English11 - q1 - Mod7 - Distinguishing Types of Speeches and Speech Style - v1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Senior High School

Zest for Progress
Z Peal of artnership


First Quarter– Module 7
Distinguising Types of Speeches
and Speech Style

Oral Communication in Context – Grade 11/12
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Distinguishing Types of Speeches and Speech

First Edition, 2022

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio

What I Need to Know

There are several speech styles (or the way language is used) for
communicating which can be adopted by a speaker or a writer in various settings.
Knowledge on the types of speeches is an essential tool which can help a speaker
determine the appropriate approach to achieve his/her purpose in communication.

As a learner of this module, you are expected to:

a. distinguish the types of speeches;

b. identify speech styles; and
c. apply an appropriate speech style according to the given social

What I Know
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on the space provided
before the number.

________1. When a patient talks to a psychiatrist, what speech style is applicable?

A. frozen
B. formal
C. intimate
D. consultative

________2. Who was the linguist and German professor who said that speech style
refers to the form of language that the speaker utilized which is
characterized by the level of formality?

A. John Stark
B. Martin Joos
C. Arthur Miller
D. Rudyard Kipling

________3. A ___ is a strategy that a speaker adopts depending on the listener,
situation and other factors.

A. tone
B. speech
C. voice quality
D. speech style

________4. Also known as “fixed speech”, which style is also regarded as the
highest form of communicative style that is often used in respectful

A. formal
B. frozen
C. casual
D. consultative

________5. The formal type of speech style is only used for imparting information.
With this, in what manner is the speech prepared?

A. incomplete
B. well-organized
C. faulty in diction
D. incorrect in grammar

________6. To which context below can you apply the intimate type of speech style?

A. reciting the Eagle Scout Oath

B. delivering a campaign speech
C. talking to an instructor in Physics
D. exchanging sweet messages by lovers

________7. Why is the consultative type of speech style considered as the “third
level of language”?

A. because it is an unplanned speech

B. because it uses a private language
C. because it is used only for imparting information
D. because it is used between friends who have things in common

________8. Below are the types of speeches according to purpose. Which is NOT
included in the group?

A. persuasive
B. motivational
C. uninformative
D. entertainment

________9. Complete the sentence, “Memorizing a speech puts entirely too much
pressure on the ___.”

A. listener
B. receiver
C. speaker
D. audience

________10.Everything can be provided by an exploratory/informative speech


A. history
B. no data
C. theories
D. new data

________11. What type of speech intends to captivate an audience’s attention

and amuse them?

A. persuasive
B. exploratory
C. consultative
D. entertainment

________12. What type of speech is meant to help the listeners understand a topic
in a more in-depth manner by providing an organized way?

A. persuasive
B. exploratory
C. consultative
D. entertainment

________13. Which is NOT factual about writing or delivering a persuasive speech?

A. It is in a convincing manner.
B. It can be in an entertaining manner.
C. It is, in most cases, in an organized manner.
D. It does not try to convince its listeners in any way.

________14. How is a memorized speech different from an impromptu speech?

A. There is feedback or contact with the audience.

B. The concentration is on the words, not the ideas.
C. The speaker is most commonly provided with their topic.
D. The speaker is expected to say something smart, witty and

________15. Most professional and experienced public speakers prefer the ___
method of delivery to achieve a more natural tone, flow and style
relevant to the audience.

A. impromptu
B. memorized
C. manuscript
D. extemporaneous

What’s In
Directions: Label the following pictures as intrapersonal communication or
interpersonal communication. Write your answer on the space provided
below each picture.

A. B.

_________________________ _________________________

Intrapersonal communication means

communicating with one’s self. Interpersonal
communication, on the other hand, involves
two or more people engaged in a conversation.

What’s New

Directions: Fill in the dialogue box with words that you could possibly say when you
are in the given contexts.






Process Questions:

1. How would you describe your conversation with the guidance counsellor?
Check the box that applies.

Formal informal

2. How did you chat with your classmate inside the bus? Check the box that

intimately casually

3. In what manner did you talk with the dentist? Check the box that applies.

frozen consultative

4. What is the best description of your parents’ conversation? Check the box
that applies.

intimate formal

5. When is a memorized speech usually recited? Check the box that applies.

in a formal ceremony in an informal party

What Is It
Types of Speech Style

A speech style is a style that a speaker adopts depending on the listener,

situation and other factors.

Speech style is important because it is necessary for us to convey the

message of our speech correctly. It has been categorized into different styles or
modes. One widely-quoted classification is that of Martin Joos (1976), a linguist and
German professor. His five styles are used in studies of style-shifting not only in
spoken language but also in written language.

According to him, it refers to the form of language that the speaker utilized
which is characterized by the level of formality. These are as follows:

1. Consultative Style

Regarded as “the third level of language”, the

consultative type of speech style is used precisely
among people who do not have prior knowledge and
deep background of each other. Because the speaker
uses the participation and feedback of the listener, it is
an unplanned type of speech style. The speaker
supplies all the necessary information needed by the
listener to be able to participate continuously in the
communication process.

Basically, this is the normal style for speaking to strangers who are neither
acquaintances nor friends or relatives. It requires a two-way participation between
the speaker and the listener for communication to be possible.


a teacher-student talk, a doctor to patient conversation, a veteran to novice


2. Formal Style

The formal type of speech style practically

aims to impart information. In this manner, the speech
is well-organized and correct in grammar and diction.
Technical vocabulary and exact definitions are
importantly stressed too.

This type of speech style uses formal words and expressions and is mostly
seen in writing rather than in speaking. Furthermore, it disallows the use of ellipsis,
contractions, and qualifying modal adverbials.

Participants to a formal speech are highly encouraged to observe formal

bearing and disposition. Any form of informality such as an interruption is highly
discouraged in this type of speech style.


talk at a corporate meeting, formal speeches, in a trial court

3. Intimate Style

The intimate type of speech style uses a “private

language” used among family, of very close friends or
group of people who have a very close relationship more
affectionate than casual friendship and regular

The people involved in this type of speech style

need no words to convey messages and meanings. They
understand each other even without speaking their ideas
out loud.

Intimate talk occurs among people who have known each other for a long
time, have mutual feelings towards each other and people who have shared many
experiences together.

Like the casual style of conversation, there is a worry-less and easy

interaction of both the speaker and the listener.


husband and wife conversation, parent and child dialogue, heart to heart
talk between lovers

4. Frozen Style
The frozen type of speech style is a
formal style whose quality is showing little or
no change over time. It is ritualistic and may
be even archaic or an old practice.

Also known as “fixed speech”, it is

the highest form of communicative style which
is often used in respectful situations or formal

It uses the complex grammatical sentence structure and vocabulary that are
only known by experts in that field that, in most cases, the recitations are repeatedly
delivered in the same way for a very long time.


singing of the national anthem, reciting the “Panunumpa sa Katungkulan”,

marriage ceremonies, speech for a state ceremony

5. Casual Style

The casual type of speech style is a language used between friends and
acquaintances who have things to share. It does not require background information
and is often very relaxed.

In this type of speech style, the use of words that is not considered part of
the standard vocabulary of language is common. The relationship between speaker
and listener holds no social barriers and the way they converse can sometimes be


casual conversations with friends, family members, chats, phone calls and
social messages

Types of Speeches According to Purpose

1. Exploratory / Informative Speech

An exploratory or informative speech supplies information history, theories,

practical applications, and many others, that can help the listeners understand
something that is not familiar to them or already known but not yet clearly

It is meant to help the listeners understand a topic in a more in-depth manner

by providing the following in an organized way:

 new facts or information,

 facts or information that are not readily available to everyone, and
 facts or information that are not yet very familiar to the audience.

2. Persuasive Speech

The main objective in writing a

persuasive speech is to convince the
listeners of the validity of the speaker’s
argument. This involves making someone
change his/her opinion and/or consider
some elements that have not really been
looked upon before.

It is the speaker’s responsibility to

provide conclusive ideas to make the
listeners believe that what he/she is telling is
truthful and valid.
This way the listener changes convictions making the speaker’s speech one
that is successful.

3. Entertainment Speech

Entertainment speech is a speech intended to captivate an audience’s

attention and amuse them while delivering a message. The purpose is not only to tell
jokes though, but likewise to provide relevant ideas in a manner that makes the
audience laugh and feel glad while gaining the insights that the speaker wishes to

Types of Speeches According to Delivery

A. Impromptu Speech

An impromptu speech is given with little or no preparation, yet almost always

with some advance knowledge on the topic. The speaker is most commonly provided
with ideas in the form of a quotation, as an object, proverb, one-word abstract, or
one of the many alternative views.

In this kind of speech, the speaker is expected to say something smart, witty
and very appealing. While it might feel very challenging even to the most
experienced speaker, giving an impromptu speech is the mark of an excellent
communicator and leader.

Most people give or listen to an impromptu speech at least once in their

lifetime, even though they are not aware they did. Examples of occasions where an
impromptu speech is delivered are in job interviews, meetings, and presentations.

B. Extemporaneous Speech

An extemporaneous speech is one that is a planned and prepared through

outlining ideas but not written out word-for-word. Most professional and experienced
public speakers prefer the extemporaneous method because it establishes a more
natural and friendly communication with the audience.

This type of speech is delivered with the help of short notes and a clear
outline. Unlike impromptu speech which is delivered with no or minimal time to
prepare, it is practiced ahead of time, rehearsed and re-rehearsed. Although it might
look more challenging than the manuscript or memorized speeches, it is more
spontaneous and personal.

Explaining to your teacher why you submitted your project late, presenting
your group output in front of class, and explaining to your classmate your solution to
a mathematical problem are all examples of speaking extemporaneously.

C. Manuscript Speech

A manuscript speech is when the speaker reads and delivers a copy of his/her
pre-written oration.

In this type, the speaker plans and writes down the exact words he/she
wishes to say during his/her speech. Ample time is allocated in the preparation of the
speech to ensure on getting everything right.

The State of the Nation Address by the President of the Philippines is one
example of this type of speech. The head of the state reads aloud his important
statements to the public through television, social media and other platforms thus the
exact words in the correct order is very important.

D. Memorized Speech

Memorized speech is the recitation of ideas directly from one’s memory and
without the help of cue cards or any notes. It is delivered spontaneously, or “on the
spur of the moment”.

Usually a memorized speech has been prepared and kept repeated to one’s
self until the exact words are learnt so well that the speaker is able to remember it
perfectly without looking at the notes anymore. Concentration is on the words, not
the ideas. Sometimes the speech sounds too formal, like a written essay. There is
minimal feedback with the audience. And what happens if the speaker’s mind goes
completely blank or if someone from the audience interrupts? The entire
presentation will likely trip off. Memorizing a speech thus puts too much pressure on
the speaker.

An example of a memorized speech is when actors recite from memory when
they perform from a script, a quick toast, a brief dedication, or a short eulogy.

What’s More

Guided Activity 1: Which Style Is It?

Directions: Underline the correct speech style inside the parenthesis to complete
the sentences.

1. The (formal, casual) type of speech style is a language used between friends and
acquaintances who have things to share. It does not require background
information and is often very relaxed.

2. The people involved in a/an (frozen, intimate) speech style need no words to
convey messages and meanings. They understand each other even without
speaking their ideas out loud.

3. Technical vocabulary and exact definitions are importantly stressed in a

(consultative, formal) speech style. It practically aims to impart information.

4. The (casual, consultative) speech style is used precisely among people who do
not have prior knowledge and deep background of each other. Because the
speaker uses the participation and feedback of the listener, it is an unplanned
type of speech style.

5. The (frozen, formal) type of speech style is a style whose quality is showing little
or no change over time. It is ritualistic and may be even archaic or an old

Assessment 1

Directions: Identify the speech style used in the following lines. Write consultative,
formal, intimate, frozen or casual on the space provided after each

I would like to ask for a

legal advice from you,

Ladies and
gentlemen, these are
our agenda for today.

Hey James! What’s up?


I love you Mom!


On my honor, I will do my
best to do my duty to God
and my country.

Guided Activity 2: Speech Perfect

Directions: Distinguish the types of speeches base on the supplied definition.

Write your answer inside the box.

The purpose is not only to tell
jokes though, but likewise to provide
relevant ideas in a manner that makes Answer:
the audience laugh and feel glad
while gaining the insights.that the
speaker wishes to convey.

It is the speaker’s responsibility to
provide conclusive ideas to make the
listeners believe that what he/she is
telling is truthful and valid. Answer:

This speech is given with
little or no preparation, yet almost
always with some advance
knowledge on the topic. The speaker
is most commonly provided with Answer:
ideas in the form of a quotation, as
an object, proverb, one-word
abstract, or one of the many
alternative views.

This type of speech is delivered
with the help of short notes and a
clear outline. Unlike impromptu Answer:
speech which is delivered with no or
minimal time to prepare, it is
practiced ahead of time, rehearsed
and re-rehearsed..

It supplies information history,
theories, practical applications, and
many others, that can help the
listeners understand something that Answer:
is not familiar to them or already
known but not yet clearly
understood.the speaker wishes to

Assessment 2

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct term to complete the sentences.
Choose your answers from the box.

speakers listeners oration occasions argument

1. An exploratory or informative speech is meant to help the ____________

understand a topic in a more in-depth manner.

2. The main objective in writing a persuasive speech is to convince the listeners

of the validity of the speaker’s ____________.

3. A manuscript speech is when the speaker reads and delivers a copy of his/her
pre-written ____________.

4. Examples of ____________ where an impromptu speech is delivered are in

job interviews, meetings, and presentations.

5. Most professional and experienced public____________ prefer the

extemporaneous method because it establishes a more natural and friendly
communication with the audience.

Independent Activity 1: Modified Matching Type

Directions: Match the speech style in Column A with its corresponding

description in Column B, and with the appropriate picture in Column
C. Write your answer on the blank. The first one is done for you.

Column A Column B Column C

1. consultative I. The exact words are A.
recited in the same
2. formal manner as it was
done ages before and
3. intimate the level of formality is
very high.
4. casual B. engineer trainee
II. Along with the
5. frozen spoken words, a .
special bond exists
between the speaker
and the listener.

III. Participants are
highly encouraged to
observe formal

IV. It is used precisely

among people who
do not have prior D.
knowledge and deep
background of each

V. The relationship
between speaker and
listener holds no E.
social barriers and
the way they
converse can
sometimes be

Assessment 1

Directions: Look at the picture and supply the needed information in the boxes
according to your observation.

What speech style
is used in the context?


In not less than three sentences, decsribe the situation/context

according to the level of formality.



Grading Rubric

Criteria 3 2 1 Scor
Comprehensio The answers The answers The answers
n show a deep show moderate show very poor
understanding of understanding of understanding of
the speech style the speech style the speech style
discussed. discussed. discussed.
Grammar, The statements The statements The statements
Usage and are free from any contain not more contain too many
Mechanics inaccuracies in than two inaccuracies in
spelling, inaccuracies in spelling,
punctuation or spelling, punctuation or
grammatical punctuation or grammatical
error. grammatical error.

Independent Activity 2: Speech Balloons

Directions: Classify the following speeches as speech according to purpose and as
speech according to delivery. By drawing a line, connect the speech
balloons to the correct answers.

Manuscript speech was done for you as an example.

Assessment 2
Directions: Figure out the term defined in the Definition Column by supplying the
missing letters in the Word Column. When done, connect (with a line)
the word to the type of speech it refers to.

The first one is done for you as an example.

Item Definition Column Word Column Type

No. of Speech
1. causing someone to co__vi__ci__g
believe that something is
true or certain entertainment


2. the power or process of __emo__y persuasive

remembering what has
been learned answer:

3. very pleasant; giving or exploratory/

causing delight __eli__h__ful informative


4. fully and completely __ xa__t

correct or accurate

5. based on feelings or ins__in__ti__e

desires that do not come
from thinking or learning answer: casual

6. to cause (someone) to a__qua__nt

know and become extemporaneous
familiar with something answer:

What I Have Learned

Directions: Help Markuz and Indah reach school by supplying the important
information needed along the way. Write your answer on the lines

Speech Styles:
5. _____________________

Types of Speech
According to Purpose:
Types of Speech
According to Delivery:
12. ___________________

What I Can Do
Directions: Arrange Martin Joos’ Types of Speech Style in terms of
speaker-receiver relationship, from the most formal to the least

Process Questions:

1. Which speech style required the least formality? Why?


2. Why do you think the most formal speech style is considered as the highest
form of communicative style?


3. What can you do to make your conversation with other people more effective?
How will you do it?



Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on the space
provided before the number.

________1. When parents talk heart to heart with their children, what speech
style is applicable?

A. frozen
B. consultative
C. formal
D. intimate

________2. How is an impromptu speech different from a memorized speech?

A. There is feedback or contact with the audience.

B. The speaker is most commonly provided with their topic.
C. The speaker does not have the privilege of time to prepare
D. The speaker is expected to say something smart, witty and

________3. Why is the frozen type of speech style considered as a “fixed


A. because it is an unplanned speech

B. because it uses a private language
C. because it is used only for imparting information
D. because it shows little or no change at all over time

________4. Among the options below, in what context is a consultative speech

style most applicable?

A. reciting the Eagle Scout Oath

B. delivering a campaign speech
C. talking to an instructor in Physics
D. exchanging of sweet nothings by lovers

________5. The main objective in writing a persuasive speech is to convince the

listeners of the validity of the speaker’s argument. With this, in what
manner must the speech be prepared?
A. incomplete
B. well-organized
C. faulty in diction
D. incorrect in grammar

________6. What type of speech intends to help the listeners understand a topic
in a more in-depth manner?
A. exploratory
B. persuasive
C. entertainment
D. consultative

________7. Among the types of speeches according to delivery, which is NOT

included in the group?
A. impromptu
B. manuscript
C. consultative
D. extemporaneous

________8. A speech style is a technique that a ___ adopts depending on the

listener, situation and other factors.

A. sound
B. system
C. speech
D. speaker

________9. According to Martin Joos (1976), a speech style refers to the form of
language that the speaker utilized which is characterized by the level
of formality. What are these five styles?

A. consultative, casual, intimate, frozen and formal

B. exploratory/informative, persuasive and entertainment
C. impromptu, extemporaneous, manuscript and memorized
D. consultative, frozen, exploratory/informative and persuasive

________10. The relationship between speaker and listener holds no social barriers
and the way they converse can sometimes be informal in a ___ type
of speech style.

A. formal
B. frozen
C. casual
D. consultative

________11. A manuscript speech is when the speaker reads and delivers a copy of
his/her pre-written oration. Everything is factual about this type of
speech EXCEPT if ___.

A. the topic is given to the speaker with little or no preparation at all

B. it can be a state of the nation address by the president of the
C. the speaker has planned and written down the exact words
he/she wishes to say
D. ample time is allocated in the preparation of the speech to ensure
on getting everything right

________12. Which of the following is provided by an informative speech?

A. facts or information on hand

B. facts or information which are already obsolete
C. facts or information that are very familiar to the audience
D. facts or information that are not readily available to everyone

________13. What is the determining factor of Martin Joos’ types of speech style?

A. level of fame
B. level of formality
C. level of knowledge
D. level of acceptance

________14. Speech style is important because it is necessary for us to convey the

message of our speech ___________.

A. laxly
B. correctly
C. imperfectly
D. erroneously

________15. While leading an oath-taking ceremony, which style is most suitable?

A. frozen
B. casual
C. intimate
D. consultative

Additional Activities

Directions: Compose an essay on your learning about the speech styles and types
of speeches. Use the following points as parts of your essay. Write your
answer on the lines provided.
 What was the most useful thing you learned?

 What was the worst problem you have encountered in learning the
speech styles and types of speeches?
 What was the biggest improvement you experienced?


Grading Rubric

3 2 1 Score

Comprehension The answers The answers The answers

show a deep show moderate show very poor
understanding of understanding of understanding of
the speech the speech the speech
styles and types styles and types styles and types
of speeches of speeches of speeches
discussed. discussed. discussed.

Grammar, The statements The statements The statements

Usage and are free from any contain not more contain too many
Mechanics inaccuracies in than two inaccuracies in
spelling, inaccuracies in spelling,
punctuation or spelling, punctuation or
grammatical punctuation or grammatical
error. grammatical error.


Answer Key
Learning the Types of Speeches and Speech Style

What I Know What’s New What’s More

1.D A.
2.B B. 28 Guided Activity 1
3.D C. 1.casual
4.B D. 2.intimate
5.B E. 3.formal
6.D 4.consultative
Answers may vary.
The learner will
provide his/her own
idea/opinion based
on the given

Guided Activity 2 Independent Activity Independent Activity 2

1.entertainment 1 Answers may vary. Speech According to
2.persuasive 1. IVThe
B learner will Purpose:
3.impromptu 2. IIIprovide
C his/her 1.entertainment
4.extemporaneous 3. IIown
A idea/opinion 2.persuasive
5.exploratory/ 4. based
V E on the given 3.exploratory/
informative 5. Isituation/context.
D Informative

Assessment 2 Assessment 1 Speech According to

1.listeners Delivery:
2.argument 1.extemporaneous
3.oration 2.manuscript
4.occasion 3.impromptu
5.speakers 4.memorized

Assessment 2

What I Have Learned What I Can Do

Answers may
any 1.intimate The learner
orde 2.casualwill provide
his/her own
r 29 idea/opinion
5.frozen on the
given question.
6.entertainment Process Questions




Flores, Ramona. 2016. Oral Communication in Context. First Edition. Manila: Rex


Cox, Janelle, ed. n.d. Review of “Sample Essay Rubric for Elementary Teachers.”
ThoughtCo. Accessed March 31, 2022. https://www.thoughtco.com/essay-rubric-

Cutrara, Joana, ed. 2019. Review of “Writing Tips.” Grammarly. Accessed March 22,
2019. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/how-to-write-a-speech/

Florida State College at Jacksonville. n.d. Review of ”Fundamentals of Public

Speaking.” Google. Accessed January 22, 2022. https://www.famous-speeches-and-

Kablogs4. n.d. “Oral Communication- A Way for Building the Nation.” Google.
Accessed January 25, 2022.

Kadian-Baumeyer, Kat. n.d. Review of “Four Types of Speech Delivery: Impromptu,

Extemporaneous, Manuscript & Memorized.” Study.com. Accessed March 15, 2022.

The Webmaster. n.d. Review of “Persuasive Speech.” Siteseen Ltd. Accessed

January 30, 2022.

Valle Rey, Maestro. 2019. Review of “What Are The Types of Speech Style or
Communicative Style?.” NEWS, Accessed February 4, 2022.

Development Team

Writer: Ivy T. Zarandona

Teacher I
Julian Soriano Memorial CHS, Siocon I

Illustator: DepEd ZN
Layout Artist: Ivy T. Zarandona

Quality Assurance Team:

Elena V. Sumalpong Josephine A. Romero

Master Teacher II School Principal II
Katipunan NHS, Katipunan I Palandok NHS, Bacungan II

Merelyn M. Aranas Elizabeth S. Recentes

Master Teacher I Master Teacher I
Rizal NHS, Rizal Bartolome Lira NHS, Sindangan

Mary Grace D. Agias

Jayson A. Dapiton
Master Teacher I Teacher III
Katipunan NHS, Katipunan I Katipunan NHS, Katipunan I

Fe G. Jebone, Ed.D
Education Program Supervisior, English

Management Team:

Virgilio P. Batan, Jr. CESO VI

Schools Division Superintendent

Judith V. Romaguera, CESO VI Ma. Judelyn J. Ramos, CESE

Asst. Schools Division Asst. Schools Division
Superintendent Superintendent

Lilia E. Abello, Ed.D Fe G. Jebone, Ed.D

Chief, ES – CID Education Program Supervisor,

Evelyn C. Labad
Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

Annie I. Billones, Ed.D Jocelyn G. Selisana

School Principal III/PICD- Siocon I School Principal I

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Department of Education – Region IX

Office : Schools Division of Zamboanga del Norte
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Contact No. : 212-5643/212-2605/065-917-6137
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