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Multiple choice questions (each one 2 score, 80 scores in total)

Type A: For each question there are 5 choices marked A, B, C, D and E. Choose
the best answer for each question by marking the corresponding letter on the
1. The factors related to Mental disorders may be:
A. Biological basis B. Social factors
B. Personality D. Genetic factors E. All above are right
2. The onset of Delirium may be:
A. Slow and progressive B. Rapid
C. Sudden D. Sub-acute. E. None of the above.
3.The definition of the hallucinations is:
A. The false conception about the object.
B. The nonsensical thought about the object.
C. The conception occurring when no objective stimuli act on the sense organ.
D. The sensation when objective stimuli act on the sense organ.
E The thinking process occurring when objective stimuli absent.
4.The following are diagnostic criteria of mental disorders, except:
A. Symptom criteria B. Severity criteria
C. Course criteria D. Exclusion criteria E. Psychological criteria
5. A patient suffered from fever, he was so terrified when he saw a giant spider on the wall
on the wall ( in fact just a small black ink-stain), this symptom is :
A. Confabulation B. Visual hallucination
C. Illusion. D. Delusion E. Amnesia
6. Which of the following psychosis, the patient usually has insight and has the desire to
accept therapy:
A. Schizophrenia B. Mania
C. Dementia D. GAD E. Alzheimer’s disease
7.When the doctor asked a patient why he has been admitted in hospital, the patient
answered: “I have two kids…the sun represent my honesty...your skirt is mine…is
computer virus…must protect yourself…” This symptom belongs to:

A. Split of thought B. Echolalia
C. Echopraxia D. Perseveration E. Flight of ideas.
8. The most common subtype of schizophrenia is :
A. Simple schizophrenia B. Catatonia schizophrenia
C. Paranoid schizophrenia D. Hebephrenic schizophrenia
E. Residual schizophrenia.
9. Panic disorder:
A Emotion elevated and grandiose delusion.
B Strong fear and anxious when faced with special objects or situation.
C Is characterized by excessive worry and anxiety for at least 6 months.
D Severe depression and commit suicide.
E Symptoms abruptly reaching a peak within 10minutes:dying-feelings or fear of
dying, etc.
10. A patient occurred cognitive symptoms such as: when asked “how much is 2
plus 2?”, the patient answered ‘5’, when asked “how much is 3 plus 2?” The
answer was “6”, this symptom is:
A. Delirium B. Amnesia.
D. Ganser’ syndrome C.Disorientation E. Unconsciousness
11. Which the following feature is not characteristic of Primary delusions?
A Occurring independent of any other psychiatric phenomena.
B The subject develops a sudden new (often bizarre) meaning about object and
C Including delusional perception. D Including delusional mood.
E Occurring secondary to other psychosis symptoms.
12. Which of the followings is not right about secondary delusions:
A Occurring as a consequence of some other psychiatric phenomena.
B Occurring only as a consequence of hallucination.
C Grandiose delusions may occur secondary to elation.
D Occurring may as a consequence of abnormal mood.

E Patients with very severe depressive disorders can develop secondary delusions of
13. There is a mistake concerning the symptoms of schizophrenia:
A Delusions are often of a persecutory type.
B Tactile hallucinations can occur.
C Auditory hallucinations are common.
D Insight is usually impaired.
E Negative symptoms are strong predictors of good outcome.
14. Which of the followings is the negative symptom of schizophrenia:
A Delusions B. Hallucination
C Illusions D. Abulia E. Delusion of being controlled
15.Which factor makes recovery of schizophrenia more easily?
A. Stable and supportive family background.
B. Failure to comply with medication.
C. A strong family history of schizophrenia.
D. Negative symptoms. E. Continued abuse of illicit drugs.
16.Which of the followings will predict good prognosis of schizophrenia:
A. Insidious onset and younger age at onset B. Negative symptoms
C. Poor compliance D. Sudden onset and short episode
E. Male gender and Schizophrenia Family history.
17.Individuals with an antisocial personality disorder, among the following which
is wrong?
A They are cold. B They are self-centered and exploitative.
C They are often cruel D They are kind and perfectionism.
E Often with violent and sexual offence.
18.Individual with an obsessive personality disorder, which of the followings is wrong?
A Are meticulous B. Adapt difficultly to change.
C. Often have a criminal record.
D. Excessive conscientious, moralistic and scrupulous.
E. Preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism.
19. The following symptoms are helpful when making a diagnosis of depression except:

A. Persistent lowered mood. B. Suicidal ideation.
C. Loss of interest and energy. D. Mood worsening during the morning.
E. Anxiety.
20. Which one of the following feature is not the characteristic of Dementia disorder?
A Gradual onset and continuing cognitive decline B. Memory impairment
C Aphasia D. Disturbance of consciousness
E. Disturbance in executive functioning
21. Suicide behavior can most commonly occur in which disease of the
A .Hysteria B. Schizophrenia
C. Depression D. Mania E. Phobia
22. Auditory hallucination and persecutory delusion mainly occur in which
A. Schizophrenia B. Anxiety disorder
C. Depression D. Mania E. Hysteria
23. The most typical feature of sleep disorder in depression is:
A Difficulty in falling asleep B. Too much sleep
C Too much dream D. Wake up earlier in the morning
E Easy to startle during the sleep
24. Which one is right of the followings:
A. Mania will never occurs hallucinations, delusions and clang associations
B. All manic patients must occur hallucinations, delusions and clang associations
C. Mania will occurs emotion elevated, flight of ideas and grandiose delusions
D. Some manic patients will occur psychosis symptoms which will not disappear
even when manic symptoms diminished.
E. All manic patients have insights
25. Which one is not the clinic feature of depression:
A Low emotion and low self-appraisal
B Slowness of thought and response to stimuli
C Suicide ideation or attempt D. Lose interests in other activities or object

E Euphoria
26. Which feature will not occur in generalized anxiety disorder
A Restlessness B Excessive anxiety and worry
C Muscle tension D Irritability
E. Symptoms abruptly reaching a peak within 10minutes:dying-feelings or fear of
dying, etc.
27. Which of the followings occur in Depression disorder:
A. Usually acute onset and stop suddenly
B. Every episode usually last 5 ~20 minutes, seldom over 1 hour
C. The consciousness level is disturbed during episode
D.The patient will experience severe dying-feeling or lose of controlling
E. Low emotion and suicide attempt.
28. Which one is the clinical feature of phobia:
A Clinical subtype including agoraphobia, social phobia and simple phobia
B. The extent of apprehension is not consistent with actual dangers
C. All patients will occur anxious, autonomic symptoms and avoidance behavior
D Etiology may be biological and hereditary basis and socio-psychological factors
E. All above are right
29. Which symptom may be the core symptom in adjustment disorder?
A. Avoidance B. Anxiety and depression
C. Flashbacks D. Psychomotor excitement
E. Sustained hypervigilance.
30. Which one is right about delusion :
A False belief firmly held despite abundant contradictory evidence
B Person can persuade patients give up their false beliefs
C It can be experienced by normal individuals from time to time
D These beliefs held by patients firmly often have no relation to themselves
E It’s keeping with the individual’s cultural background
Type B: There are five available answers for each two questions, each
answer can be used repeatedly or never be used. Write the
right letter on the answer sheet after the corresponding

A Amitriptyline
B Benzodiazepine
C Imipramine
D Paroxetine
E Clomipramine
31. Which one is the antidepressant of SSRIs:
32.Which one is often used to treat insomnia: (b)

A Agitated hyperactivity or stupor, rigidity, or bizarre postures

B social withdrawal, abulia, poverty of thought, loss interest.
C Silly and childish behavior and incoherence and inappropriate affect
D systematized delusions and hallucinations
E excessive worry about something unfortunately happening
33. Simple schizophrenia may occur:
34. Catatonia schizophrenia may occur:

A Risperidone
B Olanzapine
C Lithium carbernate
D Antidepressant
E Haloperidol
35. Which medicine is the first-choice agent of manic episodes? (C)
36. Which one can be used to treatment Generalized anxiety disorder? (D)

A Disturbance of consciousness
B Persecutory delusion
C Excitement
D Global intellectual function impaired
E Memory disorder
37. The most important feature in delirium is: (a)

38. The dominant feature in dementia is: (e)

A Anxiety builds up quickly and unexpectedly, physical symptoms predominate

B Repetitive ideas and thoughts, impulse and desire to carry out action
C Extremely anxious and embarrassed in social situation
D Panic attacks provoked in places that people cannot leave easily
E Persistent and pervasive apprehension and worry, afraid of dangers
39. Which one is the symptom of Agoraphobia: (d)
40. Social phobia may present symptoms such as: (e)

IV. Simple questions (each question 5 scores, 10 scores in total)

1. Please describe the difference between Type I and type II of schizophrenia.
2. Please describe the difference between Bipolar I and Bipolar II.
V. Case analysis questions (10 scores in total)
Case 1 Peter was admitted for the second time because of laughing and speaking to himself,
bizarre behavior, insomnia. Two years ago, he was admitted in the hospital because of the same
symptoms. The mental state examination just like that: Peter always heard three men talked to
him, sometimes they would praise him, at other times they would scold and blame him bitterly,
so he would quarrel and debate with them. He thought they might always supervise and follow
him, so they knew all his thought. Peter thought they might plant some small chip in his head,
so they could know what he was thinking, and also they could control him at anytime and
anywhere. In the night, he could hear their talking and laughing, so he couldn’t fall asleep, then
he would open the window and roared outside or throw something out in great rage. Also he
thought they had broadcasted his thought to all over the world. Peter also thought the doctor
wanted to persecute him. He denied he would need any help and therapy.
1. What kind of psychosis Peter may suffer from? Please give your proof to the
2. What measure should be done to Peter in hospital?

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