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E7# High Achiever

APPENDIX 6 Analyis of A tale of Indonesian migrant workers According to Indrawatis article, A tale of Indonesian migrant workers, from article written by Silverster, titled, Migrant workers: have we done our part?, he writes that many of migrant workers working overseas were llured by the dream of improving their lives and thorse of their loved ones. He said that the protrction our migrant workers overseas need to be improved. He blieves that there are three solutions of making improved the protection. First, the government should tackle the roots of the problem, namely proverty and unemployment. Second, if we are one of those employing maids at hhome, at the very least we must treat them fairly and last but not least, we can do more such as helping them improving their skilld, supporting their chldrens education or doing other things to help them fulfil the dream of having a better life. While agree with that some migrant workers problems, i also agree with the solutions. An article, titled Migrant workers: have we done our part?, by Silverster which published on the Jakarta post, reminds indraswary of the stories told by some migrant workers whom she encountered when she travelled back and forth between Malaysia and indonesia. Their stories support Silversters views on the importantof tackling our domestic problems such as proverty and unemployment with regard to the high flow of Indonesia workers going abroad- legally or illegally- in search of better life someday. Indraswati chatted with a female migrant worker. She was in early thirties marrried and had two children. Her husband remains in Indonesia and works a a pedicab driver whose income bis hardly enough to be relied on for living. He left her childre when they were monts old, leaving them under the care of their grandmother. She recalls economic reasons of working overseas and leaving her family behind. She wishes forbher children to persue proper education as she said , I wish my children would become clever persons so tthey can have better life than their parents. On another occasion, Indraswati met a woman in her mdforties who happened to sit beside her on the plane on their way back to malaysia. The woman just visited her family inIndonesia, the first time after working as a maid in Malaysia for three years. She is a widower with five children. The eldest child married while the other four children who are still studying range from primary to high school. Her husband died one and half yeras ago and worked as a security guard.Since then she has been the sole breadwinner of her family and leaves the care of her four children in the hands of the eldest mmarried child. She a thinking of shortening her appointment in Malaysia in order to be able to tay with her children but wondered How can I pay their school ees if I stop working. There are other stories from other migrant workers that Indraswari encounntered at the airports. She met those who needed help to deal with simple tasks such as how to fill in arrrival/departure cards and customs declaration forms others asked her to translate what was written on their boarding passes. There are millions of Indonesian migrant workers oversea and most of the blue collar workers. Many of them come from poor families, unskilled with low education. Because of that, they needed our helps. We as an Indonesian people, we should give them some help when possible. We can do more such as helping them improving their skills, like making handy a handycraft or sothing elsebthat can give them some benefits or we can supporting their childens education.

Migrant workers that Indaswari encountered at the airports or in the planes are all legal workers with employers who treat them well but there are workers who are unfortunate, bbeing mistreated and even dead at the hands of abusive emplloyers so based on this case, the protection of our migrants overseas needs to be improved. Nonetheless at home it is a high time for the government totackle the roots of the problem, namely poverty and unemployment. We can do our part too. If we are one of those employing maids at home, at the very lleast we must treat them fairly or even doing other things to help them fulfill their dreams of having a better life for themselves and heir families. Because, if we dont do this migrant workers jus only dreaming and only can hopefully wishing to fulfill their dreamms. So we dont care of them, who else?

E7# Mid-Achhiever Analyis of A tale of Indonesian migrant workers Indraswatis essay A tale of Indonesian migrant workers makes three main points. First, Indraswari supports Silversters views on the importance of tackling our domestics problems such as poverty and unemployment with regard to the high flow of Indonesian workers going abroad legally or illegally- in search of a better life. Second, indraswari talks about the reasons for working overseas and leavingb their families behind because of economic reasons. Third, Indraswari argue that there are millions of Indonesian mmigrant workers oversea and most of tthem are blu-collar. That means many of them come from poor families, unskilled and with low education. While I agree with three of Indraswari argument and I disagree with the solution that Indraswari made in her article. The first point that indraswari made is about her supports to Silversters views on the importance of tackling local domestic problems such as poverty and unemployment with regard to the high flow of Indonesia workers going abroadlegally or illegally- in search of a better life. As in fact, Indonesia is a country with milllions of population. For each people, they have to work to get some money for their life. Buut in fact, Indonesia cannot give a job to each people in this country. Imagine,, many parents in Indonesia have to give their children with food and education. But there are many parents in Indonesia are unemployment. One time, there is a woman who was a migrant worker. She had two children aged 10 and five years old. She was in early thirties, but she have to work as a maid in Malaysia. She worked inn Saudi Arabiia, also as a maid. Why she have to workk abroad, because her husband just a pedicab driver whose income is hardly enough to e relied on for living. Thats jus a simple example to proof that many people in Indonesia cannot live well. As a big country with the large number of population, Indonesia have to work have to maintain this problems. This probles is a big problems from Soekarnos era to this era. This problems can be maintain if Indonesia want to change its habbit such as corruption habbit, late habit and lazy habit. That habits make us judge low-level by other countries. The second point that Indraswari made is about the reasona for working oversea and leaving his/her family behind because of economic reasons. Now Indonesia as a develop country with huge potential of natural and human resources. Indonesia have potensial natural resources which have not used yet. If Indonesia can used their natural resources well, Indonesia haventt afraid of economic problems, a problems which Indonesia have. Indonesia is also a country which have a huge

number of good potensial of human resources. Because many educated people work averseas as a proffesional. But that condition cannot makes Indonesia to aggaints the economic problems. As an example, there was a widower with five children. The eldest child is married while the other four children who are still studying range from primary to high school. Her husband have been died. She was thinking of shortening her appointment in malaysia in order to be able to stay with her children but wondered, how can I pay their schools fees if I stop working? that an example why indonesian uneducated people choose to work overseas then work in Indonesia with low sallary. It was the reason that they used. The third point that Indraswari made is about millions of indonesian mogrant workers overseas and most of them are blue-collar. That means many of them come from poor families, unskilled and with low educated. Thats why many people in Indonesia choose to work overseas education is a problems that we have to maintan. Because many of Indonesia people can get better education. As usual an uneducated only can do physical job, not a thinking job because he/she doesnt have a proffesional skill. If all people in Indonesia have a proffesional skill, Indonesia can loose from economic and social problems. In the article above, I disagree with the solution that Indraswari made because she said that many of migrant workers working overseas were lured by the dream of improving their lives and those of their loved ones. But actually the people who work overseas because of their economic problems, not because of their dream. If they have a skills to do something, they will thinking back to work overseas, they must be prefer to work well in his/her country. So, if Indonesia want to decrease migrant workers. Indonesia have to change their habit. And also Indonesia have to make better solution to maintain the problems.

Migrant workers is a human and we all know that they also have a feeling and have a heart. If we are one of those employing maids at home, at the very least we must threat them fairly when possible we can do more such as helping them improving their skills, supporting their childrens education or doing other things to help them fulfill their dream of having a better life for themselves and their families. Having a low job such as pedicad driver is doesnt fullfield the daily needs. We see that migrant workers from Indonesia are old enough such as a widower with five children and her age is mid-fourties. This article told us that she has been the sole bread winner of her family and leaves the care of her four children in the hands of the eldest married child. For me it is possible because of her family living under economic crisist, but if we look at her in different lens she is old enough to be threaten well. In my opinion, goverment should have to improved their careness and keep the citizens live on peacefulness. In conclusion I think if the goverment still dont preapre the job vacancy for people who are having a low education, they should have to improved their careness and keep the migrant workers safety. Also if we are one of those employing maid at home, at the very least we must threat them

fairly. We must belive that mirgant workers are in their way to help the goverment decreasing poverly and unemployment.

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