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I'm going to tell you about the most remote place I've ever been.

About 7 months ago I went to the most remote place in my opinion. I never even imagined going to a place like that

The reason I went to Dusun Duro was because I was going to do research on 87 pregnant women to compile my thesis

I went with a friend and midwife by motorcycle. On the way to Dusun Duro, I found many slippery and rocky roads, so in
some places I had to walk barefoot or sandals.

Dusun Duro still looks like a forest area with lots of big and shady trees. I even thought that maybe the population there
was still small. The people in dusun duro are very friendly and kind so it is not difficult to ask for information about their
health. In fact, each house provided us with food and drinks, so it took a few minutes to make a research visit to my
respondent's house while Talk with one another.

When I visited one of the respondent's houses I was touched to see the condition of the road leading to her house, I was
forced to leave my motorcycle by the side of the road and continue my journey by walking barefoot. The uphill and
slippery road conditions made it difficult for me to pass it.

On the way I thought about how the Indonesian state had become independent 77 years ago but there are still areas that
feel bad conditions like in this hamlet, even though this area is located on the island of Java.

From my experience visiting this place, I can take positive things behind all the existing conditions. I learned how to be
grateful for the environment in which I live and live in simplicity and relate well to others.
I will tell about the experience that I can learn in my life.

When I was in grade 3 of high school, I registered for the SBMPTN program and took an exam at a university in
Semarang, Central Java. Before announcement of student admissions I tried to enroll in a private university as a second
choice, on the day the SBMPTN results were announced I was not sure I would be accepted at the state university I had
chosen because many of my friends were smarter than me. It's true that day was a very sad day for me and I felt I had let
my parents down because they had given me hope.

The next day I told everything to my parents and said sorry for letting them down, I decided to continue studying at a
private university in Semarang.I chose to major in public health at the university, when I entered the second semester of
college I was taught by a lecturer of Islamic religion who impressed me enough with all the religious stories he told. One
day he gave an assignment about all the problems his students had experienced at that time, he asked to collect them
personally via email. After submitting the assignment he gave a response which I felt really helped me deal with the
problem, he gave very detailed advice in accordance with religious teachings.

I always remembered what the religion lecturer had told me that everyone's sustenance had been arranged by God and
the duty of a human being was to be grateful, pray and try. When I was in the 5th semester of college, I started to feel
comfortable and grateful for everything that God had destined for me, including studying at a private university. I am
grateful to have found many good friends and lecturers who always encourage me.

Until the end of my studies at the university I met many good people who made it easier for me to complete my thesis on
time. Sometimes I think whether I have to fight again for the next lecture at a public university? I was a bit doubtful when I
heard that again but from my past incident, I have to believe in myself and believe in god. I just need to pray and try that
God has prepared the best for my life.
apa pengalaman terbesar yang dapat Anda pelajari dari hidup Anda.

Ketika saya masih kelas 3 SMA, aku mendaftar program SBMPTN dan melaksanakan ujian di salah satu universitas di
semarang jawa tengah. Sebelum

pengumuman penerimaan mahasiswa aku mencoba untuk mendaftar di universitas swasta sebagai pilihan kedua, pada
hari diumumkannya hasil SBMPTN aku merasa tidak yakin akan diterima di universitas negeri yang telah kupilih karena
banyak teman saya yang lebih pintar daripada saya. Benar sekali hari itu menjadi hari yang sangat menyedihkan bagi
saya dan merasa telah mengecewakan orang tuaku karena mereka telah memberikan harapan kepada saya.

Keesokan harinya aku mengatakan semuanya kepada orang tuaku dan mengucapkan maaf karena telah mengecewakan
mereka, aku memutuskan untuk melanjutkan kuliah di universitas swasta di semarang.

Aku memilih jurusan kesehatan masyarakat di universitas, pada saat saya memasuki semester 2 perkuliahan aku diajar
oleh seorang dosen agama islam yang cukup membuat saya terkesan dengan semua kisah agama yang beliau ceritakan.
Pada suatu hari beliau memberikan tugas tentang semua masalah yang telah mahasiswanya alami saat itu, beliau
meminta mengumpulkan secara pribadi melalui email. Setelah mengumpulkan tugas itu beliau memberikan tanggapan
yang saya rasa itu sangat membantu saya menghadapi masalah, beliau memberikan saran sangat detail sesuai dengan
ajaran agama.

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