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414 Theory of Machines Member 4 is acted upon by three forces F, F,, and Fy Member 3 is acted upon by two forces F, and Fy, Member 2 is acted upon by two forces Fy, and Fy, and a torque T. Initially, the direction and the sense of some of the forces ‘may not be known, ‘Assume that the force F fon the member 4 is known completely. To know the other two forces acting on this member completely, the direction of one more force must be known. Link 3 is a two-force member and for its equilibrium, F,, and F,, must act along BC. Thus, F,,, being equal and opposite to Fs, also acts along BC. For the member 4 to be in equilibrium, Fy, passes through the intersection of F and F,,. By drawing a force triangle (F is completely known), magnitudes of F,, and Fy, can be known [Fig.12.6 (e)]. [Fig 126] Now Fyu=Fa=Fa= Fr Member 2 will be in equilibrium if F,, is equal, paraliel and opposite to Fy. and T= Fyxh=FyyXh 12.8 SUPERPOSITION In linear systems, if a number of loads act on a system of forces, the net effect is equal to the superposition of the effects of the individual loads taken one at a time. A linear system is one in which the output force is directly proportional to the input force, ie. in mechanisms where coulomb or dry friction is neglected, Example 12.3 Aslider-crank mechanism with the following dimensions. is ©} pee eae ear «at Bas shown in Fig. 12.7(a) OA = 100 mm, AB = 450 mm. Determine the input torque Ton the link OA for the static equilibrium of the mechanism for the given configuration. Solution As the mechanism is in static equilibrium, 3 Fue each of its members must also be in equilibrium individually. Fa © Fes Member 4 is acted upon by three forces F, Fa, and Fyq (Fig. 12.7(b)]. t Member 3 is acted upon by two forves Foy and Fes [Fig. 12.70) Fa Member 2 is acted upon by two forces Fy and @ F,, and a torque T (Fig. 12.7(@)] Initially, the direction and the sense of some of the forces are not known, Now, adopt the following procedure: ‘© Force F on member 4 is known completely (© 2 KN, horizontal). To know the other two forces acting on this member completely, the direction of one more force must be known. To know that, the link 3 will have to be considered first which is a two-force member. ‘© As the link 3 is a two-force member, for its equilibrium, F5 and F,, must act along 4B (at this stage, the sense of direction of forces F,3 and Fis not known). Thus, the line of action of F,, on member 4 is also along AB. ‘As force Fy, acts through the point B on the link 4, draw a line parallel to BC through B by taking a free body of the link 4 to represent the same, Now, since the link 4is a three-force member, the third force Fy, passes through the intersection of F and Fy, [Fig. 12.7(b)]. By drawing a force triangle (F is completely known), magnitudes of F,, and Fy, are known (Fig.12.7 (@)] From force triangle, Faq = 2.04 KN Now, 2 Member 2 will be in equilibrium (Fig. 12.7(e)] if F pis equal, parallel and opposite to Fy) and T= Fy Xh = 2.04% 75 = 153 KN.tom, (+= 75 mm on measurement) ‘The input torque has to be equal and opposite to this couple ie., T= 153 or 153 N.m (clockwise) Analytical solution Le (Refer Section 13.5) Fyq008 11.19=2 or Fyg= 2.04 KN ZOAB = 180° ~ 120° = 11.1°= 48.9" 2.04 x 100 sin 48.9° 153.7 ‘© The direction and senses of forces in the analytical solution can be known by drawing rough figures instead of drawing these to the scale. Static Force Analysis 415 Example 124° fowr-link mechanism with the following dimensions is acted upon by a force 80 Z150° Non the link DC [Fig. 12.8(a)] AD = 500 mm, AB = 400 mm, BC = 1000 ‘mm, DC = 750 mm, DE = 350 mm Determine the input torque T on the link AB for the static equilibrium of the mechanism for the given configuration, Fig. 128 Solution As the mechanism is in static equilibrium, each of its members must also be in equilibrium individually. Member 4 is acted upon by three forces F, Fy, and Fy Member 3 is acted upon by two forces F,,and Fy; Member 2 is acted upon by two forces Fy and F,, and a torque T. Initially, the direction and the sense of some of the forces are not known. ‘Now, adopt the following procedure: ‘© Force F on the member 4 is known completely. To know the other two forces acting on this member completely, the direction of one more 416 Theory of Machines force must be known. To know that, the link 3 will have to be considered first which is a two-force member. ‘© As the link 3 is a two-force member (Fig. 12.80), for its equilibrium, Fy, and Fy, must act along BC (at this stage, the sense of direction of forces F,, and Fy, is not known) ‘Thus, the line of action of F,, is also along BC. ‘* As the force F,, acts through the point Con the link 4, draw line parallel to BC through C by taking a free body of the link 4 to represent the same. Now, as the link 4 is a three-force ‘member, the third force F, passes through the intersection of F and Fy, as the three forces are to be concurrent for equilibrium of the link (Fig. 12.8(c)]. By drawing a force triangle F is completely known), magnitudes of F,, and F.q are known (Fig.12.8 (4). From foree triangle, Now, Fy 2 Member 2 will be in equilibrium (Fig. 12.8()] if F 2 is equal, parallel and opposite to Fy, and T=— Fy Xh = —47.8 x 393 =—18 780 ‘The input torque has to be equal and opposite to this couple ie., T= 18,78 Nm (clockwise) Analytical Method First of all, the angular inclinations of the links BCand DC, ie., angles Band 6 are to be determined. This may be done by drawing the configuration or by analytical means (Section 4.1). Fig. 129 We have (Fig. 12.9), Raa wrt e k= (0.42 — 12 +0,75? + 0.52)2 =~ 0.01375 A= k-a (d~c) cos 0~ cd = -0.01375 -0.4 (0.5 0.75) cos 120° ~ 0.75 x 0.5 = -0.439 B=~2ac sin = -2 x 0.4 x 0.75 sin 120° 0.52 C=k-a(d+ 6) cos0+ ed = 0.01375 ~ 04 (0.5 + 0.75) cos 120° +0.75 x 0.5 =0611 pose | eel] 24 (4.47) 2x (0.439) noe [2 (casa =a co mVORTH i] = 2 tanr'(0.727 or 0.439) = 12° or 47.4" Taking the first value (value in the first quadrant), We have, asin +b sin B=csing (Eq. 43) 04x sin 120°+ 1 x sin B= 0.75 x sin 72° or sin B=0.712 or B =21.5° Position vectors AB = 04 2120°, BC = 1.0 221.5%, DC= 0.75 ZIP ,DE=0.35 272° ‘The direction of Fy, is along BC since itis a two- force member, Fuga Fy 221.5" As the link DC is in static equilibrium, no resultant forces or moments are acting on it. ‘Taking moments of the forces about point D, M,= F,x DE +FyxDC=0 @ Moments are the cross-multiplication of the vector, so it should be done in rectangular coordinates. F y= 80 2150°= 69.28 1+ 404 DE = 0.35 272° = 0.108 i + 0.333 j Fyg= Fg 221.5° = Fy(0.93 1+ 0.367) DC = 0.75 272° = 0.2321+0.713 j Inserting the values of vectors in (i), (-69.28 1+ 40 j) x (0.108 1+ 0.333 j) + Fr4(0.93 1 + 0.367 §) x (0.235 1+ 0.712 §) =0 i joi i i ki or|-69.28 40 | 0.93, 0.3677, | 0.108 0.333 0] |0.232 0.713 | oF (69.28 x 0,333 ~ 40 x 0.108) + (0.93 Fy, x 0.713 ~0.367F y, x 0.232) or -274+0.58Fy=0 or Thus, Fyy=47.3221.5° Fy=473N Now, Fy, —Fy=Fa=-Fy= 473221.5° Fy =-Fy 473 215° The = Fy x AB = 47.3221.5° x 0.4 2120° =189Nm Example 12.5 four-link mechanism with the following dimensions is acted upon by a force of 50 N con the link DC at the point E (Fig, 12.104): AD = 300 mm, AB = 400 mm, BC = 600 mm, DC = 640 mm, DE = 840 mm Determine the input torque T on the link AB for the static equilibrium of the mechanism for the given configuration. ON © @ oy Fig. 12.10 Solution As the mechanism is in static equilibrium, each of its members must also be in equilibrium individually. Member 4 is acted upon by three forces F, Fg and Fy (Fig. 12.10(6)] Static Force Analysis 417 Member 3 is acted upon by two forces Fy, and Fy; [Fig. 12.10(0)] Member 2 is acted upon by two forces Fy, and F,, and a torque 7 (Fig. 12.10(¢)] Initially, the direction and the sense of some of the forces are not known, ‘The procedure to solve the problem graphically is exactly similar to the previous example. In brief, the link 3 is a two-force member, soit provides the line of action of force Fy, on the link 4. Since the link 4 is a three-force member and forces are to be concurrent, the lines of action ofall the forces on the link 4 can be drawn. Then the force diagram provides the magnitude of various forces [Fig. 12.10(e)}. The rest of the procedure is self-explanatory. From force triangle, Fy=305N Now, Fn =~ Fa = Fag =—Fy of Fn T= Fy, xh = 30.5 249 = 7595 (4=249 mm, on measurement) ‘The input torque has to be equal and opposite to the couple obtained by parallel forces ie., T= 1.595 Nam (counter clockwise) 0.9N For the mechanism shown in Fig. 12.lla, determine the torque on the link AB for the static equilibrium of the ‘mechanism. Example 12.6 Solution () Composite Graphical Solution As. the mechanism is in static equilibrium, each of its members must also be in equilibrium individually ‘Member 4 is acted upon by three forces Fy, Fs and F (Fig. 12.11(0)} © Member 3 is acted upon by three forces F, Fyyand Fes, * Member 2 is acted upon by two forces Fspand F,, and a torque T. ‘Tosolve the problem graphically, proceed as follows: Force onthe member4 isknown completely. To know the other two forces acting on this member completely, the direction of one more force must be known. However, as the link 3 now is a three-force member, i is not possible to know the direction ofthe force F, from that aso, 418 Theory of Machines 8 Fu By h ost Fie A 0 Fig. 12:11 ‘© Consider two components, normal F%_ and tangential F{,of the force Fy. Assume FS to be along DC and Fy, perpendicular to DC through C. Also, ake the components of force F,, ie, Ff'and Ff along the same directions. Now as the link 4 is in equilibrium, no ‘moments are acting on it. Taking moments of all the forces acting on it about pivot point D. M= Fi xDC +i xDE=0 (No moments are to be there due to forces Fy, Ff'and Fy, as these forces pass through the point D) or Fig =~ FY x PE Ru = FXG Graphically, the above value of Fi, can ‘be obtained by taking F, on the link 4 to some convenient scale and then taking two components of it, the normal component along DC and the tangential component perpendicular to DC being shown by JH in Fig. 12.11(©). Also, draw CL 1 DC. Draw JL parallel to HC. Join DL which intersects JH at K. Now, KH is the component Fi, the direction being towards K. Now consider the equilibrium of the link 3. ‘The forces acting on itare Fy, Fy,and Fi, and Ff. The latter two components are equal and opposite to Ff, and F3 respectively Find the resultant of F, and Fi, by drawing the force diagram as shown in (Fig. 12.9(€)} Draw a line CM DC and through C to represent the line of action of force Fon the link 3 [Fig. 12.11(@)]. It intersects the line of action of the force F, at M. Now the resultant of F, and Fy must pass through M. Thus, draw a line parallel to R through M. Now the link 3 is reduced to a three-force member [Fig. 12.11(¢)], the forces being: R, Ff and Fs. [As these are to be concurrent forces, Fyy must ‘pass through the intersection of lines of forces FR and R. Draw a line parallel to DC and through C to represent the line of action of force F{j. This intersects the line of action of R at N. Join BN. Now BN represents the line of action of force Fy * Complete the force diagram and find the magnitude of Fyy and Fi ‘+ Draw line parallel to line BN through B on link 2 (Fig. 12.11(9] to represent the line of action of force Fy, and a parallel line through A to represent the line of action of force Fy From force diagram, Fy=49.4N Now, Fy =-Fy,=-49.4 Member 2 will be in equilibrium if F,) is equal, parallel and opposite to Fy. and T= Fy, h=— 49.8 x 14.3 =—706.4 Nm ‘The input torque has to be equal and opposite to this couple, ie., T= 706.4 (clockwise) (i) Graphical Solution by Superposition method Fy =20n > Fig. 12.12 Subproblem a (Fig. 12.12) Neglecting force Fy Link 4 is a three-force member in which only one force F is known. However, the line of action of F3, can be obtained from the equilibrium of the link 3 which is a two-force member and is acted upon by forces Fy, and Fy. Thus, lines of action of forces Fey or F gare along BC. If F, and Fq intersect at O then line of action of F, will be along OD since the three forces are to be concurrent. Draw the force triangle (F is completely known) and obtain the magnitudes of forces Fy,and Fy, Fxy=17.6N Static Force Analysis 419 Also, Fyy=~Fag= Fa=—Fy.= -17.6N So, the direction of F32 is opposite to that of F,. Link 2 is subjected to two forces and a torque T, For equilibrium, F), is equal, parallel and opposite toF yy T, = Fy X hy = 17.6 x 14.9 = 262 Nmm clockwise ‘Subproblem b (Fig. 12.13) Neglecting force F, D Fes \ 10 Fe Link 4 is a two-force member. The two forces F,, and F.,,are to be equal and opposite and their line of action is to be the same which shows that the line of action is along DC. Thus, the line of action of Fy, is. also along DC. Link 3 is a three-force member in which F, is completely known, only the direction of F,,isknown, (parallel to DC) and Fis completely unknown. If the line of action of F, and F,, meet at 0, the line of action of Fy, will be along OB as the three forces are to be concurrent. Draw the force triangle (F, is completely known) by taking F, to a suitable scale and two lines parallel to lines of action of Fy5 and. Fg, Mark arrowheads on F3, and Fy, to know the directions. So, direction of Fy, Link 2 is subjected to two forces and a torque T For equilibrium, Fy, is equal, parallel and ‘opposite to Fay ‘opposite to that of Fy. Ty= Fy, X hz = 33.2 x 13.2 = 438 lockwise ‘Total torque = 262 + 438 = 700 420 Theory of Machines Example 12.7. For the static equilibrium of the mechanism of (Fig. 12.14(a)), find the torque to be applied on link AB. é Fo=50N 20 2 A\c_ 9 F oI yg FInTON OD (mm 8 @21 50 a® o@ @ Fis Fea Fa Fa © D Fig. 12.14 Solution The point of action of force F, on the link is an offset point G. If DC is extended and let the line of action of force F, meet at H then the force F, may be considered to be acting on a virtual point H on the link DC as the magnitude of force as well as, the magnitude couple effect is not going to vary. Now, the problem can be solved by adopting the procedure given in the previous example. In brief: Take vector R/f to represent force F, to some scale, Find force Fiy. Its magnitude is given by HK and it acts through C. © Find the resultant of F, and Fly and its point of application in the free body diagram, © Through point C, draw line for the vector F, and then find the line of application of Fy, From force diagram, Fy= 689N Now, Fyy=—Fn=-49.4 Member 2 will be in equilibrium if F,, is equal, parallel and opposite to Fp and T= Fy X h = 68.9 x 18,65 = -1285 Nm ‘The input torque has to be equal and opposite to this couple, ie., T= 1.285 N.m (clockwise) * The example can also be worked out by the graphical method using the principle of superposition. le 12.8 For the static equilibrium of the quick-return mechanism shown in Fig 12.15a, deter- ‘mine the input torque T; to be applied on the link AB for a force of 300 Non the slider D. The dimensions of the various links are 4 = 400 mm, AB = 200 mm, OC = 800 mm, CD = 300 mm Solution The slider at D or the link 6 is a three force member. Lines of action of the forces are [Fig.12.1500)] © F,300Nas given © Fy, along CD, as link 5 is a two force member ‘© Fig, normal reaction, perpendicular to slider motion Draw the force diagram and determine the direction sense of forces Fyg and Fy. From the force Fyg the directions of forces Fs, Fs and Fy, are known. Now, the link 3 isa three~ force member. Lines of action ofthe forces are # Fs, known completely through C ‘Fes, perpendicular to slider motion through B # Fj3, unknown through A the lines of action of forces acting through B and C are known, the line of action of F through must also pass through the point of intersection of the other two forces. Find the sense of the direction of force Fs by drawing the force triangle. ™y \Fi co Fe Fs ® Fig. 12.15, Considering the equilibrium of the slider 4, the direction of Fis known which is equal and opposite to Fyy. Considering the equilibrium of the link 2, Static Force Analysis 424 the lines of action of F,, and F,, are drawn and the perpendicular distance between them is measured. ‘Then, torque on the link 2, T, = Fy X h = 403 x 120 = 48 360 N-counter- clockwise subjected 10 the following shaft torque T; on the input Example 12.9 A. four-link mechanism is external forces (Fig.12.16 & Table 12.1): Determine the link AB for static equilibrium of the mechanism Also find the forces onthe bearings A, B, Cand. a (mm) 3 Fig. 12.16 Solution The solution of the stated problem is worked out by (® graphical sotution by using theorem of superposition, ic. dividing the problem into subproblems by considering only one force on a member and ignoring the other forces on other members i) composite graphical solution iii) analytical solution (i) Graphical Method by Superposition ‘Subproblem a(Fig. 12.17)Neglecting forces ,andF able 124) Link Length Force Magnitude Point of application force ”) ABQ) 500 mm F 802 735°N 325 mm from 4 AB(3) 660 mm, Ry 144 258°N 297 mm from B AB (4) 560mm By 60 £42°N 373 mm from D 4B () 1000 mm : (Fixed Tink) 422 Theory of Machines F430 pg 9 © feparo fe ray fae o Freee Fig. 1217 Links 3. and 4 are both two-force members. Therefore, Fy, can be along BC and F,s, along DC. ‘As Fi to be equal and opposite of F,,, both must be zero. Also Fy) = F3= Fr Hence, the link 2 is in equilibrium under the action of two forces F, and Fy, (Fi2= F;)and torque Tap Tag = Fy X Ing = 80 0.325 sin 13.5° = 6 Nm clockwise c Fig. 12.18 Subproblem b (Fig. 12.18) Neglecting forces Fy and F,. Link 4 is a two-force member, Fay = Fyg, magnitudes unknown, directions parallel to DC Link 3 is a three-force member in which F, is completely known, only the direction of F,; is know (parallel to DC) and F,, is completely unknown. If the line of action of F, and Fys meet at O, the line of action of Fs will be along OB. Draw the force triangle (F, is completely known) by taking F, to a suitable scale and two lines parallel to ines of action of F,; and F,, Mark arrowheads on F,, and F,; to know the directions. Also, and Fyy=Fy= 113 Link 2is subjected to two forces and a torque Ty, For equilibrium, F,, is equal, parallel and opposite to Fs Tay Fag X gy = 113 X 0.16 = 18.1 N.m counter- clockwise. ce Toe Fig. 12.19 ‘Subproblem c (Fig. 12.19) Neglecting forces F and F,. Link 4 isa three-force member in which only one force F, is known. However, the line of action of F,,can be obtained from the equilibrium of the link 3 which is a two-force member. Fa, will be equal and opposite to Fa, which is along BC. If F, and Fyy intersect at O then the line of action of Fy4 will be along OD. Draw the force triangle (F, is completely known) and obtain the magnitudes of forces Fy, and Fy, F y= 34.8N Also, Fyy= Fis Fay Fig 34N Link 2 is subjected to two forces and a torque T, For equilibrium, Fa = Fs, Tag = Fy X Bag = clockwise. Net crankshaft torque 34x 0,38 = 12.9 N.m counter- faa + Tay + Tae 6418.1 +129 = 25 N.mcounter-clockwise To find the magnitudes of forces on the bearings, the results obtained in a, b and c have to be added vectorially as shown in Fig. 12.20. Lo.a, «Line of action Fyq= Fg 60N Fyy> Fyy= 137N = 204N (ii) Composite graphical solution The problem can be solved by following the same procure s in examples 12.6 and 12.7. The solution is worked out in Fig. 12.21 which is self-explanatory. ‘After obtaining the force Fy, the resultant R’ of this force with the force F, can be obtained by drawing Static Force Analysis 428 a force diagram, This resultant passes through the intersection of the lines of action of F, and F, e Loa. Fle 3 ee 5 iH al Fe ? toa. Fi ee Fig. 12.21, T=R’'Xh=Fy.xh 208.8 x 117 = 24 430 or 24.43 Nm (iii) Analytical Method First ofall, determine the angular inclinations of the links BC and DC, ie. angles f and ¢. This may be done by drawing the configuration or by analytical means (section 4.2). Angles Band ¢ are found to be 10.3° and 100.4° (Fig. 12.22) respectively using analytical means. © 424 Theory of Machines Position vectors AB= 0.5 260° = 0.251 + 0.433} BC= 0.66 210.3°= 0,649 1+ 0.1185 DC=0.56 2100.4°=-0.1011+ 0.551) AB =0.325 260)" 0.1635 +0281 j BG= 0.297 210.3°= 0.2021 + 0.053} DH=0.3732100.4°=-0.06731+0.367] Force vectors; F y= 144 258° F y= 60 242°= 44.591 + 40.15 j Subproblem a Fyy--F,=-80 273.5° 30.2253,5°=—22.724-16.7 j F, x AE = (22.721 + 76.7) x (0.163 1+ 0.281 j) ij kl =)2.72 767 | 0.163 0.281 | 12.72 x 0.281 —76.7 x 0.163, 6.12Nm Subproblem 6 As the link BC is in static equilibrium, the resultant forces and moments acting, on it are zero. Taking moments of the forces about point B, Tag M,= F,X BG + Fy x BC=0 @ As the direction of Fy is along DC if force Fy is ignored, ~ Fig = Fj3 2100.49 = 0,181 Fy 1+ 0.983 Fy Inserting the values of vectors in (i), (76.31 1+ 122.15) x (0.292 1+ 0,053) +(-0.181 Fy31+ 0.983 F aj) (0.6491+0.118)) =0 ij k i ik 763 122.1 0|+[-0.181F,, 0.983F,, 0)=0 l0.292 0.053 o| | 0.649 0.1180 -31.61 -0.659 Fa, =0 F248 Thus 4 fF Fi ‘Similarly, the net force on the link 3, Fat Fy+ Fa or Byy# (1631 4+ 122.1)) + (8.661-47. or Byy+ 8497 1+75j=0 or Fyy=-84.97 4-75] oF 1133 2221.4" of By = 1133 241.4" = 8497 1+ 75) ~Fy,=-84971- 75 Fy % ABZ60® = (84.971 +75 )x (0251+0.433 jy =18Nm Subproblem ¢ As the link DC is in static equilibrium, no forces and no moments are acting on it. Taking moments of the forces about point D, M,=FyxDH+ FyxDC=0 ‘ [As the direction of Fy, is along BC if the force Fy is ignored, 2 Bg Fyy £10.3°= 0.984 Fy + 0.179 Fuh Inserting the values of vectors in (i (44.59 i+ 40.15 j) x ( -0.0673 i+ 0.367 j) +(0.984 F4i+0.179 Fy4§)x(-0.1011+0.551))=0 i ik i i ki 44.59 40.15 0|+/0.984F,, 0.179F,, 0/=0 |-0.0673 0.367 0 | -0.101 OF 19.067 +0.56 Fyy=0 34 0551 | Thus Fyy=-34210,3°= 34.2190." Net force on the link 4, Fy tt Fiy=0 or (-33.451-6.08)) + (445914 40.15) + Fy=0 or 1141+ 34.07) + Fg 0 or Fyy=~ 11.141 3407) of 35.8 2251.9° 33.45 1+ 6.08) Fu 608 Tay Byy X ABZOO® = (33.45 1+ 6.08 )x (0251+0.433) = 12.96 N.m| Net erankshaft torque 33.45 16.08} Tag Tay + Tre 2+ 18+ 12.96 = 24.84 N.m counter- clockwise Forces on the bearings On D, Fyy = (8.66i-47.1j) +(-11.141-34.07)) =-2.48i-81.17j = 81.2 2268.2°N orit can be stated as Fy, = 81.2 288.2°N On C, Fys= (8.66 i—47.1 j) + (33.45 1+ 6.08 j) = 41.45 1~ 41.025 = 58.8 2315.8°N On B, Fy, = (-84.97 4-75 j) +(-33.45 16.08) 18.42 § 81.08 j 143.5 2214.4°N OnA, Fy, =(-22.721-76.7)+(-84.97 1-75) + (33.45 16.08 j) $141.14 1- 157.785 11.72228.2°N Example 12.10 In a four-link mechanism shown in Fig. 12.23(a), torque T,and T, have magnitudes of 30N.mand20N.mrespectively. The link lengths are AD = 800 mm, AB = 300 mm, BC = 700 mm and CD = 400 mm. For the static equilibrium of the mechanism, determine the required input torque T> Static Force Analysis 425 Solution The solution of the stated problem can be obtained by superposition of the solutions of subproblems a and b. Subproblem a (Fig. 12.23(a)] Neglecting torque T; ‘Torque T, on the link 4 is balanced by a couple having two equal, parallel and opposite forces at C and D. As the link 3 is a two-force member, Fy and therefore, Fy, and Fy, will be parallel to BC. 20 0383 2.2 N and Fyy= Fay= Fyy= Fyg= Fyy= 52.2N Tag = Fry X hgg = 52.2 X 0.274 = 14,3 Nam counter-clockwise, ‘Subproblem b (Fig. 12.23(b)] Neglecting torque T Fis along CD. The diagram is self-explanatory. counter-clockwise. T= Tya* T= 14.3 + 1.88 counter-clockwise Example 12.11 Figure 12.24 shows a schematic diagram of an eight-link mechanism. The link lengths are OF = FC = 250 mm CG = 150 mm BD= 400mm — HG = 600mm BE=200mm — QH=300mm Determine the required shaft torque on the link 8 for static equilibrium against an applied load (of 400 N on the link 3 [42s Tryp Machines | rig 1224] Solution Links 2, 6 and 7 are two-force members. Since their lines of action can easily be visualised, it is not necessary to draw their free-body diagrams. Links 3, 4 and 5 are three-force members and 8 is a ‘member with two forces and a torque. 12.9 PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL WORK ‘The principle of virtual (imaginary) work can be stated as ‘the work done during a virtual displacement from the equilibrium is equal to zero’. Virtual displacement may be defined as an imaginary infinitesimal displacement of the system. By applying this principle, an entire mechanism is examined as a whole and there is no need of dividing it into free bodies. Slider 2 is a two-force member. If friction is neglected, the forces on it Fy, and Fy, must act perpendicular to the guide path. Considering the link 3, concurrency point can be found from the lines of action of F, and F,and thus the line of action of Fis established. ‘The equilibrium of the link 4 cannot be considered at this stage as the line of action of only one force F,gis known (from F,3) “Taking the link 5 which isa three-force member, the line of action of force at F is along OF and of force at G along HG. Establishing the point of concurrency from these two forces, the line of action, of force at C, ic. of the force F,sis known, Now, take the link 4 and determine the line of action of the force at A since the lines of action of forces at B and C are known. Force Fis along HG and an equal, parallel and opposite force Fy, also acts on the link 8. ‘Now, the lines of action of all the forces are known. To determine the torque on the link 8, proceed as follows: Construct a force diagram for the forces on the link 3 (F is completely known) and find F,, (thus F,4is known), Draw a force diagram for the forces on the member 4 (Fay is complete known) and find Fsy (thus F,s is known), Draw a force diagram for the forces on the member 5 (Fys is complete known) and find F;s (thus Fy is known), Now Fs3= Fey= Fag= Fig. F y= Fog b= 75 x 240 = 18.000 Namm or 18.N.m clockwise fig. 1223)

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