Legal Terms Dictionary

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Legal Term Definition

1. Absenteeism n.
: prolonged absence
2. Belabor v.
: to explain or insist on excessively, overelaborate
3. Belie v.
: to run counter to: CONTRADICT
4. Capricious adj.
: willful and unreasonable action without consideration
or regard for the facts and circumstances.
5. Coddling v.
: to treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness
6. Corruption n.
: consists in the act of an official or fiduciary person
who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or
character to procure some benefit for himself or for
another person
7. Conscious and deliberate adj.
aware and done on purpose
8. Crux n.
: an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an
: a main or central feature (as of an argument)
9. Dishonesty n.
: the disposition to lie, cheat, deceive or defraud;
untrustworthiness; lack of honesty, probity, or integrity
in principle; lack of fairness and straightforwardness
and disposition betray. It is the concealment or
distortion of truth in a matter of fact relevant to one's
office or connected with the performance of his or her
10. Estoppel n.
: a legal bar to alleging or denying a fact because of
one's own previous actions or words to the contrary
11. Ex-Parte Latin phrase
: “From one party”, referring to motions, hearings or
orders granted on the request of and for the benefit of
one party only.
12. Grave Misconduct n.
: involves any of the additional elements of corruption,
clear willful intent to violate the law, or flagrant
disregard of established rules, supported by substantial
13. Gross Negligence n.
: want of or failure to exercise slight care or diligence
in the performance of one's duties
14. Habitual Neglect v.
: repeated failure to perform one's duties for a period of
15. Ipsi Dexit Latin phrase
: "he himself said it."
: In legal contexts, it refers to an assertion or statement
made by an individual based solely on their
own authority, without any supporting evidence or
16. Mimeograph n.
: duplicator for making many copies that utilizes a
stencil through which ink is pressed
17. Misconduct (Simple Misconduct) n.
: transgression of some established and definite rule of
action, more particularly, unlawful behavior or gross
negligence by a public officer.
18. Miscreant Adj.
: one who behaves criminally or viciously
19. Niceties n.
: a fine point or distinction: SUBTLETY
: careful attention to details: delicate
exactness: PRECISION
20. Obstinate adj.
: stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course
in spite of reason, arguments, or persuasion
21. Onus Probandi Latin phrase
: burden of proof
22. Ostensibly Adv.
: evidently, apparently
23. Overt v.
: clear, apparent or obvious
24. Pari Passu Latin phrase
: “equal footing”
25. Prima Facie Evidence Latin phrase
: evidence that is sufficient to establish a fact or to raise
a presumption of fact unless rebutted.
26. Prima Facie Guilt Latin phrase
: the prosecution has to present a case that the
defendant is guilty of the crime charged
27. Recalcitrant adj.
: obstinately defiant of authority or restraint
28. Recantation v.
: renunciation or formal and public withdrawal of a
prior statement of a witness
29. Substantial Evidence Legal term

: such amount of relevant evidence which a reasonable

mind might accept as adequate to justify a conclusion
(e.g., affidavit)
30. Spoutman n.
: one who keeps a load (as of grain) level by moving
the spout through which the load is being delivered
: one who sets up the chutes and spouts through which
concrete is transferred into molding forms

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