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Halodoc – INDONESIA text

1 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: source September 2020
September 2020
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2 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020


The rapid spread of Covid-19 created severe challenges

for governments around the world
Confirmed Covid-19 cases and deaths by region Unprecedented disruption
After emerging in Wuhan, China
in December 2019, Covid-19
quickly spread around the world.

With little initially known about

the epidemiology of the novel
coronavirus, policymakers were
6,000,000 forced to make hard choices
between protecting public health
3,000,000 and curtailing economic activity.
North America
By early April more than half of the
South America
0 global population were under partial
FEB 15, 2020 MAR 30, 2020 MAY 15, 2020 JUN 30, 2020 JUL 15, 2020 Oceania
0 or total lockdown, as governments
Africa tried to limit opportunities
3,000,000 Asia for transmission by restricting
population movements. While this

6,000,000 contributed to the global economic

slowdown, it also created growth
9,000,000 opportunities in the digital economy
as consumers migrated online.
Indonesia announced its first local
case of the virus on March 2 and first
death on March 11.

3 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: Our World in Data September 2020
Resilience Response Recovery Reinvention
To what extent was Indonesia Did Indonesian policymakers take What are the prospects for a swift How will Covid-19 shape the
economically vulnerable to the effective actions to limit community economic recovery in Indonesia? future development of the public
Covid-19 outbreak? transmission? health system?
How will Indonesia’s recovery
Had the country made sufficient Were monetary and fiscal compare to the wider region? Which irreversible digital
progress in the rollout of the responses sufficient for maintaining health and telemedicine trends
Universal Health Care system prior macroeconomic stability and To what extent will the pandemic emerged from the pandemic?
to the pandemic? supporting vulnerable households influence the growth of Indonesia’s
and businesses? digital economy? What will be the post-
How did Indonesia’s health care pandemic relationship between
system compare with other To what extent did the pandemic Will Covid-19 impact the continued telemedicine and the public
populous countries? impact consumer demand for online rollout of Universal Health Care? health system?
health services?
In what ways was telemedicine Does Indonesia’s telemedicine
filling gaps in health service How did the telemedicine model industry provide a viable
provision before Covid-19? evolve in response to the pandemic? blueprint for other emerging

4 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020


ASEAN’s largest economy performs relatively

well on key risk indicators
ASEAN 5 vulnerability factors Strengths and vulnerabilities
30 GOVERNMENT DEBT TO GDP RATIO Although Indonesia’s economy
has a number of factors that

25 Philippines made it vulnerable to the

20 Thailand
pandemic — such as a high
proportion of informal workers
15 and a historic susceptibility to
foreign currency outflows — it

also had a number of factors that
5 strengthened resilience against
a global economic slowdown
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
EXPORTS OF GOOD AND SERVICES, 2019 (% OF GDP) and disruptions to global supply
chains and travel. For example,
ASEAN Nominal GDP (Oct 2019, $) the increasingly diversified
Indonesia Thailand Malaysia Singapore The Philippines Vietnam Myanmar Cambodia Laos Brunei Darussalam economy was less dependent on
$1.1trn $529bn $365bn $363bn $357bn $262bn $66bn $27bn $19bn $12bn
exports and tourism flows than its
neighbours, while external debt
was at manageable levels, helping
to create the fiscal space to
cover revenue shortfalls through
0 ASEAN total $3.1trn borrowing.

5 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: World Bank; IIF; World Travel & Tourism Council; IMF September 2020

Sustained investment in public health care

complemented by private innovation

Shifting balance in the sources of financing – away from OOPPs and towards government spending Ratio of puskesmas* per district Pre-pandemic tech optimism
Out-of-pocket payments expenditure Domestic general government health expenditure Top 3 Bottom 3 As Indonesia continues to roll out and refine
the Universal Health Care system (known
by its local acronym JKN) established in
2014, geographical disparity in access
BALI is among the greatest challenges. Even
EAST KALIMANTAN before the arrival of Covid-19 there was
growing optimism that medical technology

(medtech) solutions could help bridge this

40 gap. Indonesia has the largest and fastest-
WEST PAPUA growing digital economy in South-east
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Asia, with unicorn start-ups emerging in
30 e-commerce, ride-hailing and fintech. In
National number of puskesmas* 2018 then-minister of communication
and information, Rudiantara, predicted
10,000 that the country’s next unicorns would
20 come from the medtech and education
technology segments. Halodoc is among a
9840 growing crop of medtech and telemedicine
10 platforms helping to fill gaps in service
provision. Limiting factors for the growth
9680 of these solutions have historically
included unreliable internet connectivity –
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 particularly in the regions – and a lack of
awareness and trust among both patients
* Government-mandated community health clinics and medical practitioners.

6 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: Ministry of Health; World Bank September 2020

Telemedicine and digital health care primed

for growth

Doctor/patient ratio in the world’s most populous countries Digital health care revenues in Indonesia forecast* Development challenges
Doctors per 10,000 of the population*
800 Although progress has been made
3.78 700
in the rollout of universal health
care, infrastructure and logistics
Indonesia 500
obstacles make it difficult to ensure

the even distribution of resources
across the country. For example,
100 Indonesia has significantly less

9.76 0
2017 2018E 2019E 2020E 2021E 2022E
*Forecast published in 2018
physicians per capita than the
other four most populous nations,
Indonesia’s ageing population will raise demand for health care with the majority of specialist
doctors concentrated on Java.
17.86 20% Telemedicine firms can help
China address this uneven distribution,
as patient coverage aligns with the
10% national population spread. In fact,
25.95 50% of registered telemedicine
users in Indonesia reside outside of
Java, and 74% do not live in Jakarta
2019 2050E
* WHO figures from the last year available for each country
or Surabaya.

7 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: WHO; Help Age International; Frost & Sullivan; Halodoc September 2020

CASE STUDY: Halodoc and the enhancement

of health care efficiency

OUTPATIENT REVOLUTION Top 23% of the population

Conventional Halodoc ONLINE TO OFFLINE WITH EASE MAKING PRIVATE HEALTH • Earns $250+ per month
patient journey patient journey CARE AFFORDABLE TO THE
• 60m people
4 hours 35 minutes
85% MIDDLE 60%
• Earning above minimum wage
• Approximately 50% covered
of patients using Halodoc in-hospital
Middle 60% of the by private insurance
services wait for less than 30 minutes
when visiting hospitals population
• Earns $45-$250
In-hospital services: per month
• Registration • 162m people
FINDS DOCTOR • On-site support • Earning below
minimum wage
GP CONSULTATION • Cashless outpatient
WAITING ROOM • Lack of private
• Letter of authorisation insurance options
• Eligibility check available
Lower 17% of the population
• Earns up to $45 per month
RECEIVE MEDICINE Online referral from home via app > allocated nearest and most
appropriate provider > select schedule > book appointment > skip
OFFICIAL DIGITAL RECORD • Mostly rural, beginning to urbanise
queue for cashier and payments > medicine delivered to home
• Will soon be covered by JKN

20,000+ Accredited doctors and

specialists available 2,200+ Pharmacies on
the network 100+ Cities covered by
pharmacy delivery 450+ Hospital networks offering
in-hospital services 80% average cost savings
per treatment

8 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: Halodoc September 2020

Resilience Response Recovery Reinvention
Although vulnerable, Indonesia’s large Did Indonesian policymakers take What are the prospects for a swift How will Covid-19 shape the
internal market was less exposed to effective actions to limit community economic recovery in Indonesia? future development of the public
trade and tourism disruption than the transmission? health system?
other major ASEAN economies. How will Indonesia’s recovery
Were monetary and fiscal compare to the wider region? Which irreversible digital
Indonesia’s public health system had responses sufficient for maintaining health and telemedicine trends
been steadily improving but gaps and macroeconomic stability and To what extent will the pandemic emerged from the pandemic?
disparities remained. supporting vulnerable households influence the growth of Indonesia’s
and businesses? digital economy? What will be the post-
Solid progress had been made on pandemic relationship between
expanding free health care but doctors To what extent did the pandemic Will Covid-19 impact the continued telemedicine and the public
per capita were relatively low on a impact consumer demand for online rollout of Universal Health Care? health system?
national level. health services?
Does Indonesia’s telemedicine
Innovative telemedicine firms were How did the telemedicine model industry provide a viable
helping to expanding access to evolve in response to the pandemic? blueprint for other emerging
affordable health care nationwide and economies?
improve efficiencies in provision.

9 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020


Containment measures were taken in an effort

to limit the spread of the virus
March 2
First confirmed Covid-19
case on Indonesian soil.
Indonesia’s performance in the Oxford University Stringency Index
March 12
100 Thailand
First confirmed fatality.
March 31
Singapore The country declares a national health
The Philippines emergency and bans the entry of international
arrivals from April 2, with a handful of exceptions that April 3
Malaysia includes Indonesian passport holders and those with
80 Two regulations announced – one government
Japan permanent residency visas, as well as essential workers. regulation and one Ministry of Health regulation.
Indonesia These permit local administrations to implement
April 10 large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) when judged
PSBB introduced in Jakarta, involving to be necessary – but they cannot prohibit
60 the closure of offices, schools and places of inter-regional travel.
worship; a ban on gatherings of more than five people;
reduced operational hours for public transport; and an
end to in-restaurant dining. Other regions soon follow.
April 22
40 PSBB extended in Jakarta.
April 23
A mudik ban is announced, valid until May 31,
to prevent inter-regional travel over the June 4
20 Ramadan and Idul Fitri period. After further extending the PSBB, Jakarta
enters a one-month transition period of
eased restrictions, permitting retail stores,
restaurants, shopping malls and places of worship
to operate at limited capacity and with social
0 July 3 distancing guidelines in place.
-30 DAYS -10 DAYS DAY 0 +10 DAYS +30 DAYS +60 DAYS +90 DAYS Jakarta extends transitional
mobility restrictions by 14 days.
Data from July 14, 2020. OxCGRT collects publicly available information on 17 indicators of government responses. Eight of the policy
indicators record information on containment and closure policies. Four of the indicators record economic policies and five indicators record
July 13
health system policies. The Stringency Index is shown from the day the WHO declared a pandemic. Schools remain closed as the new
school year begins.

10 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: Oxford University Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT); OBG research September 2020

Policymakers deployed a broad range of fiscal and

monetary tools to address the economic challenges

Comparison of fiscal response packages in Asia Rp–$ exchange rate has gradually stabilised Key fiscal and monetary policy measures
% of GDP 20,000
10 March 16
In an effort boost banking liquidity,
8 Bank Indonesia (BI) reduces the US March 19
dollar reserve requirement ratio (RRR) BI cuts the seven-day reserve repo rate by
from 8% to 4%. 25 bps to 4.5%. An increase in the frequency
6 of forex swap auctions – from three times per week
15,000 March 31 to daily – also becomes effective from this day.
4 The government announces a fiscal package
of Rp405trn, building on an earlier package April 1
of RP33trn. The package includes RP75trn IDR RRR is lowered by 50 bps for banks with clients
2 for health care; RP110trn for social engaged in export and import activities.
protection for vulnerable workers, businesses
0 and families; RP70trn for tax incentives and April 6
TH INES 10,000 credit for businesses; and RP150trn towards Indonesia raises $4.3bn in the first so-called
TH IND VIE ILIPP the economic recovery programme. “pandemic bonds” issued in the US, which were sold
PH in tranches of 10.5 years, 30.5 years and 50 years.
April 7
BI maintained sufficient supplies of forex reserves
BI announces the agreement of a $60bn May 1
through H1 2020 Total ($ bn) repurchase facility with the New York Federal RRR is lowered by 200 bps for banks and 50 bps for
135 Reserve to boost dollar liquidity. Shariah banks.
5000 June 4
132 June 19
The government expands the stimulus
package to RP677.2trn (4.2% of GDP). This BI cuts the seven-day reserve repo rate by 25 bps to
129 includes RP88trn for health care; RP204trn to 4.25%.
strengthen social safety nets; RP123trn to
126 support micro-, small and medium-sized July 6
enterprises (MSMEs); and RP45trn to aid The government and BI announced an agreement for
0 struggling state-owned enterprises. The the central bank to directly purchase government
JUNE 15, 2020
MAY 15, 2020
MARCH 15, 2020

JULY 15, 2020

APRIL 15, 2020

123 annual budget deficit is now projected to bonds at below-market yields to help fund the
reach 6.3% of GDP, compared to 2.2% in 2019. pandemic response and recovery. The bond purchases
120 amount to RP397.65trn to be spent on public services;
JAN-20 FEB-20 MAR-20 APR-20 MAY-20 JUN-20 RP123.46trn to support MSMEs; and RP53.37trn for

11 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: Lowy Institute; BI; OBG research September 2020

Indonesia’s health outcomes improve as stay at

home requirements are implemented
Scaling up Case-fatality rate from first day of lockdown Positive trends
• 18 PCR labs set up nationwide by May, US Following a slight rise during
14 of which are in the state-owned UK the first 14 days after the first
Thailand lockdown was implemented
• 3000-4000 PCR tests performed in

national labs daily as of August.
in Jakarta (consistent with the
The Philippines
coronavirus incubation period)
• All state-owned hospitals compelled Malaysia
to set up a dedicated Covid-19 wing
10 on April 10, Indonesia’s confirmed
with a designated proportion of non-
Covid-19 case-fatality rates have
ICU beds repurposed. been on a downward trend.
• First dedicated Covid-19 modular
hospital established at Pertamina
Indeed, the rate of this decrease
Jaya hospital in Central Jakarta, with
a second under development in 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 compares favourably with others
Simprug, South Jakarta. DAYS SINCE FIRST DAY OF LOCKDOWN in the region.
Week-by-week change in confirmed deaths
Meanwhile, the change in
lockdown measures introduced

confirmed Covid-19-related deaths

confirmed deaths since first
Week-by-week change in

150 in Indonesia has also continued

100 to fall over time (although
characterised by the fluctuations
common across all contexts),
after experiencing an increase up
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95
to day nine after lockdown was

12 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: Our World in Data; Pertamedika IHC September 2020

Indonesian consumers increasingly

health-conscious and open to digital solutions

Health and hygiene-focused lifestyle: activities Growth in purchases of essential health and Changing online behaviour Telemedicine generates the most interest from
increasing due to Covid-19 household products Segments with increased online activity new consumers
Home Care Online
Hand washing medical 35
Water consumption 17% 33% consultation 30
100 Eating fruits & 20
vegetables Purchasing daily Medical
Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19 10 Fitness on mobile
Vitamin consumption (Jan-Feb 2020) (March 2020)
essentials consultation Online 5
Pharmaceuticals Liquid antiseptic education
80 Medicine for cold/flu
Doctor consultation 48% 233% Online
Sports/fitness activity 26%
60 E-learning Giving donations
Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19 Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19

Hand sanitiser Wet tissues Segments with decreased online activity

199% 151% software
Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19 Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19
Mobile phones Fashion and

Liquid hand soap Vitamins and electronics accessories
“This is what sets us apart from other countries.
285% 81% Not all people have to visit the doctor, hospital
0% 14% or public health centre, because they can seek
0 help through telemedicine.”
CONSUMERS WHO SELECTED THIS OPTION Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19 Pre-Covid-19 Covid-19
Beauty and cosmetics Travel and luggage

Halodoc demand
beds per 10,000
people as of 2018 spikes 687% Growth in volume of pharma delivery orders
between week 8 and week 13 of pandemic 35% Growth in the basket size for
pharma orders weeks 8-13 28x Growth in average daily app consultations during the
peak of pandemic compared to before the outbreak 89% Delivery fulfillment despite the
huge increase in demand

13 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: Mobile Marketing Association; Halodoc September 2020

Indonesia’s telemedicine model evolves

in response to the pandemic
CASE STUDY: Halodoc’s collaborative approach Regulatory reforms
The pandemic prompted the Ministry

1 Risk assessment
• Chatbot launched within two weeks of first • Partnered with MoH, Go-Jek, Telkomsel, Tokopedia,
of Health (MoH) to issue a Circular
Letter HK.02.01/MENKES/303/2020
concerning the Organisation of Health
Covid-19 case in Indonesia, Pulse and 3 to deliver the service
Services through the Utilisation of ICT
• 9m+ chatbot visits between March 13 • 520,000 Halodoc consultations specific to Prevent the Spread of Covid-19.
and August 9 to Covid-19 by mid-July Among other things, this clarified

the authority of doctors to evaluate,
Testing diagnose and provide treatment for
• Partners include Indonesia Healthcare Corporation, Prudential, Allianz, a patient’s condition via telemedicine.
• Halodoc partnered with a number of
Mitra Keluarga,, Standard Chartered, BNPB and MoH This regulation was intended to reduce
public and private providers to facilitate
rapid tests • Drive-thru rapid tests offered in five locations with results unnecessary physical interactions
within one hour between health workers and patients,
• 150,000 rapid tests booked following
• Rapid test results serve as travel approval document – while expanding the access to health
Halodoc consultations by mid-July
helping to facilitate economic activity
care during the pandemic through

the use of ICT. Further evidence of
Treatment the MoH’s support for telemedicine
• 24/7 on-demand medication delivery across 100 cities, with was evidenced by its collaboration in
• Halodoc users suspected to have an average wait time of 30 minutes the “Check Covid-19” service offered
Covid-19 following consultation could
• Relieved strain on the health system, with only serious cases through Halodoc and Go-Jek, which
be directed to self-isolate and have
referred to a designated referral hospital
prescribed medication – including facilitated remote diagnosis and
hydroxychloroquine – delivered at home • 8000+ doctors participated in Halodoc online seminars to treatment.
discuss Covid-19-related medical and referral issues

14 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: Halodoc; MoH September 2020
Resilience Response Recovery Reinvention
Although vulnerable, Indonesia’s large The government imposed strict What are the prospects for a swift How will Covid-19 shape the
internal market was less exposed to lockdowns later than neighbouring economic recovery in Indonesia? future development of the public
trade and tourism disruption than the countries as it attempted to maintain health system?
other major ASEAN economies. economic activity. How will Indonesia’s recovery
compare to the wider region? Which irreversible digital
Indonesia’s public health system had Coordinated and wide-ranging fiscal health and telemedicine trends
been steadily improving but gaps and and monetary policy tools were To what extent will the pandemic emerged from the pandemic?
disparities remained. deployed to stabilise the currency, influence the growth of Indonesia’s
ensure sufficient liquidity and support digital economy? What will be the post-
Solid progress had been made on vulnerable sectors of the economy and pandemic relationship between
expanding free health care but doctors society. Will Covid-19 impact the continued telemedicine and the public
per capita were relatively low on a rollout of Universal Health Care? health system?
national level. Social distancing measures and safety
precautions led to a rapid spike in Does Indonesia’s telemedicine
Innovative telemedicine firms were demand for digital health services. industry provide a viable
helping to expanding access to blueprint for other emerging
affordable health care nationwide and Exemplified by Halodoc, private economies?
improve efficiencies in provision. telemedicine fims adapted their
systems to support national efforts
to upgrade testing and treatment
capabilities, alleviating pressure on the
national health service in the process.

15 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020


Indonesia’s economy projected to perform

relatively well in the recovery phase

Looking forward
Real GDP Real GDP
growth growth
2020-21* Although the economic impact
2020* 2021*
World -4.9 5.4 0.1%
of the pandemic is being felt
Advanced economies -8 4.8 -1.8% JAPAN across the global economy,
Emerging markets and
-3 5.9 1.4%
CHINA Indonesia is projected to
developing economies
withstand the shock better than
Emerging and
developing Asia
-0.8 7.4 3.2%
most. According to June 2020
ASEAN-5 -2 6.2 2.0% IMF and ADB projections, the
Country LAOS economy will suffer a contraction
Indonesia -0.3 6.1 2.9%
Malaysia -3.8 6.3 1.1% THAILAND VIETNAM THE PHILIPPINES in 2020 but will have one of
The Philippines -3.6 6.8 1.5%
CAMBODIA the highest compound annual
Thailand -7.7 5 -1.6%
growth rates in the world in
Brunei Darussalam 1.4 3 2.2%
DARUSSALAM 2020-21 as the dynamism in the
Cambodia -5.5 5.9 0.0% vast domestic market recovers.
Laos -0.5 4.5 2.0% INDONESIA
Indonesia’s economic recovery
Myanmar 1.8 6 3.9%
Singapore -6 3.2 -1.5%
should also be aided by the
Vietnam 4.1 6.8 5.4% relatively positive economic
Japan -5.8 2.4 -1.8% performance of China, which is
Australia -4.5 4 -0.3% CAGR +2% the country’s largest bilateral
China 1 8.2 4.5% CAGR 0-1.9%
trade partner and second-largest
India -4.5 6 0.6% Negative CAGR
source of FDI inflows.

16 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: IMF; ADB September 2020

Digital economy on positive long-term trajectory

South-east Asian internet economy – size by country & growth

(GMV, $ bn) Emerging tech giants
Funding for aspiring South-east Asian unicorns
2015 2019 2025E 2015-19 CAGR 2015-25 CAGR Prior to the Covid-19 outbreak,
150bn 2.5bn
Indonesia already had a vibrant
120bn digital economy, which was
90bn expected to reach $133bn in
60bn 1.5bn
gross merchandise value by
2025. Besides its existing tech
1bn unicorns (start-ups valued at
49% 32% 21% 18% 32% 27% 17% 15% 29% 24% 38% 29% 500m the next crop of aspiring
2016 2017 2018 H1 2019
Indonesian unicorns aiming
Funding in Indonesia’s internet economy vs funding in rest Aspiring unicorns in South-east Asia
of South-east Asian internet economy (funding value in $ bn) for exponential growth. Owing
Named in the
2016 2017 2018 H1 2019
2020 “Digital
to its large, consumption-
Health 150”, driven internal market and the
SG VN CB Insights’ annual acceleration of digital trends
INDONESIA ranking of the
world’s most during the pandemic, Indonesia
SG TH promising digital is primed for further growth in
health start-ups
REST OF e-commerce, digital payments,
ASIA online media, food delivery,
0 5bn 10bn 15bn 20bn 25bn 30bn MY ID
telemedicine and edtech tools.

17 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: e-Economy 2019 (Google, Temasek, Bain) September 2020

Telemedicine poised to fill gaps in universal

health care service provision

Contribution of the JKN to economic sectors in Indonesia 2016-21E Expanding coverage

Output (Rp trn)
Telemedicine helps 190m Total Contribution Government Health Services Since its inception in 2014, Indonesia
to bridge gaps in patients entitled to JKN coverage has been making steady progress
who do not own private health 136.8% 52.1%
national health care insurance
change change in extending free health care to
its entire population under the JKN
289 110
system. However, the expansion of
50,000 45 million
152.2 57.9 coverage across the vast archipelago
JKN patients use Halodoc
additional patients to receive 2016 2021 2016 2021 has also placed strains on funding
to facilitate their hospital
appointments every month, while
JKN coverage by the end of 2020, Pharmaceutical Products Industry Medical Equipment Industry and efficiency, with the system
which could add to strains on
15% of JKN app users engage with
capacity and funding 9.1% 0.18% facing a rising deficit that has
Halodoc services monthly change change
proven difficult to address. With
JKN’s widening budget deficit 19.1 0.39
the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in
JKN funding deficit (Rp trn) Claims ratio* (%)
greater cooperation between public
120 30 hospitals and private telemedicine
100 25
2016 2021 2016 2021
firms – as well as the rapid
Medical Equipment Industry National health Insurance
80 20
acclimatisation of patients to digital
health services – it seems likely that
60 15
private telemedicine firms will have
40 10 27.8 a greater role to play in improving
20 5 14.6 6.8 efficiencies in the national health
0 0 care system and filling gaps in service
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2016 2021 2016 2021
provision in the future.

18 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Sources: LPEM FEB UI 2017; Health Policy Plus 2019; Halodoc September 2020

Resilience Response Recovery Reinvention

Although vulnerable, Indonesia’s large The government imposed strict Indonesia’s economy is projected to How will Covid-19 shape the
internal market was less exposed to lockdowns later than neighbouring expand at its fastest rate for a decade in future development of the public
trade and tourism disruption than the countries as it attempted to maintain 2021, albeit from a diminished base. health system?
other major ASEAN economies. economic activity.
The Indonesian economy should grow at Which irreversible digital
Indonesia’s public health system had Coordinated and wide-ranging fiscal a faster pace than the ASEAN 5 average, health and telemedicine trends
been steadily improving but gaps and and monetary policy tools were helped to some extent by a relatively emerged from the pandemic?
disparities remained. deployed to stabilise the currency, strong recovery in main trade partner
ensure sufficient liquidity and support China. What will be the post-
Solid progress had been made on vulnerable sectors of the economy and pandemic relationship between
expanding free health care but doctors society. Indonesia’s digital economy remains telemedicine and the public
per capita were relatively low on a on track to be the largest and fastest health system?
national level. Social distancing measures and safety growing in the region over the coming
precautions led to a rapid spike in years, boosted somewhat by the Does Indonesia’s telemedicine
Innovative telemedicine firms were demand for digital health services. acceleration of digital trends during the industry provide a viable
helping to expanding access to pandemic. blueprint for other emerging
affordable health care nationwide and Exemplified by Halodoc, private economies?
improve efficiencies in provision. telemedicine fims adapted their The pandemic is likely to place further
systems to support national efforts strain on funding for public health care
to upgrade testing and treatment and the JKN deficit, potentially providing
capabilities, alleviating pressure on the scope for the private sector to help
national health service in the process. address shortfalls.

19 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020


Does Indonesia’s telemedicine model provide the

blueprint from emerging markets?
How do medical insurers expect costs to change over the next five years? Old before they get rich? Emerging markets’ demographic challenge Global challenge
80 % change in the number of people aged 65+ between 2019 and 2050
70 14% Eas Many of the problems Indonesia
5% 200 ta
60 3% 65% frica nd faces in extending quality universal
63% 11% 150
health care to all segments of


60% 6%

51% 100

4% 11% 48% society are mirrored elsewhere


15% 50

30 38% 37% in the emerging world. The 2020

30% 11%
21% Global Medical Trends Survey
10 by Willis Towers and Watson
BASIC HOSPITAL shows medical insu rance costs

L ati
rising above national inflation

rates, with insurers expecting

Latin America Asia Pacific Africa and Middle East

ri c
costs to rise further in areas

Moderate increase Moderate increase Moderate increase an


dt a
Significant increase Significant increase Significant increase he ic a
ib b e th A fr where telemedicine has proved
an Nor
effective in Indonesia, particularly
Medical insurance costs rising across the emerging world outpatient care and pharmacies.
Emerging markets lack the medical Taking into account the ageing
INDONESIA infrastructure of develop economies
emerging markets

VIETNAM population, continued gaps in

Yellow slice**

MALAYSIA 10 Emerging markets

THAILAND 8 Developed markets infrastructure and rapid adoption
SAUDI ARABIA 6 of digital technology, the stage
KENYA 2020E 4 is set for telemedicine to play a
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
2 greater role in helping emerging
Annual net medical trend rates*
*Percentage of change in the cost of health care prior to any cost containment measure undertaken by insurance plan sponsors
Hospital beds per 1000, Physicians per 1000, countries meet the health care
** 35+ emerging markets that constitute the OBG portfolio 2007-13 average 2007-13 average needs of their citizens.

20 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: Willis Towers Watson; UN; UBS September 2020
Thought leadership: the future of telemedicine in Indonesia

Jonathan Sudharta Fathema Djan Rachmat

CEO, Halodoc President Director, Pertamedika IHC
The Covid-19 pandemic created unprecedented challenges for Our policy during the Covid-19 period is that patients should minimise going
Indonesia that required innovative solutions. At the request of to appointments in person unless it is absolutely necessary. Even outside of
President Jokowi, Halodoc was involved in the process to create times of crisis, telemedicine is a key tool to alleviate pressure on the health
“hospitals without walls” to help manage the crisis. For example, system and provide health services to communities. We provide our own
we helped to educate doctors nationwide through webinars led by telemedicine service using video-conferencing technologies such as Zoom,
international experts. With our partners, we also created a chatbot and have also begun to explore collaboration with private telemedicine
that allowed us to connect at-risk patients with knowledgeable firms. These partnerships could continue to play an important role after the
physicians. As the response evolved, we were also able to direct pandemic has subsided. We expect that patients will continue to minimise
patients to rapid test centres to confirm suspected diagnosis. physical interaction with doctors over safety concerns, and this market
Mild positive cases could then be instructed through the app to will be captured through telemedicine systems developed either by state-

“ “
take medication that could help them to manage their condition owned entities or private firms. These platforms can provide additional
at home – with the prescriptions delivered to their door. We were services as well, such as educating patients on their medication.
This rapid consumer also able to utitlise big data analytics to predict where clusters of We expect telemedicine However, Indonesia has a unique health operating environment that could
adoption and infections could be forming, and advise policymakers on where services to play a greater slow growth in this area. The current legal framework regulates a number
acclimatisation is unlikely testing capacity needed to be scaled up. Because we had already role as we move towards of key operations: how medical records can be kept and by whom; who can
built the network and systems prior to the pandemic, we were able provide consultation or medical services; and how drugs can be procured
to be reversed as we increased digitalisation
to adapt and develop it very quickly to meet the rapid changes in for patients. Private telemedicine firms will therefore need to collaborate

enter the ‘new normal’ demand. Working with our partners, this was a truly integrated with hospitals in order to deliver the services expected by patients.

” response that helped to mitigate some of the most severe health

care challenges related to access and capacity. During this period
transaction growth on the app was around 600%. This rapid
Telemedicine continues to deliver benefits beyond patient consultation
and related services. Technological advancement can enable the sharing of
expertise among medical professionals, which can be particularly important
consumer adoption and acclimatisation is unlikely to be reversed as to staff in remote areas who may not have a robust team of medical
we enter the “new normal”. Now that patients know they can find specialists or technicians. We expect these services to play a greater role
convenient and affordable solutions through telemedicine, they will as we move towards increased digitalisation as part of the national Health
continue with this practice where appropriate. Care 4.0 strategy.

21 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020

Ministry of Health embraces telemedicine potential

Terawan Agus Putranto, Minister of Health

What role can telemedicine play in filling gaps in health care services, In recognition of how crucial these apps are to the Covid-19 response, the MoH created a
especially in light of the country’s territory being spread across a large Covid-19 feature on its own SehatPedia app to provide information to the public regarding
archipelago? the transmission and dangers of the virus, as well as offer a self-assessment tool to
PUTRANTO: There have been various initiatives aimed at increasing access facilitate early detection in the community and facilitate patient-doctor consultations.
across all areas of the country, which consists of thousands of islands. These
include the Nusantara Sehat programme, which involved sending a team of Meanwhile, the MoH has also collaborated with various private parties, including IT service
doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, sanitarians and nutritionists to providers as well as telemedicine companies. Such partnerships are essential for Indonesia
remote areas for two years. We also constructed more hospitals to serve local to realise its health goals – and we have high expectations for further collaboration
communities. between the government, private telemedicine companies and medical technology
providers going forwards.
However, telemedicine is an important tool in providing the community – and

Telemedicine is important in
particularly those in remote areas – equitable access to health care services,
thus filling gaps. We have tapped these technologies to facilitate interactions
between patients and doctors, as well as between doctors and other doctors.
How can decision-makers support the growth of the digital health care industry,
while also ensuring patient safety and privacy?
PUTRANTO: Indonesia has developed the health care protocols needed to ensure patient
providing equitable access to
For example, technology can enable health workers or general practitioners safety and privacy. With regard to the digitalisation of health care services, the country
health care services formed a regulatory sandbox that should help cultivate an innovative digital ecosystem
in remote areas to consult with specialists in urban hospitals regarding

” examination results.

Health apps are also key in making health care more accessible, as they allow
capable of supporting a reliable, safe and high-quality health system. The sandbox is used
to accelerate the development of digital health regulations and health apps.

This approach provides an opportunity for regulators and providers to explore innovative
patient-to-patient and doctor-to-doctor communication to occur in real time.
business models and analyse risks for consumers, while at the same time developing
The Ministry of Health (MoH) established a telemedicine system called
controls. The regulatory sandbox uses a testing mechanism model for digital service
Telemedicine Indonesia, or Temenin, that is used to accommodate
platforms that will be applied to assess the reliability of business processes, business
telemedicine interactions between medical personnel in procedures such as
models, service instruments and the governance of digital health service delivery.
ultrasounds, radiography and electrocardiograms.

22 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020

Resilience Response Recovery Reinvention
Although vulnerable, Indonesia’s large The government imposed strict Indonesia’s economy is projected to There will potentially be a greater onus on
internal market was less exposed to lockdowns later than neighbouring expand at its fastest rate for a decade in preventative health care as a result of the
trade and tourism disruption than the countries as it attempted to maintain 2021, albeit from a diminished base. pandemic to alleviate the strain on frontline
other major ASEAN economies. economic activity. facilities and services.
The Indonesian economy should grow at
Indonesia’s public health system had Coordinated and wide-ranging fiscal a faster pace than the ASEAN 5 average, The rapid adoption of telemedicine services
been steadily improving but gaps and and monetary policy tools were helped to some extent by a relatively during Covid-19 is likely to result in such apps
disparities remained. deployed to stabilise the currency, strong recovery in main trade partner becoming the first port of call for patients
ensure sufficient liquidity and support China. seeking health advice and consultations for
Solid progress had been made on vulnerable sectors of the economy and a broad range of conditions.
expanding free health care but doctors society. Indonesia’s digital economy remains
per capita were relatively low on a on track to be the largest and fastest An increasingly collaborative approach
national level. Social distancing measures and safety growing in the region over the coming between telemedicine firms and public
precautions led to a rapid spike in years, boosted somewhat by the health institutions is likely due to the
Innovative telemedicine firms were demand for digital health services. acceleration of digital trends during the successful examples of improving service
helping to expanding access to pandemic. and efficiency during the pandemic.
affordable health care nationwide and Exemplified by Halodoc, private
improve efficiencies in provision. telemedicine fims adapted their The pandemic is likely to place further Indonesia’s vibrant digital economy and
systems to support national efforts strain on funding for public health care telemedicine ecosystem can provide
to upgrade testing and treatment and the JKN deficit, potentially providing valuable lessons for other emerging
capabilities, alleviating pressure on the scope for the private sector to help economies seeking to address problems in
national health service in the process. address shortfalls. health care provision.

23 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020

6 Key Takeaways

1 Prior to the pandemic, Indonesia was

making progress in the rollout of the
Universal Health Care system but
disparities remained in the quality and
accessibility of services between Jakarta
and more undeveloped regions of the
2 Even before the Covid-19 outbreak,
telemedicine and digital health services
were helping to fill gaps and enhance
efficiencies in service provision, including
in more remote parts of the country.
The pandemic spurred a wave of
innovation from telemedicine and digital
health companies that were able to
adapt existing platforms to address
the immediate needs for awareness,
consultation, testing and treatment,
country. while also utilising big data analytics to

4 5 6
identify potential Covid-19 clusters.

Telemedicine firms broadened existing Government and public health entities Indonesian consumers have grown
partnerships to cover a wide spectrum have increasingly recognised the increasingly acclimatised to telemedicine
of health care entities, demonstrating advantages of operating in tandem and other digital services during
successful examples of public-private with telemedicine firms to alleviate the the pandemic, boding well for the
partnerships that provide strong burden on the national health system accelerated growth of Indonesia’s
foundations for future collaboration and address unnecessary bottlenecks in already vibrant digital economy.
aimed at improving the national health patient services.
care system.

24 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia September 2020




Designed By Brash
25 OBG Covid-19 Response Report Indonesia Source: source September 2020

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