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Republic of the Philippines


Province of Rizal


SY 2022- 2023 ( ) 1st sem ( ) 2nd sem ( ) Summer

CONTACT HOURS : 54 hours per semester CREDIT UNITS :3

I. URS VISION : The leading University in human resource development, knowledge and technology generation, and environmental stewardship.

II. URS MISSION : The University of Rizal System is committed to nurture and produce upright and competent graduates and empowered community
through relevant and sustainable higher professional and technical instruction, research, extension, and production services.

National : To train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for the national development for the quality of human life

Regional : To train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for the regional development

University : To develop the full potential of an individual in academic and technological discipline for an empowered productive and morally
upright citizen.

IV. URS CORE VALUES : Responsiveness, Integrity, Service, Excellence and Social Responsibility

V. URS GRADUATE ATTRIBUTES : Globally Competitive, Innovative, Adaptive, Nationalistic, Trustworthy, Service-Oriented

VI. PROGRAM : General Education

VII. PROGRAM OUTCOMES : The LTS aim to provide students the concept of numeracy and literacy that shall enable them to participate in relevant community,
development activities and enumerate the desirable traits of a Filipino youth and what he can contribute to national development.

Specific Objectives:

1. To promote and protect the physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being of the youth
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
2. To inculcate patriotism and nationalism in the youth
3. To encourage their involvement in the public and civic affairs
4. To encourage students to work together as a potent resource group in the service of the community
5. To develop a harmonious working relationship with the community.


The Literacy Training Service 1 (LTS 1), as one of the NSTP components, is a course intended for the incoming freshmen male and female
students designed to help them understand, appreciate and eventually live by the basic concepts of values formation and community organizing
in view of empowering them into becoming a potent resource for community development. The program is designed to train the students to teach
literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youths and other segments of society in need of their services.

Week/ Intended Learning Outcomes Content Teaching Learning Reference Remarks

Time Outcomes Based Learning Resources
Allotment Assessment Activities
Week 1- 3 -Develop in-depth Oral Class Lecture- Laptop, Online URS
Hours knowledge of the participation, Organization Discussion platform Handbook,
V,M,G, O and Core quiz URS VMGO and RA 9163
Values of the
Introduction on
university. NSTP and
- Be oriented with the Common Module
National Service Orientation
Training Program and
conduct of the 25-
Hours Common
Module Orientation
Week 2- 3  Be oriented with the Online 25- Hrs Common Webinar type Laptop, Online Lecture of
Hours three components Participation, Module Webinar type platform Resource
of NSTP online post test Orientation Speakers
and evaluation - NSTP Program
-Be familiar basic
(RA 9163)
knowledge on
selected topics in
NSTP such National Training
Security, Drug
-Drug Education
Environmental - Disaster Risk
Education, Disaster Reduction and
Risk Reduction Management
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
Management etc Awareness
- Environmental
- Other National
-Gender and
Weeks 3-3 -discuss the important Online Citizenship Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
Hours function of the Participation, ,l Training (Synchronous platform Module,
Constitution earning and Lectures,
-explain the Preamble activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
of the 1987 Philippine assessment in Attendance to Readings and
Constitution; the module Webinars Writings of the
-enumerate salient Experts on the
provisions of the Flag Field
Heraldic Code of the
-enumerate the
desirable traits,
characteristics and
rights of the Filipino
people and their
contribution to the
national development.
-appreciate concept of
becoming a good
citizen that shall
enable them to
--participate in the
development activities

Weeks 4-3 -Define drugs and Online Drug Education Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
Hours drug Addiction; Participation, ,l (Synchronous platform Module,
-Describe the different earning and Lectures,
types of drug use; activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
-Identify and assessment in Attendance to Readings and
understand the major the module Webinars Writings of the
types of risks or harms Experts on the
related to drug use Field
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
-Identify the signs and
symptoms of drug

Weeks 5-6 -Recall knowledge on Online Disaster Risk Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
4.5Hours Disaster Risk Participation, ,l Reduction and (Synchronous platform Module,
Reduction and earning Management and Lectures,
Management. activities and Awareness asynchronous)/ Inputs,
-Recognize the assessment in Attendance to Readings and
importance of DRRM the module online Training Writings of the
awareness in building and Webinars Experts on the
a resilient community. Field
-Recognize the
hazards and disasters
affecting the
-Acquaint themselves
with the Philippine
Disaster Management
System (PDMS) and
with laws and policies
pertinent to its
-Define key concept
and principles of
disaster management.
-Internalize the
principles of disaster
preparedness and be
ready for involvement
in times of crisis.
-Enhance awareness
of the tasks and
responsibilities of key
players in disaster
-Develop skills in
responding on
disaster incidents
applying basic
knowledge on first aid
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
and life support.

Preliminary Examination (1.5 hrs)

Weeks 7-3 -Define environmental Online Environmental Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
Hours protection, global Participation, ,l Protection (Synchronous platform Module,
warming and climate earning and Lectures,
change. activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
-Identify the effects of assessment in Attendance to Readings and
global warming. the module Webinars Writings of the
-Identify and Experts on the
generalize the Field
principles of
-Develop an action
plan on how to
protection, global
warming and climate

Weeks 8-3 -develop awareness Online National Security Online class Laptop, Online NSTP 1
Hours on the concept Participation, ,l Concerns (Synchronous platform Module
national security in the earning and
promotion of national activities and asynchronous)
development; assessment in
-identify the values the module
that must be
developed and
strengthened in
the furtherance of
national security and
peace building;
-manifest concrete
actions in forging
national security and
peace in the
country/world: and
-identify the
importance of
belonging to the
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
National Service
Reserve Corps after
completing the NSTP

Weeks 9-3 -Define School- Online -Gender and Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
Hours Related Gender Participation, ,l Development (Synchronous platform Module,
Based Violence earning and Lectures,
- Identify the different activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
School- Related assessment in Attendance to Readings and
Gender Based the module Webinars Writings of the
Violence Experts on the
-Distinguish Bullying Field
from Sexual
-Value the importance
of studying the
School- Related
Gender Based
Weeks 10 -Explain the Nature of Online Self-Awareness & Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
-3 Hours Self Participation, ,l Values (Synchronous platform Module,
-Describe the earning Development and Lectures,
Personal activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
Development Plan assessment in Attendance to Readings and
-Discover the the module Webinars Writings of the
evolution of the “The Experts on the
Big Five” personality Field
-Explain the five
dimensions of
-Conduct personality
test using the
available online tests
-Understand the Roots
of the Filipino
-Describe the
Nationalism and
Patriotism Program
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
- Identify the Good
Citizen Values
Week 11 - -define leader, Online Leadership Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
3 Hours leadership and Participation, ,l Training (Synchronous platform Module,
teamwork; earning and Lectures,
-enumerate and activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
discuss some assessment in Attendance to Readings and
principles of the module Webiinars Writings of the
leadership and the Experts on the
different virtues that Field
serve as foundation of
leadership ;
-state and describe
the characteristics of
an effective leader
and teamwork
leadership styles as
practiced by leaders;
-describe servant
leaders and their

Midterm Examination (1.5 hrs)

Weeks 13- - familiarize themselves Online Literacy and Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
15 - 9 with the significance of Participation, ,l Numeracy Skills (Synchronous platform Module,
Hours the literacy training earning - Literacy Skills and Lectures,
program as one of the activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
components of NSTP . assessment in Attendance to Readings and
- acquire the essential the module Webinars Writings of the
skills in teaching Experts on the
children out-of-school Field
youth and any other
segments of society in
need of their services
on the rudiments of
- enhance their active
participation in
imparting the essential
skills on literacy
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
among adopted
- learn the basic of
lesson planning as a
guide to effectively
teach the children in
adopted communities.
- develop their sense
of self-worth as
students-teachers in
Weeks 16- - define numeracy. Online Numeracy Skills Online class Laptop, Online URS NSTP 1
18 - 7.5 - differentiate Participation, ,l (Synchronous platform Module,
Hours numeracy and earning and Lectures,
mathematics. activities and asynchronous) / Inputs,
- highlight the assessment in Attendance to Readings and
importance of the module Webinars Writings of the
knowledge in Experts on the
numeracy. Field
- express disposition
to apply numerical
skills in a range of
practical situations.
Final Examination (1.5 hrs)

XI. Course/Classroom Policies:

A. Face to Face Learning Modality

1. All requirements must be submitted on time. Late submission will receive deductions.
2. Students with 3 consecutive absences or 5 accumulative will automatically be dropped from the class roll.
3. Punctuality must be strictly observed.
4. Students who wish to drop the course must do so officially.
5. Any form of cheating or plagiarism in this course will result in zero on the exam, assignment, or project. Allowing others access to your work potentially involves cheating. Working
with others to produce very similar reports is plagiarism regardless of intent.
6. Problems encountered with the subject must be discussed with the instructor. Such consultation may be made in person during designated time and at designated place.
7. Proper decorum must be observed all the time.
8. Students are expected to pass all major quizzes and examination.

URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018

9. Participate and cooperate in the class activities.
10. Wear proper uniform and maintain the cleanliness of the room.
The use of cell phone is prohibited while class is going on.

B. Flexible Learning Modality

a. Synchronous

1. The platform to be used for synchronous classes is the Google Meet. Meeting link shall be provided by the instructor and shall be the same for the whole semester.
2. All students are prohibited on sharing the link to other students/person who is not enrolled in the course.
3. Students must enter the official Google meeting link at least 5 minutes before the official time using their Gmail with URS initials.
4. Students with 5 consecutive absences or 8 accumulative will automatically be dropped from the class roll.
5. Students who wish to drop the course must do so officially.
6. All requirements must be submitted on time. Late submission will receive deductions.
7. Any form of cheating or plagiarism in this course will result in zero on the exam, assignment, or project. Allowing others access to your work potentially involves cheating.
Working with others to produce very similar reports is plagiarism regardless of intent.
8. Problems encountered with the subject must be discussed with the instructor. Such consultation may be made via Google Meet as scheduled by the instructor.
9. Students are expected to turn off their microphones if not reciting or reporting.
10. Students are encouraged to turn on their cameras if their resources permit.
11. Students are expected to pass all major quizzes and examination.
12. Participate and cooperate in the online class activities.
13. Wear decent attire.

b. Asynchronous

1. The platform to be used is Google Classroom. The instructor will send the class code and students are expected to log in using their Gmail with URS initials.
2. All students are prohibited on sharing the class code to other students/person who is not enrolled in the course.
3. Students who wish to drop the course must do so officially.
4. All activities and requirements must be submitted on time. Late submission will receive deductions.
5. Any form of cheating or plagiarism in this course will result in zero on the exam, assignment or project. Allowing others access to your work potentially involves cheating.
Working with others to produce very similar reports is plagiarism regardless of intent.
6. Problems encountered with the subject must be discussed with the instructor. Such consultation may be made via Google Meet as scheduled by the instructor.
7. Always follow the directions specified in the stream.
8. Students must always respectfully recognize the streams in the Google Classroom.
Students are expected to pass all major quizzes and examination.

XI. Grading System/Course Requirements:

70% - Class Standing (Quiz- 20%, Activity-30%, Recitations-10%, Attendance-10%)

30% - Major Examinations (Prelim, Midterm, Final) - Ref: Memo. No. 28 S. 04-09
URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018
XIII. Consultation Time: Friday, 10:00 AM – 12:00 NN

Reviewed by: Approved by:

Prepared and submitted by:


Faculty Program Head College Dean
Date: July 25, 2021 Date: Date:

Date: _________________________ Date: _________________________

Name of the Faculty who prepare the
syllabus TWG



Director, Curriculum and Instruction

URS-ISY-GEC- 021 Rev 00 Effectivity Date: June 2018

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