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Reduction of Adverbial Clauses-Summary Document for Students

In order to reduce adverbial clauses to modifying phrases the subjects of the main clause and the
subordinate clause must be the same. Otherwise, they would be “misrelated structures”.

Time Clause: Active Sentences Phrase

After I did my homework, I slept. After doing my homework, I slept.
After having done my homework, I went out.
Having done my homework, I went out.
I went out having done my homework.
Before I went to school, I had breakfast. Before going to school, I had breakfast.
I had breakfast before going to school.
While I was shaving, I cut myself. While shaving, I cut myself.
While I was hiking in the forest, I saw a deer. I cut myself while shaving.
I saw a few school friends while I was walking in the While hiking in the forest, I saw a deer.
park. Hiking in the forest, I saw a deer.
While walking in the park, I saw a few school friends.
Walking in the park, I saw a few school friends.
When we entered the museum, we left our cellphones Upon entering the museum, we left our cellphones at
at the front desk. the front desk.
On entering the museum, we left our cellphones at the
front desk.
Entering the museum, we left our cellphones at the
front desk.
When you teach children, you have to simplify When teaching children, you have to simplify
difficult tasks. difficult tasks.
You must be careful when you are driving on that You must be careful when driving on that road.
road. You must be careful driving on that road.
Since I graduated from university, I have worked in Since graduating from university, I have worked in
several places. several places.
I have been working at home since I started writing I have been working at home since starting to write
novels. novels.
Time Clause: Passive Construction Phrase
While it was being cleaned, the vase got broken. While being cleaned, the vase got broken.
After she was examined, she said her pain had After being examined, she said her pain had
disappeared. disappeared.
After having been examined, she said her pain had
Having been examined, she said her pain had
Before he was operated on, he had made his will. Before being operated on, he had made his will.
When Tony is treated like a child, he gets very angry. When treated like a child, Tony gets very angry.
She refused to work on Saturday until she was asked She refused to work on Saturday until asked by the
by the manager. manager.
Clauses of Reason: Active Sentences Phrase
Because/As/Since Sue was ill, she didn’t go to work. Being ill, Sue didn’t go to work.
Because/As/Since we didn’t have enough money, we Not having enough money, we decided to postpone
decided to postpone going on holiday. going on holiday.
I failed the test because/as/since I hadn’t studied hard Not having studied hard enough, I failed the test.
Because/As/Since Tim believed that Ray is an honest Believing that Ray is an honest man, Tim loaned him
man, he loaned him $1000. $1000.
Because/As/SinceMary has seen the program before, Having seen the program before, Mary doesn’t want
she doesn’t want to watch it a second time. to watch it a second time.
Because/As/SinceI had forgotten to take the books Having forgotten to take the books back to the
back to the library, I had to pay a fine. library, I had to pay a fine.
I had to pay a fine having forgotten to take the books
back to the library.
Clauses of Reason: Passive Construction Phrase
Because/As/Since the carpets are damaged, they can’t Being damaged, the carpets can’t be sold for a good
be sold for a good price. price.
Because/As/Since he hadn’t been invited to the Not having been invited to the reception, he felt
reception, he felt depressed. depressed.
He felt depressed not having been invited to the
Because/As/Since the soccer team has been defeated Having been defeated four times this year, the soccer
four times this year, they have decided to make some team have decided to make some changes.
Clauses of Condition: Passive Construction Phrase
If it is kept in the refrigerator, raw meat will stay fresh If kept in the refrigerator, raw meat will stay fresh for
for several days. several days.
Unless they are protected, many species of birds will Unless protected, many species of birds will face
face extinction. extinction.
Clauses of Contrast Phrase
Although they were written hundreds of years ago, the Although written hundreds of years ago, the history
history books are still popular. books are still popular.
Though he wasn’t surprised at the results, he was Though surprised at the results, he was quite pleased
quite pleased his experiment had proven to be so his experiment had proven to be so respected.
Misrelated Participles which are grammatically correct:

Subjects with “it” and “there”

 Being French, it is surprising that she is such a terrible cook.
 Having so little time, there was not much that I could do.
In some fixed expressions:
 Generally speaking, eating too many processed carbs can be unhealthy.
 Broadly speaking, dogs are more faithful than cats.
 Judging from his expression, he’s in a bad mood.

 Considering everything, it wasn’t a bad holiday.
 Supposing there was a war, what would you do?
 Taking everything into consideration, they should get another chance.
*You can use participles in both parts of the sentence, but using them at the beginning of the
sentence is more common.

Re-write the following sentences using participle phrases.

1. While Tom was walking through the park, he lost his keys.

…walking through the park,

He lost his keys
2. Elena left the room as she was singing happily.
Singing happily when she left the room
3. Since Paula had nothing left to do, she went home.

……had nothing left to do,she went home

4. After I had washed the car, I noticed a small scratch on the front right fender.

5. I travel a lot since I work as a sales representative.

Worked as a sales representive

6. When you work in the laboratory, you must be vigilant with different kinds of substances.

Worked in the laboratory,

You must be vigilant with different kinds of substance
7. Because Mark had lived in the town all his life, he knew the town well.


8. If I am not treated fairly, I am not willing to be quiet.

Not treated fairly , I am not willing to be quiet

9. Because the people were shocked by the explosion, they ran for shelter.

…shocked by the
10. The musicians stood up as they were surrounded by thunderous applause.

……surrounded by thunderous applause the musicians sttod

11. Since he is one of today's most acclaimed film directors, he has been nominated for an Oscar
three times.

12.Because they had seen the film before, they didn’t want to go to the cinema.

Having seen the film before,they did not want to go to the cinema

Answer Key: Reduction of Adverbial Clauses

1. Tom lost his keys walking through the park./ Walking through the park, he lost his keys.

2. Elena left the room singing happily.

3. Having nothing left to do, Paula went home.

4. Having washed the car, I noticed a small scratch on the front right fender.

5. Working as a sales representative, I travel a lot.

6. Working in the laboratory, you must be vigilant with different kinds of substances.

7. Mark knew the town well having lived there all his life.

8. Not being treated fairly, I am not willing to be quiet.

9. Shocked by the explosion, the people ran for shelter.

10. The musicians stood up, surrounded by thunderous applause.

11. Being one of today’s most acclaimed film directors, he’s been nomiated for an Oscar three times.

12. Having seen the film before, they didn't want to go to the cinema.

Adapted by Müge Dağlı from


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