Proteina Tau - Alteracion Ensamblaje

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BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

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Modulation of tau protein aggregation using ‘Trojan’ sequences T

Gaurav Pandey, Sudhir Morla, Sachin Kumar, Vibin Ramakrishnan
Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, Guwahati 781039, India


Keywords: Background: The abnormal assembly of tau into neurofibrillary tangles has been associated with over 30 de-
Tau bilitating disorders known as tauopathies. Tauopathies affect millions of people worldwide, yet no clinically
Amyloids approved solution for tau aggregation is currently available.
Peptide-based inhibitors Methods: We employed a structure-based design approach to make a series of short peptide-based perturbants
(Trojans), that can interact with the core hydrophobic fragment of tau protein. Through a combination of various
biophysical methods, serum stability, toxicity, and blood-brain barrier translocation assays, we have assessed the
efficacy of these designed peptides to intervene the aggregation of tau protein fragment.
Results: Our observations suggest that Trojan peptides could modulate the aggregation of the Ac-VQIVYK-NH2
peptide by either accelerating or arresting its self-assembly and reduce the neurotoxicity of the fibrils formed.
The designed perturbant peptides showed three essential pre-requisites such as negligible cytotoxicity, high
proteolytic stability in serum, and an ability to cross human blood-brain barrier (BBB). Furthermore, the Trojans
could disassemble the pre-formed fibrillar assemblies.
Conclusions: These designed Trojan peptides can serve as a potential therapeutic option for tauopathies, mod-
ulating post as well as pre-aggregation leading to the diseases condition.
General significance: Tauopathies are a group of over 20 progressive neurodegenerative disorders that affect
millions of people worldwide. The available therapies of tau-linked neurodegenerative syndromes are limited
and mostly symptomatic and therefore there is an urgent need for a cost-effective treatment option. We are
presenting a series of structure-based, de novo designed, short peptides that can potentially modulate tau protein

1. Introduction isoform. These repeat domains interact with microtubules. Two hex-
apeptide motifs; 306VQIVYK311 in the third repeat domain, and
Tauopathies is a collective term for a series of progressive neuro- VQIINK280 in the second repeat region are known to be critical in
pathological disorders characterized by the aggregation of abnormally driving the aggregation of the entire tau protein [4,5] (Fig. 1). Recent
phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau, into paired helical studies have shown that modulation of these motifs (e.g., by mutations)
filaments (PHFs) and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) [1]. Therefore, it prevents tau from aggregating, under in vitro and in vivo conditions
invokes significant interest because, tau protein aggregation is one of [6–8]. These hexapeptides also aggregate to form fibrils similar to those
the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) [2]. Under normal condi- developed by tau and can serve as a model for examining the me-
tions, the primary function of the tau protein is the stabilization of chanisms that boost tau fibrillation, and also as a screening platform for
axonal microtubules, by attaching to its microtubule binding domain. the design of tau aggregation inhibitors [9]. Furthermore, inhibitors
The hyperphosphorylation of tau in diseased conditions result in the that arrest seeding by capping the ends of tau fibrils can prevent the
destabilization of microtubules leading to the inhibition of axonal progression of tau self-assembly. The crystal structure of the steric
transport [3]. zipper form of VQIVYK segment, from the R3 domain, has been utilized
Designing specific inhibitors of tau aggregation can aid in deci- to design structure-based inhibitors of VQIVYK aggregation [10–13].
phering the mechanism of tau aggregation mediated cognitive decline Further, these experiments showed that VQIVYK aggregation inhibitors
in AD and other tauopathies. The microtubule binding domain of tau are equally effective in arresting the aggregation of 3-repeat (3R) tau
comprises of a proline-rich region followed by repeat domains which isoforms under in vitro conditions [13].
vary from 4, 3 or 2 in number, depending upon the length of the Disease-modifying therapies currently available for tauopathies are

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V. Ramakrishnan).
Received 2 October 2019; Received in revised form 18 February 2020; Accepted 20 February 2020
Available online 27 February 2020
0304-4165/ © 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

Table 1
List of designed, synthesized, and characterized
Trojan peptides (P15-P21) with A3 as the model
peptide. In the table below, ‘Ac’ and ‘NH2’ denote
N-terminal acetylation and C-terminal amidation
respectively while upper case and lower case al-
phabets denote ‘L' and ‘D' amino acids respec-
Code Peptide sequence

P21 vqivyk-NH2

polarity of the sequence, while the focus of V4L and V4I mutations was
to modulate the chain length and topology of the side chain segment.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of domain organization of human tau protein.
We also designed the N-terminal truncated analogs to study the
effect of the change in the charge distribution on the aggregation pro-
limited. Recent reports on AD therapy are stressing the crucial role of pensity of the target peptide. Aggregation propensity of non-acetylated
tau derived soluble oligomers and neurofibrillary tangles in disease VQIVYK was found to be significantly less as per earlier reports [23].
pathogenesis, which has shifted focus towards the design of tau ag- This prompted us to explore the non-acetylated VQIVYK, V4L, and V4I
gregation inhibitors. Phenothiazine methylene blue (tau protein in- mutants, to potentially act a ‘Trojans’ impeding the protofibrils for-
hibitor) is presently the only drug under phase III clinical trials of this mation. The poly-D chiral vqivyk segment was designed to prohibit the
kind [14]. Failure of molecule-based remedies due to their inherent epitaxial growth of the aggregating segment, by not offering the hy-
toxicity, poor proteolytic stability, high costs, or poor blood-brain drogen bonding functional groups in the desired angle.
barrier (BBB) permeability, have stimulated a push towards the devel- To test our hypothesis, we synthesized the model peptide (end-
opment of non-invasive therapies such as scanning ultrasound [15,16], capped) Ac-VQIVYK-am as well as the designed Trojan peptides. The
electric fields [17–19], transcranial stimulations by magnetism or peptide sequences and their respective codes are shown in Table 1.
electric current [20,21], and IR [22]. They were synthesized manually by employing the solid-phase peptide
Peptide-based inhibitors offering better specificity, high selectivity, synthesis protocol, using Fmoc-chemistry and characterized for purity
low toxicity, better BBB permeability, high design diversity, and low using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and MALDI-
accumulation, serve as a useful alternative for natural products. TOF mass spectrometry (Fig. S1). All the peptides were ≥ 95% pure.
Currently, 140 peptide-based drugs are in clinical trials, and around
500 have been referred for preclinical assessment [14]. These initiatives 2.2. Assessment of amyloidogenicity
triggered our pursuit towards designing short peptide sequences, tar-
geting the aggregation of core peptide motif of tau protein. Our ex- Verification of self-aggregation propensity is the first step in the
perimental results showed that our peptides were capable of reducing protocol for peptide-based therapies. We tested the self-assembly pro-
the tau elicit toxicity by accelerating or impeding the self-assembly of pensity of all the designed Trojan peptides using Thioflavin T (ThT)
the core peptide-motif of tau. fluorescence, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR),
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), and Field-Emission Transmission
2. Results and discussion Electron Microscopy (FETEM). The proteolytic stability and cytotoxicity
of the peptides were assessed using serum stability and MTT (3-(4,5-
2.1. Design, synthesis and primary characterization of the peptide inhibitors dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay.

Our structure-based design approach was inspired by the ‘Trojan 2.2.1. Aggregation kinetics estimation
horse’ strategy employed by Greeks in the battle of Troy, to breach the Thioflavin T is a dye that attaches to amyloid fibrils and gives an
otherwise unbreachable defense of Troy. Analogously, we have de- enhanced fluorescence emission upon binding, and the intensity of
signed short-peptide based perturbants, which we refer to as the ‘Trojan fluorescence is directly proportional to the extent of fibrillogenesis
peptides’ to penetrate the tight junctions of the model steric zipper [24]. The Trojan peptides were dissolved in water and the aggregation
peptide. propensity was estimated intermittently up to 16 h, after adding ThT
As per the rational structure-based design principle, small molecules dye. The results show that all the Trojan peptides (P15-P21) except P17,
targeted to amyloidogenic species must have primary structural moi- have very low fluorescence signal, comparable to blank ThT dye, sug-
eties for interacting with the core aggregating segment. To achieve the gesting the non-amyloidogenic nature of the Trojans. However, P17
rational structure-based development, the design scheme of the trojan peptide showed 17 times higher fluorescence intensity compared to the
peptides closely mimics the sequence of the chosen model aggregating model aggregating peptide (A3) at 0th hour (Fig. S2 (a, b)) suggesting
peptide (A3), a peptide homologous to a sequence within the third high amyloidogenicity.
MTBR (microtubule binding region) of tau [8]. The basic idea was to
model short peptides that could non covalently interact with A3 peptide 2.2.2. Assessment of amyloid morphology
and prevent it from forming toxic oligomeric or protofibrillar species FETEM micrographs of amyloidogenic peptides can provide a qua-
either by blocking its aggregation or accelerating it to form non-toxic litative impression of fibrillar assemblies. To further verify the self-as-
mature fibrils. We have made single amino acid substitutions at position sembling nature of our designed peptide, we performed FETEM imaging
4 (V4T, V4L, V4I). The V4T substitution was directed to modulate the of the dried peptide samples. No fibrillar assemblies were observed for

G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

Fig. 2. Effect of the designed Trojan peptides on

model amyloidogenic peptide: Fibrillation kinetics of
A3 examined by ThT fluorescence estimation in the
presence and absence of (a) accelerator peptides, and
(b) inhibitor peptides. Size estimation using dynamic
light scattering (DLS) in the presence and absence of
(c) accelerator peptides, and (d) inhibitor peptides.

each of the Trojan peptides except P17, which showed dense fibrillar 2.2.5. Assessment of peptide stability in the presence of serum
structures, a morphology characteristic of amyloidogenic peptides (Fig. The synthetic peptides often lack the conformational stability, a
S2 (c)). The FETEM observations complement the ThT assay results and prerequisite for an adequate drug, therefore, assessment of peptide
suggest that all the Trojan peptides except P17 are non amyloidogenic stability in serum is an essential screening assay for the elimination of
in nature. unstable peptides from the drug development pipeline. The Trojan
peptides were incubated in equal amounts of Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS),
2.2.3. Secondary structure characterization at 37 °C for four hours and Human Serum at 37 °C for twelve hours. Post
To probe into the secondary structure conformation of the Trojan incubation, 6% Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) was added to precipitate the
peptides, FTIR spectra of the dried films of the peptide samples were larger serum proteins. The precipitated serum proteins were separated
recorded (Fig. S3). P17 showed a band around 1624 cm−1, character- by centrifugation while the soluble Trojan peptides present in the su-
istic of β structure which correlates with the intense ThT fluorescence pernatant were analyzed for their stability using HPLC and MALDI-TOF.
signal observed. While P16 displayed a signal around 1627 cm−1 and The HPLC chromatograms of serum treated and untreated peptides
P19, P20 and P21 showed band around 1635 cm−1, suggesting β showed peaks at identical positions and mass derived from the MALDI
conformation. Peptide P18 has a signal around 1668 cm−1 which is analysis of these HPLC peaks matched with the theoretical mass of the
suggestive of the turns [25]. P15 did not show any characteristic IR untreated peptide (Fig. S5 and S6). The additional peaks observed in
band. the HPLC chromatograms (Fig. S5 and S6) at 28, 38, and 40 min elusion
time, correspond to the serum proteins (Fig. S7). The results of the
2.2.4. Toxicity estimation study serum stability assay indicate that all the designed Trojan peptides are
Minimal cellular toxicity is a pre-requisite for the designed pertur- stable in FBS as well as human serum. The serum stability assay of P17
bant peptides to be eligible as a potential therapeutic agent against was not attempted since it showed 17 times higher fluorescence in-
tauopathies. The cytotoxicity of the Trojan peptides was tested by in tensity compared to the model aggregating peptide (A3) at 0th hour
vitro toxicity analysis on Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and IMR-32 (Fig. S2 (b)) suggesting high amyloidogenicity. P17 because of its self-
neuronal cell lines. The peptide solutions were added to the cells and aggregating nature, may not be an ideal aggregation modulator.
incubated for 48 h. Staurosporine (STS) added and untreated cells (CC)
served as positive and negative controls, respectively. The toxicity was 2.3. Effect of designed peptides on model aggregating peptide
measured using the MTT reduction assay. In case of the SH-SY5Y cells,
the cell viability estimates were more than 84% except for P19 and P21 We tested the modulatory effect of the designed Trojan peptides on
treated samples, which showed 79% and 72%, respectively. For IMR-32 self-assembly kinetics of Ac-VQIVYK-am (A3). The aggregating peptide,
cells, the viability was more than 88% for all the samples except P17 A3 was allowed to aggregate in the presence and absence of equimolar
treated samples, which showed 71% viability (Fig. 4 (a), (b) and Table concentration of each of the Trojan peptide. The effect of treatment was
S1, S2). Following the initial cytotoxicity measurements, a compre- monitored using various biophysical, cytotoxicity and blood-brain
hensive cytotoxicity assessment of the designed trojan peptides at barrier (BBB) experiments.
various concentrations was done to estimate their IC50 value (half-
maximum inhibitory concentration). The viability of SH-SY5Y and IMR- 2.3.1. Examining the kinetics of self-assembly using Thioflavin T
32 were observed to be decreased to less than 50% at trojan peptide fluorescence assay
concentrations measuring approximately 500 μM and above (Fig. S4). Peptide self-assembly was monitored using a time-dependent ThT

G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

fluorescence assay quantitatively estimating aggregation in treated and during fibrillization, to be more toxic than the mature fibrils [29–31].
untreated A3 peptide. The fluorescence intensity of untreated A3 pep- Hence, arresting the tau in its non-toxic form or accelerating the self-
tide increased with time, showing a characteristic sigmoidal curve. The assembly to mature fibrillar state may qualify as a therapeutic option.
peptide sample allowed to aggregate in the presence of P15, P16 and The impedance or acceleration of A3 self-assembly, confirms the po-
P17 showed 25-fold, 35-fold and 15-fold higher fluorescence intensities tential efficacy of the designed Trojan peptides for therapeutic appli-
from the 0th hour respectively, suggesting an accelerated aggregation cations in amyloidogenic diseases. Therefore, we measure the en-
upon treatment (Fig. 2 (a) and Fig. S8 (a)). On the contrary, treatment hancement in the cell viability as a result of administration of Trojans
with P18, P19, P20 and P21 Trojan peptides, showed negligible fluor- using the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bro-
escence intensities compared to untreated A3 peptide, indicating an mide (MTT) reduction assay. Human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and IMR-
impeded aggregation (Fig. 2 (b)). Owing to their ability to accelerate or 32 neuronal cell lines were treated with 25 μM of Trojan treated and
decelerate the aggregation of the core-peptide segment of tau, A3, untreated A3 peptide solution. A3 samples were initially allowed to
peptides P15, P16 and P17 were designated as ‘accelerators’ while aggregate in the presence (treated) or absence (untreated) of an in-
peptides P18, P19, P20, and P21 as ‘inhibitors'. Interestingly, a con- hibitor or accelerator Trojan peptide. The test results show that the
centration titration from 0.5× to 4× did not yield any significant untreated amyloidogenic A3 peptide solution lowered the cell viability
difference in aggregation inhibition (Fig. S9). of SH-SY5Y and IMR-32 to 69% and 57%, respectively. The treatment
with Trojan peptides however, resulted in the cell viability improve-
2.3.2. Monitoring the size distribution using DLS ments from 6% to 30% in SH-SY5Y and 13% to 38% in IMR-32 cell lines
The size of amyloid aggregate is known to increase with increased (Fig. 4 (c), (d)) and Table S3, S4). In general, both accelerator and in-
rate of aggregation [26]. Dynamic light scattering measurements were hibitor Trojans positively impact cell viability. However, from our ob-
performed to compare the size distribution of amyloid-assemblies servations, accelerator Trojan peptides are found to have increased cell
formed by peptide sample treated with accelerator and inhibitor pep- viability compared to the inhibitors. This supports hypothesis that oli-
tides compared to the untreated ones. The DLS plot of the untreated A3 gomers may be the primary pathogenic entities and the formation of
peptide sample, indicated the presence of large-sized aggregates (Fig. 2 mature fibrils could be protective step employed by the body [32–36].
(c)). In the case of accelerators peptides, the average distribution in-
creased up to one order of magnitude (Fig. 2 (c)) and Fig. S8 (b)).
While, treatment of A3 peptide sample with inhibitor peptides resulted 2.3.6. Assessment of BBB permeation efficacy of Trojan peptides
in ten-fold reduction, in average size distribution (Fig. 2 (d)). The DLS One of the prime causes behind the failure of potential antibody-
data complements our observations from ThT fluorescence measure- based and other molecular therapies has been the failure to cross the
ments. blood-brain barrier (BBB) owing to their large size (14). Experimental
studies support the capability of low molecular weight, small hydro-
2.3.3. Effect of ‘Trojan peptides’ on the morphology phobic molecules to cross BBB [37,38]. The small size and hydrophobic
Field-emission transmission electron microscope (FETEM) imaging nature of our design scheme can aid the ability of our Trojan peptides in
was performed to examine the effects of the designed Trojan peptides crossing the BBB. To test this hypothesis, we performed BBB perme-
on the morphology of A3 aggregates. The untreated sample (A3) as well ability test on an in vitro model of BBB. We used a BBB model com-
as the sample treated with accelerators (P15, P16 and P17) show the prising of human brain endothelial cells, EA.hy926 cultured on the
presence of dense fibrils. Contrastingly, samples treated with inhibitors apical side of a permeable membrane placed between two sections, to
(P18, P19, P20 and P21) showed non characteristic structures, and no assess the peptide translocation (Fig. S11). Trojan peptide solution was
fibers were observed, indicating the absence of the amyloids in the added on the apical side of the BBB model and allowed to permeate for
mixture (Fig. 3). The FETEM observations also complement our ob- 5 h. 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein labelled cell penetrating peptide (CPP),
servations from ThT assay and DLS measurements and show that ac- TAT (47–57) known to have very high unidirectional influx across the
celerator peptides promote the formation of fibrillar self-assemblies BBB, was used as a positive control [39]. Post incubation, the solution
while, inhibitor peptides arrest the self-assembly of A3 into amyloido- in the basolateral side was collected. The peptide translocation was
genic fibrils. quantified as discussed in materials and methods section. The experi-
mental results show that after 5 h, approximately 24% P15 and P16,
2.3.4. Secondary structure elucidation using FTIR 56% P18, 4.4% P20 and 61% P21 translocated across model BBB
The secondary structure conformations of the untreated and treated system. P19 shows 0% and positive control (TAT (47–57)) showed 83%
A3 samples was determined by FTIR analysis. While untreated A3 translocation across model BBB system (Fig. 4 (e)). The results of BBB
peptide showed a characteristic amide I band of the β-sheet, A3 treated permeability assay confirm the BBB translocation ability of the Trojan
with peptides P15, P16 and P17 displayed a peak around peptides with P18 and P21 showing the BBB permeation comparable to
1624–1626 cm−1, suggesting that the accelerator treated samples re- the TAT (47–57), a well known brain delivery vector.
tain β-sheet conformation in dried films (Fig. S10). A3 peptide treated
with Trojans P18, P19, P20, and P21 showed prominent peaks centered
around 1662–1669 cm−1 which are characteristic of non β conforma- 2.3.7. Estimation of BBB integrity post Trojan treatment
tion, often identified as turns (24). FTIR results suggest, that accelerator The BBB has an overall protective function, and thus the therapeutic
treated A3 samples retained their β confromation while inhibitor designs should ensure from any impairment or disruption to the normal
treated samples showed a shift from β to a non β conformation. This functioning of BBB. Therefore, the integrity of BBB model post-treat-
result suggests, that the morphological difference induced by Trojan ment with peptide Trojans was evaluated by estimating FITC fluores-
treatment is expressed at the supramolecular assembly and at the sec- cence post incubation, to detect any damage to the BBB [40,41]. The
ondary structure level, as well. results of BBB integrity evaluation show very low FITC fluorescence for
Trojan peptides, pointing to their negligible influence on the barrier
2.3.5. Effect of ‘Trojan peptides’ on the cyotoxicity integrity, and hence no paracellular leakage (Fig. 4 (f)). Positive control
The cytotoxic amyloid assemblies of tau protein aggregates are peptide TAT (47–57), however, shows medium to high FITC fluorescence
considered as the hallmark of tau linked pathogenesis in AD as well as and indicating a paracellular leakage. Our observation from the BBB
other tauopathies. The toxic tau aggregates have been ascribed to cause integrity assay show that the Trojan peptides are capable of translo-
synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss [27,28]. Further, an increasing cating the BBB, without affecting its interity.
number of recent reports propose oligomeric intermediates formed

G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

Fig. 3. FETEM analysis: FETEM micrographs of Trojan treated and untreated A3 peptide. The untreated A3 sample and the A3 samples allowed to aggregate in the
presence of accelerator peptides (P15, P16, P17) showed fibrillar aggregates. Contrastingly, A3 samples treated with inhibitor peptides (P18-P21) showed non
characteristic morphologies.

2.4. Effect of inhibitor peptide on pre-aggregated A3 peptide toxic oligomeric species in solution by accelerating the rate-limiting
nucleation step. These observations are in agreement with several re-
A3 peptide, allowed to aggregate for 12 h and treated with inhibitor cent reports, wherein an accelerated aggregation has been demon-
peptides, and ThT fluorescence measurements were recorded at 24th strated to diminish the toxicity of amyloid self-assemblies [42–48]. The
and 36th hour to investigate the effect of inhibitor peptide on the al- effect the designed peptides on the size of aggregates, morphology,
ready aggregated A3 peptide. We observed that A3 peptide treated with secondary structure conformation and cytotoxicity of the A3 peptide
P18, P19, P20, and P21, showed approximately 10-fold, 8-fold, 10-fold was also investigated. The treatment of A3 with Trojans impeded the
and 22-fold decrease in fluorescence intensities at 24th hour respec- formation of large aggregates and prevented the formation of toxic fi-
tively, compared to untreated A3. After the 36th hour the reduction in brillar morphologies, an observation also supported by FETEM experi-
treated A3 fluorescence intensity with P18, P19, P20, and P21, was 13- ments. FTIR experiments show that the Trojans can modulate secondary
fold, 13-fold, 9-fold, and 16-fold respectively (Fig. S12 and Table 2). structure conformation of the target peptide and therefore suggest their
The results of this experiments suggest that not only designed peptide- effect is not just limited to the assembly level. The results of MTT assay-
based inhibitors could prevent the amyloidogenesis of A3 peptide but based cytotoxicity studies showed that there are up to 38% improve-
they can also disaggregate the pre-formed A3 self-assemblies, and P21 ment in the cell viability of the peptide-treated A3 samples, while
peptide was the most potent amyloid breaker among experimental test preliminary BBB permeability experiments demonstrated the BBB
set used in this study. crossing ability of the peptides. The addition of Trojan peptides to pre-
aggregated A3 samples, lowered the extent of aggregation. The eight
3. Conclusion experiments discussed in this paper validates the efficacy of Trojan
peptides in modulating the aggregation of tau protein, reducing the
The molecular intervention of amyloidogenesis continues to be the aggregation induced cytotoxicity. Stability in serum, BBB permeability
motivation behind many drug discovery efforts against tauopathies and and ability to break pre-formed self-assemblies, further add value to the
several molecular modulators have advanced to animal or human designed ‘Trojan peptides’ to be used as a future therapeutic option.
clinical trials (14). Here, we designed a series of peptides targeting the
minimal amyloidogenic hexapeptide “VQIVYK” (A3). This peptide has 4. Experimental procedures
been reported to play a critical role in the abnormal aggregation of tau.
We demonstrated that our peptide-based modulators (Trojans) were 4.1. Materials
non-amyloidogenic, stable in serum and showed minimal cytotoxicity
on two model neuronal cell lines SH-SY5Y and IMR-32. The treatment All the chemical reagents were purchased from industrial suppliers
of A3 with acetylated Trojan peptides accelerated the rate of its self- and used without any further purification. Fmoc-protected amino acids
assembly, while the non-acetylated counter-parts prevented A3 from and N,N,N′,N′-tetramethyl-O-(1H-benzotriazol-1-yl)uronium hexa-
self-assembling. Soluble oligomers and protofibrils have been widely fluorophosphate (HBTU), 1-Hydroxybenzotriazole hydrate (HOBt) were
accepted to be the key toxic species in the case of amyloidogenic pep- purchased from Novabiochem (Darmstadt, Germany). Rink amide resin,
tides. Through the results of the present study, we hypothesize that N,N-diisopropylethylamine (DIPEA), piperidine, trifluoroacetic acid
aggregation elicited cytotoxicity can be overcome by either arresting (TFA), thioanisole, ethanedithiol, acetic anhydride, and thioflavin T
the self-assembly of amyloidogenic peptides in their monomeric forms (ThT), were bought from Sigma-Aldrich. N,N-dimethylformamide,
or by shifting the equilibrium to stable fibrillar aggregates, away from diethyl ether, and m-cresol were obtained from Merck. 1,1,1,3,3,3-

G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

Fig. 4. (a, b) Trojan toxicity estimation: The inherent toxicity of designed peptide Trojans was estimated by adding them to SH-SY5Y, and IMR-32 cells and
determining the cytotoxicity was determined using an MTT assay. (c, d) Effect of peptide Trojans on the cellular toxicity of A3 peptide: Post incubation, A3 samples
were allowed to aggregate in the presence and absence of Trojan peptides, and were subsequently added to SH-SY5Y, and IMR-32. The cytotoxicity effect was
determined using MTT assay. The molecular perturbation reduced the toxicity of A3 peptide evident from the increased cell viability compared to the untreated
sample. Additional data for the cell viability is available in Table S3 and S4 of supporting information. (e) BBB translocation assay: An in vitro BBB model comprising
of an of immortalized human brain endothelial cell line EA.hy926, grown as a monolayer on the apical side of the Transwell plate. The percentage translocation was
estimated by measuring the Tyr absorbance and was directly proportional to it. The measurements were compared to two controls: one an empty Transwell (“Filter”)
and Tat (47–57) peptide (positive control). Peptides P21 and P18 showed the best BBB permeability. (f) BBB integrity assay: Any loss of integrity of BBB model due to
the effect of Trojan peptides was evaluated by adding a high molecular, FITC labelled FD40 compound and recording the FITC fluorescence to detect any damage to
the membrane permeability. The Trojan peptides showed minimal fluorescence indicating negligible effect on the barrier integrity. The p-value was calculated with
respect to staurosporine (a, b), and A3 (c, d) using a two-sample, Student's t-test (assuming unequal variances). The p-value of less than 0.05 was considered
statistically significant (*, P < .05, **, P < .05, and ***, P < .001).

Table 2 peptide was further characterized by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

Summary of ThT assay data showing inhibition of pre-formed A3 self- (Bruker autoflex speed) using HCCA (alpha-Cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic
assemblies upon treatment with the designed Trojan peptides. acid) matrix.
Experimental condition % Aggregation inhibition
4.3. Preparation of peptide solution
A3 + P18_24h 89.85
A3 + P19_24h 88.02
A3 + P20_24h 89.54 The peptides were treated with 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol
A3 + P21_24h 95.55 (HFIP) prior to making stock solutions in deionized water to prevent
A3 + P18_36h 92.42 any pre-aggregation. The stock peptide solutions were prepared in
A3 + P19_36h 92.91
deionized water by weighing the dried form of the peptide and dissol-
A3 + P20_36h 88.97
A3 + P21_36h 93.74 ving at a concentration of 1 mM.

4.4. Thioflavin T fluorescence assay

hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP), hydrochloride was procured from TCI
Chemicals. The cell lines were procured from the National Centre for ThT binding assay was performed by combining 7.5 μL, 1 mM
Cell Science (Pune, India). All other reagents were of the highest grade peptide to a solution of 10 μM ThT in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer
available. Deionized water was used. pH 7.4. ThT fluorescence was recorded at 482 nm (emission slit
width = 5 nm) for 60 s at regular time intervals on a spectro-
4.2. Peptide synthesis and characterization fluorometer (Jasco FP 8500) at 25 °C using a 1 cm path length quartz
cuvette (Helma, Sigma-Aldrich). The excitation wavelength was set at
Solid-phase peptide synthesis using Rink amide resin 450 nm (slit width at 2.5 nm).
(Novabiochem) and standard Fmoc chemistry was employed to syn-
thesize the peptides manually. The peptides were cleaved from the resin 4.5. Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
and deprotected using a cleavage mixture comprising of trifluoroacetic
acid/m-cresol/thioanisole/ethanedithiol in 20:2:2:1 ratio, for 12 h at To determine the size distribution of aggregates formed in the
ambient conditions. Ice-cold diethyl ether was used to precipitate the presence and absence designed Trojan peptides, the size estimation
cleaved peptide. The purity of peptides was verified on Shimadzu assay was performed using dynamic light scattering method. The size
Prominence HPLC system using C−18 analytical column. The purity of distribution was measured on a Zetasizer Nano ZS (Malvern, UK)

G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

instrument, equipped with a 633 nm laser and 173° non-invasive S11). Trojan peptide solution was added on the apical side of the BBB
backscattering detector configuration. Size distribution were recorded model and allowed to permeate for a duration of 5 h. 5(6)-
for 16 h incubated peptide samples at 25 °C. The representative in- Carboxyfluorescein labelled cell penetrating peptide (CPP), TAT (47–57)
tensity-weighted hydrodynamic diameters of the samples were plotted known to have very high unidirectional influx across the BBB, was used
based on 10 scans. as a positive control for BBB permeability in our experimental model.
Post incubation the solution in the basolateral side was collected. The
4.6. Field-emission transmission electron microscopy (FETEM) peptide translocation was quantified by measuring the absorption for
tyrosine present in each of the Trojan peptides and employing the Beer-
An aliquot of 10 μL peptide sample was deposited on a carbon Lambert law and the following relation (ii):
coated 200-mesh copper grid and negatively stained by addition of 2%
uranyl acetate aqueous solution for 1 min. Excess solution was blotted ii⎞⎟ %translocation = x 100
out from the periphery using a Whatman I filter paper after 2 min. The ⎠ Ci
sample were air dried. FETEM images were recorded using an Ultra
where, Cf is concentration of peptide recovered from the basolateral
High-Resolution TEM microscope (JEOL, Model: 2100F).
side of BBB model, post incubation of 5 h, Ci is the initial concentration
of peptide sample added to the apical side of BBB. For estimating the
4.7. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
translocation of 5(6)-Carboxyfluorescein labelled TAT (47–57), fluour-
escence intensity was measured and the percentage translocation was
FTIR spectra were recorded on a Shimadzu IRAffinity-1S Fourier
calculated using following equation:
Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer equipped with a diamond ATR
crystal. Aliquots of 10 μL were spread out and dried as films on the Ff
(iii)%translocation = x 100
crystal surface and allowed to dry under ambient conditions. All spectra Fi
were recorded in the frequency region 1400–1800 cm−1, with a re-
where, Ff is fluorescence intensity of TAT (47–57) recovered from the
solution of 4 cm−1 and 64 scans per sample.
basolateral side of BBB model, post incubation of 5 h, Fi is the initial
concentration of the same solution added to the apical side of BBB.
4.8. Cell viability assay

All the stock peptide solutions were prepared in deionized water by 4.10. Blood brain barrier integrity evaluation assay
weighing the dried form of the peptide and dissolving at a concentra-
tion of 1 mM. The aggregating peptide, A3, was allowed to aggregate in The integrity of BBB model post treatment with peptide Trojans was
the presence and absence of equimolar concentration of each of the evaluated by adding fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated
trojan peptides for a duration of 16 h. Post incubation, the aqueous dextran (FD40, with molecular weight of 40 kDa) as a probe to Trojan
solutions of treated and untreated A3 samples were added to human pre-treated wells. A 25 mg/ml stock of FD40 was prepared in water and
neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y and IMR-32 neuronal cell lines and MTT as- was later diluted in DMEM without phenol red, to final absorbance
says were performed to assess the cytotoxicity of treated and untreated below 0.1. Diluted FD40 probe was added to the apical side for 2 h. Post
Ac-VQIVYK-am. The SH-SY5Y and IMR-32 cells were maintained in a incubation FITC fluorescence was estimated at 493 nm and emission
T25 culture flask containing Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium ranging from 500 nm to 600 nm using a spectrofluorometer (Jasco FP
(DMEM). All the cells were supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum 8500), to detect any damage to the BBB.
(FBS), 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 U/mL streptomycin at 37 °C under
5% CO2 and were maintained for further assay by subsequent re-cul- 4.11. Serum stability assessment
turing. Prior to the MTT assays, each of the cells (80 μL) were cultured
in 96-well plates at a density of 5 × 103 cells/well for 24 h in a CO2 cell The stock peptide solutions were prepared in deionized water by
culture box (Forma SteriCycle CO2 Incubator 371, Thermo Scientific, weighing the dried form of the peptide and dissolving at a concentra-
USA). Then, the cells were treated with 20 μL control as well as treated tion of 1 mM. For assessing their serum stability, the peptides were
peptide samples (25 μM) and for 48 h. Post incubation, 10 μL MTT incubated with an equal volume of Fetal bovine serum and human
solutions (5.5 mg/mL) were added into each well. The medium was serum for four and twelve hours respectively. Post incubation 6% TCA
replaced with 100 μL DMSO to dissolve the formazan crystals after 4 h. (trichloroacetic acid) was added to the peptide-serum mix to precipitate
To estimate the cell viability under respective treatments, absorbance at the serum proteins, followed by incubation at 4 °C for 15 min. After
570 nm was measured by a multifunctional microplate reader (TECAN 15 min, the TCA treated the peptide-serum mixture was centrifuged at
Austria GmbH, Grödig, Austria). Six replicates were performed, and the 13000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatant was analyzed using a Shimadzu
data were averaged. Prominence HPLC system equipped with a C-18 analytical column to
determine any serum-mediated proteolysis in the sample [49]. The
4.9. Blood brain barrier transwell permeability assay (in vitro) stability of peptide was further characterized by MALDI-TOF mass
spectrometry (Bruker autoflex speed) using HCCA (alpha-Cyano-4-hy-
An in vitro BBB model comprising of a monolayer immortalized droxycinnamic acid) matrix.
human brain endothelial cells (EA.hy926) growing on the apical side of
a permeable membrane placed between two compartments was used to 4.12. Pre-formed aggregate study
evaluate peptide translocation. Human brain endothelial cells
(EA.hy926) (ATCC, CRL-2299) were cultured in DMEM supplemented To investigate the effect of inhibitor peptide on the pre-formed A3
with 10% FBS and 100 U/mL penicillin and 100 U/mL streptomycin in aggregates, A3 peptide allowed to aggregate for 12 h. It was then
a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 and 95% air at 37 °C. Cells were treated with inhibitor peptides, and ThT fluorescence measurements
adhered in monolayers and, after reaching confluence were harvested was recorded, as described above at 24th and 36th hour.
using trypsin-EDTA and 3500 cells/well were then seeded in Transwell
filter insert plates (1 μm pore size) (Corning). Cells were allowed to Author contribution
reach a confluent monolayer (5–6 days) until full confluency was
reached and media was changed every two days. This resulted in the VR designed the experiment. GP synthesized peptides and per-
establishment of stable tight layer mimicking the natural BBB (Fig. formed the biophysical experiments. GP and SM performed the cell

G. Pandey, et al. BBA - General Subjects 1864 (2020) 129569

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