Crim 6

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1. Look around. Can you name a certain thing within your surrounding that uses research?
Write your answer on the space provided below.

2. Look around. Can you name a certain thing within your surrounding that uses research?
Write your answer on the space provided below. (5 pts. See rubrics on the last page for
the rating criteria).

1. In your opinion, why it is important for you to study research? Write your answer on
space the provided below. (5 pts. See rubrics on the last page for the rating criteria).
 In my own opinion, studying research is important for me because it enables me
to provide accurate and reliable information to users. It also helps me understand
the world better and offer more helpful responses.

2. Are law enforcement agencies used research to solve a crime? Why or why not. Explain.
 For me it is a yes, because law enforcement agencies often use research to solve
crimes. Research helps them gather and analyze evidence, identify patterns, and
develop strategies for crime prevention and investigation. By applying scientific
methods and data analysis, they can make more informed decisions, increase the
chances of solving crimes, and enhance public safety.

1. Make a reflection about what you have realize in the importance of criminological
research in criminology or criminal justice?
 Criminological research is important in criminology and in criminal justice
because it helps us to understand why crimes happen and how to prevent them. It
provides evidence-based insights into the behavior of offenders and the
effectiveness of various interventions. This research not only informs policies and
practices but also contributes to safer communities by addressing the root causes
of criminal behavior.
2. If you will conduct a research, what research type are you going to apply? Explain it’s
relevant to you.

 I would choose a quantitative research approach because it allows me to collect

numerical data and analyze it statistically. This is relevant to me because it
provides objective and precise results, which can help me draw clear conclusions
about the criminological phenomenon. It also allows for wider generalization of
findings, increasing the impact of my research in the field of criminology.

3. What you should consider when selecting for the criminological research problem?

 When selecting a criminological research problem, I consider its relevance to the

field, ensuring it addresses a pressing issue. Additionally, think about the
feasibility of conducting the research, including access to data and resources.
Lastly, consider the ethical implications of the study to ensure it adheres to ethical
guidelines and safeguards participants’ rights.

1. In your simple understanding, how would you define research?
 For me, I would define research as the process of asking questions, gathering
information, and analyzing data to gain new knowledge or solve problems. It
involves a systematic and organized approach to investigate, explore, or study a
specific topic or issue.

1. What are the different types of research?
 Descriptive Research
 Analytical Research
 Applied Research
 Fundamental Research
 Quantitative Research
 Qualitative Research
 Empirical Research
2. In your own understanding, why is it important to have the right type of research?
 It is important to have a right type of research because it ensures that we use the
most suitable methods and approaches to answer our specific questions or solve
the problem effectively. Furthermore, it will help us gather accurate information,
make informed decisions, and achieve meaningful results in your research

1. Group yourselves into three. Then, choose the best research type you want to use for your

2. Describe the importance of choosing the right research type.

1. What are your possible sources of determining a research problem?
 I use existing theories, past research, and reliable sources to find gaps or questions
that haven’t been answered, which can be turned into research problem.

2. How can you know that its really a relevant research study?
 To figure out if a research study is relevant, I look to see if it answers an
important question or solves an important problem in its field and if it uses good
proof and methods to back up its conclusions. This helps me figure out if the
study adds anything useful to what we already know.

1. What are the different criteria in formulating a research problem?
 Originality
 Importance to Criminology
 Interest over the Topic
 Special Qualifications
 Available Data
 Special Equipment
 Sponsorship and Administrative Cooperation
 Financial Capability
 Patience
 Time

2. What do you think is the scope and purposed in determining the research problem?

1. In your group choose a Research Agenda that you want to explore in determining the
criminological research problems.

2. Identify at least three (3) possible criminological research problems employing the
S.M.A.R.T concept.

3. From the identified criminological research problem, construct a possible research topic
and title.

4. Post your work in the Google Classroom.

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