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The Group Travel Presentation

How to get ready for the topic

Goal: Have a professional group presentation in front of the class with materials prepared by
students about a topic related to travel. This project requires you to work with others to talk
about an interesting place you want to share with your classmates. Failing to follow the
guidelines below will result in deduction of points.

1. Groups must recommend places they want their classmates to visit in English
2. Each group needs to make a unified, professional looking presentation
a. All students in the group will get a group presentation (PPT) quality score
b. A solo presentation speaking score for speaking in front of the audience

Presenting a good speech

1. Students can’t read scripts, use their phones, or use notes during the presentation
a. Only use Keywords reminders on slides
b. All groups speak for a minimum of 5 minutes
i. Student without groups still do presentations that are 5 minutes
c. Spoken target of ~3 minutes of English per person MAX.
i. e.g, a group of three = 9 max minutes, a group of four = 12 minutes max.
2. Everyone speaks clearly and LOUDLY enough to be heard
a. You can use a microphone if you want

Group Integration
1. An Emcee will introduce each student in the group and the speaking order
a. Each group should have 3 or 4 people in them depending on class size
2. The list of speakers must be on the first slide of the presentation in speaking order
a. Each speaker should should know when it is their turn to speak
3. Working together to accomplish the goal and giving the presentation is important
a. Missing the group presentation will have a very HARSH participation penalty

1. Each group member must speak English and help prepare slide materials.
a. Each student in the group speaks equally in time about the topic
b. Each student shares something interesting about the topic
c. The group should work to convince the audience why the place is worth visiting
2. Each group can have three to four slides, per person, MAXIMUM
a. A group of three should not use more than 9-12 slides, etc.
b. Slides should look professional with good text and picture placement
3. The presentation is suitable for an English class with University students
a. No group activities based on crime or illegal activities
4. You must work to enhance your presentation with slides
a. Slides are VISUAL help for the audience with PICTURES, not scripts

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