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Nama : Ainun Nissaa

NIM : 202050398

Leader’s Self Insight 3.1

T–P Leadership Questionnaire: An Assessment of Style

No. Mostly False Mostly True

1. I would hold members personally accountable for their 
2. I would assign members to specific roles and tasks 
3. I would ask the members to work harder 
4. I would check on people to know how they are doing. 
5. I would focus more on execution than on being pleasant 
with members
6. I would try to make members’ work more pleasant 
7. I would focus on maintaining a pleasant atmosphere on 
the team.
8. I would let members do their work the way they think 
9. I would be concerned with people’s personal feelings 
and welfare.
10. I would go out of my way to be helpful to members. 

Scoring and Interpretation

The T–P Leadership Questionnaire is scored as follows: Your T score represents task orientation
and is the number of Mostly True answers for questions 1–5. Your P score represents your
people or relationship orientation and is the number of Mostly True answers for questions 6–10.
A score of 4 or 5 would be considered high for either T or P. A score of 0 or 1 would be
considered low. T = 4 . P = 5 .
Some leaders focus on people needs, leaving task concerns to followers. Other leaders
focus on task details with the expectation that followers will carry out instruc tions.
Depending on the situation, both approaches may be effective. The important issue is
the ability to identify relevant dimensions of the situation and behave accord ingly.
Through this questionnaire, you can identify your relative emphasis on the two
dimensions of task orientation (T) and people orientation (P). These are not opposite
approaches, and an individual can rate high or low on either or both.

What is your leadership orientation? Compare your results from this assignment to
your result from the quiz in Leader’s Self-Insight 2.2 in Chapter 2. What would you
con sider an ideal leader situation for your style?

Saya lebih berorientasi terhadap people relationship.

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