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Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d.

Read the text and answer the questions 1-2.

1. .

The caution means the riders … .

A. have to ride slowly

B. can ride the motorbikes fast
C. should stop in front of school
D. must arrive at school In 15 minutes

2. .

The sign means that we must pass the street ….

A. slowly
B. carelessly
C. carefully
D. hurriedly

Text for number 3 and 4.


SMP Jakarta hereby congratulates the

SMP JAKARTA following students on their success to
be our best ten students
at the first tryout of the final

for academic year 2008-2009

Indrawan (9A)
Kaleb Yohanes (9D)
Regina Bunga F (9D)
Indiana Shinta (9D)
Amirul Haviz (9A)
Dwi Puspitasari (9D)
Rima Mustafa (9B)
Good fruits come from a good tree Ruth Unesti S (9A)

We’re proud of you

Keep on learning and

be good student models for others


Willy Utomo

3. The headmaster is very glad with the top ten students’ achievement at the first tryout of
the final examination because they have … in it.
A. won
B. succeeded
C. done
D. joined

4. “We’re proud of you”. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ….
A. arrogant
B. overconfident
C. pleased
D. good

Text for number 5 to 6.

To : Monica

I’m going to go cinema this afternoon.

If you want to join me, please meet me at Mc Donald

Cijantung at 4:15 p.m.

5. Where does Nina ask Monica to meet?

A. In the Cinema
B. At Mc Donald Cijantung
C. At Nina’s house
D. At Monica’s house

6. What time will Monica and Nina probably meet?

A. Half past five.
B. Half to five.
C. A quarter past four.
D. A quarter to four.

Text for number 7 and 8.

7. What does David hold the party? Because he ….

A. opens the restaurant
B. graduates from the company
C. shares his success
D. celebrates his retirement
8. What is the goal of the text?
A. To inform David’s special day
B. To invite David’s friend to come at his party
C. To announce David’s retirement
D. To share David’s experience

Text for number 9 and 10.

9. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To announce the new baby born
B. To inform Mary’s pregnancy
C. To call Jordan Tessa
D. To ask Mary’s friends come

10. We are proud to announce the birth of our daughter. The word We refers to ….
A. Jordan and the writer
B. Jordan and Marry
C. Mary and John
D. Jordan and John

Read the text and answer question number 11 - 12

11. What can we order from Canyon Vista Restaurant?
A. Breakfast and lunch
B. Lunch and supper
C. Breakfast and Dinner
D. Lunch and dinner
12. How many hours does the restaurant open on Wednesday?
A. 1 hour
B. 4 hours
C. 8 hours
D. 12 hours

Read the text and answer the questions 13-14.

13. This medicine is in the form of....

A. Tablets
B. Capsules
C. Syrup
D. Powder
14. Perindopril Erbumine is manufactured by Lupin Limited Goa 403 722 INDIA.
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Sold
B. Produced
C. Bought
D. Assembled

Read this letter and answer the questions 5-6.

Dear Linda
I hope you know me well enough to realize that I would never have missed your dinner party
without a very good reason. As I was leaving for your house I got a phone call informing me
that my brother was involved in an accident. He was taken to the emergency room and my
only thought at the time was to be with him.
The very good news is that he was not badly hurt and will fully recover.
I would much rather have been at your dinner party. I’m sure it was a lovely evening.
I hope to see you again sometime soon.
15. What does the text tell us about?
A. Jeny could not come to the dinner party because her brother got an accident.
B. Jeny invited Linda to join the dinner party and enjoyed the lovely evening.
C. Linda promised Jeny to come to the dinner party but she got an accident.
D. Linda apologized to Jeny for not coming to the dinner party.
16. Who got involved in an accident?
A. My brother did.
B. Jeny’s brother did.
C. Linda’s brother did.
D. Linda and Jeny’s brother did.

Answer the question 17-19 based on this text.


The Borobudur Temple Compounds is a ninth century Buddhist temple complex. It was
built on several levels around a natural hill.
Borobudur is built as a single large stupa, and when viewed from above takes the form
of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, simultaneously representing the Buddhist cosmology
and the nature of mind. The foundation is a square. It has nine platforms, of which the
lower six are square and the upper three are circular. The upper platform features seventy-
two small stupas surrounding one large central stupa. Each stupa is bell-shaped and pierced
by numerous decorative openings. Statues of the Buddha sit inside the pierced enclosures.
The site was rediscovered in the 19th century, and restored in the early 20th. In 1973 a
major renovation took place that was funded by UNESCO.
Two smaller Buddhist temples, Pawan and Mendut, are part of the designated area too.

17. When was Borobudur temple built?

A. In the 6th century.
B. In the 9th century.
C. In the 19th century.
D. In the 20th century.

18. What is the main idea of pargraph 2?

A. The time when Borobudur was built.
B. The shape of Borobudur when viewed from above.
C. The foundation and the nine platforms of Borobudur.
D. The time when Borobudur was rediscovered and restored.
19. It has nine platforms....(paragraph 2 line 3)
What does the underlined word refer to?
A. The foundation
B. The temple
C. The stupa
D. Borobudur

Questions number 20 – 22 are based on this text.

My Pets

We have three family pets: a dog, a cat, and a tortoise.

The dog’s name is Nero. He is big golden Labrador. He is beautiful. He has
big brown eyes and a long tail. He is very friendly dog, but he is sometimes a
little stupid. Dogs are expensive to keep but they are fun to play with.
Our cat is named Martha. She is quite young, but she is not a kitten. She is
very pretty. She has black and white fur and green eyes. She’s smart, too and
very clean.
The tortoise’s name is Rocky. He has short, fat legs, a long neck, and a very
hard shell. He is also very old and slow. He’s ugly and dirty, but I like him.

20. What do the family call the dog?

A. Rocky
B. Labrador
C. Martha
D. Nero

21. What does the text tell about?

A. Kinds of pets.
B. Kinds of animals.
C. The writer’s family pets.
D. The names of the family pets.

22. Rocky is the name of ....

A. The owner
B. The dog
C. The cat
D. The tortoise


My family and I went on a recreation to Solo. We went there on Monday by car. We

stayed at grandparents’ house.
On Tuesday we interested went to Tawangmangu we enjoyed the scenic view with its
waterfall and ate lunch there. We had traditional foods like gudangan, tempe bacem, fried fish
and fried chicken. Then we continued our trip to Taman Jurug.
The next day we went to Kasunanan Palace. We saw many kinds of historical heritage
of the palace. After that we had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall. I bought
some souvenirs for my cousins. In the evening we went sightseeing the town.
On Thursday morning we said goodbye to our grandparents and went home. I really
enjoyed my holiday it was fun

23. What place did the writer and his family visit on Tuesday?
a. Solo
b. Taman jurug
c. Tawangmangu
d. Kasunanan Palace
24. What did the writer and his family do on Wednesday evening? They …
a. had shopping at Klewer Market and Solo Grand Mall.
b. saw many kinds of historical heritage of the palace.
c. bought some souvenirs for the writer’s cousins.
d. went sightseeing the town.

25. “In the evening we went sightseeing the town.” The underlined word is closely in meaning
with … .
a. going around
b. having dinner
c. going shopping
d. watching a movie
26. “On Thursday morning we said goodbye… .” The word we refers to … .
a. The writer
b. The writer’ s parents
c. The writer and his family
d. The writer and his grandparents


The Scorpion and the Tortoise

A scorpion and a tortoise became such fast friends that they took a vow that they would never separate. So
when it happened that one of them was obliged to leave his native land, the other promised to go with him.
They had traveled only a short distance when they came to a wide river. The scorpion was now greatly
"Alas," he said, "you, my friend, can easily swim, but how can a poor scorpion like me ever get across this
"Never fear," replied the tortoise; "only place yourself squarely on my broad back and I will carry you safely
No sooner was the scorpion settled on the tortoise's broad back, than the tortoise crawled into the water and
began to swim. Halfway across he was startled by a strange rapping on his back, which made him ask the
scorpion what he was doing.
"Doing?" answered the scorpion. "I am whetting my sting to see if it is possible to pierce your hard shell."
"Ungrateful friend," responded the tortoise, "it is well that I have it in my power both to save myself and to
punish you as you deserve." And straightway he sank his back below the surface and shook off the scorpion

27. How could the scorpion cross the river?

a. Swimming
b. Rapping on the water
c. Walking through the river
d. Riding on the tortoise’s back

28. “…I will carry you safely over." What does the word you refer to?
a. The writer
b. The reader
c. The tortoise
d. The scorpion

29. What can we learn from the text?

a. Don’t listen to your friend’s advice.
b. We should always help our friends.
c. Never trust anybody easily.
d. Don’t give help to others.

30. What is the character of the scorpion?
a. Honest and care
b. Sly and ungrateful
c. Truthful and smart
d. Helpful and friendly


The Parakeet King (A folktale from Nangroe Aceh Darussalam)

In the jungle of Aceh, parakeet birds lived peacefully with their wise king. However, now their peaceful life is
disturbed. A hunter goes into their jungle and plans to catch them.
It's a beautiful morning. The parakeets and their king perch on a branch of tree. They do not know that the
hunter is hiding. The hunter wants to catch the parakeets with his net.
The hunter throws his net towards the parakeets. Some parakeets and the parakeet king are caught under the
net. The parakeets are scared but the parakeet king tells them what to do.
"Relax. I have a plan. We all pretend to be dead. When the hunter lifts the net up, we fly fast to the sky," advise
the parakeet king. The hunter goes to his net. He is upset! He thinks all the parakeets are dead.
"Oh no! I can't sell dead birds to people." He then lifts the net up. Not long after that, the parakeets free
themselves and fly to the sky. But the parakeet king is still trapped. He does not want to fly to the sky until the
parakeets are free.
The hunter is surprised when he sees the parakeets are flying. He sees there is one parakeet left in the net.
He moves quickly. "Gotcha!" he catches the parakeet king.
And then the hunter goes home. He puts the parakeet king in a birdcage.
In the jungle, all the parakeets are sad because their king is locked in a birdcage. They set a plan to free their
king. All the parakeets fly to the hunter's house. With their beaks, the parakeets peck the birdcage. Slow but
sure, the birdcage is destroyed. Then the parakeet king can free himself. “Thank you. You all are very kind to
me. Without your help, I'm still trapped in this birdcage, "says the parakeet king.

31. Where did the parakeet birds live? They lived in the … .
a. farm
b. jungle
c. village
d. rice field
32. “He does not want to fly to the sky …” The underline word refers to … .
a. The parakeet king
b. The hunter
c. The parakeet
d. The bird
33. “He is upset!” The synonym of the underlined word is … .
a. grateful
b. pleased
c. delighted
d. disappointed
34. The following statements are the moral value of the text, except?
a. A leader should protect its people.
b. Cooperation can solve the problems.
c. Smart thinking is needed in critical condition.
d. Saving yourself is the prior thing you should do.


Birds are a group of animals called vertebrates, or animals with backbones. They form the class Aves.

They are warm-blooded and lay eggs. Their bodies are covered with feathers and they have wings. Their
bones are hollow. This makes them lighter and allows many of them to fly. Birds have two legs usually covered
with scales (small, flat hard plates which over-lap in the same way as feathers). They have a hard beak with no
teeth. Because birds keep a high body temperature, they use lots of energy. So, they need to eat a lot of food
compared with their weight. More than 9000 different species of birds are known.

Birds are found on every continent of the world. Birds of different types can live in freezing cold
environments, and others can live in hot desserts. Birds live in forests, in grasslands, on cliff faces, in river
35. The birds body is so light because … .
banks, on stony sea shores, down mine shafts and in the grooves of houses.
a. Its bones are hollow
b. It has beak with no teeth
c. It has feather
d. It has wings
36. Birds need to eat a lot to …
a. supply food for many different species of birds
b. keep their body temperature high.
c. compare with their body.
d. make them fly

37. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?

a. The habitat of birds.
b. The houses of birds.
c. The parts of birds
d. The kinds of birds
38. “…on stony sea shores,....” What is the meaning of the underlined word?
a. Beach
b. Desert
c. Continent
d. River banks

How to Make Avocado Juice

You’ll need:
 1 avocado(ripe)
 500 ml cold milk

 250 ml cold water

 150 grams sugar
 3 - 5 drops vanilla essence

1. Peel the avocado and remove seed.
2. Put the pulp of the avocado along with the sugar in a blender and blend well.
3. Add the milk, water and vanilla essence and blend for 1 minute.
4. Garnish and serve chilled.

38. What is the purpose of the text?
A.How to peel avocado
B.How to drink avocado juice
C.How to make avocado juice
D.How to serve avocado juice

39.What do we do after we put the pulp in a blender?

A.Blend the pulp
B.Add the mlk
C.Add vanilla
D.Serve the juice
40.How many steps are there?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6

How to Charge Your Cell Phone

Cell phones don't have unlimited batteries that will keep it running for weeks and years
before needing a charge. If you use your phone once or twice a day, it is likely you will
need to charge it after about a week of use.

Things You'll Need

 Charger
 Cell Phone

 Electrical Outlet

1. Find a charger that fits your cell phone. They usually come with the phone. If you
have lost yours, see if you have another one that works with your phone or go to the
place you bought the phone and see about getting a new one.
2. Check the battery on your phone. If it's four or three bars, you don't need to charge it.
But once it is down to two, one, or even no bars of power, it needs to be charged.
3. Plug your charger into an outlet and slid the smaller part into your phone. Do not
just shove it in, as this could damage the phone.
4. If your phone doesn't beep or pop up with a message, check the battery. It should
be flashing if your phone is charging or a different color.
5. Leave your phone to charge for two hours.

41. What does the text tell you about?
A. How to use a cell phone
B. How to charge a cell phone
C. How to plug the charger
D. How to check the battery

42. How long you must charge your cell phone?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

43.What should you do if your phone doesn’t beep a message?

A. Check the battery

B. Check the screen
C. Check the charger
D. Check the phone

44. Arrange these jumbled words into a good notice

Here – please – purchase – your – place

A. 3-4-5-1-2
B. 5-4-2-3-1
C. 2-5-4-3-1
D. 4-3-2-1-5

45. Arrange these jumbled words into a good caution !

reach – keep – of – out – children – of - the

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 2-4-6-7-1-3-5
B. 2-4-6-7-5-3-1
C. 4-6-2-5-3-1-7
D. 6-2-3-4-1-5-7

45. Arrange the sentences into a meaningful narrative text!

1. Finally, the fox took it and ran away.

2. Long time ago there was a cow.
3. Suddenly, the fox came up and ask for her cheese.
4. Then, the fox said that she had beautiful voice.
5. One day she had a big piece of cheese.
6. At the moment she opened her beak, the cheese fell over.
7. However, she did not give it to the fox.
8. After that, the crow sang a song.
A. 2-5-3-7-4-6-8-1
B. 2-5-3-7-4-8-6-1

C. 2-5-7-3-4-6-8-1
D. 2-5-7-3-6-4-8-1

47. arrange the following sentences to make good pharagraph

1. Jack had an accident accident a few days ago

2. Jill went to the hospital to visit him
3. He is still in the hospital now.
4. She is in the hospital now
5. He had to go to hospital
B. 1-4-3-5-2
C. 1-5-3-2-4
D. 1-2-3-4-5
E. 1-3-5-4-2

Read the text carefully to answer Questions number 48 - 50 !


Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal ….(48) a bill like duckbill. Platypus is
a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet.
Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick and wooly layer of….(49) . Its bill is
detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus’ eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has
ability to sense sound and light.

Platypus lives in streams,rivers,and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the streams
or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to …(50) it from intruders and flooding in the
other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.


A. Having
B. Had
C. Has
D. Has


A. Fur
B. Feather
C. Hair
D. Skin
A. Cover
B. Protect
C. Save
D. Keep


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