Case Study On Road Rage Incident

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Road rage usually occurs when a driver encounters annoying
situations such as traffic jams, aberrant overtaking, honking and
flashing of headlights
What makes some people more prone to anger behind the wheel?

Road traffic safety can be ensured by preventing and controlling the
potential risks in road traffic operations. This research is conducted
to identify the risks of drivers, vehicles, roads, and the traffic
environment. The research mainly focuses on what are the potential
factors that causes road rage incident applying the method of
surveys, observations, and interviews in order to generate possible
road traffic risk prevention.


The present study used Facebook platform and Newspaper Online

Column for issue identification regarding the proposed causes of
road rage or aggressive driving.
The present research concerns media depiction of the causes of
road rage. It was found that personal and individual factors are
more often noted than environmental factors regarding the causes
of road rage.


An example of this incident is the very highly sensationalized hot
topic in social media today the controversial incident involving a
cyclist and a driver who went viral. The driver named was identified
as Wilfredo Gonzales who had drawn a lot of attention when he was
not able to maintain his composure as he plummet into anger by
hitting the cyclist and even to the extent of cocking his gun and was
unfortunately caught by a vigilant netizen with the video
skyrocketing into million views. He was found liable for four
violations of the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, resulting in
the revocation of his nonprofessional driver’s license. The incident
caught on video camera had caused also for the termination of his
dismissal \ as a co-terminus employee of one of its associate

My first interview was made to my sister, JENIFER M.
PAGLINAWAN. I asked her what she can say about the incident of
road rage which she indulged to reply in this wise:
“One thing that I can say is that mostly road rage is brought about
by a selfish, power hungry, angry, and vindictive attitude of a
person whose rationality is mostly overpowered by emotion rather
than mental and ethical consideration”

I also made a random interview on the Traffic Enforcer named

FRANCIS MAINAMBAN, assigned in the street situated in public
market of Tagum City:
When asked about what are the usual causes of road rage incident
that you encounter sir while you are in your post? He replied that
mostly during traffic hours at 8 o’clock in the morning and past 5
o’clock in the afternoon there were incidents of road rage but so far
did not come to a point where drivers and passengers made used of
guns or fists to solve the problem. Mostly at this time of the day,
people were in a hurry to go to office and go home also.


As occurs with most problematic social situations, the Legislators

has taken a role in the prevention of road rage by conducting
legislative inquiry on the matter. In fact, there were proposal to pass
a bill to address aggressive driving and road rage and consider it as
a crime. It is highly recommended and suggested that they pushed
through in passing this law.
With the present situation, mostly road rage is attributed also as
function of human behavior than external factors. Government
Agencies such as Land Transportation Office must include it in
their program of dissemination that problem drivers shall face the
penalty of license revocation if they will not be able to control their
temper during any traffic commotion.


The actions taken by vigilant netizens, the law enforcers as well as

direct participation of legislators can prevent reckless driving.
However, prevention would be more accomplished through traffic

Traffic facilitation approach, however, can only work in those

instances where the crimes are attributable to environmental issues
and never with the issue of the attitude of problem drivers. Thus,
substantial public policy must address road rage as aggressive
driving and imposed a more punitive approach in every violation
committed thereof. The law enforcement agencies must also
welcome the media and netizens’ participation as part of the
watchdogs to better deter the drivers from committing this act.

Cebu Daily News Inquirer

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