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English script (Topic:Boon and bane social media for the society)

Joan:Sara Do you saw my story on instragram yesterday?



Joan: For today’s group discussion, we will be discoursing the topic of boon and bane
social media for the society. First, let me give you a brief overview of the topic. In 2020,
over 3.6 billion people were using social media. According to Statista, that number is
projected to increase to over 4.4 billion by 2025. Millions of humans around the arena
use social media. Social media are the Internet systems that allow customers to create
content material and share data. With social media, communication has become more
interactive and immediate. People can now share their thoughts and experiences with a
global audience in real-time, and receive instant feedback. This has led to a more
connected world, where people can engage with one another on a scale never before
possible. Hence, let us discuss the boon and bane social media for the society.

Sara: Social media has really made our daily lives easier. Social media websites also
permit people to link with their friends’ pals. In this manner, social media differs from the
chat rooms that had been once the most famous manner to engage online. Those
boards focused on precise subjects. On social media, customers create their very own
specific boards. They accomplish that by building pages about themselves. The pages
may additionally include pix, films, text, and different information approximately the
person. The user can then hyperlink their web page to pages of friends.

Ben: I agree with the point social media made our lives easier. Unfortunately, social
media has some dangers. Most sites do not verify the statistics submitted via
individuals. As a result, fake identities are commonplace. Children, especially, can be
exploited. In some instances, abuse outcomes whilst youngsters agree to fulfill an
internet friend in individual. In different instances, strangers have tracked down
youngsters via private information disclosed online. Anonymity can offer privacy. But
anonymous networking has drawbacks, too. Sometimes it promotes online bullying and
taunting. But children aren’t on my own in being victimized. Identity robbery can arise
whilst adults divulge an excessive amount of statistics. Social media is also a great
source of spreading fake news. People are now addicted to social media which in turn
can affect their health. Cybercrimes, online bullying, security, and privacy issues
represent its dark side.

Sara: Because of such dangers, many social media websites have minimum age
necessities. They range by the web page. It is likewise crucial that young users check
with parents before the use of such websites. Experts say that mother and father should
carefully display who children are interacting with and what form of statistics they may
be sharing. Kids and young adults are suggested to by no means agree to fulfill with
everybody that they have encountered online.

Joan: Self-control or self-discipline in social media use may look a lot different than we
might expect. It means mastering the technology we use so that we can avoid viscous
use of it and controlling the technology of social media so that we can use it for good
ends. Social media have both advantages and disadvantages. It depends on us how we
use it.

Ben: I absolutely agree with you. Self-control is vital. Without self-control we are more
likely to become addicted to social media. The addictive part of the social media is very
bad and can disturb personal lives as well. The teenagers are the most affected by the
addiction of the social media. They get involved very extensively and are eventually cut
off from the society. It can also waste individual time that could have been utilized by
productive tasks and activities.

Sara: Exactly. In my point, social media has a lot of benefits for the students and
teachers. It is very easy to educate from others who are experts and professionals via
the social media. You can follow anyone to learn from him/her and enhance your
knowledge about any field. Regardless of your location and education background you
can educate yourself, without paying for it. Besides, social media can be a useful tool
for students to stay up to date on current events and news. With social media, students
can follow news outlets, journalists, and other sources of information to get updates on
what's happening in the world. For example, they can follow news outlets on Twitter to
get real-time updates on breaking news. They can also join online groups or
communities focused on specific topics or issues to discuss current events and share
information and resources.

Joan: In short, surely social media has both advantages and disadvantages. But, it all
depends on the user at the end. The youth must particularly create a balance between their
academic performances, physical activities, and social media. Excess use of anything is
harmful and the same thing applies to social media. Therefore, we must strive to live a
satisfying life with the right balance. Is there anything you want to add?

Sara&Ben: No.

Joan: That is all from us,thank you.

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