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Name: Jobeth Karl G.

Cadao Date: September 16, 2023

ID No.: 230713 Code: MACR 101
Program: Juris Doctor I

“The Sola Scriptura Principle”

The Sola Scriptura is foundational for Protestant Christian doctrine.

The term “sola scriptura” is a Latin term that comes from the time of the
Protestant Reformation which means “by scripture alone”. There were
actually three solaces that the Reformers were fighting for back then, the sola
fidei (by faith alone), sola gratia (by grace alone), and the sola scriptura (by
scripture alone). Reformers believed the scripture needed to be the foundation
of the theological and biblical enterprises they engage. Isaiah 8:20 provides
the idea of the sola scriptura principle. Moreover, when we talk of sola
scriptura, it doesn’t mean that every point of theology must be derived
verbatim from a biblical passage, but it should be appropriately derived
because the Bible is a sufficient ground of doctrine. Another thing that it
doesn’t mean is that one does not use reason. People have to use their reason,
but it means that the reason must be subjected to the canon of the scripture.
Sola scriptura is not just how people study the Bible; it is a divine perspective
for every discipline.

The lesson here is about the fundamental role of scripture in shaping

Protestant Christian beliefs and practices, while also highlighting the need for
reasoned interpretation that aligns with the teachings of the Bible. Sola
Scriptura is a central doctrine. It underscores the significance of Sola Scriptura
among Protestant Christians, emphasizing that it was one of the key principles
championed during the Protestant Reformation. Sola Scriptura is also seen as
the foundation for theological and biblical endeavors. It implies that all
interpretations and teachings should be rooted in and aligned with scripture.
In regard to interpretation and reason, Sola Scriptura doesn't mean every
theological point must be explicitly stated in the Bible but should be
appropriately derived from it. It also acknowledges the role of reason in
understanding scripture but emphasizes that reason should be subservient to
the teachings of the Bible. Applicability beyond Bible study, Sola Scriptura
isn't limited to the study of the Bible but serves as a divine perspective for all
disciplines, indicating its broader relevance in shaping one's worldview.

God has been faithful to preserve his words. Sola Scriptura Principle
ought to convey to let the word of God speak through the scripture and not
through personal understanding for it may mislead people to something that
they think is right or what is written in the scripture or what God’s message
is. Sola Scriptura reminds us that faith and reason can coexist, but they should
complement each other. Reason is a tool for understanding, but it should be
guided by the teachings of the scripture. The idea that Sola Scriptura extends
beyond Bible study and influences all disciplines underscores the holistic
nature of religious beliefs.

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