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Date Activity Title Venue Instructions For the Stake Instructions for the Ward/Bishop Instructions to the Families
September 24 Ward Ministering Unit's boundaries 1. Visit families and invite them participate in the activities prepared by the 1. Visit families and invite them participate in the activities prepared by the
SUNDAY Stake. Stake.

September 25 Kainang Pamilya Mahalaga Day & At Home 1. Invite all members to have a Family Home Evening and celebrate Kainang 1. Have a Family Home Evening and discuss The Family: A Proclamation to
MONDAY Family Home Evening Pamilya Mahalaga day the World paragraph no. 7 for your lesson.
2. Celebrate Kainang Pamilya Mahalaga Day by eating together with the
Family and share a picture on Facebook and use #BFFPPS .

September 26 Family Tree Day At Home 1. Encourage members to update their Family Tree on or 1. Update your Family Tree on or your My Family Booklet
TUESDAY - their My Family Booklet if internet connection is not available. if internet connection or gadgets are not available.

September 27 Family Art Attack At Home 1. Invite members to create their own family art with the theme "BUILDING 1. Create their own family art with the theme "BUILDING FOREVER
2. Art is not limited to drawing or painting. Other form such as music,
photograph (not a family picture), collage, etc.
3. Post your creation on your FB account using the hashtag #BFFPPS so we
can compile and document your wonderful creations.

September 28 Couple's Night Stake Center 1. Prepare, Conduct and Facilitate the activity. 1. Invite couples to attend the activity. 1. For the couples who will attend, please be on time. Program will start
THURSDAY Attire: Casual or Semi-formal 2. Provide dinner for the participants. Note: Couple refers to: exactly 6:30PM.
a. Married couples of any ages.
6:30PM - 8:00PM 3. Confirm resource person and other participants in the 2. Ahead of time, find someone who can take care of your kids. We will
b. Either one of them are member of the church.
program. c. Couples who have baptismal dates.
allow babies and infants to be with you but we discourage you to bring
4. Confirm number of participants from the Bishops. d. They don't have to be married. This can be an opportunity for them to realize the importance toddlers for they will hinder you from participating and enjoying the
of marriage. activity. Please bear in mind that there will be no person assigned to take
2. Give the expected number of participants from your ward ON OR BEFORE care of the kids.
SEPTEMBER 24, 5:00PM to include them for the dinner.

September 29 Family Games Night At Home 1. Encourage families to play any game/s with the family. 1. INVITE FRIENDS AND NON MEMBER FAMILIES and play game/s and
FRIDAY - enjoy the night. You can also watch church movies with them.

September 30 Motorcade & Stake Family Day Baywalk & Stake Center 1. Coordinate with City LGU and City Traffic regarding traffic 1. Invite and encourage all members to attend and participate on the different 1. Bring your family anf friends and participate on the different activities
SATURDAY Attire: BFF or White T-shirt mangement. c/o Sister Claire. activities prepared by the stake. prepared by the stake such as motorcade, games and talent shows.
7:00AM - 4:00PM 2. Prepare, Conduct and Facilitate the whole activity. 2. Facilitate the collection of T-shirts for printing. One (1) person from each ward shall 2. Wear BFF shirt or White T-shirt for this activity.
be responsible in collecting and bringing it to the Printing Shop (ALC). They will not
3. Provide the following: 3. Make your flaglets. Our color scheme will be Blue, Green and Orange.
accomodate you if you go there individually. Look for Ma'am Dianne regarding the
a. balloons Let your creativity work. You can create your own design.
design. They already have it. You can also ask Bro. Gerson Baniago if you have
b. tarpaulin 4. Bring and share for our lunch. Bring your own utensils.
questions regarding the printing or the printing shop.
c. additional lunch (2 dish) 5. If you are participating in the talend show, provide a group picture of
3. Give an estimate number of participating vehicles during the motorcade. We will
d. awards for participations
request permission to let tricycles pass through the national highway DURING the your family so we can use it as background while you are performing.
motorcade. 6. Invite your friends.
4. Instruct members to create their own flaglets. Our color scheme will be Blue, Green
and Orange. Let their creativity work. They can create their own design.
5. Provide Chicken Arrozcaldo enough for your ward for the breakfast. Also provide
two (2) dish for lunch from your ward's budget.
6. Provide 12oz paper cups and disposable spoons, enough for your ward members for
the arrozcaldo.
7. Select representatives from your ward the will perform in our Stake Family Talent
Show. Wards are given specific slot to fill according to your ward's membership.
a. PP1 - 5 slots
b. PP2 - 7 slots
c. SM1 - 3 slots
d. SM2 - 3 slots
Please submit the name of the participating family and their talent ON OR BEFORE
SEPTEMBER 24, 5:00PM. Please be mindful of the music or materials you will be using.
8. Also provide a group picture of those participating family so we can use as
background while they are performing.

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