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Parker Chambliss

Mrs. D-V

English 12-4

April 26, 2010

Feelings in the Evening Talk Show

Introduction by host (Stephen Marx): Good evening. World State Citizens

recently have been very concerned about the arrival of the Savages. I'm

Stephen Marx and you're watching Feelings in the Evening. Tonight we'll

be talking about the arrival and assimilation of Mr. Savage and his (pause),

well his accompanying female elder.

To better understand these events, we'll talk with Bernard Marx, who is the

sponsor of the Savages; as well as Lenina Crowne, who has also had special

contact with the Savages and their homeland. Finally, for a perspective

from uncivilized human beings, we'll also have Mr. John Savage and Ms.

Linda Savage on our show.

We're going to start with Bernard Marx. Mr. Marx, tell us, how do you

view Mr. Savage compared to the caste system.

Bernard: Well, I believe the Savage has been living in such a horrible

setting all his life, that it has affected his mind in several ways. Although

his customs are quite queer, I believe he still maintains a high level of

intelligence. However, he is so different from the rest of us, that I could not

imagine placing him in our caste system.

Host: Let's go to Ms. Lenina Crowne for a response. Ms. Crowne, what do

you think of Mr. Bernard’s comment?

Lenina: I think the Savage is just beastly. Yet astonishingly attractive…

Host: How bizarre… Well let’s bring out the Savages and try to feel things

their way.

[Enter Savages]

Host: Good evening Mr. and Ms. Savage. Please take a seat, we would like

to ask some questions; starting with Mr. Savage.

Host: How does this new living environment make you feel?
John: The new things that have been brought to my senses are overwhelming. I feel

like I have been born again-

[audience gasps]

Host: Please Mr. Savage, refrain from the use of crude and vulgar remarks;


John: As I was saying… I feel things that I have never felt before… yet it seems

fake. Like the entire meaning of life is just a planned act, do this, this way, live like

this, die like that…

Host: Interesting… moving on to Ms. Savage

[Host looks at Ms. Savage with a gross disdainful glance]

Host: Ms. Savage, I fear that we will run out of time tonight if I do not ask you

these remaining questions with haste.

Host: First, you have claimed that you once lived here and even had relations with

the late Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning.

[Audience laughs]

Host: Please explain.

Ms. Savage: What a wretched sad day when I was lost from my Tomakin. I was

hurt and lost only to be found by filthy savages that took me in. The Soma-less

days were tormenting. Ford I need some soma…

Host: How does “returning home” feel?

Ms. Savage: [incoherent babbling due to a volumous amount of soma taken]

Host: Right.

Concluding Statement by host: Well this sure has been a marvelous

discussion, but I am afraid that we have run out of time for this evening.

Tonight’s program has been brought to you by: The Charing T Rocket

Station, Westminster Abbey Cabaret, the D.H.C. Center for Dying, and

Frank’s Feelie Emporium. Join us tomorrow night for a special program on

decanting specialist John Hudson. That’s all, for it’s getting late, tune in

next time, you’ll feel great!

[music plays to fade]

[End Script]

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