5 Journal and Paragraph Prompts 1984

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1984 Journal #1

Write four or more inferences based on the first

two paragraphs of 1984.

• What can you infer about the main character,

• About the setting?
• About the government?
1984 Journal #2

Read the excerpt about the Two Minutes Hate from

Chapter 1. Then, complete the chart by summarizing
the text and then making inferences about the
character(s), the society, and the larger significance.

What does it say? What does it mean? Why does it matter?

(Literal meaning) (What can we infer?) (What is the
Paragraph Prompt 1

What is the purpose of the Two Minutes Hate and what

does Orwell suggest about the society and/or
government of 1984 through its inclusion in the story?
Paragraph Goals
Focus Standards Goals
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.4: • Begin with a topic sentence that
Produce clear and coherent writing provides context and expresses
authorial intent. Example: In this
in which the development,
excerpt from 1984, George Orwell
organization, and style are suggests/explains/illustrates/etc...
appropriate to task, purpose, and • Correctly introduce, punctuate and cite
audience. textual evidence.
• Finish with a conclusion sentence that
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1: reiterates and explains the significance
of your claim.
Cite strong and thorough textual
evidence to support analysis of • Incorporate at least two pieces of apt
what the text says explicitly as well textual evidence to support your claim.
as inferences drawn from the text, • Provide commentary to explain the
including determining where the significance of the textual evidence to
text leaves matters uncertain. your claim.
1984 Journal #3
Read the excerpt describing Winston’s dream of his
mother at the beginning of Chapter 3. Then, complete
the chart by summarizing the text and then making
inferences about the character(s), the society, and the
larger significance.
What does it say? What does it mean? Why does it matter?
(Literal meaning) (What can we infer?) (What is the
Paragraph Prompt 2

What do we learn about Winston’s past through this

excerpt and what is suggested about the party’s
acquisition of power?
Paragraph Goals
Focus Standards Goals
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.4: • Begin with a topic sentence that
Produce clear and coherent writing provides context and expresses
authorial intent. Example: In this
in which the development,
excerpt from 1984, George Orwell
organization, and style are suggests/explains/illustrates/etc...
appropriate to task, purpose, and • Correctly introduce, punctuate and cite
audience. textual evidence.
• Finish with a conclusion sentence that
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1: reiterates and explains the significance
of your claim.
Cite strong and thorough textual
evidence to support analysis of • Incorporate at least two pieces of apt
what the text says explicitly as well textual evidence to support your claim.
as inferences drawn from the text, • Provide commentary to explain the
including determining where the significance of the textual evidence to
text leaves matters uncertain. your claim.
1984 Journal #4

Winston’s comrade Syme says that the purpose of

Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought by
narrowing the range of words. He says, “In the end,
we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible
because there will be no words in which to express
it.” Do you think this is possible?
• If we eliminate the words for ideas, will that
eliminate the ideas themselves?
• what abt txtmsgs? r u concrnd that txts r a
modrn form of newspk?
1984 Journal #5
Read the excerpt describing Winston’s experience in
the prole quarter from Chapter 8. Then, complete the
chart by summarizing the text and then making
inferences about the character(s), the society, and the
larger significance.
What does it say? What does it mean? Why does it matter?
(Literal meaning) (What can we infer?) (What is the
Paragraph Prompt 3

How does the rocket bomb affect the people in the

prole quarter? Winston? What does this excerpt reveal
about the society in 1984?
Paragraph Goals
Focus Standards Goals
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.11-12.4: • Begin with a topic sentence that
Produce clear and coherent writing provides context and expresses
authorial intent. Example: In this
in which the development,
excerpt from 1984, George Orwell
organization, and style are suggests/explains/illustrates/etc...
appropriate to task, purpose, and • Correctly introduce, punctuate and cite
audience. textual evidence.
• Finish with a conclusion sentence that
CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.1: reiterates and explains the significance
of your claim.
Cite strong and thorough textual
evidence to support analysis of • Incorporate at least two pieces of apt
what the text says explicitly as well textual evidence to support your claim.
as inferences drawn from the text, • Provide commentary to explain the
including determining where the significance of the textual evidence to
text leaves matters uncertain. your claim.
1984 Journal #6

“The means of defense against foreign danger

have been always the instruments of tyranny at
home.” --James Madison

Explain what Madison means in your own

words. Relate it to your reading of 1984 and, if
you’d like, to historical and/or current events.
1984 Journal #7

Winston says to Julia, “The proles are human

beings. We are not human.”

What does Winston mean? Why does Winston

think the proles are capable of rebellion but
party members are not?
What do you think it means to be human?
1984 Journal #8

What types of actions do Winston and Julia

agree to carry out to support The Brotherhood?
Is it justifiable/ethical of them to do these things
in the name of good, or does it render them
indistinguishable from the party itself?
1984 Journal #9 – Part 1

O’Brien says to Winston, “Reality is not external.

Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else.
Not in the individual mind, which can make
mistakes, and in any case soon perishes: only in the
mind of the Party, which is collective and immortal.
Whatever the Party holds to be the truth, is truth.”

Explain O’Brien’s argument in your own words and

discuss the extent to which you believe it to be
1984 Journal #9 – Part 2

1. Explain the impact of the repetition in “No

One Died in Tiananmen Square”. What is its
purpose and effect?
2. What argument is Lutz making in this satirical
3. Why did Lutz choose to begin his piece with
this particular quotation from 1984? How
does the quotation connect to his argument?
1984 Journal #10

What is O’Brien’s vision for the future of

Oceania? What does Winston think of this
possibility? With whom do you agree?

Can a society based on hate survive?

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