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The Future of A.

I and its Destructive Nature on the

Creative Industry

Is A.I a threat to art? Every year, A.I progresses further and further,
and shows no sign of slowing down. In this speech, I will be informing you
about the future of A.I art, the shoddy ways A.I companies design models
and how they function, and why they are a threat to all artists: Including
digital artists, musicians, writers, and even forms of video.

Why I chose this topic:

As a creative and a musician, this topic is personal to me. It affects my
future career and the range of art itself.

Why this topic is important:

Since the beginning, humans have been creating art. Now, A.I poses a
threat to the integrity of it all. Whether for school or work, someone with no
talent can feed a simple prompt to an A.I model, and it would respond with
something most people would consider amazing. In the future, this simple
convenience may take the job of millions of artists, and is detrimental to
future creatives of any kind.

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