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Republic ofthe Philippines Dig dD eR —=— Email enogemb 900" tua pn 8 (MEMORANDUM 0 ALL EMB REGIONAL DIRECTORS FRow ‘THE IN-CHARGE, OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR AND CONCURRENT ASSISTANT DIRECTOR SUBJECT : CLARIFICATION ON THE COVERAGE AND. GRANTING OF GRACE PERIOD UNDER DAO 2016.08 DaTE Jan 13 1001 Section 3 of DAO 2016.08 (Wistar Quality Guidelines an General Effient Standards of 2016 states thatthe General Effuent Standards appis to all point scarves of pollution regardless of volume, tht discharge 10 reselving BOdY of ater ot land and shal be used regardless ofthe industry category Section 10 of DAO 2016.08 provides grace period of mot more than five (S) years, provided that the establishment submits Compliance Action Plan and periadic sates of ‘nplementation t the DENR or the steps taken for he esiabshmens cermliance schedule ‘shin the prescribed peiod. Cases wherein grace period may be given shall be limited fo any ofthe folewing »)Yalues forthe GES have become singent compared fo te values in DAD 1990 235. Inavch cases, DAO 1990-35 sal apply during the ace peed. 1) Nev significant Mla: quality parameters were tied forthe sco In view ofthe above. the Complisnce Acton Plan prepared hy the estabishment shal be submited so the concemed EMB Regional OMfix for iis review and approval. Onoe approved, monitoring ofthe establishment's compliance shall be done wecrdingy. For your guidance sacel ‘A. CAANCAN

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