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The ingredients for the kinca pancake:

200 grams of medium protein flour

50 grams of rice flour

40 grams of sugar

1 tsp instant yeast

½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

1 egg

275 ml coconut milk

Pandan paste to taste

The ingredients for the kinca pancake sauce:

200 ml coconut milk

200 ml water

100 grams of brown sugar, comb

½ tsp salt

1 pandan leaf, tie a knot

1 tsp sago mixed with a little water for thickening

How to make kinca pancake sauce:

First, mix all the kinca ingredients, except the sago solution, cook while stirring so that the coconut milk does not break,
until it boils.

Then, pour the sago solution, mix well, wait for it to boil. Chill.
Serve the kinca sauce with pancakes.

Bahan-bahan kue serabi kinca:

200 gram tepung terigu protein sedang

50 gram tepung beras
40 gram gula pasir
1 sdt ragi instan
½ sdt baking powder
½ sdt garam
1 butir telur
275 ml santan
Pasta pandan secukupnya
Bahan-bahan kuah kue serabi kinca:

200 ml santan
200 ml air
100 gram gula merah, sisir
½ sdt garam
1 lembar daun pandan, ikat simpul
1 sdt sagu campur sedikit air untuk pengental
Cara membuat kuah kue serabi kinca:

Pertama, campur semua bahan kinca, kecuali larutan sagu, masak

sambil diaduk agar santan tidak pecah, hingga mendidih.
Kemudian, tuang larutan sagu, aduk rata, tunggu mendidih.
Sajikan kuah kinca dengan serabi.

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