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Rate a Competency-Based Training (CBT) Program

steps, in their proper sequence, in available including books and

Introduction performing a task. audio-visuals.
The “ideal” CBT program is very 9. Required performance stated 21. Instructor demo-Student
hard to find. Most programs can to student prior to instruction. practice is the primary teaching
only meet some of the criteria Checklists and other important method. Lectures are limited in
listed here. The purpose of this criteria are provided at the begin- scope and time.
Skill Card, however, is to de- ning of instruction. 22. Enrichment/remedial activi-
scribe the components of an ideal
10. Students are pre-assessed for ties are available for the fast/slow
CBT program. The following
advanced placement. Knowledge learner. The fast learner is pro-
criteria are listed on the checklist
and performance tests are avail- vided with advanced topics or
on the back of this Skill Card.
able for advanced placement. skills. The slow learner is pro-
CBT Criteria vided with remedial skills.
Record Keeping
Student Selection 11. Individual student records Instructor
1. Based on potential for suc- show skills achieved. Each 23. Evidence of recently main-
cessful completion/Job place- learner has a record showing skill taining technical expertise. This
ment. Only those students with a mastered and date. could include industry OJT,
good chance of success should be 12. Records are maintained on trainings or workshops attended.
admitted into a program. the time to master each skill. 24. Evidence of recently main-
Such records are necessary to taining teaching expertise. This
Program Content determine if learners are having could include in-service training
2. A list of skills and compe- difficulty. courses focusing on instructional
tencies is available. See 3. 13. Certificates show skills at- techniques.
3. Skills and competencies are tained. These are normally listed Facilities
derived from a recent analysis of on the back of the formal certifi-
the occupation. A DACUM chart cate. 25. Replicate equipment/ sup-
would provide the task list. From plies used in industry. Programs
the tasks, specific competencies Management eliminate out-of-date equipment.
should be developed and pub- 14. Program is open-entry. 26. Adequate for the number of
lished. Learners enter the program the students enrolled. Work stations
4. The skills and competencies first day a position is available. are designed to minimize learners
are given to students at the start 15. Program is open-exit. waiting.
of the Program. There should be Learners graduate the day they Success Criteria
no surprises in a CBT program. complete the last skill.
27. 70% of students entering,
Students know exactly what is 16. Variable time scheduling is complete and find long term em-
expected of them. allowed. Learners can set their ployment. This employment is
5. Occupational exit-points are own schedule to meet their spe- directly related to the content of
available where appropriate. cific needs. the training program.
Exit-points are places in the pro- 17. Individual learning prescrip-
gram where students may choose tions are allowed. Learners can Conclusion
to exit the program and seek job specify which skills they wish to Again, it is unusual to find a pro-
placement. learn. gram that meets all of the criteria.
Evaluation 18. Advanced placement is pos- When you do, you have discov-
sible. Written and performance ered a program designed to
6. Primarily focuses on per-
tests are used to grant credit for match individual needs with in-
formance of Program skills. The
advance placement. dustry demands. That is a pow-
primary evaluation tool is NOT
19. Students are counseled regu- erful combination.
written tests.
larly on their progress. Progress
7. Performance levels required
charts are discussed with each
match or exceed industry stan-
learner, typically on a weekly
dards. Criteria for each task are
based on industry performance
levels (including time required to Instructional Methodol-
perform the task.) ogy
8. Checklists are available for 20. Multiple instructional mo-
each skill. A checklist lists the dalities are available for each
skill. Instructional materials are

© Developed by Dr. John Collum

Skill Card
Inspector: DATE

Note Critical Steps with a "C" in this column.

Student Selection
1 Based on potential for successful completion/Job placement
Program Content
C 2 A list of skills and competencies is available
C 3 Skills are derived from a recent analysis of the occupation
C 4 The skills and competencies are given to students at the start of the Program
5 Occupational exit-points are available where appropriate
C 6 Primarily focuses on performance of Program skills
C 7 Performance levels required match or exceed industry standards
C 8 Checklists are available for each skill
9 Required performance stated to student prior to instruction
10 Students are pre-assessed for advanced placement
Record Keeping
11 Individual student records show skills achieved
12 Records are maintained on the time to master each skill
13 Certificates show skills attained
14 Program is open-entry
15 Program is open-exit
16 Variable time scheduling is allowed
17 Individual learning prescriptions are allowed
18 Advanced placement is possible
19 Students are counseled regularly on their progress
Instructional Methodology
20 Multiple Instructional modalities are available for each skill
21 Instructor demo-Student practice is the primary teaching method
22 Enrichment/remedial activities are available for the fast/slow learner
23 Evidence of recently maintaining technical expertise
24 Evidence of recently maintaining teaching expertise
25 Replicate equipment/supplies used in industry
26 Adequate for the number of students enrolled
Success Criteria
27 70% of students entering, complete and find long term employment

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