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Day, XXth July, 2023, 00:00

Time allotted:

1. A newly elected member of the House is required to make an Oath

or affirmation at the commencement of a sitting of the House. The
prescribed form of Oath or affirmation is:
2. "I........., having been elected (or nominated) a member of (Youth
Parliament) House of the People do swear in the name of
God/solemnly affirm that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the
Constitution of India as by law established, that I will uphold the
sovereignty and integrity of India and that I will faithfully discharge
the duty upon which I am about to enter."

1. Typed copy of form of oath or affirmation in the language in which the member desires to
make the oath, is ready.
2. The Speaker knows what he/she is supposed to say.
3. A typed copy of the Certificate of Election to be handed over to the Secretary General is
4. The newly elected member knows what he/she is supposed to do:
(a) First, he/she should go to the right-hand side of Secretary-General's table.
(b) While making the oath or affirmation he/she should face the Chair.
(c) After making the oath or affirmation he/she should shake hands with (or wish) the Speaker.

[The member can make an Oath or affirmation in English or in any of the

languages specified in Eighth Schedule of the Constitution]

Honorable Members, A very good morning to all of you.

I welcome you all to this Youth Parliament session and
the same will be fruitful.

"I, AB, having been elected (or nominated) to the office of

Speaker (or Deputy Speaker) of the Lok Sabha, do solemnly
swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully discharge the duties of my
office, uphold the Constitution of India and the rules of the
House with impartiality and firmness, and to the best of my
ability preserve, protect and defend the Constitution and the law,
and that I will devote myself to the service and well-being of the
people of India."
(Third Schedule)
Time allotted:

Form of oath of secrecy for a Minister for the Union: —

1.“I, A.B., do swear in the name of God that I will not

directly or indirectly communicate or reveal to any
person or persons any matter which shall be brought
under my consideration or shall become known to me
as a Minister for the Union except as may be required
for the due discharge of my duties as such Minister.”

2.The eight ministries are:

i. Ministry of Home and Urban Affairs
ii. Ministry of Education and Information Technology
iii. Ministry of External Affairs
iv. Ministry of Finance and E-Commerce
v. Ministry of Defence
vi. Ministry of Agriculture and Fishers
vii. Ministry of Road Transport and Railways
viii. Ministry of Health, Women and Child Welfare

(arts. 84(a) and 173 (a). 1Ins. by the Constitution (Sixteenth

Amendment) Act, 1963, s. 5. 2Subs by s. 5, ibid., for Form III.)

“I, A.B., having been elected (or nominated) a member

of the Council of States (or the House of the People) do
swear in the name of God that I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law
established, that I will uphold the sovereignty and
integrity of India and that I will faithfully discharge the
duty upon which I am about to enter.”]

(Ins. by the Constitution (Sixteenth Amendment) Act, 1963, s. 5.)

Time allotted:10 minutes

MR. SPEAKER: Shri ‘Minister A’

(Calls out the member to present the question)

Minister A: (presents the question)

MR. SPEAKER: Honourable Minister (calls out
the related ministry)

Hon'ble Minister of (ministry “x”), [Minister A]

(presents their answer/solution/suggestion)

1. The list of questions has been printed or cyclostyled.

2. The Ministers concerned have the answers ready
with them.
3. The members who have to ask the questions, have
a copy of their questions ready with them.
4. If supplementary questions are to be asked, their
copies and the answers to these supplementaries are
also ready with the members and the Ministries
5. The Speaker has the list of questions and
supplementaries with him/her.

1. Shri/Smt./
Ms. .................................................................
.. ........... (Minister of ............................) to
lay on the Table a copy of the Annual
Report of
the ........................... ......................... for the
year ....................................along with the
audit accounts and the comments of the
Comptroller and Auditor-General

i. The item has been included in the List

of Business in the prescribed manner,
ii. The Speaker knows what he/she has to say.
iii. The Ministers concerned know what they
have to say
Calling Attention Notice

1. Shri/
Smt....................................................... ........................
Shri/Smt/Ms................................................ ................
Shri/Smt/Ms................................................ ................
............................. to call the attention of the
of ....................................................................
to ..................................................................... .............
...................................(subject matter).

i. The item has been included in the List of Business in the

prescribed manner,
ii. The Speaker knows what he/she has to say.
iii. The member concerned knows what he/she has to say to call
the attention. He/she also knows what further questions he/she
has to ask after the Minister concerned has made a brief
iv. The Ministers concerned has prepared his/her brief

Time Allotted: 15 Minutes

1. The member concerned knows how to ask for leave of the

2. Members know when they have to stand up in favor of leave
being granted.
3. The member concerned knows how to move the adjournment
motion. He/she has also prepared his/her speech on the definite
4. The Speaker know what he/she is supposed to say at different
5. Other members, who are going to speak on the subject, have
prepared their speeches.
6. The Minister concerned has prepared his/her speech.

Time Allotted: Not More Than 20 Minutes

1. When the Speaker calls upon the member concerned to ask for leave
of the House, the member, the member rises in his/her place and asks
for leave to move the no-confidence motion. If at least one-tenth of the
total membership of the House stands up in favor of the leave being
granted, the no -confidence motion is admitted.
2. No-confidence motion is brought forward in these words:
Shri ____________ to move the following:
"That this House expresses its want of
confidence in the Council of Ministers ".

3.After the leave of the House is granted, the member concerned moves
motion. . Other members follow Discussion on no-confidence motion is not
confined to any particular grounds. It is open to any member to raise any
matter during the course of discussion. After the members have spoken on
the motion, the Prime Minister gives a reply to the charges levelled against
his/her government. The mover of the motion has the right to reply.

i. The member concerned knows how to ask for leave of the House.
ii. Members know when they have to stand up in favor of leave
being granted.
iii. The mover concerned knows how to move the no-confidence motion. He
has prepared his/her speech on the motion. He/she has also prepared his/her
reply which he/she can give after the Prime Minister speech.
iv. The Speaker knows what he/she is supposed to say at different stages.
v. Other members, who are going to speak on the subject, have
prepared their speeches.
vi. The Prime Minister has prepared his/her reply.
Time Allotted: 30 minutes

1. Matters of urgent importance are raised.

2. Shri _________________________

Shri _________________________ to move:

“The state has decided to set up new fishing harbors in proposed sites
with an expenditure of about 400 crores on each fishing harbor, so as to
transform the lives of fishermen in the state and provide livelihood to
them. Therefore, it is our need from the union government to provide
financial support to the state for construction of such fishing harbors.”


Time Allotted: 20 minutes

3. Discussion on matters of urgent public importance is raised.

4. Shri _________________________ to raise a discussion on:

“The communal crisis that took place in Delhi where 53 people were
reportedly killed, thousands was injured and many are missing. This
cannot be seen as a local issue and was a result of growing intolerance
among the people. Therefore, we demand to arrest the guilty and take
strict actions against them, whoever they may be.”


Time Allotted: 20 minutes

5. Proposals are brought up in the form of Bills before the Parliament.

Each Bill undergoes three readings before being passed.
 First Reading: Motion for leave to introduce a Bill. (Duration: 3
 Second Reading: Motion for discussion on general principles and
provisions of the Bill. (Duration: 15 minutes)
 Third Reading: Motion for putting the Bill to vote. (Duration: 2

(i) Bill to be withdrawn

6. Shri _________________________ to move for leave to withdraw a

Bill further to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure Act, 1973.

(ii) Bill to be introduced

7. Shri _________________________ to move for leave to introduce a

Bill further to amend the Aligarh Muslim University Act, 1920.

(iii) Bill for consideration and passing

8. Shri _________________________ to move that the Bill further to

amend the Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act., 1956, be
taken into consideration.


Time Allotted: 20 minutes

9. Members of Parliament, who are not ministers, propose these bills.

10. Shri _________________________

Shri _________________________ to move the following:

“That this House expresses its concern at the growing student unrest in
universities and other institutions for higher education deemed to be
universities and recommends to the government to take appropriate
steps to remove the causes of unrest.”
Time Allotted: 15 minutes

11. Recommendations, declaration of opinion, approval or disapproval

of any act or policy, or important matters are brought to the attention of
the government.

12. Shri _________________________ to move:

“With a view to bring economic, social, political and cultural equality

and to remove caste and class distinction and to give special
opportunities to the exploited and weaker sections of society, this House
recommends that inter-caste marriage be made compulsory for
Government Employees and at least 60 per cent posts in Government
Service and army be reserved for Harijans, Adivasis, Minorities,
Women and other backward sections by amending the Constitution and
enacting law in this regard.”


Time Allotted: 15 minutes

13. After the address, each house of parliament discusses the Motion
of Thanks, and the Prime Minister responds. Amendments to motion
may be moved, which are put to vote.

14. Shri _________________________ to move the following:

“That an Address is to be presented to the President in the following


That the Members ____________________ assembled in this Session

are deeply grateful to the President for the Address which he has been
pleased to deliver to both Houses of Parliament assembled together on
the ____________________.
Shri _________________________ to second the motion.

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