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Applying mixed technology switchgear (MTS) for adaptation of substations to

meet new Brazilian power system requirements of availability




In Brazil, a great number of new installations have been constructed in recent years, and the
capacity of electric power transmission has been increasing. Consequently old substations
have increased their capacities and availability. As an example, the biggest and oldest utility
of transmission in the northeast of Brazil had an increase of 22% on its actual installed MVA,
in the last five years.

The new substations are inserted into the National Transmission System (SIN) by the
interruption of circuit lines connected to old installations. Since, The Brazilian Independent
System Operator (Brazilian ISO) determines the standard of the equipment and busbars for
the installations equal or more than 230 kV, in order to ensure the operationally of the System
in accordance with specific requests to the AIS substation, or substation with alternative
technology equipment isolated by SF6, by previous approval [1].

Recently, the Brazilian Independent System Operator carried out a study to improve the
operation and protection of the Brazilian electrical Substation. This proposal is to normally
change the busbar scheme or insert (erected) switches or circuit breakers in the middle of the
busbar. As a result, utility design engineers were forced to study and improve reliability,
flexibility and maintainability of old substations, all 230kV air-insulated substations with
main and transfer busbar scheme.

In general, to accomplish these new requirements, there are many viable applications of
compact solutions using SF6 technology equipment in old and new installations. The main
reasons are the capacity to fit in limited spaces, reduce installation time, higher availability,
less maintenance demand in the lifecycle of the substation and the environmental constraints.
Since a non conventional project solution has been chosen, there is a need to update technical
documents for new project standards. At the same time starting the approval process together
with external regulators, beginning the internal justification process with operational and
maintenance staff, who will be the final clients. The spent efforts in the conduction of a pilot
project is an indispensable stage, which all transmission companies from developing countries
need to face, if they are looking for providing quality and availability in the electrical system.
This article proposes the use of mixed technology switchgear (MTS) to increase reliability
and availability in a case study substation.


Mixed technology switchgear; availability; hybrid modules; busbar scheme; reconfiguration;

upgrading; renewal.


The Brazilian Electrical Transmission System is old, in some cases the substation is more
than forty years old, and one of the main problems is the refurbishment and renovation of the
old substation. There are three important aspects: the technological solution that will be
implemented, the construction strategy and the fund to implement the solution.
Renovation of a substation could starts with the requirements to improve the substation
availability. These requirements can include raising the current or short circuit current,
changing of pollution levels or by the evolution of regulatory demands.
Many transmission companies abroad have faced different kinds of renewal, the majority
recommend identifying first the necessities of uprating and upgrading the installation, so as to
find out the best basic project to be developed [2]. Consequently, the technology to be
adopted may consider all project particularities, and the company priorities, in order to choose
improvements that can be a future standard in the installation or in all the new substations [3].
The main challenges identified in the renovation projects relating to these requirements are:

o Higher cost of SF6 isolated equipment, especially in GIS solutions;

o Complex levels of activities in MTS (Mixed Technology Switchgear) solutions;
o Definition of the scope of activities and stages;
o Long schedule of reconfiguration activities, considering minimum desirable
outages for the lines circuits;
o Execution of other activities, like refurbishment of protection and control system,
and secondary services, at the same time as the primary activities during each
o Project proposal approval by the regulatory agency.


The electrical system regulatory market has strongly influenced the development of the layout
and substation components functionality. The most defining project characteristics are the
demanded power, the investment costs, and operational and maintenance costs. In addition,
technical requirement of availability and lifecycle are followed in the actual safety and
environmental constraints context.

There are some safety and reliability requirements to improve the National Transmission
System (SIN), specifically in the 230 kV northeast system substations which are not in
accordance with the Network procedure, considering the busbar schemes and protection
philosophy. As a consequence, the Brazilian Independent System Operator issued The Study
report – ONS 163/2013 – Proposals for the improvement of the SIN installations security –
Evaluation of aspects relating busbars schemes [4]. The study recommends the alteration from
Main and transfer busbar to Double busbar with four disconnectors, in twenty one 230 kV
AIS substations.

Currently, the regulatory agency published a document [5], officially asking for the renewal
of two of these installations, Pau Ferro and Bom Jesus da Lapa substation located in
Pernambuco and Bahia states of Brazil.


2.1 Substation characteristics

Pau Ferro 230/69 kV substation was erected in 2002. It is located in Igarassu city, in a rural
region and there is a growing residential neighborhood a few kilometers away.
The substation has 300 MVA of total transformer capacity. The main function is to supply the
north metropolitan region of Recife city, including some industrial clients. There is a thermal
generator nearby, and it is an important element of the transmission system in Pernambuco
state. Figure 1a shows the current AIS substation.

The events demanded for this installation include:

o Modification of busbar schemes from Main and transfer busbar schemes to Double
busbar with four disconnectors in 230 kV switchyard, figure 1b:;
o Installation of the fourth Power Transformer 230/69 kV in 100 MVA, and its 230 kV
and 69 kV connections;
o Installation of the second Earthing Reactor 72,5 kV, 10 Ω/phase, to replace the
existing one;
o Modernization of protection and control system, and secondary services.

Figure 1a - Pau Ferro 230 kV AIS line diagram Figure 1b - Pau Ferro 230 kV MTS line

2.2 Design concepts

Almost all Chesf installations use AIS technology. Pau Ferro substation has the same
Recently, there has been an interesting evolution caused by the implementation of nine
substation with MTS technology using hybrid modules in SF6 for the functions of switching
and measurement in 230 kV, 138 kV and 69 kV, with the application of hybrid modules. All
substations must be in service before 2017.
Additionally, a substation project with indoor GIS technology has been implemented in
230/69 kV, with outdoor earthing reactor and conventional power transformers.
First of all, the solution with AIS standard technology was studied but, unfortunately, there is
limited space to apply this solution with minimum outages.

Different technological solutions may provide alternative options for the renovation of old
substations to meet new requirements. So, two possible technological solutions were studied:
a new GIS substation (in the same area as the old substation) or the use of the hybrid module
with bushing in its terminations, which are connected to the conventional existing AIS

Finally, the MTS solution with hybrid modules was chosen to fulfill all project requirements,
considering that the Pau Ferro substation is less than fifteen years old. There is available
space to implement the renovation without considerable outages, or modifications of busbar
structures. Moreover there is still the possibility to utilize some equipment and conductors
with a good operational condition.

The following Figure 2 gives the MTS configuration with double busbar with four
disconnectors. The bypass disconnector is an AIS equipment. The MTS equipment has four
gas compartment partitions (A, B, C and D). For safety reasons it is not allowed to work in a
compartment with the adjacent compartments under full pressure. A bypass disconnector in
AIS technology has been adopted to optimize the service continuity, and to maintenance and
repair procedures in the MTS equipment.

Figure 2 - MTS configuration with double busbar with four disconnectors

2.3 MTS Project activities

The main activities for the MTS project Pau Ferro substation are:

Installation of new MTS bays:

First four new 230 kV bays will be built, with the new busbar schemes, located in spare bays
in the extremes of the substation. One of them to connect the new transformer and others will
be line bays for the relocation of the circuits. New equipment will be installed: hybrid
modules, bypass disconnectors, current transformers, surge arresters, and voltage
transformers, depending on the circuit.

Reconfiguration of circuits:
The reconfiguration of the transformer circuits will start after energization of the new
transformer. Sequentially, there will be the shutdown of the adjacent transformer, and
restoration of their connection circuit in the next stage.
The reconfiguration of the line circuits will start after the installation of three new line
circuits. In the next stage, adjacent lines will be relocated to those new circuits, and the
available terminals will be restored.

For each circuit modified in accordance with the new 230 kV busbar schemes, there will be
the replacement of three conventional disconnectors and one circuit breaker, this will be done
by one SF6 isolated hybrid module. The replacement of all current transformers by new ones
in accordance with Network procedure - Brazilian ISO is also planned for modernization of
protection and control system. Moreover, the bypass disconnector, the surge arresters, and the
voltage transformers will remain unchanged.
These modifications are shown in figure 3.

Figure 3 – Reconfiguration of Transformer connection and Transmission line circuit

Transformation transfer busbar to a second busbar

In the 230 kV busbars there must be the installation of voltage transformers in the old transfer
busbar, which will turn B2 in double busbars scheme. In addition there must be installed a
new interconnection busbars circuits with hybrid module, to fit the operational characteristics
of the new configuration.

Other switchyard adequacy

In the 69 kV switchyard there is a plan for the replacement of one earthing reactor from 41,87
Ω/phase to another unit with 10 Ω/phase as a consequence of transformation capacity
increase. There is also planned the replacement of two auxiliary existing transformers to units
with 300 KVA.


As the renewal of the substation has to be performed without outages, or with a minimum of
outages, this work was planned to be implemented in five steps. In each stage there are
several activities to be carried out, which are dedicated to that phase. Commonly these
activities are:
• Switching the service to the busbars which are not going to be refurbished;
• Demolition of supporting structures, cable trenches and bay foundations in order to
provide for erection of new equipment in those bay positions;
• Erection of the new 230 kV bays with hybrid (MTS) equipment;
• Connection of the hybrid (MTS) equipment to the new sections of busbars, which are
still out of service;
• Relocation of the 230 kV overhead lines from their old bay positions to new ones;
• A relay room was provided in the new building with enough space to accommodate
new protection and controls for the complete substation. It was equipped with new
relays, mostly digital, for the all 230 kV bays. Also Scada, new DC boards, a new
concept in AC supplies;
• Erection of the new auxiliary services building;

Figure 4a shows actual layout of Pau Ferro substation, and figure 4b shows the final project
scheme of the substation.

Figure 4a - Pau Ferro actual view Figure 4b - Pau Ferro 230 kV after renovation

In the first stage, a new transformer bay and three new lines bays will be built (figure 5a).
After that, in the next stages all 230 kV overhead lines should be relocated from their old bay
positions to new ones. The following figures (figure 5a to figure 5f) show the five phases
which were previewed for the work. The colors indicate:
• In red – Bays to be built in the present phase.
• In blue – Bays already built in previous phases.
• In Black – Existing bays.

Figure 5a: 1st phase renewal Figure 5b: 2nd phase renewal

Figure 5c: 3rd phase renewal Figure 5d: 4th phase renewal

Figure 5e: 5th phase renewal Figure 5f: Substation after renewal


The Pau Ferro substation will be the first in the company to be refurbished. It is very
important to register how to deal with the main difficulties we will have from now until

Suitable project
The technical specifications to the hybrid modules must describe the bay size, electrical
distances and access restrictions to all substation bays where the equipment will be installed.
The climate characteristics must be highlighted in order to be considered in the project and
during commissioning tests once the equipment is manufactured abroad. This document may
describe the desirable accessories to fit in with the activities described in the instructions
maintenance manual.

Since the substation was not originally projected for applying hybrid modules, it is necessary
to elaborate in details all demands and sub activities of each stage to create a budget, which
will help in the choice of the suitable project.

The final cost is almost always above the original budget due to the equipment costs, and long
schedule of execution as a consequence of the priority of preserving the continuity of the

Compliance schedule
The start of the next stage depends on the execution of all previous stage activities, so, it is
important that there is good coordination of all activities, specially the lines relocation and the
reconfiguration of the circuits.
The relocation of line circuits that have the same destination, at the same stage should be
avoided. There are unusual situations that require some attention, such as the double
relocation of the same line in order not to cross lines. To sum up, the elaboration of a risk map
is indispensable.

O&M implications
The influence of the maintenance work or repair on the service continuity of the substation
depends strongly on the configuration of the switchgear and equipment technology. This MTS
project represents a paradigm shift in the maintenance concepts of the company. It is common
to practice what the manufacturers recommend.
The maintenance of the hybrid modules is composed of periodical inspections, preventive
maintenance and revisions. The first periodical inspection takes place when the substation
completes one year. It is an in service visual and functional inspection, which will be repeated
annually, in general only to check the compartments, bushings, local control cabinet gaskets,
and carry out gas reposition if necessary.
The preventive maintenance is a more detailed inspection with the equipment or part of the
substation out of service. It will be carried out when the module reaches the operational
condition established in the operation manual, but not more than twenty years. It will need
skilled personnel to conduct some activities that include commissioning tests. The pilot
revision consists of the dismantling of some selected module, in order to be evaluated. The
tests results will indicate the maintenance actions to be executed and the needs of
refurbishment or not.

Asset management
During the substation lifetime the replacement or repair of some hybrid module must be
considered. Therefore it is necessary for the updating of the asset management, which should
include these topics:
o Acquisition and adequate storage of spare hybrid modules, spare parts and special
o Training and recycling of the skilled staff periodically, together with the manufacturer;
o Elaboration of the MTS substation operational instructions, based on the equipments
manufacturer manual and in the AIS concepts already practiced.


The requirements for the renewal of substations in Brazilian northeast transmission system is
a challenge for the near future because of the installations age, and because of the difficult
task of choosing the best solution considering the minimization of essential shutoffs of the
fundamental elements of the substation.

Safety transmission system requirements can advance the refurbishment of a substation before
reaching its scheduled lifetime. Based on project studies experience for 230/69 kV
substations, it is possible to highlight some considerations:
1. Upgrading and uprating projects, when executed together is an important condition to
perform modernization procedures, for example the installation of new transformer at
the same time that the event of remodeling of busbar schemes.
2. In general, GIS or MTS new switchyards built inside the current location is a viable
solution to restore overcoming busbars;
3. The feasibility of MTS projects (with use of hybrid SF6 modules) in upgrading AIS
busbar projects is the priority option, not only because it improves safety and
availability but because it can provide the execution into multiple stages in a reduced
4. The strategy for funding this project should be supported by the regulatory agency
rules, which sets the annual rate of return, based on transmission company
investments, in such a way that it covers the costs of renewal of the substation and
includes a rate of return on capital.

The particularities of each feasibility study will define the optimal solution.
In the case study of Pau Ferro substation, for example, there are some characteristics, such as
the symmetrical position of the circuits, available space, the substation lifetime, and the
suitable busbars capacity, which were taken into account in the evaluation process.


[1] ONS, Submódulo 2.3 - Requisitos mínimos para transformadores e para subestações e seus
quipamentos – rev. 2.0, Novembro 2011;
[2] Cigré, SB B3 – 532: The substation uprating and upgrading, April 2013;
[3] Cigré, SB B3 – 389: Combining Innovation with Standardisation, August 2009;
[4] ONS, Relatório 0163/2013 - Propostas para melhoria da segurança das instalações do sistema
interligado nacional - Avaliação dos aspectos relacionados aos arranjos de barramentos, 2013;
[5] Ofício Nº 0623/2015-SCT ANEEL, Julho 2015;
[6] Cigré, SB B3 – 390: Evaluation of Different Switchgear Technologies for Rated Voltages of 52
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[9] Samek, S.; Manski, P. – Minimizing the outages during modernization process of high voltage
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[11] Lacorte, M. – Detalhes construtivos de GIS e MTS e requisitos de manutenção, Cigré A3-B3-
C1, Workshop de Aplicação e Dimensionamento de Subestações não Convencionais:
do Planejamento da Expansão do Sistema Elétrico ao Projeto de Engenharia, Rio de Janeiro,
Novembro 2015

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