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L-4rr-lI/CSE Date: 27/0312023

L-4/T-1I B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021
Sub: CSE 403 (Digital System Design)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Draw the basic block diagram of a microprocessor-based system. (15)

(b) Design a microprocessor-based system that scans a 4x4 keyboard matrix and drives
three 7-segment displays. The system will take each key pressed and keep scrolling them
from the left side to the right side of the displays. The rightmost digit is discarded while

scrolling. The system continues indefinitely.

(i) Draw a block diagram showing interconnections of the components for this

system. (10+10=20)

(ii) Draw the flowchart for the necessary software.

2. (a) Design an arithmetic unit using an adder and basic gates, which has two selection

variables SI and S2, and generates the following arithmetic operations. (25)

SI S2 Cin-O Cin = I

0 0 F=A+I F=A

0 1 F - B+I F=B

I 0 F= A-B F = A-B-I

I 1 F = B-A F = B -A - I

- ------
To.ble. -h:>1"~u..~s+ion .2(Cl.)

(b) Explain the initialization process of the 8259. (10)

3. Suppose 8086 is reading data bytes from a tape reader through Port A of the 8255
programmable peripheral interface using strobed input mode. The timing diagram for one

byte of data transfer is given below (Figure 1): (35)

Contd P/2
CSE 403
Contd. Q. NO.3



PAo-PA, ---------~)---------------

Figure for Question 3 (Figure I)

Now consider the following events relevant to the data transfer:

Event ID
3. e.

Redraw the timing diagram and mark the first occurrence of each event with the
corresponding event 10 surrounded by a circle on the relevant signal of the timing

4. (a) Draw the internal block diagram of the programmable timer/counter 8254. Why is it

called a programmable counter? (15)

(b) Suppose a flash drive connected to an USB port wants to transfer data to memory via
the direct memory access controller. List the steps performed by the direct memory

access controller to accomplish this operation. (15)

(c) Define (i) Control word, and (ii) Microinstructions (5)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Answer the following questions regarding SAP-I architecture. The block diagram has

been provided in Figure 5(a): (6+6+6+7=25)

(i) The positive clock edge occurs halfway through each state. Why is this important?
(ii) During the final T-state of ADD or SUB instruction, the accumulator sets up the
adder-subtractor and halfway through this state the positive clock edge loads the
accumulator. Does this design introduce racing? Briefly explain you answer.
Contd P/3
, •

CSE 403
Conld. Q. No. 5(.)
(iii) Describe what is performed during each T -state of an LOA instruction.
(iv) Draw the timing diagram of ADD instruction.
(b) Draw the circuit diagram to implement a 4-bit Accumulator, which computes the 2's
complement of the current value of the accumulator and stores the result back into the

accumulator, when control variable Pn is enabled. Use J-K flop-flops in your design. (10)

6. (a) Describe Fetch cycle and Execution cycle of SAP-I architecture. (8)

(b) Write machine cycle description for CALL instruction in SAP-2 architecture. (10)

(c) Differentiate between SUB and SBB operations with example for SAP-3 architecture. (5)

(d) Differentiate between RLC and RRC operations with example for SAP-3 architecture. (5)
(e) SAP-2 has a clock frequency of I MHz. This means that each T state has a duration of

! ~s. How long does it take to execute the following SAP-2 subroutine? (7)
LOOP!: MY! C, 47H

7. (a) Design a multiplier using Booth's Algorithm for two n-bit signed 2's complement

numbers. Your design must contain the followings: (25)

(i) Equipment Configuration
(ii) Derivation of the Algorithm with Flow-chart
(b) Describe pros and cons of using Booth's Algorithm for multiplication. Briefly explain,
what does Modified Booth's Algorithm do when it detects a sequence of IO! in the

Multiplier? (10)

8. (a) Suppose in a 4-bit computer design, you have found that it requires 35 control signals
to control the computer. You have decided to design this controller using micro-
programming. In your lab, you have found that only iO x 8 ROM is available. Is it
possible to design the controller using only the stated ROM above? If your answer is yes

then show the block diagram, otherwise explain why it is not possible. (10)

(b) Design the following combinational circuit using a ROM: the circuit accepts a 3-bit

number and generates an output binary number equal to the square of the input number. (10)

(c) Write an SAP-2 assembly program that receives input a byte of data from port! using

handshaking and stores the data in a register named B. (7)

(d) Give a brief comparison between an SRAM and a DRAM. (8)


W bus
Program Accumulator
CLK counter

CLK and 4 B

16 x 8 B


Instruction Output
CLK register B register

4 B

Controller/ CLK Binary
sequencer CLR display


CpEpl", CE IJ;rAEA SuEuLa~

Figure Sea)
L-4/T-II1CSE Date: 29/04/2023
L-4/T-I1 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021
Sub: CSE 411 (Simulation and Modeling)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

I. (a) What are the steps of the inverse-transform method for generating random variates
from a discrete distribution? How can you verify that the discrete inverse-transform
method is valid? Briefly explain how the continuous and discrete versions of the inverse-
transform method can be combined to a general form which is valid for a mixed

distribution. (14)
(b) For the following probability density functions, determine the cumulative distribution
function and write the steps of the inverse-transform method for generating random

variates: (14)
(i) (Kumaraswamy distribution)
f(x) = a, a2 xQ,-I(I_ x , f'-' for 0 < x <1
where a, > 0 and a2 > 0
(ii) (Rayleigh distribution)
f(x)=~e- 2".' for x ~ 0

(c) How can you generate random variates from the m-Erlang distribution with mean ~,

assuming m = 5 and ~ = 2.5? (7)

2. (a) Provide two algorithms, for generating random variates from the following triangular

density function: (10)

f(x)JI-1 for O:>;xQ

lo othenvise

Between these two algorithms, which one is better and why?

(b) How can you generate random variates from the lognormal distribution? (5)
(c) Describe the random variate generation techniques from the Normal distribution using (20)
(i) the acceptance-rejection method (ii) the Box-Muller method (iii) the Polar method.

3. (a) Explain how Poisson random variate generation algorithm is obtained by utilizing the
relationship between the (discrete) Poisson (A) distribution and the (continuous)

exponential (I/A) distribution. Why is this technique not efficient for large A? (10)
Contd P/2

CSE 411
Contd ... Q. No.3

(b) How can random variates be generated from a chi-square distribution with k df by
utilizing the relationship between the chi-square distribution and Normal distribution.
Why is this technique not efficient for large k and what can be an alternative better

technique? (8)
(c) How can you generate random variates from the truncated standard exponential

distribution, with mean ~ = I, lower limit a = 0, and upper limit b = I? What will be the

truncated density and the truncated distribution function? (9)

(d) Write the steps of random variate generation algorithm from Binomial and Negative

Binomial distribution. (8)

4. (a) What is the central idea of Antithetic Variates (AV), which is one type of Variance

Reduction Technique (VRT), in the context of Monte Carlo simulation? (5)

(b) What are the factors which should be considered when choosing which algorithm to
use in a particular simulation study for generating random variates from a given
distribution? What are the desirable properties of a good arithmetic random-number
generator which generates random variates from the uniform distribution on the interval

[0, I]? (12)

(c) For a simulation study, define the three key terms: verification, validation, and
accreditation (VV &A). What is the difference between validation and output analysis?
Draw a flowchart to display the steps in a sound simulation study. Also, show the timing
and relationship of validation, verification, and establishing credibility by using a
flowchart. In the second flowchart, mention the correspondence to the steps in a sound

simulation study. (18)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
You may use the distribution tables from Figure 2 and Figure 3, if necessary.

5. A manufacturing system has five workstations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, consisting of 3, 2, 4, 3, and I

identical machine(s), respectively, as shown in Figure I. In effect, the system is a
network of five multi-server queues. Assume that jobs arrive at the system with inter-
arrival times that are lID exponential random variables with mean 0.25 hour. There are
three types of jobs, and arriving jobs are of type I, 2, and 3 with respective probabilities
0.3, 0.5, and 0.2. Job types 1, 2, and 3 require 4, 3, and 5 tasks to be done, respectively,
and each task must be done at a specified station and in a prescribed order. The routings
for the different job types are:
Job Type Workstations in Routing
1 3, 1,2,5
2 4, 1,3
3 2, 5, 1, 4, 3
Contd P/3

CSE 411
Contd ... Q. No. 5(a)

~----- ----
o 0


,, - - ,,
,. ...•

,, /

I I ~ /
o I '-
I +
Type 1 job

Figure I: An example of a job-shop.

Thus type 2 jobs first have a task done at station 4, then have a task done at station I, and
finally have a task done at station 3. If a job arrives at a particular station and finds all
machines in that station already busy, the job joins a single FIFO queue at that station.
The time to perform a task at a particular machine is an independent 2-Erlang random
variable whose mean depends on the job type and the station to which the machine
belongs. (If X is a 2-Erlang random variable with mean r, then X = Y1 + h where Yj and
Y2 are independent exponential random variables each with mean Yz.) The mean service
times for each job type and each task are:
Job Tvne Mean Service Times for Successive Tasks (hours)
I 0.50,0.60,0.85,0.50
2 1.10,0.80,0.75
3 1.20,0.25,0.70,0.90, 1.00
Contd P/4
CSE 411
Contd ... Q. No.5

Thus, a type 2 job requires a mean service time of 1.10 hours at station 4 (where its first
task will be done). Assuming no loss of continuity between successive day's operations
of the system, the job-shop model is made to run for 365 days. Now answer the following

(a) Draw the event graph of the job-shop model. (10)

(b) Assuming no queuing delay in any of the workstation, calculate the utilization of

workstation 3 when the state of the job-shop becomes stationary. (10)

(c) How would you estimate the expected average total delay in queue (exclusive of

service times) for each job type and the expected overall average job total delay? (15)

6. (a) IQ is normally distributed in the population according to a N(lOO, 152) distribution.

However, you suspected that most BUETians have above average IQ and so you framed
the following hypotheses.
Ho = BUETians' IQs follow a N(l 00, 152) distribution.
HI = The average BUETian's IQ is greater than 100.
You surveyed 16 BUETians and found their average IQ to be 107. Can you now reject Ho

at level 0.05? Justify your answer. (10)

(b) Suppose that XI, X2, ••• , Xn are 110 random variables (observations) with finite

population mean p and finite population variance a2• Show that E[ S:] = n ~ 1(72, where


(c) A discrete-time stochastic process represented by a collection of random variables

Xo, Xlo X2, ••• satisfies the following relation:

Where 6( is an 110 random variable with mean 0 and variance I. Is the stochastic process

covariance-stationary? Justify your answer. (15)

7. (a) Let the random variables X and Y represent the abscissa and ordinate, respectively, of
a random point chosen uniformly inside the unit circle centered at the origin. Find the

joint probability density function of X and Y. (10)

(b) Prove thatXand Yfrom the problem in 7(a) are not independent. (10)
(c) Let X and Y be two 110 random variables chosen uniformly over the interval [0, I].

Find the expected value and the standard deviation of the distance between X and Y. (15)
Contd PIS

CSE 411

8. (a) Mendel bred peas with round yellow seeds and wrinkled green seeds. There are four
types of progeny: round yellow, wrinkled yellow, round green, and wrinkled green. The
number of each type has the probability distribution p = (PI> P2, P3, P4). His theory of

. hentance
In . pre d'IctS thatp ISequa
. I to Po = (9-,-,-,- 3 3 I) (10)

You wanted to validate this by running a simulation yourself, In n = 556 trials you

observed X = (3 I 5, 101, 108, 32). Now test Ho :p = po versus HI :p * po using the X2 test
statistic at level 0.05. Also compute how much confident you are about your hypothesis.
(b) Let Y = eX, where, X - N()1, if). Then Y is said to have a lognormal distribution. Find
the probability density function of Y. You may use the fact that the probability density


(c) Calculate the maximum likelihood parameter estimates for the following probability

distribution: (15)
y - Bemoulli( ql)
xlY - N()1y, if)
dJ. .995 .99 .975 .95 .9 .1 .05 .025 .01
1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 2.71 3.84 5.02 6.63
2 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.10 0.21 4.61 5.99 7.38 9.21
3 0.07 0.11 0.22 0.35 0.58 6.25 7.81 9.35 11.34
4 0.21 0.30 0.48 0.71 1.06 7.78 9.49 11.14 13.28
5 0.41 0.55 0.83 1.15 1.61 9.24 11.07 12.83 15.09
6 0.68 0.87 1.24 1.64 2.20 10.64 12.59 14.45 16.81
7 0.99 1.24 1.69 2.17 2.83 12.02 14.07 16.01 18.48
8 1.34 1.65 2.18 2.73 3.49 13.36 15.51 17.53 20.09
9 1.73 2.09 2.70 3.33 4.17 14.68 16.92 19.02 21.67
10 2.16 2.56 3.25 3.94 4.87 15.99 18.31 20.48 23.21
11 2.60 3.05 3.82 4.57 5.58 17.28 19.68 21.92 24.72
12 3.07 3.57 4.40 5.23 6.30 18.55 21.03 23.34 26.22
13 3.57 4.11 5.01 5.89 7.04 19.81 22.36 24.74 27.69
14 4.07 4.66 5.63 6.57 7.79 21.06 23.68 26.12 29.14
15 4.60 5.23 6.26 7.26 8.55 22.31 25.00 27.49 30.58
16 5.14 5.81 6.91 7.96 9.31 23.54 26.30 28.85 32.00
17 5.70 6.41 7.56 8.67 10.09 24.77 27.59 30.19 33.41
18 6.26 7.01 8.23 9.39 10.86 25.99 28.87 31.53 34.81
19 6.84 7.63 8.91 10.12 11.65 27.20 30.14 32.85 36.19
20 7.43 8.26 9.59 10.85 12.44 28.41 31.41 34.17 37.57
22 8.64 9.54 10.98 12.34 14.04 30.81 33.92 36.78 40.29
24 9.89 10.86 12.40 13.85 15.66 33.20 36.42 39.36 42.98
26 11.16 12.20 13.84 15.38 17.29 35.56 38.89 41.92 45.64
28 12.46 13.56 15.31 16.93 18.94 37.92 41.34 44.46 48.28
30 13.79 14.95 16.79 18.49 20.60 40.26 43.77 46.98 50.89
32 15.13 16.36 18.29 20.07 22.27 42.58 46.19 49.48 53.49
34 16.50 17.79 19.81 21.66 23.95 44.90 48.60 51.97 56.06
38 19.29 20.69 22.88 24.88 27.34 49.51 53.38 56.90 61.16
42 22.14 23.65 26.00 28.14 30.77 54.09 58.12 61.78 66.21
46 25.04 26.66 29.16 31.44 34.22 58.64 62.83 66.62 71.20
50 27.99 29.71 32.36 34.76 37.69 63.17 67.50 71.42 76.15
55 31.73 33.57 36.40 38.96 42.06 68.80 73.31 77.38 82.29
6U 35.53 37.48 40.48 43.19 46.46 74.4U 79.U8 83.30 88.38
65 39.38 41.44 44.60 47.45 50.88 79.97 84.82 89.18 94.42
70 43.28 45.44 48.76 51.74 55.33 85.53 90.53 95.02 100.43
75 47.21 49.48 52.94 56.05 59.79 91.06 96.22 100.84 106.39
80 51.17 53.54 57.15 60.39 64.28 96.58 101.88 106.63 112.33
85 55.17 57.63 61.39 64.75 68.78 102.08 107.52 112.39 118.24
90 59.20 61.75 65.65 69.13 73.29 107.57 113.15 118.14 124.12
95 63.25 65.90 69.92 73.52 77.82 113.04 118.75 123.86 129.97
100 67.33 70.06 74.22 77.93 82.36 118.50 124.34 129.56 135.81

Figure 2: Chi-square Distribution Table

p 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 0.9333 0.9S00 O.9frOO 0.%67 0.9750 0.9800 0.9833 0.9875 0.9900 0.9917 0.9938 0.9950
I 0.325 D,n? 1.316 3.07& ~.702 fi.Jt~ 7.916 9.524 12.706 15.895 19.0..H 25A51 31.821
2 0.289 0.617 38.342 51..1:\4 6.l657
1.061 1.886 2AS6 2.920 3..'20 3.679 .003 4.849 53.\.1 6.205 6.965 7.665 8.897 9.925
3 0.277 0.58-1 0.978 1.1l.'R 2.().l5 2.353 2.tlO5 2.8B 3.182 .'\.482 3.1.'8 4.177 4.,5"'1 4.864
4 0.271 0.561} U.tJ-I1 5..108 5.841
1.5.'\3 1.879 2.132 2..'tH 2.5U2 2.176 2.999 :UK4 JAQ5 3.747 3.%6 4325 4.604
5 0.267 n.559 0.920 1.47h 1.790 2.015 2.191 2.3.17 2.571 2.757 2.910 3.163 33115 3.538
0 0.265 0.553 3.818 4.032
U.9U6 1.440 1.735 1.9.H 2.1~
7 0.263 0.549 0.8%
1.237 2.447 2.612 2.748 2.%9 :u..
u 3.291 3.528 3.707
1.415 1.698 1.895 1.(~6 2.170 2.365 2.517 2.6-10 2Jl4J 2.998 3.130 3..141 3A99
'Tl 8 0.262 0.5-16 0.889 1••"\97 1.670 1.860 2.00-1 2.122
oti. 9 0.161 O.~3 OJun I.JR3 1.650 I.lO:\ 1.97.1 2.086
2.449 2.565 2.752 2.896 3.018 3.211 3.355
..., 10 0.260 U.5.U U.879 1.372 1.634 1.812 1.948
2.398 2.503 1.6R5 2.R21 2.9:\6 :U16 3.150
2.0:'lS 2.22S 2.359 Z,465 2.63-1 2.164
C1l II 0.260 0.540 0.876 2.8n 3.043 .'.169
...., 1.621 1.796 1.928 2.0:\6 2.201 2.328 2,430 1.593 1.718 1.822 'I

2.985 :\.106
.. 12 0.259 0.5.311 0.873 1.356 1.61U 1.782 1."12 2.017 2.17" 2.303 2.402 2.560 2.681 -<J
13 0.259 0.538 1.782 2.939 .1.055
0.870 U50 1.601 1.771 1.899 2JXl2 2.160 2.282 2.319 2.533 2.650 2.748 2.900 3.011 I'
14 O.2..'~8 U.537

0.808 1.345 1.59.\ 1.761 1.881 1.989 2.145 2.2'" 2.35lJ 1.510 2.62-1 2.12U
~ 15 0.253 0.536 0.866 1.341 1.587 1.753 1.878 1.978 2.131 2.249
2.S68 2.971
2.342 2.490 2.602 2.6% 2.841 2.947
10 0.258 0.535 0.865 1.3.17 1581 1.7-l6 1.86Y
t:l 1.968 2.120 2.235 2.321 2.473 2.583 2.615
17 0.257 0.53-1 0.863 2.817 2.921
C;;. 1.3.n 1.576 1.740 1.862 1.960 2.110 2.224 2.315 2.458 2.567 2.657 2.796 2.898
18 0.257 0.534 0.862 1..130 1.512
19 0.257 0.5.n 0.861 1.328 1.5~
2.552 2 .•.• 1 2.778 2.878
2.539 2.627 2.762

- 20 0.257 0.533 0.1l60 1.325 2.801

C 1564 1.725 I.••.•.• 1.9.w 2.086 2.197 2.285 2.-123 2.528 2.614 2.748 2.845
21 0.257 0.532
22 0.256 0.532
2.518 2.603 2.735 2.831
23 0.256 0.532 2.508 2.59.\ 2.724 2.819
0.858 1.319 1.556 1.714 1.832 1.916 2.0('"19 2.177 2.263 2.398 2.500 2.584 2.713 2.807
~ 24 0.256 0.531 U.8S7 1..\18 1.553 1.711 Ul;28 1.922 2.Q6.I 2.172 2.251 2.391 2.492
a" 25 0.156 0.531 0.856 1..11b 1.551 1.708 I.R25
2.575 2.704 2.797
1.918 .2.(1(..0 2.161 2.251
C> 20 0.256 0.531 UJI56 1..\15 1.541) 1.706 1.812 1.915 1.056 2.162 2.246
2.385 2,485 2.568 2.695 2.787
27 2.379 2,479 2.561 2.687 2.779
0.256 0.531 0.855 1.314 1.547 1.70:\ I.R 19
1.5__6 1.912 2.052 2.158 2.242 2.373 2.473 2.554
28 0.256 0.5.10 0.855 2.6RO 2.771
I..H3 1.701 1.817 1.909 2.WS 2.154 2.237 2.36g 2A67 2.548 2.673 2.763
29 0.256 0.530 0.854 1.311 1.544 1.699 1.814
U.8S__ 1.906 2.().l5 2.150 2.233 1.3h4 2,-162 2.54.1
.10 0.256 0.5.10 2.667 2.156
1.310 1.54.\ 1.691 1.812 1.'104 2.W2 2.147 2.230
40 2..160 2.457 2.537 2.661 2.750
0.255 0.529 0851 1.303 1.532 1.68-1 1.796 1.886 2.021 2.123 2.203 1.329 2..42.\ 2.501
50 0.255 0.528 0.~9 1.291.) 2.619 2.70-l
1.526 1.676 1.7117 1.875 2.lJO'J 2.109 2.188
75 2.311 2,-103 2.479 2.5"" 2.678
0254 0.527 0.1W6 1.293 1.517 1.665 I.775 1.861 1.992 2.090 2.167 2.287 2.371 2.450
100 0.254 0.526 2.502 2.6.0
0.845 1.290 1.51.1 1.660 1.769 1.855 1.984 2.U81
~ 2.157 2.276 2.36-1 2.4.\6 2.547 2.620
0253 0.52-1 0.842 1.282 1.501 I f>.I5 1.751 1834 19(.0 2.054 2.121 2.241 1..:\26 2..W5 2.501 2.576

L-4rr-II/CSE Date: 29/04/2023

L-4/T-II B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021
Sub: CSE 461 (Algorithm Engineering)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Prove that no algorithm for the linear list search problem has a Competitive ratio (CR)

better than 2 - _2_, where n is the number of items in the list. (10)
n +I
(b) You are going to visit an amusing park after your examination. You can buy a ticket
for the whole day and take any number of rides you like. The cost of the ticket is 300
taka. Or you can pay for a single ride if you wish to take the ride and pay 50 taka per ride.

Based on the scenario above, answer the following questions. (4+3+3)

(i) Show that your plan will not be competitive if you plan to pay for a ride every time
you take a ride.
(ii) Compute the competitive ratio if you buy the ticket at the beginning.
(iii) Can you design a strategy which gives a competitive ratio better than that of (ii)?
Justify your answer.
(c) Given a 2-regular graph G by a sequence of n pairs of integers between I and n on a
read-only array, give an O(nlogn) time algorithm which counts the number of cycles in G

using constant work space. Prove the time complexity of your algorithm. (15)

2. (a) Define the k-server problem. Show that the greedy algorithm for the k-server problem

is not competitive. (5+10)

(b) Describe double coverage (DC) algorithm for the k-server problem and derive the

competitive ratio of DC algorithm. (15)

(c) Show that the strategy of moving the accessed item forward by 2 positions is not good

for the linear list search problem. (5)

3. (a) Differentiate among an approximation algorithm, a heuristic algorithm and a meta-

heuristic algorithm. Write the basic principle of a simulated annealing algorithm and

describe a simulated annealing algorithm for circuit partitioning. (6+4+5)

(b) Write the basic principle of tabu search meta-heuristic. Explain how does the length

of the tabu list control the search process. What is the aspiration criteria in tabu search? (4+4+2)
(c) Suppose integers between I and n - I are stored in an array a[1 ... n] of size n. Is it
possible to find a duplicate element in the array by a constant-work-space algorithm?

Prove your claim. (10)

Contd P/2
CSE 461
4. (a) Illustrate the power of randomized search with a quantitative example. (10)
(b) Let XI, Xz, ... , Xn be the variables used in a CNF formula <D of III clauses. You choose
an assignment (aJ, az, a,,)E {O, l}n to XI, Xz, ... , Xn at random with P(ai = I) =

P( ai = 0) = Yz for i = I, , n. Assume that each clause has at least five literals. Compute

the expected number of clause that are satisfied. (10)

(c) Give a randomized algorithm for finding kth smallest integer in a set S of n distinct
integers such that expected running time of the algorithm is linear. You need to prove the

expected running time. (15)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Design an algorithm to solve the traveling salesman problem (TSP) using a dynamic
programming approach, where the input is a distance matrix between a set of cities, and
the goal is to find a minimum-length tour that visits each city exactly once before
returning to the starting point. Given the following distance matrix, find the minimum
length of the city tour, showing every step of your algorithm. (15)
o 10 15 20
10 0 35 25
15 35 0 30
20 25 30 0

(b) Give an algorithm faster than brute force approach for the independent set problem
using the branch and reduce technique. Derive the time complexity of your given
approach. (15)
(c) Is it possible that Independent-Set E P and Ham-cycle IiO P? Justify. (5)

6. (a) Design a 3/2 approximation algorithm for TSP based on the Minimum Spanning Tree
(MST) and Matching, and derive the approximation ratio of your given algorithm. (15)
(b) What is a parameterized algorithm? Explain its effectiveness with examples. When do

we call a problem fixed parameter tractable (FPT)? (10)

(c) Give a parameterized algorithm for the vertex cover problem. (10)

7. (a) The Integer Knapsack problem is defined as follows: Instance: A collection of n items
with integral sizes ai, ... , an> 0 and profits PJ, ... , pn > 0, and an integer B > O. Find
integers XJ, ..., Xn ~ 0 such that Ii aiXi ~ B and Ii PiXi is maximized, Provide a
polynomial-time approximation algorithm for this problem with approximation ratio 2.
Prove the correctness of your algorithm, and establish tight bounds on its approximation
quality (i.e., prove that a ratio of2 is always guaranteed, and give an example for an input
on which the algorithm fails to do better than that). You may assume conditions if
necessary. (15)

Contd P/2

CSE 461
Contd •••Q. NO.7

(b) One particularly important class of problems is PSPACE, the class of all decision
problems that can be solved using a polynomial amount of space (that is, memory). What
is the relationship between NP and PSPACE? Is one the subset of another? Prove your
answer. (10)
(c) Prove the set-over is an NP-complete problem. (10)

8. (a) Outline a general framework to design approximation algorithms usmg Linear

programming and give an LP relaxation for the Vertex Cover problem. Show that the LP
relaxation does not work for the Independent Set Problem. (5+7+5)
(b) Describe a polynomial time approximation scheme(PTAS) for the independent set
problem on planar graphs. (18)
L-4rr-lI/CSE Date: 27/03/2023
L.4/T-1I B. Sc Engineering Examinations 2020-2021
Sub: CSE 471 (Machine learning)
Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

1. (a) Derive the parameter (theta) update equation, 8j = 8j + a ((yi -h(xi))xj for stochastic
gradient descent algorithm of binary logistic regression classification problem. Here all

the symbols convey usual meaning. (15)

(b) The linear regression has a closed form solution. Derive the closed form equation to

find optimal theta for a linear regression problem. (10)

(c) How does Boosting help in the bias-variance trade-off? Explain with an example. (10)

2. (a) Write down the pseudo-code of the Q-learning algorithm for the reinforcement
learning strategy. Precisely discuss the role and intuition of each component of the update

(state and action) equation. (15+10)

(b) You are learning a target function, which is a sinusoidal curve (unknown). You are
given two hypotheses: Ho : hex) = b, HI : hex) = ax+b, and two data points. Which
hypothesis should you pick as a learning solution based on bias-variance trade-off, and

why? (10)

3. (a) What is the motivation of the support vector machine (SVM) based learning over a
decision boundary (e.g., perceptron) based learning? Derive the equation that you want to

minimize for getting the solution of the SVM. (5+15)

(b) Draw a high level block diagram showing the interaction of different components of a

learning problem. (10)

(c) What is Markov Decision Process (MDP)? (5)

4 (a) How can you categorize different clustering methods? (6)

(b) Write down the pseudo-code of the k-means clustering method. How can you find out

a suitable k for the above clustering method? (8+6)

(c) What is Softmax regression? Explain a three-class classification problem with an
example to formulate the necessary equations of Softmax regression based classification

solution. (3+12)

Contd P/2

CSE 471
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Write down the mathematical definition of ReLU. Draw its curve and that of its first
derivative. Is ReLU differentiable at all points? If not, then explain how can it still be

used in neural networks? (10)

(b) Explain, with mathematical reasomng, why Xavier Initialization samples weights

from N(O, 2 ), where nin and now are respecti~ely the number of input to and
nin + n01l1

output from a node in a hidden layer respectively. (10)

(c) In an FNN, a mini batch of data is shown in the table below. Here j; means the i-th
feature of the data. What will be the normalized first data row seen by the network, in

case of (15)
(i) Batch normalization (Assume y= 1, ~=O, E=O)
(ii) Layer normalization (Assume E=O)

f, f] f, I, Is
Dalall I 2 I 9 7 I
Datall 2 3 2 8 5 2
I>ata# 3 5 4 9 3 3
I>ata# 4 2 3 9 6 4

6. (a) With stride 2 and padding 1, calculate the transpose convolution of [~ ~]using the

I3 22 33] • (10)
[ 101
(b) Explain Adam optimizer with necessary equations. (10)
(c) Draw the schematic diagram of the memory cell internal state of LSTM. Explain the
purpose of the different components, with necessary equations. Mention the

dimensionality of the various outputs and weight parameters. (15)

7. (a) What is label smoothing? How does it perform regularization? Explain with a suitable

example. (10)
(b) During training of a Transformer model, for the input "This is a cat", check the
information below, where symbols have their usual meanings. What will be the matrix

input to the softmax layer? (25)

Contd P/3

CSE 471
Contd ... Q. No. 7(b)

This 2 -I -3 4 -2 ) 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0
IS -I 3 2 -I -3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0
a 3 -2 -I -2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ) 0
cat -3 3 0 -I ) 0 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1

8. (a) In the CBOW formation of Word2Vec, consider the portion of the neutral network

between the hidden layer and the output layer in Fig. for Q. (8). (10)

Figure for Q. No. 8(a).

The one-hot encodings of the words in the vocabulary are as a follows:

Tiger Horse Cow Cat Dog

01 1 0 0 0 0
0, 0 1 0 0 0

OJ 0 0 I 0 0

o~ 0 0 0 I 0

Os 0 0 0 0 1

The weights of the links between the hidden layer and output layer are as follows, where
the value in cell ZiOj represents the weight of the link from hidden node Zi to output node

Contd P/4


CSE 471
Contd ... Q. No.8

0, 02 OJ 04 Os
Z, 2 4 6 1 5
Z2 -I 3 4 2 -5
ZJ 3 -2 2 4 4
Z4 4 5 I -3 2

Write down the Word2Vec embedding of each word in the vocabulary.

(b) What is a GAN? Describe its various components. Deduce its loss functions. (10)
(c) A Variational Auto Encoder (VAE) has learnt I! and cr vectors as follows:

J.1 = [I 5 2 8 9 7f, cr=[2 3 2 I 5 3f, A sample drawn from a multivariate normal

distribution N([2 I I 3 -3 2f, diag[4, 4, 9, -4, -16, I» is [I 2 -I -232 ( Using this

information, calculate the corresponding latent representation (z) of the sample generated

by the VAE. (15)

L-4/T-II/CSE Date: 10/0412023


L-4IT-II B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021

Sub: IPE 493 (Industrial Management)

Full Marks: 210 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.
Assume appropriate value for any missing data.

1. (a) Prepare an inventory record for A, C, and D using the following data. (15)

A c
__ I-
, I
0(3) F

Data for A: Gross requirements is 80 units on 4th week, lead time is I week, lot for lot.

Data for C: Gross requirements is 50 units on 6th week, lead time is 2 weeks, lot size is

70 units, schedule receipt is 70 on 1st week, on hand inventory is 17 units;

Data for D: Lead time is 2 weeks, lot size is 100 units, schedule receipt is 100 on 1st

week, on hand inventory is 25 units.

(b) For the following order table, decide the sequences of jobs to be processed based on

Johnson's Rule. Also, show the jobs' duration in a time frame. (20)

Processinll. Time (davs

Job Station I Station 2 Station 3
A 7 2 3
B 6 4 2
C 8 5 4
D 9 2 5
E 10 3 7

2. (a) Define the following costs with suitable example. (10)

(i) Sunk cost (ii) Opportunity cost (iii) Period Cost (iv) Book Cost

(b) Four mutually exclusive alternatives are being evaluated, and their costs and revenue

are itemized below. If the MARR is 15% per year and the analysis period is 12 years,

draw the cash-llow diagrams and use the Present Worth (PW) and External Rate of

Return (ERR) methods to determine which alternatives are economically acceptable.

Also find out which alternative should be selected finally. (25)

Contd P/2

IrE 493(CSE)
Contd ... Q.No.2(b)

Mutually Exclusive Alternative

II 1/1 IV

Capital investment $100,000 $152,000 $184,000 $220,000

Annual revenues less expenses 15,200 31,900 35,900 41,500
Market value (end of useful life) 10,000 o 15,000 20,000
Useful life (years) 12 12 12 12

3. (a) Microlab is a company that sells speakers. Their budgeted unit selling price is $250
with a unit variable cost of $ 150 and Total Fixed Expense of $35,000. They are currently

selling 400 speakers per month. (15)

(i) The sales manager feels that a $10,000 increase in the monthly advertising budget
would increase monthly sales by $30,000 to a total of 520 units. Should the
advertising budget be increased?
(ii) To increase sales, the sales manager would like to cut the selling price by $20 per
speaker and increase the advertising budget by $15,000 per month. The sales manager
believes that if these two steps are taken, unit sales will increase by 50% to 600
speakers per month. Should the changes be made?
(b) Hewlatt-Packard (HP) builds three computer printer models: Inkjet, Laser, and Color
Laser. Information for these three products is given in the following table. How do you

answer the following questions? Let the fixed cost be $98000. (15)

Inkiet Laser Color Laser

Selling price Total
ner unit ($) 250 400 1600 --
Variable cost
Der unit ($) 100 ISO 800 --
Sales mix (%) 60 30 10 100

(i) How many printers in total must be sold to break even?

(ii) How many units of each printer model must be sold to break even?
(iii) How many printers in total must be sold to earn an annual profit of $1 ,OOO,OOO?
(c) Define reorder point. How will you estimate reorder point when both lead time and

demand are uncertain? (5)

4. (a) EOQ mayor may not pass through the intersection point of holding cost and ordering

cost-how? (10)
(b) Briefly discuss the functions of inventory. (10)

Contd P/3

IPE 493(CSE)
Contd ... Q.No.4
(c) Calculate the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) for the following data: (15)
Annual demand = 800 units
Ordering cost = $91order
Inventory carrying cost = 20% of cost per unit
Cost per unit = $ 18 for lot size I - 49
= $ 17.75 for lot size 50 - 99
= $ 17.5 for lot size 100 - 149
= $ 17.25 for lot size 150 - 199
= $ 17 for lot size 200 - up

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Briefly explain each of the five forms of departmentalization with appropriate

examples. (15)
(b) Atlas Corporation specializes in providing office supplies to other business
companies. The office supply business is competitive, and the ability to deliver orders
promptly is a big factor in getting new customers and maintaining old ones. (Offices
typically order not when they run low on supplies, but when they completely run out. As
a result, they need their orders immediately.) The manager of Atlas Corporation wants to
be certain that enough drivers and vehicles are available to deliver orders promptly and
that they have adequate inventory in stock. Therefore, the manager wants to be able to
forecast the demand for deliveries during the next month. From the records of previous

orders, management has accumulated the following data for the past 10 months: (20)
Month Jan. Feb. Mar. Anr. Mav. Jun. Jui. Au\!. Sen. Oct.
Orders 120 90 100 75 110 50 75 130 110 90

Answer the following questions:

(i) Compute the monthly demand forecast for April through November using a 3-
month moving average.
(ii) Compute the monthly demand forecast for April through November using a 3-
month weighted moving average. Use weights of 0.52, 0.36, and O. I 2, with the
heavier weights on the more recent months.
(iii) Compute the mean absolute deviation for June through October for each of the
methods used. Which method would you use to forecast demand for November?

6. (a) Discuss the findings of the Fiedler's Contingency Model ofleadership. (15)

(b) Describe four basic management functions that managers perform in an organization. (10)
(c) What do you mean by validity and reliability of a selection tool? Explain the two

types of selection errors with examples. (10)

Contd 1'/4

IPE 493(CSEl

7. (a) Write down the contributions of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth III the field of

management. How does today's manager use them? (10)

(b) Discuss Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y of motivation. How does it

differ from the human relations model? (15)

(c) Discuss the elements of the process of delegation. Briefly explain the principles of

delegation of authority. (10)

8. (a) Draw the managerial grid and explain the different categories of managerial styles. (15)
(b) Define span of control. What are the factors that can affect the width of span? Can

you relate width of span with organizational level? Explain. (10)

(c) Briefly explain the different types of forecast movements. What are some of the

consequences of poor forecast? Explain. (10)

L-4ff-2/CSE Date: 03/04/2023

L-4/T -2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-202 I

Sub: HUM 411 (Business Law)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 I-lours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) "All contracts are agreements but all agreements are not contracts." Explain. (6)

(b) Who can accept? Discuss the rules regarding acceptance. (7)
(c) Mr. Y promises a subscription of Tk. 10000 to the Bristi memorial fund. He does

not pay. Is there any remedy in a court of law against him? (4)
(d) Explain the ternl 'consideration' and state exceptions to the rule "No consideration,

no contact". (6lj)

2. (a) Distinguish between void agreement and voidable contracts. (7)

(b) Discuss with suitable illustration the validity of contacts by infants. (9 lj )

(c) Are the following agreements void? Give reasons in each case: (7)
i. Mr. A agrees to sell to Mr. B 'a hundred tons of oil'.
ii. Mr. L, who is a dealer in coconut oil only agrees to sell to Mr. P 'a hundred tons of
iii. Mr. L agrees to sell to Mr. K 'one thousand maunds of rice at a price to be fixed by
Mr. O.
iv. Mr. G agrees to sell to Mr. T, 'my white horse for Tk. 10000 or Tk. 20000'.

3. (a) Explain the nature of hire-purchase agreements. (6)

(b) Differentiate between specific goods and unascertained goods with examples. (7)
(c) Explain the difference between a condition and a warranty. Under what

circumstances can a breach of condition be treated as a breach of warranty? (IOlj)

4. (a) What are the rules for ascertaining the intention of the parties as to the time when

the property in the specific goods is to pass to the buyer? (8)

(b) Explain what is meant by reservation of the right of disposal in sale of goods. (6)
(c) "No seller of goods can give the buyer of goods a better title to those goods than he
himself has." Critically examine the proposition and state whether there are any

exceptions to this rule. (9 lj )

Contd P/2


HUM 411

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) An incorporated company is a "totally different person or thing or entity from its

Members - the individuals comprising it". Explain and illustrate. (7)

(b) Distinguish between a private company and public company. (7 lJ' )

(c) "The memorandum (of association) is the fundamental law or a charter defining the

objects and limiting the powers of a company". Explain. (9)

6. (a) Mention the clauses that a memorandum must contain. (7)

(b) What steps are to be taken for the formation and commencement of a company? (IOlJ')
(c) State concisely the prima facie right of the holders of preference shares in a

company. (6)

7. (a) What are the essential elements of partnership? How does it differ from co-

ownership? (7)
(b) "Although sharing of profits is an essential element of partnership, it is not the sole

test." Comment. (7lJ')

(c) What are the right and obligation ofa minor in a partnership? (9)

8. (a) Explain the circumstances under which a person, even though not a partner, can

nevertheless be made liable as a partner. (7)

(b) What is meant by dissolution of firms? In what different cases will the court order

dissolution of a firm at the suit of a partner? (1llJ')

(c) What do you understand by goodwill of a business? (5)
L-4rr -2/CSE Date: 03/05/2023
L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021

Sub: HUM 473 (Financial, Cost and Managerial Accounting)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks
Symbols indicate their usual meaning.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) What is contribution margin? What is margin of safety? (5)

(b) Square Company manufactures and sales a specialized cordless telephone. The
company's contribution format income statement for the most recent year is given

below- (18X)

Particulars Total Per unit % of sales

Sales (20000 units) 1,200,000 60 100%
Variable expense 900,000 45 ?%
Contribution margin 300,000 15 ?%
Fixed expense 240,000
Net operating income 60,000

(i) Compute the company's break-even point in both units and sales Taka.
(ii) Assume the sales increase by Tk. 600,000 next year. If cost behavior
patterns remain unchanged, by how much will the company's net operating
. .
mcome mcrease.
(iii) Refer to the original data. Assume that next year management wants the
company to earn a profit of at least Tk. 1,80,000. How many units have to
be sold to meet this target profit?
(iv) Refer to the original data. Compute the company's margin of safety in both
Taka and percentage form.
(v) Compute degree of operating leverage at present level of sales.
(vi) Assume that the company's sales increase by 10%. Using DOL, compute
the percentage increase in NOr.

2. (a) "Per unit fixed cost is variable but per unit variable cost is fixed" - Explain this

statement with example.

(b) BP Manufacturing Company has the following cost and expense data for the year

ending December 31, 2022. (18)

Contd P12
Contd .... for Q. No. 2(b)

Items TK Items TK
Raw tnaterials. 1/1/21 30.000 Property taxes. factolY building 6.000
Raw materials. 12/3 Ji22 20.000 Sales revenue 1500000
Raw materials purchases 205.000 DeliwlY exoenses 100.000
Work in process. 1/1/22 80.000 Sales commissions 150.000
Work in process. 12/31/22 50.000 Indirect labor 105.000
Finished goods. 111122 110.000 FactOlv machinery rent 40,000
Finished goods. 12/31/22 120.000 Factory utilities 65,000
Direct labor 350.000 Depreciation factorv building 24.000
Factorv manager's salary 35.000 Adm.inistrative exoenses 295.000
Insurance. factolv 14.000
-~ _. Depreciation, Office building 5.000

(i) Prepare a Statement of cost of goods manufactured for the Company for
2022, (Assume that all raw materials used were direct materials.)
(ii) Prepare an income statement for the Company for the year 2022.

3. (a) Explain the differences between Absorption costing and Variable costing methods. (sX)
(b) Dexter Corporation produces and sells a single product, a wooden hand loom for
weaving small items such as scarves. Selected cost and operating data relating to the

product for two years are given below: (18)

--- -- ~ --------------- - ---- ---
Selliug orice oer unit Tk.50
Manufacturing Costs:
Variable cost per unit:
Direct materials Tk. 15
Direct labors 5
Variable overhead 3
Fixed Manufacturing Cost Tk. 120.000
Selling and Administrative Costs:
Variable cost per unit Tk.5
Fixed Cost 50,000
Year I Year 2
Units in Beginning InventolY 0 3,000
Units oroduced during the vear 10 000 9000
Units sold during the vear 7.000 11.000 .
Units in ending inventory 3,000 J 000

(i) Prepare the income statement for both of the years as per the Absorption
Costing and Variable Costing method.
(ii) Explain the differences between the Net Income calculated under these
two methods.

Contd P/3

4. (a) "A branch office or business segment that shows negative operating income should

be shut down." Do you agree? Explain briefly.

(b) Oscar Ltd manufactures small electrical parts in Hamburg, Germany. The company
has a production capacity of 18,000 electrical units per year and the unit cost is as

follows: (16)

Direct materials Tk.IO

Direct labor 12

Total manufacturing overheads 25

Total manufacturing cost 47

The company's accountant has established that 40% of the overhead is fixed. One of
the company's major competitors-Calwson Electrical has been struggling to
breakeven and has offered to sell 18,000 electrical units to Oscar Ltd for Tk. 50 per
unit. If Oscar Ltd accepts the offer, some parts of its factory presently used in the
production of the electrical units could be leased out to a warehouse finn at an annual
rent of Tk. 50,000. Oscar Ltd will also reduce its manufacturing overheads by Tk. 5
per unit of electrical unit produced.
(i) Would you advise Oscar Ltd to make or buy the electrical units?
(ii) What would be the maximum purchase price acceptable to Oscar Ltd?
(iii) Discuss some of the factors to be considered by Oscar Ltd before
accepting the offer to buy from Calwson Electrical.

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

5. On April 1, Holly Palmer established Matrix Travel Agency. The following

transactions were completed during the month. (23}j)

(i) Invested Tk. 10,000 cash to start agency.
(ii) Paid Tk. 400 cash for April office rent.
(iii) Purchased office equipment for Tk. 2,500 cash.
(iv) Incurred Tk. 300 of advertising costs in the Chicago Tribune, on account.
(v) Paid Tk. 600 cash for office supplies.
(vi) Earned Tk. 7,500 for services rendered: Tk. 1,000 cash is received from
customers, and the balance of Tk. 6,500 is billed to customers on account.
(vii) Withdrew Tk. 200 cash for personal use.

Contd P/4

Contd .... for Q. No.5

(viii) Paid Chicago Tribune amount due in transaction (iv)

(ix) Paid employees' salaries Tk. 2,200.
(x) Received Tk. 5,000 in cash from customers who have previously been
billed in transaction (vi).
(a) Prepare a tabular analysis of the transactions using the following headings:
Cash, Accounts Receivable, Supplies, Office Equipment, Accounts
Payable, and Holy Palmer Capital.
(b) What is the normal balance for each of the following accounts (Debit or,
Credit)? (i) Accounts Receivable, (ii) Cash, (iii) Owner's Drawing, (iv)
Accounts Payable, (v) Service Revenue, (vi) Salaries Expenses, (vii)
Owner's Capital.

6. Write down the basic accounting equation with brief description. Suppose Mr.
Mark started his own delivery services, Miller Deliveries, on June I, 2022. The

following transactions occurred during the month of June. (23 X)

June I: Mark invested Tk. 10,000 cash in the business
June 2: Purchase a used van for deliveries for Tk. 12,000. Mark paid Tk. 2,000
cash and signed a note payable for the remaining balance.
June 3: Paid Tk. 500 for office rent for the month.
June 5: Performed Tk. 4,000 of service on account.
June 9: Withdrew Tk. 200 cash for personal use.
June 12: Purchased supplies for Tk. 150 on account.
June 15: Received a cash payment ofTk. 1,250 for services provided on June 5.
June 17: Purchased gasoline for Tk. 100 on account.
June 20: Received a cash payment ofTk. 1,500 for services provided.
June 23: Made a cash payment ofTk. 500 on the notes payable.
June 26: Paid Tk. 250 for utilities.
June 29: Paid for the gasoline purchased on account on June 17.
June 30: Paid Tk. 1,000 for employees' salaries.
(i) Journalize each transaction.
(ii) Post the journal to the following ledger accounts:
(a) Cash; (b) Service Revenue; (c) Supplies

Contd PIS


7. Define Asset, Liability, Owner's Equity, Revenue and Expenses. Suppose Tony
Masasi started his own consulting firm, Masasi Company, on June I, 2022. The trial

balance at June 30 is shown below. (23}j )


-_ ..._.- - ------ _. ------- Trial Balance June 30, 2022

Accounts Debit (tk) Credit
~1___ f-
Cash ................................. 8000
Acco unts Receivable .......... 6000
.- -----------_._------ -------- ------_ ..
Supp lies .........................
Prep aid Insurance ................
-- .. _-- -._-_
- _._------------ ---_._- ----- -
Equi pment. ........................ 15000
Acco unts Payable ................ 4500
------_. __ ._- -_. -
Uneam ed Service Revenue ..... 4000
Own er's Capital.. .................
-- -
-- ---------- ---------
Serv ice Revenue .................. 7900
Salar ies and Wages Expense .... 4000
.. -- - ._-----
Rent Expense ................. 1000 --
Total :22illill .12QQ.Q
----- - . -- - -.. - ------". -- -

In additional to those accounts listed on the trial balance, the chart of accounts for
Masasi Company also contains the following accounts and account: Accumulated
Depreciation- Equipment, Salaries and Wages Payable, Supplies Expense,
Depreciation Expense, Insurance Expense, and Utilities Expense.
Other Data:
(i) Supplies on hand at June 30 are Tk. 750.
(ii) A utility bill for Tk. 150 has not been recorded and will not be paid until
next month.
(iii) The insurance policy is for a year.
(iv) Tk. 2,800 of unearned service revenue has been earned at the end of the
(v) Salaries ofTk. 1,900 are accrued at June 30.
(vi) The equipment has a 5-year life with no salvage value. It is being
depreciated at Tk. 250 per month for 60 months.
(vii) Invoice representing Tk. 1,200 of services performed during the month
have not been
(a) Prepare the adjusting entries of the month of June.
(b) Prepare an adjusted trial balance at June 30, 2022.
Contd P/6

8. The accompanying balance sheet and profit and loss account related to Hypothetical

Ltd is as follows. (23)j)

Balallce Sheet as at March J J (Amoll/lt ;/1 Lakh of Taka)

I,Particular~~'1'(~'1", j~~~';'~~I{tPrevi(jus~Year~I~CuiTenbY eai~~

Equity sharc capital(ofTk. 10 each) 240 240
General reserves 96 182
. 169.5
Long-term loans 182
Creditors 67 I 52
Outstandinl.( expenses 6 0
Other current liabilities 9 6.5
Total Liabilities @!! f!5Jl

Plant (net of accumulated denreciation) 402 390
Cash 54 78
Debtors/ AR 60 65
84 117
Total Assets @!! (is!! I

IIICOllleStatemellt for the year Elided I1larch JJ (Amollllt ;/1 Lllkh of Taka)

.Particula-rs%Y~u :~; ";''''-;,:.i£:"U;~,v.. r5.~-_ . ii'PrcviiJusWar~ i~carient~'Cii~

370 480
Gross sales
f-=-- (20) (30)
(Less) Returns
350 450
Net Salcs
(Less) Cost of I.(oodssold ( 190) (215)
G ross profit 160 235
(Less) Selling. general and Administrative (50) (72)
Opcratin!! profitiEBlT) 110 163
(Lcss) Interest Expenses (20) ( 17)
90 146
(Less\ Taxes (31.5 ) (5!.5\
Net 1ncomelEA T) 58.5 94.9

(i) Convert these into common-size statements (only show percentage not
(ii) Calculate Cash Conversion Cycle (Ccq for the current year and make
comments on company's operating efficiency and liquidity.
(iii) Calculate Current Ratio, Quick Ratio (Both Year)
L-4rr-2/CSE Date: 03/04/2023
L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021

Sub: HUM 477 (Sociology for Science and Technology)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) 'Everything is connected to everything else' - explain in terms of human ecology.

Briefly discuss the urban ecological process. (10)

(b) What do you mean by hazard and disaster? Mention three sustainable methods to

help reduce environmental pollution in Bangladesh. (13 y;)

2. (a) Describe the advantages and disadvantages of globalization in Bangladesh. (13 y;)

(b) Define human migration. Briefly discus Lee's theory of migration. (10)

3. (a) Describe the factors that have led to the growth of cities. (13 y;)
(b) What is the potential social impact and effect of increasing use and development of

m1ificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives? (10)

4. Write short notes on any THREE of the following - (23 y;)

(a) Global cities and smart cities

(b) Social impact of the 4th Industrial Revolution
(c) Recent trends in modern nuclear families
(d) Deindustrialization

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Explain how sociologists use the steps of the sociological research method in their

research. ( 13 Y; )
(b) According to C. Wright Mills, sociological imagination is "the vivid awareness of

the relationship between experience and the wider society." Explain. (10)

6. (a) Critically explain the "presentation of self' theory discussed by G.H. Mead. (13 Y;)

Contd P/2

L-4rr-2/CSE Date: 03/04/2023

L-4/T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021

Sub: HUM 479 (Government)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) Define State. Make a comparison between society and state. (l1lj)

(b) Describe various types of sovereignty with examples. (12)

2. (a) Who is a citizen? Describe different methods of acquiring citizenship. (Illj)

(b) Define democracy. Discuss the strength and weakness of democratic government. (12)

3. (a) Examine the role of opposition pat1y in parliamentary form of government. (Illj)
(b) What is good governance? Describe the problems of good governance in South

Asian countries. (12)

4. Write short notes on any three (3) of the following: (23lj )

(a) Overdevelopment of bureaucracy
(b) Independence of judiciary
(c) Civil society
(d) Unicameral legislature
There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) Describe major characteristics of the Bangladesh construction of 1972. (Illj)

(b) What is NGO? Discuss the development activities of the NGOs in Bangladesh. (12)

6. (a) Define public policy? Explain different types of public policy with suitable

examples. (l1lj )
(b) Describe the functions of six major organs of the United Nations Organization

(UNO). (12)

7. (a) Define Foreign policy. Explain the principles of Bangladesh foreign policy. (lllj )

Contd P/2


HUM 479
Contd ... Q. NO.7

(b) What is local government? Describe the functions of local government m

Bangladesh. (12)

8. Write short notes on any three of the following: (23 yj)

(a) Development project feasibility
(b) Language movement of 1952
(c) E-government
(d) Public Service Commission (PSC)

L-4rr -21CSE Date: 03/04/2023

L-41T-2 B. Sc. Engineering Examinations 2020-2021

Sub: HUM 481 (Entrepreneurship for IT Business)

Full Marks: 140 Time: 3 Hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE questions.

1. (a) What is an entrepreneur? Describe different characteristics of entrepreneurs. (10)

(b) Suppose, you want to launch a small business in some day. When would be the
right time for you to start the business? What kind of business are you interested in?

What can you do to ensure its success? (13}O

2. (a) Define creativity and innovation. One entrepreneur claims, "Creativity unrelated to

a business plan has no value. What does he mean? Do you agree? (10)
(b) Briefly outline the 10 "mental locks" that can limit your creativity. Give an example

of a situation in which you subjected yourself to one of these mental locks? (13 Y, )

3. (a) What are the three essential functions served by a business plan? Enumerate

different elements of a business plan. (10)

(b) How would you prepare to make a formal presentation of your business plan to a

venture capital forum? (13Y,)

4. (a) What do you mean by sustainable competitive advantage? List mne steps of

strategic management process for an IT business. (10)

(b) Describe the three basic strategies available to a small IT company. Under what

conditions is each most successful? (13 Y,)

There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE.

5. (a) What is partnership business? Briefly describe different types of partners. What

happens if a limited partner takes an active role in managing the business? (10)
(b) List various fomls of business ownership. Discuss some major advantages and

disadvantages of a corporation? (13)1,)

Contd P/2

HUM 481

6. (a) Define franchising. Describe the three types of franchising and give an example of

each. (10)
(b) As a potential franchisee, what steps should you take before investing In a

franchise? (13l3' )

7. (a) What are the elements ofa feasibility analysis? Briefly discuss five forces model of

competition used for industry and market feasibility analysis. (10)

(b) Define business model. Briefly describe model. Briefly describe the major

components of an IT based business model. (13l3' )

8. (a) How does e-business differ from e-commerce? Explain common measures of

e-commerce site performance with examples? (10)

(b) What is search engine optimization (SEQ)? Mention some techniques applied by IT

business owners for optimizing search engine use. (13l3' )

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