How Do Nature and Nurture Work Together

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PS1: The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principle

Unit Earner

Milana, Angelo C.

How do nature and nurture work together


The controversy over what determines who we are, whether it is Nature (heredity, our biological

makeup) or Nurture (our environment) is taking a new shape.Different theories have been created by

psychologists throughout the years to explain human characteristics, including how we feel, think, and

behave. Typically, these theories only addressed one side of the nature vs. nurture debate. A novel

strategy for answering this topic is now evolving. Both nature and nurture are equally significant. They

are the two main factors that will shape who you become as an adult and who your children will become

in the future.

Nature refers to the aspects of heredity and genes that are influenced and nurture refers to the

way we are in an environment, how we are raised and treated and any experiences we may live through

(Cherry, 2018). Although historically it was believed that one was superior to or more active than the

other. Both are equally effective, psychologists have discovered ways to demonstrate this. To begin

with, though, it's critical to comprehend the issue at hand, followed by recognizing which side has the

greatest impact on development and, last, understanding how the two factors interact to effect and/or

influence particular traits of behavior and personality. Other important data has been found by other

scientists that shows an acknowledgment of the environment showing a form of influence of genetics

that can be passed down to generations.(Society for Neuroscience, 2010).

Although all that information will be important the main focus will be on answering the question: How

does the nature-nurture issue work together in the developmental process?

In terms of a person's psychopathology, behavior, and personality, nature is viewed as the result

of genetics. In the course of development, nature is crucial to the growth and development of a fetus, a

baby as it enters its toddler years, and so on. However, the environment in which we live and raise our

children will determine whether or not we realize the potential that each and every one of us possesses.


Understanding the debate is essential, as is recognizing which side has the greatest impact on

development and, finally, understanding how the two interact to influence and/or affect particular

behaviors and personalities. The main focus will be on answering the question: How does the nature-

nurture issue work together in the developmental process?


Although there has been much debate over which is more significant—nature or nurture—each

portrays a distinct view of how a person develops. Psychologists today may confidently assert that both

are equally significant, and there is currently an interactionist point of view that unifies everything into a

single concept. The results demonstrate the necessity to understand ourselves as nature and nurture

rather than in terms of nature vs nurture.


In this discipline, there is a lot of curiosity about how genes affect environmental factors and vice

versa. There have been fresh viewpoints as a result of research and evidence that show how nature and

nurture interact. Numerous recent research have revealed new linkages between the two, despite the

fact that they were once thought to be incomparably different and that psychologists had adopted

extreme stances to demonstrate whether nature or nurture had the greater influence. These ideas led to

the development of interactionism, which is ideally adapted to tackle the nature vs. nurture debate.


The environment in which we grow up can have a significant impact on our life, as was previously

said. It might prevent us from achieving our maximum potential. Its primary interest is in determining how

genetics and environmental factors affect an individual's behavior, personality, and psychopathology.

Psychology techniques are related to the nature vs. nurture controversy. Nature can be linked to a

biological perspective, whilst nurture might be linked to a more behaviorist one. Both have a significant

impact on how events shape how people think and behave. Nature is the innate ability, while nurture is

the chance provided by the environment.The learning experience has a profound impact on having the

proper mindset. A good conduct is one that is acquired through imitation. Bad behavior is a learned

behavior, yet it can also be impulsive, which may not be the result of nurture. Inborn intelligence needs

to be developed in order to manifest. Behavior is acquired through imitation. When nurturing is required,

excellent behavior is the product of good motivation. It is nature and nurture rather than nature vs.



As we have developed, we have begun to understand that nature and nurture actually complement

one another rather than competing with one another. Nature and nurture do in fact interact, as

evidenced by study and findings. According to Matt Ridley, genes are constructed in such a way that
they can be modified by nurture. Human conduct can also have an impact on genes. How the

environment may affect genetics is incredibly fascinating and remarkable. They both work together to

influence each other. It is currently believed to be impossible and counterproductive to attempt to

distinguish between nature and nurture as causes of behavior. Even though there are still gender roles

that are misunderstood in society today, it is apparent that the gender gap is closing because of

environmental changes. There is no conflict between nature and nurture, according to the new school

that has emerged in an effort to settle the nature-nurture debate. The absurdity of such a fight lies in the

fact that our conduct and wellbeing are determined by the interaction between nature and nurture.


Carbajal, C. (April 2019). How do nature and nurture work together?

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