Holiday Requirements

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Holiday Learning Activities:

Question: List down at least 5 pros and cons of entrepreneurship based on your observation and our
previous class discussions.

Pros Cons

Financial Risk


Personal Growth Stress and Pressure

Financial Potential Competition

Diverse Financial Instability

Stop and Think!


1. What is the importance of entrepreneurship? (25 points)

Entrepreneurship plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, economic growth, and

societal progress. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it fosters a culture of
creativity, risk-taking, and problem-solving. One of the fundamental contributions
of entrepreneurship is its ability to generate employment opportunities. When
entrepreneurs identify market gaps and create businesses to fill them, they not only
secure their livelihoods but also provide jobs for others. This job creation ripples
through communities, stimulating economic activity and improving overall living
standards. For instance, startups like Amazon, Google, and Facebook have not only
revolutionized industries but have also employed millions of people worldwide,
showcasing the transformative power of entrepreneurship.

Moreover, entrepreneurship fuels innovation. Entrepreneurs are often driven by a

desire to solve real-world problems or meet unmet needs. Their ventures frequently
introduce new products, services, or business models that disrupt traditional
industries. For instance, companies like Tesla have transformed the automotive
sector by pioneering electric vehicles and pushing the boundaries of sustainable
transportation. Such innovation not only benefits consumers but also contributes to
environmental sustainability. Entrepreneurship, therefore, acts as a catalyst for
technological advancements and progress.

Furthermore, entrepreneurship is an agent of change and empowerment. It enables

individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their dreams, create wealth, and
make a positive impact on society. Successful entrepreneurs often become role
models, inspiring others to take risks and follow their own entrepreneurial paths.
This empowerment goes beyond financial gains and can lead to social and cultural
transformation. For instance, social entrepreneurs like Muhammad Yunus and his
Grameen Bank have empowered countless individuals in impoverished
communities through microfinance, lifting them out of poverty and enhancing their
social status.

The importance of entrepreneurship lies in its ability to create jobs, drive

innovation, and empower individuals and communities. It is not merely a means of
economic prosperity but a force for positive change and progress. As we continue to
face global challenges, fostering an entrepreneurial spirit and supporting aspiring
entrepreneurs can be a key driver of sustainable development and a brighter future
for all.

2. After knowing what an entrepreneur is, did it change your

perspective towards it? Yes, or no? Why? (25 points)
After gaining a deeper understanding of what it truly means to be an entrepreneur,
my perspective towards entrepreneurship has undeniably evolved. Initially, I saw
entrepreneurs primarily as risk-takers who were solely motivated by financial gain.
However, my perception has shifted to a more nuanced perspective. I now
appreciate that entrepreneurs encompass a diverse group of individuals who are
not only driven by profits but also by a passion for innovation, a desire for
independence, and a commitment to making a positive impact on society.

Entrepreneurs are not solely motivated by financial gain; they are also driven by the
desire to bring innovative ideas to life and address unmet needs in society. This
broader view highlights the importance of creativity and problem-solving in
entrepreneurship. Additionally, I've come to understand that entrepreneurship is
not just about personal gain but can also lead to positive societal changes.
Entrepreneurs can create jobs, contribute to economic growth, and address social
and environmental challenges through their ventures. This realization has
deepened my appreciation for the multifaceted nature of entrepreneurship.

My perspective on entrepreneurship has evolved from a narrow focus on financial

risk to a broader understanding of the diverse motivations and potential positive
impacts associated with entrepreneurship. This newfound appreciation for the
creativity, passion, and societal contributions of entrepreneurs has led me to view
entrepreneurship as a dynamic and multifaceted field that plays a crucial role in
driving innovation and progress in our society.

Exceptional Satisfactory Developing Beginner

4 3 2 1
Depth of Writing Writing Writing Writing
Reflection demonstrates an demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates
(20%) in-depth general reflection minimal lack of reflection
reflection on the on the selected reflection on the on the selected
selected topics, topics, with some selected topics, topics, with no
with supporting supporting with few details
details and details and supporting
examples examples details and
Content Writing surpasses Writing includes Writing includes Writing does not
(30%) required required few required include required
components of components of components of components of
the selected the selected the selected the selected
topic topic topic topic
Quality of Information Information Information Information has a
Information clearly relates clearly relates clearly relates little to do with
(20%) the main topic, the main topic, the main topic; the main topic
includes several includes 1-2 no details and
supporting supporting examples are
details and details and given
examples examples
Structure and Writing is clear, Writing is clear, Writing is mostly Thought is not
Organization concise, and concise, and clear, concise, expressed well
(20%) organized. organized. and organized.
Thoughts are Thoughts are Thoughts are
expressed in a expressed in a expressed in a
logical manner logical manner logical manner

Grammar There are less There are less There are more There are
(10%) than three than five than 5 spelling numerous
grammar and grammar and and grammar spelling and
spelling errors spelling errors errors grammar errors

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