Stories of Saints - The Revival

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Published by iRazor on 6 January, 2006 - 01:52


This is a thread where people can write about Great Saints/Sufi's/Awliya's of the
past and present day. There are many fasinating stories i often hear from people,
and im sure people have some stories to share, so please, dnt be shy.

Ive been particularly fasinated by certain saints from the India/Pakistan region.

For example, In Lahore we have a Darbar of the Great Datta Ali Hujveri R.A.

And from Jamear sharif (city i think) there was the Great Khwaja MoinUddin Chisti
R.A, who throughout their Life converted 900,000 people to Islam. They did this by
the good example they set and their actions Mash'allah.

There have also been many from all over the world, The Greatest of Great saints,
Gause-ul-Azam Shaykh Abd al Qadir Jilani R.A.

There was Mawlana Rumi R.A, Shaykh Muhammad Naqshband R.A, Shaykh Mujadid

And of current day, Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani is widely considered by many to
be a great saint.

So please share with us your stories, as they may help us in growing and solidifying
our Emaan insha'allah.

And please, before you do post something, do so with the correct ettiquette, and
dunt spoil this thread. If you have nothing nice so say, or disagree with anything,
please stay away and dont post anything.

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Submitted by MuslimSister on 6 January, 2006 - 10:19 #1


One is very impressed by ones chosen topic.

A great Wali (friend) of Allah (swt) was tested with an extremely strict and
domineering wife. She used to pick fights with him on a regular basis, however the
Wali (friend) of Allah (swt) used to practise Sabr. One day the Wali (friend) of Allah
(swt) left his home and in his absence one of his Mureed (follower) came to visit him
at home.

He knocked on the door of his Sheikh and was received by the wife. He inquired
about his Sheikh and the wife spoke negatively about her husband to the Mureed
(follower). She informed him of his shortcomings, and told the Mureed (follower) “to
stop ruining your life and find and better Sheikh’.

These negative comments upset the Mureed (follower), and he left to find his
Sheikh. (We should all marvel at the character of the Mureed (follower), if we were
to hear such negative comments from the wife of our Sheikh we would be quick to
doubt and suspect the character of our Sheikh) However, this Mureed (follower) had
strong Iman (faith).

He found his Sheikh in the jungle riding a tiger and holding a snake (thus conveying
his extremely high status…even the animals were in his service as he was forever
busy in the service of Allah)

The Mureed (follower), informed his Sheikh about the negative comments that he
had heard from his wife and told him that if his Shaikh wants he would sort her out
for him. His Sheikh told him that if his wife wasn’t so difficult and frustrating to live
with he wouldn’t have to practice sabr….in other words it was through the difficult
character of wife that he had received his high status.
I even heard of a Sufi who refused to divorce his rowdy, abusive wife because he
was concerned that if he let her go she would end up making someone elses life

Sufi’s were even known to appoint harsh, rowdy argumentative people to insult
them in public so that via them they could achieve praiseworthy characteristics of
tolerance and Sabr.

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Submitted by muslim_kuri on 6 January, 2006 - 15:08 #2

Great thread bro... Jazak'Allah

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Submitted by iRazor on 6 January, 2006 - 15:38 #3

"MuslimSister" wrote: Salaam

One is very impressed by ones chosen topic.

[color=red]One is Happy that one has made on happy[/color]

"MuslimSister" wrote:
Sufi’s were even known to appoint harsh, rowdy argumentative people to
insult them in public so that via them they could achieve praiseworthy
characteristics of tolerance and Sabr.

[color=red]One read about this in Imam Ghazali's book, called, "Inner Dimensions
of Islamic Worship". Which BTW is a great book[/color]

"Muslim_kuri" wrote: Great thread bro... Jazak'Allah

[color=red]Thanks Kuri, something just inspired me[/color]

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.

They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

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Submitted by Medarris on 6 January, 2006 - 15:53 #4


Hadhrat Sheikh Muzani Kabeer (rahmatullahi alayh) says:

"Once in Makkah my heart was overcome with fear and agitation. I therefore
decided to go to Madinah Munawwarah. When I neared Beer-e-Maimunah. I saw a
young man in his death throes. I said to him: ‘Laa Ilaaha il-lallaahu...’ He opened his
eyes and said: ‘I am dying with a heart in love. Virtuous people die with the sickness
of love.’"

He then died. Hadhrat Muzani gave him ghusl and after the Janaaza Salaat buried
him. He said:
"After completing the burial all fear and restlessness disappeared from me. I
therefore, cancelled my journey and returned to Makkah Muazzamah."

Allah Taàla brought Sheikh Muzani out of Makkah Muazzamah in this way for the
burial of His devotee.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by Medarris on 6 January, 2006 - 15:55 #5


Khalifah Haroon Rashid o­nce went for Hajj in great pomp and splendour. At o­ne
location in the precincts of Makkah Muazzamah, the cavalcade of Haroon Rashid
reached the spot where the Majzub, Bahlool Majnoon who was well known to all,
including the Khalifah, shouted loudly: "O Ameerul Mum̀ineen! O Ameerul
Mum̀ineen! O Ameerul Mum̀ineen!"

Pulling aside the curtain, Haroon Rashid responded: "Labbaik! O Majnoon! What
have you to say?"

Bahlool: "O Ameerul Mum̀ineen! Aiman Bin Ma-il o­n the authority of Qudamah Bin
Abdullah Aamiri narrated that Qudamah saw Nabi (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) at
Mina seated o­n a camel o­n which the saddle was of very cheap quality. There were
no guards and servants accompanying Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam)
chasing and pushing people out of the way. Therefore, O Ameerul Mum̀ineen! o­n
this journey the acquisition of humility and meekness is better than pride and

Haroon Rashid was touched by this admonition. He cried so much that his tears fell
o­n the ground. He said: "O Bahlool! Admonish me more."

Bahlool recited some poetry, the translation of which is:

"O my friend! Do not be deceived by luxuries

life is passing by and pleasures are depleting

when you carry the janazah to the cemetery

Then know that after it you will be carried (to the cemetery)."

Haroon Rashid cried more and said: "Bahlool! You have spoken wonderfully. Say
something more."

Bahlool: "O Ameerul Mum̀ineen! The man to whom Allah has bestowed wealth and
beauty, if he spends the wealth in Allah’s Path and saves his beauty from haraam,
by Allah he is recorded in the roll of the Abraar."

Haroon Rashid: "Bahlool! You have spoken correctly. You deserve a prize."

Bahlool: "Give your prize to o­ne who will accept it. I have no need for it."

Haroon Rashid: "Bahlool! If you have any debts, then inform me. I shall pay it."

Bahlool: "I do not want to exchange the Deen for my debts."

Haroon Rashid: "If you wish, a stipend will be fixed for you."

Bahlool: "Ameerul Mum̀ineen! You and I are the servants of Allah. How can it be
that Allah Taàla remembers you and forgets me?"

Hearing this, Haroon Rashid drew the curtain and the royal cavalcade proceeded.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by Medarris on 6 January, 2006 - 15:56 #6


Ibn Qassaab Sufi (rahmatullahi alayh) narrates: "A few of us went to visit a
madhouse. We saw there a young man who appeared extremely sad and grief-
stricken. We were bewildered by his presence in the madhouse. We followed him in
an endeavour to gain information about him. As soon as he observed that we were
following him, he exclaimed: ‘O People! Look at these people. They are all dressed
and adorned with fine garments and fragrant with perfume. Yet, they left all work
of the world and the Deen in pursuit of futility and an insignificant act. They attach
importance to it. They are bereft of knowledge. They are not human."

Ibn Qassaab said: "If we ask you some questions, will you answer properly?"

He replied: "Ask, By Allah! I will answer perfectly."

Ibn Qassaab: "Who is the worst ingrate?"

The Youth: "The worst ingrate is a person who has been saved from a calamity.
Then he sees another person afflicted by this calamity, but he derives no lesson
therefrom. o­n the contrary, he indulges in futility and sin."

Ibn Qassaab and his companions were profoundly affected by the youth’s words of
wisdom and admonition. When they questioned the youth about some
praiseworthy spiritual attributes, he said: "That does not conform with your state."

He then sobbed and supplicated to Allah Taàla: "O Allah! If you do not return my
sanity, at least give me sufficient strength to enable me to slap each o­ne of these

On hearing this Ibn Qassaab (rahmatullahi alayh) and his companions quickly
disappeared from the scene.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by iRazor on 6 January, 2006 - 16:11 #7


He then sobbed and supplicated to Allah Taàla: [b]"O Allah! If you do not
return my sanity, at least give me sufficient strength to enable me to slap
each o­ne of these people.[/b]"

On hearing this Ibn Qassaab (rahmatullahi alayh) and his companions

quickly disappeared from the scene.



_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.

They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

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Submitted by MuslimSister on 6 January, 2006 - 20:34 #8


An Awliya (Hadrat Data Ganj Baksh (ra)-I think) was fasting. He was offered a sweet
by a non Muslim who had come to visit him from a far place…he took the sweet and
ate it.
He was later asked about his action. He informed his followers that the
compensation of intentionally breaking one fast is that one must fast consecutively
for 60 days…however there is no compensation for intentionally breaking
someone’s heart.

The non Muslim was so impressed with his actions that she accepted Islam.

Ibn Mubarak (the student of Imam Abu Hanifah (ra) would never feed or clothe his
own children until he had fed and clothed the children of his Jewish neighbour….
when the Jew wished to sell his home he asked for “two thousand dirhams” . One
thousand was for the house and one thousand was for having Ibn Mubarak as a
neighbour. Later on the Jew was so impressed with the character of Ibn Mubarak
that he accepted Islam.

Non Muslims were not perceived as the “dirty kufar” by our pious predecessors and
as Razor pointed out hundreds of them accepted Islam because of the fantastic
character of the Awliyas.

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Submitted by iRazor on 6 January, 2006 - 20:51 #9

As you pointed out MS, and one of the main reason for this thread, is to show
people that what we do affects people perception of us.

Nowadays we're around with hijaab's beard etc, they are symbols of our faith, our
religion Islam, and we need to learn from our pious predecessors.

Like them, we must become, as Ed puts it, Walking Talking Adverts for Islam.

Great stories Sis.

[color=red]There was once a a great scholor, who was giving a speech in Iraq. In the
audience was a very pious man. After the Speech, the Pious person in the audience
stood up, walked up to the scholor, and asked to join his organisation.
When asked afterward why he decided to join the organisation, he replied, as the
scholor was delivering the speech, he saw a person standing behind the scholor,
holding a sword, protecting the scholor. He said the person protecting the scholor
was Sayyidina Gause-ul-Azam R.A.

This happened in the last 30ish years (thats why it is significant)

I dint mention names on purpose, and because i cant remember the name of the
pious person[/color]

_____________- -SupeRazor- -_______________

Some ppl make their goals the stars.

They may live n die n never reach the stars,
but in the darkness of the night, those stars will guide them to their destination.
Becuz they made them in their eyesight

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Submitted by You on 6 January, 2006 - 21:00 #10

"MuslimSister" wrote: Salaam

An Awliya (Hadrat Data Ganj Baksh (ra)-I think) was fasting. He was offered a
sweet by a non Muslim who had come to visit him from a far place…he took
the sweet and ate it.

If a fast is a nafl fast, and you are a guest at someones house, if they offer food, you
are allowed to break the fast without offering any 'compensation'.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey
the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
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Submitted by MuslimSister on 6 January, 2006 - 21:04 #11

"Admin" wrote:

"MuslimSister" wrote: Salaam

An Awliya (Hadrat Data Ganj Baksh (ra)-I think) was fasting. He was
offered a sweet by a non Muslim who had come to visit him from a far
place…he took the sweet and ate it.

If a fast is a nafl fast, and you are a guest at someones house, if they offer
food, you are allowed to break the fast without offering any 'compensation'.

That’s interesting. I didn’t know that..

I’m not sure if the Awliya above had a nafl/fard fast..

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Submitted by You on 6 January, 2006 - 21:08 #12

There is a condition that you feel the host will be displeased with you not eating...

So if you are finding a fast hard, you cannot just makeyourself someones guest.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey
the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
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Submitted by MuslimSister on 6 January, 2006 - 21:14 #13

"Admin" wrote: There is a condition that you feel the host will be displeased
with you not eating...

Which once again links in with consideration for other people’s feelings…

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Submitted by Medarris on 6 January, 2006 - 23:17 #14


Hadhrat Masòod (radhiallahu anhu) narrates that Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi

wasallam) said: "There are three hundred servants of Allah, whose hearts are like
the heart of Aadam (alayhis salaam); forty have hearts like the heart of Ibraheem
(alayhis salaam); seven have hearts like the heart of Izraeel (alayhis salaam); five
have hearts like the heart of Jibraeel (alayhis salaam); three have hearts like the
heart of Meekaeel (alayhis salaam); and o­ne has the heart like the heart of Israafeel
(alayhis salaam). When the o­ne dies, Allah Taàla appoints o­ne of the group of three
to take his place; when o­ne of the group of three dies, Allah Taàla appoints o­ne
from the group of five to take his place; when o­ne from the group of five dies, Allah
Taàla appoints o­ne from the group of seven to take his place; when o­ne from the
group of seven dies, Allah Taàla appoints o­ne from the group of forty to take his
place; when o­ne from the group of forty dies, Allah Taàla appoints o­ne from the
group of three hundred to take his place; when o­ne of the group of three hundred
dies, a man from the rank and file of mankind is ennobled (With Imaan and Taqwa)
and appointed. Allah Taàla removes calamities from the Ummah of Muhammad
(sallallahu alayhi wasallam) by virtue of the blessedness of these Auliyaa."
The o­ne servant mentioned in this Hadith is called the Qutub or Ghaus. Among the
Auliyaa his rank and position are like the centre of a circle. He is the pivot.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by Medarris on 6 January, 2006 - 23:41 #15


Once when Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal and Imaam Shaafi (rahmatullahi alayhima)
were together, Hadhrat Shaibaan Raaèe (rahmatullahi alayh) - who was a Sufi -
appeared o­n the scene. Imaam Ahmad said to Imaam Shaafi: "I wish to draw his
attention to the paucity of his knowledge so that he becomes involved in the
acquisition of knowledge."

Imaam Shaafi forbade him. But Imaam Ahmad did not heed his advice.

Imaam Ahmad said to Hadhrat Shaibaan: "If someone forgets to perform o­ne of the
five Salaat, but does not remember which o­ne, what should he do?"

Hadhrat Shaibaan: "Ahmed, such a heart is forgetful of Allah Taàla. It is necessary

for this person to punish his heart so that he does not become forgetful of His
Friend (Allah). He should repeat all his Salaat (i.e. the five Salaat)."

When Imaam Ahmad heard this, he lapsed into unconsciousness. After he was
revived, Imaam Shaafi said: "Did I not warn you to desist from pestering him?"

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by Medarris on 7 January, 2006 - 00:24 #16

"Admin" wrote: IS a ghazi not someone who fought in juhad, and lived? Is a
shaheed not one who died? :?

(two wars?)

Since you saw the film, you better give us a story...

I havent seen the entire movie, just saw that it was on.

Ghazi is a fighter, Shaheed is a martyr.

Basically in Lahore an accursed Hindu by the name of Raj Pal Mal'oon wrote a book
entitled Rangeela Rasul which was abusive to Nabi MUHAMMAD SALALLAHU

This man was imprisoned for 18 months and given a fine of 1000 rupees. The court
gave this ruling on : 18 January 1927 .

Anyway after gaining his freedom he was eventually killed by Ilm Deen who became
known famously as Ghazi Ilm ud Deen. This happened on : 6 April 1929. Hadrat
Ghazi was not particularly religious or pious but His love for Holy Prophet salallahu
alayhi wa sallam constrained him to kill this dirty hindu.

Hadrat Ghazi Sahib was arrested and imprisoned. The Lahore High Court found him
guilty and sentenced him to death on 17 July 1929. During his imprisonment people
of high power and authority came to him telling him that if he wanted they could
arrange for him to be freed. Hadrat Ghazi replied to the effect that since being in
this prison cell not one night has passed in which Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa
sallam has not appeared to me in dream. I will never deny what I have done, and
rather Hadrat Ghazi Sahib expressed fakhr over his actions.

Three months later the sentence was carried out in Mianwali jail. Contrary to
practice, his body was released to the public after execution by British authorities.
He was given a heroes burial and was honoured and became Ghazi Ilmud Deen
Shaheed rahmatullahi alayh. I believe Hadrat was buried in Lahore.


Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by star on 7 January, 2006 - 00:48 #17

missed it... only if i had known earlier, found out to late really

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Submitted by Seraphim on 7 January, 2006 - 17:59 #18

[b]The Origins of Zamzam[/b]-[i](always liked this story for some reason)[/i]

Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated, 'Prophet Ibrahim brought
Isma'eel's mother (his wife, Hajar) and Isma'eel, while she was still nursing him, and
then camped with them next to (the area where) the House (the Kaa'bah) was to be
built, next to a large tree just above (the area where now exists the well of) Zamzam
and which is also above the Masjid (the Holy Masjid in Makkah). At that time,
Makkah had neither inhabitants nor a known source of water. He left them there
and left with them a bag full of dates and a Siqaa' (a jug usually made of leather) full
of water.

When Ibrahim started to depart, Hajar followed him, saying, 'O Ibrahim! Where are
you going and leaving us in this valley that does not have any inhabitants or
anything else?' She repeated this several times, but he was not paying any attention
to her. She then said to him, 'Did Allah command you to do this?' Ibrahim replied,
'Yes.' She said, 'Then certainly, He will not abandon us.' She went back, while
Ibrahim kept on walking, until he was next to a hill where he could no longer be
seen. He then faced the direction of the House and recited the following

"O our Lord! I have made some of my offspring to dwell in an uncultivated valley by
Your Sacred House; in order, O our Lord, that they may perform prayer, so fill some
hearts among men with love towards them, and (O Allah) provide them with fruits
so that they may give thanks."

Afterwards, Isma'eel's mother nursed nurse him and drank from the water (that
Ibrahim left with them). When they ran out of water, she and her son became
thirsty. She looked at Isma'eel and saw that he was turning around on the ground
(out of thirst). She hated to see him like this, so she left and went up on Mount Safa,
the nearest mountain to her, then looked down to the valley, trying to locate any
person. She then descended down Mount Safa until she reached the valley, and
then raised her sleeve (trying to protect her eyes from the sun). She walked just like
an exhausted person would walk until she reached the end of the valley. She then
went up on Mount Marwah and stood trying to locate anyone, but she did not see
any person. She repeated this sequence seven times.

Ibn Abbas then said, "The Prophet Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam said, 'This is why
people walk between them (between Mounts Safa and Marwah, while performing
the rituals of Hajj).' When Hajar went up on Mount Marwah (for the fourth time,
completing seven trips back and forth between Mounts Safa and Marwah), she
heard a voice, and said to herself, 'Shush,' and tried hard to listen. She heard
something again, and then said (aloud to whom she thought she heard), 'I heard
you! Do you have relief so that you will provide us with assistance?' She then saw an
angel digging up the ground with his wing where Zamzam exists today, and water
then started to flow. She then started to contain the water with her hand (trying to
make a pool of mud to collect the water in it), and she was also cupping her hands
to fell her Siqaa' (water jug), yet the water was flowing as fast as she was filling."

Ibn Abbas then said, 'The Prophet Salla Allahu Alayhi Wasallam said, 'May Allah
bestow His Mercy upon Isma'eel's mother! If she had left Zamzam - or if she had
not cupped her hand - Zamzam would have been a flowing spring.' Ibn Abbas then
said, 'So she drank and nursed her son. The angel then said to her, 'Do not fear
abandonment, for a House for Allah (the Kaa'bah) will be built in this area by this
boy and his father, and most certainly, Allah does not abandon His people.'

Prophet Ibrahim's sincerity with Allah was evident in his leaving his wife and son in
an uninhabited area, just as Allah commanded him. Also, his wife's sincerity with
Allah was evident by her attesting with certainty that Allah will not abandon her and
her son, since it was Allah Who commanded Ibrahim to leave them in Makkah.

Did Allah abandon them? No, indeed. Prophet Ibrahim and his wife had a type of
sincerity that brings strong emotions to all those believers who hear their story.
Because of sincerity, Allah made Zamzam flow with water, not only for Isma'eel and
his mother, but also for the billions of Muslims throughout the ages, all drinking
from it while visiting the House of Allah.

Back in BLACK

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Submitted by MuslimSister on 8 January, 2006 - 19:52 #19


There was a Shia man who believed that Hadrat Usmaan (ra) was a Jew.

Imam Abu Hanifa visited his house and told him that he has brought a proposal for
his daughter.

He told the Shia man that this man whom he had in mind for his daughter was
young, modest, handsome, wealthy, pious, and generous.

The Shia accepted the proposal almost immediately. Imam Abu Hanifa pointed out
that the only problem with the suitor is that he was a Jew.

The Shia was furious and asked Imam Hanifa, how he could accept such a proposal.
Imam Abu Hanifa calmly told him that “If the idea of accepting a Jew for your own
daughter is so ludicrous, then how can you believe that the Holy Prophet
accepted such a man for his own daughter’s twice-Are you more intelligent then

The man repented and promised that he would no longer spread such lies.

Such was the wisdom and tact of Imam e Azam when dealing with such people...

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Submitted by Omrow on 8 January, 2006 - 22:39 #20


Holy Saints are the life and blood of God's Religion.

It is they who keep alive the True Faith.

Without Saints the Tree of Divine Knowledge would die.


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Submitted by Medarris on 8 January, 2006 - 22:40 #21

Divine Knowledge is eternal. It does not require creation to exist or be sustained.

[b][EDIT BY ADMIN][/b]

Choose your words carefully. I have deleted the first line....

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
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Submitted by MuslimSisLilSis on 8 January, 2006 - 23:41 #22

"Omrow" wrote: Salam

Holy Saints are the life and blood of God's Religion.

It is they who keep alive the True Faith.

Without Saints the Tree of Divine Knowledge would die.



I heard shaikh abdul hakim murad say this in a new year eve dhikr

he also said-when there are no longer any saints left in the world-that would be the
end of the world

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Submitted by Omrow on 8 January, 2006 - 23:45 #23


We have been ordered to LOVE and OBEY the true Saints.

If you dont then you are not on the Pure Path.

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Submitted by MuslimSisLilSis on 9 January, 2006 - 00:17 #24

"MuslimSister" wrote:

Such was the wisdom and tact of Imam e Azam when dealing with such

I wonder why he didnt knock on his door and convince him that he was a kafir or try
to convince all the others to keep away from the kafir that slander the sahaba's

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Submitted by MuslimSister on 9 January, 2006 - 12:36 #25

"Omrow" wrote: Salam

Holy Saints are the life and blood of God's Religion.

It is they who keep alive the True Faith.

Without Saints the Tree of Divine Knowledge would die.



They have also been likened to the soul of Earth, which keep the Earth alive. Hence
when none of the Awliya remain on the planet that would surely be the end of the
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Submitted by Omrow on 9 January, 2006 - 12:39 #26


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote: I wonder why he didnt knock on his door and

convince him that he was a kafir or try to convince all the others to keep away
from the kafir that slander the sahaba's

Because my little Furbal, Abu Hanifa was no Wahhabi. He lived long before the
arrival of the dodgy gentleman of infamy.


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Submitted by MuslimSisLilSis on 9 January, 2006 - 16:44 #27

"Omrow" wrote: Salam

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote: I wonder why he didnt knock on his door and

convince him that he was a kafir or try to convince all the others to
keep away from the kafir that slander the sahaba's

Because my little Furbal, Abu Hanifa was no Wahhabi. He lived long before
the arrival of the dodgy gentleman of infamy.

Preach On Omrow-Your the Man

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Submitted by Medarris on 9 January, 2006 - 21:55 #28

[b]EDIT: That is clearly not a story about saints ------- Judge, Jury, and Executioner[/b]

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

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Submitted by MuslimSisLilSis on 9 January, 2006 - 21:58 #29

"Med" wrote: [b]EDIT: That is clearly not a story about saints ------- Judge, Jury,
and Executioner[/b]

My hero

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Submitted by Omrow on 9 January, 2006 - 22:56 #30


Quote: [b]Judge, Jury, and Executioner[/b]

Do you mind if we call you J.J. ?

[b]EDIT: Yes ----- Judge, Jury, & Executioner[/b]
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