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Grant Proposal #1 Oscar Joyner Reach Media Inc. 13760 Noel Road, Ste.

750 Dallas, TX 75240

Dear Oscar Joyner and & Fraiser, Florida A&M Universitys School of Business and Industry (SBI) respectfully submits its proposal to Oscar Joyner for $1,500,000 to support its renovation and renaming of the historical South Wing business building, an educational infrastructure dedicated to educate young successful African Americans collegial graduates. SBI is an innovative program that bridges the industrial gap between Corporate American and successful entrepreneurs in the African American Community. We offer a variety of programs that serve student members of every age and background. This particular proposal seeks funding for one of our most important buildings: our South Wing building. This building is the cornerstone of our program and was the first building to lay down the foundation of our beloved School of Business and Industry. To reach our mission, SBI seeks to launch an innovative partnership with you consisting of funding and volunteer efforts of our students and faculty. We look forward to exploring the possibilities with you. Thank you for considering our request. Please call Dr. Friday-Stroud, our Dean of SBI, if you need additional information.


Chelsea Beneby MBA Student

TO Reach Media, Inc. Submitted on September 19, 2011 Executive Summary SBI seeks $1,500,000 to fund the renovation and renaming of the South Wing student classroom building. Contact: Dr. Friday-Stroud Dean of School of Business and Industry 500 Gamble Street One SBI Plaza, Room 105 Tallahassee, FL 32307-5200 (850)-599-3839 A. Organizational Overview SBIs mission is to encourage students to maximize their personal and professional growth capabilities as they matriculate through our program, such that they are critical thinkers and problem solvers prepared to capitalize on the academic, career, and entrepreneurial endeavors of their choice. SBI offers a broad range of technology-related services that aim to allow all its students to take advantage of the educational and career opportunities created by our business school. B. Description of Programs SBI works to bring excellence in caring and education to all its students and faculty members of Florida A&M University through a rigorous professional curriculum: EDUCATION: The Mission of the School of Business and Industry (SBI) at Florida A&M University is to produce graduates capable of excelling as future leaders in global business, industry, and commerce by:

Providing innovative academic, professional development, and internship experiences in an enlightened, ethical, and stimulating student-centered learning environment. Developing, supporting, and creating opportunities for a diverse qualified faculty and staff committed to excellence with caring through high quality teaching, relevant intellectual contributions, and meaningful service with an emphasis on teaching.

Creating an environment in which shared governance, collegiality, openness, respect for others, and individual and mutual responsibility and accountability flourish. Embracing the Universitys historic mission of educating African Americans while recruiting students of all races and ethnic origins with strong academic backgrounds committed to the pursuit of excellence. Developing new, and expanding existing, creative partnerships with alumni, and private and public stakeholders to maintain the relevance and currency of our academic programs. Promoting an environment of continuous improvement by acquiring and developing the necessary human, physical, financial, and technological resources to maintain our competitive edge.

ENTERPRISE: The Florida A&M University School of Business and Industry (SBI), under the leadership of the founding dean, Dr. Sybil Collins Mobley, was established in 1974 to prepare talented students from around the nation and the world to not only survive, but to thrive in a competitive global market place. Nearly four decades later, the outstanding record of SBIs achievements is known worldwide, especially among corporate executives and recruiters who frequently visit SBI to observe and review its academic, professional development and internship programs as well as to recruit SBI students. ACCESS: We value a work and learning environment that is based on professionalism, responsibility, accountability, respect, trust, pride, ethics, integrity, caring, excellence, knowledge, research, and service. To ensure infinite domestic and international opportunities for African American graduates. BUDGET: SBI requests $1,500,000-one-third of our budget for the renovation of offices and classrooms. The remaining monies of the budget will be allocated evenly toward the replacement of the buildings wiring system, complete roof replacement, structural systems upgrades and technology upgrades. SBI will recognize its sponsors by displaying their names and logos on our new building (Joyner Hall) and web site and recognizing them in the media attention we generate.

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