RJC Juave, Daniela May A

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All about the Cover

In the cover page design that I created for Rizal’s Journal, I simply put a visual representation
of Rizal’s life where he became as our National Hero today. From the Universities he went on
such as Ateneo de Manila to University of Santo Tomas to study, learn and to make the
Spaniard realize that Filipinos can do anything too just like they do. Also, because of his
intelligence and braveness, he wrote a poem for the youth that we should not be blind if we
saw something unrighteous and not fair. We should be fought for our rights so that people
will not advantage of us, and to our country. Apart from studying at the said universities, he
also fell in love with some woman I know named Segunda Katigbak, Binibining L, Leonor
Valenzuela, and Leonor Rivera who made his heart beats fast. Because of some injustice and
not right that Rizal saw when he was studying in University of Santo Tomas, he went abroad
to see what the real freedom is and realized that the government in the Philippines before took
our freedom and rights to do something and to speak up our opinion. He saw what liberation
is in the other country so while he was studying abroad, he wrote poems and article and send
it to his friend in Manila to exposed what was the government did and how the Spanish
Colonial Authorities killed the three Catholic Priests named Mariano Gomez, Jose Burgos
and Jacinto Zamora who was killed brutally by a Garotte. Because of Jose Rizal’s Patriotic
act, to make Filipinos free from the Spaniards, he was shot to dead. The Cover design that I
created was inspired by his life and acts and to remember what he did good in our country.
Apart from the explanations, the story of Rizal was only circling around to the Universities,
love, writing, studying, and travelling abroad. If weren’t for him, we are still under the
Spanish colonials and experiencing abuse, brutally killing and still we do have our freedom of
speech. The cover page may look like a simple one but for me, the story of Rizal was already
explained through the visuals I put. Also, the background color and the ripped papers that I
put was also inspired by Rizal’s time to look like a modern vintage type. Also, instead of
putting a splattered red blood, I used black to censor the red blood so that it doesn’t look
bothersome to others.

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