, um, part, to in- an overseer, a surveyor, a viewer
Insldendus, a, um, part, to be sist, or be insisted on, to stop Inspecturus, a, um, part, about
sat upon Insistens, tis, part, resting upon to view, or overlook
Insldens, tis, part, sitting in, or Insisto, fire, stlti, stltum, n. to Inspectus, a, um, part, inspected,
on, continual, constant insist upon, to urge, to stand, examined, seen
Insldens, tis, part, lighting, or rest, lean, or fix upon, to re- Inspectus, us, m. a looking on a
sitting on solve, set out view
Insideo, ere, edi, essum, n. to sit, Insitio, onis, /. a grafting Insperans, tis, part not hoping for

or rest upon, to be fixed, to be Insititium, i, n. a sausage InsperatO, adv. ids, comp. unex-
settled in, to lie in wait for Insititius, a, um. adj. ingrafted, pectedly
Insldise, arum, pi. /. a lying in put, or set in by art, strange, Insperatus, a, um, part, unhoped
wait, an ambush, an ambus- foreign for, unexpected, sudden
cade, a snare, a plot, treachery Insitivus, a, um, adj. ingrafted, Inspergo, fire, si, sum, a. to sprin-
Insldians, tis, pari, lying in wait serving for grafting, not natu- kle upon, to powder, to sprinkle,
Insldianter, adv. insidiously ral, spurious to scatter
Insldiator, oris, m. a lier in wait, Insitor, Oris, m. a grafter Inspersio, Onis,/. a sprinkling on
a plotter, a treacherous person Insltum, i, n. a graft, seion, or Inspersus, a, um, part, sprinkled
Insldiatrix, Icis,/. a female plotter shoot upon, sprinkled, scattered here
In si diatoms, a, um, part, about Inslturus, a, um, part, about to and there
to lie in wait ingraft Inspiciendus, a, um, part, to be
Insldiatus, a, um, part, lying, or Insltus, a, um, part, grafted, set, looked upon, or approved
laid in wait or planted in, adopted, rooted, Inspiciens, tis, part, inspecting,
Insldior, ari, atus sum, dep. to lie settled beholding, viewing
in wait, or ambush, to have a Insltus, us, m. a grafting Inspicio, fire, exi, ectum, a. to
design upon InsOciabilis, e, adj. unsociable, look upon, or into, to behold, to
InsIdiOse, adv. issime, superl. discordant observe [point
treacherously, deceitfully, craf- Insolabilis, e, adj. inconsolable Inspico, are, a. to sharpen, to
tily InsOlabilitfir, adv. inconsolably Inspirandus, n, um, part, to be
Insldiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Insolatio, onis,/. a laying in the blown into
issimus, superl. treacherous, sun, a bleaching Inspirans, tis, part, breathing
deceitful, crafty, ensnaring Insolatus, a, um, part, dried in Inspiratio, Onis,/. an inspiration
Insidio, fire, sedi, sessum, n. to the sun, sunny, bright Insplratus, a, um, part, inspired,
light, settle, or sit upon, to InsOlens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- blown, or breathed into
sink into mus, superl. insolent, haughty, Inspiro, are, a. to inspire, to blow
Insigne, is, n. an ensign, an orna- proud, saucy, impertinent, in, or upon, to breathe
ment, a badge, mark, sign, or strange InspOliatus, a, um, part, not
token, an appellation, or dis- InsOlenter, adv. ius, comp. issime, spoiled, safe [upon
tinction superl. insolently, haughtily, Inspuo, fire, ui, tttum, a. to spit
Insignio, ire, ivi, Stum, a. to rarely Instabllis, e, adj. unstable, un-
adorn, to ennoble, to signalize, InsOlentia, se,/. insolence, haugh- steady, unfirm, tottering, wag-
to distinguish tiness, disdain, strangeness, ging, slippery [fickleness
Insignis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi- disuse Instabllltas, atis, /. instability,
mus, guperl. remarkable, nota- InsOlescens, tis, part, growing Instans, tis, part, and adj. ior,
ble, notorious, famous, noble, insolent comp. issimus, superl. standing
illustrious, glorious, extraor- InsOlesco, fire, incep. to grow in- up, approaching, coming on,
dinary [ably solent, or proud, to be elated near at hand
Insignite, adv. ius, comp. remark- InsOlidO, adv. wholly, entirely Instanter, adv. ius, comp. isslmfi,
Insignlter, adv. ius, comp. remark- InsOlidus, a, um, adj. weak, not superl. instantly, earnestly
ably, notably, signally, excel- sound Instautia, se, /. an instance,
lently, finely, mightily InsOlite, adv. unusually urgency, earnestness, impor-
Insignitus, a, um, part! ior, comp. InsOlitus, a, um, part, unaccus- tunity
adorned, marked, blemished, tomed, unusual, strange, ex- Instar, n. indecl. bigness, the full
remarkable traordinary proportion, likeness, value
Inslle, is, n. the treadle of a Insollicltus, a, um, adj. uncon- Instar, adv. like, as it were
weaver's loom cerned, careless Instaturus, a, um, part, about to
Inslliens, tis, part, leaping upon Insolo, are, a. to dry in the sun urge
Insllio, ire, ui, and ii, ultum, n. InsOlubilis, e, adj. insoluble, that Instaurandus, a, um, part, to re-
to leap in, or upon cannot be loosed, or requited new, or be renewed
Inslmtil, adv. jointly, together Tnsolublllter, adv. insolubly Instaurans, tis, part, renewing
Inslmulatio, Onis,/. an accusation InsOlutus, a, um, part, unpaid, Instauratio, Onis, / an instaura-
Inslmiilator, oris, m. an accuser undischarged tion, a rebuilding, a solemniza-
Inslmulaturus, a, um, part, about Insomnia, a, /. watching tion
to accuse InsomniOsus, a, um, adj. full of, Instaurativus, a, um, adj. renewed
Inslmulatus, a, um, part, accused or troubled with dreams restored, repaired, rebuilt
Inslmulo, are, a. to feign, to dis- Insomnis, e, adj. without deep, Instaurator, Oris, m. a restorer
enable, to pretend, to accuse waking Instauratus, a, um, part, renew eo


{watamo, are, a. to renew, to re- Instructe, adv. plentifully rise up, to rise, to make head
form, to make, or prepare, to Instructio, onis, /. instruction, against, to apply oneself to
institute education, a setting in order, or Insurrectio, Onis,/. an insurrec
Insterno, ere, stravi, stratum, a. array, a furnishing tion [ceivel
to spread, lay abroad, or cover Instructor, oris, m. an instructor, Insusceptus, a, um, part, not re-
Instlgandus, a, um, part, to stir a provider, a furnisher, a server Insiisurrans, tis, part, whispering
Instructus, a, um, part, and adj. Insusurratio, onis,/. a whispering
"P ... ior, comp. issimus, superl. in- Instisurratus, a, um, part, whis-
Instigans, tis, part, inciting
Instlgatio, onis,/. an instigation, structed, taught, educated, pering
an inducement, an enticement prepared [vision Insusurro, are, a. and n. to
Instigator, oris, m. an encourager Instructus, us, m. furniture, pro- whisper, to buzz, to make a
Instlgatrix, Icis, /. an inciter Instruendus, a, um, part, to be humming
Instlgatus, a, um, part, stirred devised, advertised, &c. Insutus, a, um, part, sewed, or
up, excited, induced, encouraged Instruens, tis, part, preparing, stitched
Instlgo, are, a. to instigate, to devising [mental Intabesco, ere, incep. to pine,
stir up, to excite, to incite Instrumentalis, e, adj. instru- waste, or wither away
Instillandus, a, um, part, to be Instriimentum, i, n. an instru- Intactilis, e, adj. not to be toucht
instilled ment, a tool, an implement, a Intactus, a, um, part, ior, comp
Instillatio, onis,/. an instillation mean, or help, necessaries, an untouched, untasted, undetiled,
Instillatus, a, um, part, instilled, evidence, a deed uninjured, chaste
dropped Instruo, ere, uxi, uctum, a. to in- Intactus, us, m. a not feeling
Instillo, are, a. to instil, to drop, struct, to teach, to inform, to Intaminatus, a, um, part, un-
to let, or pour in drop by drop get, provide, or prepare spotted
Instimulans. tis, part, exciting Instiipens, tis, part, being asto- Infantum, adv. so much, so far
In stimulator, oris, m. an encou- nished [irished Intectus, a, um, part, uncovered
rager Instupeo, ere, ui, n. to be asto- Intggellus, a, um, adj. pretty
Instlmiilo, are, a. to excite, to Insuavis, e, adv. ior, comp. isSi- whole [covered
push on mus, superl. stinking, unplea- Integendus, a, um, part, to be
Instinctor, oris, m. an encourager sant Integer, gra, grum, adj. ior, comp.
Instinctus, a, um, part, inwardly Insuavitas, atis,/. unpleasantness errimus, superl. entire, whole,
moved, inspired, set on, pushed. Instibide, adv. stupidly, foolishly untouched, safe, sound, strong,
on Insubidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. healthy, lusty, complete, fresh,
Instinctus, us, m. an instinct, an stupid, blockish, silly new, innocent, upright, honest,
inward motion, an inspiration, Insuccatus, a, um, part, moistened chaste, unstained, uncorrupted,
a persuasion, or instigation Insucco, are, s. to moisten with pure
Instipulor, ari, atus sum, dep. to liquor [at Intego, ere, xi, ctum, a. to cover,
covenant, or bargain Insudo, are, n. to sweat, to sweat to thatch [newed
Instlta, se, /. a border, a welt, a Insuefactus, a, um, part, ac- Integrasco, ere, incep. to be re-
fringe, or trimming about a customed Integratio, onis, /. a renewal
gown, a garter, a bedgirth Insuesco, fire, evi, etuvn, n. to be Integratus, a, um, part, renewed,
Instltio, onis,/. a standing still accustomed, or wont; a. with restored
Institor, oris, m. a huckster, a accus. to accustom Integrfe, adv. ius, comp. errime,
padlar [sters Insuetus, a, um, part, unac- superl. entirely, wholly, up-
Institorius, a, um, adj. of huck- customed, unusual rightly, honestly, sincerely
Instituendus, a, um, part, to be Insula, se,/. an island, or isle, a Integritas, atis, /. integrity, up-
instituted, appointed, or begun house having no house joined rightness, honesty, sincerity,
Instituens, tis, part, instituting, unto it purity, chastity, continence,
appointing Insularis, is, c. g. an islander perfectness, soundness, healthi-
Instituo, ere, ui, utum, a. to in- Insulosus, a, um, adj. full of ness
stitute, to appoint, to ordain, islands Integro, are, a. to renew, to re-
to found, to settle, to set in Insulse, adv. ius, comp. isstrae peat, to restore, to perfect
order, to instruct, to educate, to superl. insipidly, simply, fool Integumentum, i, n. a covering, a
bring, or train up ishly pretence, a disguise, a cloak
Institutio, onis,/. an institution, Insulsltas, atis, /. insipidness Iatellectualis, e, adj. intellectual,
instruction, education, disci- foolishness belonging to the understanding
pline, a management, or con- Insulsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp Intellecturus, a, um, part, that
duct, a custom, or fashion, a issimus, superl. insipid, unsa will understand
purpose vory Intellectus, a, um, part, under-
Instltutor, 6ris, m. a teacher Insultans, t\s, part, insulting, hec stood, perceived, known
Institutum, i, n. an institution, an toring, domineering, leaping, Intellectus., us, m. understanding,
appointment, or order, a law, bounding sense, discernment, a meaning
statute, or decree, a lesson, or Insultaturus, a, um, part, about Intelllgendus, a, um, part, to be
instruction, a way, manner to insult, or leap understood
Insfltutus, a, um, part, instituted, Insultatio, onis,/. an insulting, a Intelligens, tis, part, and adj.
ordained, set up, taught, in- leaping upon understanding, knowing, per-
structed Insulto, are, a. andn. to insult, to ceiving, intelligent, skilful, wise
Insto, are, sttti, stltum, n. to be hector, or domineer, to deride, Intelllgenter, adv. intelligibly
instant, or earnest, to urge, or or jeer, to moek, to leap up Intelligentia, m, f. understand-
press upon, to threaten, to stick Insultura, ae, /. a leaping in, or ing, sense, knowledge, art, skill
to, to persist in [housing upon [onset Intelliglbilis, e, adj. intelligible
Instragulum, i, n. a covering, a Insultus, us, m. an assault, or Intelligo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to
Instratum, i, n. any covering, a Insum, es, esse, n. to be in, to be understand, know, or perceive,
counterpane, coverlet, or carpet involved, to come on to discern, to be wise, or
Instratus, a, um, part, covered, Insumo, Sre, psi, ptum, a. to con- sensible, to mean
spread over, saddled sume, to spend, to bestow, to Intem6randus, a, um, part, in-
Instrenue, adv. cowardly employ, to take up violable
Instrenuus, a, um, adj. cowardly, Insuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to sew, or [ntemeratus, a, um, part, unde-
mean stitch, to joir. to, to unite nted, unviolated, unprofaned,
Instrepo, 6re, ui, Itum, n. to make Insiiper, conj. moreover, further- holy, pure
a noise, to creak, to crack more, over and besides, over Intemperans, tis, adj. ior, comp,
Instrictus, a, um, part, bound and above, upon issimus, superl. intempeiate,
Instridens, tis, part, hissing, Insuperabilis, e, adj. insuperable, disorderly
roaring invincible, not to be overcome Intempgranter, adv. ius, cow,
Instringo, gre, xi, ictum, a. to Insurgens, tis, part, rising up issimus, superl. intempemtely,
bind, to strain hard, to unbind Insurgo, ere, rexi, rectum, n. to immoderately, excessive^
laternpgrantia, se, /. intempe- intercede, to interpose, to come, prohibition, an order, or injunc-
rance, excess, incontinence, in- go, pass, or be between, to op- tion
solence, unjust, or disorderly pose, or withstand, to forbid, Interdicturus, a, um, part, about
behaviour or put a negative, to put a stop to debar [debarred
Intemperate, adv. intemperately Intercentus, us, m. the mean in Interdictus, a, um, part.forbidden,
Intempgratus, a, um, adj. ior, music Interdiu, adv. in the daytime
comp. isslmus, superl. intempe- Interceptio, onis, /. an intercep- Interductus, us, m. a stop, or th«
rate, excessive tion, a stoppage, a forestalling fetching of one's breath is
Intempgria, m, f. unseasonable- Interceptor, oris, m. an inter- reading, or writing
ness, a want of temper, violence, cepted a forestaller, an en- Interdum, adv. sometimes
outrage croach er Intgrea, adv. in the mean while,
Intempgries, ei, /. unseasonable- Interceptus, a, um, part, inter- in the interim, notwithstanding
ness, extremity, indisposition, cepted, stopped, prevented, sur- Intgremptio, onis, /. a killing,
a want of moderation, madness prised murder
Iutempestas, atis, /. unseason- Xntercessio, onis, /. an interces- Intgremptor, oris, m. a murderer
ableness, badness sion, an interposition, a prohi- Interempturus, a, um, part, about
Intempestive, adv. unseasonably bition to kill, or slay [slain
Intempestivus, a, um, adj. ior, Intercessor, oris, m. an inter- IntSrembtus, a, um, part, killed,
cornp. unseasonable, unlucky cessor, a mediator, an opposer '
Intgreo, ire, Ivi and ii, Hum, re. to
Intempestus, a, um, adj. unsea- Intercessiirus, a, um, part, about die, to perish, to cease, to be
sonable, unwholesome to intercede, step in, oppose annihilated, or extinguished, to
Intendendus, a, um, part, to be Iutercessus, us, m. interposition ,
be slain, or destroyed, to bo
bent [stretching Intercidendus, a, um, part, to be ruined
Intendens, tis, part, bending, cut asunder Intergquitans, tis, part, riding
Intendo, gre, di, sum and turn, a. Intercidens, tis, part, falling, lost between
to intend, to design, to purpose, Intercldo, ere, Idi, casum, n. to Intgrgquito, are, re. to ride between
to direct, or carry, to extend, to fall between, or out, to happen, Interfacio, gre, eci, actum, a. to
hold, or stretch out, to stretch, to decay, to be lost, to perish, work by fits, to set hand to
or bend, to strain, to knot, or to be forgotten Interfans, tis, part, interposing
tie, to apply, or employ Intercido, ere, Idi, Isum, a. to cut Interfatio, onis, /. a digression
Intensio, onis,/. a bending Intercinctus, a, um, part, en- Interfatus, a, um, part, addressed
Intensus, a, um, part, bent, in- compassed, girded Interfectio, onis, /. a killing, a
tense Intercino, gre, ui, entum, a. to - murder
Intentans, tis, part, stretching sing between Interfector, oris, ret. a murderer
out, holding out, threatening Interclpiendus, a, um, part, to be Interfectrix, icis, /. a murderer
Intentatio, onis, /. a menacing intercepted Interfecturus, a, um, part, about
with something held out to Intercipio, gre, cepi, ceptum, a. to kill, or slay
strike, a threat to intercept, to stop, to come Interfectus, a, um, part, killed,
Intentatus, a, um, part, pointed upon unawares, to surprise slain [killed
at, untried, unassayed Intercise, adv. by cuts, with short Interf iciendus, a, um, part, to be
Intente, adv. ius, comp. issime, clauses Interf icio, gre, feci, fectum, a. to
superl. attentively, diligently, Interclsio, onis,/. a cutting off kill, to slay, to murder, to de-
earnestly Interclsus, a, um, part, cut off, stroy [die
Intentio, onis,/. an intention, or cut short, broken down, parted, Interflo, gri, pass, to be slain, to
design, a purpose, or aim, at- abrupt, short Interfluens, tis, part, flowing be-
tention, care, diligence Interclamo, are, re. to cry out tween
Intento, are, a. to stretch out, to Intercludendus, a, um, part, to be Interfluo, gre, xi, xura, n. to flow,
shake, to menace, or threaten, shut in, stopped or run between, to pass over
to charge upon, or tax at law Intercludo, ere, si, sum, a. to shut Interfluus, a, um, adj. running
Intentus, a, um, part, and adj. in, or up, to stop, to hinder, to between [enter
ior, comp. issimus, superl. prevent, to close, or conclude Interf6dio, gre, a. to dig into, to
stretched, bent, bent upon, in- with Interfoemineum, i, re. the groin
creased, intent, attentive, exact Interclusio, onis,/. a stopping Interior, ari, dep. to interrupt
Intentus, us, m. a stretching out Interclusurus, a, um, part, about one speaking
Intgpeo, or Intepesco, ere, ui, n. to shut up Interfringo, gre, egi, actum, a. to
to grow warm, to be warm Interclusus, a, um, part, shut in, break, or burst in the midst
Intgpescens, tis, part, growing or up Interfulgens, tis, .part, shining
warm Intercolumnium, i, n. the space Interfuro, gre, n. to rage, or be
Iflnter,prep, with accus. between, between pillars mad
betwixt, in, within, at, whilst, Interconcllio, are, a. to procure, Interfusus, a, urn, part, flying
above, before, in comparison or win favour between, besprinkled
Intersestuans, tis, part, hot by Interculco, are, a. to trample upon Interfuturus, a, um, part, that is
fits Intercurrens, tis, part, running to be present
Intgranea, orum, pi. n. the en- between Interggrium, i. re., the same
trails Intercurro, gre, ri, sum, re. to run, Interjacens, tis, part, lying be-
Intgraneus, a, um, adj. of the guts or go between, to come in the tween [tween
Intgraresco, ere, incep. to be mean time Interjaceo, ere, ui, n. to lie be-
dried up [up Intercursans, tis, part, running Intgribi, adv. in the mean while
Interblbo, fire, Itum, a. to drink all up and down [between Interjectio, onis,/. an interjection,
Iatercalaris, e, adj. put, or set be- Intercuso, avi, atum, a. to run an interposition, a parenthesis
tween Intercursus, us, m. a running Interjectus, a, um, part, cast, put,
Intercalarium, i, n. a time taken between, or together, an inter- or placed between, intervening
into the year [calary vention Interjectus, us, m. a laying be-
Intercalarius, a, um, adj. inter- Intercus, utis, adj. lying between tween
Intercalatio, onis, /. a putting a the skin and the flesh, secret Interjlcio, gre, eci, ectnm, a. to
day, or month between Interdatus, a, um, part, inter- cast, set, or place between
Intercalatus, a, um, part, de- mixed [debarred Intgrim, adv. in the mean time,
layed, put off InterdTcendus, a, um, part, to be in the mean while, sometimes
Inte'rcalo, are, a. to insert, to de- Interdico, gre, ixi, ictum, a. to Intgrimendus, a, um, part, to be
fer, to delay, to put off interdict, to forbid, to forbid, or be rent away
killed, or slain, to
Intercapedo, Inis, /. an intermis- charge straitly, to debar, to Intgrimo, gre, emi, ptum, a. to
sion, a pause, or respite, a delay, hinder kill, or slay, to take away
an interval, or distance Interdictio, 6nis,/. a prohibition, Intgrior, ius, adj. inner,
(ntercfidens, tis, part, interceding banishing deeper, nearer
Intercedo, gre, essi, etsuiu, n. to Inteidictura, i, ». r.n infrTdict, a Intgrltio, onis,/. a perishing
Intgrfturus, a, um, pari, about Intermittendus, a, um, pari, to InterpOlis, e, adj. vamped up
to perish be omitted InterpOlo, are, a. t" interpolate,
Intgritus, a, um, part, killed, Intermittens, tis, part, ceasing to insert, to mend, to vamp up.
slain, dead for a time to repair, to renew
Interitus, us, m. death, destruc- Intermitto, ere, isi, issum, a. to Interponendus, a, um, part, to be
tion, ruin, utter decay, extinc- leave off, to lay aside, to throw put between, or intermixed
tion •
[together up, to discontinue, to omit, to InterpOno, gre, sui, situm, a. to
Interjunctus, a, um, part, joined cease interpose, to intermeddle, to
Interjungo, gre, xi, ctum, a. to IntermOrior, i, tuus, dep. to die in put between, or in, to insert, to
join together, or between, to the mean time, to die, to be for- mix
unyoke, to bait gotten InterpOsltio, onis, /. an interpo-
Intgrius, adv. comp. more in- IntermOritfirus, a, um, part, that sition, an interlineation, an in-
wardly [tween shall die termixture [pose?
Iuterlabens, tis, part, sliding be- Intermortuus, a, um, part, half- InterpOsitus, a, um, part, inter-
Interlabor, i, psus, dep. to fall dead, feeble, lifeless, heartless, InterpOsitus, us, m. an interven-
between [tween forgotten, corrupt, naughty tion
Interlateo, ui, n. to lie hid be- Intermundium, i, n. the distance Interprgmo, ere, essi, essum, a.
Interlggendus, a,um, part, to be between divers worlds to press hard, to stop, or close
gathered, or picked up here Intermuralis, e, adj. that is be- in
and there tween two walls Interpres, Stis, c. g. an inter-
Interlino, fire, lini, Iivi, or levi, Internascor, i, natus, dep. to preter, an expounder, a trans-
Ttum, a. to interline, to blot out spring up lator, a soothsayer, a mediator,
Interlltus, a, um, part, interlined, Internatus, a, um, part, with dat. a confident
blotted, blurred, daubed, effaced grown among, between
or Interpretandus, a, um, part, to
InterlOcutio, onis,/. an interposi- Interngcatus, a, um, part, killed, be interpreted [ing
tion of speech, an ^interruption slain Interprgtans, tis, part interpret-
InterlOcutOrius, a, um, adj. inter- Interngcvnus, a, um, adj., and Interprgtatio, onis,/. an interpre-
locutory Intern eeivus, mortal, deadly, tation, a translation, a con-
InterlOquor, i, cutus, dep. to in- cruel, bloody jecture [preter
terrupt in discourse, to deter- Interngcio, onis, /. universal Interpretator, Oris, m. an inter-
mine in part slaughter, utter ruin, great car- Interprgtaturus, a, um, part.
Interlucatio, onis, /. a lopping off nage [struction about to interpret
boughs Interngclve, adv. with utter de- Interprgtatus, a, um, part, inter-
Interlucatus, a, urn, part, lopped Interngco, are, ui and avi, ectum preted, expounded
so that it may be seen through and atum, a. to put all to the Interpretor, ari, atus sum, dep.
Interluceo, ere, xi, n. to shine sword to interpret, to expound, to ex-
between, to be conspicuous, to Internecto, gre, xui and xi, xum, plain, to understand, to trans-
stand thin, and be seen through a. to bind between, to inter- late, to judge, to account
Interluco, are, a. to make a glade weave Interpunctio, onis,/. a pointing
in the midst of a wood, to lop Interaldiflco, are, n. to build its Interpunctum, i, n. & point, or
boughs [amongst nests among stop [ed
Interludens, tis, part, playing Internigrans, tis, part, blackish Interpunctus, a, um, part, point-
Interludium, i, n. an interlude Internltens, tis, part, glittering Interpungo, fire, xi, a. to point,
Interlunis,e, adj. moonless, dark among [among to stop
Interlunium, i, n. the change of Interniteo, ere, ui, n. to shine Interpurgo, are, a. to take away
the moon, a conjunction of sun Internodium, i, n. Internodius, i, superfluous branches
and moon m. the space between two Interpfito, are, a. to prune away
Interluo, ere, ui, utum, a. to flow, knots, or joints, a knuckle little branches
or run between, to wash Internosco, gre, novi, notum, a. InterquSror, i, estus sum, dep. to
Interluvies, ei, /. a stream, a cur- to know amongst others, to complain frequently
rent discern, to distinguish Interquiescens, tis, part, resting
Interluvium, i, n., the same Tnternuculus, i, m. a catamite between whiles
Intermaneo, ere, si, sum, n. to Internuncia, «,, f. a female mes- Interquiesco, gre, evi, etum, n. »o
abide, to continue senger [message rest between whiles
Intermgdius, a, um, adj. inter- Internuncio, are, a. to go on a Interrado, gre, si, sum, a. to
mediate, lying in the middle Internuncius, i, m. a messenger scrape off, to thin
Intermenstruum, i, n. the new Internundtnium, i, ».. the space Interrasilis, e, adj. filed, polished
moon [mestris of time between two nundinse Interrasus, a, um, part, scraped,
Intermenstruus, same as Inter- Internus, a, um, adj. internal, in- carved
Intermeo, are, n. to go, pass, or ward, secret, private Interregnum, i, n. an interreign
flow through Itum,
Int.gro, ere, trivi, a. to rub, Interrex, egis, m. a regent, a
Intermestris, e, adj. belonging to grate, or crumble into viceroy
the space between the old moon Interpartio, Ire, a. to part be- Interritus, a, um, part, undaunted,
and the new [among tween undismayed, fearless, bold
Intermico, are, ui, n. to shine Interpellans, tis, part, hindering Interrogandus, a, um, part, to be
Intermtnatus, a, um, part, and adj. Interpellate, onis,/. an interrup- asked [quiring
threatened, forbidden, unlimit- tion [rupter Interrogans, tis, part, asking, in-
ed Interpellator, Oris, m. an inter- Interrogatio, onis, /. an interro-
Intermino, are, n. to threaten Interpellatus, a, um, part, inter- gation, a question, an inquiry,
lnterminor, ari, atus sum, dep. to rupted, disturbed, hindered a demand
threaten, to charge, to forbid Interpello, are, a. to interrupt, to Interrogative, adv. interrogatively
Intermlnus, a, um, adj. unbounded disturb, to hinder, to demand, InterrOgatiunctila, se, /. a short
Intermisceo, ere, scui, stum, a. to to require. Interpellare debito- question, or demand
intermingle, to intermix, to rem, to enter an action against Interrogator, Oris, r/i.a demander,
mix [sion a debtor a catechist
Intermissio, onis, /. an intermis- Interplicatio, 6nis, /. an inter- InterrOgatoria, pi. n. interroga-
Intermissurus, a, um, part, about folding [tween tories
to omit InterplTco, are, a. to fold be- InterrOgatus, a, um, part, asked
[ntermissus, a, um, part, left off, InterpOlatio, onis,/. a new dress- InterrOgo, are, a. to ask, to de-
discontinued, omitted, standing ing mand, to examine, to accuse,
asunder [ance Interpolator, oris, m. a mender of to argue
Intermissus, us, m. a discontinu- old things, a vamper, a polisher Interrumpendus, a, um, part, to
Intermistus, and Intermixtus, a, InterpOlatrix, icis, /. the same be interrupted, or broken in
um, part, mixed amongst, min- Interpolatus, a, iim, fart, re- upon [ir.g
gled with paired, furbished |
Intenumpens, tis, r-""'- interrupt
123 2
Interrumpo, rupi, ruptum, a.
fere, Interturbatio, Onis,/. a disturbing intolerable, that caunot be
to interrupt, to disturb, to hin- Interturbo, are, a. to trouble, to borne
der, to break off, or down hinder, to interrupt, to spoil IntOlferabilltfer, adv. intolerably
Interrupts, adv. interruptedly, by Intervacans, tis, part, left vacant, IntOlferandus, a, um, part, into-
stops [tion or empty lerably
Interiuptio, onis,/. an interrup- Intervallum, i, n. an interval, a IntOlferans, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
lnterruptus, a, urn,- part, inter- space, a distance, a break, a mus, superl. unable to bear,
rupted, hindered, stopped, bro- pause impatient, ungovernable
ken off, or down, parted, sepa- Intervello, fere, vulsi, a. to pluck, Intolerantfer, adv. immoderately
rated or pull here and there, or up Int6lferantia, ae, /. want of mode-
Interscalare,is, n. a ladder-staff and down ration
Interscalmium, i, n. the space be- Interveniens, tis, part, interven- Intolferantissimfe, adv. superl.
tween the oars of a galley, &c. ing, coming, running, flowing, most intolerably
Interscindo, fere, scldi, issum, a. or lying between, coming on, Intollo, ere, a. to raise, or set up
to cut in the midst, to hew or unawares, interceding IntSnans, tis, part, thundering
asunder Intervenio, ire, veni, entum, n. to upon [upon
Interscribo, fere, psi, ptum, a. to intervene, to come, or pass be- Intonatus, a, um, part, thundered
write between, to interline tween, to hinder, to prevent, to Intondeo, fere, di, sum, a. to clip,
Interseco, are, ui, ctum, a. to in- come unexpectedly upon, to shear, or shave round about
tersect, to cut in, to cut, to surprise, to come in, t come in Intono, are, ui, n. to thunder, to
chop [tion the mean while make a great noise, to speak
Intersectio, onis, /. an intersec- Interventio, onis,/. suretyship loud
Interseminatus, a, um, part, sown Interventor, oris, m. a visitor, an Intonsus, a, um, part, undipped,
between, or amongst interrupter, a mediator, a uncut, unshorn, rough, un-
Intersepiens, tis, part, inclosing surety, a broker sightly
Intersepio, ire, psi, ptum, a. to Interventus, us, m. an interven- Intorquendus, a, um, part, to be
fence about, to hem in, or in- tion, an interposition, a surprise hurled
close Interversor, ari, dep. to mix with Intorquens, tis, part, throwing,
Interseptum, i, n. the midriff Interversor, oris, m. an interloper, hurling, turning, writhing,
Interseptus, a, um, part, fenced a smuggler wresting
in, stopped up Interversus, a, um, part, pilfered, Intorqueo, ere, si, sum and turn,
Intersferendus, a, um, part, to be embezzled, intercepted a. to throw, cast, or hurl, to
planted among Interverto, ere, ti, sum, a. to turn turn, to writhe, to wrest
Intersferens, tis, part, alleging aside, to convey away, to em- Intone, adv. crookedly, intricately
Intersfero, fere, sevi, Hum, a. to bezzle, to intercept Intortio, onis, /. a curling, or
sow, set, plant, or graft between Intervigllo, are, n. to wake often, crisping
Intersfero, fere, ui, ertum, a. to put to sleep only by fits Intortus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
between, to intermix, to allege Intervireo, ere, n. to be green hurled, turned
Intersertus, a, um, part, thrust in among other colours Intra, prep, with accus. within, in
amongst, intermixed Interviso, fere, si, sum, a. to visit, less than, not more than, not
Intersistens, tis, part, resting be- to go and see above
tween whiles Intferula, se, /. a shirt, a smock, Intra, adv. within, on the inside
Iutersisto, stiti, fere, n. to rest, a waistcoat Intrabilis, e, adj. that may be
or stop between Intferulus, a, um, adj. inward, in- entered
Intersitus, a, um, part, set, or ner Intractabilis, e,~ adj. ior, comp.
put between, set, planted Interv5lito, are, n. to fly often untractable, unmanageable
IntersSno, are, ui, n. to so and, to amidst Intractatus, a, um, part, un-
play [spersed Interv6lo, are, freq. to fly among handled, untamed, unbroken
Interspersus, a, um, part, inter- IntervSmo, fere, ui, a. to vomit Intraho, fere, axi, a. to draw in
Intersplratio, onis, f. a breathing now and then Intrandus, a, um, part, to enter,
between, a fetching of breath e, adj. ior, comp. that
Intestabilis, to invade [entering
Interspiro, are, a. to breathe be- by the law can make no will, or Intrans, tis, part, entering in,
tween, to vent .be taken for a witness, that Intransitivus, a, um, adj. intran-
Interstinctus, a, urn, part, divided, cannot be attested, detestable, sitive [enter
separated, parted gelt, emasculated Intraturus, a, um, part, about to
Interstinguo, fere, nxi, netnm, a. Intestat6, adv. without a will Intratus, a, um, part, entered
to divide, to extinguish, to Intestatus, a, um, part, intestate, into, entered
strangle [cation of no credit, not proved by Intratus, us, m. an entrance
Interstitio, onis,/. a pause, a va- witness, gelt Iutremisco, fere, incep. to quake
InterstTtium, i, n. an interval Intestinum, i, n. an entrail, a gut Intrfemo, fere, ui, n. to tremble, to
lnrerstratus, a, um, part, laid be- Intestinus, a, um, adj. inward, quake, to shake [boldly
tween hidden, privy, secret, deadly, Intrepldfe, adv. undauntedly,
Imerstrfepo, fere, ui, ltum, n. to spiteful Intrfepldus, a, um, adj. undaunted,
make a noise amongst others Intexens, tis, part, interweaving stout
Interstringo, fere, xi, ictum, a. to Intexo, fere, ui, a. to interweave, Intribuo, to bestow
fere, a.
strain hard, to squeeze close to intermix, to embroider.weave, Intricatfe,-a<Zu. intricately
Interstruo, fere, uxi, uctum, a. to or knit, to plait, or fold, to Intricatus, a, um, part, intricate
build together, to join, to unite tie Intrico, are, a. to inwrap, to fold
Intersum, es, fui, esse, n. with Intextus, a urn, part, interwoven, Intrinsfecus, adv. within
dat. to be present, to be in the embroidered, wrought, folded Intrita, ae,/. fine mortar, loam, or
midst, to come between, to dif- Intextus, us, m. an interweaving clay, caudle [hash
fer, to assist Intime, adv. intimately, heartily Intritum, i, n. minced meat, a
Intertextus, a, um, part, woven, Intimo, are, a. to intimate, show Intritus, a, um, part, broken,
interwrought Intimus, a, um, adj. superl. inti- mashed, minced, steeped, cram-
Intertinctus, a, um, part, spotted mate, very familiar, very much med
here and there, marked, dyed, beloved, best acquainted with, Intrd, adv. within, into a place
coloured privy to, inmost, most inward Intro, are, a. to enter, to go, or
Intertraho, fere, xi, ctum, a. to Intinctio, onis, /. a dipping, a get in, to pierce, to insinuate
draw out from between, to take dyeing Introcedo, fere, n. to come in
away all Intinctus, a, um, part, dipped, Introdiico, fere, uxi, uctum, a. to
Intertrigo, Inis, /. a galling, a dyed, stained introduce, to carry, to lead
chafe-gall, an interfering in a Intinctus, us, m. sauce Introductio, Onis,/. an introduc-
norse Intingo, fere, nxi, nctum, a to tion fin
Intertrlmentum, i, n. v.a;te, loss, dip, or steep, to dye, to colour Introductus, a, um, part, brought
damage, rcf\ se Int&ltiabliis, e, adj. ior, eo,np. Introco, ire. ivi, iturn, n. to erter
IntrOfgro, fers, tali, latum, a. to Invectttius, a, um, adj. brought in, Invgtgro, are, a. to keep till it be
bear, or carry in imported old, or stale n. to endure, to be

Introgrgdior, i, essus, dep. to go in Invectus, a, um, part, carried, or of long continuance

Introgressus, a, um, part, entered brought in, imported, inveigh- Invgtltus.a, um, part, unforbidden
in ing Invlcgm, adv. one another, each
Introiens, euntis, part, entering, Invectus, us, m. a bringing in other, by turns, in turn, mutu-
going in Invghendus, a, um, part, to bring, ally, on the other side
Introitus, us, m. an entrance, a or to be brought in Invictus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
beginning, an introduction Invghens, tis, part, carrying in, issimus, superl. unconquercd,
Introlatus, a, um, part, carried in conveying, railing at, riding unsubdued, unwearied, invin-
IntrOmissus, a,um, part, let in, upon cible
admitted Invgho, gre, ectura, a. to
exi, Invidendus, a, um, part, to be
IntrOmitto, misi, issum, a. to
fire, carry, or bring, to bring in, or envied, or coveted
let in, to suffer, to enter, or upon, to import, to convey Invidens, tis, part, envying
iome in, to admit, to introduce Invendibilis, e, adj. unsaleable Invldentia, ae, /. envy, a repining
Introrsum, or Introrsus, adv. Invenditus, a, um, part, unsold Invideo, ere, idi, Isum, a. and n.
within Invgniendus, a, um, part, to be to envy, grudge, spite, or bear
Introrumpo, gre, riipi, upturn, n. found ill-will, to hate, to deny
to break, or rush in, to enter by Invenio, ire, veni, entum, a. to in- Invidia, ae, /. envy, grudging,
force vent, to contrive, or devise, to spite, malice, ill-will, hatred
Introspector, Oris, m. he who discover,- to find out, to find, to InvidiOse, adv. iu.s, comp. invidi-
looks in [into meet with, to get ously
Introspectus, a, um, part, looked Inventio, onis, /. invention, a InvidiOsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
introspiciendus, a, um, part, to thought, an inventing, or find- issimus, superl. envious, spite-
be viewed, or examined ing out ful, malicious, hateful, odious,
Introspicio, fire, spexi, ectum, a. Inventiunciila, se, /. a small device hated
to look into, to view, to consider Inventor, oris, m. an inventor, a Invidus, a, um, adj. envious,
IntrOvocatus, a, um, part, called in discoverer spiteful
I ntrovOco, are, a. to call in Inventrix, icis, /. a deviser Invigilatio, Onis, /. a careful, or
Intrudo, fire, si, sum, a. to in- Inventum, i, n. an invention, a diligent watching
trude, to encroach, to thrust in device [find Invigilo, are, n. to watch dili-
Intubaceus, a, um, adj. of endive Inventurus, a, um, part, about to gently, to take great heed
Intubum, i, n. endive Inventus, a, um, part, invented, Invincibilis, e, adj. invincible
Intuendus, a, um, part, to be con- discovered, found out, gotten Invincibilitgr, adv. invincibly
sidered Inventus, us, m. an invention, Invitilabilis, e, adj. inviolable
Intuens, tis, part, looking on, be- a discovery Inviolate, adv. inviolably, faith-
holding, observing, regarding, Invenuste, adv. unseemly fully
considering InvSnustus, a, um, adj. unhand- InviOlatus, a, um, part, unviolat-
Intueor, eri, itus, dep. to look some, unbecoming, unhappy ed, uninjured, untouched, un-
upon, or at, tobehold, to regard, Inverecunde, adv. without shame broken, inviolate, unhurt
to consider, to take heed Inverecundia, x,f. impudence Invisens, tis, part, beholding
Intuitus, a, um, part, having Inverecundus, a, um, adj. ior, Invisibilis, e, adj. invisible
looked upon, beheld, considered comp. issimus, superl. immo- Invisitatus, a, um, part, not visit-
Intuitus, tis, m. a beholding, a dest, impudent ed, unusual
view Invergens, tis, part, inclining, Invisito, are, frea. to visit often
Intiimeo, fire, ui, n. to swell, to pouring in, or upon Invlso, gre, a. to view, to visit
be swelled, or puffed up Invergo, gre, n. to incline ; a. to Invisor, oris, m. he that envies
Intftmescens, tis, part, swelling, slip, to pour in, or upon Invisus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
puffing up, rising Inversio, onis, /. an inversion, a comp. issimus, superl. unseen,
Intfimeseo, fire, incep. to begin to misplacing of words, or matter hated, hateful, odious
swell, to be puffed up Inveisuree, arum, pl.f. turnings Invltabilis, e, adj. alluring
Intumiilatus, a, um, part, un- Inversus, a, um, part, inverted, Invltamentum, i, n. an attraction

buried turned, changed, altered Invitandus, a, um, part, to in-

Intuor, i, utus and uitus, dep. to Inverto, gre, ti, sum, a. to invert, vite, or be invited [ing
look upon, to behold to turn upside down, to turn in, Invitans, tis, part* inviting, entic-
Inturbatus, a, um, part, undis- up, or out, to turn, to change Invitatio, Onis, /. an invitation,
turbed [peaceable Investigabilis, e, adj. not to be an inducement, an allurement,
Inturbidus, a, um, adj. quiet, found out. a treat
Intus, adv. within, in, at home, Investigandus, a, um, part, that Invltator, oris, m. he that invites
inwardly, from within, into the is to be searched, sought, or Invltatus, a, um, part, invited,
house found out bidden, allured, enticed
Intutus, a, um, adj. unsafe, unsure Investigatio, Onis, /. an investiga- Invltatus, us, m. an invitation
Intjrbum, i, n. endive tion, a disquisition, a searching Invitg, adv. iiis, comp. isslme,
Invadeudus, a, um, part, to in- out superl. against one's will
vade, or be invaded Investigator, Oris, m. a searcher Invito, are, a. to invite
Invado, gre, si, sum, a. to invade, out, an examiner Invitus, a, um, adj. issimus, superl.
to attack, to fall, or come upon, Investigatus, a, um, part, investi- unwilling, reluctant, forbidding,
to seize upon, to go gated, searched, sought out by constraint
Inv&leo, ere, ui, n. to grow strong, Investlgo, are, a. to seek, or Invius, a, um, adj. unpassable,
or into use, to be in health, to search out, to trace, or find out, inaccessible
prevail to inquire, to examine Inula, ae, /. elecampane
Invalescens, tis, part, prevailing Investio, ire, ivi, itum, a. to in- Inultus, a, um, part, unrevenged,
luvalesco, fire, n. to prevail, to vest, to adorn, to clothe, to en- unpunished, unhurt [ing
increase [sickness robe [pure Inumbrans, tis, part overshadow-

Invaletudo, inis,/. indisposition, Investis, e, adj. naked, unclothed, Inumbratio, Onis, /. a shadowing
Invalide, adv. feebly, faintly Investitura, a?, /. an investiture Inumbrator, Oris, m. he that por
Invalidus, a, um, adf. ior, comp. Investitus, a, am, part, clad, un- „ trays
isslmus, superl. feeble, weak, clothed Inumbratus, a, urn, part, shaded
infirm, crazy, sick, faint Invgtgrasco, gre, incep. to grow Inumbro, are, a. to cast a shadow
Invasurus, a, um, part, about to old, obsolete, or out of use, to „ upon, to shade, to preserve
invade, or seize up grow incurable, to be confirmed Inuncatus, a, um, part, caught
Imiber, gris, adj. ill-fed, poor, Invgtgratio, onis,/. inveteracy Inunco, are, a. to catch, to hook;
small Invgtgratus, a, um, part, invete- „ to entangle
Invectio, onis, /. an importation, rate, grown old, of long con- Inunctio, Onis,/. an anointing
an inveighing, a course tinuance lnunctor, oris, m. he that anoiuts
Inanclus, a, uro, pari, anointed, Ipsgniet, pron. he himself Inequies, etis, adj. restless
besmeared Ipsisslmus, a, um, adj. even the Iir6 quietus, or Inrgquietus, a,
Tnundans, tis, part, overflowing very same um, adj. troubled, disturbed
lnundatio, onis, /. an inundation, Ira, ae, /. anger, wrath, rage, Irrfisectus, a, um, part, not cut,
an overflow, a flood, a deluge passion, resentment, displea- or pared [loosed
Inundatus, a, um, part, over- sure, a quarrel, a falling out IrrgsSlubilis, e, adj. not to be
flowed, overrun Iracunde, adv. in anger, spitefully Irrgsolutus, a, um, part, never
lnundo, are, a. to overflow, deluge, Iracundia, a?, /. passion, wrath, ioosened
or cover with water anger Iirestinctus, a, um, part, un-
Inungendus, a, um, part, to be Iracunditer, adv. angrily quenched
anointed liacundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Irretio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to en-
Jnungo, ere, xi, cturn, anoint passionate, hasty, snappish, tangle, to ensnare, to allure
lnunguem, a hair's breadth angry, boisterous Irretltor, oris, m. an ensnarer
Inunio, ire, a. to unite, or make Irascens, tis, part, being angry, Irretitus, a, um, part, ensnared,
one [rally angry involved [fixed
Jnuniversilm, adv. wholly, gene- Irascor, i, atus, dep. to be angry, Irrgtortus, a, um, part, unmoved,
InvOcans, tis, part, calling upon moved, or displeased Irrgvgrens, tis, part, irreverent
InvOcatio, onis,/. an invocation Irate, adv. ius, comp. angrily, in Irrgvgrenter, adv. irreverently
Inv&catus, a, um, part, invoked, anger Irrgvgrentia, ae, /. irreverence,
called upon, unbidden, unin- Iratus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. rudeness
vited issimus, superl. angry, displeas- Irrgv6cabilis, e, adj. ior, comp.
InvOco, are, a. to invoke, to call ed, provoked, enraged, agitated irrecoverable, that cannot be
in, upon, or for, to call, or Tricolor, oris, adj. of all colours recalled [same
name, to implore Irinus, a, um, adj. of a flower- Irrevocandus, a, um, part., the
Involatus, us, m. a flying on de-luce Irrgvocatus, a, um, part, not to
InvOlito, are, freq. to fly about Iris, idis, /. a rainbow, a flower- be called back, or recalled
InvOlo, are, n. to fly in, into, upon, de-luce, a stone, the circle be- Irrgv61utus, a, um, part, unopened
or at, to fly, to seize upon tween the white and the apple Irrldendus, a, um, part, to be de-
InvOlucer, cris, ere, and InvQ- of the eye [speech rided [Log
lucris, ere, adj. unable to fly, Ironia, ae, /. irony, a figure in Irrldens, tis, part, deriding, jeer-
unfledged, callow Ironice, adv. ironically, jeeringly Irrideo, ere, si, sum, a. to deride,
Inv6lucre, is, n. a shaving-cloth Iionicus, a, um, adj. ironical to mock, to scoff, to jeer
Involucrmn, i, n. a wrapper, a Irpex, icis,/. a rake, a harrow Irridiculg, adv. unpleasantly,
cover Irradiatio, onis,/. an irradiation baldly
Involvendus, a, um, part, to be Irradiator, oris, m., and Irradia- Irridiculum, i, n. a laughingstock
involved, or hidden trix, Icis, /. he, or she that gives Irrigandus, a, um, part, to water,
Involvens, tis, part, involving, light to be watered
covering, concealing Irradio, are, a. to shine upon, to Irrlgatio, onis,/. a watering
Involuntarius, a, um, adj. in- brighten, to enlighten Irrigator, oris, m. a waterer
voluntary Irrasus, a, um, part, unshaven, Imgatus, a, um, part, watered,
Involvo, ere, vi, latum, a-, to in- unpolished [able bedewed
volve, to infold, to fold, or wrap Irrationabilis, e, adj. unreason- Irrigo, are, a. to water, to bedew,
up, to entangle, to cover, or Irrationalis, e, adj. irrational . to moisten, to soak, to diffuse
hide Irraucesco, gre, rausi, incep. to itself over
Inv6lute, adv. closely, covertly grow hoarse Irrigua, drum, pi. n. streams
lnv61utio, onis,/. an infolding IrrScupSrabllis, e, adj. irrecover- Imguus, a, um, adj. watered,
InvOlutus, a, um, part, issimus, able [revived wet, moist, watering, soaking
superl. wrapt up, covered, in- Irrgdlvrvus, a, um, adj. not to be Irripio, gre, a. to hurry in
tricate Irrgdux, ucis, adj. from which one Irrlsio, onis,/. derision
Involvulus, i, m. a vinefretter cannot safely return Irrisor, oris, m. a derider, a sccrner
1 nurbane, adv. unmannerly, rudely Irrefragabilis, e, adj. irrefragable Irrisus, a, um, part, derided,
Inurbanus, a, um, adj. ungenteel, Irrgfutabilis, e, adj. not to be mocked
rude, clownish disproved Irrisus, us, m. derision, mockery
Inurens, tis, part, scorching Irregularis, e, adj. irregular Irritabilis, e,adj. irritable, wasp-
Jnurgeo, ere, a. to urge, to push Irregularitas, atis,/. irregularity ish
Inurino, are, n. to wash as geese Irregulariter, adv. irregularly Irritamen, Inis, n., and Irrita-
Inuro, 6re, ussi, ustum, a. to burn Irrgligatus, a, xnn, part, unbound, mentum, i, n. an incitement, or
in, up, or to ashes, to mark, to loose provocation
brand, to imprint, to fix upon IrrelTgiose, adv. irreligiously Irritandus, a, um, part, to be
Inusitate, adv. unusually, strange- Irreligiosus, a, um, adj. irreligi- provoked
Tnusitat&, adv., the same [ly ous, iudevout Irrltans, tis, part, provoking, ex-
tnusitatus, a, um, adj. unusual, Irremeabilis, e, adj. from which •citing
uncommon [brand one cannot return [able Irritatio, 5nis, /. a provoking, a
Jnusturus, a, um, part, about to Irremgdiabilis, e, adj. irremedi- provocation, a desire, an appe-
Inustus, a, um, part, seared, Irremissibllis, e, adj. irremissible tite
branded [use Irremotus, a, xim,part. unremoved Imtator, Sris, m. a provoker
Inusus, us, m. a want of use, dis- Inemungrabilis, e, adj. not to be Irritatus, a, um, part, and adj. ioi,
Inutilis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, rewarded comp. enraged, provoked, angry
superl. useless, unprofitable, Irrgparahilis, e, adj. irretrievable Irrlto, are, a. to irritate, to en-
good for nothing Irreparabillter, adv. irrecoverably rage, to provoke, to vex, to stir
FnutllTtas, atis, /. inutility, un- Irrgpertus, a, um, part, not found up
profitableness Irrepens, tis, part, creeping in Irritus, a, um, adj. void, vain, in
Tnuii!!ter,nA' unprofitably, vainly Irrepo, £re, psi, ptum, n. to creep, vain, of no effect
Invulgo, are, a. to publish, or or steal in, to steal into, or Irrogandus, a, um, part, to be
blaze [able upon bestowed
InvulnCrabllis, e, adj. invulner- Irrgposcibilis, e, adj. that cannot Irrogatio, onis, /. an infliction
Invulngratus, a, um, part, un- be demanded back Irrftgator, oris, m.he that imposes
wounded Irrgprehensibiiis, e, adj. irreprc- Irrogatus, a, um, part, imposed,
16, interj. a cry of joy, oh ! hensible enjoined, laid, or set upon
Ion, i, n. a violet, a gem Trrgprehensus, and Irrgprensus, IrrOgo, are, a. to inflict, to im-
lota, n. indecl. the letter j, a jot, a, um, part, blameless, harm- pose, to lay, or set upon, to
a tittle, the least thing that is less, just ordain [sprinkled
Ipse, a, um, pron, I, thou, he, she, Irrepto, are, freq. to creep in by Irrorandus, a, um, part, to be
flie same, his ownself, he little and little, to steal into, to Irrorans, tis, part, besprinkling
a1oi:p encroach Irroratio, Onis,/. a beaewiiig
Irroresco, fire, incep. to grow Itingrarius, a, um, adj. pertaining Jaicxilator, oris, m. a darter, 5
moist with dew to a journey [ney shooter
Irroro, are, a. to bedew, to sprin- Itmeror, ari, dep. to take a jour- Jaculatrix, icis,/. she that shoots
kle, to wet Itio, onis,/. a going, a walking, a a huntress
Irriibeo, ere, n. or Irrubesco, ere, walk Jaculatus, a, um, part, darted,
to be, or grow red Ito, z.xe,freq. to go often, or much thrown, shot
Irructo, are, n. to belch Iturus, a, um, part, ready to go, Jact'clatus, us, m. a casting, a
Irruens, tis, part, rushing in, or or fall, about to go, or depart flinging
upon Itus, us, m. a going Jaculor, ari, dep. to dart, to throw,
Irrugatio, Snis, /. a wrinkling lulus, i, m. the down of fruit, to cast, to shoot, to throw out,
Irriigo, are, a. to make wrinkled moss to hunt after, to pursue
Irrumatio, onis,/. a sur.king Ixia, ae,/. mistletoe Jaculum, i, n. a dart, a javelin
Irrumator, oris, m. he that sucks Jaculus, i, m. a kind of serpent
Irrumo, are, a. to suck, or suckle Jam, adv. now, at this time, at
Irrumpens, tis, part, rushing in, present, just, or even now, im-
blustering, boisterous mediately, presently, ere long,
Irrumpo, ere, rupi, upturn, n. to besides, furthermore
break, rush, or hurry into Jamdudum, adv. long ago, already
Irruo, 6re, ui, utum, n. to rush Jacens, tis, part, lying, lying Jampridem, adv. some while since
in, or upon, to rush into, or down, along, or dead, situated, Janitor, oris, m. a porter, a guar-
upon being afflicted, dejected, poor, dian
Irruptio, onis,/. an irruption sluggish Janitrix, icis, /. a female porter
Irr upturns, a, um, part, about Jaceo, ere, ui, n. to lie, to lie Janua, ae,/. a gate, an entrance
to break, or rush in [firm down, along, or at length, to Januarius, i, m. the month Ja-
Irruptus, a, um, part, unbroken, lie sick, or dead, to be slain, or nuary
Irtiola, ae,/. a kind of vine destroyed, to perish, to be fallen, JScur, Oris, or in6ris, n. the liver
Is, ea, id, pron. he, she, it, the or sunk, to be disregarded, or JScusculum, i, n. dint, a little
same, that, such neglected, to live obscurely, to liver
Is&goge, es,/. an introduction be still, or calm, to be heavy, or Jejunatio, onis,/. fasting
Isagogicum, i, n. a book teaching sluggish Jejunator, oris, m. a faster
the first principles of some art Jaciendus, a, um, part, to be Jejune, adv. ids, comp. coldly,
Isce, pron. in gen. ejusce, even he cast, &c. slenderly, weakly, barely
Ischias, adis,/. the sciatica Jaciens, tis, part, casting, throw- Jejunitas, atis, /. emptiness, po-
Ischium, i, n. the hip ing, flinging, laying verty, barrenness
Isfilasticus, a, um, adj. of games Jacio, ere, jeci, j actum, a. to cast, Jejunium, i, n. fasting, hunger,
in which the victor was much to throw, to fling, to hurl, or a fasting-day
exalted [sausage shoot, to cast, or throw away, Jej-uno, are, n. to fast
Isicium, i, or Insicium, a
n., to lay, place, or put, to speak, Jejunum, i, n. the empty gut

Isosceles, is, n. a triangle of equal or utter, to publish Jejunus, a, um, adj. fasting, emp-
Istac, adv. that way [sides Jaclturus, a, um, part, about to ty, greedy, craving, hungry, dry,
Istactenus, adv. thus far forth lie, &c. bare, barren, poor
Iste, ista, istud, pron. this, that, Jactabundus, a, um, adj. tossing, Jentaculum, i, n. a breakfast
he boasting [tossed Jento, are, n. to break one's fast
Isthic, isthaec, isthoc, or isthuc, Jactandus, a, um, part, to be Jocabundus, a, um, adj. jesting,
pron. the selfsame, this same Jactans, tis, part, and adj. ior, sporting
Isthic, and Istic, adv. in that comp. tossing, shaking JOcaliter, adv. in jest, merrily
place, there, in that affair Jactanter, adv. ius, comp. boast- J6cans, tis, part, jesting
Isthinc, adv. from thence ingly [glory JOcatio, onis,/. a jesting, raillery
Isthmiacus, and Isthmius, a, um, Jactantia, ae, f. a boasting, vain- JQcatus, a, um, part, jesting
adj. belonging to a narrow Jactatio, onis, /. a tossing, a JOcor, ari, atus sum, dep. to joke,
strait, or to the Isthmian games shaking, a motion, or action, a to jest
Isthmos, Isthmus, i, m. a neck of casting, or throwing, a boasting Jocose, adv. ius, comp. hi jest,
land betwixt two seas Jactator, oris, m. a boaster merrily [ful
IstiusmSdi, adj. indecl. of the Jactatrix, Icis,/. she that boasts J6cosus, a, um, adj. jocose, cheer-
same sort, such as Jactatus, a, um, part, tossed, Joculabundus, a, um, adj. jesting
Ist6, adv. thither, to that place tossed, or driven about, trou- J6culans, tis, part, jesting, sport-
Ist6c, adv. this way, on this hand bled, waved, canvassed, dis- ing
Istorsum, adv. thitherward puted [tering J6cularia, orum, pi. n. bracelets
Istuc, adv. thither Jactatus, us, m. a tossing, a flut- J5cularis, e, adj. jocular, amusing
Ita, adv. so, even so, such, so far Jactitans, tis, part, boasting J6culariter, adv. jocosely, merrily
forth, yes, in such sort, by that Jactitatio, onis,/. a vain boasting Jocularius, a, um, adj. jocular
. means, in, or on that condition JactXtator, oris, m. a boaster Jftculator, oris, m. a jester, a droll
(taque, conj. therefore Jactito, are, freq. to cast, or toss J6culatorius, a, um, adj. merry,
Item, adv. also, likewise, in like Jacto, are, freq. to toss, to shake, droll [trick3
manner, again to move, or thrcjw about, to J6ciilor, ari, dep. to jest, to show
Iter, itineris, n. a journey, a voy- cast, throw, or fling, to emit, Joculus, i, m. a little jest, a low
age, a march, a walk, a going or send forth, to utter, to pub- jest
along, a passage, a road, a way, lish, or spread, abroad, to brag, Jdcundus, a, um, adj. pleasant
a highway, a path or boast, to canvass, or debate, Jocus, i, m. a joke, a jest, sport,
Iterandus, a, um, part, to be to revolve fun, raillery, banter, a pleasant,
repeated Jactuosus, a, um, adj. boasting or witty speech
Itgratio, onis, /. a reiteration, a Jactura, ae,/. a loss by shipwreck, Juba, ae, /. a mane, feathers in a
„ repetition or the throwing of goods over- cock's neck, crests in a snake's
It6rat6, adv. again, the second board in a storm, any loss, or neck
time damage, a charge, expense Jiibar, aris, n. a sunbeam, a ray
Iterator, oris, m. a repeater Jactus, a, um, part, thrown, cast, . of light, reflected brightness, a
Itfiratus, a, um, part, repeated hurled, cast in, scattered, sown, lustre, a blaze, splendour
Itero, are, a. to reiterate, to re- laid Jiibatus, a, um, adj. having a
peat, to do, say, tell, or pass Jactus, us, m. a throw, cast, or mane, crested
over again, to begin again hurl, a throwing overboard, Jubens, tis, part, commanding
ItCrum, adv. again, a second time a draught [cast Jubeo, ere, ussi, ussum, a. to bid,
U5dem, adv. likewise, in like Jaculabilis, e, adj. that may be order, or command, to charge,
manner Jaciilans, tis,part. darting, throw- to appoint, decree
ftlnerarium, i, n. an itinerary, a ing [casting Jiibilatio, onis, /. a shouting foi
journal, a day's marcli Jaculatio, onis, /. a darting, or joy
Jubllo, are, a. to shout for joy Jugumentum, i, n. the lintel of a honesty, reason, law, an ordi.
Jiibtlum, i, n. a joyful shout door nance, or statute, a court
Jucunde, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Julius, a, um, adj. of July Jusculum, i, n. dim. broth, gruel
superl. pleasantly, merrily, glad- Julius, i,ni. the month of July Jusjurandum, jurisjurandi and
ly Jumentarius, a, um, adj. that be- jusjurandi, ». a solemn oath, an ]

Jucundltas, atis, /. pleasantness, longs to cattle oath [charge

sweetness, cheerfulness, mirth Jumentum, i, n. a labouring beast, Jussum, i, n. a command, a
Jucundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. a horse [rushes Jussurus, a, um, part, about to
issimus, superl. pleasant, sweet, Juncetum, i, n. a place of bul- order, command
delightful, agreeable Junceus, a, um, adj. of, made of, Jussus, a, um, part, ordered, com-
Jiidaicus, a, um, Jewish
adj. or like bulrushes, slender manded, appointed
Jiidaismus, i, m. Judaism JuncTdus, a, um, adj. the same Jussus, us, m. an order, a com-
Judaizo, are, n. to Judaize Juncinus, a, um, adj. of a bulrush mand, a charge
Judex, Icis, c. g. a judge, a go- Juneosus, a, um, adj. full of bul- Justa, orum, pi. n. funeral rites, a
vernor, a valuer, or weigher of rushes [gether daily, or ordinary task, a dim
things Junctlm, adv. jointly, close to- rate, proportion
Jiidicans, tis, part, judging Junctio, 5nis,/. a junction Juste, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
Judicatio, onis, /. a judging, a Junctura, a;,/, a joining, or coupl- superl. justly, lawfully, up-
case of judgment ing together, an union, a joint, rightly
Judicata, adv. advisedly a composition [join Justif icatio, onis,/. justification
J fidicatorium, i, n. a judicatory Juncturus, a, um, part, about to Justif ico, are, a. to justify
Judlcatrix, icis,/. she that judges Junctus, a, um, art. ior, comp. i Justif Icus, a, um, adj. that dot.V
Jiidicatum, i, n. a sentence, a de- issimus, superl. joined, coupled, justice
cree 4 united, married, associated Justitia, se, /. justice, integrity
Judicaturus, a, um, part, about Juncus, i, m. a bulrush uprightness, righteousness, clc
to judge, or decree Jungendus, a, um, part, to be mency
Judicatus, a, um, part, judged, joined Justitium, i, n. vacation, a stoy
esteemed, accounted, settled Jungens, tis, part, joining Justd, adv. than just, or meet
Judicatus, us, m. judgment Jungo, gre, nxi, nctum, a. to join, Justus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Judicialis, e, adj. judicial to yoke, to couple, to marry, to mus, superl. just, right, ine'er,
Judiciarius, a, um, adj. judiciary add, to associate, to set proper, reasonable, equitable,
Judicium, i,n. judgment, opinion, Junior, ius, adj. comp. younger due, deserved, lawful, honest,
thought, understanding, dis- Jumperus, i,/. the juniper- tree upright, righteous
cernment, choice, considera- Junius, i, m. June Juvamen, Inis, n. help, assistance
tion, a trial, a suit, a determi- Junix, Icis,/. a heifer Jdvandus, a, um, part, to be
nation, a verdict Jupiter, jSvis, m. the heaven, the helped, or assisted
Judico, are, a. to judge, deem, air Juvans, tis, part, helping
think, or suppose, to judge, or Juramentum, i, n. an oath Jtivaturus, a, um, part, about to
conceive of, to determine, to Jurandum, i, n. an oath help
declare, to give, or pass sen- Jiirans, tis, part, swearing Jiivgnalia, ium, pi. n. games, or
tence, to condemn Juratissimus, a, um, adj. sworn, feasts for the exercise of youth
Jugalis, e, adj. that is yoked, nup- assured, approved, trusty Juvenca, a?,/, a heifer
tial, conjugal Jurat6, adv. with an oath Juvenculus, i, m. a little young
Jugalis, is, m. a coach-horse Jurator, oris, m, a swearer, a man
Jugamentum, i, n. a band, or censor Jilvencus, a, um, adj. young
cramp Juratus, a, um, part, having Juvencus, i, m. a bullock, or steer,
Jugandus, a, um, part, to be sworn, sworn, sworn to be kept a young man, &c.
joined Jure, abl. and adv. by right, Jiivgnescens, tis, part, growing
Jugavius, i, m. he that yokes, or rightly young, sprouting forth
drives the plough J urea, ae,/. a dumpling Juvgnesco, gre, incep. to grow
Jugatio, onis,/. a yoking Jurejuro, are, a. to swear young, to grow wanton, or play-
Jugatorius, a, um, adj. yoked Jureus, a, um, adj. pottage-like, ful, to frisk
Jugatus, a, um, part, joined, thick Juvenilis, e, adj. ior, comp. ju
coupled together Jurgamen, Inis, n. a chiding venile, youthful
Jugeratim, adv. acre by acre Jurgans, tis, part, chiding, quar- Juveniliter, adv. youthfully
J user, jugeris, n. an acre relling [noise Juvgnis, e, adj. young
Juggrum, i, n. an acre Jurgatio, onis, /. a chiding, a Juvgnis, is, c. g. a young man, or
Jugis, e, adj. continual, perpetual Jurgator, oris, m. a chider, a woman
Tugiter, adv. continually, always brawler Juvgnor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Juglans, dis,/. a walnut Jurgiosus, a, um, adj. brawling play a youthful part, to wanton
Jiigo, are, a. to yoke, to join, to Jurgium, i, brawl-
n. a chiding, or Juventa, ae, /. youth, young age
couple, to marry, or give in a lawsuit
ing, a quarrel, strife, Juventas, atis, /. youth, the god-
marriage Jurgo, are, a. to chide, scold, or dess of youth
Jiigo, 6re, n. to cry like a kite brawl Juventus, utis, /. youth, young
Jugosus, a, um, adj. full of ridges, Jurldicalis, e, adj. juridical people, courage, the goddess of
rough jQiidicina, pi. n. courts of ex- youth
J ft gala, se,/. Orion's throat, a star chequer Juvo, are, iivi, Gtum, a. to help,
Jugulandus, a, um, part, to be Jundicus, a, um, adj. of the law assist, succour, favour, or ease,
killed, or slain Jurldlcus, i, m. a judge to do good, to profit
Jilgularis, e, adj. jugular Jurisconsultus and Jureconsultus, Juxta, prep, with accus. nigh, by,
Jugiilatio, onis, /. a killing, a i, m. a lawyer, a counsellor at near, near to, hard by, toward,
slaughter law next after
Jugulator, oris, m. a slayer Jurisdictio, 5nis, /. jurisdiction, Juxta, adv. even, alike, all one, a«
Jugulatus, a, um, part, killed, power, or authority to deter- well one as the other
slain, slaughtered, strangled, mine what is law, executive Juxtim, adv. nigh, or near to,
han ged power in trying equally
Jugulo, are, a. to kill, to slay, to Jurisperitus, i, m. one skilful in
butcher, to cut the throat, to the law
stab, to spoil, to mar Jurisprudens, tis, m. a lawyer
Jugulum, i, n. and Jugulus,
m. i, Jiirispiudentia, ae,/. jurisprudence
the throat, the neck, the wind- Juro, are, a. to swear, to take an
pipe, the neckbone oath, to conspire Kalendse, or Calends, arum, pi.
Jfigum, i, n. a yoke, subjection, Jiimlentus, a, um, adj. full of f. the calends of a month
bondage, slavery, the top, or juice, or liquor, stewed in broth Kalendarium, i, n. or Calendarius,
ridge of a mountain J us, juris, a. justice, equity, right, i, m. a calendar, an almanack

to work, to take pains, to strive, Lachrymosus, or Lacr?m5sus, a,
or endeavour, to make, or forge, um, adj. full of tears, weeping,
to be puzzled, or perplexed sad, doleful, mournful
Labos, oris, m., same as Labor Lachrymula, ae, /. dim. a little tear
Lagans, tis, part, tottering, waver- Labosus, a, um, adj. slippery, Lacinia, ae,/. the flap, or hem of a
ing, drooping, giving away, slabby garment, a jag, or rag, a sepa-
ready to yield, or fly Labrosus, a, um, adj. having great rate fold
Labarum, i, n. the royal, or im- lips, or brims like lips Laciniafim, adv. by pieces
perial standard, a flag Labrum, i, n. a lip, a brink, or Laclniatus, a, um, part, hemmed,
Labasco, gre, incep. to fail, to brim, a bathing-tub, a bath, a folded, plaited
sink, to give way, to be ready vat, a cistern Laclniosg, adv. jaggedly
to fall Labrusca, se, /., and Labruscum, Laciniosus, a, um, adj. full of
LSbascor, i, dep. the same i, n. the wild Tine plaits, crumpled, jagged
Labda, a?, m. a vile catamite Laburnum, i, n. a shrub Lacio, gre, a. to allure, to decoy
L.ibecula, ae,/. a little stain Labyrinthaeus, a, um, adj. of a L&conicum, i, n. a hothouse, a
Labef&cio, ere, feci, factum, a. to labyrinth stew
make to totter, or ready to fall, Labyrinthus, i, m. a labyrinth, a Laconicus, a, um,
adj. Lacede-
to weaken, to loosen, to shake, maze, any thing difficult monian, laconic, short and pithy
to frighten, to discourage Lac, ctis, n. milk, the breast, the Laconismus, i, m. a short way of
L&bgfactandus, a, um, part, to be juice of herbs, the soft pulp of speaking
staggered, shaken, &c. figs, &c. Lacryma, same as Lachryma
Labgfactatio, onis,/. a loosening Lacca, ae, /. a swelling on the Lactans, tis, part, milch, giving
Labgfactator, oris, m. an under- shinbone of draught cattle milk, or suck
miner Lacer, fira, grum, adj. tearing, Lactantia, um, pi. n. white meats
Labgfactatus, a, wm,part. weaken- rending, torn, rent, mangled, Lactaria, ae,/. milkweed
ed, wasted, tottering, shaking, maimed, shattered, disabled, Lactarium, i, n. a dairy-house

ready to revolt dishevelled, scattered [torn Lactarius, a, um, adj. made of

Lftbgfactio, onis,/. a loosening Lacgrabilis, e, adj. that may be milk, giving milk, milch
Labefacto, are, a.freq. to weaken, Lacgrandus, a, um, part, to be Lactarius, i, in. a dairyman, a
to loosen, to stagger, to shake, rent, or torn to pieces milkman
to undermine Lacgrans, tis, part, tearing, rend- Lactatus, us, m. a suckling
Labefactus, a, um, part, weaken- ing, tearing in pieces Lacte, is, n. milk
ed, loosened, tottering, giving Lacgratio, onis, /. a tearing, a Lactens, tis, part, sucking, having
way, diminished, decayed rending milk, made of milk, milky
Labgf'Io, fieri, n. pass, to be Lacgrator, oris, m. he that tears Lacteo, ere, n. to suck milk, to
loosened Lacgratus, a, um, part, torn, suck [fair
Labellum, i, n. a little lip, a lip, a mangled Lacte&lus, a, um, adj. milkwhite,
little vat used in baths to wash Lacerna, ae, a riding-coat, a
/. Lactes, ium,/. the small guts, the
in, a term of endearment cloak, a cassock, cowl, or hood milt
Labens, tis, part, sliding, gliding, Lacernatus, a, um, adj. cloaked Lactesco, gre, incep. to become
running, passing on, or away, Lacgro, are, a. to tear, to rend, to like milk, to have milk
falling, falling to decay, de- tear, or pull in pieces, to de- Lacteus, a, um, adj. of, or like
clining, fainting stroy, to spend riotously milk, milky
Labeo, onis, m. one blubber-lip- Lacgrosus, a, um, adj. ragged, Lacticinia, same as Lactantia
ped, a fish rent [fish Lactic&lor, oris, same as Lacteus
Labes, is, /. a spot, a stain, or Lacerta, ae, /. a lizard, a newt, a Lacto, are, a. to suckle, to allure,
blemish, a dash, or blot, a fault, Lacertosus, a, um, adj. strong, to deceive
guilt, shame, dishonour, dis- brawny Lactuca, ae,/. a lettuce [tuce
credit, disgrace Lacertus, i, m. an arm, strength, Lactuciila, ae, /. dim. a little let-
Labia, ae,/. a lip force, a lizard, a fish Lacuna, ae, / a ditch, a puddle, a
Labidus, a, um, adj. slippery, Lacessendus, a, um, part, to be drain, any little hole, or hollow
slabby ground [pery provoked, or injured place, a defect
Labllis, e, adj. apt to slip, slip- Lacessens, tis, part, provoking, Lacunar, aris, n. a ceiled roof,
Labiosus, a, um, adj. full-lipped attacking arched, or fretted
Labium, i, n. a lip, a thick, or Lacessiturus, a, um, part, about Lacunatus, a, um, part, wrought
lower lip to attack, or abuse with fretwork, made hollow
Labo, are, wanting pret. n. to Lacessitus, a, um, part, provoked, Lacuno, are, a. to work with fret-
totter, to be ready to drop exasperated, attacked work, to pit [ditches
down, or out, to waver, to hesi- Lacesso, gre, ivi and i, Itum, a. to Lacunosus, a, um, adj. full of
tate, to droop, to flag disturb, to trouble, to tease, to Lacus, i and us, m. a lake, or
Labor, labi, lapsus sum, dep. to importune, to ask, or request, standing pool, a vat, a cooler
slide, or glide, to fly, to float, to challenge, to provoke, or Lacusculus, i, m. a little lake, or
to fluctuate, to sail, to run, to push on, to encourage, to attack vat
run, or trickle down, to pass Lachanisso, are, n. to be feeble, Lftcuturris, is,/, a cauliflower
on, or away, to fall or faint Laedens, tis, part, hurting, in-
Labor and Labos, oris, m. labour, Lachanum, i, n. a potherb juring
pains, exercise, toil, fatigue, Lachryma, ae, /. a tear, a drop, Laedo, gre, si, sum, a. to hurt, to
hardship, difficulty, trouble, the dropping of a tree wound, to injure, to infect, to
concern, anxiety, distress Lachrymabllis, e, adj. to be be- violate, to offend, to trouble
Laborandus, a, um, part, to wailed, lamentable Laelaps, is, m. a dog's name, Swift
labour Lachrymabundus, a, um, adj. Lama, ae, /. a cloak, or mantle, a
Laborans, tis, part, labouring, ready to weep rough frock, a frieze-cassock
oppressed, sick Lachrymandus, a, um, part, to Laesio, onis, /. a hurting, or an-
Laboratus, a, um, part, well be wept, or lamented noying
wrought, formed, or done with Lachrymans, tis, part, weeping, Laesura, ae, /. hurt, loss
rare [taking dropping Laesurus, a, um, part, about to
Lahorffer, 6ra, grum, adj. pains- Lachrymatio, 6nis,/. a weeping, a hurt, or injure
Laboriose, adv. ids, cornp. issime, dropping of moisture Laesus, a, um, part, hurt, wound-
superl. painfully, hardly, with Lachrymator, oris, m. he that ed, rent, torn [joyous
much ado weeps [led Lactabilis, e, adj. glad, joyful,
Laboiiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Lachrymatus, a, um, part, distii- Laetabundus, a, um, very merry
issimus, supeW.laborious, pains- Lachrymo, are, n., and Lachrj- Laetamen, inis, a. compost, ma-
taking, toilsome, wearisome, mor, ari, weep, to lament, nure
fatiguing to distil Lwtandus, a, um, part, to be e-
Lftboro, are, a. and n. to labour, Lachrymose, adv. weepingly joiced at
li9 G 3
Laetans, tis, part, rejoicing a fiery meteor, light, bright- LSnio, are, a. to tear, or pull in
Laetanter, adv. gladly, joyfully ness pieces, to tear, to butcher, to
Laetatio, onis,/. merriness Lampsana, as,/, corn-salad cut up
Laetatus, a, um, part, having re- Lampurus, i, m. a dog's name? Lanionius, a, um, adj. of a
joiced, rejoicing Lana, ae, /. wool, hair, down, butcher,
Laete, ius, issime, adv. merrily, moss, cloth Lanipendia, ae,/ a spinster
cheerfully, abundantly Lanaria, ae,/. fuller's weed Laaista, ae, m. a fencing-master
LaetlfTcans, tis, part, making glad Lanaris, e, adj. that bears wool Lanistatura, ae, /. the office of a
Laetifico, are, a. to exhilarate Lanarius, a, um, adj. of wool lanista
Lcetiflcus, a, um, adj. that makes Lanarius, i, m. a clothier, a draper Lauius, i, m. a butcher
glad Lanata, ae,/. a sheep, an ewe Lanosus, a, um, adj woolly
Laetitia, ae,/. gladness, joy, mirth, Lanatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Laniiginosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
abundance, fruitfulness woolly, bearing, or like wool, downy, soft like wool
Laetor, ari, atus sum, dep. to be mossy [a pike Lanugo, Inis,/. down on the face,
glad, joyful, or merry, to rejoice Lancea, ae, /. a lance, a javelin, on birds, on fruit
Laetus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl- Lancearius, i, m. a pikeman Lanula, ae,/. a small lock of wool
mus, superl. glad, joyful, joyous, Lanceatus, a, um, part, armed Lanx, cis, /. a charger, a deep
rejoicing, merry, cheerful, plea- with a lance dish, a platter, a scale, a lance
sant, delightful, brisk, lively, Lanceola, ae, /. a little lance, or Lapathus, i, /. and Lapathum, i,
swift, willing, welcome spear n. a dock
Laeva, ae,/. the left hand Lancmans, tis, part, tearing L&picida, ae, m. a stonecutter, a
Lsevandus, a, um, part, to be Lancinatio, onis,/. a lancing
made smooth Lancinator, oris, m. he that LSpicIdina, ae, /. a quarry
Laevatior, us, adj. made smoother lances Lapidarius, a, um, adj. pertaining
Laeve, adv. dully, heavily Lancinatus, a, um, part, lanced, to stones
Laevigatio, onis, /. a smoothing, consumed Lapidarius, i, m. a lapidary, a
or planing [ing Lancino, are, a. to lance, to mason
Laevigatorius, a, um, adj. smooth- thrust through, to rend L&pldatio, Snis, /. a stoning, a
Laevigatus, a, um, part, smoothed Lancula, ae, /. a small balance throwing of, or covering with
Lzevigo, are, a. to smooth, to Lanea, ae,/. flesh-shambles stones [stones
plane, to polish Lanestris, e,'adj. of wool Lapidator, oris, m. a thrower of
Laevis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Laneus, a, um, adj. woollen, made Lapidatus, a, um, part, stoned
superl. smooth, plain, even, of wool Lapidesco, 6re, incep. to petrify,
sleek, soft, bare, bald Languefacio, fere, a. to weary to grow as hard as stone
Laevitas, atis, /. smoothness, Languens, tis, part, languishing, Lapldeus, a, um, adj. stony, full
plainness, evenness, sleekness, fainting of stones, made of stones, of
baldness Langueo, ere, gui, n. sup. want- stone
Laevo, are, a. to smooth [ness ing, to languish, to be sick, or Lapido, are, a. to throw stone--,
Laevor, oris, m. smoothness, soft- faint, to droop, or flag, to fade to stone to death, to cover with
Laevus, a, um, adj. left, on the Languescens, tis, part, languish- stones
left side, foolish, silly, unlucky, ing Llpidosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
inconvenient [fritter Languesco, ere, incept, to grow stony, full of stones, hard
Laganum, n. a thick cake, a
i, languid, to become dull, to Lapillus, i, m. a little stone, a
Lagena, ae,/.a flagon, a bottle abate jewel
L&gois, is, /. a bird with flesh like Languide, adv. ius, comp. faintly, Lapis, idis, m. a stone, a pebble, a
a hare [hares feebly, without spirit, a little precious stone, a gem, a mile
LagotrSphium, i, n. a warren of Languidule, adv. somewhat faintly Lappa, ae,/. a bur, a clot-bur
Laguncula, ae, /. a little flagon Languldulus, a, um, adj. some- Lappaceus, a, um, adj. of a bur
Laicus, a, um, adj. laic what faint, fading, or short Lappago, inis, /. shepherd's rod,
Lalcus, i, m. a layman Languidus, a, um, adj. languid, a teazle
Lalisio, onis, m. a foal of a wild ass faint, feeble, weak, weakened, Lapsabundus, a, um, adj. ready
Lallo, are, n. to sing lullaby decayed, faded, slow, spirit- to fall
Lallus, i, m. a lullaby less Lapsana, ae,/. wild coleworts
Lama, ae, /. a slough, a bog, a Languificus, a, um, adj. causing Lapsans, tis, part, slipping, slid-
ditch faintness ing
Lambens, 'tis, part, licking Languor, oris, m. a languor, faint- Lapsio, onis,/. a trip, or fall
Lambero, are, a. to tear in pieces, ness, feebleness, weakness, wea- Lapso, are, freq. to slip often,
to mangle riness, a want of spirit, dulness to trip [fall
Lambo, ere, bi and bui, bltum, a. Laniandus, a, um, part, ready to Lapsurus, a, um, part, ready to
and n. to lick with the tongue, be torn, or cut in pieces Lapsus, a, um, part, slipping,
to lap, to touch softly, to run Lanians, tis, part, tearing, or cut- sliding, gliding, running, or
Lamella, ae, /. a little thin plate ting in pieces trickling down, falling, de-
Lamentabilis, e, adj. lamentable Laniarium, i, n. a slaughterhouse scending, winding, fallen
Lamentarius, a, um, adj. causing Laniatio, onis,/. a slaughter, car- Lapsus, us, m. a sliding, a gliding,
lamentation nage a slip, or fall, a mistake
Lamentatio, 6nis,/. lamentation Laniator, oris, m. he that tears Laqueans, tis, part, ceiling, arch-
Lamentatus, a, um, part, lament- Laniatus, a, um, part, torn in
ed pieces, torn, rent, shattered Laquear, aris, n. and Laqueare, is,
Lamentor, ari, dep. to lament, to Laniatus, us, m. a tearing to a ceiling done with fretwork
bewail, to bemoan, to weep pieces, a butchering, a quar- Laqueatus, a, um, part, ensnared,
Lamentum, i, n. a lamentation, a tering roofed, ceiled, arched, vaulted
bemoaning, a shriek Lanlcium, i, n. a woollen, or cot- Laqueo, are, a. to ensnare, to
Lamia, ae,/. a hag, a witch ton manufacture halter, to roof, to ceil
Lamina, ae, f.,and Lamna, a plate, Laniena, ae,/. the flesh-shambles, Laqueus, i, m. a snare, a trap, a
or thin piece of metal, a bar, or the butchery, the trade of but- gin, a noose, a halter, a trick
ingot of gold, or silver chery, havoc [wool Lar, laris, m. a household-god,
Lamlnosus, a, um, adj. having Lanlfer, era, um, adj. bearing the fireside, a dwelling-house,
plates Lanlfica, ae,/. a spinster one's home
Lamium, dead-nettle
i, n. Lanif Icium, i, n. the art of making Larbason, antimony
i, n.
Laranilla, ae,/. dim. a little plate cloth, spinning Lardum, or Laridum, i, n. lard,
Lamosus, a, um, adj. lull of Laniflcus, a, um, adj. clothwork- bacon
plushes ing, spinning Large, adv. ius, comp. issime,
LamnSda, ae,/. tame as Lampas Laniger, fira, um, adj. bearing superl. plentifully, abundantly
Lampadias, ae, mi. a comet wool Largiens, tis, part, giving, be
Lampas, adis, /. a lamp, a torch, Lanio, onis, m. r butcher stowicg

I argYffcus, a, una, adj. liberal Lateramen, Inis, n. an earthen Latrunculator, Sris, m. a justice
Largitiuus, a, urn, adj. flowing pot, or jug for wine a judge, a provost-martial
abundantly Latgrani, orum, pi. m. yeomen of Latrun cuius, i, m. a little thief, a
LargllOquus, um, adj. talkative
a, the guard tableman, or chessman
Larg-ior, Itus sum, dep. and
Iri, Latgraria, ae, /. a brick-kiln Latum, sup. to bear, or suffer
Largio, to give liberally,
ire, a. LatSrarius, a, um, adj. of the Laturarius, i, tn. a carrier, a
to give, to bestow, to grant side porter
J Largitas, atis, /. largeness, bounty Laterarius, a, um, adj. (from Latura, ae,/. a fare, sufferance
Largiter, adv. game as Large later) belonging to a brick Laturus, a, um, part, about to
Largitio, onis,/. a largess, a gift, Laterciilum, i, n. a slate, or mus- bear, or receive
a bribe, bribery ter-roll Latus, a, um, part, borne, carried,
Largitor, oris, tn. a liberal giver, Laterculus, i, m. a little brick, or passed, made, appointed, pub-
a briber tile, a muster-roll, a list, a cake lished
Largltus, a, um, part, having Latgritius, a, um, adj. made of Latus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi-
given, or bestowed, granted bricks, or tiles mus, superl. broad, wide, large,
Largltus, adv. same as Large Laterna, ae,/. a lantern spacious, extensive
Largus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issT- Latemarius, i, m. alantern-bearer Latus, Sris, n. a side, the waist, a
mus, superl. large, great, plen- Laterniila, ae,/. a little lantern companion, a kindred, a cli-
tiful,generous, liberal, profuse, LatSrones, um, pi. m. yeomen of mate, an earnestness in speak-
prodigal the guard ing
Larix, Icis,/. the larch-tree Lateruncularia, ae, /. a chess- Latusclavus, i, m. a garment with
Larva, ae, /. a visor, or mask, a board, a pair of tables purple studs, senatorship
spirit, a ghost, a phantom, a Latesco, fire, incep. to grow broad Latusculum, i, n. dim. a little
t scarecrow Latesco, 6re, incep. to begin to be side
Larvalis, e, adj. like a ghost, hid L&vacrum, i, n. a bath, a font
ghastly, dismal, frightful Latex, icis, to. liquor, or juice, Lavandula, ae, /. lavender-spike
Larvatus, a, um, part, disguised, spring-water, water, a spring, Lavandus, a, um, part, to be
masked, frighted with spirits or fountain washed
Larvo, are, a. to put on a mask Lathyr, is, m. the herb spurge Lavans, tis, part, washing
Larus, i, m. a seamew, or gull Latibulo, are, n. to lurk, to skulk, Lavatio, onis, /. a washing, a bath
Lasanum, i, n. a chamber-pot, a to hide oneself Lavator, oris, m. a washer
close-stool for men Latibiilum, i, n. a cave, a den, a Lavatrlna, ae,/. same as Latrina
Lascive, and Lasciviter, adv. wan- shelter Lavatrix, icis,/. a laundress
tonly Laticlavius, a, um, adj. senatorian Lavaturus, a, um, part, about to
Lasclvia, ae, /. wantonness, lust- Laticlavius, i, tn. a senator wash
fulness [ton LatlfSlius, a, um, adj. board- Laudabllis, e, adj. ior, comp. com-
Lasclvlbundus, a, um, adj. wan- leaved mendable, praiseworthy
Lasclviens, tis, part, playing the Latlfundium, i, n. common ground Laudabiliter, adv. commendably
wanton, sporting, frisking, &c. Latine, adv. in Latin Laudandus, a, um, part, to be
Lascivio, ire, ivi, Itum, n. to be, Latlnitas, atis, /. Latin, the pro- praised
or to play the wanton, to grow priety of that language I^audans, tis, part, praising, com-
wanton, to frisk about Latio, onis,/. a bearing, or carry- mending
Lascivus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. ing, a giving, or making of Laudatio, onis, /. a commenda-
isslmus, superl. wanton, frolic- laws tion, thanks
some, sportive, gamesome, frisk- Latitabundus, a, um, adj. lying Laudativus, a, um, adj. commen-
ing, skittish hid, skulking [ing datory
Laser, Sris, n. benzoin, assafoetida Latttans, tis, part, lying hid, lurk- Laudator, oris, m. a praiser, a
Laserpitiatus, a, um, adj. mixed Latitatio, onis, /. a lurking commender
with benzoin Latitator, oris, m. a lurker Laudatrix, icis,/. a commender
L&serpitium, i, n. benzoin Latito, are, n. to lie hid, to Laudaturus, a, um, part, about to
Lassatio, onis,/. a weariness lurk praise
Lassator, oris, m. he that wearies Latltudo, Inis,/. latitude, breadth, Laudatus, a, um, part, and adj.
Lassatus, a, um, part, wearied, width, extent praised, commended
tired [weary Latius, adv. comp. wider Laudo, are, a. to praise, to com-
Lassesco, e"re, incep. to grow LatSmiae, arum, pl.f. quarries of mend, to quote, to bring
Lassltudo, Inis,/. lassitude, wea- stone, a prison Laver, 6ris, n. water-parsley
riness, laziness Latomus, i, m. a mason Lavo, are and 6re, lavi, antiq.
Lasso, are, a. to weary, to tire, Lator, oris, m. a bearer, a porter, lavavi, lautum, lotum and lava-
to jade a messenger, a maker, or giver tum, a. to wash, to wash away,
Lassulus, a, um, adj. somewhat of laws to bathe, to besprinkle
weary Latrans, tis, part, barking, roar- Laurea, ae,/. a laurel, a crown, er
Lassus, a, um, adj. weary, tired, ing, craving garland of laurels
jaded, spent, worn out, faded, Latratio, onis,/. a barking Laureatus, a, um, adj. crowned,
faint, ill Latrator, oris, m. a barker or adorned with laurels
Lata, se,/. a lath Latratus, a, um, part, barked at, Laureola, ae,/. a wreath of laurel,
Late, ius, isslme, adv. abroad, far craved a smaller triumph
abroad, wide, far and wide, in Latratus, us, m. a barking, a cry- Lauretum, i, n. a laurel- grove
many places, amply ing, bawling, a railing Laureus, a, um, adj. of laurel, or
Latebra, ae, f. a lurking place, a Latrina, ae, /. a privy, the sink of bays
den, a covert, a shelter, a re- a house, a washhouse LaurlcOmus, a, um, adj. full of
treat, a disguise, a cloak, a pre- Latro, are, n. and a. to bark, to bay trees at the top
tence bark at, to open as hounds, to Laurlfer, £ra, um, adj. that bears,
Latgbrlc6la, ae, com. gen. a lurcher roar, to bawl or wears bays
Lat6br6se, adv. privily, closely Latro, onis, m. a robber, a high- Laurlger, gra, um, adj. that wears
Latgbrosus, a, um, adj. full of wayman, a cut-throat, a raven- a garland of laurel
hiding-places, or dens, dark ous creature, a soldier Laurinus, a, um, adj. of bays,
Latens, tis, part, lying hid, secret Latrocinatio, onis,/. a robbing made of laurel
Latenter, adv. secretly, privately Latvoclnator. oris, m. a robber Laurus, i and us, /. a laurel, or
Lateo, ere, ui, Itum, n. to lie hid, Latroclnium, i, n. robbery, plun- bay tree
or concealed, to be unknown, der, fraudulent dealing Laus, dis, /. praise, laud, com-
or concealed, to lurk, to skulk, Latrocinor, ari, atus sum, dep. to mendation, boast, glory, re-
to abscond rob on the highway, to rob, to nown, reputation, a good name
Later, ens, m. a briek, a tile plunder Laute, adv. ius, comp. finely,
Lateralis, e, adj. belonging to the Latrunc&larivp, a, um, adj. of nobly, magnificently, neatly
side chess Lautia, oruiu, pi. n. or Lautiic,
arum, pl.f. presents bestowed Legatlvum, an ambassador's
i, n. bawdi y, enticement, alluring
by the Romans on foreign am- allowance, charges language
bassadors Legator, oris, m. a testator Lenocinor, ari, dep. to play the
Lautltia, ae,/. fineness, daintiness Legatum, i, n. a legacy, or bequest bawd, to wheedle, entice, decoy,
Lautulae, arum, pl.f. hot baths Legatus, a, um, part, appointed, or trepan
Lautumarius, or Lauttlmiarius, i, assigned, bequeathed, left Lenonius, a, um, adj. of a bawd
m. a gaol Legatus, i, m. a legate, an ambas- Lens, dis,/. a nit
Lautiimiae, same as Latomiae sador, a lieutenant, a deputy Lens, tis,/. lentils, ducks-meat
Lautus, a, urn, part, washed, L?gendus, a, um, part, to be Lentandus, a, um, part, to be bent
bathed read, gathered, or chosen Lente, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Lautus, a, urn, adj. ior, comp. issl- Legens, tis, part, reading, gather- superl. slowly, leisurely, care-
mus, superl. fine, elegant, noble, ing, coasting, or passing by lessly
magnificent, splendid, sump- Leglbllis, e, adj. legible Lentesco, ere, n. to become clam-
tuous, costly Legicrepa, ae, m. a talker, or my, to stick
Laxamentum, i, n. a relaxation, boaster of the law Lentlctila, ae, /. a little lentil, a
or remission, ease, leisure, re- Leglfer, 6ra, um, adj. making laws freckle, a chrismatory
freshment Legio, onis, /. a legion consisting Lenticularis, e, adj. like a lentil
Laxandus, a, um, part, to be en- of ten cohorts, a great number Lentlglnosus, a, um, adj. freckly
larged Lggionarius, a, um, adj. legionary Lentigo, Inis, /. a pimple, a freckle
Laxans, tis, part, loosening, en- Legionatlm, adv. by legions Lentipes, edis, adj. slow-footed
larging Leglrupa, ae, m. a breaker of laws Lentiscifer, or Lentisclfgrus, a,
Laxatio, onis,/. a widening Legislator, oris, m. a lawgiver um, adj. bearing mast.ich-trees
Laxatus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Legisperitus, i, m. a lawyer Lentisclna resina, mastich
loosened, released, freed, ex- Legitime, adv. lawfully Lentiscus, i, /. a mastich-tree,
tended Legltlmus, a, um, adj. lawful, a toothpick
Laxe, adv. ius, comp. issime, legal, just, right, meet, proper, Lentltia, ae, /. limberness, softness
superl. loosely, largely, far off allowable, complete Lentitudo, Inis, /. slowness, loi-
Laxttas, atis, /. looseness, ex- Lggiuncula, ae, /. dim. a small tering, tediousness, easiness,
pansion, largeness legion moderation
Laxo, are, a. to loosen, to slacken, Lego, are, a. to send as an am- Lento, are, a. to make pliant
to release, to free, to set at bassador, &c. to send, or dis- Lentor, oris, m. toughness, clam-
liberty, to open, or unlock, to patch, to intrust miness [pliant
enlarge, to dilate LSgo, ere, legi, lectum, a. to read, Lentulus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Laxus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp. issi- to gather, to choose, to steal Lentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
mus, superl. loose, slack, un- Leguleius, i, m. a young solicitor issimus, superl. slow, lingering,
bent, unstrung, open, large, Legulus, i, m. a gatherer dilatory, idle, lazy, indolent,
widfi, spacious Lggumen, Inis, n. pulse heavy, dull, stupid, unmoved,
Lea, ae, /. a lioness, a colewort Lggumentum, i, n. pulse quiet, peaceable
Leaena, ae, /. a lioness Legumlnarius, i, m. a seller of Lenulus, i, m. a young bawd
Leberis, idis, /. a serpent's cast pulse [pulse Lenunculus, i, m. a young bawd,
skin, a slough Lgguminosus, a, um, adj. full of a skiff
L£bes, etis, rn. a cauldron, a ket- Lema, ae, /. a white humour, or Leo, onis, m. a lion, a sign in the
tle, a pot matter in the eye heavens, a disease, a lobster
Lecte, adv. issime, superl. choicely Lembulus, i, m. a small bark Leoninus, a, um, adj. of a lion
Lectlca, ae, /. a litter, a chair, a Lembunculus, i, m. dim. a little Leontlce, es,/. wild chervil
sedan bark Leontios, i, m. a kind of precious
Lectlcari&la, ae,/. a common slut Lembus, i, m. a pinnace, a bark, stone like a lion's skin
Lectlcarius, i, m. a chairman a smack, a fishing-boat Leopardus, i, m. a leopard, a pan-
Lectlcula, ae, /. a litter, a little Lemma, atis, n. an argument, a ther
sedan, a little couch subject, a title Lepide, adv. prettily, wittily,
Lectio, onis,/. a reading, a lesson, Lemniscatus, a, um, part, adorn- smartly
a choice, a gathering ed with ribands, or silk strings Lgpidium, i, n. cresses
Lectisterniator, oris, m. a bed- Lemniscus, i, rn. a riband, a cock- Lepidule, adv. prettily, pleasantly
chamberlain ade, a label Lepidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Lectisternium, i, n. a covering of Lem6nium, i, n. wild beet issimus, superl. pretty, witty,
the table, a spreading of a LSmures, um, pi. m. ghosts, smart, tart, quick, brisk, face-
funeral banquet spectres tious, waggish, merry, pleasant,
Lectltatus, a, um, part, read Lena, ae,/. a bawd charming, dainty
Lectito, are, freq. to read, or ga- Lendix, Icis,/. a maggot Lgpista, ae,/. a little pot
ther often Lene, adv. softly, gently Lgpor, or Lgpos, oris, m. mirth,
LectiuncOla, ae,/. a short lesson Leniandus, a, um, part, to assuage, wit, drollery, complaisance
Lector, oris, m. a reader, a re- or be assuaged LgpOrarium, i, n. a hare-warren
hearser Lenimen, Inis, n. an ease, an as- Lgp6rinus, a, um, adj. of a hare
Lectula, ae, /. a little bed, a nest suagement, a mitigation, a com- Lepra, ae, /. the leprosy
Lecttilus, \,m. a little bed, a couch fort Leprosus, a, um, adj. leprous
Lectura, ae, /. a lecture, a read- Lenimentum, i, n. ease • Lepus, oris, to. a hare, a fish, a
ing Lenio, ire, a. to ease, to assuage, star
Lecturus, a, um, part, about to or mitigate, to allow, appease, Lgpusculus, i, m. dim. a leveret
read, or gather lessen, or diminish, to soften, Lessus, us, m. a funeral lamenta-
Lectus, a, um, part, read, gather- to stop, to tame, to polish, or tion
ed, selected, chosen make smooth Letalis, e, or Lethalis, e, adj.
Lectus, um, adj. ior, comp. issl-
a, Lenis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, deadly, mortal, fatal
mus, superl. choice, fine, ex- superl. soft, gentie, easy, mild, Lethallter, adv. deadly, mortally
cellent, gallant calm, tame, pleasant, good- Lethargia, ae, /. a lethargy
Lectus, us, m. a choice natured Letharglcus, a, um, adj. lethargic
Lectus, i, m. a bed, a marriage- Lenltas, atis,/. lenity, indulgence, Letharglcus, i, m. a lethargic
bed, a couch softness, mildness person
Lecjthus, i, d. g. a cruise, a vial Lenlter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Lethargus, i, m. a lethargy
I.egalis, e, adj. legal, lawful superl. softly, gently, mildly ' Lethatus, a, um, part, killed,
Legarium, i, n. pulse Lenltudo, Inis,/. gentleness, mild- murdered [fatal
Legatarius, a, um, adj. belonging ness Lethlfer, era, um, adj. deadly,
to an ambassador Lenltus, a, um, part, assuaged, Lethiflcus, a, um, adj. the same
Legatarius, i, m. a legatee appeased Letho, are, a. to put to death, to
Leeatio, 6nis, /. an embassy, • Leno, onis, m. a pimp, a pander kill
lieutenancy LOnociniuin, i, n. the practice of Lcthum, or Letum, i, ». dest'a

Lgvamen, inis, n. ease, an easing, tachment, a bill of record, a pound in money, a pint, a pail
relief, comfort certificate of scales, one of the twelve
Lgvamentum, i, n. ease, comfort LIbens, tis, part, and adj. ior, signs, a carpenter's line, or
Levandus, a, um, part, to be eased comp. issimus, superl. willing, mason's rule, a plummet
Levans, tis, part, lifting up, easing glad, joyful Libralis, e, adj. of a pound
Lfivatio, onis,/. an alleviation Libenter, adv. Ols, comp. issime, Libramen, inis, n. a balancing,
Levator, oris, m. he that lifts up superl. willingly, readily, freely, equal weight, a bias
Lgvaturus, a, um, part, about to gladly, joyfully Libramentu'm, i, n. even weight,
ease Libentia, ae,/. delight, pleasure the tongue of a balance, a level,
Levatus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Libeo, or Lubeo, n. to please, to a cord to tie ordnance
lifted up, eased, relieved, as- like Librans, tis, part, weighing, pois-
sisted, supported Liber, bri, m. the inward bark, or ing
Leuca, a?,/, a league rind of a tree, a book, an in- Libraria, ae, /. a library, a book-
Leucon, i, n. a heron, a dog's name ventory, or register, an epistle seller's shop, a weigher of wool
LeucSn6tus, i, m. the south-west Liber, gra, gram, adj. grior, comp. LibrariSlus, i, m. a bookkeeper, a
wind errimus, superl. free, disen- clerk [register
Leuc8phaeatus, a, um, adj. gray, gaged, at liberty, or leisure, not Librarium, i, n. a library, a
russet, brown subject to, exempted from, void Librarius, a, um, adj. pertaining to
LeucOphaeus, a, um, adj., the same of books, or a pound
Leviathan, indecl. a whale, or cro- Libgralis, e, adj. ior, comp. issi- Librarius, i, m. a scrivener, a
codile [wanton mus, superl. liberal, bountiful, clerk, an amanuensis, a printer,
Lgviciilus, a, um, adj. nighty, generous, free, genteel, well- a bookseller [poising
Lgvidensis, e, adj. coarse and bred, ingenuous, fashionable, Libratio, onis, /. a weighing, a
slight [credit handsome, large, ample Librator, oris, m. a weigher, a
Levifidus, a, um, adj. of slight Liberalitas, atis, /. liberality, leveller of ground
Lgvipes, gdis, ofallgenders, swift- bounty, generosity, kindness, Libratus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
footed good usage, a grant weighed, poised, levelled, de-
Lgvir, iri, m. a brother-in-law Llberaliter, adv. ius, comp. issime, liberate [balance
L6vis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, superl. liberally, bountifully, Librile, is, n. the beam of a
superl. light, slight, small, tri- generously, hospitably, freely, Librilia, ium, pi. n. slings
fling, trivial, inconsiderable, genteelly, handsomely, largely Libripens, dis, m. a weigher
mean, changeable, fickle, in- Libgrandus, a, um, part, to be Libro, are, a. to weigh, to poise,
constant, unsettled, uncertain, freed [livering to counterbalance, to level, to
giddy Libgrans, tis, part, freeing, de- try by plumb-rule
Levis, e, adj., same as Laevis, Libgratio, onis,/. a deliverance Libs, libis, m. the south-west
smooth [waked Liberator, oris, m. a deliverer wind [cake
Lgvisomnus, a, um, adj. easily Libgratiirus, a, um, part, about Libum, i, n. a wafer, a honey-
Lgvitas, atis, /. levity, lightness, to deliver Lib urna, ae,/. a galley
fickleness, inconstancy, muta- Libgratus, a, um, part, freed, de- Liburnica, ae,/., the same
bility, want of gravity livered, released LIburnus, i, m. a litter, a couch
Leviter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Liberg, adv. ius, comp. liberally, Licebit, con.], although
superl. lightly, slightly, poorly, frankly, freely, without con- Licens, tis, part, cheapening
a little, gently, patiently straint, boldly, genteelly, pro- Licens, tis, adj. ior, comp. licen-
Levitfido, Inis,/. lightness fusely tious, extravagant, luxurious
LcHiusculus, a, um, adj. rather Libgri, orum, pi. m. children, sons Licentgr, adv. ius, comp. licen-
light and daughters tiously, with too much liberty,
Lgvo, are, a. to lift up, to raise, to Libero, are, a. to free, to set free, rashly
ease, to lighten, to lessen, or to deliver, to disengage, to un- Licentia, ae,/. licence, permission,
diminish, to allay, to relieve loose, to release, to acquit, to liberty, indulgence, licentious-
Lex, legis, /. law, a law, a decree, exempt ness, unruliness, furiousness
a canon, any rule, plan, measure, Liberta, as,/, a bondwoman made Licentiatus, i, m. a licentiate
or design to act by, good order free, a freedwoman Licentiosus, a, um, adj. licentious,
Lexicon, i, n. a Greek dictionary Libertas, atis, /. liberty, a free- dissolute, assuming
Lexipyrgtus, a, um, adj. good dom, or power in acting, bold- LIceo, ere, ui, itum, n. to be law-
against fevers ness of speech, frankness, good- ful, to be prized
Lexis, is,/, a word, an expression nature Liceor, eri, itus sum, dep. to
Liacylura, i, n. a joiner's plane Libertina, ae,/., same as Liberta cheapen, to offer a prize, to bid
Libamen, inis, n. a sacrifice Libertinus, i, m. a freedman, the money
Libamentum, i, n. a drink-offering son of a freedman Licet, ebat, licuit and licitum est,
Llbandus, a, um, part, to be Libertus, i, m. a bondman made it is lawful, it is free, or pos-
offered free, a freedman [amorous sible
Libanotis, i dis, /. rosemary Libidinans, tis, part, lustful, Licet, conj. although, albeit
LlbanStus, i, m. the south-west Libidinor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Lichen, enis, m. a ringworm,
wind play the lecher liverwort
Libans, tis, part, offering, pour- Libidinosg, adv. ius, comp. lust- Liciatorium, i, n. a weaver's beam
ing out [tree fully, wilfully, after his own Licinus, a, um, adj. turned up-
Libanus, i, /. the frankincense- pleasure wards
Libarius, i, m. a cake-maker Libidinosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Licitatio, onis, /. a cheapening, a
Libatio, onis,/. a libation, a drink- issimus, superl. lustful, lecher- setting out for sale
offering ous, wanton, sensual, fleshly Licitator, oris, m. a chapman
Libator, oris, m. he that offers Libido, inis, /. lust, lechery, wan- LIcitatrix, icis,/. a chap woman
Llbatorium, a chalice
i, n. tonness, concupiscence, sensu- Licitg, or Llcito, adv. lawfully
Libatus, a, um,
part, tasted, ality, any unbridled passion, or Licitor, ari, dep. to cheapen, to
sipped, essayed, proved, tried, unlawful desire, will, humour box
offered, sacrificed, gathered Libitina, ae,/. the care of provid- Liciturus, a, um,
part, that shall
Llbella, a?, /. a small coin of about ing for a funeral, a bier, death be lawful [able
three farthings, a line, level, or Libitinarius, i, m. an undertaker Licitus, a, um, part, lawful, allow-
plummet, used by masons for funerals, a very old man Licium, i, n. the woof, or warp,
Libellio, onis, m. a letter-carrier, Libitum, i, n. will thread, yarn
pamphleteer Libo, are, a. to taste, or sip, to Lictor, oris, m. a Serjeant, or
Libellulus, i, m. a very little book touch lightly, to offer up, to beadle, a mace-bearer, or verger,
Iitbellus, i, m. a little book, a pour out, to sprinkle, to gather a serjeant-at-arms, a marshal,
letter, a petition, or supplica- LibOnotus, i, m. the south-west an executioner
tion, a citation, a libel, or de- wind Lictorius, a, um, adj. of, or per-
claration in taw, a writ of at- Libra, se, /. a pound-weight, a taining to a serjeant, &c.
Lica, enis, m , and Lienis, is, the Limit atio, onis, /. a bounding, a leave, quit, to forsake, to
milt, the spleen restriction cast to lay aside
Lienlcus, a, lira, adj. splenetic Llmitator, oris, m. a limiter Linteamen, inis, n. a linen cloth
Lienosus, a, um, adj. sick of the Llmlto, are, a. to limit, to bound, Lintearius, a, um, adj. of linen
spleen, swollen to set bounds, to part, or divide Liutearius, i, m. a linen-draper
Lienteria, ae,/. a looseness, a flux Llmo, are, a. to file, to polish, to Linteatus, a, um, adj. wearing
Lientericus, i, m. one that hath a amend, to correct, to cut linen
flux Lirno, are, n. to look askew Linteo, onis, m. a linen-weaver
Ligaculum, i, n. a scovel Limones, um, pi. m. lemons Linteohim, i, n. a little piece of
Ligamen, Inis, n. a band, or tie, Limdnia, ae,/. an anemony linen cloth, a rag, clout, or
a string [bandage Llmositas, atis,/. muddiness pledget
Llgamentum, i, n. a ligament, a Llmosus, a, um, adj. muddy, slimy Linter, tris, d. g. a bark, a little
Ligans, tis, part, binding, tying Limpldus, a, um, adj. clear, boat, a wherry, a sculler, a
Ligatio, onis,/. a binding up bright, pure, transparent trough
Ligatura, ae, f. a ligature, or Limpitudo, Inis, /. clearness, Linteum, i, n. linen, a linen cloth,

bandage, a charm brightness a towel, a napkin, a soil

Ligiitus, a, um, part, bound, Limulus, a, um, adj. somewhat Linteus, a, um, adj. of linen
bound, or tied up, fettered, awry Lintrarius, i, m. a boat, a barge-
joined together Llmus, a, um, adj., and Llmis, e, man
Llgellum, i, n. a lodge, a little crooked, squinting Liatriculus, i, m. a small boat

cottage Limus, i, m. mud, slime, clay, Linum, n.

i, flax, tow, linen,
Lignarium, i, n. a timber-yard mortar, dregs thread, a rope, a casting, or
Lignarius, a, um, adj. belonging Lmamentum, i, n. linen, lint, drag net, a purse net
to wood, or timber thread, a wick Llpara, ae,/. a salve, or plaister
Lignarius, i, m.atimber-merehant Llnarium, i, n a flax-plat Llparis, is, /. a kind of lizard, a
Lignatio, onis, /. a fuelling, a Lmarius, i, m. a flax-dresser gem [sighted
grove Linctus, a, um, part, licked, suck- Lippiens, tis, part, blear-eyed, dim-
Lignator, oris, m. a wood-monger, ed Lippio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to be
a hewer of wood Linctus, us, m. a licking, or suck- blear-eyed, purblind
Ligneolus, a, um, adj. made of ing down softly Lippltudo, inis,/. bleaiedness
wood, wooden [wood Llnea, as,/, a line, a'string, a cord, Lippus, a, um, adj. blear-eyed,
Ligneus, a, um, adj. wooden, of a streak, a rail, a bound, or having watery eyes, dropping,
Lignile, is, n. a wood-house limit, a rank, a degree of kin- dribbling, leaking, oozy, moist
Lignipes, fidis, m. a wooden shoe, dred, a lineage Liquabllis, e, adj. that may be
a patten Lluealis. e, adj. lineal, in a line melted, made soft
Lignor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Llneamentum, i, n. a lineament, Liquamen, inis, n. dripping, suet
gather fuel, to purvey wood a feature, a form, or shape, a melted, tallow, ointment
Lignosus, a, um, adj. hard like draught Liquandus, a, um, part, to be
wood Linearis, e, adj. linear loosened
Lignum, i, n. wood, a log, chump, Llneatus, a, um, part, drawn as Liquasco, ere, incep. to melt away
or block, a stone, or kernel in a plan Liquatio, onis, /. a melting
fruit Llneo, are, a. to draw lines, to Liquator, oris, m. a melter
Ligo, are, a. to bind, to bind, or delineate Liquatus, a, um, part, melted,
tie up, to tie fast [&c. _
Llneus, a, um, adj. linen, flaxen dissolved
Ligo, onis, m. a spade, a pickaxe, Lingendus, a, um, part, to be Liquefaciens, tis, part, melting
Ligula, ae, /. a little tongue, the licked Liqugfacio, 6re, feci, factum, a.
tongue of a pipe, a long sword Lingens, tis, part, licking to liquefy, to melt
made like a tongue, a spatula, Lingo, fire, nxi, nctum, a. to lick Liqugfactio, onis,/. a melting
a spoon, scummer, or ladle, a with the tongue, to lap LIqugfactus, a, um, part, melted,
measure of three drachms and Lingua, ae, /. a tongue, a lan- dissolved, wasted
a scruple guage, or speech, eloquence, Liqueflo, factus, ». part, to be
Ligurio, ire, a. and n. to feed slander, a promontory, or neck melted [fluid
nicely, or delicately, to slabber of land running into the sea Liquens, tis, part, melting, liquid,
up, to waste, or spend riotously Linguace, es, /. same as Lingu- Llqueo, ere, licui, a. and n. to
Llgurltio, onis, /. lickerishness, laca melt, to dissolve, to become
gluttony Llnguaculus, a, um, adj. talk- liquid, to be clear
Llguritor, oris, m. a glutton ative, babbling Liquescens, tis, part, melting
Ligustrum, i, n. privet, withbind Linguarium, i, n. a gag, a penalty LIquesco, ere, incep. to melt, to
Liliaceus, a, um, adj of lilies Linguatus, a, um, adj. skilled in run, to thaw, to grow liquid,
Lilietum, i, n. a lily-bed languages, learned to grow soft, or effeminate,
Lllium, i, n. a lily Linguax, acis, adj. long-tongued, to relent
Lima, ae, /. a file, a polish, a prating Liqulde, adv. ius, comp. issimfe,
finishing-stroke, &c. Lingula, ae, /. a lingel, a little superl clearly, plainly
Limandus, a, um, part, to be tongue, the end of a lever, a Liquldiusculus, a, um, adj. some-
polished, corrected, or amended little tenon, a promontory what more mild
Limare, adv. ius, comp. accu- Lingillaca, ae, /. a sole-fish, a Liquid6, adv. clearly, plainly,
rately prater safely [clear
Limatulus, a, um, adj. neat, fine Lingulatus, um, adj. tongued
a, Llquldo, are, a. to make moist, or
Limatus, a, um, part, and adj. Linguosus, a, um, adj. talkative Liquldum, i, n. moisture, water

ior, comp. filed, polished, neat Llniendus, a, um, part, to be Llquidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Limax, acis, d. g. a snail, a harlot anointed isslmns, superl. liquid, moist,
^imbatus, a, um, adj. embroidered Llniger, Sra, um, adj. wearing soft, melted, loose, soluble,
Limb61arius, i, m. an embroiderer linen clear, pure, unmixed, serene,
Limbus, i, m. a border, an edging, Linlmentum, i, n. a liniment, t calm
a toce, a fringe pledget Llqmo, are, a. to melt, to dissolve,
Liraen, inis, n. a threshold, a Linio, Ire, Ivi, and ii, Itum, a. to to thaw, to loosen, or make one
door, or gate, an entrance, a anoint, to besmear loose
house, a goal, a limit, a frontier Linnae, arum, pl.f. rough mantles Liquor, gris, dep. to be melted,
Limes, itis, et. a limit, a boundary, Lino, ere, lini, llvi and levi, litum, or dissolved, to melt, to drop,
a frontier, a landmark, a great a. to anoint, to besmear, to to run, or glide
broad way, a way, a road daub, to paint, to gild Liquor, 6ris, m. liquor, water,
LinricSla, ae, c. g. living in mud Linquendus, a, um, part, to be left juice, moisture, the sea, fluidity
Limlger, era, um, cdj. daubed Linqucns, tis, part, departing, Lira, ae, /. a furrow, a ridge of
with mud fainting land
Limlnaris, e, adj. of a threshold Linquo, fire, liaui. lictuui, a. to Lirac, arum, pl.f. trifles, toys

Liratlm, adv. in ridges, ridge-wise Livens, tis, part, black and blue, LOcupleto, are, a. to enrich, to
Liro, are, a. to make baulks, to livid, envious enlarge, to furnish, to set off
plough the third time, to har- Llveo, ere, pret. wanting, n. to be L6cus, i, m. pi. loci and 16ca, a
row black and blue, or pale and place, room, or stead, a situa-
Lis, litis,/, strife, contention, dis- wan, to be rusty, or foul, to tion, condition, state, or case,
pute, debate, a quarrel, a con- envy an occasion, or season, oppor-
test, an action, or lawsuit, a Llvesco, 6re, incep. to grow blue, tunity
fine, a fact to envy, or repine LOcusta, ee,/. a locust, a lobster
Litamen, Inis, n. a sacrifice Livia, 33, /. a stockdove, a blue L6cutio, onis, /. a speaking,
Lltandus, a, urn, part, to be ap- wood-pigeon speech [talker
peased Livide, adv. bluishly, enviously L6cutor, oris, m. a speaker, a
Litans, tis, part, appeasing by Llvidulus, a, um, adj. somewhat Locuturus, a, um, part, about to
sacrifice envious speak [spoken
LItatio, onis,/. a sacrificing Livldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- LOcutus, a, um, part, having
Lltat6, adv. luckily, fortunately mus, superl. black and blue, Lodlcula, ee, /. a little sheet, or
Lit ator, oris, m. a sacrificer pale and wan, dark, dusky blanket
Litatud, a, um, part, sacrificed, Llvor, oris, m. lividness, wanness, Lodix, Icis, /. a sheet, a blanket
offered up paleness, envy, spite LSgarion and Logarium, i, n. a
Litera, a:, /. a letter of a book, a Lix, llcis,/. water, lye, ashes little account book in which
letter, or epistle, one's hand- Lixa, a?, m. a scullion, a sutler trifling matters are recorded
writing, a writing, a bill, or Lixamen, Inis, n. and Lixamen- L&gi, orum, pi. m. trifling words
scroll tum, i, n. a boiling in water L6glca, 33, /. and LSglce, es, /..
Llterae, arum, pi. f. a letter, or Lixatura, ae, /. a boiling, or logic, the art of reasoning
epistle, writings, deeds, me- seething Loglce, adv. logically
moirs, evidences, learning Lixatus, a, um, part, boiled, Logicus, a, um, adj. logical
Literalis, e, adj. literal, to the seethed L5gion, i, n. a theatre, a stage
letter Lixivia, as, /. lye made of ashes Logijgraphi, orum, pi. m. lawyers
Lltgrarius, a, um, adj. of letters, Lixivium, i, n. lye to wash with clerks [tares
or learning Lixivius, a, um, adj. of lye Loliaceus, a, um, adj. made of
Literate, adv. ius, comp. learnedly Lixlvus, a, um, adj. of, or like lye Loliarius, a, um, adj. pertaining
Lifgrator, oris, m. a teacher of Lixo, are, a. to boil, to seethe to tares
the alphabet Lixus, a, um, adj. boiled, sodden LOlIgo, inis,/. a cuttlefish
Literatorius, a, um, adj. same as Lob us, i, m. a lobe, the tip of the L51ium, i, re. darnel, cockle, ray,
Literatus ear tares [colour
Lltgratura, as, /. literature, gram- Localis, e, adj. local, of a place Lomentum, n. bean-meal, a

mar-learning LOcallter, adv. locally, in a place Longaevltas, atis,/. longevity, old

Literatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. L6candus, a, um, part, to be let. age
issimus, superl. learned, let- L5cans, tis, part, placing, letting Longasvus, a, um, adj. long-lived,
tered, marked with letters Locarium, i, re. house-rent, stall- ancient, aged
Llterosus, a, um, adj. greatly wages, boat-hire, &c. Longanlmis, e, adj. long-suffering
learned LOcarius, i, m. he that places peo- Longanlmltas, atis,/. long-suffer-
Lltgrula?, arum, pi. f. a short ple at public shows, a clerk of ing
letter, learning a market, a pew-keeper Longe, adv. ills, comp. isslme,
Lithanlcus, i, m. one who suffers L5catio, onis, /. the letting of a superl. far, far from, a great way
from the stone house, a setting to hire, a set- from, afar off, a great distance
Llthargjros, i, m. litharge, scum, ting, or taking work by the off
or spume of lead, silver great Longinque, adv. ius, comp. same
Lithost.roton,i, n. a pavement Locator, oris, m. a lessor, a taker as Longe [distance
composed of small pieces of Locavoiius, a, um, adj. of hire Longinquitas, atis, /. remoteness,
marble of various colours L6caturus, a, um, part, about to Longinquus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp.
Lith0t6mia, also Lat6mia, a?,/, a place, or hire out remote, distant, far off, at a
mason's workshop, a quarry Locatus, a, um, part, placed, set, great distance, strange
LlthotSmus, i, v. a lithotomist, let to hire, rented [bag Longipes, 6dis, adj. long-footed
a mason Locellus, i, m. a little purse, or Longisslme, adv. very far
Llticen, Inis, m. a clarionet Loci, pi. m. and L6ca, orum, n. Longisslmus, a, um, adj. farthest,
Litlgans, tis, part, wrangling, the womb, the matrix or utmost
pleading Locito, are,/reg. to let to hire, to Longiter, adv. afar off
Litlgatio, onis,/. litigation lease Longitudo, Inis, /. longitude,
Litigator, oris, m. a wrangler L6co, are, a. to place, to set, or length, futurity
Lltlgatrix, Icis,/. a scold, a quar- lay, to pitch, to settle, to let, Longiusculus, a, um, adj. some-
relsome woman [pute to let out, to lease, to put, or what of the longest [far
Litlgatus, us, m. a debate, a dis- lay out Long-file, adv. rather far off, very
Lltlgiosus, a, um, adj. litigious, LSculamentum, i, n. a box, or Longulus, a, um, adj. rather long
captious, disputed [rel drawer, a locker, a hutch, a Longum, adv. for a long time, for
Lltigium, i, n. strife, debate, quar- comb in beehives, a case for ever [low
Lltlgo, are, a. and n. to strive, de- books [bags Longurio, onis, m. a tall slim fel-
bate, scold, quarrel, &c. L6cularis, e, adj. kept in little Longurius, i, m. a rail, a cross
Llto, are, a. to offer up in sacri- LOcularius, i, m. a pursemaker pole
fice, to sacrifice, to appease, or Lociilatus, a, um, adj. that has Longus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
atone holes, or places distinct from issimus, superl. long, tall, oi
Lit&ralis, e, adj. of the sea-shore one another long extent, lasting, long, tedi-
Lltoreus, a, um, adj. on the shore L6culi, orum, pi. m. a pocket ous
LitSrosus, a, um, adj. of, near, or Loculosus, same as Loculatus LOquacItas, atis,/. talkativeness
upon the shore [ing Loculus, i, m. a little purse, bag, L6quaclter, adv. pratingly, noisily
LItura, <e,f. a blot, a blur, a daub- or coffer, a coffin, or bier LOquacIto, are, n. to chatter, to
Llturgia, 33,/. the liturgy Lociiples, etis, adj. ior, comp. issi- prate
LIturo, are, a. to blot, or dash out mus, superl. rich, wealthy, well- Lfiquactilus, i, m. a great talker
Lltus, a, um, part, anointed, stored, copious, plentiful, abun- Loquax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
daubed, spotted, marked, a- dant mus, superl. talkative, prating,
dorned LOcupletandus, a, um, part, to he babbling, noisy, roaring
Lltus, us, m. a besmearing enriched, improved L6quela, te, /. speech, talk, lan-
Lltus, poet. Littus, Oris, n. the LOcupletator, oris, m. an enricher guage
shore, the sea-shore, the coast Lociipletatus, a, um, part, enrich- Loquendus, a, um, part, to bo
Lltuus, i, m. an augur's staff, a ed, stored talked of [ing
trumpet, a clarion LOcupletissIme, adv. most richly Loquens, tis, part, speaking, talk.
Loquentia, ae,/. a talking, talk the light, lurking, sleeping by evidently, bravely, at a high
LOquor, loqui, lOcutus, or lOquu- day price
tus, dep. to speak, to talk, to LucigSna, ae, m. one born, or he- Luculentia, ae,/. clearness
discourse, to tell, to declare gotten in the daytime Luculentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
L6ra, or Lorea, se, /. a small, or Lucmium, i, n. a glow-worm, a clear, plain, bright, fair, beauti-
thin wine, made of the husks of candle ful, renowned, notable, credi-
grapes [cord Liicisco, same as Lucesco table
Loramentum, i, «. a thong, or Luciscus, i, m. a blinkard Lucus, us, m. light, the morning
Lorarius, i, m. a whipper, a Lucius, i, m. a pike, a jack Liicus, i, m. a grove, or wood, de-
beadle, a string Lucrans, tis, part, gaming, getting dicated to some god, and kept
LOreus, a, um, adj. made of lea- Lucratlvus, a, um, adj. lucrative, uucut, a temple in a wood
thern thongs gainful Liidens, tis,peu-f. playing, sporting
>brica, ae, /. a coat of mail, a Lucratus, a, um, part, having Ludi, orum, pi. m. sports, pas-
parapet, or breastwork, the gained, gotten, or obtained, times, plays
coping of a wall gaining Ludia, ae, /an actress
Loricatio, onis,/. a harnessing, a Lucrifacio, fere, feci, factum, a. to Ludibriosus, a, um, adj. ridicu-
plastering gain, to make gain, to get, to lous, reproachful
LOricatus, a, um, part, clad in win, to escape Liidibrium, i, n. a mock, a mock-
armour Lucrlfactus, a, um, part, gained, ery, a laughing-stock, a jest
Lorlco, are, a. to put on a coat of gotten, won Ludibundus, a, um, adj. full of
mail, to arm Lucrif Ico, are, a. to gain, or get play, playsome
Loricula, ae, /. a little coat of Lucrlficus, a, um, adj. gainful Ludicer, era, crum, adj. ludicrous,
mail, a fortification, a breast- Lucrlfio, Sri, factus, n. pass, to belonging to play, sportive, in
work, a balcony be won jest, vain, trifling
LOripes, fedis, c. g. adj. bow, or Lucrlfuga, ae, c. g. one that flees Ludicre, adv. wantonly
bandy-legged, slow from profit Ludlcris, e, adj. same as Ludicer
Ldrum, i, n. a thong of leather, a Lucrfpgta, ae, m. an usurer Ludicrum, i,n. a play, an inter
cord, a strap, a girth, a whip, Lucrius, a, um, adj. of, or belong- lude
a rein, a bridle ing to gain Ludifacio, fere, a. to befool
Lotio, onis, /. a washing Lucror, ari, atus, dep. to gain, Ludif icabilis, e, adj. making sport
Lotium, i, n. urine get, win, or earn Ludlficans, tis, part, mocking,
Letor, oris, m. a washer LuciOse, adv. gainfully cheating
Lotos, and Lotus, i, m. the lote- LucrOsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Ludificatio, Onis, /. a mocking,
tree, a very pleasant fruit issimus, superl. lucrative, gain- or deceiving, mockery
Lotrix, Icis,/. a laundress ful, profitable Ludif icator, oris, m. a mocker, a
Lotuja, a?,/, a washing, a rinsing Lucrum, i, n. gain, profit, benefit, cheat
Lotus, a, um, part, washed, bath- advantage, an earning Ludificatus, a, um, part, mock-
ed, rinsed, cleansed, dyed Lucta, ae,/. strife, a scuffle ing, or deceiving, mocked
Ltibens, tis, part, willing, cheerful Luctamen, Inis, n. a struggling, a Ludif ico, are, a. fur
Liibenter, adv. ius, comp. isslme, striving [gle Ludif icor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
superl. willingly, gladly Luctandus, a, um, part, to strug- mock, to make a fool of, to
Lubentia, ae, /. pleasantness, Luctans, tis, part, struggling, cajole [master
mirth striving, contending, resisting, Ludimagister, m. a school-
Lubido, Inis, /. pleasure, lust reluctant Ludimentum, i, n. a plaything
Lubrice, adv. slipperily, dange- Luctatio, onis,/. a contending, a Ltidio, Onis, m. a sword, or pup-
rously contest pet-player [dancer
Lubrico, are, a. to make slippery Luctator, oris, m. a wrestler Ludius, i, m. a stage-player, a
Lubricum, i, n. slipperiness, Luctatus, a, um, part, having Ludo, si, sum, a. to play, to
danger wrestled, striven, or strained, play or upon, to sport, to
Lubricus, a, um, adj. slippery, struggling make sport, to frisk, or dance,
unsteady, inconstant, uncertain, Luctatus, us, m. a struggling to dally, to wanton, to banter,
changeable, deceitful Luctifer, 6ra, um, adj. mournful, to jest upon
Liicanica, ae,/. a pork sausage dismal, fatal [sad Liidus, i, m. a play, sport, pas-
Lucanicum, i, n. the same Luctif icabilis, e, adj. sorrowful, time, or game, a trick of youth,
Lucanlcus, i, m. a glutton Luctif Icus, a, um, adj. mournful, a prank, a feat, a jest, a show,
Lucanus, a, um, adj. pertaining sorrowful, doleful, woful, sad or sight, a school
to the light, or morning LuctisOnus, a, um, adj. having a Luela, ae,/. punishment
Liicar, n. indecl. money for a seat mournful sound, doleful, pitiful Luendus, a, um, part, to be
at plays Lucto, are, a. to wrestle punished, atoned for, or under-
Lucaria, Orum, pi. n. feasts solem- Luctor, ari, atus sum, dep. to gone [for
nized in groves wrestle, to struggle, to endea- Luens, tis, part, suffering, atoning
Lucarius, i, m. a woodman vour Lues, is,/, a plague, or pestilence,
Luce, adv. in the daytime, openly Luctuose, adv. ius, comp. mourn- a rot, or murrain, a great mor-
Lucellum, i, n. dim. a little gain fully,lamentably tality, destruction, ruin, a blight
Lucens, tis, part, shining, glit- Luctuosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Lugendus, a, um, part, to be be-
tering issimus, superl. mournful, sor- wailed [menting
Luceo, ere, xi, n. to shine, to glit- rowful, sad, doleful Lugens, tis, part, bewailing, la-
ter, to give light, to appear, or Luctus, us, m. mourning, sorrow, Lugeo, ere, xi, uctum, a. to
be apparent grief, lamentation, mourning- mourn, bewail, or lament, tc
Lucerna, ae,/. a candle, alight, a apparel grieve at [fully
lamp, a fish Lucubrans, tis, part, studying, or Liigubrfe, adv. lamentably, piti-
Lucesco, fire, incep. to shine out working by candlelight Lugubris, e, adj. mournful, la-
Lucl, adv. in the morning, or day Lucubratio, onis,/. lucubration mentable, sorrowful, grievous
by day [calmly Lucubratorius, a, um, adj. of, or Lugubriter, adv. mournfully
Lucide, adv. ius, comp. clearly, belonging to study by candle- Lugubro, are, a. to make lament-
Lucidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. light able
issimus, superl. lucid, light, Lucubratus, a, um, part, done, or Luitio, onis,/. an acquittal
bright, glittering, sparkling, made by candlelight Luiturus, a, um, part, about to
clear, plain, fair Lucubro, are, a. to study, do, or suffer
Lucifer, m. the day-star, the
e"rt, work by candelight Luma, ae,/. a kind of thorn
morning-star, the devil Lucubrum, i, n. and Lucubra, ae, Lumbago, inis, /. a pain of the
Luclf'ferus, a, um, adj. light-re- /. a match, or touchwood to loins
volving, assisting keep fire in Lumbifiagium, i, n. a breaking of
Luclrtiga, ae, c. g. and Luculent^, adv. clearly, merrily the loins [worms
Lud.'iigus, a, um, adj. avoiding Luculenter, adv. clearly, plainly, Lumbricosus, a, urn, adj. full of
Lumbricus, i, m. an earth-worm, Lustramentum, i, n. a cleansing, Lyaeus, i, m. Bacchus, wine
a belly-worm, a maw-worm a purgation, an atonement Lyams, a, um, adj. of wine
Lumbfilus, i, m. dim. a little loin Lustrandus, a, um, part, to be Lychnobius, i, m. a night walker,
Lumbus, i, m. the loin, haunffh, viewed, supervised, examined, one that turns night into day
or flank, the reins &c. [viewing Lychnuchus, i, m. a candlestick,
Lumectum, i, n. a thicket of thorns Lustrans, tis, part, surveying, a sconce, a link-boy
Lumen r inis, n. light, brightness, Lustratio, onis, /. a surveying, or Lychnus, i, m. a lamp, a link
any light body, a light, a can- viewing, a purging by sacrifice Lycisca, ae,/. a shepherd's dog
dle, lamp, or torch, a star, the Lustrator, oris, m. a surveyor, a Lympha, ae,/. water, a stream
sun, an eye rambler Lymphans, tis, part, making mad
Lnminare, is, n. a luminary, a Lustratus, a, um, part, surveyed, Lymphaticum, i, n. madness,
light, a gallant person purified rage, distraction
LtimTno, are, a. to light, to en- Lustricus, a, um, adj. purifying, Lymphaticus, a, um, adj. mad,
lighten, to dye purple or cleansing, naming frightened out of one's wits
Lirarinosus, a, um, adj. luminous, Lustriflcus, a, um, adj. same as Lymphatio, onis,/. a fright
full of light, or windows, shin- Lustralis Lymphatus, us, m. madness, de-
ing, bright Lustro, are, a. and n. to survey, lusion [frantic
Luna, ae, /. the moon, a moon to view, to observe, to weigh, Lymphatus, a, um, part, mad,
Lunaris, e, lunar, of the moon
ad;', or consider, to examine, to go Lympho, are, a. to make mad, to
Lunatidus, a, um, adj. lunatic, round enrage, to frighten, to scare
mad Lustro, onis, m. an idler Lynceus, a, um, adj. of a lynx,
Lunatio, 6nis, /. a bending like Lustror, ari, dep. to haunt stews sharp-sighted, quick, keen
the moon, a change of the moon Lustrum, i, n. a purgation, or Lynx, cis, d. g. a lynx, an ounce,
Lunatus, a, um, part, made like a cleansing by sacrifice every fifth a spotted and sharp-sighted
half-moon, crooked [moon year, the space of four years beast like a wolf
Luno, are, a. to bend like a half- Lusurus, a, um, part, about to Lyra, te,f. a harp, a constellation
Luniila, ae,/. a little moon, a half- play Lyrica, orum, pi. n. lyric verses,
moon on senator's shoes Lusus, a, um, part, played, mock- or songs
Luo, ere, i, ltum, a. and n. to pay, ed, deluded, deceived" [liance Lyilcen, Inis, m. a harper
to suffer, to expiate, or atone Lusus, us, m. a play, a sport, dal- Lyrlcus, a, um, adj. lyric, pertain-
for, to purge Lutamentum, i, n. a mud-wall ing to a harp
Liipa, ae, f. a she-wolf, a harlot Lutarius, a, um, adj. of, or living L^ristes, ae, m. a harper
Lupanar, aiis, n. a brothel in mud Ljrsis, is, and ios,/. a weakening
Liipanarium, n. a bawdy-house
i, Lutatus, a, um, part, daubed over by illness, a loosening
Lupatum, a curb-bridle, a bit
i, n. Lutensis, e, adj. feeding upon mud Lytta, ae,/. madness of a dog, a
Liipatus, a, um, adj. bridled with LiiteBlus, a, um, adj. yellowish worm
a sharp bit, of a curb Lutesco, fire, ineep. to grow foul
Liipatus, i, m. a, bit, or snaffle Lutetun, i, n. a yolk, woad
Lupercal, alis, n. the place where Luteus. a, um, adj. made of clay,
Romulus and Remus were fos- loam, dirt, or mud, earthen,
tered by a she-wolf dirty, nasty, sorry
Liipercalia, um, n. pi. solemn sa- Luteus, a, um, adj. pale, yellow
crifices and plays dedicated to Luto, are, a. to daub, to pollute Maccus, i, m. a fool in a play
Pan Luto, avi, are, a. intens., to pay Macellarius, a, um, adj. belong-
Liiperci, orum, pi. m. the priests Ltitose, adv. dirtily [draggled ing to shambles [tuals
of Pan Lutosus, a, um, adj. dirty, miry, Macellarius, i, m. a seller of vic-
Liiplnus, i, m. and Ltipinum, i, n. Lutra, ae,/. an otter Macellum, i, n. a market-place lor
a pulse of most bitter taste, lu- Lutulentus, a, um, adj. dirty, flesh, fish, and all manner of
pins, or hops miry, muddy, filthy provisions, shambles [lean
Liiplnus, a, um, adj. of a wolf Ltltulo, are, at o bedaub Macellus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Lupula, ae,/. a curst she- wolf Liitum, i, n. clay, loam, dirt, mire, Maceo, ere, ui, n. to be lean, or
Lupiilatus, a, um, adj. having mud, a dirty fellow thin
Liipulus, m. hops
i, [hops Lutum, i, n. woad for dying yellow Macer, era, crum, adj. crior, comp.
Lupus, i, m. a wolf, a pike, a stur- Lux, lucis, /. light, day, splen- cemmus, superl. lean, thin,
geon, a spider, a bit, or snaffle, dour, brightness, an eye, a sea- poor, bare, barren [steeping
a hook, or drag, hops son, life, the public Maceratio, onis,/. maceration, a
Lura, se,/. the mouth of a sack Luxatus, a, um, part, put out of Maceratus, a, um, part, steeped,
or bottle [god joint, dislocated soaked, wasted away, consumed
Lurco, onis, m. a glutton, abelly- Luxo, are, a. to loosen, to displace Maceresco, fire, incep. to be
Liiridus, a, um, adj. pale, wan, Luxor, ari, dep. to riot steeped
black, ghastly, dismal Luxuria, ae, /. luxury, extrava- Maceria, ae, /. and Macgries, ei,
Luror, oris, m. paleness, wanness gance, excess, superfluity, rank- /. any wall, or mound about
Lusctnia, ae,/. a hen-nightingale ness a ground
Lusciniola, ae,/. a small nightin- Luxurians, tis, part, superfluous Macfiro, are, a. to steep, to soak,
gale [gale Luxuriatus, a, um, part, having to soften, to dissolve, to melt,
Luscinius, i, m. a cock-nightin- been loose, or wanton, riotous, waste, or pine away, to consume
Luscinus, a, xim,adj. dim-sighted profuse Macescens, tis, part, growing lean
Lusciosus, and Luscitiosus, a, Luxuries, ei,/. luxury, profusion, Macesco, ere, incep. to grow lean,
um, adj. owl-eyed, purblind lavishness, lasciviousness, wan- poor, or barren
Luscitio, onis, /. a weakness of tonness, rankness Machaera, ae,/. a sword, a knife
sight [eye Luxurio, are, n. to grow wanton, Machaerium, i, n. a dagger, a
Luscus, a, um, adj. blind of one riotous, or rank, to wanton, to cook's knife [man
Lusio, onis,/. a playing, or gam- frisk about [&c. MachaerOphorus, i, m. a swords-
ing, diversion, recreation Luxurior, ari, dep. to grow rank, Machlna, ae,/. a machine, an en-
Lusito, are, freq. to play often, Luxuriose, adv. ius, comp. issiime, gine, an instrument, a crane,
to play, to frisk [ceiver superl. luxuriously, extrava- &c, a frame
Lusor, oris, m. a sporter, a de- gantly, expensively, riotously Machtnalis, e, adj. belonging to
LusOrius, a, um, adj. belonging to Luxuriosus, a, um, adj. luxurious, engines
play, or pleasure, merry, spor- extravagant, expensive, profuse, Machinamentum, i, n. an engine
tive lavish, sumptuous, riotous, wan- to batter walls with, an instru-
Lustralis, e, adj. done every fifth ton [joint ment
year, having power to purge, or Luxus, a, um, adj. loose, out of Machinans, tis, part, contriving
make holy, purging Luxus, us, m. luxury, extrava- Machinarius, a, um, adj. of, or
LustrSmen, inis, n. a search, a gance, profuseness, excess, belonging to engines
Tiew, a survey state, magnificence, riot Machlnatio, onis,/. any mecliani-
cal instrument, a device, an Magice, es,/. magic, witchcraft Malarisso, are, a. to soften, tn
artifice Maglcus, a, um, adj. magic, of stroke
/Iftchlnator, Oris, m. a deviser, a magic Malacus, a, um, adj. soft, supple,
contriver, a projector, an au- Magis, adv. more, more at large, 4exible, easy, voluptuous
thor, an engineer more fully, rather, the rather Malagma, atis, n. a poultice
Machlnatrix, icis,/. a contriver Magister, tri, m. a master, a ruler, Malaxo, are, a. to soften, to supple
Machlnatus, a, um, part, having or chief, a schoolmaster, a tutor, Male, adv. badly, improperly, ill,
invented, or plotted a philosopher, a framer, a pilot disgracefully, wickedly, hurt-
Machlnor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Magisterium, i, n. the place, or fully, unsuccessfully, unhappily
frame, or make, to devise, to office of a master, or governor, Malgdice, adv. abusively, slander-
contrive, to invent government [teacher ously
MachinOsus, a, um, adj. particu- Magistra, ae, /. a mistress, a Maledicentia, ae,/. detraction
larly, or skilfully constructed Magistratus, us, m. magistracy, Malgdicentior, adj. comp, issimus,
Maries, ei, /. leanness, bareness the office, or place of a magis- superl. more and more slander-
Macllentus, a, um, adj. lean, thin, trate [dross ous
Maris, idis, /. mace [lank Magma, atis, n. dregs, refuse, Maiedico, gre, xi, ctum, a. to re
Macreeco, ere, macrui, incep. to Magnalia, um, pi. n. great works proach, to revile, to rail at
grow lean, or thin Magnanimitas, atis, /. magna- Malgdictio, onis, /. slander, de-
Macritas, atis,/. poorness nimity traction
Macritudo, luis, /. leanness Magnanlmus, a, um, adj. mag- Maledictum, i, n. foul language,

MacrOchira, a,/. a coat with long nanimous, courageous, brave, a reproach

sleeves spirited Malgdictus, a, um, part, cursed
Macrocolum, i, n royal paper Magr.arius, i, m. a merchant Maledicus, a, um, adj. foul-mouth-
MacrOcOmus, i, at. one long- Magnates, um, pi. m. peers of the ed, reproachful, reviling
haired [killing realm, grandees Malgfario, ere, eci, actum, a. to
Mactabilis, e, adj. causing death, Magnes, etis, m. a loadstone do amiss, to wrong, to injure
Mactandus, a, um, part, to be Magneticus, a, um, adj. magnetic Malefactor, oris, m. a criminal
killed, slain, sacrificed Magnidicus, a, um, adj. bragging Malefaction, i, n. an ill deed, an
Mactans, tis, part, killing, doing Magnlf ario, ere, eci, actum, a. to injury
harm esteem, or value much Malefice, adv. mischievously,
Mactator, Oris, m. a murderer Magnificatio, Onis, /. a magnify- badly [ness
Mactatus, a, um,
part, killed, ing [nobly Maleficentia, ae, /. mischievous-
slain, slaughtered, sacrificed Magnlfice, adv. magnificently, Malgficentissimus, a, um, adj.
Mactatus, us, m. the killing for Magnificenter, adv. ius, comp. superl. most wicked
sacrifice issime, superl. magnificently, Malgficiose, adv. mischievously
Mactea, ae,/. a delicate food stately Maleficium, i, n. a wicked action,
Macto, are, a. to kill, to slay, to Magnif Icentia,ae, / magnificence, roguery, an act of hostility,
sacrifice, to offer up, to aug- grandeur, a high value witchcraft
ment Magnif ico,are, a. to magnify, to Maleficus, a, um, adj. mischie-
Mactra, ae,/. kneading-trough extol vous, wicked, envious, hostile,
Macula, ae, /. a spot, or stain, a Magnificus, a, um, adj. entior, unkind [cerer
mark, a slur, or fault, a blemish, comp. entissxmus, superl. mag- Maleficus, i, m. a wizard, a sor-
disgrace, discredit [luting nificent, grand, splendid, state- Malgfidus, a, um, adj.. faithless,
Maculans, tis, part, staining, pol- ly, great, noble, glorious, ex- unsafe [foolish
Blaculatio, Onis, /. infamy, re- traordinary Malgsanus, a, um, adj. unhealthy,
proach MagnilOquentia, ae,/. a boasting Malgsuadus, a, um, adj. persuad-
Maculatus, a, um, part, spotted, MagnUOquus, a, um, adj. lofty, ing to do amiss, tempting to ill
stained, soiled, defiled exalted, highfiown, boasting MalgvOlens, tis, adj. tisslmus,
Maculo, are, a. to spot, to stain, Magnipendo, ere, a. to value superl. malevolent, ill-natured
to sully, to defile, to pollute, to highly [nitude MalevOlentia, ae, /. malevolence,
violate Magnitas, atis,/. greatness, mag- envy [spiteful
Mactilosus, a, um, adj. spotted, Magnitiido, inis, /. magnitude, MalgvOlus, a, um, adj. malicious,
speckled, stained, blotted, scan- greatness, size, bulk, quantity, Malifgrus, a, um, adj. fruit-bear-
dalous, infamous length ing
Madefaciendus, a, um, part, to MagnOpgre, adv. greatly, much, Mafificus, a, um, adj. maleficient
be wetted exceedingly, very, chiefly, eager- Maligne, adv. ius, comp. malici-
Madefacio, 6re, eci, actum, a. to ly ously, spitefully, enviously,
wet, or moisten, to soak Magnum, adv. greatly, aloud sparingly, little
Madefactus, a, um, part, wetted, Magnus, a, um, adj. major, comp. Malignitas, atis, /. malignity,
corrupted maximus, superl. great, much, malice, envy, ill-nature, nig-
Madefio, en, n. to be made wet large, rich, powerful, round, gardliness
Madens, tis, part, wet, or moist, hard, difficult Maligno, are, a. to exasperate
melted Magus, i, m. a magician, a sor- Malignus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Madeo, ere, ui, n. to be wet, or cerer, an enchanter, a charmer, issimus, superl. malicious, spite-
moist, to be drunk, or full a wise man ful, envious, unkind, peevish,
Madesco, fire, incep. to grow wet, Magus, a, um, adj. magical, magic morose [tree
or moist Majaiis, is, m. a barrow-pig, a hog Mallnus, a, um, adj. of an apple-
Madldans, tis, part, dropping wet Majestas, atis, /.majesty, gran- Malttia, ae,/. malice, mischievous-
Madlde, adv. moistly deur, solemnity, authority, ness, wickedness, vice, craft,
MadJdus, a, um, adj. wet, drop- power fraud, perverseness.unkindness
ping wet, moist, drunk, boiled, Major, us, adj. comp. greater, Malitiose, adv. ius, comp. mali. i-
bigger, elder, more efficacious, ously, spitefully, wickedly, de-
Madulsa, ae, m. a drunkard more powerful, more vigorous, ceitfully
Maiander, and Maiandrus, i, m. a weighty, momentous, important Malltiosus, a, um, adj. malicious,
turn, a shiir, or trick, a lace set Majores, um, pi. m. ancestors, spiteful, wicked, knavish, crafty,
incrooks and turns forefathers sly, cunning
Maena, ae, /. a kind of herring, or Maius, a, um, adj. of May MailvOlens, MalivOlentia, Mall-
pilchard, a sardine Majus, i, m. the month of May vOlus, same as Malevolens,
Maenas, adis, /. a priestess of Majusculus, a, um, adj. somewhat Malevolentia, and Malevolus
Bacchus, or a gelded priest of greater, bigger Malleator, Oris, »i. a hammerer, a
Cybele Mala, ae,/. the cheek, the jaw beater
Maenlana, Orum, pi. n. balconies Malabathrum, same as Malobath- Malleatus, a, um, part, hammered,
Maga, ae,/. a witch, a sorceress Malache, es,/. mallows [rum wrought, or beaten with a ham-
M agalia, um, 7//. n. cottages, shed* Malaria, ae, /. a calm, stillness, mer
Majfia, ae,/. magic, soicery longing, squeamishness Malleolus, i, m. a mallet, a Email
shoot of a vine, a bundle of Mandendus, a, um, part, to be Manstutor, oris, m. a protector
hemp, the ankle, or ankle-bone eaten [up Mansuefacio, gre, a. to tame, to
Malleus, i, m. a mallet, a maul, a Mandens, tis, part, eating, eating civilize
hammer, a disease in cattle Man do, are, a. to command, to Mansuefactus, a, um, part, tamed,
Malluviae, arum, pi. /. a wash- bid, to order, to commit, to in- civilized,softened, made soft,
hand-basin trust, to send away, to send or malleable
Malo, lie, lui, verb irreg. to be word Mansueflo, ere, factus sum, to
more willing, to wish rather Mando, gre, di, sum, a. to eat, to be made tame
MalObathrum, i, n. an Indian leaf eat up, to chew, to champ Mansues, etis, c. g., for Man-
whereof spikenard is made, Mandra, ae, a hovel for cattle, a
/. suetus
spikenard [soft tears, of beasts that bear bur- Mansuesco, gre, evi, incep. to grow
Malthinus, a, um, adj. effeminate, dens tame, or gentle, to grow soft,
Maltho, are, a. to glue, or solder Mandragoras, ae,/. a mandrake mild, or mellow, to make tame,
Malva, a?,/, the herb mallows Manducatio, onis,/. a chewing to tame
Malvaceus, a, um, adj. like mallows Mandiicatus, a, um, part, chewed, Mansuete, adv. gently, mildly
Malum, i, n. an apple, orange, &c. eaten Mansuetudo, inis, /. gentleness,
Malum, i, n. an evil, evil, sin, Manduco, are, a. to chew, to eat majesty
wickedness, vice, a crime, a Manducor, ari, dep., the same Mansuetus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
fault, misfortune, suffering Manducum, i, n. meat issimus, superl. tame, gentle
I Malum, adv. badly, amiss Manducus, i, m. a great eater, a Mansum, i, n. meat chewed
Malum interj. with a mischief
! I bugbear Mansurus, a, um, part, that
Malus, \,f. an apple-tree Mang, adv. in the morning be, continue, abide, or stay for
Malus, i, m. a mast of a ship Mane, n. nom., accus., and abl. the Mansus, a, um, part, chewed,
Malus, a, um, adj. pejor, comp. morning, daylight champed [land

pessimus, superl. bad, evil, .sin- Manedum, inpers. tarry awhile Mansus, m. a farm-bouse with

ful, wicked, unjust, tricking, Manendus, a, uin, part, to be Mantele, is, ». a towel, a mantle,
cheating, fraudulent, designing, awaited [tinuing a cloak, a cover

deceitful, treacherous, mischie- Manens, tis, part, staying, con- Manteum, i, n. the place of oracles
vous, hurtful, poisonous Maneo, ere, si, sum, n. and a. to Mantica, as, /. a wallet, a bag
Mamilla, ae, /. a little breast, a stay, to tarry, to wait, to con- Mantlcularius, i, m. a pickpocket
dug tinue, to remain, to stay Manticiilor, ari, dep. to pick
Mamillare, is, n. a stomacher Manes, ium, pi. m. infernal gods, pockets
Mamma, a breast, a pap, a
ae, /. a spirit, or ghost, the shades Mantlle, is, n. a towel, a table-
dug, a child's word for mother, below, dead bodies, the place of cloth
a grandam, a grannam the dead, hell Mantis, is, m. a prophet, a diviner
Mammona, ae,/. mammon, riches Mango, onis, m. a buyer and seller Mantisa, ae, /. over measure, or
Mammosus, a, um, adj. having of slaves, horses [graters weight [book
great breasts, paps, or dugs Mangonicus, a, um, adj. of re- Manuale, is, n. a manual, a little

Mammilla, ae,/. a little dug Mangonium, i, n. brokery, cookery Manualis, e, adj. manual, of, for,
Manabllis, e, adj. apt to flow, or Mangonizatus, a, um, part, trim- or belonging to
pierce med up, polished, set off, pam- Manubiae, arum, pl.f. the spoils
Manacus, i, m. the orb of the pered of war, booty, plunder, pillage
moon, a month Mangonizo, are, a. to trim up, Manubriatus, a, um, adj. hafted
Manalis, e, adj. that belongs to paint, &c. [images Manubriolum, i, n. a little haft,
the ghosts, or gods below, that Mania;, arum, pi. f. hobgoblins, or handle
out of which water always flows Maniacus, a, um, adj. mad Manubrium, i, n. a hilt, haft, or
Manans, tis, part, flowing, gush- Manica, ae, /. a sleeve, a glove, a handle, power [hand
ing out, running down, spread- mitten, a gauntlet, a fetter, a Manufactus, a, um, part, made by
ing grappling-iron [sleeves Manulea, ae,/. a sleeve, a flap
Manceps, rfpis, c. g. a farmer of Mamcatus, a, um, adj. with Maniilearius, i, m. a maker of
any part of the public revenues, Manlcon, i, n. nightshade clothes
an undertaker of any public Manicula, ae, /. & little hand, a MantLleatus, a, um, adj. having
work handle long sleeves, effeminate
Mancipatio, onis,/. same as Man- Manifeste, adv. ius, comp. issinie, Manumissio, onis,/. a making of
cipium [enslaved superl. manifestly, openly a servant free, a dismission, a
Mancipatus, a, um, part, sold, Maniifestd, adv., the same discharge
Mancipatus, us, m. a selling on Manifesto, are, a. to manifest, to Manumissus, a, um, part, made
warranty, or before witnesses show, to discover free, enfranchised, set at liberty
Mancipium, property, or
i, n. Manifestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Manumittendus, a, um, part, to
right of perpetual possession, a issimus, superl. manifest, clear, be made free
slave, or dependent on a great plain, evident, apparent Manumitto, gre, isi,issum, a. to
man Maniplaris, same as Manipuralis make free, to enfranchise
Mancipo, are, a. to sell, alienate, Maniplus, same as Manipulus Manuprgtiura, i, ». wages, a re-
or make over, to enslave, to give Manipularis, e, adj. of, or belong- ward
a right, or title, to warrant ing to a band of men Manus, us, /. a hand, art, work-
Mancus, a, um, adj. maimed, de- Manipularis, is, m. a. common manship, labour, a workman, a
fective, imperfect, lame, feeble, soldier, a standard-bearer body, or band of soldiers, &c. a
weak Manipularius, a, um, adj. of, or fight, a blow [huts
Mandandus, a, um, part, to be belonging to a common soldier Mapalia, orum, pi. n. cottages,
commanded, committed, &c. Manipulatim, adv. by companies, Mappa, ae, / a table napkin, or
Mandans, tis, part, commanding, in heaps Marathus, i, m. fennel [cloth
ordering, instigating Manipulus, i, m. a handful, a Marcens, tis, part, withering,
Mandator, oris, m. a commander, bundle, an ensign, a band, or weak, qualmish
a committer, a suborner, a company of soldiers Marceo, ere, ui, n. to wither, to pine
surety Manna, indecl. n. manna away, to droop
Mandatrix, icis,/. a commander Manniilus, i, m. a galloway, a nag Marcescens, tis, part, weak,
Mandatum, i, n. a command, an Mannus, i, m. a nag, an ambling qualmish
order, an injunction, a charge, nag, a jennet Marcesco, gre, incep. to pine away,
a commission Mano, are, n. and a. to flow, to to droop, to flag, to languish, to
Mandaturus, a, um, part, about run, or trickle down, to drop, to decay
to command distil, to spread Marcidus, a, um, adj. lean, poor,
Mandatus, a, um, part, com- Mansio, onis,/. a stay, a continu- flagging, hanging, feeble, dull,
manded, commended, commit- ance, an inn, a day's journey heavy, inactive, flat, dead
ted [charge Manslto, are, freq. to tarry, to Marcor, 6ris, m. leanness, drowsi-
Mandatus, us, m. a command, a eat, to live upon ness, sloth, rottennes»
Marculus, i, m. a brazier's hammer Mastruca, ae,/. a fur-garment ness, perfection,a st-ison, *
Mare, is, n. the sea, the ocean, a Mastrucatus, a, um, adj. that convenient time
great river wears a fur-garment Maturo, are, a. to ripen, tr make
Marga, ae,/. marl, a fat clay Matara, ae,/. andMataris, is,/, in ripe, to hasten [spee.l
Margarita. ae, /. a pearl, gem, or abl. matari, a Gallic javelin Maturrime, adv. superl. with all
jewel Matella, ae, /. a chamber-pot Maturrlmus, a, um, adj. most ripe
Margarltlfer, a, um, adj. produc- Matellio, onis, m. a water-pot Maturus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
ing, or having pearls Mateola, ae,/. a little mallet issimus and urrimus, superi
Margaritum, i, n. a pearl Mater, tris, /. a mother, a foster- mature, ripe, mellow, perfect
Marginandus, a, urn, part, to be mother, a dam, a maker, causer opportune, timely, seasonable
edged Matercula, ae, /. a little mother Matutlnum, i, n. the morning

Margin atus, a, um, part, that Materfamllias, gen .matrisfamilias, Matutlnus, a, um, adj. of, or in
hath a margin or materfamilise, the lady, mis- the morning, early
Margo, Inis, m. or f. a margin, a tress, or good wife of the house Mavortius, a, um, adj. warlike
brink, a bank, a side, or edge, a Materia, ae,/. matter, stuff, sub- Maurus, i, i?j. a moor, a blacka-
brim, an end stance, materials, timber, wood, moor
Marlnus, a, um, adj. marine, of abranch, fuel, a subject-matter, Maurus, a, um, adj. of Mauritania
the sea or ground, a subject Maurusiacus, and Maurusius, a,
Marisca, ae, /. a great unsavoury Matenallter, adv. materially um, adj. of Mauritania
fig, the piles Materiarius, a, um, adj. of timber Mausoleum, i, m. the tomb of
Marita, as,/, a married woman, a Matgriarius, i, m. a timber-mer- Mausolus, a stately monument
wife, a queen [marriage chant Maxilla, ae, /. the cheek-bone, a
Maritalis, e, adj. belonging to Materiatura, ae, /. timber- work comb
Marltandus, a, um, part, to be Matgriatus, a, um, part, timbered Maxillaris, e, adj. maxillary
married, or joined Materies, ei,/. same as Materia Maxlme, adv. superl. most, most
Maritatus, a, um, part, married Matgno, are, atum, a. to build of of all, chiefly, especially, par-
Marltimus, a, um, adj. maritime, wood ticularly, greatly, mightily, pro-
of, or belonging to the sea Matgrior, ari, atus sum, dep. to digiously
Marlto, are, a to marry, to wed, fell, or procure wood MaxImSpgre, adv. very earnestly
to join, to set, to impregnate Maternus, a, um, adj. maternal, Maximus, a, um, adj. superl.
Maritus, a, um, adj. of, or belong- of, or belonging to a mother greatest, biggest, largest, eldest,
ing to marriage, married, bridal Matertgra, ae,/. an aunt very great, "or large, most migh-
Maritus, i, m. a husband, the Mathematical, ae,/. the mathema- ty, most, dearest, chiefest
male tics [matical Maza, ae, /. flummery, &c.
Marmor, marble, a marble
6ris, n. Mathematlcus, a, um, adj. mathe- MazonSmum, i, a. a platter, a
statue, the sea [marble Mathematicus, i, m. a mathema- charge
Marmorarius, i, m. a worker in tician Meabilis, e, adj. that runs easily
Marm&ratum, i, n. marble-plas- Mathesis, is, or eos, /. judicial Means, tis, part, passing, gliding
ter astrology, astronomy, &c. along
Marm5ratus, a, um, part, cased, Matralia, um, pi. n. the feast of Meatus, us, m. a passage, a con-
or covered with marble matrons to the goddess Mater veyance, a course, a motion, the
Marm6reus, a, um, adj. made of Matricaria, ae,/. feverfew mouth of a river [designer
marble, white, smooth, or hard Matricida, ae, c. g. a murderer of Mechanlcus, m. a contriver, a

as marble [marble a mother Meconium, i,of poppy

n. juice
Marmorosus, a, um, adj. hard as Matricldium, i, n. the murdering Mecum, for cum me, with, or for
Marra, se, /. a mattock, a pickaxe, of a mother me, with myself
a weeding-hook Matricula, ae,/. a roll, or list of Medela, ae, / a remedy, a cure
Marrubium, i, n. horehound registered persons Medendus, a, um, part, to be
Mars, tis, m. a planet, the god of Matricularius, i, m. a register of healed
war, war, a fight, a battle, cou- the church Medens, tis, part, healing, curing
rage, strength Matrlmonialis, e, marriage
adj. of Medeor, 6ri, dep. to heal, cure, or
Marsupium, i, n. a purse Matrimonium, i, n. matrimony, remedy
Martes, a marten, a ferret
is,/, marriage, wedlock, a wife Mediate, is, n. the pith, or middle
Martialis, e, brave
adj. martial, Matrimus, a, um, adj. having a Medianus, a, um, adj. middle
MarticOla, ae, c. g. warlike mother living [ther Mediastlnus, i, m. a slave, or
Martlgena, ee, c. g. begotten of Matrix, icis,/. the womb, a mo- drudge
Mars Matrona, ae,/. a matron, a wife, Mediastutlcus, i, m. the chief ma-
Martius, a, um, adj. dedicated to a consort, a lady gistrate in Campania
Mars, belonging to war, warlike, Matronalia, um, pi. n. the ma- Mediatio, onis,/. a mediation
belonging to the month of trons' feast Mediator, oris, m. a mediator, an
March Matronalis, e, adj. matron-like, intercessor
Martulus, i, m. same as Marculus modest MedTca, ae,/ a midwife
Martyr, t^ris, c. g. a martyr, a Matron atus, us, m. ladyship Medlca, ae, /. the citron, orange,
witness Matruelis, i, c. g. a cousin or lemon-tree [dicinal
Maityriura, i, n. martyrdom Matta, ae,/. a mat, or mattress Medicabilis, e, adj. curable, me-
Marum, i, n. an herb like mar- Mattea, ae,/. a dainty dish of meat Medicabulum, i, n. an infirmary
jorum Mattya, ae,/. same as Mattea Medicamen, inis, n. a medicine,
Mas, maris, m. a male Matula, ae, /. a chamber-pot, a a die
Masciilesco, fire, incep. to turn silly coxcomb Medlcamentaria, ae, /. the art of
male, to grow manly Matuiandus, a, um, part, to be preparing medicines
Masculinus, a, um, adj. masculine hastened Medicamentarius, i, m. an apo-
Masculus, a, um, adj. male, manly, Maturans, tis, part, hastening thecary, a chymist [dicinal
hardy Maturate, adv. hastily, quickly Medicamentosus, a, um, adj. me-
Masculus, i, m. a male, a man Maturatio, onis, /. a hastening, Medicamentum, i, n. a medicine,
Massa, ae,/. amass, or lump of any haste physic, a purge, a cure, or re-
thing, the body of a book, a Maturatus, a, um, part, ripened, medy, poison
weight to swing in one's hand ripe, full, perfect, hastened Medicans, tis, part, giving a me-
Massaris, is,/, a wild grape Mature, adv. ius, comp. issime dicinal virtue
Massula, ae, /. a little clump, a and urime, superl. in due time, Medicatio, onis,/. a preparation
clot, a grain seasonably, early, quickly Medlcatus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
Mastlche, es,/. gum mastich Maturescens, tis, part, growing issimus, superl. medicinal, phy-
Mastlco, are, a. to masticate ripe sical,medicinally, or physically
Mastlgia, se, m. a rogue, a beaten Maturesco, gre, incep. to ripen, to prepared, poisoned, bedaubed
slave grow, or be ripe with ointments
Mastos, i, f. a cod, "U" herb Maturltas, atis, /. maturity, ripe- Medlcatus, us, m. a medicinal
preparation, or application, a MelanchOlicus, a, um, adj. melan- Membratlra, adv. limb by limb,
medicine cholic in pieces, piecemeal, in short
tfediclna, ae, /. medicine, physic, Meiandryum, i, n. the black pith, clauses, from point to point
or the art of physic, a purge, a or heart of oak, an herb Membratura, be, /. a forming, or
cure, or remedy Melania, ae, /. blackness, a black shaping of the limbs
Medlcinalis, e, adj. medicinal spot Membrum, i, n. a member, a limb,
Medico, are, a. to cure, to heal, Melapium, i, n. a pearmain a part, an element
to give an artificial preparation Melculum, i, n. my sweet honey ! Memet, pron. ace. me, myself
Medicor, ari, atus, dep. to cure, or Mele, pi. ». same as Melos, songs, Memini, memento, meminero, me-
heal, to amend, reform notes minisse, verb. def. to remember,
Medicus, a, um, adj. Median, or Meleagris, Idis,/. a guinea-hen to make mention of
Persian Meles, or Meiis, is,/, a badger Meinor, oris, adj. of all gen. mind-
Medicus,' a, um, adj. medical, Meleteus, a, um, adj. belonging to ful, thankful, grateful, lasting
physical, healing Meles [winkles Memorabllis, e, adj. ior, comp. tit
Medicus, i, m.a physician, a leech MeiTcembales, um, pi. n. peri- to be spoken, or talked of, me-
M6die, adv. indiiferently, equally, Mellceris, idis,/. a kind of tumour morable
tolerably Mellcus, a, um, adj. harmonious Mem5randus, a, um, part, to be
Medietas, atis,/. a moiety Meillotus, i,/. melilot told, or recorded, memorable,
Medimnus, i, m. and MCdimnum, Melimelum, i, n. a honey-apple, a renowned
i, n. a measure containing six quince made into marmalade Mem5rans, tis, part, speaking of,
bushels Melinus, a, um, adj. yellow, made relating, reporting
Mediocris, ere, adj. middling, to- of sheep-skin MemSrator, oris, m. he that re-
lerable, indifferent, small Meiior, us, adj. comp. better, more lates
Mediocrltas, atis, /. a mean, or excellent, more valiant, more Memoratrix, Icis,/. a declarer
middle way, meanness in any expert, or skilful MemOratus, a, um, part, and adj.
circumstance Melioresco, ere, n. to grow better isslmus, superl. spoken of, men-
Mediocriter, adv. ius, comp. with MelissSphyllon, i, n. parsley, balm tioned, recounted
moderation, tolerably Melius, adv. comp. from Benfe, MemOria, ae, /. memory, remem-
N? dioxtimus, a, um, adj. middle- better brance, mention, consciousness,
most Mehuscule, adv. a little better reflection
MeUItabundus, a, um, adj. medi- Meliuscfdus, a, um, adj. some- Mem5rialis, e, adj. belonging to
tating upon what better [honey memory, or remembrance
Meditamen, Inis, n. meditation Melizomum, i, n. a decoction of Mem5ri61a, as,/, dim. a short me-
Medltamentum, i, n. an exercise Mellarium, i, n. a bee-hive, or mory [fectly
Medltans, tis, part, meditating, stall MemOritfer, adv. by heart, per-
revolving, musing upon Mellarius, a, um, adj belonging Memoro, are, a. to make men-
Meditate, adv. with premeditation to honey tion, or speak of, to tell, re-
Meditatio, onis, /. meditation, Mellarius, i, m. a honey-seller hearse, recount, or recite, to
thought, study, practice Mellatio, onis, /. the taking of call, or name, to remember
Meditatus, a, um, part, having honey Mena, ae, /. a herring, or pilchard
mused, or thought upon, con- Melleus, a, um, adj. of honey, like Mcnda, ae, /. a blemish, a spot, a
sidered, thought upon, preme- honey, sweet fault, a mistake
ditated MelUciilum, i, n. my little honey ! Mendacll&quus, a, um, adj. that
Medlterraneum, i, n. the middle Mellifer, era, um, adj. honey- tells lies
of the land, or country bearing Mendacium, i, n. a lie, a story,
Mediterraneus, a, um, adj. in the Mellif icatio, 6nis, /. the making an untruth, a fiction, a deceit
middle of the land, that lives of honey Mendaciunculum, i , n. Menda-
far from the sea Mellif Icium, i, n. the same ciuncula, ae,/. a little lie, or in-
Meditor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Mellif ico, are, a. to make honey
meditate, or muse, to consider, Mellificus, a, um, adj. that makes
or think upon, to study, to de- honey Mendax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
sign, intend, or contrive Mellifluens, tis, adj. eloquent mus, superl. lying, i.eceitful,
Meditrinalia, 6mm, pi. n. feasts Mellifluus, a, um, adj. flowing false, counterfeit, di ceiving,
to the goddess of physic with honey, delicious invented
Meditullium, i, n. the very middle Melligenus, a, um, adj. like honey Mendlcabulum, i, n. a beggarly
Medium, i, n. the midst, or mid- Melligo, Inis, /. mildew state
dle, what is placed in the mid- Mellillus, a, um, adj. of honey Mendicans, tis, part, begging
dle Mellinia, ae,/. sweetness, delight Mendicatio, onis,/. a begging
Medius, a, um, adj. the middle, in Mellltulus, a, um, adj. sweet, as Mendlcatus, a, um, part, begged
the middle, middling, ordinary, honey Mendice, adv. beggarly, meanly
indifferent, neutral, equally Mellitus, a, um, adj. isslmus, Mendicltas, atis, /. beggarliness,
suited, or inclined, common, superl. preserved, or sweetened extreme poverty [alms
general with honey, of a honey-taste Mendlco, are, a to beg, to ask
Tvlediusfidius, adv. by Hercules Melo, 6nis, m. a melon Mendiculus, i, m. a ragamuffin
Medulla, ae,/. marrow, pith, the Melodus, a, um, adj. melodious Mendicus, a, um, adj. beggar-
quintessence, or prime, a chief Melomeli, n. indecl. marmalade like, sorry, mean
point, flour Melomelum, i, n. a sweet apple Mendicus, i, m. a beggar
Medullaris, e, adj. inward, deep MelOpepo, onis, m., in pi. ace. me- Mend6se, atfr.issime, supeW. fault-
Medullitus, adv. to the marrow, lopeponas, a musk-melon ily, incorrectly, falsely, wrong-
deeply, cordially [marrow Melos, n. def, abl. melo, pi. mele, ly, erroneously
Medullosus, a, um, adj. full of melody, harmony, music, a song, Mendosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Medullula, a?,/, the finest down or tune full of blemishes, or spots,
Megalesia, ovum, pi. n. plays in Membrana, ae, /. a membrane, a faulty, incorrect, erroneous,
honour of Cybele film, the peel between the bark lewd, vicious
Megistanes, um, pi. m. nobles and the tree, parchment, or Mendum, i, n. a fault
Mehercle, Mehercule, and Me- vellum Meniana, orum, pi. n. standing to
hereuies, adv. so help me Her- Membranaceus, a, um, adj. filmy, see shows
cules, indeed [water skinny, like parchment Mens, tis, /. the mind, the ra-
Meio, ere, mictum, n. to make Membranarius, m. a parchment i, tional soul, reason, sense, or
Mel, mellis, n. honey, a sweet, the maker understanding, thought, judg-
juice of the flowers of lilies, a Membraneus, a, um, adj. made ment, opinion, design, inten-
delight, a darling of parchment tion, resolution, purpose, pro-
Meiaenaetos, i, m. the black eagle Membranfila, ae,/. a little skin vidence, will, inclination, affec-
Melnnchsetes, ae, m Blaekcoat Membrannlum, a>, ». a liitle laem- tion
Melancholia, ae, f. nu-luuchoiv braae Mensa, ts, f. a table, a meal, «
service, or course of dishes, a nishment, interest, rent, pro- Meses, ae, m., ate. mesen, tht
trencher, or plate, a counter fits, gains, rate, cost north-west wind and by north
Mensalis, e, adj. of a table Mercimonium, i, n. traffic Mespllum, i, n. a medlar
Mensarius, i, m. a banker Mercor, ari, atus sum, dep. to buy, Mespllus, i, /. a medlar-tree
Menses, ium, pi. n. the flowers, to purchase Messlas, ae, m. a Hebrew name cf
or monthlyterras of women Mercurialis, e, adj. learned our Saviour, the same as Christ
Mensio, onis,/. measuring Mercurialis, is,/, the herb mer- Messio, onis,/. a reaping or mow-
Mensis, is, m. a month cury ing
Mensor, oris, m. a measurer, or Mercurius, i, m. quicksilver Messis, a harvest, a crop,
is, /.

surveyor of land, a geometrician Merda, ae,/. ordure, dung, filth corn, harvest-work, plenty,
Menstrua, orum, pi. n. the menses Mere, adv. merely, purely store [mower
Menstrualis, e, adj. menstrual, Mgrenda, se, /. a beaver, a colla- Messor, 6ris, m. a reaper, or
monthly, or every month tion [ing Messorius, a, um, adj. pertaining
Menstruans, tis, part, that hath Merens, tis, part, deserving, serv- to reaping [ing
the terms Mereo, ere, ui, ltum, n. and M£- Messura, ae, /. a reaping, ormow-
Menstruum, i, n. a monthly al- reor, eri, Itus, dep. to deserve, Messus, a, um, part, reaped,
lowance to gain, or earn, to get mowed
Menstruus, a, um, adj. of, or for Mere trice, adv. like a harlot Meta, ae,/. a pillar at the end of
a month Mgretrlcium, i, n. whoredom a course, a goal, a bound, or
Mensula, ae, /. dim. a little table Meretricius, a, um, mere-
adj. boundary, a limit, or end, a
Mensularius, i, m. a banker tricious, of, or belonging to a turning
Mensum, i, n. a measured quantity harlot [harlot Metallicus, a, um, adj. metallic
Mensura, ae,/. a measure, or quan- Me.retrlcor, ari, dep. to play the Metallicus, i, m. a refiner of
tity measured, a proportion M6retricula, ae, /. a little harlot metals [metal
Mensurabllis, e, adj. measurable Me>6trix, Icis, /. a harlot, a Metallifer,a, um, adj. producing
Mensurator, oris, m. a measurer strumpet Metallum, i, n. metal, a mine
Mensus, aj um, part, measured Merga, ae, /. a pitchfork, a reap- Metamorphosis, is, /. a transfor-
Menta, ce, /. a man's privy parts, ing hook mation
mint Mergens, tis, part, sinking, drown- Metans, tis, part, measuring
Mentagra, ae, /. a foul tetter, or ing Metaphora, ae, /. a metaphor, a
scab like a ringworm Merges, Itis, /. a handful of corn trope
Mentha, ae,/. the herb mint in reaping Metathesis, is, /. a transposition
Menthastrum, i, n. wild mint Mergo, 6re, si, sum, a. to put of a letter
Mentiens, tis, part, lying under water, &c, to immerse, Metatio, onis,/. a measuring
Mentlgo, Inis,/. a scab amongst to dip, duck, or plunge, to sink Metator, oris, m. a measurer, or
sheep called the pock Mergus, i, m. a cormorant, avine- surveyor of land, a planter
Mentio, onis,/. mention, a speak- branch turned bow-wise Metatus, a, um, part, meted,
ing of Meridialis, e, adj. southern measured [rope
Mentior, iri, Itus sum, dep. to lie, Meridians, tis, part, sleeping at Metaxa, ae, /. raw silk, thread, a
to break one's word, to deceive, noon Metaxarius, i, m. a mercer
or impose upon, to feign, or Merldianus, a, um, adj. meridian, Metempsychosis, is, /. transmi-
pretend, to counterfeit, or re- southern gration of the soul
semble Mgrldiatio, onis,/. noon-rest Metendus, a, um, part, to be
Mentitio, 6nis,/. a telling a lie Mendies, ei, m. midday, noontide, reaped, mowed
Mentlturus, a, um, part, that noon, the south, or southern Metens,tis,parf. reaping, mowing
will lie part of the world Methodice, es, /. the part of
Mentitus, a, um, part, having Merldio, are, n., and Merldior, grammar, teaching the way of
lied, or deceived, feigned,. false ari, dep. to sleep at noon speaking
Mentula, ae,/. same as Menta Meritisslm6, adv. superl. most MethSdicus, a, um, adj. methodi-
Mentum, i, n. the chin deservedly cal, observing a method
Means, tis, parr, going, or passing Meritb, adv. deservedly, justly Methodium, i, n. a trick, a cheat
Meo, are, n. to go, or pass, to Merlto, are, freq. to earn, or get Methodus, i,/. a method
glide along, to flow gain, to be rented at Metlculosus, a, um, adj. fearful,
Mephitis, is,/, a stink, an ill sa- Merltorium, i, n. an inn, tavern, timorous, hazardous
vour or public-house Metiendus, a, um, part, to be
M6raculus, a, um, adj. pretty pure MCrltorius, a, um, adj. that earns, measured
Meracus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. or brings in money, or gain Mefiens, tis, part, measuring,
issimus, superl. pure, without M6ritum, i, n. merit, desert, passing over, esteeming
mixture worth, value, excellence, a ser- Me dor, iri, mensus sum and me-
Mercabtlis, e, adj. that may be vice, favour, or kindness, a re- mete, or measure,
titus, dep. to
bought or hired ward to measure out, to survey, to
Mercandus, a, um, part, to be Meritus, a, um, part, and adj. go, or pass over, to bound, or
bought issimus, superl. merited, de- limit
Mercans, tis, part, buying, pur- served, or having deserved, de- Metltus, a, um, part, having
chasing [trade serving, worthy, convenient measured, measuring, &c.
Mercatio, onis, /. a buying, a MerOblbus, a, um, adj. drinking Meto, 6re, messui, messum, a. to
Mercator, oris, m. a merchant, pure wine reap.^mow, or cut dcfcvn, to crop
a buyer M6rop3, 6pis, m. a bird that eats Metfjnymia, ae, /. a trope when
Mercatorius, a, um, adj. belong- bees, a woodpecker the cause is put for the effect,
ing to a merchant, or trade Mersatus, a, um, part, dipped the subject for the adjunct
Mercatura, ae,/. the trade of mer- Mersio, onis,/ a drowning Metoposcopus, i, m. a physiogno-
chandise Merso, are, a. to wash, to dip mist
Mercatus, a, um, part, having often, to drown, to overwhelm Metor, ari, atus sum, dep. to mete,
bought, bought, purchased Mersor, ari, atus, pass, to be to measure out, to set out
Mercatus, us, m. the trade of mer- washed [sink Metreta, ae, /. a kilderkin, or
chandise, a sale, a market Mersurus, a, um, part, about to rundlet
Mercedula, ae, /. a little fee, or Mersus, a, um, part sunk, drown- Metricus, a, um, adj. metrical, of
rent ed, overwhelmed, lost, hidden metre, or measure
Mercenarius, a, um, adj. mer- Merula, ae,/. a blackbird, a fish Metr6p6lis, eos,/ the chief city
cenary, hired, bribed, corrupted Merum, i, n. pure, or neat wine Metr6p51itanus, i, m. an arch-
with money, feed, suborned MCrus, a, um, adj. mere, arrant, bishop [sure
Mercenarius, i, m. a mercenary, downright, plain, pure, neat, Metrum, i, n. metre, verse, a mea-
a hireling, a hired soldier unmixed, alone, bare Metuendus, a, um, part, to be
Merces, edis, /. wages, or hire, a Merx, cis, / merchandise, goods, feared, or dreaded, tremendous
reward a recompeucr, a pu- commodities Metuens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
eomp. fearing, dreading, afraid, Mimula, 85,/. dim. a little actress, Miniirio, ire, n. to sing with a low
fearful, regardful a miss voice, to coo, to chatter
Metula, »,/. a little butt, or mark Mimus, i, m. a mimic, an actor, a Minus, adv. less, less than, fewer
MStuo, fire, ui (antiq. utum), a. scurrilous buffoon, or jester than
to fear, to dread, to be afraid, Mina, ae,/ a pound, a measure of Minusciilus, a, um, adj less, little
or concerned, to be cautious ground, 120 foot square Mintital, is, n. minced meat, a
Metus, us, m. fear, dread, care, or Minaciae, arum, pi. /. menaces, hash
concern, religious awe threatenings Minutatim, adv. in bits, in gob-
Metutus, a, um, part, feared Minaclter, adv. ius, eomp. threat- bets, drop by drop, by little and
Meus, a, um, pron. adj. my, mine, eningly little
mine own, at my own disposal Minae, arum, pi. f. threats, me- Minute, adv. iils, eomp. isstme,
Mica, ae, /. a crumb, a grain naces, terrors, storms superl. in small pieces, nicely,
Micans, tis, part, shining, glitter- Minans, tis, part, threatening, precisely
ing, beating, panting hissing, warranting Minutia, ae,/. a very small thing,
Mico, are, ui, sup. wanting, n. to Minanter, adv. threateningly a mite; in pi. little niceties
shine, glitter, or sparkle, to Minatio, onis,/. a threatening Minutlm, adv. same as Minute
beat, or pant, to move quickly Minatus, a, um, part, having Minutio, onis, /. a lessening, a
Micropsychus, a, um, adj. mean- threatened diminution [pretty
spirited Minax, acis, adj. ior, eomp. issi- Minutiilus, a, um,
adj. little,
Mictftrio, ire, ivi and ii. Hum, n. mus, superl. threatening, me- Minutus, a, um,
part, and adj. ior,
to make water nacing eomp. issimus, superl. diminish-
Mi ciila, a?,/, a very small crumb Minctio, onis,/. a making water ed, lessened, disheartened, di-
Migrans, tis, part, departing, re- Minerval, or Minervale, is, «. en- spirited, minute
moving (moval trance-money Mlrabilis, e, adj. ior, eomp. issi-
Migratio, onis,/. a change, a re- Mingo, 6re, xi/ctum, a. to make mus, superl. to be admired, ad-
Migraturus, a, um, part, about to water mired, admirable, wonderful,
remove Miniaceus, a, um, adj. of, or with marvellous, strange
Migratus, us, m. a removal vermillion Mirabilitas, atis, /. admiration
Migro, are, n. and a. to depart, to Miniandus, a, um, part, to be Mirabiliter, adv. wonderfully,
remove, to go, or get away, to painted with vermillion amazingly, strangely, exceed-
go, or depart from, to Miniaria, ae,/. a mine of vermillion ingly, honourably.
[Ihin '
dat. to me myself Mlniarius, a, um, adj. of ver- Mirabundus, a, um, adj. full of
Miles, Itis, c. g. a soldier, a foot- million wonder, or admiration
soldier, the soldiery Miniatulus, a, um, adj. marked Miraculose, adv. marvellously
Miliaria, ae,/. a linnet, an herb with red wax Miraculum, i, n. a miracle, a pro-
Miliarium, i, n. a vessel belonging Miniatus, a, um, part, red digy
to an oil-mill, a milestone Minime, adv. least, or fewest, not Mirandus, a, um, part, to be ad-
Miliarius, a, um, adj. of millet atall, in no case, in no wise, by mired, wonderful, marvellous
Militans, tis, part, serving, fight- no means, at least, much less Mirans, tis, part, wondering, ad-
ing Minimum, i, n. the least miring
Militaris, e, adj. military, warlike, Minimum, adv. at the least, little Mlratio, onis,/. admiration
of war Minimus, a, um, adj. the least, Mirator, oris, m. an admirer
Militariter, adv. soldier-like or smallest [paint Mlratrix, icis, /. she that admires
Militarius, a, um, adj. soldier- Minio, are, a. to colour red, to Miraturus, a, um, part, about to
like, military Minister, tri, m. a minister, a ser- wonder, or admire
Mllitaturus, a, um, part, about to vant, a waiter, a cup-bearer, an Miratus, a, um, part, admiring,
serve in war attendant, an assistant pleased with [ingly
Militia, ae, /. warfare, war, service, Minister, tra, trum, adj. assistant Mire, adv. wonderfully,, exceed-
or toil, an army, soldiers MinistSrium, i, n. service, attend- Mirifice, adv. wonderfully
Milito, are, a. and n. to fight, to ance, any honourable office, or Mlrifico, are, a. and n. to do
serve, to pursue, to hunt employment, performance, la- strange things
Milium, i, n. millet bour Mirificus, a, um, adj. issimus,
Mille, and Millia, adj. pi. a thou- Ministra, ae,/. a maid-servant and entissimus, superl. wonder-
sand, numberless Ministrans, tis, part, serving, ful, marvellous, strange
Mille, n., gen. and dat. sing, want- governing Mirmillo, onis, m. a fencer
ing, in abl. milli, in plur. haec Ministratio, onis,/. attendance Miror, ari, dep. to wonder, to
millia, ium, ibus, a thousand MInistrator, oris, m. a servant, an marvel, to admire
Milief&lia, ae,/. milfoil attendant, he that feeds, or Mirus, a, um, adj. wonderful,
Millefolium, i, n. milfoil serves with meat marvellous, strong, exceeding,
Milleformis, e, adj. of a thousand Ministratrix, icis, /. a waiting- excellent, mighty, prodigious
shapes woman Miscellanea, orum, pi. n. miscel-
Millepeda, ae,/. a palmer- worm Mmistro, are, a. to minister, to lanies, mixed collections, plays,
Millesimus, a, um, adj. the thou- serve, to serve with, to attend, &c. a mixture
sandth to assist, to furnish Miscellaneus, a, um, adj. mis-
Milliare, is, n. a milestone, a mile MInitabundus, a, um, adj. with cellaneous, mixed, jumbled to-
Milliarium, i, n., same as Mili- great threats, threatening gether
arium Minitans, tis, part, threatening Miscellus, a, um, adj. mixed, or
Milliarius, a, um, adj. a thousand Minito, are, a. to threaten mingled, of divers kinds to-
Millies, adv. a thousand times, Minitor, ari, dep. to threaten sore, gether
very often to threaten Miscendus, a, um, part, to be
Millus, i, m., and Milium, i, n. a Minium, i, n. red lead, vermillion mixed, or mingled [ling
mastiff's collar made of leather Mino, are, a. to drive cattle Miscens, tis, part, mixing, roing-
Milvinus, a, um, adj. of, or like a Minor, us, adj. eomp. less, smaller, Misceo, ere, ui, mistum and mix-
kite meaner, lower, inferior, younger tum, a. to mix, to mingle, to
Milvius, i, m., same as Minor, ari, dep. to threaten, to blend, to confound, to disorder,
Milvus, or rather Miluus, i, m. a profess to interlace
kite, a rapacious fellow, a fish, a Minores, ium, pi. m. our succes- Misellus, a, um, adj. miserable,
sign sors, posterity, or offspring wretched, poor, pitiful, sorry
Mima, ae,/. a mimic, an actress Minuendus, a, um, part, to be Miser, 6ra, firum, adj. ior, eomp.
Mimice, adv. mimically, apishly diminished errimus, superl. miserable,
Mimicus, a,um, adj. mimic, apish, Minuens, tis, part, diminishing, wretched, woful, pitiful, afflic-
affected, wanton [wort lessening, making less, abating tive, sick, affected [fully
Mimmulus, i, m. rattle, or louse- Mlnuo, fire, ui, titum, a. to di- Miserabiie, adv. miserably, wo-
ili.nosrraphus, i, m. a writer of minish, to lessen, or make less, Miserabilis, e, adj. miserable,
plays, or farces to tbate, or impair, to violate wretched, unhappy, lament&bte


MfsfirablHter, adv. miserably, Mittendus, a, um, part, to be sent MOdius, i, m. a bushel, a tierce

wretchedly Mittens, tis, part, sending, &c. MO dO, adv. just now, even now,
Mlsfirandus, a, om, part, to be Mitto, fire, misi, missum, a. to lately, a little while ago, t
pitied, or lamented, wretched send, to dismiss, to dispatch, while ago, one while
Mlsfirans, tis, part, pitying, &c. to send away, to banish, to cast MOdiilamen, Inis, n. a tune
Miserauter, adv. same as Misera- off, to throw off [pound MOdiilamentum, i, n. a measure
biliter [plaint Mixtiira, 82, /. a mixture, a com- MOdulandus, a, um, part, to be
Misfiratio, onis, /. pity, a com- Mixturus, a, um, part, about to measured
Misfiratus, a, um, part, having mix [gled MOdiilans, tis, part, modulating,

pity, or compassion on Mixtus, a, um, part, mixed, min- tuning

Misfire, adv. miserably, wretched- Mna, as, /. for Mina, a pound in Modulate, adv. musically, sweetly
ly, sadly, mightily, greatly money MOdtilatio, onis, /. a measure, a
Misfireor, eri, ertus, dep. to pity, MnemOnica, orum, pi. n. rules tuning [singer
to take pity of, to have mercy on for memory, precepts Modulator, Oris, m. a tuner, a
Mlsfiresco, fire, n. to pity Mnemosyne, es,/. memory MOdulatrix, Icis,/. she that sings
Misfiria, ae, /. misery, distress, Mnemosynum, i, n. a memorial, a MOdulatus, a, um, part, measured,
wretchedness, affliction, trouble token composed, set, tuned
Mlsfirlcordia, se, /. mercy, com- Mobllis, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
e, MOdulatus, us, m. a tuning
passion, pity, charity superl. moveable, easily moved, MOdiilor, ari, dep. to modulate, to
Misfirlcors, dis, adj. ior, comp. shaking, rolling, tractable measure, to compose
merciful, pitiful, compassionate MobUltas, a tis,/. motion, swift- Modulus, i, m. a model, a mea-
Mlserlter, adv. pitifully, sadly ness, quickness, activity, incon- sure
Mlsfiritus, a, um, part, pitying stancy, fickleness, change Modus, i, m. a measure, a due
Mlsfiror, ari, atus sum, dep. to Moblllter, adv. ius, comp. swiftly, proportion, a mean, modera-
pity, to deplore, lament quickly, lightly, iuconstantly tion, bounds, limits, an end, a
MTsertus, a, um, part, pitying Moblllto, are, a. to move rule, or order, a method, way,
Mlsfirulus, a, um, adj. wretched, Moderabilis, e, adj. moderate manner, or fashion
poor MOderamen, Inis, n. management, Mcecha, se, / an adulteress, a
Missa, se,/. the mass guidance, conduct, a helm w hore, a coquette [ing
Missile, is, n. a dart, a javelin Moderamentum, a means of
i, n. Mcechatio, onis,/ adultery, whor-
Missllia, um, pi. n. gifts thrown guidance, a guide Moechator, oris, m. an adulterer
among the people MOdfirandus, a, um, part, to be Moechia, se,/. adultery
Missilis, e, adj. that may be managed Mcechlmonium, i, n. adultery
thrown, darted MOderans, tis, part, moderating, Moechisso, are, n. to commit adul-
Missio, onis,/. a sending, a send- managing, governing, ruling tery [teiy
ing away, a dispatch, a throw- MOdfiranter, adv. itts, comp. mode- Mcechor, ari, dep. to commit adul-
ing, or hurling, a discharge rately, leisurely Mcechus, i, m. an adulterer, a
Missltatus, a, um, part, often sent Moderate, udv. ius, comp. issime, whoremaster
Misslto, are, a. to send often superl. moderately, evenly, pa- Mcenia, um, and orum, pi. n. walls,
Missurus, a, um, part, about to tiently, modestly, ieisurely the works of a city, camp,
send MOdfiratim, adv. leisurely, gently cities, towns
Missus, a, um, part, sent, thrown, MOdfiratio, 6nis, /. moderation, a Mcenus, eris, n. a gift, a favour
hurled, darted, shot, discharged, moderate degree, management, Moerens, tis, part, grieving, la-
dismissed, disbanded, sent forth governance menting, sorrowful, afflicted
Missus, us, m. a sending, or dis- Moderator, oris, m. a manager, a Mcereo, ere, mcestus, n. pass, to
patch, a throw, or cast governor, a ruler grieve, to mourn, to lament, to
Mistim, adv. mixtly MOderatrix, Icis,/. a governess be grieved at, sorrowful
Mistura, ae,/. a mixture, a com- Moderaturus, a, um, part, likely, Moeror, oris, m. grief, sorrow, la-
pound or about to govern mentation, sadness
Mistus, a, um, part, mixed, min- MOdfiratus, a, um, part, and adj. Moeste, adv. sorrowfully, sadly
gled, blended, joined together ior, comp. issimus, superl. mode- Moestltia, se,/ sorrow, heaviness
Mistus, us, m. a mixture rated, managed, governed, regu- Mcestltudo, Inis, /. sorrow, grief
Mitella, se,/. a little mitre, a tur- lated, governing, moderate, Mcestus, a, um, adj. sorrowful,
ban, a sash, a scarf even, mild sad, pensive, disconsolate
Mitescens, tis, part, growing mild, MOdfiro, are, a. to moderate MOla, se, a mill, a millstone, meal,
or ripe Modfiror, ari, dep. to moderate, to or flour, a mooncalf, a jaw-
Mltesco, fire, incep. to grow mild, bound, limit, or restrain tooth
calm, gentle, tractable, or tame, MOdeste, adv. ius, comp. issime, MOlaris, e, adj. pertaining to a
to be appeased, pacified superl. modestly, bashfully, mill, millstone, or cheektooth
Mithras, or Mitras, ae, m. the sun humbly, moderately, with due MOlarius, a, um, adj. belonging tx.
Mithrldatlcum, i, n. mithridate temper a mill
Mitlflcatus, a, um, part, digested Modestia, as, /. modesty, bashful- MOlendlnarius, a, um, adj. of, or
Mitlflco, are, a. to soften, to tame ness, moderation, temperance pertaining to a mill
Mitlflcus, a, um, adj. making MOdestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Molendus, a, um, part, to be
gentle issimus, superl. modest, bash- ground
Mitigandus, a, um, part, to ap- ful, moderate, sober, courteous Moles, is, /. a mass, a heap, a
pease, to boil MOdialis, e, adj. containing a bulk, any tiling huge, a great
Mltlgatio, onis,/. mitigation bushel pile,or fabric, a pier, or dam,
MitlgatOrius, a, um, adj. easing Modice, adv. moderately, tolera- a rock, a vast quantity, or
pain bly, a little by degrees, pa- weight
Mitigatus, a, um, part, mitigated, tiently, modestly MOleste, adv. ius, comp. issime,
appeased, pacified MOdicellus, a, um, adj. very mean, superl. grievously, discontented-
Mitlgo, are, a. to mitigate, to or small ly, unkindly, ill
soften, to appease, to assuage, Modicum, n. a little
i, MOlestia, se, /. trouble, twensi-
to pacify, to ease, to lessen, to Modicum, adv. but a little ness, disquiet [trouble
tame MOdlcus, um, adj. moderate,
a, MOlesto, are, a. to molest, to
Mltis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, middling, tolerable, not large, MOlestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
superl. mild, meek, gentle, small, little, mean, temperate issimus, superl. troublesome,
quiet, tractable, pliant, tame, MOdlficatio, onis,/. a measure uneasy, offensive, unseasonable,
good-natured MOdlflcatus, a, ura.jjort. modified interruping
MItius, adv. comp. issime, suptrl. MOdlflcor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Moliendus, a, um, part, to be at-
more gently, evenly, easily measure, to rule, to be sparing tempted
Mitra, oe,/. a mitre, a bonnet, or Modiolus, i, m a little bushel, a MOliens, tis, part, striving to pull
turban, a kind of girdle mndlet, a bucket, a little eup down, or out, attempting, de.
IJitiatus. a. um, part, mitred IiiuJiuiii, i, a. a bushel signing


ftllle, is, n. a collar for a mill- i, n. a monument, a memorial, MSratus, a, um, adj. endued witL
horse, a handle for a mill token, sign, or pledge, a token manners, of good morals, tem-
oilmen, Inis, n. an undertaking, put upon exposed children per, or humour
a project, an attempt, an effort MSnltio, onis,/. admonition, ad- Morbide, adv. sickly
olimentum, i, n. same as Moli- vice Morbidus, a. um, adj. sickly, dis-
men Mftnitor, oris, m. a monitor, an eased, belonging to a disease
olior, iri, Itus sum, dep. to un- adviser, a counsellor, a teacher, Morbonia, as, /. a mischief
dertake, to attempt, to endea- or instructor Morbose, adv. sickly, faintly
vour, to do, to toil, or lahour, Monltorius, a, um, adj. monitory Morbosus, a, um, adj. sickly, full
to design, meditate, project MOnitum, i, n. an admonition, of diseases
olitio, onis, /. an undertaking, advice, counsel, an instruction Morbus, i, m. a disease, distem-

a design, an attempt, labour in Momtus, a, um, part, admonished, per, a sickness, any detect in
moving, &c, a removal, a throw- advised, exhorted the body, any odd humour
ing up Momtus, us, m. an admonition, Mordacltas, atis, /. a biting qua-
olltor, oris, m. a designer, con- advice, a lesson, or instruction, lity [ly
triver a warning MoTdaciter, adv. ius, comp. sharp-
Slitrix, Tcis, /. a female con- M5n6c6ros, otis, m. an unicorn Mordaciilus, a, um, adj. some-
triver, author, framer M5nSp61ium, i, n. a monopoly what biting, or sharp
olltura, ae, /. a grinding Mon5ptoton, i, n. a monoptote Mordax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
olitus, a, um, part, ground M6n6syllabus, a, um, adj. of one mus, superl. biting, gnawing,
olitus, a, um, part, having at- syllable [quantity stinging, cutting, sharp
tempted, endeavoured Mons, m. a mountain, a great
tis, Mordendus, a, um, part, to be
ollesco, ere, incep. to grow soft, Monstrabilis, e, adj. worthy to be reflected on satirically
or gentle, to become effeminate shown, or taken notice of Mordens, tis, part, biting, of a
olllcellus, a, um, adj. sottish, Monstrans, tis, part, showing, biting taste, gnawing
tender pointing out Mordeo, ere, momordi, and antiq.
olliculus, a, um, adj. soft, de- Monstratio, onis,/. a showing memordi and morsi, morsum, a.
licate, tender, effeminate Monstrator, oris, m. a shower, to bite, to gnaw, to champ, to
oilieuJus, a, um, part, to be a teller nip, or pinch, to pierce through
softened Monstraturus, a, um, part, about and fasten, to sting
olliens, tis t part, softening to show Mordlces, um, pi. m. the teeth,
ollimentum, i,n. a mitigation Monstratus, a, um, part, shown, bitter speeches
ollio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to soften, taught, pointed out Mordlcus, adv. with, by, or in the
to make soft, tender, or supple, Monstratus, us, m. a showing teeth, tooth and nail
to mitigate, to lessen, or abate, Monstrifer, era, €rum, adj. mon- More, adv. foolishly, simply
to ease strous, vast M&rgtum, i, n. a kind of salad
blllpes, Sdis, adj. hav'ng flex- Monstrlf ice, adv. monstrously MOribundus, a, um, adj. dying
ible feet Monstril'Ictf8, *, um, adj. mon- MOriens, tis, part, dying, ex-
bllis, e, adj. ior, eomp. issimus, strous piring, withering, decaying, flat
superl. soft, pliant, tender, weak, Monstro, wre, «. to show, to Monger, a, um, adj. obedient,
calm, mild, temperate, gentle, teach, to inform, to direct complaisant
kind, easy Monstro se, adv. monstrously, Morigerator, oris, m. one who
'.'olliter,adv. ius, enmp. issime, strangely tries to please, a compiler
superl. softly, tenderly, calmly, Monstrosus, a, um, adj. isslmus, Morigeior, ari, dep. to humour, or
gently, lightly, easily superl. monstrous, hideous, endeavour to please, to gratify
[ollitia, ae, and es, ei, f. softness, strange Mongerus, a, um, same as Mo-
calmness, mildness, gentleness, Monstrum, i, n. a monster, a pro- nger
unsteadiness, effeminacy digy, a vast, huge, or deformed Morio, onis, m. a fool, a jester
[ollitudo, Inis, /. same as Mol- body, a person prodigiously MOrior, m6ri and mOriri, mortuus,
litia [charmed wicked dep. to die, to expire, to die
follitus, a, um, part, softened, Monstruosus, same as Monstrosus away, or be forgotten, to wither
[olliusculus, a, um, adj. softish Montana, orum, pi. n. highlands M&riturus, a, um, part, ready to
tollusca, ae,/. a kind of walaut Montanus, a, um, adj. mountain- die, resolved to die, about to
f6lo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to grind ous, of, or full of mountains, expire [idle
lolossus, i, m. a foot consisting dwelling, or growing upon Mor616gus, a, um, adj. foolish,
of three long syllables mountains [mountains MSror, ari, dep. to delay, loiter,
Tomen, inis, n. an impulse Montatus, a, um, adj. having linger, stay, or tarry, to stop, to
[omentaneus, a, um, adj. mo- MonticOla, ae, e. g. an inhabiter hinder, or detain, to disturb
mentary [tant of a mountain Moror, ari, dep. to play the fool,
[omentosus, a, um,
adj. impor- Montivagus, a, um, adj. ranging &c.
[omentum, i, n. a moment, or on mountains Morose, adv. issime, superl. mo-
minute, weight, force, power, Montosus, a, um, adj. mountain- rosely, severely, cautiously
impulse, bias, a turn, alteration ous, standing, or growing on Morosltas, atis,/. moroseness
[6nachus, i, m. a monk mountains, hilly [tuni Morosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
[6nas, adis,/. an unit, a grain Monumentum, same as Monimen- morose, peevish, testy
I6naulus, i, m. a flageolet, a pipe M6ra, ae, /. a delay, stay, stop, Mors, tis,/. death
[onedula, se,/. a jackdaw let, obstacle, or hindrance, a Morsicans, tis, part, biting,
[Onela, te, /. a reminding, an pause wanton
admonition Moralis, e, adj. moral, of manners Morslco, are, a. to nibble
[6nendus, a, um, part, to be Moralitas, atis,/. morality Morsilis, adj. apt to bite
admonished Morallter, adv. in a moral sense Morsiuncula, ae,/. a bite, a nip
f6nens, tis, part, admonishing Moramentum, i, n. a stop, or let Morsum, i, n. a piece bitten off
[6neo, ere, ui, itum, a. to admo- Morandiis, a, um, part, to be Morsus, a, um, part, bitten,
nish, to advise, or counsel, to stopped gnawn
teach, or instruct Morans, part, delaying, loiter-
tis, Morsus, us, m. a bite, an eating,
[oneris, is,/, a one-banked galley ing, staying behind, stopping or consumption, a sting, an-
[5neta, ae,/. a stamp, or impres- Morate, adv. iut, comp. by de- guish, a taunt, reproach
sion upon money, coin, money, grees, or steps Mortalis, e, adj. ior, comp. mortal,
a mint M6ratio, onis,/. a staying human, earthly, of this lower
l&netalis, e, adj. of money, or MSrator, oris, m. a loiterer, world, or men
usury stayer, or hinderer Mortalis, is, m. a mortal, a man
[onetarius, i, m. a coiner, an Moraturus, a, um, part, about to Mortalltas, atis, /. mortality,
officer of the mint stop mortal man, frailty, a mor-
[6nile, is, n. a necklace Moratus, a, um, part, having tality
lonimentum, and Monumentum, stayed, or tarvied, staying, fixed MoitariOlum, i, n. a little
Mortarium, i, n. a mortar, a pot trifle away time, to dally, to Multlcia, Orum, pi. n. garments
Mortlclni, Orum, pi. to. corns boggle finely wrought [colours
Mortlclnus, a, um, adj. that dies Mugio, Ire, Ivi, Hum, n. to low, to Multicolor, Oris, adj. of divert
of itself, or has a ghastly coun- bellow, to roar, to rumble, to Multifariam, adv. in many places,
tenance rattle, to groan ways, or fashions
Mortlfer, or Mortifgrus, a, um, Mugitor, oris, m. a bellower Multlfarie, adv. sundry ways
adj. causing death, mortal, Miigitus, us, m. a lowing, a bel- Multtfarius, a, tim, adj. of divers,
deadly, fatal lowing, a roaring or sundry sorts
Mortifere, adv. deadly, to death Mflla, se,/. a she mule Multlfer, gra, um, adj. bearing
Mortlflcatio, onis, /. a mortifica- Mularis, e, adj. of a mule many sorts of things, bearing in
tion [titled Mulcedo, Inis, /. sweetness, de- abundance
Mortlficatus, a, um, part, mor- light Multifidus, a, um, adj. having
Mortifico, ere, a. to mortify Muicendus, a, um, part, to be many slits, clefts, crevices,
Mortualia, um, pi. n. mourning stroked, gently handled, sooth- mouths
weeds, funeral rites, ceremonies, ed, softened, assuaged MultlfOris, e, adj. that has many
songs, &c. Mulcens, tis, part, stroking, entrances, or holes
Mortuus, a, um, part, dead, life- soothing, &c. Multiformis, e, adj. of many
less, senseless, faint, antiquat- Mulceo, ere, si, sum and ctum, a. shapes, or fashions
ed, obsolete to stroke, or lick, to soothe, to MultlfOrmlter, adv. diversely, va-
Morulus, a, um, adj. black and cherish, to soften, to appease, riously [holes
Mue [berry to assuage, to calm MultifOrus, a, um, adj. with many
Morum, i, n. a mulberry, a black- Mulco, are, a. to strike, to beat, Multlggnus, a, um, adj. of divers
Si orus, i,/. a mulberry-tree to pay off kinds, sorts, or fashions
Morus, a, um, adj. foolish, silly Mulcta, Be,/, a mulct, a fine Multijugis, e, adj. many in a
Mos, raoris, m. a manner, way, Mulcto, are, a. to fine, to punish bundle
fashion, or custom, a temper, Mulctra, ae,/. a milk-pail Multljtigus, a, um, adj. yoked, or
humour, or nature, a law Mulctrale, is, n. a milk-pail harnessed together
Motabllis, e, adj. that moves, Mulctrum, i, n. a milk-pail MultllOquax, acis, adj. very talk-
moving Mulctus, us, m. a milking ative [bling
Motacilla, »,/. a bird, a wagtail Mulgeo, ere, si, sum, and xi, MultilQquium, i, n. much bab-
Motans, tis, part, moving to and ctum, u. to milk [publish MultllOquus, a, um, adj. talkative
fro- Mulgo, are, a. to divulge, or MultlmOdis, adv. many ways,
Motatio, 6nis,/. a frequent motion Muliebria, um, pi. n. monthly variously
Motio, onis,/. a motion, a passion terms of women MultimOdus, a, um, adj. various
Motlto, are, freq. to move often Muliebris, e, adj. of a woman, Multinodus, a, um, adj. full of
Motiuncula, a?,/, a jogging womanish, womanlike, effemi- knots [names
Moto, are,/reg. to move often, or nate, feminine, wanton, incon- Multlnominis, e, adj. of many
out of place, to shake, or wag stant Multipartita, a, um, part, di-
Motor, oris, to. a mover, a rocker Muliebrltas, litis, /. womanhood vided into many parts, or ways
Moturus, a, um, part, that will as opposed to virginity Multlpgda, se, /. an insect, a
move Mtiliebiiter, adv. like a woman, cheeslip [feet
Motus, a, um, part, moved, stin-ed, womanishly, effeminately Multlpes, edis, adj. having many
shaken, agitated, raised, start- Muliebrosus, a, um, adj. of, or Multiplex, Icis, adj. consisting of
led, induced, altered belonging to a woman many folds, turnings, or wind-
Kotus, us, to. a motion, gesture, Miilier, gris,/. a woman, a wife ings, manifold, various
carriage, dancing, a stir, a Miiliercula, se, /. dim. a little Multlplicabiiis, e, adj. that h»w
rising, a commotion, a disturb- woman, a weak woman many windings and twistings
ance, a mutiny, any passion of Miiliero, are, a. to debauch Multiplicandus, a, um, part, to be
the mind, rage Mulie>6sltas, atis, /. an unlawful multiplied [ing
MOvendus, a, um, part, to be lusting after women Multlpllcans, tis, part, multiply-
moved, to be appeased, &c. Mulierosus, a, um, adj. given Multlpllcatio, onis, /. a multipli-
Movens, tis, part, moving, stir- too much to the love of women cation
ring, shaking, brandishing Mulio, onis, m. a muleteer, a gnat Multlpllcator, Oris, m. he that
tossing, wielding, turning up, Mulionius, a, um, adj. of, or be- multiplies
revolving longing to a muleteer Multipllcatus, a, um, part, multi-
MOveo, ere, movi, motum, a. to Mulleus, i, m. a red, or purple plied
move or stir, to shake, or wag, shoe Multiplicity, adv. ius, comp. di.
to wave, brandish, or toss, to Mullulus, i, to. a little mullet versely, manifoldly, very much
strike Mullus, i, m. a mullet, a barbel Multiplico, are, a. to multiply
Mdx, adv. by-and-by, shortly, Mulseus, a, um, adj. sweet as Multlpotens, tis, adj. of great
presently, afterwards honey power
Mucedo, Inis,/. mustineas Mulsum, i, n.mead, muscadine MultlsOnorus, a, um, adj. sound-
Muceo, ere, n., pret. and tup. Mulsus, a, um, part, mixed with ing loud [much
wanting, to be mouldy, or honey, sweet, pleasant, delicate Mulhsonus, a, um, adj. sounding
musty, to be dreggy Multa, <e, /. a fine, or penalty, a Multltudo, Inis, /. a multitude, a
Mucesco, Sre, incep. to grow forieiture, a punishment, a fault great number, great store
mouldy, hoary, musty, or dreggy Multandus, a, um, part, to be Multlvagus, a, um, adj. wander-
Mucide, adv. mustily, nastily punished [angles ing, roving, straggling up and
Mucldus, a, um, adj. mouldy, Multangulus, a, um, adj. full of down
hoary, musty, palled Multans, tis, part, punishing, Multlvius, a, um, adj. manifold
Mficor, oris, m. mouldiness, nasti- avenging [punishing Multivolus, a, um, adj. loving
ness Multatio, onis, /. a fining, or passionately
Mucosus, a, um, adj. slimy, filthy Multatltius, a, um, adj. raised by Multo, are, a. to fine, to amerce,
Mucro, onis, m. a sharp point, a fine [fine to punish, to beat, to deprive
sword, dagger Multator, Oris, m. he that lays a Mult 6, adv. by much, far, long, 8
Mucronatus, a, um, adj. pointed Multatus, a, um, part, fined, great deal
Muculentus, a, um, adj. having a amerced, punished Multopgre, adv. very greatly
filthy nose Multeslmus, a, um, adj. one of MultSties, adv. oftentimes, often
Mucus, i, m. the filth of the nose many, small Multum, adv. much, frequently
Mugiens, tis,parMowing, roaring Multiblbus, a, um, adj. tippling very often, long before
Miigil, and Mugilis, is, m. a mul- Multlcavatus, a, um, adj. lull of Multus, a, um, adj. antiq. many
let [musing holes [stalks several
Muginabundus, a, um, adj. Multtcaulis, e, adj. having many Mulus, i, to. a mule, a porter
Mu^inator, oris, m. a muser Multlcavus, a, um, adj. full of Mundanus, a, um, adj. vcQtWj
Miiglnor, ari, dtp. to grumble, to holes of the world
Mundandus, a, urn, part, to be bribe, a reward, show, or game, Mussitans, tis, part, muttering,
cleansed a theatre whispering
Mundatus, a, um, part, cleaned Munusculum, i, n. a small gift Mussltator, oris, m. a mutterer
Munde, adv. neatly, decently Muraena, ae,/. a lamprey, a chain Musslto, are, freq. to mutter, to
Mundialis, e, adj. worldly Muralis, e, adj. mural, pertaining grumble, to murmur, to be
Mundltenens, tis, adj. holding, or to a wall silent
ruling the world Murcldus, a, um, adj. slothful Musso, are, a. to mutter, to grum-
Mundlter, adv. isslme, superl. Murcus, i, to. a coward, or das- ble, to buzz, to doubt, to de-
cleanly, neatly tardly fellow mur
Munditia, ae,/. cleanness, cleanli- Murex, Icis, m. a burret, the shell Mustacea, ae,/. a sort of laurel
ness, neatness, delicateness of that fish, a trumpet made of Mustaceum, i, n. a bridecake

Mundlties, ei,/. the same such shell, purple, a robe Mustarius, a, um, adj. belonging
Mundo, are, a. to clean, or Muria, ae,/. a sauce made of the to must, or new wine
cleanse, to purge tunny, brine, pickle [murex Mustela, ae, f. andwritten Mustel-
Mundfilus, a, um, adj. clean, neat, Murlcatlm, adv. like the fish la, a weasel, a sea-lamprey
spruce, smug, tine Murlcatus, a, um, part, full of Mustellnus, a, um, adj. of, or like
Mundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. sharp points a weasel, tawny, yellowish
issimus, superl. clean, neatly, Muries, ei, /. brine, salt liquor Musteus, a, um, adj. sweet as
neat, decent, spruce Murina, ae, /. a delicious wine, new wine, fresh, new, lately
Mundus, i, m. the world, the uni- tempered with precious odours made, newly published, or dropt
verse, the sky, or firmament, a Murlnus, a, um, adj. of, or be- Mustiilentus, a, um, adj. smelling
woman's ornaments longing to a mouse strong
Muneralis, adj pertaining to
e, Murmur, firis, n. a murmur, a Mustum, i, n. must, new wine
gifts, bribes, or fees gentle, great, or dreadful noise, Mustus, same as Musteus
Munf.rarius, i, to. a giver of plays, a humming, or buzzing, a whis- Mutabllis, e, adj. mutable,
or games to the people per, a rustling changeable, variable, incon-
Mungrarius, a, um, adj. of gifts Murmiirabundus, a, um, adj. stant, unsteady, wavering
Munerator, oris, m. a rewarder murmuring, muttering Mutabllltas, atis,/. mutability
Mfmeratrix, icis, /. she that re- Murmfirans, tis, part, muttering, Mutablllter, aeiu.mutably.change-
wards roaring ably
Munero, are, a. to give gifts, or Muimuratio, onis, /. a murmur- Mutandus, a, um, part, to be
presents, to reward, to requite ing, or low sound changed, or varied
Muneror, ari, dep. to give, or be- Murmfirator, oris, m. a mnrmurer Mutans, tis, part, changing,
stow, to present Murmuro, are, n. to murmur,
or changed, altered
Mungrosus, a, um, adj. liberal repine, to growl, or grumble, to Mutatio, onis, /. a changing, a
Mungo, fire, xi, ctum, a. to make roar change, a revolution
the nose clean, blow Murra, ae, /. a stone of divers Mutator, oris, m. a changer
Munia, orum, pi. n. offices, colours, clear as crystal Mutatorius, a, um, adj. change-
charges, places of trust, duties Murreus, a, um, adj. of porcelain able [change
of life Murrhlna, ae,/. same as Murina Mutaturus, a, um, part, that will
Munlceps, Ipis, c. g. one free of Murrhinus, or Murrinus, a, um, Mutatus, a, um, part, changed,
the city of Rome, a freeman adj. of china, or porcelain altered, varied, turned, trans-
Munlclpalis, e, adj. municipal, Murus, i, to. antiq. Mcerus, a wall, formed [beard
belonging to a town, or corpo- a bank, a protection, or security, Muticus, a, um, adj. without a
ration a tower Mutilans, tis, part, maiming, lisp-
Munlcipatlm, adv. town by town Mus, muris, to. a mouse ing [hurt
Munlclpium, i, n. a city, or town Musa, ae, /. a muse, a song, or Mutllatio, onis, /. a maiming, a
corporate with particular laws poem, study, good letters Mutllatus, a, um, part, maimed,
Muniendus, a, um, part, to be Musaeum, same as Museum mangled, cut off, broken
strengthened, or secured Musea, ae,/. a fly, a curious, in- Mutllo, are, a. to maim, or mangle
Muniens, tis, part, fortifying, se- quisitive man Mutllus. a, um, adj. maimed, de-
crring Musearium, i, n. and Muscaria, fective, broken
Munltex, Icis, c. g. one performing ae,/. a flap to kill flies Mutllus, i, to. a muscle
an office Muscarius, a, um, adj. of flies, Mutio, or Muttio, ire, n. to speak
Munif Ice, adv. bountifully, freely bossed softly, to mutter
Munlflcentia, ae, /. munificence, Muscerda, ae,/. mouse-dung Mutitans, tis, part, muttering
bounty Muscipula, ae, /. a mousetrap Mutltus, a, um, part, making
Munif Ico, are, a. to enrich Muscosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. words
Munif Icus, a, um, adj. liberal, mossy, full of moss Muto, are, a. to change, to alter,
yielding great profit, bounteous- Muscilla, ae,/. dim. a little fly to shift, to turn, or transform,
ly bestowed Musculosus, a, um, adj. muscu- to move, or incline, to remove,
Muulmen, Inis, n. a fortification, lous, brawny, full of muscles to exchange, to barter
a rampart, a shelter Musculus, i, m. a little mouse, a Muto, onis, m. the privy member
Munimentum, i, n. a fortification, muscle, a fish of a man [hung
a fence, or mound Muscus, i, m. moss, musk Mutoniatus, a, um, adj. well
Munio, Ire, o. to tortify, to inclose Museum, i, n. a study, or library, Mutuarius, a, um, adj. reciprocal
with a fence, or mound, to a repository of natural and Mutuatio, onis, /. a borrowing
strengthen, arm, or secure artificial curiosities Mutuatltius, a, um, adj. borrowed
Miinis, is, c. g. one that bears Muse us, a, um, adj. proceeding Mutuator, oris, to. a borrower
office, or is ready to do good from the muses, poetical Mutuatus, a, um, part, having
turns Muslca, ae,/. the art of music borrowed
Munitio, onis, /. a fortifying, or Muslca, orum, pi. n. the science Mutu6, adv. same as Mutud
repairing, a fortiiication of music Mutultans, tis, part, desiring to
Munlto, ace,/reg. to secure a pas- Muslce, es,/. music borrow
sage Muslce, adv. musically, pleasantly Mutulus, i, m. and Mutilus, a stay
Munltor, oris, in. a fortifier, a Muslcus, a, um, adj. musical', in building, a corbel
pioneer fond of music, sweet Mutuo, adv. mutually, together
Munlturus, a, um, part, about to Muslcus, i, to. a musician Mutuo, are, a. to borrow
fortify Musivum, i, n. a mosaic work Mutuor, ari, dep. to borrow
Munltus, a, um, part, and adj. Musmon, Onis, m. a mongrel ram Mutus, a, um, adj. mute, dumb,
fortified, fenced, made strong, that bears goat's hair instead of speechless, silent, still
armed, secured, defended wool Mutuum, i, n. a loan, an equal
Munus, eris, n. a gift, or present, Mussans, tis, part, muttering return
a favour, or kindness, a bless- Mussltandus, a, um, part, to be Mutuus, a, um, adj. mutual, re
ing, an offering, or sacrifice, a conuived, or w.uked at ciprocal, lent, or borrorsred
147 H 2
Myax, acis, m. a shell-fish like the Naphthe, es,/. same as Naphtha Nataturus, a, um, part, about to
purple fish Naplna, ae, /. the bed wherein snim
M^gale, es, /. a field-mouse turnip is sown Natatus, a, um, part, swum away
Myinda, »,/. blind-man's buff Napus, i, m. a turnip [dil Natatus, (is, m. a swimming
Wvoparo, onis, m. a piratical oar- Narcissinus, a, um, adj. of daffo- Nates, is,/, and Nates, ium, pl.f.
galley Narcissus, i, m. a daffodil a buttock, a haunch
Myrias, adis,/. ten thousand Nardinus, a, um, adj. made of, or Natio, onis, /. a nation, people,
Wyrica, ae, or MJrice, es,/. tama- smelling like spikenard or country, a company, sect,
risk Nardum, i, n , and Nardus, i, /. clan, or party
Myrmecltes, ae, m. a stone having nard, the ointment made of it, Nationes, um,'pl.f. the Gentiles
in it the figure of a pismire spikenard Nativitas, atis,/. birth
Myrmeclum, i, m. a kind of wart Naris, is,/, the nostril, the nose, Nativus, a, um, adj. native, na-
Myrmice, adv. slowly as an ant judgment, a bantering, a scoff- tural, original, inbred
Myrmillo, onis, m. a' fencer ing [told Nato, are, n. and a. to swim, to
Myrbbalanum, i, n. ben, or Egypt- Narrabilis, e, adj. that can be swim upon, over, or with, to
nut Narrandus, a, um, part, to be told float, to wave, to move to and
Myrobrecharii, orum, pi. m. those Narrans, tis, part, telling, de- fro, to be loose, or unsettled
that anointed and perfumed scribing Natrix, Icis, m. and f. a water-
their hair Narratio, onis,/. a narration, an snake, a pestiferous person
Myrupola, as, m. a pevfumer account, a relation Natta, ae, m. a dirty mechanic
T»jyr6polium, i, n. a perfumer's Narratiuncula, ae,/. a short nar- Natu, abl. m. by birth
Myrrha, a?,/, myrrh [shop ration, or story Natura, ae,/. nature, the power,
Myrrhatus, a, um, adj. mingled Narrator, oris, m. a teller, a re- or law of nature, an inclination,
with myrrh porter [tell disposition, quality
Myrrheus, a, um, adj. of the Narraturus, a, um, part, about to Naturalia, um, pi. n. the privities
colour of myrrh, perfumed with Narratus, a, um, part, told, re- Naturalis, e, adj. natural, of, or
myrrh ported [story belonging to nature, innate,
Myrrhlnus, a, nm, adj. of myrrh Narratus, us, m. the telling of a implanted by nature, agreeable
Myrtaceus, a, um, adj. of myrtle Narro, are, a. to tell, relate, re- to, or sufficient for nature
Myrtatus, a, um, adj. mixed with port, or recount, to declare, say Naturaliter, adv. naturally
myrtle Narthecium, i, n. a box of medi- Natus, a,um, part, born, brought
Myrtetum, i, n. a myrtle-grove cines, a gallipot forth, bred, created, framed by
Myrteus, a, um, adj. of myrtle, Nascens, tis, part, coming into nature, appointed, which has
made of myrtle, of the colour the world, beginning to rise, or grown
of myrtle grow, rising Natus, i, m. a son, a nephew, pos-
Myrtinus, a, um, adj. of myrtle Nascentia, ae,/ birth terity, offspring, young
Myrtites, ae, m. wine of myrtle- Nasciturus, a, um, part about to . Navale, is, n. a dock for a ship, a
berries be born harbour, an arsenal
Myrtum, i, n. a myrtle-berry Nascor, i, natus sum, Gnascor, Navalis, e, maritime
adj. naval,
Myrtuosus, a, um, adj. like myrtle gnatus, to be born, to be Navandus, a, um, part, to be
Myrtus, i, /. a myrtle-tree, or formed, or framed by nature, strenuously endeavoured
garland to begin, or take a beginning, Navarchus, i, m. the captain of a
Mys, yos, m. a shellfish that has to arise, or proceed from, to be man-of-war, an admiral, a pilot
a small red pearl in it produced, to rise, to rise up, to Navaturus, a, um, part, about to
Mysta, ae, and Mystes, ae, m. a spring, or grow up endeavour strenuously
priest Nasitema, ae, /. a vessel with Nauci, gen and nauco, abl. the

Mystagogus, i, m. he that showed three handles, and a wide kernel of an olive, the shell of a
rarities, an interpreter of mys- mouth nut
teries [priest Nassa, as,/, a weel, or bow -net to Nauclericus, a, um, adj. belong-
Mysteriarches, ae, m. a chief catch fish, a net, a snare ing to a ship-master [ship
Mysterium, i, n. a mystery, a Nasturtium, i, n. cresses Nauclerus, i, m. th2 master of a
great secret Nasum, i, n. same as Naufragalis, e, adj. ship-breaking
Mysticus, a, um, adj. mystical, Nasus, i, m. a nose, sly jeering, or wrecking, where many ship-
mysterious, hidden [tory mockery, anger, wrath, a han- wrecks happen, dangerous to
MythistSria, ae, /. a fabulous his- dle, or ear of a cup mariners [ruin
Myfflus, i, m. the fish Nasute, adv. with scorn, cen- Naufragium, i, n. a shipwreck,
Myxa, ae, /. a kind of prune, a soriously Naufragus, a, um, adj. ship-
trick Nasutus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. wrecked, causing shipwreck
issimus, sv.perl. that has a great Naufragus, i, m. one shipwrecked,
nose, very censorious ruined, or of broken fortune
Nata, ae,/. a daughter Navicula, ae, /. a little ship, a
Natabulum, i, n. a swimming- pink
place Naviciilaria, ae, /. the freight of
Nactus, a, um,
part, having got- Natale, is, n. a place of birth ships
ten, obtained, or found [word Natales, ium, pi. m. the stock, Navlcularius, i, m. the master, or
Nae, adv. verily, really, on my lineage, or family whereof one owner of a ship
Namia, ae, /. properly Nenia, a comes, an original, or begin- Naviculator, oris, m. the same
funeral song ning, parentage Naviculor, ari, dep. to steer a ship
Naevulus, i, m. a little blemish Natalis, e, adj. belonging to a Navifragus, a, um, adj. making
Naevus, i, m. a natural mark, man's birth, or nativity, born shipwreck
freckle spot, or excrescence, a in, native Navigabilis, e, adj. navigable
knot in wood, a blemish Natalis, is, m. a birth-day Nilvlgandus, a, um, port, to sail
Nam, conj. for, as for, but, seeing Natalltia, orum, pi. n. a calcu- NavTgans, tis, part, sailing
that, now lating of nativities, a birth-day Navlgatio, onis, /. a sailing, a
Namque, conj. for, as for feast [day voyage
Nana, ae,/. a female dwarf Natalitium, i, n. a gift on a birth- Navigator, oris, m. he that sails
Nanciscor, i,nactus sum, dep. to Natalltius, a, um, adj. of, or be- Navigatur, imp. there is sailing
get, obtain, or attain, to catch, longing to one's nativity NavTgaturus, a, um, part, about
or fall into, to find Natans, tis, part, swimming, to sail
Nans, tis, part, swimming, flow- sailing, waving, spreading on Navigatus, a, um, part, sailed over
ing, rolling the surface Navlger, era, firum, adj. that will
Nanus, i, m. a dwarf Natatlle, is, n. a place for ducks bear a ship [or bark
Nape, es,/. a dog's name, Ranger to swim in Navlgiolum, i, n. a small ship,
Naphtha, ae, /. a kind of marly Natatio, onis,/. a swimming Navigium, i, n. a ship
clay like brimstone Natator, oris, m. a swimmer Navlgo, are, a. to sail, to ts*il


upon, to swim, to pass over necessity, great need, strict glect, or have little regard ro,
speedily friendship, close amity, near not to care for, or mind
Navis, is, /. a ship kindred, or alliance, an obliga- N6go, are, a. to deny, to disown,
Navita, se, m. a mariner, a sailor tion, or tie to amity to say no, to refuse, to refuse to
a pilot Necessum, n. indecl. necessary give, not to give
Navltas, atis,/. industry Necne, adv.,. for Annon, or no" Negotialis, e, adj. of business, of
Navlter, adv. industriously, man- Necnon, adv. also, in like manner the matter in general
fully, stoutly, resolutely, per- NSco, are, avi, atum, rarely xi, Negotians, tis, m. a merchant, an
fectly, quite ctum, a. to kill, to slay, to de- usurer
Naulium, i, n. a psaltery stroy Negotians, tis, part, trading
Naulum, i, n. a freight, or fare in Necopinatus, a, um, adj. unex- NSgotiatio, onis,/. a negotiating,
a ship pected trade
Naumachia, se, /. a sea-fight, the NecrOmantia, se,/. necromancy Negotiator, oris, m. a merchant,
representation of a sea-fight Necromantlcus, i, m. a necro- a dealer, or trader in, a factor
Naumachiarius, a, um, adj. relat- mancer Negotiatorius, a, um, adj. belong-
ing to the representation of a Nectar, aris, n. nectar, a pleasant ing to trade, or traffic
sea-fight liquor, honey, a very sweet N6gotiatrix, Icis,' /. a female
Naumachiarius, i, m. he that smell trader
tights a battle at sea Nect&rea, se,/. elecampane Negotiolum, i, n. dim. a little
Navo, are, a. to perform vigour- Nectftreus, a, um, adj. sweet as business
ously, earnestly, or diligently, nectar, divine Negotior, ari, dep. to negotiate,
to exert, to show Nectendus, a, um, part, to be to trade, or traffic, to trade in
Naupegus, i, m. a shipwright joined together, formed Negotiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Nauplius, i, to.a sea-fish like a Nectens, tis, part, joining, con- full of business, troublesome,
cuttle necting serious, or weighty
Nausea, se, /. a sea-sickness, a Necto, 6re, xui and xi, xum, a. to Negotium, i, n. business, the
sickness, a qualm [sick knit, to tie, bind, fasten, or state, or time of business, an
Nauseabundus, a, um, adj. sea- join, to tie, bind, fasten, or join matter, or thing, a cause
Nauseans, tis, part, nauseating, together, to link, or connect in law, an office, or employ-
ready to vomit, oppressed with Nectus, a, um, part, killed, slain ment, trouble
qualms Necubi, adv. lest in any place Nemo, Inis, c. g. no man, or wo-
Nauseator, Oris, m. one sick on Necunde, adv. lest from any place, man, nobody, no one
the sea or part NemOralis, e, adj. of a grove, en-
Nauseo, are, a. and n. to nau- Nedum, conj. much less, not to compassed with woods
seate, to dislike, to loathe, to say, not only NemOrensis, e, adj. pertaining to
be sick, or uneasy, to vomit NSfandus, a, um, adj. issimus, a wood, or grove
Nauseola, ae, /. a little pain at the superl. wicked, impious, base, Nem6ricultrix, Icis,/. an inhabit-
stomach, or qualm horrible, dreadful, not to be ant ot the woods
Nauseosus, a, um, adj. nauseous spoken Nem5rlvagus, a, um, adj. wander-
Nauta, se, m. a sailor, a mariner Nefarie, adv. wickedly, villanously ing in woods or forests
Nautea, se, /. bilge-water, tan- Nefarius, a, um, adj. wicked, im- Nemorosus, a, um, adj. woody,
ner's water pious, base, villanous full of woods, groves, or trees
Nauticus, a, um, adj. nautical, Nefas, n. indecl. wickedness, an Nempfe, adv. what then? well
belonging to ships unlawful, wicked, or villanous then ? what do you mean ? I
Nauticus, i, to. a sailor, a mariner action, a crime, an impiety, or suppose, however, for all that,
Navus, a, um, adj. industrious, villany it is to be granted, I grant, I
active, strenuous, laborious Nfifastus, a, um, adj. unlucky, in- confess
Ne, adv. and conj. not, that not, auspicious, of evil omen, pol- Nemus, Oris, n. a wood, or grove,
so as not, and not, lest, lest luted, defiled, profane, piacular a tree
that, much less Nefrendis, is, to. a barrow-pig Nenia, se, /. a funeral song, a
Nebris, idis, /. a deer's skin Nefrens, dis, to., the same dirge, tragical, or mournful
Nebrophonos, i, m. Killbuck Negandus, a, um, part, to be de- verse
Nebula, se, /. a mist, or fog, a nied Nens, tis, part, spinning
cloud N6gans, tis, part, denying, dis- Nenu, adv. not
Nebiilo, onis, to. a scoundrel, a owning, refusing obedience Neo, nere, nevi, netum, a. to spin
knave, a prodigal, a hector, a Negantia, se,/. negation Ne6phytus, a, um, adj. lately
coward Nggatio, onis, /. a negation, a planted, or converted
Nebulosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. denial Neotericus, a, um, adj. new, mo-
misty, foggy, thick, hazy, wet Negativus, a, um, adj. negative dern [fish
Nee, conj. neither, nor, and yet Negator, oris, m. a denier Nepa, se, m. a scorpion, a crab-
not, notwithstanding that, not Nggatorius, a, um, adj. negative Nepenthes, is, n. an herb driving
even, no not, not so much as Negatiirus, a, um, part, that will away sadness
Necandus, a, um, part, to be de- deny [cult Nepeta, se,/. wild pennyroyal
stroyed [dering Nggatus, a, um, part, denied, diffi- Nephalia, orum, pi. n. sober feast*
Necans, tis, part, killing, mur- Negito, are,/reg. to deny stoutly a wood
Necator, oris, m. a killer, or slayer Neglectio, onis,/. a disregard Nepos, otis, m. a grandson, a
Necatuius, a, um, part, that will Neglecturus, a, um, part, about to spendthrift, a second descent
kill neglect in beasts
Necatus, a, um, part, killed, slain Neglectus, a, um, part, and adj. Nepotalis, e, adj. lavish, riotous
Necdum, adv. nor as yet issimus, superl. neglected, dis- Nepotatus, us, to. luxury, de-
Necessarie, adv. necessarily regarded, slighted, uncultivated bauchery, extravagance
Necessari6, adv. of necessity Neglectus, us, m. a neglect Nepotlnus, a, um, adj. profuse
N6cess«rius, a, um, adj. neces- Negligendus, a, um, part, to be Nepotor, ari, dep. to be extra-
sary, needful, of necessity, in- neglected vagant
dispensable, inevitable, nearly Negllgens, tis, adj. \or,'comp. issi- Nepotulus, i, m. a little grandson
allied mus, superl. 7;egligent, careless, Neptis, is, /. a granddaughter, a
Necessarius, i, to. a particular ac- heedless, the'i makes no account niece [means
quaintance, or friend, a confe- of Nequa, ado. lest by any way, or
derate [cessary Negllgenter, adv. ius, comp. negli- Nequam, adj. indecl. ior, comp.
Necesse, adj. n. absolutely ne- gently, carelessly, slightly, issimus, superl. naughty, worth-
Necessitas, atis, /. necessity, or slightingly less, lewd, riotous, extravagant,
fate, force, or constraint, use, NeglTgentia, se, /. negligence, ne- inconsiderate, careless, idle
or occasion, a tie of relation, a glect, carelessness, heedless- Nequand6, adv. lest at any time
band of friendship ness, disrespect Nequaquam, adv. by no mean*
Ngccssitudo, Inis, /. unavoidable Negllgo, die, exi, ectum, a. to ne- Nfique, conj. neither, no»


NSquedum, conj. not yet bond, a covenant to give po»- Nimlrum, adv. doubtless, certain,
Ngqueo, Itum, re. I can-
ire, Ivi, session that is to say
ly, surely, verily,
not, I amnot able Ni, conj. unless, except, save that, Nimls, adv. too much, or too
NSqueor, Iri, dep. I cannot but that, but, if not [ment little, very much, exceedingly,
Ngquicquam, adv. in vain, to no Nlcgrotianum, i, n. a sweet oint- extremely, too
purpose, by no means, not in Niceterium, i, n. a reward for Nimium, adv. too much, over-
the least, scotfree victory, a prize, a public ban- much, too far, exceedingly, very
Ndquidquam, same as Nequic- quet [ling NImius, a, um, adj. too much,
quam Nictans, tis, part, winking, twink- very much, excessive, very
Nequiens, tis, part. not. able Nictatio, onis,/. a twinkling great, redundant, superfluous,
Nequis, nequa, rarely nequi, ne- Nicto, are, re. to wink, to twinkle very
quid, or nequod, pron. lest any Nictor, ari, dep. the same Ningo, fire, xi, n. to snow
one, or thing Nictus, us, m. a winking, a wink Ningor, oris, m. a fall of snow
Nequiter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Nldamentum, i, re. stuff for nests Ninguidus, a, um, adj. snowy
superl. lewdly, wastefully, pro- NIdeo, ere, n. to shine, to glitter Ninguis, is,/, snow
digally, idly, craftily, slily Ntdiflcans, tis, part, building a Niptrum, i, re. a bason, a laver
Nequitia, je,/. wickedness, lewd- nest [nests Nisi, conj. if not, unless, except,
ness, debauchery, extravagance, Nidif Icatio, onis, /. a building of except that, but that, but only,
carelessness, idleness, craft, ro- Nidif Icium, i, re. a nest, a hillock saving [endeavour
guery, malice Nidiflco, are, avi, a. to build a Nlsiirus, a, um, part, that will
Nequities, ei,/. debauchery nest [nest Nisus, i, m. a sparrow-hawk
Nervia, a?, /. a string of an in- Nidlflcus, a, um, adj. making a Nlsus; us, m. an endeavour, an
strument Nidor, oris, m. a savour, scent, 0" effort, a climbing, a motion, a
Nervlceus, a, ura, adj. made of a smell, a strong smell firm posture, birth
sinew, or string Nidulor, ari, dep. to build, or Nisus, a, um, part, leaning, rest-
Nervinus, a, um, adj. made of make a nest, to place a nest, to ing, or depending upon
sinews, strong set a brood Nitedula, se,/. a field-mouse
Nervose, adv. ids, comp. strongly, Nidulus, i, m. dim. a little nest NItela, ae,/., and Nitella, a field-
stoutly, vigorously [ness Nidus, i, m. a nest, a beehive, the mouse, a squirrel, a glittering
Nervositas, atis, /. strength, stout- young in a nest, a child in a Nitens, tis, part, tior, comp.
Nervosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. cradle, a litter of pigs shining, glittering, glaring,
nervous, full of sinews, or fibres, Nigellus, a, um, adj. dim. blackish looking bright, bright, fair,
stiff Niger, gra, grum, adj. ior, comp. beautiful
Nervulus, i, m. dim. a little sinew errimus, superl. black, dark, Nitens, tis, part, endeavouring,
Nervus, i, m. a nerve, or sinew, swarthy, deep, dusk, gloomy, labouring, striving, straining
a string, a cord, a thread, a shady, deeply shaded, inauspici- Niteo, ere, ui, n. to shine, to glit-
chain ous ter, to look bright, fair, or
Nesciens, tis, pert, not knowing, Nigrans, tis, part, black, dark, beautiful, to be neat, clean,
ignorant cloudy, deep fine, or elegant, to be well writ-
Neseieuter, adv. ignorantly Nigredo", Inis,/. blackness ten
Nescio, Ire, ivi, Itum, n. to be Nlgrgflo, Sri, factus sum, re. pass. Nitescens, tis, part, shining
ignorant, not to know to be made black Nitesco, 6re, re. to shine, to grow
Nescius, a, um, adj. that knows Nigreo, ere, ui, re. to grow black sleek, to flourish
not, ignorant, unexperienced, Nigrescens, tis, part, growing Nitibundus, a, um, adj. relying on
unknown black * [black Nltide, adv. neatly, handsomely
Ness5tr6phium, i, n. a place, or Nigresco, Sre, n. to turn, or grow Nitidiuscule, adv. somewhat
yard to fatten ducks in Nigricans, tis, part, blackish neatly
Netus, a, um, part, spun, twisted Nigrltia, «,/. blackness Nitidiusculus, a, um, adj. some-
Netus, us, m. a spinning Nigrlties, ei,/. blackness what move gaily dressed
Neu, conj. nor, neither] and not, Nigritudo, Inis,/. the same Nitido, avi, atum, a. to make
Jest, lest either, and lest Nigro, are, avi, n. to be black bright, clean
Neve, conj., the same Nigror, oris, m. blackness, dark- Nitidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Neuras, adis,/. an herb, or shrub, ness isslmus, sufierl. neat, clean,
good against the poison of the Nihil, n. indecl. nothing, a thing spruce, trim, gay, fine, genteel,
rubeta of no foundation, or truth, bright, shining, glittering, fair
Neuricus, a, um, adj. having the nothing else, in nothing Nitor, i, nixus and nisus sura,
gout, or a pain in the sinews, Nlhildum, n. indecl. nothing as dep. to endeavour, to labour, to
sinew-shrunk yet strive, to struggle, to thrust
Neur6bata, se, m. a rope-dancer NihTlifacio, e>e, eci, a. to make no against, to contend, or insist,
Neur6bates, x, m., the same account of, not to esteem to lean
Neuroldes, is, n. wild beet Nlhiloniinus, adv. notwithstand- Nitor, oris, m. neatness, clean-
Neuter, tra, trum, pron. neither, ing, nevertheless, no less, ness, sleekness, trimness,
neither of the two nothing less gaiety, finery, gentility, grace-
Neutiquam, adv. by no means, in Nihilum, i, n. nothing. fulness, brightness
no wise, not in the least Nil, Jor Nihil, indecl. nothing, Nitraria, ae,/. a nitre-pit
Neutralis, e, adj. neutral, neuter not at all Nitratus, a, um, adj. mixed with
Neutr6, adv. neither way Nilum, for Nihilum nitre
Nex, ngcis,/. death, ruin, destruc- Nilus, i, m., and Nlli, 5rum, pi. Nitrosus, a, um, adj. full of nitre
tion m. a pipe, or channel to convey Nitrum, i, re. nitre, saltpetre
Nexans, tis, part, knitting, tying water Nivalis, e, adj. snowy, made of
Ncxibllis, e , adj. that may be Nimbatus, a, um, adj. wearing snow, covered with snow
knit false hair, anointed, perfumed Nivarius, a, um, adj. of, or for
Nexilis, e, adj.
knit, tied, or Nimbifer, a, um, adj. bringing snow
wreathed together, twining clouds Nivaticum, i, re. a snowball
Nexo, are, a. to connect Nimbosus, a, um, adj. stormy, Nivatus, a, um, adj. of melted
Nexum, i,a mortgage, a con-
n. rainy, bringing, or causing rain, snow
veyance according to the Ro- misty Nivens, tis, part, winking
man law Nimbus, i, m. a black, or dark NIvesco, ere, n. to grow white aa
Nexus, a, um, part, tied, bound, cloud, a bright cloud, a cloud, snow
fastened, or joined together, a storm, a shower, rain, water Niveus, a, um, adj. of snow, whit«
linked, wreathed, delivered NImietas, atis, /. too great a as snow, shining, bright
bound to a creditor store, or quantity NIvosus, a, um, adj. snowy, cold
Nexus, fts, m. a knitting, tying, NImid, adv. by a great deal Nix, nivis, /. snow, a fall of snow
binding, twining, or winding NfmiOpfre, udv. with too much Nixans, tis, part, labouring, striv
(bout, a connexion, an union, a labour -
N:xor, ari, dep. to lean upon, to Nomenclature, ae, /. a nomencla- Nostras, atis, antiq. Nostratrs, f<
depend Nominalis, e, adj nominal [ture pron. of our own country, sea;
Nixus, a, um, part, leaning, rest- Nominandus, a, um, part, to be party
ing, or depending on named Nota, se,/. a note, a mark, a spOl
Nixus, us, vi. force, an effort, la- Nominans, tis, part, naming a stain, a streak, a brand, i

bour, travail, inclination Nominatlm, adv. by name, ex- character, a cypher, a letter, .

No, nare, navi, n. to swim, to sail, pressly symbol, a sign, a token, i

to fly Nominatio, onis,/. a nomination, symptom
Nobilis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, or designation, a naming NStabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. nota-
superl. noble, famous, renown- Nominativus, a, um, adj. nomi- ble, remarkable, memorable,
ed, noted, well known, notorious native, naming extraordinary, considerable
Nobilis, is, m. a nobleman Nominator, oris, m. he that names N5tabiliter, adv. notably, visibly
Nobilitas, atis,/. nobility, noble- Nominaturus, a, um, part, about Notandus, a, um, part, to be
ness, dignity, eminence, excel- to name noted, marked, branded, brand-
lence, generosity, bravery, Nominatus, a, um, part, and adj, ed with infamy, blamed, cen-
virtue issimus, superl. named, called, sured
Nobilitatus, a, um,- part, enno- mentioned, talked of N5tans, tis, part, noting, con-
bled, famed, renowned Nominatus, us, m. the forming of demning, observing
Nobfliter, adv. issime, superl. a word grammatically Notaria, ae, /. the art of short-
nobly, bravely, admirably Nomimtandus, a, um, part, to be hand writing, stenography
Nobilito, are, a. to ennoble, to named [name Notarius, i, m. a notary
dignify, to distinguish, to make Nominito, are, freq. usually to Notatio, onis,/. a marking, are-
famous Nomino, are, a. to nominate, or mark, a censure, a description
Nocens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- elect, to name, to call, to men- Notatissiimus, a, um, adj. superl.
mus, superl. hurtful, mischiev- tion most notoriously infamous
ous, noxious, pernicious, poi- NSmos, i, m. a district, a tune N5tatus, a, um, part, noted,
sonous, deadly Non, adv. not marked, branded, stigmatized,
Nocenter, adv. mischievously Nona, ae, /. scil. hora, meal-time, censured, reflected on, written,
Noceo, ere, ui, itum, a. to hurt, to three in the afternoon, noon expressed
wound, to injure, to do hurt, Nonas, arum, pi. f. the nones Notesco, ere, incep. to be made,
harm, or mischief, to annoy, to Nonagenarius, a, um, adj the or become known, to be famous
wrong ninetieth, ninety years old Nothus, a, um, adj. of mixed
Nociturus, a, um, part, that will Nonageni, ae, a, adj. pi. ninety breed, spurious, illegitimate
hurt, damage, or do mischief Nonagesimus, a, um, adj. the N5thus, i, m. a bastard
Noclvus, a, um, adj. hurtful, per- ninetieth Notio, onis, /. a notion, concep-
nicious Nonagies, adv. ninety times tion, or idea
Noctesco, 6re, incep. to grow dark Nonaginta, adj. indecl. ninety Notitia, ae, /. knowledge, ac-
Noctic6lor, oris, adj. dark, like Nonanus, a, um, adj. of the ninth quaintance, a notion, concep-
night Nonarius, a, um, adj. the ninth, tion
Noctifer, Sri, m. the evening-star at the ninth, common Notifies, ei,/. fame
Noctiluca, ae,/. the moon, a can- Nonasis, is, /. nine asses in N5to, are, a. to note, to mark, to
dle money stain, to brand, to censure, to
Noctivagus, a, urn, adj. wander- Nondum, adv. not yet, not. as yet find fault with, to write, to
ing, or moving in the night Nongenti, a?, a, adj. pi. nine hun- write, or set down
Noctu, monopt. abl. f. in the dred [times Notor, oris, m. he that knows and
night, by night Nongenties, adv. nine hundred gives an account of another
Noctua, ae, /. an owl Nongentus, i, m. an officer that N6tus, i, m. the south-wind, a
Noctuabundus, a, um, adj. abroad kept the suffrage-box in elec- wind
late in the night tions Notus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
Noctuinus, a,um, adj. of an owl Noningenti, ae, a, adj. pi. nine comp. issimus, superl. noted,
Nocturnus, a, um, adj. of night, hundred [times known, remarkable
pertaining to night, by night Noningenties, adv. nine hundred Notus, i,m. an acquaintance
N6cuus, a, um, adj. guilty, crimi- Nonna, ae, /. a nun NOvaciila, ae, /. a razor, a knife

nal, hurtful Nonne, adv. not ? if not, whether Novale, is,n. land first broken up
Nodatio, onis,/. knottiness or not ? for tillage, fallow land
Nodatus, a, um, part, knotted, Nonnemo, inis, c. g. some one NOvandus, a, um, part, to be
tied Nonnihil, n. indecl. somewhat, altered, changed
Nodo, are, a. to knot, tie, or bind some [little Novans, e, adj. fallow
Nodosus, a, um, adj. knotty, full Nonnullus, a, um, adj. some, a Novans, tis, making new, renew-
of knots, difficult Nonnunquam, adv. sometime^ ing, innovating
Nodulus, i, m. dim. a little knot Nonnus, i, m. a monk NOvktio, onis, f. the entering into
Nodus, i, m. a knot, a tie, a noose, Nonnusquam, adv. somewhere a new obligation in law
a band, a fastening, a ligature, Nonus, a, um, adj. the ninth Novator, oris, m. an innovator
a connexion, a joint, the promi- Norma, ae, /. a square, a rule, a NOvatrix, Icis,/. she that renews,
nence of a joint form, or pattern, a law repairs [renew
Nola, ae,/. a little bell Nonr.alis, e, adj. made by rule N5vaturus, a, um, part, about to
Nolens, tis, part, unwilling Normatus, a, um, adj. made by NOvatus, a, um, part, renewed,
Nolentia, ae,/. unwillingness rule altered, changed, transformed
Nolo, nonvis, nonvult, pi. nolii- Noscendus, a, um, part, to be Nove, adv. issime, superl. newly,
mus, nonvultis, nolunt, infin. known, acknowledged after a new manner [yard
nolle, verb, irreg. to be unwill- Noscens, tis, part, knowing NSvello, are, n. to make a vine-
ing, not to favour, to be against Noscitabundus, a, um, adj. look- Novellus, a, um, adj. new, very
NOmae, arum, pi. f. corroding ing earnestly as if he knew young, tender, first
sores Noscitans, tis, part, distinguish- N6vem, adj. pi. indecl. nine
Nomen, a name, a title,
Inis, n. ing November, bris, m. November
or term, a word, a noun, repu- Noscito, are, a to know, or dis- Novembris, bre, adj. of November
tation, renown, respect, rever- tinguish by sight, to see Novenarius, a, um, adenine, con-
ence, account, a reason, a pre- Nosciturus, a, um, part, about to sisting of nine
tence, a pretext, or excuse, a take notice of [know N6vendialis, e, adj. of nine d* '
debt, an article, a debt-book Nosco, 6re, novi, notum, a. to continuance
Nomenclatio, onis,/. a calling, or Nosmet, pron. we ourselves Ndveni, ae, a, adj. pi. nine
saluting by name, a naming Noster, stra, strum, pron. ours, N6verca, ae,/. a step-mother
NSmenclator, 6ris, m. a collector our own, my, mine, of our fa- Novercalis, e, adj. of a step-mo-
ol names, one ready at the re- mily, or country, of our order, ther
citing of names of our side Novercor, atus sum, ari, iep. to
net the step-mother, to treat Nucula, ae,/. dim. a small nut Nummularius, i, m. a banker

with harshness Nudandus, a, um, part, to be left Nummulus, m. a little money


Novies, adv. nine times Baked, bare, or unguarded Nummus, m. money, a piece of

Novisslmc, adv. lastly, finally, at Nudans, tis, .parr, discovering, money, or coin
last, last of all showing Numne, adv. whether
Novisslmus, a, urn, adj. superl. Nudatio, onis,/. a stripping naked Numqua, adv. if any where
the last, the hiDdmost, the ut- Nudatus, a, um, part, made, or Numquis, same as Nunquia
most, farthest, or most distant left naked, or bare, uncovered, Nunc, adv. now, at present, at
Novltas, atis, /.newness, strange- laid open, discovered, exposed this time, just now, now at
ness, oddness, any new device Niiditas, atis,/. nakedness, sim- length, now for the first time,
Ndvltius, a, um, adj. newly-in- plicity of style [ago one while
vented, or made, newly-come, NQdiusquartus, adv. four days Nuncclne, adv. what now?
unacquainted Niidiusquintus, adv. five days ago Nuncia, ae, f. a messenger, a re-
NSvitius, i, 7)i. a novice, a fresh Nudiussextus, adv. six days ago porter [daring
man, a slave newly-bought Nudiustertius, adv. three days Nuncians, tis, part, telling, de-
Novo, are, a. to make -new, to re- ago Nunciatio, onis,/. a denunciation
new, to form anew, to repair, Niido, are, a. to make naked, or Nunciator, oris, m. a teller
'o refit, to refresh, to alter bare, to lay open, show, disco- Nunciaturus, a, um, part, going,
Novus, a, um, adj. new, renewed, ver, or expose, to deprive of or about to tell
repaired, strange, wonderful, Nudus, a, um, adj. ior, conip. Nunciatus, a, um, part, told, in-
unheard of, unexpected, un- naked, bare, uncovered, open, formed of
usual, uncommon, extraordi- empty, destitute, desolate, poor, Nuncio, are, a. to tell, or relate,
nary, admirable weak, helpless to declare, to carry news, ot
N»i, noctis, /. night, a night's Niigae, arum, pi. f. trifling, or orders, to report, to advise
lodging, thick darkness, dark- silly verses, trifles, toys, gew- Nuncium, i, n. tidings, news, ad-

ness, mist, obscurity, blindness gaws, fopperies, idle stories, lies vice
No.xa, a?, /. hurt, harm, injury, Nugalis, e, adj. trifling, silly, idle Nuncius, i, m. a messenger, a
damage, mischief, ruin, a crime Nugator, oris, m. a trifler, a cheat message, tidings, news, a bill
Noxalis, e, adj. belonging to an Nugatorie, adv. frivolously of divorce
offence Nugaforius, a, nm, adj. vain, Nuncius, a, um, adj. carrying a
Noxia, se,/. a crime, fault, or of- trifling, silly, slight message, sent, reporting, fore-
fence, a disagreement Nugax, acis, c. g. a trifler telling
Noxiosus, a, um, adj. hurtful, Nugivendus, i, m. a haberdasher, Nun cub i, adv. did you ever?

sickly, guilty a milliner Nuncupandus, a, um, part, to

Noxius, a, um, adj. ior, C07??p. Nugor, ari, atus sum, dtp. to name, pronounce, qr offer up
noxious, hurtful, injurious, de- trifle, or jest, to cheat, to Nuncupans, tis, part, naming,
structive, poisonous, sickly bubble pronouncing
Nubecula, a?, /. a little cloud, a Nullatenus, adv. in no wise Nunciipatio, onis, /. a naming,
spot Nullus, a, um, adj. none, no, no- pronouncing, or declaring, a
Nubens, tis, part, ready to be body, void, of no force, mo- mention, a dedication
married ment, account, value, or fame, Nuncupaturus, a, um, part, about
Kubes, is, /. a cloud, a mist, a ruined, undone [ther to pronounce, or declare
covering, or disguise, a vast Nam, ado. whether, or no, whe- Nuucupatus, a, um, part, called,
multitude, terror, confusion Numella, ae,/. a collar, a yoke named, pronounced, declared,
Nubifer, 6ra, 6rum, adj. bearing Numen, pleasure, a
inis, n. will, engaged
clouds, causing clouds nod, a determination, or de- Nuncupo, are, a. to name, or call,
Nubiftigus, a, um, adj. driving cree, providence, power, autho- to recite, or rehearse, to pro-
away clouds rity, protection, favour, a bent, nounce, or declare
Nubigena, ee, e. g. one cloud- or inclination Nundlnae, arum, pi. f. a fair, a
born, or coming from the clouds Numerabllis, e, adj. that may be mart, the place where a fair is
Nubiger, a, um, adj. bringing numbered, or told kept
clouds Numeralis, e, adj. numeral Nundlnalis, e, adj. pertaining to
NubUa, orum, pi. n. clouds, mists Numerandus, a, um, part, to be a fair, or market, ignorant
melancholy [eyes numbered Nundlnans, tis, part, marketing
Nubllans, tis, part, dazzling the Numeratio, onis,/. numeration, a Nundiuarius, a, um, adj. of, or
Nubllar, aris, n. a shed, a barn reckoning, a payment belonging to markets
Nubilarium, i, n. the same Numeratd, adv. in ready money Nundlnatio, onis, /. a public sale
Niibllis, e, adj. marriageable Numerator, oris, m. a numberer of justice [man
Nubilo, are, n. to be cloudy, or Numeratus, a, um, part, num- Nundinator, oris, m. a market-
dark [cloud bered, counted, mustered, paid Nundlnor, ari, atus sum, dcp. to
Nubllum, i, n. cloudy weather, a down buy publicly, to sell publicly
Nubllus, a, um, adj. cloudy, caus- Numerd, adv. presently, soon Nundinum, i, n. a market-day, the
ing, or bringing clouds, shady, Numero, are, to number, to count, day for making consuls
dusky, threatening to reckon, to tell cut, to pay Nunquam, adv. never
Nubivagus, a, um, adj. wandering Numerose, adv. ius, comp. issime Nunquando, adv. whether ever
through, or among the clouds superl. in great numbers, flu Nunquid, adv. whether
Nubo, Sre, psi, and nupta sum, ently, sweetly, musically Nunquis, quae, quid, rel. pro*, is
ptum, a. and n. to marry, to be Numerosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp there any, if any
married, or joined to, to inter- isslmus, superl. numerous Nuo, ere, nui, nutum, a. to nod,
mix with many, several, manifold, great to approve
Nucamentum, i, n. a cat's tail, a fruitful, large Nuper, adv. errime, superl. lately,
long excrescence from the pine- Numerus, m. a number, quan
i, of late, not long since, a few
tree, &c. [trees tity, store, measure, a note hours, days, years, or ages ago
Nucetum, i, n. a place for nut- music, a dance, a regular mo- Nuperus, a, um, adj. late, or new,
Nuceus, a, um, adj. of a nut, or tion, regular, or military order newly come, or taken
nut-tree hazel [cracker order Nupta, ae, /. a wife, a bride
Nficifrangibulum, i, n. a nut- Numldlca, a;,/, a Guinea-hen Nuptiae, arum, pi. f. a wedding, a
N;;cipersica, ae,/. a peach Numisma, atis, n. and also N5- marriage, a match, the mar-
Niicipriinura, i, n. a plum grafted misma, money, apiece of money riage-solemnities, the wedding-
on a nut-tree stock Nummarius, a, um, adj. belonging day
Nucleatus, a, um, adj. deprived of to money, corruptedwith money Nuptialis, e, adj. nuptial, bridal
the kernel or stone Nummatus, a, um,part. ior. comp. Nuptiirus, a, um, part, ready, or
Nucleus, i, m. a kernel, a gTape- rich, rich in money, monied about to be married
btone, a pine-apple, a clove of Nummulariolus, i m. a money- Nuptus, a, um, part, married
garlic, the heart of iron changer Nuptus, i, m. a male bride


Nuptus, us, m. marriage Obambulatio, onis, /. a walking Obgannio, or Oggannio, Ire, n. (

Nftrlcula, ae,/. a daughter-in-law about ^ yelp, to mutter

Nilrus, us, /. a daughter-in-law, Obambulator, oris, m. he that Obha;rens, tis, part, sticking
a bride, a matron walks about, or up and down Obhaereo, ere, si, sum, n. to stick
Nusquam, adv. no where, in no Obambulo, are, o. to walk about, at, to stick fast
place, in no thing, in no point, before, or with, to jostle in Obhorreo, ere, ui, n. to look fierce
never walking Objacens, tis, part, lying in the
Nut amen, Inis,/. a nodding Obardeo, ere, si, n. to be on fire, way
Nutans, tis, part, nodding, mak- to shine Objaceo, ere, ui, n. to lie in the
ing signs, shaking, waving to Obarmo, are, a. to arm way, to lie against
and fro, moving, tottering, ready Gbaro, are, a. to plough all round Objectaculum, i, n. a dam, a sluice
to fall Obba, ae, /. a jug, a noggin, a Objectans, tis, part, objecting
Nutatio, 6nis, /. a nodding, a bottle Objectatio, onis, /. a charging
shaking, a moving | Obbibo, 6re, a. to drink up one
Nutaturus, a, um, part, that will Obbrutesco, ere, incep. to grow Objectatus, a, um, part, objected
nod, or shake senseless Objecto, are, freq. to object, to
Nuto, are, re. to nod, to beckon Obcaecans, tis, part, blinding upbraid, to throw, cast, or give,
with the head, to shake, to wave Obcaecatus, a, um, part, blinded to dash against
to and fro, to totter, to be in Obcaeco, are, a. to blind, to cover Objecturus, a, um, part, about to
danger Obcalleo, ere, ui, n. to grow cal- object, oppose, or place against
Nutricandus, a, um, part, to be lous, hard, or insensible Objectus, a, um, part, objected,
nursed up Obditus, a, um, part, shut, barred thrown to, cast, or set before,
Nutrlcans, tis, part, breeding up Obdo, fire, didi, itum, a. to op- opposed
Nutricatio, onis,/. a nursing pose, or set against, to close, Objectus, us, m. a placing be-
Nutrlcatus, us, m. a nursing, or stop, or shut, to put across tween, before, or against, an
bringing up, a growth Obdormio, ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to fall ^ interposition
Nutricia, orum, pi. n. a nurse's asleep, to sleep out, sound Obiens, euntis, part, going, or
wages [sick Obdormisco, ere, n. to fall asleep passing over, covering, sur-
Nutricium, i, n. a nursing of the Obdormlturus, a, um, part, about rounding, discharging
Nutrlco, are, a. to nurse, to breed to sleep Objiciendus, a, um, part, to be
up Obduco, ere, xi, ctum, a. to draw, objected, to cause
Nutrlcor, ari, dep. to nourish lay, cast, cover, or bring over, to Objiciens, tis, part, interposing
Nutrlciila, ag, /. a little nurse, a draw out, to open, to continue, Objicio, ere, jeci, jectum, a. to
bringer up, an encourager, a to lead agaiust, to drink up object, to throw, cast, or give,
support Obductio, onis,/. a covering ^ to throw, cast, or set before
Nutriendus, a, um, part, to be Obductus, a, um, part, drawn, Obirascens, tis, part, angry with,
nourished, taken care of, dress- laid, cast, thrown, spread, or or at

ed, or corrected brought Oblrascor, i, dep. to be angry
Nutriens, tis, part, nourishing Obduresco, ere, n. to grow, or be Obliatio, onis,/. a being angry
Nutrlmen, inis, n. nourishment, hard, or callous, to become Oblratus, a, um, part, angrywith,
fuel hardened enraged against
Nutrlmentum, nourish-
i, n. food, Obduro, are, and n. to harden
a. Obiter, adv. by-the-by, by the
ment, a nursing up, education, oneself, or be hardened and im- way, by chance
fuel moveable Obiturus, a, um, part, that will
Nutrio, Ire, Ivi, itum, a. to nurse, Obediens, tis, part, and adj. ior, execute, or perform, about to
suckle, or feed young, to nou- comp. issimus, superl, obedient,
rish, to support, keep up, che-
pliable, apt, fit, prosperous, suc- Obitus, a, um, part, passed, per-
rish, advauce, encourage, to cessful [ently formed
. ^
educate fibedienter, adv. ius, comp. obedi- Obitus, us, m. a coming to, or
Nutrior, iri, dep. to nourish, or Obedientia, ae, /. obedience, sub- meeting, a setting, death
cultivate, to make to grow
^ mission Objurgandus, a, um, part, to be
Nutrltius, a, um, adj. nursing
Obedio, Ire, n. to obey, to
Ivi, chidden, reproved
Nutrltius, i, m. a tutor, a guardian
follow advice, to comply with Objurgans, tis, part, rebuking
Nutrltor, oris, m. a nourisher, he
Obedlturus, a, um, part, ready to Objurgatio, onis,/. a rebuke
that breeds cattle
„ obey Objurgator, oris, m. a chider, a
Nutritus, a, um, part, nursed,
Obeliscus, i, m. an obelisk reprover
suckled, fed
Obeo, Ire, ii or Ivi, itum, a. and n. Objurgatorius, a, um, adj. chiding
Nutritus, (is, m. nourishment
to go to, or be ready at, to go Objuvgatus, a, um, part, having
Nutrix, Icis,/, a nurse, a nursery.
over, through, all about, or reproved
Nutrices, the breasts, or paps
round, to pass over, to visit, to Objurgito, are, freq. to chide
Nutus, us, m. a nod, a beck, will,
^ view, to surround, to die Objurgo, are, a. to chide, rate, re-
pleasure, direction, consent
Obequitans, tis, part, riding about prove, or rebuke, to blame
Nux, nacis, /. a nut, a nut-tree,
Gbequito, are, n. to ride over, or Oblangueo, ere, ui, n., or Oblan-
an almond-tree
^ before guesco, ere, n. to be enfeebled
Nyct'icbrax, acis, m. an owl
Oberrans, tis, part, wandering, Oblatio, onis, /. an oblation, or
Nympha, ae,/. a nymph, fresh, or
passing offering, a benevolence
river water
Oberro, are, n. to wander, run, or Oblatrans, tis, part, barking
Nymphaea, ae, /. a water-lily, or
spread about, to pass, or fly Oblatratrix, Icis,/. a scold
rose [nymphs
over, to mistake Oblatro, are, o. to bark, rail at,
Nymphaeum, i, n. a temple of
Obesltas, atis, /. fatness, gross- or scold [offer
Nympharena, a;, /. a precious
ness Oblaturus, a, um, part, that will
Gbesus, a, um, adj. issimus, superl. Oblatus, a, um, part, brought to,
fat, plump, gross, swollen, or before, shown, offered, pre
heavy, dull, stupid, lean sented [delight
Gbeundus, a, um, part, to be Oblectamen, inis, n. a pleasure, a
gone to, over, or through, to be Oblectamentum, i, re. delight
passed ovor, to be visited, to be Oblectatio, onis, /. pleasure, de-
O, adv. O encompassed, to be done light
Ob, prep, for, by reason of, on ac- Obex, icis, d. g. a bar, a bolt Oblecto, are, a. to attract, allure,
count of, according to, before, Obfirmatfe, adv. firmly, fixedly or invite, to entertain, amuse,
over against, about, to, towards Obfirmatus, a, uni, or Offirmatus, please, or delight
Obaeratus, a, um, adj. ior, camp. part, and adj. ior, comp. fixed, Oblenio, Ire, Ivi, a. to soften
overwhelmed in debt resolved Oblido, ere, si, sum, a. to squeeze
Obambiilaiis, tis, part, walking Obrirmo, are, or Offirmo. a. to re- Obltgandus. a, um, part, to b*
up and down, walking before eolve, to become inflexible obliged, or bound
16.5 H 3
OBL or.s OBS
Obligans, tis, part, obliging Obmoliendus, a, um, part, to be Obscsene, adv. isslme, superl. ob-
Obllzatio, finis,/, an engagement opposed scenely, filthily [lewdness
Obllgaturus, a, um, part, about to Obmolior, iri, itus sum, dep. to Obscaenltas, atis, /. obscenitv,
oblige, engage set against, to oppose Obscaenus, a, um, adj. issfmus,
Obligatus, a, um, part, and adj. ObmOvendus, a, um, part, to be superl. obscene, bawdy, un-
ior, comp. obliged, engaged, en- waved in sacrifice chaste, lewd, filthy, nasty,
deared, bound Obm5veo, ere, a. to wove, or wave beastly
Obligo, are, a. to oblige, to en- Obmurrnilro, are, n. tt/ r-urmur, or Obscaevo, are, a. to forbode ill to
gage, to endear, to bind, to roar at Obsciirandus, a, um, pait. to be
bind, or tie up, or about, to Obmutesco, ere, ui, incep. to be- disguised [covering
pawn, to render obnoxious to come dumb, to be silent, to be Obscurans, tis, part, obscuring,
Oblimatus, a, um, part, covered out of use [about Obscuratio, onis,/. a darkening
with mud Obnatus, a, um, part, grown Obscuraturus, a, um, part, that
Oblimo, are, cover with
a. to Obnltens, tis, part, struggling will render obscure
mud, to make heavy, or dull, to against Obscuratus, a, um, part obscured,

blind, or debauch, to consume Obnitor, ti, nixus.deT). to struggle darkened, covered, lost
Oblinio, Ire, Ivi, itum, a. to anoint, against, to strive, to endeavour Obscurfe, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
or smear over, to daub, to make Obnixe, adv. earnestly superl. obscurely, darkly, ab-
foul [over Obnixus, a, um, part, struggling, strusely, closely, dissemblingly
Obllnltus, a, um, part, smeared thrusting, pushing, beating, Obscuritas, atis, /. obscurity,
Obllno, 6re, levi, litum, a. to bearing darkness, duskiness, gloomi«
smear, daub, or lay over with, Obnoxie, adv. fearfully, gently, ness, dimneoi
to tarnish, or defile with reserve Obscuro, are, a. to make obscure,
Obliquans, tis, part, placing ob- Obnoxiose, adv. favourably to darken, to blind, to disguise,
liquely, turning aside, or askew Obnoxiosus, a, um, adj. haughty or perplex
Obliquatus, a, um, part, running Obnoxius, a, um, adj. obnoxious, Obscurum, adv. darkly
crookedly liable, subject, exposed, prone, Obscurus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Oblique, adv. obliquely, across, inclined, attached, engaged issimus, superl. obscure, dark,
athwart, indirectly, slily Obnubilus, a, um, adj. dusky, blackish, brown, dusky, shady,
Obliquitas, atis,/. obliquity cloudy gloomy, misty, hidden, or cover-
Obliquo, are, a. to make oblique, Obnubo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to veil, ed, doubtful Lentreated
to place, turn, direct, or drive to hide, or cover [against Obsecrandus, a, um, part, to be
obliquely, or sideways Obnuncians, tis, part, declaring 0bs6crans, tis, part, beseeching
Obllquus, a, um, part, oblique, Obnunciatio, onis,/. a denuncia- Obsecratio, onis,/. a supplication,
crooked, indirect, transverse, tion an entreaty [beseech
winding, turniDg, bending, sly, Obnuncio, are, a. to declare pub- Obsecraturus, a, um, part. will.
malicious licly, to tell bad news Obsecratus, a, um, part, earnestly
Obllsus, a, um, part, squeezed, Obnuptio, onis,/. a veiling besought, besought
pressed down ObOleo, ere, ui, itum, a. to smell Obsecro, are, a. to beg, or con-
Obliteo, ere, n. to lie hid strong, or stink of jure, to beseech, to entreat
Obllterandus, a, um, part, to be 0b6lus, i, m. a small Athenian Obsecundans.tis, part, complying
wiped out of memory silver coin worth about five with
Obliterans, tis, part, blotting out farthings Obsecundo, are, a. to humour, to
Oblitfiratio, onis, /. a blotting (SbOrior, Iri, ortus sum, dep. to comply with
out, a pardoning, a decay arise, to shine forth Obsecuturus, a, um, part, about
OblltSratus, a, um, part, obliter- Obortus, a, um, part, arisen, to humour, or comply with
ated, effaced, forgotten, obso- ^ overspread, caused, produced Obsecutus, a, um, part, having
lete Obosciilor, ari, dep. to kiss complied with
Oblltero, are, a. to obliterate, to Obrepens, tis, part, creeping, Obsepio, Ire, psi, ptum, a. to stop,
Dlot. or rase out, to efface, to stealing on shut, or block up, to hinder
abolish Obrepo, ere, psi, ptum, n. to creep Obseptum, i, n. a hedge, a stop-
Oblitesco, ere, ui, n. to lie hid in privately, to creep upon, to page [stopped
Oblitus, a, um, part, smeared, steal by degrees, to surprise Obseptus, a, um, part, hedged,
daubed, polluted, stained, dis- Obrepto, are, freq. to creep in, or Obsequela, ae, /. compliance
graced upon Obsequens, tis, part, and adj.
Oblitus, a, um, part, [from obli- Obrigeo, ere, n. to be frozen, to ior, comp. issimus, superl. com-
viscor] having forgotten, or lost be stiff, to be Without sense, or pliant, obedient, dutiful
Oblivio, onis, /. oblivion, a forget- motion Obsequentdr, adv. isslme, superl.
ting, forgetfulness, neglect Obrisesco, ere, gui, n. to become with compliance, dutifully
Obllviosus, a, um, adj. very forget- stiff, senseless Obsequentia, ee,/. compliance
ful, causing forgetfulness Obrodo, ere, si, sum, a. to gnaw, Obsequiosus, a, um, adj. obsequi-
Obllviscendus, a, um, part, to be to feed upon cnu), kind
forgotten Obrogatio, onis,/. the proposing Obs6quium, i, n. obsequiousness,

Obllviscens, tis, part, forgetting of a new law instead of one re- complaisance, compliance, kind-
Obllviscor, i, Itus sum, dep. to pealed ness, favour, indulgence
forget, to omit, to pass by ObrOgo, are, a. to propose the Obsequor, i, cutus sum, dep. to
Obllvium, i, n. Oblivia, orum, pi. enacting of a law contrary to follow, to pursue, to humour, to
n.freq oblivion [used a former gratify, or comply with, to flat-
Oblivius, a, um, adj. obsolete, dis- Obrosus, a, um, part, gnawed ter
OblOcatus, a, um, part, let out Obruendus, a, um, part, to be Obseratus, a, um, part, locked,
Obl6co, are, a. to let out, to hire entirely covered or barred up, shut up
OblScutor, Oris, m. an interrupter Obruens, tis, part, covering over Obsero, are, a. to lock, bar, or
Oblongus, a, um, adj. oblong, Obruo, ere, ui, utum, a. to cover bolt, to shut in, to close up,
longish over, to hide, to bury, to bury to stop
Ohl6quor, cutus, dep. to inter-
i, in oblivion, to sink, to drown, Obsero, ere, evi, itum, a. to sow,
rupt, to give bad language to overcharge, to overrun, over- or spread seed over, to plant
Obluctandus, a, um, part, to con- spread, or overcast, to fall upon, Observabilis, e, adj. observable
tend with to oppress, to overthrow Observandus, a, um, part, to He
Obluctans, tis, part, struggling Obruptus, a, um, part, broken obsaval
against, hard to be removed Obrussa, ae,/. an assay for gold, a Observans, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Obluctatus, a, um, part, having trial comp. issimus, superl. observing,
struggled against Obrtitus, a, um, part, covered observant, careful to please
Obluctor, ari, dep. to struggle over,raked over, buried, sown, Ob servanda, a;,/, observance, ob-
against, to contend with
Obludo, ere, si, sum, a. to banter
drowned, overwhelmed
Obscasna, orum, pi. n. the privitieo
servation, respect, regard,
teem, houoxw
Observatio, onis, /. observation, Obstantia, ae,/. opposition Obsiitus, a, um, part, sewrd cp
observance, attention Obstaturus, a, um, part, that will Obtectus, us, m. a covering
Observator, oris, m. an observer, withstand, or oppose Obte'ctus, a, um, part, covered,
an inspector Obsterno, stravi, stratum, a. to shaded, disguised, defended
Observaturus, a, um, part, about strew, or cast before, to throw Obtfigendus, a, um, part, to be
to observe in one's way covered, or hidden
O'oservatus, a, um, part, observed, Obstetiicium, i, n. midwifery Obtfigens, tis, part, concealing
kept, respected Obstetrix, icis,/. a midwife Obtfigo, fire, exi, ectum, a. to
Observatus, us, m. an observation Obstinans, tis, part, obstinate cover over, hide, or conceal, to
Observlto, are, n. to observe often Obstinate, adv. ius, issime, ob- protect [obey
Observo, are, a. to observe, to stinately, resolutely, constantly Obtemperandus, um, part, to
watch, to tend, or keep, to wait Obstinatio, onis, /. obstinacy, Obtempfirans, part, obeying

for, to lie in wait, to esteem firmness Obtempfirantfir, adv. obediently

Obses, idis, m. andf. a hostage, a Obstinatus, a, um, part, and adj. Obtempfiratio, onis, /. a submis-
pledge, a security ior, comp. issimus, superl. fixed, sion
Obsessio, onis, /. a besieging, a unmoved, determined, resolved, Obtempfiraturus, a, um, part, that
blocking up obstinate will comply with, or oblige
Obsessor, oris, m. a besieger, a Obstino, are, a. to be obstinate, Obtempero, are, a. to obey, to
sitter in and keeper of a place, to persist comply with, to be kind to
a frequenter [besiege Obstlpus, a, um, adj. stiff, or that Obtendens, tis, part, pretending
Obsessurus, a, um, part, about to is carried stiff on one side, Obtendo, fire, di, sum arid turn,
Obsessus, a, um, part, besieged, crooked, awry a. to spread, or place before, to
beset, blocked up, surrounded, Obstitum, i, n. a place struck pretend [quently
guarded, straitened with thunder, or lightning, obli- Obtento, are, a. to possess fre-
Obsibilo, are, n. to whistle quity Obtenturus, a, um, part, ready 10
Obsldendus, a, um, part, to watch, Obstitus, a, um, adj. blasted, get
to be plotted, against affrighted, oblique, crooked Obtentus, a, um, part, spread
Obsidens, tis, part, sitting about, Obsto, are, stlti, stitum and sta- over, held before
taking up tum, re. and a. to stand in the Obtentus, a, um, part, [from ob-
Obsidens, tis, part, blocking up way, or before, to withstand, to tineor] obtained, effected
Obsideo, ere, edi, essum, a. and oppose, to let Obtentus, us, m. a covering, a
n. to besiege, to beset, to block Obstragulum, i, n. a covering cover, or shelter, a pretence, au
up, to surround, to sit about Obstrfipens, tis, part, making a excuse
Obsidio, onis,/. a siege, a block- noise, roaring, making deaf to Obterendus, a, um, part, to be
ade, a restraint advice crushed, or harassed
Obsldionalis, e, adj. of a siege Obstreplto, axe.freq. to resound Obtfiro, fire, trivi, itum, a. to
Obsidium, i, n. a siege, a block- Obstrepo, ere, ui, itum, n. and a. crush, to crush to pieces, to de-
ade, a watching, an ambush, to make a noise, to roar, to stroy, to trample upon, to tread
apparent danger, a hostage sound, to resound, to interrupt underfoot
Obsido, ere, edi, a. to beset, to Obstrictus, a, um, part, tied Obtestans, tis, part, calling to
block up, to possess, to intercept about, bound, entangled, en- witness, or assistance, beseech-
Obsignandus, a, um, part, to be snared, engaged, obliged ing, alleging
sealed up [signing Obstrictus, us, m. narrowness Obtestatio, onis,/. a supplication,
Obsignans, tis, part, stamping, Obstrigillator, oris, m. a detracter or entreaty, importunity
Obsignator, oris, m. a sealer Obstrigillo, are, a., or Obstiin- Obtestatus, a, um, part, conjured,
Obsignatus, a, um, part, sealed gillo, to hamper, or entangle, to entreated, earnestly besought
Obsigno, are, a. to seal up, to seal reflect upon Obtestor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Obsipo, are, a. to sprinkle, to Obstringillaturus, a, um, part. call to witness, to protest, to
scatter [crowding that will hinder, or oppose conjure, to beseech, to implore
Obsistens, tis, part, opposing, Obstringo, fire, xi, ictum, a. to for succour
Obsisto, ere, stlti, stitum, n. to tie, or bind about, to tie, or Obtexens, tis, part, covering
stand in the way, to stop, or bind, to entangle, to engage Obtexo, fire, ui, turn, a. to cover
hinder, to oppose Obstructio, onis, /. an obstruc- Obticentia, se,/. aposiopesis
Obsitus, a, um, part, sown over tion Obticeo, ere, ui, n. to be silent, to
with seed, set, or planted, Obstructions, a, um, part, that be left off
covered, overgrown, loaded, op- will stop up Obticesco, cui, cfire, to become
pressed [solete Obstructus, a, um, part, ob- silent, to be struck silent
ObsOlefacio, fire, n. to become ob- structed, stopped, shut, or Obtitnendus, a, um, part, to be
Obsolefactus, a, um, part, grown built up, prejudiced obtained, possessed
obsolete, old, or unfit for use Obstrudo, fire, a. to cram down Obtinens, tis,- part, obtaining,
Obs61eo, ere, ui and evi, n. to Obstruo, fire, uxi, uctum, a. to possessing, governing
grow out of use stop, fill, shut, block, or dam Obtlneo, ere, ui, entum, a. to ob-
Obs6lesco, fire, incep. to grow out up, to stop, to barricade, to tain, to get, to accomplish
of use, to lose value, &c, to be interpose, to weaken, to lessen, effect, or bring about, to carry,
sullied to eclipse or gain, to have, or possess, to
Obsolete, adv. ius, comp. in an Obstupefacio, fire, eci, a. to hold, keep, or retain m
old-fashioned way amaze, to astonish, to abash, Obtorpeo, fire, or Obtorpesco, fire,
ObsOletus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. to confound ui, n. to be numb, hardened
isslmus, superl. obsolete, anti- Obstupfifactus, a, um, part, asto- Obtorqueo, ere, si, turn, c. to
quated, stale, worthless, sorry nished [astonished wrest, to twist round, to turn
Obsolidatus, a, um.part. hardened Obstilpfifio, firi, n. pass, to be quickly [twisted
Obsonator, oris, m. a purveyor, a Obstiipeo, ere, ui, n. to be asto- Obtortus, a, um, part, wreathed,
caterer nished Obtrectans, tis, part, envying, dis-
Obsonatus, us, m. a catering Obstupesco, fire, incep. to be paraging
Obsonium, i, n. any victuals eaten amazed, or astonished, to grow Obtrectatio, Onis, /. an envying,
with bread, provisions dizzy a disparaging, detraction, a mu-
Obsono, are, a. to cater ObstupXdus, a, um, adj. senseless tual struggle
ObsOno, are, n. to speak whilst Obsum, es, fui, esse, ». to injure, Obtrectator, oris, m. a detractor,
another is speaking, so that he to hurt, to be hurtful, to do a malicious opposer
cannot be heard mischief Obtrecto, are, n. to disparage, to
Obsonor, ari, dep. to cater Obsuo, fire, ui, utom, a. to stitch speak against, to lessen, to op-
Obsorbeo, fire, ui, and psi, a. to up, to cover pose
sup up Obsurdeo, ere, ui, n. to be deaf Obtntus, a, um, part, crush' i,
Obstans, tis, part, opposing, hin- Obsurdesco, fire, incep. to crew crushed to pieces, trodden to
dering deaf [
death, beaten to powder
occ occ OCT
Obtrltus, us, m. a bruising Occalleo, ere, ni, re. grow cal-
to Occuliator, oris, m. a concealer
Obtrudo, ere, si, sum, a. to ob- lous, or hard, to become hard- Occultatus, a, um, part, hidden,
trude, to put, or force upon, to ened [hard concealed, kept secret, or clozs
thrust against, or down Occallesco, fire, incep. to grow Occulte, adv. ius, issime, secretly,
Obtruncatio, onis, /. tbe cutting Occano, fire, ui, entum, a. to privately, cunningly, imper-
off the head sound ceptibly
Obtruneaturiis, a, urn, part, about Occasio, onis,/. occasion, season, Occulto, are, a. to hide, to con-
to cut off the head [headed or opportunity, occurrence, a ceal, to cover, to disguise
Obtruncatus, a, um, part, be- finding [time Occultus, a, um, part, and adj.
Obtrunco, are, a. to behead, to Occasiunciila, ae, /. the nick of ior, comp. issimus, superl. hid-
kill, to slay Occasurus, a, um, part, that will den, concealed, disguised, kept
Obtueor, eri, utus sum, dep. to decay secret, secret, private, daik, ob-
look at, to look steadfastly, to Occasus, a, um, part, fallen, set scure, abstruse
discern Occasus, us, m. a setting, sunset, Occumbens, tis, part, falling,
Obtundo, fire, iidi, iisum, a. to the west, fall, ruin, destruction, dying
beat, or batter, to blunt, to dull, death, an occasion OccumOo, ere, libui, itum, n. to
to weaken Occatio, onis, /. a harrowing upon, to fall down
Obtunsus, or Obtiisus, a, um, Occator, oris, m. a harrower Occupandus, a, um, part, to be
part, buffetted, bruised, blunted Occatorius, a, um, adj. of har- seized [sessing
Obturamentum, i, re. a stopple, a rowing Occtipans, tis, part, seizing, pos-
dam, or sluice [up Occatus, a, um, part, harrowed Occiipatio, onis,/. a seizing upon,
Obturatus, a, um, part, stopped Occedo, ere, ssum, re. to meet, to possession, business, employ-
Obturbans, tis, part, disturbing come [before ment
Obturbatus, a, um, part, dis- Occemo, are, re. to sing, or rail Occtipaturus, a, um, part, that
turbed, disordered, confounded, Occentus, us, jr. an ill-boding cry will seize upon, or take pos-
muddied Occepto, or Occoepto, are, a. to session of
Obturbo, are, disturb, to begin [slain Occupatus, a, um, part, and adj.
disorder, to disquiet, to beat Occldendus, a, um, part, to be ior, comp. issimus, superl. seized
down, to run over Occidens, tis, part, falling, set- upon, seized, apprehended,
Obturgesco, ere, ». to swell up ting, going down, or out, dying taken, secured
Obturo, are, a. to stop up Occidens, tis, m. the west Occupo, are, a. to seize upon, to
Obtusius, adv. comp. more bluntly Occidentalis, e, adj. western lay hold of, to hold, to possess,
Obtiisus, a, um, part, and adj. Occldio, onis,/. a total slaughter to take possession of, to get, to
beaten, bruised, blunted, dulled, Occidio, onis,/. a dying, or perish- enter upon, to engage, to em-
weakened, obtuse, blunt ing ploy, to take up, to anticipate,
Obtutus, us, m. a sight, a cast Occido, ere, di, sum, a. to kill, or or prevent, to take, or get ad-
Obvagio, ire, ivi, Itum, re. to be slay, to put to death, nearly to vantage
troublesome by crying, to whine kill,to ruin, or undo Occunens, tis, part, running
Obvallatus, a, um, part, fortified Occido, ere, cidi, casum, n. to towards, appearing to, meeting
Obvallo, are, a. to fence about fall,to fall, or go down, to de Occurro, ere, ri [and occucurri),
Obvenio, Ire, eni, entum, n. to scend, to set, to die, to perish. sum, re. to occur, to come into
meet, to happen, to fall out to droop, decay, or fail, to be the mind, to offer, or show it-
Obventurus, a, um, part, that will slain, destroyed self, to appear, to appear before,
come Occiduus, a, um, adj. setting, to fall in the way, to meet, to
Obversans, tis, part, conversant or going down, declining, de run to meet, to run, to run,
Obversatus, a, um, part, appear- caving, that dies hasten, or come to
ing Occiueas, tis, part, chirping Occursans, tis, part, running to,
Obversor, ari, dep. to be present, croaking before, or against, flying at, or
or appear Occino, ere, ui, entum, re to chirp, against, putting forth opposite
Obversus, a, um, part, turned to- or sing inauspiciously branches
wards, turned, fronting, turn- OccTpio, ere, cepi, ceptum, a. and Occursatio, onis,/. a running to
ing, wheeling n. to begin, or enter upon meet and attend one for his
Obverto, ere, ti, sum, a. to turn Occipitium, i, n. the hinder part honour
against, or towards, to turn of the head Occuisio, onis,/. a meetirg
about, to turn Occiput, litis, re., the same Occurso, are, freq. to lun too
Obviam, adv. in the way, to meet Occisio, onis, /. a killing, slaugh- often, to run before, against, in
at hand, to be come at, putting ter, murder the way of, at, or upon
a stop to, remedying Occisor, oris, m. a slayer Occursurus, a, um, purt. about
ObvigUo, are, re. to watch against Occlsurus, a, um, part, that will to meet
Obvius, a, um, adj. meeting,, hin- kill Occursus, us, m. a meeting, or
dering, opposite, hostile, offer- Occlsus, a, um, part, issimus, running to, opposition, baa in-
ing itself, free, easy superl. killed, slain, ruined, un- __
Obumbrans, tis, part, oversha- done [bawling (
Jceanus, m. the ocean, the sea

dowing [shadowed Occlamito, are, re. to disturb by Oceanus, a, um, adj. of the ocean,
ftbumbratus, a, um, part, over- Occludendus, a, um, part, to be „ sea [eyes
Ob^mbro, are, a. to overshadow, shut (jcellatus, a, um, adj. having little
to shade, to darken, to hide, to Occludo, ere, si, sum, a. to shut Oceilatus, i, m. a pretty' little
conceal, to veil Occlusus, a, um, part, ior, comp. _ stone
Obuncus, a, um, adj. hooked, issimus, superl. shut, shut up, Ocellus, i, jr. a little eye, an eye,
crooked [ing close, secret a bud, my dearest, my life
Obundatio, 6nis, /. an overflow- Occo, are, a. to harrow Ochra, ae,/. ochre
Obundo, are, re. to overflow Occospi, de/. I began Octmum, or Ocinum, i, re., and
Obvolvendus, a, um, part, to be Occubo, are, ui, Itum, re. to lie, or _ Ocimus, i, m. garden-basil
muffled up be dead [upon Ocior, us, or Ocyor, adj. comp.
Obvolvo, ere, vi, utum, a. to Occulcatus, a, um, part, trampled issimus, superl. more swift,
muffle, to disguise, to conceal Occulco, are, a. to tread, or stamp _ quick
Obv&liitus, a, um, part, muffled, upon Ocius, adv. comp. issime, superl
or wrapped up, covered, daubed Occiilo, ere, ui, turn, a. to hide, more, or very speedily, sooner
Gbustus, a, um, part, parched, or conceal, to keep secret, to Ocrea, ae,/. a boot, a greave
burnt at the point, hardened cover Ocreatus, a, um, adj booted
Occa, ae,/. a harrow, or drag Occultandus, a, um, part, to hide, Octans, tis, m. an eighth part
Occsecans, same as Obcaecans, or be hidden Octava, ae,/. an octave, a tax
blinding Occultans, tis, part, hiding Octavum, adv. the eighth time
O-ca-catio, 6nis,/. a blinding Occultatio, onis, /. a hiding, a Odtavus, a, um, adj the eighth
UccaJiatus, a, urn, part, hardened coucealing. concealment. Octles, adv. eight times
! ! !


OfJingenarius, a, um, adj. being smell to, or out, to search, or Officiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
eight hundred get out, to guess issimus, superl. officious, read;,
Octingentesimus, a, um, adj. the Odorus, a, um, adj. quick-scented, obliging, kind, courteous
eight-hundredth of a strong smell Officiosus, i, m. an attendant
Octingenti, se, a, adj. pi. eight Odos, oris, m. smell Officium, i, n. an office, business,
hundred [feet Odyssea, /. the Odyssey or employment, duty, service,
Octlpes, gdis, adj. having eight OeconOmia, a?,/, economy attendance, aid, assistance,
Octo, adj. indecl. pi. eight OecOnOmicus, a, um, adj. eco- obedience, allegiance, honour,
October, bris, m. October nomic, apt, fit respect
October, bris, bre, adj. of October Oecus, i, m. a large dining-room Offlgo, ere, ixi, a. to fasten to
Octodecim, adj. indecl. pi. eigh- Oen8ph0rum, i, n. a wine-pot, a Offinnatus, same as Obfirmatus
teen flagon Offlecto, ere, exi, exum, a. to turn
Octogenarius, a, um, adj. eighty Oestrus, i, m., and Oestrum, i, n. a a thing about, or the other way
years old gadfly, poetic rage, fury Offocandus, a, um, part, to be
Octogeni, a?, a, adj. pi. eighty Oesjrpum, i, n. a medicament, strangled
Octogeslmus, a, um, adj. the sweat Offoco, are, a. to choke, or strangle
eightieth Oetum, i, n. an Egyptian herb Offrsenatus, a, um, part, fooled,
Octogies, adv. fourscore times Ofella, a?., /. a collop, a steak deceived
Octoginta, adj. indecl. pi. eighty Offa, se, /. a gobbet, a mouthful, a Off'ringo, gre, egi, actum, a. to
Octojiigis, e, adj. eight together piece of flesh, a collop, chop, or twy-fallow, to plough the se-
Octonarius, a, um, adj. eight steak, a cake, a paste, or pellet cond time [trick
Octonarius, i, m. a verse of eight for fowls, a round lump Offucia, se, /. paint, a cheat, or
feet Offatlm, adv. in little bits, or Offiila, se, /. a little chop, a little
Octoni, adj. pi. eight
se, a, pieces lump of paste
Oct6ph0rum, i, n. a litter, or Offectus, a, um, part, stopped Offulciens, tis, part, stopping, or
sedan, carried by eight servants Offectus, us, m. hurt from witch- cramming [crammed
Octuagesimus, same as Octoge- craft Offultus,a, um, part, stopped, or
simus [doubled Offendendus, a, um, part, to be Offundo, ere, udi, usum, a. to
Octuplicatus, a, um, adj. eight displeased, or disparaged pour, or sprinkle upon, to cast
Octiiplus, a, um, adj. eightfold Offendiculum, i, n. a stumbling- over
Octussis, is, m. eight asses in block Offusus, a, um, part, poured, or
money Offendo, fire, di, sum, a. to offend, sprinkled, overwhelmed, pre-
Ocularis, e, adj. belonging to, or or give offence, to displease, to sented, excited
of the eyes disgust, to find a fault, to find, Oggannio, same as Obgannio
Octilarius, a, um, adj. ocular, of or act amiss, to mistake, to Ogg6ro, ere, essi, estum, a. to
the eyes stumble, to hit, strike, or run give, or put in plenty
Oeularius, i, m. an oculist against, to hit, or strike, to Oh, interj. oh 1

Oculata, se, /. a fish with many strike, or come upon, to find, to Ohe, interj. enough
eyes run, or fall, to hurt Oho, interj. oho
Oculatio, 6tiis, /. a taking away Offensa, se,/. offence, displeasure, Oi, interj. oi
u superfluous vine buds disgust, distaste, disagreeable- Olea, ae, /. an olive-tree, an olive-
Oculatus, a, um, adj. of the eye ness, a fault, or misdemeanour branch, an olive
Ociileus, a, um, adj. all eyes Offensaculum, i, n. a stumbling- Oleaceus, a, um, adj. of, or like
Oculisslmus, a, um, adj. superl. block an olive, oily
most dear Offensans, tis, part, tripping, Oleaginus, a, um, adj. of an olive-
Ocfilitus, adv. dear as the eyes stumbling, falling, miscarrying _ tree, of the colour of olive
Octilo, are, a. to enlighten Offensatio, onis,/. a tripping Olearis, e, adj. of an olive-tree, or
Octilus, i, m. an eye, a view, or Offensio, onis,/. offence, displea- oil
sight, an ornament, beauty, or sure, disgust, dislike, disagree- Olearius, a, um, adj. of, or for oil
_ glory, a bud [song ableness, a trip, or stumble, Olearius, i, m. an oilman
Ode, es, or Oda, se, f. an ode, a miscarriage Oleaster, tri, m. a wild olive-tree
Odeum, i, n. a music-room Offensiuncula, a?,/, a little disgust deltas, atis, /. the gathering of
Odi, isti, it, 6d6ram, rim and rem, Offenso, are, n. to knock, strike, olives
ro, odisse, verb def. I hate, or I or hit [agreeableness Olens, tis, part, smelling, scent-
have hated, not to endure Offensum, i, n. an offence, dis- v
ing, stinking
Odiose, adv. odiously, abominably, Offensurus, a, um, part, about to Oleo, ere, ui and evi, Itum and
unseasonably, affectedly offend, or find etum, n. and a. to smell, to
Odiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Offenstis, a, um, rcrt. offended, yield a smell .
issimus, superl. odious, hateful, provoked, displeased, disgusted, Oleosus, a, um, adj. full of oil,
unwelcome, distasteful, offen- disliked, disaffected, disparaged, oily, fat
sive, troublesome, provoking, tripping 6h5raceus, a, um, adj. of pot-herbs
impertinent, not to be borne, Offensus, us, m. a clashing, a Olesco, ere, n. to grow
dishonourable stroke, a top, or impediment, Oletum, i, ». an olive-yard
Odium, i, n. hatred, grudge, ill- dissatisfaction [offered Oleum, ei, n. oil
will, dislike, importunity, tedi- Offfirendus, a, um, part, to be Olfaciendus, a, um, part, to be
ousness Offerens, tis, part, offering smelt to
Odor, oris, m. an odour, a savour, Offerentia, se, /. an offering, or Olfacio, fire, eci, actum, a. to
w scent, or smell, perfume, spice presenting scent, to smell to, at, or out, to
Odoramen, inis, n. a perfume Offgro, ferre, obtuli, oblatum, a. find out
Odoramentum, i, n., the same to offer, to present, to give, or Olfactaudus, a, um, part, to be
Odorandus, a, um, part, to be bring, to give up, to hold forth, smelled to
smelt out or out, to show, to expose, to Olfactans, tis, part, smelling to
Odorans, tis, part, smelling out oppose [plentiful Olfactatus, a, um, part, smelled to
Odorarius, a, um, adj. of a strong Offertissimus, a, um, adj. very Olfacto, hre,freq. to smell often to
^ smell Offerumentse, arum, pl.f. stripes, Olfactorium, i, n. a box of per-
Odoratio, Onis,/. a smelling lashes, jerks [hurtful fumes
Odoratus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Officiens, tis, part, obstructing, Olfactrix, Icis, adj. endued with
issimus, superl. perfumed, odor- Offlcina, se,/. a workshop, a shop, the faculty of smelling [ling
iferous a school Olfactus, us, m. the smell, a smel-
Odoratus, us, m. the act of smel- Officinator, oris, m. a foreman Olidus, a, um, adj. issimus,
_ ling, the senseof smelling Officio, 6re, eci, ectum, a. to superl. smelling strong, stink-
Odoriferus, or Odortfer, a, um, hinder, to stop, to obstruct . ing
adj. odoriferous, sweet Officiose, adv. ius, comp. issime, Olim, adv. in time past, long
Odoro, are, a. to perfume, to scent snnerl. officiously, readily, cour- since, formerly, lately, some-
OiOrnr, ari, atus sum, dtp. to teously times, hereafter, in after times
OKtor, aria, m. a gardener Onager, gri, m. a wild a«s, an en- Opicus, a, um, adj. barbarous,
Olltorius, a, um, adj. of pot-herbs gine [loaden rude
Ollva, ae,/ an olive-tree, an olive Ongrandus, a, um, part, to be Opifer, a, um, succouring
Olivans, tis, part, gathering olives Ongrans, tis, part, loading, bur- Opifex, icis, c. g. a workman, aa
Olivaris, e, adj. of oil, oily dening, being burdensome, or artificer, or artist, a mechanic,
Olivarius, a, um, adj. of olives troublesome to [burden a maker, or framer
Ollvetum, i, n. an olive-yard Ongrarius, a, um, adj. of, or for Oplificlna, ae,/. a contriving
Olivifer, a, um, adj. bearing olive3 Ongraturus, a, um, part, to load Opificium, i, n. workmanship
Ollvina, ae,/. an olive-yard Ongratus, a, um, pat t. loaded, Optlio, onis, to. a shepherd, a bird
Ollvltas, atis,/. a crop of olives, burdened, saddled, full of Oplmg, adv. richly, abundantly
the time of gathering olives, an Ongro, are, a. to load, to burden, Opimitas, atis,/. plenty of good
anointing with oil to lay upon, to heap up, to ac- things
Olivum, i, n. oil of olives cumulate, to cover, to oppress Opimo, are, a. to fatten
Olla, ae,/. a pot Ongrosus, a, um, adj. burden- Opimus, a, um, adj. rich, fertile,
Ollaris, e, adj. kept in pots some, heavy, weighty, trouble- fruitful, plentiful, abundant,
)llarius, a, um, adj. made in a some, oppressive well furnished
pot [upon Oniscus, i, to. a wood-louse Opinabilis, imaginary
e, adj.
0111, adv. for Illlc, then, there- Onus, gris, n. a load, burden, or Opinandus, a, um, part, to be ima-
Olli, ollis, for Illi, illis weight, a cargo, a hard task, a gined, or expected
Ollula, se, /. a little pot, a pipkin troublesome employment, a Opinans, tis, part, thinking, ex-
Olor, oris, m. a swan, a strong u strict obligation, a pressure pecting, speaking
smell [swans Onustus, a, um, adj. loaded, bur- Oplnatio, dnis,/. an imagination
Olorffer, a, um, adj. bearing w
dened, overcharged, full of Oplnatd, adv. suddenly, unex-
Olorlnus, a, um, adj. like a swan, OnjPchinus, a, um, adj. of a purple pectedly
soft colour Opinator, 6ris, m. a believer, a
Olus, gris, n. pot-herbs, caulwoits Onyx, fchis, m. andf. an onyx, an fond supposer
Olusculum, i, n. small salading ^ alabaster, an alabaster-box Opinatus, a, um, part, and adj.
Olympias, adis,/. an olympiad Opacitas, atis,/. darkness issimus, superl. thought, sup-
Olympionices, as, m. a victor at Opaco, are, a. to shade, or darken posed, imagined, speaking
w the Olympic games
Opacus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- Opinatus, us, m. fancy, imagina-
Olympus, i, to. heaven mus, superl. shady, dusky, dark tion
01?ra, as,/, a kind of wheat gloomy, growing in the shade, Opinio, Snis, /. opinion, persua-
Omasum, i, n. fat tripe _ thick sion, belief, sentiment, judg-
Omen, inis, n. an omen, a token Opalus, i, m., and Opalum, i, n. ment, fancy, imagination, sus-
' of good, or bad luck the opal stone, shining like fire ^ picion, a guess
Omentatus, a, um, adj. made with Opella, ae, /. little labour, or busi Oplniosissimus, a, um, adj. very
_ suet [bowels ness opinionative
Omentum, i, n. the caul of the Op6ra, ae, /. work, labour, pains, Opiniosus, a, um, adj. full of
Ominans, tis, part, presaging attention, endeavour, service, opinions, opinionative
Ominator, oris, to. a foreboder assistance, help, usefulness, an Opinor, ari, dep. to think, to
Ominatus, a, um, part, presaging employment, business, or trade believe, to assent to, to judge,
Ominor, ari, dep. to presage, to a task, a performance to suppose, fancy
forebode Opgrans, tis, part, working, la Opinus, a, um, adj. thought of,
Ominose, adv. ominously '
bouring thinking of
Ominosus, a, um, adj. ominous, Opgraria, as, /. a workwoman Opiparg, adv. richly, magnificent.
ill-boding, inauspicious, un- Opgrarius, a, um, adj. of work w ly, daintily
lucky [loss Opgrarius, i, m. a workman, a Opiparus, a, um, adj. rich, plen-
Omissio, onis, /. an omission, a slave tiful, sumptuous, costly, dainty
Omissurus, a, um, part, that will, Opgratio, 5nis,/. a working Opis, gen., same as Ops
or is about to forego Opgratus, a, um, part, working, OpisthOgraphus, a, um, adj. writ-
Omissus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, employed, busied, sacrificing ten on both sides [necked
comp. omitted, left, careless Operculatus, a, um, part, covered 0pisth6tonicus, a, um, adj. wry-
Omittendus, a, um, part, to be over [up Opitiilor, ari, dep. to help, assist,
let alone, or neglected Operculo, are, a. to coyer, to stop or aid, to relieve, or redress
Omittens, tis, part, omitting Operculum, i, n. a cover, a lid Opium, i, 7i. the juice of poppies
Omitto, gre, Isi, issum, a. to Opgriendus, a, um, part, to be OpSbalsamum, i, n. balm of Gi-
omit, to pass by, to say nothing covered [cealing lead
of, to neglect, to slight, to lay Opgriens, tis, part, covering, con- Opobalsametum, i, n. a place
Omnlfariam, adv. all manner of Opgrimentum, i, n. a covering, a where the balm of Gilead grows
ways lid, a coverlet, or counterpane, Opopanax, acis,/. the juice of all-
Omnif'er, a, um, adj. that bears a winkle, a housing heal
all things, or of all kinds Opgrio, ire, ui, turn, a. to cover, Oporteo, ere, n. to behove, to
Omnlformis, e, adj. of all kinds of to close, to shut up, to conceal, befit
shapes [kinds to bury Oppalleo, ere, n. to grow pale
Omniggnus, a, um, adj. of all Opgror, ari, dep. to work, to la- Oppando, gre, di, a. to spread out.
Omnimodls, adv. totally, wholly hour, to be employed in Oppango, gre, egi, actum, a. to
OmnlmodG, adv. by all means Opgrosg, adv. ius, comp. isslme, fasten to, to give closely
Omuimodus, a, um, adj. of all superl. with much labour, or Oppgdo, gre, n. to affront
kinds pains [nicety Oppgriendus, a, um, part, to be
Omnin&, adv. in, or at all, but, Opgrosttas, atis, /. too much waited for
wholly, entirely, altogether Opgrosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Oppgriens, tis, parr, waiting, stay-
Omnlparens, tis, adj. allproducing issimus, superl. laborious, busy, ing tor
OmnipfStens, tis, part, omnipo- industrious, active, efficacious Oppgrior, iri, tus and itus swv
tent, almighty Opertaneus, a, um, adj. secret dep. to wait, stay, or tarry for, v
Omnis, e, adj. all, the whole, Opertio, onis,/. a covering over watch [against
every, any, the utmost, very Opertorium, i, n. a coverlet Oppessulatus, a, um, adj. barred
earnest Opertum, i, n. a secret place, a Oppgtendus, a, um, part, to be
Omnltuens, tis, part, all-seeing secret undergone, or suffered
Omnltuens, tis, part, all-conserv- Opertus, a, um, part, covered, Oppgtitus, a, um,part. undergone
ing [about "covered over, concealed, shut, Oppgto, gre, Ivi, or ii, Hum, a. to
Omnlvagus, a, um, adj. wandering shut up undergo, to suffer, to die
Oinulvolus, a, um, adj. coveting Opertus, (is, m. a covering Opplco, are, a. to pitch over
all beautiful women Opes, same as Ops Oppldanus, a, um, adj of ? tin
Omnlvorus, a, um, adj. eating all Ophj'es, is, to. a black marble Oppidanus, i, >*. c. townsman! a
sorts'mlcus, i, m. an oculist citizen

Oppidatlm, adv. town by town / power, might, rule, dominion, Orator, oris, m. an orator, w
Opptd6, adv. very much, quite, empire, help, assistance ; opes, speaker, a mediator, an inter-
wholly pi. f. power, strength, great- _ cessor
Oppldftlum, n. dim. a little town
i, ness, dominion, empire, troops Oratoria, ae,/. oratory, rhetoric
Oppldum, i, n. a walled town, a Opsonator, &c. same as Obsona- Oratorie, adv. rhetorically
town, or borough, a city tor, &c. Oratorius, a, um, adj. oratorical,
Oppigngrator, oris, m. one who Optabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. de- _ of an orator
lends on a pledge sirable, eligible sirably Oratum, i, n. a request
Oppigngro, are, a. to pawn, to en- Optabiliter, adv. ius, comp. de- Oraturus, a, um, part, about to
gage, or bind one's sclt' Optandus, a, um, part, to be _ pray for
Oppilatio, onis,/. a stopping wished for [siring Oratus, a, um, part, prayed, be-
Oppllatus, a, um, part, stopped Optans, tis, part, wishing, de- _ sought
Oppllo, are, a. to stop, or till up Optatio, onis, /. a wishing, or Oratus, us, m. a desire, request,
Oppleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to fill wish or entreaty
full, up, or all over, to fill Optatd, adv. desirably Orbatio, onis, /. privation
Oppletus, a, um, part, filled Optatlvus, a, um, adj. optative, Orbator, oris, m. he that bereaves
Opploro, are, n. to weep, wail, or wishing of children
whine [opposed Optatum, i, n. a wish, or desire Orbaturus, a, um, part, that will
Opponendus, a, um, part, to be Opfatus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, bereave of a child, or children
Opponens, tis, part, opposing comp. isslmus, superl. wished, Orbatus, a, um, part, deprived,
Oppono, 6re, osui and. sivi, osl- desired, or longed for, entreated or bereaved of, destitute
tum, a. to oppose to set, place, Optlmas, atis, c. g. adj. that is Orblculatim, adv. in round figures
lay, fix for aristocracy, of the first Orbiculatus, a, um, adj. of a cir-
Opportune, adv. comp. isslme,
ius, quality cular form, round
superl. opportunely, seasonably, Optimates, um, pi. m. grandees, Orbiculus, i, m. a little round
fitly nobles, great men, defenders of ball, the wheel of a pulley
Opportunltas, atis,/. opportunity, the senate, &c. Orblle, is, n. the end of an axle-
seasonableness, convenience Optime, adv. best, very well, most tree
Opportunus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. conveniently, opportunely Orbis, is, m. an orb, a circle, a
issimus, superl. seasonable, well- Optimus, a, um, adj. superl. best, circular, or round figure, a cir-
timed, fit, proper, meet, con- most eligible, most fit, meet, cuit, or compass, a round, a
venient, commodious, useful, proper, or convenient, most wheel
serviceable seasonable, most excellent, or Orbita, ae,/. a rut, a print, or im-
Opposltio, onis,/. opposition perfect pression, a mark
OppOsiturus, a, um, part, about Optio, onis,/. option, choice Orbltas, atis,/. a being without
to oppose Optio, onis, m. an assistant, a children, a loss of relations
OppSsitus, a, um, part, and adj. deputy, an advantage Orbo, are, a. to deprive, or be-
opposed, set, put, or placed Optlvus, a, um, adj. assumed, reave of, to abridge, to leave
against, before, or in the way, added helpless
lying between, shut Opto, are, a. to wish, or desire, Orbus, a, um, adj. fatherless, or
Opp&sltus, us, m. opposition to wish for, to want, or require, motherless, childless, deprived,
Oppressio, onis, /. oppression, w to
choose, to choose out bereaved, or destitute of, lonely,
suppression [ing Opulens, tis, ad/, opulent, wealthy forsaken
Oppressiunciila, ae,/. a little press- Optilenter, adv. Ius, comp. plenti- Orca, ae,/. a fish, a precious stone
Oppressor, oris, m. an oppressor, fully, abundantly, magnificently Orchestra, ae,/. a stage for music,
a suppressor Opiilentia, a?,/, opulence, wealth, seats for the senators
Oppressurus, a, um, part, about riches, greatness, power, plenty, Orchis, iris,/ a sort of olive
to oppress, that will sink ^ abundance [supply Orclvus, a, um, adj. pertaining
Oppressus, a, um, part, oppress- Opiileato, are, a. to enrich, to to death
ed, pressed, or borne down, Optilentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Orciila, ae,/. dim.a little jar
squeezed flat, or to death, isslmus, superl. opulent, weal- Orcus, ci, m. Pluto, the state,
crushed, killed, overpowered, thy, rich, enriched, magnificent, house, place, or receptacle of
overcharged. [oppressed great, powerful, plentiful the dead, hell
Opprimendus, a, um, part, to be f)pulesco, ere, incep. to grow rich Orcynus, i, m. a kind of large sea-
Opprlmo, fire, essi, essum, a. to Opulus, i,/. witch-hazel fish of the tunny-fish species
oppress, to press, thrust, or Opus, ens, n. a work, a perform- Ordiendus, a, um, part, to be
bear down, to bear, or fall heavy ance, workmanship, an employ- begun
upon, to depress, or dispirit, to ment, a business, a task, toil, Ordiens, tis, part, beginning
crush pains, labour, difficulty, an act, Ordinandus, a, um, part, to b«
Opprobramentum, i, n. a re- or deed, an exploit methodized, managed, settled,
proach, a disgrace Opus, n. indecl. need, occasion or governed
Opprobrans, tis, part, reviling Opus, adj. indecl. needful, neces- Ordinarius, a, um, adj. ordinary,
Opprobratio, onis,/. an upbraid- sary [work usual, placed, set, or planted in
ing Opusculum, i, n. dim. a little order, regular
Opprobrium, i, n. a reproach, a Ora, ae, /. a coast, region, part, or Ordinate, adv. methodically
disgrace, a scandal country, the border of a coun- Ordlnatim, adv. in good order, in
Opprobro, are, a. to upbraid, to try, the sea-coast, a tract, or rank and file, regularly
object climate, the extremity, edge, Ordinatio, onis, / a method, a
Oppugnandus, a, um, part, to be brim, margin, hem, or border of practice, a creation of go-
attacked, or assaulted a thing vernors, administration
Oppugnans, tis, part, assaulting Oraculum, i, n. an oracle, a pro- Ordinator, oris, m. a manager
Oppugnatio, onis,/ an assault, a phecy, or prediction, an answer, Ordinaturus, a, um, part, about
siege, opposition the place where divine answers to settle
Oppugnator, oris, m. an opposer, _ are given Ordinatus, a, um, part, and adj.
a besieger, an enemy Orandus, a, um, part, to be prayed ior, comp. set in order, ordered,
Oppugnaturus, a, um, part, about _ to, or entreated, to be pleaded settled, or contrived, disposed
to assault, or besiege Grans, tis, part, beginning, pray- Ordino, are, a. to set, or put in
Oppugn at us, a, um, part, attacked, _ ing, suppliant order, to order, to manage, to
weakened Orarius, a, um, adj. of the shore settle, to regulate, adjust, or
Oppugno, are, to attack, to
a. Oratio, onis, /. an oration, a compose, to range, to set in
assault, to invade, to light speech, a declamation, a dis- array
against, to oppose, to beat, to course, a speaking, or manner Ordior, Iri, orsus, and orditus,
besiege of speaking, words, language, dtp. to begin, to enter upon, to
Ops,/, or Cpis, whence a plea [oration decree, or ordain, to write
Opis, gen. Opem, accua. Ope, abU Oratiuncula, s, f. dim. a little Ordo, Inis, m. oider, regularity,
method, a way, or manner, a Os, 5ris, n. the mouth, the face, Ostium, a door, entririce Of
i, n.
course, tencs, series the countenance, a look, the passage, the mouth of a river
Orea, se,/. the reins, or headstall head, a mask, or vizard, a voice, Ostracismus, i, m. ostracism, a
Orexis, is, /. an appetite to meat a tongue, language, speech, sort of voting with oyster-shells
Organicus, i, m. an organist, a talk, or discourse, pronuncia- Ostrea, orum, pi. n. oysters
player on musical instruments tion, elocution Ostrea, as,/, an oyster
Organicus, a, um, adj. organical, Os, ossis, n. a bone, a tooth, a Ostrearium, i, n. an oyster-bpd
musical [strnment stone in fruit Ostrearius, a, um, adj. of, or used
Organum, i, n. an organ, an in- Osce, adv. corruptly with oysters
Orgia, orum, pi. n. sacred rites, Oscedo, Inis,/. a yawning Ostreatns, a, um, adj. rough a«
bacchanals, revels, large bowls Oscen, inis,/. a "bird that fore- an oyster-shell
Orichalcum, i, n. a brass metal bodes by singing, chirping Ostreosus, a, um, adj. ior, co rap.
Oricularius, a, um, adj. for the Oscillatio, onis, /. a swinging, a very plentiful in oysters
ears sacred rite Ostr'ifer, gra, 6rum, adj. oyster-
Oriens, tis, part, arising, rising, Oscillum, i, n. a vizard, an image, breeding
beginning, blowing, growing a stone Ostrinus, a, um, adj. scarlet
Oriens, tis, m. the east, eastern Oscinis, same us Oscen Ostrum, i, n. the purple fish, a
parts, the rising sun Oscitabundus, a, um, adj. gaping, _ purple colour, clothes
Orientalis, e, adj. oriental, eastern yawning Osiirus, um, part, that shall bate
Oriflcium, i, n. an orifice Oscitans, tis, part yawning, gap- Osus, a, um, part, that has hated
Orlginatio, onis,/. etymology ing, careless, indolent Otiolum, i, n. dim. a little leisure
Oiigiultus, adv. by descent Oscltanter, adv. carelessly, sleep- Otior, ari, dep. to live at ease, to
Origo, Inis, /. an origin, or ori- ny spend one's time at one's own
ginal, a beginning, a cause, a
~ •
6ms,/. a yawning
Oscitatio, _ pleasure
head, source, or fountain, a Oscito, are, n. to yawn, to gap, to Otiose, adv. at ease, leisurely,
first stock open [yawn without interruption, uncon-
Orior, Iri, ortus sum, dep. to arise, Oscitor, atus sum, dep. to
ari, _ cernedly
to rise, to begin, to be caused, Oseiilabundus, a, um, adj. kissing Otiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
or occasioned, to spring, to often [kissed isslmus, superl. free from busi-
spring, shoot, or start up, to Oseulandus, a, um, part, to be ness, toil, or trouble, at ease, or
appear Osculans, tis, part, kissing leisure, easy, disengaged, unem-
(Jrlturus, a, um, part, that will Osculatio, onis,/. a kissing _ ployed, discharged [tard
appear, or be born Osculatus, a, um, part, kissing, Otis, Sdis, /. a sort of owl, a bus-
Oriundus, a, um, part, that had having kissed, kissed Otium, i, n. ease, leisure, rest
sprung, descended, born
its rise, Osculor, ari, dep. to kiss Ovalis, e, adj. belonging to ova-
of Oscillum, i, n. a kiss, a lip, a little tion
Ornamentum, i, n. an ornament, _ mouth, a hole Ovans, tis, part, triumphing in
an embellishment, an ensign of Osor, oris, m. a hater the ovation, triumphing, re-
dignity, accoutrements, furni- Osseus, a, um, adj. of bone, bony u
joicing, exulting
ture, harness Ossiculum, i, n. dim. a little bone Ovatio, onis, /. an ovation, a
Ornandus, a, um, part, to be Ossifraga, as,/, an osprey _ triumph
adorned, dressed, beautified, or Ossifragus, a, um, adj. that breaks Ovatus, a, um, adj. made, or
fitted out bones marked like an egg, of an oval
Ornans, tis, part, adorning, set- Ossuarium, i, n. a charnel-house figure [triumph
ting off Ostendendus, a, um, part, to be Ovatus, a, um, part, carried in
Ornate, adv. ius, comp. issime, shown, set forth, made plain Ovatus, us, m. a shout for victory
superl. elegantly, gracefully Ostendens, tis, parr, showing Oviaria, a;,/, a flock of sheep
Oraator, oris, m. an adorner Ostendo, gre, d.i, sum and turn, a. Oviaricus, a, um, adj. of sheep
Omatrix, icis,/. a lady's maid to show, to display, to expose, Ovicula, a?, /. dim. a little sheep
Ornatiirus, a, um, part, about to manifest, or discover, to be- Ovile, is, n. a sheep-cote, a fold
to adorn tray, to point out, or at, to pub- Ovilis, e, adj. belonging to sheep
Ornatus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, lish, compose, or invent, to tell, Ovillus, a, um, adj., the same
comp. isslmus, superl. adorned, to make plain Ovinus, a, um, adj., the same
embellished, decked, dressed, OstensOrus, a, um, part, about Oviparus, a, um, adj. that breed
clad, set off, graced to show by spawn
Ornatus, us, m. an ornament, an Ostensus, a, um, part, shown, Ovis, is, /. and m. a sheep, a ram,
embellishment, a beauty, dress, boasted a fleece
habit, attire, parade, arms, or Osteutandus, a, um, part, to be Ovo, ovas, ovat, to triumph in the
accoutrements exposed, to be boasted of lesser triumph, to triumph, to
Ornatus, i, m. the same [ash Ostentans, tis, part, showing, _ rejoice, to exult [fish
Orneus, a, um, adj. of the wild boasting Ovum, i, n. an egg, the spawn of
Ornithon, onis, n. a coop, or yard Ostentatio, 6nis, /. ostentation, Oxalme, es, /. a sharp salt com-
Orno, are, a. to adorn, to deck, or display, parade, a boasting, position
dress, to set or out, to ex-
off, vain -glory Oxygarum, a sharp pickle, or
i, n.
tol, or commend, to grace, to Ostentator, oris, m. a boaster sauce, a salad
crown Ostentatrix, icis,/., the same Oxymel, ellis, n. a preparation of
Ornus, i,/. a wild ash Ostentatus, a, um, part, held out, vinegar, honey, &c.
Oro, are, a. to beg, to entreat, to presented O:\yp5rus, a, um, adj. easuv in-
pray to, to deprecate Ostento, are, a. to show often, or gesting, causing quick digestion
Orsa, 6rum, pi. n. a design, a much, to show, to make show
speech [spoken of, to display, toexpose to view,
Orsus, a, um, part, beginning, to expose, to discover
Orsus, us, m. a word delivered Ostentum, i, n. a prodigy

OrthSgrSphia, at, /. orthography Ostentus, a, um, part, shown,

Ortlvus, a, am,
adj. ortive, eastern lying opeu to, exposed, appear-
Ortus, a, urn, part, risen, sprung ing in view ribSlandus, a, um, part, to hs
up, sprung, born, descended, Ostentus, us, m. a public show, fed, or dunged [raging
proceeding, happening, occa- or example, a show, parade Pabulans, tis, part, feeding, fo-
sioned, begun Ostiarium, i, n. a tax upon doors Pabiilaris, e, adj. that is fit for
Ortus, us, m. a rising, the eastern Ostiarius, i, m. a doorkeeper, a cattle to eat
part, or people, birth, extrac- porter Pabulatio, onis, /. a feeding, fo-
tion, descent Ostiatlm, adv. from door to door raging, or gathering of food
Ortyx, Jgis,/ plantain Ostigo, Inis, /. scab in lambs or Pabulator, oris, n>. a forager
Oryx, ?gis, m. a kind of wild goat kids Pabillatorius, a, um, adj. of fod-
Oryza, as,/, rice Ostiolum, i, n. dim. a little door der
Pftbulaturus, a,um, part, to graze Pagus, m. a village, a canton, or
i, hand, the hand, a hand'a
l'abfilor, Sri, atus sum, dep. to district, a division breadth, a span, or three-quar-
feed, or graze, to forage Pala, se,/. a shovel, a fan for corn, ters of a foot, a palm, or dMe
Tabiilum, i, n. food, meat, fodder, the beazel of a ring, a fig-tree tree, a date
provender, nourishment PaJaistra, se, /. a wrestling, a Palmaris, e, adj. of a palm-tree,
Pacalis, e, adj. significative of place for wrestling, disputation, or hand's breadth, the princi-
peace [dued study, &c, a ring, a stew, any pal, most notable
Pacandus, a, um, part, to be sub- exercise, skill, dexterity Palmarius, a, um, adj. most ex-
Pacate, adv. ius, comp. issime, Palsestrica, se, /. a woman that cellent
superl. peaceably, quietly, with- anointed wrestlers, &c. Palm atus, a, um, adj. having the
out disturbance Paiasstrice, adv. like those who figure of a palm-branch, having
Pacator, oris, m. an appeaser, a spend their time in the Palaes- broad horns with little shoots
conqueror tra Palmatus, a, um, part, marked
Pacatus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Palsestricus, a, um, adj. of, or be- with the palm of one's hand
comp. issimus, superl. reduced longing to the exercises of the Palmes, itis, m. the shoot of a
to peace, or obedience, living in Palaestra vine, or palm-tree, a branch, or
peace, pacified, appeased, re- Paleestricus, i, m. a fencing-master bough
conciled Pakestrlta, se, m. a wrestler, the Palmcsia, drum, pi. n. palm-wine
Pacit'er, a, um, adj. bringing master of defence Palmetum, i, n. a place planted
peace, signifying peace Palam, adv. openly, publicly, be- with palm, or date-trees
Pacificans, tis, part, making fore the world, plainly Palmeus, a, um, adj. made of the
peace, endeavouring to make Palandus, a, um, part, to be palm-tree, made of dates, of a
peace with poled, or supported with poles span [palms
Pacificatio, cnis,/. pacification, a Palans, tis, part, straggling, wan Palmifer, a, um, adj. bearing
treating for peace dering, dispersed, scattered, Palmigen a, um, adj. bearing
Pacificator, oris, m. a peace- routed, broken palm-trees
maker, an ambassador Palatini, adv. like a vagrant Palmipedalis, e, adj. of the mea-
Facificatorius, a, um, adj. per- Palatmus, a, um, adj. palatine, sure of a foot and a span
taining to peace belonging to the emperor's Palmipes, edis, adj web-footed
Paciflcatus, a, um, part, recon- court [piles Palmipes, fidis, m. five hands'
ciled [appease Palatio, onis, /. a foundation of breadth
Pacifico, are, a. to make peace, to Palatium, i, n. mount Palatine, a Palmiprlmus, i, m. date-wine
Pacificus, a, um, adj. pacific, royal court, the place of a Palmo, are, a. to make the print
peaceable, peaceful, pertaining prince's residence of the palm of one's hand
to peace Palatum, i, n. the palate, or roof Palmor, ari, dep. to humour, ot
Paciscor, i, pactus sum, dcp. to of the mouth, the mouth, the flatter
covenant, bargain, or agree, to taste, the cope of heaven Palmosus, a, um, adj. palmy
barter, or exchange Palatus, i, jr., same as Palatum Palmula, se, /. a little palm, or
Faco, are, a. to make peaceable, Palatus, a, um, part, straggling, hand, a date, the broad part of
gentle, or tractable, to appease, wandering, flying, routed an oar [tera
calm, or quiet, to conquer Pale, es, /. a wrestling, a strug- Pahnus, i, m. a span, three quar-
Pactilis, e, adj. wreathed, plaited gling Palor, ari, dep. to straggle, wan-
Factio, onis, /. a covenant, or Palea, se,/. chaff, short straw, re- der, or be disordered
agreement, a promise of mar- fuse, a cock's gills Palpamen, inis, n. a stroke
riage [agreement Palear, aris, n. the dewlap of a Palpandus, a, um, part, to be
Pactitius, a, um, adj. made by beast stroked
Pact or, oris, m. a maker of a Pfdeare, is, n. a chaff-house Palpans, tis, part, stroking
treaty Paleatus, a, um, adj. mingled Palpatio, onis, /. a stroking, a
Pactum, i, n. a contract, covenant, with chaff soothing
or agreement, a condition, a Palimpseston, i, n. a sort of paper Palpator.Oiis, m. a flatterer
promise, a way for writing things on the first Palpatus, a, um, part, stroked,
Pactus, a, um, part, having bar- time soothed
gained, or agreed, covenanted, Palinodia, se,/. a recantation Palpebra, se,/. the eyelid
agreed, promised Palitans, tis, part, wandering up Palpebralis, e, adj. of the eyelids
Pa-an, anis, m. a triumphal hymn, and down Palpitans, tis, part, palpitating,
a title of Apollo Paliurus, i, m. a sort of thorn beating, panting, shaking,
Pcedagogium, i, n. an apartment Palla, se, /. a cloak, a mantle, a afraid [beating
for pages long robe, a short jerkin, a veil Palpitatio, onis,/. a palpitation, a
P;tdag6gus, i, m. a pedagogue, a Pallaca, se,/. a concubine Palpitatus, us, m. the same
schoolmaster, a tutor Palladium, i, n. the image of Palplto, are, n. to palpitate, to
Pa:didus, a, um, adj. nasty, stink- Pallas which fell from Heaven beat, pant, throb, or leap, to
ing, filthy Pallens, tis, part, being pale, breathe fast, to heave
Paedicator, oris, m. a libertine causing paleness Palpo; are, a. to stroKe, to handle,
Paedico, are, a. to debauch boys Palleo, ere, ui, n. to be, look, to soothe, or caress, to make
Paedor, oris, m. nastiness, filth grow, or turn pale, or wan, to tame
Paenula, se, /. a close riding-coat, turn black Palpor, ari, dep. to stroke gently,
a cloak Pallescens, tis, part, growing pale to soothe, wheedle, cajole
Feenulatus, a, um, adj. clothed in Pallesco, ere, incep. to grow pale, Palpo, onis, m. a flatterer
a strait thick coat or wan Palpum, i, n. a gentle stroking, a
Paetulus, a, um, adj., and Palliastrum, i, n. a mantle, a pall pat
Partus, a, um, adj. pink-eyed, Palliatus, a, um, part, cloaked, Paludamentum, i, n. a military
having a cast with the eyes clothed, girt garment, or ornament, a cloak
Paganicus, a, um, adj. of the Pallidfilus, a, um, adj. palish Paludatus, a, um, adj. clothed
country, pertaining to the pea- Pallidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. in military garments
santry issimus, superl. pale, wan, white Paludosus, a, um, adj. marshy,
Paganus, a, um, adj. in, a.r of the Palli6latus, a,um, adj. clothed in fenny
country, or a country village a little poor mantle [cap Palumbes, is, m. and f. a ring-
Paganus, i, m. a countryman, or PalliSlum, i, n. a short cloak, a dove, or wood-pigeon
peasant Pallium, i, «. a cloak, a coverlet, Palumblnus, a, um, adj. of a
Pagatim, adv. in separate dis- a curtain, a cap ring-dove
tricts Pallor, oris, m. paleness, wan- Palumbulus, i, m. a little pigeon,
Pagella, se,/. a little page, or leaf ness, gloominess, mouldiness a little dove
Tagina, se, f. a page, a book, a in vessels Palumbus, i, m. a wood-pigeon
path Pallula, se,/. dim. a little cloak Palus, udis, /. a fen, moor, e*
Paglnula, sr,/. dim. a little pogp Paima, se, /. the palm of the marsh, lake, sedge

Pains, i, m. « pin, or peg, a post, Pannuceus, a, um, adj. ragged, Parasitus, i, m. a parasite, w
a pole, or prop wrinkled flatterer, a spunger, a player
Paluster, haec palustris, and hoc Pannfilu3, i, m. dim. a rag [lint Parastata, ae, m. a buttress
palustre, adj. fenny, marshy, of Paunus, i, m. a cloth, a rag, a bag, Parastatlca, ae, m. a pilaster
or belonging to a fen, growing Pansa, ae, m. one splay-footed Parate, adv. ius, comp. isslrai,
in marshy places Pansus, a, um, part, opened, wide, superl. readily, quickly, care-
Pamplnaceus, a, um, adj. made of &c. [guts fully
vine-> hoots Pantex, Icis, m. the paunch, the Paratragoedio, or Paratragredo,
Pampluaiium, i, n. a young vine- Panther, eris, m. a panther, a net are, n. to exclaim tragically
branch Panthera, ae,/. a panther Paratum, n. provision

Pani pin alius, a, um, adj. belong- Pantherlnus, a, um, adj. of, or Paraturus, a, um, part, about to
ing to a vine-branch like a panther prepare, settle, or get
Pamptnatio, onis, /. a pulling off Panticlnor, ari, dep. to fill one's Paratus, lis, m. preparation, pro-
superfluous leaves, or tender guts vision, furniture, garb
shoots PantOmima, ae,/. a dancer Paratus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
Pampinatus, a, um, part, branched Pantomlmicus, a, um, adj. panto- comp. issimus, superl. prepart d,
like a vine-leaf mimic provided, gotten, procured,
Pampineus, a, um, adj. of, or be- Pant6mimus, i, m. a pantomime, fitted, furnished, equipped, ex-
longing to vines, lull of, nr
an actor of pantomimes posed
covered with vine-leaves, of i Panus, i, m. a quill of yarn, a pod Pai-azonium, i, n. a small sword
vine Papa, ae,/. pap for children Parce, adv. ius, comp. issi;ne,
Pampfno, are, a. to pluck off su-

Papa, ae, m. the pope superl. sparingly, frugally,

perfluous leaves Papa;, interj. O strange wonder- I thrifty, carefully, nearly, pe-
Pampinosus, a, um,
adj. full of

ful 1 rare I nuriously

leaves, or shoots, like vine- Papaver, 6ris, n. a poppy Parcens, tis, part, sparing, for-

leaves Papavgreus, a, um, adj. of poppy bearing, abstaining from, i, d. g. a vine- leaf, a :
Papilio, onis, m. a butterfly, a Parcipromus, i, m. a niggard
tendril, the spawn of the poly- moth, a tent, or pavilion Parcitas, atis,/. sparingness, few-
pus Papilla, ae,/. a nipple, or teat, the ness
Panaca, ae,/. a vine-vessel breast, a cock to a water-pipe, Parco, gre, pgperci, parsi and
Panacea, a% /. an universal re- a dimple parcui, parsum, a. and n. to
medy, an herb [basket Pappas, ae, (and atis,) m. a ser- spare, to use with moderation,
Panaritium, i, n. a little bread- vant that brought up and at- to save, keep, preserve, or re-
Panarium, i, n. a basket, pannier, tended children serve, to let alone
bag, bin Pappo, are, a. to eat pap, to eat Parcus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. isst-
Panax, acis,/. an berb Pappus, i, m. a grandsire, an old mus, superl. sparing, frugal,
Pancarpiae, ftrum, pl.f. garlands man, down, groundsel thrifty, careful, temperate, mo-
Panchrestos, or Panchrestus, a, Papula, ae,/. a pimple, a blister derate, little, small, scanty,
um, adj. good against all dis- Papyraceus, a, um, adj. made of poor, slow, slack
eases the papyrus, or rush Pardalis, is, /. a panther, or she-
PancratTce, adv. strongly, lustily Pilpyrifer, a, um, adj. bearing the leopard [leopard
Pancratium, i, n. a wrestling, box- papyrus Pardus, i, m. a male panther, or
ing, &c. succory, a sea-onion Papyiius, a, um, adj. of paper Pareas, ae, m. a serpent
Panctuius, a, um, part, about to Papyrus, i, f. and Papyrum, i, n. Parens, tis, c. g. a parent, a fa-
plant a flaggy shrub of which paper, ther, or mother, an ancestor, a
Pandatio, 6nis,/ a bending &c. was made, paper breeder, cherisher, or nou-
Pandatus, a, um, part, bowed, bent Par, aris, adj. issimus, superl. risher
Pandecfae, arum, pi. m. pandects even, equal, alike, similar, cor- Parens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Pandendus, a, um, part, to be respondent, suitable, meet, fit, comp. appearing, visible, obe-
stretched proper, convenient, mutual dient
Pandens, tis, part, opening, open- Par, aris, n. a pair, a brace, a Parentalia, um, pi. n. feasts at
ing wide match [mean the funerals of parents, or rela-
Pandiculans, tis, part, yawning Pai abilis, e, adj. easily procured, tions, the works of a parent
Pandlculor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Parabola, ae, /. a parable, a com- Parentalis, e, adj. belonging to
stretch in yawning, to yawn parison parents
Pando, ere, pansum and passum, Paracentesis, is,/ a perforation, Parent aturus, a, um, part, about
a. to open, to set, or lay open, a couching, or tapping to revenge
to spread, or unfold, to stretch Par&cletus, i, m. a comforter Parenthesfs, is,/, a parenthesis
out, or extend, to display, to Paradisus, i. d. g. paradise, the ParentTcida, ae, c. g. he, or she
show garden of Eden, the seat of that kills father, or mother
Pandus, a, um, adj. bent, crooked the blessed Parento, are, a. to perform the
Panegjrricus, i, m. a panegyric Paradoxus, a, um, adj. paradoxical obsequies of dead relations, to
Panegyrlcus, a, um, adj. panegy- Paradoxi, orum, pi. m. actors appease, or satisfy
rical Paraengsis, eos, or is, /. an admo- Pareo, ere, ui, Itutn, n. to appear
Panegyris, is, /. a panegyric nition [tory to be seen, to be proved, to be
Pangendus, a, um, part, to be set, Paraeneticus, a, um, adj. admoni- well understood, to obey, or be
planted, composed, or written Par£lip6me'na, 5rum, pi. n. the subject to, to comply with
Pango, 6ie, xi, pegi and pgplgi, a. two books of Chronicles Paricida, ae, c. g. a parricide, a
to fasten, to drive in, to set, or Parallelus, a, um, adj. parallel murderer of parents
plant, to fix, or settle, to write, Paralysis, is,/, the palsy Pancidalis, e, adj. murderous
or compose Paralyticus, a, um, adj. paralytic Paricidium, i, n. parricide, the
Panlceus, a, um, adj. making Pavandus, a, um, parr, to be pro- murder of a parent, &c. a mur-
bread, made of bread
vided, procured, designed der
Panlciila, ae, f. down upon reeds,
Parans, tis, part, preparing, at- Pariendus, a, um, part, to be in-
cat's tail, woof in the shuttle
tempting vented, gotten, or attained
Panlcum, i, n. panic, a grain like Paraphrasis, is, / a paraphrase Pariens, tis, part, bringing forth
Pararius, i, m. a money-scrivener yousg
Panlfex, Tcis, adj. that of which
Parasita, ae,/. a parasite Paries, etis, m. a wall
we usually make bread Parasitaster, i, m. a young para- Parigtina, as,/, the ruins of walls
Pamficium, i, n. the making of
site Parilis, e, adj. like, equal, suitable
bread, a cake
Parasltatio, 5nis,/. flattery Pario, are, a. to make even
Pauis, is, m. bread, a loaf, a bail
Parasiticus, a, um, adj. parasi- Pario, ere, and Ire, p£pgri, par-
Pannlculus, i, m. a clout, or rag
tical turn, a. to beget, to bring forth
PannoBUs, a, um, adj. ragged, rot-
Parasitor, ari, dep. to play the young, to briner forth, to bear,
ten, lank, shrivelled
parasite, to flatter, soothe to produce, to breed, to Uy
16S I
egg», to cast spawn, to form, vide, to distribute, to sepa- Pastilius, m. a
i, little leaf, a per-
or create rate fuming-ball
fftrlter, adv. equally, as much, in Partio, 6nis,/. childbirth, a laying Pastlnaca, ae, /. a carrot, a par.
the same proportion, likewise, Partite, adv. methodically, dis- snip, a fish
rh like manner, even as, as well tinctly Pastinandus, a, um, part, to bt
PSrlto, are,/reg. to prepare dili- Parti tio, onis,/. a parting, shar- dug and fitted for planting
gently ing, or dividing vines
Paritura, te,/. a bringing forth Partil6, adv. by equal shares Pastinatum, i, n. a bed prepared
Pariturus, a, urn, part, ready to Partlturus, a, um, part, about to for planting [pared
bring forth share [vided Pastlnatus, a, um, part, dug, pre.
Pariturus, a, urn, part, {from pa- Partltus, a, um, part, shared, di- Past in at us, us, m. a preparing for
reo] that will obey, or be sub- Partumeius, a, um, adj. teeming planting
ject to PartiS riens, tis, part, travailing, Past in o, are, a. to dig and prepare
Parma, ae, /. a round buckler, or bringing forth earth for planting vines
shield Pavttirio,* ire, Ivi, n. to be in Pastinum, i, n. a two-forked tool
Parmatus, a, urn, adj. armed with travail, or labour, or travail to dig up tbe ground for plant-
a buckler [buckler with, to bring, or bud forth ing
Parmula, ae, /. dim. a little Partus, a, um, part, begotten, Pastio, 6nis,/. a feeding, keeping,
Parmularius, i, m. a gladiator generated, bringing forth, got- tending, or breeding
armed with the parma gen, obtained, procured, pur- Pastor, oris, ire. a feeder, a shep-
Paro, are, a. to prepare, to pre- chased herd, a herdsman, a king, or
pare for, to get, or put in readi- Partus, us, m. birth, childbed, governor, a parish priest, a mi-
ness, to get ready, to provide, labour, a bearing, or producing, nister
to get, to procure, to purchase, an offspring, a burden, a pro- Pastoralis, e, adj. pastoral, of,
to lay out, to lay, to order, to duction or belonging to shepherds, or
make Parve, adv. a little herdsmen, rural
PiirScha, ee, /. entertainment Parvissimus, a, um, adj. superl. Pastoritius, a, um, adj. spent in
given to ambassadors, &c. the smallest [ness feeding of cattle, used by shep-
Parochia, ae,/. a parish Parvitas, atis,/. smallness, mean- herds, or herdsmen
Parochus, i, m. an officer that pro- Parum, adv. little, but a little, Pastorius, a, um, adj., the same
vided salt and other necessaries too little, not enough Pastus, a, um, part, fed, fed upon,
for those that travelled on the PSrumper, adv. a little while that hath fed upon, or eaten,
public account, he that gives Parunculus, i, m. dim. a small fattened
an entertainment boat Pastus, us, m. a feeding, or graz-
Paronychia, ae, /. a whitlow Parvula, ae,/. a little girl ing, a pasture, food, forage, re-
Paropsis, idis,/. a platter, or dish Parvuliim, adv. very little lief, support, maintenance
Parra, ae, /. an unlucky bird, a Parviilus, a, um, adj. very small, Patagiatus, a, um, adj. embroi-
parrot [&c. little [child dered, studded with purple
Parricida, &c. same as Paricida, Parvulus, i, m. a little boy, a knobs [horns
Parricldialis, e, or Parricidalis, Parvus, a, um, adj. issimus, superl. Patalis, e, adj having spreading
e, adj. pertaining to, or pro- little, small, young, narrow, Patavinltas, atis, /. the mode of
ducing the crime of parricide, short, scanty, inconsiderable speaking peculiar to the Pata-
parricidal, murderous Pascendus, a, um, part, to be fed vians, Patavinity
Pars, tis, /. abl. parti, sometimes Pasccns, tis, part, feeding, nou- Patefaciendus, a, um, part, to be
parte, a part, a piece, a portion, rishing discovered, or made plain
a share, some, half, a head, or Pascha, atis, n. the passover Patefario, €re, eci, actum, a. to
particular, a considerable point, Pasehalis, e, adj. paschal open, to set, or lay open, to
or article, a circumstance Pasclto, are, freq. to feed discover, to disclose
Parslmonia, ae,/. parsimony, fru- Pasco, ere, pavi, pastum, a. to Patefactio, onis, /. a laying open,
gality [spare feed, or give food, to nourish, a manifestation
Parsurus, a, um, part, that will support, or maintain, to cherish, Pateiacturus, a, um, part, that
Parthgnice, es, /. an herb to make fat, or enrich, to in- will make evident
Partiari6, adv. by way of sharing, crease, to make, or let grow, to Patefactus, a, um, part, opened,
by equal division tend laid open, widened, discovered,
Partiarius, a, um, adj. that goes Pascor, i, dep. to feed, graze, &c, disclosed, made known, shown,
shares, shared proportionably to feed, or prey upon cleared, explained
Partlceps, Ipis, adj. partaking of, Pascuum, i, n. pasture, victuals, Patef io, igri, tactus, n. pass, to be
sharing in, made acquainted diet opened, discovered, or disclosed
with, privy to Pascuus, a, um, adj. serving for Patella, ae, /. a little deep disb
Partlceps, ipis, c. g. a partaker, a pasture, or grazing with a broad brim, a platter, a
sharer, a partner, an associate, Passer, gris, m. a sparrow, a flat skillet
a companion in [ciple fish, an ostrich, a lecherous Patellarius, a, um, adj. belonging
Partlclpalis, e, adj. like a parti- fellow to platters
Partlclpandus, a, um, part, to be PassercOlus, i, m. a young sparrow Patens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
made partaker of Passim, adv. every where, in many comp. issimus, superl. lying
Participatus, a, um, part, being places, here and there, up and open, gaping, craving, opened,
taken, part of, shared with down, loosely, scatteringly uncovered, exposed, cleared
Partlclpialis, e, adj. of the nature Passio, onis, /. passion, a suffer- Pateo, ere, ui, n. to be open, or
of a participle ing, a bodily infirmity opened, to lie open, to be ex-
Particlpium, i, n. a participle Passivus, a, um, adj. passive, posed, or subject, to be easily
PartlcTpo, are, a. to partake of, pathic, permitted, tolerated attained, or come at, to be
to share, to divide, to commu- Passum, i, n. a wine of dried plain, or manifest, to be favour-
municate with, to inform grapes [suffer able
Partlcula, as,/, a particle, a small Passurus, a, um, part, about to Pater, tris, m. a father, father, a
part, a little piece, a short head Passus, a, um, part, that hath title given to superior relations,
Parttciilaris, e, adj. particular suffered, undergone, borne, sus- seniors, preservers, benefactors,
Partlculatlm, adv. particularly, tained, been exercised with, or senators, magistrates, Roman
in, or into little pieces lasted emperors, and all the gods, but
Partiendus, a, um, part, to be Passus, a, um, part, [from pan- especially Jupiter; a sire, the
divided [viding dor), spread, spread asunder, male of any creature that hath
Partiens, tis, part, sharing, di- stretched out, hanging loose young
Partlm, adv. partly, in part, often Passus, us, m. a pace, a step, a Patera, ae,/. » goblet
Partio, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. to share, footstep Paterfamilias, m., gen. patrisfa
or divide, to decide Pastilllco, ire, n. to grow in the nnlias, pat erf ftmlliae, and patris-
Partior. In, <iep. to share, or di- form of round ball* f amlliae, the master of a lavnill
Taternus, a, urn, adj. paternal, of, Patioclnor, ari, atus, dep. to be a Paupertas, atis, /. in pi. pauper-
like, received, or derived from a patron, to defend, maintain, or tates, poverty, want
father excuse Pausa, ae, /. a pause, or stop, aa
Fatescens, tis, part, opening, be- Patrona, ae,/. a patroness end
comingplain, extending, spread- Patron atus, us, m. the office, cr Pausarius, i, m. a beater of time
ing condition of a patron, patron- Pausia, ae, /. a kind of olive
Patesco, ere, incep. to open, to lie ship Pausilltilun), adv. never so little
open, to be exposed to view, to Patronus, i, m. a patron, a pro- Pauso, are, n. to pause, stop, 01
begin to appear, to appear tector, defender, supporter, or cease
Patetse, arum, pl.f. a sort of dates maintainer, an advocate,- or Pavus, i, m. a peacock
Pathetice, adv. pathetically pleader Pauxillatim, adv. by degrees
Pathicus, i, m. a catamite Patrouymicus, a, um, adj. pa- Pauxillulup, a, um, adj. very little
Pathicus, a, um, adj. issimus, tronymic Pauxillus, a, m, adj. little, very
superl. filthy, obscene Patruelis, e, adj. the being or be- young
Pathos, i, n. passion, vexation longing to brother's children Pax, pacis, /. peace, peaceable-
Patibilis, e, adj. capable of suffer- Patruelis, is, c. g. a cousin-ger- ness, stillness, a calm, ease,
ing, that may be borne man, a father's brother's son quiet, content, an agreement,
Patibulatus, a, um, adj. crucified Patruissimus, i, m. best uncle a truce
Patibulum, i, n. the /urea, a cross, Patruus, i, m. an uncle, a reprover Paxillus, i, m. a stake, a post
gibbet, or gallows, a bar to a Patruus, a, um, adj. of, or belong- Peccans, tis, part, sinning, of-
door ing to a father's brother fending
Patiendus, a, um, part, to be suf- Patulus, a, um, adj. open, wide, Peccatio, Onis,/. an offending
fered, or endured spreading, broad and flat Peccator, oris, rrt. a sinner, an
Patiens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Pava, ae,/. a pea-hen adulterer
comp. issimus, superl. suffering, Pauci, ae, a, adj. pi. iores, comp. Peecaturn, i, n. a sin, fault, or
bearing, bearing patiently, able, isslmi, superl. few, the few, offence
or willing to bear, endure the chief, special, particular Peccaturus, a, um, part, about to
Patien-ter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Paucies, adv. a few times, seldom sin, or offend
superl. patiently, contentedly, PaucilSquium, i, n. a want of Peccatus, us, m. the committing
moderately words of a crime
Parientia, ae, /. patience, forbear- Paucitas, atis, /. fewness, small Pecco, are, 11. and a. to sin, to
ance, lung-suffering, sufferance, number, scarcity act amiss, to transgress, to
servile submission, a bearing, Pauculi, ae, a, adj. pi. very few offend, to err, to mistake
or suffering Pavefactus, a, um, part, astonish- PecOrosus, a, um, adj. full of
Patina, ae, /. a paten, or small ed, affrighted cattle, breeding much cattle.
plate, a dish, a pau Pavendus, a, um, part, to be Pecten, inis, m. und n. a comb, a
Patinarius, a, um, adj. sodden, dreaded [ing rake, a wool-card, a harrow, the
stewed Pavens, tis, part, fearing, dread- stay of a weaver's loom, the
Patinarius, i, m. a glutton Paveo, ere, vi, n. and a. to be stick, or quill wherewith to play
Patior, i, passus, dep. to suffer, to afraid, to fear, to dread upon an instrument.
bear, to endure, to undergo, to Pavesco, 6re, incep. to be afraid, Pecten Jus, a, um, part, to he
experience, to bear contentedly, to dread combed
to bear, or endure longer, to Pavicula, ae,/. a rammer Pectens, tis, part, combing
bear with, to forbear, to refrain Pavide, adv. timorously, with Pectinatlm, adv. like a comb
Patiscens, tis, part, opening dread Pectitus, a, um, part, combed,
Pator, oris, m. an opening, a width PavTdiim, adv., for Pavide hackled, carded, dressed
Patrandus, a, um, part, to be Pavldus, a, um, adj. issimus, Pecto, 6re, xi and xui, xum, a. to
performed [ful superl. afraid, fearful, timorous comb, to dress, to hoe, to weed
Patrans, tis, part, rolling, lust- Pavimentandus, a, um, part, to be Pect6rale, is, n. a breastplate
Patratio, onis, /. an accomplish- rammed, or made hard Pect5ralis, e, adj. pectoral, of the
ing Pavimentatus, a, um, part, paved breast
Patrator, oris, m. a doer, or causer with Mosaic work Pect6rosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp^
Patraturus, a, um, part, that will Pavlmento, are, a. to pave, to ram having a great breast
effect, or perform Pavlmentum, i, n. a pavement, a Pectuncillus, i, m. a shell-fish
Patratus, a, um, part, performed, floor [ram Pectus, oris, n. the breast, chest,
done, the chief of the beralds Pavio, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. to beat, or or bosom, a pap, the heart,
Patria, ae,/. one's country Pavitans, tis, part, trembling mind, or soul, courage, resolu-
Patriarcha, ae, m. a patriarch Pavito, are, freq. to tremble, to tion
Patriciatus, us, m. the rauk of shiver [closed Pficu, n. indecl. in pi. pficua, uum,
a patrician Pavltus, a, um, part, rammed, cattle, a flock of sheep
Patricius, a, um, adj. patrician Paulatim, adv. by little and little, Pecuaria, um, pi. n. pastures,
Patricius, i, m. a patrician, a se- by degrees, leisurely, gently cattle [grazing
nator Paulisper, adv. a little while Pgcuaria, ae, /. the busjness of
Patrifc, adv. likea father, tenderly Paul6, adv. by a little, a little, Pecuariae, arum, pi. /. flocks 0/
Patrimonium, n. a patrimony,
i, somewhat cattle
a paternal estate, an estate Paululum, adv. a little Pgcuarius, a, um, adj. of cattle
Patrlmus, a, um, adj. having the Paululus, a, um, adj. little, small, PScuarius, i, m. a grazier, a far-
father alive short
Patrisso, are, n. to take after his Paulum, adv. a for Pauld
little, Pecuinus, a, um, adj. of sheep
father Paulus, a, um, adj. very little, or Peculator, oris, m. he that em-
Patritus, a, um, adj. used, or small bezzles public money
found out by our fathers Pavo, onis, m. andf. a peacock PecQlatus, us, m. the crime of
Patrius, a, um, adj. of a father, Pavonaceus, a, um, adj. like a embezzling public money, or
that is the father's, peculiar to peacock goods, a despoiling
a father, paternal Pavoninus, a, um, adj. of a pea- Peculiaris, e, adj. peculiar, par-
Patrius, a, inn, adj. (from patria) cock, made of peacock's feathers ticular, remarkable, singular,
native, natural, or peculiar to a Pavor, oris, m. a great fear, dread
country Pauper, eris, adj. ior, comp. erri- P£culiariter, adv. especially, sin-
gularly, properly, privately
Patro, are, a. to commit, to effect, mus, superl. poor, needy, mean,
to perform, to consummate, to low, little, scanty, trilling,
PSculiosus, a, um, adj. wealthy
finish, to attain, or get feeble [mean Peculium, i. n. private possession,
tis, part, defending Pauperculus, a, um, adj. poor, possession, substance, wealth,
P troclnans,
Piitioclnium, i, n. patronage, pro- Pauperies, ei,/. poverty
Peculor, ari, atus sum,, dep. to
tection, defence, support, ex- Paupero, are, a. to beggar, to de-
prive of rob, or defraud the public.
Pgcunia, ae,/. money, an estate; Pellicio, ere, exi, ectum, a. to in- Peuicillus, i, m., and Pem>il\um,
pecuniae, pi. sums of money, veigle, to entice, to allure i, n. a painter's pencil, a soft
goods Pellicula, se, /. a little skin sponge
Pecuniarius, a, um, adj. pecuniary Pelliculo, are, a. to bind over Peniculus, i, m. and Peniculum, i,
Pecuniosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. with leather n. a painter's pencil, anything
issimus, superl. monied, rich, Pellio, onis,m. a tanner, a furrier that serves to wipe, or scour
profitable the skin, or hide of a
Pellis, is,/, with
Pgcus, oris, n. sheep, a flock of beast, a man's skin, parchment Peninsula, ae, /. a peninsula
sheep, a sheep, cattle, a multi- Pellitus, a, um, adj. clothed with Penis, is, m. the tail, privy parts
tude of cattle, a brute skins Penite, adv. inwardly, deeply
Pecus, Mis,/, and m. a sheep Pello, ere, pepuli, pulsum, a. to Pfinitus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Pedale, is, n. the length of a foot, drive, to drive, or chase out, or issimus, superl. inward, far
a foot-cloth away, to expel, to banish, to re- within
Pedalis, e, adj. of a foot measure, move, to quench, to destroy, to Pgnittis, adv. within, in the in-
or space repress most and most secret part,
Pedamen, inis, n. a prop, or pole Pellucens, tis, part, clear, per- thoroughly, perfectly, clearly,
Pedamentum, i, n. same as Peda- spicuous entirely, wholly
men Pelluceo, ere, xi, n. to be transpa- Penna, ae, /. a feather, a quill, a
Pedandus, a, um, part to be rent wing of a bird, a plume on a
• propped up .
Pelluciditas, atis,/. transparency helmet
Pedaneus, a, um, adj. of the mea- Pellucidulus, a, um, adj. pretty Pennatus, a, um, adj. winged
sure of a foot, inferior bright Penniger, a, um, adj. having wings
Pedatim, adv. foot by foot Pellucidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Pennipes, edis, adj. that has
Pedatio, onis,/. a propping up clear, transparent winged feet
Pedatus, a, um, part, footed, prop- Peloris, idis,/. a shell-fish PennipOtens, tis, c. g. a bird, a
ped Pelta, se, /. a target in form of a fowl
Pedes, itis, c. g. a footman, one half moon Penniila, ae,/ a little wing
on foot, a foot-soldier, the foot, Peltasta, or Peltastes, se, m. one Pensandus, a, um, part, to be
a body of foot armed with a pelta [pelta recompensed
Pedester, haec pedestris, and hoc Peltatus, a, um, adj. having a Pensans, tis, part, weighing, re-
pgdestre, or hie and haec p5des- Pelvis, is, /. a bason for water to compensing
tris, and hoc pedestre, adj. on wash the feet Pensatio, onis,/. a recompense
foot, belonging to a footman, or Penaiia, ae,/. a buttery, or pantry Pensator, oris, m. a weigher
foot-soldier Penarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- Pensaturus, a, um, part, that will
Pedetentim, adv. step by step, longing to provisions recompense
slowly, warily P6nas, atis, m. in sing, whence Pensatus, a, um, part, considered
Pedica, se,/. a fetter, a snare Penates, ium, pi. m. the house- Pensiciilo, are, a. to consider well
Pf'dicellus, i, m. dim. a little louse hold gods, a house, seat, or Pensilis, e, adj. hanging in the
Pedicinus, i, m. the foot of a fixed habitation, a gate air, or up, upper
press Penatiger, a, um, adj. that carries Pensim, adv. with great care
Pediciilaris, e, adj. of a louse his household gods Pensio, onis,/ a pension, a pay-
Pediculosus, a, um, adj. lousy Pendens, tis, part, hanging, de- ment of money, rent of a house,
Pediculus, i, m. a little foot, a pending, relying, ready to fall, land, &c, a recompense
stalk, or stem, a louse or happen, impending, immi- Pensitandus, a, um, part, to be
Pedissgqua, or Pedisequa, je,/. a nent weighed [tioia
waiting-maid, an attendant Pendeo, pSpendi, n. to hang,
ere, Pensitatio, Onis, /. a compensa
Pedissgquus, i, m. a footman to hang up, to be supported, to Pensitator, oris, m. au examiner
PedTtatus, us, m. the foot, or in- depend, or rely, to be derived, Pensitatus, a, um, part, weighed,
fantry to bend, or stoop, to linger, or considered, thought, upon
Peditum, i, n. a breaking wind stay, to remain, or continue, to Pen sit o, are, a. to p mder often,
Pedo, ere, pgpedi, peditum, n. to •weigh or long, to examine much, to
break wind Pendo, 6re, pSpendi, pensum, a. pay often
Pedum, i, n. a shepherd's crook to weigh, to ponder, to think, Pensiuncula, se, /. an acknow-
Peg&seius, a, um, atf/. most poe- or consider of, to esteem, rate, ledgment
tical value, or regard, to pay, to Penso, are, a. to weigh, to pon-
Peg&seus, a, um, adj.most swift suffer, to undergo [down der, to consider, toexamine, to
Pegma, atis, n. a wooden machine Pendiilus, a, um, adj. hanging esteem, or value, to exchange,
for plays Pent, adv. issime, superl. almost, to supply, to compensate
PpjSratus, a, um, parf. perjured nearly Pensum, i, n. a handful of wool,
PejSio, are, n. to forswear, or be P£nes, prep, with accus. in one's &c, yarn, thread, task, a work,
forsworn power, possession, or custody, undertaking, charge, or office
Pejor, us, adj. worse at, with, about, concerning Pensura, se,/. a weighing, or pay-
Pejus, adv. comp. worse, far worse PSnetrabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. ing
Pel&gia, ae,/. the purple-fish penetrable, that may be Pensurus, a, um, part, about to
Pelagius, a, um, adj. ot, or belong- pierced, piercing, penetrating weigh
ing to the sea, sea-bred Penetrale, is, n. and Penetral, Pensus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
Pelagus, the sea, the ocean
i, n. alis, the recess, or inmost part comp. weighed, examined, paid
PelSinis, idisawfi ys, fiis,f. a fish of any place, a house, seat, Pentameter, tra, trura, adj. of
of the tunny-kind place of habitation, or abode five feet
Pelasgus, i,/ a sort of laurel P6n£tralis, e, adj. of, or belonging Pentaptoton, i, n. a pentaptote
Pelicanus, i, m. a pelican to the inmost parts of any Pentateuchum, i, n. the Penta-
Pellacia, ae,/. an inviting look place, or palace, piercing teuch, or five books of Moses
Pellax, acis, adj. wheedling, de- Pgnetrandus, a, um, part, to pe- Pentathlum, i, n. an exercise of
ceitful netrate five games, or sports ; viz. leap-
Pellectio, onis,/. an enticement Penetrans, tis, part, penetrating, ing, running, quoiting, darting,
Pellectus, a, um, part, enticed, piercing, entering, passing and wrestling
deceived through Pentathlus, i, m. the statue of
Pellego, £re, a. to read over Pgnfitratio, Onis,/. a piercing one who had been victor in the
Pellendus, a, um, part, to be Penetratus, a, um, part, penetrat- five games
driven out [fying ed, pierced, entered into PentecOste, es, /. Pentecost, or
Pellens, tis, part, banishing, satis- PSngtro, are, a. to penetrate, Whitsuntide
Pellex, icis, /. a whore, a harlot, a pierce, or enter into, to enter, Penteris, is, /. a v>%%e\ of fv«
strumpet [woman to pass through, or to, to in- banks of oas-s
Pellicatus, us, m. the adultery of a vade, to sink down, to descend, Penthemtmeris, is, /. a penthe-
Pelllceus, a, um, adj. leathern to examine mimer
PSnu, indecl. same as Penus Pfiragratus, a, um, part, passed PercelSrlter, adv. very spfedlly
Penuarius, a, um, adj. belonging over Percello, fire, cfili and culsi, cul-
to provision Pgragro, are, a. to pass, travel, sum, a. to strike, hit, or smite,
Penula, or Poenula, se, /. a cloak, wander, or run over, to pass, or to overthrow, overset
a short, thick, napped coat, a travel through, to view, or sur- Percenseo, ere, ui, a. to count,
cover, or wrapper vey reckon up, or recount exactly
Pcnulatus, or Paeniilatus, a, um, Peralbus, a, um, adj. very white Perceptio, onis, /. a perceiving, or
part, wearing a close, warm, Peramans, tis, part, loving en- comprehending, a gathering
short cloak tirely, very fond Perceptum, i, n. a speculation
Pcnultimus, a, um, adj. the last Peramanter, adv. most lovingly Percepturus, a, um, part, about
save one Perambulans, tis, part, walking to perceive
Pfinum, i, n. all kinds of victuals, over Perceptus, a, um, part, perceived,
meat and drink Perambulo, are, a. to walk, pass, known, learnt perfectly, gotten
Penuria, se, /. penury, great want, or travel over, to spread over Percerpo, 6re, psi, a. to gather
want, scarcity, rareness, few- Peramoenus, a, um, adj. very plea- notes
ness sant [fair Percldo, 6re, cidi, and cficidi, a. to
Penus, i, or us, all manner of pro- Peramplus, a, um, adj. very large, beat all over
visions for a family, provisions, Pfiranguste, adv. very closely Percieo, ere, ivi, Itum, a. to call,
food, a stock ot provisions, fod- Perangustus, a, um, adj. very or proclaim, to move thorough-
der, fuel strait, or narrow ly, to strike, or pierce
P^nus, kinds of pro-
oris, n. all Peranno, are, n. to live a year Percingo, ere, nxi, nctum, a. to
visions, or victuals, pickled pro- Perantlquus, a, um, adj. very an- encompass round, to gird, or tie
visions cient [per Percio, Ire, ii and Ivi, a. to move
Peplus, i, m. and Peplum, i, n. a Pgrappbsltus, a, um, adj. very pro- greatly, to enrage, to provoke
loose purple garment without Perarans, tis, part, ploughing, Perclpiendus, a, um, part, to be
sleeves, a long robe for god- furrowing seen, or understood, to be
desses, women and men Peraratus, a, um, part, ploughed reaped, or gathered
PSpo, onis, m. a pompion over, written [cult Percipiens, tis, part, receiving
Peptlcus, a, um, adj. digestive Pgrarduus, a, um, adj. very diffi- iVrcipio, gre, cepi, ceptum, a. to
Per, prep, by, through, in, be- Pfiraresco, ere, n. to be, or grow perceive, to understand, or ap-
tween, across, at, during, after, very dry prehend, to know, to conceive,
for,because of, by reason of, on Pgrargutus, a, um, adj. very smart, to learn
account of, under pretence, or or witty Perclsus, a, um, part, beaten, or
colour of, with the leave, or PSraridus, a, um, adj. too dry mauled all over
permission of, by the means, Perarmatus, a, um, part, well- Percltus, a, um, part, moved,
ministry, or performance of, by armed smitten, highly disturbed, put
the power, or authority of Peraro, are, a. to furrow all over, into a passion
Pera, se,/. a bag, scrip, or pouch, to sail over, to transcribe Perclvilis, e, adj. very affable
a satchel, a poke, budget, or Pgrasper, a, um, adj. very rough Percoctus, a, urn, part, thorough-
wallet Perastute, adv. very subtlely ly boiled
Pgrabsurde, adv. very absurdly Peratlm, adv. by small parcels Percognltus, a, um, part, dis-
Perabsurdus, a, um, adj. very PSrattente, adv. very attentively covered thoroughly
absurd Pgrattentus, a, um, adj. very at- Precognosco, ere, uovi, nttum, a.
Pgracer, cris, ere, adj. very sharp, tentive to know perfectly well
piercing, or acute Peraudiendus, a, um, part, to be Percolatus, a, um, part, strained
Pf^acerbus, a, um, ari!;'. very sour, heard thoroughly Percolo, are, a. to strain tho-
tart, or grievous Perbacchatus, a, um, part, raging roughly
Peracesco, ere, ui, n. to be very over Percolo, gre, ui, ultum, a. to
sour, uneasy, or displeasing Perbacchor, ari, atus sum, dep. to grace, deck, adorn, or beautify,
Peractio, onis, /. a closing, an revel, to rage to perfect, or finish
ending [plead Perbeatus, a, um, adj. very happy Ptrcomis, e, adj. very courteous,
Peracturus, a, um, part, that will Perbelle, adv. very well or affable [ently
Pgractus, a, um, part, performed, Perbene, adv. exceeding well PercommOde, adv. very conveni-
dispatched, finished, completed, Perbenevolus, a, um, adj. very Percommodus, a, um, adj. very
accomplished kind convenient, or seasonable
Periicuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to make Perbenigne, adv. very kindly, Percontandus, a, um, part, to be
very sharp [much very courteously asked
Pgracute, adv. very sharply, or Pe.bibo, fire, bi, bltum, a. to Percontans, tis, part, inquiring
Peracutus, a, um, adj. very sharp, drink, or suck up Fercontatio, onis, /. an asking of
keen, subtle, witty Perbito, 6re, and are, a. to perish questions [questions
Pe>ad6)escens, tis, c. g. one very Peiblande, adv. very kindly Peicontator, oris, m. an asker of
young [youth Perblandus, a, um, adj. very kind, Percontor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Peradolescentulus, i, m. a mere courteous ask strictly, to inquire, demand,
Peradificatns, a, um, port, finish- Perbonus, a, um, adj. very good, or question, to expect
Peraeque, adv. very equally [ed convenient, curious Percontiimax, acis, adj. very stub-
Pfraquo, are, a. to equal PerbrC'vis, e, adj. very short born [copious
p£ r.-equus, a, um, adj. very equal Perbrevlter, adv. very briefly Percopiosus a, um, adj. very
Pfiragendus, a, um, part, to be Perca, ae,/. a perch PercQquo, ere, oxi, octum, a. to
performed, finished, passed Pcrcalefactus, a, um, part, tho- boil thoroughly, to cook, or
Peragens, tis, part, performing, roughly heated dress
driving Percaleo, ere, ui, n. to become Percrassus, a, uin, adj. very thick
Peragltatus, a, um, part, galled very hot Percrebresco, ere, brui and bui, n.
PcragUo, are, a. to raise up, to Pcrcalleo, ere, ui, n. to be har- to be divulged, to be spread, or
stir, to mix dened, or unmoved noised abroad
Pe rago, ere, egi, actum, a. to per- Percandefacio, fire, a. to make PercrCpo, ui, Itum, n. to resound
form, to execute, to dispatch, very hot Percrudus, a, um, adj. very unripe
to finish, to perfect, to accom- Percandidus, a, um, adj. very Fercudo, ere, di, sum, a. to crack
plish, to declare, write, or de- white Perculsus, a, um, part, struck,
scribe, to plead, to peruse, to Percarus, a, um, adj. very dear smitten, overthrown, wound-
read over ed, shocked, affected, touched,
l'L'rcautus, a, um, adj. very wary
Peragrandus, a, um, part, to tra- Percelebratus, a, um, part, di-
moved [dressed
vel over vulged Percultus, a, um, part, well-
Pe>agrans, tis, part, passing over, Perceiebris, e, adj. very famous
Percunctans, tis, part, asking, in-
surveying Pi rccler, is, e, adj. very speedy,
Ffiragrratio, onis,/. a progress Percunctatio, Onis,/. au inquiry
or sudden
Percuzrlatus, a, um, part, having PerdOceo, ere, ui, ctum, a. to teach Peremptus, a,um, part, kill*"!
asked Perdocte, adv. very knowingly, or slain, destroyed, consumed
Percunctor, dep. to ask, or in-
ari, thoroughly ruined, wasted
quire, to demand, to consult Perdoctus, a, um, part, and adj. Pgrendie, adv. two days hence
Percupldus, a, um, adj. very fond perfectly taught, or instructed, Perendinus, a, um, adj. the next
Percupio, 6re, Ivi, itum, n. to de- very learned day after to-morrow
sire earnestly Perd61eo, ere, ui, Itum, n. to be Pfirenne, adv. all the year round
Percuratus, a, um, part, tho- vexed to the very heart Perennia, um, pi. n. auguries
roughly cured [ful Perd6latus, a, um, part, hewed Pgrennis, e, adj. ior, comp. that
Percuriosus, a, um, adj. very care- smooth continues a.J the year round,
Percuro, are, a. to heal thoroughly Perd6mandus, a, um, part, to be lasting, durable, steady, stead-
Percurrens, tis, part, passing over, wholly subdued, or conquered fast, constant, continual, unin-
or through, thickening PerdOmiturus, a, um, part, about terrupted ^servant
Percurro, ire, ri and cucurri, a. to subdue, or conquer Perenniservus, i, m. a coustunt
and n. to run, or pass over, or Perd6mitus, a, um, part, tamed, PSrennitas, atis,/. lasunguess
through, to run in haste subdued, broken in Pgrenno, are, n. to last, to con-
Purcursatio, onis, /. a rambling PerdOrao, ui, Itum, a. to tame, to tinue
progress subdue totally, to vanquish, to Pgrenticida, se, c. g. a cutpurse
Percursio, onis, /. a speedy run- kill [enough Pereo, ire, itum, n. to perish, to
ning over in the mind Perdormisco, fire, n. to sleep be quite spent, or gone, to
Percurso, are, n. to range fre- Perducendus, a, um, part, to be vanish, or disappear, to die, to
quently up and down led be killed, or slain, to be de-
Percursus, a, um, part, run over, Perduco, ere, xi, ctum, a. to carry, stroyed
revolved, recited, recounted bring, or lead, to convey, or con- Pgrgquitans, tis, part, riding
Percussio, onis, f. a stroke, a duct, to accompany, to carry, or through, or between, riding
striking, beating, or knocking hold on, to prolong, or con- Pgrgqmto, are, a. to ride quite
Percussor, oris, m. a striker, a tinue, to bring over, or persuade through, round, or all over
murderer, a bravo Peiductio, onis, f. a bringing Pgrerrans, tis, part, wandering
Fercussiirus, a, um, part, about Perducto, are, a. to lead along, to about, surveying
to strike conduct Pgrerratus, a, um, part, travelled
Percussus, a, um, part, struck, Perductor, oris, m. an attendant, over, sailed over
smitten, beaten, hit, stamped, a guide, a pimp, or pander Pgrerro, are, a. to wander all over,
coined, pierced, wounded, kil- Perdu cturus, a, um, part, about or round, to travel over, to pass
led, slain, affrighted, astonished, to bring through, over, or round, to dif-
afflicted Perductus, a, um, part brought, . fuse itself, to traverse
P.ircussus, us, m. a stroke led, carried on, continued, P6reruditus, a, um, adj. very
Percutiendus, a, um, part, to be drawn, persuaded learned
smitten Perdudvnj, adv. long since Pgresus, a, um, part, eaten quit*
Percfitio, Sre, ussi, ussum, a. to Perdu sllio, onis, m. murder, high through, mangled, torn
strike, smite, or beat, to strike treason Pereundus, a, um, part, to perish
off, to strike, or beat down, to Perduellis, is, m. an enemy, an Pgrexcrucio, are, a. to tease sorely
kill, slay, or murder, to frighten, open enemy Pgrexigue, adv. very niggardly
or terrify, to astonish, to shock Perduraturus, a, um, part, that Perexiguus, a, um, adj. very little.
Perdficorus, a, um, adj. very will last or small
comely [culous Perduratus, a, um, part, held out Pgrexilis, e, adj. very slender
PerdeTirus, a, um, adj. very ridi- Perduro, are, n to last, to con- Pgrexpgditus, a, um, adj. very
Perdendus, a, um, part, to be lost, tinue, to hold out, to endure obvious
destroyed, killed P61 «dia, ae, /. a country of eating Perfabrico, are, a. to do, to ruin
Perdensus, a, um, adj. very thick PfirSdo, es, or edis, 6re, edi, esum, Perfacete, adv. very merrily, or
Perdepso, fire, ui, a, to knead, to a. to eat through, to consume, wittily [sant
tan, to debauch or waste away Perfacetus, a, um, adj. very plea-
Perdifficilis, e, adj. very difficult, Pgregre, adv. abroad, from home, Perfacile, adv. very easily, or
or hard [ficultv from abroad [harlot readily
Perdiff icTliter, adv. with great dif- Peregrina, se, /. a stranger, a Perfacilis, e, adj. very easy
Perdignus, a, um, adj. most Pgregrinabundus, a, um, adj. lov- Perfacundus, a, um, adj. very elo
worthy of ing to travel about foreign quent
Perdiligens, tis, adj. very diligent countries Ferfamiliaris, e, adj. very familiar
Perdlligenter, adv. very diligently, Per6grlnan3, tis, part, travelling Ferfatuus, a, um, adj. very silly
very carefully, exactly in foreign parts Perfecte, adv. iiis, comp. issime,
Perdiscendus, a, um, part.' to be Peregrinatio, onis, /. a travelling, superl. perfectly, fully, com-
thoroughly learned a wandering up and down pletely
Perdisco, ere, didici, a. to learn Perggrinator, oris, m. a traveller Perfectio, onis, /. perfection, ful-
perfectly, or exactly Pgregrlnatus, a, um, part, having ness, completeness, a finishing,
Perdiserte, adv. very eloquently been in foreign parts a making [accomplisher
Perdlte, adv. corruptly, basely, Peregrinitas, atis,/. the condition Perfector, oris, m. a finisher, or
greatly, earnestly of a foreigner, the corruption Feriectrix, icis,/. the fame
Perdltor, oris, m. a ruiner, a de- of the Roman language Perfecturus, a, um, part, that
stroyer [lose Perggrinor, ari, at us sum, dep. to will complete, finisli
Perditurus, a, um, part, about to travel into foreign countries, to Perfectus, us, m. perfection
Perditus, a, um, part, and adj. wander, to be a stranger at Perfectus, a, um, part. iand adj.
ior, comp. issimus, superl. lost, Peregrlnus, a, um, adj. foreign, ior, comp. isslraus, superl. com-
spent, consumed, squandered outlandish, coming from abroad, pleted, finished, ended, per-
away, beggared, ruined, undone, strange, remote, new, fresh, formed, done, made, formed,
debauched, abandoned, disso- raw, unexperienced accomplished
lute Peregrlnus, i, m. a stranger, a Perfgrendus, a, um, part, to be
Perdiu, adv. for a great while foreigner carried, or conveyed, to be un-
Perdives, Itis, adj. very rich Perelegans, tis, adj. very elegant dergone, to bear, to be passed
PerdiQturnus, a, um, adj. lasting Pereleganter, adv. very elegantly Perfgrens, tis, part, bearing pa-
a very long time PerelOquens, tis, adj. very elo- tiently
Perdix, icis, /. a partridge quent Perfgro, erre, tuli, latum, a to
Perdo, 6re, dldi, Itum, a. to lose, Peremptor, Oris, m. a murderer bear, carry, or convey tjwwgh
to spend, or consume, to waste, P£ remptorius, a, um, adj. peremp- or unto, to bring, bear, or
to lavish, squander, or throw tory, express carry, to tell, report, or advise
** ay, to ruin, or undo, to de- Peremptiirus, a, um, part, about Perfervgfio, fri, * pass, to be
stroy to cut off made verv hot
Perfervidus, a, urn, adj. very hot Perfringendus, a, um, part, to be professors of any art or sciei
Ptrfgrus, a, urn, adj. very fierce broken open, to be broken taught their scholars public'.
Perflciendus, a, urn, part, to be Perfringens, tis, part, breaking PSrhlbendus, a, um, part, to
completed, or finished, to be through, breaking in pieces celebrated
accomplished Peririugo, gre, egi, actum, a. to Pgrhlbeo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to s
Perficiens, tis, part, perfecting break through, to break, or give out, or report, to affirm,
Perficio, 6re, eci, ectum, a. to dash in pieces, to break up, to call, style, or term, to estet
perfect, complete, or finish, to break, to infringe PSrhiemo, are, n. to lay all win
execute, or perform, to accom- Perfrio, are, a. to rub thoroughly Perhilura, adv. very little [a
plish, to effect, to bring about, Perfructus, a, um, part, fully en- PerhSnorifice, adv. very hono
or to pass joyed [fully PerhOnorificus, a, am, adj. v
Perficiendus, a, um, part, to be Perfruendus, a, um, part, to enjoy honourable, most respectful
held, or kept Perfruor, eris, i, ltus, and per- Perhorreo, ere, ui, n. to shake,
Perf Icus, a, um, adj. perfecting fructus, dep. to enjoy fully, or tremble, to dread
Perfidy, adv. treacherously thoroughly Perhorresco, gre, n. the same
Perf idelis, e, adj. very faithful Perftiga, ae, m. a deserter Perhorride, adv. very dieadfull
Perfidia, a?,/, perfidy, perfidious- Perfugio, fire, ugi, itum, n. to fly Perhorridus, a, um, adj. v
ness, treachery for succour, or shelter nasty
Perfidiose, adv. perfidiously Perfugium, i, n. a refuge, or shel- Perhos'pltalis, e, adj. very hos
Perfldiosus, a, um, adj. issimus, ter, a sanctuary, an excuse, a table, friendly, or kind
super I. treacherous, deceitful, pretence Perhospitus, a, um, adj. the sa.
false Perfulcio, ire, a. to support Pgrhumaniter, adv. very kindlj
Perf Idus, a, um, adj. the same Perfunctio, onis, /. a discharge, Perhumanus, a, um, adj. very c
Perfinio, ire, a. fully to end an enduring Periclitandus, a, um, part, to
Perfixus, a, um, part, pierced, Perfunctorie, adv. slightly, lightly, hazarded, to be tried
struck, or thrust through carelessly, easily Pgriclltans, tis, part, being
Perflabllis, e, adj. that may be Perfunctus, a, um, part, having jeopardy [pr
blown through discharged, or borne, being dis- Periclitatio, onis, /. a trial,
Peril agltiosus, a, nm, adj. very charged, or freed from Periclitatus, a, um, part, expo:
wicked Perfundendus, a, um, part, to be to danger, tried, proved, expi
Perrlans, tis, part, blowing very spread, or anointed all over mented
much, blustering Perfundens, tis, part, overspread- sum, dep.
Periclltor, ari, atus
Perflatus, us, m. a blowing ing be in danger, to endanger,
th rough, a blast [bend Perfundo, gre, udi, usum, a. to try, to make trial of
Pcrflecto, 6re, exi, exum, a. to pour all over, to wash, or bathe, Periclum, by Sync, for Pericult
Perrlo, are, a. to blow violently to wet, to besprinkle, to be- Pfiriculose, adv. ius, comp. is
through, over, or upon dew, to besmear, to imbue, me, superl. dangerously, w
Perrluctuo, are, n. to swarm all season, or give a tinctare peril
over [swimming Perfungor, i, ctus, dep. to dis- PericulSsus, a, um, adj. ior, eo;
Perfiuens, tis, part, running, charge, or execute completely, issimus, superl. dangero
Perfiuo, fire, uxi, uxum, n. to run, to be clear of, or free from, to perilous
to run down, or by, to flow, to share Perlculum, i, n. danger, peril,
abound Perfiiro, Cre, n. to be in a very pardy, a trial, or proof,
Perfluus, a, um, adj. gliding, swim- great fury, to rage essay
ming along Perfusio, onis, /. a washing, a Peridoneus, a, um, adj. very fit
Perfluxus, a, um, adj. transient bathing, a wetting Periens, euntis, part, perishing
Perf6dio, 6re, odi, ossum, a. to Perfusorius, a, um, adj. super- Perignarus, a, um, adj. whe
dig through [fertile ficial ignorant
Perfoecundus, a, um, adj. very Perf usurus, a, rvn, part, about to Perillustris, e, adj. very illas
Perf6randus, a, uiu, part, to be cover ous, famous
bored through [through Perf usus, a, um, part, poured all Perimbecillus, a, um, adj. v
PerfOratus, a, um, part, bored over, washed, wetted, sprinkled, infirm, feeble, or weak
Perf6re,/u<. to be besprinkled, bedewed, anointed, Pertmo, 8re, a. to kill, to slay,
Performldatus, a, -um, zdj. much besmeared, polluted, defiled destroy, to ruin, or deface,
dreaded Pergamena, ae,/. parchment take away
Performidolosus, a, um, adj. very Pergaudeo, ere, n. to be very glad Pcrimpedltus, a, um, adj. diffic
fearful, or timorous Pergens, tis, part, going on, pro- to be passed [cert
Perforo, are, a. to bore, or run ceeding, passing through Perinoertus, a, um, adj. very 1

through Pergigno, fire, a. to breed, or pro- Perincommodg, adv. very inci

Perform er, adv. very bravely duce veniently
Perfossor, oris, in. a digger through Perglisco, fire, n. to grow very fat Perincommodus, a, um, adj. v
Perfossus, a, um, part, dug, or Pergnarus, a, um, adj. very know- inconvenient, or unlucky
pierced through ing Perinde, adv. as, so as, accordi
Perfracte, adv. obstinately Pergo, gre, perrexi, ctum, n. to as, in like manner, so, so niv
Perfractus, a, um, part, broken go, or come, to go on, to pro- Perindigne, adv. very heinouslj
in pieces, broken [out ceed, or advance, to prosecute, Pfirindulgens, tis, adj. highly
Perfrgrao, ere, ui, itum, n. to roar or pursue, to continue, to pass verencing
Perfrgquens, tis, adj. very frequent by [small Perinf amis, e, adj. very infam(
Perfncans, tis, part, rubbing Pergracilis, e, adj. very slender, PC-rinrirmus, a,um adj. very w(

Perfricatus, a, um, part, rubbed Pergraecor, ari, dep. to guzzle, to Peringeniosus, a, um, adj. vi
all over revel ingenious [grate
Perfrico, are, ui, a. to nib all over Pergrandis, e, adj. very great, or Peringratus, a, um, adj. very >
Perfrictio, onis, /. a vehement large, very aged [plete Permiquus, a, um, adj. very i
shivering by reason of cold Pergraphicus, a, um, adj. com- just, unreasonable, or uneas;
Perfriggfacio, fire, eci, a. to put Pergratus, a, um, adj. very ac- Perinsignis, e, adj. very notoric
in great fear ceptable, or well-pleasing Perinsigniter, adv. very notabh
Perfrigeo, ere, ixi, ictum, n. to Pergravis, e, adj. very heavy, or Pgvinteger, a, um, adj. very ini
shiver with cold, to be hoarse grievous to be borne, very cent [we
with a cold weighty, or solid, very substan- Pfirinvalidus, a, nm, adj. vi
Perfriggratus, a, um, part, cooled tial, or material Perinvisus, a, xxm.adj abomina'
Perfriggro, are, a. to cool Pergraviter, adv. very grettly, or Perinvitus, a, um, adj. very mo
Perfrigesco, fire, n. to grow very grievously, very sharply, or against one's will
cold severely Perinunguo, e>e, mri, nctiim,
PerlYigTilu8, a, um, adj. extremely Pergula, ae, /. a gallery, or bal- to anoint all over
cold cony, a stall, a place where the Pei'iudicus, a, urn, udj periodic
riOdus, i, /. a period, a perfect Perlino, whence PerlTnor, i, pass. Permfidltatas, a, um, part, tho-
sentence, a full stop [ings to be daubed, or besmeared all roughly instructed in
rlpfitasma, atis, n. rich hang- over Permensus, a, um, part, having
ripbrasis, eos,/. circumlocution Perllquidus, a, um, adj. very li- passed through, having mea-
ripneuinSnia, ae, /. an inflam- quid. sured, having travelled, c
mation of the lungs Perlitatus, a, um, part, performed sailed over, measured out
ripneum6nicus, a, um, adj. in sacrifice, or prosperous omens Permeo, are, a. and n. to pas\
troubled with a peripneumonia Perlito, are, a. to perforin sacri- over, or through, to pervade
rlratus, a, um, adj. transported fice prosperously [over Permfireo, ere, n. to serve as a sol
with anger Perlltus, a, um, part, besmeared dier
iriscfilis, idis,/. a garter Perlonge, adv. very far off Permetior,iri, ensus sum, dep. U

iristereon, onis, m. and Pfiristfi- Perlonginquus, a, um, adj. very measure, to view, to survey, to
reos, ei,/. and Pfiristfireum, ei, distant compass, pass
n. vervain, a dove-house Perlongus, a, um, adj. very long Permfituens, tis, part, greatly
Sristroma, atis, n. rich tapestry Perliibens, tis, adj. very well fearing [water on
Sristyiium, i, n. a place inclosed pleased Permingo, fire, xi, a. to maka
round with pillars and a portico Perlucens, tis, part, very shining, PermTnutus, a, um, adj. very small
Sristjrlum, i, n. the same or bright, transparent, clear Permlrus, a, um, adj. very won-
5rite, adv. ius, eomp. issfrne, Perliiceo, ere, n. to shine through, derful
superl. skilfully, expertly, wisely to be transparent, to be very Permiscendus, a, um, part, to be
eritia, ae, /. skilfulness, skill, bright, or clear [ness mixed, or confounded
knowledge Perlucidltas, atis, /. great clear- Permiscens, tis, part, mixing
firito, are, n. to perish, to die Perlucldiilus, a, um, adj. dim. Permisceo, ere, ui, stum and
firltfirus, a, um, part, ready to somewhat transparent xtum, a. to mix, mingle, blend,
perish, die, fall Perlucldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. or jumble together
I firUus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl- transparent, clear, bright, shin- Permissio, onis, /. permission,
mus, superl. skilful, skilled, ing leave, or licence, suffrance
expert, wise, prudent Perluctuosus, a, um, adj. very Permissurus, a, um, part, that
'erjucunde, adv. very pleasantly mournful will permit, give leave, or in-
'erjiicundus, a, um, adj. very Perluens, tis, part, washing trust [or leave
pleasant Perluo, fire, a. to wash ail over Permissu, abl. m. with permission,
'erjuratiuncula, », f. a small Perlustrandus, a, um, part, to be Permissus, a, um, part, permitted,
perjury viewed suffered, allowed, granted, com-
'erjuratus, a, um, part, perjured Perlustrans, tis, part, viewing, mitted, instructed, exposed
'erjuriosus, a, um, adj. often per- surveying Permiste, adv. mixedly, confusedly
jured Perlustratus, a, um, part, viewed Permistio and Permixtio, onis,/.
Perjurium, i, n. perjury Perlustro, are, a. to view all over, a mixture, a confusion
Perjuro, are, n. to be perjured, or to survey, to consider thorough- Permisturus, a, um, part, that
forsworn, to violate an oath ly, to examine will mix together
Perjurus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Perlutus, a, um, part . washed all Permistus, and Permixtus, a, um,
issimus, superl. perjured, for- over part, mixed, mingled, or blend-
sworn Permacer, era, crura, adj. very ed together, mixed, chequered,
Perlabor, i, lapsus sum, dep. to lean, barren, or hungry disordered, confused, concerned,
slide, pass, run, or glide over, Permacfiro, are, a. to soak, to employed
or through make very wet Permltis, e, adj. fully ripe, mellow
Perlaetus, a, um, adj. very joyful Permadfifacio, fire, a. to wet all Permittendus, a, um, part, to be
Perlapsus, a, um, part, sunk down over, to bathe, to drench permitted [leaving
into Permadeo, ere, or Permadesco, Permittens, tis, part, permitting,
Perlate, adv. very largely ere, ui, n. to be very wet Permitto, fire, isi, a. to permit,
Perlaturus, a, um, part, about to Permadidus, a, um, adj. very wet suffer, allow, or give leave, to
carry Permagnus, a, um, adj. very great, grant, to give, to commit, or
Perlatus, a, um, part, brought, or large, very powerful, or ef- intrust, to leave, to yield
carried, told, reported, made, fectual, very honourable, or re- PermOdestus, a, um, adj. very
past putable, of very great concern, moderate, sober, or regular
Perlficfibrae, arum, pi. f. entice- or consequence Permodice, adv. very little
ments, harlots, bawds Permale, adv. very badly Permodicus,, adj. very mean
Perlecto, are, a. to entice, to Permanans, tis, part, passing Permftleste, adv. very grievously
allure Permananter, adv continuedly PermOlestus, a, um, adj vejy
Perlectus, a, um, part, read over Permanasco, fire, incep. to be troublesome
Perlfigendus, a, um, part, to be diffused, or divulged Pcrmollis, e, adj. very soft
read over Permanendus, a, um, part, to Permolo, fire, a. to grind small,
Perlfigo, fire, egi, ectum, a. to read continue, or be continued in to lie with
over, to survey thoroughly Permanens, tis, part, continuing, Perrnotio, onis, /. an emotion, an
Perlfipide, adv. very neatly, or abiding ecstasy
well Permaneo, ere, n. to remain, last, Permotus, a, um, part, greatly
Perlfiptdus, a, um, adj. very pretty or continue, to abide, or stay, moved, or affected, alarmed,
Perlevis, e, adj. very light, or to hold on, to persevere disturbed, agitated, moved, in-
small Permano, are, n. to flow, or pass, fluenced, induced, persuaded
Perlfivlter, adv. very lightly to arrive at, to spread, to be Permovendus, a, um, part, to be
Perllbenter, adv. very willingly diffused, to be divulged, or pub- thoroughly moved
Perlibfiralis, e, adj. very generous lished Perm&veo, fire, a. to move, or
Perllbfirallter, adj. very generously Permansio, 6nis,/. a continuance affect greatly, to influence, to
Perlibrans, tis, part, exactly pois- Permansurus, a, um, part, that persuade
ing will continue Permulcendus, a, um, part, to be
Perlibratio, onis, /. a levelling Permarmus, a, um, adj. of the sea appeased, or assuaged
Perlibratus, a, um, part, exactly Permaturesno, fire, incep. to be Permulcens, tis, part, gently
levelled full ripe stroking
Perlibro, are, a. to level, to make Permaturus, a, um, adj. very ripe Permulceo, ere, si, sum and ctum,
exactly level, or even, to throw Permeans, tis, part, passing a. to stroke, to appease, or
Perllcio, ere, exi, ectum, a. to al- through assuage, to please
lure, entice, wheedle, or draw Permeator, Oris, m. he who passes Permulctus, a, um, part, appeased
in through Permulsus, a, um, part, stroked,
Perlimo, are, a. to render clear PermSdiocris, e, adj. very indif- used gently, appeased, assuaged,
Peillnio, Ire, Ivi, a. to rub all ferent, or moderate cheered
over Permfidiocriter, adv. very meanly Permult6, adv. very much, by tsj
Permultum, adv. very much Pernuingratus, a, um,
part, paid Perpessio, Onis,/. an endurance
Permultus, a, um, adj. very many, Pernumgro, are, a. to number, Perpessltius, a, um, adj. accus
very much tell, or count over, to tell out, tomed to bear hardships
Permundus, a, um, adj. very clean to pay Perpessu, sup. to he suffered, or
Permunio, ire, ivi, and ii, Itum, a. Pernupgr, adv. very lately endured
to fortify strongly Pero, onis, m. a sort of high shoe Perpessurus, a, um, part, about
Permunitus, a, urn, part, strongly, made of raw leather to endure [endurer
fortified Pgrobscurus, a, um, adj. very Perpessu3, a, um, part, having
Permutandus, a, um, part, to be obscure, hard to be understood Perpgtiendus, a, um, part, that
exchanged PgrOdiosus, a, um, adj. very grie- must be suffered, or endured
Permutans, tis, part, changing, vous Perpgtiens, tis, part, suffering,
bartering PgrofFIciose, adv. most respect- enduring [sautly
Permutatio, onis, a change, an
/. fully Perpgtlm, adv. continually, inces-
exchange, a barter, a payment, Per&leo, ere, ui, n. to stink Perpgtior, i, essus sum, dep. to
confusion Peronatus, a, um, adj. wearing suffer, to undergo, to endure, to
Permutatus, a, urn, part, changed, a pero bear, to bear, or comply with,
exchanged, bought, sold, dis- Peronis, idis, m. a sausage, a link to allow [finished
ordered PSr&pacus. a, um, adj. very dark Perpgtrandus, a, um, part, to be
Permuto, are, a. to change, to ex- Peropportung, adv. in the nick of Perpgtraturus, a, um, part, about
change, to barter, to buy, or time to finish
sell, to confound, or disturb Pgropportunus, a, um, adj. very Perpetratus, a, um, part, perpe-
Perna, ae,/. a gammon of bacon, seasonable [wish trated, committed, done, per
a stock, a shell-fish Peroptat6, adv. as one would formed
Pernavigator, oris, m. he that Pgropus, adj. indecl. very needful Perpetro, are, a. to perpetrate, to
sails through Perorans, tis, part, making a perform, effect, or finish, to con-
Pernavigatus, a, um, part., see speech, declaiming tinue
next word Pgroratio, onis, /. the close of an Perpgtualis, e, adj. universal
Perngcessarius, a, um, adj. very oration, or speech Perpetuandus, a, um, part, to be
necessary, or needful Peroraturus, a, um, part, about continued
Perngcessarius, i, m. a particular to make an end of a discourse Perpetuarius, a, um, adj. per-
friend, or acquaintance, a close Pgroratus, a, um, part, brought petual, constant, lasting for
idly to an end, pleaded life [immortality
Perngco, are, ui, a. to kill Pgroriga, ae, m. a groom Perpgtuitas, atis, /. perpetuity,
Pernggans, tis, part, denying flatly Pgroruatus, a, um, part, and adj. Perpgtud, adv. perpetually, al-
Pernggo, are, a. to deny stiffly, much adorned, very eloquent, ways, constantly, entirely
utterly, or to the last fine Perpgtuo, are, a. to perpetuate,
Perneo, ere, n. to spin out, to Pgrorno, are, a. to do great honour to continue [ways
finish Pgroro, are, a. to make an end of Perpgtuum, adv. perpetually, al-
Perniciabllis, e, adj. pernicious, speaking, to plead, to declaim, Perpgtuus, a, um, adj. perpetual,
destructive, of fatal conse- to speak, to answer a charge continual, continued, uninter-
quence Pgrosus, a, um, part, that has rupted, constant, lasting
Penricialis, e, adj. causing de-. thoroughly hated Perpictus, a, um, part, painted all
struction, or death, deadly Perpacatus, a, um, part, tho- over [content.
Pernicies, ei,/. destruction, ruin, roughly appeased Perplaceo, ere, n. to give great
violent death, death Perpaco, are, a. to bring to a Perplex abilis, e, adj. perplexed
Pernlciose, adv. ius, camp, issvme thorough obedience, or quiet Perplexabiliter, adv. intricately
superl. perniciously, destruc- subjection Perplexg, adv. ius, comp. perplex-
tively, mischievously Perpallidus, a, um, adj. very pale edly, obscurely, doubtfully
Perniciosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Perparcg, adv. very sparingly Perplexim, adv. intricately
issimus, superl. pernicious, de- Perparum, adv. very little Perplexor, ari, dep. to perplex
structive, fatal Perparvulus, a, um, adj. very little Perplexus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Pcmicltas, atis, /. swiftness of Perparvus, a, um, adj. very little, perplexed, confused, intricate,
foot, speed very small obscure
Perniciter, adv. ius, comp. nimbly Perpastus, a, um, part, full, or Perpllcatus, a, um, part, well
Pernl^er, gra, grum, adj. very well fed, sleek plaited, or folded together
black Perpaucuii, ae, a, adj. pi. very few Perpluo, gre, n. to rain through
Pernlmium, adv. too much Perpauci, ae, a, adj. issimi, superl. Perplurimum, adv. very much
Pernio, onis, m. a kibe on theheel very few Perp61, adv. by Pollux
Pemiunculus, i, m. dim. a little Perpavefilcio, gre, eci, a. to frigh- Perp5liendus, a, um, part, to be
kibe ten, or alarm greatly [be perfected
Pernix, icis,adj, ior, comp. issi- Perpauliilum, adv. as little as may Perpolio, Ire, a. to polish tho-
mus, superl. swift, quick, nim- Perpaulum, adv. very little roughly, to finish, to put the
ble, continuing, persevering Perpauper, gris, adj. very poor last hand to
Pernobllis, e, adj. very noble, Perpauxillum, adv. very little Perpolitg, adv. issime, superl.
famous, or remarkable Perpello, ere, piili, pulsum, a. to very politely
Pernoctans, tis, part, tarrying all force, or constrain, to persuade Perpdlitio, onis, /. a polishing
night Perpendens, tis, part, weighing, Perp51itus, a, um, part, and adj.
Pernoctaturus, a, um, part, about or considering well polished, perfected, finished,
to pass the night Perpendicularis, e, adj. perpendi- very bright
Pernocto, are, n. to pass the whole cular [line Perpopulatus, a, um, part, de-
night, to continue all night, to Perpendiculum, i, n. a plumb- stroyed utterly, laid waste
lie all night Perpendo, gre, a. to weigh exactly, Perpopulor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Pernonis, fdis,/. a little gammon to weigh, to consider, to ex- destroy, or lay waste, to harass,
Pernoscendus, a, um, part, to be amine ravage, or plunder
thoroughly known Perpensans, tis, part, pondering Perportans, tis, part, carrving
Pernosco, ere, n6vi, a. to know Perpensatio, onis,/. consideration through
perfectly, to discern Perpensus, a, um, part, weighed Perpotans, tis, part, drinking con-
Pernotesco, ere, tui, n. to be made thoro uglily, well considered tinually [drinking
certainly known, rashly, lightly,
adv. Perpotatio, onis, /. a continual
Pernotus, a, um.^art. thoroughly unadvised, amiss, badly, basely, Perpoto, are, a. to drink continu-
known falsely ally, to drink off, or up
Pernox, octis, adj. abiding, con- Pcrpgrus, a, um, adj. heady, fool- Perprlmo, gre, a. to press down
tinuing, or lasting all night ish, silly, ignorant, good foi very hard, to urge, to importune
Pernoxius, a, um, adj. very hurt- nothing [tinual Perpvopinquus, a, um, adj. very
ful Peipes, gtis, adj. whole, all, con-
Perprosper, a, am, adj. very pros- Perscrutatio, onis, /. an examin- Personalis, e, adj. personal
perous ing thoroughly Personaliter, adv. personally
Perprurisco, ere, n. to itch all over Perscrutor, ari, dep. to search Pers5nans, tis, part, resounding
Perpugnax, acis, adj. very stout, thoroughly Person ata, ae,/. a great clot-bur
or stiff [fair Perseco, are, a. to cut through, to Personatus, a, um, part, acted,
, Perpulcher, chra, chrum, adj. very divide, to shorten, to prevent or represented, disguised, mask-
i Perpurgatus, a, um, part, tho- Persectans, tis, part, pursuing ed, pretended, counterfeit
j roughly cleansed, set in a clear Persector, ari, dep. to search PersOno, are, ui and avi, n. to re-
light thoroughly sound, ring, or echo, to make to
Perpurgo, are, a. to purge tho- Persgcutio, 6nis, /. persecution, a resound, or ring, to cry, or
roughly, to clear a matter fully pursuit, a process bawl out
Perpusillum, adv. very little Persecuturus, a, um, part, about Pers5nus, a, um, adj. echoing
Perpusillus, a, um, adj. very little, to pursue, or prosecute Persorbens, tis, part, drinking in
small [clare Persgcutus, a, um, part, or Per- Persorbeo, ere, ui or psi, a. to sup
Perputo, are, a. to perfectly de- sequutus, having pursued, fol- up all
Perquam, adv. very, very gladly lowing, falling upon Perspecte, adv. advisedly, dis-
Perquirendus, a, um, part, to be Persgdeo, ere, n. to continue sit- creetly
thoroughly examined ting Perspecto, are, freq. to take a
Perquiro, ere, slvi, a. to search Persegnis, e, adj. very slow thorough view of, to fit out a
thoroughly, to ask, or demand Persegniter, adv. very slowly show
PerquTsItitis, adv. comp. with Persenesco, fire, n. to grow old Perspectum, i, n. a prospect

stricter inquiry, or search Persenex, is, -.. g. very aged Perspectus, a, um, part, and adj.
Perqulsitor, oris, m. one who tho- Persentio, ire, si, sum, a. to feel, isslmus, superl. plainly per-
roughly inquires, a searcher or perceive thoroughly ceived, thoroughly seen
Perqulsitus, a, um, part, tho- Persentisco, gre, n. to have some Perspgciilatus, a, um, part, hav-
roughly inquired [dom feeling, to begin to perceive ing well viewed
Perrar6, adv. very rarely, or sel- Persequendus, a, um, part, to be Perspgculor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
Perrarus, a, um, adj. very rare pursued view, or look about diligently
Perrgconditus, a, um, adj. very Persequens, tis, part, and adj. Perspergo, ere, si, a. to sprinkle
abstruse isslmus, superl. pursuing, fol- over
Perrecturus, a, um, part, about lowing after Perspicabilis, e, adj. famous, fair
to go [over Persgquor, i, quutus sum, dep. to Perspicacia, ae, /. quickness of
Perrepo, Sre, a. to creep, or crawl pursue, to follow, to hold on, to sight, or understanding
Perrepto, are, a. to creep about prosecute, to go through with, Perspicacitas, atis, /. quickness
Perrldicflle, adv. very sillily to perform, or execute, to over- of understanding
Pemdlculus, a, um, adj. very ri- take, to fall upon, to persecute, Perspicaclter, adv. plainly, clearly
diculous, silly, or foolish to revenge Perspicax, acis, adj. ior, comp.
Perrodo, ere, si, a. to gnaw, or Persero, ere, a. to sow abroad, to quick-sighted, quick-witted,
eat through [throughout publish, to report quick of judgment, or under-
PerrSgatus, a, um, part, asked Perseverans, tis, part, and adj. standing, keen
Perr5go, are, a. to ask every one ior, comp. isslmus, superl. per- Perspicibllis, e, adj. manifest
Perrumpens, tis, part, breaking severing, eager Persplciendus, a, um, part, that
through Persgveranter, adv. ius, comp. is to be sounded, proved, or
Perrumpo, Sre, rupi, a. to break issime, superl. constantly, re- tried
through by force solutely, stiffly PerspTcientia, ae, /. perfect know-
Perruptus, a, um, part, broken Perseverantia, ae, /. perseverance, ledge, athorough understanding
through [time constancy, steadiness, resolute- Perspicio, Sre, spexi, a. to see, or
Persaepe, adv. very often, many a ness discover plainly, to understand
Persalse, adv. very wittily, or Persevere, adv. very severely fully, to try thoroughly
smartly Persgvero, are, a. to persevere, to PerspTcue, adv. clearly, manifestly
Persalsus, a, um, a#. very salt, persist, to hold on Perspicuitas, atis,/. perspicuity
. witty, or smart Persgverus, a, um, adj. very Perspicuus, a, um, adj. perspi-
Persalutatio, onis, /. an accurate severe, harsh, or austere cuous, clear, plain, evident
salutation Persica, ae,/. a peach-tree Persplro, are, a. to breathe
Persaluto, are, a. to salute round, Persiccus, a, um, adj. very dry through
to compliment much Persicum, i, n. a peach [last Perstandus, a, um, part, to be
Persanatus, a, um ; part, tho- Persldeo, ere, n. to continue, to continued
roughly healed Persido, Sre, n. to sink, to settle Perstans, part, continuing
Persancte, adv. very devoutly to the bottom, to penetrate, to Perstaturus, a, um, part, that
Persano, are, a. to cure perfectly fall upon will persist in
Persapiens, tis, adj. very wise Persignandus, a, um, part, to be Perstlmulo, are, a. to irritate
Persapienter, adv. very wisely sealed much, to rouse
Perscienter, adv. very knowingly Persigno, are, a. to mark out Persto, are, stiti, n. to stand all
Perscindens, tis, part, rending, Persimilis, e, adj. very like the time, to continue, to per-
tearing Persimplex, Icis, adj. very ordi- sist, or persevere
Perscindo, Sre, scidi, a. to rend, nary Perstratus, a, um, part, paved
or cleave in the midst, to tear Persisto, ere, stiti, n. to persist, Perstrfipo, fire, n to make a great
off, or from to continue, to persevere noise, to resound, to echo
Perseissus, a, xim, part, rent in two Persolata, ae,/. a bur-dock Perstrictus, a, um, part, bound up
Perscitus, a, um, adj. very wise, Persolennis, e, adj. very solemn Perstringo, Sre, xi, a. to rase, or
very fine [recorded PersOleo, ere, n. to be accustomed graze, to graze upon, to run
Perscribendus, a, um, i art. to be PersSlido, are, a. to harden, to over gently, to glance, or hint
Perscribo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to congeal [paid at, to affect, to dazzle, to din
write at length, to write, to Persolvendus, a, um, part, to be Perstudiose, adv. very carefully
copy, to describe, to record Persolvo, ere, a. to pay fully, to Perstudiosus, a, um, adj. very
Perscriptio, onis, /. a writing, an return, to perform, to suffer studious, or fond
enrolment, a record, a bill, or Persolus, a, um, adj. one only Persuadens, tis, part, persuading
bond, a contract, or agreement PersSluturus, a, um, part, about Persuadeo, ere, a. to persuade, to
Perscriptor, oris, m. a writer, a to pay, or discharge prevail upon, to suggest
notary Persolutus, a, um, part, paid, Persuaslbilis, e, adj. persuasive
Perscripturus, a, um, patt. about finished, accomplished Persuasiblliter, adv. persuasively
to write at large Persona, ae,/. a person, a person- Persuasio, 6nis,/. persuasion, be-
Perscriptus, a, um, part, written age, a man, or woman, an im- lief [she
at large, or particularly, record- age, or figure, a mask, or vizard, PersuasOrius, a, um, adj. persua-
ed down, registered j
a disguise, a show Persuastrix, icis, /. a persuader
171 I 2
Persuasurus, a, urn, part, about |
Pertractans, part, handling
tis, over, to use the utmost dili-
to persuade often, thinking upon, consider- gence in finding
Persuasus, a, urn, pari, issimus, ing [mon way Peryenturus, a, um, part, that
tuperl. persuaded, made to be- Pertraetate, adv. after the com- will come, or be brought to
lieve Pertractatio, onis, /. a frequent Perversg and Pervorse, adv. per-
Persuasus, us, m. a persuading handling, a diligent perusal versely, crossly, peevishly, fro-
Persubtllis, e, adj. very subtle, Pertractatus, a, um, part, tho- wardly, mischievously
thin, line roughly considered, or debated Perversltas, atis, /. perverseness
Persulcatus, a, um, part, furrow- Pertracto, are, a. to handle much, Perversus and Pervorsus, a, um,
ed, wrinkled or often, to handle, to treat of, part, and adj. ior, comp. issimus,
Persultans, tis, part, making in- to consider thoroughly, to de- superl. perverted, overthrown,
cursions bate awry, perverse, cross, untoward,
Persulto, are, n. to frisk, or skip Pertractus, a, um, part, drawn unlucky, unhappy
over, to prance, or caper, to Pertrahendus, a, um, part, to be Perverto and Pervorto, gre, a. to
make incursions, or inroads drawn, to be towed, to be pro- pervert, to alienate, to bring
ertaedeo, ere, n. to be quite longed over, to corrupt, to turn upside
weary of Pertraho, gre, xi, ctum, a. to down, to overthrow, to destroy,
Pertaesus, a, um, part, weary, draw, to drag to ruin
tired fup Pertranseo, ire, n. to pass by, to Pervesperl, adv. very late
Pertggo, gre, a. to cover, to heap pass, or strikethrough Pervestlgatio, onis, /. a narrow
Pertendens, tis, part, fully pur- Pertranslucidus, a, um, adj. trans- search
posing parent Pervestigatus, a, um, part, tho-
Pertendo, gre, a. to extend, or Pertrecto, are, a. to rub lightly roughly searched
stretch over,to go quite through, Pertribuo, ere, a. to testify wil- Pervestigo, are, a. to trace, to
to finish, to complete lingly [trifling make a thorough search after
Pertentarus, a, um, part, tried Pertrlcosus, a, um, adj. very Pervgtus, eris, adj. very old, or
Pertento, are, a. to try thorough- Pertristis, e, adj. dismal, very ancient
ly, to run through, to seize, to severe [stale Pervgtustus, a, um, adj. very old,
affect, to disturb Pertritus, a, um, part, powdered, 01 stale, obsolete
Pertgnuis, e, adj. very thin, slen- Pertumultuosg, adv. very riotously Perviam, adv. to be come at
der, small, poor, or mean Pertundo, gre, tudi, tusum, a. to Pervlcacia, ae, f. peevishness, ob-
Perterebro, are, a. to bore through break, or bore through, to beat stinacy, wilfulness, persever-
Pertergeo, ere, si, a. to wipe Perturbans, tis, part, disturbing, ance, constancy
gently troubling Pervlcacius, adv. comp. more ob-
Pertergo, gre, si, a. to wipe Perturbatg, adv. confusedly stinately, very stubbornly
Pertgro, ere, trivi, a. to rub hard Perturbatio, onis, f. great trouble, Pervicax, acis, adj. ior, comp.
Perterrgf acio, gre, eci, actum, a. disorder, confusion, indisposi- issimus, superl. obstinate, stub-
to affright, scare, or dismay tion born, headstrong, wilful, im-
Perterref'actus, a, um, part, af- Perturbatrix, Icis, /. a disturber moveable
frighted Perturbatus, a, um, part, and adj. Pervideo, ere, a. to see thoroughly,
Perterreo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to ior, comp. issimus, superl. dis- to see at a distance, to see
affright, or frighten, to scare, turbed, troubled, disordered Pervlgeo, ere, n. to flourish
to stun Perturbo, are, a. to disturb, to Pervlgil, is, adj. very watchful,
Pert erricrg pus, a, um, adj. that trouble, to disorder, to con- watching, wakeful, ever-burning
strikes a dread with the noise found, to embroil, to discom- Pervigilans, tis, part, watching
it makes .pose, or move, mix Pervigllatio, onis, /. a watching,
Perterritus, a, um, part, af- Perturpis, e, adj. very base, or or sitting up all night long
frighted, alarmed, discouraged lewd [broken Pervlgllatus, a, um, part, spent
Pertexo, gre, ui, a. to weave out, Pertusus, a, um, part, bored, in watching
to go on with, to close Pervado, gre, n. to go through, or Pervigilium, i, n. a watching, a
Pertica, as, f. a percb, a pole, a over, to pass, to spread, to sitting up all night, a wake,
staff [poles escape, to enter the vigil of a holiday
Perticalis, e, adj. belonging to Pervagatus, a, um, part ior, comp.
. Pervlgllo, are, n. to watch, not to
Pertlmefactus, a, um, adj. tho- issimus, superl. having wan- sleep all night long
roughly affrighted dered, spread abroad Pervilis, e, adj. very cheap
Pertlmeo, ere, n. to be sore afraid, Pervagor, ari, dep. to wander, or Pervincendus, a, um, part, to be
to fear greatly rove about, to overrun overcome, or mastered
Pertimescendus, a, um, part, to Pervagus, a, um, adj wandering Pervinco, gre, a. to overcome, to
be greatly feared, dreadful Pervahdus, a, um, adj. very strong surpass, to prevail, to obtain,
Pertimesco, gre, ui, a. to fear Pervarig, adv. very variously to prove
greatly, to dread Pervastandus, a, um, part, to be Pervlridis, e, adj. very green
Pertlnacia, ae, /. obstinacy, stub- laid utterly waste Perviso, gre, si, a. to view, or be-
bornness, resolution, constancy Pervastatus, a, um, part, laid hold
Pertlnacltgr, adv. itis, comp issl- utterly waste, ruined, desolated Pervium, i, n. a thoroughfare

mg, superl obstinately, wilfully, Pervasto, are, a. to lay waste, to Pervlvo, gre, n. to survive
resolutely, constantly, conti- destroy Pervius, a, um, adj. passable, ac-
nually, incessantly Pervasurus, a, um, part, about to cessible [satchel
Pertlnax, acis, adj ior, comp. issl go through, or over, about to Perula, se, /. a little scrip, or
mus, superl. obstinate, stub- spread Pgrunctio, onis, /. an anointing
born, wilful, froward, perverse, Pervectus, a, um, part, brought all over
resolute, constant, steady along, carried, shipped over Perunctus, a, um, part, anointed
Pertlnens, tis, part, pertaining to, Pervehendus, a, um, part, to be all over, besmeared, bedaubed
extending, reaching brought, or carried together Perungendus, a, um, part, to be
Pertineo, ere, n. to pertain, be- Perveho, gre, exi, ectum, a. to anointed all over
long, or relate, to be service- carry along, to convey Perungo, gre, xi, ctum, a. to
able, to conduce, to tend, to Pervetlo, gre, li, or vulsi, a. to anoint all over, to besmear
extend, or reach twitch, or pinch, to fret, or Pervolgo, are, a. to make known,
Pertingens, tis, part, reaching afflict, to excite, or raise, to to pass through, to frequent, to
Pertingo, gre, Igi, actum, n. to disparage prostitute
extend, or reach Pervgniens, tis, part, coming to Pervolitans, tis, part, flying over
PertOlgro, are, a. to endure, to Pervgnio, Ire, eni, entum, n. to PervOlito, are,/reg. to fly all over,
suffer come to, to arrive at, to reach, or about
Pertorqueo, ere, si, a. to distort to fall to, to obtain, procure, PervOlo, are, n. to fly about, or all
I'ertractandus, a, um, part, to be or get, to come by, recover over, to spread, to post, to
handled gentlv, to be treated of Pervenor, ari, dep. to hunt all hasten
Pervolvo, 6ve, vi, lutum, a. to roll, Peti&lus, m. the stalk of fruits,
i, Phalerae, arum, pi. f. trappings
run, or read over, to roll a little foot for horses, ornaments worn by
Pervolutandus, a, um, part, to be PStissens, tis, part, desiring the Roman gentlemen and men
tumbled over, or perused Pgtisso, or Petesso, fire, a. to desire of arms
PervSluto, are, a. to roll over, to earnestly PhalSratus, a, um, part, trapped,
peruse Petitio, onis, /. a petition, a re- fine, magnificent
Peru ib anus, a, um, adj. very cour- quest, a canvassing, a thrust, Phanaticus, a, um, adj. fanatical,
teous an attack, the action of a plain- inspired, distracted
Perurgeo, ere, a. to urge greatly tiff Phantasia, se, /. the fancy, or
Pemro, a. to burn up, to set
fire, Pgtitor, Oris, m. a suitor, a candi- imagination, an idea, a vision
on to inflame, to scorch
tire, date, a demander, a plaintiff in sleep
PSrustus, a, um, adj. burnt up, Petitrix, Icis,/. a female plaintiff Phantasma, atis, n. a phantom,
set on fire, scorcbed, parched, Petltum, i, n. a petition, a re- an apparition, an idle conceit
galled, beaten quest, a demand, a problem Phanum, i, n. a temple

Perutilis, e, adj. very useful Petlturio, Tre, freq. to be very de- Pharetra, 33,/. a quiver
Pervulgate, adv. very commonly sirous of asking Pharetratus, a, um, adj. wearing
Pervulgaturus, a, um, part, about Petltiirus, a, um, part, about to a quiver
to publish, or make known seek, stand candidate, or go to Pharetriger, a, um, adj., the same
Pervulgatus, a, um, part, and adj. PStitus, a, um, part, asked, Pharisaeus, i, m. a pharisee
ior, eomp. issimus, superl. pub- desired, sought, borrowed, Pharmaceutria, ae, /. an eclogue
lisbed, very commonly, or well stricken treating of charms, a sor-
known Petitus, us, m. a request, an in- ceress, a witch
Pervulgo, are, o. to publish, to clination Pharmacopola, ae, m. a druggist,
make known Pfito, fire, ivi and to
ii, Itum, a. an apothecary, a quack
Pes, €dis, m. the foot, a foot, a ask, to request, to entreat, to Pharmacum, i, n. a drug, a medi-
coming to, or approaching, a beg, to sue for, to desire, to cine, a potion, poison
stream, or course, an oai , a 1
demand, or require, to claim, to Pharmacus, i, m. the chief artist
halser, a foundation seek in any villainy
Pessime, adv. superl. very badly, Pgtoritum, i, n., and Pgtorritum, Pharos, and Pharus, i, d. g., but
or ill a chariot, a waggon more often/., a small isle in the
Pessimus, a, um, adj. superl. the Petra, 33,/. a rock, a great stone mouth of tbe Nile, a watch-
worst [door Petraeus, a, um, adj. growing on a tower
Pessulus, i, m. a bar, or bolt of a rock Phaselus, i, d. g., and Faselus, m.
Pessum, adv. right down, under Petiensis, e, adj. found among a little sbip, a bark, a pinnace,
foot rocks, or stones a galley
Pessundo, are, dedi, datum, a. to Petricosus, a, um, adj. rocky, Phaselus, Phaseolus, and Faselus,
overthrow, to vanquish, to ruin, stony [wether i, m. a kind of bean with an
to lay waste Petro, 6nis, m. a clown, a bell- edible pod, kidney beans
Pessus, i, m. a pessary Petrosus, a, um, adj. rocky, Phasiana, a3, /. a hen pheasant
Pesttfer, a, um, adj. pestiferous, craggy Phasianinus, a, um, adj. of, or
deadly, pernicious, poisonous Pgtulans, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- belonging to a pheasant
Pestif'ere, adv. pestilently mus, superl. petulant, saucy, Phasianus, a, um, adj. Colchian
Pestif grus, a, um, adj. pestiferous, insolent, abusive, dishonest Phasianus, i, m. a cock pheasant
contagious Petulenter, adv. ids, comp. issime, Phasma, atis, n. an apparition
Pestilens, tis, adj. ior, comp. issi- superl saucily, impertinently, Phellus, i, m. a cork, a part of a
mus, superl. pestilent, or pesti- lustfully Phgretrum, i, n. a bier [dial
lential Petulantia, ae, /. petulence, sauci- Phiala, ae, /. a phial, or vial, a gold
Pestilentia, a pestilence, or
se, /. ness, perverseness, obstinacy, cup, a beaker
plague, a murrain, a contagion, mischievousness, lustfulness, Phlditia, oruui, pi. n. public sup-
unwholesomeness, spite exuberance pers kept with great temperance
Pestilentus, a, um, adj. pestilent Petulcus, a, um, adj. wanton, lust- Philargius, a, um, adj. delighting
Pestilitas, atis, /.a pestilence, a ful, frisky, mischievous, un- in ease
plague lucky Philautia, ae,/. self love
Pestis, is, /. a pest, or plague, Petfilus, m. one cast-eyed
i, Philippeus, same as Philippas
poison, mischief, ruin, destruc- Peumene, is, /. the spume of Philippicus, a, um, adj. of Philip
tion, death, distraction, mad- silver [shag Phllippus, i, m. a sort of golA
ness Pexatus, a, um, adj. clothed in coined by Philip, king of Ma-
Petalium, i, n. an ointment Pexltas, atis, /. a combed state, cedon, with his effigies on it
Pfitasatus, a, um, adj. wearing a nap PhllOlogia, se, /. philology, the
broad hat Pexus, a, um, part, combed, curl- study of humanity, loquacity
Petasio, onis, m. a flitch of bacon ed, having a high nap Philologus, a, um, adj. of philo-
Petaso, onis, m. a hand, or leg of Pezica, as, in. a sort of mushroom logy
pork [mon Phaecasium, i, n. a sort of shoe PhiljlOgus,i, m. a philologer, or

Petasunculus, i, m. a small gam- Phsecasiatus, a, um, adj. wearing humanist, a lover of discourse
Pgtasus, i, m. a broad-brimmed such shoes and learning
hat PhasnOmenon, i, n. an appearance Philomela, ae,/. a nightingale
Pfitaurista, ae, m. a leaping insect Phaggdama, ae,/. a running cancer Philomusus, i, m. a lover of the
Pgtaurum, i, n. a machine, out of Phalacr5c5rax, acis, m. a cormo- muses [hound
which insects, or actors were rant PhilOpaes, dis, /. the herb hore-
thrown into the air Phalanga, ae,/. a club used in war, Philorhomaeus, i, m. a lover of
Petaurus, i, m. a posture-master, a lever, a roller the Roman nation
an harlequin Phalangitae, arum, pi. m. soldiers Philos6phans, tis, part, philoso-
Petendus, a, um, part, to be so called phizing
asked, desired, sought, or as- Phalanx, gis,/. a phalanx, a four- Phil6s6phatus, a, um, part, having
sailed square body of 8000 foot set in played the philosopher
Petens, tis, part, asking, desiring, close array, a battalion of foot, Philosophia, as,/, philosophy, dis-
seeking, going to, making for a brigade of horse, a squadron, quisition, strict search
PStens, tis, c. a. a petitioner, a a regiment, the body of an PhilOsophice, adv. philosophically
suitor army Phil6s5phicus, a, um, adj. philo-
Petesso, and Pgtisso, ere, a. to Phalarica, and Falarica, an
83, /., sophical [phize
repeatedly, or eagerly strive instrument of war with wildfire PhilOsophor, ari, dtp. to philoso-
after an object inclosed, shot out of an engine, Philos6phus, i, m. a philosopher
Pgtigo, Inis,/. a running scab to set wooden turrets on fire, PhilOtheorus, i, m. a contem-
Petllius, i, m. a wild rose a sort of long spear, or dart plative man
Ffitlmen, inis, w. a facion Phalarismus, i, m. tyranny Philtra, orum, pi n. love-charms


Phllus, i, m. a gallant, a frieud Pictor, oris, m. a painter PUula, ae,/. a little ball, a pill, n
Phtl?ra, and Philura, k, /. the Pictorius, a, um, adj. of painting round knob, sheeps' dung
linden-tree, the thin skin be- Pictura, ae, /. a picture, a repre- Pilum, i, re. a dart, a javelin, a
tween the bark and wood of sentation, painting, paint, a spear, a pestle
that tree plan, or design Pilus, i, m. the van of an army
Phlmus, i, m. a dice-box Picturarus, a, um, adj. wrought, also the same as Pilum
Phlegma, atis, n. phlegm embroidered, adorned, speckled Pilus, i, m. hair, a thing of no
Phoca, ae,/. a sea-cali, a seal Pictus, a, um, part anil adj. ior, value [lery
Phoebe, es, /. the moon comp. painted, drawn, embroi- PinacOtheca, ae,/. a picture-gal-
Phoebus, i, m. the sun [wind dered, adorned, speckled Pinaster, tri, m. a wild pine
Phoenlce, es, /. the south-east Picus, i, m. a woodpecker, a griffin Pinax, acis, m. a frame of a pic-
Phoeniceus, a, um. adj. of a purple Pie, adv. issime, superl. piously, ture, a table, a board for organ-
colour kindly pipes [bearer
Phoenix, icis, m. a phcenix Pientissimus,a, um, adj. superl. Pincerua, ae, m. a butler, a cup-
Phonascus, i, m. one that teaches most pious, or kindly affec- Pinea, ae, /. a pine-tree
topronounce [star tioned Pinetum, i, re. a wood, or grove ot
Phosphorus, i, m. the morning- Pietas, atis, /. piety, devotion, re- pines
Phrasis, is, or eos, /. a phrase, or ligion, duty, dutifulness, affec- Pineus, a, um, adj. of pine
expression, the proper manner tion, love, attatchment, kind- Pingendus, a, um, part, to be
of speech ness, clemency, pity, compas- painted, to be adorned
Phrgnesis, is,/, a phrensy sion, justice Pingo, gre, nxi, ictum, a. to paint,
Phreneticus, a, um, adj. frantic Pigendus, a, um, part, to be re- to draw, to stain, or daub, to
Phrygianus, a, um, adj. embroi- pented of grace, or beautify, to adorn, or
dered Pigeo, ere, ui, n. to be unwilling, set off, to describe, to devise
Phrygio, onis, m. an embroiderer to grieve, vex, or trouble Pingue, is, re. fat
Fhrygionius, a, um, adj. wrought Piger, gra, grum, adj. rior, comp. Pinguedo, inis,/. fat, fatness
with a needle errimus, superl. slow, dull, Pingugfacio, gre, eci, actum, a. to
Phrygius, a, um, adj. Phrygian, heavy, inactive, tedious, sloth- make fat, to fatten [fat
wrought with needlework ful Pinguescens, tis, part, growing
Phthiriasis, is or eos, /. the lousy Pigmentarius, i, m. a maker, or Pinguesco, gre, incep. to grow fat,
disease seller of paint, a druggist to be made fertile
Phthlsicus, a, um, adj. phthisical Pigmentum, women's paint,
i, n. Pinguiarius, i, m. a lover of fat
Phthisis, is or eos,/. a phthisic paint, a figure, or flourish in Pinguis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
PhthOrius, a, um, adj. causing rhetoric, a pretence, or disguise superl. fat, greasy, plump, cor-
miscarriage Pigngrandus, a, um, part, to be pulent, unwieldy, dull, heavy
Phu, n. indecl. a sort of nard, a pledged Pinguiter, adv. thickly
shrub Pignerator, oris, m. a pawnbroker Pinguities, ei,/. and
Phy, interj. fie strange
! ! Pigngratrix, icis,/. a pawnbroker Pinguttudo, inis,/. fatness
Phyiaca, se,/. a jail for servants Pigneratus, a, um, part, pawned, Pinifer, gra, grum, adj. bearing
Phylacterium, i, n. a phylactery, pledged, having engaged pine-trees
an amulet, a charm Pigngro, are, a. to pawn, to re- Piniger, a, um, adj. pine-bearing
Phylarchus, i, m. the head of a ceive as a pawn Pinna, ae,/. a shell-fish, a naker,
tribe, clan, or family Pigngror, ari, dep. to take a pledge, a fin, a feather, a wing, a plume,
Physica, ae, /. natural philosophy, to challenge as his own, to as- a niched battlement
the knowledge of nature same Pinnalis, e, adj. woolly
Physica, orum, pi. re. books of PignOratus, a, um, part, having Pinnatus, a, um, adj. feathered,
natural philosophy pledged winged, niched, notched, point-
Phjfsice, adv. naturally Pignus, Oris, re. a pawn, a pledge, ed, prickly
Physicus, i, m. a natural philo- a gage, a mortgage, a token, Pinniger, ra, rum, adj. finned,
sopher proof [dully winged
Physiognomon, onis, m. a physio- Pigre, adv. ius, comp. slowly, Pinnirapus, i,m. a sword-player,
gnomist, a fortune-teller Pigreseo, gre, ui, incep. to slacken who with a net caught off the
Phy?i6l6gia, ae, /. physiology, Pigritia, ae,/., and Pigrities, ei,/. crest of his adversary's helmet
natural philosophy slothfulness, laziness, leisure, Pinnula, ae,/. a little fin, a little
Physis, is, / nature, the privy ease quill, feather, or wing, the tip
members; physes, pi. precious Pigror, ari, atus sum, dep. to be ol the ear
stones [piated slow, or loath to do a thing Pinsatio, onis,/. a pounding
Piabilis, e, adj. that may be ex- Pigror, oris, m. sluggishness Pinsito, are, a. to pound in a
Pi acularis, e, adj. expiatory Pila, ae,/. a ball, a pill, an effigy mortar
Piaculum, i, re. a great crime, a stuffed with straw, a turnip Pinsitus, a, um, part, pounded,
sacrifice for atonement, a re- Pila, ae, /. a mortar and pestle, a stamped
medy, yt cure pillar, a pilaster, a pile Pinso, are, a. to pound, knead
Pi amen, Inis, re. an expiation Piians, tis, part, pillaging, darting Pinso, gre, ui and si, itum, istum
Piamentum, i, n. an atonement, a Pilanus, i, m. a pikeman and insum, a. to pound mor- ma
remedy, or cure Pilaris, e, adj. of a ball, or hair; tar, to knead, to peck, to mock,
Piandus, a, um, part, to be atoned lusio, hand-ball [gler or scoff [ker
Piatio, onis,/. an atoning Pilarius, i, m. a ball-player, ajug- Pinsor, oris, m. a pounder, a ba-
Piatus, a, um, part, expiated, Pilatim, adv. pillar by pillar, close Pinus, i and us,/, a pine-tree, a
atoned for Pilatus, a, um, adj. armed with ship
Pica, ae,/. a pie, a magpie the pilum Pio, are, a. to expiate, or atone, to
Picandus, a, um
part, to be Pilatus, a, um, part, shaved pollute, or defile, to love, to
pitched [pitch Pileatus, a, um, adj. wearing a cap worship
Picans, tis, part, daubing with Pilentum, i, re. a chariot, or coach Pipatus, us, m. the cry of chickens
PIcaria, ae,/. a place where pitch PileOlum, i, n. or PileOlus, i, m. a Piper, eris, re. pepper
is made, or dug little bonnet, or cap, a covering Piperatus, a, um, adj. peppered
Picatus, a, um, part, pitched Pileum, i, re. a cap Piperitis, idis,/. pepperwort
Picea, ae,/. a pitch-tree P:!eus, i, m. a hat, bonnet, or cap, Pipilo, are, re. to chirp
Plceatus, a, um, adj. pitched liberty, freedom Pipio, ire, ivi, itum, n. to pipe
Piceus, a, um, adj. made of pitch, Pililudius, i, m. same as Pilarius Pipio, onis, m. a young pipiu
black as pitch Pilo, are, a. to drive close, to pil- or chirping bird
Piclnus, a, um, adj. of the colour lage, to plunder Pipo, are, re. to cluck as a hen
of pitch Pilo, are, n. to begin to be hairy ; Pipiilum, i, "n. or Plpttlus, i, s m
Pico, are, a. to pitch [aloes a. to peel, to make bald, to bare railing, a scolding, an outcry
Picra, ae, /. a medicine made of Pilosus, a, ura, adj. ior, comp. full Pirata, ae, m a pirate, a plunderer,
Picris, idis, f. wild cichory of hair, hairy « thief
Plratlca, se,/. piracy Placaturus, a, um, part, about to scion, or shoot, the sole of the
Plratlcus, a, um, adj. of pirates, or pacify foot, the foot
Ptrum, i, n. a pear [piracy Placatus, a, um, part, and adj. Plantftgo, Inis,/. plantain
Ph-us, i,/. a pear-tree ior, comp. issimus, superl. ap- Plant are, is, re a plant
Piscans, tis, pari, fishing peased, calmed, stilled, hush- Plantaris, e, adj. belonging to the
Piscaria, a?,/, a fish-market ed, allayed sole of the foot
Piscarius, a, um, adj. pertaining Placens, tis, part, pleasing Plant avium, i, n. a plant, a nursery
to fish, fishermen, or fishing Placenta, se, /. a cake, a cheese- of plants
Fiscarius, m. a fishmonger
i, cake [cakes Plant atio, onis,/. a planting
iscator, oris, m. a fisherman Placentinus, i,. m. a maker of Plantiger, a, um, adj. grafted
Fiscatorius, a, um, adj. belonging Placeo, ere, ui, itum, n. to please, Planto", are, whence Plantor, ari,
to fishers, or fishing to delight, to like pass, to bj3 planted or set
Piscatrix, Icis,/. a kind offish Placide, adv. ius, comp. issTme, Planus, a, unr,adj. ior, comp. issi-
Piscatus, us, m. a fishing, plenty superl. calmly, mildly, meekly, mus, superl. plain, flat, level,
of fish, the eating of fish, a fish- gently, quietly, softly, kindly, even, smooth, clear, evident,
market [fish peaceably, patiently manifest
Pisciculus, i, m. a little fish, a Placldltas, atis, /. mildness Planus, i, m. an impostor, a cheat
Piscina, se, /. a fish-pond, a pool, Placidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Plasma, atis, re. a gargle, a fiction
or pond, a place to bathe in, a issimus, superl. calm, smooth, Plastes, 33, m. a potter, a statuary
vat, a trough mild, meek, gentle, quiet, tame, Plastlce, es, /. the craft of making
Pisclnalis, e, adj. offish-ponds easy, soft, kind, courteous, pa- things of earth [tree
Piscinarius, i, m. he that keeps tient Plataninus, a, um, adj. of a plane-
fish Placito, are,/reg. to please much Platanon, onis, m. a place planted
Piscintila, or Piscinella, se, /. dim. Placitum, i, n. an opinion, a sen- with plane-trees
a small fish-pond tence, a resolve, a decree, a Platanus, i, and us,/, a plane-tree
Piscis, is, m. a fish, a sign in the maxim Platea, or Platea, se, /. a great
zodiac Placiturus, a, urn, part, that will street, a street, a court, a bird
Piscor, an, dep. to fish [fishy please Plaudendus. a, um, part, to be
Piscosus, a, um, adj. full offish, Placitus, a, um, part, issimus, applauded, or gently stroked
Pisculentus, a, um, adj. full offish superl. pleasing, grateful Plaudens, tis, part, applauding,
Plsens, tis, part, pounding Placo, are, a. to appease, to calm, commending, clapping hands,
Piso, are, a. to stamp, or pound to smooth, still, or hush, to clapping
Piso, ere, a. the same assuage, to allay, to pacify, to Plaudo, 6re, si, sum, a. to ap-
Pisslnus, a, um, adj. of pitch reconcile, to satisfy, to atone, plaud, to commend, to encou-
Pistillum, i, n. a pestle to pound to render propitious rage, to clap hands, to clap, to
with Plaga, se,/. a climate, a tract, or flap
Pistor, oris, m. a baker, a m^ler space, a region, or country, a Plausibilis, e, adj. plausible
Pistorius, a, um, adj. belonging coast, a way, a net, or toil Plausor, oris, m. an applauder
to a baker, baking, or pastry Plaga, se, /. a stroke, a blow, a Plaustrum, i, n. and Plostrum, a
Pistrilla, se,/. a small bakehouse, stripe, a print, or mark, a waggon, a cart, a dung-cart, a
a little pounding mill wound, a cut, gash, or incision, dray, Charles's wain near the
Pistrillarius, i, m. a miller a loss, or overthrow north-pole «•
Pistrlna, se,/. a grinding-house, a Plagse, arum, pi. f. nets, or toils Plausus, a, um, part, applauded,
bakehouse, a mill Plagiarius, i, m. a plagiary, a kid- clapped, flapped [ping
Pistrinensis, e, adj. belonging to napper Plausus, us, m. applause, a clap-
a bakehouse, or mill Plagiger, a, um, adj. born to be Plebectila, s.f.dim. the poor peo-
Pistrinum, i, n. a bakehouse, a beaten ple
workhouse, a bridewell, a pri- Plagiggrulus, a, um, adj. used to Plebeius, a, um, adj. plebeian, of
son, drudgery, toil stripes the common people, poor, low,
Pistrix, Icis, /. a mill, a sign in PlagipatTda, se, m. a parasite, who common
the heavens, a fish for a meal's meat would suffer Plebes, is,/, the common people
Pistura, se,/. the art of pounding a beating Plebicola, se, m. a popular man
corn Plagosus, a, um, adj. full of Plebiscltum, i, re. a law, a decree,
Pistus, a, um, part, pounded, wounds, flogging order, or statute, made by the
Pisum, i, re. a pea [baked Plagula, se, /. a small curtain, or consent of the people
Plthecium, i, re. an ill-favored hanging, a sheet of paper Plebs, ebis, /. the common peo-
woman, like an old ape Plaguleius, i, m. a plagiary ple, the rout, mob, or rabble,
PItisso, are, a. to taste by little Plauctus, us, m. a beating, a roar- one of the common sort, a ple-
and little [patch ing, a noise, a wailing beian
Pittacium, i, n.a roll, or list, a Plancus, i, m. one splayfooted, an Plectilis, e, adj. that is platted
Pituita, se, /. phlegm, rheum, a eagle Plecto, ere, exi, exum, a. to twist,
watery distemper, the pip Plane, adv. ius, comp. issime, or twine, to plait, fold, knit, or
Pituitaria, se,/. staves-acre superl. plainly, clearly, evi- weave, to correct, punish, or
Pltultosus, a, um, adj. full of dently, manifestly, utterly, en- beat
phlegm tirely Plectripotens, tis, adj. skilful in
Pius, a, um, adj. isslmus, superl. Planeta, se, m. a planet the use of the plectrum
§ious, godly, devout, religious, Plangens, tis, part, beating, beat- Plectrum, i, n. a quill, bow, &c,
utiful, upright, uncorrup'c, ing against, weeping, wailing to play upon the strings of mu-
just, lawful, loving, tender, Plango, fire, nxi, nctum, a. to sical instruments, a harp, a lute
kind-hearted beat, strike, knock, or dash Plene, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Pix, picis,/. pitch against, to bewail, lament, or superl. fully, quite, completely,
Placabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. placa- bemoan abundantly, largely, at large
ble, easy to be pleased, or paci- Plangor, oris, m. a beating, a Plenilunium, i, n. the full moon
fied, mild, gentle wailing, or lamentation, an out- Plenitas, atis,/. fullness, plenty
Placalrilitas, atis,/. placability cry Plenitudo, inis,/. fulness, corpu-
Placabihter, adv. contentedly, Plangunciila, se,/. a puppet lency, thickness
quietly PlanllOquus, a, um, adj. speaking Plenus,a, um, adj. ior, comp. isst-
Placamen, an atonement
Inis, n. his mind mus, suped. full, plentiful,
Placamentum, i, re. an atonement Planipes, Sdis, adj. without shoes abounding, or furnished with,
Placandus, a, um, part, to be ap- Planltia, se, /. a plain, a level large, great
peased, or softened piece of ground, plainness, even- Ple6nasmus, i, m. a pleonasm, a
Placans, tis, part, appeasing ness redundancy
Placate, adv. iiis, comp. calmly Planities, ei,/. the same Plerique, plera?que, pler&que, adj.
Placatio, 6nis,/. an \ppeasing, an Piano, are, a. to level, make plain pi. the most, or greatest part,
atoning Planta, a;, /. a plant, a graft, a many
Plerumque, or Plerunque, adv. for much, very many, most, several, POlitor, Oris, m. a scourer,
the most part, sometimes numerous, the most, or greatest armourer, a dresser of ground
Plerusque, aque, umque, or un- part, very long or large POlitulus, a, um, adj. somewhat
que, adj. most; same as Ple- Pluris, gen. of more worth, or fine [ming
rique value POHtura, se,/. a polishing, a trim.
Pleurltlcus, a, urn, adj. pleuritic - Plus, adj. n. tiris, gen more POlitus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
Pleuritis, Idis,/. the pleurisy Plus, adv. more, longer, better comp. isslmus, superl. polished,
Plexus, a, um, part, platted, woven Plusculum, i, n. somewhat more decked, made fine, adorned,
Plica, ae,/. a plait, a fold, a wrin- Plusculum, adv. too much [more trim, neat [dust
kle [ing Plusculus, a, um, adj. a little Pollen, Inis, m. fine flour, small
Pilcans, tis, part, folding, writh- Piuteus, i, m. and Pluteum, i, n. Pollens, tis, part, prevailing,
Pllcatllis, e, adj. that may he a kind of engine made of boards abounding with, powerful
folded like a penthouse, under which Polleutia, ae,/. power, sway
Pllcatio, 6nis,/. a folding approaches were made in the Polleo, ere, n. to be able, to he of
Plicatura, se,/. a folding, a fold besieging of a city, a parapet great force, virtue, or power, to
Plico, are, a. to fold Pliitonius, a, um, adj. of Pluto bear" rule, to prevail, to excel
Plinthis, Idis,/. and Pluvia, se,/. rain Pollex, Icis, m. the thumb, a
Fiinthus, i, m. the square foot of Pluvialis,e, adj. of rain, rain, thumb's breadth, any finger,
a pillar, a dial-post showery, bringing, or causing the great toe
Plorabllis, e, adj. deplorable, la- rain Pollicaris, e, adj. of a thumb
mentable Pluviattlis, e, adj. rainy, of rain Pollicens, tis, part, promising
Plorabundus, a, um, adj. in a Plfiviosus, a, um, adj. very rainy Polliceor, eri, ltus sum, dep. to
weeping, or wailing manner Pluvius, a, um, adj. of rain, promise, to engage, to assure,
PlOrandus, a, um, part, to be la- rainy, showery, bringing, or to affirm, to offer [often
mented [ing causing rain Pollicitans, tis, part, promising
Plorans, part, weeping, wail-
tis, Pneumatlcus, a, um, adj. pneu- Pollicitatio, onis, /. a promise
Ploratio, onis,/. a bewailing matic, windy Pollicitor, ari, dep. to promise
PI orator, oris, m. a lamenter Pocillum, i, dim. a little cup often
Ploratus, a, um, part, bewailed, Poculentus, a, um, adj. drinkable Pollicitum, i, n. a promise
lamented Pociilum, i, n. a cup, a draught, PollieTtus, a, um, part, having
Ploratus, us, m. a weeping, a cry a potion, a banquet promised, promised, assured,
Ploro, are, a. to weep, to bewail, POdager, gra, grum, adj. gouty warranted [flour
to lament PSdagra, ae,/. the gout Pollinarius, a, um, adj. of fine
Plostellum, i, n. dim. a little cart POdagricus, a, um, adj. gouty Pollincio, Ire, «xi, nctum, a. to
Ploxeraum, i, n. a tumbrel POdagrosus, a, um, adj. gouty embalm, to undertake a burial,
Pluma, se, f. a feather, the first POderis, e, adj. reaching to the to bury
down upon the cheeks, a plate, feet Pollinctor, Oris, m. an embalmer,
or spangle wrought on accou- Podex, Icis, m. the breech, the an undertaker, a sexton
trements fundament- Pollinctura, ae,/. an embalming
Plumarius, m. one who makes
i, Podium, i, n. a balcony, a stage Pollinctus, a, um, part, prepared
feather-work, an embroiderer for bee-hives, that part of the for burial
PlumatUis, e, adj. made of fea- theatre next the orchestra Pollis, Inis, m. fine flour
thers Pcecile, es, /. the picture gallery Pollubrum, i, n. and Polubrum, a
Plumatus, a, um, part, feathered, at Athens basin, or bowl to wash in
interwoven with divers colours Poeina, atis, n. a poem, poetry Polluceo, ere, uxi, uctum, a. to
like feathers Poematium, i, a little poem flourish, to beautify, to prepare
Plumbago, Inis,/. a mine, or vein Poena, ae,/. punishment, a penalty, '
a feast [costly
of lead, or silver, leadwort or paying, an evil, or suffering, Polliicibilis, e, adj. sumptuous,
Plumbarius, a, um, adj. of lead trouble, remorse, regret, torment Polluclbillter, adv. magnificently
Plumbarius, i, m. a plumber Pcenalis, a, um, adj. penal Pollucte, adv. sumptuously, nobly
Plumbata, se,/. a plummet Pcenarius, a, um, adj. penal Polluctum, i, n. a costly banquet,
Plumbatus, a, um, part, leaded Poenlceus, a, um, adj red good cheer
Plumbeum, i, n. a leaden caldron Poenltendus, a, um, part, to be Polluctura, se,/. good cheer
Plumbeus, a, um, adj. leaden, or repented of, or disliked Polluctus, a, um, part, conse-
of lead, of the colour of lead, Pcenltens, tis, part, repenting, crated
dull, stupid, thick, heavy, slow penitent [like Polluendus, a, um, part, to be
Plumbeus, i, m. a blockhead Pcenitentia, se,/. repentance, dis- polluted
Plumbo, are, a. to lead, to solder Poenlteo, ere, ui, n. to repent Polluo, ere, ui, utum, part, to pol-
with lead Poesis, is,/, poesy, poetry lute, to defile, to corrupt, to in-
Plumbosus, a, um, adj. isslmus, Poeta, se, m. a poet, an artist fect, to violate, break
superl. full of lead Poetlca, se, and Poetlce, es,/. the Pollutus, a, um, part, and adj.
Plumbum, i, n. lead, a lwiden art of poets, poetry ior, comp. issimus, superl. pol-
pipe, a bullet of lead, solder Poetlce, adv. poetically luted, defiled, violated, broken
Pliimesco, 6re, incep. to be fledged Posticus, a, um, adj. poetical, Polvlnar, aris, n. a cushion, a
Plumeus, a, um, adj. of feathers feigned pillow
Plumlger, a, um, adj. bearing Poetor, ari, dep. to play the poet POlus, i, m. the pole, heaven
feathers Poetria, ae,/. a poetess POlygamia, se,/. polygamy
Plumlpes, fidis, adj. feather- P61, adv. by Pollux POlyhistor, oris, m. a man that
footed Polenta, se, /. barley flour dried has read much, a collection of
Plumosus, a, um, adj. full of and fried, a coarse country-food histories
feathers [ther Polia, se, /. a kind of gem POlylOquus, a, um, adj. talkative
Plumula, se, /. dint, a little fea- Toliendus, a, um, part, to be po- POlymitus, a, um, adj. em-
Pluo, ere, plui, a. to rain, to lished, set off, or adorned broidered
shower down Polimentum, i, n. the stone of a POlyplusius, a, um, adj. very rich
Pluralis, e, adj. plural hog when gelded POlypOdium, i, n. polypody, oak-
Plurallter, adv. plurally Ivi* Itum, a. to polish, to
POlio, Ire, fern
Plures, plura, and pluria, adj. pi. smooth, to set off, adorn, or em- Polyposus, a, um, adj. having a
more, or many, the dead bellish, to furnish, to rake, or polypus in the nose
Plurlfariam, adv. sundry ways, in harrow P01?pus, i, or pOdis, m. a fish, a
several places Polite, adv. ius, comp. neatly, piece of flesh in the nose, an
Plurlfarius, a, um, adj. of divers finely, elegantly, exquisitely, extortioner, a pinchpenny
fashions smoothly POlysyllabus, a, um, adj. having
Plurlmum, adv. very much, for the POHtia, se,/. civil government many syllables
most part, most of all POHticus, a, um, adj. political, POmarium, i,n. an orchard, an
Plurfmus, a, um, adj. superl. very civil apple-loft, an apple
Pomarius, i, m. a fruitseller Poppysma, a clapping on
atis, n. |
reach, or stretch out, to laj
PdmSrldianus, a, urn, adj. in, or the back, or stroking with the upon the altar
of the afternoon hand Porrlgendus, a, um, part, to be
Pometum, i, n. an orchard Populabilis, e, adj. that may be stretched out, or extended
Porolfer, a, urn, adj. bearing apples destroyed Porrigens, tis, part, giving, reach-
Pon^lio, Onis, to. a dwarf PSpulabundus, a, um, adj. spoil- ing
Poimlius, a, urn, adj. dwarfish ing, or pillaging, destroying Porrigo, tnis,/. scurf in the head,
POmcerium, i, n. a space about POpulandus, a, um, part, to be dandruff, manginess, the mea-
the walls of a city, a limit laid waste sles
Omosus, a, urn, adj. full of apples Populans, tis, part, wasting, de- Porrlgo, 6re, exi, ectum, a. to
Pompa, ae, /. a pomp, a solemn stroying stretch, reach, hold, loll, or
sight, or show, a train, or re- POpularia, um, pi. n. the upper- lengthen out, to extend, to pros-
tinue, a wedding, or burial, a most seats in playhouses for trate, to lay along
procession, show the populace Poirlna, ae,/ a garden-bed, a kek
Pomposus, a, um, adj. pompous, Popularis, e, adj. ior, comp. popu- Porr6, adv. farther, afar off, or at
stately lar, favoured of the people, a distance, moreover, further-
Pomum, i, n. an apple, all man- loving the people, seeking to more, besides, hereafter, hence-
ner of fruit that grows on trees, gain the people's favour forth, afterwards, still
a fruit-tree Popularis, is, e.g. a country man, Porrum, i, n., and Porrus, i, m. a
Pomus, i,/. a fruit-tree, an apple or woman, one of the same scallion, leek, or shalot
Pondgrandus, a um, part, to be town, breed Porta, ae, /. a gate of a city, a
weighed, examined POpiilaritas, atis, f. popularity, a door, an entrance, a passage, a
Ponderans, tis, part, weighing popular action, friendship strait ^between two hills
Pondgratio, onis,/. a weighing Populariter, adv. popularly, at Portablhs, e, adj. portable
Ponderatus, a, um, part, weighed the pleasure of the populace, Portandus, a, um, part, to be
Pondero, are, a. to weigh, to ex- plainly carried [ing
amine, to consider, to judge POpiilatio, 6nis, /. a robbing, a Portans, tis, part, carrying, bear-
PonderOsus, a,um, adj. ior, comp. pillaging, a wasting, or destroy- Port atio, onis,/. a carrying
issimus, superl. ponderous, very ing [waster Portaturus, a, um, part, about to
heavy, weighty, substantial POpiilator, Oris, to. a plunderer, a carry
Pondo, n. indecl. sing, and pi. a Populatrix, icis,/. a destroyer Port atus, us, to. a carriage
pound-weight, weight POpiilatiirus, a, um, part, that Portendo, fire, di, turn, a. to por-
Pondus, 6ris, n. weight, a burden, will ravage tend, or forebode wonders
• or load, a quantity, number, or POpulatus, a, um, part, having Portentifer, a, um, adj. doing
sum, a balance, or scales, value, laid waste, ravaged, destroyed Portentificus, a,um, adj. the same
importance POpulatus, us, to. a laying waste Portentosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Ponduscillum, i, n. a small weight Populetum, i, n. a grove of poplars issimus, superl. monstrous,
Pone, prep, and adv. after, behind Populeus, a, um, adj. of a poplar wonderful
POnendus, a, um, part, to be laid Popiillfer, a, um, adj. bearing Portentum, i, n. a prodigy, a
aside, to be bestowed poplars monster, an omen, a token, a
Ponens, tis, part, placing, be- Populiscitum, i, n. tame as Ple- vain fancy
stowing biscitum Portentus, a, um, part, foreshown
POno, 6re, sui, Itum, a. to put, Populneus, a, um, adj. of poplar Porthmeus, eos, m. a ferryman
lay, set, place, or pitch, to put Populnus, a, um, adj. of a poplar Portlcttla, ae,/. dim. a little porch
off, or out, to lay down, aside, P&pulo, are, a. to rob, to plunder, Portlcus, us,/, a portico, or piazza,
out, or up, to set down, or be- to spoil, to ravage, to lay waste a porch, a gallery
fore, to stake, to deposit Populor, ari, atus sum, dep. the Portio, Onis,/. a portion, part, or
Pons, tis, m. a bridge, a float, or same share, a quantity, or measure, a
raft, a plank, a step [bridge Populus, i, /. a poplar-tree, an proportion
Pontlculus, i, m. dim. a little aspen-tree Portito, are,freq. to carry about
Pontifex, icis, to. a pontiff, a chief Populus, i, m. the people, the Portitor, oris, m. a porter, a car-
bishop, a priest commonalty, the subjects of a rier, a ferryman, the custom-
Pontif icalis, e, adj. of a pontiff nation, a nation, a crowd, or receiver of a port
Pontificatus, us, to. the dignity multitude, a community, or Porto, are, a. to carry, or bear, to
of a pontiff, or chief priest corporation carry away, to bring
Pontiflcia, orum, pi. n. the ponti- Porca, ae, /. a sow, a ridge be- Portorium, i, n. custom, or im-
fical books tween two furrows, a balk of post paid for goods imported,
Pontlficialis, e, adj. belonging to land or exported, toll, a tax, or duty,
a pontiff, or chief priest Porcarius, a, um, adj. of a sow freight
Pontificium, i, n. the charge, Porcarius, i, m. a swineherd Portula, se,/. dim. a little gate
authority, power, or office of a Porcellia, ae,/. purslain Portuosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
pontiff [pontiff Porcellus, i, m. a pig, a young hog issimus, superl. full of havens.
Pontificus, a, um, adj~. of a Porcetra, se,/. a young sow or harbours
Pontlhs, e, adj. like a bridge Porcilia, ae,/. a young sow Portus, us, m. a port, haven, or
Ponto, onis, m. a pontoon Porcina, ae,/. pork harbour, a duty, the mouth of a
Pontus, i, m. the sea, the Black Porcinarius, i, m. a hog-butcher river, a place of refuge
Sea Porcinus, a, um, adj. of a hog Porus, i, to. a pore, a kind of stone
Popa, ae, to. the sacrificing priest, Porciilator, oris, m. a feeder of Posca, ae, /. wine mingled with
one gluttonous, or greedy swine water
P5panum, i, n. a cake offered to Porculum, i, n. an implement to Poscens, tis, part, asking, desiring
the gods be put in a screw of an oil- Posco, 6re, poposci, a. to ask, to
Popellus, i, to. the rabble, or mob press to hold the rope call for, to demand, to require,
Poplna, »,/. a tavern, a tippling- Porculus, i, m. a little pig to pray earnestly, to provoke
house, a cook's shop, or ordi- Porcus, i, m. pork, hog's flesh, a Posltio, onis, /. a position, a situa-
nary hog, sow, or pig, a glutton tion, a disposition, state, or
POplnalis, e, adj. of cooks' shops P6rgens, tis, part. for Porrigens condition, a concurrence, a ter-
P6plnaria, ae,/. an hostess Porphyreticus, a, um, adj. per- mination [absolute
POpIuarius, i, to. a victualler taining to purple POsitivus, a, um, adj. positive,
Popinatio, onis,/. riotous living Porraceus, a, um, adj. green POsttor, oris, to. a founder, or
Papinator, oris, to. a common Porrectio, onis,/. an extension builder [ture
haunter of public houses Porrectus, a, um, part, and adj. PSsitura, 82, /. a position, a pos-
Popino, Onis, m. a drunken sot ior, comp. stretched, or held PSsiturus, a, um, part, about to
Poples, Itis, to. the ham, the knee out, extended, lying along, de- put, set, pitch, lay down
Poppaeana, 6rura, pi. n. fine oint- layed, or prolonged, dead P5situs, a, um, part, put, laid, set,
ments Porrlcio, fire, eci, ectum, a. to or placed, laid down, aside, or
177 I 3
out, set over, situated, appoint- Postmitto, ere, to neglect
Isi, 'a. Potenter, adv. ids, comp. isslme,
ed, granted, supposed [cion Postmodo, adv. afterwards, here- superl powerfully, mightily
POsitus, us, m. a placing, a situa- after POtentia, ae, /. power, ability,
Possessio, Onis, /. a possesion, an PostmOdum, adv. afterwards force, sway, authority, efficacy,
estate PostpOnendus, a, um, part, to be influence, interest
Possessiuncula, a small estate
ae,/. less esteemed POtentialis, e, adj. potential
Possessivus, a, um, adj. posses- PostpOno, ere, sui, situm, a. to Poterium, i, n. a cup, an herb

sive set after, to esteem less, to lay Potestas, atis, /. power, govern-
Possessor, 6ris, m. a possessor, aside [aside ment, authority, controul, do-
an owner, a tenant PostpOsitus, a, um, part, laid minion, a post, a command,
Possessiirus,a, um, part, about to Postprincipium, i, n. a continua- ability, possiblity, leave, liberty,
possess tion permission, opportunity
Possessus, a, um, part, possessed, Postpilto, are, a. to reckon less, Potiens, tis, part, obtaining
owned or inferior POtilis, e, adj. that belongs to
Possessus, us, m. a possession Postquam, adv. after that, as, drinking
Possibllis, e, adj. possible since, forasmuch as, because Potio, onis,/. a potion, the act of
Posslbilitas, atis, /. possibility, that drinking, drink [under
power [possessed Postremior, us, adj. from superl. Potio, Ire, ivi, itum, a. to bring
Possidendus, a, um, part, to be postremus, worse, baser POtionatus, a, um, part, poisoned
Pcssidens, tis, part, possessing Postremissimus, a, um, adj. Potior, Iris and gris, Iri, Itus sum,
Possldeo, ere, edi, essum, a. to superl. from postremus, the dep. to enjoy, to possess, get, or
possess, to have, or enjoy, to worst, or vilest obtain, to conquer, or get the
occupy, to get, or obtain, to Postremd, adv. superl. lastly, upper hand
make himself master of finally P6tior, us, adj. comp. more power-
Possldo, ere, a. to occupy Postreroum, adv. superl. for the more eligible, better
Possum, pOtes, ui, posse, verb last time POtis, e, adj. ior, cnmp. issimus,
irreg. to be able to do, or Postremus, a, um, adj. superl. the superl. able, possible
effect, to have power, to be last, the worst, basest Potissime, adv. superl. especially
well Postridie, adv. the next day, the POtissimum, adv. superl. chiefly,
Post, prep, after, behind, since day after particularly
POst, adv. after that, afterwards Postscenium, or Poscenium, i, n. POtissimus, a, um, adj. superl. the
Postautumnalis, e, adj. after the attiring-room behind the best, the chiefest, the choicest,
harvest stage [after the main
Postea, adv. afterwards Postscrlbo, psi, turn, a. to write POtito, are, a. to tipple
Posteaquam, adv. after that Postsignani, orum, pi. m. soldiers Potitor, oris, m. a victor
Postfiri, Oram, pi. m. posterity stationed behind the standards POtlturus, a, um, part, about to
Postgritas, atis, /. posterity, fu- Postveniens, tis, part, coming obtain [tained
ture time, a breed after POtitus, a, um, part, having ob-
Posterius, adv. comp. afterward Postvenio, ire, n. to come after POtiuncuia, ae, /. dim. a little
PostgrO, adv. the next day Postulandus, a, um, part, to be potion
Postgrula, ae, /. a small back demanded Potiundus, a, um, part, to get,
door, or gate, a postern Postulans, tis, part, desiring, de- or obtain
Posterus, a, um, adj. the next; manding POt'ius, adv. comp. rather, better
posterior, comp. after, latter, Postulatio, Onis, /. a desire, a re- Poto, are, aviandpOtus sum^atum
worse; postremus, superl. the quest, a petition, an expostula- and pOtum, a. to drink, to tip-
last, the worst, the meanest tion, or quarrel, an accusation ple, to fuddle, to suck
Postfgrendus, a, um, part, to be begun POtor, oris, m. a drinker, a drunk-
set after Postiilatitius, a, um, adj. that is ard
Postfgro, ferre, postnli, latum, a. requested, or demanded PotOrium, i, n. a drinking-vessel
to put after, or behind, to es- Postiilator, oris, m. a suitor, a PotOrius, a, um, adj. of drinking
teem less plaintiff, an advocate Potrix, icis,/. a drunkard
Postfuturus, a, um, part, to be PostulatOrius, a, um, adj. ex- Potulentus, a, um, adj. drinkable,
hereafter [after piatory [mands drunk [drink
Postggnltus, um, part, born
a, Postulatrix, Icis, /. she that de- Poturus, a, um, part, that would
Posthabeo, ui.itum, a. to set
ere, Postfilatum, i, n. a desire, a re- Potus, a, um, part, drunken,
less by, to postpone, to neglect quest, a petition, a demand, an drunk up
Posthabitus, a, um, part, disre- accusation Potus, us, m. drink, drinking
garded Postulaturus, um, part, about
a, Practlcus, a, um, adj. practical
Posthac, or Posthaec, adv. here- to desire, demand, &c. Prae, prep, governing abl. before,
after, from henceforth Postulatus, a, um, part, desired, in comparison, in regard, or in
Posthlnc, adv. afterward asked, requested, sued for, de- respect of, for, or by reason of,
Posthumus, a, um, adj. posthu- manded in
mous, born after a father's Postulatus, us, m. a demanding PraeScuo, 6re, a. to sharpen
death, published after an au- Postulo, are, a. to desire, to en- Praeacute, adv. very wittily
thor's death treat, or beseech, to demand, or Praeaxutus, a, um, part, and adj.
Posticulum, i, n. ground behind, require, to call for, to complain sharpened at the end, very sharp
or on the back part of a house of, to accuse [last Praealte, adv. very highly
Posticum, i, n. a back door, a Posturous, a, um, adj. superl. the Praealtus, a, um, adj. very high,
postern Potandus, a, um, part, to be drank or deep
Posticus, a, um, adj. that is on Potans, tis, part, drinking, drink- Praebenda, Orum, pi. n. salt and
the back part ing hard, soaking in wood, or any necessary, pro-
Vostidea, adv. afterwards Potatio, onis,/. a drinking-bout vided for a magistrate coming
Postldem, adv. afterwards Potator, oris, m. a drinker, a into any country [plying
Postilena, ae,/. a crupper bibber [drink Praebens, tis, part, affording, sup-
Postilla, adv. afterwards Potaturus, a, um, part, that will Praebeo, ere, a. to afford, to yield,
Postinde, adv. after that Potatus, a, um, part, drank, to allow, to minister, to supply,
Postis, is, m. a door-post, a door drank freely of to furnish, to give up, to expose,
Postllmlnid, adv. by way of re- Potatus, us, m. a drinking to offer, to give occasion to
covery, by stealth P6tens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Praebltio, onis,/. an allowance
Postliminium, i, n. a return to comp. issimus, superl. able, Praebltor, Oris, m. a purveyor
one's own country, right, and powerful, strong, mighty, va- Praebiturus, a, um, part, about to
estate again, a return, a re- liant, prevailing, excelling, hav- supply • [lowed
covery ing power PraVbltus, a, um, part, given, nl-
Postmgridianus, a, um, «dj. of, POtentatus, us.wt. dominion, rule, Praecal Idus, a, um, adj. very warm
cr in the afternoon empire, pre-eminence Praecalvus, a, um, adj. bald before
vnm rnjE pr/e
Praecantatio, 6nis,/. a charming Praeclpltatio, Onis, /. a falling Praecursorius, a, um, adj. sent, a, vm,part. charmed headlong, haste beforehand, set, or done before
Praecantrix, Icis, /. a sorceress Praeclpitaturus, a, um,part. about Praecursurus, a, um, part, about
Prsecanus, a, um, adj. very grey to cast, down headlong to run before
Praecarus, a, um, adj. very dear Praecipitatus, a, um, parr, thrown Praecursus, us, m. a going before
Praecavendus, a, um, part, to be headlong, bent down, come Praecurvus, a, um, adj. very
taken heed of beforehand hastily on crooked
Praecavens, tis, part, providing for Praecipitium, i, precipice
n. a Praecutio, fire, ssi, ssum, a. to
Praecaveo, ere, cavi, cautum, a. to Praeclpito, are, a. to precipitate, shake before
beware beforehand to throw, or cast headlong, to Praeda,ae, /. a prey, a booty, or

Praecautus, a, um, part, provided hurry down, to hasten, to fall, prize, spoil, plunder, pillage,
against or run down with violence, to gain [ing
Praecedens, tis, part, going before overthrow Praedabundus, a, um, adj. plunder-
Praecedo, fire, a. to go before, to Praecipue, adv. chiefly, especially, Praedaceus, a, um, adj. got by
outrun, or outstrip, to surpass particularly, very much robbing
Praeeeler, firis, fire, a. very swift Praecipuus, a, um, adj. chief, prin- Praedamnatus, a, um, part, con-
Praecfilfiro, are, a. to hasten cipal, special, singular, par- demned, or disapproved before-
Praecellens, tis, part, and adj. ior, ticular, peculiar hand
comp. isslmus, superl. surpass- Praeclse, adv. precisely, briefly Praedamno, are, a. to prejudice
ing, excellent Praeclsio, onis,/. preci sion, brevity Praedans, tis, part, plundering,
Praecello, fire, n. to excel, surpass, Praecisus, a, um, part, cut off, preying
or surmount, to preside over concise Praedatio, onis,/ a plundering
Praecelsus, a, um, adj. very high Praeclai e, adv. ius, comp. issime, Praedatltius, a, um, adj. gotteD
Praecentio, onis, /. the beginning superl. very clearly, plainly, or by prey,
of a song, the flourish well, bravely, nobly, excellently Praedator, Sris, m. a robber
Praecentor, oris, m. the chanter of Praeclarus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Praedatorius, a, um, adj. of, or
a choir isslmus, superl. very bright, or for robbing, or plundering, pira-
Praeceps, clpitis and ctpis, adj. plain, famous, noble, renowned, tical
headlong, steep, high, deep, excellent, distinguished, brave, Praedatrix, icis, /
she that robs
dangerous, hazardous, hasty, gallant Praedatus, a, um,part having made .

speedy, rash Praecliido, fire, si, sum, a. to stop, a prey of, robbed, or plundered
Praeceps, Ipitis, n. a precipice, a to shut up Praedelasso, are, a. to tire before
dangerous posture Praeclusio, onis,/ a stopping Praedenso, are, a to thicken
Praeceptio, onis, /. a precept, an Praeclusurus, a, um, part, about Praedensus, a, um, adj. very thick
instruction to stop Praedestinatio, onis, /. predesti-
Praeceptlvus, a, um, adj. preceptive Praeclusus, a, um, part, stopped, nation [nate
Praecepto, are, same as Praecipio shut up PraedestTno, are, a. to predesti-
Preceptor, oris, m. a master, a Praeco, onis, m. a crier, a pro- Praedexter, a, um, adj. very lucky
tutor, a teacher, an instructor claimed a publisher, a preacher Praediator, oris, m. a lawyer ex-
Praeceptrix, Icis,/. a mistress Praecoctus, a, um, part, boiled pert in cases concerning lands
Praeceptum, i, n. a precept, or rule, before [meditated Praediatorius, a, um, adj. of lands
a commandment, an order, a Praecogltatus, a, um, part, pre- Praediatus, a, um, adj. that has
maxim Praecogito, are, a. to ponder be- good lands
Praeceptus, a, um, part . command- fore [before Praedicabile, is, n. an affirmation
ed, received beforehand Praecognttus, a, um, part, known Praedicabllis, e, adj. to be boasted
Praecerpens, tis, part, anticipating Praecolo, ere, a. to love rather of [ment
Praecerpo, fire, a. to crop, clip, or PraecompSsitus, a, um, part, pre- Praedlcamentum, i, n. a predica-
cut off, to gather, to anticipate pared before Praedlcandus, a, um, part, to be
Vraecerptus, a, um, part, gathered Praeconceptus, a, um, part, before related, to be praised
Praecertatio, onis, /. the first onset received Praedicans, tis, part, reporting,
Praecharus, same as Praecarus Praeconium, i, n. a crier's office, declaring, preaching
Praecidaneus, a, um, adj. slain, or voice, or wages, a publishing, Praedicatio, onis, /a
sacrificed before or proclaiming, a report, fame preaching, or vaunting, talk
Pra?cldendus, a, um, part, to be Praeconius, a, um, adj. of, or per- Praedicator, oris, m. a proclaimer
cut off taining to a praco, or public Praedicatum, i, n. a predicate
Praeeldo, fire, a. to cut, or chop crier Predicattirus, a, um, part, about
off, to cut short, to slit, or slice, Praeconsumo, fire, a. to waste, or to say [of
to mark, or note, to prevent, to spend beforehand Praedicatus, a, um, part, spoken
deny flatly Praeconsumptus, a, um, part, Praedicendus, a, um, pi. to foretel
Praecinctio, 6nis, /. a broader wasted beforehand Praedlcens, tis, part, foretelling
place in stairs, a landing-place Praecontrecto, are, a. to handle, Praedico, are, a. to proclaim, to
Praecinctorium, i, n. an apron or deflower beforehand publish, report, or relate, to
Praecinctura, ae,/. a girding PraecOquo, fire, oxi, octum, a. to say, declare, or affirm, to own,
Prsecinctus, a, um, part, girded, boil beforehand, to boil, to acknowledge
tied, inclosed, overlaid, pre- dress, or prepare Praedico, fire, i.ri, ictum, a. to
pared [sing Pra?c5quus, a, um, adj. early ripe foretel,to foreshow, to pro-
Praecingens, tis, part, encompas- Praecordia, orum, pi. n. the parts phesy, to order, or command
Praecingo, fire, o. to encompass about the heart, the heart, the beforehand, to premise, to
Praecmo, fire, Inui, centum, a. to diaphragm, or midriff, the en- warn
sing before, to prophesy, to trails, or bowels Praedictio, 6nis,/. a prediction
foretel Praecorrumpo, ere, a. to corrupt Praedictivus, a, um, adj. foretel-
Praecipiendus, a, um, part, to be Praecorruptus, a, um, part, bribed ling, prognosticating
instructed, to be apprised Praecox, ocis, and Praecfiquis, e, Prae dictum, i, n. a prophecy
Praecipiens, tis, part, pre-occupy- adj. soon, or early ripe, too for- Praedictus, a, um, part, foretold,
ing, instructing ward appointed
Praecipio, fire, cepi, ceptum, a. to Praecrassus, a, um, adj. very thick PraediOlum, i, n. a little farm
prevent, to anticipate, to in- Praecultus, a, um, part, and adj. Praedisco, fire, dldlci, a. to learn
struct, to teach dressed, prepared, very neat beforehand
Praecipitandus, a, um, part, to be Pra;cupldus, a, um, adj. very fond Praedispositus, a, um, part, pre-
thrown headlong Praecurrens, tis, part, going before disposed, placed beforehand
Praeclpltans, part, falling, or
tis, Praecurro, fire, ri and cucuni, Praedltus, a, um, adj. endued
going headlong, hurrying, vio- rsum, a. to run, or go before, to Praedlves, ttis, adj. very rich, or
lent forerun, to outrun, to outstrip plentiful
Praeclpitantfir, adv. with great Praecursio, onis,/. a foregoing Prsdivlnatio, 6nis,/.a conjecture
tpced Precursor, oris, m. a forerunner Praedlvinator, Oris, m. a foreteller
PRjE pr m VRM
Praedivlno, are, a. to foresee ed, before, tipped,
set thrust Prasgustatus, a, um, part, tasted
Praedlvinus, a, urn, adj. foreshow- through, close first
ing Praenoratus, a, um, part, fore- Praegusto, are, a. to taste before,
Praedium, i, n. a farm, a manor, tasted, pre-enjoyed or first
an estate [derer Praefloreo, ere, ui, n. to blossom Praejaceus, tis, parr, lying before
Praedo, 6nis, m. a robber, a plun- before the time Praejaceo, ere, ui, n. to lie before
Praedoctus, a, um, part, fore- Praefloro, are, a. to pre-enjoy Praejacio, fire, a. to cast before
warned [hard Praefluens, tis, part, running by Praeiens, euntis, part, going before
Praedomans, tis, part, rubbing Praefluo, 6re, uxi, uxum, n. to Praejudlcatio, onis, /. a pre-judg-
Praed6mo, are, ui, Itum, a. to flow, or run before ing
tame, or subdue beforehand Piaefluus, a, um, adj. flowing be- Praejudlcatum, i, n. a prejudice
Praedor, ari, atus sum, dep. to fore Praejtidlcatus, a, um, part, pre-
rob, to spoil, to plunder, to de- Praef ocatio, 6nis, /. a strangling judged
vour, to catch Praefoco, are, a. to strangle, to Prajudlcialis, e, adj. that belongs
Praeduco, e>e, xi, ctum, a. to choke to a judgment previously given
mark, to cut PraefOdio, gre, 6di, ossum, a. to Praejudicium, i, n. a prejudice, a
Praedulce, adv. very sweetly dig before, to dig trenches be- conjecture, a hurt, damage, or
Prsedulcis, e, adj. very sweet, very fore, to dig deep, to hide in the injury
pleasing, or delightful, luscious ground Praejudtco, are, a. to pre-judge, to
Prseduratus, a, um, part, hard- Praefoecundus, a, um, adj. over- give an opinion beforehand
ened [bard fruitful [before Praejuvo, are, uvi, a. to help be-
Praediiro, are, a. to make very Praeformatus, a, um, part, formed aforehand
Praedurus, a, um, adj. very hard, Praeformldo, are, a. to fear before Praelabens, tis, part, sliding along
grievous, strong, stiff Praeformo, are, a. to prepare, to Praelabor, bi, apsus, dep. to slide,
Prreeo, ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to go be- instruct or glide and pass before, or by
fore, to dictate, to admonish, to Praefracte, adv. ius, comp. rigidly, Praelambens, tis, part, tasting
excel stiffly, obstinately first [by
Prsefacllis, e, adj. very easy Proefractus, a, um, part, and adj. Prae lapsus, a, um, part, flowing
Praefandus, a, um, part, to he ior, comp: broken short, short, Praelargus, a, um, adj. very large
forespoken concise, harsh Praelatio, onis,/. a preference
Praefans, part, speaking before
tis, Praefrigidus, a, um, adj. very cold Praelatus, a, um, part, carried,
Praefari, f atus, dep. to preface, to Praefringo, fire, egi, actum, a. to or driven forcibly, advanced
invoke break in pieces, to snap in. two before
Praef atio, 6nis,/. a preface, a title Praefulcio, Ire, lsi, Itum, a. to Praelautus, a, um, adj. very gal-
Praefatus, a, um, part, having prop, to underset, to support, lant
spoken before, having invoked, to secure beforehand Praelectio, onis, /. a lecture, a
addressing, pre-ordained Praefulgens, tis, part, shining lesson
Fraefectura, ae,/. a lieutenancy, a Praefulgeo, ere, n. to shine, to Praelector, oris, m. a lecturer
captainship, a government, a shine round [shine Praelegendus, a, um, part, to be
province Praefulgtiro, are, a. to make to read in lecture
Praefectus, a, um, part, set over, Praefurnium, i, n. the mouth of Praelegens, tis, part, passing by
appointed to oversee an oven, stove, or still Praelggo, gie, egi, ectum, a. to
Praefectus, i, m. a prefect, a go- Praefiiio, gre, n. to rage much read to one, to pass, or go by
vernor, any principal officer Prasfuturus, a, um, part, about to Praelego, are, a. to bequeath in
Praef grendus, a, um, part, to be be set over the first place, to bequeath
preferred Praegfilidus, a, um, adj. very cold before one dies
Praef Srens, tis, part, casting over, Praegermmo, are, a. to bud before Praeliandus, a, um, part, to fight
showing, discovering, pretend- Praegestiens, tis, part, great de- Praelians, tis, part, fighting in
ing siring battle
Praefgro, ferre, ttili, latum, a. to Praegestio, Ire, Ivi. Itum, ». to de- Praeliaris, e, adj. belonging to
prefer, to wish, or choose ra- sire greatly, to long war, or battle
ther, to bear, or carry before, Praegnans, tis, adj. pregnant, big Praeliator, oris, m. a warrior
to carry, or bring with child, or young, big, swol- Pranliatus, a, um, part, that has
Praeffirox, oris, adj. very bold len, full of, or abounding with fought
Praeferratus, a, um, part, pointed, Prsegnatio, onis, /. a being with Praellbo, are, o. to taste before
or shod with iron, bound in young PraelTganeus, a, um, adj. first
fetters PraegrScilis, e, adj. very slender gathered
Praefervldus, a, um, adj. very hot Pracgrandis, e, adj. very large, Praeligatus, a, um, part, bound, or
Praefestinans, tis, part, making huge tied before, up, or to
too much haste Praegrivans, tis, part, weighing, Prceligo, are, a. to tie before
Praefestlnatus, a, um, part, or adj. or hanging down, growing nu- Praelior, ari, dep. to fight inbattle,
done too hastily, or too soon merous to skirmish, to contend
Praefestlne, adv. very hastily Praegravaturus, a, um, part, that Praelitus, a, um, part, daubed over
Praefestlno, are, n. to make too will overburden, or load Praelium, or Proelium, i, n. a
much haste Praegravatus, a, um, part, over- battle, an engagement, a right,
Praefica, ae, /. a woman hired to loaded [heavy a combat, strife, contention, a
mourn, &c. at a burial Praigravldus, a, um, adj. very disturbance
Praeflciendus, a, um, part, to be Praegravis, e, adj. too, or very Prael6cutus, a, um, part, having
set over heavy, grievous, burdensome, spoken before
Praeficio, 6re, eci, ectum, a. to set, unwieldy Praelongo, are, a. to lengthen
or place over, to appoint Praegravo, are, to weigh, or
a. Praelongus, a, um, adj. very long,
Praefldens, tis, part, trusting too bear down, to depress, to out- too long, very tall
much balance, to load, or burden Praeloquor, i, 6cutus, dep. to
Praef igo, Sre, Ixi, Itum, a. to set Prtegrfidiens, tis, part, going be- speak before, to preface
up in front, to fix, or fasten fore Praelucens, tis, part, giving a
Praef inio, ire, Ivi, itum, a. to de- Praegre'dior, i, dep. to go before, light before
termine beforehand, to pre- to outgo, to outstrip, to surpass, Praeluceo, ere, uxi, n. to carry a
scribe or excel light before, to give light, to be
Praef initio, 6nis,/. a limitation Prapgressio, onis, /. a going before very bright, or shining
Praeflnitb, adv. by limitation Praegressus, a, um, part, being PraelQcidus, a, um, ad;'. very bright
Praefinitus, a, um, part, deter- gone before, outgoing Praeludium, i, n. a prelude, a pre-
mined, prescribed [say Praegressus, us, m. a going before amble, an essay
Praefiscine, adv. give me leave to Praegustans, tis, part, tasting be- Praeludo, fire, si, sum, n. to pre
PrasfiscTni, adv. same as Praefiscine fore pare for singing
Preenxus, a, um, part, prerix- Preegustator, oris, m. a taster Prrelum, i, n. same as Prelum
Praeiusio, 6nis, /. a flourish be- Praemunio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, o. to Praepllatus, a, um, adj. headed,
fore a fight fortify beforehand, to secure pointed
Fraelustris, e, adj. very stately Praemunltio, onis, /. a defence Praepinguis, e, adj. very fat
Praemando, are, a. to order before Praemiinltus, a, um, part, secured Praepollens, tis, part, excelling
Praemando, gre, a. to chew before Praenarro, are, a. to tell before- Praepolleo, ere, n. to exceed, to
Praematurg, adv. too soon, un- hand [by surpass
timely Praen&to, are, a. to flow, or run Praepondgro, are, a. and n. to out-
Praematurus, a, um, adj. prema- Piaenavigans, tis, part, sailing by weigh, to prefer, to be of greater
ture, untimely, too, or very early Praenavigatio, onis,/. a sailing by value
Praemgdlcatus, a, um, part, forti- Praenavigo, are, a. to sail, or row Praeponendus, a, um, part, to be
fied with spells, or medicines Praenimis, adv. too much [by set before, or preferred
beforehand [tating Praenltens, tis, part, shining very Praeponens, tis, part, setting be-
Praemgdltans, tis, part, premedi- bright fore, preferring
Praemgditatio, onis,/. premedita- Praemteo, ere, tui, w. to shine Praepono, gre, sui [and slvi),
tion [meditated brighter, to outshine, to be fa- situm, a. to set before, first, or
Praemgdltatus, a, um, part, pre- mous [noble over, to prefer [before
Fraemgditor, ari, atus sum, dep. Praenobllis, e, adj. ior, comp. very Praeportans, tis, part, carrying
to premeditate, to think upon Praenomen, inis, n. the first Praeporto, are, a. to carry, or bear
before name of the three which the before, to show
Praemensus, a, um, part, measur- Romans usually had PraepOsitio, onis,/. a setting be-
ed out before Praenosco, gre, a. to foreknow fore, a preposition [fore
Piaemercor, ari, dep. to buy be- Praenotio, Onis,/. a preconception PraepOsTtivus, a, um, adj. set be-
fore another, or out of one's Praenubilus, a, um, ad;', very shady Praep5situs, a, um, part, set be-
hand Praenuneia, ae,/. a foreteller fore, or first, set over, set up
Piaemetium, i, n. the offerings Praenunciandus, a, um, part, to be Praepositus, i, »«. a provost, a
called first-fruits shown before governor
Praemgtuens, tis, part, fearing Praenuncians, tis, part, foretelling Prrepossum, potes, p&tui, verb
before, dreading Fraenunciatus, a, um, part, fore- irrea. to be more able, or of
Praemicans, tis, part, shining told greater power
Praemigro, are, a. to quit a place Praenuncio, are, a. to foretel, to Praepostgrg, adv. preposterously
Praemineo, ere, n. to excel far carry, or bring word beforehand Praepostgrus, a, um, adj. prepos-
Praeministro, are, a. to wait at Praenuncius, a, um, adj. forebod- terous, absurd, preternatural,
table [before ing unseasonable, crossgrained
Praeminor, ari, dep. to threaten Praenuncius, i, m. a messenger, a PraepOtens, tis, part, very power-
Fraeniior, ari, dep. to reward, to harbinger,-a forerunner [fore ful
get money, to make prizes Praeobturo, are, a. to stop up be- Praepotentia, ae,/. mightiness
Praemissa, orum, pi. n. the first- Praeoccido, ere, di, casum, n. to Praepoto, are, a. to drink before
fruits [fore set, or go down before Praepropgrantgr, adv. very hastily
Praemissus, a, um, part, sent be- Praeoccupandus, a, um, part . to be Praeproperg, adv. too hastily
Praemitis, e, adj. very mild seized on before, to be pre- Pra?pr5perus, a, um, adj. very
Praemittens, tis, part, sending be- vented hasty, over-hasty, too early
fore Praeocciipatio, Onis, /. a seizing Praeputium, i, n. the prepuce, the
Praemitto, ere, Isi, issum, a. to before, an anticipation foreskin
send before Praeoccftpatus, a, um, part, seized Praequa.m, adv. in comparison of
Praemium, i, n. a reward, a re- on before, prevented, employed, Praequestus, a, um, part, having
compense, or retribution, wages, engaged complained before
a prize, a prey, or booty, a bene- Praeoccupo, are, a. to seize before- Praeradio. are, a. to shine bright,
fit, or advantage [before hand, to anticipate, to prevent, to outshine
Praemodfilatus, a, um, part, tuned to trepan [preferred Praerado, gre, si, sum, a- to shave
Praemodum, adv. beyond measure Praeoptandus, a, um, part, to be Praerancidus, a, um, adj. musty,
Praemolestia, ae,/. a trouble be- Praeoptans, tis, part, wishing old
forehand rather Praer&pidus, a, um, adj. very swift
Praemoliendus, a, um, part, to be Praeopto, are, a. to wish, or Praerepturus, a, um, part, about
tried, or prepared beforehand choose rather, to prefer, to press to take away
Fraemolior, iri, itus sum, dep. to Praeordlnatus, a, um, part, pre- Praereptus, a, um, part, caught,
make provision beforehand ordained or snatched away, taken from
Fraemollio, ire, a. to soften Praepando, ere, di, passum, a. to_ Praerigeo, ere, n. to become very
Praemollis, e, adj. very soft, or set, or leave open, to spread stiff
tender before [prepared Praeripio, gre, ui, reptum, a. to
Praemollitus, a, um, part, soft- Praeparandus, a, um, part, to be snatch, or take away, to pre-
ened, soothed, made mild, Praeparans, tis, part, preparing vent, to forestal [biting
loosened [ing Praeparatio, onis,/. a preparing, Praerodens, tis, part, gnawing,
PraemOnens, tis, part, forewarn- a preparation Praerodo, gre, si, sum, a. to gnaw
Praemoneo, ere, nui, nitum, a. to Praeparatd, adv. readily Praer&gativa, ae, /. a prerogative,
forewarn, to caution, to foretel Praep&raturus, a, um, part, about privilege, advantage, or gift
PraemOnitor, oris, m. a forewarner to prepare Praerogatlvus, a, um, adj. that
Praemonitus, a, um, part, fore- Praep&ratus, a, xna,part. prepared votes first, principal [before
warned Praeparatus, us, tit. a preparing Praerogatus, a, um, part- asked
Praemiinltus, us, m. an admonition Praeparcus, a, um, adj. very saving Praer6go, are, a. to ask before
Praemonstrans, tis, part, fore- Praeparo, are, a. to prepare, to Praerosus, a, um, part, gnawn,
teaching make ready, to provide eaten
Praemonstrator, 6ris, m. a guide Praepgdimentum, i, n. a let Praerumpo, gre, upi, upturn, a. to
Praemonstratus, a, um, part, fore- Praepgdio, ire, ivi, Itum, a. to hin- break asunder
shown der, to prevent, to entangle, to Praeruptg, adv. raggedly, abruptly
Praemonstro, are, a. to foreshow, tie, to stop, to seize upon Praeruptus, a, um, part, and adj.
to tutor, to instruct, to show Praepgditus, a, um, part, hinder- ior, comp. issimus, superl.
the way ed, prevented, shackled, tied broken, rugged, craggy, rough,
Praemordeo, ere, di and si, sum, Praependens, tis, part, hanging steep, abrupt, surly, falling;
a. to bite, or snip off, to share, before praerupta, pi. rocks
to partake Praependeo, ere, di, nsum, n. to Praes, dis, m. a surety in a money
PraemOrior, i, tuus, dep. to die hang down before matter, a real security
before due time, to fail [dead Praepes, gtis, adj. swift, quick Praesagiens, tis, part, presaging
Praemortuus, a, um, part, already nimble, soaring aloft, winged, Praesagio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to pre-
Praemuniendus, a, um, part, to be plain, open sage
raised, or supported beforehand Praepes, etis, e. g. a bird, a fowl Praesagltio, onis,/. a dividing
PR/R PR^ mm
Praesagium, i, n. a presage, an Praesignlflco, are, a. to show to conceive, to presuppose, to
omen, a surmise, a guess before anticipate
Praesagus, a, um, adj. presaging, Praeslgnis, e, adj. excellent, dis- Praesumptio, 6nis,/. an anticipa.
foreboding, betokening tinguished tion, an enjoying beforehand,
Praesanatus, a, um, part, healed Praesigno, are, a. to mark before the major proposition
before Praesilio, Ire, ui, ultum, n. to burst Praesuniptus, a, um, adj. taken
Praesanesco, Sre, n. to be healed out [before first, or up
Praescatens, tis, part, abounding Praespergens, tis, part, strewing Praesuo, fire, ui, utum, a. to sew
Praescientia, ae,/. prescience, fore- Praestabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. before
knowledge excellent Praesutus, a, um, part, sewed
Praescindo, ere, a. to cut off Praestandus, a, um, part, to be about
Praescio, ire, Ivi, ltum, a. to fore- shown, to be performed Praetego, 6re, a. to cover
know [settle Praestans, tis, part, and adj. ior, Praetendens, tis, part, pretend-
Praescisco, 6re, a. to foreknow, to comp. issimus, superl. perform- ing, holding forth, carrying
Praescltio, onis,/. prescience ing, supplying, excelling, sur- before, i, n. a thing fore- passing Praetendo, fire, di, sum and turn,
known, a token, or omen Praestantia, ae, /. pre-eminence, a. to hold, or carry before, to
Praescius, a, um, adj. foreknow- superiority, excellence oppose, to cloak
ing, boding Praestatio, onis, /. a warranty Praetgner, a, um, adj. very tender
Praescribo, ere, ipsi, iptum, a. to Praestaturus, a, um, part, that Praetentandus, a, um, part, to be
write before, to prescribe, to will, or is about to perform tried beforehand
order, appoint, or ordain, to Praestega, drum, pi. n. a cloister, Praetentatus, a, um, part, tried
teach, or dictate, to prefix arbour, &c. before, considered
Praescriptio, onis,/. aprescription, Praestergus, a, um, adj. scoured Praetentatus, us, m. a groping the
an appointment, a rule, or Ian-, Praesterno, fire, stravi, atum, a. way
a contract, an exception, a de- to prepare beforehand Praetento, are, a. to grope, or feel,
mur Prasstes, iris, c g. a chief, a pre- to grope out, to essay, to prove
Praescriptum, i, n. an order, or late, a household-god Praetentura, ae, /. the forlorn
decree, a precept, a task, a limit Praestlgia, ae, /. a trick hope, outguards of soldiers
Praescriptus, a, um, part, written, Praestigiae, arum, pi. f. juggling Praetentus, a, um, part, held,
limited tricks, tricks, deceits placed, set, spread, or extended
Praesgco, are, ui, a. to cut off, or Praestlgiator, oris, m. a juggler before, spread, covered
in pieces Praestigiatrix, icis,/. a juggler, a Praetenuis, e, adj. very small,
Praesectus, a, um, part, cut off gipsy slender, or narrow
Praesegmen, Inis, n. a paring Praestinguo, gre, nxi, a. to dazzle Praet epeo, ere, ui, n. to be warm
Praesegnis, e, adj. very slothful the sight, to render obscure before
Praeseminatio, onis, /. a sowing Praestmo, are, a. to buy up all Prseter, prep, besides, except, sav-
beforehand Praestitor, oris, m. a performer ing, over and above, more than,
Praesens, tis, adj. tior, comp. tis- Praestltuendus, a, um, part, to be by the side, or near to
slmus, superl. present, ready, appointed Praeteragendus, a, um, part, to be
kind, gracious, favourable, ef- Prsestituo, £re, ui, utum, a to ap- ridden beyond
fectual point, to prescribe, to fix upon, Praeterbito, are, a. to go, or pass
Praesensio, onis,/. a foresight to limit [ed .
by [by
Praesensus, a, um, part, foreknown Praestitutus, a, um, part, appoint- Praetercurrens, tis, part, running
Praesentaneus, a, um, adj. present, Praesto, adj. indecl. or adv. ready Praeterduco, fire, a. to lead along
ready, quick [ing at hand Praetgrea, adv. besides, further-
Praesentans, tis, part, represent- Praesto, are, stlti, ltum and atum, more, moreover, hereafter
Praesentarius, a, um, adj. present, a. and n. to stand before, to Praetgreo, Ire, ii, or Ivi, ltum, a. to
Praesente, adv. before [ready show, or exhibit, to afford, to go, or pass by, or over, to go
Praesentes, ium, pi. m. magis- supply, to give, or procure, to past, or beyond, to be past
trates, or soldiers remaining in cause, or occasion, to render, to Praetgrgquitans, tis, part, riding
a city make good, pay by
Praesentia, ae, /. presence, readi- Praestolans, tis, part, tarrying for PraetSreundus, a, um, part, to be
ness, power, efficacy, providence Praastolatio, onis,/. a waiting passed by
Praesentiens, tis, part, foreseeing PraestSlor, ari, dep. and PraestSlo, Praeterfluens, tis, part, flowing by
Praesentio, Ire, nsi, nsum, a. to n. to tarry for Praeterfiuo, gre, xi, uxum, a. to
foresee, to preconceive, to guess, Praestrictus, a, um, part, tied, flow, or run by, to pass by
to divine bound Praetergredior, i, dep. to pass by,
Praesentisco, e"re, incep. to foresee Praestringens, tis, part, darkening or beyond, to surpass, or excel
Praesepe, is, n. a stable, a stall, a Pra'stringo, 6re, nxi, ictum, a. to Prseterhac, adv. moreover
crib, manger, or rack, a table, bind fast, or hard, to chill, to Praetgriens, euntis, part, passing
a beehive, a bawdy-house, a cell, darken, or make dim by
a den Praestructus, a, um, part, built Praetgriturus, a, um, part, about
Pnesepes, is,/, any safe place first, or before, stopped up, to pass by
Praesepio, Ire, Ivi, ltum, a. to in- contrived Praetfiritus,a,um, parr, past, past
close about, to block up, to bar- Praestruo, ere, uxi, uctum, a. to and gone, passed by, neglected,
ricade build before, to stop up, pre- left out, dead and gone
Praesepium, i,a manger, a rack
n. pare, to furnish [hand Praeterlabor, i, lapsus sum, dep.
Praeseptus, a, nm,part. blocked up Praesudo, are, n. to sweat before- to slide, glide, or flow' by, to
Praesgpultus, a, um, part, buried Praesul, ulis, m. andf. a prelate, a sail by
before chief priest, a bishop, an over- Praeterlatus, a, um, part, that is
Praesgro, 6re, evi, a. to sow before seer carried beyond, passed by, or
Praesertlm, adv. especially, chiefly Praesulsus, a, um, adj. very salt gone
Praeservio, Ire, Ivi, ltum, a. to serve Praesultator, oris, m. a dancer Praeterluens, tis, part, flowing by
Praeses, Idis, c. g. a president, a Praesulto, are, a. to dance before Praeterraeans, tis, part, passing
governor, a patron, a protector Praesultor, oris, m. he that leads a by, or near [by
Praesidens, tis,part. presiding over dance Praetermeo, are, a. to go, or pass
Praesldeo, ere, sedi, sessum, n. to Praesultura, ae, /. a leaping first Praetermissio, onis,/. an omission
preside over, to have the charge Praesum, es, fill, esse, n. irreg. to Praetermissurus, a, um, part, will
of be befo.e, or above, to be set let pass
Praesldiarius, a, um, adj. belong- over, to govern, to rule, to com- Praet ermissus, a,um, port, omit-
ing to a garrison mand ted, neglected, forgotten
Praesldium, i, n. a garrison, a Praesumens, tis, part, taking first Praeternuttendus, a, um, part, to
guard, a convoy, a station, or Praesiimo, ere, psi, ptum, a. to be passed by
post, a fortress, a defence take first, or before, to presume, Praetermittens, tis, .parf.onuttiug
Praetennitto, gre, mlsi, issum, a. Pra:valldus, a, um, adj. very able, PrScandus, a, um, part, to be
to omit, to leave out, to pass by or strong, too strong, or rank entreated - [fing
Praeternavlgatio, Onis, /. a sailing Praevallo, are, a. to fortify before Precans, tis, part, praying, beg-
by Praevaricatio, onis, /. prevarica- Prgcari&, adv. by entreaty, on re-
Praeternavtgo, are, a. to sail by tion quest, at pleasure
Praetero, gre, trivi, tritura, a. to Praevaricator, oris, m. a false Pf gcarius, a, um, adj. precarious
wear, or make small, to file dealer, a shuffler, a gambler Precatio, onis,/. a praying, prayer
before Praevaricor, ari, atus sum, dep. to Prgcator, oris, m. a petitioner, a
Praeterproptfer, adv. at all adven- prevaricate, to shuffle, to be- suitor
tures, thereabouts, more or less tray a cause Prgcatrix, icis,/. a petitioner
Praeterquam, adv. besides, saving, Praevectus, a, um, part, riding Prficaturus, a, um, part, about t»
except, but only, unless before pray
Praeterrado, fire, si, sum, a. to Praevelo, are, a. to cover or hide Precatus, a, um, part, having
scrape Praevelox, ocis, adj. very swift prayed, begged
Praetervectio, Onis,/. a sailing by Praevgniens, tis, part, coming be- Pr6catus, us, m. a request, an im-
Praetervectus, a, um, part, car- fore precation
ried, or sailed by Praevgnio, Ire, entum, n. and a. to Precis, ci, cem, ce, plur. prices,
Praetervehens, tis, part, passing come before, to prevent, to an- cum, cibus,/. a prayer, an en-
by, riding, or sailing by ticipate treaty [others
Praetervertendus, a, um, part, to Praeventio, onis, /. prevention Prgcius, a, um, adj. ripe "before
be spoken of before Praeventus, a, um, part, prevent- PrScor, ari, dep. to pray, to beg,
Praeterverto, fire, a. to turn by ed, anticipated to petition, to intercede
Praeterv6lans, tis, part, flying by Praeverno, are, a. to spring too PrScula, ae, /. a little prayer, an
Praetervolo, are, a. to fly, or slip early orison
by Praeverro, gre, a. to sweep before Prehendendus, a, um, part, to be
Praetexendus, a, um, part, to Praevertendus, a, um, part, to be spoken, or met with
spread, or lay before prevented, to be esteemed more Prehendus, or Prendens, tis, part.
Praetexens, tis, part, covering, Praeverto, gre, ti, sum, a. to out- laying hold of
overspreading, colouring, pre- run, outride, or outstrip, to Prghendo, 6re, di, sum, a. to take,
tending prevent, to anticipate, to pre- or lay hold of, to grasp, to catch,
Praetexo, ere, xui, xtum, a. to possess or surprise
cover, to veil, or cloak, to bor- Praevertor, i, dep. to outrun, to Prghensio, onis, /. a laying hold
der, to excuse, to name in order anticipate, to return of, a crane, a screw
Praetexta, ae,/. a white robe edged Praevgtitus, a, um, part, forbidden Prehenso, are, a. to take hold of,
with purple Praevideo, ere, di, sum, a. to fore- to solicit
Praetextatus, a, um, part, wearing see, to provide Prehensiirus, a, um, part, about
a praetexta, filthy, ribaldrous Praevinctus, a, um, part, bound to lay hold of
Praetextum, i, n. a pretence, a Praevlsus, a, um, part, foreseen, Prghensus, a, um, part, taken hold
covering ; same as Praetexta premeditated of,taken, caught
Praetextus, a, um, part, covered, Praevitio, are, a. to corrupt before Prelum, i, n. a wine-press
bordered, edged, pretended Praevius, a, um, adj. previous, Premendus, a, um, part, to be
Praetextus, us, m. a pretence, an going, or marching before pressed, overwhelmed, con-
inscription Praeumbrans, tis, part, eclipsing, cealed

Preetlmeo, ere, n. to fear greatly obscuring PrSmens, tis, part, pressing, chas-
Praetinctus, a, um, part, dipped Praevolans, tis, part, flying before ing, setting, planting
before Praevolo, are, n. to fly first, or Prgmo, ere, essi, essum, a. to
Praetor, oris, m. a praetor, governor, before press, to press, or bear down,
or chief magistrate, a com- Praeustus, a, um, part, burnt at to squeeze, to squeeze to death,
mander, a general, or admiral, the end, well burnt to oppress, to grieve, wound, or
a lieutenant-general Praeut, adv. even as, like as afflict, to overpower, to exceed,
Praetoriauus, a, um, adj. of, or Pragmaticon, i, n. a state-affair <»• surpass, to keep under, to
belonging to, or attending on Pragmaticus, a, um, adj. belong- bold in, or restrain, to block up,
the praetor ing to state affairs, skilful in to keep up, or in, to tie up, to
Praetorttius, a, um, same as Prae- law suppress
torius Pragmaticus, i, m. a practitioner Prendendus, a, um, part, to be
Praetorium, i, n. the general's in the law, a pettifogger, a laid hold of
tent, the king's pavilion, the prompter Prendens, tis, part, laying hold of
judgment-hall, a court, a palace Prandens, tis, part, dining Prendo, gre, di and dldi, sum, a.
Proetorius, a, um, adj. praetorian, Prandeo, ere, di, sum, n. to dine to take, to lay hold of, to catch
of, or belonging to the praetor, Prandlculum, i, n. a breakfast Prensandus, a, um, part, to be
or chief officer Prandiolum, i, n. a small break- laid hold of
Praetorqueo, ere, rsi, rsum and fast Prensans, tis, part, catching at
rtum, a. to writhe, or twist Prandium, i, n. a dinner Prensatio, onis,/. a soliciting
much, or hard Pranslto, are, freq. to dine often Prenso, are, a. to lay hold of, to
Praetortus, a, um, part, writhed Pransor, oris, m. he that dines solicit
much Pransorius, a, um, adj. of, belong- Prensiirus, a, um, part, about to
Praetorrldus, a, um, adj. scorching ing to, or used at dinner take hold of, in order to em-
Praetrepldans, tis, part, panting Pransus, a, um, part, having dined brace
earnestly Praslnatus, a, um, adj. green Prensus, a, um, part, caught
PraetrSpidus, a, um, adj. in great Praslnus, a, um, adj. green like Presb?ter, gri, m. a presbyter, an
fright leeks elder [pressed
Praetrunco, are, a. to cut off Pratensis, e, adj. of a meadow Pressandus, a, um, part, to be
Praetumidus, a, um, adj. much Pratulum, i, n. dim. a little mea- Pressans, tis, part, pressing,
swelled dow squeezing [loaded
Praetura, ae,/. the praetorship Pratum, i, n. a meadow, a green Pressatus, a, um, part, oppressed,
Praevaiens, tis, part, prevailing, field Pressg, adv. ius, comp. closely,
very strong Prave, adv. ius, comp. isslmus, briefly
Praevalentia, ae, /. prevalence, superl. naughtily, wickedly Presslm, adv. closely
force Pravitas, atis,/. pravity, deformity Presso, are, a. to press hard, or
Praevaleo, ere, n. to prevail, to be Pravus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- often, to squeeze, to load, to
an overmatch, to be better, to mus, superl. naughty, wicked, burden
excel depraved, corrupt Pressorius, a, um, adj. belonging
Praev&lesco, gre, incep. to grow Praxis, eos,/. practice, custom to pressing
too strong Precabundus, a, um, adj. entreat- Pressulus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Prsevaliae, adv. too strongly ing, beseeching compressed
Pressura, se,/. a pressing Princeps, Tpis, adj. first, foremost, Probabllis, e, adj. ior, comp. pro-
Pressurus, a, um, part, about to original, primitive, chief, prin- bable, plausible
press cipal Pr5babllltas, atis, /. probability
Pressus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Princeps, Ipis, c. g. a prince, or Pr5b abiliter, adv. probably, toler-
comp. pressed, or squeezed, princess, an emperor, a lord, a ably
weighed, or borne down, op- chief, a general, a commander, Probandus, a, um, part, to be
pressed, distressed, overcharg- a governor, or ruler, an author, approved
ed, loaded, closed, shut, stop- an encourager, a promoter, a Pi'Sbans, tis, part, approving,
ped, suppiessed, stifled, con- ringleader, a leading man proving
cealed, driven, trodden Principale, is, n. the superior, or PrSbattcus, a, um, adj. of sheep
Pressus, us, m. a pressing, a clos- governing part of the soul PrSbatio, onis,/. a proof, a trial
ing, or drawing together Principalis, e, adj. principal, or PrObaton, i, n. a sheep
Prester, eris, m. a venomous ser- chief, belonging to princes, or Pi'5bator, oris, m. an approver, a
pent, a tempest, or whirlwind noblemen, princely trier, a praiser
Prgtiose, adv. ius, comp. costly Principalltas, atis,/. principality PrSbaturus, a, um, part, about
Prgti&sus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Principallter, adv. principally, to prove
itisimus, superl. precious, valu- princely Prfibatus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
able, excellent, costly, dear Princlpatus, us, m. principality, comp. isslmus, saperl. proved,
Premium, i, n. a price, a reward, a sovereignty, reign, the chief tried, allowed, approved of
hire, a fee, a bribe, purchase, a power, or rule, government Pr6be, adv. issime, superl. well,
ransom, esteem, value, worth Principalis, e, adj. original, be- readily, fitly, soundly
Priapismus, i, m. an unnatural longing to a prince PrObltas, atis,/. probity, honesty,
erection Principid, adv. first, in the first virtue
Pridem, adv. lately, some while place Problema, atis, m. a problem, a
since, long ago Principium, i, n. a beginning, an conjectural proposition
Prldianus, a, um, adj. of the day entrance, a proem, or preface, a Problematicus, a, um, adj. pro-
before race, or pedigree, a maxim, an blematical
Fiidie, adv. on the day before axiom, a principle, a rule, an Probo, are, a. to prove, to try, to
Prima?, arum, pl.f. the precedence antecedent, an original show, or evince, to judge, or
Primaevus, a, um, adj. elder, born Prior, us, adj. comp. the former, judge of, to approve of, to
first, in the flower of one's age, better, preferable choose [trunk
flourishing, juvenile Priores, um, pi. m. ancestors Proboscis, Idis, /. an elephant's
Primanus, i, m. a lieutenant, or Prisce, adv. after the manner of Probrosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
soldier of the first legion old time, harshly isslmus, superl. shameful, ig-
Primarius, a, um, adj. primary, Priscus, a, um, adj. old, ancient, nominious
chief, principal, extraordinary old-fashioned, out of use PrObrum, i, n. a reproach, a dis-
Prlmas, atis, c. g. a primate, a Prisma, se, /. or atis, n. a prism grace, an abomination, a vil-
chief person Pristlnus, a, um, adj. ancient, lany, dishonesty
Primatus, us, m. a primacy, or former Pr5bus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
highest estate, preference Pristis, is, m. a kind of whale, a isslmus, superl. honest, good,
Prlmtcerius, i, m. a chief person ship virtuous, modest, sound, choice,
in any place, or office Prlvandus, a, um, part, to be de- sumptuous, fit, seasonable
Prhnigenia, se,/. the eldest daugh- prived of Pr5cacitas, atis, /. sauciness, im-
ter, the goddess Fortuna Privans, tis, part, depriving, pri- pertinence, wantonness, buf-
Primlggnius, a, um, adj. first in vative foonery
its kind, primitive, original, Privatlm, adv. privately, particu- Pr6caciter, adv. ius, comp. isstme,
natural larly superl. saucily, wantonly, wag-
Prlmigenus, a, um, adj. the first Privatio, onis, /. a privation gishly
Prlmlpara, se, /. a woman deliver- Privativus, a, um, adj. privative Procax, acis, adj. ior, comp. lsst-
ed of her first child Privatus, a, um, part, deprived, mus, superl. saucy, bold, pert,
Prlmipilaris, e, adj. of, or belong- bereft, void of, freed from brisk, wanton, lustful
ing to the captain of the van- Privatus, a, um, adj. private, Procedens, tis, part, advancing,
guard secret, obscure, peculiar, par- passing on, marching forward
Prlmipilaris, is, m. one who had ticular, lower Procedo, fire, essi, essum, n. to
been eldest captain Privatus, i, m. a private person, a proceed, to advance, to go,
Prlmlpilarius, i, m., the same man not in office walk, run, or march on, for-
Primipilus, i, m. a captain of Prlvigna, se,/. a daughter-in-law ward, or along, to sail along, to
the vanguard, the eldest cap- Privignus, i, m. a son-in-law go, or come forth, or out, to set
tain, or the captain-lieutenant Prlvignus, a, um, adj. by a former out, to grow up
of the colonel's own company marriage Procella, se, /. a storm, or tem-
Piimitiae, arum, pi. /. the first Prlvllegium, i, n. a privilege, a pest, a disturbance
fruits, the first attempt, essay, special right Procellosus, a, um, adj. stormy,
&c. Prlvo, are, a. to deprive, to be- boisterous, roaring
Prlmltius, a, um, adj. of the first reave, to take away, to free from PrScer, ris, m. a nobleman, a peer
production, or magnitude Prius, adv. before, sooner, rather PrOeeres, um, pi. m. the leading
Prlmltivus, a, um, adj. primitive, Priusquam, adv. before that men of a place, governors, gran-
the first, or earliest Privus, a, um, adj. particular, dees, noblemen, supporters
Primltus, adv. at the first, first singular, peculiar, several, be- Proceritas, atis,/. tallness, length
Prlnib, adv. first, at first sight reft Procerius, adv. comp. more at
Prlmodum, adv. at the first Pro, prep, for, according to, as, length [tall
Pnmogenltus, a, um, adj. first before, in, with respect to, in Procerfilus, a, um, adj. somewhat
born comparison of, by reason of, on Procerus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Primordialis, e, adj. original account of isslmus, superl. tall,high, lofty,
Primordium, i, n. the beginning, Pr6, or Proh, interj. O strange ! long
rise Proaedificatum, i, n. a balcony Processio, 6nis,/. a procession
Primores, um, pi. m. the nobles, Proagogium, i, n. a pimping, a Prccessurus, a, um, part, about
gentry, or chief men, officers procuring to proceed
Primulum, adv. first, immediately Proamtta, se,/. a great aunt Processus, us, m. a process, a pro-
Primulus, a, um, adj. the first, Proauctor, oris, m. a chief author, gress, a stage, a success, or
early or ancestor event
Primum, adv. first, first and fore- Proavia, se,/. a great grandmother Procestrium, i, n. a fortification
most, in the first place Proavitus, a, um, adj. of ances- before a camp, an antechamber
Primus, a, um, adj. the first, the tors, ancient for a prince's guard
best, the chief, the most distin- Proavus, i, m. a great grand- Procldens, tis, part, falling down,
guished, the earliest [
father running
Procidentia, te,/. a falling down an agent, a bailiff, or steward, PrOducte, adv. ius, eomp. at
PrOcIdo, 6re, di, casum, n. to fall an undertaker length
down PrOcuratrix, Icis,/. a governess PrOductXlis, e, adj. that may be
PrOriduus, a, um, adj. apt to fall PrOcuro, are, a. to take care of, to drawn out
PrOcinctus, a, um, part, prepared, manage, to govern, to refresh, Productio, Onis,/. a lengthening,
ready, set in array to cure, to heal, to atone
Procinctus, us, m. battle-array, PrOcurrens, tis, part, running, or PrOducturus, a, um, part, about
readiness jutting out, advancing, rolling to produce
PrOcingo, ere, nxi, nctum, a. to PrOcurro, ere, ri, rsum, n. to run PrOductus, a, um, part, and adj.
prepare forth, forward, or abroad, to ior, comp. isslmus, superl. pro-
PrOclamans, tis, part, crying out ran, jut, or sally out [forth duced, drawn, or brought out,
Proclamatio, Onis,/. a proclama- Procursans, tis, part, sallying or forth, lengthened, prolonged,
tion PrOcursatio, Onis, /. a sally continued
Proclamator, Oris.nt. aproclaimer PrOcursatOres, um, pi. n. forerun- Pi-Ofanans, tis, part, profaning
Proclamo, are, n. to proclaim, to ners, light horsemen, scouts PrOfanatio, Onis,/. a profanation
cry, or call out, to exclaim PrOcursio, Onis,/. an extent, a di- PrOfanatus, a, um, part, profaned
Proclinatio, onis,/. a leaning for- gression PrOfano, are, a. to profane, to un-
ward Procurso, are, freq. to sally out, hallow, to pollute, to expose, to
PrOclinatus, a, um, part, inclined to run out discover, to publish, or divulge
PrOclIno, are, a. to bend, or in- Precursor, Oris, m. a runner out PrOfanum, i, n. a place before, o»

cline Procursus, us, m. an extent, an joining to a temple

PrOclIve, is, n. the brow of a bill advance, a sally, a course, a PrOfanus, a, um, adj. profane, nn-
Proclivis, e, adj. and Proclivus, career, a skirmish godly, irreligious, wicked, un-
a, um, ior, eomp. down- hill, Procurvo, are, a. to bend down hallowed, not consecrated, com-
steep, sloping, inclined PrOcurvus, a, um, adj. very crook- mon
PrOclIvItas, atis,/. inclination ed, winding Profaris, atur, ari, atus, dep. to
Proclivlter, adv. ius, comp. easily, PrOcus, i, m. a wooer, or suitor speak out, to speak, to reply
readily, currently [dally Prodeambulo, are, n. to walk forth PrOfatum, i, n. a general propo-
PrOco, are, n. to ask saucily, to Prodendus, a, um, part, to be be- sition, or rule, an axiom, a prin-
PrOcor, ari, dep. to woo, to natter trayed, transmitted, or nomi- ciple
PrOcoeton, onis, m. a lobby nated PrOfatus, a, um, part said, spoken

Proconsul, ulis, m. a proconsul, Prodens, tis, part, betraying PrOfatus, tis, m. speech
a lord-deputy, a president, a PrOdeo, Ire, Ivi, or ii, Itum, n. to PrOfectio, onis, /. a going forth,
lieutenant go, or come forth a departure [tainly
PrOconsularis, e, adj. proconsular Prodico, ere, ixi, ictum, a. to ap- PrOfectO, adv. indeed, truly, cer-
PrOconsiilatus, us, m. a procon- point, to adjourn Prof ecturus, a, um, part, that will
sulship Prodictator, oris, m. one who sup- profit, or avail
Procrago, gre, xi, n. to shout plied the dictator's place Profectus, a, um, part, gone, de-
aloud PrOdictus, a, Tim, part, perempto- parted, set out, sprung from,
Procrastlnatio, Onis, /. a delay rily fixed, adjourned, put off proceeding
PrOcrastlnatus, a, um, part, de- Prodigalltas, atis,/. prodigality Profectus, a, um, part, profited
ferred Prodlge, adv. tastefully, extra- Profectus, us, m. profit, benefit,
Procrasrtno, are, a. to defer from vagantly, lavishly increase, progress, sufficiency
day to day, to delay, to prolong PrOdigendus, a, um, part, to be PrOferendus, a, um, part, to be
Procreatio, onis, /. a procreation driven forth brought forth, to be made pub-
PrOcreator, Oris, m. a father, a Prodlgentia, ee,f. wastefulness lic, to be told abroad
maker Prodigialis, e, adj. of prodigie3- Profgrens, tis, part, moving
PrOcreatrix, Icis,/. a mother Prodigialitfer, adv. strangely Piofero, ferre, tuli, latum, a. to
PrOcreatus, a, um, part, begotten, Prodigiator, Oris, m. a soothsayer move, or stir, to thrust, or hold
born Prodigiose, adv. monstrously out, to extend, to enlarge, to
Procreo, are, a. to procreate, to ProdigiOsus, a, um, adj. prodi- prolong, or protract, to defer,
beget, to cause gious, strange [ster or put off, to take, or draw out,
Procresco, 6 re, n. to grow up Prodlgium, i, n. a prodigy, a mon- to conter, or bestow, to produce
PrOciibo, are, ui, Itum, n. to lie Piodigo, fire, egi, a. to lavish, or Professio, onis,/. a profession, a
over squander away, to drive forth confession, acknowledgment, or
Procudendus, a, um, part, to be PrOdigus, a, um, adj. prodigal, la- declaration, a promise
framed, or fashioned, to be vish, profuse, bountiful Pr5fessor, Oris, m. a professor
sharpened PrOditio, Onis,/. treachery, trea- PrOf essorius, a, um, adj. of a pro-
Procudo, ere, di, sum, a. to frame, son, a betraying, a prolonging fessor
or fashion, to hammer out, to Proditor, Oris, m. a betrayer, a PrOfessus, a, um, part, that has
sharpen, to cause traitor professed, promised, or pre-
PrOcul, adv. far, far off, aloof, far Proditrix, Icis,/. she that tells tended, confessed, avowed
from, a great way off, near Prodlturus, a, um, part, about to PrOtestus, a, um, adj. not holy
PrOculcatio, onis, /. a treading betray common
underfoot, a trampling on PrOdltus, a, urn, part, betrayed, Prof'Iciens, tis, part, profiting,
Proculcatus, a, um, part, trodden deceived, revealed, discovered, helping
down, or underfoot, trampled on recorded, left, cast out, driven Proficio, ere, eci, ectum, n. to
PrOculco, are, a. to tread down, PrOdo, ere, didi, Itum, a. to be- profit, to avail, to prevail, to be
or trample upon, to contemn, tray, to deliver, or surrender up, good, wholesome [parting
or despise to undo, to deceive, to forsake, PrOflciscens, tis, part, going, de-
PrOculdubiO, adv. undoubtedly to leave, to transmit, to declare PrOficiscor, i, ectus sum, dep. to
Procumbens, tis, part, falling ProdOceo, ere, ui, ctum, a. to go, or come, to go on, to pro-
down, bending downwards teach openly ceed
PrOcumbo, fire, iibui, Itum, n. to ProdrOmus, ., m. a forerunner PrOfindo, ere, Idi, issum, a. to
lie down, or along, to lean, or PrOducendus, a, um, part, to cleave
rest upon, to fall, hang be produced, brought forth, PrOfltendus, a, um, part, to be
PrOcurandus, a, um, part, to be lengthened professed, to be declared
taken care of, to be expiated Producens, tis, part, producing, Profltens, tis, part, professing,
PrOcurans, tis, part, providing, conducting declaring
looking to, dressing, atoning PrOduco, ere, uxi, uctum, a. to PrOflteor, eri, fessus, dep. to pro-
PrOcuratio, Onis,/. management, produce, to draw, bring, lead, fess, to protest, to declare
administration, an atonement or stretch out, to lengthen, or openly, to declare, to own
rrocuratiuncula, ae,/. a procure- extend, to continue, to protract, PrOflans, tis, part, breathing, puff-
uien or prolong, to defer, or put off, ing, bubbling [melted
Piocurator, Oris, *>.. a manager, to bring forth Proflatus, a, um, part, blown,
Proflatus, us, m. a blast, a puff PrOgrfidiens, tis, part, advancing prolix, tedious, long, tall, large
Profligandus, a, uro, part, to be Progrgdior, i and Iri, essus, dep. thick [duction
routed to go, come, or march on, for- Pr6l6gium, i, n. a preface, intro-
Profllgator, Oris, m. a profligate, ward, along, forth, or out, to ProlOgus, i, m. a prologue, lie
a spendthrift advance, to proceed that speaks it
Profligatus, a, um, part, issimus, Progressio, onis,/. a progression, Prolongo, are, a. to prolong
superl. routed, defeated, put to a progress, an advance ProlOquium, i, n. an axiom, a writ
flight, ruined, cast down Progressurus, a, um, part, about ProlOquor, i, quutus sum, dep. to
Profligo, are, a. to rout, to de- to proceed speak out, to declare, to show
feat, to put to flight, to ruin Progressus, a, um, part, having Prolubium, i, n. a desire, a frank-
Proflo, are, a. to breathe out, to gone, or exceeded, descended ness
melt Progressus, us, m. a progress, an Proludium, i. re. a preparative
Profluens, tis, part, flowing, fluent advancement Froltido, ere, si, sum, a. to flourish,
Frotfuens, tis, m. a stream Proh, or Pro, interj. oh or ah I ! to prelude, to begin, or com-
Profluentfer, adv. ius, comp. plen- Pr&hibendus, a, um, part, to be mence
tifully forbidden Proluo, gre, utum, a. to wash
Profluentia, se,/. fluency Prohlbens, tis, part, hindering much, to wash, to bathe, to wet,
Profluo, ere, uxi, uxum, a. to run PrOhlbeo, ere, ui, itum, a. to pro- to drench, to rinse
down, to gush out, to flow hibit, to forbid, to hinder, to Prolusio, onis, /. an essay, a trial
Profluvium, i, n. a flux, an issue, prevent, to restrain Proliitus, a, um, part, soaked,
a gushing, or streaming out PrOhibitio, onis,/. a prohibition drenched
Profluus, a, um, adj. flowing, run- PrOhibitor, oris, m. a forbidder Proluvies, ei,/. filth, offscouring,
ning PrOhibiturus, a, um, part, about dung, a looseness
ProfOre, inf. to do good, to avail to hinder Proluvium, i, n. filth, prodigality,
Profringo, gre, a. to break up, to PrOhlbltus, a, um, part, prohibit- a wasteful spending
plough ed, forbidden, restrained Promano, are, re. to spread abroad
Prftfugiens, tis, part, flying Prohinc, adv. whereupon Promendus, a, um, part, to be
PrOfugio, ere, ugi, itum, re. to flee, Projectio, onis,/. a throwing out drawn out, or produced
to run away, to escape Projectitius, a, um, adj. cast out, Promens, tis, part, drawing out
PrOfugium, i, n. a place of refuge, exposed [expose Promercalis, e, adj. to be sold
a sanctuary Projecto, are, a. to cast forth, to Promgrendus, a, um, part, to
PrOfugus, um, adj. fleeing away,
a, Prosectorium, a swingle
i, n. oblige
fugitive, wandering Projectura, ae,/. ajutting out in Promgrens, tis, part, deserving
PrOfundatus, a, um, part, founded a building well
PrOfunde, adv. profoundly, deeply Projecturus, a, ura.part. about to Promgreo, ere, ui, Itum, n. and
PrOfundendus, a, um, part, to be throw, or cast Promereor, Itus, dep. to deserve,
uttered Projectus, a, um, part, and adj to oblige, to endear, to do
Pr5fundens, tis, part, pouring out ior, comp. issimus, superl. Promgntum, i, n. a desert, a be-
PrOfundltas, atis,/. depth, deep- thrown away, or down, cast nefit, a kindness
ness away, off, or out, thrown, or Promico, are, n. to shine out
Prof undo, 6re, udi, visum, a. to cast, prostrated, laid, stretched Prommens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
pour, or shoot out, to shed, to Projectus, us, m. ajutting out comp. prominent, standing out
shed abundantly, to lavish Projicio, 6re, jeci, jectum, a. to Prominentia, ae,/. a prominence,
PrOfundum, i, re. the deep, the throw away, or down, to cast a promontory, a hanging rock
sea, obscurity, abstruseness, away, oft, or out Promineo, ere, nui, n. to jut out,
the air Proin, adv. and to hang over, to hang
Profundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Proindg, adv. therefore, for that Prominulus, a, um, adj. somewhat
issimus, superl. deep, high, long, cause, just so standing out
insatiable, great, large Prolabor, i, apsus, dep. to slip, PromiscuS, adv. confusedly, in
PrSfuse, adv. ius, comp. isslme, slide, fall, or tumble down, to common
superl. riotously, disorderly digress, to degenerate Promiscuus, a, um, adj. promis-
PrOfusio, onis, /. profusion, ex- Prolapsio, onis,/. a slip, a fall cuous, general, ordinary, mutual
travagance, waste, a looseness Prolapsus, a, um, part, slipped, Promissio, onis,/. a promise
Pr6f usor, oris, m. a prodigal fallen, fallen from virtue Promissor, Oris, m. a promiser
PrOfusus, a, um, part, and adj. Prolatandus, a, um, part, to be Promissu, abl. m. by promise
Eoured, or issuing out, shed, delayed Promissum, i, n. a promise, a vow
anging down, extended, pro- Prolatans, tis, part, putting off Promissus, a, um, part, and adj.
fuse Prolatatio, onis,/. a delay promised, vowed, hanging down
Piofuturus, a, ,um, part, that will Prolatatus, a, um, part, prolonged, Promittens, tis, part', promising
profit deferred Promitto, gre, Isi, issum, a. to
Progemmatus.a, um, pa) *, budded -
Prolatio, onis,/. a producing, an promise, to engage, to promise
PrOgener, ri, m. a niece's, or enlargement, a delay to go
grand-daughter's husband, a Prolato, are, a. to enlarge, to put Promo, gre, psi, ptum, o. to bring
son-in-law's father off, to defer forth, to draw out, to draw, to
PrOggngratio, onis, /. an engen- Prolaturus, a, um, part, about to tell, or disclose
dering show, or discover Promontorium, i, n. a promontory,
Proggngro, are, a. to engender Prolatus, a, um, part, brought a cape
Progenies, ei, /. a progeny, an forth, produced, spread abroad, Promotus, a, um, part, promoted,
offspring, a descent, a family rehearsed, told, delayed advanced, set out, set sail
Progenitor, oris, m. a progenitor, Prolecto, are, a. to allure, to chal- PromOveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. and
a forefather, an ancestor lenge n. to promote, to advance, to
Proggnitus, a, um, part, begotten, Proles, is,/, a race, an offspring, extend, to improve
produced a generation, a son, the young Promptg, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
Progermino, are, re. to sprout of any creature superl. readily, easily
Proggro, gre, essi, estum, a. to Proletarius, a, um, adj. poor, vul- Prompt ltudo, Inis,/. readiness
carry forth, to cast out gar, ordinary [out Prompto, are, a. to bring forth, to
Progestans, tis, part, carrying Prollbo, are, a. to taste, to pour disclose
before Proliceo, ere, ui, a. to melt down Promptu, monopt. abl. m. in rea-
Progigno, Sre, gnui, Itum, a. to Prolicio, ere, lexi, lectura, a. to diness, at hand, manifest
beget, to bring forth, to breed induce, to entice Promptuarium, i, n. a storehouse
Prog'nati, drum, pi. m. children Prolixe, adv. largely, liberally Promptus, a, um, part, and adj.
Prognatus, a, um, part, born, de- Pr&lixltas, atis,/. prolixity, tedi- ior, comp. issimus, superl.
scended, begotten, growing ousness drawn, or taken out, readv,
Fingnostlca, 6rum. nl. n. prog- Prolixo, are, a. to make long quick, active, dexterous, bold,
nostics, tokens, si^us j
I'rdlixus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. prone
PrOmulgatio, Onis,/. a promulga- PrOpendeo, fire, di, nsum, n. to purposed, intended, set before,
tion overweigh, to lean forward or to view, set [governor
PrOmulgaturus, a, um, part, about PrOpendo, gre, a. to consider PrOprastor, Oris, m. a lieutenant-
to publish Propense, adv. favourably, readily Pioprig, adv. properly, fitly
PrOmulgatus, a, um, part, pub- Propensio, onis, /. inclination, Proprigtas, atis, /. a property,
lished, proclaimed, detected readiness nature, or quality, a right
PrOmulgo, are, a. to publish, to Propensus, a, um, part, and adj. Proprio, avi, atura, a. to appro-
proclaim, to divulge, to make ior, comp. issimus, superl. in- priate
known clined, weighty, ready Proprius, a, um, adj. proper, fit,
PrOmulsis, idis, /. metheglin PrOpgrandus, a, um, part, to be peculiar, particular, one's own,
PrOmus, i, m. a clerk of a kitchen, hastened, or dispatched perpetual
a butler PrOpgrans, tis, part, hastening Propter, prep, for, by reason of,
Promuscis, tdis, /. a trunk, a sting PrOpgranter, adv. ius, comp. issl- near to, hard by, by the side
PiOmutuus, a, um, mutual
adj. mg, superl. hastily, in haste Proptgrea, adv. therefore, for this
PrOnaos, i, m. a porch of any Propgrantia, 33,/. a making haste reason, on that account
place PrOperatio, onis, /. a hastening, Propudiosus, a, um, adj. shameful
Pronecto, gre, exi, or exui, exum, haste Propudium, i, n. disgrace, shame,

a. to knit on, to tie to another PrOpgratO, adv. speedily, quickly a harlot

PrOngpos, otis, m. a nephew's son, PrOpgratus, a, um, part, hastened Propugnaciilum, i, n. a fortress, a
a great grandchild PrOpgratus, us, m. a hastening bulwark, a defence
PrOneptis, is,/, a niece's daughter PrOpgrfe, adv. hastily, in haste, PrOpugnans, tis, part, defending
Pronitas, atis,/. a proneness speedily, quickly, rashly PrOpugnatio, onis,/. a defending
PrOnOmen, inis, n. a pronoun PrOpgro, are, a. and n to do, or Propugnator, oris, m. a defender
PrOnominalis, e, adj. of a pronoun get quickly, to hasten PrOpugno, are, a. to fight, or con-
PronOminatio, Onis, /. a circum- PrOpgrus, a, um, adj. swift, speedy, tend for, to defend, to maintain
locution of a proper name hasty PrOpulsans, tis, part, driving
Pronuba, a?,/, the bridemaid, the Propexus, a, um, part, combed away [away
goddess of marriage PrOpheta, 33, or PrOphetes, »3, m. Propulsatio, Onis, /. a driving
Pronubus, i, m. a brideman a prophet, a poet Propulsator, Oris, m. a driver back
PrOnubus, a, um, adj. of marriage PrOphetia, 33,/. a prophecy PrOpulso, are, a. to drive away, to
PrOnuncians, tis, part, pronounc- PrOphetlcus, a, um, adj. prophe- remove, to ward off, to avert
ing tical Propulsaturus, a, um, part, about
PrOnunciatio, onis,/. a pronuncia- PrOphetissa, 33,/. a prophetess to drive away
tion, a publication, a judicial PrOphetizo, are, a. to prophesy PrOpuIsus, a, um, part, chased,
sentence PrOpInatio, onis, /. a drinking to or driven away, repelled
Pronunciator, Oris, m. an utterer, one's health Propulsus, us, m. a driving away
a reporter, a publisher PrOpinator, oris, m. a drinker to PrOpylajum, i, n. a porch, a gate-
Pronunciatum, i, n. a proposition PrOpino, are, a. to drink to, to house
Pronunciaturus, a, um, part. expose Proquaestor, Oris, m. a deputy, or
about to pronounce, or declare PrOpinque, adv. near, hard by vice-treasurer
Pronunciatus, a, um, part, pro- PrOpinquitas, /. nearness, neigh Prora, ae,/. the prow
nounced, declared [ing bourhood, kindred Prorepens, tis, part, creeping
Pronunciatus, us, m. a pronounc- PrOpinquo, are, n. to approach forth, or out
Pronuncio, are, a. to pronounce, PrOpinquus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Prorepo, gre, epsi, eptum, n. to
to declare, to utter, to speak, near, near at hand, neighbour- creep along, or out, to come
or tell, to publish, to proclaim ing, near of kin forth, to grow
Pronuper, adv. very lately PrOpinquus, i, m. a relation Prorgta, as, m. a boatswain
PrOnurus, us,/, a grandson's wife PrOpior, ius, adj. comp. nearer, Proreus, i, m. a pilot
PrOnus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. more like, more nearly related, Prorex, egis, m. a viceroy
isslmus, superl. prone, inclined, more favourable PrOrlga, as, m. a groom of the
bent, stooping, inclining, de- Propitiabilis, e, adj. soon ap- stable
scending, grovelling, headlong peased Proripiens, tis, part, snatching,
Prooemior, ari, dep. to preface PiopTtians, tis, part, appeasing hurrying
Procemium, i, n. a proem, a pre- Propitiatio, onis,/. a propitiation Proripio, gre, pui, reptum, a. to
face, a prelude, a beginning Propitiator, oris, m. a sacriticer take away by force, to snatch
PrOpagandus, a, um, part, to be Propitiatorium, i, n. the mercy- away, to drag away, to hurry
propagated seat fatory Prorito, are, a. to provoke, to in-
PrOpagatio, onis,/. a propagation, PropitiatOrius, a, um, adj. expi- cite, to allure, to invite, to
a planting Propitiatus, a, um, part, appeased, tickle
Propagator, oris, m. an enlarger atoned ProrOgans, tis, part, deferring
PrOpagatus, a, um, part, enlarged Propitio, are, a. to appease, to PrOrOgatio, onis,/. a prorogation,
PrOpago, Inis, /. a race, offspring, pacify a deferring
or breed, a lineage, or descent Propitius, a, um, adj. kind, merci- PrOrOgativus, a, um, adj. possible
PrOpago, are, a. to propagate ful to be delayed
Propala, ae, m. a retailer PrOpius, adv. comp. nearer, more PrOrOgator, Oris, m. a prolonger
PropaMam, adv. openly, publicly favourably, or kindly [tern ProrOgatus, a, um, part, con-
Propatruus, i, m. a great uncle Proplasma, atis, n. a mould, a pat- tinued
PrOp&ttilus, a, um, adj. wide Proplastice, es, /. the art of mak- ProrOgo, are, a. to prorogue, to
PrOpe, prep, near, by, beside ing moulds, or forms adjourn, to defer, or put off, to
PrOpe, adv. near, at hand, hard Propola, 33, m. a retailer, a pedlar delay, to continue, prolong
by, nearly, almost PropOlis, is, /. the suburbs, bee- Prorsum, adv. straight, directly,
Prftpediem, adv. shortly, within a glue at all
few days, ere long Proponens, tis, part, proposing Prorsus, adv. altogether, entirely,
Propellendus, a, um, part, to be Propono, gr*\ sui, situm, a. to wholly, quite, highly, surely
thrust, forced, or constrained propose, or propound, to set Prorsus, a, um, adj. straight, right
Propellens, tis, part, driving, before, to offer, or present Prorumpens, tis, part, breaking
forcing ProporrO, adv. furthermore forth
Propello, gre, puli, pulsum, a. to PrOportio, onis,/. a proportion PrOrumpo, gre, iipi, upturn, n. and
drive away, or out, to drive, to PropOsitio, Onis, /. a proposal, a a. to break, burst, issue, send,
push, or thrust forward design, a proposition or cast forth
PrOpgmOdum, adv. almost, nearly PrOpOsitum, i, n. a purpose, a de- PrOruo, gre, ui, iitum, a. and re. to
PrOpemptlcyn, i, n. a poem so sign, a resolution, a proposition throw down, to overthrow
called PrOpOsIturus, a, um, part, about PrOruptus, a, um, part, broken
PrOpendens, tis, part, hanging to propose down, burst out, burst, impo*
down Propositus, a, um, part, proposed, tuous


Prortitus, a, um, part, overthrown, Prospgro, are, a. and n. to pros- PrOterreo, gre, ui, a. to frighten
destroyed per, to succeed, to grant Pr6terve, adv. ius, comp. isslme,
Prosa, ae,/. prose [prose Prospersus, a, um, part, besprin- superl. saucily, frowardly, in-
PrSsaicus, a, um, adj. of, or in kled considerately
Prosapia, ae, /. a family, a pedi- Prospgrus, a, um, adj. same as Pr6tervia, ae,/. sauciness
gree [born Prosper PrOtervItas, atis, /. peevishness,
Piosatus, a, um, adj. descended, Prospiciendus, a, um, part, to wantonness
Proscenium, i, n. a scaffold, or view, or be viewed PrOtervitgr, adv. saucily
stage [dividing Prospiciens, tis, part, beholding, PrOtervus, a, um, adj. saucy,
Proscindens, tis, part, cutting, viewing, looking upon froward, rude, boisterous
Proscindo, gre, Idi, issum, a. to Prospicienter, adv. circumspectly Protestans, tis, part, beseeching
cut, or cleave, to cut down, to Prospicient'a, ae,/. foresight, care Protestor, ari, dep. to protest, to
tear up, to plough, to defame Prospicio, ere, exi, ectum, a. to beseech [ness
Proscissio, Onis,/. a cutting up foresee, to see, or look, to be- PrOthymia, ae, /. good-will, kind-
Proscissus, a, um, part, ploughed, hold, to view, to gaze at, to look Protinam, adv. forthwith
tilled about, to watch, to overlook Protinus, or Protgnus, adv. im-
Proscribendus, a, um, part, to be Prospicug, adv. carefully mediately, forthwith, straight-
proscribed, or banished Prospicus, a, um, adj. taking care way, straight forward, at first,
Proscribo, fire, ipsi, iptum, a. to Prospicuus, a, um, adj. attentive, next, continually, therefore
proscribe, to banish, to publish distinguishable Protollo, gre, a. to put out, or off
for sale Prospiro, are, a. to breathe out Prot&no, are, n. to thunder, to
Proscriptio, 6nis,/. a proscription, Prostans, tis, part, standing, or make a great noise
outlawry, or banishment, a con- jutting out, prostituting for ProtSplastus, i, m. father Adam
fiscation hire [ing Protostasia, ae, /. the office of
Proscriptor, 6ris, m. a banisher Prosternens, tis, part, overthrow- chief collector of taxes, the
Proscripturio, ire, Ivi, n. to be de- Prosterno, ere, stravi, stratum, a. chief collectorship
sirous to banish, or confiscate to overthrow, to rout, to cut Prot5tSmus, i, m. a sprout
Proscriptus, a, um, part, pro- down, to lay flat, or along, to Prototjrpon, i, n. the first copy
scribed, outlawed, banished, set prostrate, to strew ProtOtypus, a, um, adj. original
to be sold Prostibula, ae,/. a common harlot Piotractus, a, um, part. continued
Pr6sgco, are, a. to cut, to cut out Prostibulum, i, n. a stew, a pros- Protractus, us, m. a portrait
/•rosgcro, are, a. to. sacrifice unto titute Protrahens, tis, part, drawing out
Prosectum, i, n. the entrails Prostituo, Sre, ui, utum, a. to Protrahendus, a, um, part, to be
PrSsectus, a, um, part, cut, cut prostitute, to expose, to dis- drawn out
open grace [tuted Protraho, gre, axi, actum, a. to
Prosficuturus, a, um, part, about Prostltutus, a, um, part, prosti- protract, delay, or prolong, to
to follow [adding Prosto, are, iti, ltum, n. to stand, continue, to drag along, to draw
Pr6sgcutus, a, um, part, followed, or jut out, to stand to be hired, out, to aggravate
Prosgda, a;,/, a common harlot or sold, to be made public Protritus, "a, um, part, trodden
Pr6selytus, i, m. a proselyte Prostraturus, a, um, part, about underfoot, crushed, beaten, cut
Proseminatus, a, um, part, scat- to lay prostrate small
tered about [ter Prostratus, a, um, part, over- Protrudo, gre, si, sum, a. to thrust
Prosemino, are, a. to sow, or scat- thrown, ruined, laid, prostituted forward, out, or into the bosom
Prosgquendus, a, um, part, to be Prostylos, i, /. a building with Protrusus, a, um, part, thrust,
attended, to be respected pillars pushed
Prosgquens, tis, part, following, Prosubigo, gre, begi, bactum, a. Protubgro, are, n. to bud, or bloom
waiting on, attending to throw up, to hammer, to beat Proturbans, tis, part, thrusting
Prosgquor.i, cutus, dep. to follow, out out
to pursue, to prosecute, to wait Prosum, des, fui, desse, n. to do Proturbo, are, o. to thrust, push,
upon, or attend, to imitate, to good, to profit, or be profitable, or drive out, or away [image
describe, or discourse of to avail, to help, to be good Protypum, i, n. a pattern, an
Proserpens, tis, part, creeping Protasis, is, /. a proposition, a Provectus, a, um, part, carried,
Proserpo, fire, psi, ptum, n. to first part carried on, or along
creep along, to spread Protectio, onis,/. a protection Piovghens, tis, part, advancing
Prosgro, ui, a. to sow Piotecturus, a, um, part, about Provgho, gre, exi, ectum, ». to
Proseucha, ae, and PrSseuche, es, to protect carry, to carry on, or away, to
/. an oratory, a begging-place Protectus, a, um, part, and adj. conduct, to advance, to promote
Prosilio, Ire, ui, ivi and ii, sultum, ior, comp. defended, covered Provgniens, tis, part, arising
n. to leap, to leap up, to leap, Protegendus, a, um, part, to pro- Provenio, ire, eni, entum, n. to
sally, burst tect, or be protected come forth, or to pass, to hap-
ProsScer, 6ri, m. the wife's father's Protggens, tis, part, covering pen, or fall out, to arise, spring,
father, a great grandfather Protggo, gre, exi, ectum, a. to or proceed, to flow, to grow, or
Prosodia, ae,/ prosody protect, guard, or defend, to be produced
Pr6sop6pceia,ae,/. the feigning of cover, to hid:, to jut out Proventurus, a, um, part, about
a person, or thing to speak Protelo, are, a. to drive away, or to come forth, happen, or arise
Prospectans, tis, part, peeping back, to put off, to vex, to dis- Proventus, us, m, an increase, a
forth, beholding turb yearly income, a revenue, abund-
Prospecte, adv. considerately Protelo, adv. readily, immediately ance, or store
Prospecto, are, n. to view, to Protelum, i, n. a continual push- Proverbialis, e, adj. proverbial
look toward, to look, to behold ing, help, advantage Pioverbium, i, n. a proverb, an
Prospecturus, a, um, part, about Protendens, tis, part, stretching adage [ward
to view, or consider out, holding forth Proversus, a, um, part, right for-
Prospectus, us, m. a prospect, a Protendo, fire, di, sum and turn, a. Providg, adv. wisely, carefully
view, sight to stretch, or hold out, to ex- Providens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
ProspCculor, ari, atus sum, dep. tend, to defer, or put off [out comp. issimus, superl. provident
to spy, or observe afar off Protensus, a, um, part, stretched wise, prudent, careful
Prosper, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Trotentus, a, um, part, stretched, Provident fir, adv. providentially
errimus, superl. prosperous, or held out, extended, wide Providentia, ae, /. providence,
successful, lucky, happy, fa- Protgnus, adv. afar off, aloof forecast
vourable, giving prosperity Protgrendus, a, um, part, to be Provideo, ere, Idi, isum, a. to
1'rospSre, adv. ius, comp. rime, trampled upon [upon foresee, to provide, or provide
superl. prosperously, fortunate- Protgrens, tis, part, trampling against, to take care for, or of,
ly, luckily [sprinkle Protermlno, are, a. to extead to prevent
1'iospergo, Cre, si, a. to be- Protgro, ere, trivi, tritum, a. to PrSvTdus, a, um, adj. foreseeing,
ProspPiltas, .Mis,/, prosperity trample upon, or down, to crush provident, circumspect, wary,
wise, careful, thoughtful, pro- Pryt&neum, i, n. a common-hall, Pftdentfer, adv. ius, comp. issime,
viding for a council-house superl. shamefully, bashfully,
Pr6vincia, ae, /. a province, the Prytanis, is, m. a president modestly
government thereof, a task, or on
Psallo, ere, n. to sing, or play Ptideo, ere, ui, n. to be ashamed
undertaking an instrument Pudesco, ere, incep. to grow
Provincialis, e, adj. provincial, ot Psalmista, ae, m. a psalmist ashamed
a province PsalmOdia, ae, /. a singing of Pudlbundus, a, um, adj. bash-
Provincialis, is, m. a provincial psalms ful, modest, ashamed, to be
Provinciatlm, adv. province by Psalm us, i, m. a psalm, a hymn ashamed of, ruddy
province Psalterium, i, n. a psaltery, the Pudice, adv. ius, comp. chastely,
Provlsio, onis, /. provision, fore- psalter, or psalms honestly
sight, a providing, a purveying Psaltria, ae,/. a minstrel Pudlcltia, ae,/. chastity, modesty,
Proviso, ere, si, sum, a. to go to Psegma, atis, n. powder blown virginity
see from melted brass, gold-sand Pudlcltius, adv. comp. more
Provlsor, 6ris, to. a foreseer, a Psephisma, atis, n. a decree, sta- chastely, or modestly
purveyor, a provost tute, law, or ordinance Pudlcus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Provlsurus, a, um, part, about to Pseudomenos, i, m. a fallacy isslmus, superl. chaste, modest,
provide for, or take care of Pseud Snardus, i,/. spike honest
Provlsus, a, um, part, foreseen, PseudOprOpheta, ae, m. a false Pudor, oris, to. bashfulness, mo-
provided for, or against prophet desty, a blush, chastity, virgi-
PrOvIsus, us, m. foresight, cau- Pseudosphece, es, /. a kind of nity, fame, reputation
tion, providence wasp flying alone Puella, ae,/. a little girl, a damsel,
PrOvivo, ere, to survive
ixi, n. PseudOthyrum, i, n. a back-door a maid, a young woman, a
ProvOcans, tis, part, provoking Psllothrum, i, n. an ointment to nymph, a married woman
ProvScatio, Onis, /. a challenge, take away hair, the white vine Puellaris, e, adj. girlish, childish,
an appeal Psittacinus, a, um, adj. like a tender [ishly
Prov&cator, Oris, m. a challenger, parrot. Puellarlter, adv. like a girl, child-
an appealer Psittacus, i, m. a parrot Puellfila, ae,/. dim. a little girl
PrOvOcatOrius, a, um, adj. chal- Psora, ae,/. manginess, the itch Puellus, i, m. dim. a little boy
lenging Psoricus, a, um, adj. mangy Puer, eri, m. a boy, a child, a son,
Provocatus, a, um, part, moved, PsychOmanteum, i, n. a place a servant
induced, challenged, defied, where necromancers conjure up Puera, ae,/. a girl [child
provoked spirits Pugrasco, ere, incep. to play the
ProvOco, are, a. to call forth, or P>ythia, ae,/. a kind of grape Puerllis, e, adj. of boys, childish
out, to challenge, to defy, to Pterygium, i, n. the pin and web Pu6rllitas, atis, /. childishness,
appeal in the eye childhood
Provolans, tis, part, flying Ptlsana, ae,/. ptisan, barley-broth Puerlllter, adv. childishly, in a
Provolo, are, n. to fly out, to Ptlsanarium, i, n. rice-milk childish manner
hasten Piibens, tis, part, ripe, full Puerltia, ae,/. childhood, chastity
PiOvolvens, tis, part, tumbling Puber, orPiibes, eris, adj. the same Puerlties, ei,/. the same
down Pubertas, atis,/. puberty Puerpera, ae,/. a lying-in woman
PrOvolvo, fire, vi, Mum, a. to roll, Pubru, is,/, the middle, the groin, Puerperium, i, n. childbirth, the
or tumble, to disregard the youth of a place child [children
PrOvOlutus, a, um, part, falling Pubescens, tis, part, growing ripe Puerperus, a, um, adj. bearing
down, hanging of age, ripening, downy Puerula, ae,/. dim. a little girl
PrOvOmo, fire, a. to vomit out Pubesco, ere, incep. to bud, to Puertilus, i, m. dim. a little boy

Piovorsus, a, um, part, straight bloom, to shoot forth, or out, to Puerus, i, m. a boy, or child
forward begin to have a beard, to Pugil, His, c. g. a champion, a
Prout, adv. even as, like as flourish gladiator
Provulgo, are, a. to publish Pubis, e, adj. same as Pubes Pugllatio, onis,/. a boxing
Proxeneta, ae, m. a broker Publlca, ae,/. an harlot Pugllatus, us, m. the exercise of
ProxTme, adv and prep, next, or Publlcandus, a, um, part, to be boxing
last, very near, as near as pos- confiscated Puglllce, adv. valiantly
sible Publicanus, i, m. a publican, a Pugillare, ris, n. a table-book
Proxlmltas, atis, /. nearness, farmer of customs Pugillares, ium, pi. m. a pair of
neighbourhood, resemblance Publicatio, onis, /. a publishing, writing-tables
Proximo, are, a. to approach, to a sale, a confiscation PCtgillaris, e, adj. of a handful
be next Publlcatus, a, um, part, pub- Piigillatorius, a, um, adj. stricken
ProxIm6, adv. next, last lished, confiscated with the fist
Proxlmum, i, n. the next place Publice, adv. publicly, openly, on Pugillum, i, n. a handful
Proxlmus, a, um, adj. superl. ior, the public account, at the pub- Pftgllo, are, a. to box
comp. nearest, next, following, lic charge Pugio, onis, m. a dagger
last, guilty Publlcltus, adv. at the public Pugiunculus, i, m. a short dagger
Proxlmus, i, to. a neighbour, a charge, by common advice Pugna, ae,/. a fight, a battle, a
friend, a kinsman Publlcius, a, um, adj. public contest, war, disturbance, trou-
Prudens, tis, adj. ior, comp. isst- Publico, are, o. to publish, to ble [fight
mus, superl. prudent, wise, sa- make known, to prostitute Pugnacltas, atis, /. a desire to
gacious, knowing, expert Publlc6la, ae, m. a popular person Pugnacltfer, adv. iiis, comp. issime,
Prudent er, adv. ius, comp. issime, Publicum, i, n. the public, the superl. contentiously, obsti-
superl. prudently, discreetly, streets, the public revenue, or nately
wisely treasury Pugnacidum, i, n. a bulwark
Prudentia, ae, /. prudence, dis- Publlcus, a, um, adj. public, com- Pugnans, tis, part, and adj. fight-
cretion, knowledge, skill, fore- mon, belonging to the people, ing, striving, contrary, opposite
sight open, general, formal Pugnator, oris, m. a fighter
Pruina, ae,/. a hoar-frost, a frost Publlcus, i, ».. a scavenger Pugnatorius, a, um, adj. of a
Prulnosus, a, um, adj. frosty, cold Pudefio, eri, n. part, to be fighter
Pruna, ae,/. a live-coal, charcoal ashamed [parts Pugnaturus, a, um, part, about to
Prunum, i, n. a prune, a plum Pudenda, orum, pi. n. the privy fight
Prunus, i,/. a plum-tree Pudendum, i, n. the privy member Pugnatus, a, um, part, fought
Pruriens, tis, part, itching Piidendus, a, um, part, to be Pugnax, acis, adj. cior, comp. cis-
Pruriglnosus, a, um, adj. itchy ashamed of, shameful, guilty simus, superl. fighting, warlike,
Prurigo, Inis,/. an itching, or itch Piidens, tis, part, and adj. ior, contentious, quarrelsome
Prurio, Ire, ivi, itum, n. to itch, to comp. isslmus, superl. ashamed, Pugneus, a, um, adj. of the fist
please, to desire to do blushing, shamefaced, bashful, Pugno, are, n. to fight, to con.
Pruritus, us, m. an itching modest tend, to strive, to contest, to


resist, to quarrel, to dispute, to Pulflcula, se, /. pottage, gruel, Pure, adv. ius, eomp. isi
disagree pap, panado superl. cleanly, nicely, brig
Pugnus, i, m. the fist, a blow Pultlphagus, i, m. a gruel-eater Bincerely, without alloy,
Pulchellus, a, urn, adj. somewhat Pulto, are, same as Pulso rectly
fair Pulvgratio, Onis, /. a dissolving Purgabllis, e, adj. easily clea
Pulcher, chra, chrilm, adj. ior, into powder Purgamen, Inis, n. a purga
eomp. errimus, superl. fair, Pulvgreus, a, um, adj. of dust, full an expiation, an offscou
beautiful, fine, gay, splendid, of dust, dusty filth
magnificent, delightful, valiant Pulvgro, are, a. to cover with dust Purgamentum, i, n. filth, c
Pulchralia, um, n.a dessert, fruits Pulvgrtilentus, a, um, adj. dusty kitchen stuff
Pulchre, adv. ius, comp. errime, Pulvillus, i, m. a pillow, or cushion Purgandus, a, um, part, t
superl. handsomely, gracefully, Pulvinar, aris, n. a bolster, a pil- purged, to clear
speciously, clearly, very well, low, a cushion, a bed, a couch, Purgans, part, purging
wisely, prudently, stoutly, free- a pallet Purgatio, onis, /. a purgit
ly, bravely Pulvlnarium, i, n. the shrine of cleansing, a purge, an apo
Pulchritudo, tnis,/. beauty, come- an image, a couch, a dock for or excuse
liness, splendour, brightness ships Purgator, oris, to. a cleanser
Pulecium, i, n. penny-royal Pulvlnatus, a, um, part, bolstered Purgatorium, i, n. purgatory
Pulex, Icis, m. a flea, an insect Pulvinulus, i, m. a little cushion, Purgatorius, a, um, adj. purg
Pullcaris, e, adj. of a flea a bed Purgatus, a, um, part, and
Pullcosus, a, um, adj. full of fleas Pulvinus, i, m. a bolster, a pillow, ior, comp. issimus, superl. \
Pullarius, a, um, adj. pertaining a cushion, a bed, a ridge ed, cleansed, cleared, exci
to poultry, or young boys Pulvis, gris, d. g. dust, powder, free
Pullarius, i, m. a poulterer, a lover the ore, or sand of metal, a Purgito, are,/reg. to purge o
of boys place of exercise Purgo, are, a. to purge, clei
Pullaster, tri, m. a cockerel Pulvis, is, m. dust clean, or clear, to clear 01
Pullastra, ae,/. a pullet Pulviscfilus, i, m., and Pulviscii- away, to cure, to excuse
Pullatio, onis, /. a breeding of lum, i, n. small dust, flue pow- Piirificans, tis, part, purif
chickens der cleansing
Pullatus, a, um, adj. clad in dark Pumex, Icis, m., and sometimes f. Purificatio, 6nis,/. a purificz
colour, poorly clad a pumice-stone, a stone eaten Puriflco, are, a. to purify
Pullesco, ere, n. to grow up with age cleanse
Pulletra, or Pullitra, ae,/. a pullet Pumicatus, a, um, part, polished Piirif icus, a,um, adj. purifyi
Pulligo, Inis,/. a brown colour Pumlceus, a, um, adj. of a pumice, Puritas, atis, /
purity, cleani
Pullinus, a, um, adj. of any young dry as a pumice Puriter, adv. purely, cleanly.
Pullities, ei,/. a hatching, a brood Pumlco, are, a. to polish, to nocently
Pullo, are, n. to bud, to spring smooth Purpura, ae, /. the purple
Pullulasco, 6re, incep. to bud, or Pumlcosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. purple, scarlet, a scarlet ro
spring full of pumice, full of pores, or Purpurarius, a, um, adj. of pi
Pullulo, are, n. to shoot, or spring holes Purpurasco, ere, n. to grow
up, to bud, to increase [colt Pumllio, onis, m. a dwarf purple colour
Pullulus, i, m. a shoot, a young Pumilius, i, m., the same Purpiiratus, a, um, part, cla
Pullus, i, m. the young of any Pumllus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. purple ; subst. a nobleman
thing, a young sprout, or shoot dwarfish, low
little, Purpiireus, a, um, adj. of pu
of a tree, a catamite Punctim, adv. pointingly red, glowing, blushing, shir
Pullus, a, um, adj. blackish, dark, Punctio, onis, /. a pricking, or divine
brown stinging, a stitch Purpurissatus, a, um, part. p.
Pulmentaris, e, adj. of pottage Punctiuncula, se,/. a prick with a ed red
Pulmentarium, i, n. pottage, needle, or pin Purpfirissum, i, n. a lively, r
gruel, stewed meat Punctum, i, n. a point, a prick, a colour
Pulmentum, i, n. the same main point, a vote, or suffrage Purpurlticus, a, um, adj. pu
Pulmo, onis, m. the lungs Punctura, ae, /. a puncture, a coloured, of porphyry
Pulraonaria, ae,/. lungwort pricking Purpuro, are, n. to be of, c
Pulmonarius, a, um, adj. diseased Punctus, a, um, part, pricked, make a purple colour
in the lun^s, rotten inflicted Purulent e, adv. corruptly, na
Pulmoneus, a, um, adj. of the Punctus, i, m. a point, a prick, a Purulentus, a, um, adj. matte
lungs, smelling [wood sting Purum, i, n. the clear, or ope
Pulpa, ae, / the pulp, the pith of Punctus, us, m. a pricking Purus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Pulpamentum, i, n. a titbit Pungens, tis, part, pricking mus, superl. pure, clean,
Pulpltum, i, n. a pulpit, or desk Pungo, fire, pupugi, punxi, and fair, transparent, even, smc
to speak orations in, a scaffold, antiq. pgpugi, nctum, a. to open, plain, unwrought, sa-
the stage prick, or sting, to vex, to dis- Pus, uris, n. pi. pura, matter,
Puis, tis, /. pottage, water-gruel, turb [ruddy ruption, a railing
pap, panado, hasty-pudding Punlcans, tis, part, reddening, Pusa, ae, /. a little girl, a darl
Pulsabulum, i, n. a knocker Punicum, i, n. a pomegranate, a Pusillanimis, e, adj. cowardlj
Pulsandus, a, um, part, to be sweet cake [punished Pusilianimltas, atis, /. pui
beaten, thumped, or stamped Puniendus, a, um, part, to be nimity
upon Punio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to punish Pusillus, a, um, adj. cowa
Pulsans, part, beating, strik-
tis, Punitio, onis,/. a punishing faint, weak, slender, small
ing, casting, throwing Puuitor, oris, m. a punisher Pusio, onis, m. a boy, a catan
Pulsatllis, e, adj. beating Piinltus, a, um, part, punished Pusttila, ae, /. a pustule, a pu:
Pulsatio, onis,/. a beating Pupa, ae,/ a young girl, a puppet blister, a small pock
Pulsator, oris, m. a striker Pupilla, as, f. an orphan girl, the Pustulatus, a, um, part, blist
Pulsatus, a, um, part, beaten, ball, apple Pustulosus, a, um, part, fu
pounded, violated, injured, of- Papillaris, e, adj. of a pupil pushes
fended, attacked, impeached Pupillo, are, n. to cry like a pea- Puta, adv. suppose, to wit
Pulso, are, /-eg. to beat, to strike, cock a little girl
Piita, ae,/.
to knock at, to play on an in- Pupillus, i, m. a pupil, an orphan Putamen, Inis, n. a shell
strument, to vex, to grieve Puppis, is, / the stern, the poop, Putandus, a, um, part, to
Pulsus, a, um, part, driven away, a ship thought, pruned, &c.
banished, dispersed, routed, Pupilla, ae,/. the apple of the eye Putans, tis, part, considerinf
beaten, struck Pupulus, i, m. a very little boy, a volving
Pulsus, us, m. a beating baby Putatio, onis, /. a pruning, ft

Pultarium, i, *. a porringer Pupus, i, m. a young child, a baby,

Pultarius, i, m. a soup-dish a puppet warily
Pfttativus, a, urn, adj. supposed, Pyrols, entis, m. the star of Mars, Quadi-ifluviuui, i, n. a flowing, •»

imaginary [per one of the horses of the sun running into four parts
Mutator, Oris, m. a pruner, a lop- Pyropus, i, m. a carbuncle, an Quadrifluvius, a, um, adj. running
Putatorius, a, um, adj. of pruning opal, a metal [mour in four veins [holes
Putatus, a, urn, part, thought, Pyrrulcha, ae, /. a dancing in ar- Quadrtf6ris, e, adj. having four
Supposed, adjusted, refined, Pyrrhlchius, i. m. a foot of two Quadrifrons, tis, adj. four-fronted,
pruned short syllables an epithet of Janus
Puteal, alis, n. the cover of a well, P.v>um, i, n. a pear Quadriga, ae, /. a cart or chariot
&c., a tribunal, or court Pyrus, i,,f. a pear-tree drawn with four horses, horses
iPuteahs, e, adj. of a well, or pit Pyttiaules, ae, m. a player on a Quadrigarius, a, um, adj. of a
Puteanus, a, um, adj. oi' & well bag-pipe chariot, or charioteer
Piitearius, i, m. a digger of wells Pythlcus, a, um, adj. oracular Quadrigarius, i, m. a charioteer
Tuteo, ere, ui, n. to stink, to be Python, onis, m. a serpent, a Quadrlgatus, a, um, adj. marked
rank prophesying spirit, or one pos- with a chariot
Diite&li, Orum,
m. places of
pi. sessed with such a spirit Quadriggminus, a, um, adj. four-
sulphureous waters Tythonissa, ae, /. a woman pos- double [forty
Futesco, 6re, n. to grow rank, to sessed with a prophesying Quadrigenarius, a, um, adj. of
stink spirit, a priestess Quadrigeni, ae, a, adj. pi. forty
Piiteus, i, m. a well, a pit Pyxicantha, ae, /. boxthorn Quadiigiila, ae, /. dim. a little
futide, adv. ius, comp. rankly, Pyxidatus, a, um, adj. made like chariot
formally [inal a box Quadnjtigis, e, adj. of a chariot
tiitldiusculus, a, um, adj. too for- Pyxidic&la, ae,/. a gallipot with four horses
lutldulus, a, um, adj. somewhat Pyxis, Idis,/. a box, a gallipot Quadrijugus, a, um, part, drawn
rank, or affected with four horses
Putldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Quadrilatfirus, a, um, adj. quadri-
stinking, stale, rank, rotten, lateral
unsound, mad Quadrllibris, e, adj. weighing four
futillus, i, m. a dwarf pounds
Tutis, e, adj. rotten Quadrlm&nus, a, um, and Quadrf-
Putisco, 6re,/or Putesco, to stink Qui, adv. where, which way, by manis, e, adj, having four hands
•fito, are, a. to think, to consider, what way, or method, on what Quadrimatus, us, m. age of four
to ponder, or revolve, to debate, place, as far as, as years [months
to suppose, to reckon, to esteem Quacunque, adv. which way so- Quadrlmestris, adj. of four
Tutor, oris, m. a stink, a bad ever, by what place soever Quadrimulus, um,
adj. almost
smell Quadantenus, adv. in some mea- four years old [old
futredo, Inis, /. rottenness, cor- sure Quadrlmus, a, um, adj. four years
ruption Quadra, as, /. a square, a square Quadringenarius, a, um, adj. that
Putrgf&ciendus, a, um, part, to trencher, a square piece, the contains four hundred men
be putrefied square at the bottom of a pillar Quadringeni, and Quadringen-
Putrgf acio, fire, eci, actum, a. to Quadragenarius, a, um, adj. of teni, ae, a, adj. pi. four hundred
putrefy, to rot, to dissolve forty Quadringentesimus, a, um, adj.
Patrgfactio, onis,/. putrefaction Quadrageni, ae, a, adj. pi. forty the four hundredth
Putrgfactus, a,um, part, putrefied Quadragesima, ae, /. the fortieth Quadringenti, ae, a, adj. pi. four
Putrefio, ieri, n. pass, to be cor- part, the time of Lent hundred
rupted Quadragesimalis, e, adj. of Lent Quadringenties, adv. four hun-
Putreo, €re, n. to rot, to be rotten Quadragesimus, a, um, adj. dred times [quartan
Putresco, ere, incep. to rot, to fortieth Quadrinus, a, um, adj. four,
mellow [rupt Quadragies, adv. forty times Quadripartilis, e, adj. divided into
Putridus, a, um, adj. rotten, cor- Quadraginta, adj. forty four parts
Putrllago, Inis, /. rottenness, Quadrandus, a, um, part, to be Quadripartitus, a, um, part, di-
corruption, putrefaction fitted [gular vided into four parts
Putris, e, adj. rotten, nasty, filthy, Quadrangfilaris, e, adj. quadran- Quadriremis, is, /. a galley with
wanton Quadrangulus, a, um, adj. square four banks of oars
Putror, oris, m. rottenness Quadrans, tis, part, squaring, Quadrivialis, e, adj. of four ways
Putus, a, um, adj. issimus, superl. agreeing Quadrivium, i, n. a place where
refined, pure, without mixture Quadrans, tis, m. a Roman coin four ways meet, four ways
Putus, i, m. a minion worth nearly our halfpenny, the Quadro, are, a. to square; ». to
Pycta, ae, or Pyctes, ae, m. aboxer, fourth part of any thing, a agree, to suit, to be fit
a champion, a fighting-cock quarter, a quadrant Quadrula, as,/, a little square
Pyctale certamen, a boxing-match Quadrantal, alis, n. a square Quadrum, i, n. a square figure, a

PyctOmachus, i, m., same as Pycta figure, a vessel of nine gallons quarry of glass
Pyga, ae, /. the breech, the but- Quadrantalis, e, adj. four fingers Quadrupgdans, tis, part prancing, .

tocks [puttock thick [harlot galloping

Pygargus, i, m. a roebuck, a Quadrant aria, ae, /. a farthing- Quadiupgdus, a, um, adj. having
Pvgmaeus, a, um, adj. dwarfish Quadrantarius, a, um, adj. be- four feet [feet
Pyla, ae,/. a gate, a straight pas- longing to, or bought for a Quadrupes, 6dis, adj. having four
sage farthing Quadrupes, 6dis, m. a horse, also
Py ra, ae, /. a funeral pile, a bonfire Quadrarius, a, um, adj. four-square a quadruped
Pyramidatus, a, um, adj. formed Quadratarius, i, m. a stonecutter Quadruplator, oris, m. a giver, or
like a pyramid. Quadratura, ae, /. a quadrature, receiver of four-fold, a public
Pyramis, Idis,/. a pyramid, a spire the squaring of any thing informer
Pyratum, i, n. perry Quadratus, a, um, part, and adj. Quadruplex, Icis, adj. four-fold
Pyrausta, ae, ra. a fire -fly squared, four-square, well set, Quadruplicatd, adv. four times so
P^ren, enis, m. a kernel, or stone well made, or fashioned much
Pyrethrum, i, n. wild pellitory Quadriceni, a,, a, adj. pi. forty Quadruplico, are, a. to multiply
Pyrgus, i, m. a tower, a dice-box Quadriceps, Ipltis, adj. having four times [much _

PJrites, ae, m. a marcasite, or fire- four heads [teeth Quadrupl6, adv. four times as
stone, a thunderstone Quadrldens, tis, adj. having four Quadruplor, ari, dep. to inform
Pyritis, Idis, /. a precious stone Quadriennium, i, n. four years against a man in order to have
which held hard burns the Quadrlfariam, adv. four ways, the fourth part of his goods
fingers into four parts Quadruplum, i, ». four-fold
Pyr6b6li, Orum, pi. m. fire-balls, Quadrlfariter, adv. the same Quadruplus, a, um, adj. quadru-
squibs, crackers Quadrlfidus, a, um, adj. cleft, ple, four-fold, four times as
P$roc6rax, ftcis, m. a crow with divided, or dividing into four much
ted feet parte Quadrus, a, um, adj. four-square
Quserendus, a, um, part, to be Quamobrem, wherefore
adv. ? were, as though, as, in a man.
sought, considered, or gotten why ? for which reason ner, almost, nearly
Quserens, tis, part, seeking, ask- Quamplurlmus, a, um, adj. very Quasillaria, ae,/. a basket- wencl:
ing, inquiring, endeavouring, &c. much Quasillum, i, n., and Quasillus, i,

Quserltans, tis, part, getting pain- Quamprldem, acfo.howlong since? m. a basket, a pannier, a slave
fully Quamprlmum, adv. very shortly, Quassabilis, e, adj. to be shaken
Quaerlto, are, a. to seek, to in- as soon as possible Quassandus, a, um, part, to he
quire diligently Quamvis, conj. although, albeit, brandished
Quaero, 6re, slvi, situm, a. to seek, very much, greater, never so Quassans, tis, part, shaking, &c,
to seek, or look for, to ask, Quandiu, adv. same as Quamdiu Quassatio, onis, /. a shaking, a
to inquire, or make inquiry, Quandd, adv. when? when, at shake
to consider, or dispute, to what time as, since Quassatus, a, um, part, shaken,
want [ing Quandocunque, adv. whensoever shattered, bruised
Quaesens, part, asking, pray-
tis, Quandoque, adv. one time or Quasso, are, a. to shake, to brai-
Quaesltio, onis,/. an inquiry other, whensoever, after some dish, to shatter
Quseslto, are, same as Quaerito time, in time Quassus, a, um, part, shake?,
Quaesltor, oris, m. an inquisitor, Quandoquldem, conj. forasmuch shattered, battered, weathev
or examiner of capital offences, as, seeing that, since, because beaten
a judge, a provost Quanquam, conj. although, albeit, Quassus, us, m. a shaking
Quaesitum, i, n. an inquiry, a however Quatefacio, gre, a. to cause t>
question, a thing gotten Quanti, gen. as much, as, of how shake
Quaesiturus, a, um, part, about to great consequence, for how Quatgnus, adv. so far forth a ,

seek, inquire, or demand much ? at what rate ? how long, how far ; conj. fora -

Quaesitus, a, um, part, and adj. Quantillum, adv. how little ? much as, seeing that
ior, comp. issimus, guperl. Quantillus, a, um, adj. how very Quater, adv. four times, very oftei
sought, sought for, asked, in- little Quaterd£cies, adv. forty times
quired into, or about, wanted, Quantisper, adv. as long as Quaterdeni, ae, a, adj. pi. forty
gotten, obtained Quantitas, atis,/. quantity Quaternarius, a, um, adj. of four
Quaesitus, us, m. a seeking, or Quantd, adv. by how much. Quaternarius, i, m. the numbe
asking QuantOpere, adv. how greatly, as four
Quaeso, verb def., pi. quaesumus, greatly Quaterni, ae, a, adj. pi. four
inf. qusesere ; quaeso, quae sis, Quantillum, i, n. how little, or Quaternio, onis, m. the numbe
quaesit, quaesi, quaesum, or quae- much, as much, or far as four, a quarter at dice, &c,
sivi, quaesitum, to seek, to be- Quantulumcunque, n. how little file of four soldiers
seech, to pray, to desire, to get soever, ever so little Quatiens, tis, part, shaking
Quaesticulus, i, m. dim. little Quantulus,a, um, adj. how little brandishing
profit Quantuluscumque, adj. how little Quatinus, conj. same as Quatenu
Quaestio, Onis, /. a question, a soever, ever so little Quatio, e>e, assi, assum, a. t
doubt, or debate, an inquiry, Quantum, i, n. how much, how shake, to move, to brandish, t«
an examination by torture great, so mueh as, what an thrust, or drive, to disturb
Quaestiuncula, ae, /. a little doubt advantage ? [as Quatrldub, adv. in four days
Quaestor, oris, m. a quaestor, a Quantum, adv. as far as, as much Quatrlduum, i, n. space of foir
treasurer, a paymaster, a judge Quantumcunque, adv. as much as days
Quaestorium, i, re. a quaestor's Quantumvis, conj. although, al- Quatuor, adj. pi. indecl. four
tent, an exchequer beit, never so much Quatuordgcies, adv. fourteen
Quaestorius, i, m. a past treasurer Quantus, um, adj. how
a, great, times [fourteen
Quaestorius, a, um, adj. belonging how much, how many I how QuatuordScim, adj. pi. indetl.
to the quaestor, of that oiiice, or fine ! how brave ! Quatuorviratus, us, m. the office
dignity Quantuscunque.acunque, umcun- of four ruling together
Quaestuarius, a, um, adj. that ex- que, adj. how great, or little Quatuorviri, orum, pi. m. four
ercises a trade to gain thereby soever surveyors
Quaestuosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Quautuslibet, aftbet, umllbet, Que, conj. and, also, for, seeing
issimus, superl. gainful, profit- adj. how great soever, never so that, forasmuch as, or. Que—
able, greedy, careful great que, both and—
Quaestura, ae, /. the office of a Quantusquantus, a, um, adj. how Quels, for Quibus
quaestor great soever Queiscum, for Quibuscnm
Quaestus, us (sti, or stuis), m. Quantusvis, avis, umvis, adj. as QuSmadm6dum, adv. after what
gain, profit, lucre, advantage, great as you like sort, or manner, how, how ? by
a trade Quapropter, adv. or where-
conj. what means ?
Quallbet, adv. any way fore, why ? for which reason Queor, iri, it us sum, dtp. I may,
Qualis, e, adj. what manner, of Quaqua, adv. what way soever or can
what kind, such as, like as, as Quaquaversum, and Quaquaver- Quercetum, i, n. a grove of oaks
Qualiscunque, ficunque, ad/.what- sus, adv. on every side, every Querceus, a, um, adj. of oak
soever, whatever way Quercicus, a, um, adj. of an oak
Qualisllbet, adv. what you will Quare, adv. wherefore, why ? for Quercflla, ae,/. oak of Jerusalem
Qualisqualis, e, adj. be it what it which reason Querculanus, a, um, adj. of oak
will Quartadecumanus, i, m. a soldier Quercus, us, /. an oak
Qualltas, atis,/. a quality, a man- of the fourteenth legion Querela, ae, /. a complaint, a la-
ner, sort, fashion, condition, or Quart ana, ae,/. a quartan ague menting, a wailing, a warbling
nature Quartan arius, a, um, adj. of a sound
Quallter, adv. like as, as, how fourth Querendus, a, um, part, to be
Qualltercunque, adv. howsoever Quartani, orum, pi. m. soldiers of complained of
Qualnbet, adv. any way the fourth legion Qufirens, tis, part, complaining of
Qualus, i, m. a twig-basket, a Quartanus, a, um, adj. of the Qufiribundus, a, um, adj. com-
work-basket., a hen-coop, a co- fourth plaining
lander, a hod Quart arium, i, re. a quarter Querimonia, ae,/. a complaint
Quam, conj. or adv. how ? how ! Quart arius, i, m. a quart Qufiiltans, tis, part, complaining
than, very, very much, very Quartlceps, Ipis, adj. having four Queineus, a, um, adj. of oak
greatly, as much as, as long as, heads Quernus, a, um, adj. of an oak,
after, after that, rather than Quartb, adv. fourthly oaken
Quamdiu, adv. how long? until, Quartum, adv. the fourth time Qufiror, i, questus sum, dtp. to
as long as Quartus, a, um, adj. the fourth complain, to lament, to bewail,
Quamdudum, adv. how long ago? Quartusdgclmus, a, um, adj. the to warble, chirp
Quamilbet, adv. as you will, al- fourteenth Querque'dula, ae,/. a teal
though, albeit Quisl, adv. and conj. as if, as it Queiquerus, a, um, adj. cold, chill
>3.oCT4'i?t&laniis, a, urn, adj. Quincfipgdal, alis, n. or Quincu- Quintus, a, um, adj. the fifth
covered with oak peda, se, /. a measure of five Quintusdgclmus, a, um, adj. the
ftuerquetuin,i, *. a grove of oaks feet fifteenth
Hugrfilus, a,um, adj. querulous, Quincuplex, Icis, adj. fivefold Quintussis, is, m. five pounds
mournful, creaking, croaking, Quincussis, is, m. five pounds weight [rhe
warbling, musical weight Quinus, a, um, adj. five, five by
Questio, onis, /. a complaining, Quindgcies, adv. fifteen times Qulp5te, adv. hew can that be
or moaning Quindgcim, adj. fifteen Quippe, adv. for, because, foras-
Questus, a, um, part, having com- Quindgcimvir, ri, m. one of the much, as one, as being, to wit
I plained fifteen magistrates, or commis- Quippini, adv. why not
Questus, us, m. a complaint, a sioners, that were jointly in Qulrlnalia, a, um, pi. n. feasts
moan office for the ordering of reli- sacred to Romulus
Qui, quo?, quod, pron. who, {and gious affairs QuTris, is, /. a spear, a javelin
in objective, whom, which, that,
) Quindecimviralis, e, adj. of the Quiris, itis, m. a citizen of Rome
who ? what ? what kind of per- quiudecimviri Quintans, tis, part, crying for
son [why Quindgni, ae, a, fifteen help [help
Qui, adv. how, by what means, Quinetiam, conj. moreover, be- Qiuritatio, 6nis, /. a calling for
Quia, conj. with indie, and subj. sides [hundred Quiiitatus, us, m. a wailing, a
because, forasmuch as, for that Quingenarius, a, um, adj. five moaning cry, a cry for help
Quianam, ado. why? wherefore Quingeni, a;, a, adj. same as Quin- Quirites, um, and ium, pi. m. the
Quiane, adj. is it because ? genti [dred citizens, or commons of Rome
Quicquam, n. anything Quingenteni, ae, a, adj. five hun- Quirlto, are, a. to cry for help
Quicque, or Quidque, n. every Quingentesimus, a, um, adj. the Quis, quae, quid, or quod, pron,
thing, any thing five hundredth who? which? what kind, or
Quicquid, n. whatsoever Quingenti, ae, a, adj. pi. five hun- manner of, some one, whether!
Quicum, same as cum quo, with dred [times Quisnam, qusenam, quodnam,
whom, with which Quingenties, adv. five hundred pron. who ? which ? what ?
Quicunque, quaecunque, quodcun- Quini, five
ae, a, what
que, pron. whosoever, what- Quinimo, conj. yea, and what is Quispiam, qusepiam, quidpiam, or
soever, every one, how great more quodpiam, pron. some body, or
soever Quinquagenarius, a, um, adj. thing
Quid, to. what, what sort of any fifty years old, containing fifty Quisquam, qusequam, quidquam,
thing, how many how great
! Quinquageni, ae, a, adj. pi. fifty or quicquam, pron. any one, any
why ? how ? Quinquagesimus, a, um, adj. the body, or thing
Quidam, quaedam, quoddam, and fiftieth Quisque, quaeque, quodque, pron.
quiddam, pron. one, such an one Quinquagies, adv. fifty times every man, every one, every
Quldem, adv. truly, indeed, too, Quinquaginta, adj. indecl. pi. fifty thing, whosoever
also, at least, however Quinquatria, orum, and ium, pi. Quisqullias, arum, pl.f. the sweep-
Quidnam, n. what ? how n. a feast in honour oi Minerva ings, or refuse of any thing, the
Quidnl, adv. what else? why not Quinque, adj. indecl. pi. five scum of the people
Quidpiam, cujuspiam, n. some- Quinqugf&lium, i, n. cinquefoil Quisquilium, i, n. the scarlet berry
thing Quinqufilibralis, e, adj. of five Quisquis, m. and f. whosoever,
Quidque, or Quicque, cujusque, pounds weight whatsoever, any one
n. every thing Quinquemestris, e, adj. five Qulvis, quaevis, quidvis, or quod-
Quidquid, n. whatsoever months old vis, whosoever, any one
Quidvis, cujusvis, n.any thing Quinquennalis, e, adj. lasting five Qu6, adv. and whither ? to
Quidum ? adv. why so ? how so years, every fifth year what place ? by how much,
Quies, etis,/. rest, ease, leisure, Qtiinquennis, e, adj. five years that, to the end that, because
inactivity, peace, a respite, a old, of five years Quoad, adv. as long as, whilst,
private life, a ceasing from, an Qui millennium, i, n. the space of how long? how soon? as much
end, sleep, a dream five years as, as far as, as to
Quiescendus, a, um, part, to rest Quinqugpartit&, adv. in five parts Quoadusque, adv. so far as, as
Quiescens, tis, part, resting, Quinqugpartltus, a, um, adj. di- long as [fore
sleeping vided into five parts Quocirca, conj. wherefore, there-
Quiesco, ere, evi, n. and rarely a. Quinqugprlmi, orum, pi. m. the Quocum, pron. all. with whom
to be quiet, calm, or still, to five first men Quocunque, adv. whithersoever
rest, take rest, or sleep Quinqugremis, is,/, a galley, with Quod, cujus, pron. n. wbich
Quiete, adv. ius, comp. isslme, five oars in a seat thing, all that, for which, on
superl. quietly, peaceably, easi- Quinquertium, i, n. and Quin- which account
ly, contentedly quertius, i, m. the five principal Qu6d, same as Quoad, so far as,
Quieturus, a, um, part, that will games in the Olympics namely, ; as much as
be at peace hurling the quoit, running, Qu6d, conj. that, because, as, foj-
Quietus, a, um, adj. and part, ior, leaping, throwing the dart, ana asmuch as, whereas, in that,
comp. issiinus, superl. quiet, wrestling since, but [sure
calm, still, peaceable, at rest, Quinquessis, is, m. five asses in Quodammodo, adv. in some mea-
ease, or leisure, free from care money Quodcunque, pron. n. whatsoever
Quiltbet, quselibet, quodlibet, Qulnquevir, Iri, m. one of five Quodpiam, cujuspiam, pron. n.
pron. whosoever will, it makes commissioners anything, something
no matter who, any one Quinqugviratus, us, m. the office Quodvis, cujusvis, pron. n. any-
Qulmatus, us, m. the age of five of five in like authority thing
years Quinquies, adv. five times Quomod6, adv. after which
Quln, adv. and conj. why not? Quintadgcumani, orum, pi. m. fashion, or manner, by what
but, but that, av, and more than soldiers of the fifteenth legion means, how, how how ? as !

that, yet, for all that Quintani, orum, pi. m. soldiers of Quomodocunque, adv. howsoever
Quinarius, a, um, adj. containing the fifth legion Qu6m3d51ibet, adv. howsoever
five Quintanis, adv. at every fifth Quomod5nam, adv. how, I pray
Quinarius, i, m. five, a Roman place you ? [the*
silver coin worth five asses Quint anus, a, um, adj. fifth in Quonam, adv. \c what place, whi-
Quincenti, a;, adj. same as Quin- order Quondam, adi. in tune past, for-
genti Quintarius, a, um, adj. of the fifth merly, heretofore, sometime*,
Quincuncialis, e, adj. of five Quinticeps, iipitis, adj. of the fifth in time to come, when once
inches, ordered by the quincunx head [July Quoniam, conj. since that, Firice,
Quincunx, cis, m. five ounces, five Quintilis, is, m. the month of because
inches, half a pint, an interest Quintb, a-iv. fifthly Quopiam, adv. any whHher
at five per cent Quinriim. adv the fifth timo OuOuuaw^arfr. any whither
19J K
QuOque, conj. also, likewise, verily Racemosus, a, um, adj. full of Raplcius, um,
adj. of a rape-
Quoqub, adv. toward what part clusters root, or turnip
soever Racemus, i, m. a bunch, or cluster Raplde, adv. ius, comp. swiftly
Qu5quom6d&, adv. in anywise, of grapes [contempt Rapldltas, atis, /. rapidity, swift-
howsoever it be, by all means Racba, indecl. Hebr. a word of ness
Quoquoversum, and Quoquover- Radendus, a, um, part, to be R&pldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
sus, adv. every way, on every rased out isslmus, superl. rapid, swift,
side Radens, tis, part, scraping, glid- quick, hot, vehement, violent
Quorsum, adv. whither, toward ing along Rapiendus, a, um, part, to be
what place, how far, on what Radians, tis, part, shining, glit- taken by force, to be snatched
side, to what end, intent tering, resplendent Rapiens, tis, part, pillaging, hur-
Quorsus, adv. to which side, to R&diatio, onis,/. a shining rying
what issue Radiatus, a, um, part, shining, Raplna, ae, /. rapine, plunder,
Quot, adj. indecl. pi. how many, beset with rays, set about with robbery, a prey, a rape
how many ? so many as, every spokes Raplna, ae, /. a' rape, or turnip-
QuOtannls, adv. yearly, every year Radicalis, e, adj. radical, inbred field
QuotcSlendis, adv. the first day Radicatus, a, um, part, rooted Rapio, e"re, pui, ptum, a. to take,
of every month Radlcesco, ere, incep. to begin to or carry away by force, to carry
Quotcunque, adj. indecl. pi. how take root off, to hurry away, to hurry, to
many soever Radicitus, adv. by the rooto, from drag, to seize upon, to plunder
Qufiteni, a;, a. adj. pi. how many the root, utterly [root Rapistrum, i, n. wild mustard
QuStidiano, adv. every day, daily Radicor, ari, atus, dep. to take Raptandus, a, um, part, to be
QuStidianus, a, urn, adj. daily, or- Radicosus, a, um, adj. full of dragged
dinary, common roots Raptans, tis, part, dragging
QuOtldie, adv. daily, every day Radiciila, ae, /. dim. a little root, Raptatus, a, um, part, dragged,
Quoties, adv. as- often as, how a radish-root ravisbed
often Radio, are, n. to shine, to glitter Raptim, adv. swiftly, in haste
QuOtiescunque, adv. as cften as Radior, ari, dep. to shine, or glit- Raptio, onis,/. a seizing upon
Quotlibet, adj. indecl. pi. how ter [olive Rapto, are, a. to take by violence,
many soever Radiolus, i, m. a small shuttle, an to hurry away, to pull, or drag
Quotmensibus, adv. monthly Radiosus, a, um, adj. full of rays Raptor, oris, m. a robber, a plun-
Quotquot, adj. indecl. pi. as many Radius, i, m. a beam of the sun, derer [booty
as, how many soever a ray, brightness, a rod, a spoke, Raptum, i, n. robbery, plunder, a
Quotumus, a, um, adj. how many or felloe Raptura, ae,/. ravishment
QuOtuplex, Icis, adj. how many Radix, Icis, /. a root, particularly Rapturus, a, um, part, ready to
fold, or sorts ? a radish, a ground, foundation, seize on
Quotus, a, um, adj. what, how or principle, a primitive word, Raptus, a, um, part, carried away
small a foot, or bottom by force, carried away, or off,
Quotuscunque, acunque, umcun- Rado, ere, si, sum, a. to shave, to pulled off, or out, torn, seized
que, adj. what person is there ? scrape, to scratch up, to grate, upon, rlundered, ravished,
never so little to skim along stolen
Qu5tusquisque, adj. and pron. Radiila, a;, /. a razor, a scraper, n Raptus, us, m. a ravishing, a rape
what one among many grater, a joiner's plane Rapulum, i, n. dim. a little turnip

Quovis, adv. whither, any whither Raia, ae, /. a ray, or skate Rapum, i, a. a rape, a turnip

Quousque, adv. till what time ? Rallum, i, n. a paddle-staff Rare, adv. ids, eomp. isslme,
how long ? how far ? until Ramale, lis, n. a dead bough superl. thinly, seldom, not often
Quum, adv. when ; conj. since, Ramenta, ae,/. a chip Rargfacio, ere, eci, actum, n. to
seeing, forasmuch as, whereas, Ramentum, i, n. a chip, a shaving, rarefy
although or filing, pindust Rargfactus, a, um, part, rarefied
Rameus, a, um, adj. of a bough Raref 10, eri, n. pass, to be rarefied
Ramex, Icis, m. a pectoral vein, a Rarescens, tis, part, growing
rupture, a rail, or bar thinner
Ramicosus, a, um, adj. bursten Raresco, ere, incep. to grow thin,
Ramosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. or clear, to widen
Rabbi, m. indecl. master isslmus, superl. full of boughs, Rarlpllus, a, um, adj. thin-haired
Rabboni, the same or branches, branching Raritas, atis,/. rarity, scarceness,
Rablde, adv. furiously, outrage- Ramtilosus, a, um, adj., the same scantiness, fewness, thinness,
ously Ramiilus, i, m. a little bough, a laxity [ness
Babidus, a, um, adj. mad, furious, shoot Rarltudo, Inis, /. thinness, light-
raging, outrageous, terrible, Ramus, i, m. a bough, or branch, Rar6, adv. rarely, seldom
fierce, cruel a pole, an arm of the sea Rarus, a,um, adj. ior, comp. issl-
Babies, ei,/. madness, fury, rage, Ramusculus, i, m. a small bough mus, superl. rare, unusual, un-
outrageousness, fierceness, poi- Rana, ae, /. a frog, a toad, a swel- common, scarce, few, thin, ex-
son ling [stinking cellent
Tabic-, Ire, n. to rave, or rage Rancens, tis, part, putrid, rancid, Rasamen, Inis, n. that which is
Jiabiose, adv. furiously, in a rage Ranceo, ere, n. to be rank scraped off, a scraping, a shav-
Rabiovulus, a, um, adj. maddisli Rancide, adv. mustily ing
Rabiosus, a, um, adj. mad, furi- Rancidulus, a, um, adj. mouldy, Rasllis, e, adj. that is, or may be
ous, outrageous, full of rage somewhat rank, stinking shaved, smoothed
Fabo, ere, n. to rave Rancldus,a, um, adj. ior, comp. Rasis, is,/, a hard pitch
liabiila, ae, m. a pettifogger,a rancid, rank, rammish, musty, Raslto, are, a. to shave, or scrape
wrangler, a brawler, a glutton unpleasant often
Ra jiilatus, us, m. a brawling, Rancor, oris, m. rankness, malice Rasor, oris, m. a barber, a sbeer-
wrangling Ranunculus, i, m. a tadpole, a man, a fuller, a fidler
Racemarius, a, um, adj. bearing kind of flower, crowfoot Rasorius, a, um, adj. belonging
j>oor bunches Rapa, ae,/. the rape-root to shaving
Eacem3tio, onis,/. a gleaning of Rapaclta6, atis, /. plunder, ex- Rastellum, i, «. a little rake,
grapes tortion harrow, or spade [drag
lacematus, a, um, part, hung R&pax, auis, adj. ior, comp. issl- Rastrum, i, n. a rake, a harrow, a

with bunches, or clusters of mus, superl. rapacious, raven- Rasura, ae,/. a shaving
grapes ous, devouring, covetous, de- Rasus, a, um, par*, shaven, scrap-
Ba;enilfer, ra, rum, adj. that sirous ed, scraped out, polished
bears clusters of grapes, or Rftphanlnus, a, um, adj. of a Ratiarius, i, m. a bargeman
berries radish Ratio, onis, /. reason, considera-
Ra.'emor, ari, dep. to glean R&nhanms i. m. ft radish-root tion, advice, respect, regard, a
cause, a design, or purpose, a Rgcandens, tia, part, hot, very Rgcingo, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to un.
way, a manner, a rule, means, a white gird [recinium
condition, terms proposed, a RScandeo, ere. ui, n. to be hot, to Rgciniatus, a, um, adj. clad in a
t reckoning, or account glow, to be pale, or white, to Rgcinium, i, n. a square mantle,
I Ratiocinatio, onis,/. a reasoning, foam in which the fore lappet was
arguing, or disputing Recano, are, a. to sound a re- thrown back again, a mourn-
L Ratiocinatlvus, a, urn, adj. be- treat, to call ing-habit
| longing to reasoning Rgcantatio, onis,/. a recantation Rgcino, gre, ui, entum, a. to
I Ratiocinator, oris, to. a reasoner, Rgcantatus, a, um, part, re- sound, or ring again, to repeat
I an accountant, an auditor canted, enchanted, disenchant- Rgcipiendus, a, um, part, to re-
Ratiocinium, i, n. a reasoning, or ed ceive, or be received
dispute, a reckoning, or ac- Rgcanto, are, a. to recant, or re- Rgcipiens, tis, part, receiving
count tract, to sing over again, to Recipio, gre, cepi, ceptum, a. to
Ratio cinor, ari, atus sum, dep. to repeat, to return, to disenchant receive, to receive again, to re-
reasoB, to debate, to consider, Rgcapitulor, ari, dep. to recapitu- cover, to gain, or make himself
! to reckon late master of, to take upon, or en-

Rationalis, e, adj. rational, rea- Rgcasurus, a, um, part, about to gage, to undertake, to betake,
sonaoie. logical fall back to admit of, to permit, or allow
Rationalis. is, m. the auditor of Rgcavus, a, um, adj. hollow Rgciprocans, tis, part, going back,
the exchequer Reeedens, tis, part, departing, ebbing
Rationarium, i, n. a book of ac- withdrawing, ebbing, remote RgciprOcatio, 6nis, / a return
! counts Rgcedo, fire, essi, essum, n. to R6cipr6co, are, a. to fetch back,
Rationarius, a, um, adj. of an ac- recede, to go, or depart, to re- to draw in, to return back, to
count tire, or withdraw, to retreat, to ebb
Rationarius, i, m. an accountant return, to ebb, to shrink, to RgciprOcus, a, um, adj. reciprocal,
Rationator. oris, m., the same cease mutual, ebbing and flowing
Ratis. is,/, a ship, a boat, a float, Recello, ere, ui, a. to bend, to Rgcisamentum, i, n. a shaving, 9
or raft, an oar thrust, or push down piece
Ratiuncula, se, /. a little reason, Rgcens, tis, adj. tior, comp. tissi- Rgclsio, onis,/. a cutting, or chop,
or account mus, 8-uperl. fresh, late, new, ping off, a cutting again
. Ratus, a, um, part, and adj. sup- newly come, not tired, near Rgcisurus, a, um, part, about tc-
Sosing, deeming, thinking, be- Rgcens, adv. lately, newly cut off
eving, judging, ratified, con- Rgcensens, tis, part, reviewing Rgclsus, a, um, part, cut, #r
, firmed, established, allowed, Rgcenseo, ere, ui, sum and situm, chopped off, killed, short, brief
authentic a. to rehearse, to recite, to re- Rgcltandus, a, um, part, to be re-
, Rauca, ae,/. a worm in oak late, to recount, to reckon up, cited [peating
Raucesco, gre, ineep. to grow or over, to count, to survey Rgcitans, tis, part, reciting, re-
hoarse [hoarse Rgcensio, onis,/. a view, a survey, Rgcitatio, onis,/. a recital
Raucio, ire, si, sum, n. to be a mustering, a levying Rgcitator, oris, m. a reciter, a
RaucisOnus, a, um, adj. hoarse- Rgcensltus, a, um, part, number- reader
sounding, roaring ed, reviewed [lately Recitaturus, a, una, part, about
Raucitas, atis, /. hoarseness, a Rgcenter, adv. issime, superl. to recite
deep sound Rgceptactilum, i, n. a receptacle, Rgcitatus, a, um, part, repeated
Raucus, a, um, adj. hoarse, harsh, a storehouse, a place of refuge, Rgrfto, are, a. to recite, to repeat,
jarring, unpleasant a retreat to read out aloud
Raudusculum, i, n. unwrought Rgceptator, oris, m. a harbourer Reclamans, tis, part, gainsaying
brass of thieves Reclamatio, onis,/. a reclaiming
I Ravldus, a, um, adj. yellowish, Rgceptio, onis, /. a reception Reclamator, oris, to. a gain say er
brown, grey Rgceptltius, a, um, adj. kept for Reclamitatio, 6nis, /. gainsaying
Ravio, Ire, n. to rave one's own use, returned, worth- Reclamito, are, freq. to gainsay
. Ravis,is,/, hoarseness less often
Ravus, a, um, adj. hoarse, tawny Rgcepto, are, freq. to receive Reclamo, are, a. to cry out, or
Re, in composition signifies back, often, to betake, to pull, or vote against, to gainsay, to
again, against, over, afar, off, draw out echo, to ring again [along
or at a distance Rgceptor, Oris, m. a receiver, a Recllnatus, a, um, part, lying all
! Reactio, onis,/. reaction recoverer Reclinis, e, adj. leaning on
Reaidifico, are, a. to rebuild, to Receptrix, Icis,/. a receiver Recllno, are, n. to recline, to lean,
repair, to confirm Keceptum, i, n. an engagement or lay, to bend, to stretch out
I Realis, e, adj. real Rgcepturus, a, um, part, about to Rgcllvis, e, adj. bending back,
! Reatus, us, to. a supposed guilt receive lying along
I Rebellans, tis, part, rebelling, &c. Rgceptus, a, um, part, received, Reclfvus, a, um, adj. the same
I Rgbellatio, onis,/. a rebelling recovered, regained, acquired Recludens, tis, part, opening
! Rgbellator, oris, m. a rebel, a re- Receptus, us, to. a place of Refuge, Recludo, gre, si, sum, a. to open,
volter a shelter, a retreat, a retiring to unbar, to unlock, to reveal
Rebellatrix, Icis, /. a she rebel Recessim, adv. giving back Reclusio, onis,/. an opening
Rgbellaturus, a, um, part, about Rgcessio, onis, /. a recession, a Reclusus, a, um, part, set open,
to rebel etreat [retired broke open, revealed, disclosed,
Rgbellio, onis,/. a rebellion Rgcessior, us, adj. comp. more discovered
Rebellis, e, adj. rebellious, re- Rgcessurus, a, um, part, about to Rgcoctus, a, um, part, often boil-
belling, revolting retire ed, forged anew, purified, ex-
Rgbellium, i, n. a rebellion Rgcessus, us, m. a retreat, the ercised
Rgbello, are, n. to rebel, to wage inside an aversion
, Rgcogitans, tis, part. effecting \

war, or break out again Rechamus, i, m. a truckle to draw Rgcogito, are, a. to th ak, or con-
Rgboo, are, n. to bellow, roar, or up water, a windlass sider again, to reflet t, to recal
sound again, to resound, to echo RScIdendus, a, um, part, to be cut Rgcognitio, onis,/. a lccollection,
Rgcalcltro, are, n. to kick, to off a review, a reflectio'.i
wince Rgcidens, tis, part, falling back Rgcognituras, a, um, part, about
Rgcalco, are, a. to tread down Recidlvus, a, um, adj. relapsing to review, or revise
Rgcalgfacio, gre, eci, actum, a. to Rgcido, gre, Idi, casum, n. to fall, Rgcognitus, a, um, part, recog-
warm, or heat again to fall back, to recoil nized, reviewed
Rgcaleo, ere, ui, n. to be hot Rgcido, gre, Idi, Isum, a. to cut Rgcognoscendus, a, um, part, tc
again [again off, away, or down, to retrench, be recognized
Rgcalesco, ere, incep. to grow hot to geld Rgcognoscens, tis, part, reviewing
RScalvaster, tra, trum, adj. baldish Rgcinctus, a, um, part, ungirded, Rgcognosco, gre, n6vi, irituni, a.
Rficalvus, a, um, adj. bald before untied> recognize, to know again, to
195 K 2
recollect, or call to remem- Recrudesco, 6re, ui, incep. to grow Rgdactiirus, uva,part. about tt
brance, to acknowledge, to un- raw, or sore again, to begin reduce
derstand afresh, to be renewed Rgdactus, a, um, part, reduced,
Rgcolendus, a, um, part, to be Recta, adv. straightway, directly, brought, forced, driven, raised
renewed [viewing straightforward [angled Rgdambiilo, are, n. to walk back
RgcSlens, tis, part, renewing, re- Rectangulus, a, um, adj. right- Redamo, are, a. to love mutually
Rgcollectus, a, um, part, re- Recte, adv. ius, comp. issime, Rgdanimo, avi, atum, a. to
covered superl. rightly, duly, fitly, pro- quicken again, restore to life
Re colli gens,tis, part, recovering perly, becomingly, well, well in Rgdardesco, gre, incep. to burn
Rgcolligo, gre, legi, lectum, a. to health, safely, justly, deservedly, again
recollect, to gather up again, virtuously, honourably, pati- Redarguo, gre, ui, utum, a. to
to recover ently [ment confute, to refute, or disprove
Rgc61o, ere, lui, cultum, a. to till, Rectio, onis, /. a ruling, manage- Rgdauspico, are, a. tobegin anew
or dress again, to cultivate, or Rector, oris, m. a ruler, a gover- Reddendus, a, um, part, to be
improve, to furbish up, to re- nor, a master, a guardian restored, given, rendered, or
new, to restore, to bring into Rectrix, icis,/. a governess accounted [ing
remembrance Rectum, i, n. a right line, right, Reddens, tis, part, giving, render-
Rgconiminiseor, i, dep. to invent honesty, integrity, virtue Redditivus, a, um, adj. redditive
anew, to consider again Rectura, ce,/. uprightness Redditurus, a, um, part, about to
Rgcompono, gre, sui, situm, a. to Recturus, a, um, part, about to restore
recompose, to form, or adjust govern [verned Redditus, a, um, part, restored,
anew Rectus, a, um, part, ruled, go- given back, or again, delivered,
RgcompSsitus, a, um, part, com- Rectus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- paid
posed anew, adjusted afresh mus, superl. right, just, upright, Reddo, gre, didi, ditum, a. to re-
Rgconciliandus, a, um, part, to honest, good, plain [along store, to return, to give back,
renconcile, or be reconciled Rgctibans, tis, part, lying all or again, to give, to deliver, to
Rgconciliatio, onis,/. a reconcilia- Recubitus, us, m. a lying at ease, offer up, to afford, or yield, to
tion, a recovery a rebound bring forth, to requite, to re-
Rgconciliator, oris, to. a recon- Reeiibo, are, ui, Itum, n. to lie compense, to pay, to replace,
ciler, a bringer about down again, to lie along to render
Rgeonciliatus, a, um, part, re- Rgcudo, gre, di, sum, a. to forge, Redduco, gre, uxi, a. to bring
conciled, regained hammer, or stamp anew back
Rgeoncilio, are, a. to reconcile, to Recultus, a, um, part, tilled anew Rgdemptio, onis,/. a redemption,
regain, to recover, to re-estab- Rgcumbo, ere, ui, itum, n. to lean a ransoming, or buying off, the
lish, to reinstate, to bring over upon, to lay flat, or down, to taking a thing by the great
Reconcinno, are, a. to repair lay, to sit at table Rgdemptito, are, a. to requite
Reconditus, a, um, part, and adj. Rgcupgrandus, a, um, part, to re- Rgdemptor, oris, m. a redeemer, a
ior, comp. hidden, covered, laid cover, or be recovered deliverer, an undertaker by the
up, close, secret, reserved, ab- Recuperatio, onis,/. a recovery, a great
struse, deep rescuing, a reprisal Rgdemptura, se,f. the taking of a
Rgcondo, ere, didi, ditum, a. to Recuperator, oris, m. a recovere?, lease, the farming of customs,
hide, or conceal, to lay, put, or a judge &c.
hoard up, to close, or shut Rgcuperatorius, a, um, adj. be- Rgdempturus, a, um, part, about
Rgconduco, gre, uxi, uctum, a. to longing to recovery, or judges to redeem
hire again, to carry up and Rgciipgraturus, a, um, part, about Rgdemptus, a, um, part, re-
down to recover [ed deemed, ransomed, recovered
Reconflo, are, a. to melt again, to Rgcuperatus, a, um, part, recover- Redeo, ire, ivi, and ii, itum, n. to
make anew Recupero, are, a. to recover, to return, to come back again, to,
Rgcoquendus, a, um, part, to be regain, to rescue [dressed or in, to come, to fall, to send
boiled again, to be polished Rgciiratus, a, um, part, finely Rgdeundus, a, um, part, to be
anew RScuro, are, a. to do a thing dili- recovered
RgcSquo, gre, oxi, octum, a. to gently, to cure, to recover Rgdhibeo, ere, bui, bitum, a. to
boil, or seethe again, to forge Rgcurrens, tis, part, running return, or take back
anew, to vamp up, amend, or back Rgdhibitio, onis,/. the returning
furbish Rgcurro, gre, ri, sum, n. to run of a thing to him that sold it
Rgcordandus, a, um, part, to be back again, to recur, or have Rgdiens, euntis, part, returning,
remembered [mind recourse going back
Rgcordans, tis, part, calling to Rgcurso,,freq. to return Redigendus, a, um, part, to re-
Rgcordatio, onis, /. a calling to Rgcursurus, a, um, part, about duce, or be reduced
mind, a remembrance to return Redlgens, tis, part, reducing
Rgcordatus, a, um, part, remem- Recursus, us, to. a return, an ebb Rgdigo, gre, degi, dactum, a. to
bering Recurvatus, a, um, part, made reduce, to bring, to bring, force,
Rgcordor, ari, dep. to call to crooked, bending, winding or drive back, to get
mind, to remember Rgcurvitas, atis, /. a bending Rgdimendus, a, um, part, to be
Rgcorrigo, gre, exi, ctum, a. to backward redeemed
redress, to reform [off Rgcurvo, are, a. to bend back, to Redimens, tis, part, redeeming
Rgcrastino, are, a. to delay, to put turn back Redimiculum, i, n. a hairlace, or
Rgcreandus, a, um, part, to be Rgcurvus, a, um, adj. crooked fillet, a headband, a knot
restored Rgciisandus, a, um, part, to re- Rgdimio, ire, ivi, itum, a. to
Recreans, 1 is, part, refreshing fuse, or be refused pecting crown, to encircle, to surround,
Recreatio, onis, /. a restoring, a Rgcusans, tis, part, refusing, re- to adorn
recovery [restored Rgcusatio, onis,/. a refusal, a de- Rgdimitus, a, um, part, crowned,
Reereatus, a, um, part, refreshed, nial, a defence, or excuse encircled, compassed about,
Recrementum, i, n. bran, dross Rgcusaturus, a, um, part, about adorned
Recreo, are, a. to refresh, to com- to refuse Redimo, gre, demi, demptum, a.
fort, to repair, to recruit, to re- Rgcusatus, a, um, part, refused to redeem, ransom, rescue, or
store, to recover Rgcuso, are, a. to refuse, to deny, recover, to buy off, to buy, or
Recrepo, are, n. to sound again to make defence, or excuse purchase, to get, or procure
Recrescens, tis, part, growing up Rgcussus, a, um, part, shaken Rgdinteger, gra, grum, adj. re-
again to and fro newed
Recresco, gre, evi, etum, «. to Rgcussus, tis, w. a striking back Rgdintegratio, onis,/. a renewing
grow up again [nate Recutio, fire, a. to strike back Rgdintegratus, a, um, part, re-
Recriminor, ari, dep. to recrimi- Rgcutitus, a, um, part, circum- newed, recruited, refreshed
Recrudescens, tis, part, breaking cised, having the skin worn off, Rgdintegro, are, a. to renew, to
out anew, c-ro'.vina: fresh again or grown again recover, to uou again

R2dIpiscor, i, deptus sum, dep. to Rgfgrens, tis, part, relating, ap- Refraga^us, a, um, part, gain-
recover, to get again plying [back saying
Rgditio, onis, /. a return Rgfgrio, Ire, a. to strike again, or Refragor, ari, atus sura, dep. to
Rgdlturus, a, um, part, about to Rgfgro, fers, tuli, latum, a. to resist, to gainsay, to vote
return bring, carry, pull, or turn back, against
Rgditus, (is, m. a return, a coming to return, to bring, to refer, to Refrenandus, a, um, part, to be
again, an income, or revenue, a propose, or move, to report, to curbed, restrained, or stopped
rent describe, or relate, to mention, Refrenatio, onis, /. a bridling, a
Redivlvus, a, um, adj. revived to speak, to answer, or reply, to checking, a suppressing
again, renewed put, or place, to rank, to count, Refrenatus, a, um, part, bridled,
I Rgdolens, tis, part, smelling of, or reckon, to betake, or apply, restrained, checked
smelling sweet, or strong to turn, or convert Refreno, are, a. to bridle, or curb,
1 Red&leo, ere, lui. litum, n. to cast Eefertus, a, una, part, and adj. to keep in, or check [new
a smeu, to smell of [quered ior, comp. issimus, superl. filled, Refricaturus, a, um, part, to re-
Red6rmtus, a, am, part, recon- crammed, well furnished Refrlco, are, cui, ctum, a. to rub
Redono, are, a. to restore, to for- Refervens. tis, part, boiling hot, hard, up, or again, to torment,
give flagrant, high to pain
Rgdordior, itus sum, dep. to
Iri, Referveo, ere, vi, n. to be scalding Rgfrtgeo, ere, ixi, n. to grow cold
begin a thing afresh, to pull hot, to be cold again [again Refrlgerandus, a, um.iJarr. to cool
out Rgfervesco, ere, n. to grow hot Refrlggratio, onis, /. a cooling
Rgdormio, ire, n. to sleep again Rgf Ibiilo, are, a. to unbuckle Retnggrator, oris, m. a cooler
RSdormitio, onis, /. a falling Reflciendus, a, um, part, to be Refriggratorius, a, am, adj. cool-
asleep again repaired, refitted ing
Rgducendus, a, um, part, to be Rgficio, ere, feci, fectum, a. to Refriggratrix, icis, /. a cooler, she
brought, or carried back repair, to refit, to rebuild, to that refreshes
Rgducens, tis, part, reducing, restore, to recover, or cure, to Refriggratus, a, um, part, cooled,
drawing back, opening, or dis- revive, to refresh refreshed, allayed
covering Reflgendus, a, um, part, to be Refngerium, i, n. refreshment
Rgduco, 6re, uxi, uctum, a. to fastened anew Refriggro, are, a. to cool, to re-
bring, or lead back, or off, to Refigo, gre, ixi, ixum, a. to fix, or fresh, to assuage, to dishearten
restore, to remove, to restrain, fasten anew, to form, to pull Refrlgesco, gre, ixi, incep. to grow
or limit down, to abrogate, or disannul cool
Rgductio, onis, /.a bringing back, Rgfixus, a, um, part, taken down, Refringendus, a, um, part, to be
reduction fixed broken, curbed, or lessened
Rgductor, oris, m. a restorer RgflagTto, are, a. to importune Refringens, tis, part, breaking
Rgducturus, a, um, part, about to Reflans, tis; part, blowing con- Refringo, gre, regi, ractum, a. to
bring back trary break open, to break, to bend,
RSductus, a, um, part, and adj. Refiatio, 6nis,/. evaporation to refract, or reflect
ior, comp. brought back, re- Reflatus, tis, m. a contrary wind Refugiens, tis, part, flying back
stored, reconciled, removed, Reflectens, tis, part, turning back Refugio, gre, ugi, Itum, n. to flee,
retired Reflecto, ere, exi, exum, a. to or run back, from, or away, to
Rgdulcero, are, a. to make sore bend, bow, or turn back, to turn escape, to shun, or avoid, to
again, to open a sore afresh Reflexus, a, um, part, turned back decline, to refuse, or deny
Reduncus, a, um, adj. crooked, Reflo, are, a. to blow contrary, or Rgfugium, i, n. a refuge, a sheltes
bent against, to thwart, or cross one Rgfugus, a, um, adj. flying back,
Rgdundans, tis, part, redundant Refloreo, ere, ui, n. to flourish retreating
Rgdundanter, adv. superfluously again [again Rgfulgens, tis, part, glittering
Rgdundantia, a?, /. superfluity, Rerlorescens, tis, part, flourishing Rgfulgeo, ere, si, n. to shine
excess Refloresco, gre, n. to begin to bright, to glitter, to smile upon
Rgdundatio, onis,/. an overflow, flourish again Refulgidus, a, um, adj. shining
an overturning Refluens, tis, part, flowing back Refundens, tis, part, pouring
Rgdundaturus, a, um, part, about Refluo, ere, uxi, uxum, n. to flow back
to redound again, to flow back Rgfundo, Sre, udi, sum, a. to
Redundatus, a, um, part, run over Refluus, a, um, adj. flowing back, pour, send, or pay back, to re-
Redundo, are, n. to redound, to ebbing turn, to emit, to melt
overflow, or run over, to super- Rgf ocillatus, a, um, par*, refreshed Rgfusg, adv. ius, comp. abundant-
abound, to abound RefScillo, are, a. to comfort, to ly, largely, plentifully
Rgduplico, are, a. to redouble cherish [out Refiisio, onis,/. a pouring back
Keduresco, ui, n. to grow hard Rgf&dio, gre, a. to dig anew, or Rgfusorius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
again Reformandus, a, um, part, to be longing to giving back
Reduvia, ae, /. the looseness and made anew, to be renewed Rgfusus, a, um, part, poured,
cleft of the skin Reformatio, onis,/. a reformation or driven back, overflowing,
Rgdux, ticis, adj. brought back, Reformator, oris, m. a reformer spread, intervening
returned, returning Rgformatus, a, um, part, reformed Rgfutandus, a, um, part, to be
Refectio, onis, /. a repairing, a Reformidans, tis, part, greatly repelled
refreshment, a repast fearing Rgfutatio, onis,/. a refutation
Rgfector, oris, m. a mender, a Rgformidatio, onis,/. a great fear Rgfutatus, a, um, part, refuted,
maker anew Rgformido, are, a. to fear much, disapproved
Rgfectorium, i, n. a refectory to dread Refiitatus, us, m. a confutation
Jtefectus, a, um, part, made again, Reformo, are, a. to reform, to Rgfuto, are, a. to refute, to con-
restored, recovered, refreshed renew, to make better fute, to disprove, to restrain, to
Rgfecturus, a, um, part, about to Rgfossus, a, um, part, dug up dispatch
repair [pairing Refotus, a, um, part, cherished Regalia, um, pi. n. royalties, fees
Rgfectus, us, m. a repast, a re- again [cherished of honour granted by the king,
Refellens, tis, part, disproving Rgf'6vendus, a, um, part, to be robes and ensigns used at a
Refello, fire, li, a. to refute, to Rgf Ovens, tis, part, cherishing coronation
disprove, to confute Rgf 6veo, ere, ovi, 6tum, a. to che- Regalis, e, adj. ior, comp. of, or
Rgferbeo, ere, ui, n. to cool gnw rish again, to refresh belonging to a king, regal,
Rgfercio, ire, rtum, a. to fill, to Refract arifilus, a, um, adj. some- royal
stuff, to cram what stubborn, or unruly Regalitgr, adv. kingly, royally
Rgfgrendarius, i, m. an officer that Refractarius, a, um, adj. refrac- Regelo, are, a. to thaw
made answer to petitions, and tory, obstinate, stubborn Regemo, ere, ui, n. to groan again
of the emperor's pleasure Refractio, onis, /. a refraction Rggendus, a, um, part, to be
Rgfgrendus, a, um, part, to be Refractus, a, um, part, broken, managed
brought back, or related weakened Reggueratio, onw,/. a new birth
ReggnSro, are, a. to regenerate, Rejecturus, a, um, part, about to Religiose, adv. ius, comp. issimft,
to resemble some ancestor refuse superl. religiously, devoutly,
Rggens, tis, part, ruling, govern- Rejectus, a, um, part, cast, scrupulously, conscientiously
ing, managing [ igain thrown, sent, or driven back, Religiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
RSgermTnatio, onis,/. a springing cast, or put off, cast, or thrown, issimus, superl. religious, de-
Regernrino, are, n. to sprout again rejected, or refused, discarded vout, superstitious, sacred, aw-
Regero, ere, essi, estum, o. to Rejectus, us, m. a vomiting up ful
cast up, or back again, to cast, Rejiciendus, a, um, part, to be re- RSligo, are, a. to bind, to tie, to
or throw, to retort jected fasten
Rggestum, i, n. a ridge, in plough- Rejicio, Sre, jeci, jectum, a. to Relino, ere, evi and Ivi, itum, a. to
ing, a register-book cast, throw, or drive back, off, open, to break open
Rggestus, a, um, part, thrown or away, to cast, or vomit up, to Reiinquendus, a, um, part, to be
up, or back again cast, or throw, to reject left
Regia, se, /. a palace, an olive-tree Rejiculus, a, um, adj. refuse, base, Reiinquens, tis, part, leaving
Regie, adv. royally, princely poor, fruitless Relinquo, ere, Iqui, ictum, a. (o
Regifice, adv. sumptuously Reipsa, in very deed, in reality relinquish, to leave, to quit, to
Regificus, a, um, adj. regal, mag- Reiteratio, 5nis, /. a repetition forsake, to desert, to abandon
nificent Rglabens, tis, part, gliding back Reliqua, drum, pi. n. remains,
Regifugium, i, n. the king's flight Relabor, i, apsus, dep. to slide, or arrears
Rggigno, ere, a. to beget again run back, to return Reliquiae, arum, pi. /., and Reli-
Regimen, Inis^ n. rule, govern- Reiangueo, ere, ui, n. to be very quia, orum, pi. n. the remainder,
ment, management, a rudder faint, or feeble [faint. rest, or remnant, relics, remains,
Regina, a?,/, a queen, a lady Reianguesco, ere, incep. to grow leavings, dregs, ashes
Regio, onis,/. a region, a country, Relapsus, a, um, part, relapsed Reliquum, i, n. an arrear
a coast, a climate, a road, a Relatio, onis, /. a relation, an ac- RelTquus, a, um, adj. the rest,
ward, a limit, or bound count, a report, a retribution left, remaining
Region aliter, adv. country by Reiatlvus, a, um, adj. relative Rellicuus, a, um, adj. for Reliquus
country Relator, oris, m. a teller, a re- Relligio, for Religio
Rggionatim, adv. ward by ward porter [tance Reiucens, tis, part, shining bright
Registrum, i, n. a register-book Relatoria, a?,/, a receipt, acquit- Reluceo, gre, uxi, n. to shine
Regius, a, um, adj. of a king, or Relaturus, a, um, part, to bring again, or bright, to glitter
courtier, kingly, royal back Reluctans, tis, part, struggling
Reglutinatio, onis, /. an ungluing Relatus, a, um, part, brought, or against, resisting, reluctant
Regliitino, are, a. to unglue, to carried back, returned, related, Reiuctatus, a, um, part. struggling
let go [gluish told [port against, struggled against
ReglutTnosus, a, um, adj. very Rglatus. us, m. a relation, or re- Reluctor, ari, dep. to strive against
Regnandus, a, um, part, to be Relaxans, tis, part, relaxing, eas- Reiudo, si, a. to play upon again
governed ing Relumino, are, a. to restore to
Regnaus, tis, part, reigning Relaxatio, onis,/. relaxation sight
Regnator, oris, m. a ruler, a king, Reiaxo, are, a. to relax, or unbend, Remacresco, 6re, ui, incep. to
an owner to ease, to slacken, to loosen, grow very lean
Regnatrix, tcis, /. a governess to untie, to undo, to disengage Remaledico, ere, ixi, a. to return
Regnatrix, icis, adj. imperial Relaxus, a, um, adj. very loose ill language

Regnaturus, a, um, part, about to Relectus, a, um, part, read over Remando, ere, di, nsum, a. to
reign [verned again [banished chew again, to ponder
Regnatus, a, um, part, ruled, go- Relegandus, a, um, part, to be R6manens, tis, part, remaining
Regno, are, n. and a. to reign, or Relegans, tis, part, banishing Remaneo, ere, si, sum, n. to re-
be a king, to rule, or bear rule, Relegatio, onis, /. a banishment, main, to stay, to continue
to govern a removal R6mano, are, n. to turn, or flow
Regnum, i, n. a kingdom, or Reiegatus, a, um, part, sent back [stay
realm, a reign, sovereignty, rule, away, banished, separated, RBmansio, onis,/. a remaining, a
dominion, a head, possession transferred Remansurus, a, um, part, about
R6go, 6re, exi, ectum, a. to rule, Relegens, tis, part, reading over to remain
or govern, to command, to again, sailing again by the Remeabilis, e, adj. that may re-
manage, or guide, to direct same coast turn again, or unto
Regrediens, tis, part, returning Rglego, are, a. to send away, or Remeaculum, i, n. a passage, or
Regredior, i, essus sum, dep. to remove, to banish, to proscribe way back, a return
go back, to return, to recoil Relego, 6re, egi, ectum, a. to Remeans, tis, part, returning
Regressio, onis,/. a returning read over, or gather again, to Remeatus, us, m. a return from
Regressurus, a, um, part, about revise, or review, to go back, to banishment
to return [returned call in Remedialis, e, adj. medicinal
Regressus, a, um, part, returning, Relentesco, 6re, incep. to relent Remeditor, ari, dep. to meditate
Regressus, us, m. return R616vandus, a, um, part, to re- again
Regula, ae, /. a rule, a ruler, a lieve, or be relieved Remedium, i, n. a remedy, a cure
square, a pattern, an example Relevatus, a, um, part, eased, Rem6m5ror, ari, dep. to remember
Regularis, e, adj. regular freed Remensus, a, um, part, having
Regularit6r, adv. regularly, by Relevo, are, a. to lift up again,
to measured, or gone over again
rule relieve, to ease, to diminish, or Remeo, are, n. to return again
Regulus, i, m. a petty king, a lessen, to deliver, free Remetior, iri, ensus, dep. to mea-
viceroy, a lord, a cockatrice Relictio, onis,/. a forsaking sure, pass, or go over again, to
Regustandus, a, um, part, to be Reiicturus, a, um, part, about to remember and consider, to pay
re-tasted. leave for [man
Rggustans, tis, part, vomiting up Relictus, a, um, part, left, for- Rem ex, tgis, m. a rower, a water-
Rggustatio, onis, /. a second saken, abandoned, neglected, Remlgans, tis, part, rowing
tasting or laid aside, laying down Remigatio, onis,/. a rowing
RSgusto, are, a. to taste again, to Relictus, us, m. a leaving Remigator, oris, m. a rower
vomit up, to read over again ReiTgamen, Inis, n. a bond, a caul Remigium, i, n. a rowing, a steer
Rggyro, are, a. to turn round Rfiligatio, onis, /. a binding, a age, an oar, rowers
Rehalo, are, a. to breathe back tying [tied Remigo, are, a. to row
again Rgiigatus, a, um, part, bound, R6migro, are, n. to return, to go
Rejectaneus, a, um, adj. refused Religio, onis, /. religion, piety, back, to come again
Rejectans, tis, part, throwing up devotion, godliness, the worship Reminiscens, tis, part, remenj.
Rejectio, onis, f. a rejection, a of God, superstition, venera- bering, recollecting
vomiting [re-echo tion, sacredness, a dread, a Remlniseentia, te, /. a remem-
Rejecto, are, a. to vomit up, to doubt brance
Rgmlniscor, pret. wanting/, dejt.
i, Bemulcum, a tow-barge, a
i, n. Reor, eri, rat us, dep. to suppose,
to remember, to recollect, to cable, or rope to tow with think, imagine, or judge
call to mind Rgmunerandus, a, um, part, to Rgpagulum, i, n. a bar or rail, a
Rgmisceo, ere, ui, a. to mix recompense, or be recompensed
• oarrier, a restraint, or hinder-
Rgmissarius, a, um, adj that may Remuneratio onis, f. a recom- ance
be thrust hack pensing Renando, ere, a. to open
Remisse, adv. ius, comp remissly, Remunerator. oris, m. a rewarder RSpandus, a, um, adj. bent back-
careiessly weakly, numbly, Remiingraturus.. a, um, part. ward, broad, o» Mat
kindly, civilly, jocoseiy about to reward, or requite Rgpango, gre, pegi and panxi,
Remissio, onis, /. remission, for- Rgmuugro, are, a., and Rgmu- panctum, a. to set, or plant, to
giveness, indolence, ease, relax- nSror, ari, dep. to reward, to fasten [ed
ation, abatement, a lowering requite Rgparabilis, e, adj. to be recover-

Rgmissurus, a, um, part, about to Remunnuro, are, n. to murmur Rfiparandus, a, um, part, to re-
send, or throw back, to be sent against to whistle against, to pair or be repaired
back Remus, i, m. an oar [mumble Rgparans, tis, part, repairing, re-
Rgmissus, a, um, part, and adj. R6mutandus, a, um, part, to be newing
ior, comp. issiruus, superl. sent, changed again Reparatio, onis,/. an amendment
thrown, or falling back, let go, Remuto, are", a. to change Repa: ator, oris, m. a repairer
aUated, relaxed, slackened Ren, enis, m. the reins, or kidneys ReDaiatums, a, um, part, about
Rgmistus, a, um, part, mixed, min- Renalis, e, adj. of the kidneys to repair
gled Renarro, are, a to tell ngain Repaiatus, a, um, part, repaired,
Rgmittendus, a, um, pari, to send, Rgnascens, tis, part, rising again recruited, raised
or be sent back [abating Renascor, i, uatus, dep. to be R&parco, gre, si, sum, n. to spare,
Rgmittens, tis, part, remitting, born, rise, spring, or grow again not to forbear
Rgmitto, ere, isi, issum, a. to Renatus, a, um, part, born, risen, Reparo, are, a. to repair, to re-
send, throw, kick, or give back, grown, or begun again build, to restore, to renew, to
to remit, to pardon, or forgive, RgnavTgatio, onis, /. a sailing recruit, to refresh [again
to abate, to lessen, to relax, or again [again Rgpastlnatio, onis, f. a digging
unbend, to slacken, to ease, to Rgnavlgo, are, a. to sail back Repastino, are, a. to dig again
give up, or dispense with, to let Rgnavo, are, a. to endeavour Repecto, gre, xi and xui, xum, a.
fall, slip, or pass, to omit, to again to comb again [yielding
leave, to leave off Renendus, a, um, part, to be RSpedabllis, e, adj. giving way,
Rgmolior, Iri, Itus sum, dep. to woven again Repellendus, a, um, part, to drive,
begin anew, to throw off, to Rgnldens, tis, part, shining, glit- or be driven back
remove tering, laughing, smiling Rgpellens, tis, part, repelling
Rgniolitus, a, um, part, thrown Rgnldeo, ere, ui, n. to shine, to Rgpello, fire, puli, pulsum, a. to
off by struggling, hindered k glitter, to smile repel, to beat, drive, or thrust
Remoliesco, ere, incep. to be soft, Renldesco, ere, incep. to grow back, to repulse, to defeat
or melted, to grow effeminate, bright Rependens, tis, part, weighing,
to relent Renitens, tis, part, shining bright requiting
Remollio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to Rgnitens, tis, part, resisting Rependo, ere, di, nsum, a. to
soften, to effeminate Reniteo, ere, tui, n. to shine weigh, to repay, to requite, to
Rgmollitus, a, um, part, softened, Rgnltor, i, sus and xus, dep. to make amends for
weakened, calmed, appeased resist [effort Repens, tis, part, creeping, low
RSmOra, ae, /. a delay, a hinder- Rgnixus, us, m. a resisting, an Repens, tis, adj. sudden, unex-
ance, a sea-lamprey Reno, are, a. to swim back • pected [pensed
R6m5ramen, Inis, n. a stop, a re- RCnodans, tis, part, tying in a Repensatus, a, um, part, recoin-
straint knot [knot Repenso,, freq. to requite
R6m5rans, tis, part, stopping, de- Rgnodatus, a, um, part, tied in a Rgpensurus, a, um, part, about tc
laying Renodo, are, a. to tie in a knot pay back, about to pay
RgmGraturus, a, um, part, about Rgn5vamen, inis, n. a renewal Repensus, a, um, part, paid agaiiv
to stop, detain [delayed Rgnovandus, a, um, part, to re- ransomed
R6moratus, a, um, part, stopped, new, or be renewed Repente, adv. suddenly, unawares
Rgmordeo, ere, di, rsum, a. to bite RSnGvans, tis, part, renewing Repentlno, and Repentlne, adv.
again, to prey upon, to grieve, RgnQvatio, onis,/. a renewal suddenly, on a sudden
to cause remorse Renovator, oris, m. a renewer Repent-Inus, a, um, adj. sudden,
Rgmoror, ari, atus sum, dep. to Renovatus, a, um, part, renewed, unexpected
stop, to hinder, to detain, to rebuilt, revived, recruited Rgpercussio, onis, /. a repercus-
tarry Rgn6vello, are, a. to renew, to set sion, or reflection
Rgmorsurus, a, um, part, that will anew Rgpercussus, a, um, part reflect-

bite again RenOvo, are, a. to renew, to re- ed, reverberated, echoed

Remote, adv. ius, comp. far off vive, to refresh, to repeat Rgpercussus, us, m. a reflection, &
Rgmotio, onis, /. a removal Renuens, tis, part, denying, reverberating
Rgmoturus, a, um, part, about to frowning [again Rgpercutio, ere, ussi, ussum, a.
remove Rgnunieratio, onis, /. a paying to strike, or beat back, to tepel,
Rgmotus, a, um, part, and adj. Rgnitragro, are, a. to pay back to reflect, to invert
ior, comp. issimus, superl. re- Rgnunciandus, a, um, part, to be Repgriendus, a, um, part, to be
movsu, withdrawn, taken, sent, renounced found
or driven away, discarded, laid Rgnunciatio, 6nis,/. a renuncia- Reperio, Ire, eri, ertum, a. to
aside, retired, remote, tar off, tion, a declaration, or report, a find, to find out, or discover,
distant testimony devise, or invent, to get, or ac-
RgmSvendus, a, um, part, to re- RSnunciaturus, a, um, part, about quire
move, or be removed to reject, tell, or declare Repgrito, are, a. to find, to get
RemQvens, tis, part, removing Renunciatus, a, um, pait. reject- Rgpertitius, a, um, adj. found, or
R€m6veo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to re- ed, told come by chance ; subst. a found-
move, to withdraw, to take, or Rgnuncio, are, a. to renounce, to ling
drive away, to displace, to dis- disclaim, to reject, to bid adieu, Rgpertor, Oris, m. a finder, or in-
card, to banish to give up, to oppose ventor, a founder, or maker
Remugio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to Renuncius, i, m. a messenger Rgpertorium, i, n. a register
answer with lowing, to bellow, Rgnuo, gre, ui, utum, a. to nod Repertum, i, n. an invention, a
to echo, or ring again back, to refuse device
Remulcens, tis, part, appeasing, Renuto, are, a. to nod back, or Rgperturus, a, um, part, about
turning beckon, to refuse, to resist to find
Rgmulceo, ere, a. to appease, to Rgnutus, us, m. ft refusal, a de- Rgpertus, a, um, part, found out
assuage, to turu . nial Rgpgteuiius, a, um, part., and
RipStendus, to be brought, or Repreesentatus, a, um, part, paid Rgpungo, gre, nxi, and pugSgl,
demanded back, to be fetched down uctum, a. to prick again
Rgpgtens, tis, part, repeating, Reprsesento, are, a. to represent, Rgpurgandus, a, um, part, te
pursuing, calling to mind to resemble, to exhibit, to de- cleanse, or be cleansed, to be
Rfpgtitio, onis,/. a repetition clare, to pay money in advance scoured
Repgtitor, oris, m. a requirer, a Rgprghendendus, a, um, part. Rgpurgans, tis, part, cleansing
reclaimer to blame, or be blamed Rgpurgatio, onis,/. a cleansing
Rgpgtiturus, a, urn, part, about Reprehendens, tis, part, blaming Rgpurgatus, a, urn, par*, cleansed,
to go Reprghendo, and Reprendo, gre, cleared [clean
Rgpgtitus, a, um, part, fetched di, nsum, a. to lay hold ot again, Repurgo, are, a. to cleanse, or
back, demanded back, re-as- or recover, to seize upon, to Rgputans, tis, part, considering,
sumed, renewed overtake, to check, to reprove revolving
Rgpgto, ere, Ivi, or ii, Itum, a. to Reprehensio, onis, /. a reprehen- Rgputatio, onis, /. consideration
ask, demand, fetch, or bring sion Rgptito, are, a. to consider, to re-
back, or again, to fetch, to seek, Reprghenso, are, a. to take hold volve, to reckon up, to impute
to return to, to revisit, to attack of Requies, ei, and etis,/. rest, ease,
again, to reduce, to demand, to Reprehensor, 5ris, m. a reprover respite, intermission, refresh-
repeat Reprehensus, um, part, caught
a, ment [quiesce
Rgpgtundarum, gen. and Rgpg- again, reproved, blamed Rgquiescendus, a, um, part, to ac-
tundis, abl. pi. f. bribery, ex- Repressio, onis,/. a repressing Rgquiesco, gre, evi, n. and a. to
tortion [smooth Repressor, oris, m. a restrainer rest, to take rest, to sleep, to
Rgpexus, a, um, part, combed, Repressus, a, um, part, repressed, live at ease, to sit, or he down
Replendus, a, um, part, to be re- restrained, held in, hindered Requietus, a, um, part, and adj.
plenished Reprimendus, a, um, part, to be ior, comp. having rested, or
Replens, tis, part, filling repressed, hindered, or made lain untilled
Repleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to
fill, to short Rgqulrendus, a, um, part, to seek,
replenish, to make to resound Reprlmo, e"re, ressi, ssum, a. to or be sought for
Repletio, onis,/. a fulness repress, to restrain, to hold in, Rgqulrens, tis-, part, seeking, in-
Repleturus, a, um, part, about to to hinder quiring, asking [often
fill ReprObatio, onis,/. a disallowing Rgqulrito, are, freq. to inquire
Repletas, a, urn, part, filled, re- Reprobo, are, a. to disallow, to Requiro, gre, slvi, situm, a. to
plenished, accomplished reject [ment seek, search, look, or inquire
Replicans, tis, part, unfolding, Repromissio, onis, /. an engage- for, or after, to inquire, ask
rehearsing, replying Repromittens, tis, part, promising Rgqulsitus, a, um, parr, demanded,
Repllcatio, onis, /. an unfolding, Repromitto, gre, isi, issum, a. to requisite, necessary
a conversion, a reply bind himself by promise Res, rei, /. a thing, a matter, an
Repllcatus, a, um, part, unfolded, Reptabundus, a, um, adj. creeping affair, a concern, a cause, or
turned back Reptans, tis, part, creeping along suit, a purpose, or point in
Replico, are, ui, or avi, Itum, or Reptatio, onis,/. a creeping hand, an argument, or subject,
atum, a. to unfold, to display, to Reptatus, a, um, part, crept, a meaning, a way, or manner, a
turn out, back, or over crawled business, post, or employment,
Replictus, a, um, part, peeled off Reptatus, us, m. a creeping up profit, advantage, money, sub-
Replum, i, n. a door-cheek Reptilis, e, adj. creeping [in stance, wealth, property, cir-
Replumbatio, onis, /. an unsol- Reptitius, a, um, adj. that creeps cumstances, ability
dering Repto, are, n. to creep along Rgsavio, ire, ivi, n. to rage anew
Replumbo, are, a. to unsolder Reptibesco, ere, n. to grow young Rgsalutatio, onis, /. a courteous
Repo, fire, psi, ptum, n. to creep, again reply [again
to travel gently, to run Reptidiandus, a, um, part, to be Resalutatus, a, um, part, saluted
Rgponendus, a, um, part, to be rejected Rgsaluto, are, a. to salute again
placed [posing Repudiatio, onis,/. a rejection Rgsanesco, gre, ui, n. to recover
Rgponens, tis, part, replacing, re- Repudiaturus, a, um, part, about one's senses, to be rectified
Repono, gre, 8sui, itum, a. to put, to divorce Rgsarcio, ire, rsi, rtum, a. to
set, or lay oh again, to put, Repiidiatus, a, um, adj. divorced, patch, to mend, to recompense,
place, or lay, to lay down rejected, disowned to make up
Reportandus, a, um, part, to Rgptidio, are, a. to divorce, to Rgsarturus, a, um, part, that will
bring, or be brought back cast off, to reject, to refuse compensate, or make good
Reportans, tis, part, getting, ob- RgpMiosus, a, um, adj. to be di- Rescindendus, a, um, part, to be
taining vorced, infamous cut off, or down, to be made
Rgportatus, a, um, part, brought, Rgpudium, i, n. a divorce void [abolishing
back, restored, repaired Rgpugrasco, gre, n. to beeome a Rescindens, tis, part, cutting off,
Rgporto, are, a. to bring again, or child again Rescindo, gre, idi, issum, i. to
ofi, to restore, to report, to take, Rgpugnans, tis, part, resisting cut off, down, up, or ppn, to
to get [back Rgpugnantgr, adv. discontentedly break down, up, or thiough, to
Reposcens, tis, part, demanding Rgpugnantia, se,/. repugnancy open, to abolish, cancel
Reposco, fire, pOposci, a. to re- Repugnator, oris, m. an opposer Rcscio, ire, ivi, a. to kno»v to un-
claim, to demand, to require Rgpugnax, aeis, adj. contentious, derstand, to hear of
RgpSiitorium, i, n. a repository, cross Kescisco, gre, n. to come to know,
a storehouse, a cupboard, a Rgpugno, are, n. to resist, to to understand
sideboard thwart, to oppose, to refuse Rescissurus, a, um, part, about to
Rgpositus, a, um, part, laid up, Rgpullulasco, gre, incep. to bud cut down, or abolish
reserved, set up again, restored again Rescissus, a, um, part, cut down,
Rgpostor, oris, m, a repiacer Rgpullulo, are, n. to bud anew eleft, lanced, opened, abolished,
Repostus, a, um, part, laid up, Rgpulsa, a, /. a repulse, a rebuff, destroyed
remote, at a distance a refusal Resciturus, a, um, part, to come
Rgpotia, orum, pi. n. a feast after Rgpulsatio, onis,/. a foiling to the knowledge of, about to
the wedding-day, any feast Rgpulsator, oris, m. a foiler know
Rgprsesentandus.'a, um, part, to Rgpulso, are, freq. to return, to Rescrlbendus, a, um, part, to
be represented resound write, or be written back
Repraesentans, tis, part, repre- Rgpulsus, a, um, part, repulsed, Rescribo, gre, ipsi, iptum, a. to
senting beaten back, driven away, over- write back, to write over again,
Reprasentatio, onis, /. a repl- powered, rejected, often struck to write against, to pay money
antation, a paying of ready Rgpulsus, us, m. a repulse, a by bill
money driving back, a striking again, Rescriptum, i, n. a rescript
Reprsesentaturus, a, um, part. a reflection Rescripturus, a, um, part, abou";
about to represent, or pay down Rgpuinicatio, onis,/. a polishing to write back
Rescriptus, a, um, part, written pose, to be good against, to Responsus, us, m. an answer,
again, new-chosen stop answerableness, analogy, uni-
R6secandus, a, um, part, to be Resolvendus, a, um, part, to be formity
cut oft, or down, to be pared, or untiea again Respublica, relpublicae, /. a com-
retrenched Resolvens, tis, vart. loosening, monwealth, a state, the public
Resecatio, 6nis, /. a cutting, or freeing weal [refused
paring R6soivo, ere, vi, latum, a. to un- Respuendus, a, um, part, to be
Resfico, are, cui, ctum, a. to cut loose, untie, unbind, ungird, or Respuens, tis, part, refusing
off, down, or out, to clip, to unbuckle, to loosen, to soften, Kespuo, ere, ui, titum, a. to spit
pare, to retrench dissolve, or melt, to relax, to out again, to cast back, to spout
Rgsgcro, are, a. to take off, or mitigate, to weaken, to dissi- upon
recall a curse, or excommuni- pate, to abolish, to separate, Restagnans, tis, part, overflowing
cation, to sacrifice or divide Restagnatio, onis, /. an overflow
Rfisectio, onis, /. a cutting, or Rgs51utio, onis,/. a resolution, a Restagno, are, n. to overflow, to
paring stagnate
um, part, cut off
Rfisectus, a, ResOlutus, a, um, part, and adj. Restans, tis, part, remaining, re-
Resgcutus, a, um, part, following ior, comp. unbound, loosened, sisting, holding out in a siege
again, answering dissolved, weakened, enfeebled Restaurator, oris, m. a restorer
Reseda, se, /. an herb, a dock ResSnabilis, e, adj. resounding Restauraturus, a, um, part, about
RSsedo, are, a. to appease, to Resonans, tis, part, resounding, to restore, or repair
quiet echoing, roaring Restauratus, a, um, part, restored
Rgsegmen, in is, n. a paring ResSnantia, ae,/. an echo Restauro, are, a. to restore, to re-
Rgsemlnatio, onis, /. a sowing R6s5no, are, ui and avi, n. to re- pair, to rebuild, to renew, to
again [seed sound, to re-echo, to ring again revive
Rgsemlno, are, a. to sow its own ResSnus, a, um, adj. resounding Restlbllis, e, adj. sown, or tilled
RSsgquor, i, cutus, dep. to follow Resorbens, tis, part, supping up every year
again, to R6sorbeo, ere, ui, a. to sup again, Resticilla, ae,/. dim. a little rope
Rgsgrandus, a, um, part, to be to drink in, to swallow up Resticulus, i, m. a halter, a cord
unlocked, or disclosed Respectans, tis, part, beholding Restillo, are, a. to inspire again
Rgsfirans, sis, part, unlocking Respecto, are, a. to look back Restinctio, onis, /. a quenching
Rfisgratus, a, um, part, opened often, respect, or regard, to Restincturus, a, um, part, to ex-
Rgsgro, are, a. to unlock, to open, open tinguish
to set, or lay open, to disclose Respectus, us, m. a looking back, Restinctus, a, um, part, quenched,
Rgsgro, 6re, evi, atum, a. to sow a sight, respect, regard extinguished, allayed
again [reserved Respergo, ere, a. to besprinkle, to Restinguendus, a, um, part, to
Reservandus, a, um, part, to be stain, to pollute extinguish, or be extinguished
Rgservatus, a, um, part, reserved Respersio, onis,/. a besprinkling Restinguo, ere, nxi, nctum, a. to
Rgservo, are, a. to reserve, to pre- Respersus, a, um, part, be- quench, extinguish, or put out,
serve, to keep alive sprinkled to pacify, to appease
Rgses, Idis, adj. idle, lazy, sloth- Respersus, us, m. a sprinkling, a Restio, onis, m. a rope-maker, a
ful, faint, unaccustomed dashing [regarded crack-rope [tilled
R6sex, gcis, m. a vine-branch, the Respiciendus, a, um, part, to be Restio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to be
cutting of a vine which springs Respiciens, a, um, part, look- Restipo, are, a. to environ again
again ing back upon, considering, re- Restipulatio, onis, /. a reciprocal
Rfisidens, tis, part, residing, con- garding engagement
tinuing, sitting exi, ectum, a. to
Respicio, ere, Restipulor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
. Rgsideo, ere, sedi, n. to reside, to look back upon, to look, to answer to an action, to enter
continue, to remain, to abide, consider, to regard, to respect, into covenant
to sit down, or still, to sink to favour, to assist, to belong Restis, is, /. a halter, a cord, a
down, to stick, or cleave to, to Respino, are, n. to remove thorns rope, a cable
impend Respiramen, inis, n. the windpipe Restito, are, n. to stay, or stop
Rgsldo, fire, sedi, n. to abide, or Respirans, tis, part, breathing often by the way, to stagger
continue, to fix, or settle, to sit Resplratio, onis, /. respiration, a Restitrix, icis, /. she that stays
down, to be assuaged breathing, or fetching breath, behind [restored
Residuum, i, n. the residue steam Restituendus, a, um, part, to be
Residuus, a, um, adj. remaining, Resplratus, us, m. a breathing Restituens, tis, part, renewing
left Resplro, are, a. and n. to breathe, Restituo, ere, ui, Qtum, a. to re-
R6signatus, &,um,part. unsealed, to breathe out, to emit, to be store, to repair, to rebuild, to
opened, stopped eased, or have respite renew, to make good, to re-
Resigno, are, a. to resign, or give Resplendens, tis, part, shining place, to set in order
up, to open, to discover, or dis- bright [bright Restitutio, onis,/. a restitution
close, to close up Resplendeo, ere, ui, n. to shine Restitutor, oris, m. a restorer
Rfisilio, ire, ui, and
sultum, n.
ii, Respondens, tis, part, answering Restituturus, a, um, part, about
to leap back, to rebound, to Respondeo, ere, di, nsum, n. to an- to restore, renew
retire, to shrink in [ward swer, to reply, to re-echo, to Restitutus, a, um, part, restored,
Rgsimus, a, um, adj. crooked up- agree, or correspond, to act recovered
Resina, ee, /. rosin suitably, to succeed, to appear, Resto, are, stiti, formerly avi,
Resinaceus, a, um, adj. of rosin to stand, to pay, or satisfy, to Itum, n. to stay, or stand, to
Resinarius, a, um, adj. of rosin remain stop, to remain
Resinatus, a, um, adj. rosined, Respondo, 6re, n. to answer Restricte, adv. ius, comp. issime,
effeminated, debauched Responsio, onis, /. an answer, superl. straitly, sparingly, pre-
Rgslnosus, a, um,
adj. issimus, agreeableness cisely
superl. full of rosin, or gum Responsito, are, freq. to answer Restrictio, onis, /. a restraint
Resipiens, tis, part, tasting of often Restrictus, a, um, part, and adj.
Resipio, ere, plvi and pui, n. to Responso, are, n. to answer, or ior, comp. restrained, bound,
savour, or smell, to taste echo, to answer saucily, to re- tied, close, pinching, covetous
RSsIpiscens, tis, part, coming to sist, or oppose, to agree with Restringo, ere, nxi, ictum, a. to
his senses Responsor, oris, m. a counsellor, restrain, to bind, to stop, or
Rgsipiscentia, se,/. repentance a surety stay, to loose, or unbind
Resipisco, ere, ui, n. to repent, to Responsum, i, a. an answer, a re- Rgsudans, tis, part, sweating
come to one's senses again, to ply, a rejoinder, an oracle, a again
recover prophecy Resudo, are, a. to sweat out again
Resistens, tis, part, resisting Responsurus, a, um, part, that Resultans, tis, part, rebounding
Resisto, ere, stiti, stitum, a. a»d will answer, or reply, that will Resulto, are, n. to leap back, to
n. to resist, to withstand, to op- match rebound, to resound
ESsfimendus, a, urn, part, to re- caul, or purse of network, a Retroiens, euntis, part, receding
sume, or be resumed twig-basket, a sieve, a boulter Retrolggo, ere, a. to sail back
Rgsumens, tis, part, resuming Reticulus, i, m. a little net, a Retrorsum, adv. backwaid
Rgstimo, fire, mpsi, mptum, a. to basket of osiers, a lattice R^trorsus, adv. backward
resume, to take again, to re- Retiformis, me, adj. like a net Retrorsus, a, um, adj. turned
cover Rgt!na, s,f. the tunicle of the eye backward
Rgsumptio, 6nis,/. a resumption Retinaculum, i, a. a string, band, Retrudo, gre, si, a. to thrust back
Resumpturus, a, urn, part, about or tie, a rein, a hawser Retrusus, a, um, part, hidden
to resume [ed Rgtinendus, a, um, part, to be Retundo, gre, udi, usum, a. to
Rgsumptus, a, ran, part, recover- held, kept, restrained, or ob- blunt, or doll, to quell, to re-
Resuo, gre, ui, utum, a. to sew served press
again, to unstitch Rgtinens, tis, part, and adj. isst- Rgtunsus, a, um, parr, quelled
Rgsuplnatus, a, um, part, lying mus, superl. holding fast, keep- Rgttisus, a, um, part, and adj.
on the back ing, preserving blunted, quelled, dull
Rgsfiplno, are, a. to lay on the Retlnentia, ae, /. a holding to- Rgvaleo, ere, ui, it, to recover
back, to turn up, or upside gether, a retaining in memory Rgvalescens, tis, part, recovering
down Rgtineo, ere, ui, entum, a. to Rgvalesco, gre, lui, incep to re-
Rgsuplnus, a, um, adj. lying on hold, or keep back, or in, to cover
the back, laid supinely, effemi- restrain, or govern, to hold fast, Rgvanesco, gre, nui, n. to vanish
nate to hold, to keep, to retain, to Revectus, a, um, part, brought
Rgsurgens, tis, part, rising, or preserve [again back
growing up again, renewing, Rgtingo, ere, a. to dip, or dye Rgvgho, gre, exi, ectum, a. to
flourishing Retinnio, Ire, n. to ring again bring, or carry back, to import
Rgsurgo, ere, rexi, rectum, ». to Rgtondeo, ere, di, nsum, a. to Rgvelatio, onis, /. a revelation
rise, or flourish again, to re- clip, to shear Rgvelatus, a, um, part, discovered
cover Rgt6no, are, n. to resound Revellens, tis, part, plucking off
Rgsurrectio, onis,/. a resurrection Retorquens, tis, part, turning Rgvello, gre, li and vulsi, vulsum,
Rgsurrecturus, a, run, part, about t>ack a. to pluck, pull, tear, force, or
to rise again Rgtorqueo, ere, si, turn, a. to carry off, out, or away
Rgsusclto, are, a. to raise again, twist, turn, cast, or toss back, Rgvelo, are, a. to reveal, to unveil,
to revive to untwist, or undo to discover
Rgsutus, a, um, part, unstitched Rgtorreo, ere, a. to scorch, or Revenio, Ire, veni, n. to return
Rgtalio, are, a. to retaliate dry up [dry Revera, adv. truly, in reality
Retardans, tis, part, stopping, Retorresco, gre, incep. to grow Rgverbero, are, a. to reverberate
hindering Retorrlde, adv. scorchingly Reverendus, a, um, part, and adj.
Retardatio, onis,/. a stopping Rgtorridus, a, um, adj. dry, parch- isslmus, superl. to be revered,
Rgtardatus, a, um, part, retarded, ed, scorched, shrivelled, brin- reverend, awful
stopped dle-coloured Reverens, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Rgtardo, are, o. to retard, to stop, Rgtortus, a, um, part, twisted, or comp. isslmus, superl. revering,
to delay turned back, twisted respectful
Rgtaxo, are, a. to tax, to check Rgtostus, a, um, part, toasted, Revgrentgr, adv. ius, comp. issi-
Rete, is, n. a net, a toil, a snare parched nig, superl. reverently
Retectus, a,um, part, discovered, Retractandus, a, um, part, to be Rgvgrentia, ae, /. reverence, re-
covered handled again spect, regard, honour, awe
Rgtggens, tis, part, discovering Retractans, tis, part, drawing Rgvgreor, eri, Vitus, dep. to revere,
Rgtggo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to un- back, resisting, struggling, re- to fear, to dread
cover, to lay open, to reveal flecting Rgvgrlturus, a, um, part, that will
Rgtendo, fire, di, nsum, a. to un- Retractatio, onis, /. a recanta- revere, or stand ia awe of
bend tion, a refusal, a delay Reveritus, a, um, part, regarding,
Retentans, tis, part, trying again Retractatus, a, um, part, and adj. fearing
Retenfatua, a, um, part, often ior, comp. revised, corrected Rgverro, gre, a. to sweep back
tried Retracto, are, a. and n. to retract, Rgversio, and Rgvorsio, antiq.
Retentio, onis, /. retention, a or revoke, to handle, touch, or onis, /. a return, a coming back
withholding treat of again, to begin anew, again [return
Rgtento, are, to try, or feel
a. to revise, to peruse Rgversiirus, a, um, part, about to
again, to re-attempt, to assay, Retractus, a, um, part, and adj. Reversus, a, um, part, returning
to hold back, or withhold ior, comp. drawn, or brought Revertendus, a, um, part, to
Rgtenturus, a, um, part, about to back, brought home return
detain Retraho, ere, xi, ctum, a. to draw, Revertens, tis, part, returning, re-
Rgtentus, a, um, part, unbent or pull back, to withdraw, to volving, reflecting
Rgtentus, a, um, part, held in, recover, to preserve Rgverto, gre, ti, rsum, n. to return,
stopped, detained, kept Retribuo, gre, ui, utum, a. to re- to turn, or come back, to re-
Rgtentus, us, m. a holding back, compense, to repay, to restore volve
or fast Retributio, onis,/. a retribution Rgvertor, i, rsus, dep. to return
Rgtero, fire, a. to rub again Retrlmentum, i, n. dress, filings, Rgvictums, a, uw, part, about to
Rgtexens, tis, part, unweaving refuse, dregs, sediments, scum live again
Rgtexo, gre, exui, extum, a. to Retrd, adv. behind, back, back- Rgvictus, a, um, part, forced, sub-
unweave, to untwist, to trace wardj on the backside, in times dued, convinced, confuted
back, to do over again, to re- past Rgvideo, ere, di, a. to go back to
new, to bring to mind again Retroactus, a, um, part, driven see
Rgtextus, a, um, part, unwoven, back, inverted Rgvigeo, ere, and Rgvlgesco; gre,
untwined, discovered, recalled Retroago, gre, egi, actum, a. to n. to flourish again
Retiarius, i, m. a fencer with a drive back Rgvllesco, gre, lui, incep. to be-
net Retrocedo, gre, ssi, ssuin, n. to come vile, or of no account
Rgtlcendus, a, um, part, not to be go back Rgvinclbllis, e, adj. that may be
spoken of, to be concealed Retrocessus, us, m. a going back disproved, or confuted
Rgticens, tis, part, holding one's Retrocitus, a, um, adj. crooked Rgvinciens, tis, part, binding
peace Retroduco, gre, xi, a. to bring Rgvincio, Ire, nxi, nctum, a. to
Rgticentia, ae, /. a holding one's back bind hard, or fast, to bind, to
peace, a concealing Retroeo, Ire, n. to return gird [confute
Rgticeo, ere, ui, a. to hold one's Retrof gro, ferre, tuli, a. to bring, Rgvinco, gre, a. to convince, to
peace, to conceal or carry back again [back Rgvinctus, a, um, part, bound,
Reticulatus, a, um, adj. made like Retrogradior, i, essus, dtp. to go adorned
a net, latticed Retrogradus, a, wn, adj. retro- Rgvirescens, tis, part, reviving
Reticulum, i, %. m little net, & grad* Rgviresco, gre, rui, inctp. to be-
come green, or young again, to sides, a spinning-wheel, reel, or Rlptila, ae,/. a little water-bank
flourish, to revive whirl Riscus, i, ret. a trunk, a window
Rfivlsens, tis, part, revisiting Rhomphsea, ae,/. a tuck, or sword within a wall, a press for clothee
Revlsito, are, freq. to revisit Rhonchus, i, ot. a snorting, a scoff Rlsibilis, e, adj. risible
RfivJso, fire, si, sum, a. to revisit, Rhythnricus, a, um, aaj. rhyth- Risiloquium, i, re. a tattling and
to come again, to see mical laughing at the same time
Rfivlsurus, a, um, part, about to RhythmTcus, i, m. a rhymer Risio, 6nis,/. a laughing, a laugh
visit again Rhvthmus, i, m. rhyme, metre, Risor, Oris, m. a laugher, a derider
Revlviscens, tis, part, reviving harmony, proportion Risus, us, m
laughter, laughing
Rfivlvisco, fire, rfivixi, ictum, n. Rhjftion, ii, n. a cup like a half- Rite, adv. rightly, properly, duly,
to revive moon in due form, according to
Reunctor, Oris, m. a servant to a Rica, ae, /. a woman's hood, a custom, solemnly
physician, who anointed the little cloak, a handkerchief Rites, is, m. same as Ritus
wiestiers Riclnium, i, n. same as Ricinum Ritualis, e, adj. ritual
RfivOeabllis, e, adj. that may be Ricinum, i, re. a short cloak Ritus, us, m. a rite, or ceremony,
recalled, or recompensed Ricinus, i, m. a tike, an herb a course, or order
RevOcamen, inis, re. a recal Rictum, i, re. same as Rictus Rivalis, e, adj. of, belonging to,
RSvOcandus, a, um, part, to be Rictus, us, ot. a grinning, or grin, or near a river
recalled a mouth, a jaw Rivalis, is, ot. a rival
RfivOcans, tis, part, calling back Ridendus, a, um, part, to be Rlvalitas, atis,/. rivalship
RfivOcatio, Onis,/. a recalling laughed at Rivatim, adv. river by river
RfivOcatiirus, a, um, part, about Ridens, tis, part laughing Rlvulus, i,a rivulet, an effect
to recal Rideo, ere, si, sum, re. and a. to Rivus, i, a river
RfivOcatus, a, um, part, recalled laugh, to laugh at, to deride, to Rixa, as, f.strife, a brawling, or
RfivOco, are, a. to recal, to cal] mock, scorn, or scoff, to smile scolding, a quarrel,, a contest
back, in, or for, to invite again, Ridibundus, a, um, adj. waggish Rixans, tis, part, scolding, quar-
or in turn, to reassume, to refer, Ridtca, ae, f. a strong prop relling
to restore, to recover, to with- Rldictila, ae, f.a little stake Rixatio, onis,/. a brawling
draw, to revoke, to unsay RldTciilaria,orum, pi. n. jests Rixator, oris, m. a brawler, a
RfivOlans, tis, pari, flying back Rldiciilarius a, um, adj. ridiculous wrangler
RfivOio, are, re. to fly back again, Ridicule, adv ridiculously, drolly, Rixor, an, dep. to strive, to brawl,
to hasten pleasantly or scold, to quarrel, to contest,
Rfivolubllis, e, adj. to be rolled Rldlculosus, a, um, adj. ridiculous ov contend
back Ridlcuium, i, n. a jest, a joke, a Rixosus, a, um, adj. quarrelsome
Rfivolvens, tis, part, rolling back foiiy Roblgalia, um, n. pi. a feast to
Rfivolvo, 6re, vi, latum, a. to roll Ridicuhis, a, um, adj. iUsiraus, the god Robigus, in order to
back, to revolve, think, or re- superl. ridiculous, silly, droll, deprecate blasting and mildew
flect upon, to peruse again merry [dewing RObOreus, a, um, adj. of oak
Rev&lutus, a, um, part, rolled Rigans, tis, part, wetting, be- RobOro, are, a. to strengthen, to
back, wound off, changed, re- Rlgatio, onis,/. a watering enforce
volving, falling backward Rigator, oris, m. a waterer Robur, Oris, re. strength, firm-
RfivOinens, tis, part, vomiting up Rigens, tis, part, hard, stiff, ness, stoutness, courage, au
RevOmo, fire, a. to vomit, or cast frozen, standing on end oak, timber
up again, to disgorge Rigeo, ere, gui, n. to be hard, ROburneus, a, um, adj. of an oak
Reus, a, um, adj. arraigned, guilty, stiff, stiffened, frozen, very Robusteus, a, um, adj. strong,
obnoxious [nal cold, inflexible, or horrible, to oaken
Reus, i, m. a defendant, a crimi- stand stiff, upright Robustus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Rfivulsio, Onis, /. a revulsion RIgesco, fire, incep. to grow stiff issimus, superl. robust, strong,
Rfivuisus, a, um, part, plucked up, with ice, or cold firm, stout, lusty, hardy, oaken
torn off RIgide, adv. ius, comp. stiffly, Rodens, tis, part, gnawing
Rex, regis, m. a king, a tyrant, a closely [ness ROdo, fire, si, sum, a. to gnaw, to
prince, a ruler, or governor, a RTgidltas, atis, /. severity, stiff- wear away, to gnash, to back-
great, or rich man Rigidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. bite
Rhacinus, i, ot. a fish of a brown rigid, rigorous, severe, cruel, ROgalis, e, adj. of a funeral
colour stern, fierce, resolute, inflexible ROgaudus, a, um, part, to be
Rhadine, es,/. a nice dainty girl obstinate, hard, stiff, frozen asked, or chosen
Rbamnus. i, ot. a blackthorn Rigo, are, a. to water, to wet, to ROgans, tis, part, asking, desiring
Rhapsodia, ae,/. rhapsody moisten, or bedew, to besmear, ROgatio, onis, /. a question, an
Rheda, ae, /. a chariot, a coach, a to cultivate interrogation, a demand
eart Rigor, oris, m. rigour, harshness, ROgatiuncula, ae,/. a small request,
Rhedarius, a, um, adj. of a coach, sternness, hardness, stiffness, a motion in the senate
or cart roughness, cold, the cold fit of ROgator, oris, ot. a demander, a
Rhedarius, i, ot. a coachman an ague requester, the speaker of par-
Rheno, onis, m. a thick garment RigOratus, a, um, part, hardened liament [ask
furred, or made ot skms Riguum, i, n. a watering ROgaturus, a, um, part, about to
Rhetor, Oris, m. a rhetorician Riguus, a, um,
adj. wet, moist, ROgatus, a, um, part, asked, de-
Rhetorica, Orum, pi. n. precepts, that,waters, or is watered sired, entreated, courted, pass-
or books of rhetoric Riraa, ae,/. a chink, cleft, or chap ed, ordained
Rhetorica, ae, or Rhetorice, es,/. Rimandus, a, um, part, to search, ROgatus, us, ot. a desire, a re-
rhetoric, oratory or be searched quest, a question
RhetOriee. adv. rhetorically Rlmans, tis, part, searching ROgitans, tis, part, asking
RhetOricus, i, ot. a book of rhe- Rlmatus, a, um, part, having ROgitatio, onis,/. a statute
toric searched ROgito, are, freq. to ask, to de-
Rh um, adj. rhetorical
tOrfcus. a, Rimor, ari, dep. to search, to sire, to entreat, to beg
Rheuma, atis, n. rheum, a flux rummage, to examine diligently ROgo, are, a. to ask, to desire, to
Rheum atlcus, a, um, adj. rheu- Rlmosus, a, um, adj. chinky, demand, to request, to entreat,
matic [matism leaky to beg, to inquire, to borrow,
Rheumatismus, i, m. the rheu- Rlmula, ae,/. dim a small cleft to propose
Rhina. ae, /. a skate Ringo, fire, rinxi, rictum, n. or ROgus, i, ot. a funeral pile, a grave
RhlnOcfiros, Otis, m. a rhinoceros, rather Romphaea, ae, /. a two-handed
or unicorn, a vessel, one gag- Ringor, ictus, dep. to grin, to snord
toothed make wry faces ROralis, e, aij. ofdew, dewy
RhSdinus, a, um, adj. of roses Rlpa, ae, f. the b*nk of a river, Rorans, tis, part, bedewing, drop-
Rh 'rabus, i, ot. a figure of four the sea-shore ping
equal but not right-angled Rlparius, a, um, adj. of banks Rorarius, a, vim, adj. dewy, w et
Rorarius, i, m. a light-armed Rubescens, tis, part growing red,
. Ruga, ee, /. a wrinkle, a plait, a
soldier blushing fold, a furrow [plaited
Roratio, 6nis,/. a falling of dew Rubesco, ere, n. to grow red, to Rugatus, a, um, part, wrinkled,
Roratus, a, urn, part, bedewed blush Rugio, ire, Ivi, Hum, n. to roar,
Rorescens, tis, part, wet with dew Rubeta, se,/. a land-toad to bellow
Roresco, 6re, n. to be dewy, to Rubetum, i, n. a bramble-hush, a Rugitus, us, m. a roaring
drop thicket [bushy Rugo, are, n. to wrinkle
Roridus, ran, adj. dewy, moist
a, Rfibeus, a, um, adj. red, ruddy, Rugosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Rorlfer, a, adj. bringing dew
um, Rubia, ae,/. madder wrinkled, furrowed, rough, rug-
Roro, are, drop like dew, to
a. to RubiciUa, a;,/, a bullfinch ged, shrivelled
mizzle, to bedew Rubicundulus, a, um, adj. some- Ruidus, a, um, adj. not well
Rorulentus, a, um, adj. full of what red baked, rough
dew Rubicundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Ruina, ae, /. ruin, a downfall,
Ros, roris, to. dew, any liquor ruddy, very red havoc, destruction, death, crash
Rosa, ae,/. a rose, oil ot roses Rubldus, a, um, adj. of a deep red Rumosus, a, um, adj. ruinous,
RSsaceum, i, n. oil of roses colour, reddish, brownish, rough destroyed
R6saceus, a, um, adj. of roses Rubiginosus, a, um, adj. rusty, Ruitflrus, a, um, part, ready to
R6sarium, i, n. a rosary, a bed of foul, envious, spiteful fall, or decay
roses Rublgo, Inis, /. rust, foulness, Rulla, dg,f. a paddle-staff
RSsarius, a, um, adj. of roses mildew Riima, », /. the cud of beasts, a
Rosatus, a, um, adj. prepared Rubinus, i, m. a ruby pap
from roses Rubor, oris, m. redness, a blush, Rumen, the cud of beasts,
Inis, n.
Roscldus, a, um, adj. wet with modesty, shame a teat, the belly
dew, dewy Rubrlca, as, /. red earth, ruddle, Rumex, icis, to. sorrel
R6setum, i, n. a bed of roses red ochre, red lead, vermillion, Rumif gro, are, a. to report abroad,
Roseus, a, um, adj. of roses, like a rubric to tell tales
a rose, rosy, red, fair Rubrlcatus,a, um, part, coloured, Rumigerulus, i, to. a newsmonger
Rosio, onis,/. a gnawing, a biting ormarked with red Rumlhalis, e, adj. chewing the
Rosmarinus, i, to., or Rosmari- Rubricosus, a, um, adj. full of cud
num, i, n. rosemary ruddle [bush Ruminatio, £nis, f. a chewing of
Rosmaris, is, /. a rosemary-tree Rubus, i, f. a bramble, a
m. or the cud, a considering, medi-
Rostellum, i, *. a little bill, or Ructans, part, belching
tis, tating
beak Ructatio, onis,/. a belching Rummo, are, a. to chew over, to
Rostra, orum, pi. n. beaks of birds, Ructatrix,icis, ad;', breaking wind meditate
&c. the place of common-pleas Ructatus, a, um, part, belched Rumlnor, ari, atus sum, dep. to
at Rome, a pulpit out chew the cud, to nveditate
Rostratus, a, um, adj. beaked, Ructitatio, onis, /. a frequent Rumor, oris, to. a rumour, a re-
that has a stem belching port, common fame, a story,
Rostrum, i, n. a beak, a bill, a Ructito, kre.freq. to belch often reputation
snout, a nose, a stem Ructo, are, n. to belch Rumpendus, a, um, part, to break,
Rosurus, a, um, part, ready to Ructor, ari, dep. to belch out or be broken
gnaw Ructuosus, a, um, adj. that Rumpens, tis, part, breaking
R6ta, a;,/, a wheel, a chariot, a belches much Rumpo, 6re, rupi, ruptum, a. to
wild goat, a whale Ructus, us, m. a belch break, to break off, or dissolve,
RStabilis, e, adj. that may be Rudens, tis, to. or /. a cable, a to burst, to rend, or tear, to
turned round great rope of a ship violate, to tire [gether
R&tans, tis, part, turning round Rudens, tis, part, braying, roaring Rumpus, i, to. branches tied to-
R&tatilis, e. adj. whirling, swift Rudgratio, onis, /. a paving, &c, Rumusiiillus, i, to. alittle rumour,
Rotatlm, adv. like a wheel with rubbish an iale story
Rotatio, onis, /. a rotation, a Ruderator, oris, m. a paver Runcatio, onis,/. a weeding
turning round Ruderatus, a, um, part, paved Runcator, oris, m. a weeder
Rotator, oris, m. a turner round with rubbish Runcina, a;, /. a large saw, a
RStatus, a, um, part, turned Rudero, are, a. to pave plane, a scythe
round, whirled Rudiarius, i, to. a botcher, a Runcino, are, a. to plane
ROtatus, us, m. a turning round dresser of cloth, one discharged Runco, are, a. to weed
R5to, are, a. to turn, swing, or from sword-play Runco, 6nis, to. a weeding-hook
whirl round, to shake Rudicula, se,/. a spattle, a slice Ruo, ere, rui, ruitum and rutum,
R8tfila, ae,/. a little wheel Rudlmentum, i, n. a rudiment, a n. and a. to rush, to rush on,
H5tundatio, onis, /. a turning principle, a first rule, a begin- down, or out, to run headlong,
round ning to come on apace, or in haste,
R6tundatus, a, um, part, rounded Rudis, e, adj. rude, rough, clown- to hurry, or precipitate, to fall,
ROtunde, adv. ins, comp. roundly, ish, rustic, homely, simple, ig- to fall down, or upon, to throw
volubly, aptly norant, unlearned, untaught, Rupes, is,/, a rock, or hill
Rotunditas, atis, /. roundness unskilful, unacquainted, unex- Rupex, Icis, m. a country clowa
Rotundo, are, a. to make round, perienced Rupicapra, ae, /. a wild goat
to round, to pile Rudis, is, /. a ladle, a foil for Ruptio, onis, /. a breach, a rup-
R&tundus, um,
adj. ior, comp.
a, fencers, a wand ture
isslmus, superl. round, circular, Ruditas, atis,/. ignoranee Ruptor, Oris, to. a breaker
voluble, quick, nimble, full Ruditus, us, m. a braying Rupturus, a, um, part, about to
Rubeciila, ae, /. a robin-red- Riido, gre, di, n. to bray like an break
breast ass, to roar Ruptus, a, um, part, broken, rent,
Rubgfacio, €re, a. to make, or dye RMor, oris, n». a roaring torn, burst, bursten-bellied, in-
red Rudus, 6ris, n. rubble, or rubbish terrupted, made void
Riibefactus, a, um, part, made red Ruens, tis, part, rushing, tum- Ruralis, e, adj. rural, rustic
Rubellianus, a, um, adj. of a red bling, falling down Ruratio, onis,/. country business
colour Rufesco, ere, incep. to grow red RuricOla, as, -c. g. one living in
RObellio, onis, m. a roach Rufo, are, a. to make red the country, or tilling the
Rubellus, a, um, adj. somewhat Rufiili,orum, pi. to. captains ground, a rustic
red made by the consul, or general, Ruriggna, se, c. g. a countryman
Rubens, tis, part, and adj. ior, without the consent of the Ruro, are, n. and Ruror, ari, dep.
cump. red, blushing people to dwell in the country, to
Riibeo, ere, bui, n. to be red, to Rufulus, a, um, adj. reddish work [trarj
blush, to redden Rufus, and Ruffus, a, um, adj. Rursum, adv. again, on the con
Ruber, bra, brum, adj. ior, romp. ior, comp. reddish, yellow, hav- Rursus, adv. again, a second time,
errlmus, superl. red, ruddy ing red, »r yellowUk-hair ob the other side
SAB s#:p SAL
Rus, the country, a coun-
ruris, n. Saccarius, a, um, adj. carrying Saepiuscille, adv. somewhat often
try-house, a rustic, rusticity, sacks Saevidicus, a, um, adj. that speaks
unpoliteness Saccatus, a, um, part, put in a cruel
Ruscum, i, n. and Ruscus, i, m. bag, strained through a ball, Saeviens, tis, part, raging, huffing
broom, holm, furze, a whin filtered and ii, Itum, n. to
Saevio, Ire, Ivi
Ruspor, ari, dep. to scratch, to Saccellus, m. dim. a satchel
i, rage, to be angry, or cruel, to
search diligently, to cut Saccharum, i, n. sugar hector
Russatus, a, um, adj. clad in red Sacclperium, i, n. a bag, a cloak- Saevlter, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Russulus, a, um, adj. rather red, bag, a wallet, a satchel superl. fiercely, angrily, furi-
somewhat reddish Sacco, are, a. to strain through a ously
Russus, a, um, or Russeus, adj. bag, to filter Saevitia, ae, /. cruelty, tyranny,
flesh-coloured, red Sacculus, i, m. a little sack, a fierceness, rage
Rustlcanus, a, um, adj. rustic, satchel, the poor's box Saevities, ei,/., the same
country [country Saccus, i, to. a sack, a bag, a Saevlturus, a, um, part, about to
Rustlcarius, a, um, adj. of the money-bag, a strainer rage
Rustlcatio, onis, /. a dwelling in Sacellanus, i, m. a chaplain Saevus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
the country, a doing of country Sacellum, i, n. a chapel, a church- issimus, superl. cruel, savage,
work yard bloody, stern, fierce, displeased,
Rustice, adv. ius, comp. clownishly Sacer, era, crum, adj. errlmus, raging, furious, terrible, great
Rustlcltas, atis,/. rusticity, clown- superl. sacred, holy, divine, so- Saga, se, /
a subtle, or wise wo-
ishness, plainness, rudeness lemn, awful, consecrated, de- man, a witch, a sorceress
Rusticor, ari, atus sum, dep. to voted, instituted, fatal, cursed, Sagacitas, atis, /. sagacity, sub-
dwell in the country, to do detestable tlety, shrewdness, quickness
country work Sacerdos, otis, c. g. a priest, or Sagaclter, adv. sagaciously,
Rustlcula, ae, /. a rail, a woodcoek priestess, a minister of a shrewdly, quickly
Rustlculus, a, um, adj. of the church, an augur Sagapenon, i, herb, a gum
country, rustic, clownish, rude Sacerdotalis, e, adj. sacerdotal, Sagaria, ae, /. the trade of making
Rustlculus, i, m. a countryman vestal cloaks
Rusticus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. of Sacerdotissa, a priestess
ae, /. Sagarius, i, m. a seller of cloaks
or pertaining to the country, Saeerdotium, i, a priesthood
n. Sagatus, a, um, adj. apparelled in
rustic, clownish, rude, savage, Sacerdotula, ae, /. a priestess a soldiers cloak
simple Sacra, Drum, pi. n. holy rites, Sagax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Rusticus, i, m. a rustic, a coun- relics mus, superl. sagacious, subtle,
tryman, a peasant, a swain, a Sacramentum, i, n. an oath, a shrewd, cunning, keen, quick
clown, a servant of a farm, an sacrament, a gage Sagena, ae,/. a drag-net
ignorant, or unlearned person, Sacrandus, a, um, part, to be con- Sagina, ae, /. meat to cram, or
a yeoman secrated, established, accursed, fatten fowls, meat, stuffing,
Ruta, ae,/. rue or detested fatness, grossness, a coop
Rutabulum, i, n. a malkin, a slice, Sacrarium, i, n. a vestry, a chapel Saglnamentum, i, n. fatness
a coal-rake, a penis Sacratio, onis,/. a consecrating Saglnandus, a, um, part, to be
Rutaceus, a, um, adj. of rue Sacratus, a, mn,part. and adj. ior, fatted
Rutatus, a, um, adj. made with comp. issimus, superl. conse- Sagmarium, i, n. a stall, sty
rue crated, hallowed, or devoted to Saginatio, onis,/. a fattening
Rutellum, i, n. a shovel, a strike God [priest Saginatus, a, um, part, fatted,
Rtitllandus, a, um, part, made Sacric6la, ae, c. g. a sacrificer, a crammed
shining Sacrifacio, 6re, a. to sacrifice Sagino, are, a. to fat, or fatten,
Riitilans, tis, part, shining Sacrlfer, a, um, adj. that carries to cram
Rutilatus, a, um, part, made sacred things Sagio, Ire, ivi, Itum, n. to perceive
bright Sacrifex, Icis, m. & priest quickly, to smell out
Rutilesco, Sre, incep. to grow Sacrif tcalis, e, adj. of a priest, or Sagitta, ae, /. an arrow, shaft, or
ruddy sacrifice dart, the feathers of an arrow
RtLtilo, are, n. and a. to shine, «r Sacrif icans, tis, part, sacrificing Sagittalis, e, adj. of an arrow
make to shine, to glitter Sacrif icatio, onis,/. a sacrificing Sagittarius, a, um, adj. of arrows
Riitilus, a, um, adj. glaring, shin- Sacrif icatus, us, m. a sacrificing Sagittarius, i, m. sagittary, an
ing, fiery, red Sacrif icium, i, n. a sacrifice archer
Rutrum, i, n. a mattock, a spade, Sacrifico, are, a. to sacrifice Sagittatus, a, um, part, stricken
a shovel, a pickaxe Sacrif lciilus, i, m. a mass-priest, with an arrow [rows
Rutula, Be, /. small rue a priest Sagittlfer, a, um, adj.bearing ar-
Rutus, a, um, part, dug up Sacrif icus, a, um, adj. used in, or Sagittip6tens, tis, m. a cunning
serving for sacrifice archer
Sacrif icus, i, m. a priest Sagitto, are, a. to shoot in a bow
Sacrlilegium, i, n. sacrilege, sacred Sagma, atis, n. a pack-saddle
plunder, a heinous offence Sagmen, Inis, n. vervain, altar-
Sacrilegus, a, um, adj. issimus, grass
superl. sacrilegious, wicked Sagiilatus, a, um, adj. that wears
Sabanum, i, a towel, a napkin
n. Sacrilegus, i, m. a sacrilegious a short cassock
Sabaoth, pi. indecl. the Lord of person [fit Sagiilum, i, n. a little cloak
hosts Sacris, e, adj. sacred, holy, pure, Sagum, i, n. a soldier's coarse
Sabbat arius, i, m. a Sabbatarian Sacrista, ae, m. a sexton cloak, a kind of blanket, a
Sabbatlcus, a, um, adj. keeping Sacro, are, a. to consecrate, to horse-cloth
the sabbath dedicate, to immortalize, to Sagus, a, um, adj. presaging
Sabbatum, i, ». the sabbath canonize, to solemnize, to ratify Sal, salis, m., and seldom n. salt,
Sabelllcus, a, u«n, -adj. Sabine, Sacrosanctus, a, um, adj. ior, sea-water, the sea, wit, mirth,
jagged [spear comp. sacred, inviolable sense, wisdom, beauty
Sablna, ae, /. the herb sabine, a Sacrum, i, n. any thing dedicated Salacia, ae,/. the goddess of the
Sabuletum, i, n. a gravel-pit to the gods, a holy rite, or sea, the surge from the shore
Sabulo, onis, m. gravel mystery, a solemn act, a sacri- Salacitas, atis,/. lechery, lust
Sabillosus, a, um, adj. gravelly, fice Salacon, onis, m. a great boaster
sandy [viol Saepe, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Salkmandra, ae, f. a salamander
Sabiilum, i, *. fine gravel, sand, a superl. often, oftentimes Salaputium, i, n. a wanton wag
Saburra, ae,/. ballast Saepgnumgrd, adv. oftentimes, Salar, aris, m. a young salmon,
Saburralis, e, adj. made of sand very often trout
Saburratus, a, um, part, ballasted, Saeplcule, adv. every now and then SSlaris, e, adj. witty, pleasant
loaded, stuffed Sa-pisslmus, a, um, adj. superl Salarium, i, n. a salary, a stipend,
Saburro, are, o. to ballast, to load very frequent a pension
Kalarius, a, urn, adj. of salt Sa'tator, oris, m. a dancer Sambucus, i, to. an elder-tree
Salarius, i, m. a Salter Saltatorie, adv. in adancingman- Samgra, ae, /. the seed of an elm
S&lax, acis, adj. ior, comp. isstmus, ner SamiOlum, i, n. a little earthen
superl. salacious, lech jrous Saltatorius, a,um, adj. of dancing pot
Saiebra, a?, /. a rough, or rugged Saltatricula, ae, /. a dancing girl SamiOlus, a, um, adj. made cf
place, any difficulty Saltatrix, Icis,/. a woman-dancer earth
Salebrosus, a, um, adj. rough, Saltaturus, a, um, part, about to Samium, i, n. an earthen pot

difficult dance Samius, a, um, adj. of Samoa,

Sales, ium, pi. to., same as Sal Saltatus, a, um, part, danced earthen
Salgama, orum, pi. n. salt meats, Saltatus, us, m. a dancing, a jump- Samnltes, um, pi. m. fencers
sauces ing Sampsa, ae,/. an olive-stone
Salgamarius, i, to. he who deals Saltern, conj. at least, also, only Sampsuchinus, a, um, adj. of mar-
in powdered meats Saltim, adv. by leaps joram
Sali, orum, pi. m. heath-cocks Saltlto, are,/reg. to dance often Sampsuchus, i,/. sweet marjoram
Salictarius, a, um, adj. growing Salto, are, n. to dance, jump, or Sanabilis, e, adj. that may be
among: willows skip healed
Salictarius, i, m. he who takes Saltuaris, e, adj. of dancing Sanandus, a, um, part, to heal, or
care of a willow-ground Saltuarius, i, m. a forester, a be healed, to be cured
Sanctum, i, n. a willow-ground, a ranger Sanatio, onis, /. a healing, or
grove of willows Saltuosus, a, um, adj. full of curing
Saliens, tis, part, leaping, dancing, woods, woody Sanaturus, a, um, part, about to
beating, panting, throbbing, Saltura, ae,/. a leaping, or dancing cure
purling, bubbling up Saltus, us, m. a forest, a grove, a Sanciendus, a, um, part, to be
Saliens, tis, to. the cock, pipe, or thicket, a lawn, a leap confirmed
spout of a conduit Salvatio, onis, /. salvation, a sav- Sancio, Ire, Ivi and xi, Itum and
Saligneus, a, um, adj. of willows ing ctum, a. to establish, confirm,
Salignus, a, um, adj. of willow Salvator, oris, m. a saviour or ratify, to ordain, to enact, to
Saiillum, i, n. a little salt-cellar Saluber, haec salubris, hoc salu- consecrate, to dedicate
Sallna, se, /. a salt-pit, or pan bre, and hie and haec salubris, Sancltus, a, um, part, established,
Sailnator, oris, m. a Salter and hoc salubre, adj. ior, comp. ordained
Salinum, i, n. a salt-cellar errimus, superl. healthy, sound, Sancte, adv. ius, comp. isstme,
Salio, Ire, ui, ii and Ivi, saltum, n. wholesome, salutary, good, use- superl. holily, devoutly, religi-
and a. to leap, jump, skip, or ful ously, solemnly, firmly
bound, to dance, to beat, or Salubritas, atis, /. healthfulness, Sanctlfxcatio, onis, /. a sanctify-
pant soundness, wholesomeness ing
Salio, Ire, a. to season with salt Salubriter, adv. ius, comp. errime, Sanctif icator, oris, m. a sanctifier
Saiisubsiilus, i, m. a morris-dancer superl. healthfully, wholesomely Sanctifico, are, a. to sanctify
Salitio, onis,/. a leaping, amount Salve, verb. def. salve, salveto, Sanctimonia, ae, /. holiness, de-
ing [salt pi. salvete, salvetote, salvere, voutness, honesty, integrity
Salltura, se, /. a seasoning with God save you, hail t farewell, -
Sanctio, onis, /. a ratification, a
Salitus, a, um, part, salted, adieu decree, a penal statute
pickled Salve, adv. well in health Sanctitas, atis, /. sanctity, holi>
Saliva, se, /. spittle, slaver, juice, Salveo, ere, n. to be well, or safe ness, devotion, reverence, up-
moisture, a jelly, or slime, a Salvia, ae,/. sage rightness, integrity
taste Salviatum, i, n. a draught, or Sanctitudo, inis,/. holiness
Salivandus, a, um, part, to be sa- drench made with sage Sanctor, oris, m. an establisher
livated, or drenched Salvificus, a, um, adj. saving Sanctuarium, i, ». a sanctuary
Sahvarius, a, um, adj. clammy Salum, i,.n. the sea, a tossing Sanctus, a, um, adj. ior, eomp.
Saiivatio, onis, /. a salivation Salvo, are, a. to save issimus, superl. holy, pious, de-
Saliunca, ae,/. lavender Salus, utis, /. health, life, safety, vout, divine, heavenly, sacred,
Salivo, are, a. to spit, to slaver, to security, preservation, recovery, inviolable, awful, solemn
drench remedy, help SandalTggriJlae, pi. f. patten-car-
Sallvosus, a, um, adj. slavering Salutans,tis, part saluting riers, maid-servants
Salivum, i, n. spittle Salutaris,e, adj. ior, comp. salu- Sandaliggrulus, a, um, adj. wear-
Salix, Icis, /. a willow, an osier tary, wholesome, healthful, ing sandals, or slippers
Salmo, onis, to. a salmon healing, good, useful Sandalium, i, n. a sandal, a shoe,
Salnitrum, i, n. saltpetre Saiutariter, adv. healthfully, with a slipper, or a pantoufle
Salopjfgium, i, n. a noted wag success Sandapila, ae,/. a bier, a coffin
Salpa, 85,/. a stock-fish Salutatio, onis,/. a salutation Sandaraca, se, /. red arsenic> ce-
Salpuga, as,/, a venomous ant Salutator, oris, to. a saluter rinthe
Salsamen, same as Salsamentum Salutatorium, i, n. the office of Sandyx, and Sandix, Icis and Icis,
Salsamentarius, a, um, adj. of master of ceremonies /. and to. a kind of red, or. pur-
salt-fish, belonging to a fish- Salutatorius, a, um, adj. belong- ple colour, made of ceruse and
monger ing to saluting ruddle burnt together
Salsamentarius, i,m. a fishmonger Saiutatrix, Icis,/. a saluter Sane, adv. ius, comp. discreetly,
Salsamentum, i, n. salt meat, or Salutatus, a, um, part, saluted, verily, indeed, frankly, ingeni-
fish visited, taken leave of ously, greatly, much
Salse, adv. ius, comp. isstme, Salutifer, a, um, adj. healthful, Sanesco, gre, incep. to grow well
superl. wittily, smartly salutary, propitious Sanguen, Inis, n. blood
Salslcium, i, n. a sausage Salutiger, era, 6rum, adj. carrying Sanguiculus, i, m. a blood-pud-
Salsllago, inis,/. pickle, brine salutations ding
SalsTpotens, tis, adj. having power Salutigfirulus, a, um, adj., the same Sanguinalis, e, adj. of blood
over the sea Saluto, are, a. to salute, to greet, Sanguinans, tis, part, dropping
Salsitudo, Inis,/. saltness to send commendations, to pay with blood, cruel
Salsugia, as,/, pickle, or brine respect, to honour Sanguinarius, a, um, adj. blood-
Salsugo, Inis,/. a salt liquor, salt- Salvus, a, um, adj. safe, secure, thirsty, cruel
ness sound, well, in good health, Sanguineus, a, um, adj. bloody,
Salsura, se,/. a salting, brine preserved, kept of blood, like blood, red, cruel
Salsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl- Sambiica, se, /
a dulcimer, harp, Sangulno, are, n. to bleed, to be
mus, tuperl. salted, or salt, or sackbut, an engine of war as red as blood; a. to make
witty, smart. Sambuceus, a, um. adj. of an bloody
Saltabundus, a, um, adj. dancing elder-tree Sangutn5lentus, a, um, adj. bloody,
Saltans, tis, part, dancing Sambucina, se, /. a woman that bloodthirsty
Baltatio, 6nis, /. a dancing or plays on a dulcimer is, Inis, m. blood, avp, juice,
leaping Sambucistria, re,/, a she harper liquor, vigour, for<"e, strength
death, murder, slaughter, blood- Sarmentttius, a, um,
of adj. sorts of first-fruits, a notch
shed, life, kindred, dock branches [twigs potch
Sanguisuga, ae,/. a horse- leech Sarmentosus, a, um, adj. full of Saturatus, a, um, part, ior, comp
Sanies, ei, /. corrupt, or filthy Sarmentum, i, n. a twig, a cutting, sated, filled, satisfied, died
blood, gore, a dye, poison a branch Satureta, ae, /., and Satureium, i,
Saniosus, a, um, adj. full of cor- Sarpa, se,/. a pruning-hook n. the herb savory
ruption Sarracum, i, n. a waggon, a cart Satiireia, orum, pi. n. the same
i Sanltas, atis, /. soundness, health Sarranus, a, um, adj. Tyrian, Satiirio, onis, m. a glutton
sense purple Satiirltas, atis,/. excess, fulness,
Sanltudo, Inis, /. healthiness Sarrio, and Sario, ire, Ivi and ui, plenteousness, dung
Sanna, ae, /. a gibe, a scoff Itum, a. to weed, to rake, to Saturnalltius, a, um, adj. belong-
Sannio, onis, m. a mimic, a buf- harrow [hoeing ing to the Saturnalia
foon Sarrltio, onis, /. a weeding, or Satiiro, are, a. to sate, to cloy, to
Sano, are, a. to heal, or cure Sarritor, oris, m. a weeder, a glut, to cram, to fill
Santerna, a?,/, solder, borax botcher Saturus, a, urn, part, about to sow
SantSnlca, ae, /. French worm- Sarrltura, ae,/. a weeding Satus, a, um, part, sown, planted,
wood Sartago, Inis,/. a frying-pan begotten, descended, sprung
Sanus, um, adj. ior, comp. issl-
a, Sartor, oris, m. a cobbler, a tailor Satus, us, m. a sowing, a plant-
mus, superl. sound, whole, in Sartorium, i, n. a cobbler's shop ing, generation, seed, stock
health, healthful, wholesome, Sartrix, Icis, /. a mantua-maker Satyra, ae, /. a satire, a lampoon
in one's senses, wise, knowing Sartura, ae,/. a mending, a weed- Satyrice, adv. satirically, sharply
Sapa, ae, /. new wine [low ing Satyrlcus, a, um, adj. of satires,
Saperda, ae, m. a fish, a witty fel- Sartus, a, um, part, patched up, or satirists [wort
Sapidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. repaired Satyrion, and Satyrium, i, n. rag-
issimus, superl. well-relished, Sat, adv. enough Satyrus, i, m. a satyr, a wild man
savoury Sata, orum, pi n corn-fields, Sauciatio, onis,/. a wounding
Sapiens, adj. from part, tior, comp. blades of corn Sauciatus, a, um, part, wounded
issimus, superl. wise, discreet, Satagens, tis, part, being busy Saucio, are, a. to wound, hurt,
judicious, critical Satago, fire, egi, n. to be busy, to cut, or gash, to prune
Sapienter, adv. ius, comp. isslme, be in great care, to overdo Saucius, a, um, adj. wounded,
superl. wisely, discreetly Satan, and Satanas, ae, m. the hurt, cut, enfeebled, weakened,
Sapientia, ae, '/. wisdom, discre- devil, an accuser melted, dissolved, afllicted
tion, knowledge, a relish Satelles, Itis, m. a lifeguards- Savillum, or Suavillum, i, ». a
Saplnea, ae, /. the bottom of a fir- man, an attendant, a messenger little kiss, a cake
tree Satellltium, i, n. an escort, convoy Saxatllis, is, m. a gudgeon
Sapineus, a, um, adj. of a fir-tree Satians, tis, part, glutting Saxatllis, e, adj. living among
Sapinos, i, m. a jasper-stone Satias, atis,/. a glut, fulness rocks
Saplnus, i,/. a pine, a fir-tree Satiate, adv. sufficiently Saxetanus, a, um, adj. the same
Sapio, ere, Ivi and ui, n. and a. to Satiatus, a, um, part, cloyed, Saxetum, i, n. a place full of
savour, taste, or smell, to relish, glutted, satisfied stones
to know, to be wise Saties, ei,/. satisfaction Saxeus, a, um, adj. of stone, stony,
Sapium, i, n. a pitch-tree Satietas, atis, /. satiety, a glut, rocky, obdurate
Sapo, onis, m. soap fulness Saxlfer, 6ra, erum, adj. stony
Sapor, oris, m. a savour, a taste, a Satin', for Satisne, adv. well Saxificus, a, um, adj. turning
relish, a juice enough? into stone
Saporatus, a, um, adj. savoury Satio, are, a. to satiate, to cloy, Saxlfragum, i, n. saxifrage
Sapphirlnus, a, um, adj. of sap- to glut, to fill, to satisfy Saxlfragus, a, um, adj. breaking
phire Satio, onis,/. a sowing, a planting stones
Sapphirus, i, /. a sapphire Satlra, ae, /. a satire, a poem Saxosus, a, um, adj. stony, rocky
Sarcasmus, i, m. a sarcasm Satis, adv. enough, sufficient, suf- Saxulum, i, n. dim. a little stone
Sarciendus, a, um, part, to patch ficiently Saxum, i, n. a great stone, a stone,
up, to be patched Satlsacclpio, 6re, a. to take suffi- a rock, a hill [bench
Sarclna, ae, /. a burden, a load, a cient bail Scabellum, i, n. a foot-stool, a
pack, a bundle, baggage Satisdatio, onis, /. a putting in Scaber, bra, brum, adj. ior, comp.
Sarclnarius, a, um, adj. of burden sufficient bail [bond scabby, scaly, rough, rugged
Sarclnator, oris, m. a botcher Satisdatum, i, n. a recognizance, a Scaber, bri, m. a smith's buttress
Sarclnatrix, Icis,/. a botcher Satisdo, dgdi, datum, a. to put in Scabies, ei, /. a scab, the itch,
Sarcinatus, a, um, part, burden- sufficient sureties mange, &c. an itching desire
ed, loaded Sat isfaciens, tis, part, satisfying Scabiosus, a, um, adj. scabby,
Sarcino, are, a. to load, or pack, Satisfacio, ere, a. to satisfy, to itchy
to sow pay, to discharge, to make good, Scabltudo, Inis,/. roughness
Sarclnosus, a, um, adj. weighty to confess a charge and beg Scabo, fire, i, o. to scratch, to rub
Sarclnula, ee, /. a little pack, a pardon Scabratus, a, um, adj. made rough
bag Satisfactio, onis,/. satisfaction Scabre, adv. roughly
Sarcio, ire, rsi, rtum, a. to mend, Satisfacturus, a, urn, part, about Scabres, is, or ei, /. roughness,
to patch, to repair to satisfy filthiness, rustiness [ness
Sarc6phagus, i, m. a grave, a tomb Satius, adv. comp. better Scabrltia, ae, /. scabbiness, rough-
Sarculatio, onis, /. a raking Sativus, a, um, adj. that is, or Scabrlties, ei,/. the same
Sarculo, are, a. to rake, or weed may be sown, set Scabrosus, a, um, adj. rough,
Sarcillum, i, n., and Sarculus, i, Sator, oris, m. a sower, or planter, filthy [hess
m. a rake, a hoe a father, a creator Scabrum, i, n.roughness, rugged-
Sarda, ae,/. a cornelian, a sprat, Satorius, a, um, adj. of a sower Scaeva, ae,/. the left hand, a sign
an onion Satrapa, ae, m. or Satrapes, and Scaevus, a, um, adj. left, sinister
Sardianus, a, um, adj. of Sardis Satraps, is, m. a peer, a noble- Scala, ae, /., or Scalae, arum, pi. f.
Sardina, ae, f. a sardine, a sardel man, a governor, a lord- lieute- a ladder, a pair of stairs
SardOnychatus, a, um, adj. having nant Scalaris, e, adj. of a ladder
a sardonyx Satrapia, or pela, Be, /. a province Scalenus, i, m. a boat, a round
Sard6njrches, ae, m. a sardonyx, a Saturn, i, n. a thing sown, or piece of wood
seal planted, standing com, an He- Scalpellum, i, n. a penknife
Sard6nyx, ychis, /. a precious brew measure of about eighteen Scalpellus, i, m. the same
stone quarts Scalper, pri, m. a lancet
Sarissa, ae,/. a long spear, or pike Satur, ra, rum, adj. ior, comp. Scalpo, fire, psi, ptum, a. to
Sariss6ph6ri, orum, pi. m. soldiers full fed, sated, cloyed, glutted, scratch, to scrape, to engrave
armed with the sarissa filled, full Scalprum, i, n. a graving-tool
Sarmen, Inis, n. a twig Satura, ae,/. a dish full of divers Scalptor, oris, m. an engraver
P.calptorium, i, n. an instrument Scena, ae,/.a scene, a stage, show, Scindo, gre, scldi (and scisefdi).
made to scratch, or grave or state, an arbour [stage issum, a. to cut, or slash, to
Scalptura, ae,/. a graving, a cut- Scenalis, e, adj. belonging to a cut, or break off, to tear, or pull
ting Scenice, adv. like stage-players in pieces, to destroy, to divide,
Scalpturarus, a, um, part, graven Scenicus, a, um, adj. theatrical, to till, to plough
Scalpturio, ire, incep. to begin to belonging to a stage Scindula, ae,/. a shingle
scratch Scenicus, i, m. a player, an actor Scintilla, ae, a spark of fire, a
Scalptus, a, um, part, engraved, Scenographia, ae, /. the represen- relic
carved tation of a scene, the draught Scintillatio, 6nis,/. a sparkling
Scalpulum, i, n. a little chisel of a whole house, front Scintillo, are, n. to sparkle
Scambus, a, um, adj. bow-legged Scenopegia, ae,/. the Jewish feast Scintillula, ae, /. dim. a little
Scamillum, i, n. a little bench of tabernacles spark
Bcamillus, m. the same
i, Scgpinus, i, m. a sea-fish Scio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to know, to
Bcamma, n. the pit of the
atis, Scepticus, a, um, adj. sceptical be skilful in, to ordain, order
stage, wrestling Sceptrifer, a, um, adj. hearing a Sciographia, ae, /. a description
Scammonia, or ea, ae, /., and sceptre of the whole frame of the
Scamm&nium, i, n. scammony Sceptriger, a, um, adj. the same building
Scamnum, i, n. a bench, or form, Sceptrum, i, a sceptre, a mace,
n. Sciolus, i, m. a sciolist, a smatterer
a pair of steps, a bough a commander's staff, rule Sci6terIcon, i, n. a sundial
Scandalizo, are, a. to offend Sceptuchus, i, m. one holding, or Sclpio, onis, m. a walking-stick, a
Scandalum, i, n. scandal, offence bearing a sceptre stalk [wind
Scandendus, a, um, part, to be Scheda, ae, /. a sheet of paper, a Sclron, 6nis, m. the north-west
climbed leaf Scirpea, ae,/. a d^ng-basket
Scandens, tis, part, climbing Schediila, ae,/. a schedule Scirpetum, i, n. a rush-bed
Scandiana mala, a kind of apple Schema, atis, n. a scheme Scirpeus, a, urt,, adj. of bul-
Scando, 6re, di, nsum, a. to climb, Schema, ae, /. a fashion, a dress, rushes
to mount, to ascend a livery Scirplcula, ae, /. a pruning-hook
Scandula, ae, /. a lath, slate, or Schidius, a, um, adj. cleft, split Scirplculum, i, n. a basket of
shingle to cover houses with Schisma, atis, n. schism, a rent rushes
Scandularis, e, adj. covered with Schismaticus, a, um, adj. schis- Scirpiculus, i, m. a little bulrush
shingles, or slates matical Scirpo, are, a. to bind, or wind
Scansilis, e, adj. that may be Schiston, i, n. wild curds Scirpiila, ae,/. a kind of vine
climbed Schistum, i, n. alum, a kind of Scirpus, i, m. a rush
Scansio, onis,/. a elimbing up, a onion [cut Scirrus, i, m. a hard swelling
seaming Schistus, a, nm, adj. that may be Sciscitans, tis, part, inquiring
Scansorius, a, um, adj. for scaling Schcenictila, ae, /.a painted, or Sciscitatus, a, um, part, inquiring
Scapha, ae, /. a skiff, a boat common harlot Sciscitor, ari, dep. to inquire, ask,
Scaphium, i, n. a chamber-pot, a Schcenobates, ae, m. a rope-dancer or demand
cup, a dial, a spade 8choen6batica, ae,/. rope-dancing Scisco, £re, Ivi, Itum, a. to inquire,
Scaphula, ae,/. a small boat Schcenos, i, m. a bulrush, a rope to determine, ordain, or decree,
Scaphus, i, m. the hollow of the made of bulrushes, a skein of to vote, to make a law
ear, or any other thing silk Scissllis, e, adj. that may be cut,
Scapula, ae,/. the shoulder-blade, Schcenum, i, n. a cheap ointment cleft
the shoulders used by harlots Scissio, onis,/. a cutting
Scapularis, e, adj. of the shoulders SchOla, ae, / a school, or college, Scissor, oris, m. a cutter, a carver
Scapus, i, m. the stalk of an herb, a piazza, or walking-place, a Scissura, ae,/ a cut, cleft, or chap
the shauk of a candlestick, &c. sect Scissus, a, um, part, cut, rent,
the shaft, or shank of a pillar SchSlasttcus, i, m. a true bred torn, parted, divided, broken
Scarabaeus, i, m. a beetle, a chafer scholar, a young student Scissus, us, m. a cutting, or cleav-
Scarificatio, onis,/. a scarifying, Scholasticus, a, um, adj. scho- ing [food
a cut lastic Scitamentum, i, m. a pleasant
Scarlficatus, a, um, part, scarified Scholium, i, n. andf. Scholion, i, Scltans, tis, part, asking
Scarifico, are, a. to scarify, to n. a short comment, a gloss Sclte, adv. ius, comp. issi-
lance, to cut, to open Sciagranhia, ae,/ a platform, the me, superl. cunningly, wittily,
Scarus, i, m. a scar, or char first draught, a profile bravely
Scatebra, ae,/ a spring, a source Sciamachia, ae, /. a mock fight, a Scltor, ari, dep. to ask, or inquire,
Scatens, tis, part, abounding private exercise to demand
Seated, ere, ui, n. to run out, to Sciatberas, ae, m. the pin of a dial Scltu, abl. by decree
overflow, to abound Sciathericum horologium, a sun- Scltiilus, a, um, adj. pretty, brave
Scaturiginosus, a, um, adj. full of dial Sclturo, i, n. an ordinance, a sta-
springs [source Sciatica, ae,/ the hip-gout tute, a decree [know
Scaturlgo, inis, /. a spring, a Scibilis, e, adj. that may be known Sclturus, a, um, part, about to
Scaturio, Ire, Ivi, n. to abound Sclbones, um, pi. /. a sort of Scltus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
Scaurus, i, m. a man club-footed weapon comp. isslmus, superl. knowing,
Scaurus, a, um, adj. having large Sciens, tis, part, and adj. ior, skilful, wise, prudent, cunning,
and swollen ankles comp. isslmus, superl. knowing, crafty
Scelgrate, adv. ius, comp. issime, skilful, dexterous, acquainted Sciurus, i, m. a squirrel
superl. wickedly, lewdly Scienter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Seius, a, um, adj. skilful
Scelgratus, a, um, part, and adj superl. knowingly, skilfully, ex- Scloppus, i, m. a sound made with
ior, comp. isslmus, superl. de pertly, designedly, wilfully puffing of the cheeks
filed,polluted, wicked, vile, un Scientia, ae,/. science, knowledge, ScSblna, ae, /
a graver used by
godly, unnatural, cruel, mis skill bowyers, a file, scrapings
chievous, nipping, biting, un Scilicet, adv. you may be sure, Scobs, scSbis,/. sawdust, pindust
fortunate I warrant you, truly, indeed, Scolecia, ae,/. verdigris
Scelgro, are, a. to defile, to pollute doubtless, that is to say Scolopax, acis, m. a woodcock, a
Sceierosus, a, um, adj. wicked, Seilla,ae, /
a sea-onion, a squill snipe
lewd [ously Scilllnus, a, um, adv. of a sea- ScOlymos, i, m. an artichoke
(seeieste, adv. wickedly, mischiev- onion [squills Scombrus, and gcomher, bri, w.
Scelestus, i m, adj. ior, comp. Scillltes ecet-im, vinegar of a simbittU'.. , a tuuny-tisu
isslmus, superl. wicked, mis- Scilliticua, a, um, adj. infused Scomrtm, !ttic, n. a scoff, a jeer
chievous, unlucky with skills [squills Scopa, re, / a broom, a besom
Scglio, onis, m, a robber Scillitus r, am, adj. made of Scopae, arum, pi. f. a broom, n
ScSlus, fris, wickedness, lewd-
. Scincus, 1, n.. a crocodile wisp of straw
ness, \illany, fault, crime, mis- Scindens, tis, part, cutting, di- Scopio, onis, m. a cluster, a bunch
chief, damage, a lewd fellow viding, teaching Scopo, are, a. to sweep, to cleanse
Brfipfila, w, f. a little besom, a Scrupulose, adv. ius, comp. isslme, Secandus, a, um, part, to cut, o»
brush mperl. scrupulously be cut
Scopttldsus, a, um, adj. full of Scrupulositas, atis,/. scrupulosity S6cans, tis, part, cutting
rocks, rocky Scrupulosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Sficatio, onis, /. a cutting
ScSpfdus, i, to. a rock, a danger, a issimus, superl. scrupulous, full Sficator, oris, to. a cutter
mark to shoot at of doubts, nice, precise, curious Secaturus, a, um, part, about to
Scopus, i, to. a scope, a mark, an Scrupulum, i, n. a scruple cut
end, aim, design Scrupulus, i, to. a scruple, a doubt Secedens, tis, part, withdrawing
Scorbutus, i, m. the scurvy Scrupus, i, m. a piece of stone, a Secedo, 6re, ssi, ssum, n. to with-
Scordalus, a, urn, adj. nasty, rank, chessman, a doubt draw, to retire
stinking Scruta, orum, pi. n. old trash, Secernens, tis, part, separating
Soordium, i, n. water-germander lumber Secerno, ere, crevi, etum, a. to
Scoria, ae, /. dross, misery Scrutandus, a, um, part, to be separate, to distinguish
Scorpio, onis, m., and Scorpius, i, examined Secespita, ae,/. a long knife
to. a scorpion, a sign of the Scrutans, tis, part, searching Secessio, onis, /. a secession, a
zodiac, a sea-fish, an herb, an Scrutatio, onis, /. a search revolt
engine [pion Scrutator, oris, to. a searcher Secessus, us, m. a departure, a
Scorpionius, a, um, adj. of a scor- Scrutor, ari, atus sum, dep. to retreat, a retirement
Scortator, oris, m. a dissolute seek, to search, to search dili- Secius, adv. comp. less, later
man gently, to examine, to pry into Secludo, ere, si, sum, a. to se-
Scortatus, us, m. libertinism Sculpendus, a, um, part, to be clude, to shut out, or apart, to
Scortea, ae, /. a leathern frock carved separate
Scorteum, i, n. a leathern coat Sculpens, tis, part, engraving Seclusorium, i, n. a coop
Scorteus, a, um, adj. made of Sculpo, Sre, psi, ptum, a. to carve, Seelusus, a, um, part, shut up
leather to engrave apart, separated
Scortillum, i, n. a young harlot Sculponea, ae,/. a wooden shoe S6co, are, ui, ctum and catum, a.
Scortor, ari, dep. to riot Sculptile, is, n. a graven image to cut, or carve, to cut off, or
Scortum, i, n. a harlot, a hide Sculptllis, e, adj. carved, graven asunder, to mow, to rend
Scotia, a?, /. the rundel in the Sculptor, oris, m. a carver, a Secrete, adv. secretly
bottom of a pillar graver Secretio, onis,/. a separation
Scraptia, a?,/, a drab, or quean Sculptura, ae,/. sculpture Secret6, adv. ius, comp. secretly,
Screabilis, e, adj. that may be Sculptus, a, um, part, carved, in secret, privily, apart
spit out graven Secretum, i, n. a secret, a mystery,
Screatio, onis,/. a hawking Scurra, ae, e.g. a scoffer, a buffoon, a secret place, a retirement,
Screator, oris, to. a hawker a mimic, a wit [itig privacy, a private audience
Screatus, us, m. a hawking _ Scurrans, tis, part, scoffing, jest- Secretus, a, um, part, and adj.
Screo, are, a. to hawk, or spit Scurrllis, e, adj. scurrilous, abu- ior, comp. issimus, superl. se-
Scriba, a;, m. a scribe, a writer, sive parated, severed, secret, privy,
an amanuensis, a secretary, a Scurrilitas, atis,/. scurrility private
town-clerk, a notary Scurrillter, adv. scurrilously Secta, ae, /. a sect, a party, or
Scrlbendus, a, um, part, to write, Scurror, ari, dep. to play the buf- faction, a way, an opinion
or be written foon, to jest Sectans, tis, part, following, pur-
Scribens, tis, part, writing Scurrula, ae, m. a wag suing
Scrlbillo, are, a. to scribble Scuta, ae,/. a dish Sectarius, a, um, adj. of a sect
Scribllta, ae,/. a tart, a wafer Scutale, is, n. the string of a sling Sectator, oris, m. a follower
Scribo, ere, ipsi, iptum, a. to Scutarius, a, um, adj. of a shield Sectilis, e, adj. easily cut asunder
write, to compose a book, &c, Seutarius, i, m. a maker of buck- Sectio, onis, /. a section, a cut-
to describe, to institute, to lers, shields, or targets, a sol- ting, or dividing, a confiscation,
paint, to limu [screen dier armed with a shield or forfeiture
Scrinium, i, n. a casket, a desk, a Scutatus, a, um, adj. armed with Sectlvus, a, um, adj. often cut
Scriptio, onis, /. the act of writ- a buckler [pan Sector, ari, dep. to follow, attend,
ing, a style, a composition Scutella, ae, /. a saucer, a child's or wait upon, to hunt, or
Scriptitatus, a, um, part, written Scutica, ae, /. a scourge, a whip, chase
Scriptito, are./reg. to write often a lash Sector, oris, to. a cutter, a cut-
Scripto, are, a. to write Scutiggrulus, i, to. a page, an purse, a sequestrator, an in-
S^criptor, oris, m. a writer, an esquire former
author, a poet Scutra, as, /. a chaffern Sectrix, icis,/. a sequestratrix
Script orius, a, um, adj. of writing Scutiila, 83, /. a saucer, a round Sectura, a?,/, a cutting, a vein
Scriptum, i, n. a writing, a letter, piece of bark, a little piece of Secturus, a, um, part, about to
a work, a book, a poem stone, or marble for pavements cut
Scrip tiira, ae, /. a writing, the Scutiilatus, a, um, adj. wrought Sectus, a, um, part, cut, chopped,
writing of a book, the style, or in the form of a scutcheon shred, pared, sliced, parted,
manner of writing, an inscrip- Scutulum, i, n. a little shield, or divided
tion [write scutcheon, a figure in that form Seciibitus, us, m. a lying alone
Scripturus, a, um, part, about to Scutum, i, n. a buckler, shield, Secubo, are, bui, bltum, n. to lis
Scriptus, a, um, part, written, in target, or scutcheon, a defence, alone "
writing, marked, painted a defender Sgcula, ae,/. a scythe, a sickle
Scriptus, us, m. a writing Scylla, ae,/. a dangerous place in Secularis, e, adj. secular
ScrOblcfilus, i, to. a furrow the Sicilian sea Seculum, i, n. an age, people of
Ecrobs, is, and Scrobis, is, d. g. a Scymnus, i, m. a lion's whelp, the the age, a breed, the world
ditch, a dike young of any animal Secum, pron. with themselves, &c.
Scrdfa, ae, /. an old sow Scyphus, i, m. a large jug, a cup Secunda, Orum, pi. n. prosperity
Seroffpascus, i, m. a swineherd Scyricum, i, n. a blush colour Secundae, arum, pi. f. the secun-
Scrof tila, ae, /. a little pig, the Sc^tala, se,/., and Scytale, es,/. a dine, or afterbirth, the second
king's evil, a wen in the throat round staff, aroll of parchment, S£cundani, orum, pi. to. soldiers
ScrStum, i, n. the cod, a leathern a shining serpent, a field-mouse of the second legion
bag Scythica, ae, /., and Scjfthice, es, Sgcundans, tis, part, favouring
Scrupfidus, a, um, adj. shambling /. licorice, or sweet root Secundarii, orum, pi. to. soldiers
Scrupeus, a, um, adj. of little Scythis, idis,/. a precious stone of the second legion
stones, stony, coarse Sebum, i, n. tallow, suet SScundarium, i, n. the coarser
Scrupi, orum, pi. m. chess Secabllis, e, adj. that may be cut meal
Scruposus, a, um, adj. rugged, Se"cale, is, n. rye Secundarius, a, um, adj. of the
scrupulous Secalicus, a, um, adj. of rye second sort, or class
^rupularis, e, adj. of a scruple Secamentum, i, n. a cut, e chop, Secundatus, us, m. %bo second
Scrilpulatun, adv. by piecemeal a chip place, or ran>
Sficunde, adv. fortunately Sedillltas, atis, /. diligence, ex- breed, or race, a quality, aa
8ficund6, adv. the second time, in actness original
the second place, secondly Sed0l6, adv. carefully, faithfully Sementaturus, a, um, pu*x. mat
SScundo, are, a. to second, to Sedulus, a, um, adj. diligent, will grow to seed
favour, to make prosperous, to officious, careful Sementlcus, a, um, adj. that may
obey, to accommodate Sedum, i, n. houseleek [up be sown
Secundum, prep governing accus. Seggro, to lay aside, or
fire, essi, a. Sementlnus, a, um, adj. belong
nigh, or near, next after, or to, Seges, gtis,
/. land,ploughed ing, or lasting to seed-time
in, for one's side, for, according standing corn, a crop, a corn- Sementis, is, /. seed-time, a sow-
to field, a soil ing
Secundus, a, nm, adj. ior, comp. Segestre, is, n. a mat, any thing Sementlvus, a, um, adj. belonging
issimus, superl. second, next, to pack up merchandise in to winter seed-time
following, inferior, accompany- Segmen, Inis, n. a shred, a slice Semento, a;re, n. to run to seed
ing, prosperous, lucky, favour- Segment arius, i, m. an embroi- Semermus, a, um, adj. unarmed
able, propitious derer Semestris, e, adj. of half a year
Secure, adv. ius, comp. securely Segmentatus, a, um, adj. made up Semestrium, i, n. a half-month, a
Securlcula, ae, /. a little axe, a of pieces, embroidered fortnight
joint Segmentum, i, n. a paring, shred, Semesus, a, um, adj. half-eaten
Securifer, or Sgcurlger, a, um, or piece, a collar , a necklace, a Semi, indecl. half
adj. axe-bearing border Semiacerbus, a, um, adj. half-ripe
Securis, is,/, an axe, or hatchet Segnlpes, gdis, adj. slow-footed Semiagrestis, e, adj. half-clownish
Secuxltas, atis, /. security, safety, Segnis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Semiambustus, a, um, adj.
quietness, carelessness superl. slow, dull, inactive, slug- scorched
S£curus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. gish, lazy, cowardly Semiamictus, a, um, adj. half-
issimus, superl. secure, safe, Segnlter, adv. ius, comp. isslme, clothed
quiet, careless, fearless superl. slothfully, lazily Semianimis, e, and Scmianlmus,

S£cus, adv. comp. secius, or se - Segnltia, ae, and Segnlties, ei, /. a, um, and Semanimis, e, adj.
quius, otherwise, amiss sloth, laziness, idleness half-dead, in a swoon
Se"cus, prep, governing accus. by, Segregandus, a, um, part, to he Semiapertus, a, um, adj. half-open
or nigh to separated Semiassus, a, um, adj. half-roasted
Sgcutor, oris, m. a follower Segregatio, onis,/. a laying apart Semlbarbarus, a, um, adj., half-
SScuturus, a, um, part, about to Segregater, oris, m. a separater barbarian
follow Segregaturus, a, um, part, about Semlbos, 6vis, m. half an ox
Secutus, a, um, part, that has to separate, or part Senacanus, a, um, adj. half-grey
followed, relying on Segregatus, a, um, part, sepa- Semlcaper, pri, m. half a goat
Sed, conj. but, but also, however rated, removed Semlcentussis, is, m. half a hun-
Sedamen, Inis, n. a means of al- Segrego, are, a. to sever, to sepa- dred weight
laying, a sedative rate, or part, to remove Semlcinctium, i, n. an apron
Sedandus, a, vcm.part. to appease, Segrex, egis, adj. solitary, lonely Semlcircularis, e, adj. semicircular
to be appeased Sejiigatio, onis,/. a separation Semlcirculus, i, m. a semicircle
Sedans, tis, part, appeasing, lay- Sejiigatus, a, um, part, severed, Semiclausus, a, um, adj. half-
ing parted shut
Sedate, adv. ius, comp. calmly, Sejilges, um, pi. adj. unyoked, Semlcoctus, a, um, adj. parboiled
patiently parted Semlcrgmatus, a, um, adj. half-
Sedatio, onis,/. an appeasing Sejugi, or Sejuges equi, six horses burnt [burnt
Sedator, oris, m. an appeaser in a coach, or team Semlcrgmus, a, um, adj. half-
Sedatus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Sejugo, are, a. to unyoke, to sever, Semlcrudus, a, um, adj. half-raw
comp. appeased, calmed, com- to part Semlciibltalis, e, adj half a cubit
posed, quieted, ended, sedate Sejuncte, adv. severally long
Sedecola, ae,/. a little seat Sejunctlm, adv. severally, sepa- Semldea, ae, /. a demi-goddess
Sedens, tis, part, sitting rately Semldeus, i, m. a demi-god
S6dentarius, a, um, adj. sedentary Sejunctio, onis,/. a separating Semldiameter, tri, /. half a dia-
Sgdentarius, i, m. a sitting work- Sejunctus, a, um, part, separated, meter [learned
man put asunder Semldoctus, a, um, adj. half-
Sedeo, ere, sedi, sessum, n. to sit, Sejungendus, a, um, part, to be Semldolium, i, n. half a tun, a
to sit still, down, or upon, to put apart, or divided pipe _
light, or rest, to settle Sejungo, ere, nxi, nctum, a. to Semiermis, and Semermis, e, adj.
Sedes, is, /. a seat, a place, an separate, to put asunder, to half-armed
abode, or dwelling, quarters divide [out Semlfactus, a, um, adj. half-made
for soldiers, a station, a sepul- Selecta, orum, pi. n. things picked Semifer, and Semiferus, a, um,
chre Selecti, orum, pi. m. special adj. half-beast
Sedlgltus, i, m. he that has six officers Semlformis, e, adj. half-formed,
fingers Selectio, onis,/. a selection semicircular
SSdile, is, n. a seat, a bench, a Selector, oris, m. a chooser Semlfultus, a, um, adj. half-
settle, or stool, a roost Selectus, a, um, part, chosen, underset, half-stayed up
Sedimentum, i, ». a sediment, lees select Semifunium, i, n. a half-rope
Sedltio, onis, /. sedition, an insur- Sellbra, ae,/. half a pound Semlgraccus, a, um, adj. half a
rection, a mutiny, a raging Sellgo, gre, legi, lectum, a. to Greek [drowsy
Sedltiose, adv. ius, comp. isslme, select, to choose out, to pick, Semlgravis, e, adj. half- asleep,
superl. seditiously to cull SemTgro, are, n. to go to another
Stditiosus, a, um, adj. issimus, Sellquastrum, i, n. a stool place
superl. seditious, factious Sella, ae, /. a seat, a chair, a bench, Semlhians, tis, adj. half-open
Sedo, are, a. to allay, to assuage, a saddle Semlhomo, Inis, c. g. half-man,
to appease, to calm, or still Sellaria, ae,/. a hall, an apartment the root of the mandrake
Seduco, ere, uxi, uctum, a. to se- Sellula, ae,/. a little seat, or bench Semlhora, ae, /. half an hour
duce, to deceive, to lead aside, Selltilarius, a, um, adj. sedentary Semiinanis, e, adj. half-full
or apart, to separate Sellul arius, i, m. one that works Semijiiggrum, i, n. half an acre
Seductio, onis, /. a seducing, a sitting Semllacer, a, um, adj. half-torn
deceiving, a leading aside Serobella, ae, /. half a pound, a Semlllber, a, um, adj. half-free
Seductor, oris, m. a seducer coin Semllixa, a;, m. half a drudge
Seductus, a, um, part, and adj. Sgmel, adv. once, never but once, Semlmadldus, a, um, adj. half-
ior, comp. seduced, deceived, once for all, all at once, all wet [bious
led, or taken aside together Semlmarinus, a, um, adj. amphi.
Seductus, us, m. a retreat Semen, Inis, n. seed, a grain, a Semlmas, aris, c. g. an hernia,
Sedule, adv. diligentlv, carefully kernel, a graft, a slip, a scion, a phiodite
i Semlmortuus, a, um, adj. half- Sempervlvum, i, n. house-leek Seorsim, adv. aside, but properly
dead Semplterne, adv. everlastingly Seorsum, adv. apart, separately,
Semlnalis, e, adj. seminal, of seed Sempiternus, a, um, adj. endless, especially
Semlnanis, e, adj. half-void everlasting, continual Seorsus, adv. apart
Semlnarium, i, n. a seminary, a Semuncia, se, /. half an ounce Separ, aris, adj. separate, unlike
seed-place, a nursery, the first, Semunciales, e, and Semunciarius Separabilis, e, adj. separable
original [ing a, um, adj. of half an ounce Separandus, a, um, part, to se), -
Seminatio, Onis,/. the act of sow- Semustus, a, um, for Semiust us rate, or be separated
Semtnator, oris, m. a sower, an SSnaculum, i, n. the senate, o; Separatlm, adv. ius, comp. sepu-
author parliament-house rately, severally, apart, in par-
Semlnatus, a, um, part, conceived Senarius, a, um, adj. of six feet ticular [separating
Semlnex, ficis, adj. half-dead Senator, oris, m. a Roman sena- Separatio, Onis, /. separation, a
Seminium, i, n. seed, a race, kind tor, a parliament-man Separatus, a, um, part, separated,
of stock, a breed Senatorius, a, um, adj. of, or be severed, distinct, different
Semino, are, a. to sow, to breed longing to a senator, senatorian Separo, are, a. to separata, to
Semlnudus, a, um, adj. half-naked SSnatus, us, m. a senate, or chief sever, to part, to divide
Semiorbis, is, m. half the globe, council, an audience of the Sgpgllbllis, e, adj. that may be
or world [rustic nate, a parliament, the bench buried
Semlpaganus, a, um, adj. half a of aldermen SSpelio, Ire, Ivi, pultum, a. to
Semlpgdalis, e, adj. half a foot Senatusconsultum, i, n. a decree bury, to inter, to make to be
Semipedaneus, a, um, adj. of half of the senate, an act of parlia forgotten
afoot ment, an order of the house SSpelitus, a, um, pad. buried
Semiperfectus, a, um, adj. half- Senecio, onis, m. groundsel Sepes, is,/, a hedge, a fence
finished Senecta, ae,/. old age, a slough Sepia, se,/. a cuttlefish, ink
Semipes, fidis, m. half a foot SSnectus, utis,/. old age, gravity. Sepimen, Inis, n„ and Seplmen-
Semiphalarica, se,/. a half-pike severity, the skin of a serpent turn, i, n. a hedge, fence
Semiplacentinus, a, um, adj. half- SSnectus, a, um, part, old, aged Sepio, Ire, Ivi or psi, Itum or
pleasant withered, decrepit [old ptum, a. to hedge in, to fence,
Semlplenus, a, um, adj. half-full S6neo, ere, ui, n. to grow, or be to inclose, to surround, to beset
Semlpuella, se, /. half a girl, a Senescallus, i, m. a steward Seplasia, se,/. a perfumer's shop
mermaid [pruned Sgnescens, tis, part, growing old, Seplasium, i, n. a kind of sweet
Semipiitatus, a, um, adj. half- decreasing ointment, or perfume
Semirasus.a, urn, adj. half-scraped SSnesco, fire, nui, n. to grow old, Seponendus, a, um, part, to be
Semlrgductus, a, um, adj. half- to decay, to decline laid aside
turned Senex, is, adj. ior, comp. old. Sepono, ere, sui, situm, a. to lay,
Semirgfectus, a, um, adj. half-re- withered, wrinkled or set apart, to reserve, to sepa-
fitted, or repaired [stroyed Sfinex, is and Icis, c. g. an old rate, or distinguish, to send
Semirutus, a, um, adj. half-de- man, or woman away
Semis adj. indecl. half Seni,se, a, adj. pi. by sixes, each Sepositus, or SepOstus, a, um,
Semis, issis, m. half a pound six, six part, laid up, or by, reserved
SemisCpultus, a, um, adj. half- Senilis, e, adj. of old age Seps, sepis, m. a venomous ser-
buried Scnlliter, adv. like an old man pent
Semisomnis, e, and Semisomnus, Senio, Onis, m. the number six, Septa, Orum, pi. n. a place of ex-
a, um, adj. half-asleep and the sice point, or cast ercise, railed about, Mars' field
half-awake [asleep Senium, i, n. old age, an old Septem, indecl. seven
SemisopUus, a, um, adj. half- churl, peevishness, moroseness, September, bris, bre, or hie and
Semissis, e, adj. good for little severity, trouble haec Septembris, and hoc Sep-
Semissis,is, m. six ounces Sensibilis, e, adj. sensible tembre, adj. of September
Semisuplnus, a, um, adj. with Sensictilus, i, m. a slight argument September, bris, m. September
half the face upwards, half- Senslfer, a, um, adj. causing feel- Septemfluus, a, um, adj. running
raised [alley ing in seven channels
Semlta, a?, /. a foot-path, a way, an Sensif Icus, a, um, adj. the same Septemgeminus, a, um, adj.
Semltarius, a, um, adj. of a path- Sensilis, e, adj. sensible sevenfold [long
way Sensim, adv. by degrees, mode- Septempgdalis, e, adj. seven feet
Semitatus, a, um, part, divided rately Septemplex, icis, adj. sevenfold
into patha [covered Scnsitivus, a, um, adj. sensitive Septemvir, iri, m. one of seven
Semltectus, a, um, adj. half- Sensum, i, n. a thought, or mean- magistrates [temviri
Semltertiana, a;,/. namely, febris, ing Septemviralis, e, adj. of the sep-
a kind of ague mixed of a ter- Sensurus, a, um, part, that will Septemviratus, us, m. the autho-
tian and a quotidian be sensible of, that shall feel rity of the septemviri
Semito, are, a. to make paths Sensus, a, um, part, known by Septenarius, a, um, adj. of seven
Semitritus, a, um, adj. half- sense Septenarius, i, m. the number
pounded Sensus, us, m. sense, meaning, seven [teen
Semlvietus, a, um, adj. half- sentiment, thought, judgment, Septendgcim, adj. indecl. seven
withered capacity, understanding, reason Septeni, ae, a, adj. pi. seven
Seraivir, i, m. half-man, an eunuch Sententia, se, /. a sentence, a de- Septennis, e, adj. of seven years
Semfvlvus, a, um, adj. half-alive cree, or vote, a sense, a signifi- Septennium, i, n. seven years
Semivocalis, e, adj. half-sounding cation, a wise saying, or maxim, Septentrio, onis, m. the north
£emiustulandus, a, um, adj. to be opinion, sentiment, thought Septentrionalis, e, adj. northern
half-burnt [burnt SententiOla, se,/. a short sentence Septentrionarius, a, um, adj. of
Semiustulatus, a, um, adj. half- Sententiose, adv. sententiously the north
Semiustus, or Semustus, a, um, Sententiosus, a, um, adj. senten- Septicollis, e, adj. built upon
adj. half-burnt, or roasted tious [briars seven hills
Semlzonarius, i, m. a seller of Sentlcetum, n. a place full of
'., Septlcus, a, um, adj. putrefactive
aprons Sentiens, tis, part, observing Septies, adv. seven times
Semo, onis, m. a petty god SentTna, se,/. a sink, a pump, the Septlfariam, adv. in seven parts
Semodialis, e, adj. as big as half rabble Septifluus, a, um, adj. having.
a bushel Sentio, ire, nsi, nsum, a. to be seven channels
Semodius, i, m. half a bushel sensible of, to perceive, or un- Septimana, se,/. a week
Semotus, a, um, part, put aside, derstand, to feel, to think Septimanus, a, um, adj. of the
removed [moved Sentis, is, m, a briar, a thorn seventh
SemOvendus, a, um, part, to be re- Sentisco, fire, incep. to begin to Septlmatrwus, uum, pi. f. the
SemOveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to put know seventh day after the ides of
away, to remove, to withdraw Sentus, a, um, adj. rough, over- March
Semper, adv. always, for ever grown, ragged, shabby Septimum, adv. the seventh time
Septimus, a, um, adj. the seventh Serlca, ae, /. a silken, or muslin Servllis, e, adj. ior, comp. servile
SeptingCnarius, a, um, adj. of garment slavish, of, or like a slave
seven hundred Serlcatus, a, \xm, adj. clothed in Servlllter, adv. slavishly
Septingenteslmus, a, um, adj, the silk Servio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to be a
seven hundredth Sericum, n. silk, or muslin
i, slave, to serve, to obey, to take
Septingenti, ae, a, adj. seven hun- Sericus, a, um, adj. made of silk, care of, to provide for'
dred [times silken Servltium, i, n. siavery, bondage,
Septingenties, adv. seven hundred Series, ei, /. a concatenation, a service, flattery, slaves
Septio," onis,/. a dike, a mound train, a row, or rank, an issue Servltudo, Inis,/. servitude, bond-
Septlremis, e, adj. having seven Seri6, adv. seriously, in earnest age
benches, or banks of oars Seriola, a?,/, dim. a little jar Serviturus, a, um, part, that shall
Septuagenarius, a, um, adj. se- Seris, is,/, endive serve, or d6 homage to
venty years old Serius, a, um, adj. serious, grave Servltus, utis,/. servitude, slavery,
Septuagenus, a, um, adj. the Sermo, onis, m. discourse, talk, bondage
seventieth speech, language, a dialect Serum, i, n. whey, butter-milk
Septuagesimus, a, um, adj. the Sermoclnans, tis, part, discours- Serum, i, n a late part, a long
seventieth ing time
Septuagies, adv. seventy times Sermocinatio, onis, /. talk, dis- Serundus, same as Serendus
Septuaginla, adj. pi. indecl. se- course Servo, are, a. to keep, to preserve,
venty Sermoclnor, ari, dep. to talk, to to save, to guard, to defend
Septuennis, e, adj. seven years old discourse, to commune, to par- Serus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl-
S' ptum, i, n. a hedge, or fence, an ley [tattle mus, superl. late, late in the
inclosure, a fold of sheep, a Sermunculus, i, m. dim. tittle- evening, coming long after,
lock, a weir, a sluice, a flood- Serb, adv. ius, comp. isslme, superl. long a growing
gate [ounces late, in the evening, too late Serviila, ae,/.a handmaid
Septuncialis, e, adj. of seven Sero, are, a. to lock, or shut Servulus, i, m. a servant, a valet
Septunx, cis,/. seven parts Sero, ere, sevi, satum, a. to sow, Servus, a, um, adj. that is bound
Septuplex, Icis, adj. sevenfold to plant, to beget, to spread to certain service, servile
Septuplus, a, um, adj. seven abroad Servus, i, m. a slave, a bondman,
times as much S6ro, ere, s6rui, sertiim, a. to a servant
Septus, a, um, part, inclosed, en- plait, or wreathe, to knit, to Sesama, ae,/. corn called sesame
vironed, beset, guarded join Sesamlnus, a, um, adj. of sesame
Sepulchralis, e, adj. sepulchral, Serotinus, a, um, adj. late Sescuncia, ae, /. an ounce and a
funeral, of a sepulchre, or fu- Serpens, tis, m. and f. a serpent, half
neral [place a dragon, a louse Sescuncialis, e, adj. of an ounce
Sepulchretum, i, *. a burying- Serpens, tis, part, creeping, and a half, or an inch and a
Sepulchrum, i, n. a sepulchre, a spreading by little and little half [cuncia
grave, a tomb Serpentina, ae, c. g. engendered, Sescunx, cis, m., same as Ses-
Sfipultura,ae, /. burial, the act of or bred of a serpent Sescuplum, i, n. the whole and
burying, a grave Serpentlger, a, um, adj. that bears half as much more
Sepultus, a, um, part, buried, a serpent [tine Sese, pron. accus. himself, herself,
interred, covered over, quite Serpentlnus, a, um, adj. serpen- or themselves
ruined, or undone, finished SerpBraster, tri, m. a hanger on S6selis, is,/, hartwort
SSquax, acis, adj. ior, cornp. fol- Serperastra, oruni, pi. n. bands, Sesqui, indecl. the whole and half
lowing, or seeking after, flex- swathes as much more [half
ible, pliant, obedient, spreading Serpo, ere, psi, ptum, ». to creep, Sesquialter, a, um, adj. one and a
Sgquela, ae,/. a sequel, a train to spread itself Sesquldigltalis, e, adj. a finger's
Sequendus, a, um, part, to be Serpyllum, i, n. wild thyme breadth and a half
followed [suing Serra, ae,/. a saw, a fish Sesqulhora, ae, /. an hour and a
Sequens, tis, part, following, pur- Serrabilis, e, adj. that may be half [half
Sequester, a, um, adj. interme- sawn Sesquijugerum, i, n. an acre and a
diate Serrarius, i, m. a sawyer Sesquillbra, ae, /. a pound and a
Sequester, i or is, n. a mediator, Serrata, se,/. germander, treacle half
or umpire, a solicitor of a pro- Serratim, adv. like a saw Sesqulmensis, is, m. six weeks
cess, an attorney, or proctor Serratula, ae, /. betony Sesqulm6dius, i, m. a bushel and
Sequestratio, onis, /. a sequestra- Serratura, ae, /. a sawing a half
tion [questered Serratus, a, um, part sawn, notch-
. Sesqui5bolus, i, m. three farthings
Sgquestratus, a, um, part, se- ed like a saw Sesquioctavus, a, um, adj. one and
Sequestr6, adv. by arbitration Serro, are, a. to saw an eighth part
Sequestro, are, a. to sequester, to Serrula, ae,/. dim. a hand-saw Sesqui6p6ra, ae, /. a day's work
sever Serta, ae, /. a chaplet, a line, and a half
Sequor, i, cfltus, dep. to follow, to melilot Sesquiopus, ens, n. a work, or
imitate, to hunt, to chase, to Sertum, i, n. a garland, a chaplet, task and a half
pursue, to seek for, or endea- a nosegay Sesquipedalis, e, adj. a foot and
vour, to attain Sertus, a, um, part, plaited, a half long
Sera, ae, /. a lock, a bar, a bolt wreathed, set with flowers Sesquipedaneus, a, um, adj. of a
Seraphim, pi. m. the seraphim Serva, ae, /. a woman-servaut, a foot and a balf
Serapias, adis,/. ragwort slave Sesquipes, edis, m. a foot and a
Serarius, a, um, adj. of whey Servabilis, e, adj. to be preserved half, a cubit [blow
Seratus, a, um, part, locked Servandus, a, um, part, to be Sesquiplaga, ae, /. more than a
Serenatus, a, um, part, cleared, kept, preserved, watched Sesqulplex, Icis, adj. half as much
appeased. Servans, tis, part, and adj. issl- more
Serendus, a, um, part, to be sown mus, superl. keeping, preserv- Sesqulplus, a, um, adj. as much
SerenTtas, atis, /. fair, or clear ing, saving, guarding, observing and half as much.
weather, quietness Servatio, onis,/. a saving Sesquisenex, is, c. g. over, or very
S6reno, are, a. to calm, to clear up Servator, oris, m. a saviour, a pre- old
Serens, tis, part, sowing, mixing server, a deliverer Sesquitertius, a, um, adj. as much
Serenum, i, n. fair weather Servatrix, Icis, /. a preserver as another and a third part
Serenus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Servaturus, a, um, part, about to more [stool
isslmus, superl. serene, calm, keep Sesslbiilum, i, n. a settle, a close
fair, clear, bright, dry Servatus, a, um, part, kept, pre- Sessllis, e, adj. that may be sat
Seresco, «re, n. to grow dry, to served, saved on, low, dwarfish
Sergia, a?,/, an olive [turn Seiviens, tis, part, serving Sessimonium, i, n. a shrine

Seria, ae,/. a butt, a pipe, ajar Servllicolae, arum, pi. c. g. mean Sessio, onis,/. a session, rtssizea
Seria, 6rum, pi. n. serious affair* people Sesslto, are.freq. to sit often
Sessor, Oris, m. a sitter, an inhabi- although, oh that, or would to Stgillum, i, n. a seal, a signet, an
tant God! image
Sessurus, a,um, part, about to sit SlbTlo, are, a. to hiss, or whistle Sigma, a table like a half
atis, n.
Sestans, tis, m. same as Sextans Sibilum, i, n. a hiss, a hissing, a moon, to hold seven people
SestertiOlum, i, n. a little sesterce whistling Signaculum, i, n. a seal, the print
Sestertium, i, n. a thousand ses- Sibilus, a, um, adj. hissing of it [signed
terces, a pickaxe Sibilus, i, m. a hiss, a whistling, Signandus, a, um, part, to be
Sestertius, i, m. a sesterce, a Ro- a creaking, a whisper, a serpent Signans, tis, part, marking, noting
man coin Sibylla, a, /. a sibyl, a prophetess Signate, adv. expressly, distinctly
Seta, a,/, a bristle, a hair, a fish- Sibyllinus, a, uin, adj. sibylline Signatio, onis, /. a marking, a
ing-line Sic, adv. so, thus, according to, or sealing
Setania, a, f. a kind of onion after this fashion, insomuch, Signator, oris, m. a sealer, a signer
Setanium, i, n. a medlar, coarse even so, yes, so much, so greatly Signatorius, a, ura, adj. used to
food Sica, a, /. a dagger [fian seal with
Setanius, a,um, adj. of this year Sicarius, i, m. an assassin, a ruf- a signature
Si gnat ura, a,/,
Setiger, a, um, adj. bristly, rough Siccaneus, a, um, adj. dry by Signaturus, a, um, part, about to
Setiger, eri, m. a boar nature sign
Setosus, a, um, adj. full of Siccans, tis, part, drying Signatus, a, um, part, sealed,
bristles, bristly, hairy Siccatio, onis,/. a drying; marked, stamped, coined, im-
Seu, conj. either, or Siccatus, a, um, part, dried up printed
Sevectus, a, um, part, carried away Sicce, adv. for Sic, thus Signifer, a, um, adj. embossed
Sevfiho, 6re, exi, a. to carry aside Sicce, adv. dryly, firmly, strongly Signifer, 6ri, m. an ensign, a
Severe, adv. ins, comp. issime, Siccesco, £re, incep. to grow dry standard-bearer, the zodiac, a
tuperl. severely, strictly, gravely Siccine, adv. is it so ? so ? principal [signified
soberly Siccitas, atis,/. dryness, drought, Signif Icandus, a, um, part, to be
Severitas, atis,/. severity, sharp dry weather, firmness Significans, tis, part, and adj.
ness, strictness, roughness, Siccitudo, inis,/. dryness ior, comp. issimus, superl. sig-
seriousness Sicco, are, a. to dry, to dry, or nifying, showing
Sfiverus, a, um, adj. ior, comp, drink up [eyes Significanter, adv. ius, comp.
issimus, superl. severe, rigid SiccSculus, a, um, adj. having dry significantly, plainly
austere, harsh, sharp, exact, ter Sicculus, a, um, adj. dryish Significantia, ae,/. significancy
rible Siccum, i, dry ground
n. Significatio, onis, /. a significa-
Sevo, are, a. to grease Siccus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- tion, a sign
Sev6caridus, a, um, part, to be mus, superl. dry, withered, Signlflcatus, us, m. a prognostic
withdrawn thirsty, sober, hungry Significo, are, a. to signify, to
Sevbco, are, a. to call aside, to se- SIcgra, a, /. strong malt-drink mean, to show, to set forth
parate, to sever, to withdraw Sicilicissito, are, n. to speak like Signitgnens, tis, m. a standard-
Sevosus, a, um, adj. full of tallow, a Sicilian bearer
greasy Sicilicum, i, n. two drachms, a Signo, are, a. to seal, to stamp,
Sevum, i, n. tallow, suet measure of ground, twenty feet to coin, to grave, to mark, or
Sex, adj. pi. indecl. six broad and thirty long point out, to signalize, to
Sexagenarius, a, um, adj. of sixty, Sicilicilla, a,/, a little knife, or signify
sixty years old. plaything for children Signum, i, n. a sign, a token, a
Sexageni, a, a, adj. pi. sixty Sicilio, Ire, Ivi, a. to mow again badge, a seal, a mark, a figure,
Sexagesimus, a, um, adj. the Siclus, i, m. a sickle, a Jewish a statue, a constellation, a stand-
sixtieth, sixty coin ard, an ensign, abanner, stream-
Sexagies, adv. threescore times Slciibl, adv. wheresoever, if in er, or flag, a signal, a watch-
Sexaginta, indecl. sixty any place, if at any time word
Sexangulus, a, um, adj. six- Sicula, a,/, a sickle, a penknife, Sil, His, n. a kind of ochre
cornered a tuck Silaceus, a, um, adj. yellow
Sexceni, a, a, adj. pi. six hundred Sicunde, adv. if from any place Sllanus, i, m. a conduit -pipe, a
Sexcenteni, a, a, adj. pi. six hun- Sicut, adv. as, as ever, as well as, boss
dred like, or such as Silena, a,/, a snub-nosed girl
Sexcentesimus, a, um, adj. the Sicuti, adv. just as if Silendus, a, um, part, to say
six hundredth STcyonius, a, um, adj. neatly made nothing
Sexcenti, a, a, six hundred Sidens, tis, part, falling down, Silens, tis, part, and adj. keeping
Sexcenties, adv. six hundred times sinking silence, silent, quiet, still, calm
Sexdficies, adv. sixteen times Slderalis,e, adj. of the stars Silentium, i, n. silence, secrecy,
?exd6cim, adj. pi. indecl. sixteen Sideratio, onis, /. a blasting, a stillness, obscurity
fiexennalis, e, adj. every sixth being planet-struck Silentus, a, um, adj. silent
year SldSratus, a, um, part, blasted, Sileo, ere, ui, n. and a. to keep
Sexennis, e, adj. six years. old planet-struck silence, to be silent, quiet, still,
Sexennium, i, n. six years Sidfireus, a, um, adj. like stars, calm, or disregarded, to hold
Sexies, adj. six times starry, shining, bright one's peace [osier
Sexsignani, orum, pi. ra. soldiers Siderion, i, n. the plant iron wort, a small withy, an
Siler, 6ris, n.
of the sixth legion vervain Silesco, 6re, ui, incep. to be hushed
Sextadecimani, orum, pi. m. sol- Siderites, a, m. a stone like iron, Silex, Icis, >n. or f. a flint-stone
diers of the sixteenth legion a loadstone Silicemium, i, n. a funeral sup-
Sextans, tis, m. two ounces, a Sideritis, idis, /. a loadstone, per, a feast at funerals
sixth part wall-sage Siliceus, and Silicius, a, um, adj.
Sextantalis, e, adj. two thumbs Sldgro, are, a. to blast flinty, of flint, hard as flint,
thick Sldo, fire, sedi and sidi, sessum, n. stout
Sextantarius, a, um, adj. weighing to perch, to light, to settle Sillcia,a,/, fenugreek [husk
two ounces Sidus, eris, n. a star, a constella- SiHcula, a,/., and Sillcia, a little
jiextariblus, i, m. a small sextary tion, a sign, a climate, a time, a Slligineus, a, um, adj. of the
Sextarius, i, m. sextary, a mea- blast [fairings finest flour
sure of about a pint and a half Sigillaria, um, pi. n. a kind of fair, Sillgo, inis, /. a kind of corn
Sextilis, m. August
is, Sigillaris, e, adj. of a seal Siliqua, a,/, a husk, pod, or shell,
Sextula, a,/, the sixth part of an Sigillatlm, adv. severally, one by pulse, a carob-tree
ounce, a measure one Siliqua, axum, pi. f. capers
Sextum, adv. the sixth time Sigillatio, 6nis,/. a sealing Siliquosus, a, um, adj. husky
Sextus, a, um, adj. the sixth Sigillator, oris, m. a sealer Sillus, i, m. a pasquinade, a scoff
Sexus, us, m., and Sexus, i, w. a Sigillatus, a, um, part, sealed, Silo, onis, m. a snub-nosed fellow,
sex marked a pitfall
Si, conj. if, seeing that, since. Slgillo, are, a. to seal, to emboss Silurus, i, m. the shad-fish
Silva, ae, a wood, or forest, a
/. Sincere, adv. ius, comp. sincerely, Sirpus, i, m. a rush, a twig, a mat,
bush, a vine, a leaf, a weed plainly, without disguise a weel
Silvatlcus, a, am, adj. of a wood Sincerltas, atis,/. sincerity, clear- Sisara, ae,/. heath
Silvesco, ere, n. to grow bushy, or ness Slser, eris, n. and m. the skit-ret-
wild Sinceriter, adv. sincerely root, a parsnip
Silvester, haec silvestris, hoe sil- Sincerus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl- Sisto, 6re, stiti, statum, n. and a
vestre, and hie and haec Silves- mus, superl. sincere, downright, to be made to stand, to stand
tris, hoc silvestre, adj. ior, comp. honest, plain, whole still, to stand, to stop, to settle,
cf a wood, woody, wild Sinciput, Itis, n. the fore part of to continue, to place, to set, to
SilvIcOla, ae, e. g. one living in the head, a hog's cheek soused set up [timbrel
woods Sindon, Onis,/. fine linen, lawn Sistratus, a, um, adj. bearing a
Silvlcultrix, Icis,/., the same Sine, prep, without Sistrum, i, n. a timbrel, a drum
Silvlfragus, a, um, adj. breaking SInens, tis, part, suffering Sisymbrium, i, n. mint
the woods Singillatim, adv. one by one Sisyrinchion, i, n. a large onion
Silvlger, a, um, adj. bearing woods Singularis, e, adj. singular, par- SItella, ae,/. a ballot-box
Silvosus, a, um, adj. woody ticular, peculiar, extraordinary, Sitlculosus, a, um, adj. causing
Silvula, ae,/. a little wood, a copse single thirst, thirsty, barren, dry
Silus, i, m., same as Silo Singularitas, atis,/. singularity SItiens, tis, part, and adj. thirsty,
Slma, 32, /. the top part of a pillar Singiilariter, adv. in the singular dry, parched, thirsting after,
Slmia, ae, /. an ape, a mimic number, singularly, particular- desirous
Simlla, ae,/. flour, fine meal ly, above all others SItienter, adv. greedily, earnestly
Slrollaglneus, a, um, adj. of fine Sin gtil arms, a, um, adj. single, Sitio, Ire, ivi, itum, a. to be
flour one by one thirsty, or dry, to thirst, to de-
Simllago, tnis, /. fine flour Singulatim, adv. particularly sire earnestly, to covet
Similamen, Inis, m. a resemblance Singultans, tis, part, sobbing SItis, is, /. thirst, drought, an
Similis, e, adj. ior, comp. illimus, Singultatus, a, um, part, deliver- eager desire
superl. like, similar ed with sobs Sitt^bus, i, m. the cover of a book
Similiter, adv. illime, superl. in Singultiens, tis, part, sobbing, Slttila, ae,/. a bucket, a ballot-box
like manner, agreeably clucking Sitiilus, i, m. a pail, a chamber-
Simllitudo, Inis, /. a similitude, Singultim, adv. with sobs pot [suffer
likeness, resemblance Singultio, ire, Ivi, turn, n. to sob Siturus, a, um, part, that will
Slmilo, are, a. to resemble Singulto, are, n. to sob often, to Situs, a, um, part, suffered, per-
Siminlnus, a, um, adj. belonging gasp [ing mitted, situated, set, placed,
to apes Singultus, us, m. n sob, a cluck- founded, built, buried
SimiOlus, i, m. dim. a little ape Singulus, a, um, adj. each, every, Situs, us, m. a situation, a pos-
Simius, i, hi. an ape, a mimic one by one, particular, single ture, or position, filthiness,
Simo, onis, m. one born without Sinister, tra, trum, adj. ior, comp. nastiness, rust, mouldiness,
nostrils, or that has a fiat nose, stlmus, superl. left, unlucky, hoarseness
a name given to dolphins unfortunate, untoward, unkind Sive, conj. or, either, or if, or even.
Simplex, Icis, adj. ior, comp. issl- Slnistgritas, atis,/. unluckiness Sive — sive, whether,— or whe-
mus, superl. simple, single, un- Sinistra, adv. on the left hand ther
mixed, downright, sincere, ho- Sinistra, ae,/. the left hand Smaragdinus, a, um, adj. like an
nest, plain, homely, mean, or- SInistre, adv. unfortunately emerald
dinary Slnistrorsum, and SInistrorsus, Smaragdus, i, m. an emerald
Siinplicitas, atis,/. simplicity adv. toward, or on the left hand Smegma, atis, n. soap, a wash-
Simpllclter, adv. ius, comp. issl- SIno, ere, sivi, Initum, a. to suffer, ball
me, superl. simply, purely, sin- to permit, to allow Smegmaticus, a, um, adj. soapy
cerely, honestly, nakedly, plain- Sinopis, Idis,/. sinoper, or ruddle Smyrna, ae,/. myrrh
ly SInuatus, a, um, part, bent, SOboles, is, /. issue, offspring, the
Simplus, a, um, adj. single, one crooked young of any thing, a shoot
only Sinum, i, n., or rather Sinus, i, m. S6b5lesco, ere, incep. to multiply
Simpulum, i, n. a chalice, or cup a milk-pail, a bowl Sobrie, adv. soberly, temperately,
used in sacrifices Sinuo, are, a. to wind, to turn, to carefully, wisely, advisedly
Simpuvium, i, n., the same bend [cately Sobrietas, atis,/. sobriety, gravity
Siraiil, adv. together, at the same SInuose, adv. ius, comp. intri- Sobrina, ae,/. a cousin german
time, at once, as soon, as soon Slnuosus, a, um, adj. winding, Sobrlnus, i, m. a cousin-german,
as, moreover turning, bending, crooked, a nephew
Simulacrum, i, n. a resemblance, plaited, swelling, inmost Sobrius, a, um, adj. sober, tem-
a representation, a figure, a Sinus, us, m. the bosom, the perate, in one's senses, sensible,
picture, or statue, an image, a breast, the heart, clothes, a net, well-advised
form, a shadow, a ghost a sail, a gulf, a bay, a creek, a Soccatus, a, um, adj. wearing
SImulamen, Inis, n. an image spire, a ringlet, a hole, or hol- socks
Simiilans, tis, part, and adj. ior, low, a middle, an inner part Socculus, i, m. dim. a little sock
comp. resembling, mimicking, Siparium, i, n. a curtain drawn Soccus, i, m. a sock, a sandal
imitating, pretending Sipho, Slpo, and Siphon, onis, m. S6cer, eri, m. a father-in-law
Slmidate, adv. feignedly a siphon, a watercock, a pipe, Socerus, i, m., the same
Simulatio, onis, / a dissembling, or tube, a funnel, a syringe S6cia, ae, /. a companion, a sharer,
a pretence, a disguise Siphunculus, i, m. dim. a little a promoter, an assistant
Simulator, oris, m. an hypocrite cock S6ciabUis, e, adj. to be joined,
Slmulatrix, Icis, /. a dissembler, SiquandO, adv. if at any time social
a hag Slquidem, conj. if so be, since SOcialis, e, adj. belonging to al-
Simtilatus, a, um, part, feigned, Slquis, qua, quod and quid, pron. lies, social
dissembled, counterfeited if any one S6cialltas, atis, /. fellowship
Simulo, are, a. to make like, to Siren, enis, /. a siren, a mermaid, Sociallter, adv. in a social manner
resemble, to feign, to dissemble music, melody Sociandus, a, um, part, to be
Simultas, atis, /. secret hatred, Sirius, i, m. the dogstar, the sun joined
dissembled malice, a grudge, a Sirius, a, um, adj. of the dogstar, SOcians, tis, part, joining, fitting
quarrel sultry [bound Sociator, oris, m. he that joins
SImulter, adv., same as Similiter Sirpatus, a, um, part, hooped, SOciatrix, Icis,/. she that joins
Simulus, a, um, adj. flat-nosed Sirpea, ae,/. a mat, or basket made SOciatus, a, um, part, joined,
Slmus, a, um, adj. flat-nosed of rushes, a tumbrel coupled, shared, divided
Sin, conj. but if, if not Sirplcida, ae, /. a twig-basket, a S5ci6tas, atis,/ society, company,
Sin ape, is, n., and Sinapi, n. pruning-hook alliance, partnership, a share,
iudecl., and Slnapis, is, /. mus- Sirpo, are, a. to bind, or plait with agreement
tard-seed rushes, or twigs SOcio, are, o. to join, to unite, to
couple, match, or fit, to associ- 6ue, or pray for, to entice, to Solutllis, e, adj. that is easily
ate, to share, to impart allure, tomove, to stir up, to loosed
Bociofraudus, i, m. a deceiver disturb Solutio, 6nis, /. a loosing, a re-
Socius, a, ran, adj. helongirig to Sollcitudo, tnis, /. solicitude, dis- lease, a restoration, a payment
allies, partners, parents, or quiet, trouble, concern, care, SOlutiirus, a, um, part, about to
kinsfolks, social, confederate vexation pay
Socius, i, m. an ally, a confederate, SolTcttus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Solutus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
an associate, a fellow- soldier, a issimus, superl. anxious, care- comp. issimus, superl. loosed,
companion ful, thoughtful, uneasy, dis- unloosed, untied, opened, broke
Socordia, se, /., and Sgcordia, tressed, troubled, concerned open, freed, disengaged, releas-
Feat., sloth, sluggishness, indo- S61idandus, a, um, part, to be ed, dismissed, discharged, ac-
lence, inactivity cemented quitted, paid, performed, dis-
Socorditer, adv. "slothf ally, care- S61idatio, onis, /. a soldering, a annulled, abrogated, dispensed
lessly fastening with, dissolved, melted, thawed,
Socors, dis, adj. ior, comp. issi- Saiidatus, a, um, part, strength- softened
mus, superl. sluggish, careless, ened Somnians, tis, part, dreaming
regardless SOlide, adv. ius, comp. solidly, Somniator, oris, m. a dreamer
Socrus, us,/, a mother-in-law soundly, really, perfectly Somniculose, adv. sluggishly
Sodalis, is, e.g. a companion, a SSHdesco, fire, incep. to grow Somniculosus, a, um, adj. sleepy,
comrade, a partaker, of one sound, to close drowsy, dronish, sluggish, sloth-
companv, college, society SSlidipes, 6dis, adj. whole-footed ful [sleep
Sodalltas,' atis, /. a fellowship, S6llditas, atis,/. solidity, firmness SomnHfer, a, um, adj. causing
society, fraternity S615do, are, a. to consolidate, to Sommficus, a, um, adj. causing
Sodalitium, i, n. a society solder, to close, to plaster sleep, sleepy
Sodalltius, a, um, adj. belonging Solidum, i, the whole, the full
n. Somnio, are, a. and n. to dream,
to a fellowship, or society S51idus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp. issi- .to dream of, to fancy
Sodes, interj., for Si audes, I be- mus, superl. solid, massy, sound, Somniosus, a, um, adj. full oi
seech thee firm, substantial, material, dreams
Sol, solis,m. the sun, the heat of whole Somnium, i, n. a dream, a vision,
the sun, a day, a climate, a S5lldus, i, m. a shilling a silly fancy
region Solifer, ra, rum, adj. carrying the Somnus, i, m. sleep, rest, quiet-

Solago, Tnis, /. a plant sometimes sun, torrid ness, a dream, a calm, sloth,
called heliotropium Soliferreum, i, n. an iron dart laziness
Solamen, Inis, n. comfort, ease Soligena, se, c. g. begotten of the S5nabilis, e, adj. that sounds
Solandus, a, um, part, to be com- sun shrill
forted Solipuga, se,/. a venomous fly SSnandus, a, um, part, to be
Solans, tis, part, comforting Solitarius, a, um, adj. solitary, celebrated
Solanum, i, nightshade
n. alone, retired SOnans, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Solaria, e, adj. solar, of the sun Solitaurilia, um, pi. n. sacrifices comp. sounding, resounding,
Solanum, i, n. a solar, a sun-dial of entire, not castrated beasts, rattling, roaring, jingling, ring-
Solatiolum, i, n. dint, a little ease cr, as otkirs think, sacrifices of ing, twanging, murmuring, buz-
Solatium, i, n. comfort, consola- three things of sundry kinds, as zing
tion, ease, relief, help a bull, a r?^, a beer fthrax, ads, a£(j. sounding loud
Sol 5 tor, Oris, a comforter
nk. fiteJMdo, taie.jS solitude, a lonrly Sftnipts, gdis, m. a horse, a courser
So'.atus, a, um, part, sunburnt, str.r«, a desert, or vaHerness, a S6«5tus, us, m. a sound, a noise, a
sunned reftrcuieat, n wcess, a horrait- crack, or clap, a rattliug, a
Soldum, i, »., same as Solidum clashing, a crackling, a creak-
Soldurius, i, m. a man sworn and S6Htd8, a, um, part, and ady ac- ing
devoted to his friend customed, wont, usual, ordi- Sontvius, a, um, adj. sounding
S6lea, se, /. a slipper, a sandal, a nary, alone [alorre S5no, are, rftii, nitum, » to sound,
shoe, a sole, an instrument Solivagus, a, um, adj. wandering to resound, to clatter, to ring,
SSlearius, i, m. a shoemaker Solium, i, n. a throne, a seat of to warble, or sing, to play, or
SOleatus, a, um, adj. wearing state, a tub to bathe in, a vat, beat, to sound like, to praise
sandals or tun, a bier S&no, fire, n. to sound, &c.
Solemnis, e, adj., same as Solennis Solo, are, a. to make desolate, to Sonor, oris, m. a great sound, a
Solemmtas, atis,/. a solemnity lay waste, to dry in the sun rumbling noise, a crackling, a
Solen, enis, n. a muscle S6loecismus, i, m. a solecism rustling
Solenne, is, «. a solemnity, a cus- Solor, ari, dep. to comfort, to re- SOnore, adv. aloud, loudly
tom lieve, to assuage Sdnorinus, a, um, adj. noisy
Solennis, e, adj. solemn, annual, Solpuga, se,/. a venomous pismire Sdnorltas, atis,/. loudness
usual, appointed Solstitialis, e, adj. of, or belong- Sonorus, a, um, adj. sonorous,
Solenniter, adv. solemnly ing to the solstice loud, shrill, musical
S61ens, tis, part, accustomed, used Solstitium, i, n. the solstice, mid- Sons, tis, m. an offender
Soleo, ere, itus, n. pass, to be ac- summer, summer, heat Sons, tis, adj. guilty, criminal,
customed, or wont S51ubllis, e, adj. that may be dis- faulty, mischievous
8olers, ertis, adj. ior, comp. issi- solved Sontlcus, a, um, adj. hurtful, noi-
mus, sujjerl. skilful, dexterous, Solvendus, a, um, part, to loose, some
clever, shrewd, cunning, quick, or be loosed S5nus, i, m. a sound, a noise, a
sharp, inventive, watchful Solvens, tis, part, loosing, freeing clap, a note, a word, speech,
Solerter, adv. ius, comp. issfme, S51um, i, n. the soil, or ground, a voice
super!, skilfully, craftily floor, or pavement, a bottom, a Sophia, se, /. wisdom
Solertia, se, /. skill, dexterity, support, surface, the sole of a Sophisma, atis, n. a sophism, a
sagacity, subtilty, quickness, foot, or shoe deceitful argument
craftiness Solum, adv. only, alone S6phista, or S6phistes, se, m. a
Solicitandus, a, um, part, to be Solummodd, adv., the same sophist, a caviller
moved, troubled, raised, or stir- Solvo, 6re, vi, lutum, a. to loosen, SOphisticus, a, um, adj. sophis-
red up unloose, to release, or discharge, tical [well
Solicitans, tis, part, troubling or untie, to free, or disengage, to Sophos, adv. wisely, excellently
Solicitatio, onis,/. a soliciting make laxative, to melt, or thaw, S6phos, i, m. a wise man, a scho-
Solicitator, oris, m. an enticer to weaken, to weigh anchor lar
Sollcltatus, a, um, part, solicited Solus, a, um, adj., gen. ius, only, S&phus, i, m. a wise man, a sage
Sollcite, adv. ius, comp. issime, alone, solitary, lonely Sopio, ire; a. to lull asleep, or to
superl. pensively, carefully Solute, adv. ius, comp. loosely, rest
Sollclto, are, a. to solicit, to im- freely, carelessly, remissly, wan- S6pltus, a, um, part, laid to
portune, to urge, or press, to tonly sleep, fast asleep, stunned

Sopor, dris, m. a sound sleep, Sosplta, se,/. she that gives health spectre, an object, a sight,
sleep, sloth, laziness, a sleepy Sospltalis, e, adj. causing health view, a likeness, or represen
draught Sospitator, oris, m. a preserver, a tion, a show, or appearance
Soporatus, a, urn, part, laid fast saviour colour, or pretence [pr<
asleep, soaked in, mitigated Sospito, are, a. to keep in health, Specillum, i, n. a looking-glass
SSporifer, a, um, adj. causing to bless, prosper [server Specimen, Inis, n. a specimer
sleep, sleepy Soter, eris, m. a saviour, a pre- token, or instance, an essa}
S6poro, are, a. to cast into a deep Soteria, orum, pi. n. presents of proof, a trial
sleep, to overpower congratulation on recovery from Sp6cio, fire, exi, ectum, a. to s
SOporus, a, um, adj. sleepy, sickness to behold, to view, to regard
drowsy, hushed Spadix, icis, m. a scarlet, or light- Spgciose, adj. ius, comp. issir
Sorhens, tis, part, supping up red colour, an instrument of superl. speciously, sightly, hai
Sorbeo, ere, ui or psi, ptuni, a. to music somely, beautifully, splendid
sup, to sup, or drink up, to Spadix, icis, adj. of a bay colour Spgciosus, a, um, adj. ior, cot
suck in, to waste Spado, onis, m. a gelding, an eu- isstmus, superl. specious, fi
Sorbilis, e, adj. that may be sup- nuch [barren sightly, handsome
ped up Spadonius, a, um, adj. gelded, Spgcito, are, a. to behold often
Sorbillans, tis, part, sipping of Sparganion, i, n. the plant bur- Spectabilis, e, adj. visible, c
Sorbillum, i, n. spoon-meat, pot- weed [scattered siderable, worthy to be tal
tage Spargendus, a, um, part, to be notice of, goodly, graceful
Sorbitio, onis, a potion,
/. a Spargens, tis, part, sprinkling, Spectaculum, i, n. a spectacli
draught, soup, broth sowing sight, or show, a scaffold, a
Sorbum, i, n. a service-berry Spargo, ere, rsi, rsum, a. to sprin- holder [es
Sorbus, i,/. a service-tree kle, to scatter, to strew, to
sow, Spectamen, inis, n. a proof,
Sordecula, a?,/, filthiness to disperse, to diffuse Spectandus, a, um, part, to
Sordens, tis, part, being filthy Sparsim, adv. here and there, up beheld, viewed, or regarded
Sordeo, ere, ui, n. to be filthy, or and down Spectans, tis, part, beholdi
nasty Sparsio, onis, /. a sprinkling looking, tending
Sordes, is, /. filth, dirt, nastiness, Sparsivus, a, um, adj. thrown to Spectate, adv. issime, sup,
scurf, the rabble, niggardliness, and fro [scatter notedly, remarkably, bravely
meanness Sparsurus, a, um, part, about to Spectatio, onis,/. a beholding,
Sordesco, fire, incep. to grow dirty Sparsus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, viewing, a trial [t
Sordidatus, a, um, part, clad in comp. sprinkled, scattered, dis- Spectativus, a, um, adj. speci
dirty, or mean clothes, in persed, stained, speckled Spectator, oris, m. a spectatoi
mourning Spartarium, i, n. a broom-field beholder, a viewer, a conside
Sordide, adv. ius, comp. issime, Soartarius, a, um, adj. of broom Spectatrix, icis, /. she that
superl. filthily, nastily, dirtily, SparfeOli, Orum, pi. m. soldiers holds [beh
meanly, poorly, niggardly that watched the city for fear Spectaturus, a, um,par£. about
Sordldulus, a, uiu, adi. filthyj «f a fire Spectatus, a, um, part, and c
sluttish Sparteus, a, um, adj. of broom ior, comp. issimus, superl.
Sordidus, a, um, adj uir, comp. Si»art»m, i, n. Spanish broom held, seen, tried, approv
issimus, superl sordid, niggard- Spamlus, i, m. a sea-fish picked
ly, mean, despicable, contemp- Sparum, i, n. a dart, or lance c-neci:o, oTilS, /. a view
tible, servile, low, poor, shabby, Spams, i, sj. a -mall dart, a fish Specto, are, a. to behold, 1<

filthy Spasmus, i, m. the cramp upon, view, or eye, to obsei

Sordulentus, a, um, adj. wearing Spasticus, a, um, adj. afflicted to consider, or regard, to pre
dirty clothes with the cramp or try, to judge of, to appro
Sorex, icis, m. a rat, a field-mouse Spataliiun, i, n. a bracelet to respect
Soricinus, a, um, adj. of a rat SpatalOcinsedus, i, to. a catamite Spectrum, i, n. an idea, a ghost
Sorites, se, m. a vicious syllogism Spatha, se, /. a slice, a skimmer, a Specula, se, /. a watch tower
SOror, oris, /. a sister, of near ladle, a spatula, a large sword, beacon, a summit, or top
kindred a weaver's lathe Specula, se,/. dim. little hope
Sororciila, se,/. dim. a little sister Spathalium, i, n. a branch of a Speculaimndus, a, um, adj. Id
SOrroicida, se, c. g. a muTderer of date- tree ing about, espying
a sister Spatharius, a, um, adj. of a sword, Speculandus, a, um, part, to
SOrorio, are, n., and SOrorior, ari, or cutler hold, or be beheld
dep. to be round and plump Spathe, es, /. a tree resembling Spgculans, tis, part, beholding
Sororius, a, um, adj. of a sister the palm-tree Spficulare,and Specular, aris, i
Sors, tis,/. a lot, chance, fortune, Spathula, a?, /. a broad slice window, or casement
hazard, destiny, fate, a charge, Spatians, tis, part, wandering, Spgcularis, e, adj. of a lookii
or office, a state, condition, way, straying [running glass, window, or watch-tow
or manner of life, designation, Spatiatus, a, um, part, walking, Speculatio, Onis,/. a discovery
appointment, an issue, or off- Spatior, ari, dep. to walk abroad, Speculativus, a, um, adj. spe<
spring or about, to travel, to wander, lative, contemplative
Sorte, adv. by hap, or lot to go up and down Speculator, Oris, to. a behold
Sorti, abl. by chance, or lot Spatiose, adv. ius, comp. spaci- an observer, a spy, a scout
Sortictila, se,/. dim. a little lot ously, largely, widely, at large Speculatorius, a, um, adj. watt
SortilSgium, i, n. alottery, sorcery Spatiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. ing
Sortilggus, i, m. a sorcerer, a con- issimus, superl. spacious, large, an observer
Speciilatrix, icis, /.
jurer, a charmer wide, broad, tall, great, huge Speculaturus, a, um, part. ab<
Sortio, ire, n. to cast lots Spatium, i, n. a space, room, an to view, to pry into
Sortior, iri, dep. to cast, or draw open field, a plain, largeness, SpSciilatus, a, um, part, observi)
lots, to get by lot, to share width, length, extent, a voyage, watching, examining
Sortis,/or Sors [lots or journey, a way, time, con- Spgculor, ari, dep. to behold,
Sortitio, Onis, /. a choosing by tinuance view, to observe, to espy,
SortitO, adv. by lot, or destiny Spatula, a?,/, a spreading slice consider, to contemplate,
Sortltor, oris, m. a caster of lots Spatula, arum, pi. f. Bhoulder- search
Sortiturus, a, um, part, to choose blades Speculum, i, n. a looking-glass
by lot Spgcialis, adj. special, proper
e, watch-tower [c;
Sortitus, a, um, part, which casts Spficialiter, adv. especially, par- Specus, us, m. /., and n. a der.
lots, or has gotten by lot, given, ticularly Spelseum, i, n. a den, a retreat
or appointed by fate Spgciatlm, adv. particularly Spelunca, se, /. a cave, a den
Sortitus, us, m. a casting of Jots Species, ei, /. a form, figure, fa- hole
Sospes, itis, adj. safe and soui/d, shion, or shape, an image, sta- Sperabilis, e. adj. that may
whole, prosperous tue, or picture, a vision, a hoped for
perandus, a, urn, part, to be casting out breath, panting, Soondalium, i, *. a hymn consist
hoped for blowing ing of spondees
terans, tis, part, hoping for, ex- Spirit alis, e, adj. breathing, lively Spondens, tis, part, promising
pecting Spiritualis, e, adj. spiritual Spondeo, ere, spospondi, or sp6-
>eratus, a, am, part, hoped for, Splrltualiter, adv. spiritually pondi, sponsum, a. to promise
expected Splritus, us, m. spirit, the soul, freely, to engage, to assure
>eruax, iicis, adj. slighting the mind, life, breath, a breath- SpondJ'iis, is,/, a serpent
>emendus, a, um, part, to be ing, air, wind, a vapour, or Spondylus, i, m. a joint of the
despised stream backbone, any small bone of
>emens, tis, part, despising Spiro, are, a. to breathe, to blow, beast, bird, or fish, the head of
>erno,€re, sprevi, etum, a. to to belch out, to exhale, or an artichoke-thistle
despise, to disdain, to scorn, to steam, to savour, to smell, to Spongia, ae,/. a sponge, an aspa-
slight live, to aspire to, or after, to ragus-root
>ero, are, a. to hope, to hope seek for Spongiola, ae,/. a spongy ball
for, or in, to trust, to expect, to Spissamentum, i, n. a thickening, Spongiosus, a, um, adj. spongy,
rejoice a bung puffy
>es, ei,/. hope, expectation, joy Spissans, part, thickening
tis, Sponsa, as,/, a bride, a spouse
jeusticus, a, um, adj. baked in a Spissatio, onis,/. a thickening Sponsalia, orum, pi. n. espousals,
hurry Spissatus, a, um, part, thickened a marriage-gift
>haeia, ae,/. a sphere, or globe Spisse, adv. ius, comp. thickly, Sponsio, onis, /. a promise, a
ihaeralis, e, adj. spherical closely, slowly, with much ado wager, a wager at law
J ihaericus, a, um, adj. spherical Spissescens, tis, part, growing Sponsor, oris, m. a surety, a
ihaeroldes, is, adj. round like a thick [thick bondsman, he who in law binds
sphere [bowls Spissesco, gre, incep. to grow himself to stand trial
I phaei'Smachia, a?,/, a playing at Spissigradus, a, um, adj. slow- Sponsum, i, n. a promise
>hEerula, se, /. a little globe, a paced [ness Sponsus, a, um, part, betrothed
bail [moss Spissitas, atis,/. thickness, close- Sponsus, i, m. a bridegroom, a
>3hagnos, i, m. a kind of fragrant Spissitudo, Inis,/. thickness suitor [ship
• jhinx, gis and gos, Sponsus, us, m. a bond, surety-
/. a sphinx, a Spisso, are, a. to thicken, to
beast like an ape strengthen, to close Spontaneus, a, um, adj. voluntary,
Dica, ae, /. an ear of corn, a clove Spissus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- free
of garlic, a sign mus, superl. thick, gross, heavy, Sponte, abl., and spontis, gen. of
*plcatus, a, um, part, eared as firm, hard, solid, clammy, tedi- himself, or of his own free-will
corn, spiked, pointed, made ous, toilsome Sponte, adv. of his own accord,
sharp Splthama, ae,/. a span voluntarily
plceus, a, um, adj. of ears of corn Splen, enis, m. the spleen, or milt Sporta, a?,/, a basket, a panaier
picifer, a, um, adj. bearing ears Splendens, tis, part, and adj. en- Sport ella, ae,/. dim. a little bas-
of corn tior, comp. shining, glittering, ket
picllegium, i, n a gleaning of orijht, famous, renowned Sportula, se,/. a little basket, or
corn, a collection Splendeo. ere, ui, n. to shine, to pannier, a small supper
plcllegus, i, m. a gleaner glitter Spretio, onis,/. contempt
pico, are, a. to shoot out as an Splendesco, ^re, incen to begin Spretor, oris, m. a despiser
ear of corn, to spike, or point to shine, to shine, to display Spretus, a, um, part, despised,
the end itself slighted
piciilator, Oris, m. an archer Splendide, adv. ius, comp. issime, Spuma, ae,/. foam, froth, scum
piculo, are, a. to sharpen the superl. splendidly, gaily, sump- Spumans, tis, part, foaming, froth
point tuously, nobly, illustriously ing
plcillum, i, n. a dart, a javelin, a Splendidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Spumatorium, i, n. a skimmer
halberd, a shaft, an arrow, a issimus, superl. splendid, bright, Spumatus, a, um, part, covered
head, point, or barb, a sting shining, glittering, clear, gay, with foam, or froth
picum, i, n. an ear of corn fine, gorgeous, sumptuous Spumatus, us, m. a foaming,
picus, i, m. an ear of corn Splendor, oris, m. splendour, foam, froth [foam
pina, ae,/. a thorn, a prickle, a brightness, a shining, a gloss, Spumesco, fire, incep. to begin to
sting, a pin, the quill of a por- sumptuousness, magnificence Spumeus, a, um, adj. foamy,
cupine, the fin of a fish, &c. the Splenetlcus, a, um, adj. splenetic frothy, foaming
chine, or back-bone, a subtlety Spleniatus, a, um, adj. patched, Spumlfer, a, um, adj. bearing froth
pinacea, ae,/. spinage plastered Spumiger, a, um, adj. foaming
pinalis, e, adj. spinal, of the Splenicus, a, um, adj. of the Spumo, are, n. to foam, or froth
back-bone spleen Spumosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
plnea, ae,/. a kind of vine, or rose Splenium, i, n. spleen-wort, a foamy, frothy, foaming
plnetum, i, n. a thorny brake patch [spleen Spuo, ere, ui, utum, n. to spit, to
pineus, a, um, adj. thorny, bushy Splenosus, a, um, adj. full of spit upon, to spawl, to spue
pimfer, a, um, adj. bearing Sp5dium, i, n. cinders, soot Spurcatus, a, um, part, defiled
thorns, prickly Spoliandus, a, um, part, to be Spurce, adv. ius, comp. issime,
plniger, a, um, adj. the same robbed . [bing superl. filthily, nastily, dirtily,
plnosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. SpOlians, tis, part, spoiling, rob- basely
issimus, superl. full of thorns, Spoliarium, i, n. a place near the Spurcitia, and
Spurcities, ei,/.
thorny, prickly, crabbed, diffi- stage for wounded, or killed filthiness, nastiness, slovenli-
cult [bracelet gladiators ness
pinther, Sris, n. a buckle, a SpOliatio, onis, /. a spoiling, a Spurco, are, a. to defile, to pollute
pinus, i, m. a black-thorn, a robbing, a pillaging Spurcus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
sloe-tree, a snag-tree Sp61iator, oris, m. a spoiler, a rob- issimus, superl. filthy, nasty,
pionia, ae,/. a kind of vine ber, pillager, or plunderer dirty, ribaldrous, bawdy, ras-
pira, ae, / a spire, a circle, a fold, Spoliatrix, icis,^. she that robs cally, base
a coil, a wreath, a band, a curl, Spoliatus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Spiitamen, inis, n. spittle
a knur, a cracknel spoiled, robbed, plundered Sputatilicus, a, um, adj. deserv-
pirabllis, e, adj. to be breathed, Spolio, are, a. to spoil, to rob, to ing to be spit at
living plunder, to strip, to deprive of, Sputator, oris, m. a
spitter, a
.piraciilum, i, n. a breathing-hole to bereave spawler
iplraeus, a, um, adj. pliable Spfilito, are, a. to spoil, to waste Sputisma, atis, n. spittle
iplramen, Inis, n. a breathing- Sp6lium, i, n. spoil, a booty, a Sputo, are, a. to spit often, to
hole, a vent prey, or pillage, the skin of a sputter
Jpiramentum, i, n. a vent, a pore, beast, the slough of a snake Sputum, i, n. spittle, paint
an interval Sponda, ae, /. a bed, or couch, a Squalens, tis, part, daubed,
>j,irans>, tis, part, breathing, or bedstead covered
217 L
8qu5]entia, se,/. dirt Statera, se, /. a balance, rtoy. Stercorosus, um, adj. issimus,
Squaleo, ere, ui, n. to be filthy, or weight, a silver platte», or superl. full of dung [filth
foul, to be in mourning vessel Stercus, Oris, n. dung, compost,
Squalide, adv. filthily, dirtily Statice, es,/. the art of weighing Stgreobates, ae, m. the paten of a
Squalidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. in scales, sea-thirst pillar
filtby, nasty, dirty, slovenly, Statlculum, i, n. a
cart, or
little Stergethron, i, n. sengreen

foul, loathsome chariot, a horse-litter Stfirilesco, 6re, n. to grow barren

Squalor, oris, m. filthiness, nasti- Statlculus, i, m. a figure-dance Sterilis, e, adj. ior, comp. barren,
ness, negligence, mourning Statim, adv. still fruitless, useless, void of, free
Squalus, i, m. a skate, or ray Statim, adv. immediately, forth- from, addle, rotting
Squama, ae,/. the scale of a fish, with, statedly Stgril'itas, atis, /. sterility, barren-
&c. the nails in a coat of mail Statio, onis, /. a station, a post, ness, scarcity
Squamatim, adv. like scales guard, duration, continuance, a Ste>iliter, adv. barrenly
Squameus, a.'um, adj. scaly bay, creek, or road, a harbour Sterilus, antiq.for Sterilis
Squamifer, a, urn, adj. bearing Station alis, e, adj. fixed Sternax, acis, adj. throwing,
scales [scales Stationarius, a, um, adj. station- plunging
Squamiger, a, um, adj. having ary [camp Sternendus, a, um, part, to strew,
Squamosus, a, um, adj. full of Stativa, 6rum, pi. n. a pitched or be strewed, to be covered
scales, scaly Stativus, a, um, adj. standing, Sternens, tis, par*, throwing down
Squarra, ae,/. scurfiness, a scar pitched Sterno, 6re, stravi, stratum, a. to
Squatlna, ae,/. a skate, a sole Stator, oris, m. a gaoler, a sen- spread, or cover, to strew, to lay,
Squatus, i, m. a skate tinel, a serjeant throw, cast, or strike down, to
Squilla, ae,/. a squill, a lobster, a Statua, ae,/. a statue, an image overthrow, to calm
prawn Statuaria, ae,/. statuary Sternuens, tis, part, sneezing
St, interj. hist, hush, hold your Statuarius, a, um, adj. of statues Sternuo, ere, ui, utum, n. to sneeze,
peace, be quiet, out 1 Statuarius, i, m. a statuary to crackle
Stabiliendus, a, um, part, to set- Statuendus, a, um, part, to be Sterniitamentum, i, n. a sneezing,
tle, or be settled determined snuff
Stabillmen, inis, n. a settlement, a Statumen, inis, n. a buttress, a Sterniitatio, onis,/ a sneezing
stay, or support prop, a bottom, a flooring Sternuto, are, n. to sneeze
Stabilimentum, i, n. the same Statuminatio, onis,/. a paving Sterquillnium, i, n. a dunghill, a
Stabilio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to esta- Statumiino, are, a. to prop up, to stinking fellow
blish, to settle, to fix, to fasten, pave, to floor Stertens, tis, part, snoring
to steady, to repair Statunciilum, i, n. a small statue Sterto, 6re, ui, n. to snore, or snort
Stabilis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Statuo, ere, ui, utum, a. to set, or Stibium, i, n. antimony, black lead
superl. stable, firm, durable, place, to set up, to build, to Stigma, atis, n. a mark, or brand,
lasting, constant, sure, fixed erect, to appoint, to ordain, to reproach, disgrace
Stabilitas, atis,/. stability, firm- resolve Stigmatias, ae, m. a branded rogue
ness, steadiness, constancy Statura, ae,/. stature, size, pitch Stigmosus, a, um, adj. infamous,
Stabilltus, a, um, part, establish- Staturus, a, um, part, about to marked, branded
ed, :'ast, firm [ing stand Stilbon, ontis, m. the planet Mer-
Stabulans, tis, part, abiding, rest- Status, a, um, part, and adj. set, cury
Stabularius, i, m. an hostler, a appointed, settled, fixed, well- Stilla, ae,/. a drop
groom [beasts proportioned Stillans, tis, part, dropping, wet
Stabulatio, onis, /. a housing of Status, us, m. a state, condition, Stillarium, i, n. a penthouse, over-
Stabiilo, are, a. to house beasts or situation, a standing, a pos- measure
Stabiilum, i, n. a stable, a stall, a ture, a gesture, a form, or Stillatlm, adv. by drops
sheep-fold, a roost, a bee-hive, fashion, a size, a principal point Stillatitius, a, um, adj. that drops
a den, a refuge Statutio, onis, /. a setting, or Stillativus, a, um, adj. dropping
Stachys, yos, /. wild sage placing Stillatus, a, um, part, dropped
Stacte, es, and Stacta, ae, /. the Statiitum, i, n. a statute, a de- Stillatus, tis, m. a dropping
oil of cinnamon cree, an act of parliament Stillicidium, i, n. a little gutter, »

Stadidr6mus, i, m. a course Statuturus, a, um, part, about to dropping, a running of the nose,
Stadium, i, n. a furlong, a plot of determine a defluxion from the head
ground for champions, a course Statutus, a, um, part, set, or Stillo, are, n. and a. to drop, to
Stagnans, tis, part, and adj. ior, placed, set up, established, ap- trickle, or run down
comp. standing still, stagnant pointed Stimmi, indecl. antimony
Stagnatns, a, um, part, stagna- Stega, ae,/. a deck Stimulans, tis, part, exciting
ted, overflown Stegnus, a, um, adj. costive, bound Stimulatio, onis,/. an excitement
Stagno, are, n. to stagnate, to Stela, ae,/. a pillar, a tombstone Stimulator, oris, m. a pricker, an
stand still, to overflow, to Stella, ae,/. a star, a star-fish inciter, a promoter
drench, to fortify Stellans, tis, part, shining with Stlmulatrix, icis,/. an inciter
Stagnosus, a, um, adj. stagnating stars, sparkling Stlmiilatus, a, um, part, excited
Stagnum, i, n. a standing water, a Stellaris, e, adj. starry Stimulatus, 6s, m. a stirring up
pool, a lake Stellatus, a, um, part, full of stars, Stimuleus, a, um, adj. stinging
Stag&nias, ae, nt. a frankincense marked with spots like stars Stimulo, are, a. to prick, to tor-
Staiagmias, ae, m. shoemaker's Stellifer, a, um, adj. starry ment, to vex, to provoke, to stir
black Stelliger, a, um, starry up
Stalagmium, i, n. a gem, a drop Stellio, onis, m. an eft, a newt, a Stlmuhvm, i, n. same as
Stamen, Inis, n. hemp, flax, &c, lizard, a knave, a rascal Stimulus, i, m. a prick, a goad, a
set on a distaff to spin, thread, Stello, are, a. to shine like stars sting, a spur, or whip, a motive,
yarn, a warp in the loom to be Stemma, atis, n. a pedigree, a li- inducement, incitement
woven into cloth, cloth, silk neage, a garland, an achieve- Stipans, tis, part, guarding
Stamlneus, a, um, adj. full of ment Stlpatio, onis,/. a crowding
threads [pewter Stephamtis, idis, /. a kind of vine Stipator, oris, m. an attendant, a
Stanneus, a, um, adj. of tin, or which winds aboutlike garlands guard, a stower ol geods
Stannum, i, n. tin, pewter Stephanitus, a, um, adj. tied like Stlpatus, a, \xm,part. crowded, at-
Stans, tis, part, standing, calm a garland tended
Staphis, Idis,/. a wild vine StercOrarius, a, um, adj. of dung Stipendiarium, i, n. tribute, a tax

Staphylinus, i, m. a parsnip, a StercOratio, onis,/. a dunging Stipendiarius, a, um, adj. tribu-

carrot StercOratus, a, um, parr, and adj. tary, hireling
Statarius, a, um; adj. standing, issimus, superl. dunged, muck- Stlpendio, are, a. to.take into pay
fixed, stable, quiet ed, nasty Stipendior, atus sum, ari, dep.
Stater, eris, n». a coin worth two Stercoreus, a, um, adj. of dung to receive pay, to serve for pay
shillings and fourpence Stercoro, are, a. to t;ung Stlpendium, i, n. a stipend, pay
wages, tribute, a subsidy, a Stragulum, i, any covering, a
n. a flesh-brush, an instrument, or
penalty, or fine, service, a cam- blanket, a housing for a horse cloth to rub filth and sweat from
paign Stramen, inis, n. straw, litter, a bed the body
8tlpes, itis, m. a stnkc, a club, a Stramentarius, a, um, adj. of corn Strigmentum, i, n. lees or dregs of
log, a trunk of a tree, a fire- Stramentitius, a, um, adj. made of oil, offscouring, parings, scrap-
brand, a blockhead, a dolt straw ings
Stipo, are, a. to crowd, to cram, to Stramentum, i, n. straw, litter Strigo, are, n. to breathe, or rest
fill, or lay up, to surround, to at- Stramineus, a, um, adj. of, or in work, to stop
tend thatched with straw StrigQsus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Stips, Ipis,/. a piece of money given Strangulandus, a, um, part, to be issimus, superl. lean, thin, hide
to beggars, &c. wages, profit, stifled [stifling bound, slow, tender
gain Strangulans, tis, part, choking, Stringendus, a, um, part, to be
Stlpula, ae,/. straw, stubble, a pipe Strangulatio, onis,/. a strangling bound up
Stipularis, e, adj. of stubble Strangulatus, us, m. a stoppage Stringens, tis, part, binding up
Stipulatio, onis,/. a stipulation, a Strangulo, are, a. to strangle, to Stringo, 6re, nxi, ictum, a. to hold
covenant, an agreement '
choke, to stifle, to kill, to ruin, fast, to tie close, to bind, to press
Stipulatiunciila, ae, /. a small bar- to stop upon, to touch lightly
gain Stranguria, ae,/. a strangury Stringor, oris, m. a congealing
Stipulator, oris, m. a covenanter Stratagema, or Strategema, atis, Strio, are, a. to channel, to stop
Stipiilatu, monopt. m. by covenant n. a stratagem, policy in war Strix, Igis,/. a screech-owl, afiob-
Stlpulatus, a, um, part, having sti- Strategia, ae,/. lieutenancy goblin, a hag, a channel, or
pulated, bargained, or agreed Strategus, i, m. a captain -general groove
Stlpulor, ari, dep. to stipulate, to of an army, the master of a feast Str6bilus, i, n. an artichoke, a wild

agree; pass, to be required, or Stratioticus, a, um, adj. of soldiers pine tree, a pine apple
asked by another Stratum, i, n. a couch, or bed, a Str5pha, ae,/. subtlety, a quirk
Stlria, ae, f. an icicle, snivel, a covering, a coverlid, a counter- StrOphiarius, i, m. a maker, or sel-
drop at the nose pane, bed-clothes, a horsecloth ler of garlands
Stirpatus, a, um, adj. rooted StratOra, ae,/. a paving Str6phi61um, i, n. a little garland
Stirpesco, gre, incep. to spring up Stratus, a, um, part, spread, strew- StrSphium, i, n. a garland, a girdle
StirpTtus, adv. by the roots, utterly ed, scattered, laid, overthrown, Strophos, i, m. the belly-ache
Srirps, is,/, the root, stem, stock, calmed, smoothed, paved Strftphus, i, m. a strap of leather
or stalk of a tree, or plant, a Stratus, us, to. a strewing, a lay- Stroppus, i, m. a mitre, a string
bottom, or foundation, a ground, ing, a footcloth Str6pus, i, m. a slight chaplet
an original, kindred Strena, ae, /. a new year's gift Structilis, e, adj. built of divers
Stl va, ae, /
a plough, tail, or handle Strenue, adv. issime, superl. stre- pieces
Stlata, ae,/. a ship, or boat nuously, earnestly, boldly, nim- Structio, 5nis,/. a building
Stlatarius, a, um, adj. of a ship, or bly [vity Structor, oris, m. a builder, a pur-
boat Strenuitas, atis,/. stoutness, acti- veyor, a sewer, a carver
Stlopus,i, m. the sound made by Strenuus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Structura, ae,/. a structure, a mak-
blowing up the cheeks issimus, superl. strenuous, ear- ing
Sto, stas, stfiti, statum, stand, nest, vigorous, resolute, bold, Structus, a, um, part, piled up,
to stand still, upright, on end, in brave, courageous, brisk, nim- built, made, wrought, formed,
array, or thi^V, to continue, re- ble, active compacted, set in array, disposed
main Strepens, tis, part, making a noise Struendus, a, um, part, to build,
Stcechas, 5dis,/. French lavender Strepltans, tis, part, clattering, or be built [ing
Stoicus, a, um, adj. Stoical, of ti £ clashing [noise Struens, tis, part, building, form-
Stoics Strepito, are, n. to make a great Strues, is,/, a heap, or pile, a rick,
Stoice, adv. like a Stoic [gown Strgpitus, us, m. a noise, a creak- a cake
Stola, ae, /. a stole, a long robe, a ing, a tune, or sound, a bustle Struix, icis,/. aheap or pile
St6latus, a, um, adj. wearing a Strgpo, ere, ui, ltum, n. to make Struma, ae, /.a wen, a scrofulous
long robe with a train a noise, to sound, to resound, to humour, the king's evil, a bunch
St Glide, adv. foolishly, simply ring, to mutter on the back
Stoliditas, atis, /. folly, dulness Strepsiceros, otis, m. a buck, or Strumaticus, a, um, adj. having a
St61Idus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- goat with writhed horns struma, scrofulous, strumous
mus, superl. foolish, simple, dull Stria, ae,/. a groove, or rabbet Strumosus, a, um, adj. having a
St6lo, onis, m. a shoot, a sucker, a Striatus, a, um, part, channelled, wen, measly
fool scolloped Struo, 6re, uxi, uctum, a. to pile,
StOmacace, es,/. the scurvy Stribligo, mis ,/. a solecism or heap up, to build, or make, to
St6machabundus, a, um, adj. an- Striblita, ae, /. a tart, a cake prepare, to set in array, to order,
gry, fretting, surly [fretting Stride, adv. ius, comp. issime, to place, to contrive, devise
StOmachans, tis, part, fuming, superl. strictly, rigidly, closely, Strupus, i, m. a garland, a wreath,
StQmachicum, i, n. a stomachic tightly, briefly a strap, a thong, a stirrup
St5machicus, a, um, adj. sick in, or Strictlm, adv. closely, briefly, Struth6camelus, i, m. an ostrich
having lost his stomach slightly, by-the-bye Struthium, i, n. fuller's herb
StSmachor, ari, dep. to be angry, Strictlvus, a, um, adj. gathered Sttidens, tis, part, studying, stu-
or displeased, to fume, to fret Strictor, oris, m. a gatherer of fruit dious
StOmachose, adv. ius, comp. an- Strictura, ae,/. a stricture, a glance, Studeo, ere, dui, n. to study, to be
grily, peevishly, in a fret a spark, or flake [draw a student, to labour, or endea-
Stomachosus, a, um, adj. ior, Stricturus, a, um, part, about to vour, to affect, to desire
comp. angry, peevish, fretful Strictus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Studiose, adv. ius, comp. issime,
StOmachus, chi, m. the stomach, comp. issimus, superl. gathered, superl. studiously, diligently,
the gullet, anger, indignation, cut asunder, drawn, naked carefully, earnestly, affection-
liking, humour Stridens, tis, part, making a noise, ately
StOmaticus, a, um, adj. having a creaking, roaring Studiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
sore mouth Strldeo, ere, and Strido, Sre, n. to issimus, superl. studious, dili-
Storax, acis, m. a gum so called make a noise, to creak, to crack, gent, careful, earnest, desirous
St&rea, ae,/. a mat, a carpet to whiz, to hiss, to buzz Studiosus, i, m. a student, a lover,
Straba, as,/, a squinting woman Stridor, oris, m. a noise, a creak- an admirer
Strabo, onis, m. a goggle-eyed man ing, a cracking, a whizzing, a Studium, i, n. study, application,
Strages, is, /. a slaughter, a car- hissing, a whistling diligence, care, concern, earnest-
nage, havoc, a defeat, an over- Stridulus, a, um, adj. creaking, ness, desire, exercise, employ-
throw crackling, noisy ment, a pursuit, an art, a science
8tragula, ae,/. a carpet, hangings, StrTga, ae,/. a furrow, a team Stulte, adv. ius, comp. issimS,
a counterpane, a coverlid, a Strfgil, but more commonly Strigl- superl. foolishly, unadvisedly
horsecloth lis, is, /. a currvcomb, a scraper, StultilOquentia, ae,/. a babbling
L 2
StultilOquium, i, n. a babbling Suavillum, i, re. a sweet cake Subballio, Onis, to. an under he-
Stultlloquus, a, um, adj. talking Suaviloquens, tis, adj. pleasant in bawd [walkei
foolishly speech, agreeable, courteous Subbasilicanus, i, m. an exchange-
Stultltia, se,/. folly, simplicity Suavil6quentia, ae, /. sweet lan- Subblbo, ere, a. to drink a little,
Stultus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl- guage [sweet to tipple
mus, superl. foolish, simple, un- SuavilOquus, a, um, arfj.courteous, Subblar.dior, iri, itus, dep. to
advised Suavio, onis, to. a kisser, a sweet- wheedle
Stultus, i, m. a fool, a simpletou, heart [lover Subcaerulus, um, adj. bluish
a coxcomb SuaviOlum, i, «. a little kiss, a Subcandidus, a, um, adj. whitish
Stupa, ae, /. or Stuppa, or Stypa, Suavior, ari, dep. to kiss Subcavus, a, um, adj. hollow
the coarse part of flax, tow, Suavis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, under
oakum to caulk ships with superl. sweet, pleasant, agree- Subcentiirio, onis, m. a lieutenant
Stuparins, a, um, adj. serving to able [sure Subcerniculum, i, n. a tine boul-
dress tow Suavttas, atis, /. sweetness, plea- ter [boulter
Sttipgfncio, Sre, feci, factum, a. to Suaviter, adv. ids, comp. sweetly, Subcerno, 6re, a. to dress in a
stupefy, astonish pleasantly, delightfully SubcinCrltius, a, um, adj. baked
Stfipefactus, a, um, part, asto- Suavitudo, Inis, /. sweetness, under the ashes [fence
nished, amazed delight Subcingo, 6re, a. to fortify, or
Stup£fio, eri, n. pass, to be asto- Suavium, i, n. a kiss, a
lip, a Subcingt'dum, i, re. a surcingle
nished sweetheart, a dear, a darling Subcoactus, a, um, adj. made into
Stfipens, tis, part, astonished Sub, prep, under, about, near to, felt
Sttipeo, ere, pui, n. to be stupefied, next, after, a little before, at Subcoeno, are, re. to under-sup
amazed, astonished, charmed, or the point of, in, under the power Subcontamgliose, adv. reproach-
dazzled of, before fully
Stupesco, fire, incep. the same Siibabsurde, adv. somewhat ab- Subcrispus, a, um, adj. curled
Stupeus, or Stuppeus, a um, adj. surdly Subcrudus, a, um, adj. parboiled,
of hemp or tow Stibabsurdus, a, um, adj. some- not ripe
Stupiditas, atis, /. stupidity what, absurd [blame kubcruentus, a, um, adj. bloody
Stiipldus, a, um, adj. stupid Sttbaccuso, are, e. somewhat to hubcilneatus, a, um, adj. formed
senseless, dull, amazed, dis- Subacidulus, a, urn, adj. sourish somewhat like a wedge
mayed Stibacidus, a, um, adj. somewhat Subcustos, odis, m. an under-
Stupor, oris, m. amazement, asto- sour [working keeper
nishment, stupidity, dulness, Subactio, onis, /. a kneading, a Subdebilis, e, adj. weakly
heaviness, dimness, a stupid Subacturus, a, um, part, about to Subdebilitatus, a, um, adj.
fellow subdue, conquer, exercise, &c. weakened [faint
Stupratio, onis,/. a deflowering Siibactus, a, um, part, subdued, Subdeficiens, part, somewhat
Stuprator, oris, to. a ravisher conquered, forced, constrained, Subdens, tis, part, putting under
Stupratus, a, um, part, ravished, tilled, cultivated, kneaded Subdialis, e, adj. in the air, open
debauched Siibactus, us, m. a kneading Subdifficilis, e, adj. somewhat
Stupro, are, a. to deflower, to ra- Subadmoveo, ere, a. to put gently hard
vish, to commit adultery with to Subdiffido, gre, n. to distrust
Stuprosus, a, um, adj. debauched, Stibaegre, adv. sickly, hardly Subditltius, a, um, adj. counter
lewd Subaeratus, a, um, adj. covered feit, forged [tious
Stuprum, i, n. ravishment, a. rape, with brass Subduivus, a, um, adj. suppositi-
fornication, adultery, incest, Subagltatio, onis,/. a shaking Subdito, are, a. to give, or minis-
dishonesty, reproach Subagitatrix, Icis, /. she that ter
Sturnus, i, m. a starling, or stare grieves, a wanton Subdltus, a, um, part, put under,
St^g-ius, a, um, adj. of Styx, or Subagito, are, a. to grope, to be subjected, suborned, raised,
hell, infernal, poisonous wanton with counterfeit
Stjl&bata, a3, m. a pedestal, a Subagrestis,e, adj. clownish, rude Subdiu, adv. in the day-time
trough Subalbicans, tis, part, whitish Subdo, 6re, didi, ditum, a. to put
Stylus, i, to. a style, a pen, a pin, Subalbidus, a, um, adj. somewhat under, to put, to substitute, to
a peg, a pillar, a manner of white supply, to set before, to charge
writing [dregs Subalbus, a, um, adj. the same with
Stymma, n. thick matter,
atis, Subalplnus, a, um, adj. under the Subd6ceo, ere, cui, ctum, a. to
Stypticus, a, um, adj. styptic Alps teach somew hat, to be an usher
Stjrax, acis, to. and f. a sweet Subamarus, a, um, adj bitterish Subdoctor, oris, to. an usher
gum Subaquilus, a, um, adj. somewhat Subdoctus, a, um, part, somewhat
Suadela, ae, /. persuasion, fair brown learned
speech Subaratio, onis, /. a ploughing Subd5le, adv. craftily, cunningly
Suadendus, a, um, part, to per- Subarator, oris, m. a plougher Subd6lus, a, um, adj. deceitful,
suade, or be persuaded under, or below crafty, cunning
Suadens, tis, part, persuading, Subaresco, 6re, n. to be some- SubdOmo, are, a. to tame
inviting what dry Subdubito, are, n. to doubt
Suadeo, ere, si, sum, a. to per- Subargutulus, a, um, adj. some- Subdiico, ere, xi, ctum, a. to draw,
suade, to advise, to recommend, what shrill or take away, to withdraw, to
to prompt Svibaride, adv. somewhat dryly remove, to steal, to hold, or
Suadus, a, um, adj. tending to Subaro, are, a. to ear, or plough up keep back, to count, or reckon
persuade Subarr5ganter, adv. somewhat Subduct io, onis,/ a deduction, a
Sualternicum, i, n. a yellow amber proudly [sharp removal, a drawing on shore
Suarius, i, to. a swine-herd Subasper, a, um, adj. somewhat Subductuius, a, um, part, about to
Suasio, onis, /. a counselling, Subassentiens, tis,j>arr. agreeing withdraw
advice [adviser unto Subductus, a, um, part, taken
Suasor, oris, m. a counsellor, an Subater, tra, trum, adj. blackish away, withdrawn, removed,
Suasona, ae,/. a persuasive Subatio, onis,/. a brimming stolen, brought ashore, tucked
Suasorius, a, um, adj. exhortative Subatus, us, to. the same up
Suasurus, a, um, part, about to Subauratus, a, um, part, gilt with Subdulcis, e, adj. sweetish
persuade gold Subdurus, a, um, adj. somewhat
8uasus, us, m. same as Suasio Subauscultans, tis, part, listening hard
Suaviandus, a, um, part, to kiss Subauscultator, oris, to. a listener Subgdo, Sre, edi, esum, a. to eat,
Suaviatio, onis,/. a kissing Siibausculto, are, a. to listen, to or wear away underneath
Suaviator, oris, m. a kisser hearken Subeo, Ire, ivi, or ii, ltum, re. and
Suaviatus, a, um, part, kissing Subausterus, a, um, adj. some- a. to go under, or into, to enter,
Buavldtcus, a, um, adj. pretty, what tart, or stale to come into, to come into one'*
merry Subbalbe, adv. stamrneringly mind, to arise, to spring, gvow,
or climb up, to succeed, to fol- Sttbinsulsus, a, um, adj. some- Subllmen, Inis, n. the lintel
low what silly SublJrais, e, adj. ior, comp. issfmus,
Suber, gris, n.a cork-tree, cork Subintelligo, gre, a. to understand superc. sublime, lofty, high, on
Suberigo, gre, a. to raise up Subinvideo, ere, a. to envy a little high, tall, erect [heigh*
Suberro, are, n. to run under, or Subinvisus, a, um, adj. somewhat Sublimitas, atis, /. sublimity
astray hated Subllmitgr, adv. sublimely, on
S&beundus, a, urn, part, to un- Subinvlto, are, a. to invite one in high [extol
dergo, to be come beyond a manner Subllmo, are, a. to sublimate, to
Subfervefacio, gre, a. to beat, to Subin vltus, a, um, adj. rather Sublingio, onis, m. a scullion
warm [hot against bis will Sublinitus,a,um, part, besmeared,
Subfervgfactus, a, um, part, made Sublrascor, i, atus, dep. to be half heated, cozened
Subferveflo, en, n. pass, to be angry, or displeased Sublino, gre, evi, inion<£ ivi, Itum,
beated Sublrate, adv. somewhat angrily a. to anoint, to besmear, to
Subfervidus, a, um, adj. hottish Sublratus, a, um, part, somewhat prime, to deceive [fooled
Subflavus, a, um, adj. yellowish angry Sublitus, a, um, part, smeared,
Subfrlgide, adv. rather coldly Siibitaneus, a, um, adj. sudden, Subllvldus, a, um, adj. black and
Subfuscus, a, um, adj. brownish hasty [raised blue
Subgrandis, e, adj. pretty big Siibitarius, a, um, adj. speedily Subliicanus, a, um, part, about
Subgravis, e, adj. somewhat Subito, adv. suddenly, hastily dayspring, before daylight
grievous [house Subiturus, a, um, part, about to Subluceo, ere, uxi, n. to glimmer,
Subgrunda, ae, /. the eaves of a undergo [unexpected to shine
Subgrundia, orum, pi. n. eaves of Subitus, a, um, a<2/\ hasty, sudden, Sublunis, e, adj. moonshiny
a house Subjugale, is, n. an ass Subluo, gre, ui, utum, a. to wash,
Sobhsereo, ere, si, sum, n. to stick Subjuga<:o, onis,/. a subduing or bathe
Subhoriidus, a, um, adj. ill- Subjugatus, a, um, part, subdued, Subluridus, a, um, adj. palish
favoured put under the yoke [draw Sublustris, e, adj. glimmering
Subhumtdus, a, um, adj. moistish Subjiigis, e, adj. accustomed to Sublutus, a, um, part, soused,
Subjacens, tis, part, lying below Subjugium, i, n. a bow to fasten soaked [foul
Subjaceo, ere, cui, n. to lie be- the yoke [defeat Subluvies, ei, /.ordure, the
neath, or below, to be subject Subjfigo, are, a. to subdue, to Submano, are, n. to flow softly
Subjacto, are, a. to throw up Subjunctivus, a, um, adj. sub- Submergo, gre, rsi, rsum, a. to
Siibiculum, i, n. a whipping-post junctive dip, or plunge, to overwhelm,
Siibidus, a, um, adj. nasty, filthy Subjunctus, a, um, part, sub- to drown [noon
Subjecta, ae,/. the basis, or bottom joined, added, set, or put upon Submgridianus, a, um, adj. about
Subjects, adv. issime, superl. sub- Subjungo, gre, nxi, nctum, a. to Submersus, a, um, part, plunged,
missively subjoin, to reply, to join, to sunk, drowned, bulged
Subjectio, onis, /. a laying, or harness, to yoke Submerus, a, um, adj. without
putting, an addition, a forgery Sublabor, i, apsus, dep. to slip, or mixture, pure
Subjecto, are, a. to throw up, to fall down, to slip away, to fail, Subminia, ae, /. a vermiUion coat,
put under to decay, to ebb a penniston-petticoat
Subjector, oris, m. a forger Sublapsus, a, um, part, slipped, Subministrandus, a, um, part, to
Subjectum, i, n. a subject or fallen down furnish; or be furnished with
Subjecturus, a, um, part, about Sublate, adv. ius, comp. loftily, Subministrator, oris, m. a fur-
to subject sublimely, haughtily, proudly nisher, or supplier
Subjectus, a, um, part, and adj. Sublateo, ere, n. to lie concealed Subministraturus, a, um, part.
ior, comp. subject, in subjection, Sublatio, onis, /. a lifting up, a about to furnish, or supply
obedient, following, lying, or taking away Subministratus, a, um, part, fur-
put under, liable, exposed, laid, Sublaturus, a, um, part, about to nished, supplied
set [under take away, or off Subministro, are, a. to serve, fur-
Suhjectu, abl. m. by bringing Sublatus, a, um, part, lifted, nish, or supply with
Subiens, euntis, part, entering, puffed, or brought up, raised, Submissg, adv. ius, comp. sub-
coming on elated, advanced, taken away missively, humbly, with a low
Subigendus, a, um, part, to sub- Sublecto, are, a. to decoy, to Submisslm, adv. softly [voice
due, or be subdued chouse, to stroke Submissio, onis, /. submission, a
Subigens, tis, part, subduing Sublectus, a, um, part, chosen, softness of speech
Sftbigo, gre, egi, actum, a. to kidnapped, stolen Submissus, a, um, part, and adj.
bring under, to subdue, to Sublggo, 6re, egi, ectum, a. to ior, comp. sent, let, or hang-
force, to compel, to push, or read cursorily, to pick up softly, ing down, lowered, put under,
thrust, to push on, to beat, or to steal, to cboose bowed, bent, submissive, hum-
pound, to plough, dig Sublestus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. ble, low [privately
Subjiciendus, a, um, part, to be isslmus, superl. faint, weak, de- Submittens, tis, part, sending
laid, or put under cayed, thin, slender, of no esteem Submitto, gre, Isi, issum, a. to
Subjiciens, tis, part, laying under, Sublgvandus, a, um, part, to be send privately, to send, or sup-
subjecting, suggesting, &c. lifted up, succoured, or relieved ply with, to cast, lay hold, or
Subjicio, 6re, jeci, jectum, a. to Sublgvans, tis, part, lifting up, hang down, to lower, to humble
lay, set, or put under, to subject, raising Subm5lestg, adv. grievously
to submit, to set before, to sug- Sublevatus, a, um, part, lifted up, SubmOlestus, a, um, adj. trouble-
gest, to put in the place of, to eased, relieved some [ing
substitute, to forge, to suborn, Sublevo, are, a. to lift, or bold up, Submonens, tis, part, admonish-
to set, or lift up, to raise, to to raise, to help, to aid, or suc- Submoneo, ere, nui, itum, a. to
answer, to reply, to add, to in- cour, to ease, lighten, or lessen, put in mind, to hint, to prompt
spire, to sell publicly to relieve [pile Submorosus, a, um, adj. peevish
Sabimpgtrandus, a, um, part, to Sublica, ae, /. a prop, a shore, a Submoturus, a, um, part, about
be obtained by entreaty Sublicius, a, um, adj. made of to remove
Subimpetro, are, a. to obtain by piles Submotus, or SummStus, a, um,
entreaty Subligactilum, i, n. breeches, part, removed, driven back, sent
Subimpudens, over bold
tis, adj. drawers, trousers away, dismissed
Subin', adv. forthwith, afterwards Subligar, aris, n. a slop, a truss SubmOvendus, a, um, part, to re-
Subinanis, e, adj. somewhat vain Subligatio, onis,/. a binding move, or be removed, to be put
Siibinde, adv. upon which, there- SublTgatus, a, um, part, in a truss aside
upon, after that, afterwards, Subligo, are, a. to underbind, to Subm6vens, tis, part, removing
frequently, often, now and bind, or tie, to gird, or fasten SubmSveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to
then Subllmatus, a, um, part lifted up, . remove, to withdraw, to drive
8iibinfluo, gre, n. to flow under, or raised back, off, or away, to dismiss,
into Sublime, adv. on high, aloft to discharge, to keep off
Subnascens, tis, part, growing Subrostratus, i, m. a collector of Subslmus, a, um, adj. flattish-
under news nosed [wise
Subnato, are, a. to swim under Subrotatus, a, um, part, mounted Subsipio, fire, n. not to be very
Subnectens, tis, part, binding, on wheels Subsistens, tis, part, supporting
fastening Subrotundus, a, um, adj. roundish Subsistentia, as, /. subsistence,
Subnecto, fire, exui, exum, a. to Subrftbeo, ere, bui, n. to blush the bottom
bind, to fasten, to join, to add Subruber, a, um, adj. somewhat Subsisto, fere, stiti, stitum, n. to
Subnfigo, are, a. to deny red subsist, to support, to with-
Subnexus, a, um, part, knit, or Subrubicundus, a, um, adj. ruddy stand, to resist, to stand still,
tied under Subruendus, a, um, part, to over- to stop, to stay, or abide
Submger, gra, um, adj. blackish throw Subsolanus, i, m. an east-wind
Subnixus, a, um, part, relying Subrufus, a, um, adj. reddish Subsortior, Iri, Itus, dep. to choose
upon, raised, underpropped Subrumo, are, a. to put to the dug by lot after others [lot
SubnSto, are, a. to note, or mark Subrumus, a, um, adj. sucking Subsortltio, onis,/. a choosing by
Subniiba, ae, /. a second wife, an Subruo, ere, ui, utum, a. to over- Subsortltus, a, um, part, chosen
intruder throw, to throw, or cast down, by lot
SubnubUus, a, um, adj. cloudy to destroy, to ruin, to under- Substantia, ae, /. substance, mat-
Subo, are, n. to grunt mine ter, goods, estate, wealth
Subobsccenus, a, um, adj. smutty Subruptus, a, mn,yart. hollowed, Substantlvus, a, um, adj. sub-
Siibobscure, adr. ratlier obscurely worn away stantive
Subobscurus, a, um, adj. obscure, Subrustice, adv. rustically Substernens, tis, part, laying, or
dark, bard to be understood Subrusticus, a, um, adj. c'lownish putting under
Subocularis, e, adj. that is beneath Subrfitllus, a, um, adj. yellowish, Substerno, fire, stravi, stratum, a.
the eye golden, bright to strew, lay, or put under, to
Subodiosus, a, um, adj. imperti- Subriitus, a, um, part, under- bring under, to subject
nent mined, buried Substillum, i, n. a drizzling rain,
Suboffendo, fire, di, nsum, a. to Subsalsus, a, um, adj. saltish a strangury
offend, or displease a little Subsanno, are, a. to laugh to scorn Substituendus, a, um, part, to be
SubOleo, ere, lui, lltum, n. to Subsarcinatus, a, um, part, carry- put in the place of another
smell, or savour a little, to sus- ing a burden, or load Substituo, ere, ui, utum, a. to sub-
pect, or mistrust Subscrlbens, tis, part, subscribing stitute, or appoint, to set before
StibSles, is,/, a shoot, hair Subscrlbo, ere, ipsi, iptum, a. to Substituturus, a, um, part, about
Subolescens, tis, part, growing up subscribe, to write under, to to substitute
Suboriens, tis, part, arising write, to register, to add a Substitiitus, a, um, part, substi-
Suborior, iri, ortus, dep. to arise prayer, to join, to favour tuted, put into another's place,
Silbornatus, a, um, part, suborned, Subscriptio, onis, /. a subscrip- put
adorned, prepared tion, registering, a prayer added Substo, are, stiti, stitum, ». to
Suborno, are, a. to suborn, to send, Subscriptor, oris, m. a subscriber, stand still, to stop, to support
or instruct privately, to adorn, a favourer, a prompter [ing himself
to set forth Subscus, udis, /. a joint, a fasten- Substramen, inis, n. straw, litter
Siibortus, us, m. a rising Subsceclvus, a, um, adj. cut off, Substramentum, i, n. the same
Subpaetillus, a, um, adj. pink-eyed trenched, left, borrowed, stolen, Substratus, a, um, part, strewed,
Subpallide, adv. somewhat palely spared , laid under [under
Subpallidus, a, um, adj. palish Subseco, are, cui, ctum, a. to cut Substratus, us, m. a spreading
Subpernatus, a, um, part, cut un- down, to mow, to pare Substrictus, a, um, part, and adj.
derneath Subsectus.^a, um, part, cut a little ior, comp. bound hard under,
Subpinguis, e, adj. fattish Subsecutus, a, um, part. following girt in, plucked up, close, small
Subrancldus, a, um, adj. some- Subsfideo, ere, edi, a. to sink down Substringens, tis, part, tying up
what stale Subsellium, i, n. a bench, or seat, Substringo, fire, nxi, ictum, a. to
Subraucus, a, um, adj. a little a session, judgesuponthebench bind, tie, or truss up, to hale in,
hoarse Subsentator, 6ris, m. a flatterer to repress, or restrain
Subrecturus, a, um, part, about Subsentio, ire, si, sum, a. to sur- Substructio, onis, /. an under-
to raise mise [lowing pinning
Subrectus, a,um, part, half- raised Subsfiquens, tis, part, next fol- Substructum, i, n. a foundation
Subrfifectus, a, um, part, some- Subsfiquor, i, cutus, dep. to follow Substructus, a, um, part, built,
what refreshed after, to second, to praise, to founded [lay
Subremigans, tis, part, rowing, imitate Substruo, fire, uxi, a. to build, to
sailing, swimming Subsero, fire, sfivi, situm, a. to Subsultlm, adv. by leaps, or jumps
Subremigo, are, n. to row, to sail sow, or set under Subsulto, are, n. to leap, to jump
Subrepens, tis, part, creeping Subservio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to Subsultus, us, 771. a jump, a hop
along serve, to be subject, to second, Subsum, esse, fui, n. s. to be un-
Subrepo, fire, epsi, eptum, n. to or humour der, to be intended, to join to,
creep along, or upon, to creep Subsessor, oris, rn. a lier in wait to be near, or at hand, to lurk
from under, to steal softly, un- Subsidens, tis, part, sinking down privately
awares on [ment Subsurdus, a, um, adj. deafish
Subreptio, onis,/. a stealing away Subsldentia, ae, /. a settling, sedi- Subsutus, a, um, part, stitched
Subreptltius, a, um, adj. stolen Subsideo, ere, sedi, sessum, n. to about
Subreptus, a, um, part, stolen settle at the bottom, to rest, Subtegmen, Inis, n. the woof
secretly stay Subtfigo, fire, texi, tectum, a. to
Subrldens, tis, part, smiling Subsidiarius, a, um, adj. auxiliary cover a little, to hide
Subrideo, ere, Isi, Isum, n. to smile Subsidior, ari, dep. to help, to Subtemen, Inis, n. the woof, a
Subrldicule, adv. ridiculously relieve lining of a garment
Subrigens, tis, part, lifting up Subsidium, i, n. aid, help, assist- Subtentus, a, um, part, corded
Subrigo, ere, exi, ectum, a. to lift, ance, relief, succour, support, Subtfinuis, e, adj. somewhat
or raise up stay, refuge, rescue, a harbour slender
Subrigo, are, a. to water, or bedew Subsido, fire, sedi, sessum, n. to Subtfipide, adv. lukewarmly
Subriguus, a, um, adj. wettish subside, to sink down, to settle, Subter, prep, under
Subringor, i, dep. to fret a little to stop, or stay, to abate, to Subtei, adv. underneath, below
Subripio, ere, ui, eptum, a. to stoop down, to couple Subtercurrens, tis, part, running
steal, to take away, to prevent Subsigno, are, a. to sign, or seal, under
SubrOgandus, a, um, part, to be to confirm Subterctitaneus, o, um, adj. lying
substituted in the place of an- Subsllio, ire, ui, and ivi, ultum, ». under the skin
other to leap, or skip a iittie, to start Subterdiu, adv. in the daytime
Subrogo, are, a. to substitute, to up Subterduco, fire, a. to withdraw
put in the place of, to appoint Subsimllis, e, adj. re?embling to steal away
Subterfluo, ere, uxi, uxum,-n. to Subverbustus, a, um, adj. often compassed, well-set, succinct,
flow, or run under beaten subst. a rogue, a slave
: compendious, ready, expeditioua
Subterfugio, ere, fugi, Iturn, a. to Subvereor, eri, itus, dep. to reve- Succlneus, a, um, adj. of amber
escape, to give one the slip, to rence Succingo, 6re, xi, ctum, a. to girt,
shun, or avoid Subversandus, a, um, part, to sub- to surround, to beset, to tuck up
Subtfirior, us, gen. oris, adj. that vert, or overthrow Succingiilum, i, n. a belt, a truss
is farther beneath, lower Subversio, onis,/. an overthrow Succino, 6re, ui, centum, n. to sing
Subrerlabens, tis, part, sliding Subverso, are, a. to overthrow after, to sing low
under Subversor, oris, m. a subverter Succmum, i, n. amber
Subterlabor, i, apsus, dtp. to run, Subversus, a, um, part, overthrown Succlnus, a, um, adj. of amber
or flow underneath Subverto, ere, ti, rsum, a. to sub- Succislvus, a, um, adj. cut off
Subterlino, fire, a. to anoint un- vert, to turn up, or upside down Succisus, a, um, part, cut down,
derneath SubvespSrus, i, m. the west-south- felled, lopped off, gelt
Subterluo, ere, a. to flow under west wind Succlamatio, onis, /. a shouting
Subtermeo, are, n. to run, or pass Subvexus, a, um, adj. arched Succlamatus, a, um, part, ex-
under Subvillicus, i, m. an under-steward claimed against
Subtero, ere, trivi, tritum, a. to Subvmdis, e, adj greenish Succlamo, are, a. to shout, to hum
bruise, topound, to break, to Subula, se,/. a bodkin, an awl Succollans, tis, part, bearing on
fret [under Subiilaris, e, adj. belonging to a shoulders
Subterpendens, tis, part, hanging cobbler Succollatio, onis,/. a carrying on
Subterraneus, a, urn, adj. subter- Subulcus, i, m. a swineherd the shoulders
raneous, secret, private Subulo, onis, m. a piper, a hart Succollatus,a, um, part, borne
Subterseco, are, a. to cut under- called a spitter upon the shoulders
neath Subvolo, are, n. to fly aloft, to fly upon the
Succollo, are, a. to bear
SubtervOlo, are, n. to fly under Subvolvo, 6re, a. to roll up [urbs shoulders, or back
Subtexo, ere, xui, xtum, a. to Suburbana, orum, pi. n. the sub- Succonditor, oris, m. an inferior
weave, to interweave, to sub- Suburb anit as, atis, /. the neigh- officer in the Circensian games
join, to cover, or hide, to apply bourhood of the suburbs Succosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Subtexturus, a, um, part, about Suburbanum, i, n. a house with- full of juice, or moisture
to subjoin, annex, apply, &c. out the walls of a city, a villa, a Succresco, ere, crevi, etum, n. to
Subtilis, e.adj. subtle, keen, sharp, summer-house, a country-house grow under, to spring and grow
shrewd, acute, witty, fine, small, Suburb anus, a, um, adj. in the up
thin, nice [ness suburbs Succretus, a, um, part, bolted,
Subtllitas, atis,/. subtlety, sharp- Siiburbium, i, n. the suburbs screened
Subtiliter, adv. ius, comp. issime, S&burgeo, ere, rsi, a. to push, Succuba, ae, c. g. an adulterer, or
superl. subtlely, keenly, artfully, thrust, or put forward [scorch adultress
ingeniously, finely, slenderly, Siiburo, ere, ussi, ustum, a. to Succubiturus, a, um, part, about
nicely [afraid Subvultiirius, and Subvulturinus, to yield
Subtimeo, ere, ui, a. to be half- a, um, adj. resembling, or like a Succudo, 6re, di, sum, a. to forge
Subtondeo, ere, a. to clip under- vulture, ravenous, adj. succulent,
neath Succedaneus, a, um, adj. that full of juice, plump
Subtractio, 6nis,/. subtraction comes in the place of another, Succumbens, tis, pari, submitting
Subtracturus, a, um, part, about succeeding Succumbo, ere, ui, ltum, n. to lie,
to subtract, or withdraw Succedens, tis, part, succeeding or fall down under, to sink
Subtractus, a, um, part, with- Succedo, ere, essi, essum, n. to under, to faint, to yield, to
drawn succeed, to follow, to come, or submit
Subtrahendus, a, um, part, to sub- be next, to approach, to come Succurro, 6re, ri, rsum, n. to come
tract, or be subtracted to, or under, to enter, to prosper into one's mind, thoughts, or
Subtrahens, tis, part, subtracting Succendo, ere, di, nsum, a. to set remembrance, to cause, to help,
Subtraho, ere, axi, actum, a. to on fire, to kindle, to burn, to be befriend, aid, or succour
subtract, to take away, to dimi- angry Succursurus, a, um, part, to relieve
nish, to withdraw, to keep from Succensens, tis, part, being angry Succus, i, m. juice, moisture, sap,
Subtristis, e, adj. somewhat sad Succenseo, ere, sui, n. to be angry broth, vigour, strength
Subtrltus, a, um, part, worn un- Succensus, a, um, part, set on fire, Succussator, oris, m. a trotter
derneath, somewhat broken burnt, inflamed, enraged Succussio, onis,/. a shaking
Subturpiculus, a, um, adj. mean, Succeuturiatus, i, m. a represent- Succusso, are, a. to shake, to jolt,
poor ative, a reserve [substitute to trot
Subturpis, e, adj. somewhat base Succenturio, are, a. to recruit, to Succussor, oris, m. a trotter
Subtus, adv. under, underneath Succentus, (Is, m. the base in Succussus,us, m. ashaking, a trot-
Subtusus, a, um, part, beaten, music ting
pounded [ties Succerno, fire, crevi, a. to sift Succutio, ere, ssi, ssum, a. to shake
Subvades, um, pi. m. under-sure- Successa, orum, pi. n. successes Suctus, us, m. a sucking, or licking
Subucula, ie,f. a shirt, a smock, a Successio, onis, /. a succession, Sucula, be, /. a little sow, a crane,
shift, a waistcoat success an under-garment
Siibuciilatus, a, um, adj. wearing Successor, oris, m. a successor Sucula, arum, pl.f. the seven stars
a shirt Successurus, a, um, part, about Sudabundus, a, um, adj. sweating
Subvectio, Onis,/. a carrying to succeed Sudans, tcis, part, sweating, drop-
Subvecto, are, a. to carry often Successus, a, um, part, succeeded, ping
Subvectus, a, um, part, carried, prospered, successful Sudarium, i, n. a handkerchief,
conveyed Successus, us, m. success, a re- a napkin
Subvectus, ub, m. a conveyance tirement Sudatio, onis,/. a sweating, a bag-
Subvgho, ere, xi, ctum, a. to carry, Succida, ee,f. new shorn wool nio, a hot -house
to convey, to bring up [sist Succidia, se, /. a flitch of bacon, a Sudator, oris, m. a sweater
Subvgniendus, a, um, part, to as- coll op, a dainty Sudatorium, i, n. a stove, a hot-
Subvgniens, tis, part, coming to Succldo, 6re, di, Isum, a. to cut house, a hot bath
help down, to mow, to fell Sudatorius, a, um, adj. that be-
Subvfinio, Ire, eni, entum, n. to Succido, fire, di, casum, n. to fall longs to sweating
help, to relieve, to succour down, to fail, to falter, to totter Sudatrix, icis, adj. sweating, apt
Subventaneus, a, um, adj. windy, Succidus, a, um, adj. moist, juicy to cause sweat
addle [sist Succlduus, a, um, adj. sinning, Sudatus, a, um, part, sweated,
Subvento, are, n. to come, and as- bending, tottering toiled at, sweaty
Subventurus, a, um, part, that Succincte, adv. briefly Sudes, is, /. a stake, a pole, a pile,
shall help Succinctlm, adv. compendiously a cudgel, a wooden sword, a no
Subventus, us, m. a coming sud^ Succinctus, a, um, part, and adj. Sudis, is. /. a sword-fish
denly ior, comp. girt, surrounded, en- Siido, are, a. and n. to 6wcat, to
eweat out, to drop, to labour, Suffragatorius, a, um, adj. of, or Sulphuratio, Onis, /. a dressing
toil, or take pains belonging to a voter with brimstone
8udor, oris, m. sweat, moisture, Suffragatus, a, um, part, voted Sulphuratum, i, n. a match made
labour, toil, pains Suffraglnosus, a, um, adj. diseased with brimstone
Sudum, i, n. fair weather, the in the houghs Sulphuratus, a, um, part, dressed,
clear expause Suffragium, i, n. a suffrage, a or smoked with brimstone
Sudus, a, tun, adj. fair, clear vote, favour, assistance Sulphureus, a, um, adj. sulphu-
Suendus, a, um, part, to be sewed Suffrago, Inis, /. the hough, the reous, of, or like brimstone
Sueo, ere, suevi, suetum, n. to ac- pattern, the sucker of a vine Sulphurosus, a, um, adj. sulphu-
custom, to be wont Suffragor, ari, dep. to vote, to fa- reous
Suesco, fire, n. to use, oraccustom, vour, to speak for [gether Sum, es, est, esse, fui, n. subst. to
to be wont, or accustomed Suffrenatio, onis, /. a joining to- be, to exist, to live, or be alive,
Suetus, a, um, part, accustomed, Suffrico, are, ui and avi, ctum to subsist, to lead one's life, to
usual and atum, a. to rub off be able, or capable, to have, to
Sufes, etis, m. a chief magistrate Suffringo, ere, regi, ractum, a. to consist of, to be thought, or
Suffarclnatus, a, um, part, stuffed break underneath, or in the supposed
up middle Sumen, inis, n. the paps, or udder
Suffecturus, a, um, part, about to . Sufffigio, ere, gi, gitum, a. and n. of a sow, a woman's teats
put in the place of another to flee away, to shun, to reject Sumendus, a, um, part, to take
Suffectus, a, um, part, substituted, Suffugium, i, n. a refuge, a shelter or be taken
chosen, or put into the place of Suffulcio, Ire, lsi, ltum, a. to Sumens, tis, part, taking
another, marked underprop, to hold, or bear up, Summa, <t, /. a sum, the whole, a
Suffgro, erre, sustuli, sublatum, a. to strengthen conclusion, completion, perfec-
to undertake, to bear, to suffer, Suffulcrum, i, n. a prop tion, height, or pitch, the top,
to take, or carry away, to cut off, Suffultus, a, um, part, under- a chief point, or head, the prin-
to pass [tilled propped cipal place, or authority, the
Suffertus, a, um, part, stuffed, Suffumigo, are, a. to suffumigate chief command, or manage-
Suffibulo, are, a. to buckle under Suffundo, gre, udi, usum, a. to ment
Suff leiens, tis, part, and adj. suffi- pour down, or upon, to suffuse, Summano, are, a. to steal, to
cient, answerable to overspread, to cover, to stain snatch greedily
Sufficienter, adv. sufficiently Suffiiror, ari, dep. to pilfer, to Summarium, i, n. a summary
Sufficio, 6re, feci, fectum, n. and steal Summates, um, c. g. grandees,
a. to suffice, to be sufficient, or Suffuscus, a, um, somevrhat lords, ladies
able, to be able to bear, or with- brown, dusky Summatim, adv. summarily, brief-
stand, to substitute, to choose Suffusio, onis,/. a pouring upon ly, by the tops
Suffiendus, a, um, part, to be per- Suffusus, a, um, part, suffused, Summatus, us, m. supremacy
fumed overspread, sprinkled, bedewed, Summg, adv. to the utmost,
Suff Igo, gre, ixi, ixum, a. to fix, to mixed highly
fasten, to nail, to stick in, to add Sugens, tis, part, sucking Summisse, adv. humbly, softly
Sufflmen, Inis, n. a fumigation, a Sugggrens, tis, part, suggesting, Summissim, adv. lowly, softly
perfume affording Summissio, onis,/. a lowering
Sufflmen turn, i, n. a perfuming Sugggro, gre, essi, estum, a. to Summltas, atis, J. the summit,
Suffindo, ere, a. to cleave under suggest, to prompt, to put in the top
Suffio, Ire, ivi, Itum, a. to perfume mind, to supply, to add, to yield, Summitto, same as Submitto
Suffitio, onis, /. a perfuming, a or afford, to assign, to insert Summcenium, i, n. the suburbs
fumigation Suggestum, i, n., and Suggestus, Summ5pgre, adv. very much,
Suffitor, oris, m. a perfumer us, m. a pulpit, a pew, a reading- mightily, greatly
Suff It as, a, um, part, perfumed, chair, or desk, a roll of hair Summoturus, a, um, part, about
smoked Suggestus, a, um, part, heaped, to remove
Suffitus, us, m. a perfuming or raised up, inserted, added Summ5vens, tis, part, removing
Suffixurus, a, um, part, about to Suggredior, i, essus, dep. to sur- Summ6veo, same as Submoveo
fix, or be fixed up prise, to come upon Summtila, ae, /. dim. a little sum
Suffixus, a, um, part, fixed, fas- Suggressus, a, um, part, stealing Summum, i, n. the sum, the
tened, stuck upon, hanged upon [jeered whole, the pitch, or height
Sum amen, Inis, n. a trigger, a Sugillandus, a, um, part, to be Summus, a, um, adj. highest,
stop, or delay [scotched Sugillatio, onis,/. a black mark, greatest, exceeding, or very
Sufflamlnandus, a, um, part, to be a black eye, a slander, a taunt great, supreme, chief, principal,
Suffians, tis, part, blowing, puffing Sugillatum, i, n. a black eye singular, especial, the utmost,
Sufflatio, onis,/. a blowing up Sugilliitus, a, um, part, beaten, farthest
Sufflatus, a, um, part, puffed up, black and blue, defamed, slan- Summuto, are, a. to change
_ swollen, proud, haughty dered Sumo, gre, mpsi, mptum, a. to
Sufflatus, us, m. same as Sufflatio Sugillo, are, a. to beat black and take, to receive, to borrow, to
Suffiavus, a, um, adj. yellowish blue, to buffet, to defame, to get, or procure, to buy, to lay
Sufflo, are, a. to blow, or puff up, taunt, to jeer out, to bestow, to spend, to
to swell, to whisper Sugo, gre, uxi, uctum, a. to suck, spend, or pass merrily, to draw,
Suffocatio, onis,/. suffocation to take in to undertake, to choose
Suffoeatus, a, um, part, almost Suile, is, n. a hog-sty Sumptifacio, gre, feci, factum, a.
choked Suillus, a, um, adj. of swine to spend, or be at cost
Suffoco, are, a. to
suffocate, to Sulcandus, a, um, part, to be fur- Sumptio, onis,/. an assumption
stifle, to strangle, to choke rowed, or cut [ting Sumptito, are,/reg. to take often
Suffoco, are, a. to purify, to per- Sulcans, tis, part, furrowing, cut- Sumptuarius, a ,um, adj. sumptu-
fume Suleatio, onis,/. a ploughing ary, of expenses
Suff6diendus, a, um, part, to be Sulcator, oris, m. a ploughman, a Sumptuose, adv. ius, comp. sump-
dug out rower tuously, costly, prodigally
SuffOdio, ere, 6di, ossum, a. to dig Rulcatus, a, um, part, made in Sumptuosus, a, um, adj. ior,
under, to undermine furrows, trenched, rowed over comp. issimus, superl. sumptu-
Suffossio, onis,/. an undermining Sulco, are, a. to furrow, to plough, ous, costly, chargeable, extra-
Suffossus, a, um, part, under- to trench, to cut, or divide, to vagant
mined, cast down, stabbed, de- row Sumpturus, a, um, part, that wilL
stroyed Sulculus, i, m. dim. a little furrow take, about to take, to take
Suffragans, tis, part, voting, giv- Sulcus, i, m. a furrow, a trench, a Sumptus, a, um, parr, taken, taken
ing his vote, favouring, assisting ditch, a passage, an indented up, pitched upon, assumed
Suffragatio, onis,/. a voting path, a ploughing Sumptus, us, m. a taking, charge,
Buffragator, oris, m. a voter, an Sulphur, uris, n. sulphur, brim- expense, cost, costliness
advocate stone, a thunderbolt Suo, 5 re, sui, sQtum, a to oeir,
stitch, join, ortack together, to Sttperdico, gre, ixi, icturo, a. to SupgrimpOnendus, a, um, part, to
work, or procure say moreover, to add words be put upon, or over
Buopte, of, or after his own Stiperdo, are, a. to lay, or put Supgrimpono, gre, sui, sltum, a.
Bupellecficarius, i, m. a slave upon to put, or lay upon
Su6vgtaurllia, um, pi. n. a sacri- Sfiperduco, gre, uxi, uctum, a. to Superimp&situs, a, um, part, put
fice of a swine, a sheep and a draw over, to bring still further upon, laid upon
bull Supergdo, gre, a. to eat besides Stipgrincendo, gre, i, nsum, a. to
Supellex, ctllis, /. pi. wanting, Siiperegero, gre, a. to send up inflame more [upon
household-stuff, furniture Supgreminens, tis, part, rising Sttpgrincido, gre, cidi, n. to fall
Super, prep, upon, beyond, above, Siipgremineo, ere, ui, n. to appear Sftperincldo, gre, a. to cut
more than, upwards of, beside, above, to be higher Supgrincresco, gre, n. to grow
over, after, at the time, about, Supgremorior, i, dep. to die upon over [upoa
of, or concerning, for, with re- Supgrenato, are, a. to swim over Siipgrincumbens, tis, part, lying
gard to Supgreo, ire, n. to go over Supgrincumbo, gre, n. to lie upon
Siiper, adv. above, from on high, Supgrevolo, are, n. to fly clear Siipgrinductus, a, um, part, drawn
more, greater, moreover over over, laid upon
Supgra, for Supra, adv. and prep. Superfgro, ferre, tuli, a. to bear, Supgrinduo, gre, ui, utum, a. to
Supfira, orum, pi. n. the places, or or lift over [ficial put on
regions above, the sky Stiperficiarius, a, urn, adj. super- Supgrindutus, a, um, part, clothed
Supgrabilis, e, adj. that may be Superficies, ei, /. a surface, the Supgrinfundo, gre, a. to pour upon
overcome, or passed outside, a plot of ground to Siipgringgro, gre, essi, estum, a.
Stipgraccommodo, are, a. to fit, build upon to cast, or heap upon
or set above Superfio, gri, n. pass, to be left, Supgrinjectus, a, um, part, cast
SupSradditus, a, um, part, set, or to remain upon, or over
put over Superfloresco, gre, rui, incep. to Supgrinjicio, gre, jeci, jectum, a.
Supgraddo, gre, dldi, ditum, a. to bring forth fresh flowers to cast, or lay upon, or over, to
superadd, to inscribe upon Siiperfluens, tis, part, overflowing, add [sterno
Supgradornatus, a, um, part. redundant S&pgrinsterno, same as Super-
adorned above [upon Superfluitas," atis, /. superfluity Supgrinstruo, gre, a. to build
Siipgragggro, are, a. to throw Superfluo, gre, uxi, uxum, n. to upon
Supgralligo, are, a. to bind over overflow, to be overplus, to StiperintOno, are, nui, ». to thun-
Supgrandus, a, um, part, to be abound der from above
overcome, or passed over Siiperfluum, i, n. surplusage SQpgrinunctus, a, um, part, be-
Supgrans, tis, part, and adj. ior, Stiperfluus, a, um, adj. overflow- smeared over [over
comp. overcoming, exceeding, ing [again Supgiinungo, 6re, a. to anoint
surpassing, prevailing, remain- Siiperfoeto, are, n. to conceive Superior, us, adj. gen. oris, supe-
ing Superffigio, gre, gi, a. to flee over rior, upper, higher, former,
Siipgrasto, are, n. to stand above Superfulgeo, ere, n. to shine above older
SupSratio, onis,/. an excess Superfundens, tis, part, pouring, Supgriores, um, pi. m. superiors,
Supgrator, Oris, m. a vanquisher or spreading all over, affecting betters, ancestors, predecessors,
Supgraturus, a, um, part, about Superfundo, gre, udi, usum, a. to seniors
to overcome, about to excel pour, or cast upon, or over Superjumentarius, i, m. the mas-
Stlpgrauratus, a, um, adj. gilt Superf usus, a, um, > art. poured ter of the horse
with gold upon, spread abroad, overflow- Siipgrius, adv. above, before
Supfiratus, a, um, part, overcome, ing Stiperlabor, i, apsus, dep. to slip
conquered, routed, vanquished, Superfuturus, a, um, part, that over
surmounted, performed sball remain Siiperlachrymo, are, n. to weep
Superbg, adv. ius, comp. isstafe, Superggro, gre, a. to throw upon over, to drop upon
superl. proudly, haughtily, loftly, Siipergestus, a, um, part, heaped S&perlatio, onis, /. a preferring,
stately upon [upon excellence [live
Superbia, se, /. pride, insolence, Supergrgdiens, tis, part, going Superlativus, a, um, adj. superla-
arrogance Siipergredior, i, essus, dep. to go Superlatus, a, um, part, lifted
Superblbo, ere, hi, itum, a. to upon, or over, to surpass over, advanced, amplified
drink after, or upon another Supergressus, a, um, part, going Superlimlnare, is, n. a transom,
thing upon, or over, exceeding, ex- or lintel
Stiperbiens, tis, part, growing celling Superlino, gre, livi, lttum, a. to
proud, elated [proudly Supgrhabendus, a, um, part, to anoint, or besmear over
Sfiperbificus, a, um, adj. acting be used besides Siiperlitus, a, um, part, smeared
SuperbllSquentia, se, /. haughty, orum, pi. m. those above,
Siipgri, over
or arrogant speech the gods above, the gods Supermando, gre, a. to eat after
SuperbllOquium, i, n. the same Superjaceo, ere, n. to lie upon Stipermeo, are, n. to flow over
Siiperbio, ire, ivi, Hum, n. to be Siiperjacio, gre, jeci, jectum, a. to Stipermico, are, ». to outshine, tc
proud, to boast, or vaunt, to go, cast, or lay upon, to add excel
or walk stately, to scorn Siiperjacturus, a, um, part, about Supermitto, 6re, a. to pour upon
Superbus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. to cast upon Siipernans, tis, part, swimming
issimus, superl. proud, haughty, Superjacto, are, a. to overshoot, above [top
lofty, stately, arrogant, brave, to leap over Siipernatans, tis, part, floating at
noble, excellent, distinguished Superjectio, onis, /. a casting Siipernato, are, n. to swim upon,
Supercalco, are, a. to lime over upon, an hyperbole, an over- or at top, to float [after
Supercemo, 6re, crevi, turn, a. shooting Siipernatus, a, um, part, grown
to sift [upon Siiperjectus, and Siiperjactus, a, Superng, adv. from above, about,
Supercido, 6re, casum, n. to fall um, part, cast upon, thrown aloft
Superciliosus, a, um, adj. super- over Superno, are, n. to swim above
cilious Siiperjectus, us,, m. a covering Sdpernus, a, um, adj. upper, above,
Supercilium, i, n. the eye-brow,, Superjlcio, gre, jeci, jectum, a. to celestial, high
severity, gravity, majesty, pride, cast, or lay upon, to add Supgro, are, a. to overcome, to
haughtiness, a stately look, me Supgrilligatus, a, um, part, tied, conquer, to vanquish, to beat,
top or bound upon to overpower, to exceed, to ex-
Riiperclaudo, gre, ausum, a. to Supgrilligo, are, a. to tie, or bind cel, to surpass, to surmount, to
shut, or close in upon, or over [over get beyond, to go, or pass over
^upercontggo, gre, a. to cover over Supgrillino, gre, a. to smear all Stipgrobruo, gre, a. to overwhelm
Siiperci*sco, gre, n. to overgrow Supgrillltus, a, um, part, anointed Siipgrobrutus, a, um, part, over-
Superelbo, are, n. to he, or sleep over whelmed
upc aij
Superimpendens, tis, part, hang- Superpellicium, i, n. a surplice
Siipercurro, gre, n. to exceed ing over Superpendeo, ere. .«. to hang over
225 L 3

Buperpondfiro, are, a. to weigh SupervGmo, ere, a. to vomit up Suppressio, onis, /. a suppression,

exactly Supfirurgens, tis, part, pressing a suppressing, or concealing
Stiperpono, fire, sui, Uum, a. to hard Suppressius, adv. comp. more se-
put, set, or lay upon, or over Siipfirus, a, um,
adj. above, the cretly
Stiperpositio, onis, /. a paroxysm upper, high, aloft Suppressus, a, um, part, and adj.
in disease Siiplnatus, a, um, part, laid up- ior, comp. suppressed, kept un-
Superp6situs, a, um, jparf. put, set, right, turned up, holden up, der, back, or down, stopped,
or laid upon bent back hidden
Siiperquam, adv. besides that Supine, adv. supinely, negligently Supprimo, fire, ressi, ressum, a.
Superrasus, a, um, part, scraped Suplnitas, atis,/. supineness to suppress, to keep under, or
over [upon Suplno, are, a. to lay supinely, to back, to stop, to check, to defer
Buperscandens, tis, part, climbing hold, or snuff up, to puff up Suppromo, fire, psi, a. to draw out!
Siiperscando, fire, i, sum, a. to Suplnum, i, n. a supine Suppromus, i, m. a tapster, a'
climb upon Suplnus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. su- waiter
Superscrlbo, ere, a. to superscribe pine, upward, held, or lifted up, Suppuratio, onis,/. a suppuration
Siiperscriptus, a, um, part, inter- proud, stately [der Suppuratorius, a, um, adj. sup-
lined Suppactus, a, um, part, stuck un- purative, bringing to a head
Siipersedendus, a, um, part, to be Suppalpor, ari, dep. gently to Suppuratum, i, n. an imposthume
let pass stroke, to wheedle Suppuratus, a, um, part, suppu-
Supersedens, tis, part, sitting Suppar, aris, adj. nearly equal rated
upon Supparasitor, ari, dep. to hang on, Suppuro, are, a. to suppurate, to
Supersfideo, ere, edi, essum, n. to to sponge, to flatter, to pimp corrupt, to fester
sit upon, to supersede, to omit, Supparum, i, n. and Supparus, i, Supputatio, onis, /. a counting,
to cease, to leave off, to forbear in. any garment of linen, a top- a pruning
Siipersidens, tis, part, swimming sail, a flag, a streamer Supputator, oris, m a reckoner
upon [upon Suppfiditatio, onis,/. a supply Suppiito, are, a. to reckon, or
Siiperslliens, tis, part, leaping Suppfiditatus, a, um, part, sup- count, to prune, cut, or lop trees
Supersilio, Ire, n. to leap, or bop plied Supra, prep, above, beyond, su-
upon Suppedito, are, a. arid n. to prop, perior to, more than, upon
Superspargo, fire, rsi, rsum, a. to or stay up, to supply, to afford, Supra, adv. above, aloft, on high,
sprinkle, strew aid, or strengthen before, beyond, more [said
Siiperstagno, are, *. to overflow Suppedo, fire, n. to fizzle Supradictus, a, um, part, afore-
Superstans, tisy part, standing Suppernatus, a, um,part. houghed SuprapQsitus, a, um, part, put
upon, or over Suppetia?, pi. accus. Suppfitias, before
Supersterno, fire, stravi, sti alum, diptote, aid, help, succour, sup- Suprascando, fire, di, nsum, n. to
a. to strew, or cover over, to plies climb, or get over [written
lay over Suppeto, fire, a. to ask craftily, to Suprascriptus, a, um, part, above-
Silperstes, itis, adj. surviviTig, re- be sufficient, to supply, to serve, Suprema, orum, pi. n. one's latter
maining, staying, present to help, to remain, to be days, one's death, one's last
Superstitio, onis,/. superstition Suppllo, are, a. to pilfer, to steal will and testament
Superstitiose, adv. suporstitiously Supplanto, are, a. to supplant, to Supremb, adv. the highest, or last
Siiperstitiosus, a, um, adj. super- trip up, to suppress, to plant Supremiim, adv. for the last time
stitious, religious, nice, anxious underneath Supremus, a, um, adj. superl. high-
Superstito, are, n. to survive; a. Supplementum, i, n. a supply est, greatest, last, latest, utter-
to preserve, or keep safe . Supplendus, a, um, part, to sup- most, utmost
Stipersto, are, ». to stand upon, ply, or be supplied Sura, a;,/, the calf of the leg, the
or over [over Supplens, tis, part, supplying leg, a boot, a buskin [graft
Sfiperstratus, a, um, part, strewed Suppleo, ere, evi, etum, a. to sup- Surculaceus, a, um, adj. like a
Superstruo, fire, uxi, uctum, a. to ply, to fill up, to recruit Surcularius, a, um, adj. of, be-
build upon Supplex, icis, adj. suppliant, hum- longing to, or set with shoots,
Stipersum, esse, fui, n. to be su- ble, submissive, prostrate or grafts
perfluous, to abound, to remain, Supplicans, tis, part, humbly en- Surculo, are, a. to prune
to be left, to survive, to excel treating Surciilose, adv. from shoot to
Siipersurgo, ere, n. to rise above Supplicatio, onis,/. a supplication, shoot [shoots
Siipertfigo, fire, a. to cover over prayer, entreaty, request, a sa- Surculosus, a, um, adj. full of
Siipertraho, fire, a. to draw over crifice Surcillus, i, m. a shoot, a scion, a
Stiperturbo, are, a. to disturb Supplicaturus, a, um, part, about graft, a sprig
Supervacaneus, a, um, adj. super- to entreat [bly Surdaster, a, um, adj. deafish
fluous, needless, unnecessary, SupplIcitfir,n(Zr.suppliantly,hum- Surde, adv. deafly
supernumerary [fiuous Supplicium, i, n. a supplication, a Surdltas, atis,/. deafness
Siipervaco, are, n. to be super- prayer, an atonement, a sacri- Surdus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Supervacuus, a, um, adj. super- fice, a general procession deaf, thick of hearing, inexor-
fluous, needless, unnecessary, Supplico, are, a. and n. to sup- able, insensible, senseless, ad-
to no purpose plicate, to beg, entreat, or be- mitting no sound, unheard, un-
Supervadens, tis, part, going over seech, to pray, to make an ob- heard of [ing
Supervado, fire, si, sum, n. to pass lation Surgens, tis, part, rising, spring-
over, to surpass, to surmount Supplodo, fire, si, sum, a. to stamp Surgo, fire, rrexi, rectum, n. to
Siipervagor, ari, Hep. to wander Supplosio, onis, /. a stamping, or rise, to rise, or get up, to arise,
much noise to grow, or spring, to grow up
Supervectus, um, part, carried
a, Suppono, fire, sui, ltum, a. to put, Surpiculus, i, m. a basket, a ham-
Supervfinio, Ire, eni, entum, n. to set, or lay under, to substitute, per [raised
come upon, to come upon sud- to overwhelm, to add, to apply Surrectus, a, um, part, set upright,
denly, to come, to rise Supporto, are, a. to carry, to Surrepitur, impers. they creep in
Superventus, us, m. a surprise convey Surrepo, fire, epsi, n. to creep in
Supervlvens, tis, part, surviving Supposltio, onis,/. a setting under, Surreptio, onis,/. a stealing
Supervlvo, fire, ixi, n. to outlive, a substituting, a forging TSurreptitius, a, um, adj. surrep-
to survive, to live Suppositious, a, um, adj. sub- titious [away
Siipfirungo, fire, nxi, nctum, a. to stituted, adulterated, counter- Surreptus, a, um, part, stolen
anoint over feit, false Surrigo, fire, rexi, rectum, a. to
Superv&lans, tis, part, flying over Supp6siturus, b, um, part, about raise up, to lift on high
SupervOHto, are, freq. to fly over to put under Surripiendus, a, um, part, to be
often Supp6sStus, a, um, part, put, withdrawn, to be concealed
Superv6lo, are, n. to fly over placed, or set under, beneath, Surripio, fire, pui, reptum, a. to
Buperv61utus, a, um, part, rolled or in, substituted, suborned steal, or pilfer, to anticipate, ta
over Supp6stus,/'y Btippositua prevent
Surrustlcus, a, urn, adj. somewhat Suspiratus, us, m. a sighing SyllOgismus, i, m. a syllogism
clownish, or rustic Susplriose, adv. difficultly breath- SyllOgisticus, a, um, adj. syllogis-
Sursum, adv. upward, up ing tical
Sus, suis, (sometimes su6ris,) m. Suspiriosus, a, um, adj. breath- Sylva, ae,/. same as Silva
and /. a swine, a hog, a boar, a ing short SylvIcOla, ae, c. g. an inhabitant of
sow Susplrltus, (Is, m. shortness of the woods
Sus, adv. upward, above breath SymbOla, ae,/. a share in reckoning
Susceptio, onis,/. an undertaking Susplrium, i, a breathing
n. a sigh, SymbOMcus, a, um, adj. symbolical
Susceptor, oris, m. an undertaker, Susplro, are, n. to sigh; a. to SymbOlIce, adv. darkly
receiver, a godfather breathe out, to aspire SymbOlum, i, n., and SymbOlus, i
Susceptum, i, n. an undertaking Susslnus, a, um, adj. made of m. a symbol, a sign, a token, a
Suscepturus, a, um, part, about lilies [port badge, a watchword, a passport
to under^ike, admit, or commit Sustentaculum, i, n. a prop, a sup- Symmetria, ae, /. symmetry, due
Susceptus, a, um, part, under- Sustentans, tis, part, sustaining proportion
taken, received, allowed, be- Sustentatio, onis, /. a sustaining, Sympathia, ae, /. sympathy
gotten, born a delay, a forbearance Symphonia, ae,/. harmony, concert
Susclpiendus, a, um, part, to be Sustentator, oris, m. a helper Syniphoniacus, a, um, adj. of, or
undertaken, or enterprised Sustentatus, a, um, part, upheld, belonging to harmony, or con-
Suscipiens, tis, part, taking up, borne up cert
carrying Sustentatus, Us, m. a sustaining Symplegma, atis, n. an embracing,
Susclpio, ere, cepi, ceptum, a. to Sustento, are, a. to sustain, up- joined marble-work
take, raise, or lift up, to under- hold, or support, to aid, defend, SympOsium, i, n. a drinking toge-
take, to take upon him, to un- help, or comfort, to feed, or ther, a feast, a banquet
dergo, to usurp, to take, to re- maintain Synagoga, ae,/. a synagogue
ceive, to get, have, or make, to Sustlnendus, a, um, part, to be Synaloepha, ae, /. a collision of a

beget [touchwood supported, provided for, &c. vowel left out in scanning
Suscltabulum, i, incitement, Sustlnens, tis, part, supporting, Synaxis, is,/, a congregation, an
Susclto, are, a. to awake, to rouse, bearing assembly, the holy communion
to stir up, to excite, to provoke, Sustlneo, ere, ui, entum, a. to hold, SyncOpe, es,/. a syllable, or letter
to kindle [lilies or hold up, to sustain, to sup- taken out of the middle of a
Suslnum, i, n. oil, or ointment of port, to protect, to defend, to word [ney
Suspectans, tis, part, suspecting maintain, to bear, to carry, to Syndlcus, i, m. a syndic, an attor-
Suspectio, onis,/. a suspecting take up, to suffer, to undergo, to SynecdOche, es, /. when a part is
Suspecto, are, a. to look up, or withstand, or oppose, to resist, understood by the whole
down, to behold, to suspect to restrain Synedrus, i, m. a senator, a judge
Suspectus, a, um, part, and adj. Sustollens, tis, part, lifting up Synephebi, drum, pi. striplings of
ior, comp. issimus, superl. seen Sustollo, 6re, tiili, sublatum, a. to the same age
above, beheld, suspected, mis- lift up, to raise, to take, or carry Syngrapha, ae,/., and Syngraphum,
trusted away, to carry, to destroy utterly i, «., and Syngraphus, i, m. a
Suspectus, us, m. a looking up, a Silsurrans, tis, part, whispering writing under hand and seal, a
prospect, height, admiration, es- Susurratio, onis,/. a whispering bond, an indenture, articles of
teem Susurrator, oris, m. a whisperer agreement [sembly
Suspendens, tis/ part, holding in Susurro, are, a. to whisper, to Synodlcus, a, um, adj. of an as-
suspense [over mutter SynOdium, i, n. a congress
Suspendeo, fire, n. to be hung Susurrum, i, n. a whisper SXnOdus, i,/. a synod, an assembly
Suspendiosus, a, um, adj. hanged Susurrus, i, m. a whisper, a buz- Synopsis, is, /. an inventory, a
Suspendium, i, n. a hanging, a zing, a humming, a murmur brief
halter Susurrus, a, um, adj. whispering Syntaxis, eos,/. syntax
Suspendo, fire, di, nsum, a. to Sutela, a?,/, araft, subtlety, guile Syntectlcus, a, um, adj. deep in a
hang, to hang up, or upon, to Sutllis, e, adj. sewed, stitched consumption
keep in suspense, to defer, or Sutor, oris, m. a sewer, a cobbler, Syntexis, is,/, a deep consumption
put off, to stop, to restrain a shoemaker Syntheslna vestis, a rich garment
Suspensio, onis,/. an arching, or Siitorius, a, um, ad}, of, or belong- Synthesis, is,/, a figure in gram-
vaulting, doubt, uncertainty ing to a shoemaker mar, a garment used by the
Suspensura, ae,/. a hanging up Sutrlna, ae, /. a tailor's, cobbler's Romans chiefly in banquets, a
Suspensus, a, um, part, and adj. or shoemaker's shop, or trade suit of clothes
ior, comp. issimus, superl. hung, Sutrlnum, i, n. a shoemaker's trade Syriacus, and Syriatlcus, a, um,
hung up, hanging, arched, Sutrinus, a, um, adj. belonging to adj. of Syria
vaulted, erect, attentive, un- a tailor, or shoemaker Syrinx, gis,/. a pipe, a squirt, a
certain, doubtful Sutiira, ae,/. a suture, a seam syringe, a fistula, a mine
Susplcans, tis, part, suspecting, Sutus, a, um, part, sewed, fastened Syrma, atis, m. a train of a gown,
mistrusting Suus, a, um, pron. his, hers, his, a long garment, a long train of
Suspicax, acis, adj. suspicious or her own, theirs, or their own, words
Suspiciendus, a, um, part, to be proper, particular, peculiar, fa- Syrtis, is,/, a quicksand
looked upon, beheld, or admired vourable, kind, lasting, due, Syrus, i, m. a cave, or vault
Susplciens, tis, part, looking up, Jawful [costly Systema, atis, n. a system, a body
regarding, suspecting Sybarltlcus, a, um, adj. wanton, of science
Suspleio, fire, exi, ectum, a. to look Sycamlnum, i, n. a mulberry Systole, es,/. a contraction
up, to behold, to regard, to ad- Sycainlnus, i, /. a mulberry fig- Systylos, i, m. and/., and Systylon,
mire, to honour tree i, n. a certain space between
Suspleio, onis,/. suspicion, opinion SycOmOrus, i,/. a sycamore two pillars
Susplciose, adv. ius, comp. suspi- Sycon, i, n. a fig
ciously, distrustfully SycOphanta, ae, m. a sycophant, a
Suspiciosus, a, um, adj. issimus, flatterer, a wheedler, an in-
superl. suspicious, jealous, dan- former, a pettifogger, a knave
gerous, much to be feared, apt Sycophantia, ae,/. deceit, slander
to start, skittish SycOphantiOse, adv. knavishly
Susplcor, ari, dep. to suspect, or SycOphantor, ari, dep. to play the Tabanus, i, m. an oxfly, a gadfly
mistrust, to guess, or imagine svcophant, to slander falsely Tabefactus, a, um, part, rotted,
Susplrandus, a, um, part, to be Syliaba, as,/, a syllable or wasted away
nighed, or panted after Syllabatim, adv. by syllables Tabella, ae,/. a little table, a table
Suspirans, tis> part, sighing Syllablcus, a, um, adj. syllabic to write on, a painter's board,
Susplratio, Onis,/. a breathing Syllabus, i, m. an index, a table or cloth, a picture, a book
Suspiratus, a, um, part, breathed Syllepsis, is, /. a grammatical Tibellarius, a, uin, adj. belonging
after figure, a syllepsis to tables
tjed TAR TEG
Tabellarius, m. a letter-carrier,
i, Taedlfer, a, um, adj. bearing a TardllOqaus, a, um, adj. slow.
a keeper of a register, a notary- torch spoken
public [pining Taedium, i, n. dislike, weariness, Tardipes, fidis, adj. slow-footed
Tabens, tis, part, wasting away, irksomeness, a nasty smell Tarditas, atis,/. slowness, dulness
Tabeo, ere, bui, n. to consume, to Tsenia, se, /. a top-knot, a ribbon, Tardiuscule, adv. somewhat
decay, to waste, pine a fillet, or bairlace, a wreath, a slowly
Taberna, ae, /. a shop, or ware- long vein Tardiusculus, a, um, adj. some
house, a tavern, or other drink- Tseniola, se,/. dim. a little fillet what slow, heavy, or dull of ap-
ing-house Tagax, acis, adj. light-fingered prehension
Tabernaculum, i, n. a tabernacle, Tages, is, /. a whitlow Tardo, are, a. to stop, to delay, to
a tent, a pavilion Tala-ria, um, pi. n. shoes worn by hinder, to impede, to keep back
Tabernarius, a, um, adj. of, or Mercury, the parts about the Tardus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issl-
belonging to shops, or taverns ancle [ancles mus, superl. slow, slack, tardy,
Tabernarius, i, m. a shopkeeper, a Talaris, e, adj. reaching to the long, heavy, dull, stupid, thick,
tavern man or vintner Talarius, a, um, adj. of dice, or gross, unprepared
Tabernula, se,/. a small tavern huckle-bones Tarmes, Itis, m. a maggot, a worm
Tabes, is, /. a consumption, a de- Talea, ae, /. a stock to graft on, a Tartareus, a, um, adj. of hell,
cline, » rot, corruption, gore, graft, or slip, a billet, or stake, hellish, infernal
poison [consumed a tally Tartarlnus, a, um, adj. the same
Tabescendus, a, um, part, to be Talentum, i, m. a talent [on Tartarus, i, to. pi. Tartara, n.
Tabesco, fire, incep. to consume, TaleOla,/. a short stock to graft hell, a gulf
to deray, to decline, to waste Talio, onis, /. like for like, re- Tata, se,/. daddy, father
away, to melt taliation Taura, se, /. a barren cow
Tabldulus, a, um, adj. wasting Talis, e, adj. such, like, this Taurea, ae, /. a bull's pizzle, a
Tabldus, a, um, adj. consumptive, Taliter,.a(iu. in such sort, or like leathern whip
consuming, wasting, pining manner Taureus, a, um, adj. of a bull
away, decayed, rotten Talitrum, i, n. a fillip Taurifer, a, um. adj. breeding
Tablf Icus, a, um, adj. apt to cor- Talpa, se, to., orf. a mole bulls
rupt, contagious, infectious, Talpana, se,/. a kind of vine Tauriformis, e, adj. like a bull
poisonous Talus, i, m. the ancle, the pastern, Taurllia, 6rum, pi. n. Roman
Tabltudo, Inis,/. a wasting away a die games
Tablinum, i, n. a summer-parlour Tarn, adv. so, so much, as much, Taurlnus, a, um, adj. of a bull
made of boards, a register as well Taurobolium, i, a
n. a sacrifice of
Tabula, se, /. a table, a writing- Tamarice, es,/., or Tamarix, icis, bull in honour of Cybele
table, a pair of tables, a plank, /. the tamarisk Taurus, i, m. a bull, a sign, a
or board, a thin plate, or sheet, Tamdiii, adv. so long, so long as hornet [whip
a picture, a map, a book Tamen, conj. yet, notwithstand- Tax, n. indeci. the smack of a
Tabulamentum, i, n. a boarding, ing, nevertheless, however Taxatio, onis,/. a taxing
a flooring Tamgnetsi, conj. although Taxator, oris, to. a taxer, an as-
Tabularis, e, adj. fit for plates Tametsi, conj. albeit, although, sessor [ished
Talmlarium, i, n. a register- office, yet, notwithstanding Taxatus, a, um, part, taxed, pun-
the chancery Tandem, adv. at length, at the Taxeus, a, um, adj. of yew
Tabularius, i, to. a scrivener, a last Taxillus, i, to. a small die, a pile
public notary, an accountant Tandiu, adv. so long, so long Taxo, are, o. to tax, reprove, or
Tabulatim, adv. board by board time, so long as offend
Tahulatio, onis, /. a boarding, a Tangendus, a, um, part, to be Taxus, i,/. an yew, or yew-tree
flooring, a boarded floor, a ceil- touched, attempted, moved, &c. Techna, se,/. craft, a trick, a shift
ing Tangens, tis, part touching Technlci, orum, pi. m. teachers.
Tabulatum, i, n. a story, or room Tango, €re, tgtlgi, tactum, a. to of arts
of a building, a hay-loft, a deck touch, to lay bands on, to strike, Technicus, a, um, adj. technical
of a ship, a stage, a scaffold or beat, to blast, to meddle Tecte, adv. ius, comp. covertly,
Ta.bula.tus, a, um, part, boarded with, to attempt to urge, to closely
Tabum, i, n. gore, corrupt blood, push on, to move, or affect, to Tcctor, oris, m. a plasterer
a poisonous quality rally TectoriSlum, i, n. a little plaster
Tacendus, a, um, part, to be con- Tanquam, adv. as well as, as it Tectorium, i, n. the plaster, par-
cealed were, as if, as [little get, or roughcast of a wall
Tacens, tis, part, silent, still, quiet Tantillum, adv. so little, ever so Tectorius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
Taceo, ere, cui, citum, n. and a. Tantillus, a, um, adj. very little, longing to plasterer's work
to hold one's peace, to be silent, • tiny Tectum, i, n. the roof of a house,

hush, or still, to keep secret, to Tantisper, adv. so long as, in the a house, an abode, a covering,
conceal mean time a sheep [cover
Taclte, adv. tacitly, silently, se- Tantfc, adv. so much, by so much Tectums, a, um, part, that will
cretly, gently, insensibly Tant5p5re, adv. so greatly, or Tectus, a, um, part, and adj. ior,
Tacit 6, adv. the same earnestly comp. issimus, superl. covered,
Taciturn, i, n. a secret Tantultim, adv. a little shaded, concealed, hidden
T&cltumltas, atis, /. silence, Tantillus, a, um, adj. so little, so Teda, se, /. a pine-tree, a torch, a
secrecy small marriage, a wedding _
Taciturnus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Tantum, adv. so much, so many, Tedifer, a, um, adj. bearing a torch
isslraus, superl. silent, close, re- only, alone, no more Tggendus, a, um, part, to be co-
served TantummOdo, adv. only vered, to be kept secret
Tacltilrus, a, um, part, about to Tantundem, gen. tantldem, even so Tggens, tis, part, covering
hold one's peace much, the same thing Tfiges, 6tis, /. a mat made ol
Tacitus, a, um, part, and adj. Tantus, a, um, adj. so much, so rushes, a coarse rug, or coverlet
Bilent, saying nothing, mute, great, so many, so small, so Teggticula, se,/ a little mat
dumb, still, secret, kept secret worthy, noble, or skilful Te\gillum, i, n. a little covering, a
Tactllis, e, adj. tangible Tapes, etis, m. tapestry hood
Tactio, onis,/. a touching, a touch Tapete, is, n., and Tapetum, i, n. Tfiglmen, Inis, n. a covering, a
Tacturus, a, um, part, about to the same [feebling garment, a clothing
touch Tardans, tis, part, lingering, en- Tegmen, Inis, n. a covering, cloth-
Tactus, a, um, part, touched, Tardatus, a, um, part, hindered ing, a skin, a covert, a shade
touched upon, or hinted at. Tarde, adv. iils, comp. isslrae, Tegmentum, i, n. a covering, 8
si.ack, smitten, blasted, moved superl. slowly, late [loiter case
Tactus, us, m. the sense of touch- Tardesco, 6re, n. to grow slow, to Tggo, ?re, exi, ectum, a. to cover
ing, or feeling, a touch Tardtgradus, a, um, adj. slow- to conceal, to hide, to dis
T'seda, sc,/. a torch, marriage paced semble, to defend, to preserve
Tegula, a:,/, a tile, a roof Temporalis, e, adj. temporal, in- Tentandus, a, um, part, to be tried,
Tegulum, i, n. a covering, thatch constant, short attempted, or assayed
Tegfimen, Inis, and Tggumentum, Temp6ralitas, atis, /. teroporari- Tentans, tis, part, trying, assay-
i, a covering, &c, a shelter
n. ness, temporality, present cus- ing, afflicting
Tela, se,/. a web, a loom, a business tom Tentatio, onis, /. a trial, au asay-
Tglamo, onis.m. a support, a prop Temp6rarius, a, um, adj. tem- ing, a temptation
Telifer, a, um, adj. carrying darts porary, inconstant Tentator.oris, m. a trier, a tempter
Telinum, i, n. a precious ointment Temp&rg, adv. in time, seasonably Tentaturus, a, um, part, about
procured from the herb telis TempOri, adv. in good time to try
Telis, is,/, fenugreek TempSrius, adv. comp. very early Tentatus, a, um, part, tried,
Tellus, uris, /. the earth, land, a Temptor, oris, m. a despiser tempted, attacked, afflicted
country, a nation Tempus, 6ris, n. time, season, con- Tentlgo, inis,/. a stretching, stiff-
Telos, i, n. an end venience, opportunity, an oc- ness
Telum, i, n. a weapon, a dart, an casion, a case, or affair, autho- Tento, are, a. to try, to endeavour,
arrow, atfeword, an axe rity, delay, an age, a season of to attempt, to assay, to prove,
Tgmgrandus, a, um, part, to be the year to tempt, to attack, to disturb,
violated Temulenter, adv. drunkenly, sot- to hurt, or injure, to feel
Tgmgrarius, a, um, adj. rash, tishly Tentori6lum, i, n. dim. a little tent
fool-hardy, indiscreet Temulentia, se,/. drunkenness Tentorium, i, n. a tent, a pavilion
Tgmgrator, oris, m. a denier Temulentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Tentus, a, um, part, swelled, bent
Tgmgratus, a, um, part, violated, drunken, drunk Tenuatio, onis, /. a making thin
defiled, ravished, dishonoured Tenacitas, atis, /. tenacity, tena- Tgnuatus, a, um, part, made thin,
Temgre, adv. ius, comp. rashly, ciousness, a gripe, stinginess or slender, weakened
unadvisedly) without cause, or Tgnacitgr, adv. ius, comp. issime, TgnuJculus, a, um, adj. very little
danger, hardly [discretion superl. tenaciously, bravely, con- Tenuis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus,
Tgmgritas, atis, /. rashness, in- tinually superl. thin, lean, poor, slender,
Tgmgro, are, o. to violate, to defile, Tgnax, acis, adj.ior,comp. issimus, small, little, narrow, mean,
to profane superl. tenacious, holding fast, sorry
Temetum, i. n. strong wine griping, niggardly, covetous Tenultas, atis, /. thinness, lean-
Temnendus, a, um, part, to be Tendens, tis, part, stretching out ness, slenderness, poverty, sub-
despised Tendiciila, as, /. a tenter-hook, a tilty
Temnens, tis, part, despising snare Tgnultgr, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Temno, gre, mpsi, mptum, a. to Tendines, or TendOnes, um, pi. m. superl. thinly, poorly, slenderly,
despise, to slight the tendons lightly, nicely, finely
Temo, onis, m. a team, the pole Tendo, ere, gtendi, and tendi, Tgnuo, are, a. to make thin, lean,
of a carriage, a stake, a helm nsum, and ntum, to stretch,
a. or slender, to lessen
Tempgramentum, i, n. a tempera- or hold out, to extend, to swell, Tgnus, us, m. a snare, a gin
ment, a mean, a government to grow, or shoot, to spread, to Tgnus, prep, up to, as far as, only
Tempgrandus, a, um, part, to be pitch a tent, or camp, to lay, to Tgpgfacio, gre, a. to warm
tempered, ordered, regulated, bend Tgpgfactus, a, um, part, made
&c. Tgnebrse, arum, pi. /. darkness, warm [warm
Tempgrans, tis, part, and adj. ior, the dark night, a dark place, a Tgpef lo, en, n. pass, to be luke-
comp. issimus, superl. moderat- prison, death, obscurity Tepens, tis, pari, warm, glowing,
ing, forbearing, sparing, tem- Tenebricosus, a, um, adj. issimus, temperate [hot
perate superl. very dark, black, stormy Tgpeo, ere, ui, n. to be warm, or
Tempgranter, adv. ius, comp. tem- Tgnebricus, a, um, adj. dark, ob- Tgpesco, gre, incep. to grow warm,
perately, moderately scure or rough, to ferment, to relent
Tempgrantia, se, /. temperance, Tgnebrio, onis, m. a nightwalker, Tgphrias, se, m. an ash-coloured
moderation a knave precious stone
Tempgratg, adv. ius, comp. tem- Tgnebrosus, a, um, adj. dark Tephritis, idis, /. the same
perately, moderately Tfinellulus, a,um, adj. very tender Tepidarium, i, n. a hot-bath, a
Tempgratio, onis, /. a tempering, Tgnellus, a, um, adj. somewhat caldron
or mixing, a constitution, an tender, or young Tgpidarius, a, um, adj. belonging
ordering, or regulating Tgnendus, a, um, part, to be held, to tepid water, or to a tepid
Temperator, oris, m. a temperer, kept, preserved, hedged in, em- bath
a manager [state braced, or enjoyed Tgpide, adv. ius, comp. warmly
Tempgratura, se,/. temperature, a Tgnens, tis, part! holding Tgpido, are, a. to warm [warm
Tempgraturus, a, um, part, about Tgneo, ere, nui, ntum, a. to hold, Tgpidiilus, a, um, adj. somewhat
to temper, mix, or moderate or keep, to hold in the hand, to Tgpidus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Tempgratus, a, um, part, and adj. hold fast, to hold on, to hold, issimus, superl. luke-warm,
ior, comp. issimus, superl. tem- or keep up, to hold, or keep warm, hot, cold and slack- in
pered, mixed, ordered, mode- back, to hold, or keep in, to business
rated, moderate keep fixed, to check, or curb, to Tgpor, oris, m. warmth, heat
Tempgries, ei, /. temperateness, a repress Tgporatus, a, um, part, made
season Tgner, a, um, adj. ior, comp. er- warm
Tempgrius, adv. comp. more early rimus, superl. tender, young, Ter, adv. three times, thrice
Tempgro, are, a. to temper, mix, pliant, nice, dainty, delicate, Tercenteni, se, a, adj. pi. three
or mingle, to order, to regulate, effeminate, gentle, soft hundred [dred
to moderate, or allay, to calm Tgngre, adv. eriime, superl. ten- Tercesti, se, a, three hun-
Tempestas, atis, /. a tempest, derly, nicely, gently Tercenties, adv. three hundred
storm, or commotion, weather, Tgngrasco, gre, incep. to grow times [dred
a season, time, age, ruin tender [ness Tercentum, adj. indecl. three hun-
Tempestive, aiiv.ius, comp. season- Tfingritas, atis,/. tenderness, soft- Terdecigs, adv. thirty times
ably, in season, or proper time Tgneritudo, ims,/. softness Terdeni, se, a, adj. pi. thrice ten,
Tempestivitas, atis,/. season Tgnesmus, i, m. a frequent desire or thirty
Tempestivus, a, um, adj. ior, of going to stool without effect Tgrgbinthtna, se,/. turpentine
comp. seasonable, in due time, Tgnor, oris, m. a tenor, a course, Tgrgbinthinus, a, um, adj. of, or
early, ripe an order, an accent belonging to turpentine
Templum, i, re. a temple, or church, Tensio, onis,/. an extension Tergbinthus, i, /. a turpentine-
an image, or statue in a temple, Tensus, a, um, part, stretched, tree
a tomb, a recess, a quarter of raised, bent Tgrgbra, se,/. an auger, a trepan
the heavens which in auguries Tentabundus, a, um, adj. assaying Tgrebratio, onis, /. a boaring, •
was marked out Tentamen, Inis, ». an attempt, a piercing [pierced
Temp&ra, um, pi. n. the temples, proof Terebratus, a, um, part, bored,
the head Tentamentum, i, n. a trial, a proof T?rebro, are, -a to bore, to pierce
Teredo, Inis, /. a little worm, a Terror, Oris, m. terror, dread, fear Testula, ae, /. a small shell, a little
moth Terrosus, a, um, adj. earthy tile
Tgrendus, a, vim, part, to be worn Terrillentiis, a, um, adj. earthly Testum, i, n. an earthen pan for
Terens, tis, part, rubbing, wearing Tersus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, fire
Teres, 6tis, adj. ior, comp. round, comp. issimus, superl. wiped, Testus, us,/, a cover, or lid for a
taper, smooth, even, fine, ac- clean, neat pot
curate, exact Tertiana, Be,/, a tertian ague Tetanicus, a, um, adj. very subject
Terggmlnus, a, um, adj. three- Tertiani, orum, pi. m. soldiers of to the cramp [fourth
fold, triple the third company, or regiment Tetartaeus, a, um, adj. of the
Tergeo, ere, rsi, rsum, a. to wipe, Tettianus, a, um, adj. tertian Teter, tra, um, adj. ior, oomp.
to clean Tertiarium, i, n. a tierce, four errimus, superl. foul, stinking,
Terglnus, a, um, adj. of leather ounces nasty, horrible, hideous, dread-
Terglversans, tis, part, shuffling, Tertiarius, a, um, adj. of the third ful, black, or dark, sharp
boggling Tertiatio, onis, /. a doing the Tethalassomgnus, a, um, adj,
Terglversanter, adv. unwillingly third time mixed with sea watwr
Terglversatio, onis, /. backward- Tertio, are, a. to do any thing the Tethea, ae, /. a kind of oyster
ness third time Tetrachordum, i,n. an instrument
Tergiversor, ari, dep. to shuffle, to Tertid, adv. the third time, thrice of four strings
trifle, to boggle, to baffle Tertium, adv. the same Tetrachordus, a, um, adj. having
Tergo, fire, si, sum, a. to wipe Tertius, a, um, adj. the third four strings
TergOro, are, a. to cover with a Tertiusddclmus, a, um, adj. the Tetradoron, i, n. four hands/
skin, &c. thirteenth breadth
Tergum, i, n. the back, a hide, or Tervenef Icus, a, um, adj. most Tetradrachma, ae,/., and mum, i,
skin, a fleece, a target, a buck- mischievous, three-fold n. a Greek coin of the value of
ler, the top, or ridge of a hill Teruncius, i, m. a farthing three denarii
Tergus, Oris, n. a hide, or skin, a Tesqua, orum, pi. n. rough places Tetralix, Icis,/. ling, heath
chine untitled Tetrans, tis, m. a quarter, or
Termentarium, i, n. a linen cloth Tessella, a?,/, a small square stone fourth part
Termes, Itis, m. a bough, or twig, Tessellatus, a, um, part, wrought Tetrao, onis, m. a bustard
a maggot in chequer-work Tetrapharmacum, i, n. a plaster
Termlnatio, onis, /. a bounding, Tessera, 33, /. a square piece of of four ingredients
an end, or conclusion, a deter- any thing, a four-square tile, a Tetraphori, orum, pi. m. four
mination [bound die, a ticket, a tally bearers [vernor
Terminaturus, a, um, part, to Tesserarius, i, m. a dice-player, Tetraicha, ae, m. a tetrarch, a go-
Terminatus, a, um, part, bounded, he that gives a watch-word Tetrarchia, ae, /. a tetrarchy
bordered, ended Tesserula, ae,/. dim. from Tessera Tetrastlchon, i, n. a tetrastic
Termlno, are, a. to'bound, to set Testa, ae,/ an earthen pot, or jar, Tetre, adv. ius, comp. errime,
bounds, to limit, to define a cask, a potsherd, a splint, superl. dirtily, hideously, cruelly
Terminus, i, m. a bound, or limit, cement, chalk [witness Tetrlcitas, atis, /. crabbedness,
a goal, a border, a term Testabilis, e, adj. that may bear sternness
Ternarius, a, um, adj. of three Testaceus, a, um, adj. having a Tetricus, a, um, adj. rude, rough,
Terni, ae, a, adj. pi. three shell, made of earth baked • rugged, sour, surly, crabbed
Ternldeni, ae, a, adj. pi. thirteen Testamentarius, a, um, adj. of a Tetiigonia, ae, /. a small grass-
Ternio, oris, m. the number three will hopper [pernel
Ternus, a, um, three and Testamentarius, i, m. a writer, or Teucrion, i, n. germander, pirn-
three forger of wills, a scrivener, a Teuthalis, Idos,/. knot-grass
TSro, 6re, trlvi, trltum, a. to rub, notary Texendus, a, um, part, to be
to bruise, to stamp, to thrash, Test amentum, i. n. a testament, plaited
to wear, to waste, or spend, to or last will Texens, tis, part, weaving, kniting
use often Testans, part, witnessing
tis, Texo, ere, xui, or xi, xtum, a. to
Terra, ae,/. earth, or ground, the Testatio, onis,/. a witnessing weave, to knit, to form, to build,
earth, the world, or universe, Testator, oris, m. a testator to write
an island, a country, land Testatus, a, um, part, and adj. Texta, ae,/. a hairlace, a fillet
Terraemotus,us, m. an earthquake ior, comp. issimus, superl. wit- Textile, is, n. woven work
Terrendus, a, \xm,part. to affright, nessed, attested, testified, Textllis, e, adj. woven, plaited
or be affrighted shown [earthen Textivilitium, i, n. a thrum
Terrens, tis, part, affrighting Testeus, a, um, adj. shelly, Textor, oris, m. a weaver
Terrenum, i, n. a field, laud, Testiculus, i, m. a testicle, a stone Textorius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
ground Testificandus, a, um, part, to longing to a weaver
Terrenus, a, um, adj. earthly, or testify, or be testified, to be Textrlna, ae, /. a weaver's shop
erj-thy, on the earth, by land witnessed or trade
Terreo, ere, ui, Itum, a. to Testif leans, tis, part, testifying Textrinum, i, n. the same
frighten, to affright, to terrify, Testif Icatus, a, um, pari, witness- Textrix, Icis,/. a weaver, a spin-
to alarm, to frighten away ed, called, or calling to witness ster
Terrestris, e, adj. of the earth, Testlflcor, ari, dep. to bear wit- Textum, i, a web, a
n. texture,
earthly, by, or on laud ness, to testify, to call to wit- woof, a robe, a garment, a shirt,
Terreus, a, um, earthen
adj. ness the framing of any thing
Terribllis, e, adj ior, comp. terri- Testimonium, i, n. a testimony, a Textura, ae, /. a texture
ble, dreadful, awful [land testimonial, a proof Textus, g, v.m, part, woven, plait-
Terricftla, ae, e.g. a dweller on the Testis, is, c. g. a witness, a man's, ed, formed
Temculum, i, n. a bugbear or beast's stones Textus, us, m. a weaving, a text
Terrifico, are, a. to terrify, to Testor, ari, dep. to witness, or Thalamegos, i, m. a yatch, a pin-
affright bear witness, to testify, to nace of pleasure
Terriflcus, a, um, adj. terrific, attest, to declare, to call, or Thalamus, i, m. a bedchamber, a
frightful, dreadful take to witness, to conjure bed, marriage, a beehive, a cell
Terrlggna, ae, c. g. one earth-born Testu, n. indecl. a platter, an oven Thalasslcus, a, um, adj. of, or be-
Terriloquus, a, um, adj. that Testuaceus, a, um, adj. of an longing to the sea
speaks terrible, or frightful earthen pot [arched Thalasslnus, a, um, adj. same at
words Testudlneatus, a, um, vaulted, Thalassio, onis, m. and Thelassias,
Terrlstinus, a, um, adj. sounding Testudineus, a, um, adj. like a or
terribly tortoise, slow-paced, vaulted Thalassus, i, m. a bridal song
Terrlto, are, a. to affright Testudo, Inis,/. a tortoise, a tor- Thalictrum, i, n. allheal
Terrltorium, i, n. a territory toise-shell, a snail, a lute, the Thallus, i, m. the middle stalk of
Terrltus, a, um, part, affrighted, roof of a house, a warlike engine, an onion, an olive branch
terrified, dismayed a target-fence, a pent -house Thapia, ae,/. a poisonous shrub
Theatralis, e, adj. of a theatre Thyrsus, i, m. tue stem of an herb, Tiro, 6nis, m. a novice, an ap
Theatridium, i, n. a little theatre a spear wrapt about with ivy, or prentice
Theatrum, i, n. a theatre, a stage, bay leaves Tirocinium, i, n. a novitiate, rudi-
a scaffold Tiara, a?, /. and Tiaras, ae, m. a ments, want of experience
Theca, ae, /. a sheath, a case, a turban, a crown, a sash Tirunculus, i, m. a mere novice
husk, a box, or bag Tibi, dative, from Tu, to, for, or Titan, anis, m. the sun
Thema, atis, n. a theme, a sub by thee Tltillans, tis, part, tickling
ject, a horoscope Tibia, ae,/. the leg, a pipe, a flute Tltillatio, onis, /. a tickling, a
Theniatismus, i, m. a placing Tibiale, is, n. a stocking delight
Themista, ae, m. a judge Tibialis, e, adj. of legs, or pipes Titillatus, us, m. the same
Thensa, ae,/. a chariot for images Tibicen, inis, m. a piper, a min- Tltillo, are, a. to tickle, to pro-
The615gia, a?,/, divinity strel, a prop, shore voke, to move
The5l6gus, i, m. a divine Tiblcina, ae, /. a woman playing Titio, onis, m. a firebrand quen ched
Theorema, atis, n. a theorem on a flute, a piper Titiibans, tis, part, stumbling,
Theoreticus, a, um, adj. theoret- Tibinus, a, um, adj. of, or belong- staggering, stammering, waver-
ical [tion ing to the pipe, or flute ing
Theoria, ae, /. theory, contempla- Tigillum, i, n. a log, a little rafter, Titubanter, adv. stutteringly
Theriaca, ae, or Theriace, es, /. a beam, the funnel of a chimney Titubantia, ae, /. a stammering, or
treacle Tignarius, a, um, adj. of rafters stuttering
Theriacus, a, um, adj. of treacle Tigno, are, a. to roof Titubatio, onis,/. a staggering
Therioma, an ulcer
atis, n. Tignum, i, n. a rafter, a beam, Titubatus, a, um, part, stumbling
Theriotrophluro, n. a park, a
i, timber used in building Titiibo, are, n. to stumble, to
warren Tignus, i, m. the same stagger, to reel, to trip, to
Thermae, arum, pZ./. hot baths Tigrmus, a, um, adj. of a tiger stammer
Thermopolium, i, n. a brandy- Tigris, iidis, or is, /. a tiger Titulus, i, m. a title, a trophy,
shop, a coffee-house Tllia, ae, /. a teil-tree, the skin honour, praise, a cause, or pre-
ThermOpoto, are, n. to drink warm between the bark and the wood tence, a monument, an inscrip-
liquors Tlliaceus, a, um, adj. of a teil-tree tion, a bill set upon a door
Thermulae, arum, pl.f. little hot Tllos, i. m. a wood-louse Tltyrus, i, m. a reed, a satyr, or
baths [sure Tlmefactus, a, um, part, scared wild man, a he-goat, a kind of
Thesaurarius, a, um, adj. of trea- Tlmendus, a, um, part, to be ape
Thesaurarius, i, m. a treasurer feared Toga, ae, /. a gown, a cover, or
Thesaurus, i, m. treasure, riches, Tim ens, tis, part, fearing wrapper, time of peace, manage-
wealth, a treasury, a secret Timeo, ere, mui, a. and n. to fear, ment of civil affairs
place or be afraid, to dread, to dis- T6gatarius, i, m. a comedian
Thesis, eos, or is,/, a position" like, to scorn T5gatulus,i, 7ii. a little gownsman
Thiasus, i, m. a dance at the feast Timide, adv. ius, comp. issime, Togatus, a, um, adj. gowned, that
of Bacchus superl. timorously, meanly, cau- wears a gown
ThOlus, i, m. the centre of an tiously Togatus, i, m. a Roman, a client,
arched roof, a cupola Timiditas, atis, /. timidity, timo- a liveryman, a lawver
Thoracatus, a, um, adj. that is rousness, bashfulness T6giila, a?,/, dim. a little gown
made to the breast, or with a Timidulus, a, um, adj. somewhat T&lei-abilis, e, adj. ior, comp. tole-
breast-plate fearful rable, indifferent
Thorax, m. the breast, or
acis, Timidus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp. Tolerabiliter, adv. tolerably
breast-plate, a stomacher issimus, superl. timorous, fear- Tolgrandus, a, um, part, to be
Thrascias, ae, m. the north-west ful, faint-hearted, cowardly, endured
wiDd fearing, bashful, provident Tolerans, tis, part, and adj. ior,
Thraso, onis, m. a bully, a hector Timor, m. fear, cowardice,
oris, comp. issimus, superl. enduring,
Thrax, acis, m. a fencer reverence, awe, dread, super- suffering, supporting, maintain-
Threcidica, drum, p/. n. swords, stition ing
Thrips, Ipis, m. a moth [&c. Tinea, ae,/. a tench [with Toleranter, adv. ius, comp. issime,
Thronus, i, m. a throne, a royal Tinctilis, e, adj. serving to dye superl. patiently, constantly
seat, a chair of state [cense Tinctor, oris, m. a dyer TOlerantia, a% /. sufferance, pa-.
Thureus, a, um, adj. of frankin- Tinctura, ae, /. a tincture, colour, tience
Thuribulum, i, n. an incense-pot, or dye [stain Tolgratio, onis,/. toleration
a censer Tincturus, a, um, part, about to TSleraturus, a, um, part, about
Thuricremus, a, um, adj. that Tinctus, a, um, part, dyed, stained, bear, or suffer
burns frankincense dipped, sprinkled, imbued T6leratus, a, um, part, ior, comp.
Thurifer, a, um, adj. that bears, Tinctus, us, m. a dyeing, a dipping tolerated, borne, admitted
or brings forth frankincense Tinea, ae, /. a moth, a worm TOlSro, are, a. to tolerate, to bear,
Thurilegus, a, um, adj. that ga- Tineosus, a, um, adj. full of moths to endure, to uDil'" ^, f o suffer,

thers frankincense [cense Tingendus, a, um, part, to be to support [up

Thus, uris, n. frankincense, in- dipped Tollendus, a, um, part, to bring
Thusciilum, i, n. a little frankin- Tingens, tis, part, dyeing, dipping Tolleno, onis, m. a swipe, a crane
cense Tin go, ere, nxi, nctum, a. to dye, Tollens, tis, part, taking away
Thya, ae, /. a wild cypress-tree to stain, to tinge, to imbrue, to Tollo, ere, sustuli, sublatum, a.
Thyasus, i, m. a chorus, or dance, dip, to sprinkle, to wash, to to take, pick, lift, or raise up, to
in honour of Bacchus paint take, to raise, to carry off, to
Thyeum, i, n. frankincense Tinniens, part, gingling
tis, take away, or along with, to
Thymele, es, /. a pulpit, or stand Tinnimentum, i, n. a tinkling abolish, to bring up, to educate,
for mimics Tinnio, Ire, Ivi, Itum, n. to ring, to defer, to put off, to cut off
Thjmelici, 6rum, pi. m. mimics to gingle, to tinkle [ring T6'.utaris, e, adj. ambling, pacing
Thyraelicus, a, um, adj. of mimics Tinnlturus, a, um, part, about to Tolutarius, a, um, adj. the same
Thymianus, a, um, adj. of thyme Tinnitus, us, m. a ringing, a tin- Tolutim, adv. with an ambling
Th?raiama, atis, n. a sweet gum gling [shrill pace, fast
Th?mlnus, a, um, adj. of thyme Tinnulus, a, um, adj. tinkling, TOmacinae, arum, pi. f. sausages
Th^mion, i, n. a wart [thyme Tinnuncillus, i, m. a kind of hawk Tomaculum, i. n. a sausage
Thlmites, is, m. wine made with Tintinnabulum, i, n. a little bell, TOmentum, i, n. flocks, cushions,
Th mosus, a, um, adj. smelling a cart reeds
of thyme Tintinnacillus, i, m. afteadle Tomex, or Tomix, icis,/. a cord
Thjfmum, i, n. the herb thyme Tintinno, are, or Tintino, are, n. T6mici dentes, the fore teeth
Thymus, i, m. thyme, a wart to ring Tomus, i, m. a tome, a volume
Thynnus, i, m. a tunny Tlnus, i,/. a kind of bay-tree T6nans, tis, part, thundering
Thyrsiger, a, um, adj. carrying a Tlpiila, or Tippftla, or Tipulla, ae, TOnans, tis, m. the thunderer.
thyrsus /. a water spider with six feet Jupiter
T6nafio, 6nis,/. a thundering Torpedo, inis, /. numbness, lazi- Totiens, adv. same as Toties, adv.
Tondens, tis, part, clipping, shav- ness, a fish so many times, so often
ing, grazing Terpens, tis, part, numb, dull, TOt us, a, um, adj. so great, so
Tondeo, ere, tStondi, tonsum, a. famt many
to clip, to poll, to shear, to Torpeo, ere, pui, n. to be be- Totus, a, um, adj. whole, all, en-
shave, to lop, or prune, to mow numbed, to be numb, stiff, dull, tire,wholly, altogether, utterly
Tonitralis, e, adj. thundering or heavy, to lie inactive Toxicum, i, n. poison, venom

Tonitru, n. indec. pi. tonltrua, Torpescens, tis, part, growing Trabalis, e, adj. of a beam
thunder numb Trabea, ae,/. a robe worn by kings,
T&nltrus, us, m. thunder Torpesco, 6re, to grow
incep. consuls, and augurs
T6nitruum, i, n. thunder, any numb, stiff, sluggish, or faint Trabeatus, a, um, adj. clad in a
rumbling noise Torpidus, a, um, adj. torpid, stiff, trabea, or robe of state
T5no, are, nui, nitum, n. to thun- dull, heavy, drowsy Trabecula, ae,/. dim. a little rafter
der, to roar, to roar out Torpor, oris, m. numbness, heavi- Trabes, is,/, antiq.for Trabs
Timor, oris, m. an accent ness, drowsiness, listlessness, Trabs, is, /. a beam, a plank, a
Tonsa, ae, /. the blade of an oar, laziness great tree, a ship, an obelisk
an oar Torquatus, a, um, adj. that wears Tracta, ae,/ a thread, a piece
Tousilis, e, adj. that is, or may be a collar, or chain, wreathed Tracta, se, /., or um, i, n. locks of
clipped, cut, lopped Torquendus, a, um, part, to be wool ready to be picked, teased,.
''tonsilla, se, /. a little oar, a post, tortured, or wrested or carded
2n anchor, rope, or cable Torquens, tis, part twisting, roll-
. Tract abilis, e, adj. ior, comp. trac-
Tonsillar,arum, pi. f. the tonsils, ing, torturing, throwing about, table, gentle, calm
the glanders hurling Tractabllitas, atis,/. pliancy
Tonslto, are, freq. to clip often Torqueo, fire, rsi, rtum, and rsum, Tractandus, a, um, part, to be
Tonsor, oris, m. a barber, a clipper a. to twist, to twirl, to whirl, or handled, to be managed
Tonsorium, i, n. a barber's shop turn about, to curl, to bend, to Tractans, tis, part, handling
Tonsorius, a, urn, adj. of a barber writhe, to distort Tractatio, onis, /. a handling, a
Tonstricula, ae,/. see Tonstrix Torques, and Torquis, is, m. or f. a treating of
Tonstrlna, ae,/. a barber's shop collar, or chain, a ruff, a wreath, Tractator, oris, m. a handler
Tonstrix, Icis, a female barber a garland of flowers Tractatrix, Icis, /
a stroker
Tonsura, ae,/. a clipping, a shaving Torrefacio. ere, a. to parch Tractatus, a, um, part, handled,
Tonsu s, a, um, p art. elipped, shorn, Torrefactus, a, um, part, scorched dragged, used, treated of
shaved Torrens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Tractatus, us, m. a handling, a
Tonsus, us, m. a shearing comp. issimus, superl. toasting, treating of, a tractate, tract, or
T&nus, i, m. a tone, an accent, a roasting, parching, hasty, vio- treatise
note, a tune, a gloss lent, headlong, rapid, fluent, Tractim, adv. continually
T6pazius, i, m. a topaz sultry Tracto, are, a. to handle, to feel,
Tophaceus, a, um, adj. sandy, Torrens, tis, m. a torrent, a land- or touch, to use, or exercise
gravelly flood Tractorium, i, n. a windlass
Tophlnus, a, um, adj. the same Torrentius, adv. comp. more vio- Tracturus, a, um, part, about to
Tophus, i, m. a sand, or gravel lently draw
stone, a stone Torreo, ere, rui, tostum, a. to Tractus, a, um, part, drawn, drag-
T6pia, orum, pi. n. figures cut in toast, roast, or broil, to bake, ged, or pulled, drawn out, pro-
the tops of small trees to parch, or scorch, to burn, to longed, extended
TOpiaria, ae, /. the art of making dry Tractus, us, m. a tract, a country,
arbours, or figures with trees Torresco, fire, n. to be roasted, or a region, a clime, a coast, a
T6piarium, i. n. an arbour, a bower dried place, a space, an interval, a
TOpiarius, i, m. a gardener, one Torridus, a, um, adj. torrid, sultry, trace, or mark, a draught, or
who makes arbours hot, parched, scorched, burnt, form [livered
Topiarius, a, um, part, ornamental dry, shrivelled Tradendus, a, um, part, to be de-
T6pica, orum, pi. n. topics Torris, is, m. a firebrand Tradens, tis, part, betraying, re-
T5pice, es,/. the art of invention Torsio, onis, /. a twisting, a writh- lating
T&plcus, a, um, adj. topical ing, a torturing Tradltio, 6nis,/. a tradition, a de-
T6pium, i, n. a knot in a garden, Torte, adv. crookedly, awry livering up
an arbour Tortilis, e, adj. wreathed, winding Traditor, oris, m. a traitor
T6p6graphia, ae,/. topography Tortlvus, a, um, adj. squeezed, Traditurus, a, um, part, about to
Toral, and TOrale, is, n. the fur- pressed deliver up, or betray
niture of a bed, or table Tortor, oris, m. a torturer Traditus, a, um, part, delivered,
Torcular, or Torculare, is, n. a Tortuosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. given, surrendered, handed
press for wine, oil, &c. winding, crooked, intricate, down, described
Toiv-alaii^.^, n. a press room
i, painful Trado, 6re, didi, dltum, a. to de-
Torcularius, a, um, adj. of a press Tortus, a, um, part, twisted, curl- liver, or give, to deliver, or give
Torcularius, i, m. a pressman ed, writhed, winding, tortured, up, to surrender, to betray, to
Torculum, i, n. a press darted, thrown restore, to hand down, or trans-
Torculus, i, m. the same Tortus, us, m. crookedness, a mit
Torculus, a, um, adj. of a press wreath, a spire Traducendus, a, um, part, to bring,
Toreuma, atis, n. plate chased, Torve, adv. sourly, sternly or be brought from one place to
embossed [graving Torvin us, a, um, the same as Tor vus another
T6reutlce, es, /. the art of en- Torvitas, atis, /. sourness, stern- Traduco, £re, uxi, ctum, a. to
Tormen, inis, n. Tormina, um, pi. ness carry, lead, bring, or conv».
the griping of the guts T6riilus, i, m. a little bed, a ring- from one place to another, to
Tormeutum, i, n. a torment, tor- let,a woman's caul draw, or bring over
ture, a piuching, or nipping, an TSrus, i, m. a bed, a couch, a bed- Traductio, onis,/ a carrying, or
engine to throw stones stead, marriage, a rope, or cord, bringing over, a change, scan-
Tormlnalis, e, adj. causing the twisted grass dal, a passing [defaraer
gripes Torvus, a, um, adj. ior, eomp. issi- Traductor, oris, m. a conveyer, a
Torminosus, a, um, adj. subject mus, superl. sour, stern, grim, Traductus, a, um, part, brought
to the gripes dire, cruel over, turned, converted, de-
Tornator, oris, m. a turner Tostus, a, um, part, toasted, famed
Tornatus, a, um, part, turned roasted, broiled, baked Tradux, iicis, m. an imp, or graft
Torno, are, a. to turn, to polish Tot, adj. pi. indecl. so many, just Tragacanthum, i, a. gum dragant
Tornus, i, m. a wheel, a lathe, a so much Tragice, adv. tragically
graver Totalis, e, adj. total, whole, entire Tragicus, a, um, adj. tragical, of
Torosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Totidem, adj. pi. indecl. just so tragedy
brawny, strong, lusty many Tragicus, i, m. a tragedian
Tragoedia, a tragedy, a stir
se, f. Transcendo, ere, ndi, nsum, a. to hath passed over, going over,
TrSgcedus. i, m. a tragedian transcend, to exceed, to go, or exceeding [gressio
TrSgoedus, a, um, adj. tragical pass over [beating Transgressus, fts, same as Trans-

Tragos, or Tragus, i, m. the smell Transcido, gre, a. to tear with Transjectio, onis,/. a casting over
of the armpits, a shell-fish, a Transcrlbo, gre, ipsi, iptum, a. to Transjectus, a, um, part, laid
sponge transcribe, to write over, or out, across [over
Tragula, ae, /. a javelin, a tram- to transfer, to assign Transiens, euntis, part, passing
mel, or drag-net Transcriptio, onis,/ a transcrib- Transigo, gre, segi, sactum, a. to
Tragularius, i, m. a soldier whose ing, an excuse, a pretence run through, to pierce, to con-
! duty it was to dispose the Transcriptus, a, um, part, tran- clude, to finish, to dispatch
tragula preparatory to its heing scribed [across Transjicio, same as Trajicio
discharged from an engine Transcurrens, tis, part, running Transilio, ire, ivi, or ui, n. to leap,
Tragum, i, n. a drag, a kind of Transcurro, ere, ri, rsum, a. to or pass over, beyond, or by, to
corn run over, to pass exceed
Traha, ae,/. a drag, a sledge Transcursurus, a, um, part, about Transilis, e, adj. that passes over
to run across Trans! tio, onis,/. a transition, a

Traharius, i, m. a diay-inan
Trahax, acis, adj. covetous, stingy Transcursus, us, m. a passing by, going over, a revolt
Trahea, ae,/. a cart, or dray a passage [up Transitorius, a,um, adj. transitory
Trahendus, a, um, part, to he Transdo, ere, a. to give, or deliver Transiturus, a, um, part, about
drawn, delayed, &c. [ticing Transduco, ere, xi, ctum, a. same to pass over
Trahens, tis, part, drawing, en- as Traduco Transltus, a, um, parr, passed over
Traho, gre, axi, actum, a. and n. Transenna, ae,/. a snare, a gin, a Transitus, us, ?». a passing over, a
to draw, or drag, to draw, or net, a casement, a lattice passage, a change, a transit
stretch out, to draw, or snuff Transeo, ire, sivi, situm, a. to go, Translator, i, apsus, dep. to slide
up, to drink, to contract, to run, or pass over, beyond, by, over
bring, or lead, to fetch, to take, or through, to undergo, to ex- Translatio, Onis, /. a translation,
get, derive, or assume, to claim ceed, or surpass, to omit, or say a transferring, a transplanting,
Trajectio, onis, /. a conveying, nothing of, to be digested a removal, a change
ferrying, or passing over, a trans- Transero, gre, a. to transplant Translatitius, a, um, adj. trans-
Transeundus, a, um, part, to be ferred, borrowed, usual, ordi-
Trajectura, ae,/. a trajection passed over nary, mean, common
Trajecturus, a, um, part, about Transferendus, a, um, part, to be Translativus, a, um, adj. the same
to pass over brought over Translator, oris, m. a translator, a
Trajectus, a, um, part, carried Transferens, tis, part, transferring conveyer, a remover
over, poured, thrust through Transf gro, ferre, stiili, slatum, a. Translaturus, a, \xm,part. about to
Trajectus, us, m. a ferry to transfer, to carry, or bring convey
Trajiciendus, a, um, part, to pass, from one place to another, to Translatus, a, um, part, trans-
or be passed over convey over, to transplant lated, turned, changed, trans-
Trajiciens, tis, part, passing over Transf igo, gre, a. to run through ferred, conveyed
Trajicio, ere, jeci, jectum, a. to Transfiguratio, onis, /. a trans- Translggo, gre, egi, a. to read over
cast figuration, a change Translucens, tis, part, shining
Tralatus, same as Translatus Transf iguratus, a, um, part, trans- through
Traloquor, i, dej>. to recount, to formed, changed Transluceo, ere, xi, n. to shine
xitter Transf iguro, are, a. to transform through
Traluceo, ere, n. to shine through Transrixus, a, um, part, run Translucidus, a, um, adj. trans-
Trama, ae, /. the woof, yarn, through [over parent
thread Transfluo, gre, xi, xum, n. to bow Transmarinus, a, um, adj. foreign
Trames, Itis, m. a cross-way, a TransfOdio, gre, 6di, ossum, a. to Transmeabilis, e, adj. that may
path, a lawn, a wood dig, strike, run be passed over [over
Tramissus, a, um, part, passed Transformatus, a, um, part, trans- Transmeans, tis, part, passing
over [over formed, changed Transmeo, are, n. to pass over, or
Tramittens, tis, part, passing Transiormis, e, adj. transformed beyond
Tranans, tis, part, gliding through Transformo, are, a. to transform, Transmigro, are, n. to remove
Trano, are, a. to swim, to sail, or to turn, or change Transmissio, Onis, /. a sending
pass over, to fly over, or by Transf6ro, are, a. to bore through over
Tranquillatus, a, um, part, settled Transfossus, a, um, part, wounded Transmissurus, a, um, part, about
Tranquille, adv. ius, -camp, issime, Transfrgtatio, onis, /. a passing to send over
superl. calmly, quietly over the sea Transmissus, us, m. a passage
Tranquillitas, atis,/. tranquillity, Transfrgtaturus, a, um, part. Transmissus, a, um, part, sent, or
quiet, meekness, a calm, high- about to pass over the sea passed over, spent
ness Transfrgto, are, a. to pass over the Transmittendus, a, um, part, to
Tranquill6, adv. at a quiet time sea be transmitted, or postponed
Tranquillo, are, a. to calm, smooth, Transfiiga, ae, c. g. a deserter Transmittens, tis, part, passing
still, quiet Transfiigio, gre, ugi, Itum, n, to over, &c.
Tranquillum, i, n. calm, or fine run away, or over Transmitto, fire, Isi, issum, a. to
weather Transfugium, i, n. a revolt transmit, to send, make, pass,
Tranquillus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Transfumo, are, a. to smoke or go over, to cast, or throw
issinius, superl. calm, smooth, through over
quiet, peaceable, composed Transfundo, gre, udi, tisum, a. to Transmontanus, a, um, adj. be-
Trans, prep, over, from one place pour out of one vessel into yond the mountains
to another, beyond, on the another, to transfer, to trans- Transmotus, a, um, part, removed
other side pose Transm6veo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to
Transabeo, ire, to go beyond, or Transf usio, onis,/. a transfusion remove
through Transf usus, a, um, part, poured Transmutans, tis, part, changing
Transactor, oris, m. a manager, a Transgrgdiendus, a, um, part, to Transmutatio, onis, /. a change,
broker pass, or be passed over [over or transposition
Transactus, a, um, part, finished, Transgrgdiens, tis, part, passing Transmuto, are, a. to change
ended, past Transgrgdior, i, essus sum, dep. Transnatans, tis, part, swimming
Transadigo, £re, dggi, dactum, a. to go, or pass over, beyond, or over
to thrust, or strike through, to by, to exceed Transnato, are, a. to swim over
pierce Transgressio, onis, /. a passing Transnaturus, a, um, part, about
Transalpinus, a, um, adj. over, or over, or bejond, a transgression to swim over
beyond the Alps Transgressor, Oris, m. a trans- Transno, are, a. to swim over
Transcendens, tis, part, tran- gressor Transnomlno, are, a. to chcri(f.A
scending, passing over Transgressus, a, um, pert, one's name
Trail sntimero, are, o. to over- startled at. tremendous, dread- Tricenteni, ae, a, adj. three hun-
reckon ful dred [times
Transp&danus, a, um, adj. beyond Tremens, tis, part, trembling Trlcenties, adv. three hundred
the river Po [through Trgmiscens, tis, part, the same Triceps, Itis, adj. three-headed,
Transpectus, us, m. a looking Trgmisco, kre, incep. to tremble, triple [tieth
TranspTcio, ere, a. to look through or tremble at, to shake, to quake Tricesimus, a, um, adj. the thir-
Transpiratio, onis, /. transpira- Trgmo, ere, mui, n. to tremble, or Tricessis, is, m. the weight of
tion tremble at, to shake, to quake thirty pounds
Transpono, ere, a. to transpose Tremor, oris, m. a trembling, a Trichias, ae, m. a sprat
Transportatio, onis, /.transporta- shaking, a twinkling Trichlla, ae,/. a covered walk
tion Tremulus, a, um, adj. trembling, Trichllum, i, n. a vessel with three
rausportatftrus, a, um, part. shaking, quivering, warbling, spouts
about to transport, or transpose tottering, twinkling Tnchorum, i, n. a building of
.'ansportandus, a, um, part, to Trgpidans, tis, part, trembling, three stories
be transported [ported panting [fully Tricies, adv. thirty times
Transportatus, a, um, part, trans- Trepidanter, adv. ius, comp. fear- Tricliniarches, ae, m. the orderer,
Transporto, are, a. to transport, Tigpidatio, onis, /. a trembling, or director of the triclinium
to banish, to convey [tion fear Tricliniaria, orum, or ium, pi. n. \

Transpositio, onis,/. atransposi- Trepidaturus, a, um, part, about the hangings of a dining-room
Transp5situs, a, um, part, trans- to tremble Tricllniaris, e, adj. of, or belong-
posed Trepide, adv. fearfully, in a hurry ing to a dining-room
Transrhenanus, a,um, adj. beyond Trepido, are, n. to tremble, to Tricliniarium, i, n. a dining-room
the Rhine shake, to beat, or pant, to Tricliniarius, a, um, adj. of a
Transtiberinus, a, um, adj. be- hasten, or be in a hurry, to run dining-room
yond tbe Tiber along Triclinium, i, n. a couch for ihree
Transtillum, i, n. a little transom Trepidor, ari, dep. to be in fear guests to sit, or lean along upon
Transtrum, i, n. a bench, or seat Trepidiilus, a, um, adj. somewhat Tricolor, oris, adj. of three colours
in a boat, or galley, a beam afraid Tricor, ari, atus sum, dep. to trifle,
Transvectio, onis, /. a carrying Trgpidus, a, um, adj. trembling, to toy, to baffle, to trick
over frighted, astonished, fearful, Tricorniger, a, um, adj. three-
Transvectus, a, um, part, carried timorous, concerned for, doubt- horned
over, gone, or past ful Tricornis, e, adj. three-horned
Transveho, fire, exi, ectum, a. to Tres, and haec tria, adj. pi. three Trlcorpor, oris, adj. three-bodied
carry over, to convey Tressis, is, m. the weight, or value Tricosus, a, um, adj. full of tricks
Transverberatus, a, um, part. of three asses, or farthings Tricuspis, idis, adj. three-pointed
struck through Tressis, e, adj. vile, mean, pitiful Tridacnus, a, um, adj. eaten at
Transverbero, are, a. to pierce Tresviri, same as Triumvir three bits
through, to transfix Triangularis, e, adj. triangular Tridens, tis, m. a trident
Transversa, adv. askew, asquint Triangulum, i, n. a triangle Tridentifer, and Tridentiger, a,
Transversarium, i, n. a rafter Triangulus, a, um, adj. three- um, adj. trident-bearing, an
Transversarius, a, um, adj. over- cornered epithet of Neptune
thwart Triarii, orum, pi. m. old soldiers TrTdentipbtens, tis, adj. the same
Transverse, adv. across set in rhe rear as a reserve Trlduum, ui, n. three days
Transversio, onis,/. a traversing Trlbas, adis,/. a mean harlot Triennium, i, n. three years
Transversus, a, um, adj. trans- Tribrachys, yos, m. a foot of Triens, tis, m. the third part of
verse, across, overthwart, con- three short syllables any thing, a small coin, a gill
trary, opposite [vault Tribuarius, a, um, adj. of a tribe Triental, alis, n. a little vessel
Transulto, are, a. to leap, or Tribuendus, a, um, part, to be at- Trientalis, e, adj. four inches
Transumo. 6re, ropsi, mptum, a. tributed, to be given thick, &c.
to take from. one to another Tribuens, tis, part, attributing, Trientarius, a, um, adj. of, or be-
Transumptio, onis, /. a taking granting longing to a third part
from one to another Tribiila, ae, /. a little cart Trierarchus, i, m. the captain of
Transumptivus, a, um, adj. tran- Tribulis, is, m. one of the same a galley with three banks of
sumptive tribe, stock, or ward oars
Transuo, gre, a. to sew through Tribulo, are, a. to thrash, to vex Trieterlcus, a, um, adj. triennial
TransvSlans, tis,part, flying over Tribulum, i, ». same as Tribula Trieteris, Idis,/. three years
TransvOlito, are, n. to fly over Tribulus, i, m. a thistle, a bram- Trlfariam, adv. three different
often ble, an iron spike ways [triple
Transv5lo, are, n. to fly over, or Tribunal, alis, n. a tribunal, a Trifaux, cis, adj. three-mouthed,
beyond, to haste judgment-seat Tiifer, or Trifems, a, um, adj.
Trapes, etis, m. an oil-press Tribunalia, um, pi. n. banks to that bears fruit thrice a-year
Trapetum, i, n., and Trapetus, i, keep the water from overflow- Trlfldus, a, um, adj. three-forked
m. the same ing Trifolium, i, n. trefoil [triple
Trapeza, ae,/. a banker's table Tiibunatus.'us, m. thetribuneship Trlformis, e, adj. of three forms,
Trapezita, ae, m. a banker, an ex- Tribunltius, a, um, adj. tribunitial Trifur, uris, c. g. a noted thief
changer Tiibunus, i, m. a tribune Trifurcatus, a, um, adj. three-
Trapezium, i, n. a quadrangle Tribuo, 6re, ui, utum, a. to attri- forked
Traoez6phoron, i, n. a cupboard, bute, to assign, ascribe, or im- Trifurcifer, i, m. an arrant rogue

the foot of a table pute, to grant, give, or bestow Trifurcus, a, um, adj. three-forked
Trgccnarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- Tribus, vis,/, a tribe, or ward Triga, ae, /. a cart with three
longing to three hundred Tributarius, a, um, adj. tributary horses
Treceni, ae, a, adj. pi. three hun- Trlbiitim, adv. ward by ward Trigarins, i, m. one who drives
dred [dred Tributio, onis,/. a distributing three horses [birth
Trgcenti, ae, a, adj. pi. three hun- Tributum, i, n. a tribute, custom, Trlgemini, ae, a, adj. pi. three at a
Trgcenties, adv. three hundred impost, a tax, toll [give Trigeminus, a, um, arfj.threefold
times Tributurus, a, um, part, that will Trigemmis, e, adj. having three
Ticdecies, adv. thirty times Tributus, i, m. a tribute, a subsidy buds
TiCdecim, indecl. thirteen Tributus, a, um, part, attributed, Trigesies, adv. thirty times
Treme'bundus, a, um, adj. trem- granted, given, divided Trigeslmus, a, um, adj. the thir-
bling Tributus, a, um, adj. of the tribes tieth
Tremefacio, fire, eci, actum, a. to Tricae, arum, pl.f. a let, or impe- Triginta, adj pi. indecl. thirty
make to tremble, or shake diment, trifles, gewgaws, foole- Trigon, onis, m. a ball, a fish
Tr£m£factus, a, um, part, shaken, ries,toys Tngonalis, e, adj. three-cornered
frighted, terrified Tricenarius, a, um, adj. of thirty Trigonus, a, um, adj.Jhe sanu>
Tiemendus, a, um, part, to be Trlccni, a?, a, adj. pi. thirty Tilgonus, i, m. a triangle, a full
Trllibris, e, adj. of three pounds Tritavus, m. a great-grand-
i, or push, to thrust, or push on
weight father's great-grandfather forward, or out
Trilinguis, e, adj. having-, or being Triticeus, a, um, adj. wheaten, of Trulla, ae, /. a cup, a pot, or pan,
skilled in three tongues Triticum, i. n. wheat [wheat a chamber-pot, a tray, a trowel
Trilix, Icis, adj. trebly tissued Triton, onis, m. a sea-god, a fish, Trulleum, i, n. a wash-hand, bason
Trimatus, us, to. three years old a weathercock Trullissatio, onis,/. a plastering
Tnmestris, e, adj. of three months Trltor, oris, m a t hrasher, a grinder
. Trullisso, are, a. to plaster
Trimgtrum, i, n. a trimeter, or Trltiira, a?,/, a grinding Truncatus, a, um, part, maimed,
verse of three feet Trlturator, oris, to. a thrasher mangled
Trimodia, a?,/, three bushels Trituro, are, a. to thrash Trunco, are, a. to maim, to cut off
Trimodium, i, n. the same Tritus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Trunciilus, i, m. a little stock
Trim6dius, a, um, adj. containing comp. issimus, superl. rubbed, Truncus, a, um, adj. cut short,
three bushels [old pounded, ground, broken, worn, maimed, mutilated, wanting
Tnmulus, a,um, adj. three years wasted, threadbare, frequented Truncus, i, m. a trunk, the body
Trimus, a, um, adj. three years Tritus, us, m. a rubbing, a grinding of a tree, a dunce, a stupid
old Trivfinefica, ae,/. a great witch person [turned
Trimtas, atis,/. the Trinity Trivialis, e, adj. trivial, ordinary Trusatilis, e, adj. that may be
Trinoctialis, e, adj. of three nights Trivium, i, n. a place where three Trusito, are, a. to run through, to
Trinoctium, i. n. three nights ways meet [ways kill
Trinodis, e, adj. having three um,
Trivius, a, adj. having three Truso, are, freq. to thrust often
knots, knotted, knotty Triumphalia, ium, the so-
pi. n. Trusus, a, um, part, thrust, forced
Trinundinum, i, n. the day of the lemnities, or ornaments of a Trvitlna, as, /. the hole in which
third fair, the space of twenty- triumph the tongue of scales moves, a
seven days Triuniphalis, e, adj. of, or belong- pair of scales, a balance, judg-
Trlnus, a, um, adj. three, three ing to a triumph, triumphant ment
together, the third Triumphans, tis, part, triumphing Trutinor, ari, dep. to weigh, to
TriobOlaris, e, adj. vile, pitiful Triumphaturus, a, um,part. about examine, to consider well
Triobolum, i, n. three halfpence to triumph Trux, tlcis, adj. rough, stern, grim,
Triones, um, pi. m. ploughing Triumphatus, a um, part, tri- fierce, severe, cruel, savage
oxen, Charles's Wain, or the umphed over Tryblium, i, n. a saucer
seven stars, the north Triumphatus, us, m. a triumphing Tryxalis, is,/ a cricket
Triparcus, a, um, adj. very sparing Triumpho, are, n. to triumph, to Tu, tui, tibi, pron. thou [c#rd
Tripartltb, or Tripertitd, adv. in •rejoice Tuapte sponte, of thine own ac-
three parts Triumphus, i, m. a triumph Tuatim, adv. as you are wont
Tripartltus, or Trfpertltus, a, um, Triumvir, Sri, m. one of three Tuba, ae, /. a trumpet, a pipe, a
part, divided into three parts officers in like authority trumpeter
Trip&tinum, i, n. the last service Triumviralis, e, adj. of, or belong- Tuber, eris, n. a puff, a toadstool,
of several dishes [breasts ing to the triumviri [virate a mushroom, a bunch on the
Tripectbrus, a, um, adj. with three Triumvlratus, us, to. the trium- back, a swelling [tree
Tripgdalis, e, adj. three feet long Triumvirltim, adv. three by three Tuber, 6ris, m. fruit of the tuber-
Trlpedaneus, a, um, adj. of three Triuncis, is, m. a coin of three Tuberculum, i, n. a pimple, or
feet ounces wheat [ing out
Tripes, gdis, adj. three-legged Trochaeus, i, m. a trochee, a foot Tubfiiosissimus, a, um, adj. bump-
Triplex, icis, adj. triple, threefold of two syllables, the first long Tubicen, inis, m. a trumpeter
Triplicatio, onis, /. a trebling and the latter short Tubilustrium, i, n. a procession
Triplicatus, a, um, part, tripled Trochiscus, i, m. a trochisk with trumpets
Triplices,um,.pJ. to. memorandum- Trochlea, ae,/. a pulley, a windlass Tubulatus, a, um, adj. hollowed
books Tr6chiilus, i, to. dim. a liftle top TubiiluS) i, to. dim. a little pipe,
Tripliciter, adv. trebly Trochus, i, m. a top, a little round the funnel of a chimney
Triplico, are, a. to triple lump of anything Tuburcinor, oi Tubuccinor, ari,
Trlplinthius, a, um, adj. three Troja, a;,/, a tilt dep. to eat greedily, to stuff out
bricks thick Tr6pa;um, i, n. a trophy, a spoil the cheeks
Tripld, adv. hy thrice [fold taken and hung up, a victory Tubus, i, m. a tube, a pipe
Triplus, a, um, adj. triple, three- TrSpBeus, a, um, adj. tropical, con- Tucetum, i, n. a sausage
Triptoton, i, n. a triptote stant Tiides, Uis, m. and Tudis, a beetle,
Triptidians, tis, part, dancing TrOpbaeum, i, n. see Tropseum a hammer
Tripudio, are, n. to dance, to caper Trdpica, orum, pi. n. alterations Tudlcula, ae, /. a little beetle, a
Trlpudium, i, n. a dancing, a dance TrOpice, adv. figuratively ladle, a printing-iron to mark
Tripus, Cdis, m. anything with Tropicus, a, um, adj. tropical, with [work
three legs, a three-footed stool, figurative Tudito, are, a. to hammer, to
an oracle Tropis, is, /. the keel of a ship, Tuendus, a, um, part, to be de-
Triquetra, ae,/. a triangle the dregs of wine used in baths fended
TrTquetrum, i, n. a triangle Tr5pus, i, to. a trope Tuens, tis, part, beholding, view-
Triquetrus, a, um, adj. triangular Trossvila, 83,/. a delicate lass ing, looking, defending
Triremis, is,/, a galley with three Trossulus, i, to. a beau, a spruce Tueor, eri, tuitus, and tutus, dep.
banks of oars gallant, a well-set fellow to set, or behold, to look sted-
Trisago, Inis,/. germander Trua, se,f. a ladle, a tray fastly, to defend, or be defended,
Triscurria, orum, pi. n. Trucldandus, a, um, part, to be to protect, to preserve, to keep
eries crucified Tuguriolum, i, n. a little cottage

Trispastus, a, um, adj. drawn Trucldatio, onis,/. a killing, slay- Tugiirium, i, n. a cottage, a lodge,
with three pulleys ing, slaughtering, or murdering a kennel
Triste, adv. ius, comp. sadly Trucldatus, a, um, part, slain,, onis,/. a defence
Tristlculus, a, um, adj. pensive butchered Tullianura, i, n. a prison in Rome
Tristiflcus, a, um, adj. saddening Triicldo, are, a. to kill, to slay, to Turn, adv. then, at that time, more-
Tristimonia, ae,/. sadness slaughter, to butcher, to mas- over, afterwards, in fine
Tristis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, sacre, to assassinate, to murder Turn, conj. and, also, both
superl. sad, dull, heavy, pensive, Truculent er, adv. ius, comp. issime, Tumgfacio, £re, feci, factum, a.
melancholy, sorrowful, dismal superl. roughly, sourly to make to swell, to swell
Tristitia, ae,/. sadness, heaviness, Truculentia, te,f. cruelty, savage- Ttimefactus, a, um, part swollen, .

pensiveness, sorrow, gravity, ness puffed up

sullenness, moroseness Truciilentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Tumens, tis, part, swelling, puffed
Tristities, ei,/. the same issimus, superl. rough, stern, up, filled, angry, haughty
Trisulcus, a, um, adj. three-point- fierce, cruel, barbarous, savage Tumeo, ere, mui, n. to swell, t(i
ed, three-forked Trudes, is,/, a waterman's pole be swelled, or puffed up, to
Trfsyllabus, a, um, adj. trisyllable Trudo, fire, si, sum, a. to thrust, .increase
Tiiinescens, tis, part, swelling, turbulent, disturbed, disorder- Tutans, tis, part, defending
breaking out [out ed, swelled, angry, enraged Tute, adv. safely [ownself
rflmesco, ere, n. to swell, to break Turblnatio, onis,/. the making of Tute, pron. thou thyself, thine
Tumex, Icis, /. a rope, or cord a thing like a top Tutela, ae, /. defence, protection,
Tumlde, adv. swellingly, proudly Turbinatus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. support, maintenance, keeping,
Tumldillus, a, urn, adj. somewhat made like a top [round guardianship, a hedge
swollen Turblneus, a, um, adj. whirling Tutelaris, e, adj. tutelar, guardian
Tumldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Turbo, are, a. to disturb, to in- Tutelarius, i, m. a warden, a guard
issimus, supeW. swollen, swelled, terrupt, to trouble, to disorder, T£it6, adv. ids, comp. issime and
proud, lofty, haughty, fierce, to discompose, to confound issim6, superl. safely, securely
testy Turbo, orTurben, Inis, m. a whirl- Tutor, are, a. to defend, to protect
Tumor, oris, m. a tumour, a swell- ing, or turning round, a whirl- Tuto, ari, dep. the same
ing, pride, loftiness, haughti- wind, a storm, a whirlpool Tutor, oris, m. a tutor, a guar-
ness, auger, a crisis Turbulente, adv. in a hurry dian, a protector
Tiimulandus, a, urn, part, to be Turbulenter, adv. the same Tutoiius, a, um, adj. of a tutor,
buried, or entombed Turbulentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. or guardian
Tiimulatio, onis,/. a burying issimus, superl. turbulent, fac- Tutulus, i, m. a woman's roll, the
Tiimulatus, a, um, part, buried, tious, seditious, troublesome, peak, or tuft of a priest's hair,
entombed muddy or cap
Tumiilo, are, a. to bury, to inter Turda, ae, a thrush
/. Tutus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi-
Tumulosus, a, um, adj. full of Turdillus, m. a sorrv fellow
i, mus, superl. safe, secure, out of
hillocks Turdtilus, i, m. dim. a "little thrush danger
Turmrttuans, tis, part, making a Turdus, i, m. a thrush, or thistle, Tuus, a, um, pron. adj. thine,
tumult, mutinying, seditious a blackbird [ed thine own, favourable
Tumultuarius, a, um, adj. tumult- Turgens, tis, part, swelling, swell- Tymbos, i, m. a tomb, a funeral
uary, hasty, done in haste Turgeo, ere, rsi, n. to swell, or be pile [tympany
Tumultuatio, onis, /, a hurrying swelled, to puff up Tympanicus, a, um, adj. having a
Tumultuatus, a, um, part, making Turgescen?, tis, part, swelling up Tympanites, ae, m. a tympany
a tumult, mutinying Turgesco, ere, n. to swell up, to Tympanizo, are, a. to drum
Tiimultuo, are, n. the same as swell [swollen Tympanum, i, n. a timbrel, a
Ttimultuor, ari, dep. to make a Turgldulus, a, um, adj. somewhat 'drum, a wheel, a solid orb
tumult, noise, uproar, disturb- Turgidus, a, um, adj. swollen, Typlcus, a, um, adj. typical
ance, bustle, or stir, to mutiny swelled, agitated, blubbered Typographia, ae,/. printing
Tumultuose, adv. ills, comp. issi- Turio, onis, m. a tendril, or young Typographus, i, m. a printer
me, superl. in a hurry branch of a tree Typus, i, m. a type, figure, or
Ttimultuosus, a, um, adj. ior, Turma, ae, /. a troop, a company example
comp. issimus, superl. tumult- Turmale, adv. warlike Tyrannlce, adv. tyrannically
uous, seditious, mutinous, bois- Turmales, ium, pi. m. those of Tyrannlclda, ae, c. g. the killer of
terous, stormy, rough the same troop a tyrant [tyrant
Tumultus, us, {and antiq. i,) m. Turmalis, e, adj. of, or belonging Tyrannlcldium, i, n. akillingof a
tumult, noise, uproar, disturb- to a troop Tyrannlcus, a, um, adj. tyranni-
ance, bustle, alarm, sedition, Turmatim, adv. by troops cal, tyrannous
insurrection, mutiny, any irre- Turpans, tis, part, polluting Tyrannis, Idis, /. tyranny, des-
gular action Turpiculus, a, um, adj. somewhat potic government, usurpation,
Tumulus, i, m. a hillock, a little filthy sovereignty
hill, a heap, a tomb, a grave, a Turpificatus, a, um, adj. polluted Tyrannoctanos, i, m. the killer of
monument Turpilucrlcupldus, a, um, adj. co- a tyrant
Tunc, adv. then, at that time vetous of dishonest gain Tyiannus, i, m. a tyrant, an
Tund ens, tis, part, beating, knock- Turpis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, usurper
ing superl. base, shameful, disgrace- Tyrianthlnus, a, um, adj. of a
Tundo, ere, tutildi, tunsum, a. to ful, dishonourable, scandalous, bright violet colour
beat, smite, or knock, to pound, infamous, nasty, filthy Tyrius, a, um, adj. of the city
to thrash, to play upon Turplter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Tyre, Tyrian
Tunica, ae,/. a tunic, a waistcoat, superl. basely, shamefully, dis- Tyro, onis, m. same as Tiro
orjacket, a coat of mail, a shirt, gracefully, dishonourably, scan-
a shift, clothes, a wrapper for dalously, dishonestly, nastily
wares, a peel Turpitudo, Inis,/. turpitude, base-
T&nlcatus, a, um, adj. coated ness, meanness, disgrace, dis-
Ttinicella, ae, /. dim. a -very little honesty
coat Turpo, are, a. to defile, to pollute,
Tunico, are, a. to coat, to clothe to disfigure, to disgrace Ober, Sris, n. written also Huber,
Tumcula, a, /. a tunicle, a little Turrlcula, &, f. dim. a little tower, a breast, an udder, a nipple, a
coat [thrashed a dice-box teat, a pap, the bosom, fatness,
Tuncus, a, um, part, beaten, Turrifer, a, um, adj. tower-bearing or fruitfulness, the spout
Tuor, see Tueor Turrlger, a, um, adj. the same Ober, eris, adj ior, comp. errlmus,
Turba, ae,/. a crowd, a multitude, Turris, is,/, a tower, a turret, any superl. fruitful, plentiful, abun-
a band, disturbance, noise, fortified place dant, copious [ttm
trouble, business [tiny Turritus, a, um, adj. towered, or Oberius, adv. comp. same as Uber-
Turbamentum, i, n. trouble, mu- turreted, full of towers, high, Cbero, are, a. to make fruitful, or
Turbans, tis, part, disturbing lofty plenteous, to fatten, to enrich
Turbate, adv. with disorder Turtur, firis, m. a bird called a n. to be plentiful
Turbatlm, adv. the same turtle, a dove TJbfirosus, a, um, adj. plentiful
Turbator, oris, m. a disturber, a Turtiirilla, ae,/. a coward Ubertas, atis, /. fruitfulness,
troubler Turunda, a>,/. a pellet, tent plenty, abundance, store
Turbatrix, Icis,/. a disturber Tusslcula, ae,/. dim. a little cough Cbertlm, adv. ius, comp. errime,
Turbatus, a, um, part, and adj. Tussllago, inis,/. colts-foot superl. plentifully, abundantly,
ior, comp. disturbed, troubled, Tussiens, tis, part, coughing copiously
disordered, ruffled, confused Tussio, Ire, Ivi, n. to cough Obi, adv. where, where ? in what
Turbella, ae,/. dim. a little stir Tussis, is,/, a cough [pounded place ? when, from whom,
Turblde, adv. ius, comp. with Tiisus.a, um, pa;-*, beaten, bruised, which, or whence, after that, as
trouble [troublous Tiitamen, Inis, n. a defence, a sup- soon as
Turbldtilus, a, um, adj. somewhat port, a safeguard Obicumque, and Obicunque, adt>.
Turbldus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Tutamentum, i, n. the same wheresoever, in what place
issimus, superl. muddy, thick, Tutandus, a, um, part, to be de- soever, whensoever [please
foggy, troublous, troublesome, fended Obilibet, adv. wheresoever you
Cblnam, adv. in what place? boss, a cockle, a little round Undequadraginta, adj. pi. indecl.
L where? stone thirty-nine
Obique, adv. in every place, eve*v Umbo, onis, to. the boss of a Undequinquagesimus, a, um, adj.
where, universally, wheresoever shield, a shield, or buckler, a the forty-ninth
Obiubl, for Obicunque, adv. bezil, aknob, a tump Undequinquaginta, adj. pi. indecl.
wherever, in what place soever, Umbra, ae, /. a shadow, or shade, forty-nine
in any case a shady bough, a cloud, an ap- Undesexaginta, adj. pi. indecl.
Cblvls, adv. any where, in any pearance, a ghost, an unbidden fifty-nine
, matter, or affair guest, or attendant Undetrigesimus, a, um, adj. the
Cdo, onis, m. a garment to keep Umbraciilum, i, n. an arbour, a twenty-ninth
off cold, a sack bower, a booth, a shade Undeviceni, ae, a, adj. pi. nineteen
Cdus, a, um, adj. moist, wet, Umbrans, tis, part, shading Undevicesimanus, a, um, adj. the
oozy, drunk Umbraticola, ae, c. g. a keeper nineteenth
Ulcgratio, onis,/. an ulceration within doors Undevicesimus, or Undevlgesi-
Ulcgratus, a, um, part, ulcerated Umbvaticus, a, um, adj. keeping mus, a, um, adj. the nineteenth
Ulcfiro, are, a. to ulcerate, or at home, effeminate, sorry Undeviginti, indecl. nine-
make full of sores, to wound Umbratilis, e, adj. shady, keeping teen
Ulcerosus, a, um, adj. ulcerated private, or out of sight, lazy Undiquiique, adv. every where
Ulciscendus, a, um, part, to re- Umbraturus, a, um, part, about Undique, adv. on every side, every
venge, or be revenged to shade where, from all places, in all
I Ulciscens, tis, part, revenging, Umbratus, a, um, part, shaded respects
punishing Umbriter, -a, um, adj. casting a UndisOnus, a, um, adj. resound-
Ulciscor, i, ultus, dep. to avenge, shadow, shady [shadow ing, or roaring with waves
to revenge, to take revenge on, Umbro, are, a. to shade, or cast a Undivagus, a, um, adj. passing
or for, to be revenged Umbrosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. through the waves
Ulcus, ens, n. an ulcer, bile, or issimus, superl. shady, full of Undo, are, n. and a. to rise in
sore, a cut, gash, or wound shades waves, to ascend, to boil, to
Ulcusculura, i, n. a little sore, or Una, ads. together, all at once, in foam, to deluge, to abound
scab company with, at the same time Undosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Oliginosus, a, um, adj. moist, wet Onanimis, e, adj. unanimous, issimus, superl. swelling, rough
Uligo, inis,/. moisture, ooziness loving Undiila, ae,/. dim. a little wave
Ullus, a, um, adj. gen. ullius, any, Onanimitas, atis,/. unanimity Undulatus, a, um, adj. made of
any one Unanimus, a, um, adj. unanimous waves [arbute
Ulmariura, i, n. a grove of elms Uncatus, a, um, adj. hooked Unedo, onis, to. the fruit of the
Ulmeus, a, um, adj. of elm Uncia, ae, /. an ounce, an inch, Unetvlcesimus, a, um, adj. the
Ulmus, i,/. an elm the twelfth [inch one and twentieth
Ulna, ae, /. an ell, a cubit, an arm Uncialis, e, adj. of an ounce, or Ungendus, a, um, part, to be
Ulpicum, i, n. wild garlic Unciarius, a, um, adj. the same anointed
Ulterior, ius, adj. comp. farther, Unciatlm, adv. inchmeal Ungo, or Unguo, gre, xi, ctum, a.
the farther, that is past Uncinatus, a, um, adj. crooked to anoint, to smear
Ultenus, adv. farther, beyond UnciOla, ae, /. one part in twelve Unguen, inis, n. an ointment,
Ultim6, adv. at the last Unctio, onis,/. an unction any fat liquor, or juice
Ultimum, adv. the last time Unctito, are, freq. to anoint often Unguentaria, ae,/. the art of mak-
Ultimus, a, um, adj. superl. last, Unctiusciilus, a, um, adj. greasy, ing ointment, she that makes
utmost, extreme, remotest, the oily ointments
farthest, or farthermost, the Unctor, 6ris, to. an anointer Unguentarium, i, «. a duty, or tax
first, the hithermost, cbiefest, Unctuarius, a, um, adj. of anoint- upon ointments
greatest ing Unguentarius, a, um, adj. of oint-
Ultio, onis,/. revenge Unctum, i, n. good fare ments
Ultor, oris, to. an avenger, a re- Unctura, ae,/. an anointing Unguentarius, i, to. a perfumer
venger Unctus, a, um, part, and adj. ior, Unguentatus, a, um, adj. anointed
Ultra, prep, beyond, on the far- comp. issimus, superl. anointed, with sweet ointments, perfumed
ther side greasy, oily, wealthy, plentiful, Unguentum, i, n. any sweet oint-
Ultra, adv. farther, besides, more- copious ment, a perfume, a salve
over more, hereafter Uncus, a, um, adj. hooked, crooked Ungues, ium, pi. m. muscles
Ultramundanus, a, um, adj. Uncus, i, m. a hook, a tenter, an Unguiciilus, i, to. a tender, soft
heavenly anchor, a drag, a brace nail
Ultrix, icis,/. an avenger Unda, ae,/. a wave, water, liquor, Unguinosus, a, um, adj. ior,
Ultrix, icis, adj. avenging a crowd, a bustle, a storm comp. oily, unctuous, fat
Ultr6, adv. willingly, of his, or Undans, tis, part, flow ing, stream- Unguis, is, to. a nail, a claw, a
its own accord, voluntarily, ing, boiling, bubbling, waving, talon, a hoof, the haw, a white
without seeking abounding mark, or flake, the shoot of a
Ultroneus, a, um, adj. voluntary Undatim, adv. like waves vine, a vintage-hook
Ultrotrlbuta, pi. n. a taking work Undatus, a, um, part, waved Ungula, ae, /. a nail, a claw, a
by the great, the charges of Unde, adv. from whence, where- _ hoof [stem
such works with, out of, or from which, of Cnicaiamus, a, um, adj. with one
Ultus, a, um, part, having re- whom, of what person Cnicaulis, e, adj. with one stalk
venged, revenged, avenged, Undgceni, ae, a, eleven Cnice, adv. only, singularly, par-
punished Undgcentesimus, a, um, adj. the ticularly, entirely
Ultus, us, to. revenge ninety-ninth Onic6lor, oris, adj. of one colour
Ulva, ae,/. sea-grass, sedge, weeds Undecentum, adj. pi. indecl. Unicornis, e, adj. with one horn
Clula, ae,/. an owl [shrieking ninety-nine Unicornis, is, m. an unicorn
Oltilans, tis, part, howling, Undecies, adv. eleven times Unicus, a, um, adj. one alone,
Olulatus, a, um, part, howling, Undgcim, adj. pi. indecl. eleven only, notable, or excellent,
howled Undecimus, a, um, adj. the chief, dearly beloved
Olulatus, us, m. a howling, a yell, eleventh Uniformis, e, adj. uniform, all
a shriek, a cry UndSciremis, is, /. a galley having _ alike
Oliilo, are, n. to howl, to yell, to eleven banks of oars Uniggna, ae, c. g. an only-begotten
shriek, to shout, to ring Undecunque, adv. from what one only
Umbella, ae,/. a screen, a fan place, or part soever Uniggnitus, i, to an only son
Umber, bri, m. a mongrel UndelTbet, adv. whence thou wilt Unijugus, a, um, adj. coupled to-
Umbillcatus, a, um, adj. having a Undeni, ae, a, adj. pi. eleven gether [breasted
navel, like a navel Undeoctoginta, adj. pi. indecl. Unimammius, a, um, adj. one-
Umbilicus, i, to. the navel, the seventy-nine [times Unimanus, a, um, adj. one-handed
middle of any thing, a bezil, a Undequadragies, adr. thirty-nine Unio, oais, m. a pearl called au
onion, a jewel, an onion, or Urslnus, a, um, adj. of a bear Ctensile, is, n. an utensil, a tool
scallion [one Ursus, i, m. a he-bear Utensilis, e, adj. necessary for use
Cnio, to unite, or make
Ire, ivi, a. Urtlca, se, /. a nettle, lechery, a Oter, tra, trum, adj. which, or
Cnistirpis, adj. of one stock
e, shellfish whether of the two [boct.'e
Cnitas, atis,/. unity, oneness, an Urtlcosus, a, um, adj. full of nettles Cter, tris, m. a bladder, a bag, a
union, concord, agreement, like- Crus, i, m. a buffalo [being Uterculus, i, m. a little bottle, a
ness L sia, ae, /. essence, substance, little womb, or cell, the husk,
Uniter, adv. in one, together Lsio, onis,/. use, an using or hull of seeds
Cnltus, a, um, part, united, made Usitate, adv. usvally, ordinarily Utercunque, utracunque, utrum-
_ one [neral Usitatus, a, um, part, and adj. cunque, adj. whichsoever of the
Universalis, e, adj. universal, ge- ior, comp. isslmus, superl. usual, two
Universe, adv. universally, gene- ordinary, common UtSrlnus, a, um, adj. born of the
rally, altogether Uspiam, adv. anywhere, some- ^ same mother
Cniversim, adv. the same where, any matter
iii UterlTbet, utralibet, utrumlibef,
Universitas, atis,/. the whole in Usquam, adv. anywhere, in any adj. which of the two you please
general, an university place, to any place, in anything, Uternam, utranam, utrumnam,
Cnlversus, a, um, adj. universal, at any time adj. which of the two
_ the whole, all Usque, adv. continually, always, Uterque, utraque, utrumque, adj.
UniusmSdi, adj.indecl. of one sort all along, as long as, as far as, both the one and the other,
UnOculus, a, um, adj. one-eyed until, even both, each
Uuquam, adv. at any time, ever Usqugquaque, adv. everywhere, all Utervis, utravis, utrumvis, adj.
Unus, a, um, adj. one, one alone, about, always, continually either of the two, which of the
some one, a certain one, single, Usquequd, adv. until that two thou wilt
only, the first, the same Usta, se,/. colour made of ceruse Uterus, i, m. and Uterum, i, n.
Cnusquisque, quseque, quodque, Ustio, onis, /. a burning, a searing ^ the womb, a child in the womb
adj. every one, every Ustor, oris, m. a burner Ctl, adv. that, to the end that,
CpUio, onis, m. a shepherd Ustrina, ae, /. a melting-house, a _ even as, as
Cpiipa, ae,/. a lapwing, a pewet, a burning [burnt Utibilis, e, adj. useful
mattockto dig stones Ustulandus, a, um, part, to be Utiiis, e, adj. ior, comp. isstmus,
Oraeus, a, um, adj. of the tail Ustulatus, a, um, part, burnt superl. useful, or fit for use, ser-
Urbane, adv. ids, comp. issime, Ustulo, are, a. to burn, or sear viceable, advantageous, profit-
superl. politely, civilly Ustura, ae,/. a burning _ able, convenient
Urbanitas, atis, /. a city-life, po- Ustus, a, um, part burnt, parched,. Utilitas, atis, /. utility, usefulness,
liteness, civility, pleasantry _ scorched, inflamed [use or use, advantage, benefit, pro-
Urbanus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Usuarius, a, um, adj. serving for _ fit, interest, convenience
isslmus, superl. of, or belonging Usucapio, ere, cepi, captum, a. to Utilifer, adv. ius, comp. issime,
to a city, polite, genteel, cour- _ take,-or hold by prescription superl. usefully, serviceably, pro-
teous, civil Usucaptio, and Usucapio, and „ fitably
Urbicapus, i, m. a winner of cities Ususcaptio, onis, /. long pos- Ltinam, adv. O
that ! I wisVi
Urbicus, a, um, adj. of a city _ session, or prescription Utique, adv. then, therefore, verily,
Urbs, is, /. a city, a walled town, Csucaptus, a, um, part, enjoyed surely, certainly, for certain, so,
citizens _ by long possession _ moreover
Urceolus, i, m. dim. a little pitcher Usufacio, ere, feci, factum, a. to Utor, uti, usus, dep. to use, or
Urceus, i, m. a pitcher, or pot _ hold by prescription make use of, to employ, to have,
Lredo, inis,/. a blasting of trees, Usufructus, us, m. see Ususfructus or enjoy, to have to do with, to
or herbs, an itch, or burning in Usura, se, /. usury, interest, use, be conversant, or familiar with,
the skin, a pricking heat of lust _ usage to live with
Crendus, a, um, part, to be burned Usurarius, a, um, adj. of usury, U(p6te, adv. inasmuch as, seeing
Crens, tis, part, burning, killing to use, or be used [used Utquid, adv. why? wherefore?
Ureter, eris, m. the ureter, or con- Csurpandus, a, um, part, to be Utrarius, i, m. a tankard-bearer
duit by which the urine passes Usurpans, tis, part, using, enjoy- Utricularis tibia, a bagpipe
from the reins to the bladder - in S . .
Utricularius, i, m. a bagpiper
Crethra, ae, /. a passage of the Usurpatio, onis, /. usurpation, an Utrlculus, i, m. see Uterculus
urine from the bladder to the _ interruption of prescription Utrinque, adv. on both sides, or
end of the yard Usurpatus, a, um, part, used, parts, by both persons
Urgendus, a, um, part, to be _ used, or mentioned frequently Utrb, adv. which way ?
strained Usurpo, are, a. to usurp, to as- Utrobique, adv. on both sides,
Urgens, or Urguens, tis, part. sume, to use, to use, or mention everywhere
urging, pressing, straining _ often,to call, or name, to see Utrollbet, adv. which you please
Urgeo, or Urgueo, ere, rsi, rsum, a. Usurus, a, um, part, about to use Utroque, adv. to both sides, or
to urge, or be urgent, to press Osus, a, um, part, having used, parts
on, or down, to push on _ having shown, experienced Utrum, adv. whether ? whether
Cria, ae,/. a bird called a naff Usus, its, m. use, usage, custom, Utut, adv. in what manner, how-
Urica, ae, /. a hurt coming to all exercise, practice, experience, _ soever
manner of grain by too much enjoyment, service, advantage, Uva, ae, /. a grape, a berry, a
^moisture benefit, profit, interest, con- bunch, or cluster, a vine, a
Crigo, inis, /. a burning with a venience, an occasion, or junc- _ swarm of bees, a disease
caustic, the itch of lust _ ture Uveo, ere, n. to be moist
Urtna, ae,/. urfne Ususfructus, us, m. the use, or Cvesco, 6re, incep. to grow moist
Cilnator, oris, m. a diver _ profit of that which is another's Uvldulus, a, um, adj. dim. wet
Crino, are, n., and Crlnor, ari, Usuvenio, ire, n. to come into use Uvidus, a, um, adj. wet, moist,
dtp. to dive Ut, adv. that, so that, to the end _ soaked, mellowed with liquor
Frna, x, /. an urn, a pitcher, a that, as, like as, even as, ac- Uvifer, a, um, adj. bearing grapes
measure of four gallons cording as, just as, as if, inas- Cvor, oris, m. wet, humidity
Urn atis, e, adj. belonging toanurn much as, forasmuch as, seeing Uvula, ae, /. a piece of flesh in tne
Urnarium, i, n. a dresser such as, what manner of,
that, roof of the mouth
Urnarius, i, m. a potter howaffected, by how much the Uxor, oris,/, a wife, a concubine,
Cro, fire, ussi, ustum, a. to burn, more, as soon as, since, at the the she of beasts
to burn up, or consume, to light, time when Uxorcula, ae,/. a pretty little wife
or set on tire, to inflame, to boil, Utcunque, adv. howsoever, in Uxorculo, are, a. to make a wife
to grieve, vex, tease what manner, or fashion so- Uxorium, i, n. a forfeit, or fine for
CrOpyuium, i, n. the rump _ ever, whensoever, be as it will not marrying
Urpix, icis, m. a harrow Ctendus, a, um, part, to be used Uxorius, a, um, adj. uaorioua,
Ursa, a;, /. a she-bear, the greater Ctens, tis, part, and adj. ior, belonging to a wife
end lesser bear-star comp. using
Vagltus, us, m. the crying of young Vaporarium, i, n. a stove to sweat
children, a cry, a scream in [vapours
Vagor, ari, dep. to wander, stray, Vaporatio, onis,/. a casting up of
or rove up and down, to fluc- Vaporatus, a, um, part, exhaled,
V&cans, tis, part, vacant, unin- tuate, to be unsteady dried up with heat, hot, scorched
habited, void, free from, with- Vagus, a, um, adj. wandering, Vaporifer, or Vaporiferus, a, um,
out, at leisure roving, rambling, excursive, adj. that makes vapours, or
Vacanter, adv. at leisure, idly loose, unsteady, inconstant steams
Vacatio, onis, /. an exemption, a Vah, interj. hoida, bravely ! O Vaporo, are, re. and a. to send out

discharge rare rarely

! vapours, to evaporate, to smoke,
Vacaturus, a, um, part, about to Vaha, interj. ha, ha ! to dry up, to heat, to be scorch-
be at leisure Valde, adv. very much, greatly, ed, to perfume
Vacca, se,/. a cow, a little harlot earnestly : Valdius, much, or far Vapos, oris, m. vapour
Vacclnium, i, n. a blackberry, a more Vappa, ae, /. palled, or dead wine,
bilberry Vale, imperf. farewell, adieu a spendthrift, an idle fellow
Vaccinus, a, um, adj. of a cow Valedico, ere, a. to bid farewell Vapulans, tis, part, being beaten
"Vaccula, ae,/. dim. a beifer Valens, tis, part, and adj. ior, Vapiilaris, e, adj. that is beaten
Vacef lo, ifiri, re. pass, to be made comp. issimus, superl. strong, Vapulo, are, re. to be beaten,
empty » powerful, valiant, able, effica- scourged, or whipped
Vacerra, ae,a rail of timber, a
/. cious, nourishing, well Vara, ae, /. a net-shore, a rafter,
post, a coxcomb [simple Valenter, adv. his, comp. valiantly or transom, the small-pox, of
Vacerrosus, a, um, adj. doltish, Valentulus, a, um, adj. somewhat measles, red pimples
Vacillans, tis, part, wavering, strong Vari, orum, pi. to. pits made by
shaking, moving, staggering, Valeo, ere, lui, litum, re. to be the small-pox, red pimples in
drooping well, or in health, to fare well, the face
Vacillatio, onis, /. a wavering, a to profit, to do good, to avail, to Varias, arum, pi. f. a streaked
staggering, inconstancy prevail, to take effect, or be put panther
Vacillo, are, n. to waver, to shake, in execution, to be strong Varians, tis, part, varying, chang-
to stagger, to fail Valesco, ere, incep. to get strength ing, variable, changeable, in-
Vacive, adv. at leisure Valetudluarium, i, re. an infirmary constant, parting; separating
Vacivitas, atis,/. emptiness, want, Valetudinarius, a, um, adj. sickly, Varianus, a, um, adj. otten chang-
poverty subject to sickness, often sick ing colour
Vacivus, a, um, adj. empty, at Valet udo, Inis,/. health, sickness, Variantia, ae,/. variance, variety
leisure illness, malady, disease, pain, V&riat fan, adv. variously
Vaco, are, re. to be empty, void, petulance, frenzy, distraction Variatio, onis,/ variation, change
free from, disengaged, at liberty, Valglter, adv. with a wry mouth Variatus, a, um, part, varied,
or at leisure, to want Valgus, a, um, adj. bow-legged, changed, spotted
Vacugfacio, ere, a. to lay waste bandy-legged Varico, are, re. to go straddling,
Vacuefactus, a, um,part. emptied, Valide, adv. ius, comp. isslme, to straddle
made void, freed [dom superl. strongly, stoutly, lustily, Varicor, ari, dep. the Same
Vacultas, atis, /. emptiness, free- loudly, earnestly Varicosus, a, um, adj. having large
Vacuo, are, a. to empty, or malte Validus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. veins, dropsical
void issimus, superl. strong, stout, Varicula, ae,/ a little swollen vein
Vacuum, i, re. an empty place powerful, mighty, valiant, able, Varicus, a, um, adj. straddling
Vacuus, a, um, adj. issimus, su- good, brisk, lively, active, well, Varie, adv. variously, several times
perl. empty, void, free from, dis- or in health Varietas, atis,/ variety, difference,
engaged, at liberty, or leisure Valiturus, a, um, part, to avail change, vicissitude, inconstancy
Vadaturus, a, um, part, about to Vallaris, e, adj. of a trench, or Vaiio, are, a. to vary, change, or
give bail, or security bulwark alter, to variegate, to diversify,
Vadatus, a, um, part, going under Vallatus, a, um, part, intrenched, to streak, to differ
sureties, requiring bail fortified, fenced, surrounded Vari51ae, arum, pl.f. the small-pox
Vadens, tis, part, going, marching Vallis, is,/., or Valles,
a valley, or Varius, a, um, adj. various, seve-
Vadlmonium, i, re. a recognizance, dale ral, sundry, different, change-
surety Vallo, are, a. to trench round, to able, inconstant, spotted
Vado, fire, si, sum, re. to go, to fortify Varix, Ids, rre. a crooked vein
march, to move Vallum, i, re. a trench, a bulwark, swelling with melancholy
Vadosus, a, um, adj. fordable or rampart with pallisades Varo, or Varro, onis, to. a block-
Vadum, i, re. a ford, or shallow in Vallus, i, to. a trench, a rampart, head
a river, a narrow passage of the a pallisade, a stake, or post, a Varrus, and Varus, i, m. a hun-
sea, the sea little fan for corn ter's fork
Vse, inierj. alas I woe to 1 fie upon Valor, oris, to. value, price Varus, a, um, adj. crooked, un-
Vafer, a, um, adj. trior, comp. errl- Valvae, arum, pl.f. folding doors even, unlike, various, open
mus,su/?eW.crafty, wily, cunning Valvatus, a, um, adj. with folding Varus, i, m. a spot, speckle, or
Vaframentum, i, re. a trick, a wile doors [&c. pimple
Vafre, adv. craftily, cunningly Valvulus, i, to. the shell of peas, Vas, vadis, m. a surety, or bail, a
Vafrltia, ae,/. craftiness, cunning, Vanesco, 8re, incep. to vanish, to pledge
slyness come to nothing, to wear off Vas, vasis, re. a vessel; vasa, pi.
Vafrities, ei, /. craft, subtlety Vanldlcus, a, um, adj. talking the testicles
Vagabundus, a, um, adj. wander- vainly [rant Vasarium, i, re. a cuphoard, an
ing about Vanlloquentia, ae, /. vain talk, office, a room, or chamber, pro-
Vagans, tis, part, wandering, rov- VanilOquus, a, um, adj. talking vision of furniture [urn
ing, searching, rummaging vainly Vascellum, i, re. a small vase, or
Vagatio, onis, /. a straying, a Vanitas, atis, /. vanity, empti- Vascillarius, i, to. a workman that
strolling, a roving about ness, inconstancy, vain-boast- makes any sort of vessels
Vagatus, a, um, part, having wan- ing, pride, ambition, flattery Vasculum, i, re. dim. a little vessel
dered Vannus, i,/. a van, or fan to win- Vastans, tis, part, ravaging, de-
Vage, adv. dispersedly, at random now corn, a seed-hopper stroying
Vagiens, tis, part, crying like a Vanus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- Vastandus, a, um, part, to be
child mus, superl. vain, empty, use- ravaged, spoiled
Vagina, se, /. a scabbard, a sheath, less, insignificant, foolish, tri- Vastatio, onis,/ a laying waste
a case, the cod of corn fling, silly, false, treacherous Vastator, oris, m. a spoiler, a de-
Vaginfila, ae,/. a little sheath, &c. VapTde, adv. vapidly, dully, ill stroyer [stroya
Vagio, ire, ivi, Hum, n. to cry as Vapidus, a, um, adj. vapid, flat, Vastatrix, Icis, /. she that d"e-
an infant, to squeak nasty [heat Vastatus, a, um, part, laid waste,
Vagito, are, i. to squf\!'. a« children Vapor, oris, m. a vapour, a steam. spoiled, stripped, destroyed
Vaste, adv. ius, comp. vastly, Veha, se, /. a highway, a cart, Velut, adv. like, like as, as if, to
hugely, widely a waggon wit, for example
Vastlflcus, a, um, adj. laying VShgmens, adj. ntior, comp.
tis, Vfilutl, adv. as, even as
waste, destroying tissimus, superl. earnest, vehe- Vena, ae, /. a vein, an artery, a
Vastltas, atis, /. hugeness, ex- ment, impetuous, violent, un- pulse, a bubbling, or rising up,
cessiveuess, greatness, ravage, ruly, fierce, hasty, speedy a grain in wood, a natural
destruction Vfihgmenter, adv. ius, comp. issl- humour
Vasto, are, a. to lay waste, to me, superl. vehemently, earn- Venabulum, i, ». a hunting-pole,

spoil, plunder, or ravage, to estly, eagerly, forcibly, exceed- a spear

strip, bereave, or deprive, to ingly Venalicius, a, um, adj. same as
destroy, to rout, to vex Vfihgmentia, se, /. earnestness, Venalitius
Vastus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- strongness Venalis, e, adj. to be sold, hire-
mus, superl. vast, huge, large, Vehens, tis, part, carrying ling, slavish
great, big, clumsy, wide, broad, Vehes, or Vehis, is,/, a cart Venaliter, adv. saleably, vendibly
waste, desolate, barren VShiculum, i, «. a cart, wain, Venalitium, i, n. a place where
Vates, is, e. g. a prophet, or pro- or waggon, a coach, or chariot slaves are sold
phetess, a seer, a poet, or Veho, ere, exi, ectum, a. and n. Venalitius, a, um, adj. set to sale
poetess, an interpreter to carry, or be carried, to con- Venalitius, i, m. a dealer in slaves
Vaticlnans, tis, part, prophesying vey, to ride, to travel Venans, tis, part, hunting, seek-
Vatictnatio, onis, /. a prophecy, Vel, conj. even, even as, at least, ing, ensnaring, ogling
soothsaying, divination particularly, especially, and, or. Venaticus, a, um, adj. for hunting
Vaccinator, oris, m. a soothsayer —
Vel vel, either, or both Venatio, onis,/. a hunting, veni-
Vaticinatus, a, um, part, having Velabrensis, e, adj. of the vela- son
foretold brum Venator, oris, m. a hunter, a
Vaticinium, i, n. a prophecy Velabrum, i, n. a market in Rome, tracer
Vaticinor, ari, dep. to prophesy, a shop, a stall Venatorius, a, um, adj. of hunting
to foretel, to talk franticly Velamen, inis, n. a covering, a Venatrix, Icis,/. a huntress
Vaticlnus and Vatlcmius, a, um, garment, a robe, a cloak, dress, Venatura, se,/. a hunting
adj. of, or belonging to pro- clothes, a skin Venatus, a, um, part, having
phesying, prophetical Velamentum, i, n. a covering, a hunted.
Vatlfer, a, um, adj. producing garment, an olive-branch Venatus, us, m. hunting, fishing
poets, or prophet3 Velandus, a, um, part, to be co- Vendax, acis, adj. fond of selling
Vatius, a, um, adj. bow-legged vered Vendendus, a, um, part, to be
Ve, conj. or, either Velaria, 6rum, pi. n. sail-cloth, sold
Vecordia, ae, /. madness, rage, on the top of the theatre Vendens, tis, part, selling
folly Velaris, e, adj. pertaining to a Vendibilis, e, adj. ior, comp. sale-
Vecordlter, adv. madly, franticly sail able, easy to be sold, passable
Vecors, dis, adj. ior, comp. issi- Velatura, se,/. a carrying Vendico, are, a. to claim, to
mus, superl. mad, frantic, fool- Velatus, a, um, part, veiled, co- challenge
ish, doting vered, decked, clothed, adorned Venditans, tis, part, boasting,
Vectabtlis, e, adj. that may be Veles, itis, m. a dragoon vaunting
carried Vellfer, a, um, adj. sail-bearing Venditarius, a, um, adj. saleable,
Vectabulum, i, n. a waggon, a cart Velificatio, onis, /. a making, desirous to be sold
Vectans, tis, part, carrying sail Venditatio, onis, /. a boasting,
Vectarius, a, um, adj. of, or be- Velif Icatus, a, um, part, sailing, ostentation
longing to a chariot, or other sailed over Venditator, oris, m. a bragger
carriage Velifico, are, a. and Venditio, onis,/. a selling, a sale
Vectatio, onis, /. a carrying Velificor, ari, dep. to hoist sail, Vendito, are, a. and ». to set to
Vectatus, a, um, part, carried, to sail, to pass along, to court sale, to sell, to give up, to brag,
brought Velif Icus, a, um, adj. with sails or boast of
Vectibilis, e, adj. that may be spread Venditor, oris, m. a seller
carried Velltaris, e, adj. belonging to Venditurus, a, um, part, about
Vectlgal, alis, n. a custom, pro- light-horsemen to sell
perly of freight, a toll, or sub- Velitatlm, adv. by way of skirmish Venditus, a, um, part, sold
sidy, a tax, a tribute Vglitatio, onis, f\ a jangling Vendo, fire, dldi, ditum, a. to sell
Vectigalis, e, adj. tributary Velltor, ari, dep. to skirmish, to V6nef ica, se, /. a witch, a sor-
Vectio, onis,/. a carrying, a riding brawl ceress
Vectis, is, m. a bar, a lever, a VelivSlans, tis, part, with full sail Veneficium, i, n. witchcraft, sor-
crow, a rammer, a latch Veliv6lus, a, um, adj. navigable, cery, a dark contrivance
Vectlto, are, a. to carry often swift Venetlcus, a, um, adj. venomous
Vectiva, a?,/, money paid for car- Vellatura, se,/. a carrying Vfinef icus, i, m. a sorcerer, a ma-
riage Vellendus, a, um, part, to be gician, a cheat, or impostor
Vecto, are, a. to carry plucked up [up Venenarius, i, m. a poisoner
Vector, oris, m. a carrier, a sailor, Vellens, tis, part, pulling, pulling Vgnenatus, a, um, part and adj.
a passenger VellTcatio, onis, /• a twitch, a ior, comp. poisoned, envenomed,
Vectorius, a, um, adj. serving for taunt poisonous, infectious
carriage, of burden Vellicatus, us, m. a plucking Venenifer, a, um, adj. venomous
Vectura, se, /. carriage, freight, Vellico, are, a. to pluck, to twit, Veneno, are, a. to poison, to en-
a fare [convey to strip, to rail at, to detract venom
Vecturus, a, um, part, about to Velio, 6re, li and vulsi, sum, a. Venenum, i, n. poison, a medi-
Vectus, a, um, part, carried, con- to pull, to pluck, to tear up, cine, ointment, or paint, a die,
veyed. or away, pinch a preparation to embalm a body
Vegeo, ere, n. to be lusty, or Vellus, gris, n. a fleece of wool, Veneo, ire, nii, venum, n. to be
strong; a. to refresh, to move wool, a skin of a beast, a leaf of sold,' or set to sale
Vfiggtandus, a, um, part, to be a tree Ven?rabllis, e, adj. ior, comp. ve-
quickened Velo, are, a. to veil, to cover, to nerable, worshipful
Vegeto, are, a. to quicken, to re- hide, to conceal, to clothe Vengrabillter, adv. reverentially
fresh Velocitas, atis,/. velocity, swift- V6n6rabundus, a, um, adj. in a
VSgStus, a, um,
adj. ior, comp. ness reverent posture of worship
isslmus, superl. fresh, lively, Velociter, adv. ius, comp. issime, V6ngrandus, a, um, part, to be
brisk, active, sound, lusty, superl. swiftly, quickly, speedily worshipped, or honoured
strong Velox, ocis, adj. ior, comp. issl- Vgngrans, tis, part, worshipping,
Vegrandis, e, adj. great and ill- mus, superl. swift, quick, nim- praying
proportioned, lean, thin, mea- ble, ready [tain Vgnfiiatio, 6nis, /. veneratiop,
gre, lank, sliia Velum, i, n. a veil, a sail, a cur- worship, reverenee
Venerator, oris, m. a reverencer Verac&li, orum, pi. m. fortune- Vermlculate, adv. like worms
Vfineratus, a, urn, part, having tellers Vermlculatio, onis,/. a breeding
worshipped, worshipped Veratrum, i, n. hellebore of worms, a griping of the guts
VSnfireus, and ius, a, um, adj. of Verax, acis, adj. true of speech Vermlculatus, a, um, part, in*
Venus, of love, lustful Verbalis, e, adj. verbal fested with worms, inlaid, em-
Veuenae, arum, pl.f. shell-fish Verbascum, i, n. torch-weed, broidered
Veneror, ari, dep. to worship, or lung-wort Vermlculor, ari, dep. to breed
adore, to pray to, to implore, to Verbena, ae, /. vervain, altar-herbs worms, to be worm-eaten, to
reverence, or honour ;
pass, to Verbenaca, ae,/. the same make chequer-work, &c.
be worshipped, or adored Verbenatus, a, um, adj. crowned Vermiculosus, a, um, adj. full of
VenStus, a, um, adj. of Venice with vervain, and other sacred worms, or grubs [grub
Venia, ae,/. pardon, leave, favour, herbs Vermlculus, i, m. a little worm, a
courtesy Verber, ens, n. a whip, a scourge, Vermlna, um, pi. n. the gripes,
Veniens, tis, part, coming, to a stripe, or blow, a lash, a stroke, gripings
come, approaching, future a check, taunt, or reproach Vermin atio, onis, /. a breeding of
Venllia, ae,/. the flow of the sea VerbgrabUis, e, adj. that deserves worms, or bots, a wringing of
V6nio, ire, veni, ventum, n. to to be beaten the guts
come, to arrive, to go, to be, to Verbfiratio, onis, /. a beating Vermlno, are, n. to be troubled
accrue, to arise, to proceed, to VerbSrator, oris, m. a beater with, or breed worms, to shoot,
come to pass, to spring Verbgratus, a, um, part, beaten, or pain
Venor, ari, dep. to hunt, to hunt stunned Vermlnor, ari, dep. to twitch, to
after, to seek for Verbfiratus, us, m. a beating, a pain ;
pass, to be griped
Venosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. dashing against Vermlnosus, a, um, adj. full of
full of veins, gouty Verbereus, a, um, adj. that de- worms
Venter, tris, m. the belly, the serves beating Vermis, is, m. a worm, a grub,
stomach, the womb Verbero, are, a. to whip, to beat, vermin
Ventlgenus, a, um, adj. engender- or strike, to check [rascal Verna, ae, c. g. a bondslave, a saucy
ing winds VerbSro, onis, m. a rogue, or fellow
Ventllabrum, i, n. a fan Verbose, adv. ius, comp. copiously Vernaciilus, a, um, adj. that is

Vefitilabundus, a, um, adj. swing- Verbosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. born in one's house, peculiar to \
ing to and fro, wavering isslmus, superl. verbose, full of a country, native
Ventilatio, onis, /. a fanning, a words, talkative Vernaciilus, i, m. a home-born
winnowing [winnower Verbum, i, n. a verb, a word, talk, servant, a rude scoffer
Ventilator, oris, m. a fanner, a a speech, a proverb Vernalis, e, adj. vernal, of th«
Ventllo, are, a. to blow, to fan, to Vere, adv. ius, comp. issime, superl. spring
winnow, to canvass, or sift a truly, in truth, indeed, verily, Vernallter, adv. like a bondslave,
point justly rudely, fawningly
Ventltans, tis, part, coming Vgrecunde, adv. ius, comp. bash- Vernans, tis, part, verdant, green,
Ventlto, are, it. to come, or go fully, modestly, devoutly flourishing
often Verecundia, ae,/. bashfulness, mo- Vernatio, onis,/. a growing again,
Ventosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. desty, reverence a skin, or slough [rude
isslmus, superl. windy, full of Verecundor, ari, dep. to be asham- Vernilis, e, adj. servile, fawning,
wind, swift as the wind, blus- ed, to be bashful, or modest Vernilltas, atis, /. an affected civi-
tering Verecundus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. lity, saucy language, scurrility
Ventrale, is, n. an apron shame-faced, bashful, modest, Vermllter, adv. slavishly
Ventrlcosus, a, um, adj. big- demure, red Vernd, adv. in the spring-time
bellied Vfiredus, i, «t. a post-horse, a Verno, are, n. to be, or grow ver-
Ventrlculus, i, m. dim. a ventricle, hunter dant, or green, to bud, or sprout
a little belly, the stomach VSrenda, Srum, pi. n. the privy out, to cast the skin
Ventriosus, Ventrosus, or Ven- parts Vernula, a?, c. g. a little slave
truosus, a, um, adj. gor-bellied, Verendus, a, um, part, to be
" Vernulus, a, um, adj. servile
prominent feared, or reverenced, reverend, Vernus, a, um, adj. vernal, of the
Ventiilus, i, m. dim. a little wind awful [encing spring
Venturus, a, um, part, ready, or Verens, tis, part, fearing, rever- Vero, conj. but, nay, rather, yea
about to come, future Vereor, eri, ritus, dep. to fear, to truly ; adv. indeed, truly
Ventus, i, m. wind, a storm, or be in fearof, to stand in awe of, Verpus, a, um, adj. circumcised
tempest, a blast, applause to dread, to reverence ; pass, to Verpus, i, m. a Jew, a worm
Venuculum, i, n. a kind of wheat be feared, doubted, or mis- Verrens, tis, part, sweeping, scour-
Venula, se,/. dim. a small vein trusted ing
/enum, supine of Veneo, to be Veretrlcillum, i, n. dint, from Verres, is, m. a boar-pig
sold Veretrum, i, n. the privy parts Verrlculatus, a, um, adj. like a
Venundator, oris, m. a seller Vergens, tis, part, declining, drag-net
Venundatus, a, um, part, sold bending [stars Verrlculum, i, n. a sweep, or drag-
Venundo, are, dfidi, datum, a. to Verglliae, arum, pi. f. the seven net, a dart [pig
expose to sale, to sell Verglto, are, n. to swag down Verrinus, a, um, adj. of a boar-
V6nus, 6ris, /. love, lust, venery, Vergo, 6re, rsi, rsum, n. to decline, Verro, fire, ri, rsum, a. to brush, to
pleasure, a sweetheart, a lustful to bend, lie, or look towards, to sweep, to draw along, to rake
woman, the morning-star, a incline, to sink a. to pour out ; Verruca, se, /. a wart, a hillock
charm Verldlco, fire, n. to speak truth Verrucaria, ae, /. wart-wort, or
Vgnustas, atis, f. comeliness, Verldlcus, a, um, adj. speaking turn- sole
grace, beauty, elegance, hap- truth, divine Verrucosus, a, um, adj. full of
piness Veril5quium, i, n. a true report, a warts, or hillocks, rough
Venuste, adv. issime, superl. grace- right interpretation Verruciila, ae, /. dim. a little wart
fully, elegantly, luckily Verlslmilis, e, adj. ior, comp. illl- Verrunco, are, a. to change a
Vfinustulus, a, um, adj. somewhat mus, superl. likely, probable, thing for the better
pretty credible VersabUis, e, adj. that may be
Venustus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Verlslmllltudo, ini<s,/. likelihood, turned, fickle
isslmus, superl. comely, grace- probability, a true likeness Versabundus, a, um, adj. about to
ful, genteel, amiable, fine, gal- Verissime, adv. most truly be turned [stirring
lant Veritas, atis,/. truth, the truth Versans, tis, part, turning, rolling,
Veprecflla, &, /. dim. a little brier Vfirltus, a, um, part, feared, fear- Versatllis, e, adj. that may be
Vepres, is, m. a brier, a bramble ing turned, turning, apt, suitable
Vepretum, i, n. a place full of Vermlciilans, tis, part, breeding Versatio, onis, /. a turning, a
briers worms, creeping like a worm, change
fax, veris, n. the spring worm-eateu Versatus, a, um, part, turned,
241 M


twisted, stirred about, con- Vemtus, a, um, adj. armed with a VgtgratOrie, adv. craftily [sly
versant, practised, managed dart Vgtgratorius, a, um, adj. crafty,
Versicolor, oris, adj. parti-colour- Vesania, madness, fury
ae,/. Vetgratum, i, n. old fallow ground
ed, variable, changeable Vesanio, be mad, to rage
ire, n. to Vgtgrlnarius, i, m. a farrier, he
VersIc5lorus, a, um, adj. of Vesanus, a, um,
adj. mad, raging, who lets horses to hire
changeable colours [line mighty
furious, vast, Vgtgrinus, a, am, adj. bearing
VersIciQus, i, m. a short verse, a Vescendus, a, um, part, to be burdens
Versif leatio, onis,/, a versiiying eaten Vgternosg, adv. drowsily, faintly
Versif Icator, oris, m. a versifier Vescens, tis, pert eating . Vgternosus, a, um, adj. issimus,
Versif Ico, are, n. to versify Vescor, sci, pastus sum, dep. to superl. sleepy, drowsy, heav>,
Versio, onis, /. a translation live upon, to eat, to devour, to lazy, sluggish, faint
Verslpellis, e, adj. that changes enjoy, to breathe Veternum, i, n. a lethargy

the skin, or form, sly Vescus, a, um, adj. esculent, eat- Vgternus, i, m. a lethargy, sleep-

Verso, are, a. to turn, to turn ing, piercing, little, small, lean ing, sluggishness, sloth, nasti-
often, over, or up, to roll, to Vesica, ae, /. a bladder, a swell- ness
tumble, to stir about, to plough, ing style, the privy parts of a Vetgro, are, n. to grow old
to consider, to agitate, to per- woman Vgtltum, i, n. a thing forbidden
plex Vesicaria, ae, /. the winter-cherry Vetltus, a, um, part, forbidden,
Versor, ari, pass, and dep. to be Vesicatorium, i,n. a cupping-glass unlawful
turned, to be conversant, ex- Veslcula, x,f.dim. a little bladder Vgto, are, ui, Itum, (and avi,
ercised, or employed, to con- Vespa, ae,/. a wasp atum,) a. to forbid, to prohibit,
verse, live, or continue to be Vesper, ens, m. the evening-star, to hinder, to stop
Versoria, ae,/. a rudder, a rope the evening, a supper Vetonlca, ae,/. betony
Versura, ae, /. a turning Vesper, a, um, adj. of the evening Vgtula, se, /. an old woman, or
Versurus, a, um, part, about to Vespgra, ae,/. the evening wife
turn Vespgrascens, tis, part, drawing Vgtulus, a, um, adj. dim. oldish,
Versus, a, um, part, turned, turn- towards evening, declining stale
ed away, changed, overturned, Vespere, or Vespgrl, adv. in the Vgtulus, i, m. an old man
ruined, inclined, propense evening, at the end of the day, Vgtus, eris, adj., and antiq. Vgter,
Versus, us, m. a turning, a verse, late whence vgtgrior, comp. errlmus,
a line, a note, or tune, a super- Vesperna, ae,/. a supper superl.ola, stale, musty, ancient,
scription, a rank, or row, a Vespertilio, onis, m. a bat, a night- former, past
square plat of ground walker [evening Vgtusculus, a, um, adj. somewhat
Versus, prep, towards Vespertlnus, a, um, adj. of the old, rather antiquated
Versus, adv. towards Vespgrugo, Inis, /. the evening- Vgtustas, atis, /. ancientness, an-
Versute, adv. ius, comp. craftily, star tiquity, old age, old acquaint-
cunningly Vesperus, i, n. the same ance
Versutia, ae, /. craft, subtlety Vespillo, onis, m. a common bearer Vgtuste, adv. isslrrie, superl. an-
VersutU6quus, a, um, adj. talking Vestalis, e, adj. of the Vestals ciently, of a long time
craftily Vester, tra, trurm, pron. adj. yours Vgtustesco, gre, incep. to grow old
Versiitus, a, urn, adj. ior, comp. Vestiariurn, i, n. a wardrobe, ap- Vgtustus, a, um. adj. ior, comp.
issimus, superl. crafty, wily, parel issimus, superl. old, ancient
cunning, quick-witted, ready Vestibulum, i, n. a porch, or entry, Vexamen, Inis, n. a vexation
Vertagus, i, m. a hound, a tumbler an entrance Vexandus, a, um, part, to harass,
Vertebra, 33,/. any turning joint Vesticeps, Ipis, c. g. a stripling or be harassed
Vertebratus, a, um, adj. made in Vestlcontubernium, i, n. a lying Vexans, tis, part, vexing
the form of a vertebra, or joint in the same bed Vexatio, onis, /.vexation, trouble,
Vertendus, a, um, part, to be Vestifluus, a, um, adj. wearing a teasing
turned loose, or wide garments Vexator, oris, m. a harasser
Vert ens, tis, part, turning about Vestigans, tis, part, searching out Vexatus, a, um, part, vexed, trou-
Vertex, or Vortex, Icis, m. a whirl- Vestigator, oris, m. a tracer, a bled, harassed, tossed, ruffled
wind, a whirlpool, the crown of hunter Vexillarius, i, m. an ensign, a
the head, the head itself, the Vestigium, i, n. a track, or trace, standard-bearer
top of any thing a footstep, or print of the foot, Vexillatio, onis, /. a company of
Vertlcillum", i, n., and VertlciUus, the foot, a print, or mark, an soldiers under one ensign, the
i, m. a little whirl, au axis, a impression, a sign horse
joint, a peg Vestlgo, are, a. to track, or trace, Vexillum, i, n. a banner, standard,
Veiticordius, a, um, adj. that to hunt after, to search, to ensign, or flag, a streamer, the
turns the heart examine topgallant, soldiers
Vertlcosus, a, um, adj. whirling, Vestlmentum, i, n. a garment, a Vexo, are, a. to vex, to trouble, to
full of whirlpools cloak, clothes, dress disquiet, to molest, to tease, to
Vertlcula, ae, /., and "^erticulum, Vestio, ire, Ivi, Itum, a. to clothe, plague, or torment
i, n. a screw, a key in musical to cover, to deck, or adorn Via, ae, aarig.Vias,/. a way, a path,
instruments, a whirl Vestipllca, ae, /. a laundry, or or track, a passage, a journey,
Vertigo, Inis, /. a turning, or roll- chamber-maid or voyage, an access, a manner
ing, giddiness, dizziness, a swim- Vestis, is, /. a garment, a robe, a Vialis, e, adj. of the highway
ming in the head coat, clothes, dress, a skin, or Viarius, a, um, adj. of highways
Verto, fire, ti, rsum, a. to turn, to slough, a beard, or down Viatlcatus, a, um, part, furnished
turn up, over, or out, to turn Vestisplcus, i, m. he who takes with things necessary for a
upside down, to overturn care of his master's clothes journey
Vgru, n. indecl. pi. Vgrua, uum, Vestltus, a, um, part, ior, comp. Viaticum, i, n. all things neces-

tibus, a spit, or broach, a dart issimus, superl. clad, clothed, sary for a journey, provisions, a
Vgructdum, i, n. dim. a little spit apparelled, covered, decked, voyage, one's state, or substance
Vervex, ecis, m. a wether adorned Viator, oris, m. a traveller, a Ser-
Verulna, ae, /. a spit, or broach Vestitus, us, m. clothes, dress, jeant
Verum, i, n. the truth, reason, apparel, attire, an ornament Viatorius, a, um, adj. belonging
justice Vestras, atis, pron. adj. of your to travellers
Verum, conj. Isut, but yet, just so, country, kindred, or stock Vibex, Icis, /. the mark of a stripe,
yes truly Vgtans, tis, part, forbidding a weal, a blot, or stain
Veruntamen, conj. nevertheless, Vgtgramentarius, i, m. a cobbler Vibrandus, a, um, part, to be
notwithstanding, but yet Vgtgranus, a, um, adj. old, skilful: shaken, or brandished
Verus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. issi- subst. a veteran VibranB, tis, part, shaking, brand-
mus, superl. true, real, right, Vgtgrasco, gre» tncep. to grow old ishing, quavering, piercing, or
just, meet, fit Vgtgrator, oris, m. a crafty knave, earnest, dazzling
VSrutura, i, n. a dart like a spit an old fox Vibratus, a, um, part, ior, eowp.
"taken, brandished, quavered, VIdeor, eri, dep. to seem Villatlcus, a, um, adj. the same
uurkd, darted Vidua, se, /. a widow Villlca, ae,/. a farmer's wife
Vibro, are, a. to shake, to brand- Vlduatus, a, um, part, deprived, Villicans, tis, part, performing
ish, to move, to oruaver, to bend, bereaved, or destitute of, made the office of a bailiff
to hurl, throw, or dart a widow, left alone Villicatio, onis, /. a managing of
Viburnum, i, n. a shrub, a twig, Vlduatus, 6s, m. widowhood a farm, a stewardship
or shoot Vidultas, atis, /. widowhood, want Villlcus, i, m. a husbandman, a
Vlcanus, i. m. a peasant Vldillum, i, n. and Vldiilus, i, m. a farmer, a bailiff, a steward
Vicarius, a, um, adj. deputed. bag, a budget, a purse Villosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
Vicarium verbum, one word, or VIduo, are, a. to deprive, to be- isslmus, superl. woolly, hairy,
saying, in lieu of another reave, to make a widow, or leave shaggy, rough, of frieze, thick
Vicarius, i, m. a vicar, a substitute, alone Villula, se, f. dim. a little farm

a deputy, a lieutenant, an un- Viduus, a, um, adj. deprived, be- Villum, i, n. a small wine

derling reaved, stript, or destitute of, Villus, i, m. wool, hair, nap

Vlcatim, adv. street by street, vil- widowed, left alone Vlmen, Inis, n. a twig, a rod, a
lage by village [tieth Vieo, ere, evi, etum, a. to bind hoop
Vlcenarius, a, um, adj. the twen- with twigs, to hoop, to bind, to Vimentum, i, n. the same
Viceni, se, a, adj. pi. twenty tie up Vimlnalia, um, pi. n. osiers
Vices.pZ./. turns, courses, changes Vietor, oris, m. a basket-maker, a Vimlneus, a, um, adj. made of
Vlceslmani, orum, pi. m. soldiers cooper twigs, rods, or osiers
of the twentieth legion Vietus, a, um, adj. stooping with Vinacea, se,/. a grape-stone
Viceslmarius, a, um, adj. of the age, bowed, bent, wrinkled, Vinacea, orum, pi. n. grape-stones
twentieth part, of a collector withered, supple, active Vinaceus, a, um, adj. of wine
Vlceslmus, a, um, adj. the twen- VIgens,tis,par£. flourishing, fresh, Vlnalia, um, pi. n. feasts at the
tieth brisk, active, famous, eminent first broaching, or tasting of
Vlcessis, e, adj. of twenty, of Vlgeo, ere, gui, n. to flourish, to wine
twenty pound-weight grow, to live, to be strong, fresh, Vlnalis, e, adj. of wine
Vicia, a?,/, a tare, continence lively, or brisk, to be in force Vinarium, i, n. a wine- vessel
Vlciarius, a. um, adj. of, or for Vigesco, 6re, n. to grow lusty, or Vinarius, a um, adj. of wine
vetches brisk Vinarius, i, m. a vintner, a tavern-
Vicies, adv. twenty times Vlgesima, se,/. the twentieth part keeper, a wine-bibber
Vlcina, se,/. a neighbour Vigeslmarius, a, um, adj. of the Vinca, ae,/. a periwinkle
Vicinalis, e, adj. of neighbours twentieth part Vincendus, a, um, part, to be
Viclnia, se, /. a neighbourhood, Vlgeslmus, a, um, adj. the twen- conquered
nearness, likeness tieth Vincens, tis, part, conquering
Viclnltas, at' 3, /. a neighbour- Vigil, is, adj. watchful, waking, Vinclbllis, e, adj. to be overcome,
hood, nearness, likeness, neigh- mindful, attentive, diligent, un- tilled, or wrought
bours extinguishable [tinel Vincio, ire, nxi, nctum, a. to bind,
Viclnium, i, n. a neighbourhood Vigil, His, m. a watchman, a sen- or tie, to wrap, to hoop, to join,
Vlcinus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Vlgllandus, a, um,. part, to be or connect, to secure
near, adjacent, adjoining, ap- watched Vinclum, i, n. same as Vinculum
proaching, like _ VIgllans, tis, part, and adj. ior, Vinco, 6re, Ici, ictum, a. to con-
Viclnus, i, m. a neighbour comp. isslmus, superl. watching, quer, to subdue, to vanquish,
VIcis, vlci, vlcem, vice, /. a turn, watchful, awake, vigilant, heed- defeat, rout, or overcome, to
course, or change, a stead, or ful outdo, exceed, or excel, to ob-
place, an office, part, or duty, Vigilanter, adv. ins, comp. isslme, tain [union
an exchange superl. watchfully, diligently, Vinctio, Onis, /. a binding, an
Vlcisslm, adv. by turns, in turn carefully Vinctura, 83,/. a binding, or tying
Vlcissltudo, Inis, /. vicissitude, Vlgilantia, se, /. watchfulness, Vincturus, a, um, part, about to
change vigilance, diligence, care bind
Victlma, se,/. a victim, a sacrifice VIgllarius, i, m. or VIgllarium, i, Vinctus, a, um, part, bound, girt,
Victlmarius, i, m. he that sells n. a watcher, or watchman constrained, promised
beasts for sacrifice, the butcher- VIgllate, adv. carefully Vinctus, i, m. a prisoner
priest VIgllatio, onis./. a waking Vinctus, us, m. a binding, or bond
Victlto, are, n. to live Vlgilatus, a, um, part, watched, Vinciilum,' i, n. a band, or tie, a
Victor, oris, m. a conqueror, a van- made by sitting up, spent fastening, a string, or cord, a
quisher, an obtainer [success Vigllax, acis, adj. watchful, vigi- chain
Victoria, se, /. victory, conquest, lant, wary Vindemia, se, /. a vintage, wine,

Victoriatus, i, m. a half denarius VIgilia, se,/. a watching, a watch, a gathering of fruits, or honey
Victori6la, se, /. a little image re- a sentry, a guard, an office, post, Vindemialis, e, adj. of vintage
presen ting victory or station, vigilance, diligence, Vindemiator, oris, m. a vintager,
Victrix, Icis,/. a conqueror, a sub- carefulness a star
-duer VIgilo, are, n. to watch, to sit up Vindemiat6rius, a, um, adj. of, or
Victrix, Icis, adj. victorious all night, to awake, to be watch- for a vintage
Victurus, a, um, part, that will ful, vigilant, or diligent Vindemio, are, n. to gather grapes,
overcome Viginti, adj. id. indecl. twenty or ripe fruits
Victurus, a, um, part, that will Vigintivlratus, us, m
the office of Vindemi6la, se,/. a little vintage
live, or continue twenty men in like authority Vindemltor, oris, m. a vintager
Victus, a, um, part, conquered, Vlgintivlri, orum, pi. m. twenty Vindex, Icis, c. g. a defender, a
subdued, vanquished, overcome, •
officers of like authority patron, an assertor, an avenger
destroyed, baffled, disappointed Vigor, Oris, m. vigour, strength, Vindex, Icis, adj. avenging
Victus, us, {and ti,) m. food, diet, liveliness, courage, bravery Vindlcandus, a, um, part, to br
livelihood Vlllpendo, ere, a. to vilify vindicated, punished, &c.
Vicus, i, m. a street Vilis, e, adj. ior, comp. isslmus, Vindlcans, tis, part, revenging,
Videlicet, adv. to wit, that is to superl. vile, despicable, of no claiming, &c.
say, forsooth, I warrant you value, or account, abject, mean, Vindlcatio, 6nis,/. a vindication
Viden', for Videsne, do you see ? low, little worth, at a low rate Vindlcaturus, a, um, part, abouu
VIdendus, a, um, part, to be seen, Vihtas, atis,/. vileness, baseness, to deliver, revenge or punish
to be taken care of cheapness Vindlcatus, a, um, part, freed, re
VIdens, tis, part, seeing Villter, adv. ins, comp. isslme, stored
Video, ere, Idi, Isum, a. to see, to superl. vilely, basely, meanly Vindlcise, arum, pl.f. an assertibp
behold, to observe, to perceive, Villa, se,/. a manor-house, a farm- Vindico, are, a. to vindicate, to
discern, or understand, to go to house, country-seat defend, to maintain, to excuse,
see, to see, to have an eye to, to Villaris, e, adj. of a village, or to save, or preserve, to free, or
take heed, or care, to consider farm-house deliver, to restore, to avenge
Vindicta, ae,/. vengeance, revenge, Virglnalis, e, adj. virgin-like, of, Vlsus, a, um, part, seen, beheld
punishment, defence, a rod laid or belonging to a virgin perceived, understood, seemed
on the head of a slave when Virgin arius, a, um, adj. of a Visus, (is, m. the sight, a sight,
made free, freedom virgin a show, a vision, an appearance,
Vinea, ae,/. a vine, or vineyard, an Virgmeus, a, um, same as Vagi- a view
engine of war made of timber nalis [tity Vita, ae,/. life, a manner of living,
and hurdles Virgmitas, atis, /. virginity, chas- food, victuals, equipage, con-
Vinealis, e, adj. of vines, or vine- Virgo, Inis,/. a virgin, or maid, a versation, experience
yards [yard damsel, a daughter, a young Vltabllis, e, adj. to be avoided
Vinearius, a, um, adj. of a vine- married lady, an aqueduct Vltabundus, a, um, adj. shunning,
Vineatlcus, a, um, adj. the same Virgula, a?,/, a little rod avoiding
Vlnetum, i, n. a vineyard Virgulatus, a, um, part, streaked, Vltalia, um, pi. n. the vital parts,
Vinlpotor, oris, m. a wine-bibber striped preservatives of life lived
Vinitor, Sris, m. a vine-dresser, a Virgultum, i, n. a twig, a shrub Vitalis, e, adj. vital, lively, long-
keeper of a vineyard Virguncula, ae,/. dim. a little girl Vltalitas, atis,/. liveliness
Vm&lentia, ae,/. drunkenness Vlria, or VIriOla, ae, /. a necklace Vitallter, adv. lively, briskly
Vinolentus, a, um, adj. fond of, Vinculum, i, n. a graving-tool Vitandus, a, um, part, to be
or made with wine, drunken VIridans, tis, adj. verdant, green avoided
Vinosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. Virldaruim, i, n. a green, a green Vltans, part, avoiding
issimus, superl. vinous, like, or garden, a green plat Vitatio, onis,/. an avoiding
fond of wine Vlride, adv. ius, comp. greenly Vltatus, a, um, part, shunned,
Vinulus, a, um, adj. tipsy, wanton Vlrldia, um, pi. n. green walks, avoided, escaped [inga
Vinum, i, n. wine, liquor, drink, a herbs Vitellianae, pi. f. a kind of writ-
banquet Viridicatus, a, um, adj. made Vltelllna, ae, /. calfs flesh, veal
Viola, a?,/, a violet, purple green, or fresh Vltellus, i, m. the yoke of an egg,
Vi&labllis, e, adj. that may be Viridis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, a little calf [wine
profaned, hurt superl. green, of a green colour, Vlteus, a, um, adj. of a7i»e, or
Violaceus, a, um, adj. of a violet grassy, sappy, flourishing, Vitex, Icis,/. a kind of willow
colour youthful, fresh [gour Vltiandus, a, um, part, to be de-
ViOlandus, a, um, part, to be Virlditas, atis, /. greenness, vi- filed
broken, hurt, or injured Vlrilis, e, adj. of a man, or the Vltiarium, i, n. a vineyard
Vi61arium, i, n. a bed of violets male kind, manly, manlike, VHiatio, onis, /. a ravishing
ViOlarius, i, m. a dyer of violet- valiant, pithy Vitiator, oris, m. a ravisher
colour Virllitas, atis, /. manliness, the Vitiatus, a, um, part, corrupted,
Violatio, 6nis,/. a violation privy parts of a mac, &c. adulterated, violated
Violator, oris, m. a violator, a Virillter, adv. ius, comp. like a Vitlc5la, as, e.g. a dresser of vines
profaner man, manly, manfully Vlticiila, ae, /. a little vine, a ten-
Vidlaturus, a, um, part, about to Viriola, ae,/. a little bracelet dril
violate, or force VIripStens, tie, adj. mighty, Vitifer, a, um, bearing vines
ViOlatus, a, um, part, violated, strong Vltiglneus, a, um, adj. coming of
profaned, polluted, denied, de- Vlrltlm, adv. man by man, sepa- a vine
flowered, forced, injured, hurt, rately, singly Vltllena, ae,/. a base bawd
broken Vlror, oris, m. greenness Vltllia, um, pi. n. twigs to bind
Violens, adj. violent, vehe-
tis, Virosus, a, um, adj. lusting after vines
ment, earnest, rapid man Vitiligo, Inis,/. the leprosy
ViOlenter, adv. ius, comp. issime, Virosus, a, um, adj. poisonous, Vltllis, e, adj. flexible, pliant,
superl. violently, heinously, venomous, nasty, strong made of twigs
cruelly Virtus, utis, /. virtue, any good Vltilitigator, oris, m. a wrangler
Vidlentia, ae, /. violence, force, quality, or property, merit, de- Vltio, are, a. to vitiate, to cor-
cruelty, fierceness, fury, rash- sert, worth, value, valour, cou- rupt, to pollute, to spoil
ness rage, bravery, fortitude Vltiose, adv. ius, comp. issime.
ViOlentus, a, um, adj. ior, comp. VirQlentus, a, um, adj. virulent superl. wickedly, corruptly,
issimus, superl. violent, forcible, Virus, i, n. poison, venom, bit- badly, ill
injurious, cruel, fierce, furious, terness, sharpness, a nasty Vltiositas, atis, /. viciousness
boisterous, tempestuous, en- taste, a nasty> or strong smell, Vitiosus, a, um, adj. ior, comp.
raged, angry, rash, headstrong paint issimus, superl. vicious, wicked,
Vioio, are, a. to violate, to pro- Vis, vis, vim, vi, /. pi. Vires, ium, lewd, debauched, faulty, rotten,
fane, to pollute, to defile, to de- Ibus, force, violence, fury, met- worm-eaten, sickly, crazy, un-
flower, to force, to injure, hurt, tle, strength, might, power, skilful, inauspicious
or abuse, to break authority, virtue, efficacy, sig- Vltis, is,/, a vine, a rod [vines
Vipfira, ae,/. a viper, an adder nification, energy, meaning Vitlsator, oris, m. a planter of
Vlpfireus, a, um, adj. of vipers Viscatus, a, um, part, limed, co- Vltium, i, n. vice, a crime, a fault,
Vipgrinus, a, um, adj. the same vered, or entangled with bird- faultiness, depravity, defile-
Vipio, onis, m. a young crane lime [trails ment, corruption, badness, de-
Vir, vlri, m. a man, a boy, a hus- Viscera, um, pl.n.the bowels, en- formity, a slip, or oversight, a
band, a male, virility Viscgratio, onis, /. a dole, good blemish
Virago, Inis, /. a heroine cheer Vilo, are, a. to shun, or avoid,
VIrens, tis, part, green, flourish- Viscus, i, m. and Viscum, i, n. to escape
ing, youthful mistletoe, birdlime, glue, the Vitrarius, i, m. a worker in glass
Vireo, ere, rui, n. to be green, to brawny part of the flesh, a net Vitrea, orum, pi. n. drinking-
flourish, to be lusty Vlsendus, a, um, part, to see, visit, glasses
Vireo, 6nis, m. a greenfinch or survey, wonderful Vitreus, a, um, adj. of, or like
VIresco, ere, indecl. to grow green, Vlslbilis, e, adj. visible glass, glassy, clear, transparent,
to recover Vlsio, onis, /. vision, or sight, a beautiful
VIretum, i, n. a grass-plat vision [see Vitrlcus, i, m. a stepfather
Virga, ae, /. a twig, a branch, a Vlslto, are, freq. to visit, to go to Vitrum, i, n. glass woad
wand, a rod, a stake, a pole, a Vlso, ere, si, sum, a. to go or Vitta, ae, /. a fillet, a riband, a
streak come to see, to see, to visit, to head-band, a top-knot, a gar-
Virgator, Oris, m. a beadle survey land
Virgatus, a, um, adj. made of Visor, oris, m. a spy, a scout Vittatus, a, um, adj. adorned with
twigs, beaten with rods, spotted, Vlsula, ae,/. a kind of wine fillets
streaked Visum, i, n. a sight, or show, a Vltula, ae,/ a cow-calf, a heifer
Virggtura, i, n. an osier-ground prodigy, a vision, an apparition Vltallna, ae,/. veal [ve»!
Virgeus, a, um, adj. of twigs, or Visurus, a, um, part, to see, about Vltullnus, a, um, adj. of a calf, oi
rods to visit Vltulor, ari, dep. to skip, or frisk
like a calf, to rejoice, or con- VocSnia, orum, pi. n. a. kind of Volutatus, a, um, part, rolled,
gratulate pears well-versed
VMlus, i, m. a calf, the young of Vocula, ae,/. a low voice, a report Voliitatus, us, m. a rolling
other things, a seal V&la, ae,/. the hollow, or palm of VSluto, are, a. to roll, tumble, nr
Vituperabllis, e, adj.blameworthy the hand, the sole of the foot toss, to wallow, to revolve, to
Vitupgrandus, a, um, part, to be Volans, tis, part, flying, flying think, or consider
blamed over Volutus, a, um, part, rolled,
Vltiipgrans, tis, part, blaming Volaticus, a, um, adj. that flies tumbled, hurled, fallen out of
Vitupgratio, onis,/. a blaming away suddenly, flitting V6mens, tis, part, vomiting, send-
Vltuperator, oris, m. a blamer, a Volatilis, e, adj. flying, flitting,
censurer winged
Vltuperaturus, a, um, part, about VSlatura, ae,/. a flight ter, or ploughshare
to blame, or censure VSlatus, us, m. a flying, or flight VOmex, a vomiting
icis, /.
Vitupenum, i, n. blame, dispraise VSlemum, i, n. a warden-pear V6mica, ae,/. an imposthume
Vitupgro, are, a. to blame, to VOlens, tis, part, willing, accept- Vdmicus, a, um, adj. vomiting
censure, to rebuke, to find fault able V6mitans, tis, part, vomiting
with [life VSlentia, re,/, the act of willing VOmitio, onis, /. a vomiting
Vivacitas, atis, /. vivacity, long VolgiSlum, i, ». a rolling-stone, a VOnrito, are, freq. to vomit, to
Vivaclter, adv. ius, comp. lively roller spue
Vivarium, i, n. a park, a warren, Volgivagus, a, um, adj. wandering, Vomltor, oris, m. a vomiter
a fish-pond strolling, vulgar, common Vomitorius, a, um, adj. vomitory
Vivax, acis, adj. ior, comp. issi- VSlitans, tis, part, flying, passing Vfimitus, us, m. a vomit, a vomit-
mus, superl. long-lived, lively, Volitans, tis, m. a flying insect ing
lusty, strong Volito, are, freq. to fly about, or V6mo, 6re, ui, Itum, n. to vomit,
Vivens, tis, part, living, dwelling, up and down, to fly or spue, to cast up, to throw out
inhabiting, running', live, alive VOlo, are, n. to fly, to fly about, to Vopiscus, i, m. a twin that comes
Viverra, ae,/. a ferret run, or go in haste to perfect birth
Vlvesco, ere, n. to live, to continue V61o, vis, vult, velle, vblui, verb V6racitas, atis, /. voraciousness,
Vivide, adv. ius, comp. quickly irreg. to will, or be willing, to ravenousness, greediness
Vlvidus, a, um, adj. lively, brisk, desire, or be desirous, to wish, V8raginosus, a, um, adj. full of
active, staunch, keen to wish well bogs
Vivificans, tis, part, quickening V6lo, onis, m. a volunteer V6rago, Inis,/. a whirlpool, a gulf,
Vlvlfico, are, a. to quicken, to Volsella, ae,/. a tweezer a quagmire, or bog
enliven Volsus, a, um, adj. smooth, sleek Voratio, onis, /. a devouring
Viviradix, icis, /. a quickset Volva, ae, /. a wrapper, the se- Voraturus, a, um, part, about to
Vivo, ere, ixi, ictum, n. to live, to CHndine devour, or swallow up
have life, to be alive, to lead a VOlubilis, e, adj. voluble, rolling, VOrax, acis, adj. ior, comp. vora-
life, to live upon, to live well, or turning, whirling, gliding swift- cious, ravenous, devouring
merrily, to be nourished, or ly, fluent, changeable V5ro, are, a. to devour, to eat
increased, to be kindled, to Volubilitas, atis,/. volubility, in- greedily, to swallow
continue constancy, roundness Vortex, see Vertex
Vivus, a, um, adj. living, alive, Volublllter, adv. glibly, roundly Vosmgtipsi, your ownselves
lively, quick, fresh, green, natu- Yolucer, and cris, m. andf. ere, n. Votifer, a, um, adj. votive, devoted
ral, congenial adj. winged, swift, unstable, Votlvus, a, um, adj. votive, devoted,
Vlx, adv. scarcely, hardly, with light greatly desired
difficulty Volucra, ae,/. a vrae-fretter Votum, i, n. a vow, or promise, a
Vixit, he lived, t. e. he dead
is Volucris, is,/, a bird, a fly thing vowed, a desire, or wish,
Vdcabulum, i, n. a word, a name, Volvendus, a, um, part, to be a covenant, marriage
or term, a noun substantive rolled over, rolling Votus, a, um, part, vowed
Vocalis, e, adj. ior, comp. issimus, Volvens, tis, part, rolling, turn- VOvens, tis, part, vowing, praying
superl. vocal, loud, resounding, ing, revolving, pondering, ut- Voveo, ere, ovi, otum, a. to vow,
well-tuned tering to promise, to pray
Vocalis, is,/, a vowel V5lumen, Inis, n. a volume, a roll- Vox, vocis, /. a voice, a noise, a
Vocalitas, atis, /. sweetness of ing, or taming, a folding, a fold, shout, a sound, an accent, a
voice, or delivery [thing a wreath, or spire, a turn note, or tune, a word
V6camen, Inis, n. the name of a VoluminSsus, a, um, adj. full of Vulgandus, a, um, part, to be
Vocandus, a, um, part, to be windings, bending, &c. published, or divulged
called [moning Vfiluntarie, and V61untari6, adv. Vulgaris, e, adj. vulgar, common,
Vocans, tis, part, calling, voluntarily, willingly much used, vile, base, insig-
Vocatio, onis,/. an invitation V61untarius, a, um, adj. voluntary nificant [monly
V6catl\e, adv. in the vocative case VSluntas, atis, /. will, desire, Vulgariter, adv. vulgarly, com-
VOcatlvus, a, um, adj. vocative good-will, affection, measure, Vulgarius, a, um, adj. vulgar
Vocator, oris, m. a caller, an sense, meaning Vulgator, oris, m. a publisher, a
inviter [call Volvo, ere, vi, lutum, a. to roll, or telltale [divulge
V5caturus, a, um, part, about to turn, to roll, throw, or tumble Vulgaturus, a, um, part, about to
V6catus, a, um, part, called, in- down, to toss Vulgatus, a, um, part, and adj.
voked, implored, summoned Volvolus, i, m. a roller of timber ior, comp. issimus, superl. pub-
VOcatus, us, m. a calling, or sum- Volvox, oris, m. a vine-fretter lished, divulged, common
moning, a call V51upe, i, n. a pleasant thing Vulgivagus, a, um, adj. wandering,
Vociferans, tis, part, bawling, or V61uptarius, a, um, adj. volup- prostitute, common
crying out, exclaiming tuous, sensual Vulgo, are, a. to make common,
Vociferatio, onis, /. a bawling, an VSluptas, atis,/. pleasure, delight, or known,to proclaim, to pub-
exclamation, an invective comfort, sensuality lish,or divulge, to print, to
Vociferatus, us, m. an outcry V61uptuosus, a, um, adj. vo- spread abroad, to spread
Vociffiro, are, n., or Vociferor, luptuous Vulg6, adv. commonly, ordinarily,
ari, dep. to bawl, or cry out, to VOluta, a work of leaves
ae, /. publicly, openly, before all
exclaim [naming wreathed about the chapiter of Vulgus, gi, n. and m. the vulgar,
Voclficans, tis, part, calling, a pillar the common people, the rabble
Vocitatus, a, um, part, called VOlutabrum, i, n. a place where Vulnfirandus, a, um, part, to be
upon [call swine tumble, a den [ing wounded
V6cIto, are, freq. to call often, to V61utabundus, a, um, ad/.wallow- Vulnfirarius, a, um, adj. vulnerary
Voco, are, a. to call, or name, to Volutans, tis, part, rolling, fall- Vulnerarius, i, m. a surgeon
calLto, upon, for, or forth, to ing down, revolving, pondering Vulnfiratio, 6nis, /. a wounding
invoice, to summon, or cite, to V6lutatio, onis,/. a rolling, tum- Vulneratus, a, um, part, wounded
challenge, or provoke, to bid bling, tossing, or wallowing Vulnfiro, are, a. to wound, to grieve
215 M 3
Vulnificus, a, um, adj. wounding Xem61um, i, n. dim. a small gift ZelOtypia, ae,/. jealousy, fear
Vulnus, eris, n. a wound, a hurt, X6nium, i, n. a gift, or present, Zelfttypus, a,um, adj. jealous
a sting, remorse, the passion of friends, guests, strangers, or Zelus, i, m. zeal, ardent affect
love foreign ambassadors, a lawyer's envy
Vulnusculum, i, n. a little, or fee Zephyrius, a, um, a ij. of the vi
slight wound Xerampellnus, a, um, adj. brown- wind, addle
Vulpgcula, ae,/. dim. a little fox ish philomot ZSph^rus, i, m. the west wind
Vulpes, is,/, a fox Xerophthalmia, ae, /. blearedness Zerna, se,/. a ringworm
Vulplnor, ari, dep. to play the fox Xiphias, ae, m. a sword-fish, a co- Zeros, or Zetos, i, m. a crystal
Vulpinus, a, um, adj. of a fox, met, or blazing-star Zeta, ae, /. a close, warm room
crafty, cunning, subtle Xiphion, i, n. spurge-wort Zetacula, ae,/. a closet
Vulsura, ae,/. a pulling, a tugging Xyllnum, i, n. bombast, cotton, a Zeugma, atis, n. a figure wher
Vulsus, a, um, part, pulled, tugged, kind of wool, or flax many clauses are joined vi
plucked, drawn, torn Xylinus, a, um, adj. of cotton one verb
Vultlculus, i, m. dim. a little visage Xylobalsamum, i, n. balsam- wood Zeus, i, m. a goldfish, a dace
Vultuosus, a, xxm.adj. sour, frown- Xylon, i, b. a cotton-tree, cotton, Zingiber, firis, n., and Zinglb
ing, making many faces, affected fustian n. indecl., and Zinglberis, is

Vultur, oris, m. a vulture XylSphagium, i, n. same at ginger

Vulttirlnus, a, um, adj. of a vul- XylOphagus, i, m. a worm breed- Zizania, ae, /. and [

ture, dark ing under the bark of trees Zizanium, i, n. darnel, cockle
Vulturis, is, m. and Xystarches, ae, m., or Xystarchus, Zizyphum, i, n. jujubes
Vultiirius, i, m. a vulture, an ex- i, m. the master of a fencing, or Zizyphus, i,/. a jujube-tree
tortioner, an unlucky chauce wrestling school ZSbola, ae,/. an ermine
Vulturnus, i, m. the north-east Xystlcus, i, m. a wrestler Zodiacus, i, m. the zodiac, a cii
wind, or the south-east wind Xystum, i, n., and Xystus, i, m. a Zona, ae, /. a zone, a girdle
Vultus, us, m. the face, the look, gallery, a covered walk, a por- purse, the shingles
countenance, or visage, the eye, tico, or piazza Zonarius, a, um, adj. of a gin
an image, or picture [a bag or purse
Vulva, a?, /. the matrix, or womb, Zonarius, i, m. a girdle-maker
Zonula, ae,/. dim. a little girdle
Zoophthalmon, i, n. house-leei
ZophOrus, i, m. a frieze on pilli
Zopissa, ae, /. pitch scraped
Zamia, m,/. a loss, a damage ships [sli
Zamiae, arum, pi. J. pine nuts Zoster, eris, m. the shingles
Xanthicu, and Xanthium, thii, n. Zea, se,/. spelt, beer-barley Zygia, ae,/. a maple [di
the lesser clot-bur, ditch-bur Zelor, ari, dep. to be zealous, to Zygia tibia, a pipe played at w
Santhos, i, m. e bright yellow envy Zythum, i, *., and
Zelotes, ae, m. a zealot Zythus, i, m. beer, ale








A, an indefinite particle, signifying Above, adj. comp. superior, major, Abstrusely, occulte, abdite
one, as liber, a book prsestantior Abstruseness, obscuritas
To abandon, derelinquo, desero Above that, insuper Absurd, absurdus, ineptus
Abandoned (wicked), perditus, From above, desuper, superne Somewhat absnrd, subabsurdus
flagitiosus [tutio Over and above, extra, insuper Very absurd, perabsurdus
Abandonment, derelictio, desti- Above-board, aperte An absurdity, res inepta
An abandoning, derelictio Above-mentioned, supradictus Absurdly, absurde, inepte
To abase, humilio, dejicio To be above, emineo, antecedo Abundance, copia, abundantia
An abasement, dejectio To abound, abundo, redundo Abundant, copiosus, uber, plenus
To abasb, pudefacio, confundo Abounding, abundans, affluens Abundantly, copiose, abunde
To abate, remitto, decresco An abounding, affluentia To abuse, abutor ;
(deceive), de-
An abatement, detractio About, prep, ad, apud, circa, cir- cipio; (pollute), polluo, vitio,
An abbacy, coenobiarchia cum, circiter, de, fere, ferme, stupro; (to one's face), scurror;
An abbess, abbatissa in, instar, quasi, sub, super, (with the tongue), convicior;
An abbey, ccenobium versus (in action), malefacio
An abbot, ccenobiarcha To be about, or employed, occupor An abuse (wrong use), abusus;
To abbreviate, contraho To go about (attempt), aggredior (injury), injuria, fraus; (with
An abbreviation, abbreviatio To abridge, privo, contraho the tongue), convicium, contu-
To abdicate, abdico, resigno Abridged of, privatus melia
An abdication, abdicatio An abridging, contractio Abused (in words), conviciis la-
To abet, adjuvo, instigo An abridging of, privatio cessitus; (in facts), violatus,
An abetting, instigatio An abridgment, compendium laesus
An abettor, instigator Abroach (tapped), terebratus An abuser, conviciator
To abhor, detestor, abominor Abroad (from home), foiis; (out An abusing, convicium, injuria,
To be abhorred, detestandus of doors), forks; (in foreign fraus
Abhorrence, detestatio, execratio parts), peregre (in sight), in
Abusive, scurrilis, dicax, petulans
An abhorring, detestatio propatulo; (here and there), Abusive language, convicium
To abide (continue), moror, duro late, passim, undique Abusively, scurriliter, contume-
To abide by, defendo To abrogate, rescindo To abut, adjaceo [liose

An abiding, coinmoratio An abrogating, abolitio Abutting, conterminus, confinis

An abiding by, tuitio Abrupt, abruptus, prseruptus An abyss, abyssus, profundum
An abiding in, perseverantia Abruptly, abrupte, raptim. An academic, academicus
Abject, abjectus, vilis Abruptness, abruptio Academical, academicus
Abjectly, abjecte, humiliter An abscess, abscessus An academy, academia
Abjectness, abjectia Abscision, abscissio To accede, accedo
Abilities (of mind), peritia To abscond, abscondo, lateo To accelerate, accelero, festino
Ability (power), facultas Abscondei', absconditus An accent, accentus
Ability (strength), robur An absconding, oecultatio To accent (a word), accentumap-
Abjuration, abdicatio Absence, absentia, desiderium pingere; (to pronounce), pro-
To abjure, abjuro, renuncio Absent, absens nunciare accurate
An abjuring, ejuratio To be absent, absum, desum To accept, accipio
Able, capax, potens, valens To absolve, absolvo, libero Acceptable, carus, gratus
To be able, possum, queo, valeo An absolving, absolutio Acceptably, apte, grate
To be very able, prsevaleo Absolutely, absolute, prorsiis Acceptance, acceptio
Ableness (skill), peritia Absoluteness, dominatio Acceptation, sensus, significatio
Ablution, ablutio Absolution, absolutio Accepted, acceptus
Abode, habitatio, domicilium, Absolutory, absolutorius An accepter, acceptor
sedes To absorb, absorbeo An access, accessio, accessus,
To abolish, abrogo, rescindo Absorbed, absorptus [nere aditus
To abolish (destroy), perdo, deleo To abstain, abstineo, sese conti- To have access, admittor
An abolishing, abolitio An abstaining, abstinentia Accessible, affabilis, comis
Abominable, execrabilis, odiosus Abstemious, temperatus, sobrius Accession, accessio, accessus
Abominably, turpiter, odiose Abstemiously, temperate, sobrie An accessory, particeps
To abominate, detestor, fugio Abstemiousness, temperantia The accidence, grammatices in-
Abomination, detestatio, odium Abstergent, or abstersive, abster- troductio
Abortion, abortio, abortus gens An accident, casus fortuitus
Abortive, abortiviis, frustratus Abstinence, abstinentia Accidental, fortuitus, adventitius
Abortively, infehciter To abstract, centraho, sejungo Accidentally, casu, fortuitb
Above, prep, (not below), super, An abstract, compendium An acclamation, acclamatio
supra; (beyond, or more than), Abstracted, abstractus, contrac- Acclivity, acclivitas
ante, prseter, ultra; (upward), Abstractedly, separatlm [tus To accommodate, accommodo,
sursum Abstruse, occultus, abditus apto, instruo Idatio
Above, adv. plus, amplius, magis Very abstruse, perreconditus An accommodation, accommo-

;; ;


To accompany (go with), comi- Belly-ache, tormina ventris Adapting, accommodans, aptans
tor, deduco, perduco ; (keep To ache, doleo To add (put to), addo, appono,
company with), eonsocior An achebone, os coxendicis adjicio; (join to), adjungo, sult-
Accompanied, comitatus, perduc- To achieve, perago, patro jicio; (over and over), supe
An accomplice, particeps [tus To be achieved, geror, conficior addo; (fuel to fire), incendc
To accomplish, consummo, im- Achieved, confectus, actus, gestus (together), coaddo; (in speak-
pleo, exequor, An achiever, confector, victor ing), superdico
Accomplished, completus An achieving, confectio Added to others, conscriptus
An accomplishing, peractio Achievements, res gestae An adding, accessio, adjectio
An accomplishment, dos animi Acid, acidus An addition, appendix
To accompt (account), computo Acidity, acrimonia Addition, or ornament, orna>
An accord, consensus, concordia To acknowledge, agnosco, recog- mentum
To accord, assentio, convenio, nosco, confiteor, fateor, pro- Addition (in arithmetic), additii
concordo fiteor [nitus An adder, coluber, vipera
Of his own accord, ultr6, sponte Acknowledged, agnitus, recog- Like an adder, viperinus
Accordant, cousentiens, assen- An acknowledgment, recognitio An addice, or adze, harpagi,
tiens [situs Aconite, aconitum dolabra
Accorded, reconciliatus, compo- An acorn, glans To addict one's self to something,
According as, prout, perinde ut, Full of acorns, glandulosus se applicare ad aliquid; (tb
utcunque; According to, ad, Bearing acorns, glandifer some art), artem aliquam colere
de, ex, secundum, pro To acquaint, indico, admoneo, Addicted, addictus, devotus, d«.
Accordingly, ideo, pariter, sic certiorem aliquem facere ditus [taneus
To accost, aggredior, adeo, com- Acquaintance (the thing), notitia, Addle, vacuus, inanis, subven-
Accosted, compellatus [pello consuetudo; (the person), fa- Addle-headed, fatuus, stultus
An accosting, compellatio miliaris, notus To address (direct unto), inscribo;
To account, numero, computo Acquainted, familiaris, cognitus (speak to), alloquor
An account (reckoning), ratio; Acquainted before, praecognitus An address (direction), forma di-
(esteem), reputatio, pretiurn To be made acquainted, certior rectionis; (petition), libellus
An accounting, computatio An acquainting, indicium [fieri supplex; (subtle speaking),
Of little account, vilis To acquiesce, acquiesco, pareo calliditas, comitas, dexteritas
Accountable, obnoxius An acquiescence, assensus (a speaking to), compellatio
A caster of accounts,calculator Acquiesced in, comprobatus Addressing, inscribens, suppli-
An accountant, arithmeticae pe- To acquire (get), acquire, conse- cans, alloquens
ritus quor, lucror; (learn), disco Addressed unto, inscriptus
To account (esteem), sestimo,ha- Acquired, acquisitus, adscitus Adequate, adequatus
beo, pendo, facio An acquiring, adeptio An adept, peritus, usu promptus
To account for, rationem reddere Acquisition, accessio, lucrum To adhere, adhaereo, adhaeresco
To turn to an account, prosum To acquit, solvo, libero Adherent, adhaerens
Of great account, carus, gratus Acquittal, absolutio An adherent, particeps, socius
Of no account, vilis An acquittance, acceptatio An adhesion, adhaesio
Of some account, aliquo pretio Acquitted, liberatus, absolutus Adjacent, adjacens, contiguus
An account (cause), causa, ratio An acquitting, liberatio An adjective, adjeetivum
Accounted, aestimatus, habitus An acre, jugerum Adjectively, adjective
To accoutre, apparo, instruo Acre by acre, jugeratim. Adieu, vale
Accoutred, armis instructus Acrid, oracrimonious.acer, acidus To bid adieu, valedico, renuncio
Accoutrements, arma, orum Acrimony, acrimonia To adjoin, adjaceo (add to), ad-

An accoutring, apparatio Across, oblique jungo, addo, adjicio

Accretion, accretio To act (do), ago, facio Adjoining, adjacens, conterminus
To accrue, accresco, orior .
To act, or imitate, gesticulor To adjourn, differo
To accumulate, accumulo To act plays, ludos ageie Adjourned, dilatus
An accumulating, coacervatio An act, or deed, factum, gestum An adjournment, dilatio
Accuracy, accuratio An act, or decree,decretum; (of To adjudge, adjudico, addico
Accurate, accuratus, exactus the commons), plebiscitum Adjudged, adjudicatus, addictus
Accurately, accurate, exacte (in a play), actus; (exploit), An adjudication, adjudicatio
To accurse, devoveo, execror facinus; (wicked), Jlagitium, An adjunct, adjunctum.
Accursed, devotus, execratus seelus Adjunction, adjunctio
Accusable, accusandus Acts registered, acta, orum To adjure, adjuro
Accusatory, accusatorius An acting, or mimicking, gesticu- To adjust, apto, accommodo, com-
To accuse, accuso, criminor latio pono, orno [tus
To accuse, or blame, reprehendo An action, actum; (fight), pugna Adjusted, accommodatus, exaequa-
To accuse falsely, calumnior (in speaking), actio, gestus; An accommodatio
To be accused, in jus vocari (iu law), actio forensis, formula Admeasurement, mensura
Accused, accusatus, postulatus To enter an action, in jus vocare To administer (serve), procuro,
Accused falsely, falso delatus Actionable, judicio obnoxius dispenso; (an oath, &c), ad-
An accuser, accusator, delator Actions commerce), sortes
(in ministro; (physic), medicinam
A false accuser, calumniator Active, agilis, promptus, strenuus adhibere [ratus
An accusation, accusatio Actively (in grammar), active Administered, administratus, cu-
A secret accusation, delatio Activity, agilitas Au administration, administratio
A false accusation, calumnia An actor (in a play), histrio, An administrator, administrator
Accusing calumniosus
falsely, mimus; (a doer), actor, auctor Administratorship, munus pro-
By false accusing, calumniose An actress, mima curatoris
To accustom, assuefacio Actual, ipso facto An administratrix, administratrix
To accustom one's self, assuesco Actually, revera, re ipsa An admiral, classis prasfectus
To be accustomed, soleo, solitus To actuate, incito, animo High-admiral,summus classiarius
sum [tus Acute, or sharp, acutus; (in judg- Vice-admiral, summi classiarii
Accustomed to do a thing, assue- ment), sagax, subtilis; (in re- lpgatus
Accustomed to be done, solitus ply), salsus The admiralship, navis praetoria
Not accustomed, insolitus, in- Acutely, acute, subtiliter, salse The admiralty-court, curia mari-
suetus Acuteness, subtilitas, sagacitas tima [fectus
Accustomarily, usitate, frequenter An adage, adagium, proverbium Rear-admiral, extremae classi prae-
Accustomary, usitatus, assuetus Adamant, magnes; (a diamond), Admirable, insignis, mirandus,
An accustoming, assuefactio adamas mirus
Acerbity (severity), duritia, rigor Adamantine, adamantinus Admirably, insigniter, egregie
An ache, dolor [dolor To adapt, accommodo, apto Admiration, Admiring, admiratia
Head-ache, cephalalgia, capitis An adapting, accommodatio To admire, admiror, miror
Admired, cams, amatus consulo; (of),certioremfacere; Afflicting, Afflictive, acerbus,
An admirer, amator (beforehand), praeraoneo; (to tristis
Admission, admissio the contrary), dissuadeo Affliction, afflictio, cruciatus
To admit, admitto, ascisco To be well-advised, sapio An affluence, copia, abundantia
Admittable, Admissible, admit- Well-advised, sapiens, circum- Affluent, affluens, abundans
tendus spectus To afford, praebeo; (yield), reddo,
Admitted, admissus, ascitus Ill-advised, incautus, temerarius fero; (in selling), vendo
(into college), in collegium co- Advisedly, cogitate, caute Afforded, praebitus, suppeditatus
optatus; (into orders), sacris Advisedness, cautela, prudentia Affording, fereus, praebens, ven-
initiatus An adviser, consultor To affright, terreo [dens
Admittance, accessus, admissio Advising, nuncians, suadens, mo- An affright, timor, consternatio
To admix, admisceo, immisceo nens [berans Affrighted, territus, metu per-
To admonish, admoneo, hortor Advising, or deliberating, deli- cussus [reor
Admonished, monitus, admonitus Adulation, adulatio, assentatio To be affrighted, consternor, ter-
An admonisher, monitor, admo- Adulatory, adulatorius To affront, irrito, provoco
nitor Adult, adultus, maturus An affront, injuria, contumelia
An admonition, admonitio To adulterate, adultero, commis- Affronted, contumeliis lacessitus
Ado (stir), tumultus.turba; (with Adulterated, adulterinus [ceo Affronting, contumeliosus
much ado), difficulter, aegre; An adulterator, interpolator Affusion, affusio
(without much ado), facile An adulterating, commixtio Afloat, fluitans, fluctuans
Adolescence, adolescentia An adulterer, adulter, mcechus Afoot, pedestris
Adonic, adonicus An adulteress, mcecha, adultera Afore, prae, ante
To adopt, adopto, coopto, ascisco Adulterous, adulterinus, stupro- Aforegoing, praecedens
An adopter, adoptator sus Aforehand, ante
An adopting, Adoption, adoptio Adultery, adulterium, stuprum To be aforehand, praevenio
Adoptive, adoptivus To commit adultery, adultero Aforesaid, praedictus, supradictus
Adorable, adorandns Taken in adultery, stupro com- Aforetime, quondam, olim
Adoration, adoratio, cultus pertus Afraid, timidus, pavidus, trepidus
To adore, adoro, veneror, colo To adumbrate (shadow), adumbro Not afraid, impavidus, intrepidus
An adorer, cultor An advocate, advocatus, causi- To be afraid, paveo, timeo, vereor,
To adorn, orno, excolo dicus metuo, formido; (much), ex-
An adorning, ornamentum An advowee, patronus ecclesiae horreo, pertimeo, expavesco
An adorner, qui ornat An advowson, advocatio (beforehand), praeformido, prae-
Adroit, solers, callidus Aerial, or airy, aerius, aethereus timeo ;
(alittle), subtimeo, sub-
Adscititious, adscitus, acquisitus iEstival, aestivus terreo
To advance (forward), procedo, yEtherial, aethereus To make afraid, terrefacio, per-
progredior; (lift up), attollo, From afar, a longinquo terreo, horrifico
exalto ; (money), pecuniam de- Affable, affabilis, comis Made afraid, territus, exanimatus
ponere Affableness, Affability, urbanitas, Afresh, iterum, denu6
Advanced (jutting out), promi- comitas Aft, a puppi, or puppe
nens Affably, comiter, urbane After, a, ab, ex, post; {for after
Advanced in age, aetate provectus An affair, res, negotium that), quam, posteaquam, ubi,
Advance-guard, stationes priores To affect (accustom), afFecto cum, ut, posthaec; (referring to
Advancement, promotio (love), diligo; (make a show proximity of degree, order, or
Advancing, promovens, provehens of), ostento, jacto ; (with joy, succession), juxta, proxime, se-
Advantage, lucrum, emolumen- &c), gaudio afficere cundum, sub; (for afterwards),
tum, commodum, fructus Affectation, Affectedness, affec- exinde, postek, post, posteriiis,
To have an advantage of, praesto, tatio [tus postmod6 ; (for according to),
superior esse Affected, affectatus, delectus, mo- ad, de, in; (behind), pone, a
To advantage, conduco, prosum Affected person, homo putidus tergo
To make advantage of, lucror (thing), nimls accuratus; (with A little after, paul6 post
With advantage (interest), foene- diseases), morbo laborans The day after, postridie
Advantaged, adjutus [rat& Maliciously affected, malignus The after-birth, fecundinse
Advantageous, lucrativus, utilis, Affectedly, putide, exquisite, odi- An after-clap, ictus iteratus
commodus [mode ose Afternoon, post meridiem
Advantageously, utiliter, com- Affection (love), amor, gratia, An afternoon's luncheon, merenda
Advantageousness, utilitas benevolentia; (passion of the Again, iterum, rurshs, denu6, de
Advent, adventus mind), impetus, affectus.motus, integro, deinde ; (for here-
Adventitious, adventitius desiderium, animi affectio, cu- after), p6st, postea, posthac
To adventure (attempt), audeo; piditas; (disorder), affectio Again (after verbs), is often ex-
(hazard), periclitor Without affection, affectibus ca- pressed by re prefixed,; as, to
.An adventure, casus, fors rens come again, re-deo, re-peto
An adventurer, periclitator Evil affection, cacozelia Again and again, iteriim atque
Adventurous, audax, fortis Affecting the soul, patheticus iterum
An adverb, adwerbium Affectionate, amans, benevolus Back again, retr&
Adverbial, adverbialis Affectionately, amanter, benevole Over again, de novo, denu6
An adversary (he), adversarius, To affiance, spondeo, despondeo Against (denoting defence, or
inimicus ;
(she), adversatrix, Affiance (betrothing), sponsalia; preservation), a, ab, adversus,
inimica, antagonista (trust), fiducia, confidentia adversum; (referring to time),
Adverse, adversus, diversus, in- To have affiance in, alicui con- ante, dum, in; (for contrary),
festus fidere adversus, contra, praeter; (to
Adversity, infelicitas, res adverse Affianced, desponsus, desponsatus the prejudice of), adversus,
To advert, adverto, considero An affiancing, desponsatio adversum (signifying
Advertency, cura, consideratio An affidavit, testiticatio cum jure against), contra, e regione
To advertise, commonefacio, edo- jurando Against, adversus, a, um
cco Affinity, affinitas, similitudo To be against, adversor, oppugno
Advertised, edoctus, certior factus To affirm, affirmo, assero, assevero To be against an enemy, contra
An advertisement, monitum An affirmation, affirmatio hostem incedere
An advertiser, monitor Affirma .ive, affirmans, afferens To go against, or be nauseous,
An advertising, admonitio, renun- Affirmatively, affirmative, affir- ingratum esse
ciatio Affirmed, affirmatus [mate Agast, consternatus, attonitus
Advice, consilium To affix, affigo, annecto Age of a person, &c, aetas
Advice (intelligence), nuncium To afflict, affligo, premo, pungo, An age (100 years), eaeculum,
Advisable, commodus, utilis • excrucio ; (to afflict one's self), sevum
To advise, suadeo, hortor (with),
se macerare Old age, senectua, senecta
[3] Ji 2
! ; ' ;;;;;


One under age, impubis Aimed designatus, petitus
at, All alone, solus, solitarius
Great age, longaevitas, senectus Air, aer, aura, ccelum, aether All along, perpetud, usque
Of the same age, asquaevus In the open air, sub dio All along, (prostrate), prostratui,
Of the first age, primaevus To air (abroad), aeri exponere; pronus
In this age, hoc sseculo, hodie (by the fire), ad ignem exsic- All one, perinde, idem
Aged, grandis, aetate provectus care All the while, per totum tempus
An aged man, senex An air-hole, spiramentum All together at once, omnes simt
An aged woman, anus An air-pump, machina ad aerem, Altogether (wholly), omnini,
Df full age, adultus, matnrus exhauriendum prorsus
Agency, or actioD, actio To take the air, deambulo By all means, quoquomodd
Agency (acting for another), cu- To take, or get air, evulgor On all sides, undique, quaq.\u
ratio, procuratio Aired (abroad), soli expositus; versus
An agent, curator (at the fire), ad ignem expo- All over (throughout)
To agglutinate, agglutino situs ; (on the fire), calefactus All this while, usque adhiic
To aggrandize, promoveo, augeo Airiness (of place), amoenitas; All the better, tanto melius
To aggravate, exaggero, accu- (of person), lepor, festivitas All to one, eodem
mulo ; (provoke), incendo, pro- An airing, deambulatio All to no purpose, nihil agis
voco To take an airing, deambulo To all intents, omnind, penitus
An aggravation, exaggeratio An airy place, locus apricus All our own, noster
To aggregate, aggrego An airy person, lepidus, levis For all that, neque eo seciusi;
The aggregate, aggregatum Airy, aerius, amcenus (for good and all), omnind;
Aggression, aggressio Airy (thin), tenuis (this is all), tantum est; (at
An aggressor, aggressor Alabaster, alabastrum all), prorsus, omnin6, unquam
To aggrieve, dolore afficere Alack hei mihi
! (most of all), praesertim, prae-
Aggrieved, mces tus, dolore affectus Alacrity, alacritas, laetitia cipue ;
(not at all), ne omnind
Agile, agilis, vegetus Alamode, more novo et eleganti quidem
Agility, agilitas, dexteritas An alarm, or alarum (in war), AUknowing, omnisciens
To agitate, agito, concito classicum ; (sudden fright), Allseeing, omnituens
Agitation, agitatio, commotio trepidatio, pavor ; (of a clock), Allwise, omnisapiens
Ago (before this time), abhlnc, suscitabulum To allay (lessen), mitigo, lenio;
ante; (long ago), jampridem, To sound an alarm, bellicum, (abate), resedo ; (mingle), di-
jamdudum; (a while ago), classicum canere luo, tempero
haud its. pridem ;
(how long To alarm, belUcum canere To be allayed, defervesco, diluor,
ago), quamdudum? (so lcng (fright), perterrefacio t emperor
ago), tamdiu. Alarmed, territus, trepidus Allayed (lessened), lenitus; (min-
Agony, cruciatus, agonia Alarming, perturbans, terrens gled), dilutus, temperatus
To agree (assent), assentior, as- Alas! heu! hei mihi misero ah! ! An allayer, delinitor, temperator
sentio ;
(reconcile), reconcilio, Alate, nuper An allaying, leuimen
compono (in one mind), cou-
An alb, alba An allegation, allegatio ; (false
venio, concordo; (hang toge- Albeit, tametsi, etsi, etiamsi, allegation), calumnia
ther), cohaereo; (make a bar- quamvis, quanquam To allege, allego, cito, causor
gain), paciscor ; (with one), in Alcaic, alcaicus Alleged, allegatus, citatus
pace vivere; (answer to), re- An alchemist, alchymista Allegiance, fides, fidelitas
spondeo, quadro ; (be pleasing Alchemy, alchymia, chymia Allegorical, allegoricus
to), placeo An alcove, locus fornicatus An allegory, allegoria
Agreeable, gratus, acceptus, ap- An alder, alnus Allelujah, alleluja
tus; (very agreeable), per- Made of alder, alneus To alleviate, allevo, levo
gratus An alderman, senator urbanus An alleviating, alleviation, levatio
Agreeableness, gratificatio Like an alderman, senatorie An alley (walking-place), ambu-
Agreeably, grate, jucunde, apte Ale, cerevisia; (strong), prima; lacrum; (narrow street), angi-
Agreed, pactus, reconciliatus (small), tenuis; (stale), ve- portum, and angiportus
Agreeing, consentiens, concors tula; (new), mustum Alliance (by blood), consanguini-
Not agreeing, discrepans, dis- An alehouse, cerevisiarium ; (be- tas; (by marriage), afiinitas
junctus longing to an alehouse), popi- (of states), foedus
An agreement, or agreeing, con- nalis Allied, propinquus, conjunctus,
sensus; (bargain), conditio An alehouse-keeper, caupo cognatus
(covenant), pactum, fcedus, An alembic, alembicus Alligation (tying), alligatio
stipulatio ; (reconciling), re Alert, alacris, vegetus An alligator, crocodilis
conciliatio; (proportion), sym Algebra, algebra To allot, assigno, delego
metria; (in tune), concentus An algebraist, algebra; peritus An allotment, sortitio
(according to agreement), ex An alien, alienus, alienigena To allow (approve), approbo, con-
compacto Alienable, quod alienari potest firmo (give), exhibeo, praebeo

Agriculture, agricultura To alienate (take from), alieno; (grant), concedo, do; (to allow
Agrimony, agrimonia (sell away), abalieno expenses), sumptus suppedi-
Aground, humijacens Alienated, alienatus, proscriptus tare; (permit), permitto, patior
To run aground, in terrain navem An alienation, alienatio To allow in accounts, decido, de-
appellere, or impingere To alight (as a bird), subsido ;
An ague, febris intermittens; (from a horse), desilio Allowable, laudabilis, Justus
(quotidian*), quotidiana; (ter- Alighted (slid down), delapsus An allowance (approbation), ap-
tian), tertiana (quartan),
; An alighting, descensus ab equo probate ;
(gift), donum; (per-
quartana; (consumptive), per- Alike, adj. par, similis, aequus; mission), licentia, permissio
Aguish, febrieulosus [petua adv. aeque, pariter (deduction), deductio ; (por-
Ah! ah! Aliment, nutrimentum, pabulum tion of meat, &c), portio
Aid, auxilium, subsidium Alimentary, alimentarius Allowed (approved), ratus ; (per-
To aid, adjuto, succurro, juvo Alimony, alimentum mitted), permissus ; (deduct-
An aide-de-camp, ducis adjutor Alive, vivus, superstes ed), deductus; (given) praebi-
An aider, adjutor, auxiliator To be alive, vivo tus
Aiding, adjuvans, opem ferens All,omnis, cunctus; (the whole), An allowing (approving), appro-
To ail, doleo totus, integer, universus; (every bate ; (permitting) permissio
An ailment, morbus, malum one in particular), singuli; (giving), donatio; (deducting),
To aim (at a mark), ad metam quisque, unusquisque; (in ge- deductio
dirigere; (design), designo, neral), universi; (only), unus, Alloy, or allay, mistura
conor solus To allude, alludo
An aim (mark), album; (design), All in all (familiar), perfamiliaris An alluding, Allusion, allusio
propositum All about, undique, passim To allure, allicio, seduco, lacto
Allured, allectus, illectus Amazingly, mirabiliter To anathematize, anathematiro
Allurement, allectatio, illecebra An ambassador, legatus An anatomist, anatomicus
An allurer, seduetor An ambassage, legatio Anatomical, anatomicus
An alluring, solicitatio Amber, succinum To anatomize, anatomizo
An allusion, parodia Made of amber, succinus An anatomizing, anatome
Allusion to a name, agnominatio Ambergris, ambra Anatomy, anatomice
An amicus
ally, socius, An ambidexter, ambidexter Aucestors, antecessores, priores,
An almanack, calendarium Ambient, ambiens majores
An almanack-maker, fastorum Ambiguity, ambiguitas Ancestry, prosapia, stirps
scriptor Ambiguous, ambiguus, dubius An anchor, anchora
Almightiness, omnipotentia Ambiguously, ambigue, dubife To ride at anchor, ad anchoras
Almighty, omnipotens Ambit, ambitus stare [vere
An almond, amygdala Ambition, ambitio To weigh anchor, anchoram sol-
Almonds of the ears, aurium glan- Ambitious, ambitiosus, cupidus Ancient, antiquus, vetustus
dular To be ambitious, honores ambire An ancient (ensign), signifer
An almoner, eleemosynarius Ambitiously, ambitiose Anciently, olim, quondam
Almost, adv. fere, ferme, pene, To amble, gressus glomerare The ancle, talus, sura
prope, propemodum, modft non Amblingly, tolutlm And, et, ac, atque, que
tantum, non, quasi (followed by Ambrosia, ambrosia Anew, de integro, de novo
a dative), usque, juxta ; adj. Ambulatory, ambulatorius An angel, angelus
proximus, a, um An ambuscade, Ambush, insidia? Angelic, angelicus
Alms, eleemosyna To liein ambush, insidias struere Anger, ira, iracundia
An alms-house, gerontocomium Laid in ambush, in insidiis po- To anger, irrito, acerbo
Belonging to alms, eleemosyna- situs Angry, iratus
rius [nignus A lier in ambush, insidiator To be angry, irascor, succenseo
An almsgiver, erga pauperes be- Amen, amen, ita fiat, esto An angle, angulus
To ask alms, stipem rogare To amend, emendo, corrigo, con- An angler, piscator
To give alms, stipem porrigere valesco To angle, piscor
An almsman, pauper orator Amendment, correctio, castigatio An angling-rod, arundo
An alnager, mensor ad ulnam Amends, compensatio Anguish, angor, solicitudo
Aloes, aloe To make amends, compenso, re- To animadvert (correct), castigo;
Aloft, sublimis, altus, supernus pendo (remark), animadverto
adj. supra, sursum, sublime ; Amenity, amcenitas An animadverter, animadversor
adv. (from aloft), desuper To amerce, mulcto, punio An animal, animal, animans
Alone, adj. solus, solitarius, uni- Amerced, mulctatus Belonging to animals, animalis
cus, unus ; adv. solum An amercement, mulcta, poena An animalcule, animalculum
All alone, persolus An amercing, mulct atio Animal life, anima
To leave alone, desero Amiable, amabilis, pulcher, ve- Toanimate (encourage), cohortor,
Left alone, desertus, desolatus nustus excito (give life), animo

To let alone, omitto, mitto Amiableness, venustas, decor An animating, cohortatio

Along, per, secus, secundum ; or Amiably, venuste, decore, pulchre An anker (measure), doliolum
by an ablative case : as, I went Amicable, benevolus, amicus Animosity (heat), ardor; (grudge),
along the highway, publica. Amicably, benevole, amice simultas, odium
ibam via; (along with), una Amidst, inter, in medio Anise-seed, auisum
cum ; (all along, adv.) ubique Amiss, adj. pravus, vitiosus adv.; An annalist, annalium conditor
(adv.), prostratus ; (extended), prave, male, perperam, vitios6 Annals, annales, ium, fasti, orum
extensus To do amiss, offendo, pecco Annates, primitiae, arum
Aloof, de longinquo, longe Amity, amicitia To annex, annecto, appono, ad-
Aloud, clare, clara voce Ammunition, subst. apparatus jungo, adjicio
The alphabet, alphabetum bellicus Annexed, additus, adjectus
Alphabetical, alphabeticus An amnesty, lex oblivionis To annihilate, ad nib i lum redi-
Alphabetically, alphabetic^ Among, or Amongst, apud, inter, gere
Already, jam, dudum, pridem in ; (from among), e, ex Annihilated, funditus extiuctus
Also, item, etiam, quoque, nec- Amorous, amatorius, mollis, las- An annihilating, extinctio
n6n, pariter, itidem ; (more- civus Anniversary, anniversarius, an-
over), quinetiam, praHerea, au- Amorous potions, philtra, orum nuus
tem, insuper, adlircc Amorously, amatorie, blande An anniversary, festum annuum
An altar, altare, ara An amount, summa, totum Annotation, annotatio, nota
To muto, vario, verto, com-
alter, To amount, cresco, exurgo An annotator, annotator
muto, immuto, permuto Amours, amores, um To announce, annuncio
Alterable, variabilis, mutabilis Amphibious, amphibius, ancep3 To annoy, incommodo, lsedo
Alteration, mutatio Amphitheatre, amphitheatrum An annoying, noxa, offensio
Altercation, altercatio, jurgium Ample, amplus, copiosus, largus Annoyed, lresus, offensus
Alternate, Alternative, altemus Amplified, exaggeratus Annoyance, noxa, damnum, of-
Alternately, alterne, vicibus An amplifier, amplificator fensio
Although, quantumlibet,
licet, To amplify, amplifico, exaggero Annual, annuus, solemnis
quanquam,_ quamvls, quamli- An amplifying, amplificatio Annually, quotannis
bet, etiamsi, tametsi, etsi Amplitude, amplitudo An annuity, reditus annuus
Altitude, altitudo, sublimitas Amply, ample, abunde, copiose To annul, abrogo, rescindo
Altogether, prorsus, omnin6 To amputate, amputo Annular, annularis
An alveary, alvearium Amputation, amputatio Annulled, abrogatus, rescissus
Alum, alumen An amulet, amuletum An annulling, abrogatio, abolitio
Always, semper, perpetu&, jugiter, To amuse, oblecto, detineo To annunciate, annuncio
nunquam non, in seternum Amused, detentus, occupatus The annunciation, annunciatio
Am is frequently only the sign of An amusement, detentio, oblec- To anoint, ungo, inungo (about),

a verb passive or neuter tatio circumungo, circumlino; (all

Am (signifying to exist), sum An anabaptist, anabaptista over),perlino; (often), unctito;
Amain, strenue, valde Anacreontic, anacreonticus (upon), superinungo
To amass, aceumulo, congero An anagram, anagramma An anointer, unctor
Amassed, accumulatus, congestus Analogous, Analogical, analogus An anointing, nnctio, inunctio
An amassing, accumulatio Analogy, analogia, comparatio Anomalous (irregular) enormis
To amaze (astonish), obstupe- Analysis, analysis Anon, confestim, illico, mox, sta-
facio; (daunt), perterrefacio Analytic, Analytical, analyticus tim; (ever and anon), iden-
Amazement, animi stupor Anarchy, anarchia tidem
Amazing, mirabilis, mirandus Anathema, anathema Anonymous, anonymus
; ; ;
, ;


Another, alius; (one
another), An apology, defensio, purgatio Full of apples, pomosus
alter alterius, se invicem (one ; An apologue, apologus, fabula An applier, accommodator
after another), allernisvicibus; Apoplectic, apoplecticus An applying, Application, appl -

(another man's), alienus ; An apoplexy, apoplexia catio

(way), aliorsiim Apostacy, defectio, apostatia Application (diligence), diligea-
To answer, respondeo; (corre- An apostate, apostata tia, cura, studium, attentio
spond), congruo, convenio; To apostatize, deficio, desero To appl y ( put unto ), applico, apt(
(excuse), excuso; (for), spon- An aposteme, abscessus, apos- aceommodo, appono ; (addic
deo, rationemreddere; (again), tema one's self aaaliquidappl
responso; (impudently), oblo- An apostle, apostolus care; (his mind unto), animun
quor, proterve respondere (as ;
Apostleship, apostoli munus applicare ; (lay out money j

an echo), resono; (at law), re- Apostolic, apostolical, apostolicus pecuniam impendere (addres
; ,

stipulor; (objections), dissolvo An apothecary, pharmacopola or entreat), aliquem adire, ij

An answer, or answering, respon- An apothecary's shop, pharma- accedere, ab aliquo opem p<.
sio, responsum copolium tere
Answerable, congruens, consonus An apozem, decoctum To appoint, statuo, constitu<;
To be answerable, praesto To appal, consterno, percello (name), nomino ; (order, or d<
Answerable to, or for, obligatus Apparel, vestis, vestimentum sign), designo, assigno; (b •

Answerably, congruenter, proprie Apparel (utensils), apparatus law), lege praescribere; (set
An answerer, responsor Apparelled, amictus, vestitus prsestituo, praescribo; (in ai
An ant, formica Apparent, evidens, conspicuus other's place), substituo
An ant-hill, caverna formicosa An apparent crime, crimen fia- An appointer, constitutor
An antagonist, adversarius grans An appointing, assignatio, desig-
An antarctic, australis To be apparent, pareo, consto natio, praescriptio
Antecedent, antecedens Apparently, manifeste, apertfc An appointment, compacturo
An antechamber, antithalamus An apparition, spectrum (assignation), diei et loci cdn-
To antedate, tempus antequum An apparitor, lictor [voco stitutio ;
(order), mandatum ;
adscribere [natus To appeal, appello, defero, pro- (without appointment), injusBu
Antedate.d, prochronismo sig- An appeal, Appealing, appellatio To apportion, divido, distribuo
An anthem, antiphona Appealed, appellatus', delatus Apposite, aptus, idoneus
St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas An appealer, Appellant, appel- Apposition, appositio
Antichrist, antichristus lator To appraise, pretium imponer^,
Antichristian, antichristianus To appear, appareo pareo; (above aestimo
To anticipate, antic ipo, praevenio water), exto ; (above others), An appraiser, aestimator ; (sworn),
Anticipated, prasoccupatus emineo ; (against), accuso jurejurando constitutes
An anticipating, anticipatio (for), faveo, tutor; (seem),vi- An appraisement, or appraising,
Anticipating, praeoccupans deor; (become visible), illuceo, aestimatio
An antic, histrio, mimus effulgeo To apprehend (understand), de-
An antidote, antidotus To begin to appear, patesco prehendo, intelligo; (fear), ti-
Antimonarchical, monarchies ad- To make to appear, demonstro, meo ;
(suspect), suspicor;
versarius ostendo prehendo, capio; (take
Antimony, stibium It appears, constat, patet unawares), intercipio
Antipathy, odium, fastidium An appearance, or appearing (out- An apprehension (capacity), in-
Antipodes, antipodes, um ward show), species; (con- genium, facultas, intelligentia;
An antiquary, antiquarius course of people), concursus, (fear), timor, metus; (suspi-
To antiquate, abrogo, aboleo frequentia; (likelihood), simi- cion), suspicio ; (seizing), cap-
Antiquated, antiquatus, abrogatus litudo; (above water), emer- tura, prehensio
Antique, antiquus, exoletus sio; (vision), visio, spectrum; Apprehensive, sagax, acutus, per-
Antiquity, antiquitas, vetustas (figure), persona spicax
Antlers, cornu A first appearance, exortus An apprentice, tyro, discipulus;
An anvil, incus A day of appearance, dies status (girl), discipula
Anxiety, anxietas, solicitudo Appearing, apparens An apprenticeship, tyrocinium
Anxious, anxius, solicitus To appease, compesco, compono, To apprise, certiorem aliquem
Anxiously, anxife, solicite comprimo, sedo, placo ; (b,y facere
Any, unus, quilibet, quisquam, sacrifice), expio To approach, appropinquo, ac-
quivis, ecquis, ecquisquam An appeaser, placator cedo, adeo, immineo
(any thing), quicquam, quid- An appeasing, placatio An approach, accessus, aditus
piam, quippiam, quodvis (any ;
An appellant, appellator Approached to, prope admotu3
further), alterius, amplius; An appellation, appellatio An approaching, appropinquatio
(any how), quoquomodo; (any Appellative, appellativus Approaching, appropinquans, im-
longer), diutius; (any more), Appendent, appendens minens, instans
amplius; (anywhere), usquam, To append, appendo, adhaereo Approbation, approbatio
alicubi, ubivis, ubilibet, us- An appendix, appendix To appropriate, ascisco, assero
piam; (at any time), unquam, To appertain, pertineo, respicio, Appropriated (fit, or proper),
quandocunque (any whither),
specto aptus, idoneus, proprius
quoquam, usquam, quopiam; It appertaineth, interest, refert An appropriation, vindicatio
(any while), aliquandiu Appertaining, pertiuens, spectans To approve, approbo, comprobo,
Any man, or one, quispiam, quivis An appetite, appetitus, cupiditas applaudo, addico
Aorist (a Greek tense), indefi- An insatiable appetite, ingluvies An approver, approbator
nitum To have an appetite, esurio An approving, approbatio
Apace, celeriter, propere, cit6 To applaud, applaudo, laudo An appurtenance, appendix
Apart, seorsum, separatim An applauder, laudator An apricot, malum persicum
To stand apart, disto, distito An applause, or applauding, plau- April (month), Aprilis
An apartment, domus pars sus, applausus, laus An apron, praecinctorium
Apathy, apathia Deserving applause, plausibilis Apt (fit), aptus, idoneus; (in.
An ape, simia An apple, pomum, malum; (sum- clined), pronus, propensus;
To ape, imitor mer), malum praecox; (winter), (active), agilis, dexter
Aperture, apertura malum serotinum; (oak),galla; Aptness, habilitas, propensio, in-
An aphorism, aphorismus (pine), nux pinea genium, docilitas
An apiary, apiarium The apple of the eye, oculi pu- Aptly, apte, idonee
Apiece, singulus, singuli pilla, acies An aptote, aptoton
Apish (mimicking), mimicus An apple- loft, pomarium Aquatic, Aquatile, aquatilis
Apish tricks, ineptiaa An apple-seller, pomarius An aqueduct, aquaeductug
Apocryphal, apocryphus An apple-tree, malus Aqueous, aquosus
To apologise, excuso, defendo Bearing apples, pomifer, malifer Aquiline, aquilinus
Arabian, Arabicus An armament, bellicus apparatus Artificially, artificiose
An Arabian, Arabs Armed, armatus, armis indutus Artillery, tormenta bellica; (a
i In Arabic, Arabic^ (all over), perarmatus (with
train of), series, or apparatus
Arable, arabilis a buckler), scutatus, clypeatus; tormentorum bellicorum
Arbitrarily, pro libitu, imperiose (with darts), pilatus;'(with a The artillery-yard, palaestra mili-
Arbitrariness, domiuatio sword), ense or gladio instruc- An artist, opifex, artifex [taris
Arbitrary, imperiose dominans, tus (with a coat of mail), lori-
Artless, adv. insulse; adj. insulsus
imperiosus catus As, dum, ut, cum. As, signifying
An arbitrary prince, princeps sui An arming, armatura accordingly, or proportionably
arbitrii, or juris Armorial, ad arma pertinens as, ut, uti, sicut, pro, prout, ita

To arbitrate, quaestionem decidere Armour, arma, orum ut, pro eo ac, pro eo atque,
An arbitration, or arbitrenient, An armourer, faber armorum perinde ut, perinde atque, pro-
litis arbitrium, arbitratus An armoury, armarium inde, proinde ac, utcunque, $-c.
An arbitrator, or arbiter, arbiter Arms, arma, orum As (which, or which thing), quod,
An arbour, pergula To be in arms, in armis esse id quod; (used for if), si
Arch, vafer, astutus To lay down arms, arma ponere As for, or as to, de, quatenus,
Arcbness, astutia Fire-arms, scloppus, scloppetum quantum, quod ad, ad [licet
An arch, arcus, fornix By force of arms, vi et armis As being, ut, utpote, quippe, sci-
To arch, arcuo, fornico To bear arms, arma ferre As far as, qua, quantum, quoad,
An arched roof, laquear An army (in a state of training), usque, usque ad, usqufe eo
1 Arched, arcuatus, laqueatus exercitus; (in line of march), As if, as though, quasi, perinde
A "Ch-vise, arcuatim agmen (in battle array), acies
: quasi, perinde ac si, tanquam,
An archangel, archangelus To marshal an army, aciem iu- ut si [quam
An archbishop, archiepiscopus struere. To muster an -army, As it were, ut, ceu, quasi, tan-
Archbishopric, archiepiscopatus exercitum lustrare. To raise As long as, quamdiu, tamdiu, tan-
An archdeacon, archidiaconus an army, milites couscribere tisper dum, quoad, usque dum,
Archdeaconry, archidiaconatus Aromatic, aromaticus dum
Archducal, archiducalis Around, circumquaque, undique As big as, as bad as, instar, with
An archduke, archidux To arraign, in jus vocare, postulo a genitive case
An archduchess, archiducissa Arraigning, in jus vocans As big again, duplo major
An archdukedom, archiducatus Arraignment, accusatio, actio As many as, tot, totidem, quot-
An archetype, archetypuni Arrangement, digestio, series quot, quodcunque
An archer, Sagittarius Arrant, merus As much, tantum, tantundem
Archery, ars sagittandi Array, vestis, vestimentum As much as ever, ut cum maxime,
An arch-heretic, ha^resiarcha To array, vestio quantus maxime [quoties
Archiepiscopal, archiepiscopalis To set an army in array, aciem As often as, quotiescunque, toties
An architect, architectus instruere As soon as, ubi, cum, cum pri-
Architecture, architectura In battle-array, acie instructs mum, ut, simul ac, simul ut,
Of architecture, architectonicus Arrearage, Arrears, reliqua, orum; simul atque
An architrave, epistylium (one in arrears), qui aliquid in- As soon as ever, ubi primum, ut
Archives, archiva, orum, tabu- solutum reliquit primum, cum primum, simul ac
larium To arrest, prehendo, rapio primum, statim ut
An archpriest, archipresbyter An arrest, Arresting, prehensio As well as, ut tarn, quam, sequ£ ac
Arctic, arcticus, or borealis Arrested, prehensus, in jus tractus As yet, adhuc. Not as yet, nec-
Ardency, ardor, fervor, aestus An arrival, accessus, appulsus ditrn
Ardent, ardens, candens, acer To arrive (at a place), accedo, ad- As rich as he is, quamlibet dives.
Ardently, fervide, vehementer venio; (as a ship), appellor, Such as it is, qualis qualis
Ardour, aestus pervenio To ascend, ascendo, scando
Arduous, arduus, difficilis Arrogance, arrogantia, fastus Ascendant, auctoritas ; (of a na-
An area, area, superficies Arrogant, arrogans, fastosus tivity), horoscopus
Argent, argenteus, candidus Arrogantly, arroganter, superbfe An ascending, Ascension, ascen-
To argue (dispute), argumentor, To arrogate, arrogo, assumo sio, ascensus
disputo; (show, or prove), Arrogated, sibi assumptus An ascent, locus altus
evinco, probo An arrow, arundo, sagitta To ascertain, stabilio, confirmo
An arguer, disputator (broad and barbed), tragula; Ascertained, certus, confirmatus
An arguing, disceptatio (head), mucro, cuspis An ascertaining, confirmatio
An argumeut, argumentum, ratio, Of arrows, Sagittarius Ascetic, asceticus
thema, lemma An arsenal, armarium To ascribe, imputo, arrogo, tribuo
Argumentation, argumentatio Arsenic, arsenicum An ash, fraxinus
Argumentative, argumentalis An art, ars; (cunning), arti- Ash-coloured, cinereus
Arid, aridus ficium; (black), magice Ashen, fraxineus, fraxinus
Aright, recte An artery, arteria Ash-Wednesday, dies cinerum
To arise (get up), surgo; (again), An artichoke, cinara Ashamed, verecundus, pudore
resurgo; (proceed from), nas- Artful, subtilis, callidus ;
(made suifusus
cor, procedo ; (as the sun), ex- by art), artificialis To be ashamed, erubesco. To
orior, orior; (as waves), undo ;
Artfully, subtiliter, eleganter make ashamed, pudore aliquem
(together), consurgo [patus An article, articulus, caput, con- afficere
Aristocracy, optimatum princi- ditio, conventa, orum Shameful, pudendus, turpis
Arithmetic, arithmetica Articles of marriage, pactio nup- Ashes, cinis [gere
Arithmetical, arithmeticus tialis To burn to ashes, in cineres redi-
Arithmetician, arithmetica; pe- Article by article, articulatim Pale as ashes, cinereus
ritus To article with, cum aliquo pa- Ashore, in tellure, super terrain.
An ark, navis, navigium, area cisci; (branch into articles), To come ashore, e navi descen-
An arm, brachium, lacertus ; (of articulatim dividere; (break), dere. To put ashore, in terram
the sea), sinus, fretum; (of a pacta convellere; (against one), deponere
tree), ramus; (of a vine),pal- accuso; (to keep), stare con- Aside, seorsum, oblique
mes venes (to surrender upon ar-
; To call aside, sevoco
A little arm, brachiolum ticles), sub conditionibusdedere To lay, or set aside, sepono
An armpit, ala, axilla Articled, conventus, pactus To set aside an order, or decree,
To take in the arms, amplector Articular, articularis rescindo, antique
To arm {or take up arms), armo ; Articulate, distinctus [tincte Asinine, asinarius
(put on arms), arma, induere, Articulately, articulatim, dis- To ask (a question), interrogo,
orsumere; (furnish with arms), An artifice, artificium, ars, fraus rogo ; (again), reposco; (ad-
arma suppeditare An artificer, artifex vice), consulo, followed by an
An armada, classis armata Artificial, factitius, concinnus accusative of the person consult*
[7] £4
;: ;


ed; (require), requiro; (boldly), An assessor (of taxes), censor; An astrologer, astroiogus
postulo; (earnestly), oro; (with (in an assembly) assessor Astrological, astrologicus
success), exoro; (tie price, as Assets, bona restantia Astrology, astrologia
a buyer), licitor; (as a seller), An asseveration, asseveratio An astronomer, astronomus
indico; (frequently), requirito Assiduity, assiduitas, sedulitas Astronomy, astronomia
(humbly), supplico ; (indus- Assiduous, assiduus, sedulus Asunder, separathn, seorsum
triously), perquiro ; (mourn- To Assign (time), praestituo; To cut asunder, disseco
fully), imploro; (secretly), sup- (place), indico ; (any thing), To pull asunder, separo, dissolvo
peto ; (as a lover), proco assigno; (a pension), statuo; At, a, ab, ad, ante, apud, de, cum,
An asker, postulator, percontator (a lease), assigno; (a reason), ex, in, inter, sub, super, pro
Askew, transversa reddo, do [tus To achieve, conficio
An asking, postulatio, petitio An assign, or assignee, assigna- A notable achievement, facinua
(of advice), consultatio of a ; Assignable, quod assignari potest praeclarum, egregium, or ilj
question), rogatio ; (humbly) Assigned, assignatus, addictus lustre
Eupplicatio; (inquiring), inqui An assignment, assignatio, de- Atheism, atheismus
sitio; (entreating), obsecratio, nunciatio, distributio An atheist, atheus
petitio, supplicatio; (demand To assimilate, assimilo Atheistical, atheisticus
ing), postulatio Assimilation, assimilatio To be athirst, sitio
Aslant, oblique An assise, or assises, or assizes, Athletic, athleticus
Asleep, somno oppressus, sopitus comitia judicum provincialia Athwart, transverse, obliqufe
'So sleep, dormio, obdormisco To hold assizes, jus pro tribunali The atmosphere, vaporum sphaera
(fall asleep), dormito; (lull dicere An atom, atomus, corpusculum
asleep), soporo, somnum indu- To assise weights and measures, To atone, propitio, expio
cere ponderum et mensurarum jura Not to be atoned for, inexpiabilis
To be asleep, torpeo, dormio praescribere An atonement, expiatio, piamen-
A lulling asleep, somni inductio An assiser, aedilis, signator tum, compensatio
Sleepy, semisopitus, semisomnis To assist (aid), adjuvo, optitulor, Atrocious, atrox
Aslope, obliqu& subvenio, opem alicui ferre Atrociously, atrociter
An asp, aspis (standby), assisto Atrocity, atrocitas
Asparagus, asparagus Assistance, auxilium, opis To attach (detain), detineo;
An aspect, aspectus, prospectus, An assistant, adjutor, collega, (take prisoner), prehendo, com-
vultus adjutrix prehendo, pignoror
Asperity, asperitas Assisted, adjutus To be attached to, adhaereo
To asperse, infamo, defamo Assisting, adjuvans Attached, prehensus, addictus
Aspersed, infamatus, defamatus An associate, socius, familiaris An attaching, Attachment, alii-
An aspersion, aspersio, infamia To associate, familiaritatem con- gatio, retentio, prehensio, ad-
An aspirate, spiritus asper trahere, se conjungere, con- haesio
An Aspiring, ambitus, cupiditas socio An attack, aggressio, impetus,
To Aspire (breathe), aspiro; Associated, fcedere conjunctus oppugnatio, tentatio
(strive), annitor (unto ho-
An association, consociatio To attack (quarrel), provoco ;
nour), honores ambire; (at, to, As soon, cum, ubi, postquam (an enemy), aggredior, irruere
or after), magna aifectare To assume, assumo, arrogo inhostem; (a town) oppugno
Asquint, oblique, transversa An assuming person, nimis arro- An attacker, provocator
An ass, asinus, asina gans To attain unto, potior, attingo
A wild ass, onager An assumption, assumptio Attainable, assequendus, obti-
Belonging to an ass, asininus Assurance (warrant), cautio ;
nendus [tus
An ass-driver, asinarius (certainty), certanotitia; (con- Attained unto, impetratus, poti-
An ass, or fool, stultus fidence), audacia; (security), An attainment, or Attaining, im-
To assail, incesso, oppugno securitas ; (pledge), pignus, petratio ; of good attainments,
An assassin, sicarius fides; (of great assurance), eruditus, eximius
To assassinate, ex insidiis inte- audax To attaint, accuso, evinco, inficio
rimere To assure (affirm), assero, affir- To attemper, misceo, commisceo
An assassination, caedes ex in- mo; (protect), protego, tueor, To attempt, conor, audeo
sidiis defendo ; (a thing), firmo ; (by An attempt, ausum, conatus
To assault, aggredior, adorior, in- promise), polliceor Attempted, inceptus, molitus
vado, oppugno Assured, certus, confirmatus An attempter, inceptor, molitor
An assaulting, Assault, impetus To be assured, exploratum ha- To attend, praestolor, comitor,
To take by assault, expugno bere, certd scire euro, servio; (unto), ausculto
Won by assault, vi captus, ex- Assuredly, cert6, fidenter, certe Attendance, or attending, obse-
pugnatus To assuage, mitigo, lenio, placo; quium, expectatio, ministerium
Assaulted, oppugnatus (tobe assuaged), subsido, de- Attendance on business, dili-
An assaulter, aggressor tumeo gentia, cura
An assay, or Assaying, tentamen Assuaged, mitigatus, lenitus An attendance (retinue or train),
To assay, probo, tento; (again), An assuager, mitigator comitatus, pompa
retento ; (beforehand), prae- Assuaging, mitigatorius An attendant, assecla, comes
tento; privily, subtento An assuaging, mitigatio, lenimen Attendant on, praestolans
An assayer, tentator, inspector An asthma, asthma Attended, curatus, deductus
An assemblage, coacervatio Asthmatic, asthmaticus Attended by, or with, concomi-
To assemble, convoco, congrego, To astonish, stupefacio, terreo tatus
cogo, convenio, conflo To be astonished, miror, obstu- Attention, attentio, intentio
Assembled, collectus, conjunctus pesco Attentive, attentus, intentus
An assembling, congregatio, con- Astonished, attonitus, percussus Very attentive, perattentus
vocatio, conventus, concilium An astonishing, Astonishment, Attentively, attente
An assembly, ccetus, synodus consternatio, stupor, pavor Attentiveness, attentio
To assent, comprobo, assentior To go astraddle, varico To attenuate, attenuo
An assent, assensus To ride, or sit astraddle, divari- To attest, testor, testiiicor
To assert (affirm), affirmo, as- catis cruribus sedere, or aequi- An attestation, testiricatio
sero ; (vindicate), defendo, tare Attested, consignatus, confirma-
tueor Astray, errans, errabundus tus
An assertion, assertio, affirmatio To go astray, vagor, erro to lead
; Attire, ornatus
An asserting, affirmatio astray, a via recta abducere Attitude, corporis positio, or situs
An assertor, assertor, vindex A going astray, erratio, error An attorney (at law), procurator
To assess, tributum imponere Astringency, astrictio rerum forensium ;
(of the
Assessed, census Astringent, Astringing, compri- king), procurator regiarurn
An assessment, census, tributum mens causarum, cogitor regis
To attract (draw to), attraho; An avowed enemy, hostis decla- To go awry, oberro : to look awry,
(allure), illicio ;
(the eyes), ra- ratus oblique tueri: to tread awry,
pio, allicio Avowedly, aperte, ex professo distortis calceis incedere : to
Attraction, or Attracting, attrac- An avower, affirmator turn, or set awry, torqueo, dis-
tio ; (by fair words), blanditiae, Avowry, purgatio, j ustificatio torqueo
arum; (alluring), illecebra Auricle, auricula An axe, securis ; (broad axe), do-
Attractive, attrahens, blandus Auricular, auricularis labra; (poll axe, or battle axe),
An attribute, attributum Auspice, auspicium bipennis ; (chip axe), dola-
To attribute, attribuo, assumo Auspicious, faustus, auspicatus, bella (pick axe), bipennis

Attributed, attributus, vindicatus felix An axle-tree, axis

An attributing, attributio Auspiciously, fauste, auspicatb An axiom, axioma
Attrition, attritio, attritus Auspiciousness, felicitas Ay, im6, maxime, sane, imm6
To attune, modulationem dare Austere, austerus, severus, durus Ay me hei mihi eheu
I !

To avail, valeo, prosum, confero Austerely, austere, severe, duriter An azimuth, circulus verticosus
Available, valens, efficax, utilis Austereness, Austerity, austeri- Azure, casruleus, cyaneus
Availment, emolumentum tas, severitas, asperitas An azure stone, lapis lazuli
It availeth, conducit, refert, juvat Authentic, Authentical, certae An ayry, nidus accipitrum
Avant ! abi ! apage ! fidei [um
Avarice, avaritia, sordes Authentic papers, auctoritates,
Avaricious, avarus; (niggardly), To make authentic, facere ratum
parcus, sordidus Authenticity, certa rei cognitio
Avariciously, avare, parce, sordide Made authentic, auctoritate
Avariciousness, avaritia comprobatus, ratificatus
An auction, auctio An author (writer), auctor, scrip- To baa like a sheep, balo
To sell by auction, auctionor tor ; (inventor), conditor, mo- To babbie, garrio, deblatero
An auctioneer, auctionarius litor; (of areport), auctor; (of A babbler, garrulus
Audacious, audax, improbus a law), legislator [tus A babbling, garrulitas
Audaciously, audacter, improbe Authoritative, auctoritate firma- A babe, or baby, infans
Audaciousness, audacia, irnprc- Authoritatively, auctoritate Babish, puerilis
bitas Authority, auctoritas, jus ; A baboon, cynocephalus
Audible, audiendus, sonorus (leave), licentia ; (chief), pri- A baby (doll), pupus, pupa
Audience (act of bearing), audi- matus; (quotation), auctoritas Babylonish, Babylonius
entia; (auditory), coetus, con- Of great authority, praepollens Bacchanals, Bacchanalia, um
ventus (of small authority), parum pol- Bacchus, Bacchus
To audit, examino lens ; (in authority), auctori- A bachelor, ccelebs, baccalaureua
An audit, rationum examinatio tate valens ; (with authority), To back, adjuvo, faveo, succurro
An auditor, auditor ; (of ac- cum privilegio A back, tergum, dorsum
compts), calculator ; (of the To excel in authority, praepolleo To backbite, vituperare clam
exchequer), fisci procurator To put in authority, auctoritatem A backbiter, obtrectator
An auditory, concio dare alicui A backbiting, obtrectatio
To avenge, ulciscor, vindico To speak with authority, cum po- The backbone, spina dorsi
Not avenged, inultus testate loqui Of the backbone, spinalis
An avenger, ultor, ultrix To authorize, auctoritate munire The back parts, posteriora, um
An avenging, ultio, vindicta aliquem [tio A back room, camera interior
An avenue, aditus, introitus Autography, propria manuscrip- A back shop, officina postica
To aver, assero Autumn, autumnus Back-stairs, scalas postica?
An average, acqua distributio Of autumn, autumnalis A backside (yard), chors postica
An averring, Averment, confir- Avulsion, avulsio The backside, podex
matio Auxiliary, auxiliaris Back, or backside, aversus
Averse, aversus, alienus, abhor- To await, expecto, maneo On the backside, ponfe
reus Awake, vigilans, vigil A back-sword, machasra
Aversion, aversatio, fastidium to : To awake, excito, suscito, exper- A backslider, desertor
have an aversion to, alieno ani- giscor : to be, or keep awake, A backsliding, desertio, defectio
mo esse vigilo : to he awake, insomnis Backed, adjutus, levatus
Deserving aversion, aversabilis cubare Backwards, retrO
To avert, averto, abduco, deprecor Awaked, experrectus, commotus Backward, or averse to, alienus
To augment, augeo, amplio Half awake, semisomnis (negligent, slow), remissus
An augmentation, accessio To award, adjudico, addico To be backward, cunctor
An augmenter, amplificator An award, litis adjudicatio To go backward and forward,
An auger, terebra Awarded, adjudicatus obambulo
An augur, augur Aware, sciens, prsescius : not Backwardness, remissio, tarditas
Auguration, Augury, augurium aware, ignarus, nescms, followed Bacon, lardum
Of an augur, auguralis by a gen. of the thing not A flitch of bacon, succidia
August, augustus, magnificus Jcnoion Bad, malus, pravus
August (the month), augustus To be aware, caveo, prsevideo Bad (sick), aeger, aegrotus
An aviary, aviarium Away! (fy !) vah 1 Bad hours, multa nocte, serf)
Avidity, aviditas To away (go away), abeo ; To be very bad, or sick, aegroto
Aulic, aulicus (take away), aufero, tollo A badge, tessera, insigne
An aunt, amita, matertera To be away, absum A badger, taxus, melis
Avocation, avocatio Awe, reverentia, metus Badly, male, prave, aegre, improbfc
To avoid (shun), devito, fugio, To stand in awe, timeo, metuo Badness, pravitas ; (of roads),
vito; (quit).discedo; (a blow), To keep in awe, coerceo, deterreo viarum asperitas ; (of weather),
declino Awed, deterritus cceli intemperies
Easily avoided, evitabilis Awful, verendus, horrendus To baffle, fallo, decipio
Not to be avoided, inevitabilis Awfully, venerande, terribiliter Baffled, deceptus, delusus
An avoiding, evitatio, devitatio Awfulness, veneratio, horror A baffling, deceptio, dolus
Avoirdupois-weight, libra sexde- Awkward, inhaMlis, ineptus, per- Baffling, fallens, decipiens
cim unciarum versus A baffler, deceptor, delusor
To avouch, assevero, constanter Awkwardly, inepte, minus apte A bag, saccus, crumena, pera
affirmare ;
(for another) spon- , Awkwardness, ineptia A litfle bag, loculus
deo An awl, subula A cloak-bag, mantica
Avouchable, quodaffirmari potest An awning, velorum praetentura A bag-bearer, saccarius
An avoucher, sponsor Awoke, expergefactus Bag and baggage, impedimenta
An avouching, sponsio Awry, obliquus, inclinatus A baggage, mulier improba
To avow, assero, profiteer Awry, oblique Baggage, scruta, orum


A bag-net, reticulum subtilius To bandy, in partes trahere, con- Bareness (nakedness), nuditas
A bagnio, balneum, fornix spiro, pello (of hair), calvities; (ofmoney),
A bagpipe, tibia utricularis Bandy, or crooked, valgus tenuitas
A bagpiper, utricularius Bane, ruina, mors A bargain (agreement), pactum,
A bag-pudding, massula Baneful, noxius, pestiferus luditicatio
Bail, vadimonium To bang, verbero, pulso To bargain, paciscor, stipulor
Bail, or surety (in criminal mat- A bang, ictus To stand to a bargain, pactis
ters), vas (for debt), praes
To banish, in exilium mittere manere
To give bail, vadem dare To be banished, exulo, pellor A bargain-maker, pactor
To bail one, vadem sistere Banished, exulans, ablegatus Bargained, pactus, contractus
Bailable, vadimonio interponi A banished person, exul, extorris A bargaining, pactio
potest A banishing, relegatio [tio A barge, linter, navigium
Bailed, vadimonio liberatus A banishment, exilium, proscrip- A bargeman, naviculator
A bailiff (magistrate), praetor; A banister, clathrus Bark of a tree, cortex inner bark,

(serjeant), lictor, apparitor; A bank (hillock), tumulus ; (of a liber

(steward), dispensator; (of a river), ripa; (shelf in the sea), To bark a tree, decortico
hundred), villicus ; (water), arenaria moles ; (of oars), re- A bark (ship), navigiolum
aquilex migumsubsellium; (of money), To bark (as a dog), latro; (as a
Bailiwick, jurisdictio pecuniae acervus, collybus fox), gannio ; (at), allatro
A bait, esca, incitamentum A bank bill, syngrapha publica (against), oblatro
To bait (lay a bait),inesco,illicio pecuniaria A barker, latrator
To bait (at an inn), diversor A banker, nummularius A barking, latratu3
To bait a book, esca hamum ob- A bankrupt, conturbator Barley, hordeum ; (flour), polenta,
ducere To be a bankrupt, foro cedere (water), ptisanarium ; (broth),
To bait (teaze), lacesso Bankruptcy, rationum contur- jusculum hordeaceum
To bait a bull, taui-um canibus batio Belonging to barley, hordeaceus
committere A banner, vexillum, signum Barm (yeast), cerevisiae cremor
A baiting-place, diversorium Banns of matrimony, futurarum A barn, horreum
To bake, pinso, torreo, coquo nuptiarum solenni's denunciatio A barn-floor, area horrei
Baked, pistus, coctus, coctilis A banquet, convivium, epulse A barn-owl, alucus
Easy to be baked, coctibilis To banquet, or feast, convivor A barometer, instrumentum ad
A bakehouse, pistrinum A banqueter, conviva, epulo gravitatem incumbentis aeris
A baker, pistor A banqueting, epulatio metiendam
A balance, libra, statera, trutina A banqueting-house, epularium A baron, baro
A balance (even weight), aequi- Of a banquet, convivialis Baronage, baronatus
pondium, trutina A banter, jocatio, lusus scurrilis A baronet, baronettus
To balance, pondus aequare To banter, derideo, irrideo A barony, baronia, satrapia
To balance accounts, rationes By way of banter, jocose A barrack, casa militaris
sequare To turn to banter, in ridiculum A barrel, dolium, cadus ; (of a
A balancer, libripens convertere gun), tormenti fistula; (of a
A balcony, podium, pegma A banterer, homo jocularis jack, or clock), fusus [dere
Bald, calvus, glaber A bantling, puerulus, puerula To barrel, doliis, or cadis recon-
A bald discourse, sermo insipidus Baptism, baptisrna Barren, sterilis, effcetus
To be bald, calveo, calvesco Baptismal, baptismalis To grow barren, sterilesco
Balderdash, farrago The day of baptism, dies lustricus Barrenness, sterilitas
Baldness, calvities To baptize, baptizo A barricade, munimentum
A bale, farcina, fascis A baptistry, fons baptismi sacer To barricade, viae aditus occladere
A little bale, fasciculus Baptized, baptizatus Barricaded, munitus, praeseptus
Baleful, tristis, mcestus, noxius A baptizing, baptizatio Barriers, limites, fines
A balk of wood, trabs, tignum A bar, vectis (for a fence),
re- A barrister, causidicus
A balk of land, porca, lira pagula curiae ;
(of a door), obex, A barrow (sepulchre), tumulus;
To balk, fruftror, decipio pessulus ;
(cf a haven), repa- (to carrydung), vehiculum
A ball to play with, pila gulum; (hindrance), impedi- Barter, merx
Ball-playing, pililudium mentum, mora; (of a public- To barter, merces commutare
A ball-player, pilarius house), abacus Bartered, commutatus, permu-
A foot-ball, pila pedalis To bar (keep from), excludo; (a tatus [tatio
The ball of the hand, palma door), pessulum foribus obdere A bartering, mercium commu-
The ball of the eye, oculi pupilla Barred, pessulofirmatus; (from), A base (in architecture), basis,
The ball of the foot, planta pedis exsectus fundamentum; (in music), so-
A ball, or bullet, globulus A barb, spiculum nus gravis
The ball of a pillar, scotia Barbarian, barbarus Base (inferior), inferior; (ser-
A wash-ball, smegma Barbarity, barbaries, inhumani- vile), servilis; (mean, low),
A printer's ball, tudes [reae tas, truculentia humilis, obscurus,ignobilis
A ball (in dancing), celebres cho- Barbarous, barbarus, truculentus (child), nothus ; (metal), adul-
A ballad, canticum Barbarously, immaniter, inhu- terinus ; (knavish), fallax
Ballast, saburra mane (shameful), infamis ; (vile),
To ballast, saburro To barb, tondeo turpis; (cowardly), ig-
Ballasted, saburratua Barbed, barbatus, phaleratus navus, timidus
A ballot-box, cista [tere A barber, tonsor, tonstrix A base wretch, nebulo
To ballot, suffragiain cistam mit- Belonging to a barber, tonsorius A base action, res turpis
Balsara, opobalsamum A barbican, promurale A base trick, versutia, stropba
A baluster, clathrus A bard, bardus, vates O base ! O facinus indignum !

Balmy, Balsamic, balsaminus Bare, adj. (naked), nudus ; (of Basely, abjecte, timide, improbfe,
A ban, edictum, execratio grass, or hair), glaber; (of foede, turpiter
To ban, execror, devoveo clothes), pannosus; (ofmoney), Baseness (of birth), ignobili-
A baud (tie), vinculum inops; (lean),macer ; (thread- tas; (cowardliness), timiditas;
A band, or ward, tribus bare), tritus; (barefaced), im- (knavishness), fallacia ; (vile-
A bat-band, spira pudens ; (barefooted), discal- ness), vilitas, turpitudo
A band of soldiers, caterva, grex ceatus ; (bareheaded), capite A bashaw, praeses provineiae,
A band under one captain, mani- aperto; adv. (only), solum, tan- homo fastosus
pulus tummod& Bashful, modestus, verecundus
By bands, turmatlm To make bare, nudo, denudo Bashfully, modeste, verecundfe
A bandage, ligatura, fascia A place bare of grass, &c, gla- Bashfulness, modestia, pudor
A band-box, cistellula bretum A basis (foundation), basis
Banditti, latrones Barely (scarcely), vix To bask in the sun, apricor
A basket, corbis, copbinus, pa- A beach (shore), littus; (tree) To beatify, beo, beatifico
narium fagus Beatified, beatis ascriptus
A basket maker, cophinarius A beacon, specula Beatific, Beatifical, beatificus-
A basin, pelvis, crater Of a beacon, speculatorius Beatification, beatificatio
A bastard, notbus, spurius A bead, pilula, sphaerula Beatitude, beatitudo
Bastardized, adulterinus A pair of beads, rosarium [tor A beaver (beast), castor; (oil),
To baste (meat), carnem humec- A beadsman, eleemosynarius, ora- castoreum ; (hat), pileus cas-
tare; (beat), verbero; (a gar- A beadle, anteambulo, lictor toreus ; (meal), merenda
ment with thread), filo raro A beadle, catulus venaticus Of a beaver, castoreus
consuere A beak, rostrum (of a ship),
Beautiful, forraosus, pulcher, ve-
A basting (beating), fustigatio rostra, orum; (the beak bead), mtstus
To bastinade, fuste caedere extremitas prorae Beauty, pulchritudo, forma, nitor,
A bastinado, fustuarium Beaked, rostratus elegantia, venustas ; (of a
A bastion, agger A beaker, cantharus, cyathus place), amoenitas
A bat (bird), vespertilio; (stick A beal (pimple), pustula To beautify, decoro, illustro
play with), clava, fustis,
to To beal (gather matter), suppuro Beautified, decoratus, ornatus
baculus [cocti A beam, trabs; (principal), la- A beautifying, decoramen, ornatus
A batch of bread, panes simul cunar; (weaver's), jugum tex- To be beautiful, niteo, nitesco
To bate, or abate, diminuo torium; (of a carriage), temo; Beautifully, decore, nitide
Bate (strife), lis (of a balance), scapus, statera; To becalm, paco, sedo
Bating some few, paucis exceptis (of the sun), jubar Because, quia, quod, quoniam,
Bating that, nisi qu6d Like a beam, trabalis propterea qu6d; (of), ob, prop-
A bath, balneum; (hot), thermae, Compassed with beams, radiatus ter, gratia, erg6
arum (cold), cella frigidaria
Beamy, radians A beck (rivulet), rivulus, rivus;
To bathe, balneo uti; (soak), A bean, faba [seolus (nod), uutus
macero(wash), lavo
A French, or kidney bean, pha- To beckon, nuto, innuo
Bathed, balneo lotus, maceratus Belonging to a bean, fabalis A beckoning, nutatio
A batoon, baculus, fustis A bean-cod, siliqua, valvulus; To become (be fit, fitting, or be-
A battalion, agmen, phalanx (stalk), fabale ; (straw), stipula coming), deceo; (grow, or be
To batten, pinguesco, sagino fabalis; (porridge), puis faba- made), evado, fio
To batter, obtundo, concutio, ver- cea; (meal),lomentum; (chaff), Becoming (decent), decens; (con-
bero, diruo, everto fabago; (plat), fabetum venient), conveniens; (grace-
A battering, concussio To bear (carry), porto, gesto, ba- ful), decorus
A battering-ram, aries julo; (suffer), fero, patior; Become, factus
A battery (breach), ruina; (be- (away), aufero; (bring forth, A bed, lectus, torus, cubile; (of
sieging), oppugnatio; (toraise), as animals), pario ; (as trees), state), pulvinar ; (in a garden),
tormenta disponere fructum edere (one company),
areola; (of a river), alveus, ca-
A battle, pugna, praelium, acies comitor ; (a grudge), simultates nalis ; (of sand), stratum; (of
To give battle, acie congredi exercere; (inmind),reminiscor, leeks), cepetum
To gain a battle, vinco, supero recordor A bed's head, cubitale; (feet)
To lose a battle, vincor A bearer, gestator, portitor; (of lecti pedes; (tester), lecti um-
In battle array, acie instructs a corpse), vespillo bella; (stead), sponda, lecti
A sea-battle, praelium navale A bearing down, oppressio fulcrum (post), lecti columna;

To battle with one, contendo _

A bearing out, prominentia (maker), lecti strator; (tick),
Belonging to a battle, praeliaris Bearing date, datus culcita; (curtains), lecti vela
A battle-axe, bipennis Past bearing, effoetus ductilia; (chamber), cubicu-
-A battledore, palmula lusoria A bear, xtrsus, ursa lum; (clothes), stragula
Battlements, pinnae murorum. The bear (constellation), arctos Abed, i. e. in bed, lecto affixus
Baubles, tricae, arum [lena Of, or like a bear, ursinus To make a bed, lectum sternere
A baud (male), leno ; (female), A beard, barba; (of a goat), spi- Bed-time, hora somni
Baudry (in speech), spurcities rillum; (of acat), genobarbum; To be brought to bed, parturio
Baudy, impudicus, spurcus (of corn), spica, arista To keep one's bed, lecto affigi
A baudy-house, lupanar To beard, barbesco To bed with, concumbo
To baulk, frustror Bearded, barbatus, spicatus A bride-bed, lectus genialis
To bawl, vociferor, exclamo Beardless, imberbis Of a bedchamber, cubicularia
A bawler, vociferator A beam, or child, infans A lying in bed, decubitus
A bawling, vociferatio, convicium A beasts bestia; (a wild), fera; Bedrid, clinicus
Bawling, vociferans, clamitans (ofburden), jumentum; (for A bedfellow, consors lecti
Belonging to bawling, clamosus sacrifice), victima To bedaub, conspurco
A bay (of water), sinus; (road To become a beast, brutesco Bedded, in lectum receptus
for ships), statio; (dam), mo- Bestial (belonging to beasts), Bedding, lecti stragula
les; (tree), laurus belluinus; (lewd), turpis, ob- To bedew, irroro
Bearing bays, laurifer scoenus To be bedewed, roresco
Crowned with bays, laureatus Beastliness (brutishness).feritas; A bedewing, roratio, aspersio
Bay-coloured, badius, fulvus (lewdness), impudicitia; (nas- Bedlam, hospitium insanorura
A bayonet, sica tiness), immunditia, bestialitas A bedlamite, insanus, maniacus
Bayes (cloth), pannus
villosus Beastly, immundus, lascivus Bedlam-like, furibundus
Be, in composition, before verbs,
set. A beat, or Walk, ambulatio To bedung, stercoro
as to bedaub, signifies all over, Beat of drum, sonus tympani To bedust, pulvere conspergere
and is rendered in Latin by con The beat of a pulse, arteriae pulsus A bee, apis ; (gad-bee), asilus ;
as, conspergo To beat, verbero, casdo; (bruise), (humble-bee), bombilius ;

To be rendered variously in
is tero ; (conquer), vinco ; (a- (drone-bee), fucus ; (swarm
Latin, according to the wordfol- gainst), allido, impingo; (an of bees), apum examen
lowing it; as, to be (exist), m
alarm) , bellicu canere (back ) ; A bee-master, apiarius
sum, fio, existo ; (against), ad- repello; (the breast), plango; Of, or belonging to bees, apianus
versor, aspernor, abhorrere ab ; (a drum), pulsare tympanum A beech-tree, fagus
(present), adsum, intersum; To be beaten, vapulo, caedor (to ; Beechen, fagineus, fageus
(doing), ago: (away), absum; the ground), collabefio, eri Beef, caro bubula, or bovilla;
(by), adsum; (for one), stare A beater (rammer), fistuca (powdered), bubula salita
cum aliquo, faveo; (mad), in- A beating, verberatio, pulsatio, (hung), bubula infumata
sanio; (quiet), quiesco; (sick), pulsus; (back), repercussio A beef, bos
aegroto; (of no authority), pa- (on the breast), plangor; (with Beer, cerevisia ; (strong), cere-
rum valere: (in danger), peri- a cudgel), fustuarium ; (down 1 , visia generosa ; (small), cere-
clitor ; (mistaken), erro, fallor demolitio ; (against another), visia tenuis ; (dead), vappa
(without), careo, egeo eollisio, contusio (new), mustum
; ;;


A beetle (fly), scarabaeus; (fisb), A beholder, spectator, contem- To bend, flecto, curvo, intendo,
cantharus piscis plator inclino; (the mind to), ani-
Beetle-browed, superciliosus ; A beholding, spectatio mum adjungere; (back), re-
(headed), fatuus, plumbeus Behoof, commodum, gratia clino, reflecto; (of a bow), ar-
To befal, contingo, evenio, accido It behoveth, oportet, expedit, cum tendere; (round), in ur-
Befitting, conveniens, idoneus convenit, decet bemflectere; (the brows), fron-
To befool, alicui illudere A being (essence), essentia, na- tem corrugare (the fist), pug-

Before, ante, apud, coram, in, ob, tura, existentia, ens; (habita- num complicare; (a course),
palam, prae, praeter, pro, sub, tion), habitatio, domus; (here, cursum tendere ; (forwards),
supra there, or by), praesentia inclino ; (from), reclino, de-
Before that, ante, antequam, ci- Beistings, colostrum clino; (inwards), incurvo; (to-
tius, priusquam, potiiis To belabour, caedo, verbero wards), acclino, vergo ; (his
Before, prior A belch, ructus study), annitor
A. little before, paul6 ante To belch, ructo, eructo To bend, vergo; (under, or
Long before, jamdudum. Belched, ructatus shrink), succumbo
Before all things, imprimis A belching, ructatio To begin to bend, incurvesco
Before all men, palam, in propa- Given to belching, ructuosus Easy to bend, flexilis
tulo A beldame, vetula, bellona Bending (down), inclinans ;
Before now, antehae To beleaguer, or besiege, obsideo (downwards), declivis ; (up-
Before then, antea A beleaguerer, obsessor wards), acclivis; (forwards),
Beforetime, olim, dudum A belfrey, campanarum locus vergens ; (as the heavens), con-
To befoul, coinquino [levo Belgic, Belgicus cavus; (like a bow), arcuatlm;
To befriend, alicui favere, sub- To belie, calumnior, ementior (inwards), acclivis; (to), accli-
Befriended, fautus Belief, fides nans (leaning), innitens

To beg, mendico ; (entreat), oro ; Past belief, incredibilis ; (easy of A bending (bowing), flexio, in-
(humbly), supplico; (earnest- belief), credulus; hard of be- clinatio
(about), circumflexio;
ly), obsecro lief),incredulus ; (wrong be- (archwise), sinuatio; (down),
To beget (as a father), gigno, ge- lief), erroneus declivitas [cula
nero; (procure), produco Easiness of belief, credulitas Bendings and turnings, diverti-
A begetting, generatio, procreatio Hardness of belief, incredulitas Beneath, infra, sub
Begged, mendicatus ;
(entreat- The belief (creed), symbolum Benediction, beuedictio
ed), oratus, rogatus fidei A benefaction, largitio
A beggar, mendicus, mendicula To believe (assent to), credo; A benefactor, patronus
To beggar, ad inopiam redigere (trust to), confido; (think), A benefice, beneficium
Beggared, ad inopiam redactus existimo, opinor Beneficed, praefectus gregi
Beggarly, inops, pauper To make one believe, persuadeo Beneficence, beneficentia
Beggarly (mean), vilis, abjectus A believer, fidelis, credens [mulo Beneficent, benignus, liberalis
Beggary, paupertas, mendicitas To make believe (pretend), si- Beneficial, commodus, utilis
A begging, mendicatio Belike, verisimilis A benefit, beneficium, gratia
To begin, incipio ; (take rise), A bell, campana To benefit (to do good), prosum,
orior, nascor; (again), repeto; A little bell, tintinnabulum proficio, progredior
(design), instituo (a journey),
A bell-founder, campanarius A benevolence, largitio
ingrediiter; ( a battle ),praelium A bellman, praeco nocturnus Benevolence, benevolentia
inire ; (an office), magistra- A bellwether, dux gregis Benevolent, benevolens, bene-
tuminire; (a thing), rem ten- To bellow, mugio, emugio volus
tare, or aggredi; (war), bellum A bellowing, mugitus Benighted, nocte preventus
suscipere; (the world), quan- Bellows (a pair of), follis Benign, benignus, clemens
tum occipere Belluine, belluinus Benignity, benignitas, dementia
A beginner, inceptor, auctor A belly, venter, alvus Benignly, benigne, clementer
A young beginner, tiro A little belly, ventriculus Bent (bowed), nexus, tensus
Beginning, incipiens, exorsus Belly-ache, tormina ventris ; (ready), promptus, pronus
Abeginning, initium, principium, (troubled with it), alvi dolore (against), adversus alicui
exordium (rise or source),
laborans (backwards), recurvus; (bloodi-
origo, primordium Great-bellied, ventricosus ly), flagrans odio, sanguinem
A good or bad beginning, bonum, Big-bellied (as a woman with. sitiens ; (many ways), sinuo-
or malum auspicium child), gravida, praegnans sus (resolutely), obstinatus ;

To begird, cingo, obsideo, ob- A belly- god, belluo (unto, or on), addictus, dedi-
sepio A belly-friend, parasitus tus ;
(easily), flexilis
To begrime, denigro Abellyfull, satietas Bent of mind, inclinatio
To beguile, fraud'o, fallo Full-bellied, satur To benumb, stupefacio
Beguiled, deceptus, fraudatus To belong to, pertineo, attineo To be benumbed, obstupeo;
A beguiling, dolus, fallacia Belonging, pertinens, attinens (with cold), algeo, frigeo
In behalf, vice, loco, causa Beloved, dilectus, carus, gratus Benumbed, torpidus
To behave, gero, se praebere Dearly beloved, carissimus A benumbing, stupor, torpor
Ill-behaved, male moratus Below, infernus, inferos, inferior To bequeath, testamento relin-
Well-behaved, bene moratus Below, infra, subter, deorsiim quere
Behaviour, morum gestus Below, sub, subter, infra Bequeathed, legatus
Good behaviour, urbanitas From below, inferne A thing bequeathed, legatum
111 behaviour, inurbanitas A belt, cingulum, balteus A person to whom a thing is be-
To behead, decollo, obtrunco A belying, calumnia queathed, legatarius
Beheaded, decollatus To bemire, se inquinare Abequeather, legator
A beheading, decollatio Bemired, inquinatus A bequeathing, legatio
A behest (promise), promis- To bemoan, deploro, lugeo To bereave, orbo, spolio
sum; (commands), jussa To be bemoaned, flebilis, do- Bereaved, Bereft, orbatus
Behind (not before), pone, pbst, lendus A berlin, currus Berliniensis
atergo; (remaining), porro,re- Bemoaned, deploratus Aberry.bacca; (bayberry), bacca
liquus A bemoaning, planctus, luctus aurea; (bilberry), vaccinium ni-
To be behind (left), relinquor Bemoaning, deplorans, lugens grum; (blackberry), morum;
Behold ecce
! en I ! A bench, scamnum, sedlle (of ; (cranberry), vaccinium palus-
To behold, auspicio, inspicio justice), tribunal; (of justices), tre; (elderberry), sambuci bac-
(afar off), speculor ; (look concessus ca ; (ivyberry), corymbus
about), perlustro The King's bench, bancus regius (gooseberry), grossulariae aci-
Beholden, obligatus, devinctus A bencher, assessor nus; (raspberry), idaei rubi
To be beholden to, obligor, ob- Benches (in a ship), transtra, bacca; (strawberry), fraguin;
Btringor orum ;
juga, orum (wild strawberry), arbutua-
(service-berry), sorbuiu; (white Lying between (as a mediator), A bill, scroll, scheda ;
or (of
thorn-berry), zura interjacens debt), syngrapha; (bills ot ex-
Bearing berries, baccifer To go between, intercedo change), tesserae nummariae;
Having berries, baccatus Put between, interpositus (bank bills), tesserae argenta-
To beseech, supplico, imploro Between whiles, interim riae ; (bills of sale), tabulae
Beseeching, supplicans, obsecrans Beverage, merenda auctionariae ; (of costs), tabula
A beseeching, supplicatio A bevy, grex impensarum; (of entry), ta-
To beseem, deceo, convenio To bewail, ploro, defleo, lugeo bula mercium inscriptarum
i To beset, circumdo, obsideo;
(on Bewailable, plorandus, flebilis (of divorce), repudium uxori
all sides), circumsideo Bewailed, deploratus, defletus missum; (of fare), cibariorum
To beshrew, maledico, imprecor A bewailing, lamentatio tabella; (catalogue), catalogus;
! A beshrewing, maledictio To beware, caveo, video ; (of), (indictment), libellus accusa-
Beside, or Besides, adv. porr6, vito, devito torius ; (of lading), tabella re-
praeterea, praeterqu&m, ad. hoc, To bewater, commingo rum vectarum; (of parcels),
turn, simul ; prep, a, ab, abs, To bewilder, seduco tabella rerum singularium ; (of
ad, extra, juxta, praeter, prope, Bewildered, errabundus, devius record), libellus memorialis ; (in
propter, secundum, &c. To bewitch (enchant), fascino parliament), lex roganda; (over
To be beside one's self, deliro (charm, or please), demulceo a door), programma, merces;
Beside the mark, a scopo aberrans Bewitched, incantatus, territus (hook),falx; (orbeak), rostrum
To besiege, obsideo, obsidione A bewitcher, incantator Bills of mortality, tabulae mor-
cingere A bewitching, incantamentum tuorum
Besieged, obsessua Bewitching beauty, forma eximia To bill (as doves), rostrum rostro
A besieger, obsessor To bewray (disclose),prodo ;
(de- inserere; (or lop), falco
A besieging, obsidio, obsessio file), fcedo, contamiuo A billet doux, epistola amatoria
To besmear, illino, inquino Bewrayed, inquinatus, fcedatus; A billet, fasciculus, bacillum
Besmeared, delibutus, illitus (with blood), cruore pollutus Soldier's billets, tesserae militares
A besmearing, inunctio A bewrayer, proditor [supra Having a bill, rostratus
A besom, scopae, arum Beyond, extra, ultra, praeter, trans, Billiards, lusus tudicularis
To besot, infatuo, inebrio_ Beyond sea, transmarinus A billing, basiatio, suavium
Besotted, stupidus, inebriatus The bezel of a ring, pala A billow, fluctus ingens maris
Besought, imploratus, oratus A bias, praeponderatio, inclinatio, A bin, panarium, cista
To be besought, exorandus momentum To bind, ligo, obligo; (about),
Bespangled, bracteatus To bias one, seduco, traho, in- circumligo; (back), restringo;
To bespatter, luto conspergere; clino (before), praeligo; (books), li-
(defame), calumnior A biassing, inclinatio bros compingere; (a bargain),
Bespattered (with dirt), luto con- A bib, infantis pectorale pactum confirmare (fast).con-

spersus; (by a bad tongue), in- A bibber, bibax, potator stringo (a garment), praetexo

famia aspersus A bibbing, potatio, ebrietas (himself to appear), vador;

To bespawl, conspuo The bible, biblia, sanctae literae (himself to pay), judicatum sol-
To bespeak, compello, allicio, ju- To bicker, discepto, litigo, altercor vere; (the legs), praepedio; (by
beo, procuro A bickerer, altercator oath), jurejurando obstringere;
To bespeckle {or bespot), maculo A bickering, altercatio (over to sessions), vador; (an
To besprinkle, aspergo, conspergo To bid, jubeo, impero, mando apprentice), tironem artifici
Best, optimus, prjestantissimus (invite), invito, voco, rogo; tradere ad artem discendam
Best of all, optime, maxima (adieu), valedico ; (battle, or (with osiers), vieo ; (by pro-
Bestial, belluinus, tnrpis defiance), provoco ; (banns), mise), stipulor; (with rushes),
To bestir, diligenter agere, moveo matrimonium promulgare ;
scirpo; (to), alligo; (together),
To bestow (give), largior, dono; (good morrow), saluto; (mo- conjungo; (underneath), sub-
(lay out), expendo, erogo; ney for wares), licitor ligo; (upon), superalligo; (up
(place), loco, colloco; (time Bidden (commanded), jussus a wound), vulnus obligare ; (up
in), tempus terere; (lay up), (invited), invitatus, vocatus in bundles), fasciculis constrin-
repono, recondo Not bidden, injussus, invocatus gere; (hand and foot), quadru-
A bestower, largitor, dator A bidder, jussor, vocator ; (of pedem constringere [nator
To bestride, inequito, insideo money), licitator A bookbinder, librorum concin-
To bet, pignus deponere A bidding, jussum, invitatio ; (of A binding, ligatura, ligatio
A bet, pignus, depositum a price), licitatio (of banns),
Binding (costive), alvum astrin-
To betake, conferre, or recipere se denunciatio matrimonii gens
To bethink, cogito, reputo Biennial, biennis A biographer, vitarum scriptor
To betide, evenio, accido A bier, feretrum, sandapila Biography, biographia
Woe betide you ! vae tibi ! Big, magnus, grandis ; (in bulk), Bipartite, bipartitus
Betimes, cit6, tempori (in the
crassus; (in authority), potens; A birch-tree, betula
morning), multo mane (with child), gravida, praeg- A bird, avis, volucris
To betoken, indico, portendo nans; (with pride, &c), in- A bird-cage, cavea
To betray, prodo, trado, profero flatus, tumidus A bird-call, fistula
Betrayed, proditus, traditus To grow big, tumeo, turgeo; To go a birding, aucupor
A betrayer, proditor, traditor (with child), adolescere in par- Birdlime, viscus
A betraying, proditio, traditio tum Birth, ortus, partus
To betroth, despondeo A bigamist, qui
duasuxores duxit Birth-day, dies natalis
A betrothing, sponsalia Bigamy, bigamia Birth-hour, hora natalis
Betted, oppigneratus [sponsor Bigger, major, grandior A birth (parentage), genus
A better, qui pignus deponit, To make bigger, extendo Belonging to one's birth, natalis
A betting, sponsio, pigneratio To grow bigger (in bulk), cresco; Birth-right, jus majori debitum
Better, melior, potior, praestantior, (in stature), adolesco Birth-place, natale solum
satior, superior, carior Bigness, amplitudo New birth, regeneratio
Better, adv. melius, satiiis, po- A bigot, superstitiosus homo The after-birth, secundae
tius, prasstantius, rectius Bigotted, superstitione afflatus The birth, partio, ortus
To better, ampliflco, augeo Bigotry, superstitio To give birth, exordium dare
To be better, praesto A bile, tuber, ileus Biscuit, panis nauticus
To get the better, supero, vinco Bile (choler), bilis, cholera To bisect, disseco
To grow better, melioresco ;
(in Full of biles, ulcerosus A bishop, episcopus
health), convalesco Bilious, biliosus Of a bishop, episcopalis
It is better, praestat To bilk, fraudo A bishopric, episcopatus
Never the better, nihilo melior Bilked, fraudatus Bissextile, bissextilis
Betters, superiores, uin [medio A bilker, fraudator A bit, frustum, bucca
Between, or Betwixt, inter, in A bilking, fraudatio A little bit, frustulum
; ;;; ;


The bit of a bridle, lupatum Blasphemously, blaspheme, impie To bloat, tumeo, turgeo
A bitch, canis foemina, canicula Blasphemy, blasphemia Bloated, tumidus, inflatus
A bitch fox, vulpes foemina A blast, or blasting, sideratio A block, truncus, stipes; (for a
A bite, morsus [rator (of corn, &c), rubigo; (of hat), forma pilearis
A bite (cheat), homo fallax, vete- wind), venti flatus; (sound), A blockade, urbis circumclusio
To bite,mordeo (again), re-
flamen To block up, aditus praecludere
mordeo; (off), demordeo; (the To blast (corn, &c.),uro; (with Blocks, orbiculi volubiles
lips), labia corrodere ;
(the lightning), fulgure percuti; (a A blockhead, hebes, stipes
nails), ungues arrodere ; (to design), frustror; (reputation), A blockhouse, arx, propugnacu-
the quick), admordeo; (round), infamo, famam violare lum
ambedo ;
(often), morsito ;
Blasted, sideratus, frustratus Blocked, or blocked up, obsessus
(cheat), decipio; (as pepper, A blaze, flanima A blocking up, obsessio
&c), uro To blaze (as fire), flagro ; (a- Blockish, fatuus, stupidus, in-
A biting, morsus broad), divulgo, pervulgo sulsus
A biting, or stinging, mordacitas To blazon (display), enarro Blood, sanguis; (gore), cruor;
Biting, mordax, asper (arms), insignia depingere (corrupted), sanies
Bitingly, mordaciter, mordicus To bleach, dealbo, candefacio Belonging to blood, sanguineus
Bitten, demorsus, morsus Bleached, dealbatus To blood, sanguine fcedare
Frost-bitten, gelatus Bleak, frigidus, algidus, pallidas Blood-letting, venae sectio
Bitter (in taste), amarus; (se- To grow bleak, frigesco To daub with blood, sanguine in-
vere), acerbus, aculeatus, in- Bleakly, pallide quinare
tensus Bleakness, rigor, pallor Of noble blood, illustri familia
Bitterely, amare, acerbe Blear-eyed, lippus, lippiens The blood royal, stirps regia
A bittern, ardea To be blear-eyed, lippio Blood of the grape, vini succus
Bitterness, amaritudo, asperitas To bleat (as a sheep), balo; (as Blood-warm, tepidus
Bitumen, bitumen a goat), caprisso Blood-thirsty, sanguinis sitiens
Bituminous, bituminosus A bleating, balatus A bloody-flux, haemorrhois
To blab, garrio, deblatero To bleed, sanguine fluere Bloody, sanguineus, cruentus
A blab, garrulus, loquax, futilis To bleed (let blood), venam in- Bloodied, sanguine oblitus
Blabbed, deblateratus cidere Bloodily, cruente, saeviter
Black (in colour), ater, niger, A bleeder, qui venam incidit Full of corrupt blood, saniosus
(as soot), fuligineus; (as pitch A bleeding, sanguinis fluxus Next in blood, consanguineus
or a coal), nigerrimus (wick- ;
A bleeding heart, cor vulneratum Blood (kindred), prosapia
ed), scelestus, improbus To stop bleeding, sanguinem sis- Bloody-minded, sanguinarius, cru-
To be black, nigreo, nigresco tere entus
To black, denigro, obfusco A blemish, macula, labes; (of A bloom, or blossom, flos
Clothed in black, pullatus, atratus credit), dedecus, infamia, pro- To bloom, or blossom, floreo
Black and blue, lividus brum Bloomed, or blossomed, floridus
Made black and blue, sugillatus To blemish, maculo, inquino A blooming, germinatio
To be black and blue, liveo (one's reputation), famam lae- A blot, macula, litura; (in repu-
A black, iEthiops dere tation), labes, dedecus
A blackbird, merula Blemished, lassus, aspersus To blot, maculo; (out), deleo,
Blacked, atratus, denigratus Full of blemishes, maculosus expungo, oblitero, tollo
To die black, nigro colore inficere To blend, admisceo, commisceo To take out a blot, maculam tol-
To blacken, denigvo, infamo A blending, mixtio, mixtura A blotch, pustula [lere
A blackguard, pannosus, balatro To bless, benedico; (consecrate), Blotted, maculatus; (out), de-
Blacking, atramentum consecro; (wish good success), letus, erasus,expunctus
Blackish, fuscus, nigellus aspiro, secundo A blotting-paper, chartula bibula
To be blackish, nigreo To bless God, Deum laudare A blow, ictus, colaphus, plaga;
Blackness, nigrities, nigritudo The blessed, ccelites (with a club), fustuarium ; (on
A bladder, vesica Blessedness, felicitas, beatitudo the cheek), alapa; (side), ictus
A blade (of grass, &c), caulis A blessing, benedictio ; (good obliquus
(of an oar), remi tonsa; (of a wish), fausta precatio ; (bene- To blow, flo, sumo; (breathe),
sword), ensis lamina; (of the fit), beneficium, munus spiro, aspiro; (against), reflo; I

shoulder), scapula; (of a knife), A blight, rubigo, uredo (away), dissipo; (up), sumo;
cultri lamina [homo To blight, uredine percutere (into),inflo; (the nose), emun-
A blade, juvenis alacer, bellus Blind, csecus, oculis captus; gere nasum; (out), efflo; (and
A blain, ulcus (dark), tenebricosus; (uncer- puff), anhelo; (together), con-
Full of blains, ulcerosus tain), obscurus [sus flo; (a bladder), inflo; (up, or
Blame, culpa, crimen Purblind, myops, luscus, luscio- ruin),funditus evertere; (vehe-
To blame, culpo, incuso ;
(chide), A blind (false pretence), praetex- mently), perflo; (a trumpet),
increpo, reprehendo tum, species; (for windows), buccinum inflare; (a fire), ig-
Blameable, vituperabilis velumfenestris praetextum nem sufflare; (as a flower),
Blamed, culpatus, incusatus To blind (deceive), fallo ; (make effloresco
To be blamed, culpor, incusor blind), caeco, excaeco [lippio A blower of a horn, cornicen
Blameless, innoxius, integer To be blind, caligo (purblind),
; A blower, ignis suscitabulum
A blaming, incusatio Stark-blind, luminibus orbatus A blowing, sufflatio; (on), affla-
To blanch, candefacio, decortico To be half blind, caecutio tus ;
(of the nose), naris emunc-
Blanched, dealbatus, decorticatus To blindfold, oculos obvolvere tio
Blandishment, blanditiae Blinded, caecatus, excaecatus Blown, flatus; (down), eversus
Blank, albus, candidus; (pale), Blindly, caece ; (rashly), temere (away), dissipatus; (upon, or
pallidus ; (confounded), con- Blindness, caecitas, caligo despised), contemptus; (puff-
fusus To blink, conniveo ed), inflatus, turgidus
A blank, tessera pura; (bad bu- Blink-eyed, strabo, paetulus, lus- Blubber, adeps cetacea
siness), res cassa (in a lot-
cus To blubber, lachrymas effundere
tery), sors cassa [nino Bliss, beatitudo, felicitas One blubber-lipped, labeo
Point-blank, plane, penitus, om- A blister, pustula A bludgeon, baculum curtum
To look blank, confundor Blister flies, cantharides Blue, subst. caeruleum
A blanket, stragulum, torale To blister, vesicatorium appli- Blue, adj. cseruleus
To blare (as a candle), liquando care ; (rise in blisters), in vesi- To blue, caeruleo inficere
scintillare (like a cow), mugio
culas inflari Blued, caeruleo infectus
To blaspheme, blasphemo, execior A blister-plaister, vesicatorium Blueness, livor
A blasphemer, homo blasphemus Blistered, vesicatorio laceratus Bluff, rusticus
Blasphemous, in Deum contume- Full of blisters, pustulosus A blunder, error
liosus, impius Blithe, lffitus, hilaris, alacer To blunder, hallucinor
A blunderbuss, sclopus grandior A boiler (kettle), lebes Boorish, rusticus, agrestis
(blunderer), stupidus, bardus Boisterous, violentus, turbidus Boosy, temulentus
' A blundering, hallucinatio Boisterously, violenter, turbide Boot (advantage), emolumentum
Blunt, obtusus,hebes ; (in speech), Bold, audax, impavidus; (free), A boot, ocrea
asper, rudis liber ;
(rash), temerarius ;
To boot, ocreas induere
To blunt, hebeto, obtundo, lenio (saucy), insolens, impudens ;
Booted, ocreatus
To be blunt (as a tool), hebeo; (stout), intrepidus Bootless, incassum, fnistra
(in behaviour), rusticis esse To be bold, audeo A booth, tabernaculum [bia
moribus A bold face, perfricta frontis A booty, prada, spolium, manu-
Blunted, hebetatus Boldly, audacter, impavide; (free- To get booty, prador, pradam
Bluntly, obtuse, aspere, libere ly), libere; (rashly), temere; facere
Bluntness (dullness), hebetudo; (saucily), impudenter; (stout- To play booty, colludo
(clownishness), rusticitas mo- ly), fortiter The border, margo, ora; (of a
rum; (of speech), libertas lo- Boldness, audacia, temeritas, garment), fimbria ; (brim), cre-
quendi impudentia, procacitas ; (in pido; (of a country), finis, ter-
A blur, macula, labes . speech), libertas loquendi minus, confinia
To blur, maculo, lado Boiled, habens calmum To border upon, adjaceo
To blush, erubesco, rubeo A bolster (of a bed), cervical, Bordered with, fimbriatus
A blush, or blushing, rubor pulvinar; (to fill up a part), A borderer, accola [guus
To bluster, fremo, strepo farcimentum Bordering upon, vicinus, conti-
! A blusterer, thraso To bolster up, suffulcio I bore, or did bear, tuli
I Blustering, turpidus, procellosus Bolstered up, suffultus, sustentus To bore, terebro, penetro, per-
A blusterer, or blustering, fre- A bolt (of a door), pessulus, obex fodio, pertundo
mitus (dart), jaculum, pilum ; (fet- The bore, or hole made, foramen
A boar, aper, setiger ter), manica, arum; (thunder- Bored, perforatus, perterebratus
A wild boar, aper sylvestris bolt), fulmen A borer, perforator
A young boar, verres To bolt, oppessulo; (out upon), Boring, terebrans, perforans
Boarish, aprugnus, crudelis subit6 egredi ; [or shut in), in- A boring, terebratio
A board (plank), assis, tabula; cludo ; (out), excludo ; (or Tobeborn,nascor, orior; (again),
(of commissioners), concilium, bump out), extubero renascor; (of), enascor; (be-
or conventus delegatorum Bolted, oppessulatus (as meal),
fore its time), abortivus nasci
To board (or lay a floor), con- cribratus ; (rashly), temere Born, natus, ortus, satus ; (after
tabulo dictus a father's death), posthumus ;
Boarded with boards, tabulatus A bolter (sieve), incemiculum (again), renatus; (of good pa-
Overboard, e nave Bolting-house, pistrinum rents), loco honesto natus
To board a ship, in navem insilire A bolus, bolus (of mean parentage), humili
A sideboard, abacus A bomb, bomba loco natus; (together), con-
Aboveboard, candide, aperte To bombard, bombis oppugnare genitus [primogenitus
Board, or boarding, convictus Bombast, ampulla, arum The first-born, natu maximus.
A boarder, convictor, hospes A bond (for debt), syugrapha; Base-born, natus adulterinus
A boarding-house, contubernium (tie), vinculum;
(for appear- Still-born, natus mortuus
A boarding-school, convictio lite- ance), vadimonium ; (of arbi- Born of such a stock, oriundus
raria tration), compromissum Borne down, oppressus, depressus
To boast, glorior, jacto To give bond, satisdo To be borne down, opprimor;
Boasted, jactatus, ostentatus Bondage, seivitus, servitium (up), fulcior; (to be borne),
A boasting, jactatio To be in bondage, servio portor [rendus
A boaster, jactator A bondman, verna, mancipium To be borne with (tolerable), fe-
Boastingly, jactanter, gloriose A bondwoman, serva Not to be borne, intolerabilis
A. boat, cymba, navicula ; (long Bonds (fetters), compedes, um A borough, municipium
boat), scapha; (passage-boat), A bone, os; (of contention), litis To borrow, mutuor, mutuo su-
ponto; (fisher-boat), navigio- occasio ;
(of the back), spina mere; (upon use), foeneror
lum piscatorium ; (packet- dorsi Borrowed, mutuatus, conductus
boat), navis actuaria Belonging to bones, osseus A borrower, mutuator
To sail in a boat, naviculor Bone by bone, ossiculatim A borrowing, mutuatio
A boatman, remex To bone, exosso The bosom, gremium, sinus; (of
A boatswain, proreta Boney (full of bones), osseus a shirt), fissura
Tobob (mock),ludificor; (strike), A bonnet, redimiculum A bosom-friend, intimus amicus,
ferio, percutio, csedo; (jog), Bonny, bellus, lepidus charissimus
succutio A booby, bardus, antronus A boss, bulla; (of a book), um-
A bob (joke), dicterium ;
(of an A book, liber, codex . bilicus; (of a buckler), umbo;
ear-ring), inauris To book down, in codicem referre (in the body), gibbus
Bob (short), curtus A book of accounts, codex ratio- To boss, promineo, exto
A bobbing, calamus textilis narius Bossed, gibbosus, gibbus
To bode, prasagio, portendo A day-book, diarium Botanic, botanicus
Bodily, corporeus, in persona A news-book, novella literae Botany, herbarum scientia
A bodkin, subula A notebook, libellus portandus A botanist, herbarum peritus
A body, corpus ;
(dead), cadaver A school-book, liber scholasticus A botch, ulcus, bubo, carbuncu-
(of a tree), truncus (of foot-
; A shop-book, mercium commen- lus, aphtha
soldiers), peditatus; (of horse), tarius A botch (patch), pannus
equitatus; (company), societas; Books of record, tabula publica To botch, resarcio (bungle), in-

(of divinity, or law), corpus Statute-books, capitularia epte, or infabre facere

Every body, unusquisque, singuli A book-worm, blatta Botched, resartus, sartus
Nobody, nemo Bookish, helluo librorum, studiis A botcher, sartor imperitus
Somebody, aliquis, quidam addictus Both, adj. ambo, uterque
Big-bodied, corpulentus, immanis A bookbinder, bibliopegus Both, conj. cum, turn, et et, qua —
Bodiless, incorporeus A book-keeper, qui mercium ra- — qua, vel vel—
A bog, palus tiones curat Both-handed, ambidexter
A bog-house, forica, latrina A bookseller, bibliopola Both sides, utrinquS
To boggle, hasito, dubito A bookseller's shop, taberna li- Both ways, bifariam
Boggling, hasitans, dubitans braria The bots (in horses), ascarides
Boggy, paludosus, palustris A boom (of a ship), malus ; (bar A bottle, v.ter, ampulla (of hay),

A boil, ulcus to a harbour), repagulum fasciculus ;

(maker), ampul-
To boil, bullio, ebullio; (meat), A boon (favour), donum larius
cibos coquere Boon (agreeable), facetus, bellus Smelling-bottle, olfactorium
Boiled, coctus, elixus A boor (clown), rusticua To bottle, in ampullae infundere
; ; ;;


Bottled, in ampullis conservatus Boxes in a shop, locelli, nidi A brawl, rixa, jurgium
Bottle-nosed, nasutus A box on the ear, alapa To brawl, jurgo, rixor
The bottom, fundus ; (of a ship), To box (fight), pugnis certare; A brawler, rabula, rixator
carina; (dregs), faex, sedimen- (on the ear), alapam, or cola- A brawling, jurgium, rixa
tum; (depth of a thing), pro- phum alicui infligere Brawling, contentiosus, jurgans
fundum; (of a mountain), ra- A boxer, pugil Brawn, callum aprugnum
dix; (of the belly), hypogas- A box-tree, buxus Brawny, callosus
trium Of box, buxeus Brawniness, callositas
A bottom (ship), navis; (valley), A boy, puer; (soldier's), calo, To bray (pound), tero, tundo;
vallis; (of thread, &c), glomus; lixa; (servant), famulus (as an ass), rudo; (as an ele-
(to wind thread on), gyrgillus A schoolboy, ludi discipulus phant), barrio (cry out),fremo

To bottom, fundo munire A little boy, puerulus A braying, tritura, barritus, ru-
At the bottom, in imo Boyish, puenlis gitus, mugitus
To the very bottom, funditus _
Boyishly, pueriliter To braze, aere inducere
Bottomless, fundo carens, im- Boyishness, puerilitas Brazed over, are inductus
mensus To brabble, altercor, purgo Brazen (made of brass), aereus,
Bottomless pit, vorago, abyssus A brabble, rixa, lis aheneus (impudent), impu-

Without bottom, immensus A brabbler, altercator dens, effrons

A bough, ramus A brace (couple), par; (in build- A brazier, faber aerarius
Full of boughs, ramosus ing), fibula; (ship's rope), ru- A breach, ruina (between
To be bought, emor dens ; (in printing), uncus ; simultas; (of friendship), alie-
A bounce (noise), crepitus; (hook), uncus ; (to join things natio ; (of promise), violatio
(boasting), jaetatio together), copula fidei ; (made by water), inun-
To bounce, crepo, strepo; (often), To brace, alligo, ligo datio ; (of a treaty of peace),
crepito ;
(up), resilio, prosilio A bracer, alligator violatio
Bouncing, pinguis, valens, pugil A bracing, alligatio Bread, panis ; (leavened), panis
To bound, finio, limito (or border ;
A bracelet, armilla fermentatus
upon), adjaceo; (back, oragaiD), Brachygraphy, stenographia Bread-corn, frumentum
resilio A bracket, mutulus Breadth, latitudo, amplitudo
A bound, meta, terminus Brackish, salsus To break, frango, infringo, rumpo
To be bound, obligor, teneor Brackishness, salsitudo (with age), defloresco ; (asun-
Bound, ligatus, obligatus; (be- To brag (boast), jacto, glorior der), diffringo; (bruise), con-
holden), devinctus, astrictus; A bragger, jactator tero; (a covenant), violare fce-
(by covenant), pactione obli- A braid of hair, cincinnus dus (down), demohor

gatus; (by duty), necessitudine To braid, complico, implico A break, intervallum, intersti-
astrictus; (restrained), vinctus; Braided, plexus, cirratus tium; (of day), diluculum
(with an oath), jurejurando ob- The brain, cerebrum ; (hinder To breakfast, jento
Btrictus;(as an apprentice), part), cerebellum A breakfast, jentaculum
traditus; (as a book),
artifici To brain, excerebro A breaker, ruptor (down), de- ;

compactus; (to),alligatus; (to- Brainless, inconsultus, stultus molitor; (through), perfossor;

gether), colligatus; (under), Hair-brained, temerarius (of the laws, &c), violator; (of
substrictus Brake (fern), filix horses), equorum domitor
Bounded, circumscriptus, confinis A brake (for flax), lini frangi- A breaking, infractio, fractura;
Bounding upon, conterminis, con- bulum (thicket), dumetum;
(down), demolitio; (asunder),
tiguus, confinis (horse-bit), epistomium diruptio; (in), irruptio ; (out),
A bounding, limitatio, confmium Braky (thorny), dumosus eruptio; (off), abruptio, inter-
Boundless, immensus, infinitus A bramble, rubus, sentis missio ; (of a horse), equi do-
Bounden, debitus, obvinctus Bran, furfur mitura; (small), tritura; (vio-
Bountifully, benigne, liberaliter A branch (of a tree), ramus; (of lation), violatio
Bountifulness, benignitas, libera- a discourse), caput ; (of a pedi- The breast, pectus; (ofawoman),
litas, munificentia gree), stemma uber; (bone), sternum
Bounty, benignitas, largitas To branch (as a tree), germino ;
Abreast, aequa fronte [laris
A bourn, torrens (as a discourse), distinguo Of the breast, pectoralis, mamil-
To bouse, poto [potatio Branched, ramosus, distinctus A breast-work, lorica lapidea
A bout, vicis; (drinking), com- Branching, germinans, frondens A breast-plate, lorica, thorax
A bow, arcus; (case), corytos; Branchy, frondosus Having a breast- plate, thoracatus
(man), Sagittarius ; (string), A brand, stigma, nota ; {of fire), Breath, spiritus, halitus, flatus
arcusnervus, or chorda; (sprit), torris, fax (of air), aura
malus anterior To brand, noto [tatus To breathe, spiro, respiro, an-
Like a bow, arcuatus Branded, stigmate inustus, no- helo; (after), cupio, desidero;
Bowlegged, valgus, varus Branded with a crime, infamis (between), interspiro; (into),
To bow, flecto, inclino; (back- A brand-iron, cauterium in spiro; (one's last), expiro;
wards), reclino; (down), in- Brand-new, omnind novus (on, or upon), aspiro, inspiro;
curvo; (round), circumrlecto To brandish, vibro, corusco (out, or exhale), exhalo
(bend), acclino Brandy, vini spiritus (through), perspiro
Bowed, curvatus, flexus To brangle, Uxor, litigo A breathing, respiratio; (on),
To bowel, eviscero, exentero Branny, furfuraceus afflatus (hole), spiraculum

The bowels, intestina; (of com- Brass, ses (sweat), sudor parvus
passion), miseratio Made of brass, seneus, aheneus Breathing, spirans
A bower, or arbour, pergula Covered with brass, aeratus Breathless, aegre anhelans
A bowl (for drink), scyphus ;
(to Brass-work, aerificium Bred (born), generatus; (brought
wash in), labrum ;"
(to play A brat, infans up), educatus; (in), ingenitus;
with), globus, sphaera A bravado, insultatio (with), congenitus; (v-.ell), be-
To bowl, globum mittere Brave (fine), nitidus; (excellent), ne moratus ;
(ill), male moratus
Bowled, missus, jactatus praestans ;
(skilful), peritus The breech, podex, clunes
Bowling, sphaeromachia (valiant), fortis ; (learned), Breeches, braccae
A bowling-green, sphaeristerium eruditus ;
(to behold), prae- Wearing breeches, braccatus
A box, cista, area, pyxis clarus, pulclier Breeched, braccis indutus
A Christmas-box, strena To brave, lacesso To breed, gigno, pario ; (cause),
A coach-box, currus sedile Bravely, concinne, scite, eximic, produco; (be bred), gignor;
A dice-box, orca, fritillus perite, fortiter, animose (or bring up), alo, educo
A snuff-box, pyxidicula pulveris Bravery, decor, excellentia, for- A breed, genus ; (teeth), dentio
A tobacco-box, pyxidicula tabaci titudo, magnanimitas A breeder (father), generator;
The poor's box, area paupercu- A braving, insultatio (mother), genitrix; (of cattle),
lorum A bravo, sicarius, thraso nutrit«r
A.breeding, generatio; (of teeth), Brine, salsugo, alex A brook, rivulus
dentitio; (good manners), ur- A brine-pit, salina To brook (bear), fero, tolero
banitas; (education), educatio Salt as brine, salsissimus Broom, spartum, genista
A breeze, aura Brinish, salsus A broom, scopae, arum
Brethren, fratres, um To bring, fero, affero, adduco Broth, jus, jusculum, muria
A brevet, or brief, rescriptum (about), efficio, perduco ; (by A brothel, lupanar, ganea
A breviary (book), breviarium force), traho; (to an end), per- A brother, frater
A breviate, compendium ficio, ad exitum perducere; A half-brother, germanus
Brevity, brevitas (an action), dicam impingere; A brother-in-law, frater mariti
To brew (mingle), misceo, con- (away), aufero ; (back), re- A foster-brother, collectaneus
fundo; (beer, &c), coquere, or duco; (to bed), obstetricor; Brotherhood, sodalitium
concoquere potum (forth), pario; (down, or les- Brotherly, adj. fraternus ; adv.
Brewed, coctus, mixtus sen), diminuo; (down, or weak- fraterne; (love),mutuaamicitia
A brewer, cerevisiae coctor en), attenuo; (down, or demo- The brow, frons ; (of a wall), co-
I A brewhouse, zythepsarium lish), demolior; (forth before rona muri; (eye-brow), super-

A brewing, coctio time), aborto; (forth plente- cilium

A briar, sentis, rubus ously),effundo; (forth flowers), Brown, fuscus, pullus
"Where briars grow, rubetum floresco ; (abroad), profero ; To make brown, fusco
A bribe, munus, repetundse (forth, or produce), produco ;
To be in a brown study, meditor
To bribe, corrumpere munere (from), defero (from far),
To browse, depasco, carpo
Bribed, corruptus, subornatus aveho; (in),infero; (in guilty), To bruise, contero, quassb ; (in a
A briber, corruptor muneribus condemno ;
(one's hand in), mortar), pinso; (small), com-
Bribery, ambitus, corruptio, repe- operi assuescere; (into an of- minuo, confringo
tundse promovere ad; (into debt),
fice), A bruise, contusio
A bribing, subornatio ses alienum contrahere ;
(into Bruised, contusus, contritus ;
A brick, later question), examino ; (into sub- (black and blue), sugil, sugi-
Brick-coloured, figulinus jection), redigo, subigo ; (into latus, lividus.
Belonging to brick, lateritius fashion), in morem inducere; A bruising, contusio, pinsatio
A bricklayer, laterum structor (low), dejicio A bruit (report), rumor
A brick-maker, laterum confector A bringer, portitor; (back), re- A brunt (assault), impetus
A brick-wall, mums coctilis ductor ; (up), educator, edu- A brush, scopula, verriculum
To lay with bricks, lateribus ster- catrix ;
(of tidings), nuncius; {or running against), occursus
nere (down), dejector (debate), aggressio ;
(for paint-
A bride, sponsa, nupta A bringing, advectio ; (back), re- ers), penicillus
A bridechamber, thalamus ductio ; (forth), prolatio (forth
To brush, verro, purgo
A bridegroom, sponsus of young), foetus ; (over), tra- Like a brush, verriculatus
A bridemaid, pronuba ductio; (in), inductio, intro- To brush away, festine fugere
A bridal song, epithalamium ductio ; (to pass), effectio ; Brushed, scopula, purgatus
Bridewell, pistrinum (down), diminutio; (together), To bristle, crepito, se erigere
A bridge, pons collatio ; (under), subjectio ; A brute, animal brutum
A bridge-master, pontis curator (up), educatio Brutish, ferinus, foedus, impudi-
A bridle, fraenum, habena A brink, extremitas, margo cus, fatuus, stupidus, brut us
To bridle, framo, fraenum impo- Brisk, agilis, vividus, laetus Brutishly, ferociter, foede, fatue
nere ; (one's passion), irae mo- To be brisk, vigeo Brutality, ferocitas, saevitia, im-
derari Briskly, alacriter, acriter, agiliter pudicitia, stultitia
A brief (writ), schedula juridica; Briskness, alacritas, vigor A bubble, bulla, fraus
(letters patent), diploma; (for The brisket, pectus animalis caesi To bubble (cheat), dolis fallere;
asking charity), literae petito- A bristle, seta (in seething), ferveo; (as wa-
riae;(for a counsellor), litis To bristle up, horreo, setas erigere ter), ebullio, scateo
summa; (sentence), senten- Having bristles, setiger, hirsutus A bubbling, ebullitio
tiola; (account), summarium ; Bristly, setosus, hirsutus A buck, cervus, dama
(discourse), concisa oratio Britain, Britannia A bucket, situla, sipho
Brief, brevis, concisus; (rife), British, Britannicus Buck's horn, cornu cervinum
frequens A Briton, Britannus, Brito A buckle, fibula, spinther ; (of
Briefly, breviter, concise Brittle, fragilis, caducus, vitreus hair), cincinnus; (of a shoe),
Briefness, brevitas Brittleness, fragilitas fibula calcearia
A brier, vepres; (sweet), cynos- A broach (spit), veru, obolus To buckle, fibula colligare
batos Abroach (as beer), terebratus A buckler, clypeus, scutum
Briery, spinosus To broach (a cask), vas tere- Buckram, pannus cilicinus
A brigade, turraa, manipulus brare Buckskin, pellis cervina
A brigadier, turmae ductor Broad, latus, largus, amplus Bucolics, bucolica
Abrigantine (ship), phaselus To make broad, dilato A bud, germen, gemma; (of a
Bright, splendens, lucidus, niti- Brogue, mala pronunciatio rose), calyx; (of a vine), oculus,
dus; (of bright character), in- A broil, rixa, turba
teger vitfe; (of bright parts), Pull of broils, turbulentus To bud, germino ;
(again), repul-
sagacissimus ; (very bright), To raise broils, tumultuor, turbas lulasco; (out), egermino; (to-
periucidus, pellucidus ciere gether), congermino
To be bright, clareo, niteo, incla- To broil, carnem torrere; (be A budding, germinatus
resco, luceo, lucesco broiled), torresco, torreor To budge, pedem ciere
To brighten, lucesco ; (make Broiled, tostus A budget, saccus, bulga
bright), polio, limo Brokage, versura Buff (leather), pellis bubula
Brightly, clare, nitide A broker (agent), transactor, A buffet, colaphus, alapa; (for
Brightness, fulgor, splendor ; (of mango; (of clothes, &c), in china, &c), abacus
character), mojrum integritas; terpolator; (exchange), proxe- To buffet, colaphum dare
(of understanding), ingenii sa- neta argentarius ; (pawn), pig- Buffeted, colaphis csesus
gacitas ; (of the sun), lumen nerator ; (in old goods), sera A buffeting, colaphis verberatio
The brim, labrum, margo tarius A buffalo, bubulus
Having a brim, marginatus Bronze, frons perfricta A buflie-head, stolidvis, bardus
Brimful, ad summum impletus A bronze, numisma aereum A buffoon, sannio, scurra
To brim (as a sow), subo A broach (necklace), monile, Buffoonery, scurrilitas
A brimmer, calix potu coronatus gemma A bug, cimex, bruchus
Brimstone, sulphur A brood, pr.oles; (of chickens), A bugbear, larva, terriculum
Done with brimstone, sulphura- pullities Buggy, cimicibus abundans
tus To brood, or set brooding, incubo Abugle, segmenta vitrea ;
Brindled (streaked), variegatus A brooding, incubatio cornu venatorium
,; ;;;


Tobuild,aedifico,condo; (about), To burlesque, joculariter illudere A butt (vessel), amphora, do.
circumstruo ; (again), reaedi- A burn, vulnus ex ustione fac- lium; (mark), meta; (bank),
fico ; (before), preestruo; (in), tum agger
ineedifico ; (under), substmo; To burn, uro, cremo, incendo, To butt, arieto, cornu petere
(by, or near unto), astruo ; ardeo, candeo, fiagro ; (sear), Butted, or bounded, frnitus
(up), peraedifico; (upon), in- cauterio urere Butter, butyrum
(or rely upon), nitor To burn to ashes, in cineres redi- Buttered, b'utyro illitus
A builder, sedificator, conditor gere A butterfly, papilio
A master-builder, architectus To burn with anger, ira ardere Buttermilk, lac serosum
A building, ajdificium, structura To be burned, uror (down), de- ;
A buttery, cella promptuario
Art of building, architecture fiagro A buttock, clunis, nates
A bulb, bulb us Burned, or burnt, ustus, exustus A button, fibula
Bulbous, bulbosus (to ashes), in cineres redactus ; To button, fibulo
To bulge (as a ship), vacillo (in roasting), retorridus; (in A buttress, fulcrum
To be bulged, scopulis illidi the hand), stigmate inustus ; To buttress, suffulsio
Abulk (projection before a sliop), (before, or at the end), praeus- Buxom, alacer, hilaris, letus \

appendix (bigness), ampli-

tus; (half), semiustus To be buxom, hilaritate perfundi
tudo, moles; (of a body), sta- Burning, exurens, avdens, fiagrans To buy, emo, mercor; (again),
tura corporis; (of a ship), na- A burning, combustio, defla- redimo; (a bargain), bene erne-
vis capacitas gratio ; (in sores), uredo ;
re ; (dear), pluris emere;
To bulk out, propendeo ; (to break (iron), cauterium; (coal),pru- (often), emptito; (meat), ob-
bulk), navem exonerare na; (shame) res pessima sonor; (upon trust), fide data
Bulkiness, magnitudo To burnish, expolio, defrico emere; (up), emercor
Bulky, corpulentus, crassus, in- A burnisher, politor A buyer, emptor
gens, gravis, solidus, onerosus A burnishing, expolitio A buying, emptio
A bull, taurus; (blunder), strib- A burnt-offering, holocaustum To buzz (as a bee),bombilo; (in
ligo ; (Pope's), bulla A burrow, cuniculus the ear), insusurro; (abroad),
Bull-baiting, certamen inter To burrow, in cavum subire, cu- rumorem spargere
canes et taurum niculos agere A buzzing, bombus, murmur
Bull-baiters, bubetii The burse, excambium A b\izzard, buteo
A bull-dog, canis lanienus A burser, collegii dispensator By, a, ab, ad, apud, cum, de, c,
A bull-finch, rubicilla To burst, rumpo, disrumpo ; (in ex, juxta, ob, per, prae, praeter,
A bullet, glans plumbea pieces), dissilio ; (out), pro- pro, prope, propter, secundum,
Bullion, aurum, &c. in massa silio ; (with laughing), risu sub
A bullock, juvencus emori; (into laughter), in risum By itself, separatlm, seorsum
To bully, insulto prorumpere (into tears), in
; (by heart), memoriter ; (by
A bully, thraso lachrymas effundi (with envy), ;
stealth), furtim; (by-and-by),
A bulrush, juncus, scirpus invidia commoveri confestim, continu6 (by-the-

A bulwark, agger, praesidium A bursting, ruptio ;

(out), erup- bye), obiter, in transitu ; (by
A bumbailiff/lictov tio course), vicissim (by chance),

A bumkin, rusticus A burthen (burden), onu3 casu, forte, ut fit ; (by degrees),
A bump (swelling), tuber; To burthen, onero, gravo paulatim; (by myself), per me,
(thump), plaga To bury, tumulo, sepelio [ries ego solus ; (by day), interdiu;
To bump out, turgeo, promineo A bush, rubus; (of hair), csesa- (by night), noctu; (by what
A bumper, calix repletus Bushy, dumosus (hair), caesaries
place, or way?) qua? (hard
A bun (cake), collyra comata; (place), dumetum by), in proximo; (by much),
A bunch (swelling), scirrus, gib- A bushel, modius, medimnus multo; (by how much), quan-
bus ;
(bundle), fasciculus ;
(of Busied, occupatus, districtus td ; (by so much), tantd
grapes), racemus Busily, solicite, studiosfe
To bunch out, promineo, exto Business (bustle), tumultus;
A bundle, fascis, fasciculus, sar- (employment), negotium res ;
cinula; (of rods), fasces (to mind), rei operam dare;
To bundle up, consarcino (to come into), in foro fiorere;
A bung, obturamentum ;
(hole), (to manage), res gerere
spiramentum Full of business, occupatissimus A cabal, conciliabulum
To bung up, obturo A buskin, cothuruus, pero To cabal, occulte agere
To bungle, imperite conficere A buss, basium, suavium The cabala, cabala, traditio
A bungler, imperitus, rudis To buss, osculor, basio Cabalistical, cabalisticus
Bungliugly, infabre, crassfe A buss (ship), navigiolum A cabbage, brassica, caulis
A buoy, index anchorse jactae A bussing, basiatio Cabbaged (headed), capitatus
To buoy up, attollo, sustineo A bust, statua trunca (stolen), suppilatus
A burden, onus; (of a song), Bustard, otis, idis A cabin (in a ship), stega; (little
scrupulus A bustle, turba, tumultus place to dwell in), tugurium
To burden, onero, sarcino To bustle about, diligenter rem A cabinet, cistula, scrinium
Burdensome, gravis, onerosus administrare [cer A cabinet council, concilium se-
A bur, lappa Bustling (diligent), diligens, ala- cretius
A bureau, scrinium Busy, occupatus (meddling), cu-
; A cable, rudens
A burr (of a deer's horn), tuber- riosus, impertinens, molestus A sheet-cable, rudens sacra
culum ; (of the ear), lobus To busy, occupo, solicito To cack, caco
auris To be busy, satago To cackle, glocio, deblatero
A burgess (magistrate), burgen- A busybody, ardelio A cackling, glocitatio
sis (senator), senator, pater
But (an adversative), ast, at, at- A cacodemon, malus genius
conscriptus; (freeman), civis, qui, autem, caeterum, nisi, sed, Cadaverous, cadaverosus
municeps sin, verb, verum (but for), ni,
Cadence, clausura periodi uume-
Burglary, parietum perfossio absque ; (before, or before rosa
Buriable, sepelibilis that), cum ;
(except), extra, A cadet, frater minor
A burial, funus, exequiae, sepul- nisi, praeter, praeterquam, mo- A cag, testa
tura di, solum, tantum A cage, cavea, aviarium; (for
Belonging to burials, funebris A butcher, lanius criminals), career clathratus
To bury, sepelio, humo, condo To butcher, macto, lanio Caged, inclusus
A burying, humatio, sepultura A butcher's shop, macellum To cajole, inesco, illicio, lacto
A burying-place, sepulcretum, Butcherly (adj.), crudelis ; (adv.) A cajoling, blandimentum
calvaria crudeliter, truculente A cajoler, sycophauta
Burlesk, or burlesque, jocularis, Butchery, caedes, strages A caitiff, nefarius, captivus
ludicruB A butler, promun A cake, placenta, libura
Calamine-stone, lapis calaminaris A canal, canalis Capillary, capillaris
Calamity, calamitas, infortuni- Of the Canaries, Canarius Capital, capitalis, prascipuus
tum, res adversae Canary-wine, vinum Cauariorum A capital (in architecture), ca-
Calamitous, calamitosns To cancel (a writing), deleo, ex- pitulum; (letter), litera majus-
A calash, carpentum, pilentum pungo; (make void), abrogo cula
To calcine, exuro A cancelling, deletio, abolitio A capitation, capitum exactio
Calcination, exustio A cancer, cancer, gangraena The capitol, capitolium
To calculate, rationem putare; Candid, candidus, ingenuus To capitulate, de deditione agere
(a nativity), futura prasdicere A candidate, candidatus Capitulated, pacto constitutes
Calculated (computed), compu- To stand a candidate, ruunus Capitulating, paciscens
tatus ; (adapted), accommo- ambire A capitulation, pactio de dedi-
datus Candidly, candide, ingenue tione
A calculation, computatio Candied, saccharo conditus A capon, capo, capus
A calculator, calculator, compu- A candle, candela, lucerna A capouch, cucullus
tator, ratiocinator A wax-candle, cereus A caprice (fantastical humour),
,A caldron, lebes, ahenum A watch-candle, lucubra repentinus animi motus (ob- ;

, A calendar, calendarium, fasti Candle-light, lucerna stinate humour), pertinacia

'A calender (of cloth), politor To study by candle-light, lucubro Capricious, inconstans, pertinax
Calendered, politus, lsevigatus A candlestick, candelabrum Capriciously, leviter, morose^
', Calends, calendar, arum Candlemas-day, purificatio vir- Capriciousness, inconstantia

A calf, vitulus ;
(sea-calf), phoca; gin is Maris A captain, dux; (in-chief), sum.
(of the leg), sura Candour, candor musdux; (of the guards), pra:
Of a calf, vitulinus To candy, saccharo condire toriiprasfectus; (of acompany)
Calico, tela Indica A cane, canna Indica, calamus; ovdinum ductor; (of horse)
To calk, stuparimas farcire (sugar-cane), canna saccharata hipparchus ;
(of 10 men), de
A calker, rimarum stipator To cane, fustse csedere curio ; (of 50), pentacontar-
To call, voco, compello; (aloud), Like a cane, arundineus chus; (of 100), centurio; (of
exclamo ;
sevoco ;
(aside), Caned, fuste casus 1000), chiliarchus, tribunus
(back), revoco; (back one's Made of cane, canneus (of a ship), dux nauticus; (of
word), retracto, denego ; (by A caning, fustuarium a castle), arcis praefectus

name), nomino; (for), arcesso; Canine, caninus, insatiabilis A captainship, centuriatus
(for help), imploro; (out, or A canister, canistrum Captious, argutus, morosus, fallax
forth), evoco; (for a thing), A canker, ulcus; (in the mouth), A captious fellow, cavillator
posco; (in), introvoco; (at a aphtha;; (in the nose), polypus Captiously, captiose, argute
' place), compello; (in money), Canker (rust), rubigo, ferrugo; Captiousness, cavillatio, captio
I pecuniam exigere (often), voci-;
(a worm), oruca To captivate (enslave), in servi-
to; (outofbed),suscito; (over), A cann, cantharus tutem redigere (the affections,

recito ; (to mind), recordor; A cannibal, anthropophagus &c), mulceo, teneo, capto
I (to arms), classicum canere ; A cannon, tormentum bellicum A captive, captivus, mancipium
\'to an account), ad rationem To cannonade, tormentis verbe- Captivity, captivitas, servitus
reddendain vocare ; (together), rare To carry, or lead away into cap-
convoco ;
(unto), A cannoneer, bombardarius tivity, in captivitatem abducere
(upon), invoco; (upon for wit- A canon (rule), regula; (law), A captor, qui capturam facit
ness), appello; (to witness), canon ; (in a cathedral), cano- Capture, captura, comprehensio

testor nicus A carat, unciae triens

A call, vocatio; (at a call), ad Canonical, canonicus A caravan, mercatorum caterva
nutum To canonize, in divos referre peregre euntium (carriage),

A calling, vocatio; (profession), Canonized, in divos ascriptus vehiculum oblongum

artificium; (to remembrance), A canonizing, canonizatio A caravansera,diversorium
recognitio; (together), convo- A canopy, canopeum Caraway (seed), carua
catio ; (by name), compellatio To cant (cast away), abjicio A carbine, sclopeta velitaris
(back), revocatio (for), acci- ;
(talk gibberish), uti fictitio A carbineer, veles [torrere
tus; (out), evocatio; (from), sermone; (whine), verba tra- To carbonade, carnem in pruna
avocatio; (upon), invocatio here; (wheedle), dictis ducere; A carbuncle, carbunculus
Callosity, callus, callositas (chirp), cantillo A carcass, cadaver
Callous, callosus A cant, auctio, sermo fictitius A card, charta lusoria; (written),
Calm, sedatus, tranquillus, pla- A canting fellow, homo subdolus charta epistolica; (sea-card),
cidus A canting, fictio, conjectus tabula nautica ; (for wool),
\A calm (sea), maris tranquillitas A canticle, Canto, canticum ferreus pecten ; (court), charta
(weather), serenitas To canton, distribuo, divido picta; (plain), charta simplex
To calm, paco, placo, mulceo A cauton, tribus, pagus To play at cards, chartis pictis
To becalm, mitesco, placor Canvas, cannabum ludere [carpere
Calmy, leniter, tranquilly To canton (for preferment), am- To card wool, carmino, lanam
Calmness, tranquillitas, serenitas bio; (sift for business), inquiro, Carded, carminatus, pexns
To calumniate, calumnior, infamo vestigo A carding, carminatio
Calumnious, contumeliosus A cap, pileus, calyptra A cardinal, cardinalis, pater pur-
Calumniously, contumeliosfe Capped, praepilatus puratus ; adj. prsecipuus
Calumny, calumnia To cap a person, caput nudare Care (diligence), diligentia ;
Cambric, sindon (in verses), alternis versibus (heed), cautio; (regard), cura;
A camel, camelus contendere (trouble), onus, anxietas, so-
Of a camel, camelinus Wearing a cap, pileatus licitudo; (tuition), tutela
Camlet, pannus camelinus Cap-a-pie, a, capite ad calcem To care, or take care of, euro;
Camomile, charaaemelum armatu3 (for , provideo ; ( for diligently )

*A camp, castra, orum Capable, capax, idoneus, potens iuvigilo, solicitus esse
>A standing-camp, stativa Capacious, capax, amplus To have a care, caveo
To pitch a camp, castra ponere Capaciousness, capacitas, men- To careen, purgo
Belonging to a camp, castrensis sura (of a place), amplitudo
; A career, anfractus, gyrus
Followers of a camp, calones Capacity (ability), facultas, in- A career, cursus incitatus
A campaign (flat country), pla- genium Careful, diligens, sedulus, cautus,
nities (taking the field), expe-
; A caparison, lorica solicitus, circumspectus
ditio militaris ; (coat), sagum To caparison, lorica munire To be careful, satago, angor a-
Camphire, camphora A cape (at sea), promontorium boro, attendo
Camphorated, camphora mixtus (of a garment), collare Carefully, anxie, caute, sedul6
I can, possum, queo A caper, saltus; (fruit), capparis Carefulness, diligentia, considcra-
I cannot, nequeo To caper, tripudio, assilio tio, solicitvdo, cautio
;; ;


Careless (not thinking), impro- A cascade, praeceps aquas lapsu3 To catechize, catechizo
vidus; (at ease), securus ; (ne- A case (in law), causa ; (matter), A catechism, catechismua
glectful), negligens, inconside- res; (of conscience), scrupulus; A catechumen, catechumenus
ratus (cover), theca; (for a bow), Categorical, categoricus
To be careless, negligo corytos; (for a comb), pecti- To cater, obsono
Carelessly, negligente, secure narium ; (for needles), acu- A caterer, obsonator
Carelessness, incuria, negligentia arium (for pins), acicularium
; A catering, obsouatus
To caress, indulgeo, amanter ac- (of instruments), capsula ; (of A caterpillar, volvox
cipere, adblandior a noun), casus; (state), con- A cathedral, ecclesia cathedralia
Caresses, blanditiae, blandimenta ditio, status [quam Catholic, catholicus, universalis
Caressed, counter acceptus In no case, haudquaquam, nequa- Cattle (small), pecus ; (great)
A cargo, navis onus A casement, fenestra pecus; (labouring), jumenta
A caring for, provisio Cash, pecunia numerata, census orum
Carious, cariosus To cashier, exauctoro Belonging to cattle, pecuarius
A carle (churl), silicernium A cask, testa, cadus, dolium A cavalcade, pompa equestris
Carnage, internecio, caedes (headpiece), galea Cavalry, equitatus
Carnal, carnalis, pravus A casket, scrinium, cistula A caudle, sorbitio
Carnally, carnalitfer, prave, A cassock, sagum A cave, spelunca, antrum
To enjoy carnally, coeo To cast, jacto, jacio ;
(about), cir- A caveat, cautio
Carnality, voluptatum appetitus cumjacio ;
(abroad), spargo ;
Caught, apprehensus
A carnation, caryophyllon (again), rejicio; (back), rejicio; A cavil, cavillatio, captio
Carnival, bacchanalia (away), abjicio ; (along), pro- To cavil, altercor, litigo
Carnivorous, carnivorus stemo; (against), objicio (be- ;
A caviller, litigator
A carol, carmen, hymnus tween), interjicio ; (a bowl), Cavilling, rixosus, litigiosus
To carouse, pergraecor mitto ; (a skin), exuo; (con- Cavillingly, captiose, pertinaciter
A carousing, potatio intemperans demn), condemno ; (in one's Cavity, concavitas, cavum
A carp, carpio, caprinus dish), exprobo; (devise), con- The caul, omentum ; (for a wo-
To carp, carpo, vellico ditio; (down), dejicio; (down man's cap), reticulum
Carped at, vellicatus from), deturbo ;
(headlong), A cauldron, lebes
A carper, criticus, carptor praetipito ; (under foot), pes- A caulker, stipator
A carping, vellicatio sundo; (forth), emitto; (in), A cause, causa; (occasion), occa-
A carpenter, faber lignarius injicio ; (in one's mind), recolo, sio ; (action in law), dica
Belonging to a carpenter, fabrilis meditor; (in a suit), vinco; To cause, facio, concito, gigno,
Carpentry, ars fabrilis (metals), liquo, conflo; (off a incito, infero
A carpet, tapes, gausape garment), exuo ;
(off, or re- For what cause? quamobrem?
A carr, carrus nounce), repudio; (off, as a quapropter ?
Carriage (behaviour), gestus printer), lineas computare ;
For this, or that cause, idcirco,
(good), urbanitas; (of a bur- (over, or beyond), trajicio ; ideo
then), bajulatio ; (cartage), (over, or upon), superinjicio ; Causeless, sine causa
vectura; (money), vectiva; (on (out), ejicio; (out, or expose), A causer, effector, auctor
horseback), hippagium ; (for expono ; (a smell), redoleo ;
Caustic, causticus
artillery), ligneacompages (to and fro), agito ; (up), com- To cauterize, cauterio inurere
A carriage,currus, vehiculum puto ; (up, as tbe sea), expuo ;
A cautery, cauterium
A carrier, portitor, bajulus ; (of (up, or vomit), evomo Caution, cautio, prudentia, cir.
letters), tabellarius; (of tales), A cast, jactus ; (of the eye), ocu- cumspectio, monitio
lurnigerus lorum distortio To caution, moneo, admoneo
Carrion, caro morticina A casting, jactatus, jactus ; (a- Cautious, cautus, prudens, provi-
A carrot, pastinaca, daucus bout), respersio (at), petitio
; ;
Carrot-pated, rutilus (off, or away), abjectio; (down), Cautiously, caute, prudenter
To carry, gero, porto, fero (or;
dejectio; (between), interjec- To cease, cesso, intermitto, qui-
behave), se gerere ; (about), tus; (in), injectio (upon),su-;
esco, desisto, desino
circumfero ; (all before one), perjectio; (out), ejectio; (be- Ceaseless, perpetuus, continuus
vinco, supero; (away), aufero; yond, or over), trajectus; (un- A ceasing, cessatio, intermissio
(away by force), rapio; (the der), subjectio; (in one's teeth), Without ceasing, continenter
prize), palmam ferre ; (before), exprobratio ;
(in the A cedar-tree, cedrus
praefero ; (beyond), praeterfero ; cogitatio; (of a dart, &c), ja- Made of cedar, cedrinus
(into slavery), in servitutem culatio; (of a skin, &c), exu- To ceil, laqueo, laqueari ornare
abducere; (in a carriage), veho, vium; (of metals) .fusura; (cal- A ceiling, laquear, lacunar
conveho; (a burden), bajulo culation), calculatio; (vomit- To celebrate, celebro, laudo
(conduct), duco; (forth), ef- ing), rejectio Celebrated (famous), Celebris, il-
fero; (down), deveho; (from Castinets, crepitacula lustris; (solemnized), celebra*
place to place), transporto A castle, castellum, arx tus, solennis
(in),importo (news), nuncio;
A castor, jaculator; (a counter), Celerity, celeritas
(on a war), bellum producere ;
calculus [mutilo Celestial, ccelestis
(on abuilding), continuare aedi- To castrate, castro ; (a book), Celibacy, ccelibatus
ficium; (to a place), adveho ;
Casual, contingens, fortuitua A cell, cella; (friar's), mandra
(together), comporto; (private- Casually, fortuit6, casu A cellar, cellarium, cella
subveho; (water), aquor;
ly), A casualty, casus Cement, caementum
(wood), lignor A casuist, casuista To cement, conjungo, consolido,
A carrying, gestatio, portatio A cat, felis coalesco
(away), asportatio (over), tra-
; A catalogue, catalogus Cemented, coagmentatus
jectio ; (to a place), advectio ; A cataract, cataracta A cenotaph, cenotaphium
(by a cart, &c), vectio A catarrh, catarrhus A censer, thuribulum, acerra
A cart, cartus, plaustrum, curri- A catastrophe, eventus, exitus A censor, censor
culum, biga, triga, quadriga Acatch (song), cantilena; (prize), Censorious, maledicus, mordax
(child's), plostellum; (cover- captio, praeda; (hawk's lure), Censoriousness, maledictio
ed), capsus, covinus palpum ; (of a door), obex A censure, censura, reprehensio
To cart, in vehiculo portare To catch (lay hold), arripio, ca- To censure, reprehendo, animad
A carter, auriga pio ; (overtake), assequor ; (at verto, carpo, noto
A cartilage, cartilago unawares), prehendo; (snatch), Censured, reprehensus, notatus
A cartouch, capsula rapio; (at).appeto; (hold of), A censurer, animadversor
To carve, sculpo, exartuo, seco apprehendo; (with a bait), in- A censuring, reprehensio
A carver, sculptor, carptor esco; (in a net), illaqueo [sus A centaur, centaurus
A carving, sculptura, caelatura Catching (infectious), contagio- Belonging to a centre, centralis
A carving-knife, culter structoris A catching hold of,apprehensio To center (or centre), terminor
A eentinel, speculator, excubitor To change (act), muto, commit- Chattels (real), bona realia ; per-
A centurion, centurio tor; (pass), mutor, vario; (as sonal), res personales
A century, centuria, seculum the moon), renovor ; (one's To chatter, garrio ; (as a swal-
A cerecloth, ceratum place), demigro low), minurio ; (with the
Ceremonial, ceremonialis, ritualis Changeable, mutabilis, instabilis, teetb), dentibus crepitare
Ceremonious, officiosus, urbanus versutus, mixtus, versicolor A chatterer, garrulus, loquax
Ceremoniously, officios^, religiose Changeableness, inconstantia Chattering, loquacitas, crepitus,
Ceremony, cseremonia; (pomp), A changeling, ineptus, idiota garritus
pompa, solemnitas ; (complai- A changing, variatio, mutatio Chattering, garrulus, crepitans
sance), urbanitas A channel, canalis; (of a river), Cheap, vilis
Certain, certus, compertus (per- ;
alveus ; (narrow sea), fretum Dog-cbeap, vilissimus, pervilis
son), quidam, nonnullus; (o- To chant, cano, modulor To cheapen, licitor, liceor
thers), alii A chanter, prsecentor A cheapening, licitatio
It is certain, constat, liquet A chaos, chaos Cheapness, vilitas
For certain, certd, pro certo To chap, hio To cheat, fraudo, decipio
A certainty, certitudo A chap, rima, hiatus A cheat, fraudator, impostor
A certificate, testificatio scripta The chaps, fauces A cheat, dolus, fraus
To certiorem facere
certify, A chapel, sacellum A cheating, fraudatio
Certified, certior factus A chapiter, capitulum Cheatingly, subdole, fallaciter
To cess, censeo, taxo A chaplain, capellanus To check, corripio ; (restrain),
A cess, census A chaplet, corona, sertum cohibeo, submoneo
Cessation, cessatio ; (of arms), A chapman, emptor, licitator A check, reprehensio, coercitio ;
inducise, arum A chapter (of a book), caput; (at chess), latrunculi; (of con-
A cession, cessio (in a cathedral), capitulum science), stimulus ; (to prevent
To chafe (warm), calefacio; (vex), A chapter-house, exedrium mistakes), cautio
iram movere; (be vexed), sto- A character (note), character Check erwise.tessellatus; (work),
machor, succenseo ; (be galled), (description), descriptio ; (let- opus tessellaturu
cutem atterere ; (with the ter), litera, typus ; (reputa- A checking, objurgatio
hand), tero, frico fama
tion), existimatio, The cheek, gena, bucca ; (teeth),
A chafing, calefactio, indignatio, A good character, bona fama dentesmaxillares; (bone), max-
cutis attritus A bad character, mala fama illa
Chafing, ira\ exardescens, fricans To characterize, ad vivum descri- Cheer, (countenance), vultus, fa-
A chafing-dish, ignitabulum bere cies ; (courage), animus ; (pro-
Chaff, palea, acus Charcoal, carbo lignarius vision), dapes ; (good), ccena
Chaffy, paleatus, acerosus A chare-woman, mercenaria opipara ; (cheers), lseti cla-
To chaffer, mercor, licitor A charge (accusation), accusatio mores
Chagrin, molestia, dolor (assault), impetus (burden),
To cheer, exhilaro.'laetifico; (en-
To chagrin, molestia afficere onus; (command), mandatum courage ) animo, hortor ; (com-

A chain, catena, catenula To charge (accuse), accuso; (as- fort), solor

To chain, cateno, concateno sault), adorior (burden), one-
Cheerful, laetus, hilaris
A chair, sella, cathedra; (easy), ro; (command), impero; (with, Cheerfully, alacriter, laete
sella supina; (of state), thro- or entrust), committere fidei; Cheerfulness, alacritas, hilaritas
nus ; (to carry one), lectica; (fix a price), pretium impo- Cheering, leniens, refocillans
(with elbows), solium nere; (a gun), sclopetum in- Cheery, paul6 hilarior
A chairman, lecticarius; (of a struere Cheese, caseus; (fresh), caseus
club, &c), praeses Chargeable (costly), sumptuo- recens ; (cake), placenta ;
A chaise, currus levior sus; (burdensome), gravis, one- (monger), casei venditor
A chalice, calix rosus To cherish (nourish), alo; (keep
Chalk, creta, calx; (pit),cretarum Charged, jussus, impugnatus, ac- warm), calefacio
To chalk, creta. notare cusatus, oneratus A cherisber,fautor, nutritor
Of chalk, cretaceus A charger, patina; (of a gun), Cherishing, fovens, alens
Chalked, cretatus, creta notatus infundibulum. A cherry, cerasum; (stone), aci-
Chalky, cretosus, cretaceus A charging, exprobatio,pra?ceptio nus; (tree), cerasus
A challenge, provocatio A chariot, rheda, carpentum Chess, ludus latrunculorum
To challenge, provoco (a jury- ;
A charioteer, auriga To play at chess, latrunculis lu-
man), rejicio; (accuse), accuso Charitable, benignus, candidus dere
Challenged, provocatus [catio Charitably, liberaliter, benigna Chess-men, latrunculi
A challenging, vindicatio, provo- Charity (alms), eleemosyna; A chest, cista, area; (of drawers),
Chalybeate, chalybe mixtus (love), caritas; (children), li- cistuhe tractiles ; (for clothes),
A chamber, cubiculum, camera, beralitate educati liberi vestiarium ; _ (for precious
cubile, triclinium, thalamus A charm, incantamentum, car- things), scrinium
. An antechamber, antithalamus men, illecebra The chest, pectus
i A chamherlain, cubicularius To charm, incanto, delecto, per- A chesnut, castanea
A chamber-maid, ancilla cubicu- mulceo, delinio A chevalier, eques
laria A charmer, fascinator delinitor To chew, manduco, mando ; (the
. A chamber-pot, matula Charming, fascinans, permulcens, cud), rumino

To champ, mando, mordeo eximius, suavis, jucundissimus A chewing, manducatio, rumi-

A champion, pugil ;
(of a party), Charmingly, jucuudissime, blan- natio
antesignanus dissime, amoenissime Chicane, chicanery, cavillatio
Champion-like, pugilice A chart, charta, lineatio A chicken, pullus gallinaceus
i A chance, casus, eventus, sors A charter, charta, diploma To chide, objurgo, increpo
sors; (good),
(at dice), alea, A chase, silva, saltus A chider, objurgator
fortunium; (bad), infortunium To chase (pursue), venor, sector ; Chiding, increpans, objurgatoriua
Chance, adj. fortuitus (an enemy), pello; (plate, &c), A chiding, jurgium, objurgatio
To chance, contingo, accido signis decorare ; (forward), Chief, primus, praecipuus, sum-
I By chance, forte, fortuity, casu propello, propulso mus, supremus; (men), opti-
A chancel, cancelli, cella A chasm, biatus, chasma mates, principes, primates
A chancellor, cancellarius; (of a Chaste, castus, pudicus, conti- Chiefly, prsecipue, summe
bishop), officialis nens [nenter A chieftain, impsrator, coryphaeus
Chancery, cancellaria Chastely, caste, pudice, conti- A chilblain, pernio
A change (alteration), vicissitudo; To chasten, castigo, punio A child, infans, puer, puella
(variety), varietas; (of money), A chastising, castigatio (in the womb), embryo; (bas-
commutatio ; (or exchange), Chastity, castitas, contineutia tard), nothus; (nurse), alum-
excambium (of the moon),
Chat, loquacitas nus [nans
interlunium To chat, garrio Great with child, gravida, praeg-
; ;;


To bear a child, parturio Chronology, temporum historia To clack, crepito, garrio
Childbirth, partus, nixus A chub (clown), rusticus, villicus A clacking, crepitatio
Child-bearing, partus, uixus Chubbed, crassus et curtus Clad, vestitus, amictus
Of a child, puerilis, ludicer A chuck, ictus levis A claim, vindicatio
Childhood, pueritia, aetatula To chuck, leviter percutere To claim, vindico, assero, arrogo,
Childish, puerilis, infantilis (cast), jacio; (like apartridge),
Childishness, pucrilitas cacabo
Childless, orbus A chuckle-head, capito A claiming, vindicatio
Children, liberi, proles, soboles A chum, contubernalis To clamber, scando
Chill, algidus, algosua A chump, truncus Clammy, viscidus, viscosus
To chill, algeo, frigeo A church, templum, ecclesia Clamminess, viscositas
Chilly, frigide Church-lands, glebae, arum Clamour, clamor
Chilliness, algor A church-warden, ajdituus To clamour, clamo, exclamo
A chime, campanarum modulatio A church-yard, coemeterium Clamorous, clamosus, importunus
To chime, modulate pulsare Of the church, ecclesiastieus A clan, tribus, clientela [tus
A chimera, chimaera, figmentum A churl, rusticus, sordidus Clandestine, clandestinus, secre-
Chimerical, futius Churlish, illiberalis, truculentus Clandestinely, clam, clanculum,
A chimney, caminus, focus Churlishness, rusticitas, aspe- occulte
(sweeper), caminorum munda- ritas To clang, clango
tor; (piece), frons camini A ch irn, cirnea To clank, tinnire
A chin, mentum To churn, lac agitare A clap (blow), ictus; (noise),
The chine, vertebrae, spina ; (of A churning, lactis agitatio crepitus; (of thunder), fragor;
beef), tergumbovis ; (of pork), To chuse, eligo, seligo (with the hands), plausus
tergum porcinum The chyle, chylus To clap (strike), percutio (at ;

A chink, rima; (money), pecunia Chymical, chymicus a play), plaudo (on the back),

To rimas agere, tinnio

cliink, A chymist, alchymista demulceo ;
(make anoisej,
A chip, segmen, assula Chymistry, chymia, alchymia strepo ; (hands), plaudo; (ub
To chip, distringo (with an
Cider, succus e pomis expressus in prison), in custodiam tra-
axe), ascio, dedolo A cincture, ciugulum, zona dere; (wings), alas quatere
A chipping, in frustula disscctio Cinder, cinis Clap-boards, materia cadorum \

Chippings, resegmina Cinnamon, cinnamomura [tus A clapper, plausor; (of a bell, o

Chips for a tire, fomes The cinque-ports, quinque por- door), malleus ; (of a mill)
To chirp (as a bird), minurio, pi-

A cion, surculus, stolo crepitaculum

pilo (as a cricket), strideo
A cipher, ciphra ;
(nought), nihil A clapping, plausus
Chirurgery, medicina chirurgica (engraved), literae inter se in- To clarify, purgo, despumo, cla-
A chirurgeon (surgeon), chirur- volute j
(secret writing), notas resco
gus areanae A clarion, lituus
A chisel, scalper, eeltis To cipher, arithmeticam discere To clash (disagree), discrepo ;
Chit-chat, garritus Ciphering, arithmetica (make a noise), clango ; (beat
A chitterling, hilla, omasum A circle, circulus, orbis ;
(about against), collido
Chivalry (knighthood), equita- the moon), halo; (about the A clashing, discrepatio, clangor
tus; (prowess), virtus eye), iris Clashing, collidens, dissidens
A choice, electio, delectus; (di- Haifa circle, semicirculus A clasp, fibula, clavicula
versity), varietas A circuit, circuitus, ambitus To clasp, infibulo, amplector ;

Choice, adj. lectus, exquisitus Circular, circularis, orbicus (hands), manus conjungere
To make choice of, agere delectum To circulate, circulor, terminor A class, classis, series
A chorus
choir, Circulation, circulatio Classical, classicus
To choke, suffoco, pracfoco, strau- Circulatory, circulatorius To clatter, strepo, garrio, alter-
gulo; (stop), obstruo Circumambient, circumambiens cor, litigo
Choked, suffocatus, strangulatus To circumcise, circumcido A clattering, strepitus, garritus,
C holer,cholera, bilis Circumcision, circumcisio altercatio
Choleric, biliosus, morosus A circumference, circulus A clause, clausula, sententia
The cholic, dolor cholicus A circumflex, circumfiexus A claw, unguis, ungula
To choose, eligo, deligo, seligo, Circumlocution, circumlocutio To claw (scratch), scalpo ;
constituo, ascisco, coopto, sub- To circumscribe, circumscribo ter), demulceo
6tituo, eximo, malo, adopto A circumscribing, or circumscrip- Clawed, unguibus laceratus
A choosing, electio tion, circumscripta [tus A clawing, laceratio
A chop, divisura, frustum; (of Circumspect, consideratus, cau- Claws of a fish, chelae, arum
mutton), offula earn is ovinae To be circumspect, caveo, pro- Clay, lutum, argilla
To chop, concido (change), per-
; video To clay, luto oblinere
muto; (off), trunco, praxido ; Circumspection, consideratio Clayey, lutosus, argillaceus
(about as wind), mutor Circumspectly, caute, provide Clean, mundus, nitidus, purus
Chopped, concisus, truncus A circumstance, circumstantia, Very clean, permundus
Chopped off, truncatus, abscissus res To clean, or cleanse, mundo, ex-
A chopping and changing, per- Circumstantial, circumstantialis ;
purgo, diluo, elimo
mutatio (particular), singularis To be clean, eniteo, niteo
With chopping, caeslm Circumstances, res, conditio Cleanliness, mundities, nitor
Choral, ad chorum pertinens To circumvent, circumvenio Cleanly, munde, pure
A chord, chorda, funis A circumventing, deceptio To cleanse, mundo. See to Clean
A chorister, chorista A circus, or cirque, circus A cleansing, purificatio
Chorography, chorographia A cistern, cisterna Clear (bright), lucidus, perluci.
The chorus, chorus A citadel, arx, acropolis dus ; (fair), serenus ; (mani-
To chouse, decipio, fraudo A citation, citatio, prolatio fest),conspicuus; (calm), im-
Chrism, chrisma To cite, cito, accerso perturbatus; (pure), limpidus;
CURIST, CulllSTUS A citizen, civis, municeps (in sound), clarus, sonorus;
To christen, baptizo A citron, malum Assyriura (without infection), integer;
Christendom, orbis christianus A city (building), urbs, oppidum; ( wi thout mixt ure , merus
) ; ( ou t
Christian, christianus (inhabitants), civitas of debt), solutus sere alieno;
Christianity, Chlisdaniemiu Of a city, urbanus (in the head), sagax; (in-
Christmas, Ciibisti natale fes- Civil, civilis, comis, urbanus nocent), innoxius
tum Civility, comitas, urbanitas Clear (quite), prorsus, omnind
Chronic, diuturnus, perpetuus To civilize, mansuefacio To clear (acquit), absolvo; (a
To chronicle, in annalcs referre Civilly, comiter, urbaniter doubt), explano ; (a crime),
A chronicle, annalcs, chronica A clack, crepitaculum
(long purgo ; (from), libero ; (nn
A chronologist. chronologus tongue), lingulaca, garrulitas account), rationes cxaequare
[22 j
To be clear, clareo, niteo To close, claudo, concludo ; (con- A cock, gallus ; (of a dial), gno-
To clear up, claresco ceal),celo, taceo; (keep in), mon ; (of hay), fceni meta;
Clearly, clare, perspicue, plane, coerceo;
(hedge in), sepio ; (of a cistern), epistomium,
pure, omninb, prorsus (together), conjungo; (with a papilla ; (of a gun), serpen-
Clearness, nitor, serenitas, per- proposal), paciscor tina ; (boat), seapha; (of an
spicuitas, claritas, sinceritas, A close, or inclosure, septum arrow), crena sagittae
innocentia, integritas Closely, tecte, dense, confertlm, Cock's crowing, gallicinium
To cleave, findo, dehisco ;
(unto), clanculiun, simulate Of a cock, gallinaceus
adhaereo Closeness, angustia To cock (a hat), attollo; (hay),
A cleaver, clunaculum [fissio A closet, conclave," cella fcenum, in cumulos struere (a ;

A cleaving (to), adhaesio; (of), A clot, gleba, grumus gun), serpentinum adducere ;
Cleaving to, adhaerens Cloth, pannus ;
(of state), cono- (a bow), arcum intendere
A cleft, rima, fissura peum; (for a horse), stragu- A cockatrice, basiliscus
That may be cleft, fissilis lum; (hair), cilicium; (linen), A cockade, vitta rosae forma.
Cleft in two, bifidus linteum Cocked (as a gun), adductus
Clemency, clementia, lenitas To clothe, vestio, amicio (as hay), in cumulos structus
Clement, clemens, mitis Clothes, vestis, vestimentum To cocker, nimls indulgere
To clench, retundo Clothing, vestitus Cockered, molliter, enutritus
The clergy, clerus Clotted, concretus, coagulatus A cockering, indulgentia
Of the clergy, sacerdotalig A cloud, nubes A cocket, schedula vectigalis
A clergyman, clericus To cloud, over, nube tegere A cockle, cochlea
Clerical, clericalis To grow cloudy, nubilo To cockle, corrugor
A clerk (clergyman), clericus Cloudy, nubilus, subnubilus A cockney, vir urbanus
(of a parish), sacrista; (to (weather), caelum nubilum A cod (husk), siliqua; (fish),
write), scriba ; (of the peace), Clouded, undulatus, nube tectus assellus
clericus pacis ; (of the mar- A clove, caryophyllum A code, codex
ket), aedilis libripens; (of the Cloven, fissus (footed), bifidus
A codicil, codicillus
rolls), scriniarius ; (to a gen- Clover, trifolium pratense To coddle, coquo, elixo
tleman), scriba A clout, panniculus Coddled, coctus, elixus
Clever, dexter, agilis, solers To clout, sarcio, assuo A codlin, pomum praecox
Cleverly, dextre, agiliter A clown, rusticus, colonus Coefficient, coefficiens
The clew, (of a sail), pes veli; Clownish, agrestis, inurbanus Coequal, coequalis
(of thread), glomus Clownishly, rustice, inurbane Coercion, coercitio
To click, crepito, resono Clownishness, rusticitas Coercive, coercens
A clicking, tinnitus To cloy, satio, exsaturo Coessential, coessentialis
A client, cliens, clientela Cloyed, satiatus, saturatus Coetaneous, ejusdem aetatis,
A cliff, rupes, petra; (in music), A club, clava, fustis ;
(at cards), aequalis
clavis ; (of wood), frustum trifolium ; (meeting), compo- Coeternal, coaeternus
ligni tatio, societas ; (towards a Coeval, coaevus, ejusdem asvi
Climacterical, climactericus reckoning), collecta, symbola Coexistent, coexistens
A climate, or clime, regio, trac- To club, symbolam conferre Coffee, kupha
tus, plaga, clima Club-footed, loripes A coffee-house, kuphipolium
A climax, gradatio To cluck, glocito A coffer, area, capsa
To climb, scando, ascendo, con- A clue. See Clew A cofferer, dispensator ; (to the
scendo, subeo Clumsily, crasse, male king), quaestor aerarius
To clinch (as the fist), contrabo; Clumsiness, rusticitas A coffin, loculus, sandapila
(a nail), repango, inflecto Clumsy, inhabilis, rusticus To cog a die, aleam componere
A clinching, contractio, retusio A cluster (of grapes, &c), race- The cog of a wheel, dens rotae
To cling, adhaereo, cohaereo mus; (heap), acervus A cog-wheel, rota denticulata
To clink, crepo, tinnio The clutches, ungues, manus Cogency, vis, efficacia
A clinking, crepitus, tinnitus To clutter, tumultuor, concurro Cogent, cogens, efficax
To clip, tondeo, obscindo, circum- A clutter, tumultus, turba Cogently, efficaciter, importune
tondeo, praecido, diminuo (in ;
A clyster, clyster Cogitation, cogitatio
speech), male pronunciare, A coach, rheda, currus Cognizance, cognitio, notitia
Osce and Volsce loqui A hackney-coach, currus meri- To have cognizance, cognosco
Clipped, or dipt, tonsus torius To take cognizance, examino
A clipping, tonsio, praecisio A coachman, auriga [rium To cohabit, simul habitare
Clippings, praesegmina A coach-house, stabulum rheda- A cohabitation, convictus
A cloak, pallium, sagum A coadjutor, collega A coheir, cohaeres
A cloak-bag, mantica To coagulate, coagulo To cohere, cohaereo
A cloak (for a fault), praetextus A coal, carbo, pruna; (pit), car- A coherence, cohserentia
To cloak, velo, dissimulo bonaria fodina (merchant),
Coherent, cohaerens, congruenn
A clock (machine), horologium ;
carbonarius A cohort, cohors
(hour), hora; (insect), scara- Of coals, carbonarius A coif, capitale, mitella [rare
beus To coalesce, coalesco To coil a rope, rudentem glome-
A clod, gleba, grumus Coalition, coalitio, conjunctio Coin, moneta, pecunia, nummus,
To clod, coagulor Coarse, crassus, agrestis forma
Cloddy, glebosus Coarsely, crasse To coin, cudere nummum
A clog (hindrance), impedimen- Coarseness, crassitudo (feign), fingo
tum ;
(for obex ; A coast, ora, limes, littus Coinage, monetae percussio
(wooden), calones ; (leather), To coast along, Oram legere Coined, cusus, rictus, signatus
sculponeae ex corio confectae A coat, tunica, vestis ; (of mail), A coiner, nummi cusor
To clog, impedio, obstruo, onero, lorica; (of arms), insigne gen- Coins, numismata ; (of build-
praepedio tilitium ; (of armour), paluda- ings), ancones
A cloister, monasterium, porticus mentum ; (of a horse), setae To coincide, congruo, convenio
Close (shut), occlusus; (secret), equinae ; (of a child), vestis Coincident, conveniens
arcanus; (dark), tenebrosus; puerilis A coincidence, concursus
(fast), firmus; (narrow), an- Coated, tunicatus A coit, discus
gustus; (near to), contiguus ; To coax, adblandior, demulceo Cold, subst. irigus, algor ; adj.
(reserved), taciturnus; (thick), To cobble, sarcio frigidus, gelidus, algidus
densus; (covetous), avarus A cobbler, sutor, cerdo ;
(cob- A cold, gravedo
Close by, vicinus, propinquus, bler's shop), sutrina To have a cold, gravedine labo-
juxta, prope, propter, secundum A cobweb, aranea rare
Close together, confertus, conti- Full of cobwebs, araneosus To be cold, frigeo, frigesco, rigeo
nue, confertlm, conjuncte Cochineal, cochinilla rigesco, horreo, deferveo
;; ; ;


To make cold, refrigero scendo; (forthjOrbepublished), A commender, laudator
It is cold, friget edor, publicor; (forward), pro- Commensurable, proportione
Coldish, frigidulus, tepidus cedo; (or proceed from), orior; quandus
Coldly, frigide, gelide, tepide (in), introeo; (in, or submit), Commensurate, adaequans
Cole, caulisbrassica; (sea),bras- dedo (in one's way), occurro
; ;
A commentary, scholium
sica marina (in use), usu venire; (into), in- To comment, explico, dilucido
Colic, colica troeo; (into port), in portum ve- A commentator, scholiastes
A collar, capistrum, (for a dog), nire, decido ; (often), ventito ; Commerce, commercium, usus
milium; (forahorse),helcium; (on), pergo, circumvenio; (out Commercial, ad commercium p
offenders), collistrigium
(l'or of),exeo; (to).adeo; (to, or con- tin ens
(of a garment), collare ; (of sent), assentior; (to, or cost), A commination, comminatio
torques regius
S. S.) consto ; (to an agreement), pa- To commiserate, coinmiseror
To collate (give), do, confero ciscor; (to an end), concludo ; Commiseration, commiseratio
(compare), comparo, examino (to an estate), haereditatem A commissary, curator, lustrat
Collateral, collateralis adire; (to the knowledge of), delegatus
A collation, merenda innotesco ;
(to mind), subeo ;
A commission, mandatum
A collation, or collating, collatio (nigh), appropinquo (to ;
To commission,delego, deman
A colleague, collega, consors hand), occurro; (next), se- Commission of the peace, i
A collect, collecta quor ; (topass), evenio ;
narchia [stitut
To collect, colligo (quickly), festino ; (to light), Commissioned, delegatus, cc
A collection, collectio, collecta appareo ; (short), deficio, de- A commissioner, delegatus
Collections, collectanea sum; (together), coeo; (up), To commit (do), patro, perpetr
Collective, collectivus ascendo (a fault), delinquo; (adulter
Collectively, collective, simul A come-off", prsetextus, successus adultero (murder), macto, ti

A collector, collector, exactor Come on, eja I age ! cido; (to memory), tradererr
A college, collegium A comedian, comoedus moriae ; (an office to), mup
A collegian, collegii socius A comedy, comoedia, fabula deferre; (treason), majestat
Collegiate, collegiatus Comeliness, decor, decus, venus- laedere ; (unto), trado ;
A collier, carbonarius ; (sliip), tas, pulchritudo [nustus trust), fidei concredere ;
navis carbonaria Comely, decorus, formosus, ve- prison), in carcerem conjicer
A colliery, fodina carbonaria A comet, cometa, Stella, crinita (to discretion), arbitrio perm
To collogue, adulor, assentior Comfits, tragemata tere [miss
A colloguing, adulatio Comfort, solatium, consolatio A commitment, in custodia
A collop, buccea
offula, To comfort, consolor, relevo A committee, curatores selecti
A colloquy, colloquium To take comfort, bono ammo A committing, commissio, dep
Collusion, collusio, dolus esse sitio
Collusive, dolosus, fallax Comfortable, consolans, dulcis Commodious, commodus, utilis
Collusively, fallaciter, ficte Comfortableness, jucunditas Commodiously, commode, apte
A colon, colon (great gut), in-
; Comfortably, jucunde, dulce Commodities, merces
testinum rectum To be comforted, consolor, con- A commodore, navium praefectvi
A colonel, chiliarchus solationem accipere, erigor Common (to several), communi
A colony, colonia A comforter, consolator (well known), pervulgatui
Colossean (huge), colosseus The Comforter, Paracletus (ordinary), usitatus, vulgaris
A colour, color, tinctus pigmen- Comforting, consolans In common, communiter, vulgo
tum ; (pretence), praetextus ; Comfortless, tristis, mcestus A common-council, commui
(colours), vexilla ; (in grain), Comic, or Comical, comicus ;
concilium; (man), e civitat
dibaphus (merry), facetus, festivus concilio
To colour, coloro ; (blush), eru- (hard to be understood), dubius The commonwealth, respuhlica
; (counterfeit), infuco ; Coming, veniens. See to Come A common, ager compascuus
(cover a fault), obtego . A coming, adventus; (to), acces- A common proverb, adagium.
Of the same colour, concolor] sus, aditus ; (in), ingressus; A common sewer, cloaca
A pullus equinus, equulus
colt, (out), egressus, exortus ; (up), Common sort, plebeius, gregark
Coltish, pullinus, lascivus ascensio; (down), descensus; The commonalty, plebs
A column, columna (away), discessus; (back), re- A commoner, plebeius ;
(at co
A comb, pecten (cock's), ;
crista; ditus; (forward), progressus; lege), collegii socius
(honey-), favus (curry-), stri-
(short), defectio Commonly, vulgd, fere
gil; (brush), setaceum Comitial, comitialis- Commons (allowance), demei
To comb, como, pecto; (wool), A comma, comma sum; (eating together), cot
lanam carminare To command, jubeo, impero, man- victus; (commonalty), plebs
Like a comb, pectinatlm superemineo
do, praecipio, House of commons, domus, or si
A coxcomb, fatuus, insulsus Commanded, mandatus, citatus natus inferior
A combat, pugna, certamen, prae- A command (place), praefectura, A commotion, commotio, turba
lium (duel), duellum
; imperium; (precept), manda- To commune, confabulor
A combatant, pugil tum, praeceptum; (order), jus- A communicant, eucharistiae pai
To combat, praelior, dimico sus, jussum ticeps
(strive with), contendo A commander, mandator, dux, To communicate (impart), in
Acombination, conjunctio; (plot- praifectus, imperator pertio ;
(receive), particeps fiei
ting), conjuratio, conspiratio Commanding, imperans, jubens A communicating, communicati
To combine, conjungo, conspiro The ten commandments, deca- Communication^, colloquium
Combustible, combustibilis logus Communion, communio, cor
A combustion, ustio, tumultus Commemorable, commemorabilis sortium
To come, venio ; (after), succedo; To commemorate, commemoro The communion, eucharistia
(against), invado, adorior ; A commemoration, commemoratio The community, respublica
(away), discedo; (or follow To commence (begin), inchoo, A commutation, commutatio
after), sequor; (abroad), prod- exordior To commute, pretio redimere
eo ; (again), redeo ; (back), A commencement (act), comitia; A compact, compactum, foedus
redeo; revertor; (to one's self), (beginning), initium Compact, compactus, conflatu
resipisco; (along), procedo To commend, commendo, laudo ;
concinnus, firmus, solidus
(asunder), disjuugor ; (at, or (compliment), saluto Compactly, concinne, arete, firm
overtake), attingo; (at, or ob- Commendable, laudabilis, laude Compactness, firmitas
tain), obtineo; (before), pra:- dignus [mendatum A companion, comes, socius; (i
venio; (between), intervenio; A commendam, beneficium com- play), collusor ; (at school
(by), praetereo
(as A commendation, laus condiscipulus ; (in office), col
mutor (by a thing), adipis-
; Commendations, salutationes lega ; (merry), congerro; (pot
cor; (down from a place), de- Commendatory, commeudatitius compotor; (in arms), comnx
lito ; (in service), conservus ; pango; (make agreement), con- quentia; (determination), de-
(partaker), consors, particeps cilio; (make quiet), sedo, le- terminate; (of a play), epi-
A company, ccetus, caterva, cor- nio; (to sleep), somno se dare logus [plenus
pus, societas, sodalitas, examen, Composedly, tranquille, placide Conclusive, alligans, obligans,
turma, caterva, cohors, colluvies A composer, compositor To concoct, concoquo, digero
To keep one company, comitor A composing, dispositio typorum A concoction, digestio
(carnally), mulieri consuescere A composition, compositio, pac- Concomitancy, comitatus
By companies, catervatim tum Concomitant, comitans
Comparable, comparabilis A compositor, typotheta A concomitant, comes
Comparative, comparativus Compost, stercus Concord (agreement), concordia;
To compare, comparo, confero, Composure, serenitas, quies (in grammar), concordantia
compono, aequo Compotation, compotatio (in music), harmonia
Beyond compare, incomparabilis To compound, compono, paciscor, A concordance, index bibliorum
A comparison, comparatio decido, redimo, misceo A concourse, concursus, ccetus
In comparison, prae, ad, prae, A compound, compositio Concrete, concretus
quam A compounding, compositio, de- Concretion, concretus
A compartment, divisio cisio, admistio A concubine, concubina, pellex
A compass (circuit), ambitus, or- To comprehend, comprehendo, Concupiscence, concupiscentia
bita; (for mariners), pyxis nau- eontineo, concipio [lis To concur, consentio, concurro
tica; (pair of compasses), cir- Comprehensible, comprehensibi- Concurrence, assensus, concursus
cinus; (limits), limites; (wind- A comprehending, comprehensio A concussion, concussio
ing), ambages Comprehension, intellectus To condemn, condemno, damno,
To compass, ambio, assequor, Comprehensive, breviter conti- culpo, vitupero, adjudico
conflcio, potior, circumvallo, nens A condemnation, damnatio
cingo To compress, comprimo To condensate, condenso, denso
Compassion, misericordia Compression, compressio Condense, condensus, condensa-
To compassionate, misereor To comprise, eontineo tus
Compassionate, misericors A compromise, compromissum A condensing, densatio
Compassionately, clemeuter To compromise, compromitto Condensity, densitas
Compatible, consistens, concors A comptroller, observator To condescend, concedo, obse-
A compeer, compar, comes Compulsion, compulsio quor, dignor, descendo
To compel, compello, cogo Compulsive, impellens, cogens Condescending, obsequens, comis
A compeller, coactor Compunction, compunctio A condescension, obsequium.
A compelling, compulsio, vis A computation, computatio Condign, condignus, dignus
Compendious, succinctus, brevis To compute, computo, aestimo A condition (state), conditio, for-
Compendiously, breviter, sum- A computing, computatio tuna, status; (covenant), con-
matim A comrade, socius, sodalis ditio, lex, pactum ;
A compendium, compendium, To con, repeto, edisco mos, indoles ; (rank), ordo,
summarium, epitome A concatenation, series locus
To compensate, compenso Concave, concavus Conditionally, sub conditione
A compensation, compensatio A concavity, concavitas, cavatio To condole, condoleo, simul dolere
A competency, facultas To conceal, celo, occulto Condolence, condolentia [lens
Competent, congruens, idoneus A concealer, occultator Condoling, condolens, simul do-
Competition, competitio A concealment, occultatio Conducive, aptus, accommodus
A competitor, aemulus, rivalis To concede, concedo, annuo To conduce, conduco, duco
To compile, compono, colligo A conceit, opinio; (witty), lepor; Conduct, ductus ; (safe), fides
A compilement, collectio (fancy), imaginatio; (jest).dic- publica; (behaviour), vitae ra-
A compiler, collector, auctor terium; (fantastical), ineptiae; tio; (management), adminis-
Complacence, delectatio (idle), nugae tratio
To complain, queror, conqueror, To conceit, imaginor, suspicor To conduct, duco, administro
accuso, lamentor Conceitedly, affectate, superbe A conductor, ductor, dux
A complainant, accusator Conceitedness, affectatio, vecor- A conduit, canalis, aquaeductus
A complaint, querela, questus, dia, sui fiducia A cone, conus
planctus, gemitus ; (against Conceivable, comprehensibilis To confabulate, confabulor
one), incusatio ; (bill of), actio To conceive, concipio, percipio, To confect, condio
Complaisance, comitas, obse- sentio A confection, compositio
quium A conception (in the mind), cogi- A confectioner, pistor dulciarius
Complaisant, comis, officiosus tatio; (in the womb), concep- A confederacy (alliance), foedus;
Compliment, complimentum tus; (false), mola (combination), conspiratio
Complete, perfectus, consum- To concentre, in nnum coire A confederate, socius, particeps
A concern (affair), negotium, res To confederate, socio, conspiro,
To complete, perficio, consummo (importance), momentum conjungo
Completely, perfecte, exacte (care), attentio, cura ; (sor- Confederates, socii
Completeness, perfectio row), dolor, mcestitia To confer (bestow), confero
Completion, completio To concern, pertineo, solicito (compare), comparo; (with),
Complexion, habitus, constitutio To be concerned, solicitudine af- colloquor; (honour), accumulo
(of the skin), color fici, angor, occupor A conference, colloquium
Complex, complexus, multiplex Concerning, de, qu6d ad To confess, confiteor, agnosco,
Complexly, conjunctim Concernment, momentum profiteor
Compliance, assensus A concert, concertus Confessedly, ex confesso
Compliant, assentiens, indulgens By concert, ex compacto A confession, confessio, agnitio
Complicated, complicatus, invo- To concert, delibero, statuo A confessor, confessor
lutus A concerting, consultatio To confide, confido
Complication, complicatio A concession, concessio Confidence (trust), fiducia; (bold-
A complier, tempori serviens To conciliate, concilio ness), audacia
To compliment, ablandior Concise, concisus,praecisus, brevis Confident, certus, audax
Complimental.blandus, officiosus Concisely, concise, praecise A confidant, certus amicus
A complimenting, officiosa salu- Conciseness, brevitas Confidently, audacter, pro certo
tatio A conclave, conclave To confine, coerceo, detineo
To complot, conspiro, conjuro To conclude, concludo, finio, in- Confines, continia, limites
To comply, assentior fero, decido, statuo A confining, coercitio
A complying, assensus, consensus To conclude, adv. denique A confinement, detentio; (in bu-
To comport, convenio, aptor A concluding, or Conclusion, con- siness), occupatio
A comportment, mores, vitas ratio clusio, finis; (of a discourse), To confirm, confirmo, firmo, sta»
To compose, compono; (verse), peroratio; (inference), conse- bilio, sancio, approbo
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Confirmation, confirmatio Without my consent, me incon- A constituent, constitutor, elec-
To confiscate, confisco sulto tor
Confiscated, contiscatus With one consent, uno ore To constitute, constituo, statuo
A confiscation, confiscatio To consent, consentio, assensio, Constituting, constituens
A conflagration, incendiura indulgeo, annuo A constitution, constitutio
A conflict, conflictus, contentio, Consentaneous, congruens To constrain, compello, cogo
controversia, certamen, impe- A consenting to, assensio Constraint, vis, necessitas, im-
tus, pugna Consequence, consequentia, con- pulsus, coercitio
Confluent, confluens secutio, momentum, utilitas By constraint, invite, vi, nolens
A conflux, or confluence, concur- By, or of consequence, ideb, volens
sus, frequentia erg6 Without constraint, sine vi, ultr6
To conform, conformo, accom- Consequently, deinceps, neces- To construct, construo
modo, morigeror, obsequor sarie Construction, constructio (con. :

Conformable, conformis, coDgru- Conservation, conservatio struing), expositio ; (meaning),

ens A conservator, conservator interpretatio
Conformably, congruenter A conservatory, repositorium To construe, expono, explico
A conformist, qui conformat To conserve (keep), custodio, con- Consubstantial, consubstantialis
Conformity, conformitas serve ; (with sugar), condio Consubstantiation, consubstan-
To confound, confundo, pessundo, To consider, considero, pneme- tiatio
perdo, permisceo, evinco, pu- ditor, revolvo ;
(requite), remu- A consul, consul
dorem incutere neror; (regard), aestimo A consulship, consulatus
A confounder, turbator Considerable, clarus, eximius, il- Consular, consularis
A confounding, confusio lustris, spectatus, amplus A consultation, consultatio
To coram conferre
confront, Considerably, maxime, mult6 To consult, consulo, delibero,
Confronted, coram adductus Considerate, prudens, consultus consulto, provideo
To confuse, confundo, perturbo Considerately, consulte, pensim Consulting, consulens, perpei-
Confusedly, confuse, mistim Consideration, consideratio, pru- dens
Confusion, confusio, pudor, labes, dentia; (requital), compensa- To consume, consumo, dissipb,
pernicies tio; (regard), respectus, ratio ; abeo, extabesco
A confutation, refutatio (measure), modus ; (on account To consume (devour), devoro
To confute, confuto, refello causa
of), (diminish), imminuo ;(melt
To congeal, congelo, rigeo Without consideration.inconsulte excoquo ;
(spoil), spolio, vasto
A congealing, concretio Considering, cogitans (time), tero
To conglutinate, conglutino Considering that, quand6, utpote A consumer, consumptor, pro
To congratulate, gratulor To consign, consigno, assigno fligator, dissipator, exesor
Congratulation, congratulatio A consigning, consignatio A consuming, dissipatio
To congregate, congrego To consist, consisto, convenio, To consummate, consummo, per-
A congregation, congregatio, con- congruo, cohsereo ficio [fectus
cio Consistence, stabilitas, spissitas, Consummate, consummatus, per-
A congress, congressus, coitio congruentia A consummating, consummatio
Congruity, congruentia Consistent, consonus, congruens A consumption, consumptio,
Congruous, congruens Consistently, congruenter tabes
Conic, Conical, conicus Consisting, constans, positus Consumptive, tabidus, phthisicus
Conjectural, conjecturalis A consistory, consilium A contact, contactus
A conjecture, conjectura Consolable, consolabilis A contagion, contagio, tabes
To conjecture, conjicio, auguror Consolation, solamen, solatium Contagious, pestiferus, tabiticus
Conjointly, Conjunctly, conjunc- Consolatory, consolatorius Contagiousness, vis tabifica
tlm To console, consolor, solor To contain, contineo, compre-
Conjugal, conjugalis To consolidate, consolido, con- hendo, reprimo, coerceo
To conjugate, declino, inflecto glutino, solidesco, solidor Containing, continens, capiens
A conjugating, inflectio A consolidating, consolidatio To contaminate, inquino, polluo
A conjugation, conjugatio Consonance, congruentia To contemn, contemno, sperno
A conjunction, conjunctio Consonant, consonans, consen- A contemner, contemptor, spretor
Conjuncture (state of affairs), re- taneus A contemning, contemptio
rumstatus To be consonant, consto, congruo To contemplate, contemplor
A conjuration, conjuratio; (en- A consonant, consonans A contemplation, contemplatio
chanting), fascinatio A consort (wife), conjux, uxor; Contemplative, contemplativus
To conjure, conjuro, conspiro, (companion), socius, consors; A contemplator, contemplator
obtestor (in music), concentus Contemporary, aqualis
A conjurer, magus veneficus To consort with, assoeio Contempt, contemptus, despec-
A conjuring, fascinatio Conspicuous, perspicuus, illus- tus, odium, ignominia [lis
To connect, connecto, alligo tris, manifestus Contemptible, contemnendus, vi-
A connexion, connexio, nexus Conspicuously, manifesto Contemptibleness, vilitas
Connivance, dissimulatio A conspiracy, conspiratio, con- Contemptibly, contemptim
To connive, conniveo, dissimulo juratio Contemptuous, fastidiosus
Connubial, counubialis, conju- A conspirator, conspiratus, con- Contemptuously, fastidiose
galis juratus To contend, contendo, certo ad-
To conquer, vinco, subigo, de- To conspire, conspiro, consentio, versor, propugno
bello, supero, domo conjuro Contending, contendens
A conqueror, victor, debellator A constable, irenarcha A contending, contentio
A conquest, victoria, triumplius Constancy, constantia, firmitas, A contender, certator
Consanguinity, cognatio fidelitas, tolerantia, perseve- To content, placeo, mulceo
The conscience, conscientia, re- rantia The content, capacitas, ambitus
ligio Constant (even), aequabilis, cer- Contentedness, a;quanimitas
Conscientious, sequus, integer tus ; (steadfast), constans, sta- Contentedly, aquanimiter, leniter
Conscientiously, religiose, juste bilis;
(faithful), ridus fidelis;
; A contention, contentio, lis
Conscientiousness, aequi reve- (in suffering), patiens; (last- Contentious, litigiosus, morosus
rentia ing), perpetuus Contentiousness, morositas
Conscious, conscius Constantly (always), semper, Contentment, oblectatio
Consciousness, conscientia constanter Contents of a book, caput, argu-
To consecrate, consecro, sacro, A constellation, sidus mentum; (of a vessel, &c), res
dedico Consternation, consternatio contentse
A consecrating, consecratio To constipate, constipo, contraho To contest, contendo, litigo
Consent, consensus, assensus A constipation, stipatio, sup- A contest, lis, disceptatio
Against my consent, me invito pressio Contestable, dubitabilis
A contesting, contentio Conveniently, commode, apte, A cope, laena, pallium, fornix
The context, contexus opportune To cope, colluctor, committo
A contexture, contextura Very convenient, peridoneus A coping, colluctatio, congressio
Contiguity, propinquitas A convent (meeting), conventus ;
The coping (of a house), fasti-
Contiguous, contiguus, adjunctus (monastery), monasterium gium ; (of a wall) projectura

Contiguously, strictim, presse A conventicle, conventiculum Copious, copiosus, abundans, uber

Continence, continentia, pudi- A convention, conventus, con- Copiously, copiose, affatim
citia ventio, ccetus [tinens Copiousness, abundantia
Continent, castus, pudicus Conventual, ad monasterium per- Copped, cacuminatus, cristatus
The continent, continens To converge, vergo, deflecto Copper, cuprum, orichalcum
Continently, caste, pudice Convergent, vergeus, deflectens A copper, caldarium, alienum
A contingency, casus Conversant, versatus, exercitus ;
Of copper, aerarius, eereus
Contingent, c'asu accidens (with), aliquofamiliariterutens Copperas, vitriolum
A contingent, pars foederata Conversation, or converse, con- A coppice, sylva caedua
Contingents, contingentia suetudo, usus, commercium, To copulate, copulo, necto
Contingently, casu, l'ortuit& colloquium A copulation, conjunctio, coitus
Continual, perennis, perpetuus To converse, versor, utor, collo- Copulative, copulativus
Continually, perpetu6, conti- quor, congredior A copy, exemplar; (transcript),
nents A conversion, conversio, mutatio, apographum
Continuance, perpetuitas, peren- transitus To copy after, imitor, transcribe
nitas (in a place), commora-
A convert, ad fidem conversus A copying (after), imitatio ;
tio (perseverance), perseve-
To convert, converto, reduco descriptio
rantia; (of time), progressus Convertible, mutabilis A coquet, virgo petulans
A continuation, continuatio Convex, convexus, gibbus Coquetry, petulantia
To continue (endure), duro, conti- Convexity, convexitas Coral (the plant) coralium

nuo; (stay),maneo; (as a cus- To convey, deduco, asporto, ab- A cord, fuuis, restis ; (of wood),
tom), inveterasco ; (go on), duco, eripio, conveho, trans- strues; (maker), restio
pergo ; (prolong), produco, mitto, importo, exporto, aba- Cordage, funes
protraho lieno To cord up, funibus succingere
A continuing, permansio A conveyance, export atio ;
(deed), A Cordelier, Franciscanus
Continuing, durans, diuturnus abalienationis instrumentum Cordial, cordatus, sincerua
Continuity, continuitas (of water), aquae deductio Cordially, ex animo, sincere
A contortion, contortio, distortio Aconveyor,abalienator; (carrier), Cordials, cardiaca
Contraband, prohibitus, interdic- portitor, bajulus A cordwainer, calcearius, sutor
tus A conveying (away), subductio; Core (of fruit), cicus, volva; (of
A contract, pactum, compactum (an estate), abalienatio; (in), a boil), sinus ulceris
To contract, contraho, paciscor, inductio ; (over), trajectio A cork-tree, suber, cortex
spondeo (out), exportatio A cork, operculum subereum
A contraction, contractio A convict, convictus, evictus To cork, suber immittere
A contractor, pactor, stipulator To convict, convinco, evinco Of cork, subereus
To contradict, contradico, adver- A conviction, convictio A cormorant (bird), cervus aqua-
sor To convince, convinco, coarguo ticus (glutton), helluo

Contradicting, contradicens A convincing, convictio Corn, far, frumentum, seges, an-

A contradiction, contradictio Convincingly, manifesto nona, sata ;
(field), arvum ;

Contradictory, contrarius Convivial, convivalis (ear of), spica arista

Contrariety, repugnantia A convocation, convocatio Of corn, farreus, triticeus
Contrariwise, contrarie To convoke, convoco To reap corn, frumentor
Contrary, contrarius, aversus, A convoy (guide), deductor To corn, sale condire
oppositus (guard), presidium A com (of salt, &c.) granum,
To be contrary, adversor, repugno To convoy, deduco mica; (on the toes, &c.) cal-
On the contrary, contra Convulsed, convulsus lus
A contrast, oppositio A convulsion, convulsio A cornelian, sarda lapis
To contrast, diverso situ ponere Convulsive, ad convulsionem per- A corner, angulus ; (lurking-
A contravention, violatio tinens place), latibulum, latebra, re-
Contributary, stipendiarius A cony (rabbit), cuniculus cessus; (of a house, &c). ver-
To contribute, contribuo, confero To coo, gemo sura ; (of the eye), hirquus ;
A contributor, collator A cooing, gemitus (of a street, &c), compitum;
A contribution, collatio A cook, coquus;
(maid), ancil- (in walls), ancones
Contrite, contritus, tristis la culinaria; (room), culina In a corner, secreto, clanculum
Contrition, resipiscentia (shop), popina A cornet (horn), buccina ; (of
A contrivance, inventio, ars To cook, coquo horse), vexillifer
To contrive, fingo ; (design), sta- Cookery, ars coquinaria He that bloweth a cornet, corni-
tuo, machinor A cooking, coctio cen
Control, reprehensio Cool, frigidulus, frigidus A cornice, corona, projectura
To control (disprove), redarguo, To cool, refrigero, frigesco A corollary, corollarium
contradico ; (examine), exa- To cool one's courage, animum The coronation, inauguratio
mino, observo frangere A coroner, caedis quaesitor
A controller, inspector, curator Coolly, frigide A coronet, sertum, corolla
Controversial, ad. controversiam A cooling, refrigeratio A corporal (officer), decurio
pertinens Cooling medicines, refrigeratoria Corporal, corporalis, corporeus
A controversy, controversia, lis Coolness, frigus, cautela Corporally, corporalitfcr, corpore
To controvert, discepto A coomb, mensura quatuor mo- Corporate, corporatus
Contumacious, contumax, perti- diorum A corporation (town), munici.
nax A coop, cors, cavea pium; (company), sodalitium
Contumaciously, contumaciter To coop in, or up, obsideo, cir- A corpse, cadaver
Contumacy, contumacia cumcingo Corpulency, corpulentia, obesitas
Contumelious, contumeliosus A cooper, doliarius Corpulent, obesus, crassus
Contumely, contumelia To cooperate, cooperor Corpuscles, corpuscula
A contusion, contusio A cooperating, cooperatio To correct, castigo, reprehendo
To convene, cito, convoco, non- A cooperator, cooperator (amend), elimo, emaculo, re-
venio, congregor Coordinate, aequalis cudo
A convenience, commoditas, op- A coot, fulica Correct, accuratus
portunitas, convenientia A cop, crista, apex A corrector, corrector, castigator;
Convenient, commodus, idoneus, A copartner, particeps (of manners), censor
congruens, opportunus Copartnership, societas A correcting, or correction, co
[27] C2
; ;

cov cou CRA

rectio ;
(punishment), suppli- Coveting, cupiens, appetens A court (yard), area, atrium;
ciam A coveting, cupiditas, libido (of law), curia; (of a prince),
Correctly, corrects, emendate Covetous, cupidus, avarus, avidus regia, palatium (of equity),

Correctness, acenratio Covetousness, avaritia, auri fames cancellaria; (roll), archivum ;

To correspond (suit), congruo; A covey, grex, pullities (days), dies fasti
(by letter), literas transmitter A cough, tussis To court, solicito, ambio
Correspondence (agreement), To cough, tussio A courtier, aulicus
congruentia ;
(commerce, oria.- A coulter, culter Courteous, urbanus, civilis, can-
miliarity), commercium, con- A council, concilium, senatus didus, beneficus, affabilis
suetudo (ecclesiastical), synodus Courteously, comiter, affabiliter
Correspondent, congrueus, con- Of a council, comitialis A courtesan, meretrix, scortum
sentaneus Counsel, consilium, monitum Courtesy, urbanitas, lenitas, co-
A correspondent (friend), inti- To counsel, cousulo, moneo mitas, benignitas
mus (in trade), abseutis nego-
; A counsellor, consiliarius ; (at A courtesy, beneficium, officium
tiorum procurator law), juris consultus; (privy), Courtliness, civilitas
A corridor, lorica, cortina a consiliis regis arcanis Courtly, indulgens
A co-rival, competitor A count, comes Courtship, ambitus, solicitatio
To corroborate, confirmo, firmo, To count, (number), numero, A cousin, affinis, consanguineus
roboro, ratum facere computo, pemumero; (esteem), A cow, vacca, bos, juvenca
To corrode, corrodo existimo, deputo, duco Of a cow, bovillus, vaccinus
A corroding, corrosio, anxietas A countenance, vultus, aspectus; A coward, timidus, ignavus
Corrosive, rodens, exedens (credit), existimatio (encou- ;
To cow, timorem injicere alicui
To corrupt, corrumpo, vitio, per- ragement, favour), auxilium, Cowed, timore affectus
do, polluo, stupro, inficio, de- suppetiae, favor Cowardice, timiditas
pravo, putresco, tabesco A stately countenance, grande Cowardly, ignave, tirnide
Corrupt, malus, pravus, vitiosus, supercilium To cower, se incurvare
morbidus, vitiatus, contagiosus, Out of countenance, confusus A cowl, cucullus (atub), dolium

pestilens, mendosus To countenance, faveo, adjuvo Coy, protervus, fastidiosus

A corrupter, vitiator, violator A counter, calculus ;
(for a shop), To be coy, modestiae studere
Corruptible, corruptibilis abacus, loculus; (prison), car- Coyly, fastidiose, caute
Corruption (of manners), depra- eer Coyness, fastus, fastidium
vatio, corruptio (bribery), re-
Counter, adj. contrarius adv. e ; To cozeu, decipio, fallo
petundaj; (in the body), em- contrario, contra, aliorsum Cozenage, fraus, dolus
pyema (infection ) , corruptela
To counterbalance, exaquo A cozener, fraudator
(rottenness), putredo Counterfeit, spurius, fictitius A cozening, fraudatio, deceptio
Corruptly, sordide, purulente A counterfeit, simulatio ; (per- A crab (fruit), arbutum; (fel-
A corsair, pirata son), simulator, imitator low), morosus; (fish), cancer;
A corse (corpse), cadaver To counterfeit, imitor, simulo, (stick), fustis arbuteus
A corset, perizonium dissimulo, obtego, adultero, Crabbed, acerbus, torvus, moro-
A corslet, lorica fingo, adumbro, reprassento sus; (obscure), obscurus, dif
Coruscant, coruscans, rutilans A counterfeiting, simulatio, imi- ficilis
A cosmographer, orbis descriptor tatio Crabbedly, austerfe, morose
Cosmographical, cosmographicus Counterfeiting, simulans Crabbedness, austeritas, torvitas
Cosmography, cosmographia A countermand, mandatum con- A crack (flaw), rima, fissura;
Cost, impensa, sumptus trarium (noise), crepitus ; (boaster),
To cost, consto, sto To countermine, contrari6 agere jactator
Costive, constipatus, astringens A counterpane, stragulum su- To crack, collido, rumpo, findo,
Costiveness, alvi astrictio perius crepo, crepito; (flaw), fatis-
Costliness, caritas A counterpart, antigraphum co; (one's credit), conturho;
Costly, carus, sumptuosus, splen- A counterpoise, aequilibrium (boast), glorior; (burst), dis-
didus, magnificus To counterpoise, libro, propendeo silio
Costly, laute A counterscarp, lorica Crack-brained, insanus, cerritus
Cot, or cottage, casa ; (for sheep), To countervail, compenso Cracked, pertusus, comminutus
ovile A countess, comitissa A cracker (boaster), jactator, glo-
Contemporary, aequaevus, aequalis Counting, numerans riosus; (of gunpowder), sclop-
Cotton, gossipium A counting, numeratio pus, pyrobolum (of nuts), nu-

Of cotton,gossipinus A country, terra, regio ; (native), cifrangibulum

To cotton (agree), consentio patria, natale solum A cracking, crepitatio, crepitus,
A couch, grabatus The country, rus jactantia
To couch, comprehendo ; (lie Proper to our country, vernaculus A cracknel, collyra
down), procumbo, cubo Of your country, vestras A crackling, crepitus
Couchant, Cubans, jacens Of the country, aegrestis A cradle, cunabula, cunae ; (of
A couching, cubatio A countryman, ruricola; (or of iron), craticula
A covenant, pactum, fcedus the same country), indigena Craft (cunning), astutia; (trade),
To covenant, paciscor, depaciscor A country life, vita rustica ars; (trick), dolus
Covenanted, pactus, depactus Country-like, rusticatim A handicraft, ars mechanica
A covenanting, pactio A county, comitatus, ager A craftsman, artifex
A cover, tegmeu, operculum A couple, bini, par, duo Craftily, callide, astute
(pretence), prfetextus To couple, copulo, conjungo, Craftiness, calliditas, astutia
To cover, tego, velo, celo, obduco ;
jungo; (unite), unio, coeo Crafty (sly), vafer ; (cunning)
(a bed), sterno, compono; (a A coupling, copulatio callidus; (deceitful), subdolus
mare), ineo ; (a table), instruo Courage, magnanimitas, virtus A crag, petra, rubes
A covering, tegmen, velamen ; (of Courage! macte age! ! The crag (neck), cervix
abed), stragulum; (ofahouse), Courageous, fortis, strenuus Craggy, petrosus, inaequalis
tectum, imbricium (tbe ac- ; Courageously, forth fcr, strenue To cram, farcio (together), con-

tion), obductio; (clothing), a- A courier, nuncius, cursor stipo (poultry), sagino


mictus.vestitus; (hiding), prae- A course (turn), vicissitudo ;

Crammed, saginatus, fartus
textus (way, or means), via, ratio A cramming, saginatio, fartura
A coverlet, stragula, teges (running), cursus; (custom), The cramp, spasmus, torpor
Covert, tectus mos; (order), series; (of wa- To cramp (squeeze), contorqueo,
A covert, latibulum, latebra ter), ductus convello (restrain), coerceo

Covertly (closely), tecte, secretd, To course (hunt), sector Cramp, adj. duriusculus
clam A courser, veredus, sonipes A cramp-iron, subscus ferrea
To covet, cupio, concupisco, sitio, Courses (of the moon), invec- To cranch, dentibus fraugere
Appeto, aveo tiones; (of women), menses A crane (bird), grus; (to raise
up goods), sucula, grus; (pipe To cringe, serviliter inclinare To be cruel, ssevio, ferocio
to draw liquors), sipho Cringing, venerabundus Cruelly, crudeliter, ferociter
Crank (brisk), laetus; (of a wall), A cringing, veneratio servilis Cruelty, crudelitas, ssevitia
sucula A crinkle, tuga, sinus A cruet, ampulla, lecythus
A cranny, fissura, rima To crinkle, corrugo, plico A cruise (cup), pocillum
Crape, pannus cameliuus tenuis Full ot crinkles, flexuosus To cruise, circumnavigo
A crash, fragor, stridor A cripple, claudus, silicernium A cruiser, navis circumnavigaiii'
To crash, frango, strideo To cripple, debilito A crum, mica
Crassitude, crassitudo Crisis, crisis The crum, medulla panis
A cravat, collare Crisp (brittle), fragilis; (curled), To crum, frio, comminuo
To crave, rogo, postulo, efflagito, crispatus, tortus To crumble, frio, contero
rogito, imploro To crisp, crispo, torqueo Crummy, micis abundans
A craving, aviditas, rogatus A crisping-iron, calamistrum A crumple, ruga, plica
Craving, avidus, rabidus A critic, criticus, censor To crumple, corrugo
Cravingly, avide, cupide Critical, criticus, censorius; (dan- Crumpled, rugosus, tortilis
The craw, avis ventriculus gerous), periculosus A crupper, postilena
To crawl, serpo, repo ; (with lice), Critically, accurate The crupper, clunis
vermino, vermiculor Criticism, critice, notatio Crural, cruralis
Crawling, repens, reptilis To criticize, carpo, noto A cruse, simpulum, phiala. Sec
A crawling, rectatio To croak (as a raven), crocito; Cruise
A cray-fish, cancer (as a toad), coaxo A crush, contusio
Crazed (broken, or weak), frac- Croaking, crocitans, murmurans To crush, contundo, comminuo,
tus, confectus ; (mad), insanus; A croaking, crocitatio opprimo, everto
(sickly), infirmus, imbecillis A crock (earthen pot), olla fictilis; A crushing, contusio, oppressio
Craziness, imbecillitas, debilitas (soot), fuligo A crust, crusta, crustum
To creak, strideo, crepo A crocodile, crocodilus To crust, crusto, incrusto
Creaking, stridulus Crocodile tears, ficta? lacryma? Crusty (crabbed), tetricus, mo-
A creaking, crepitus, stridor A croe, vectis ferreus rosus
Cream, lactis flos ; (of a jest), A crony, congerro, amiculus A crutch, scipio, fulcrum
joci medulla? A crook, harp ago, hamus; (shep- Crutches, grallse
A crease, plica herd's), pedum To cry, clamo, vociferor, exclamo,
To crease, plico To crook, incurvo, inflecto, flecto ejulo, vagio, clamito ; (up),
To create, creo, condo (become crooked), curvesco, laudo (down), diflamo
(for ;

Creative, creans curvor help), imploro (against), ob-


A. creating, or Creation, creatio Crookedness, curvitas, curvamen jurgo; (lament), ploro la- ;

A creator, creator, procreator A crop (of corn), messis; (bold- mentor (weep),
A creature, creatuva; (living), ness), audacia; (of a bird), in- fleo
animal (of a great man), cliens
gluvies A cry, clamor, ejulatus
Credence (belief), fides To crop, carpo, decerpo Cryed, clamatus, publicatus
To give credence, credo, fidem Cropsick, crapula gravis A cryer, pra?co, clamator
habere A crosier, pedum episcopale Crying, lamentans, flens
Credentials, auctoritates Across, crux; (disappointment), A crying, ploratus, fletus ; (of
Credible, credibilis infortunium (monument in
infants), vagitus; (of hounds),
Credibility, probabilitas the way), stela canum fatratus
Credibly, credibiliter Cross (contrary), adversus, per- Crystal, crystallus
Credit (authority), auctoritas versus (athwart), transversus;
Crystalline, crystallinus
(reputation), fama ; (belief), fi- (peevish), morosus ; (unto- A cub, catulus, proles
des ; (in traffic), fides ward), pervicax To cub, catulos parere
Of credit, honorificus To cross (disappoint), frustror; A cube, cub us
To credit, confido, credo, decoro (vex), exagito ; (over), trajicio, Cubical, cubicus
To grow in credit, innotesco transco; (out), oblitero, deleo A cubit, cubitus, ulna
Creditable, honorificus A cross-bow, balista A cuckold, curruca
Creditableness, honor, decus A crossing, repugnantia, frustra- A cuckoo, cuculus
A creditor, creditor te, trajectio, obliteratio A cucumber, cucumis
Credulous, credulus Crossly, perverse, morosS The cud, ruma, rumen
Credulity, credulitas Crossness, pervicacia To chew the cud, rumino
The creed, symbolum fidei A crotchet (in music), semimini- A cudgel, fustis, baculus
A creek, sinus, crepido ma ; (in printing), hamulus To cudgel, fuste csedere
To creep, serpo, repo; (into fa- quadratus ;
(idle), ineptise Cudgelled, fustigatus
vour), insinuo ; (fawn), adulor ; (trick), techna A cue, occasio, ingenium
(unawares), subrepo To crouch, succumbo, adulor A cuff, ictus, plaga ; (ontheear),
Creeping, repens, reptilis A crouching, demissio, adulatio colaphus ; (on the face), alapa
A creeper, focarius A crow, comix, corvus; (iron), (sleeve), manica
A creeping, reptatio, subreptio vectis ferreus To cuff, pugnis csedere
Crept (in falsely), surreptitius To crow (as a cock), cano, canto A cuirass, lorica
Cresses, nasturtium (boast), glorior A cuirassier, eques cataphractus
A crest, crista, apex (of an hel-
Cock-crowing, gallicinium Culinary, culinarius
met), galea? pinna; (of a horse), A crowd (fiddle), fidicula To cull (choose), eligo, deligo
juba; (of a coat of arms), apex A crowd, frequentia, turba A cullender, colum
galeatus To crowd, premo, arcto, stipo A cully, delusus, fatuus
Crested, cristatus A crowder, fidicen Culpable, culpandus, culpa dig-
A crevice, fissura, rima A crowding, stipatio nus
A crew, grex A crown, corona, diadema; (of A culprit, culpa praest6 est, reus
A crib, praesepe the head), vertex; (of money), To cultivate, colo, foveo
A crick, tetanus, spasmus coronatus, scutum ; (kingdom), A cultivation, or culture, cultus,
Acricket (insect), grillus; (stool), regnum cultura
sella humilior ;
(play), ludus To crown, ccono, corona ornare A culver, columba
baculi et pila? A crucible, vas fusorium To cumber, onero, prsepedio
A crime, crimen, delictum, fla- A crucifix, Christi crucifixi imago Cumbersome, impediens, onero«
gitium, facinus To crucify, crucifigo sus
Criminal, criminalis ; (person), A crucifixion, crucis supplicium Cumbersomeness, molestia
noxius, sons, reus; (action), Crude, crudus, indigestus A cumbrance, impedimentum
facinus, indignum, flagitium Crudity, cruditas To cumulate, accumulo
Crimson, coccum Cruel, crudelis, dirus, atrox, san- Cunning, peritia, versutia
Of crimson, coccineus guineus, cruentus Cunning (in a good sense), doc«
[29] C3
;; ;


tus, peritus, expers; (crafty), Custom (use), consuetudo, mos, Dalliance, lusus, lascivia
astutus, vafer, versutus usus; (fashion), praescriptum, A dallier, nugator
A cunning man, augur; (trick), institutum; (habit), habitus To dally (be wanton), blandior,
dolus, techna Customable, usitatus, solitus palpo (trifle), nugor
; (play ;

Cunningly, vafre, docte, perite (tribute), vectigal; (trade), ne- the fool), ineptio, lascivio; (de-
A cup, poculum, scyphus, crater; gctium, emptorum frequentia lay), cuncto; (with one), ludi-
(of a flower), calyx Customary, consuetus, usitatus ficor, ludo
A cup-bearer, pincerna Customarily, usitate, assidue Dallying, blandus, lasciviens
A cupboard, abacus, cella A custom-house, telonium; (offi- A Dallying, nugse, petulantia
To cup, cucuibitulas imponere cer), publicanus, portitor Adam (mother), mater; (bank),
In his cups, inter pocula A customer, emptor agger, moles (of planks),

Cupid, Cupido, Amor To cut, seco, scindo, incido; (as pilae ; (of a mill), stagnum,
Cupidity, cupiditas, aviditas the teeth), erumpo ;
(mangle), claustrum
A cupola, turricula rotunda mutilo; (asunder), rescindo ;
To dam, oppilo, obstruo
A cupping-glass, cucurbitula (off), amputo ; (the hair), ton- Damage, damnum, incommo-
Curable, sanabilis, medicabilis deo; (the nails), reseco; (hew), dum, injuria, noxa, detrimen-
A curate, saceidos vicarius diffindo; (away), exseco; (with tum, jactura
A curacy, vicarii munus an axe), ascio ; (capers), tri- To damage, laedo, damnum in-
To curb, fraeno, reprimo, domo, pudio; (down), caedo; (corn), ferre
cohibeo, coerceo fruges metere; (geld), emas- Damageable, damnosus, noxius;
A curb, coercitio; (of a well), culo ; (grave), caelo, sculpo ;
(liable to receive damage), ca-
rnargo; (for a horse), lupatum, (in), incido; (off), abscindo ducus, fluxus, obnoxius
fraenum munitura (off an heir), exhaeredo; (off a Damask, sericum Damascenum
Curd, coagulum, lac pressurn speech), sermonem dirimere ; To Damask, calfacio
To curdle, concresco, congelor (off a head), detrunco; (out), A dame, domina, hera
Curdling, coactio, coagulatio exscindo, exseco, disseco ; (the To damn, damno, explodo
A cure (remedy), remedium, me- throat), jugulo ; (in two), dis- Damnable, dirus, execrabilis
dela; (of a wound), sanatio; cindo Damnation, damnatio
(charge of souls), cura anima- A cut, scissura ;
(blow) , ictus ; Damnably (very greatly), mag-
rum ;
(benefice), beneficium (slice), offula; (gash), plaga, nopere
ecclesiasticum [dire vulnus To damnify, damnum inferre
To cure, sano; (fish), sale con- A cut- throat, sicarius A damp (vapour), exhalatio tetra
A curing, sale conditura Cut, sectus, scissus To damp (moisten), humido, hu-
Curiosity, curiositas, studiosa in- Cuticular, Cutaneous, cuticularis mesco ;
(discourage), animuni
dagatio ; (rarity), res rara A cutlass, sica, acinaces frangere
Curious, curiosus, accuratus, ele- A cutler, faber cultrarius Damp, humidus, mucidus
gans, nitidus, anxius Cutlets, segmina A dampness, humor
Curiously, curiose, nitide, cap- A cutter, sector, sculptor A damsel, puella, virgo
tiose, ad amussim A cutting, consectio A dance, chorea, saltatio
A curl of hair, cirrus Cutting (in taste), asper, acer; To dance, salto, tripudio
To curl, crispo, torqueo (in words), mordax, acerbus A dancer, saltator, saltatvix
A curling-iron, calamistrum Cuttings, segmenta A dancing, saltatio, tripudiatio ;

A cur, canis vallaticus The cycle, cyclus (room), orchestra

Currants, uvae Corinthiacae

A cylinder, cylindrus To dandle, manibus gestare

Currency, cursus, tenor Cylindrical, cylindricus Dandriff, furfures
Current, genuinus, probus ; A cymbal, cymbalum Danger, discrimen, periculum
(price), pretium commune ;
Cynical, cyuicus To be in danger, periclitor
(year), annus vertens ; (coin), A cypress-tree, cupressus Dangerous, periculosus, perni-
probus nummus Of cypress, cupresseus ciosus
A current, profluens, cursus A czar, imperator Out of danger, securus
Currently, vulgo A czarina, imperatrix Dangerously, periculose
Curried (as a horse), strigili de- To dangle, dependeo, comitor
fricatus ; (as leather), macera- Dangling, pendulus
tus, politus Dank, Dankish, humidus
To curry (a horse), defrico; (lea- Dapper, agilis, acer
ther), macero ; (favour), blan- To dare (venture), audco; (chal-
dior lenge), lacesso, provoco
A curry-comb, strigilis A dab (blow), ictus; (of dirt), Daring, audax, intrepidus
To curse, maledico, devoveo, exe- labecula; (of fat), frustulum A daring, provocatio
cror, anathematizo A dab (one skilful), peritus Daringly, audacter, impavidfe
A curse, imprecatio ; (of the To dabble, crebr6 immergere ma- Dark, tenebrosus ; (blind), cae-
church), anathema nus aquae ; (one's clothes), ves- cus ; (intricate), obscurus,
Curses, dirae tes lutare ;
(meddle without senigmaticus
Cursing, maledicens, maledicus, skill), imperite tractare Darkness, tenebrae, obscuritas
execrans A dabbling, frequens ablutio (of weather), caligo
A cursing, maledictio A dace, apua To Darken, obscuro, caligo, ob-
Cursorily, obiter, perfunctorie A dactyl, dactylis nubilo; (one's meaning), sen-
Cursory, levis, praeceps Dad, daddy, tat a, papa sum turbare
Curst, dirus A daffodil, narcissus Darkish, subobscurus, creperus
To curtsy, poplitem fiectere A dagger, pugio, sica Darkly, obscure, abscondite
To curtail, decurto, minuo To daggle, collutulo A darling, deliciae
A curtailing, decurtatio Daggled, lutosus Darling, gratus, amatus
A curtain, velum ductile; (be- Daily, adj. quotidianus To darn, resarcio, reficio
fore a stage), cortina theatri; Daily, adv. quotidie, indies A darning, sutura
(in fortification), fades, or Dainty, delicatus; (brave), ele- Darnel, lolium
frons aggeris gans ;
(costly), opiparus (ex- ; A dart, jaculum, telum
A curvature, curvatura cellent), eximius ; (squeamish), To dart, jaculor ;
(or come sud-
A curve, linea curvata fastidiosus denly upon), subitb irruere
A curvet, saltus, exultatio Daintily, delicate, laute A darting, jaculatio
A cushion, pulvinar; (for pins), Daintiness (of feeding), dapes ; A dash (stroke with the pen),
spinulariom (loathing), cupedia ductus; (mixture), mixtura
A cusp, cuspis, mucro A dairy, lactarium To dash (against), allido, incutio,
A custard, artolaganus A daisy, bellis illido, impingo ; (sprinkle),
Custody, custodia, career; (ward), A dalej vallis aspergo (mix), diluo, commis-

tutela Of a dale, vallestris ceo; (overthrow), everto; (or

strike out), excutio, oblitero, Dear (beloved), chants, dilectus mony), testimonium ; (at law),
deleo (costly), cams, pretiosus libellus; (of war), denunciatio
Dashed against, allisus, illisus Dearly, care, quamplurim6 To declare, denuucio, nuncio,
A dastard, pusillanimus, timidus Dearness, caritas nuncupo, divulgo, narro ; (one'»
Dastardly, timide, ignave A dearth, caritas, fames mind), eloquor
A date (of writing), tempus scri- Death, mors, intevitus, lethum; A declension, declinatio
bendi; (account of time), aera; (slaughter), nex, occisio, clades A decline, defectio, tabes
dactylus ; (tree), palma
(fruit), A death-watch, termes Declining, decrescens, refluus
To date, diem subscribere, do Deathless, immortalis, aeternus To decline (avoid), vito; (beud
Out of date, exoletus To debar, privo, arceo backwards), vergo (a word

Dative, dativus A debarring, privatio, exclusio grammatically), declino, inflec-

To daub (smear), oblino; (defile), To debase, demitto, submitto, de- to; (decay), labasco, deficio
inquino; (bribe), largitione cor- pravo, adultero A declining, devitatio, declinatio,
rumpere; (disguise), dissimulo; A debasing, depressio flexio
(flatter), adulor; (cover with), A debate (in law), actio, lis Declivity, declivitas
orno (friendly), colloquium; (strife), A decoction, apozema
A. daubing, unctio, adulatio disceptatio, altercatio, contentio To decorate, decoro, exorno
A daughter, nata, filia; (in law), To debate (discourse), arguo, dis- A decoration, ornamentum
curus ; (god-daughter), filia sero, disputo, discepto ; (ad- A decorum, decorum, gratia
lustrica; (step-daughter), pri- vise), delibero; (quarrel), con- A decoy, illecebra, illex
vigna tendo, altercor, litigo To decoy, illicio, pellicio
To daunt, terreo, perterreo A debating, disputatio, deliberatio A decoying, illecebratio
Dauntless, impavidus, intrepidus To debauch, vitio, stupro, cor- To decrease, decresco, minuo
A daw, monedula rumpo; (in drink), debacchor Decreasing, decrescens
To dawn, illucesco, dilucesco A debauch, ingurgitatio vini A decrease, diminutio
The dawn, diluculum A debaucher, corruptor To decree (ordain), decerno, im-
A day, dies ;
(light), lux, lumen Debauchery, nequitia pero; (purpose), statuo
To-day, hodie, hodierno die A debauchee, homo libidinosus A decree (judgment), sententia;
Of this day, hodiernus A debenture, tessera nummaria (of state), decretum, edictum
Every day (daily), quotidianus To debilitate, debilito, enervo (of wise men),placitum ; (act),
Day by day, in singulos dies Debilitation, debilitatio consultum; (award), arbitrium;
The day before that, pridie Debility, debilitas (purpose), propositum
The day after that, postridie Debonair, comis, lstus, benignus Decrepit, decrepitus, inenrvua
In the day-time, lucl A debt, debitum, aes alienum Decretal, decretorius
Of a day, diurnus, dialis In debt, aere alieno premi, obae- Decretals, decretalia
The day breaketh, lucescit ratus To decry, defamo, infamo
Before day, antelucanus A debtor, debitor Decried, abrogatus, sugillatus
Sunday, dies Dominicus ; (Mon- A decade, decas Decuple, decupulus
day)', dies Lunae ; (Tuesday), The decalogue, decalogus To dedicate, dedico, dico
dies Martis (Wednesday), dies
A decampment, castrorum motus A dedication, dedicatio
Mercurii; (Thursday), dies Jo- To decant, elutrio, transfundo To deduce, deduco, colligo
vis; (Friday), dies Veneris; A decanter, lagena vitrea Deducible, quod colligi potest
(Saturday), dies Saturni To decay, declino, deficio; (grow To deduct, subtraho, detraho
A holy-day, feriae, festum obsolete), obsolco; (with age), Deduction, deductio, illatio
It is day, lucet senesco ; (in colour), deflores- A deed (action), factum, actum;
The space of two days, biduum co ; (as flowers), marcesco ; (good), benefactum; (ill), fla-
(three days), triduum ; (four (utterly), pereo gitium
(instrument), instru-
days), quatriduum A decay, labefactio, ruina mentum; (in war), res gesta
To dazzle, praestringo Decaying, labens, caducus Indeed, sane, manifestd
Dazzled, praestrictus, attonitus A decease, decessus, mors To deem, judico, existirao
Dazzling, fulgidus, coruscans A deceit, fraus, dolus Deep, altus, profundus; (close),
A deacon, diaconus Deceitful, subdolus, dolosus reconditus; ( cunning), versutus
A deaconry, diaconatus Deceitfully, dolose, ambigue The deep, protundum
Dead, mortuus, defunctus (dull), ;
Deceitfulness, fallacia To deepen, defodio, excavo
segnis, iners (numbed), tor-
To deceive, fallo, decipio, fraudo, Deep, or Deeply, profunde, alte
pi dus (senseless), exanimis
; ;
ludo, deludo, inesco, frustror Deepness, profunditas, altitudo
(flat), marcidus (drink), vap-
A deceiver, fraudator A deer, cervus, fera
pa ; (almost), semianimis ;
Deceiving, fallens, fallax To deface, deformo, expungo
(drunk), vino sepultus December, December A defacer, deletor, corruptor
To be dead, diem obire Decemviral, decemviralis A defacing, deformatio
Deadly, lethaliter The decemvirate, decemviratus A defalcation, detalcatio, deductio
Deadly, lethalis, funestus Decency, decor, decorum A defamation, defamatio
Deadness, stupor, torpor Decennial, decennalis Defamatory, famosus
Deaf, surdus Decent, decens, decorus To defame, calumnior, infamo
To deaf, or deafen, surdum red- Decently, decenter, decore A defamer, calumniator
dere, obtundo Deception, deceptio A detaming, calumnia
To be deaf, surdeo, obsurdesco Deceptive, fallax, dolosus A default, culpa, defectus
Deafish, surdaster To decide, decido, decerno, di- To defeat, frustror, eludo, vinco,
Deafness, surditas rimo prosterno, rescindo
A deal-tree, abies Decided, decisus, finitus, judica- A defeat, clades, strages
A deal (in number, or quantity), tus A defeating, frustratio
vis, Humerus; (at cards), dis- A deciding, or Decision, decisio Adefect (want), defectus; (fault),
tribute Decimal, denarius mendum; (blemish), labes, vi-
To deal, ago, distribuo; (falsely), To decimate, decimo tium; (in judgment), impruden-
praevaricor; (in business), mer- To decipher, explico, describo tia
cor, negotior, paciscor, stipulor Decisive, decre.torius, determi- A defection, defectio
By a great deal, multb natus Defective, imperfectus, vitiosus
A dealer, mercator; (at cards), The deck, transtra, fori To be defective, deficio, desum
distributor; (falsely), prevari- To deck, orno, exorno Defectiveness, defectus
cator A decking, ornatus, cultus A defence (guard), praesidiurc,
Dealing (trade), occupatio; (do- To declaim, declamo tutamen; (protection), patro-
ing), factum; (at cards), dis- A declaimer, declamator cinium, tutela; (in pleading),
tribute; (treatment), tractatio A declamation, declamatio defensio
A dean, decanus Declamatory, declamatorius In the defence of, pro, a, ab
A deanery, decanatua A declaration, declaratio; (testi- Defenceless, inermis, imparatu*
[31] C4


To defeud, defendo, tueor, prae- Delicately, delicate, exquisite Demureness, verecundia
munio, patrocinor Delicateness (delicacy), mollitia A demur, Demurrer, exceptio,
A defendant (in law), reus Delicates, cupediae, dapes, deliciae, mora
A defender, vindex, defensor, ad- lautitiae To demur, demoror, cunctor
vocatus, patronus Delicious, delicatus, suavis A demurring, judicii dilatio
Defensive, ad tegendum Deliriously, delicate, opiparfe A den, antrum, latibulum, specus,
To defer, differo, procrastino Deliciousness, suavitas latebra, caverna, spelunca
Deference, cultus, honor Delight, voluptas, suavitas, de- A denial, repulsa, recusatio
A deferring, dilatio, mora lectatio, oblectatio A denizen, civis, civitate donatus
Defiance, provocatio To delight, delecto, oblecto To denominate, denomino
A deficiency, defectus To be delighted, oblector A denominator, denominator
Deficient, imperfectus, hiulcus Delightful, gratus, jucundus A denominating.or Denomination,
To defile, contamino, inquino, Delightfulness, delectatio denominatio
vitio, stupro, incesto, profano, Delightfully, jucunde, suaviter To denote, denoto, designo
conspurco, oblino (march
To delineate, delineo To denounce, denuncio, edico
troops), copias traducere A delineating, delineatio, adurn- A denouncing, declaratio, indictio
A defile, via angusta, or difficilis bratio Dense (thick), densus, cavernosus
A defiler, corruptor, temerator Delinquency, delictum, culpa Density, densitas
A defiling, pollutio A delinquent, delinquens, noxius A dent (notch), crena
To define, definio, describo Delirious, delirus, mente captus To dent, crenas incidere
A definition, definitio To deliver (to), trado; (out of), Dental, dentatus
Definitive, definitus, decretorius libero ; (from), eripio ; (a Dented, serratus
Definitively, definite speech), pronuncio ; (by tra- A denunciation, denunciatio
To deflower, stupro, vitio dition), trado (into one's
A dentifrice, dentifricium
A deflowering, stupratio, violatio hand), in potestatem dedere, To deny, nego, denego, abnego,
A defluxion, defluxio or tradere; (as a midwife), ob- abjuro, recuso, detrecto, dejero,
To deform, deformo, vitio, turpo stetricor; (to memory), trans- pernego
Deformity, deformitas mitto; (up), resigno; (betray), To depart, discedo, abscedo, re-
To defraud, defraudo, fraudo prodo cedo, abeo, exeo, emigro, se-
A defrauder, defraudator A deliverance, liberatio, redemp- cedo, digredior; (die), morior,
A defrauding, fraudatio tio, puerperium decedo
To defray, erogo, praebeo To be delivered (of a child), pario A departing, or Departure, dis-
A defraying,erogatio A deliverer, liberator, vindex cessus, abitus, dernigratio, pro-
Defunct (dead), mortuus A delivery, or delivering, liberatio, fectio
To defy, provoco vindiciffi
(of goods), traditio ;
A department, munus
A defying, provocatio (utterance), pronunciatio ; (of To depend upon, pendeo, nitor
To degenerate, degenero a woman), partus Dependent, dependens, nixus
Degenerated, degener A fossa
dell, A dependent, cliens
A degenerating, Degeneracy, de- To delude, deludo, irrideo, de- A dependence (prop), fulcrum;
cessio rideo, illudo, inesco (trust), fiducia
Degradation, Degrading, dejectio A deluder, illusor To depict, depingo
To degrade, dejicio, depono, ex- A deluding, Delusion, delusio, ir- Deplorable, deplorandus, flebilis
auctoro, abdico risio, irrisus, derisus To deplore, deploro, lamentor
A degree, gradus, ordo, status Deluding, Delusive, Delusory, Deploring, deplorans
By degrees, gradatim, senslm, fallax, fraudulentus, irrisus A deploring, ploratus
paulatim Delusions, praestigiae, technae A deponent, testis juratus ;
Dehortatory, dissuadens To delve, fodio, pastino verbum deponens
To be dejected, doleo, mcereo A deluge, inundatio, diluvium To depopulate, depopulor, vasto
Dejectedly, moeste, tristfc A demagogue, antesignanus Depopulation, Depopulating, vas-
Dejection, Dejectedness, mceror A demain, Demesne, possessiones, tatio
Deification, consecratio patrimonium, reditus A depopulator, vastator
To deify, deum facere, in divos A demand (claim), rogatum, pos- To deport, gero
referre tulatum; (question), petitio Deportment, gestus, mores
Deified, divus factus To demand (require), requiro, To depose, exauctoro ; (upon
A deifying, apotheosis postulo, interrogo ; (claim), oath), jurejurando affirmare
To deign, dignor posco, vindico ; "( a debt), ex- To deposit (lay down), depono;
A deigning, dignatio igere debitum (give in trust), committo
A deity, nutuen, deitas A demander, postulator A deposit, depositum
A delay, Delaying, mora, tarditas, Demanding, postulans A deposition, testimonium
cunctatio, retardatio, dilatio A demanding, interrogatio Depravation, depravatio
To delay, differo, procrastino, mo- To demean, gero To deprave, depravo, corrumpo
rot, produco A demeanour, habitus, mores Depravity, pravitas
A delayer, cunctator Demerit, meritum To deprecate, deprecor
Delaying, morans, cunctabundus A demi-god, semideus A deprecating, deprecatio
Delectable, delectabilis, amcenus Demise (death), mors, obitus To depreciate, despicio, diminuo
Delectation, oblectatio To demise (let), loco, eloco Depreciated, despectus, vilis
To delegate, delego (give), dono, lego Depredation, spoliatio, rapina
A delegate, delegatus Democracy, democratia To depress, deprimo, reprimo
Deleterious, letalis, perniciosus Democratical, democraticus A depression, depressio, oppressio
A deletion,deletio, expunctio To demolish, demolior, diruo To deprive, privo, spolio, orbo,
Delf (earthen), terreus (mine), ; Demolished, dirutus, eversus eripio; (of authority), abrogo ;
fodina A demolisher, eversor, subversor (disinherit), exhaeredo ; (of
To deliberate, delibero A demolishing, Demolition, de- life), exanimo, auima spoliare
Deliberate, cautus, circumspec- molitio A depriving, privatio, orbatio
tus, consideratus, prudens, de- A demon, daemon Depriving, privans
liberatus Demoniacal, daemoniacus Depth, profunditas, altitudo
Deliberately, caute, prudenter Demonstrable, demonstrabilis Depurate (cleansed), depuratus,
Deliberation, deliberatio Demonstrpbly, manifeste, clare defaecatus
Deliberative, deliberativus To demonstrate, demonstro, probo Depuration, depuratio
Delicacy, venustas, cupedia, ele- Demonstration, demonstratio A deputation, legatio
gantia, mollifies Demonstrative, demonstrativus To depute, assigno, delego
Delicate, pulcher, elegans, venus- Demonstratively, evidentissime A deputy, legatus, vicarius ;
(of a
tus, concinnus, eximius, ex- A demonstrator, demonstrator ward), tribunus populi; (lord-
quisitus, acutus, delicatus, mol- Demure, verecundus, taciturnus deputy), prorex, proconsul
lis, tener Demurely, modeste, pudice Dereliction, derelictio, desertio
To deride, derideo, irrideo Despicably, cum contemptu A device, dolus, fabula, commen-
A derider, derisor, irrisor, sannio, To despise, contemno, sperno turn, inventio
mimus To be despised, contemnor The devil, diabolus, daemon
eriding, dicteria conjiciens Despised, contemptus, spretus Devilish, diabolicus
J deriding, derision, irrisio A despiser, contemptor Devious, devius, avius
Derisive, scurrilus, luditicabilis A despising, despicientia To devise, excogito, machinor,
Derivation, derivatio, deductio ; Despite, invidia, despectua fingo, formo, praemeditor ;

(of words), etymologia In despite, ingratiis, se invito (imagine), hariolor ; (be-

Derivative, derivatus, deductus Despiteful, malignus, invidus queath), lego, do, relinquo
To derive, derivo, deduco ; (from) Despitefully, contumeliose, ma- A devisee, legatarius
procedo, orior ligne [dia A deviser, inventor, testator
To derogate, derogo, detraho Despitefulness, malignitas, invi- A devising (inventing), machi-
Derogating, Derogatory, derogans To despoil (spoil), spolio natio
Derogation, derogatio, detractio To despond, animum demittere Devoid, vacuus, inanis
To descant, alludo, comraentor Despondency, desperatio Devoir, munus, officium
To descend, descendo; (from one), Desponding, despondens To devolve, devolvo; (a trust),
deducere genus ab; (to the A despot, dominus, praises committo
bottom), subsido Despotic, arbitrarius, summus To devote, devoveo, addico
Descendants, posteri Despotically, imperiose A devotee, nimls devotus
Descended (sprung), ortus, ori- The dessert, bellaria A devoting, devotio, addictio
undus To destine, destino, designo Devotion, pietas, c\rltus
Descending, descendens, declivis Destination, destinatio Devotional, ad cultum pertinens
A descending, descensus Destiny, fatum, sors To devour, devoro, prodigo ; (op-
A descent (offspring), progenies, The destinies, parcae press), opprimo
prosapia ; (invasion), invasio, Destitute, inops, egens, derelic- A devourer (of meat), helluo, gu-
descensio; (of a hill, &c.)> de- tus, orbatus, orbus, egenus losus
; (of his fortune), pro-
clivitas, descensus Destitution, destitutio digus
To describe, describo, delineo, To destroy, consumo, aboleo, de- Devouring, devorans, edax, vo-
depingo, exprimo leo, extinguo, conficio, diruo, rax; (flesh), carnivorus
A describer, descriptor everto, destruo, perdo, corrum- A devouring, voracitas, edacitas
A describing, description, de- po, subverto, vasto, populor, Devouringly, avide, gulosius
scrip tio depopulor, depraedor, dilapido Devout, pius, religiosus, sanctus
Descried, exploratus, repertus A destroyer, vastator, deletor Devoutly, pie, religiose, sancte
To descry, speculor, exploro Destroying, exitialis, exitiosus Devoutness, pietas, sanctitas
A descrying, conspectus A destroying, perditio, pernicies, Deuteronomy, deuteronomium.
A desert, deserta, eremus excidium, demolitio The dew, ros
To make desert, vasto, populor Destruction, strages, exitium, in- To dew, irroro, roresco
To desert, desero, derelinquo teritus, ruina, labes, internecio, Mildew, rubigo, melligo
Desert (merit), meritum populatio, clades, caedes Dewy, roscidus, rorulentus
A deserter, transfuga, desertor Destructive, exitiosus, exitialis Dew-falling, roratio
Desertion, desertio Destructively, perniciose Dexterity, dexteritas, agilitas
To deserve, mereo, mereor, pro- Desultory, desultorius Dexterous, expeditus, agilis, so-
mereor, commereor To detach, mitto, seligo lera
Deservedly, merit&, digne A detachment, manus segregata Dexterously, expedite, agiliter
A design (purpose), consilium A detail, enumeratio Diabolical, diabolicus
(first draught of), designatio, To detail, recito, enumero A diadem, diadema, corona
diagramma ;
(model), "ichno- To detain, moror, detineo, reti- Diagonal, diagonalis
graphia ;
(plot), inceptum neo, praepedio A diagram, diagramma
To design, designo, machinor, A detaining, retentio A dial, horologium ; (of the sun),
constituo, assigno To detect, detego, patefacio sciothericum, solarium
Designedly, consultd, cogitatfc A detecting, patefacio, indicium A dialect, dialectos
A designer, designator, delineator Detention, retentio A dialogue, dialogus
A designing, designatio To deter, deterreo Diameter, diametros
Designing (craft), versutia Detergent, detergens Diametrical, diametricus
Desirable, desiderabilis, optandus Determinate, determinatus, cer- Diametrically, directe ; (oppo-
Desire (wish), desiderium; (re- tus site), ex diametro oppositus
quest), rogatus, obsecratio Determinately, praecise, definite A diamond, adamas (at cards),

To desire (wish), desidero, cupio, A determination, determinatio rhombus (cut), angulatus


opto; (request), oro, peto, sup- To determine, statuo, constituo, Of a diamond, adamantinus
plico, expeto, imploro, flagito, decerno, decido (end), definio,
Diaper, sindon variegata
obsecro dirimo, concludo, compono, Diaper- work, striatura
By desire, optat6, precari6 expedio ; (be ended), cesso; Diaphoretic, diaphoreticus
Desiring, expetens, cupiens (judge), dijudico (before-
The diaphragm, diaphragma
A desiring, obsecratio, cupiditas hand), praefinio (bachelor),
A diarrhea, diarrhoea
Desirous, avidus, cupidus gradum baccalaureatus capes- A diary, diarium, ephemeris
With desire, avide, cupide sere [tivus A dibber, or dibble, pastinum
To desist, desisto, desino Determining, constituens, defini- Dice, aleae, tessera; ; (box), fri-
A desk, abacus, pluteus Detersive, detergens tillus
(player), aleator
Desolate, desertus, afflictus To detest, detestor, abominor, To dictate, dicto, praescribo
To make desolate, depopulor fastidio, odi [lis Dictates, dictata, prsecepta
Made desolate, devastatus Detestable, detestabilis, execrabi- A dictator, dictator
Desolately, mceste, lugubre A detestation, detestatio Dictatorial, dictatorius
Desolation, depopulatio, ruina Detesting, detestans, abominans Dictatorship, dictatura
Desolateness, mceror, aegritudo To dethrone, de solio deturbare, Diction, dictio
To despair, despero, despondeo dejicere, or depellere A dictionary, dictionarium, voca-
Despair, desperatio To detract from, detraho bularium, thesaurus linguarum
Despaired of, desperatus Detracting, Detractive, maledicus lexicon
A despairing, desperatio Detractingly, maledice To die, morior, obeo, intereo, OC'
A desperado, vesanus, perditus Detriment, damnum cido, concido, occumbo, immo.
Desperate, temerarius.periculosus Detrimental, daranosus rior, expiro; (away in a fit)
Desperately, perdite, periculose Devastation, vastatio animo linqui ; (as liquors ), vap
Desperateness, audacia, despe- To develope, patefacio pesco
ratio To devest, spolio, exuo To die (colour), tingo.
Despicable, aspernandus, vilis To deviate, devio, erro Like to die, lnoribundus
Despicableness, vilitas A deviating, Deviation, error A die (dice), alea
[331 as


A diet (food), cibus, cibaria A dining-room, coenaculum Discernible, dignoscendus
(course of food), victus, regi- To ding, allido, obtundo Discernment, dijudicatio, judi-
men, diaeta; (of the empire), A dingle (vale), convallis cium
imperii conventus A dinner, prandium Discerning, perspicax, sagax
To diet, diaetam praescribere A dint, impressio, vis A discharge, absolutio, liberatio;
(feed), cibo aliquem sustinere; To dint, contundo (of humours), detractio ; (of
(board), pacto pretio in con- A diocesan, episcopus duty), functio
victum admittere A diocese, diocesis To discharge (money), acceptam
To differ, differo, discrepo, disto To dip, tingo, mergo ,
pecuniam referre ; (one's con-
dissideo, dissentio Dipt, dipped, immersus; (as an science), exonero, libero ; (a
A difference (unlikeness), diffe- estate), oppignoratus gun), displodo; (a debt), solvo;
rentia, discrepantia ; (dis- A diphthong, dipthongus (from a fault), absolvo ; (ex-
tance), distantia, discrimen j
A dipping, submersio, intinctus empt), eximo ; (release), di-
(controversy), lis, dissensio Dire, dirus, horridus, atrox mitto; (out of office), exauc-
Different, Differing, diversus, dis- Direct, directus, rectus toro ; (one's duty), fungor, prae-
crepans, dispar, dissimilis To direct, dirigo, moderor, or- sto, exequor; (an obligation),
To be different from, dissono dino, inscribo, appello, tendo, remuneror; (a ship), exonero;
Differently, dissimiliter, varie ostendo, monstro, doceo, in- (the stomach), evomo; (itself,
Difficult, difficilis, arduus ; (per- struo, praecipio, jubeo, mando as a river), defluo
son), morosus, fastidiosus Direction, directio, inscriptio, gu- A discharging (from a fault),
Difficultly, drfficiliter, aegre bernatio, jussum absolutio; (from service, &c).
Difficulty, difficultas, res angus- Directly, directe, expresse dimissio; (paying), solutio; (of
tae, arduum ; (of speech), lin- A director, rector a gun), displosio
guae balbuties, or titubantia A directory, directorium A disciple, discipulus
Diffidence, diffidentia Direful (dire), dirus, saevus Discipline, disciplina, institutio
Diffident, diffidens, incredulus A dirge, nenia, carmen funebre To discipline, doceo, instituo; (pu-
Diffidently, diffidenter A dirk, mucro nish), punio, castigo
To diffuse, diffundo, dispergo Dirt, lutum coenum To disclaim, renuncio, abdico
Diftusive, largus, exuudans Dirtily, lutose, foede, turpiter, To disclose, revelo, detego
Diffusively, diffuse sordide, inique, indigne To be disclosed, patefio, patesco
Diffusiveness, diffusio, dispersus Dirtiness, sordes, iniquitas To discomfit, fundo, profligo
To dig, fodio, confodio, effodio Dirty, ccenosus, fcedus, sordidus A discomfiture, strages, clades
To digest, digero, dispono To dirty, conspurco, inquino To discommend, vitupero, culpo
(meat), concoquo, digero To disable, debilito, mutilo To discommode, incommodo
A digesting, digestio To disaccord, discordo Discommoded, incommodo affec-
Digestive, digestorius Disadvantage, incoinmodum tus
Digged, fossus, pastinatus Disadvantageous, incommodus To discompose, turbo, perturbo,
A digger, fossor Disadvantageousness, incommo- confundo; (the mind), excru-
A digging, fossio, effossio ditas cio, inquieto, ango
A digit, digitus, pollex Disadvantageously, incommode Discomposure, perturbatio, con-
Dignified, ornatus, nobilitatus To disaffect, improbo, alieno fusio; (of mind), anxietas
To dignify, orno, nobilito Disaffection, offensio, aversatio To disconcert, cou cilia frangere
A dignitary, dignitarius To disagree, dissideo, discordo, Disconcerted, fractus, perturba-
Dignity, dignitas, honor dissentio, non congruere tus
To digress, digredior, excurro Disagreeable, dissentaneus, in- Disconsolate, afflictus, tristis,
A digression, digressio gratus, inconveniens, injucun- moestus
A dike, scrobs, fossa dus Discontent (sorrow), mcestitia;
To dilacerate, dilacero, dilanio Disagreeableness, incongruitas (disgust), offensio
To dilapidate, dilapido, vasto Disagreeably, injucunde, illepide To discontent, offendo, ango
Dilapidations, damnum Disagreeing, discors, diversus Discontentedly, aegre, moleste
To dilate, dilato, extendo, ampli- A disagreeing, or disagreement, Discontentment, anxietas
fico, produco diversitas, discrepantia; (falling A discontinuation, or discontinu-
Dilatorily, cunctanter, tarde out), dissensio, discordia ance, intermissio, desuetudo
Dilatoriness, cunctatio, mora To disallow, improbo, culpo To discontinue, intermitto
Dilatory, cunctans, dilatorius A disallowing, improbatio Discord, discordia, dissonantia
A dilemma, dilemma. See Diffi- To disannul, abrogo, rescindo Discordant, discors, dissonus
culty A disannulling, abolitio, abro- To discover (reveal), detego; (ac-
Diligence, diligentia, solertia, gatio complices), edo; (one's naked-
cura, assiduitas, studium, ob- To disappear, evanesco ness), pudorem profanare ;
sequium, celeritas Disappearing, evanescens (espy), conspicor; (find out),
Diligent, diligens, industrius, la- To disappoint, frustror, fallo deprehendo, exploro; (or betray
boriosus, obsequiosus Disappointment, frustratio counsels), concilia enunciare
To be diligent, satago, evigilo Disapprobation, improbatio Discoverable, indagabilis
Diligently, diligenter, sedulO To disapprove, improbo A discoverer, explorator, inda-
To dilucidate, dilucido, illustro To disarm, exarmo, spolio gator
Dilucidation, explicatio To disarray, cxuo, profligo A discovery (invention), inves-
To dilute, diluo, tempero A disaster, infortunium, casus tigate, inventio; (revealing),
Dim, obscurus, caliginosus Disastrous, infaustus, infelix indicium, patefactio
To dim, obscuro, praestringo Disastrously, infauste, infeliciter To discount, detraho, remitto
To grow dim, obscuror To disavow, diffiteor, nego, re- Discount, subductio, detractio
Dimsight.ed, caligans, luscus jicio, improbo To discountenance, inhibeo
A dimension, dimensio, mensura A disavowing, negatio To discourage, deterreo, frango
To diminish, diminuo, minuo To disband, exauctoro, dimitto A discouragement, animi abjec-
A diminishing, or Diminution, A disbanding, dimissio tio; (hindrance), impedimen-
diminulio, extenuatio Disbelief, diffidentia tum
Diminutive, parvus, diminutus To disbelieve, diffido, non credere To discourse, dissero, confabulor
A diminutive, diminutivum Disbelieving, incredulus, diffisus A discourse,sermo, oratio, nar-
Diminutively, diminutive To disburden, exonero, levo ratio, confabulatio
(idle), nu-
Dimissory, dimissorius To disburse, impendo, erogo gae; (dry), loquela jejuna
Dimly, obscure, obtuse A disbursing, erogatio fpensa Discredit, dedecus, ignominia
Dimness, caligo, hebctudo A disbursement, expensa, im- To discredit (disgrace), infamo;
A dimple, gelasinus To discard, dimitto, rejicio (not to believe), parum cre-
A din, clamor, sonitus Discarded, exauctoratus, rejectus dere
To make a din, strepo To discern, discerno, distinguo, Discreet, prudens, consultus
To dine, prandeo dignosco, conspicor, video Discreetly, prudenter, consultd
Discreetness, prudentia, consi- To (cut up, as a fowl),
disjoint A dispersion, dispersio
lium, circumspectio disseco; (separate), disjungo; To dispirit, animum frangere
Discretionary (unlimited), inter- (put out of joint), luxo A dispiriting, animi debilitatio
minatus Disjunctive, disjunctivus To displace (a thing), dimoveo,
Discretion, arbitrium, jus. See A disk, corpus apparens submoveo; (a person), exauc-
also Discreetness A diskinduess, noxa, injuria toro
Discretive, discretivus To dislike, aversor, abhorreo A displacing, amotio
To discriminate, distinguo A dislike, fastidium To display (spread), expando
To discuss, exploro, discutio, ex- Disliked, fastiditus, rejectus (declare), expono ;
(make a
plico A disliking, aversatio show of), jacto, ostento
A discusser, investigator A dislocating, luxatio (carve), disseco, deartuo
A discussing, discussio To dislodge, hospitio aliquem A displaying, explicatio
Disdain, fastidium, contemptus expellere ; (a camp), castra To displease, displiceo, offendo
To disdain, dedignor, fastidio movere; (a deer), cervum ex- To be displeased, indignor
A disdainer, contemptor citare Displeasing, ingratus, injucundus
Disdainful, superciliosus, elatus Disloyal, perfidus, infidus Displeasure (distaste), offensa ;
Disdainfully, contemptlm, fas- Disloyally, perfidiose, impudice (grudge), ira, simultas
tidiose Disloyalty, perfidia, proditio To despoil, despolio, spolio
A disdaining, dedignatio Dismal, dirus, horridus, atrox Disport, lusus, jocus
A disease, morbus Dismally, dire, horride Disposal, dispositio, ordo, potes-
Diseased, aeger, aegrotus To dismantle, diruo, spolio tas, arbitrium
To disembark, e navi descendere To dismay, territo, perterrefacio To be at one's own disposal, esse
To disembogue, defluere in mare A dismay, perturbatio sui potens
Disencumbrance, liberatio To dismember, deartuo, lacero To dispose (set in order), dis-
To disengage, extrico, libero To dismiss, dimitto, exauctoro pono, ordino, compono; (be-
To disentangle, expedio, libero A dismission, dimissio stow), pra?sto ; (lay out), ex-
Disesfeem (disdain), fastidium To dismount (unhorse), equo ali- peudo, insumo ; (to some use),
Disesteemed, contemptus,spretus quem excutere ; (alight), ex destino, assigno, utor ; (by
To disfavour, deformo equo
desilire (a cannon), tor-
will), lego; (by gift), largior;
To disfigure, deformo, mutilo men turn
rotis eximere [sio (sell), vendo ; (place out),
A disfiguring, deformatio A dismounting, dejectio, descen- eloco ; (settle), constituo; (to
To disfranchise, proscribo, privo Disobedience, contumacia another), alieno, transfero ; (in-
To disgorge, evomo, ejicio Disobedient, contumax, inobse- cline), prasparo, paro
A disgorging, evomitus, ejectio quens A disposer, ordinator, dispensator
Disgrace (shame), dedecus; (dis- Disobediently, contumaciter A disposition (setting in order),
favour), offensa
(misfortune), To disobey, repugno, negligo dispositio, oidinatio; (inclina-
infortunium, calamitas A disobeying, recusatio, neglec- tion), indoles, animus, inge-
To disgrace, dedecoro, deturpo tui nium ; (rule, or order), con-
Disgraceful, dedecorus, turpis To disoblige, laedo, offendo stitutum, decretum; (habit of
A disgracing, calumnia, traductio Disobliging, incivilis, acerbus body), habitudo; (of mind),
Disgracefully, turpiter Disorder (confusion), confusio, affectus, affectio animi
To disguise, celo, dissimulo perturbatio; (distemper), mor- To dispossess, detrudo, ejicio, de-
A disguise, larva, persona; (pre- bus, aegrotatio ; (of mind), ani- jicio, exuo
tence), species, pretextus mi perturbatio A dispossessing, ejectio
Disguised, larvatus, ebrius To disorder, confundo, conturbo, Disposure, potestas, arbitrium
A disguising, dissimulatio perturbo, turbo Dispraise, vituperatio
A disgust, fastidium, nausea Disorderly, inordinate, incondite To dispraise, vitupero, obtrecto
To disgust, displiceo, offendo Disorderly, adj. confusus, infa- Disprotit, incommodum
To be disgusted, indignor mis, dissolutus, immoderatus A disproof, refutatio, confutatio
A dish, patina, discus, lanx Disorders (tumults), turbae Disproportion, inasqualitas
(clout), peniculus; (of meat), To disown, nego, abnego, abdico, Disproportiouable, impar, dispar
ferculum, dapes repudio Disproportionably, inaequaliter
To dish (meat), patinas in- A disowning, abdicatio, negatio Disproportioned, inaequaliter par-
struere; (out a table) mensas To disparage (defame), obstrecto titus
instruere A disparagement, dedecus To disprove, refuto, confuto
Disbed up, patinis instructus A disparager, obtrectator A disproving, refutatio
Dish-water, colluvies A disparity, disparitas Disputable, disputabilis
A dishabille, vestis cubicularis Dispassionate, aequus, placidus A disputant, disputator, dialec-
To dishearten, animum frangere Dispatch, expeditio, properatio; ticus
A disheartening, animi abjectio (packet of letters), literarum A disputation, or Dispute (de-
Disherison, exbaeredatio fasciculus bate), disputatio, contentio ;
To disherit, exhseredo To dispatch (accomplish), per- (quarrelling), jurgium, contro-
Dishevelled, passus ficio, perago; (hasten), acce- versia
Dishonest, pravus, turpis, lascivus lero, maturo; (send), mitto, To dispute, disputo, ratiocinor,
Dishonestly, inhoneste, impure ablego ; (kill), occido, inter- contendo, litigo, assero, vin-
Dishonesty, fallacia, obsccenitas ficio; (out of the way), aman- dico; (fondly), nugor
Dishonour, dedecus, infamia do; (discharge), absolvo A disputing, disputatio
To dishonour, dehonesto, traduco A dispatcher, perfector Disqualified, inhabilis, impar
Dishonourable, inhonestus, tur- A dispatching, transactio To disqualify, inhabilem reddere
pis [piter To dispel, dispello Disquiet, cura, solicitudo
Dishonourably, inhoneste, tur- A dispensation (distribution), ad- To disquiet, inquieto, vexo
Disinclination, aversatio, odium ministratio, dispensatio ;
(in- A disquisition, disquisitio
Disinclined, abliorrens dulgence), exemptio, immuni- Disregard, despectus, contemptus
Disingenuity, illiberalitas [nus tas, licentia To disregard, negligo, sperno
Disingenuous, illiberalis, inurba- A dispensatory, pharmacopoeia To disrelish, improbo, nauseo
To disinherit, exhaeredo To dispense (distribute, or lay Disreputable, inhonestus
A disinheriting, exhaeredatio dispenso, erogo, distri-
out), Disrepute, mala fama
To disentangle, extrico, explico buo; (with), indulgeo; (with Disrespectful, fastidiosus
Disinterested, incorrupt us, in- the laws), leges relaxare Disrespectfully, fastidiose
teger [tegre A dispenser, dispensator To disrobe, vestem exuere
Disinterestedly, incorrupte, in- A dispensing, dispensatio Dissatisfaction, offensa, molestia
To disjoin, disjungo, segrego A dispensing power, laxandi po- Dissatisfactory, molestus, gravis
A dijunction, disjunctio testas Dissatisfied, offensus, dubius
Disjointed, dissectus, deartuatus, To dispeople, depopulor, vasto . To dissect, disseco, incido
disjunctus, luxatus To disperse, dispergo, spargo A dusection, dissectio
,; ;;; ;


To dissemble, dissimulo, simulo, Distressedly, misere, calamitose seditio; (strife), discordia, dis.
tego, celo, obtendo Distressedness, miseria, calamitas sen sio;
(in music), modulatio,
A dissembler, simulator, fictor To distribute, distribuo, dispertio cantillatio
Dissembliug, dolosus, fictus A distributing, Distribution, dis- A divisor, divisor
A dissembling, simulatio tributio, partitio, dispensatio A divorce, divortium, repudium
To disseminate, dispergo, spargo Distributing, Distributive, dis- To divorce, repudio, dimitto
A dissension, dissensio, discordia tribuens A divorcer, repudiator
To dissent, dissentio, dissideo Distributively, divise, partitS A divorcing, repudiatio
Dissentaneous, minime conve- A district,districtus, jurisdictio Diurnal, diurnus
niens [tista Distrust, diffidentia A diurnal, diarium, ephemeris
A. dissenter, dissentiens, separa- To distrust, diffido, suspicor To divulge, vulgo, pervulgo
A dissertation, discertatio Distrustful, suspicax, suspiciosus A divulger, vulgator
Disservice, damnum, noxa Distrustfully, diffidenter, suspi- A divulging, divulgatio
Disserviceable, inutilis ciose Divulsion, direptio
To dissever, separo, sejungo Distrustfulness, diffidentia Dizziness, vertigo
Dissimilar, dissimilis To disturb, turbo, perturbo, im- Dizzy, vertiginosus, cerebrosus
Dissimilitude, dissimilitudo pedio, moror, inquieto, excru- To do, ago, facio, efficio (amiss),

Dissimulation, simulatio, dolus cio, interpello erro, pecco (accomplish), ex-


Dissipable, dissipabilis A disturbance, tumultus, turba equor.perago

To dissipate, dissipo, disperdo A disturber, interpellator Docile, Docible, docilis, capax
A dissipation, dissipatio A disturbing, inquietatio Docihty, docilitas
Dissoluble, dissolnbilis A disunion, separatio A dock (for ships), navale, nau-
To dissolve, dissolvo, resolvo To disunite, disjungo, dissocio; pactum; (herb),labathum, bar-
(society), dissipo; (melt), li- (to be disunited), disjungor dana, rumex, hippolapathum,
quefacio; (be dissolved), li- A disuniting, disjunctio hydrolapathum
quesco, liquefio Disusage, Disuse, desuetudo To dock, or cut off, amputo
A dissolving, dissolutio To disuse, desuesco A doctor, doctor
Dissolute, dissolutus, prodigus, A ditch, fossa, scrobs, lacuna, A doctorship, doctoris gradus
remissus, negligens vallum, incile Doctrinal, ad doctrinam perti-
Dissolutely, prodige, remisse To ditch, fossam ducere nens
Dissoluteness, luxuries, luxuria A ditcher, fossor Doctrine, doctrina, eruditio
A dissolution, dissolutio A ditching, fossura A document, documentum
Dissolution (death), obitus Dithyrambic, dithyrambicus To dodge, tergiversor
Dissonance, discrepantia A ditty, cantilena, canticum A dodger, praevaricator
Dissonant, dissonans, dissonus To divaricate, divarico A dodging, cunctatio
To dissuade, dissuadeo, dehortor To dive (in water), demergo, A dodkin, teruncius
A dissuader, dissuasor [sio urino ; (into business), scrutor, A doe, dama femina
A dissuading, Dissuasion, dissua- investigo, exploro A doer, actor, effector
Dissuasive, dissuadens A diver, urinator A dog, canis, catulus
A distaff, colus, pensum Divers, diversus, varius, multi- Dog-cheap, vili pretio ; (dog-
To distain, imbuo, inquino plex (colours), multicolor, va-
days), dies caniculares; (ken-
A distance, intervallum, distan- riegatus; (shapes), multifor- nel), canile
tia; (discord), dissidium mis; (kinds), multigenus, mul- The dog-star, sirius
At a distance/procul, longo inter- timodus; (ways), multif ariam Of a dog, caninus
vallo (humours), morosus To dog one, a tergo sequi
To distance, vinco, supero Diverse, diversus, absimilis A doge, dux
Distant, distans, dissitus Diversified, variatus Dogged, doggish, caninus, moro-
Far distant, longinquus To diversify, vario sus, cynicus, protervus
To be distant, absum A diversifying, variatio Dogged (followed), a tergo ob-
To distaste, offendo, displiceo A diversion (turning aside), di- servatus
A distaste, offensa gressio, digressus; (recreation), A dogger, navicula
To take distaste, offendor animi relaxatio, or oblectatio Doggrel, ludicrus, inconditus
Distasteful, ingratus, molestus Diversity, diversitas, varietas A dogma, dogma, placitum
A distemper, morbus, eegrotatio Diversely, diverse, variS Dogmatical, dogmaticus, fidens
Distempered, iufirmus, morbidus, To divert (turn aside), diverto, Dogmatically, fidenter
insanus, demens, languens averto; (entertain), oblecto A doing (of something), actio;
To distend, distendo [sio A diverting, digressio (deed), factum
A distending, Distension, disten- Diverting, jucundus, facetns Doing, ageus, moliens
A distich, distichon To divide, divido, partior, cerno, A dole, donatio, largitio
To distil, stillo, elicio discedo, segrego Doleful, lugubris, tristia
A distilling, distillatio ;
(of rheum) A dividend (in the stocks), pecu- Dolefully, lugubriter
defluxio, defluxus nia, or summa dividenda; (in Dolefulness, luctus, tristitia
Distilled, stillatus, expressus arithmetic), numerus dividen- A doll, pupa
A distiller, distillator dus A dollar, thalerus
Distinct (different), distinctus, A divider, divisor Dolorous, luctuosus, tristis
discretus, diversus ; (clear), A dividing, divisio, partitio A dolphin, delphinus
distinctus, clarus, articulatus A divination, divinatio, prsedictio ;
A dolt, stipes, hebes
Distinctly, distincte, clarfe (the act), auguratio Doltish, stupidus, insulsus
k distinction, distinctio Divine, divinus, ccelestis Doltishness, stupor, stupiditas
Distinctive, distinguens A divine, theologus A dome, basilica, fastigium
Distinctness, pronunciatio dis- Divinely, divine, divinitus, pie Domestic, domesticus, familiaris
tincta A diviner, vaticinator Domination, dominium
To distinguish, discerno, intelli- To divine, divino, vaticinor To domineer, dominor, insulto
go, dignosco, eniteo (enchant), incanto, fascino Domineering, insolens, arrogans
Distinguishing, distinguens, dig- (guess), conjicio A domineering, insolentia
noscens A diving, urinatio Dominical, dominicus
To distort, distorqueo, torqueo Diving, immergens in aquam Dominion, dominium, ditio
A distorting, Distortion, distortio A divining, divinatio To have dominion, dominor
To distract, turbo, furio Divinity, theologia A donation, donum, donativum
Distraction, confusio, dementia Of divinity, theologicus A donor, dator, donator
To distrain, distringo The divinity, Deitas, Numen A doom, judicium, fatum
Distress, afflictio, angustiae Divisible, divisibilis, dividuus To doom, adjudico, condemno
To distress (distrain), arresto te- Divisibility, divisibilitas Doomsday, dies novissimus
nere ; (perplex), ango, premo Division, divisio, partitio, dis- A door, ostium, janua, fores
To be distressed, premor, laboro tribute ; (of parties), factio, (back), posticum; (folding),
valvae; (case), hypothyrum ; A dowry, dos, dotalitium Dreamingly, oscitanter, somni-
(posts), antes; (keeper), ostia- Given in dowry, dotalis culose
rius, janitor Having a dowry, dotata Dreary, mcestus, horridus
From door to door, ostiatlm Having no dowry, indotata Dregs, faex, recrementum (of ;

Doric, Doricus A dowse, alapa oil), amurca (of vinegar),


Dormant (sleeping), dormiens ; A doxology, doxologia oxygion; (of wine), floces;

(hidden), celatus, latens; (un- A doxy, meretrix sugar), purgamenta; (of the
improved), servatus ; (unac- To doze, sopio, soporor people), sordes, sentina, faex;
tive), consopitus A dozen, duodecim, duodeni (of a distemper), reliquiae
To lie dormant, lateo, celor Adrab, scortum, scrapta; (cloth), Cleared from dregs, defaecatus
A dormitory, dormitorium pannus crassior Dreggy, faeculentus
A dormouse, glis Draff, siliquae, segisterium To drein (drain), eliquo
A dose, potio, dosis A drag, harpago ; (net), tragula A drench, salivatum
A dot, punctiuncula To drag, traho, rapto To drench, potionem medicam
To dot, punctiunculis notare Dragging, trahens, raptans dare ; (dip in), immergo, re-
Dotage, deliratio, delirium To draggle, collutulo pleo
Dotal, dotalis Draggled, collutulatus Dress, ornatus, vestitus, cultus
A dotard, delirus, senecio A draggle-tail, mulier sordida To dress (adorn), orno, como ;
To dote, deliro, desippio ; (upon, A dragon, draco (put on), induo; (a horse), de-
or love), depereo, deamo A dragoon, eques sclopetarius pecto ; (hemp), carmino ; (lea-
Doted upon, deamatus A drain, fossa, elicium ther), macero ; (cloth), polio;
Doting, delirans, delirus, vecors To drain, desicco (a dead body), pollincio ;
Dotingly, aniliter, insane To be drained, exsiccor (meat), coquo ; (a tree), am-
Dotish, delirabundus A draining, exsiccatio puto; (avine),colo; (a wound),
Double, duplex, geminus A drake, anas mas emplastrum adhibere
A double, or fold, plica A dram (in weight), drachma A dresser, ornator, vestitor; (of
The double, duplum haustus
(of spirits), meat),coquus ;
(board), mensa
To double, duplico, gemino A drama, drama, fabula coquinaria
(cape), praetervehor ; (one's Dramatic, dramaticus Dressing, ornans, exornans
list), comprimere digitos A dramatist, fabularum scriptor Dressing (by a surgeon), curatio
A double-dealer, velerator A draper, pannarius (woollen), ;
A dressing, ornatio, ornatus ; (of
Double-chinned, duplicato mento lanarius; (linen), linteo meat), coctio
prseditus ; (hearted), fallax Drapery, panni textura ; (in To dribble (drip), stillo; (drivel),
(tongued), mendax, bilinguis, painting), voluta salivam emittere
fallax A draught (first copy), exemplar; A dribbler (driveller), ineptus
A doublet, subucula (of a will), formula ; (pull), A dribblet, summula
A doubling, duplicatio, gemina- nisus, tractus ; (of drink), hau- Dribbling (small), parvus
tio stus; (ofanet),jactus; (privy), A drift, propositum (purpose), ;

Doubly, dupliciter forica, latrina scopus (of snow), procella,


A doubt, dubium, scrupulus Draughts, ludus latrunculorum vis ;

(of sand), cumulus
To doubt, dubito, haesito, fiuc- Draught, jugalis Adrift, solutus
tuo, haereo (suspect), suspi-
Quick-draught, facilis, citus A drill, terebra
cor; (keep in suspense), sus- To draw, traho, duco; (allure), To drill, terebro, perforo, ordino
pendo allicio, (a bill), cho-
pellicio; Driness, siccitas, ariditas
Without doubt, procul dubio rographum mittere (a circle), ;
Drink, potus, haustus
Doubtful, dubius, anceps, incer- circulum ducere; (beer, &c), To drink, bibo, poto; (excessive-
tus promo ; {or sweep along), ver- ly), pergraecor ; (in), imbibo;
Doubtfully, ambigue, dubie ro; (asunder), detraho; (away), (up), absorbeo, exhaurio; (to),
Doubtfulness, ambiguitas, dubi- abstraho, sub duco, averto ;
propino; (together), compono
tatio (back), retraho; (back), tergi- A drinker, potator, potor ; (ex-
A doubting, dubitatio, haesitatio versor; (back, or refuse), de- cessive), bibax, temulentus, vi-
Doubtless, certe, certissime trecto ; (blood), detraho ; (a nosus ; (of water), aquae potor
A dove, columbus, columba ; bow), flecto, tendo ; (breath), Drinking, potans, bibens
(ring), palumbes ; (stock), pa- respiro ; (lots), sortior; (in A drinking, potatio ; (match),
lumbus ;
(turtle), turtur ; writing), describo; (as a pain- compotatio
(house), columbarium ter), adumbro, delineo, pingo, To drip, stillo, distillo
Like a dove, columbaris, colum- depingo; (down forces), duco; Dripping, stillans, rorans
binus (the eyes upon), converto A dripping, stillatio
Dove-tail, compages, cardo Drawers, subligacula The dripping, liquamen
Dough, farina subacta Drawing along, trahens To drive, agito, pello, circumago,
Doughty, fortis, validus Drawing (with a pencil), adum- dispello; (at), molior, Conor;
Dowager, vidua nobilis brans, delineans, describens (away), abigo, arceo ; (away
Dowerless, indotata A drawing (away), secessio ; time), tero; (from pasture),
Down, lanugo (of flowers, &c),
(back), retractatio. See to dispesco; (a carriage), aurigor;
pappus (of feathers), lana
Draw (off, or delay), dfffero ; (on),
Of down, lanuginosus A drawing, llneatio impello, urgeo, expello ; (a
A down (green hill), grumus; To drawl, lente proferre trade), exerceo (to extremity),

(plain), planities Easily drawn, ductilis, ductitius redigo ; (force), compello, co-
The downs, tumuli arenarii A dray, traha, tragula go ;
(toward), adigo; (under),
Down, adv. deorsum A drayman, trahae auriga subigo
Down, adj. tristis, severus, ne- Dread, pavor, iormido Drivel, saliva, sputum
bulosus, mcestus, declivis, ver- To dread, metuo, expavesco To drivel, salivam emittere
gens, pronus, [ad inopiam re- Dreaded, Dread, formidatus A driveller, ineptus, insulsus
dactus Dreadful, horrendus, tremendus A driver, auriga, agitator
Right down, perpendicularis Dreadfully, horrific^ A driving, agitatio (of piles), ;

Down to, usque ad Dreadfulness, horror fistucatio ; (away), propulsa-

Downright, simplex Dreadless, intrepidus tio ; (out), expulsio
Downward, deorsum A dreading, timiditas, pavor To drizzle, roro, irroro
Up and down, ultro citr&que A dream, somnium (idle fancy),
A droll, mimus
A downfall, casus, lapsus, ruina nugae, deliramentum Droll, lepidus, jocosus
Downhill, declivis, praeceps To dream, somnio, deliro Drollery, jocus, facetiae
To bear down, prostemo, obruo A dreamer, somniator A dromedary, dromas
To bring down (humble), coer- Dreaming, somnians, somniosus; A drone (bee), fucus; (person),
ceo (slow), tardus, tardigradus, tar- piger, segnis
Downy, mollis, tene? dipes, tardiloquus To droop, langueo, consenesco
Drooping, languidus, tabescens, Dulcet, dulcis, suavis Adye.color; (or dyeing), tincturg
senescens, tristis, irabecilis To dulcify, edulco A dye. See Dice
A drooping, languor A dulcimer, sambuca To dye (colour), tingo, inficio;
Droopingly, languide Dull, hebes, insulsus, stupidus, (red colour), minio; (violet),
A drop, gutta, stilla nebulosus conchylio
A little drop, guttula To dull, hebeto, obtundo A dyer, tinctor, infector
By drops, guttattm To grow dull, hebesco, torpeo Of a deep dye, atrox
To drop, stillo; (let fall), di- Dulled, obtusus, contusus Dying, moriens ; (near death),
mitto; (let slip), omitto, prae- Dully, tarde, insulse
tereo; (down), cado, labor; Dulness, segnities, inertia, tar- A dying away, animi deliqnium
(off, or die), decedo, raorior ; ditas, torpor, obscuratio, stu- A dyeing colours, tinctura
(with sweat), diffluo; (out, as por, stupiditas Dynasty, dynastia, imperium
water), emano; (as gum), la- Duly, rite, accurate A dysentery, dysenteria
crymo; (with wet), madeo Dumb, mutus, taciturnus
A dropping, stillicidium To be dumb, obmutesco
Dropping (down), deciduus ; Dumbness, muti status
(wet), malidus ; (in), instil- To be in the dumps, stupeo
lans In the dumps, moestus, attonitus
Dropsical, hydropicus Dun-coloured, fuscus
The dropsy, hydrops To dun, pecuniam exigere
Dross, scoria, faex, spurcities A dun, or Dunner, exactor Each, quisque, singuli; (of us),
Drossy, scoria, or faece abundans A dunce, stipes, hebes uterque nostrum
A drove, armentum, agmen Dung, stercus, merda Eager (sharp), acer, acidus; (ear-
A drover, pecoris agitator To dung (as a horse), alvum ex- nest), vehemens; (fierce), fc-
By droves, catervatim onerare; (land), stercoro rox; (ravenous), famelicus; (in
Drought, siccitas, sitis Of dung, stercorarius, stercoreus desire), cupidus
Droughty, siccus, aridus Full of dung, stercorosus To be eager, aceo, acesco; (after
To drown, demergo, in undo, im- A dunghill, sterquilinium a thing), exardesco, ardeo
mergo; (a sound), obscuro A dungeon, tullianum, barathrum Eagerly, avide, cupide, acriter
Drowsy, somnolentus Dunned, efflagitatus, postulatus Eagerly bent upon, ardens
To be drowsy, torpeo, langueo A dunning, solicitatio, postulatio Eagerness (in taste), acor, acer-
Drowsiness, torpor, stupor Dunny, surdus, surdaster bitas; (in temper), aviditas,
To drub, csedo, verbero A dupe, insulsus, stolidus cupiditas; (in fight), pugnacitas
A drubbing, fustuarium To dupe, fallo, illudo An eagle, aquila
A drudge, lixa, mancipium A duplicate, exemplar alteram Like an eagle, aquilinus
To drudge, famulor, defatigo ;
Duplicity, duplicitas An ear, auris ; (of a pot), ansa
(for oysters), piscari ostrea Durable, perennis, firmus Of the ear, auricularis
Drudgery, servitus, famulitium Durableness, perennitas, finnitas To give ear, attendo, ausculto
A drug, medicamen; (worth no- Durably, perenne, firmiter, firme Giving ear, attentus, auscultans
thing), vile, nullius pretii Durance (of time), duratio; (im- An ear-pick, auriscalpium
To grow a drug, vilesco prisonment), custodia, incar- An ear-ring, inauris; (wig), fullo
A druggist, seplasiarius ceratio Having ears (as a cup), ansatus
Druids, druidae Duration, duratio, continuatio To ear, spicas emittere
A drum, tympanum Duress, custodia, afflictio Eared (as corn), spicatus
To drum, pulsare tympanum During, prep, per, inter, secun- An earl, comes
A drummer, tympanista dum ; adv. dum An earldom, comitatns
Drunk, ebrius, vinolentus Dusk, Duskish, tenebrosus, ob- Early, adj. maturus ;
(in the
To be drunk, inebrior scurus morning), matutinus, prima
To make drunk, inebrio The dusk, crepusculura luce, multo mane
A drunkard, ebriosus, teraulentus Duskishness, tenebrae, caligo Too early, prsematurus
Drunkenness, ebrietas, crapula Dust, pulvis; (mill-dust), moli- Early, adv. mature, temporl
Dry, aridus, siccus ; (thirsty), si- tura; (saw-dust), scobs; (file- To earn, lucror, mereor
ticulosus ; (empty, flat), ins ul- dust), limatura, ramentum ; Earned, labore quaesitus
sus, jejunus; (reserved), taci- (sweepings), quisquiliae An earning, stipendium, merces
turnus Full of dust, pulverulentus Earnest (diligent), diligens, as-
A dry fellow, facetus To make a dust, pulverem exci- siduus; (vehement), ardens, so-
To dry, desicco, arefacio, exsicco, tare licitus; (important), magnus,
aresco To throw dust, conspergo gravis
A drying, siccatio, insolatio To dust, abstergeo, detergeo Earnest-money, arrha, arrhabo
Dryly, sicce A duster, peniculum In earnest, seri6, revera, bona fide
Dryness, siccitas, ariditas Dusty, pulvereus To be earnest, urgeo, insto
Dual, dualis To grow dusty, pulvero Earnestly, diligenter, instanter
To dub, creo A reducing into dust, pulveratio So earnestly, tantopere
Dubious, dubius, ambiguus Dutch, Belgicus Earnestness, assiduitas, ardor
Dubiously, dubie, incerte A duchess, ducissa The earth, terra, tellus
Ducal, ducalis A duchy, ducatus To earth (as a fox), terram su-
A ducat, ducatus Dutiful, obsequens, obediens bire; (plants), terrae mandare
The duce, dyas To be dutiful, obsequor Earthen, fictilis, figlinus, terreus
A duchess, ducissa Dutifully, obedienter Earthly, terrenus, terrestris
A duchy, ducatus Dutifulness, obedientia, pietas Born of the earth, terrigena
A duck, anas Duty, officium, munus; (tax), An earthquake, terrae motus
To duck, submergo census, vectigal An earthing (of herbs), pulveratio
A ducking, submersio Duumvirate, duumviratus Earthy, terrenus, terrestris
A duct, ductus A dwarf, nanus, pumilio Ease (rest),otium, quies, requies;
Ductile, ductilis, sequax Dwarfish, pumilus, exiguus (pleasure), voluptas, gaudium;
Ductility, ductilitas To dwell, habito, commoror, colo, (without pain), doloris vacui-
A dudgeon (half dagger), pugio incolo, inhabito, accolo ; (in tas; (without trouble), facilitas
To take in dudgeon, gravor the country), rusticor; (insist At ease, otiose, facillime
Due, debitus, idoneus upon), insisto To ease (give ease), levo, relevo,
A due, debitum, jus A dweller, incola, habitator, ac- lenio, sublevo ; (a ship), laxo
To be due, debeor cola, vicinus "With ease, facile, prompte
A duel,pugna singularis A dwelling, domus, domicilium A little ease, custodia arcta
A dug, uber, mamma To dwindle, consumor, imjninuor, An easement, or Easing, levamen
A duke, dux, satrapes tabesco Easily, facile, expedite, leniter
A dukedom, ducatus A dwindling away, consumptio prompte, molliter
Easiness, facilitas; (of address), An eel, anguilla An elder-tree, sambucus
affabilitas; (of belief), credu- To efface, oblitero, deleo Eldership, major a:tas; (in the
litas; (of expression), celeritas An effacing, obliteratio, deletio church), presbyterium
The east, oriens, ortus; (wind), An effect, effectum, summa Elderly, aetate provectior
eurus, subsolanus Effects, opes, facultates Eldest, maximus natu
Eastern, Easterly, orientalis, To effect, efficio, exequor To elect, eligo, deligo
Eous Of no effect, cassus, irritus Election, electio, delectus; (da>
Easter, pascha To no effect, nequicquam, inca«- of), dies comitiorum
Belonging to Easter, paschalis sum An elector, elector
Easy, facilis, expeditus, promptus In effect, revera, fer& Electoral, electoralis
(of belief), credulus ; (to be Effective, effectivus An electorate, electoratus
borne), tolerandus, ferendus, Effectively, revera, emcaciter Electricity, electricitas
tolerabilis Effectual, efficax An electuary, electuarium
To eat, edo, comedo, mando, ves- Effectually, prorsiis, omnino Eleemosynary, eleemosynarius
cor, manduco; (as cattle), de- Effeminacy, mollities muliebris Elegance, or Elegancy, venustas ;

pasco; (nibble), arrodo; (as Effeminate, effemin atu s, muliebris (in dress), ornatus, mundities
aqua fortis), corrodo, exedo; Effeminately, muliebriter, molli- Elegant (in speech), elegans, elo-
(or wear away), tero, attero; ter quens; (in dress), comptus,
(greedily), devoro; (immoder- Effervesce (to), effervesco nitidus
ately), iugurgito; (as a sore), Efficacious, efiicax, valens Very elegant, perelegans
exulcero; (one's words), re- Efficaciously, efficaciter Elegantly, eleganter, compte
canto Efficacy, efficacia, vis Elegiac, elegiacus
Eatable, esculentus, edulis Efficient, efficiens An elegy, elegia, elegus
Eatables, cibaria, esca, cibus An effigies, or effigy, effigies An element, elementum; (ele-
A great eater, helluo, edax An conatus, impetus
effort, ments, or grounds of an art),
An eating, comestura Effrontery, impudentia, audacia elementa, principia
Eating, part, edens, arrodens Effulgence, fulgor, splendor The four elements, quatuor geni-
adj. edax, corrosivus Effulgent, fulgens, splendens talia corpora
An eating-house, popina, caupona An effusion, effusio Elemental, elementarius
Eaves, colliquiae, suggrundia An egg, ovum ;
(new), ovum re- Elenchtical, elenchticus
An eaves-dropper (listener), co- cens (addle), ovum urinum
An elephant, elephas ; (its trunk),
rycseus To egg on, instigo, urgeo proboscis
To ebb (as the sea), recedo, re- An egger on, instigator, impulsor Elephantine, elephantinus
fluo; (decrease), decresco Egregious, egregius, insignis To elevate, levo, exhilaro ; (the
The ebb, recessus, refluxus Egregiously, egregie, valde voice), vocem attollere
Ebbing and flowing, reciprocans An egress, egressus, exitus An elevating, or Elevation, ele-
Ebony, ebenum ./Egyptian, iEgyptiacus, jEgyptius vatio, elatio (of the host ) , sub-

Ebullition, effervesceutia To ejaculate, ejaculor latio, exhibitio; (of the pole),

Eccentric, excentricus An ejaculation, ejaculatio poli altitudo ; (to honours), pro-
Ecclesiastic, Ecclesiastical, ec- To eject, ejicio motio
clesiasticus An ejectment, ejectio Eleven, undecim, undeceni
Ecclesiastics, ecclesiastici Eight, octo, octoni Of eleven, undenarius
An echo, echo, sonus repercus- Belonging to eight, octonarius Eleven times, undecies
sus Eight times, octies The eleventh, undecimus
To echo, resono, repercutio _
Eightfold, octuplex An elf, larva, pumilio
Echoing, resonans, repercutiens Eight times as much, octuplus To elicit, elicio
An eclipse, eclipsis, deliquium Eight years old, octennis Eligible, eligibilis, eligendus
To eclipse, obumbro. obscuro Eighteen, octodecim Elision, elisio
To be in an eclipse, deficio Eighteenth, decimus octavus Elixir, elixir
Ecliptic, eclipticus Eighteen times, octodecies An elk, alee
An eclogue, ecloga The eighth, octavus An ell, ulna
An ecstasy, ectasis Eighthly, octavum An ellipsis, ellipsis
Ecstatic, maximus Eight hundred, octingenti Elliptical, ellipticus, mancus
An eddy, vortex; (wind), ventus The eight-hundredth, octingen- An elm-tree, ulmus
retrocedens a vento tesimus Elocution, elocutio
The edge (of any thing), margo, Eight hundred times, octingen- To abscedo
elope, discedo,
ora; (of a knife), acies, acu- ties An elopement, a marito discessus
men; (of a fillet), taenia; (of a Eight thousand, octies mille Eloquence, eloquentia, facundia
garment), fimbria, (of aplace), (times), octies millies Eloquent, eloquens, disertus, fa-
extremitas Eighty, octoginta cundus
To set an edge, acuo, exacuo Eighty times, octogies Eloquently, eleganter, diserte
To edge (in), insinuo;
intrudo, By eighties, octogeni (not eloquently), inornate, in-
(the teeth), dentes hebetare; The eightieth, octogesimus culte
(with lace), praetexo; (with An eilet hole, ansula Else (beside), praeterea; (with,
gold), auro anibire Justice in eire, justitiarius itine- or answering to whether), sive,
Edged, acutus, acuminatus ; (bor- rans an, utrum ; (more), adhuc, am-
dered), nmbriatus Either, adj. uter, alteruter, uter- plius, porrd, praeterea; (other),
Edgeless, obtusus vis, uterlibet alius; (otherwise), aliter, alio-
An edgiisg, fimbria, limbus Either (answering to or), ant, vel qul, alioquin, caeteroquln ; (with,
Edible, edulis, esculentus On either part, utrinque or answering to either), aut,
An edict, edictum, decretum Eke (also), etiam, itidem vel; (or else), aut, vel, alias,
Edification, instructio To eke out, produco. See Eek aut secus
An edifice, sedificium Elaborate, elaboratus, accuratus Elsewhere, alibi ;
To edify, instruo Elaborately, elaborate, accurate else), alicubi ; (of somebody
Edifying, instruens, ad docendum To elapse, labor, praetereo elsej, aliunde; (nowhere else),
utilis Elastic, resiliens nusquam alio
An edile, aedilis Elasticity, v.'s resiliendi To elucidate, explico, elucido
An edition, editio Elate, elatus, inflatus An elucidation, explicatio
An editor, editor To elate, superbum reddere, inflo To elude, eludo, evado, effugio
To educate, educo, instituo To be elated, superbio, inflor An eluding, elusio, evitatio
An educating, Education, edu- The elbow, cubitus, ulna Elves, larvae, lemures
catio Elbow-room, spatium laxum An elusion, fraus, dolus
To eek,or eke out, produco, augeo Elder in age, senior; (elders), Elusive, fraudulentus, fallax
Eeked, productus, auctus majores, proavi, veteres Elysian, elysius, laetus
An eeking, productio, auctio An elder, presbyter To emacerate, macero, extenuo
;; ; ;;


To emaciate, emacio, macero An employ, ars, qusestus To endorse, inscribo
An emaciating, extenuatio An employment, negotium To endow, doto, instruo
Emanation, emanatio An empress, imperatrix An endowment, dotatio, dos
To emancipate, emancipo, libero Emptily, leviter, vane To endue, imbuo, dono
Emancipation, emanoipatio Emptiness, vacuum, inanitas To endure (bear, or suffer), fero,
To emasculate (geld), castro ;
Empty (void), iuanis, vacuus patior.tolero; (continue), duro,
(weaken), enervo, debilito (vain, unprofitable), vanus, in- perduro, permaneo
To embalm, pollincio, condio utilis, merus Enduring, tolerans ; (for ever),
An embalming, pollinctura To empty, vacuo, evacuo, exhau- sempiternus, perennis
An embargo, arrestum mercato- rio, exinanio ; (into another An enemy, inimicus, hostis
rium vessel), transfundo, decapulo Of an enemy, hostilis
To embark, navem conscendere; To be empty, vaco Like an enemy, hostiliter
(an army), imponere exercitum To grow empty, inanesco Energetical, energeticus
(in an affair), rem agendam An emptying, evacuatio Energy, vis, efflcacia
Buscipere; (in tbe same de- Empyreal, empyraeus To enervate, enervo, debilito
sign), particeps esse To emulate (envy), in video, eemu- To enfeeble, debilito, infirmo
An embarkation, in navem con- lor; (imitate), imitor To enfeoff, fidei alicujus credere
scensio An emulation, aemulatio To enforce, cogo, confirmo
Embarking, navem conscendens Emulgent, emulgens To enfranchise, manumitto
To embarrass, impedio [turn Emulous, aemulus (make free), civitate aliquem
An embarrassment, impedimen- An emulsion, lac medicinale donare
To embase, depravo To enable, vires suppeditare To engage (one), obligo, de-
An embassy, legatio Enabled, potens, factus vincio ;
(pass one's word),
To embattle, aciem instruere To enact, sancio, decerno, fero spondeo, vador; (in battle),
To embellish, polio, orno Enacting, sanciens, decernens confligo, concurro ;
(one's ho-
An embellishment, ornatus An enacting, sanctio nour), fidem interponere
Embers, favilla, cinis Enamel, encaustum To be engaged, occupor, devin-
Of embers, cinereus To enamel, encausto pingere cior
Ember-weeks, quatuor tempora To enamour, amore accendere An engagement (fight), pugna,
jejunii; (days), feriae esuriales Enamoured, amore captus ;
(des- praenum ; (surety), vadimo-
To embezzle, interverto, surripio perately), perdite amans nium, sponsio; (promise), pro-
Emblematic, emblematicus To encamp, castra ponere missum
To emboss, sculp o, caelo An encampment, castrametatio Engaging, jucundus, gratas
To embowel, exeutero To enchant, excanto. Seelnchant To engender, genero, gigno
To embrace, amplector To encircle, cingo An engine, machina ; (device),
An embrace, amplexus, com- To enclose, includo artificium, stropha
plexus An enclosure, septum An engineer, machinator
An embrocation, fomentum An encomiast, laudator English, Anglus, Anglicanus
To embroider, acu pingere An encomium, laus Englishmen, Angli
An embroiderer, acupictor To encompass, cingo To English, Anglice reddere
An embroidering, intextus To encounter, congredior, con- To speak English, Anglice loqui
Embroidery, opus Phrygium fligo Engrailed, crenatus
To embroil, misceo An encounter (meeting), con- To engrave, caelo, sculpo
To embrae, tin go, imbuo gressus; (fight), certamen, di- An engraver, caelator, sculptor
An embryo, embryo micatio, pugna An engraving, sculptura
An emendation, correctio To encourage, animo, instigo, To engross, coemo, flagello ; (a
An emerald, smaragdus hortor ;
(prefer), promoveo ;
writing), latius exscribere
To emerge, emergo plaudo
(praise), An engrosser, flagellator
An emergency, casus, res natae Encouraged, animatus, accensus To enhance, pretium augere
Emergent (sudden), subitus, re- An encourager, hortator An enhancer, mercis corrogator
pentinus ;
(weighty), magni An encouragement, hortatus An enhancing, auctus
momenti To encroach, usurpo, invado An enigma, aenigma
The emeroids, haemorrhois To encumber, impedio Enigmatical, aenigmaticus
Emetic, emeticus, vomitorius An end (extremity, or bound), To enjoin, injungo, jubeo
Emigration, migratio finis,terminus, meta ; (aim, or To enjoy, fruor, potior, possideo
Eminence (dignity), eminentia, design), consilium, causa ; (one's self), se oblectare
dignitas ; (height), altitudo, (event, or issue), exitus, even- Enjoyed, perceptus
locus editus tus ; (an ill end), exitium ;
Having enjoyed, potitus
Eminent, eximius, conspicuus, (end of a play), catastrophe An enjoyer, possessor
excellens, egregius In the end, demiun, denique An enjoying, or Enjoyment, pos-
Eminently, eximie, insigniter At the end of, extrem6 sessio, fructus perceptio
An emissary, emissarius To what end ? quorsum Enjoyments, voluptates
Emission, or Emitting, emissio To no end, frustra To enlarge (extend, or increase),
To emit, emitto To the end that, e6 ut extendo, dilato, distendo ;
An emmet, formica For this end, hujus rei causa (upon a subject), copiose lo-
Emollient, emolliens Up on end, erectus qui; (set free), vinctum sol-
Emolument, lucrum, commodum To end, finio, termino, concludo, vere, or ex custodia dimittere
Emotion, agitatio, commotio desino An enlarging, or Enlargement,
To empannel, designo To make an end, perficio amplificatio, ex custodia emis-
An empeachment, accusatio, cri- To endamage, noceo sio
minatio To endanger, periclitor To enlighten, illumino, illustro
An emperor, imperator Endangering, periclitans An enlightening, illustratio
An emphasis, energia, emphasis To endear, obligo, devincio To enliven, animo
Emphatical, emphaticus Endearment, caritas An enlivening, animatio
Emphatically, emphatice An endeavour, conatus Enmity, simultas, inimicitia
An empire, imperium, summa- To endeavour, conor, enitor, mo- To ennoble, nobilito, illustro
tus lior,expeto, contendo, aspiro Enormity, atrocitas
An empiric, empiricus Endeavouring, conans, nixus Enormous, enormis, atrox
An emplaster, emplastrum With great endeavour, enixe Enormously, enormiter, nefarift
To employ (bestow, or use), ad- Ended, finitus, perfectus Enough, abunde, sat, satis
hibeo, confero, impendo, im- An ending (of a thing), exitus, To enquire, inquiro
pertio ;
about an
(or set affair), eventus; (of a dispute), con- To enrage, stimulo, irrito
committere negotium alicui troversiae diremptio To enrich, locupleto, dito
(occupy), occupo; (in study), Endless, inffnitus, perpetuus To enroll, inscribo
literin versari Endive, intybum An ensample, exemplum, typua
An ensign (colours), vexillum An envoy, nuncius, legatus Ermine-skin, mustelae albae pel-
(bearer), signifer Envy, invidia, livor licula
To enslave, in servitutem redigere To envy, invideo To err, erro, oberro, decipior,
Enslaved, mancipatus To be envied, invidia premi hallucinor
To ensue, sequor, succedo The epact, epactae An errand, mandatum, nuncium
Ensuing, sequens An ephemeris, ephemeris To carry an errand, mandata per-
To entail, haereditatem tradere Ephemeral, diurnus ferre
To entangle, implico, irretio An ephod, ephod An errand-boy, nuncius
To enter (go into), intro, ingre- Epic, epicus Errata, errata, mendae
dior; (as a sword, into the An epicure, helluo, gulosus Erratic, erraticus
body), in corpus descendere Epicurism, ingluvies, gula An erring, erratio
(by violence), irrumpo, in- Epidemical, epidemicus, conta- Erroneous, erroneus, falsus
trudo; (by stealth), irrepo ; (an giosus Erroneously, false, falsb
action), dicam scribere; (into An epigram, epigramma Error (fault), erratum, delictum;
the merits), investigo, perscru- An epilepsy, epilepsia (in opinion), error, halluci-
tor; (into a treaty), consilia Epileptic, comitialis natio ; (in an error), deceptus
inire; (into conference), collo- An epilogue, epilogus Erudition, eruditio
quium inire (into strict friend-
The epiphany, epiphania Eruption, eruptio
ship), hospitia jungere cum ali- Episcopacy, episcopatus An escape, fuga, effugium
quo; (upon an office), magis- Episcopal, episcopalis To escape, evado, effugio, aufugio,
tratum occipere; (upon an es- An episode, episodium elabor; (by flight), evolo; (pri-
tate), haereditatem capessere ; An epistle, epistola, literae vily), subterfugio ; (by strug-
(upon a design), consilium ca- Epistolary, epistolaris gling), eluctor; (danger), vi-
pere (into holy orders), sacris
An epitaph, epitaphium [tiale tare periculum (the memory),

iuitiari An epithalamium, carmen nup- ex memoria excidere

An enterprise, coeptum, incep- An epithet, epitheton An escar, cicatrix
tum, facinus An epitome, epitome, compen- An escheat, escaeta
Toenterprise, aggredior, Conor dium To escheat, ad fiscum recidere
Enterprised, susceptus, gestus To epitomise, in compendium re- To eschew, vito, devito, effugio
An enterpriser, inceptor digere; (epitomised), in com- Eschewed, devitatus, evitatus
An enterprising, susceptio pendium redactus An eschewing, evitatio
To entertain (believe, or admit), An epoch, epocha, sera To escort, deduco, comitor
credo, admitto ; (divert), ob- Equal, aequalis, sequus, par Esculent, esculentus
lecto ; (lodge), hospitio ali- To equal, aequo, exaequo An escutcheon, insigne gentili-
quem accipere ; (with stories), Equal weight, aequilibrium tium
fabulas narrare; (treat), acci- Equals, pares, consortes Especial, praecipuus, specialis
pio, excipio ; (keep), alo, sus- Equality, aequalitas, paritas Especially, praecipue, specialiter,
tento; (one kindly), benigneac- To equalize, aequo, exiequo praesertlm
cipere; (hope), spem concipere An equalizing, aequatio Most especially, maxime
An entertainer, hospes Equally, aequaliter, aeque Espied, exploratus, visus
Entertaining, jucundus, gratus Equanimity, aequanimitas Espousals, sponsalia
An entertainment, convivium, Equation, aequatio To espouse, despondeo, desponso;
epulae, hospitium ; (amuse- The equator, aequator (a cause), patrocinor
ment), detentio, occupatio An equerry, stabuli praefectus To espy, speculor, exploro ; (by
To enthral, mancipo Equestrian, equestris chance), aspicio, video; (au
Enthralment, servitus Equiangular, aequiangularis opportunity), tempus captare.
To enthrone, in solio collocare Equidistant, ex aequo distans See to Spy.
Enthroned, in solio collocatus Equilateral, aequis lateribus in- An esquire, armiger, scutiger
Enthusiasm, enthusiasmus structus, aequilateralis An essay, molimen, specimen,
An enthusiast, enthusiasta Equilibrious, aequilibris experimentum, periclitatio, co-
Enthusiastic, enthusiasticus Equilibrium, aequilihrium natus
To entice, allicio, pellicio Equinoctial, aequinoctialis To essay, tento, experior
An enticement, illecebra Equinox, aequinoctium An essence (being), natura, es-
Enticing, alliciens, blandus To equip (with stores), necessa- sentia ; (in chymistry), ex-
Entire, integer, totus ria suppeditare ; (a fleet), clas- tractio chemica
Entirely, omninb, unice sem adornare Essential, essentialis
To entitle, appello, auctoro Equipage, instrumentum, orna- Essentially, essentialiter, natura
An entity, res, ens tus, pompa, comitatus, appa- To establish, stabilio, confirmo,
To entomb, tumulo ratus, cultus constituo, sancio
Entrails, exta, viscera An equipoise, aequilibrium An establishment, stabilimentum
An entrance, ingressus, aditus Equipped, ornatus, instructus An estate (means), res, res fami-
To give entrance, fores aperire An equipment, apparatus liaris, census, bona, opes, di-
To deny entrance, janua prohi- Equitable, aequus, Justus vitiae ;
(of life), status, conditio,
bere, sinibus arcere Equitably, ut aequum est aetas, ratio
Entrance-money, minerval Equity, aequitas, aequum Esteem, sestimatio
To entrap, irretio, inesco, illa- Equivalence, par virtus To esteem, aestimo, habeo, duco,
queo Equivalent, aequivalens, par pendo; (judge), existimo, re-
To entreat, rogo, oro To be equivalent, aequivaleo, ex- puto, statuo, opinor; (better),
Entreaty, rogatio, obsecratio, pre- aequo antehabeo ; (greatly), magni-
catio, precis Equivocal, aequivocus, ambiguus facio ;
(little), vili pendere,
An entering into, ingressus Equivocally, aequivoce, ambigue parvi ducere ;
(less), postpono
An entry (into a house, or place), To equivocate, callide mentiri (as nothing), nihili facere ;
aditus, introitus, vestibulum; An equivocation, ambiguitas (worthy), dignor
(in law), ingressus To eradicate, eradico, extirpo To be esteemed, aestimor; (not to
To entwine, convolvo An eradication, extirpatio be esteemed), sordeo
To envenom, veneno inficere To erase, erado, deleo To estimate, aestimo, pendo
Envenomed, venenatus An erasement, litura An estimate, calculatio, pretium
Envious, invidus, lividus Ere, antequam, priusquam; (ere Great estimation, dignitas
Enviously, invidiose, invide long), modb, brevi ; (ere now), An estimator, calculator, aesti-
To environ, circumdo, cingo ante hoc tempus Estival, aestivus [mator
The environs, vicinitas To erect (raiseup), erigo ; (build), To estrange, alieno, abalieno
To enumerate, enumero, recen- aedifico, condo, struo An estreat, exemplum, extracta
seo, stipo An erecting, erectio, aedificatio To etch, aqua forti corroderc
An enumeration, recensio An eremite, eremita Eternal, aeternus, sempiternal
An enunciation, enunciatio Au ermine, mustela alba Eternally, aeternum
; ; ;


Eternity, teternitas Evincibly, clare, perspicue Excisable, tributum solvere debet
To all eternity, in aeternum. An evincing, evictio Excise, tributum, census
To eternize, aeterno, propago To eviscerate, eviscero, exentero Excision, excisio
Ethereal, aethereus Evitable, evitabilis, vitabilis To excite, excito, stimulo
Ethic, ethicus An eulogy, laus, encomium Au exciter, instigator, irritat
Ethics, ethica, mores An eunuch, eunuchus An exciting,, incitatio
Etymological, etymologicus To evolve, evolvo, explico Exciting, incitans, stimulans
An etymologist, etymologus Evolution, evolutio To exclaim, exclamo; (against),
An etymology, etymon Euphony, euphonia declamitare in aliquem, op-
To evacuate (empty), vacuo, eva- Evulsion, evulsio pugno
cuo, exhaurio ; (a town), ab An ewe, ovis foemina ;
(lamb), An exclaimer, clamator
oppido cedere agna An exclamation, exclamatio
An evacuation, evacuatio To ewe, agnum parere To exclude, excludo, excipio
Evacuative, purgans An ewer, aqualis An excluding, exclusio
To evade, evado, vito, illudo Exact (accurate), accuratus, per- Exclusive, exclusorius; (of that),
Evangelical, evangelicus fectus ; (punctual), temporis, praeter, extra
An evangelist, evangelista &c, observantissimus; (severe, Exclusively, exclusive^
To evaporate, exhalo, exudo or strict), rigidus, severus To excommunicate, excommu-
All evaporation, exhalatio To exact (demand), exigo, flagito nico
An evasion, techna, vaframentam, (upon), opprimo ; (in price), Excommunication, excommuni-
effugium nimis care vendere catio
Evasive, vafer, fallax An exactor, exactor, oppressor To excoriate, excorio, deglubo
Evasively, vafre, ficte Exaction, exactio, oppressio Excreation, excreatio
The eucharist, eucharistia Exactly, exactfe, ad uDguem An excrement, excrementum
Eucharistical, eucharisticus Exactness (accuracy), accuratio; Excrements, alvi purgationes
An eve, vigiliae, pridie diei (neatness), concinnitas Excrementitious, excrementitius
Even, adv. (also), etiam, quoque, To exaggerate, exaggero, aggravo An excrescence, tuber
omnin6, vel; (namely), nempe, An exaggerating, exaggeratio Excretion, excretio
nimirum, scilicet; (even as), To exalt (lift up), exalto, eveho To excruciate, excrucio, torqueo
queinadmodum, sicut, seque (praise), extollo, celebro Excruciating, excrucians
atque, perinde ac si ; adj. An exaltation, exaltatio, elatio To exculpate, purgo, culpa libe-
(equal, &c), aequabilis, aequus, Examination, inquisitio, examen, rare
par interrogatio ;
(of accounts), ra- An excursion (in a subject, or
To make even, adaequo; (smooth), tionum comparatio discourse), digressio ; (into a
polio, complano; (demolish), To examine (ask questions), in- place), excursio, incursio, im-
dirao, demolior terrogo; (weigh, or consider), petus, incursus
Even from, jam a, usque a; (even expendo ;
(precisely), scrutor, Excursive, errans, devius
now), modo, jam nunc (even ;
inquiro Excusable, excusabilis
then), jam turn; (even there), An examiner, inquisitor An excuse, excusatio, causa
inibi An examining, examinatio To excuse (one's self), se excu-
Even weight, aequilibrium An example, exemplum, speci- sare (admit an excuse), excu-

On even terms, requali couditione men ; (as for example), exempli sationem accipere; (extenuate
The even, Evening, or Even-tide, gratia [animo a fault), factum elevare
vespera, vesper To exanimate (discourage), ex- Excuseless, inexcusabilis
Of the evening, vespertinus An exarch, exarcha To make excuse, fingere causas
At even, vesperi To exasperate, exaspero, lacesso Execrable, execrabilis, dirus
Evenly, aequaliter, constanter To exceed, excedo, transcendo, Execrably, nefarie, odiosfe
Evenness, aequalitas, laevor; (in supero, vinco, praesto, abundo, To execrate, execror, devoveo
temper), aequammitas affluo, prsepolleo ; (the bounds), An execration, execratio, dirae
An event, eventus, exitus transire fines To execute (perform), exequor;
At events, utcunque ceciderit
all Exceeding (surpassing), prae- (a law), legem exercere ; (a
Eventual, fortuitus stans, excellens ; (excessive), malefactor), capite plectere; (a
Eventually, forte, fortuna nimius, immodicus; adv. valde, will), testamentum curare
Ever (always), semper, aeternum; vehementer (orders), transigo; (conditions
(any), ecquis, ecquisnam, nun- An exceeding, excessus of peace), pacti conditiones
quis; (at any time), ecquandd, Exceedingly, valde, eximie, egre- implere
siquandd, unquam, nuncubl gie [supero An exec uter, actor
(after), (ever and anon),
; To excel, excello, emineo, praesto, An executing, or execution, exe-
subinde; (ever before), usqufe Excellence, excellentia, praestan- cutio; (of a malefactor), sttp-
antehac; (for ever), in aeter- tia plicii capitalis inflictio
num Excellent, excellens, eximius A place of execution, furca
Everlasting, sempiternus, aeternus Excellently, egregie, optimfe An executioner, carnifex
Everlastingly, aeternum An excelling, antecessio An executive power, adminis-
An eversion, eversio, demolitio Excentricity, excentricitas tratio
Every, quilibet, quisque, singuli, Except (unless), nisi, ni; (sav- An executor, testamenti curator
quivis (body), unusquisque ;
; ing), praeter, nisi, extra; (ex- Executory, ad executionem per-
(day), indies, quotidie (oc- ; cept that), nisi, quod, nisi si tinens
casion), ex omni occasione ; To except, excipio, exirao, ex- An executrix, testamenti curatrix
(whit),omnin6, prorsus; (side), cludo, secerno, oppugno, re- Exegetical, exegeticus
undique (way), quoquover-
; pudio, demo Exemplarily, insigniter
siim; (year), quotannis An exception, exceptio Exemplary, exemplum praebens
Evidence (proof), testimonium; Exceptionable, exceptionibus ob- (life), vita imitatione digna;
(witness), testis; (clearness), noxius (punishment), supplicium in-
evidentia, perspicuitas Excess, excessus, intemperantia signe
To evidence, probo, testor Excessive, nimius, immodicus An exemplification, exemplar
Evident, evidens, manifestus Excessively, immoderate, immo- To exemplify (copy), transcribo;
To be evident, consto, appareo dice (illustrate), explico
To make evident, illustro, pate- Excessiveness, superfluitas An exemplifying, descriptio, ex-
facio To exchange, permuto, commuto positio
Evidently, manifests, aperte An exchange, mutatio, commu- To exempt (free), eximo, libero
Evil, malus, pravus, improbus tatio (tomeetin), excambium,
; Exempt, exemptus, immunis
An evil, malum, damnum byrsa An exemption, exemptio, imam-
An evil-doer, sceleratus, scelestus An exchanger, nummularius nitas
Evil-minded, mahgnus An exchanging, commutatio Exequies, exequiae, funus
To evince, evinco, probo The exchequer, acrarium, fiscns An exercise, exercitium; (miii-
tary), exercitatio militaris; (of An experiment, experimentum Extenuation, extenuatio
an office), muneris functio; Experimental, usu comparatus Exterior, exterior, externus
(recreation), animi relaxatio Expert, expertus, peritus To exterminate, extermino, ex-
(task), pensum Expertly, perite, scienter tirpo
To exercise, exerceo; (authority Expertness, peritia, scientia An extermination, extirpatio
over), dominari alicui ; (an Expiable, piabilis, placabilis External, externus, exterus
office), fungor; (as a soldier), To expiate, expio, lustro Externally, extrinsecds
arma exercere; (in business), An expiation, expiatio, piatio Extinct, extinctus, defunctus
operi incumbere Expiatory, expiatorius To be extinct, extinguor
To be exercised in, occupor, versor To expire, expiro, rinior An extinction, extinctio.interitus
Exercises, certamina, ludi Expired, mortuus, determinatus To extinguish, extinguo, deleo
To exert, exero, exhibeo; (one's An expiring, or Expiration, exitus, An extinguisher, suffocatorium
self), viribus eniti finis An extinguishing, extinctio
To exhale, exhalo, expiro To explain, explico, cxpono To extirpate, extirpo, eradico
An exhalation, exhalatio An explainer, explicator An extirpating, extirpatio
To exhaust, exhaurio Explanation,, expositio To extol, laudo, praedico, laudibus
An exhausting, exinanitio Expletive, expletivus efferre
To exhibit, exhibeo, ostendo To explicate, explico An extoller, laudator
An exhibiting-, or Exhibition, ex- Explication, explicatio An extolling, laudatio
hibitio ; (allowance), stipen- Explicative, explanans Extorsive, injustus, iniquus
dium Explicit, explicitus, clarus To extort, extorqueo, diripio
To exhilarate, exhilaro, laetifico Explicitly, clare, distincte Extortion, expilatio, direptio
Exhilarating, leetans, laetabilis To explode, explodo, rejicio An extortioner, extortor, expi-
To exhort, adhortor, suadeo An exploding, explosio, exactio lator, exactor
An exhortation, hortatio, moni- An exploit, actum, facinus To extract, extraho, expromo, ex-
tum Noble exploits, res gestee primo, educo, excerpo
Exhortative, suasorius To explore, exploro, exquiro An extract (draught), exemplar,
An exhorter, hortator An exploring, indagatio excerptum; (descent), genus,
An exhorting, hortatio An explosion, explosio, fragor stirps ; (epitome), compen-
An exigence, necessitas, angustia To export, exporto, transveho dium ; (chymical), expressio
An exigent (occasion), occasio; Exportation, exportatio An extraction, prosapia, genus,
(expedient), ratio, commodum To expose, expono, objicio ; (to origo
(writ), exigenda danger), periclitor; (to laugh- Extrajudicial, extrajudicial
An exile, exul, extorris ter)! deridendum praibere; (to Extraneous, extraneus, externus
Exile (banishment), exilium sale), venundo; (to view), ex- Extraordinarily, rar6, valde [tus
To exile, relego, amando ; (to be hibeo; (uncover), detego, nudo Extraordinary, insolitus, inusita-
exiled), in exilium depelli An exposition, interpretatio Extraparochial, extra parcechiam
Exiled, relegatus A short exposition, scholium positus [prodigentia
Exinanition, exinanitio An expositor, interpres, expositor Extravagance, luxuria, profusio,
To exist, existo, sum To expostulate, expostulo, con- Extravagant, prodigus, eifusus
Existence, existentia queror (impertinent), ineptus, insul-
Existent, Existing, existens Au expostulation, expostulatio sus; (excessive), immodicus;
An exit, exitus, eventus [rior To expound, expono, explico (disorderly), perditus ; (opi-
To make one's exit, discedo, mo- An expounder, explicator, inter- nion), vaga opinio
Exodus, exodus pres Extravagantly, absurde, profuse,
To exonerate, exonero, levo Au expounding, expositio immoderate, perdite
An exonerating, oneris levatio To express, exprimo, narro ; (one's Extreme, extremus, summus
Exorable, exorabilis mind), enuncio ;
(delineate), Extremely, summe, valde
Exorbitance, nimietas delineo ; (joy), gaudium tes- Extremity (utmost part), extre-
Exorbitant, nimius tari; (in numbers), numeros muin (distress), miseria; (ut-

Exorbitantly, nimi6 notis signare most extremity), rigor summus

To exorcise, exorcizo, adjuro Express, apertus, certus, clarus To extricate, extrico, libero
An exorcising, adjuratio An express, nuncius velox Extrinsically, extrinsecus
An exorcism, exorcismus Expressly, distincte, plane Extrusion, extrusio, expulsio
An exorcist, exorcista An expression (sentence), sen- An extuberance, tumor
An exordium, exordium, prologus tentia; (word), dictio, dictum Exuberance, copia, redundantia
Exotic, exoticus, externus Expressive, significans, denotans Exuberant, exuberans, redundans
To expand, expando, explico Expressively, significanter To exulcerate, exulcero
The expanse, expansum, aether Expressiveness, significatio viva To exult, exulto
An expansion, expansio To exprobrate (upbraid), exprobo An exulting, or Exultation, exul-
To expatiate, expatior, loquor An expulsion, expulsio, exactio tatio
To expect, expecto, spero An expunction, expunctio An eye, oculus; (loop), ansula;
Expecting, expectans To expunge, expungo, deleo (of a needle), foramen; (of a
Expectation, expectatio, spes Exquisite, exquisitus, elaboratus, flower, or plant), gemma, ger-
To expectorate, expectoro summus, acerrimus men; (in a doublet), ocellus;
Expedient, commodus, utilis Exquisitely, exquisite, accurate (witness), testis oculatus
An expedient, ratio, modus Exsiccative, arescens Of the eye, ocularis
To be expedient, expedit, prodest Extant, extans One-eyed, monoculus
Expediently, commode, apte To be extant, exto, supersum Eye-lids, palpebrse
To expedite, expedio, accelero An extasy, extasis Hair of the eye-lids, cilium
Expedition, festinatio, properatio; Extemporary, extemporalis Web in the eye, leucoma
(of soldiers), expeditio Extempore, haud preemeditatus Before one's eyes, in oculis
Expeditious, impiger, strenuus To extend, extendo, dilato, pro- The eye-sight, acies oculi
Expeditiously, expedite, celeriter pago Eye-service, perfunctorius
To expel, expello, pello, arceo An extension, extensio, prolatio An eye-sore, odiosus
An expelling, expulsio Extensive, late patens To eye, intueor, aspicio ; (wan-
Expense, impensa, sumptus Extensively, la'e, diffuse tonly), oculis venari
To expend, expendo, in sumo Extensiveness, diffusio Eyed, or Full of eyes, oculatus,
Expensive, carus, prodigus Extent, spatium, amplitudo; (of fistulosus ; (looked upon), in-
Expensively, prodige, effuse capacity), captus; (of country), tente spectatus
Expensiveness, profusio fines, tractus; (law term), ex- Bleer-eyed, lippus
Experience, experientia, usus terna Grey-eyed, csesius
To experience, experior To extenuate (lessen), exteuuo, An eyre, judicum itinerantiurn
Of no experience, inexpertua emacio, diminuo ; (excuse), ex- curia; (a justice in eyre), jus-
Experienced, expertus, experiens cuso, deprecor titiarius in itinere
;; ; ; ;
; ;


make faint-hearted), exanimo; Falseness, perfidia
(to faint away), animo linqui To falsify, suppono, corrumpo,
Faint-hearted, meticulosus adultero, depravo, commisceo
Faint-heartedness, timiditas (one's word), fidem fallere
Fainting, languens, fassus (wares), adultero
A fable, fabula A fainting-away, deliquium animi To falter, haesito, deficio
Fabled, fictus, confictus Faintly, timide, remisse Faltering, haesitans, titubans
To fabricate, fabrico, struo Faintness, languor Fame (report), fama, rumor; (re-
Fabrication, fabricatio Fair (beautiful), pulcher; (clear), putation), existimatio
A fabric, adificium, structura clarus, splendidus; (honest) Familiar, intimus, usitatus, facilis
Fabulosity, fabulositas Justus, aequus; (fair-spoken) Familiarity, familiaritas
Fabulous, fabulosus, fictus blandiloquus; (words), blan Familiarly, familiariter
Fabulously, fabulose, ficte ditise; (weather), coelum su A family (household), familia;
A face, fades, vultus, os ; (con- dum (stock), prosapia, genus
fidence), fiducia; (of affairs), To be, or look fair, niteo Of the family, domesticus, gen-
status; (appearance), species To grow fair, sereno tilis
Face to face, coram, facie tenus To be fair in dealing, honeste A famine, fames, inedia
To face (look at), intueor, aspicio; agere To famish, fame enecare, fame
(boldly), os induere, frontem A fair, nuudinae (of a fair), nun-
perire; (a town), famem oppi-
explicare ; (danger), periculum din alis, nundinarius danis inferre
adire ; (about), hosti frontem To keep a fair, nundinor Famishing, fame moribundus
advertere; (a garment), omo A fairing, strena, donum Famous, lllustris, insignis, mirus,
(one down), dictis protelare Fairly, venuste, probe, apte, eeque, clarus
In the face of the sun, palam juste, integrfe To make famous, celebro
Bare-faced, oris retecti Fairness (in complexion), pulchri- To be famous, emineo, eniteo
Double-faced, bifrons, simulator tudo; (in dealing), aequitas Famously, insigniter, praeclare,
Facetious, facetus, lepidus A fairy,lamia, nympha clare
Facetiously, facete, lepide Faith, fides A fan, flabellum ; (for corn), ven-
Facetiousness, lepor Of the right faith, orthodoxus tilabrum, vannus
Facile, facilis, affabilis Of a wrong faith, heterodoxus To fan, ventilo
To facilitate, expedio On my faith, mehercle Fanatic, fanaticus [cies
Facility, facilitas ;
(in speaking), Faithful, fidelis, fidus Fanaticism, vanae religionis spe-
sermo promptus Faithfully, fideliter, fide Fanciful, inconstans, levis
"With facility, facile, expedite Faithfulness, fidelitas, integritas Fancifully, inconstanter, leviter
A facing (about), in hostem con- Faithless (not believing), incre- Fancifulness, levitas
versio; (of danger), periclitatio dulus; (not to be trusted), A fancy, figmentum, arbitrium,
Facings, ornamenta vestis perfidus opinio, imaginatio
The facion in horses, petimen A falchion, ensis falcatus To fancy, alicuirei studere; (ima-
A fact, factum, gestum, facinus A falcon, accipiter, falco gine), imaginor, effingo
In fact, revera A falconer, auceps A fane, triton, fanum
A faction, factio, conspiratio A fall, casus, lapsus Fangs (claws), ungues; (teeth),
Factious, factiosus, seditiosus The fall (of Adam), delictum dentes incisores
Factiousness, partium studium Adami; (of the leaf), autum- Fanned, ventilatus
Factitious, factitius nus A fanning, ventilatio
A factor, negotiator, institor To fall, cado; (as hair), defluo Fantastical, inconstans, levis
Factorage, mercaturse procuratio (in price), evilesco ; (abate), Fantastically, affectate, putide
A factory, procuratorum habitatio decresco; (as wind), sileo ; Fantasticalness, affectatio, levitai
A faculty, facultas, professio (asleep), obdormisco; (in love), Far, adj. longinquus, remotus
(leave), licentia amo; (into a passion), exar- adv. longe, procul ; (and near)
To fade (wither), deftoresco ;
(de- desco; (away), deficio; (back), longe lateque
cay), debilitor, deficio recido, relabor; (down), con- By far, mult6, longe
Faded, evanidus, flaccidus cido, procidc, procumbo; (down Far within, penitus, intime
To fadge, convenio, quadro as a ship), delabor; (down to- Far be it from me, longe absit
Fading, languidus, caducus gether), corruo ; (down under), As far as, quantum
A fading, languor, marcor succumbo ; (from a horse), So eousque
To fag, csedo, laboro equo dejici; (in one's way), So quatenus
far as,
The fag-end, extremitas poste- obviam occurrere; (into), il- Thus far, hactenus
rior labor, incido; (into poverty), How far ? quousque ?
A fagot, fascis ;
(amongst sol- ad inopiam redigi ; (into a A farce, mimus, exodium ;
diers), miles supposititius snare), in insidias cadere ; (off), podge), farrago
To fail (act), deticio, relinquo, decido, deficio, declino (on),
; A fardel,sarcina, fascis
succumbo, excido ; (in pro aggredior; (out, or happen), Fare (victuals), victus; (chance),
mises), promissis non stare contingo (out of),
excido; sors; (for carriage), vectura,
(of duty), delinquo ; (of expec (out with), inimicitias susci- portorium, naulum ; (the per-
tation), fallere expectationem pere; (sick), morbo corripi son), qui vehitur
(break as a tradesman), con- Ready to fall, caducus To fare, victito; (well), laute
turbo A of rain, vis imbrium
fall victitare ;
(as others), com-
Without fail, cert6, plane Falling, labens, collabens (down),
munem casum sustinere
Failing, lapsus prolapsus, ruinosus Farewell, vale, fac valeas
A failing (ceasing), remissio A falling (away), defectio; (out To bid farewell, valedico
(deficiency), defectus; (disap- with), dissidium; (of water), Farrinaceous, farraceus
pointment), frustratio; (fault), cataracta A farm, praedium, fundus
culpa, delictum Fallacious, fallax To farm, praedium conducere
A failure, culpa Fallaciously, dolose (let a farm), praedium locare;
Fain (desirous), cupidus, avidus; Fallaciousness, dolus (cultivate land), agrum colere
(obliged), coactus A fallacy, fallacia, sophisma A farmer, agricola, villicus ; (o:
I would fain, cupio, gestio Fallible, incertus, fallens revenues), publicanus
Faint (weak), languidus, debilis; A fallow field, novale A farrier, hippocomus
(slack), remissus ; (weary), Laid fallow, incultus To farrow, porcellos eniti
lassus ; (fearful), timidus; (ob- Fallow (in colour), fulvas Farther, adj. ulterior ; adv. Ion
scure), obscurus False, falsus, fallax, pravus, per- giils alterius, the comp. of far
A faint, dolus, dissimulatio fidus, vitiosus, spurius; (heart- Farthermore, praeterea, porro
To make a faint, simulo; (to ed), bilinguis, cordis infidi Farthermost, or farthest, adj. ex-
grow faint), deficio ; (to make Falsehood, mendaciura, dolus tremus, ultimus; adv. longis-
taint), labefacto, debilito; (to Falsely, fals6, subdole sime
A farthing, quadrans ; (to a far- (stagger), vacillo ;
(stumble), A feeling (handling), tactic;
thing), ad assem titubo (pitying), miseratio
To fascinate (bewitch), fascino Faultless, innocuus, insons The feeling, tactus sensus
Fascination, fascinatio Faultily, vitiose, mendose To have feeling, persentisco
A fascine, virgultorum fascis Faulty, culpandus, mendosus Without feeling, insensibilis
A fashion (form), figura, forma; Favour, favor, gratia ; (of counte- Fellow-feeling, sympathia
(manner), mos, modus, ratio, nance), oris habitus; (of the Feelingly (compassionately), com-
consuetudo, usus, ritus people), popularis aura passione
Fashion of work, artificis opera A favour, beneficium (for a wed- ;
Feet, pedes
In fashion, obtinens in usu (out ;
ding), lemniscus nuptialis - To feign (invent), fingo; (pre-
of fashion) , exoletus To favour, faveo, aspiro ; (re- tend), assimulo ; (lie), men-
Of fashion, bono genere natus semble), assimilo, refero tior
For fashion-sake, perfunctorie Favourable, benignus, propitius, Feignedly, ficte, simulate
Of the same fashion, similis opportunus, secundus A feigner, fictor, simulator
A fashion of clothes, habitus Favoured, carus; (well), speeio- A feint, species simulata
To fashion, formo, fin go sus, venustus (ill), deformis
Felicity, felicitas, beatitudo
Fashionable, concinnus A favourer, fautor, fortrix Fell, atrox, dirus, trux
Fashionably, scite, decenter Favouring, favens ;
(resembling), A fell (skin), pellis
Fashioned, formatus ore referens To fell, sterno, caedo
Fast (bound), astrictns; (firm), A favourite, gratiosus, primus A felling of wood, lignatio
stabilis ; (in pace), celer To fawn upon, adulor, assentior A fellow (companion), sociuo
Fast, adv. celeriter, tut6 A fawner upon, adulator (equal), par; (good), compo-
A fast (from meat), jejunium Fawning, adulatorius, blandus tor ; (in office), collega; (in
(To fast, jejuno A fawning upon, adulatio bed), consors thori
To lay fast, includo Fawningly, assentatorie, bland& To fellow, adsequo
To make fast, affigo, claudo Fealty, fidelitas, feudum Fellowship, sodalitium, sodalitas
Fast asleep, somno sopitus Fear, metus, timor; (reverence), In fellowship, consociatus, con-
To fasten, astrin go; (about), cir- reverentia; (great), horror, pa- sors
cumpango; (to the ground), vor A felly, canthus
depango; (together), alligo ;
To fear, timeo, metuo ; (greatly), A felon, fur, latro
(under), subnecto; (unto), an- horresco; (reverence), revereor Felony, furtum, felonia
necto ; (upon, or seize), arripio Fearful, timidus, terribilis Felonious, sceleratus, nefarius
(eyes upon), intente intueri; Fearfully, timide, horride Feloniously, scelerate
(a door), obdo Fearfulness, metus, terror Felt, tactus, perceptus
A fastening, astrictio Fearing, veritus, vereus Felt, lanae coacta?
Faster, celerius Fearless, impavidus, intrepidus A felt-maker, lanarum coactor
Fastidious, fastidiosu s Feasible, efficiendus Female, femineus, muliebris
Fastidiousness, fastidium A feast, convivium, epulum [vator A female, femina
Fasting, jejunans The founder of a feast, convi- Feminine, femininus
To be fasting, jejuno To feast, epulor A fen, palus, locus palustris
Fasting days, jejunia Feasts, feriae ;
(of Bacchus), bac- A fence (inclosure), septum, lo-
A fastness, munimentum, agger, canalia rica; (protection), tutamen
vallum A feaster, epulo To fence, vallo, praesepio, de-
Fat, or Fatness, pinguedo, adeps ;
Feasting, epulans, comessans fendo, ictum avertere; (with
(of a hog), lardum A feasting, epulatio foils), obtusis gladiis dimicare
Fat, pinguis, opimus, obesus ;
A feat, facinus, gestum A fencer, lanista
(plump), nitidus; (meat), adi- A feather, pluma, penna A fencing, munitio
patum ; (wine) , vinum spissum To feather, plumesco ;
(one's The art of fencing, ars gladiatoria
To fat, sagino, pinguefacio nest), opes accumulare To fend, defendo, altercor
(grow pinguesco
fat), Of feathers, plumeus Fennel, foeniculum
A fat, or Vat, dolium Full of feathers, plumosus Fenny, paludosus, palustris
Fatal, fatalis, feralis Made of feathers, plumatilis To feoff, dono, feoffo
Fatality, fatalis vis Bearing feathers, plumiger A feoffe, feoffarius, fidejussor
Fatally, fataliter Feathered, plumatus, pennatus A feoffer, feoffator
Fate, fatum, sors Featherless, implumis A feoffment, feoffamentum
The fates, parcse A feature,
lineamentum A ferment, fermentum
Ill-fated, infaustus Well featured, venustus ;
(ill), To ferment, fermento, ferveo
A father, pater, genitor ;
(in deformis Fermentation, fermentatio
law), socer February, Februarius Fern, filix
To father (adopt), adopto ; Feculency, faeculentia Ferocity, ferocitas
(own), vendico; (upon), im- Feculent, faeculentus A ferret, viverra
puto Fecundity, fcecunditas To ferret, conquiro, exagito
Fatherless, patre orbus, pupillus Fed, pastus, satur A ferrule, annulus
Fatherly, adv. paterae ; adj. pa- A fee (reward), prsemium ;
(sim- A ferry, trajectus
ternus, patrius ple),feudum simplex; (tail), A ferry-boat, ponto ;
(for horses),
A fathom, ulna feudum conditionale hippago
To fathom, exploro ;
(compass), To fee, prsemio conumpere A ferryman, portitor
ulna metiri Feeble, debilis, infirmus To ferry over, trajicio
Fatidical, fatidicus To make feeble, debilito Fertile, fertilis, fcecundus
To fatigue, fatigo, delasso To grow feeble, languesco To make fertile, fcecundo
Fatigue, fatigatio, labor Feebleness, debilitas, infirmitas Fertility, fertilitas, ubertas
Fatiguing, fatigans, defatigans Feebly, infirme, languide Fervency, fervor, ardor
Fatness, pinguedo To feed, pasco, pascor (grow ; Fervent, fervid, fervidus, ardens
To fatten, sagino, incrasso fat), pinguesco ; (upon), de- To be fervent, ferveo, ardeo
A fattening, saginatio pascor (with milk), lacto ;
Fervently, fervide, cupide
Fatty, pinguis, ciassus (together), comedo A ferula, ferula
A faucet, fistula, tubus A feeder of cattle, armentarius To ferule, ferula percutere
A faulchion, harpe Finding (mu^h), edax; (gree- Fervor, fervor, ardor
A fault (crime), culpa, delictum ;
dily), vorax To fester, exulcero, putreo [tusi
(defect), vitium ; (mistake), A feeding, nutritio ; (eating), Festered, suppuratus, exulcera-
error ; (great), scelus ; (in esus ; (high), edacitas ; (of A festering, suppuratio
writing), menda, erratum cattle), depastio, saginatio Festival, Festive, festivus, festus
Full of faults, mendosus, vitiosus Feeing, honorarium solvens A festival, festum, solennia
Without fault, insons, integer To feel (handle), tango (per- ; Festivity, festivitas, bilaritaa
To faultrr in (speech), balbutio ; ceive), sentio; (gently), palco A fetch, dolus, fallacia
! ;;


To fetch, affero, adduco ; (to Fighting, pugnans A finisher, perfector

life),advitamrevocare; (blood) A fighting, conflictus A finishing, peractio, expletio
sanguinem elicere ; (breath) Figurative, figuratus Finishing, ultimus
spiritum duceie; (back), re Figuratively, metaphorice Finite, finitus, definitus
duco; (away), abduco (a com ;
A figure, tigura, forma; (shape), Finny, pinnatus
pass), circumeo (from above) ;
imago, effigies; (delineation), A fir-tree, abies
deveho (down, or lessen), im
diagramma; (appearance), spe- Made of fir, abiegnus
minuo (from far), avebo
cies ; (in speech), tropus, Fire, ignis; (heat), ardor, focus
(forth), educo (a leap), salio ;
schema A fire, incendium

(out), depromo (over), ad ;

To figure, delineo, depingo To fire (set on fire), accendo, in-
veho; (over to a party), per A figuring, conformatio cendo; (be on fire), deflagro,
traho (or go for one), accerso
Filaments, fibra? ardeo; (be in a passion), ex-
(a sigh), suspirium trahere, A fillberd, nux avellana; (tree), candesco
suspiro; (up, or overtake), as corylus Afire (to strike), ignem excut ere;
sequor To filch, surripio, suffuror (to make), ignem accendere
A fetcher of water,aquator A filcher, fur On fire, incensus, inflammatus
Fetching, advehens, adducens Filching, furtivus, furax A setting on fire, incendium
A fetching, comportatio A filching, surreptio A firebrand, torris
Fetid, fcetidus, putris A file, lima, planula Fire-arms, anna ignivoma
Fetlocks, cirri To file, limo, abrado A fire-lock, sclopetum
Fetters, compedes To file (off), copias manipulatim A fire-ball, glans ardens
To fetter, compedio ahducere; (up writings), filo For the fire, focarius
A feud, simultas, odium, lis suspendere scripta Fiery, igneus, ignitus
A fever, febris Filial, filialis Firing (fuel), fomes
To have a fever, febricito A filing, limatura A firkin, amphora
Feverish, febriculosus Filings, scobs, ramenta Firm, firmus, stabilis, ratus, con-
Few, pauci, rari To fill, impleo, repleo; (up), ex- firmatus, constaus
Very few, perpauci pleo To make firm, firmo
Fewer, pauciores The fill (fulness), satietas The firmament, aether, caelum
Fewness, paucitas A fillet, vitta, crinale; (of veal), Of the firmament, aethereus
A fib (lie), mendacium coxae vitulinae pars crassior ; (of Firmly, firmiter, firme
A fibber, mendax a pillar), abacus Firmness, firmitas, constantia
A fibre, fibra A filling, expletio The first, primus; (and foremost),
Fibrous, fibrosus Filling, implens, replens princeps; (but one), a primo
Fickle, inconstans, levis A fillip, talitrum proximus
Fickly, inconstanter, leviter To fillip, talitro ferire At first, primo, principio
Fickleness, inconstantia A filly, equula First of all, imprimis
Fiction, tictio, figmentum A film, membrana, cutis First-born, primogenitus
Fictitious, fictitius Filmy, membranaceus First-fruits, primitiae
Fictitiously, ficte To fiiter, or Filtrate, percolo A fish, piscis
A fiddle, fides, fidicula A filtering, or Filtration, purifi- Full of fish, piscosus
To fiddle, fidem pulsare; (trifle), catio facta percolando Belonging to fish, piscatorius
nugor; (up and down), cur- Filth, sordes, colluvies To fish, piscor; (a pond), pisci-
sito Filthy, sordidus, foedus ; (in nam exhaurire; (out), exquiro
A fiddler, fidicen speech), obscoenus; (action), Fish-provision, opsonium
A fiddle-string, chorda, nervus; turpe factu To treat with fish, opsonor
(stick), plectrum To be filthy, squaleo A fisherman, piscator
Fidelily, fidelitas, sinceritas Filthily, sordide, spurce A fishery, piscaria
Fie, vah Filthiness, squalor, fceditas A fishing, piscatio, piscatura
A fief, praedium, beneficiarium A fin, pinna A fishing-rod, arundo piscatoria
A field, campus, ager (of battle), ; Final, extremus, ultimus, finalis A fishmonger, piscarius
praelii campus ;
(of a scutcheon), Finally, denique, demiim Shell-fishes, pisces testacei
area, or solum scuti The finances, fisci reditus Fishy, piscosus
Of the field, campestris To find, invenio, reperio; (per- To fisk, cursito, agito
A field-officer, praefectus milita- ceive), sentio; (fault), incuso; A fissure, fissura, rima
ris; (marshal), castrorum prae- (maintain), sustento; (out), A fist, pugnus
fectus; (piece), tormentumcas- comperio A fistula, fistula
trense A finder, inventor Fit, accommodatus, congruens,
A fiend, malus genius A finding, inventio, investigatio idoneus; (becoming), decens
Fierce, ferox, acer, vehemens, sae- Fine, elegans, eximius, venustus, (capable), aptus (convenient), ;

vus, ingens, atrox, ferus mundus, ornatus, politus tempestivus; (ready), paratus
To be fierce, ferocio, savio Very fine, praeclarus It. is fit, aequum est
Fiercely, ferociter To make fine, orno, pollio To fit, or Be fit, accommodor;
Fierceness, ferocitas, feritas To fine, mulcto, mulctam impo- fit ) adapto, aecommodo
(make ,

Fiery, igneus, rutilans (passion- ; nere; (purify), defaeco, purgo (match), socio; (retaliate), par
ate), exardescens, ardens A fine, mulcta pari referre ; (up a house), do-
Fifteen, quindecim, quindeni To pay a fine, mulctam solvere mum ornare
Fifteenth, decimus quintus In fine (finally), denique A fit, paroxysmus, accessus
A fifteenth, quindecima Fineable, mulctac obnoxius (whim), impetus animi; (of
Fifteen times, quiudecies Finely, scite, belle drunkenness), crapula; (of sick-
A fifth, quintus Fineness, elegantia, tenuitas ness), aegrotatio
Fifthly, quint6 A finer (refiner), purgator Fitly, apte, tempestive
Fiftieth, quinquagesimus Finery, ornatus, ornainentum Fitness, habilitas, occasic
Fifty, quinquaginta A finger, digitus; (fore), index; Fitting, congruens
Fifty times, quinquagies (middle), verpus; (ring), digi- A fitting, adaptatio
Fifty years old, quinquagenarius tus annularis; (little), digitus Five, quinque, quini
A fig, or fig tree, ticus auricularis; (of a glove), digi- The five, pentas
A fight, pugna, certamen tale Of five, quinarius
To fight, pugno, dimico; (in Of a finger, digitalis Five (times), quinquies ; (as
battle), praelior; (against), op- To finger, tracto, inunco much), quintuplus ; (years),
pugno; (hand to hand), eomi- Light-fingered, furax quinquennium (years old),
nus pugnare; (a duel), duello At fingers' ends, ad unguem quinquennis
certare; (with swords), digla- Finical, mollis, nitidulus Fivefold, quincuplex
dior A fining, mulctatio Five hundred, quingenti
A fighter, pugnator To finish, finio, perficio Of five hundred, quingenarius
Five hundredth, quingentesimus Flawy, vitiosus A land flood, torrens
Five hundred times, quingenties To flaw, dehisco A flood-gate, emissariura
To fix (fasten), firmo, figo; (a Flax, linum To flood, iuundo, exundo
day), diem constituere Made of fine flax, carbaseus The flook, pars anchorae adunca
Flabby, flaccidus, lentus A flax-dresser, linarius A floor (of a house), tabulatum-
A flag, vexillum, insigne; (of a Of flax, lineus (paved), pavimentum ; (of a
ship), aplustre; (rush), jun- Flaxen, flavus barn), area
cus [cesco To flay, pellem detrahere To floor, consterno, asso
To flag, flaccesco, langueo, mar- Flayed, pelle exutus A flooring, contabulatio
A flageolet, fistula minor A flaying, pellisdetractio A florentiue, torta
Flagging, languens, lentus A flea, pulex Florid, floridus, nitidus
Flagitious, scelestus, nefarius Full of fleas, pulicosus Floridness, concinnitas
A flagon, lagena Flea-bites, pulicum vestigia A florist, florilegus
Flagrant, apparens, insignis Flea-bitten, maculis variis dis- A flounce, fimbria
A flail, flagellum tinctus A flounder, passer niger
A flake, f ragmen; (of fire), scin- A fleam, scalpellum equinum Flour of meal, farina
tilla; (of ice), frustum; (of Fled, profugus, elapsus To flour, farina conspergere

snow),floccus Fledged, pennatus, pinnatus To flourish, floreo, vigeo; (wea-
To flake, in lamellas abire To be fledged, pumesco pons), arma vibrare; (brag),
A.flam, praetextus, nugse To flee, fugio. See Tly glorior
To flam, deludo, ludificor A fleece, vellus A flourish, inanis, jactatio, prse-
A flambeau, fax, funale To fleece (shear), tondeo; (strip), lusio, ornamentum
flame, flamma
1 emungere aliquem Flourishing, vegetus
'o flame, flammo, flagro

Fleeced, tonsus, detonsus, emunc- A flout, scomma, dicterium

'o be in a flame, incendor

tus To flout, irrideo, derideo

'o set on a flame, incendo Fleecy, laneus Flouting, dicax
Naming, flagrans, splendidus To fleer, derideo, irrideo A flouting, cavillatio, derisio
lamingly, flagranter, splendide A fleerer, derisor To flow, fluo, labor; (about), cir-
£he flank, ilia ; (of an army), co- A fleet,classis cumfluo; (abound), affluo ; (a-
hortes alares The fleet-prison, fleta broad), diffluo ; (back), refluo;
Flanked, a latere protectus Fleet (swift), velox, celer (before a place), praefluo; (be-
Flannel, lanula Fleetiug, fugax, fluxus tween), interfluo; (by), prae-
A flap, pars pendula ; (of the ear), Flesh, caro terfluo;
(continually), fluito;
auris lobus ; (slap), alapa; (of Living on flesh, carnivorus (down), defluo; (in), influo;
the throat), epiglottis; (a fly- Fleshiness, corpulentia (out), effluo; (over), exundo;
flap), muscarium Fleshliness, carnalitas (as thesea),aestuo; (together),
To flap (strike), alapam impin- Fleshly, libidinosus, pravus confluo; (under), subfluo; (un-
/ gere; (hang down), dependeo; Fleshy, corpulentus, carnosus to), accedo, afliuo
/ (let down), demitto A fletcher, sagittarum faber To flower, floreo, germino ;
A flapping, percussio A flew, tragula beer), scintillo, spumo
To flare,liquando scintillare ; (in Flexibility, flexibilitas A flower, flos
one's eyes), oculos praestringere Flexible, flexibilis, flexilis ; (easy A flower de lis, iris
A flash (of light), fulgor; (of fire), to be intreated), exorabilis Flower of age, adolescentia
coruseatio ;
(sudden impulse), Flexibleness, placabilitas A flower of a family, gloria
(boasting fellow), Flexure, curvatura Made of flowers, floreus
thraso, jactator; (of wit), in- To flicker, alas motitare The flowers, menses
genii sestus [assilio A flier, libramentum Flowery, floridus
To flash.fulguro.emico ; (as water), A (escape), effugium, fuga;
flight, Flowing, fluidus, fluens; (about),
Flashy, mollis, fatuus, levis, evani- (of birds), volatus, grex avium; circumfluus; (over),redundans;
dus, subitaneus (of the brain), impetus animi (and ebbing), reciprocus; (in
A flask, lagena (bottle), ampulla
; To put to flight, fugo, in fugam speech), volubilis
vimine cooperta ; (for powder), dare, or vertere A flowing, fluxus
caps a To take flight, aufugio, fugam Flowingly, volubiliter
A flasket, cophinus capessere To fluctuate, fluctuo, dubito
Flat (smooth), planus ; (and Flimsy, flaccidus, lentus A fluctuation, fluctuatio
plain), manifestus, apertus To flinch (give out), desisto; Fluent, fluidus, eloquens
(dull), frigidus; (drink), vappa; (desert), desero; (quit), tergi- Fluency, volubilitas linguae
(in taste), insipidus; (along), versor; (start), absilio; (give Fluid, fluidus, liquidus
pronus; (note), sonus gravis ground), retrccedo Fluidity, fluor
To flat, exaequo, sterno A flinching, tergiversatio A fluke, dens anchorae
The flat part, planum; (or level), To fling, mitto, jacio ; (away), ab- Flung, jactus, abjectus, deceptus
planities jicio; (out), ejicio ; (down), Flush (abundance), copia, vis
A flat (shelf), syrtis ; (flats in the dejicio; (in), injicio; (up a (abounding), abundans ; (of
seas), brevia, vadum place), depono money), nuinmatus
Flat, or Flatly (in sound), gravi- A fling, jactus, deceptio Flushed with success, elatus
ter; (plainly in speech), per- A flinger, jaculator A flushing, sanguineus fluxus
spicue; (absolutely), praecise A flint, silex Flustered (in drink), semiebrius
Flatness, planities, aequor ; (of a Of flint,siliceus A flute, fistula, tibia
discourse), jejunitas sermonis; Flinty, siliceus, saxis asper Fluted, laqueatus
(in taste), insulsitas Flippant, loquax Flutings, canaliculi
To flatten, complano; (grow flat), To flit, volito, migro To flutter (fly), volito; (be doubt-
insulsus esse A flitch of bacon, succidia ful), dubito; (to and fro), cur-
flatter, adulor, parasitor A float of timber, schedia sito;
(in speech), balbutio
Flattered, permulsus, delinitus To float, fluctuo; (a meadow), A fluttering, volitatio, haesitatio
A flatterer, adulator, parasitus rivum in pratum deducere A flux (looseness), proluvium
Flattering, blaiuliens Floating, fluctuans (of humours), humorum fluxus
A flattering, or Flattery, adulatio A flock, grex, ccetus, turba; (of (of blood), haemorrhagia
Flatteringly, adulatorie, blande wool), tioccus Afly.musca; (Spanish), cantharis
Of flattery, adulatorius To flock together, convenio, coeo Fly-blows, muscarum ova
Flatulency, ventris inflatio Of a flock, gregalis Fly-blown, corrupt us, infectus
Flatulent, inflans, flatuosus In flocks, gregatlm, confertim To fly (as a bird), volo (about),

To concinne vestiri
flaunt, A flock-bed, culcita lanea circumvolo; (against), involo;
Flavour, gustus, odor A flocking together, congregatio (as news), publicor ; (at), peto,
A flaw (chink), rimula; (defect), A flood, diluvium, inundatio impeto ;
(in pieces), dissilio;
vitium, defectum The flood (tide), fluxus maris (away), avolo, aufugio; (back),
; ;; ;


refugio; (before), praevolo; (be- Food, cibus, victus, pabulum Forces, copiae
yond), prsetervolo; (down).de- Fit for food, esculentus Forcible (clear, or strong), clarus,
volo; (far), profugio ;
(from A fool, stultus; (jester), morio; potens, eificax; (violent), vio-
place to place), transfugio ;
(in a play), sannio Forcibly, vehementer [lent
(into a passion), iracundia ar- To fool, ludificor, irrideo A forcing, compulsio, vis
dere ; (out, or squander), pro- To play the fool, ineptio A ford, vadum
digo; (for refuge), asylum pe- To be fooled, derideor, deludor To ford, vado transire
tere ; {or run away), fugio To fool away (money), pecuniam Fordable, quod transiri potest
To let fly (shoot), displodo incaute erogare; (time), tem- Fore, anterior
A flying, volatus ;
(away), effu- pus terere inutiliter To forearm, praemunio
gium Fooled, derisus, illusus To forebode, praesagio, ominor
Flying, expeditus, vagus, aversus Foolery, deridiculum, nugae A foreboder, bariolus
A foal, pullus equinus; (of an Foolhardiness, temeritas A foreboding, praesagium
ass), asellus Foolhardy, temerarius, audax Forecast, providentia
To foal, fcetum edere Foolish, ineptus, fatuus, insulsus To forecast, provideo
To foam, spumo, frendo To make foolish, infatuo A forecasting, provisus
Foam, spuma Foolish tricks, ineptia? The forecastle, prora
A foaming,spumatus Foolishly, stulte, insulse To foredoom, prasdestino
Foamy, spumeus, spumatus Foolishness, stultitia The fore-door, antica
To fob, eludo, fraudo A foot, pes ; (of a table), fulcrum Forefathers, proavi
A fob, loculus minor (of a hill), radix ; (of a pillar), Fore-feet, pedes anteriores ; (fin-
Fob, commentitius, fictitius basis ger), index; (head), frons
The focus, apex Belonging to a foot, pedalis To forego (quit), abdico; (not
Fodder, pabulum, fcenum (of ; On foot, pedester, pedes meddle with), abstineo ; (a
lead), vehes; (of straw), pabu- To foot (away), cito pedo ambu- claim), de jure suo recedere
lum stramineum lare; (stockings), concinno Foregoing, praecedens
Of fodder, pabularis A footman (soldier), pedes ;
(ser- Having two foreheads, bifrons
To fodder, foeno pascere vant), assecla Foreign, exterus, alienus
A foddering, pabulatio The foot (soldiers), peditatus A foreigner, advena
A foe, inimicus, inimica A footstep, vestigium To forejudge, praejudico
A fog, nebula A footstool, scabellum To foreknow, praescio
Fogginess, aeris crassitudo Of half a foot, semipedalis A foreknowing, praenotio
Foggy, nebulosus Of two foot, bipedalis Foreknowledge, praescientia
A foible, imbecilitas On the same foot, aequali gradu Foreknown, praecognitus
A foil (for fencing), rudis ;
(for a Two-footed, bipes A foreland, promontorium
diamond), substratum ;
(re- Three-footed, tripes A foreman, praeses, praejurator
pulse), repulsa Four-footed, quadripes The foremast, malus anterior
To foil (beat), sterno, repello Many-footed, multipes Foremost, primus, praecipuus
To foist in, obtrudere furtlm, Brazen-footed, aeripes Firstand foremost, imprimis
adultero Broad-footed, planipes The forenoon, tempus antemeri-
Foisted in, subditus A sure footing, stabilitas dianum
A fold, plica, sinus A fop (beau), bellushomo; (im- To fore-ordain, prasdestino
To fold, plico, complico; (in), pertinent), nugator Fore-part of the head, sinciput
implico; (about, or up), com- To play the fop, nugor To forerun, praecurro, praeverto
plico; (sheep), stabulo Foppery, nugae, tricae A forerunner, praecursor
Fold for sheep, ovile, crates Foppish, nugax, nimis nitidus To foresee, praevideo, prospicio
Folded (plaited), plicatus; (up), Foppishly, inepte, stolide A foreseeing, praevisio
involutus; (as cattle), stabu- Foppishness, ineptia Foresight, prospicientia
latus For, conj. nam, enim, etenim, The foreskin, praeputium
A folding, plicatura; (of sheep), quippe prep, a, ad, de, ex, in,
; To forespeak, praedico, fascino
stabulatio ob, per, prae, pro, propter, se- A forest, saltus, nemus, sylva
Foliage, folia cundum Forest-like, sylvestris
In folio, in folio For (for the sake of), causa, ergo, To forestal, anticipio, praemercor
Folk (people), vulgus, plebs gratia, per, pro, propter Forestalled, interceptus
To follow, sequor (after), asse- Forage, pabulum A forestaller,annonas flagellatof
quor, hisector (close), insto ;
; To forage, pabulor (of a market), praeemptor
(succeed), succedo; (a trade), A forager, pabulator A forestalling, interceptio
exerceo; (in course), altemo A foraging, pabulatio A forester, viridarius
(diligently), assector; (close at To forbear (let alone), abstineo; A foretaste, anticipatio
the heels), in terga haerere (leave off), desisto ; (spare), To foretel, praedico
Followed, comitatus, deductus parco; (suffer), patior A foreteller, vates, fatidicus
May be followed, imitandus Forbearance, indulgentia A foretelling, praedictio
A follower, comes, discipulus To forbid, veto, prohibeo ;
(strict- A forethought, praemeditatio
Following, sequens ly), interdico A foretoken, praesagium, omen
A following (attending upon), de- Forbidden, interdictus, prohi- A foretop, antiae
ductio; (consequence), conse- bitus To forewarn, praemoneo
quentia Foreborn, omissus, leniter trac- A forewarning, praemonitus
Folly, stultitia, ineptia tatus A forfeit, mulcta, poena
Fome, spuma Force (endeavour), conatus; (im- To forfeit, mulcta damnari ;
To fome, spumo, fremo (at the ; portance), momentum; (ne- credit), existimationem per-
mouth), spumas ore agere cessity), necessitas ;
(violence), dere (one's favour), gratia ex-

To foment, i'oveo, alo vis, impetus ;

(strength), robur cidere; (a recognizance), vadi-
A fomentation, fomentum To force, cogo, compello, adigo, monium deserere ; (one's word),
A fomenter, concitator impello (back),
repello ; fidem violare
A fomenting, fomentatio (down), detrudo, demergo Forfeited, confiscatus, perditus
Foming, spumans (in), defigo; (out), depello (a ;
A forfeiture, confiscatio, damnum
A foming, spumatio woman), stupro; (a trench), To forge (as smiths do), cudo,
Fond, incptus, futilis, vanus, cu- aggerem exscindere; {or take fabricor; (devise), fingo; (coun-
pidus; (overkind), indulgens by force), vi capere terfeit), ementior, subjicio;
To be fond of, indulgeo To be of force, valeo (melt), conflo, liquefacio
To fondle, foveo, indulgeo Of great force, valens, potens A forge, furnus fabrilis
A fondling, delicatus puer Of small force, levis Forged, fabricatus, fictus. adul-
Fondly, blande, cupide, inepte Of more force, valentior teratus, confiatus,
Fondness, indulgentia, ineptia By main force, vi et armis Aforger, fabricator; (ofwritinga),
A font, baptisterium By open force, aperto niarte falsarius; (of tales), delator
forgery, figmentum, fraus Forwardness, promptitudo, pro- A framer, fabricator, faber
forging (of lies), calumnia; (of gressus, progressio A framing, formatio
lales), Actio A fosse, fossa (way), via fossa
To franchise, manumitto
i forget, obliviscor; (neglect), Fossile, fossilis Franciscan, Franciscanus
aegligo, prsetereo To foster, nutrio, alo Frank, liberalis, ingenuus, liber
rgetful, obliviosus A foster-father, nutritius; (mo- To frank letters, gratis signare
rgetfulness, oblivio ther), nutrix; (child), alumnus Frankincense, thus

forgetting, praetermissio Fought, pugnatus ; (against), op- Of frankincense, thureus
Iforgive, condono, ignosco, re- pugnatus, impugnatus Frankly, ingenue, liber
mitto Foul, fcedus, squalidus, impurus, Frankness, liberalitas, sinceritas
irgiven, condonatus, remissus; lutulentus; (unfair), dolosus, Frantic, mente captus, insanus
(riot to be forgiven), inexpi- turpis; (ill-favoured), defor- To be frantic, insanio, furo
ibilis mis ;
(vicious), obscoenus ;
Franticness, dementia
I rgiveness, condonatio, venia (stormy), turbidus ;
(weather), Fraternal, fraternus
forgiving, remissio tempestas A fraternity, fiaternitas, societas

rgotten, oblivioni traditus To foul, fcedo, inquino A fratricide, fratricida

i be forgotten, obruor, exolesco To be foul, sordeo, squaleo Fraud, fraus, dolus
I fork, furca; (for dung), bidens; Foulness, turpitudo, squalor ; (of Fraudulence, fraudulentia
(for flesh), creagra a crime), atrocitas ; (in appear- Fraudulent, dolosus
rlorn, derelictus, solus, per- ance), deformitas Fraudulently, fraudulenter, vafre
iiitus Found, inventus, repertus; (out), Fraught, oneratus, plenus
form (figure), figura ; (man- inventus, investigatus A fray, rixa, jurgium, lis
|ier), modus; (bench), scam- To found, fundo, construo To fray (as cloth), dehisco
mm; (in printing), la- unum A foundation, fundamentum (fright), terrefacio
:us schedae ; (of words), certa From the foundation, funditus A freak, subitus impetus animi,
?erba; (class), classis To founder (as ahorse), titubo; petulantia, deliramentum
setform, formula, exemplar (as a ship), dissolvor Freakish, petulans
form, formo, reformo A founder, fundator, conditor Freakishness, petulantia, demen-
rmal, formalis, affectatus Foundered, claudus, mancus, dis- tia
rmalities (robes), magistrates solutus A freckle,lentigo, naevus
/estitus A founding (of a house), fun- Free, immunis, liber; (citizen),
irmality, solemnis formula datio (of metal), fusio
civis natus; (in giving), libe-
irmally, formaliter, ex formula A foundling, infans expositus ralis; (from, business), otio-
formation, formatio Of a fountain, fontanus sus ; (in conversation), since-
irmer, prior, superior, priscus A fountain, fons rus, candidus ;
(common), com-
rmerly, prius, antehac Four, quatuor; (at cards, &c), munis ;
(gift), munus gratui-
irmidable, formidabilis quaternio ; (cornered), qua- tum
forming, formatio, creatio drangulus ; (square), quadra- To free, emancipo, libero
rmless, informis, rudis tus ; (day's space), quatri- To make free, civitate donare
rnication, fomicatio duum; (year's space), quatrien- Freeborn, ingenuus, liberalis
fornicator, scortator nium; (times), quater; (times A freehold, possessio libera
forsake, desero, abdico, de- as much), quadrupld ;
(fold), A freeholder, fundi liberi pos-
ficio, renuncio quadruplex (ways, or parts),
forsaking, derelictio, desertio quadrifariam (footed), qua-
A freeman, liber, civis
(of the faith), apostasia drupes ; (hundred) quadrin- Freed, liberatus, laxatus
rsooth, sane, scilicet genti; (hundred times), qua- Freedom, immunitas, facilitas ;

forswear, pejero, perjuro dringenties (hundredth), qua-

(from), vacuitas
forswearer, pejerator dringentesimus ; (teen), qua- A freeing, liberatio, manumissio
forswearing, perjurium tuordecim; (teen times), qua- Freely, libere, liberaliter, aperte,
rsworn, perjurus tuordecies sponte, gratis
fort,praesidium, castellum The fourth, quartus Freeness, benignitas
rth, foras, extra Fourthly, quartb Freestone, saxum vivum
rth-coming, praest6, in promptu A fowl, volucris, avis Free-will, liberum arbitrium
rth of, extra; (forthwith), con- To fowl, aucupor To freeze, gelo, congelo
festlm, continub, protinus, mox A fowler, auceps To freight, navem onerare
fortification, munimentum A fowling, aucupatio (piece), ; To pay freight, naulum solvere
(before a wall), antemurale torment um aucupatorium Freight, naulum, onus
fortify, firmo, circumvallo, A fox, vulpes French, Gallicus, Gallicanus
nunio, praemunio Belonging to a fox, vulpinus In French, Gallice
rtitude, fortitudo, virtus An old fox (knave), veterator A Frenchman, Gallus
fortnight, dies quatuordecim To play the fox, vulpinor A frenzy, dementia, insania
fortress, arx, praesidium A fraction, fractio, infractio Frequency, frequentia
rtuitous, fortuitus, casu acci- Fractious, litigiosus, rixosus Frequent, frequens, creber
lens A fracture, fractura To frequent, frequento, celebro
rtunate, fortunatus, faustus To fracture, frango, confringo A frequenting, frequentatio
rtunately, fauste, auspicat& Fragile, fragilis, caducus Frequently, frequenter, saepe,
rtune, fortuna, sors; (estate), Fragility, fragilitas crebro
facilitates, opes A fragment, fragmentum, rustum A fresco, aura refrigerans
-fortune, infortunium Fragments, reliquiae Fresh (cool), frigidulus; (new),
fortune-teller, fatidicus, astro- Fragrance, fragrantia recens novus; (lusty), vigens;
ogus Fragrant, fragrans, suaveolens (unsalted), insulsus ; (not
rty, quadraginta ; (of forty), Fragrantly, suave tired), integer, recens ; (and
[uadragenarius ; (times), qua- Frail, fragilis, fluxus, caducus fasting), jejunus
tragies A frail, fiscella, riscina To be fresh and lively, vigeo
rward (bold), audax ; (in- Frailty, fragilitas, imbecillitas A fresh colour, color floridus
:lined), proclivis, propensus ; To frame (fashion), formo ; (con- (man), tyro, novitius
made a progress), provectus, trive), molior; (build), fabri- Afresh, or again, de integro
wogressus; (soon ripe), prae- cor,condo (join together),
; Freshness, novitas, color vegetus
;ox ; (ready), promptus, ala- compingo,contabulo; (astory), To fret (vex), crucio, crucior
:er fingo, comminiscor (or eat away), corrodo ; (as
rward, prorsum The frame (of a building), com- wine), acesco ; (rub), frico
forward, promoveo, urgeo pages ssdificii; (of the world), (grieve), doleo
ne forward, deinceps, posthac compages mundi (of a table), ;
To put in a fret, irrito
rwarding, promovens, condu- fulcrum ; (of a picture), ta- A fret, ira
ens bella; (for work), modulus Fret-work, striatura
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Fretful, morosua Fructiferous, fructifer, frugifer A furbisher, politor
Fretfulness, morositas To fructify, fcecundo A furbishing, interpolatio
Fretted, cruciatus, attritus Frugal, frugi abstinens The furies, Furias
A fretting, angor auimi ; (rub- Frugality, frugalitas Furious, furiosus, rabidus
bing), attritus Frugally, frugaliter, parce To be furious, furio, insanio
A friar, frater religiosus, mona- Fruit, fructus; (profit), lucrum; Furiously, furiose, furenter
chus (of the womb), foetus Furiousness, rabies
Friction, frictio Bearing fruit, fructifer To furl, complico, contraho
Friday, dies Veneris A fruiterer, pomarius A furling, complicatio
GoodFriday, Parasceve magna Fruit-time, autumnus A furlong, stadium
Fried, frixus; (meat), caro frixa Fruitful, fertilis, ferax, fcecundus A furlough, commeatus
A friend, amicus, arnica To be fruitful, abundo A furnace, fornax; (for brewing),
Friendless, inops, desertus To make fruitful, fcecundo caldarium; (for a potter), figu-
Friendliness, benevolentia Fruitfully, fertiliter lina
Friendly, benevolus, bumanus Fruitfulness, fertilitas To furnish, suppedito, instruo
Friendly, amice, benevole Fruition, fruitio, possessio A furnisher, instructor
Friends (kindred), propinqui Fruitless (barren), sterilis ; (dis- A furnishing, suppeditatio
Friendship, amicitia appointed), frustratus; (unpro- Furniture, apparatus, supellex
A frigate, liburna, celox fitable), inutilis Fur, pellis, villus
A fright, terror, formido First-fruits, primitia? To fur, pellibus consuere
To frighten, terreo, perterreo To frustrate, frustror, fallo A furrier, pello
Frightful, terribilis, horridus Frustrating, fallens A furrow, sulcus ; (of a pulley),
Frightfully, horride To fry, frigo, aestuo, sudo lacuna
Frightfulness, terror, horror Fryed, frictus, frixuB To furrow, sulco
A frightening, consternatio A frying, frixura Further, adv. ultra, ulterius, lon-
Frigid, frigidus, gelidus A frying-pan, sartago gius adj. ulterior

Frigidity, frigiditas, frigus To fuddle, inebrio, inebrior To further, proveho, promoveo

Frigidly, frigid^ Fuddled, potu obrutus A furtherance, adjumentum
A fringe, lacinia, fimbria A fuddling-bout, compotatio A furtherer, adjutor
To fringe, fimbriam consuere Fuel, fomes Furthermore, porr6, insuper
Fringed, fimbriatus A fugitive, fugitivus, profugus Furthest, extremus, ultimus
To frisk, tripudio, lascivio, exulto To impleo, perago
fulfil, At the furthest, ad summum
Frisky, laetus, hilaris Fulfilled, expletus, impletus Fury, furor, rabies
To frisle, crispo, torqueo A fulfilling, peractio, perfectio Full of fury, furiosus, rabiosus
Frisled, calamistratus, cirratus Fulgency, splendor, nitor Like a fury, furialis
A frisling-iron, calamistrum Fulgent, fulgidus, splendidus Furze, genista spinosa
A frith, aestuarium, fretum Full, plenus, expletus, refertus A fusee, scloppetum
A fritter, artolaganus (quite), omnin&, prorsiis, ad Fusion, fusura
Frivolous, vanus, inanis, levis plenum (speed),
citatus ; Fuss, tumultus, strepitus
Frivolously, nugatorie (very), valde, vehementer ; (per- Fustian, gossipium, xylinum
Frieze, pannus villosus fect), perfectus, integer; (plen- Of fustian, gossipinus, xylinus
To frizzle, crispo tiful), affluens, exundans ; (of Fustian (bombast), turgida verba,
To and fro, ultrb citr&que words), loquax sermo inflatus, ampullae
A frock, sagum, palla To be full, abundo, satior Fustiness, putor
A frog, ran a Half-full, semiplenus Fusty, putidus, mucidus
To be frolic, hilaresco, exultp Full age, adultus, puber To be, or smell fusty, puteo
A frolic (whim), repentinus ani- To full cloth, pannos densare Futility, futilitas
mi impetus Fulled, a fullone densatus Future, futurus
Frolicsome, jocosus, hilaris A fuller, fullo For the future, in futurum
From, a, ab, de, e, ex, per ;
Fuller, adj. plenior Futurity, tempus futurum
(above), desuper; (abroad), Of a fuller, fullonius Fyl phyi van I

peregre; (beneath), inferne Fuller's earth, terra Cretosa

(house to house), domestica- Fully, plen&
tlm; (door to door), ostiatim; To fulminate, fulmino
(hence), hinc ; (street to Fulmination, fulminatio
street), vicafirn; (thenceforth), Fulminating, fulmineus
exinde ; (time to time), con- Fulness, plenitudo, satietas
tinuo; (whence), unde; (with- Fulsome, nauseosus, ingratus To gabble, garrio
out), ab extra Fulsomeness, nausea A gabbler, garrulus
The front, frons To fumble, inscite aggredi A gabbling, garrulitas
A front, audacia; (of an army), A fumbler, qui inepte tractat A gabion, corbis terra oppletus
prima acies A fumbling, inepta administratio To gable, domus fastigium ante-
A frontier, confiuium, limes Fumblingiy, inepte, infabre rius
A frontispiece, frontispicium A fume, vapor, exhalatio A gad, massa; (bee), oestrum
A frontlet, frontale To fume, exhalo, irascor A gadder, vagus, erro
A frost, gelu, pruina In a fume, iratus Gadding, errabundus
Frosty, pruinosus Fumed, exhalatus A gadding, vagatio
Froth, spuma To fumigate, fumigo, sulfio A gag, epistomium
To froth, spumo, bullio A fumigation, suffitus To gag, os obstruere
Frothy, spumeus, spumosus; (tri- Fun, ludus, jocus A gage (pledge), pignus
fling), ineptus, futilis, nugax A function, functio, munus To gage (pawn), oppignero
Frothing, spumans A fund, ingens vis, cumulus (casks), vasa metiri
A frothing, spumatus The fundament, anus, cuius To gaggle, glocito
Frouzy, olidus, putidus Fundamental, fundamentalis Gaiety, splendor, nitor
Froward, protervus, morosus Fundamentals, fundamenta Gaily, nitide, splendid^
Frowardly, protervfc, morose A funeral, funus, exequiae Gain, lucrum, quaestus
Frowardness, protervitas A funeral pile, rogus; (song), To gain, lucrifacio, lucror; (ap-
A frown, ruga; (of fortune), ca- naenia probation), movere approbatio-
sus adversus Of a funeral, funebris, funereus nem (credit), fidemimpetrare;

To frown, frontem contrahere Funeral rites, mferiae, justa (increase), augeo ; (ground, or
(upon), iniquis oculis intueri Fungous, spongiosus grow in use), invaleo; (one's
Frowning, torvus, nubilus A funk, vapor suffocans end), voto potiri
A frowning, frontis corrugatio A funnel, iufundibulum ;
(of a Gainful, lucrosus, quaestuosus
(countenance), frons caperata chimney), nares camini Gainsaid, negatus
Frowninirlv, diro vultu To furbish, polio, recudo To gainsay, contradico
Gainsaying, repugnax A garret, contignatio superior age), genus, prosapia; (age),
Garish, lautus, splendidus To garrison, praesidio munire seculum, aetas
A gait, incessus, passus A garrison, presidium Generative, genialis
A gale, flatus, flamen, aura To be in garrison, presidium Generic, secundum genus _

The gall, fel agitare Generosity, generositas, liberali-

Like gall, felleus Of a garrison, praesidiarius tas [liberalis
A gall (nut), galla Garrisoned, piBesidio finnatus Generous, generosus, magnificus,
To gall, uro, attero, destringo Garrulity, garrulitas Generously, liberaliter
Gallant, nitidus, lautus A garter, genuale, persicelis Genesis, Genesis
A gallant, homo scitus ; (to a wo- To garter, subligo Genial, genialis, hilaris
man), moechus, adulter Garter (the officer), garterius The genitals, genitalia, pudenda
Gallantly, nitide, egregie A gasconnade, jactatio A geniting, pomum praecox
Gallantness, nitor, magnificentia A gash, vulnus, caesura Genitive, genitivus .
(of spirit), magnanimitas To gash, vulnero, scindo A genius, genius, indoles, inge-
Gallantry, magnificentia A gasp, hilatus nium, captus
A gallery, ambulacrum, porticus To gasp, respiro, anhelo Genteel, honestus, generosus
An open gallery, procestrium A gate, janua, ostium ; (in going), Genteelly, venuste, pulchre
A galley, navis actuaria, or longa incessus, passus Genteelness, venustas, liberalitas
A galliard (dance), saltatiofestiva A gate-way, semita, callis A Gentile, ethnicus, gentilis
A gallipot, narthecium A gate-keeper, janitor Gentilism, superstitio ethnica
A gallon, congius To gather, colligo, decerpo ; (from Gentility, nobilitas, venustas
(Jalloon-lace, lacinia arguments), coucludo; (as a Gentle (mild), mitis, lenis; (cour-
gallop, cursu con citato ferri crowd), circumfundor ; (guess), teous), comis, affabilis ; (tame),
gallop, cursus effusus conjector; (as a hen her chick- cicur
galloper, eques rapidus ens), foveo; (again), recolligo; To grow gentle, mitesco
galloway, mannus (corn), frumentor; (curd), co- To make gentle, domo
gallows, patihulum, furca agulo; (flowers), flores carpere; Gentle and simple, nobiles et ig-
1 gambol, saltus, ludus (grapes), vindemio; (out), ex- nobiles
game, lusus, ludus cerpo; (strength), reviresco; A gentleman, generosus ; (of the
ame, praeda (on heaps), congero, accumulo royal bedchamber), regis cubi-
%o game, lusibus studere, ludo (persons together), congrego cularius [nestU3
Game, adj. pugnax, audax (up), colligo; (wealth), opes Like a gentleman, ingenuus, ho-
Gamesome, procax, ludibundus conquirere; (alms), stipem col- Gentleness, dementia, lenitas
Gamesomeness, petulantia ligere A gentlewoman, generosa
A gamester, lusibus addictus Gathers, plicas Gently, pacate, leniter; (slowly),
(gambler), aleator dolosus A gatherer, collector; (of fruit), lente, placide
Gaming, alea, lusio strictor; (of grapes), vindemi- Gentry, nobilitas [flexio
For gaming, aleatorius ator; (of toll), publicanus; (of Genuflection (kneeling), genu-
Ik. gammon of bacon, perna olives, &c), legulus Genuine, genuinus, purus
/The gamut, scala musica A gathering, collectio ; (toge- A geographer, geographus
J A gander, anser mas ther), congregatio ; (of fruits), Geographical, geographicus
A gang, grex, sodalitium carptura; (of grapes), vinde- Geography, geographia
I A gangrene, gangrsena miatio; (round), conglobatio; Geometrical, geometricus
I A gantlet, manica militaris (of matter in a sore), suppu- A geometrician, geometra
I A gap, apertura, fissura ratio Geometry, geometria
A stopgap, impediraentum Gaudily, laute, splendide Georgics, georgica
To gape (with the mouth), oscito, Gaudiness, lautitia Germane, germanus, genuinus
hio; (after, or covet), appeto, Gaudy, lautus, splendidus To germinate, germino, pullulo
inhio; (chink, as the ground), A gauger, doliorum mensor A germination, germinatio
dehisco; (for breath), respiro, Gauging, doliorum mensura Germins, germina
anhelo; (at one), aspecto, in- A gauntlet, manica ferrea A gerund, gerundium
tueor Gauze, nebula linea Gesticulation, gesticulatio
Gaping, hians, impudens Gay, comptus, lautus A gesture, gestus, status
A gaping (opening), hiatus To be gay, niteo, splendeo ;
(in Full of gestures, gestuosus
(yawning), oscitatio temper), exhilaro Toget, acquiro, adipiscor; (gone),
A garb, habitus, gestus To make gay, exorno abeo, secedo (acquainted),

garbage, viscera (refuse), quis-

Gay (brisk), hilaris, alacer familiaritatem inire; (above),
quiliae, sordes Gaiety, lautitia, hilavitas supero, vinco; (abroad, or be
To garble, pergo, excerno (cull ; To Gaze, avide spectare told), amano; (before), anti-
out), excerpo A gazer, spectator cipo; (beget), gigno, procreo,
A garbler, purgator A gazette, statae literae rerum no- genero; (with child), gravido;
A garbling, purgatio varum nunciae (gain), lucror, praetereo; (by
Garboil, tumultus Gehenna, gehenna labour), demereo; (cold),frigus
A garden, hortus; (of flowers), To geld, castro, emasculo contrahere; (by heart), me-
floretum; (nursery), semina- Gelt, castratus, eviratus moriae mandare ;
(to land),
rium ; ( of pleasure ) viridarium
, A gelding, castratio arena potiri (on a horse),

(for pot-herbs), olitorium; (for A gelding (nag), cantherium equum ascendere (on a gar- ;

salad), acetarium; (of roses), A gelly, jus gelatum ment), vestem induere (or ;

rosetum A gem, gemma gather together), colligo (or ;

Of a garden, hortensis A gender, genus come together), couvenio; (by

A gardener, hortulanus, olitor To gender, genero, procreo force), extorqueo; (the victory),
A gargle, gargarismus A genealogy, genealogia victoriam consequi ; (up, or
To gargle, gargarizo Genealogical, genealogicus rise), surgo; (up upon), con-
A gargling, gargarizatio A genealogist, genealogus seen do (or lift up), elevo

A garland, sertum, corona; (of General, generalis, universus A getting, acquisitio

bays), laurea (frequent), frequens, communis Gewgaws, nugae, tricae
Garlick, allium Ageneral (ofanarmy),imperator; Ghastliness, horror, pallor
A garment, vestis; (an under (of an order), generalis Ghastly, horrificus, pallidus
garment), tunica; (an upper The generality, plerique omnes A ghost, spiritus, anima
garment), pallium Generally (universally), genera- The Holy Ghost, Spiritus Sanctus,
Of garments, vestiarius tlm; (commonly), generaliter, paracletus
A garner, horreum plerumque; (in general), in Ghosts, manes, umbrae, spectra
To garnish, orno, adorno universum A giant, gigas
A garnishing, ornamentum, ex- To generate, genero, procreo Giant-like, giganteus
ornatio A generation, generatio ; (line- Gibberish, stribligo
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A gibbet, patibulnm To glaze (or polish), polio; (win- To go, vado, incedo, gradior, pro-
To gibbet, suspendo dows), vitro instruere ; (earth- ficiscor ;
(about), circumeo,
Gibbous, gibbus, gibbosus enware), incrusto perambulo; (about business),
A gibe, sanna, scomma A glazier, vitrarius aggredior, conor ; (after), se.
To gibe, illudo, subsanno A gleam, jubar, lumen quor ; (against), adversor ;
Giblets, an sens truncali Gleaming, coruscans (with), comitor; (aside), dis-
Giddiness, vertigo To glean (corn), legere spicas cedo ; (astray), vagor; (away),
Giddily, negligenter (grapes), racemor discedo, abeo (away with),

Giddy (foolish), ineptus; (fickle), A gleaning, spicilegium, racema- aufero; (awry),obliquo; (back),
inconstans ; (beaded), verti- tio; (gleanings), reliquiae recedo; (before), praecedo; (be-
gine correptus, inconstans A glebe, gleba; (land), praedium tween), intervenio ; (beyond),
A gift, donum, munus sacerdotale transeo ; (beyond, or excel),
A gig, turbo Glee, hilaritas, laetitia ancello, prsesto ; (beyond, or
Gigantic, giganteus A gleet, sanies, tabum, ichor overreach) , circumvenio ; (by),
To giggle, effuse ridere Glib, lubricus, laevis praetereo; (down), descendo ;
A giggling, risus effusus Glibly, lubrice, volubiliter (down, as the sun) occido
To gild, inauro, deauro Glibness, volubilitas (for, or fetch), peto ; (forth),
A gilder, inaurator To glide, labor, prolabor exeo ; (forward), pergo; (for-
A gilding, auratura A gliding, lapsus ward, or profit), proficio
A gill, hemina To glimmer, subluceo (from), discedo; (a journey),
A gilliflower, caryophylluin Glimmering, sublustris, creperus proficiscor; (near), accedo, ap-
Gills of fishes, branchiae A glimmering, lux dubia propinquo; (off, as a gun), dis-
Gilt, adj. inauratus A glimpse, coruscatio, aspectus plodor ; (often unto), fre-
Gilt, subst. pecunia obscurus quento ;
(on), pergo ; (over),
A gimlet, terebra To glister, or Glitter, corusco, transeo ;
(over a river), tra-
A gin, laqueus, pedica fulgeo jicio (out, as fire), extinguor ;

Ginger, zinziber; (bread), panis Glittering, nitens, coruscans (out of the way), locum dare, e
zinzibere conditus A glittering, coruscatio, fulgor via excedere ; (quickly), fes-
Gingerly, levi pede, caute Glitteringiy, splendide, nitide tino; (to), adeo; (together),
To gingle, tinnio, crepito; (in A globe, globus, sphaera comitor; (by the ears), pug-
words), sermonem affectare Globe-like, in forma sphaerce nam inire ; (through), pervado,
A gingle (of words), verba in- Globular, sphaericus penetro; (under), subeo (up), ;

ania; (gingling), tinnitus A globule, globulus ascendo ; (up and down), cur-
A gipsy, mulier fatidica Gloomily, obscure, torve sito ; (without, or want), careo
To gird, cingo; (about), circum- Gloominess, obscuritas, caligo Go to, age
cingo; (under), succingo; (un- Gloomy, obscurus, nubilus A goad, stimulus, pertica
to), accingo Glorification, glorificatio To goad, stimulo, exstimulo
A girder, trabs, tignum To glorify, laudo, celebro A goal, meta,terminus
A girding, cinctus, cinctura A glorifying, celebratio A goar of a garment, assumen-
A girdle, cingulum, cingula; Glorious, gloriosus, illustris tum
(marriage-girdle), cestus Gloriously, inclyte, eximie A goat (he), caper, hircus, hoe-
A girl, puella, virgo Glory, gloria, decus dus
(she), capra
Girlish, puellaris To glory, glorior, superbio Of a goat, caprinus, hircinus
Girlishly, puellariter A glorying, gloriatio Goatish, hircosus, libidinosus,
Girt, cinctus, prascinctus Glorying, ventosus, superbus salax
A girth, cinctorium To gloss (expound), commentor; The gob, os
To girth, cingulo substringere (polish), laevigo, polio, nitorem A gobbet, offa, frustum
To give, do, dono, largior; (or rei inducere To gobble up, diglutio, devoro
hand a thing), cedo ; (advice), A gloss (exposition), commenta- A gobbler, vorax
consulo; (alms), stipem. ero- rius,interpretatio ; (lustre), A goblet, crater, patera
gare fulgor, nitor Goblins, larvae, lemures
A giver, dator, largitor A glossary, glossarium God, deus
Gives (fetters), compedes A glossing, laevigatio A goddess, dea, diva
A giving, donatio, largitio ; (in- Glossy, nitidus, expolitus God be with you, vale
to), concessio; (over), disces- A glove, chirotheca, manica God forbid, absit, prohibeat
sio; (up), cessio, deditio A glover, chirothecarius Deus; (God grant), faxit Deus
The gizzard, avium ingluvies To glout, frontem contrahere The Godhead, deitas, divinitas
Glad, betus, hilaris To glow, candeo, caleo Of God, divinus
To be glad, gaudeo, lastor [fico Glowing, candens, ardens Household-gods, lares, penates
To make glad, or Gladden, laeti- To gloze, blandior, adulor A godfather, pater lustricus
A gladialor, gladiator Glue, gluten (mother), mater lustrica; (son),
Gladly, late, lubens To glue, glutino, agglutino Alius lustricus ; (daughter),
Gladness, laetitia, gaudium A glue-house, glutinarium filia lustrica
A glade, insterstitium silvaticum Gluiness, viscositas Godliness, sanctitas, pietas
A glance, contuitus, intuitus A gluing together, conglutinatio Godly, or godlily, adj. pius, reli-
To glance, raptim obtueri (upon, ; Gluey, glutinosus giosus ; adv. pie, religiose
or hint), innuo ; [or slide by), A glut, satias, satietas Agog, avide concupiscens
praeterlabor To glut, satio, saturo Goggle, volubiiis (eyed), strabo

A gland, glandula ; (of the Glutinous, glutinosus Going, incedens, inclinans

throat), tonsilla; A glutton, gulosus, helluo [viens A going (down), declinatio, de-
Full of glands, glandulosus Gluttonous, gulosus, guise ser- scensus (walking), incessus,

To glare, oculos perstringere Gluttonously, gulose, avide gressus (about), ambitus, am-

Glaring crimes, atrocia llagitia Gluttony, gula, ingluvies bages; (away), discessio; (out
Glass, vitrum ; (for drinking), A glyster, clyster of the way), aberratio; (back),
calix vitreus (or draught "of
; To gnash, dentibus frendere reditus;
(before), praegressio ;
liquor) hastus ; (over a glass), A gnashing, dentium stridor (aside), digressio; (down of
inter pocula A gnat, culex the sun), occasus ; (forth),
Of glass, vitreus To gnaw, rodo, eorrodo, mordeo, exitus; (forward), progressio;
A looking-glass, speculum arrodo, circumrodo, derodo, (from), digressio ; (out of a
A glass-house, vitreorum ofheina perrodo; (be vexed), stoma- place), egressus ; (out, as a
A glass-maker, vitri conflator chor fire, &c), extinctio ; (to), adi-
Glass-making, vitri conflatio A gnawing, rosio (pain), ver-
; tus, accessus; (from place to
Glass ware, vitrea minatio; (of the guts), tor- place), comraigratio
A perspective-glass, tubus opticus mina; (of the conscience), sti- Gold, aurum ; (mine), aurifo-
Glassy, or like glass, vitreus mulus dina; (ore), aurum crudum;
(leaf),aurumfoliaceum; (dust), A government, regnum, impe- Graphical, graphicus, accuratus
balux; (coin), aurum signa- rium, provincia, respublica Graphically, graphice, accurate
tum, nummus aureus; (wire), (arbitrary), dominatio; (of a A grapple, harpago
aurum ductile family), ceconomia, rei famili- To grapple, corripio; (a ship),
Of gold, aureus aris administratio ; (of the unco apprehendere ; (with),ob-
A goldbeater, auri foliacei duc- tongue), moderatio; (ofastate), luctor, confligo
tor; (finer), auri purgandi arti- politia; (in grammar), regi- To grase, pasco, depasco; (as a
fex ; (finder), foricarum re- men, consecutio bullet), strictim attingere
demptor A governor, gubernator ;
(in A grasier, pecuarius
A goldsmith, auri faber chief), princeps, prases; (of a A grasp, pugillum
Golden, aureus country), praefectus, procurator To grasp, pugno constringere
A gondola, navicula Veneta Governors, magistratus (at), capto, aucupor
Gone, elapsus; (about), peragra- A gourd, cucurbita, pepo Grasping, avidus, avarus
tus; (back), regressus (be- ;
The gout, podagra, arthritis Grass, gramen, herba
fore), praegressus ; (out),egres- Gouty, arthriticus Bearing grass, herbifer
sus; (forth), profectus; (with A gown, toga, stola Of grass, gramineus
child), praegnans, gravida; (in Grace, gratia; (in speech, &c), Grassy, graminosus, herbosus
drink), temulentus ; (in years), decor, venustas, dignitas; (at A grasshopper, locusta
aetate provectus meals), benedictio; (favour), A grass-plot, viridarium
Good, bonus ; (at), peritus favor, beneficium ; (pardon), A grate (for fire), craticula; (to
(deal), magnus; (many), bene venia look through), clathrus
multi; (for something), utilis; A grace (privilege), privilegium; To grate, rado; (the ears), per-
(for nothing), inutilis ; (ho- (in speaking), lepor, eloquentia stringo; (the teeth), dentibus
nest), probus, integer Ill-grace, invenustas frendere; (vex), dictis mordere
Good (profit, advantage), lucrum, To grace, exorno, orno Grateful, gratus, acceptus, ju-
commodum ;
(to do), bene- Graceful, venustus, elegans, deco- cundus, suavis
facio; (to make), compenso rus, concinnus, decens To be grateful, gratum se praebere
To do good (as physic), prosum Gracefully, decore, venustfe Gratefully, grate, jucunde
Good cheer, epulae Gracefulness, venustas Gratefulness, jucunditas, grati-
lA good (fellow), combibo, con- Graceless, perditus, dissolutus tudo, suavitas
gerro; (name).fama The graces, gratise A grater, radula
In good (health), valeo; (earn- Gracious, gratiosus, benignus To gratify (oblige), obsequor
est), profectd, bona fide (most), serenissimus (indulge), indulgeo; (requite),
'Goods, bona, res, facultates, for- Graciously, humaniter, benigne munero, compenso
tunae, opes; (own), peculium; Graciousness,benignitas,comitas, A gratification, gratificatio
(immoveable), res solidae (by ; benevolentia Grating, mordax
/ inheritance), bona haereditaria A gradation, gradatio A grating, rasura
Goodly, egregius, eximius Gradual, per gradus, constans Gratis, gratis, gratuitd [tus
Goodliness, species, decor Gradually, gradatlm, pedentim Gratitude, gratitudo, animus gra-
Good-liking, comprobatio A graduate, graduatus Gratuitous, gratuitus
Goodness, bonitas, probitas To graff, or graft, insero, inoculo; A gratuity, praemium, munus,
Good-will, benevolentia (between), intersero merces
A goose, anser A graft, insitum Gratulatory, gratulabundus
Of a goose, anserinus A grafter, insitor Grave (serious), gravis, severus,
A gooseberry, grossulae acinus A grafting, inoculatio constans, modestus ; (sad),
(bush), grossularia Grain (com), frumentum ;
(of tristis, moestus; (in speech),
A gore, sinus, plica salt, &c), mica graviloquus; (ancient), senior
Gore (blood), tabum, sanies A grain (in weight), granum A grave, sepulchrum, tumulus ;

To gore, cornu ferire, perforo Grain (to dye with), coccus (digger), tumulorum fossor
A gorge, jugulum, ingluvies The grain (of wood), stamen; (of Of a grave, sepulchralis
To gorge, exsaturo, voro leather), corii rugae To grave, insculpo, sculpo
Gorgeous, nitidus, splendidus Grains (of paradise), grana para- Gravel, sabulum; (in the reins),
To be gorgeous, resplendeo disi; (of metal), semina me- calculus
Gorgeously, magnifice, laute talli ; (in a brewery), brasii ex- To gravel, sabulo insternere ;
(clad), splendide vestitus cocti reliquia? ; (of allowance), (perplex), scrupulum injicere

Gorgeousness, splendor excusatio, condonatio To have the gravel, calculo labo-
A gorget, mamillare, colli arma- In grain, coccinens rare
tura; (of mail), lorica Against the grain, invite Gravelling, difficilis
To gormandize, voro, helluor Grainy, granatus, granosus Gravely, graviter, seri6
A gormandizer, helluo A grammar, grammatica Gravelly, sabulosus
A gormandizing, ingluvies, gula Of grammar, grammaticus, gram- Graven, sculptus, sculptilis
A goslin, anserculus maticalis A graver, sculptor
The gospel, evangelium A grammarian, grammaticus A graver (tool), caelum
Of the gospel, evangelicus Grammatical, grammaticus To gravitate, pondero
A gossip (in drinking), compo- Grammatically, grammatice Gravitation, ponderatio
trix; (in 'walking), ambulatrix ; A granary, horreum Gravity (in person), severitas,
(in tattling), mulier loquax Grand, grandis, ingens gravitas; (hi weight), pondus,
A gossip, susceptor, or susceptrix A grandson, nepos; (daughter), gravitas
initialis neptis; (father), avus; (mo- Gravy, succus, cremor
To gossip, tempus conterere ther), avia; (inquest), inqui- Full of gravy, succi plenus
To govern, guberno, moderor; (a sitio major Gray (with age), canus; (in co-
family), administrare rem fa- A grandee, optimus lour), cinereus ; (eyed), caesius
miliarem ;
(guide), duco ; (one's Grandeur, dignitas, amplitudo To grow gray, canesco
self), se gerere; (the state), A grange, pradium, villa A grayhound, canis Gallicus
regno praeesse (a province),
; A grant, permissio; (thing grant- To graze, pasco, perstringo
provinciam procurare; (a ship), ed), concessum Grease, adeps; (dripping), liqua-
navem gubernare (as a king),
; To grant, concedo, sino ;
(ac- men; (for wheels), axungia
regno knowledge), fateor To grease, inungo, ungo
Governable, tractabilis A granter, donator Greased, linitus [dus
Governance, gubernatio, adminis- A granting, concessio Greasy, pinguis ;
(nasty), squali-
tratio. See Government A grape, uva, staphyle Gieasily, sordide, squalide
A governante, gubernatrix A grape-gatherer, vindemiator Greasiness, pinguedo, illuvies
A governess, gubernatrix A grape-gathering, vindemiatio A greasing, inunctio
Governing, gubernans, imperans A grape-stone, acinus Great, vastus, grandis, magnus;
A governing, gubernatio Bearing grapes, uvifer (exceeding), ingens, immensus
[53] 2)3
; ; ;


(remarkable), insignis ;
(vio- Grisly, asper, incultus; (hideous), A grouse, tetrao
lent), vehemens ; (grievous), horribilis, horrendus A grub, lumbricus
gravis, durus; (with one), fa- Grisly, adv. aspere, horride To grub up, eradico, effodio
miliaris, intimus ; (many), Grist, farina molenda Grubbed up, averruncatus
plures ; (men), optimates ; A gristle, cartilago A grudge, simultas, odium
(with child), gravida; (very), Gristly, cartilageus To grudge, murmuro, invideo
praegrandis Grit, arena, scobs Bearing a grudge, invidus
Greater, major Gritty, arenosus A grudging, livor, invidia
Greatest, maximus ; (chiefest), A groan, gemitus Grudgingly, avare, gravatim, segre
supremus, summus To groan, gemo, ingemo Gruel, pulmentum
Greatly, valde, maxime Groats, farina crassior Gruff, tetricus, torvus
Greatness, magnitudo (of ho-;
A groat, drachma Gruffly, torve, truculenter
nour), dignitas; (with), fami- A grocer, aromatopola ;
(-'s shop), To grumble, murmuro, mussito
liaritas ; (immensity), vastitas, aromatopolium A grumbler, murmurator
immensitas Grocery, aromata A grumbling, murmuratio
Greaves, ocreae The groin, inguen To grunt, grunnio, perfremo
A Grecian, Graecus, Gi-aius A groom, agaso; (of a chamber), A grunting, grunnitus
A Grecism, Graecismus cubicularius ; (of the stable), A guarantee, fidejussor, sponsor
Greedy, avidus, vorax; (of ho- stabularius; (of the stole), To guarantee, in se recipere
nour), ambitiosus (hungry),
primarius a regio cubiculo ; A guard, custodia (of soldiers),

jejunus (porter), janitor regius, or pri- satellitium, presidium

A greedy-gut, helluo, comedo marius Life-guards, regii satellites
To be greedy, avide concupiscere A groove (in wood), stria Advanced guards, excubitores
Greedily, avide, cupide To groove, strio Guards, satellites
To eat greedily, voro To grope, palpor, expalpo, prae- The guard of a sword, capulus
Greediness, avaritia ; (in eating), tento To be upon the guard, excubo
voracitas, aviditas A groper, palpator To guard (against), caveo; (pro-
To speak Greek, Graece loqui A groping, palpatio; (for), prae- tect), defendo, munio (secure), ;

Green (in colour), viridis ; (as tentatio custodio

grass), gramineus; (fresh), re- Gross (thick), crassus, corpu- A guardian, tutor
cens, musteus; (not ripe), im- lentus; (fat), obesus, pinguis; A guarding, stipatio, defensio
rnaturus (very great), ingens, immensus ; (against), cautio
A green (plat), viretum; (for (manifest), manifestus A guardianship, tutela
bowls), sphaeristerium In the gross, in toto A gudgeon, gobio
To be green, vireo, viresco Grossly, crasse, iuconcinne A guerdon, merces, praemium
Greenish, subviridis Grossness, crassitudo, atrocitas A guess, conjectura, augurium
Greenness, viriditas, viror Grotesque, miscellaneus, promis- To guess, conjicio, conjecto
To greet, saluto cuus By guess, ex conjectura, con-
A greeting, salutatio A grotto, crypta, antrum jectura
To send greeting, salutem alicui A grove, nemus, lucus Guessed, conjectura notus
dicere, or impertire To grovel, humi serpere [nus A guesser, conjector
A gridiron, craticula Grovelling, humi prostratus, pro- A guest, hospes (at a feast),

Grief, dolor, mceror, solicitudo, The ground, terra, humus, solum, conviva ;
(chamber), coenacu-
tristitia, molestia tellus ;
(of a thing), causa, fun- lum
Full of grief, tristis, moestus damentum Guidance, ductus, curatio adini-
A grievance, offensio, injuria Aground, in vado h sevens nistratio
To grieve (trouble), vexo, crucio, On the ground, humi A guide, dux, ductor
molesto ; (be grieved), doleo, . To ground (teach), instruo, do- To guide, duco, adduco, dirigo
mcereo ceo ; (upon, or trust to), inni- A guider, ductor, moderator
Grieving, dolens, mcerens tor, fundo ; (establish), sancio A guiding, auspicium
Grievous, infestus, gravis, durus, (a ship), subduco A guild, sodalitium, societas
immanis, atrox Ground-work, fundamentum Guildhall, curia municipalis
Grievously, aegre, molestfe Under-ground, subterranens Guile, fallacia, dolus
Grievousness, atrocitas Ground (of grind), molitus, con- Guileful, fraudulentus, vafer
A griffin, gryps, gryphus tritus ; (on a stone), exacutus Guilt, culpa
A grig, anguilla; (merry grig), Ground-ivy, hedera terrestris Guiltless, innocens, insons
congerro festivus The ground of a floor, contignatio Guilty, nocens, sons, noxius, con-
Grim, torvus, acerbus, trux Of the ground, terrestris scius
To look grim, torvum intueri Groundless, sine causa A guinea-pig, porcellus Indicus
A grimace, oris depravatio The groundsil, inferum limen (hen), gallina Iudica
With grimace, ficte, simulate A group, durba, corona A guise, mos, modus
To grime, denigro To group, constipo, commisceo A guitar, cithara
Grimly, torve, torviter Grout, agriomelura A gulf, gurges; (bay), sinus;
Grimness, torvitas To grow, cresco; (spring up), ex- (abyss), abyssus
A grin, oris distortio; (forced orior; (again), regermino; (be- A gull (bird), larus ; (person
laugh), risus sardonicus come), evado, fio; (among), cheated), stultus
To grin, subrideo innascor; (bigger), adaugesco; To gull, fallo, fraudo
To grind (corn), frumentum mo- (cheap), laxo, vilesco; (dear), The gullet, gula, gurgulio
lere; (to powder), in pulverem carior fieri; (fat), pinguesco ;
A gulling, illusio, i'raudatio
reducere ; (on a stone) exacuo ,
; (heavy), ingravesco; (in grace), A gulley-hole, cloacae craticula
(in a mortar), contundo; (the virtute adolescere (lean), ma- Gulosity, luxuria

teeth), dentibus frendere ; (with resco; (old), senesco; (out of A gulp, haustus avidus
the teeth), mando fashion), desuesco ; (out of To gulp, avide haurire
A grinder, molitor, tritor use), exolesco; (poor), ad pau- Gum, gummi
The grinders, dentes molares pertatemredigi; (proud), super- To gum, gummi sublinere
A grinding, molitura ; (on a bio; (rich), ditesco; (strong), Gummy, gummosus
stone), exacutio convalesco; (tame), mansues- The gum of the eyes, gramia
A grindstone, cos versatilis co; (together), concresco; (up The gums, gingiva
A gripe (handful), manipulus in stature), adolesco; (weary), A gun, scloppus ;
(great), tor-
(of the belly), tormina fatigor mentum murale
To gripe (take hold), constringo; To growl, ringor, irascor A gunner, tormentarius
(as pain doth), pervello '(as ; To be grown (increased), augeor; Gunshot, telijactus
a ship), in ventos nimium dis- (become), fio A gunsmith, sclopporum faber
currere; (as a miser), pertinax Full-grown, adultus Gunnery, ars tormenta bellica
esse pecuniae Growth, increnientum, fructus dirigendi
Gunpowder, pulvis nitratus (shag), villosus ;
(rough), his- Underhand, occulte, clam; (deal-
To gush out, effluo, profluo pidus ; (thin), raripilus ing), dolus, fraus
A gushing out, eruptio Hairy, pilosus, hirsutus To hand (a thing), per manus
A gusset, interserta particula Hairiness, hirsuta tradere ; (down to posterity),
A gust (taste), gustus, gustatus; Hairless, depilis, calvus transmitter memoriae
(of wind), flatus subitaneus A halberd, bipennis militaris With cap in hand, submisse
A.gut, intestinum ; (great gut), The halcyon, halcyon To give the upper hand, loco
colon Halcyon, serenus, tranquillus cedere
Guts, intestina, exta ; (small), To hale, traho ; (in), substringo To have a hand in, particeps esse
ilia, lactes A hailing, tractus Even hands, aequo marte
To gut (a fowl), exentero, evis- Half, dimidium, medietas. (In Upper hand, locus superior
cero ; (fish).purgo; (a house), composition it is rendered by A handicraftsman, opifex
praedam e tecto egerere semi ; as, semi-vivus, half-alive, Handiwork, opus manufactum
A gutter, canalis, lacuna; (be- semi-hora, half an hour.) Handily, solerter, callidfe, perite
tween two houses), complu- Half a dozen, sex Handiness, solertia, peritia
vium ; (into which eaves drop), A halfpenny, obolus To handle, tracto ; (a subject),
colliquiae; (in pillars), stria; By half, dimidio dissererede; (briefly), attingo
(tile), imbrex A hall, atrium, aula; (town), fo- (gently), demulceo ;
To gutter, lacuno, strio rum municipale pertracto ; (one roughly), acer-
To guttle, helluor Hallelujah, hallelujah bius tractare
A guttler, helluo The halliards, antennarum pedes A handle (of a'tool), manubrium;
A guttling, helluatio To halloo (dogs), canes iucitare; (of a target), umbo; (ofacup),
Guttural, gutturalis (shout), vociferor, inclamo ansula; (occasion), occasio
To guzzle, poto, pergreecor An hallooing, vociferatio Having a handle, ansatus
A guzzler, potator To hallow (consecrate), sacro, A handling, tractatio ; (rudely),
Guzzling, potans, pergraecans consecro tractatio indigna
A guzzling, potatio A hallowing, consecratio Handsome (beautiful), venustus,
Gymnastic, gymnasticus A halo (meteor), corona, halo pulcher, formosus ; (fine, or
Gyres (fetters), compedes A halser, helsium genteel), liberalis, honestus,
A halt, gradus suppressus ingenuus (fittings),
To halt, sisto ; (be lame), clau- Justus; (worthy of notice), prae-
dico; (be doubtful), fluctuo, clarus, illustris, laudabilis ;

dubito (artful), lepidus

A halter ahouse), capistrum
(for ;
To make handsome, decoro, polio
(for the neck), laqueus ; (crip- Handsomely, venuste, continue
A haberdasher (of hats), pilio; ple), claudus Handsomeness, elegantia, venus-
(of small wares), dardanarius A halter, restis, laqueus Handy, solers, peritus [tas
Habiliment, apparatus, vestitus To halter, capistro ,
Handicraft, mechanica
A habit (custom), mos, consue- Halting, claudicans, claudus sis- Hang it apage ! !

tudo (of apparel), vestitus

; ; tens To hang (up), suspendo ; {or be
(of body), temperamentum, Halting, claudicatio hanging), pendeo; (down be-
crasis To halve, bipartior fore), praependeo; (back), ter-
Habitable, habitabilis ;
(not), in- By halves, imperfecta giversor; (by a line, &c), ap-
habitabilis A ham, annus porci pendo; (a place with paper),
A habitation, domus The ham, poples locum aulaeis ornare (loose), ;

Habited (clothed), vestitus A hamlet, villa, vicus defluo; (one's ears), auriculas
Habitual, usu contractus To hamstring, snpperno demit tere ; (together), cohae-
To habituate, assuefacio A hammer, malleus, tudes reo ; (over),emineo, promineo ;
Habituated, assuefactus, consue- To hammer, cudo; (in speech), (upon one), parasitor
tus balbutio, haesito ; (out), segi-6 A hanger-on, parasitus
To hack, concido, ceedo pTOferre ; (into the head), seepe A hanger, sica, harpe, ansa
Hacked, concisus, caesus inculcando docere Hanging, pendens, pendulus ;

A hacking, caesio A hammering, malleatio ;

(doubt- (down), demissus ;
A hackney (horse), conductitius ing), dubitatio fluidus, laxus; (over), impen-
Iequus; (coach), currus mer- A hammock, lectus pensilis dens, prominens ;
cenarius ; (writer), scriba con- A hamper, corbis, fiscina ; (of cohaerens
ductitius osiers), cista vitilis Ahanging, suspensio; (together),
To hackney, loco, eloco To hamper, impedio, illaqueo cohaerentia
Ahaddock, asinus marinus A hamperiug, inrpeditio Hangings, aulasa
Ahaft, manubrium, capulus A hanaper, fiscus A hangman, carnifex, tortor
To haft, manubrio instruere The hanaper-office, hanaperium A hank (of thread), glomus
A hag, furia, venesica ; (night- A hand, manus; (right), dextra To hanker after, anxie appetere
mare), incubus (left), sinistra; (writing), scrip- A hankering, appetentia, desi-
Haggard, macer, ferus tura (of pork), humerus por-
A haggis, tomaculum cinus; (of a dial, &c), index, The Hanse-towns, civitates sociae
To haggle, licitor gnomon; (clinched), pugnus; A hansel, primus reiusus, strena
Ahaggler, licitator verbosus (open), palma To hansel, or handsel, primus uti
Ahaggling, licitatio verbosa One-handed, unimanus Hap, casus, sors
Hail, adj. sanus, saluber Hundred-handed, centimanus By hap, forte, fortuit6
Hail, subst. grando On the right hand, ad dextram ; Hap-hazard, prorsus incertum
Hail, verb, salve, ave (on the left hand), ad sinis- To hap, or happen, contingo, ac-
To hail, compello, saluto tram (on the other hand),
; cido, evenio, procedo
The hair, crinis, capillus, csesa- altera parte Happened lately, recens, nupe-
ries, coma, capillitium (of a ; Out of hand, confestim, illic6 rus
beast), villus ; (of the fore- Hand to hand, cominus, con- Happening, contingens, accidens
head), antiae ; (of the eyelids), fertim A happening, exitus, eventus
palpebral Hand over head, inconsult6 Haply, forte, fortasse
Of hair, capillaceus Hand-in-hana, junctis manibus Happily, feliciter, beate
Having long hair, comatus At hand, prope, praestb Happiness, felicitas, beatitudo
(bushy hair), caesariatus ;
A hand at cards, sors Happy, felix, beatus, faustus
(curled hair), cirratus ;
(much Of the hand, manualis To make happy, felicito, beo
hair), criniger A handbreadth, palmus A hapse (catch), sera
To a hair's breadth, ad amussim A handful, manipulus An harangue, oratio, concio
Haircloth, cilicium A handkerchief, sudarium To harangue, verba facere, con-
Haired, crinitus ; (red), rufus ; A handmaid, ancilla cionor
[55] D4
; ;;


To harass, vexo, fatigo ; (a coun- A harpsichord, sambucha stews), ganeo; (of taverns),
try), vasto, depopulor A harpy, harpia popino; (of men's tables), pa-
A harassing, fatigatio, vexatio A harrow, occa rasitus
A harbinger, prodromus To harrow, occo A haunting, frequentatio
A harbour (tor ships), portus A harrower, occator Havock, clades, strages
(refuge), receptaculum A harrowing, occatio To make havock, vasto, spolio
To harbour (entertain), hospitor; Harsh (severe), asper, morosns; A hautboy, tibia soni acutioris
(take up lodgings), diversor (in taste), acer; (in sound), A haw, morum sentis
(an opinion), sentire de discors, ingratus, stridulus A haw-thorn, spina alba
A harbourer, hospes, receptator Harshly, tetre, aspere, male To hawk (spit), screo, exscreo;
A harbouring, receptio Harshness, severitas, asperitas; (cry things), res venales clami-
Hard (not soft), durus ; (diffi- (in taste), acerbitas tare; (go a hawking), aucupor
cult), arduus; (stingy), parsus, A harslet, exta porcina A hawk, accipiter [ditus
tenax; (to get), rarus ; (heart- A hart, cervus Hawk-nosed, naso aquilino prae-
ed), crudelis, terreus; (by),vi- Of a hart, cervinus A hawker (pedlar), mercator cir-
cinus, proximus; (to learn), in- Hart's-horn, cornu cervinum cumforaneus
docilis; (to be understood), Harvest, messis ; (time), autum- A hawking (of things), venditio
obscurus; (to be pleased), mo- nus circumforanea (spitting), scre-

rosus, protervus; (of belief), Harvest, adj. autumnalis atus

incredulus; (skinned), durico- Of harvest, messorius A hawser, helcium
rius; (times), tempora calami- Hay-harvest, fcenisecium Hay, fcenum
tosa A harvest-man, messor Made of hay, foeneus
To make hard, induro, obduro A hazel-tree, corylus; (grove), A haymaker, fcenifex
To be hard, obduresco; (as coryletum Hay-harvest, fcenisecium
brawn), calleo [gustiis A hash of meat, minutal A hay-cock, fceni meta; (loft),
To be hard put to it, premi an- To hash, minutim concidere foenile
(stack), foeni meta
To stand hard (haggle), licitor A hasp, crena ferrea major
To be too hard for, supero To hasp, obsero, oppessulo Hazard, periculum
Hardily, fortiter, strenue A hasping, oppessulatio A hazard (at billiards), fundula ;

Hardiness (boldness), audacia, A hassock, scirpiculum (at tennis), caverna

fortitudo ; (of constitution), Haste, festinatio, celeritas To hazard, periclitor, experior
corpus bene constitutum In haste, festinanter, festine Hazardous, anceps, periculosus
Hardish, paulb durior To hasten, festino, propero; (one's A haze, nebula
Hardly, difficulter, segre, vix pace), gradum accelerare Hazel, corylus
(sharply), rigide, austere, se- A hastening, festinatio Hazy, nebulosus
vere; (stoutly), strenue Hastily, propere, festine, festi- He, ille, ipse, iste, is, hie
Hardness, durities ;
(cruelty), sae- nanter; (passionately ),iracunde Ahead, caput; /heads, or chiefs),
vitia; (difficulty), difficultas; Over-hastily, praepropere, prse- proceres, primates ; (of a col-
(stiffness), rigor; (of skin), mature lege), praeses; (of hair), coma;
callus ; (of heart), duritia ; Hastiness, prsecipitatio, velocitas; (of an arrow), spiculum ;

(sparingness), parsimotia ; (testiness), iracundia (point), cuspis; (of land), pro-

(stinginess), tenacitas ; (of Hasty, concitatus, praeceps (hot),;
body, or mind), corporis, or fervens ; (sudden), subitus Of one's own head, sponte
animi robur (testy), iracundus, morosus To make head, resisto
Hardships, difficultates To be hasty, ardeo, ferocio Head, adj. primarius; (strong),
Hardy (valiant), intrepidus; (that A hat, galerus, pileus ; (band), tenax, temerarius, contumax
can endure), laboris patiens spira; (maker), pileo Forepart of the head, sinciput;
To be hardy, audeo, fortis esse To hatch (chickens), pullos ex- (hinder part), occiput
A hare, lepus cludere; (mischief, lies), dolos Having two heads, biceps; (three
Of a hare, leporinus procudere heads), triceps ; (a hundred
To hare (terrify), perterrefacio A hatch (of chickens), pullities heads), centiceps
Hare-brained, temerarius The hatches, tabalatum A head-piece (ability), sagacitas,
Hark ! heus ! heo ! Under the hatches, in egestate; sapientia, judicium ; (stall of a
A harlequin, sannio, minras (in the power of ), sub potestate bridle), frontale; (of a lute, or
A harlot, meretrix, scortum A hatchet, securis, ascia viol), citharae jugum (helmet),

Of a harlot, meretricius A hatchet-face, vultus informis cassis ; (of a spring), fontis

Harm, damnum, malum, clades, A hatching of chickens, foetura origo
calamitas Hate, invidia, odium To head (a cask), dolio fundum
To harm, noceo, Iffido ;
(be harm- Full of hate, invidus, malignus immittere ; (a spear), ferrum
ed), damno affici To hate, odisse, detestor ; (each hastae praefigere; (an army),
Harmless, innoxius, insons ;
(to other), mutuis odiis flagrare exercitum ducere
bear harmless), indemnem prae- (with disdain), fastidio Hand over head, inconsulte
stare To be hated, odio haberi Brought to a head, suppuratus
Harmlessly, innocenter, innocue Hateful, odiosus, invidiosus Headed, capitatus (as an army),

Harmonious, modulatus, musicus A hater, osor; (of women), mi- ductus

Harmoniously, modulatfe; (with sogynos ; (of men), misan- A headborough, decurio
one consent), una mente thropos; (of marriage), miso- Headiness, contumacia [mas
To harmonize, modulor, consentio gamos Heady, potens, inebrians, contu-
Harmony, harmonia, symphonia Hating, perosus, exosus Headless, sine capite
Harness, habena, armatura; (for A hating, aversatio Headlong, pronus, praeceps
drawing), helcium ; (trap- Hatred, odium, simultas Headship, principatus
pings), phalerae ; (for the To have, habeo, teneo, potior; (a Headstrong, indomitus, ferox
breast), thorax; (for the thing cried), praeconi aliquid To heal, medior, sano ; (a wound),
thighs), cruralia; (complete), subjicere; (away), abduco vulnus conglutinare; (divi-
panoplia A haven (harbour), portus sions), concilio ; (be healed),
To harness, instruo, induo, pha- Haughtily, superbe, elate sanor, convalesco
leras inducre Haughtiness, fastus, arrogantia That may be healed, medicabilis ;

A harness-maker, armorum faber Haughty, superbus, fastuosus (not to be healed), immedica-

A harnessing, loricatio Having, habens, gaudens bilis
A harp, cithara, lyra A haunch (hanch), coxa Healing, salutaris, pacificus
To harp, eandem incudem tundere A haunt, consuetudo, recessus A healing, sanatio
Of a harp, citharcedicus To haunt, frequento, infesto Health, salus, valetudo
A harper, citharista, citharistria, Haunted by spirits, umbris in- To be in health, valeo, vigeo
fidiceu quietatus Healthful, saluber, salutaris
Harping-irons, harpagones A haunter, frequentator ; (of Healtbiulness, salubritas, sanitas
Healthy, saiaus, validus derosus, gravis ;
(requiring Her, ejus, illius, ipsius ;
A heap, strues, acervus, cumulus, much labour), laboriosus ; self), ilia ipsa, seipsam
congeries (dirty), lutosus By herself, sola
To heap (up), cumulo, accumulo, To make heavy, or sad, contristo Her own, sua
congero; (upon), superingero (in weight), ingravo A herald, fecialis
A heaping, cumulatio A Hebraism, Hebraismus Heraldry, jus feciale [olus
By heaps, cumulatlm, acervatlm Hebrew, Hebraicus, Hebrseus An herb, herba; (for the pot),
To hear, audio, exaudio, sub- In Hebrew, Hebraice Herbage (pasture), pascuum ;

audio; (be informed), certior A hecatomb, hecatombe (tithe of herbs), decimae pro
fieri, rescisco (a cause), cau-
Hectic, hecticus herbis; (tithe of grazing), jus
sam cognoscere A hector, sicarius, gladiator de pascuis
hearer, auditor
A. To hector, insulto, minor An herbal, botanologia
hearing, auditus, auditio
A. A hedge, sepes, septum An herbalist, botanicus
Hard of hearing, surdaster To hedge, sepio; (before), prae- Full of herbs, herbosus
Within hearing, praestb esse sepio; (about), circumsepio An herb-market, forum olitorium
To hearken, ausculto, subausculto A hedge-hog, echinus Herb-seller, olitor, olitrix
Hearsay, fama, rumor A hedge-priest, sacerdos tressis ; A herd, armentum
The heart, cor ; (middle), me- (marriage), nuptiae clandestinse To herd together, convenio
dium (of a tree), medulla
; A hedging, septio A herdsman, armentarius
lull of heart, animosus Heed, cura, cautela Here, hlc; (behold!) ecce en! !

To have a heart, audeo To take heed, caveo, attendo (hither), hue (and there), hie

Out of heart, exanimis ; (as Heedless, oscitans, incautus illic, passim, sparslm (after), ;

ground), sterilis, infcecundus

Heedlessly, negligenter, incaute posthac; (about), in his par-
In heart, animosus ; (as land), Heedlessness, negligentia tibus ; (at), hinc, inde, ex hoc
fertilis, opimus The heel, calx (by), ex hac, per hoc, hac re,
To be in heart, vigeo, valeo ; (out To heel, inclino, supplanto hinc; (in), in hac re; (of),
'of heart), animum despondere To he at the heels, insto hujus, de hac re; (tofore), an-
Jleart of oak, robur A heifer, juvenca, bucula tea, antehac, olim ; (upon),
iext to one's heart, carissimus Height, altitudo ; (of a distem- hinc; (unto), ad hoc, adhuc
Sy heart, meruoriter per), crisis ; (top), culmen ;
(with), hoc
To lay it to heart, aegre ferre (tallness), proceritas Hereditable (hereditary), haere-
Sick at heart, graviter aegrotans Height, summus, maximus ditarius
A sweetheart, arnica, amicus, To heighten, erigo; (encourage), Heresy, haeresis
procus excito, animo An heretic, haereticus
Heartbreaking, acerbissimus A heightening, exaggeratio Heretical, haereticus
Heartburning, cardialgia ;
Heinous, detestabilis, atrox Heretically, haereticfc
(grudge), simultas To make heinous, exaggero An heritage, haereditas
Hardhearted, immisericors, durus Heinously, aegre, facinorose, in- An hermaphrodite, hermaphro-
Hardheartedness, inhumanitas fense, irate ditus
Lighthearted, hilaris, laetus Heinousness, immanitas Hermetical, chemicus
The heart-strings, preaecordia An heir, or heiress, haeres; (at Hermetically, hermetice
To hearten, animo, incito law), haeres lege ;
(apparent), An hermit, eremita
A heartening, animatio haerespraesumptus; (joint), co- An hermitage, eremitae cella
A hearth, focus, foculus haeres A hero, heros
Belonging to a hearth, focarius Heirship, haereditas Heroical, Heroicus
Heartily, sincere, fortiter, avide, Hell, tartarus, infernum Heroically, fortiter
ex animo, acri appetitu, effuse, A hellhound, improbus, perditus A heroine, herois
valde, toto pectore Hellish, infernalis, infernus Heroism, fortitudo
Heartiness, sinceritas A helm, gubernaculum, clavus A heron, ardea
Heartless, despondens, excors
A helmet, cassis, galea A herring, halec; (pickled), ha-
Hearty (sincere), sincerus, in- "With a helmet, galeatus lecconditanea ; (red), halec
teger; (not sick), sanus, validus Help, auxilium, subsidium, admi- salita et fumo durata
Heat, calor, fervor, calliditas niculum, suppetiae; (remedy), Hers, ejus, illius, ipsius
(passion), ira remedium A herse, feretrum
A heat in races, cursus To help, opitulor, juvo, subsidio To hesitate, haesito, dubito
To heat (make hot), calefacio; alicujus venire, promoveo, sup- Hesitation, haesitatio, mora
(be in a heat), candeo, sestuo ;
pedito, libero, extrico ; (up), Heterodox, heterodoxus
(an oven), furnum igne cale- sublevo, sustineo ; (avoid), evi- Heterogeneous, heterogeneus
facere to, vito, effugio To hew, caedo, disseco (asun- ;

With great heat, ardenter By God's help, Deo juvante der), discindo ; (down), suc-
An iron-heater, ferrum ad lintea A helper, auxiliator, adjutor cido ; (in pieces), consido
polienda aptum Helpful, auxiliaris (with an axe), dedolo, dolo
A heating, calefactio Helping, adjuvans, opem ferens A hewing of wood, lignatio
Heath, erica ;
(common land), Helpless, inops, opis desertus A hexagon, hexagonus
ager compascuus Helter-skelter, confuse, temere Heyday ohe ! !

A heathen, paganus, infidelis Hem hem! ! Hiccough, or hiccup, singultus

Heathenism, gentilismus A hem, fimbria limbus To hiccup, singultio
Heathenish, ethuicus To hem, fimbria ornare ;
(in), Hid, hidden, abditus, arcanus
To heave, levo, allevo ; (swell), obsidio, circumsideo A hide, pellis, corium ; (of land),
tumeo; (up), attollo, elevo A hemisphere, hemisphaerium hida terrae
Heaven, ccelum, olympus Hemlock, cicuta To hide, abscondo, occulto; (a-
Heavenly, coelestis; (beings), coa- A hemming, praetextura, screatus gain), recondo; (before), prae-
lites (minded), rehus coeles-
Hemp, cannabis, linum tego ;
(cover), operio (from), ;

tibus intentus (mindedness), ;

Hempen, (of hemp), cannabinus, celo (in the ground), defodio

rerum coelestium cura (things), ;

liueus (together), cooperio, lateo, de-
ccelestia, divina A hen, gallina liteo, latito, delitesco
Heavily, graviter, aegre; (slowly), Of a hen, galliLaceus A hider, occultator
lente, torpide A henroost, pertica gallinaria Hideous, perhorridus, horridus
Heaviness (weight), gravitas ; Henhearted, timidus, ignavus Hideously, torve, tetre, horrid^
(drowsiness), sopor, torpor Hence, or from hence, ex hoc ; Hideousness, horror
(dulness), stupiditas; (sorrow- (begone!) apage te 1 (from A hiding, occultatio ; (place),
fulness), tristitia, mceror hence), adhlnc ; (forth), de- latebra, latibulum
Heavy (sad), tristis, tardus, mces- hinc, deinceps, porrft, postMc Hierarchical, hierarchicus
tus; (drowsy), torpidus ; (dull), Hepatic, hepaticus An hierarchy, hierarchia
segnis, iners ; (in weight), pon- A heptarchy, heptarchia Hieroglyphical, hieroglyphicus
[57] Do


Hieroglyphics, hieroglyphica Hit or miss, jacta est alea A holding (back), retentio ;

A higgler, dardanajius To hitch, fune arripere; (move (down), suppressio

High, altus, excelsus, supremus, farther), paulum movere Holding fast, tenax, pertinax
sublimis, praealtus ; (in sta- An hithe, portus, sinus A holding (in), conhibitio (up), ;

ture), procerus; (prized), pre- Hither, hue, horsum ; (and thi- sustentatio; (one's peace), si-
tiosus ther), hue illuc, ultro citrdque lentium, taciturnitas
On high, in sublime, sursum ; Hither, or nearer, citerior A hole, foramen; (to lurk in),
(above us), supernus, superus Hithermost, citimus latebra ; (or cave in the earth),
Highborn, illustri genere natus Hitherto, adhuc, hactenus, usque, spelunca; (in a prison), tullia-
Highruettled, fortis, acer, ferox adhuc, hucusque num ; (chink ) , rima
Highminded, animo elatus, su- Hitherward, horsum To make a hole through, trans-
perbus, fastidiosus A hive, alveare fodio, penetro, terebro
The high-priest, pontifex maxi- A place for hives, apiarium A breathing-hole, spiramentum
mus Hoar-frost, pruina Full of holes, foraminosus
The highway, via regia To hoard, coacervo. See Herd Holily, sancte, pie
A highwayman, viatoris insidiator Hoariness, canities Holiness, sanctitas, pietas
To be higher (excel), super- Hoarse, raucus, fuscus Hollow, cavus, cavernosus
emineo To be hoarse, rauceo ;
(to grow A hollow, concavum
Highest, summus, supremus hoarse), irraucesco To hollow, excavo, cavo ; (whoop),
Highly, alte, excelse Hoarsely, rauce, raucum vociferor, inclamo
Highness, celsitudo, altitudo Hoarseness, raucitas; (of speech), To be hollow like a spunge, fistulo
Hilarity, hilaritas ravis The hollow of the feet, subtal
A hill, mons, collis Hoary, canus, albescens ; (as Hollow (as a pipe), tubulatus;
A hillock, colliculus frost), pruinosus (mouldy),
(voice), vox fusca; (hearted),
Hilly, montanus, montosus mucidus fallax; (eyed), psetus ; (as a
A hilt, capulum To be hoary, caneo, incanesco, reed), fistulosus
Of him, illius, ejus, hujus, de impactus A hollowing, excavatio
illo (self), sui, per se
Hoary hairs, cani Hollowness, cavitas ; (under
He himself, ille ipse To hobble, claudico; (do care- ground), caverna; (of the eyes),
A hind, cerva, hinnulas, rusticus lessly), negligenter, or leviter conchus
Hinder, posterior; (feet), pedes agere [asper Holy, sacer, sanctus
posteriores ; (part of the head), Hobbling, inconcinnns ; (rough), Holy things, sacra
occiput; (part of the neck), Hobblmgly, male, inconcinne Holy writ, scriptura sacra [rum
cervix A hobby, mannus Holy of holies, sanctum sancto-
To hinder, impedio, obsto, inhi- A hobby-horse, arundo longa To make holy, consecro, sacro
beo, prohibeo; (interrupt), in- A hobgoblin, larva, spectrum A holy-day, dies festus, ferise
terpello, interturbo A hock of bacon, perna porcina Holy Ghost, Spiritus Sanctus
A hindrance, (impediment), im- Old hock, vinum Rhenense ve- Holy Thursday, dies ascensionis
pedimentum, mora ;
(loss, or tustum Homage, clientela, obsequium
prejudice), damnum, incommo- A hocus-pocus, prsestigiator Home, domus (at home), domi,

dum A hod, trulla indomo; (from home), domo

To be hindered, impedior Hoddy, loetus, sanus Home (in argument), clarus, cer-
A hinderer, interpellator, lucri A hodge-podge, miscellanea, far- tus ; (blow), validus, fortis ;
oppugnator rago (domestic), domesticus ; (on-
A hindering, retardatio A hoe, rastrum, pastinum set), violentus; (accusation),
Hindmost, postremus To hoe, pastino acris; (spun), crassus, agrestia
A hinge, cardo A hog, sus, porcus (little), por-
Home (freely), adv. libere, au-
A hint, indicium, monitio cus (sty-fed), porcus altilis
To hint, innuo, suggero Like a hog, porcinus, suillus Short of home, in via deficere
A hinting, monitio A hoggrel, ovis bidens Homeliness, rusticitas
Hip ! heus ! heo ! A hogherd, subulcus Homely, rudis, impolitus, rusti-
The hip, coxendix, coxa Hog's hauslet, exta porcina cus, inconcinnus, deformis, in-
The hip-gout, sciatica A hogsty, suile, hara venustus
Hippish (hypochondriac), atra A hogshead, dolium, cadus Homeward, domum versus
bile percitus- Hoggish (clownish), rusticus ;
A homicide (that doth murder),
Hipshot, delumbatus (surly), morosus; (niggardly), homicida (the act), homi-

Hire, merces, stipendium sordidus [ros4 cidium

To hire, conduco Hoggishly, rustice, sordide, mo- A homily, homilia, concio
To let to hire, eloco Hoggishness, rusticitas, moro- Homogeneous, homogeneus
The hire of, locarium sit'as Homologous, congener
A day's hire, diarium To hoist, levo, erigo A hone, cos
Belonging to hive, stipendiarius Ahold (cave), latibulum; (thing Honest, honestus, probus, inte-
A hireling, mercenarius to hold by), adminiculum (of ;
ger, castus, pudicus, verecundus
A hirer, conductor [tio a ship), penetrale; (of wild An honest fellow, homo frugi
A hiring, conductio; (out), loca- beasts), ferarum cubile ; Honestly, honeste, probe, caste
His, ejus, illius, ipsius, hujus ; (strong), presidium Honesty, honestum, rectum, pro-
(own), suus, proprius To hold, retineo, teneo, obtineo; bitas, integritas, pudicitia
A hiss, or hissing, sibilum (on, or continue a debate), du- Honey, mel
To hiss, sibilo ;
(like a goose), ro; (affirm), assero, vindico Making honey, meUificus
gingrio ;
(off the stage), ex- (think), puto; (a candle), fa- Of honey, melleus
plodo cem alicui praelucere ; (con- A honey- comb, favus
An historian, historicus tain), capio, contineo; (last), Honey-moon, "Veneris festa
Historical, historicus duro, resto; (back), detineo, Honour, honor, honos (reputa- ;

Historically, historice retineo; (close together), com- tion), fama, existimatio; (chas-
A history, historia primo; (one's breath), spiritum tity), pudicitia
To hit (strike), fcrio, percutio ; comprimere; (in), cohibeo; (in To honour, honoro, colo
(happen, or succeed), contingo, the reins), habenas premere ;
Tour honour, dominatio vestra
accido, succedo (on a thing), ; (off, or refrain), abstineo; (out, Full of honour, honoratus, venc-
in rem incidere (against), col-
; or persevere), persevcro ; (one's rabilis
lido, allido ; (or beat down), peace), taceo, sileo; (out),pcr- Bringing honour, honoroficus
disjicio duro; (up), attollo Of honour, illustris, nobilis
A hit, ictus, percussio ;
(chance), In hold, in custodia Honourary, honorarius [rus
Bors, casus A holdfast, uncus ferreus Honourable, honorabilis, praecla-
Hit, ictus, percussua Holding, teneus (one's purpose),
; Right honourable, illustrissimus,
A hitting against, collisio consilii, or propositi tenax amplissimus, ornatissimus
HOR tiott HUM
Honourableness, uobilitas [me Horse-coursing, equorum permu- A household, familia
Honourably, maguifice, amplissi- tatio Of the household, familiaris
An honouring, cultus, reverentia Horse-guards, satellites equestres Household (bread), panis secun-
A hood (veil), velum; (for the A horsekeeper, agaso darius ;
(affairs), res familiares ;

head), cucullus, capitium (for ; A horseleech, hirudo quotidianus; (go-

(fare), victus
a priest, or woman), redimicu- A horse-load, sagma vernment), imperium cecono-
lum; (to ride in), pallium fe- A horseman, eques micum; (stuff), supellex
minarum; (for a graduate, &c), Light-horsemen, velites A householder, paterfamilias
epomis Of a horseman, equester A housekeeper, fcemina cui domus
To hoodwink, caput obvolvere A horse-race,
hippodromus cura committitur [tratio
I A hoof, unguis ;
(of a horse), un- Horsemanship, ars equestris Housekeeping, familiee adminis-
gula Horse-radish, rapharius agrestis Houseleek, sedum
Hoofed, ungulas habens Horse-shoe, equi calceus House-room, locus in domo
A hook, hamus, uncus; (sheep- A housewife, materfamilias

Hortative, hortativus
hook), pedum; (flesh-hook), A hose, tibiale, caliga How, quam ; (far), quatenus,
fuscina; (of a clasp), ansula; Wearing hose, caligatus quantd; (great), quantus quam
(for a boat), hama; (to wed Of hose, caligarius magnus (greatly), quamvalde
; ;

with),runcina; (to cut with), A hosier, caligarius (long), quam diu, quampridem,
falx; (for a garment), fibula; Hospitable, hospitalis, benevolus quoad, quousque (many), quot,

(great iron hooks), harpago ; Hospitably, hospitaliter quoteni, quam multi; (often),
(hooks of a door), cardines A hospital, xenodochium, noso- quo ties [nihilominus
To hook (grapple), inunco ; (to- conium ; (for old people), ge- Howbeit, at, tamen, attamen,
gether), confibulo, necto; (in), rontocomium (for orphans),
; However (at least), saltern, certe;
allicio, capio orphanotrophium [or howsoever), ut ut, utcun-
Hookedness, aduncitas Hospitality, hospitalitas que, quomod6, quomodocunque
A. hoop, vimen, circulus A host (army), exercitus, copisc; How great soever, quantuscun-
rohoop,vieo; (hollow), vociferor, (innkeeper), bospes, caupo que; (little), quantuluscunque;
exclamo (wafer in the mass), hostia (many), quotcunque, quotquot
The hooping-cough, tussis ferina A hostage, obses, vas (often), quotiescunque; (long),
To hoot, exclamo, inclamo A hostel, or hotel, diversorium quamvis diu (much), quan-

A hop, or hops, lupulus A hostess, hospita, hospes tumcunque, quantumvis

A hop, or jump, saltus Hostile, hostilis, hosticus, infestus To howl (cry), ululo
JTo hop, subsulto; (to
saltito, Hostility, hostilitas A howl {or howling), ululatus,
hop beer), cerevisiam lupulis An hostler, stabularius ejulatus
condire An hostry, stabulum A hubbub, turba, tumultus
Hope, spes, fiducia; (a hope), Hot, calidus, ardens; (upon the The huckle-bone, talus
dorsum montis, specula tongue), acris, mordicans ;
Huck-backed, gibbosus
P To hope, spero, expecto (headed), temerarius A huckster, propola; (-'s trade),
,' Past hope, desperatus, insperatus To be hot, caleo, sestuo (scald- ;
The forlorn hope, antecursores ing), inferveo; (within), incaleo A huddle, confusio
Hopeful, de quo bene speratur To grow hot, calesco, excandesco To huddle, confusim agere (to- ;

Hopeless, exspes, desperatus To make hot, calefacio gether), confundo, misceo

Hoping, sperans Hotly, fervide, calide ; (furiously), In a huddle, confuse^
A hopper, saltator; (of a mill), acriter, vehementer A hue (colour), color
infundibulum Hotness, salor Hue and cry, sontis insecutio
A hord, acervus A hotch-potch, farrago A huff, or huffer, thraso
To hord, accumulo, colligo A hovel, casa, tugurium To huff (look big, or boast), glo-
A horder up, accumulator To hover (as a hawk), circum- rior; (insult), insulto (make ;

I Horehound, marubium volo ;

(float), fiuctuo, fluito ;
a noise), verbis intouare
The horizon, horizon (over), immineo; (soar), pen- (threaten), minitor
Horizontal, horizontalis nas librare To be in a huff, eegre ferre
A horn, cornu Hovering, imminens, propinquus A huffing fellow, miles gloriosus
A bugle-horn, cornu venatorium A hound, canis venaticus (blood- ; A huffing (boasting), jactatio ;
Horn-work (fortification), muni- hound), canis sagax, investi- (threatening), minatio ; (cla-
mentum angulare garius ; (greyhound), canis mouring), vociferatio
Of horn, corneus Gallicus Huffish, arrogans, ferox, insolens
Hard as horn, corneolus To hound a dog, canem animare Huffishly, arroganter, superb e
Having one horn, unicornis ;
(two An hour, hora; (in a bad hour), Huffishness, arrogantia,insolentia
horns), bicornis haud auspicat6 (in a good ;
A hug, amplexus
A homer, cornuum opifex hour), auspicatb, opportune To hug, amplector ;
A hornet, crabro Half an hour, semihora (an hour ;
sibi placere, or plaudere
Horny, corneus and half), sesquihora Huge, vastus, immanis, ingens
A horoscope, horoscopus An hour-glass, clepsydra Hugeness, vastitas, immanitas
Horrible (terrible), horribilis, Hourly, horis singulis, in horas A hugging, amplexus ~~
horridus; (heinous), dirus, in- A house, domus, sedes; (country), A hulk, navis oneraria
fandus ; (excessive), immode- suburbanum (of lords),
villa, ; A hull (of beans, &c), siliqua;
ratus domus parium (of commons), ; (of a ship), corpus navis sine
Horrid, tremendus, dirus domus communium (of cor- ;
Horrific, honificus rection), ergastulum; (of office), To hull (as a ship), vacillo ;

Horror, horror, terror latrina (beans, &c), decortico

Full of horror, horrore perfusus Of the same house, familiaris A hum, admurmuratio, fallacia,
A horse, equus; (little horse), A house, or family, familia, genus, bombus
mannus, equulus (ambling
prosapia To hum and haw, haesito
horse), equus tolutarius ; (sor- Of a house, domesticus To hum (as bees), bombilo (a ;

ry), caballus
(cart-horse), ju- House by house, domesticatlm tune), vocem modulari (de- ;
mentum ; (c^oach-horses), bi- To house (cattle), ad stabulum ceive), fallo
juges ; (to dry clothes on), can- deducere; (one's self), tectum Human, hum anus [nus
therius; (hackney), equus con- subire; (corn), frumentum hor- Humane, comis, affabilis, benig-
ductitius ; (hobby-horse), arun- condere
reis Humanely, humaniter
do longa; (hunting), equus ve- To keep a good house, eleganter Humanity, humanitas, comitas
nator vivere (an open house), expo-
; To humanize, emollio
Horse (cavalry), equitatus sita uti hospitalitate Humble, humilis, supplex
To horse, in equum mittere House-breaking, latrocinium To humble, or make humble, re-
Of a horse, equinus House-rent, pensum pro domo primo; (one's self), sehumiliarc
A horse-courser, equorum mango Housing, stragulum Humbleness, humilitas


A humbling (of others), coer- To hush (calm),placo; (keep se- Ignorant, ignarus, inscius, rudis
citio; (of one's self), submissio cret), rem celare To be ignorant, ignoro, nescio
Humbly, humiliter, submisse A husk (hull), siliqua Ignorantly, inscieuter, incite
A humdrum, fatuus, ineptus Husk of corn, acus, gluma 111, infortunium, malum; adj. pra-
Humid, humidus, uvidus Husky, acerosus ; (in voice), vus, nequam, malus ; adv. per-
Humidity, humiditas, humor raucus peram, male
Humiliation, humiliatio, submis- A hussy, mulier nequam To be ill, male se habere
sio Hustings, hustinga Ill-conditioned, morosus ; (dis-
Humility, humilitas A hut, casa, tugurium posed), pravus; (favoured), de-
A hummer (deceiver), deceptor A hutch, mactra formis; (bred), asper, agrestis
A humming, deceptio ;
(of bees), To huzz, obstrepo Ill-will, invidia, livor
apum bombus Huzza, lsetus clamor, acclamatio Illegal, illicitus
Humour, humor; (fancy), arbi- To huzza, vociferor Illegally, contra fas
trium (pleasant), facetia; (in
A hyacinth, hyacinthus Illegality, injustitia
the body), corporei tempera- An hydrographer, hydrographus Illegitimacy, ortus infamia
menti affectus ; (inclination), Hydrography, hydrographia Illegitimate, spurius, adulterinus
indoles, mores; (good), fes- Hydropical, hydropicus Illiberal, illiberalis
tivitas To hye, festino, propero Illiberality, illiberalitas
Good-humoured, facetus, lepidus Hyemal, hyemalis Illiberally, illiberaliter
Ill-humoured, austerus, morosus A hyena, hysena Illicit, illicitus
To humour, morigeror Hymen, Hymen Illiterate, indoctus, rudis
A humourist, inconstans, levis A hymn, hymnus, ode Illness,morbus, segrotatio
Humourous humoursome),
(or An hyperbole, hyperbole Ill-natured, perversus
pervicax, morosus (pleasant), ;
Hyperbolical, hyperbolicus To illude, illudo, eludo
lepidus, facetus Hyperbolically, hyperbolicfe To illuminate, illumino
Humourously, lepide, facets Hyphen (a), hyphen An illuminating, illuminatio
To hunch, tundo, trudo Hypochondriac, hypochondriacus An illusion, phantasma, error
Hunchbacked, gibbus, gibbosus Hypocrisy, hypocrysis Illusory, Illusive, fallax
A hundred, centum, centenus A hypocrite, hypocrita To illustrate., illustro, explico
Of a hundred, centenarius To play the hypocrite, simulo An illustrating, illustratio [rus
By hundreds, centuriatim Hypocritical, simulatus, falsus Illustrious, illustris, eximius, cla-
A hundred (of soldiers), cen- Hypocritically, simulate To be illustrious, clareo
turia; (part of a shire), hun- Hypothesis, positio, hypothesis Illustriously, eximie, clare
dredum Hypothetical, hypotheticus Illustriousness, claritudo
A hundred times, centies Hypothetically, hypothetic^ Imaginable, quod fingi potest
The hundredth, centesimus Hyssop, hyssopus_ An image, imago, statua
Two hundred, ducenti, duceni Hysterical, hystericus Image-worship, cultus simula-
Hunger, fames, esuries ; (ex- A hyth, sinus, portus crorum
treme), inedia Imaginary, imaginarius, fictus
To hunger, esurio Imagination, imaginatio, cogi-
Hungered, Hungry, esuriens, ra- tatio, machinatio, opinio
bidus Full of imagination, cogitabun-
Hungrily, rabide, jejune dus
To hunt, venor, venatum ire ;
To imagine (think), existimo,
(after), aucupor, investigo ; I, ego ;
(myself), egomet, ipse suppono (invent), imaginor

(after riches), opes consectari ego Not to be imagined, incompre-

(out), exploio, perquiro; (up Iambic, Iambicus hensibilis
and down), exagito Ice, glacies, gelu To imbank, munio, sepio
A hunter, venator An icicle, stillicidium, stiria To imbattle, aciem instruere
A hunting, venatio, venatus (or ;
Icy, glacialis Imbattled (as an army), instruc-
seeking out), indagatio An idea, idea, conceptio tus; (as a wall), pinnatus
For hunting, venatorius, vena- Identity, identitas Imbecility, debilitas
ticus The ides, idus To imbellish, polio, decoro. See
A hunting-match, venatio pramxa An idiom, idioma Embellish
A hurdle, crates An idiot, idiota, stultus To imbezzle (waste), peculor, di-
A hurl, act usj An idiotism, idiotismus ; (fool- lapido; (purloin), surripio
To hurl, jacio, projicio ishness), stultitia, fatuitas An imbezzler, peculator
Hurled, emissus, j actus, conjectus Idle, otiosus, negligens, ignavus, An imbezzlement, dissipatio
A hurler, jaculator nugatorius, futilis ; (fellow), To imbibe (suck in), imbibo
A hurling, jaculatio cessator ; (trick), ineptia ; To imbitter (exasperate), ex-
A hurly-burly, tumultus (story), fabula ; (discourse), aspero
A hurricane, turbo sermo absonus, or alienus To imbolden, animo, incito
A hurry (haste), festinatio; (con- Very idle, desidiosus To imboss, caelo
fusion), tumultus To be idle, cesso, torpesco Imbossed-work, toreuma
To hurry, festino, urgeo Idleness, ignavia, inertia An imbosser, ceelator
Hurried, festinatus, acceleratus Idly, ignave, otiose, ineptfc An imbossing, cselatura
A hurrying, festinatio An idol, idolum, imago Art of imbossing, toreutice
A hurt (damage), damnum, in- An idolater, idolatra To imbroil, confundo, turbo (a ;

juria (wound), vulnus, plaga

; Idolatrous, idolis inserviens state), res novas raoliri (sow ;

To hurt, kedo, noceo, corrumpo Idolatry, idololatria discord), dissidium concitare

Hurtful, nocens, nocivus, dam- To idolize, hominem devenerari To imbrue, imbuo, contamino
nosus, perniciosus, exitiosus Idyl, idyllium To imbue, imbuo
A hurting, nocumentum If, si ; (not), si minus, si non, ni To imburse, nummos reponere
Hurtless, innocuus, illsesus nisi ; (as if), quasi, tanquam To imitate, imitor; (a thing), de-
A husband, vir, maritus perinde ac si; (but if), sin lineo; (with ambition), semulor
A husband's brother, levir; (sis- quod si; (but if not), sin ali Imitable, imitabilis
ter), glos ter, sin minus, sin secus An imitating, or imitation, imi-
To husband, caut6 dispensare (whether) num, an, utrum, si tatio, delineatio
(or till ground), agrum colere Ignoble, ignobilis, obscurus An imitator, imitator, semulator
A husbandman, agricola Ignobly, obscure, abjecte Immaculate, immaculatus, purus
Husbandry, agricultura; (good), Ignominious, infamis Immanent, inhserens
frugalitas, oeconomia Iguominiously, cum dedecore Immanity, crudelitas
To practise husbandry, rusticor Ignominy, dedecus, infamia Immaterial (void of matter), ma-
Hush desine tace
! ! 1 An ignoramus, ignavus, fatuus teria? expers (of no moment),
To be hush, taceo Ignorance, inscientia, imperitia res levis
Immature, immaturus, crudus Imperfectly, non perfecte An impression, impressio; (on
Immaturity, cruditas Imperfection, delectus the mind), mentis sensus; (of
Iminaturely, immature Imperial, imperatorius, augustus a book), editio
Immeasurable, immensus [mus Imperious, imperiosus, arrogans Imprest money, auctoramentum
Immediate, immediatus, proxi- Imperiously, superbe, arroganter To imprint, imprimo, excudo
Immediately, immediate, illico, Imperiousness, arrogantia To imprison, incarcero
statim Impersonal, impersonalis Imprisonment, incarcera'tio
Immedicable, immedicabilis Impersonally, impersonaliter Improbability, quod vix credi
Immemorable, immemorabilis Impertinence, ineptiae potest
Immemorial, immemoratus Impertinent, petulans (not per-
Improbable, improbabilis
Immense, immensus, infinitus tinent), absurdus, ineptus Improbably, haud probability
Immensity, immensitas Impertinently, petulanter, insulse Improbity, improbitas
Immensely great, ingens Impervious, impervius Improper, improprius ; (unsea-
To immerge, immergo Impetuous, violentus, vebemens sonable), intempestivus
Immersion, immersio [fusus Impetuosity, vehementia Improperly, improprie, abusive,
Immetbodical, indigestus, con- Impetuously, vehement er, oppid6 absurde
I Immethodically, sine methodo Impiety, impietas, scelus An impropriation, sacerdotium
Imminent, imminens, impendens Impious, impius, scelestus gentilitium and avitum
To be imminent, immiDeo Impiously, impie, sceleste An impropriator, la'icus donator
Immoderate, immoderatus, pro- Implacable, inexorabilis beneficii ecclesiastici
fusus Implacability, implacabilitas Impropriety, improprietas
Immoderately, immoderate, im- Implacably, implacabiliter Improvable, quod utilius evadere
modice To implant, insero potest
Immodest, impudicus Implements (tools ),instrumenta; To improve (grow better), pro-
Immodestly, immodeste, invere- (goods), supellex ficio ;
(arts, &c), artes colere ;

cunde To implicate, implico (a victory), uti victoria,

Immodesty, immodestia Implication, implicatio An improvement, fructus, cul-
To immolate, immolo Implicit, implicitus tura,questus
Immoral, improbus, pravus Implicitly, implicit^ An improver, amplificator
Immorality, improbitas morum To implore, imploro, obsecro An improving, amplificatio
Immorally, improbe, impie An imploring, imploratio Improvident, improvidus.incautus
Immortal, immortalis, aeternus To imply (comprehend), compre- Improvidently, incaute, temere
Immortality, immortalitas hendo ; (denote), signiiico ;
Imprudence, imprudentia
Immortally, aeternum (infer), infero, concludo Imprudent, imprudens, incautus
To immortalize, aeterno Impolite, inurbanus, rudis Imprudently, imprudenter, in-
Immoveable, immotus, constans Impolitic, incautus, imprudens sanfe
An immunity, privilegium Impoliticly, inconsiderate, in- Impudence, impudentia, audacia

To immure, intra muros inclu- caute Impudent, impudens, effrons
dere To import (by ships), importo, Impudently, improbS
Immutability, immutabilitas inveho; (concern), intersum; To impugn, impugno
Immutable, immutabilis, con- (signify), signitico An impulse, impulsus
stans Import (use), utilitas; (mean- Impulsive, impellens
Immutably, constanter, firme ing), significatio; (andexport), Impunity, impunitas
An imp, parvus daemon invectio et exportatio Impure, impurus, pollutus
To impair, diminuo, imminuo Of importance, magni momenti Impurely, impure, immunde
Impairing, diminuens Of little importance, levis Impurity, immundities, sordes
An impairing, diminutio Importance, vis, seusus An imputation, vituperatio
To impale (fence in), septo mu- Important, momentosus, gravis To impute, imputo, tribuo
nire; (a punishment), stipitem Importation, invectio An imputer, imputator
per medium hominem adigerc Importunate, importutius, instans In, ad, apud, de, ex, in, inter,
To impannel, eligo, Aesigno Importunately, importune intra, per, prae, pro, secundum,
Imparity, inaequalitas To importune, efftagito, solicito sub, and tenus
To impark, consepio Importunity, importunitas In, adv. intr6
Imparlance, interlocutio To impose (enjoin), injungo, im- In all, omnin6 (in as ; much as),
To impart, impertio, impertior pono; (cheat), fraudo quando, quoniam ;
(in brief),
Impartial, aequus, Justus An imposition (cheat), fraus adsummum; (indeed).revera
Impartiality, aequitas, justitia (command), mandatum; (tax), (in comparison of), prae; (in a
Impartially, aeque, juste tributum
vectigal, manner), fere, ferme (in the ;

An imparting, communicatio Impossibility, impossibilitas mean time), interea, interim

Impassable, invius, avius Impossible, impossibilis In (inward), internus, insitus
Impassible, impassibilis An impost, vectigal; (in archi- Inability, impotentia
Impatience, impatientia tecture), incumbae Inaccessible, inaccessus
Impatient, impatiens ; (hasty in An imposthume, abscessus ; fa- Inaccurate, minime exactus
temper), iracundus bout the ear), parotis; (in the Inactive, ignavus, iners
Impatiently, iracunde, aegre lungs), tabes Inactivity, inertia, socordia
To impeacb, accuso, anquiro Imposthumated, ulceratus Inadequate, non apte quadrans
Impeaching, accusans An impostor, impostor, planus Inadvertence, incogitantia
Impeachment, accusatio, dica Imposture, fraus, impostura Inadvertent, incogitans, impru-
Impeccability, impeccabilitas Impotence, debilitas dens
Impeccable, impeccabilis, pec- Impotent, impotens, debilis Inadvertently, imprudenter
care nescius Impotently, impotenter, inrirme Inanimate, inanimatus
To impede, impedio To impoverish, depaupero Inanity, inanitas [quit
An impediment, impedimentum; An impoverishment, compilatio Inapplicable, quod applicari ne-
(in speech), haesitatio To impound, includo Inarticulate, indistinctus, con-
To impel, impello An impounding, inclusio fusns
To impend, immineo, insto To impower, potestate instruere Inarticulately, confusfe
Impending, impendens, immi- Impracticable, quod fieri non Inattention, negligentia
nens potest Inattentive, negligens, socors
Impenetrable, impenetrabilis To imprecate, imprecor To inaugurate, inauguro
Impenetrability, impenetrabilitas An imprecation, execratio An inauguration, inauguratio
Impenitence, impcenitentia Impregnable, inexpugnabilis Inauspicious, inauspicatus, in-
Impenitent, impoenitens To impregnate, gravidam facere faustus
Imperative, imperativus To impress (men), milites invitos Inbred, insitus, innatus
Imperceptible, incompertus conscribere To incamp, castra ponere
Imperfect, imperfectus, mancus Impressed (marked), signatus Incantation, incantamentum
Incapable, incapax, inhabilis Inconsiderateness, incogitantia Independently, cum summa liber-
Incapacity, imperitia Inconsiderate, praeceps, temera- tate
To incarnate, incarno [Dei rius [mere Indeterminate, indefinitus
The incarnation, incarnatio Filii Inconsiderately, inconsulte, te- Indeterminately, indeterminate
An incendiary, incendiarius Inconsistency, repugnantia Indevoutly, irreligiose
Incense, thus, suffitus Inconsistent,repugnans, absurdus An index, index, syllabus
An incenser, irritator Inconsistently, absurdfe An Indian, Indus
An incensing, irritatio Inconsolable, inconsolabilis Indian, Indicus
An incensory, thuribulum Inconstancy, inconstantia, levitas To indicate, indico
An incentive, incitamentum Inconstant, inconstans, levis Indication, indicatio
Inceptive, inceptivus Inconstantly, inconstanter.leviter Indicative, indicativus [cero
Incertitude, dubitatio Incontestable, non contendendus To indict, diem dicere, reum fa-
Incessant, constans, assiduus Incontinence, incontinentia Indictable, accusationi obnoxius
Incessantly, constanter, assidue Incontinent, incontinens, libidi- An indicter, accusator
Incest, inc'estus, incestum nosus [mox An indicting, accusatio [torius
Incestuous, incestus, incestuosus Incontinently, continu6, illicfc, An indictment, libellus accusa-
An inch, uncia, pollex Incontrovertibly.sine controversial Indifference, aequabilitas ;
To inchant, incanto [tator An inconvenience, incommodum concernedness), animus in nul-
An inchanter, veneficus, incan- Inconvenient, incommodus, in- lam partem propendens
An inchanting, incantatio tempestivus [tempestive "With indifference, frigide, jejune
Inchantingly, magice, blandis- Inconveniently, incommode, in- Indifferent, indifferens, tnedius,
sime Inconversible, insociabilis aequalis; (ordinary), mediocris,
An inchantment, incantamentum Inconvertible, non convertendus ferendus [esse
An inchantress, venefica To incorporate, incorporo To be indifferent, aequo animo
To inchase, caelo An incorporating, coagmentatio, Indifferently (without partiality),
Inchoative, inchoativus cooptatio indifferen'ter, indiscriminatim ;
Incident, incidens, coutingens Incorporeal, incorporeus (coolly), jejune, frigide
An incident (circumstance), cau- Incorrect, men dis scaten s, vitiosus Indigence, indigentia, egestas
sae accessio; (event), eventus Incorrectly, mendose, vitiosfe Indigent, egenus, pauper
Incidentally, obiter Incorrectness, accurationis expers Indigenous, indigena
To incircle, circumdo Incorrigible, incorrigibilis Indigestible, concoctu difficilis
An incircling, circumscriptio Innorrigibleness, emendationis Indigestion, stomachi cruditas
An incision, incisio, incisus desperatio [ger Indignant, indignans, iratus
To incite, incito, stimulo Incorrupt, purus, sincerus, inte- Indignation, indignatio
An inciter, incitator Incorruptible, corruptionis expers To have indignation, stomachor
An inciting, incitatio Increase, incrementum Indignity, indignitas, contumelia
Incivility, rusticitas To increase (add to), augeo,accu- Indigo, lapis caeruleus
Inclemency, inclementia mulo, cresco, augeor Indirect, indirectus, obliquus
Inclement, inclemens An increasing, auctus Indirectly, indirecte, obliqufe
Inclinable, propensus, pronus Increasing, augens, crescens Indiscreet, imprudens, inconsul-
An inclination, proclivitas, pro- Incredible, incredibilis, fide major tus
pensio; (one's own), sponte sua Incredibility, incredibilitas Indiscreetly, imprudenter, temere
To incline, inclino, vergo Incredulity, rncredulitas Indiscretion, imprudentia
To be inclined, propendeo Incredulous, incredulus Indiscriminately, sine discrimine
Inclining, proclivis, declivis; (as To incroach, invado, intrudo Indispensable, inevitabilis
the day), iuclinatus An incroacher, qui res alienas in- Indispensably, necessarid
To inclose, includo, praecingo, vadit Indispensableness, rei necessitas
circumsepio An incroachment, alieni invasio, Indisposed, aeger, alienus
An inclosing, inclusio impetus in res alienas factus Indisposition, mala habitudo
An inclosure, sepimentum Incrustation, incrustatio Indisputable, indubitabilis
To include, includo, comprehendo Incubation, incubatio Indissoluble, iudissolubilis
Inclusive, comprehendens To inculcate, inculco, itero Indistinct, indistinctus, promis-
Inclusively, inclusive An inculcating, inculcatio cuus
Incognito, clam, incognitus Inculpable, insons, culpae expers Indistinctly, promiscue [tus
Incoherence, incongruentia Incumbent, incumbens Indistinguishable, indiscrimina-
Incoherent, disjunctus, absurdus An incumbent, beneficii possessor To indite (dictate), dicto ; (ac-
Incoherently, disjuncte, absurde To incumber, impedio cuse, or indict), in judicio pos-
An income, reditus Incumbered, impeditus, obrutus tulare [singuli
To incommode, incommodo An incumbering, oneratio Individual, individuus ; (every),
Incommodious, incommodus, mo- An incumbrance, impeditio, mora Individually, singulatim
lestus [leste Incurable, insanabilis Indivisible, individuus
Incommodiously, incommode, mo- To incur, incurro, mereor Indocile, indocilis, tardus
Incommodity, incommodum An incursion, incursio Indolence, indolentia
Incommunicable, incommunica- Indecency, indecorum Indolent, lentus, ignavus
bilis [positus Indecent, indecens, indecorus To indorse, a tergo scribere
Incompact, inconcinnus, incom- Indecently, indecenter, indecore An indorser, a tergo scribens
Incomparable, incomparabilis Indeed, revera, profecto, itane ? An indorsement, in aversa parte
Incomparably, longe, multb itane verb? nominis inscriptio
To incompass, circumdo, cingo Indefatigable, indefessus Indubitable, indubitabilis, certus
An incompassing, ambitus Indefatigably, summa diligentia Indubitably, sine dubio
Incompassionate, immitis, inhu- Indefeasible, inviolabiiis, irrevo- To induce (prevail with), exoro;
manus cabilis (allure), allicio ; (persuade),
Incompatibility, rcpugnantia Indefinite, indefinitus persuadeo
Incompatible, insociabilis, re- Indefinitely, indefinite An inducer, suasor
pugnans [fectus Indelible, indelibilis An inducement, incitamentum
Incompetency, jurisdictionis de- Indeliberate, non prsemeditatus To induct, induco
Incompetent, non legitimus, non Indelicacy, indecorum An induction, inductio
conveniens To indemnify, illusum prcestare To indue, imbuo, dono
Incomplete, imperfectus Indemnity, indemnitas To indulge, indulgeo, parco
Incomprehensible, incomprchen- An act of'indemmty, amnestia Indulgence, indulgentia
sibilis [cipi To indent, pariscor, incido Indulgent, blandus, obsequiosusi
Inconceivable, quod ncquit con- An indenture, syngrapha denticu- Indulgently, indulgenter
Incongruity, incongruitas lata Indurable, tolerabilis
Incongruous, non congruens Independence, summa potestaa To indurate, obduro, duro
Inconsiderable, vilis, nihili Independent, nemini subjectus Industrious, diligeus, assiduu^.
Industriously, sedul6, diligenter An inforcing, impulsio An initiation, initiatio
Industry, industria, diligentia To inform (teach), instruo; insti- Injudicious, inconsideratus, in-
To inebriate, inebrio tuo; (give information), mon- consultus [scitft
Ineffable, ineffabilis stro, certiorem facere ; fa- Injudiciously, inconsiderate, in-
Ineffably, more ineffabili gain st), defero ; (himself), An injunction, injunctio, manda-
Ineffectual, ineflScax, inanis disco tum
Ineffectually, sine effectu An information, informatio, accu- To injure, noceo, laedo
Inelegant, inelegans satio, delatio Injurious, injurius, noxius
Inequality, ineequalitas To be informed, certior fieri Injuriously, noxie, injustfc
Inert, iners, segnis An informer, delator An injury, injuria, damnum
Inertly, segniter, a^gre An informing, admonitio Injustice, injustitia
Inestimable, ineestimabilis Infortunate, infortunatus, infelix Ink, atramentum
Inevitable, inevitabilis Infraction, infractio An inkhorn, atramentarium
Inexcusable, inexcusabilis To infringe, infringo, violo To ink, atramento inquinare
Inexorable, inexorabilis An infringement, violatio Inky, atramento inquinatus
Inexpedient, parum conducens An infringer, violator Inkle, taenia, vitta
Inexperience, imperitia To infuse (pour in), infundo ;
An inkling, rumusculus; (given),
Inexperienced, inexpertus (opinions), animum imbuere; obscura significatio; (to get),
Inexpert, imperitus (herbs), herbse succum elicere subsentio
Inexpiable, inexpiabilis macero Inlaid, tessellatus
Inexplicable, inexplicabilis An infusion, infusio Inland, mediterraneus
Inexpressible, ineffabilis Ingathering, frugum perceptio To inlay, tessello, vario
Inexpugnable, inexpugnabilis To ingender, genero, gigno
An inlet, aditus [lighten
Inextinguishable, inextinctus Ingendered, generatus, genitus To inlighten, illumino. See En-
Inextricable, inextricabilis An ingendering, generatio To inlist, milites conscribere
Infallibility, infallibilitas, erroris Ingenious, ingeniosus, subtilis, (one's self), nomenmilitise dare
vacuitas [pers solers [gute An inlisting, militum conscriptio
Infallible, certissimus, erroris ex- Ingeniously, acute, solerter, ar- An inmate, inquilinus
Infallibly, certissime, sine dubio Ingeniousness, ingenuitas Inmost, intimus
Infamous, infamis, famosus Ingenuous, ingenuus, liberalis An inn, diversorium
Infamously, turpiter, famose Ingenuously, ingenue, liberaliter To inn, divevsor; (corn), messes
Infamy, infamia, dedecus Ingenuity, ingenuitas domum vehere [sultorum
Infancy, infantia Inglorious, inglorius, ignobilis Inns of court, hospitia juriscon-
An infant, infans Ingloriously, turpiter, foede An innholder, caupo, stabularius
Infantine, infantilis To ingorge, devoro, deglutio Innate, innatus [bilis
Infantry, peditatus An ingorger, helluo, vorax Innavigable, innavigabilis, inna-
To infatuate, infatuo, demento An ingorging, devoratio Inner, interior
Infatuation, stupiditas An ingot, auri massa An inner chamber, penetrale
To infect, inficio, imbuo To ingraff, insero Innermost, intimus
To be infected, corrumpor Ingraffed, insitus Innocence, innocentia
An infection, contagium An ingraftment, insitio Innocent, innocens, insons
Infectious, contagiosus, pestiferus To ingratiate, insinuo Innocently, innocenter, innocue
To infeeble, debilito Ingratitude, ingratitudo (without thought), impruden-
Infelicity, infelicitas To ingrave, cselo, sculpo To innovate, innovo, novo [ter
To infer, infero, colligo Ingraving, caelatura Innovation, innovatio, immutatio,
An inference, consequens An ingredient, pars compositionis nova: res
Inferior, inferior, minor Ingress and egress, ingrediendi An innovator, novator
Inferiority, inferioritas et egrediendi permissio Innoxious, innoxius, innocuus
Infernal, infernus, inferus To ingross (deeds), pulchre per- An innuendo, monitio [tus
To infest, infesto, vexo scribere; (goods), merces fla- Innumerable, innumerus, intini-
An infesting, molestia, vexatio gellare [flagellator To inoculate, inoculo, insero
An infidel, infidelis, infidus An ingrosser of goods, mercium Inoculation, inoculatio
Infidels, infideles To ingulf, ingurgfto Inoffensive, innocuus, innoxius
Infidelity, infidelitas To inhabit, inhabito, incolo, colo Inoffensively, innocue, innocenter
Infinite, infinitus, immensus Inhabitable, inhabitabilis Inoffensiveness, innocentia
Infinitely, infinite, ad infinitum An inhabitant, incola Inordinate, inordinatus, incom-
Infinitive, infinitivus Inhabitants (without), desertus positus
Infinity, infinitas Inhabiting, habitans, incolens Inordinately, inordinate
To infinity, ad infinitum To inhale, inhalo Inordinateness, immoderatio
Infirm, infirmus, languidus To inhere, inhaereo Inorganical, aptis instrumentis
An infirmary, valetudinarium Inherent, inherens destitutus
An infirmity, iufirmitas To inherit, aliquid jure hseredi- An inquest, inquisitio ; (grand
Infirmities, peccata leviora tatis possidere; (as heir at inquest), criminum qua:sitores
To inflame, inflammo, accendo law), ab intestato succedere Inquietude, inquietudo
To be inflamed, excandesco An inheritance, haireditas To inquire, inquiro, quaero; (or
An inflammation, inflammatio ;
An inheritor, hseres search diligently), investigo,
(of the lungs), peripneumonia; To inhibit, inhibeo, veto exploro; (often), quserito
(of the body), phlegmona An inhibition, prohibitio An inquirer, quaesitor, explorator
Inflammatory, ardens Inhospitable, inhospitalis An inquiry, inquisitio
To inflate, inflo Inhuman, inhumanus, crudelis, Inquisition, examen, inquisitio
An inflation, inflatio soevus, inurbanus The inquisition, inquisitio
To inflect, inflecto Inhumanity, inhumanitas, cru- Inquisitive, curiosus
Inflexibihty, pertinacia [bilis delitas Inquisitively, curiose, studiose
Inflexible, inflexibilis, inexora- Inhumanly, inhumane, crudeliter An inquisitor, inquisitor
Inflexion, inflexio To inhume, sepelio An inroad, incursio, irruptio
To inflict, infligo, punio To inject, injicio Inrobed, pra;textatus
Inflictive, puniens An injection, injectio To inrol, conscribo
An influence, impulsus, auctoritas Inimical, inimicus, hostilis Inrolled, conscriptus
To influence, moveo, impello Inimitable, inimitabilis An inrolling, in tabulas relatio
Influencing, movens, impellens Inimitably, modo inimitabili Insane, insanus [bilis
Influx, illapsus, infusus Iniquitous, iniquus, injustus Insatiable, insatiabilis, incxple-
To infold, implico Iniquity, iniquitas, nefas Insatiableness, insatiabilitas
To inforce, compello, cogo; (by Initial, initialis Insatiably, insatiabiliter
argument), suadeo, (by neces- To initiate, initio Insatiate, inexplebilis
sity), adiso, subigo, cogo Initiating, initians To inscribe, inscribo


An inscription, inseriptio docendum aptus
Instructive, ad To interfere (interpose), inter.
Inscrutable, non vestigabilis An instrument, instrumeutum ;
pono; (clash), discrepo
Insects, insecta (servant), minister ; (of war), An interfering, dissidium
Insecure, parum securus machina bellica; (in writing), An interjection, interjectio
Insensate, sensus expers formula ;
(instruments, or In the interim, interea temporis
Insensible, insensibilis, insensilis tools), arma [tus Interior, interior
Insensibility, habetudo Instrumental (useful), utilis, ap- To interlace, intersero
Insensibly, sensim, paulatlm Instrumentally, eo ministro To interlard, intersero
Inseparable, inseparabilis, indi- To insue, sequ'or, consequor To interleave, folia interserere
viduus Insufferable, intolerabilis To interline, lineas interponere
Inseparably, indivise Insufficiency (unskilfulness), im- Interlineation, intersertio linea-
To insert, insero, interpono peritia ; (impotency), impo- rum
An insertion, insertio tentia Interlocution, interlocutio
The inside, pars interior Insufficient, insufficiens, impar Interlocutory, interlocutorius
Insidious, insidlosus, fallax An insult, insultatio To interlope, anticipo
Insidiously, insidiose To insult, insulto An interloper, anticipator
An insight, intuitus inspectio Insuperable, insuperabilis An interlude, drama, exodium
Insight (skill), peritia Insupportable, intolerabilis To intermeddle, immisceo
To have an insight, perspicio Insurmountable, inexuperabilis Intermediate, medius
Having an insight, perspicax An insurrection, insurrectio, se- Interment, humatio
Insignificancy, inutilitas ditio To intermingle, commisceo
Insignificant, inutilis An intail [or entail), jus hseredi- Intermission, intermissio (by ;

Insignificantly, iuutiliter tarium intermission), intermissu ;

Insincere, insincerus, fallax To intail, haeredi addicere (without intermission), assi-
Insincerity, dissimulatio An intailing, haeredi addictio due, perpetu6
To insinuate, insinuo; (flatter), To intangle, illaqueo, irretio To intermit, remitto
assentor, adulor An intangling, implicatio Intermittent, intermittens
An insinuation, insinuatio An integer, numerus integralis To intermix, intermisceo
Insipid (without taste), insulsus; Integrity, integritas, sinceritas Internal, internus, intimus
(dull), hebes, tardus An integument, integ amentum Internally, interne, intime
Insipidity, insulse The intellect, intellectus Interpellation, interpellatio
Insipidness, insulsitas Intellectual, intellectualis To interpolate, interpolo
To insist, insto, urgeo Intelligence, intelligentia, no- Interpolation, interpolatio
To inslave, in servitutem redigere titia An interpolator, interpolator
To insnare, irritio, allaqueo Intelligent, intelligens To interpose, interpono
Insnarrag, insidias struens Intelligible, intelligibilis Interposition, interpositio
An insnaring, illaqueatio Intelligibleness, perspicuitas To interpret, explico, expono
Insociable, insociabilis Intelligibly, clare, plan Interpretation, interpretatio
Insolence, arrogantia Intemperance, intemperantia An interpreter interpres
Insolent, insolens, arrogans Intemperate, intemperatus, im- To inter, inhuino, sepelio
Insolently, arroganter, superbe modicus An interreign, interregnum
Insoluble, insolubilis Intemperately, intemperate An interring, humatio
Insolvent, solvendo impar Intemperateness, intemperantia ;
To interrogate, interrogo
Insomuch, adeb ut, usque ade6 (of weather), intemperies An interrogating, interrogatio
To inspect, inspicio To intend, intendo, statuo An interrogation, interrogatio
Inspection, inspectio An intendment (purpose), pro- Interrogative, interrogativus
An inspector, inspector positum ;
(meaning), signifi- Interrogatively, interrogative
Inspersion, aspersio catio An interrogator, interrogator
To inspire, inspire, iniicio Intense, intensus An interrogatory, interrogatio
Inspiration, afflatus divinus; (by Intensely, valdfe, magnoperfe To interrupt, interrumpo (in a ;

divine inspiration), divinitus Intenseness, intensio tale), intercipio; (an affair),

Instability, instabilitas Intent, intentus, attentus rem dirimere
To instal, constituo, inauguro An intent,propositum, institn- An interrupter, interpellator
Installation, instalment, or in- tum; (meaning), significatio; Interruption, interruptio
stalling, inauguratio, installatio (to all intents and purposes), Without interruption, continenter
An instance, exemplum ; (re- omninb, prorsus To intersect, interseco
quest), impnlsus, flagitatio An intention, intentio, consilium An intersection, intersectio
To instance, exemplum dare Intentionally, de industrial To intersperse, interspergo
For instance, exempli gratia- Intentive, intentus, attentus An interstice, interstitiura
Instant (earnest), importunus; Intently, animo attento An interval, intercapedo
(present), prasens, instans Intercalary, intercalaris To intervene, intervenio
An instant, momentum ; (in an Intercalation, intercalatio Intervening, interveniens
instant), dicto citrus, confestim To intercede, intercedo, deprecor An interview, congressus
Instantly, instanter, vehementer Interceding, deprecans To interweave, intertexo
Instantaneously, extemplo To intercept, intercipio Intestate, intestatus
Instauration, instauratio An intercepting, interceptio Intestine, intestinus, civilis
Instead of, loco, vice Au intercession, intercessio The intestines, intestina
The instep, tarsus; (of a shoe), An intercessor, deprecator To inthral, mancipo
calcei convexum To interchange, alterno, commuto Inthralment, mancipatio
To instigate, stimulo, excito An interchange, commutatio To inthrone, in solio collocare
Instigation, instigatio, incitatio Intercourse, consuetudo Intimacy,necessitudo, familiaritas
An instigator, instigator To interdict, interdico, proliibeo Intimate, intimus, familiaris
To instil" instillo, infundo An interdict, or interdiction, in- To intimate, indico, innuo
Instinct, instinctus terdictio, interdictum Intimately, intime, familiariter
Instinctively, instinctu To interest one's self in an affair, Intimation, indicatio
To institute, instituo se alicui negotio immiscere To intimidate, timidum reddere
Institutes, instituta Interested in, particeps Intirely, integre, sincere
Institution, institutio An interest in, participatio To inti'tle, appello, inscribo
To instruct, imbuo, erudio, doceo, Interest (advantage), emolumen- Intitled, appellatus, inscriptus
instituo tum; (for money), foenns Into {prep, with accus.), in
An instructor, preceptor To have interest with one, gratia Intolerable, intolerandus
An instructing, institutio apud aliquem valere Intolerably, intolerabiliter
Instruction, documentuin ; (in- Interest (right), jus; (to make To intomb, sepelio, tumulo
structions to ambassadors), interfr^. for), munus aliquod To intoxicate, demento ;
mandata ambn; di-ink), inebrio
Intoxicating, inebrians Invincible, invictus, indomitus An irritation, irritatio
Intractable, intractabilis Inviolable, inviolatus, sacer An irruption, irruptio
Intransitive, intransitivus Inviolably, inviolate Isinglass, icthyocolla
To intrap, decipio, capio Inviolate, inviolatus, sanctus An island, or isle, insula
An intrapping, deceptio To inviron, cingo, ambio An islander, insula habitator
To intreat, obsecro, supplico ; Invironing, cingens, ambiens Isles, or aisles in a church, s emit sa
(speak of), tracto, dissero Invisible, invisibilis An Israelite, Israelita
Hot to be intreated, inexorabilis Invitation, invitatio, vocatio Israelitish, Israeliticus
To intrench, vallo et fossa mu- To invite, invito, voco An issue (going forth), exitus;
Inire; (a camp), castra vallo An inviter, invitator (end), eventus ; (offspring),
cingere Inviting (attracting), alliciens proles, progenies ; (sore), ul-
An intrenchment, vallum An inundation, inuudatio cus; (of blood), fluxus san-
Intrepid, intrepidus, interritus To invocate, invoco, imploro guinis ; (spring), scaturigo •,

Intrepidity, animi fortitudo Invocation, invocatio, imploratio (in the arm, &c), fons, fon-
Intrepidly, intrepide, fortiter An invoice, bonorum recognitio tanels (profit), reditus

Intricacy, perplexitas To invoke, invoco, imploro To issue, or sally out, erumpo,

Intricate, implicatus, perplexus To involve, involvo, implico (a proclamation), edictum pub-
Intricately, implicite, dubie An involving, involucrum licare; (forth), emano, elabor,
An intrigue, vaframentum Involuntarily, invite emico, prorumpo
To intrigue, vafre agere Involuntary, invitus Issuing, emanans, erumpens
Intriguingly, clandestinb Involution, involutio An issuing, emanatio, fluxio
Intrinsical, Intrinsic, internus To inure, assuefacio, assuesco An isthmus, isthmus
Intrinsically, intrinsecus Inutility, iuutilitas It, is, ea, id
To introduce, introduco Invulnerable, invulnerabilis The itch, scabies
An introduction, introductio ; (to Inward, adj. internus, intestinus; To itch, prurio
a discourse), exordium adv. intiis, intrinsecus, intror- Itchy, scabiosus
Introductory, introducens sum An itching, pruritus
To intrude, intrudo ; (into an es- The inwards (intestines), intes- An itching desire, cupiditas
tate), haereditatem injuste ca- tina An item, cautio; (in an account),
pessere (upon patience), pa-
To inwrap, involvo, implico ratiuncula
tientia abuti Ionic, Ionian, Ionicus To give an item, innuo
An intruder, invasor Irascible, irascibilis, iracundus To iterate, itero, repeto
Intrusion, usurpatio Ire, ira, iracundia An iteration, iteratio, repetitio
To intrust, fidei committere Ireful, iracundus Itinerant, itinerans
Intrusting, fidei committens Irish, Hibernicus An itinerary, itinerarium
Intuition, intuitus, inspectio Irksome (tedious), molestus ; Itself, sui, ipse
^Intuitive, ad intuitum pertinens (disagreeable), gravis, acerbus Ivory, ebur
To invade, invado, adorior Irksomeness, tedium Of ivory, eburneus, eburnus
An invader, invasor Iron, ferrum Ivy, hedera
Invalid, invalidus, irritus Of iron, ferreus Of ivy, hederaceus
An invalid, miles emeritus Done with iron, ferratus Full of ivy, hederosus
To invalidate, invalidum reddere Iron-coloured, ferrugineus
(a will), testamentum rescin- An iron, massa ferrea
dere [mans Tipped with iron, prapilatus
Invalidating, rescindens, infir- Iron-work, ferramentum
Invaluable, inestimabilis An ironmonger, mercat or ferrariu s
Invariable, immutabilis, constans To iron (clothes), lsevigo
Invariableness, immutabilitas Ironical, ironicus To jabber, garrio, blatero
Invariably, immutabiliter, semper Ironically, ironice A jabberer, garrulus
An invasion, impressio, incursio Irony, ironia, simulatio A jabbering, garritus
An invective, oratio objurgatoria To irradiate, irradio A jack (of a ship), vexillum
To inveigh, maledictis insectari Irradiation, radiatio (in a kitchen), veruversorium ;
To inveigle, seduco, pellicio Irrational, rationis expers, ini- (to saw wood on), cantherius
An inveigler, deceptor quus A jackdaw, monedula
An inveigling, blanditiaeverborum Irreconcileable, inexorabilis A jackpudding, mimus
To invelop, involvo, obvelo Irrecoverable, irreparabilis A jackal, lupus aureus
Inveloped, coopertus Irrecoverably, penitus, omnin6 A jackanapes, simia
To invent (devise), invenio, fingo; Irrefragable, certissimus A jacket, sagulum, sagum
(find out), excogito, exudo Irrefragably, sine dubio A little jacket, tunicula
(craftily), macbinor ;
(deceit), Irregular, irregularis, abnormis A jade, equus ignavus (woman), ;

dolos nectere; (words), verba Irregularity, irregularitas mulier improba, or nequam

cudere Irregularly, irregulariter To jade (tire), defatigo
Inventing, excogitans, moliens Irreligious, irreligiosus, scelestus A jag,'lacinia
Ah inventing, inventio Irreligiously, impie, sceleste To jag, laciniose incidere
Ah invention, inventio ; (device), Irremediable, immedicabilis Jagged, dentatus
dolus, artificium Irremissible, venia indignus A jail, career
An inventor, inventor, auctor Irreparable, irreparabilis A jailer, ergastularius
(crafty), machinator Irreparably, funditus, penitus A jakes, forica, latrina
An inventory, bonorum index Irreprehensible, iuculpatus Jalap, jalapium
An inversion, inversio Irreprehensibly, innocue The jambs of a door, anta
To invert, inverto Irreproachable, irreprehensus To jangle, altercor, litigo
To invest (one with an estate), Irresistible, inevitabilis A jangler, litigator
possessionem alicui dare; (in Irresolute, anceps, inconstans A jangling, argutatio
an office), inauguro, coopto ; Irresolutely, leviter, inconstanter Jangling, argutus
(besiege), obsidione urbem cin- Irresolution, inconstantia January, Januarius
.gere Irretrievable, irreparabilis To japan, more Japonum linire
To investigate, investigo, mdago Irretrievably, funditus, penitus Jargon, sermo inconditus
Investigation, investigatio Irreverence, irreverentia Ajar (vessel), testa, urceus (dis- ;

Investiture, inauguratio Irreverent, parum reverens agreeing), rixa, contentio ;

Inveterate, inveteratus Irreverently, parum reverenter (half open), semiapertus

To grow inveterate, inveterasco Irreversible, immutabilis To jar, discrepo, altercor
Invidious, invidus, malignus Irrevocable, irrevocabilis Jarring, discrepans, dissonus
Invidiously, invidiose, maligne To irrigate, irrigo A jarring, altercatio
Invidionsness, invidia Irriguous, irriguus Jasper-stone, Iaspis
To invigorate, extimulo To irritate, exaspero, lacesso A javelin, hasta, lancea


The jaundice, morbus regius, A joining, junctio, conjunctio; To jumble together, confundo,
icterus (of boards), tabulatio ; (of collido; (shake), concutio
Sick of the jaundice, ictericus words), constructio A jumbling together, confusio
To jaunt, vagor, discurso A joint, articulus, junctura; (in A jump, saltus, subsultus
A jaunt, vagatio, discursus stalks), geniculum (of the
To jump, salto, subsulto; (in
The jaw, or jaw-bone, maxilla body), artus; (of meat), mem- judgment), idem sentire; (first),
Of the jaw, maxillaris brum praesulto ;
(over), transulto;
The jaws, fauces, rictus To joint, deartuo (upon), assulto; (down), dis-
Jealous, suspiciosus ; (person), To put out of joint, disloco silio
suspicax, zelotes Out of joint, luxatus A jumper, saltator
To be jealous, suspicor A joint heir, cohseres A jumping, saltatio
Jealously, suspiciose Joint tenants, simul tenentes A juncture, junctura; (of time),
Jealousy, zelotypia, suspicio Joint, adj. mutuus articulus temporis ;
(of affairs),
A jeer, dicterium, sanna Joint by joint, articulatim rerum status
To jeer, derideo, illudo Of the joints, articularis June, Junius
Ajeerer, derisor, irrisor Full of joints, articulosus Junior, junior, minor natu
A jeering, irrisio Jointly, junc dm, conjunctlm A junto, concilium clandestinum
Jeeringly, jocose A jointure, dos Juridical, juridicus
Jehovah, Jehovah A joist, tignum, trabs Jurisdiction, jurisdictio
Jejune, jejunus To lay joists, tigna aptare A juror, or juryman, jurator
Jejunely, jejune A joke, jocus Just, Justus, aequus, rectus
Jejuneness, tenuitas, penuria To joke, jocor, alicui illudere With just cause, meritd
Jelly (of meats), jus gelatum ; A jole, caput; (cheek by jole), Just so many, totidem omnin6;
(of quinces), cydonia gelata sequa fronte (just now), modo.jamprimum;
Jeopardy, periculum Jolly, hilaris, festivus (just as, just so), haud aliter,
To be in jeopardy, periclitor To be jolly, lsetor, gestio baud seeds
With jeopardy, periculose Jollily, hilare, lsete, festivfe Justice, justitia ;
(punishment for
Jeopardous, periculosus Jolliness, Jollity, festivitas a crime), supplicium; (of the
To jerk, csedo, verbero, calcitro A jolt, concussio, subsultus peace), justitiarius
A jerk, verber, ictus ; (start), To jolt, quatio, subsulto To justify (acquit), innocentem
impetus A jot, hilum, punctum pronunciare (prove), probo,

A jerkin (coat), vestis curta Jovial, alacer, laetus; (fellow), evinco ; (one's self), se purgare
Jessamine, jessamynum ; (yel- congerro lepidus A justifying, or justification, jus-
low), polemonium Jovially, alacriter, jucunde, laete tificatio; (clearingfrom blame),
A jest, jocus, facetia, sales A journal, diarium culpae liberatio; (proving), pro-
In jest, jocose, joco; (spoken in A journalist, diarii scriptor batio; (by witnesses), testimo-
jest), jocularis, joculatorius A journey, iter, peregrinatio nium, attestatio
Full of jests, jocosus, facetus To journey, itineror A justle, or justliug, confiictus
To jest, jocor, ludo ; (upon), A journeyman, opifex diurna To justle, confligo, trudo; (with
irrideo mercede conductus; (journey- the elbow), cubito pellere
A jester, joculator, scurra work), opus diurna mercede Justly, juste, jure, merito
Jesting, jocosus, salsus locatum Justness, aequitas, justitia
A jesting, jocatio, derisio Joy, gaudium, l«stitia To jut, promineo, propendeo
A Jesuit, uuus e societate Jesu To joy (congratulate), congratu- Jutting out, prominens
Jesuit's bark, cortex Peruviana lor; (rejoice), gaudeo; (make Juvenile, juvenilis
Jet, gagates glad), exhilaro, laetifico [tus Juvenility, ardor juvenilis
To jet out, promineo Joyful, or joyous, alacris, perloe-
A Jew, Judarus To be joyful, lsetor, jucundor
Jewish, Judaicus Joyfully, laete, hilare
Jew's trump (harp), crembalum Joyfulness, hilaritas, gaudium
A jewel, gemma; (my jewel!) The jubilee, annus jubilaeus
meum corculum ! A jubilee, Jubilum
A jeweller, gemmarius Judaical, Judaicus A kalendar, calendarium
A jig, tripudinm Judaism, Judaismus The kalends, calendar
To jig, tripudio A judge, judex, sestimator To kaw, cornicor
Ajill (measure), hemina A judge's assistant, assessor To keck, screo, exscreo
A jilt, femina fallax A judge's seat, tribunal A kecking, screatus
To jilt, amantem ludificari To judge, judico, adjudico ; A kecks, cremium
To jingle, tinnio (think), opinor, existimo ; (be- A keel, carina
A jingling, tinnitus fore), prsejudico ; (between), To keelhale, sub carinum trahere
A job, negotiolum; (good), res dijudico Keen, acutus, subtilis, acer, mor-
lucrosa; (blow), ictus A judging, judicatio dax, acerbus
A jockey, equiso Judgment (ability), judicium ;
Keenly, acute, acriter
Jocose, jocosus, facetus (opinion), opinio; (sentence), Keenness (of appetite), cupiditas
Jocosely, jocosfc, facete judicium, sententia edendi; (of expression), aspe-
Jocoseness, facetiae A judgment-place, tribunal ritas
Jocular, jocularis, facetus Judicial, judicialis To keep (preserve), servo, re-
Jocund, lsetus, alacer, hilaris Judicially, morejudiciali servo ; (detain), custodio ;
To be jocund, ljetor, gestio Judiciary, judiciarius (last),maneo, duro (restrain), ;

A jog, concussio, quassatio Judicious, sagax, sapiens,cordatus teneo ; (the assizes), forum
To jog, conditio, quatio ; (with Judiciously, sagaciter, sapienter agere; (back), sisto, detineo;
the elbow), cubito submovere; Judiciousness, sagacitas (one's bed), lectoaffigi; (close,
(asa coach), subsulto; (shake), A jug, cantharus or conceal), premo, occulto,
contremisco (on), procedo
; To juggle, praestigiis decipere celo; (close, or lie hid), lateo;
To be jogging, abeo, discedo A juggler, proestigiator (one company), comitor; (de-
To join (unto), adjungo; (or be A juggling-trick, praestigiae fend), tueor, defendo (down), ;

joined unto), accedo, adjungor; Jugular, jugularis deprimo; (off, or at bay), de-
conjungo; (together),
(forces), Juice, succus pello
connecto; (or be joined toge- Juiceless, exsuccus A keeper, custos, conservator
ther), cohaereo ; (or cleave to), Juiciness, succi abundantia Keeping, tenax
adhaereo (in battle), confligo
; Juicy, succulentus, succidus A keeping, custodia, conservatio;
(as a joiner), conglutino; (fel- A julep, julepus (back), depulsio; (down), sup.
lowship), consocio, socio; (un- July, Julius pressio; (in or under), cohibi-
der), subnecto A jumble, strepitus, confusus, tio, coercitio
Joining (adjoining), contiguus confusio A keg, testa
To ken, agnosco, prospicio King-like, Kingly, regalis, regius collido ; (the breast), pectus
Within ken, in conspectu Kingly, regie, regaliter caedere, plango
A kennel, canalis ; (for a dog), la- A kingdom, regnum A knocker of a door, comix
tibulum caninum ; (of hounds), Kinsfolk, necessarii A knocking, pulsatio
eanum grex A kinsman, propinquus, cognatus A knocking together, collisio
A kerchief, rica, calantica A kinswoman, cognata To knoll (bells), pulso
A; kernel (of a nut), nucleus; A kiss, osculum, basium A knoll (little hill), colliculus
(in meat), glandula ; (of corn), To kiss, osculor, basio ; (thecup), A knot, nodus, nexus (for the ;

granum ; (of grapes, &c), labiis gustare, or libare head), vitta, taenia; (difficulty),
acinus; (in the throat), ton- A kisser, osculator, basiator scrupulus; (in wood), tuber;
sillae, strumas
| A kissing, osculatio, basiatio (
or j oint ) , articulus
to kernel, enucleo A kit (for water, &c), sinus, To knot (bud), germino ; (as
Kernels taken out, enucleatus mulctra; (fiddle), fidicula young trees), nodos emittere
fCernelly, granosus A kitchen, coquina, culina ; (as hair), nodo, implicor
Kersey, pannus rasus (boy), lixa Without knots, enodis
k ketcb, navicula Of a kitchen, culinarius Full of knots, nodosus
A kettle, ahenum, lebes ;
(great), Kitchen-stuff, unguina Knotty, nodosus, difficilis
caldarium ;
(little), cacabus A kite, milvus Knottiness, nodositas, asperitas,
A key, clavis ;
(of a river), portus To kitten, feles parere difficultas [latio
manu factus ;
(keys of organs), A kitten, catulus felis The knotting of a tree, genicu-
manubria A knack, dexteritas, peritis. To know, scio, cognosco, rescisco,
Keyage, portorium A knacking, crepitus agnosco, dignosco, praecog-
A kick, ictus cake factus Knaggy, nodosus, ramosus nosco, comperio
To kick, calco, calcitro;
(out), The knap of a hill, cacumri To let know, certiorem facere;
abigo; (down), calce depellere; To knap (off), abrumpo (asun- ;
(to make one know), conimo-
(the door with his heels), fores der), frango, diffringo nefacio, ostendo
calcibus insultare A knapping off, avulsio To know well, calleo, intelligo
A kicker, calcator Knappy, verucosus Knowing, sciens, gnarus ; (not
A kicking, calcitratus A knapsack, pera viatoria knowing), ignarus, inscius
A kid,
hcedus A knave, nebulo (at ;
cards), A knowing, cognitio
Of a kid, hcedinus miles, eques; (base), verbero ; Knowingly, scienter
To kid, hcedum parere (crafty), veterator; (beggarly), Knowledge (skill), peritia; (un-
A kidnapper, plagiarius vappa; (saucy), improbus derstanding), intellectus; (in
To kidnap, abduccre plagio Knavery, fraus, dolus law), jurisprudentia ; (learn-
A kidney, ren (disposition), in- ;
Knavish, celestus, improbus ing), eruditio
doles, ingenium (bean), pha- ;
(fellow), nequam, nefarius ; To be known, enotesco, inno-
seolus (construction), militiosa inter- tesco; (abroad), emano; (make
Of the kidneys, renales pret atio known), publico, manifesto
kilderkin, doliolum Knavishly, nefarie, veteratorie It is well known, liquet, constat
To kill, occido, interficio, inter- Knavishness, nequitia The knuckles, condyli; (on the
imo, trucido, neco; (himself), To knead, subigo, depso back of a book), bullae
mortem sibi consciscere ; (out- Akneading, subactio ;
(trough), To knuckle down, succumbo
right), eneco ;
(a sacrifice), mactra
macto Aknee,genu,poples; (of a ship),
A killer, necator, occisor; (of a navis costae
brother), fratricida; (of one's The knee-pan, genu, patella
equal), parricida; (of a man), Knee- strings, genualia
homicida; (of a parent), parri- To kneel, in genua procumbere
cida Kf'eeling, genibus nitens A label, lemniscus, appendix
A killing, occisio, trucidatio, A inell for the dead, pulsus cam- A laboratory, officina chemica
caedes; (of parents), parrici- pan ae Laborious, sedulus, impiger, diffi-
dium ;
(for sacrifice), mactatio; To knick (cheat), decipio cilis, arduus, operosus
(in battle), internecio, occidio Knickknacks, nugae Laboriously, sedulo, impigre,
Killing (deadly), lethalis, lethifer A knife, culter, cultellus ; (clea- difficulter, moleste
kiln, clibanus, fornax ver), clunaculum; (for sacri- Laboriousness, labor
kiln-cloth, cilicium fices), secespita ; (for pens), Labour, labor, industria ; (of
Kin, cognatio ; (by blood), con- scalpellum women), puerperium, partus
sanguinitas ; (by marriage), Made like a knife, cultratus To labour (as a ship in the
affinitas; (next of kin), con- (edged like a knife), cultellatus waves), colluctari cum ventis
sanguinitate proximus ; (near A knight, eques, eques auratus ;
et fluctibus (take pains),

of kin), affinis (banneret), eques vexillifer laboro ;

(endeavour), enitor;
A kind (sort), genus, species; (of the bath), eques balnei (against), renitor; (earnestly),
(sex), sexus; (of what kind), (of the garter), eques auratae summa ope uiti ; (with child),
qualis, (of this), ;
periscelidis (of the shire), co-
parturio ;
(for), ambio ;
hujusmodi i
(of all), omnige- ;
mitates eques parliamentarius vain),operamludere; (apoint),
nus; (of the same), homoge- To knight, equitem creare [tare summa diligentia elaborare
neus; (of another), heteroge-
Knight's service, servitium mili- (under great difficulties), sum-
neus ; (another kind of), alius Of a knight, Knightly, equester mis angustiis premi (for hire),

Kind (charitable, &c), humanus, Knighthood, ordo equestris operam mercede locare
benignus; (grateful), gratus To knit, necto, nexo (tie), nodo, ; Not laboured, illaboratus
Kindly, comiter, benignS, huma- stringo, ligo (the brow), fron-
; A labourer, opifex, operarius
nity, grate, blandissime tem corrugare (in), innecto ; ;
(fellow-labourer), socius ope-
Kindness, benignitas, beneficium, (under), subnecto; (unto), an- rum
gratitudo, affabilitas necto; (together), connecto Labouring, laborans, enitens
To kindle, accendo, suscito ; (an- A knitting, nexus A labouring to do, conamen,
ger), irrito, incito ; (bring A knitting together, connexio nisus
forth), pario A knob, tuber, nodus (of ; a A labyrinth, labyrinthus
A kindling, accensio buckler), umbo [latus Lace, lacinia, fimbria ; (for
Kindred, consanguineus. See Kin Knobbed, Knobby, asper, bul- stays), funiculus
Kine, pecus [rex armorum A knock, alapa, verber To lace (edge with lace), pre-
A king, rex; (at arms), fecialis, To knock, pulso, tundo ; (strike), texo; (fasten with a lace)
The King's Bench, bancus regius ferio, percutio; (against), alli- astringo ; (beat ), caedo, ver-
(prison), banci regis career do; (down), proaterno ; (in), bero
(fisher), halcyon; (evil), stru- impello; (often), pulsito; (off, A laceman, limbolarius
ma, morbus regiua ) excutio ; (together), To lacerate, lacero, dilacero
; ;;


A lacing (beating), verberatio; terra, regio, tractus ; (ground), Last, adv. proxime, postremilm,
(binding together), colligatio tellus, terra, solum novissime; (at last), denique,
Lack, inopia, penuria, indigentia, To land (put ashore), in terram postremo, demtim, tandem
egestas; (of parents), orbitas; exponere ; (in a vessel), ap- The last (save one), penultimus;
(of custom), desuetudo ; (of pello ; (get to land), arena (but two), antepenultimus
provisions), inedia ; (defect), potiri A last, calcei modulus ;
defectus Land, adj. terrestris onus, saburra
To lack, careo, indigeo, egeo Of land, agrarius To last, duro, perduro
Lacker (varnish), lacca A landgrave, provincial prsefectus Lasted (continued), duratus
To lacker, lacca ornare A landlord (victualler), hospes ;
A lasting, duratio, continuatio
Lacking, orbus, egenus, inops (of a house, &c.), dominus do- Lasting, stabilis, diti manens;
To be lacking, desum, deficio mus, &c. ; (lady), hospita (all day), perdius ; (all night),
Laconic, laconicus A landmark, limes, terminus pernox; (forever), sempiternus
Laconically, laconice, breviter A landing, appulsus ; (place), Lastly, ultimb, denique
A lacquey,pedissequus portus A latch, obex
Lacrymal, lacrymas generans A landscape, tabula chorogra- To latch, obice claudere
Lacteal, lacteus phica The latchet of a shoe, corrigia
A lad, adolescens A lane (street), angiportus Late, adj. serus, tardus, nuperus
A ladder, seals; (ship-ladder), (in the country), via publica, Late, adv. ser&, tardfc
pons diverticulum It is late, vesperat
To lade, onero Language (speech), lingua, ser- It grows late, vesperascit
Sore-laden, oppressus mo; (style), stilus; (smooth), Lately, modd, nuper; (very), nu-
Lading, onerans blandiloquentia; (rude), convi- perrime
A lading, onus cium; (its propriety), idioma Latent, latens, latitans
A ladle, spatha, ligula ;
(ladles of Languid, languidus, debilis Later, recentior, tardior
a water-mill), pinna? To languish, langueo, tabeo, lan- Lateral, lateralis, & latere
A lady, domina, neroina guesco, tabesco, marcesco Latest, postremus, ultimus
Lag, postremus, extremus To cause to languish, tabefacio A lath, assula
To lag, tardo, tergiversor Languishing, languens, langues- To lathe, assulis substernere
A lagging, tergiversatio cens A lathe, tornus
Laic, or laical, laicus A languishing, languor A lather, aquae saponatse spuma
Lain, positus; (down), decum- Languishingly, languide (to make), sapone bullas ex-
bens; (in wait), insidiis peti- Lank (limber), mollis, fiaccidus; citare
tus (slender), tenuis Latin, adj. Latinus
Lair (of a deer), cervi latebra ;
Lankness, mollifies, gracilitas Latin, subst. Latinitas
(at stool-ball), clava pilaris A lantern, laterna In Latin, Latin e
The laity, laici The lap, gremium, sinus A Latinist, Latine doctus
Lake (a colour), lacca A lap (fold), plica; (of the ear), Latish, tardiusculus, tardior
A lake, lacus, palus, stagnum lobus ;
(dog), catullus Meli- Latitude (breadth), latitudo; (li-
A lamb, agnus, agna tasus berty), licentia
Of a lamb, agninus To lap lambo,
(lick), lingo ;
Latter, posterior [cordum
Lamb (meat), caro agnina (wrap up), complico The latter math, or cropj fcenum
(grass-lamb), gramme pasta ;
A lapidary, gemmarius Latten, or lattin, orichalcum
(house-lamb), stabulo nutrita Lapidation, lapidatio A lattice, clathrus
Lambent, lambens Lapped, or lapt, involutus To lattice, cancello, clathro
A lambkin, agnellus A lapper, lambens Like a lattice, or latticed, reticu-
Lame, claudus, mancus; (com- A lappet, lacinia, sinus latus, cancellatus, clathratus
parison), iniqua comparatio ; A lapping (licking), linctus Lattices, cancelli
(with age), decrepitus; (im- (folding), involutio Laud, laus, gloria
perfect), imperfectus A lapse, lapsus To laud, laudo, celebro
To walk lame, claudico To lapse, labor, prsetereo Laudable, laudabilis, laudandus
To make lame, mutilo, debilito The larboard, latus sinistrum Laudably, laudabiliter
Lamed, claudicans Larceny, latrocinium Laudanum, laudanum
Lamely, imperite, inconcinne Lard, lardum To lave, capulo, exhaurio
Lameness, claudicatio To lard, lardo suffigere; (a dis- Lavender, nardus
To lament, deploro, lugeo (toge- ; course), sermonem miscere A laver, labrum
ther), commiseror; (for), in- Larded, lardo suffixus To laugh, rideo; (at), irrideo;
gemo A larder, promptuarium (aloud), cachinnor; (together),
Lamentable, flebilis, plorabilis A lathe, tornus corrideo; (from the teeth out-
Lamentably, lugubre, lugubriter Large, spatiosus, latus ; (at ward) , sardonicum ridere
A lamentation, lamentatio; (at large), liber; (to discourse at Laughable, risum movens
funerals), threnodia, planctus large), copiose disputare To be laughed at, rideor
Full of lamentation, gemebundus Very large, peramplus Laughed at, ludibrio habitus, risu
Not lamented, indeploratus Largely, ample, abunde ; (so dignus, ridiculus [irrisor
A lamenter, plorator largely), e& usque A laugher, risor ;
(at), derisor,
Lamenting, luctuosus, luctificus Largeness, amplitudo, magnitudo A laughing, cachinnatio
A lamenting, deploratio A largess, donativum Given to laughing, ridibundus
Lammas, calendar sextiles A lark, alauda A laughing, risus ;
(at), irrisus;
To lamm, caedo, fustigo Lascivious, lascivus, petulans (stock), ludibrium; (immode-
A lamp, lampas, lucerna Lasciviously, impudice, procaciter rate), cachinnus
A lampoon, satyra Lasciviousn ess, libido, incontinen- Laughter, risus
To lampoon, dicto mordaci ali- tia Lavish, prodigus, profusus
quem insectari A lash (stripe), plaga, verber; To lavish away, prodigo, profuudc
A lampooner, scurra (mark), vibex; (thong), lorum A lavisher, nepos, prodigus
A lamprey, murama To lash (whip), flagello, caedo; Lavishing, prodigens, profundens
A lance, lancea, hasta; (lancet), (tie unto), alligo Lavishly, prodige, effuse
scalpellum chirurgicum A lashiug, verberatio Lavishness, prodigalitas, profusio
To lance, scarifico A lash, ventris profluvium ; (stop- To launch. See Lanch
To lanch (a ship), navem dedu- ped), venter suppressus A laundress, lotrix
cere; (into the sea), oceano A lashing wind, venti quadrans A laundry, lavatrina
navem committcre ; (into eter- A lass, pueUa, virgo Laureate, laureatus
nity), terram relinquere Lassitude, lassitudo Laurel, laurus, laurocerasus
A lanching, deductio Last, or latest, ultimus, extre- Of laurel, laureus
Land (with a house upon it), mus novissimus, supremus,
, Crowned with laurel, laureatus
praedium, fundus; (country), postremus Law, lex; (right), jus; (canon*
law), jus canonicum ; (civil), (against), contra ducere; (a- To lease out, eloco
jus civile; (statute), jus muni- long), per viam ducere; (an To lease (lie), mentior; (corn),
cipale; (law of arms), jus mili- army), exercitui praeesse ; (a- spicas legere
tare; (of merchants), lex mer- side), diverto ; (aside, or se- A leash (thong), lorum ;
catorum; (of nature), jus na- duce), seduco ; (away), abduco ;
hounds), canum ternio
turale; (of nations), jus gen- (back), reduco; (before), pra?- A leasing, locatio, spicilegium
tium; (of the senate), senatus- duco ; (by force), perduco ; A leassee, cui locatur
consultum ; (made by the (in).induco, introduco; (forth), A leassor, locator
people), plebiscitum produco; (off), abduco; (one's Least, adj. minimus; adv. mini-
Ever at law, litigiosus life), vitam degere (on, or en- ;
me; (at least), ad minimum,
Learned in the law, juris peritus (over),transduco;
tice), illicio; certe
Of the law, juridicalis, legalis (out), educo; (through), per- Leather, corium, aluta
iiw-days, diesjuridici duco; (unto), adduco (up and ; A leather-dresser, alutarius, co-
W lawgiver, legislator down), deduco ; (the way), riarius ; (seller), pellio
lawful, Justus, aequus, licitus praeeo Leather-dressing, corii subactio
Not lawful, illegitimus, injustus A leader, ductor; (commander, Leathern, ex corio confectus
ii is lawful, licet, aequum est or general), dux, imperator A leather bottle, uter; (jerkin),
lawfully, legitime, licite (of a dance), praesultor ; (of tunica scortea; (thong), lorum
Lawfulness, jus, fas the way), dux vise terginum
Lawless, exlex, illex Leading, ducens Covered with leather, pellitus
Lawn, sindon, carbasus; (in a A leading, ductus; (about), cir- Leave, venia, copia, licentia, liber-
park), saltus cumductio; (aside), seductio; tas, potestas ; (to enter), ad-
Of lawn, carbaseus (in),inductio; (back), reductio missio
A lawyer, causidicus, juriscon- A leading man, vir primarius ; Without leave, injussu, iniussus
sultus (people), princeps populus To leave, omitto, relinquo, praeter-
Lax, laxus, segnis, socors A leaf, folium; (of a vine), pam- eo ; (forsake), desero, desti-
A lax, diarrhoea pinus; (of a book), duae pa- tuo ; (off), desino, desisto, ab-
Laxative, alvum subducens ginae; (of gold), lamina brac- sisto; (out), proetermitto, omit-
Lay, adj. la'fcus tea, auri folium; (of herbs), to; (by will), testamento le-
A lay, cantelina; (course, rank, coma; (of fat), unctum; (of gare; (quit), decedo ; (unto),
&c), series; (man), la'icus tin), stanni folium committo ; (utterly), peniths
To lay, pono ;
(about), circum- A league (three miles), leuca derelinquere
pono; (abroad), expando; (a- (confederacy), foedus, pactum, Leaven, fermentatum
gainst), objicio; (along), pro- pactio To leaven, fermento
sterno (an ambush), insidior;
; In league, foederatus A leavening, fermentatio
(apart), sepono ; (aside), super- A leaguer, obsidio, obsidium A leaver, vectis
sedeo, loco movere; (a bait), A leak, rima Leaves, frondes, folia
inescor; (before, or represent), To leak, rimas agere Full of leaves, frondosus, frondeus
repraesento; (between), inter- Leaky, rimosus, futilis [sus A leaving (off), cessatio; (out),
jicio; (blame upon), vitupero; Lean, macer, macilentus, strigo- omissio, praetermissio
(by), sepono, repono, rejicio, To be lean, maceo, emacesco Leavings, reliquiae
omitto ;
(claim to), vendico ; To make lean, emacio Lecherous, impudicus
(commands upon), in mandatis Made lean, emaciatus Lechery, libido, salacitas
dare ;
(a complaint before), To lean (upon), nitor, innitor, A lecture, lectio, praelectio
querelam deferre (to one's ; recumbo; (forward), acclino; To lecture, praelego, objurgo
charge), imputo; (the cloth), (back), reclino; (over), promi- A lecturer, lector ; (afternoon
mensam sternere ;
(corn), ster- neo ; (to), propendeo ;
(in preacher), concionator pomeri-
nere segetes; (down), depono, opinion), sententiae favere; (to- dianus
demitto wards), incliuo To be led, trahor, ducor
A. layer (graff), propago ; (oyster- Leaning, nixus, innixu3, reclinis, A led horse, equus desultorius
bed), ostrearium; (of a deer), acclinis, incumbent A ledge, projectura
I lustrum A leaning-stock, fulcrum A ledger, actorum codex; (am-
paying asleep, soporifer ;
(laying A leaning downwards, declivitas bassador), legatus ordinarius
as a hen), parturiens
, Leanness, macies, macritudo The lee, navisinclinatio; (shore),
A laying (on), impositio ;
(on A leap, saltus littus vento immune
heaps), accumulatio, coacer-
To leap, salto, salio; (against), To come off by fhe lee, pessime
vatio; (aside), remotio, rejectio; assilio ; (away), absilio ; (a abire, male mulctari
(out), erogatio, impensa; (to), little), subsilio, subsulto ;
A leech, hirudo, sanguisuga
applicatio ; (to one's charge), (back), resilio; (down), de- A leek, porrum
imputatio, accusatio; (unto), silio (in), insilio; (forward),
Leek-green, prasinus
I prosilio ; (for joy), exulto, ges- Of leeks, porraceus
Past laying, efFoeta tio ; (off), desilio; (often), sal- A leer, or Leering-look, obliquus
Lakfs (in music), moduli tito ; (on, or upon), insilio ;
contuitus, or oculorum conjec-
A fazar, leprosus (over), transilio ; {or jump up), tus
Lazily, ignavfe, pigre, segniter emico To leer, limis intueri
Laziness, segnitia, pigritia A leap for fish, nassa Leering, limus obtutus, limus
Jazy, ignavus, piger, iners Leap by leap, saltlm, exultim Leeringly, limis oculis
o grow lazy, torpesco [cus A leaper, saltator, saltatrix Lees, fax
ieacherous, libidinosus, impudi- Leaping, saltans Leet (court), curia
eacherously, libidinose, obsccene A leapiug, saltatio, saltatus (for ; The leetch of a sail, laxa pars veli
eachery, libido, salacitas joy), exultatio; (on),insultatio Leeward, navis inclinatio
jead, plumbum ; (black), sti- To learn, disco ; (be informed Left, (remaining), reliquus ;
bium; (red), minium; (white), of), certior fieri ; (an art), (alone), solus, solitarius, deso-
cerussa artem percipere (before), prae-
latus ; (destitute), orbus, or-
To lead, plumb o ob ducere disco; (by experience), discere batus; (off for a time), inter-
3f lead, Leaden, pi jmbeus, plum- experiendo (by heart), memo-
missus; (out), praetermissus ;
bosus riae mandare; (together), con- (hand), manus sinistra
Lead-coloured, ferrugineus disco; (teach,, doceo On the left hand, a sinistris, ad
Lead-ore, plumbago The learned, docti, eruditi sinistram
'Leaded, plumbo obductus Learnedly, docte, erudite Lefthanded, scaevus
A leading, plumbo obductio A learner, discipulus A leg, tibia, crus; (of mutton),
The leads, tectum plumbo obduc- Learning, doctrina, eruditio coxaovina; (of a table), pes
tum Belonging to learning, literarius To make a leg, genu flectere
To lead, duco (about), circum- ; A lease, fundi elocandi instru- Belonging to a leg, tibialis, cru
duco: (about often), ductito: mentum, formula locationis ralis
; ; ;;


A legacy, legatum (in), admitto, intromitto; (into Liberty, libertas, licentia, potes.
Legal, legalis, legitimus secrets), secreta impertire ; tas,copia; (of will), liberum
Legality, legibus consentaneum (off), displodo, exonero ; (out), arbitrium
Legally, juxta leges emitto; (out to hire), eloco At liberty, liber, era, erum
A legate, legatus, orator (pass), omitto, praetereo ; (suf- To be at liberty, sui juris esse
A legatee, legatarius fer), sino, permitto To set at liberty, libero
Bow-legged, valgus ; (wry-leg- A leecher, scortator Libidinous, libidinosus, salax
ged), loripes Lethargic, lethargicus.vetemosus A library, bibliotheca
A legend, legenda; (of a coin), The lethargy, lethargus A librarian, bibliothecae custos
inscriptio Letted (hindered), impeditus Libration, libratio
Legerdemain, ars praestigiatoria; A letter (hinderer), morator ; Lice, pediculi
(tricks), praestigiae (out to hire), locator ; (of Licence (leave), licentia, venia,
Legible, lectu facilis blood), phlebotomus copia, potestas, facultas; (pri-
A legion, legio A letter (of the alphabet), litera, vilege), privilegium
Belonging to a legion, legionarius elementum, character; (epis- To license, privilegio munire
Legislation, actus ferendi leges tle), literae, tabellae, epistola; A licensing, privilegii donatio
Legislative, legislativus (carrier), tabellio, tabellarius A licentiate, licentiatus ; (in law),
A legislator, legislator Letters (patent), literae patentes; lyta
The legislature, qui habent po- (of appeal), literae dimissoriae ; Licentious, licentiosus, improbus
testatem leges ferendi (of commendation), literae com- Licentiously, licenter, improbe
Legitimate, legitimus mendatitiae; (of exchange), tes- Licentiousness, nequitia, impro-
Leisure, otium, quies sarae nummariae ; (of marque), bitas
At leisure, adj. otiosus, vacuus; reprisalia; (used iu printing), A lick, linctus ; (stroke), ictus
adv. otiose, per otium typi To lick, lingo, lambo; (strike),
Leisurely, otiose, pedetentlm Of letters, literarius aliquem caedere; (about), cir-
To be at leisure, vaco, otio frui A man of letters, homo doctus, cumlambo; (off, or away), de-
A lemon, malum citreum veliteris clarus lingo^ daintily ) , ligurio ;
( dish-
To lend, mutuum dare, commo- To letter, titulum inscribere es), catillo ;
(all over) , delambo
tio; (an ear), aurem preebere; Lettuce, lactuca Licking, lingens, lambens
(at interest), fcenero A letting, mora; (of blood), phle- Licorice, glycyrrhiza
A lender, creditor, fcenerator botomia ; (down), demissio ; Licorish, delicatulus, gulosus
Lending, commodans (go), dimissio; (out for rent), (fellow), liguritor, catillo
A lending, commodatio, fceneratio locatio; (pass), emissio; (per- (dainties), cupediae
Length, longitudo (of a way),
mission), permissio Licorishness, gula, liguritio
viae spatium; (of time), diutur- The Levant, oriens A lid, operculum
nitas A levee, salutantium comitatus Lie to wash with, lixivium
At length, tandem, demum, deni- Level, aequus, planus Of, or belonging to lie, lixivius
que; (in length), in longum; A level, planities; (used by car- To lie (in a posture), jaceo
(at one's length), extento cor- penters), libella, perpendicu- (about), circumjaceo; (in dis-
pore lum ;
(of a gun), bombardae order), confuslm jacere ; (a-
To run all lengths, in omnibus scopus gainst), objaceo ; (along), re-
inservire To level, aequo, complano, coae- cumbo, recubo ; (before), prae-
To lengthen, protraho, extendo quo ;
(at),ad scopum collineare jaceo; (between), interjaceo
A lengthening, productio To be upon a level, par esse (by).accubo, accumbo; (down),
Lenitive, leniens, anodynus A leveller, complanator decumbo ;
(in), ob puerperium
A lenitive, anodynum A levelling, aequatio, petitio cubare ; (down to sleep), de-
Lenity, lenitas, dementia A lever, vectis cumbo ;
the dirt), in luto hae-
Lent (of lend), commodatus A leveret, lepusculus rere; (flat), prosterno; (near),
Lent, quadragesima A leviathan, draco aquaticus adjaceo. juxta cumbere; (at a
Of lent, quadragesimalis To levigate, laevigo, polio banquet), discumbo
A lentil,lens A Levite, levita A lie, mendacium
Leonine, leoninus Levitical, leviticus Liege, fldelis, deditus
A leopard, leopardus Levity, levitas, inconstantia A liege, dominus supremus
A leper, leprosus A census
levy, A liege-man, cliens [ator
The leprosy, lepra To levy (money), vectigal exi- A lier, mendax (in wait), insidi-

Leprous, lepra lab orans gere; (soldiers), milites con- Full of lies, fabulosus, mendosus
Less, adj. minor; adv. minus scribere [actio In lieu of, loco, vice [fectus
For less, minoris A levying of money, pecuniae ex- A lieutenant, locum tenens, prae-
Much nedum, ne quidem
less, Lewd, improbus, sceleratus, ne- The lord lieutenant of a county,
To lessen (make less), diminuo, quam, impudicus, turpis praefectas provinciae
minuo, extenuo; (grow less), Lewdly, flagitiose, turpiter The lieutenant of the tower, arcis
decresco, minuor; (depreciate), Lewdness, scelus, nequitia praefectus
depretio A lexicographer, lexicographus Lieutenantship, praefectura
A lessening, diminutio A lexicon, lexicon Life, vita, spirit us, anima
Lesser, or less, minor Liable, obnoxius, expositus (sprightliness), vigor
A lessee, cui locatur Liar, mendax To give life, animo, vivifico
A lesson, lectio, praelectio; (in- Libation, libatio Life-giving, vivificus
struction), monitum A libel (in the civil law), libellus A giving of life, animatio
To give a lesson (teach), doceo; accusatorius;
(satirical reflec- Long life, longaevitas
(chide), objurgo tion), libellus famosus To the life, ad vivum [tam
A lessor, locator To libel (accuse), accuso ; (de- All one's life time, per totam vi-
Lest, or lest that, ne ; (any one), fame in writing), scriptis in- To come again to life, revivisco
nequis; (any thing), nequid; famare To be tried for one's life, causam
(at any time), nequando; (by A libeller, scriptor famosorum capitis dicere
any means), nequa; (in any carminum To venture one's life, capitis peri-
place), necubl A libelling, sugillatio scriptis culum adire [supremum
A let, or hindrance, impedimen- mandata To depart this life, diem obire
tum, mora; (disturbance), in- Libellous, famosus, probrosus Having life, vivus, animatus
terpellate Liberal, liberalis, munificus ; Full of life, vividus, vivax
To let (hinder), obsto, impedio ; (giver),largitorbeneficus; (giv- Lifeless, exanimis, inanimatus
(interrupt), interpello; (alone), ing), largitio, erogatio A life-guard, cohors praetoria
omitto ; (blood), sanguinem Liberality, Hberalitas, benignitas A lift (assistance), subdium
detrahere; (down), demitto Liberally, liberaliter, large To lift, levo, tollo, eveho; (up
(Hy or shoot at), jaculor; (go), A libertine, homo dissolutus again), relevo; (up himself),
dimitto (loose), emitto, educo;
; Libertinism, morum licentia se efferre; (up on high), iu
sublime tollere; (one's voice), Alimb(edge),ora,margo; (mem- sire), cupido ; (will),
vocem attollere ; (upright), ber), artus, membrum; (of the voluntas; (to fight in), arena
erigo law), leguleius To list (soldiers), conscribo; (for
Lifting up, elevans, attollens Limber, flexilis, laxus a soldier), nomen inter milites
A lifting up, elevatio To grow limber, lentesco dare ; (will, or desire), volo
A ligament, ligamentum Limberness, lentor To listen, ausculto, attendo
A ligature, ligatura, ligamen Limbo, limbus A listener, auscultator
To light (as a bird), sido, desido, Lime, calx A listening, auscultatio
insido; (from a horse), de- Of lime, calcarius Listening, auscultans, attendens
scendo (fall upon, or against),
Limy, viscosus, glutinosus Listless, torpidus, segnis
(incido, incurro (upon, or rind),
A limit, limes, terminus To be listless, torpeo, stupeo
jreperio, offendo To limit, termino, praefinio Listlessly, segniter, oscitanter
Light (in weight), levis, per- Limitation, limitatio Listlessness, torpor
levis ; (bright ) , f ulgens, lucidus, Limiting, terminans, praefiniens The litany, litania
splendidus ; (nimble), agilis, A limiting, determinatio Literal, literalis
expeditus; (inconstant), insta- Limits, fines, limites Literally, sensu proprio

bills ; (merry), hilaris, laetus ; To limn, delineo, depingo Literature, literatura, eruditio
(trifling), facilis, nugax, inep- Limned, ad vivum expressus Of literature, doctus, eruditus
tus (fingered), furax; (heart-
A limner, humani oris pictor Litharge, lithargyros, scoria
ed), hilaris, alacris, laetus A limning, pictura Lithotomy, lithotomia
(horse), equitesexpediti; (horse- Limp, or limber, flaccidus, lentus To litigate, litigo, contendo
man), levis armaturae eques ; To limp, claudico Litigation, litigatio, lis
(of no value), futilis A limper, claudus, claudicans Litigious, litigiosus, rixosus
Light (as day), lux; (brightness), Limpid, hmpidus, clarus Litigiousness, litium amor
lumen; (knowledge), cognitio, Limping, claudicans, mutilus A litter, foetura, partus
jntelligentia (candle, or lamp), ; A limping, claudicatio Litter, substramentum
lucerna, candela, lampas Limpingly, mutile A horse-Utter, lectica
To set lightly by, contemno Limpness (limberness), lentor To litter, res turbare, pario
To light (set on fire), accendo; Linch pin, embolium Little, parvus, tenuis, exiguus
(one), praeluceo Aline (lineage), stirps, progenies, Little, adv. pariim, paululum, ali-
Ti be light, luceo, lucesco prosapia, propago, genus, pro- quantb, nonnihil, aliquantum
To cast, or give light, illumino les ; (small cord), funiculus ; A little one, infantulus ; (while),
Lightheaded, delirans, insaniens (order), series, ordo; (for fish- paulisper, parumper ; (and
To lighten (in the sky), fulguro; ing), linum, seta ; (drawn), pretty), scitus [shn
(ease), exonero, levo, allevo linea By little and little, paulatim, sen-
To be made lighter, allevor Lines of the hand, incisurae Very little, minimus [que
Lightly, leviter, leniter; (easily), To line, munio ; (as a dog), meo How little soever, quantuluscun-
(nimbly), velociter, (a garment), intus assuere Ever so little, paulum modo
agiliter; (carelessly), negligen-
/ Line (flax), linum Littleness, parvitas, exiguitas
j ter, perfunctorie Linseed, lini semen The liturgy, liturgia
Lightness (fickleness), incon- Lineal, or linear, linearis To live, vivo; (again), revivisco;
stantia; (nimbleness), agilitas; Lineally, recta linea (a country life), rusticor ; (an
(wantonness), lascivia, petu- A lineament, lineamentum exile), exulo ; (well), laute vi-
lant ia Linen, linteum vere; (in gluttony), helluor
Lightning, fulgor Fine linen, sindon (from hand to mouth), in diem
3f lightning, fulgurans Of linen, linteus, lineus vivere; (together), convivo; (in
\. lightning (in the sky), fulgu- A linen-draper, linteo a city), urbem incolere
ratio ; (easing), levamen ;
(kind- To linger, aegrotesco, diu. segro- Likely to live, vitalis
ling), incensio tare; (loiter), cunctor, cesso Long-lived, longaevus
lighter, cymba oneraria Lingering, cunctans ; (with ill- Short-lived, caducus, fragilis
lighterman, naviculator ness), lenta tabe consumens Lively, florens, vividus, vivus
lighting (down), descensus A lingering, cunctatio To be lively, vigeo, vigesco
(kindling), incensio A linger, metalli massa Livelihood (maintenance), victus
e lights, pulmones A linguist, linguarum peritus et vestitus; (trade, or busi-
ghtsome (bright), fulgidus A liniment, emplastrum ness), ars
Tcheerful), hilaris, laetus The lining of a garment, pannus Liveliness, vigor
Like (unto), similis, consimilis interior, or subditius A good liver, homo pius
[(equal), par, aequus; (likely) A link, lynchus; (boy), lychnu- A bad liver, scelestus, nequam
robabilis, verisimilis chus ; (of a chain), annulus The liver, jecur, hepar
L|ke, or like unto, adv. tanquam To link, connecto, conjungo Of the liver, hepaticus
|velut, instar; (as), sicut, per- A linking, connexio, conjunctio Liver-coloured, fuscus
inde ac, quemadmodum ; (a A linnet, linaria White-livered, pallidus, socors
friend), (a gentleman)
amice ; Lint, linamentum A livery, vestis servilis; (stable),
ingenue, liberaliter; (a man) The lintel, superliminare stabulum conductitium
fortiter, viriliter ; (in like man A lion, leo Livid, lividus
ner), pariter, itidem, similiter Lion- coloured, fulvus Living, vivus, vivens, spirans
To (approve), probo, appro-
Like A lioness, leaena, lea A living (maintenance), victus j
[bo, comprobo, gaudeo
(of, or Like a lion, leoninus (benefice), beneficium; (toge-
Jplease), placeo A lip,labium, labrum; (harelip), ther), convictus, cohabitatio
Shell-like, hujusmodi labellum fissile; (of a beast), A lizard, lacertus
likely, adj. probabilis, credibilis, rictus ; (of a wound), os Lo ! en 1 ecce !

venustus To liquify (melt), liquefacio A load, sarcina, onus; (on the
ikely, adv. probability Liquid, liquidus, liquens spirits), tristitia
ikelihood, verisimilitudo To be liquid, liqueo To load, onero, gravo; (heavily),
b hken, comparo, confero To grow liquid, liquesco opprimo
ikeness, similitudo To liquidate, liquefacio A loadstone, magnes
likening, comparatio [ter Liquids, liquida Of a loadstone, magneticus
iikewise, itidem, pariter, simili- Liquor, liquor, succus, potus Loading, onerans, aggravans
iking, favens, approbans Full of liquor, ebrius A loaf, panis; (of sugar), sac-
liking, favor, approbatio To liquor, macero, inungo chari meta
In good liking, valens, validus To lisp, balbutio, blsese loqui Loam, lutum [tuum
tfo one's liking, acceptus, gratus A lisper, balbus, blaesus A loan, aliquid mutuatum, mu.
A lily, lilium A lisping, balbuties To loath, nauseo, fastidio
Of a lily, liliaceus A list (catalogue), catalogus A loathing, nausea, fastidium
limb from limb, membratlm (of cloth), limbus panni ;
(de- Loathing, nauseans, fastidiens


Loathsome, odiosus, squalidus, tueor ;
(out, or choose), deligo, To be lovesick, depereo
foedus seligo; (up), suspicio (upon), ;
A lough, lacus [gei
A lobby, porticus, pergula aspicio, inspicio, inspecto ;
Loving, amans, benignus, indt
A lobe, lobus (upon, or esteem), duco, aesti- Lovingly, amanter, amice
A lobster, astacus rno, habeo To lounge, otior
Local, localis Look (behold) ! ecce ! en ! A lounger, cessator
Locally, juxta locum A looker on, spectator A louse, pediculus
Locality, existentia localis Looking, aspiciens (about), ;
cir- Lousy, pediculosus
A lock, sera; (of wool), floccus; cumspiciens, lustrans Low, humilis; (humble), deprc
(of hail), cinnus, cirrus A looking-glass, speculum sus, afflictus; (in the world
To lock (a door), sero, obsero; A loom, textoris jugum inops, pauper ; (meau), abje
(a wheel), rotas stringere; (in A loop, amentum; (hole), tran- tus, sordidus; (shallow), br
one's arms), complector; (out), senna; (for ordnance), fenes- vis; (in stature), brevis, h
excludo; (up),includo tella milis; (in price), vili preti
A locker, loculamentum Loose, laxus ; (dissolute), disso- vilis
A locket, collare lutus; (bad), pravus; (care- To be low in circumstances, eg<
A locust, locusta less), remissus, negligens ; (in To bring low, humilio, enervo
A lodge, casa silvestris; (of free body), lientericus To low (as an ox), mugio, boo
masons), capella latomorum li- To loose, solvo, laxo Lower, inferior
berorum ;
(porter's lodge), gur- To loosen, laxo, solvo To lower, reprimo, comprimc
gustium Loosely, laxe, dissolute, remisse (make lower), deprimo ; (1
To lodge (ina place), habito ; (all A looseness, laxitas ; (of the down), demitto; (the price
night), pemocto; (with), di- belly), alvi proluvies pretium imminuere
versor; (stick fast), inhsereo To lop, tondeo, decacumino, caedo To lower, or lour (frown), fro:
To be lodged, collocor A lopping, putatio tern corrugare ; (as the sky
A lodger, hospes Loppings, sarmenta nubibus obduci
A lodging, commoratio; (room), Loquacious, loquax, garrulus Lowering, Louring, torvus, tri
cubiculum ; (place), diverso- Loquacity, loquacitas, garrulitas tis (weather), caelum nubilu

rium A lord, dominus, dynasta A lowering, torvitas

A lodgement, munimentum To lord it, dominor Loweringly, torve, tetrice [mi
Lodgings, sedium pars conducta The lords of the realm, proceres Lowest, Lowermost, imus, in
A loft, tabulatum, repositorium Lordliness, fastidium A lowing, mugitus, boatus
Lofty (high), sublimis, excelsus, Lordly, adj. fastuosus, imperio- Lowly, humilis, demissus
celsus; (haughty), fastuosus, sus ; adv. elate, imperiose Lowliness, humilitas, modestia
arrogans, superbus, elatus Lordship, dominatus; (manor), Loyal, fidelis, fidus
(stile), oratio turgida manerium Loyally, fideliter, fide
To grow lofty, tumeo, insolesco To lose, perdo, amitto ;
(colour), Loyalty, iidelitas, fides
Loftily, superbe, elate decoloror; (credit), iidem lab e- A lozenge, rhombus
Loftiness (in height), sublimitas, factare ; (one's labour), ope- A lubber, segnis, ignavus
excelsitas (in behaviour), fas-
ram perdere (ground, or go
Lubberly, adj. socors, piger ad ;

tus, superbia back),retrocedo; (be worsted), segniter, pigre

A log, truncus, stipes superor, vincor; (one's hopes), To Lubricate, lubrico
A logarithm, logarithmus despero ; (one's life), mortem Lubricity, lubricitas, lubricum
A loggerhead, hebes, somnolentus oppetere; (one's way), aberro, Lubricous, lubricus
Logic, dialectica, logica deerro; (time), tempus terere Lucid, lucidus, clarus
Logical, logicus frustra ; (use of the limbs), Lucifer, lucifer
A logician, dialecticus membris capi; (utterly), dis- Luck, fortuna, successus
A loin, lumbus perdo Bad luck, infortunium
To loiter, moror, cesso A losing, amissio, perditio Luckless, infelix, infaustus
A loiterer, cunctator Loss, damnum, jactura ;
(of life), Lucky, felix, faustus, prosper
A loitering, cessatio, mora vitae privatio [sus Luckily, auspicatd, fauste
To loll, innitor (the tongue),
Causing loss, damnosus, exitio- Lucrative, lucrativus, lucrosus •
exerere linguam ; (in bed), To be lost, perdor, pereo Lucre, lucrum, quasstus
lecto indulgere A lot(part), pars, portio ; (by Lucubration, lucubratio
A lolling, nixus cubito lot), sortitd, sorte, casu ; Luculent, luculentus, clarus
Loneliness, solitudo [rius (chance), sors, casus Ludicrous, ludicer, jocularis
Lonely, lonesome, solus, solita- To lot, distribuo; (to cast lots), Ludicrously, jocose
Long, longus, prolixus sortior ; (to draw lots), sortes To lug (hale, pull), traho, vello
A long time, diu, longum; (ago), trahere The lug, auris lobus
olim, jamdudum ; (after), mul- Gotten by lot, sortitus Luggage, onus, sarcina
t6p6st; (before), mult& ante; Loth, aversus, invitus Lugubrious, lugubris, luctuosus
(enough), satis diu; (of), cau- A lotion, lotio, lavatio Lukewarm, tepidus, remissus
sa, culpa. A lottery, tesserarum sortitio To be lukewarm, tepeo, tepesco
Long continuance, diuturnitas Loud, sonorus, clarus ; (in Lukewarmly, tepide
A long (in music), respiratio voice), vocalis, concitatus Lukewarmness, tepor
longa Loudly, sonore, clare To lull, demulceo, sopio
Long speech), productus
(in ;
Loudness, claritas Lumber, instrumenta domestic
(winded), prolixus Love, amor, benevolentia, chari- ponderosiora
Long-suffering, patiens tas; (self), amor sui (of God, ; A luminary,luminare
Long-suffering, patientia or parents), pietas Luminous, luminosus
To long after, appeto, exopto To love, amo, diligo ; (to make A lump, massa, frustum ; (c
Longevity, longevitas love), solicito, ambio ; (ardent- earth), gleba; (heap), acervus
A longing, desiderium, votum ly, or dearly), ardeo, depereo, The lump, or whole, solidum
Longitude, longitudo deamo, flagro Lumpish, hebes, tardus
A look, obtutus Love (desire), desiderium; (sort To grow lumpish, hebesco
The look, aspectus, vultus of silk), nebula Lumpishness, stupor, tarditas; (about), circumspi- A love, corculum (fit), impetus
; Lunacy, insania
cio; (seem), videor; (after, or amoris; (potion), pbiltrum Lunar, lunaris
care for), euro; (at), intueor; In love, amans Lunatic, phreneticus
(back).rcspicio ; (before), prc- Belonging to love, amatorius A lunch, or luncheon, frustum
spicio; (down), despicio (or ; Worthy to be loved, amabilis (in the afternoon), merenda
seek for), qutero, requiro; (for, Lovely, decorus, venustus The lungs, pulmones; (a persoi
or expect), spero, expecto; Loveliness, decor, venustas of good lungs), stentor
(in), inspicio ;
(into or ex- A lover, amator; (suitor), pro- A lurch, duplex palma
amine), perscrutor; (on), in- cus; (of wine), vinosus To lurch, subduco, deglutio
To leave in the lurch, in angustiis To madefy, madefacio A major (of a troop), legatus
deserere Madid, madidus, udus (general), exercitus instructor
A lurcher (glutton), lurco, ne- A madrigal, cantilena sylvestris Major (greater), major, melior
pos ; (lier in wait), insidiator; A magazine, apotheca; (of arms) Majority, pars major, plures
(dog), catiis indagator armamentarium (of powder) ;
Maize, frumentum Indicum
A lure, illecebra cella ;
(for corn), horreum A make, or form, forma, figura
To lure, delinio, demulcco A maggot, termes (in the pate) ;
To make, facio, compono, con-
To lurk, lateo, latito impetus animi [dosus ficio; (acquainted), signitico,
4 lurker (loiterer), cessator ; (in To be maggotty (whimsical), len certiorem facere (afraid), ter-

corners), tenebrio Magic, magice, magia reo; (an appointment), diem

lurking, latitatio Magic, or belonging to magic, et locum constituere ; (a-
lurking-hole, latebra magicus shamed), pudefacio; (away, or
uscious, suavis, praedulcis A magician, magus, veneficus go off), aufugio; (away with
usciously, suaviter, dulce Magisterial, impeiiosus one's self), sibi mortem con-
usciousness, dulcedo Magisterially, imperiose, dogma- sciscere; (away an estate), bona
usory, lusorius tice prodigere; (a bed), lectum ster-
ust, cupido, appetitus Magistracy, magistratus nere; (blind), excaeco ; (words
To lust, prurio, concupisco A magistrate, magistratus about), litigo, discepto
Lustful, libidinosus, salax Magnanimity, magnanimitas A maker, fabricator, formator
lustfully, libidinose, lascive Magnanimous, magnanimus, for- A making, formatio; (free), ma-
lustfulness, lascivia tis numissio; (good), restitutio,
lustily, fortiter, valide Magnanimously, strenue, fortiter compensatio ; (much of), in-
lustiness, corporis robur A magnet, magnes dulgentia; (ready), paratus
lustral, lustralis Magnetical, magneticus A malady, morbus, segritudo
lustration, lustratio Magnetism, vis magneiica Malapert, procax, petulans
lustre, splendor, nitor Magnificence, magnificentia Malapertness, procacitas
lusty, validus, robustus, vegetus Magnificent, magnificus, augus- The male (creature), mas
To be lusty, vigeo tus [dide Of the male kind, masculinus
A lute, cithara Magnificently, sumptuose, splen- Malcontent, segre ferens
lutestring, serici genus nitidis- To magnify (praise), exalto, lau- Malediction, maledictio
simus do, extollo ;
(aggravate), exag- A malefactor, reus, maleficus,
luteous, lutosus gero ;
(an object), amplifico, sons
lutulent, lutulentus, ccenosus augeo Malevolence, malevolentia
luxation, luxatio Magnifying, amplificans, augens Malevolent, malevolens, malignns
luxuriance, luxuries, luxuria A magnifying, ampliticatio Malice, malitia, invidia, simultas
luxuriant, Luxurious, luxuriosus Magnitude, magnitudo (prepense), ultionis studium
Luxuriously, luxuriose A magpie, pica Malicious, malignus, invidus
Luxuriousness, luxus Mahometans, mahometani Maliciously, maligne, invide
(Luxury, luxuria, luxus Mahometanism, mahometanis- Maliciousness, livor, invidia
/A lye, mendacium, fabula mus To malign (detract), invideo
'To lye, mentior, fingo A maid, or maiden, virgo, puella ; Malignancy, malignitas, malitia
Lying (along), decumbens, pros- (old), virgo grandis ; (ready for Malignant, malignus, gravis
tratus; (between), interjacens; a husband), virgo matura, or Malignity, malignitas ; (of a dis-
(by), adjacens; (down), recli- nubilis ;
(servant), ancilla, fa- temper), aeerbitas
nis ; (flat), pronus; (hid), la- mula; (cook), coqua; (cham- A mall, or mallet, malleus
tens; (nearto).contiguus, con- ber), ornatrix; (nursery), an- To mall, batuo, tundo
terminus; (open), patens; (in cilla infantes curans ; (wait- A mallard, anus palustris mas
wait), insidians; (telling lies), ing), ministra, pedissequa Malleable, ductilis
mentiens A maid (fish), raia minor Mallows, malvae
A lying (at ease), recubitus; (in Of a maid, virgineus, puellaris Marshmallows, althea
wait), insidise; (in of women), Majestic, augustus, regius Of mallows, malvaceus
I puerperium Majesty, majestas, jubar regale Malt, brasium, byne
[Lymphatic, lymphaticus Majestically, auguste, regaliter To make malt, byuem parare
A lynx, lynx A mail (budget), bulga, saccus ; A maltster, brasiator
A lyre, lyra (bundle of letters), fasciculus Malting, or malt-making, byne-
Lyric, lyricus epistolarum ficium
A lyrist, lyrista A maim, vulnus, plaga Mamma, mamma, mater
To maim, mutilo, vulnero Mammocks, offulae
Maimed, mancus, mutilus, vul- A man, homo, vir, mas ;
neratus man), aliquis, qui vis
A maiming, mutilatio The man of the house, paterfa-
Main, primus, prcecipuus milias
Main force, vis, violentia A man-servant, famulus, servus
A mace, sceptmm The main (land), continens ;
Every man, omnis quisquc
A Serjeant's mace, fasces (sea),oceanus, altum mare No man, nemo, nullus
Mace, macis (body), summa (chance), sors,
; Man by man, viritim
A mace-bearer, lictor rerum summa; (mast), malus Like a man, viriliter
To macerate, macero ;
(make navis prsecipuus; (yard), an- To man, hominibus complere, or
lean), emacio tenna prsecipua ; (of a horse), instruere
To machinate, machinor juba equina To act the man, virum agere
A machination, machinatio Mainly, valde, maxime An old man, senex
A machine, machina Mainprize, vadimonium A poor man, pauper
A mackerel, scombrus To maintain (affirm), assevero, A rich man, dives
Mad, insanus, demens, vcsanus affirmo ; (defend), vindico, A wise man, sapiens
To be mad, insanio, furo tueor, sustineo, defendo ; A young man, juvenis, adolescens
To mad, furio, demento (keep), nutrio, ulo, sustento A man of war, navis bellica
Madam, domina mea Maintainable, auod defendi po- Manslaughter, homicidium
A madcap, vesanus, furiosus test Belonging to man, humanus
A madhouse, hospitium insano- A maintainer, vindex, assertor Manacles, manicse ferrese
rum A maintaining (affirming), affir- To manacle, manicis constringere
Raving mad, furiosus, furibundus matio ; (defending), vindicatio To manage, administro, tracto;
Madly, dementer, insane (keeping), victus suppeditatio (an estate well), rem tueri ;
Madness, dementia, insania ; (of Maintenance (support), defensio, (a war), helium obire (the ;

a dog), rabies tutamen ; (allowing necessa- temper of the people), plebis

To be made, fio ries), ad victum sumptus animos permulcere (youth),



actati juvenum temperare ;
(a the world), tabula cosmogra- To marshal, ordino
horse), subigere equum phica A marshalling, ordinatio
A manager, curator, conductor A maple, acer A marshalsea, mareschalsia
A managing, or management, ad- To mar (spoil), vitio, depravo A mart, emporium
ministrate ; (of public money), Marble, roarmor [variare Martial, militaris, bellicosus
dispensatio ; (of the voice), To marble, in marmoris modum Martial-law, lex belli (court),

rnoderatio Of marble, marmoreus, e mar- curia martialis ; (affairs), res

Mancipation, mancipatio more (man), bellator
A manciple, obsonator March (month), Martius A martin, hirundo agrestis
A mandamus, diploma regium A march, iter Martinmass, festum sancti Mar-
Mandatory, mandans, iinperans To march, incedo, gradior, profi- tini
A mandate, maudatum, jussum ciscor;(in), ingredior; (on), A martyr, martyr
A mandrake, mandragoras progredior ; (out), egredior ; To martyr, discrucio
Manducation, manducatio (an army to), exercitum ducere Martyrdom, martyrium
The mane of a horse, juba equina ad; (off), recedo A martyrology, martyrologium
Manful, virilis, strenuus, fortis The marches, fines, limites A marvel, mirum, res mira
Manfully, viriliter, strenue A marching, progressus To marvel, miror, admiror
Manfulness, fortitudo, virtus A marchioness, marchionissa A marvelling, admiratio
The mange, scabies cauina A mare, equa Marvellous, mirabilis, mirus ;

A manger, prxsepe A margin, margo (thing), mirandum, mirum

Manginess, porrigo Marginal, in margine script us Marvellously, mire, mirabiliter
Mangy, scabiosus A margrave, marchio Marvellousness, mirabilitas
To mangle, lacero, lanio A marigold, caUha Masculine, masculinus, masculus
A mangier, mutilator Marine, marinus A mash (mixture), mixtura; (for
A mangling, laceratio A marine, classicarius miles cattle), potio medica
Manhood (courage), fortitudo ;
A mariner, nauta To mash, commisceo
(man's estate), aetas virilis Belonging to a mariner, nauticus A mask, larva; (dance), mimus;
A maniac, insanus, demens Marjoram, amaracus (pretence), prastextus
Manifest, manifestus, clarus Marital, maritalis A mason, latomus
To manifest, manifesto Maritime, maritimus A mason's rule, amussis
To be made manifest, innotesco ;
A mark, signum, nota ; (of Masonry, opus caemenUtium
(it is manifest), patet, constat, money), marca (brand), stig-;
A masquerade, personatorum ho-
liquet ma; (for sheep), character; minum saltatio; (habit), habi-
Manifestation, manifestatio (impression), vestigium ; (to tus personatus; (person), homo
Manifestly, manifest e, clare shoot at), meta, scopus (of a ;
Manifestness, evidentia, claritas stripe) / vibex; (of a wound), A mass, massa, moles
Manifold, multiplex cicatrax; (set to a writing), sig- The mass, missa; (book), mis-
Mankind, genus humanum natura sale; (dress), habitus sacerdo-
Manliness, fortitudo, virtus To mark, signo, noto (observe),;
Manly, virilis, strenuus, fortis animadverto (out), designo
A massacre, cades, occisio
Manly, viriliter, fortiter Fit to be marked, notabilis To massacre, caedo, trucido
A manly woman, virago A marker, annotator; (observer), A massacring, occisio, trucidatio
Manna, manna observator; (of bounds), meta- Massive, Massy, solidus
Manned, viris instructus tor Massiveness, soliditas
A manner, mos, modus, consue- A market, forum, emporium A mast of a ship, malus ; (fore-
tudo; (quality), qualitas A market-man, nundinator ;
mast), malus amicus (main- ;

In a manner, quodammodo (place), forum; (town), empo- mast), malus praecipuus; (mi-
All manner, omnimodus rium zen-mast), malus puppis
Of divers manners, multimodus Marketable, venalis Mast for swine, balanus, glans
In like manner, similiter A marketing, emptio (thing ;
Belonging to mast, glandarius
In such a manner, ita bought), res empta A master, dominus, herus ; (one's
Manners (conditions), mores ;
A marking, notatio, observatio own master), sui juris ; (mas-
(good manners), urbanitas ;
A marking-iron, cauterium ter of arts), artium magister;
(ill manners), inuibanitas A marksman, qui recte collineat (of the ceremonies), magister
A mannerly person, civilis, comis Marl, marga, tasconium admissionum
A manor, manerium Marmalade, cydonites Of a master, dominicus, herilis
Of a manor, praediatorius Marmorium, marmoreus A masterpiece, opus praecipuum
A man-servant, famulus, servus A marquess, or marquis, marchio To master, supero, vinco; (a city),
A mansion, sedes, domus A marquisate, marchionatus urbe potiri
(one's self), seip-
A manteau, palla muliebris To marr, corrumpo, vitio (the ;
sum continere ; (one's bold-
A manteau-maker, sartrix form, or fashion), deformo ness), audaciam frangere
To mantle, spumesco, pennas dis- A marriage, nupthe, conjugium Masterless, contumax, pertinax
pandere Of marriage, nuptialis, conjugalis Masterly, imperiosus; (like an
A mantle, penula A marriage-song, epithalamium artist), graphice, peritisshne
A manual, liber manualis Marriageable, nubilis Mastery, dominatus
Manuduction, manuductio A married man, maritus ; (wo- To get the mastery, supero
Manufacture, opificium man), uxor Mastic, mastiche
To manufacture, manu facere Twice married, bigamus Mastication, masticatio
A manufacturer, opifex A marring, corruptio, depravatio A mastiff, molussus
Manumission, manumissio Marrow, medulla A mat, matta, teges
Manure, stcrcus, timus To the very marrow, medullitus To match (compare), comparo,
To manure, stercoro, fcecundo Full of marrow, medullosus confero; (be suitable), quadro;
A manurer, ruricola To marry (as the priest), connu- (be of the same colour), ejus-
A manuring, cultus [tus bio jungere; (as the man), ux- demesse coloris; (in marriage),
A manuscript, liber manu scrip- orem ducere (as the woman),
; nuptum dare [ciliator
Many, multi, plures, complures, vironubere; (give in marriage), A matchmaker, connubiorum con-
perplures ;
(how many), quot ? nuptum dare A matching, comparatio
(as many as), quot, tot quot A marrying, nuptire Matchless, incomparabilis
(a good many), aliquam multi; Mars, Mars [licosus A mate, socius, collega
(many times), saepc.multoties Belonging to Mars, Martius, bel- Material, corporeus; (important),
(as many times as), toties quo- A marsh, palus magni momenti, necessarius
ties; (how many times), quo- Marsh-ground, pratum palustre; Materially, materialiter
tics? (so many), tot; (many (a salt-marsh), aestuarium Materials, res necessariae
ways), multifariam Marshy, paludosus, palustris Maternal, maternua
A map, charta geographica; (of A marshal, mareschallus Mathematical, mathematicus
Mathematically, mathematics dity), timiditas; (of spirit, or The megrim, vertigo
A mathematician, mathematicus niggardliness), sordcs Melancholy, moestus
The mathematics, mathematica Meant, propositus, significatus Melancholy, melancholia, atra
Matins, preces matutinse A roeash, retis macula bilis, tristitia, moestitia
The matrice, matrix, uterus The measles, rubiolae (in a bog),
Melancholic, melancholicus, by-
Of the matrice, uterinus lepro, porrigo ; (in a tree), pa- pochondriacus
A matricide, matricida tella To be melancholy, tristitia affici
Matricide, matricidium Measurable, mensurabilis Melilot (herb), melilotos
To matriculate, nomen in tabulas A measure, mensura (of wine), ;
To meliorate, meliorem reddere
referre modus (mean), modus
Mellifluous, mellitluens
Matrimonial, connubialis Beyond measure, immodice, pra- Mellow (ripe), maturus, mitis
Matrimony, matrimonium, con- ter modum (with liquor), temulentus
inubium In some measure, aliquatenus To mellow, mitesco;(with liquor),
A matron, matrona Out of measure, immodice, extra potu calescere; (as wine), lan-
A matt, matta, scirpea modum guesco
Matter (corruption), sanies, ta- Within measure, intra modum Not mellow, crudus, acidus ; (very
bum ; (substance), materia, To measure, metior; (out), ad- mellow), permitis, valde ma-
substantia; (business, or thing), metior turus
res, negotium, opus A measurer, mensor, metator Mellowness, maturitas
Full of matter, purulentus Measures (purposes), consilia, Melodious, harmonicus, canorus
A matter of {or about), quasi, proposita, ration es Melodiously, suaviter, modulate
circiter A measuring, metatio, dimensio Melodiousness.harmoniEe suavitas
A mattock, marra [tus Meat, cibus, esca; (flesh), caro; Melody, harmonia, modulatio
A mattress, culcita lanea, graba- (and drink), victus; (dainty), A melon, melo, pepo
Mature (ripe), maturus ;
(accu- dapes, cupediae, lautitise To melt (metals), liquo, lique-
rate), accuratus, cautus Mechanic, Mechanical, mechani- facio; (as snow), regelo; (into
Maturely, mature, consulte, caute cus tears), in lacrymas solvi; (to
Maturity, maturitas, setas matura A mechanic, opifex, faber_ be melted), liquor, liquesco
Maugre, invite Mechanics, machinalis scientia That may be melted, fusilis
To maul, pugnis, &c. contundere Mechanically, mechanic^ A melter, fusor, conflator
A maulkin (for an oven), peni- Mechanism, mechanismus Amelting, liquefactio; (of metal),
culus furnaceus; (scarecrow), A medal, uumisma solenne fusio, fusura; (discourse), ser-
larva To meddle (with), tracto, euro, mo aptus
To maunder, murmuro attingo (in an affair), se im-
A melting-house, ustrina
A maundering, murmuratio miscere rei; (no more), de- A member, membrum (the ; pri-
The maw, ventriculus sisto, abstineo vy members), pudenda ; (of
Mawkish, nauseam pariens A meddler, or meddlesome per- parliament), senator; (of a so-
fmawks, puella insulsa son, ardelio, musca ciety), socius; (of an univer-
axillary, maxillaris A meddling with, tractatio sity), alumnus, academicus
maxim, axioma, prseceptum To mediate, intercedo By members, membratlm
may (amable to do), possum, A mediation, intercessio A membrane, membrana, tunica
queo A mediator, intercessor, concili- Full of membranes, membrana-
lay (the month), Mains ator, arbiter ceus
L maygame, ludibrium Mediatorial, intercedens [soris Memoirs, commentarius
l mayor, prsetor urbanus Mediatorship, munus interces- Memorable, memorabilis
Mayoralty, prostoris urbani mu- A mediatrix, conciliatrix A memorandum-book, libellus
nus, or dignitas Medicable, medicabilis memorialis [numentum
to be in a maze, stupeo Medical, medicus, medicinalis A memorial, mo-
narratio scripta,
1 maze, labyrinthus; (astonish- A medicament, medicamentum The memory, memoria
ment), stupor, const ernatio Medicinal, medicinalis, medicatus Of blessed memory, sacer apud
Me, me ; accus. of Ego Medicine (the science), medicina, posteros
Mead (drink), mulsum ; (mea- medendi scientia ; (physical Out of memory, oblitus
dow), pratum potion), medicamentum, medi- Of the memory, memorialis
Of a meadow, pratensis camen To call to memory, recordor
Meagre, macilentus, macer Mediocrity, mediocritas, modus Men, homines
Meagreness, macies, macritas To meditate, meditor, praemeditor To menace, comminor, minor
Meal, farina, pollen; (of meat), A meditation, meditatio Menacing, minans, minax
cibus Mediterranean, Mediterraneus A menacing, minatio
Of meal, farinarius, pollinarius A medlar, mespilum To mend (correct), emendo, cas-
Mealy (full of meal), larraceus; A medley, farrago tigo, corrigo; (grow better),
(mouthed), pudens, verecundus Medley, adj. mixtus melioresco ; (repair), reficio,
A mealman, farinarius To make a medley, turbo, misceo reparo, restauro
A mean, or means, modus, ratio, Medullar, medullaris A mender, emendator, corrector,
opera, causa; (by fair means), A meed, prsemium castigator ; (of old things), ve-
sponte.blande; (byfoul means), Meek, mitis, lenis, placidus teramentarius
invite, per vim ; (by some To grow meek, mitesco Mendicant, mendicans, mendicus
means), quocunque modo; (by Meekly, mansuete, leniter A mendicant friar, frater ex or-
all means), prorsus, quam Meekness, mansuetudo, lenitas dine mendicantium
maxim e Meer, or mere, adj. merus A mending, emendatio, castiga-
Mean, mediocris, abjectus, humi- A meer (lake),palus; (limit), ter- tio; (of old things), interpo-
lis, tenuis, vulgaris, ignobilis minus, limes, meta latio
The mean, medium (in the
; Meet, aptus, idoneus On the mending hand, melius-
mean time), interea, interim To be meet, competo cule se habens
To mean, volo, intelligo To meet, obvenio, occurro, ob- Menial, domesticus, servilis
A meander, labyrinthus viam ire, convenio, occurso A menial servant, famulus
Means (wealth), opes, divitise, Meeting, obvius, congressus Menstrual, Menstruous, men-
facultates A meeting (together), occursus, struus
Meanest, infimus, imus congressio; tassembly), con Mensurable, mensurabilis
A meaning, sensus, animus ventus (congregation), con
; Mensuration, metatio [nus
Well-meaning, probus, Justus gregatio; (of people), frequen Mental, mente conceptus, inter-
Meanly, mediocriter, rrMe, abjecte tia; (of two streams), con Mention, mentio, commemoratio
Meanness (indifference), medi- fluens To mention, memoro, commemoro
ocritas ; (poverty), tenuitas; (of A meeting-house, conventiculum Not to mention, silentio praeterire
birth), obscuritas.humilitas, ig- Meetly, apte, convenienter Mercantile, ad commercium per-
nobilitas; (of spirit, or timi- Meetness, convenientia tinens
[75] £2
; ; ;


Mercenary, mereeuarius, venalis A method, methodus, ratio, via A miller, molitor
A mercer, sericarum textarum Methodical, methodicus Millet, milium
mercator, propola Methodically, methodiee A million, decies centena millia
Merchandise, merx, mercatura Methodists, qui puriorem reli- The milt, lien ; (of fish), lactes
To merchandise, mercor, nego- gionem protitentur [rere Mimical, mimicus
tior To methodize, in ordinem dige- A mimic, mimus, pantomimus
A merchant, mercator Metonymical, translatus To mimic, imitari joculariter
Merchantable, mercabilis A metouymy, translatio A mimicking, imitatio jocularis
Merchant-like, mercatorius Metre (rhyme), rhythmus To mince, concido, comminuo;
A merchantman, navis merca- Metrical, ad carmen pertinens (a matter), rem verbis exte-
toria A metropolis, metropolis nuare; (pass slightly over),
Merciful, misericors, clemens A metropolitan, metropolitanus rem leviter tangere; (in walk-
Mercifully, clemeuter Mettle (sprightliness), vigor, agi- ing), levi pede incedere
Mercifulness, misericordia litas; (courage), virtus, mag- Minced meat, minutal; (pie).ar-
Merciless, immisericors, inhu- nauimitas tocreas ex intrita carue con-
manus Mettlesome, ardens, vehemens, fectum
Mercilessness, inhumanitas acer A mincing (gait), incessus, affec-
Mercurial, vividus, levis, acer To mew (as a cat), myaulizo ;
tatus; (ofmeat).concisuracar-
Mercurials, mercurialia (as a stag), cornua mutare nis ; (of a matter), extenuatio
Mercury (the god), Mercurius Mice, mures The mind, animus, mens; (opi-
(quicksilver), hydrargyrum ; Michaelmas, festum sancti Mi- nion), opinio, sententia; (de-
(sprightliness), vigor chaelis sire), desiderium, studium, vo-
Mercy, misericordia, commise- Microcosm, microcosmus tum, cupiditas, cupido
ratio, dementia A microscope, microscopium To mind (look after), euro, ob-
Mercy-seat, propitiatorium Mid-day, meridies servo ; (regard), respicio, euro
To have mercy, misereor Middle,' medius, intermedius (consider), animadverto, per-
To be at mercy, iu potestate esse The middle, medium pendo, attendo, consulo, video,
Mere (only), merus, purus Middlemost, in medio positus considero, specto ; (put in
Merely, mere, tantiun Middling, modicus, mediocris mind), moneo, admoneo
Meretricious, meretricius Midland, mediterraneus To have a mind, exopto, concu-
The meridian, circulus meridia- Midnight, media nox pisco
nus The midriff, diaphragma Out of mind, oblitus
Meridional, meridianus, australis Midsummer, solstitium sestivum; Of the mind, internus [diter
Meridionally, ad austrum (day), natalis dies Sancti Joan- Of one mind, unanimus, concor-
Merit, meritum nis Baptists Minded (regarded), observatus,
To merit, mereo, promereo The midst, medium notatus (inclined), affectus,

Of merit, prceclarus, illustris Midway, via media animatus; (high), elatus, su-
Meritorious, merens, meritus A midwife, obstetrix perbus; (ill), malevolus
Meritoriously, meritd, juste, jure Midwifery, obstetricium Mindful, memor, attentus, dili-
Meritoriousness, meritum The mien, vultus gens
A mermaid, siren Might, vis, potentia, potestas Minding, curans, incumbena
Merrily, festive, lxte, facets Mighty, potens, valens, validus ;
Mine, or mine own, meus
Merriment, hilaritas, lretitia (adv.), valdfe, vehementer A mine, fodina (of silver), ar

Merry, hilaris, festivus, lsetus, To be mighty, valeo, polleo genti fodina; (of gold), auri
jocosus, lepidus, jucundus To grow mightj', valesco fodina; (of lead), stannarium;
To make one merry, exhilaro (to ;
Mightily, valide, potenter (used in a siege), cuniculus
make merry, or be merry), lse- Mightiness, potentia, potestas Full of mines, cuniculosus
tor, gaudeo A migration, migratio, commi- A miner (of metals), metallicus;
Made merry, exhilaratus gratio (in a siege), cuniculorum fossor
The merry thought, claviculae A milch-cow, vacca lactaria Mineral, fossilis, metallicus (wa- ;

Mersion, mersio Mild (gentle), mitis, lenis, man- ter), aqua per venas metalii
A mesh, retis macula suetus, placidus; (indulgent), fluens [siha
A mesh-vat, doliurn, cadus indulgens, obsequiosus, blan- Minerals, cognata metallis fos-
Meslin, farrago dus To mingle (mix), misceo
Meslin, miscellaneus To make mild, sedo, placo A mingling, mistura
A mess (of meat), cibus; (of pot- To grow mild, mitesco, mansuesco Miniature, pictura minuta
tage), jusculi catillus ; (or Mildew, rubigo, ros melleus A minion, delicicc, corculum
share of meat), cibi portio Mildly, leniter, mansuete To minish. See to Diminish
To mess with, una cum aliis ci- Mildness, lenitas A minister, minister (of state),

bum capere A mile, milliare, mille passus rerum publicarum administer;

A message, mandatum A mile-mark, lapis (of God's word), prsedicator;
To tell a message, mandata ferre ; Of a mile, milliarius (of a parish), ecclesiae pastor,
(to send a message), lego, Militant, militans parochus ; (of justice), jus-
mitto Military, militaris, bellicosus curator ; (preacher), prae-
A messenger, nuncius ; (special), The militia, militia dicator
certus homo ; (ambassador), Milk, lac (new), recens lac
; To minister, ministro [nena
legatus (officer of justice),
; Of milk, lacteus Ministerial, ad ministrum perti-
lictor, stator; (letter-carrier), A milk-house, lactarium ;
(a milk- Ministerially, ope ministri
tabellarius; (postboy), cursor, maid), lactaria; (a milk-man), Ministration, miuisterium
veredarius lactarius ; (a milk-pail), mule- A ministring, suppeditatio
The Messias, Messias, Christus trale The ministry, reipublicae cura-
A messuage, domus, fundus To milk, mulgeo, emulgeo tores
Metal, metallum Milkiness, mollitia, lenitas Ministry, evangelii prsedicatio
Metallic, or of metal, metallicus Milky, lacteus A minikin (pin), spinula minor
To metamorphose, transformo The milky-way, galaxia A minor (in age), minor setate;
A metamorphosis, metamorphosis A mill (for corn), pistrinum; (of a syllogis'm), assumptio mi-
A metaphor, metaphora (hand-mill), mola trusatilis nor
Metaphorical, metaphoricus (fulling-mill), mola fullonia ; Minority number), pars minoi
Metaphorically, metaphorice (paper), mola chartaria A minster, templum, monaste-
Metaphysical, metapliysicus A mill-dam, stagnum molare rium
Metaphysics, metaphysica A mill-stone, lapis molaris; (the A minstrel, fidicen, fidicina
To mete, metior, dimetior upper), catillus; (the nether), Minstrelsy, harmonia
Meteors, meteora meta Mint, mentha
A meter, mensor Of a mill, molarius, molaris A mint (for coining), officina
Metheglin, mulsum To mill, mola densare nummum cudendum
Minute, minutus, exiguus To misinterpret, perperam expo- Mithridate, antidotum Mithrida-
A minute, sexagesima pars horse nere [pretatio ticum
(instant), momentum A misinterpretation, mala inter- To mitigate, mitigo, lenio
'To minute, scripto consignare To mislay, extra locum ponere A mitigation, mitigatio, lenimen
Minutely, sigillatim To mislead, seduco, fallo A mitre, mitra
Minuteness, parvitas A misleader, seductor Mitred, infulatus
Minutes, exemplaria prima, ca- A misleading, seductio Mittens, chirothecse dimidiatse
pita rei alicujus To misle, irroro, stillo To mix, misceo, commisceo ; (be
A minx, puella fastidiosa Misletoe, viscus mixed), misceor; (adulterate),
A miracle, miraculum To mislike, improbo, aversor vitio, adultero,corrumpo; (with
Miraculous, mirificus, mirus Misling, irrorans, tenuis water), diluo
Miraculously, mirifice, mirfc To mismanage, male administrare A mixture, mistura farrago
Mire, ccenum, lutum Mismanagement, mala adminis- To mizzle (misle), irroro
Miry, ccenosus, lutosus ; (daubed tratio Moan, luctus, planctus
with mire) lutulentus
, To mismatch, male sociare To moan, lugeo, doleo, deploro,
& mirror speculum; (pat-
(glass), Mismatched, male sociatus condoleo
tern), exemplar
; To misname, agnomino Moanful, flebilis, lugubris
Mirth, gaudium, Isetitia Misnamed, falsd appellatus Moanfully, lugubre
Full of mirth, hilaris, lsetus A misnomer, transnominatio A moaning, fletus, lamentatio
Of mirth, jocosus, ludicer To mispend, prodigo, profundo A moat (ditch), fossa
Misacceptation, comprehensio ab- A mispending, profusio A mob, turba confusa
surda To misplace, perperam locare The mob, plebecula
A misadventure, infortunium; (in Misprision, neglectus A woman's mob, caliendrum
law), homicidium fortuitum A misquotation, falsa quotatio To mob, plebeculam in aliquem
To misadvise, perperam consulere To misquote, falsb citare concitare, conviciis insectari
Misapplication, applicatio prava To misreckou, false numerare Mobility, inconstantia
7o misapply, perperam applicare, A misreckoning, falsa computatio A mock, dicterium, sanna
or adhibere To misrelate, fals6 narrare To mock, ludo, deludo, ludi-
To misapprehend, male intelligere To misrepresent, falso exprimere ficor
Misapprehension, sinistra inter- A misrepresentation, falsa de- A mocker, derisor, sarmio; (de-
pretatio scriptio ceiver), planus
Misbecoming, indecorus Misrepresented, fals6 descriptus Mockery, irrisus
To misbehave, male se gerere Misrule, dominatio iniqua Mocking, deridens, deludens
Misbehaviour, morum pravitas A miss, adolescentula ; (mis- A mocking, ludificatio, irrisus
Misbelief, fides prava tress), arnica; (wrong), dam- A mocking-stock, ludibrium
To miscalculate, male computare num A mode (manner), modus, ratio;
To miscal, falso, or ficto nomine To miss (leave out), intermitto, (fashion), consuetudo, usus
appellare, ignominioso nomine omitto, praetermitto ; (one's A model, modulus, forma, exem-
I dehouestare, conviciis insectari mark), scopum non attingere ;
plar, exemplum
To miscarry (in business), male (or be disappointed), de spede- To model, delineo, formo
succedere of a child), aborto
; cidere; (in duty), pecco, erro, A modeller, formator
A miscarriage (in business), ma- labor; (fire), ignem non conci- Moderate, moderatus, mediocris
lus successus; (in manners), pere; {or be out in judgment), To moderate (govern), moderor,
delictum; (of females), abortio, erro, hallucinor, fallo guberno; (suppress), coerceo,
abortus [tus A missal, missale diminuo; (decide), decido, di-
Miscellaneous, miscellaneus, mis- Missed, Mist, desideratus rimo
Miscellanies, miscellanea Misshapen, deformis, deformatus Moderately, temperate, leniter
A miscellany, farrago To be missing, desideror Moderateness, temperantia
A mischance, infortunium A mission, missio Moderation, moderatio ; (in ex-
A mischief, malum, exitium A missionary, emissarius pense), frugalitas
Mischievous, nocens, malignus Missive, Missile, missilis A moderator, moderator
A mischievous deed, facinus, fla- To misspell, male literas connec- Modern, recens, hodiernus
gitium, scelus tere The moderns, recentiores
Mischievously, improbe, male A mist, nebula, caligo To modernize, ad hodiernum
Mischievousness, malitia To be in a mist, perturbor usum redigere
To misconceive, hallucinor, male Misty, nebulosus Modest, modes tus, pudicus.sequus
intelligere To mistake, erro, fallo Modestly, modeste, pudice, caste
Misconception, sinistra interpre- A mistake, error, erratum Modestly, modestia, pudicitia
tatio A mistaking, erratio A modicum, modicum
To misconstrue, male explicare To misstate, falsfr proponere To modify, modum adhibere
A misconstruction, depravatio To misteach, perperam docere A modification, modificatio
To miscount, male numerare To misterm, falsd appellare Modish, scitus, concinnus
A miscreant, infidus, nocens To mistime, tempore male divi- Modishly, scite, concinne
A misdeed, culpa, delictum dere Modishness, concinnatus hodi-
To misdemean, male se gerere A mistress, domina, hera, arnica erna
A misdemeanor, delictum, culpa A mistrust, diffidentia To modulate, modulor
A misdoer, nocens, noxius To mistrust, diflido, suspicor Modulation, modulatio
Misdoing, delinquens, peccans Mistrustful, suspicax, suspiciosus The moiety, dimidium
Misdoubt, suspicio Mistrustfully, suspiciose To moil and toil, impigre labo-
To misdoubt, suspicor A mistrusting, diffidentia rare
To misemploy, male collocare; To misunderstand, male intelli- Moist, humidus, udus, succidus
(time), ineptiis vacare gere To be moist, madeo, humeo
A miser, avarus, miser A misunderstanding, sinistra in- To grow moist, humesco
Miserable (afflicted), afflictus, terpretatio ; (among friends), To moisten, humecto
calamitosus; (niggardly), ava- dissidium, discordia To be made moist, madefio
rus Misusage, abusus (ill treat-
A moistening, humectatio
Miserableness, avaritia ment), injuria, inhumanitas Moistness, humiditas
Miserably, misere, avare To misuse, abutor, laedo; (with Moisture, humor, vfipor ; (of the
Misery, miseria, serumna the tongue), convicior earth), uligo
Misfortune, infortunium, clades A mite (insect), acarus; (wee- Without moisture, exsuccus
To misgive, prcesagio vil), curculio; (coin), nummu- A mole, talpa; {.n the body),
To misguide, seduco, fallo lus macus, nse\tts; (fence toward
A mishap, infortunium A miter (in joinery), coadunatio the sea), agger
Misinformed, male doctus semiquadra ; (of a bishop), A mole-hill, grumus
Misinformation, falsus rumor itr To molest, iufesto, vexo
[77] £3


A molester, vexator A Moor, iEthiops, Maurus ;
Mossy, muscosus, lanuginosus
A molesting, or molestation, mo- (marsh), palus Most, adj. plerique adv. maxime, ;

lestia, vexatio, infestatio Of a moor, palustris plurimum, prsecipue

Mollient, molliens, deliniens Moorish, palustris; (or tawny), Most of all, quam maxime
To mollify, mollio, mitigo Mauritanicus Mostly, fere, plerumque
A mollifier, pacator To moor, retineo; (a ship), na- For the most part, magni ex
A mollifying, pacatio, levatio vem anchoris in fundo idoneo parte ; (generally), plurimum,
Molosses, sacchari spuma statuere ut plurimum ; (most frequent-
To molt (as birds), A mop, peniculus ly), saepissira.6
fluvio laborare To mop, peniculo purgare To make the most of, parce uti
Molten, fusus, conflatus, fusilis A mope, stupidus A mote, atomus
A molting, plumarum defiuvium Mope-eyed, luscus A moth, tinea, teredo
A moment, momentum, temporis To mope, obstupeo Full of moths, tineosus
pun c turn A moppet, pusio Moth-eaten, a tineis erosus
Of great moment, gravis Moral, moralis, ethicus A mother, mater, genitrix; (in
Of iittle moment, leviculus The moral, epimythium law), noverca; (grand), avia
Momentary, unius momenti Morality, moralitas Mother (native), vernaculus ;
Momentous, gravis To moralize, mythologizo (chief), primarius, praecipuus
A monarch, monarcha A moralizer, mythologus Of a mother, maternus
A monarchy, monarchia A moralizing, myt^ologia Motherly, maternus; (prudent),
A monastery, monasterium Morally (in a moial sense), sensu prudens
Monastical, monasticus morali; (speaking), ex commu- Motherless, matre orbatus
Monday, feria secunda ni sensu Mothery, faeculentus
Money, moneta, pecunia, num- Morals, mores, instituta A motion, motio (of the mind),

mus, numisma (current),

A morass, palus perturbatio; (for a bill), ro-
nummus receptus ; (clipped), Morbid, morbidus, morbosus gatio; (in chancery, &c), ro-
pecunia accisa; (borrowed), ses Morbific, morbificus gatus
alienum ; (present), pecunia Mordacity, mordacitas To make a motion, sententiam
numerata More, adj. plus, major; adv. ma- dicere
Of money, nummarius gls, plus, quaru, araplius ; or At one's own motion, ultr6 ; (at
Full of money, pecuuiosus else it is the sign of the compa- another's motion), alio insti-
Money expended, impensa; (lent), rative degree gante
ses fceneratum. More and more, impensius (more ;
Motions of an army, itinera
A moneyed man, locuples, bene or less), plus minus; (more To motion, propono, rogo
nummatus than enough), plus satis Motionless, immobilis, tixus
A moneyer (coiner), monetarius To be more than enough, super- A motive, incitamentum, causa
Moneyless, sine pecunii sum, redundo Motive, movens
A mongrel, bigener, hybrida More than usual, ultra solitum Motley, varie distinctus
A monitor, monitor Moreover, insuper, prseterea- A motto, symbolum
Monitory, ad mouitionem perti- The morn, or morning, mane, To move (stir), moveo, agito;
nens aurora, tempus matutinum (disturb), turbo, perturbo;
A monk, monachus In the morning, mane ;
(betimes), (persuade), excito, hortor
Monkish, monasticus dilucul6 (propose), propono, rogo; (one's
A monkey, simia caudata Of the morning, matutinus dwelling), commigro; (one to
Monkey-tricks, gesticulationes The morning-star, phosphorus pity), ad misericordiam indu-
To monopolize, monopolium ex- Next morning, postridil, mane cere; (shake), concutio; [or
ercere Morose, perversus, austerus stir up), extimulo, incito ; (to),
A monopolizer, monopola Moroseness, protervitas admoveo; (to anger), irrito,
A monopoly, monopolium Morosely, morose, perverse excandefacio (to laughter),

A monosyllable, monosyllaba To-morrow, eras, crastin6 risum commovere; (to sedi-

Monotony, unius modi sonus Of to-morrow, crastinus tion), seditionem conflare; {or
A monster, monstrum, portentum To-morrow morning, eras mane affect the mind of the hearers),
Monstrous, monstrosus To-morrow night, crastina. nocte animos movere ; (violently),
Monstrously, monstrose, valdfe Day after to-morrow, perendife irnpello; (up and down), va-
Montanous, montanus A morsel, frustum, buccea cillo
A month, mensis To a morsel, ad summam inopiam Moveable, mobilis
Of a month, menstruus Mortal (deadly), lethalis, capita- Moveables, supellex
Monthly (for a month), per men- lis, mortifer ; (subject
lethifer, Not to be moved, immobilis
sem; (month by month), sin- to death), mortalis; (implaca- Easily moved, agitabilis
gulis mensibus ble), implacabilis,acerbissimus; A movement, motus
Of two months, bimestris; (of (destructive), internecinus A mover, motor, suasor, instiga-
three months), trimestris; (of Mortality (destruction), clades ; gator, stimulator, concitator
four months), quadrimestris (frailty), mortalitas; (death), Moving, movens, commovens
A monument, monumentum mors A moving, motus, suasio, instiga-
(tomb), mausoleum, tumba A mortality, pestis, pestilentia tio ;
(or shaking), concussio
Monumental, ad monumentum Mortally, lethaliter, vehementer Mould (earth), solum, terra; (to
pertinens Mortals, mortales homines cast in), matrix, forma ; (of
Mood (humour), animi affectus; A mortar, mortarium the head), sutura
(of a verb), modus Mortar, caementum To mould (cast), formo; (bread),
In good mood, alacer; (ill mood), Of mortar, cjementitius panem subigere (grow mouldy),

mcestus, tristis Daubed with mortar, gypsatus mucesco

The moon, luna; (new), novilu- A mortgage, hypotheca, pignus A moulder, formator
nium (half), luna falcata
; ; To mortgage, pignori opponere To moulder away, dissipor
(half moon in fortification), A mortgagee, cui oppigneratur Mouldiness, mucor
opus lunatum; (moon's first Mortification (in the body), gan- Amou'ding.formatio; (of bread),
quarter), cornua prima luna: greena; (self-denial), mortitica- subactio
(full moon), plenilunium (-'s ; tio, coercitio (grief), dolor
; Mouldings, toreumata
increase), luna crescens; (de- A mortise, cavus Mouldy, mucidus, rancid us
crease), luna decrescens To mortise, cavo inserere To moult, plumas exuere
A moon (month), mensis Mortmain, mortua manus Moulting, plumas exuens
Like the moon, lunatus A mortuary, mortuarium A moulting, pennarum dellu-
Of the moon, lunaris Mosaic, mosa'icus vium
By moonlight, per lunam A mosque, templum Turcicum A mound, sepimentum
Moon-eyed, lusciosus Moss, muscus To mound, sepio, sepe muniro
Moonshine, lunaris lampas Covered with moss, muscosus A mount, mons, collie
To mount (up), ascendo; {a can- tricus ; (wine), vinum faecu- A muscle, musculus
non), tormentum rotis impo- lentum Muscular, ad musculos pertinens
nere ; (guard), excubo ; (a A muff, manica villosa A muse, musa; (me muses), Pie-
borse), conscendo To muffle up, obvolvo, cooperio rides, Camoenae
A mountain, mona Muffling up, obvolvens To muse, meditor, contemplor ;
Of a mountain, montanus A mug, poculum (beforehand), praemeditor
A mountaineer, monticola Mugwort, artemesia Musing, meditans, cogitans
Mountainous, montosus Muggish, or muggy, mucidus, ca- A mushroom, fungus
Ajmountebank, circulator lidus Music, cantus, musice, musica
Amounting up, ascensus A mulatto, hybrida [rus Musical, musicus, harmonicus
lb mourn, lugeo, defleo; (be- A mulberry, morum; (tree), mo- Musically, musice, modulate-
iwail), deploro, lamentor (to- ; A mulct, mulcta A musician, musicus
Jget.her), condoleo To mulct, mulcto A music-school, ludus fidicinius
A mourner, plorator, pullatus A mule, mulus, mula; (young), Musk, moschus
mournful, lugubris, mcestus hinnulus A musk-melon, melo odoratus
mournfully, lugubriter, moeste Of a mule, mularis Musky, moschatus
A mourning, luctus, moestitia A muleteer, mulio [quere A musket, scloppetum
(of the door), gemitus To mull, vinum aromatibus co- A musqueteer, scloppetariun
Mourning, tristis, lugubris, ater Mulled wine, vinum adustum Muslin, nebula linea
Mourning, vestis lugubris A muller, lapis molaris Must (new wine), mustum
In mourning, atratus, pullatus A mullet, mugil To must, mucesco
A mouse, mus Multifarious, multifarius I must, debeo, oportet me
A dormouse, glis Multiform, multiformis The mustaches, barba alata
Of a mouse, murinus Muciparous, plures uno partu Mustard, sinapis
A mousetrap, muscipula edens A muster, copiarum lustratio
A mouth, os, rictus; (ofabeast), Multiplicable, multiplicabilis A muster-master, militum censor
faux; (of a bird), rostrum; A multiplicand, numerus multi- To muster, exercitum lustrare
(of a bottle), lura; (of a haven, plicands To pass muster, approbor
or river), ostium ; (of an oven, Multiplication, multiplicatio Mustered, conscriptus, census
or stove), praefurnium ; (of the A multiplicator, multiplicator A mustering, lustratio, census
stomach), oesophagus Multiplicity, magna copia Mustily, mucide
To mouth, conviciis proscindere To multiply, multiplico ; (to be Mustiness, mucor
To make mouths, os distorquere multiplied), multiplicor Musty, mucidus, rancidus
Foulmouthed, maledicus A multiplier, multiplicator To be musty, muceo, mucesco
Hardmouthed, oris contumacis Multiplying, multiplicans, au- Mutable, mutabilis, mobilis
A mouthful, bolus [rixosus gens To be mutable, muto, vario
A. mouthing fellow, clamosus, A multitude, multitudo Mutability, mutabilitas
To mow (cut down), meto The multitude, vulgus, plebs A mutation, mutatio
A mow, cumulus; (of hay), fce- Mum tace au
! ! ! Mute (dumb), mutus
/ nile To mumble, mussito ;
(in eat- To be mute, obmutesco
A mower, messor, falcator; (of ing), segre manducare; (beat), To mute (as a hawk), alvum
hay), foeniseca pugnis tundere egerere
A mowing, messio, messis A mumbler, mussitator Mutely, tacite
Time for mowing, fcenisecium A mumbling, muvmuratio To mutilate, mutilo
Mown, messus, attonsus A mummer, larvatus Mutilation, mutilatio
Much, adj. multus, plurimus ;
A mummy, cadaver conditum A mutineer, homo turbulentus
adv. longe, multum, admodum, To beat to a mummy, valde con- Mutinous, turbulentus, seditio-
vehementer, valde, magnopere; tun dere sus [tiose
(ado), vix, segre, difficulter; To mump, mendico; (a dinner), Mutinously, turbulenter, sedi-
(in value), magni, permagni parasitor, epulis insidiari A mutiny, raotus seditio
Overmuch, nimietas adv. nimls, ; A mumper, mendicus, parasitus To mutiny, tumultuor
nimium, pernimls adj. nimius ; Mumping, mendicans A mutinying, seditio, tumultus
(as much), quantum; (as much To be in the mumps, animo angi To mutter, musso, mussito
again), alterum tantum (as ;
To munch, manduco A muttering, murmuratio
much as may be), quantum A muncher, comedo Mutton, caro ovina, or vervecina
maximum; (very much), abun- Mundane, mundanus Mutual, mutuus, reciprocus
de ;
(just so much), tantun- A mungrel, hybrida Mutually, mutuo, invicfem,
dem ;
(a little too much), Municipal, municipalis; (town), A muzzle, capistrum
paulb nimis municipium The muzzle of a gun, scloppeti os
For how much ? quanti ? Munificence, munificentia To muzzle, capistro constringere
For so much, tanti Munificent, muniticus, liberalis A muzzling, capistro colligatio
Much like, assimilis Munition, arma (defence), prae-
My, or mine, meus
Much less, mult& minus ;
(much sidium, tutela A myriad, myrias
the same), idem fere Mural, muralis Myrrh, myrrha
Thus much, hactenus Murder, homicidium, caedes Of myrrh, myrrheus, myrrhinus
To make much of, indulgeo, mag- To murder, trucido, cscdo A myrtle, rayrtus
ni facere A murderer, homicida, sicarius, Of myrtle, myrteus, myrtinus
To run much upon, hacreo interfector Like myrtle, myrtuosus
To think much of, invite agere Murdering, ferus, truculentus Mixed with myrtle, myrtatus
Made much of, indultus A murdering, trucidatio (squan- ;
A mystery, mysterium, arcanum
Mucid, mucidus, rancidus dering away), profusio, dissi- Mysterious, Mystical, mysticus
Mucilage, mucus patio Mystically, mysticfe
Mucilaginous, mucosus Murk, caligo Mythological, mythologicus
Muck, stercus, simus Murky, tenebrosus A mythologist, mythologus
A muckworm (miser), avarus A murmur (complaint), querela; Mythology, mythologia
Mucous, mucosus (speaking low), fremitus, mur-
Mud, lutnm, limus mur, susurrus
To mud, limo polluere; (water), To murmur, murmuro, fremo
aquam turbare (again), remurmuro ;
Mudded turbatus
(troubled), perfremo (against),
(daubed with mud), limo con- muro; (at),adfremo
spersus A murmurer, murmurator To nab, prehendo
To muddle (with drink), inebrio A murmuring, murmuratio A nag, mannus, equuleus, verft-
Muddy, ccenosus, limosus ; (in A little murmuring, susurrus dus, asturco
looks), nubilus, tortuosus, te- The murrain, scabies, lues A nail, clavus; (of the fool- or
[79] Is 4
; ; ;;


hand), unguis; (in measure), The navel, umbilicus Needless, supervacuus, inutilis
digiti duo cum quadranti ;
Like a navel, umbilicatus Needs, necesse ; {or necessaries),
(tenter-hook), uncus Naught, malus, scelestus, nequam res necessarian; (to do), alvum
l"o nail, clavum pangere, suffigo ; To set at naught, vilipendo levare
(up cannon), obstruo; (to a Naughtily, male, prave Needy, egens, inops, indigens
cross), crucifigo; (down), de- Naughtiness, malitia, malignitas Nefarious, impius, scelestus
figo; (up), suffigo Naughty, malus, scelestus A negation, negatio
A nailer, faber clavorum Navigable, navigabilis A negative, repulsa, negatio
Naked, nudus ;
(half), seminu- To navigate, navigo Negatively, negando
dus; (stark), nudior ovo; (as Navigation, navigatio Neglect, neglectus, negligent^
a sword), strictus; (truth), Ve- A navigator, navigator To neglect, negligo, omitto
ritas non simulata To nauseate, nauseo, fastidio Neglectfully, negligenter
To strip naked, nudo, e.enudo Nauseous, fastidiosus, putidus A neglecting, neglectus
Nakedly, aperte, perspicue Nauseously, cum nausea Negligence, negligentia
Nakedness, nuditas (to un- ;
Nauseousness, nausea, fastidium Negligent, or neglectful, negli-
cover), pudicitiam violare Nautic, nauticus gens; (person), ignavus, osci-
A name, nomen; (first), pracno- A navy, vis maritima, classis tans [rcio
men; (surname), cognomen; Of the navy, classicus, classiarius To be negligent, negligo, indor-
(nick), ficta appellatio ; (re- The navy-office, curia navalis Negligently, negligenter
nown, or reputation), fama, ex- Nay, minime, imo To negotiate, negotior, gero
istimatio, celebritas A saying nay, negatio, repulsa A negotiation, negotiatio, admi-
A namesake, cognominis Neap, decrescens nistratio, transactio
To name, nomino, nuncupo, voco, Near (to a place), vicinus; (in A negotiator, curator
appello; (mention), mentionem blood), proximus ; (in ex- A negro, maurus, sethiops
facere, penses), parcus To neigh, hinnio ; (after), adhin-
By name, nominatlm Near, adv. propter, proxime, pene, nio
Nameless, anonymu3 fere, prope A neighing, hinnitus
Namely, nominatlm, videlicet, Near, prep, juxta, secundum Aneighbour, vicinus, accola, prox-
scilicet Far and near, longe lateque imus
A naming, nominatio Near at hand, in promptu To be a neighbour, in vicinia la-
Anap, sornnus brevis ;
(of cloth), Near now, modfc, jam nunc bitare
villus To be near at hand, adsto, insto Neighbourhood, vicinitas, vicinia
To take a nap, obdormisco; (at Nearer, propior; adv. propius Neighbourly, familiaris, benignus
noon), meridior Nearest, proximus Neighbourly, adv. benignfe
The nape, ima colli vertebra Nearly, prope, caute, parce Neither, adj. neuter; conj. nee,
N apery, ltntea Nearness, proximitas; (of kin), neque, neu, neve
A napkin, linteolum, mappa cognatio, affinitas ; (niggardli- Neither way, neutr6
Napping, dormitatis, dormiens ness), parsimonia Nemoral, nemoralis
Nappy, 'villosus (ale), cercvisia
Neat, nitidus, scitus, lepidus, ac- Neoteric, neotericus [nepos
generosa curatus, concinnus, elegans A nephew, fratris, or sororis films,
Narcotic, narcoticus Very neat, elegantissimus Nephritic, renum morbo laborans
Nard (the shrub), nardum; (oint- To be neat, niteo Neptune, Neptunus
ment), nardus Neat (black cattle), boves A nerve, nervus
To narrate, affero, narro Neat's tongue, lingua bubula Nervous, nervosus, fortis
A narration, narratio (feet), pedes bubuli A ness, promontorium
A narrative, enarratio A neatherd, bubulcus A nest, nidus (of ;
boxes, or
Narrow, arctus, angustus, exi- Neatly, nitide, eleganter drawers), nidi ; (of thieves),
guus (covetous), parcus,
avi- Neatness, nitor, concinnitas grex furum ; (of wasps), ves-
dus Nebulous, ncbulosus parum nidulus
To narrow, arcto, coarcto Necessary, necessarius To nestle, nidulor; (about), in
Narrowly, auguste, arete; (with Necessaries of life, necessitates omnes partes versari
difficulty), segre, difficulter It is necessary, opus est A net, rete, plagae; (cabbage), ex-
Narrowness, angustia A necessary-house, forica cipulus caulium ; (drag, or fish-
Nastily, foede, squalide Necessarily, necessario ing), vcrriculum, tragum, sa-
Nastiness, sordes, spurcities To necessitate, cogo, adigo gena; (work), opus reticulatum
Nasty, foedus, squalidus, sordidus Necessitous, indigus, egenus, in- Like a net, reticulatus, retiformis
Natal, natalis ops adv. reticulathn
A nation, natio, gens Necessity, necessitas, inopia ; (to To take in a net, irretio
Of a nation, gentilis, e gente make a virtue of necessity), The net produce, reditus purus;
National, ad nationem pertinens errorem in consilium vertere (weight), simplex pondus
Native, nativus, innatus The neck, collum, cervix; (of an Nether, inferior
A native, indigena instrument), jugum Nethermost, infimus
Nativity, nativitas, partus A neck of land, isthmus Netting, opus reticulatum
Of a nativity, natalitius Neck or nothing, furiose, incon- A nettle, urtica, lanium
Natural, naturalis, nativus, radi- sulte- Full of nettles, urticosus
calis; (foolish), stultus, insi- A neckcloth, collare To nettle, or vex, stimulo, pungo
piens; (spurious), spurius, no- A necklace, monile A nettling, stimulatio
thus ; (on its own accord), A necromancer, veneficus, magus Nettling, stimulans, mordax
sponte nascens Necromancy, necromantia Never (no or not), nullus, ne
Natural disposition, indoles Nectar, nectar unus ; (at no time), nunquam
A naturalist, rerura naturalium Of nectar, nectareus non unquam; (never the), ni-
investigator [donare A nectarine, nucipersica hil6
To naturalize, civitate aliquem Need (want), egestas, inedia, pe- Nevertheless, nihilominils
Naturalization, civitatis donatio nuria; (necessity), opus, usus, Never a whit, nihil quicquam
Naturally, natura, naturaliter necessitas Never before, nunc primum
(of its own accord), ultro, To need, egeo, indigeo Never after, nunquam dehinc
sponte I must needs, oportet me Never so great, ut ut maximus
Nature, natura; (disposition), in- Needful, opus opportunus Never so often, usque
genium, indoles; (sort), genus It is needful, expedit, convenit Neuter, neuter, medius
By nature, secundum naturam Needfulness, necessitas To stand neuter, neutri parti se
Good-natured, affabilis, mitis Neediness, inopia, indigentia adjungere
Ill-natured, morosus, difficilis A needle, acus Neutrality, neutram in partem
Naval, navalis, nauticus Needlework, opus Phrygium, or propensio, or inclinatio
A nave (of a wheel), modiolus; acupictura ; (case),' acuum New, novus, integer, recens
(of a church), ampla pari theca. New things, nova
New year's day, festum circum- decimus nonus; (forty-ninth), A nonconformist, dissentiens
cisionis Dominica? undequinquagesimus None, nullus, non ullus
A new year's strena
gift, Thirty-nine times.undequadragies Nonpayment, solutio non praestita
To make new, innovo, instauro Ninety times, nonagie3 Nonperformance, inopia praesta-
To grow new, integrasco Ninety, nonaginta tionis
New-coined, novatus, fictus Of ninety, nonagenarius The nones, nonse
Anew (over again), denu6, ab in- Ninetieth, nonagesimus A nonplus, incita [religere
(egro Nine hundred, noningenti To nonplus (puzzle), ad incitas
Npwly, nuper, nuperrime Nine hundred times, noningenties Nonresidence, absentia
~';wness, novitas A ninny, vacerra Nonresident, non residens, absens
;ws, novitas, novella;, fama, A nip, vellicatio Non-resistance, non repugnantia
/rumor, res novae To nip, veilo, vellico, digitis Nonsense, absurde dictum
stringere; (off), seco, deseco; Nonsensical, absurdus, ineptus
(cruelly), fodico ;
(as cold), Nonsensically, absurde, ridicule
newspaper, novelise scriptae uro ; (with the teeth ), dentibus Nousensicalness, ineptiae
ext, adj. proximus.vicinus; adv. stringere; (or taunt), mordeo, A nonsuit, litis desertio; (to suf-
deinde, deinceps ; (after, or to), uro fer), formula cadere
juxta, secundum Nippers, forceps A noodle, hebes, stultus
The next day, postridie A nipping, vellicatus, morsus A nook, angulus, latebra
A nib (of a bird), rostrum ; (of a Nipping, mordax ; (jest), dicte- Noon, meridies
pen), cuspis, crena calami rium Of noon, meridianus
To nibble, rodo, carpo The nipple, papilla Afternoon, pomeridianus
Nibbling, rodens, morficans A nit, lens The afternoon, tempus pomeri-
Nice (dainty), delicatus; (exact), Nitre, nitrum dianum
accuratus; (dangerous, or tick- Nitrous, nitrosus, nitratus Before noon, antemeridianus
lish), periculosus ;
(difficult), Nitid, nitidus A noose, laqueus nexilis
difficilis; (hard to be pleased), Nitty, scatens lendibus To noose, irretio, illaqueo
morosus; (effeminate), mollis A nizy, or nizzy, stultus Nor, nee, neque
Nicely, delicate, belle, accurate No, adj. nullus ; adv. non, mini- The north, septentrio
Wiceness, mollities, accuratio me, haud Of the north, septentrionalis,
Niceties, cupediae Nobody, nemo ; (but I), ego arcticus, boreus, borealis
Nicety, mollitia, mollities ; (in verd solus The north-star, Stella polaris
work), elegantia ;
(in style), By no means, nequaquam, minime The north-wind, boreas, aquilo
concinnatus No more, nihil amplius North-east-wind, csecias
A niche, statuae loculamentum To no purpose, frustra [nusquam North-west, caurus
A nick, crena, incisura No where, or whither, nullibl, North-westerly, caurinus
Jn the nick of time, opportune To nobilitate, nobilito Northerly, borealis [regula
ITo nick, incido Nobility, nobilitas A nose, nasus; (of wax), Lesbia
A nickname, nomen probrosum The nobility, nobiles, proceres With a great nose, nasatus
/To nickname, contumelioso no- Noble (illustrious), nobilis, ilkis- A nosegay, florum fasciculus
mine appellare tris, insignis, clarus, splendi. Flat-nosed, simus
Nidorous, nidorem reddens dus; (generous, or free), libera- Hawk-nosed, camurus, aquilinus
A niece, fratris, or sororis filia lis, generosus, munificus ; The nostrils, nares
A niggard, avarus, parcus (stately), magnificus; (brave), Not, non, ne, haud, minus, nee,
Niggardliness, avaritia, sordes heroicus neque
Niggardly, avarus, parcus, sordi- A nobleman, vir amplissiraus; Not at all, nnllo modo, nequa-
dus (woman), femina primaria quam, ne minime; (not yet),
Niggardly, avare, parce Noblemen, optimates nondum, vixdum ; (not so),
Nigh, adj. vicinus, propinquus; A noble (money), tertia pars librae minime, neutiquam, nequa-
adv. prope, juxta, propter, se- Nobleness, claritas, splendor (of ;
quam; (not any), nullus
cundum soul), magnanimitas [rose Notable (considerable), illustris,
To be nigh, adsum Nobly, praeclare, magnified, gene- insignis, eximius, spectabilis
To draw nigh, insto, appropiuquo Nocturnal, nocturnus Notable (very),valde, vehementer
Nigher, propior A nod, nutus; (in sleeping), som- To be notable, eniteo, clareo
Nighest, proximus nus brevis, or levis Notableness, claritas, dexteritas
Nighness, proximitas To nod, nuto, nuo; {or sleep), Notably, eximie, egregie, bene
A night, uox dormito (to), annuo
A notary, notarius
All night, per totam noctem A nodding, nutatio, nutus Done by a notary, in publicas ta-
By night, nocte, noctu ; (and Nodding, nutans, dormitans bulas illatus
day), nocte diuque A noddy, fatuus, stultus Notation, notatio
This night, hac nocte A noggin, cotyla, lagena A notch, incisura
Of the night, nocturnus A noise, sonitus, clamor, strepi- To notch, incido, denticulo
A nightwalker, noctivagus tus; (report), rumor ; (of thun- A notching, incisio
Two nights, binoctium der), fragor A note (mark), signum, nota;
A nightcap, pileus nocturnus To make a noise, obstrepo (bill), syngrapha ;
A nightgown, toga cubicularis To noise abroad, promulgo tion), annotatio, observatio
A nightingale, luscinia, philomela Without noise, tacitus, silens (in music), tonus, modus
Nightly, singulis noctibus Making a noise, obstrepens ; (on Of note, notabilis, illustris, cla-
Nimble, agilis, velox, celer high), altisonus ;
(like waves), rus, egregius, eximius
Nimbleness, agilitas undisonus Of little note, obscurus, ignotus
Nimbly, agiliter, expedite It is noised about, rumor est To note (mark), noto, assigno ;
Nine, novem, noveni Noisiness, clamor (observe), observo, animadver-
Of nine, novenarius Noisome, nocens, noxius, gravis to; (set down), scripto man-
Nine times, novies Noisomeness, spurcities, foetor dare [gratis
Nine at cards, enneas Noisy, clamosus, rixosus Nothing, nihil; (for nothing),
Nine days, novendium The nombles, exta cervina Good for nothing, inutilis, nihili,
Nineteen, novendecim, undevi- A nomenclator, nomenclator abjectus, vilis, infimus, nullius
ginti ; (nine and twentieth), A nomenclature, nomenclatura momenti, contemptu habitus
undetrigesimus ; (and thirty), Nominal, nominalis To make nothing of (do with
undequadraginta ; (and forty), Nominally, nomine, diserte ease), aliquid facilfe facere ;
undequinquaginta (and fifty),;
To nominate, nomino, designo (slight), sperno, contemno ;
undesexaginta ; (ninety-nine), A nominating, or nomination, no- (not to understand), minime
undecentum rainatio, designatio intelligere; (not to succeed),
The ninth, nonus, novenarius; Nominative, norainativus, rectus nihil promovere
(nineteenth), undevigesimus, Nonage, infantia Notice (knowledge), notitia, scL
; ;


entia, cognitio ; (advice), a<i- Numerically the same, idem ad Obediently, obedienter, obsequen<
monitio, monitum numerum ter
To give notice, notum faceve The numerator, numerator Obeisance, salutatio
To receive notice, certior fieri Numerous, numerosus To make an obeisance, capite in-
To take notice, noto, observo ; (of Numerously, numerose clinato, or poplite flexo, ali-
a person), saluto A nun, nonna, monialis quern salutare
To take no notice of (a person), A nuncio, legatus papalis An obelisk, obeliscus
insalutatum praterire ; (dis- Nuncupative, nuncupativus Obesity, obesitas
semble), dissimulo ; (neglect), A nunnery, domus monialium To obey, obedio, obsequor, pareo
negligo Nuptial, nuptialis, conjugalis An object, objectum, res oblata;
A notification, notificatio Nuptials, nuptioe (of sense), quod sentitur; (of
To notify, significo, denuncio A nurse, nutrix, alumna sight), quod oculis percipitur;
A noting, notatio, observatio A nurse-child, alumnus (of love), dignus amore; (of
Notion (knowledge, or under- A wet nurse, nutrix lactans one's wishes), optabile; (plea-
standing), notio, cognitio, no- A dry nurse, nutrix mereenaria sant), res venusta
titia, peritia, scientia; (idea), sine lacte [cillari To object, objicio, oppono
idea; (opinion), opinio, sen- Nurse-keeping, segrotantibus an- Objecting, objiciens, culpans, car-
tentia [mosus To nurse, nutrio, foveo, euro, an- pens
Notorious, manifestus, notus, fa- cillor An objection, objectio
Notoriously, aperte, manifest6 A nursery (for children), cubi- Objective, quod objici potest ;
Notoriousness, Notoriety, eviden- culum nutrici appropriatum ; (pertaining to an object), ad
tia, notitia pervulgata (child at nurse), alumnus ; (of rem objectam spectans
Notwithstanding, tamen, atta- learning) seminarium doctrinae,
, An obit, feralia
men, nihilominus, etiamsi, academia; (of plants), semina- To objurgate (chide), objurgo
quamvis, licet, nihilo secius rium, plantarium An oblation, oblatio
Novel, novus, recensj (unusual), A nursing, nutricatio ; (of the An oblectation, oblectamentum
inusitatus sick), nutricium, curatio; (fa- To obligate, obligo, devincio
A novel, bistoria novella ther), nutritius An obligation, obligatio, meritum,
A novelist, fabularum scriptor A nursling, delicatus puer vadimonium
Novelty, res nova;, novitas Nurture, educatio, alimentum, Obligatory, obligatorius
November, November disciplina To oblige (compel), cogo, im-
Nought, nihil; (to nought), ad To nurture, educo, instituo pello; (one by kindness), bene
nibilum ; (at nought), nihilo, To nustle, indulgeo, foveo de aliquo mer'eri
pro nihilo; (a nought in arith- A nut, nux; (of a screw), theca; An obliger, qui tradit syngrapham
metic), ciphra (cracker), nucifrangibulum ; Obliging (courteous), comis,
A novice, novitius, tiro (kernel), nucleus; (shell), pu- blandus, affabilis; (kind, or li-
A noun, nomen (without
cases), tamen; (of a musical instru- beral), liberalis, beneficus
aptoton (of one case), monop-
ment), magas ; (of a cross- (forcing), cogens
toton ; (of two cases),, diptoton ;
bow), astragalus (of a leg of
Obligingly, benigne, comiter
(of three cases), triptoton mutton), glans coxa ovinae Obligingness, comitas, affabilitas
To nourish, nutrio, alo, foveo, nu- A nutmeg, nux moschata Oblique, obliquus
trico; (or bring up), educo, Nutriment, nutrimentum Obliquely, oblique
sustento Nutrition, nutritio Obliqueness, Obliquity, obliquitas
Nourishing, nutriens, fovens Nutritive, nutrimentum prsebens To obliterate, deleo, expungo
Nourishment, alimentum, cibus To nuzzle in bed, lecto indulgere Oblivion, oblivio, oblivium ;
Of nourishment, alimentarius A nymph, nympha act of oblivion), amnestia
Now, nunc, jam; (a-days), nunc Oblong, oblongus
dierum, hodie, his temporibus Obloquy, contumelia, infamia
(and then), nonnunquam, iden- Obnoxious, obnoxius, expositus
tidem, subinde Obscene, obsccenus, impurus
Just now, modb, jam jam Obscenely, obscoene, impurfe
Noxious, noxius, nocens, nocivus Obsceneness, Obscenity, obscce-
Nubilous, nubibus obductus O, adv. nitas
Nude, nudus, simplex O, inter. O! Oh! utinam 1 Obscure (dark), tenebrosus, ca-
The nuel, scapus, truncus An oaf, stultus, hebes liginosus; (difficult), obscurus,
Nugatory, nugatorius, ineptus Oafish, insulsus, fatuus difficilis; (in person), ignotus,
A nuisance, nocumentum, offensa An oak, quercus, robur ignobilis; (style), intortus
Null, irritus, cassus Oaken, quernus, querceus, robo- To make obscure, obscuro
To null, abrogo, irritum reddere reus Obscurely, obscure, occulta
A nullifidian, nullius fidei homo An oak-grove, quercetum Obscurity, obscuvitas;'(to be in
A nulling, abrogatio An oar, remus, tonsa obscurity), abditus esse [bius
A nullity, nullitas, nihilum A pair of oars, scapha biremis Full of obscurity, ambiguus, du-
To numb, stupefacio Oatmeal, avenacea farina An obsecration, obsecratio
To be numbed, torpesco An oatmeal man, avenarius Obsequies, exequise [ma
A number, numerus (of men),
; Of oatmeal, Oaten, avenaceus Obsequious, obsequens, morige-
multitudo; (of things), copia An oath, juramentum, jusjuran- To be obsequious, obsequor
To number, numero, computo dum; (military), sacramentum; Obsequiously, obsequenter
In great number, frequentes (solemn), dejurium Obsequiousness, obsequium
"Without number, imiumerabilis To take the oath of allegiance, in Observable, insignis, notabilis
Of what number? quotus ? regis verba jurare ; (to keep the Observance, observantia
More in number, numerosior laws), in leges jurare Observant, observans, obediens
By number, numero A false oath, perjurium An observation, observatio
Of number, numeralis With an oath, jurejurando, per- An observatory, specula ex qua
May be numbered, numerabilis, sancte, jurato sidera observantur
computabilis Oats, avena To observe, observo, noto ; (duti-
A numberer, numerator Wild oats, bromus sterilis fully), obedio, colo; (laws), le-
A numbering, numeratio (of ; Obambulation, obambulatio gibus parare, or obedire
names), nomenclatio (of peo-; Obduracy, obstinatio An observor, observator
ple), census Obdurate, induratus, pertinax Observing, observans, notans
Numberless, innumerus To be obdurate, obduresco Obsolete, obsoletus, antiquatus
Numbers (book of), Numeri Obdurately, pertinaciter To grow obsolete, obsolesco
Numbness, stupor, torpor Obdurateness, obstinatio, rigor An obstacle, impedimentum
Numerable, numerabilis Obedience, obedientia, obsequium Obstinacy, contumacia,pertinacia
Numeration, numeratio Under obedience, sub potestate Obstinate, pertinax, obstinatus;
Numerical, Numeral, numeralis Obedient, obediens, obsequens (in opinion), tenax
To be obstinate, animum ob fir- Odorous, odorus Oh oh ah
! 1 !

mare An odour, odor Oil, oleum

Obstinately, obstinate, mordiciis (Economical, domesticus Of oil, olearis, olearius
Obstreperous, obstrepens An oeconomist, ceconomus An oilman, olearius
To be obstreperous, vociferor (Economy, ceconomia An oil-stone (for painters), abacus
To obstruct (hinder), impedio, (Ecumenical, generalis pigmentariae triturae
obsto ; (stop up), obstruo O'er (over), super, supra To oil, inungo, oleo unguere
Obstructing, Obstruction, ob- Of, a, ab, de, e, ex Mixed with oil, oleatus
structio Off, hinc, abhinc; (off and on), An oilet-hole, ocellus
Obstructive, impediens utcunque, mediocriter Oiliness, oleacitas
T/> obtain, obtineo, potior; (by Far off, procul An oiling, inunctio
chance), sortior; (by request), From off, de Oily, oleosus
impetro, exoro; (favour), gra- To be off, muto Ointment, unguentum
tiam inire ; (as a custom), in- Offhand, continuo, confestlm Of ointment, unguentarius
veterasco; (or get ground), su- Offals, reliquiae An oister, ostrea (pit), ostreari-

pero, vinco; (by flattery), blan- An offence (displeasure), offen- um; (shell), testa; (man), os-
dior sio; (fault), offensa, culpa, fla- (woman), ostrearia
Obtainable, impetrabilis gitium ; (affront), injuria, con- Abounding with oisters, ostreo-
Having obtained liberty, liberta- tumelia EUS
tis compos; (his wish), voti To be an offence to one, offensi- Oker, ochra; (red), rubrica
compos one alicui esse Old, antiquus, priscus, pristinus,
An obtaining, adeptio, impetratio To offend, erro, pecco, delinquo, vetus ; (in age), annosus, aetate
To obtrude, obtrudo, impono offendo, displiceo, laedo, la- provectus, senex; (out of use),
An obtruder, qui sese aliis obtru- cesso ; (the laws), violo obsoletus; (worn), exesus, tri-
dit An offender, delinquens, reus tus
Obtuse, obtusus, hebes Offending, nocens, laedens An old man, senex ; grandaevus
Obtusely, obtuse Offensive (weapons), armalaeden- (woman), anicula, vecula, anus
Obtuseness, hebetudo tia; (in words), ingratus, mo- Like an old woman, anilis ; adv.
Obventions, obventiones lestus; (to the stomach), sto- aniliter
To obviate, praeverto, praeripio macho ingratus Old age, senectus, senecta
An obviating, anteoccupatio Offensively, iujuriose, rooleste Of old age, senilis
Obvious, obvius Offensiveness, qualitas noxia Somewhat old, grandior, senior
To obumbrate, obumbro An offer (attempt), conatus ;
Very old, senio confectus
Occasion (opportunity), occasio, (thing offered), res oblata, con- Of old, olim, jampridem, prisce,
opportunitas ; (cause, or rea- ditio antiquitus, apud veteres
son), causa, materia, ansa ; To offer, offero, praebeo ;
(or bid To grow old (by continuance),
(need, or want), opus, usus money), licitor; (propose), pro- inveterasco ; (as a man), se-
To occasion (make), facio; (pro- pono (dedicate), dedico, dico;
nesco; (out of use), exolesco
cure), paro, concito, excito; (attempt), conor (up a re- ;
Oldness, antiquitas, vetustas
(grief, joy, &c), alicui causa quest), supplico; (itself), oc- Oleaginous, oleagineus
doloris, gaudii, &c. esse; (vo- curro; (in sacrifice), sacrifico, An oligarchy, oligarchia
miting), vomitum movere immolo An olitory, hortus olitorius
Occasions (business), negotia An offering, oblatio, donum ;
(of An olive, oliva ; (tree), olea;
Occasional, prsebens, ac- a sacrifice), immolatio (grove), olivetum; (yard), oli-
commodans An offertory, offertorium vina
Occasioually, pro re nata An office (good turn), officium, An olympiad, olympias
Occidental, occidentalis beneficium ; (public charge), Olympic, olympicus
Occult, occultus, abditus munus, magistratus ; (place of An omen, omen
Occupancy, occupatio business), officina ; (work- Ominous, ominosus, portentosus
An occupation, occupatio, nego- house), taberna operaria ; Ominously, ominose
tium, ars, artificium, res (house of office), latrina, forica An omission, omissio
Occupation (tenure), possessio An officer (or magistrate), magis- To omit, omitto, praetermitto, iu-
Occupied, occupatus, cultus tratus; (in the army), dux, termitto, negligo
An occupier, possessor, cultor prarfectus (of state), maximis
An omitting, praetermissio
To occupy, occupo, colo ; (in bu- reipublicae muneribus praeposi- Omnipotence, omnipotentia
siness), in arte, or negotio se tus ;
(serjeant, or bailiff), lie- Omnipotent, omnipotens
occupare; (the place of an- tor; (of excise), publicanus; Omnipresent, ubique existens
other), alterius locum supplere, (chief officers) , magnates Omniscient, omnituens, omnis-
or vice fungi An official, surrogatus cius
An occupying, occupatio, cultus To officiate (in business), offi- On, a, ab, ad, cum, de, e, ex, in,
To occur, occurro, obvenio cium praestare, munusimplere; secundum, sub, super
An occurrence, occasio, casus (as a clergyman), rem divinam On (go on), age, eja, progredere
Occurring, ebvius facere; (for another), alterius Once, semel; (on a time), olim,
The ocean, oceanus vice fungi quondam
Octangular, octo habens angulos Offiicinal, ad officinam pertinens One, unus; (any), aliquis; (every),
An octave (eight days), ogdoas; Officious, officiosus, obsequiosus singulus
(in music), diapason Not officious, inofficiosus One another, mutu6 (after an- ;

October, October Officiously, officiose other), adj. alternus; adv. in-

Ocular, ocularius Officiousness, officium.obsequium vicem (with another), adj.

An oculist, medicus ocularius The offing, mare apertum promiscuus adv. promiscue

Odd (not even), impar; (fantas- An offset, surculus (or the other), alteruter
tical), levis; (uncommon), in- Offscouring, purgamentum One thing, unum
usitatus An offspring, proles, progenies, One by one, singulatlm
Oddly, inusitate, insolenter propago, soboles On one side, hinc, ex hac parte
Oddness, raritas, insolentia Offward, versus mare One while, mod&, nunc
Odds, lites, discordia,
dissensio, Often, adj. frequens Only, adj. unicus, solus adv. so- ;

inimicitiae; (difference), discri- Often, adv. saepe, crebro, frequen- lum, duntaxat, tantum
men ter, saepenumerd(very often) ;
An onion, cepa, cepe
An ode, ode, cantilena saepissime ; (how often), quo An onion-bed, cepetum
Odious, odiosus, invisus ties; (how often soever), quo An onset, impetus
Odiously, odiose, invidiose tiescunque (as often as), to
Onwards, prorsum, deincepa
Odiousness, qualitas rei odiosae tiesquoties; (so often), toties An onyx-stone, onyx
An odium, odium (not often), rard ; (too often) Oozy, palustris, paludosus
Odoriferous, odoratus, odorifer saepius, nimls, saepe Opacity, opacitas
To make odoriferous, odoro Oftentimes, multoties, saepe Opake, opacus

Open, patens, apertus, patulus; Or ever, cum noudum, antequam To organize, effingo, formo
(evident), evidens, manifestus, An oracle, oraculum (of wis-;
Orient, oriens; (bright or beau-
clarus; (candid, sincere), in- dom), sapientiae antistes tiful), splendens, nitidus, ruti-
genuus, candidus, simplex Oracular, sapientissimus lus, venustus, egregius
Toopen.aperio, resero; (a letter), Oral, verbo traditus Oriental, orientalis
resigno; (a discourse), ordior; An orange, malum aureum An orifice, os, orificium
(a campaign), in expeditionem An orange-tree, malus aurea j An origin (source, or beginning),
educere ; (the pores), recludo. (colour), color aureus origo, fons, initium, primor-
To be open, pateo, patetio An oration, oratio, concio dium, principium, ortus, exor-
Open-handed, liberalis ; (heart- To make an oration, concionor, dium ; (cause), causa ; (mo-
ed), sincerus verba facere, divulgo tive), occasio, ansa; (subjec:-
Open-heart edness, liberalitas An orator, orator matter), materia, argumentum
In the open air, sub dio Like an orator, eloquenter, diserte An original (to copy from), ex-
Opening, aperiens, reserans Oratory, rhetorica emplar; (first draught), protc-
An opening, apertio ; (in the An oratory, sacellum typon ; (writing), autogra-
earth), hiatus; (of dogs), la- An orb, orbis phum
tratus; (of a root), ablaquea- Orbicular, orbiculatus Original,autographus, archety-
tio; (or expounding), explicatio Orbicularly, orbiculatim pus; (born with one), avitus,
Openly, aperte, palam (insight), ;
An orbit, orbita congenitus, innatus, nativus,
coram; (plainly), perspicue ; An orchard, pomarium; (of cher- ingenitus
(sincerely), sincere, candide ries), cerasetum Original (descent, or birth), ge-
Openness (sincerity), candor; (of To ordain, ordino, instituo; (or- nus, stirps, prosapia; (etymo-
the weather), c'celi temperies der), jubeo, impero; (a law), logy), notatio, etymon; (text),
humida et calida sancire legem; (as a bishop), textus
To operate, operor, ago sacris initiare Originally, primitus, ab originc
An operation, operatio; (of a An ordainer, ordinator Orisons, preces, oration es
campaign), belli actiones An ordaining, ordinatio, institu- An ornament, ornamentum, or-
Operative, operans tio, latio natus, decus; (for the neck),
An operator, opifex Ordeal, ordalium ;
(fire), ignis monilia; (for gates, porches,
Operose, arduus, difficilis sententia &c), antepagmenta
Ophthalmic, ophthalmicus Order (disposition), ordo, dispo- To be an ornament to, decori esse
An opiate, potio, soporifera sitio (custom), mos, ritus,
"Without ornament, inornatus
An opinion (sentiment), opinio, consuetudo (decree), decre-
Ornamental, decorus, speciosus
sententia, mens, animus; (es- tum, mandatum, praeceptum, An orphan, pupillus, pupilla
teem), existimatio prsescriptum (rank), series;
Orthodox, orthodoxus
To hold an opinion, judico, cen- (of words), consecutio verbo- Orthodoxly, orthodox^
eeo; (to be of another's opi- rum; (of authority), edictum Orthodoxy, recta fides [los
nion), assentio, consentio ; (to By my order, me jubente ; (in Orthogonal, rectos habens angu-
be of a contrary opinion), dis- order to), ut ; (in order, or Orthographical, orthographicus
sentio from), ex ordine, ordinate (in ;
Orthography, orthographia
Opinionated, pertinax, pervicax order, adj.) aptus, maturus Oscillation, oscillatio
Opinionative, pertinax Out of order, turbatus, confusus Oscitaucy, oscitatio, incuria
Opiniouatively, pertinaciter To order {or put in order), or- An osier, vitex, salix
Opinionativeness, pertinacia dino, dispono ; (give order), Of osiers, vimineus
Opium, opium impero, jubeo, constituo ; (af- Ostentation, ostentatio
An opponent, opponens fairs), provideo ; (as a judge), Ostentatious, ambitiosus, magrri-
Opportune, opportunus, tempes- pronuncio ; (govern), moderor, ficus [fice
tivus rego, tempero Ostentatiously, ambitiose, magni-
Opportunely, opportune Out of order, without order, in- Osteology, osteologia
Opportunity, opportunitas, occa- composite, confuse ; (sick), An ostler, stabularius
sio ;
(leisure), otium segrotus; (without command), Ostracism, ostracismus
To oppose (object to), oppono, iujussu Ostrich, Struthi camelus
objicio; (resist), repugno, re- An ordering, dispositio, digestio, Other, alius; (any other), alius
sisto, adversor curatio, administratio quispiam
An opposer, oppugnator Orderly (set in order), composi- The other, alter
Opposite (contrary to), opposi- tus, digestus; (obedient), obe- Some or other, nonnulli
tus, objectus, adversus (over ;
diens; (sober, quiet), modes- The other day, nudiustertius
against), e regione, ex adve.-so tus, temperatus Otherwhere, alibi
An opposing, or opposition, oppo- Orderly {adv.), apte, idonee. Otherwise, alias, aliter
sitio, oppositus (obstacle),
; Orders, instituta, regulationes Otherwise {adj.), aliusmodi
impedimentum, mora (holy), sacri ordines Every other, alternus
In opposition to nature, repug- To take orders, sacris imtiari Some time or other, aliquandb
nante nature Ordinal, ordinalis, ritualis An otter, lutra
To oppress, opprimo, premo An ordinance, edictum Oval, ovatus ; (figure), figura
An oppression, oppressio Ordinarily, usitate, fere ovata, or ad formam ovi
Oppressive, opprimens [tor Ordinary (customary), consuetus, Ovation, ovatio
An oppressor, oppressor, spolia- usitatus; (common), vulgaris, An oven, furnus, clibanus
Opprobrious.probrosus; (speech), obvius, tritus, quotidianus ;
An oven-tender, furnarius
opprobrium, contumelia (indifferent), mediocris ; (not Of an oven, furnaceus
Opprobriously, contumeliose handsome), invenustus, parum Over {prep.), super, supra, per,
Opprobriousness, contumelia decorus trans, in ; {adv.), nimls, ni-
To oppugn, oppono, adversor An ordinary (of a diocese), epis- mium, plus, ex nimio ; (and
Optative, optativus copus; (eating-house), popina, above), prsetereai,insuper; (and
Optic, optical, opticus caupona over again), iterum ac sapius;
An optic glass, telescopium An ordination, ordinatio sacra (much, adj.) nimius ; adv. ni-
Optics (science of), optice Ordnance, bombards mis, nimi6, nimium
An optician, optices peritus Ordure, simus, stercus Over against, ex adverso
Option (choice), optio Ore, metallum crudum Over-night, praecedente nocte
Opulence, opulcntia, opes An organ (instrument), instru- To be over, defervesco, desino,
Opulent, opulentus, dives mentum, organum; (musical), mitigor; {or rule), prsesum;
Opulently, opulentfcr, opipare organa musica (left), supersum
Or, an, vel, seu, sive, ne Organic, organicus All over, per totum
Or else (either), aut, vel; (whe- Organs of the body, instrumenta Over or under, plus minus
ther), eive, an; (otherwise), corporis organica To overact, plus quam satis est
alias, aliter An organist, organicui facere
To overawe, metu coercere To be overseen, erro (out of hope), despero; (out of
Overbig, praegrandis An overseer, inspector, curator; humour), irascor ; (out of one's
Overboard, e nave (of the poor), pauperum pro- wits), insanio
Overbold, temerarius curator To outbid, pluris licitari
Overborne, superatus, victus To overset, everto, opprimo To outbrave, territo, insulto
Overcast, obnubilus, tristis To overshadow, obumbro Outbraved, metu absterritus
An overcasting, obductio An overshadowing, obumbratio An outbraving, insultatio
To overcharge, plus a;quo one- To overshoot, transgredi metam ;
To outbrazen, audacia vincere
rare (the
stomach), sto- (one's self), consilio labi An outcast, ejectus
machum crapula opprimere An oversight, error, incuria Au outcry, quiritatio, exclamatio ;
An overcharging, onus injustum ; The oversight, inspectio, curatio (public sale), auctio
(of the stomach), crapula To overspread, obduco, operior To outdo, supero, excello
Over-clouded, obnubilus, tristis An overspreading, obductio Outer, exterus, externus
To overcome, vinco, supero Overstocked, redundans To outface, pertinacissime adver-
Not to be overcome, invictus, in- To overstrain, or overstretch, ni- sari
expugnabilis mis extendere To outgo, praecedo, praeverto
Over-curious, nimis curiosus Overt (open), apertus, manifestus An outgoing, praegressio
To overeat, satio Overtly (slightly), perfunctorie Outjutting, projectilis
To overflow, inundo, exundo, re- To overtake, assequor Outlandish, peregrinus, externus
dundo An overthrow, clades, strages Outlandish person, alienigena
An overflowing, inundatio To overthrow (demolish), subver- To outlast, diutitis durare
Overfond, nimis cupidus to, diruo; (defeat), prosterno, To outlaw, proscribo
To overgo, praetereo, transeo devinco, supero; (a kingdom), An outlaw, exul
An overgoing, transitus regnum evertere An outlawry, proscriptio
To overgrow, supercresco An overthrower, eversor, victor An outlet, exitus
Overgrown (with weeds), noxiis An overthrowing, eversio An outline, linea exterior
herbis obductus ; (with age), Overthwart,transversus, obliquus To outlive, supersum
aetate gravis, praegrandis Overtly, aperte, manifeste An outliver, superstes
To overhale, examino To overtop (in height), emineo, The utmost, extremus, extimus
Overhappy, nimis fortunatus superemineo; (in excellence), To outnumber, numero superare
To overhasten, praecipito antecello, praesto An outrage, atrox injuria
Overhastiness, praecipitatio An overture, propositio Outrageous, ferox, furiosus
Overhasty, prseproperus, praeceps To overturn, everto, subverto To be outrageous, furo
Overhastily, praepropere An overturning, subversio Outrageously, furiose, atrociter
To overhear, subausculto To overvalue, pluris justo sesti- Outrageousness, furor
An overhearing, subauscultatio mare To outreach (cheat), fallo, cir-
To overheat, excalefacio Overweening, arrogans, superbus cumvenio
Overjoyed, nimio gaudio perfusus To overweigh, prsepondero To outride, equitando superare
To overlay, incubando suffocare Overweight, auctarium Outright, prorsus, omnind
To overlive, supersum To overwhelm, obruo (with ; To outrun, cursu vincere
To overload, nimis onerare earth), terra, infodere ; (with The outside, superficies ; (of
lOverlong, praelongus water), aqua immergere price), pretium maximum
To overlook (inspect), inspicio, Ought (any thing), res, quic- On the outside, extrinsecus
intueor; (take care of), euro, quamj (or good for ought), To outstrip, prsecurro, anteeo
accuro, provideo ; (neglect), frugi To outwalk, ambulaudo superare
prsetermitto, negligo ; (par- Oviparous, oviparus Outward, exterus, externus
don), condono; (scorn), con- An ounce, uncia ; (beast), lynx Outward show, praetextus
temno, despicio ; (be higher), Of an ounce, unciali3 Outwardly, exterius
superemineo Half an ounce, semuncia ; (an To outweigh, praepondero
An overlooking (inspection), in- ounce and half), sescuncia To outwit, circumvenio
spectio; (taking care of), cu- (two ounces troy weight), sex- Outwitted, astutia victus
ratio ; (neglecting) praetermis-
, tans; (three ounces), triens ;
Outworks, autemurale
sio ;
(pardoning), condonatio (four ounces), quadrans; (five To owe, debeo
To overmatch, viribus superare ounces), quincunx Owed, or owing, debitus
An overmatch, iniquum certamen The fourth part of an ounce, sici- An owing, debitio
Overmeasure, auctarium licium; (the sixth part), sex- An owl, bubo, noctua; (screech-
Overmuch, nimis, nimius tula; (eight part), drachma; owl), strix
Overnight, nocte praeterita (twenty-fourth part), scriptu- An owler (smuggler), qui merces
Overofficious, nimis officiosus By ounces, unciatim [lum or exportat
illicite invehit,
To overpass, transgredior ; (ex- Our, or ours, noster One's own, proprius, suus
cel), supero Of our country, nostras One's own estate, peculium ;

Overpast, praeteritus To oust, ejicio, resciodo (one's own self), propria per-
An overplus, additamentum, auc- Out of, a, ab, de, e, ex, extra, prae sona
tarium; (of weight), superpon- Out of doubt, proculdubi6 (out ;
Of one's own accord, ultro, sponte
dium of doors), foris ; (out of hand), To own, fateor, coufiteor, ag-
To be overplus, resto, supersum propere, cit6 nosco ;
(claim), vendico, as-
To overpoise, prsepondero Out, get out, apage ! sero; (possess), possideo
To overpower, viribus vincere, The time is out, tempus elapsum An owner, dominus
opprimo est An owning, agnitio
To over-rate, nimium aestimare Out of patience, impatiens An ox, bos
An over-rating, iniqua aestimatio Out of place (disordered), con- Of an ox, bovillus, bubulus
To over-reach, circumvenio ; fusus; (of office), officio priva- A wild ox, urus
(hurt one's self in reaching), tus; (of pocket), damnum ex An ox-stall, bovile
se nimis extendendo laedere impensis ;
(of sight), oculis Oxen, boves
An over-reacher, fraudator subductus; (of sorts), ineptus Oxymel, oxymel
An over-reaching, fraudatio ad agendum A commission of oyer and ter>
Over-ripe, praematurus Out of use, desuetus miner, commissio ad causas
To over-rule, vinco, guberno Out of time, intempestivus criminosas audiendas et termi-
To over-run (outrun), cursu prae- Out of the way, devius nandas
terire; (cover all over), cooperio; Out of one's wits, demens yes ! audite 1

(destroy), vasto, depopulor Out of breath, anhelus An oyster. See Oister

Over-righteous, superstitiosus To be out of the way (absent), An ozier, salix, vimen ;
Over-sea, transmarinus absum; (stray), aberro; (de- salictum
To oversee, euro ceived), hallucinor ; (out of
Overseen (mistaken), deceplus memory), fe memoria elabi ;

;; ;


cilis; (laborious), laboriosus, stool), lasanum, scaphium (of a ;

sedulus gun), scloppeti conceptaculum;

Painfully, segre, impigre (for frying), sartago ; (for stew-
Pains, labor, industria; (punish- ing), authepsa; (warming-pan),
A pace (in going), gradus, gres- ment), pcena, supplicium thalpolectrum ; (the brain-pan),
sus, incessus; (herd of asses), To take pains, laboro, molior cranium; (knee-pan), genu pa
caterva ; (in measuring, five A painstaker, laboriosus, indus- tella; (brass-pan), ahenum
feet), passus trius Panacea, panacea
Apace, celeriter "With great pains, aegre, difficulter A pancake, laganum
To pace (as a horse), tolutlm in- Paint, pigmentum, cerussa Pandects, pandectse
cedere To paint, depingo, pingo ; {or A pander, leno
A pacer, equus tolutaris beautify), orno, exorno To play the pander, lenocinor
Pacing, tolutaris, tolutarius A painter, pictor Playing the pander, lenocinium
Pacific, pacificus, pacificatorius Painting, depingens, pingens A pane, quadra, plaga
A pacification, pacificatio A painting, res picta; (art), ars A panegyric, oratio panegyrica
A pacificator, pacificator pingendi coloribus A panegyrist, panegyrista
To pacify, paco, pacifico, sedo, A pair (couple), par; (of bel- The panel of a jury, panellum
mulceo, mitigo, lenio (again), ;
lows), follis ; (of breeches), fe- A pang, dolor, angor
remulceo; (a tumult), tumul- moralia; (of scales), scalse Panic (fear), pauicum
tuantes compescere A loving pair, conjuges venusti Apannel (of a horse), dorsuale;
That may he pacified, placabilis To pair (match), accommodo, (of wainscot), quadra, plaga
No pacified, implacatus apto (couple), copulo, con-
A pannier, corbis, cista
Not to be pacified, implacabilis jungo Panoply, armatura corpus totum
A pacifier,pacificator A pairing (matching), accommo- tegens, panoplia
Pacifying, pacificatorius datio; (coupling), conjunctio To pant, palpito, subsulto (for ;

A pacifying, placatio, sedatio A palace, palatium, regia fear), trepido ; (for breath), an-
A pack (bundle), fascis ; (bur- Of a palace, palatinus helo; (after), valde expetere
den), onus ; (crew), conventus, Palatable, grati soporis, gratus A panther, panthera, pardus
turba; (of cards), fasciculus; To palate, gusto, degusto Of a panther, pantherinus
(of hounds), grex canum; (of The palate, palatum A panting, palpitatio ; (for
knaves), grexflagitiosorum; (of Palatine, palatinus breath), anhelatio; (for fear),
wool), lanse fascis; (horse), jn- A palatinate, palatinatus trepidatio, tremor
mentum sarcinarium ; (thread), A pale, palus, sudes Panting, anhelus, trepidans
filum sarcinarium ; (saddle), To pale, sudibus obsepire A pantofle, crepida, solea
clitellae Paled, sudibus munitus A pantomime, pantomimus
Of a pack, sarcinarius Pale (in colour), pallidus, pallens A pantry, panarium
To pack (make up), consarcino To be pale, palleo, expalleo A pap (dug), uber; (of apples),
{or go away), fugio; {or drive To grow pale, pallesco pomorum pulpa (made for in-

away), amo'veo, fugo ; (cards), Palefaced, oris luridi fants), alimentum infantibus
chartas pictas componere (up ;
Paleness, pallor paratum
one's awls), vasa colligere A palfrey, caballus The papacy, papatus
a packer, suffarcinator A palisade, palonim ordo Papal, papalis, pontificius
A packet (little pack), fasciculus, Palish, subpallidus Papaverous, papavereus
sarcinula; (boat), navis actu- A pall (robe), pallium, palla Paper, charta, papyrus; (royal),
aria ad literas comportandas (for a coffin), loculi operimen- regia; (fine), angusta; (blot-
(of letters), literarum fasiculus tum, pannus feretrum tegens ting), bibula; (writing), scrip-
A packing, mercium in fasces col- To pall (die), vappesco; (upon toria
ligatio the stomach), nauseam creare Made of paper, chartaceus
To send packing, abigo A pallet (bed), grabatus (used ;
Belonging to paper, chartarius
A paction, or pact, pactum, pac- by painters), assula Paper, adj. chartarius; (slight),
tio, conventum To '
palliate, dissimulo, celc, levis, infirmus ; (weak in un-
A pad, pannus suffarcinatus ;
(for elevo, extenuo [atio derstanding), inconsideratus
ahorse),ephippium; (of straw), A palliating, dissimulatio, extenu- To paper, charta ornare
culcita stramentitia ;
(nag), Palliative, imperfectus A papist, papista
mannus (lock), sera pensitis
; Pallid, pallidus To be on a par, par esse
To pad (stuff), suffarcino (rob), ;
The palm (tree), palma; (fruit), A parable, parabola
prsedor, latrocinor dactylus; (of the hand), palma, Parabolical, parabolicus
A pad (on the highway), latro . vola The Paraclete, Paracletus
A paddle, remus curtas A palm (measure), palmus Parade (pomp), pompa; (osten-
To paddle, agito To palm (handle), manu con- tation), ostentatio; (place of
A paddling, agitatio trectare ;
(a die), aleam subdole, exercise), locus exercendi
A paddock (park), septum subducere; (upon),fraudo Paradise, paradisus, beatorum se-
A pagan, paganus, ethnicus Of the palm, palmeus des
Paganism, Pagauismus Full of palm-trees, palmosus A paradox, paradoxon
A page (attendant), as^ecla; (sol- Palm-Sunday, Dominica palma- Paradoxical, paradoxicus
dier's), calo, lixa; (of honour), rum A paragon, exemplum perfectum,
ephebus honorarius ; (of a Of a palm (measure), palmaris incomparabilis, non sequandus
book), pagina, pagella Palmistry, chiromantia A paragraph, paragraphus
To page a book, pagiuas notare Palpable, palpandus (manifest),
The parallax, parallaxis
A pageant, spectaculum, ludus clarus, manifestus, evidens Parallel, parallelus
(carried in triumph), ferculum Palpableness, perspicuitas A parallel (comparison), compa-
Pageantry, ostentatio, pompa Palpably, tactu, aperte, clare ratio, collatio
A pail, situla; (for milk), mulc- To palpitate, palpito To parallel, exsequo, confero
tra, mulctrale A palpitation, palpitatio Not to be paralleled, incompara-
Pain (punishment), poena, sup- The palsy, paralysis; (dead), si- bilis
plicium; (of the mind), cura, deratio paralytica Paralytic, paralyticus
dolor, anxietas To palter, praevaricor, prodigo Paramount, supremus
To be in pain, doleo; (for one's Paltry, vilis, sordidus, tressis A paramour, procus, amasia, anii-
safety), dealicujusincolumitate A paltry knave, balatro ;
(quean), culus, amicula
dub it are ; (be full of pain), scortum triobolare A parapet, lorica
aummo dolore affici; (put to To pamper, indulgeo, euro A paraphrase, paraphrasis
pain), crucio; (give pain), do- A pampering, saginatio To paraphrase, illustro, explano
lorem alicui inurere A pamphlet, libellus A paraphrast, paraphrastes
Painful, crucians, dolorem affe- A pamphleteer, libellio Paraphrastic, paraphrasticus
rens; (difficult), arduus, diffi- A pan, discus, catinus; (for a A parasite, parasitu*
To act the parasite, parasitor cedo; (distribute), distribuo; A passenger (by land), viator;
To parboil, leviter coquere (with), dimitto ; (from, or (by water), vector, portitor
Parboiled, semicoctus leave), abscedo, abeo Passibility, passibilitas
A parcel (or bundle), fasciculus; To take part with, participo Passible, passibilis
(little quantity), particula To take one's part, a parte stare Passing, transiens, prateriens
By parcels, particulatlm Parts(natural),ingenium, indoles (away), transitorius, caducus;
To parcel out, partior [ Of good parts, acris judicii (lightly over), perfunctorie a-
Parcelled out, minutatlm distri- In two parts, adj. bipartitus ; adv. gens; (beyond), transgrediens
To parch, arefacio, aduro, torreo bipartitd [que A passing (along), progressus
Parched, arefactus, adustus On all parts, circumquaque, undi- (beyond), praetervectio ; (over),
To be parched, areo, aresco To partake participo
of, transitus ; (from place to
Parching, torridus A partaker, particeps place), migratio, demigratio
A parching, adustio Partaking, participans Passing (excellent), praestans ;
Parchment, pergamena That may be parted, dividuus (fair), satis venustus ;
Made of parchment, membraneus Partial (unjust), iniquus ; (bias- perbenfe
Of parchment, membranaceus sed), partium studio abreptus Passing (very), valde, egregie
Pardon, venia; (general), amnes- Partiality, iniquitas, studium par- A passing-bell, nola funebris
tia, lex oblivionis tium Passion (anger), ira, iracundia ;

To pardon, ignosco, condono, ab- Partially, inique, injuste (affection, or inclination), ani-
solvo, remitto [tendus Particle, dividuus mi affectus, motus, impetus,
Pardonable, condonandus, remit- To participate, participo concitatio; (love), amor; (suf-
Not pardonable, venia indignus Participation, participatio fering), dolorum perpessio, sup-
To be pardoned, condonor A participant, particeps plicium, cruciatus
A pardoning, condonatio Participial, participialis Passion-week, sabbatum mag-
To pare, prsecido, recido ;
(a- Participially, participialiter num
bout), amputo (away),abrado
; A participle, participium Passionate, iracundus, morosus,
(nails), ungues resecare (or ;
A particle, particula irritabilis, stomachosus; (lo-
chip off), destringo Particular, particularis, singula- ver), amator ardens
A parent, parens ris, proprius, specialis, peculi- Passionately (angrily), iracunde;
Parentage, genus, prosapia aris; (person), quidam.quaedam (with great desire), ardentea'
A parenthesis, parenthesis Particularity, qualitas particularis Passions, cupiditates, motus
A pargetting, dealbatio To particularize, speciatlm reci- Passive, passivus
A paring (of nails), praesegmen; tare Passively, passive
(off), resectio; (shovel), pala; Particularly, particulatlm, specia- The Passover, pascha
(knife), culter sutorius tlm, seorsim, singulatim, sigil- A passport, commeatus
A parish, parochia latim Past, post; (in times past), o-
A parish-church, ecclesiaparochi- Parties, factiones llm, quondam; (last past), ul-
alis In parties, partibus, per partes tim6 praeteritus
Of a parish, parochialis A parting, divisio; (separation), Paste (dough), farina aqua sub-
A parishioner, parochus discessio; (from), discessus; acta; (for sticking), gluten ex
Parity, paritas, sequalitas (in the middle), bisectio farina
tBy parity of reason, pari ratione A partisan (favourer), adjutor, To paste, agglutino, conglutino
A park, vivarium fautor ; (weapon), sarissa ;
The pastern, suffrago
A park-keeper, vivarii custos (commander's staff), vitis A pastil, pastillus
A parley, colloquium Partition, partitio ; (inclosure), Pastime, ludus, facetiae
To parley, in colloquium venire, sepimentum ; (wall), paries To take pastime, se recreare
colloquor intergerinus For pastime, animi causal
A parliament, senatus Partly, partim, aliquateniis A pastor (keeper of cattle), pas-
A parliament-house, senaculum A partner, particeps, socius, con- tor, gregis custos (shepherd),

A parliament-man, senator sors opilio (minister of a church),


Parliamentary, ad senatum per- Partnership, consociatio, societas ecclesiae minister

tinens A partridge, perdix Pastoral, pastoralis
A parlour, coenaculum, triclinium Parturition, parturiendi status A pastoral, carmen bucolicurn
Parochial, parochialis A party (person), quidam, quae- A pastry, pistrinum, pistrina
Parole, verbum, fides dam ; (faction), factio secta, A pastrycook, pistor dulciarius
Parole, adj. nuucupativus partes; (detachment), manus Pasturable, pascuus
A paroxysm, paroxysmus Partycoloured, discolor Pasturage, pabulatio, pastus
A parricide, parricida ;
(the A partyman, factiosus A pasture, pascuum
crime), parricidium Party-rage, studia partium Of a pasture, pascuus [cuus
A parrot, psittacus The paschal lamb, agnus pascha- Common pasture, ager compas-
To parry, averto lis To pasture, pasco ; (together),
To parse, flecto Pasquinade, famosum scriptum compesco
Parsimonious, parcus, frugalis publice propositum A pasturing, pabulum
Parsimoniously, parcfe, fruj;aliter A pass (condition), conditio, sta- A pasty, artocreas
I Parsimoniousness, Parsimony, tus ; (passage), angustiee, Pat (fit),aptus, congruus,idoneus
parsimonia, frugalitas fauces (passport), commea-
; A pat, ictus levior
A parsing, examinatio, or flcxio tus ;
(in fencing), ictus To pat, leviter percutere
partium orationis To make a pass at, peto A patch (piece of cloth), assu-
Parsley, apium To pass (over), transeo; (an ac- mentum; (to cover a wound),
A parsnip, pastinaca, siser count), exaequare ;
rationes splenium; (for the face), ma-
A parson of a parish, pastor (a compliment), adblandior ;
cula serica ; (of ground), agel-
A parsonage, parcecia (one's word for), pro aliquo lus
A part, pars, portio ; (duty), ma- spondere; (sentence), senten- A cross-patch, homo morosus
nus, officium tiam dicere ; (go by), pnetereo ; To patch, pannum assuere ;
A little part, particula (time in a place), degere vitam face), maculis vultum ornare;
In part, partim, ex parte; (on the in {or mend clothes), resarcio, re-
other part), ex altera parte; To come to pass, evenio concinno ; (up), coagmento
(for the most, part), maxima ex To let pass, dimitto Patched (ragged), pannosus ;
parte To be well to pass, opibus affluere (mended), refectus, reconcin-
To part (divide), divido, partior, Passable (indifferent), mcdiocris, natus
dispertio, in partes distribuere; tolerabilis; (in the way), per- Patched garments, &c, scruta
(asunder), separo; (a fray), li- yius A patcher, interpolator
tem componere; (in two), bi- A passage, transitus ; (ofabook), A patching, interpolatio
partior; (asunder of itself), dis- sententia, locus Patchwork, opus versicolor
silio ; (depart), digredior, de- The passage of the throat, gula The pate, caput


Shallow-pated, stultus, rudis Not payed, insolutus [vit cio, per rimam speculari ; (as
Patent, patens, apertus A pay-master, qui pecuniam sol- birds), pipio
A patent, diploma A paying, or payment, solutio ; A peeper, speculator officiosus
A patentee, qui regio diplomate (of' rent), pensio; (of wages), A peeping into, inspectio
donatur stipendium A peeping-hole, couspicillum
Paternal, paternns, patrius A pea, pisum A peer (equal), par; (of the
The paternoster, oratio dominica Peace, pax, quies, requies, otium ; realm), satrapa, patricius; in.
A path, semita, callis; (beaten), (of mind), pax, or tranquillitas pl. proceres, optimates, pri-
via trita; (cross), trames animi [mus mates
Pathetic, patheticus In a profound peace, pacatissi- Peerage, dignitas optimatum
Patheticallv, pathetice, vehemen- To make peace (with), pacem Peerless, incomparabilis
ter inire Peevish, morosus, iracundus, as-
Pathless, sine semita To be in peace, quiesco, requiesco per [rib us
Pathos, vehementia in dicendo A peacemaker, pacis conciliator To be peevish, asperis esse mo-
Patience, patientia ; (long),lon- A making of peace, pacificatio Peevishly, morose, acerbfc
ganimitas To hold one's peace, sileo, taceo Peevishness, morositas
To be out of patience, indignor Peace ! tace tacete
! A peg, paxillus, impages
Out of patience, impatiens A peace-officer, curator publicae To peg, paxillo figere
Patient, patiens, mitis, placidus pacis ; (a constable of the A pegasus, Pegasus, equus alatus
A patient, aeger, asgrotus night), irenarcha ; (a justice), Pegged, paxillo fixus
Patiently, patienter, sedate, as- justiciarius pacis Pelf, lucellum, pecunia
quo animo Holding his peace, silens A pelican, pelicanus
A patriarch, patriarchs Belonging to peace, pacificus 'A pellet, pilula
Patriarchal, patriarchalis Bringing peace, pacifer A pellicie, pellicula
A patriarchate, patriarchatus Peaceable, tranquillus, sedatus, Pell-mell, uno agmine, confuse
A patrician, patricius (his dig-
placidus Pellucid, pellucidus
nity), patriciatus Peaceableness, tranquillitas A pelt, coriuni, tergus, pellis
Like a patrician, patricie Peaceably, tranquille, sedatfe A peltmonger, coriarius
Patrimonial, patrimonialis A peach, malum Persicum ;
To pelt, lapidibus petere
A patrimony, patrimonium (tree), malus Persica ; (co- A pen (to write with), penna, ca-
A patriot, civis boni publici stu- lour), color Persicus lamus, stylus; (or coop), cors;
diosus, poplicola A peacock, pavo, pavus (for sheep), ovile
Patriotism, amor patriae Of a peacock, pavouinus Of a pen, calamarius
Patrol, vigiles nocte ambulantes A peahen, pava [Peek A penknife, scalpellum
To patrol, excubias agere A peak, cacumen, tumulus. See A penman, scriba
A patron, patronus A peal of bells, modulatus, orcon- A pencase, theca calamaria
Patronage, patrocinimn; (right centus campanarum To pen (write), scribo ; (up),
of presentation), jus patronatus To peal, tundo in exiguum concludere; (up
A patroness, patrona A pear, pyrum; (tree), pyrus sheep), oves stabulo includere
To patronize, patrocinor, tueor A pearl, margarita, bac'ca ;
(in Penal, pcenalis
Patronymic, patronymicus the eye), albugo A penalty, poena, mulcta
A patten, sculponea; (of a pil- Decked with pearls, baccatus Penance, supplicium, poena
lar),basis Pearly, gemmis abundans, gem- To do penance, culpam poena
To patter down, cado, decido mas similis luere
A pattern (model), exemplar, A peasant, viliicus, rusticns Pence, denarii
specimen, modulus The peasantry, plebsrustics A pencil, penicillum
To be a pattern, exemplum prae- Pease, pisum; (pottage), juseu- To pencil, penicillo delineare
bere lumexpiso confectum; (cod), A pendant (streamer), lemnis-
Paucity, paucitas siliqua pisi; (straw), pisi cul- cus; (in aship),aplustre; (for
To pave, pavio, sterno mus the ear), inauris
A pavement, pavimentum; (bea- A pebble, calculus Pendent, Pending, pendens
ter), pavicula, fistuca Pebbly, calculis abundans Pendulous, pendulus
A paver, or pavier, pavitor A peccadillo, error levis A pendulum, pensile libramentum
A pavilion, conopeum Peccant, peccans, vitiosus, noxius Penetrable, penetrabilis
A paving, stratura A peck, quarta pars modii ; (of To penetrate, penetro
A paunch, abdomen; (of an ox), troubles), ilias malorum May be penetrated, penetrabilis
echinus; (belly), lurco To peck, excudo A penetration, penetratio
To paunch, eviscero, exentero Pectoral, pectoralis Of penetration, sagax, perspicax
A pause (stop), pausa, mora; (in Peculation, peculatus Penetrative, penetrans
music), intermissio Peculiar, peculiaris, proprius A peninsula, peninsula
To pause, quiesco, meditor Peculiarly, prascipue, proprie Penitence, poenitentia
Pausing, cogitabundus, medita- Peculiarity, qualitas peculiaris Penitent, poenitens
bundus Pecuniary, pecuniarius To be penitent, resipisco
A pausing, intermissio, meditatio A pedagogue, psedagogus Penitential, poenitentialis
A paw, ungula, unguis A pedant, grammatista A penitentiary (priest), piacularis
To paw, unguibus tractare; (or Pedantic, literaturae ostentator, sacerdos; (place), expiationum
fawn upon), unguibus blandiri insulsus sacrarium
A pawn, pignus (at chess), pe-
; Pedantically, inepte, insulsfe Penitently, pcenitenter
des Pedantry, eruditio insulsa A pennant, aplustrum
To pawn, oppignero A pedestal, columnas basis Penniless, omnium rerum egenus
A pawnbroker, pignerator A pedicle, pediculus A penny, denarius
A pawning, pigneratio Pedicular, pedicularis Pensile, pensilis
Pay, stipendium A pedigree, stemma, prosapia A pension, pensio
To have in pay, stipendio alere A pedlar, mercator circumfora- A pensioner, mercenarius
Payday, dies solutionis neus Gentlemen-pensioners, satellites
To pay, solvo, persolvo; (again), Pedling, circumforaneus regis honorarii
remunero ; (all), exsolvo ; A peek (point), apex, fastigium; Pensive, meditabundus, mcestus,
(back), reddo, rependo ; (upon (grudge), odium, simultas tristis
the nail), praesentem pecuniam To peek, ofifendo To be pensive, cogitatione defigi,
solvere ; (beforehand), pecu- A peel (for an oven), infurnibu- mcereo, doleo
niam repraesentare ; (beat), lum; (or panng), cortex; .(of Pensively, mceste, solicits
caedo ; (debts), aes aiienum sol- an onion), tunica Pensiveness, tristitia, solicitudo,
vere To peel off, decortico mcestitia, anxietas
Not able to pay, golvendo impar The peep of day, diluculum A penthouse, compluvium
Payable, solvendus, numerandus To peep, aspicio ; (in), introspi- Pentagonal, pentagonus
Pentameter, pentameter A perfumer, myropola Personally, personality, per se
The pentateuch, pentateuchum Perfuming, sufliens, aromaticus To personate, personam induere
Pentecost, pentecoste A perfuming, sufiitio Perspicacious, perspicax, sagax
Penurious, avarus, parcus, sordi- A perfumingpan, thuribulum Perspicacity, perspicacitas
dus, indigus, egenus, egens, Perfunctorily, perfunctorie, le- Perspicuity, perspicuitas
pauper viter Perspicuous, perspicuus, clarus
Penuriously, avare, parce Perfunctory, negligens, levis Perspicuously, perspicue, planfe
Penuriousness, avaritia, sordes Perhaps, forsan, forsitan Perspiration, perspiratio
Penury, penuria, egestas The pericardium, pericardium To perspire, perspiro
People, populus ; (common), The pericranium, pericranium Persuadable, persuasibilis
plebs, plebecula, vulgus Peril, periculum, discrimen To persuade, persuadeo, suadeo
Of the people, popularis; (com- To be in peril, periclitor A persuader, suasor, impulsor
mon people), vulgaris, plebeius Perilous, periculosus Persuasible, exorabilis
To people, coloniam deducere Perilously, periculosfe A persuading, or persuasion, per-
Full of people, populo frequens A period, periodus ; (conclusion), suasio; (opinion), opinio
Pepper, piper finis, exitus Persuasive, suasorius, efficax
To pepper, pipere condire; (with Periodical, periodicus Pert, (brisk), vividus, agilis
a disease), morbo inficere Periodically, periodic^ (saucy), audax, procax; (talk-
(with ill words), conviciis ve- Peripatetic, peripateticus ative), loquax; (smart), astu-
nementer lacessere To perish, pereo, intereo; (as tus, argutus
Peppered, piperatus fruit), putresco ffluxus To pertain, pertineo, specto
A peppering, piperis conditura Perishable, fragilis, caducus, Pertaining, pertinens, attinens
Peptic (easy of digestion), pep- A perishing, interitus Pertinacious, pertinax, obstinatus
ticus Periphrasis, circumlocutio Pertinaciously, obstinate
Peradventure, forsan, fortasse To perjure one's self, perjuro Pertinaciousness, pertinaeia
Peregration, peregratio A perjured person, perjurus Pertinence, aptitudo, conveni-
To perambulate, perambulo, obeo Perjury, perjurium entia
Perambulation, perambulatio A periwig, capillamentum Pertinent, aptus, idoneus
Perceivable, perceptibilis A periwinkle, cochlea marina Pertinently, apte, apposite
Not perceivable, imperceptus To perk up, erigo, attollo Pertly, argute, audaciter
To perceive, percipio, sentio Permanence, duratio Pertness, alacritas, audacia, saga-
(well), persentio ; (or have Permanent, permanens, stabilis citas, loquacitas
some feeling), persentisco; (be- Permanently, diu, diutinfc Perturbation, perturbatio
forehand) , prsesentio Permission, permissio, venia To pervade, pervado
A perceiving, perceptio Permissive, permittens Perverse, perversus, protervus
Perceptible, percipiendus A permit, schedula mercatoria Perversion, pravitas ; (of words),
Perceptibly, ita ut percipiatur testans vectigal esse perso- prava verborum interpretatio
Perceptive, percipiens lutum Perversity, Perverseness, pravitas
A perch, pertica; (fish), perca To permit, permitto, sino Perversely, perverse, obstinate*
To perch, arbori insidere [cidens A permitting, permissio, licentia To pervert, perverto, depravo
Perched (as a bird), illapsus, in- A permutation, permutatio (one's meaning), prave, or male
Perchance, forsan, forsitan Pernicious, perniciosus, nocens interpretari
Percussion, percussio Perniciously, perniciose A perverter, corruptor
Perdition, perditio, exitiura Perniciousness, pernicies, exitium A perverting, depravatio
Peregrination, peregrinatio A peroration, peroratio Pervicacious, pervicax, pertinax
[Peregrine, peregrinus, exterus A perpendicular, perpendiculum Pervicacity, pertinaeia
Peremptorily, precise, definite To perpetrate, perpetro, patro Pervious, pervius
Peremptoriness, pertinaeia A perpetration, perpetratio A peruke, capillamentum ;
Peremptory, peremtorius ;
(in Perpetual, perpetuus, perennis (maker), capillamentorum opi-
opinion), tenax, pertinax Perpetually, perpetuo, semper fex
Perennial, perennis To perpetuate, perpetuo To peruse, perlego, percurro
Perennity, perennitas A perpetuation, in perpetuum A perusal, or perusing, perlectio
Perfect (complete), perfectus, sanctio A pest, pestis, lues
absolutus, consummatus, ex- Perpetuity, perpetuitas To pester, vexo, infesto
actus; (skilful), peritus To perplex (confound), turbo A pestering, vexatio
To perfect (complete), perficio, (mix), permisceo; (vex), vexo, Pestiferous, pestiferua
absolvo; (one in a thing), per- ango ; (make doubful),
affiigo, A pestilence, pestilentia, pestis
fects docere incertum reddere Pestilent, Pestilential, pestilens
A perfecting, consummatio Perplexedly, perplexe, turbatfe A pestle, pistillum
Perfection, "perfectio Perplexity, perturbatio ; (of A pet, offensa, offensio
To bring to perfection, consummo mind), solicitudo, anxietas To be in a pet, irascor, indignor
In perfection, optime, eximfe A perquisite, additamentum Petit (small), parvus, levis
Perfective, perficiens To persecute, exagito, insector A petition, petitio
Perfectly, perfecte, exacte; (by Persecution, persecutio To petition, supplico, peto
heart), memoriter, ad unguem; A persecutor, exagitator A petitioner, supplex
(thoroughly), penitUs Perseverance, perseverantia A petitioning, petitio
Perfectness, perfectio ; (skill), To persevere, persevero, persto Petitory, petitorius
peritia Persevered in, constanter servatus To petrify, in lapidem convertere
Perfidious, perfldus, perfidiosus Persevering, perseverans, per- To be petrified, lapidesco
Perfidiously, perfide, inride stans A petticoat, subucula, indusium
Perfidiousness, Perfidy, perfidia A persevering, perseverantia muliebre [gator
To perforate, perforo Perseveringly, constanter A pettifogger, luguleius, vitiliti-
Perforation, perl'oratio To persist, persisto, permaneo Pettiness, parvitas, exilitas
Perforce, vi et armis, violenter A persisting, perseverantia, con- Pettish, iracundus, morosus
To perform, perficio; (accom- tumacia, pervicacia Pettishness, morositas
plish), perago; (bring to pass), Persisting, persistens, obstinatus Petty, parvus, exiguus
eflicio; (one's word), promis- A person, homo, persona; (cer- Petulance, petulantia, procacitas
Bum prsestare ; (ajourney), iter tain man), quidam ; (certain Petulant, petulans, procax
conficere woman), qusedam; (of either Petulantly, petulanter, procaciter
A performer, effector sex), nonnemo A pevet, fusi extremitas
A performing, peractio Any person, quivis, quilibet A pew, subsellium septum
A performance (work), opus Personable, venustus Pewter, stannum
Perfume, odor, suffilus A great persouage, vir clarus Of pewter, stanneus
To perfume, fumigo, suffumigo, Personal, personalis A pewterer, stannarius
odoribus imbuere Personality, personalitas A phantasm, phantasma
; ;


Phantastic, inconstaus, levis turn antiquitatis broken

(a A pin, acicula; (of a window),
Pharisaical, pharisaicus piece), fragmentum, fragmen clavus ferreus; (crisping), ca.
A pharisee, pharisaeus Piecemeal, frustatim lamistrum ; (rolling), cylin-
Pharmaceutical, pharmaceuticals Apiece (each), singuli drus; (peg), paxillus
Pharmacy, ars medica To piece, resarcio, conjungo Not to care a pin, flocci pendere
A pharos, pharos Pied, maculatus, versicolor A pinmaker, spinularius
The phases, phases A pier, pila, agger A pinfold, septum
A pheasant, avis phasiana To pierce, penetro, terebro ; Pindust, ramentum
A phenix, phoenix (through), transfigo ; (with a To pin (with a pin), spinulafi-
A phenomenon, phsenomenon weapon), perfodio ; (set a gere; (with wood), paxillo con-
A phial, phiala broach), dolium relinere ; (as rigere; (by articles), cautione
Philanthropy, humanitas cold),uro obligare ; (compel), injungo ;
A philologer, philologus That may be pierced, penetrandus (on another's faith), alterius
Philological, philologus A piercer (person), penetrator; sententia niti ; (one's self upon
Philology, philologia (instrument), terebra, terebel- one), parasitor; (up in a fold),
Philomel, philomela lum septo includere
A philosopher, philosophus Piercing, penetrans, urens Pincers, forceps
Philosophical, philosophicus A piercing, penetratio; (with a A pinch, vellicatio, morsus ; (of
Philosophically, philosophice gimblet), terebratio snuff), frustum sternutamenti;
To philosophize, philosophor Piercingly, acriter, vehementer (necessity), necessitas, sum-
Philosophy, philosophia Piety, pietas, religio mae angustiae
Philtres, philtra A pig, porcellus; (barrow), vev- At a pinch, necessarib, subit6
Phlebotomy, phlsebotomia res; (sow), scrofula; (sucking), To a pinch, ad extremum
Phlegm, pituita porcus lactens (of lead), mas-
To pinch, vellico, premo (grieve), ;

Phlegmatic, pituitosus sa plumbi oblonga crucio, molesto; (in biting),

A phrase, phrasis, locutio To pig, porcellos parere mordeo; (as cold), uro, aduro;
Phraseology, ratio scribendi, or Of a pig, suillus, porcinus (one of his wages, &c), de-
loquendi A pigsty, suile, hara fraudo ; (hurt), laedo ; (off),
Phrenetic, amens, demens A pigeon, columbus, columba ; avello
A phrensy, dementia, insania (wood), palumbes Pinching, digitis comprimens
The phthisic, phthisis Of a pigeon, columbinus A pinch-penny, perparcus
Phthisical, phthisi laborans A pigeon-hole, loculamentum ;
A pindaric, carmen pindaricum _

A phylactery, phylacterium (house), columbarium; (pie), A pine-tree, pinus (wild), pinas-


Physic (the science), medicina, columbae crusto incoctae ter; (apple), nuxpinea
arsmedicinalis; (medicine).me- Pigment, pigmentum Of pine, pineus
dicamen; (dose), potio medica A pike, lancea, hasta; (fish), lu- To pine (grieve), doleo, mcereo;
To physic, medicamentum prac- cius ;
(sea), lupus piscis (languish), langueo, tabesco
scribere; (take physic), medi- A pilaster, columella (to death), dolore mori
camentum sumere A pilchard, halecula; (made of A pining away, languor, tabes
Physical, medicinalis, medicus ;
flannel), fascia A pinion, ala; (of a watch), rota
(natural), physicus A pile (heap), moles, cumulus, minor
Physically, physicfe acervus; (post), sublica; (of Pinions (fetters), compedes, ma-
A physician, medicus •wood), strues; (of building), nicae
Physics, physica structura; (in heraldry), pila; To pinion, manicis constringere
Physiognomy, physiognomia (on coin), aversa facies nummi A pink (flower), caryophyllum ;

Physiology, physiologia The piles, haemorrhois, ficus (small ship), navicula

The phyz, vultus, facies To pile up, acervo, accumulo Pink-eyed, puetus
Piacuiar, piacuiaris To pilfer, surripio, suffuror A pinking, terebratio
A piazza, porticus A pilferer, suffurator, fur A pinnace, phaselus, paro
A pickaxe, bipennis Pilfering, furax, rapax A pinnacle, pinnae fastigium; (or
To pick (choose), eligo, lego ; A pilfering, surreptio height of honour), summus
(gather), decerpo ; (a pocket), Pilferingly, furaciter gradus honorum
crumenam furtlm secare ; (a A pilgrim, peregrinus A pinner, capital muliebre
quarrel), rixse causam quserere A pilgrimage, percgriuatio A pint, sextarius, pinta
A picklock, iustrumentum quo A piling up, acervatio, extructio A pioneer, cunicularius
sera furtlm aperitur A pill, pilula Pious, pius, religiosus
A pickpocket, manticularius To pill, decortico, stringo Piously, pie, religiose
A picker of quarrels, vitilitiga- Pillage, praeda, spolium (the ac-
The pip, pituita
tor tion of), direptio, vastatio A pip, macula, nota
A picking (out), delectus, selec- To pillage, vasto, diripio ; (a A pipe, fistula, tibia; (bag), fis-
tio; (up), collectio kingdom), depeculor tula utricularis (conduit), ca-

Pickle (brine), salsugo, muria To be pillaged, expilor, vastor nalis; (clyster), sipho; (for to-
(condition), conditio A pillager, spoliator bacco), tubus; (of wine), ca-
To pickle, muria condire A pillaging, spoliatio dus, dolium
Pickled, salitus, conditivus A pillar, columna ;
(its shaft), To pipe, fistula canere
A pickled rogue, veterator ; (a scapus; (foot), sty lobata A piper, tibicen ; (bag), utricu-
pickled herring), halec condi- Pillars (buttresses), anterides larius
tanea A pilled-garlic, timidus, ignavus A piping, cantio fistularis
A pickling, conditura salsa A pillion, sella equestris foeminea Piping-hot, calidissimus
Pictorial, ad pictorem spectans A pillory, columbar A pipkin, ollula
A picture, pictura, effigies To pillory, numella collum inclu- A pippin, malum petisium
To picture, pingo, delineo dere Piquant, pungens, acer
To piddle (trifle), ineptio ;
(in A pillow, pulvinar, cervical A pique, simultas, odium, rixa,
eating), ligurio A pillowbear, pulvini, or cervi- jurgium
A piddler, nugator, nugax calis integumentum To pique, offendo, perstringo
A pie, artocrea (sea), larus
; A pilot, navis gubernator, or rec- To have a pique, alicui irasci
Pie (amongst printers), indigesta tor [mium Piracy, piratica, praedatio
typorum strues Pilotage, rectoris navigii prae- A pirate, pirata, praedo maritimus
A pie (bird), pica A pimp, leno Piratical, praedatorius
Piebald, maculatus To pimp, lenocinor Piscatory, piscatoriua
A piece (part), portio, pars, frus- Pimping (small), parvus, tenuis; Pish, phy vah
! !

tum; (patch), assumentum (pitiful), spernendus A pismire, formica

All of a piece, sibi constans; (or A pimple, pustula; (red), lentigo, Full of pismires, formicosua
of one colour), unicolor lenticula rubra A pistol, scloppus minor
A piece of antiquity, monumen- Full of pimples, pustulatus A pistole, septemdecim solidi
A pit, fossa, puteus ; (dent), im- To place, loco, colloco ; (again), Plate (gold and silver vessels),
pressio, vestigium digiti repono ; (before), praepono ; aurea et argentea vasa ; (en-
A pitfal, fovea (behind), postpono ;
(fitly), chased), toreuma
The stomach, ventricu-
pit of the apto ; (out), eloco A plate, (of metal), lamina, la-
lus stomachi; (of a theatre), A giving place, cessio meila; (trencher), scutella
orchestra [nigra Placid, placidus To plate, obducere lamina
Pit-coal, carbo fossilis, fossitia A placing, locatio ; (between), The platen, torcularis tabula
A clay-pit, argilletum; (coal), fo- interpositio Platonic, Platonicus; (love), amor
dina carbonaria; (gravel), sa- A plagiary, plagiarius seraphicus
buletum ; (sand), fodina arena- The plague, pestis, pestilentia; A platoon, manipulus
ria; (bottomless), abyssus (sore calamity), lues In platoons, manipulatlm.
Of a pit, putealis To plague, crucio, vexo; (one's Platted, plexus, implexus
Togo pit-a-pit, celeriterpalpitare self), se afflictare, or macerare A platter, discus, catinus
Pitch, pix Having the plague,peste infectus A platting, implicatio
To pitch, pico, pice illinere ; Plaguily, moleste, valde Plausible, plausibilis, speciosus
(throw), jacio, projicio ; (put Plaguy, pestilens, pestifer Plausibility, Plausibleness, ve-
down), depono ;
(fix), figo ; A plaice, psetta nustas
(pave), pavio; (tents), castra- Plain (even), planus, sequus (ma-;
Plausibly, venuste, decore
metor ; {or fall down), praeceps nifest), manifestus, evidens ; A play, ludus, lusus; (public),
ruere; (choose), deligo (upon ; (honest), sincerus; (open), a- spectaculum ; (stage), fabnla,
a time), tempus constituere; pertus ; (without ornament), comcedia ; (house), theatrum ;
(a net), rete tendere ; (alight), inornatus ; (simple), simplex, (fellow), collusor ; (things),
descendo non dissimulatus crepuudia
A pitch (measure), modus; (ex- Plain, adj. distincte Belonging to play, lusorius
treme), extremitas To make plain, explano, expono, Full of play.ludibundus
The pitch of a hill, clivus complano To play, ludo; (at bowls), globum
A pitched battle, pugna stataria To be plain, pateo mittere; (away money), pecu-
(camp), stativa castra It is plain, patet, constat niam lusu perdere ; (before),
A pitcher, lagena, amphora, ur- A plain, plana, superficies prseludo; (at ball), pilis lu-
ceus, hydria Plainly, plane, manifest^, eviden- dere; (the child), pueriliter se
A pitchfork, merga ter, distincte; (simply), sim- gerere; (the boy), adolescen-
Pitchy, piceus plicity ; (openly), aperte, pa- turio; (at cards), chartis lu-
Like pitch, picin us lam dere ; (the coward), tergum
Piteous, misericors; (miserable), Plainness, perspicuitas ; (simple- dare; (an engine), machinam
miserabilis, miser ness), simpiicitas ; (smooth- exercere; (at odd or even), par
Piteouslv, miserabiliter, misere ness), planities, laevitas impar ludere; (soft and loose),
Pith, medulla ;
(of trees, &c), al- A plaint, querela, questus praevaricor ; (on the harp), ci-
burnum; (-less), siccus A plaintiff, accusator tharampulsare; (on a fiddle),
Pithily, A plaister, emplastrum fidibus canere ; (at hazard),
Rthiness, robur To plaister (a sore), emplastrum alea ludere; (the hypocrite),
Pithy (full of marrow), medulla imponere ;
(with lime), gypso simulare pietatem ; (the knave),
abundans; (nervous), nervosus A plaisterer, caementarius fallo, defraudo
itiable, miseratione dignus A plait, plica, sinus To keep in play, moror
itiful, miserabilis, miser, miseri- To plait, plico, complico Plays, mimi, ludi scenici
cors, luctuosus, tressis A plaiter, plicator A player, lusor; (on a harp), ci-
Pitifully, misere A plaiting, plicatura tharista ; (of tricks), prasti-
'itifulness, misericordia ;
(mean- Full of plaits, sinuosus, rugosus giator; (on the stage), histrio ;

ness), exiguitas A plan, exemplar (with swords), gladiator, la-

Pitiless, immitis, crudelis, durus To plan, delineo, formo nista; (puppet), gesticulator
A pittance, modicum A plane-tree, platanus Of a stage player, histricus
Pituitous, pituitosus_ Of a plane-tree, plataninus Playful, Playsome, ludibundus
Pity, misericordia, miseratio A plane (tool), runcina Playing, ludena
To pity, misereor, miseresco To plane, leevigo, dedolo Belonging to playing, lusorius
A pix, pyxis A planet, planeta A playing-place, lusorium
Placable, placabilis, exorabilis Planetary, sideralis A plea, placitum; (excuse), ex-
A placart, edictum Planetstruck, sideratus cusatio, color
A place, locus; (office), munus A planing, dedolatio To plead, causas agere ; (for one),
magistrates (passage in a
; A plank, tabula, assis aliquem defendere; (against),
book), locus (degree), ordo
; To plank, contabulo, coasso contra aliquem causam dicerc ;
In place of, vice, pro; (another A planking, contabulatio (guilty), crimen fateri ; (not
place), alibi; (any place), ali- A planisphere, planisphacrium guilty), crimen negare
cubl, usquam; (every place), A plant, planta, virgultum A pleader, advocatus, orator
ubique ; (that place), illic, To plant, planto, sero ; (again), A pleading, causre dictio, or de-
ibl; (the same place), ibidem ; resero; (a cannon), tormentum fensio, litigatio
(this place), hie ;
(no place), disponere ; (a colony), colo- Pleasant, amoenus, gratns
nusquam ; (what place soever), niam constituere; (a vineyard), To grow pleasant, hilaresco
ubicunque, ubivis vineam instituere To make pleasant, exhilaro
By some place, aliqua ; (this Plantain, plantago Pleasant sayings.facetia: (meats),

place ) , hac ; ( that place ) , iliac A plantation, colonia ; (of trees), deliciae, dapes, cupedise
(what place), qua plantarium ;
(of vines), vitium Very pleasant, amcenissimus
Trom this place, hinc ; (that propagatio Pleasantly, amcene, jucunde, le-
place), illinc (the same place),
; That may be planted, sativus pide
ab eodem loco; (some place), Newly planted, neophytus Pleasantness, amcenitas, jucuudi-
alicunde ; (what place), unde ? A planter, plantator, sator tas ; (in speech), lepor ; (in
(what place soever), undeenn- A planting, plantatio, satio manners), comitas, urbanitas
que ; (place to place), hue illuc, A planting-sack, pastinum Pleasantry, jocosa dicacitas
ultro citrdque A plash, lacuna To please, placeo, complaceo
To some place, aliqub ; (another To plash (trees), tondeo; (with (delight), oblecto; (one's self),
place), ali6; (the same place), water), aspergo voluptatem capere ; (or hu-
eodem ; (this place), hue ;
A plashing, aspersio mour one), alicui obsequi; (by
(that place), illuc ; (what Plashy, stagnis frequens sacrifice), placo, propitio
place?), qu6? Plastic, plasticus Easy to be pleased, placabilis
Towards what place ? quorsum ? A plat of ground, agellus Hard to be pleased, morosus, as
(this place), horsum; (some A platform, agger per
other place), aliorsum To plat, implico, intexo Not to be pleased, implacabilis
; ; ;


Very well pleased, perlubens cola; (share), vomer; (handle), To poetize, versifico, versus facerft
Pleasing, gratus, jucundus stiva, bura ; (staff), rulla ; Poignancy, mordacitas
A pleasing, gratificatio (land), arvum Poignant, pungens, aculeatus
Pleasingness, amoenitas Plough-oxen, triones A point, punct um ( case ) causa,

Pleasurable, gratus, jucundus To plough, aro, sulco ; (again), status, caput, locus ; (chief
Pleasure (delight), renovo matter), caput; (in law), ca-
jectatio, oblectamentum ;(will), Ploughed, aratus, cultus sus; (of land), promontorium
arbitrium ; (service) .beneficium, A ploughing, aratio {or subject in hand), argumen-
gratia A pluck, exta, viscera tum, res, consilium; (in the
Of pleasure, voluptarius A pluck (pull), vellicatio tables), punctum
A pleasure-boat, thaiamegos To pluck, vello, vellico; (asun- The point (of a rock), vertex,
To pleasure (do a favour), grati- der), (down), diruo;
divello; cacumen; (of a weapon), cus-
ficor (humour), morigeror,
(from), abstraho ; (flowers), mucro, acies (of a clock,
pis-, ;

obsequor; (accommodate), ac- flores carpere (off), decerpo

&c), gnomon; (of the com-
commodo; {or take pleasure A plucking (away), avulsio ; pass), ventorum diversi trac-
in), delector, oblector (out), evulsio ; (up by the tus ;
(of the matter), cardo rei
Doing a pleasure, benignus roots), extirpatio, eradicatio At the point, jam jamque
Plebeian, plebeius A plug, clavus ligneus, cuneolus Point-blank, praecise, prorsus
A pledge (pawn), pignus, deposi- A plum, prunum A nice point, scrupulus
tum, arrhabo; (proof), testi- A plum-tree, prunus To point (sharpen), acuo ; (at),
monium; (surety), prses, vas_ Plumage, sertum plumatile monstro, digitis designare ; {or
To pledge (pawn), pignero; (in A plumb-line, amussis, libella distinguish by points), inter-
drinking), propinanti vices red- To plumb, opus ad libellam exi- pungo ; (a cannon), tormen-
dere gere tum dirigere, or obvertere
A pledget, peniculus Plumbean, plumbeus [mcus Pointedly, acriter, acute
A pledging, pigneratio A plume of feathers, apex plu- A pointer (dog), canis subsidens
Plenarily, plene, perfects To plume (adorn), decoro, orno A pointing, interpunctio ; (at),
Plenary, plenus, perfectus A plummer, plumbarius indicatio
A plenipotentiary, legatus plena A plummet (used by builders), Pointless, hebes, obtusus
potestate instructus bulla ad libellam pensilis At all points, omnibus rebus
Plenitude, plenitudo Plump, nitidus, obesus, pinguis To poise, pondero, pendo
Plenteous, abundans, copiosus To plump up, tumeo, inflo A poise, pondus; (equal), sequi-
To be plenteous, abundo Plumpness, nitor, venustas pondium
Plenteously, abundanter, copiose Plunder, prseda, spolium Poison, venenum, virus
Plenteousness, copia To plunder, praedor, peculor, spo- To poison, veneno tollere; (cor-
Plentiful, affluens, copiosus ; lio, vasto, depopulor rupt), depravo, ;
(shower), largus imber A plunderer, prsedator, vastator without life), veneno inficere
Plentifully, ubertim, copiose, A plundering, spoliatio, vastatio A poisoner, veneficus
abundanter A plunge, immersio (trouble), ; A poisoning, veneficium
Plentifulness, Plenty, copia, abun- angustia
difficultas, Poisonous, venenosus, virulentus
dantia, affluentia To plunge, immergo,mergo, ad in - A poitrel, pectorale
Plenty (of corn), magnus fru- citas redigi (often), merso,
; A poke, saccus, sacculus
menti numerus ; (of honey), (dive), urino To poke, digito, &c. explorare |

vis maxima mellis ; (of words), Plunging, immergens, mergens A poker, ferrum ad ignem excw
orationis flumen, copia verbo- A plunging, immersio, submersio tandum
rum; (of leaves), foliorum lux- Plural, pluralis Polar, polaris
uria; (of furniture), multa su- Plurality, numerus major, turba A pole, pertica; (in the heavens);
pellex Pluralities, plura beneficia ec- polus, mundi cardo ; (water,
Plethoric, plethoricus clesiastica ab uno viro occu- man's), trudes, contus; (hunt-
A plethory, plethora pata ing), venabulum; (ax), bipen-
A pleurisy, pleuritis Plurally, pluraliter nis, securis; (star), cynosura
Pleuritic, pleuriticus Plush, pannus villosus ex pilis A polecat, putorius
Pliable, Pliant, rlexilis, flexibilis, confectus, holosericum Polemic, Polemical, polemicus
tractabilis, facilis, mansuetus To ply (bend), flecto (giveway), ;
Policy (art of governing), politia
Pliableness (of temper), facilitas cedo ; (to business), operam (counsel), consilium; (craft),
(bending), flexibilitas navare, incumbo ;
(urge), ur- calliditas, astutia ; (stratagem),
To be pliant, obsequor geo stratagema
To grow pliant, lentesco Plyers, forceps minor A policy of assurance, syugrapha
To make pliant, emollio Plying, flexilis, sequax qua cavetur
Pliantly, obedienter, facile A plying, flexio, applicatio A polish, politura
Pliantness, flexibilitas Pneumatic, pneumaticus To polish, polio, limo, excolo
A plight, status, conditio ; (of Pneumatics, pneumatica A polisher, polio
body), habitudo, habitus To poach, coctillo (kill game ; A polishing, politura
To plight, spondeo illegally,) illicit^ venatione uti Polite, politus, elegans, excultus,
In good plight, bene curatus A poached egg, ovum sorbile concinnus, ornatus, urbanus
A plinth, plinthus A poacher, qui illicita venatione Politely, polite, urbane
To plod, seduld operam navare, in- utitur Politeness, urbanitas, civilitas
cumbo A poaching, venatio illicita Politic, astutus, callidus
A plodder, sedulus, diligens A pock, pustula, papula Politics, politica
A plot (conspiracy), conspiratio; Pock-holes, variolarum vestigia Political, politicus
(design), consilium, ratio; (of A pocket, sacculus, loculus; (of A politician, politicorum peritus
a building), iebnographia; (of wool), dimidius saccus Politicly, astute, calide
the front of a building), ortho- To pocket, in loculis condere Polity, politia
graphia; (of ground), agellus, (hide), celo; (an affront), con- The poll (head), caput ; (list of
area; (of a play), consilium tumeliam dissimulare votes), suffragantium catalogus
preecipuum Poculent, poculentus A poll, electio viritim facta
To plot (consult), consulto ; A pod, siliqua, valvulus Poll-money, capitatio
(conspire), conspiro, conjuro ; A poem, poema, carmen To poll (shear), tondeo, reseco;
(contrive), excogito, machinor Poesy, Poetry, poesis, poetica (for magistrates, &c), suffragia
A plotter, conjuratus A poet, poeta, vates ; (paltry), viritim dare
A plotting, conspiratio poetaster A pollard (tree), arbor caedaa
To be plotting, machinor Like a poet, poetice Polled (clipped), tonsus
A plough, aratrum ; (joiner's A poetess, poetria A polling, tonsura
ad oras a? serum
tool), plan u la Poetic, Poetical, poeticus To pollute, polluo,
striandas; (man), arator, agri- Poetically, poetice contamino
A polluting, or pollution, pollutio Porphyry, porphyrites mind), status ;
(of affairs), con-
A polt (blow), ictus A porpoise,or porpus, tursio ditio, status
A poltron, ignavus, timidus Porrection, porrectio A pot, poculum, olla; (for water),
Polygamy, polygamia Porridge, jusculum situlus aquarius
A polygon, polygonia A porridge-pot, olla, cacabus Of a pot, oliaris, ollarius
A polypus, polypus A porringer, scutella To pot, butyro condire
A pomegranate, malum granatum A port, portus Potashes, cineres ad saponem
To pommel, pugno demulcere Port, gestus, vitse conficiendum
The pommel, eusis manubrii, or Port-wine, vinum rubrum A pot-companion, combibo ;
ephippii orbiculus Having many ports, portuosus (gun), siphunculus (herbs), ;

Pomp, pompa, splendor Portable, portabilis olera ;

(hooks), ansae ollares ;
Pompous, splendidus, magnificus A portal, porticus (ladle), rudicula; (lid), oper-
Pompously, splendide, magnince A portcullis, porta clausa culum; (sherd), testa
Pompousness, pompa To portend, praesagio Potable, potabilis, potulentus
A pond, stagnum, lacus; (for A portent (omen), portentum, Potatoes, battata
fish), piscina omen Potency, potentia
Of a fishpond, piscinalis A porter (at a gate), janitor, os- Potent, potens, valens
To ponder, perpendo, pensito tiarius; (carrying burthens), A potentate, princeps
Pondering, meditans, contem- bajulus Potential, potentialis
plans [platio Porterage, bajulorum merces Potently, potenter, valide
A pondering, meditatio, contem- Portholes, fenestellae A pother, turba
Ponderous, ponderosus, gravis A portico, porticus A potion, potio, philtrum
Ponderously, graviter A portion (share), portio, sors, Pottage, jus, jusculum; (of bar-
Pouderousuess, gravitaa pars; (in marriage), dos; (to ley), pti;ana; (thick), pulmen-
A poniard, pugio live upon), peculium tarium
Pontic, Ponticus Having a portion, dotata Of pottage, pulmentaris
A pontiff, pontifex To portion, doto; (divide), par- A potter, figulus [fictilis
Pontifical, pontificalis tior, distribuo Belonging to a potter, figulinus,
A pontifical (book), ritualis pon- Portliness, corporis dignitas A pottle, quatuor librae liquidorum
tificum Portly, corporis dignitate prae- Potulent, potulentus
The pontificate, pontificatus ditus A pouch, pera, marsupium
A pontoon, ponto A portmanteau, hippopera One pouch-mouthed, labeo
A pony, equulus A portrait, pictura, imago To pouch the lips, labia demittere
A pool, palus A posey, florum fasciculus; (of a Poverty, paupertas, inopia
The poop, puppis ring), annuli symbolum To be in poverty, egeo, indigeo
Poor (incircumstances), pauper, A position (placing), locatio, po- A poulterer, pullarius
inops, egens, humilis, tenuis; sitio, situs; (thesis), thesis A poultice, cataplasma
(barren), aridis, jejunus, frigi- Positive, positivus, certus; (man), To poultice, cataplasma adhibere
dus ;
(mean), vilis, sordidus, ten ax, confidens Poultry, pullities
miser; (lean), macer, macilen- Positively, praecise, confidenter A keeper of poultry, gallinarius
tus, macie confectus ; (tri- Positiveness, pervicacia Where poultry is kept, gallinarium
malus, tergiversans
fling), To possess, possideo, teneo, oc- Of poultry, gallinaceus
To be poor, egeo cupo; (before), praeoccupo A pounce, unguis
To make poor, depaupero ; (tobe Possession, possessio; (by pre- To pounce (as a hawk),unguibu3
made poor), ad inopiam redigi scription), usucaptio; (in trust), comprehendere (paper), pul-

Poorly, ruisere, tenuiter, male possessio fiduciaria chartamad scribendi usum

oorness, paupertas, egestas ; To take possession of, occupo, aptam reddere
(of ground), steiilitas adeo, ineo A pound (weight), libra, pondo, as
To pop into the mouth, ori in- A taking possession of, occupatio (in money), viginti solidi, libra-
dere ;
(off a gun), scloppum In possession of, penes mina; (for cattle), septum
displodere ; (out), subitb egre- Possessive, possessivus Half a pound, selibra
di ; (out a word), temere ver- A possessor, possessor, dominus A pound and a half, sesquilibra
bum effutire ;
(into a place), A posset, lac vino coagulatum Two pounds, dipondium
subitd ingredi Possibility, possibilitas Of two pounds, bilibris; (three
A popgun, scloppus Possible, possibilis pounds), trilibris ; (four
The pope, papa Possibly, forte, fortassis pounds), quadrilibris ; (five
The popedom, papatus A post (stake), postis; (office, or pounds), quinquelibralis
Popery, papismus place), munus (station), sta-
Ten pounds, decussis
Popish, papalis, pontificius tio, sedes stativa; (letter-car- Twenty pounds, vicessis
A poplar-tree, populus rier), tabellarius; (horse), ve- Thirty pounds, tricessis
Of poplar, populeus redus ;
(house), veredorum A hundred weight, centipondium
A poppet, pupa statio To pound (bruise), contero, con-
Poppy, papaver An advanced post, accessus pro- tundo; (cattle), pecora septo
Of poppy, papaverus pior inclusa detinere
Poppy-coloured, papaveratus Posthaste, festinus [tus Poundage, vectigal ex singulis
Poppy-juice, meconium A postmaster, veredorum pvsefec- minis solutum
The populace, plebs, vulgus To post, locum occupare; (make A pounding, contusio; (of cattle),
Popular (vulgar), vulgaris, ple- haste), festino ; (one for a pecoris in septo inclusio
beius ; (pleasing), popularis, coward), timiditatis notam ali- To pour, fundo ; (about), cir-
vulgo acceptus cui palam inurere ; (a book), cumfundo (back), refundo ;

Popularity, popularitas in librum transcribere; (up in (down), defundo; (in), infun-

Popularly, populariter public places), pub lice propo- do; (often), fundito; (out).ef-
Populous, populo frequens nere fundo; (outofoneintoanother),
Populousness, populi frequentia Posterior, posterior elutrio, transfundo ; (upon),
Porcelain, vasa murrina The posteriors, partes posteriores infundo, perfundo
A porch, porticus; (of a church), Posterity, posteritas, posteri, mi- That may be poured, fusilis
vestibulum, atrium nores A pourer, fusor
A porcupine, hystrix A postern, janua postica A pouring in, infusio ; (by drops),
A pore, porus, meatus Posthumous, postliumus instillatio ; (all over), perfusio
To pore, attentius considerare A postillion, equorum praeductor (out), effusio, transfusio
Pork, caro suiila, or porciua A postscript, scripti additamen- To pourtray, delineo, depingo
A porker, porcellus, nefrendia tum Pourtrayed, depictus
Porous, poris abundans To postpone, postpono, posthabeo A pourtrait, or pourtraiture, pic-
Porosity, or porousness, qualitas A postulate, postulatum tura, imago, effigies
rei poris nhundantis A posture, corporis positio; (of To pout, stom.acb.or, labia exerere
;; ;;


Pouting, morosus, stomachosus To make a long preamble, longa A pre-engagement, obligatio an-
Poutingly, labiis exertis circuitione uti tecedens
Powder, 'pulvis; (gun), nitratus, A prebend, praebenda To pre-exist, ante existere
or pyrius pulvis A prebendary, praebendarius Preexistence, praeexistentia
To powder, pulvere conspergere Precarious, precarius Pre-existent, antfe existens
(with Bait), sale condire; (the Precariously, precari6 [cariae A preface, praefatio, prooemium
hair), pulvisculo crinem asper- Precariousness, conditio rei prae- Without preface, abrupt^
gere; (reduce to powder), in A precaution, cautio, provisio To preface, praefari, prooemior
pulverem redigere To use precaution, pvaecaveo Prefatory, introducens
Powdering, pulvere inspergens ;
To precede (gobefore), praecedo; A prefect, praefectus, praeses
(a seasoning), salitura (excel), praesto, supero A prefecture, praefectura
Power, potentia, potestas, virtus, Precedence, or precedency, jus To prefer, praefero, praepono ; (ad-
facultas (authority), auctori-
praecedendi ante alios, princi- vance), eveho.effero; (exhibit),
tas; (force, or strength), vis; pals exhibeo; (propose), propono
(great number), copia Precedent, praecedens, antecedens Preferable, praeferendus
The powers of the mind, dotes A precedent, exemplum. Preference, partes priores
animi Precedently, ante, priusquam To give preference, antepono
To be in, or have power, valeo, A precentor, praecentor Preferment, honor, dignitas
polleo, auctoritate muniri A precept, prosceptum, mandatum Preferring, anteferens, praeponens
Powerful (having power), potens, Preceptive, preceptivus Prefigured, praefiguratus
validus; (efficacious), efficax A precinct, ditio To prefix, praerigo, ante statuere
Not powerful, impotens; (inef- Precious, pretiosus, cams A prefixing, prefixio
fectual), inefficax Preciously, pretiose, carfe Pregnancy, graviditas
Powerfully, potenter, inefficaciter Preciousness, rei caritas Pregnant, praegnans, gravidus
Powerfulness, vis, potentia A precipice (steep place), prajci- Pregnant wit, ingenium subtile
Practic, Practical, practicus pitium ; (danger), discrimen, To prejudge, prsejudico
Practicable, quod fieri potest periculum Prejudicate, praejudicatus
Practice, exercitatio, usus, expe- Precipitancy, temeritas Prejudice (damage), damnum,
rientia; (custom), consuetudo; A precipitant, temerarius, prce- detrimentum ;
(rash judging),
(secret), molimen, molitio properus praejudicium
To practise, exerceo, experior; Precipitantly, praepropere- Without prejudice, salvo jure
(law), legum nodos solvere To precipitate (cast headlong), To prejudice, incommodo
(physic), medicinam exercere praecipito; (hurry), praepropere To be prejudiced, praejudicio
To put in practice, exequor agere abripi
A practiser, exercitator (inlaw), ; Precipitate, praeceps, temerarius Prejudicial, noxius, incommodus
causarum actor; (in physic), (subst.) mercurius praecipita- Prelacy, praesulis dignitas, or
medicinae professor tus ruber munus
A practising, exercitatio Precipitately, praepropere A prelate, praesul
A practitioner, exercitator Precipitation, praecipitatio Prelection, praelectio
Pragmatical, pragmaticus, ineptus Precise (certain), certus, defini- Prelibation, praelibatio
Pragmatically, inepte, insulse tus; (finical), affect atus; (scru- A preliminary, prooemium
Pragmaticalness, insulsitas pulous), scrupulosus, nimis re- Preliminary article, proludium
Praise, laus, praeconium ligiosus; (exact), exactus A prelude, praeludium
With praise, laudabiliter Precisely (exactly), accurate (fi-
Premature, praematurus, prxcox
Praiseworthy, laudabilis nically), molliter, affectatfe ; Prematurely, praemature
Not praised, illaudatus (scrupulously), scrupuiose To premeditate, praemeditor
To praise (commend), laudo, ex- Preciseness, affectatio, accuratio A premeditation, praemeditatio
tollo; (prize), aestimo To preclude, praecludo To premise, praefari
A praiser, laudator; (prizer), aes- Precognition, przecentia The premises (spoken of before),
timator To preconceive, praesentio praemissa (lands, houses, or

A praising, laudatio ; (prizing), A precontract, pactio antecedens what belongs thereto), fundi,
aestirnatio A precursor, precursor praedia
To prance, subsulto Predatory, predatorius A premium, praemium
Prancing, subsultans A predecessor, antecessor To premonish, praemoneo
A prank, ludus; (wicked), scelus, Our predecessors, majores A premonition, proemonitio
tiagitium To predestinate, praedestmo Premonitory, praemonens
To prate, garrio, blatero; (fool- Predestination, praedestinatio A premunire, bonorum confis-
ishly), ineptio, nugor; (pertly), Predetermination, praedetermina- catio (danger), periculum

argutor ; (as a nurse), lallo tio A prentice (apprentice), tyro

A prater, garrulus, loquax To predetermine, antfe terminare To preoccupy, praeoccupo
Prating, loquax, dicax Predial, praediatorius To preordain, ante designare
A prating, dicacitas, loquacitas Predicable, predicabilis A preparation, pracparatio; (for
Hold your prating, tace, tacete The predicables, decern elementa a journey), viaticum, apparatus
Prattle, garritus, dicacitas logicae With preparation, praeparatd
Pravity, pravitas, nequitia A predicament, praedicamentum A preparative, praeparatio
A prawn, caris (state, or condition), status Preparatory, praeparatorius ; (dis-
To pray, oro, rogo, preeor; (ear- To predicate, praedico course), sermo parans ad rem
nestly), enixepetcre (against),
; The predicate, praedicatum To prepare, praeparo, par/3 ; (a
deprecor; (for), intercedo ; (to- Predication, prar-dicatio feast), convivium ornare ; (for
gether), comprecor To predict, praedico fight), ad pugnam instruere;
A prayer, oratio, deprecatio, ob- A prediction, praedictio, vatici- (for death), de animae salute
testatio nium cogitare; (victuals), opsonor;
Prayers, preces (morning), ma-
; To predispose, ante disponere (a way), viam parare, or mu-
tut inae preces; (evening), ves- Predisposition, propensio nire; (or be prepared for), ad
pertiuae preces Predominance, praevalentia agendum accingi
By prayer, prece Predominant, praevalens Prepense, prxmeditatus
A praying, obsecratio, rogatio To predominate, praevaleo To preponderate, praepondero
To preach, praedico, concionor Pre-elected, ante electus A preposition, praepositio
(a sermon), eacram orationem Pre-election, pracelectio Prepositive, praepositivus
habere; (up an opinion), opi- Pre-eminence, praeeminentia To prepossess, praeoccupo
nionem inculcare; (over one's (excellence), praestantia; (su- Prepossession, prasoccupatio
cups), verbis inucidavina facere preme rule), primatus, princi- Preposterous, perversus, mon-
A preacher, praecor, praedicator pals strosus
A preaching, proedicatio Pre-emption, praeemptio Preposterously, perverse, mon-
A preamble, prooemium To pre-engage, ante obligare strose
Preposterousness, qualitas prae- Presumptuously, arroganter, in- A pricking, punctio; (forward),
postera solent er incitatio, concitatio
The prepuce, praeputium Presumptuousness, audacia A prickle, spina, sentis
Prerequisite, ante necessarius To presuppose, praesuppono Prickly, aculeatus, spinosus
A prerogative, prerogativa A pretence, praetextus, color Pride, superbia, fastus; (glory),
Prerogative, praerogativus To pretend, simulo, obtendo, con- prima gloria
A presage, omen, praesagium fingo, prae se ferre To pride one's self, glorior, jacto
To presage, portendo, ominor A pretender (dissembler), simu- A priest, sacerdos, pontifex
Presaging, praesagus, portendens lator; (candidate), competitor Priesthood, sacerdotium
A presbyter, presbyter Pretending, simulans, causatus Priestly, sacerdotalis
Presbytery, presbyterium Pretendingly, sub pretextu A prig, nimiae elegantiae studiosug
A presbyterian, presbyterianus A pretension (claim), vendicatio, Prim (formal), affectatus
Prescience, prsescientia postulatio ; (design), consi- A primacy, primatus
Prescient, Prescious, praescius lium; (hope),spes; (promise), Primage, merces nautica pro one-
To prescribe, prescribo ; (bounds ), promissum randa nave
termino, metas ponere The preterperfect, praeteritum Primarily, primitus, primum
A prescribing, praescriptio The preterimperfect, praeteritum Primary,' primarius, primus
A prescript, praescriptum imperfectum A primate, primas, princeps
Prescription, praescriptio Preternatural, praeter naturam Prime, primus, praecipuus; (or
Presence, praesentia ; (mien), accidens chief men), primores
oris, or formae species ; (look), Preternaturally, praeter naturam In one's prime, juvenis, aetate
aspectus, vultus Preterpluperfect, plusquam per- florente
In presence, coram, in conspectu fectum To prime (a gun), pulverem con-
Present, praesens ; (at hand), A pretext, species, color ceptaculo immittere ; (in paint-
praest6 A pretor, praetor ing), primum colorem indu-
For the present, nunc, jam, im- Pretorian, praetorianus cere
praesentiarum, in prassenti Pretty, bellus, scitus ; (merry), Primely, praecipue, potissimum
By these presents, per has prse- lepidus, facetus A primer, liber elementarius
sentes literas A pretty while, aliquandiu Primeval, primaevus, primitivus
Present money, pecunia numerata Very pretty, perelegans Primitive, primitivus
To be present, adsum Prettily, scite, bene, venuste Primitively, primitus, prim6
A present,donum, munus (very), pereleganter Primogeniture, primogenitura
To present, dono; (to a living), Prettiness, elegantia, venustas Primordial, primordialis
beneficium offerre, donare, or To prevail, valeo, praevaleo, pol- A primrose, veris primula
largire; (one's self before one), leo ; (by intreaty), impetro, A prince, princeps [regalis
compareo, se coram aliquo sis- exoro ; (over), supero, vinco Prince-like, Princely, principalis,
tfre ; (the naked breast), nu- Prevailed upon, evictus; (by in- Princely, principaliter, regie
im pectus praestare (for a ; treaties), exoratus, preeibus A princess, princeps
lult), apud curiam de aliquo flexus Principal, principalis, praecipuus
lueri ;
(a gun), bombarda ali- Prevailing, efficax ; (opinion) , opi- A principal (of a society), praeses;
uem petere nio recepta, or popularis (of a college), praafectus; (ac-
A iresentation, praesentatio ; (by Prevalence, Prevalency, efficacia, tor), auctor, caput, dux
patron ),vocatio ad beneficium vis The principal, summa, caput
A (resentment, citatio Prevalent, valens, praevalens Principality, principatus
A (resenting, collatio Prevalently, efficaciter, vulg6 Principally, potissimum, maxime
Pi isently, statlra, illic6, mox To prevaricate, praevaricor A principal (original), principi-
Pi iservation, conservatio A prevaricating, or prevarication, um, origo ; (in philosophy),
A reservative, antidotus praevaricatio, collusio axioma ; (opinion), sensus,
A ireserve, confectio A prevaricating (person), homo opinio, sententia
To reserve, tueor, conservo ; vafer, or subdolus ;
(speech), Principles (of art), rudimenta
from), eripio, libero (fruits),
; sermo simulatus, or fictus (of action), incitamentum,
aaccharo condire; (in health), A prevaricator, praevaricator mores
sospito [defensor To prevent, praevenio, praeverto To prink, exorno, orno
A preserver, conservator, custos, A preventer, impeditor A print (impression), nota, im-
A preserving, or preservation, A preventing, or prevention, an- pressio ; (picture), imago,
conservatio, tutela ticipate, praeoccupatio (hin- ;
sculptura; (of a foot), vesti-
To preside, praesum, praesideo dering), impeditio, tardatio gium
A president, prases Preventive, anticipans, praeoccu- Iu print, litteris impressis (nice-

A press, torcular, prelum; (for pans ly), affabre, graphice

clothes), armarium ; (for A preventive, alexipharmacum The prints (newspapers), nuncii
books), pluteus Previous, praevius publici
A press-room, torcularium Previously, primum To print, imprimo, excudo ;

A press of people, turba A prey, praeda, spolium (deep), infigo, iusculpo

To press, premo, deprimo,
ex- To prey upon, praedor A printer, typographus
primo, ccmprimo ; (urge), ur- Of prey, praedatorius, rapax Printing, typographia
geo, insto ; (forward), annitor, A preying upon, praedatio A printing, impressio
contendo; (upon), insto; (sol- A price, pretium (a reasonable),
A printing-house, typographeum
diers), invitos conscribere optima ratio A prior, prior monachorum
Press-money, auctoramentum Of so great price, tanti; (of no Prior (before), prior, anterior
1 pressing, pressura, pressus price), nihili A prioress, antistita
(down), depressio; (together), At that price, tantidem; (at so Priority, primatus, primae
compressio little a price), tantulo ; (at a A priory, coenobium
A pressman, vectiarius great price), magno, car6 ; (at A prism, prisma
[A pressure, pressura ; (of mind), what price), quanti A prison, career, ergastulum
angor, aerumna For a little price, miuimo To be in prison (imprisoned), in
Prest (ready), paratus A prick (point), punctum, punc- vinculis esse
To presume (be presumptuous), tus ; (goad), aculeus; {or prick- A prisoner, vinctus ; (of war),
praefido, arrogo ; (hope), spero ing), puuctuia; (with a pin, captivus, bello captus
(suppose), conjicio, reor &c), punctiuncula; (of con- Pristine, pristinus, antiquus
Having presumed, ausus science), stimulus, morsus Prittle-prattle, gerrae, fabulse
Presumption, arrogantia, auda- To prick, pungo, repungo, pun- To prittle-prattle, blatero
cia; (conjecture), suspicio gito, stimulo, concito ;
(up the Privacy (place), recessus ; (ia
Presumptive, praesumens, prox- ears), aures arrigere; (notes in counsel), taciturnitas
imus music), notas depingere Private, privatus, secretus, arca-
Presumptuous arrogans, audax Pricking, pungens, stimulans nus; (person), homo privatus
; ; ;


Privately, privatlra, secretb, clam Prodigal, prodigus, profusus, ef- Profoundness, Profundity, pro-
A privateer, navis praedatoria fusus funditas, altitudo [gut
Privation, privatio A prodigal, nepos Profuse, profusus, effusus, prodi-
Privative, privativus [tas Prodigally, prodige, effusfe Profusely, profuse, effuse
A privilege, privilegium, iramuni- Prodigality, efFusio, dissipatio Profuseness, Profusion, profusio,
To privilege, cximo, iinmunitatern Prodigious (monstrous), prodigi- prodigentia
habere, or dare osus, mirus ; (great), ingens, To prog, obsonor, furor
A privileged place, refugium profundus A progenitor, major, avus
Privily, occulte, secretb, clam Prodigiously, prodigiose, valde A progeny, progenies, proles, so-
Privy, privatus, arcanus, secretus A prodigy, prodigium, ostentum, boles, genus
(to a thing), conscius, parti- portentum Progging (catering), obsonans;
ceps, testis; (chamber), pene- Prodition (treason), proditio (raking together), corradens,
trale, conclave interius ; (parts), Produce (product), fructus spolians
pudenda, naturalia To produce (bring forth), pro- A prognostic, praesagiura
A privy, latrina, forica duco, procreo, edo, pario, fero To prognosticate, hariolor, prae-
To prize (value), aestimo, pondo; (cause), gigno ; (propose), in dico
(much), magni aestimare medium afferre; (show), exhi- A prognostication, pradictio
A prize, palma; (pluuder), spo- beo, profero A prognosticator, hariolus, augur
lium, praeda ;
(trial of skill), To be produced, provenio A progress, or progression, pro-
certameu A producing, productio gressus [cuitua
Probable, prohabilis, verisimilis Product (of the earth), fructus; A progress (journey), iter, cir-
Probability, probabilitas (of industry), commodum, emo- Progressive, proficiens
Probably, probability lumentum ; {or amount of mo- Progressively, gradibus, gradatlm
A probate, probatio ney), summa; (of the brain), To prohibit, prohibeo, veto
A probation, probatio (of a ;
foetus ingenii Prohibited, prohibitus, vetitus
learner), examinatio Production, productio ; (of ani- A prohibitor, inhibitor
Probationary, ad probationem per- mals), procreatio, generatio ; A prohibition, or prohibiting,
tinens (of plants), germinatio ; (of prohibitio, interdictum
A probationer, novitius, tyro sprigs), fruticatio Prohibitory, prohibitorius
Probationership, tyrocinium Productive, generans, efficiens A project, conatus, molimen
A probe, instrumentum argen- A proem, prooemium, prologus To project, designo, molior; (jut
teum ad vulnera exploranda Profanation, rei sacrse violatio out), promineo
To probe, exploro, tento Profane, profanus, nefastus Projectile, impulsus
Probity, probitas, honestas To profane, profano, violo A projector, designator
A problem, problema Profanely, profane, impie A projection, designatio
Problematical, problematicus A profaner, violator A projecture, or projecting, pro-
Problematically, problematice Profaneness, impietas jectura, prominentia
A procedure, or proceeding, ordo, To profess (own), profiteor, con- To prole, venor, aucupor
forma, series, continuatio fiteor ; (practise), exerceo ; Prolepsis, prolepsis
The proceed, proventus, reditus (protest), contestando, denun- Proleptic, prolepticus
To proceed (go on), pergo, pro- ciare Prolific, Prolifical, foecundus
gredior, procedo ; (ia learning), A professed enemy, hostis aper- Prolix, prolixus, longus
proficio (or spring from), enas-
; tus Prolixly, prolixe
cor, exorior; (in a degree), gra- Professedly, ex professo Prolixity, prolixitas
dum capessere; (at law), lite Professing, profitens, exercens A prolocutor, prolocutor
persequi A profession (acknowledgment), A prologue, prologus
Proceeded (sprung from), exortus professio; (calling, or trade), To prolong, protruho, extendo,
A proceeding, processus (trans- ; ars, quaestus; (way of living), duco ;
(life),vitam prolatare
action),res gesta ; (at law), genus vita? ; (protestation), A prolonger, dilator
controversia judiciaria contestata denunciatio A prolongation, or prolonging,
A process, processus; (in law), A professor, professor [nus prolatio, dilatio
formula, actio, lis [gressu A professorship, professoris mu- A prominence, prominentia
In process of time, temporis pro- Profest (professed), professus Prominent, prominens, extans
To serve in a process, compre- A proffer (attempt), conatus ; Promiscuous, promiscuus
hendo, in jus trahere (thing proposed), conditio ab- Promiscuously, promiscufe
A procession, processio, agmen lata, or proposita A promise, promissum (to pay ;

instructo ordine procedens; (in To proffer (attempt), conor, ten- money), stipulatio nummaria
rogation-week), solennis limi- to; (propose), propono, offero To promise, polliceor, promitto
tum lustratio Proffering, proponens, offerens (in marriage), despondeo ;
To proclaim, proclamo, denuncio, Proficiency, progressus (often), pollicitor; (or assure
edico ;
(war), indico; (peace), To make a proficiency, proficio one's self), sibi persuadere,
promulgo A proficient, progressus, faciens spero; (openly), profiteor; (for
A proclaimer, proclamator A profile, catagraphum another), expromitto; (condi-
A proclamation, proclamatio, Profit, commodum, lucrum, fruc- tionally), stipulor; (mutually),
edictum tus, quaestus compromitto; (again), repro-
Proclivity, proclivitas Of profit, quaestuosus mitto
A proconsul, proconsul Profits of lands, reditus, fructus A proraiser, promissor
Proconsular, proconsulates To profit, proficio, prosum ; (in A promising, promissio
A proccnsulship, proconsulaius learning), progressus in studiis A promissory note, cautio chiro-
To procrastinate, diflfero facere; (get advantage), lucror graphi
Procrastination, procrastinat io, Profitable, lucrosus, commodus A promontory, promontorium
dilatio Very profitable, perutilis To promote, promoveo, offero (a ;

To procreate, procreo, giguo It is profitable, couducit, con- design), consilio favere; (one
A procreating, or procreation, fert to honour), ad honores promo-
procreatio, generatio Profitableness, utilitas vere; (learning), rem literariam
A proctor, procurator Profitably, commode, utiliter juvare
Proctorship, munus procuratoris Profited, progressus, provectus A promoter, qui promovet ; (of
Procurable, procuraudus Profiting, proficiens, promoveus strife), fax seditionis
A procuration, procuratio A profiting, progressus, profectus Promotion (honour), honor, dig-
To procure (get), acquiro, paro Profligate, pronigatus, nequam nitas, amplitudo
(stir up), excito, moveo perditus Prompt, promptus, paratus (pay- ;

A procurer, conciliator ; (male Profligateness, scelus ment), pecunia numerata

bawd), leno Profound, profundus, altus; (a To prompt, suggero, subjicio, con-
A procuring, or procurement, profound scholar), doctissimus hortor
comparatio, conciliatio Profoundly, profunde, alte A prompter, monitor, hortator
A prompting, solicitatio, hortatio, A proposition, propositio Proudness, fastus, superbia
suggestio To propound, propono To prove (make good), probo,
Promptitude, alacritas A thing propounded, quaestio courirmo, evinco (a thing

Promptly, prompte, parate, expe- A propounder, propositor false), refello; (try), experior,
dite A propounding, propositio periclitor; (happen), accido;
Promptness, facilitas, alacritas Propping, fulciens (become), fio
A promptuary, penus A proprietary, proprietor, domi- Proveable, probabilis
To promulge, or promulgate, pro- nus proprius Provender, pabulum; (providing
mulgo, publico A propriety (property), proprie- of), pabulatio
Promulgation, promulgatio tas; (of speech), locutio pro- Of provender, pabularis
Pronus, pronus, propensus pria A proverb, proverbium, adagium
Proneness, propensio, proclivitas Propulsion, propulsatio Proverbial, proverbialis, adagio
A prong, i'urca, bidens The prore, prora similis
A pronoun, pronomen To prorogue, prorogo, difFero To provide (procure), paro, prse-
To pronounce, enuncio, recito, A proroguing, or prorogation, paro (for hereafter), in futu-

pronuncio, profero prorogatio, dilatio rum consulere; (beforehand),

A pronouncing, pronunciatio, re- To proscribe, proscribo, relego praecaveo ; (for), provideo, pro-
citatio A proscript, exul relegatus spicio; (or furnish with), sup-
Pronunciation, or speaking in A proscription, or proscribing, pedito
public, elocutio, recitatio pub- proscriptio, relegatio ; (open Provided (yet), tamen, nihilo-
lica sale), venditio, sub hasta minus
A proof, documentum; (argu- Prosaic, prosaicus Providence, providentia
ment), argument um, probatio; Prose, prosa, oratio soluta Provident, providus, cautus ;
(evidence), testimonium ; (in To prosecute, prosequor ; (a crim- son), frugalis, frugi
printing), specimen, exemplum inal), noxium persequi (a de-
Providential, favente Deo
Proof (against ball), impenetra- sign), in consilio pergere; (a Providentially, diving providentia
bilis; (against vice), inconcus- matter), de re aliqua disserere Providently, provide, caute
sus vitiis A prosecuting, or prosecution, lis, A provider, provisor; (of corn),
A prop, fulcrum; (for a vine), actio frumentarius ; (of wood), lig-
adminiculum A prosecutor, prosecutor, actor nator; (of victuals), obsonator;
To prop, fulcio, adminiculor To be prosecuted, in jus dici (of fodder), pabulator
To propagate, propago (to ;
pos- A proselyte, proselytus Providing, parans, praeparan*
terity), diffundo Prosody, prosodia A providing, praeparatio, procu-
A propagator, propagator Prospect (distant view), prospec- ratio; (of fodder), pabulatio
A propagating, or propagation, tus; (viewing), inspectio (de- ; A province, provincia; (office, or
propagatio sign, hope, or view), consilium, station), munus, negotium
To propel, propello [pronus spes Of a province, provincialis
Prepense, propensus, proclivis, Prospective, prospicien s, providus The United Provinces, provinciw
Propensity, propensio To prosper, floreo, valeo; (make foederatae
per (fit), aptus, idoneus, com- to prosper), prospero, secundo A provincial,praepositus provincias
odus; (peculiar), peculiaris, Prosperity, prosperitas, felicitas, Proving, probans, comprobans ;

roprius; (tall), procerus; (to res secundae [felix (essaying), periculum faciens
e done), opportunus, tempes- Prosperous, prosperus, secundus, Provision (necessaries), alimen-
ivus; (sufficient), competens Prosperously, prospere, feliciter tum, victus, penus, cibus, an-
perly, proprie, apte, idonee, A prostitute, scortum, meretrix nona; (preparation), praepara-
empestive, ad vivum, affabre, To prostitute, prostituo tio; (for a day), diarium; (for
raphice A prostituting, or prostitution, a journey), viaticum; (forwar),
PJoperness (propriety), proprie- prostitutio in rem bellicam apparatus ;
jtas ;
(tallness), proceritas Prostrate, prostratus (caution), provisio, cautio
Property, proprium, proprietas ; To prostrate (lay flat), prosterno ; To make provision, prospicio, ap-
((disposition), natura, indoles, (fall downbefore), procido, pro- paro
[ngenium [tio cumbo, abjicio Provisional, cautionalis
A prophecy, vaticinium, prsedic- A prostration, prostratio Provisionally, sub conditione
Prbphesied of, praedictus To protect, defendo, tueor, tego A proviso, exceptio, cautio
A prophesier, vaticinator Protecting, protegens A provocation, provocatio
Tojprophesy, vaticinor, divino A protection, tutela, tutamen Provocative, provocatorius
A prophesying, vaticinatio A protector, patron us, defensor Provocatives, ad libidinem stimu-
Prophesying, praesagus, presa- Protervity, protervitas lantia
giens A protest, denunciatio contestata To provoke, provoco, stimulo
A prophet.propheta, vates (false) ;
To protest, testor, obtestor; (a- (allure), allicio, pellicio; (ap-
pseudopropheta gainst),intercedo; (solemnly), petite), stomachum acuere ; (a
A prophetess, mulier vaticinans solenniter affirmare stool), alvum ciere ; (urine),
Prophetic, Prophetical, fatidicus A protestant, protestans, reli- urinam citare; (sweat), sudo-
Propinquity, propinquitas gionis reformatae professor rem elicere
To propitiate, propitio, placo A protestation, affirmatio solen- A provoker, irritator
Propitiation, propitiatio nis; (against), intercessio Provoking, provocans, irritans,
Propitiatory, propitiatorius A protester, qui contestando ali- cieua
A propitiatory, propitiatorium quid denunciat A provost, praefectus urbis
A propitiator, reconciliator A protomartyr, protomartyr A provostship, praefectura
Propitious, propitius, benignus A prototype, prototypon The prow, prora
Propitiously, benigne To protract, protraho, differo Prowess, fortitudo, virtus
Propitiousness, benignitas A protracting, productio, dilatio To prowl, praedor
Proportion, proportio, ratio, com- A protractor, dilator A prowler, prsedator
paratio, analogia To protrude, protrudo Proximity, proximitas
To proportion, recte distribuere, A protuberance, tumor, inflatus A proxy, vicarius
uti norma proportionis Protuberant, proininens A prude, femina modestiara falso
In proportion, pro ratione Proud, elatus, siiperbus, fastosus affectans
Proportionable, Proportional,ana- To be proud, tumeo, superbio; Prudence, prudentia, sapientia
logus (of a thing), aliquid ostentare Prudent, prudens, sapiens
Proportionably, analogice To grow proud, insolesco Prudential, ad prudentiam per-
A proportioning, accoraraodatio Proud words, ampullae ;
(bitch), tinens
A proposal, propositio canis salax, or catuliens ; (flesh), Prudentially, Prudently, pruden.
To propose, propono, destino j
caro putris ter, sapienter, recte, providt
(resolve), statuo, constituo Proudly, superbe, arroganter, in- A prune, prunum
A proposer, qui proponit solent er To prune, amputo, tondeo
; ;; ;;


A pruncr, putator, fondator A puller up, avulsor Purgative, purgans, cathartioaq,
A pruning, putatio, frondatio A pullet, gallinula, pullastra purgatorius.
A pruning-knife, falx A pulley, trochlea Purgatory, purgatorium
Prurient, pruriens A pulling, nisus, vellicatio; (off,
A purge, catharticum.
To pry into, observo, invcstigo, or away), avulsio; (over), evul- To purge, purgo, expurgo; (the
perscrutor sio; (together), convulsio; (up body), alvum ciere ; (liquid
A pryer, speculator by the roots), eradicatio, ex- things), eliquo; (humours), hu-
Prying, investigans, emissitius tirpatio mores evacuare (by sacrifice),

A prying, intuitus propior To pullulate, pullulo, pullulasco expio, lustro ; (one's self of a
A psalm, psalmus, ode Pulmonary, pulmonarius fault), crimen diluere
A psalmist, psalmistra, psaltes The pulp, pulpa Purging, purgans
Psalmody, psalmodia A pulpit, pulpitum, rostrum A purging, purgatio; (by sacri-
A psalm-bonk, psalterium Pulpous, pulpa abundans, mollis fice), expiatio; (of the sea),
Puberty, pubertas Pulsation, pulsatio maris ejectamentum
Public, publicus, communis Pulse, legumen, puis ; (of the Purification, purificatio
(known), pervulgatus, notus body), pulsus A purifier, purgator
A public-house, popina To feel the pulse, venam tentare To purify, purinco, purero, expio
Public-spirited, publicae salutis To pulverize, in pulverem recii- ( m
e tals ) , metall a pu rga re
studiosus gere (from dregs), defseco
At public charge, publicis sump- A pulverizing, pulveratio Purifying, purificans, purgans
tibus A pumice-stone, pumcx A purifying, purificatio
Public good, commune bonum A pump, antlia; (of a ship), sen- A puritan, catharus
Public weal, reipublicoe salus tina Purity, puritas, munditia, casti-
A publican, publicanus To pump, exantlo, sentino; (a tas ; (of language), purus ser-
A publication, publicatio thing out of one), consilium mo; (of the Latin tongue), in-
Publicly, publice, aperte, palam callide expiscari corrupta Latini sermonis inte-
To publish abroad, publico, evul- A pumpion, or pumpkin, pepo gritas
go, divulgo, promulgo ; (a Pumps, calcei nitidi A purl, limbus
book), librum edere A pun, lusus verborura Purl, potus absyntlno rnixtus
A publisher, vulgator, editor To pun (quibble), verborum sono To purl, leniter fluere
A publishing, promulgatio ludere Purling, lenit6r fluens
Pucelage, virginitas A punch (person), pumilio obe- To purloin, surripio suffuror
To pucker, corrugo sus ;(used by shoemaker.-), A purloinei, fur privatus
In a pucker, conl'usus terebra cavata A purloining, compilatio privata
A pudder, strepitus, tumultus To punch (thrust), propello Purple, purpura
A pudding, fartum (black), bo- ; (bore), terebro Of purple, purpureus
tulus ; (plumb), fartum uvis A puncheon, vas vinarium octo- Purple odour, murex, ostrtim
refertum; (suet), fartum sabo ginta congios continens To make purple, purpuro
refertum A punctilio, res nihili, or levis In purple, purpuratus
In pudding time, oppid6, oppor- Punctilious, officiosus, comis To become purple, purpuraseo
tune Punctual, accuratus The purples, febris purpurea
A puddle, fossula, lacuna Punctuality, accurata observatio A purport, sensus, significatio
To puddle, se inquinare Punctually, accural t- To purport, propono, design o
Pudicity, pudicitia Punctuation, interpunctio A purpose, propositum, consilium
Puerile, puerilis A puncture, punctura Of set purpose, consult6
Puerilitv, puerilitas Pungency, acrimonia To the purpose, appositus; (not
A puff (of wind), flatus; (paste), Pungent, pungeus to the purpose), nihil ad rem,
crustulata; (want of breath), To punish, punio, castigo (with ; absurdus
anhelitus ; (barber's), instru- death), morte mulctare To the purpose, apposite, apte
mentum ad pulverem aspergen- Punishable, puniendus, poena To good purpose, bono consilio
dum (deception), deceptio
; dignus Fit for the purpose, idoneus
To puff, tio ;
(and blow), anhelo ; A punisher, punitor, ultor To another purpose, aliorsimt,
(the fire), ignem sufflare ; (at), A punishing, punitio, castigatio ali6 (to what purpose), qu6

sperno, flocci facere ; (extol), Punishment, supplicium, poena; quorsum; (to that purpose), eo,
extollo ; (deceive), decipio, (in purse), mulctatio ide6 ;
(to the same purpose),
fraudo; (up), tumefacio, inflo Without punishment, impune in eandem sententiam; (to no
To be puffed up, intumesco Puny (little), parvus, exiguus ; purpose), frustra,incassum, ne-
A puffing, mergus (lesser), inferior; (sickly), in- quicquam [tino
Puffing, anhelans, anhelus firmus To purpose, propono, statuo, des-
A puffing, sufllatio, anhelitus ; To pup, catulos edere, or parere Purposely, cogitatb, e6, ideo
(at an auction), falsa reprae- A pupil, pupillus, discipulus ; (of A purposing, designatio
sentatio; (extolling), laudatio the eye), pupilla To purr, felis sonitum edere
Puffy, tumens, intlatus Pupillary, pupillaris A purse, crumena, marsupium
Pugh ! vah ! apage ! A puppet, pupa To purse, contralto, corrugo
Puissance, potentia, potestas, vis, A puppy, catulus; (silly fellow), Purse-bearer, praebitor argenta-
virtus ineptus, stultus rius
Puissant, potens, validus Purblind, luscus, myops Purse-proud, prae divitiis elatua
To be puissant, polleo, valeo To purchase (buy), emo ; (get), A purser, bursarius
Puissautly, potenter, valide acquiro, paro Pursiness, obesitas
A puke, vomitus A purchaser, emptor Purslain, portulaca
To puke, vorao, vomit o A purchasing, Purchase, emptio In pursuance of, persequendo
A pull, nisus, vellicatio Pure (clean), purus, mundus Pursuant to, secundum, juxta
To pull, vello, vellico ; (again), (clear), clarus; (chaste), cas- To pursue, prosequor; (dili-
revello; (at), pervello ; (away), tus ; (fine), tersus ; (uncor- gently), insequor; (close, or
avello, divello ; (back), retra- rupt), incorruptus, immacula- hard), vestigiis adha?rere; (a
ho (back, or hinder), impe-
; tus; (unmixt), merus design), in proposito persisted
dio ; (down), diruo, subruo, de- Pure good, optimus A pursuer, consectator [tatio
molior; (down pride), super- To make pure, purinco, lustro A pursuing, or pursuit, conscc
biam comprimere; (by force), Made pure, purificatus A pursuivant, apparitor; (al
rapio; (away by force), eripio; A making pure, purificatio arms), fecialis assecla
(fruit); carpo, decerpo; (in), Purely, pure, integrfe, caste, in- Pursy (fat), obesus ; (short-
retraho, contraho ; (in his corrupte, sincere winded), anhelans, asthmaticua
horns), retraho; (in the reins), Pureness, puritas, sinceritas A purtenance, appendix
habenas premere; (off), exuo, To purtle, aureo filo intexere To purvey, absonor ; (for wood),
ietraho; (off bark), decortico Purgation, purgatio, lustratio lignor
A purveying, annonee emptio Quadrate, quadratus
tio; (lodging), hospital!* re.
A purveyor, annonse curator To quadrate, quadro, convenio
Purulency, puris abundantia Quadratic, quadraticus
Purulent, purulentus Quadrature, quadratura A quarter-master, castrorum me-
A push (wheal), pustula ; Quadrilateral, quadrilaterus
Quarterly, quolibet spatio tri-
(thrust), impetus, ictus Quadripartite, quadripartitus
To push, pello, impello ; (at, or A quadruped, quadrupes mestri; adj. trimestris
attempt), molior, tento (on ;
The quadruple, quadrupulum A quartern, sextarii quarta pars
in battle), acrius instare Quadruple, adj. quadruplex Quartilis, quartilis
(back), repello; (on, or encou- To quaff, perpoto ; (all out), ebi- A quash, pepo
rage), instigo, stimulo ; (for- bo, exsorbeo To quash, quasso, opprimo, ex-
ward, or make haste), festino, A quaffer, ebriosus, bibax tinguo, discutio
accelero ; (forward in a de- A quaffing, compotatio; (about), A quashing, quassatio
sign), consilio progredi circumpotatio A quarternion, quaternio
A pusher forward, impulsor A quaffing-cup, poculum To quaver, cantillo, modulor
A pushing (back), repulsus ; A quag, or quagmire, vorago Quavering, modulans, vibrans
(on), impulsio, instigatio Quaggy, paludosua A quavering, modulatio
Pusillanimity, timiditas A quail, coturnix A quean, scortum, meretrix
Pusillanimous, timidus, ignavus To quail, domo Queasiness, fastidium
A puss, felis Quaint (polite), elegans, bellus, Queasy, fastidiosus, dissolutus
A pustule, pustula scitus(odd, strange), rarus
A queen, regina ; (consort), regi-
Pustulous, pustulosus Quaintly, compte, nitidi na uxor ; (dowager), regina
A put off, mora, impedimentum Quaintness, elegantia, nitor vidua
To put, pono, colloco, statuo To quake, tremo, trepido (ex- Queer, ineptus, insulsus ;
; ;

(again), repono; (against), op- tremely), horreo, inhorreo health), delicatulus

pono; (aside), sepono; (in ar- To make to quake, tremefacio Queerly, inepte, insulse
ray), instruo; (away), amoveo; A quaker, tremulus fanaticus To quell, domo, debello, subigo
(away a wife), uxorem repudi- Quakerism, tremulorum supersti- A queller, domitor, victor
are; {or send, away), ablego; tio
A quelling, domitus
(back), depello; (before), an- A quaking, horror, tremor To quench, extinguo; (thirst),
sitim sedare, or compescere
tepono; (between), interpono, A qualification (endowment), dos, Quenchable, extinguibilis
interjicio (to death), morte indoles ; (condition), status,

mulctare; (an end to), finem conditio A quenching, extinctio, restinctio

dare; (forth), exero, emitto; To qualify (make fit), idoneum Querimonious, queribundus
(forth the hand), manum por- facere; (appease), paco; (mode-
A quern, mola trusatilis
rigere; (forth strength), vires rate), moderor, tempero
A query, qusestio
exserere; (forth a book), librum A qualifying (appeasing), sedatio To query, dubito, qusestionem
edere; (forth leaves), frondeo, A quality, qualitas, dos; (degree),
Querulous, querulus
frondesco gradus, ordo
Querulousness, q-cierrela
utative, existimatus, habitus The quality (nobles), nobiles
utid, putidus Quality (nobility), nobilitas
A quest, inquisitio ; (man), quae-
i putter away, depulsor Qualities, mores
putting, positio ; (away), amo- A qualm, levis stomachi eegri-
To quest, latro, nicto
tio, rejectio (between), interpo- tudo To go in quest of, ad investi-

sitio; (betweeu of days), inter- Qualmish, crudus gandum ire

calatio ; (into), immissio ; (off), A quandary, dilemma, confusio A question, qusestio, interrogate
(doubt), dubitatio
dilatio ; (forward), impulsio ; A quantity, quantitas, vis Tn question, in dubium
(or blotting out), deletio ; (out A quarantine, mora quadragenaria To question (doubt of), dubito;
of extinctio; (to), appo-
fire), in statione propter pestem
(with), iiiterrogo; (examine),
sitio; (together), compositio A quarrel, jurgium, rixa; (of
ad examen, or in jus vocare, ex-
(under), subjectio glass), vitri rhombus (of a ;
amino, scrutor
Putrefaction, putredo cross-bow), speculum quadra-
Questionable, dubius, incertus
Butrefactive, septicus tum A questioning, dubitatio, inquisi-
Tp putrefy, putrefacio (be pu- ; To quarrel, litigor, rixor, jurgor,
tio, disquisitio
jtrefied), putreo, putresco altercor, litem serere
Questionless, sine dubio, certe
A putrefying, putredo A quarreller, altercator A questor, quaestor
Putrefying, ulcerosus, ulceratus A quarrelling, contentio, lis
A quibble, cavillum, sophisma
Putty, creta oleo mixta Quarrelling, Quarrelsome, litigi-
To quibble, verbis ludere
A puzzle (hard question), qusestio osus A quibble, cavillator, sophista
obstrusa, or obscura Quarrelsomeness, litigatio A quibbling, captio, cavillatio
To puzzle, confundo A quarry, lapidum fodina Quibbling, cavillans, captiosus
Pygmean, pygmajus A quarryman, lapicida Quick (nimble), agilis, celer; (a-
A pygmy, nanus, puniilio A quart, sextarius live),vivus; (hasty), festinus
A pyramid, pyramis Quartan, quartanus (diligent), diligens; (in scent),
Pyramidal, pyramidatus A quarter, quarta pars; (coast), sagax: (in sight), perspicax;
Pyrrhonism, pyrrhonismus regio (of corn), octo modii
; (of wit), solers ; (with child),
Py thagoric (Pythagorean ), pytha- Quarters (lodgings), hospitium; foetu vivo gravida
goraeus (for soldiers), contuberuia sta- Quick, quick festina I

A pythoness, pythonissa tiva ; (of the moon), lunse To the quick, ad vivum
A pyx, pyxis phases; (winter), hiberna To be quick (or lively), vigeo;
Into all quarters, in omnes (with child), foetum vivum ute-
partes; (from all quarters), un- ro gestare
dique A quicksand, syrtis
A quarter-staff, batulus Quicksets.plantaria viva; (hedge),
Quarter (in fighting), salus, vita sepes viva
Quarter-sessions, trimestria pacis Quicksilver, argentum vivum
A quack, medicus circumfora- curatorum, comitia Quick, or quickly, citd; subtlely),
neus, empiric us To quarter (into four pieces), in acute
Quackery, empirice quatuor partes dissecare (or ; To quicken (enliven), animo, vi-
To quack, empiricen exercere ; lodge with), diversor (receive ; vifico; (hasten), instigo ; (make
(as a duck), tetrinnio into a house), hospitium pra;- haste), deprepero ; (wine), vi-
Quadragesimal, quadragesimalis bere; (or cut up meat), dear- num resuscitare ; (as a woman
A quadrangle, area quadrata tuo, lanio with child), foetum vivum iu
Quadrangular, quadrangulus Quarterage, pensio trimestris utero sentire
A quadrant, quadrans A quartering (in pieces), dissec- A quickener, animator
[99] F2


Quickening:, animans, stimulans Of an illustrious race, honesto To raise, elevo, attollo ; (up one's
A quickening, animatio loco natus self), surgo; (prefer), promo-
Quickness (nimbleness), agili- A racehorse, equus cursor veo; (anger), commoveo ;
tas; (liveliness), vivacitas; (of A rack (for beasts), falisca; (for wall),extruo; (a battery), dis-
sight), perspicuitas (of wit),
torture), equuleus j
(for a spit), pono
sagacitas, acumen crateuta; (for bacon), crates A raiser, concitator, excitator
A quiddity, captiosa quaestio porcina; (for bottles), crates A raisin, uva passa ;
(of the sun),
Quiescence, quiescentia utricularis ;
(for cheese), crates uva sole siccata
Quiescent, quiescens casearia ;
(for a crossbow), A raising, concitatio, excitatio;
Quiet, quics, otium harpago; (of mutton), cervix (of a bank), aggestio (of mo- ;

Quiet, quietus, tranquillus, pla- vervecina; (for hay), praesepe, ney), exact io; (of soldiers), de-
cidus; (silent), tacitus crates (otiosus lectus; (of a siege), discessus
To be quiet (silent), sileo, taceo; At rack and manger, satur et ab obsidione
(live at ease), otior; (to be at Rack (arrack), potus Indicus A rake (tool), rastrum; (for an
quiet), quiesco, requiesco To rack (or put upon a rack), oven), rutabulum; (amongst),
To quiet, paco, sedo, placo crati suspendere ; (torment), fodina; (to pull up weeds), ir-
Not to be quieted, implacabilis torqueo, excrucio ; (off beer, pex (spendthrift), prodigus,

A quieter, pacator &c), defaeco; (one's self), ma- homo dissoiutus, or infamis,
A quieting, pacatio, sedatio [cide cero, afflictor nepos
Quietly, quiete, tranquilly, pla- To be racked in pain, excrucior To rake, sarculo, sarrio ; (scrape),
Quietness, requies, serenitas, o- Racked (with pains), excruciatus; rado; (again), resarcio ; (toge-
tium, pax (as liquor), defaecatus ther, or up), corrado ; (up fire),
A quill, penna, calamus ; (of a A racker, tortor, extortor ignem cineribus condere
barrel), sipho; (for a musical A racket, reticulum; (stir), stre- A raker, sarritor
instrument), plectrum tumultus
pitus, turba, A raking, sarculatio, sarritlo
To quilt, pannum, &c, bombyce To make a racket, tumultuor Rakish, dissoiutus, infamis
fartum consuere A racking, tortura To rally, aciem instaurare; (re-
A quilt, culcita A racking of liquors, defaecatio turn to the charge), ex fuga
Quinquennial, quinquennis Racking pains, cruciamenta convenire ; (joke), jocor, ir-
A quinsy, angina Racv, saporis gratissimi rideo
A quintal, centumpondium Radiance, nitor, splendor [tens A rallying, instauratio pugnse
A quintessence, medulla Radiant, radians, coruscans, ni- A ram, aries
A quire, papyri scapus; (of sing- To radiate, niteo, splendeo To ram, fistuco ;
(stuff), infercio
ers), see Choir; (of a church), Radiation, radiatio (in gunpowder), pulverem ni-
locus ubi chorus canit Radical, radicalis, vitalis tratum virga adigere
A quirk, cavillatio, captio Radically, radicitus A ramble, vagatio, error
Full of quirks, versutus, subdolus To radicate, radico, infigo To ramble, vagor, erro, circum-
Quit, absolutus, impunitus A radish, raphanus curro; (in discourse), a propo-
To quit (leave), relinquo, desero ; Of a radish, raphaninus sito aberrare
(yield), cedo (let go), libero,
The raff (refuse), rejectanea A rambling person, or rambler,
relax o ;
(one's post), provin- To raffle, alea ludere erro; (house), sparsa domus;
ciain, or stationem tiadere A raffle, or raffling, alea (discourse), oratio aberrans
Quit, adv. impune A raft, ratis A rammer, fistuca, pavicula ;
Quite, omnin&, penitds, longe A rafter, tignum, cantherius a gun), virga scloppetaria
A quittance (receipt), accepti- To rafter, contigno A ramming, fistucatio [dus
latio A raftering, contignatio Rammish.'rancidus, hircosus, oli-
Quitting horses, equis dimissis Of rafters, tignarius Rammishly, rancidfe
A quitting (leaving), desertio ;
Rafty, sentibus obductus To smell rammishly, hircum olere
(freeing), liberatio A rag, panniculus, linteolum Rammishness, rancor, fcetor
A quiver, pharetra Full of rags, pannosus A ramp, virago procax
With a quiver, pharetratus To tear to rags, lacero To ramp, procaciter se gerere
To quiver, contremisco ; (with A ragamuffin, mendicabulum Rampant, procax (in heraldry), ;

cold), prae frigore horrere ; (for Rage, rabies, furor, ira; (of the insiliens; (as a lion), erectus
fear), expavesco sea), aestus, fremitus A rampart, vallum, agger
Quivering, tremulus, horridus In a rage, furibundus ; adv. ra- A ramping, exultatio
A quivering, tremor, horror bide, rabiose Ran (run), cucurri
A quoil of cable, rudentis in cir- To rage, furo, insanio, saevio ;
(as Rancid (rank), rancidus
culum convolutio a wound), recrudesco; (as the Rancor, invidia, odium
To quoil, in circulum convolvere ; sea), aestuo ;
(in drink), de- Rancorous, malignus, invidus
(as a serpent), nodis aggestis bacchor Rancorou'ly, maligne, invidiose
plicare Raging, furiosus, furens A rand, m!»rgo, ora
A quoit, discus A raging, rabies, furor At random, temere, inconsultb
A quota, pars, proporl io Ragingly, furiose, rabidfc Random-shot, sine scopo emissus
A quotation, ciiatio, prolatio Ragged, pannosus; (jagged), la- It rang, sonuit
To quote, cito, laudo, adduco ciniatus, dentatus A range (of a coach), temo; (or-
Quoth he, inquit ille Raggedness, pannositas der), series, ordo ;
Quotidian, quotidianus A ragoo, or ragout, cupedia; vagatio
A quoting, citatio, laudatio A rail, palus, repagulum To range (set in order), dispono,
To rail, palis sepire; (at), male- instruo ; (stand iu order), recta
dico, convicior, male loqui serie disponi; (up and down),
Railed (at), conviciis insectatus; evagor, erro; (meal), farinara
(with rails), palis septus cernere
A railer, insectator A ranger (setter in order), diges-
Railing, convicians tor; (searcher), explorator
A rabbi, or rabbin, rabbinus Railingly, contumeliosfe A ranging (in order), digestio
Rabbinical, rabbinicus Raillery, convicium, facetia (inspecting), lustratio
A rabbit, cuniculus Raiment, vestis, vestitus Rank (too much), prsefertilis,
Rabid, rabidus, rabiosus Rain, pluvia, imber nimls luxurians ; (in smell),
A rabble, turba, faex populi Of rain, pluvius, pluvialis rancidus
A race, cursus, curriculum, sta- In the rain, per imbrem A rank rogue, nebulo (poison), ;
dium ; (stock), stirps, proge- To rain, pluo; (downright), de- acre venenum [nitas
nies, genus
(or root of ginger), pluo; (in, or upon), implur A rank, ordo, series, locus, dig-
radix rinziberis ; (of mankind), (through), perpluo Of rank, illustris
genus humanum ; (of life), A rainbow, iris To rank, ordino, dispono
spatium Rainy, pluvialis, imbrifer To be rank, luxurio, muceo
\ ranker, ordinator A rat-catcher, muricidus at), pertingo; (vomit), vomo,
To rankle, suppuro, putrco A rat-trap, decipula evomo
A rankling, suppuratio Ratably, pro rat& A reach, ambitus, tractus ;

Rankly rancide
(offensively), ; A rate, pretium; (proportion), (fetch), dolus; (capacity, abili-
(luxuriantly), luxuriose proportio; (tax), census; (man- captus; (power), potestas;
Rankness, rancor, foetor ; (in ner), modus; (size), magnitudo (of thought), sagacitas; (by
growth), luxuries, luxuria To rate (tax), taxo, tributum im- water), intervallum
To ransack, diripio ponere (esteem), aestimo, pen-
Reached (given), allatus, datus
A ransacker, spoliator do; (chide), objurgo, increpo (extended), extentus, porrectus
A ransacking, direptio, vastatio Rateable, censualis A reaching, extensio, porrectio;
A ransom, redemptio A rater, censor, aestimator (vomiting), vomitio
To ransom, redimo Rather, potius, magls ; (I had Reaction, reactio
A ransomer, redemptor rather), malo To read, lego; (over again), re-
A ransoming, redemptio A ratification, or ratifying, con- lego; (often), lectito; (over),
Rant, vaniloquentia firmatio, ratiticatio, sanctio evolvo, perlego ; (out), publice
To rant, superbe loqui, debacchor To ratify, confirmo, ratum facere recitare; (unto), praelego
A ranter, nepos ineptus, demens A rating, census; (chiding), ob- Read, lectus ; (openly), publice
A ranting, bacchatio [riose jurgatio, reprehensio recitatus; (over), perlectus
Rantingly, inepte, insulse, glo- Ratiocination, ratiocinatio Well read, doctissimus
A rap, ictus, alapa; (over the Rational, rationis particeps ; (rea- A reader, lector ; (in schools),
fingers), talitrum sonable), rationi consentaneus professor; (to scholars), prae-
To rap (strike), percutio, ferio, Rationality, facultas ratiocinandi lector; (curate), vicarius
pulso ; (swop), commuto ;
Rationally, e ratione, aeque, juste A great reader, helluo librorum
(swear), juramentum temere A crepitaculum
rattle, A reading, lectio; (openly), pr
proferre To (make a noise), crepito,
rattle lectio (over), evolutio

Rapacious, rapax strepitum edere (chide), in-

To readmit, iterum admittere
Rapaciously, avide crepo; (talk idly), inepte garrire Ready, paratus, promptus, pronus,
Rapacity, Rapaciousness, rapaci- Rattleheaded, loquax, insulsus propensus, expeditus, accinc-
tas, rapina Rattled off, graviter increpitus tus; (to please), affabilis, co-
A rape, raptus, per vim stuprum Rattles for children, crepundia mis, mitis; (willing), volens,
(of a county), portio ; (wild A rattling (shaking), concussio, lubens; (to lie in), instat par-
turnip), rapum quassatio ; (fellow), garrulus, tus; (furnished), hospitium su*
To commit a rape, stupro ineptus; (chiding), objurgatio pellectili instructum
Rapid, rapidus, velox Rattlings, scalarum nauticarum Ready, Readily, jam, jamdudum
Rapidness, Rapidity, rapiditas, gradus Of ready wit, sagax, perspicax
i velocitas Ravage, direptio, vastatio Ready money, argentum praesen-
Rapidly, rapide, velociter To ravage, diripio, vasto, populor taneum, pecunia numerata
ft. rapier, verutum, ensis A ravager, spoliator To be ready at hand, adsum, prae-
Rapine, rapina [comix A ravaging, direptio, vastatio, std esse
A. rapper, pulsator ; (knocker), populatio To get, or make ready, paro, ex-
A rapping, pulsatio To rave, deliro, insanio pedio (hastily), accelero; (for-

Rapt, or rapped up with, joy, ef- To ravel, retexo, involvo ward), apparo
fusa laetitia exultans Ravelled, retextus, involutus Readily, expedite, parate (with- ;

A rapture, animi impetus; (of A raven, corvus, corax out book), memoriter (wil- ;

joy), effusa laetitia Of a raven-colour, coracinus lingly), libenter, comiter

Rapturous, mirabilis To raven, or ravin, voro Readiness, promptitudo, alacri-
Rare (uncommon), rarus, infre- A ravener, raptor, helluo [Jus tas ; (to please), obsequium,
quens ;
(excellent), eximius, Ravening, Ravenous, vorax, avi- comitas
egregius ; (thin), rarus, snb- A ravening, raptio, rapacitas In readiness, in promptu, prsesto
tilis, tenuis Ravenously, avide, voraciter To get in readiness, paro
Rarefaction, rarefactio Ravenousness, voracitas Real, realis, verus
To rarefy, rarefacio A raver, delirus A real estate, patrimonium
To be rarefied, raresco, tenuor A raving, delirium, deliratio Reality, Veritas
A rarefying, tenuatio To ravish, constupro, vitio In reality, reverk
Rarely, rard (charm), delecto, voluptate To realize, ad amussim exprimere
Rareness, Rarity, raritas, paucitas magna afficere; (from), vi ab- Really (in earnest), revera, sin-
A rarity, res eximia ripere cere, cane; (surely), profect6,
A rascal, balatro (vile),
furcifer, A ravisher, raptor, stuprator certe, sanfc
homo nihili, flagitiosus, bipe- A ravishing, or ravishment (com- A realm, regnum, imperium [pyri
dum nequissimus mitting a rape), raptus, stupra- A ream of paper, scapus major pa-
Rascally, flagitiosus, scelestus tio; (of the mind), ecstasis To reanimate, denud auimare
A rase (blot), litura ; (small Ravishing (to the eye), eximius, To reannex, denud adjungere
wound),leve vulnus egregius; (to the ear), suavis- To reap, meto, demeto
To rase (scratch), stringo; (out), simus, admirabilis, jucundissi- Fit to reap, maturus
erado, deleo, expungo ; (pull mus A reaper, messor
down), everto, solo aequare Raw, crudus; (not sodden), in- A reaping, messio ; (hook), falx
Rash, inconsideratus, temerarius, coctus ;
(unwove), nondum Reaping-time, messis
praeceps, inconsultus textus; (unskilful), rudis, im- In reaping-time, per messes
A rash, eruptio cutanea peritus Of reaping, messorius
A rasher of bacon, offella lardi A raw scholar, novitius The rear," extremum ; (of an
Rashly, temere, inconsulte To grow raw, crudesco army), aginen extremum
Rashness, praecipitatio, teraeritas Raw weather, teinpestas frigida To rear (up), tollo, erigo ; (up a
A raising, rasura; (demolishing), et nubila building), extruo, aedifico ; (up
subversio, demolitio ; (blottiDg Rawboned, strigosus children), infantes aleie
out), deletio Rawly (crudely), crudum ;
(un- A rearing, erectio, educatio
A rasor, novacula skilfully), imperii To reascend, denud ascendere
A rasp, radula Rawness, cruuitas Reason (the faculty of), ratio
To rasp, rado, limo A ray, radius; (fish), raia (cause, or motive), ratio, causa,
Raspberry, rubi Idaei fructus To raze, rado ; (foundations), fun- argumentum ;
A rasping, rasura damenta evertere. See Rase ing), consilium ; (moderation),
A rasure, rasura A razor, novacula modus; (right), aquum, jus
A rat, sorex To reach (come up to), assequor; Against reason, absurdus, ineptus
Of a rat, soricinus (one's meaning), intelligo ; By reason of, oh, propter, prae,
Ratsbane, arsenicum (out), extendo ; [neut. to reach), propterea; (by reason), quum,
To smell a rat (mistrust), suboleo extendo, porrigor; (or arrive quandd, propterea quod
[101] F3


To reason, argumentor, ratio- A reception, receptio (entertain-
To reconduct, reconduct)
cinor, discepto; (against), op- ment), acceptio A reconducting, deductio iterata
pono, oppugno Receptive, capax Toreconnoitre, exploro, indago
Reasonable (rational), rationalis A recess, recessus, latebra A record (of time), annales; (be-
(just), aequus, Justus; (in mea- A recipe, praescriptum a court), testimonium ;
sure), mediocris, modicus Reciprocal, reciprocus, mutuus (books of), tabulae publico;
Reasonableness, aequitas Reciprocally, mutub, alternatim To record, in acta referre ; (a
Reasonably, juste; (moderately), To reciprocate, alterno law), legem in tab ulas referre;
mediocriter, modicfc ;
(well), Reciprocation, reciprocatio (in the mind), in memoria ti-
sic satis Recision, recisio gere
Having reasoned, ratiocinatus A recital, recitatio, enumeratio To bear record, testor
That may be reasoned, disputa- To recite, recito, enumero A recorder, propraetor urbanus
bilis A reciter, recitator A recording, in fastos relatio
A reasoner, ratiocinator A reciting, recitatio The office of records, tabularium
A reasoning, ratiocinatio To reck, solicitus esse, euro To recover (get again), recupero,
To reassemble (call together Reckless, remissus, negligens recipio, reconcilio, reperio, in-
again), iterum convocare ;
To reckon (count), numero. com- venio; (from a fright), ad se
(meet again), rursum conve- puto; (up), enumero ;
(judge), redire; (health), revalesco,
nire arbitror
; (esteem), existimo, convalesco; (one's wits), resi-
To reassign, iterum assignare duco, habeo; (design), statuo, pisco, ad se redire ; (from
A reassignment, assignatio ite- constituo; (or, depend upon), death), revivisco
rata coniido; (little of), parvi pen- Recoverable, recuperandua
To reassume, reassumo, revoco dere; (with), rationes conferre, A recoverer, recuperator
To reattempt, retento or componere A recovering, or recovery, recu-
To rebate (check), reprimo ;
That may be reckoned, computa- peratio; (inlaw), evictio; (re-
(blunt), hebeto (inaccounts),
bilis medy), remedium
subduco ;
(or make a rebatej, Not to be reckoned, innumerabilis To recount, enumero, memoro
8trio A reckoner, computator A recounting, enumeratio
Rebating, reprimens, rcfrenans A reckoning, numeratio (of one ;
A recourse, refugium
A rebating, Rebatement, repres- with child), tempus praegna- To have recourse, refugio, recurro
sio (in heraldry), diminutio
tionis; (shot), symbola, col- Recreant, ignavus, falsus
A rebel, rebellis, perduelLis lecta; (account to be given), To recreate, oblecto, reficio
To rebel, rebello, deticio ratio Recreation, oblectatio; (of chil-
A rebeller, rebellator To reclaim, corrigo dren), lusus
A rebelling, or rebellion, rebellio A reclaiming, emendatio For recreation, animi causa
Rebellious, rebellis, factiosus ; To recline, reclino Recreative, amcenus, gratus
(disobedient), perversus, obsti- Reclining, reclinis Recrement, recrementum
natus, contumax A recluse, monachus To recriminate, crimen in accu-
A rebound, resultus Recluse, seclusus, solitarius satorem rejicere
To rebound, resilio A recognizance, obligatio, vadi- A recrimination, criminis in accu-
A rebounding, repercussio monium satorem rejectio
A rebuff, repulsa To recognize, agnosco A recruit, supplementum
To rebuild, reaedifico A recognizing, or recognition, To recruit, suppleo ; (one's self),
A rebuilding, reaedificatio agnitio se reficere (health), conva-

A rebuke, reprehensio To recoil, resilio, recedo lesco ; (soldiers), supplemen-

To rebuke, increpo, castigo ; Not to recoil, subsisto tum scribere
(with a sneer), sugillo; (sharp- A recoiling, Recoil, recessio A recruiting one's self, refectio
ly), increpito ;
(despitefully), Recoiling, resiliens A rectangle, iigura quatuor rec-
exprobro To recoin, iterum cudere tos angulos habens
Rebukeful, objurgatorius To recollect, recolligo, recordor, Rectangular, rectos angulos ha-
A rebuker, objurgator in mentem revocare bens
A rebuking, objurgatio A recollecting, Recollection, re- Rectifiable, quod corrigi potest
A rebus, symbolum cordatio, recognitio To rectify, corrigo, emendo ;
To rebut, se retrahere To recommence, renovo, instauro chemistry), puriores partes ex-
To recall, revoco ; (one's words), A recommencing, instauratio trahere
verba reprendere To recommend, commendo ;
A rectifying, or rectification, rec-
A recalling, revocatio (send compliments to), saluto tificatio, correctio
To recant, recanto ; (an opinion), Recommendable, commeudabilis Rectilineal, Rectilinear, rectili-
sententiam mutare A recommendation, commendatio neus
A recanting, or recantation, re- Recommendatory, commendati- Rectitude, rectum, rectitudo
cantatio, palinodia tius A rector, rector [munus
To recapitulate, breviter repe- A recommender, commendator A rectorship, or rectory, rectoris
tere, summatim colligere A recompence, praemium, mer- Recumbent, recumbens
A recapitulation, sumrnarium ces; (requital), retributio To recur, recurro
To recede, recedo, discedo Without recompence, gratuit6, Recurrent, recurrens
A receipt (receiving), receptio; gratis A recusant, recusans, sch'fcmati-
(discharge), acceptilatio, syn- To recompense, remunero, com- cus
grapha; (by a physician), praa- penso, rependo; (requite like Red, ruber, rubeus; (dark -red),
scriptum for like), par pari rcferre puniceus ; (sea-red), rufus ;
To receive, recipio, accipio; (vi- That may be recompensed, revo- (red hot), candens; (blood-
sits), salutantes admittere; (a cabilis [bilis red), sanguineus
wound), vulneror; (drink in), Not to be recompensed, irrepara- To be red, rubeo (hot),
; candeo ;

imbibo (into company), ad-

; A recompenser, remunerator (grow-red), rubesco
mitto, coopto A recompensing, or compensa- Marked red, rubricatus
A receiver, receptor, acceptor ; tion, compensatio, retributio The red-gum, scrophulus
(of taxes), publicanus; (chy- Recompensing, compensans Red-haired, rufus
mical vessel), vas recipiens; (of To recompose, denuo componere Reddish, rubicundulus
the king's demesne), regis pro- To reconcile, reconcilio, in gra- To redden, rubefacio
curator tiam restituere Reddition, redditio
Receivers-general, tribuni acravii Reconcileable, exorabilis Redditive, redditivus
A receiving, receptio, acceptio,
admissio; (before), anticipatio
Not to be reconciled, inexorabilis
A reconciler, reconciliator
To redeem, redimo (a
; pawn\ -
Recent, recens, nuperus A reconciliation, or reconcile- Redeemable, redimendus
Recently, recenter, nuper, modd ment, reconciliatio, conciliatio A redeemer, redemptor
A receptacle, receptaculum Recondite, occultus, abditus A redeeming, redemptio
To redemand, reposco, repeto To refit, reficio To be not regarded, sordeo
Redemptiou, redemptio A refitting, refectio A regarder, observator
To rediutegrate, Renew, renovo To reflect, reverbero; (in the Regardful, attentus, observans
Redintegration, renovatio mind), considero, revolvo ; A regarding, respectus
Redness, rubor; (of the eyes), lip- (upon a person), aliquem carp- Regarding, attinens, pertinens
pitudo tlm perstringere, reprehendo Regardless, negligens, remissus
Redolent, redolens, fragrans Reflecting, reflectens; (as light), Regardlessly, remisse, improvidi
Redolence, fragrantia irradians; (in the mind), con- Regardlessness, incuria
To be redolent, redoleo siderans ; (blaming), reprehen- Regency (government), regimen
To redouble, ingemino dens, sugillans (of a kingdom), administrate
A redoubling, duplicatio A reflection, repercussio ; (of the regni
A redoubt, munimentum minus mind), consideratio; (blame), To regenerate, regenero [ratus
Redoubtable, forraidandus reprehensio Regenerate, Regenerated, regene-
To redound, redundo "Without reflection, incogitans Regeneration, regeueratio
Redress, emendatio, restitutio Reflexive, considerationis capax A regent (in studies), moderator,
To redress, emendo, corrigo, re- To reflow, refluo prsefectus, rector (of a realm
; )

formo, restituo ; (one's self), Refluent, refluens, refluus regni procurator ; (viceror),
jus suum vindicare A reflux, refluxus, recessus prorex; (queen), regni procu-
Not to be redressed, irreparabilis To reform, reformo, emendo, cor- ratrix
A redresser, emendator; (of man- rigo, castigo, ad frugem redi- To regerminate, regermino
ners), censor gere; (troops), militum partem A regicide, regis interfector
A redressing, correctio exauctorare Regimen (government), regimen,
To reduce, reduco, redigo; (to A reformation, or reforming, re- moderamen, rerutn admimstrs-
dust), in pulverem vertere ; (ex- formatio, correctio, emendatio tio; (in phy-
(in diet), dieeta;
penses), sumptus contrahere A reformer, reformator, corrector, medicinse regimen proe-
Reducible, quod reduci potest emendator scriptum
A reducing, Reduction, reductio To refract, irradio, refringo A regiment, legio
A redundance, redundantia Refraction, refractio, declinatio Regimental, legionavius
Redundant, redundans, superfluus Refractory, refractarius, contu- A region, regio, tractus
Redundantly, redundanter max, pervicax A register (book of records),
To reduplicate, duplico Refractorily, contumaciter acta, archivum ; (of names),
To re-echo, resono Refractoriness, pervicacia noraenclatura ;
(officer), regis-
A reed, arundo, canna, calamus To refrain (forbear), abstineo ; trarius
Of reed, arundineus, canneus (curb), refreno, compesco, co- To register, in tabulas referre
Pull of reeds, arundinosus hibeo, comprimo A registering, in tabulas relatio
like a reed, arundinaceus A refraining, temperantia A registry (office for registers),
Bearing reeds, arundifer Refrangible, quod refringi potest locus ubi acta publica conser-
lo re-edify, resedifico To refresh, recreo, relaxo (vamp
.[.reek (smoke), fumus; (vapour), up), resarcio; (the mind), avri- To regorge, vomo, revomo
exhalatio, vapor mum oblectare ; (the body), To regrant, iterum donare
'o reek, fumo, exhalo membra fovere ; (the memory), To regrate, preemercor
teeking, fumosus, fumidus memoriam renovare ; (take A regrater, mango, propola
l reeking, exhalatio, vapor refreshment), cibum capere A regress, regressus
l reel, rhombus A refreshing, Refreshment, recre- Regret, indignatio, dolor
'o reel (like a drunken man), ti- atio To regret, scgre ferre ; (bemoaa)
tubo, vacillo; (thread), nlum Refreshing (cooling), refrigerans defleo, lugeo
I glomerare To refrigerate, refrigero Regular (according to art), ad
. lreeling (staggering), vacillatio Refrigerative, refrigeratorius normam exactus ; (usual), usi-
(of yarn), glomeratio A refuge, refugium, asylum tatus; (methodical), methodi-
teem, pruina Refulgence, nitor, splendor cus, ordine pvogrediens; (mo-
Covered with reem, pruinosus Refulgent, refulgens, nitens derate), moderatus, tempera-
o re-embark, navim rursus con- Refulgently, nitide, splendide tus; (under a rule), regula as-
scendere To refund, refundo, rependo trictus
re-enforce, reparo, adurgeo, A refusal, repulsa, optio Regularity, regularitas
suppleo The refuse (of things), purga- Regularly, ex ordine, certb
1 re-enforcement, supplementum
. mentum, recrementum, quis- To regulate, dispono, ordino, mo-
lo re-enter, rursus intrare quiliae;
(of corn), excretum ;
deror, prsescribo
A re-entry, introitus iteratus (of metals), scoria A regulating, or regulation, mo-
To re-establish, restituo To refuse, recuso, renuo, respuo deratio, temperatio
Re-established, restitutus (absolutely), pernego A regulator, moderator, ordinator
A re-establisher, instaurator A refusing, recusatio To rehear,denu6 audire
A re-establishing, or re-establish- To refute, refuto, refello A rehearing, auditio iterata
ment, instauratio, renovatio A refuting, Refutation, confutatio To rehearse, recito, repeto
A reeve, villicus, procurator To regain, redipiscor, recupero A rehearsal, recitatio
To re-examine, ad examen revo- Regained, recuperatus A rehearsing, enumeratio
care A regaining, recuperatio To reject, rejicio, repudio, abdico,
A refection, refectio Regal, regalis, regius respuo
A refectory, coenaculum To regale, convivio excipere To be rejected, respuendus
To refel, refello, refuto A regale, epulse, convivium A rejecting, Rejection, rejectio
To refer, refero, remitto, relego ;
Regalia, insignia regum A reign, regnum
(to an author), auctorem ci- A regaling, epulatio opipaia To reign, regno ; (prevail), vigeo,
tare; (to arbitration), rem ar- Regality, regia dignitas ingravesco; (be in vogue), ob-
bitrorum judicio permittere Regally, regaliter, regie tineo, floreo
A referee, arbiter Regard, respectus, ratio, cura Reigning, regnans; (distemper),
A reference, arbitrium To regard, respicio, euro ; (mind), morbus ingravescens [scendere
Reference (regard), respectus attendo ; (observe), observo, To reimbark, navem rursus con-
A reference in a book, nota refe- iutueor, aspicio ; (concern), A reimbarking, Reimbarkment,
rens specto; (esteem, or value), a;s- or reimbarkat.ion, in navem ite-
In reference to, quantum attinet timo, pendo; (much), magni rata conscensio
Having reference, relativus facere To reimburse, pecunias rependere
Referrible, ad quod referri potest Not to regard, negligo, sperno A reimbursement, restitutio
To refine, purgo, elimo, excoquo In regard to, quod attinet ad The rein, habena, lorum
(upon), accuratius tractare Regardable, consideratioue dig- Reins (of government), imperiam
A refiner, purgator nus (or kidneys), renes
A refining, purgatio Not regarded, neglectus To reinforce, instauro, reparo;
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; ;


(an army), excrcitum supplere; Relying upon, fretus To rencounter, occurro
(an argument), adurgeo To remain (or tarry), maneo, re- A rencounter, occursus
A reinforcement, supplementum maneo, permaneo ;
(behind), To rend (tear), lacero, discerpo
To reingage (in right), iterum resto ; (be over), supersum ; Torender (restore, or give), reddo,
confligere (in business), ite-
(as he was), antiquum obtinere do, restituo; (translate), verto,
rum negotio se iraplicare A remainder, residuum latine, &c, reddere; (yield up),
To reinstal, instauro Remaining, residuus, reliquus trado, dedo ; (like for like), par
To reinstate, restituo Remains, reliquiae pari referre; (a reason), ratio-
A reinstating, restitutio To remand (send for back), re- nem reddere; (thanks), gratias
To rejoice (be glad), laetor, gau- voco; (send back), remitto agere
deo; (make glad), exhilaro, lse- A remanding, revocatio (dis- ;
A rendering, redditio ; (translat-
tifico; (with), gratulor mission), dimissio ing), interpretatio ; (up), de-
A rejoicing, lsetitia, gaudium A remark, observatio, notatio ditio [praescriptus
(day), dies exulrationis To remark, noto, animadverto A rendezvous, conventus, locus
To rejoin (reply), iterurn respon- Remarkable, notabilis, insignis To rendezvous, convenio
dere Remarkably,notabiliter,insigniter A renegado, apostata
A rejoinder, responsio iterata A remarking, observatio To renew, renovo ;
(a battle), red-
To reiterate, itero, repeto A remedy (medicine), remedium, integro
A reiteration, repetitio medicamentum, medicina; (for A renewal, renovatio, integratio
To rekindle, iterum accendere all distempers), panacea To be renewed, integrasco
To reland, in terrain denud ex- To remedy, medicor, medeor A renewer, novator
ponere Remediless, immedicabilis A renewing, renovatio
A relapse, novus, or iteratus lapsus A remedying, curatio, sanatio Rennet, coagulum
To relapse, relabor, recido To remember, reminiscor, recor- To renovate, renovo, redintegro
To relate, narro, enarro, expono dor, memini; (put in mind), To renounce, renuncio, abdico;
A relater, narrator moneo, commoneo, suggero (the faith), fidem abjurarej (a
A relating, Relation, narratio To be remembered, memorabilis covenant), foedus ejurare
Relation (kindred), consanguini- A rememberer, monitor Renown, fama, gloria
tas, affinitas A remembrance, reminiscentia, Of renown, insignis, Celebris
A relation (by blood), consan- recordatio, memoria "Without renown, inglorius
guineus; (by marriage), affinis To put in remembrance, commo- Renowned, inclytus, clarus, insig-
In relation to, quod attinet ad neo, commonefacio nis, Celebris
Relative, relativus A remembrancer, monitor To be renowned, eniteo
A relative, relativum To remind, admoneo, moneo Rent (torn), laceratus, discerptus
Relatively, pro ratione A reminding, admonitio A rent (tear), scissura, fissura
To relax, relaxo, remitto Reminiscence, recordatio Rent (income), reditus, vectigal
A relaxation, or relaxing, relaxa- Remiss (slack), remissus, negli- (charge), vectigal aunuum
tio, remissio gens ;
(slothful), socors, piger To rent (let), loco, eloco; (hire),
A relay, statio To grow remiss, pigritiae se ad- conduco
To relay (station), colloco dicere To rent (rend), lacero, dilanio
To release (set at liberty), dimit- Remissly, negligenter, supine A rental, catalogus redituum
to ; (a prisoner), libero (from ; Remissness, negligentia, dilatio A renter (hirer), conductor
a contract), stipulationinon in- Remission (pardon), venia, re- A renting (hiring), conductio
sistere missio Renunciation, renunciatio
A release, absolutio, liberatio A remission, relaxatio Repaid, iteritin solutus
A releasing, Releasement, relax- To remit (send back), remitto; To repair,reparo,rericio; (clothes),
atio, remissio, liberatio (grow less), diminuor, imminu- resarcio ; (unto), frequento
To relent (grow gentle), mollesco, or; (refer unto), refero; (for- Repairable, reparabilis
mitesco ; (be moved with com- give), absolvo, condono; (mo- Irrepairable, irreparabilis
passion), rnisericordia movevi ney), transmitto [nandus A repairer, reparator [ratio
(be troubled for), solicitudine Remittable, Remissible, condo- A reparation, or repairing, repa-
affici ; (yield), cedo A remittance, remissio (of mo- ;
To make reparation, damnum sar-
A relenting, remissio, molestia ney), pecuniae pro alio prae- cire
Relentless, inflexibilis finita numeratio A repartee, argutia;, acuta re-
Reliance, tiducia A remitting, remissio sponsio, salsum dictum
A relict (widow), vidua A remnant, residuum, reliquum To repartee, argute respondcre
Relief (comfort), consolatio, so- A remonstrance, declaratio To repass, iterum transire
latium, solamen ; (help, suc- To remonstrate, declaro, ostendo A repast refectus, cibus
cour), suppetice, subsidium, Aremora (obstacle), impedimen- To repay, reddo, iterum solvere
auxilium tum, mora A repaying, solutio iterata
To relieve (comfort), consolor; Remorse, angor, stimulus, dolor A repeal, abrogatio
(help), succurro (a town), op-
; Remorseless, immitis To repeal, abrogo, rescindo
pidanis suppetias fc-rrc Remote, remotus, longinquus To repeat, repeto, itero
A reliever (helper), opitulator Remotely, remote, longe Repeatedly, iternin atque iterum
A relieving, auxilium Remoteness, distantia A repeater, repetitor
Religion, religio, pietas Removeable, mobilis Repeating, repetens, iterans
Religious, religiosus, pius (in ; Not removeable, immobilis A repeating, repetitio, iteratio
appearance only), hypocrita ; Removal (of persons), migratio ;
To repel, repello, depello
(exact, punctual), qui religiose (of goods), exportatio A repeller, depulsor
se gerit To remove, moveo, amoveo, sub- A repelling, depulsio
Religiously, religiose, pie moveo, removeo, demoveo To repent, resipisco, poenitco
To relinquish, relinquo, derelinquo (goods), alio exportare; (with Repentance, pcenitentia
A relinquishing, derclictio difficulty), amolior (from ;
Repenting, poenitens
Reliques, reliquiae place to place), transmoveo; (a To repeople, populum inducere
A relish, gustus, sapor dwelling), migro (send away),
; A repercussion, repercussio
Of no relish, insipidus amando; (kill), interficio Repercussive, retundens
To relish, gusto, gapio ; (be plea- A remove, or removing, remotio, A repertory, repertorium
sed with), delector, placeo amotio (or one remove), gradus
; A repetition, repetitio
High-relished food, acres acuti- Remove, stir aufer te hiuc
! ! To repine, doleo, queror, murmuro
que cibi Not removed, immotus, fixus A repiner, querens
Relishable, gustui jueundus A removing, remotio, amotio; A repining, questus, querela; (en-
Reluctance, Reluctancy, aversatio (one's dwelling), migratio vying), invidentia
With reluctance, invite, aegre To remount, rursus conscendere Repining, querens, murmurans
Reluctant, abhorrens, aversans To remunerate, compenso To replace, suppleo, substituo
To rely upon, contido. innitor Remuneration, compensatio A replacing, supplementum
To replenish, repleo, impleo, com- Repugnant, repugnans, aversans Resistance, repugnantia
pleo, expleo Repugnantly, repugnanter, in- A resister, oppugnator
A replenishing, expletio vite Resistible, resistendus
Replete, replettis, abundans A repulse, repulsa Resisting, repugnans, obsistens
A repletion (of blood), plethora; To repulse, repello, propello Resistless, inexpugnabilis
(of humours), humorum copia Reputation, existimatio, nomen A resolve, statutum, propositum
A replevy, replegiamentum Reputable, bona? fam», honestus To resolve (purpose), statuo, con-
To replevy, replegio Irreputable, infamis stituo, decerno; (explain), ex-
A replevying, replegiatio Of no repute, obscurus plano, explico, enodo ; (or re-
A replication, or reply, replicatio, Reputableness, claritas duce into), reduco, resolvo, re-
responsio, responsum Reputably, cum honore digo; (discuss), discutio; (be
To reply, respondeo, replico Repute, fama, nomen resolved), resolvor, redigor, re-
A replying, responsio To repute, habeo, existimo ducor
A report, rumor, fama ; (hi law), A request, petitio, supplicatio Resolvent, discutiens
narratio, relatio; (of a gun), Torequest, rogo, supplico; (earn, A resolving (or dissolving), reso-
sonitus; (a good), elogium; (a estly), obsecro ; (demand), lutio; (of a question), explica-
bad), infamia postulo, posco, afflagito te, enodatio
To report, nuncio, narro ;
(ill of), A requester, rogator Resolute (bold), audax; (firm),
diffamo, calumnior Requesting, rogans, postulans constans, firmus
By report, fama A requesting, rogatio, petitio Resolutely, audacter, obstinate
A reporter, nunciator; (accuser), To requicken, resuscito A resolution (design), consilium,
accusator A requiem, oratio pro mortuis propositum; (courage), ani-
A reporting, rumoris propagatio Requirable, exigendus mus, fortitudo ; (of mind), con-
Repose, quies, somnus To require, exigo, postulo, re- stantia; (of an assembly), de-
To repose, otior, quiesco; (trust), posco, repeto, flagito cretum; (of a question), so-
confido; (place), repono, pono, A requiring, postulatio lutio
colloco Requisite, necessarius Resolutive, resolvens, discutiens
A repository, repositorium Requisitely, necessarib Resonant, resonans, resonus
To repossess, iterum possidere A requital, retributio Resort, frequentia, congressus
Ti reprehend, objurgo, arguo To requite, retribuo, compenso (refuge), refugium; (in law),
Apeprehender, correptor Having requited, remuneratus jurisdictio
Ajreprehending, reprehensio A requiting, compensatio To resort (unto), frequento ; (to-
Reprehensible, reprehendendus The rere-ward, ultima acies gether), convenio, contluo
Reprehensive, objurgatorius Resaluted, resalutatus Resorted unto, frequentatus, cele-
Reprehension, objurgatio To rescind, rescindo, abrogo bratus
To represent, reprsesento, exhi- Rescinded, rescissus, abrogatus A resorting, congressus, frequen-
Ibeo; (shew), declaro, ostendo, A rescission, abolitio tia; (unto), frequentatio
demonstro; (a person), alicujus A rescript, rescriptum To resound, resono ;
personam gerere ; (the form of A rescue, recuperatio praise), laudo, extollo
a thing), imitor, adumbro, assi- To rescue, recupero, libero, ex Resounding, resonans, resonus
milo; (to the life), veram simi- custodia vi eripere ; (from A resounding, resonantia
litudinem delineare; (to one's ruin), ab interitu vindicare A resource, ions, origo
self), animo cernere A research, inquisitio, disquisitio Respect (regard), respectus, ra-
representation, declaratio ; Resemblance, similitudo tio ; (reverence), reverentia,
(likeness), similitudo To resemble, refero ; (compare veneratio, honor
.l representative, vicem cuj uspiam to), comparo In respect of, pra;, propter
gerens Resembling, assimilis Worthy of respect, venerabilis
1 representing, adumbratio A resembling, assimilatio To respect (consider, or regard),
o repress, reprimo, refreno, com- To resent, indigne ferre respicio ; (relate to), ad aliquid
primo, coerceo, cohibeo, domo, Resented, dolore affectus pertinere; (esteem, or honour),
frango, compesco ; (wicked- Resenting, indignans, moleste revereor, veneror; (love), dili-
ness), improbitatemrestinguere ferens go, amo
A represser, frsenator, domitor A resentment, iudignatio A respecter, cultor, amator
Repression, repressio A reservation, conservatio ;
(men- Respectful, officiosus, reverens
A reprieve, supplicii prorogatio tal), exceptio in animo Respectfully, otficiose, reverenter
To reprieve, supplicium prorogare With reservation, dissimulanter Respectfulness, reverentia
A reprimand, objurgatio To reserve, reservo, repono, re- Respective, reciprocus, mutuus
To reprimand, objurgo, increpo condo, seponor Respectively, singulatlm, mutuft
To reprint, denu6 imprimere A reserve (exception), exceptio, Respiration, respiratio
Reprisals, clarigatio [objecto conditio interposita; (of sol- To respire, spiro
To reproach, exprobro, convicior, diers), subsidium Respite, mora, relaxatio, cessatio,
A reproach, convicium, probrum, Without reserve, sine exceptione intermissio
opprobrium, vituperatio, expro- Reservedly, parce Without respite, sine intermis-
bratio, contumelia [cens Reservedness (in speech), taci- sione
Without reproach, integer, inno- turnitas; (in behaviour), fastus To respite, diflfero, proferro, tra-
Reproachable, convicio diguus To resettle, denu6 stabilire ho. See to Reprieve
Reproached, exprobratus To reside, habito, commoror A respiting, prorogatio
Reproachful, probrosus, contu- A residence, habitatio, sedes Resplendency, nitor, splendor
meliosus Resident, residens, manens Resplendent, resplendens, rutilua
Reproachfully, contumeliosfe A resident, legatus inferior Resplendently, clare, nitide
A reproaching, exprobratio A residentiary, residentiarius A response, responsum
A reprobate, improbus, perditus The residue, residuum Responsible (able to pay),pecu-
To reprobate, rejicio, damno To resign (quit), resigno, cedo, niosus ; (for damages), ob-
Reprobation, improbatio concedo, trado; (to another's noxius
A reproof, reprehensio will), se ad alterius voluntatem Rest, quies, requies, otium, ces-
To reprove, redarguo, objurgo accommodare satio; (peace), pax, tranquil-
Reproveable, culpandus Resignation, cessio, concessio litas
A reprover, reprehensor (of a benefice), a beneficio ec- The reliquus,
rest, residuus ;

A reproving, reprehensio clesiastico abdicatio (the others), caeteri, reliqui

A reptile, animal repens A resigner, qui cedit The rest (subst.), residuum
A republic, respublica A resigning, abdicatio A rest (in music), pausa; (prop),
A republican, libertatis fautor Resilient, resultans, resiliens fulcrum
To repudiate, repudio, dimitto Resinous, resinaceus To rest (take rest), quiesco ;
To repugn, repugno, oppugno To resist, resisto, obnitor, re- (compose to sleep), requiesco;
Repugnance, repugnantia pugno, renitoF (or lean upon), innitov, eclino.
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recumbo; (or tarry in a place), To retch, nauseo, screo A revenger, vindex, ultor, ultrix
maneo, cornmoror (remain),
A retching to vomit, nausea A revenging, vindicatio, ultio
supersum (between whiles),
Retchless, socors, piger A revenue, reditus, vectigal
interquiesco; [or light upon), Retention, retentio To reverberate (beat back), ?e-
consido Retentive, tenax verbero, repercutio; (in che-
Rcstauration, instauratio Reticence, reticentia mistry), in cinerem redigere
Rested (lying along), reclinis Reticulated, reticulatus Reverberating, reverberans
(lighting upon), considens A retinue, famulitium, comitatus A reverberation, repercussio
(laid upon), repositus ; (re- To retire, recedo, regredior ; (iu A reverberatory, fornax cheraica
freshed), relaxatus; (tarried), disorder), effuse se recipere To revere, revereor, veneror
commoratus (in good order), turmatim, Reverence, reverentia, cultus
Restiff, Resty, refractorius abire; (home), domum se reci- To reverence, revereor, veneror,
To be resty, reluctor, obnitor pere; (from a blow), ab ictu colo; (greatly), percolo
Restively, invite, cunctanter declinare ; (from business), Worthy to be reverenced, venera-
A resting, cessatio, relaxatio ;
a negotiis secedere ; (into the bilis, venerandus
(place), locus quietis country), in russecedere; (from A reverencing, veneratio
Restless, inquietus, turbulentus, danger), e periculo se eripere Reverend, reverendus (right),;

impatiens, seditiosus Retiredly, secretb, seorsum reverendus admodum; (most),

Restlessly, inquiete, turbulenter Retiredness, secessus reverendissimus
Restlessness, inquietudo A place of retirement, recessus Reverent, reverens
A restitution, restitutio Retiring, secedens, recedens Reverential, verendus, venerandus
To make restitution, rem abla- A retiring, recessus Reverently, reverenter
tam restituere A retort, vas chemicum collo re- Reverse, posticus, aversus ; (con-
Restoration, instauratio torto ad succum eliciendum trary), contrarius, adversarius
A restorative, analepticura subjecto igne aptum To reverse, inverto, subverto ;
To restore (give back again), To retort, retorqueo, regero, re- (laws), abrogo, rescindo, refigo
reddo, restituo, repono, retri- pono Reversible, rescindendus
buo ; (re-establish), restauro, A retorting, dicti translatio A reversion, jus successionis
instauro; (to liberty), iu liber- To retouch, iterum percurrere To revert, reverto, revertor, redeo
tatem vindicare ; (replace), re- To retract, retraho, revoco To revest, possessionem rursus
pono ; (bring back), reduco A retractation, retractatio dare
(to life), ad vitam revocare . A retreat, regressus, receptus; A review, recensio, recognitio
(health), adsanitatemredigere; (orderly), inconfususrecursus; To review, recenseo, lustro ; (r,
(to vigour), vires reficere ; (to (shameful), fuga book to be printed), retracto
favour), reconcilio, in gratiam A place of retreat, receptaculum A reviewing, recensio
restituere (for birds), secessus ; (for To revile, calumnior, convicior
A restorer, vindex, restitutor wild beasts), latibulum Having reviled, conviciatus
A restoring, restauratio To retreat, resedo, se recipere A reviler, conviciator
To restrain (curb), coerceo, inhi- To retrench (cut off), amputo, Reviling, maledicus
beo, refreno, reprirao, restrin- deseco.circumcido; (expenses), A reviling, exprobratio
go ; (passion), moderor, cohi- sumptus imminuere A revisal, recensio, recognitio
beo, domo; (limit), limito A retrenchment (lessening), im- To revise, relego, recenseo ; (a
A restraining, or restraint, coer- minutio, diminutio; (fortifica- book), retracto
citio, moderatio, limitatio tion), munimentum A revise, specimen iteratum
Under restraint, in custodia To retribute, compenso, retribuo A reviser, qui recenset
To be under restraint, cohibeor Retribution, compensatio To revisit, revisito, reviso
To restrict, limito, cohibeo Retributive, retribuens A revival, renovatio
A restriction,limitatio To retrieve (recover), recupero; To revive (renew), renovo, resti-
Restrictive, or restringent, re- (a loss), damnum resarcire tuo, redintegro; (bring to life),
stringens, stypticus, astrin- (affairs), restituo h mortuis excitare ; (encou-
gens; (limiting), limitans, de- A retrieving, instauratio, restitu- rage), animo, exstimulo, insti-
nuiens tio go (with pleasure), exhilaro

Resty, contumax. See Restiff Retrograde, retrogradus A reviver, in vitam reductcr

A result (effect), exitus, effectus; A retrospect, respectus A reviving, in vitam reductio, ani-
(conclusion), summa; (of fan- Retrospective, respiciens matio, renovatio
cy), ingenii fcetus A return, reditus, regressus, re- A reunion (joining again), iterata
To result, orior, exorior versio (of love), mutuus amor;
; conjunctio ; (reconciliation),
To resume, resumo (work), rur-
; (in traffic), venditio reconciliatio
sus aggredi; (studies), redire Days of return, dies legitimi To reunite (join again), iterum
ad studia To return, redeo, reverto ; (re- conjungere; (reconcile), recon-
A resuming, or resumption, re- store), reddo, restituo; (the cilio
suvnptio same way), per eandern viatn A reuniting, iterata conjunctio
Resurrection, resuvrcctio reverti;
(thanks), gratias a- Revocable, revocabilis
To resuscitate, resuscito gere (a kindness), mutuam
; A revocation, revocatio, abolitio
By retail, singulatlm gratiam referre; (an answer), To revoke, revoco, retracto , (6
To retail, or sell by retail, singu- respondeo law), rescindo; (a will), testa-
latlm vendere Returnable, reddendus mentum irritum facere
A retailer, prouola A returning, restitutio; (coming A revoking, retractatio
A. retailing, singulatlm venditio back), reditus, regressus; (of To revolt, deficio, rebello, dc-
To retain, detineo, retineo, tcnco, what is sold), redhibitio scisco
servo, custodio ; (a lawyer), To reveal, revelo (discover), pa-
; A revolter,transfuga, rebellis
honorarium advocato dare tefacio, retego (make known),
; Revolting, deficiens, rebellans
A retainer, cliens evulgo, ostendo A revolt, or revolting, defectio,
A retaining-fee, honorarium A revealing [or revelation), reve- rebellio, rebellium
To retake, resumo ;
(a prey), pra> latio, patefacio ; (the Revela- To revolve, meditor, recog.'to,
da hostes exuere tion), apocalypsis repeto
To retaliate, compcnso ; (an in- To revel, comessor, debacchor A revolving, cogitatio
jury), ulciscor; (a kindness), A reveller, comessator A revolution, revolutio, mutatio;
rcmunero, refcro Revelling, comessans, bacchans (of planets), cursus (of af-
Retaliation (of an injury), ultio, A revelling, comessatio fairs), vicissitudo
vindicta; (of a kindness), re- Master of the revels, ludorum A revulsion, revulsio ;
(in physic),
muneratio; (law of), lex tali- magister materise morbifica? depulsio
onis Revenge, vindicta, ultio A reward, praemium, merces
To retard, tardo, moror To revenge, vindico, ulciscor To reward, remunero, corapf nto,
A retarding, mora, cunctatio Revengeful, vindicta gaudens retribuo, repenso
To be rewarded, praemio donari A riding(on horseback), equita- A riot, turba, tumultus ;
A rewarder, remunerator tio; (in a carriage), vectio ccetus illicitus ; (lavishness),
A rewarding, remuneratio A riding-hood, pallium femi- luxuria, luxus
Rewarding, remunerans neum To riot, tumultuor, bacchor ;

A rhapsodist, rhapsodia? scriptor Rife, freqvtens, grassans (in luxury), luxurior

A rhapsody, rhapsodia Rifely, frequenter A rioter, helluo, seditiosus
Rhenish, Rhenanus, Rhenensis Rifeness, frequentia, abundantia Riotous, luxuriosus, pvofusus, tu-
Rhetoric, rhetorica Riff-raff, quisquiliaa multuosus, seditiosus
Rhetorical, rhetoricus, oratorius To rifle, despolio, diripio Riotously, profuse, seditiose
Rhetorically, rhetorice, ornate A rifier, spoliator To rip (unsew), dissuo; (cleave),
A rhetorician, rhetor, orator A rifling, spoliatio, direptio diffindo; (up an old sore), me-
Like a rhetorician, rhetorice A rift, fissura, rima moriam malorum refricare
Rheum, rheuma, fluxio To rift, findo, dissilio Ripe, maturus ; (beforethe time),
Rheumatic, rheumaticus To rig, instruo, orno, armo praematurus, praecox ; (of age),
Rheumatism, rheumatismus A rigger, instructor, ornator pubes, nubilis
Rheumy, humidus, frigidus The rigging, apparatus velorum Ripely, mature
A rhinoceros, rhinoceros et f unium To ripen, (make ripe), maturo;
A rhomb, rhombus To riggle, vacillo; (insinuate), (grow ripe), maturesco
Rhubarb, rha, rhacoma insinuo Ripeness, maturitas ; (of age),
To rhyme, versifico Riggling, vacillans pubertas
A rhymer, versificator Right, subst jus, aequum, fas
. Ripening, maturescens
Rhythm, or rhyme, rhytlimus Right, adv. recte, seque A ripening, maturatio
Rhythmical, Rhyming, rhythmi- Right, adj. aptus, idoneus; (in Ripped, dissutus
cus health), sauus; (straight), rec- To be ripped, dissuendus, dissu-
A rib, costa; (short), costae no- tus, directus ; (true),genuinus, tilis
thae (hand, or side), dexter To ripple, detergo, abstergo
Having ribs, costatus Right-against, e regione Arise (source), origo, scaturigo,
Ribaldry, spurcities, obscoenitas Right forth, recta fons ;
(original), primordium,
Sibaldrous, Bpurcus, obscoenus, The right hand, dextra principium; (of the sun), or-
turpis Right honest, integerrimus tus; (preferment), promotio
riband, or ribbon, vitta
Right well, perbelle, perbene To rise, orior, surgo ; (again), re-
ice, oryza To right, vindico; (make right), surgo ; (out of, or from), ex-
ich, dives, locuples, opulentus ; emendo, corrigo orior, enascor; (from bed), e
(in money), pecuniosus ; (in On the right side, dextrorsus lecto surgere ; (from off a seat),
cattle), dives pecoris; (very), Right of nations, jus gentium de sella surgere ; (from table),
ditissimus, perdives; (abound- Righteous, aequus, Justus £ mensa surgere ; (with re-
ing in), affluens Righteously, Eequfc, juste, recte spect), honorifice assurgere ;
o be rich, locupletor Righteousness, justitia, jus (or mount up), ascendo, cou-
o grow rich, ditesco Rightful, aequus, Justus scendo; (as a bird), evolo; (in
To make rich, locupleto, dito Rightfully, Eeque, juste price), ingravesco; (in singing),
Riches, divitiae, opes, facultates, Rightly, recte, commode vocem intendere; (up), assur-
fortune, opulentia A riglet, assula lignea inter lineas go, consurgo; (up again), in-
Richly (plentifully), copiose, lar- posita surgo; (or grow up), incresco,
ge, abunde [tilitas Rigid, rigidus, durus, severus innascor; (swell), tumeo, tur-
Richness, opulentia, dulcedo, fer- Rigidly, rigide, acerb e, severe geo; (out of water, &c), emer-
A. rick, strues, acervus Rigor, asperitas, severitas ; (with go ; (in the world), ditesco,
The rickets, rachitis the utmost rigour), summo promoveor
Rickety, rachitide laborans jure; (of winter), vis hyemis Risible, aptus ad risum
To rid, libero, expedio, redimo ; Rigorous, rigidus, austerus,asper, A rising, ortus, exortus ; (or
(from rubbish), rudera cxpor- durus, severus coming forth), emersus ; (to
tare; (one of his money), ali- Rigorously, rigide, severe life), resurrectio ; (of a hill),
quem argento emungere Rigorousness, rigiditas, severitas acclivitas; (swelling), tuber,
To get rid of, se expedire ab A rill, rivulus tumor; (tumult), insurrectio,
A riddance, liberatio A rim, margo, labrum motus, seditio, tumultus ;
That may be ridden, equitabilis A rime (mist), pruina water), scaturigo
Not to be ridden, inequitabilis Rimy (misty), pruinosus Rising ground, tumulus
Ridding, liberans, extricans A rind, cortex, tunica A risk, periculum, discrimen
A ridding, liberatio, expeditio A ring, annulus ; (a 'wedding), To risk, periclitor, experior
A riddle,aenigma; (sieve), cri- annulus pronubus (make an attempt), periculum
brum, excirniculum The ring-finger, digitus annularis facere
To riddle, excirno Of a ring, annularis A rite, ritus, caeremonia ; (at
To ride, equito; (in a cart), rhe- A ring-maker, annularius funerals), exequire, justa
da vehi; (in triumph), curru A ring of a door, comix ;
(of peo- Ritual, ritualis
triumphare; ( about ),obequito, ple), corona, circulus orbis ;
A ritual, codex ritualis
circumequito (at anchor), ad
(for boxing, &c ), palaestra A rival, aemulus
anchoras stare (upon the
; In a ring, in orbem, or circulum To aemulor, imitor
seas), navigo, naviculor ; (a- A ringleader, antesignanus A rivalling, Rivalry, or rivalsbip,
way), abequito; (by), praeter- A ringdove, palumbus Eemulatio
(through), perequito ;
A ringworm, impetigo To rive, findo, scindo; (be cleft),
(together), coequito; (unto), To ring (sound), sono, tinnio, re- dehisco, fatisco
adequito sono; (a bell), campanam pul- To rival, corrugo, contralio
A rider, eques sare ; (bells), campanas mo- A river, fluvius, rivus, amnis,
A ridge (top), culmen, cacumen, dulate pulsare ;
(about), cir- flumen
fastigium ; (steepness), dor- cumsono ;
(a hog), rostro suis Of a river, fluviatilis, fiuvialis
sum, jugum ; (of laud), porca annulum inserere The river-horse, hippopotamus
A ridge-tile, imbrex Ringed, annulatus A rivet, clavus, retusus
Ridged, jugosum ;
(fluted), stri- A ringer, pulsator To rivet (clinch), repango; (in
atus Ringing (sounding), sonans, tin- the mind), imprimo, iniigo
To make ridges, liro, imporco nulus ; (harmoniously), cano- A riving, fissura, rima
Ridicule, irrisus, derisus rus, modulatus; (bells), cam- A rivulet, rivulus
To ridicule, irrideo, ludificor panas pulsans A roach, rubellio
To be ridiculed, irrideor To rinse, lavo, proluo A road, iter, via; (for ships), si-
A ridiculer, irrisor, derisor Rinsed, lotus, ablutus nus, navium statio
Ridiculous, ridiculus A rinser, lotrix To roam, vagor, erro
Ridiculously, ridicule A rinsing, lavatio, lotio Having roamed, vagatus
; ;


A roamer, erro, homo vagus vere; (in money), pecuniae dus ;
(as a sore), purulentus ;

Roaming, vagans, errans abundare; (towards), advolvo (ripe), fracidus ;

(wood), lig-

A roaming, vagatio, erratio (from, or out), evolvo ;

(under), num cariosum.
Roan, fuivus, subalbidus subvolvo; (up).involvo To be rotten, putrefio
To roar, rugio, clamo, vociferor That may be rolled, volubilis To grow rotten, putresco
(as the sea), fremo ; (again), A roller (for heavy bodies), cylin- To make rotten, putrefacio
Tebo; (for grief), ploro, ejulo drus ; (for a wound), napsus That maketh rotten, tabiticus
A roarer, clamator Rolling, volubilis, versatilis ; Rottenness, putror, putredo, pu-
Koaring, vociferans, clamosus (tempestuous), procellosus, trefactio; (in bones, &c). ca-
A roaring, rugitus, clamatio turbidus ries
To roast, asso (deride), derideo,
A rolling, volubilitas, voluta- Rotting inwardly, tabidus
verbis caedere tio; (pin), cylindrus, magis; Rotundity, rotunditas
A roasting, adustio (stone), cylindrus, saxum vo- To rove, vagor, erro
To rob, praedor, spolio, furor, la- lubile A rover, erro
trocinor, depraedor; (the pub- Rollingly, volubiliter Rouge, ruber, rubens
lic), depeculor; (privily), sur- Roman, Romanus Rough, asper, horridus ;
ripio A romance, narratio ficta ;
(falsi- hirsutus ; (grim), austerus ;

A robber, latro, fur (of a ;

ty), mendacium [tior (homely), rusticus, rudis ;

church), sacrilegus (at sea), ; To romance, fabulas fingere, men- (prickly), spinosus ; (in tem-
pirata (of the public), pecula-
A romancer, vaniloquus per), asper, durus, severus, mo-
tor; (of a house by night), A Romanist, papista, pontificius rosus; (proud), fastuosus, in-
pioedo nocturnus Romantic, fabulosus, fictitius, solens; (in taste), gustu auste-
Robbery, latrocinium, rapina fictus rior ; (bad way), salebrosus ;
A robbing, spoliatio (of the ;
A rood, pertica ;
(of land), quar- (tempestuous), procellosus
public), peculatio, peculatus; ta pars jugeri;(cross), crux; A rough place, salebrae ;
(if full
(of churches), sacrilegium statuarium
(loft), of bushes), aspertum; (if un-
Of robbing, praedatorius A roof, tectum, solarium; (vault- tilled), tesqua
A robe, palla, vestis, vestimen- ed), laquear; (of the mouth), To be rough, horreo, fremo
tum (of honour), stola ; (pur-
palatum To grow rough, inhorreo ; (or
ple), purpura; (loose), pallium, A rook, comix; (at chess), ele- nasty), squaleo
lace ma phantus; (cheat ), planus, frau- To make rough, aspero
A master of the robes, vestiarius dator To roughcast, incrusto
A robbin red-breast, rubecula To rook, defraudo, fallo Roughcast, crustatus
Robust, robustus, validus A rooking, fraudatio A rough draught, inconcinna de-
Robustness, robur Room, locus, spatium ; (cham- lineatio [lineatus
A rochet, rochetum ber), conclave; (dining), tri- Rough-drawn, incomposite, de-
A rock, rupes, petra, cautes clinium, ccenaculum ; (with- Rough-hewn, rudis, agrestis
Of a rock, saxeus, petrosus, saxa- drawing), penetrale Roughly, aspere, aeerbe, torve
tilis, scopulosus, praeruptus To make room, submoveo, decedo Roughness, asperitas ; (of hair),
To rock (or reel), vacillo; (a cra- Roomy, spatiosus, amplus hirsutia ; (of the sea), fremi-
dle), cunas agitare A roost, gallinarium tus maris
A rocker, cunas agitans To roost, quiesco, dormio Roving, vagans, errabundus ;
A sky-rocket, ignea missilia A root, radix, stirps (pillaging), praedatorius
Rockiness, saxis abundans To root (take root), radicor, radi- A roving, vagatio, erratio; (pil-
A rocking, cunarum agitatio cesco; (as a hog), ruspo; (up), laging), praedatio
Rocky, saxeus, scopulosus eradico, extirpo, evello The rounce, manubrium preli
A rocky place, saxetum Up by the roots, radicitus Round, rotundus, globosus ;
A rod, virga ; (twig), vimen ; Of the root, radicalis a circle), circularis; (and long),
(whip),flagrum, flagellum (to ;
That may be rooted out, extir- teres ; (like a top), terbinatus
measure with), pertica pandus [bilis Round about, circa, undique
Made of rods, vimineus Not to be rooted out, inextirpa- A round (or circle), circulus ;
A rodomontade, gloriatio inepta A rooting, radicatio ; (up), era- whole sum), summa solida
A roe, caprea; (buck), capreo- dicatio, extirpatio A half round, semicirculus
lus ; (of a fish), piscis ova Full of roots, radicosus In a round, in orbem
(soft), lactes A rope, funis, restis; (of onions), The round of a ladder, climacter
A rogue (wicked person), sceles- caparum series To round, rotundo (by clipping), ;

tus; (in grain), ab ingenio im- To be ropy, viscor attondeo

probus A roper, or ropemaker, restio Made round, orbiculatus
To play the rogue, lascivio A ropedancer, funambulus A round-house, ergastulum
Roguery (knavery), scelus, flagi- Rope-yarn, funis retexti fiia A round-root, bulbus
tium.nequitia, fraus ;
(banter), Ropy, viscidus, glutinosus A roundelay, cantilena silvcstns
jocatio, cavillatio A rosary,rosarium Roundish, fere, rotundus
Roguing about, vagans, oberrans Arose, rosa; (bud), alabastrus; Roundly (in form), rotundo, or-
Roguish (knavish), improb us, ne- (cake), rosarum caput ruor- biculatim (in pace), cursim;

quam ; (wanton), lasciviens, tuum (in speaking), volubiliter, or;;

lascivus Rosey, or rosy, roseus, rosaccus rotundo; (freely), audacter,
Roguishly, sceleste, lascive A rose noble, aureus nummus libere ;
(honestly), ingenue,
Roguishness (knavishness), ne- rosa signatus sincere
quitia, improbitas ;
(wanton- A rose-tree, rosa frutex Roundness, rotunditas
ness), lascivia Rosemary, rosmarinus ; (tree), The rounds, excubiae
To roist (boast), jacto rosmaris A roundle, circulus
A roll (catalogue), catalogus, al- Rosewood, lignum Rhodium To rouse, excito, animo (a deer), ;

bum; (of any thing), volumen ; Rosin, resina excutere feram cubili
(of cloth), pannus in se con- Of rosin, resinaceus A rousing up, excitatio
volutus Full of rosin, resinosus A rout, ccetus; (overthrow), cla-
A court-roll, volumen curiale The rot, morbus mortiferus, lues des, strages ; (unlawful as-
The rolls, scriniorum sacrorum To rot, putrefacio ; neut. pu- sembly), concursus illicitus ;

repositorium, archivum trefio; (in jail), in carcere rao- (noise), rixa, turba
Master of the rolls, inagister scri ri ; (inwardly), tabesco (be ;
To rout, vinco, supero; (out),
niorum sacrorum crumbled into earth), in terram depello ;
(grunt), grunnio ;
To roll, volvo, plico; (or wind resolvi (snore), sterto ; (as swine),
about), circumvolvo, circumro- A rotation, rotatio (of govern-
to; (again, or back), revolvo ment), vicissitudo imperitandi To make a rout, turbo, perturbo
(along), pervolvo (down), de-
; By rote, memoriter A routing, dissipatfo
volvo; (the eves), oculos vol- Rotten, corruptus, putris, putri- A row, series, ordo, versus
[108] '
A row-barge, ponto fortunas dissipare; (walls, &c), sus ; (forth), procursio; (out),
To row, remigo, remis agere dejicio, everto; (in reputation), excursio, excursus ; (over),
A rowel (of a spur), stimulus famam laedere ; (one in his transcursus ; (over, or super-
A rower, remex morals), mores corrumpere fluity), redundantia, superflui-
A master-rower, pausarius (destroy), perdo, pessundo tas; (place), stadium, curricu-
A rowing, reraigium, remigratio To be ruined (as a building), de- lum; (sore), ulcus; (together),
Royal, regalis, regius turbor, evertor ; (in one's concursus
A royalist, regiarum partium as- goods), bonis exui ; (in one's Running before, praecursorius
sertor fortune), fortunis everti A running title, tituius singulis
Royally, regaliter, regie Ready to be ruined, periclitans paginis appositus
Royalty, regia dignitas A ruiner (demolisher), demolitor A rupture (nr falling out), dis-
A rub, mora; (banter), joculare A ruining, demolitio cordia, simnltas, dissidium
cavillum Ruinous, ruinosus, ruiturus ^dan- (breach of peace), violatio pa
To rub (chafe), frico, affrico gerous), periculosus; (destruc- cis; (in the groin), hernia
(against, or upon), attero ;(with tive), perniciosus, exitiosus Having a rupture, ramicosus
a clout), distringo; (gently), To be ruinous, collabefio Rural, ruralis, rusticus
demulceo, delinio; (all over), Rule (government), dominatio, A rush, juncus, scirpus; (light),
perfrico (off the dirt), abster-
gubematio, imperium; (precept candela ex junco facta
geo, detergeo to be governed by), regula, Rushy, juncosus
A rubber, qui, or qua? fricat norma, praescriptum (of court),
Of rushes, junceus, scirpeus
(whetstone), cos praescriptum; (custom), mos, To rush, ruo; (forward), propello,
Rubbers, gemina victoria consuetudo; (example), modu- impello ; (in, or upon), ir-
A rubbing, fricatio, frictio ; lus, exemplar (order, or con-
ruo, irrurapo (out), proruo;

(brush), peniculus setisasper; stitution), lex, constitutio, in- (through), perrumpo

(brush for the body), strigil stitutum; (law), praeceptum A rushing in, irruptio
Rubbish, rudus ; (sorry stuff), (to live by), vivendi disciplina, Russet, subrufus, ravus
quisquiliae norma, lex Rust, ruhigo; (of copper), serugo;
Rubble, rudus Under rule, regularis (of iron), ferrugo
To lay rubble, rudero According to rule, regulariter To rust, rubiginem contrahere
To cast out rubble, erudero Out of rule, irregularis, abnormis Rust-coloured, ferrugineus
Rubicund (red), rubicuudus, ru- To rule, rego, impero, guberno, Rustic, rusticus, agrestis, inur-
bens moderor, administro ; (one's banus [amandare
A rubric, pracepta Uteris mini- self by example), imitor ; (a To rusticate, rusticor, in rus
atis scripta, or impressa line), lineam ducere Rusticity, rusticitas
A ruby,rubinus; (carbuncle), By rule, ad amussim Rustiness, situs, rancor
carbunculus To be ruled, regor To rustle, strepo, crepo
Ructation, ructatio Well ruled, bene constitutus A rustling, strepitus, crepitus
The rudder, clavus, gubernaculum A ruler, dominus, gubernator ;
(of armour), clangor
Ruddle, rubrica (of a province), praefectus, rec- Rusty, rubiginosus, ferrugineus
Marked with ruddle, rubricatus tor Rusty (as bacon), rancidus; (as
Full of ruddle, rubricosus Rulers, primates, proceres cloth), squalidus, tritus
Ruddiness, rubor, rubedo Ruling, dominans, iinperans To rut, ad venerem prurire
Ruddy, ruber, rubens, rubeus, Rumb, cursus navis The rut (of deer), coitus deside-
rufus To rumble, crepo, crepito rium ;
(of a wheel), rotae ves-
To be ruddy, ore rubere Rumbling, crepitans, fragosus tigium
To grow ruddy, rubesco A rumbling, fremitus, fragor; (of Full of ruts, orbitis sectus
Rude (clownish), rudis, rusticus; the guts), tormina Ruthful, misericors
(impudent), impudens, procax To ruminate, rumino (tbink),
Ruthfulness, misericordia
(immodest), impudicus; (un- secum reputare, revolvo Ruthfuluess, immisericors, cru-
handsome), impolitus ; (un- A ruminating, ruminatio delis
skilful), imperitus, inexpertus, Rumination, meditatio Rye, secale
rudis To rummage, scrutor, perscrutor Of rye, secalicus
Rudely (unskilfully), rudi mi- A rummaging, investigatio
nerva ;
(clownishly), rustice, A rummer, calix amplior
inurbanfe A rumor, rumor, fama
Rudeness, inurbanitas, immodes- To rumor, rumorem serere, or
tia, impudentia spargere
A rudiment, rudimentum, elemen- To rumple, rugo, corrugo
tum, prin cipium A rumple, ruga, plica A Sabbatarian, Sabbatarius
Rue, ruta A rumpling, corrugatio The Sabbath, Sabbatum
Of rue, rutaceus The run (of a ship), cursus; (at Of the Sabbath, Sabbaticus
Made of rue, rutatus cards), fortuna ; (in trade), Sable, pullus, ater, niger
To rue, doleo, lugeo facilis venditio A sable, runs Ponticus
Rueful, luctuosus, tristis To run, curro; (make haste), A sabre, acinaces
Ruefully, t.riste, moeste propero, festino; (drop), stillo, Sacerdotal, sacerdotalis
The ruel-bone, patella distillo
(flow), mano, fluo Sack, vinum Canarium
A ruff (of a garment), plica, or (at the eyes), lippio ; (at the A sack, saccus
sinus vestis nose), muco stillare; (as a A sackbut, sambuca
A ruffian, sicarius sore), suppuro; (about), va- Sackcloth, cilicium
Ruffian, furens, violentus gor; (about, as water), diffluo ; Of sackcloth, cilicinus
To ruffle (disorder), turbo, in- (abroad), vagor; (ahead), prae- To sack (plunder), diripio, vasto
quieto (wrinkle), corrugo
; curro; (after), sequor, subeo, (put into asack),sacco inserere
A ruffling, turbatio, inquietatio insector, persequor Sacked, spoliatus, vastatus
(wrinkling), corrugatio A runagate, fugitivus, transfuga A sacker, spoliator, vastator
A rug, gausape A rundle, circulus A sacking, spoliatio, vastatio
Rugged, asper, insequali3 ;
(in A rundlet, quadrantal A sacrament, sacramentum
temper), rigidus, durus, difiicilis A runner, cursor, excursor ;
The sacrament, eucharistia
Ruggedly, aspere, duriter (rope), funis ductarius Sacramental, sacramen talis
Ruggedness, asperitas, diritas Runnet, coagulum Sacred, sacer, sanctus
Ruin, ruina, exitium; (slaugh- Running, currens ; (at random), To make sacred, cousecro, de-
ter), strages, clades ; (of a vagus, erraticus ; (water), aqua dico, dico
state), interitus ; (ruins), ves- viva, fontana, or profluens Sacredly, sacre, sancte
tigia A running, cursus ; (against), oc- Sacredness, sanctitas
To ruin (a house), demolior, de- cursus; (away), fuga; (back), A sacrifice, sacrificium, sacrum;
turbo, deleo, diruo; (one's self), recursus ; (to and fro), discur- (for sin), piaculum ; (for vie-
; ;


tory), victima, hostia; (to the Sake, causa, gratia uses), sacro, consecro, deuica;
infernal gods), inferiae For God's sake, per Deum oro (make holy), sanctum facere;
Of sacrifice, sacrificalis (my sake), mea caus& ;
(his (celebrate), celebro
To sacrifice, sacrifico, immolo, sake), illius gratia), A sanctifier, sanctificator
macto, libo; (ruin), diruo; (de- Salacious, libidinosus A sanctifying, sanctificatio, ce
vote), consecro, devoveo, morti A salad, acetaria lebratio, cultus
exponere; (kill), occido, inter- A salamander, salamandra Sanctimony, sanctitas
ficio,interimo, trucido; (quit, A salary, stipendium, merces A sanction, sanctio ; (decree),
or abandon), relinquo, desero A sale, venditio (by inch of can-
A sacrifices sacriticus dle),venditio per praefinitam Sanctity, sanctitas, sanctimonia
A sacrificing, immolatio mensuram candelae facta A sanctuary, sanctuarium, asy-
Sacrilege, sacrilegium Open sale, auctio lum, refugium, ara
Sacrilegious, sacrilegus Set to sale, venalis Sand, arena, sabulum ;
Sacrilegiously, more sacrilegii To set to sale, auctionem facere, arenariae
A sacrist, aedituus proscribo, vendo Of sand, arenaceus, sabulosus
A sacristy, sacrarium To be set to sale, venalis prostare To load with sand, saburro
Sad (sorrowful), tristis, rncestus; Saleable, venalis, vendibilis The sands, arenae littoris
(grievous), acerbus, molestus, Saleably, venaliter Quick sands, syrtes
gravis; (foul, nasty, horrible), A salesman, venditor, vestiarius Sandblind, luscus
fcedus, immundus, spurcus, sor- Salient, saliens, prominens Sandy, arenaceus ; (mixed will,
didus; (shameful), turpis, in- Salient, salsus sand), areuatus ; (full of .argc
dignus, infamis (wicked), im-
Salique, Salicus sand), sabulosus; (full of small
probus, malus, pravus; (fel- Salival, salivarius sand), arenosus
low), homo perditus To salivate, salivo Sanguinary, sanguinarius
To be sad, moereo, contristor Salivation, salivatio Sanguine, sanguineus, sanguino-
To make sad, contristo A sailer, olus, acetaria lentus ; (cheerful), alacer, a.-
Making sad, tristificus Sallow, pallidus, luridus laris
A saddle,ephippium A sallow colour, pallo The sanhedrim, syuedrium
Saddle-backed, pandus To grow sallow, pallesco Sanity, sanitas
A saddle-cloth.iostratum equestre Sallowness, pallor Sap, succus
A saddle-horse, equus vectarius A sally, eruptio, impetus "Without sap, exsuccus
To saddle, ephippium imponere To sally out, procurro, erurapo To sap (undermine), suffoiio
A saddler, ephippiorum opifex A salmon, salmo Sapidity, Sapidness, sapor
The Sadducees, Sadducsei Salt, sal; (sea), sal marinus Sapient, sapiens
Sadly (sorrowfully), mceste ; salsamenta
Salt-fish, Sapless, exsuccus, stolidus
(grievously), graviter, acerbe nitrum
Saltpetre, A sappling, virgultum
Sadness, tristitia, mcestitia, gra- Mixed with saltpetre, nitratus Sapphic, Sapphicus
vitas, sobrietas Full of saltpetre, nitrosus The sapping, suffossio
Safe, tutus, sospes, incolumis A saltcellar, salinum; (box),cista Sappiness, humiditas ; (folly),
(and sound), integer, solidus salem continens stultitia
A safe (pantry), cella penaria A Salter, salarius Sappy (full of sap), succosus ;

A safeguard, praesidium, tutela, Of salt, salarius [pergere (foolish), stultus, stolidus,

clientela To salt, salio, sale condire, or as- hebes
Safely, tutd, secure Salt meats, salsamenta A sapphire, sapphirus
Safety, salus, incolumitas A salt-pit, salina ; (marshes), ses- The Saracens, Saraceni
A place of safety, asylum tuaria A sarcasm, sarcasmus
Saffron, crocus Salt, adj. salsus Sarcastical, satyricus, amarus
Ot saffron, croceus Saltish, subsalsus Sarcastically, satyrice
Coloured with saffron, crocatus A salting, salitura A sarce, cribrum
To sag, onero A salting-tub, vas salsamentarium To sarce, cribro, excerno
Sagacious, sagax, subtilis Saltless, insulsus A sash, cingulura (window;, fe-

Sagaciously, sagaciter, subtiliter Saltness, salsugo nestra ex lignea compage cou-

Sagacity, sagacitas, solertia Salvation, salus, salvatio fecta
Sage, salvia ; (of virtue), salvia Bringing salvation, salutifer Satan, Satanas
minor; (of Jerusalem), pulnio- Salubrious, saluber Satanical, satanicus, diabolicus
naria A salve, unguentum, medicamen- A satchel, sacculus, pera
Sage (wise), sapiens, prudens tum (eye), collyrium
; To sate, or satiate, satio, expleo
Sagely, sapient er, prudenter To salve, ungo (preserve),
; servo, A satellite, satelles
Sageness, sapientia, prudentia conservo; (extenuate), extenuo Satiety, satietas, saturitas
Sagittary, Sagittarius A salver, vas ad calices manu sus- Satin, pannus sericus densior ac
A sail, carbasus, velum ; (main), tinendum nitens
artemon ; (up), thoracium ; A salving, unctio, extenuatio A satire, satyra, carmen mordax
(sprit), dolon
(mizen), epi-
; A salvo, cautio, exceptio Satirical, satyricus, acerbus
dromus; (of ships), plures na- Salutary, salutaris, salubris Satirically, satyrice, mordaciter
ves simul navigantes ; (yard), To salute, saluto; (kiss), osculor; A satyrist, poeta satyricus
antenna (at parting), valedico (again),;
Satisfaction, satisf'actio, compsn-
To navigo; (about), circum-
sail, resaluto satio, restitutio ; (content-
navigo; (backwards), renavigo; A saluter, salutator ment), oblectatio animi
(before), praenavigo; (forward), Salutiferous, salutaris, salubris To make satisfaction, satisfacio,
naveprovehi; (over), nave tra- Of saluting, salutatorius compenso; (for damage), dam-
jicere; (by), praeternavigo (out; A saluting, or salutation, saluta- num sarcire
of), enavigo ; (through), per- tio ; (again), resalutatio To give satisfaction, voluptate
navigo ; (unto), adnavigo The same, ipse, idem perfundere
(with a fair wind), vento se- The very same, ipsissimus Satisfactory, satisfaciens, acccp-
cuudo vehi Sameness, identitas tus, gratus, jucundus
Of a sail, velaris At the same time, eodem tempore, Not to be satisfied, insatiabilis
That maybe sailed on, navigabilis simul et semel To satisfy (please), satisfacio ;
A sailor, or seaman, nauta A sample, exemplar, (pattern), (one's humour), animo morem
A sailing, navigatio specimen gerere ; (ambition), ambitio-
Sailing, navigans To sample, comparo nem explere; (for injuries), dc
A saint, sanctus Sanative, medicinalis injuriis satisfacere; (one » re-
Saints in heaven, capites Sanctification, sanctificatio, con- quest), petenti satisfacere j
To saint, (canonize), aliquem in secratio, dedicatio; (a making (creditors), »s alienum dissol
divos referre holy), sanctitatis infusio vere
Saintlike, sanctum referens To sanctify (set apart for holy Satisfying, satisfaeicn*
A satisfying, satisfactio Scaffolding, tabulati constructio Of scarlet, coccineus, coccinus
To saturate, satio, expleo A scalado, ascensus in murum Clothed in scarlet, coccinatus
Saturday, dies Saturn i By scalado, scalis admotis A scarp (in fortification), ima
Saturity, saturitas, satietas To scald (a thing), fervente li- muri declivitas ; (in heraldry),
Saturn, Saturnus quore aliquid macerare ; (a fascia minor
Feasts of Saturn, Saturnalia pig), porcellum calida aqua Scarred, cicatricibus obductus
Saturnine, saturninus perfundere; (scorch), uro, sub- A scate (fish), squatina
A satyr, satyrus uro Scathful, damnosus, noxiosus
Savage, ferus, immanis, crudelis ; Scald-pated, scabiosa capite To scatter, spargo, dispergo
(uncultivated), incultus, horri- Scalding-hot, fervidus, fervens That may be scattered, dissipa-
dus A scale (of a fish), squama; (of bilis
A savage beast, fera a balance), lanx ; (of miles), A scattering, sparsio, dispersio
To make savage, efifero scala milliarium (of music),
Scatteringly, sparslm, passim
Savagely, crudeliter, barbave scala musica ; (of a sore), crus- Scavage, scavagium
Savageness, feritas, crudelitas ta; (in measuremen-t), scala A scavenger, vicorum purgator,
Sauce, condimentum ; (of gravy), Like a scale, squamatim scabinus
eliquamen Having scales, squamosus A scene, sceua; (of affairs), se-
The same sauce, par pari To scale (a fish), desquamo, pur- ries, ordo, or status rerum
A saucer, acetabulum go; (as a wound), crusta exci- Belonging to scenes, scenicus
A sauce-box, homo impudens dere ; (a bone), ossis scabri- A scent, odor
Saucy, petulans, insolens tiem deradere ; (walls), per Ill-scented, fcetidus
A saucy fellow, effrons scalas muros ascendere Sweet-scented, odoriferus
To grow saucy, iusolesco A scaling (offish), desquamatio ; To scent (smell out), olfacio,
Saucily, petulanter, procaciter (of walls), per scalas conscensio suboleo ; (give a smell), odo-
Sauciness, petulantia ad muros rem diffundere
Save (except), praeter, nisi, extra, A scaling-ladder, scalae A scepter, sceptrum
praeterquam A scall, impetigo Bearing a scepter, or sceptered,
To save (preserve), servo, conser- A scallion, ascalonia sceptriger
vo, salvum praestare; [or deli- A scallap. See Scollop A sceptic, scepticus ; (in reli-
ver from danger), libero, eri- The scalp, pericranium gion), dubitans, or haesitans de
pere aliquem periculo ; (harm- To scalp, caput exuere, plagis lu- fide
less), incolumem servare ;
(till culentis aliquem deformare Sceptical, scepticus, dubitans
another time), in aliud tempus Scaly, squameus, squamosus Scepticism, sceptica
reservare A scamble, or scambling, dissipa- A schedule, schedula
Saving (frugal), parcus, frugalis tio; (scramble), raptio, promis- A scheme, schema, forma, ratio,
A saving (preserving), conserva- cua methodus
tio; (exception), exceptio, cau- Scamblingly, raptim, promiscue Schism, schisma
tio To scamper away, fugio, aufugio A schismatic, schismaticus
Saving, praeter, praeterquam, ex- To scan (examine), exanimo, per- Schismatical, schismaticus
tra; (that), nisiqubd pendo; (a verse), versum me- Schismatically, schismatic^
Savingly, frugaliter, parce tiri A scholar (at school), discipulus,
Savingly, frugalitas A scandal (offence), offensa ;
scholasticus (man of learn-

A saviour, servator ; (of man- (disgrace), dedecus, ignominia ing),homo literatus, or eru-
kind), human se salutis instau- To be a scandal to one, aliquem ditus
rator, salvator dedecorare Scholar-like, docte, erudite
To saunter, erro, vagor To scandalize (give offence), ma- Scholarship, doctrina, eruditio;
A savor, sapor, gustus exemplo offendere (disgrace
lo ;
(exhibition), exhibitio in scho-
Ill-savor, fcetor one), convicior, calumnior lasticum alendum [ticus
To savor (smell of), oleo; (taste Scandalous, infamis, turpis; (li- Scholastic, Scholastical, scholas-
of), sapio bel), libellus famosus Scholastically, scholastice
Savorily, gustui jucunde A scandalous action, flagitium A scholium, scholium
Savory, gustui jucundus Scandalously, malo exemplo, tur- A school, schola, gymnasium
Savoys, brassica Sabaudica piter A schoolboy, discipulus (fel- ;

A sausage, isicium, lucanica Scandalousness, dedecus low), condiscipulus (master),


A little sausage, botellus Scant, exiguus, minor justo ludimagister, praeceptor; (mis-
A sausage-maker, botularius Scantiness, defectus, brevitas tress), ludimagistra ;
A saw, serra, serrula Seantly, parce, vix, aegre scholasticus
Like a saw, serratus A scantling, proportio ; (little To school, increpo, objurgo
Sawdust, scobs piece), frustulum The sciatica, sciatica
To saw, serro Scanty, brevior, contractior Science, scientia, eruditio
A sawyer, serrarius A scape, effugium Scientific, scientificus
A sawing, serratura To scape (escape), evado A scimetar, acinaces
To say, dico, aio; (again), repe- Scapular, scapularis Scintillation, scintillatio
to; (against), contradico ; (be- A scar, cicatrix A sciolist, semidoctus
forehand), praedico (nay), ne-
To scar, cicatricem inducere A scion, insitum, surculus
go; (yes), affirmo; (by heart), Full of scars, cicatricosus Scissars, or scissors, forfex
memoriter pronunciare ;
(no- Scarce (rare), rarus, carus Scission, scissio
thing), sileo, taceo ; (one's To grow scarce, raresco A scissure, scissura, fissura
prayers), Deum precari Scarcely, vix, aegre, difficulter ; A scoff, dicterium, scomma, snr-
That is to say, scilicet (seantly), exigue, parce casmus
Say on, perge, age Scarceness, Scarcity, caritas, dif- To scoff, irrideo, derideo
A saying, dictum (again), repe-
ficultas, inopia A scoffer, scurra, derisor
titio; (old), proverbium; (wit- To scare (frighten), terreo, ter- Scoffing, scurrans
ty), facetiae rito A scoffing, irrisio, irrisus
A scab, scabies; (a dry), impe- A scarecrow, tcrriculum Of scoffing, scurrilis
tigo; (of sheep, &c), porrigo A scarf, mitellf fascia Scoffingly, scurriliter
A scabbard, vagina ; (scaleboard The scarfskin, cuticula exterior A scold, mulier rixosa
amongst printers), assula lig- A scarifying, scarificatio To scold, rixor, objurgo (at), in-;

nea inter lineas interserenda To scarify, scarifico clamo, convicior, increpo

Scabbed, Scabby, scabiosus, mor- Scaring, territans Scolded at, conviciis lacessitns
bidus Scarlet (the grain), coccum; (co- Given to scolding, rixosus
Scabbiness, scabies lor), color coccineus, ostrum A scolding, rixa, jurgium
Scabrous, scaber, asper (in grain), dibaphus, cocco in- A scollop (fish), pecten; (shell),
A scaffold, tabulatum; (for be- tinctus ; (cloth), coccus cocci- pectunculi testa
heading), locus supplicii editior uum Scolloped, denticulatus
;;;, ; ;


A sconce propugnaculum;
(fort), A scraping, rasura; (of or out), Of scum, spumeus
(for a candle), lynchnuchus deletio (together), accumula-
To scum, despumo
(fine), mulcta pecuniaria te ;
(iron), scalprum A scummer, spatha
A sconcing, mulctatio Scraps, fragmenta A scumming, despumatio
A scoop, haustrum A scratch, levis incisura A scupper-hole, latrina navalis
To scoop (make hollow), excavo To scratch, scalpo, scabo; (out), Scurf of the head, &c), porrigo
A scope (design), scopus excalpo, expungo (of a sore), crusta ulceris
Scope (room), spatium A scratcher, scalptor Scurfy, furfurosus
Free scope, licentia, copia A scratching, scalptura Scurfiness, psora
Scorbutic, scorbuticus To scrawl, male scribere Scurrility, scurrilitas
To scorch, torreo, aduro A scrawler, scriba malus Scurrilous, scurrilis, probrosus
Scorched, torridus, adustus A scrawling, scriptio mala Scurrilously, scurriliter
Scorching, torrens, torridus To screak, strideo, strido Scurvily, prave, improbe
A scorching, adustio, aestus Screaking, stridens Scurviness, pravitas, improbitas
A score (account), ratio, nomen, A screaking, stridor Scurvy, pravus, improbus
merces; (in number), numerus To scream, vociferor, exclamo The scurvy, scorbutus
vicenarius, viginti A screaming, vociferatio Of the scurvy, scorbuticus
To score (up), noto, signo To screech, ululo Scurvygrass, cochlearia
(upon), imputo; (make a line A screen, umbraculum A cut (tail), cauda
under), lhieam sub verba du- A screw, cochlea A scutcheon, scutum
cere To screw, torquendo perforare ; A scuttle (basket), sportula, cor-
A scorning, notatio (fasten with screws), torquendo bis (of a ship), navis valvas
; ;

Scorn, contemptus firmare cochleam ; {or oppress (of a mast), carchesium

To scorn, contemno, dedignor one), opprimo; (into favour), The sea, pelagus, mare, sequor;
Scorned, contemptus, irrisus insinuo (narrow), fretum; (main), al-
A scnrner, irrisor, derisor Scribble, scriptio mala tum, oceanus; (coast), ora ma-
Scornful, fastidiosus, fastosus To scribble, scriptito ritima; (shore), littus
Scornfully, contemptim, fastose A scribbler, malus scriba Of the sea, marinus
A scorning, dediinatio A scribbling, scriptio mala At, or by main sea, vnari
A scorpion, scorpio, prester A scrihe, scriba, notarius Sea, adj. maritimus, marinus
Of a scorpion, scorpionius A scrip, pera, culeolus Beyond sea, transmarinus
A scot (share), symbola, propor- The scripture, scriptura sacra A sea-calf, phoca ; (coal), cavbo
tio; (and lot), tributum, cen- A scrivener, scriba, trapezita fossilis
sus parochiales A scrivener's shop, trapeza On the sea-coast, maritimus
Scotfree, immunis, impunis Scrofulous, scrofula laborans A seaman, nauta, nauticus
Scotfree, adv. impune A scroll, schedula A seaport, oppidum maritiraum
To scoul (scowl), frontem corru- A scrub (person), homo vilis ; Seasick, nauseabundus
(poet), poetaster (horse),
To be seasick, nausea marina la-
equus strigosus borare
Scoulingly, torve, vultuose To scrub, frico, scalpo Of the sea-shore, littoralis
A scoundrel, nequam, trifurcifer Scrubbing, scalpens, defricans Seaweed, alga
To scour, detergo, purgo; (ves- A scrubbing, fricatio vehemen- A seal, signum, sigillum; (fish),
sels), vasa mundare (a ditch),
(brush), scopula ex fir-
tior; phocaena
fossam tergere ; (or run away), mioribus setis confecta To seal, sigillo consignare ; (a
fugio Scrubby, sordibus squalidus, vilis letter), epistolam signare
A scourer, purgator Scruff, ejectamentum To set a seal to, subsigno
A scouring (cleansing), expur- A scruple (doubt), scrupulus Of a seal, sigillaris
gatio ; (danger), periculum, (of conscience), stimulus ani- A seal-ring, annulus signatorius
malum ; (purging), alvi fluxus mi; (in weight), scrupulum A sealer, obsignator, signator
To scourge, verbero, castigo, fla- To scruple (doubt), dubito, hae- A sealing, signatio; (signature),
gello, verberibus caedere cunctor
sito, signatura
A scourge, flagellum, flagrum ; Scupulous, scrupulosus, dubitans A seam, sutura ; (of corn),
(of leather), scutica Scrupulously, scrupulose frumenti mensura octo mo-
A scourger, flagellator A scrutineer, scrutator dios continens ; (fat of hogs),
A scourging, verberatio Scrutinous, argutus, scrutans adeps porcina ; (of glass),
A scout, explorator, speculator A scrutiny., scrutatio vitri quantitas 120 libras pon-
Scouts, excubitores To scrutiny, or scrutinize, scru- derans
To scout (lurk), latito; (up and tor, exploro, investigo To seam, assuo, consuo
down), exploro, speculor A scud of rain, imber subitus Full of seams, abundans suturis
To scowl. See Scoul To scud, or scuddle away, aufu- Seamless, non consutus
To scrabble, unguibus lacerare gio A seamstress, sutrix ; ('s shop),
A scrag, corpus strigosum (end ; A scuffle, jurgium, pugna sutrina
of a neck), cervicis pars san- To scuffle, certo, decerto; (with), A sean (net), segena
guinea concerto, confligo To sear, uro, ustulo, iuuro
Scragginess, macies A scuffling, conflictio A searcloth, ceratum
Scraggy, macilentus, strigosus To sculk (hide), lateo, latito ;
Seared, adustus, inustus
To scramble, raptim colligere (about), conspectum fugere A searing, ustio; (iron), caute-
A scramble, direptio Sculking, latens, latitans rium
To scramble up, manibus pedi- A sculking hole, latibulum, la- A search, inquisitio, iudagatio,
busque ascendere tebra investigatio
A scrambling up, conscensio The scull, cranium, calva To search, inquiro, exploro
To scran ch, mordeo, admordeo A scull-cap, pileolus (after), quaero; (out).exquiro
A scrap, fragmentum A scull, or sculler; (boat), cym- (examine), scrutor ; {or fish
A scrape, difficultas, periculum bula unius remigis ;
(man), re- out), expiscor; (as a custom-
To scrape, rado, scalpo, scabo; mex singularis house officer), perscrutor; (pe-
(away), abrado; (before), proe- A scullery, lavatrina netrate), penetro, insinuo; {or
rado; (off), derado ; (of dirt), A scullion, lixa; (wench), ser- trace out), investigo, vestigo
detergeo; (out), erado, deleo vula coquinaria Having searched, scrutatus
(round about), circumrado 4 sculptor, sculptor A searcher, explorator, scrutator
(together), corrado Sculpture, sculptura A searching, scrutatio, indagatio
A scraper (person), rasor; (in- Of sculpture, sculptilis Season, tempestas, tempus
strument), radula ; (fiddler), Scum, spuma, spumatus ; (of In season, tempestive, opportune
fidicen metals), scoria; (of the peo- In season, adj. tempestivus
Scraping (badly tuned), parum ple), faex populi A fit season, occasio, opportunitaa
modulate sonans Full of scum, spumosus Out of season, intempestivus
To season, condio; (accustom), (bail in criminal matters), vas; Seldom, adv. rarft
assuefacio ; (instruct), imbuo (bail for debt), praes, sponsor; Very seldom, perrarus, rarissimus
Seasonable, tempestivus, oppor- (engagement), sponsio Very seldom, adv. rarissimfe
tunus To give security, satisdo To select, seligo, eligo, sepono
Seasonableness, tempestivitas, To take security, satis accipere Select, or selected, selectus, se-
opportunitas [tune A sedan, sella portatitia positus
Seasonably, tempestivfe, oppor- Sedate, sedatus,pacatus, placidus, A selection, selectio
A seasoning, conditio, condimen- serenus A selector, elector
tum Sedentary, sedentarius Self, or selfsame, ipse, idem
Of seasoning, conditivus Sedge, ulva, carex I myself, egomet, ego ipse
A seat, sedes, sella ;
(of justice), Sedgy, ulvis obductus By one's self, solus
tribunal; (mercy-seat), propi- Sediment, sedimentum, faex Self-conceit, arrogantia
tiatorium; (of state), solium, Sedition, seditio Self-conceited, arrogans
thronus; (or mansion-house), Seditious, seditiosus, factiosus To be self-conceited, altum sa-
domus rustica, villa; (bench), Seditiously, seditiose, factiose pere
scamnum ; (or form in a To seduce (deceive), seduco, de- Self-denial, sui ipsius abnegatio
school), classis ; (of war), se- cipio ; (debauch), corrumpo, Self-evident, manifestus
des; (place), locus; (of com- depravo Selfish, nimis se amans
merce), emporium; (inaboat), A seducement, irritamentum Selfishness, amor sui
transtrum; (situation), situs, A seducer, deceptor, corruptor Self-murder, suicidium
statio A seduction, seductio, deceptio Self-will, contumacia
To seat, sede locare ;
(sit down), Sedulity, diligentia Self-willed, obstinatus, contumax
sedeo, consideo Sedulous, assiduus, diligens To sell,or expose to sale, vendo,
A secant, recta linea secans Sedulously, sedul6, strenue venundo; (be exposed to sale),
Secession, secessus A see (diocese), sedes episcopalis veneo; (by auction), auctionor;
To seclude, secludo, excludo See ! en ecce
! ! (in the market), nundinor
Second, secundus To see, video, cerno, conspicio; (often), vendito
Every second, altermis (take care), caveo, euro, pro- A seller, venditor, venditrix; (of
Of second sort, secundarius video ; (afar off), prospicio old things), scrutarius ; (of
Second-hand, usu nonnihil tritus (clearly), perspicio ; (or look toys), nugivendus
A second (or another), alter ; [or into), introspicio ; (one's inten- A selling, venditio
assistant), adjutor tion), penetro, intelligo ; (into, A selvage, fimbria, limbus
Second (thoughts), maturus or examine), examino, inquiro, Selves, ipsi, ipsae
A second (of time), momentum, investigo, perscrutor Semblable, similis
punctum Seed, semen ; (time), tempus sa- A semblance, similitudo, species
To second, juvo, adjuvo tionis, sementis A semibrief, nota semibrevis
Second time, secundb, iterum Of seed, seminalis A semicircle, semicirculus
Secondary, secundarius A seed-plot, seminarium Semicircular, semicircularis
The secondine, secundae Produced by seed, seminatus A semicolon, semicolon
Secondly, secund6 A seedsman, seminum venditor A semidiameter, circuli radius
Secrecy (silence), silentium (re- ;
To seed, semento, semen ferre Seminal, seminalis
tirement), recessus Seeding, sementaturus A seminary, seminarium
Secret, secretus, arcanus, occul- Seedy, seminosus Seminary, seminarius
tus ; (clandestine), clandesti- A seeing, visio Sempiternal, perpetuus
ne; (not common), haud vul- Seeing clearly, oculatus, perspicax Sena, or senna, sena
garis; (that keeps close), tacitus Seeing that, quand6, quandoqui- Senary, senarius
In secret, clam, arcan6 dem, quoniam, cum, siquidem A senate, senatus
A secret, arcanum, secretum To seek, quaero, conquiro (for ; A senate-bouse, senaculum
(chamber), penetrale, conclave, aid),imploro (diligently), quae-
Act of senate, senatus consultum
(place), claustrum, secessus, perscrutor, investigo (en-
rito, ;
A senator, senator
abditum, latebra ; (accuser), deavour, or contrive), conor, Senatorian, senatorius, patricius
delator; (accusation), delatio machinor, molior Senators, patres conscripti
To keep secret, celo, supprimo A seeker, indagator, quaesitor To send, mitto; (about), circura-
A secretary, scriba, amanuensis ; A seeking, indagatio mitto ; (away), ablego, ainan-
(of state), scriba regius pub- Seeming (likely), verisimilis do; (back), remitto ; (before),
licis rebus propositus Seeming (dissembled), simulatus praemitto; (for), accerso, evo-
To secrete, occulto, celo Seemingly, simulate, externfe co ; (forth), emitto ; (forth
A secreting, occultatio furtiva Seemliness, decorum, decor breath), exhalo, spiro, halo;
Secretly, occulte, clam, furtlm. Seemly, decorus, decens (into exile), relego ;
(a letter),
Secretness, silentium Seemly, adv. decore, decenter literas dare; (on an errand),
A sect, secta, schola Not seemly, indecorus, indecens mitto, lego; (out of the way),
Of our sect, nostras It is seemly, decet amoveo, ablego; (over), trans-
Of your sect, vestras It is not seemly, non decet, de- mitto; (word), nuncio; (word
A sectary, sectator decet back), renuncio, rescribo
A section, sectio That may be seen, visibilis A sending, missio; (away), di-
Secular (worldly), mundanus, A seer, vates, propheta missio, relegatio; (back), re-
profauus ; (priest), sacerdos A seesaw, motus reciprocus missio ; (for), accitus ; (over),
secularis; (affairs), negotia ci- To seesaw, vacillo transmissio ; (out), emissio ;
vilia ; (arm, or power), magis- To seethe, coquo, elixo,ferveo, ex- (forth), dimissio
tratuum potestas; (belonging aestuo ;
(or boil over), ebullio, A seneschal, seneschallus
to an age, or 100 years), secu- exundo A senior, major natu
laris A seething, coctio, ebullitio Seniority, aetatis praerogativa
A secundary, subpraefectus A segment, segmentum Sensation, facultas sentiendi
Secure, securus, tutus, salvus To segregate, segrego, separo A sense (the faculty), sensus;
(careless), negligens, remissus A seignior, dominus (grand), ;
(understanding), mens, judici-
To secure, salvum
pra-stare ; Turcorum imperator um, intelligentia ; (wit, sharp-
(from danger), d. periculo de- A seigniory, ditio, dominium ness), ingenium, solertia, saga-
fendere, servare, or eripere Seisin, possessio citas; (prudence, wisdom ),pru-
(from enemies), ab inimicis To seize (take possession), occu- dentia, sapientia, consilium ;
protegere po, possessionem capere; (ap- (opinion), opinio, sententia,
Securely, secure, tute ; (careless- prehend), capio, prehendo, cor- significatio
ly), remisse, negligenter ripio Of good sense, sapiens, prudens
A securing, in tutum collocatio A seizure, occupatio, captio Without sense, absurde, inepte
Security, securitas, tranquillitas, Seldom, rarus, insolitus, infre- Senseless (without, feeling), nihil
otium ; (bail), vadimonium ; quens sentiens ;
(foolish), absurdus,


ineptus ; (stupid), stupidus, Serosity, serum A settlement, or settling, consti-
plurabeus (void of reason),
Serous, serosus tute ;
(agreement), pactum,
expers rationis, mentis inops A serpent, serpens; (with two foedus, stipulatio ; (fixed place
Senselessly, absurdc, inepte heads), amphisbaena; (horned), of abode), sedes, habitaculum;
Senselessness, vecordia serastes; (burning), dipsas ; (of liquor), faex, sedimentum
Sensibility, sensibilitas (water), hydras; (-'s skin), Seven, septem; (at cards), hep-
Sensible, sensilis; (of good sense), exuviae tas ; (times), septies ; (years
sapiens; (affecting the senses), Serpentine, serpentinus, sinuosus old), septennis (years), sep-

sensum raovens, or afficiens Like a serpent, flexuosus, sinu- tennium

Sensibly (feelingly), cumsensu; osus The seven stars, Pleiades
(wisely), sapienter, prudenter To serr, or serry, compingo Sevenfold, septuplex, septemplex
Sensitive, sensitivus, sensu prae- A servant, servus, famulus, minis- Seven foot, septempedalis
ditus ter; (woman), ancilla, famula, A sevennight (se'nnight), septi-
Sensual, voluptuosus, mollis pedissequa mana
Sensuality, voluptas corporea An humble servant, procus Seventeen, septemdecim
Sensually, jucunde, voluptarie Of a servant, famularis The seventeenth, decimus Septi-
A sentence, scntentia ; (by a To serve (as a servant), alicui mus
judge), judicium ; (period), pe- servire (up dinner), cibos ap-
The seventh, Septimus
riodus ponere; (with drink), pocula Seventhly, septimum
To sentence, judicium ferre, or administrare (or supply with),
Seventy, septuaginta
pronunciare, addico, damno suppedito, praebeo ; (or be use- Of seventy, septuagenarius
Sententious, sententiosus ful for), prosum Seventy times, septuagies
Sententiously, sententiose Service, or servitude, servitium, The seventieth, septuagesimus
Sentient, sentiens, percipiens famulatus; (done to a master), Seven hundred, septingenti
A sentiment (opinion), sensus, opera, ministerium; (respect), The seven-hundredth, septingen-
sententia, opinio obsequium, officium; (labour), tesimus
A sentry, excubire ; (box), spe- labor; (worship), cultus Seven hundred times, septingen-
cula; (or sentinel), excubitor, A service at table, ferculum ties
speculator (the first service, &c), prima To sever, separo, secerno, segre-
To stand sentry, excubo, excu- mensa go, divido
bias, or vigilias agere To do service, prosum Several (more than one), plures,
Separable, separabilis Serviceable (useful), utilis, com- nonnulli ; (distinct), distinc-
Separate, separatus, disjunetus modus; (officious), obsequens, tus, separatus, diversus, varius
To separate, separo, sejungo; lor officiosus ; (fit for service), ser- Severally, separatim, singulatim
retire from), discedo ; (from vitio apt us Severance, separatio, divisio
others), segrego, secerno; (or Serviceableness, utilitas Severe (hard, rigorous), severus,
break company), dissocio Serviceably, utiliter, officiose durus, asper, austerus, moro-
Separately, separatim, divislm Servile, servilis sus; (very cold), frigidissimus;
A separating, or separation, sepa- Servilely, serviliter, verniliter (grave, sober), gravis, sobrius
ratio, disjunctio, secretio; (di- Servileness, Servility, vernilitas Severed, separatus, sejunctus
vorce), divortium, repudium Serving (as a servant), serviens, Severely, severe, asperfc
September, September ministrans (a purpose), aptus,
A severing, separatio
Septenary, septenarius utilis Severity, severitas, asperitas
Septennial, scptennis A servitor, servus, famulus To sew, suo; (before), praesuo
Septentrional, septentrionalis Servitude, servitus, servitudo (behind), desuo ; (iu), insuo;
Septic, or septical, septicus A session, sessio (to), assuo ; (together), con-
The septuagint, septuaginta in- A session of parliament, parlia- suo
terpretes ment! sessio, senatus habitus That may be sewed, sutilis
Septuple, septuplus, septuples A sessor, censor A sewer, sutor ; (common shore),
Sepulchral, sepulchralis A sesterce, sestertius, sestertium cloaca
A sepulchre, sepulchrum, mauso- A set. battle, pugna stataria Sweet, sebum, sevum ; (melted),
leum Well set, compacto corpore liquamen
Sepulture, sepultura Set for rain, pluviosus Of sewet, sevosus, sebaceus
A sequel, or sequence, consequen- Set on mischief, proclivis Mixed with sewet, omentatus
tia; {or series), series ;
(or up- On set. purpose, dedita opera A sewing, sutura ;
shot), eventus, exitus A set (of things), apparatus, in- consutura
Sequent, sequens strumentum A sex, sexus
To sequester, sequestro, proscri- To set (put, or place), pono, col- Sexennial, sexennalis
be, contisco loco ; (appoint), statuo, con- Sextile, sextilis
A sequestering, or sequestration, stituo A sexton, sedituus, sacrista
sequestratio, confiscatio A setter (planter), sator ; (to Shabbily, male
A sequestrator, sequestrator hire), locator; (forth), editor ; Shabbiness, malus vestitus
A seraglio, gynxceum (on), ductor Shabby, malus, sordidus, pauno-
Seraphical, Seraphic, seraphicus A setting, positio ; (apart), se- sus
A seraphim, seraphim positio, separatio ; (off), clis- A shabby fellow, homo tressis
A serenade, cantiuncula nocturna tinctio (forward), progressus
; A shackle, manica, compes
To serenade, occentare ostium (stick), pastinum; (up), erec- .To shackle, compedibus vincire
Serene, serenus, tranquillus, pla- tio; (upon, or an assault), im- Shad (a fish), clupea
cidus petus ; (of the sun), solis occa- A shade, umbra; (worn by wo-
To make serene, sereno sus; (dog), canis cubitor men), nimbus
Serenely, serene, placide Setaceous, ex setis aptus To shade, umbro, tego
Sereneness, Serenity, tranquillitas A settle, sedile, sella; (bed), lec- To be shaded, umbror
Serge, panni rosi genus tus sellae formam habens Shades (ghosts), umbrae, manes
A sergeant, or serjeant, lictor, ap- To settle, statuo, constituo, fir- Shadiness, opacitas
paritor; (at arms), ad arma mo, confirmo; (in a place), se- A shadow, umbra
serviens; (at law), ad legem dem figere; (a thing by argu- Of a shade, or shadow, umbratilis
serviens ments), argumentis contir- A mere shadow, valde macilcmus
A sergeantship, apparitnra mare ;
(accounts), rationes To shadow, or cast a shadow,
Of a sergeant, lictorius conferre; (an estate upon one), umbro, obumbro, opaco, ob-
Sergeantry, servitium aliquem haeredem suum facere ;
A series, series, ordo (affairs), res disponere ; (ex- To shadow out, adumbro
Serious, serius, gravis, sobrius penses), sumptus moderari ; Shadow (favour, protection), tu-
Seriously, serid, graviter (on the lungs), incumbo ; (an tamen, tutela ;
(pretence, or
Seriousness, gravitas habitation), sedem figere appearance), praetextus, spe-
A sermon, concio, oratio sacra Settledness, stabilita3 cies; (sign, trace, or footstep).
vestigium ; (type, or figure), A shanker, ulcus A sheath, theca, vagina
typus A shape, forma, figura To sheath, in vaginam recon»
A shadowing, adumbratio To shape, formo, figuro dere; (a ship), assulasadimam
Shady, umbrosus, opacus Shapeless, informis navim affigere ; (in one's body),
A shady place, umbraculum IU-shapen, deformis defigo
A shaft, telum, sagitta; (spire), Well-shapen, venustus A sheath-maker, vaginarius
pyrarois; (of a pillar), scapus ;
Of two shapes, biformis A shed [or cottage), casula; (ad-
(in a mine), scaptensula Of many shapes, multiformis joining to a house), appendix
Shag, pannus villosus A shaping, formatio ffidificii
Shagged, Shaggy, 'villosus, hirsu- A shard, or sherd, testa fracta To shed (liquor), fundo, effundo;

tus Of a shard, testaceus (about), circumfundo

Shagreen, subst. rnceror, solicitu- A shard (gap).sepisruina; (fish), A shedding, fusio, effusio
do; adj. moestus, solicit us trutta minor Sheds, allegiss, septa
Shagreen-leather, squali corium A share, pars, portio Sheen, or sheeny, nitidus
To shagreen, mcerorum creare The share-bone, os sacrum A sheep, ovis (fold), ovile ;

A shake, or shaking, motus, con- To share (divide), divido, partior, (hook), pedum; (walk), pas-
cussio (in music), modulatio
distribuo; (give a share), im- cuum
To shake, quatio, concutio, vibro, pertio; (take a share), parti- Of sheep, ovillus, ovinus
exagito; (hands), manus con- cipo ; (have a share), partem Sheepish, insulsus, insipiens
jungere; (the head), nuto; (for ferre Sheepishness, insulsitas, insipi-
fear), tremo, contremisco, hor- Having shared, sortitus entia
reo ; (oflf), excutio (often), ; A sharer, partitor; [or partaker Sheer (pure), purus, merus
agito, quasso (with cold), fri-
of), particeps, consors To sheer off, clanculum discedere
gore tremere (in trotting),
; A sharing by lot, sortitio A sheet (for a bed), lodix ; (of
succutio; (up and down), jac- To shark (cheat), aliquem emun- paper), folium; (of lead), la-
to; (in singing), modulor gere Sheeted, lodicibus stratus [mina
To be shaken, nuto, titubo A shark (fish), canis, carcharias Sheeting, pannus ex quo lodices
That may be shaken, agitabilis Sharp (in action), acer ; (in conficiuntur
A shaker, concussor ;
(with trot- taste), acidus, subacidus ; (in A shekel, siclus
ting), succussator wit), acutus, astutus, sagas ;
A shelf, plutcus, abacus ; (of
Shaking (for fear), trepidus ;
(in words), mordax ; (fight), sand), brevia, syrtes
(with cold), frigore horrens ;
pugnaatrox; (cruel), severus, A shell, testa; (of nuts, &c.),pu-
(up and down), tremulus, mo- rigidus, ferus, crudelis ; (cold), tamen (of a fish), concha; (of

bilis frigus durum ; (rough), asper; a snail), cochlea

A shaking [in an active sense), (set), famelicus, esuriens ; To shell, decortico, deglubo
quassatio, concussio ; [in a (sour), acerbus, austerus ; Shelly, testaceus
passive sense), tremor; (with (sighted), oculatus, perspicax Like a conchatus
cold), horror; (up and down), (of edge), acutus A shelter, refugium
agitatio; [or jolting), succus- To be sharp, aceo To shelter, protego, defendo,
sus To grow sharp, acesco tueor
A shallop, scapha, lembus To sharpen, acuo, exacuo, acu- Sheltering, protegens, defendens
Shallow (not deep), brevis, mi- mino; (at the end), cuspido, Shelving, declivis"
nime profundus ; (in wit), inep- spiculo; (atthetop),cacumino A shepherd, paster, opilio
tus, hebes; (dull, insipid), in- A sharpening, exacutio A shepherd's crook, pedum
sulsus Sharper, acutior, acrior Of a shepherd, pastoralis
A shallow place, vadum A sharper, astutus, versutus ; A shepherdess, femina oves cus-
A shallow river, fluvius tenui (cheat), fraudator, veterator todiens
fluens aqua Sharply, acute, acriter; (by way A sheriff, vicecomes
Shallowly, insulse, inepte of reproach), contumeliose ;
A sheriffalty, vicecomitis munus
Shallowness (of water), minima (roughly), aspere, acerbe ; (wit- The sheriffdom, vicecomitatus
aquae profunditas ; (in under- tily), acute, argute, sagaciter, A sheriffwick, vicecomitis juris-
standing), imperitia, tarditas salse dictio
Shallows, brevia Sharpness (of edge), acies, acu- Sherry, vinum Andalusianum
A shalot, allium Lusitanicum men ;
(severity), rigor, severitas A shew (outward appearance),
A sham, fallacia, dolus (smartness), acrimonia ; (of species, simulatio, prsetextus
Sham, fictus, fictitius, commen- words), mordacitas ; (sour- (sight), pompa, spectaculum
titius ness), acerbitas; (of wit), sa- Shew-bread, panis proposititius
To sham, fingo, simulo gacitas, solertia To shew, monstro, demon stro,
The shambles, macellum, laniena A shash, cingulum; (turban), ostendo, indico, declaro ; (be-
Of shambles, macellarius tiara forehand), prsdico (expose ;

Shame (bashfulness), pudor, mo- To shatter, quasso, comminuo to view), propono, exhibeo
destia; (disgrace), dedecus, in- A shatterpate, futilis, ineptus (cause), rationes afferre
famia, opprobrium, ignominia To shave, tondeo, rado (about), ;
To make a shew of, simulo
To shame (make ashamed), pu- circumrado (off, or away),
To shew kindness, diligo; (mer-
defacio; (disgrace), infamiam abrado (close), attondeo
cy), misereor ; (fear), timeo;
afFerre A shaver, tonsor (respect), revereor, veneror
Shamed, perfusus rubore ;
(dis- A shaving, rasura, tonsura A shewing, indicatio
graced), dedecoratus Of shaving, tonsorius Shewy, speciosus
Shamefaced, verecundus [ter Shavings, ramenta A shield, clypeus, scutum; (used
Shamefacedly, verecunde, puden- She, ea, ilia, ipsa, ista, hsec by Amazons), pelta; (used by
Shamefacedness, verecundia A sheaf, fascis, manipulus; (of Moors), cetra
Shameful, foedus, turpis, probro- arrows), pharetra Armed with a shield, clypeatus,
sus, inhonestus, ignominiosus To shear, tondeo, detondeo ; [or cetratus, parmatus
Shamefully, turpiter, impudentcr reap corn), meto ; (run as a A shield-bearer, scutigcrulus ;
Shamefulness,turpitudo,probrum ship),labo; (round about), cir- (maker), scutarius
Shameless, impudens, inverecun- cumtondeo To shield, defendo, protego
dus A shearer, tonsor A shielding, protectio
Shamelessly, inverecunde A shearing, tonsura A shift (expedient), ratio, mo-
Shamelessness, impudentia A shearman, panni tonsor dus ; (remedy), remedium ;

Shamois, pellis rupicapras Shears, forfex (device), dolus, effugium, stvo-

The shank (of the leg), tibia, A sheat. (rope), funiculus quo ve- pha, techna, vaframentum ; (a
crus; (bone), parastata; (of a lum transfertur; (anchor), an- woman's shirt), subucula femi-
chimney), fumarium ; (of a chora maxima; (cable), funis nea
candlestick), scapus candela- anchorarius; (pig), porcellus, To shift (escape), evado, effugio;
bri ; (of a plant), plantse caulis verres; (fish), silurus (change), pennuto, muto; (as
; ;


the wind), verto ; (off), detrec- trade), ars sutrina Over left shoulder, partim succe-
to ;
(remove), amoveo, remo- A shoe-latchet, corrigia dens
veo; (from place to place), mi- A shoe-sole, solea; (upper-lea- To shoulder, humero tollere ;

gro, demigro ther), obstragulum (up), suffulcio; (a pike), has-

To make a shift, aegre facere A shoeing, or fitting with shoes, tam in huinero attollere
A shifter, veterator calceatus; (horn), cornu cal- A shout, acclamatio, clamor
A shitting, mutatio, migratio ;
ceatorium To shout, acclamo, clamo, excla-
(trick), fallacia, dolus I shook, concussi mo
A shilling, solidus A shoot, germen,
surculus ; Shouting, clamosus
The shin, tibia (young pig), poicellus; (from A show.'pompa. See Shew
To shine, fulgeo, mico, niteo, lu- a bow, &c). ictus, jactus A shower, imber, pluvia ; (great),
ceo, splendeo ; (about), cir- Full of shoots, surculosus nimbus
cumfulgeo ;
(bright), eniteo, Of shoots, surcularius To shower down, depluo
effulgeo ; (before), praefulgeo ; To shoot (as trees), germino ; (an Causing showers, imbrifer
(like gold), rutilo; (a little), arrow, &c.)> jaculor, emitto ; Showery, nimbosus, pluvius, plu-
subluceo ; (out), eniteo, enites- (as an ear of corn), spico ; (as vialis
co; (through), perluceo, trans- lightning), emico, corusco ; (or A -shred, segmentum panni
pareo ; (together), colluceo ; jet out), promineo, exto; (or To shred, concido, praeseco
(upon), alluceo, affulgeo, illus- run upon one), irruo, insilio ; Shred small, minutim concisus
tro (pain), doleo, uro ; (or grow In small shreds, minute, minutim
To begin to shine, splendesco up),cresco; (at amark), telum A shredding, concisura
A shingle (lath), asser collineare, ad metam dirigere; A shrew.mulier rixosa; (mouse)
The shingles, herpes (at one), sagittis petere mus araneus
Shining, part, nitens, fulgens, A shooter of darts, jaculator; (of Shrewd (sharp, cunning), vafer,
splendens, rutilans ; adj. ruri- a lock), serae obex subdolus, astutus, argutus
lus, coruscus, nitidus, splendi- The shooting of a star, trajectio (ticklish, dangerous), difficilis,
dus, fulgidus ; (through), pel- A shooting, jaculatio; (of trees, periculosus ; (unhappy), ma-
lucidus &c), germinatio lus, improbus, pravus
A shining, fulgor, nitor To go a shooting, aucupor A shrewd turn, maleficium
Shiningly, spleudide, nitidfe _
A shooting-star, sidus volans Shrewdly, astute, prave, subdolfc
A ship, navis, navigium ; (with a A shop, taberna, officina; (bar- Shrewdness, astutia, sagacitas
flat bottom), navis plana cari- tonstrina
ber's), (booksel-
Shrewish, perversus, clamosus
na ; (of war), navis bellica bibliopolium
ler's), To shriek, ejulo, exclamo
Master of a ship, nauclerus A shopkeeper, tabemarius A shriek, or shrieking, ejulatus
Of a ship, navalis Belonging to a shop, tabernarius Shrift, confessio auricularis
Ship-money, tributum pro navi- A shore, littus, arena, ripa, terra; Shrill, argutus, sonorus, clarus
bus construendis (prop), fulcrum ; (common Shrilly, argute, sonorfe
A ship-boat, scapha; (boy), puer sewer), cloaca Shrillness, sonus argutus
nauticus; (man), nauta; (tim- To shore up, suffulcio, fulcio A shrimp, squilla parva ; (dwarf),
ber), materia navalis A shoring up, suffulsio nanus, pumilio
Shipwreck, naufragium Not shorn, intonsus A shrine, conditorium
Shipwrecked, naufragus Short, brevis, curtus, concisus, To shink (or contract itself), se
A ship-carpenter, naupegus compendiosus, succinctus contrahere; (grow less), de-
A ship's fare, nauluni To be short, breviter cresco ; (from one's word), ter-
To ship off, in naves imponere In a short time, brevi giversor; (in courage), labasco
To govern a ship, naviculor Very short, perbrevis A shrinking, contractio (from ;

A shipping, in navem conscensio In a short manner, summatim one's word), retractio ; (of si-
(a putting on board), in navem To stop short, repente consistere news), spasmus, nervorum con-
impositio Short of a place, cis, citra vulsio
Shipping, plures naves To be short, deficio Shrivalty, vicecomitis munus
A shire, provincia, comitatus To take up short, increpo To shrive, sacerdoti contiteri
To shirk about, parasitor To cut short, praecido To shrivel, rugo, corrugo
A shirt, indusium To grow short, decresco To be shrivelled, corrugor
A shittlecock, suber pennatum; Shorter days, dies contractiores A shriver, confessor
(silly fellow), levis, inconstans Shortlived, caducus Shrovetide, bacchanalia
To shiver, frango, comminuo, Shortsighted, luscinus A shroud (shelter), tectum, tu-
conscindo ; (with cold), prae Shortwinded, anhelus presidium
tela, ; (for the dead),
frigore horrere ; (or be shivered Short hand, notas breviores amiculum ferale
in pieces), commiuuor, frangor A short cut, via compendiaria To shroud (a dead body), amicu-
Shivered to pieces, comminutus To shorten, decurto, contraho, in lum ferale imponere (cover), ;

Shivering (to pieces), comminu- compendium redigere (one's ; tego, operio, velo
ens; (quaking), tremulus, hor- commons), cibum deducere The shrouds, rudentes majores
rens A shortening, contractio A shrub (little tree), frutex, ar-
A shivering (to pieces), disseca- Shortly (in words), breviter, sum- buscula; (dwarf), nanus, pu-
tio ; (or quaking), horror matim, adsummam; (in time), milio; (liquor), potus ex vino
In shivers, assulatim brevi ; (after), paulo p&st, mox adusto, malis aureis, et sac-
A shoal (of fishes, &c), grex, ag- Shortness, brevitas; (of breath), charo commistis, confectus
men.caterva; (of sand),brevia asthma, spirandi difficultas Shrubby, fruticosus
A shock (of corn), acervus; (in Shot (small), pilulae plnmbesemi- To grow shrubby, frutico
battle), certamen, conilictus; nores; (large), glandes ferret; A shrubbery, fruticetum
(upon the Bpirits), impetus, (at a club), symbola, collecta Shruff, scoria, recrementum
horror Shotten, effoetus, coagulatus To shrug, tremo ; (up the shoul-
To shock, confligo, congredior, A shove (thrust), impulsus ders), scapulas attollere
terreo, To shove, impello, trudo (back), ; To shudder, horreo, tremo
To be shocked, permoveor depello ;
(on), propello; (a- Shuddering, horrens, tremens
Not shod, discalceatus way), submoveo A shuddering, horror, tremor
A shoe, calceus, solea A shovel, ligo ; (fire), batillum ; To shuffle, misceo ; (and cut),
A high shoe, pero (paring), pala tergiversor, callide cunctari
To shoe (or put on shoes), calceo, To shovel, ligone auferre [ria (along), accelerato et tremuio
calceos induere ; (a horse), fer- A shovel- board, mensa longaluso- gradu incedere; (off a fault),
reas soleas aptare A shoulder (of a man), humerus; culpam transferre; (off a trou-
To put off shoes, excalceo (of a beast), armus blesome business), extricare s6
A shoemaker, sutor With great shoulders, humerosus A shuffling, mistura (or bog-

Belonging to shoemakers, sutorius The shoulder-blade, scapula ; gling), cavillatio, tergiversatio

A 'hoeroaker's shop, sutrina; (a (piece), humerale Shufflingly, dolose, fraudulenter
To shun, devito, fugio, declino To change sides, fidem mutare bombycini operis officina ;

That may be shunned, evitabilis Sideral, sideralis (weaver), sericae textor ;

That cannot be shunned, inevita- A siege, obsidio, obsidium, ob- (worm), bombyx
bilis sessio, circumcessio Silky, mollis, flexilis
Shunning, devitans, fugiens To lay siege, obsideo A sill, limen
A shunning, devitatio, evitatio Belonging to a siege, obsidionalis A sillabub, oxygala
To shut, claudo; (or bar fast), A sieve, cribrum Sillily, inepte, insulse, absurde
occludo, obsero; (in), includo ; Belonging to a sieve, cribrarius Silliness, iueptia, insulsitas
(out), excludo; (up), inter- To sift, cerno, cribro ; (out a Silly, vecors, ineptus ; (fellow),
cludo, concludo matter), exquiro, pervestigo, asinus
; (action), inepte factum
To get shut (of business), ab ali- scrutor Silvan, silvosus
quo negotio se expedite (of a ; Sifted (out), patefactus, retec- Silver, argentum ;
(quick), ar-
person), aliquem amovere tus ; (as meal), cribratus gentum vivum
To shut up shop, tabernam oc- A sifting (of meal), cribratio ;
Of argenteus
cludere; (or leave off trade), (or searching), scrutatio Full of silver, argentosus
foro cedere Siftings, recrementum To silver, argento obducere
A shutter, claustrum A sigh, suspirium, gemitus A silversmith, faber argentarius
A shutting (out), exclusio; (up), To sigh, suspiro, gemo Similar, similis, similaris
conclusio A sighing, suspiratio A simile, collatio, similitudo ;

The shutting in of the day, cre- A sight (shew), spectaculum (example), exemplum
pusculum vespertinum The sight, visus, aspectus, con- A similitude (parable), parabola;
A shuttle, radius textorius spectus, obtutus ; (or faculty (likeness), similitudo
Shy (wary).cautus; (disdainful), of seeing), facultas videndi; Simoniacal, simoniacus
fastosus, superciliosus ; (apt (in a cross-bow), scutula; (of Simcuy, simonia
to start), pavidus; (not friend- the eye), oculi acies A simper, risus levls
ly), vultus minime fraternus At first sight, prima facie To simper, subrideo, arrideo
Shy, adv. frigide, indifferenter To come in sight, appareo Simple (unmixed), simplex, me-
Shyness, fastus, cautela Dimness of sight, caligatio rus, purus (single, alone) uni-

A sibyl, sibylla Dim sighted, luscus, caligans cus, solus ; (harmless), in-
The sice-point, senio Quick- sighted, bene oculatus noxius, innocens, innocuus ;
Sick, aegrotus, seger ; (at sto- Sharp-sighted, perspicax, sagax (plain without ornament), sim-
mach), stomachicus Sightless, caecus, lumine captus plex, inornatus; (sincere, ho-
To be sick, segroto; (in bed), Sightly, spectabilis, speciosus nest), simplex, integer, probus,
lecto seger affigi; (dangerous- A sign (token), insigne, signum, sincerus ; (silly), ineptus, insi-
ly), graviter segrotare ; (of a nota, in dicium ( t'ootst ep )
ves- , piens, fatuus, insulsus; (fel-
fever), febricito; (of a thing), tigium; (presage), praesagium, low), homo crassi ingenii ; (tri-
segre ferre (manual), chirographum ;
(at a fling), frivolus, vilis, levis
To fall sick, languesco house), signum, insigne Simpleness, or simplicity, sim-
Sickish, male se habens To sign, signo, obsigno plicitas, sinceritas; (in under-
A sickle, falx "messoria Signal, notabilis, clarus, insignis standing), insipientia, stultitia
Sickliness, aegrotatio, valetudo A signal, signum, symbolum A simpler, or simplist, artis bo-
Sickly, intirmus, valetudinarius To signalize, insignio, re gesta tanicaa peritus
A sickly time, quo plurimi tegro- clarum reddere A simpleton, fatuus
tant Signally, insigniter, eximie Simply, sirapliciter, sincerfe ;
Sickness, morbus, segrotatio ; A signature, signatuTa ;
(in print- (without ornament), nullo or-
(green), chlorosis; ^contagi- ing), litera schedae index natu ; (in wit), inepte, insi-
ous), contagium; (falling), epi- Signed, signatus, consignatus pienter
lepsia ; (plague), pestilentia, A signer, signator Simulation, simulatio
pestis A signet, sigillum Sin, peccatum, delictum [lare
A side, latus; (of a cup, &c.), Signiricancy (meaning), sensus, A sin-offering, sacrificium piacu-
pars; {or party), pars, causa; signiricatio (force, or weight),
To sin, pecco, delinquo
(of a country), ora, regio (of ; vis, momentum, pondus Since (seeing that), cum, quura,
a leaf), pagina; (of a river), Significant (denoting), signifi- quancl6, quia, quandoquidem,
ripa; (or brim), margo (or ;
cans.denotans, exprimens (of ;
siquidem, quouiam; (from that
the shore), littus ; (of a bed), great force), magni momenti time), postquam, cum, qu6d
sponda; (of a hill), clivus Significantly, clare, plane (before that time), ante, ab-
Belonging to a side, lateralis A signification (or snowing), sig- hinc
A sideboard, abacus; (of plate), niricatio ; (or sense of a word), Ever since, jam indfe [dem
abacus vasis argenteis refertus sensus, vis, potestas, notio Long since, jamdudftm, jampri-
A side-blow, ictus obliquus Significative, significativus Not long since, nuper, non pri-
A side-face, facies oblique de- To signify (mean), valeo, signi- dem
picta fico; (declare), denuncio, de- How long since ? quam pridem ?

A sidesman, adjutor, quoesitor ; clare, notifico, denoto; (pre- Sincere, sincerus, integer
(of a fowl), portio oblonga & sage), prasdico, portendo Sincerely, sincere, simpliciter
lumbis dissecta A signifying, significatio, signifi- Sincerity, sinceritas
A side-wind, ventus obliquus cants, praedictio A sinew, nervus
Sideways, obliquus, transversus Signifying, significans, declarans Sinewy, nervosus
adv. oblique, transversa A signing, signatio, obsignatio Sinful, intpius, fiagitiosus
Sideling, corpore inclinato Silence, sileutium, taciturnitas Sinfully, impi6, flagitiose
By the "side of, juxta, prope (secrecy), reticentia Sinfulness, impietas, scelus
Of the same side, collateralis To silence, os obstruere To sing, cano, psallo, canto, de-
On all sides, quaquaversus, un- To break silence, profari canto, modulor; (ballads), in
dique To keep silence, sileo, taceo triviis disperdere carmen ; (be-
On both sides, utrinque (either ;
Silenced, cui os obstruitur fore), prsecino; (between), in-
side), alterutrinque ; (every A silencing, oris obstructio tercino ; (as a nurse), lallo ;
side), undique, ex omni parte; Silent, silens, tacitus, tacituraus (treble), medio sono modulari
(the inside), iutus; (one side To become silert, obticeo, con- (often), cantito ; (in parts),
and the other), ultrfc citr&que; ticeo concino; (to a harp), succino
(the outside), extrinsecus ; Silently, tacite, silenter To singe, ustulo, amburo
(neither side), neutrd Silk, sericum, bombyx A singer, cantor, cantator
To side with (or favour), faveo, Silk, sericus, bombycinus ; A singing, cantio, harmonia ;
partes sequi, cum aliquo stare (throughout), holosericus gether), concentus ; (place),
A siding with, partium studium Of silk, sericus odeum ;
(school), scola musi-
To side along, corpore inclinato Covered with silk, sericatus ca; (boys).puerisymphoniaci;
incedere A silkman, sericarius ; (shop), (man), cantator, cantor; (wo-
Li 17]
; ;; ;;;


man),cantatrix; (master), mu- The sixth, sextus A skreen, umbraculum ; (used bj
sioes professor The sixth time, sextum bricklayers, &c), cribrum
Single, singularis, unicus (heart- ;
A sixth part, sextans fdecies To skreen, tego, cribro
ed), integer, probus Sixteen, sexdecim ; (times), sex- The sky, aether, aethra, caelum
A single life, cselibatus ; (per- The sixteenth, decimus sextus Of the sky, aethereus
son), caelebs Sixty, sexaginta, sexageni Skycoloured, caeruleus
To single out, seligo, excerpo Of sixty, sexaginarius A slab (puddle), lacuna ; (of tim-
Singleness, simplicitas, integritas Sixty times, sexagies ber), asser externus ; (marble
Singly, singulatlm, singillatim The sixtieth, sexagesimus hearth), marmor focarium
Singular (belonging to one only), Six hundred, sexcenti; (times), To slabber, madefacio; (drivel),
unicus, simplex, singularis ;
sexcenties saliva manare
(particular), peculiars ; (rare, The six hundredth, sexcentesi- Slabbered, madefactus [teum
excellent), clarus, egregius, ex- mus A slabbering bib, pectorale lin-
irains, praestans ; (odd, or af- Size, moles, modus, mensura, Slabby, madidus, ccenosus
fecting singularity), a communi magnitudo ;
(used by plais- To slack, or slacken, laxo, re-
usu alienus terers), gluten e corio factum; mitto ; (one's pace), gradum
Singularity, singularitas, affecta- (to gild with), chrysocolla minuere ; (be slackened), laxor,
tio, insolentia To size (measure), metior, ad- remittor; (flag), langueo, tar-
Singularly, singulariter, nnice metior desco
Sinister (unlucky), sinister, mali Sizeable, justae molis Slack, laxus, remissus, lentus
ominis ; (unlawful, unjust), A sizer (servitor), batalarius (careless), remissus, negligens;
malevolus, iniquus, injustus Sizy, glutinosus (slow), segnis, tardus
To sink, sido, desido, consido, A skain, glomus fili A slackening, laxatio
subsido, labo; (in courage), ani- A skate (scate), squatina Slackly, remisse, perfunctorie
molabare; (one's spirits), de- A skeleton, sceletos; (one very Slackness, tarditas, mora
trecto ; (a snip), navem demer- lean, or thin), admodum maci- Slain, casus, occisus
gere; (under its own weight), lentus To slake (quench), extinguo.sedo;
inole sua mere; (credit), fidem A sketch, lineatio, adumbratio (lime), calcem aqua macerare;
imminuere; (a well), puteum To sketch out, delineo, adumbro (hunger), famem explere, or sa-
fodere; (principal money), sor- To skewer, festucis colligere tiare; (thirst), sitim sedare
temalienare; (or waste by sick- A skiff, scapha Slaked (as lime), aqua maceratus
ness), contabesco; (or pene- Skill, peritia, ars, scientia Slander, calumnia
trate into), penetro Skilful, Skilled, peritus, expertus To slander, calumnior, detrecto
A sink, sentiua, latrina, cloaca ;
(in the law), juris peritus Slandered, infamatus
(hole), ostium cloacale To be skilful, calleo, intelligo A slanderer, calumniator
Sinking (down), subsidens, resi- Skilfully, perite, erudite, callide A slandering, calumniatio
dens; (in), imbibens To skim, despumo; (milk), cre- Slanderous, maledicus, calumnio-
Sinking paper, charta bibula morem eximere ; (or pass over sus; (words), convicia
A sinking in fortune, fortuna in- lightly), leviter perstringere Slanderously, maledice, calum-
clinata, opes pene exhaustae A skin,' pellis, cutis; (little), cu- niose
The sinking of ground, labes agri ticula; (of a beast), corium, Slank, gracilis, gradient us
Sinless, innocens, sceleris purus tergus; (of parchment), scheda Slant, obliquus
A sinner, peccator, peccatrix pergamenae; (husk), siliqua Slantly, oblique, transverse
A sip, or sipping, sorbitio Between the skin and flesh, in- A slap (blow), colaphus, ictus,
To sip, sorbillo, gusto tercus plaga; (on the face), alapa
A sippet, panis quadra Having a thick skin, callosus To slap, verbero, percutio, caedo ;

Sir, domine; (signifying aknight), Of the skin, cuticularis (up, or devour), devoro ; (or
eques, miles To skin (or take the skin off), catch up greedily), capto
A sire, pater, genitor deglubo, pellem exuere (slop), madefacio
A siren, siren A skinker, a poculis, pincerna Slapt, Slapped, ictus, percussus
A sirname, nomen paternum A skinner, pellio; (-'s trade), ars A slash (cut), caesura; (blow),
A. sister, soror, germana pellionis ictus; (wound), vulnus
Of a sister, sororius [tium Skinny, macilentus To slash, caedo, coucido; (or beat
A sisterhood, feminarum sodali- A skip (or jump), saltus; (jack), with a whip), flagro
To sit, sedeo; (at table), accum- ardeiio, homunculus Slashed, percussus, caesus, vul-
bo (by), accubo, assideo
; ; To skip, salto, salio ;
(back), neratus
(crosslegged), coxim sedere ; resilio (before), praesulto ;
; A slashing, percussio, vulneratio
(down), decumbo, consideo ; (often), saltito; (over), trans- A slate, tegula; (for cyphering),
(down before atown), obsideo ; ilio
(over, or omit), praeter- palimpseston
(or cleave fast), adhaereo (close ;
mitto, omitto, prsetereo ; (out), To slate, tegulis obtegere
to work), operi diligenter in- prosilio Slated, tegulis constratus
cumbere ; (as a hen), ovis in- A skipper (jumper), saltator A slater, scandularius
cubare; (in the sun), apricor; (Dutch ship ),navis Hollandica; A slattern, mulier improvida
(still), quiesco, nihil agere ; (master of a ship), nauclerus A slave, verna, servus
(round), circumsideo ; (toge- Skipping, saltans, saltabundus To be a slave, mancipor ; (to pas-
ther), consideo ; (up), erigo ; A skipping, saltatus, saltatio sion), cupiditatibus servire
(up, or watch), vigilo ; (upon), By skips, per saltus To make one a slave, in servitu-
insideo Of skipping, saltatoriu3 tem dare [laboro
A site (situation), situs A skirmish, velitatio To slave, laborando se fatigare
Sitting, sedens, accumbens ;
(as To skirmish, velitor Slaver (drivel), saliva
a garment), aptatus Of a skirmish, velitaris To slaver, salivam emittere
A sitting, sessio ; (at table), ac- A skirmisher, veles, excursor A slavering, salivae emissio
cubatio; (as a hen),incubatio A skirmishing, velitatio Slavering, ineptus, iusulsus
(by), assessio ; (as a commis- A skirt, fimbria, ora, limbus; (of Slavery, servitium, servitus ; (hard
sioner), consessio a country), confiuium, limes labour), labor gravis
Belonging to sitting, sessilis Skittish (humoursome, wanton), Slavish, vernilis, servilis; (labo-
Situate, Situated, situs, positus petulans, protervus, levis, in- rious), fatigans, crucians
To be situate near, adjaceo constans, procax, lasciviens Slavishly, serviliter, abjecte
A situation, situs, positio (horse), equus pavidus Slavishness (bondage), servitus;
Six, sex, seni A skittish humour, protervitas (laboriousness), laboris assidu-
Six at cards, or dice, senio Skittishly, exultlm itas
Six times, sexifcs Skittishness, protervitas, levitas Slaughter, caedes, clades, strages,
Of six, senarius A skreaking of a saw, stridor occisio; (general), internecio
Sixfold, sextuplus To skream out, exclamo (man), homicidium (housej,
Six years, sexennium A skreaming out, exclamatio laniena
To slaughter (slay), macto Slightly, astute, callide A slouch, homo inurbanus
A slay (for weavers), pecten Slightness, tenuitas, levitaa A sloven, homo sordidus, squa-
To slay, macto, neco, trucido, oc- Slighty, levidensis lidus, inficetus, spurcus, or
cido, interficio, interimo Slim, gracilis. See Slender turpis
A slayer, interfector, interemptor Slime, humor viscidus Slovenliness, sordes, squalor
A man-slayer, homicida Sliminess, viscositas Slovenly, sordid^, squalide.
Slaying, mactans, trucidans Slimy, viscidus, limosus A slough, lacuna lutosa; (of a
A slaying, caedes, inteieraptio To be slimy, lentesco snake), anguis exuviae ; (of
A sledge, traha ; (hammer), mal- Sliness, astutia, vafrities bears), ursarum turma
leus ierreus major A sling, funda, catapulta, balista; Slow.piger, tardus, lentus ; (dull),
Sleek, politus, laevis, planus (string), scutale; (staff), fun- hebes; (footed), tardigradus
(stone), lapis kevigatorius dibulum; (for an arm), fascia, To be slow, pigreo, cunctor ; (in
To sleek, laevigo, polio mitella one's motions), lente agere
Sleeked, lsevigatus, politus To sling, e funda jacularl To grow slow, pigresco
A sleeking, laevigatio A slinger, funditor; (of stones), Slowly, tard&, lente, pigre
Sleekly, lreve, polite fundibalator Slowness, tarditas
Sleep, somnus, quies A slinging, jaculatio e funda A slug (snail), limax; (slow ship),
To sleep, dormio Slink, abortivus navis tarda ; (bullet), glans
To fall asleep, obdormisco To slink (away), clanculum sese plumbea oblonga
To go to sleep, dormitum se con- subtrahere; (home), domi re- A sluggard, dormicator, piger
ferre dire clanculum ; (back), sese Sluggish, piger, segnis, ignavus
To be half asleep, dormito ; (in a clam retrahere To grow sluggish, segnesco
soundsleep), altum dormire Slinking away, sese subducens Sluggishly, ignave, pigr&, segniter
To sleep (in a whole skin), peri- A slip (with the foot), lapsus; (of Sluggishness, ignavia, desidia
culum evitare the tongue), lapsus; (mistake), A sluice, objectaculum
To sleep (away cares), somno cu- lapsus, error levis; (of yarn), To sluice out water, emitto
ras pellere; (one's self sober), glomus; {or small piece), par- Sluicy, effusus
crapulam edormire; (upon), in- ticula,, frustum; A slumber, somnus levis, quies
dormio (or sprig of a plant), surculus To slumber, dormito, obdormisco
Causing sleep, soporifer Slipshod, crepidatus (over business), alicui rei in-
Laid to sleep, sopitus Slipslop, cinnus dormire
A sleeper, dormiior Full of slips, surculosus A slumbering, dormitatio
Sleepily, somniculosfe To slip, labor, lapso ; (or let slip), Slumbering, somniculosus
Sleepiness, somnolentia omitto, dimitto, prsetermitto A slur, labes, dedecus
After sleeping, a somno (aside), elabor (away, as time),
To slur, maculo, inquino, laedo
A sleeping-place, dormitorium elabor, transeo, abeo, effluo A slurring, maculatio
Sleepless, exsomnis, vigil (down), cado, concido, decido; A slut, mulier squalida
To be sleepy, dormito (into privately), subrepo, ir- Sluttish, sordidus, squalidus
Sleepy, somnolentus, soporus, repo; (into, put, or thrust), im- To be sluttish, sordeo, sordesco
soniniculosus, veternosus mitto, insero ; (or put off), Sluttishly, sordide, squalide
A sleepy disease, lethargus exuo Sluttishness, immunditia
Sleet, nix tenuis A slipper, crepida, solea Sly, vafer, astutus, subdolus
A sleeve, manica Slipperily, lubrice A sly fellow, veterator
Sleeved, manicatus Slipperiness, lubricitas, lubricum Slyly, vafre, astute, subdole
Sleeveless (insignificant), futilis, Slippery, lubric us, incertus; (de- Slyness, calliditas, astutia
ineptus; adv. frustra ceitful), subdolus, versutus, va- A smack (relish), sapor; (of a
A sleight (or knack), dexteritas, fer; (difficult), difficilis, peri- whip), flagelli sonus ;
artificium; (of hand), praestigia culosus; (tongue), loquax, fu- basium ;
(small ship), lembus,
Slender, gracilis, tenuis, exilis tilis navigiolum. See Smutch
To make slender, attenuo A slippery trick, dolus, fraus To smack (taste), gusto, degusto;
Made slender, attenuatus To make slippery, lubrico (or savour of), sapio ; (or sa-
To grow slender, gracileseo Slipping, labens, lapsans (away), ; vour a little of), subsipio; (or
Slender and tall, junceus elabens; (down), cadens, de- kiss), suavium premere (one's ;

Slenderly, tenuiter, exiliter cidens; (in), irrepens; (over), lips),labiis strepitum edere (a ;

Slenderness, gracilitas omittens, praetermitteus ; (out), whip), insonare tiagello

A slice (of bread, &c.), offula ; (of excidens, effiuens A small number, paucitas
any thing), assula.fragmentum; A slipping, lapsus, lapsio ; (off of Small, parvus, exiguus, minutus;
(to take meat up), spatha leaves), frondatio (slender), gracilis, exilis ;
n slices, assulatlm Slipt (slipped), elapsus esteem), vilis, nullius momenti
j'o slice, concido, seco A slit, fissura, crena To be of small account, vilesco
A slicing, concisura To slit, Undo, diffindo To make small, attenuo, diminuo
Slick, laevis, laevigatus That may be slit, fissilis A making small, attenuatio
"o slide, labor; (along), per- A slitter, fissor Made small, attenuatus, dimi-
labor; (away), elabor; (back), Slitting, findens, diffindens nutus
relabor; (by), praeterlabor; (or A slitting, fissio, tissura A small time, paruraper
fall down), delabor; (in, or A slive, or sliver, segmen So small, tantulus ; (how small),
into), illabor; (over), trans- To slive, findo quantulus; (how small soever),
labor; (to, or near), allabor; To slobber (slabber), madefacio quantuluscunque
(on),perlabor A sloe, prunum sylvestre Small arms, sclopeti
Sliding, labens, lapsans A sloop, lembus Small craft, navicular
A sliding, lapsus ; (place), glacies To slop, madefacio Small of the back, leg, &c, pars
pedibus laevigata A slop (trowser), subligar gracilior dorsi, &c.
Slight (thin), levis, levidensis ; Slope, obliquus, transversus Smaller, minor
(small, of no moment), futilis, To slope, obliquo Smallest, minimus
nugatorius Slopeness, obliquitas Smallness, exiguitas ; (slender-
To slight, temno, contemuo, de- Sloping, obliquus ness), gracilitas
spicio, parvifacere; {or slumber Made sloping, obiiquatus Smally, tenuitfer
over), perfunctoiife agere A sloping, obliquatio Smart, dolor, cruciatus
To be slighted, contemnor Slopingly, oblique, transverse Smart (sharp), asper, acer; (in
A slighter, contemptor To slot, claudo disoourse), argutus, acutus,
A slighting, contemptus Sloth, desidia, ignavia acer; (words), verba mordacia;
Slighting, contemnens, negligens Slothful, desidiosus, piger, segnis (fight), acre certamen ; (pain),
Slightingly, Slightly, leviter, per- To be slothful, desideo, torpeo dolor vehemens, or gravis ;
functorie, negligenter, con- Slothfully, desidiose, pigrft (pleader), vehemens orator j
temptlm Slothfulness, segnitiea, torpor (repartee), falsum dictum
; ;


To smart, doleo Smugly, elegant er, nitide A snout, rostrum, nasus ; (of an
To make to smart, crucio, ango, Smugness, elegantia elephant), proboscis
mordeo, uro, pungo Smut, fuligo; (obscenity), ob- Snouted, rostratus
Causing pain, crucians, pungens scoenitas Snow, nix; (ball), globus nivalis
Smarting, plenus dolore, asper To smut, fuligine inquinare To snow, ningo
A smarting, cruciatus, dolor Smutted, fuligine iuquinatus Snowy, niveus, nivalis
Smartly, argute, acerbe A smutting, denigratio Full of snow, nivosus
Smartness (liveliness), vigor, vis, Smutty (obscene), obsccenus, foe- To snub (chide), increpo, corri-
agilitas ;
(sourness), acritudo, dus pio; (curb), fraeno, reprimo
acrimonia; (wittiness), argutiae, A snack, pars, portio Snubbed, correptus, fraenarus
sagaeitas, acumen ingenii; (of To go suacks, particeps esse Snubbing, increpans, fraenans
pain), doloris vehementia A snaffle, fraeni lupus The snuff (or wick), myxa; (for
A smatch (taste), sapor, gustus ; Snaffled, lupatus the nostrils), sternutamentum,
(small remains), reliquiae A snag, nodus (tooth),
dens pulvis sternutatorius
A smatterer, sciolus, semidoctus; ultra caeteios prominens To snuff (a candle), candelam
(in grammar), grammatista ;
Snagged, Snaggy, nodosus emungere ; (with disdain),
(in poetry), poetaster ; (in A snail, testudb, cochlea rhoncisco (up the nose), nari-

physic), empiricus Of a snail, testudineus bushaurire; (at), irascor; (at,

A smattering, levis scientia A snake, anguis, coluber (water), ;
or despise),
A smear, unguen, denigratio hydrus A emunctor
To smear, illino, oblino, con- Of a snake, anguineus Snuffers, emunctorium
spurco, inquino (over), super-
A snap (noise), crepitus; (mor- A snuffing, emunctio
lino ; (under), sub terlino sel), frustulum; (sack), pera To snuffle, vocem e naribus pro-
A smearer, unctor militaris ferre
A smearing, unctio, litura To snap, crepitum edere ; (break), Snug (close, secret), secretus, ar-
To smell, oleo, redoleo, suboleo frango, rumpo; (or be broken), canus ; (compact), nitidus,
(or smell to), odoror, olfacio; frangor, rumpor, diffringor; (or concinnus
(or cast a smell), oleo catch hold of), rapio, corripio; Snug, Snugly, adv. secrete-
A smell, odor; (sweet), fragran- (snub), irate corripere So, ita, sic, ad hunc modum, hoc
tia; (ill), fcetor; (of meat, or Snapping, frangens, rumpens pacto (so much), ade6, ita,

provisions), nitor Snappish, captiosus, mordax perinde, tantopere; (so that),

Sweet smelling, odoriferus, odor- Snappishly, morose, iracunde dum, dummod6, mod&, ita, s),
atus, odorus, jucunde olens Snappishness, mordacitas sitantum; (so then), quamob-
A smelling, odoratio A snare, laqueus, insidiae rera, quapropter, quare, quocir-
The act of smelling, odoratus To snare, illaqueo, irretio ca; (far), eo, eatenus, qudd ;
Smelling rank, olidus, rancidus, A snaring, illaqueatio (far from), aded non, ut ita —
foetidus; (out), odorans To snarl (as a dog), ringo (at), ;
non, ut — tantum abest, ut —non
Smelt (or smelled out), odoratus obloquor; (thread, or silk), in- modd, ne—nedum ;
(far as),
To smelt ore, metalla cruda li- volvo, impedio quod, quoad, quantum; (far
quefacere A snarler, homo morosus off), tarn prociil, tarn longe
A smelt (fish), apua, violacea A snarling, rictus (great), tantus, tarn magnus;
To smerk, arrideo Snarling, ringens; (at), morosus (little), tantulus, tantillus, tarn
Smerking, arridens A snatch, morsiuncula ;
(and a- parvus ; (long), tamdiu, tan-
A smile, risus lentus way), praepropere diu (long as), dum, donee, us-

To smile, subrideo (at), arrideo

To snatch, rapio, corripio ; fa- que dum, tamdiu dum, tamdiu
To smite, ferio, percutio way), abripio, surripio; (at), quam, diu, quoad (much), ;

A smiter, percussor capto tantum; (much, adv.), tam

A smiting, percussio A snatcher, raptor, captator (many), tot; (often), toties
A smith, faber ferrarius Snatching, rapax, rapidus (so), mediocriter ; (so, in
A smithy, ferramentorum fabrica A snatching, raptio, rapacitas health), meliuscule
Smiting, feriens, percutiens To sneak (creep), repo, serpo, Just so many, totidem
A smock, subucula femiuarum repto; (be ashamed), verecun- Why so ? quamobrem
Smoke, fumus, vapor dor; (cringe to), serviliter de- And so forth, et sic de caeteris
To smoke (or send forth smoke), venerari; (or lurk ibout), la- To soak, macero; (in or up), im-
fumo, fumum emittere teo, latito; (away), clauculum bibo; (through), permano
Causing smoke, fumiticus se subducere Soap, sapo
Smoking, fumans Sneaking (creeping), repens ;
To soar, volo
A smoking, fumigatio (niggardly), parcus ;
(pitiful), To sob, singultio
A smoking under, suffitus abjectus, sordidus; (fire), ignis A sob, or sobbing, singultus
Smoky, fumosus, fumidus, fu- malignus Sober, sobrius, temperatus (of ;

meus, fumo infestatus Sneakingly (niggardly), parce ;

sober conversation), probis mo-
Smooth, laevis, aequus; (table), (meanly), abjecte, sordide rib us
mensa accurate laevigata ;
Sneakingness (niggardliness), To sober, sobrium reddere
(road), via plana ; (without parsimonia; (meanness), te- Soberly, sobrie, moderate
hair), glaber, depilis; (style), nuitas Soberness, Sobriety, sobrietas
oratio dulcis; (tongued), blan- To sneer, irrideo, derideo Soccage, soccagium
diloquus; (faced), comis, dulcis Sneering, irridens, deridens Sociable, Social, socialis, sociabi-
To smooth, lasvigo, complano, A sneerer, irrisor lis; (not), insociabilis
polio; (the forehead), explico; To sneeze, sternuo ;
(often), ster- Sociableness, socialitas
(coax), blandior, demulceo nuto Sociably, socialiter
A smoother, laevigator A sneezing, sternutamentum Society, societas, communitas, so-
A smoothing, laevigatio To sniff up, resorbeo, retraho dalitas, consociatio
Smoothly, plane, dulce A snip (or part), segmen (na- ; A sock, pedale, udo ; (used by
Smoothness, laevitas; (of beha- tural mark), macula; (snap), comedians), soccus
viour), urbanitas, comitas crotalum Wearing socks, soccatus
To smother (stifle), suffoeo; (sup- To snip, amputo; (off), praecido, The socket of a candlestick, sea-
press), sedo, extinguo; (con- decerpo pus; (of a tooth), loculamen-
ceal), nelo, reticeo Snipping off, praecidens, decerpens turn
A smothering, suffocatio Snippings, praesegmina Sod, Sodden, lixatus, coctus
Smouldering, fumosus, suffocans Snivel, mucus, stiria Half-sodden, semicoctus
Smug, concinnus, nitidus To snivel, mucum resorbere A sod, cespes
To smug oue'«.self, se concinne or- Snivelly, full of snivel, mucosus Soder, ferrumen
nare To snore, or snort, sterto A Sodomite, pzedicator
To smuggle, merces sine portorii A snoring, rhoncus Sodomv, paederastia
iolutione invehero Snorting (fearful), meticulosus Soft, mollis, tener, lentus; (silly),
leptus, stupidus ; (footed), Solitarily, privatim, secretfc tus, vehemens; (as flesh), te-
lolipes; (pace), gradus, len- Solitariness, Solitude, solitudo ner; (grievous), atrox
is, or suspensus; (voice), vox The solstice, solstitium A sore, ulcus
ibmissa Of the solstice, solstitialis To make sore, exulcero
tish, molliusculus Solvable, par solvendo Made sore, exulceratus
make soft, or soften, eiuollio Soluble, dissolubihs Sore, Sorely, graviter, vehementer
mitigate), mitigo To solve, solvo, enodo, explico Soreness, exulceratio
grow soft, mollesco A solution, or solving, solutio ; (of Sorrel, oxalis
be soft,mollior a question), enodatio Sorrel-coloured, helvinus
tish, ineptus, stupidus Some, quidam, aliquis, nonnul- Sorrily, male, miserfe
tly (gently), leniter; (eflfem- lus ;
(body), aliquis, aliquis- Sorrow, dolor, moeror, tristitia
lately), muliebriter, lascive ; quam(one), unusquisquam
To sorrow, doleo, mcereo
leisurely), lente ; (not too Somewhat, aliquant6, aliquantu- Sorrowful, tristis, moestus, luc-
>ud), submisse, subrmssa voce lum, nonnihil (sometimes),
tness, mollitia, mollities, leni- aliquando, quaudOque, inter- Sorrowfully, wgre, mceste
is, teneritas dum; (somewhile),aliquandiu; Sorry (sorrowful), tristis, moe-
oil, solum, fundus; (native), (somewhere, or whither), ali- stus, lugubris, luctuosus; (pal-
atria; (tilth), sordes ; (coni- cuhl, uspiam; (at some other try, vile), vilis, nihili; (fellow),
ost), stercus, hetamen time, or in some other manner), homuncio
soil,inquino, conspergo alias; (in some sort), quodam- To make sorry, contristo
oiling, inquinatio, sordes mod6 To be sorry, doleo, mcereo
sojourn, diversor, commoror Somniferous, somnificus A sort (manner), mos, modus j
ojourner, hospes, peregrinus, A son, lilius,natus ; (in law), ge- (kind), genus
icola ner; (step-son), privignus Common sort of people, plebs ;
ojourning, peregrinatio Sonship, filiatio (better sort of), honesti, inge-
soke, macero; (up), imbibo, A song, cantilena, canticum, can- nui
bsorbeo; (through), permano tio, carmen After a sort, quodammod6 ;
(a new
ing, macerans, madefaciens For a song (cheap), vili sort), novo modo; (this sort),
ice, consolatio, solatium, leva- A songster, cantor, cantator hujusmodi; (that sort), ejus-
len, solamen A songstress, cantatrix modi ;
(the same sort), itidem ;
solace, consolor ;
(one's self), A sonnet, ode, cantiuncula (what sort?) quomodo? quo
blectare sese ; (in the sun), Sonorous, sonorus, canorus pacto?
pricor Soon, cito, statlm, illic6 In like sort, pariter, eodem mo-
ir, Solaris Soon after, paul6 p&st do (such sort), usque ade6

olar, solarium Very soon, extempl6 Of all sorts, omnium generum,

be sold, veneo, vendor Too soon, praemature omnigenus; (the first sort), pri-
ier, ferrumen As soon as, quamprimum, simul marius ; (the second sort), se-
solder, ferrumino, conglutino ac, simul atque; (as soon as cundaria; (what sort ?), cujus-
)lderiug, conglutinatio; (iron), ever), cum primum modi ? qualis ? (what sort
lans ferruminatrix Sooner, citius, maturius soever), qualiscunque ; (this
soldier, miles; (fellow), com- At soonest, quam citissimfe sort), hujusmodi; (that sort),
liles, commilito miles
(old), Soot, fuligo ejusmodi
jteranus ; (common), miles Belonging to soot, fuligineus To sort, distribuo, apte digerere
regarius ; (dischargedforage), Soot-coloured, leucophus {or be suitable to), accommo-
liles emeritus Sooty, fuliginosus, fumosus dor; {or come together), con-
oldier's boy, lixa, calo In sooth, vere, cert6 ; (forsooth), gregor
i soldier, militaris sane, profectb A sorting, apta collocatio
e a soldier, bellicose, fortiter To sooth, blandior, adulor, per- A sot, ebriosus ; (fool), stultus
i soldiery, militia, copiae mili- mulceo To sot, sese inebriare
ires A soother, assentator Sottish, ebriosus, fatuus
: (alone), solus, solitarius Soothing, blandiens, permulcens Sottishly, ebriose, stulte
sole (of the foot), planta pe- A soothing, assentatio Sottishness, ebrietas, stultitia
s; (of a shoe), solea, assu- A soothsayer, augur, aruspex Souce (pickle), salsugo
entum To soothsay, auguror, ominor To souce (pickle), muria con-
•»ole, calceo assumentum indu- A soothsaying, augurium dire ; (plunge), immergo ;
ce A sop, offa, offula (box), colaphum impingere
>le (fish), solea To sop, intingo Souced, murisl maceratus ; (with
>lecism, solcecismus Sope, sapo, smegna (boiler), sa- rain), pluvia obrutus
I :ly, solum, solummodb ponis confector Sovereign, supremus, maximus ;
;ly and wholly, ex asse Of sope, smegmaticus (most efficacious), efficacissi-
:mn, solemnis, festis ; (au- To sope, sapone oblinere mus
lentic), ratus, comprobatus; Soped, smegmate oblitus A sovereign, dominus supremus
acred), sacer A sophism, sophisma Sovereignly, supremo jure
•mnity, solennitas, ritus so- A sophist, sophista Sovereignty, principatus, supre-
nnis Sophistical, sophisticus, fallax, ma potestas, or dominatio
solemnize, celebro captiosus The soul, auima, animus; (per-
)lemnizing, celebratio To sophisticate, adultero, com- son), homo
:mnly, solenniter, sancte misceo (waste), consumo
; Souls, manes, umbras
solicit, solicito, instigo; (sup- Sophisticated, adulteratus, dis- A sound, sonus, sonitus; (noise),
ies), flagitare subsidia perditus strepitus, crepitus, fragor; (of
>liciting, solicitatio A sophisticating or sophistica- a trumpet), clangor
citation, solicitatio, impulsus tion, rerum diversarum mixtura Sound (entire), integer, since-
ilicitor, solicitator; (in law), Sophistry, cavillatio captiosa rus; (healthy, strong), validus,
Ivocatus Soporiferous, soporus sanus, robustus ; (valid), fir-
citous, solicitus, anxius Sopped, Sopt, intinctus mus, ratus; (in judgment), sa-
citude, solicitudo, anxietas A sorcerer, veneficus gax ;
(in faith), orthodoxus ;
d, solidus, stabilis, firmus, A sorceress, venefica, saga (in principles), probus; (and
avis Sorcery, veneficium safe), incolumis ; (of mind),
nake solid, solido Sordid (covetous), sordidus, ava- mentis compos
dity, soliditas, firmitas rus; (in apparel), sordidatus, To sound (or yield a sound), so-
dly, solide, firme pannosus; (base), infamis, foe- no, strepo ; {or blow an instru-
•liloquy, soliloquium dus, turpis, famosus ment), buccinam inflare; (an
tary, solitarius, solus, secre- Sordidly, sordide, foede alarm), classicum can ere (a ;
.s; (melancholy), tristis, mces- Sordidness, sordes, avaritia bell), tintinnabulum pulsare
Sore, asper, gravis, durus, moles- (amarch), vasa conclamare (a ;
;; ;


retreat),receptui canere ; (a condono, remitto; (fa-

give), A spectator, spectator
word), pronuncio (the depth), ;
vour), faveo, indulgeo A spectre, spectrum, visum
profunditatemexplorare; (one's Spare, or sparing, subst. parsimo- To speculate, speculor
intention), animum perscru- nia, frugalitas ; adj. parous, Speculation, contemplatio
tari tenax [vatio Speculative, contemplativus
The sound-board, pinax ;
(hole of A sparing (laying up), conser- A speculator, speculator
a viol), chelyos rima To be sparing, parco The speech, sermo, vox
To make sound, consolido Sparingly, parce, restricts A speech, oratio, concio
To grow sound, solidesco, con- Sparingness, parsimonia To make a speech, concionor,
valesco A spark (of tire), scintilla; (lo- concionem habere, verba facerc
To be sound, valeo, vigeo ver), procus, amasius ; (beau), Fair speeches, blanditiae
Sounded (as an instrument), in- homo bellus Lofty speeches, superbiloquentia
flatus; (forth, or praised), lau- Sparkish, nitide vestitus Speechless, mutus, elinguis
datus To sparkle, scintillo ; (glitter), Speed, festinatio, expeditio; (suc-
Sounding, sonans, resonans; (ill), fulgeo, niteo, corusco ; (as cess), successus
dissonus; (shrill), sonorus, ar- wine), subsilio Great speed, celeritas
gutus A sparkling, scintillatio ; (or glit- With all speed, citatim
A sounding-lead, bolis tering), comscatio, nitor, ful- To make speed, festino, propero,
Soundly, solide, firmiter, sane, gor accelero, maturo
acriter, vehementer, valide Sparkling, scintillans, coruscus To speed, fortuno, prospero, suc-
Soundness, soliditas, firmitas A sparrow, passer cedo, procedo
(of body), sanitas, vigor A sparrow-hawk, frigillarius Done with speed, acceleratus, fes-
Soup, decoctum, sorbillum A spasm, spasmus tinatus
A source, origo, fons To spatter, conspergo, inquino; Speedily, celeriter, festine
Sour, aeerbus, acidus, asper, aus- (defame), calumnior Speediness, celeritas
terus, intimitis (in looks), tor-
Spatterdashes, perones Speedy, citus, expeditus, properus
tus, tetricus ; (in temper), mo- A spattle, spathula A spell, incantamentum
rosus Having the spavin, suffraginosus To spell, syllabas connectere
Sourness, acor, acerbitas, asperi- To spawl, spuo, sputo Spelling (art of), orthographia
tas ;
(of look), torvitas, tetri- A spawler, sputator To spend, consumo, expendo,
citas [pere Spawn, ova, semina impendo, insumo ; (a day),
Sourly, torve, morose, acerbe, as- To spawn, genero, procreo diem producere ;
(one's life),
To become sour, acesco A spawning, generatio setatem conterere; (labour in
To sour (vex), exaspero, exacerbo To speak, ioquor, dico (aloud),
vain), operam perdere
Soured (vexed), exasperatus eloquor ; (against), obloquor, A spendthrift, nepos, prodigus
Souse, salsugo. contradico; (at random), gar- Spending, consumens, impendens
The south, auster, meridies rio, effutio ; (before), prolo- A spending, consumptio; (lavish-
(wind), auster, notus ; (east quor; (big), jactantia verba ly), prodigalitas, profusio, ef-
wind), euronotus; (west wind), proferre (briefly), perstringo;
libs (evil of), maledico, calumnior; Sperm, sperma, semen
Southern, australis, meridionalis (well off), eollaudo; (face to Spermatic, ad sperma pertinens
Southward, meridiem versus face), in os dicere; (for), in- To spew, vomo. See Spue
A southing, meridiatio tercedo; (merrily), jocor; (of), A sphere, sphaera, globus
A sow, sus tracto, memoro; (often), dic- Spherical, sphaericus, globosus
Sow, of a sow, suillus tito; (out), eloquor; (to a per- Like a sphere, sphaero'ides
To sow (seed), sero, semino, con- son), alloquor, aliquem affari; Spherically, globi instar
sero; (between ),intersero; (up (together), colloquor A sphinx, sphinx
and down), spargo, dissemino; A speaker, prolocutor, locutor Spice, Spicery, aroma
(round), circumsero (of parliament), senatus praeses To spice, aromata inspergere
A sower, sator, seminator Speaking, loquens, loquax Spiced, aromatibus conditus
A sowing, satio, semiuatio A speaking, locutio, dictio ; (of), Tasting of spice, Spicy, aroma-
Of sowing, seminalis mentio, commemoratio ; (out), ticus
Sowing-time, sementis pronunciatio ; (to), alloquium ; A spider, aranea; ('s web), ara-
A space, spatium (of time, or ; (with), colloquium; (of evil), neum, aranea
place), intercapedo, interval- maledictum, convicium, calum- Full of spiders, araneosus
lum, interstitium {or term of ;
nia A spigot, epistomium
life), vitse curriculum ; (or tract A spear, hasta, lancea; (a boar), A spike, clavus ferreus major;
of land), tractus; (between pil- venabulum ; (an eel), fuscina, (pointed iron, or wood), ferri,
lars), intercolumnium tridens ; (man), hastatus ; or ligni pars cuspidata
Spacious, spatiosus, amplus, dif- (staff), hastile To spike, or sharpen the end, cus-
fusus, patens Special (chief, particular), prae- pido, spico ; (or nail up), clavis
Spaciously, spatiose, ample. cipuus, peculiaris, specialis ; adactis obstruere
Spaciousness, amplitudo (excellent), excellens, eximius, Spikenard, nardus
A spade (tool), ligo ;
(in cards), eminens, praeclarus, egregius Oil of spike, nardum
vomerculus Specially, specialiter; (excellent- To spill, fundo, effundo
A span, palmus, spithama ly), excellenter, optima A spilling, fusio, effusio
Of a span, palmaris Specialty, proprietas ; (bond,) To spin, neo; (as a top), in gy-
To spane (wean), ablacto syngraphus rumversari; (out, or prolong),
A spangle, bractea, bracteola A species, species, soboles protraho, produco, traho; (or
A spaniel, canis Hispanicus Specific, Specifical, specialis, sin- issue out), effluo, prosilio
The Spanish fly, cantharis gularis, specificus Spinage, spinacea
Spanking, maguus, robustus Specifically, specialiter, specifice Spinal, spinalis
Spar, lapis selenites Specification, designatio specialis A spindle, fusus ; (of a wheel, or
A spar (or bar), obex, vectis ; (of Specified, notatus, enumeratus press), rotae axis; (newel), sea-
a gate), assula spicata A specifying, singularium notatio put
To spar, obdo To specify (mention), denoto, Spindle-shanks, crura exilia
A sparable, clavulus enumero, describo, designo The spine, spina
Spare (lean, thin), macer, graci- A specimen, specimen, exemplar A spinning, netio ; (wheel), gyr-
lis, macilentus (horse), equus
; Specious, speciosus, plausibilis gillus
desultorius (money), pecunia
; A speck, macula, labes (pimple),
; A spinster, lanifica; (in law), fe-
residua; (time), bora; subse- varus; (natural blemish), naevus mina innupta
civx To speckle, maculis variare Spiny, spinosus
To spare, parco, comparco ; (an A speckling, maculis notatio Spiral, ad spiram pertinens
hour), dctrahere horam ;
(a A spectacle, spcctaculum A spiral line, linea in spiram
word),auscultare paucis; (for- A pair of spectacles, conspicillum ducta
A spire, pyramis ;
(of grass), spica Splitting, diffindens A spray, cremium
To spire (as com), spico Spoil, spolium, prseda, rapina To spread (extend), pando, dis«
A spirit, spiritus, genius; (gob- (of war), manubiae, exuviae pando, expando, extendo (run ;

lin), larva,spectrum To spoil (mar), vitio, corrumpo abroad), emano, vagor, discur-
The mens, anima; (cou-
spirit, depravo (plunder), compilo
ro, serpo; (scatter), dispergo,
rage), animus, virtus (wit), ; spolio, devasto, depopulor, diri spargo (a rumour), rumorem

indoles, ingenium (briskness),

; pio; (disturb), conturbor; (in- serere ;
(a table), mensam in-
vigor, alacritas; (of contradic- terrupt), interturbo stern ere
tion, discontent, or sedition), A spoiler, corrupt or, corrupt-rix A spreading, distentio ; (of a dis-
cacoethes vitiator ; (plunderer), praedo temper), contagio, contagium
With spirit, solerter, ingeniose populator, praedator, spoliator Spreading, serpens, diffundens
To spirit up (encourage), ani- direptor A sprig, ramulus, surculus
mo, instigo, hortor, stimulo A spoiling (marring), corruptio Full of sprigs, surculosus
(away children), infantes fur- depravatio, vitiatio ; (of chil A spright, larva, spectrum
tim abducere dren), inepta lenitas ; (orplun Sprightly, agilis, alacer, vividus
High-spirited, animosus,superbus dering), vastatio, spoliatio, di Sprightliness, agilitas, alacritas
Low-spirited, animo fractus reptio A spring (of water), scaturigo,
Mean-spirited, abjectus, sordidus A spoke (of awheel), radius (de- ;
fons ; {or beginning), origo,
Public-spirited, publicee salutis lay), scrupulus, mora ortus; (of a machine), momen-
studiosa Not to be spoken, turpe dictu tum; (of action), motus prin-
Spiritual, spiritualis ; (incorpo- Having spoken, locutus, fatus cipium; (tide), eluvies
real), incorporalis ; (devout), That may be spoken, effabilis Full of springs, scaturiginosus
pius, religiosus, sanctus; (be- A spokesman, orator; (a good Of a spriug, fontanus
longing to the church), eccle- spokesman), facilis ad dicen- The spring-season, ver, tempus
siasticus [cus dum vernum
Spiritualities, reditus ecclesiasti- A spondee, spondaeus In the spring, vere, verno tempore
Spiritually, spiritualiter, pie, A spondyl, spondylus Early in the spring, primo vere
sancte A sponsor, or surety, sponsor; (in Of the spring, vernus
Spirituous, spirituosus, ardens baptism), pater lustricus To spring (from a person, or
A spirt, impetus brevis Spontaneity, voluntas spontanea thing), orior, enascor, gignor ;

To spirt out, exilio, ejicio Spontaneous, spontaneus (out, as liquors), effluo, scateo;
Spiss, spissus, densus Spontaneously, sponte, ultrd {or bud out), germino, pullulo,
Spissitude, spissitudo A spool, fusus gemmasco ; (again), reviresco,
A spit, veru, obelus To spoom, spumam excitare repullulasco ; (leap), salio, pro-
To spit (meat), veru transfigere; A spoon, or spoonful, cochlear silio; (or leap suddenly upon),
{or spawl), spuo; (blood), san- Spoon-meat, cibaria liquida irruere in aliquem ; {or leap
guinem exsereare; (down), de- Sport (play,pastime),ludus,jocus, into a place), in locum insilire
spuo ; (often), sputo ; (out), oblectamentum, delectamen- (aleak), rimas agere [tio
expuo, exscreo; (at), inspuo, tum,oblectatio; (public shew), The springing of trees, germina-
consputo ; (with retching), spectaculum, ludus Springiness, vis resiliendi
screo, exscreo To sport, ludo, jocor, joculor; Springy, vi resiliendi praeditus
To be spit upon, iuspuor (with others ), colludo; (trifle), A sprinkle, aspergillum
Spite, Spitefumess, malitia, ma- nugor To sprinkle, spargo, baptizo ;
levolentia In sport, jocose, per jocum (abroad), dispergo ; (at, upon,
To spite, invideo Having sported, jocatus or with), aspergo, conspergo, in-
Spited, invisus A sporter, ludio spergo
Spiteful, invidus, malitiosus, ma- Sportful, Sporting, Sportive, ludi- A sprinkling, sparsio; (upon, or
lignus bundus, jocularis, joculatorius with), aspersio, inspersio
Spitefully, malitiose, maligne Sporting (wantonly), lasciviens; To sprout, pullulo, germino
A spitter, sputator (with religion), ludens cum sa- A sprout (young twig), surculus
A spitting, sputatio, expuitio cris Sprouts, caules prototomi
Spittle, saliva, sputum Sportingly, joculariter, facete Sprouting, germinans
Full of spittle, salivosus A sporting, jocatio A sprouting, germinatio
A spittle, nosocomium A sportsman, venator Spruce, comptus, bellus ; (fel-
A splash, luti aspersio, or macula A spot, macula, labes; (natural low), homo concinnus, or ele-
To splash, couspurco, inquino blemish), naevus; (of ground), gans
Splashed, luto aspersus agellus To be spruce, eleganter ornari
A splashing, luti aspersio To spot (stain), maculo, inquino; Sprucely, nitide, bellfc
Splashy, humidus, aquosus (speckle), maculis notare Spruceness, concinnatus
play, distortus (footed), valgus
Spotless, immaculatus, innocens Sprung, ortus, enatus, editus
'osplay, luxo, frango Spotted, maculatus ; (spotted fe- A spud, cultellus
playing, luxatio, infractio ver), febris purpurea To spue, vomo, evomo
he spleen, splen, lien ; (grudge), Spotty, maculosus A spuer, vomitor
odium, simultas
livor, Spousal, connubialis, maritalis Spuing, vomitio, vomitus
)f the spleen, splenicus Spousals, sponsalia Of spuing, vomitorius
pleenful, iracundus, morosus A spouse (husband), maritus, Spume (scum), spuma
Splendent, splendens, nitens sponsus; (wife), sponsa, uxor Spumy, spumeus, spumosus
plendid (bright), splendidus, ru- A spout, tubulus, sipho ; (tor- Spun, netus
tilus, nitidus ; (magnificent), rent), torrens, cataracta Homespun (mean), inurbanus,
splendidus, illustris, magniii- Spouts (drains, gutters), colli- rusticus, incultus ; (cloth),
cus, lautus, opiparus quiae, colliciae pannus domi netus
splendidly, splendide, laute To spout, or flow out, effluo, ema- A spunge, spongia
splendor (brightness), fulgor, no ; {or pour out), effundo, pro- To spunge, spongia extergere ;
nitor; (magnificence), splen- fundo; (or pour down), def'un- (in company), alieno sumptu
dor, lautitia, magniiicentia do ;
{or pour up), in sublime edere, or potare
Splenetic, spleneticus effundere A spunger, assecla
To splice, partes inter se texere Spouting out, prosiliens Spunging (upon), alieno sumptu
A splinter, fragmentum, assula A spouting (orissuingout),erup- vivens ; (houses), cauponae de-
To splinter (cut into pieces), in tio; {or pouring out), effusio bitoribus comprehensis accom-
assuias secare, diffindo A sprain, luxatio modatae [novae
To be splintered, diffindor To sprain, membrum luxare A spunging (cancelling), tabulae
To split (asunder), diffindo; (up- A sprat, sardina Spunginess, spongiosa qualitas
on a rock), in seopulum impin- To sprawl, humi prostratus ja- Spungy, spongiosus
gere ; (sides with laughing), cere, or repere A spur, calcar, stimulus ; (en-
risu fere emori To lay sprawling, prosterno ticement), illecebra, irritamen-
[123] G2
; ; ;;


turn ; (of a ship), rostrum na- perstringo, presso ; (together), (bread), panis diu. coctus
vis comprimo, collido (maid), virgo annosa; (anti-
To spur (on), incito, stimulo ;
A squeezing, pressio, pressura quated), obsoletus, antiquatus
(gall), calcaribus sauciare A squelch, casus, lapsus Stale, urina, lotium [lesco
Spurious, spurius, adulterinus A squib, pyrobolus To grow stale, inveterasco, obso-
To spurn, calcitro, aspemor A squill (sea-onion), squilla Grown stale, obsoletus
A spurner, calcitro The squinsy, angina To stale (as a horse), mingo
A spuming, calcitratus Squint-eyed, strabus; (look), as- Staleness, vetustas
A spurrer, stimulator pectus distortus, or obliquus A stalk (of a plant), caulis, sea-
A spurring, stimulatio To squint, limis spectare, or in- pus; (of fruit), petiolus; (of
A spurt, "impetus praceps; (of tueri onions, &c), thallus; (of corn),
wines), status subitaneus A squinting, oculorum distortio stipula, culmus
To spurt, or cast out, ejicio, ex- A squire, armiger To stalk, pedetentlm ire, bacchor
puo; (out, as liquids), exilio, A squirrel, sciurus A stall (for cattle), stabulum
prosilio, erumpo, emico A squirt (syringe), syrinx; (loose- (for horses), equile ; (for oxen),
Sputation, sputandi actus ness), alvi proluvies; (mean bovile, bubile ; (little shop),
A sputter, tumultus, turba person), homo nihili catasta, taberna minor; (seat
To sputter, sputo To squirt out, ejicio, exilio in a choir), sella
A spy, explorator, speculator A stab, vulnus gladio, &c. factum A head-stall, capistrum
To spy (watch, or observe), ex- To stab, confodio, punctim petere To stall, stabulo, sagino
ploro, speculor, observo (see,
A stabber, sicarius Stallage, locarium
or perceive), video, conspicio, Stabiliment, stabilimentum A stalling, stabulatio
cerno, percipio, intelligo, adver- Stability, stabilitas, firmitas A stallion, equus admissarius
to,animadverto Stable, stabilis, firmus, constans (gallant), admissarius
A spying (beholding), conspec- A stable, stabulum, equile Stammelling, robus.tus et agrestii
tus, intuitus; (afar off), pro- To stable, stabulo claudere To stammer, balbutio, haesito
spectus Stableness (stability), stabilitas A stammerer, balbus, blaesus
A squab (couch), grabatus; (pi- Stabling, stabulandi locus Stammering, balbutiens, haesitans
geon), pipio To stablisb, stabilio, sancio A stammering, balbuties; (at),
Squab, adj. obesus, pumilus A stack (of hay, &c). acervus, cu- haesitantia, haesitatio
To squabble, litigo mulus, congeries, strues, meta; Stammeringly, haesitanter
A squabble, turba, altercatio (of chimneys), series camino- A stamp (mark), nota, signum;
Squabbling, rixosus rura (made with the foot), vesti-
A squadron, turma; (of ships), A staff, baculus, bacillum (an ;
gium; (to mark with), typus ;

classis augur'sstaff),lituus: (aplough- (impression made), impressio;

In, or into squadrons, turmatim staff), rulla; (of a spear), has- (cut, or print), tabula, figura,
Squalid, squalidus, spurcus tile; (to walk with), scipio imago
To squall, clamo, vocifero ; (as a A stag, cervus To stamp (kick), pedibus ferire;
child), vagio, vagito A stage, scena, theatrum; (for (walk heavily), pedem supplo-
Squalling, clamans, vagitans pageants), pegma; (play), fa- dere;
(mark), noto, signo ;

A squalling, vociferatio, exclama- ula histrionalis; (of ajourney),

ll (coin), nummum cudere ;
tio, vagitus statio (of life), gradus vitae
(pound, or bruise), contundo;
Squamous, squamosus, squameus A clear stage, liber campus (under foot), conculco, pro-
To squander away, profundo, ef- A stage-player, histrio, actor culco
fundo, prodigo, dissipo Stage-playing, histrionia A stamping (with the feet), cal-
A squanderer, nepos, homo pro- Of the stage, scenicus, histriona- catura, calcatus; (upon), cou-
fusus, luxuriosus, or pi\;digus lis, histrionicus culcatio; (marking), signatio
A squandering, profusio, effusio, An old stager, homo diu. versatus Stanch, bonus, firmus, strenuus
prodigentia To stagger (reel), titubo, vacillo; To stanch (stop), sisto, supprimo
Square, quadratus; (honest), ho- (doubt), dubito, fluctuo, hae- Stanched, suppressus, restinctus
nestus, probus, integer sito, haereo; (make one doubt), A stanching, suppressio
A square, quadra; (tool), norma; scrupulum injicere A stanchion, fulcrum
(in checks), tessella; (or cube), Staggering (reeling), titubans, Stanchness, bonitas, firmitas
cubus; (of glass), quadra vi- vacillans ;( wavering), fluctuans, A stand (stop), mora, interval-
trea dubitans, haesitans; (affected), lum; (station), septum, statio;
Four-square, quadrarius percussus (doubt, suspense), dubitatio,
To square, quadro; (rule, or go- Staggeringly, dubie, incerte haesitatio; (prop), fulcrum, ad-
vern), rego, dirigo; (or agree The staggers, vertigo miniculum
with), congruo, convenio Having the staggers, vertigine To stand, sto; (still), sto, con-
Upon the square, a;qua condi- correptus sisto, subsisto; (in one place),
tione Stagnant, stagnans, stans moror, commoror (about), cir-

Out of square, enormis, abnormis To stagnate, stagno, sto cumsto; (against), resisto, ob-
A squaring, quadratura Stagnation, motus cessatio nitor, oppugno; (aside), recedo,
To squash (dash against), illido A stain, macula, labes (in repu- ;
secedo; (asunder), disto ; (by),
(put an end to), finem impo- tation), dedecus, infamia, nota asto, assisto ; (by, or assist),
nere, comprimo To stain (spot, or sully), maculo, defendo, tueor
A squashing, illisus, compressio contamino, inquino, polluo To be at a stand (doubt), haereo,
Squat, brevis ct compactus (discolour), decoloro (violate), ;
hjesito, dubito ;
(as work),
To -quat, succunibo, recumbo violo, laedo; (dye).tingo, inlicio pendeo [redigere
Squatting down, succumbens A stainer, infector, tinctor To put to a stand, ad angustias
To squawl, exclamo, vociferor; A paper-stainer, coloribuspingens To make a stand, gradum sistere,
(as an infant), vagito A staining (dying), tinctura, tinc- obviam ire
Squawling, vagiens, vagitans tus; (discolouring), decoloratio A standard, vexillum; (bearer),
To squeak, or squeal, argute vo- Stainless, purus, immaculatus vexillarius, signifer; (in weight
or striderc ; (like a
ciferari, A stair, gradus; (pair of stairs), and measures), norma publica;
mouse), dintrio scalae (pattern), exemplar, modulus
Squeaking, argutus, stridulus The one pair of stairs (or story), A stander by, astans
A squeaking, stridor tabulatum primum Standers, arbores incaeduae
Squeakingly, argute stridens A stake (post), sudes, postis, pa- A standing-place, statio
Squeamish, nauseans, lastidiosus lus ; (to tie cattle to), vacerra; Standing out, extaus, prominens;
To be squeamish, nauseo, i'astidio (at play), depositum, pignus (resolute), pertinax, obstinatuB
Squeamishly, fastidiose To lie at stake, periclitor A standing (or time), tempus,
Squeamishness, nausea, fastidium To stake (lay stakes), depono, rctas; (situation), positio; (of
To squeeze, premo, comprimo oppignero a short standing), nuper natus,
(out), exprirao, elicioj (hard), Stale, vetus, vetustus, tritus or ortus
A standish, atramentarium To live in state, magnified vivere A steelyard, statera
A stanza, series, ordo Stateliness, magnificentia To steel, chalybe temperare;
A staple (mart), emporium Stately, magnincus, splendidus, (one's face), os induere
Staple commodities, merces pri- elatus, superbus ; adv. mag- Steep, praeceps, praeruptus; (as.
mariee; (staple of a lock), cavum nified, splendide, elate cending), acclivis; (descend-
A star, Stella, sidus, astrum; (the A statesman, politicae scientia; ing), declivis
day, or morning-star), venus, peritus A steep place, praecipitium
phosphorus; (blazing-star), co- Statics, statice To steep, macero, mollio
meta, Stella crinita ; (dog-star), Stating, ordinans, disponens A steeping, maceratio
sirius, canicula ; (the seven A station, statio, locus; (post, or A steeple, templi pyramis

stars), vergiliae, ple'iades ;

(in office), munus Steeply, preempts

writing), asteriscus To station, in statione ponere Steepness (of ascent), acclivitas ;

iFull of stars, stellatus Stationers (company of), statio- (of descent), declivitas
The star-chamber, camera stellata narii A steer, juvencus
The starboard, dextra pars A stationer, chartopola To steer (govern), guberno, im-
A stargazer, astrologus Stationary, stationarius, fixus pero, rego, rerum habenas agi-
Starless, sine stellis, tenebrosus A statuary, statuarius tare ; (one's course), proficis-
Starlight, sublustris Statuary (art of), sculptura cor, pergo, vado, iter facere,
.Starlike, illustris, splendidus A statue (image), statua, simu- cursum dirigere
Starch, amylum; (ready made), lacrum, signum; (of brass), Steerage, or steering, gubernatio
amylum aqua dilutum signum aeneum ;
(of wax), The steerage, naucleri statio
To starch, amylo imbuere imago cerea A steersman, gubernator, nau-
Starched, amylo imbutus ; (af- A stature statura
(size), cleius
fected), putidus, homo affectatis Statutable, legibus consentaneus Stellar, stellari3
moribus, affectatus; (spruce), Statutably, juxta leges The stem (of a plant, or herb),
mundulus, nitidiusculus A statute, statutum, decretum, caulis, scapus; (or stock of a
To stare, obtutu haerere; (or look praescriptum, lex, sanctio; (of tree), truncus; (of corn), cul-
wildly), efferato aspectu intu- parliament), senatus consultum mus, stipula; (race, or parent-
eri ; (about), oculos volvere ; To stave (off), depello, propello, age), stirps, progenies, prosapia,
(as hair), horreo, inhorresco, protelo; (or break in pieces), familia, genus, stemma; (of a
arrigor frango, diffringo ship), rostrum
Staring (rough), hirtus, horridus Staves, see Staff; (of a barrel), To stem (or stop), retardo, re-
(wildly), efferatus, efferus ; assulae doliares primo, coerceo, cohibeo, sisto
(hair), arrectae coma? A stay (delay), impedimentum, To grow to a stem, caulesco
Staringly, ferociter mora ; (tarrying in a place), A stench, fcetor; (of a thing
Stark, penitus, omninb ; (blind), mansio; (prop), fulcrum; burnt, &c), nidor; (of a foul
talpa caecior (band), retinaculum breath), halitus graveolentia
Starry, stellatus, sidereus To stay (abide), maneo, remoror, A stentorean voice, vox stentorea
A start, saltus, impetus, motu3 commoror, moror (or stop
; A step, passus, gradus, gressus
To start (or give a start), trepido, one), detineo, sisto; (or curb), A step, or footstep, vestigium
subsilio, expavesco ; (back), cohibeo, coerceo; (or appease), Step of a ladder, climacter ; (be-
resilio; (a hare), leporem ex- rcollio, placo ; (the stomach), fore a door), podium
citare; (a question), quaestio- famem depellere ; (or prop), The step of a door, limen
nem proponere ; (a point in fulcio ; (for), praestolor, op- Step by step, gradatlm
law), quaestionem de jure fa- perior ; (or loiter), cunctor, A step-father, vitricus ; (mother),
cere ; (or mention first), infero moror; (away), absum noverca ; (sou), privignus ;

(an opinion), opinionem in- Stayedly, serio, graviter (daughter), privigna

ferre; (a difficulty), scrupulum Stayedness, gravitas, severitas To step, gradior, incedo ; (or go
in.j i core; (or deviate from), a A stayer (stopper), stator to a place), pergo, proficiscor;
proposito aberrare Staying, manens, consistens ; (after), sequor; (along with),
Starting, or startish, meticulosus (for), expectans, praestolans, comitor;(ashore), in terram
A starting-place, meta, repagula, opperiens; (upon), nixus, in- egredi
(aside), secedo ; (it
career nixus away), gradum accelerare
To startle, trepido, expavesco; A staying up, sustentatio Made with steps, gradatus
(or make one to startle), territo, A pair of stays, thorax nexilis A stepping, gradatio; (aside), se-
nee opinantem opprimere Stead, or place, locus cessus ; (in), ingressus ; (in
Startling, trepidans ;
(making Steadfast, stabilis, firmus, con- unlooked for), adventus inopi-
afraid), territans, pavorem in- stans natus
jjiciens Steadfastly, constanter, attente Sterile, sterilis, infoecundus
T|o starve (with hunger), fame Steadfastness, constantia Sterility, sterilitas
enecare (a town), oppidum
; Steadily, firmiter, constanter Sterling, bona et legalis moneta,
fame premere ;
(with cold), Steadiness, stabilitas, firmitas sterlingum
prae frigore horrere ; (a cause), Steady, firmus, stabilis, fixus A pound sterling, viginti solidi
causam fraudare A steak, offula, offella Stern, torvus, severus, tetricus,
tarving with hunger, famelicus To steal (rob), furor, latrocinor; durus
state (condition), conditio, sta- (privily), subripio; (away), se- The stern, navis clavus, puppis;
tus, fortuna; (manner), ratio, cedo, clanculum sese subdu- (tail), cauda
institutum; (degree, or rank), cere ; (a marriage), nuptias Sternly, torve, austere, tetre
ordo; (charge, or office), munus, clandestinas celebrare; (into), Sternness, torvitas, austeritas
dignitas ; (government), reg- irrepo ; (or insinuate into), in- Sternutation (sneezing), sternu-
num, imperium, respublica sinuo tatio
(affairs), res politicae; (show, A stealer, f ir, latro A stew (fishpond), piscina; (pan),
magnificence), splendor, appa- A stealing, direptio, spoliatio authepsa ; (bawdy-house), lu-
ratus, pompa, magnificentia Given to stealing, furax panar
state-room, camera magnifica;
^ (bed), By stealth, furtlm, clanculum A haunter of stews, ganeo
lectus ad pompam or- Pertaining to stealth, furtivus To stew (meat), carnem lento
natus; (house), basilica A steam, vapor, halitus igne coquere ;
(put into a fret),
States (nobility), proceres To steam, exhalo, vaporo irrito
The states-general, ordines pro- Stedfast, firmus A steward, procurator, curator,
vinciarum fcederatarum A steed, equus, sonipes dispensator
To state (regulate), ordino, mo- Steel, chalybs A house-steward, curator domes-
deror, tempero, dispono, de- Of steel, chalybeius ticus
finio ; (an account), rationes A steel (to strike fire), igniarium; Lord-steward of the king's house-

inter se conferre; (a question), (for a butcher), instrumentum hold, dominus seneschallus hoa-
quaestionem proponere ex chalybe fungens vice cotis pitii domini regis
[125] 63


A stewardship, munus procura- Having a sting, aculeatus Stoically, stoice
toris, dispensatio, curatio, ad- Stinging, stimulans, stimuleus Stoicism, stoicismus
ministratio A stinging, punctura, compunctio A stole, stola, palla
A stick, baculus, baculum, ba- Stingingly, punctlm, sever6 Having stolen, furatus
cillum, scipio Stinginess, nimia parsimonia Stolidity, stoliditas
To stick, haereo; (fix), figo, af- Stingily, perparce, sordide The stomach, stomachus ;
figo; (up before), prsengo; {or Stingy, deparcus, sordidus appetitus, fames
tite), (an- ;

cleave to),adhaereo,adha?resco; A stink, fcetor, fceditas ger), ira; (courage), animus,

(into).derigo; (stab),confodio; To stink, foeteo, puteo ;
(very virtus [laborans
(at, or doubt), haesito, dubito ;
much), peroleo Sick at the stomach, stomacho
{or put between), intersero; Stinking, fcetidus, putidus, olidus To have a stomach, esurio
(by, or support), sustineo, sus- Stinkingly, foetid^, rancide To get a stomach, stomachum
tento ; (ill), infigo ; (in the A stint, limitatio, modus acuere [mere
mud), in luto haerere (in the ;
To stint (limit), finio, modum ad- To stay the stomach, famem exi-
ground), derlgo; (fast, or be hibere; (curb),freeno, moderor, To stomach, indignor, irascor
fixed in), insideo; {or jut out), coerceo A stomacher, pectorale
promineo, exsto ; (out, or re- Stinted, finitus, repressus Stomachful, animosus, ferox
fuse), recuso, renuo A stipend, stipendium Stomachic, stomacho gratus
A sticking unto, adhsesio A stipendiary, stipendiarius A stone, lapis; (flint), silex
To stickle, laboro, multum agere Stiptic, stypticus, astringens (rock), saxum, petra ; (load),
(for a person), ab aliquo stare To stipulate, stipulor, paciscor magnes ; (pebble), calculus ;
(for a party), parti studere A stipulation, stipulatio, pactio (precious), gemma; (pumice),
(for liberty), libertatem vindi- A stipulator, stipulator pumex (whet), cos

care A stir, turba, tumultus To become stone, or hard as stone,

A stickler, studiosus To stir (move), se movere; (up, lapidesco
A stickling, studium or provoke), provoco, irrito, ur- To stone (throw stones), lapido,
Sticky, viscosus, viscidus geo, lacesso (up to anger),
lapidibus obruere
A stie for hogs, hara excandefacio ; (up sedition), A stone (of wool), quatuordecim
Stiff (not pliable), rigens, rigidus; seditionem commovere, or con- libra ; (of meat.), octo librae
(benumbed), torpens, torpidus; flare (in business), summo
The stone (disease), calculus
(inexorable), inexorabilis; (ob- studio aliquid agere ; {or cir- Having the stone, calculosus,
stinate, resolute), pertinax, per- culate), abundo, circulor; (out calculo laborans
vicax, contumax ; (rigid, se- of doors), foras prodire, or ex- The stones, testiculi
vere), asper, acerbus, rigidus, ire; (up), suscito; (the fire), Of stone, lapideus, saxeus
dui-us, severus; (strong), vali- focum excitare A stonecutter, lapicida
dus (necked), pertinax, con-
To make a stir, tumultuor Stone-dead, penitus emortuus
tumax With much stir {or tumult), tu- A stone-quarry, lapicidina
To be stiff, rigeo, torpeo multuose ;
{or difficulty), aegre, A stone-mason, latomus
To stiffen, induro, duro ;
(with vix A stoner, lapidator
gum, &c), gummi sublinere That may be stirred, agitabilis Stoniness, qualitas lapidosa
Stiffly, rigide, obstinate A stirrer, concitator Stony, lapidosus, petrosus
Stiffness, rigor; (numbness), tor- To be stirring, e lecto surgere A stoning, lapidatio
por ; (obstinacy), pertinacia, A stirring, concitatio ; (moving), A stool, sella, sedes ; (three-
pervicacia motio (provoking), instigatio;
footed), tripus
To stifle, suffoco; (a report), (about), agitatio A footstool, scabellum
famam comprimere (conceal), ;
Stirring (or bustling), diligens A closestool, lasanum
celo, tego A stirrop, or stirrup, stapes A stool, or going to stool, alvus
A stifling, suffocatio A stitch (in sewing), sutura (in ;
To go to stool, alvum exonerarej
To stigmatize (mark with a hot the side), pleuritis, lateris dolor (to cause to go), alvum ciere
iron), stigmateinurere ; (brand To stitch, suo, consuo; (round), To stoop, inclino, proclino
with infamy), famam alicujus circumsuo (cringe), serviliter flectere, or
laedere Stitched, Stitcht, sutus, consutus submittere
A stile, climax, septum A stitching, sutura Stooping, inclinis, pronus
A turnstile, septum versatile A stithy, incus A stooping, inclinatio
A stile (in writing), stilus To stive with heat, suffoco A stop (hinderance), mora, im-
To stile, denomino, voco Stived up, aestu pene suffocatus pedimentum; (pause), pausa,
A stiletto, sica, pugio A stiving-beat, aestus respiratio ; (point), punctum ;

A stiling, appellatio Stiving hot, calidissimus (full), periodus

Still (yet, continually), adhuc, A stock (stump), truncus, stipes, To be at a stop, consisto
etiamnum, assidue caudex; (family), prosapia, fa- To stop, prohibeo, coerceo, im-
Still (calm, quiet), tranquillus, stemma; (estate),
milia, genus, pedio ; (a journey), iter inter-
placidus, sedatus, quietus, se- bona, census
res, (of goods), ;
cludere; (a looseness), sistere
renus, lenis copia, varietas ; (of cattle), pe- alvum; (the breath), spiritum
To be still, sileo cuariae ; (of sheep), oviaria ;
intercludere ; (stand still), con-
Still-born, abortivus {or fund of money), nummo- tinere gradum ; (the ears),
A still, alembieum rum vis [bulis aures claudere; (the mouth),
To still(calm, or pacify), placo, Of the same stock, gentilis, tri- os obstruere ; (chinks), ob-
sedo, mulceo, lenio A stockdove, palumbes stipo; {or cease from), desisto;
To still (distil), distillo, exprimo A stockfish, salpa (blood), sanguinem reprimerc;
Slillicidious, stillans A stock (gilliflower), lucoion (a cough), tussim reprimere;
Stilly, sedate, tranquille Stocks (for building ships), lig- (up), obstruo, oppilo; (up, fill,
Stillness, quies, serenitas nea compages in qua. naves or stuff), impleo, repleo (up a ;

A stillstand, cessatio construi solent (for punish-

; way), viam intercludere ; {or
Stilts, grallae ment), cippus, numella; (pub- tarry), moror, cunctor {or as- ;

A walker on stilts, grallator lic funds), sortes pecuniarise suage), paco, sedo (with ;

To stimulate, stimulo, incito To stock {or furnish), instruo, points), punctis distinguere
A stimulating, Stimulation.stimu- suppedito; (job), sortibus pe- A stoppage, obstructio; (of mo-
latio cuniariis negotiari ; (root out), ney, &c), retentio
A sting, stimulus, aculeus, spicu- eradico A stopper, or stopple, obtu-
luyn, incitamentum ; (of con- A stockjobber, sortibus pecunia- mentum
science), angor, or morsus con- negotians
riis Stopping, impediens, retardans
scientiae A stocking (furnishing), suppe- A stopping of the breath, suffo-
To sting, pungo; (to be stung in ditatio; {or hose), tibiale, ca- catio ; {or holding of the
conscience), mentis male sibi liga breath), retentio halitus, or
consciae angoribus contici A stoic, stoicus animee
Store (plenty), abundantia, copia; tus ; (handed), deparcus, te munimentum, praesidium ; (of
(provision), penus, commeatus nax; (laced), nimls scrupulo an argument), vis, pondus
(military), belli instrumentum sus Full of strength, nervosus
et apparatus A strait (difficulty), difficultas Of great strength, efficax, valens
To store, suppedito, instruo Straits (want), inopia, pauper To recover strength, convalesco
To have store, abundo, affluo tas ; (difficulties), angustiae, To strengthen, roboro, confirmo;
To lay up in store.vrepono incitae; (narrow seas, &c), fre (a place), munio; (the sight),
A storehouse, armarium (for ; turn, angustiae ; (of Gibraltar) visum acuere
victuals), promptuarium (for ;
fretum Gaditanum, or Hercu A strengthening, confirmatio
armour), armamentarium ;
leum Strenuous, strenuus, fortis, acer
(keeper), condus To straiten, arcto, coarcto Strenuously, valide, fortiter
Stories, fabulae To be straitened, indigeo, premor Strenuousness, fortitudo, vis
A stork, ciconia Straitening, arctans, coarctans A stress (chief point), cardo,
A storm, procella, tempestas ;
(of A straitening, coarctatio summa, caput; (of weather),
rain), nimbus; (of wind), tur- Straitly, arete,anguste tempestas, procella
bo; (tumult), tumultus, sedi- Straitness, angustia To lay a stress, nitor, confido
tio ;
(violent assault), vehemens The strake of a wheel, canthus A stretch, or stretching, distentio
aggressio A strand (shore), ripa, littus ;
(of To stretch, tendo, extendo, in-
To take by storm, expugno a rope), filum, plica tendo, porrigo; (abroad), ex-
To storm (rail), debacchor, furo; To strand, vadis impingere pando, dispando ;
(enlarge), di-
(a town), totis viribus oppi- Strange (foreign), peregrinus lato, profero; (out), distendo,
dum oppugnare alienus; (farfetched), longin explico; (out, or be extended),
Stormy, procellosus, nimbosus quus ( odd, un common ) , rarus
protendor; (with yawning),
A story, historia, narratio, fa- inusitatus ; (shy, disdainful) pandiculor
bula; (lie), mendacium fastosus, superciliosus ; (won That may be stretched, ductilis
A strange story, res mira dictu derful), mirus, mirabilis, miri A stretching, distentio; (yawn-
To tell stories, fabulor ficus ing), pandiculatio
A story (in building), tabulatum A strange thing, miraculum, por- To strew, sterno, insterno, spar-
A stove (hothouse), vaporarium; tentum; (man), homo mirus go ; (sprinkle), aspergo
(fire-grate), craticula ignis Strange (coolly), frigide A strewing, sparsio, aspersio
Stout (courageous), strenuus, for- O strange papae I ! Striated, striatus
tis, intrepidus (fierce, proud),
Strangely, mirifice, miris modis Striature, striatura
ferox, fastidiosus ;
(strong, vi- Strangeness, raritas, novitas ; A strickle, radius, radula
gorous), validus, robustus, acer (shyness), fastus; (in pronun- Strict (close), arctus; (exact),
Stout (beer), cerevisia generosa ciation), peregrinitas exactus (accurate), accura-

Stouthearted, magnanimus A stranger, advena, peregrinus, tus; (precise, formal), affec-

Stoutly (courageously), strenue, hospes ; (metaph.), ignotus, ig- tatus ; (rigid, severe), rigidus,
intrepide; (proudly),
fortiter, narus, rudis, imperitus, alienus asper, severus
fastidiose; (strongly), valide, To strangle, strangulo, suffoco ; With a strict eye, attente
acriter (to death), laqueo interimere With a strict hand, arctfe
Stoutness (courage), fortitudo, A strangling, suffocatio Strictly, arete, familiariter ; (ex-
virtus; (haughtiness), arrogan- The strangury, stranguria actly, accurately), accurate, ex-
tia, superbia; (strength), ro- A strap, strupus, lorum quisite; (precisely, formally),
bur, vires To strap, strupis alligare ; (a affectate; (rigidly, severely),
To stow, loco, colloco person) loris caedere rigide, severe, acerb6
Stowage-room, repositorii capa- The strappado, equuleus Strictness (of friendship), fami-
citas ;
(money), locarium A strapper (lass), virago, liaritas, necessitudo ; (exact-
To straddle, varico, divarico A stratagem, stratagema, dolus ness), accuratio ; (preciseness),
Straddling, varicus, divaricatus Full of stratagems, dolosus, ver- affectatio ; (rigidness, seve-
To straggle, vagor, erro sutus rity), rigor, asperitas, severitas
A straggler, erro, vagus Straw, stramen, palea ; (for A stricture, strictura
Straggling, palaus, vagans, errans thatch), culmus, stipula ; (or A stride, passus, gradus
Straight (not crooked), rectus, fescue), festuca A long stride, gradus grallatorius
directus ; (upright), erectus; Of straw, stramineus To stride, varico; (across, or
(tall), procerus; (by line), ad Made of straw, stramentitius spatium distentis cruri-
amussim; (directly, adv.), rec- Not worth a straw, nihili, futilis bus metiri
ta, recte, directe
, A straw-colour, color melinus A striding, distentio crurum
Straight against, e regione ; (up), A strawberry, fragum; (tree), Strife, jurgium, rixa, lis versus; (down), deor- arbutus Full of strife, jurgiosus, rixosus
Bttm versus; (on), recta Of a strawberry-tree, arbuteus A strig, petiolus
To straighten, rectum facere Strawy, stramineus A strike, or bushel, modius
Straightness(tallness), proceritas A stray, bestia errans To strike, caedo, ferio (out of a ;

Straightway, mox, statim, illicb To stray, erro, vagor list), erado; (as a horse), cal-
A strain (stretching), contentio; Straying, vagans, erraticus citro ;
(affect), afficio ;
(in speaking, or writing), sty- A straying, erratio,vagatio sound as a clock), sono ; (a
lus; (of the sinews), nervorum A streak, radius, linea ; (of a measure), rado, derado ; (at
intentio; (in music), suavis wheel), canthus one), peto, impeto, adorior ;
modulus To streak, vario colore distinguere (at, aim, or attempt to do),
To strain (stretch), contendo ; A stream, fluentum, flumen conor, molior ; (or dash a-
(hurt), laedo ; (bind hard), A small stream, rivulus gainst), allido ; (down), afiiigo,
comprimo, coarcto, constringo To stream, or flow (along), fluito, dejicio; (at the root), sub-
(or press out), exprimo ; (com- fluo, profluo, labor, curro verto ; (back), repello; (blind),
pel), cogo, compello {or ;
(out), effluo, emano caeco, excaaco; (fire), ignera
stretch a point), plus justo tor- A streamer, vexillum, signum ;
elicere (in pieces), diffiingo ;

quere; (liquids), percolo; {or (in a ship), aplustre (or drive into), intigo ; (off),
labour hard), enitor ; (a joint), Streaming, fluens, fluitans, ef- praecido, exscindo
luxo; (a sinew), nervum inten- fluens A striker, pulsator
dere Streamingly, fluenter, prospere A striking, pulsatio, percussio;
A strainer, colura, saccus A street,vicus, platea (back), repercussio
Straining, contendens, constrm- Street by street, vicatim, pla- A string, funiculus, ligula
gens teatlm The string of a dart, amentum
A straining, or stretching, con- Strength, robur, vires, firmi- Strings (of roots), fibrae ; (of
tentio (or pressing out), ex-
tas, sanitas, vigor, fortitudo musical instruments), fides
pressio (force), vis, virtus ; (power), To string (an instrument), nervos
Strait (narrow), angustus, arc- potentia,'potestas ; (of a place), aptare ;
(or fasten a dart),
Cm] G4
; ;


araento; conse-
(pearls), filo To be stubborn, obstinato animo A style (in writing), stylus, ci
rere gemmas ; (things toge- esse, prsefracte defendere cendi genus (or form), formu-

ther), res funiculo trajecto Stubbornly, praefracte, obstinate la ; (of a dial), gnomon; (in
connectere Stubbornness, contumacia, obsti- the account of time), stylus
Stringy, fibris abundans natio, pertinacia To style, appello
A strip, frustulum, particula Stubby, Stubbed, brevis et robus- A styling, appellatio
To strip, spolio, denudo ;
(off tus Styptic, stypticus, restringens
clothes), vestes exuere ; (off Stuck (run through), perfossus; Suasory, suasorius, hortativus
rind), decortico (adorned), ornatus Suavity, suavitas, dulcedo
A stripe, plaga, ictus ; (in co- A stud, bulla; (of mares), equa- Subaction, subactio
lours), virga varii coloris rum armentum A subaltern, legatus
Full of stripes, plagosus Studded, bullatus, clavatus, orna- A subchanter, succentor
To stripe, lineas varii coloris dis- tus A subdeacon, subdiaconus
tinguere A student, studiosus; (great), To subdelegate, substituo
A stripling, adolescens, ephebus librorum helluo Subdititious, subditivus
Stripped, Stript, spoliatus, exutus, Studious, studiosus, amans To subdivide, iterum dividere
nudatus Studiously, studiose, assidue A subdivision, divisio iterata
A stripper, spoliator, spoliatrix Studiousness, studium, cura Subduable, domabiiis, superabilis
A stripping, spoliatio, direptio Study (application of mind), stu- To subduct, subduco, detraho
To strive, conor, enitor, molior; dium, meditatio To subdue, domo, supero, debel-
(against), obnitor, resisto ; A study, bibliotheca, museum expungo, subigo, vinco ;
(hard), obnixe moliri; (toge- To study, studeo, meditov, exqui- (passions), frango, domo
ther), concerto, confligo ro, investigo, scrutor, exploro To be subdued, cedo, succumbo
Having striven, nixus Studying, meditans A subduer, debellator
Striven against, impugnatus A studying, meditatio A subduing, expugnatio
A striver with, concertator Stuff (materials), materia ;
Subject, subjectus, subditus ;
A striving, conatus, nixus ;
(toge- (cloth), pannus
; (baggage), (obliged to),obligatus, obstric-
ther), concertatio sarcina? ; (household), supel- tus; (liable to), obnoxius, ex-
A stroke, ictus, plaga ; (of an lex; (kitchen), unguina positus
oar), pulsus; (on the ear), ala- To stuff (cram), farcio ; (one's A subject (person), civis, subdi-
pa, colaphus ; (with a pen), belly), cibis se ingurgitare ; tus, subjectus (argument of

ductus pennse (with flocks, &c), flocco infer- discourse), argumentum, mate-
To stroke, palpo, mulceo cire; (or choke), suffoco; (or ria,thesis; (in logic), subjec-
A stroking, palpatio [sum stop up), obstruo, oppilo tum
Strokings, lac ultima manu emul- A stuffing, fartura, sagina To be subject to, pareo, obedio
To stroll, vagor, circumcurso The stuffing of a quilt, tomentum; (the subject of discourse), ser-
A stroller, erro, homo vagus (for veal, &c), fartum, farci- monem subire
A strolling company, errantium men To subject, subjicio, subigo
grex To stumble, titubo, offenso; (a- Subjection, servitus, jugum
Strong (lusty), firmus, robustus, gainst), impingo, incurro; (at, A subjecting, subjectio
validus (limbed), lacertosus
oi* scruple), heesito, dubito ;
To subjoin, subjungo, annecto
(clear), clarus ; (earnest, vehe- (upon), incido Subitaneous, subitaneus, repenti-
ment), solicitus, vehemens, A stumble, offensa, offensio nus
acer; (forcible, efficacious), va- Stumbling, titubans, offensans To subjugate, supero, domo
lens, potens, efficax; (massy), A stumbling-block, offendiculum Subjunctive, subjunctivus
solidus ; (mighty, powerful), A stump, caudex, stipes, truncus; To sublimate, sublimo
potens, pollens, valens ; (sharp (stumps), pedes, crura; (bro- Sublimate, pulvis rodens ex ar-
in taste), acer, acidus ; (in ken limb), membrum mutila- gento vivo, nitro, &c, confectus
smell, foetens; (valiant), fortis, tum Sublime, sublimis, excelsus ;
strenuus, intrepidus To stump, trunco ;
(boast), glo- (most excellent), praestantissi-
Very strong, praevalidus, poten- rior, jacto, ostento [tus mus
tissimus Stumpy, stipitum plenus, robus- Sublimely, excellenter, summe
A strong hand, vis To stun (astonish), stupefacio, Sublimeness, Sublimity, sublim-
A strong hold, propugnaculum perturbo, perterreo ; (with itas, celsitudo, altitudo
To be strong, valeo, polleo noise), aures obtundere Sublunary, sub luna positus
To grow strong, valesco To be stunned, stupefio, stupeo Submersion, submersio
To make strong, firmo, corrobo- Stung, punctus To subminister, subministro
ro; (or massy), consolido To stunt, incrementum impedire Submission, obsequium
Strongly, firmiter, fortiter, valide To stupe, foveo Submissive, submissus, humilis
To strow, sterno Stupefaction, stupor, torpedo Submissively, submissfe, humili-
Struck, percussus, perculsus Stupefactive, narcoticus ter
To be struck in a heap, percellor To stupefy (astonish), terreo, To submit, submitto, cedo; (to
A structure, adirJcium ; (con- perturbo; (dull, or benumb), another's judgment), permitto
struction), structura hebeto, tundo, obtundo A submitting, submissio
A struggle, conatus, luctatio, cer- To be stupified, stupeo Subordinate, inferior, substitutus
tatio, contentio Stupendious, Stupendous, mirus, Subordination, conditio inferior
To struggle, conor, luctor, con- mirabilis To suborn, suborno
tendo, nitor; (together), con- Stupid (blockish), stupidus, fa- A subornation, subornatio
gredior, colluctor tuus, ineptus (without feel-
A subpoena, citatio
A struggler, luctator ing), stupedus, torpens, torpi- To subpoena, citare in curiam
A struggling, luctatio, lucta dus To subscribe, subscribo, assen-
Strumous, strumosus Stupidity, stupiditas, stupor tior
A strumpet, scortum, meretrix Stupidly, stupide, insulsfe A subscriber, subscriptor
Strung, filo instruct us Stupration, stupratio A subscribing, subscriptio
To tumeo, super-
strut, turgeo, Sturdily, pertinaciter, fortiter A subscription, subscriptio
bio; (along), superbe incedere Sturdiness, contumacia, fortitu- Subsecutive, Subsequent, subse-
A strutting, superbus incessus do; (strength), robur quens, consequens
A stub (of a true), stipes Sturdy, obstinatus, ferox, robus- Subsequently, per modum conse-
A stubnail, clavus detritus cutionis idatio
To stub up, eradico, extirpo A sturgeon, sturio, acipenser Subservience, gratia, accomm.)-
Stubble, stipula, culmus To stut, or stutter, balbutio Subservient, subserviens
Of stubble, stipularis A stutterer, bambalio To be subservient, subservin
Stubborn, contumax,
refracta- Stuttering, balbutiens To subside, subsideo, suosiao
rius, pertinax; (saucy), irapro- A sty, suile; (pimple), tumor pal- Subsidiary, subsidiarius, auxili-
bni pcbrse hris
Subsidy (aid), subsidium, auxi- In such manner, tali modo, pari- parel), vestitus, vestimentum ;

jium ; (tax), vectigal, tribu- ter (complete), omnis apparatus

tura, census To suck, sugo ; (in), imbibo, ab- (at cards), genus
To subsign, subsigno sorbeo, sorbeo ; (out), exsugo ; To suit (match), adapto, accom-
To subsist, subsisto ; (main- (up), sorbeo modo; (with), congruo
tain), sustento (continue),
To give suck, lacto, nutrico Suitable, aptus, congruus, ido-
existo Sucked in, or up, absorptus neus

subsistence, victus suppedita- A sucker of trees, stolo Suitably, apte, congruiter
tio, existentia The sucker of a pump, antlise Suited, aptatus, accommodatus
Subsistent, existens cantheter A suitor (petitioner), supplex ;
'Substance (matter), substantia, A sucking, suctus (in chancery), orator; (for an
res, materia, summa, caput ;
Sucking up, absorbens, imbibens office), candidatus ;
(estate), fortunae, divitiae, opes, Sucking the breast, lactens procus, amator
peculium, hsereditas To suckle, lacto, nutrico A suiting, accommodatio
Of substance, opulentus, dives Suckled, mammis admotus Sullen, contumax, morosus
Of the same substance, consub- A suckling, animal lactens Sullenly, proterve, torve, morose
stantiali Suction, suctus Sullenness, tetricitas, torvitas
Substantial, solidus, firmus, vali- Sudatory, sudatorius To sully, maculo, inquino ; (a
dus, gravis, certissimus ; Sudden, subitus, improvisus, re- character), famam aspergere
(wealthy), locuples, opulentus, pentinus A sullying, macula
dives, pecuniosus On a sudden, repentind Sulphur, sulphur
Substantially, solide, firme Suddenly, repente, inopinatb With sulphur, sulphuratus
A substantive, substantivum Suddenness, eventus subitaneus Sulphureous, Sulphury, or of sul-
Substantively, substantive Sudorific, diaphoreticus phur, sulphureus, sulphurosus
A substitute! vicarius Suds, spuma saponis; (to be in The sultan, Turcorum imperator
To substitute, substituo, suppono the suds), ad incitas redigi A sultaness, regina Turcica
A substitution, substitutio To sue (at law), litigo, in jus vo- Sultriness, vis eestus
To substract, or subtract, sub- care; (entreat), deprecor, sup- Sultry, torridus, fervidus, can-
traho, detraho, subduco, deduco plico ; (for peace), solicitare dens
A substracting, or substraction, pacem; (for a place), munus A sum (of money), summa pecu-
subtractio, deductio ambire niae; (in cyphering), summa;
To subtend, subtendo Suet (sewe^), sevum, liquamen (total), summa totalis; (of a
A subtense, subtensa To suffer (bear with), patior, fero, matter), summa, argumentum,
Subterfluent, subterfluens tolero, suffero ; (be punish- caput; (brief rehearsal), sura-
A subterfuge, effugium, dolus ed), pcenas dare, luere, or solve- marium
Subterraneous, subterraneus re; (disgrace), in offensam in- To sum up, computo, supputo;
Subtile, subtilis, tenuis ; (cun- currere ;
(some hurt), aliquo (a discourse), res breviter repe-
ning), subtilis, acutus, astutus, incommodo affici (shipwreck),
tere; (all), denique, breviter
sagax naufragium facere; (permit), Summarily, breviter, summatlm
Subtlety, subtilitas, astutia patior, sino, permitto A summary, summarium, com-
Subtle." See Subtile Sufferable, tolerabilis pendium
Subtlely, subtiliter, acute Sufferance (toleration), toleran- Summed up, computatus, repeti-
A subversion, subversio, excidium tia; (of evils), malorum per- tus
To subvert, subverto, everto pessio; (permission), permis- Summer, aestas ;
(or country
Subverted, subversus, dirutus sio, venia house), suburbanum ;
A subverter, subversor On sufferance, permissu beam), transtrum
Suburbs, suburbans Long sufferance, longanimitas Of summer, aestivus
Of the suburbs, suburbanus Having suffered, passus To summer, aestivo
Succedaneous, succedaneus A sufferer, damno affectus A summering, aestiva commoratio
To succeed, succedo, sequor, ex- Suffering, patiens, permittens A summing up, computatio
cipio, evenio, cedo Long-suffering, ad iram tardus The summit, vertex, cacumen
Succeeding, succedens, excipiens A suffering, passio, perpessio To summon (cite), cito, arcesso ;

Succeeding generations, minores To suffice, sufiicio (command), impero ; (up cou-

A succeeding, successio Sufficiency, sufficientia ; (capa- rage), animum recipere
Success, successus, exitus city), captus, peritia, habilitas, A summoner, apparitor
Successful, prosperus, faustus, facultas, prudentia; (self), ar- A summoning, or summons, cita-
felix rogantia, superbia tio
Successfully, prospere, fauste Sufficient (able),sufficiens, capax, Sumpter, oneratus viatico
iSuccession, successio ; (entail), aptus, idoneus, habilis Sumptuary, sumptuarius
haereditas ; (continuation), Not sufficient, impar, ineptus Sumptuous, sumptuosus, magni-
consecutio, series Sufficiently, sat, satis, affatlm, ficus, splendidus, lautus, opipa-
Successive, succedens, sequens abunde rus
Successively, continuata serie To suffocate, suffocQ. Sumptuously, sumptuose
successor, successor ; (our suc- A suffocating, suffocatio Sumptuousness, splendor, luxus
cessors), posteri nostri Suffocation, praefocatio The sun, sol
Succinct, brevis, succinctus A suffragan, suffraganeus Of the sun, Solaris
Succinctly, breviter, concisfe A suffrage, suffragium Sunburnt, exustus sole
Succinctness, brevitas To give suffrage, suffragor A sundial, solarium
Succory, cichorium Of suffrages, suffragatoriua Sunshine, apricitas
Succour, auxilium. Suffumigation, suffumigatio Sun-rising, solis ortus ; (set, or
To succour (comfort), consolor; To suffuse, suffundo setting), solis occasus
(aid), succurro, subvenio; (a A suffusion, suffusio At sunset, cum sole occidente
place besieged), auxilia et com- Sugar, saccharum ; (candy), sac- To sun, soli exponere
meatus suppeditare chari cremor; (loaf), sacchari Set in the sun, soli expositus
Succoured, adjutus meta; (cane), can na mellifera Sunday, dies Dominica
A succourer, solator, opitulator To sugar, saccharo condire To sunder, separo, sejungo
Succouring, consolans, auxilians To suggest, suggero, moneo, insu- Sundry, diversus, varius
Succouiless, destitutus, desertus, A suggester, monitor [surro Sundry ways, diverse, varte
miser A suggesting, or suggestion, ad- To be sunk with age, esse inutilis
Succulency, succi abundantia monitio, monitus, suggestio annis; (deep in debt), aere ali-
Succulent, succulentus, succosus To sugillate, sugillo no demersus
To succumb, succumbo, cedo Suicide, suicidium A sunning, apricatio
Such, adj. talis, ejusmodi, istius- Suing, litigans, litem intendens To sit. in the sun, apricor
modi; adv. ade6, tam A suit (request), petitio, rogatio Sunny, apricus, soli expositus
Such as, qualis, istiusmodi (at law), actio, causa; (of ap- A sup, haustus, sorbitio
[129] G5
To sup, sorbeo; (a little), sorbil- Supperless, incoenatus Sureness, fidelitas, incolumitas,
lo; (again), resorbeo; (up), Supper-time, tempus ccenandi stabilitas
absorbeo; (eat supper), coeno Supping, coenans; (room), coena- Suretyship, or a putting in sure-
Superable, superabilis culum, coenatio ties, satisdatio, sponsio
To superabound, redundo A supping (sipping), sorbitio Surety, vadimonium
A superaboundiug, or superabun- To supplant, supplanto, per do- A surety, vas; (for debt), prses,
dance, redundantia lum dejicere sponsor
Superabundant, superfluens, re- A supplanter, fraudator, parasitus To be surety, spondeo
dundans Supplanting, per dolum dejiciens To put in surety, vador
Superabundantly, redundanter Supple (limber), flexilis, lentus, The surface (outside), superficies
To superadd, superaddo tener A surfeit (by excess), crapula;
Superannuated, annosus, senior To supple, mollio, macero (or being surfeited with), sa-
Superb, inagniticus, illustris, in- To grow supple, lentesco tietas [luor
gens Supplely, lente, laxe To surfeit one's self, saturo, hel-
A supercargo, navium oneris cu- A supplement, supplementum, Surfeiting, crapulam, fastidium,
rator [perbus appendix, complementum or nauseam afferens
Supercilious, superciliosus, su- Suppleness, lent or, mollities A surge (wave), fluctus ingens
Superciliously, superbe A suppling, maceratio A surgeon, chirurgus
Superciliousness, superbia, fastus A supplicant, or suppliant, supplex Surgery (art of), ars chirurgica
Supereminence, eminentia Like a supplicant, supplicitei' A surgery, officina chirurgica
Supereminent, pnecellens [ter To supplicate, supplico, obsecro, Of surgery, cliirurgicus
Supereminently, eximie, insigni- rogo Surging, fluctuans
To supererogate, supererogo A supplication, supplicatio A surging, undarum tumultus
Supererogation, supererogatio Supply, subsidium, suppetia?, sup- Surgy, fluctuosus, undosus
Superexcellent, supereminens plementum, auxilium, suppedi- Surlily, morose, ferociter
Superficial, superliciarius, levis, tatio Surliness, morositas
leviter eruditus To supply, suppleo (furnish),
Surly, morosus, ferox
Superficially, perfunctorie, leviter suppedito; (relieve), levo, suc- To be surly, ferocio, superbio
The superficies, superficies curro, subvenio A surmise, suspicio
Superfine, tenuissimus A supplying, suppeditatio To surmise, suspicor, imaginor
Superfluity, Superfluousness, su- A support (prop), fulcrum, co- To surmount, exsupero, vinco
perfluitas, redundantia lumen (favour),
; gratia, tuta- A surmounter, superator
Superfluous, superfiuus, superva- men, subsidium A surmounting, superatio
caneus, supervacuus, redundans To support (bear up), sustento, A surname, cognomen
Superfluous spending, profusio fulcio (bear up under), tolero,
To surname, cognomino
To be superfluous, redundo patior; (defend), defendo, vin- To surpass, prsecelio, prsesto, vinco
Superfluously, redundanter dico, tueor; (assist), juvo, auxi- Surpassable, superabilis
To superinduce, superinduco lior, succurro Surpassing, superans, vincens
Superinduction, superinductio Supportable, tolerandus A surpassing, praestautia
To superintend, euro, inspicio A supporter (patron), patronus; Surpassingly, optime, praeclare
Superintendence, curatio, inspec- (in a building), telamo (sup-; A surplice, linteum amiculum sa-
tio, primatus porters in heraldry), animantia cerdotale
A superintendent, curator, in- scuta sustinentia [nixus A surplus, auctarium
spector, prsefectus Supporting one's self, nixus, in- A surprise, Surprisal, superven-
Superior, superior A supporting, defensio, susten- tus; (astonishment), conster-
A superior, superior, preefectus tatio, auxilium natio,animi stupor, pavor, or
Superiority, magisterium Supposable, opinabilis torpor
Superlative (excellent), eximius, To suppose, suppono ; (imagine), To surprise (or come suddenly),
eminens, excellens, egregius, opinor, reor, credo; (or allow a de improviso supervenire; (as-
prsestans, praeclarus, praecel- thing), admitto, concedo tonish), percello; (fright), ter-
lens ; (degree), superlativus Supposing, opinans, suspicatus reo, exterreo, perturbo ; (a
gradus A supposing,or supposition, opinio town), improviso capere
Superlatively, excellenter, eximie Supposititious, supposititius Surprising (new, unexpected),
Supernal, supernus To suppress, supprimo, aboleo novus, improvisus, inopinatus;
Superna\)y, superne Suppressing, supprimens, repri- (astonishing, marvellous), mi-
Supernatural, naturam superans mens rus, mirabilis, admirabilis, men-
Supernaturally, super naturse A suppressing, or suppression, tem perturbans
vires [dens suppressio, coercitio Surprisingly, mire, mirabiliter
Supernumerary, numeram exce- To suppurate, suppuro A surrender, deditio
To superscribe, inscribo Suppuration, suppuratio To surrender (restore), reddo, re-
A superscription, inscriptio Suppurative, suppuratorius stituo, resigno (as a prisoner),

To supersede, supersedeo A supputation, supputatio dedo

A supersedeas, exauctoramentum Supremacy, primatus A surrendering, deditio, abdicatio
Superstition, superstitio Supreme, supremus, summus Surreptitious, surrcptitius
Superstitious, superstitiosus A surcease, cessatio, omissio Surreptitiously, furtiin, clam
Superstitiously, superstitiose To surcease, supersedeo, cesso A surrogate, surrogatus, delegatus
To superstruct, superstruo A surcharge, onus novum, or in- To surround, circumsto, circumdo
A superstructure, structura justum, crapula Surrounding, circumdans
To supervene, supervenio To surcharge (overload), onus in- A surrounding, circuitio, circuitus
To supervise, inspicio, euro justum imponere, nimls onerare A survey (viewing), inspectio
Supervised, inspectus, curatus A surcingle, cingulum equinum (measuring), metatio
A supervisor, inspector A surcoat, tunica exterior To survey (view), lustro, inspec
Supervising, inspiciens, curans Surd, surdus to; (measure), metior (over ;

Supine (face upwards), supinus; Surdity (deafness), surditas see), euro, procuro
(careless, negligent), improvi- Sure (certain ),certus, manifestus; A surveyor, inspector, metator.
dus, inconsideratus, oscitans, (faithful), fidelis, fidus; (safe), procurator, curator; (architect),
socors, negligens tutus, securus, incolumis ; (sta- architectus [toris
A supine, supinum ble), stabilis, firmus; (footed), A survey orship, munus procura
Supinely, supine, negligenter pes minime labens Survival, Surviving, superstitis
Having supped, coenatus To be sure, certo scire status
A supper, cccna; (Lord's), coena Surely (certainly), certe, profect6, To survive, supervivo.'supersum
dominica certd, equidem, sane; (faith- A survivor, superstes
Of supper, coeuatorius fully), bona fide; (safely), tut&, A survivorship, munus superstitis
To wish for supper, coenaturio secure; (stedfastly), tirme, con- Susceptible, facile suscipiens
To be at supper, cceno stants To suscitate, Buscito, excito
To suspect, suspicor, suspecto, rium, dominium, dominatio, po- the neck, &c), struma; (of ths
|uspicio testas, dominatus, principatus, sea), aequoris asperitas
Suspecting, suspicatus, suspici- rerum administrate To swelter, pene suffocari
osus To sway guberno,
(rule, govern), Sweltering, pene suffocatus
A suspecting, suspicio impero, rego, res administrare To swerve (go from), erro, aberrc
Suspense, dubium (with one), valeo Swerving from, devius, declinans
In suspense, dubius, incertus, To be swayed, gubernor, regor A swerving from, deflexus
suspensus, scrupulosus A swaying, gubernatio Swift, celer, velox ; (of foot), le-
To be in suspense, dubito, hsesito To sweal (melt away), inaequaliter vipes, alipe
To suspend (or defer), suspendo, eliquescere Swiftly, celeriter, velociter
differo; (an assent), assensura To swear, juro ; (against), abjuro, Swiftness, celeritas, velocitas
sustinere; (remove for a time), ejuro; (allegiance), fidei sacra- Swill (hogwash), colluvies
ad tempus removere, or inter- mentum dicere; (falsely), per- To swill, ingurgito, ebibo ; (rinse),
dicere juro; (one), juramentum exi- lavo, abluo
Suspending, suspendens gere A swiller, ebriosus, temulentus
A suspension (suspense), suspen- A swearer, jurator Swilling down, ingurgitans, ebi-
sio, hsesitatio (from an office),
; A false swearer, perjurus bens
muneris interdictio ; (of arms), A profane swearer, temere deje- A swilling, ebriositas
induciae rans To swim, nato, no (against the

A suspicion, suspicio A swearing (taking an oath), ju- stream), adverso flumine navi-
Suspicious (distrustful), suspici- risjurandi interpositio ; (solemn gare; (with the stream), se-
osus, suspicax ; (suspected), swearing), dejurium cundo flumine vehi; (at the
suspectus Sweat, sudor top), supernato; (away), ab-
Suspiciously, suspiciose To sweat, sudo, exsudo ; (all over), nato; (back).reno; (before, or
Suspiration (sighing), suspiratio perfundi sudore, consudo ; by), prsenato ; (in), innato
To sustain (prop, defend), sus- (blood), sanguine sudare A swimmer, natator
tento, sustineo, fulcio, defendo, To cause sweat, sudorem ciere Swimming, nans, nataus
tueor; (bear, or suffer), susti- Sweated out, exsudatus A swimming, natatio, natatus
neo, fero, tolero, patior (a loss), ; A sweater, sudator, sudatrix (of the head), vertigo
detrimentum accipere A sweating, sudatio; (place), su- Swimmingly, prospere, bono suo-
Sustainable, sustinendus datorium cessu
A sustaining (supporting), sus- Of sweating, sudatorius A swine, porcus, sus
tentatio Causing sweat, sudorificus Of swine, porcillus, suillus
Sustenance, alimentum, victus Sweaty, sudans, laboriosus A swine-herd, subulcus, suarius
A suttler, caupo castrensis To sweep, verro, everro, purgo; The swine-pox, boa
A suture, sutura (away, or carry off), aufero, ab- Swine-like, more suis
A swabber, nauta inferior sumo, converro (before), prae-
A swing (to swing with), funicu-
A swaddle, fascia verro lus quo se quis jactat; (full
To swaddle, fascio ; (cudgel), ver- A sweeper, scoparius; (of chim- desire), animus, cupiditas
bero, verberibus caedere neys), caminorum mundator (jerk), impetus
A swaddling, fasciis involutio A sweeping, purgatio scopis To take his swing, animum ex-
To swag down, prsepondero ; (the Sweepings, purgamenta, quisqui- plere suum
arms), brachia jactare liae To swing, agito, jacto, libro
Swag-bellied, ventricosus Sweet (pleasant to taste, or smell ) (about), roto, circumverto ;

To swage, mitigo, sedo dulcis, jucundus, suavis, gratus (brandish), torqueo, libro
To swagger, jacto, glorior (breath), halitus suaviterolens; To swinge, verbero, flagello
A swaggerer, thraso, jactator (look), aspectus laetus, frons Swinged about, rotatus, libratus
A swaggering, ostentatio hilaris A swinger, librator
Swagging down, propendens The sweetbread, pancreas Swinging (hanging), pendulus
A swain, agrestis, colonus A sweet-ball, pastillus Swinging (very large), ingens
A swallow, hirundo Sweet-cane, acorus A swinging (poising), libratio
To swallow, sorbeo, absorbeo, Sweet-william, armeria (wheeling about), rotatio
haurio, exhaurio ; (greedily), A sweetheart, procus, amator To swink, valde laborare
voro, ingurgito, devoro; (one's (female), arnica A swipe, tolleno, grus
words), dicta retractare Sweetmeats, bellaria A switch (rod), virga, vimen
A swallowing down, haustus Sweetsceuted, odoriferus To switch, flagello
A swamp, locus paludosus To grow sweet, dulcesco, mitesco A swivel, verticulum
Swampy, paludosus, nebulosus To sweeten, edulco ; (with su- Swollen, tumidus, turgidus
A swan, cygnus, olor gar, &c), saccharo condire A swoon, or swooning, deliquium,
Of a swan, cygneus, olorinus (pacify), paco, pacifico, mitigo, animi defectus
To swap (swop), commuto mulceo, lenio To swoon, deliquium pati, deficio
The sward (of bacon), cutis lardi To be sweet upon, adulor, assen- To swop, commuto, permuto
(of earth), superficies agri gra- tor,palpo Swopped, commutatus
minosi A sweetener (sycophant), assen- A swopping, permutatio
A swarm (great number), multi- tator A sword, gladius, ensis ;
tudo (of bees), examen, grex;
; A sweetening, conditura; (pacify- gladius strictus
(of people), turba, magnus con- ing), pacificatio, sedatio To put to the sword, ad inter-
cursus Sweetish, subdulcis necionem caedere
To swarm (as bees), examino ; Sweetly (pleasantly), dulce, sua- A sword-bearer, ensifer ;
[or come together in numbers), viter, grate ; (gently, smoothly), gladiator
magno numero concurrere; (or lenitfcr, mansuete, placide, tran- Of a sword-player, gladiatorius
climb up), adrepo quille Sword-playing, gladiatura
Swarming with people, incolis, or Sweetness, dulcedo; (of smell), A sycamore, sycomorus
populo frequens suavitas (of speech), blanditiae,
; A sycophant, sycophanta, delator,
By swarms, tumatim suaviloquentia ; (of temper), adulator, assentator, susurro
Swarthiness, nigredo, nigror affabilitas, mnnsuetudo, lenitas To play the sycophant, adulor
Swarthy, fuscus, nigellus To swell (puff up), tumeo, tur- Syllabic, Syllabical, syllabicus
To grow swarthy, nigresco geo, intumesco ; (or grow in A syllable, syllaba
A swash of water, impetus aquae length, or breadth), cresco, ac- By syllables, syllabatlm
To swash, allido cresco, augeor; (out), promi- Of one syllable, monosyllabus
A swasher, jactator, thraso neo, exto Of two syllables, bisyllabus ;
A swath, fascia, taenia; (of grass), To make swell, tumefacio, inflo (three syllables), trisyllabus
striga fceni demessi Swelled, turgidus, inflatus, tu- (four syllables), tetrasyllabus
To swathe, fasciis involvere midus A syllogism, syllogismus
Bway (government, rule), impe- A swelling, tumor, inflatio; (in Syllogistical, syllogisticus
; ;;;;


Syllogistically, syllogistic^ (up), affigo; (about, as a sail- (at random), figmenta cerebri
To syllogize, ratiocinor, per syllo- ing vessel), cursum obliquare evomere; (backwards and for-
gismos, or logice argumentari (about, in opinion, &c), con- wards), perplexe loqui of ;

Sylvan, sylvanus, sylvaticus mutare

silia abroad), vulgo, divulgo; (idl/),
A symbol, symbolum Tacking together, assuens nugas dicere; (softly), susuno,
Symbolical, symbolicus Tackle, or tackling, iustrumenta; mussito; (to),alloquor; (with),
Symbolically, symbolice, operte (for ships), armamenta navium cum aliquo conferre ; (to no
To symbolize (denote), per sym- Tactics, tactica purpose), incassiim loqui
bolum in dicare; (concur), con- Tactile, tactilis Talkative, loquax; (fellow), lo-
sentio, convenio, congruo A tad-pole, gyrinus quaculus, locutulerus
A symbolizing, symbolica notatio A tag (young sheep), ovicula; Talkativeness, garrulitas
Symbolizing with, consentiens (of a lace), bracteola Having talked, locutus, confabu-
Symmetrical, justa proportione To tag (a lace), bracteolam in- latus
formatus serere; (after), pone sequi A great talker, verbosus
Symmetry, symmetria Tag-rag, fsex populi An idle talker, gerro
Sympathetical, Sympathetic, sym- A tail, cauda; (of a garment), Talking, loquax, garrulus
pathetica vestis tractus [or hindermost
; A talking (together), confabu-
Sympathetically, mutuo affectu part), postrema pars; (piece), latio; (much), garrulitas; (to
To sympathize.mutua miseratione ornamentum ad finem appo- one's self), soliloquium
affici, or moveri situm [actum Tall, procerus, altus, celsus
Sympathizing, sortem alicujus do- Taillage, tributum veritim ex- Tallage, vectigal
lens ex animo Tailed, caudatus Tallness, proceritas
Sympathy, mutuus affectus (na- ; A tailor, vestiarius, sartor Tallow, sebum ; (chandler), can-
tural agreement of things), A taint (infection), contagium; delarum sebacearum venditor
sympathia (blemish), macula, labes ;
To tallow, sebo, sevo
Symphony, symphonia (crime), accusatio Of tallow, sebaceus
A symptom, symptoma, indicium, To taint {act.), corrumpo, inficio; Tallowish, sebosus
nota putresco
(neut.), (accuse), ;
A tally, tessera, talea
Symptomatic, Symptomatical, accuso, evinco To tally {or mark on a tally), tes-
symptomaticus Tainted, infectus; (of a crime), seris numerum notare ; (or
A synagogue, synagoga accusatus, convictus agree with), convenio, quadro
Synchronism, synchronismus Taintless, purus, contagionis ex- The talmud, liber ritualis Rabbi-
A syncope (swooning), deliquium, pers norum
animi defectio To take, capio, accipio, recipio, A talon, unguis
A syncope, syncopa, concisio sumo; (succeed), succedo, pros- A tamarind, tamarindus
A syndic, syndicus pere evenire ; (understand), A tamarisk, myrica
A synod, synodus, conventus intelligo, apprehendo; (by the Tame, mansuetus, mitis, lenis
Synodf' synodalis, synodicu3 hand), dextras conjungere, ma- To tame, mansuefacio, domo
A syncr»,m,vox synonyma nu prehendere; (about), am- To grow tame, mansuesco, mi-
Synonymous, similis significati- plector; (a ditch) fossam trans-
, tesco
onis, synonymus ire; (after), imitor (after a ; Tameable, domabilis
A synopsis, synopsis father), patrisso; (the air), de- Tamely, mansuete, leniter
A syntax, syntaxis, verborum ambulo, apricor (air), evulgor,
Tameness, mansuetudo
structura palam enunciari; (alarm), per- A tamer, domitor, domitrix
A syringe, syrinx, fistula turbor, excitor ; (aside), se- A taming, domitus
To syringe, per syringem injicere voco ; (asunder), separo, se- To tamper, solicito ; (with a dis-
Syringed, per syringem injectus jungo ; (away, or clear the ease), imperite curationem
Syrup, syrupus table), fercula de mensa tol- morbi tentare
A system, systema, corpus lere; (away by force), spolio, A tampering with, solicitatio
Systematical, ad systema perti- abripio Tan, cortex ad coria inficienda
nens [tema A taker of advice, deliberator adhibitus
Systematically, secundum sys- (away), raptor, direptor, spo- To tan (leather), corium cortice
liator inficere ; (sunburn), sole adu-
A taking, assumption (of advice), rere
deliberatio; (away), ademptio, A tanpit, fovea ad coria depsenda
T. direptio, spoliatio; (back a- Tanned leather, corium depstum;
gain), resumptio ; (before), an- (sunburnt), sole adustus
Tabby, textum sericum undu- ticipatio, praeoccupatio ; (hold A tang, sapor ingratus
latum of),prehensio; (to), assumptio; A tangent, tangens
A tabby-cat, feles or felis macu- (of work by the great), operis Tangibility, qualitas tactilis
losa redemptio Tangible, tangibilis, tactilis
A taber, tympanum minus Taking upon himself, ad se reci- To tangle, implico, irretio
A taberer, tympanista piens A tankard, cantharus, cista
A tabernacle, tabernaculum A talbot, vertagus A tanner, coriarius
Tabid, tabidus, emaciatus A tale, fabula, narratio ; (false), Tansy, tanacetum
A table, mensa, tabula figmentum; (of a tub), anilis Tantalism, spes vana, or decepta
Table-beer, cerevisia cibaria fabula, Siculee gerrse To tantalize, vana spe allicere
(cloth), mappa ; (discourse), The tale of money, sheep, &c, re- Tantamount, sequivalecs
fabula: convivales censio, numerus Atap.sipho, epistomium; (blow),
Tables, abacus tesserarius A tale-bearer, susurro, gerro ictus levis
To table {or board), in convictum A teller of merry tales, congerro To tap, dolium relinere; (give a
aliquem pacto pretio admittere To tell tales, confabulor, fabulas tap), leviter percutere ; (the
To play at tables, talis ludere narrare; (lie), mentior belly), humorem epistomio
A table (in a book), syllabus, in- A talent, talentum ; (endow- ventri inserto elicere
dex; (for gaming), tabula lu- ment), dos, facultas Tape, vitta ex filo contexta
soria; (man), latro Of good talents, magni judicii A taper, cereus
A tabler, convictor quotidianus (of mean talents), obtusi in- Taper [adj.), pyramidatus
A tabling together, convictus genii Tapestry, tapes, aulsea
Tabular, tabularis A talisman, imaguncula magica A tapestry-maker, phrygio
Tacit, tacitus Talk (mineral), talcum; (dis- A tap-house, cerevisiarium
Tacitly, tacite course), colloquium, confabu- A tapster, caupo cerevisiarius
Taciturnity, silentium latio, sermo Tar, pix liquida
A tack (nail), clavulus (wind),
; Idle talk, nugse, gerree To tar, pice liquida oblinere
ventus oblique flans Foolish talk, stultiloquentia Tardily, tarde, pigre, lente
To tack (join), conjungo, assuo; To talk, confabulor, colloquor Tardity, tarditas, mora
Tardy (slow), tardus, piger, len- A taxing (blaming), accusatio A telling, narratio; (reckoning),
tus;(guilty), sons, nocens A taxer, taxator numeratio, computatio
To be tardy, pecco, erro A tax-gatherer, tributi exactor Temerarious, temerarius
Tare, involucri pondus Tea, thea Temerity, temeritas
Tares, vicia, zizanium, To teach, doceo, instituo, erudio Temper (constitution of body),
A target, clypeus, scutum (boys), pueros Uteris imbuere constitutio, corporis temperies;
(round), parma; (short), pelta, Teachable, docilis, aptus (humour, nature), ingenium,
ancile A teacher, doctor, prseceptor, animus, indoles; (moderation),
To tarnish, infusco (be tar-
; magister, praemonstrator moderatio, aequitas
nished), infuscor, nitorem per- Teaching, docens Of an agreeable temper, facetus
dere ; (the reputation), famam A teaching, institutio Of a genteel temper, liberalis in-
laedere A teal, querquedula genii [cupidus
A tarpaulins;, pannus cannabinus A team, rheda Of an aspiring temper, imperii
pice liquida illitus; (sailor), A tear, lachryma ;
(rent), fissura, An even temper, animus equus ;

merus nauta scissura (an uneven temper), animus

Tarras, caementum intritum Worthy of tears, deflendus, lugu- levis
Tarried, moratus, cunctatus bris Agreeableness of temper, festivi-
(for), expectatus Ready to shed tears, lachryma- tas ;
(disagreeableness), moro-
A tarrier, morator, cessator bundus (full of tears), lachry-
To tarry,raaneo, moror (for), ;
mosus The temper of steel, temperatura
expecto, opperior (all night),
To shed tears, lachrymo, fleo To temper (the passions), ani-
pernocto ; (behind), tergiver- Shedding tears, lachrymans, flens mummoderari; (mingle), mis-
sor A shedding of tears, lachrymatio ceo, commisceo ; (iron, &c.)i
To make to tarry, sisto To tear (in pieces), lacero, scindo, tempero
Tarrying for, expectans, praesto- discindo, dilacero, lanio ; (be A temperament (expedient), mo-
lans; (all night), pernox torn), laceror ; (or rant along), dus, ratio ; (or constitution of
A tarrying, cunctatio, mora debacchor, tumultuor body), constitutio, or temperies
(for), expectatio; (all night), A tearer, lacerator corporis
pernoctatio A tearing, laceratio, dilaceratio Temperance, moderatio, tempe-
Tart (sharp), acidus, acerbus, Tearing, lacerans ; (loud, or rantia
acer, austerus, acidulus, mor- strong), stentoreus ; (or very With temperance, temperate
dax fine), magnificus, splendidus Temperate, temperatus; (calm),
To grow tart, acesco To tease (vex), vexo, crucio, tor- serenus, tranquillus
A tart, scriblita ; (maker), scri- queo ; (wool), lanam carmi- Temperately, temperanter, mode-
blitarius nare rate, modice, sobrie
Tartly, acriter, acerb e, austere A teasing, solicitatio assidua Temperateness of weather, cceii
Tartness, acerbitas, acor A teaster (6d.)> sex denarii temperies aequalis
Tartar, vini aridi faex, tartarum A teat (breast) mamma, uber ;
Temperature, temperamentum
A task, pensum (nipple), papilla A temperiug, admixtio
To task, pensum injungere To teaze. See Tense A tempest, tempestas, procella
A tasking, pensi injunctio Techiness, iracundia, protervitas Tempestuous, procellosus, tur-
A taskmaster, exactor operis Technical, technicus, artiticialis ; bidus
A tassel, ornamentum pendu- (word), vocabulum arti pro- A temple, templum, aedes sacrae
lum prium The temples of the head, tem-
A taste(or tasting), gustus, gus- Techy, iracundus, morosus pora
(in things), sapor Tedded, ordinibus positus Temporal, temporalis ; (unhal-
Without taste, insipidus, insulsus A tedder, retinaculum lowed), secularis, profanus
To taste (lightly), libo, delibo, Tedious (lasting, long), diutur- Temporalities, temporalia
gusto; (beforehand), prsegusto, nus, longus; (slow), tardus, Temporally, ad tempus
praelibo ; (have ataste of), sapio lentus; (irksome), gravis, mo- Temporary, temporarius
A taster (cup), gustatorium lestus To temporize, tempori succum-
A tasting, gustatio Tediously, diutine, louge, tarde, bere
Tasteless, insipidus, insulsus leute, molestfe, graviter A temporizer, qui scenae servit
A tatter, pannus laceratus Tediousness, longitudo, tarditas, A temporizing, assentatio
Tattle, gerrae, nugae ; (basket), taedium, molestia To tempt (try), tento, conor, ag-
loquax, dicaculus To teem, abundo, effundo gredior; (entice), solicito, pel-
To tattle, garrio, blatero Teeming, fcecundus, ssepe praeg- licio, allicio
A tattler, garrulus, loquax, nu- nans A temptation (enticement), ten-
gax Teeth, dentes ; (cheek), maxil- tatio, illecebra (to anger), ir-
1A tattling, loquacitas lares dentes; (eye), dentes ca- ritamentum

Atavern, tabernayinaria; (man), nini; (fore), dentes incisores; A tempter, tentator, allector
tabemarius (gag), dentes exerti The tempter, diabolus
Of a tavern, tabemarius To breed teeth, dentio A tempting, illecebra
A taunt, dicterium, couvicium; Breeding teeth, dentiens Tempting, alliciens, pellax
(bitter), sarcasmus A breeding of teeth, dentitio Ten, decim, deni
To taunt, calumnior, convicior Having teeth, dentatus Of ten, denarius
A taunter, conviciator Breaking the teeth, denti frangi- Ten times, decies
Taunting, convicians, mordax bulus Ten years old, decennis
A taunting, exprobratio Teeth-powder, dentifricium Ten years' space, decennium
Tauntingly, per deridiculum A tegument, tegumentum The ten at Cards, decas
: Tautology, repetitio, iteratio A teint, or tint, color The ten commandments, decfc-
To taw, depso, macero A telescope, telescopium logus -
Tawdriness, ornatus aft'ectatus To tell,dico, nuncio, narro, signi- Tenable, tenendus
Tawdry, affectatus fico (or blaze abroad), divul-
; Tenfold, decuplus, decemplex
Tawdry dress, vestitus splendor go, publico; (again), recito,re- Tenacious, tenax, pertinax
affectatus peto; (before), praedico; (or Tenaciously, tenacite;
Tawny, fascus, fulvus acquaint one with), narro, in- Tenaciousness, tenacitas, perti-
A tax, vectigal, census; (upon dico, nuncio; (or admonish of), nacia
land), agrorum tributa moneo, admoneo ; (or reckon A tenant, inquilinus
To tax, taxo, censeo; (coasts), up), numero, computo ; (re- Tenanted, mercede conductus
litem aestimare; (blame), cul- late), memoro, enarro, refero A tench, tinea
po, accuso, criminor, reprehea- A telltale, delator, obtrectator To tend (attend), comitor, eu-
do, redarguo A teller, narrator; (of stories), ro ; (to, or aim at), specto,
Taxable, vectigalis fabulator; (of fortunes), fati- tendo
A taxation, or taxing, taxatio dicus; (numberer), numerator A tendency (inclination), proper:

inclinatio; (drift, or de-

sio, Ternary, ternarius To thaw, regelo; (be thawed),
sign), propositum, consilium A terrace- walk, terrenus agger gelor, solvor
Tender (soft), tener, mollis ; Terraqueous, ex terra et aqua A theme, thema, argumentum
(nice, dainty), delicatus ; constans A theatre, theatrum
(hearted), misericors, benevo- A terrar, terrarium Theatrical, theatricus, theatralis
lus; (scrupulous), scrupulosus, Terrene, Terreous, terrenus Theft, furtum, latrocinium
haesitans, dubitans Terrestrial, terrestris Themselves, se, sese, semet, se-
Tender-heartedness, misericordia Terrible, terribilis, horrendus, di- ipsos, semetipsos, seipsas, se-
A tender (guard), custos; (offer), nts, atrox; (in looks), torvus, metipsas
conditio oblata; (small ship), truculentus; (very), perhorri- Of themselves, sui
lembus, navigiolum; (waiter), dus They themselves, illi ipsi, illse ipsae
assecla Terribleness, terror, horror Then, turn, tunc, ibi, eodem tem-
Made tender, emollitus, mollitus Terribly, terribiliter, atrociter pore; (after that), turn, inde,
To make tender, emollio, mollio Terrific, terrens, terrificus postea, deinde, exinde (there- ;

To grow tender, teneresco To terrify, terreo, territo fore), ergo, igitur, idcirco
To tender (or offer), porrigo, of- To be terrified, horresco, terreor Thence, inde, illlnc, isthinc
fero ; (regard), indulgeo, euro ; Terrified, territus, perterritu* Theological, theologicus
(love, or value), amo, diligo Terrifying, terrens, territans Theologically, theologorum more
Tender usage, dementia A territory, territorium, ditio Theology, theologia
A tender of money, pecuniae re- Terror, terror, formido A theologist, theologus
presentatio Terse, tersus, lautus, laevis A theorbo, testudo
A tendering, oblatio Tertian, tertianus A theorem, theorema
Tenderly, tenere, molliter Tesselated, tesselatus Theorematical, theorematicus
Tenderness, teneritas ; (love, A test (trial), examen ;
(witness), Theory, theoretice, contemplatio
kindness), benevolentia, cari- testis ;
(oath), sacramentum Therapeutics, therapeutice
tas, amor; (indulgence), indul- quo ejuratur auctoritas ponti- There, ibl, illic, istic
gentia; (scrupulousness), scru- ficis Thereafter, exinde, deinde; (at),
pulosa dubitatio Testaceous, testaceus de, or, in ilia re (by), e6, inde;

Tending spectans
to, A testament, testamentum (fore), idcirco, ita, itaque, ergo,
A tending, curatio, cura Testamentary, testamentarius igitur, perinde, proiude, proin,
A tendon, tendo A testator, testator propterea, ea propter, ea re ;
A tendril, clavicula; (of cole- A tester (6d.), sex denarii; (of a (from), inde, exinde, deinde, ab
worts, &c), cyma bed), lecti umbella eo,ex eo
Tendrils, cartilagines minores Testicles, testiculi, testes A thesis, thesis, positio
Tenebrous, tenebrosus Testification, testificatio They, ii, illi, isti, eae, illae, istae
A tenement, domus, aedes A testifier, testificator Thick (not thin), spissus, densus,
Tenerity, teneritas To testify, testor, testificor crassus; (large), amplus, lar-
A tenet, dogma, placitum A testifying, testificatio, testatio gus, latus, crassus; (fat), obe-
A tennis-ball, pila lusoria Testimonial, testimonialis sus ; (muddy), lutosus, cceno-
Tennis-play, pila? ludus A testimonial, literae testimo- sus, faeculentus; (skinned), cal-
A tenor, impages, cardo niales losus; (skulled), pingue inge-
The tenor (or chief course of a A testimony, testimonium ; (of a niurn ; (together), densus, fre-
matter), tenor, series; (chief good conscience), conscientia quens, confertus; (of hearing),
intent, or purpose), proposi- bene acta? vitas surdus
tum; (sense, or meaning), sen- To bear testimony, testor Thick and threefold, catervatlm
sus, verborum vis (in music),
; In testimony of respect, causa To thicken, spissesco, crebesco;
tenor, souus subgravis officii (make thick), condenso, spisso
Tense (gram.), tempus Testily, morose, proterve A thickening, condensatio
Tension, tensio Testiness, morositas Thickest (closest), confertissimus
A tent, tentorium; (in a fair), Testy, morosus, pervicax A thicket, dumetum
velabrum; (for a wound), lina- A tether, retinaculum Thickly, dense, spisse, crasse
mentum; (camp), castra To tether, compedes injicere Thickness, densita3 ; (of hear-
A tenter, pannitendium A tetrach, tetrarcha ing), auditus gravitas ; (fre-
A tenter-hook, uncus hamus A tetrarchate, tetrarchia quency), frequentia, crebritas
The tenth, decimus A tetter, impetigo A thief, fur, lavernio
The tenth time, decimum To tew, conor, nitor To thieve, furor, surripio
Tenthly, decimd A text, thema(words of an au-
Thievery, furtum
Tenths, decimoe thor), scriptoris verba genuina A thieving, direptio, expilatio
Tenuity, tenuitas, gracilitas Text-letters, literae unciales Of thieving, furtificus
A tenure, tenura, jus tenendi A texture, textura Thievish, furtivus
Tepid, tepidus, egelidus Than, ac, atque, quam Thievishly, furaciter
Tepidity, tepor To thank, gratias agere Thievishness, furacitas
A terce, triens Thankful, gratus The thigh, femur, coxa
To terebrate, terebro, perforo Thankfully, grate, grato ammo A thill, temo
Terebration, terebratio Thankfulness, gratitudo A thimble, digitale
Tergiversation, tergiversatio Thankless, ingratus Thin (not thick), rarus, tenuis;
A term (word, or expression), Thanks, gratiae, grates (easy to be discovered), pellu-
verbum ; (bound, or limit), ter- Thanksgiving, gratiarum actio cidus; (few), infrequens; (lean),
minus, limes; (limited time), Thanksworthy, gratiis dignus macer, macilentus ;
tempus praestitutum (condi-
; That, pron. ille, is, iste ; (who, levis
tion), conditio, lex; (woman's which), qui; conj. ut, ne, qu&d, To grow thin, raresco, macesco
terms), menses, menstrua; qu6 To make thin, rarefacio (or ;

(law-terms), termini [justitium The same that, or as, idem ac, slender), attenuo, tenuo, ab-
Space between term and term, atque, et, ut rado ; (or lean), emacio; (a
To term (name), voco, nuncupo Seeing Since that, cum,
that, garden thin), disraro
A termagant, mulier rixosa quum, quando, quandoquidevn, A makiug thin, attenuatio
Termed, appellatus, vocatus quia, quoniam, siquidem; (in- Thine, tuus
To terminate (limit), termino, li- somuch that), ade6 ut, usque A thing, res, negotium
roito; (in), terminor; (a dif- aded ut; (so that), dum, dum- Any thing, quicquam, quidnam
ference), lites coinponeie, con- modb, mod6, adeb, ut, si, si Things (goods), bona; (clothes,
troversiam dirimere tantum &c). vestitus, apparatus; (of
A terminating, or termination Thatch, culmus, stipula no value), ineptiae, nugac
(bounding), terminatio; (con- To thatch, culmis tegere Above all things, imprimis
cluding), conclusio, exitus, Thatched, culmis tectus To think (believe, suppose, ima.
finis A thaw, glaciei resolutio gine), puto, reor, credo, arbi-
tror, opinor, exist'tmo, censeo; Thoughtfully, caute, consulte, A throng, turba, frequentia
(again), recogito ; much of a prudenter; (anxiously), anxie, Thronged, pressus, eoarctatus
thing), aliquid aegre ferre ; (of, solicits To throttle, strangulo, ango; (to
on, or upon), delibero, eontem- Thoughtfulness.cautio, solicitudo, death), laqueo interimere
plor, considero; (beforehand), circumspectio Throttled, strangulatus, praefo-
praera editor; (light of), parvi Thoughtless, inconsideratus, im- catus
pendere; (otherwise), dissen- prudens, temerarius, praeceps A throttling, strangulatio
tio ; (well of), probo, comprobo Thoughtlessness, inconsiderantia Through, a, ex, per, propter
Thinking, cogitans, meditans A thousand, mille, millia Through and through, penitus,
A thinking, cogitatio, reputatio Two thousand, duo millia, bis omnin6, prorsus
(upon), meditatio, deliberatio; mille Throughout, per totum
(beforehand), praemeditatio Of a thousand, milliarius A throw (or cast), jactus
Thinly, tenuiter, exiliter A thousand times, millies To throw (cast, or fling), jacto,
Thinness, raritas, raritudo The thousandth, millesimus jacio, mitto, conjicio
The third, tertius Thrall, or thraldom, servitus, ser- A thrower, jaculator ;
A third, triens vitium demolitor
Of a third, tertianus Thread, filum; (in cloth, or silk), A throwing, jactus, jactatus ;
Thirdly, tertid, tertium licium ; (for weaving), linum, petitio; (away), abjectio; (of
To thirl (pierce), penetro, perforo stamen a dart), jaculatio ; (down), de-
Thirst, sitis ; (of riches, honour, To thread, filum inserere in fo- jectio, deturbatio, demolitio,
&c), divitiarum, honorum, &c, ramen acus praecipitatio ; (from a horse),
sitis Thread by thread, filatim ab equo excussio; (in), injec-
To thirst, sitio Threadbare, tritus, detritus tio; (off), abjectio; (out), ejec-
To be thirsted after, sitior The thread of a discourse, tenor tio,repudiatio ; (over, or be-
Thirstily, sitienter A threat, minatio, minse yond), trajectus
Thirsty, sitiens, aridus To threaten, minor, comminor To be thrown out (in an election),
Very thirsty, siti fere enectus Threatening, minax, minitans rejicior, suffragiis excludi; (or
Blood-thirsty, sanguinarius A threatening, comminatio distanced), e stadio excludi
Thirteen, tredecira Threateningly, minaciter Throws, Throes, labores
The thirteenth, decimus tertius Three, tres, trini, terni To thrum, imperite pulsare
Thirteen times, tredecies The three (at cards, &c), trias A thrush (bird), turdus
Thirty, triginta, triceni Of three, trinus, ternarius The thrush (disease), aphtha
Of thirty, tricenarius Three divers ways, trifariam A thrust, impetus, ictus
Thirty times, tricies, ter decies In three parts, tripartitus To thrust, impello, trudo; (with
The thirtieth, tricesimus Threefold, triplex, triplus a sword), ferro aliquem petere;
This, hie, iste To make threefold, triplico (against), obdo ; (back), re-
To this place, hucusque Three-cornered, triangularis peLlo; (down), detrudo, detur-
In this place, hie Three days' space, triduum bo; (forward), propello ;
From this place, hinc Having three colours, tricolor ward, or make
haste), festino,
By this way, hac [pus Three feet long, tripedalis accelero (into), ingero, intru-

A thistle, carduus ; (down), pap- Three-headed, triceps; (horned), do ;

(out), expello, excludo,
Thistly, carduis obductus tricornis; (shaped), triformis ejicio, abigo, arceo ; (through),
Thither, eo, illo, illuc, istiic Three nights' space, trinoctium perfodio, transrigo
Thitherto, eatenus Of three pounds' weight, trilibris A thruster, impulsor
Thitherward, illorsum Three-pointed, tricuspis A thrusting back, repulsio ; (for-
A thong, lorum, corrigia Having three teeth, tridens ward), impulsio ; (together),
Of thongs, loreus Three years' space, triennium compressio
A thorn, spina; (black), prunus Three years old, trimus, trimulus A thumb, pollex
sylvestris; (white), oxyacantha Three-forked, trifurcus Of the thumb, pollicaris
Bearing thorns, spinifer Threescore, sexaginta A thumbstall, digitale
Thorny, spinosus, spineus Of threescore, sexagenarius To thumb, pollice terere
A place where thorns grow, spi- Threescore times, sexagies A thump, ictus [pulso
netum Threescore and ten, septuaginta To thump, tundo, obtundo ;
A thornback, raia clavata Three hundred, trecenti A thumper, pulsator
Thorough, per Three hundred times, trecenties A thumping, pulsatio, pulsus
A thoroughfare, via pervia To thresh (corn), fiagello, tri- Thunder, tonitru (struck), side-

Thoroughpaced, perfectus bulo; (beat), caedo ratus, attonitus, de coelo tact us

Those, illi, isti A thresher, triturator To thunder, fulmino, tono ; fa-
Thou, tu, ipse A threshing, tritura; (floor), area gain), retono; (greatly), de-
Though, ut, etsi, licet, tamctsi, triturae accommodata tono ;
(down upon), superin-
etamsi, quanquam, quamvis A threshold, limen tono
(nevertheless), tamen, verun- Thrice, ter A thunder-clap, fragor coeli ;

I tamen, nihilominus Thrice as much, tripl6, triplus (bolt), fulmen

As though, veluti, velut, perinde Thrift, frugalitas, parsimonia Of thunder, fulmineus
I quasi, tanquam, tanquam si Thriftily, frugaliter, parcfe A thunderer, fulminator
Thought (a thinking upon),cogi- Thriftiness, parsimonia A thundering, fulminatio
tatio, meditatio Thrifty, frugalis, parens, frugi Thundering (from above), altito-
A thought (thing thought on), (servant), servus bona: frugi nans; (voice), vox stentorea
cogitatum (care, or concern),
To thrill (drill), terebro Thursday, dies Jovis
cura, solicitudo, anxietas ; (con- To thrive (prosper), vigeo, valeo, Thus, ita, hoc modo, sic, ad hunc
trivance), inventio, excogitatio ; floreo, ditesco ; (in flesh), pin- modum (far), hactenus, hue

I (aim, or design), propositum, guesco usque; (much), tantum

conatus, consilium A thriving in the world, prosperi- A thwack, ictus, verber
To take thought for, euro, pro- tas
(in flesh), corporis auctus To thwack,, fustig-o
video, consulo ;
(be concerned Thrivingly, prospere, feliciter A thwacking, verberatio
at), dolore affici The throat, gutiur, gula, jugulum Thwart, transversus, obliquus
Thoughtful, solicitus,anxius Of the throat, gutturalis To thwart, contradico, adversor
(wary, considerate), considera- Throat-cut, jugulatus Thwarting, contrarius, repugnans
tus, providus, consultus, pru- To throb, palpito, mico, subsilio A thwarting, contradictio
dens, circumspectus A throbbing, palpitatio Thy, tuus
To be thoughtful about (consider), A throne, solium, thronus, regia Thyme, thy mum
contemplor, speculor, considero, dignitas, summa potestas Belonging to thyme, thyminus
perpendo ; (for, or troubled To throng (or crowd), premo; Full of thyme, thymosus
about), angor, perturbor, so- (to a place), catervatlm con- To tice, allicio
licitor fluere A tick (insect), ricinus; (for a
;; ; ;


bed), culcitra ;
(small pulsa- A long time, diu, jamdudum A tippet, fascia
tion), ictus levis ; (trust), fides In due time, tempestivus To tipple, potito, pergraecor
A ticket, tessera Out of time, intempestivus A tippler, bibax, ebriosus
To tickle, titillo ;
(the fancy), Time out of mind, multis ante A tipplinghouse, cauponula
adulor seculis A tippling, comessatio
A tickling, titillatio About that time, per id tempus A tipstaff (officer), lictor, accent
Ticklish, titillationis impatiens ; About this time, in prsesenti, sus; (instrument), accensi ba
(captious), captiosus, morosus jam, nunc (another time),
(nice), lubricus, difficilis ; (dan- ali&s, alio tempore
(that time),;
Tipsy, temulentus, ebrius
gerous), periculosus eo tempore, tunc; (any time), A tire (rank), series, ordo
Tid (dainty), delicatulus unquam; (no time), nunquam ; Tires for women, capilli asciti
Tidbits, dapes opimae (what time), quandft ; (what A tirewoman, ornatrix
To tiddle, nimls indulgere time soever), quandocunque To tire, orno, adorno ; (weary),
The tide, aestus maris; (ebb of), If at any time, siquandb, sicubi fatigo, lasso, delasso ; (be
refluxus maris; (spring), elu- For that time, ut temporibus illis tired), fatigor, defatiscor
vies; (neap), aestus maris de- From this time, in futurum, de- Tiresome, fatigans, laboriosus
crescens hlnc Tiresomeness, fatigatio, labor
With the tide, secundo flumine In due time, tempestive, tempore A tiring, defatigatio
Against tide, adverso flumine In a short time, brevi tempore, A tit (little horse), mannus,
Tide (time), tempus, tempestas brevl equulus; (titmouse), parus
Tidings, nuncius, rumor, fama In a year's time, vertente anno Tithe, decimae
To bring tidings, nuncio Of late time, nuper To tithe, decim6
A briuger of tidings, nuncius In time past, ollm, quondam Titheable, decimis obnoxius
A bringing of tidings, nunciatio (time to come), deinde, dehinc Tithed, decimatus
Tidy, concinnus, solers, habilis (the mean time), interim, inter- A tither, decimator
A tie, nexus, vinculum ea; (the day-time), interdict, A tithing, decimatio; (or hun-
To tie (or bind), alligo, ligo, ob- de die dred), tithinga, decuria
ligo, vincio, constringo, ob- After a long time, post diem Ion- (man), decurio, decennarius
stringo ; (about), circumligo, gum To titillate, titillo
circumvincio (back), revincio;
; Before this time, antehac
(that Titillation, titillatio
(before), praeligo, prsevincio ; time), ante, anteS. A title (or inscription), titulus,
(together), copulo ; (to), astrin- Of time, temporalis inscriptio, epigraphe ; (name),
go ; (with a knot), in nodum Of old time, antiquitus nomen, appellatio ; (of honour),
cogere From the beginning of time, ab dignitatis titulus ; (right), jus,
To be tied (in bed), constringor; aevo, post homines natos vindicatio ;
(writings, deeds,
(by the laws), legibus impediri To that time, eatenus &c), literae testantes, instru-
A tiff (quarrel), contentio, lis, To time well, tempestive agere menta
jurgium, rixa; (of drink), mo- Ill-timed, intempestivus To title, appello, inscribo
dicum Well-timed, tempestivus To titter (laugh), cachinno; (tot-
A tiger, tigris; (cruel person), Three times, ter; (four), qua- ter), vacillo, tremo
homo ciudelis ter; (many), saepe, saepenu- A tittle, punctum
Of a tiger, tigrinus merd Tittletattle, dicacitas, garrulitas
A tigress, tigris femina At all times, semper A tittletattle, garrulus
Tight (neat), nitidus, coinptus, How many times soever, quoties- To tittletattle, garrio
belus, concinnus, scitus; (fast), cunque Titular, titularis, nomine
arctus, strictus, constrictus ;
Timely, opportunus, tempesti- To, ad, adversum, apud, cum, de,
(safe), tutus, salvus; (sound), vus adv. tempestive
; erga, ex, prae, pro, in
sanus, validus Timeserving, tempori cedens To and fro, hue illuc
Tightly, nitide, arete Timid, timidus, pavidus To both places, utroque
A tile, tegula Timidity, timiditas, timor To no purpose, frustra, incas-
A gutter-tile, imbrex Timorous, timidus, pavidus sum
Of a tile, tegularis Timorously, timide, pavide To which end, quamobrem
To tile, tegulis obducere Timorousness, timor, metus To wit, nempe, scilicet
A tiler,tegularum structor Tin, stannum, plumbum album To be, esse
The tegulum, tegillum
tiling, Of tin, stanneus To be short, breviter
Till, donee, antea quam,
dura, A tinman, stanneorum instru- A toad, bufo, rubeta ;
ante quam, antea, nisi, quoad mentorum fabricator fungus; (fish), rana piscatrix
A till,loculus Tin glass, bismuthum A toast, tosti panis segmen,
To colo, subigere agrum
till, To tin, stanno obducere vipa
Tillage, agricultura A tinct, tinctus, color A toast (or health), propinatio
A tiller (of the ground), agricola A tincture, tinctura; (infusion), To toast, torreo, propino
(of a bow), arcits cornu ; (of a infusio (impression on
; the Tobacco, tabacum, nicotiana
boat), cymbae gubernaculum, mind), mentis sensus A tobacconist, tabaci venditor
or clavus To tincture, imbuo, inficio A tobacco-pipe, tubulus; (box),
A tilting, cultus aratio Tinder, igniarium; (box), pyxi- pyxidula tabaci
A tilt, decursio dula iguiarium continens A tod, viginti octo librae
A tilt-cloth, tentorium To tingle, or tinkle, tinneo, re- A toe, digitus pedes; (great), pe-
A tilt-yard, decursionis equestris sono dis pollex ;
(little), pedis digi-
spatium Tinkling, resonans, tinniens, tin- tus minimus
To tilt a barrel, cadum inclinare nulus A toft, toftum ; (owner of a toft),
The tilting of a barrel, cadi incli- A tinker, sartor circumforaneus toftmannus
natio vasorum sereorum Together (at the same time, or
Timber, materia, lignum; (work), A tinning, stanni obductio place), simul, una; (without
materiatura; (merchant), ma- Tinsel, pannus metallo aurei co- intermission), continenter, per
teriarius; (yard), fabrica mate- lons contextus; (metaph.), Together, adj. continuus
riaria splendor falsus Toil, labor; (toils, or nets), pla-
Of timber, materiarius Tiny (small), perpusillus g<e, indagines
To timber, ligno construere A tip (point), apex; (of the nose), To toil, molior, labaro, sudo
Well-timbered, bene structus nasi extremitas Toiling, Toilsome, laboriosus
A timbrel, tympanum; (player), To tip (with silver), argento cir- A toiling, elaboratio
tympani pulsator cumcludere ab labris (with ; A token, signum, pigms, omen,
Time, tempus; (leisure), otium, iron), ferro praemunire; (or argumentum, nota, munus
tempus vacivum throw down), dejicio, sterno; That may be told (numbered),
For a time, ad tempus (one the wink), alicui annuerp numerabilis ; (may not be
Leisure-times, horse subsecivae (off, or die), morior told), innumerabilis ;
(or, not
be expressed), inexplicabilis, in- Topsy-turvy, inverso ordine A tour (or going about), circui.
enarrabilis A torch, fax, lampas; (bearer), tus, lustratio
Tolerable, tolerabilis, mediocris lychnuchus; (maker), lychno- Tournaments, certamina eques-
Tolerably, tolerabiliter, medio- pceus tria
criter Torment, tormentum, cruciatus Tow, stupa, stuppa
Tolerance, toleratio To torment, crucio, excrucio, Of tow, stupeus, stuppeus
To tolerate, tolero, indulgeo, fero vexo, affligo, torqueo To tow, pertraho, duco
A tolerating, or toleration, tole- A tormentor, tortor, cruciator, Toward, or towards, a, ad, adver-
ratio, indulgentia, perpessio afflictor ; (with importunity), sus, contra, erga, in, obviam,
Toll, vectigal, tributum ; (for vexator sub, versus
grinding), emolumentum A tormenting, cruwatus Towards (some place), aliquover-
To take toll, vectigal exigere Torpid, torpidus, stupidus sum ; (what place), quorsum,
A tollbooth, telonium Torpidness, Torpor, torpor quorsus, quoquo ; (what place
A toll-gatberer, exactor A torrent, torrens, flumen soever), quaquaversum ; (tho
To toll (a bell), leviter pulsare Torrid, torridus, fervidus right, hand), detrorsum, addex-
A tolling, levis pulsatio Torsion, torsio tram; (the left hand), sinis-
A tolsey (tolbooth), telonium Tort (injury), injuria trorsum, ad sinistram
A tomb, sepulchrum ; (stone), Tortile, Tortive, tortilis, tortivus Towardly, docilis, dexter, promp-
lapis sepulchral is, cippus A tortoise, testudo tus
A tome, tomus, volumen Tortuous, tortuosus Towardliness, indoles, docilis
A tone, tonus, sonus Torture (a writhing), tortura A towel, mantile, mappa
Tongs, forceps (rack), tormenta ; (pain), tor- A tower, turris, arx
A tongue, lingua; (language), mentum, cruciamentum, cru- To tower, alte volare
lingua, sermo ;
(pad), loquax, ciatus Like a tower, turritus
garrnlus To torture (vex), vexo; (rack), Towering, elatus, ambitiosus
At the tongue's end, in labris na- crucio, equuleo torquere A town, oppidum (corporate), ;

tare A torturer, tortor, carnifex municipium; (village), pagus,

To cut out a tongue, elinguo A torturing, cruciatus vicus; (house), curia muniei-
To hold the tongue, taceo, sileo To tose wool, lanam carpere palis ; ('s man), oppidanus
Tongue-tied, a loquendo impedi- A toss, jactus Of a town-corporate, municipalis
tus lingua? vinculo A tosspot, potator stremms From town to town, oppidatim
All tongue, vox et praeterea nihil To toss, jacto, agito, mitto, jacio, A town-talk, tabula, in omni ore
Tongued, lingua prseditus conjicio ; (aside), abjicio ; To towz, turbo, pertuibo; (wool),
One doubled-tongued, veterator (back), rejicio; (before), obji- lanam carpere
Evil-tongued, maledicus cio; (down), dejicio; (in),inji- Towzed, turbatus, perturbatus
Smooth-tongued, blandiloquus cio; (over), trajicio ; (out), eji- Towzing, turbans, perturbans
Tonnage, ex singulis doliis mer- cio; (up, as the sea), expuo A toy, or toys (silly things), nu-
cium vectigal A tossing, jactatio, agitatio gae, ineptiae; (to play with),
Too (also), etiam, quoque ;
Total, totalis, totus, integer crepundia; (little curiosities),
(much), nimls, nimiiim, plus Torally, omnino, penitus minutiae
justo, plus aequo T'other, alter A toyman, minutiarium venditor
Too, etiam To totter, vacillo, titubo; (wa- To toy, nugor, ineptio ;(amor-
I took, cepi, accepi ver), dubito, haesito ously), palpo, blandior
A tool (instrument), instrumen- A tottering, titubatio, dubitatio; A toyer, nugator
tum; (of iron), ferramentum; (house), aedes ruinosae Toying, nugans, ineptiens, lasci-
(person employed), minister Totteringly, titubanter viens, blandus
All sorts of tools, arma Tottery, vacillans, instabilis A trace, vestigium
A tooth, dens ; (drawer), qui A touch (or touching), tactus, The traces, retinacula
denies extrahit ; (ache), dolor, contactus, tactio ; (essay, or To trace, indago, vestigo
dentium, odontalgia; (powder), trial), experimentum, pericu- Traced, indagatus
dentifricium lum, molimen; (witty expres- Having traced, vestigia secutus
Tooth and nail, totis viribus sion), dicterium A tracer, indagator
Toothed, dentatus, denticulatua To touch, tango, contingo, attin- A tracing, indagatio
Toothless, edentulus go ; (one another), inter se A track, vestigium, orbita, nota,
Toothsome, gustui suavis, or gra- contingere; (upon a subject), semita
tus leviter tangere; (exactly), acu To track, vestigiis consequi
The top (of a thing), apex, cul- tangere ; (move, or effect), mo- Tract (extent), spatium ; (of
men, cacumen; (of a house), veo, commoveo, afficio ; (to the land), tractus terras ; (trea-
fastigium tecti ; (of a hill), ju- quick), ad vivum resecare; (at tise), tractatus, diatriba
gumcollis; (of a pillar), capi- a port), appelli ad portum ;
(or In tract of time, progressu tern-
tulum handle), tracto, attracto poris
A top, trochus, turbo To be touched (in the brain), Tractable, mansuetus, mitis, le-
To top (lop), obtrunco; (snuff), mente capi nis, docilis
mungo, emungo; (excel), su- The touchhole, conceptaculum To grow tractable, mitesco
pero, superemir.eo A touchstone, lapis Lydius To make tractable, domo
A topaz, topazius Touchwood, lignum cariosum Made tractable, domitus
To tope, potito, perpoto Touchable, tangibilis, tactilis Tractableness, tractabilitas, man-
A toper, bibax A touching, tactio; (handling), suetudo, docilitas
Topful, ad summum
impletus tractatio, tractatus Tractably, mansuete, leniter
Topheavy, praegravis, temulentus Touching (another), contiguus; A tractate, tractatus
Tophaceous, tophaceus (affecting), commovens, mo- Tractile, tractilis, ductilis
A toping, perpotatio vens Traction, tractus, actus trabendi
A topknot, vitta capitis Touching (concerning), de, quod A trade, ars, quaestus; (way of
The topmast, carchesium ad, quod attinet ad life), ratio, via, modus, vitre
Topped, obtruncatus, emunctus Touchy, morosus, asper, tetricus institutio
Sharp-topped, cacuminatus Touch (clammy), lentus, tenax; To trade, negotior,mercor (in ;

A topping, obtruncatio; (tuft), (hard), durus; (difficult), diffi- every thing), omnia venalia ha-
crista, apex cilis,arduus, gravis ;
(stout), bere
Topping, eximius, egregius, dives strenuus, fortis A trader, or tradesman, negotia-
A topic, argumentum Toughly, lente, tenaciter, stre- tor, mercator; (by retail), pro-
Topical, topicus nue, fortiter, animose pola
Topically, topice Toughness, lentor, tenacitas ; A trading, commercium, nego-
Topics, topica (hardness), duritia ; (difficul- tiatio
Topography, topographia ty), difficultas ; (stoutness), Tradition, traditio
A topsail, thoracium fortitudo, magnanimitas Traditional, ore traditus
;; ;


Traditionally, ore teniis, memo- A transgression, delictum, pec- sistere ;
(in sailing), cursuin
riter catum, culpa, violatio obliquare; (ground, as a fen-
To traduce, calurrmior, infamo A transgressor, legis violator cer), componere ad preliandum
Traduced, defamatus, sugillatus Transient, Transitory, transito- gradum
A traducer, calumniator rius ; (frail, or lasting a short A traversing, peregratio
Traducing, calumnians time), fragilis, perbrevis, fluxus, A tray, trulla, alveus
A traducing, calumnia caducus Treacherous, perfidus, perfidiosus,
Traffic, commercium Transiently, obiter, praeteriens dolosus
To traffic, negotior, mercor A transit, transitus Treacherously, perfidiose
A trafficker, negotiator A transition, transitio, transitus Treachery, peifidia, dolus
A. trafficking, negotiatio Transitive, transitivus Treacle, theriaca; (Venice), the-
i tragedian (actor), tragoedus; To translate, transfero, verto riaca Andromachi
(writer), tragicus poeta Translated, translatus, versus Of treacle, theriacus
\ tragedy, tragcedia; (bad end), A translation, translatio, versio A tread (in walking), incessus
infelix exitus A translator, interpres; (cobler) To tread (go along), incedo
Tragical, tragicus cerdo ; (translucid), pellucidus (down), conculco, pedibus ob-
Tragically, tragice, infeliciter Transmarine, transmarinus terere ;
(awry), pedem incer-
A traject, trajectus To transmigrate, transmigro tum figere ; (in another's
To trail, traho, verro ; (back), A transmigration, demigratio steps), alicujus vestigiis iusis-
retrb legere; (a pike), pilum (of souls), metempsychosis tere; (on another's heels), ali-
trahere Transmission, transmissio cujus calces terere, or pre-
Trailing, trahens, verrens To transmit (send over), trans- mere
A train (retinue), comitatus ; (of mits ;
(to memory), memorise A treading upon, calcatus
a gown), vestis tractus (or ; prodere The treadle (of a loom), insile
order of things), series; (bag- Transmitting, transmittens (ofan egg), umbilicus
gage of an army), impedimenta To transmogrify, transformo Treadles, fimus ovinus
Train-oil, oleum cetaceum Transmutation, transmutatio (of ;
Treason, proditio, perduellio ;
Trainbands, militia metals) metallorum conversio (high), crimen laesae majesta-
To train, educo, instituo, erudio, To transmute, immuto, commuto tis ; (petty), proditio minor
instruo ; (dispose), dispono, A transom, transtrum Treasonable, proditorius, perfidus
formo Transparency, pelluciditas Treasonably, proditorie, perfide
A trainer up, educator, educatrix Transparent, translucens, pellu- A treasure, thesaurus, gaza
A training up, disciplina, edu- cidus A prince's treasure, fiscus
catio To be transparent, pelluceo To treasure up (wealth), divitias
A trait, ductus Transpiration, or a transpiring, accumulare ; (keep in mind),
A traitor, traditor,proditor transpiratio, spiratio recordor
Traitorous, perfidus, infidus To transpire, perspiro The treasury, aerarium
Traitorously, perfidiosfc To transplant, transfero ;
(peo- A treasurer, quaestor, thesaurarius
A trammel, tragula ; (for a pot- ple), coloniam deducere The treasurership, quaestura
hanger), cremaster A transplanter, translator Of the treasury, quaestorius
To trample upon, calco, conculco A transplanting, translatio A treasuring up, accumulatio
A trampling upon, conculcatio A transport (violent passion), A treat, convivium, epulae
A trampling noise, pedum strepi- effreuati animi motus (of an- ;
To treat, convivio aliquem acci-
tus ger), iracundiae furens impe- pere; (or discourse on a sub-
A trance, ecstasis, mentis emotio tus ; (of joy), nimia laetitia ject),de re aliqua discep-
To be in a trance, animo percilli Transportation, transportatio tare [tans
Tranquil, tranquillus, placidus To transport, transporto, exporto, Treating, convivio accipiens, trac-
Tranquillity, tranquillitas ; (of eveho (malefactors), in ser-
A treatise, dissertatio, tractatus
mind), animus sedatus, or pla- vitutem damnatos deportare Treatment, ratio accipiendi
cidus To transpose, transpono; (words A treaty, fcedus, pactum, collo-
To transact (dispatch, or ma- in printing), verba trajicere quium, conventio
nage), transfigo, perago, per- A transposing, or transposition, Treble, triplex, triplus
ficio, expedio ; (article, or transpositio, trajectio [tiatio A treble (note), sonus acutus ;

agree), paeiscor, pactionem Transubstantiation, transubstan- (string), fidium tenuissima

inire Transverse, transversus, obliquus Treble-forked, trisulcus
Transacting, peragens, expediens Transversely, transverse, oblique To treble, triplico
A transaction, res, negotium, res A trap, laqueus, decipulum A trembling, triplicatio
gesta; (agreement), pactum, A trap-door, ostium cadens Trebly, tripliciter, tribus modis
stipulatio, fcedus To trap, illaqueo, irretio A tree, arbor; (little), arbus-
A transactor, administrator, cu- To trape, cursito, discurso cula; (dwarf), arbor pumila;
rator Trappings, phalerae (of a crossbow), scapus ba-
To transcend (excel), supero, ex- Trash, frivola, merces viles ; (of a saddle), lignea
cello Travail, labor, opera; (in child- sella; formae
Transcendency, excellentia bearing), partus, puerperium Of a tree, arboreus
Transcendent, transcendens To travail with child, parturio Trefoil, trifolium
Transcendently, excellenter, prae- To travel (labour), laboro (go a ;
A trellis, clathrus
clare [bo journey), iter facere; (onfoot), To tremble, tremo, tremisco
To transcribe, transcribo, exscri- iter pedibus facere; (on horse- To make to tremble, tremefacio
A transcriber, exscriptor back), iter equo facere ; (in fo- Trembling, tremens, tremulus
A transcribing, transcriptio reign countries), peregrinor A trembling, tremor, trepidatio;
A transcript, exscriptum With great travel, laboriose (for cold), horror
A transfer, translatio A traveller, viator ; (abroad), pe- Tremblingly, trepidanter, trepide
To transfer, transfero, traduco regrinator Tremendous, tremendus.terribilis
Transferring, transferens A travelling (with child), partus; A tremor, tremor
Transfiguration, transfiguratio (abroad), peregrinatio Tremulous, tremulus, tremens
To transfigure, transformo Travelling, iter faciens A trench, fossa; (in war), val-
To transfix, transfigo, trajicio Of travelling, or travellers, via- lum, agger
To transform, transformo torius To trench, vallo, fossam facere
A transformation, forma; mutatio Traverse, transversus, obliquus A trencher, scutella
To be transformed, transformor A traverse (in law), traversa, cri- Trendle of a mill, molucrum
To transfuse, transfundo minis negatio; (or cross road), A trental, triginta missa;
Transfusion, transfusio iter transversum A surgeon's trepan, terebra
To transgress, transgredior (or ; To traverse (a place), locum trans- To trepan (the scull), calvariam
trespass against), pecco, deliu- ire ;
(swim over), transno perforatam lamina argentea fir-
quo, violo, rumpo (thwart), consiliis alicujus ob- mare; (decoy), fallo, decipio
Atrepanner, dolos struens, vete- novo; (refit), reficio ; (shave), To trouble (or bring into trouble),
rator tondeo ;
(with lace), vestes turbo, inquieto, vexo (with

Trepanning, decipiens, fallens fimbria ornare ; (be of either care), ango, solicito (disturb),

Trepidation, trepidatio party), temporibus servire obturbo; (with petitions), pe

A trespass, culpa, peccatum Untrimmed, incomptus titionibus lacessere
To trespass, violo, pecco ; (a- A trimmer (dresser), concinnator, A troubler, vexator, turbator
gainst), offendere aliquem ; ornatrix ; (barber), tonsor Troublesome, molest us, impor-
(upon patience), patientia a- (temporizer), omnium horarum tunus (fellow), vitilitigator

buti '
[formula homo (times), tempora calamitosa
Action of trespass, injuriarum A trimming, ornatus, cultus A trough, canaliculus, alveus
A trespasser, legum violator Trimly, belle, nitide (forkneading), mactra; (fox
A trespassing, peccans, violans Trimness, concinnitas, nitor hogs), aqualiculus
A tress of hair, cirrus Trine, trinus To trounce, castigo, punio
A tressel, fulcrum The Trinity, sacra Trinitas A trouncing, castigatio
Tret, deductio a pondere Trinkets, nugae, tricae A trout, truta
The trey-point, ternio Atrip (offence), offensa; (voyage), A salmon-trout, salar
A trial (essay), specimen; tenta- cursus ; (stumble), pedis of- I trow, ita opinor, or credo
men ;
(temptation), tentatio; fensio A trowel, trulla
(examination), examen ; (be- To trip, offenso, titubo ; (against Trowsers, laxae braccae
forehand), praeludium ; (of a thing), in' aliquid offendere ; Troy-weight, libra constans ex
skill), certamen ; (before a (caper), tripudio ; (up and duodecim unciis
judge), judicium down), cursito ; (in speech), A truant, cessator, emansor
A triangle, triangulum balbutio, haesito ; (up), sup- To play truant, cesso, emaneo
Triangular, triangularis planto, dejicio A truce, induciae [lator
A tribe (of people), tribus ;
(fa- Tripartite, tripartitus A truce-breaker, inducinrum vio-
mily), progenies, gens, genus, A tripe, omasum; (man), allan- Truck, mercium permutatio
prosapia, familia, stirps topola; (house), allantopolium To truck, merces permutare
Of the same tribe, contribulis Triple, triplus, triplex A truckle, trochlea; (bed), para-
Of a tribe, tribuarius To triple, triplico bystus [cedere
By tribes, tributim, per singulas A triplet, tres, terni To truckle to, or under, alicui
tribus A triplication, triplicatio Truculent, truculentus, ferox
Tribulation, tribulatio, afflictio Triplicity, triplicitas Truculency, saevitas, ferocitas
A tribunal, tribunal A tripod, tripus To trudge, cursito, circumcurso
A tribune, tribunus Tripping, offensans, titubans ; Trudging, cursitans
Of a tribune, tribunitius (deceiving), hallucinans True (certain), verus, certus, ex-
Tribuneship, tribunatus A tripping, gressus agilis ploratus; (genuine, unmixed),
Tributary, tributarius, stipendia- Trippingly, agiliter simplex, merus, purus, genu-
rius Tristful, tristis, mcestus inus ; (real, sincere), verus,
Not tributary, immunis a tributo Trisyllabical, trisyllabus candidus, sincerus ; (hearted),
Tribute, trrbutura, vectigal Trite, tritus, vulgaris [reum candidus, ingenuus ; (bred),
A trice, momentum, punctum A trivet, oils sustentaculum fer- genuinus
In a trice, extempl6, statim Trivial, futilis, levis Likely to be true, verisimilis
A dolus, techna, fallacia,
trick, A triumph, triumphus, ovatio To be true to, fidem praestare
artificium; (at cards), vices To triumph, triumpho, exulto Trueheartedness, sinceritas
una;, duae, &c, partes potiores ; Triumphal, triumphalis Trueness, sinceritas, fidelitas
(foolish), ineptiae (base), fa-
Triumphant, triumphans A trull, scortillum
cinus indignum; (full of), do- Triumphantly, magnifice Truly, vere, sane, profeet6
losus, astutus Led in triumph, triumphatus A trump (at cards), charta index;
To trick (cheat), dolis deludere; A triumpher, triumphator (trumpet), tuba, buccina
(up, or dress), orno, adorno A triumphing, triumphatus To trump up (devise), excogito,
A tricker, veterator, planus A triumvirate, triumviratus effingo, machinor
A tricking, fraudatio ; (decking), Of a triumvirate, triumviralis Trumped up, Actus, machinatus
ornatus, cultus A trochee, trochaeus Trumpery, scruta
A trickle (drop), gutta A trollop, mulier squalida A trumpet, tuba, buccina
To trickle (down), mano, stillo; Tronage, vectigal pro mercium To trumpet, buccino; (divulge),
(through), permano ponderatione divulgo; (one's praise), laudo,
A trickling down, distillatio A troop, turba, caterva ; (of celebro
A trident," tridens horse), turma; (of cattle), grex, Trumpeted, buccinatus
Triennial, per triennium, triennis armentum A trumpeter, buccinator
A trier, tentator, probator Troops, copiae militares ; (in A trumping up, machinatio
A trifallow, tertio troops), catervatlm, gregatlm A truncheon, scipio, talea
To trifle, nugor, ineptio ; (with A trooper, eques To trundle, volvo, voluto
one), tergiversor; (away time), A trope, tropus A trunk, area, riscus ; (of a tree),
tempus conterere A trophy, trophaeum truncus, caudex ; (of an ele-
A trifler, nugator, nugax The tropics,, tropici phant), proboscis; (pipe), tubus
Trifles, nugae, gerrae Tropical, tropicus Trunnions, tormenti tubercula
Trifling, nugatorius, frivolus,levis, Tropological, tropologicus A truss, fasciculus, sarcina; (of
vanus; (stories), fabulae To trot, succusso, succutio; (up hay), fceni manipulus ; (for a
Triflingly, uugatorie, ineptfe and down), cursito man), fascia
To trig a wheel, sufflamiuo A trot, gradus succussans To truss, cingo, succingo, strin-
A trigger, sufflamen ; (of a gun), A trotter, succussor go, substringo; (make up in
instrumentum quolaxatur sclo- Sheep's trotters, crura ovina trusses), in manipulos colligere;
petnm Trotting, succussans (up the hair), in nodum colli-
A triglyph, triglyphus A trotting, succussus gere
A trigon, trigonus Troth, Veritas, rides [fect6 A trussel, fulcrum
Trigonal, trigonalis By my troth, In troth, sane, pro- Trust, fides, fiducia, commissum
Trigonometry, trigonometria Trouble (disturbance), turba, To put trust in, fidem habere
A trill, sonus modulatus molestia; (of mind), tristitia, To trust with, fidei committere
To trill, stillo, vocem vibrare. anxietas, solicitudo; (difficulty), To trust, confido, spero, credo
See Trickle difficultas; (misfortune), afflic- (goods), merces fide vendere;
Trim (neat), comptus, bellus tio ; (pain, labour), serumna, (unto), innitor, nitor, spem
A trim (dress), vestitus (con- ;
labor [bidaa ponere; (lend), commodo mi
dition), conditio, status Troubles (commotions), res tur- tuum dare
To trim {or adorn), orno, adorno; To be in trouble, vexor, commo- A trustee, fidei commissariuo
(up old things), interpolo, re- veor Trustily, fideliter, fid6
; ; ;


Trustiness, fidelitas Tuneful, canorus, modulatus To tweag, or tweak, vellico
Trusting, credens, confidens A tuner, modulator Tweezers, volsella
Trusty, ndus, fidelis A tunic, tunica The twelfth, duodecimus
Truth, Veritas, fides A tuning, modulatio ; (beating), Twelfth day, epiphania
In truth (indeed), sane, profectb verberatio Twelve, duodecim, duodeni
Speaking truth, verax A tunnel, infundibulum ; (of a Of twelve, duodenarius
To try (attempt), aggredior, ex- chimney), camini tubus Twelve times, duodecies
perior, probo, tento; (examine), A tup (ram), aries Twelve hundred, mille et ducenti
exploro, examino (purify), de-
To tup, ineo, coeo Twelve thousand, duodecies mille
fseco, purgo, puritico A turban, tiara, cidaris A twelvemonth, annus
A trying, tentatio, periclitatio A turbot, rhombus Twenty, viginti, viceni
A tub, cadus, dolium; (for knead- Turbulency, animus turbulentus Of twenty, vicenarius
ing), alveus pistorius ; (for Turbulent, turbulentus, ferox Twenty years, vicennium
powdering), carnarium Turbulently, turbulenter, sedi- Twenty times, vicies
A tube, tubus, tubulus tiosfe The twentieth, vicesimus, vijre-
A tubercle, tuberculum A turf, cespes, gleba simus
Tubular, tubulatus Turfy, cespititius Twice, bis ; (as much), duplo
A tuck, ensis canna abditus, dolo Turgescent, turgescens major; (a second time), ite-
To tuck (twitch), vellico ; (or Turgid, turgidus, tumidus rum
gather up), colligo ;
(in a mill), Turgidity, qualitas turgida A twig, ramus, sarmentum, virga,
constipo, denso A Turk, Turcus, Turca vimen
Tucked up, colligatus, stipatus Turkish, Turkey, Turcicus Of twigs, virgeus
A tucker, mamillare A turkey-cock, gallus Numidi- Twiggy, sarmentosus
A tucking (girding), cinctura cus; (hen), gallina Numidica Twilight, crepusculum
Tuesday, feria tertia, dies Martis Turmeric, turmerica Twinborn, eodem partu natus
A tuft, crista, apex; (of grass), A turmoil (tumult), turba, sedi- Twins, gemini, gemelli
cespes; (of hair), cirrus; (of a tio Twine, filum retortum
tree), apex, vertex (or nursery
A turn (lathe), tornus; (circuit), To twine (twist), torqueo; (a-
of trees), fruticetum circuitus; (in walking), deam- bout), amplector ; (thread),
To tuft, in cristae formam redigere bulatio; (course), vicissitudo; filum duplicare
Tufted, cri status (good), beneficium, gratia Twined, tortus
Tufty, villosus (ill), injuria A twiner (twister), tortor
A tug, conatus, nixus By turns, invicem, alternfe A twinge, vellicatio
To tug, conor, nitor (along), ;
Done by turns, alternus To twinge, vellico
traho, ducto ; (against), reni- At every turn, identidem Twinged, vellicatus
tor, To serve a turn, suis rationibus Twining about, amplexens
A tugging, nisus, conatus conducere A twining about, amplexus
Tuition, tuitio, tutela To take a turn (walk), ambulo To twinkle (as the eye), nicto;
Of tuition, tutelaris To turn (bend), flecto, verto ;
(as a star), scintillo
A tulip, tulipa, tulpia (become), fio, evado (change), ;
A twinkle, or twinkling, nictatio
To tumble (or be rolled), volvor, muto, converto; (reclaim), re- (of the stars), scintillatio; (of
volutor; (roll), volvo, voluto; voco, converto, reduco ; (a- the eye), nictus
(or throw down), dejicio, everto, bout), circumago ; (against), Twinkling, nictans, scintillans
diruo ; (or fall down), ruo, con- oppugno, obverto ; (apostate), To twirl, circumroto, circumago
cido ; (together), convolvo ; de fide desciscere; (back), re- Twirling, vertens, circumrotans
(under), subvolvo; (upon), su- verto Twist, pili camelini contorti
pervolvo ; (rumple), in rugas Of a different turn, diversse in- To twist, torqueo, implico
trahere, corrugo doles A twister (person), tortor ; (in-
A tumbler, saltator, saltatrix k turnep, or turnip, rapum strument), versoria
(cup), calix A. turner, tornator A twisting, tortus; (of the guts),
A tumbling, saltatio; (rolling), Turners' wares, toreumata tormen, vertices dolorum
volutatio That turns, versatili3 To twit, exprobro
Tumblingly, volutatim [rium Turning, vertens, convertens A twitting, exprobratio
A tumbrel, plaustrum stercora- A turning, versatio (away), aver-;
A twitch, or twitching, vellicatio
Tumefaction, infiatio, tumor satio; (about), rotatio ; (back To twitch, vellico, convello
Tumefied, tumefactus again), reversio, reditio ; (a- To twitter (tremble), tremo,
To tumefy, tumefacio, tumeo side), inversio (sneer), irrideo, derideo
Tumid, tumidus A crooked turning, anfractus Two, duo, bini, gemini
A tumor, tumor, infiatio Full of crooked turnings, tortuo- Two and two, bini
A tump, tumulus sus Having two heads, biceps; (two
Full of tumps, tumulosus A turning-wheel, tornus horns), bicornis; (two feet),
A tumult, tumultus, turba A turning (by way), diverticulum bipes
To raise a tumult, turbas cieie A turn-coat, scenae serviens ; One of the two, uter, utervis
Tumultuary, tumultuarius (pike), septum versatile Of two colours, bicolor
Tumultuous, tumultuosus, sedi- Turpentine, terebinthina Twofold, duplex
tiosus Of turpentine, terebinthinus Twohanded, robustus, ingens
Tumultuously, turbulenter, te- Turpitude, turpitudo Two days' space, biduum ;

mere A turret, turris; (of wood), fala (nights), binoctium

A tun, dolium majus A turtle, turtur, testudo Of two months, bimestris
Of a tun, doliaris Tush 1 vah ! phy ! Two years old, bimus, bimulus
To tun, in alveos infundere Tushes, or tusks, apri dentes Two years' space, biennium
Tunbellied, ventricosus Tutelage, auni pupillares, tutela Two feet long, bipedalis
Tunable, canorus, harmonicus Tutelar, tutelaris In two parts, bipartitus
Tunableness, modulatio A tutor, tutor, prseceptor Every two days, alternis diebus
Tunably, modulate, numerose To tutor, edoceo Two hundred, ducenti J
A tune, tunus, numeri A tutoring, institutio Two hundred times, du'eenties
To be in tune, modulate sonare, Tutty, tutia The two hundredth* ducente
or c.anere; (out of tune), dis- Twain, duo, bini simus
sono A twang sound), clangor
(shrill ;
A tyger, tigris
To tune an instrument, apte fidi- (ill tone), pravus accentus A tying (to), alligatio, acnexus
culas contendere With a twang, male, prave (together), connexio
To set a tune, cestui praecinere To twattle, garrio, blatero The tympan, tympanum
Well tuned, apte modulatus A twattling, garrulitas The tympany, tympanites
Ill-tuned, male modulatus, disao- A tweag, or tweak, vellicatio, A type, typus, similit'jdo
nans snxietas Typical, typicue
Typically, typice Unappalled, intrepidus Uncalled, invocatus, spontc
A typographer, typographus Unappeasable, implacabilis Uncancelled, non deletus
Typographical, typogi aphicus Unappeased, implacatus To uncase, capsa eximere, exuo
Typography, typographia Unapprehensive, minime suspi- Uncased, exutus, nudatus
Tyrannical, tyrannicus cans [tus Uncensured, irreprehensus
Tyranicallv, tyrannice Unapprized, nondum certior fac- Uncertain, incertus, dubius
Tyrannicide, tyrannicidium Unapproachable, inaccessus To be uncertain, dubito, haesito
To tyrannize, tyrannidem exer- Unapt, iuhabilis, ineptus Uncertainly, incerte, dubie
cere Unaptly, incommode, inepte Uncertainty, dubitatio
Tyranny, tyrannus Unaptness, ineptitudo To unchain, catena exsolvere
A tyrant, tyrannus; (killer), ty- Unarmed, dearmatus, inermis Unchained, catena exsolutus
rannicida Unasked, minime rogatus Unchangeable, immutabilis
Tythes, decimse Unassailed, inexpugnatus Unchangeably, immutabiliter
Unassayed, inexpertus Unchangeableness, immutabili
Unassisted, minime adjutus tas
Unassuaged, implacatus Unchanged, immutatus
Unassuming, minime arrogans Uncharitable, inhumanus
Unassured, incertus Uncharitableness, inhumanitas
Unatoned, non expiatus Uncharitably, inhumaniter
Ubiquity, ubiquitas Unattainable, non assequens Unchaste, impudicus, obsccenus
An udder, uber, mamma Unattempted, minime tentatus Unchastely, impudice, obsccene
Uglily, deformiter, fced& Unattended, sine comitatu, inco- Unchewed, non inasticatus
Ugliness, deformitas, turpitudo mitatus Unchristian, christiano indignus
Ugly, deformis, turpis, horridus Unattentive, incautus To unchurch, excommunico
An ulcer, ulcus Unavailable, nihil conducens Uncircumcised, uncircumcisus
To ulcerate, ulcero, exulcero Unavailing, inutilis, inanis Uncircumcision, incircumcisio
An ulcerating, ulceratio Unavoidable, inevitabilis Uncircumscribed, interminatus
Ulcerous, ulcerosus Unawares (unwary), incautus, Uncircumspect, incautus, impro-
Ultimate, ultimus, postremus nee opinans; (unlooked for), vidus
Ultimately, ultimo-, postremfc inopinatus, improvisus Uucircumspectly, incaute.impro-
Ultramarine, ultramarinus Unawares (adv.), improvisb vide
Umbilical, umbilicalis Unawed, non deterritus Uncivil, incivilis, inurbanus
An umbrage (shade), umbra, um- To unbar, pessulum detrahere Uncivilly, inciviliter, inurbans
braculum ; (offence), offensa, Un barbed, phaleris spoliatus Uncivilized, insociabilis
praetextura, pretextus, color ; Unbecoming, indecens, indecorus Unclad, nudus
(suspicion), suspicio [dor Unbecomingly, indecenter, inde- To unclasp, uncinum laxare
To take umbrage, suspicor, offen- core Unclasped, uncino laxato
Umbrageous, Umbrose, umbro- Unbefitting, parum idoneus An unclasping, uncini laxatio
sus Unbegotten, non genitus An uncle (by the father), pa-
An umbrella, umbella Unbelief, infidelitas, incredulitas truus ; (by the mother), avun-
Umpirage, arbitrium An unbeliever, infidelis, incre- culus
An umpire, arbiter dulus A great uncle, propatruus
Unabashed, minime perturbatus To unbend, relaxo, solvo Unclean, immundus, sordidus ;
Unable, impotens, infirmus Unbent, relaxatus, remissus (in life), impudicus, inconti-
To make unable, debilito Unbenign, malignus, malevolus nens
Made unable, debilitatus Unbeseeming, indecorus, inde- To be unclean, sordeo
Unabolished, nondum antiquatus cens To grow unclean, sordesco
Unacceptable, ingratus Unbeseemingly, indecore To make unclean, inquino, fcedo
Unaccompanied, incomitatus, so- Unbewailed, indefletus, indeplo- Uncleanly, sordide, foede
lus ratus Uncleanness, immunditia, spur-
Unaccomplished, infectus To unbewitch, fascino liberare cities ; (of life), impudicitia
Unaccountable, mirus, mirabilis, Unbiassed, in neutram partem Uncleft, indivisus
inauditus, novus, mirandus proclinans To unclench, recludo
Unaccountably, mirifice, in mi- Unbidden, injussus, invocatus To unclose, discludo, retego, de-
rum modum To unbind, exsolvo, solvo tego
Unaccustomed, insuetus Unblameable, inculpatus, inno- To unclothe, vestibus exuere
Unacknowledged, minime agnitus cuus [pate Unclothed, vestibus exutus, or
Unacquainted, ignotus, ignarus Unblameably, sine culpa, incul- spoliatus, non indutus
Unactive, minime sgilis, ignavus Unblameableness, innocentia Unclouded, Uncloudy, serenus
Unadored, non veneratus Unblemished, integer, innocuns Uncomely, indecens, indecorus;
Unadvisable, incommodus Unblessed, execratus (adv.), indecenter, indecore
Unadvised, inconsultus, praiceps Unbloody, incruentus Uncomeliness, deformitas
Unadvisedly, inconsulte, temere Unboiled, incoctus Uncomfortable, injucundus
Unadvisedness, temeritas To unbolt, obicem detrahere Uncomfortableuess, injucunditas
Unafiected, simplex, sincerus, Unborn, nondum natus Uncomfortably, injucunde
candidus, minime affectus To unbosom, communico Uncommon, rarus, infrequens
Unaffectedly, aperte, sincere Unbought, inemptus Uncommonly, rar&, infrequenter
Unaffectedness, sinceritas Unbound, irreligatus Uncommonness, raritas
Unaided, non adjutus Unbounded, indefinitus, immen- Uncompelled, non compulsus
Unalienable, non alienandus sus, interminatus, infinitus Uncompounded, simplex
Unalienated, non alienatus Unboundedly, infinite Unconceivable, incomprehensi-
Unallied, non affinis [dus To unbowel, exentero, eviscero bilis
Unallowable, minimfe conceden- Unbowelled, evisceratus Unconceived, non conceptus
Unalterable, immutabilis, con- An unbracing, solutio Unconcern, negligentia [tus
stans To unbridle, frsenis exsolvere Unconcerned, indifferens, immo-
Unalterably, constanter Unbridled, effrstnatus Unconcernedly, inditferenter
Unaltered, immutatus Unbroken, irruptus, infractus Unconclusive, quo nil concludi
Unamazed, intrepidus (not tamed), indomitus potest
Unambitious, non ambitiosus To unbuckle, fibulas solvere Uncondemned, indemnatus
Unanimity, unanimitas, Concor- Unbuilt, nondum ajdincatus Unconfined, immunis, liber
dia To unbung, relino Unconfirmed, non confinnatus
Unanimous, unanimus, concors To unburden, exonero Unconquerable, inviucibilis
Unanimously, unanimiter, con- Unburdened, exoneratus Unconscionable, injustus, iniqu'Jis
corditer To unbutton, fibulas solvere Unconscionableness, injustitia
Unanswerable, irrefragabilis Unbuttoned, fibulis solutus Unconscionably, injuste, inique


Unconscious, non couscius To underpin, substruo (slackened), relaxatus ; (un-
Unconsecrated, nondum conse- Underpinned, substructus, sub- tied), dissolutus ; (ruined),
cratus [actus ligatus perditus
Unconstrained, spontaneus, iuco- An underpinning, substructio Undoubtable, indubitabilis
Unconsumed, inconsumptus To underprop, suffulcio, fulcio Undoubted, indubitatus, certus
Uncontaminated, intaminatus, Underpropped, suffultus, fultus Undoubtedly, proculdubi6, cert6
purus An underpropping, statuminatio To uudress, vestes exuere; (an-
Uncontestable, non disputandus An under-rate, pretium justo mi- other), vestes detrahere alicui
Uncontested, non litigatus nus [mare Undried, nondiim siccatus
Uncontrollable, non subjiciendus To under-rate, justo minori aesti- Undue, indebitus, pariim Justus
Uncontrolled, liber, imrnunis Under-rated, justo minori aesti- To undulate, undo, fluctuo
Unconvinced, non evictus matus [vendere An undulation, agitatio undatlm
Uncorrected, impunitus To undersell, minoris quam alii Unduly, indebite, parum juste
Uncorruptly, incorrupt e [tas Anunder-servant,famulus inferior Undutiful, inobediens, inobse-
Uncorruptness (of mind),integri- To underset, suppouo, subjicio quens
To uncover, detego, patefacio An under-sheriff, subvicecomes Un dutifully, contumaciter
Uncovered, detectus, retectus To understand, intelligo, sentio, Undutifulness, contumacia
An uncovering, patefactio percipio; (something not ex- Uneasily, aegre, moleste
To uncouple, disjungo, abjungo pressed), subintelligo Uneasiness, molestia, difficultas;
Uncourteous, inurbanus, rusticus To give to understand, significo (of mind), anxietas, perturbatio
Uncourtly, inurbane, rustice. Given to understand,certiorfactus Uneasy, anxius, aeger
Uncouth, rudis, impolitus, in- The understanding, intellectus ;
Uneaten, haud comestus
suetus (agreement), concordia; (know- Unedified, parum instructus
Uncouthly, invenuste, inurbane ledge), intelligentia Unedifying, inutilis
Uncoutbness, rusticitas To undertake, aggredior, tento, Uneffectual, inefficax [tua
Uncreated, increatus suscipio ;(work), opus redimere Uneloquent, infacundus, indiser-
An unction, unctio, inunctio An undertaker, molitor, inceptor Unemployed, non occupatus
Unctuous, unctuosus, pinguis (of work), operum redemptor; Unendowed, indotatus
Unctuousness, pinguedo (of funerals), libitinarius Unenjoyed, minime perceptus
Uncultivated, incultus, neglectus An undertaking, ausum,inceptum Unenlightened, non illuminatus
Uncurable, insanabilis To undervalue, pretio justo minor Unenvied, minime invidendus
To uncurb, lupaturn demere aestimare, parvi facere, sperno Unequal, inaequalis, dispar
Uncured, incuratus Undervaluing (slighting), despi- Unequally, inaequaliter
Uncurious, incuriosus ciens Unequivocal, minime ambiguus
Uncut, imputatus, intonsus An underwood, sylva caedua Unerring, inerrans, infallibilis
Undamaged, illsesus To underwork, operam minori Uneven, inaequalis; (places), sa-
Undaunted, intrepidus.impavidus pretio locare ; (undermine), in- lebrae, aspreta
Undauntedly, intrepide, impavide sidias struere Unevenness, inaequalitas
Undauntedness, intrepiditas To underwrite, subscribo Unexamined, non examinatus
Undazzled, non prsestrictus Undeserved, immeritus, indignus Unexampled, novus, inauditus
Undebauched, incorruptus Undeservedly, immeritd, indigne Unexceptionable, exceptionibus
Undecayed, non dirniuutus Undeserving, immerens non obnoxius
To undeceive, errore liberare Undesigning, sincerus Unexecuted, infectus
Undeceived, ab errore liberatus Undesirable, minime expetendus Unexpected, insperatus, inopinus
Undecided, injudicatus, non de- Undeterminate, Undetermined, Unexpectedly, ex improvisd, in-
cisus non determinatus, indefinitus sperato
Undecked, inornatus, incomptus Undeterminately, indefinite Unexpert, rudis, imperitus
Undeclined, indeclinatus Undevout, irreligiosus Unexpired, nondiim finitus
Undefaced, non eversns Undevoutly, irreligiose Unextended, non extensus
Undefended, indefensus [tus Undied, nondum tinctus Unexterminable, inextirpabilis
Undefiled, impollutus, intamina- Undigested, indigestus, incom- Unfading, non deflorescens
Undefrayed, non erogatus positus Unfair, injustus, iniquus
Undelighted, indelectatus Undiminished, imminutus Unfairly, injustfe, iniqufe
Undemolished, non dirutus Undiscernable, imperceptus, in- Unfairness, injustitia
Undeniable, non negandus compertus Unfaithful, intidus, perfidus
Undeplored, indeploratus Uudiscerned, minime perceptus Unfaithfully, infideliter, perfide
Undepraved, incorruptus Undiscerning, minimi percipiens Unfaithfulness, perridia
Under, sub, subter, infra; (show, Undischarged (as a duty), non Unfalsitied, non adulteratus
colour, or pretence), sub specie, praestitus (as a reckoning),
Unfashionable, minime concinnus
or praetextu non expunctus Unfashioned, non formatus, in-
Under, adj. inferior, vicarius Undisciplined, indoctus, inexper- formis
To be under, subsum tus ; (troops), copiae inexer- To unfasten, refigo, solvo
To keep under, coerceo, frseno citatae Unfastened, retixus, solutus
Under age, ephebus, inipubis Undiscovered, incompertus, non Unfathomable, non explorandus
To underbid, minoris licitari patefactus, or retectus Unfavourable, minime benignus
To underbind, subligo Undisguised, non celat us, sincerus Unfeathered, implumis, deplumis
Underbound, subligatus Undismayed, imperterritus Unfed, impastus
To undergird, subligo, succingo Undisposed of, nondum alienatus, Unfed, honorario non auctus
Undergirt, succinctus or venditus Unfeeling, insensilis, durus
To undergo, subeo, patior, tolero Undisputable, indubitabilis Unfeigned, non fictus, sincerus
Underground, subterraneus Undissembled, non dissimulatus Unfeignedly, sincere, vere
Underhand, clam, secret6, clan- Un dissolvable, indissolubilis Unfenced, immunitus, inermis
culum Undistinguished, indistinctus Unfertile, infertilis, infcecundus
Underhand-dealing, preevaricatio Undisturbed, pacatus, serenus Unfertileness, infcecunditas
Underived, non derivatus Undividable, individuus To unfetter, vincula demere
To underlay, suppono, suffulcio Undivided, indivisus, indiscretus Unfit, inhabilis, ineptus ; (to
Underlaid, suppositus, suffultus To undo (disannul), abrogo learn), indocilis; (for labour),
An under-leather, solea (slacken), laxo, relaxo ; (un- debilis
An underling, alteri subditus ravel), extrico, retexo ; (untie), Unfitly, inepte, impropri6 -

To undermine, suffodio ; (sup- solvo, dissolvo ; (ruin), perdo, Unfitness, incongruitas

plant), supplanto, insidias stru- pessundo Unfitting, incongruens
ere Undoing, ruina, interitus To unfix, refigo, labefacio [mis
An undermining, suffossio An undoing, abrogatio, relaxatio, Unfledged, non pennatus, deplu.
Undermost, imus, intimus dissolutio, perditio To unfold, explico, evolvo
Underneath, subter, infra Undone (not done), infectus That may be unfolded, explicabilis
Unforced.voluntarius, spontaneus Unhealable, insanabili8 Unlawfulness, injustitia
Unforeseen, improvisus Unhealed, nondum sanatus To unlearn, dedisco
Unforgiving, inexorabilis Unhealthful, Uuhealthy, valetu- Unlearned, indoctus, illiteratus
Unformed, informis, indigestus dinarius, infirmus, insalubris Unlearnedly, indocte, inerudite
Unfortified, immunitus Unhealthiness, insanitaa Unleavened, azymus
Unfortunate, infaustus, infelix ;
Unheard of, inauditus Unless, ni, nisi
(days), dies nefasti Unheeded, inobservatua Unlighted, non accensus
Unfortunately, infeliciter Unheedful, Unheedy, oscitans, Unlike, dissimilis, diversus
Unfrequent, infrequens, inusita- negligena To be unlike, differo, discrepo
tus Unheediness, incuria Unlikely, improbabilis
Unfrequented, desertus, solitarius Unhidden, apertus, retectua Unlikeliness, improbabilitas
Unfriendly, parum amice To unhinge, de cardine detra- Unlikeness, dissimilitudo, diver-
Unfruitful, sterilis, instructuosus here; (disorder), perturbo sitas
Unfruitfulness, infcecuuditas Unholiness, impietas To unload, exonero, deonero
To unfurl, expando, explico Unholy, impius, profanus Unloaded, Unloaden, exoneratus
To uufurnish, dispolio, nudo Unhonoured, inhonoratus To unlock, resero, recludo
Unfurnished (deprived of), spoli- To unhook, hamum solvere Unlocked, Unlockt, reseratus
atus ; (not yet finished), irapa- Unhoped for, insperatus, inex- Unlooked for, insperatus, inopi-
ratus pectatus natus
Ungain, ineptus, inhabilis To unhorse, equo dejicere To unloose, solvo, resolvo
Ungainly, inepte, minus apte Unhospitable, inhospitalis An unloosing, solutio, dissolutio
Ungarnished, inornatus Unhoused, ex sedibus exturbatus Unlovely, inamabilis
Ungathered, nondum collectus Un human, inhumanus, crudelia Unluckily, infeliciter, inauspi-
Ungenerous, degener, illiberalis Unhurt, illaesus, inviolatua cat6
Ungenerously, illiberaliter An unicorn, monoceros Unluckiness (unhappiness),it>fe-
Ungenteel, inurbanus, rusticus Uniform, uniformis, sibi constans licitas, infortunium ; (unto-
Ungenteelly, illiberaliter, inur- Uniformity, uniformitas wardliness), nequitia, proter-
bane Uniformly, uniformiter vitas
Ungenteelness, illiberalitas Unimaginable, mente or cogi- Unlucky (unhappy), infelix, in-
Ungentle, immansuetus, asper tando non percipiendus faustus; (untoward), nequam,
Ungently, aspere, inurbane Unimpaired, non diminutua improbus; (throw at dice), jac-
Ungilt, nondum inauratus Unimportant, levis momenti tus supinus
To ungird, recingo, discingo Uninformed, parum eruditus Unmade, infectus, imperfectus
Ungirded, Ungirt, discinctus Uninhabitable, inhabitabilis To unman, emasculo, eviro
To ungirth, cingulum laxare Uninhabited, non habitatus, va- Unmanageable, intractabilis
To unglue, deglutino cans Unmanly, effeminatus, viro indig-
Ungodlily, impife, sceleste Uninjured, illaesus nus
Ungodliness, impietas, flagitium Uninstructed, indoctus Unmannerliness, inurbanitas
Ungodly, impius, irreligiosus ; Unintelligible, animo uon perci- Unmannerly, adj. inurbanus
(gut), gula insatiata, venter piendus Unmannerly, adv. inurbane, rus-
improbus Uninterrupted, continuua tice
Ungorged, nondum exsaturatus Uninthralled, suijuria Unmanured, incultus, inaratua
Ungovernable, immitis, immodi- Uninvited, invocatus Unmarried, cxlebs
cus, indomabilis Union, unio, concordia To unraarry, matrimonium abro-
Ungovernableness, ingenium in- Unjoyous, tristis, parum alacris
tractabile An unison, concentus
Ungraceful, indecorus, inconcin- An unit, monas, unitas Unmasked, larva exutus, apertus
nus To unite (or join together), jun- Unmasterable, indomabilis
Ungracefully, indecore, incon- go, conjungo ; (differences), Unmastered, indomitus, invictu8
cinne lites componere (be joined to-
Unmeaning, nihil designans
Ungracefulness, inconcinnitas gether), coaleo, coalesco Utimeasurable, immensus
Ungracious, impius, improbus, An uniting, conjunctio Unmeet, indecens, indecorus ;
pravus ; (wretch), scelus, ne- Unity, unitas (for), impar, impos
quam Unjudged, injudicatus Unmeetness, incongruitas
Ungraciously, scelerate, impie Universal, universus, universalis Unmerciful, immitis, crudelia,
Ungraciousness, impietas Universality, universalitas atrox
Ungrafted, nondum insitus Universally, universe, universim Unmercifully, crudeliter, atroci-
Ungrammatical, arti grammatical The universe, muudus universus ter
non consentaneus An university, academia Unmercifulness, crudelitas, sce-
To ungrapple, libero Of an university, academicua vitia
Ungrateful, ingratua Univocal, univocus Unminded, neglectus
Ungratefully, ingrat.6 Univocally, univocS Unmindful (forgetful), imme-
Ungratefulness, ingratitudo Unjust, injustus, iniquua mor; (heedless), negligena, in-
Unguarded (not guarded), incus- Unjustice, injustitia cautus
toditus (indiscreet, rash), im-
; Unjustifiable, justitiae non con- Unmindfulness, oblivium; (heed-
prudens, temerarius, inconsul- sonus lessness), negligentia
tus Unjustifiableness, iniquitas Unmixt, purus, non mixtus
Unguardedly, inconsulte, temere Unjustifiably, inique Unmolested, imperturbatus
Unguent, unguentum Unjustly, injuste, inique Unmoved, immotus
Unhabitable, inhabitabilis Unked, Unkward, solitarius Unmourned, indeploratus
To unhallow, profano, temero To unkennel, e cubili excitare To unmuffle, focale detrahere
Unhallowed, profanatus, violatus Unkind, inclemens, inhospitus Being unmuffled, focali detracto
Unhandsome, invenustus, inde- Unkindly, inclementfer, inhumane Unmusical, non modulatus
corus Unkindly, inclemens, adversus To unmuzzle, capistrum exuere
Unhandsomely, ineleganter, tur- Unkindness, inclementia To unnail, clavum extrahere
piter To unknit, eno^.o, evolvo Unnatural (void of natural affec-
Unhandsomeness, deformitas Unknowingly, inscienter, incon- tion), crudelis, inhumanus ;
Unhappily, infeliciter, improspere sult6 (preternatural), porteutosus,
Uuhappiness, infelicitas To be unknown, ignoror, lateo praeter naturam.
Unhappy, infelix, inauspicatua Unlaboured, inelaboratus Unnaturally, inhumane, crude-
Unharmonious, immotlulatua To unlace, dilorico, exsolvo liter
To unharness, phaleraa detrahere To unlade, exonero, decapulo Unnaturalness, inhumanitas
To unhasp, resero Unlamented, indeploratua Unnavigable, innabilis
Unhasped, reseratus Unlawful, illicitus, illegitimua Unnecessarily, inutiliter, super,
Unhatched, nondum patefactua Unlawfully, illicite vacuo.
Unnecessary, inutilis, inanis Unquiet, inquietus Unsavorily, insipide, insulse
To unnerve, infirmo, debilito To make unquiet, inquieto Unsavory, insipidus, insulsus
Unobservant, immoriger Unquietness, inquietudo Unsavoriness, insulsitas
Unobserved, non observatus Unrated, non sestimatus To unsay, recanto
Unoccupied, incultus, inexerci- To unravel; extrico, expedio To un scale, desquamo
tatus Unravelled, extricatus, expeditus Unsealed, desquamatus
Unorganized, organis non in- Unread, non rectus To unscrew, cochleam refigere
structus Unreadily, non prompts Unscriptural, scripturis sacri
Unowned, non agnitus Unready, imparatus non innitens
To unpack, i'asciculum resolvere Unreasonable, irrationalis (un-
To unseal, resigno
Unpaid, insolutus just), injustus; (immoderate), Unsealed, resignatus, solutus
Unpainted, nondurn pictus immodicus Unsearchable, inscrutabilis
Unpalateable, ingrati saporis Unreasonableness, injustitia Unseasonable, intempestivus
Unparalleled, incomparabilis Unreasonably, injustfe, inique Unseasonableness, intenipestas
Unpardonable, inexpiabilis, irre- Unrebukable, irreprehensus (of weather), intemperies
missibilis Unrecompensed, non compensa- Unseasonably, intern pestiv&
Unpared, irresectus tus Unseasoned, minime salitus
Unparliamentary, consuetudine Unrecorded, non in tabulas rela- (timber), humida materia
parliamentarian dissentaneus tus Unsecure, intutus
To unpave, lapides eruere Unrecounted, non memoratus Unseemliness, indecorum
Unpawned, non pignori opposi- Unredeemable, nullo pretio redi- Unseemly, indecens, minime de
tus mendus corus
Unpeaceable, turbulentus, turbi- Unredeemed, nullo pretio re- It is unseemly, dedecet
dus demptus Unseen, invisus, invisibilis
Unpeaceably, turbulenter, tur- Unrefreshed, non levatus Unsent for, non vocatus, invoca
bide Unreguarded, neglectus, spretus tus
To unpeg, paxillum eximere Unrelenting, inflexibilis Unserviceable, inutilis, ineptus
Unpegged, paxillo exempto Unrelieved, minime levatus Unserviceableness, inutilitas
To unpeople, vasto, depopulor Unremediable, immedicabilis Unserviceably, inutiliter
Unpeopled, depopulatus Unremittible, inexpiabilis Unset, non satus, sponte natus
Unperceivable, sub sensum non Unrepaired, non reparatus Unsettled (instable), instabilis
cadens Unrepealed, minime abrogatus (doubting), dubius; (not fix
Unperceived, minim e perceptus Unreproved, inculpatus, irrepre- ed), incertus; (as lees), fa:cu
Unperformed, infectus hensus lentus
Uuperishable, incorruptibilis Unrequited, non compensatus Unset tledness, instabilitas
Unpestered, imperturbatus Unreserved (in speech), libere To unsew, dissuo, resuo
Unphilosophical, regulis philoso- loquens To unshackle, a compedibus li
phise minime conveniens Unresisting, non repugnaus berare
To unpin, aciculis exemptis sol- Unresolved, haesitans, fluctuans Unshaded, apricus
vere To be unresolved, haesito, fluctuo Unshaled, minime decorticatus
Unpinioned, a manicis solutus Unrestored, minime restitutus To unsheath, e vagina stringerC
Unpitied, cui misericordia non Unrestrained, minime repressus Unsheathed, e vagina strictus
adhibetur Unrevealed, minime revelatus Unshod, discalceatus ; (as i

Unpleasant, injucundus, inamce- Unrevenged, inultus horse), ferreis soleis carens

nus Unrewarded, non numeratus To unshoe, discalceo
Unpleasantly, injucunde, infacete To unriddle, senigma solvere, ex- Unshorn, intonsus, irrasus
Unpleasantness, injucunditas ; plico Unshut, apertus, disclusus
(of the air), intemperies Unriddled, explicatus, expositns Unsightliness, deformitas
Unpleasing, injucundus, insua- To unrig (undress), vestes exuere Unsightly, deformis, fcedus
vit Unrigged (as a ship), sublatis Unsincere, simulatus, fucatus
Unpliant, inflexibilis armamentis: (as a person), ves- Unskilful, imperitus, ignarus
Unploughed, inaratus tibus exutus Unskilfulness, imperitia
Unpolite, impolitus, rudis Unrighteous, injustus, iniquus Unskilled, inexpertus, rudis
Unpolluted, irnpollutus Unrighteously, injustfc, inique Unslain, non occisus
Unpractised, iuexercitatus Unrighteousness, injustitia Unslaked, non aqua maceratus
Unprecedented, sine exemplo To unrip, dissuo, resuo Unsnared, laqueo expeditus
Unprejudiced (impartial), aequus Unripe, immaturus, crudus Unsociable, insociabilis, inurba
Unpremeditated, non praemedi- Unripeness, immaturitas, crudi- BUS
tatus tas Unsociably, inurbane
Unprepared, imparatus Unript, dissutus, resutus Unsodden, incoctus
Unpressed, minime pressus Unrivalled, sine aemulo Unsoiled, immaculatus
Unprincipled, scelestus, pravus To unrivet, clavum retusum re- Unsold, non venditus
Unprofaned, non profanatus figere Unsoldered, non ferruminatus
Unprofitable, inutilis, incommo- To unrol, evolvo, explico Unsolicited, minimfe solicitatus
dus Unrolled, evolutus Unsolicitous, non solicitus
Unprofitableness, inutilitas To unroof, tecta detrahere Unsolid, non solidus, fluidus
Unprofitably, inutiliter Unruffled, imperturbatus Unsought, minime quaesitus
Unpropitious, infaustus Unruliness, effraenatio Unsound, insanus, putris
Unproportionable, minime secun- Unruly, effraenatus, efferatus Unsoundness, putredo, insanitas
dum justam proportionem To be unruly, nullis legibus te- Unspeakable, ineffabilis
Unprosperous, infaustus, infelix neri [here Unspent, inconsumptus
Unprosperously, infeliciter To unsaddle, ephippium detra- Unspilt, non effusus
Unproved, inexpertus, nonproba- Unsaddled, non ephippiatus Unspoken, inenarratus, indictus
tus Unsafe, intutus, niinnnfe tutus Unspotted, intaminatus, impol
Unprovided, imparatus Unsafely, periculosfc lutus
Unprovoked, non provocatus Unsaid, indictus [bilis Unstable, instabilis, inconstans
Unpruned, nondum amputatus Unsailable, innavigabilis, inna- Unstableness, instabilitas
Unpublished, ineditus Unsaleable, non vendibilis Unstaid, inconstans, levis
Unpunished, impunitus, inultus Unsalted, insulsus, non salitus Unstaidness, levitas [lutu
Unpurchased, inemptus Unsaluted, insalutatus Unstained, intaminatus, impol
Unqualified, inhabilis,non ido- Unsanctified, minime consecra- Unsteadily, Unsteadfastly, levite
neus tus, minime superstitiosus Unsteadiness, Unsteadfastness
Unquenched, inextinctus Unsatisfactory, minime satisfa- levitas
Unquestionable, indubitatus ciens Unsteady, Unsteadfast, levis
Unquestionably, indabitantcr Unsatisfied, minime contentua Unstirred, immotus
) unstitch, dissuo, resuo Full of untruths, fabulosus To upbear, tollo, elevo
nstitched, dissutus, resutus To untuck, recingo To upbraid, exprobro, objurgo
) unstop, aperio Untucked, recinctus An upbraider, exprobrator
> unstring, laxo, retendo Untuneable, dissonus An upbraiding, exprobratio
astrung, retentus, remissus Untutored, minime doctus To uphold, sustento, sustineo
astudied, non studio elaboratus To untwine, or untwist, retexo Uphold, Upholden, sustentatus
astuffed, minime refertus Untwisted, retortus, resolutus An upholder, sustentator ; {or
asubduable, indomabilis Unvaluable, inaestimabilis upholsterer), lectorum fabri-
^subdued, indomitus, invictus Unvanquishable, indomabilis cator
lsuccessful, infaustus, infelix, Unvanquished, indomitus, invic- An upholding, sustentatio
improsper, sinister [prosper^ tus [tus Uplandish, montanus
lsuccessfully, infeliciter, im- Unvaried, immutatus, non varia- Uplands, loca montana
lsuccessfulness, infelieitas To unveil, revelo, detego Upon, a, ad, in, super, supra
lsufferable, intolerabilis An unveiling, patefactio Upon (the right), dextrorstim ;

lsufferably, intolerabiliter Unversed, imperitus, inexpertus (left), sinistrorsum ; (my life),

lsuitable, incongruens, inha- Unviolated, illaesus ne vivam si, dispeream si
rilis Unuseful, inutilis, ineptus Upper, superior [gulum
1 sullied, intaminatus Unusefulness, inutilitas The upper-leather, calcei obstra-
lsung, non decantatus Unusual, inusitatus, insuetus To get the upper hand, supero
lsupportable, impatibilis Unusually, inusitate, rarb To give the upper hand, loco ce-
lsupportably, intolerabiliter Unusualness, raritas, desuetudo dere
isupported, non sustentatus Unutterable, inenarrabilis Uppermost, supremus, summus
isure, dubius, incertus Unwarily, incaute, improvide Uppish, superhus, insolens
lsurmountable, insuperabilis Unwariness, temeritas, impru- To upraise, or uprear, elevo
lsusceptible, haud capax dentia Upright, integer, probus ; (in
isuspecting, haud suspicans Unwary, incautus, iraprovidus posture), arrectus, erectus
isuspicious, non suspiciosus Unwarrantable, minime defen- Upright dealing, ajquitas
[sustained, non sustentatus dendus Uprightly, integre, juste, aeque
unswaddle, e fasciis evolvere Unwashed, illotus, sordidus Uprightness, probitas, integritas
iswaddled, e fasciis evolutus Uuwasted, inconsumptus To uprise, surgo
lsworn, injuratus Unwatched, inobservatus, incus- An uproar, turba, tumultus
itainted, integer, intactus, in- toditus To be in an uproar, tumultuor,
:aminatus Unwatered, non rigatus fremo
itaken, indeprehensus Unwearied, indefessus, assiduus The upshot, eventus, successus
itameable, non domabilis Unweariedly, indefesse, assidue Upside down, iuverso ordine
itamed, indomitus, invectus To unweave, retexo An upstart, vir novus
untangle, extrico, expedio Unwedded, ccelebs, conjugii exors To upturn, elevo, egero
itangled, extricatus, expeditus Unwelcome, ingratus, invisus Upward, sursum
itasted, illibatus, intemeratus Unwholesome, insalubris Bending upward, reclivis
itaught, indoctus, rudis Unwholesomeness of the air, coeli With the face upward, supinus
unteach, dedoceo intemperies, or inclementia To turn upward, resupino
itenable, non tenendus Unwieldily, torpide, ineptfe Urbanity, urbanitas, comitas
intrepidus, impavidus
iterrified, Unwieldiness, difficultas movendi An urchin, erinaceus ; (dwarf),
.thankful, ingratus Unwieldy, inhabilis, pinguis nanus, pumilus, pumilio
thankfully, ingrato animo Unwilling, nolens, invitus Ure (use), usus
thankfulness, ingratitude To be unwilling, nolo The ureter, ureter
thawed, non regelatus Unwillingly, invite, aegre To urge, urgeo, impello, insto
thinking, inconsideratus Unwillingness, repugnantia Urgency, impulsus, necessitas
thought of, inopinatus, inex- To unwind, retr6 glomerare Urgent, importunus, vehemens
•ectatus Unwise, insipiens, stolidus Urgently, importune, solicite
thriftily, prodigaliter, prodige Unwisely, imprudenter, stolidfe An urger, stimulator
iriftiness, profusio Unwished for, inexpectatus An urging, incitatio, stimulatio
thrifty,prodigus, profusus Unwithered, immarcescibilis An urinal, vitrum ad urinam acci-
untie, solvo, recingo Unwitting, clam; (to me), me piendam, matula
til, donee, usque ad, usque inscio ; (to any one), ignaro Urinary, urinarius, urinalis
urn; (now), adhuc, hacteuiis, aliquo Urine, urina, lotium
iamniim ; (then), eatenus, Unwitting, adj. insciens, incautus Difficulty of urine, stranguria
>usque ;
(when ? ), quousque ? Unwittingly, inscienter, incaute To urine, meio, mingo
antile, tegulas detrahere Unwitty, illepidus, infacetus An urn, urna
imely (unseasonable), intem- Unwont.ed, insolitus, inusitatus With us, nobiscum
:stivus ; (not ripe), imma- Unworkmanlike, infabre, crasse Usage, consuetudo, usus ; (treat-
irus; (ripe too soon), pra:ma- Unworn, non detritus, non ges- ment), accipiendi ratio
irus, praecox tatus Use (the using of a thing), usus ;

mtimely birth, abortio Unworthily, indigne, imrnerit6 (profit), ususfructus; (custom),

inged, non infectus Unworthiness, indignitas consuetudo (or interest for

o, ad, tenus. See To Unworthy, indignus, immeritus money), usura, foenus

oothsome, gustui minime Unwound, retr6 glomeratus Of, or in use, usitatus, consuetus
atus To unwrap, evolvo, explico After common use, usitate
Duched, intactus, illibatus Unwrapped, evolutus, explicatus Out of use, desuetus, exoletus
oward, contumax, perversus An unwrapping, evolutio To use, utor, occupo ; (often),
Dwardliness, pervicacia To unwreath, retorqueo usurpo ; (one's endeavours), se-
iwardly, proterve [vicax Unwreathed, retortus dulb facere, operam dare; (ex-
•actable, intractabilis, per- Unwrinkled, minime rugatus ercise), exerceo; (treat), tracto,
intentatus, inexpertus
•ied, Unyielding, minime concedens accipio ;
(tenderly), molliter
•immed, incomptus, inorna- To unyoke, abjungo, disjungo habere; (genteelly), liberaliter
J Unyoked, abjunctus, disjurictus habere (a tavern), frequento

•od, Untrodden, non calcatus Up (go up), ascenue; (rise up), To use, neut. soleo, consuesco
ue, mendax, falsus surge; (by the roots), radici- To make use of, utor, fruor
•uly, falsb, false tiis; (to), t-enus, usque ad; To grow into use, obtineo (out ;

ntruss, discingo (and down), sursum, deorsiim, of use), desuesco, exolesco

ussed, discinctus, dissolutus hue illuc Want of use, desuetudo
usty, infidus, infidelis To be up at play, vinco Used, usurpatus; (accustomed),
mtruth, figmentum, menda- Up on end, erectus assuetus, consuetus; (treated),
m Uphill, acclivis, difficilis acceptus, tractatus
;U an untruth, mentior Up, or upwards, sursum Much used, usitatus
[145] II


Useful, utilis, necessarius Vain-speaking, vaniloquentia A camera, testudo
vault, fornix,
Usefully, utiliter A vaivode, praefectus (underground), crypta ; (for
Usefulness, utilitas A vale, vallis dead corpses), sepulchrum ca-
Useless, inutilis, inconimodus Valediction, valedictio meratum
Uselessly, inutiliter Valedictory, valedictorius To vault (cover with an arch),
Uselessness, inutilitas A valet, assecla, famulus ; (de arcuo, fornico, camero ; {or
Au usher, anteambulo; (serjeant), chambre), cubicularius leap over), transilio; (off), de-
lictor; (of a school), subprae- Valetudinary, valetudinarius silio; (on), insilio
ceptor Valiant, fortis, magnanimus, ani- A vaulter, desultor, saltator
To usher, introduco mosus A vaulting, desultura
An using, usus Valiantly, fortiter, animose Vaulting, desiliens, desultorius
Usual, usitatus, consuetus Valiantness, magnanimitas A vaunt (boasting), jactatio
Usually, usitate, plerumque Valid, validus, firmus, ratus To vaunt, glorior, jacto
Tn usurer, fcenerator Validity, validitas, firmitas A vaunter, jactator
Ao usurp, usurpo, iuvado A valley, vallis, convallis Vaunting, gloriosus ; (words),
Usurpation, usurpatio Valorous, fortis, animosus, vi- ampullae, sesquipedalia verba
Usurped, usurpatus
iniqufe rilis A vaunting, jactatio
An usurper, usurpator Valorously, fortiter, animose, viri- Veal, caro vituliua
Usury, usura, fcenus (of to the
liter A veer, navigatio obliqua
100), usura quincuncialis Valour, fortitudo, virtus To veer (about), circumago; (a
With usury, fceneratb Valuable, pretiosus, charus cable), rudentem transferre, or
Belonging to usury, fceneratorius Valuation, aestimatio in orbem vertere; (the sails),
To borrow on usury, foeneror Value, valor, pretium sinus velorum obliquare
To lend on usury, fcenero To value, sestimo, censeo, pendo; Veered, circumactus
Utensils, instrumenta, vasa (at a high rate), magni facere; Vegetable, vegetabilis
Uterine, uterinus (at a low rate), parvi ducere, To vegetate, vegeto, germino
Utility, utilitas, commodum vili pendere Vegetation, vegetatio
Utmost, extremus, summus Of no value, vilis Vegetative, vegetativus
To one's utmost, pro viribus To be of no value, vilesco Vegete, vegetus, vividus
Utopian, imaginarius Of so great value, tanti Vehemence, vehementia, vis
Utter, exterior; (total), totus, to- Of more value, pluris Vehement, vehemens, fervidus
talis, integer Of less value, minoris To be vehement, ferveo
To utter (speak), eloquor, pro- A valuer, censor, estimator Vehemently, vehementer, vald6
nuncio, profero (sell), vendo
A valuation, aestimatio A vehicle, vehiculum
Utterable, effabilis Valves, valvulae A veil, velum
Utterance, elocutio, eloquium ; To vamp up, reficio, resarcio To veil, velo, obnubo
(selling), venditio A vane, venti index versatilis, A vein, vena; (in writing), sty-
Of good utterance, eloquens, di- triton lus; (of wit), lepor, facetiae;
sertus A vanguard, acies prima (of poetry), facultas poetica;
Utter barristers, licentiati in jure To vanish, vanesco, evanesco (of silver, &c), molybdsena
Uttered, enunciatus, prolatus Vanity, vanitas, inanitas ; (vain- In a pleasant vein, lepidus, sal-
An utterer, editor, venditor glory), arrogantia sus
An uttering, enunciatio ; (of To vanquish (in combat), vinco, Veiny, venosus
wares), venditio supero, debello; (in debate), Vellication, vellicatio
Utterly, penitiis, omnino, fundi- confuto, refello, redarguo Vellum, pergamena, membrana
tus Vauquishable, superabilis Of vellum, membranaceus
Uttermost (utmost), extremus A vanquisher, victor, domitor Velocity, velocitas, celeritas
The uvula, uvula, columella A vanquishing, expugnatio Velvet, velvetum
Uxorious, uxorius, uxori nimls Vantage, lucrum, additamentum Venal, venalis
deditus Vapid, vapidus To vend, vendo, vendito
A vapor, vapor, exhalatio Vendible, vendibilis, mercabilis
To vapor, jacto, glorior A vending, venditio
Vaporation, vapor, exhalatio A vender, venditor
Vaporous, vapores emittens Veneficial, veneficus
Full of vapours, vaporosus Venerable, venerabilis, veneran-
Vaporing, jactans, glorians, ferox dus, colendus
Vacancy (of place), vacuitas ;
Vaporish, morosus, difficilis Venerably, auguste
(leisure), otium, vacatio Variable, levis, instabilis To venerate, revereor, colo
Vacant (void), vacans, vacuus; Variableness, levitas, inconstan- Veneration, veneratio, reverentia
(at leisure), otiosus, ferians ; tia Venereal, venereus
(hours), horae subsecivae Variance, dissidium, contentio, Venery, res, or libido venerea
To be vacant (empty), vaco lis, altercatio (hunting), venatio
To vacate (make void), abrogo, To be at variance, dissideo, litigo Venesection, venae sectio
rescindo Variation, variatio, mutatio Vengeance, ultio, vindicta
A vacation, vacatio, otium ;
(be- To variegate, coloribus variare To take vengeance, ulciscor
tween terms), justitiurn Variety, varietas, diversitas With a vengeance, diras iinpra-
Vacillation, vacillatio Various, varius, diversus can do
Vacuity, vacuitas, vacuum Variously, varifc, diverse Vengeful, ultionis cupidus
A vacuum, vacuum To vary (alter), vario, muto; (dis- Venial, venialis, venia dignus
To vade, vado, evanesco grace), dissentio, discordo Venison, caro ferina
A vagabond, erro, homo vagus A varlet, homo scelestus Venom, venenum, virus
A vagary, repentinus animi impe- Varnish, vernix To venom, veneno inficere
tus To varnish, polio, fuco; (dis- Venomous, venenosus, virosus
Vagrancy, vagatio guise), dissimulo Venomously, perniciose, maligne
A vagrant, erro A vase, vas speciosum A vent, spiraculum, exitus; (sale),
Vails, lucella adventitia A vassal, verna, vassalus venditio
Vain (idle, useless), vanus, in- Vassalage, mancipium To vent (sell), vendo, vendito ;

anis, futilis, inutilis; (proud), Vast, vastus, ingens, enormis (give vent to), spiraculum ape-
superbus, arrogaus (glorious),
; Vastation, vastatio rire; (passion), iram effundere
levis, inconstans Vastly, vaste, valdfc To take vent, patefio, evulgor
lu vain, frustra Vastness, vastitas Having vent, respirans
To be vainglorious, superbio A vat, cupa, dolium ; (for barley), To ventilate, ventilo
Vainglory, superbia, arrogantia ptisanarium ; (for cheese), for- Ventilation, ventilatio
Vainly, superbe, arroganter, iua- ma casearia; (for dyeing), ahe- The ventricle, ventriculus
uiter num tinctorium A venturing (undertaking), au-
sum, inceptum ;
(chance), sors sedituus, sacrista ; (man), in thy), fcedus, sordidus, obsce-
(hazard), alea, periculum parcecise concilium cooptatus nus, spurcus, impurus; (wick-
At a venture, temere, periculose A vesture, vestitus, vestis ed), scelestus, pravus, flagi-
To venture, periclitor, experior; A vetch, vicia, ervum tiosus, perditus
(a wager), pignus deponere Of vetches, viciarius Vilely, viliter, prave, fcede
[or dare to do), audeo A veteran, veterauus Vileness, pravitas, foeditas
A venturer, audax To vex, vexo, inquieto To vilify, vitupero, calumuior
Venturesome, Venturous, audens, To be vexed, affiigor, angor A vilifying, vituperatio
audax Vexation, vexatio, mceror A villa, villa, diversorium
Veracity, veracitas, Veritas Vexatious, molestus, acerbus A village, vicus, pagus [tlm
A verb, verbum Vexatiously, acerbe, segre, infeste Village by village, vicatlm, paga-
Verbal (derived of a verb), ver- Vexed, Vext, vexatus, iratus A villager, vicanus, paganus
balis (verbally), verbo tenus
; A vexer, vexator, interpellator A villain (bondman), maucipium
Verbatim, ad verbum, verbatim Vexing (causing vexation), moles- (rogue), scelestus, nequam
Verbose, verbosus tus ; (grieving), mcereus, do- Villainy, scelus, flagitium
Verdant, virens, viridis lens Villainage, clientela
Verdegrease, aerugo A vexing, vexatio, perturbatio Villainous, sceleritas, scelestus
To pass a verdict, sententiam A vial, phiala Villainously, nefarie, inhoneste
ferre Viands, cibaria, cibus; (dainty), Villainousness, scelus, flagitium
Verdict, sententia, opinio ; (of a dapes, cupedise Villous, villosus, hirsutus
jury), veredictum, judicium, To vibrate, vibro, agito Vimineous, vimineus
juratorum sententia Vibration, vibratio, agitatio Vincible, vincibilis, superabilis
Verdure, viriditas A vicar, vicarius To vindicate, vindico, defendo
The verge (limit), limes, ambi- A vicarage, vicariatus Vindicated, vindicatus, defensus
tus ; (instrument), fascis lic- A vicarship, vicarii munus A vindicating, Vindication, de-
toris Vicarius, vicarius fensio
To verge, vergo A vice-admiral, legatus classia- A vindicator, vindex, defensor
A verger, lictor, vergifer rius; (chamberlain), vice cubi- Vindictive, ultionis cupidus
Veridical, veridicus cularii fungens; (chancellor), A vine, vitis; (wild), labrusca;
A verifier, confirmator vice cancellarius ; (gerent), le- (branch), palmes, sarmentum
To verify, confirmo, ratum facere gatus; (roy), prorex A vine-planter, vitisator; (dres-
A verifying, coufirmatio Vicinage, Vicinity, vicinitas ser), pampinator, vinitor ;

Verily, quidem, equidem, vere, Vicissitude, vicissitudo (leaf), pampinus

certe, revera ; (yea verily ), im&, A victim, victima, hostia To prune a vine, pampino
maxim e A victor, victor, superator Of a vine-leaf, pampineus
Verity, Veritas Victory, victoria, palma Full of vine-leaves, pampinosu*
Veritable, verus, certus To get the victory, vinco, supero Of a vine, vinearius, vinealis
Verjuice, omphacium Victorious, victor, victrix Vinegar, acetum, vinum acidum
Vermicular, vermicularis Victoriously, victoris instar A vineyard, vinetum, vinea
Vermiculated, vermiculatus Victuals, victus, res cibaria; (for Vinous, vinosus
Vermilion, minium an army), commeatus A vintage, vindemia
Of vermilion, ruiniaceus To victual, cibaria suppeditare A vintager, vindemiator
To paint with vermilion, minio Victualled, cibariis suppeditatua Belonging to a vintage, vinderaia-
Marked, &c. with vermilion, mi- To sell victuals, cauponor torius
niatus Belonging to victuals, cibarius A vintner, vinarius
Vermin, vermis, pediculus To buy victuals, obsonor A viol, fides, lyra, cithara
Full of vermin, verminosus A victualler, caupo Violable, violabilis
Vernacular, vernaculus A victualler's trade, cauponaria To violate, violo, rumpo, temero
Vernal, vernus, vernalis A victualling-house, caupona, po- Violated, violatus, temeratus
Versatile, versatilis pina [popinor Not violated, inviolatus
A verse, versus, carmen j (in To frequent victualling-houses, A violating, Violation, violatio
verse), oratio numeris stricta; To vie with, coutendo, aemulor A violator, violator, ruptor
(short), versiculus ; (of a chap- A view, visus, conspectus ; (of a Violence, violentia, vis
ter), versus, incisum place), prospectus With violence, violenter, per vim
Well versed, peritus, edoctus At view, prima specie
first Violent, violens, vehemens, acris
A versicle, versiculus To view (the situation), exploro, To lay violent hands on one's
A versifier, versificator [dere lustro;
(the posture of an self, mortem sibi consciscere
To versify, versifico, versus con- enemy), speculari copias hos- Violently, violenter, graviter
A versifying, versificatio tium; (take a view of), lustro, A violet, viola
A version, versio inspicio, circumspicio ; (exa- Of, or like violets, violaceus
Vertical, verticalis, in vertice mine), investigo, indago, scru- A violin, fides w_:'>r
(point), zenith tor, exquiro ; (narrowly), inspi- A viper, vipera, echidna
Verticity, rotatio cere propitis Viperous, viperinus, viperius
|A vertigo, vertigo In one view, uno aspectu A virago, virago
Vertiginous, vertiginosus In view of the world, palam A virgin, virgo
[Vervain, verbena To have in view, prsevideo Of a virgin, virgineus
Very (true, even, self, &c), verus, Under one's view, sub aspectum Virgin, adj. pu'rus, optimus
merus, ipse Having viewed, intuitus A virginal, clavecymbalum
A. vesicatory, vesicatorium A viewer, inspector, speculator Virginity, virginitas, castitas
A. vesicle, vesicula Viewing, intuens, speculans Virgo, signum virginis
Vespers, preces vespertinae A viewing, inspectio, speculatio Virile, virilis, masculus
A vessel, vas ; (ship), navigium, A vigil,vigilia, pervigilium Virility, virilitas, fortitudo
navigiolum, navicula Vigilance, Vigilancy, vigilantia Virtual, insitus
A vest, vestis, vestimentum Vigilant, vigilans, vigil, diligens Virtually, vi insita
To vest with possession, posses- Vigilantly, vigilanter, diligenter Virtue (piety), virtus, pietas, pro-
sionem dare; (with an office), To be vigilant, vigilo, excubo bitas ;
(efficacy), virtus, pro-
inauguro Vigour (of body!, robur, vigor; prietas, vis
Vestal, vestalis (of mind) firmitas animi Virtuous, pius, probus
Vested (in office), inauguratus Vigorous, validus, vigens, stre- Virtuously, pi6, religiose^
A vestige, vestigium nuus, acer, vegetus, valens A virtuoso, curiosus indagator
A vesting in office, inauguratio Vigorously, strenue, acriter Virulence, acerbitas, asperitas
A vestment, vestimentum Vigorousness, robur, vigor Virulent, virulentus, asper, mor-
vestry (room), vestiarium, sa- Without vigour, enervatus, ener- dax
crarium ; (parish meeting), pa- via Virulently, aspere, acerbfc
roecise concilium ; (keeper), Vile (mean), vilis, abjectus; (fil. The visage, facies, vultus, os
[147] H2
; ;


Sour-visaged, torvus, tetricus A volume, volumen, tomus To wage, pignore certare; (law),
Viscid, viscidus A portable volume, manuale litigo ;
(war), bellum gerere
Viscosity, viscositas Voluminous, magnus, crassus To lay a wager, pignus opponere
A viscount, vicecomes Voluntarily, ultrd, sponte, liben- A wager,pignus, sponsio
Viscous, viscosus, viscidus ter Wages, stipendium, salarium ; (of
A viser, or visor, cassidis, buccula Voluntary, voluntarius a sailor), naulum ; (of a day),
Visibility, visibilitas Volunteers, volones, milites vo- diarium
Visible, visibilis, aspectabilis ;
luntarii [tuosus Serving for wages, stipendiarius
(manifest), conspicuus, clarus, Voluptuous, Voluptuary, volup- Belonging to wages, stipendiarius
manifestus, perspicuus Voluptuously, luxuriose, jucunde Waggery, dicacitas
Visibly, aperte, manifeste Voluptuousness, luxuria A wagging, vacillatio
The grand visier (vizier), sumraus Volutation (rolling), volutatio Waggish, procax, petulans
imperatoris Turcici consiliarius A vomit, vomitus Waggishly, lascive, jocose
A vision, visio; (phantasm), spec- To vomit, vomo; (again), revo- Waggishness, petulantia
trum, phantasma mo ; (often), vomito ; (out, or A waggon, rheda, plaustrum
Visionary, ad visionem pertinens up), evomo, ejicio A waggoner, rhedarius
A visit, officiosus aditus To be like to vomit, nauseo To wail, deploro, defleo [dus
To visit, visito, viso, inviso Eeady to vomit, nauseans.nausea- To be wailed, lamentabilis, lugen-
A visitor, salutator bundus A wailing, luctus, ploratus
A visiting, or visitation, visitatio A vomiting, vomitio A wain, plaustrum; (load), ve-
(inspection), inspectio Belonging to vomiting, vomicus hes; (driver), plaustrarius
Visored, personatus Vomitive, Vomitory, emeticus The wain of the moon, decremen-
Visual, opticus Voracious, vorax, gulosus tum _
Vital, vitalis Voracity, voracitas The waist, cinctura, media pars
Vitality, vitalitas A votary, voto obstrictus A waistcoat, subucula
Vitally, vitaliter A vote, suffragium, sententia To wait (for), expecto, praestolor,
The vitals, vitalia To vote, suffragium ferre opperior; (upon), inservio, fa-
To vitiate, vitio, depravo, cor- To vote for, suffragor mulor ; (upon, or accompany),
rumpo To vote against, refragor
comitor ; (upon, or visit), in-
A vitiating, depravatio A voting, suffragatio viso, visito ; (for, or lie in wait),
Vitious, vitiosus, pravus Votive, votivus insidior, insidias struere ;(stay),
Vitiously, vitiose, prave, nequiter To vouch, afiSrmo, assero maneo
Vitiousness, pravitas A voucher, assertor, vindex A lier in wait, insidiator [osus
Vitreous, vitreus A vouching, assertio, vindicatio Lying in wait, insidiaus, insidi-
To vitrify, in vitrum mutare To vouchsafe, dignor, concedo By lying in wait, insidiose
Vitriol, vitriolum Having vouchsafed, dignatus A lying in. wait, insidias
To vituperate, vitupero Vouchsafement, donum Waited on, comitatus
Vivacious, vivax, vitalis A vow, votum A waiter, assecla, minister
Vivacity, vivacitas, vitalitas To vow, voveo A waiting for, expectatio
A vivary, vivarium To bind by vow, devoto A waiting man, pedissequus
Vivid (lively), vividus A vowel, litera vocalis (woman), pedissequa
Vividly, vivide A vowing, votum, devotio The waits, spondaulae
Vivific, vivificus A voyage, iter per mare, navigatio To wake, act. suscito, experge-
To vivify, vivum facere To go a voyage, navigo facio ; neut. expergiscor
Viviparous, viviparus A volcano, mons ignitus To be wakened, expergerio
A vixen, femina rixosa Vulgar, vulgaris, communis, hu- Wakeful, vigil, insomnis
A vizard, or vizor, larva, persona milis, abjectus, tritus, sordidus Wakefulness, vigilantia
A vocabulary, vocabularium The vulgar, vulgus, plebs, popu- Wakes, paganalia
Vocal, vocalis; (music), vocum lus A walk, ambulacrum, ambulatio
cantus Vulgarity, mores vulgi To walk, arubulo; (about), cir-
Vocation, vocatio, genus, or in- Vulgarly, vulgo, abjecte cumambulo; (the streets), in-
stitutum vitse Vulnerable, vulneri obnoxius cedere per vias; (back), red-
Vocative, vocativus; (case), vo- Vulnerary, vulnerarius ambulo; (forth), prodeambulo;
candi casus A vulture, vultur (abroad), expatior; (through),
Vociferation, vociferatio Of a vulture, vulturinus perambulo
Vociferous, clamosus To vye, aemulor, certo A walker, ambulator, ambulatrix
Vogue, fama, aestimatio Walking, ambulans
To be in vogue, invalesco Of walking, ambulatorius
A voice, vox; (vote), suffragium A walking, ambulatio (abroad), ;

With a good voice, bene vocalis deambulatio (place), ambu-


A giving one's voice, suffragatio lacrum; (about), obambulatio;

Void (empty), expers, inanis, va- (stick), scipio
cuus ; (of no authority), invali- To wabble, motu vacillare A night-walker, noctivagus
dus, cassus "Wad, stibium A wall (of a town), murus,
A void space, vacuum A wad, fascia, fascis moenia (of a house), paries
; ;

To void (or go from), cedere de; Wadded, panno suffarcinatus (mound), maceria
(cast out), egero, excerno Wadding, pannus villosior Of a wall, muralis
To be void, vaco To waddle, incessu vacillare, pro- To wall, muro cingere, munio
To make void, evacuo; (a law), volvo Walled about, muro cinctus
legem rescindere To wade, in aqua incedere (over), ;
A wall-flower, parietaria
Voidance, evacuatio ; (in law), per vadum transire, vado A wallet, pera, mantica
vacatio beneficii Awafer(made of meal), crustulum To wallop, ebullio
Voided, evacuatus farinarium tenuissimum ;
(for To wallow, act. voluto; neut. vo-
A voider, cophinus ad analecta sealing letters), crustulum sig- lutor; (in pleasures), volupta-
colligenda natorium tibus se addicere
A voiding, excretio The wafer (consecrated by the Wallowing, volutans
Voidness, inanitas, vacuitas Romish priest), hostia A wallowing, volutatio
Volatile, volatilis, volaticus To waft (shake), vibro; (convey), A wallowing- place, voluta jrum
Volatility, inconstantia deduco, defero ;
(or carry over), A walnut, juglans
Volery, avium volatus trajicio Wan, pallidus, luridus
Volition, voluntas Waftage, vectatio To be wan, palleo, expal 20
A volley (shout), acclamatio; (of A wag, homo lepidus, salaputium To grow wan, pallesco
shot), emissa tela To wag, agito, vibro (neut.) va-
; A wand, virga, rudis
Volubility, volubilitas cillo, nuto, trepido (the
; tail), To wander, vagor, erro ; (about)
Voluble, volubilis, lubricus ceveo, cauda blandiri pervagor, oberro ; (from), »l>
erro; (over), pererro (under), ;
Warmed, tepefactus, calefactus bes ; (prodigally), profusio,
suberro; (up and down), evagor A warming, calefactio; (pan),» prodigentia ; (spoiling), spoli-
Wandered over, pererratus thermoclinium atio, vastatio
Having wandered, vagatus Warmly, calide, tepide (ardent- ;
A watch, automatum loculo por-
A wanderer, erro ly), ardenter, iracunde, vehe- tandum, or manuale
Wandering, vagus, erraticus (on ; ment er A watchmaker, automatopoeus
hills), montivagus (alone), ; Warmth, Warmness, calor, tepor Watch and ward, excubiae
solivagus; (about), circumfo- To warn, moneo (privately), sub-
To watch, vigilo, evigilo ;
raneus; (much abroad), multi- moneo; (aforehand),praemoneo serve), observo, exploro ; (for
vagus To be warned, commonefio opportunity), capto, aucupor;
A wandering, erratio, vagatio; A warner, monitor (all night), pervigilo ; (and
(through), peragratio A warning, monitio, monitum ;
ward), excubo
The wane, decrementum (notice), notitia A watcher (lier in wait), insidi-
Wanness, pallor, luror To give warning, moneo ator; (observer), observator
Want, egestas, inopia, indigentia, The warp, panni stamen Watchful, vigil, vigilans
defectus, desiderium (of know- ; A warp (at sea), helcium Watchfully, vigilanter
ledge), inscientia, ignorantia; To warp (a woof), telam ordiri Watchfulness, vigilantia
(of money), pecuniae inopia ; wood), curvor, contrahor
(as Watching (being on the watch),
(of corn), annonae difficultas; Warped (as wood), incurvatus in excubiis stans ; (all night),
(of parents), orbitas A warping, incurvatio pernox ;
(all day), perdlus ;
To want (desire), desidero; (or A warrant, warrantum, cautio (for), captans, aucupans
be in want), egeo, indigeo, ca- To warrant, securum praestare, A watching (observing), obser-
reo neut. deficio, desum, ab-
; protego; (in law), fidejubeo vatio; (all night), pervigilatio,
sum Warranted, legitimus, genuiuus pervigilium ;
(and warding),
In want, egens, egenus Unwarrantable, non defendendus excubatio
Wanting, egens, deficiens Warrantably, legitime, juste A watch-candle, lucerna lucubra-
A wanting, indigentia, inopia Warranted, ratus, firmatus toria
Wanton, petulans, procax, lasci- A warranting, auctoritas A watch-man, excubitor, vigil
vus A warren, vivarium, warenna ;
(of (word), tessera, symbolum
To make wanton, emollio hares), leporarium ; (keeper), (tower), specula, pharus
To grow wanton, nimis efferri vivarii custos, warrennarius Water, aqua; (river), amnis, flu-
To play the wanton, lascivio Warring, bellum gerens vius, ftumen
Playing the wanton, petulans A warrior, miles, homo bellicosus, A fall of water,cataracta
Wantonly, procaciter, molliter bellator Living in water, aquatilis ; (by
Wantonness, procacitas, lascivia A wart, verruca land and water), amphibius
War, bellum, arma Warty (fullof warts), verrucosus Of the water, aquaticus, aquatilis
A man of war (military man), Wary, cautus, prudens, providus Spring-water, aqua fontana
bellator; (ship), navis bellica (thrifty), parcus, frugalis The springing of water, scaturigo
To war, bellum inferre, or gerere To be wary, caveo, prsevideo Standing water, lacus, stagnum
To serve in war, milito I was, eram High water, plenis maris asstus
To warble, modulor A wash (or marsh), aestuarium; Low water, maris refluxus
Having warbled, modulatus (or washing), lavatio ; (for To water, rigo, irrigo, humecto
A warbler, modulator hogs), sorbitio; (for the skin, (take in fresh water), aquor,
Warbling, modulans, canorus &c), compositio ad lavandum aquatum ire (hemp), mace-

A warbling, modulatio To wash, luo, lavo (about), cir-

rare cannabem aqua
A ward (guard), custodia; (one cumluo ; (away, or off), abluo ; To make water, meio, mingo
under ward), pupillus, pupilla; (between), interluo; (all over), To water cattle, aquatum agere
(part of a city, &c), regio, perluo, diluo; (gargle), garga- A taking in fresh water, aquatio
tribus; (of a lock),serrae ferra- rizo A water-bailiff, aquarius (bank), ;

menta clathrata To be washed, lavor ripa; (bearer), aquator; (bee-

Of the same ward, tribulis Not washed, illotus, immundus tle), scarabaeus aquaticus ;
Ward by ward, tributlm, curiatlm A washer, lotor; (woman), lava- (course), aquaeductus; (course,
To ward (guard), custodio, trix, lotrix at a mill), gurges molaris
tueor; (agaiDst), caveo; (off), A washing, lotio, lavatio ;
(away), (gruel), pulmentum ; (hen),
depello ablutio ;
(gargling), gargari- fulica; (horse), hippopotamus;
Warded, custoditus, defensus zatio (lily), nymphaea; (fall), cata-
(off), depulsus, repulsus A wash-house, lavacrum; (ball), racta [ars
A warden, custos smegma; (bowl), labrum A waterman's trade, navicularia
A warder, vigil, speculator Washy, humidus A water-snake, natrix; (trough
A wardmote, wardemotus A wasp, vespa for beasts), aqualiculus
A wardrobe, garderoba, armarium Waspish (tetchy), morosus, dim- Watered, riguus, irriguus (steep- ;

A wardship, tutela cilis ed in water), aqua maceratus

Of wardship, tutelaris Waspishly, morose, perverse A watering, irrigatio ; (steeping),
Ware, merx; (small), mercium Waspishness, morositas, perversi- aqua maceratio
particular (earthen), vasa tas Watery, aquosus, humidus

tilia; (cutlers'), instrumenta Waste (spoil),vastatio ; (loss), To wattle, cratio, contexo
cultraria; (turners'), toreumata damnum; (place), ager incul- A wave, unda, fluctus
A seller of wares, tabernarius tus; (or loose papers), adver- To wave (play up and down),
k. warehouse, repositorium ;
saria fluctuo, vacillo; (toss up and
I (man), solidarius The waste (of the body), media down), jacto, agito (omit),

Ware (beware), cave! pars corporis; (of a ship), late- omitto; (waft), trajicio
Warfare, bellum, militia rum navigii septa Wave-offerings, dona agitationis
Warfaring, bellicus, militaris Waste (useless), inutilis Waved (tossed), jactatus, agita-
Warily, caute, provide, prudent er To waste (spend), consumo ;
tus, vibratus ; (in waves), un-
Wariness, cautio, cautela (riotously), prodigo, profundo ; dulatus ; (omitted), omissus,
Warlike, bellicosus, bellicus (or pine away), tabesco, de- praetermissus
Warm (not hot), calidus, tepidus ; cresco (lay waste), vasto, de-
; To waver, fluctuo, ambigo
(ardent), ardens; (in temper), populor, spolio Wavering, fluctuans, inconstans
acris, vehemens, iracundus Wasteful, profusus, prodigus A wavering, fluctuatio
To warm, calefacio; (often), ca- Wastefully, profuse, prodigfe Waveringly, inconstanter, dubie
refacto Wastefulness, prodigalitas Full of waves, undosus, fluctuosus
To be made warm, tepefio A waster, depopulator, vastator, Like waves, undatim
To be warm, tepeo, caleo nepos, prodigus A waving (tossing), jactatio ;
To grow warm, calesco Wasting (pining away), tabescens (omitting), omissio
To keep warm, foveo, focillo A wasting (or pining away), ta-
Wax, cera
; ; ,


Of wax, cereus To wear out land, agrumeffcetum Ready to weep, iachrymabundus
Covered with wax, inceratus reddere; (out patience), patien- Weeping, flens (much), lachry-

Of wax-colour, cerinus tia abuti, patientiam exhaurire ; mosus

A wax-chandler, cerarius (out of use), desuesco ; (out of Weepingly, lachrymose
To wax (do over with wax), in- mind), e memoria elabi A weesel, mustela
cero, cero; (grow),cresco ; (be- A wearer, tritor A weevil (insect), curculio
come), fio ; (old), senesco, ca- Not wearied, indefessus Weftage, textura
neo; pinguesco
(fat), Cannot be wearied, indefatiga- A weif, bestia erratica
Waxed, or waxen (done over with hilis A weigh (of cheese, 2561b.), pon-
wax), inceratus ; (become), Weariness, lassitudo dus casei continens 256 libras
factus A wearing (away), attritus; (out To weigh, pendo, appendo, pon-
Waxing (growing), crescens of use), desuetudo dero, libro (consider), penso,

A waxiDg (increasing), incremen- Wearisome, molestus, fatigans pensito, pondero, aestimo ; (an-
tum, augmentum, Wearisomeness, tedium chor), anchoram solvere; (up),
A way, via, iter; (passage), adi- Weary, lassus, fessus tollo, levo; (down, or more),
tus,' meatus; (beaten), callis, To he weary, defatigor praepondero, degravo, praegra-
via trita ; (broad), platea, via To grow weary, lassesco vo; (or sink down), deprimo
lata ; (by), diverticulum, via To make weary, fatigo, lasso ;
A weigher, librator, pensator
devia; (foot), semita (horse),;
(with toil), laboribus frangere Weighing, ponderans, pensans;
actus ; (high, or public), via Weary of, pertaesus (down
in a scale), gravans
regia, or publica; (great), lon- The weasand, gurgulio A weighing, ponderatio, pensi-
ge ; (cross), trivium ;
(direct), A weasel, mustela (down), depressio
via recta Weather, tempestas, coelura A weight, pondus ; (even), aequi-
By the way, obiter, prater pro- To weather (a cape), promonto- librium; (great), moles; (au-
positum (in a journey), in via,
rium praeternavigare; (a storm), thority, or interest), auctoritas
per viam tempestatem eludere ; (dan- A matter of weight, magni mo-
In the way, obviam, obvius gers), pericula magno auimo menti
By way of, causa sustinere Over-weight, additamentum
A way (of life), consuetudo ; Weatherbeateu, tempestate ac- Weightily, graviter
(manner), ratio, modus tus Weightiness, gravitas
A way out, exitus A weathercock, triton Weights, trutina
Both ways, in utramque partem A weatherglass, thermometrum Weighty, gravis, ponderosus
This way, hac ; (that), iliac ;
Weatherwise, tempestatis prae- To grow weighty, gravesco ;

(every), quaquavershm ; (an- scius (more weighty), 'ingravesco

other), alid Weathered, latus, sustentus To be more weighty, praepondero
Which way soever, quacunque Weathering, lerens, sustinens A Welchman, Cambrobritannus
A long way about, circuitus To weave, texo (together), con-
Welcome, gratus, optatus
Out. of the way, devius, avius texo; (throughout), pertexo To welcome, liberaliter accipere,
To be out of the way, a via aber- Weaved, textus, textilis gratulor
rare; (be absent), absum A weaver, textor, textrix ; ('s Welcoming, gratulans
On the way, in itinere trade), texendi ars ('s shop),
A welcoming, gratulatio
Leading the way, praevius textrina; ('sbeam), jugumtex- Welfare, incolumitas, salus [sum
Many ways, multir'ariam torium ; ('s shuttle), radius The welkin, aether, ccelum expan-
All ways, omnifariam textorius ; ('s slay), pecten Well, bene, probe, recte; (very),
A wayfaring man, viator text oris optime ; (exceeding), impri-
To waylay, insidior A weaving, textura; (together), mis, bene; (as), seque, tam
A waylayer, insidiator contextura Well age !
! (aday !) eheu !

Wayward, morosus, perversus A web, tela, textum (done !), euge! belle 1 (nigh),
Waywardly, proterve Webbed, Webfooted, palmipes pene, fere
Waywardness, protervitas To wed, nubo Well, adj. (in health), sanus,
We ourselves, nosmet ipsi A wedding, nuptiae, conjugium validus, viribus integer ; (in
Weak, debilis, irnbellis; (in judg- Of a wedding, nuptialis years), setate provectus; (in
ment), fatuus A weddiDg-ring, annulus sponsa- one's wits), compos animi; (to
To be weak, langueo (song), epithalamium
lis; pass), locuples, opuleDtus,
To weaken, debilito, frango A wedge, cuneus (of metal),
dives ; (safe), salvus ; (ad-
A weakening, debilitatio massa, or lingula metalli vised), consultus ; (beloved),
Weakly, adj. infirmus ; adv. im- Cleft with a wedge, discuneatus carus, dilectus
beciliter, infirme, debiliter Like a wedge, cuneatim adj. cu- ; Well met, optato advenis
Weakness, debilitas, impotentia neatus A well-wisher, amicus
(of constitution), infirmitas va- To wedge in, vi perrumpere A well, fons, puteus
letudinis, corporis languor (of ;
Wedlock, conjugium, matrimo- Of a well, fontanus
age), aetatis imbecillitas ; (of nium A well-digger, putearius; (mouth )

courage), animi debilitatio; (of Wednesday, feria quarta fontiscrepido,ormargo; (head),

mind), mentis debilitas A weed, herba inutilis scaturigo
Wealth, opes, divitiae Sea-weed, alga To be well (in health), valeo,
Wealthiness, opulentia Weed, or weeds (dress, or gar- bene se habere (to pass), opi-

Wealthy, opulentus, dives ment), habitus, vestis; (mourn- bus satis abundare
To wean, ablacto, a lacte depel- ing apparel), vestis pulla, or lu- To live (or fare well), opipare
lere ; (from pleasures), a volup- gubris epulari ; (or uprightly), pie vi-
tatibus abstinere To weed, sarrio, erunco tam agere
Weaned, a lacte depulsus Weeded, a noxiis herbis liberatus The welt (of a garment), limbus :

A weaning, a lacte depulsio A weeder, sarritor, runcator (of a shoe), lacinia

A weanling, a mamma nuper de- A weeding, sarritura, runcatio To welt, limbum assuere
pulsus (hook), sarculum, marra Welted, praetextus, subsuttis
A weapon, telum, ferrum A week, hebdomada, septimana; To welter, volutor
Weapons, arma, tela (day), dies profestus A weltering, volutatio
Bearing weapons, telifer Weekly, singulis hebdomadis The wem, abdomen, pantex
Weaponless, inermis A weel (trap for fish), nassa ;
A wen, struma, scrofula
A wear (ti^'l^ate), cataracta; (whirlpool), gurgcs Full of wens, Wenny, strumosus
(for catching fish), nassa pis- To ween, autumo, opinor A wench (young woman), puelia;
catoria To weep, fleo, lachrymo; (like a (servant-maid), ancilla
To wear away, or out, tero (be.
; woman), se lamentis muliebri- To wench, scortor
worn out), atteror, decresco' ter dedere; (for), defleo, deplo- A wencher, scortator
(in flesh), tabesco ro ; (greatly), in lacrymas Wept for, ploratus, deploratus
To wear clothes, vestior solvi To be wept for, flebilis
Were it not that, nisi, si ;
(as — (into), in quod, in quae; (of), (a whisking
lie), mendacium
were), quasi, ceu, tanquam
it quorum, de quo; (on),
The west, occidens, occasus ; super quod, in quo; (on), su- To whisper, submisse loqui; (in
(wind), zephyrus, favonius ; per quod, in quo (soever), ubi-
the ear), in aurem dicere, su-
(west-south-west), africus, libs cunque, ubl ubi; (to, or uuto), surro
Western, "Westerly, occidentalis cui, ad quod; (upon), ex quo, A whisperer, susurro ; (tale-bear-
Westward, occidentum versus unde, inde, exinde ; (with, or er), gerro, susurrator
Wet, humidus, madidus, madens; withal), quo, quibus A whispering, susurrus, susurratio
(with dew), roscidus A wherry, scapha, cymba Whist ! (hush ) tace au ! st
! !

To wet, humecto, madefacio Whether, seu, sive, utrum, an, To whistle, ore fistulare ; (as
To begin to wet, humesco anne, nam, ne; (of the two), birds), cantillo; (as wind), cre-
To be wet, madeo uter pito
To be thoroughly wet, permadeo A whet, incitamentum A whistle, fistula
To be wet with dew, roresco To whet, acuo, exacuo A whistler, fistulator
Wet, Wetness, humiditas, humor A whetting, exacutio Whistling, fistula canens
A wether-sheep, vervex A whetstone, cos A whistling (to a horse), pop-
A dux gregis
bell-wether, Whey, serum. See Whay pysma;(wind),ventus stridulus
Wether-mutton, caro vervecea Which, quis, uter; (a relative), With a whistling sound, stridule
Of a wether, verveceus qui; (way), qua; (way soever), A whit, aliquantulum
Wetting, humectans quomodocunque, quocunque Every whit, omnin6, prorsus
Wettish, humidulus A whiff, halitus, flatus Never a whit, ne hilum
A whale, balaena, cetus To whiffle, vacillo, haereo White, albus, candidus, albens;
Of a whale, cetaceus A whiffler (or shuffler), homo fu- (as milk), lacteus; (as snow),
A wharf, fluminis portus tilis,inconstans, or levis ; (to niveus; (as ivory), eburneus;
Wharfage, portorium clear the way), viator (lead), cerussa; (livered), in-
A wharfinger, portus custos A whig, libertatis populi assertor vidiosus
What, rubst.quid adj. qui, quis,
; While, or whilst, dum, cum, A white, album ; (of an egg), al-
qualis; (that which), quod quoad; (until), donee, dum bumen; (of the eye), albor
To what qu6 ; (soever),
place, A while, or little time, paulisper, (to shoot at), alba meta; (spot,
quocunque, quacunque parumper, aliquantisper ; (af- or speck in the eye), albugo
In what place, ubl; (soever), ubi- ter), pauld p6st, aliquantO pdst, The whites, albae fluxiones
cunque interjecto tempore ; (ago, or In white, candidatus, albatus
By what place, qua; (means so- since), nuper, pridem A white friar, frater Jacobinus
ever), quibuscunque modis A good while, jamdudum To white, or make white, dealbo
At what time, quandd; (soever), After a while, brevi, mox To be white, albeo, candeo
quandocunque For a while, ad quoddam tempus To grow white, albesco, candesco;
For what cause, quamobrem The mean while, interim, in- (or pale), pallesco; (white with
Whay, serum lactis, succus lactis terea age), canesco, incanesco
Whay-coloured, albidus To while, otior White with age, canus
Whayish, serosus Whilst that, donee, quoad Whitely, candide
A wheal, pustula, tuberculum Whilom, olim, aliquandd To whiten, candefacio, dealbo ;

Full of wheals, pustulatus A whim, repentinus animi impe- (clothes), insolo; (grow white),
Wheat, triticum ; (flour), pollen tus, nugae albeo, albico, albesco
(cake), farreum; (plum), pru- A whimwham, naenia anilis, fa- Whiteness, albor, albedo (of ;

num cereum bula hair), canities; (shining), nitor,

Wheaten, triticeus, frumentaceus To whimper, obvagio candor
Of fine wheat flour, siligineus Whimsical (flighty), inconstans, A whitening, dealbatio ;
To wheedle, pellicio, allicio levis ; (uncommon), non vul- clothes), insolatio
,A wheedler, delinitor garis(ingenious), ingeniosus
A whiting alburnus
Wheedling, pellax, blandiloquus A whin, genista spinosa Whitish, exalbidus ; (with frost),
A wheedling, blanditia To whine, gannio, vagio pruinosus; (with age), canus
A wheel, rota; (lathe), tornus; A whiniard, gladius falcatus To grow whitish, canesco
(for torture), equuleus; (of a A whining, querela, gemitus Whither, qu6, quonam
pulley), trochlea Whining, queribundus, queritans Any whither, usquam, quopiam
To wheel about, circumago To whinny, hinnio; (after), ad- Some whither, aliquo
A wheelbarrow, vehiculum una hinnio Any whither, alicubl
rota instructum A whip, flagellum, scutica No whither, nusquam
A wheelwright, faber rotarum To whip, flagello; (stitch), prae- Whithersoever, quocunque
Wheeled, rotatus, circumactus texo; (or run up and down), A whitlow, ulcus digitate
A wheeling, rotatio (round), j cursito, discurro ; (or snatch A whitster, dealbator
circumactio up), arripo, corripio ; (out of Whitsuntide, pentecoste
To wheeze, irraucesco doors), foras se proripere ; (a A whittle (knife), cultelius
Wheezing, asthmaticus top), turbinem agere To whittle, cultello resecare
A wheezing, raucitas, ravis To be whipped, vapulo To whizz, strido, strideo
To whelm, tego, obtego A whipper, flagellator, verberator Whizzing, stridulus
A whelp, catulus, catellus ; A whipping, flagellatio, verbe- A whizzing, stridor
(lion's), scymnus ratio Who ? (interrogative), quis >
'Of a whelp, catulhras A whirl, verticillum ;
(about) qua?? quid? (relative), qui,
To whelp, catulos edere vertigo quae, quod; (indefinite), quis,
When? quando? what time),
(at To whirl about, torqueo, roto quae, quid; (ever, or soever),
I quand&, cum, quum, ubi, post- Whirling about, circumagens quisquis, quilibet, quicunque,
quam, inter; (as), quum, quan- The whirling of a stream, vortex quaecunque
do, quandoquidem (soever),
; A whirlbat, caestus Whole, solidus, integer ;
quandocunque (just), simul
; A whirligig, rhombus totus, uuiversus; (in health),
ac A whirlpool, vortex, gurges sanus, validus
Whence, or from whence, unde, A whirlwind, typhon, turbo Made whole, sanatus
ex quo; (soever), undecunquti Full of whirlwinds, turbineus The whole, summa totalis
(you will), undelibet Whirring, stridulus To be whole (in health), valeo
Where, ubl, ubinam; (or where- A whisk, scopae vimineae, scopula To make whole, sano, euro
as), cum, qu&d; (about), ubi, To whisk (dust), scopule pur- Wholesale, in solidum
ubl, loci; (at), quo, ad quod; gare (about), celeriter cir-
; A wholesale-man, solidarius
(by), quo, per quod ; (ever), cumagere Wholly (altogether), prorsus, om-
ubicunque, ubl ubl; (fore), cur, The whiskers, mystax nin6
quare, quamobrem ; (in), in A whisking about, vertigo Wholesome, saluber, salutaris
quo, in quibus, in qua parte; Whisking (swinging), magnus (very), oalviberrimus
[151] ff4
; ;


Wholesomely, salubriter Wildness, ferocitas, insulsitas torqueo; (in), intorqueo; (into
Wholesomeness, salubrit as A wile, dolus [tumax bottoms), in glomos glomerare
Whom (of who), quem, quam Wilful, pervicax, perversus, con- (off), devolvo ; (up a clock),
Of whom, de quo, de qua Wilfully, pertinaciter, obstinate filum horarii torquere; (up a
With whom, quicum, quibuscum Wilfulness, pertinacia, contuma- discourse), orationem conclu-
Whomsoever, quemcunque, quem- cia dere (a horn), cornu inflare

libet Wilily, astute, versute, dolose Long-winded, animse praelargus;

A whoop, clamor Wiliness, astutia, calliditas (discourse), oratio nimls longa;
To whoop, clamo, vociferor Wily, vafer, astutus, dolosus (piece of work), opus diuturni
Whooping', vociferans, clamosus The will, voluntas; (desire), vo- laboris [cus
A whooping, clamatio, vociferatio tum ;
(pleasure), arbitrium, Short-winded, anhelus, asth:imati-
A whooping-cough, tussis ferina libido ; (command), jussum, A winder, tortor, contortor
A whore, meretrix, scortum ;
mandatum ;
(intention), pro- Windiness, ventositas
(pocky), meretrix inustalue ve- position, intentio, consilium Winding, tortilis, flexilis
nerea; (common), prostibulum A will, or last will, A winding (bending), flexns
To whore, scortor, meretricor Good-will (kindness), benevolen- Winding in and out, flexuosus,
Whoredom, meretricium tia; (for a house, shop, &c), sinuosus
A whoremonger, or whoremaster, praemium With windings, flexuose
moechus, scortator, ganeo To bear good-will, bene velle The winding of a path, anfractus ;

A whoring, scortatus With a good will, libenter (of a river), flexus, sinus ; (of a |

Whoring (given to whores), stu- Of mere good- will, gratuito, gratis rope), spira ; (of vine-twigs),
111 will, invidia, livor funetum
Against one's will, invitus A winding-sheet, linteum ferale
Whorishly, meretrice With an ill will, invite, segre Winding stairs, scalae cochlides
Whose, cujus, a, um ; cujus, quo- Of one's own will, sponte, ultr6 A windlace, or windlass, trochlea;
rum, quarum; (soever), cujus- To will, volo (command), jubeo,
(of a crane), grus, sucula
cunque, quorumcunque [que mando The windpipe, gurgulio
Whosoever, quicunque, qusecun- Not to will, nolo A window, fenestra
To whur (as a dog), ringo To make a will, testor Having windows, fenestratus
Why, cur, quare, quamobrem A will-maker, testator, testatrix; Of windows, fenestralis
(not), cur non, quid ita non, (writer), testamentarius Windward, ventum versus
quin, quidni; (so?), quldita? Without a will, adj. intestatus; Windy, ventosus; (expressions),
quamobrem ? adv. intestatd ampullae
Wicked, impius, flagitiosus, ne- Of a will, testamentarius Wine, vinum ;
(new), mustum ;
fastus, nefarius, pravus, sce- Willed (by will), legatus; (de- (neat), merum; (muscadel), ex
lestus sired), optatus, exoptatus uvaApiana; (old), vetustum
A wicked rogue, scelus Self-willed, obstinatus Tempered with wine, vinolentus
Wickedly, impie, sceleste, nefarie Will-with-a-wisp, ignis fatuus Wine and water, vinum aqua di-
Wickedness, nequitia, scelus Sweet-william, armeria lutum
Full of wickedness, nequissimus Willing, lib ens, volens Like wine, vinosus
A wicker, vimen Willingly, libenter; (and witting- Belonging to wiue, vinarius
Made of wickers, vimineus ly), sciens prudensque A winebibber, vinolentus
A wicket, ostiolum Not willingly, invito A wine-cooper, vietor
To widdle-waddle, vacillo Willingness, desiderium A wine-glass, vitreum vinarium
Wide, spatiosus, latus, amplus; A willow, salix A wine-press, torcular vinarium
(open), patulus, propatulus A place planted with willows, sa- A wine-vault, oenophorum
(very), perlatus lictum A seller of wines, oenopola, vi-
Widely, late, ample, laxe Of a willow, salignus narius
To widen, amplio, dilato A wimble, terebrum
terebra, A wing, ala, penna; (of an army),
Wideness, Width, latitudo To bore with a wimble, terebro ala, cornu ; (of a building), ala,
A widow, vidua, mulier relicta A wimple, peplum latus
A widower, viduus To win, lucror, lucrifacio ; (a Belonging to wings, alaris
Widowhood, viduitas battle), victoriam adipisci; (by A wink, nictus, obtutus
A widow's estate, bona dotalia assault), expugno ; (one's fa- To wink, nicto, conniveo (at, or ;

To wield (or handle), tracto ;

vour), gratiam conciliare; (by upon), alicui aduictare (or ;

(brandish), vibro ;
(govern), conquest), vinco, supero, domo; connive at), tolero, permitto
guberno (by entreaty), exoro; (a prize), (with one eye), collineo
A wife, uxor, marita, conjux, palmam reportare ; (obtain), Winked at, toleratus, permissus
sponsa, matrona potior, consequo, obtinffo Winking eyes, oculi conniventes
The son's wife, nurus To wince, or winch, calcitro A winking at, conniventia
An old wife, anus, vetula A winch (tool), trochlea A winning, lucrum
A wife's father, socer Wincing, calcitrosus Winning (engaging), alliciens
A wife's mother, socrus A wincing, calcitratus To winnow, evanno, ventilo
Belonging to a wife, uxorius The wind, ventus ; (equinoctial Winnowed, ventilatus
A wig (cake), libum (for the ; east), eurus; (equinoctial west), A winnower, ventilator
head), capillamentum zephyrus, favonius (due north),;
A winnowing, ventilatio
A wight, homo, animal septentrio ; (due south), me- Winnowings, glumae
Wild(untamed), indomitus, ferns; ridies
(north-east), aquilo, Winter, hyems, bruma
(mad), demens, insanus, furi- boreas ;
(south-west), cauTus, In depth of winter, summa hyeme
osus; (flighty), inconstaus, le- argestes; (south-east), eurono- Winter quarters, hiberna
vis;(uncultivated), silvestris tus, vulturnus ; (south-west, by Of winter, hyemalis
(absurd, impertinent), absur- west), libs, africus To winter, hyemo, hyberno
dus, insulsus, ineptus ; (un- Windbound, vento adverso de- It is winter, hyemat
taught), indoctus; (hair-brain- tentus A wintering, hyematio
ed), dissolutus A wind-fall (apple), pomum ca- Wintry, hyemalis, brumalis
A wild beast, fera ducum; (unexpected luck), lu- Winy, vinosus, vinolentus
Wildrire, malleolus crum iasperatum (gall), ; in- A wipe (jeer), sanna, dicterium
Wild-fowl, volucres palustres tertrigo; (cholic), flatus hypo- To give one a wipe, ludificor, de-
To make wild, effero chondriacus rideo, mordeo, illudo
To grow wild (as trees), silvesco To take wind, or breath, respiro, To wipe (clean), tergeo, extergeo;
A wilderness, desertum, deserta, animam recipere (become ; (off, or away), abstergeo, de-
solitudo, eremus known), paterio, evulgor tergeo; (the nose), nares emun.
Wildly (fiercely), ferociter, de- To wind [or turn about), verto, gere; (out), deleo, erado, ex-
menter ; (impertinently), in- circumverto; {or roll about), pungo
epte, absurdfe circumvolvo; (or twist about), A wiping, purgatio, emunctio
ire, metallum netum Without (not with), abs-sine, Great fire-wood, lignum
3 wiredraw, metallum nere que, extra, ultrb, citra; (not Great timber-wood, materia
(spin out, or prolong), pro- within), foris, extra, extrinse- To grow to wood, sylvesco
(sift, or search out), cus ;
(unless), ni, nisi A woodcock, gallinago
exquiro, scrutor To be without {or destitute of), A sea woodcock, trochilus
L wisard, veneflcus, hariolus egeo, vaco A wood-pigeon, palumbes (lark) ;

Visdom, sapientia, prudentia Not without cause, meritb galerita arborea ; (louse), ci
Vise, sapiens, prudens, consultus Not without much ado, Eegre, vix mex; (man), arborator; (mon
?o be wise, sapio; (again), resi- To withsay, contradico ger), lignarius; (ward, or fo
pisco, resipio To withstand, obsisto, obnitor, rester), saltuarius ; (worm)
n any wise, quoquo modo ; (no- repugno, obluctor
resisto, cossis
wise), nequaquam, nullo modo, Withstanding, repugnans A woodpecker, picus martius
nullatenus ; (this wise), sic, ita, A withstanding, repugnantia Wooden, ligneus
hoc modo, in hunc modum A withy, salix, vimen To woo, procor, ambio
A wiseacre, insulsus, plumbeus A witness, testis, arbiter ;
(testi- A wooer, procus, amasius
Wisely, sapienter, consult6 mony), testimonium Wooing, ambiens, solicitans
QViser, sapientior To witness, testor, testificor The woof, trama
pVisest, sapieutissimus A witnessing, testatio Wool, Ian a
votum, optio A witticism, argutum dictum A wool-seller, lanarius
o wish, opto, exopto ; (one joy), Wittily, argute, acute, scite A wool-carder, lanifica
gratulor, congratulor (rather), ;
Wittiness, sagacitas A wool-pack, or sack, lanae fascia
malo, praeopto ; (well unto), Wittingly, scienter Woollen, laneus, lanarius
bene velle, fausta praecari, ali- Witless, stultus, insipiens A woollen-draper, lanarius
cui favere Witty, acutus, sagax; (sayings), Woolly, lanatus, lanaris
To have one's wish, optato potiri, facetiae, argutiae A word, vox, dictum, verbum, vo-
compos fieri
voti A witwal (bird), vireo cabulum, sermo
Wished for, optatus, expetitus Wives, uxores Big words, ampullae
A wishing, optatio A wizard, veneficus, magus Opprobrious words, convicia
A wisket, corbis Wo, calamitas, miseria A word (promise), promissum
A wisp (brush), scopula; (little Wo, inter, vae 1 (command), jussum, manda-
cushion), pulvillus (of straw, ;
Woad, glastum, isatis tum, prseceptum
&c), manipulus; (in the eye), Woful, aerumnosus, miser, calami- The word {or watchword), tes-
tosus, tristis sera, symbolum
ist (known), notus Wofully, miserabiliter, misere By word of mouth, viva voce
wist, novi, intellexi

Wofulness, miseria, calamitas Word for word, ad verbum

fistful, expetens, intentus A wolf, lupus; (she),lupa; (dog), In a word, breviter, brevl
Wistfully, oculis intentis lycisca; (dise'ase), pbagedaena In word only, verbo tenus
Wit, ingenium, solertia, lepor, Wolf bane, aconitum Not a word, imper. tace
sales A wolf-catcher, luparius To word, verbis exprimere
To wit, videlicet, nempe, scilicet Wolfish, lupinus Well worded, elegauter dictus, or
In one's wits, mentis compos A woman, mulier, femina ; (little, scriptus
To be out of one's wits, insanio, or mean), muliercula; (young), Full of words, adj. verbosus ; adv.
desipio adolescentula ; (grave), matro- verbose
At wits' end, ad incitas redigi na; (prating), lingulaca; (work- A work, opus, opera; (trouble),
A witch, saga, venefica ing), operaria ; (manly), vi- turba, tumultus ;
Witchcraft, veneficium, magia rago ; (new married), sponsa; opus tessellatum
Of witchcraft, magicus (servant), ancilla, famula Works (buildings), aedificia, ope-
An user of witchcraft, magus Of a woman, muliebris ra; (fences), munimenta
With, cum Womanish, Womanly, muliebris, To work, operor, laboro ; (fashion),
With a good will, libenter femineus fabrico, fingo ; (as liquors), fer-
[With ill will, invite; (all speed), Like a woman, effeminatus mentor; (as physic doth), al-
quamprimum, primo quoque Womanly, effeminate vum movere ; (upwards), vo-
tempore ; (one another), inter Womanly (sober, staid, grave), mitionem ciere; (downwards),
se, mutud; (much ado), eegre, matronalis purgo; (as an artificer), ela-
vix The womb, uterus, matrix boro; (needlework), acu pin-
One with another, promiscue Of the womb, uterinus gere (into favour), in gratiam

Together with, simul, unsi cum Won {of win), lucrativus ; (by insinuare; (upon), persuadeo,
Withal (with which), quocum, assault), expugnatus suadeo
quibuscum, quo, quibus (be- ; A wonder, miraculum, prodigium, A workman, opifex, artifex
sides), ad haec, praeterea portentum, res mira A workhouse, ergastulum
With child, gravida, praegnans To wonder at (admire), miror, A workshop, ofiicina, fabrica
To withdraw (draw away, or from) admiror ; (be astonished at), A working, operatio
avoco, abstraho, seduco ; (re- stupeo, obstupesco A working-day, dies negotiosus
tire), recedo, secedo ; (from To be wondered at, mirandus Working, operans, laborans ;
business), & negotiis se remo- A wonderer, mirator (boisterous), intumescens
vere (alienate), alieno, averto,
Wonderful, Wondrous,
mirus, Workmanlike, affabre, eleganter
deduco mirabilis, admirabilis, prodigi- Workmanship, opificium
A withdrawing {or drawing away, osus The world, mundus, orbis; (af-
or from), subductio, seductio Wonderfully, mirabiliter, mire fairs of the world), res, res hu-
[(retiring), secessio, recessio, re- Wonderfulness, mirabilitas manae
cessus; (room), secretum, re- Wondering, mirans Little world, microcosmus
cessus A wondering, admiratio A world of, magnus, infinitus
To wither, exaresco, flaccesco, Wonder-working, thaumaturgus Worldliness, avaritia
marceo A wont, or custom, consuetudo, A worldling, avarus
Withered, flaccidus, marcidus mos Worldly (belonging to the world),
Withering, marcescens, caducus To be wont, soleo, consuesco mundanus, terrenus ; (cove-
A withering away, tabes, languor As men are wont, humanitus tous), avarus ; (pleasures), vo-
To withhold, detineo, retineo Wood (timber), lignum, materia luptates corporeae
A withholding, detentio, retentio Made of wood, ligneus A worm, vermis, lumbricus
Within, intus, intr6 ; prep, cis, Full of wood, lignosus Wormeaten, vermibus erosu3
in, intra; (a while), propediem, A wood, sylva, nemus, saltus A breeding of worms, verminatio
brevl; (a while after), paulo (sacred, to a deity), lucus Infested with worms, vermicu-
post, haud mult6 p6st ; (a few Woody, sylvosus, nemorosus latus
days), paucis diebus; (a little), Brush-wood, cremium Full of worms, verminosus
fere, prope, jxne, ferme Seared wood, ramale To be worm eaten, vermiculor
[153] Hi
— ;


To have worms, vermino A wrapping-paper, cucullus Writing, adj. scriptorius
The worm of a gun, spira purga- Wrath, ira, indignatio Writings, adversaria, instrumenta
trix To be in a wrath, succenseo, iras- Wrong (injury), damnum, noxa,
Wormwood, absinthium cor offensa, injuria ; adj. malus,
Wormy, vermiculosus To stir up wrath, irrito pravus, preeposterus ; adv.
Worn, gestus, tritus Wrathful (angry), iratus ;
(sub- male, prave, perperam
To worry, dilacero (tease), vexo,
ject to wrath), iracundus Wrong measures, prava consilia
solicito, excrucio Wrathfully, irat&, iracunde [do Open wrong, vis manifesta
Worse, pejor, deterior adv. pejus; To wreak, ulciscor, vindico, effun- To wrong, or do wrong, laedo, no
To make worse, detero; (aggra- A wreath, sertum, corona ; (about ceo, violo, injuriam ferre
vate), aggravo, exaggero a pillar), voluta To be in the wrong, erro, halluci-
Growing worse, in pejus mens; To wreath, torqueo, crispo nor, fallor [que
(as in sickness), ingravescens A wreathing, coutortio Eight or wrong, per fas nefas-
valetudo A wreck, damnum. See Wrack Wrongful, injurius, injustus
Worship, cultus, reverentia A wren, regulus Wrongfully, injuriose, injuste
Your worship, dominatio vestra A wrench (sprain), luxatio Wronging, lsedens, nocens, vio.
The worship of God, adoratio To wrench, luxo, contorqueo lans
To worship, colo, adoro, veneror To wrench a door, fores effrin- Wrath, iratus
A worshipper, cultor, adorator gere To be wroth, indignor, irascor
Worshipful, venerandus, colendus Wrenched (sprained ), luxatus ; To be wrought, fio
Right worshipful, perhonorificus (open), violenter reseratus Wry, distortus, curvus, obliquus
Worshipfully, honorifice To wrest, torqueo ; (back), retor- To make wry faces, os foede dis-
A worshipping, cultus, adoratio queo ; (from), extorqueo; (the torquere
The worst, pessimus, extremus sense), sensum pervertere Wry-legged, loripes
To worst, vinco, supero A wrest er, extortor To wry, torqueo, distorqueo
Wort, liquor incoctus A wresting, torsio Wryed, distortus
The worth (price), pretium, va- To wrestle, luctor (against), ob-
Wrying, torquens
lor;(quality), dignitas luctor; (with), colluctor Wryly, oblique, torte
Of great worth, pretiosus, magni Having wrestled, luctatus ; (a-
pretii; (persons), viri amplis- gainst), obluctatus
simi A wrestler, luctator, palsestrita,
Of little, or no worth, vilis athleta
Want of worth, vilitas A wrestling, luctamen, lucta ;
Being worth, valens (place), palaestra
To think worth one's while, ope- Of wrestling, athleticus A yacht, celox, thalamegos, navi-
pra?tium ducere
ra? A wretch, miser, perditus cula
To be worth, valeo Wretched, miser, miserabilis A yard (measure), virga, ulna;
To be more worth, pluris esse Wretchedly, misere, miserabili- (court), area, atrium (for ;

To be of like worth, sequivaleo ter; (clothed), male vestitus fowls), cors ;

(for sails), an-
Worthily, digne, condigne Wretchedness, miseria tenna
Worthiness, dignitas, meritum To wriggle, vacillo, insinuo A man's yard, penis, mentula
Worthless, vilis, nihili A wright, faber, fabricator The yard-arms, antennarum cor-
Worthlessness, vilitas To wrimple, crispo, corrugo nua
Worthy, dignus, condignus Wrimpled, crispatus A yard of land, virgata terrae
To think worthy, dignor To wring, premo, stringo; (off), Yarn, licium (woollen), lana

Very worthy, dignissimus avello (hard), comprimo, con-

neta (linen), linum netum

A worthy man, virtute clarus stringo, contorqueo ;

(as the To yawl, ejulo, vociferor (as a' ;

A worthy friend, amicus clarus cholic), vermino ship), hue illuc vacillare
A worthy deed, facinus egregium A wringing, torsio Yawling, ejulans, vociferans
Praiseworthy, laude dignus A wringing (griping), tormina To yawn, oscito, hio
Worthy of reward, meritorius ventris Yawning, oscitans
To wot, scio, credo A wrinkle, ruga A yawning, oscitatio
Any woven stuff, textum To wrinkle, corrugo, rugo ; (the Ye or you, vos
Would to God,, faxit Deus, opto, forehead), frontem caperare ; Yea, imo, sane, recte, ita, etiam
precor, utinam, si O (be wrinkled), corrugor (truly), scilicet, maxime; (ra-
Wound (of wind), tortus; (as a The wrist, carpus ther), quin potius
horn), inflatus; (up together) A wristband, brachiale To yean, ftetum parere
conglomeratus ; (up, orvexed), A writ, libellus, breve prsecep- Yeaned, enixus, partus
exagitatus tum, mandatum Having yeaned, enixa
A wound, vulnus, plaga Holy writ, scriptura sacra, sacrse A yeaning, nixus, partus
To wound, vulnero, saucio; (re- scripta sacra, biblia
literae, A year, annus; (in the current
putation), famamlsedere Writ, Written, scriptus, exaratus year), vertente anno; (in the
Of a wound, vulnerarius To write, scribo (back), rescri-
beginning of the year), ineunte
Not wounded, invulneratus bo ; (before), pnescribo ; (be- anno (at the end of the year),

A. wounder, vulnerator tween), interscribo; (a book), exeunte anno

4. wounding, vulneratio librum componere (by candle- ;
Leap-year, annus bissextilis
Woundy (great), magnus light), lucubro; (or set a copy), A year and a half, sesquiannus
Wrack, damnum, clades (of a ;
literas praeformare
{or imitate Two years space, biennium
ship), naufragium a copy), scripturam imitando Three years' space, triennium
To wrack (a ship), navem adsco- effingere ;
(down a thing), Ute- Stricken in years, provectus state
pulos impingere ;
(torment), ris aliquid mandare; (or take One year old, anniculus
crucio down in writing), verba notis Two years' old, biennis, bimus
A wrangle, lis, rixa, jurgium accipere; (out fairly and ex- Three years old, triennis, trimus
Having wrangled, rixatus actly), scite et iterate perscri- This year's, hornus
A wrangler, rixator, litigator bere Yearly, quotannis, singulis annis ;

Wrangling, rixans, rixosus, liti- A writer, scriptor, auctor; (of (annual), annuus, anniversa-
giosus short-hand), notarius rius
A wrangling, altercatio, jurgium, To writhe, torqueo, distorqueo To yearn, visceribus commoveri
lis A writhing, torsio, contorsio A yearning, commiseratio
To wrap (fold in), involvo; (en- A writing (the act), scriptio Yeasty, cerevisise flos, or spuma
tangle), irretio, implico; (toge- In, or by writing, scribendo Yeast, spumosus
ther), complico; (closeabout), A writing (thing written), scrip- To yell, ejulo, ululo; (squeak as
arete colligere turn, instrumenta, tabelhe, ta- a child), vagio
A wrapper, involucrum, tegmen bulse [tura A yelling, ululatus, ejulatio ; (<t
A wrapping, involutio, implicatio A hand-writing, manus, scrip- children), vagitus
fellow, flavus, fulvus ; (as gold), dedo (up the ghost), animam
To bring forth young, pario, edo,
aureus; (as honey), melleus; exhalare; (give consent), as- gigno, enitor
(as saffron), croceus; (as the sentio; (grant, or confess), con- The young, foetus, partus
yolk of an egg), luteus; (hair- fiteor, fateor, concedo A young beginner, tyro
ed), rutilis, rufus Yielded (granted), concessus Younger, minor natu, junior
To be yellow, flaveo; (jealous), Yielding to, cedens, concedens Youngest, minimus natu
zelotypia cruciari Of a yielding temper, obsequens Your, or yours (spoken of one
To grow yellow, flavesco A yielding, cessio, concessio ; fa- only), tuus; (of more than
To make yellow, rutilo gain), restitutio; (surrender- one), vester ; (yourself), tu
Yellowish, subflavus ing), deditio ipse, tute, tutemet ; (your-
Yellowness, flavedo A yoke, jugum ; (slavery), servi- selves), vos ipsi, vosmet ipti,
To yelp, latro, gannio tus vosmet
A yelper, latrator Belonging to a yoke, jugalis Youth, juventus, adolescentia
IA yelping, latratus A yoke of oxen, par bourn A youth, juvenis, adolescens
A yeoman, paganus ingenuus ;
(of To yoke, jugum imponere; (oxen), Youth (young people), juventus
. the guard), satelles (of the ;
boves conjugere; (unto), ad- Youthful, juvenilis
I larder), peni procurator (of ;
jugo; (together), conjugo To be youthful, adolescenturio
the robes), vestiarius; (of the To bring under the yoke, subju- To be like a youth, juvenor
stirrup), strator go, sub jugum mittere Youthfully, juveniliter
Yes, im6, ita, etiam, sane, certe, To undergo the yoke, jugum su- Youthfulness, juvenilitaa
cert6, maxime bire
Yesterday, hesterno die, herl A yoking (enslaving), subjugatio
The day before yesterday, nudius- A yokefellow, conjux, socius
tertius Used to the yoke, subjugis
Of yesterday, hesternus The yolk of an egg, ovi vitellus
Yesternight, herl vesperl Yon, Yonder, illic
Yet, tamen, certe, at, attamen, Of yore, ollm, quondam
etsi, veruntamen, verum; (as You {or thou), tu; (or ye), vos ; Zeal, zelus, semulatio ; (for Goc- •
yet),adhuc ; (moreover), insu- (yourself), tu ipse.tute; (your- glory), flagrans gloria? divflH
rer, prseter hsec, praHerea ; selves), vosmet, vos ipsi studium
(again), rursus, rursum, ite- Young, juvenis, tener, parvus ; A zealot, zelotes
rum, denu6 (very), admodum
adolescens ;
Zealous, studiosus, aemulans
Scarce yet, vix dum (man), adolescens, juvenis ;
To be zealous, studeo, studio fer-
Not yet, nondum (woman), adolescentula vere
A yew, or ewe, ovis femina ; To be, or grow young, juvenesco ;
Zealously, studiose, fervide
(lamb), agna (again), repubesco Zenith, punctum, vertacle
A yew-tree, taxus To come up young, pullulasco A zephyr, zephyrus
Of yew, taxeus A young fowl, &c. pullus Zoography, animalium descriptio
To vex, singultio With young, gravida, praegnans, The zodiac, zodiacus, orbis signi-
To yield (give away), cedo, con- foeta fer
cedo ; (submit), submitto To be with young, ventre ferre, A zone, zona
(bring forth, or produce), fero, utero gestare A zoophyte, zoophytum
produco, gigno ; (up), trado,




Italian. Latin. Italian Latin.
abbeverare ad-bib ere brache bracae
abito habitus brieve brevis
abrostmo labruscura brina pruina
acceggia accia brobbrio opprobrium
addietro retro budello botulus
aggiustare ad-juxtare bufalo bubalua
Agosto Augustus buono bonus
allegrezza alacer cacio caseus
allegro alacer cagliare coagulare
alna, auna ulna cagna canis
ambiadura ambulatura caldo calidus
ambio ambulatura calogna calwmnia
ammanto mantellum camicia camisia
anari naris cammino caminus
annegare necare campione campus
appio apium canaglia canalis
approcciare adpropiara canzone cantio
aragDa aranea carbonajo carbonarus
arpa harpa carbonchio carbuu cuius
asprumi asper carrota carrus
assai ad-satis carrozza carrus
augello aucella cascio caseus
avanti abante cassa capsa
avere habere castagna castanea
avoltojo vultur cattivo captivus
avventura advent ura cavaliero caballarius
babbaccio baburrus cavallo cab alius
babbeo baburrus cavolo caulis
babbuino baburrus cedrato cedrus
bacciocco baceolus cenere cinis
bagno balneum ceppo cippus
bajo badius cercare qusricave
bambino bambalio cerchio circulus
bambo bambalio cervello cerebellum
battaglia battualia cheto quietus
battere batuere chiamare clamaro
belva belua chiambra camera
berbice vervex chiassato classicum
b£vere bib ere chiasso classicum
biasimo blasphemare chiave clavis
biasmare blasphemere chiavica cloaca
bichie>e bacarium chiesa ecclesia
blaspheme blasphemia chiesi quaeso
bocca bucca chioma coma
boccone bucca cicala cicada
boldoue botulu3 cielo coelum
bolla bulla cinghiale singularis (nil. porcus)
bollire bullare cinghiare singularis
bonta bonitas cipolla ca;pulla
bosso buxus citta civitas
bottega apotheca ciurmaglia turmalis (turmalia)
bottiglia buticula civaja cibaria
bove bos coda Cauda
bracciata brachium cofano cophiaus
braccio brachium collina collis
Italian. Latin. Italian. Latin,
colonna columna Giacomo Jacob
coltello cultellus giammai jam magis
compagnia companium g J glio,
compagno, compagnone companium giocolare, guulare joculator
conge do commeatua giogo, jugo jugum
congegnare concinnare giornale diurnalis
coniglio cuniculua giorno jornum (diurnus)
consiglio consilium giovane juvenis
conte comes giove-di Jovis dies
coppa cupa Giudeo Judeeus
coppia copula giudice judex
coprire co-operire giuggiare judicare
corazza coratium giunare, digiunare jejunare
corcare collocare giungo jungere
coro chorus giuoco jocus
correre currere giuso and giu deosum (deorsu£;
corso cursus golpe vulpes
corte cohors gomito cubitum
cosa causa gonfiare conflare
coscia coxa gotta gutta
coscino culcitinura governale, governaglio gubernaculum
costare con-stare gracchio graculus
covare cubare grasso crassus
cresima chrisma grazia gratia
crespo crispus gregge grex
cresta crista grembo gremium
croce crux grieve gravis
cucchiajo cochlear grosso crassus
cu cilia coquina gru grus
cugino, cugina cosinus grugno grunmre
culmo culmen guad6 vadum
cuocere coquere guascone "Vascones
cuojo corium ieri heri
cuore cor immantinente manu tenens
daino, daina dama inalzare inaltare
dangiero damuiarium inchiostro encau8tum
dannaggio damnaticum indi inde
detta debitum intermezzo inter-medius
devere and dovsre deb ere inveggia invexia
di dies io (old form, eo) ego
dieci decern isola insula
dietro deretro labbro labrum
diraostrare demonstrare laccio laqueus
dio deus ladrone latro
dire dicere lago lacus
discorso discursus lagrima lacrima
dito digitus laguna lacuna
doge dux lardo laridum
dogSio dolere lasciare laxare
dolce dulcis latte lac
dolzore dulcor lattuga lactuca
domani de mane lavoro labor
donde deunde leale legalis
donna domina lecere licet
donzella, daniigella dominicilla legame ligamen
doppio duplus legge lex
dotta dub it are leggere legere
dove deubi legno, legna lignum
dozzina duodeni lembo limbus
drappo drappus lettera litera
dunque, dunche tunc levriere leporarius
duomo domus licorno uni-corais
edera, ellcra hedera lieto lsetus
eguale sequalis lieve levis
elice, elce ilex lira libra
erede heres luogo locus
erpice irpex macchia macula
fagiano, fagianetto phasianus macina machina
fagiuolo phaselus Maddalena Magdalena
faro Pharos madre mater
fra infra maestria magisterium
frate (monk) frater maestro, majtro magister
fratello frater maggio majus
fregio Phrygius maggiore major
gabbia cavea magro macer
gaggia cavea mai magis
gastigare castigare man care mancus
gat to catus inandola amygdala
geloso zelosus mangiare manducare
Gennajo Januarias maniglio, smaniglin monile
gesso gypsum mansione and magione mansio
gettare jacfire mantenere manu tenere
gia (di gia) jam martedi Martis dies
giaccio jacere mas c her a masca
Italian. Latin. Italian. Latin
maschio masculus onore honor
mattino and mattinat. i matutinus ora hora
meco mecum orciuolo urceolus
raeglio melius orecchio auricula
megliore, migliore melior ortica urtica
menare minare orto hortus
meno minor ortolano hortulanus
mercoledi Mercurii dies orvieto urbs vetus
jnesa mensa orzo hordeum
mese mensis osceno obsccenus
mescolare urtcZmischiare misculare oscuro obscurus
messaggio missaticum ospitale hospitalis
mestiero ministerium ospitio hospitium
m^ttere mittere 6sso os, ossis
mezzo, mezzodi medius ostaggio obstaticus
mice mica ostare obsto
midollo medulla oste, ostello, osteria hospes
miele mel ottanta octoginta
mi6tere metere ottantesimo octogesimufc
miglio milium ottavo octavus
migliorare meliorare otto octo
mio meus ove ubi
mio scentre me sciente ovunque ubicumque
mila and miglio mille ovviare obviare
minaccia minaeife padrino patrinus
minaglio minaculus padella patella
miraviglia mirabilis padiglione papilio
misurare mensurare padre pater
m6 mo do padule palus
moda modus pa6se pagensis
moggio modius paglia palea
moglie raulier pane pagnotta panicum
molcere mulcere pajo par
molo moles paladino Palatinus
mon do mundus palafreno parafiedus
montagna montaneus palanca planca
mormorio murmur palazzo, palagio Palatium
mostrare monstrare Palermo Panormus
mulino molinus palese palam
miingere mulgere panatica, panaggio panaticum
muovere movere pannocchia panniculus
muraglia muralis paolo paulus
naso and nasone nasus parecchio pariculus
naviglio navicula parete paries
nepote et nipote nepos pargoletto parvus
nerbo nervus Parigi Parisii
nero niger paroco parochus
nespolo mespilum parola parabole
nessuno nee ipse unus paura pavor
nettare nitidare pavone, paone pavo
neve nix pedone pedes
nido and nidio nidus peggiorare pejorare
ni£go negare pellere pellere
niente nee ens pellicia pellicius
ninfa and sninfia Nympba pelo pilus
do et uon non pena, penare poena
nocchio nucleus pennacchio penna
noce nux pensito pensare
Doi nos pentire poenitentia
none nomen penzolo, pendolo pendulus
uotte nox per pro
nove novem pero pirum
novero numerus personaggio personaticum
nozze nuptiae pertugio pertundere
nudcere nocere Perugia Perusia
nuora nurus pesce piscis
nuovo novus pescbia apicula
nuvolo and nugOlo nubilus peso pensum
obbliare oblitare pesto pin sere
oca auca pettorale pectoralis
occasione, cagione, ca - occasio pettoresco pictor
gioncella, cagionare pevere piper
occhio oculus pezzo, pezza petium
oggeto objectus piacere piacere
oggi, oggidi hodie piagare piagare
ogni omnis piaggia plagia
oglio oleum piangere piangere
oltra, oltre ultra piano planus
oltraggio ultragium pianto planctus
ombelico, bilico umbilicus pianezza planitia
ombreggiare umbra piato placitum
omero humerus piede pes
ondato undo piego plicare
onninamentc omnino pieno plenui
Italian. Latin. Italian. Latin.
pietra petra rugghio rugire
piggione pipio ruota rota
pigliare pilare rusco, brusco ruscum
pigrizia, pigrezza pigritia ruspare ruspari
pillola pilula saetta Sagittarius
pioggia pluvia saggio sapius
piombaggine plumbago salazzare solatiari
piombo plumbum salcete salictum
pioppo populus salmo psalmus
pi6vere pluere salsiecia salsicea
piuma pluma sanguigno sanguineus
Po Padus santo sanctus
poco paucus sapore, savore sapor
podesta potestas sarchiellare sarritare
poggio podium sasso, sassolino saxum
poi post Sassone Saxones
pollastro pullustra savere, sapore sapere
polvo, polvere pulvis scalfire scalpere
popolazza populaceus scapigliare discapillare
poppa puppis scarafaggio scarabeus
portiere portarius scemare semis
poscia post scempio simplus
posore pausare schernire carinare
pot6re possum scialiva saliva
poto putare scimia simia
povero pauper sciringa Syrinx
pozzo puteus scoglio scopulus
preda praeda scolare scholaris
preghiera precaria scolpire sculpere
presso pressus scorza cortex
priego precor scrigno scrinium
prigione prehensio scrivo scribere
primiero primarius scudo scutum
proda prora scuola schola
prossimano proximus scure securis
prugno prumeus se, sed si
pruova proba secco siccus
pruovo, provare probare segala secale
pulce pulex segare secare
punto punctum seggia sedes
puto putere seggiola sella
putto putus seggo, seggio, siedo, s£ - sedere
quandunque quandocumque dere
quattordici quatuordecim segnacolo signaculum
quanto quantus segno sign urn
quattro quattuor sego sevum
quello eccillos (eccillum) segugio segusius
quercio quercus segreto secretus
questo ecc'iste seguire sequi
quinci eccu'-hincce sei sex
quindici quindecira selva silva
rabbia rabies selvaggio silvaticus
racimolo, gracimolo racemus sembiante simulans
raggio, rai, and razzo radius sembro simulare
ragione ratio seme semen
ragnatella aranea seno sinus
ragunare, raunare readunare sentiero semitarius
rame seramina senza sine
ranocchio ranunculus sera, serata serus
rapa rapum serbare servare
ratto rapidus serbatajo servatorium
re rex sergiento serviens
reale regalis sermento sarmentum
recere reicere serraglio serra
reina, regina regina servizio, servigio servitium
remiggio remigare sessanta sexaginta
restio restivus sessantesimo sexagesimus
ricoverare recupero setenta septuaginta
riedo redire sette sept em
rio, reo reus settina septeni
rio rivus sezzo secus
ritroso retrorsum sicuro securus
riviera riparia siero serum
rivolo rivulus signove senior
roccia rupea singhiottire singultire
oggio rubeus smeraldo smaragdus
/ogo rub us smerlo merulus
rompere rumpere smergo, mergo mergus
rondine hirundo soave suavis
rosso rursus soffice supplicamentiitt;
rovina, rovinare ruminari soglio solium
rozzo, rude rudis sognare somniare
rubello rebellare solicchio soliculus
ruggiada ros soma eagma
Italian. Latin. Itulian. Latin.
somaro sagmarius tortore, tortora turtur
sommita Buramitas tosco toxicuia
sonaglio Bonaculus tra intra
sonno somnus traere trahere
sonnolento Bomnulentus traino tractus
soperchio Buperculus traliccio trilix
sorbire eorbere travaglio trabs
sordo Eurdus tre tres
Borgo, sorcio Borex tremolare tremulus
sorta, sorte Bors trenta triginta
sospizione Buspicio triaca theriacus
sostanza substantia tribolare tribulare
sottile Bubtilis Trieste Tergeste
sotto subtus triplice triplex
Bovente Bubinde trota tructa
sovra supra tuono tenus
sovrano Bupemus tuorlo torulus
spada sparus tutto totus
spasimo spasmus ubbidienza obedientia
specehio, speglio speculum ubbidire, obbedire obedire
spesso spissus uccello aucella
Bpezie species uccidere occidere
spiaggia, piaggia plaga. udire audi re
spoglia spolium ulire, olire olere
sposo sponsus uliva, ulivo oliva
spuma spuma umido humidus
Btafifa stapia umile humilis
stagione statio undici undecim
stagno Bt annum unghia ungula
Bteio stilus uomo homo
sterpo, sterpigno stirps uopo opus
stoja storea uovo ovum
stoppa stuppa uquale sequalis
storia historia usare utor
strambo strabo uscio ostium
Strega striga vaglio vail us
stregghia and strcglia strigilis vago, vaguccio vagus
stretto strictus valenza valentia
8tria stria valgre, vaglio valere
striscia strix vantare vanitare
Btroppolo struppus vasallo vassus
strozzule Btragulus vecchio, vechiotto, ve • vetulus
Buccesso successivu» glio
stiggello sigilla vedere videre
sugo, succo 8UCCU8 vedova vidua
suocero socer vedovo viduus
suolo solum vegliare vigilare
suono Bonus venagione venatio
suore Boror veneno, veleno venenum
Bvaliare, svariare variare vengiare vindicare
svegliere, srerre vellere ventaglio ventaculus
svolazzare volare verde viridis
tafano tab anus verga virga
tagliare tale are vergine virgo
taTolo tabula vergogna verecundus
teglia, teggbia tegulae vergognarsi verecundor
temere timere vermiglio vermiculus
tempia tempora verno hibernus
tenerezza teneritas vescica vesica
tenzone tentio vesco viscum
tepo talpa vetro vitrum
terazo terracea viaggio viaticus
terno, terziiia terni vieto vetare
tesauro, tesoro thesaurus vigna vineus
teso tendere (tensum) vilano vilanus
t^ssere texere villegiare villicare
testiraone testimonium vilta vilitas
tetto tectum violetto viola
tiglio tilia viorne viburnum
tingere, tignere tingere vipistrello, pipistrello, vespertilio
tinto tingo (tinctus) vespertillo
tirannizare tyrannus vittore, vincitore victor
tisana ptisana TO vado
titolo tituluB voi vos
tizzone titio volontiero voluntarius
tonare, tronare tonare vostro vester
tondo rotundus zambuco, sambuco sambucus
torcere torquere zeppa cippus
toro, tauro taurua zinfonia Bvinphonia
torre turn* Zolpho Bulfurans



French. Latin. French. Latin.
abeille apicula boyau botuius
abreuver ad-bib ere bras brachium
ache apium brassard brachium
agreer gratus brassee brachium
aider adjutare brayes bracae
aieul avolus brebis vervex
aigle aquila bref brevis
ail allium bret'et brevis
ailleurs aliorsum brief brevis
airain a?ramina bruire rugire
aisselle axilla brusque ruscum
ajuster adjuxtare buffle bubalus
allegresse alacer buis buxus
alleu allodium buisson buxus
araande amygdala cabane capanna
amble ambulatura cabinet cabana
arae animus cage cavea
ameliorer meliorare cailler coagulare
amer amarus caillou calculus
amertume amaritudo caisse capsa
ami amicus calcul calculus
amorce admorsus calomnie calumnia
ancetres antecessor canaille canalis
ange angelus canevas cannabis
aout Augustus campagne Campania
approclier ad-propiare car qua-re
apre asper carotte carrus
araignee aranea carte charta
arriere ad-retro casse quassus
assez ad-satis casser quassare
assourdir absurdescerc cedrat cedrus
aube alb us cendre cinis
aujourd'hui, «'. e au jour hodie cent centum
d'hui cep cippus
aune alenus cercle circulus
auparavant, i. e aupar- abante cerfuil cecrefolium
avan t cerise cerasus
autel altaria certain certauus
autre alter certes certus
autrui alter cervelle, cerveau cerebellum
avant abante cet, ce (Prov. cest) ecc'iste
aventure adventura ceux {old Fr. eels) eccillos (eccillum)
avoine avena chaine catena
avoir habere chair caro
bachelier baccalaureua chaise cap sua
bai badius chaleur calor
baie baja chaloir calere
bain balneum chambre camera
baleine balsena champ campus
barbier barbarius Champagne Campania
bataille battualia champart campi pars
battre batuere champetre campester
beau bellus champion campus
bel bellus chandelle candela
beler balare change cambire
bellatre bellus changer cambire
besace bisaccium chanson cantio
bete bestia chant cantus
bien bene chanteur cantor
bilan bi-lanx chantre cantor
bissac bisaccium chape cappa
blame blasphemare chapelaiu capellanus
bceuf bos, bovis chapelle capella
boire bibere chapitre capitulum
bombasin bombyciDus char carrus
bombe bombus charbon carbo
bon 1
bonus charbonnier carbonarius
bongre bona gratia charite caritas
bonheur bona hora charm e carmen
boute bonitas chart e charta
bouche bucca chat catus
bouehee bucca chataigne castanea
boudin botuius chateau castellum
bougre Bulgarus chatier castigare
nouillir bullare chaud calidus
boule bulla chaudiere caldaria
bouleverser bulla chaux calx
bouteille buticula chemin caminus
boutique apotueca chemin^e caminus
French. Latin. French. Latin.
chemise camisia croitre crescere
chene casnus croix crux
chene quernus croyable credibilis
chenil canile cru crudus
cheneaa quercuetum cruel crudelis
chenu canutus cuiller cochlear
chercher quaericare cuir corium
chdtif captivus cuire coquere
cheval caballus cuirasse coratium
chevalier caballarius cuisine coquin a
cheveu capillus cuisse coxa
chevre capra cure cura
chevron capro daim, dame dama
chez casa dame domina
choeur chorus danger damniarium
chose causa dauphin delphinus
chou caulis dauphine delphinatus
chr6tien Christianus dechevelcr discapellare
chien canis dechoir decidere
ciboule caepulla decider decldere
ciel coelum defaire deficere
cierge cera degre gradus
circonstance circumstantia deja [old Fr. ja) jam
cire cera dejeuner jejunare
cit6 civitas demain de mane
clameur clamare demeure, demeurer demoror
clef clavis demoiselle dominicilla
cloitre clans tra demontrer demonstrare
clou clavus dent dens
clorre or cl6re claudere denier denegare
cocu cugus or cucus d^peri deperitus
coeur cor depit despectus
coffre cophinus depouille spolium
coin cuneus depuis depost
colere cholera deputer deputare
collier collare derriere deretro
colline collis desavouer disadvocare
colonne columna desert desertum
comblc cumulus dessous desubter
compagnie cornpaniurn dessus desuper
compagnon companium dette debitum
concurrence concurrentia deuil dolere
con damn er condemnare devant de-abanie
confiture confectura devenir devenire
cong6 commeatus devoir debere
coniugaison conjugatio dieu deus
connoitre cognoscere dire dicere
conseil consilium discours discursus
conte comes dix decern
coquin coquinus doigt digitus
rorbeau corvus dommage darnnaticuvn
corbeille corbicula dome domus
corps corpus dompter domitare
c6te costa done tunc
cote costa dont deinde
coteau costale dorenavant de-hora-in-ab ante
cou collum dos dorsum
coucher collocare double duplus
coude cubitum douaire dotarium
coudre corylus douceur dulcor
coudricr corylus doute dubitare
couleur color doux dulcis
coupe cupa douzaine duodeni
couple copula drap drappus
cour cohors duch£, ducat ducatus
courbe curvus duel duellium
couronne corona 6ehandole scandula
cours cursus 6cluse inclusura
courir currere ecole schola
cousin, cousine cosinus ecolier scholaris
courtine cortina £corce cortex
coussin culcitinum ecrin serin ium
couteau cultellus gcrire scribere
couter costare ecrit scriptum
coutume costuma ecrivain scribarius
couver cub are £cu scutum
couvrir co-operire £cueil scopulus
craindre {old Fr. cri- tremere ecuelle scutella
embere) egal aequalis
creme crema eglise ecclesia
crepe crispus emeraude smaragdus
crepu crispus empecher impedicare
crete crista empereur imperator
to ire credere employer implicare
French. Latin. French. Latin.
en inde hurler ululare
encourrement incurrimentura lie insula
encontre in-contra ivre ebrius
encre encaustum jaloux zelosus
endorser indorsare jamais jam magis
enter {Prov. enfern) infernus Janvier Januarius
engin ingenium Jaques Jacob
enseigne insignis je (old Fr. ieo, ie) ego
enseigner insinuare jetter j ace" re
entre inter jeudi Jovis dies
envie {Prov. enviea) invidia jeu jocus
environ, virer ingyrare jeune (old PY.jovene) juvenis
6pais spissus joindre jungere
6p6e sparus jongleut (old Fr. jon- joculator
6pice species glere)
Sponge spongia j°ug jugum
6poussailes sponsalia jour jornum (diurnus)
<:poux sponsus journal diurnalis
6prouve probare juge judex
escalier, 6chelle ecalae juger judicare
escarboucle carbunculu3 Juif Judaeus
esclandre scandalum jusque usque
espece species labeur labor
espiegle speculum labourage laboragium
essai exagium lac lacus
essarter sarritare lacet laqueus
estomac stomachus lache laxus
estrope, 6tropc struppus lagune lacuna
etain stannum laisser laxare
6tat status lait lac
6teindre stinguere laitue lactuca
6tinceler scintillula lambeau, dolabrer lamberare
6toile Stella lambruche labrusca vitio
6toupe streppa lange laneus
6treindre stringere langouste locusta
6trenne strena lard laridum
Grille strigilis larme, larmier lacrima
6troit strictus larron latro
6ventail ventaculus lavange labina
faisan phasianus 16 (old Fr. les) latus
fas6ole phasilus lettre litera
gaine vagina levre labruin
Gascon Vasconcs levrier leporarius
gesir, gire, git (Proi . jacere lezard lacerta
jazer, jazir) liaison ligatio
gire gyrus licorne uni-cornis
glas classicum lierre hedera
gonflcr conflare lieu locus
goupillon vulpes lievre lepus
gout gustus linge lineus
goutte gutta lion leo
grace gratia lien ligamen
graille graculus lire legere
grain granum lis lilium
grand grandis livraison libratio
gras crassus livre liber
grave, grief gravis loi lex

gre gratus loisir licet

grele gracilis louer laudare
grenouille ramicula loyal legalis
giillon gryllus luire (old Fr. luisir) lucere
grogner grumire Lyonnais Lugdunensis
gros crassus macher masticare
habit habitus macon maciare
hameson hannus Madeleine Magdalena
hante hasta Mai Majus
harpon harpa maigre macer
haut altus maigreur macror
hennir hinnire maille macula
herse irpex main manus
heure hora maintenant manu tenens
hier herl maintenir manu tenere
histoire historia maire (old Fr. majeur major
hiver hibernus mais magis
homme, on homo maison mansio
honneur honor maitre (old Fr. maistre) magister
h6te hospes maitresse magistrissa or treaiv
hfttel hospitalis malade male aptus
huile oleum male masculus
huis, huissier ostium malheur mala hora
huit octo maligne, malin malignus
huitante octoginta mane he manica
huitre ostrea manger manducare
humble hurailis manquer mancus
French. Latin. French. Latin.
manteau mantellum nid nidus
marbre marmor niece neptis
marchand mercans nier negare
mardi Martis dies niveau libella
marge margo noble (old Fr. nobles) nobilis
marin marinus noces nuptia?
masque masca nceud nodus
matin and matinee matutinus noel natalis
mauvais rnalus noir niger
medecin (oMjFV.miege ) medicinu3 noircir nigrescere
meilleur melior noise nausea
meler (old Fr. mesler) misculare noix nux
mendier, mendiant mendicare nom nom en
menace minaciae nombre numerus
mener {old Fr. mesner minare nombril umbilicus
menton mentum nonchalant noncalens
menu minutum nonante nonaginta
mercredi Mercurii dies nonnain nonna
mere mater note nota
mer {old Fr. mers) mare notifier notificare
merveille mirabilis n6tre and notre (old noster
message missaticum Fr. nostre)
metier ministerium nouer nodare
mettre mittere nourrir nutrire
midi, from mi-di medius dies (meridius) nous (old Fr. nos and nos
mie mica nus)
miel mel nouveau, nouvelle novellus
mien, mon mens novice novicius
mieux {old Fr. mels) melius noyau nucalis
milieu medius locus noyer necare
mille mille noyer nucarius
minuit media nox nu, nue nudus
miroir miratorium nue et nuage nubes
mode modus nuire nocere
moelle medulla nuit nox
moeurs mos nul, nulle nullus
moi me ob&r obedire
moindre and moins minor ob&ssance obedientia
mois mensis obituaire obitarium
moitid medietas obit obitus
monceau monticellus obscurcir obscurare
monde mundus obseques obsequiee
montagne montaneus ceil oculus
montrer monstrare ceuf ovum
mordache mordax ceuvre opera
mortel mortalis oie auca
motif motivus oindre ungere
mouchoir mucatorium oignon unio
mou.molle {old Fr.mol) mollis oiseau aucella
moucher mucare oisif otiosus
moudre {old Fr. moire molere ombre umbra
mouline molinus on, homme homo
mourir moriri oncle avunculus
mousse muscus ongle ungula
mouvoir movere onze undecim
moyen, moyenner medianus opiniatre opiniaster
muer mutare oreille auricula
muet mutus orge hordeum
muid modius orme, ormeau ulmus
mur {old Fr. metir) maturus orphelin orphan us
muraille muralis ortie urtica
muscle musculu8 6ter hostire
nager navigare ou ubi
nairi nanus ouaille ovicula
maitre {old Fr. maistre) nascor oublier oblitare
nappe mappa ouir audire
nat.if et naif nativus outrage ultragium
naturel naturalis outre ultra
naucher et nocher nauclerus page pagina
naulage naulagium paillasse paleaceus
n^ant nec-ens paille palea
nefle mespilum pain panis
neige niveus pair par
net nitidus paisible pacibilis
nettoyer nitidare paisseau paxillus
neuf, neuve (old Fr. novus paitre pascere
nuef, nueve) palais Palatium
neuf (old Fr. nucf) no vera pale pallidus
neveu nepos palfroi parafredus
ncz nasus paon pavo
ni (old Fr. ne) nee pape papa
niais nidensis papillon papilio
nice nescius paque pascha
richer nidificare paraltre parere

French. Latin. French. latin.

pare parcus poussin pullicenui
pareil pariculus poutre poledrus
paresse pigritia pouvoir possum
parole parabole prti, preau pratum
parrain patrinus precher prse-dlcere
partie partitio prefix praefigere
pas passus premier primarius
passereau passer prendre prehenderc
paternal paternalis pres pressus
pauvertd paupertas presence prsesentia
pauvre pauper present praesens
payen pagan us presser premere
payer pacare prdsumer prae-sumcro
pays pagensis pret praestare
pdcher peccare pretre presbyter
pdcheresse peccatrix preuve proba
pdcheresse piscatrix prevoyance providentia
peindre pingere prie precari
peiner pcena priere precaria
peintre pictor prince princeps
pelisse pellicius prison prehensio
pencher pendicare privd privare
pensge pensare prix pretium
perche pertica prochain proximus
perdrix perdix proche propior
pere pater proie praeda
peril periculura prompt promptus
personnage personaticum prdne prseconius
peu paucus propre proprius
peuple populus provengal provincialis
peuplier populus prune prunum
peur pavor prunier, prunellier pruneus
physicien physieus pseaume psalm us
piece petium puce pulex
pied pes pucelle pulchellus or pulcellus
pidge pedica pudeur pudor
pierre petra pudique pudicus
pieton pedes puer putere
pigeon pipio pui or puy podium
pignon pinna puis post
piller pilare puissant potens
pin pinus puits puteus
pinceau penicillum pur purus
place platea putain putus
plage plagia quadruples quadruplus
plaie placitum qualitd qualitas
plaie plaga quand quando
plaindre plangere quant quantus
plaire placere quatorze quatuordeciro
planche planca quatrain quaterni
plantage plantago quatre quattuor
pleiu plenus quel qualis
plenier plenarius quelconque qualiscunque
pleurer plorare querelle querela
pleuvoir pluere querir quaerere
plie, ploie plicare questionner quaestio
plomb plumbum queue cauda
plombagine plumbago quiconque quicumque
pluie pluvia quinze quindecim
poele patella quitte quietus
poids, pdse pensum racine radicina
poignard pugnalis rage rabies
poil pilus raire r ad ere
poindre pungere rais radius
poing, poigne'fc pugnus raisin racemus
pointe punctum rame remus
poire pirum ran con redemptio
poison potus ration, raison ratio
poisson piscis rauque raucus
poitrail pectoralis ravage rapagium
poivre piper rave rapum
pomme pomum ravir rapere
pommier pomarius rayer radiare
ponce pumex recevoir reciprocatio
pondre ponere regne regnum
populace populaceus reine regina
populaire popularis remorqiicr remulcum
portier portarius renonctr renunciarc
possible possibllis reparer repatriare
pouce pollex rdtif restivus
poudre pulvis rets, ret rete
poulain pullanus rez rasus
pour pro Rh6ne Rhodanus
pourceau porcus rien rem
French. Latin. French. Latin.
rire ridere soif sitis
ris risus soir, soiree serus
rive ripa soixante sexaginta
riviere riparia soleil soliculus
l'oclie rupea somaclie salmacidus
rognon renes somme sagma
roi rex sommeil somniculus
roide rigidus son sonus
r61e rotula songe somnus
romnm Romanus sonnaillc sonaculus
rompre rumpere sonner sonare
rond rotundus sorcier sortiarius
rosace rosaceus sorte, sort sors
rose rosa sortir sortior
rosee ros soudain subitaneus
rosier rosarius soudre solvere
r6ter ructare soufre sulfurans
roue rota soulager solatior
rouge rubeus soupeou suspicio
roure, rouvre robur souple supplicamentum
route rupta sourd surd us
roux, rousse russus souris sorex
royal regalis sous subtus
royaume regalimen souvenir subvenire
rude rudis souvent subinde
sachet saccus souverain supernus
Bade sapidus soyer and scier secare
sage sapius spectacle spectaculum
sailler salire splendeur splendor
sain sanus stile stilus
saint sanctus stupeur stupor
salace salax stupide stupidus
saluer salutare subit subitb
salut salus subtil subtilis
samedi sabbatidics succes successivus
sang sanies suer sudare
sanglier singularis [scil. porcus) sueur sudor
sans sine suie sucus
sapin sapinus suivre sequor
saucisse salcicea supplier supplicare
sauf salvus sur supra
sange salvia sur securus
saule salix table tabula
saussaie salictum tailler taleare
saut saltus taire tacere
sauveur salvator tandia tamdiu
sauvage silvaticus taon tabanus
savoir sapere tapis tapete
Saxon, onne Saxones taupe talpa
scarabee scarabeus taureau taurus
seel, sceau sigilla teindie tingere
sec siccus tel talis
seche sepia temoin testimonium
secher siccare tempete tempestas
secheresse siccitas temps tempus
second secundus tendre tener
seigle secale tendresse teneritas
seigneur, sire senex tenir tenere
sein sinus terrasse terracea
seine sagena tete testa
sel sal tiede tepidus
selle sella tiers tertius
semble simulare timbie tympanum
semblant simulans tintin tintinnare
semence semen titre titulus
sens sensus titre texere
Rentier semitarius toise tendo (tensuin)
seoir sedere toit tectum
sept septem ton tonus
serge Seres ton, tien tuus
sergent serviens tondre tondeve
serie series torche tortus
serment sacrament lira tordre torquere
sernionncr sermonor tort tortus
seul solus tour turris
seve sapa tourment tormentum
siecle seculuin toumer tornare
siege sedes tourtre turtur
siflie sibilus tout totus
signe signum traille traha
singe simia train tract us
singulis.' singularis traire [to milk) trahere
six sex travail trabs
sceur soror treille tricbila
French. Latin. French. Latin.
treillis trillix vergogne verecundus
trembler tremulus vermeil vermiculua
trente triginta verrat verres
tresse tricameratum verre vitrum
tresor thesaurus verrou, verrouil veruculum
treuil torculus verrue verrue*
tribouillei tribulare vers versus
triple triplex vert viridis
trois tres vertu virtus
troncon truncus verve verva
troubler turbulare vessie vesica
troupe troppus vetir vestire
truite tructa veuve vidua
un unus vide, veuf viduus
user utor vieillard, vieil vetulus
vache vaeca vierge virgo
vaguer vagor vigne vineus
vain, en vain vanus vilain villanus
vaincre vincere violet viola
vais, vas, va vadere vceu votum
vaisseau vascellua voie via
valoir valere voile velum
vanter vanitare voir videre
vassal vassus voisin vicimis
veau vitellus volage volaticus
veiller vigilare volaille volatilis
veine vena voler (to steal) (in) volare
venaison venatio volontiers voluntarius
vendenge vindemia votre vester
venger vindicare vouer votare
venin veuenum vous vos
ventouse ventosus voyage viaticus
verd viridis vrai verus
verger virga













Notwithstanding that some people, in obedience to utilitarian

principles, in many instances falsely so called, have of late

years sought to decry the classical languages as a medium of

training for the youthful mind, they still retain their place in

the curriculum of school studies ; and a knowledge of the Latin

language is beginning to be cultivated even by those teachers who
conduct national schools, more or less in amount, according a:

they are anxious to place their schools in a position to entitle

them to look for some of the rewards proposed by Government
for successful teaching. This is as it should be. Apart from
the necessity of a classical education imposed on those designed
for professional avocations, the training and discipline of the

mind, and the exercise thereof in correct and even deep thinking
induced by such studies, enable a youth accustomed thereto to

exhibit, according to the testimony of every unprejudiced

observer, an amount of intelligence and a vigour of mind, far,

very far superior to those of the youth, who, equal to him in

respect of every other advantage and endowment, has not had

the opportunity of such training.
To facilitate a study so useful is the purpose of the following

little work. It has long been the opinion of the writer thereof,
and of many other teachers known to him, — an opinion confirmed
by the practical experience of the school-room for many years,

a 2

that something may yet be done to systematize the efforts of the

anxious student, and obviate the many difficulties he finds in his

path towards the temple of classical learning. To involve a

student, after the acquisition by him of some knowledge of the
inflections of words, in the perplexing mazes of the " Propria
quae maribus" and " As in praesenti" — the asses' bridge, in too

many educational establishments, even in tins somewhat practical

day, of Latin literature — is not only inefficient as a system of

instruction, but often creates such discouragement in the mind of
many a learner, as causes him to give up in disgust the attempt to
acquire a knowledge of Latin as wholly unaccomplishable, and
thus not unfrequently tends to swell the tide of prejudice
against this often indispensable and always invigorating study.
The Delectus commonly in use as the first introduction to Latin

translation and construction, is defective in that want of arrange-

ment and elucidation of principle after principle progressively,

according to the capacity of the learner to understand and follow,

which should exhibit themselves in the pages of a book designed
for the use of a beginner, and especially for that class of beginners

who labour without the assistance of a viva voce teacher. The

distinctive plan of the following Treatise has been conceived with
a view to obviate this want; and the conviction in the mind of
the writer that the elucidation of a few of the great leading
principles of Latin construction, by examples judiciously selected
and progressively arranged, is the best method which an ele-

mentary work can adopt, has been acted on as an axiom in the

execution of the plan. The sentences are from the best Latin

authors, and the rules and observations thereon are so system-

atized, that a learner never meets with a principle of construction

in one sentence, which has not been laid down and explained in

some foregoing one. It is not meant to be asserted that rules

and principles are seen to result from each other in the construc-

tion of a language, as propositions in geometry ; but it is asserted

that there exists no reason why, in a work intended to help the

student of a language out of difficulties, there should be presented
to him sentences involving, to his great discouragement, prin-

ciples never before grappled with. The notes on the passages

quoted will be found, it is thought, serviceable to the student

in comparing the idioms of the Latin with those of his own

language, and, by referring back continually to the principles
illustrated by particular forms of words, they make provision

whereby such principles may be indelibly impressed on his

memory, and at the same time render it necessary for him to

think for himself, instead of leaning too much on the ill-directed

'assistance of others. Philological and theoretical disquisitions


have been cautiously avoided, as calculated to confuse rather

than inform the learner ; a copia verborum, a matter of primary

importance, is supplied in the sentences furnished ; and it is

confidently hoped that, when the diligent and anxious student

wades through the pages of this and another book to follow on a

similar plan, he will have acquired such knowledge of the

principles of construction of the Latin tongue as will enable him
"to swim without the cork," and master the difficulties which
may be presented to him in reading the works of any Latin
author. A book, after all, is but a teacher, and the legitimate
province of a teacher is but to help out of difficulties. No royal

road has as yet been discovered leading to the temple of learning.

The writer of this little work has as little faith as any one in the

utility and success of works professedly designed to make know-

ledge easy, and desires earnestly to impress on the minds of
those who may address themselves for assistance to the following
pages, that no aid can obviate the necessity of deep and anxious

study, and no book, however judiciously written, can supply the

place of painstaking and laborious assiduity on their part.

It is little more than three months since an arrangement was

entered into with the publisher for the publication of this book.

The shortness of the time permitted for the writing thereof, and

the numerous distractions caused by the conduct, on the part of


the writer, of a large and important educational institution, num-

bering 270 pupils, together with other professional engagements,
will probably cause some imperfections to attach to the work ;

but it is hoped that those for whose use it is specially designed

will see in it, if no more, the one merit of making a step in a

right direction, and of, at all events, seeking to aid the great

cause of popular education.

T. G.

Greenwich, May, 1854



On the Noun ib.

First Declension , 2
Second Declension ib.

Third Declension 3
Fourth Declension ib.

Fifth Declension ib.

Exercises on the Declension of Nouns 4
On the Adjective 6
Declension of Adjectives ib.

Comparison of Adjectives 7
Exercises on the Declension of Adjectives 8
On the Pronoun 9
On the Verb 11
First Conjugation J I
Second Conjugation 14
Third Conjugation 1 (»

Fourth Conjugation 10
Conjugation of Verbs Passive — First Conjugation 24
Second Conjugation 2H
Third Conjugation 28
Fourth Conjugation 30
Exercises on the Verbs 32
Irregular Verbs 35
Defective Verbs 39
he Adverb 41
ie Preposition 42
'he Conjunction ib.

ie Interjection ib.
c ;finitions and Explanations of Terms used in the Latin Construction
M and Translation 43
atin Construction and Translation 44
I* First Set of Rules thereon ib.
HI Sentences illustrative thereof 45
Instructions ib.

A Questions on the Analysis of the foregoing Sentences . * 48


Observations on foi*egoing Rules 49
Sentences illustrating the foregoing Observations f)0

Notes on foregoing Sentences 53

Questions thereon 56
Second Set of Rules 57
Sentences illustrating the whole of the foregoing Rules and
Observations 58
Notes thereon 62
Third Set of Rules . 69
Sentences illustrative thereof 70
Notes thereon ; 82
Dictionary of Words 97

1. All the words cf the Latin language are subdivided, for the

sake of convenience, into eight heads, called classes of words, or

parts of speech.
2. These are* —
noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, pre-
position, conjunction, interjection.
3. Of these the four admit of inflexion the adverb, in
first ;

some comparison and the three last named

instances, admits of ;

are not modified in any form whatever.

4. The inflexion of a word is the change, generally of termina-
tion, it undergoes in order to the expression of a difference of
5. This change, when the noun, pronoun, or adjective is re-
ferred to, is usually called declension ; when the verb, conjugation.

On the Noun, i.e. the name for any being or thing which may serve
as the subject of discourse.

6. To nouns belong gender, number, person, and case.

7. The genders of nouns are three — masculine, feminine, and
8. Some nouns, the names of animals, which maybe masculine
or feminine, are called common, as parens, a parent.
Note. —
The doubtful gender has no existence in reality, and
only means that a particular word is treated by one writer as
masculine, by another as feminine.
9. The number of nouns is twofold, singular and plural ; the
former is used when one object is denoted, the latter when two or
10. The persons of nouns ar.? three —
first, second, and third.
A njun standing for the speaker is said to be of the first, and for the-

person spoken to, of the second person ; all other nouns, however
used, are said to belong to the third person.
11. The case of a noun, pronoun, or adjective is the form it

takes in its declension.

12. There are six cases in the Latin language — nominative,
genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, and ablative.
Note. —The participle is sometimes regarded as a
distinct class
of words, but, practically considered as to its functions and declen-
sion, belongs to the class adjective.
13. The nouns of the Latin language, as regards their declen-
sion, are subdivided into five classes, distinguished by the termina-
tion of their genitive singular.

The genitive singular ends in ce.

Nom. mensa *- mensae
Gen. mensae mensarum
Dat. mensae mensis
Ace. mensam mensas
Voc. mensa mensae
Abl. mensa mensis.
Note 1. The nouns of this declension, with few exceptions, are
of the feminine gender.
Note 2. anima, socia, serva, and asina make the
Filia, nata,
dative and ablative piural to end in is or abus ; and dea, mula,
equa, and liberta terminate in these cases in abus only.

The genitive singular ends in i.

Nom. magister &- ^^- magistri
Gen. magistri magistrorum
Dat. magistro magistris
Ace. magistrum magistros
Voc. magister magistri
Abl. magistro magistris.

Note 1. When the nominative singular of this declension ends

in us, the vocative will end in e : as, nominative, dominus ; voca-
tive, domine. Deus, however, makes deus in the vocative.
Note 2. Proper names, that is, the names of particular indi-
viduals, ending in ius, form the vocative by omitting the us : as,
Virgilius ; vocative, Viryili. Filius and genius follow this rule
in the formation of their vocative.

The genitive singular ends in is.

Norn. nubes #- nubes
Gen. nubis nubium
Dat. nubi nubibus
Ace. nubem nubes
Voc. nubes nubes
Abl. nube nubibus.
Note 1. The genitive plural of this declension in some words
makes um, in others ium, in the termination.
Note 2. Nouns of the rir.r.ei gender, of whatever declension,
make the nominative, accusative, and vocative alike, and these
cases in the plural number end in a; in their other cases they
follow the termination of their proper declension. This note is
appended here, because nouns of the neuter gender, with but few
exceptions, belong to the second or third declension.
Note 3. When the nominative singular of a noun of the third
declension ends in e, if it be of the neuter gender, the ablative
will end in i ; and the nominative plural of such will be formed
by adding a to the ablative the genitive plural also will end in

ium: thus, nominative, hastile ; ablative, hastili ; nominative

plural, hastilia ; genitive, hastilium.

The genitive singular ends in us.

Norn. manus < manus
Gen. man us manuum
Dat. manui manibus
Ace. manum manus
Voc. manus manus
Abl. manu manibus.

The genitive singular ends in ei.

Nom. acies acies
Gen. aciei acierum
Dat. aciei aciebus
Ace. aciem acies
Voc. acies acies
Abl. acie aciebus.
B 2
. -


Notes on the five Declensions,

1 The nominative andvocative singular of a noun, with few
exceptions, which obtain mostly in the second declension (see
Notes 1 and 2, Second Declension), are alike, so are also the
nominative and vocative plural.
2. The dative and ablative singular of the second declension
are alike, so also are the dative and ablative plural of all declen-
The following table of the terminations of the several cases of
nouns may serve in some measure to facilitate the learning
thereof : —
12 SING.

may terminate in any manner

3 4 5
G. se i is us ei arum orum um, ium uum erum
D. se o i ui ei is or abus is bus ibus ebus
Ace. am urn em um em as os es us es
Voc. like the nominative like the nominative
Abl. a o e or i u e like the dative.


Note. —
The learner will be careful to attend to the declension
and gender of the following nouns the former will be indicated :

by the genitive singular, and the latter by the initial letter of the
gender of each noun. This, with attention to the notes already
given, will be sufficient to ensure accuracy in every instance.

Mel, mellis, n. honey Mus, muris, m. a mouse

Cor, cordis, n. the heart Sedes, sedis, f. a seat
Aqua, aquae, f. water Glacies, glaciei,
f. ice
Poeta, poetae, m. a poet Imago, imaginis, f. an image
Ovum, ovi, n. an egg Sal, salis, m. salt
Agnus, agni, m. a lamb Pes, pedis, m. a foot
Ager, agri, m. a field Digitus, digiti, m. a finger
Tribus, tribus, f. a tribe Leo, leonis, m. a lion
Lex, legis, f. a law Dolor, doloris, m. grief
Corpus, corporis, r a body Mens, mentis, f. the mind
Cubile, cubilis, n. a bed Hastile, hastilis, n. a spear
Scriba, scribae, m. a scribe Monile, monilis, n. a necklace
Virga, virgae, f. a rod M armor, marmoris, marble
Flatus, flatus, m. a blast Mons, montis, m. a mountain
Versus, versus, m. a verse Rex, regis, m. a king
Acus, acus, f. a needle Scurra, scurrae, m. a scoffer
Os, oris, n. a mouth Sponsus, sponsi, m. a bridegroom
Fides, fidei, f. faith Aper, apri, m. a boar
Species, speciei, f. a species Gigas, gigantis, m. a giant

Crinis, crinis, m. hair Cato, Catonis, m. Cato

Brachium, brachii, n an arm Cinis, cineris, m. ashes
Mas, maris, m. a male Athleta, athletae, m. a wrestler
Dens, dentis, m. a tooth Bacchus, Bacchi, m. Bacchus
Arbor, arboris, f. a tree Britannia, Britanniae, :. Britain
Vas, vasis, n. a vessel Conditor, conditoris, im . a ouilder
Calcar, calcaris, n. a spur Apollo, Apollinis, m. Apollo
Ars, artis, f. a trade m.
Callis, callis, a path
Caro, carnis, f. flesh Eboracum, Eboraci, n. York
Res, rei, f. a thing Erernus, eremi, f. a desert
Currus, currus, m. a chariot Fustis, fustis, m. a club
Facies, faciei, f. a face Literse b , literarum, f. an epistle
Macies, maciei, f. leanness Minse, minarum, f. trifles
Pellis, pellis, f. the shin Nugs3, nugarum, f. threats
Lepus, leporis, m. a hare Ferise, feriarum, f. holidays
Lapis, lapidis, m. a stone Rostra, rostrorum, n. a pulpit
Grgecia, Grseciee, f. Greece a Exta, extorum, n. entrails
Cupressus, cupressi, f. a cypress Athense c Athenarum
, f. Athens
• tree Iter, itineris, n. a journey
Annus, anni, m. a year Axis, axis, m. an axle-tree
Anna, Annse, f. Ann Cyprus, Cypri, f. the island
Anus, anus, f. an old woman Cyprus
Capra, caprae, f. a she-goat Caulis, caulis, m. a stalk

a. Proper names have no plural, except such as want the
b. When a noun has no singular, its declension may be ascer-
tained by itsgenitive plural.
c. Consult note a.
Note also, some nouns are not declined that is, have the ;

same form in whatever case they may be used. Such nouns are
mostly, if not always, used as nominatives and accusatives, as
fas, nefas, nihil, &c. &c.
Some nouns, moreover, are used in some cases and not in
others : as, genitive, spontis ; ablative, sponte, of one's own ac-
cord. Nominative, vis, force accusative, vim ; ablative, vi

(the latter noun has all the cases in the plural number, and is
regularly declined thus
Nom. vires Gen. virium Dat. viribus
Ace. vires Voc. vires Abl. viribus).


The adjective expresses the state or quality of the noun.
The English adjective is not inflected the Latin adjective
; is
inflected in gender, number, and case.
The Latin adjective is declined according to the declension of
The adjective in Latin is declined with three, two, and one
An whose nominative case singular has three termi-
nations, declined like the first and second declension of nouns ;

the adjective in the feminine form is declined like the first, in the
masculine and neuter form like the second declension.
An adjective whose nominative has two terminations or one, is
inflected like the third declension of nouns.
When an adjective in any of its cases has three terminations,
the masculine, the second feminine, and the third neuter
first is
when it has two terminations, the first is masculine and feminine,
and the second neuter; and when it has only one termination, it
is of all genders.


Nom. bonus
bonum boni
bonae bona
Gen. boni bonae boni bonorum bonarum bonorum
Dat. bono bonae bono bonis
Ace. bonum bonam bonum bonos bonas bona
Voc. bone bona bonum boni bonae bona
Abl. bono bona bono bonis.

Nom. tristis te tristes tia

Gen. tristis tristium
Dat. tristi tristibus
Ace. tristem te tristes tia
Voc. tristis te tristes tia
Abl. tristi tristibus.

Nom. prudens prudentes tia

Gen. prudentis prudentium
Dat. prudenti prudentibus
Ace. prudentem prudens
P : prudentes tia
Voc. prudens prudentes tia
Abl. prudente or i prudentibus.

Note 1 . Ambo and duo have no singular, and have a declension

peculiar to themselves.

Nom. c ambo ambse ambo
Gen. amborum ambarum amborum
Dat. ambobus ambabus ambobus
Ace. ambos ambas ambo
Voc. ambo ambae ambo
Abl. ambobus ambabus ambobus.

Note 2. Some adjectives of three terminations, as unus, totus,-

solus, ullus, nullus, alter, titer, neuter, unlike bonus,make the
genitive in ius and the dative in i: thus, unus, una, unum ; geni-
tive, unius ; dative, uni. In their other cases they follow the
declension of bonus.

Adjectives have three degrees of comparison —
the positive, the
comparative, and the superlative.
The positive is the adjective in its simple state, as tristis.
The comparative is formed from the first case of the positive
which ends in i, by adding thereto or to make the masculine and
feminine, and us for the neuter thus, dative, tristi ; comparative,

tristior, tristius.
Note 1. The first case of an adjective of one or two termi-
nations which ends in i is the dative, of an adjective of three
terminations is the genitive. The superlative is formed by adding

ssimus to the same part as, tristi, tristissimus.


Note 2. The superlative degree is declined like bonus. The

following is a model of the declension of the comparative :


Nom. tristior tristius tristiores tristiora

Gen. tristioris tristiorum
Dat. tristiori tristioribus
Ace. tristiorem tristius tristiores tristiora
Voc. tristior tristius tristiores tristiora
Abl. tristiore or tristiori tristioribus.

Note 3. If a vowel precede us in the positive, the degrees are

formed usually by prefixing the adverb magis for the comparative,
and maxime for the superlative as, pius, magis pius, maxime

Note 4. If the positive end in er, the superlative is formed by
adding thereto rimus : as, teter ; superlative, teterrimus.
The following adjectives have a peculiar formation in the
superlative: —


Agilis agillimus
Facilis facillimus
Gracilis gracillimus
Humilis humillimus
Docilis docillimus
Similis simillimus.

The following adjectives are irregular in their comparison :


Bonus melior optimus
Malus pejor pessimus
Magnus major maxim us
Parvus minor minimus
Multus plus plurimus
Dives ditior ditissimus
Nequam nequior nequissimus
Exterus exterior extremus
Inferus inferior infimus, imus
Posterus posterior postremus
Superus superior supremus, summus
interior intimus
Juvenis junior
Senex senior
prior primus
propior proximus
ulterior ultimus
deterior deterrimus

Note. — Some adjectives having no superlative of their own,

procure by a combination of words thus, senex, old, makes
it :

maximus natu, the greatest by age, i. e. oldest juvenis, young,


minimus natu, least by age, i. e. youngest.


Durus, a, um, hard
Tener, a, um, tender
Pulcher, chra, chrum, beautiful
like bonus.
Gelidus, a, um, cold
Squalidus, a, um, filthy
Facillimus, a, um, most easy

Impubis, e, beardless
Humilis, low or humble
Agilis, e, nimble like tristis.
Facilis, e, easy
Gravis, e, weighty
Iners, Gen. inertis, sluggish
Anceps, — ancipitis, doubtful
Amans, — amantis, loving
Audax, — audacis, daring
like prudens.

Ferox, — ferocis, fierce

Inops, — inopis, poor
Durior, us, Gen. durioris, harder
Puchrior, us, —
oris, fairer
Humilior, us, — — more humble like tristior.
Facilior, us, — — easier
Agilior, us, — — more nimble

A pronoun (pro, for, nomen, a name) is a word used instead of
a noun.
Pronouns admit of person, gender, number, and case. They
are usually classified into personal, possessive, demonstrative,
and relative ; and, unlike the noun and the adjective, are not
reducible as to their inflexion to any heads or classes.
The personal pronouns are ego, tu, sui, and are thus de-
clined :


Norn. ego nos tu vos
Gen. mei nostrum, nostri tui vestrum, vestri
Dat. mihi nobis tibi vobis
Ace. me nos te vos
Voc. wanting wanting tu vos
Abl. me nobis. te vobis.

Sui has only some cases, and is the same in both numbers.
Gen. sui Ace. se and sese
Dat. sibi Abl. se and sese.
The possessive pronous are meus, tuus, suus, cujus, noster,
ves 4 °r ; they are declined like bonus, except that meus makes mi
in the vocative singular, masculine gender and that all the ;

others, except noster, want the vocative.

Note. — Nostras, vestras, and cujas are declined like an adjective
of one termination : thus, nominative, nostras ; genitive, nostratis.
&c. &c.
B 5
— —

The demonstrative pronouns are hie, Me, iste, and ips and
are thus declined :

Nom. hie hsec hoc hi hae haec
Gen. hujus horum harum horu n
Dat. huic his
Ace. hunc hanc hoc hos has hsec
Voc. wanting wanting
Abl. hoc hac hoc his.

Nom. ille ilia illud illi illse ilia

Gen. illius illorum illarum illorum
Dat. illi illis

Ace. ilium illam illud illos ill as ilia

Voc. wanting wanting
Abl. illo ilia illo illis.

Iste is similarly declined, and also ipse, except that the latter
makes ipsum in the nominative, accusative, and vocative
Nom. is ea id ii eae
Gen. ejus eorum earum eorum
Dat. ei iis or eis
Ace. eum earn id eos eas ea
Voc. wanting wanting
Abl. eo ea eo iis or eis

In like manner is declined idem (for isdem), a compound of is,

except that in the accusative singular, masculine gender, it makes
The relative pronoun qui is thus declined :

Nom. qui quae quod qui quae quae
Gen. cujus quorum quarum quorum
Dat. cui quibus or queis
Ace. quern quam quod quos quas quae
Voc. wanting wanting
Abl. quo qua quo or qui quibus or queis.
The compounds of qui are similarly declined : quidam, a cer-
tain person ;
quivis and quilibet, any one ; and quicunque, who-
The interrogative quis, who, or what, is declined like qui, ex-
cept that it makes quid or quod in the neuter.

Aliquis, some one, is declined like quis, except that its nomina-
tive singular, feminine gender, is aliqua.

A verb expresses the action of, or the receiving of an action
by its subject: when the subject acts, the verb is called active;
when it receives an act, the verb is called passive. These are
the two great subdivisions of the verb family. Some verbs are
called by other names indicative of some property connected
therewith ; these will be considered hereafter.
Verbs are inflected with number, person, mood, and tense.
The number and person of the verb are the same as the
number and person of the noun and pronoun.
As far as inflexion is concerned, there are but four moods the —
indicative, imperative, potential, and infinitive.
Note. —The subjunctive is the same as the potential, and is
attached dependently to another verb to express some condition
or limitation thereof.
The tenses are five
and future.
—present, imperfect, perfect, pluperfect,

Active verbs are classified into four heads, called conjuga-

tions, one from the other by the vowel and its
quantity which precedes re, the termination of the infinitive
The first conjugation has a long before re, as amdre.
The second has e long, as docere.
The third has e short, as legere.
The fourth has i long, as audire.
The radical parts of an active verb, i. e. the parts from which
the others are formed, are the present indicative, the perfect
indicative, and the first supine.

The radical parts of the active verb in the several conjugations

are as follows :

1 amo amavi amatum

2 doceo docui doctum
3 lego legi lectum
4 audio audivi auditum

The following will serve as a model of the conjugation of active

verbs in the several conjugations.


1. Present Tense.

Sin< am-o, I love, am loving, or do love

am-as, thou lovest, art loving, or dost love
am-at, he loveth, is loving, or doth love
Plur. am-amus, we do love
love, are loving, or
am-atis, ye are loving, or do love
am-ant, they love, are loving, or do love.

2. Imperfect Tense.

Sing, am-abam, / did love, or was loving

am-abas, thou didst love, or wast loving
am-abat, he did love, or was loving
Plur. am-abamus, we did love, or were loving
am-abatis, ye did love, or were loving
am-abant, they did love, or were loving.

3. Perfect Tense.

Sing, amav-i, / loved, or have loved

amav-isti, thou lovedst, or hast loved
amav-it, he loved, or hath loved
Plur. amav-imus, we loved, or have loved
amav-istis, ye loved, or have loved
amav-erunt, vel -ere, they loved, or have loved.

. Pluperfect Tense.

Sing, amav-eram, / had loved

amav-eras, thou hadst loved
amav-erat, he had loved
Plur. amav-eramus, we had loved
amav-eratis, ye had loved
amav-erant, they had loved.

5. Future Tense.
Sing, am-abo, / shall, or will love
am-abis, thou shalt, or wilt love,
am-abit, he shall, or will love
Plur. am-abimus, we shall, or will love
am-abitis, ye shall, or will love
am-abunt, they shall, or will love.

No first Person,
Sing. am-a, am-ato, love thou, or do thou love
am-et, am-ato, love he, or let him love
Plur. am-emus, love we, or let us love
am-ate, am-atote , love ye, or do ye love
am-ent, am-anto, love they, or let them love.

1. Present Tense.
Sing. ara-em, / may, or can love
am-es, thou may'st, or canst love
am-et, he may, or can love
Plur. am-emus, we may, or can love
am-etis, ye may, or can love
am-ent, they may, or can love.

2. : [mperfect Tense.
Sing. am-arem, / might, or could love
am-ares, thou might" st, or couMst love
am-aret, he might, or could love
Plur. am-aremus, we might, or could love
am-aretis, ye might, or could love
am-arent, they might, or could love.
3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. amav-erim, / should have loved
amav-eris, thou shouMst have loved
amav-erit, he should have loved
Plur. amav-erimus, we should have loved
amav-eritis, ye should have loved
amav-erint, they should have loved.
4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing. amav-issem, I would have loved
amav-isses, thou would'st have loved
amav-isset, he would have loved
Plur. amav-issemus, we would have loved
amav-issetis, ye would have loved
amav-issent, they would have loved.
5. Future Tense.
Sing. ,amav-ero, / shall have loved
amav-eris, thou shalt have loved
amav-erit, he shall have loved
Plur. amav-erimus, we shall have loved
amav-eritis, ye shall have loved
amav-erint, they shall have loved.

Present, and Imperfect Tense.
am-are, to love.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense.

amav-isse, to have loved*
Future Tense.
amatu-rum esse, to be about to love,

aman-di, of loving
aman-do, in lovinu
aman-dum, «,o vove.

Active. Passive,
amat-um, to love. amat-u, to be loved.

Present Tense. Future in rus.
amans, loving. amatu-rus, about to lot>e.


1. Present Tense.
Sing, mon-eo, / am advising, or do advise
mon-es, thou advisest, art advising, or dost advise
mon-et, he adviseth, is advising, or doth advise
Plur. mon-emus, we advise, are advising, or do advise
mon-etis, ye advise, are advising, or do advise
mon-ent, advise, are advising, or do advise.

Imperfect Tense.
Sing, mon-ebam, / did advise, or was advising
mon-ebas, thou didst advise, or wast advising
mon-ebat, he did advise, or was advising
Plur. mon-ebamus, we did advise, or were advising
rnon-ebatis, ye did advise, or were advising
mon-ebant, they did advise, or were advising.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sim monu-i, / advised, or have advised
raonu-isti, thou advisedst, or hast advised
monu-it, he advised, or hath advised
PJur. monu-imus, we advised, or have advised
monu-istis, ye advised, or have advised
monu-erunt, they advised, or have advised.

. Pluperfect Tense.
monu-eram, / had advised
monu-eras, thou hadst advised
monu-erat, he had advised
monu-eramus, we had advised
monu>eratis, ye had advised
monu-erant, they had advised.

5. Future Tense.
mone-bo, / shall, or will advise
mone-bis, thou shalt, or wilt advise
mone-bit, he shall, or will advise
mone-binius, we shall, or will advise
mone-bitis, ye shall, or will advise
mone-bunt, they shall, or will advise.
No first Person.
mon-e, mon-eto, advise thou, or do thou advise
mon-eat, mon-eto, advise he, or let him advise
mon-eamus, advise we> or let us advise
mon-ete, mon-etote, advise ye, or do ye advise
mon-eant, mon-ento advise they, or let them advise.

1. Present Tense.
king. mone-am, / may, or can advise
mone-as, thou may'st, or canst advise
mone-at, he may, or can advise
Plur. mone-amus, we may, or can advise
mone-atis, ye may, or can advise
mone-ant, they may, or can advise.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing. mone-rem, / might, or could advise
mone-res, thou might' st, or could st advise
mone-ret, he might, or could advise
Plur. mone-remus, we might, or could advise
mone-retis, ye might, or could advise
mone-rent, they might, or could advise.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. monu-erim, / should have advised
monu-eris, thou should'st liave advised
monu-erit, he should have advised
Plur. monu-erimus, we should have advised
monu-eritis, ye should have advised
monu-erint, they should have advised.

4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing, monu-issem, / would have advised
monu-isses, thou would'st have advised
monu-isset, he would have advised
Plur. monu-issemus, we would have advised
monu-issetis, ye would have advised
monu-issent, they would have advised.
5. Future Tense.
Sing, monu-ero, / shall have advised
monu-eris, thou shalt have advised
monu-erit, he shall have advised
PI monu-erimus, we shall have advised
monu-eritis, ye shall have advised
monu-erint, they shall have advised.
Present, and Imperfect Tense.
mon-ere, to advise.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense.

monu-isse, to have advised.
Future Tense.
monitu-rum esse, to be about to advise.

monen-di, of advising
monen-do, in advising
monen-dum, to advise.

Active. Passive,
monit-um, to advise. monit-u, to be advised.

Present Tense. Future in rus.
mo-nens, advising. monitu-rus, about to advise.


1. Present Tense.
Sing, reg-o, / rule, am ruling, or do rule
reg-is thou rulest, art ruling, or dost rule
reg-it, he ruleth, is ruling, or doth rule
Plur. reg-imus, we rule, are ruling, or do rule
reg-itis, ye rule, are ruling, or do rule
reg-unt, they rule, are ruling, or do rule.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing. rege-bam, / did rule, or was ruling
rege-bas, thou didst rule, or wast ruling
rege-bat, he did rule, or was ruling
Plur. rege-bamus, we did rule, or were ruling
rege-batis, ye did rule, or were ruling
rege-bant, they did rule, or were ruling.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. rex-i, / ruled, or have ruled
rex-isti, thou ruledst, or hast ruled
rex-it, he ruled, or hath ruled
Plur. rex-imus, we ruled, or have ruled
rex-istis, ye ruled, or have ruled
rex-erunt, v -ere, they ruled, or have ruled.
4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing. rex-eram, I had ruled
rex-eras, thou hadst ruled
rex-erat, he had ruled
Plur. rex-eramus, we had ruled
rex-eiatis, ye had ruled
rex-erant, they had ruled.

J. Future Tense.
Sing. reg-am, I shall, or will rule
reg-es, thou shalt, or wilt rule
reg-et, he shall, or will rule
Plur. reg-emus, we shall, or will rule
reg-etis, ye shall, or will rule
reg-ent, they shall, or will rule.

No first Person.
Sing. reg-e, reg-ito, rule thou, or do thou rule
reg-at, reg-ito, rule he, or let him rule
Plur. reg-amus, rule we, or let us rule
reg-ite, reg-i tote, rule ye, or do y.e rule
reg-ant, reg- unto, rule they, or let them rule

1. Present Tense.
Sing. reg-am, / may, or can rule
reg-as, thou may'st, or canst rule
reg-at, he may, or can rule
Plur. reg-amus, we may, or can rule
reg-atis, ye may, or can rule
reg-ant, they may, or can rule.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing. reg-erem, / might, or could rule
reg-eres, thou mighfst, or couloVst rule
reg-eret, he might, or could rule
Pliir! reg-erem us, we might, or could rule
reg-eretis, ye might, or could rule
reg-erent, they might, or could rule

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. rex-erim, / should have ruled
rex-eris, thou should'st have rv.ed
rex-erit, he should have ruled
Plur. rex-erimus, we should have ruled
rex-^eritis, ye should have ruled
rex-erint, they should have ruled.

4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing. rex-issem, / would have ruled
rex-isses, thou would' st have ruled
rex-isset, he would have ruled
Plur. rex-issemus, we would have ruled
rex-issetis, ye would have ruled
rex-faser.ii, they would have ruled.

5. Future Tense.
Sing. rex-erc, / shall have ruled
rex-eiis, thou shalt have ruled
rex-erit, he shall have ruled
Plur. rex-erimus, we shall have ruled
rex-eritis, ye shall have ruled
rex-erint, they shall have ruled.

Present, and Imperfect Tense,
reg-ere, to rule.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense,

rex-isse, to have ruled.

Future Tense.
rectu-rum esse, to be about to rule.

regen-di, of ruling
regen-do, in riding
regen-dum, to ^ule.

Active, Passive,
rect-um, to rule. rect-u, to be ruled.

Present Tense. Future in rus.
reg-ens, ruling. rectu-rus, about to rule.


1. Present Tense.
Sing, aud-io, / hear, am hearing, or do hear
aud-is, thou hearest, art hearing, or dost hear
aud-it, he heareth, is hearing, or doth hear
Hur. aud-mms, we hear, are hearing, or do hear
aud-itis, ye hear, are hearing, or do hear
aud-iunt, they hear, are hearing, or do hear.

Imperfect Tense.
bing audie-bam, / did hear, or was hearing
audie-bas, thou didst hear, or wast hearing
audie-bat, he did hear, or was hearing
lur. audie-bamus, we did hear, or were hearing
audie-batis, ye did hear, or were hearing
audie-bant, they did hear, or were hearing.

3. Perfect Tense,
»ing. audiv-i, / heard, or have heard
audiv-isti, thou heard'st, or hast heard
audiv-it, he heard, or hath heard
audiv-imus, we heard, or have heard
audiv-istis, ye heard, or have heard
audiv-erunt, v. -ere, they heard, or have heard.

4. Pluperfect Tense.
qing. audiv-erara, / had heard
audiv-eras, thou hadst heard
audiv-erat, he had heard
PI. audiv-eramus, we had heard
audiv-eratis, ye had heard
audiv-erant, they had heard.

5. Future Tense,
Sing. audi-am, / shall, or will hear
audi-es, thou shall, or wilt hear
audi-et, he shall, or will hear
Plur. audi-emus, we shall, or will hear
audi-etis, ye shall, or will hear
audi-ent, they shall, or will hear.

No first Person,
Sing. aud-i, aud-ito, hear thou, or do thou hear
aud-iat, aud-ito, hear he, or let him hear
Plur. aud-iamus, hear we, or let us hear
aud-ite, aud-itote, hear ye, or do ye hear
aud-iant, aud-iunto, hear they, or let them hear.
1 . Present Tense.
Sing. audi-am, / may, or can hear
audi-as, thou may'st, or canst hear
audi-at, he may, or can hear
Plur. audi-amus, we may, or can hear
audi-atis, ye may, or can hear
audi-ant, they may, or can hear.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing. audi-rem, / might, or could hear
audi-res, thou might' st, or could'st hear
audi-ret, he might, or could hear
Plur. audi-remus, we might, or could hear
audi-retis, ye might, or could hear
audi-rent, they might, or could hear.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. audiv-erim, / should have heard
audiv-eris, thou should'st have heard
audiv-erit, he should have heard
Plur. audiv-erimus, we should have heard
audiv-eritis, ye should have heard
audiv-erint, they should have heard.
1. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing. audiv-issem, / would have heard
audiv-isses, thou would'st have heard
audiv-isset, he would have heard
Plur. audiv-issemus, we would have heard
audiv-issetis, ye would have heard
audiv-issent, they would have heard.

5. Future Tense.
Sing, audiv-ero, / shall have heard
audiv-eris, thou shalt have heard
audiv-erit, he shall have heard
Plur. audiv-erimus, we shall have heard
audiv-eritis, ye shall have heard
audiv-erint, they shall have heard.

Present, and Imperfect Tense.
aud-ire, to hear.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense.

audiv-isse, to have heard.

Future Tense.
auditii-rum esse, to be about to hear.

audien-di, of hearing
audien-do, in hearing
audien-dum, to hear.

Active. Passive,
audit-um, to hear. audit-u, to be heard.

Present Tense. Future in rus.
audi-ens, hearing. auditu-rus, about to hear.

Formation of the several parts {not radical) of Active Verbs.

From the perfect indicative are formed the pluperfect indi-
cative, amaveram ; perfect, pluperfect, and future potential,
amaverim, amavissem, amavero and perfect infinitive, amavisse.

From are formed the imperfect and

the present indicative
future indicative, amabam, amabo ; the imperative mood pre- ;

sent and imperfect potential, amem, amarem ; present infinitive,

amare ; and present participle, amans.
From the first supine in urn are formed the second supine,
amatu ; future participle (in rus), amaturus ; and perfect or past
participle, amatus.
Note. — The mode of from the radical to the derived
part in each conjugation may be by inspection.
easily seen
The Latin esse serves the same purpose as the English verb
to be, by uniting with the past participle to form several tenses
of the passive voice its inflection,
; therefore, is necessarily
learned before that of the passive verb.

1. Present Tms>.
Sing sum, / am
es, thou art
est, he is
Plur sumus, we are
estis, ye are
sunt they are.
2. Imperfect Tins .

Sing. eram,
1 was
eras, thou wast
erat, he was
Plur. eramus, we werz
eratis, ye we^e
erant, they wer~.
3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. fui, / ,vave been
fuisti, thou hast been
fuit, he hath been
Plur. fuimus, we have been
fuistis, ye have beer,
fuerunt, vel fuere, they have beer,.
4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing. fueram, J had been
fueras, thou hadst beeii
fuerat, he had been
Plur. fueram us, we had been
fueratis, ye had been
fuerant, they had been.
5. Future Tense.
Sing. ero, / shall, or will be
eris, thou shalt, or wilt be
erit, he shall, or will be
Plur. erimus, we shall, or will be
eritis, ye shall, or will be
erunt, they shall, or will be.

No first Person.
Sing. sis, es, esto, he thou
Sl esto > be he, or
}> let him be
Plur. s
mus > be we, or let us be
sitis, este, estote, be ye
sint, sunto, be they, or let them be.


1. Present Tense.
Jng. sim, / may, or can be
sis, thou may'st, or canst be
sit, he may, or can be
Hur. simus, we may, or can be
sitis, ye may, or can be
sint, they may, or can be.

Lmperiect Tense.
Lg. essem, vel forern, / might, or could be
esses, vel fores, thou might''st, or could''st be
esset, vel foret. he might, or could be
Blur. essemus, vel foremus, we might, or could be
essetis, vel foretis. ye might, or could be
essent, vel torenc. they might, or could be.

P. Perfect Tense,

Sing. fuerim / may, or should have been

fueris, thou may'st, or should'st have been
fuerit, he may, or should have been
Plur. fuerimus we may, or should have been
fueritis ye may, or should have been
fuerint, they may, or should have been.

4.. Pluperfect Tense,

Sing. fuissem, / might, or would have been
fuisses, thou mighfst, or would' st have been
fuisset, he might, or would have been
Tlur. fuissemus, we might, or would have been
fuissetis, ye might, or would have been
fuissent, they might, or would have been.
5. Future Tense,
Sing. fuero, / shall have been
fueris, thou shalt have been
fuerit, he shall have been
Plur. fuerimus, we shall have been
fueritis, ye shall have been
fuerint, they shall have been.

Present, and Imperfect Tense,
esse, to be.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense,

fuisse, to have been.

Future Tense,
fore, vel futiirum esse, to be about to be.
Participle of the future in rus.
Futurus, about to be.


1. Present Tense.
Sing, am-or, / am loved
am-aris, v. am-are, thou art herd
am-atur, he is loved
Plur. am-amur, we are loved
am-amini, ye are loved
ara-antur, they are loved.
Imperfect Tense.
Sing, am-abar, 1 was loved
am-abaris, v. -abare, thou wast loved
am-abatur, he was loved
Plur. am-abamur, we were loved
am-abamini, ye were loved
am-abantur, they were loved.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing, amat-us sum, v. fui, / have been loved
amat-us es, v. fuisti, thou hast been loved
arnat-us est, v. fuit, he hath been loved
Plur, amat-i sumus, v. fuimus, we have been loved
amat-i estis, v. fuistis. ye have been loved
amat-i sunt, fuerunt, v. -ere, they have been loved.

4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sino;.amat-us eram, v. fueram, / had been loved
amat-us eras, v. fueras, thou hadst been loved
amat-us erat, v. fuerat, he had been loved
Plur. amat-i eramus v. fueramus, we had been loved
amat-i eratis, v. fueratis, ye had been loved
amat-i erant, v. fuerant, they had been loved.

5 Future Tense.
Sing, am-abor, / shall, or will be loved
am-aberis, v, -abere, thou shalt, or wilt be lo\
am-abitur, he shall, or will be love
Plur. am-abimur, we shall, or will be love
am-abimini, ye shall, or will be love
am-abuntur, they shall, or will be lo

5ing. am-are, am-ator, be thou loved
am-etur, am-ator, let him be loved
Plur. am-emur, let us be loved
am-amini, am-aminor, be ye loved
am-entur, am-antor, let them be loved.

1. Present Tense.
sing. am-er, / may, or can be loved
am-eris v am-ere, thou may'st, or canst be loved
am-etur, he may, or can be loved
Plur. am-emur, we may, or can be loved
am-emini, ye may, or can be loved
am-entur, they may, or can be loved.

2. Imperfect Tense.
am-arer, / might, or could be loved
am-areris, i arere, thou might''st, or could st beloved
am-aretur, he might, or could be loved
Plur. am-aremur, we might, or could be loved
am-aremini, ye might, or could be loved
am-arentur, they might, or could be loved.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. amat-us sim, v. fuerim, I should have been loved
amat-us sis, v. fueris, thou should st have been loved
amat-us sit, v. fuerit, he should have been loved
Plur. amat-i simus, v. fuerimus, we should have been loved
amat-i sitis, v. fueritis, ye should have been loved
amat-i sint, v. fuerint, they should have been loved.

4. Pluperfect Tense,
Sing. amat-us essem, v. fuissem, / would have been loved
amat-us esses, v. fuisses, thou would' st have been loved
amat-us esset, v. fuisset, he would have been loved
Plur. amat-i essemus, v. fuissemus, we would have been loved
amat-i essetis, v. fuissetis, ye would have been loved
amat-i essent, v. fuissent, they would have been loved.

5. Future Tense.
Sing. amat-us ero, v. fuero, / shall have been loved
amat-us eris, v. fueris, thou shalt have been loved
amat-us erit, v. fuerit, he shall have been loved
Plur. amat-i erimus, v. fuerimus, we shall have been loved
amat-i eritis, v. fueritis, ye shall have been loved
amat-i erunt, v. fuerint, they shall have been loved.
5JD on the verb.

Present, and Imperfect Tense,
am-ari, to be loved.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense,

amat-um esse, vel fuisse, to have been mvea.
Future Tense,
amat-um iri, to be about to be loved.
The Perfect Tense.
amat-us, loved, or being loved.

The Future in dus.

aman-dus, to be loved.


1. Present Tense.
Sing, mon-eor, / am advised
mon-eris, v. -ere, ^thou art advised
mon-etur, he is advised
Plur. mon-emur, we are advised
mon-emini, ye are advised
mon-entur, they are advised.
2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing, mon-ebar, I was advised
mon-ebaris, v. -ebare, thou wast advised
mon-ebatur, he was advised
Plur. mon-ebamur, we were advised
mon-ebamini, ye were advised
mon-ebantur, they were advised.
3. Perfect Tense.
Sing, monit-us sum, v. fui, / have been advised
monit-us es, v. fuisti, thou hast been advised
monit-us est, v. fuit, he hath been advised
Plur. monit-i sumus, v. fuimus, we have been advised
monit-i estis, v. fuistis, ye have been advised
monit-i sunt, fuerunt, v. fuere, they have been advised.
4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing, monit-us eram, v. fueram, / had been advised
monit-us eras, v. fueras, thou hadst been advised
monit-us erat, v. fuerat, he had been advised
Plur. monit-i eramus, v. fueramus, we had been advised
monit-i eratis, v. fueratis, ye had been advised
monit-i erant, v. fuerant, they had been advised.

5. Future Tense.
Sing, mon-ebor, I shall, or will be advised
mon-eberis, v. -ebere, thou shalt, or wilt be advised
mon-ebitur, he shall, or will be advised
Plur. mon-ebimur, we shall, or will be advised
mon-ebimini, ye shall, or will be advised
mon-ebuntur they shall, or will be advised.

Sing. mon-ere, mon-etor, be thou advised
mon-eatur, mon-etor, let him be advised
Plur. mon-eamur, let us be advised
mon-emini, mon-eminor, be ye advised
mon-eantur, mon-entor, let them be advised.

1. Present Tense.
Sing. mon-ear, / may, or can be advised
mon-earis, v. mon-eare, thou may'st, or canst be advised
mon-eatur, he may, or can be advised
Plur. mon-eamur, we may, or can be advised
mon-eamini, ye may, or can be advised
mon-eantur, they may, or can be advised.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing. mon-erer, / might, or could be advised
mon-ereris, v* -erere, thou might' st, or could' st be advised
mon-eretur, he might, or could be advised
Plur. mon-eremur, we might, or could be advised
mon-eremini, ye might, or could be advised
mon-erentur, they might, or could be advised.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. monit-us sim, v. fuerim, / should have been advised
monit-us sis, v. fueris, thou should' st have been advised
monit-us sit, v. fuerit, he should have been advised
Plur. monit-i simus, v. fuerimus, we should have been advised
monit-i sitis, v. fueritis, ye should have been advised
monit-i sint, v. fuerint, they should have been advised.
Pluperfect Tense,
Sing. monit-us essem, fuissem, / would have been advised

monit-us esses, v. fuisses, thou would' st have been advised

monit-us esset, v. fuisset, he would have been advised
Plur. monit-i essemus,??.fuissemus, we would have been advised
monit-i essetis, v. fuissetis, ye would have been advised
monit-i essent, v. fuissent, they would have been advised,
c 2


5. Future Tense.
Sing, monit-us ero, v. fuero, / shall have been advised
monit-us eris, v. fueris, thou shalt have been advised
monit-us erit, v. merit, he shall have been advised
Plur. monit-i erimus, v. fuerimus we shall have been advised
monit-i eritis, v. fueritis, ye shall have been advised
monit-i erunt, v. fuerint, they shall have been advised.

Present, and Imperfect Tense.
mon-eri, to be advised.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense.

monit-um esse, vel fuisse, to have been advised.

Future Tense.
monit-um iri, to be about to be advised.

The Perfect Tense,
monit-us, advised, or being advised.

The Future in dus.

monen-dus, to be advised.


1. Present Tense.

Sing, reg- or, / am ruled

reg- eris, v. reg-ere, thou art ruled
reg- itur, » he is ruled
Plur. reg- •imur, we are ruled
reg. imini, ye are ruled
reg. untur, they are ruled.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing, reg ebar, / was ruled,
reg ebaris, v. -ebare, thou wast ruled
reg •ebatur, he was ruled
Plur. reg -ebamur, we were ruled
reg -ebamini, ye were ruled
reg -ebantur, they were ruled.
3 Perfect Tense.
Sin go rect;-us sum, v. fui, / have been ruled
rect us es, v. fuisti, thou hast been ruled
rect us est, v. fuit, he hath been ruled,
Plur. rect:-i sumus, v. fuimus, we have been ruled
rect i estis, v. fuistis, ye have been ruled
rect i sunt, fuerunt, v. fuere, they have been ruled.

4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing, rect-us eram, v. fueram, i" had been ruled

rect-us eras, v. fueras, thou hadst been ruled

rect-us erat, v. fuerat, he had been ruled
Plur. rect-i eramus,«;.fueramus, we had been ruled
rect-i eratis, v. fueratis, ye had been ruled
rect-i erant, v. fuerant, they had been ruled.
5. Future Tense.
Sing. reg-ar, / shall, or will be ruled
reg-eris, v. reg-ere thou shalt, or wilt be ruled
reg-etur, he shall, or will be ruled
Plur. reg-emur, we shall, or will be ruled
reg-emini, ye shall, or will be ruled
reg-entur, they shall, or will be ruled.

Sing. reg-ere, reg-itor, be thou ruled
reg-atur, reg-itor, let him be ruled
Plur. reg-amur, let us be ruled
reg-imini, reg-iminor, be ye ruled
reg-antur, reg-untor, let them be ruled.

1. Present Tense.
Sing. reg-ar, i"may, or can be ruled
reg-aris, v. reg-are thou matfst, or canst be ruled
reg-atur, he may, or can be ruled
Plur. reg-amur, we may, or can be ruled
reg-amini, ye may, or can be ruled
reg-antur, they may, or can be ruled.

Imperfect Tense.
Sing. reg-erer, / might, or could be ruled
reg-ereris, v. reg-ere re thou mighfst, or could' st be ruled
reg-eretur, he might, or could be ruled
Plur. reg-eremur, we might, or could be ruled
reg-eremini, ye might, or could be ruled
reg-erentur, they might, or could be ruled.
3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. rect-us sim, v. fuerim, / should have been ruled
rect-us sis, v. fueris, thou should'st have been ruled
rect-us sit, v. fuerit, he should have been ruled
Plur. rect-i simus, v. fuerimus we should have been ruled
rect-i sitis, v. fueritis, ye should have been ruled
rect-i sint, v. fuerint, they should have been ruled.

4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing, rect-us essern, v. fuissem, I would have been ruled
rect-us esses, v. fuisses, thou would'st have been ruled
rect-us esset, v. fuisset, he would have been ruled
Plur. rect-i essemus, v. fuissemus, we would have been ruled
rect-i essetis, v. fuissetis, ye would have been ruled
rect-i essent, v. fuissent, they would have been ruled.

Future Tense.
Sing, rect-us ero, v. fuero, 7 shall have been ruled
rect-us eris, v. fueris, thou shalt have been ruled
rect-us erit, v. fuerit, he shall have been ruled
Plur. rect-i erimus, v. fuerimus, we shall have been ruled
rect-i eritis, v. fueritis, ye shall have been ruled
rect-i erunt, v. fuerint, they shall have been ruled.
Present, and Imperfect Tense,
reg-i, to be ruled.

Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense.

rect-um esse, vel fuisse, to have been ruled.
Future Tense.
rect-um iri, to be about to be ruled.
The Perfect Tense,
rect-us, ruled, or being ruled.
The Future in dus.
regen-dus, to be ruled.

1. Present Tense.
Sing, aud-ior, I am heard
aud-iris, v. aud-ire, thou art heard
aud-itur, he is heard
Plur. aud-imur, we are heard
aud-imini, ye are heard
aud-iuntur, they are heard.
2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing, aud-iebar, / was heard
aud-iebaris, v. aud-iebare, thou wast heard
aud-iebatur, he was heard
Plur. aud-iebamur, we were heard
aud-iebamini, ye were heard
aud-iebantur, they were heard.

3. Perfect Tense.
Sing. audit-us sum, v. fui, / have been heard
audit-us es, v. fuisti, thou hast been heard
audit-us est, v. fuit, he hath been heard
Plur. audit-i sumus, v. fuiraus, we have been heard
audit-i estis, v. fuistis; ye have been heard
audit-i sunt,fuerunt,#.fuere, they have been heard.

4. Pluperfect Tense,
Sing. audit-us eram, v. fueram, / had been heard
audit-us, eras, v. fueras, thou hadst been heard
audit-us erat, v. fuerat, he had been heard
Plur. audit-i eramus, v. fueramus, we had been heard
audit-i eratis, v. fueratis, ye had been heard
audit-i erant, v. fuerant, they had been heard.

5. Future Tense.
Sing. aud-iar, / shall, or will be heard
aud-ieris, v. aud-iere, thou shalt, or wilt be heard
aud-ietur, he shall, or will be heard
Plur. aud-iemur, we shall, or will be heard
aud-iernini, ye shall, or will be heard
aud-ientur, they shall, or will be heard.

Sing. aud-ire, aud-itor, be thou heard
aud-iatur, aud-itor, let him be heard
Plur. aud-iamur, let us be heard
aud-imini, aud-iminor, be ye heard
aud-iantur, aud-iuntor, let them be heard.

1. Present Tense.
Sing. aud-iar, / may, or can be heard
aud-iaris, v. aud-iare, thou may'st, or canst be heard
aud-iatur, he may, or can be heard
Plur. aud-iamur, we may, or can be heard
aud-iamini, ye may, or can be heard
aud-iantur, they may, or can be heard.

2. Imperfect Tense.
Sing. aud-irer, I might, or could be heard
aud-ireris, v aud- irere, thou might 'st, or could'st be heard
aud-iretur, he might, or could be heard
Plur. aud-iremur, we might, or could be heard
aud-iremini, '
ye might, or could be heard
aud-irentur, they might, or could be heard.

3. Perfect Tense,
Sincr. audit-us sim, v. fuerim, / should have been heard
audit-us sis, v. fueris, thou should'st have been heard
audit-us sit, v. fuerit, he should have been heard >

Plur. audit-i simus, v. fuerimus we should have been heard

audit-i sitis, v. fueritis, ye should have been heard
audit-i sint, v. fuerint, they should have been heard.
4. Pluperfect Tense.
Sing, audit-us essem, v. fuissem, / would have been heard
audit-us esses, v. fuisses, thou would''st have been heard
audit-us esset, v. fuisset, he would have been heard
Plur. audit-i essemus,v.fuissemus, we would have been heard
audit-i essetis, v. fuissetis, ye would have been heard
audit-i essent, v. fuissent, they would have been heard.
5. Future Tense.
Sing, audit-us ero, v. fuero, / shall have been heard
audit-us eris, v. fueris, thou shalt have been heard
audit-us erit, v. fuerit, he shall have been heard
Plur. audit-i erimus, v. fuerimus, we shall have been heard
audit-i eritis, v. fueritis, ye shall have been heard
audit-i erunt, v. fuerint, they shall have been heard.
Present, and Imperfect Tense.
aud-iri, to be heard.
Perfect, and Pluperfect Tense.
audit-um esse, v el fuisse, to have been heard.
Future Tense.
audit-um iri, to be about to be heard.
The Perfect Tense,
audit-us, heard, or being heard.
The Future in dus.
audien-dus, to be heard.


Conj. Pres. Indie. Perf. Indie. Pres. Infin. 1st Supine.
1 damno, I condemn damnavi damnare damnatum
2 doceo, / teach docui docere doctum
3 duco, / lead duxi ducere ductum
3 incesso, I provoke incessivi incessere incessitum
3 intelligo, / understand intellexi intelligere intellectual
4 haurio, / draw up hausi haurire haustum
2 jubeo, / command jussi jubere jussum
1 do, I give dedi dare datum


1. Tf it were required to give the Latin for they will condemn,

the first thing to be determined is the mood and tense, the voice,
number, and person of the English verb. In the present instance,
it is mood, third person plural, and
the future tense, indicative
the active voice. Next, damno is the first conjugation, and must
be treated like amo, the future of which is amabo, and is found
by changing the o'of the present into abo : thus, the future of
damno is damnabo, the third plural of which, according to the
model of the inflexion of the persons of this tense in the first
conjugation, is damnabunt, which, as the nominative of the pro-
noun is not expressed in Latin, except for emphasis' sake, is the
literal representative of the English expression, they will con-
2. They would be given. —
Here is the passive voice, potential
mood, imperfect tense, third plural. Compare the model, amo,
which, like do, is the first conjugation, and observe the formation
of this part :

die. Pres. Poten. Pres. Poten. Imperf. same Mood and Tense
Amo amem amarem amarer
Do dem darem darer
Inflect darer in the persons, and the third plural will be found
3. —
They would have been provoked. The passive voice, poten-
tial mood, pluperfect tense, third plural. Observe the formation
of the part in question :

1st Supine. Past Part. Pluperf. Poten. Pass.

Auditum auditus auditus essem, vel fuissem
Incessitum incessitus incessitus essem, vel fuissem.

Inflect the latter according to the model, and the third plural
will be incessiti essent, vel fuissent, the part required.
By comparing the models of the four conjugations of the
active or passive regular verbs, and observing the formation of
the several parts, any part required may be found.
The following are to be translated into Latin :

1 I might have been cot I have been taught.

demned. To have been condemned.
2 Thev would command. 9 Let us lead.
3 Ye might
be understood. 10 They would have been
4 He
might have given. given.
5 They would be leading. 11 He might understand.
6 Let them understand. 12 Let us be taught.


13 I was giving. 44 Let us be drawn up.

14 He had been condemned, 45 I am leading.
15 To be given. 46 To lead (1st supine).
16 Lead ye. 47 To lead (infinitive).
17 1 would draw up. 48 Let us be understood.
18 Let them be commanded. 49 I was given.
19 I would be teaching. 50 They would have drawn up.
20 To have been drawn up. 51 To have been drawn up.
21 To have been given. 52 Draw ye up.
22 To have condemned. 53 I would have been led.
23 I might teach. 54 I did give (imperfect).
24 They would draw up. 55 Be ye condemned.
25 Let them provoke. 56 To understand (1st supine).
26 We might command. 57 I have been teaching.
27 We might have commanded. 58 Ye have been taught.
28 Let them be commanded. 59 To be teaching.
29 We understand. 60 Let them be commanded.
30 They teach. 61 I had been leading.
31 Let them provoke. 62 To be leading (infinitive).
32 I have commanded. 63 To be condemned.
33 To be commanded. 64 Condemn ye.
34 To have provoked. 65 Do ye condemn.
35 They would give. 66 Let them draw up.
36 I was understood. 67 I was drawn up.
37 They were given. 68 I would be led.
38 He was taught. 69 Ye would lead.
39 Let him be leading. 70 Ye would be led.
40 They would lead. 71 To have been leading.
41 I had been led. 72 Let him understand.
42 To have been condemned. 73 I have been provoking.
43 I am commanded. 74 Ye have been given.

Key to the foregoing.

Note. —The
following answers are given, not to obviate the
necessity of close and anxious study on the part of the pupil,
nothing can supply the place of such study, —
but to assist in some
cases, and encourage in all ; the learner having the power to as-
certain whether his efforts have been successful.

1 Damnatus essem, vel fuis- 5 Ducerent.
sem. 6 Intelligant, intelligunto.
2 Juberent. 7 Doctus sum, vel fui.
3 Intelligeremini. 8 Damnatum esse, vel fuiase.
4 Dedisset. 9 Ducamus.

10 Dati essent, vel fuissent. 43 Jubeor.

11 Intelligent. 44 Hauriamur.
12 Doceamur. 45 Duco.
13 Dabam. 46 Ductum.
14 Damnatus erat, vel fuerat. 47 Ducere.
15 Dari. 48 Intelligamur.
16 Ducite, ducitote. 49 Dabar.
17 Haurirem. 50 Hausissent.
18 Jubeantur, jubentor. 51 Haustum esse, vel fuisse.
19 Docerem. 52 Haurite, hauritote.
20 Haustum esse, vel fuisse. 53 Ductus essem, vel fuissem
21 Datum esse, vel fuisse. 54 Dabam.
22 Damnavisse. 55 Damnamini, damnaminor.
23 Docerem. 56 Intellectum.
24 Haurirent. 57 Docui.
25 Incessant, incessunto. 58 Docti estis, vel fuistis.
26 Juberemus. 59 Docere.
27 Jussissemus. 60 Jubeantur, jubentor.
28 See answer 18. 61 Duxeram.
29 Intelligimus. 62 Ducere.
30 Docent. 63 Damnari.
31 See 25. 64 Damnate, damnatote.
32 Jussi. 65 The same.
33 Juberi. 66 Hauriant, hauriunto.
34 Incessivisse. 67 Hauriebar.
35 Darent. 68 Ducerer.
36 Intelligebar. 69 Duceretis.
37 Dabantur. 70 Duceremini.
38 Docebatur. 71 Duxisse.
39 Ducat, ducito. 72 Intelligat, intelligito
40 Ducerent. 73 Incessivi.
41 Ductus eram, vel fueram. 74 Dati estis, vel fuistis.
42 Damnatum esse, vel fuisse.

Irregularities prevail in the conjugation of certain Latin verbs, as
in the verbs of other languages. The following is an analysis of the
conjugation of the principal irregular verbs of the Latin tongue :

Posse, to be able. Edere, to eat.

Velle, to be willing. Ferre, to bear.
Nolle, to be unwilling. Fieri, to be made.
Malle, to be more willing. Ferri, to be carried.
Note. —Malle is compounded of magis, more, and velle, to be
willing ; and edere in some parts is conjugated like esse.
c 6

1. Present Tense.
Possum potes potest possumus potestis possunt
Volo vis vult volumus vultis volunt
Nolo nonvis nonvult nolumus nonvultis nolunt
Malo mavis mavult malumus mavultis malunt
Edo edis, v. es edh,v. est edimus editis, v. estis edunt
Fero fers fert ferimus fertis ferunt
Fio fis fit fimus fitis fiunt
Feror ferris,v.ferre fertur ferimur ferimini feruntur

2. Imperfect Tense.
Pot-eram eras erat eramus eratis erant
Vole-bam -\

> bas bat bamus batis bant
Fere-bar baris, v. bare batur bamur bamini bantur
3 . Perfe st Tense.
Potu-i ->,

1Stl it imus istis erunt, vel ere
Malu-i >
Tul-i J
Fact-us") sum es est i sumus, estis, sunt, fuerunt,
> v. v. v. v. v. v.
Lat-us J fui fuisti fuit fuimus, fuistis fuere

4. Pluperl ect Tense.

Potu-eram -n
> eras erat eramus eratis erant
Tul-eram J
Fact-us"j eram, eras, erat, i eramus, eratis, erant,
> v. v. v. v. v. v.
Lat-us J fue ram -eras -erat fueramus fueratis fuerant

5. Future Tense.
Pot-ero eris erit erimus eritis erunt
Vol-am ->>

^ es et emus etis ent
Fi-am J
Fer-ar eris, v. ere etur emur emini entur
Possum, volo, and malo have no imperative mood.
Present Tense.
Noli, nolito. nolite, nolitote.
Ede, edito, vel es, esto edamus ; edite, editote vel este,
edat, edito, vel esto estote ; ed-ant, -unto
Fer, ferto ; ferat, ferto feramus ferte, fertote fer-ant, -unto
; ;

Fi, fito ; fiat, fito fiamus ; fite, fitote fiant,

; fiunto
Fer-re, tor ; feratur, fertor feramur; ferimin~i, -or: -antur, -untor
1. Present Tense.
is ltis int
Fer-am at amus atis ant
Fer-ar ans, v. are atur amini antur
2. Imperfect Tense.
Eder-em et etis ent
Ferr-er ens, v.'ere etur emur emini entur

3 Perfect Tense.
Potu-erim " ,

eris erit erimus eritis erint
Ed-erim \

Tul-erim ^ I

sim ' sis, sit, i simus, sitis, sint,

Fact-us f
V ' v. v. v. v. v.

Lat-us L fue-rim ris rit fuerimus fueritis fuerint

4. Pluperfect Tense.
Potu-issem "\
isses isset issemus issetis issent
Malu-issem I

Ed-issem |

Tul-issem J
essem, esses, esset, i essemus, essetis, essent,
1 act-us Jf
V' v. v. v. v. v.
Lat-us l_fu-issem isses isset fuissemus fuissetis fuissent
5 Futui e Tense.
Potu-ero ->|

Nolu-ero !

eris erit erimus eritis erint

Malu-ero '

Tul-ero J
ero ' eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt,
Fact-us f
v. v. v. v. v.
Lat-us Lfue-ro ris rit fuerimus fueritis fuerint
Present, and Ir nperfect Tense.
posse edere, vel esse
velle ferre
nolle fieri
m alle ferri

Perfect and Pluperfect Tense,

potuisse edisse
voluisse tulisse
noluisse factum esse, vel fuisse
maluisse latum esse, vel iuisse

Future Tense,
esurum esse factum iri
laturum esse latum iri
Possum, volo, nolo, malo, have no future tense of the infinitive

Ire, to go, is irregular in some of its parts ; in others it is

formed regularly.
The radical parts of this
perfect indicative, ivi ;
verb are
supine, itum.
— present indicative, eo ;

Of this verb, those parts which are formed from the perfect
indicative and first supine are regular. The irregular formations
are as follow :

Present. eo is it lmus itis eunt
Imperf. ibam ibas ibat ibamus ibatis ibant
Future. ibo ibis ibit ibimus ibitis ibunt

i, ito eat, ito eamus | ite, itote eant, eunto

Present, earn eas eat eamus | eatis eant
Imperf. irem ires iret J
iremus iretis irent

eundi eundo eundum
participle, iens (gen. euntis).
Note. —The compounds of eo are similarly conjugated ; also
queo, to be able, be unable, except that the two
and nequeo, to
latter have no imperative mood and no gerunds.

Verbs are called defective, that have only some particular tenses
and persons as, :

Aio, I say.
Present, aio ais ait aiunt
Imperf. aiebam ajebas aiebat aiebamus aiebatis aiebant
Perfect. aisti aistis

ai I

Present. aias aiat aiant
participle, aiens.

Ausim, / dare.
indicative or potential mood.
Present, ausim ausis ausit I — ausint

Ave, hail.

imperative mood.
ave, aveto avete, avetote

infinitive mood.

Salve ! God save you !

indicative mood.
Future. salvebis

salve, salveto | salvete, salvetote


Cedo, give me.

cedo — I cedite

Faxo, or faxim {for faciam), / will, or may do it.


Future, (faxo, vel) r .
r .

faxis faxit faximus faxitis faxint

Pres. Ifaxim ]

Quagso, I pray.
Present, quaeso quaesis qusesit qaesumus

participle, quassens.

Inquio, or inquam, / say.

inquio, vel
> inquis mquit inquimus mquiunt
inquiebat inquiebant
inquies inquiet
inque inquiat, inquito |

participle, inquiens.

Memini, / remember.
memento mementote

Ccepi, / begin.
Perfect, ccepi ccepisti

Odi, / hate.

Perfect, odi odisti odit I oderunt
Memini, remember. This verb has the tenses only that are
formed from the perfect tense of the indicative mood as from :

it are formed memin-eram, -erim, -issem, -ero, -isse.

In like manner ccepi and odi also form these tenses.

The adverb modifies the force of the word with which it is
connected in Latin, as in English as, magnopere cupio discere,

I am very anxious to learn ; wherein magnopere modifies the

signification of the word cupio.
Note. —Some adverbs in Latin admit of comparison thus, :

bene, well comparative, melius, better

; optime, best. The

comparative of the adverb, in such cases, is the comparative

neuter of the adjective agreeing with a noun understood, which is
governed by some preposition also understood.

The preposition connects words as, exivit ex urbe, he de-

parted from the city wherein ex is the preposition, and connects


Me, the subject of exivit, or exivit itself, with urbe.

Prepositions require after them a noun, or its representative,
the pronoun.
Such noun or pronoun, except the preposition be in com-
position, that is, form a part of another word, will always be
in either the accusative or ablative case.
Some prepositions govern the accusative, and others the abla-
tive case, and some govern both cases but a preposition governing

different cases varies its signification according to the case it

The following are the principal prepositions which govern the
ablative case :
—A, ab, abs, absque, coram, clam, cum, de, e, ex,
prae, pro, sine, tenus.
The following are the principal prepositions which govern the
accusative :

Ad, adversus* adversum, ante, apud, circa, circum,
circiter, cis, citra, contra, erga, extra, infra, inter, intra, juxta,
penes, per, pone, post, pragter, prope, propter, secundum, supra,
trans, ultra, usque, versus.
In, sub, subter, and super are the principal prepositions which,
varying their significations, govern the accusative and ablative.

The conjunction is a particle which unites words or clauses
together ; when is modified by the
clauses, the preceding one
latter insome particular of time, place, manner, &c. &c. as, :

eram miser, cum amarem, I was wretched when I loved where- ;

in the cum connects the latter with the former clause, the state
expressed therein being asserted only of the time in which the
act took place expressed in the latter clause.

Any word or particle which is used to express a sudden feel-
ing of passion or emotion is called by the name interjection :

thus, ah ! oh !
In the Latin, as in the English language, nouns, adjectives,
and verbs are frequently used interjectionallyas, nefas ! mise-

rablle ! &c. &c.


Definitions and Explanations of Terms used in the following


1. Translation is the rendering of the words of one language

into words in another, so as thereby to express the same idea.
2. The construction of a language (generally) is the putting
together (literally piling or building up) its words agreeably to
the observed usage thereof. The construction of a particular
word is the formula it requires to be used in connexion with it
; 'as, dare librum magistro, to give a book to the master from;

which it appears that the verb dare is constructed with an ac-

cusative of the thing given, and a dative of the person or thing
which receives it.
3. A transitive verb (transeo, to pass over) is a verb that
expresses an act which passes on to or affects an object thus,:

condere lunam, to hide the moon ;wherein lunam is the object

or the thing affected by the act of hiding. The ear always
i detects the transitive verb, which leaves a vacuum after it, the
'sense not being concluded until such vacuum is filled up.
4. The subject of a sentence is the word which is the subject
of conversation, that is, the word of which the verb makes the
affirmation. This subject is in the nominative case thus the

subject of a verb and its nominative case are identical.

5. The agent is the word which expresses the performer of an
act. In an active verb the subject or nominative case and the
agent are identical: thus, "I sleep;" where / is the subject or
nominative of the verb sleep, and also the agent or performer
of the act of sleeping. In the passive verb, on the contrary, the
agent and subject are not identical: as, "The house is burned

by fire ;" where house is the subject, and^re the agent.

6. The complement of a word (compleo, to fill up) is the word
i or formula of words connected with or appended to it for the
purpose of explanation thus, " The Queen of England, Eng-

land's Queen

wherein of England in the former, and England's

: in the latter expression, is the complement of Queen.

7. A deponent verb (deponere, to lay down) is a verb which,
though passive in inflexion, lays down, that is, gives up, the
passive signification, and is active in sense.
8. A
simple sentence has in it but one subject and one verb.
Attention is directed in this definition to the force of and, be-
cause a sentence having one subject and two verbs, or two sub-
jects and one verb, is not simple, being resolvable into as many
simple sentences as there are either subjects or verbs.

A complex sentence is one which may be resolved into two or

more simple sentences.
9. A word is said to be syncopated when a letter or syllable
is elided from the middle thereof. The mark ( ) is generally set
over the part where the want exists as, quierant, for quieve-

10. The context of a word or passage is the sentence or
sentences which stand connected with it. The context is fre-
quently the best commentary as to the meaning of a doubtful
word or passage.
11. The influence which one word exercises over another is
properly called government, inasmuch as the governed word
assumes a definite form, in obedience, as it were, to the word
by which such influence is exerted thus, in the expression

Britannice Regina, the former word explaining the latter is said

to be governed by it in the genitive case, according to the prin-
ciple laid down in Rule 5.
12. Words are said to be disjunctively connected when they
are united in the same link by a copula, which shows that the
thing asserted is said of one to the exclusion of the other and ;

copuiatively connected when the assertion is made equally

of all.

The antecedent is the word for which the relative stands,

and sometimes called the correlative.

14. A periphrasis is a form of expression whereby an idea

is represented by many words which could be expressed directly

by few thus, " From the rismg to the setting of the sun," i. e.

from east to west.

15. Attraction is a species of construction which exhibits itself
in various forms, the principal of which is that wherein the rela-
tive is put in (attracted to) the case of the antecedent, irrespec-
tively of the position of the relative in its own clause.
Hendiadis is a figure of speech whereby what is really
but one is represented as two things thus, gemmis auroque,

with gems and gold, i. e. with golden gems.

17. Synecdoche is a figure of speech whereby a part is put for
the whole.



1. The verb agrees with its subject in number and person.

2. The adjective agrees with the noun which it qualifies in
gender, number, and case.

3. Transitive verbs govern an accusative case.

4. Some prepositions require the noun after them to be in the
accusative, and some in the ablative case.
5. One noun governs another which explains or modifies it in
the genitive case.
6. The word which expresses the instrument with which, the
cause for which, or the manner in which an act is performed, is
put in the ablative case.
Note. —
The first rule means that the subject and the verb
i must be in the same number and person; the second that the
adjective and the noun must be in the same gender, number, and
case and the third rule states a general principle to which there

(are many exceptions, which will be considered hereafter. The

number of the rule will be appended in the following sentences to
the word to which, as illustrating it, attention is directed.

1 5 3
1. Scipio fudit Anmbalis copias.
s l 3
2. Lethi vis rapuit, '
rapietque gentes.
2 2
3. Cita mors *
venit, aut victoria laeta.
6 3 3
4. Orpheus carmine sylvas et saxa l
6 2 l 6 2
5. Concordia parvse res crescunt, discordia maximae
6 2 1 3
6. Dente tenaci anchora fundabat naves.
6 3 2
7. Neptunus ventis
implevit vela secundis.
5 2 4
8. Extemplo Libyse magnas !
it fama per urbes.
2 4
9. Homines proniores *
sunt ad voluptatem, quam ad 4
2 2 l 6 5 3
10. Pallida mors aequo pulsat pede pauperum tabernas,
5 3
regumque turres.

1 1. Nox x
erat, et
placidum * carpebant 2 fessa 3 soporem cor-
4 2
pora per terras, silvaeque et saeva quierant aequora.

4 4 1
12. Navita de ventis, de tauris narrat arator.
1 2 4
13. Cantabit vacuus coram latrone viator.
2 4 4 4
14. Tres Eurus ab alto in brevia et syrtes



1. The first thing to be done in translating a sentence is to

look out for all the words thereof in the index or dictionary.

The parts of speech to which each belongs, and the case, number,
&c. &c. of a noun or pronoun, with the conjugation, number,
person, mood, and tense of the verb, can be thus acquired. This
done, the subject of the sentence and the verb are next to be
found out, and then the other words must follow in translation
as the construction or sense, or both together, will dictate. In
the case of the present sentence, there are three nouns, one only
of which, Scipio, is in the nominative case. This, therefore, may
at once be concluded to be the subject of" the only verb in the
sentence, fudit, which will be found from its inflexion to be in
the indicative mood, perfect tense, third person singular. The
translation in English of these two words is, therefore, " Scipio
has routed (or routed)." This is evidently a transitive verb, as
indicated by the ear, because a man cannot rout without routing
something. The next thing is to find out that something. The
only noun in the sentence which can express the something
routed is copias, because it is the only one in the accusative case,
and by Rule 3 transitive verbs govern the accusative. The sen-
tence thus far is in English, " Scipio routed (the) forces ;" and
the remaining word, Annibalis, being in the genitive case, belongs
to copias in construction, and so in translation, by Rule 5 ; and
the whole sentence, therefore, when rendered into English, is,
" Scipio routed the forces of Annibal." In addition to this, the
particulars of the declension of each word inflected are to be
ascertained and as far as the sentence in question is concerned,

all is known concerning it which can be exacted from the

2. The subject, according to the principles enunciated under
Sentence is vis.
1, The complement of vis is lethi, because
lethican be joined as the genitive complement to no other noun
in the sentence so as to make sense. The verb is rapuit, which is
connected with rapiet by the conjunction que. The object of these
transitive verbs evidently is gentes, and the sentence translated
is. "The force of death has carried off, -and will carry off
Herein are merely involved, in addition to the preceding
principles, the concord or agreement between the noun and the
adjective, which is laid down in Rule 2. Mors is the noun, citus
the adjective. On looking to the index, citus is perceived to be
an adjective of three terminations, like bonus. Mors is the no-
minative case, singular number, feminine gender; and citus
declined will be found in these three parts to be cita : hence
cita, not any other part of the adjective, is properly used to
qualify mors. The same principle regulates Iceta, which qualifies
victoria, which latter is the subject ot the verb venit as well as

mors. The sentence translated therefore is, " Quick death comes,
or joyful victory."
Note. —
An adjective in Latin, as in English, sometimes quali-
! a noun in the place of the adverb of that adjective qualifying
I the verb thus the above sentence is equivalent to " Death

comes quickly."
4. Orpheus is evidently the subject (Rule 1), because the
verb is singular and though saxa may be elsewhere the nomina-

tive, yet, because it is plural, it cannot be the nominative to duxil

in the singular. Sylvas and saxa are in the same yoke or link, as
connected by the copulative que; and carmine, as the ablative,
expresses the instrument (Rule 6). Thus the sentence translated
Will be, " Orpheus led (after him) the woods and rocks by his
yerse," i. e. by the power of his song.
5. In the first clause there is a subject, which cannot be Con-
cordia, the verb being plural, and concordia singular (Rule 1) :
hence it must be res. This is qualified by parvce, and concordia, m
ablative, expresses the instrument, as does discordia in the
iext clause, of which res understood is the subject, qualified by
rnaximce (see Comparison of Irregular Adjectives). Dilabuntar
fis a deponent verb, and to be translated as if it were active. The
'sentence, therefore, stands thus when translated " Small things :

increase by concord, the greatest dwindle away by discord."

6. The instructions already given are quite sufficient to enable
the learner to translate this sentence " The anchor moored the

ships with its fast-holding fluke."

Note. — Tenax means tenacious, i. e. fast-holding, and dens,
which literally means a tooth, i. e. any thing which bites or holds
is translated fluke, the name of that part of the
in its gripe,
anchor which catches the bottom and holds fast. Care must be
taken to render one language by such words in another as will
most neatly and correctly express the sense.
7. The subject is at once seen to be Neptunus. The verb im-
plevit is transitive in signification, and must govern vela, not
ventis, as the object; the latter is the instrument, and is qualified
by secundis. The sentence, therefore, translated means, " Nep-
tune filled the sails with favourable blasts."
Note. —
The adjective, in Latin, does not immediately precede
or succeed the qualified word, as it does in the English lan-
8. Fama, tried by the preceding principles, is the only sub-
ject it, the verb. Extemplo, an adverb, qualifies this verb. Per,

a preposition, cannot govern Libyce in the genitive (Rule 4);

therefore it must govern urbes, which is qualified by magnas, and
which has Libyce as its genitive complement (Rule 5). This

sentence, therefore, is thus translated: "A report goes (is spread

immediately through the great cities of Africa."
9. Proniores, from the positive pronus, declined like bonus, i

the comparative degree (see Comparison of Adjectives), and quali

fies homines. This sentence, rendered into English, is, " Me
are more prone to pleasure than (they are) to virtue."
10. Mors is evidently the subject, and pallida can agree wit
no other word in the sentence. Pulsat is a transitive verb, an
has for its object (see Definition 3) tabernas and turres, connecte-
by que, the genitive complement of tabernas being paupernm, an>
of turres, regum. The translation is, " Pale death knocks at th
huts of the poor and the towers of kings with an equal (impar
tial) foot." Pede expresses the manner or instrument (Rule 6)
1 1 This is a complex sentence, and has in it three simp!

ones. Nox erat, night was, i. e. it was night et connecting thi


with the succeeding sentence, the verb of which is plural, and th

only subject in which is corpora, qualified by fessa. The verb i

transitive, and requires an object, which is found in soporen

qualified by placidum. The next sentence has two subjects
silvce and cequora, the latter qualified by sceva ; and the ver
quierant is syncopated for quieverant. The English is, " It we
night, and wearied bodies were enjoying peaceful sleep through
out the earth (or world), and the woods and boisterous seas ha
become quiet (had been hushed in silence)."
12. Nothing is required to be said here but that the ver
narrat is understood in the first clause to the subject navita, an
that the preposition de signifies of, in the sense of concerning (
13. Nothing
required to be said as to the construction
is <

this meaning of which is, that a traveller havir

sentence, the
nothing to lose is not afraid to attract the attention of robbers.
14. The subject of urget evidently is Eurus ; and the lit
itself shows, apart from its context, that tres (three) must ha>
some noun, as naves (ships), agreeing with it understood. In
this sentence signifies into, and governs the accusative, which
brevia and syrtes, connected by et. The English is, " The ea
wind drives three (ships) into shoals and quicksands."

Questions on the Analysis of the foregoing Sentences.

1. What tense and mood is fudit? What number, and whj

What conjugation, and how known ? Give its radical pari
Why is copias in the accusative, and Annibalis in the genitive ?
"1. Decline vis. What is its complement ? What is the obje
of rapuit, and what of rapiet?

3. Show that citce mors would violate some grammatical

4. Why is carmine in the ablative ? Decline it.

5. Show that parvce and maximce are not the genitives singular.
Give the radical parts of crescunt, its mood and tense. What
kind of verb is dilabuntur ? Explain name as applied to a
6. Decline tenax.
7. What case is ventis, and why ? What conjugation is im-
plevit ? Give its principal parts.
8. What word is Libyce the complement of? Compare
9.Compare proniores. What does it qualify ?
10.Show that pallida does not qualify pede. What is pau-
perum governed by ? Reyum ? Why is pede in the ablative ?
11. Would placidam be good Latin? What is the subject of
carpebant ? Decline it. Give the principal parts of carpebant.
Decline cequora.
13. Why is latrone in the ablative case? What are the prin-
cipal parts of cantabit ?
1 4. Decline brevia. What does tres agree with ? What does
in signify here ? What nouns are governed by in ? What case
is alto ? Decline it. Give the principal parts of urget. What
conjugation is it ? How known ? What does et connect ?

Observations on the foregoing Rules.

Rule 1.

1. Plurality of idea in the subject constitutes the necessity of

the plural construction of the verb. The subject is plural when it

consists of one or more plural nouns, or two or more singular nouns

copulatively connected ; it is also plural when it consists of a
noun in the singular conveying plurality of idea, (generally called
a noun of multitude,) or of a single noun associated with a
formula of words, of some of which, though not in the nominative
case, the verb affirms.
2. The infinitive mood, or part, or the whole of a sentence,
supplies the place of a nominative.
3. Two singular nouns disjunctively connected have a verb
singular. When two nouns, one singular, the other plural,
are disjunctively connected, it is manifest that, though the verb
affirms of both, it can agree in number only with one this one ;

is usually that next to the verb. It may also be the other without
any violation of philosophical grammar.
4. When two or more nominatives of
different persons are
copulatively connected, the verb in the plural will agree in person

with the first rather than the second, and with the second rather
than with the third.
Rule 2.

If there be several nouns of different genders qualified by

one adjective, it cannot agree in gender with them all. It is made
in such case to agree with the masculine rather than the feminine,
and with the feminine rather than the neuter.
Rule 3.

6. To of many verbs exhibits an excep-

this the construction
tion misereor and miseresco govern the genitive, potior and utor

govern the genitive or ablative. Verbs expressing profit or hurt

to any one (except Icedo, juvo, adjuvo, offendo, and delecto), verbs
of commanding and obeying, or resistance, verbs of trusting, those
which express threats and anger, and many verbs compounded
with ad, con, sub, ante, post, ob, in, inter, prce, super, satis, bene,
and male, govern the dative case.
Rule 4.

7. The preposition tenus, if the noun after it be plural, is

usually followed by a genitive case.

Rule 5.

8. The genitive complement must express something different

from that which governs it.
9. This genitive is frequently changed into the dative.
10. Nouns which are names for the same thing are put in the
same case this is usually called apposition by grammarians.

11. Should the latter of two nouns (one being the complement
of the other) have an adjective of praise or dispraise, or, in fact,
any qualification joined with it, such noun is more usually ex-
pressed in the ablative than the genitive.
12. Opus and usus, when they signify need, are followed by the

Note. — In the following sentences the foregoing observations

will be illustrated, and the figure over each word will refer to
the number of the observation thereby illustrated.
1. Eo modo inter se duo imperatores, summi viri,

2. Vestibulum ante ipsum, primisque in faucibus Orci,

Luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

Pallentesque habitant morbi, tristisque senectus,

Et metus, et malesuada fames, et turpis egestas,
Terribiles visu formae, letumque, laborque.

3. Plotius, et Varius, Virgiliusque occurrunt.

4. Verum
pro labore, desidia, pro continentia et sequitate,
invasere, fortuna siraul cum moribus
lubido atque superbia

5. Pars ingentem formidine turpi '

scandunt rursus equum, et
nota conduntur in ^vo.
6. Pars calidos latices et ahena undantia flammis expedinnt.

7. At Lentulus cum ceteris * constituerant uti Lucius Bestia,

quereretur de actionibus Ciceronis,
tribunus plebis, bellique
gravissimi invidiam optimo consuli imponeret.
8. Ipse dux cum aliquot principibus

9. Bocchus cum peditibus postremam Romanam aciem x

10. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
11. Prodere patriam est peccatum.
12. Suave est ex magno toller e acervo.
13. Dicere de se ipso est senile.
14. Horse momento cita mors venit, aut victoria lseta.
15. Aut Brutus, aut Triumviri victores erunt.
16. Aut Triumviri, aut Brutus victor erit.
17- Et ego et amicus eramus consules.
18. Tu et Valerius eritis consules.
19. Multi filii et filiae impositi sunt in rogum.
20. Arcadii, quaeso, miserescite regis, et patrias audite preces.
21. Si bene quid de te merui, miserere domus labentis, et
istam, oro, exue mentem.
6 2
22. Si vero 2 cap ere Italiarn, sceptrisque potiri contigerit
victori, et prcedce ducere sortem.

23. Utere domo 6 mea pro tua.

24. Parvula formica, simul inversum contristat Aquarius

6 6
annum, non usquam prorepit, et illis utitur ante quaesitis

25. Quam metui, ne Libyas

tibi regna nocerent
6 G
26. Quid tantum te insano juvat indulgere dolori, on dulcis
27. Cave, te ne frigora laedant.
d 2

6 2 2
28. Juvat nos ire, et Dorica castra, desertosque videre
locos, littusque reliction.
6 8 8
29. Quid juvat immensum te argenti pondus et auri furtim
defossa timidum deponere terra ?
30. Imperat aut servit collecta pecunia cuique.
31. Ecce autem sseva Jovis conjux sese referebat ab Argis,
et lastum iEneam classemque ex aethere longe Dardaniam Siculo
prospexit ab usque Pachyno. Moliri jam tecta videt, jam fidere

32. Me ne salis placidi vultum fluctusque quietos

Ignorare jubes ? Me ne huic confidere 6 monstro?
33. Octavius non solebat temere irasci amicis.
34. Nunquamne levari obsidione sines ? muris iteriim im-
minet hostis nascentis Trojaa ?

35. Non ego nunc dulci amplexu divellerer usquam, nate,

tuo; neque finitimus Mezentius unquam, huic 6 capiti insultans,
tot ferro sseva dedisset funera.
36. Hie perpetuis soliti patres considere mensis.
37. Jamque ascendebant collem urbi imminentem.
38. Rex, genus egregium Fauni, nee fluctibus actos atra
subegit hyems yestris succedere terris, nee sidus regione vias,

littusve fefellit.

39. Priusquam dimicarent, fcedus ictum inter Romanos et

Albanos est his legibus, ut, cuju^que populi cives eo certamine
vicissent, is alteri populo cum bona pace imperitaret.

40. Male sustinenti arma gladium superne jugulo defigit,
jacentemque spoliat.

41. Movet feroci

juveni animum comploratio sororis, in
victoria sua tantoque gaudio publico.

42. Atrox visum id facinus Patribus plebique : sed recens

meritum ° facto obstabat.
43. Sunt mihi bis septem prsestanti u corpore nymphae.

44. Deiopeiam connubio jungam stabili, propriamque dicabo,

omnes ut te cum mentis pro talibus annos exigat et pulchra
iaciat te
n prole parentem.

45. Homines infima n ibrtuna historia delectantur.

46. Fronte sub adversa ll scopuiis pendentibus antrum.

Intus aquse dulces, vivoque sedilia u saxo,
Nympharum 10

47. Auctoritate tua nobis opus est.
48. Ubi testimonia rerum adsunt, quid opus est verbis ?

49. Tantiimmodo incepto opus est ; cetera res expediet.

50. Curius, ubi intellexit quantum periculum 6 consuli impen-

deat, propere per Fulviam dolum paratum enunciat.

Notes on the foregoing Sentences.

1. Eo modo — in this manner. Nouns
are frequently governed
by prepositions understood governed by in, or it may
; modo is

be regarded as the ablative expressing the manner. See Rule 6.

Duo summi. For the declension of duo, see the Declension
of Adjectives and for the comparison of summi, the Com-

parison of Irregular Adjectives.

2. Lucius, curce. The combined subject of posuere.
Cubilia. The object of this verb nominative singular, neuter, :

cubile, genitive cubilis. See Note under Third Declension.

4. Desidia. This is the subject of invasit, understood out of
invasere, the subject expressed of 'which are luhido and superbia.
The English " But when instead of labour, idleness
translation is,

(entered), instead of temperance and a sense of justice, passion

and tyrannical insolence entered, their (the Romans') good for-
tune together with their morals became changed." Immutatur,
literally, is changed. This verb is in the present tense, which is
very frequently used by historical writers for the past or im-
5. Formidine turpi. This is the cause (Rule 6), and governed
by scandunt ; in English, " A part scale the horse through (by
reason of) base fear."
6. Flammis. The ablative of the means or instrument (Rule
6). is governed by undantia, which agrees with ahena ; in
English, " The caldrons boiling over by the flames." It should
be mentioned that participles govern the same cases as the verbs
of which they are parts and that adjectives generally in Latin, as

in English, are to be taken separately as it were from their

nouns, when the adjective has connected with it an expression of
limitation: thus we say, "The heated earth;" but "The earth
heated by the rays of the sun;" where "The rays of the sun"
express a limitation of heated ; and show the means by which,
to the exclusion of all others, the heating took place.
7. At Lentulus —
but Lentulus with (and) others had deter-
mined that Lucius Bestia, a tribune of the people, should prefer
a charge concerning the acts of Cicero, and lay the odium of this
most troublesome outbreak on the best consul (the best of con-
suls). The pluperfect expresses an act prior to some other act
d 3

expressed or implied. This other act cannot be gathered here, as

the context is wanted.
9. Postremam —
the rear rank of the Romans, the Roman
last line of men. Acies —
a body of men in battle array. Agmen
— a body in line of march and exercitus a body in a state of
; —
training or military exercise.
10. Dulce et decorum. The subject of this sentence is pro
patri mori, which serves as a noun qualified by these adjectives.
The adjective so placed is always in the neuter gender.
13. "To speak of one's self is senile," i. e. the property of
old age.
14. Momento, see Note 1. Victoria is the subject of venit.
21. " If I have deserved well from you (at your hands) pity
your falling house, and, I beseech you, give up this intention."
The object of a verb is frequently understood thus oro re- :

quires te.

22. Et prcedce ducere sortem —

and to cast lots for the plunder.
23. " Use my house for (as) your own (house)."
24. " The little ant, as soon as Aquarius saddens the inverted
year, never creeps abroad any where but wise (the ant wisely)

uses those things before acquired." " As soon as Aquarius makes

sad," i. e. as soon as winter arrives.
Sapiens. In Latin, as in English, an adjective agreeing with
the noun is sometimes equivalent to an adverb qualifying the
verb: thus in the text, "A wise ant uses," =
"An ant wisely
Qu&sitis. Agreeing as a participial adjective with rebus un-
derstood. The
participle or adjective is frequently placed alone,
the noun being expressed or implied in the context.
29. " Why does it delight you timid (filled with anxiety) to
deposit in the ground, secretly excavated, an immense weight of
silver and gold ?"
31. Refer ebat sese —
was bringing herself back, i. e. was re-

Et Lcetum and beheld, far off from the sky, joyful iEneas
and the Trojan fleet even as far as from the Sicilian Pachy-
nus, she sees them now to build (building) houses, now to
trust (put confidence in) the land.
32. —
Me ne. Ne whether, an interrogative particle this par- ;

ticle need not be translated. "Whether do you order me?'

i. e. Do you order me ? " Do you bid me be unacquainted
with ?" i. e. Do you think I am unacquainted with ?
Confidere monstro —
do you bid me put confidence in this
monster? i. e. the sea; the meaning is, "I will not put con-
fidence in it."

34. Nunquam —
will you never permit us to be relieved
from this blockade ? Will an enemy once again hang over
the walls of rising Troy? i. e. Troy once again being built.
35. " I would not now be ever separated from your sweet
embrace, my son. Nor would the neighbouring Mezentius, in-
sulting this person of mine, have ever exhibited so many cruel
deeds of slaughter with the sword."
36. Soliti. It will have been observed that certain portions
of the passive verb are made up of the past participle of the
verb itself, and some portion of the verb esse. This portion of
esse is determined by the part of the verb required the par- ;

ticiple in such case is declined like an adjective of three termina-

tions and agrees with the subject, like an adjective, in gender,
number, and case. It is to be remarked, moreover, that the
portion of esse required is frequently understood thus, in the :

present instance, sunt is understood, to agree with patres in

number and person.
38. " O king, illustrious descendant of Faunus, neither has
the dark storm forced us, driven by the waves, to enter your
territories, nor has a star or shore deceived us in (drawn us ouf
of) the track of our way."
39. " Before they engaged, a league was struck up between
'he Romans and Albans on the following conditions that of —
whatever state the subjects should conquer in that conflict, that
should rule over the other state in good (firm or honourable)
peace." This is the literal translation the Latin text is

according to a form of expression which cannot be explained at

this stage.
40. " He buries from above (by striking down) his sword in
the throat of him badly (scarcely) supporting (able to
support) his arms." In Latin every word is not expressed, as it
is in English pronouns are frequently understood, as here
; so ;

are the Latin equivalents for man and thing, of which more will
be said hereafter.
42. Visum. Est is understood. See latter part of Note 36.
43. " Seven nymphs are to me," i. e. 1 have seven nymphs.
The verb esse is frequently used for habere, the construction, of
which more hereafter, being different.
44. Propriamque dicabo — and will assign (her to you as)
your own.
46. Antrum — there is a cave. The subject of est understood.
Aquce, subject of sunt; as also sedilia. Vivo saxo — seats of
living (natural) stone.
47. " There is need to us," &c. &c, i. e. we have need. See
Note 43.
d 4

49. " There is need only of a beginning, every thing else will
expedite itself," i. e. push itself on after once set going.
50. Per Fulviam —
through the agency of Fulvia. Per with
an accusative after it denotes agency in such accusative, and is
thus equivalent to the ablative of the instrument.

Questions on the foregoing Sentences.

1. Decline duo and se. Account
for the case of modo.
2. What is the subject of this
sentence ? Decline cubilia.
Morbi is the subject of habitant; express the verbs with each
of the remaining subjects. Decline metus and senectus.
4. Decline cequitate. Why is invasere plural ? What part of
the verb is it ? Give its principal parts. Decline moribus.
5. What case is formidine in, and why? What part of the
verb is conduntur ?
6. What word in this line shows the gender of latices ? Why ?
7. What may be regarded as the subject of constituerant ?
When is the pluperfect used? What part of the adjective is
gravissimi ? How found ?
9. Decline peditibus. The radical parts of invadunt ?
10. Why are dulce and decorum neuter?
14. is momento in, and by what governed ?
What case
17- Whyeramus plural ? Why in the first person?

18. Account in the same way for the number and person of
19. The subject of impositi sunt? What part of the verb?
Why is impositi in the masculine gender ? State generally the
principle involved here.
21. What case is domus in? Why? What rule is this an ex-
ception to ?
22. The subject of contigerit ? What part of the verb is it?
28. What is the subject of juvat ? Decline locos.
29. According to the translation what does furtim qualify ?
Timidum ? What does defossa agree with ? i

32. What is the exact use of ne? Decline fluctus and rnonstro,
and account for the case of both.
33. Whether does temere qualify
solebat or irasci?
35. Decline funera. What part of the verb is divellerer ?
36. What part of the verb is soliti ? What part of the verb is
omitted? What case is mensis ? Why ?
38. Decline genus. What case is it in? Why? What is
jluctibusgoverned by ? What case is terris in ? Why ? Decline
sidus, and give the radical parts ot'fefellit.
39. What part of the verb is vicissent ? Give its radical parts.
What case is populo in ? Why ?

40. What does sustinenti agree with ? What principle is in-

volved here ? What does jacentem agree with ?
42. What is understood with visum? What case is facto in,
and why 1

43. Why is corpore in the ablative ? Also prole ?

46. What is aquce the subject of? Decline sedilia.


7. The infinitive mood takes before it an accusative instead of

a nominative as a subject. This accusative is translated into
English with the word that prefixed.
8. Any transitive may be changed into a passive verb. The
following changes taking place necessarily in the construction of
the sentence :

1. The object of the transitive verb becomes the subject of

the passive verb.

2. The subject of the transitive verb becomes the ablative of
the agent. This ablative is introduced with or without a or ab,
and is sometimes expressed in the dative.
3. The number and person of the passive verb are determined

by those of its own subject.

9. Esse for habere requires a dative case. The following changes
necessarily take place in the construction of the sentence :

1. The becomes the subject of esse.

object of habere
2. The subject of habere becomes the dative, the number
remaining the same.
3. The number and person of esse are determined by those of

its subject.
Note. —The mood and tense of the two verbs are always the
10. The comparative degree followed by an ablative case,

which is translated into English by

the prefix than.
Note. —
This ablative is equivalent to quam, than, and such
case of the noun or pronoun following as the construction of the
sentence would naturally require.
11. The relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in gender,
number, and person.
Note. —
Sometimes they agree in case, but this is not essential,
and depends altogether on the construction of the sentence that ;

is, on the position which they both occupy therein.

12. The relative is the nominative to the verb when no nomi-

native comes between them.
Note. —
The case of the relative is in all instances the case
d 5
: ;


which the noun would be in for which the relative is a substitute.

Also, when
the relative is connected objectively with the verb, it
precedes the verb in Latin, as in English.
13. The verbs sum, fio, existo, verbs passive of naming, and
most passive and intransitive verbs, are followed by that case of
the noun or pronoun which precedes it.
14. The ablative case is frequently used absolutely, that is,
free from the government of any other word in this case it

frequently agrees with the past participle, the word being being
understood between them. It most frequently expresses a state
of being, and the cause of an expressed act.
15. The feminine noun res, a thing, is frequently omitted, and,
in such case, the adjective is made neuter also homo, a man, is

omitted, and the adjective made masculine.

In the following sentences the whole of the foregoing rules and

observations will be illustrated.

1. Fcedere icto trigemini, arma capiunt.

Priusquam inde digrederentur, roganti Metto ex fcedere icto

quid imperaret, imperat Tullus, uti juventutem in armis habeat
usurum se eorum opera, si bellum cum Vejentibus foret.
3. Ita exercitus inde domos abducti. Princeps Horatius ibat,
trigemina spolia prse se gerens. Cui soror virgo, quae desponsa
uni ex Curiatiis fuerat, obvia ante portam Capenam fuit ; cogni-
toque super humeros fratris paludamento sponsi, quod ipsa con-
fecerat, solvit crines, et flebiliter nomine sponsum mortuum ap-

4. Corripuere viam interea, qua semita monstrat.

Jamque ascendebant collem, qui plurimus urbi
Imminet, adversasque aspectat desuper arces.
Miratur molem iEneas, magalia quondam :

Miratur portas, strepitumque, et strata viarum.

Instant ardentes Tyrii pars ducere muros,

Molirique arcem, et manibus subvolvere saxa

Pars aptare locum tecto et concludere sulco.

5. Improbus est, qui scit beneficium accipere, nescit reddere.

Caesar benefices ac munificentia magnus habebatur, inte-
gritate vitae Cato.

7. In mundo Deus est, qui regit, qui gubernat, qui cursum

astrorum, qui mutationes temporum, rerum vicissitudines, ordines-
que conservat.

8. Regius, accitu cari genitoris, ad urbem

Sidoniam puer ire parat, rnea maxima cura,
Dona ferens pelago, et flammis restantia Trojae.
9. Forte in duobus turn exercitibus erant trigemini fratres, nee
oetate, nee viribus dispares, Horatios Curiatiosque fuisse satis

10. Quibus rebus confectis, omnia propere per nuncios consuli


In the following sentences the contrast will be exhibited be-

tween the different constructions refered to in Rules 8, 9, 10.

Rule 8.

11. Oves lanam praebent. Lana ab ovibus praebetur.

12. Scipio vicit Annibalem. Annibal a Scipione victus est.

13. Ego cepi laetitiam ex Lastitia a me capta est ex

epistola patris. epistola patris.

14. Pater ventorum regit Navis regitur patre ven-

navem. torum.
15. Fortia taurorum corpora Fortia corpora taurorum ab
frangit opus. opere franguntur.
16. Miles timet sagittam Sagitta hostis a milite time-
hostis. tur.

17. Sapientem neque pau- Sapiens neque paupertate,

pertas, neque mors, neque vin- neque morte, neque vincuiis
cula terrent. terretur.

18. Literas expecto quas Literae a me expectantur,

promisisti. quas promisisti.

Rule 9.

19. Ego habeo septem nym- Septem nymphae sunt mihi.
20. Regna Tyri habebat Regna Tyri erant Pygma-
Pygmalion. lioni.

21. JEternumque locus Pali- iEternumque loco Palinuri

nurinomen habebit. nomen erit.

22. Primum regem Athe- Primus rex Atheniensibus

nienses habuere Cecropem. fuit Cecrops. t
d 6

Rule 10.
23. Nihil est dulcius his li- Nihil est dulcius quam hse
teris,quibus ccelum, terras, literae (sunt) quibus ccelum,
maria cognoscimus. terras, maria cognoscimus.
24. Scientia nulla res est Nulla res est praestantior quam
prasstantior. scientia (est).

25. Vilius argentum est auro, Vilius argentum est quam

virtutibus aurum. aurum (est), aurum (est vilius)
quam virtutes (sunt).

26. Non debemus quidquam agere, cujus non possimus causam


27. Pecuniam in loco negligere, maximum interdum est


28. Cur me querelis exanimas tuis? Nee Dis amicum est,

nee mihi, te prius obire, Maecenas, mearum grande decus colu-
menque rerum.
29. Scandit aeratas vitiosa naves cura, nee turmas equitum
relinquit, ocior cervis, et agente nimbos ocior Euro.
30. Nempe inter varias nutritur sylva columnas, laudaturque
domus longos quae prospicit agros.

31. Nil admirari prope res est una, solaque, quae possit facere
et servare beatum.
32. Quando pauperiem, missis ambagibus, horres, accipe, qua
ratione queas ditescere. Turdus, sive aliud privum dabitur tibi,
devolet illuc, res ubi magna nitet, domino sene.

gravem duro terram qui vertit aratro, miles, nautaeque

33. Tile
per omnes audaces mare qui currunt, hac mente laborem sese
ferre, senes ut in otia tuta recedant, aiunt, cum sibi sint congesta

34. Est modus in rebus, sunt certi denique fines,

Quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum.

35. Nee diu pax Albana mansit, invidia vulgi, quod tribus
militibus fortuna publica commissa fuerit, vanum ingenium dicta-
toris corrupit, et quoniam recta consilia haud bene evenerant,
pravis reconciliare popularium animos ccepit.
36. Igitur, ut prius in bello pacem, sic in pace bellum quserens,
quia suae civitati animorum plus quam virium cernebat esse, ad
bellum concitat alios populos.

37. Postquam, regno diviso, legati Africa discessere, et Ju-

gurtha, contra timorem animi, praemia sceleris adeptum sese videt;
certum ratus, quod ex amicis apud Numantiam acceperat, omnia
Romae venalia esse, simul et illorum pollicitationibus accensus,
quos paullo ante muneribus expleverat, in regnum Adherbalis
animum intendit.

38. Ceterum fama tanti facinoris per omnem Africam brevi

divulgatur. Adherbalem omnesque qui sub irnperio Micipsse
fuerant, metus invadit in duas partes discedunt; plures Adher-

balem sequuntur, sed ilium alterum bello meliores. Igitur

Jugurtha quam maximas potest copias armat urbes, partim vi, ;

alias voluntate, imperio suo adjungit omni Numidiae imperare



39. Prodigus et stultus dbnat quae spernit et odit.

40. Fingit equum tenera docilem cervice magister ire viam

qua monstret eques.
41. Quo semel est imbuta recens, servabit odorem
Testa diu.
42. Invidus, iracundus, iners, vinosus, amator
Nemo adeo ferus est, ut non mitescere possit,
Si modo culturae patientem commodet aurem.
43. Vides, quae maxima credis
Esse mala, exiguum censum, turpemque repulsam,
Quanto devites animi capitisque labore.
Impiger extremos curris mercator ad Indos,
Per mare pauperiem fugiens, per saxa, per ignes :

Ne cures ea quae stulte miraris et optas,

Discere et audire et meliori credere non vis ?

44. Cervus equum pugna melior communibus herbis

Pellebat, donee minor in certamine longo
Tmploravit opes hominis, fraenumque recepit
Sed postquam victor violens discessit ab hoste,
Non equitem dorso, non fraenum depulit ore.
Sic qui pauperiem veritus, potiore metallis
Libertate caret, dominum vehet improbus, atque
Serviet aeternum, quia parvo nesciet uti.
Cui non conveniet sua res, ut calceus olim,
Si pede major erit, subvertet ; si minor, teret.

45. Hie onus horret

Ut parvis animis, et parvo corpore majus
Hie subit et perfert. Aut virtus nomen inane est,
Aut decus et pretium recte petit experiens vir.

Postquam Cato adsedit, consulares omnes, itemque sena-

tus magna pars, sententiam ejus laudant, virtutem animi ad
coelum ferunt. Alii alios increpantes timidos vocant Cato mag- ;

nus atque clarus habetur.

47. Sciebam ssepenumero parva manu cum magnis legionibus
hostium contendisse cognoveram parvis copiis bella gesta cum

opulentis regibus ad hoc, saepe fortunae violentiam toleravisse

; ;

facundia Graecos, gloria belli Gallos ante Romanos fuisse. Ac

mihi multa agitanti constabat, paucorum civium egregiam virtu-
tem cuncta patravisse, eoque factum, uti divitias paupertas,
multitudinem paucitas superaret.
'48. Caesar beneficiis ac munificentia magnus habebatur, in-
tegritate vitae Cato. Ille mansuetudine et misericordia clarus
factus, huic severitas dignitatem addiderat. His genus, aetas,
eloquentia prope aequalia fuere.
49. Numae morte ad interregnum res rediit. Inde Tullum
Hostilium, nepotem Hostilii, cujus in infima arce clara pugna
adversus Sabinos fuerat, regem populus jussit. Patres auctores

50. Sed, confecto praslio, turn vero cerneres quanta audacia,

quantaque animi vis fuisset in exercitu Catilinae. Nam fere
quern quisque pugna locum ceperat, eum, amissa anima, corpore
tegebat. Pauci autem, quos cohors praetoria disjecerat, paullo
diversius, sed omnes tamen adversis vulneribus conciderant.
Catilina vero longe a suis inter hostium cadavera repertus est,
paullulum etiam spirans, ferociamque animi, quam habuerat
vivus, in vultu retinens.

51. Sic locutus, cum literis, quas Micipsae redderet, dimisit.

Earum sententia haec erat Jugurthae tui bello Numantino longe

maxima virtus fuit nobis ob merita carus est, uti idem senatui

sit, et populo Romano, summa ope nitemur. Tibi quidem pro

nostra amicitia gratulor. Igitur rex, ubi quae fama acceperat,
ex literis imperatoris ita esse cognovit, cum virtute viri, turn
gratia permotus, flexit animutn suum, et Jugurtham beneficiis
vincere aggressus statimque adoptavit, et testamento pariter
cum filiis heredem instituit. Sed ipse paucos post annos, morbo
atque aetate confectus, cum sibi finem vitae adesse intelligent,
coram amicis et cognatis, item Adherbale et Hiempsale filiis,
dicitur hujuscemodi verba cum Jugurtha habuisse.

Notes on the foregoing.

1. Foedere icto — the league being struck (see Rule 14).
The propriety of the usage of the word strike in such case, arises

from the fact of leagues having been ratified by striking, i.e.

sacrificing, a victim.
2. Ex fcedere icto —
according to the struck league, i. e. the
league which had been struck.

Tullus imperat Tullus commands Mettus inquiring what he
(Tullus) would command him, according, &c.

Abdueti (sunt) were withdrawn to their homes.
Cui soror. The order is, Cui soror, virgo, fuit obvia, " whom
his sister, a virgin, met :" literally, was meeting. Obvia governs
a dative.
Quce desponsa fuerat — who had been betrothed to one of the
Curiatii. Mark the force of the pluperfect. The betrothal had
occurred before the battle.
Cognitoque — and having recognized on her brother's shoulders
the military cloak of her spouse. The cloak being recognized.
See Rule 14.

Quod ipsa confecerat which she herself had wrought. See
Note under Rule 12, and Rule 12 itself.
4. Qui plurimus —
which, very large, very much, i. e. to a
great extent hangs over (overlooks) the city. Plurimus agrees
with qui, i.e. collis.
Aspectat. The subject is qui, i. e. collis. " And which looks
at the opposite citadels from its top," i. e. commands a view

Miratur iEneas wonders at the vast size of the city, once
but Numidian huts. Magalia is in apposition with molem, which
is put for the city itself. See Observation 10, Rule 5.
Strepitumque — the noise of the workmen and the paved streets
(strata viarum). With strata, loca is understood. " The laid
down places of the streets."

Pars ducere muros some (press on, instant) to raise the

Aptare locum tecto to fit out or prepare a site for a building,
and to enclose it with a ditch.
5. Nescit — knows not how (ne, not, and scire, to know). The
object of redder e is beneficium, understood and the antecedent

to qui is Me, understood, the subject of est and of the sentence.

6. Beneficiis ac munificentia. See Rule 6. Cato is the subject
of habebatur, understood which latter has magnus, understood,

as its complement.
7. Deus est —a God is in the world: i.e. according to the
usage of the English, " There is a God."
8. Mea maxima cur a. See Observation 10.
Pelago, flammis, both governed by ex, understood.
9. Constat. The subject is the remainder of the sentence,

" That they were the Horatii and the Curiatii is quite well
agreed on."
10. Quibus rebus confectis —
which things being accomplished.
See Rule 14.

Omnia all things equivalent to omnes res. See Rule 15.

13. Patris. The complements undergo no change the parts ;

changed being the subject, the object, and the verb.

17. Terrent. The verb is plural, to agree with the last-named
subject. The verb terret is understood with each of the pre-
ceding singular subjects the learner will observe that this is also

the usage of the English language.

18. Quas. The student will pay especial attention to Rules
11, 12, with the Notes under them.
24. Prcestantior (prce, before, and stare, to stand).
27. In loco —
in the proper place, i.e. at the proper time.
Pecuniam negligere, &c, &c, is the subject of est. See Observa-
tion 2.
28. Dis. The mark over a word indicates that a letter or
( )

syllable is omitted. The word

in question is syncopated for divis,
the dative and ablative plural of deus ; the old nominative was
divus. See Definition 9.
Te obire. Te is the subject. See Rule 7.
Nee — nee. Two necs so coming together are translated, the
first, neither ; the second, nor. When so situated they are called
correlatives ; the first being called the antecedent, and the second
the consequent.
Decus columen. In apposition with te in the accusative, or
Mcecenas in the vocative.
29. Cervis, Euro. See Rule 10.

Agente nimbos than the east wind (Euro) driving before it
the clouds. " The cloud-driving east wind."
31. Una, solaqne —the one and only thing.
Nil admirari. The be struck with ad-
subject of est. " To
miration of nothing." To
on nothing. set one's heart
Beatum. Hominem is understood. See Rule 15.
32. Missis ambagibus —
circumlocution being given up. Rule

Accipe hear. Auribus is understood. " Take in with the

ears." So accipe (oculis) " see."

Qua ratione by what means.
Turdus. Understand si. " If or should a thrush or any other
private thing (something for your own private use) be given to
you, let it fly thither (be speedily sent) where a great property
shines, the owner being an old man." (This is a satire on the

habit of paying court to the rich ; of course the language is

33. From ille to miles inclusive is a periphrasis for agricola,
a husbandman. " He who turns up the sluggish soil with the
hard ploughshare, the soldier, and the sailors who bold (boldly)
voyage through every sea, say (aiunt) that they endure toil with
this intent, that they (when) old may retire into safe ease (a
quiet life of ease) when provisions (a subsistence) have been put
up by them."
Sibi. The dative after the passive verb congesta sint. See
Rule 8, and Observation 2 under it.

35. Invidia vulgi — the dissatisfaction of the common people

(the cause of which was) that the public fortune was given up to
the keeping of three champions Warped (turned from the path of
honour) the fickle disposition of the dictator. And, since straight-
forward plans had not turned out well, he began to attach (to
himself) the affections of his subjects by dishonest (plans, con-

36. —
Ut prius as before seeking peace during a period of war
{in hello), so (now) seeking war during a time of peace, he rouses
to arms other states, because he perceived that his own state had
more courage (of courage) than strength. The student will ob-
serve that the principal verb does not necessarily come first in
the sentence, and that it cannot be in a subsidiary or dependent
clause, such as that beginning with quia in this place, the words
wherein are employed to give a reason for the act expressed by
Plus animorum is the accusative subject of esse. " He per-
ceived that more of courage was to his own state." For the
syntax of civitati see Rule 9, with the Observations under it.
37- Regno diviso —
the kingdom being divided, i.e. after the
division of the kingdom.

Et Jugurtha and (when, postquam) Jugurtha perceived that
he had obtained {sese adeptum esse) the reward of his perfidy v
thinking that that was true {id esse cerium) which he had heard,
viz. that all things were saleable (to be had for money) at Rome,
and also {simul) fired by the promises of those whom he had a
short time before satiated with money, &c. &c.
Africa, the ablative governed by ex, understood.
Sese, the accusative subject of adeptum esse. See Rule 7.
Certum Supply id (for earn rem) esse.
Quod See Rules 11, 12, and Notes; also Note on
accipe in sentence 32 of the foregoing.

Romce at Rome. The syntax of this and such words will
be hereafter laid down in a definite rule.

38. Facinoris. Facinus is a deed, good or bad scelus, a ;

deed always bad.

Brevi, an adverb, or the ablative of brevis, agreeing with
tempore, understood.
Ilium alterum the other. — Ilium supplies the place of the
definite article wanted in Latin.
Bello meliores — those who were superior in war (follow) the
Quam maximas copias — as great a number of forces as
possible. This is a common phraseology in Caesar, Sallust, and
Partim vi —some by violent measures, others of their own free
39. Prodigus, stultus. See Rule 15.
Quce spernit — the The antecedent
things which he despises.
of quce is ea —
those things and the ea (which is understood) is

the object of donat. This is a common usage in the Latin lan-

guage, and nearly allied to the conversion of the relative and the
antecedent in English into the compound what.
40. Tenera cervice —
the docile horse of (possessed of) tender
(flexible) neck. See Observation 11, under Rule 5.
Ire viam — to go the way. This accusative may be regarded
as governed by the intransitive ire, in like manner as intransitive
verbs in English are followed by an objective case analogous to
the verb in signification as, " He walked a distance of forty

miles." It is evident, however, that the object in both languages

is governed by a preposition understood.

41. "Ajar (or vessel) will long retain the odour with which
(when) fresh it has once been tinged."
42. Cultures —
to learning or philosophy. Governed by com-
modet. See Observation 6, under Rule 3.
43. " You see with how much labour of mind and body you
shun those misfortunes which you believe (to be) the greatest
viz. a small income and degrading rejection (when seeking a
political office).
Quce maxima credis. Mala is the object of devites, and the
antecedent of quce, and this quce is the accusative subject of
esse understood mala is out of its proper clause as the ante-

cedent. This is a species of attraction, the name given to a con-

struction of which the Latin and especially the Greek writers
were very fond.
Censum, repulsam, in apposition with mala.

Ne cures ea do you not wish, i. e. will you not learn, and
hear, and intrust yourself to a better person (one of more ex-
perience, i. e. a philosopher), that you may not (lest you may)

regard those things which you foolishly admire and wish for.
Ne is equivalent to ut non.
44. Minor —
until (the horse) worse, i. e. vanquished in the
long conflict.
Discessit, the subject is equus.
Sic qui — in like manner the man (homo, understood) who
fearing poverty gives up his liberty (caret libertate), preferable
to metals, wretch that he is (improbus agreeing with homo),
will carry a master and will be a slave for ever, because he
will not know (how) to use a little, i. e. to be content with a
Libertate is the ablative governed by caret; it will be laid
down hereafter that veibs of abounding and the opposite are
followed by the ablative.
Metallis, parvo. For the syntax of these words respectively
consult Rule 10, and Observation 6, Rule 3. Also with regard
to the adjective parvo, consult Rule 15.
45. " One man (hie) fears the load as too great for his little
soul and little body (literally, greater than his soul, &c. &c).
Another (hie) goes under it, and carries it through. Either vir-
tue is an empty name, or the man who has made the attempt
justly lays claim to the glory and the reward."
46. Consulares omnes —
all persons of consular rank.
Magnus atque clarus. See Rules 15 and 13.
47. " I was aware that they (the Romans) had often con-
tended against (with, cum) numerous legions of the enemy with
small forces (a handful of men). I had known that wars had
been waged (gesta esse) against opulent kings with small re-
sources ;moreover (ad hoc, in addition to this) that they (I had
known that they, the Romans) had often endured the shock (a
reverse) of fortune (I had known) that the Greeks were before

(excelled) the Romans in eloquence, that the Gauls (excelled

them) in the glory of war (military glory). And to me, ponder-
ing over many things, it was evident that the distinguished virtue
of a few citizens had accomplished all, and by this means that it
had happened that poverty overcame riches, and a few men
(paucitas) overcame a great number.
Contendisse, gesta esse, toleravisse, fuisse, patravisse, factum
esse. The accusative subjects of these infinitives respectively are,
Romanos, Romanos, Grcecos, and Gallos, virtutem, the whole
sentence from uti to superaret inclusive.
Constabat. The subject is the whole sentence from paucorum
to superaret inclusive.
48. Cato, the subject othabebatur, understood.
Me— huic. The former became (factus est) illustrious by his

clemency and compassion ; austerity of manner had imparted

dignity to the latter {hide). When hie and ille are so used, hie
signifies the latter; ille, the former.
His genus— their family extraction, or rank, age, (and) elo-
quence were nearly (things) equal. His is the dative for the
genitive complement. See Observation 9, under Rule 5. Mqualia
is the nominative plural of the adjective, and neuter as qualifying

three nouns all neuter.

Clarus, magnus. For the syntax of these words consult Rules
13 and 15.
49. " At the death of Numa the government returned to an
interregnum." Morte may be regarded as the ablative of the
cause. See Rule 6.
Inde— after that the people elected as king Tullus Hostilius,
the grandson of (that) Hostilius, whose stand {jpugnd) against the
Sabines at the bottom of the citadel had been well known.
Patres auctores facti {sunt) —
the fathers became approvers (of
the act) i. e. gave their assent.
; For the syntax of auctores con-
sult Rule 13.
50. Confecto prcelio —
the battle being finished. See Rule 14.
Fuisset. See Observation 1, under Rule 1. The principle
enunciated in this observation with regard to two singular nouns
copulatively connected is more frequently neglected in Latin than
in English.
Quern quisque. Both quisque and locum are out of their own
clause. This also is a species of attraction the order should be,

Nam fere quisque tegebat eum locum corpore, amissa anima, quern
ceperat pugna.

Amissa anima his life being lost. " When he had lost his life."
Paullo diversius —
a little farther asunder.
Adversis vulneribus —
with adverse wounds. " Wounds in their
A suis — from his men (militibus).
Quam habuerat vivus —
which he (when) alive had possessed.
51. "Having thus spoken he dismissed him with a letter,
which he should deliver (to deliver, in English) to Micipsa
Literce, in the plural, signifies an epistle litera, in the singular,

a letter of the alphabet.

Earum sententia hczc erat this was (is, in English) a copy
of it.

Longe maxima the valour of your Jugurtha shone forth con-
spicuous (was by far the greatest).

Summa ope nitemur we (I) shall endeavour with all my
power that he be the same to the senate, &c. &c. i. e. that he
be in equal estimation, &c. &c.

Pro nostra amicitia in regard of our friendship.
Ita esse —
when he understood that those things (ea) which he
had heard by report were so (as he had heard them). Esse. The
subject is ea=eas res, the antecedent of quce.
Cum— turn. These are correlative terms, and when so related
the former signifies, as well, the latter, as.
Filiis. The ablative, which, though plural, is in apposition
with Adherbale and Hiempsale, both together making a plural.


16. An adjective in the neuter gender is followed sometimes

by the genitive of the noun which it qualifies.
17. Adjectives which signify desire, knowledge, remembrance,
ignorance, care, fear, guilt, and various affections of the mind are
followed by a genitive.
18. Adjectives and verbs which signify profit or loss, like-
ness and unlikeness, &c. &c. are followed by a dative.
19. Verbal adjectives ending in ax are followed by a genitive;
and verbal adjectives ending in bills, and participles in dus, are
followed by the dative.
20. Adjectives and verbs signifying plenty or want, govern,
sometimes the genitive, sometimes the ablative the verbs, how-

ever, most frequently the ablative.

21. The adjectives dignus, indignus, prceditus, captus, con-
tentus, SfC. fyc, require an ablative.
22. The verb esse, implying possession, property, or duty, is

followed by a genitive which, however, is not governed by esse


itself, but is the complement of some noun understood.

23. Verbs of accusing, condemning, acquitting, warning, &c.

&c, are followed, in the active voice, by an accusative expressing
the person accused, &c. &c, and by a genitive expressing the
crime, &c. &c. In the oassive voice this genitive only is re-
24. All verbs used acquisitively, that is, expressing something

done for, a person or thing, require the dative of such

or to
person or thing. Some of such verbs take after them, in addi-
tion, an accusative, as being transitive verbs.
25. Verbs of asking, teaching, clothing, concealing, admonish-
ing, —
&c &c, govern two accusatives one of the person, another
of the thing. In the passive voice the accusative of the thing
only is retained.
26. A preposition in a compound word requires after it the
case which the preposition governs when not in a compound.
27. Natus, satus, creatus, ortus, editus, take after them an
ablative, with or without the prepositions, e, ex, Sec. fyc.


28. The supine in urn follows verbs implying motion, and the
supine in u follows adjectives; the former has an active, the
latter a passive signification.
29. The part affected is put in the accusative, which, as gram-
marians lay down, is governed by quoad or secundum, prepositions
implying as to.

30. The gerund in di serves as a genitive case, the gerund in

do as a dative or ablative, and the gerund in dum as an accusative.
31. The word which expresses the price of an article is put
in the ablative case, except the adjectives tanti, quanti, pluris,
minoris, tantivis, quantilibet, quanticunque,which are expressed
in the genitive.
32. The name of a town (if of the first or second declension

and singular number) is put in the genitive, which answers to the

question where ? •

Note. —In like manner are used the genitives humi, domi, belli,

33. If the noun be of the third declension, or of the plural
number, it is put in the ablative.
34. The name of the place towards which motion is directed is
put in the accusative, with or without a preposition governing
such case.

1. Postremo, omnes quos flagitium, egestas, conscius animus

exagitabat; ii Catilinse proximi familiaresque erant. Quod si
quis etiam a culpa vacuus in amicitiam ejus inciderat, quotidiano
usu atque illecebris facile par similisque ceteris efficiebatur.
2. Ubi satis explorata sunt, quae voluit, in unum omnes con-
vocat, quibus maxima necessitudo et plurimum audaciae.
3.Ceterum juventus sed maxime nobilium, Catilinae inceptis
favebat. Quibus in otio vel magnifice 'el molliter vivere copia
erat, incerta pro certis, bellum, quani «cem malebant. Fuere
item ea tempestate, qui crederent Marcum Licinium Crassum
non ignarum consilii fuisse quia Cneius Pompeius, invisus ipsi,

magnum exercitum ductabat, cujusvis opes voluisse contra illius

potentiam crescere, simul confisum, si conjuratio valuisset, facile
apud illos principem se fore.
4. Fuere ea tempestate, qui dicerent, Catilinam, oratione
habita, humani corporis sanguinem, vino permixtum, in pateris
circumtulisse ; inde cum post exsecrationem omnes degustavis-
sent, sicuti in solemnibus sacris fieri consuevit, aperuisse consilium
suum, atque eo, dictitare, fecisse, quo inter se fidi magis forent,
alius alii tanti facinoris conscii. Nonnulli ficta haec, multa prae-
latin construction and translation. 71

terea, existimabant, ab iis, qui Ciceronis invidiam, quae postea
orta est, leniri credebant atrocitate sceleris eorum, qui pcenas

5. His rebus comparatis, Catilina nihilominus in proxiraum

annum consulatum petebat ; sperans, si designatus f'oret, facile se

ex voluntate Antonio usurum, Neque interea quietus erat, sed
omnibus modis insidias parabat Ciceroni. Neque illi tamen ad
i cavendum dolus, aut astutiae deerant, namque, a principio con-
) sulatus sui, multa pollicendo per Fulviam, effecerat, ut Quintus
Curius, de quo paullo ante memoravi, consilia Catilinae sibi
\ proderet. Ad hoc, collegam suum Antonium, pactione provincia?
i perpulerat, ne contra rempublicam sentiret circum se praesidia ;

t amicorum atque clientium occulte habebat. Postquam dies

comitiorum venit, et Catilinae neque
neque insidiae, quas
consulibus fecerat prospere cessere, constituit bellum facere et
extrema omnia experiri.
6. Igitur, perterritis ac dubitantibus ceteris, Cornelius, eques
Romanus, operam suam eo Lucius Vargun-
pollicitus, et cum
teius, senator, constituere, ea nocte paullo post cum armatis
hominibus introire ad Ciceronem ac imparatum confodere.
Curius, ubi intelligit quantum periculi consuli impendeat, propere
per Fulviam, dolum, qui parabatur, enunciat. Interea Manlius
in Etruria plebem sollicitare, egestate simul ac dolore injuriae
novarum rerum cupidam.
7. Deos hominesque testamur, nos arma neque contra patriam
cepisse, neque quo periculum homini faceremus, sed uti corpora
nostra ab injuria tuta forent, qui miseri, egentes, violentia atque
crudelitate fceneratorurn, plerique patriae, sed omnes fama atque
fortunis expertes sumus neque cuiquam nostrum licuit, more

majorum, lege uti, neque amisso patrimonio, liberum corpus

habere ; tanta saevitia fceneratorurn atque praetoris fuit.

8. Igitur Publio Umbreno cuidam negotium dat, uti legatos

Allobrogum eosque, si possit, impellat ad societatem
belli existimans, publice privatimque aere alieno oppressos,

praeterea, quod natura gens Gallica bellicosa esset, facile eos ad

tale consilium adduci posse. Umbrenus, quod in Gallia nego-
tiatus, plerisque principibus notus erat, atque eos noverat ita- ;

que sine mora, ubi primum legatos in foro conspexit, percunc-

tatus pauca de statu civitatis, et quasi dolens ejus casum, requirere
ccepit, "quern exitum tantis malis sperarent?" Postquam iilos
videt queri de avaritia magistratuum, accusare senatum, quod in
eo auxilii nihil esset, miseriis suis remedium mortem expectare :

" At ego," inquit, " vobis, si modo viri esse vultis, rationem

ostendam, qua tanta ista mala effugiatis." Haec ubi dixit,

Allobroges, in maximam spem adducti, Umbrenum orare, uti
sui misereretur: nihil tarn asperum, neque tarn difficile, quin
cupidissime facturi essent, dum ea res civitatem,aere alieno libe-
raret. Ille eos in domum Decimi Bruti perducit, quod foro
propinqua, neque aliena consilii, propter Semproniam nam turn ;

Brutus ab Roma aberat. Praeterea Gabinium arcessit, quo

major auctoritas sermoni inesset eo prsesente conjurationera

aperit nominat socios, praeterea multos cuj usque generis, quo


legatis animus amplior esset dein eos pollicitos operam suam



9. Postquam, Csesar dicendi finem fecit, ceteri verbo, alius

alii, varie adsentiebantur ; at Marcus Porcius Cato, rogatus sen-
tentiam, hujuscemodi orationem habuit.

10. Postquam, ut sententiam discessit,

dixi, senatus in Catonis
consul, optimum factum noctem, quae instabat, antecapere,
ne quid eo spatio novaretur, triumviros, quae supplicium postu-
labat, parare jubet ipse, dispositis prassidiis,
; Lentulum in
carcerem deducit idem fit ceteris per praetores.
: Est locus in
carcere, quod Tullianum adpellatur, ubi paullulum ascenderis ac
laevam. Eum muniunt undique parietes. In eum locum post
quam demissus Lentulus, quibus prseceptum erat, laqueo gulan
fregere. Ita ille patricius, ex clarissima gente Corneliorum, qu
consulare imperium habuerat, dignum moribus factisque sui (

exitum vitas invenit.

11. Interea Catilina cum expeditis in prima acie versari, labo
rantibus succurrere, integros pro sauciis arcessere, omnia pro
videre, multum ipse pugnare, saepe hostem ferire, strenui militi"
et boni imperatoris officia simul exsequebatur. Petreius, ub
videt Catilinam, contra ac ratus erat, magna vi tendere, cohortens
praetoriam in medios hostes inducit eos perturbatos atque alio;?,

alibi resistentes internck. Postquam fusas copias, seque cun2

paucis relictum videt Catilina, memor generis atque pristinal
dignitatis, in confertissimos hostes incurrit, ibique pugnans con-i

At Jugurtha manifestus tanti sceleris, non prius omisit

verum niti quam animadvertit supra gratiam atque pecu-
niam suam invidiam facti esse. Igitur, quamquam in priore
actione ex % amicis quinquaginta vades dederat, regno magis, quam
vadibus consulens, clam in Numidiam Bomilcarem dimittit, veri-
tus, ne reliquos populares metus invaderet parendi sibi, si de illo
supplicium sumtiim foret. Et ipse paucis diebus profectus est,
juisus ab senatu Italia decedeie, Sed postquam Roma egressus

est, fertur saepe eo tacitus respiciens postremo dixisse, Urbem

venalem et mature perituram, si emptorem invenerit.

13. Interea Jugurtha, ubi, quae Metellus agebat, ex nunciis

accepit, diffidere suis rebus. Ac turn demum veram deditionem
facere conatus est. Igitur legatos ad consulem cum suppliciis
mittit, qui tantummodo ipsi liberisque vitam peterent, alia
omnia dederent populo Romano. Sed Metello jam antea experi-
mentis cognitum erat genus Numidarum infidum, ingenio mobili,
novarum rerum avidum. Itaque legatos alium ab alio diversos
adgreditur, ac, paullatim tentando, postquam opport^no^ cogno-
vit, multa pollicendo persuadet, uti Jugurtham maxime vivum,
sin id parum procedat, necatum sibi traderent, ceLuum palam,
quae ex voluntate forent, regi nunciari jubet.
14. Aurum per medios ire satellites
Et perrumpere amat saxa, potentius
Ictu fulmineo.

15. Divis orte bonis, optime Romulae

Custos gentis, abes jam nimium diu,
Maturum reditum pollicitus patrum
Sancto concilio, redi.
Lucem redde tuae, dux bone, patriae
Instar veris enim vultus ubi tuus
Affulsit, populo gratior it dies,
Et soles melius nitent.
Ut mater juvenem, quern Notus invido
Flatu Carpathii trans maris aequora
Cunctantem spatio longius annuo
Dulci distinet a domo,
Votis omnibusque et precibus vocat,
Curvo nee faciem littore dimovet
Sic desideriis icta fidelibus
Quaerit patria Csesarem.
Tutus bos etenim rura perambulat
Nutrit rura Ceres, almaque Faustitas ;

Pacatum volitant per mare navitae ;

Culpari metuit Fides.

Quis Parthum paveat? Quis gelidum Scythen?
Quis, Germania quos horrida parturit
Foetus, incolumi Caesare ? Quis ferae
Bellum curet Iberiae ?
Condit quisque diem collibus in suis,
Et vitem viduas ducit ad arbores ;

Hinc ad vina redit laetus, et alteris

Te menses adhibet Deum.


Te multa prece, te prosequitur mero

Defuso pateris, et Laribus tuurn
Miscet numen, uti Grsecia Castoris,
Et magni memor Herculis.
Longas O utinam, dux bone, ferias
Praestes Hesperise, dicimus integro
Sicci mane die, dicimus uvidi,
Cum sol Oceano subest.

1^ Altera jam teritur bellis civilibus aetas,

Suis et ipsa Roma viribus ruit
Onam neque finitimi valuerunt perdere Mar«'\
Minacis aut Etrusca Porsenae manus,
iEmula nee virtus Capuae, nee Spartacus acer,
Novisque rebus infidelis Allobrox ;

Nee fera caerulea domuit Germania pube,

Parentibusque abominatus Annibal,
Impia perdemus devoti sanguinis aetas,
Ferisque rursus occupabitur solum.
Barbarus, heu cineres insistet victor, et urbem

Eques sonante verberabit ungula ;

Quaeque carent ventis et solibus, ossa Quirini

(Nefas videre) dissipabit insolens.
Forte quid expediat, communiter, aut melior pars,
Malis carere quaeritis laboribus ?
Nulla sit hac potior sentehtia Phocaeorum ;

Velut profugit exsecrata civitas,

Agros atque Lares patrios habitandaque fana
Apris reliquit et rapacibus lupis ;
Ire pedes quocunque ferent, quocunque per undas
Notus vocabit, aut protervus Afrieus.
17. Qui fit, Maecenas, ut nemo, quam sibi sortem
Seu ratio dederit, seu fors objecerit, ilia
Contentus vivat laudet diversa sequentes ?

O fortunati mercatores gravis annis !

Miles ait, multo jam fractus membra labore.

Contra mercator, navem jactantibus Austris,
Militia est potior quid enim ? Concurritur, horae

Momento cita mors venit, aut victoria lasta.

Agricolam laudat juris legumque peritus,
Sub gal cantum consultor ubi ostia pulsat.
1 i

Ille, datisvadibus, qui rure extractus in urbem est,

Solos felices viventes clamat in urbe.
Caetera de genere hoc (adeo sunt multa) loquacem
Delassare valent Fabium.

18. Egressum magna me excepit Aricia Roma

Hospitio modico. Rhetor comes Heliodorus,
Graecorum linguae doctissimus inde Forum Appi

Differtum nautis, cauponibus atque malignis.

Hoc iter ignavi divisimus, altins ac nos
Praecinctis unum. Minus est gravis Appia tardis.
Hie ego propter aquam, quod erat teterrima, ventri
Indico bellum, ccenantes haud animo aequo
Exspectans comites. Jam nox inducere terris
Umbras, et ccelo diffundere signa parabat
Turn pueri nautis, pueris convicia nautae
Ingerere. Hue appelle. Trecentos inseris, ohe,
Jam satis est. Dum aes exigitur, dum mula ligatur,
Tota abit hora. Mali culices, ranaeque palustres
Avertunt somnos.
Tandem fessus dormire viator
Incipit, ac missae pastum retinacula mulae
Nauta piger saxo religat, stertitque supinus.
Jamque dies aderat, cum nil procedere lintrem
Sentimus donee cerebrosus prosilit unus,

Ac mulae nautaeque caput lumbosque saligno

Fuste dolat, quarta vix demum exponimur hora.

19. Nunc ad me redeo, libertino patre natum,

Quern rodunt omnes libertino patre natum ;

Nunc, quia, Maecenas, tibi sum convictor, at olim

Quod mihi pareret legio Romana tribuno.
Dissimile hoc illi est, quia non, ut forsit honorem
Jure mihi invideat quivis, ita te quoque amicum.
Praesertim cautum dignos assumere, prava
Ambitione procul. Felicem dicere non hoc
Me possum casu, quod te sortitus amicum :

Nulla etenim mihi optimus olim

te fors obtulit,
Virgilius, post hunc Varius, dixere quid essem.
Ut veni coram, singultira pauca locutus,
(Infans namque pudor prohibebat plura profari).
Non ego me claro natum patre, non ego circum
Me Satureiano vectari rura caballo,
3ed, quod eram, narro. Respondes, ut tuus est mos,
Pauca. Abeo, et revocas nono post mense, jubesque
Esse in amicorum numero. Magnum hoc ego duco,
^uod placui tibi, qui turpi secernis honestum,
Non patre praeclaro, sed vita et pectore puro.
20. Ibam forte via sacra, sicut meus est mos,
Nescio quid meditans nugarum, et totus in illis
s 2


Accurrit quidam notus mihi nomine tantum,

Arreptaque manu, Quid agis, dulcissirne, rerum ?
Suaviter, ut nunc est, inquam, et cupio omnia quae vis.
Cum assectaretur, Numquid vis ? occupo. At ille,
Noris nos, inquit ; docti suraus.
Ut illi

Nil respondebam, Misere cupis, inquit, abire,

Jamdudum video, sed nil agis. Usqne tenebo,
Persequar. Hinc quo nunc iter est tibi ? Nil opus est te
Circumagi ; quendam volo visere, non tibi notum
Trans Tiberim longe cubat is, prope Caesaris hortos.
Nil habeo quodagam, et non sum piger. Usque sequar te.
Demitto auriculas, ut iniquae mentis asellus,
Cum gravius dorso subiit onus.
21. Sunt quibus in Satira videor nimis acer, et ultra
Legem tendere opus sine nervis altera, quicquid

Composui, pars esse putat, similesque meorum

Mille die versus deduci posse. Trebati,
Quid faciam, praescribe. Quiescas. Ne faciam, inquis,
Omnino versus ? Aio. Peream male, si non
Optimum erat verum nequeo dormire. Ter uncti

Transnanto Tiberim, somno quibus est opus alto,

Irriguumque mero sub noctem corpus habento.
Aut, si tantus amor scribendi te rapit, aude
Caesaris invicti res dicere, multa laborum
Praemia laturus. Cupidum, pater optime, vires
Deficiunt: neque enim quivis horrentia pilis
Agmina, nee fracta pereuntes cuspide Gallos,
Aut labentis equo describat vulnera Parthi.
Attamen et justum poteras et scribere fortem,
Scipiadam ut sapiens Lucilius. Haud mihi deero,
Cum res ipsa feret nisi dextro tempore, Flacci

Verba per attentam non ibunt Caesaris aurem ;

Cui male si palpere, recalcitrat undique tutus.

Quanto rectius hoc, quam tristi lsedere versu
Pantolabum scurram, Nomentanumque nepotem !

Cum sibi quisque timet, quanquam est intactus, et odit.

22. Non in caro nidore voluptas

Summa, sed in teipso est. Tu pulmentaria quaere
23. Pauper Opimius argenti positi intus et auri,
Quondam lethargo grandi est oppressus, ut haeres
Jam circum ioculos et claves laetus ovansque
Curreret. Hunc medicus multum celer atque fidelis

Excitat hoc pacto mensam poni jubet, atque


EfTundi saccos numinorum, accedere plures

Ad numerandum hominem: sic erigit. Addit et illud :

Ni tua custodis, avidus jam haec auferet haeres.

Men' vivo ? Ut vivas igitur, vigila hoc age. Quid : vis ?

Deficient inopem venag te, ni cibus atque

Ingens accedat stomacho fultura ruenti.
Tu cessas ? Agedum, sume hoc ptisanarium oryzae.
Quanti emptae ? Parvo. Quanti ergo? Octussibus. Eheu!
24. Protinus ut moneam (si quid monitoris eges tu)
Quid de quoque viro, et cui dicas, saepe videto :

Percontatorem fugito, nam

garrulus idem est
Nee retinent patulse commissa fideliter aures ;

Et semel emissum volat irrevocable verbum.

Qualem commendes, etiam atque etiam aspice, ne mox
Incutiant aliena tibi peccata pudorem.

Address of Venus to her husband, Vulcan, in which she asks a

suit of armour for JEneas.
25. Nox ruit, et fuscis tellurem amplectitur alis :

At Venus haud animo nequicquam exterrita mater,

Laurentumque minis et duro mota tumultu,
Vulcanum alloquitur, thalamoque haec conjugis aureo
Incipit, et dictis divinum aspirat amorem :

Dum bello Argolici vastabant Pergama reges

Debita, casurasque inimicis ignibus arces ;

Non ullum auxilium miseris, non arma rogavi

Artis opisque tuae nee te, charissime conjux,

Incassumve tuos volui exercere labores ;

Quamvis et Priami deberem plurima natis,

Et durum iEneae flevissem saepe laborem.
Nunc, Jovis imperiis, Rutulorum constitit oris
Ergo eadem supplex venio, et sanctum mihi numen
Arma rogo, genitrix nato. Te filia Nerei,
Te potuit lacrymis Tithonia flectere conjux.
Aspice qui coeant populi, quae mcenia clausis
Ferrum acuant portis, in me excidiumque meorum.
26. Nunc age, Dardaniam prolem quae deinde sequatur
Gloria, qui maneant Itala de gente nepotes,
Illustres animas, nostrumque in nomen ituras,
Expediam dictis, et te tua fata docebo.
27. Cum Publius
Rutilius Rufus amici cujusdam injustae roga-
tioni atque is per summam indignationem dixisset,
" Quid ergo mihi opus est amicitia tua, si, quod te rogo, noD
e 3
; !


facis?" "Imo," respondit Rutilius, ""quid mihi tua, si propter

to aliquid injuste facere me oporteat."

28. Pyrrhus, Epiri rex, orbis imperium spe complexus,

Apollinem de bello adversus Romanos consuluit. Ule ambigue
respondit Aio te. iEacida, Romanos vincere posse.
: Quo dicto
incitatus, bellum Romanis intulit, Laevinum Consulem, magna
utrinque clade accepta elephantorum auxilio, vicit.
v Amicis
gratulantibus, sic respondit Nae ego, si iterum sic vicero, sine

milite revertar in Epirum. Romanos omnes in hostem versos

O quam pro-
honestis vulneribus oppetiisse cernens, exclamavit:
clivemihi erat orbis imperio potiri, Romanos habenti milites
Tandem a Fabricio superatus, Tarentum refugit. Turn in Grse-
ciam regressus, dum Argos oppugnat, ictu tegulae prostratus

29. Vix ea fatus erat, cum circumfusa repente

Scindit se nubes, et in sethera purgat apertum.
Restitit iEneas, claraque in luce refulsit,
Os, humerosque Deo similis namque ipsa decoram

Csesariem nato genitrix, lumenque juventae

Purpureum, et laetos oculis afflarat honores.

30. Haec ubi Romae comperta, senatus Catilinam et Manlium

hostes judicat, ceterae multitudini diem statuit, antequam sine
fraude liceret ab armis discedere, praeter rerum capitalium con-
31. Legati in Africam maturantes veniunt, eo magis, quod
Romaa, dum proficisci parant, de prcelio facto, et oppugnatione
Cirtae audiebatur.

32. Post, ubi silentium ccepit, producto Jugurtha, verba facit,

Romae Numidiaeque facinora ejus memorat, scelera in patrem
fratresque ostendit.

33. Extemplo tentanda fuga canit aaquora Calchas,

Nee posse Argolicis exscindi Pergama telis,
Omina ni repetant Argis, numenque reducant,
Quod pelago, et curvis secum advexere carinis.
34. Tunc sic Mercurium alloquitur, ac talia mandat
Vade, age, voca Zephyros, et labere pennis,
Dardaniumque ducem, Tyria Carthagine qui nunc
Exspectat, fatisque datas non respicit urbes,
Alloquere, et celeres defer mea dicta per auras.

35. Devictis Sabinis, quum in magna gloria magnisque opibus

regnum Tulii ac tota res Romana esset, nunciatum regi Patri-
busque est in monte Albano lapides cecidisse. Quod quum credi

vix posset, missis ad id visendum prodigium, in conspectu, hand

aliter quam quum grandinem venti glomeratam in terras agunt,
crebri cecidere ccelo lapides. Visi etiam audire vocem ingentem
ex summi cacuminis luco, ut patrio ritu sacra Albani facerent,
quae, velut diis quoque simul cum patria relictis, oblivioni de-
derant, et aut Romana sacra susceperant, aut, fortunae, ut fit,

obirati, cultum reliquerant deum. Romanis quoque ab eodem

prodigio novendiale sacrum publice susceptum est, seu voce
coelesti ex Albano monte missa, (nam id quoque traditur,) seu
arnspicum monitu. Mansit certe sollenne, ut, quandoque idem
prodigium nunciaretur, feriae per novem dies agerentur. Haud
ita multo post pestilentia laboratum est unde quum pigritia

militandi oriretur, nulla tamen ab armis quies dabatur ab belli-

coso rege, salubriora etiam credente militise, quam domi, juvenum
corpora esse, donee ipse quoque longinquo morbo est implicitus.
Tunc adeo fracti simul cum corpore sunt spiritus illi feroces, ut,
qui nihil ante ratus esset minus regium, quam sacris dedere
animum, repente omnibus magnis parvisque superstitionibus
obnoxius degeret, religionibusque etiam populum impleret.
36. Inclyta justitia religioque ea tempestate Numse Pompilii
erat. Curibus Sabinis habitabat, consultissimus vir, ut in ilia
quisquam setate esse poterat, omnis divini atque humani juris.

37. Quamvis digressu veteris confusus amici,

Laudo tamen vacuis quod sedem figere Cumis
Destinet atque unum civem donare Sibyllae.

38. In vallem iEgeriae descendimus, et speluncas

Dissimiles veris.

39. Quid Romae faciam ? Mentiri nescio : librum,

Simalus est, nequeo laudare, et poscere motus ;

Astrorum ignoro, funus promittere patris

Nee volo nee possum, ranarum viscera nunquam

40. Tanti tibi non sit opaci

Omnis arena Tagi, quodque in mare volvitur aurum,
Ut somno careas, ponendaque praemia sumas
Tristis, et a magno semper timearis amico.

41. Da testem tarn sanctum, quam fuit hospes

Numinis procedat vel Numa, vel qui
Servavit trepidam flagranti ex aede Minervam :

Protinus ad censum, de moribus ultima fiet

Quaestio, quot pascit servos, quot possidet agri
Jugera? quam multa, magnaque paropside coenat?
k 4
; :


Quantum quisque sua nummorum servat in area,

Tantum habet et fidei.
42. Agmine facto,
Debuerant olim tenues migrasse Quirites.
Haud facile emergunt, quorum virtutibus obstat
Res angusta domi sed Romas durior illis

Conatus magno hospitium miserabile, magno


Servorum ventres, et frugi ccenula magno.

43 Da spatium vitae, multos da, Jupiter, annos,
Hoc recto vultu, solum hoc et pallidus optas.
Sed quam continuis et quantis longa senectus
Plena malis deformem, et tetrum ante omnia vultum,

Dissimilemque sui, deformem pro cute pellem,

Pendentesque genas, et tales aspice rugas,
Quales, umbriferos ubi pandit Tabraca saltus,
In vetula scalpit jam mater simia bucca.
Plurima sunt juvenum discrimina, pulchrior ille
Hoc, atque ille alio multum bic robustior illo

Una senum facies, cum voce trementia membra,

Et jam laeve caput, madidique infantia nasi.
Frangendus misero gingiva panis inermi
Usque adeo gravis uxori, gnatisque, sibique,
Ut captatori moveat fastidia Cosso.

44. Nil ergo optabunt homines? Si consilium vis,

Permittes ipsis expendere numinibus quid
Conveniat nobis, rebusque sit utile nostris.
Nam pro jucundis aptissima quaeque dabunt Di,
Carior est illis homo, quam sibi, nos animorum
Impulsu, et caeca magnaque cupidine ducti,
Conjugium petimus, partumque uxoris at illis ;

Notum, qui pueri, qualisque futura sit uxor.

Orandum est ut sit mens sana in corpore sano.
Forte m posce animum, et mortis terrore carentem :

Qui spatium vitae extremum inter munera ponat

Naturae, qui ferre queat quoscunque labores :

Nesciat irasci, cupiat nihil, et potiores

Herculis aerumnas credat, saevosque labores,
Et venere, et coenis et plumis Sardanapali.
Monstro quod ipse tibi possis dare semita certe ;

Tranquillae per virtutem patet unica vitae.

Nullum numen habes, si sit prudentia sed te ;

Nos facimus, Fortuna, deam, cceloque locamus. -

45. Sed civitas, incredibile memoratu est, adepta libertate,

quantum brevi creverit tanta cupido gloriae incesserat. Jam

primum juventus, simul laboris ac belli patiens erat, in castris

per usum militiam discebat, magisque in decoris armis et mili-
taribus equis quam in conviviis lubidinem habebant. Igitur
domi militiaeque boni mores colebantur concordia maxima, ;

minima avaritia erat jus bonumque apud eos, non legibus magis

quam natura valebat.

46. Numidae paucis diebus jussa efficiunt litterse Adherbalis :

in senatu recitatae, quarum senteritia hsec fuit " Non mea culpa :

saepe ad vos oratum mitto, Patres, sed vis Jugurthae subigit,

quern tanta lubido extinguendi me invasit, uti neque vos, neque
deos immortales in animo habeat, sanguinem meum, quam
omnia, malit."
47. Diis equidem auspicibus reor, et Junone secunda,
Hue cursum Iliacas vento tenuisse carinas.
Quam tu urbem, soror, hanc cernes quae surgere regna !

Conjugio tali Teucrum comitantibus armis,


Punica se quantis attollet gloria rebus !

Tu modo posce deos veniam, sacrisque litatis,

Indulge hospitio, causasque innecte morandi
Dum pelago dessevit hyems, et aquosus Orion,
Quassataeque rates, et non tractabile ccelum.

48. Sed ea animi elatio, quae cernitur in periculis et laboribus,

si pugnatque non pro salute communi, sed pro suis
justitia vacat
commodis, in vitio est. Non enim modo id virtutis non est, sed
est potius immanitatis, omnem humanitatem repellentis. Itaque
probe definitur a Stoicis fortitudo, cum earn virtutem esse dicunt
propugnantem pro aequitate. Quocirca nemo,* qui fortitudinis
gloriam consecutus est insidiis et malitia laudem est adeptus.
Nihil honestum esse potest, quod justitia vacat.

49. Quis desiderio pudor, aut modus


Tam Praecipe lugubres

cari capitis ?

Cantus, Melpomene, cui liquidam pater

Vocem cum cithara dedit.
Ergo Quinctilium perpetuus sopor
Urget !Cui Pudor, et Justitiae soror
Incorrupta Fides, nudaque Veritas,
Quando ullum inveniet parem ?
Multis ille bonis flebilis occidit,
Nulli flebilior, quam tibi, Virgili.

Tu frustra pius, beu ! non ita creditum

Poscis Quinctilium deos.

50. Otium divos rogat in patenti

Prensus iEgaeo, simul atra nubes
e 5

Condidit lunam, neque certa fulgent

Sidera nautis :

Otium bello furiosa Thrace,

Otium Medi pharetra decori,
Grosphe, non gemmis neque purpura ve-
nale nee auro.
51. Quapropter consuetudo imitanda medicorum est, qui leviter
aegrotantes leniter curant, gravioribusautem morbis periculosas
curationes et ancipites adhibere coguntur. Quare in tranquillo
tempestatem adversam optare dementis est subvenire autem

tempestati quavis ratione sapientis.

52. Justum et tenacem propositi virum
Non civium ardor prava jubentium,
Non vultus instantis tyranni
Mente quatit solida, neque Auster
Dux inquieti turbidus Adriae,
Nee fulminantis magna Jovis manus :

Si fractus illabatur orbis,

Impavidum ferient ruinae.

53. Si ad impetrandum nihil causae haberem prseter miseran-

dam fortunam, quod paullo ante rex, genere, fama atque copiis
potens, nunc deformatus aerumnis, inops, alienas opes exspecto,
tamen erat majestatis Romani populi prohibere injuriam, neque
cujusquam regnum per scelus cresceret. Verum ego his finibus
ejectus sum, quos majoribus meis populus Romanus dedit, unde
pater et avus una vobiscum expulere Syphacem et Carthagini-

54. Nam
quidem regere patriam aut parentes, quamquam
tamen importunum est
et possis et delicta corrigas, cum prae- ;

sertim omnes rerum mutationes caedem, fugam aliaque hostilia

portendant fmstra autem niti, neque aliud fatigando, nisi odium,

quaerere, extremae dementias est.

55. Causa fuit pater his, qui macro pauper agello

Noluit in Flavi ludum me mittere, magni
Quo pueri magnis e centurionibus orti,
Sed puerum est ausus Romam portare, docendum
Artes, quas doceat quivis eques, atque senator
Semet prognatos.
Notes on the foregoing Sentences.

Conscius animus a mind conscious of guilt, a guilty
conscience. S ceteris is understood, or some such word, governed
by conscius. See Rule 17.

Ii. This is a mere repetition of omnes. It is usual to sum

up the individuals when situated in this way.
all The indivi-
duals, quos flagitium, quos egestas. quos conscius animus exagita-
bat, may or may not be different characters, and the ii includes
them all.

culpa vacuus. See Rule 20. The preposition is thus fre-
quently expressed.
Par similis. The former implies equality in acts of daring, the
latter similarity in disposition. The two are not necessarily com-
bined ; hence there is no redundancy. For the syntax of ceteris,
see Rule 18.
2. Ubi ea (for ese res) explorata sunt, quae voluit (explorari),
in unum (locum) convocat omnes (eos) quibus (erat) maxima
necessitudo et plurimum audaciae.
Explorata sunt. It has been already remarked that the parti-
ciple which combines with esse to form the passive verb agrees,
as an adjective, with the subject of such verb in gender, number,
and case. Explorata is the nominative plural, neuter gender, to
agree with ea.
Quce voluit. Quce is the accusative subject of explorari. See
Rule 7.
Quibus erat. See Rale 9, and Observations under it.
Plurimum, au&acice =
plurima audacia. Rule 16.
3. Nobilium, governed by juventus, understood.
Inceptis. See Observation 6, under Rule 3.
Quibus in otio. The antecedent is ii, understood. The order
is, " Ii quibus erat copia vivere in otio vel magnifice vel molliter

malebant (habere) incerta pro certis, bellum quam pacem,"

— those who had the means of living in a time of peace, either
in a splendid style or luxuriously, were better pleased to have
uncertainty than certainty, war than peace.
Quibus erat. See Rule 9, and Observations.
Incerta. See Rule 15.
Qui crederent. The antecedent is homines, understood, or some
such word. "There were persons, at that time, who."
Consilii. See Rule 17.
Invisus ipsi —
an enemy to him (Crassus).
Voluisse —
there were persons who believed that he (Crassus)
was desirous that the power of any one should increase in
opposition to his (Pompey's) trusting moreover (as he did)

that if the conspiracy succeeded, he himself (se) would become a

leader among them (the conspirators).
Confisum, agreeing with Crassum.
Principem. See Rule 13.
Apud illos. There is no word immediate! v expressed to which
e 6

this pronoun refers it is, however, implied in the word con-


juratio. This is a common usage in all languages.

4. Qui dicerent. See note under qui crederent in the pre-
ceding sentences.
Oratione habita —
the speech having been delivered, after he
had delivered his speech. See Rule 14.
Catilinam, the subject of circumtulisse. Rule 7.
Inde. This stands immediately connected with aperuisse.
" There were people who believed that then (inde) he opened,
&c. when all had tasted after the imprecation."

Atque eo and they likewise said that he asserted that he did
so for this reason, in order that they might be more faithful one
to another, being conscious, each to the other, of such a deed.
Dictitare, fecisse, aperuisse. The subject is Catilinam.
Ficta hcec. Hcec, for has res ; and multa, for multas res, the
subject of ficta (esse).
Ciceronis invidiam — the odium under which Cicero laboured.

Pcenas dederant had suffered punishment.
5. His rebus comparatis. See Rule 14.
Si designatus fotet —
if he could become consul elect.
Facile se —
that he would easily use Antony according to his
will, make what use he liked of him.
Usurum (esse) Antonio. See Observation 6, Rule 3.
Illi tamen —
Per Fulviam—-by making many promises through the agency
of Fulvia. See Rules 30 and 6.

Ad hoc moreover, in addition to this.
Ne sentiret. Ne here is equivalent to ut non. " That he
should not feel disposed against, side against, the commonwealth."
Observe, rempublicam is compounded of the noun res, and the
adjective publica, both being declined according to their own
Extrema omnia. See Rule 15.
6. See Rule 14.
Eques, senator. See Observation 10, under Rule 5.
Constituere. See Observation 1, under Rule 1.
Ea node. Governed by in, understood.
Quantum periculi. See Rule 16.
Consult impendeat. Observation 6, Rule 3. Im is a modifica-
tion of in.
Sollicitare — stirred up. Historians frequently use the infini-
tive for the past indicative.
Egestate, dolor e. See Rule 6.
Novarum rerum —new things, a revolution. Governed by
cupidam. See Rule 17.

7. Nos cepisse — that we have taken. Rule 7.

Homini — that we may offer danger to any man, expose any
man to danger.
Qui miseri. Qui is the subject of sumus, and takes its number
and person, not from an immediate antecedent, but from the
possessive nostra in the preceding clause, our bodies being
equivalent to the bodies of us. This is a usage of the English
as well as the Latin language. Of this the following are examples :

" In the general warfare of the age, the advantage was on their
side, who were most commonly the assailants." Gibbon.
" In the same year was published my Inquiry,' which, in my

own opinion, who ought not to judge on that subject, is, of all
my writings, incomparably the best." Hume.
" That our bodies may be protected from harm (the bodies of
us), who, wretched, needy, are destitute, through the harsh
treatment and cruelty of usurers, most of us of our country
(the privileges of citizenship), but all of our characters and
fortunes." Patrice, fama, fortunis, are all, though differing in
case, governed by expertes. See Rule 20.
Licuit —
nor was it lawful for any of us to take the benefit of
the law, agreeably to the custom of our ancestors. The subject
of this verb is the whole of the following clause.
Uti lege. See Observation 6, under Rule 3.
More. See Rule 6.
Amisso patrimonii. See Rule 14.
8. Cuidam —
to one Publius Umbrenus. See Rule 24.
Existimans. The order is, " Existimans eos oppressos sere
alieno publice privatimque facile posse adduci ad tale consilium,
quod gens Gallica bellicosa esset natura."

Eos that they being overwhelmed. The subject of posse.
See Rule 7.

JEre alieno with debt; literally, "other men's brass." This
isgoverned by oppressos. See Rule 14.
Publice privatimque— publicly and privately, i. e. their state,
and they themselves individually, were overwhelmed with debt.
Ad tale consilium. The preposition is often repeated before
the governed word, as here. See Rule 26.

Natura by nature. Rule 6.
Quod in Gallia negotiatus (erat) —because he had carried on
business in Gaul.

In eo in it, the senate.

Nihil auxilii nothing of no aid.
a' I,
Uti sui misereretur — that Vj would take pity on them. See
Observation 6, Rule 3.
Nihil tarn asperum— saying (understood) that nothing was so.

disagreeable, nor so difficult, but that they would most anxiously

do it, provided, &c.

Quod foro because it (the house) was near the forum, and
not unacquainted with the plot. In this latter clause the house,
by a common figure of speech, is put for the inhabitants. Con-
silii is governed by aliena on the principle laid down in Rule 17.
Quo ma^or auctoritas — order that a greater weight would
attach to his words. For the syntax of sermoni, see Observa-
tion 6, under Rule 3.
Eo prcesente —
he (Gabinius) being present, presence.
in his
Rule 14.
Eos pollicitos —then he dismisses them, having promised (after
they had first promised) their assistance.
9. Dicendi finem. See Rule 30.
Ceteri verbo —
the rest assented in support of different opinions
(varie) one to one speaker, another to another (alius adsentiebatur
alii). Ceteri verbo is opposed to Marcus Cato and oratio.
Rogatus sententiam. See Rule 25.
10. In sententiam discessit —
voted according to the opinion of
Cato. Discedere in sententiam alieujus means " to agree with
any one's opinion," and is a phraseology adopted on account of
the habit of senators going to the same side of the house who
agreed in opinion.

Optimum factum ratus believing it (to be) the best deed (he
could do) to anticipate the night which was coming on, i. e. to do
what was to be done.
Quod Tullianum. The more natural antecedent is locus, in
which case the relative would be qui. When however the rela-
tive is placed between two nouns agrees of different genders, it
sometimes, as here with Tullianum, with the latter.
Ad Icevam. Supply manum.

Quibus prceceptum erat those persons to whom such com-
mand had been issued, &c.
Moribus, factis. See Rule 21.
11. Cum expeditis. Supply militibus, light-armed troops.
Versari. The historical infinitive for versabatur.

Laborantibus succurrere brought succours to those in distress.
See Observation 6, Rule 3.

Omnia providere took all possible precautions.
Memor generis. See Rule 17.
12. Manifestus

being clearly guilty of.
Prius quam. These particles a^e connected in translation :

" Did not give up struggling against -^e truth until."

Supra gratiam beyond the influence of his money; literacy,
" beyond his influence and his money." This is a species of

Hendiadys a mode of expression usual, especially in the poets,


whereby one thing is represented as two.

Parendi sibi. See Rule 30, and Observation 6, Rule 3.
Italia decedere. See Rule 26, which also explains the syntax
of Roma in the next passage.
Perituram. Supply esse. The future infinitive.
13. Accepit. The object is ea, the antecedent of quce, the
• object of agebat.
Diffidere suis rebus. See Observation 6, Rule 3.
Ipsi liberis vitam. See Rule 24.
Experimentis. See Rule 6.

Cognitum erat genus esse infidum it had been already known
to Metellus by experience that the nation (family) of the Numi-
dians was treacherous, (a nation) of a fickle disposition, and fond
of change. The subject of cognitum erat is the sentence.
Genus, the accusative subject of esse.
Ingenio mobili. See the foregoing translation, and Observation
11, Rule 5. Genus is understood.
Novarum rerum. Rule 17.
Tentando. See Rules 6 and 30.

Opportunos fit for his purpose.
Pollicendo. Rules 6 and 30.
Jugurtham sibi traderent. Rule 24.

Maxime vivum alive especially that is, if possible.;

Nunciari. The subject is ea, the antecedent of quce. " He

orders that such an answer should be openly given to the king as
would be according to his (the king's) pleasure;" as would please
14. Amat — loves, i. e. is wont.
Ictu. See Rule 10, and Sentences 23, 24, 25, given by way
of illustration under it.
15. Divis orte. See Rule 27.
Pollieitus, agreeing with tu, the subject of abes.
Insiar veris —
your countenance like the spring.

Ut mater as a mother with vows, omens, and prayers calls
for her youthful son, whom the south wind with adverse gales
(invido flatu) detains from his sweet home, staying longer than a
year {annuo spatio) beyond the waters of the Carpathian sea,
nor turns her gaze jfrom the curved shore in like manner his;

country, inspired with loyal wishes, seeks for Csesar.

Rura perambulat. See Rule 26.

Culpari metuit Fides honour is afraid of being blamed, i. e.
does nothing worthy of censure.
Scythen, the accusative singular after a Greek declension.
" The frozen Scythian."

Incolumi Ccesare. See Rule 14.

Condit diem —
finishes his days in his own hills. This is stated
as one of the effects of peace.

Et vitem viduas and marries the vine to the widowed trees ;

pursues the peaceful avocation of agriculture.

Alteris mensis —
and invites you as a deity to his second
Defuso pateris. See Rule 26.
Uti Grcecia. This is the subject of miscuit, understood.
Castoris Herculis memor —
mindful of, i. e. grateful to. See
Rule 17.
Ferias Hesperice. See Rule 24.
Dicimus integro — we pray
(say so) this, fresh and fasting (sicci,
agreeing with nos, the subject of dicimus), the day being whole
(the ablative absolute), no part being taken therefrom, i. e. early
in the morning. v
16. Quam neque finitimi. The order is, " (Nos) impia setas
^devoti sanguinis perdemus (Romam) quam neque," &c. (We) —
an impious age of devoted blood will ruin that Rome which, &c.

Novisque and the Gauls faithless (which they show) by revo-
lutions. Novis rebus is the expression of the manner. See
Rule 6.
Dissipabit —
will insolently scatter the bones of Romulus,
which want (are now free from the influence of) wind and sun.
Carent ventis. See Rule 20.

Forte quid expediat perchance the whole of you, or the
better part, are asking what may be expedient (in order) to
avoid (carere) these destructive evils.
Car ere laboribus. See Rule 20.

Nulla sit no opinion can be preferable to (better than) this
(^opinion). See Rule 10, and Sentences 23, 24, 25.
Velut profugit —
in like manner as the state of the Phocseans
fled, having uttered execrations (against such as should return),
and left their fields, the homes of their fathers, and temples, to be
inhabited by boars and ravenous wolves.

Habitanda apris lupis. See Rule 19.
17. Qui jit —
how does it happen ? The sentence is the subject
of this verb, and qui is the ablative expressive of the means.
See Rule 6.

Ut nemo, quam that no one lives contented with that lot which
either reason may have given him, or chance thrown in his way.
Sortem is out of its own clause this is a species of attraction

common to the Greek language. The order should be, " Ut

nemo vivat contentus ilia sorte, quam seu ratio dederit, seu fors
objecerit sibi."

Quam ratio dederit sibi. See Rule 24.

Contentus ilia sorte. See Rule 21.

Laudet diversa sequentes that (every one) commends (men)
following different (pursuits, negotia). See Rule 15.

Gravis annis borne down with years. Rule 6.

Fractus membra broken in (as to) his limbs. See Rule 29.
Mercator, the subject of ait, understood.
Navim, the old form of the accusative for navem.
Jactantibus Austris, ablative absolute. Rule 14.

Concurritur men engage. This is a specimen of w hat is 7

called a verb impersonal. All active verbs may assume this

form, their subject being changed into the ablative governed by
a or ab. See Rule 8, and Explanation 2 attached thereto. Of
this the following examples will suffice :


Men engage, Homines concurrunt, Concurritur ab hominibus.
We hear, Nos audimus, Auditur a nobis.
They read, Illi legunt, Legitur ab illis.
They have gone, Illi iverunt, Itum est ab illis.
Note. —
The impersonal verb is always in the third singular,
and in that tense which the personal verb would be expressed in.
Juris, legum peritus. See Rule 1 7.
Sub galli cantum — at cockcrow.
Rure extractus. See Rule 26.
Datis vadibus—having given bail. Ablative absolute.
18. Roma, governed by egressum. Rule 26.
Hospitio modico — an in indifferent inn.
Heliodorus,"the subject offuit, understood.
Rhetor. See Observation 10, Rule 5.
Linguce doctissimus. See Rule 17.
Forum Appi. Appii Forum, the name of a place. Appi is
contracted or syncopated for Appii. This is the subject of ex-
Differtum nautis. See Rule 20.

Hoc iter we, being lazy, made two of this journey, (which is
but one) for persons better prepared (girded higher) than we.

Minus est the Appian Way is less troublesome to bad tra-
Quod erat —because it was.
Ventri indico bellum — proclaim war on my stomach, i. e. deny
it the luxury of water. See Rule 24.

Exspectans awaiting with impatience (hand cequo animo) my
companions (whilst) supping.
Diffundere signa — to display the stars.

Ingerere, the infinitive for the imperfect tense.

Missce pastum let loose to feed. — Rule 28.
19. JPatre libertino. See Rule 27.
Mihi pareret tribuno. Observation 6, Rule 3, and Observa-
tion 10, Rule .5.
Hoc illi — this (last-named reason) is unlike the former. Hie
and ille refer, the former to the nearer, the latter to that more
Cantum, agreeing with te. Dignos, equivalent to tantum
dignos, " but those that are worthy."

Priva ambitione procul depraved ambition being far removed
from you that is, you have no sinister motives in patronizing

those whom you admit to your friendship.

Hoc quod te sortitus I cannot pronounce myself happy on 'this
account, because I obtained you as a friend by chance. Under-
stand sum with sortitus.
Singultim —
in a broken, interrupted manner.
20. Nescio quid —
thinking on I know not what trifle.

Quid nugarum. See Rule 16.

Arreptaque manu and having seized my hand, (he says, in quit)
What thing are you doing (How do you do), my dearest friend ?
Quid rerum. See Rule 16.
Arrepta manu, ablative absolute.
Suaviter ut —
pretty well as matters are now, and I wish you
may have what you desire, i. e. I wish you the same cupio :

ut habeas omnia quae vis habere.

Numquid vis ? occupo —
beforehand in asking, Do you want
I am
any thing 1 But he That you may know me, we are
learned, i. e. I am a man of letters. The busybody speaks of
himself in the first person plural, as being, in his own estimation,
of some importance.
Nil agis — you do nothing, i. e. 'tis no use for you.
Iter est iibi ? —whither are you going hence ? See Rule 9, and
Sentences 19, 20, 21, 22, illustrative thereof.

Cum gravius when a heavier load than usual comes on (is
put on) his back.
21. Ultra legem— hey and the law which obtains in such mat-
Similes meorum. Adjectives of likeness sometimes are found
with a genitive. See Rule 18. Grammarians make this dis-
tinction the dative expresses the external appearance
: the ;

genitive the disposition and character in which the similarity

Deduci —spun out; opposed to the art of good composition.
Trebati. See Note 2, under Declension 2.

Quiescas you must be quiet the answer of Trebatius.
: The
following is a dialogue between him and Horace.
Ne faciam =
ut non faciam —
do you say that I am not to com-
pose verses at all ?
Tiberim. See Rule 26.
Somno quibus. Rule 9, and Sentences 19, 20, 21, 22.
Sub noctem properly signifies " at the approach of night :" sub,
signifying " approach to," governs an accusative. Here the ex-
pression is equivalent to our " over night."
Amor scribendi. Rule 30.
Laturus — about to receive, i. e. sure to receive ; agreeing with
tu, the subject of aude.
Cupidum, agreeing with me, the object of.deficiunt.
Gallos pereuntes —
the Gauls perishing with the spear broken
Labentis equo —
falling from his horse.

Attamen et justum nevertheless you may describe him just
and brave, as the wise Lucilius (described) Scipio.

Res ipsa feret an occasion itself, a real opportunity will offer
Flacci, one of thenames of Horace.
Cui male si, a metaphor taken from the stable.
22. Sudando. See Rules 6 and 30.
23. Pauper argenti. Rule 20.

Multum celer a man of much energy of character.

Men* vivo ? Mene vivo ? is it whilst I am alive ? Ne, an
interrogative particle ;
" whether I being alive," the ablative
Vigila —be on your guard.
Accedat stomacho. Observation 6, Rule 3.
Quanti, parvo, octussibus.Consult Rule 31.
24. Si quid monitoris —
if you want an adviser in any respect.
Quid is the accusative neuter, governed by secundum or quoad.
See Rule 29. For the syntax of monitoris, consult Rule, 20.

Quid scepe often consider what you say, of what man you
say it, and to whom.
Incutiant pudorem tibi. Consult Rule 24.
25. Haud nequicquam —
with good reason.

Dum bello whilst the Grecian kings were devastating in war
Pergamus (Troy), due (to them by fate).

Ergo eadem therefore I, the same, (now) come a suppliant,
and ask you, a divinity sacred to me (in my eyes), for arms.
Rogo te arma. Consult Rule 25.
Genitrix nato. " Ego genitrix rogo te arma nato."
26. Quce gloria. Gloria is out of its proper clause ; it should

be gloriam, the object of expediam this is a species of attraction


already explained. The order is. " Nunc age, expediam dictis
gloriam quae deinde sequatur Dardaniam prolem, nepotes qui
maneant (nos) de Itala gente, illustres animas, que (animas)
ituras in nostrum nomen."
Te tua fata docebo. Rule 25.
27. Mihi opus Rules 5, Observation 12, and 9,
est amicitia.
Sentences 19, 20, 21, 22.
Quod te rogo. The antecedent is id, the object of /am. For
the syntax of quod and te, consult Rule 25.
Oporteat. The subject is the whole clause in which it stands.
28. Bellum Romanis intulit. Rule 24.
Amicis gratulantibus, ablative absolute.
Honestis vulneribus —
with wounds in their breast.
Imperio potiri. Observation 6, Rule 3.
Mihi erat habenti. The latter agrees with mihi, " for me
having," i. e. if I had.
Tarentum, in Grceciam. Consult Rule 34.
29. Mthera. The accusative of cether, after a Greek declen-
Os, humeros Deo similis. Rules 18 and 29.

Ipsa genitrix his mother herself, Venus.
Afilar at, for afflaverat.
30. Romce. Rule 32.
Comperta, supply sunt.
Sine fraude —
with impunity, i. e. with the assurance of safety.
Condemnatis. The syntax of this is the same as that of
multitudini, governed with diem by statuit. " They appoint a
day for the rest of the multitude, except," i. e. it does not so
appoint a day for those convicted of capital offences.
Rerum capitalium. See Rule 23.
31. In Africam. Rule 34.
32. Romce, Numidice. Rule 32.
33. Tentanda, supply esse — that the seas are to be (must be^
attempted in flight.
Argis. Consult Rule 33.
34. Rule 33.
Defer. Imperative, second singular of fero. Three other verbs
omit the e in the same part these are, facio, dico, duco.

35. Nunciatum est. The subject is lapides cecidisse.

Visi, supply sunt — they appeared to hear a voice (directing
Quce oblivioni. See Rule 24.
Fortunce, governed by irati — incensed at fortune, as it usually
happens in such cases (ut fit). See Observation 6, Rule 3.

Haud ita multo post —not very long after.

Laboratum est {a Romanis) — the Romans were attacked. They
laboured, literally the verb impersonal, equivalent to Romani

laboraverunt. See Note and illustrations on this form of the

verb under Sentence 17 of the foregoing.
Pigritia militandi —a disinclination to military service. Rule
Militice quam domi—m war than in peace. See Note under
Rule 32.
Obnoxius degeret — became a slave to.
36. Curibus — at Cures. See Rule 33.
Consultissimus juris, See Rule 17.
37. Cumis — Cumse, the residence of the celebrated Sibyl.
See Rule 33.
38. Dissimiles veris, supply speluncis, and see Rule 18.
Veris — the natural caves.
39. Romce. See Rule 32.
40. Tanti. See Rule 31. "Let not all the sand of the
Tagus be of so much value in your estimation that (for it) you
should want sleep, and accept rewards to be (which ought to be)
rejected, and be always the object of suspicion by a friend in
Somno careas. Rule 20.
A magno timearis amico. Note 2, under Rule 8, and Sentences
13, 14, &c. illustrative thereof.
'41. Romce. Rule 32.
Numinis — thehost of the Idaean deity. This was Scipio
Nasica, adjudged to be one of the best of men. He was deemed
the most worthy to receive the image of the Goddess Cybele into
his house, till a temple should be built for it. She was called
ldcea, from Ida, a hill in Phrygia, whence her worship was
introduced to Rome.
Numa— the first king who civilized the Romans, remarkable
for his uprightness.
Vel qui — Lucius Metellus, who preserved the Palladium, the
image of Minerva, when it stood, as it were, trembling for its
safety, the temple in which it was being on fire.
Protinus ad censum —
the first inquiry will be as to his in*
Quantum nummorum, tantum fidei. Rule 16.
42. Agmine facto, ablative absolute.
Migrdsse, syncopated for migravisse.
Quorum virtutibus obstat domi. For the syntax of quorum, see
Note under Rule 12, and Rule 5 for virtutibus, Observation 6,

Rule 3; and for domi, Note under Rule 32.


Romce conatus. The latter is the subject of est, understood.

For the syntax of Romce, see Rule 32.
Hospitium, ccenula, ventres, the subjects respectively of
constat and constant, understood.
Mayno, the ablative governed bv the preceding verbs. Rule
43. Plena malis. See Rule 20.
Pulchrior ille hoc —
this one is fairer than that. Hoc ; for the
syntax, see Rule 10, and Examples 23, 24, and 25, illustrative

Frangendus misero and bread must be broken by the poor
wretch with a toothless gum.
Misero frangendus. See Rule 19.
Captatori Cosso. See Observations 9 and 10, Rule 5.
44. Nil ergo —
the language of an objector.
Conveniat nobis. Observation 6, Rule 3.
Di, syncopated for Divi, the nominative plural of Dims.
Impulsu, cupidine. Rule 6.
Notum, supply est. The subject is the following.

Qui pueri what sort the children will turn out (futuri
Orandum est. The subject is the following clause.

Ut sit that we may have. Supply nobis, and consult Rule 9,
and Observations 19, 20, &c. explanatory thereof.
Terr ore carentem. Rule 20.

Qui ponat which <;an reckon.
Potiore venere, ccenis, plumis. Consult Rule 10, and Sen*
tences 23, 24, 25, illustrative thereof.
Si sit prudentia, supply nobis. See Note under ut sit, above.
45. Incredibile memoratu. See Rule 28.
Adepta libertate, ablative absolute.
Laboris patiens — able to endure labour. With an accusative
this adjective signifies actually enduring.

Lubidinem habebant took pleasure.
Domi, militice. Note under Rule 32.
Legibus, natura. Rule 6.
46. Recitatce, supply sunt a letter — was read. In the
plural number Uteres, or litterce, as here, signifies "an epistle;"
in the singular litera signifies "a letter of the alphabet."
Mea culpa, the ablative of
cause. Rule 6. " Not
through my fault I send." " It is not through my fault that I
send " is more agreeable to the usage of the English language.
Oratum. See Rule 28.
Lubido extinguendi. See Rule 30.

In anirno habeat regards.

Malit. Supply uti from the preceding clause, and habere to

govern sanguinem and omnia, and, in reference to the latter, con-
sult Rule 15.
47. Diis auspicious —
under the auspices of the gods literally, ;

"by the gods as the authors."

Diis, for Divis, and Junone are the ablatives of the cause, and
vento of the instrument, governed by tenuisse. Consult Rule 6.

Quam tu urbem what a city will you see this
Teucrum, syncopated for Teucrorum.
Posce deos veniam. Consult Rule 25.
Causas morandi. Ride 30.
Orion, coelum, rates, the subjects respectively of est and
sunt, understood.
48. Justitia vacat. See Rule 20.
In vitio est — is at fault, i. e. is a crime.
Non enim modo — belong to virtue.
for not only does it not
Virtutis, immanitatis.Consult Rule 22.
49. Quis desiderio —
what feeling of shame should there be, or
moderation, for the regret of so dear a person, i. e. in regretting.
Capitis —
the head. By synecdoche for the individual.
Citi parem. Consult Rule 18.
Bonis flebilis. Rule 19.
Nulli fiebilior quam tibi. Rule 19.
Frustra pius —
affectionate to no purpose.

Non ita creditum not entrusted to you on such conditions,
i. e. to live for ever.
Poscis Quinctilium deos. Rule 25.
50. Otium divos rogat. Rule 25.

Prensus a person caught in the wide iEgean sea. Supply mari.
Gemmis, purpura, auro venale. Consult Rule 31.
51. Dementis
est —
is the part of a madman. Rule 22.
Subvenire tempestati. Observation 6, Rule 3.
Sapientis, supply est, and see Rule 22.
52. Tenacem propositi —
firm in the execution of his purpose.
See Rule 19.
53. Ad impetrandum — to obtain my request.
Nihil causes —nothing of a cause, no cause.
Erat majestatis, in the sense of esset. See Rule 22. " It
would belong to the majesty."
His finibus ejectus sum. See Rule 26.
Quos majoribus dedit. Rule 24.
54. Parentes — subjects, persons obeying.
Extremes demenfice est. Rule 22.
55. Causa his —
the cause of these things. See Observation 9,
Rule 5.

Fiavi, syncopated for Flavii.

Portare Romam. Consult Rule 34.
Docendum artes— to be taught those accomplishments. Do-
cendum agrees with "me puerum, the object of pjrtare. For the
syntax of artes, consult »Rule 25.
Quas eques quivis doceat prognatos semet — which
any knight
might teach (those) sprung from himself, For the
his children.

syntax of quas, prognatos, consult Rule 25, and Note under Rule
12 and for semet, Rule 27.


A. addo, didi, ditum, 3, J give to,

A, al>, prep., from, oy. adduco, xi, ctum, 3, J lead to,
abduco, xi, ctum, 3, I lead away. bring, induce.
abeo, ivi, itum, irr., I go away, I adeo, adv., so, therefore, very much.
depart. adeo, ivi and ii, itum, I go, come
abominor, abominatus, abomi- to, address.
» nari, dep., 1 detest. adeptus, part, of adipiscor, having
absum, abfui, abesse, irr., I am obtained.
absent, I am distant. adgredior, same as aggredior.
ac, conj., and. Adherbal, alis, 3, m., Adherbal.
accedo, essi, essum, 3, I go to, adhibeo, ui, itum, 2, / apply,
accede, acquiesce. admit, send for.
accendo, di, sum, 3, I set on fire, adhoc, adv., in addition to this,
burn, excite. moreover.
accipio, epi, eptum, 3, I receive, adipiscor, eptus sum, pisci, dep.,
take, accept. I obtain, get.
accitus, us, 4, m., a call, invita- adjungo, nxi, nctum, 3, I add,
tion. join to.
accurro, ri, rsum, 3, I run to, admiror, ratus sum, mirari, dep.,
hasten. J admire, wonder at.
accuso, avi, atum, 1, I accuse, adopto, tavi, tatum, 1, I adopt.
blame. adpello, avi, atum, 1, 1 call, name,
acer, ris, e, sharp, sour, swift, address.
active, fierce. Adria, se, 1, f., the Adriatic Sea.
acervus, i, m., a heap.
2, adsedeo, edi, sessum, 2, I sit by,
acies, ei, 5, f,, an edge or point, ah close to.
army in battle array. adsentior, iri, nsus, dep., I assent
actio, onis, 3, f., an action, a suic or agree to, comply.
or process at law. adsum, fui, esse, I am present.
actus, a, um, part, of ago, done, adveho, xi, ctum, 3, I bring to,
performed. convey.
acuo, ui, 3, I sharpen, excite, pro- adverto, ti, sum, 3, 1 turn to, direct,
ad, prep., to, towards. adversus, a, um, part, of adverto.


adversus, prep., oppositeto, against. aio, defect., I say. See Defective

/Eacidas, ae, 1, in., Achilles, the Verbs,
grandson of jEacus. ala, ae, I, f., a wing.
aedes, is, 3, f., a house, building, Albanus, a, um, Alban.
temple. Albanus, i, 2, m., an Alban.
iEgaeus, a ura, of or belonging to alibi, adv., in another place, else-
the yEgtun Sea. where.
iEgeria, se, 1. f., the name of a alienus, a, um, what belongs to
goddess. another, strange, improper.
aegroto, I, I am sick, aliquis, a, aliquid or aliquod,
aemulus, a, urn, emulous, vying with. ycmeone, somebody.
dSneas, ae, 1, m., JEneas. aliquot, pi., indecl. adj., some, a
aequalis, e, equal. few.
sequitas, tatis, 3, f., equity, jus f ice. aliter, adv., in another way, other-
aequor, oris, 3, n., the sea, the wise.
smooth surface of any thing. alius, a,ud, another, different.
aequus, a, um, equal, just, even. Allobrox, ogis, 3, m. and f., an
aeratus, a, um, made of brass. AUobrogian, an inhabitant of
serumna, as, 1, f., trouble, sorrow, Savoy.
misery. alloquor, cutus sum, qui, dep.,
acs, ris, 3, n., brass. / address, speak to.
aetas, atis, 3, f., age. almus, a, um, kind, bountiful.
aeternum, adv., jor ever. alte, adv., highly.
aeternus, a, um, eternal, everlast- alter, era, erum, another.
ing. altum, i, 2, n., the dtcp.
aether, ris, 3, m., the sky, firma- altus, a, um, high.
ment, heaven. alvus, i, 2,m. and f., the belly, tha
afflo, avi, atum, 1, i" blow, breathe inside of a thing.
upon. amator, oris, 3, m., a lover.
affulgeo, si, sum, 2, J shine upon, ambages, ambagibus (its only-
favour. cases), 3, f., a turning, wind-
Africa, ae, 1, f., Africa. ing, circumlocution, a tedious
Africus, i, m., the south-wesi wind. story.
ambigue, adv., in a doubtful man-
agedi ner.
agellus, i, 2, m., a little field. ambitio, onis, 3, f., ambition.
ager, i. 2, m., afield, garden. ambo, ae, o, both. See Declension
aggredior, ssus sum v. fui, edi, of Adjectives,
dep., / come up to, accost, amicitia, ae, friendship.
1, f.,

attack. amicus, i, 2, m., a friend.

agilis, e, nimble, active. amicus, a, um, friendly
agito, avi, atum, 1, I agitate, re- amitto, isi, ssum, 3, / lose, I let
volve, consider. go, omit.
agmen, inis, 3, n., a body of men, amo, avi, atum, 1, I love.
an army in line of march, a amplector, xus sum, ti, dep., /
number of men, a herd. embrace.
ago, egi, actum, 3, / do, act, amplexus, a, um, having embraced
transact. (part, of amplector).
agricoia, ae, 1, m., a husbandman. amplus, a, um, large, ample.
ahenum, i, 2, n., a brass pot, cal- anceps, cipitis, doubtful, dangerous,
dron. deceitful.

anchora, se, 1, f., an anchor. ardens, ntis, part, of ardeo, burn-

angustus, a, urn, narrow, small, ing.
poor. ardeo, rsi, rsum, 2, I burn, desire
anima, se, 1, f., the soul, life, breath. greatly, burn with rage.
animadverto, ti, sum, 3, I observe, ardor, oris, 3, m., a burning, great
perceive, punish. desire.
animus, i, 2, m., the mind, spirit, arena, se, 1, f., sand, an arena.
courage, disposition. argentum, i, n., silver.
Annibal, alis, 3, m., Hannibal. Argolicus, a, um, of or belonging
annus, i, 2, m., the year. to Argos, Grecian.
annuus, a, um, yearly, belonging Argos, eos, n. (declined like a
to the year, happening once a Greek noun; but Argi, Argo-
year. rum, pi. m.), Argos.
ante, prep., before. Aricia, se, 1, f., the name of a city
antea, adv., before, formerly. or town.
antecapio, cepi, ceptum, 3, I" take arma, orum, pi., 2, n., arms, im-
beforehand, anticipate. plements.
anterior, us, adj., comp. , former, armatus, a, um, part, of armo,
in front. armed.
Antonius, m., Anthony.
ii, 2, armo, avi, atum, 1, i" arm.
antrum, i, a cave.
2, n., arripio, pui, ptum, 3, / snatch at,
aperio, ui, rtum, 4, 1 open, disclose. seize, take by force.
apertus, a, um, part, of aperio, ars, tis, 3, f., an art, trade; art,

opened. artifice, cunning.

Apollo, inis, 3, m., Apollo. aruspex, m., a soothsayer.
icis, 3,

appelle! adv. of ejaculation, hither! arx, rcis, 3, t, a citadel.

hue appelle come hither !
! ascendo, di, nsum, 3, I ascend.
appello, avi, atum, 1, I call, name, asellus, i, 2, m., a little ass.
call to, accuse. asina, se, 1, f., a she- ass.
appello, puli, pulsum, 3, I drive, aspecto, avi, atum, 1, J look at,
force, apply. have a view of.
Appius, ii, 2, m., Appius. asper, era, erum, rough, harsh, ill-
Appius, a, um, of or belonging to natured.
Appius. aspicio, exi, ectum, 3, I behold,
apto, avi, atum, 1, Ifit, make fit, see, perceive, regard.
adapt. assector, tatus sum, tari, dep.,
aptus, a, um, fit, adapted. I attend, wait upon, follow.
apud, prep., close by, near to, with, assumo, mpsi, mptum, 3, 1 assume,
among. take, admit.
aqua, se, 1, f., water. astrum, i, 2, n., a star.
Aquarius, ii, 2, m., one of the signs astutia, se, 1, f., craft, cunning.
of the zodiac. at, conj., but.
aquosus, a, um, watery, wet. ater, ra, rum, black, mournfid,
arator, toris, 3, m., a ploughman. fatal.
aratrum, i, 2, n., a plough. Atheniensis, e, belonging to an
arbor, oris, 3, f., a tree. Athenian.
area, se, 1, f., a chest, coffer. Atheniensis, is, 3, m. or f., an
Arcadius, a, um, of or belonging Athenian.
to an Arcadian. atque, conj., and.
arcesso, sivi, situm, 3, I send for, atrocitas, tatis, 3, f., atrocity,
call, invite. cruelty.

F 2

atrox, ocis, adj., atrocious, cruel. bos, ovis, 3, m. or f., an ox, a

attamen, conj., but, but yet, never- cow.
theless. brevi, adv., shortly, in a short
attentus, a, um, attentive, careful. time.
attollo, tuii, 3,I raise or lift up. brevia, ium, 3, n., fords, shallow
auctor, oris, 3, m., an author, the places.
doer of a thine/, an adviser. brevis, e, short, brief.
auctoritas, tatis, 3, f., authority. Brutus, i, 2, m., Brutus.
audacia, 33, 1, f., boldness, courage, brutus, a, um, sluggish, inactive.
impudence. bucca, 33, 1, f., a cheek, a trumpet.
audax, acis, bold, courageous, im-
audeo, ausus sum, 2, I dare, am C.
audio, ivi, itum, 4, J hear. caballus, i, 2, m , a horse.
aufero, abstuli, ablatum (irr. com- cacumen, inis, 3, n., a top, the
pound of fero), I take or carry highest point.
off- cadaver, eris, 3, n., a dead body.
aura, se, 1, f., air, breath, favour. cado, cecidi, casum, 3, J full,
aureus, a, um, golden, valuable. happen.
auricula, 33, 1, f., the ear. C33cus, a, um, blind, secret, dark,
auris, is, 3, f., the ear. obscure.
aurum, i, 2, n., gold. C3edes, is, 3, f., slaughter, murder
auspex, picis, 3, m., a soothsayer, death.
diviner. csslestis, e, heavenly, celestial.
Auster, tri, 2, m., the south wind. C33ruleus, a, um, blue, azure, sky-
aut, conj., or, either. coloured.
autem, conj., but, however. Caesar, aris, 3, m , Ccesar.
auxilium, ii, 2, n., help, assistance. csssaries, ei, 5, f., hair.
avaritia, 33, 1, f., avarice. C33terus, a, um, the rest, the olhr.
averto, ti, rsum, 3, I turn off, turn calceus, i, 2, m., a shoe.
away, avert. Calchas, ntis, 3, m., the name of a
avidus, a, um, greedy, desirous. diviner.
calidus, a, um, warm, hot.
cano, cecini, cantum, 3, I sing,
canto, avi, atum, 1, I sing.
cantus, us, 4, m., a song.
barbarus, a, um, barbarous. Capenus, a, am, Cupene, Capenian.
beatus, a, um, happy, blessed. capio, cepi, ptum, 3, J take.
bellicosus, a, um, warlike. capitalis, e, capital, worthy of
helium, i, 2, n., war. death, deadly.
bene, adv., well. captator, oris, 3, m., a person who
beneficium, ii, 2, n., kindness, a lies in wait, a flatterer, a syco-
bis, adv., twice. Capua, 33, 1, f , the name of a city
Bocchus, m., Bocchus.
i, 2, in Italy.
Bornilcar, ris, 3, m., Bomilcar. caput, itis, 3, n., the head.
bonum, i, 2, n., goodness, virtue, career, eris, 3, m., a prison.
equity. careo, rui and cassus sum, carere,
bonus, a, um, good, just, equitable. 2, / want, am without.

carina, se, 1, f., the keel of a ship, circumfero, tuli, latum (irreg.
a ship. compound of fero), I bear or
carmen, inis, 3, n., a song, verse, carry around.
incantation, charm. circumfusus, a, um, poured around,
Carpathius, a, um, Carpathian. surrounding.
carpo, psi, ptum, 3, I gather, rob, Cirta, 83, 1, f., the name of a
feed, calumniate. town.
Carthaginiensis, e, Carthaginian. cithara, se, 1, f., a harp.
Carthaginiensis, is, 3, m. or f., a citra, prep., on this side.
Carthaginian. citus, a, um, part., moved, pro-
Carthago, inis, 3, f., Carthage. voked.
carus, a, um, dear, beloved, costly. citus, a, um, quick.
Caster, oris, 3, m., Castor. civilis, e, of a city, courteous.
castrum, i, 2, n.,a camp. civis, is, 3, m. or f.,a citizen.
casurus, a, um, part, of cado, civitas, atis, 3, f., a state, city.
about to fall or happen. clades, is, 3, f., loss, defeat, dis-
casus, us, 4, m., a fall, chance, aster.
case, a happening. clam, adv., privately.
Catilina, se. 1, m., Catiline. clamo, avi, atum, 1, I" cry out, ex-
Cato, onis, 3, m., Cato.
caupo, onis, 3, m., an innkeeper. clarus, a, um, clear, well-known,
causa, se, 1, f., a cause, reason. illustrious.
cautus, a, um, cautious, wary, classis, is, 3, f., a class, fleet.
prudent, safe. claudo, si, sum, 3, J shut.
caveo, cavi, cautum, 2, 1 take care, clavis, is, 3, f., a key.
am on my guard. cliens, tis, 3, m. and f., a client,
Cecrops, opis, 3, m., Cecrops. a dependant.
cedo, ssi, ssum, 3, 1 go, yield, give Cneius, ii, 2, m., Cneius.
place to. coelum, i, 2, n., heaven, the sky.
celer, eris, quick, active, clever. ccena, 3e, 1, f., a supper.
census, us, 4, m., a census, yearly coeno, avi, atum, 1, I sup.
income. ccenula, se, 1, f., a small supper.
centurio, onis, 3, m., a centurion. ccepi, verb defect., I have begun.
cerebrosus, a, um, passionate. cognatus, a, um, allied by blood.
Ceres, eris, 3, f., Ceres. cognatus, i, 2, m., a cousin.
cerno, crevi, cretum, 3, I perceive, cognosco, ovi, itum, 3, I know,
discern. learn, understand.
certamen, inis, 3, n., a contest. cogo, egi, actum, 3, I force, com-
certe, adv., certainly. pel.
certo, avi, atum, 1, I contend. cohors, tis, 3, f., a cohort, troop,
eertus, a, um, certain. a company of people.
cervix, icis, 3, the neck.
f., collectus, a, um, part, of colligo.
cervus, i, 2, m., a stag. collega, se, 1, m. or f., a colleague,
charus, a, um, same as carus. partner, helper.
cibarium, ii, 2, n., meat, food. colligo, legi, lectum, 3, I collect,
cibus, i, 2, m., meat, food. pluck, conclude.
Cicero, onis, 3, m., Cicero. m., a hill.
collis, is, 3,
circum, prep, and adv., about, ultum, 3, I till, cultivate.
colo, ui,
around. columen, inis, 3, n., support, stuy,
circumago, egi, actum, 3, I turn assistance.
or go around. columna, se, I, f., a pillar.
F 3

comes, itis, 3, m. or f., a com- confertus, a, um, thick.

panion. conficio, eci, fectum, 3, I finish,
comitium, ii, 2, n., an assembly, wear out.
place of an assembly. confido, idi, isum, 3, i" confide,
comitor, atus sum, dep., I accom- trust.
pany. confisus, a, um
(part, of confido,
commendo, avi, atum, 1, I com- active in signification), trusting,
mend, entrust. confiding.
commissus, a, um, part, of com- confodio, di, ssum, 3, 1 dig,
mitto. stab.
committo, isi, issum, 3, I com- confusus, a, um, confused, jumbled
mit, entrust, engage in battle. together.
commodo, avi, atum, 1, 1 lend, Jit, congero, gessi, gestum, 3, I heap
adapt, profit. or pile together.
commodum, i, 2, n., advantage, conjectus, a, um, part, of con-
benefit. jicio.
communis, e, common, what be- conjicio, eci, ectum, 3, I cast or
longs to several. throw together.
communiter, adv., in common. conjugium, ii, 2, n., marriage.
comparo, avi, atum, 1, I compare, conjuratio, onis, 3, f., a conspi-
procure. racy.
comperio, ri, rtum, 4, I find out, conjux, gis, 3, m. or f., a husband
understand. or wife.
complector, plexus sum, ti, dep., connubium, ii, 2, n., marriage.
J embrace, comprehend. conor, conatus sum, ari, dep., /
eomplexus, a, um, part, of com- attempt.
plector. conscius, a, um, conscious, aware
comploratio, onis, 3, f., lamenta- of.
tion. consequor, cutus sum, qui, dep.,
compono, sui, situm, 1, I put to- I follow up, reach, obtain.
gether, compose. conservo, avi, atum, 1, J pre-
conatus,. us, 4, m., an attempt. serve.
concido, idi, iaum, 3, I cut off, consido, sedi, sessum, 3, I sit
cut in pieces, kill. down, settle, encamp.
concilium, ii, 2, n., an assembly, consilium, ii, 2, n., counsel, advice,
a council. design, purpose.
concito, avi, atum, 1, I stir up, consisto, stiti, stitum, 3, 1 consist,
excite. agree, stand together.
concludo, usi, usum, 3, / conclude, conspectus, us, 4, m., a sight,
finish, infer. view.
concordia, ae, l,f., concord, agree- conspicio, exi, ectum, 3, I view,
ment. behold, consider.
concurro, ri, rsum, 3, J run to- constat, it is evident (3rd sing, of
gether, agree. consto).
condo, idi, itum, 3, I hide, finish. constituo, ui, utum, 3, 1 constitute,
condemnatus, a, um, part, of con- appoint, resolve, agree.
demno. consto, stiti, stitum and statum,
condemno, avi, atum, 1, I con- 1 , I consist, agree with, am evi-
demn. dent.
confectus, a, um, part, of con- consuesco, evi, etum, 3, I am ac-
ficio. customed to.

consuetudo, ims, 3, f., a habit, crassus, a, um, thick, stupid.

custom. creber, ra, rum, often, frequent,
consul, ulis, 3, m., a consul. numerous.
consularis, e, of consular rank. creditus, a, um, part, of credo.
consulatus, us, 4, m., the consul- credo, didi, ditum, 3, I believe,
ship. trust, entrust.
consulo, sului, sultum, 3, I ask or cresco, evi, etum, 3, I grow, in-
give advice. crease.
consultor, oris, 3, m., one who asks crinis, is, 3, m., hair.
advice, a client. crudelitas, atis, 3, f., cruelty.
consultus, a, um, part, of consulo, cubile, is. 3, n., a bed.
skilled. cubo, ui, itum, 1, I am ill, con-
contendo, ndi, nsum and ntum, fined to bed.
3, J strive, contend, aim at. cujas, atis, pron., of what country
contentus, a, um, content. or sect.
continentia, 33, 1, f., continence, cujus, a, um, pron., whose, whereof .

moderation, forbearance. culex, icis, 3, m. or f., a gnat,

contingo, tigi, tactum, 3, / touch, small fly.
happen, attain. culpa, se, 1, f., a fault.
continuus, a, um, continual, con- culpo, avi, atum, I, 1 blame.
stant. eultura, 83, 1, f., culture.
contra, prep., opposed to, opposite cultus, a, um, part, of colo.
to, against. cultus, us, 4, m., culture, tilling.
contristo, avi, atum, 1, I make cum, prep., with.
sad. cum, adv., when,
eonvenio, eni, entum, 4, I come Cuma?, arum, 1, f., Cumce, a town
together, agree, suit. in Italy.
^onvicium, ii, 2, n., reproach, cunctor, tatus sum, ari, dep., I
abuse. delay, hesitate.
convictor, oris, 3, m., a companion cunctus, a, um, all, the whole.
at table, guest. cupidissime, adv., most anxi-
convivium, ii, 2, n., a feast, ban- ously.
quet, entertainment. cupido, inis, 3, f., desire, anxiety,
convoco, atum, 1, 7 call
avi, to- hist.
gether, convoke, summon. cupidus, a, um, anxious, desirous.
copia, se, 1, f., opportunity, abun- cupio, ivi, itum, 3, I covet, desire
dance, resources, plenty. much
coram, prep., before, in presence cur, adv., why ?
°f cura, se, 1, f., care, anxiety.
orum, 2, m., a family
Cornelii, in curatio, onis, 3, f., a curing, heal-
Rome, the Cornelii. ing, a charge.
Cornelius, ii, 2, m., Cornelius. Cures, ium, 3, a town, in Italy.
corpus, oris, 3, n., a body. Curiatius, ii, 2, m., one of the Cu-
corrigo, exi, ectum, 3, I correct, riatii.
reform. Curius, ii, 2, m., Curius.
corripio, ui, eptum, 3, I seize, euro, avi, atum, 1, 1 care for, take
snatch, reprove. care of.
corrumpo, upi, ptum, 3, 1 corrupt, curro, ri, sum, 3, I run.
waste, destroy. cursus, us, 4, m., a course, a run-
Cossus, i, 2, m., Cossus. ning.
Crassus, i, 2, m., Crassus. curvus, a, um, crooked

cuspis, idis, 3, f., the point of a dego, gi, 3, I lead, spend, live,
spear, a spear. dwell.
custodio, ivi, itum, 4, I guard. degusto, avi, atum, 1, I taste,
custos, odis, 3, m. or f., a guard, touch slightly.
a guardian. dein, deinde, advs., afterwards,
cutis, is, 3, f., the skin. then.
Deiopeia, sd, 1, f., the name of a
D. dejicio, jeci, jectum, 3, I cast
down, remove, degrade.
Dardanius, a, um, Trojan. delasso, are, 1, I tire out, weary.
datus, a, um, part, of do. delecto, avi, atum, I, I please, de-
de, prep., of, from. light.
dea, ae, 1, f., a goddess. delictum, i, 2, n., a crime, fault,
debeo, ui, itum, 2, I ought, owe. offence.
debitus, a, um, part, of debeo, demens, ntis, foolish, mad, out-
due, appointed. rageous.
decedo, essi, essum, 3, 1 leave, de- dementia, se, 1, f., foolishness,
part. madness.
Decimus, i, 2, m., Decirnus. demitto, misi, missum, 3, I send
declaro, avi, atum, I, I declare, down, dismiss, humble, submit.
make evident, proclaim. demum, adv., at length.
decorus, a, um, graceful, becoming, denique, adv., in fine, at last.
proper. depello, puli, pulsum,
J drive 3,
decus, oris, 3, n., beauty, orna- away, expel, banish.
ment, grace. depono, posui, positum, 3, I put
deditio, on is, 3, f., a surrender. off, lay down, fix, plant.
dedo, dedidi, ditum, 3, I submit, descendo, di, ensum, 3, J descena,
yield, surrender, give over. fall.
deduco, uxi, ctum, 3, I bring, take describo, ipsi, iptum, 3, 1 describe,
from, subtract, spin out. copy.
defero, tuli, latum (irreg. com- desero, serui, sertum, 3, I forsake,
pound of fero), I bring, carry quit, give up.

off, confer, bestow. desertus, a, um, part, of desero.

deficio, feci, fectum, 3, I fail, desiderium, ii, 2, n., desire, love,
leave, revolt, am defective, am want, absence.
discouraged. desidia, as, 1, f., slothfulness.
defigo, xi, ixum, 3, I fix, fasten, designatus, a, um, part , appoint-
thrust into. ed (consul designatus, consul
deflnio, ivi, itum, 4, 1 define, de- elect).
termine, limit. despondeo, di, I promise, betroth,
defodio, fodi, fossum, 3, I dig, despair of.
hide in the earth. destino, are, 7 determine, intend,
deformatus, a, um, part., deform- aim at.
ed, disgraced, fashioned. desum, fui (compound of sum),
deformis, e, deformed, ugly, sor- I am absent, wanting, fail.
did, unsightly. desuper, adv., from above, on the
defossus, a, um, part, of defodio. top.
defundo, fudi, fusum, 3, J pour deterior, us, worse, weaker.
out. devinco, ici, ictum, 2, I overcome,
defusus, a, um, part, of defundo. conquer.

devito, are, 1, J avoid. ditesco, cere, 3, / grow rich.

devolo, are, 1, / fly down, away, diu, adv , a long time.
leave. divello, vulsi, vulsum, 3, I tear
devotus, a, um, part., devoted, asunder, loosen.
doomed, cursed. diversus, a, um, different, contrary,
Deus, ei, 2, m., a god, the Deity. separate.
dico, xi, ictum, 3, J say, declare. dives, itis, rich, abounding in.
dictator, oris, 3, m., a dictator. dives, itis, 3, m. or f., a rich per-

dictito, are, 1, I say often. son.

dictum, i, 2, n., a word, saying. divido, visi, visum, 3, 1 divide, dis-
dies, ei, 5, m. or f., a day. tribute, distinguish.
differtus, a, um, part., filled, stuffed. divinus, a, um, divine, blessed.
difficilis, e, difficult. divitice, arum, 1, f., riches, wealth.
diffido, fidi, fidere, 3, I distrust, divulgo, are, 1, I spread abroad,
despair. make known.
diffundo, fudi, fusum, 3, I pour divus, i, 2, m., a god.
out, disperse, publish. do, dedi, datum, 1, 1 give.
dignitas, tatis, 3, f., dignity, ma- doceo, cui, ctum, 2, I teach, in-
jesty, grandeur. form, tell.

dignus, a, um, worthy, suitable, be- docilis, e, easily taught, docile.

coming. doctus, a, um, part, of doceo.
digredior, gressus sum, gredi, doleo, lui, litum, 2, i" grieve, am
dep., 1 depart, turn aside. displeased.
digressus, us, 4, m., a depar- dolo, are, 1, 1 beat, belabour.
ture. dolor, oris, 3, m., grief, resent-
dilabor, lapsus sum, labi, dep., I ment.
slip aside, waste. dolus, i, 2, m , deceit, treachery.
dimico, cavi, care, 1, I fight, en- dominus, m., a master, a
i, 2,
gage, struggle. a lord.
dimitto, isi, issum, 3, I dismiss, domo, mui, mitum, ] , I tame,
discharge, let go. subdue, conquer.
dimoveo, movi, motum, 2, I re- domus, i and us, 2 and 4, f., a
move, put away. house, a residence.
discedo, essi, essum, 3, I depart, donee, adv., until, as long as.
leave, go off. dono, avi, atum, 1, I give, be-
disco, didici, cere, 3, I learn, un- stow.
derstand. donum, i, 2, m., a gift, present.

discordia, a?, 1, f., discord, dis- Doricus, a, um, Doric.

agreement. dormio, ivi, itum, 4, I sleep.
discrimen, minis, 3, n., a differ- dorsum, i, 2, n., the back, ridge of
ence, distinction, danger, a battle. a hill.

disjicio, jeci, jectum, 3, I dis- dubito, avi, atum, 1, I doubt, hesi-

perse, overthrow. tate.
dispar, paris, unlike. duco, xi, ctum, 3, I draw, lead,
dispono, posui, positum, 3, I dis- carry, bring.
pose, set in order, settle. ducto, avi, atum, 1, I lead.
dissimilis, e, unlike, different. ductus, a, um, part, of duco.
dissipo, are, 1, / dissipate, dis- dulcis, e, sweet, agreeable.
perse, scatter, squander. dum, adv., until, whilst.
distineo, nui, tentum, 2, I hinder, duo, se, o (see Declension of Ad-
keep off. jectives), two.

f 5

durus, a, um, hard, difficult, un- equus, i, 2, m., a horse.

pleasant. ergo, adv., therefore.
dux, ucis, 3, m. and f., a leader. erigo, rexi, rectum, 3, 1 erect, raise
up, promote.
et, conj., and, both.
etenim, conj., for, because.
etiam, conj., also, even, again.
Etruria, se, 1, f., Etruria.
efficio, feci, fectum, 3, I effect, Etruscus, a, um, Etrurian.
bring about, accomplish. Eurus, i, 2, m., the east wind.
effugio, ugi, itum, 3, I escape, evenio, veni, ventum, 4, I come
shun, avoid. out, happen.
effundo, udi, usum, 3, I pour out, ex, prep., from, out of.
empty, spread abroad. exagito, avi, atum, 1, I harass,
egens, part., needy, in want. disturb, rouse up.
egeo, gui, gere, 2, I want, stand exanimo, avi, atum, 1, I astonish,
in need of. kill.

egestas, tatis, 3, f., want, poverty. excidium, or exscidium, ii, 2, n.,

ego, pron., I. destruction, ruin.
egredior, gressus sum, gredi, dep., excipio, cepi, ceptum, 3, J receive,
I step forth, depart, embark. undertake, except.
egregius, a, um, excellent, extra- excito, avi, atum, 1, I excite, stir
d ordinary. up, animate.
r eheu, interj., ah I alas ! exclamo, avi, atum, 1, I exclaim.
ejicio, jeci, jectum, 3, I cast forth, exerceo, cui, citum, 2, 1 exercise,
eject, drive away. practise.
elatio, onis, 3, f ., greatness of soul, exercitus, us, 4, m., an army.
sublimity. exigo, egi, actum, 3, I exact, de-
elephantus, i, 2, m., an elephant. mand, drive away.
eloquentia, se, 1, f., eloquence. exiguus, a, um, little, scanty.
emergo, rsi, rsum, 3, I arise, rise existimo, avi, atum, 1, I think,
from, emerge. suppose, esteem.
emissus, a, um, part, of emitto. exitus, us, 4, m., an outlet, end,
emitto, isi, issum, 3, I send forth, death, result.
discharge, throw away. expecto, avi, atum, 1, I expect,
emo, emi, emptum, 3, I buy. hope, look for.
emptor, oris, 3, m., a purchaser. expedio, ivi, itum, 4, I free, de-
emptus, or emtus, part, of emo. liver, explain.
enim, conj., for, indeed. expeditus, a, um, part, of expedio.
enuncio, avi, atum, 1, I speak, expeditus, a, um, speedy, active.
proclaim, pronounce. expello, puli, pulsum, 3, I drive
eo, ivi, itum, irreg., I go. out, expel.
eo, adv., therefore, thither, to that expendo, ndi, nsum, 3, I weigh,
end. examine, value.
Epirus, i, 2, f., a country of experiens, part, of experior.
Greece. experimentum, i, 2, n., an experi-
epistola, ae, 1, f., a letter. ment, trial.
equa, se, 1, f., a mare. experior, expertus sum, experin,
eques, itis, 3, m., a horseman, a dep., I try, experiment.
knight. expers, tis, free from, having no
equidem, adv., indeed. part in.

expleo, plevi, pletum, 2, I fill up, fama, se, 1, f., fame, report, ru-
complete. mour.
exploro, ploravi, ploratum, 1, I fames, is, 3, f., hunger, fasting,
explore, examine. famine, dearth, a greedy desire.
expono, osui, ositum, 3, I expose, familiaris, e, of the same family
set forth. or household, familiar, usual,
exscindo, ere, 3, I cut off. friendly.
exsecratio, onis, 3, f., a cursing. familiaris, is, 3, m., a servant of
exsecror, atus sum, crari, dep , I the family, an intimate, a friend.
curse. fanum, i, 2, n., a temple, a church.
exsequor, cutus sum, sequi, dep., farina, se, 1, f., meal, flour, powder.
I execute, do, perform. fatum, i, 2, n., fate, God's ^provi-

extemplo, adv., immediately. dence or decree.

exterritus, a, um, part., affrighted. Faunus, i, 2, m., Faunus, a god of
exterus, a, um, strange, foreign, the country.
outward. faustitas, tatis, 3, f., good luck.
extinguo, nxi, nctum, 3, / extin- faux, cis, 3, f., the jaw, a strait,
guish, destroy. narrow passage.
extraho, xi, ctum, 3, I extract, faveo, vi, fautum, 2, I favour, be-
pull out, withdraw. friend.
extremus, a, um, extreme, utmost, felix, icis, happy, fortunate, pro-
farthest off. pitious.
exuo, ui, utum, 3, 1 take off, divest fera, se, 1, f., a wild beast.
of fere, adv., almost, nearly.
feria, 83, 1, f., a holiday.
F. ferio, percussi, percussum, 4, I
strike, smite, sacrifice.
Fabius, ii, 2, m., the name of a fero, tuli, latum, irr., / bear,
noble family in Rome. carry, report.
Fabricius, ii, 2, m., the name of a ferocia, se, 1, f., ferocity, cruelty.

Roman family. ferox, ocis, ferocious, cruel, daring.

facies, ei, 5, f., a face, countenance, ferrum, i, 2, n., iron, a sword.
appearance, show, resemblance, ferus, a, um, wild, savage.
portrait or picture, make, form, ferus, i, 2, m., a wild beast.
fashion, stature, beauty. fessus, a, um, part., wearied.
facile, adv., easily, readily, with- fidelis, e, faithful.
out much ado, certainly. fideliter, adv., faithfully.
facilis, e, easy, feasible, gentle, fides, ei, 5, f., faith, honour, truth.
mild, pliant, good-natured, easy fido, idi, ere, 3, I trust.
to be pleased. fidus, a, um, faithful.
facinus, oris, 3, n., a great action, figo, xi, xum, 3, I fix, shoot,
exploit, adventure. pierce.
facio,feci, factum, cere, 3, I do,

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