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Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Options for Cities: Finding the

“Coincidence of Agendas” between Local Priorities and Climate Change
Mitigation Objectives

Article in Habitat International · January 2013

DOI: 10.1016/j.habitatint.2012.05.001


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2 authors, including:

Hari Bansha Dulal

Virginia Department of Social Services


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Habitat International 38 (2013) 100e105

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Greenhouse gas emission reduction options for cities: Finding the “Coincidence
of Agendas” between local priorities and climate change mitigation objectives
Hari Bansha Dulal*, Sameer Akbar
The World Bank, 1818 H Street, NW, Washington, DC 20433, USA

a b s t r a c t
Keywords: Cities are the major contributors to global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. They account for about 75%
Greenhouse gas of global energy consumption and up to 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions. With the ongoing rapid
increase in urban population, expansion of middle class in urban centers in developing countries, and
Climate change mitigation
availability of cheaper vehicles such as Tata Nano and Bajaj RE60 in India, the demand for energy and
Synergies associated emissions from cities are expected to grow rapidly. Though cities are in a better position to
Developing countries mitigate climate change, it does not necessary mean that there is a willingness on their part to capitalize
on these mitigation opportunities. Climate change mitigation is not the priority for them because they
face a number of competing priorities including local economic growth and development and service
delivery. This paper suggests a range of policy tools that can help cities achieve both local priorities as
well as reduce emissions, including GHGs. The suggested policies will be effective when used
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction for example, the use of diesel in the transport sector has increased
from 73% of the total in 1991 to 81% in 2000 (Zhou & McNeil, 2009).
Even though urban areas constitute less than 3% of the world’s If the current trend is to continue, motorized traffic volume in India
livable land area, approximately 50% of the world’s population today would reach 130,000 billion passenger kilometers. Compared to the
lives in urban areas. By 2030, 60% of the world’s population will be year 2000, this would result in a five-fold increase in energy
living in cities. The share of urban population will have grown to 75% demand and carbon emissions in transport by 2020 (Singh, 2006).
by 2050 (Mills, 2007; UN, 2007). The urbanized area has increased in The trend is quite similar in many developing countries and
almost every developing country. The urbanized area of the city of emerging economies. In Malaysia, from 6.8 million vehicles in 1995,
Yazd, Iran, increased from 1843 ha in 1975 to 13,802 ha in 2009 the motor vehicle ownership increased to 18 million, in 2008. With
(Shahraki et al., 2011). Between 1989 and 2009, the builteup area in an annual growth rate of 7.78%, it almost tripled in a little more
the Greater Asmara Area (GAA), the capital of Eritrea, has tripled than a decade. The transport sector alone accounts for 35.5% of the
(Tewolde & Cabral, 2011). The surface area of Mexican city of Gua- total energy consumption in Malaysia (Ong, Mahlia, & Masjuki,
dalajara grew 1.5 times faster than the population between 1970 and 2011). Under business as usual (BAU) scenario, direct energy
2000. Similar is the case in Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar; demand and GHG emissions from the road transport is expected to
Cairo, the capital of Egypt; and Mexico City, the capital of Mexico; reach 734 million tons of oil equivalent and 2384 million tons
Johannesburg, South Africa (UNHABITAT, 2010). As urbanization carbon dioxide equivalent by 2050 in China. The projected increase
tends to increase with socio-economic development, the levels of is 5.6 times more than the 2007 level (Ou, Zhang, & Chang, 2010).
urbanization are generally projected to rise in developing countries In reality, the increase in emissions could be much higher than
in the future. By 2030, the less developed regions are expected to the one projected by BAU scenario. BAU scenarios often do not take
have 56% of their population living in urban areas, which is about into consideration social and cultural changes that are actually
three times the proportion they had in 1950 (18%) (UN, 2006). happening in many developing countries. In India, for instance,
The ongoing rapid urbanization has already led to tremendous because of the social status attached to vehicle ownership, house-
increase in energy consumption and associated emissions. In India, holds have started owning more than one private vehicle. In future,
they may be in a position to afford a vehicle for each and every
member of the household. If that were to happen, GHG emissions
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ1 571 288 1854. would be much higher than projected under BAU scenario. It is not
E-mail address: (H.B. Dulal). only the transport sector, where the demand for energy is growing.

0197-3975/$ e see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H.B. Dulal, S. Akbar / Habitat International 38 (2013) 100e105 101

There has been a tremendous growth in energy consumption and Table 1

emissions in the industrial sector as well. Approximately 188.32 Ranking of selected megacities based on total suspended particulate emission and
road travel speed.
million tons of CO2 was emitted from the city of Shanghai alone in
2008 (Liu, Geng, & Xue, 2011). The situation is quite similar in other Megacities in 2000 Total suspended Average road speed
big Chinese cities. Carbon emission in the city of Nanjing has particulates (mg m3) miles per hour

increased by about 50% in the last decade. Industrial energy Rank Rank
consumption, industrial processes, and transportation accounted Tokyo 40 [15] 16.2 [9]
for 37e44%, 35e40% and 6e10% of urban emissions respectively (Bi, Mexico City 201 [10] 14.0 [6]
New York e Newark 27 [18] 23.9 [14]
Zhang, Wang, & Liu, 2011). Most cities are quite aware of the fact
São Paulo 53 [14] 15.0 [8]
that the existing carbon intensive path is unsustainable. But given Mumbai (Bombay) 243 [9] 13.8 [5]
the increase in public desire to own vehicles and technologies that Kolkata (Calcutta) 312 [6] na
require energy, increase in urban industrialization and increase in Shanghai 246 [8] 12.4 [4]
consumption of carbon intensive processed foods, emissions are Buenos Aires 185 [11] 18.6 [10]
Delhi 405 [4] 14.4 [7]
growing not only in mega cities in developing countries, but also in
Los Angeles - Long 39 [16] 29.5 [15]
second-tier cities. Cities in developing countries are quite aware of Beach - Santa Ana
the fact that urgent measures are needed to move away from high Osaka e Kobe 34 [17] 20.5 [13]
emissions pathway, but given the host of local priorities, lack of Jakarta 271 [7] 11.6 [2]
capacity, resources, and understanding of policy tools that can help Beijing 377 [5] 11.1 [1]
Rio de Janeiro 139 [13] 18.6 [10]
them achieve both local priorities as well as emissions reduction, Cairo 593 [2] 12.4 [3]
they are finding it increasingly difficult to contain rising emissions. Dhaka 516 [3] na
Moscow 150 [12] 18.6 [10]
Can cities continue to afford undermining growing Karachi 668 [1] na
emissions? Source: Adapted from Parry and Timilsina (2010).

Emissions from cities mainly depend on four factors. First, the

economic base of a city, i.e. whether the city is industrial or service 2004). In developing and emerging economies, where economic
oriented. Second, it’s urban form, i.e. density and location patterns and social developments e not climate change mitigation e are the
of its settlement. Third, the lay out and structure of its trans- top priorities, integration/policy coherence is especially relevant. In
portation system. Fourth, waste management system, i.e. efficiency addition to providing greater cumulative climate benefits (see
and effectiveness of waste collection and disposal. In almost every Fig. 1), policy integration and programmatic coherence is also
city in developing country, all of the aforementioned factors are at desirable because of the cost-effectiveness.
play. Economic base is getting more industrial, urban form is Fig. 1 illustrates that China can dramatically save costs by
becoming less dense, the lay out and structure of transportation adopting a smart mix of measures to reduce air pollution and
systems increasingly favor private transportation, and with greenhouse gas emissions even if the goal is to achieve ambient air
increase in waste volume, waste management is becoming quality. Compared to the most cost-effective way for halving
increasingly chaotic and inefficient. Given the nature of the prob- negative health impacts from air pollution using only air pollution
lems they face, cities are more interested in adopting policies and control measures, using measures to lower air pollution and
programs that provide greater local benefits. Climate mitigation greenhouse gas emissions simultaneously is much more cost-
benefits, hence, will have to come from the policies and programs effective. The cost saving could results in a 9% reduction in GHG
that are aimed at solving local problems. For example, increasing emissions (Amann et al., 2010). Well-designed air pollution control
traffic congestion in many developing countries cities is hurting strategies can help achieve ambient air quality and at the same time
urban economy. The costs of congestion are 2.6 and 3.4 and in reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
Mexico City and Buenos Aires (UNEP, 2011). In 1996, the costs of Greenhouse gas emissions reduction would benefit both the
traffic congestion in Bangkok, Kualalumpur, Jakarta, and Manila current and the future city inhabitants as GHG emissions reduction
were 2.1, 1.8, 0.9, and 0.7% of GDP (ESCAP, 2007). In 1994, Santiago, is not only an important issue of the current time but also an
Chile incurred US$286 million (0.59% of national GDP) in conges- intergenerational distribution issue. The current inhabitants would
tion cost (Creutzig & He, 2009). Congested cities are also the top benefit greatly by decreased health care costs and reduction in
polluted cities. There appears to be a correlation between conges- productivity loss, while the future inhabitants would benefit from
tion and pollution as the top polluted cities polluted cities are also reduced global warming from GHG emissions and its conse-
the ones, where road speed average is low (see Table 1). quences, which is increasingly being witnessed with each passing
Air pollution entails a massive cost amounting to millions a year.
In 2001, the local air pollution costs for the Philippines (Metro
Manila, Davao, Cebu, and Baguio) were 432 million or 0.6% of GDP
(World Bank, 2002). It was US$181.4 million or 1% of the GDP for
Jakarta, Indonesia for the year 1998 (ADB, 2002). Local air pollution
cost incurred by China is higher than other countries, for which
data is available. In 2000, the city of Beijing alone incurred US$974
million or 3.3% of GDP in local air pollution costs (based on
willingness-to-pay methodology) (Deng, 2006). Given that many of
the traditional air pollutants and greenhouse gases have common
sources, their emissions interact in the atmosphere, and separately
or jointly they cause a variety of environmental impacts on the
local, regional, and global scales, emission control strategies that
simultaneously address air pollutants and greenhouse gases may Fig. 1. Costs for reducing health impacts from air pollution by 50% (bn V in 2030).
lead to a more efficient use of the resources on all scales (ESA, Source: Amann et al. (2010).
102 H.B. Dulal, S. Akbar / Habitat International 38 (2013) 100e105

year. It might be in the best interest of cities to reduce emissions climate policy within urban planning. Given the traffic congestion
now because the costs of repairing damage and improving envi- costs, it is quite natural to expect cities like Mexico City, Buenos
ronmental quality once the economy is past its turning point will be Aires, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta to be more interested in
significantly higher than the cost of preventing the damage through putting their resources toward enhancing mobility rather than
early mitigation. reducing GHG emissions. They would only be interested in GHG
Maintaining environmental quality is also crucial if cities want emissions reduction issue if the policy tools or measures suggested
to transition to knowledge-based economy and brighten their contribute significantly toward meeting local priorities, which in
economic attractiveness. Urban environmental quality is important their case is, easing traffic congestion. GHG emissions reduction will
to attracting and retaining the “talent” that drives wealth creation have to come through policies and programs aimed at meeting local
in knowledge-based economies. Skilled workers look for commu- priorities such as traffic congestion easing, air pollution control, and
nities with specific attributes such as user-friendly transit; waste management, etc. There are several policy tools that can help
commuter bike lanes; a clean, healthy environment; and developing countries cities meet their local priorities and at the
a commitment to preserving natural resources for enjoyment and same time contribute toward urban GHG reduction (see Fig. 2).
recreation (Florida, 2000). By 2030, cities that will brighten their
economic attractiveness will do so while also curbing local pollu- Urban development interventions
tion (e.g. Ankara, Auckland, Barcelona, Krakow, Lille, Melbourne,
Montreal, Monterrey and Toronto). On contrary, cities such as Urban spatial expansion results mainly from three powerful
Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, Osaka, Paris, Philadelphia, Seoul forces: a growing population, rising incomes, and falling
and Tokyo risk losing economic attractiveness if their current commuting costs (Brueckner, 2000). In most cities in developing
pollution trends continue unabated (OECD, 2010). countries, the first two factors are already in play. The level of urban
expansion is further expected to grow because over the next
Leveraging local priorities for urban green house gas 30 years virtually all of the world’s population growth is expected
reduction to occur in urban areas in developing countries (Cohen, 2006). With
urban expansion, the economic cost of congestion and pollution,
Rapid urban growth in developing countries is seriously out- which is already high given the size of economies, will further
stripping the capacity of most cities to provide adequate services for increase and have a greater adverse impact on local economy. Using
their citizens. For cities in developing countries struggling to meet the concentrationeresponse coefficients for cough, breathlessness,
their local priorities, stand-alone climate change mitigation wheezing and cold, and illnesses such as allergic rhinitis
program is an unnecessary diversion and waste of scarce resources. and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Patankar
Stand-alone urban climate change mitigation policies have been and Trivedi (2011) estimate that the total monetary burden,
found unacceptable even in developed countries. Using an inte- including personal burden, government expenditure and societal
grated city model for the city of Paris, Viguié and Hallegatte (2012) cost for the city of Mumbai in India, is US$113.08 million for a 50-
demonstrate that stand-alone mitigation policies are unlikely to be mg/m3 increase in PM10 and US$ 218.10 million for a 50-mg/m3
politically acceptable and emphasize the need to mainstream increase in NO2.

Fig. 2. Framework for GHG emissions reduction in cities.

H.B. Dulal, S. Akbar / Habitat International 38 (2013) 100e105 103

By adopting some of the suggested policy tools such as high charge system led to the reduction in city-center traffic by 12%, of
employment and residential density development, cities can effec- which, 50e60% shifted to public transport (Transport for London,
tively contain the ongoing rapid urban expansion and at the same 2004). The ex-post evaluation of the quantified impacts of the
time achieve air quality improvement benefit. Policy tools used to congestion charging scheme in London shows that distance trav-
achieve higher density development have been found to reduce air eled across London were reduced by approximately 211 million per
pollution, traffic congestion, and energy use. Evidence suggests that year with a £5 charge and 237 million with an £8 charge (Evans,
adoption policy tools that promote high density reduce vehicle- 2007). The suggested policy tools also provide GHG reduction
based emissions by shortening commuter journeys and encour- benefits. The value of CO2 emissions saved by congestion charge
aging non-auto travel (Cervero & Kockelman, 1997; Dulal, Brodnig, & introduced in London is estimated to be about £2.3 million, with £5
Onoriose-Green, 2011; Lin & Yang, 2009; Messenger & Ewing, 1996). and £2.5 million, with £8 (Evans, 2007). Evidence demonstrates that
Using data from 84 cities in the United States, Europe, Australia and fuel taxes reduce travel demand, fuel consumption, and emissions
Asia, Lyons, Kenworthy, Moy, and dos Santos (2003) show that there (Hirota, Poot, & Minato, 2003; Sterner, 2006). Using the data from
is direct air pollution reduction benefits from minimizing the 68 large cities worldwide, Hirota et al. (2003) show that every 1%
outward growth of cities. Emissions reduction comes through increase in the fuel tax could reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by
reduction in private vehicle use. Transit use rises sharply when 0.042%. Like congestion charge and fuel tax, vehicle tax is another
residential density increases from 7 to 16 dwelling units/acre fiscal policy instruments that has both congestion and emissions
(Smith, 1984). European countries, with higher densities and more reduction potential. Singapore has successfully used vehicle tax as
centralized land-use patterns have lower levels of private vehicles the primary measure for discouraging private transportation and
use when compared to the U.S., where urban density is low and thereby reducing congestion and air pollution. Policies such as high
population is dispersed (Giuliano & Narayan, 2003). vehicle ownership taxes, including the Additional Registration Fee
Evidence shows that it is possible to grow without experiencing (ARF), the Excise Duty and the annual Road Tax, and the Vehicle
congestion, pollution, and reducing public space. For over four Quota System (VQS) have successfully contained congestion and
decades, the city of Curitiba in Brazil has been utilizing urban other traffic externality problems in Singapore (Willoughby, 2000).
policies as a means to guide and induce urban growth in order to
improve quality of life, promote social equity, and preserve the Infrastructure interventions
natural environment. Compared to other Brazilian cities like Sao
Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the cost of congestion in Curitiba is Increase in temperature and extreme heat events are going to
significantly low. In 2002, fuel use due to severe traffic congestion, increase energy demand in the coming years and decades.
which was estimated at a value of US$1, was approximately 13 and Increased energy use is being observed not only in the cities in the
4 times less in per capita terms than those in Sao Paulo and Rio de drier parts of the world, but also in otherwise, comparatively cooler
Janeiro respectively. Likewise, the congestion cost and per capita cities in the North America and Europe. For example, in Toronto an
productivity loss due to time spent in severe congestion in Curitiba average temperature increase of 3  C was found to be associated
was approximately 11 and 7 times lower than in Sao Paulo and Rio with a 7% increase in mean peak electric demand (Colombo, Etkin,
de Janeiro respectively. Despite of three-fold increase in the pop- & Karney, 1999). By 2030, the average number of days in July
ulation density between 1970 and 2008, the average green area per requiring air conditioning in Boston, USA could increase by over
person in Curitiba actually increased from 1 km2 to over 50 km 24% with a corresponding rise in energy use. In Boston, climate
(UNEP, 2010). change will be responsible for 25e40% of increase in energy
demand (Kirshen et al., 2004). By 2050, the typical air conditioned
Urban transport interventions office building in London is estimated to increase its energy use for
cooling by 10%, and by 2080, the increase is expected to be around
Rising urban income, declining vehicle price, and increasing 20% (LCCP, 2002). The rise in temperature in cities in Africa, Asia,
vehicle stock have all led to rapid growth in vehicle ownership and and Latin America that get really hot during the summer could
use in cities in developing countries. As the middle class in cities in significantly increase urban energy demand. One of the ways to
developing countries get more affluent and afford to buy private deal with the increase in energy demand is retrofit existing aged
vehicles, they do so. This increases traffic congestion and causes building stock. For example, in many cities in India, a large
further deterioration of the environmental quality. Private vehicles proportion building stock is aged, dilapidated, and do not meet
eventually end up dominating much of the available urban space by contemporary standards of building safety. Retrofitting of existing
displacing more efficient public transport, motorbikes, and bicycles aged building stock could help reduce both future energy costs and
(Banister, 2011). Between 1980 and 1995, the total number of GHG emissions (Satterthwaite, Huq, Pelling, Reid, & Romero
registered motor vehicles increased by more than 11 times from 2 to Lanako, 2007). Cities can also contain energy demand and cost by
25 million in China (Gan, 2003). In India, the number of cars has introducing energy efficiency programs.
increased sevenfold between 1981 and 2002, (Pucher, Table 2 illustrates some of the cost-effective infrastructure
Korattyswaropam, Mittal, & Ittyerah, 2005). Increase in private interventions that can help reduce energy costs and produce GHG
vehicle ownership and lack or deterioration of public transportation emissions reduction co-benefits. With the modest payback time
is causing traffic gridlock and environmental quality deterioration and implementation cost, some of these programs hold a tremen-
in cities in developing countries. Increase in vehicle ownership and dous replication potential in cities in developing countries.
its use will further increase socio- economic and environmental
externalities (negative) in coming years and decades. Waste sector interventions
Cities can reduce urban transport externalities by implementing
fiscal (fuel tax, vehicle tax, parking charges, and congestion charges) With increase in urban income and change in lifestyle, urban
and regulatory policy instruments (fuel economy standards, emis- resource consumption pattern is changing in developing countries.
sion standards, inspection maintenance programs, vehicle utiliza- The change in resource consumption pattern is having a significant
tion e.g., full or partial bans) (Timilsina & Dulal, 2008, 2009, 2010). direct impact on the waste volume and associated emissions. In
Congestion charge, for example, can enhance mobility by discour- China, from 31.3 million tons in 1980, the total MSW volume
aging private vehicle ownership and use. In London, the congestion increased to 212 million tons in 2006. The waste generation rate has
104 H.B. Dulal, S. Akbar / Habitat International 38 (2013) 100e105

Table 2
Selected energy efficiency measures.

Measure Status Estimated annual CO2 Estimated annual Estimated implementation Payback
reduction (tons) cost Savings cost
LED traffic signals Existing Negligible $1500 $1785 1.2 years
Convert remaining signals to LED Proposed Negligible $3773 $4480 1.2 years
10% energy efficiency program - residential Proposed 3793 tons $819,392 $5000 0 years
10% energy efficiency program e commercial Proposed 780 tons $44,423 $2000 0 years
Efficiency upgrades to town buildings Proposed 136 tons $64,901 $0 0 years
Efficiency upgrades to school buildings Proposed 55 tons $14,489 $0 0 years
Wood-chip heating system at Brattleboro union high school Planned 378 tons $55,000 $300,000 5.5 years
Conversion of town fleet vehicles to biodiesel Proposed 72 tons $0 $5545 0 years
Use of compact fluorescents in residences Proposed Negligible $146,678 $77,632 0 years
Total Proposed 5214 tons $1,150,156 $396,442

Source: Adapted from Town of Brattleboro (2003).

increased from 0.50 kg/capita/day in 1980 to 0.98 kg/capita/year in urban planning and development framework. Often, urban policies
2006 (Zhang, Tan, & Gersberg, 2010). The waste generated in urban are weak and fragmented. For example, there are separate polices
areas is expected to further increase in coming decades in cities in for various air pollutant reductions even though the activities and
developing countries. From 0.49 kg/person/day in 1995, waste sources of many of these pollutants are essentially the same. This
generated in urban areas is expected to increase to 0.6 kg by 2025 in has resulted in weak enforcement and co-ordination failures of air
Bangladesh (Ray, 2008). With increase in waste volume, waste- pollution control policy.
based emissions are also increasing. In São Paulo and Barcelona, Instead of asking cities in developing countries develop and
waste and wastewater account for 23.6 and 24% respectively of the adopt exclusive urban climate mitigation policies, which they
total GHG emissions. Similarly, waste and wastewater together might do half heartedly, given the funding is made available, donor
account for 36.5% of GHG emissions in Rio de Janeiro (Dodman, agencies may want to work closely with cities and help them
2009). The troubling aspect of the waste-based emission is that it identify potential overlaps between energy, air quality, and climate
is expected to grow, and grow rapidly. In Southeast and South Asia, goals and synergies between actions to reach those goals. The
methane (CH4) emission from wastewater is expected to increase existing urban GHG mitigation potential can be achieved through
by almost 50% between 1990 and 2020 (US EPA, 2006). greater policy integration and coherence. The first step is to define
Cities in developing countries can effectively deal with the rising the objectives of the policy intervention. Depending on the
waste volume and waste-based emissions by initiating waste-to- objectives, for example air pollution or congestion reduction,
energy, composting, and recycling programs. Exploitation of various combinations of policy tools need to be evaluated against
energy from waste (incineration, landfill gas, anaerobic digester a range of criteria such as economic efficiency, distributional
biogas) could be a viable option for many cities in developing effects, administrative feasibility, and institutional capacity and
countries. Waste-to-energy programs may be the most prudent bundled together.
option, where land is scarce or expensive, as it minimizes the use of Whether or not cities in developing countries will be able to
land for waste management. The city state of Singapore, where land contain or bring about large scale reduction in GHG emissions will
is extremely scarce, has identified solid waste incineration as the largely depend upon their ability to maximize synergies between
most preferred disposal method (Bai & Sutanto, 2002). In cities, the suggested policy tools. It should, however, be noted that policy
where a larger portion of waste is composed of organic materials, integration and coherence can help cities contain rising GHG
biogasification and composting are some of the other viable emissions, but only for a certain period. It is essentially the “low-
options. Using a life cycle inventory (LCI), Batool and Chuadhry hanging fruit.” Eventually cities will have to come up with high-
(2009) show that biogasification is one of the most viable option impact solutions. For a long-term sustained reduction of GHG
for the Ganj Bukhsh Town (DGBT) in Lahore, Pakistan. In addition to emissions, large scale transformative changes in urban design and
reducing waste volume, biogasification saved 25% in CO2 equiva- infrastructure, technology, urban lifestyle, energy and waste
lents compared to the baseline scenario. Composting of municipal management, economic and social institutions is necessary.
solid wastes, where organic wastes constitute a significant portion
of solid waste, will not only reduce waste volume but also generate Acknowledgments
revenue for cities through compost sales. Composting has GHG
reduction benefits. Net GHG emissions from landfills tend to be We sincerely thank Chandan Sapkota, Sanjana Dhungana-Dulal,
higher than that from composting facilities (Lou & Nair, 2009). the Editor of the Habitat International Journal, and the anonymous
referees for their valuable comments and suggestions. The views
Conclusion expressed in this paper are solely those of the authors and should
not be taken to be the views of the organization to which the
For cities in developing countries, climate change mitigation is authors are professionally affiliated.
not the priority. It is a “low-priority” issue, if anything. Given the
resource constraints, they are more interested in allocating their References
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