5G Fiber Convergence White Paper

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03. Authors

04. Summary

05. Introduction

06. Last-mile fiber as an efficient 5G enabler

09. Proposed planning solution

11. Use case: Converged backhaul & access planning

14. Conclusion

15. Appendices

16. Sources

17. Abouts


Jonas Verstuyft
Fiber Product Manager - Comsof

Yoann Corre
Head of wireless research - Siradel
Senior researcher in radio-wave propagation,
wireless network simulation and design

Aymen Jaziri
Research engineer - Siradel
PhD in radio communications and expert in the
design of 5G network physical infrastructure




Despite their investments in the 4G infrastructure, wireless operators are

struggling to generate revenues in order to achieve the necessary ROI.

With the introduction of 5G technology, additional infrastructure

investments are required and wireless operators need to streamline their

Sharing infrastructure, such as between FTTH and 5G, is the perfect way to
reach this objective.

Combined within an automated planning solution to create optimized

and future proof networks, this White Paper gives the keys to generate
up to 22% cost savings, by sharing network infrastructure.

5G, the fifth generation of mobile technology, will reshape the world. Its high speeds, low latency
and massive machine type communication capabilities will make services such as smart cities and
buildings, virtual reality, e-health, self-driving cars and many others a reality.

Enhanced Broadband (eMBB)

Gigabytes in a
second Highest critical
fronthaul requirements
3D Video


Smart Home
Augmented Reality

Smart City Industry


Massive Machine Type Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency

Communications (MTC) Communications (URLLC)

Fig. 1: 5G usage scenarios

However, deploying a 5G network can be very costly without the right roll-out strategy. In this
paper, we first discuss why fiber and 5G are the perfect match for being deployed simultaneously.
That is true from a cost perspective, in particular when sharing a same infrastructure for both fixed
and mobile services, but also from a technical angle.

Indeed the RAN (Radio Access Network) optimization is tightly linked to the achievable fiber
performance. Best 5G performance (higher throughputs, lower call drops, etc.) relies on a stronger
coordination between cells. It cannot be delivered without an appropriate designed last-mile fiber
transport, due to huge capacity, high speed, strong reliability, low latency and jitter that are required
between the remote radio heads (RRH) and centralized functionalities. The RAN architecture and
the last-mile transport must obviously be considered together.

In the second part of this paper, we dive into the details of our converged design solution, and
discuss a specific fiber-5G roll-out scenario.

Last-mile fiber
as an efficient 5G enabler

A densified network A centralized network

A 5G network will process much more data than its In a traditional radio access network (RAN), every cell
predecessor 4G, with data rates of up to 10 Gbps and site has its own baseband unit (BBU), which processes
capacity up to 10 Tbps/km². user and control data. However, providing every cell
site in a dense 5G network with its own BBU is costly,
In order to boost speed and capacity, the 5G radio inefficient and complex to manage.
access benefits from larger spectrum and increased
spectral efficiency. But also a significant cell site This is why a centralized RAN architecture is proposed
densification will be needed, in particular with small for advanced 4G networks, and the flexible cloud
cells deployed at street level. RAN (C-RAN) approach is introduced for 5G.

This densified network needs scalable, strong and In the fully centralized case, all BBUs from the same
future-proof transport, able to handle growing area are relocated from their individual cell site to a
bandwidth for decades to come. central point, i.e. the BBU pool. They are separated
from the remote radio head (RRH), which is still at
cell site level. Such topology allows for better spectral
Fiber is the recommended solution
efficiency (due to inter-cell coordination), better
compared to microwave links to
energy efficiency, tight coordination, better energy
address 5G aggressive targets, efficiency, lower OPEX, and facilitated virtualization,
thanks to its large capacity, low but at the price of stringent requirements for the
latency, high reliability, long lifespan, connection between RRH’s and the BBU pool
and sharing capability. (fronthaul).

Fronthaul / CPRI

BBU pool
L3 Backhaul
L2 low L2 5G core
L1 L1

L2 high
L2 low

L2 low

Fig. 2: Simplified Overview of the 5G Could-RAN architecture

Those requirements are relaxed with the 5G cloud A converged network
RAN architecture, where a subset of the Phy/Link/
Network-layer functionalities reside in the RRH Based on these arguments, we can conclude that
(“functional split”) [1] [2]. fiber and 5G go hand in hand. And let us go even
one step further, not any fiber topology, but fiber-to-
The “fronthaul“ must provide bandwidths up to the-home (FTTH) is the only real future-proof choice
several 10’s of Gbps depending on the access to answer the highest 5G transport requirements,
network topology, MIMO dimension, and decided due to its benefits in terms of speed, reliability,
functional split. security and economic development. In addition,
an FTTH has many similarities with a 5G network.
To cope with these speeds, combined with low
latency requirements, a fiber optic connection Still, many operators have a “traditional” workflow,
is recommended. The RRH and BBU devices where fixed and mobile networks are being planned
communicate using digital baseband interfaces such and deployed separately. The authors (Comsof
as the Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI) protocol and Siradel) encourage operators to combine their
or the enhanced CPRI (eCPRI) compliant with 5G efforts, towards a converged network, since we
flexibility. The last specified CPRI data rate (Rate 10) believe there are many upsides to this strategy.
reaches 24.3 Gbps, and will likely grow in the future.

First and foremost, the total

A low latency network
CAPEX and OPEX of deploying and
maintaining this converged fixed
Edge computing is just about the opposite of
and mobile network is significantly
cloud computing. It is a technology which brings
computation, data storage and services closer to the
location where it is actually needed. This improves
response time and saves bandwidth. Edge computing
is one of the major upsides of 5G, and will allow
technologies such as Vehicle to Everything and
industrial automation. Needless to say lightspeed
broadband and low latency are crucial to make this
a reality.

Last year, Comsof and Siradel carried out a study that Planning challenges
was commissioned by the FTTH Council Europe.
This all looks promising. However combining several
technologies and requirements into one network
After analyzing a variety of scenarios makes the planning stage much more complex. For
(from dense urban to rural), we example, in a classic FTTH architecture, a GPON
found that if an FTT-5G network is topology is commonly used. In a converged network,
anticipated while planning for an a P2P front- or backhaul will need to be integrated.
FTTH network, the range of cost Also redundant connections (rings) will be crucial.
savings for the 5G fronthaul due to
convergence can reach between 65% In addition, the many differences between areas
and 96%. and their characteristics need to be considered.
Deployment in dense areas requires a different
approach than rural, or even suburban areas.
In other words, the extra investment on top of an
Infrastructure sharing is particularly important in the
FTTH network to make it 5G ready is in a range of
latter as there are less dwellings and businesses to
3% to 7%. The main reason why extra costs are so
connect, putting strain on the business case. On the
low, is that civil works such as trenching – which is
other hand, deployment in dense areas is challenging
the major cost driver – just need to happen once. See
since its underground might be saturated, and aerial
more details in [3] [4].
deployment should be considered.

In addition, saving on deployment costs means more

Let us present a software solution for converged
resources are disposable to enhance coverage in ar-
network planning in the remaining of the paper. As a
eas which might be less interesting to deploy, such
demonstration, a converged network in a mix dense-
as rural communities. This boosts penetration and
urban and in an urban brownfield area, is calculated
makes it more difficult for competition to enter your
and optimally designed.

A converged network also goes much broader than

just fiber and 5G. It is about combining several tech-
nologies to offer as many services and clients as
possible (FTTH, FTTB, FTTA, Wi-Fi access points,
backhauling and fronthauling possibilities). This is the
added value of a fiber optic network, it serves many
purposes, while lasting for decades.

Proposed planning solution
We can divide the classic procedure for the design At best, the RAN engineers do associate
of the access (antennas) and transport (backhaul/ different priorities or costs to respectively the
fronthaul) layers for a cellular network in two fiber-connected and the non-connected sites.
successive steps:
In this whitepaper, we reproduce the classic approach
1. Radio planning: selection and configuration of
by first letting the RAN team use the Siradel
the base stations (or antennas) to achieve the target
S_5GConnect tool to optimize the 5G antenna
access coverage, throughputs and capacity [5].
locations. Secondly the transport team uses
2. Definition of the optimal transport layer to connect the Comsof Fiber tool for fiber optic transport
the selected antennas and provide the required deployment. RAN outcomes, i.e. position and cost of
capacity. the antennas, are delivered to the transport team, but
without feedback loop.
Each segment of this network infrastructure is
designed by a specialized team (RAN vs. transport We compare this classic approach to the proposed
teams) and a devoted procedure and planning tool. “converged” solution, where teams are merged,
and the design procedure benefit from automated
The cost of each segment deployment is optimally interactions between the tools. The cost of the
minimized, but in two separate stages. In this overall infrastructure is calculated at every step of the
classic or sequential procedure, the radio-planning design optimization via a software interface between
cannot precisely consider the transport deployment S_5GConnect and Comsof Fiber.
constraints, opportunities and costs. It is therefore
impossible to decide the antenna positions that
would lead to an overall cost minimization.

A unique optimization process considers the targets, The target is to achieve the required 5G millimeter-
costs and constraints of the wireless and fiber wave coverage at street level, with minimal
segments. It iteratively relies on wireless and fiber investment.
simulations, and concludes with a single report that
embeds all infrastructure details and costs.

Both methods are demonstrated and compared in the

next chapter, with RAN engineers (from Siradel) and
transport engineers (from Comsof) working, either
separately, or together as if they were belonging to a
converged 5G planning team.

Classic Converged

RAN S_5GConnect

Comsof Fiber
Transport Comsof Fiber

Fig. 3: Comparison between two approaches, classic and sequential vs. converged

Use case: Converged backhaul
& access planning
In this fictional case, a mobile operator plans to deploy • The fronthaul from the antennas to the local PoP
a dense network for high-broadband connectivity in (fiber Point of Presence) will be pure optical fiber
the streets of downtown San Francisco. These are our infrastructure. The fiber deployment is considered
assumptions: as brownfield, i.e. there is a pre-existing FTTH
service in the study area, which is not sufficient
• The millimeter-wave small-cell antennas are to feed a dense and uniform small-cell network.
planned to be installed on lampposts at 10 meters
(33 feet) above the ground. They must provide The study area has two different environments: dense
80% high data-rate coverage within the streets. urban (1.6 km² or 0.6 sq mi) and medium urban (4.0
We are assuming a greenfield scenario, which km² or 1.5 sq mi), as shown in Fig. 5. We identified
means there are no existing operational antennas more than 4,000 lampposts, which are candidates for
at the beginning of the presented design exercise. installation of the 5G small-cell antennas.

Fig. 4: Deployment environment Fig. 5: Antenna site candidates


Main parameters of the wireless network and the We compare the output of the converged and the
existing FTTH network are reported in respectively classic network design procedure, based on a realistic
Table 1 and Table 2 (see appendices). The bill of 5G millimeter-wave small-cell scenario. After testing
materials for civil works, cables and antennas, as different configurations, we are able to consolidate
given in Table 3 (see appendices), is used to evaluate the cost saving conclusion, and avoid being affected
the infrastructure cost. by some particularities in the brownfield fiber
deployment (e.g. an existing FTTH network passing
The network design objectives are as follows: far away from the most favorable antenna candidates,
or the opposite).
• To reach a target of 80% in-street coverage for
high data-rate connectivity (120 Mbps peak)
with margin given in Table 4 (see appendices).

• To minimize the overall infrastructure cost.

Fiber access point

Central office

Selected antenna

Exisng pipe


Fiber access point

Central office

Exisng pipe 10dB

Fig. 6(a): Existing FTTH network in one the Fig. 6(b): Resulting FTTH and FTT-5G
tested configuration network coverage (SNR map)

Table 5: Results summary (k$)

Sequential Converged Gain

(76 antennas) (83 antennas)
Antennas 380 415
Civil work
Civil work 348 170
Feeder 291 249

TOTAL 1019k$ 834k$ 185k$ (22%)

We can see that the number of selected antennas About 185k$ is saved for the deployment of a small-
in the classic approach (76) is lower than in the cell network in a 5.6 km² (2.2 sq mi) urban area: 33k$/
converged approach (83). However, Table 5 details km² (86 k$/sq mi).
the bill of materials for all considered scenarios, and
interestingly reveals... This means that the installation of 9% of additional
antennas can be well compensated by the
determination of a cheaper cable infrastructure.
...an average cost saving of 22%
for the converged scenario (extra
antennas costs included).


After discussing the San Francisco case, we can conclude significant cost
savings will be made when a converged fiber-5G network is planned. In
the presented particular test scenario, We attained an average saving of
22% (from 19% to 26% in the various tested configurations).

As we presented, creating complex network designs such as the above,

is not an easy task. However it is the first essential step. Many factors
need to be taken into account to come up with an optimized plan, which
is buildable and can cope with future challenges.

Therefore we recommend using automated solutions for the network

planning, as manual designs will take too long, and are extremely error-
prone in this vital first stage.


Table 1: Wireless network parameters Table 3: Fiber and

wireless network costs
Carrier frequency 28 GHz
Bandwidth 100 MHz Trench 40 $/m, 12.2 $/ft

SC transmit power 30 dBm (1 Watt) Crossing 50 $/m, 15.2 $/ft

SC antenna Beamforming, 20 dBi Manhole 1000 $

SC antenna height 10 m, 32.8 ft Duct 2.75 $/m, 0.8 $/ft

UE antenna Beamforming, 9 dBi Small-cell 5000 $

UE height 1.5 m, 4.9 ft Feeder cable 12F 1.78 $/m, 0.5 $/ft

UE noise floor -94 dBm

UE Rx sensitivity -86 dBm
Table 4: Wireless network simulation

Propagation model Volcano ray-tracing

Table 2: Existing FTTH fiber

Shadowing margin 10 dB (90% cell-edge probability
& 7 dB standard-deviation)

Total street length 227 km, 141 mi

Pipes 27.5 km, 17.1 mi
Cables 13.8 km, 8.6 mi
#Fiber access points 31
#Central offices 1

[1] Fujitsu & Heavy Reading, Evolving to an Open C-RAN architecture for 5G
Available at https://www.fujitsu.com/us/Images/FNC-Fujitsu-Evolving-to-an-Open-C-RAN-Architecture-for-5G-

[2] Beyond CPRI: Planning for 5G

By P. Sterling, available at https://www.lightreading.com/mobile/fronthaul-c-ran/beyond-cpri-planning-for-5g-

[3] 5G and FTTH: the Value of Convergence

By R. Meersman (Comsof), European FTTH conference, Amsterdam, 2019, available at https://www.ftthcoun-

[4] Comsof and SIRADEL partner to facilitate 5G small cells deployments

Available at https://comsof.com/fiber/blog/comsof-and-siradel-partner-to-facilitate-5g-small-cells-deployments/

[5] Small-Cell Wireless Backhaul and Access Networks: Realistic Modeling and Holistic Analysis
By F. Letourneux (Siradel), EuCAP 2016, Davos, Switzerland, April 2016.


With over 20 years of experience and development, Comsof Fiber is the reference in automated
FTTx planning and design solutions.
Automated software which can create buildable designs is the crucial differentiator for a
successful planning and design process of large scale fiber optic networks. Today Comsof Fiber
is used in over 80 countries by more than 200 clients.
Its success is based on its quality and flexibility, and ability to deliver constructible designs.

More: https://comsof.com/ - Linked in - Twitter

Siradel provides advanced 3D geodata products and 3D simulation/planning software for the
design of any wireless network including 5G, FWA, small cell, mmWave, backhaul, LPWA and
WiFi networks.
Siradel, an Engie group subsidiary, has enabled operators and network planners to accurately
design and cost-effectively deploy wireless networks in more than 70 countries.
Siradel’s wireless solutions are available independently or as part of its Smart City Explorer
platform, a collaborative and secure big data platform with visualization/simulation capabilities
on 3D digital twins of cities for smarter network infrastructure/urban transformation projects
including wireless connectivity, public lighting, CCTV, risk management, energy performances,
traffic management and more.

More: https://www.siradel.com/ - Linked in - Twitter


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