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Now, changed Aklima,s thinking

Mst. Fatema akter, Union Mobilizer, ISEAWACC Project, JAGO NARI.

Mst: Akalima Begum (33) is a housewife, and she is living their own house of bailabunia in
Charmontaz with her husband Md. Bached
Hossain (38). They have two daughters
and one son. Akalima's husband leads a
salad of mosque and continue their family
simply. Aklima is working hardly through
involvement of vegetable gardening and
poultry rearing in addition to maintain their
household. They are passing time with
hesitation on 5 people in a poor family.
Akalima's elder daughter was married off
as a child due to poverty. Her 2 nd daughter
Nadia closed her studies due to lack of money. He also wanted to marry Nadia as early as possible.
Most of the people in Char area are unconscious and suffer randomly due to lack of information and
not aware their rights.
In Char Montaz Union, JAGO NARI implemented the ISEAWACC Project with support of IRC and
established adolescent club in Bailabunia village. Akalima and her daughter Nadia is regular
members of Girl Shin Session as a caregiver and adolescent girls. She did not understand the
importance of education for boys and girls because of illiterate. Not interested in learning anything in
the char areas of most vulnerable communities. JAGO NARI is enrolled learner in adolescent Club
through the ISEAWACC project in October 2022. When the session starts then occurs problem to
continue the adolescent club session. Her husband leads the mosque and did not like meeting
women, going anywhere. So, her husband was not allowed to come to the club at any way.

One day Fatima Akhter (UM), ISEAWACC

Project staff of JAGO NARI came to their
house and explained to her husband on its
process and positive effects to their family life.
What can be learned in the session, it also
confidential and no male staff will conduct the
session etc. After hearing everything her
husband agreed and gave permission to
participate this session. After this discussion
and clearance of her husband, both had
participated their session regularly.

The topics covered in the session were not hear

in the previous days. She did not know or understand many things. After her first 2 girls she have get
one boy child. Everyone her family thought about her son, loved him, even gave him whatever he
wanted. She used to give good food and clothes as per desire of her boy child. After getting the key
message from the adolescent club then changed her thinking.
By forming the club through JAGO NARI organization, our boys, and girls as well as parents are
getting to know the issues. She has never done this to us before. She didn't explain it so well. Boys
and girls would have been better off if they had known earlier. Coming here, she has learned more
about the good health of boys and girls, puberty and sexual reproductive health, stress and control,
positive discipline, the evils of early marriage, etc. After learning about this matter, she decided not
to commit the same mistake of marrying the middle daughter as a child.

Now, she discusses various things with his

daughter. Through establishing adolescent
club under the ISEAWACC project in
collaboration with IRC and It has brought
about more changes in all of us. We have
learned a lot through participating the
adolescent club. Thanks to JAGO NARI
organization and IRC donor organization for
doing such a nice job. Their elder daughter is
not in a good condition due to tortured them
humanly as they could not give them house
decoration as payment as per their demand.
They commanded bad words and turns the
cheek. She is not allowed to come to his
father's house. Aklima Begum now treats boys and girls equally, lets them eat the same food. Where
do boys and girls go, what do they do, who do they associate with? She always thinks about their
safety. He wants to educate his daughter in quality education. Everyone will work together to stop
child marriage of his daughter. Aklima Begum said, I have learned a lot by coming to the session.
She like best this session such as change of adolescent period discussions, gender, safety, and good

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