Lesson 3 - Modes of Communication

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Lesson 3 – Modes of Communication

Communication is the action of sharing and transferring data and information between two
or more individuals or a group of some people. Furthermore, all the communication
processes require a medium, a message, a sender, and a receiver. Message transmission also
involves some emotions and various cultural significances associated with it. And due to
some differences in the perception and understanding, the receiver involved in the
communication might also not be able to interpret the message according to the original
sender’s intentions.

Gossips with friends, conversations on Television, email, and WhatsApp chatting, Chirping of
birds, dogs’ barks, receiving details and facts from satellites, and others; all make the entire
World a communication-centric one. Sharing all the emotions, feelings, discussing any
thoughts, ideas, and opinions, and sharing facts with any individual or group of people is
essential in daily life. For all these to seamlessly occur, we must have good communication
modes – the means of communicating.

Importance of Modes of Communication

Maintains the flow of conveying information

helps in devising plans and strategies for reaching a goal
builds cordial relations and soft skills
decision-making becomes more effective and less time-consuming
problem-solving and conflict management become easier
Modes of Communication
1. Interpretative Communication
Also referred to as the “ one-way communication”, in this mode ,the information conveyed by
the sender is interpreted by the receiver in its original form .The target’s role is to understand
the message in both written and spoken form keeping various aspects in mid. For example, in a
class, the learners may not understand every word said by the teacher but are expected to
understand the main topic of the lesson
Some major highlights of interpretative communication are:

-Learners start with understanding, interpreting, and analyzing the details that they hear, read,
or view on various topics.
-This communication model involves interpreting the intents of the author or the producer.
-There is currently no alternative available to active negotiations of the meanings with the
speakers, writers, or the producers.
Interpretive: radio news, literature, speeches, articles, etc.

2. Interpersonal Communication - can involve written, oral, and non-verbal communication

forms, this term is applied only and mainly to the spoken communication taking place
between two or more individuals on a personal or face to face level. This
communication mode is the process in which people exchange data and information via
verbal and non-verbal messages. This is not a mediated communication mode,
occurring when anyone interacts or attempts to influence one another mutually to
manage the relationships.
Here is a list of examples that interpersonal communication involves:
Text messages
Interactive sessions
Telephonic conversations
Personal Interviews

Interpersonal: Text messages, social media, etc.

3. Presentational Communication
This is the other one-way communication mode that facilitates the interpretation by
members of any other group where there is no direct opportunity for active negotiations
of the said and understood meanings between members of any two groups. With this
communication mode, a person speaks to the audience after being rehearsed, scripted,
or pre-prepared. Some major highlights of presentational communication are given
For ensuring that the intended audience successfully interprets the presenters’ needs
and the presenter is well-versed with the language and culture of the audience.
There is no direct opportunity for engagement with a larger audience base in this
communication mode.
Presentational: Reports, flyers, short stories, etc.

4. Multimodal Communication - the communication mechanic that involves various ways

like gestures, verbal, written, and others.
Linguistical or Alphabetical Communication
-This is among the most popular communication modes. Linguistic or alphabetical
communication is referred to the spoken or written communication ways where the
sender conveys the message using any written mode or by speaking. The mode
includes word choice, the delivery of written or spoken text, the organization of words
into sentences and paragraphs, and the development and coherence of words and
ideas. For example, audio messages, notes, lists, text messages, etc.
Gestural Communication
-The major emphasis of gestural communication is on the body language and physical
movements for communicating the messages. The best example of gestural
communication mode is Sign Language, as the ones who cannot hear or talk can
communicate effectively and easily using the gestures and have a unique set of
language for conversation. This communication mode mainly involves the aural, spatial,
or linguistic modes. It can be utilized individually if both receiver and sender have
common meanings and references to ensure understandable communication.
Aural Communication
-As suggested by its name, this communication mode uses audio mode for conveying
the messages and communicating. It can use either sounds or spoken audios for
communication. The speaker’s voice and pronunciation must be precise and clearer,
and there must be zero background noise. For example, music, radio, audiobooks,
sound effects, ambient noises, silence, tone of voice in spoken language, volume of
sound, emphasis, and accent.
Visual Communication
Visual communication refers to the non-verbal communication mode as it involves the
visual messages from the sender to the receiver. This was among the oldest
communication modes when the ancient people were unaware of any language to
communicate with; they used pictures, drawings, and symbols to share their views and
communicate. For example, symbols, graphs, pictures, drawings, charts, etc.
Spatial Communication
-Spatial communication emphasizes the usage of physical space in texts and the entire
written structures to convey different messages and meanings. The physical layout of
any written text is designed precisely for making it look in a certain way and associate
with any particular theme. Websites also use this unique communication mode to
choose some font, design, style, and layout for making the websites user-friendly,
attractive, and interactive. A good example of the spatial mode might be the different
ways in which chairs and desks are arranged in a classroom.

Here is a “traditional” classroom: Individual desks are arranged in orderly rows, facing
the front of the room to make the teacher who would stand before the chalkboard the
center of attention. The teacher also stands at a distance from the students; the
students who sit in the back could hardly even see the board!

By contrast, in this advertisement for “collaborative classrooms,” we see the chairs and
desks clustered in small groups so that students can work together on projects. The
classroom is also de-centered, which suggests that the teacher and students are
working together as partners rather than in a hierarchical manner. All of the people are
in close proximity to one another.

Think about how a teacher communicates her ideas about learning through the way in
which she arranges her classroom. In that sense, the arrangement of desks and chairs
can be “read” as a message about teaching and learning.
A traditional classroom setting with orderly class rows.

A classroom where students interact with each other in different groups.

Think about how a teacher communicates her ideas about learning through the way in
which she arranges her classroom. In that sense, the arrangement of desks and chairs
can be “read” as a message about teaching and learning.

Kristin L. Arola, Jennifer Sheppard, and Cheryl E. Ball. Writer/Designer: A Guide to
Making Multimodal Projects. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2014. ↵

Role Play Cards –

Situation 1.You work in an ice cream parlor. Customers always irritate you by asking
discounts. Your boss is very strict and would fire you if you gave any. Always ask for the full

Situation 2.You are cooking for an important event and you find out that the milk you have
bought is sour. You go back to the shop to comp-lain. You did not keep the receipt.

Situation 3.You are feeling sick and need to go the clinic. What would you say to your
teacher? Situation 4. A visitor to your school asks where the president’s office is. Give her/him
the directions. Situation 5. You are playing basketball and you accidentally hit someone else
with the ball.

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