NCM 119 Leadership and Management Week 3

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Nursing Leadership and Management

Concepts, Leadership & Management Theories

Ms. Araceli S. Pison, MSPH

Module 2- Planning (Mindset: Engineer Your Big



- Is defined as pre-determining a course of

action in order to arrive at a desired result.
(Venzon, 2006)
- Is the act of determining the organization’s
goal and the means for achieving them.
- It is continuous process of assessing,
establishing goals & objectives,
implementing and evaluating them, and PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING
subjecting these to change as new facts
known (Douglas, 1086 in Venzo) 1. Based and focused on the vision, mission,
- Deciding in advance what to do, how to do philosophy, and clearly defined objectives of
it, when to do it, and who to do it. It the organization
involves anticipating the future and 2. A continuous process, revision/flexibility to
consciously choosing the future course of be done to make it more effective.
action. 3. Should be pervasive within the entire
- Is the function that determines in advance organization
what should be done (accrdng. to Haiman) 4. Precise in its scope and nature. it should be
- A plan is a blueprint for action. It specifies: realistic and focused on its expected
• Resources allocations outcomes
• Schedules 5. Utilizes all available resources.
• Action necessary for attaining goals 6. Document for proper dissemination to all
- “Marquiz” deciding in advance what to do; concerned for implementation and
who is to do; how, when & where it is to be evaluation
done. 7. Should be time-bound.
- “Douglas” defines planning as having a
specific purpose
- “Minsberg” is one approach to strategy 1. Planning is purposeful: it is goal oriented.
making It is directed towards efficiency.
- “Porter-O’Grady” represents specific 2. Planning is a primary function: it is the
activities that lead to achievement of basic level of management process
objectives. 3. Pervasive process: many people believe in
- all these definitions imply that planning is planning. It is the job of all the managers in
purposeful and proactive. all types of organizations.
4. Intellectual process: a mental process
involving imagination, foresight and sound
adjustment but not guesswork
5. Continuous process: an ongoing/dynamic ADVANATGES DISADVATAGES
exercise as old assumptions change, old
plans are revised or new ones are prepared. • Helps in the • time
6. Forward process: no plans can be prepared future consuming
without knowledge of future. change and costly
7. Involves choice: decision making is core of • helps to set • may be
planning the difficult in
standard rapidly
organizatio markets
Have you ever experienced the consequences of
n • delays action
inadequate planning? What lessons did you
• brings unity • some
learn from the experience?
of purpose unplanned
Because Planning: and for
direction opportunities
1. Leads to achievement of goals and • ensures full may be
objectives utilization missed
2. Reduces uncertainty of futures events of • can become
3. Takes optimum utilization of available resources bureaucratic
resources • helps to win cannot
4. Leads to the realization of the need for over change the
change competitor organization
5. Brings economy in operation. s and rivals al rules
6. Helps to control hasty decision
7. Is based on past & future activities
8. Provides the basis of control
9. Helps in coping with crises WHY PLANNING IS ESSENTIAL IN NURSING?
10. For development of organization BECAUSE…

PLANNING IS IMPORTANT TO MANAGERS 1. it brings desired actions and outcomes,

makes performance of tasks more
1. It leads to success in the achievement of meaningful
goals and objectives 2. it projects the number of nurses needed to
2. It gives meaning to work care for patients, ordering supplies for a unit
3. It provides for the effective use of available 3. it predicts future activities, anticipate future
personnel and facilities problems, and plan for alternatives to
prevent or cope potential problems
REASONS FOR PLANNING 4. through planning, it can discover the need for
change. Can give the manager a better idea
• To determine new opportunities
of what to do in the future
• To anticipate and avoid future problems
5. it enables manager to design effective ways
• To develop effective courses of action
to ensure accomplishment of goals and
(strategies and tactics)
objectives thru coordination &
• To comprehend the uncertainties and
collaboration between people in the
risks with various options
• To set standards

PLANNING • defining
vision &
• setting goals &
• strategizing
• plan of action
to achieve

ORGANIZING • formulate
• resource
• job design

LEADING • leadership &

• motivation
• coordination &

CONTROLLING • process &

• review &
• corrective

- purpose or Mission
- Objectives
- Policies
- Strategies


- Rules
- Procedures
- Programmes
- Budget


1. Strateic Plan:
- Vital question: “what are the right things to
2. Operating Plans: creating alternative
- Main question is “how does one do thing plans that can be
activated if certain
right?” predefined conditions or
3. Continous or Rolling Plans scenarios arise
- Similar to operating plans- involves mapping
out the day-to-day activities INTEGRATED - Involves coordinating
plans across different
- Task of the staff nurse who has to devise and PLANNING
departments or
implement the nursing care plan for patients functions to ensure
- Altering or modifying the plan as necessary alignment and
depending on the needs and problems of the collaboration toward
common objectives
patients and the unit to where the plan is
applicable ADAPTIVE - Emphasize flexibility
and continous
adjustments. Plans are
regularly reviewed and
adpated based on
changing conditions,
feedbacks, and new


• Martin (1998) suggests that strategic

STRATEGIC - Focuses on long term planning forecasts the future success of
PLANNING goals and the an organization by matching and
organization’s overall aligning all its capabilities with its
direction. It involves
analyzing the external
external opportunities.
environment setting high • Bessy (1994) suggets that strategic
level objectives and planning as a management process
developing strategies to combines 4 basic features: (by Bessy
achieve them
TACTICAL - Concentrate on specific 1. A clear statement of the organizatin
PLANNING actions to implement the mission
strategies outlined in the 2. The identification of the agencies
strategic plan tactical
external constituencies or
planning involves short
to medium term goals stakeholders and the determination
and decisions related to of assess of the agency’s purpose
resources, processes and operations
and responsibilities
3. The delineation of the agency’s
OPERATIONAL - Deals with day-to-day strategic goals & objective typically in
PLANNING activities and tasks a 3-5yr plan
required to achieve 4. The development of strategies to
tactical goals. It involves
achieve the goals
creating detailed plans,
schedules, and
procedures for routine
• Reactive- planning occurs after a
CONTINGENCY - Focuses on preparing problem exists, done in response to a
for unexpected events or crisis, lead to hasty decisions and
crises. It involves
mistakes (a look backward)
Inactivism- Seek the status quo - How will the time and energy of personnel be
Preactivism- utilize technology to accelerate - How much will it cost?
change and are future oriented - How much time will it require?
Interactive or proactive- attempt to plan the future 5. WHO
- Who has been doing the job?
of their organization rather than react to it.
- Who else could do it?
POINTS TO REMEMBER FOR SUCCESSFUL - Is more than one person involved?
ORGANIZATIONAL PLANNING: 6. WHY- to each of the questions, ask why.
- Why is this job, this procedure, this step
1. The organization can be more effective if necessary?
movement within it is directed at specified - Why is this done this way, in this place, at this
goals and objectives time, by this person?
2. Because a plan is a guide to reach a goal, it 7. CAN:
must be flexible and allow for readjustment - Can some steps or equipment be
as unexpected event occur. eliminated?
3. The manager should include in the planning - Can this activity be efficiently combined with
process people and units that could be other operations?
affected by the course of actions. - Can somebody else do it better?
4. Plans should be specific, simple & realistic - Can we get a machine to help?
5. Know when to plan and when not to plan - Can we get enough money?
6. Good plans have built in evaluation,
checkpoints so there can be a mid-coruse Time Management
correction if unexpected events occur.
- Time management is a technique for
PLANNING FORMULA (by Kron) allocating ones time through the setting of
goals, assigning priorities, identifying and
1. WHAT – what has been done? eliminating wasted time, and using
- What should be done? managerial techniques to reach goals
- What equipment and supplies have been efficiently.
used or are needed? - There a number of basic principles that
- What steps are necessary in the procedure? managers can use to cultivate good time
- What sequence of activities was previously management habits.
used? - Planning for contingencies.
- What other efficient methods may be used? - Think of other options or alternatives, if the
2. WHEN- when should the job be done? desired option is not possible.
- When was it formerly done? - Listing of tasks.
- When could it be done? - Calendar all activities.
3. WHERE - Inventory.
- Where is the job to be done? - Looking at task done and not done.
- Where does an activity occur in relation to Sequencing.
those activities immediately preceding and - Prioritizing activities.
following it? - Setting and keeping deadlines.
- Where could supplies be stored, cleaned, - Do not procrastinate or else nothing is done.
and so forth? - Deciding on how time will be spent. Indicate
4. HOW time allotted for each activity, set time
- How will the job be done? targets.
- What are the steps to be following in doing - Delegate.
the procedure? - A portion of the task can be given to another
who can equally accomplish the task on time.
Multitasking - CPM is useful where time and cost are
- The net effect of multitasking is that when significant factors because both can be
several tasks are done at once, some or all estimated based on past experience.
of them end up being performed to a - CPM is a tool to analyze a project and
haphazard manner. determine duration, based on identification of
- This can have disastrous consequences. a critical path through an activity network,
Nurses, therefore, must learn to prioritize the knowledge of the critical path can permit
tasks at hand even if they have to them one management of the project to change
after the other, as this remains the best way duration.
to make sure that they get done properly.

Tools in Project Management Gantt Chart

- Gantt charts show task and schedule
information. The tasks are numbered and - Budgeting is defined as a systematic
listed vertically. A bar shows the starting date financial translation of a plan, the allocation
and projected completion date of each task. of scarce resources on the basis of
Color or shading is sometimes used to show forecasted needs for proposed activities over
how much of each task has been completed. a specified period of time.
- It is both a management tool and a - It is a tool for planning, monitoring and
communication tool. controlling cost and meeting expenses.
- Budgeting is a function of management.
Performance Evaluation and Review Technique - Employees need to have resources to be
(PERT) able to perform their tasks.

- The PERT is a network system model for Purposes of Budgeting

planning and control which involves
identifying key activities, sequences them in 1. Ensure the most effective use of scarce
a flow diagram and assigning a specific financial and non-financial resources
duration for each phase of work. 2. Coordinate efforts among organizational
- A PERT system involves extensive research departments
and development. Multiple time estimates 3. Establish a frame of reference for
are used for each activity that allow for managerial decisions
variation in activity, which are assumed to be 4. Provide a criterion for evaluating managerial
at random, with assumed probability performance
distribution (probabilistic).
Types of Budgeting Centralized Budget:
- Activities are represented as arrowed lines
between nodes. - Centralized budgeting is developed and
imposed by the comptroller, administrator
Critical Path Method (CPM) and/or director of nursing with little to no
- The CPM can calculate time and cost consultation with lower level managers.
estimates for each activity. This method is Decentralized Budget:
used to create a cost estimate using either
normal or crash operating conditions. - Decentralized budgeting has the middle level
- Normal operating conditions are those manager involved in the planning and
involving the least cost, while crash budgeting process with ARA(?) placed on
operating conditions have much less the practitioner level.
available time than under normal conditions.
Components of Total Institutional Budget
Manpower Budget:
- This consists of the wages and salaries of the 1. Prepare monthly summaries of departmental
regular employees and the fees paid in expenses and revenues
outside registries through which the 2. Compare actual expenses with budgeted
institution contracts short-term employees. expenses
3. Investigate any variance above 5%
Capital Expenditure Budget: 4. Readjust budget and/or improve performance
- This involves the large expense of as necessary
purchasing lands, buildings, and major 5. Continue to monitor on monthly basis
equipment meant for long-term use.

Operating Budget:

- This includes the cost of supplies, minor

equipment repair and maintenance as well
as other overhead expenses.

The Budgeting Process

- The budgeting process is summarized as


Phase 1: Planning

1. Set short- and long-term goals

2. Form a budget committee
3. Prioritize objectives
4. Analyze past performance
5. Predict future costs and revenues
6. Develop budget guideline

Phase 2: Preparation

1. Translate objectives into projected costs and

2. Write justifications for all requested
3. Eliminate lowest priority objectives as
4. Present proposed budget

Phase 3: Modifications and Approval

1. Prepare preliminary master budget from all

department requests
2. Compare projected costs with estimated
3. Eliminate lowest priority items until budget is
4. Approve final master budget
5. Communicate final budget to all departments

Phase 4: Monitoring

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