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Roald Dahl

Boy Papa and Mama – Kindergarten

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Which body part was Roald’s father missing? ___

A. eyebrows B. right ear C. left arm

2. Harald Dahl came from which country? ___

A. France B. Norway C. Scotland

3. Which work helped Roald’s father become wealthy? ___

A. shipbroker B. coal miner C. sailor

4. What could have helped Roald’s sister and father? ___

A. cough syrup B. penicillin C. aspirin

5. What is Cumberland Lodge? ___

A. a school B. a ship C. a villa

6. What did Roald ride to school when he was young? ___

A. a tricycle B. a train C. a horse

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Roald’s father set up his company in Cardiff?


2. Why did Harald take his wife on glorious walks?


3. Why did Harald want his children to attend school in England?


4. Why didn’t Roald tell us many things about Elmtree House?

Boy Papa and Mama – Kindergarten

A. Write the words in the blanks.

adore alpine catastrophe empire excruciating

_______________1. someone feels a lot of pain

_______________2. to like something very much

_______________3. a terrible event where everything goes wrong

_______________4. a large country that controls other countries

_______________5. related to mountains, located in the mountains

B. What did we learn about Roald’s father?


C. What did we learn about Roald’s mother?


D. Matching: Match the people with the correct information.

People Information
___1. Harald Dahl A. ran a company with Harald Dahl
___2. Oscar Dahl B. moved the family to Cumberland Lodge
___3. Mr. Aadnesen C. owned a canning factory in France
___4. Marie D. defeated Napoleon at Waterloo
___5. Sofie Hesselberg E. married Harald in Paris
___6. Roald Dahl F. tied his shoelaces with one hand
___7. Wellington G. was a baby during the Great War
Boy The Bicycle – Mr. Coombes

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. According to Thwaites, what is used to make liquorice bootlaces? ___

A. feathers B. rats C. grass

2. Which sweets smelled like chloroform? ___

A. Tonsil Ticklers B. Pear Drops C. Gobstoppers

3. Where did the boys make a secret hiding place in the classroom? ___
A. behind a brick B. in the wall C. under the floor

4. What did the boys find in their secret hiding place? ___
A. a dead rat B. a gold ring C. a green beetle

5. What did the boys see inside the locked sweet shop? ___
A. a smashed table B. a broken jar C. an injured cat

6. Which sign was on the door of the sweet shop? ___

A. gone fishing B. welcome C. closed

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why didn’t the students like Mrs. Pratchett?


2. Why did Roald take a mouse to the sweet shop?


3. Why did Roald think he might be a murderer?


4. Why did Mrs. Pratchett go to Roald’s school?

Boy The Bicycle – Mr. Coombes

A. Write the words in the blanks.

ambition cathedral cauldron elaborate theory

_______________1. a large church

_______________2. very complicated, something has many details

_______________3. an idea to explain something in nature

_______________4. wanting to achieve something great in life

_______________5. a very large pot that is used for cooking

B. Can you describe the sweet shop and some interesting sweets there?

C. Can you describe the Mouse Plot? What did the boys do?

D. At this point, the reader may be wondering about certain things in

Roald Dahl’s life. Can you write three questions you have about the book?

Question #1:________________________________________________

Question #2:________________________________________________

Question #3:________________________________________________
Boy Mrs. Pratchett’s Revenge – Going to Norway

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What did the headmaster use to punish the students? ___

A. a shoelace B. a rope C. a cane

2. Who cheered on the headmaster as he punished the five boys? ___

A. Mrs. Pratchett B. other students C. the teachers

3. Roald’s mother planned to send Roald to what kind of school? ___

A. military school B. boarding school C. art school

4. Where did Roald’s family spend the summer holidays? ___

A. Norway B. Wales C. France

5. How did the family travel from Newcastle to Oslo? ___

A. by train B. by airplane C. by ship

6. What did they eat at the family feast? ___

A. roasted mutton B. poached fish C. boiled beef

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did the headmaster punish Roald and his friends?


2. Why did Roald’s mother go to see the headmaster?


3. Why did the family have slate-grey faces on the way to Oslo?

4. Why did Roald get tipsy while saying the word “skaal”?
Boy Mrs. Pratchett’s Revenge – Going to Norway

A. Write the words in the blanks.

dauntless idyllic reluctance solemn torture

_______________1. brave, not showing any fear

_______________2. acting in a very serious way

_______________3. a place or an experience is very pleasant

_______________4. causing pain to other people

_______________5. not really wanting to do something

B. What happened when Roald and his friends were punished?


C. Can you describe the trip to Norway?


D. Put the events in the proper order by writing 1 – 7 in the blanks.

___ Roald’s mother saw Roald’s injuries at bath time.

___ The form master brought a piece of paper to Roald’s classroom.
___ Mr. Coombes punished Thwaites.
___ Roald returned to his classroom in pain.
___ Roald’s mother went to the school to meet with Mr. Coombes.
___ Roald and his friends walked to the headmaster’s private quarters.
___ Mr. Coombes punished Roald.
Boy The Magic Island – A Visit to the Doctor

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Where did they travel on a coastal steamer? ___

A. a lake B. a mountain C. a fjord

2. What did the family like to explore during the summer? ___
A. islands B. towns C. caves

3. What kind of boat did the family use? ___

A. canoe B. rowboat C. sailboat

4. What did the doctor remove from Roald’s body? ___

A. tendons B. adenoids C. molars

5. What did the doctor put inside Roald’s mouth? ___

A. a wooden stick B. a rubber ball C. a sharp blade

6. How did Roald go home after the operation? ___

A. on foot B. by ambulance C. on a bike

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Roald’s mother need to do a good job operating the tiller?

2. Why was Roald’s half-brother important when using the motorboat?


3. Why did they need to use a basin during Roald’s operation?


4. Why didn’t the doctor use anaesthetic during the operation?

Boy The Magic Island – A Visit to the Doctor

A. Write the words in the blanks.

eager fjord jetty primitive tranquil

_______________1. a long bay that was formed by glaciers

_______________2. a very simple way of doing things

_______________3. a wooden deck where people tie up their boats

_______________4. very quiet and calm

_______________5. really wanting to do something

B. Can you describe the family’s summer vacation on the island?


C. What happened during Roald’s operation?


D. Use the words in the box to start filling in the lists. Using the
information in the book, can you find two more ideas for each list?

bait bones goats gjetost haddock ham

Breakfast Islands Fishing

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________

Boy First Day – The Matron

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What did Roald ride to Weston-super-Mare? ___

A. motorcycle B. paddle-steamer C. hot air balloon

2. Where is St. Peter’s School located? ___

A. England B. Wales C. Scotland

3. What became a habit for Roald? ___

A. church-going B. stamp-collecting C. letter-writing

4. What prevented Roald from writing to his mom when he was older? ___
A. back operation B. war C. final exams

5. Who was punished when Wragg sugared the corridor? ___

A. nobody B. only Wragg C. everybody

6. What did the matron use to punish Tweedie for snoring? ___
A. salt B. soap C. pepper

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why was it important for a student to have a tuck-box?


2. Why do you think Roald cried on the first day at St. Peter’s School?

3. Why couldn’t the students complain about school in their letters?


4. Why did Roald face toward the Bristol Channel when he slept?
Boy First Day – The Matron

A. Write the words in the blanks.

censor esplanade horizon relish ravenous

_______________1. the line between the sky and the ground

_______________2. to enjoy something very much

_______________3. to control what other people say or write

_______________4. very hungry

_______________5. a long level place where people walk by the sea

B. Can you describe Roald’s life at St. Peter’s School?


C. Do you think Roald had a good relationship with his mother?


D. Read the sentences and circle true or false.

True False 1. Arkle kept a pet frog in his tuck-box.
True False 2. The headmaster gave Roald’s mom a tour of the school.
True False 3. On Sunday, the boys wrote letters before going to church.
True False 4. Roald’s mother burned each of his letters in the stove.
True False 5. Roald wrote bad things about the matron in his letters.
True False 6. The matron was kind and gentle with the students.
True False 7. The matron was angry after Wragg sugared the corridor.
True False 8. Roald always faced to the south when he slept.
Boy Homesickness – A Drive in the Motorcar

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Which sickness did Roald pretend to have when he was homesick? ___
A. yellow fever B. malaria C. appendicitis

2. Where did Roald’s half-sister have her appendix removed? ___

A. at home B. at the park C. at the hospital

3. Who figured out that Roald was faking his sickness? ___
A. the matron B. Dr. Dunbar C. the headmaster

4. How long did Roald’s half-sister have driving lessons? ___

A. 60 minutes B. eight days C. three weeks

5. What is a De Dion-Bouton? ___

A. French sandwich B. French automobile C. French hat

6. Where was Roald injured after the car accident? ___

A. elbow B. toe C. nose

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why was Roald worried about loose toothbrush bristles?


2. Which lie did Dr. Dunbar tell the school?


3. Why did the doctor give Roald chloroform and ether?


4. Why did Roald’s mother give him a golden sovereign?

Boy Homesickness – A Drive in the Motorcar

A. Write the words in the blanks.

bliss competence crimson ether sovereign

_______________1. someone is able to do something well

_______________2. a deep red color

_______________3. a gold coin that was used in England years ago

_______________4. a feeling of joy and happiness

_______________5. a clear liquid that was used to put patients to sleep

B. What happened when Roald pretended to have appendicitis?


C. What happened when they went for a drive in a motorcar?


D. Choose the correct noun to complete each sentence.

ether term tummy village weather

1. I was homesick during the whole of my first _____________________

2. She began prodding my _________________ violently with her fingers.

3. The _________________ was exceptionally mild that Christmas holiday.

4. We drove into the _____________________ of Llandaff.

5. I smelled the sickly stench of chloroform and _____________________

Boy Captain Hardcastle – Goat’s Tobacco

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What did Roald need during prep? ___

A. a nib B. a cap C. a pin

2. What did Captain Hardcastle give to Roald? ___

A. a penny B. a star C. a stripe

3. Who punished Roald with a cane? ___

A. Dobson B. the headmaster C. Captain Hardcastle

4. What did the doctor use to treat Ellis’ boil? ___

A. a scalpel B. some ether C. a bowl of sugar

5. What was part of Roald’s prank on his half-sister’s fiancé? ___

A. a toad B. a trout C. a goat

6. What bothered Roald’s family about his half-sister’s fiancé ? ___

A. his laugh B. his pipe C. his shoes

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why didn’t Roald use ball-point pens at school?


2. Why did Highton write to his father about Roald?


3. Why did the doctor use a towel when he treated Ellis?


4. Why did the family play a prank on Roald’s half-sister’s fiancé ?

Boy Captain Hardcastle – Goat’s Tobacco

A. Write the words in the blanks.

agony baize incensed mutton vermilion

_______________1. very angry

_______________2. a feeling of deep pain

_______________3. meat we get from a sheep

_______________4. a bright red color

_______________5. a kind of rough woolen cloth

B. What happened to Roald during prep? Do you think he was treated fairly?

C. Can you explain the prank that Roald’s family played on his half-sister’s
fiancé? Do you think it is okay to play pranks like this?

D. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.
Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the book.

air big rifle ripe tracks

1. The hair on his head was vermilion like a _________________ orange.

2. You could see the comb _________________ in his hair like tramlines.

3. Crack! It was like a __________________ shot!

4. The boil on the inside of his thigh was as ________________ as a plum.

5. Romance was floating in the ____________________ like moondust.

Boy Getting Dressed – The Headmaster

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. How did Roald feel when he saw the Repton school uniform? ___
A. thrilled B. proud C. shocked

2. What helped Roald attach the collar of his school uniform? ___
A. chewing gum B. spit C. glue

3. What was a Boazer at Repton? ___

A. an older student B. a new student C. a short student

4. What did the students check on each other’s bottoms? ___

A. bugs B. injuries C. tattoos

5. What did the Repton headmaster become? ___

A. an archbishop B. a prime minister C. a zookeeper

6. What caused Michael to start bleeding? ___

A. a bike accident B. a broken window C. a harsh flogging

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Roald choose Repton over Marlborough?


2. Why did Roald feel embarrassed as he traveled to Repton?


3. Why did Repton students get summoned by Boazers?


4. What made Roald have doubts about religion?

Boy Getting Dressed – The Headmaster

A. Write the words in the blanks.

brass eccentric perspex prefect summon

_______________1. to call for someone to come

_______________2. a person does things in strange ways

_______________3. a metal that is a mixture of copper and zinc

_______________4. an older student who manages younger students

_______________5. a clear sheet of solid plastic

B. Can you describe Repton’s school uniform?


C. How did Roald feel about school punishment? Do you agree with Roald?

D. Read the sentences and circle true or false.

True False 1. Roald was thirteen years old when he entered Repton.
True False 2. The Repton uniform included a butterfly collar and tails.
True False 3. Roald’s sisters laughed at the Repton uniform.
True False 4. Roald’s mother drove Roald to Repton in an automobile.
True False 5. Boazers were kind and gentle to younger students.
True False 6. The headmaster inspired Roald to become very religious.
True False 7. Roald thinks severe floggings are helpful to students.
True False 8. The headmaster forgave students instead of flogging them.
Boy Chocolates – Fagging

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. What did Roald imagine when he thought of the laboratory? ___

A. fun equipment B. dangerous gases C. new inventions

2. What gave Roald Dahl an idea for a book? ___

A. a tall headmaster B. a chocolate factory C. a colorful train

3. Which subject did Corkers pretend to teach? ___

A. mathematics B. history C. music

4. What did the students work on in Corkers’ class? ___

A. crossword puzzles B. science experiments C. dance moves

5. What did Carleton use to inspect his study? ___

A. a flashlight B. a white glove C. a magnifying glass

6. What did Roald warm up for Wilberforce? ___

A. a blanket B. a cup of tea C. a toilet seat

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Cadbury’s give the students free chocolate bars?


2. Why did Corkers bring a snake to class?


3. Why did Roald work hard cleaning Carleton’s study?


4. Why did Roald start carrying a book in his pocket?

Boy Chocolates – Fagging

A. Write the words in the blanks.

concoct connoisseur filthy plot supercilious

_______________1. very dirty

_______________2. expert, a person who knows a lot about something

_______________3. all the events that happen in a story

_______________4. to mix ingredients to make a new dish

_______________5. acting like you are better than others

B. Do you think it’s a good idea to have Boazers in a school?


C. Would you like to have a teacher like Corkers?


D. At this point, the reader may be wondering about certain things in

Roald Dahl’s life. Can you write three questions you have about the book?

Question #1:________________________________________________

Question #2:________________________________________________

Question #3:________________________________________________
Boy Games and Photography – Goodbye School

A. Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Roald won awards for which activity? ___

A. swimming B. photography C. painting

2. Roald was the team captain for how many sports teams? ___
A. two B. three C. four

3. Where was Roald when he took a photo of the Arch of Ctesiphon? ___
A. on a boat B. on a horse C. in a plane

4. Where did Roald go on a hiking adventure? ___

A. Newfoundland B. Egypt C. the Pyrenees

5. Roald accepted a job with which company? ___

A. a lumber company B. Shell Company C. Imperial Chemicals

6. Which job did Roald do during the war? ___

A. cook B. sailor C. pilot

B. Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did people need a swift eye and quick hands to play fives?

2. Why wasn’t Roald chosen to be a Boazer?


3. Why did Roald want to join a company instead of attending university?


4. How did Roald feel about going to East Africa to work?

Boy Games and Photography – Goodbye School

A. Write the words in the blanks.

biplane ecstatic melancholy pemmican topi

_______________1. a feeling of deep sadness

_______________2. feeling very excited and happy

_______________3. a plane with upper wings and lower wings

_______________4. a lightweight helmet-shaped hat

_______________5. a paste that is made of dried and pounded meat

B. What are some fun things that Roald did at school?


C. What are some interesting things Roald did after finishing school?

D. Read the sentences and circle true or false.

True False 1. The game of fives is played with a ball that moves fast.
True False 2. The game of fives includes lots of rough physical contact.
True False 3. Roald really wished to be a Boazer at school.
True False 4. Arthur Morris was very supportive of Roald.
True False 5. Roald attended Oxford University after attending Repton.
True False 6. Roald’s 500cc Ariel is a kind of motorbike.
True False 7. Roald carried an umbrella to work even on sunny days.
True False 8. Roald said that Egypt was too wet and rainy.
Boy Story Review

A. Put the events in the proper order by writing 1 – 7 in the blanks.

___ Roald was punished for giving Mrs. Pratchett a shock.

___ Harald Dahl moved to Wales.
___ Roald started attending Repton School.
___ Roald started working at the Shell Company.
___ Roald went on a hiking adventure in Newfoundland.
___ Roald Dahl was born in Wales.
___ Roald started attending St. Peter’s School.

B. Matching: Match the people with the correct information.

People Information
___1. Roald Dahl A. earned lots of money as a shipbroker
___2. Harald Dahl B. had a giant orange moustache
___3. Sofie Hesselberg C. punished Roald with a cane
___4. Roald’s half-sister D. organized Roald’s photo exhibition
___5. Mr. Coombes E. made Roald warm up a toilet seat
___6. Mrs. Pratchett F. put a dead mouse in a candy jar
___7. Carleton G. owned a sweet shop
___8. Wilberforce H. crashed the car into a hedge
___9. Captain Hardcastle I. saved all of Roald’s letters
___10. Arthur Norris J. complained about dust in his study

C. Use the words in the box to fill in the blanks.

bend car drive drove eyes hedge nose quiet speed

Roald’s half-sister learned how to drive a _________________ so the

family went for a ________________ together. The half-sister told them
to be ________________ so she could concentrate. At first, the half-sister
____________ slowly. Roald’s mother told her to keep her ____________
on the road. The half-sister began to increase the ______________. They
crashed into a __________________ when they went around a
_______________. Roald needed an operation to fix his _____________.
Boy Language Skills

A. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.

Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the story.

face feel judge sour train

1. Mrs. Pratchett had a mouth as ______________ as a green gooseberry.

2. We felt like a gang of desperados setting out to rob a ______________

3. Mr. Coombes was a giant of a man with a ____________________ like

a ham.

4. The headmaster was like a _____________________ at a murder trial.

5. My whole stomach began to ____________________ as though it was

slowly filling up with swirling water.

B. Can you make your own similes on the lines below?

1. simile:____________________________________________________

2. simile:____________________________________________________

C. Read the sentences and identify the underlined word in each sentence.
Fill in the blanks with: noun verb adjective adverb preposition

_________________1. He could tie a shoelace as quickly as you or me.

_________________2. She held the enamel bowl under my chin.
_________________3. Your teeth become very sharp and pointed.
_________________4. Throw it out of the window quick!
_________________5. I was standing beside my brand new trunk.
_________________6. The Headmaster would patrol the classrooms.
_________________7. Williamson came through the door.
_________________8. We were required to taste each bar very carefully.
_________________9. We jumped off the rocks into the deep water.
_________________10. This is the largest unsupported arch on earth.
Boy Similes & Personification

A. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.

Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the story.

death felt flames flounder pistol

1. Mr. Coombes strode through the door like the angel of _____________

2. There was a crack like a ____________________ shot as it struck

Thwaites' bottom.

3. It ____________________, I promise you, as though someone had

laid a red-hot poker against my flesh.

4. My entire backside seemed to be going up in ____________________

5. A massive fish, a _____________________ as big as a tea-tray and as

thick as your arm was brought to the table.

B. Personification is a literary device where animals or non-living objects

are given human-like qualities or characteristics.

Choose the proper word to complete each example of personification.

heart house sympathy

1. The quiet gloomy _____________________ came alive with many

children's voices.

2. My _____________________ was singing out with all sorts of

wonderful songs of praise and joy.

3. I could feel a kind of _____________________ reaching out to me

from every boy in the school.

C. Can you make your own examples on the lines below?

1. simile:____________________________________________________

2. personification:_____________________________________________
Boy Similes & Metaphors

A. Similes: We can use similes to compare two objects in an interesting

way. We usually use the words like or as when we make a simile.

Choose the proper word to complete each simile from the story.

bullet corridor fire prowl shark

1. The roof of my mouth seemed to be on ______________________

2. He gave me the kind of flashing grin a ______________________

might give to a small fish just before he gobbles it up.

3. She could move along that ______________________ like lightning.

4. I shot out of the room like a _______________________

5. The matron would ____________________ the corridor like a panther.

B. We can use metaphors to compare two objects in an interesting way.

We do not use the words like or as when we make a metaphor.

Choose the proper word to complete each metaphor from the story.

bells insects legs sea venom

1. Alarm ___________________ were beginning to ring faintly in our ears.

2. I could see Mrs. Pratchett's skinny goat's ______________________

3. Mrs. Pratchett's face was glimmering with _______________________

4. Small boys are _______________________ that will turn and bite you
if you don't get them first and squash them hard.

5. The huge arch was standing alone in a ___________________ of sand.

C. Can you make your own examples on the lines below?

1. simile:____________________________________________________

2. metaphor:________________________________________________
Boy Reflection

Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why or why not?


2. What is something we learned about Roald Dahl’s family?


3. What is something surprising that happened in this book?


4. What was one problem and how did the people solve this problem?

5. How would you describe Roald Dahl when he was younger?


6. What is one difference between life at that time and life today?

7. What is something you thought about as you read the book?


8. What was your favorite scene in this book?

Boy Quotations

Can you discuss the following quotations from the story?

1. “Life is tough, and the sooner you learn how to cope with it the better for you.”

2. “I began to realize how simple life could be if one had a regular routine to
follow with fixed hours and a fixed salary and very little original thinking to do.”

3. “The life of a writer is absolute hell compared with the life of a businessman.
The writer has to force himself to work. He has to make his own hours and if he
doesn't go to his desk at all there is nobody to scold him.”

4. “It was all this, I think, that made me begin to have doubts about religion and
even about God. If this person, I kept telling myself, was one of God's chosen
salesmen on earth, then there must be something very wrong about the whole

5. “If a black mamba bit you, you died within the hour writhing in agony and
foaming at the mouth. I couldn't wait.”

6. Can you find one more quotation and discuss it on the lines below?
Boy Roald Dahl’s Life

In the book Boy, Roald Dahl experienced many interesting

things as he was growing up. Write some information
about each of the following things in the book.

Roald’s Life Information


sweet shop

dead mouse






Shell Company
Boy Cause and Effect

Cause and Effect: The effect is what happened, and the cause is the
reason that it happened.

To find an effect, ask “What happened?”

To find a cause, ask “Why did it happen?”

Cause Effect

Mrs. Pratchett got a big surprise in

the sweet shop.

Mrs. Pratchett reported to Mr.

Coombes about Roald and his friends.

Roald needed to have an operation

on his nose.

The doctor didn’t use anaesthesia

when he removed Roald’s adenoids.

Roald felt silly as he rode the train to


Roald pretended to have a bad case

of appendicitis.

Roald was chosen as the captain of

the fives team.

Captain Hardcastle heard Roald

talking during prep.

Roald would not be able to return to

his home for three years.
Boy Compare & Contrast

A. What are three similarities shared by Roald’s schools and your school?

Roald’s Schools and My School

B. What are three differences between Roald’s schools and your school?

Roald’s Schools My School

Boy Point of View

A. Stories are usually written in first person or third person point of view.
First person point or view means that someone is telling the story from
inside the story. Third person point of view means that the author or
narrator is telling the story from the outside looking in.
1. Which point of view is used in Boy?
A. first person B. third person

2. Why do you think the author used this point of view?


B. Now you have the chance to describe some of the events in the book
from different points of view. Choose a person in the story and describe
what happened using this person’s point of view.

Character Description of Events

I was spending the summer in Norway with my fiancée’s

family. After a delightful swim, I decided to smoke my
fiancé pipe. When I breathed in, I started coughing because the
smoke was so strange and smelly. I think that Roald did
something sneaky with my pipe while I was swimming.
Boy Writing a Letter

We read many interesting things about Roald Dahl’s life. Let’s

write a letter to Roald Dahl. What would you like to say to
Roald Dahl? Which questions would you like to ask him?


Dear ___________________________,

















Boy W Questions
Think about a scene in the book and answer the following questions.
Be sure to include as many details as possible.

What happened?


Why did it happen?


Who was there?


When did it happen?


Where did it happen?

Boy Illustrations

Let’s draw four scenes from the book.

On the lines, write a sentence about each picture.

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________
Boy People

Let’s draw four people from the book.

On the lines, write a sentence about each person.

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________

_______________________ ________________________
_______________________ ________________________
Boy Analysis

Fill in the four boxes to describe Roald Dahl.

Let’s think about Roald Dahl’s experiences when he was growing up.

Identity Personality
Who was Roald Dahl? What kind of person was Roald?

Actions Speech
What did Roald do? What did Roald say?
Boy Comic Strip

Draw four scenes from the book and add the dialogue for the people.
Boy Story Map

Who wrote this book?

People Setting (Time and Place)

What happened at the beginning of the book?

What happened in the middle of the book?

What happened at the end of the book?

What was one main How did the people

problem we read about? solve this problem?
Boy Book Design

Now you have the chance to design a new front cover and back cover for
the book Boy.

Remember that the front cover usually includes a picture, the title, and
the author’s name. The back cover usually includes a summary or short
description about the book. Look at some other books for examples.

The book is open and the front cover is over here.

The back cover is down here.

Boy In The News
Choose two events from the book. Draw a picture to illustrate each event
and write a newspaper article for each event.
Be sure to include important details in your articles. Also, add a headline
for each article and a caption under each picture.









_____________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________









_____________________________ ____________________________

_____________________________ ____________________________
Boy Critical Thinking

When we express an opinion or construct an argument, we should

be able to justify our ideas. For each question below, state your
opinion and find information in the story to support your opinion.

1. Do you think that Roald had interesting experiences when he grew up?

My Opinion:

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

2. Do you think that teachers should punish students harshly with canes?

My Opinion:

Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3
Boy Making Inferences

We can use information that we already know and information

in the story to make an inference. We can make an inference
to read between the lines, that is, to understand the situation
in the story even when the author does not tell us directly.

+ =

1. What inference can we make with the following information?

* Roald put a dead mouse in a candy jar at the sweet shop.

* Roald put goat droppings in the pipe of his half-sister’s fiancé.
* Roald pretended that he had appendicitis when he was homesick.



2. What inference can we make with the following information?

* Roald’s family explored the islands in Norway.

* Roald’s family went for a fast ride in a French automobile.
* Roald’s family went fishing together.



3. What inference can we make with the following information?

* Roald was the captain of the school fives team.

* Roald won awards for his photographs.
* Roald learned how to fly an airplane during the war.


Boy Summaries

In the book, there were several dramatic events which occurred.

Write a summary for each of the following events. Remember
that a summary should include all of the main details.

1. Roald put a dead mouse in a jar at the sweet shop.


2. Roald’s family went for a drive with Roald’s half-sister.


3. Roald started working for the Shell Company.

Boy Transformation

In many stories, there is a transformation, or change, which

takes place from the start of the book to the end. Can you
identify a transformation which took place in this book?

What was the situation at the beginning of the book?

Why did the situation change? What did the people do?

What was the situation at the end of the book?

Boy Interviews
Imagine you could interview some of the people from Boy. Which
questions would you like to ask? How do you think the people would
answer your questions?

A. Questions: What are three questions you would like to ask Roald?


Answers: How do you think Roald would answer your questions?


B. Questions: What are three questions you would ask Roald’s mother?


Answers: How would Roald’s mother answer your questions?


C. Questions: What are three questions for Roald’s classmates?


Answers: How would Roald’s classmates answer your questions?

Boy Crossword Puzzle

Across Down
2. What was Mr. Coombes' job? 1. What is the name of Roald's mother?
6. Who owned a sweet shop? 2. What is the name of Roald's father?
7. What did Roald send to his mother 3. Which sickness did Roald pretend to
each week? have?
8. Roald attended boarding school in 4. Where did Roald go on a hiking trip?
which country? 5. What did the doctor remove from
9. Roald's parents came from which Roald in Norway?
country? 11. What is the name of Roald's first
10. What did Roald injure in a car boarding school?
crash? 13. Captain _____ gave Roald a stripe.
12. What did Mr. Coombes use to 14. What was Roald's job during the
punish Roald? war?
15. What did Roald put in a candy jar? 16. Who used soap to punish a snoring
17. What is a 500cc Ariel? student?
18. Roald was born in which country?
19. Roald worked at the _______ Company.
Boy Word Search
















Word Bank


Boy Story Test

Read the following questions and choose the best answer.

1. Where did Roald’s parents come from? ___

A. Germany B. France C. Norway

2. What did Roald put in Mrs. Pratchett’s candy jar? ___

A. a dead mouse B. a small frog C. a slimy worm

3. Llandaff is located in which country? ___

A. Ireland B. Wales C. Scotland

4. What did Mr. Coombes use to punish Roald and his friends? ___
A. a pencil B. an umbrella C. a cane

5. What did Roald injure in a car accident? ___

A. nose B. knee C. wrist

6. What did Roald send to his mother every week? ___

A. an apple B. a letter C. a flower

7. What did Roald enjoy riding along the roads near Repton? ___
A. a motorbike B. a horse C. a bicycle

8. Which role did Roald have on the school fives team? ___
A. manager B. coach C. captain

9. Which activity did Roald enjoy when he was a student? ___

A. chess B. photography C. painting

10. Where did the Shell Company send Roald to work? ___
A. East Africa B. Central Asia C. South America
Boy Story Test

Read the following questions and answer in a complete sentence.

1. Why did Roald’s father want his children to attend school in England?

2. Why did Roald’s mother go to Roald’s school after he was punished?


3. Why did Roald pretend to have appendicitis when he was at school?


4. Why did Roald face toward his home when he slept at boarding school?

5. How did Roald play a prank on his half-sister’s fiancé?


6. How did Roald feel about the harsh punishment that students received?

7. Why did Roald travel to Newfoundland after he finished school?


8. Why did Roald want to join a company instead of attending university?

Boy Vocabulary

A. Write the words in the blanks.

alpine catastrophe censor eccentric ether

fjord idyllic melancholy supercilious theory

_______________1. a person has strange ways of doing things

_______________2. a long narrow bay that was formed by glaciers

_______________3. a terrible event where everything goes wrong

_______________4. to control what other people say or write

_______________5. related to mountains, located in the mountains

_______________6. a clear liquid that was used to put patients to sleep

_______________7. acting like you are better than others

_______________8. an idea to explain something in nature

_______________9. a place or an experience is very pleasant

_______________10. a feeling of deep sadness

B. Choose the proper word to complete each sentence.

connoisseur ecstatic empire esplanade incensed

1. The ______________________ student was shaking with happiness.

2. The ______________________ had a powerful army which won many


3. The cheese ______________________ taught us about goat’s cheese.

4. My sister was ______________________ when I broke her bike.

5. We walked along the _____________________ and watched the boats

sailing in the bay.
Boy Writing Assignment

Write a paragraph to answer each of the following questions.

1. What did we learn about Roald Dahl’s family? What are some activities
and experiences that the family shared together?

2. What are some interesting things that happened when Roald attended
school? Did you notice any differences with your own school life?

3. Which events in the book show that Roald had a spirit of adventure?
Roald Dahl
Boy Papa and Mama – Kindergarten

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. A

Comprehension Questions
1. It was helpful to live in a place where there was lots of coal nearby.
2. Harald thought it would help their babies to feel connected with nature
after they were born.
3. Harald believed that England had the best schools.
4. Roald didn’t remember many details about his time at Elmtree House
because he was quite young at that time.

1. excruciating 2. adore 3. catastrophe 4. empire 5. alpine

1. F 2. C 3. A 4. E 5. B 6. G 7. D

Boy The Bicycle – Mr. Coombes

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. Mrs. Pratchett was very unfriendly and she did not have clean habits.
2. Roald wanted to put the dead mouse in a jar to play a prank on Mrs.
3. Roald was worried that Mrs. Pratchett had died of shock after finding
the dead mouse.
4. Mrs. Pratchett wanted to identify the students who had put the dead
mouse in a jar at her sweet shop.

1. cathedral 2. elaborate 3. theory 4. ambition 5. cauldron
Boy Mrs. Pratchett’s Revenge – Going to Norway

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B

Comprehension Questions
1. Mrs. Pratchett told the headmaster about the dead mouse and she
identified Roald and his friends.
2. Roald’s mother was angry that Roald had been punished so severely.
3. The family members felt seasick on the ship.
4. In Norway, people say “skaal” when they have an alcoholic drink

1. dauntless 2. solemn 3. idyllic 4. torture 5. reluctance

_6_ Roald’s mother saw Roald’s injuries at bath time.
_1_ The form master brought a piece of paper to Roald’s classroom.
_3_ Mr. Coombes punished Thwaites.
_5_ Roald returned to his classroom in pain.
_7_ Roald’s mother went to the school to meet with Mr. Coombes.
_2_ Roald and his friends walked to the headmaster’s private quarters.
_4_ Mr. Coombes punished Roald.

Boy The Magic Island – A Visit to the Doctor

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. A

Comprehension Questions
1. The boat went over high waves so it could be dangerous if the person
operating the tiller did not steer the boat properly.
2. Roald’s brother knew how to get the engine to work.
3. The basin collected the blood and other material from Roald’s operation.
4. At that time, it was not common to use anaesthetics.

1. fjord 2. primitive 3. jetty 4. tranquil 5. eager

Breakfast: gjetost, ham
Islands: bones, goats
Fishing: bait, haddock
Boy First Day – The Matron

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B

Comprehension Questions
1. Students kept various important and secret things in their tuck-box.
2. It seems that Roald was sad to be away from his family.
3. The headmaster read their letters as they wrote them.
4. Roald’s home was across the Bristol Channel, and it comforted Roald to
face toward his home.

1. horizon 2. relish 3. censor 4. ravenous 5. esplanade

1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False
5. False 6. False 7. True 8. False

Boy Homesickness – A Drive in the Motorcar

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. Roald’s nanny told Roald that toothbrush bristles make the appendix go
2. Dr. Dunbar agreed to tell the school that Roald had a severe infection of
the stomach.
3. Roald needed to be knocked out during his nose operation.
4. Roald’s mother said he was brave when he dealt with his nose injury.

1. competence 2. crimson 3. sovereign 4. bliss 5. ether

1. term 2. tummy 3. weather 4. village 5. ether
Boy Captain Hardcastle – Goat’s Tobacco

Multiple Choice
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. A 5. C 6. B

Comprehension Questions
1. Ball-point pens had not yet been invented.
2. Highton thought that Roald had been punished unfairly, so Highton
hoped his father could do something about it.
3. The doctor threw a towel in Ellis’ face to distract Ellis while he treated
the boil.
4. The family was annoyed that the half-sister and her fiancé spent so
much time alone instead of spending time together with the family.

1. incensed 2. agony 3. mutton 4. vermilion 5. baize

1. ripe 2. tracks 3. rifle 4. big 5. air

Boy Getting Dressed – The Headmaster

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. Repton was an easier name to say.
2. Roald felt embarrassed by his elaborate school uniform.
3. Boazers punished other students for many reasons.
4. Roald didn’t understand how a religious leader could give harsh
punishments to students.

1. summon 2. eccentric 3. brass 4. prefect 5. perspex

1. True 2. True 3. True 4. False
5. False 6. False 7. False 8. False
Boy Chocolates – Fagging

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. Cadbury’s wanted the students to share their opinions about the
chocolate bars.
2. Corkers wanted to help the students get over their fear of snakes.
3. Carleton would punish the younger students if the study was not
cleaned properly.
4. Roald read a book while he warmed up a toilet seat for Wilberforce.

1. filthy 2. connoisseur 3. plot 4. concoct 5. supercilious

Boy Games and Photography – Goodbye School

Multiple Choice
1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C

Comprehension Questions
1. The ball moved very quickly.
2. Roald did not follow the rules and he was unpredictable.
3. Roald wanted to visit faraway places.
4. Roald was excited to work in such an interesting place.

1. melancholy 2. ecstatic 3. biplane 4. topi 5. pemmican

1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True
5. False 6. True 7. True 8. False
Boy Story Review

_3_ Roald was punished for giving Mrs. Pratchett a shock.
_1_ Harald Dahl moved to Wales.
_5_ Roald started attending Repton School.
_7_ Roald started working at the Shell Company.
_6_ Roald went on a hiking adventure in Newfoundland.
_2_ Roald Dahl was born in Wales.
_4_ Roald started attending St. Peter’s School.

1. F 2. A 3. I 4. H 5. C 6. G 7. J 8. E 9. B 10. D

Fill in the Blanks

car, drive, quiet, drove, eyes, speed, hedge, bend, nose

Boy Language Skills

1. sour 2. train 3. face 4. judge 5. feel

Parts of Speech
1. adverb 2. preposition 3. adjective 4. verb 5. noun
6. verb 7. preposition 8. adverb 9. adjective 10. noun

1. death 2. pistol 3. felt 4. flames 5. flounder

1. house 2. heart 3. sympathy

1. fire 2. shark 3. corridor 4. bullet 5. prowl

1. bells 2. legs 3. venom 4. insects 5. sea
Boy Review Activities

Cause and Effect

1. Cause: Roald put a dead mouse in a candy jar in the sweet shop.
2. Effect: Mr. Coombes punished Roald and his friends.
3. Cause: Roald’s half-sister crashed the car into a hedge.
4. Effect: Roald was in a lot of pain during the operation.
5. Cause: Roald thought the Repton uniform was too elaborate.
6. Effect: Roald was sent home.
7. Cause: Roald was very good at playing fives.
8. Effect: Captain Hardcastle gave Roald a stripe so that Roald would be
9. Cause: The Shell Company sent Roald to East Africa to work.

1. Roald engaged in mischief when he was growing up.
2. Roald’s family did many interesting things together.
3. Roald was a talented person.

Boy Crossword Puzzle

Across Down

2. headmaster 1. Sofie
6. Mrs. Pratchett 2. Harald
7. letter 3. appendicitis
8. England 4. Newfoundland
9. Norway 5. adenoids
10. nose 11. St. Peter’s
12. cane 13. Hardcastle
15. dead mouse 14. pilot
17. motorbike 16. matron
18. Wales
19. Shell
Boy Story Test

Multiple Choice
1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A
6. B 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A

Comprehension Questions
1. Roald’s father thought that England had the best schools.
2. Roald’s mother was angry that Roald had been punished so harshly.
3. Roald was homesick and he wanted to go home.
4. It comforted Roald to face toward his family’s home.
5. Roald put goat droppings in the pipe of his half-sister’s fiancé.
6. Roald thought it was wrong to punish students too severely.
7. Roald went on a hiking adventure.
8. Roald wanted to visit distant places.


Part A
1. eccentric 2. fjord 3. catastrophe 4. censor 5. alpine
6. ether 7. supercilious 8. theory 9. idyllic 10. melancholy

Part B
1. ecstatic 2. empire 3. connoisseur 4. incensed 5. esplanade

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