Manaog Position Paper

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Darwin C.


MKMGT 2202


The Election is a peaceful and efficient way of choosing political leaders. Furthermore, a Philippines citizens choose
a leader by casting their votes. In this way, the citizens are able to choose an individual whose views appeal to them most.
Hence, we the people of the Republic of the Philippines are able to exercise the will of a political leadership. Why is a president
important in a country? According to my search stated that the President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the
laws written by congress and, to that end, appoints the heads of the federal agencies, including the Cabinet. The presidency
is the highest, most powerful, and most influential position in government. This 2022 election is a big opportunity for me to
express and choose a better leader of our country. There are ten brave candidates who want to run for president of our country
however only two names are more talked about, more favoured, and more watched by people.

As a registered voter I am free to choose a great leader of this democratic country I chose Mr, Ferdinand Romualdez
Marcos jr. as my president because I see more of the good things that will happen in our country in him. I believe that he will
use his right hand in the position he is in. The Philippines used to be beautiful, economically and in other aspects that could
help our lives. The number of achievements he has achieved and the experience he has gained has become why he was
strong to face those kind of insulting words, and the main reason for wanting to win the presidency of our country. If you see
the place of Ilocos City, you can realized how Mr. marcos improved it, he lowered the electricity consumption, making solar
panel and now exporting electricity to other nearby areas, a leader must have experienced to be able for him/her to make a
decision that can help for others. In addition, the way Marcos campaigning shows more of what he wants to happen in a
positive way of campaigning so it helps Marcos to be always number one in survey, however if you see the other candidates
on how they did their campaigning is full of hatred, and insulting the one, especially the more talked about Mrs. Leni Robredo
the way she insulting, the way she hate Mr. Marcos did not help for her running as a president because of her wrecking she
herself brought her down.

So if you want to run for a position be kind, responsible, don’t underestimate your opponent, avoid using nonsense
words just to take advantage among others because this will be the things that pull you down. Furthermore, we should always
use our knowledge in a positive way make it sense in all aspects not just in life but if you want the hearts of your supporters
you have to be knowledgeable.

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