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this device into your PC
until all installation steps
have been performed.

1. Which of these statements is TRUE, based on the caution above?

a. We can connect the device anytime without installation
b. We have to install the program first before connecting the device with computer
c. We cannot install the program into our computer
d. We cannot use the device if we do not have any computer

2. The above warning means that people should … the area.
a. not enter c. touch
b. enter d. move close to

Dear Rose,
Please accept my condolences! Your father was a great man.
God may always keep him in His heaven. Let him rest in
I’ll always be beside you whenever you need.
Best wishes,

3. What happened with Rose’s father based on the text above ?

a. He was very healthy c. He was still alive
b. He was sick d. He passed away

4. God may always keep him in His heaven.

What does the word HIS refer to?
a. Rose c. God
b. Rose’s father d. Elsa

To: Alvy

Come to uncle Sam’s house. He misses you very much.

5. What is the text about?
a. Alvy’s mom wants her to visit her uncle
b. Alvy’s mom wants her to go with her uncle
c. Alvy’s mom wants her uncle to take her
d. Alvy’s mom wants uncle Sam to accompany her

6. What will uncle Sam feel if Alvy comes to his house? He will feel. . . .
a. sad c. annoyed
b. glad d. upset

Love fills a moment

A moment fills a lifetime
A lifetime begins eternity
Our eternity begins here,
At the wedding of
Amanda Rayburn
Brian Duncan
Please complete our happiness
By celebrating our wedding weekend
May 24th,25th and 26th 2009
Beau Lodge, Alabama
Ceremony at 4pm Sunday the 25th

7. What does the text tell about? It tells about ….

a. An invitation to fill a moment
b. An invitation to complete a happiness
c. An invitation to hold a wedding party
d. An invitation to attend a wedding party

8. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?

a. The wedding weekend will be held for four days
b. The wedding ceremony will be held on the twenty-fifth of May
c. Amanda Rayburn will get marry to Brian Duncan
d. The wedding party will be held in Alabama

9. ”Please, complete our happiness…”

The underlined word has similar meaning with….
a. finish c. make perfect
b. end d. join

Attention, please !

Those who have had lunch, please come back to the meeting room to
plan the study tour program next month. Thank you.


10. What is the announcement about?

a. study tour program c. have lunch
b. come back to the meeting room d. to plan the study tour program
11. When do participants come back to the meeting room ?
a. after plan the study tour program c. after had lunch
b. before had lunch d. next month

12. “…please come back to the meeting room.”

The underlined word has similar meaning with, EXCEPT ….
a. return c. go back
b. revert to d. feedback

Dr. Muhammad Hatta was born on August 12, 1901 in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra. His
parents were rich merchants. While he was still in Junior high school in Bukit Tinggi, he became
interested in politics and joined the league of young Sumatras.
He went to the Netherlands, where he studied economics and gained doctorate. During his stay
there was active in the nationalist Movement. Because of these activities he was arrested.
On march 14, 1981, Dr. Muhammad Hatta died in Jakarta. The Indonesian government
acknowledge him to be “The hero of the Indonesian Independence”

13. What is the main idea or the first paragraph?

a. The time when Dr. Muhammad Hatta died
b. The time when Dr. Muhammad Hatta was born
c. The time he was active in the nationalist Movement
d. The time he gained doctorate

14. Where was Dr. Muhammad Hatta was born?

a. In Batavia c. In Jakarta
b. In Netherlands d. In West Sumatra

15. Why was Dr. Muhammad Hatta arrested by the Colonial Government?
a. He was the hero of the Indonesian Independence
b. He gained doctorate in Netherlands
c. He was active in the Nationalist Movement against the Colonial Government
d. He joined the league of Young Sumatra

16. The Indonesian Government acknowledge him to be …

The underlined word has the same meaning with …
a. Order c. Recognize
b. Hope d. Knowledge

Last week, my father went to Bali for a business. He asked us to enjoy staying in the hotel and
playing on the beach while he was having his business meeting. We stayed in a hotel near a
When we arrived in the hotel, my father talked to the receptionist to get a room. The
receptionist gave my father the key of the room and bellboy carried our bag along the corridor
of our room.
We got a big room on the second floor. From our room we could see waves breaking over the
rocks. The beach was not very crowded at that time. Some boys were kicking a ball, the some
groups of people was sitting in the desk chairs lying on the sand under brightly colored
We didn’t waste much time in our room. We went to the beach to swim, to play a ball, to dig in
sand to look for sea-shells, and to lie under the sun.

17. What is the main idea of third paragraph?

a. they looked for sea-shells c. they were kicking a ball
b. they got a big room d. they looked the sea

18. Who carried their bag to their room?

a. Receptionist c. Bellboy
b. Corridor d. Children
19. “He asked us to enjoy…..” (First paragraph).
The word “he” here refers to….
a. The writer c. The receptionist
b. Some bags d. Father

20. “We didn’t waste much time in our room” .

The word “waste” has the same meaning as….
a. spend c. get
b. stay d. carry

Mung Bean Porridge

Ingredient : One cup of mung bean, 4 tablespoonfuls of sugar, ½ tea spoonful of

salt, 5 cups of water.
Steps :
1) Wash the mung bean.
2) Boil the water
3) Put the mung bean into the boiling water
4) Let the mung bean become tender
5) Add the salt and the sugar
6) Simmer for 30 minutes
7) Now you can serve it

21. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. To explain about mung bean porridge
b. To describe about mung bean porridge
c. To tell what mung bean porridge
d. To show how to make mung bean porridge

22. What is the first step to make mung bean porridge?

a. Boil the water c. Add the salt and sugar
b. Wash the mung bean d. Let the mung bean become tender

23. Let the mung bean become tender.

The under lined word means …
a. very good c. smooth
b. very difficult to chop d. very good taste and smell

24. What does the word “it” in the last step refer to?
a. boiling water c. one cup of mung bean
b. the mung bean d. the mung bean porridge

The Legend of Jaka Tarub

Jaka Tarub was the hero of a legend that was very popular among the people of Central
Java. Although he was only the son of a simple farmer, he was handsome as well as kind,
honest and brave. He liked to help other people. He was always sided with those who were
weak but innocent and those who were poor but honest.
One day, a long time ago, when he was returning home from hunting, he happened to
pass by a lake. How amazed he was to see several beautiful girls bathing in the lake amid a
dense jungle.
Jaka Tarub had reached the age of marriage, and he thought of possibility of getting of
the pretty girls as his wife.
As he was thinking hard of a way to get acquitted with any one of them, he caught sight of
their clothes, which were piled up under a tree on the bank of the lake. He decided to steal
one of the garments. That was what he did and then he did.
After they had finished their bath, the girls walked ashore to fetch their garments. One of
them, however, screamed suddenly and wept as she found that her own garment was gone.
While they were searching for the lost garment, a rainbow appeared in the sky and glided
down towards the lake. Now it was time for them to go back to heaven. As the other girls
climbed up the rainbow on their way back to the sky, the one whose clothes had been lost
was left alone, weeping, for she could not enter heaven without her heavenly dress.

25. What do we know from the first paragraph?

a. Jaka Tarub met with the future wife
b. Jaka Tarub was a good young man
c. Jaka tarub stole one of the nymphs’ clothes
d. Jaka Tarub got married with a very beautiful girl

26. One of the nymphs could not go back to heaven because…..

a. She liked bathing in the lake c. She wanted to meet Jaka Tarub
b. Her clothes has lost d. She wanted to be a beautiful maiden

The Fairy Tulip

Once upon a time there was a good old woman who lived in a little house.
She had a bed in her beautiful tulip garden. One night she was awakened by the sound of sweet by
the sound of sweet singing and babies laughing. The sounds seemed to come from the tulip bed, but she
could see nothing
On the following night she was again awakened by the sweet singing and the babies laughing. She
rose and walked quietly to her garden. To her surprise she saw a little fairy mother grooming and
rocking the flower like cradle. In each cup of the flower a little fairy baby playing and laughing.
The old woman walked back to her house and from that time on she never picked the flower, nor
did she allow her neighbors to touch them.

27. From the story we can conclude that the old woman was….
a. irresponsible c. faint hearted
b. arrogant d. kind hearted

28. “…. nor did she allow her neighbor to touch them.”
The underlined word refers to ….
a. the flowers c. the house
b. the old woman d. a fairy mother


MEFINTER® 250 capsule
Each capsule contains:
Mefenamic acid ……………250 mg

MEFINTER® 500 Film-coated Caplet

Each film-coated caplet contains:
Mefenamic acid ……………….500 mg

Relieving mild to moderate pain in headache, dental pain,
primary dysmenorrheal including traumatic pain, muscular
and postoperative pains.


Adults and children over 14 years age:
500 mg initially, followed by 250 mg every 6 hours if

MEFINTER® 250 capsule
Reg. No. : DKL8317602001A1

MEFINTER® 500 Film-coated Caplet

Box contains 25 strips of 4 caplets
Reg. No. : DKL8517602009A1

29. How many dosage must the adults take?

a. 500 mg daily c. 500 mg then followed by 250 mg
b. 500 mg every six hours d. 250 mg every six hours

30. MEFINTER® is able to relieve the following pains, except…

a. muscular c. dental
b. back d. traumatic

Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It has many interesting places.

One of the most exciting sections of JAKARTA is Pasar seni which is located at Ancol. It is a
place which attract the young especially, as well as those who are young in spirit . It is also a place
where the old people and the young come together.
Another attraction of Jakarta is Keong Emas, which is in Taman Mini. In Keong Emas, the
audiences which are seated arena style, may view Indonesia which stretches from Sabang to Merauke.

31. What does the first paragraph tell about?

a. Jakarta c. Pasar seni
b. Ancol d. Keong Emas

32. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?

a. We can visit Keong Emas at Ancol.
b. Pasar seni is located at Ancol
c. Keong Emas is in Ancol
d. Monas is one of interesting place at Ancol

33. How many interesting places are there in the text above ?
a. Four c. Two
b. Three d. Only one

34. “It is also place where the old people and…”

What is the opposite of “old”?
a. small c. Young
b. Pretty d. Slim

Starting At
U$ 1,000 {two bedrooms}
Best Value Apartment Lawu Jl. Taman Pancasila 23 Karanganyar
Offer; *Luxurious serviced apartments
*Complete set of furniture
*Free cleaning
*24 hours on call security
Call : 5260260

35. What does the text tell us about?

a. Describing Lawu mountain c. Selling two bedrooms
b. Information about a new hotel d. Promotion of Lawu Apartments

36. The apartment above offers the following things, except ….

a. Free cleaning c. complete set of furniture
b. 24 seconds on-call security d. luxurious serviced apartments

Karanganyar, February 5, 2008

Dear Anisa,
How are you ? How about my invitation for coming to my town ? Next month
is the right moment to come here.
At that time, There will be “ Cembeng festival “ The festival holds in
surrounding of sugar factory. It will be very attractive ceremony. It is held as a
sign that the process of making sugar will be started. There you will enjoy an
exotic fair, bazaar and the top of the celebration is the slaughter of buffalo.
Well Anisa, don’t miss the moment ! I’ll show you around the festival. See you.
37. What is the purpose of the letter?
a. To tell about the Cembeng Festival
b. To describe the Cembeng Festival
c. To invite Anisa to visit Cembeng Festival
d. To invite Indah to visit Cembeng Festival

38. The main idea of the second paragraph is ….

a. The top of the celebration c. The process of making sugar
b. What “Cembeng festival “ is d. The attractive ceremony

39. .” There you will enjoy an exotic fair, bazaar and the top of the celebration …”
The underlined word means ……
a. useful c. up to date
b. complete d. fantastic

Rino has a parrot named Coly. It has … (40) feathers. They are yellow, blue and red. Coly is very noisy
… (41) always imitates the human voice. It has a curved bill. It also has feet with two toes pointing
forward and two backward. The feet help it to … (42) on the branches and hold food.

40. a. ugly b. nice c. colorful d. beautiful

41. a. It b. Its c. They d. Their
42. a. fly b. take c. grip d. bring

Susan is standing in front of her …(43). She is thinking about what to wear to Vera’s party. Her mother
has bought her a new dress. But she cannot wear it. Her sister has borrowed it and she has not returned
it yet. She can’t …(44) her blue dress either. She has worn it to Emmy’s party. The red blouse looks
good. But she has lost its matching skirt. It is 3.30 p.m. now. Boby has promised to come and …(45)
her at 4.00. But she has not found the right dress yet.

43. a. table b. mirror c. wardrobe d. television

44. a. wear b. postpone c. finish d. read
45. a. write b. return c. bring d. fetch

For questions number 47 and 48 arrange the words into good sentences.

46. we – the exam – will – we – if – hard - pass - study

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The best arrangement is ….

a. 1-8-6-4-3-7-2
b. 4-3-7-2-1-8-6
c. 4-3-7-2-1-8-6
d. 1-8-6-4-3-7-2

47. is – our - forbidden – school - at - smoking

1 2 3 4 5 6
The best arrangement is …
a. 6-1-5-2-4-3
b. 3-5-2-4-1-6
c. 5-2-4-3-1-6
d. 6-1-3-5-2-4

48. until - tomorrow - you - can - what - wait - don’t - today - do

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
The best arrangement is ....
a. 7-6-1-2-5-3-4-9-8
b. 5-4-3-9-8-7-1-2-6
c. 3-7-6-8-1-2-4-9-5
d. 2-3-4-9-1-5-6-7-8

49. Read the jumbled sentences carefully!

1. Therefore rainforest are found near the equator
2. The trees grow to thirty meters tall.
3. They need not only a lot of rain but also a high temperature.
4. Their branches and leaves form an umbrella
5. Rainforests grow in tropical parts of indonesia
6. The tropical rainforest is a warm and silent place.
The possible arrangement of the paragraph can be …
a. 3-6-1-2-5-4
b. 2-5-4-6-1-3
c. 5-3-1-6-2-4
d. 4-1-6-5-2-3

50. Arrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1. After he has his material, the disc jockey sits near a microphone , ready to broadcast his program
2. At large radio station, many people work together as a team to help a disc jockey
3. The disc jockey looks over a list that tell him the music, the commercials and other
announcement he has to play on his program
4. One person may prepare the program and choose the music
5. Someone in the music library gathers the tapes that will be played
The best arrangement is ....
a. 2-4-5-3-1
b. 3-1-2-4-5
c. 5-1-2-4-3
d. 1-3-2-5-4

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