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Storytelling with Adverbs

Vocabulary & Phrases

1. Luckily Amazingly Undoubtedly Strangely

2. In the end

At that point/ at this point

After Forever A while Slowly As for

3. on purpose,

in a hurry,

by mistake,

all of a sudden,

out of nowhere,

by accident.
Practice 1:

Cross out the wrong adverbs in each sentence.

1.Luckily/ Amazingly/ Undoubtedly our fall was broken by a giant bed of mint bushes, so no
bones were broken.
2. It was a very disappointing experience so in the end/ at that point/ after, we had to
return one day early from the field trip.
3. My friend was taking very slowly/ forever/ a while to bring the material.
4. Amazingly/ luckily/ strangely, they were angry at me for trying to help them!
5. It was such an amazing place, we both wished we could stay there at this point/ forever/
in the end.
6. As for/ After/ At this point the disappearance of the star, nobody was surprised.

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