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Health Care Strategy  Syllabus

Health Care Strategy features authentic business examples, interactive lessons, and conversations with industry experts. This course will
help you align the principles of business strategy with the unique challenges and structures of health care organizations, enabling you to
create and capture value for your organization, and lead your organization to sustainability.

Modules Case Studies Takeaways Key Exercises

• Value is only created if purchasers • Apply a framework that illustrates

Statins: Creating are willing and able to pay an amount value creation and value capture
and capturing value that exceeds the cost of producing a
Value • Determine how much value a
by selling products product or service seller can capture by considering
Module 1

• Value creation does not automatically the competitive environment and
and Value Livongo: Creating result in value capture the value created for different
Capture and capturing value stakeholders
• Value capture is more challenging
by selling a when the value of a product/
complex service service is divided among different

• Identifying the “forces” that drive • Perform a “five forces” analysis

Advanced Fertility industry profits is a critical first step
Care: Assessing • Assess the strength of different
to defining a business strategy
Industry Attractive- forces in different industries
ness • A successful strategy combats the • Evaluate the tradeoffs made by
forces that diminish industry profits
Module 2

an entrant in elder care, and how

Industry Oak Street Health: • Developing a strategy requires this informs their decisions about
Analysis Positioning within making tradeoffs growth
an Industry to • Positioning can enable you to
Achieve Sustain- succeed in an “unattractive” industry
able Success

Choose and Book: • Competition among healthcare • Evaluate the results of a “natural
Choice and providers increases quality, reduces experiment” involving the NHS
prices, and can increase a provider’s
competition in the • Assess opportunities provided
British National by destination medicine for both
Health Service • Regulatory authorities can intervene providers and employers
to protect and preserve competition • Analyze business and regulatory
Module 3

Geisinger Health: moves that reduce and enhance

Competition Expanding the competition in different markets

Surgical Institute of
Reading: When
regulators step in

© Copyright 2022. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights

Modules Case Studies Takeaways Key Exercises

• The decision to vertically integrate • Dissect an organization’s decision to

depends on several factors, such vertically integrate
as the necessity for “relationship • Assess the effects of vertical
specific” investments by upstream integration on pricing, under
and downstream parties, and the different assumptions
Consolidation in degree of difficulty in aligning
Eastern Massachu- incentives with arms-length • Examine the effects of provider-
setts: Expanding to relationships insurer integration on competition,
defeat or enhance prices, and access for patients
• Vertically integrated firms may find
Module 4

The competition it more profitable to price their

Boundaries of products less than they would if they
the Firm Civica Rx: A novel were not integrated, even if there is
solution to a no change in production cost from
long-term problem integrating.
• Integration can deflect or enhance
competition, depending on the
industry structure and potential
efficiencies created by the merger

Learning requirements: To earn a Certificate of Completion from Harvard Online, participants must thoughtfully complete modules 1-4,
including satisfactory completion of the associated quizzes, by stated deadlines.

© Copyright 2022. President and Fellows of Harvard College. All Rights

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