Lektion 1 Och 2

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Task 1

- Actor some important things to highlights and are great contributors

- Its effect on the region and landscape
- Upload visual aid anything you think will be necessary

Prata om hru regionens konsumtion ser ut vad som förändras och vad som krävs av

Lecture 1

Food = nutrient and energy

Power metabolisem and make structural material for growth
But it also is culture and a social thing and much more.

Fiber is not included beacuse its a help for metabolism and nutrient digestion.

Food system economy, externalities, chains. Impacts and feedback.

Agriculture is a system of its own. Sort of a ecosystem. But a part of a bigger system.
Inputs and requirements. (seed, fertiliser, water, labour, energy etc. These are linked with
argiculture. Needs a lot of inputs in argicutlure to work properly and not all are linear.

-> Agriculture > processing > manufacutuering > distrubution > market > consumer = Supply
Wheat processed, flour, then coocking many steps from producer to consumer.
Each step has there own supply chain

The whole picture create a value chain. So all thing creat value in different ways to these

Other actors and influences such as culture, religion, trade, technology, policy and
research and science also affect food systems.

This results in outcomes

Environment, health, and wellbeing and much more.

Official definiton:
All elements to food processes

One action in one area will have a ripple effct on other areas and gives diffrent feedbacks.
What incentives gives to each action and what is the consequences of these incentives.

Policy can have huge consequences for a particluar food system outcomes bothe
economically and enviormentally.

Types of food systems:

depends on scale.
- Traditional type: Smaller systems have higher diversity and fewer and lower inputs
but problems are not relisent enoiugh and not enough yield and soil degradation.
Water shortages.
- Modern food systems: Larger producers and more specialisation and a lot of inputs.
Many actors. A lot of externalities emissions and pollution.

Food produce is interconnected:

- By product and co products expample one product can be human feed but also a
feed for lifestock. and manuer and feses as fertilizers in cropframing. And for
consumers some foods are consumed togehet like bread and butter. Sheep and whol
of sheep.
- Some crops have to be rotated beacuse of diffrent risks like pest or soil degradation.

Sustainable food systems:

- Biproduct use
- replensihment of resources
- Not damaging
- Not endenderging future use of resources
- It needs to be done in a way so that it can be used in the same way in the future.
- Meeting needs of the present and the future
- Three pillars. economic, enviromental, social.

SFS = food system that deliver a food security and nutrion for all in accordance to the three
pillars. so that it is not comprimaised for the future need.

It is possible? Its hard to say and needs to be scaled and developed. Not 100% with a few
losses but atleast so it can replenish resources and not endangering extinction.

Hard to figure out the future need of next generations.

Are food systems sustainable?

Planetary boundaries
How can we measure the impact. Spider diagram Some hard to define and some visiual by
the eye.
What land is needed for growing food?

Alot of resources required in primary production wich need to be circular and effectivly

Other issues like malnutrion obiesity and diseases aswelle as poverty and injustable
economic distrubiutoon of value and wealth taken from primary producers

Everything must be balanced. Solution to reducing negative impacts, not cut down produce
beacuse we need to meet the needs of social and economical aspects it has to be produced
diffrently and consumed so that all pillars are satiesfied.
Food systems are in transition more animal products and more diet richer foods and thereby
food systems have to adapt.
But these changes make resource use less effecient such as more land and energy use for

Population is increasing aswell as urbanisation.

We will need more food in the future.
How much is uncertain and depend on population, diets and waste which will change
footprint and the systems and practices of producing foods.
How can we change these factors and reduce negative externalitis without the use of more

Importnat to rember:
All projections are tools to use and may tell us what will happen with some uncertanty.

Prospects and challenges:

Food systesm = large contributor to diffrent negative impacts but also offer a lot of solutions
which we can prospect and use to further develop our understanding of how to develop SFS.

UNEP (2016) Food Systems and Natural Resources

FCRN Food Source (Chapter 1)

Lecture 2

Resource use and evironmental impacts in food systems

Natural resources = materials or substances for economic gain.

Natural resources are used in food systems

Resource: Water is renewable and scarce, Land is renewable and suffiecetn, Metal not
renewable but sufficient. Fossil fuel not renewable but sufficent. Minerals (nutrients)
Primary productions: Water, Metal, sun, Fossil ,Minerals (nutrients)
Process and packaging : Water, Metal, Fossil ,Minerals (nutrients)
Distribution: Water, metal, Fossil
Consuming: Water; metal, Fossil
Waste: Water, Metal, Fossil

Agricultural land:
- Cropland excelletn for crop framning. 1/3
- Permanent meadows and pastures not suitable for crop farming ⅔
- This can change but only ⅓ is nessecary according to a study
The potential of diffrent lands
Often factors that are hard to change Some static and some dynamic
Soil is not static it can be improved or degraded.
Same for the climate

Soil degradation
Diminished capacity of the soil ecosystem to provide goods and services (erosion or nutrient
depletion.) All comed from improper managment.
⅓ is affected.

Yield gaps

Why do they occur = technical explenations but socioeconomic causes

Returns are low on investment
High cost of inputs
missing governances

- Used in alla part of the food system but mainly in primary production
- Almost 4000 liters a day to produce the foof you eat
- Water foot print of a certain product?
Green, blue, grey classification
Grey how much water is needed to delute the water and make it clean.
- More than 90% used in agriculture

Virtual water is moved globally.

One fifth is exported
ship a banan to sweden you have to adress all the stafges of shipment that requires water.
Coulers show who exports the most.

Ecosystem services benefits for humans from natural ecosystems

- Regulating - regulating processes that we need to control flood control, pest control
- Material directly extracted from natural ecosystems, food, feed, timber
- Non material- cultural recreational, astetichal
- There can be areas inbetween for example a park for everyhting

Nutrients from a agricutrual perpspecitve in food systems:

- Nitrogen macronutrient essential im crop production accesable for plants in reduced
form, (ammonium and nitrate)
- Before provided thorugh N fixation in leguminuos plants from collecting manure
faeces (Bakteria sybiouses)
- Biggest natriogen process is the haber bosch process N2 to NH3 Nitrogen to
- A renewable resource but not in practice beacuse the use of fossial fuels.

Uneven distrubtion of nitrogen fertilizer in the world (more in richer countries)


In nature tied to a particular matter. Is cycled between soil and biomass on a local scale
Phospfor to the plant eaten by anmila den decompostation and back into the soil

- In modern food system it is moved on global scale.

- Mostly in marocko and sub-shara
- Some in russia

Energy and fossial fuels

- 13% energy use in global net energy use
- around half is fossil fuels and other half almost biomass

Aquatic and wild resources

fish and seafood around 17% of animal protein consumption
Aquaculture is growing rapidly
Limited potetntail growth
only 7% are underfished
more pressure on fishstocks from climate change

Other wild animals and plants

- Livestock and hunan are 95 % of alla animal mamal life wild life is only 5%

Environmental impacts of food systems.

Environmental impacts and natural resoruces use is interconnected and is one step affected
there is a chain reaction

Biodiversity loss

The food system is a major driver for the impacts

- Land use is a major factor
- And food systems rely on biodiversity

The occurrence of cropland is linked with the loss of species richness

25 % of alla species are threatened, Fewer species are used for food production

Land use change and deforestaion

Increased food production is mostly from increased productivity som most land change
occurs in torpical countries

Pollution of soils, water and air

The introduction of harmfull och poisounus substances to the enviroment
- Impacts soil quality
- To much use of fertilizers with dangerous tendencies kadmium in fosfor
- Manure can contain copper an zinc
Water quality
- goes along the food chain and can compromise use of water in food systems

Caused of reales of N and P to waters
- Managment of waste and soil depostion
- Alge blooms high ph and dead zones

Impacts on air quality

- Major emissions in the food systems
- Ammonia, pesticides, aerosol (balck carbon)
- Emission of ammonia depositions casuing acidification and etropication

Cookstoves cause indoor air poluution and cause premature deaths but also connected to
havest of wood to make coal and emiits carbon.

Proposed soultions and opposing ideas

Stop agricultural expansion not nesseceray but we must become more effective
- Sustainbale intesification in what we currently have
- Imporving managment of resources

Closing yelid gasp is a important step

increasi the yeild for important crops
Effeicint rsources use is a key factor
Genetic improvments?

Rebound effects and jevons paradox

Jevon paradox = demand increase of more productivity which pushes down prices and more
is required to meet demand.
Land sparing vs land sharing = debate on practices of agricultur where is the biodiversity
How is increased effeciency feedback on resources use

Improve resources use

optimal mix is crucial
crop needs ceratin inputs and if one is taken the crop wont grow
There needs to be a balnced or else there is a waste

Efficent use of nutrients

- 4Rs
- Technology and socioeconomic factors

Efficent use of water

- increased irragation

Effiecnt use of soil

- maintaing soil organic matter
- application of manure and residues
- Preventing soil erosion, cover crops, contur plouguig or no ploughing
- Preventaion of overgrazing and restoring degraded range lands

Efficinet use of fishstocks

- fishieries managment how can it replenish (MSY)
- Ecosystem approach
- Combatting illegal fisheries
- Susatinable aquaculture

Reusing resources or circular economy or waste hierchy

Reusing at highest utility possible
Manure managment and energy

Reduce food system size

changeing human behavoiur and conucmtions patterns

The food-feed-competition
- currently 40% of all cropland is used to grow animal feed
- Animals convert feed into food but some energy and nutrients are lost

Food waste at diffrent stages

One third of food is wasted globally
Higher upp att diffrent stages more impacts on loss of things

Diffrent amounts of wsste form diffrents stages depending on low or high income countries

Food waste example

Students in school kitchens

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