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Vendor Audit Form Sheet

Section Department Topic Questions Nearest suitable answer Marks Observation Action Plan
A Management Process 1 Manual What Is The Scope Of Work? Category 0 ###
What Are Outsourced Process ? Enter Manually NA ###
2 Internal System Audit What is the Frequency for audit? Select 0 ###
Is the Last Audit conducted as per plan? Select 0 ###
What was the audit date? Date Month Year NA Plant technical head
Number of observation found? Numbers NA ###
How many Closer for observation found? Numbers NA ###
Root cause was correct? Select 0 ###
Improvement action was effective? Select 0 ###
Reoccurrence of the same non conformity observed? Select 0 ###
3 Internal Process Audit What is the Frequency? Select 0 ###
Last Audit conducted as per plan? Select 0 ###
What was the audit date? Date Month Year NA
Number of observation found? Numbers NA ###
How many Closer for observation found? Numbers NA ###
Root cause was correct? Select 0 ###
Improvement action was effective? Select 0 ###
Reoccurrence of the same non conformity observed? Select 0 ###
4 Internal Product Audit What is the Frequency? Select 0 ###
Last Audit conducted as per plan? Select 0 ###
What was the audit date? Date Month Year NA
Number of observation found? Numbers NA ###
How many Closer for observation found? Numbers NA ###
Root cause was correct? Select 0 ###
Improvement action was effective? Select 0 ###
Reoccurrence of the same non conformity observed? Date Month Year NA ###
5 5S Audit What is the Frequency? Select 0 ###
Last Audit conducted as per plan? Select 0 ###
What was the last audit date? Date Month Year NA
Number of observation found? Numbers NA ###
How many Closer for observation found? Numbers NA ###
Root cause was correct? Select 0 ###
Improvement action was effective? Select 0 ###
Reoccurrence of the same non conformity observed? Date Month Year NA ###
6 Management review meeting What is the frequency of MR? Select 0 ###
When was it last conducted? Date Month Year NA ###
Who chaired this meeting? Enter Manually NA ###
Does the Agenda captured EIL rating? Select 0 ###
Does the agenda covers quality issue at EIL end? Select 0 ###
Does agenda covers Delivery issues at EIL end? Select 0 ###
Does management review captures the action of last meeting conducted? Select 0 ###
Does all action taken against last management review meeting? Select 0 ###
7 Key result Area Monitoring Total Rejection PPM For The Month Select 0 ###
Total Rejection PPM Last 6 Month Select 0 ###
Process Audit Score Select 0 ###
TQM Implementation Select 0 ###
Schedule Adherence (Quantity ) on delivery Select 0 ###
Timeliness on delivery Select 0 ###
Cost Reduction in last 1 year Select 0 ###
Response & Communication Select 0 ###
Investment For Capacity Expansion / Technology Up gradation

Select 0

B Customer complaint 1 Quality complaint how many number of complaint in last 1 year? Select 0 ###
Which type of complaint are more? Select 0 ###
Is there any re-occurrence of the complaint? Select 0 ###
has the QPCR submitted to EIL? Select 0 More than 100
Is any QPCR are open? Select 0
How many are Open? Numbers NA
Does root cause analysed? Select
Does FMEA reviewed? Select
Does control plan reviewed? Select
Does Work Instruction reviewed? Select
Does the training imparted to the operators against QPCR? Select
2 Delivery Complaints Does any delivery related complaints? Select
How many are the complaint? Select 0
Does DPCR submitted to EIL? Select 0
Does the DPCR are effective? Select 0
Is there any reoccurrence of the same delivery issue? Select 0

Vendor Manual (Vendor Audit Form Sheet) Revision Date 31.03.15

Vendor Audit Form Sheet
Is there any training imparted against delivery failure? Select 0
C Purchase process 1 Selection of sub-vendor's Does selection criteria for the sub vendors defined? Select 0
Check one sub vendor with the selection criteria? Select 0
2 Indent process Does indent process exist? Select 0
Does the indent raised by the store only? Select 0
Does the indent raised by individual department? Select 0
Does the purchase order given to the approved source only? Select 0
Does purchase order contains the right specification as defined by the indenters? Select 0
3 Schedule to sub vendor's Who is responsible for giving delivery schedule to Sub vendor's? Select 0
Schedule Adherence (Quantity ) and delivery? Select 0
Is their any delivery issues? Select NA
What action sub vendors had taken to over come these issues? Enter Manually NA
Are the outcome of the actions are satisfactory? Select 0
4 Sub vendor's audit Supplier audit carried out in a planned interval? Select 0
When was the last audit done? Date Month Year NA
Is their any non-conformity? Select 0
Closers are acceptable? Select 0
5 inventory management Does Finished good inventory fulfils the 4 days EIL inventory clause? Select 0
D Marketing 1 Order Review Any new order received by EIL? Select 0
when was the quotation reviewed? Date Month Year NA
Does the APQP time plan Exists? Select 0
Who approved the APQP plan from EIL? Select 0
Does the project completed as per APQP plan? Select 0
When was the Quotation approved? Date Month Year NA
What was the date of sample approval? Date Month Year NA
Does the sample passes in first time only? Select 0
How many days taken for sample submission after quotation approved? Numbers NA
Does the capacity planning done before the new order accepted? Select 0
Does the Capacity planning submitted to SQA or plant technical? Select 0
What was the company turn over this year? Enter Manually NA
Is their any major business loss this year? Select 0
E Stores 1 Storage condition Does storage condition are good? Select 0
Does identification and traceability are proper? Select 0
Is their any self life item? Select 0
Does FIFO is maintained for self life item? Select 0
What was the 5S condition in the store? Select 0
Are the rejected material are clearly identified with proper traceability? Select 0
2 Inward stock Does the vendor maintain the stock register for material inwards? Select 0
Does minimum stock level maintained for critical item? Select 0
F Production 1 Production planning Production plan vs. achievement? Select 0
Does any planning failure? Select 0
Does the Root cause for the failure analysed? Select 0
are the corrective action done properly? Select 0
Does the corrective action are effective? Select 0
2 process control Does the work instruction displayed on the machine? Select
Does the format for work instruction is same as per annexure attached in EIL vendor
manual? Select
Doe the operator has a training on work instruction? Select
Does the training record available for last 3 years? Select
Does the evaluation for training carried out after two months? Select
Does the records available as per annexure attached in EIL vendor manual? Select
Does the Skill Matrix available for the operators? Select
Does the process inspection sheet are duly filled? Select
Are the contents are correct in the process inspection sheet? Select
Does the process validation done by EIL team? Select
Are the machine parameters are running as per process data sheet? Select
Is the availability of control plan available for production running part number? Select
Is the PSW signed off by the EIL? Select
Does the PSW submitted to the EIL respective department? Select
When was the last Control plan reviewed? Date Month Year NA
Does all the formats are used as per annexure provided in the vendor manual? Select 0
If the process parameter are not as per control plan and process data sheet , Is the
deviation given by Eil? Select 0
Who has given the deviation from EIL ? Select 0
3 Daily production monitoring Does production log book maintained? Select
Does daily production losses captured? Select
Does daily production meeting conducted? Select
Does shift change over done effectively? Select
4 Control plan adherence? Does the control plan exist? Select
Does machine running process parameter are as per control plan? Select

Does product parameter (Physical inspection during audit) are as per control plan? Select
Does control method are as per control plan? Select

Vendor Manual (Vendor Audit Form Sheet) Revision Date 31.03.15

Vendor Audit Form Sheet
Does inspection sampling plan are as per control plan? Select
Does equipment define in the control plan are calibrated? Select
5 Process & Product Audits What is the frequency of process audit? Select 0
How many observation found in process audit? Select
Are the observation are effectively closed? Select 0
What is the frequency of product audit? Select 0
How many observation found in product audit? Numbers NA
Are the observation are effectively closed? Select 0
Does the packaging requirement approved by the EIL? Select 0
Does the labelling requirement approved by the EIL? Select 0
6 inventory management What was the work in progress inventory? Enter Manually
7 non conformity management Are the rejected material are clearly identified with proper traceability? Select

Does the procedure or work instruction provided for handling of rejected product? Select
Are the procedure followed? Select
G Quality 1 incoming inspection Incoming inspection done as per approved control plan? Select
Does the vendor follows the sampling plan? Select
retention period for 3 years records available? Select
Parameters are inspected as per defined in the control plan? Select
2 Final inspection Final Inspection carried out for each supply given to EIL? Select

inspection fulfils the sampling plan and acceptance criteria as defined in control plan? Select
inspection fulfils the sampling plan and acceptance criteria as defined in annexure of Eil
vendor manual? Select
3 calibration Calibration done in-house or outsourced? Select 0
Which equipment selected to check calibration? NA
When was the calibration done? Date Month Year NA
Does the calibration done in working zone? Select 0
What was the error available?
Is the error acceptable? Select 0
Is the error acceptable under deviation? Select 0
4 Statistical process control Type of SPC Select 0
What is the CpK Value? Select 0
Does the SPC submitted to EIL in monthly basis? Select 0
5 MSA (Variable) What is the R&R Value? Enter Manually NA
What is PV%? Enter Manually NA
What is AV%? Enter Manually NA
What is EV%? Enter Manually NA
6 MSA (Attribute) What is the KAPPA value? Enter Manually NA
Result for MSA is acceptable? Select 0
7 Layout inspection Layout inspection plan available? Select 0
Layout inspection carried out? Date Month Year NA
Does it capture all dimension captured in the drawings? Select 0
Does it capture all chamfers provided in the drawing? Select 0
Does is capture all radios provided in the drawing? Select 0
Does the layout inspection submitted to the EIL Plant technical? Select 0
EIL supplied tool/ Mould/
H Maintenance 1 machine. Is this clause applicable to the Vendor? Select 0
What is provided by the EIL? Select NA
Preventive maintenance schedule available? Select 0
check point available for EIL supplied tool/mould/ machine. Select 0
is the retention of the records are available for 3 years? Select 0
2 maintenance of machine Plan available for preventive maintenance? Select 0
check point available preventive maintenance? Select 0
Total Break down for the year? Select 0
I Training 1 Training & evaluation Does skill matrix exists for operator level (including contractual) ? Select
Does skillmatrix exist for management staffs? Select
Does the training is planned as per gap identified in skill matrix? Select
does the gap analysis done for the customer representative? Select
Does the training on EIL vendor manual given to customer representative? Select
does the evaluation done after two month? Select
what was the date of training? Date Month Year NA
What was the date for evaluation? Date Month Year NA
Does the criteria for the selection for trainer defined? Select
J Development 1 Drawing control Does the drawings are controlled? Select
Does the email from EIL exists at vendor end to check latest revision? Select
2 Process validation Does the process validation done by EIL? Select
Does validation sheet exists? Select
3 New product development In their any new development? Select
Does the APQP plan exists? Select
Does the project completed as per APQP plan? Select
Does APQP plan are approved by EIL? Select
4 PPAP Does the PPAP submitted to EIL? Select

Vendor Manual (Vendor Audit Form Sheet) Revision Date 31.03.15

Vendor Audit Form Sheet
Where is it submitted? Select 0
Does the PSW signed off by EIL? Select 0
Does the communication exist that vendor has given the reminder to specific
department? Select 0

Does the vendor submitted the PPAP as per category defined in the vendor manual? Select 0
Sum 0
Score 0.00%

Vendor Manual (Vendor Audit Form Sheet) Revision Date 31.03.15

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