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iWonder 1 – 4

Placement Test

NAME: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

DATE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

POINTS: ……………………… / 100 Time: 45 minutes

1 Listen and tick (✔) the box.

1 What is Kevin’s favourite season?


2 Where is Tom now?


3 What is Harry doing?


4 What time does Alice usually get up?


Points: ____
© Express Publishing & Egis PHOTOCOPIABLE (4x3) 12
2 Choose.

1 2 3

A rubber A grandma A fifty

B ruler B grandpa B fifteen

4 5 6

A tongue A lorry A postman

B cheek B boat B firefighter

7 8 9

A beach A do the dishes A drop litter

B island B cook B make noise

10 11 12

A hoodie A a fever A luggage

B jumper B a cough B platform

Points: ____
(12x2) 24

© Express Publishing & Egis PHOTOCOPIABLE

3 Tick ().

1 A These are eyes. 2 A I’m wearing a dress.

B This is an eye. B I wear a skirt.

3 A It’s got wings. 4 A He likes rice.

A These are ears.
B They’ve got scales. B He doesn’t like toasts.
B This is an eye.

5 A He gets dressed at 7 a.m. 6 A He is good at singing.

B I get up at 8 a.m. B He is good at juggling.

A These are ears.

7 A How many milk is there? 8 A I saw Ben yesterday.
B How much milk is there? B This is
B He wore aanhat.

Points: ____
(8x2) 16

© Express Publishing & Egis PHOTOCOPIABLE

4 Circle.

1 It’s hot / cold.

2 There is / are four people in the picture.
3 They are scared / happy.
4 Dad is wearing a hat / a T-shirt.
5 They are in the forest / at the beach.
6 The children are playing with the dog / the horse.
7 It’s winter / summer.
8 Mum is fat / thin.
9 The sun is / isn’t shining.
10 The boy is shorter / taller than dad.

Points: ____
(10x2) 20

© Express Publishing & Egis PHOTOCOPIABLE

5 Match the questions to the correct answers.

1 What’s your favourite colour? A My head hurts.

2 Can you jump? B She’s very friendly.
3 What have you got? C He’s in the bathroom.
4 Where is your uncle? D Blue.
5 What time do you get up? E I’ve got a scooter.
6 What’s the weather forecast for Monday? F I was all around the town.
7 What is she like? G Yes, I can.
8 What’s the matter? H Usually at seven o’clock.
9 Where were you yesterday? I It’ll be hot and sunny.

1 …. 6 ….
2 …. 7 ….
3 …. 8 ….
4 …. 9 ….
5 ….

Points: ____
(9x2) 18

© Express Publishing & Egis PHOTOCOPIABLE

6 Read the text and choose the answer.

My best friend by Sally

My best friend is Julia. She’s eleven years old and she’s from Portugal. She has
got a lot of talents!

She can play the violin and the guitar very well. I like playing the guitar, too, but
she’s better than me. Now I’m learning how to play the drum because I want to start a
band and become a famous musician!

When Julia doesn’t play music, she likes taking care of animals, and her favourite
wild animal is the flamingo because it has got pink wings. She would like to be a
vet when she grows up.

Julia usually visits me every summer. At the moment we can’t meet because she’s
travelling in Australia with her parents, but we talk online.

Julia is an amazing person and my best friend!

1 A Julia is from Portugal.

B Julia is from France.

2 A Julia can’t play the guitar.

B Julia can play the guitar.

3 A Sally wants to become a famous musician.

B Sally wants to become a vet.

4 A Julia likes taking care of animals.

B Julia doesn’t like taking care of animals.

5 A At the moment, Julia is travelling in Australia.

B At the moment, Sally is travelling in Australia.

Points: ____
(5x2) 10

© Express Publishing & Egis PHOTOCOPIABLE

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