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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI – Davao Region
Schools Division of Tagum City
Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School
DAILY LESSON LOG School Magugpo Pilot Central Elementary School Grade Level Grade 2
WEEK 7 Teacher
Teaching Dates
OCTOBER 3-7,2022
Learning Area
and Time


A.Content The learner The learner The learner The learner Refer from Day 1
Standards demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates to Day 4 Content
understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of Standard
addition of addition of addition of whole addition of
whole numbers whole numbers numbers up to whole numbers
up to 1000 up to 1000 1000 including up to 1000
including money including money money including money
B. Performance The learner is The learner is The learner is The learner is Refer from Day 1
Standards able to apply able to apply able to apply able to apply to Day 4
addition of addition of addition of whole addition of Performance
whole numbers whole numbers numbers up to whole numbers Standard
up to 1000 up to 1000 1000 including up to 1000
including money including money money in including money
in mathematical in mathematical mathematical in mathematical
problems and problems and problems and problems and
real-life real-life real-life real-life
situations situations situations situations
C. Learning Illustrates the Illustrates the Illustrates the Illustrates the Refer from Day 1
Competencies/ properties of properties of properties of properties of to Day 4 Learning
Objectives addition addition addition addition Competencies
Write the LC (commutative, (commutative, (commutative, (commutative,
code for each associative, associative, associative, associative,
identity) and identity) and identity) and identity) and
applies each in applies each in applies each in applies each in
appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and appropriate and
relevant relevant relevant relevant
situations. situations. situations. situations.
M2NS-lg-26.3 M2NS-lg-26.3 M2NS-lg-26.3 M2NS-lg-26.3
II.CONTENT Properties of Properties of Properties of Properties of Refer from Day 1
Addition Addition Addition Addition to Day 4
A. References
1.Teacher's CG- pp. CG- pp. CG-pp. CG- pp. Refer from Day 1
Guide pages to Day 4
2.Learner's SLM SLM SLM SLM Worksheets
materials pages pp. 28-31 pp.28-31 PP.28-31 pp.28-31
3.Textbook pages
4.Additional Division Self- Division Self- Division Self- Division Self-
Materials from Learning Module, Learning Module, Learning Module, Learning Module,
A. Other
A. Reviewing the Let the pupils Let the pupils Familiarize the What are the 3 Review the
previous lesson listen to the recite the ordinal numbers from 1st kinds of Addition topics discussed
or Presenting the audio on numbers from 1st to 20th orally. Properties that from Day 1 to
we have
New Lesson counting to 20th by group. Day 4
numbers from 0 previously?
to 100

B. Establishing a Study the sample Show the sample Present the Let us name it Explain the
purpose for the on page 28 on page 29 of the sample problem one by one. directions/
lesson SLM. on page 29 of the instructions in
SLM. accomplishing
the Weekly Test
Work sheet.
C. Presenting Let the pupils Read and analyze Present the Ask: Let us recall
examples/Instan read the the problem illustration on the differences
ces of the new different clearly. page 29 of the of each property
lesson example of Give additional SLM. of addition.
Identity or Zero example of
Property Commutative Who can give an
Property of example of each
addition on the property?
D. Discussing Ask: What have Ask: What have Ask What have Let us answer
new concepts you observed on you observed you observed the INTERACTIVE
ang practicing the presented with the with the PHASE on page
new skills # 1
example? numbers illustration 30 of the SLM.
presented? Do it presented?
give the same
E. Discussing new Explain the Explain deeply Explain clearly Answer the
concepts and Concept of the Concept of the concept of activity on page
practicing new identity or Zero Commutative Associative 31 of the SLM-
skills #2 Property of Property of Property of “ENGAGING”
Addition. addition. Addition.

F. Developing Site more Give more Explain deeply Give some board
mastery examples and let activities on the the concept by works to be
(Leads to the pupils also board to be presenting more performed on
formative perform by
assessment 3) give their own. them. examples. the board.

G. Finding Let them do Give more board Show more Giving another
practical some board works to illustrations on activity to
applications of works. familiarized the the board. answer orally.
concepts and concept.
skills in daily
H. Making What is Identity Read the concept Associative Reading aloud
generalizations or Zero Property by group. Property of the concept on
and abstractions of Addition? Addition is that page28 of the
about the lesson changing the SLM
grouping of the
addends does
not affect the
I. Evaluating Give the missing Complete the Fill in the missing Let the pupils do Refer from Day1
learning number to statement by number/s to the activity on to Day 4
complete the filling the missing show the page 31
statement. number/s. Associative *Reflection
1. 0+__=8 1.6+4=__+__ Property of
2. 5+__=5 2.10+30=40 Addition.
3. 10+0=__ __+__=40 4+5+7=_______
4. 100+__= 3.5+9=___ = __+___
100 __+5=14 = _____
8+2+1= _______
= ___+___
= ______
J. Additional Familiarize the Study the Review and Do the activity
activities for Identity or Zero Commutative understand the on page 31
application or Property of Property of concept of * Let’s Wrap Up!
remediation Addition. Addition. Associative
Property of
V.REMARKS ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering
their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson.
___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found
difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering
their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson.
___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy
the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of
lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of
knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and knowledge, skills and
interest about the interest about the interest about the interest about the interest about the
lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.
___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were
interested on the interested on the interested on the interested on the interested on the
lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some
difficulties encountered difficulties encountered difficulties encountered difficulties encountered difficulties encountered
in answering the in answering the in answering the in answering the in answering the
questions asked by the questions asked by the questions asked by the questions asked by the questions asked by the
teacher teacher teacher teacher teacher
___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the
lesson despite of lesson despite of lesson despite of lesson despite of lesson despite of
limited resources used limited resources used limited resources used limited resources used limited resources used
by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher.
___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the
pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their
work on time. work on time. work on time. work on time. work on time.
___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not
finish their work on finish their work on finish their work on finish their work on finish their work on
time due to time due to time due to time due to time due to
unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior.
A. No. of learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above
who earned
in the 80%

B. No. of learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
require additional require additional require additional require additional require additional
who require
activities for activities for activities for activities for activities for
additional remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
activities for
C. Did the ___Yes ___No Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who
remedial lessons
caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
.with the lesson
D. No. of learners ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who
continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require
who continue to
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that
work well: work well: work well: work well: work well:
strategies ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive
Development: Development: Development: Development: Development:
worked well? Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self Examples: Self
Why did this assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note assessments, note
taking and studying taking and studying taking and studying taking and studying taking and studying
techniques, and techniques, and techniques, and techniques, and techniques, and
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary
assignments. assignments. assignments. assignments. assignments.
___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples:
Think-pair-share, quick- Think-pair-share, quick- Think-pair-share, quick- Think-pair-share, quick- Think-pair-share, quick-
writes, and anticipatory writes, and anticipatory writes, and anticipatory writes, and anticipatory writes, and anticipatory
charts. charts. charts. charts. charts.
13. ___Schema- 10. ___Schema- 7. ___Schema- 4. ___Schema- 1. ___Schema-
Building: Building: Building: Building: Building:
Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples:
Compare Compare Compare Compare Compare
and and and and and
contrast, contrast, contrast, contrast, contrast,
jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw jigsaw
learning, learning, learning, learning, learning,
peer peer peer peer peer
teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching, teaching,
and projects. and projects. and projects. and projects. and projects.
14. ___Contextu 11. ___Contextu 8. ___Contextu 5. ___Contextu 2. ___Contextu
alization: alization: alization: alization: alization:
Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples:
Demonstrati Demonstrati Demonstrati Demonstrati Demonstrati
ons, media, ons, media, ons, media, ons, media, ons, media,
manipulative manipulative manipulative manipulative manipulative
s, repetition, s, repetition, s, repetition, s, repetition, s, repetition,
and local and local and local and local and local
opportunitie opportunitie opportunitie opportunitie opportunitie
s. s. s. s. s.
15. ___Text 12. ___Text 9. ___Text 6. ___Text 3. ___Text
Representa Representati Representati Representa Representati
tion: on: on: tion: on:
Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples: Examples:
Student Student Student Student Student
created created created created created
drawings, drawings, drawings, drawings, drawings,
videos, and videos, and videos, and videos, and videos, and
games. games. games. games. games.
4. 4. 4. 4. 4.
___Modeling: Example ___Modeling: Example ___Modeling: Example ___Modeling: Example ___Modeling: Example
s: Speaking slowly and s: Speaking slowly and s: Speaking slowly and s: Speaking slowly and s: Speaking slowly and
clearly, modeling the clearly, modeling the clearly, modeling the clearly, modeling the clearly, modeling the
language you want language you want language you want language you want language you want
students to use, and students to use, and students to use, and students to use, and students to use, and
providing samples of providing samples of providing samples of providing samples of providing samples of
student work student work student work student work student work
Other Techniques and Other Techniques and Other Techniques and Other Techniques and Other Techniques and
Strategies used: Strategies used: Strategies used: Strategies used: Strategies used:
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Group ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group
collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration collaboration
___Gamification/ ___Gamification/ ___Gamification/ ___Gamification/ ___Gamification/
Learning throuh play Learning throuh play Learning throuh Learning throuh Learning throuh
___Answering ___ Answering play play play
preliminary preliminary ___Answering ___Answering ___Answering
activities/exercises activities/exercises preliminary preliminary preliminary
___Carousel ___ Carousel activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exercises
___Diads ___ Diads ___Carousel ___Carousel ___Carousel
___ Differentiated
___ Differentiated ___Diads ___Diads ___Diads
Instruction ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated
___ Role Playing/Drama
___Role Playing/Drama ___ Discovery Method Instruction Instruction Instruction
___Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ___Role Playing/Drama ___Role Playing/Drama ___Role Playing/Drama
___Lecture Method Why? ___Discovery Method ___Discovery Method ___Discovery Method
Why? ___ Complete IMs ___Lecture Method ___Lecture Method ___Lecture Method
___Complete Ims ___ Availability of Why? Why? Why?
___Availability of Materials ___Complete Ims ___Complete Ims ___Complete Ims
Materials ___ Pupils’ eagerness to ___Availability of ___Availability of ___Availability of
___Pupils’ eagerness to learn Materials Materials Materials
learn ___ Group member’s ___Pupils’ eagerness to ___Pupils’ eagerness to ___Pupils’ eagerness to
___Group member’s collaboration/ learn learn learn
collaboration/cooperati cooperation ___Group member’s ___Group member’s ___Group member’s
on in doing their tasks in doing their tasks collaboration/cooperati collaboration/cooperati collaboration/cooperati
___Audio Visual ___ Audio Visual on in doing their tasks on in doing their tasks on in doing their tasks
Presentation of the Presentation ___Audio Visual ___Audio Visual ___Audio Visual
lesson Presentation of the Presentation of the Presentation of the
lesson lesson lesson
F. What __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among __ Bullying among
pupils pupils pupils pupils pupils
difficulties did I
__ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’ __ Pupils’
encounter which behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude
my principal or __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
supervisor can __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable
help me solve? Technology Technology Technology Technology Technology
Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment Equipment
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical __
works works works works works

G. What ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find ___Pupils did not find
difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering
innovation or
their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson.
localized ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found ___Pupils found
materials did I difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering difficulties in answering
use/discover their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson. their lesson.
which I wish to ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy ___Pupils did not enjoy
the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of the lesson because of
share with other lack of lack of lack of lack of lack of
knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills, knowledge, skills,
and interest about the and interest about the and interest about the and interest about the and interest about the
lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson. lesson.
___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were ___Pupils were
interested on the interested on the interested on the interested on the interested on the
lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some lesson, despite of some
difficulties difficulties difficulties difficulties difficulties
encountered in encountered in encountered in encountered in encountered in
answering the answering the answering the answering the answering the
questions asked by the questions asked by the questions asked by the questions asked by the questions asked by the
teacher. teacher. teacher. teacher. teacher.
___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the ___Pupils mastered the
lesson despite of lesson despite of lesson despite of lesson despite of lesson despite of
limited resources used limited resources used limited resources used limited resources used limited resources used
by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher. by the teacher.
___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the ___Majority of the
pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their pupils finished their
work on time. work on time. work on time. work on time. work on time.
___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not ___Some pupils did not
finish their work on finish their work on finish their work on finish their work on finish their work on
time due to time due to time due to time due to time due to
unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior. unnecessary behavior.

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