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Confidence Interval for Population Proportion Confidence Interval for m

s Known
Sample size 200 n
ple proportion 0.55 p-hat Population Stdev. 20 s
Sample Size 30 n
1-a Confidence Interval Sample Mean 122 x-bar
99% 0.55 ± 0.0906 =[ 0.4594 , 0.6406 ]
95% 0.55 ± 0.0689 =[ 0.4811 , 0.6189 ] (1-a) Confidence Interval
90% 0.55 ± 0.0579 =[ 0.4921 , 0.6079 ] 99% 122 ± 9.4056 = [
80% 0.55 ± 0.0451 =[ 0.5049 , 0.5951 ] 95% 122 ± 7.1568 = [
90% 122 ± 6.0062 = [
80% 122 ± 4.6796 = [

s Unknown
Population Normal? Yes
Sample Size 50 n
Sample Mean 122 x-bar
Sample Stdev. 20 s

(1-a) Confidence Interval

99% 122 ± 7.58 = [
95% 122 ± 5.6839 = [
90% 122 ± 4.742 = [
80% 122 ± 3.6743 = [
112.59 , 131.41 ]
114.84 , 129.16 ]
116 , 128 ]
117.32 , 126.68 ]

114.42 , 129.58 ]
116.32 , 127.68 ]
117.26 , 126.74 ]
118.33 , 125.67 ]
Hypothesis Testing - Population Mean

Evidence <- Use this part if s is known.

Sample size 40 n
Sample Mean 1999.6 x-bar

s Known; Normal Population or Sample Size >= 30

Population Stdev. 1.3 s
Test Statistic -1.9460 z
At an a of
Null Hypothesis p-value 5%
H0: m = 2000 0.0517
H0: m ³ 2000 0.0258 Reject
H0: m £ 2000 0.9742

Sample size 55 n <- Use this part if s is unknown.
Sample Mean 1998.2 x-bar
Sample Stdev. 6.5 s

s Unknown; Population Normal

Test Statistic -2.0537 t
At an a of
Null Hypothesis p-value 5%
H0: m = 2000 0.0449 Reject
H0: m ³ 2000 0.0224 Reject
H0: m £ 2000 0.9776
Testing Population Proportion

Evidence Assumption
Sample size 25 n Large Population
#Successes 8 x
Sample Proportion 0.3200 p-hat

At an a of
Null Hypothesis p-value 5%
H0: p = 0.5 0.1078
H0: p >= 0.5 0.0539
H0: p <= 0.5 0.9461

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