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Read the following texts and answer the questions.

1) Answer may vary depending on student’s opinion.
2) Answer may vary depending on student’s opinion.
3) Both architects are remembered for their designs on iconic buildings in Australia and in

1. Look at the following table. Discuss with your friends and the teacher to answer the
1) a. True b. True
2) a. two b. 76,3
1) Tourists prefer visiting . . . . d. Lotte World Tower to Taipei 101
2) Burj Khalifa has 35 more floors . . . . a. than Shanghai tower
3) Lotte World Tower was built . . . . b. two years later than shanghai Tower
4) Taipei 101 is . . . . c. the shortest tower among the five

2. Listen to the people describing three buildings. Which building is each speaker
Picture 1 The Lanyang Museum, Taiwan
Picture 2 The Basket Building, USA
Picture 3 The Dancing House, Prague

3. Listen to three guides describing the three unique buildings to their tourists. Fill the
table with the information that you have listened.
The Lanyang Museum
Location Toucheng Township, Yilan County, Taiwan
Function A museum
The building area square meters
What does it look like? It looks like cuestas.
The Basket Building
Location Newark, Ohio, USA
Cost $30 million
Officially opened December 1997
What does it look like? It looks like a giant basket.
The Dancing House
Location Prague, Chech Republic
How long was the house The house was completed in two years.
Function It houses offices, restaurants, gallery and a conference center.
What does it look like? It resembles a pair of dancers dancing.

4. If you were one of the tourists, which building would you prefer to visit? Explain your
(Answer may vary depending on student’s opinion.)

5. In pairs, practice the dialogue with your friend. The answer the questions.
1) A late train.
2) Yes, I am.
3) We use such expressions in conversations to show our attention.

6. Match the statements with the suitable back-channeling. The answers may be more
than one.
1) Sister, what if you ride on your bicycle b. Uhm-hm
and I drive your car with my friends? I
need it.
2) I heard that the flight of GA 625 was d. Uh-Oh
delayed due to the foggy day.
3) A recession is a situation in which a c. No way
country’s economy is declining and this
may last for months.
4) So, I won’t be allowed to open the oven a. Right
as the cake bakes.
5) I’m sorry, Miss, the electricity went out e. I see
due to a short circuit.

7. Create a short dialogue with your friend to practice using back-channeling in your
conversation. You can choose any topics and any situations of your own.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity.)

8. Practice the following dialogue with your friend and answer the questions.
1) The topic of the dialogue is alternative sources of energy.
2) The back-channeling in the dialogue are: right, I see, uhm-hm.
3) The purposes:
 Right  To show an agreement with what the
speaker says.
 I see  To indicate that you understand what
someone is telling you.
 Uhm-hm  To indicate agreement or affirmation.

4) The phrases that indicate the future time:

 in the next 30 years
 someday
 Sooner or later
5) Yes, there is. The purpose is to predict or guess about what will happen in the future.
6) Expressions of future events.

9. In pairs, arrange the following sentences into a good dialogue.

Jaka : The COVID-19 pandemic has been going on for 2 years in the world.
Euis : Right. And there is no sign that the pandemic will be over soon.
Jaka : Besides, WHO also states that the coronavirus will still be lasting in five years’ time.
Euis : Oh-uh, and I read in the newspaper this morning that there are new variants.
Jaka : WHO epidemiologists state that this pandemic won’t be over soon because of the low
global vaccination percentage and the emergence of the new variants.
Euis : Do you think that all the people in the world will be vaccinated every year?
Jaka : I have no idea. Time will tell.

10. Create a dialogue telling about a building you visited long ago and then respond using
the expressions of talking about the future. Don’t forget to include back-channeling in
the dialogue.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity.)

11. Match the words in the left column with synonyms in the right column.
1) unique special
2) venue place
3) worthy notable
4) inspired motivated
5) expected hoped
6) welcomed greeted
7) spectacular eye-catching
8) reflect mirror
9) blissful happy

12. What do you think about the buildings in the photographs? Write your opinions.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity.)

13. Read these two texts carefully.

14. Find the differences of the two buildings you have read. Write the differences in the
following table.
The Slipper Building Aspects Cassa Terracotta
Cinderella and her glass slippers The Flintstone family’s stone
Wedding venue Function Tourist destination
The local government officials Architect Octavio Mendoza
The Guinness World Records Certificate of Ripley’s Believe It or Not
2016 Year of Building 2012
Tinted glass panels Main Materials Baked local clay

15. Answer these questions based on the texts in Task 13.

1) Casa Terracotta is older as it was built in 2012.
2) The Giant Glass Slipper building was built as a wedding venue and to develop tourism in

16. Answer these questions based on the texts in Task 13.

(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity.)

17. Decide whether these statements are Fact or Opinion.

1) Opinion.
2) Fact.
3) Fact.
4) Fact.
5) Fact.

18. Read these reviews from the visitors and state whether these statements are True or
1) False, because Daniel doesn’t like the building and think that it is disrespectful.
2) True, because Daniel thinks the building discourteous.

19. Fill in the blanks with short answers.

1) excellent, very good
2) 93%
3) More travelers rate The Giant Glass Slipper Building as average than as poor.
4) represent the count of traveler’s rating to The Giant Glass Slipper Building.

20. Observe this brochure carefully and answer the questions.

1) To provide information about Cassa Terracotta to visitors.
2) $132.50
3) The brochure states the following items, except:
 Reservation in group Discount
 Opening hours Items not to bring in
 Ticket prices  Contact address
Extra tax Guide fees
4) a.

21. Discuss these questions with your friends and teacher.

1) Reduce means that we should cut back on the amount of trash we generate. Reuse means
to find new ways to use things that otherwise would have been thrown out. Recycle
means to turn something old and useless into something new and useful.
2) An ecobrick is a PET bottle packed solid with clean and dry used plastic.
3) We can fill the bottle with non-recyclable and non-biodegradable plastic that has been
cleaned and dried.
4) Answer may vary depending on student’s opinion.
5) Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity.

22. Scan the QR code and watch the video. Then answer the questions.
1) The topic of the video is ecobrick as one of the environmentally friendly recycling
2) The writer intends to explain what ecobrick is and its benefits.
3) 3 The benefits of eco bricks.
2 The definition of eco brick.
1 One of the ways to recycle plastic garbage.
4 The use of eco bricks.
4) Eco brick houses are strong, durable, water-resistant, and economically priced.

23. What is the name for the following items for ecobricks filling?
1) Plastic fruit punnet
2) Cardboard fruit punnet
3) Silvery food packet
4) Bubble wrapping plastic
5) Medical blisters

24. Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the questions.
1) The underlined phrases have passive meaning, because it is denoting or relating to a
voice of verbs in which the subject undergoes the action of the verb (Answer may vary
depending on student’s opinion).
2) Pattern for negative passive: to be + not + past participle
Pattern for interrogative passive: to be + subject + past participle
Passive form in the Passive form in the Passive form in the
Simple Past Tense Simple Present Tense Present Future Tense
was built is used will be increased
was made is expected will be developed
was completed
was officially opened

3) The function of passive sentences in the text is to show interest in the objects rather than
the subjects that perform the action.
4) The patterns of the passive sentence are:
a) Simple Past Tense: subject + to be (was / were) + past participle
b) Simple Present Tense: subject + to be (is / am / are) + past participle
c) Present Future Tense: subject + will be + past participle

25. Complete the text with the passive forms. Mind the tenses.
1) is located 6) is believed
2) is made 7) was rebuilt
3) are dried 8) is influenced
4) is made 9) was recorded
5) is applied 10) are completed

26. Plan and write your own descriptive text using passive sentences in the past, in the
present, and in the future.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

27. Now it’s your turn to create your own descriptive text about unique building in your
surroundings. Follow the steps of writing process.
(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).

Critical Thinking Tasks

1. Decide which of each statement is FACT or OPINION.
No Statements Fact Opinion
1) The “Fish Building” in Hyderabad, India was built in 2012. 
The Hyderabad local government wanted it to be unique so that
2) the Indians would consider it as one of the biggest, boldest, and 
crudest examples of mimetic architecture.
The Mimetic architecture is a style of building design that
3) 
mimics a product or the function of the building.

2. Read the following statement and answer the questions.

(Answer may vary depending on student’s opinion).
3. Choose the best answer.
1) B.
2) D.

4. Observe the statements of the reviewers after they visited the Fish Building. Are they
appropriate with Text 2?
1) Ishaan, Mumbai 20 December 2018 Appropriate
2) Terence, USA 30 March 2019 Inappropriate

5. Complete the following text using the future intention.

(Answer may vary depending on student’s creativity).
Dear Future Me

Hi! Today I’m 15 years old and I am in the tenth grade of Senio High School. At the
present, the Corona pandemic is not over yet. But in the future, I hope that the pandemic
will be over.
When the pandemic is over, the first thing I want to do is to continue my study to a higher
degree in university. So when I graduate from university, I will look for a good job. When
I get a good job, I will treat my parents to a nice dinner and save my money to buy my own

6. Complete the following text with the passive form. Mind the tenses.
1) was built
2) was dedicated
3) is situated
4) is managed

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